#Like how he come back after a fail mission and get punished for it
chewysgummies · 5 months
Y'know, considering the possibility that Killbot 86 is from a manufacturing factory, I wonder how his creator/boss will look like
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kazuko-stuff · 6 months
Unexpected Conversations
Reader is Bruce Wayne’s daughter
Relationship: mentioned! Established Wayne! Reader x Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne x daughter reader, Damian Wayne x sister reader, Wayne reader talking with Ra Al Ghul
Summary: based on my written prompt on which Wayne reader gets kidnap by League of Assassins but gets a conversation of life with Ra Al Ghul
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You didn’t know how you got into this situation. You and Dick were just having a nice night together in your shared apartment only to get attacked by minions of the League of Assassins. Dick managed to get rid of them but only to kidnap you while he fought back. Now you are being taken by Talia, your younger half brother’s biological mother. You stay quiet for the whole time, knowing Talia isn’t someone you should mess with. At least they weren't tied up but you were still intimidated by her presence. Despite being Batman’s daughter, your father was quite an overprotective father and you could only help out at the cave, since he wanted you to have a normal childhood and you knew you weren’t the vigilante type.
“You're quite the quiet type” Talia’s strong voice suddenly spoke up as you were in your thoughts.
“Umm, I… well you did kidnap me all of the sudden and I know you kidnapped me to lure my father and Damian, isn’t that right” you answered the woman in front of you, not knowing what to say.
“ I guess the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree” she muttered to herself quietly but you pick it up anyway.
“Are you saying that you initially thought I don’t have anything related to my father except my hair color” you said out loud to her.
“Well your stubborn and smart, I have to admit that”
You then wondered if Talia just complimented you in her own way, seeing the similarities with Damian and his mother, as you remember all the times you bonded with him when he was adjusting his time at the manor as well as getting use to doing normal activities kids in his age usually do, including interrupting date nights with Dick. Speaking of Dick, you hope he would survive your father’s wrath and Damian as well.
(Dick’s POV)
“Tell me that again” ordered the Bat as he glared at his former protege while Damian was sharpening his katana while Alfred almost fainted at the shock of the lady being kidnapped. Nightwing, in all things that terrifies himself when it comes to Bruce Wayne or the Batman, it always has to do with him being in a relationship with his daughter. When the first time he told him how he found out, he purposely sent him to secret missions as a test before that meeting to see if he is worthy of protecting his daughter. He remembers how he purposely intimidated her ex-boyfriend in high school and the time when he had to have the “talk”.
However, this is worse. He not only failed to protect his girlfriend but ended up getting kidnapped by one of Batman’s greatest foes, Ra Al Ghul. He knows it’s Bruce getting understandably scared for his daughter’s safety but he also knows that he will receive his wrath for letting her get in danger.
“Grayson” as Damian stands up after finding sharpening his katana. “I expect you are going to face punishment for failing to protect my sister” he glares at him. “ When we have our daily training next time, I won’t hold back”.
Dick knew this was going to happen. Ever since the little bat came to live at the manor, he grew attached to you since she was the only one who welcomed him with open arms despite the circumstances. However overtime, he decided to purposely get in between in his intimate moments with her, much to his chagrin. You often scold him like a child who stole cookies from the jar, whenever he tries to reprimand Damian for spoiling his dates with you.
“Get ready” as Batman suddenly spoke up as Nightwing and Robin looked at him. “ I guess mother is nice enough to let us know where sister is located at” as he looks at the message being sent to them. “Well it’s the knight’s job to save the princess from the villain” as nightwing looked at the coordinates.
“Tt, you as the knight in shining armor,like in those video games and stories in children’s books. Please, you must be joking, maybe the wandering traveler if anything” he bluntly puts in after seeing Dick’s expression of being a knight of saving his princess.
“Hey, it’s not stupid and besides, when we were kids we often played princess, where I was the knight in shining armor, y/n as the princess that needs to be saved from the monster, with Bruce being the dragon.” He snaps at the little bird as Damian was shocked that his own father was interested in this type of activity.
“Well let’s just get going. Who knows what your grandfather and mother are doing to her. She must be scared of being alone” as Dick frets over the failure of not protecting the woman he loves. “Don’t worry, I am sure that Miss y/n would make it out alright, she is stubborn as her father, so I know her strength will help her persevere” as Alfred gets the bat plane ready.
“ I am willing to fight against my mother if she does anything to my sister” as Damian enters the bat plane.
(Reader POV)
As you got to where Talia wants you, you were surprised that instead of a prison, it was a nice room. Knowing you were taken by the League of Assassins, your best bet was that you were taken to a prison, knowing what they were capable of. But why did you get a guest room if anything?
“ I wasn’t expecting this type of hospitality” as you break the silence after seeing the place.
“ Well knowing the possibility of Gotham's princess being kidnapped may be public, the least I could do is not make it not too extreme. Also you aren’t much of a threat, so there’s that” as Talia responds to you.
“Yeah that type of news is not appealing, but you are aware that my father, Damian and Nightwing are coming, right?
“Yes I’m aware, I even sent them the message of your location here” as Talia looks at you.
“You could have even tie me up or sent me to the dungeons just like the other people you have targeted as well as giving them a threat but you didn’t” as you wondered out loud at Talia
“ Well it’s true we wanted to draw Batman and Damian out but Ra Al Ghul did want to talk to you specifically since he wanted to know the other child of your father” as Talia sits in the chair.
“ I am afraid I don’t have much to offer. Other than being the child of the man you called as your “beloved”. I don’t have any martial art skills nor am not trained as a vigilante. If anything I am just the daughter of Bruce Wayne and Former Lady of the house, nothing more, nothing less.” You admit to Talia at wondering what Ra Al Ghul wanted with you.
“I think that is where you are wrong. You managed to question me and my objectives. You are a strong willed person. You accepted my son, despite the circumstances.” As she looks at you “For that, I must thank you” as she gives a small smile.
You look at her gently, knowing that deep down, she truly loves and cares for her son. “ He still cares for you, Miss Talia, even if he has to fight against you” as you offer a smile.
The woman didn’t say anything else as she turned to walk out but unbeknownst to you, a smile graced her face, when she heard those words.
You then waited, getting ready for whatever Ra Al Ghul wanted to talk to you about, as well as waiting for your father, brother and Nightwing to get here.
Then Ra Al Ghul appears in the room you are in. You then stand up straight sitting getting ready for what questions he will ask. He then sits on the chair across from you. You gulped to yourself internally, fearing what could happen but you know it’s better to stay silent since you don't know what plans he has in store.
“ So you're the young Miss y/n Wayne ?” as Ra Al Ghul spoke up. “Yes I am, y/n Wayne ''you answered his question. “ You must Ra’s Al Ghul, also known as the head of the League of Assassins and the Head of the Demon, am I right.”
“Quite a brazen young lady yourself” Ra Al Ghul chuckles as he is amused that you managed to answer his question without hesitation and are aware who you are speaking too without fear showing.
“You must know why you are here” getting back on topic as Ra Al Ghul prepares some tea.
“From what I heard from your daughter, is that you just want to talk to me since you are aware that I am my father’s blood daughter. Which I question, why do you seek me, other than being Batman’s daughter, since I don’t have any skill or power that you probably want” you asked as you see him prepare a cup of tea for you.
“I just simply want to get to know you, the world of Bruce Wayne lives, when Batman isn’t present” as he prepares himself a cup of tea.
“ Well as you know, he is the CEO of Wayne Enterprise in the daytime…” you start off tentatively, not knowing where to start off.
“ I am aware of that, my dear. I mean he does other than mundane business” Ra Al Ghul cuts off.
“ If anything, he's my dad. He does normal things that fathers do with their children. Make sure they live a happy life full of love. Sure there are some times I don’t agree with him as Batman, but as always, I told him, even before going to work, to be safe and take good care of himself.” You answered instantly because you know your dad is a good man and his desire to protect Gotham comes from wanting a bright future for the people who lived in Gotham. Even when you had a bit of a sheltered life, you knew the world has its dangers simply due to the people in it. You understand you can only help your father, brother and Dick at the cave for patrol but at least you are helping them in your own way. While it was because your father is just being overprotective, you knew that that type of lifestyle isn’t meant for you. The only thing that matters to you is your family’s coming home alive and the people they protect.
“What is it like for him as your father?” Ra Al Ghul inquired
“ He does normal things like any father does with their children. Spend time with their children, doing tea parties, reading bedtime stories and tuck you in bed, play princess with him as the dragon while the knight fights him” you mentioned a few things you and your dad did, as you remembered a time when you did his makeup for your princess tea party at age five.
