#It just will be VERY secondary pfft
castielmacleod · 2 years
The thing with me and Thee Prequel. Is that it frankly doesn’t deserve to exist in my opinion and so the only and I mean the ONLY capacity in which I even slightly personally care about it is in what I can steal from it for my personal canon. Which…. is really is only a step or two down from where I already am with spn itself. Like when it comes to my little self-indulgent rewrite project, spn canon is just a big long buffet table from which I’ve tried a bit of everything, despised most of it, and now I’m going back and picking out a few specific things I actually DID like for my takeaway box. So within that analogy, spn/win is like I turn around from the main buffet table and there’s another smaller buffet table where all the gluten-free options are. And I’m not allergic to gluten myself, I don’t NEED to eat gluten-free, I could easily ignore this entire table, but as I happen to pass by, well… if I notice something there that looks good, then there’s really no reason not to grab it and add it to my takeaway box, is there. That’s kind of my philosophy on that.
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sysig · 5 months
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What a stellar event ☀️ (Patreon)
#Doodles#Only *checks calendar* two and a half weeks late to the reaction party lol#It's fine I'm nothing if not constantly fashionably late#Is that what I'm calling it now sure lol#As you can see I was away from my usual tools! I straight up Forgot to bring them while Definitely still being subject to Inspiration Brain#And also the eclipse but really that was secondary#Lol no - the eclipse was amazing! :D I genuinely am so glad and grateful that I got to experience it firsthand :D#I actually - smol and I were apart so we experienced it separately - but she apparently read the safety warning on the sides of the glasses#I did not lol I was not particularly careful about how long I spent staring through them haha#It was just too cool to take my eyes off of! And I didn't end up with any spots or dots in my vision so it's fine probably >.>#I did hurt my throat from I guess compressing it from looking up while standing lol?? Good job evolutionary body design#I guess we're not made to stare at the sun normally but hmph I wanted to look!#It was very cool <3 If you're ever in the path of totality 10/10 experience would recommend to anyone :D#Also speaking of smol and my experience lol I'm usually the data person between the two of us and she isn't#But she kept very detailed notes! Like hour-by-hour and then eventually like minute-to-minute :D Really really cool!#This was the extent of my note-taking lol#As for the last one lol I was also like lightly annoyed that day pfft - just irl Kaiein nonsense#It was funny but also like - I don't trust them even now that they've explained ugh whatever lol it doesn't matter#The eclipse mattered and it was extremely cool <3
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cherryy-slushy · 1 year
TW: Violence, cheating, abuse (alcohol related), smut?, alcohol, drugging, using (using a person for something), bad mental health. (Also I may change to personal pronouns halfway through I apologise in advance.)
(I forgot to add in part 1 that this is set in current time LMAO sorry lads and that the way I’m imagining this is Jamie muscatos JD) Also I’m sorry if these are really short and not very well written 😭 Only experience I have with writing is essay writing when I was in secondary school… AND IF I ACCIDENTALLY SAY “mam” OR “lads” ITS BECAUSE IM IRISH AND I TEXT LIKE THAT SO ITS A HABIT SORRY 💀
Part 3
Part 2!
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What did I really expect? That the super hot guy would completely ignore the pretty popular girl and go for a complete nobody like me? Pfft, don’t make me laugh. Veronica is gorgeous and I’m just bland. She’s popular and bubbly and I have like 4 friends and boring. She goes to party’s. I stay home and watch horror movies all night. Why am I surprised he likes her more? What I’m trying to say is IM JEALOUS. IM SO JEALOUS OF THAT GIRL. SHE WENT FROM LOSER TO LOVER ITS NOT FAIR.
After I left JD in the English classroom with Veronica I felt sick. Sick to my stomach. Like somebody just punched me in the gut and ripped it out.
I walked down the halls highly aware of everyone around me. I felt weird. Different. This can’t be normal. He’s just a teenage boy that I spoke to for half an hour.
A few seconds later I heard my name get called.
I looked back and saw half of my friend group waving me over.
We spoke for a bit before rushing off to 2nd period.
The class went by quick and next thing I knew I was sat at a table with my friend group in the cafeteria.
I was talking to my friend, Erica, and then heard obnoxiously loud laughing.
I turned to see who was making the annoying noise and was not surprised when I saw the 3 heathers and Veronica sat at the table watching Martha dunnstock open a letter and read it. The poor girl goes through hell because of them.
I watched as Martha got up and walked towards Ram Sweeney with the note in her hand. But before she got there Veronica swooped in front of her and started talking to her.
At least the girl has some sort of heart.
Martha then walked past Kurt and Rams table after a few minutes of talking to Veronica. The heathers were not happy.
I watch Veronica start to walk across the cafeteria back to the heathers.
Just then, when I turned around, I was greeted to J.D stood next to me at the side of my table.
“Hey”, he said with a small smile.
“Oh hey, how’s your first day going”, I replied politely with a small smile.
I seemed normal but inside I was screaming and felt like I was about to go bright red.
He was talking to me! He came to me instead of going over to attempt to get Veronica’s attention! Ohmigod Ohmigod OHMIGOD!
“It’s not too bad”, he said.
His gaze then slipped from me to somewhere else in the caf.
I looked to see where.
Of course, sawyer. It was so good to be true hey?
“Hey, what’s sawyers deal? Is she single?”, he asked.
I have two options.
I tell him the truth that Veronica’s single or..
I say she’s either dating someone or simply that I’m pretty sure she’s gay.
Ima go with the gay.
“Oh yeah I think she’s a lesbian”, I say trying to hide the giggle that’s trying to force its way out.
“Oh, right. That’s cool”, he says, clearly faking a smile.
I could tell her was disappointed but it’s giving me a chance I guess.
“Ya wanna sit here? There’s definitely enough room for you to sit here”, I say patting the bench next to me after moving up the bench a good bit.
“Oh, yeah sure”, he says with a tight smile.
I introduced him to my friends and then we went to talking about ms Fleming and her random bursts of energy in class.
Before I knew it the bell rang.
Fuck I have German.
“What’s your next class”, JD asked.
“German”, I said with a groan.
“Well it’s your lucky day because I have German too”, he smiles with a wink.
“Oh my god. Thank Jesus. Let’s go before Ms.Macy shits herself”.
I grab him and walk out of the cafeteria before Veronica can see him.
We spent the whole next class talking about movies.
Horror movies come up in the conversation.
“I can’t handle horror movies well”, I whisper to him.
“Awh come on they’re not that bad”, he whispers back with a breathy laugh.
“How bout after school today we go to my house and we watch one. Sound good?”, he asked.
IS THIS A DATE? No. You’re getting ahead of yourself Y/N calm down.
“Yeah I’m down. My moms working till pretty late anyways she won’t mind”, I say.
“Cool”, he replies with a smile.
The school day past quicker than I expected. And next thing I knew I was sat on the back of JDs motorbike. I looked around me. He hadn’t started to drive yet.
“You feel safe enough there?”, he asked.
“I guess..”, I said shifting myself a bit.
“Wrap your arms around my torso when we start driving. And grab on tight”, he said looking back at me with a smile. He gave me a helmet.
“What about you? Aren’t you gonna wear one?”, I asked.
“No. I’m fine. I never wear it”, he said.
I gave a breathy laugh in reply.
In the corner of my eye I could see Veronica staring over. I looked at her and gave her a wave (just to be petty) but made it look real.
She gave a tight smile and waved back.
“Get ready”, he said booting up the bike.
I wrapped myself around him. Tight.
I smiled against his back. It’s not creepy right?
We drove through town really fast and ended up at his house.
I texted my mom to let her know I’d be home later today.
Hopefully she’s in bed when I get home.. I cant put up with her on Friday nights.
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herenya-writes · 2 months
Hi!, @dearspockart here. (I can't figure out if there is a way to send an ask from a secondary blog, pfft). Please tag me when/if you answer.
I am SO interested in knowing more about Assassin! :D
Hiiiii @dearspockart! "Assassin!" is mostly just an outline, but it makes me laugh and one day I will write it. It's a fic for Avatar: the Last Airbender, focused on Zuko after he becomes Firelord. The first bullet point of the outline reads:
"So many people are trying to assassinate Zuko, and honestly, he's gotten used to it. Polite of them to wait three whole weeks after his coronation to start the attempts!"
Basically, people keep trying to kill Zuko and he thinks this is a very normal thing and doesn't really bring it up to people like his guards and his council, who are horrified every time they learn another attempt was made. The idea of the fic is that Zuko learns that people actually care about him and that his life is worth something and maybe fighting off assassins every week isn't normal for a teenager.
One day I will write this, because I have so many funny (and heartbreaking) lines for Zuko planned out. They deserve to see the light of day.
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object-obsession · 13 days
Help! > an elevator and a car
Inanimate Object Characters List | Entry: 60
Okay, but... Are those the elevator from The Lift and Christine?!?!
But I do find it VERY COINCIDENTAL that this little booklet happened to have been in my secondary school... and that I happened to pick it without having known about its contents beforehand... and that it happened to have both a talking elevator and a talking car when my two and only two most favourite sentient inanimate object horror movies are The Lift and Christine...!
It was just fate that I found this specific Cambridge English Readers A1 booklet for "Beginners" in English, I suppose.
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Characters: an elevator, a car | Booklet: Help! (1999)
They were not really sentient. They were just part of the main character's dream. Moreover, the entire story was merely 32 pages long and they had barely any lines, but I really liked this story (pfft, I wonder why), so that plays a big role, honestly. And this isn't the first time that I have been lenient with allowing "characters" in this list.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Tonight You're Gonna Go Down In Flames, Just Like Jesse James
A Jason Todd x Reader Story
Word Count: 7.9K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst, Mentions of Blood and Violence
Author's Note: This is the series I did a week or so ago. I figured I'd combine it into one big document so no one had to go searching for all the parts. Enjoy! -Thorne
It was a horrible idea in the first place and yet, of all the bad decisions she’d made in her entire life, this one apparently was going to take first place. Of course, part of her told her to just chuck her feelings into the back of her mind and leave them there, but the longer she spent around him, the stronger they got. And regardless of how terrible her love life was—and to be completely honest, it was horrible—she was going to admit her feelings and accept whatever outcome came. What’s the worst he could say? No? No, she didn’t think he’d say that. He flirted with her all the time, called her doll, and complimented her on her reading habits—no one had ever done that.
She shifted the red roses into the crook of her elbow, free hand nervously smoothing down her pink sundress, discomfort running up and down her spine as she waited on the front porch of the imposing manor. She’d gone to his apartment earlier but after he hadn’t answered, she remembered that he’d once mentioned the manor as a secondary hangout, prompting her to go there after.
Inhaling sharply, she quickly took the flowers back into her hand when the door opened, and she smiled widely at the older man who stood before her. “Hello, you must be Mister Pennyworth.” she greeted warmly. “I’m (Y/N) (L/N), a friend of Jason’s. Is he here?” she raised the flowers and the gift box in her hand. “I’ve got something for him.”
The man smiled and stepped aside, letting her in. “Of course, Miss (Y/N), please allow me to fetch Master Jason.”
“Oh, you don’t have to call me—and he’s already gone,” she whispered. “Wow, he moves fast for an old man.” Her eyes drifted to the portrait above the hall table and she smiled at the faces of him and his brothers. They looked rather regal for the humorous stories he told her all the time. Footsteps drew her attention away and she turned, smiling at Jason as he walked towards her. He wore a surprised smile, but it was a smile, nonetheless.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing here?” he asked and when she opened her mouth all she managed was a dumb, ‘uh…’ then she shoved the flowers in his face.
“These are for you.” She replied, face heating up as his fingers brushed hers when he took them.
Jason brought the bouquet of roses to his nose and inhaled. “Wow, they’re beautiful, (Y/N).” He gave her that smile that had her stomach fluttering. “Thank you.”
She nodded and held the gift box up too, no longer than about nine inches and about eight wide. “This is for you too.”
“Thank you,” he said, tucking the flowers into his elbow while he unwound the twine rope and opened the box top. He shifted away the tissue paper and pulled out a small book, about the size of his hand and his eyes went wide. “Is this—”
(Y/N) nodded. “Yeah! You mentioned that you wanted a pocket booklet of Emily Dickinson’s poems…so I went scrounging some old bookstores and found one.” She smiled bashfully. “For you.”
He huffed a laugh of disbelief and pulled her in for a quick hug. She tried not to pass out in his arms as he breathed in her ear, “Thank you, (Y/N). Really, thank you, so much.”
“It was no big deal,” she brushed off, pulling away from him and he shook his head.
“Well, it is to me,” he retorted with a grin, then gestured to her. “But I don’t understand, what brought this on?” he nudged her in the side humorously quipping, “I didn’t forget a gift exchange, did I?”
(Y/N) laughed. “No, no you didn’t, it’s just…” she trailed off, falling quiet.
“It’s just…” he repeated, tone and eyes ever curious, and she swallowed thickly.
It’s now or never, (Y/N). Just tell him how you feel.
She motioned to the book. “Well…they say it’s easier to relay feelings when you give gifts.” Smiling, she confessed, “Jason, I…have feelings for you. Really, really strong feelings.” He went slack jawed, and though she felt a pang of embarrassment, she kept speaking. “And I was wondering if maybe you’d like to go out on a date with me tonight? There’s this really nice café uptown that has good soups…or maybe we could go to a bar and get a beer together?”
Clearing her throat, she added, with a flustered smile, “Whatever you wanna do of course. I’d be happy as long as you’re with me.”
He was silent. Jason was completely silent, and she wasn’t sure what was worse, his silence or the shock etched across his face, but she kept hoping for the best. That was until he said her name. And the tone he used…she knew instantly what was coming and all she wanted to do was shove her hand against his mouth and tell him to forget she ever said anything.
