#Inner Light's Strength
aaronabke · 1 year
Breaking Chains: Discovering Your Inner Light's Strength 🌎
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pixieverse-icedtea · 1 year
enemies to lovers but it's me and myself
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theshadowworker · 10 months
In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer
- Albert Camus
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“you look tired.” I’m literally going insane.
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comparativetarot · 5 months
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Strength. Art by Serena Borsella, from the Inner Light Tarot Deck.
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trulynadia · 3 months
You can’t control everything that happens to you but you can always choose how you respond
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rainbowcarousels · 1 year
25 Trinity Gate’s Do’s & Don’ts of Sex in Armand’s Bed 
(or place representing thereof) 
“Who’s your daddy?” will not be tolerated. “Who’s your mommy” will result in Lestat crying and while that doesn’t always ruin the mood, it does mean having to deal with it when there may be other plans for the evening.
The last person to use toys and equipment is responsible for making sure they are cleaned and put away properly. It’s not fair to have Louis do it, even if having them in alphabetical order helps when finding something.
Put everything back where you find it. The Georgian Library is not the proper place for a cat o’nine tails, even if I’m sure King George would have supported the efforts.
The list of safe words cannot be anything to do with parents, former masters or anyone else in the house who may hear it and come running. Sybelle is likely traumatised.
All blood is sacred and any spilled on bedding, carpets or any other surface must be licked up.
Lestat may not sulk if someone else is rightfully called a slut. He does not own the word and if he’s not being enough of one, that’s his problem.
Hair pulling is wonderful. Leaving hair you have pulled out on the floor so it gets tracked into the shower room is not.
Wearing pyjamas means you’re off-limits if you’re just not in the mood, unless you’re Louis. In which case, yes and no pyjamas will be negotiated by colour. 
All dressing must be submitted for dry cleaning before sunrise. Explaining the strains on the cheerleader costume was very awkward and those pom-poms had to be thrown away.
Any cracked walls or tiling needs to be free of blood before someone is called to repair itt.
When Bianca stays, she has first choice of activities and who with. This is just politeness. You must also ask before borrowing her jewelery, I’m looking at you Lestat. Those pearls are not anal beads. Those are in the drawer under the bed.
Reading is not permitted during sex unless previously agreed upon. Remember how upset Louis gets when his books get bloody or their spines broken.
Don’t leave pornographic materials on in standby mode. Marius came over to discuss court business and thtings became very awkward, very quickly.
No lit flames, not even for the purposes of dripping wax. Find another way to do it. Those curtains were 16th century.
Do not poke someone in the shoulder and ask them to move over because you want to watch what’s happening with the person they are pleasuring or punishing. Move yourself, they’re in the moment.
Pinwheels must be washed and sanitised before use. It’s not about infection, it’s about rust. Same goes for vampire gloves, the material will be damaged.
If you are blindfolded, no reading of anyone else's mind is allowed. Sensory deprivation experiments only work if everyone plays along.
You do not bring another person into the bed without agreement from all parties. That includes that stray cat, it almost got thrown against a wall when it was discovered that wasn’t Armand purring.
 Trains do not go up or in orifices without prior consent. It’s not being spontaneous, it's ruining their paint job.
Any collars must be lovingly maintained by their wearers. This is as close to a wedding ring as anyone is likely to get unless Lestat decides to have one of those mass marriages.
The Great Disney experiment is never to be repeated. We’re still finding glitter from fish scales in the carpet and that spinning wheel is an antique, not a prop.
The choking  is symbolic. We all know vampires don’t require breathing. Pointing it out will get you kicked out of bed.
No fake nails. We lost one up there and it still hasn't come out. 
No pet names are to be used outside the bedroom unless agreed upon whether the person is wearing a tail plug under their clothes or not. 
Other things that will get you removed from the bed: mocking Louis’ fuzzy rat socks, losing one of Armand’s rings in the sheets, smacking Daniel without asking for Armand’s consent first, breaking Lestat’s nails if he’s asked for them not to be, putting your hair in anyone’s face if they don’t like it, video conferencing the court while still naked in bed with everyone, smoking and not sharing (also bringing a lighter or matches, see the rule about matches), destroying lingerie and not replacing it, not properly securing the harnesses or breaking down the door (axe optional).
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quotelr · 3 months
Love melts my heart in the sacredness of its pureness.
Lailah Gifty Akita, Pearls of Wisdom: Great mind
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wayti-blog · 10 months
When you can’t find the sunshine, be the sunshine.
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imaginal-ai · 3 months
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"The Larger World Awaits"
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namitha · 1 year
Love carries me while light shields me from harm's way. In the embrace of love, I find my strength, and within the protective glow of light, I discover my sanctuary. United, they guide my journey through life's rich mosaic, weaving moments of joy and moments of serenity into the intricate pattern of my existence. Just as a ship is guided by the stars, I am steered by the constellations of love and the radiant beams of light that illuminate my path.✨
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praiseinchains · 29 days
There are some moments in even the worst life when happiness forces its way through the grief.
AJ Grayson, The Boy in the Park
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pixieverse-icedtea · 1 year
if you write me a letter, i will literally keep it for the rest of my life
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starryvomit · 6 months
there is no superhero hoping to save you more than
the one looking back at you in the mirror.
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I stay silent sometimes because no words can explain what's going on in my heart and mind.
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nspireontherocks · 2 months
It lies dormant, until one day it can’t be unseen.
It hides in the shadows and pounces at anything that moves in the light.
It nibbles away at joy like a worm in an apple, infecting what was once so pure.
It hangs on to you like its life depends on it, because it does.
Hoping and praying you don’t realize how much it depends on you to feed it.
Just when you think you’re rid of it, it comes back with a vengeance.
Carrying all the luggage from every other time it visited, and then some.
It latches on, clears its schedule and demands to extend its stay.
And we give it the best room in the house, stopping only to steal a glance at the place before fear settles in.
What was once so vibrant and filled with light, grows dull and dreary in the blink of an eye.
It wipes all color and leaves the room grey, absent of hope and void of belief.
If we allow ourselves to be in the moment long enough we can start to see all the colors dancing.
Just before the darkness creeps back in, stealing away the present and manipulating the past and future.
We long for peace and yearn for ways to tame the beast…to get our home back, regain control.
It comes and it goes, its there then it isn’t.
Maybe one day we’ll crack the code, maybe one day we’ll wake up and all the color will be back.
Waiting for us to grab hold of that instead, feed the good, nurture the pure.
And when that day comes we’ll hang on like our life depends on it, because it does.
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