“But my grandson didn’t do this father's children activities, why is that” he questions again after hearing the things you did with your father when you’re young.
“ Well for starters, he was raised in an environment where he couldn’t do those activities. You and Ms.Talia raised him to be the heir of the league of assassins. Instead of him playing, he spent most of the time with his intense training. With that type of environment, he didn’t know how to communicate without force nor interact with other kids in his age group when he was new to the manor. When he was forced to live at the manor, he was upset because he was away from a place he only knew as home. My father had to have a chance to know him and granted, it’s only Batman who is with him most of the time not Bruce Wayne, or that’s what Damian might have thought for the first few months. While I can say, Talia does love and care for Damian, she didn’t give him a room to be vulnerable with his feelings. With the initial hostility between him and my father along with Nightwing, I only saw him as a boy who needed acceptance and to show him what it is like to have what you called a mundane life. That’s why I always plan family time with my father and Damian, so they could have a sense of normalcy of a family.” You explained as you wondered what is wrong with having a regular life.
“ Aren’t Bruce Wayne and Batman the same person, what do you mean him being Batman to my grandson but not Bruce Wayne ” he wonders out loud to you
“ Even if he isn’t we’re his suit, his Batman attitude still comes up when Damian is going against his orders. As Batman, well you already know his temperament so I won’t explain that part. He scolds Damian, because he isn’t doing the rules of the Bat and Damian feels attacked because his feelings are hurt. I know Damian is doing the right thing but in ways my father won’t agree with. After all, my father isn’t good when it comes to communication, so that’s what causes the initial issues” You offer an explanation to the man in front of you, tactfully while looking at the tea cup on the table. You remember when Dick first came to the mansion something similar happened. He ran away from the manor to find Tony Zucco or when he and your father had a huge argument due to a patrol incident that led him to be more independent as a vigilante.
“ But I have one question” as you look at him directly. “Go on”
“ If you are interested in my father and daughter bond, since you seem to wonder why Bruce Wayne or Batman would do this, shouldn’t you be aware of this already? You have a daughter, didn’t you at least spend time with her ?” You questioned as you noticed that Talia’s parenting must be due to how her father raised her as part of the League of Assassins.
You notice he didn’t answer your question. “ I’ll take your silence as a no. Yes, you did cherish her but you didn’t bond with her as much. For all the long life you always had pride in, you didn’t use it to spend time with your loved ones. I know your goal is to build your version of a perfect world, but it only would create more damage. The perfect world doesn’t exist, since we’re only human. Good intentions could also cause huge problems as well. This may be an imperfect world but I know there is still beauty in this world.” As you answered your own question, knowing his goals of his utopia was with good intentions but seeing the consequences was the result of his worldview getting jaded overtime as well as the Lazarus pit side effects.
“But what about the corruption in the world? Due to that, the world has been tainted. Gotham is known for the crime and the corruption in it. How do you still see the world as beautiful” He challenged you.
“I have already acknowledged the world may have its ugly sides but I have people who taught me to never give up and they have always guided me and in turn show me all the beauty of the world. We all have ugly sides we want to hide but it’s better to accept it in order to be a better person. To improve the world, start with yourself, only then changes will happen. It may be small but it’s something” You answered his question.
You suddenly heard swords clattering. You knew your father, Damian and Dick came to get you out of here. “ You always criticized humanity for being a plague for their corruption but you also did the same things for the sake of power and control. What makes you any different from them ?”
Batman, Robin and Nightwing to the room you were in.
“Let her go” demanded Batman as he got ready to throw one of his batarangs. Robin with his katana and Nightiwng with his escrima sticks as they get into a fighting stance.
“ Fine I’ll let her go, after all she gave me a good conversation I hadn’t had for years” he admits as he stands up while you look at the whole situation, thinking a fight would happen.
“ You're letting us go that easy, what did you do to my daughter?” Batman growls at the DemonHead.
“To be honest I just simply chat with her. Quite a smart woman I say so myself” he admits as you go stand up to reunite with your family.
“I let you go off easily since this young lady here isn’t much of a threat” As Ra Al Ghul simply walks into the corridor.
“Sister, what did he do to you?” Damian asks in concern for you.
“To be honest, I don't know. All we did was just talk. He gave me tea although I didn’t drink it.” You admit since you just had a long talk with one of your dad’s greatest foes and managed to be alive as well.
“This isn’t the rescue I was imagining in my head” Nightwing admits while shaking his head.
“It’s alright, I am okay, mentally well and you guys are here. That's all that matters” you said as you pecked Nightwing's lips.
As you return home with your family in the Batplane, you relay the events that happen with your talk with Ra Al Ghul. He is just a human just like you who happens to have powers from the Lazarus Pit. He has his ideology and philosophy based on his experience but it is also flawed simply because just like everyone, he is human. However, some part of you hopes he could realize there is more to life than achieving one’s goal, something you have to remind your father now and then, because life is fleeting. Not only for the future but to be in the moment with your loved ones.
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normspellsman · 1 year
I Believe You
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pairing: lo’ak x older sister!reader
genre: angstish, fluff, & comfort (from reader to lo’ak)
word count: 1.7k+
warning(s): sad!lo’ak, mentions of jake scolding + punishing lo’ak, lo’ak crying, reader being the best big sis fr, lo’ak is a total big sister boy, cursing, & sibling bonding
request details: here!
taglist: @aonungsmate @dearstell @goodiesinthecloset21 @optimisticblazetrash @thatonegirlwiththebeanie367 @minkyungseokie @liyahsocorro @universal-s1ut @amortencjja @arminsgfloll @blushhpeachh @sweetirilly @iwannahaveaprettyaesthetic @bambisposts-blogs (requested the plot! <3)
word bank: toruk makto — rider of last shadow, tawtute — human; sky person, & tulkun — whale like creature residing in awa’atlu
note: was originally titled “my baby bro” but then i came up with this plot & trashed my original idea bc i felt like i could write this better & actually have motivation to write this :).
Lo’ak is known for getting in trouble. Either his loud mouth or actions, mostly both, got him into scuffles with his parents. This time was no different.
He had bonded with Payakan, a tulkun who was outcasted for something that any other being would do when forced to see their Mother be killed in front of them. In Lo’ak’s eyes, Payakan’s actions were driven by his sadness and were justifiable to a point. He knew how much the creature regretted the lives lost that day. If the same thing were to happen to him, Lo’ak would react the same way.
He felt understood by Payakan. They both had a significant physical difference from the rest of their species, making them feel isolated and alone in the large planet of Pandora. Made them feel judged and ridiculed for being different from the rest.
Not even thirty minutes prior, Lo’ak got chewed out by his Father, scolding him for talking back to the Olo’eyktan and doing something he, yet again, shouldn’t be doing. His Father never failed to make him feel like the black sheep of the family even though they are more alike than he’d hoped. It sucked. It really did. He just wanted people to see him. See all of him, even the messed up and alien parts of him.
One person only came to mind when he thought about people seeing and accepting him for who he is. You.
You were the eldest daughter of the Sully family. The token child. The perfect image of what a Na’vi should look like. The one that carried the burden of being Tsahìk or Olo’eykte one day. The one who, despite all the push back, saw Lo’ak for who he is.
You absolutely adored Lo’ak when you were younger, only being around the age of four when he was born. You refused to let your parents pry him away from your tiny arms when you held him way longer than you should’ve. You loved holding him and talking to him in the baby voice your Father always did to you and your other siblings, gently running a small finger down the flat bridge of his nose. You loved singing him to sleep or rocking him whenever he began to fuss, dropping everything to come and comfort your baby brother. And even though he is all grown up and is ‘too cool’ for your affections, you still give it to him anyway.
Not like the teen boy would ever admit it, but he loves whenever you’d rub his back when he didn’t feel good, rebraid his hair when it outgrew the current braids, hug him a little too long after a scouting mission, and especially when you’d pat the empty side of your mat for him to lay down on, comforting him with your warm embrace as he dozed off into a peaceful slumber. When he was younger, he was much more greedy with your attention and affections, pouting to you whenever you gave Neteyam or Kiri an extra kiss goodnight or fussing when you didn’t say your usual goodbye before heading off to train for the day. Lo’ak was practically attached to your hip throughout his adolescence years, clinging to your leg wherever you went. There was always a different connection you and Lo’ak had compared to your other siblings. It was something special and was hard to explain. You just understood one another, no matter how either of you looked or what you went through.
“What’s wrong, baby bro?” Your voice asked, concern laced in your voice.
Of course you knew what was wrong. You practically heard the whole thing from the other side of the island. It didn’t take long for Tuk to inform you of what happened when you arrived home either, sadness written on her face as she told you the story and how they haven’t seen Lo’ak since then.