“(Y/N)…” he started sympathetically, recovering rather slowly. “I’m flattered,” he admitted, raising the flowers and book in his hands. “For the gifts, really I am…but…” Jason shook his head and gave her a pitied smile. “But I don’t feel the same way that you do…and I am sorry.”
For a moment she couldn’t remember how to breathe, simply gazing at the man she’d been friends with for the past seven months and trying to figure out how she interpreted every moment so horribly wrong. All the kind words and hugs. All the smiles and laughter. All of it.
“(Y/N)?” Jason worried. “Are you alright?”
She blinked, suddenly feeling a flush of coldness ebbing out through her stomach and down her limbs; she nodded, pursing her lips. “Yeah—I’m okay.” (Y/N) cleared her throat and pointed back towards the door. “I’m…I’m gonna go…”
She hadn’t even gotten a foot away when he caught the sleeve of her pink sweater and stopped her. “(Y/N), I’m really sorry. I don’t mean to hurt you like this.”
Sucking up all the embarrassment and heartbreak back in, she turned and let out a ‘pfft’, waving her hand as she lied, “What? No! I totally get it, Jason. Absolutely.”
He seemed unconvinced and she hated how he always knew something was off about her at every moment. “Are you sure?”
(Y/N) couldn’t fight the wobble in her lip as she nodded. “Mhm. Completely.” She tugged out of his grasp. “But I totally remembered that I have a thing to do. A very important thing not here.” She gestured to the door. “So I should go. Like now.”
This time, she didn’t wait when he called out to her and she yanked open the door and closed it behind her as fast as she could, hurrying down the steps to her car.
She climbed in, immediately gripped the steering wheel and pressed her forehead to the top of it, eyes starting to water as she tried to get her breathing under control. Her fingers fumbled with the keys and after the fourth missing of the ignition, she burst into tears and dropped her keys. Her lips wobbled and her sight was blinded as she reached for her keys in the floorboard and when she got them, she shoved them into the slot and twisted, barely hearing the engine roaring to life.
Wiping a hand across her face, she could’ve cared less about the makeup smearing across her skin and she put the car into drive, hoping that with every foot of distance she put between her car and the manor, she could leave a broken heart behind.
Because what was the worst thing he could’ve said?
That was exactly it.
***Part Two***
Of all the bad decisions she’d ever made, this was probably the worst, and all she wanted to do was crawl into a hole and ride out every emotion that was coming onto her like a maelstrom. Every bad date, every failed notion of love just kept washing over her, but this one seemed like the nail in the coffin. She drove aimlessly for hours before she realized it was seven o’clock; a quick stop at her apartment and she fed her cat, also wiping the makeup and tear tracks off her skin before she wandered on foot with the direction of anywhere and nowhere.
Collapsing onto one of the benches that sat at the pier of Gotham Bay, she sighed heavily and gazed out at the water. It was calm compared to the storm inside and she propped her elbow on the railing, fist against her cheek, sighing again.
There was no way she could go to work and act like everything was okay. Kelly-Anne was going to drill her all about her “date” and she didn’t even go on one. She groaned. I never should’ve told her that I was going to ask Jason out. That’s going to be more embarrassing than being rejected by him. Another groan escaped her and she bent forward, burying her face in the floral dress pattern. I even wore a stupid dress and heels. Going slack, she let her feelings wash over her.
Something grabbed her shoulder. “Hey.”
“AHHHHH!” She yanked away, shooting up to see one of the masked vigilantes of Gotham city before her.
“Woah, woah!” they calmed, hands outstretched non-threateningly. “I’m not gonna hurt you!”
She pressed a hand to her chest and let out a sigh of relief, reclining on the bench as she heaved, “Oh my God, I thought—I don’t know what I thought you were.” A flighty laugh passed her lips. “You scared the hell out of me, Nightwing.”
He smiled and laughed. “Sorry. I saw you over here and thought I was going to find a new reason to call GCPD.”
“No, no,” she affirmed. “Just…dealing with things.”
Taking a seat beside her, he crossed his ankles and leaned back on the bench. “By groaning beside Gotham Bay at nine o’clock?”
She shot him a heat-less glare. “It was that or drown myself in cheap wine and Lewis Capaldi.”
He seemed to know what she was talking about, surmising, “Heartache?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe,” she muttered, lolling her head back on the bench, trying to ignore his steady gaze.
“What’s your name?” he asked.
“(Y/N). (Y/N) (L/N).” She grinned. “What’s yours?”
Nightwing chuckled. “Afraid I can’t give that out or I’ll be in with the Big-Bat.” She giggled and he followed with, “Do you wanna talk about it?”
(Y/N) pursed her lips and shook her head. “Nah…you’ve got better things to do than help a girl nurse a broken heart.”
“Sometimes the better thing to do is talk with someone.” When she met his eyes, he smiled wholeheartedly. “Try me. I’m a good listener.”
Something ached in her chest and after a moment of staring at him, she swallowed thickly and sighed. “There’s this guy I’ve been friends with for a few months now. And he’s really kind and intelligent and super good looking and I—” she shrugged. “I fell in love with him. I mean, it was hard not too with how amazing of a man he is.”
Nightwing nodded. “What’s his name?”
“Jason Todd,” she said, and she couldn’t help the smile that came across her lips. “One of the first times we were hanging out, I told him that his first name meant healer in Greek…but he didn’t seem too keen on that definition.”
“How come?” he inquired, and she shrugged again.
“I don’t really know…Jason’s never been all that open about his past.” (Y/N) looked at him. “I think some bad things happened to him when he was younger and he just…doesn’t let people in easily.” She managed a smile. “I feel like all the times he did tell me about his life, it made me feel special, you know? Knowing he trusted me enough to tell me.”
“You really seem to love him,” Nightwing noted and she couldn’t help the tears that gathered in her eyes.
“I do…Jason’s the first guy that’s ever seen me for me.” (Y/N) pursed her lips. “I’m weird. I work in a library and books are my life and I can talk your ear off about how Raymond Carver single-handedly saved the short story genre.” she sighed. “And I’ve always been the nerdy girl in the friend groups who watched everyone else fall in love while she pined from a distance.” She huffed a pitiful laugh that made even his heart tighten. “I mean, I even went to prom alone.”
Her eyes found his. “But Jason made me feel special. He listened and didn’t get upset when I apologized for talking so much. He just smiled and asked me to keep going.” (Y/N) wiped at her eyes. “I thought that we were getting closer, but God I saw all the signs of him being a good friend as romantic.” She groaned and buried her face in her hands. “And it’s so embarrassing to admit that I’m so starved of love that I saw them as loving gestures.” Another groan escaped her. “And then I asked him out today and got rejected.”
He blinked in shock, wondering why his brother would let this girl go. Obviously, they were perfect for each other. He didn’t tell her that though, instead asking, “What happened?”
(Y/N) moaned. “I showed up at his house with flowers and a book he’d been talking about.” She smushed her cheeks and glared out at the water. “And he was really nice about letting me down easy and I wish I could be upset about that, but I can’t because he was respectful.”
She sat back up on the bench and they both gazed at the stars. “Please tell me that even cute superheroes like you have romantic problems.”
Nightwing chuckled and nodded. “Oh, you’d be totally surprised.”
“Yeah?” (Y/N) giggled and he hummed.
“Two of my exes are super-heroines and they’re really good friends.”
She blinked at him. “Okay, yeah, you win, Nightwing.”
He chuckled and turned his neck, falling silent a moment to gaze at her. “…It does get better, (Y/N).”
Her lips pursed. “I know…I just have to wait it out.” She stared into his eyes. “But I don’t think anyone will ever be as great as Jason is.” Her eyes fell to the water and she sighed, “Is it too much to ask though…that I find someone to hold my hand and love me?”
Nightwing took her hand and laced their fingers. “I can’t do the second thing, but I can do the first for a while…if you want?”
(Y/N)’s eyes watered, and she squeezed his hand. “Yeah…I’d like that.” She propped her head on his shoulder, feeling his cheek press against the top of her head.
“Tell me what your favorite poem is, (Y/N).”
“I’ll bore you to death, Nightwing. And I apologize…a lot.”
“Someone tell you that no one cares when you were younger?”
“More than I’m comfortable admitting,” she sniffed. “From a lot of people I respected too.”
Nightwing hummed. “Well…I’m not them. And I care about what your favorite poem is.” He thumbed the back of her hand. “Please tell me.”
She sighed heavily and murmured, “I will hold you with harbor arms. The lighthouse finding a ship against the lonely sea. A shelter as your legs give out under torrential rain. What I’m trying to tell you is, you are safe here.”
He was silent for a minute, then he whispered, “That’s beautiful, (Y/N).”
“I think about it a lot…about it and Jason,” she replied quietly. “I think he’s afraid of love—of loving someone. I’d give anything to let him know that I’m not afraid of whatever skeletons he’s got in his closet…that…that I’m not afraid of him or what he’s afraid he is.”
Tears gathered in her eyes and she turned her head, quietly sobbing into his shoulder. “I’m sorry,” she cried. “I shouldn’t be—I shouldn’t—”
“Shhh,” he whispered, pulling his hand away from hers to curl around her shoulders, giving her a hug. “Let it out. I’m not here to judge you.” He wrapped his other arm around her, resting his chin on her head. “Let it all go, (Y/N).”
And she did. Every rejection throughout her life, from elementary school to high school to every college bar, she let out. Every “You’re not my type” and “I don’t date X girls” she let go of with every heart wrenching sob that tore her throat.
She didn’t know how long she cried, but when she was gone, Nightwing’s shoulder was completely soaked and (Y/N) had a raging headache to go with her heartache.
“Feel better?” he questioned when her sobs had subsided into sniffles every minute or two.
“Yeah,” she whispered. “A lot.”
Nightwing smiled. “Sometimes a good cry is all we need.”
“Mhm,” she agreed. “It’s cathartic.”
“Alright, Aristotle,” he chuckled and to her surprise, she found herself laughing. “And there’s the smile!” he cheered, letting her pull away to wipe her face.
“Sorry for boohooing on your shoulder,” (Y/N) apologized and he merely shook his head.
“Nah, don’t mention it.” He brushed off. “I hope someone like you would do the same for me if I needed it.”
She giggled. “Then we’ll meet here when we need good cries, huh, Nightwing?”
He held out his hand, watching her shake it. “Sounds like a good plan, (Y/N).” A siren went off in the distance and his face shifted instantaneously as he rose to his feet. “Rain check on the cry days.”
(Y/N) waved him off. “Don’t worry about it, go save the city.” As he started off, she called out, “Nightwing!”
He spun just for a moment. “Yeah?”
“Thank you,” she smiled.
“Anytime, (Y/N),” he winked and turned, sprinting off.
“Be careful!” she yelled and laughed when he waved a hand in the distance.
***Part Three***
She balanced the tin of cupcakes in one hand and opened the door with the other, already more than nervous as she stepped into GCPD. Some of the officers smiled and nodded at her while others merely watched as she walked up to the desk and cleared her throat.
“Excuse me,” she interrupted. “Is Commissioner Gordon here? I’d like to speak with him.”
The man’s eyes went from the cupcake tin to her face and he asked. “Can I ask what for?”
“Oh, yes, I just need to speak with him about something…involving Batman’s, uh…helpers?” she winced. “It’ll be quick, I promise.”
He cocked a brow, but shrugged and grabbed the phone, pushing a button. “Sir, you’ve got someone here to see you…no sir, she just said it dealt with Batman and the others…understood sir.” He hung the phone up. “He’ll over soon.”
“Thank you,” she smiled, and waited for the detective to arrive. When he did, she held her hand out, “Commissioner Gordon?”
He shook her hand. “Good evening, young lady. What can I do for you?”
“Well, I’m (Y/N) and um…it’s a bit complicated actually.”
“We live in a city with men and women who dress up in costumes and fight insane clowns.” He snorted. “We do complicated around here.”
(Y/N) huffed a laugh and nodded. “That’s fair, Commissioner Gordon.” She raised the tray of cupcakes in her hand. “This is going to be really weird, but I was wondering if I could use the spotlight to…call one of them.”
Gordon’s eyes drifted from the cupcakes to her, then back to the desserts. “You wanna use the Bat-Signal to get one of them…so you can give them cupcakes?”
Her mouth opened and closed, then she admitted, “Okay, that sounded a lot better in my head.” She sighed. “It’s not crazy, I swear but—”
“Why don’t you follow me to my office, and we can talk about this, hmm?” he asked, and she nodded.
“That sounds great, sir.” She followed close behind him to a closed-off room and took a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk, waiting for him to sit in his chair.
“So,” he started when he sat down. “Start from the beginning of why you wanna give Batman cupcakes.”
(Y/N)’s cheeks warmed, and she murmured, “Nightwing. I want to give them to Nightwing, actually.” He cocked a brow but said nothing and she cleared her throat. “So, the other week, Nightwing helped me out with something and to repay the debt, I made these.”
“What’d he help you with?” Gordon questioned and she played with the hem of her sweater.
“Uh, he…he, um, helped me with a um…a really embarrassing rejection.” She waved her hand. “And I sobbed like a baby on his shoulder and I just wanna give him these in return and tell him sorry for taking up his valuable time.” (Y/N)’s cheeks felt like they were on fire and she begged, “Please let me use the signal to call and I’ll leave. Promise, sir.”
Gordon watched her for a moment then he chuckled and rose from his desk. “I’ve been doing this for about forty years, and nothing has ever been this funny in my entire life.” She sighed, thinking a ‘no’ was coming and he stood beside her. “Come with me to the elevator and we’ll go up.”
(Y/N) blinked in disbelief. “Wait, what? You’re going to let me?”
