#James Bucky Jr
eunoiaastralwings · 9 months
Mini Series - Bucky with reader and son
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Read alone series - you dont have to read all or in order:
Your Baby’s Weird but Amusing Obsession
James Bucky Jr seems to be have weird by cute little obsession with his dad’s metal arm - amusing you and affectionally annoying Bucky.
Baby Shark
Bucky is stuck at home babysitting Junior with Sam - but instead of watching the premier basketball game they are stuck with Baby Shark.
A Snowy Winter
Bucky watches as his son looks out the window at the snow with awe and excitement but looks away as he remembers his own traumatic experience with the snow and happened to him.
The Marriage Certificate
Bucky wants the cert gone. . .flames bye. . . only you and Jay matters.
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moonlight-ee · 6 days
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That’s America’s ass!
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me when I get seven likes on my post:
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yvieliny · 1 year
Shit my friends have said as Maruader Promps:
Modern Marauders looking for a place to do their social service
Sirius: We could just apply for Femeri like the girls
Remus: They won’t accept us because you know…we have cocks
Peter: Cocks?
James: Yeah you know…cocks
Peter: The male chicken?
Sirius and James dying of laughter
Remus: What?! No Pete you know cock. C-O-C-K . Cock
Peter starts searching it on google, and the definition of cock as a rooster appears
James dying of laughter: Click images
Peter clicks images
James turns bright pink as other students heard since they were in the library
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your-darling-gaze · 22 days
This dropped. And I found some... questionable names I. HOPE. these are not just cameos please.
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Martin Freeman, Ben Affleck.
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Tomorrow Cruise, Henry Cavill, Emma Stone.
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Pedro Pascal, Karen Gillan, Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds.
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Chris Evans (POST ENDGAME?! ), Sebastian Stan (POST TFATWS?!), Tessa Thompson, Bradley Cooper.
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Hayley Atwell.
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itsagentromanoff · 7 months
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Pain. Fear. Regret.
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supercap2319 · 11 months
Bucky jr plays your butt like bongos.
Y/N had to bite back the moan that threatened to escape his lips as he felt James Jr. playing his bare ass like bongos, while he casually watched something on Netflix.
It wasn't the weirdest thing they've ever done, but it was certainly a new kink. If you could even call it that. Bucky Jr. was like his father, Bucky Sr. A flirt that left you red all over with excitement and embarrassment.
Bucky Jr. smacked his ass hard and squeezed and tugged on his bare butt cheeks as Y/N gripped the sheets of his bed and buried his face in a nearby pillow and moaned. James smiled and laughed at Y/N's reaction.
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hainethehero · 1 year
A JOSS WHEDON HATER FOREVER- a think piece on how Avengers 1 set up Steve Rogers to be the MCU's punching bag for the rest of the franchise
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(We all know Joss Whedon is an absolute garbage person. He's done many horrible things including being a racist, sexist moron who should be behind literal bars.) This is a commentary on his absolute shit writing for Avengers 1.
This one particular scene and the one following it is purely poor writing & direction for the character of Steve Rogers.👇
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After Coulson dies, Fury addresses Steve and Tony and tosses Coulson's bloodied Captain America cards at Steve. He says something like "guess you never found the time to sign them" which is just horribly cruel and though not OOC for Fury, is not something he'd say lightly. We later realize here👇
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...that he's secretly trying to put together the team. This is where he makes his big "there was an idea" speech and mentions that "Stark knows this." Because yeah, Tony was made aware of this in Iron Man 1 when Coulson visited and told Pepper. In contrast, Steve had no idea about the Avengers Initiative.
In fact, the dude was just pulled from the Valkyrie in the ice!! In the beginning scene of Avengers 1, we see him at the gym with the punching bag having LITERAL WAR FLASHBACKS about Bucky and Peggy and the Howlies! He's not stable and yet Fury confronts him and ropes him into the mission to get the Tesseract. Steve says, "you should've left it where you found it." And I can't help but think that maybe Steve means himself as well because dude just lost EVERYONE & EVERYTHING he literally knew and cared about.
Anyway, back to the point, Steve knows nothing about the Initiative but is suddenly made to feel guilty about Coulson's death in some kind of roundabout way of "convincing him to join the team" in honor of Coulson.
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And then, to make matters WORSE, in the next scene they make HIM comfort Tony 👇
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They make him say, "im sorry" (like it was his fault???!) and "he was just doing his job" and "is this the first time you've lost a soldier?" LIKE WTAF???
First of all, Steve barely knows these people! Second, he was fond of Coulson and I'm sure they would've been close friends. But did they have to GUILT-TRIP Steve into joining the team? Like, that's just dumb and proves that they don't actually give a fuck about his character!
AND TALK ABOUT MEAN! Fury at least knew about Steve losing Bucky on that train. He KNOWS Steve's first words when he woke up from sleep was "I had a date" reflecting the tragedy of the man out of time. To just rip him out of sleep and thrust him into a mission and later making him feel guilty about Coulson was just pure cruelty, making SHIELD no better than HYDRA. They all saw Steve as a pawn, another mindless soldier to carry out their missions and I hate JW for that.
Steve's character was not accurately portrayed nor was his trauma properly dealt with and so this is why today, we see alot of MCU "fans" calling Steve the worst avenger, lame, boring and basically a crutch to Tony's genius. (I'm a huge Tony Stark fan, don't @ me). It just felt that the mcu wanted to make Tony the ultimate hero- which is fine, Nothing's wrong with that- but they did it at the expense of Steve's character and trauma.