You found him minutes after your interaction with Tuktirey. He was sitting on the beach, staring off into the horizon as the waves lazily lapped at his feet, legs brought up to his chest as his chin rested on his scarred knees.
“Nothing,” Lo’ak mumbled, eyes stuck on the eclipsing sun. He refused to look weak in front of others, not wanting to ruin his image as Toruk Makto’s second son, especially if it was someone he looked up to.
You hummed in response, not believing his statement. Lo’ak was unbelievably stubborn, something he got from your Mother. It was a good trait to have at times, but it made it harder to break down the boys walls when they needed breaking. Too stubborn for his own good, you thought, settling yourself next to your brother.
“Sure, and the sky is green,” you replied, smirking at your stupid joke. But Lo’ak only rolled his eyes and huffed your way, bringing his knees closer to his chest.
You always tried to crack a joke or two to make him feel better. It worked at times, usually when he was younger. You hadn’t tried this method in a while, too caught up with running away from your home clan and trying to fit into the Metkayina’s way of life. You hadn’t been able to comfort Lo’ak the past times he got scolded by your Father. Something that you felt sorry for and regretted. You were the eldest Sully child. You felt the need to comfort all of your siblings whenever they needed it. You felt awful for not being there for your youngest brother when he desperately needed it.
“I think what you did back there was stupid,” you started, your words causing Lo’ak’s ears to pin themselves to the sides of his head, “Talking back to the Olo’eyktan was really stupid. Especially in front of the Tsahìk. I mean, she scares the absolute shit out of me.”.
Your words seemed to have an effect on Lo’ak as you heard a small sniffle come from him, signaling that he was going to cry or already was. Your heart dropped at that fact, urging yourself to finish your thoughts.
“But, I think it was also brave,” you add on, turning your head to face Lo’ak, watching his reactions, “I don’t think I could ever do what you did. I’d probably shit my pants before speaking to Tonowari like that. You truly have bigger balls than me, little brother. I also think that it was sick that you bonded with a tulkun. I mean, that’s gotta be like, a record or something! First Omatikaya to ever bond with a tulkun.”.
And before Lo’ak could even utter a word, you wrapped up your thoughts with a final, “Has a nice ring to it: Lo’ak, the Tulkun Rider.”.
Fat tears run down the expanse of Lo’ak’s cheeks, rolling down the skin and onto his neck and chest. He felt so frustrated with his parents and how no one was listening to him about Payakan. How no one cared about what he saw or what he felt when he bonded with the creature. He saw what he saw and felt what he felt. He knew out of any of them the truth about what happened and how much regret Payakan carried around. It wasn’t fair. None of it was.
You gently placed a hand onto your brothers shaking shoulder, bringing him in closer towards your body so he could lean into you. Your four-fingered hand came to grasp his five-fingered hand, thumb rubbing the back of his hand in comfort.
“I’m really sorry that I wasn’t there for you before to comfort you. I should’ve been there for you when you needed me,” you whisper, the hand on his shoulder moving to his head to play with his grown out braids. I’ll have to convince him to let me rebraid them, you thought to yourself, knowing that it won’t take much for him to agree to your request.
“I’m sorry that Dad yelled at you and made you feel the way that you feel. He’s always so harsh on you. It’s not fair,” you added, soothing down his hair as his cries quieted down and softened. “He treats us like soldiers instead of children. He seems to be stuck in his tawtute ways recently,” you continued, shaking your head at the realization.
“For what it’s worth, Lo’ak. I believe you,” you said, causing him to pull away from your figure and to stare up at you in shock.
“You do?” He asked, ears perking back up in interest.
You merely nod, smiling down at your brother, “You’ll have to take me to meet Payakan one day, baby bro.”.
Lo’ak brightly grinned at your words, jumping up to hug you. “You’ll love him, sis! I’ve already told him all about you,” he commented, excitement evident in his voice.
“All good things I hope,” you laugh out, embracing Lo’ak.
Lo’ak only hummed and nodded in response, suddenly tired from all of the crying he did. He reached up a fist to rub his eye, ears flickering back as he did so. You knew he was tired. You could see it all over his face.
“Turn around,” you whispered, gesturing for your brother to turn his body around so his back would be facing you. He obeyed your order, sitting crossed legged as his tail wrapped around his waist and slightly curled at the end, anticipating your next move.
Once you put your fingers in his hair and began to slowly unbraid each braid one by one, a smile creeped onto Lo’ak’s face as he relaxed against your swift and gentle fingers. He missed the times where you would willingly rebraid his hair for him and put beads in his hair that matched the ones in yours. It was nice to have you do something that comforted him when he was child again. It was nice to have you comfort him. It was nice to have you as an older sister.
As time passed and the sky got darker, Neytiri had begun to look for her two missing children, stumbling upon them on the shoreline seated next to each other as they whispered and giggled amongst one another. The Mother of five smiled at the sight before her, heart swelling at the interaction. She knew of the kind of connection you shared, knowing that it ran deep and beyond her understanding as a Mother. She knew that no matter what, you’ll always have each other. Yeah, she thought, he’ll be just fine.
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grimesgirll · 6 months
like your weapons trainings or conditioning, getting to rick’s place for bedtime had become a nightly duty.
and okafor stressed the importance of being on time to you. after all, he needed his best soldier bright eyed and bushy tailed in the mornings.
you had to have your ass in rick’s bed by the time he was ready to hit the hay. it didn’t matter if he was planning on fucking you that night or just enjoying having another warm body around. okafor had clocked that you somehow increased the average hours of sleep rick gained each night and assigned you to a semi-permanent sleepover.
you watch from your elbows as the handsome man in front of you brushes his teeth.
this isn’t the first time okafor’s utilized your “girlish charm” or whatever the fuck he sees in you to get what he wants.
this is the farthest he’s ever asked you to go however. it was always innocent before; distracting important people, taking advantage of certain perversions to finish the mission. you shouldn’t complain. okafor did get you the job of your dreams, all things considered.
where else could you spend hours designing maps, establishing operation routes, and do it all with the help of formerly world renowned military engineers and some of the most advanced technology still left on the planet?
besides, the lieutenant colonel had kept his word; there isn’t a thing you want for at the moment. aside from the occasional homesickness which was gradually dulling into a numb, nearly nonexistent feeling, you didn’t yearn for much - only rick.
so now you spend your days in your new state of the art geospatial mapping studio and on your rare but highly anticipated surveying trips. okafor had reviewed your past surveying maps of the delaware valley with general beale and other senior staff - including rick - and your work proved fruitful enough to allow you a small team to continue surveying operations under the umbrella of logistics.
in all reality, okafor’s rewarding you handsomely.
and so is rick.
his southern drawl breaks you from your staring.
“huh?” utterly oblivious, you fall under his deep blue gaze.
“i asked you if i can turn the lights off." he repeats, fingers hovering over the light switch.
you nod. "yeah, i'm ready for bed."
the bed dips with rick's weight and like routine, you're drawn into his crushing embrace. rick liked to cuddle before bed. you don’t ask but there has to have been some wife or some woman somewhere who used to be in your position.
the soldier is stoic and stands on business, but that sour expression had begun to soften since you’d first seduced him on his sofa. little bits and pieces of a southern, east coast kind of background popped up through the twang of rick’s accent. anyone with a history with law enforcement instantly picked up on his past as a cop. you’d playfully asked if he had to cuff anyone before and just received a dim smile that started to sour until you threw yourself into his lap and cast away whatever storm clouds you’d brought on with kisses.
he’ll never outright tell you why he sleeps better with you or how he slept before he was even a consignee, but you don’t mind. the cozy embrace really gets you conked out every night, without fail. his dick does too.
that’s how you end up backing against him and tempting the hard outline that never seemed to disappear due to his size.
rick chuckles behind you but doesn’t move, just pulls you closer. "good night." he says with a kiss to the back of your head.
"night," you return, like you’re not jutting your ass backwards into him.
you’re shocked that he hasn’t said anything. rick doesn’t always take your touch so lightly. he’d punished you for teasing him in front of some of the air fleet’s officers by fingering you until you were begging to come in the repurposed law library next door just the other day.
the man only speaks up once your tight ass is rounding indisputable, deep circles against his groin. you couldn’t be anymore obvious with the gasp that flies out of you like a kite as soon as rick’s newly throbbing length twitches through his sleep pants.
“please, rick!” you pull out the begging already, having expected you would be fucked silly tonight.
“tonight’s not the night, darlin’.”
needy and craving the man beside you, your knees squirm. it’s only when you’re lightly kicking rick that he pays you any mind; your legs are shut closed by the force of his human hand and the prosthetic digging into your soft flesh.
the look he gives you is lacking patience. “now, what’re you doin’?”