“Of all the things I’ve ever had someone come in and ask for? Delivering cupcakes is a new one. And I pride myself on getting the new ones.” He smiled. “Come on.”
Not wanting to blow her chance, she hurried after him with a big smile on her face and soon she was standing next to the giant spotlight, watching it silhouette against the night sky. She waited for a moment, then asked, “So how long does this usually take?”
He grunted. “Takes longer when you ask how long it takes.”
“That makes sense,” she laughed, and someone cleared their throat behind them. Both her and Gordon startled, though his reaction was less noticeable than hers, whereas she jumped a foot in the air.
“Red Hood,” Gordon greeted, holding out a hand to shake. “Good to see you, son.”
“Good to see you as well, Commissioner Gordon.” Red Hood replied. “Big-Bat in charge sent me here to see what was going on. Is everything alright?”
“Yeah,” Gordon said, motioning to (Y/N). “You’ve got a visitor.”
The vigilante turned to her as if finally noticing her presence and he asked, “What’s wrong?”
(Y/N) held out the cupcake tin to him. “I was wondering if you could give these to Nightwing.”
Red Hood glanced down at the cupcakes. “Why’d you make cupcakes for that jerk-off?”
She was shocked to hear such an insult and she bit out, “Well maybe because I wanted to, jerk-off.” He was probably scowling at her from behind that mask, but she wasn’t going to back down. “Nightwing did me a favor last week and I always repay my debts.” (Y/N) held out the tin again. “Will you please give these to him and tell him thank you for his pep-talk?”
Red Hood took the tin from her, asking quietly, “What’d he help you with?”
“Oh my God, why does everyone wanna know?” she griped, then exhaled through her nose. “Fine, I got rejected by a guy I’m in love with, and I boohooed like a baby on a park bench with Nightwing holding my hand like a parent to a child and being super sympathetic.” (Y/N) glared, though she appeared flustered. “Are you happy now, Red Hood?”
“Be a lot happier if you weren’t giving my brother cupcakes,” he muttered under his breath and looked at her. “Do you want the Tupperware back?”
She nodded. “Just tell him that I’ll be back at the bench on Friday this week to pick it up. Same time as the other week.”
“I’ll tell him,” Red Hood said with a rather annoyed tone and started back towards the other side of the building.
“Red Hood!” she called out and he paused, glancing back at her. “Look…I know you’re busy with other things. So…thank you for doing this. Really, I appreciate it.”
He shook his head, murmuring softly, “Don’t worry about it, (Y/N).” And he was gone.
Gordon walked over to her and rested a hand on her shoulder. “Miss (Y/N)? Are you alright?”
She blinked and nodded, though she felt a great deal of confusion as she said, “He knew my name?”
Jason watched his brothers dig into the cupcakes, groaning about how good they were. He didn’t even need to eat the one he had in his hand because he knew. He knew she made the best baked goods he’d ever had, especially these ones which were her specialty. Double Dutch Chocolate Cupcakes with little pink, shimmering pearls. She put them on because she thought they were cute.
He glanced down at the cupcake in his hands, asking, “How do you know, (Y/N), Dick?”
The eldest brother paused mid-chew and stared at him with a dumbfounded expression. “Huh?”
“Cupcakes,” Jason said, gesturing to them. “She made them as a thanks to you. For last week.” He looked at his brother. “What for?”
Dick swallowed the bite he’d been chewing and nonchalantly replied, “Oh, nothing big. Just being friendly.” He shrugged. “How do you know her?”
Jason scowled. “Don’t do that shit. We both know how I know her.”
“Oh, right! The rejection after the flowers and book!” Dick exclaimed, taking another bite. “So, why’d you say no anyway? She seems like great girl.”
“She is,” he agreed. “The greatest.”
Tim elbowed Dick in the ribs, murmuring, “Is this Jason admitting he’s in love?”
“I don’t know,” Dick replied. “Jaybird, if you’re this pissed at me—”
“I’m not pissed,” he retorted, very much so pissed. “I just don’t want her getting involved with this.”
Dick’s mouth formed an ‘o’. “So that’s why you rejected her. You’re afraid of letting her know about everything.” He hummed knowingly. “See, she said that was probably it. That you’re scared.”
“What?” Jason’s eyes widened. “What’d she say to you?” He handed his younger brother a thumb drive. “What’s this?”
“Recording of the conversation I had with her last Friday,” he replied. “I was planning on giving it to you later tonight.” Dick laid a hand on Jason’s shoulder and murmured, “She’s not going to run away if you’re vulnerable with her Jason.” He nodded to the flash drive. “She’s stronger than you’re giving her credit for.” Dick patted his shoulder and took the cupcake from Jason’s other hand, biting into it. “Oh my God,” he groaned, walking off. “What does she put in these things? They’re addicting.”
I’m not afraid of him or what he’s afraid he is.
Jason put his forehead on the desk and stared at the floor, not really sure what was tightening worse, his chest or his throat, but something in the mix started hurting and he let out a shaky breath, vision blurring and he squeezed his eyes shut to keep the tears at bay. Rejecting her affections meant she forgot about him. She forgot that he existed, and she stayed safe. She stayed alive. Jason wanted that. He wanted (Y/N) to grow old with someone and have a family, not die an early death at the hands of some crazed villain or worse, a failure of his saving.
He let out a low groan and rubbed his forehead against the desk, wishing that it would solve all his problems. Mostly the ones in his broken heart. They had texted each other and video called constantly. Usually meeting up once a week to hang out somewhere or go get dinner. His entire life had changed in one conversation, and the only thing he regretted more than telling her he didn’t feel the same way and making her cry was watching her lie that she hadn’t been bothered when he knew deep down that her heart was shattered. He knew it because he watched her breakdown in her car through the manor window before she pulled out of the driveway.
Maybe Dick was right though…and that thought made him wanna vomit because younger-brother syndrome was a real thing and listening to your older brother wasn’t fun. But if she were that honest with Nightwing, that real with him, then maybe he could tell her the truth. All of it. About everything he was hiding from her. His past and most importantly his feelings for her. Maybe he could really keep her safe if he did.
Maybe Jason could be the one she grew old with. The one who held her hand and loved her.
***Part Four***
“I don’t wanna die,” she whimpered, grasping at his wrists that were digging into her side. “Please, I don’t wanna die now.” Tears slipped down her cheeks and she let out a sob. “I don’t wanna die.”
He cupped her cheek, brushing his thumb across her skin. “You’re not going to die.” He promised. “I’m not going to let you die here.”
Her eyes found his behind the domino mask and she whimpered again. “I’m scared, Red Hood.”
“I’m going to save you. I swear I will.” He ignored the blood that had smeared across her cheek and pressed his hand back to her bleeding abdomen, tears of his own gathering in his vision as he whispered, “I won’t lose you too.”
She couldn’t help but look to her wristwatch again, just to make sure she hadn’t been late. Of course, she’d gotten there fifteen minutes early, but still—time was a funny thing and sometimes she found herself late to things even if she’d arrived early. She should’ve just told Red Hood to let Nightwing keep the Tupperware, but that thing was like forty dollars and it was her favorite cupcake tin—she wasn’t letting that go.
Footsteps sounded through the traffic from her right and she looked up, smile faltering just slightly when she saw Red Hood coming her way instead of Nightwing. “Hey Red Hood!” she greeted with a tad of confusion and he waved.
“Hey (Y/N).” he raised the tin. “Sorry for being the one to drop this off but Nightwing was…busy.”
She snorted. “Don’t worry about it. Did he like—”
Red Hood dropped the tin, breaking into a sprint towards her. “(Y/N)! BEHIND YOU!”
“What?” (Y/N) spun and gasped when she came face to face with two masked men. “Oh fu—UHN!” one of them sunk their fist into her stomach and she bent over with a gag, knees going out below her as they grabbed her by her arms and yanked her forward.
She heard him screaming for her as they dragged her to the side of the road and shoved her into the back of a van. (Y/N) tried kicking at them but one of them picked something up and hit her across the head and the last thing she saw before everything went dark was Red Hood fading from view as the doors shut.
The tires screeched on the van as it hauled off and Jason had barely managed to grab the back handle as it did. He gripped the sides of his hood and cursed sharply, heart already beating wildly as he panted. “Fuck!” he screamed. “Motherfucker!”
He spun around, mind hopping from place to place as if he couldn’t figure out what to do first, and he punched a button on the side of his hood. “Nightwing, do you read me?” The line crackled a moment. “Nightwing! Come in!”
Jesus, I heard you the first time, Hood. What’s wrong? Break a nail?
“Dick,” he whispered. “It’s—it’s (Y/N).”
Something in Jason’s voice told him all he needed to know. What do you need me to do?
He turned in the direction that the van sped off in. “Two masked thugs grabbed her and took off with her in a van.”
License plate and van description?
“I31-FL4. White Chevy van, tinted windows.”
Alright, I’m away from a computer right now, but let me get Tim on the line. Another crackle. Hey Red, you busy?
At the moment. Why?
I need you to run a license plate for me on a white Chevy van.
Mmm, can it wait? I’m in the—oh shit—middle of something right now.
Tim, it’s urgent. (Y/N)’s been grabbed.
Your van just clocked four traffic cameras heading over the bridge past Chinatown into Founders and off to north of Port Adams. Scans are telling me that Cobblepot’s manor is that way.
“Cobblepot?” Jason repeated. “What the hell is he—” his sighed. “Shit, Dick, one of Penguin’s thugs probably saw you and (Y/N) the other night.”
And Penguin’s assumed that she knows who I am. Ugh, times like these I wish I hadn’t busted his gun running from Blüdhaven. Jason, I’m on my way.
Do you need backup, Hood? I’m about twenty out from your position.
“Don’t worry about it, Red.” He assured. “Nightwing and I got this.” Jason started towards the other side of the street, already pulling out his grapple. “You stay on whatever it is you’re doing.”
Aw man. But rescue missions are so fun.
“Tim. Fuck over the line and get off.”
Cold water splashed across her skin and she gasped, startling awake with violent shivers. Immediately she tried to get away but found herself bound to a chair; eyes searching wildly until they came to rest on the short and fat man walking towards her, wearing an eyeglass and smoking a cigar.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty.” He greeted. “Sleep well?”
Swallowing thickly, her eyes darted to the various armed thugs around her and she murmured, “What do you want with me, Mister Cobblepot?”
“Mister Cobblepot?” he cackled. “So polite.” He got in her face. “I want something you have.”
Her eyes found his. “I’m willing to part with whatever you need in return for my life.”
“I want Nightwing’s name,” Penguin said, and she blinked at him.
“Come again?”
His hand split across her face and she cried out in pain. “I don’t want to be drug around. His name. Now.”
She shook her head. “I don’t know Nightwing’s name.”
“Really?” he asked, then held out a hand and she watched someone put a phone in it and he shoved it in her face. “So that ain’t you sobbing on his shoulder like a whore with a heartache?”
Her eyes followed the picture and even from a distance, her and Nightwing’s faces could be seen, as well as their conjoined hands. “Okay,” she started. “I see what that looks like, but it’s not what it is. I swear.” Laughter echoed through the warehouse and she squirmed in her binds.
Penguin gazed at her for a moment, then he cracked his hand back across her face once more, and this time, he busted her lip. “I want his name.”
“I don’t know his name!” she spat the blood out of her mouth. “I was having a moment of weakness and he comforted me like a good person does. That’s it. He didn’t tell me his name.”
“I don’t believe you.” He hissed and she rolled her eyes.
“Look, it’s not my prerogative what you believe but that’s the truth. I don’t know who Nightwing is. Believe me, I asked, and he said he couldn’t tell me.” She leaned forward. “Hit me all you want but I can’t tell you what I don’t know.”
He shrugged. “Works for me.” And he punched her in the jaw, grinning proudly when her head lolled forward and she let out a low groan. “Who is he?”
“I. Don’t. Know.” She hissed through clenched teeth and he waved a hand.
“Someone bring me a knife. Maybe she’ll think better if she’s flowing.”
Her eyes widened and she started thrashing. “Okay! Wait! Let’s not be hasty!”
Penguin flicked open the knife and pointed it at her. “Name. Or I’m gonna slash you.”
“Mine? Mister Cobblepot, I’m disappointed that you don’t know the names of the women you kidnap.” She griped, voice turning into a shout of pain when he swiped the knife against her cheek. Blood flowed from the cut down her face, dripping onto her sweatshirt and she teared up, cheek stinging harshly.
“Want me to do the other side and make it match?” he asked, and she glared at him through her teary eyes.
“Go fuck yourself, oompa-loompa.” Glowering at the knife coming back down at her and she watched as something collided with it, causing sparks to jump as the knife practically jumped out of his hand.
Penguin cried out and spun in the direction of whatever had knocked the knife from him. “Red Hood!”
Someone dropped beside him and propped an elbow on the vigilante’s shoulder. “And Nightwing!” he glanced at her. “Sorry for getting you involved in this.”
She tried for a smile but still grimaced. “Say that after you get me out of this.”
He grinned and pulled out his escrima sticks, clicking the buttons. “That’s fair.”
“Well don’t just stand there!” Penguin yelled at the thugs. “Get them!”
It was a free for all. And even she was wincing with pity when a thug landed in front of her feet, blood streaming out of his nose as his eyes rolled back in his head. She figured since they were busy with fighting one another, she could use the time to get out of her binds—if at all possible.
She wriggled vigorously until there was slack in the ropes around her wrist and she started yanking her arms back, ignoring the way it broke her skin and rubbed it raw. Eventually she got one hand out and she let out a cheer, eyes scanning the ground for the knife.