Sadly, this narrative continues all the way down to Endgame and for that I will always hate JW & the mcu's portrayal of Steve Rogers.
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bedbug james :D
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nerdbrazil · 4 months
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3-cats-in-a-coat · 6 months
Songs in the album To Bring You My Love by PJ Harvey as random characters that they remind me of:
To Bring You My Love (the song): Lily Evans Potter, Regulus Black, Sirius Black (in PoA), Lady Gotham, Talia al Ghul, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Jason Todd, baby!stalker!Tim Drake and (regretfully because contrary to how much she shows up in this list, I don’t actually think she’s in any way innocent but I unfortunately can’t deny the amount of vibes) Bellatrix Black Lestrange.
Meet Ze Monsta: Regulus Black, Lily Evans, Bellatrix Lestrange, Lady Gotham, and (only in CoS) Ginny Weasley.
Working For The Man: Bellatrix Lestrange, Barty Crouch jr (I still hate him for what he did to Neville and his parents), Lady Gotham, Bucky Barnes, Lily Evans (it’s more like she’s dating ‘The Man’ but), Talia al Ghul (she’s trying to stop though), Bruce Wayne as Batman (‘The Man’ is actually Lady Gotham but who cares), and lastly Jason Todd as Red Hood (he is ‘The Man’).
C’mon Billy: Talia al Ghul (to Bruce, the son is Damian), Lily Evans and James Potter (to Regulus, the son is Harry, Jegulily), Tonks (to Remus, the son is Teddy, I don’t ship them but I love Teddy), Remus Lupin (wishing Sirius was alive so he could meet Teddy), and Lady Gotham (giving Bruce Wayne yet another child).
Teclo: Jason Todd, Roy Harper, Tim Drake, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Lily Evans, James Potter, Regulus Black, Bucky Barnes, and Steve Rogers.
Long Snake Moan: Lily Evans, Remus Lupin (usually just before his time of the month), Marlene McKinnon, and Bellatrix Lestrange.
Down By The Water: (trans?) Regulus Black (obviously), Walburga Black (after Regulus died, I still hate her for what she did to her children), Sirius Black (if he saved Regulus), Lily Evans, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Talia al Ghul (when she dunked Jason in The Pit), Lady Gotham, and Bucky Barnes.
I Think I’m a Mother: Lily Evans, Walburga Black, Bellatrix Lestrange, Lady Gotham, and Talia al Ghul.
Send His Love To Me: Lily Evans, Regulus Black, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Jason Todd, and Bucky Barnes.
The Dancer: Bruce Wayne, Lily Evans, Regulus Black, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Steve Rogers, and Bucky Barnes.
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eunoiaastralwings · 9 months
Bucky with wife!reader and their baby son Jay:
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moonlight-ee · 5 days
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The OG 6 and then Bucky 😂
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James: *kissing Regulus aggressively* Sirius: *Walks in* Hi! James: … Regulus: … Sirius: bye! *Slams door*
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yvieliny · 1 year
Shit my friends have said pt2. As the Marauders
Modern Marauders chilling in their dorm
James: What if women laid eggs during their periods?
Sirius: People would sell them on only fans
Peter: And I would buy them
James , Sirius and Remus turn to look at Peter weirdly
Peter: For research purposes of course…
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steelbluehome · 4 months
Fic Rec
Archive of Our Own
Barnes looked at him briefly at that point, before re-focusing in the middle distance again.  Tony began to associate that with Barnes reporting-mode. “Objective 1: Prevent legal authorities from gaining knowledge of the identity, whereabouts and actions of the Asset.  Objective 2: Do not cause further harm to Howard and Maria Stark. Objective 3: Locate a telephone and call 9-1-1 and report car crash caused by Asset’s previous mission. Objective 4: Destroy all other evidence of Asset’s previous mission.  Objective 5: Prevent previous handlers from tracking, obtaining or locating Asset. Objective 6: Retrieve all possible data on Winter Soldier Program. Objective 7: Locate new handler when the Handler is isolated and the interaction will go unnoticed.”
Tony’s eyes grew wider as the Asset recited these objectives in a perfectly steady, blank voice.  “I said all that? With a concussion? Oh, eat! You look terrible. I think you took a few liberties with my instructions.”
Barnes paused after a bite and obediently parroted back a conversation Tony didn’t remember that well.   “ ‘Cover your tracks with the authorities, don’t hurt my parents, call 911 for the crash, destroy all other evidence.  Make sure your handlers won’t come after you and bring all data you can about your program. Find me when you are done and we are both alone and no one will notice you.’” 
Although the entire thing was in his gravely voice, he’d used inflections he must remember from Tony over a year ago. Tony had to admit it did sound a bit like him, even with a concussion.
From Never Doubt (part 1 of the Way leads onto Way series) chapter 8, I took the One Less Traveled By
Author: FawnoftheWoods
My Super Quick Summary-
Tony Stark is sent back into the past and realizes he can save his parents. Complications arise. Chief among them, he seems to be stuck in the past. More immediate problem, he is now in control of the Winter Soldier.
Tony and James fumble their way towards deprogramming.
Lovely Found Family fic.
Eventually WinterIron but there is no hint of that for several stories, so if that isn't your thing, you still might want to give it a try.
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