“i need you tonight, rick,” you state plainly.
he scoffs and lets go of your thighs. “c’mon, honey, why don’t you just lay down and get a good night’s rest?” the gears are turning in your head and you’re lifting your legs and shifting between his legs before he can even try to draw you back to your pillow. he croaks your name when you start pawing at the drawstring of his pants. “honey, you need to-,”
“you need this,” you insist.
you’re not giving him enough time to complain with his sensitive head already on your tongue. rick curses his traitorous groans, and himself when he does nothing to fight against the firm hand you're utilizing to usher him onto his back.
"so, you want to relax?" he manages, despite the shudder inducing way in which fully go for it and swallow around him. midway down your throat, a light thrust and a near gag from you is all he needs to know your answer.
rick can only lean back and take what you give him. he's pretty sure that you're going to have him coming in your mouth but before he knows it, you’re face to face again. there’s no reason to be disappointed by the firm hold you still have on him with your hand. a few more sluggish licks and you’re readjusting, straddling him to tease his tip with the slick of your entrance.
"what about you?" rick’s rasping, not yet prepared after you removed him from your sweet mouth.
"what if i told you i came here ready?"
the statement has his cock jumping. you swivel slightly, clit bumping his own sensitive slippery skin. spit strewn, his head falls back at the feeling of his dick dipped into your engulfing heat - even half an inch.
“you sure, honey?”
“mhmm,” you confirm with a kiss and a grind onto him.
“really wanted it, didn’t you, darlin’?”
your confirmation comes out as a whimper. "i just wanna be full before bed. i wanna be full of you rick," and once those words leave your mouth, rick is decided and sending you from your knees to your back. he could never say no to those watery eyes.
a courtesy finger and some intricately placed kisses on your knees, thighs, and clit have you straining upwards. you're not burning for long because rick is ready to indulge you just as you wished tonight. without warning - not that you were wanting it tonight - rick fit himself as far inside your thick muscle as he could on the first thrust.
the stretch is familiar but striking enough for you to nearly double over onto him. you won’t fold in the face of your reward - at least not yet. determined to hold on, you plant two hands on the older man’s chest as you sink onto his thick length. his groans and your steady breaths are enough to lower yourself, and even fuck yourself you and down on him.
"thank you for fucking me tonight, rick." you cry through swollen lips and damp lashes. "i really need you to fall asleep," you confess in a tone no higher than a hushed hiss.
you don't know if you're expecting an answer but the quickened pace is to be expected. without a doubt, the man is sinking deeper inside of you as he forces his hips flush to yours.
"does this satisfy being full enough to fall asleep?"
the jolt he’s sending through your abdomen with each maddening plunge into you, has you fluttering around him.
you wake up with a hand on your ass and a breath behind you in your hair. it doesn’t last though. rick is gone before you know it and you’re left aching, craving him. you get him out of your system with your early morning physical training - pt - and a meal with your favorite fellow soldiers.
you’re not expecting to see rick again soon.
the office facing the arboretum and the airfield is typically a still place, plagued by the constant thrum of the planes and helicopters, yes, but those who worked in the building had grown accustomed to the white noise. you're so grateful everyone in your division is out at lunch when rick slams the thick wooden door open.
stirred from your half drafted map of the midwest, your head surges up. you don't have time to open your mouth before rick is talking at you in his sergeant's voice.
“there are ten minutes until i need to be down at the helicopter hanger. you need to get me off in eight.”
stunned, the command doesn't urge you to your feet just yet. it's the sudden slamming of the door that jostles you from desk to the plaid loveseat where you settle onto your knees on a cushion facing sideways.
rick shakes his head. "no, i want you on your knees on the floor in front of me. now." you sigh and carry yourself down to the polished wooden floors. "i don't have time to sit."
"because what i said was an order. don't question it."
with that preamble, you waste no time finding his belt and expertly undoing the buckle in record time. your hands move as fast as they can given all of the work this bulky uniform requires. somehow you breeze through the layers and ignore the ache growing in your knees. your second pt of the day is going to destroy you.
as you strip down rick's thermal boxers, you wonder if he's keen on fucking you now too. perhaps you'd gotten your allotted pounding last night and this would be it for the week. you really can never know with rick.
the issue of time returns to your mind however, so when you grip his length, you only lick up and down enough to get him taking coordinated breaths through his nose and tautening.
“you’ve been demandin’ lately, doll.”
your thighs squeeze together at the nickname.
“maybe i want to be a little demandin’ of you.”
a gloved hand shoves your head down. the incentive to keep your moans quiet doubles when you hear commotion outside your office. right on time; your colleagues are returning to lunch.
“think you can quiet that big mouth enough?”
no words leave your mouth, you just swallow around his length, glancing up into his expanded pupils; almost void of blue. hollowing your cheeks, you remember the time crunch he’s in and put a little more pep into your step. this leads to you rocking a bit on your knees.
rick snorts once he catches sight of the development. “so needy, even just with a cock in your mouth, huh?” his teasing is cut off by the orgasm building up as he throbs against your tongue.
putting in the effort to counter more than a couple of gags, you allow your jaw to slack so rick can enjoy the unobstructed tightness of your throat - perfect for him to come without the mess, leaving it to your mouth.
you weren’t prepared to suck rick off in your office today but you’re determined to leave no trace of this interaction. when he spills down your throat, only a little bit remains on your reddened puffy lips. you wipe your mouth nonchalantly once rick flops out of your mouth, still gazing down at you.
“clean me up.”
an order is an order.
exhaustively, you trace patterns from his base to the spit covered tip that’s still twitching. “fuck,” he utters when you take him into your mouth again. “don’t have time for this,” he’s scolding and palming himself back into his pants, grabbing your hand to stand you up with him for some scattered kisses across your forehead.
he presses a kiss to your temple, traveling lower to embellish purple marks on your collarbone. you’re sure he’s about to do more than just wantonly groping your perky tits but a few more moan inducing punches for your nipple and he’s sealing the interaction with one wolffish kiss. you’re nearly stumbling after him when he pulls away, tugging the last of his belts on.
the door is flung shut and that’s that. rick’s gone.
you’re on rick’s bed before he retires for the night.
“good to see you again today.” you purr, nearly kicking your feet. “i’m feeling spoiled seeing you three times in one day.”
the soldier rolls his eyes. he drops his tactical bag on the ottoman in front of the bed. “you here to sleep? or mess around?”
you shrug. “your choice.”
hints of a sly smile are on the sergeant’s face but he walks away shaking his head before you can call him down to bed just yet.
you could just sleep tonight. rick had been turning you on enough for you to take a night off, preferably drifting off in his arms until you had to wake for your quarterly river survey with the geologists, engineers, and biologists in your neighboring divisions. you had a lot to prepare for come the morning. it wouldn't be terrible to unwind by getting off tonight.
the thought's put on pause once rick's arms wrap around you as he sinks into the soft, bedding. smelling of fresh toothpaste and some kind of beard balm, he’s more than ready to hold onto you like a vice for the night.
“hey.” you coo.
“hey there,” an arm escapes you to turn out the wall light still on over on his side of the bed. only the dim glow of the hallway light touches the darkened room now.
you turn slightly so rick can at least see the outline of your face - your eyes, nose, and lips in the dark. “what was that all about early?”
"the asshole act earlier?"
“you needed to remember rank.”
an exasperated heave almost sends you to a seated position. “rank?”
the lack of playfulness in your voice has you wondrously thankful that he can’t see your eye rolls in the dark.
“that’s kinda fucked, rick.”
“says the one who just loves getting fucked.”
you shut up.
“getting on her knees, i don’t remember you complainin’ once i got you beneath me earlier today.”
you can’t say that you recall complaining either.
it feels like muscle memory when he gets you onto all fours.
set up on his knees with your cunt under his nose, rick licks a devastating stripe from top to bottom. then he’s coming back up again and squeezing muffled shrieks from you.
“you like that, honey?”
“i do, rick,” you reply breathlessly. you dig a clenched fist into the comforter. “fuck!” tears threaten your waterline already.
“like my tongue?”
“mhmm,” you writhe as he makes it his mission to bury his warm, wriggly appendage as far inside of you as he can. he’ll never be as deep as his cock but the difference in sensation has you nearly folding into the mattress.
the added finger has you squirming in conjunction with the taunting, flickering tongue working back out to your clit. eventually there’s a two pronged attempt to open you up. you’re clenching around his fingers when you hear him ask, “do you think you’re ready?”
“one hundred percent,” you breathe.