It lay a few feet away and she grunted as she slouched in the chair, kicking her leg out as far as she could to toe it closer. Almost there! She strained against the bind and slammed her foot on the knife, dragging it to her. With a winning smile she picked it up and slashed the rest of the ropes on her wrist and stood up, immediately ducking as another thug flew over her head and she glared at Red Hood.
“Hey! Watch it!”
He stopped fighting, a gang-banger in a headlock. “How’d you get out of that?”
She put her hands on her hips. “I’m not some helpless damsel in distress, Hood.”
Chuckling, he slung the guy into the wall and pointed to the exit. “Get out and run as far as you can.”
“Right.” She spun and started towards the double doors when two thugs got in her way and she sighed. “Oh, fuck off.” Taking a step back, she turned on her heel when one grabbed her around the waist, and she yelped as he lifted her in the air. “Lemme go you big bastard!”
Someone shouted her name and she did the only thing she could do—she swung knife downwards, narrowly missing her own side as she stabbed the thug in the hip. He screamed, dropping her and she grunted when she hit the concrete. (Y/N) crawled along the ground when the same guy she stabbed, hauled her up by her belt.
“Oh, come on!” she yelled, and he threw her into the corner of the warehouse into some plywood boxes. They shattered under the force of the throw and her weight and she collapsed in a pile of hardboard, something in her side aching much more than anything else, like she’d been stabbed.
After a moment, the fighting seemed to die down and she managed to crawl to her knees, glancing down to find whatever kept poking her in skin and her eyes widened when she saw the jagged end of a piece of plywood sticking out of her stomach. And the second she saw it, the pain came, and she gasped sharply, holding it as she looked up them.
They were dealing with Penguin and she watched as Nightwing shoved the escrima stick to his neck and sent fifty-thousand volts into his body, watching as he jerked and passed out.
(Y/N) fell back on her knees and weakly called, “Guys?” they turned and gaped at her. “Help me.”
Red Hood was the first one to her and he dropped to his knees, pulling her against him. “(Y/N),” he breathed, one hand skimming over her face, the other pressing against the wound. She cried out and he said, “You’re going to be okay.” He looked at Nightwing. “Call a bus. Now.”
Nightwing knelt beside her and rested a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, (Y/N). We’re going to take care of you.”
She nodded, though she wasn’t too sure of her belief in them. “It hurts,” she whimpered and Red Hood looked down at her side, raising his gauntlet to it.
“The wood punctured your liver.” He said and she sighed in shock.
“Am…am I gonna die?” she asked quietly, and Red Hood yanked off his hood, pressing down tightly onto her side.
“No. You’re not going to die, (Y/N).”
Suddenly, tears were gathering in her eyes and she whimpered, “I don’t wanna die.” (Y/N) grasped at the wrist that was digging into her abdomen. “Please, I don’t wanna die now.” Tears slipped down her cheeks and she let out a sob. “I don’t wanna die here.”
He cupped her cheek, brushing his thumb across her skin. “You’re not going to die.” He promised. “I’m not going to let you die here.”
Her eyes found his behind the domino mask and she whimpered again. “I’m scared, Red Hood.”
“I’m going to save you. I swear I will.” He ignored the blood that had smeared across her cheek and pressed his hand back to her bleeding abdomen, tears of his own gathering in his vision as he whispered, “I won’t lose you too.”
(Y/N) pressed her head to his shoulder. “I have a cat at my home. If I don’t make it will you get him for me? Find him a good home?”
“Don’t talk like this. You’re going to make it, (Y/N).” He looked at Nightwing. “Where’s the bus?”
“Ten out,” he replied. “I’ll go open the doors.” He hurried off and left the two.
“Red Hood, my cat—”
“You’re going to see Matlock again, I promise,” he interrupted sternly, and she gaped at him.
“How do you know my cat’s name? How do you even know my name?” He met her eyes and slowly reached up, peeling the mask from his face and her jaw went slack. “J—Jason?”
He gave her a weak smile. “Surprised?”
(Y/N) could barely find the words and she huffed, “I called you a jerk-off last weekend.”
“Yeah, I kinda deserved that.” Jason laughed, putting the mask back into place. “Couldn’t help it though. You made cupcakes for my brother.”
“Jealous?” she teased, voice dropping into a groan when she shifted.
Jason cupped her cheek. “Like you wouldn’t believe.” He thumbed her skin as the paramedics entered the warehouse and he smiled. “You’re going to be okay, (Y/N).”
She gripped his hand. “Don’t leave me. Please, Jason, don’t leave me.”
“I’ll come to see you after they get you into the hospital. Okay?”
“Promise?” (Y/N) whispered and he nodded.
“I promise, doll.” He nodded his head and stepped back, letting the medics do their job. And when they had her in the back of the ambulance, he sighed heavily and watched the siren wail as the red lights disappeared down the boulevard.
Dick rested a hand on his shoulder. “Go. I’ll call GCPD.”
Jason turned and pulled his brother into a strong hug, squeezing him tightly. “Thank you, Dick. God, thank you so much.”
“Oh my God, are you willingly hugging me!” Dick screeched, and when Jason tried to pull away, he held on and buried his face in Jason’s shoulder. “My Little-wing!”
“Okay, get the fuck off me. This is embarrassing.” He scowled.
Her head felt heavy and she barely had the strength to open her eyes. Brightness flooded her vision and she shut them again, waiting a moment before trying to open them once more. This time, it wasn’t as bright, and she blearily glanced around the room before catching sight of Jason curled up uncomfortably in the hospital chair beside her bed.
She didn’t wake him at first, simply gazing at him. He looked tired. Tired and worn out, like he hadn’t slept in years. Which might’ve been the case if the rumors of Red Hood being the second Robin were true—murdered then revived later. She doubt he slept much at all.
As if he knew she was watching him, his eyes opened and he met hers, blinking the sleep away and then he was leaning forward, gently murmuring, “Hey, (Y/N). How do you feel?”
She sighed, resting on the pillow, the thumb brushing her forehead almost lulling her back into sleep. “…Tired,” she mumbled. “And sore.”
Jason huffed a laugh. “Yeah, getting stabbed will do that to you.” He glanced towards the door. “Let me go get the doctor real—”
“Stay,” she said, grabbing his arm and he stilled. “Please stay. Just for a moment.”
“Alright,” he agreed, sitting back in the chair. “I’ll stay,” he said, but his eyes became firm. “but in five minutes, I’m going to get Doctor Brown.”
(Y/N) stuck her tongue out at him, and they collapsed into laughter, though at one point she groaned, “Oh God, don’t make me laugh.” She rested her hand on her abdomen. “Everything in this general area hurts.”
Jason took her hand. “It will—quit prodding it,” he griped. “You don’t wanna open up your stitches.” He ran his calloused thumb over the back of her hand and met her eyes. “I was so scared when I saw you get taken.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, and he shook his head.
“It’s my fault. I should’ve seen it coming earlier. I should’ve told you earlier, but I was so scared of letting you know everything.” Tears gathered in his eyes. “But I almost wasn’t fast enough tonight, and you got hurt and—”
(Y/N) brushed her fingers over his lips, shushing him. “Jason, it wasn’t your fault.”
He frowned behind her fingers. “But you—”
“I’m here.” She affirmed. “And I’m okay.” (Y/N) grabbed his chin. “You saved me.”
“What happens if I’m too late next time?” he asked, eyes searching hers and she smiled.
“We’re not going to let that happen.”
“But it—”
“It’s not going to happen again.” She brushed her thumb over his lip and smiled at him.
He cupped her hand to his face and bent over, pressing his lips to hers; Jason stayed there for a moment, merely resting his forehead to hers and he lamented, “I’m sorry I turned you down. I never meant to hurt you…I was just—”
“Keeping me safe,” she surmised. “I know, baby.” Jason froze, eyes wide. “Too early?”
He chuckled and kissed her again. “Say it again.”
“Mmm, say please, and I’ll throw in a ‘I love you’.” (Y/N) countered.
“Pretty please?”
She grinned. “I love you, babe.”
“I love you, doll.”
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
it baffles me how much s*sus*ku stans have to use secondary sources — especially the novel — to support their ship. in the novel, it was stated how sakura’s skin was glowing since sasuke’s return, indicating that sasuke and sakura were having s*x when he comes home late at night when sarada isn’t aware.
to me, this seems heavily ooc as he doesn’t even show affection to his own wife in gaiden whereas he has no issue showing affection towards Naruto with pet names, close proximity, smiling and eye contact, etc.. just where the hell does this kind of thing come from? why would he willingly choose to neglect spending time with sarada to have s*x with sakura late at night? like honestly
and it’s funny because the majority of these novels who depict sasuke in this manner are written by DIFFERENT AUTHORS! that says enough for me.
but anyways, have you seen the SP’s illustrations of sasusaku’s relationships in the blank period? you know, the journey that sasuke wanted to go on to atone for his sins but sakura decided to selfishly chase after him? 🤔throughout the whole thing sasuke’s character was absolutely shat on. since when is he a blushing mess? since when does he come late at home to shag his wife that he supposedly hadn’t seen in 12 years? why does he suddenly tolerate and love sakura? it’s hilarious how much the novels and gaiden manga don’t make sense together. this awful characterization of sasuke makes me sad and hateful of what his character was turned into for SS fan-service.
Thanks for the ask, Anon!!!!
it was stated how sakura’s skin was glowing since sasuke’s return, indicating that sasuke and sakura were having s*x when he comes home late at night when sarada isn’t aware.
This is not the first time I am hearing this. I heard that, in the novels, since Sakura's skin was glowing, according to Japanese Tradition, it indicates that the woman was having an active and healthy Smex life.
Well what can I expect from a thirsty and horny fandom who once enraged about Sasuke had smex with her with just One Arm!!!!! They were so worried that he couldn’t have done IT properly... PUKE!!!!
Seriously??? What can we expect from them other than horniness just like their kween???
They didn't care about Sarada at all... Instead they were so pissed about Salad throwing tantrum and questioning their 'Relationship' when Gaiden was released... For them, every thing revolves around Smex, Smex, Smex....
They were not worried about any other problems that were addressed in the Gaiden Manga, such as Sasuke not making any contact with them for a decade, having given birth in a Orochimaru lair, no wedding photo, no Birth certificate for Sarada... But they quickly went into Horny Mode when Sasuke called her 'My Wife' and then this panel....
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"Kyaaah!!!! Sasuke-kun checks on Sakura..... He was so in love with her.... They were going to have some steamy smex tonight!!!!" ... This was how they reacted, as I heard....
Somehow, whenever they share a panel or Sasuke cares about her, their fans always associate his gesture with smex.... That's how low their fandom was thirsting and craving for, even till this very day.
Why would he willingly choose to neglect spending time with sarada to have s*x with sakura late at night? like honestly and it’s funny because the majority of these novels who depict sasuke in this manner are written by DIFFERENT AUTHORS! that says enough for me.
Like I said earlier, they are one of the horniest fandom in Narutoverse and the piss poor Authors are catering to their needs by writing Sasuke into an OOC mess who fell in love with those green emerald eyes.... Who couldn't tolerate seeing a small wrinkle in her face.... Without Sakura, he wouldn't know how to survive in this world and she is the most important person in this world.... EWWW.... I can't even write this without making a disgusting face.
And I don't even know what will happen if that Sasuke Retsuden will be adopted into the anime..... Anyways, I am just going to wait for that abominated mess to happen...
have you seen the SP’s illustrations of sasusaku’s relationships in the blank period? you know, the journey that sasuke wanted to go on to atone for his sins but sakura decided to selfishly chase after him? 🤔throughout the whole thing sasuke’s character was absolutely shat on. since when is he a blushing mess?
Actually it was a Doujinshi published by the Boruto Animator, Sekibeing, I guess. I don't think those panels belong to SP.
But still, those ungrateful SS fans harassed that Animator guy because he drew a fanart of NH and this spurred SS blokes who went to his Twitter handle and called him out with unpleasant words... 
And yes, I watched those Illustrations and all I felt was I need to bleach my eyes so badly...
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Sakura was seen leaning on him, covered with Sasuke's robe and his Susanoo armour!!! Pfft.... Really??? Atleast I could envision Naruto doing something like this for Hinata. But Sasuke????
And the problem is, they completely believe that this is what happened during the Blank Period. I have seen an SS shipper coming into our tags and lecturing us that, 'You people don't understand Sasuke, he has a softer side that he only shows towards Sakura. A special smile that he only projects towards Sakura'...
When I asked that person, 'Well, I've never seen Sasuke did anything as you mentioned in the Manga, Where's the proof?'.... That poster just bailed off....
it’s hilarious how much the novels and gaiden manga don’t make sense together. this awful characterization of sasuke makes me sad and hateful of what his character was turned into for SS fan-service.
I think we shouldn't worry too much about that stupid novels where Sasuke was portrayed as an horny man who wants to be with Sakura always... Because it doesn't match up with how he was portrayed in the Boruto Manga.
In the Manga, Sasuke was portrayed as someone who wanders alone and does his job on his own accord without any trappings of a Family. I think it's just these fillers pay more attention to this Domestic Drama which feels like a Total cringefest.
Logically, they could never adapt those novels. Because if you have a version of Sasuke who behaves in a certain way in Canon Episodes.... and if you make him do something OOC in fillers, that character will lose its credibility and people lose their interest altogether. And that shitty Anime was still running on the shoulders of Naruto and Sasuke’s popularity. If you make them go horny for their wives, 12 year old kids who are watching this drama would feel , “Ewww.... Instead of showing us how Boruto romancing Sarada, why the fuck they are showing some old peeps kissing each other??”
In my opinion, let them dream about their Gospel as much as they want. As long as the Anime Team don’t adapt those craps, I can begrudgingly digest this series!!!!!