“‘kay, i need you to be one hundred percent sure of that, soldier.”
you tease on top of him at the mention, nearly jumping once you feel him at your entrance. lust centered, you nod your head assuredly. “yes, sergeant. i’m ready for your cock. ready to fulfill the mission.”
rick’s smirk and tousled curls are the last thing you see before you’re manhandled like a rag doll into the mattress.
then that rhythm that had you so worked up is paling in comparison to how full you feel with just a few inches of rick. whispering sweet praise and reminding you of the task at hand, you exhale and puff soft cheeks. the biting kisses from rick as he settles inside of you have your eyes already rolling back. his newfound rhythm only fulfills the trance you knew only ne could put you in.
crammed tight full of cock, you’re chanting his name and he’s petting your hair, praising you as you squeeze around him just excellently.
“you gonna come on my cock, soldier?”
“only if you’ll let me, sergeant.”
his balls slap against your clit, wonderfully matching the dull tap he’s testing on your cervix. it doesn’t matter though as he’s repositioning constantly and brushing the forlorn parts, placing his fingers in a painstakingly strategic position on your clit.
“want you so bad, rick.” the words tumble out as rick brings another hand from the fat of your ass to your tit. the touch has you arching, gasping and clawing at the sheets. “rick, rick!”
“love hearin’ you say my name,” he’s grunting into your hair when he lowers himself down to fuck you deeper.
this new angle that rick’s fucking you at has you incoherent. hips pistoning you into the mattress and closer to the mounting heat in your core that was threatening to ruin rick’s sheets. the pressure has tears cascading down your cheeks. if it was lighter you’d see them on the sheets but your bleary eyes only take in pillow, as your cunt takes all of rick.
a palm pushing down on the flat of your back. you sink further into the bed, allowing rick to penetrate you deeper. this newfound depth has you face down with a single trembling clawed hand to the sheets.
“rick,” you’re croaking, crying out for him.
one more thrust of his hips and you swear he’s going to break you.
he mutters a “fuck” and croons deep;
pt. 1
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
all my works here in one stop shop for oneshots .
top gun:
Jake hangman seresin :
FLUMPY (jake seresin x reader)
The dagger squad all were wondering who the mysterious figure was in one of the rooms in the base only to discover to bradley's explaining it was pete maverick Mitchell's  kid  with out seeing them fully before leaving jake makes a comment he will in future regret .  y/n doesn't let the man off light with the comment either . 
part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9
one shots :
come soon
when  rooster finds reader stupid boyfriend cheating he doesn't mind telling him exactly how stupid  he is for hurting  a woman like that  , a woman he dreams of
Now she's mine :
sequel to if she were mine  where  rooster shows y/n how much she really loves her in the best way possible . 
joel miller:
call me cupid
when Ellie notices  the longing looks joel  gives  the woman in the canteen who does the same when joel isn't looking  she take it as her sole mission to set them up and even has a helper in her endeavours 
part one part two part three
sweetpea :
when failing to live it in new york  sweet pea goes home only to meet two new faces at her families barbeque that leads to new job and new friends and maybe more 
part one
It's a start:
when joel is settling into life in jackson there's one thing that has his attention , a woman of the name Y/N . The loner who barely spoke to anyone other than his brother til joel and y/n are sent to find supplies he soon finds out the reason why the girls quiet as he tries to break down the walls she built so long .
part one part two part three part four
i'll show you different :
y/n ( peach ) is learning to be free , learning to be her own woman again. Since life wasn't so easy for girl she ran from one monster into hands of another now back in her hometown back with her grandfather she learns being free is lot harder than she thought but lucky for her there's a couple of brothers help her along the way .
part one part two part three part four
when reader becomes the victim of a entity Dean is forced to admit feeling that he thought he could keep away in fear of being hurt .
when a certain angel gets curious on certain matters
part one
part two part three
sam winchester
sam being completely in love with reader who happens to be his best friend while on a hunt she is hit with a curse making her needy clingy mess while sam was loving the closeness it was only temporary right?
tony stark :
some one older :
when boys your age just don't do it for you but someone older does  .
part one
part two
frank castle
angelverse :
angel :
When frank meets Matt murdock's sister , he become intrigued more and more as he's around the  so called angel of hell's kitchen ( How they met)  
angel night :
Frank comes home to thinking his angel is in danger only to realise that she has had a nightmare . he makes sure to comfort his girl . this like part of what i will be calling the angel verse  of our beloved bad ass punisher and his equally bad ass sarcastic ball of sunshine that is y/n " angel" murdock . 
bucky barnes :
the one :
just the grumpy teddy bear bucky pinning after thor sister that's been there through everything  
stranger things :
steve harrington :
The babysitting trap :
when always being the babysitter has it's perks for once.   except their friends had plans for the two
part one
part two *
Eddie munson :
Before he cheats :
Y/N hopper is out with the gang celebrating at the hideout when her boyfriend walks in with a blonde on his arm and she goes for where it hurts ... his car while eddie help the woman he secretly loves get over her new ex .
Lead me to you :
everyone thought they were dead but what happens when a ghost from the past brings hawkins metal head back from the so called dead and how will their friendship stands three years after dealing with feeling of the future and the nightmares of the past .
Part one
part two
the walking dead :
Daryl Dixon:
daryl is head over  heel  , down bad for y/n  but he find that he's unworthy so he's spent years not telling her how he felt and yet is blind to the woman's love for him yet she scared thinking he wont til their friends have enough and try get the two to an overdue confession 
You're not wrong but don't mean it ain't right :
He didn't know it could happen not since becca died he never thought his heart could beat for another but instead of letting his heart win , he does everything in his power to push the woman away til he goes too far.
part one part two part three part four part five part six part seven part eight
Logan howlett ( wolverine) :
odd one out :
logan's adjusting to new life , new friends only thing he can't put his finger on is wade's friend Y/n , he knows she hiding something and he right but he is so wrong too
Not just a flower child huh? :
the xmen are sent to rescue mutants in a lab , only find an unconscious young woman and couple of kids , when they bring her back to the mansion she is recognised by one of the residents . She awakes and finds out she and kids been saved wondering if it was all too good to be true ?
part one part two
part three part four
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ariiadnes · 24 days
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❧ ꒰ childe ⋮ ei ⋮ dainsleif ꒱ ⋮ genshin impact × title cr : heiner müller × quote cr : epictetus ╰┈ ✎ ・・・ repost from my primary writing blog!
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𓆩 ✧ 𓆪 ⋮ CHILDE
OH, BUT THE BLOOD IN YOUR VEINS RUNS COLDER THAN THE KNIFE AGAINST YOUR THROAT, the ruins of salvageable survival echoing in the remnants of a cruel mind. failure failure failure FAILED. you have failed once more, but you do not know if you are sorry or relieved at the realization. you lay there, chest heaving as your lungs burn in despair, but there is nothing except the calm in your visage.
childe looks down at you, wonders if you feel the iron against your skin. curiosity flickers for one, two seconds in blue hues, quickly drowned out by a wondrous adoration and glee at such a sight.
"poor thing." the harbinger says, and the increased pressure against your neck is the only thing that prevents you from laughing at his almost genuine, sympathetic tone. "you were much closer last time. i really thought you'd get me today."
"so sorry to disappoint you." you tilt your chin upwards, a grin blossoming across your lips. "maybe next time, huh?"
childe freezes, instinctively loosens his hold on the weapon. a maddening sense of nostalgia overwhelms his senses, dulls his blood lust. what a wonderful reunion you both share, he thinks, smiling as he leans down, faces only inches apart.
"maybe next time."
"it has been a long while, raiden shogun."
she stiffens at your words, finds bitter amusement in such formalities. this is the end-- one will find victory ; another will find death. what need is there for such fronts and falsehoods after all you have endured together?
"have you forgotten my name?"
"impossible, ei. i would remember it for an eternity.”
you almost wonder if you see her flinch, but there is utmost apathy in purple eyes. how serene things used to be back then, an innocent youth and strong resolve once drowned in her colors. the person before you is a vessel of tragedy, claimed by calamity and only existing to seemingly protect others for all the wrong reasons. she remains silent, watches you with a growing grief untold.
there are too many barriers, too many unforgivings and too many regrets. too much missed between lovers twisted into something horrid, something ugly, something gruesome, and in the end, you forget you still have a heart.