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devildom-tyrant · 3 years
Hi! I love your writing very much! I have just read your "another demon flirting with you" scenario, and now I really, REALLY would like to know, how Mammon would react in this situation!! Thank you in advance!
You finally took Asmo up on the offer to join him at one of the “glamourous” parties he frequents on the weekends, but it didn’t take long to lose him in the crowds that seemed to follow him.  You’re not too concerned, however.  As one of two human exchange students, it’s obvious who you are and that you’re under the protection of the most powerful demons here, so most of the demons you usually meet are either kind to you or avoid you altogether.  
However, you didn’t account for how much Demonus would be flowing through the party.  The guests are raucous, moving to the music or yelling to be heard over it.  It gives you a bit of anxiety, but you’re trying to blend in and let loose.  You start dancing on the outskirts, feeling the beat --
-- and then someone feels the curve of your hip.
“A human, now that’s exotic,” a voice growls in your ear, and you jolt, whirling around to face the unknown demon.  This one is in his demonic form, but he’s mostly humanoid, aside from his curled horns and a pathwork of scales across the visible parts of his chest.  
He’s also quite drunk; you can smell the Devildom liquor on his breath as it fans across your face when he chuckles.
“Didn’t mean to scare ya.  I just thought you might could use a drink -- or a dancin’ partner.  It’s a pity for someone like you to be alone at a party like this.”
His grip remains firm on your hip.  Reflexively, you try to take a step back, but you bump into someone’s chest behind you.  Just as you open his mouth to decline his offer, the person you bumped into wrenches the demon’s hand from your body, and you hear a familiar voice by your ear.
“Oi, asshole!  Who said the human’s alone?”
You quickly glance up to find Mammon protectively pulling you to his side.  The other demon lifts his hands up, feigning innocence.  
“They appeared to be alone, so I was just trying to keep them company.”
“Well, that obviously ain’t the case now, so beat it.  And if you touch the human again...”
“I’m scared,” the demon scoffs.  “Who’re you to make that call on their behalf?”
“They’re mine, ya got that?!”
There’s something in Mammon’s gaze that says he’s serious; it becomes clear even to the intoxicated demon.  You watch in wonder as the affable rouse melts from the demon’s face, dissolving to something much more serious.  
“My mistake,” he mutters, before turning tail and blending back into the crowd.  Mammon watches until the demon’s out of sight, before pulling you to the side, his entire body tense.  
“What were ya thinkin’?!”
“What was I--?” you sputter, indignant.  “I didn’t ask for any of that!  That wasn’t my fault!”
“Not that!”  His hand flails in the direction the demon went, shaking off the scenario.  “I meant the fact that ya started dancin’ on your own, with all these demons around!  Shouldn’t you have a little more self-preservation?”
“No one’s hurt me yet.  I’m not always with one of you!” you retort, but the anger simmering in his icy gaze is secondary to his worry, and it smooths the edge from your words.  “What are you doing here, anyway?”
“Pfft, you think Asmo could take you here without posting it all over Devilgram?  I wasn’t about to let you two party without me.  Why aren’t ya with Asmo anyway?”  He pauses, glancing toward the middle of the room, where Asmo’s surrounded by his fanclub.  “Wait, that was a dumb question.  But that idiot should’ve been keepin’ ya close.”
You want to say that you would’ve been fine, that you would’ve called one of them with a pact if you had actually been in danger, but you know that’s not what he wants to hear.  Instead, you reach out and entwine your fingers with his, your expression turning gentle.  
“You were here to keep me close, though.”
He blushes immediately, averting his icy gaze.  “’course I was.  I’m your first.  Ya’know I’m always gonna be lookin’ out for ya.”
You decide to tease him, to see just how bright you can make his cheeks glow.  “You told that guy that I’m yours.”
He huffs, and you’re rewarded with an even brighter blush.  “Y-yeah... yeah, I did!  And don’t ya forget it!”  His gaze locks with yours, and he tugs you closer with your joined hands.  “I don’t like random demons grabbing at what’s mine.”  
“Greedy to a fault,” you murmur, even though your knees suddenly feel weak.  Casually, you wrap your arms around his neck for support.  
Your lips feel magnetized; his head dips, and you can feel his breath fan against your mouth -- and then just barely a brush of his lips against yours as he speaks.  “I am the Avatar of Greed, ya’know...”
That may be true... but by the end of the night, you’re going to be the one demanding that you want more.
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dankali · 4 years
How To Write Cheerleaders
Not saying that y’all are doing a bad job at it! But, as someone who has been a cheerleader, there’s room for improvement. So, I’m just gonna give my two cents for future reference to those who need it.
- In my experience, even though we come in all shapes and sizes, I’ve never seen an unfit competitive cheerleader. That doesn’t necessarily mean skinny! But, if they’re strong enough to keep themselves or someone else in the air, they’ve got some muscle on them.
- While, yes, you do see many male cheerleaders, they are a minority. If a team happens to have a male member, he’ll usually end up as a base or backspot.
- If you want to have a character on a high school team, know this. Practices will happen a majority of days in the week. Let’s just say every other day to be safe.
- If a character’s s/o is on a team, they can’t just come and sit in on practices! We often have very little time to get a lot of things done, so visitors are very much unappreciated!
- Furthermore, if the cheerleader in question is having trouble getting a certain skill right, may it be tumbling, stunting, jumps, or otherwise, you can bet they won’t ask their friend or s/o with less experience for help. That’s a surefire way for both parties to get hurt!
- Contrary to weirdly popular belief, we only wear our uniforms to school on game day. And even so, we try to coax our way out of doing that as much as possible!
- You think high school cheerleading uniforms are all cute and flattering??? Pfft- honey you’re in for a polyester surprise. Depending on the dress code, our uniforms can be an ill-fitting, hand-me-down nightmare. Look up “high school cheerleading uniforms” and let me know that you see. 😂
- Our dress code for competition day and game days are weirdly specific. No jewelry, hair out of face (in one high ponytail if possible), no nail polish, shoes made specifically for cheerleading, and no-show socks if any.
- We don’t just ✨magically✨ memorize every cheer for game days! We dedicate whole practices for learning that shit. In most situations, there’s a freaking list.
- Just like every other sports program, our grades need to be up to par in order to participate. Can’t have academically stunted bitches on the team!
- Since most teams have a reputation to uphold, cliquey, catty, or all-around unacceptable behavior won’t always be tolerated by captains or coaches. We’d like to be respected, and bad apples hardly help that effort.
- Like all groups, dynamics are different between teams. Especially when the number of members vary!
- Every cheerleader you meet has at least one scar they got from a skill gone awry. (I, for one, have a series of small scrapes on my collarbone from basing an unbalanced flyer)
- It’s rare that a cheerleader goes their whole career without having to use a brace or wrapping for certain danger areas.
- Cheerleaders are often given honors in school for a reason! We have a season stretching over fall and winter, so our grades have to be good for that long. Many of us are in the school’s public eye, so we try to give as good an example as possible through leadership.
- Practices are usually done in a ratty-ass t-shirt and some spandex shorts. Ain’t nothing prissy about it 😂
- Ask any cheerleader on the clock at a football or basketball game, and we’ll tell you. None of us want to be there (even if our s/o is playing most of the time). We’re just exceptional actors.
- Training and conditioning during practice is absolute hell. (Especially if we have a tough coach)
- In order to do the more dangerous stuff, we have to pull out a certain number of mats (about 42 feet long and 6 feet wide). The number owned will vary per school, but it’s still difficult to get them out and put them back.
- The ideal number of members on a small team I’ve seen is around fourteen members. Enough for three stunt groups and two fill-ins.
- Competitions aren’t like regular games. They are few and far between during the season, and teams do not get a second chance. (If asked, I may make a separate post for how competitions are conducted)
- Ask anyone, and you’ll know that most cheerleaders don’t do what we do for clout, to be desired, or to stroke some superiority complex. We genuinely love this sport despite the physical hell and blatant disrespect from others it gets us.
Terms To Look Up
1. Stunting
- Primary/Secondary Base
- Backspot
- Flyer
- Frontspot
- Thigh Stand
- Half/Prep
- Extension/Full
- Cupie
- Liberty
- Tick Tock
- Shoulder Stand
- Cradle
- Basket Toss
- Straight Ride
2. Tumbling
- Aerial
- Back Handspring
- Back/Front Walkover
- Backbend
- Cartwheel
- Round-off
- Back/Front Tuck
- Layout
- Full
- Many other terms I’m forgetting :D
3. Jumps
- Starfish
- Toe-touch
- Tuck
- Left/Right Hurdler
- Pike
- Herkie
4. Motions
- High-V
- Low-V
- T
- Broken T
- Touchdown
- Candlesticks
- Daggers
- Clasp
- Clean
- Left/Right Punch
- L
- Left/Right K
Feel free to add if necessary! And correct me if I’ve gotten anything wrong. My experience is still limited to one particular state. I’ll shut up now!
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beykhabarr · 2 years
Rant/story time? Idk sob it's something hehe
Aaaa okay so it's been very weird lately, slow fast slow fast nothing at all? I'd like it if life were a little consistent, I recently found out that I have issues trusting people's intentions, I mean that's something extremely basic and something that I was actively doing to my brain, you'd expect me to be more aware of it but yay thats me for you. I've been MADE aware that my constant doubt of people's intenstions is not me being 'careful' but me actively denying anyone access to me and my vulnerabilities because I just don't trust them hehe. That's true for almost everyone even my parents. It starts with my parents and then there's no end. I am always on guard and I get defensive when I feel like someone for whom I've let my guard down is coming to hurt me, that's why I cut them off immediately. And then my adhd is well, it makes it easier to forget (out of sight out of mind hehe). The person who I was talking to about all this (although this entire time I was questioning his intentions) felt the need to remind me that the only person I was harming by gatekeeping myself was *drumroll please* MYSELF! How do I develop lasting relationships when I can't present myself as I am, raw and scathed and wounded and anything and everything, how do I connect when the string in itself is so so so weak. Anyway so yeah that. But this is secondary tertiary even. I don't care about forming connections, what am I? Human? Pfft . A humanoid bot at best.
My main main main main concern problem duvidha is just huh this thing my dad said to me today while I was crying ( yes drumroll I've spend the entire day crying infront of different people) he said something about how people are always going to be impermanent he asked me who are these freinds you have? When you were crying day before yesterday? Did anyone know? Did anyone ask? Did you TELL anyone? Did you think anyone would care? The answer to all of those was no, I didn't I didn't I didn't. He told me that is life that's the world we live in, and there is nothing wrong with it, akele aaye the akele jaayenge, think about that when you give someone your time, kyu ke tumhare paas sirf waqt hai, aur waqt nikal raha hai. You have to be mindful of what you do with your time, I just yeah. Yeah. Yes sir. Tumhare paas sirf waqt hai aur waqt nikal raha hai. People will find new people to fill in your place, and yeah I've been made aware time and time again that I'm replaceble, and just yeah. The only place where I am not replaceable is my spot in my own life hehe.
This was useless me talking to myself now I'll read until I fall asleep I'm very weird feeling I am almost empty haha goodnightt everyone I hope I die.
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sleepyboiscafe · 3 years
How did Tommy get hired even though used to be awful at cooking?
Hi! Thanks for the ask, Anon!
This has been previously answered in another post, but I'll gladly add on a bit more detail to it here.
This is the post: https://sleepyboiscafe.tumblr.com/post/667110751559909376/hello-about-the-au-how-did-tommy-learn-how-to
Tommy: Hello! I'll take this one.
Philza: Alright, don't do anything I wouldn't do. And don't be long, we'll be closing soon.
Tommy: Don't worry, it's me! What could possibly go wrong?
Philza: That's what I'm worried about.
Tommy: ... And he's gone. So, I was never great at cooking or baking. Hell, I dropped Home Ec the minute I could in secondary school. So, I was already at a disadvantage. But Tubbo, Ranboo and I need the money for something very important. And this was really the one of the only places that would hire someone at such short notice-
Tubbo: Hey, Tommy! We're going to miss the bus if you don't hurry.
Tommy: Alright, alright, give me a second, Toby. We're always early for the bus anyway.
Tubbo: I'm always early, not you. What are you doing?
Tommy: Answering some questions sent by customers online.
Tubbo: Yoooo, that's really cool! Can I help?
Tommy: Sure! If you're not in a rush to get home or anything.
Tubbo: Well, I kind of am, so let's make this quick! What have they asked?
Tommy: Well, one person here is asking how I got this job in the first place.
Tubbo: Well, it was mainly thanks to me and Ranboo, right?
Tommy: And my incredible work ethic.
Tubbo: ... Sure. You still owe me two new plates after you broke mine, you know that, right?
Tommy: How do you remember that?
Tubbo: Were you hoping I'd forget?
Tommy: ... Maybe. Anyways, customer, the first time I applied for this job went awfully. I messed up, showed up late, had no idea what I was doing and had pretty much ruined any chance I had of getting the job. But, the other potential jobs I could have had were either too far away, had already refused me or had totally banned me from the place.
Tubbo: *laughing* Pfft, remember the hotel room you set on fire and the hotel had to call the fire brigade-
Tubbo: *still laughing* Sorry, sorry.
Tommy: ANYWAYS. I needed this café to accept me, so I swore to return and rushed to Toby's house to get him to teach me to cook.
Tubbo: This was, like, just as I was in the middle of studying for a test I had the day after.
Tommy: Screw tests, this was important!
Tubbo: I guess. I still failed the test though, thanks to you.
Tommy: Oh, I didn't know that. Sorry.
Tubbo: It's alright, bossman. It's no big deal now! I mean, it paid off in the end, didn't it?
Tommy: Yeah, I eventually convinced him to teach me to bake.
Tubbo: I did a summer camp about two or three years ago for baking, and unlike Tommy I kept on Home Ec, so I had a good bit of experience, but not a ton.
Tommy: So we got Ranboo to help too. He had a bunch of cookbooks at home.
Tubbo: We spent the entire night baking and cooking. It was actually so much fun.
Tommy: We were really tired afterwards though, so I faked being sick so I wouldn't have to go to school. Then, I marched back into the café like the Big Man I am and insisted on trying for the job again. And this time I got it!
Tubbo: The café is also perfect for me and Tommy to walk to the bus stop together after work, since I work at the florist right next door.
Tommy: Oh, yeah! What's that like?
Tubbo: It's just a really nice time. Niki, my employer, is really kind. She was super patient with me during my first few days there and teaches me and Jack flower arrangement and the language of flowers during our breaks or when business is quiet.
Tommy: What's Jack like?
Tubbo: He's bald. And really funny.
Tommy: Huh. Interesting. Do you think I could take him in a fight?
Tubbo: ... Excuse me?
Philza: Boys, I think I'm going to close for the day now. Thanks for the work today, Tommy. I'll send your wages for today once I've finished cleaning up here, alright?
Tommy: No problem! Thanks, Phil!
Tubbo: Wait, what time is it?
Philza: It's a little bit after seven o'clock.
Philza: ... Bye?
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theinsanecrayonbox · 2 years
Fairly Odder: episode 4
ah, we have come to the first episode to feature a returning character (Tim and the fairies not included). it is the return of Vicky! how will she be integrated? will it be better than the other live action version? will it suck? lets find out!!
oh...we open with Hamilton jokes...kay. i don’t get it, i don’t like it, and this continues to date this. cool. moving on. Wicked now...eh sure.
aw man talk about a missed opportunity! this is the PERFECT time to whip out My Shiny Teeth and Me. seriously! it’s length is the recommended time suggested for brushing your teeth. i used to play it for my cousin when i lived with her and she was little, because you know kids hating teeth brushing, so it was funner to go “you have until the song’s done. and go!” plus it’s a song about teeth. huge missed opportunity. you could’ve even just used the instrumental if you weren’t allowed to use the vocals.
musical number already? well, it is a thing a 13 year old girl would wish for, so ok. also Rachel is kinda great with how terrible she is.
huh, this Vicky sounds like the other one when she yells. and she’s a tecaher?? O.o!!! ok i did not see that one coming, though i guess that does fall in line with her desire to have power over small children (though why jr/high school kids???) but also...she’s 6 years older than Tim, so at minimum 11 years older than Viv, so she’d be 24? i guess you could be a first or second year teacher...and she said teacher not student-teacher...and her social calendar is that of the Grinch pft, ok.
another mention of Nate! he’s annoying, and lonely, ok...interesting...oh wait there he is in person!! ok so...uh...yeah, are you Remy’s baby brother or cousin? you...you not gonna tell me? ok show...
so...the plot of this episode is kinda Frenemy Mine?? i swear there was another one, and not Vicky Looses her icky...but maybe that is the one i’m thinking of as the secondary example. but yeah much more Frenemy Mine.
theme at 6 min in, we’re getting closer to the beginning
why are Ty and Rachel scared of Vicky? parents liked her as a babysitter (minus hers). is it because she’s a teacher now? also calling it just “sports ball” this show gets me XD
Dimmsdale’s historically-inaccurate Paris town. huh...ok, never knew that existed. 
lol wishing for a montage, most of which is green screened. pfft.
but i got a problem here, Vicky is far too nice. is it because she’s a mature adult now? because in Frenemy Mine she was still over the top terrible...or extreme at least. and this Vicky is far less clingy. but again, she’s a mature adult, so maybe it’s ok...oh there we go, once she’s attached to Roy she’s going hard mode because completion for friendship from the peanut gallery. much better.
also hello again Nate. yes Buxaplenty’s very rich, many yachts and boats, you haven’t sailed the friendship, the peanut gallery isn’t fawning over your money, cool yeah...are you Remy’s brother or cousin???
ok another green screen montage
Nate has an old over sized cell phone. clever?? and the peanut gallery has fallen in with him but are unenthused, cool ye he has no personality, are you Remy’s brother or cousin??? did his parents adopt you because rich people adopting orphans was trendy?? that’d be a horrible “joke” but you don’t resemble any Buxaplenty we’ve seen before now. or do you just coincidentally have the last name and are pretending to be rich...because that’s a really far stretch.
so Roy confirms Vicky is possessive of him...but she wasn’t possessive of Viv...
holy secret room and conspiracy board Catman!!! nope, rewind gotta pay close attention to all those photos. ahhhh!!! so many easter eggs!!!! and all illustrated when people are real (i need to stop getting hung up on that). Jorgen’s 70s wig, Delores and young Crocker photo, Crocker’s teeth getting bad when he lost his fairies??, Crocker scanning AJ, a shot from Wishology??, photo of Crocker’s journal??. this is Vicky’s secret room??? she’s the new Crocker??!!! HOW? WHY?? WHAT??? no, no commercial break pause, answer me now show, this is the first major continuity twist i am so invested in and shocked and amazed and into, explain yourself!!! (yay no actual commercial because streaming but you get the vibe). oh...Vicky didn’t make it but found it here, and yes this is the Jr High building. so...Crocker got transferred to the Jr High at some point (just like i wrote) 
and harhar saying Crocker drew that picture of himself when it’s his framed animation model. no, i’m not buying that all the other screen caps are all drawings in-universe, that doesn’t make sense. 
wait there’s a Dimmsdale Psychiatric Hospital? ok i can buy tha- VICKY IS IN LOVE WITH CROCKER????? WHAT THE FLIP FLYING WHATEVER?????????? i-you-what-no-you-WHAT-WHAT-WHAT!!!! what twisted fanfic are we in now, seriously????? Crocker is like 50s or 60s by  this point, and Vicky’s mid 20s to 30. that is...no. i-you-what???????
ok flashback to recent (as in not from the original series) events. ok...why would Vicky be upset about messing up her hair? i mean, sure, she was vain about her appearance as a 16 year old girl, but, uh...oh look, she has memories of Tim’s magic since he never lost his fairies, cool yes, lets focus on some continuity instead of, uh, the above paragraph...
oh, nope, can’t, since her motivation to find fairies is to free Crocker. ok, yeah, sure, uhhu...at least it seems very one sided and like he doesn’t know anything about this. ra i hope that remains the case, don’t tell me Crocker is totally into leading her on, because ew and yikes.
aw good on the peanut gallery for being faithful to their friend Roy. still watching you and waiting for answers Nate...
ok, so this episode overall was uh...well, it advanced the original story and uh...stuff...i...um...hm...ok, so removing the context that Crocker was probably Vicky’s teacher at some point and instead going with an idea that aside from the few team ups vs Timmy, they didn’t know each other, it...makes sense...nope, nope can’t really get behind it. i REALLY hope this si all Vicky and Crocker is just in the crazy house (with a lava lamp maybe??) and if she shows up he has no idea who she is but will  happily let her spring him because you don’t look a gift horse in the mouth...and because he also has a thing for redheads (i mean Ida and Waxelplax) but ew no that kinda made it bad again. i just...nope, nope, nope. moving onto the next episode, quickly!!
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bootleg-sara · 3 years
I’ve been possibly considering making Lazarus a secondary main character in the purgatory au.
Originally it was just Isaac who was the main focus. But I’ve been developing Isaac’s and Lazarus’ relationship so much that I’ve grown more attached to Laz than expected. Though I don’t really know how that would work, because at the current moment Lazarus never even enters the afterlife. Which is, ironic considering his play style. I do want to give him a more active role than just “main character’s friend” though.
Tbh I’ve been worrying so much about getting the world building down for this au that I forgot I need to actually make the story for it pfft. I have a rough idea of where I want things to go. Like I know who my focuses are, what plot points I want to hit and all that. But it’s all very muddy and mixed together. Certain parts are severely underdeveloped (specifically heaven. Sorry heaven you’re cool but I gotta figure out what to do with you) and others are just bullet points. I also, don’t have an ending so not a great start.
It is becoming an issue we’re I’ve spent so much time focusing on side plots that I don’t have the main story for Isaac himself. Which is, not good for many reasons. It’s certainly getting there but there’s elements I’ve added that I haven’t settled on yet. Isaac’s story and character is the one who has gone through the most changes by far. Lots of rewrites and scraped ideas. Which is a shame because there were some cool ones there.
In unrelated news, I just finished the first draft of another tboi fic, so that’s cool. All I need to do is proof read it a couple times for spelling/grammar. It’s the request I got for Lazarus! Been meaning to write something for him for awhile now. I think it’ll be out by either tomorrow or the day after. Depends on how I’m feeling then lmao.
Unfortunately the rescuers au fic is taking a lot longer than expected. And with me already a slow writer, that one will be a bit.
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dearjamesxo · 3 years
Lip Gloss
[in response to THIS ASK]
Billy x Leo, M lite, femboy!Leo
Tumblr media
Part 1 - Create temptation
Billy’s focus is shot. He must’ve read the same paragraph seven times, each time forgetting to absorb even a single, measly conjunction. The project is due in two days, and he’s supposed to present his part to his group in an hour to cut the fat. He procrastinated down to the wire, which isn’t usually a problem; in fact, he thrives under pressure, always pulling high marks out of his arse somehow despite doing the bulk of the work in a fraction of the time.
Bea wasn’t worried when he told her he was holing himself away in the library until he had to meet her, Spike and Susan to go over things. She knows Billy’s M.O. as well as anyone, knows he’ll piece together something coherent and impressive that will wow their teacher before they have to hand in the written half of their project.
And Billy’s absolutely going to do just that.
As soon as the gorgeous, young thing across from him stops being so bloody distracting.
The boy sits beneath the window, one table down in the chair that faces Billy, reading what Billy recognizes as The Catcher in the Rye. For what purpose, Billy doesn’t know; it’s not on the syllabus nor the recommended reading list. He can’t fathom someone would willingly subject themselves to that sort of horseshit. Horrible book, in Billy’s opinion, a pretentious waste of paper that serves no other purpose than to make the reader feel stupid for not vibing with the protagonist’s motivations when, in reality, Holden Caulfield is just a spoilt moron.
It’s not profound or artistic, it’s shallow, subpar nonsense.
Billy senses the boy across from him feels the same given the number of long-suffering sighs and adorable snorts the boy’s made in the span Billy’s been watchi—distracted by him. This isn’t the first instance Billy hasn’t been able to tear his gaze away from the boy – Leopold Wettin, though most of their classmates and teachers refer to him simply as Leo. Leo’s been distracting Billy since last year when Leo returned to school after spending the summer hols in Greece, sunbleached and bronzed. He came back different, maybe not confident but certainly more comfortable in his own skin.
Leo’s always been pretty; slight build and straight lines, a shy charm about him that appeals to the girls he hangs about with, though he wasn’t on Billy’s radar as anything more than a body filling the seat in Billy’s peripheral. But when Leo waltzed in that first day of the new school year in the girls’ kilt, knee-highs and chunky Doc Martens shoes, Billy n o t i c e d.
It took Billy a month to realize why Leo’s blue eyes seemed more startling, accentuated by an artful smudge of thin black liner and a generous layer of mascara that fans his long lashes perfectly. Christ, and then there’s the gloss, applied between classes when Leo thinks no one’s looking. Tinted very faintly, smeared with precision, and evened with a kiss, making Leo’s pout glisten a juicy petal pink that begs to be sampled.
A throat clears and Billy comes to, drowsy eyes dragging up from where they lingered on Leo’s mouth.
Well, shit.
Leo arches a slender brow, quirks a vague, Mona Lisa smile and asks, “See something you like?” in the overtly flirtatious tone he uses like a weapon against the boys in their year who torment him.
Billy blinks away the blur in his vision and straightens in his seat, chooses honesty because what does he have to lose: “Yeah.”
Crimson heat blossoms high on the arcs of Leo’s cheeks, flushing him sweetly. He licks his lips, a nervous tic that Billy doesn’t realize he emulates, and ducks his chin, slouching into his chest. Tipping his head, Billy watches Leo shrink and wonders; he’s never seen Leo this uncertain, meeting every challenge he encounters from the other boys with the sort of lofty courage required to be different and survive secondary school.
Billy pushes back his chair and stands, rounding his table to get to Leo’s. There, he pulls out the chair across from Leo and plops down, sprawling with his back against the wall, one arm on the back of the chair and the other on the surface of the table, knees spread. He sits quietly for a moment, openly admiring how Leo’s blush brings out the smattering of freckles across his face.
“Not what you were expecting?” Billy guesses.
Leo breathes a laugh, “No.” Then, bolder, “Not from you anyway.” He lifts his head again, turns to the side to glance out the window, the faded sunlight casting his features in gauzy relief, giving him a softer, more feminine appearance.
Billy feigns injury, hand over his heart, “Ouch. What’s that supposed to mean?”
Leo shifts, tilts forward, and folds his arms on the table, elbow pushing his book aside.
The collar of Leo’s shirt is loose, top few buttons undone and tie discarded. An assortment of thin, silver chains – some with simple pendants, others plain – are spun around his neck, drawing Billy’s attention downward. What Billy can see of Leo’s cream-pale chest is smooth, the peek of muscle within Leo’s shirt stirring something hot and hungry low in Billy’s gut.
“Just that boys like you don’t talk to boys like me.” Leo’s face pinches as if he sucked something sour, “Not unless they’re being dickheads.”
“You think I’m a dickhead?” Billy smirks.
With absolute surety, Leo says, “Yes.” before he tacks on in a loaded tease, biting and releasing his plush bottom lip coquettishly, “But you’re welcome to try and change my mind.”