"enough. you are not here to speak."
she steels herself for the worst, feels something excruciatingly human beneath it all. but it will fade soon enough, and she will return to a shell of indifference. it is all either of you know now, after all.
but the bough keeper knows of his mission first and foremost, heart shattered with destruction and the knowledge of a heavy past. his home is neither here nor there, ruined and fallen to gods known and unknown. to seek happiness is unheard of, and perhaps this is his punishment for experiencing such a feeling with you in days long gone.
sanguine colors your hands, but you do not know where it comes from. how it trickles from your temple, trails down your face, almost mocks him in the way it resembles your tears. your jaw clenched, heart broken ; his honor on the line, resolve wavering. things should not have turned out this way. you and him should not know of violence, not like this, not towards each other.
but a bough keeper knows of his mission first and foremost, and he must protect the fate of khaenri'ah, even if that means destroying himself in the process.
"dain." you choke out his name, watch as his blood drips from his fingertips. you are not mad. you are not angry. you are sorry for what this has become. but you must do the right thing, even if it is wrong to him. you smile, dreadful, and hope he understands your heart. "i wish we could have had a better ending."
this numbness is unforgiving. sorrow sinks into his chest, rips out everything he has ever known. how hideous it is, this crimson that splatters across the floor.
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robiinurheart33 · 4 months
Haha wouldn’t it be so weird if when soap was taken and brainwashed he was constantly being compared to this soldier named “ghost” haha
Anyways explicit descriptions of psychological torture and violent intrusive thoughts under the cut
He would be beaten and berated constantly. why wasn’t he stronger than ghost, why wasn’t he faster, more skilled, better, stealthier, healthier.
Ghost could’ve done better in worse conditions.
Ghost has done better in worse conditions.
Why was soap not better even after all this?
It drove him up the wall, the way he would wonder who he was, seething and bleeding by the lip. After all that he’s gone though, all that he’s endured, everything.
Why wasn’t be better? Why can he never, ever be better?
They drove his sanity to the ground, spat and kicked at it until there was nothing but a shell of who he once was, and rebuilt it to fit their ideals. Soap couldn’t remember who he was before this, before the experiments. He couldn’t think, do, say anything without being ordered to do so by someone else.
Some days, soap would pull on the thin stripe down his scalp, eager to find some semblance of control over himself, even if it were pain. He would always get punished.
“It was the only thing he can and will recognise him by.”
“Ghost likes that on you.”
It made him hate the Mohawk even more.
He hates Ghost. He was sick of it. He was done waiting. He was done being compared to. He was done with being second to him. He wanted to pull him apart limb from limb, feel the hot blood spill over his teeth and he rips his throat apart, hear the sickening crunch of his neck being twisted, feel the smooth muscle of his skin ripple and tremble in fear of the one that he was supposedly supposed to be stronger than. Soap will never, ever get anything else in his life but the pure, white-hot rage of revenge. He maybe thinks this had lingered on since he was younger, before everything. It felt like an old friend, more so than his other emotions.
His first mission.
He will be better. He will be better. He will be the best. He will be good. This might be his only shot. This is. He will be the best. He will succeed. He will not fail. He will not fail. He will not fail. He will not fail. He will not fail. He will not fail.
He runs into ghost.
At first, he didn’t know who he was. Soap was in a room with a few others, guns up and masks drawn, ready to shoot anyone who tries to come into the room. They had been infiltrated, and soap wasn’t told more than that. He didn’t really need to know more. Shoot the hostiles, keep people safe. Suddenly, bullets start to rain from outside the door, and soon enough, more and more bodies start hitting the floor. Soap does not panic. He hides behind a bookshelf, waiting.
A big ass motherfucker in a skull mask walks into the room and it looks like the shadows are warping to his presence. Soap does not panic. He reaches for the knife strapped to his thigh, flicking it up and holding it ready. He waits patiently until he stalks near the bookshelf, tightening his grip on the knife. They make eye contact, and through the skull mask stained with blood, he can see jet black eyes staring at him in shock. Death incarnate. Soap does not panic.
Soap quickly slips out of his hiding spot, wrapping a forearm over his neck and attempting to jab the knife right into his socket. He feels a hand grip tightly onto his forearm, and he goes weightless. All the air escapes his lungs as his back slams against the floor, his head spinning. He screams at himself to get up, fight, be better, before he hears the familiar crackle of a radio.
“Ghost, how copy?”
This is Ghost.
Ghost just fucking flipped him.
Soap does not panic. He does not panic but he feels a chill go down his spine as he sees red, scrambling back up onto his feet. The adrenaline starts to kick in now, and he lunges at him, ripping the radio off his vest and slamming it on the floor. He’s not completely sure why he did that, but in all fairness soap feels like he’s losing his goddamn mind, if his captors haven’t done so already. He punches Ghost, wincing slightly as his knuckle hit the cheekbone corner of his stupid skull mask. Soap starts to reach for his gun before Ghost punches back, hitting the mask clean off his face, pushing his back to the floor, one hand on his wrists. Soap starts to get really agitated now. After everything that he’s gone through, he’s still not good enough to beat ghost. He still hasn’t improved. He hasn’t gone anywhere. He makes eye contact with Ghost and is slightly taken aback when he is reflected with an equally crazed stare.
What the fuck?
Soap doesn’t say anything. Ghost’s eyes are brown, not black. Why hasn’t be killed him yet? Why isn’t Soap struggling? Ghost has blonde eyelashes.
“Where have you been?” To soap’s absolute horror, those brown eyes start to become glossy. He flinches back as if he’s been hit, and grits his teeth. No shit, he’s been here the whole time, where else is he supposed to be?
Soap surges forward and headbutts him in hopes of him letting go. He doesn’t, and it makes soap all the more dizzier, more frustrated. Why isn’t he fucking dead already? He squeezes his eyes shut, trying to get his mind right.
“Johnny. Johnny.” Can he just shut the fuck up? It’s getting increasingly hard to concentrate for some reason. Shit. He feels overly exposed without the mask, feeling his body temperature rising steadily.
“Stop calling me that!” he growls out, twisting out of his grip and punching his across the face. The twisted skull mask looks almost comical out of place, but he can still see those eyes. Ghost’s hand comes to cup his cheek, and soap flinches back. His eyes look like Soap just mauled his puppy right in front of him. It makes him freeze in place, head awkwardly hovering between the floor and Ghost.
Images of blood spilling and needles, dirt and coffins fill his head, the sound of a neck snapping, gagging, screams and whimpers. Hands on him, eyes on him, never letting go. Stay. Soap snaps back into place, grabbing the mask and twisting it up, covering Ghost’s eyes. He quickly gets his other hand free and pushes ghost off him, sprinting out of the room.
“Wait-!” Is all he hears before flying down the corridor, back to safety, back to where it’s familiar, where he always is, where he always will be.
Loyalty has always been Soap’s best trait.
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forusomimiya · 1 year
3, 6 and 17 with Sakusa<3
I read the sixth prompt and my head projected sakusa behind you, all his weight on your body, lifting your chin, asking you to beg him and…. WELL, HERE'S THE REST WOOHOO 🕺🏻🕺🏻 Hope you like it ಇ.☁࿔*:・⛓🖤
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"You'll never come to understand how it makes me feel to see you like this, my little mess" With the weight of his body on top of yours, his soft hand ran across your throat, exerting light pressure before he moved it up to your chin and lifted it to make you gaze up at him. The gentle touch on your skin contradicted the filthy words that came out of his lips. You loved him and hated him at the same time, but not him, just his blissful taste in the habit of always edging you.
"Hands behind your back, I want you to show me how much you´ve missed me" You knew your place and what you had to do. Skilled hand holding both your wrists while the other opened your ass and watched the accomplishment of his work: your pussy contracting at the slightest touch of his fingers on you. "You know what you have to do if you want me to stop"
"No... I- won't admit it" Did you really want not to? You acted like a whore in heat every time Sakusa pulled you close to the edge and then forgot all about you, hurting your moral integrity. But fuck, he always let you so close that you ended up sobbing and begging, your dignity spread out on the floor, hopeless in the eyes of the curly haired dark haired man. "You're punishing me on purpose. You know that well, fuck"
"You think so?" A quick spank that unconsciously pushed your ass back, as if it hardly didn't turn you on. Of course you adored him treating you like this, but you had a limit, and if he was going to keep behaving like this, you'd soon put a end to it. "Nothing's going to make you admit it?" another spank, this time followed by a groan. Soon it began to turn red. "I must admit that your stupid attitude is turning me on more than I thought it would"
And it wasn't until when he didn't get any reproach for his words, he thought that maybe a little more teasing would make you finally succumb.
"Let's go for another one" a trickle of spit falling down to your entrance, lubricating you to welcome his nimble fingers again.