The boy is a seductress in disguise, all cute stances, and bubble-gum tones on the outside and fiery, sex-kitten on the inside. He knows what he's doing, Billy can tell, has likely done this dance before, and doesn't that just send a sharp sting of jealousy through Billy. He bets Leo isn’t wearing Tesco tighty-whities under that rolled up kilt and, damn, does he want a chance to find out.
“Pfft,” Billy leans in, takes an exaggerated look around and says like it’s a secret, “I dunno, beautiful, I’m not sure you can handle it.”
“Oh?” Leo scoffs, gradually stands from his chair while bending further forward across the table, upper body supported by arms that squish the subtle mounds of Leo’s chest like cleavage. He arranges himself sinuously, hips hitched, arse in the air, back bowed, and blinks slowly at Billy, clicks his tongue, “I’m not so sure about that.”
This close, Billy can smell the light fragrance of whatever perfume Leo prefers, combined perfectly with the clean, salty tang of boysweat from their earlier PE class. He licks his lips again, pulled toward Leo as if by a string.
Truthfully, he wouldn’t be able to concentrate on his project if he was given millions of pounds to do it, anyway. Why not enjoy himself before being ripped a new one by Bea and the others?
“Care to find out?” He asks brazenly.
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feminaexlux · 4 years
A Day or 3 in the Life Of...
It was @bloody-no-kissu‘s birthday a week ago (oTL) and I made a Body Swap AU fic for her! Happy (belated) Birthday Bloody! Btw this is Part 1 of 2 🧡
Rated T for a little bit of language I guess
Marinette was still asleep sprawled out over her bed, sheets pushed off.
"Hey, wake up." She felt someone jab her in the side, so Marinette grumbled and turned away from the annoyance. Oddly enough, that other voice sounded like Juleka. "Are you still Marinette?"
Wh-what? Oh no, that's right. Marinette slowly opened her eyes and looked around. She was in Luka's room. In his bed.
In his body. Still.
Which meant that the akuma she defeated yesterday (in Luka's body, that was a surreal experience) wasn't the origin of this problem. She bolted upright, startling Juleka. "Wh-what time is it?!"
"Still Mar, then," Juleka sighed. "It's so weird seeing Lu all… like you, I guess," she mumbled, shaking her head. "Time for class."
"Which class?" Marinette groaned, covering Luka's face with Luka's hands. "Oh god I… I probably… ugh." She needed to… take a shower? Why was Luka's face so itchy? Did Luka need to shave?
Why was Luka's crotch so itchy? Oh no. How did he deal with this every day?
She got a ping on her phone from Luka. They had swapped phones just in case.
Next class is ____, I'll send you directions
Because Luka was in Marinette's body.
This was a very surreal sort of nightmare, but… on one hand Luka seemed very… respectful of the situation. If it had to be anyone, and if it had to be any boy in particular, Marinette had begrudgingly accepted that Luka was the best choice.
Neither Marinette nor Luka answered any calls but they kept sending out texts as needed. For the most part everyone around them didn't find things too strange about either of them. No one but Juleka and Luka's best friend figured it out for Marinette. Surprisingly, Alya immediately picked it up for Luka, but Alya never said a word to anyone else. Alya had followed enough akumas and spoke to enough victims to know that sometimes people were affected in deeply private ways.
But most people didn't notice the switch, which was a relief. Except it was almost heartbreaking that Adrien didn't seem to notice a change.
"Okay, Marinette, you can do this," she said, Luka's voice coming back instead of her own. She still needed to get used to how different his voice sounded when she was in his body.
thanks Luka. Here's my schedule…
how are you doing?
Fine, are you okay?
He seemed to be managing things for her well enough. Marinette wasn't sure if she should be upset or not, but he'd made and sold the excuse that Marinette had caught a cold and was feeling under the weather. That's why "Marinette" had been so… "chillax", as Alya called it.
as ok as we'll be
The only bad thing was he hadn't been nearly as concerned with dressing the part of a Fashion Designer (still in university) as Marinette had hoped for. He had just kinda thrown on whatever seemed comfortable and left her tiny dormitory room. Maybe he might have a better idea today? Marinette wasn't sure. Then again it didn't feel right to expect that from Luka, except for what happened yesterday.
Chloe Bourgouis had stopped him in the afternoon and tried to ridicule him in front of the whole campus. Marinette was there to watch it unfold (mostly because Luka didn't have anything scheduled at the time and Marinette was a natural busybody). Luka stood there calmly listening to Chloe provide a bulleted list of everything that had been such an atrocious fashion faux pas about lame Marinette Dupain-Cheng's choice in clothing.
Luka had looked thoughtful while Marinette was fuming. Chloe couldn't talk to Luka that way! Especially not when he was piloting her body!
Luka (as Marinette) had spoken up after thinking for a few seconds. "Interesting points. I'll consider that. But next time you don't have to be such a bitch about it." He had adjusted the backpack and continued walking off, leaving Chloe and Sabrina (and everyone really) in a relatively stunned silence.
Well, okay, Marinette supposed that was handled… alright. Marinette probably would have sputtered and squawked and made herself look worse but Luka seemed just… observant more than anything.
Now she was just overthinking. She shook her head to refocus on what to do next. Take a shower, get dressed, I should get some breakfast maybe? Head to Luka's class and maybe try to talk with Tikki after to figure out how the heck to break this… curse thing. If it wasn't the akuma yesterday… could it have been another akuma?
Empress was a trickier Butterfly user than Hawkmoth ever was, so maybe Empress had sent out a secondary akuma to wreak havoc more passively while the flashier one took Ladybug (or rather, Red Beetle for Luka's body) and Chat Noir's attention.
God, as if it wasn't hard enough trying to get through university. Now she and Chat Noir had to deal with a villain that was smart enough to use diversionary tactics. She got into Luka's class and sat at the back with Dingo, Luka's best friend. "Hey Dingo," Marinette sighed.
Dingo raised his heart-shaped sunglasses to his forehead and squinted at her. At Marinette in Luka's body. "Hey babes," he said casually. "Still a lil' scrambled, ain'tcha?" Marinette just nodded sadly. "Aww, come on baby girl don't worry. I'm sure Ladybub and Cat Nerd will figure it out!"
"God, I hope so," she said, leaning forward on the desk and dropping Luka's head in his arms. Luka would look like he'd passed out to anyone else but at least Marinette been recording the lessons on her phone for Luka so he'd be able to catch up. That had been what they agreed to when they first found out after waking up that they'd been swapped yesterday morning.
Now that was such a painfully awkward memory. Thankfully Luka was cool enough to accept her pathetic and inane attempt at an excuse to swap earrings. "They're a family heirloom," Marinette had pleaded. "I mean, they mean a whole lot to me! The me me, you know? I… I need to be the one to wear them?"
Marinette ended up being more thankful than anything that it had been Luka that fate had bound her to. He had just nodded and gently took the black studs off, handing it over to her without complaint.
She wasn't going to assume it meant anything more than his taking her word for it. If he knew she'd been Ladybug all this time, that'd… that'd be something, and that something wasn't good. Probably.
Dingo leaned in and whispered "How's Lulu?"
Marinette rolled her eyes. "I thought you and Luka text each other all the time."
"Pfft, like he'd say anything," Dingo snorted. He hid a smile from Marinette. "But you got a way with him, yanno? Maybe that feminine wiles of yours."
"Yeah, like I have any of that right now," Marinette rolled her eyes again. "It's just so awkward though. He's doing so much better than I am and I'm… I just hope I'm not messing anything up for him." She sighed and sat up only to slump down low in the chair.
"You're alright, Mari. Well. Probably. Imma say that maybe this whole body swap thing hopefully won't be permanent or anything you know? Me and Lulu have a gig coming up in a few weeks. You see I'm thinking maybe you didn't pay attention much to his 'guitar lessons'," Dingo had said with air quotes. "Not sure Luka was really teaching you at his best either," he snickered.
"Oh, oh God, I hope it's not permanent! Oh God Dingo why did you have to go and even suggest that?" Marinette groaned, putting Luka's head in Luka's hands. "This is already pretty stressful! Ugh, I wish I knew how to deal with it like Luka does."
Dingo snorted. "Trust me, he's 100% as freaked out as you are."
"No way."
"Yeah? Next time you see him, you take a good look at his hands."
Okay, Marinette wanted to meet up so they could swap notes for the day. This was fine, this was perfectly reasonable. She had wanted to do that yesterday and that went fine, just fine. Everything was just fine.
Luka wasn't going to mention that maybe he spent maybe an hour staring at… himself? Well, okay, at Marinette. He hadn't been sure it'd be comfortable going to bed with her hair still up in pigtails. When he pulled off the hairbands as gently as he could and her hair came undone like it did, it caught his eye and he looked up at the mirror and saw that Marinette was…
Gorgeous, that was the word.
He'd lost his ability to think for a while. She'd never let her hair loose in front of anyone and he had no idea why. He knew she was already pretty and cute and adorable but… something about the loose hair took it up a couple of notches.
So yeah, he wouldn't mention that little detail to her. He'd be seen as kind of a hypocrite after he told her he didn't… didn't really think about her that way. God, why did he say that? "Bodies are bodies, Marinette," he had told her, when she had freaked out about him having to… do anything in the bathroom.
He'd meant it at the time. He'd treat her body like a temple. He did. He really tried to anyway. He just also… appreciated like any good tourist would, maybe? Oh God that was creepy, stop thinking about it Couffaine.
Okay, she was going to get here in a few minutes.
He wasn't going to mention anything about her hair. He wasn't sure how to get it back into the pigtails again but he tied it back in low ponytail. Hopefully she'd be okay with that? He wanted to keep things fairly consistent for her, and he'd never seen her not have her hair tied so he managed a ponytail.
He also tried dressing up, sort of. It hadn't been at all what he intended but he got more attention yesterday trying to dress casually rather than less. That… Bourgeois lady had tried to bitch at him for wearing track pants or something. Along with a hoodie. Luka was honestly baffled at how seriously Chloe took everything about Marinette's clothes. He had heard from Juleka that Chloe was a major pain in the ass, but having to deal with it in person was… an experience. And it was over clothes? Did Chloe Bourgeois have nothing better to do?
He knew Marinette had a little drama and spitfire in her too, but the way Marinette used her force of personality was to help everyone.
Luka loved her for that. Still.
But she wasn't supposed to know that. He did his best to let her know it back 5 years ago when he was 16 and a bit less reserved with his stupid music puns, but she wasn't into him. That was fine, that was totally fine.
Except maybe it wasn't entirely. And this? This body swap thing? Probably pure karma for him just… being an idiot or something. Or being a complete and utter… coward. Now Hawkmoth or Empress or Karma or whatever spiteful Divine Entity had punished him by putting his mind in her body.
The really unfair bit was that she was in his. Marinette didn't deserve any of this crap. Still, it wasn't like he was Ladybug and could fix everything with a Lucky Charm. God he had no idea how to fix this, and it hadn't been the akuma yesterday!
"Hey?" It was something like his voice coming from nearby. Luka looked up and saw… himself, looking somewhat amused. "Did you wait long?"
"Not really. What's up?"
Marinette, in his body, sat down and pulled out her phone. "Just wanted to send over the class notes before I forgot. Also I wanted to check in and um, I guess, see how it was going with you?"
"It's fine." It was fine. It was all just fine. He finally noticed she was staring at his hands, and he looked down and saw that he'd been tapping the little café table with her pen. Apparently hard enough that he made a slight indentation to the wood top. Whoops. "Oh." He stopped and put the pen back in Marinette's bag. "Sorry about that."
"Hey, Luka, you know it's… Are you sure you're okay?"
He stared up… into his own face. God that was going to take some getting used to… then again he really didn't want to get used to having a literal out-of-body experience. Somehow even though Luka was a generally expressive guy, Marinette being the pilot meant that the facial expressions on him were slightly… more? Maybe not exaggerated but definitely more obvious. He actually thought he looked kinda goofy and winced. "Uh, just… it's still weird. That's all."
"Yeah. I'm really hoping it's something Ladybug and Chat Noir can fix. And soon."
"Oh, did something come up?" Luka asked.
"Er, um. Well, no?" Marinette stumbled. "I just meant I'd… not that your body's like bad or anything but I'd love to be back in my own body! I'm sure you hate being in me." Marinette choked. "I-I-I mean… oh god." She facepalmed. "A-anyway, ahem. Yeah." She pushed her phone out toward him. "Here, uh, just so you're not missing anything relevant!" She laughed nervously.
"Do you think it's actually an akuma?" Luka asked, suddenly hit with a suspicion. "I'm wondering why the Ladybugs didn't… fix this. Do you know anyone else that's going through this?"
Marinette blinked, then frowned, putting a finger to her chin. His chin. Whatever. "No, actually. Not even the LadyBlog mentioned anything like this. But what else could it be?"
"I don't know. I'm throwing it out there just in case it's not the obvious answer. I don't have a suggestion on what it could be though."
"Ugh," Marinette groaned, resting his head on the table. "Why is this happening…" She raised his head back up. "Oh, good choice in clothes, by the way."
He stifled a laugh. "Thanks. Didn't want to get you in trouble with Chloe again."
"Pfft, ignore her. She's just petty."
"Did you have to deal with that before?" Luka asked, feeling slightly guilty that he'd unintentionally made Marinette an easy target.
"For the past 10 years or so, yeah. Don't worry, she's always been kind of a bi--bothersome." Marinette had caught herself in time before uttering anything untoward. "Where'd you find that jacket? I thought I lost it a while back," Marinette giggled.
Oh crap. He probably should have thought about what to say about all this but he had… he really had gone through her closet and dresser trying to find something that he thought Marinette would wear. He wasn't a designer in any sense of the word, but he kind of remembered Juleka talking about some of the clothes and the styles she'd modeled when she got steady gigs from a punk design house.
He also figured that Marinette would look good in red and black.
It'd been a somewhat self-indulgent early morning of him trying out a few different outfits Marinette had, and trying to figure out what she looked best in. He had grabbed a red half-jacket and a slim, short black dress and almost tried wearing heels but went for the practical ballet flats Marinette usually wore. He wanted to be stylish, not accident-prone.
"Hey?" Marinette waved a hand in front of him.
"Sorry, was trying to remember where," he smiled. "But I can't. I'm just glad you approve," he said. Oh, that… that was another thing. "And… a couple of other people approved as well." This was going to hurt. "Adrien said you looked lovely in this." She did, but it felt kind of wrong to say that while he was inhabiting her body.
"O-oh really?" Marinette had blushed and tried to cover it up by coughing. "That's nice!"
This was really going to hurt. "Yeah. He asked you out, by the way, but I said you… you'd think about it. He says he's good next weekend for dinner and a movie."
Marinette looked pale. Which was pretty odd in his skin tone. "We have a problem," Marinette groaned. She took her phone back from in front of Luka and scrolled to her messages.
Hi Marinette, it turns out that I didn't have next weekend free. Let's meet up tomorrow!
"I didn't know what Adrien was talking about until you just explained it," Marinette said anxiously.
"Maybe you should tell him no?" Luka half-asked, already knowing that she'd never shoot down Adrien. He knew it was the one chance she had to finally have Adrien notice her as more than just-a-friend. Only Luka was the one that looked like Marinette right now.
"I-I think… I mean we could… we could wake up back to normal tomorrow?" she laughed, brushing hair away from her… his face in a nervous gesture. She stopped, staring down at something. He looked at the same place and noticed she was staring at his… her hand.
Luka had been unconsciously tightening Marinette's hands into fists so hard they had white knuckles.
"You're… right. I should say no, I'll go ahead and say no." Marinette said simply. "If we're still in… this mess tomorrow it's… not fair to you." She smiled down sadly at Luka, reaching out with his hands to unclench and massage hers. It felt… intimate. And… it felt like he was asking Marinette to keep silently suffering like she'd been all these years. He knew how much that sucked.
"I'll do it," Luka said impulsively. "If we're still… like this tomorrow, I'll go ahead and… make it work."
"Luka, you don't need to…" Marinette trailed off, their hands still intertwined.
He tried to smile. "Hey, I think it's time, right? Finally Adrien's noticed. You gotta take this chance."
Marinette looked back down at their hands. "Adrien noticed… the outfit," she muttered to herself. "And he noticed you…"
"But… if you're willing to help me out, I… I think this is a good opportunity. I've always wanted to see what would happen, and… maybe this is a blessing. You won't be a wreck like I'd be, anyway!"
Luka had his doubts.
Marinette had a plan. She had almost decided on an outfit for Luka to wear except… well that wasn't what Adrien had noticed. She had asked if Luka wanted to style himself again, but… his reply was oddly sweet. Luka had just said "This is your date. I want you to feel comfortable and be happy with it. That includes wearing whatever you want me to."
It wasn't as if she hadn't already planned out the whole date thing in her head about 25 million times and 25 million variations. She knew exactly how she wanted it to go: what to wear, which movie to see, where to go for dinner that encompassed both convenience and privacy. She'd tried to be considerate of Adrien Agreste, semi-permanent bachelor supermodel (and how it might look to other people). She had checked the weather and the sunset time and if certain places were open for the day and if everything was walkable. She just had to adjust for the fact that it was Luka that would actually be on the date and not her.
Actually, if she thought about it, it was a lot better this way for multiple reasons. She'd be free to go out and do her Ladybug duties if the need arose, and Luka was a mirror-surface lake compared to her turbulent white water nerves.
Marinette and Luka had agreed on a somewhat discreet earpiece if there was something that had to be communicated immediately. Marinette didn't want to admit it to herself, but… there was something about this whole situation where she felt… her future was safe in Luka's capable hands. She owed him big time.
Which was why when the date ended, she was so, so thankful that she'd been in Luka's body instead of her own.
"Hey, that was fun!" Adrien said cheerfully. "Next time we should bring Alya and Nino with us."
That sounded… wrong. At least, that sounded like it didn't belong in a romantic date. "… What do you mean?" Luka asked. He'd been doing everything Marinette had asked and it still lead to this? Did Luka really ruin this somehow?
"It was great to hang out, just the two of us, but I think the more the merrier right?"
Luka was confused. "… Hang out? This wasn't a date?"
"Yeah, like a friend-date, right? You'd been so down recently that Nino said I should take you out to cheer you up!"
Oh jeez. "Are… are you kidding me, Agreste? You invite a girl out to dinner and a movie and you say it's not a date?" Luka asked, an edge of acidity in his voice. "How could you lead a girl on like that?"
Adrien looked taken aback. "We've been friends forever, Marinette. You've been feeling down. I thought friends did things like this to cheer you up?" Adrien started looking panicked. "Oh no, did… did you think this was a date? I-I thought Kagami was just being weird when I said you wouldn't think of me like that! I should have listened--"
"What the hell does Kagami have to do with all of this?"
"I'm dating Kagami, Marinette! I've been with Kagami ever since you got us together! That's why I didn't think you'd mistake this for a date!"
"Luka…" he heard Marinette sigh shakily over the earpiece. But no, this was… this was bad. And Luka was angry.
"For a man who's a freaking model and supposed to be meticulously worried about your image, can't you pull your head out of your ass for one second and take a good look at what's happening? You do not take a girl out to dinner alone, especially a girl that's been in love with you for ages, and say that it's not a date after it's done."
"'In love'?! Wh-what? Marinette, I'm… I'm sorry that it happened this way but… I don't understand. I'm with Kagami!"
The Couffaine Chaos energy nearly overtook Luka and he realized he had drawn back Marinette's arm and fist in preparation for decking the ignorant blond. But… this wasn't going to help. Luka lowered her arm and started breathing to calm himself down, realizing a little after the fact that Marinette was yelling at him over the earpiece. "Okay. Fine. If you wanna play it this way, Adrien, fine. I have to tell you, though. I hope you treat Kagami better than this." Luka got Marinette's jacket back from Adrien and threw her evening bag over his… her shoulder. "I'm out. I'll make my way back home."
"Marinette, I'm really sorry!" Adrien yelled after her, trying to grab her arm.
Luka spun back around, batting Adrien's reaching arm away and said "Shut it if you know what's good for you, Agreste. Don't touch me."
Marinette slumped down in her chair outside the theater. Well, that could have gone worse, maybe? she thought at herself. She shook her head and jumped up, running after Luka, who was more or less stomping away in her body. If she'd been able to see clearly she might have commented to herself that basically everyone in Luka's path dove out of the way of his murder walk. But she had… some problems seeing that had nothing to do with the nighttime or Luka's vision and more to do with the fact that she'd been crying.
Because she made Luka have to go through that.
Because she felt more relief than anything, after the fact.
Not because of the final nail in her Agreste Infatuation coffin sinking in and closing off forever her already long-dead feelings over Adrien.
"Luka!" She yelled at him. With his voice. "Luka, wait."
He spun and looked back at Marinette. At himself. He was… he was both angry and extremely worried. "Marinette, I am so sorry," he said to her. "I… I'm sorry. I messed this up for you. God I am so--"
Marinette started laughing. She wasn't sure what had come over her, but Luka was actually acting like she would have and it looked… comical. Because he did nothing wrong. She brushed the tears from Luka's face and sighed. "No, don't be sorry, Luka. You didn't mess anything up. I… I think we were set up!" Marinette laughed again. "God, I'm glad that's over," she breathed out.
"Are… you alright?" Luka asked, as still and as quiet as a mouse. He tightened his grip on her bag and she knew he'd been trying to hide his discomfort.
"I'm… I'll be fine," Marinette giggled, a spillover of the increasingly bizarre reaction of hers. "I'm just… I gotta take a few to um… process this," she continued giggling.
Luka continued holding her bag in a death grip. "Alright. I'm… we should head home."
"No, wait," Marinette said, reaching for… her own hand. "Wait." She gently unfurled Luka's grip and straightened out the fingers, massaging the hand again. "We should talk. Let's… let's get a drink. Like a smoothie or something, not like at a bar. I'm not sad, really."
Luka looked skeptical and Marinette had to laugh. The less exaggerated doubt on her own face was somehow more effective than the overly dramatic disbelief she usually had. "Sure," he said, still doubtful. "But… Juleka's probably at Rose's right now. Let's head back to my place and we'll talk there."
"Better yet," Marinette said, her giggling finally under control. "Let's go back to my place." She didn't have to worry about roommates, at least.
"Hey. I really am sorry about the whole thing," Luka said quietly.
Marinette smiled at him. "Luka, you're…" She pulled him into a hug. "You're wonderful, I hope you know that. You did exactly what I asked for. None of this is your fault." God she was so tiny in his arms. "Thank you. For everything."
"Right," he said slowly. "Okay. Let's go get some smoothies."
End pt 1
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Here is another list for quarantine. Been binge reading these two and had to make a list specifically for this trope, so hope you enjoy. All fics will be complete unless the ∆ symbol is next to it.
my previous bkdk fic rec: [[X]]
1. Gravity by warschach
Izuku is back in his hometown and plenty hasn't changed much from the 8 years he was gone. Except, Katsuki Bakugou, the alpha king of their small town. He's hotter- because that's fair, right, God? -, stronger, a now-famous pro fighter, and noticeably nicer this round.
Not that he cares, pfft.
Ha, Izuku Midoriya caring about Katsuki Bakugou, thinking he's pretty cute and not half bad once you get past the asshole persona; though that gargantuan ego of his could take a dive off a very tall cliff.
(Fine, he cares.)
2. Waiting For You by Darkanny
In a moment of impulsiveness, Izuku declares he will allow any Alpha to claim him who can best him in battle, on his own terms.
The problem is that there is already someone fighting for that prize, and for a long time has been.
3. Total Knock Out by KyuukaKoinu
It was love at first punch.
In which Katsuki is a cocky alpha who needs to be taken down a peg, and Izuku is just the man willing to give him a bloody nose.
4. Stay by Amanzala
Izuku is pregnant, Bakugou does not want the baby. It causes a strain in their marriage. They drift apart until their home breaks.
Bakugou feels regret and tries to patch things up but it just might be too late.
5. As Fate Would Have It by ScientificallySinful
Katsuki Bakugo had plenty of reasons why he wasn't mated yet, not that he was going to explain why to just anyone. But now, Ground Zero was running out of time. If he didn't find someone soon, he'd lose his position as a Pro-Hero and he'd never get to be #1. So, when he finds out there's a male Omega recently arrested for prostitution that's headed to prison if he too doesn't get a mate…well it must be fate.
Izuku Midoriya doesn't know if he should laugh or cry when his childhood bully shows up in front of his jail cell asking him to be his mate. He also didn't know if it was good or bad that Kacchan didn't seem to recognize him, but fate hasn't been kind to him before so why should it start now?
6. ∆ Bleeding Emerald by The_Fanfiction_Alchemist
Katsuki isn’t an idiot. He knows that Izuku and him aren’t exclusive. He’s the one who had made that perfectly fucking clear when Izuku had dropped down to his knees and blew him for the first time all those months ago.
Summary: Katsuki struggles with his growing attachment towards Izuku and his jealousy towards others who get to spend the same sort of "time" with him.
7. Don't Bite by bkdkink
Katsuki always spent his ruts alone in his family cabin out by the mountains deep within the woods.
Then he found a body covered in blood and snow, and it's far more alive than he first realized.
8. Change of Plans by Mikacrispy
Life doesn't care about how you want things to go.
Alpha Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki never planned to get married to some random omega but what he wants isn't an option anymore.
One for All wielder Midoriya Izuku has suffered injustice too many times and doesn't plan in allowing his secondary gender to dictate how he must live his life.
Falling in love was never in the plans.
9. ∆ (Un)Marked by angel_baby
Being marked was considered as an honor in the world of lycanthropy. It was known as an intimate connection between two individuals (either it be Alphas, Betas, or Omegas) whose souls were immediately bonded for a lifetime.
It was once Izuku Midoriya's dream to be marked with an Alpha who'd love him unconditionally and was powerful enough to protect him from all dangers. Unfortunately, bad luck was on his side soon crushing all hopes and dreams of being marked.
After unintentionally trespassing into another pack's territory, the Omega encounters the bad-mouthed, cruel Pack Alpha who just so happens to be a familiar face from the past.
The chances of this particular Alpha mending the Omega's heart is literally zero.
However, fate has a funny way of sorting things out.
10. ∆ Live Wire by sleepystorm
Katsuki loosened his grip on his wrist, releasing the tattered bracer to let it clatter pathetically to the ground. The only thing protecting Izuku’s gland was the bandaging, but it wasn’t enough, and immediately, an acrid scent not unlike smoke began to fill the space between them. Izuku flinched away despite it coming from his own wrist, but as if it were encouraged by his horror, there it was. Right under the sick odor was a tangier, but certainly more clear scent.
Any alpha knew it instinctively, and Izuku could tell the very second it hit Katsuki’s nose. His malicious grin fell away, dimming in brightness as his brows twitched together in confusion.
Distressed omega always had such an effect on them.
Alternatively, the Midoriya and Bakugou kingdoms have been at war long enough for people to stop asking why there was a conflict in the first place. Izuku and Shouto, one of the Midoriya kingdom's best bonded pairs, go to extract information from the Bakugou campaign trail. Following a failed escape, the two are captured, and Izuku is declared the prince's rightful mate.
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