"Wait— oh shit, fuckfuck!" again you couldn't help but let yourself go. Eyes rolling, releasing your frustration gripping the sheets as in your head you replaced his fingers with his cock. God, you couldn't wait any longer to take it. For once you had to surrender, enjoy yourself and come back later with more strength. "You win, I've... been a bad girl but, let me cum please, I fu-ucking need it"
"Oh, how soon you gave up. I thought I'd use you a little more…"
"I need ya, I can't take it anymore"
"Beg for it. I wanna see you, I wanna hear you" embarrassed by your appearance, you still turned your head to the side and looked at him, letting him see what he had turned you into.
"Please let me do it. I want it so bad, please. Only you can make me cum hard, Kiyo" He was proud of it, of course, but his face was still intact, cold. Only you knew that was what would make you succumb. Watching his serious face, taking an attempt at control and leaving it mission failed when without stopping touching you, you watched him unbutton his pants to finally give you that well-deserved reward you'd been craving for so long.
"Damn, you look so fucking hot right now…. So perfect for me, don't you?" you couldn't help but nod. "I'm so fucking lucky"
He was. Not many men would have someone like you in their bed, claiming their place and loosening up for them as well as you did for Sakusa when you were both already cumming on the sheets with his high-pitched, weak groans in your ear, perfect tuning. Neither of them would have the same experience as Sakusa in bed, and neither would know as well as he did what you needed at any given moment.
And let's not talk about the aftercare after that hard shagging. This is where any woman would envy having a hot bath at her disposal, food, and a man's body wrapped around you.
Yes, Sakusa was one of a kind.
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soobrat · 2 years
one way; cbg
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part i | part ii | part iii
🖱️⤻ pairing; afab!reader x beomgyu 🖱️⤻ word count; 5.4k 🖱️⤻ genre; enemies 2 enemies PLUS, smut, & angst 🖱️⤻ synopsis; beomgyu has come to retrieve his clothing... as if he didn't just do the unthinkable 🖱️⤻ warnings; hate sex, really mean!gyu, slut shaming, dubcon (more than last time, proceed with caution), beomgyu got you good this time, mc is in shambles, unhealthy... relationship?, solo masturbation, cunnilingus, more pain play, biting, hair pulling, post orgasm torture (mc receiving), piv, I think that's all
⌨️⤻ I couldn't just make it "Beomgyu getting his clothes back" that would be too simple!!111!! I like the way this ended so there will be no part three, I like where they are.
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Nestled into your dirty hamper are a solid grey cotton t-shirt and loose pair of black sweats. Not unlike some of your own clothes in your closet other than being a touch larger. The articles of clothing get buried deeper and deeper without you even noticing. You wash and dry them before finally discovering them while folding. You set them to the side for the next time you journey to the boys’ dorm.
That day never comes.
“All I ever do is stick my neck out for you, you know? The department heads raise suspicion about how much time you spend with them and I make an excuse. And now I find this out?”
Your manager rants and raves while pacing your apartment. You remain motionless on your couch, staring at nothing, drowning out all her words. You just can’t believe he went through with it. 
“Did you at least use a condom?” She asks exasperatedly, clapping in front of your face when you don’t answer. “You’re not that reckless, I hope. You have to know your punishment will be more severe. Certain actions against Beomgyu could be a huge liability but they can do more to you no problem.”
Of course. Of course that’s the case. You curl forward and clutch your head. He was okay throwing himself under the bus because he’d get a slap on the wrist and you’d be royally fucked. Maybe you shouldn’t have let your emotions get the best of you. You embarrassed him and boasted about your “success”. You even rubbed it in on the days to come. You made it your mission to subtly throw jabs at him in the presence of his members. It’s what he put you through for so long, it was only fair. That fucking asshole.
“Well, I can’t help you anymore. You’ll attend a disciplinary meeting to determine where we go from here. I hope you have a future at HYBE.”
Her words echo in your mind in an attempt to make sense of them. After failing you look up at her in shock. “There’s a chance I get kicked out?!” You were a trainee, but a valued one. They sought you out specifically and fought all the other companies trying to snatch you up. You thought maybe your debut would get delayed and you’d definitely get banned from the dorm, just like he wanted. But he fucked you over even further than you thought he had the balls to. 
Your manager sighs, the pity in her eyes not easing the dread bubbling in your stomach. You can feel bile climb up your throat then and now as you’re standing outside the conference room. You take a long shuddering breath, deciding to just live with the disorienting fog clouding your brain as you walk in. As the meeting progresses the fog gets more and more treacherous with the news being hinted at. 
“This is just temporary until everything is sorted out. I hope you understand.”
They barely let you get a word in, just recounting everything Beomgyu told them and discussing amongst themselves. They automatically believed him.
The fog stuck around. It was a safety measure deployed to keep you from fully processing how dire the situation was. Soon enough you’d have to understand the gravity of the situation. After a week and three days of waiting in limbo with no news, you were forced to face the truth. Trainees rarely come back after a suspension, and if they do, they’d be back by now. Through all the insanity your brain still has room to worry about Soobin. What lies he’s being fed and if he’ll ever speak to you again.
You pull at your hair, sinking to the ground with your eyes clenched shut. You couldn’t even cry or scream. You just grit your teeth as the frustration gets too strong for you to cope with. A knock on the door sends you immediately walking to answer it, intending to hurriedly send the person away.
You pull the door open and immediately your frustration washes away. 
“Are you just gonna stare at me?”
You don’t even realize how long you’ve been doing it but you’re not sure what else to do. An alarming level of anger builds inside you until you can feel your chest constrict. You’re so enraged you can’t move or speak, so you just look at him as tears pool and threaten to spill. Tears that had been building up for the past week and three days.
“I’m here for the clothes you stole. I’ve been looking for them and can’t find them.”
“Do you know what you’ve done, Beomgyu?” You ask genuinely. Maybe there’s a chance he only thinks you got banned from the dorm. Perhaps his audacity wasn’t quite as boundless as to possibly get you kicked out and still show up to your apartment over two easily replaceable articles of clothing.
“Relax. You were already famous. You can easily get into another company, maybe even the big three.” He says dismissively as if it’s so obvious and the tears streaming down your cheeks were foolish. It was like a siren was blaring in your ears, piercing your eardrums until there was no other noise as you scream at him. Shouting obscenities in between accusations that he just ruined your life and doesn’t even care. You don’t spare a glance at the neighbors who open their doors to see what the hell was going on. 
Beomgyu shoves you into your house and slams the door shut. “Are you fucking crazy?!” He spits with a sharp glare. As if you’re supposed to care about his image after what he did.
“You’re the one making me crazy! You’re provoking me and getting surprised when I react? I’ve been just sitting here in my house losing my mind because I could get the news any day now, and you expect me to have a civil conversation with you?” The veins in your neck bulge as you rush more words out at him.
“Look, I’m just here for my clothes and then I’ll be on my way.” He’s infuriatingly calm, not bothered by bringing you to hysterics once again. Not bothered by your tears or the situation he’s put you in.
“Oh, you want your clothes?” You raise your eyebrows, anger painfully evident in your eyes. You stomp off to your room, finding the neatly folded clothes sitting atop your dresser before searching for a pair of scissors. You step back into your living room with the clothes in one hand and the scissors in the other, making him watch as you cut through the fabric. You hold the scissors open, ignoring the way the other half of the blade digs into your fingers as you stab into his clothing and rip large holes into them.
“What are you doing?!” Beomgyu rushes over and attempts to rip the scissors from your hand before the situation escalates. After a brief struggle you drop the scissors and clothes to the ground and wrap your hands around his throat. You squeeze hard as you look into his eyes, pushing him toward the couch until he falls on top of it. He tries to pry your hands away and you resist as much as you can, feeling tingling in your toes as his face turns redder. “You fucking waste of space.” You mutter as you kneel over him with one leg.
The rage labors your breathing, or maybe it was the pleasure you derived from seeing him suffer. Just as he starts to wheeze he finally pries your hands away and roughly grabs your face. You try to pull at his forearm but he grips your jaw tighter until he’s painfully digging into the bone. “You’re not doing this shit again. Do you actually want to be kicked out?” 
“I don’t care anymore.” You whisper through ragged breaths, trying to grab onto him but he restrains your arms behind your back.
“If you want me just say so.” He smirks. You spit on him and his expression immediately sours. “Suit yourself.”
He familiarly grabs both your wrists in one hand while the other unzips his pants. He pulls his hardening cock out through the hole in his boxers and begins pumping it as he stares at you. “I’ll just jerk off until I cum all over you and make you watch.” He groans as he squeezes precum from his tip.
You grunt, trying to free yourself but he just tightens his fist until it starts to hurt. You wince but never dull your glare. The more worked up you get, the more it seems to turn him on. “Little baby is crying because she’s about to get fired.” He pouts, precum rolling from his slit over his knuckles watching you seethe.
“I love seeing you cry. I jerk off and cum over and over imagining you sobbing because of me.” He breathes, slowing the drag of his fist as he drinks you in. Your heaving chest and glare. You look so sexy when he pisses you off. He wonders if he could get you to cry more.
“They told me it’s unlikely they’ll trust you again, you know.”
“Shut up.” You grit, trying to tug your arms apart.
“Because only pathetic whores get into a potential sex scandal before their idol career even starts. Who knows how many dicks you’ll let inside you before you even step foot on stage.” He laughs in your face, belittling your emotions and getting off to them just to add insult to injury. You strain your hand to dig your nails into any of his flesh you can reach. He hisses, before his smile is back in place, taunting you. You dig them deeper until he squeezes your aching wrists again. You let go with a huff as your frustration translates to tears. 
“That’s right. Fuck— you’ll make me cum, baby.” He exaggerates his moans in his efforts to taunt you. Feigning a wanton expression as he fucks his fist. All his salacious noises make your core ache but there’s nothing you can do to stimulate it. Real and sexual frustration mixed together is a dangerous combo. You were already starved of social interaction, locking yourself in your house waiting for the news. You were banned from the only place you got it from outside of staff, and now the first interaction you’re getting isn’t satisfying your need in the slightest.
If you couldn’t get a shoulder to cry on, the least you wanted was to get fucked until you couldn’t think. Beomgyu is just wicked enough to know how to torture you. 
“Come on. All you have to do is ask for it nicely and I’ll fuck you.” Beomgyu strains, close to cumming. It’s now or never before you’re left with frayed emotions and a mess to clean up. Your stubbornness prevails as you just let out a defeated noise, clenching your eyes shut and squeezing more tears free. Real moans seem to break through as Beomgyu’s hips jerk, pointing his cock at you as he covers you in his cum. He loosens his grip on your wrists and you rip yourself free, shoving him pathetically once he finishes. He stands with a cocky grin, fixing himself before making his exit.
“You can keep the clothes.” He casts a disinterested look back at you and you lose it. Flipping furniture and throwing anything you can carry across the room, just missing him as he shuts your door. You continue your rampage, turning your entire living room upside down as you sob violently. When it subsides you look at the mess and clutch at your hair.
You collapse to the ground, hugging your knees as you cry until you can’t cry anymore. 
From behind your crusted lids, you watch the sun rise from the large window to the left of you. You don’t get up as it slowly goes higher and higher, indicating how long you’ve stayed there. Your doorknob turns and you still don’t look up. Maybe the burglar will think your house already got ransacked and leave.
“You’re almost making me feel bad.” Beomgyu nudges you with his foot and you sit up. You gawk at him and he just smiles back. 
“What are you doing in my house?” He was a lot less welcome than the burglar.
“You left your door unlocked.” He shrugs.
“You’re crossing a dangerous line.” You warn in a low voice, rising to your feet. 
“What’re you gonna do? Have sex with me again? Scary.”
“I’m not in the mood. Get out of my house.” You try to push him but he stays rooted in his spot, smiling down at you. He was clearly still high off fucking with you last night. “Fine. You can stay.”
His smile stretches wider before trying to smooth his knuckles down your cheek which you dodge. “Only if you eat me out.”
He snorts, instantly dismissing you. “That’s not happening.”
“Then leave.”
“And if I don’t?” He leans closer to your face and you’re transported to the day that potentially ruined all your hard work in one fell swoop. Your blood pressure rising around him had become customary, along with the urge to mutilate him somehow. You wordlessly pull out your phone, typing in three numbers dramatically until he snatches the phone out of your hand. “Give it back. I’m trying to report the intruder in my home.” He hurls your phone to the floor before regarding you once more.
“You really are dense.” His face is serious suddenly as he closes in on you. “There’s something seriously wrong with you. Soobin dodged a bullet.” There was potent malice in his eyes, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Leave. Now.”
The two of you stare at each other as if you’re trying to kill the other with your eyes alone. He grasps the end of the shirt he sullied before pulling it up and forcing it off your body. He moves to your ratty shorts with streaks of his cum, shoving them down and almost tripping you to get them off.
He kneels on the floor, the only clean circle of space surrounded by the wreckage, keeping his eyes on you. He moves your underwear to the side and starts sucking on your clit. There was nothing left for interpretation for either of you. There was no denying the hatred in both your eyes or the arousal you make each other feel. Your glare falters once he starts to suck harder, your brows slanting upward as you swallow hard. He growls into your cunt, making your legs wobble. You grab a tuft of hair at the top of his head, yanking him closer. He tries to pull away and protest but you shove him back in. “Don’t stop–” Your moans are a little embarrassing but you can’t hold back how desperate you are. Fuck, did you need this bad. 
He keeps your legs pried apart just as they start closing around his head. Even when he’s doing what you demanded, he still feels as though he’s getting his way. Every flick and drag of his tongue has you at his will. He pulls away, tugging your fist from his hair and watching the disbelief form on your face. 
He looks up at you with his brown eyes blown and hair messy, licking you off his lips before smirking. There was that urge again. To sink to your knees and scratch, slap, kiss– do something to his infuriating face. You clench your teeth and try to push him back but he dodges you, pulling back completely and enjoying your protests. 
“Fine I’m calling–” You gasp, hands flying to his hair as he grabs your thighs and runs his tongue between your folds. His tongue catches your hole, threatening to slip in only to run to your clit and back. Your knees buckle, balance getting screwy but Beomgyu holds you steady. He curls his tongue into your heat, repeatedly scooping out your essence that’s gushing for him.
Then he pulls back again and you whimper, two actions that have you deeply disappointed. “What the fuck.” You shout at him. He makes a show of licking his lips. “I bet you would beg for my tongue, wouldn’t you?”
“Do it. Say please and I’ll make you cum.”
You go to deny him but he brushes the tip of his nose against your clit and sends the most violent shiver through your body. You whimper again, unable to deny the clawing need to cum anymore. “Fuck! Fine! Please, Beomgyu make me cum.” You’re too exasperated to put on a pleading tone but it’s enough for him.
He reattaches his mouth with a cocky grin, surveying your needy expressions closely as he sucks and licks your clit. Obscene noises fill the air along with your unrestrained moans. You clutch at him desperately, practically riding his face in your pursuit of release.
Beomgyu lets go of your thighs to free his cock. He pumps as you roll your hips against his face, holding his head steady. Your legs get progressively less reliable until your pussy is throbbing. With a moan of his name you cum on his tongue, stomach caving as his tongue continues to ravish you. His eyes are wild as he carries you through your trembling climax. You tug at his hair but he just hums. Not even that can bring him down as he squeezes and tugs on his hard cock, not intending to stop tonguing you until he’s finished himself. You pull his hair harder but he just grabs your leg with one hand and pushes in closer. Shoving his face deep within your folds, lapping at your sensitive nub and forcing a scream out of you. “Beomgyu! Enough!” You try but he only wiggles his face against you. Your stomach feels completely hollow, squeezing as another orgasm is forced out, gushing against his face until you have nothing else to offer. You suck in a large whoosh of air, holding it in before releasing it with a guttural groan.
With that, Beomgyu moans against your mound and shoots cum out his cock. Some streams reach far enough to hit your bare legs, most just ribbon over his fist. He stands up, completely disheveled and still jerking his cock. He breathes a laugh. “Please, Beomgyu make me cum!”
You roll your eyes at his childishness and shove at him, nearly pushing him over. “Shut up and get out.”
“Good morning, hyung.”
“Don’t talk to me.” Soobin responds breezily like it’s normal conversation, pouring himself a cup of coffee. Beomgyu watches Soobin maneuver around the kitchen. He rarely looks him in the eyes unless it’s to drive home an insult. 
“I did you a favor.”
“You refuse to listen so I refuse to talk to you.” He finally looks up at him during the last three words before brushing past him. 
“Just drop it. She’s been gone for a while now. You got what you wanted.” Yeonjun grumbles as he groggily enters the kitchen. 
“I’m not the one who needs to drop it.” Beomgyu responds, a hint of annoyance peeking through his cocky facade. 
“Soobin will talk to you on his own time.” He answers simply. Both of them were sat in the living room as if nothing was wrong. As if there wasn’t tension in the dorm now. Beomgyu scoffs.
“You know she’s more worried about her career than you.”
“That’s normal, Beomgyu.” Yeonjun turns on the tv but Beomgyu catches Soobin’s quick expression change. His brows drop, hanging heavy over his eyes as he thinks it over.
“Has she asked about me?” Soobin asks, looking up to reveal the vulnerability glinting in his eyes. Beomgyu finally untenses, moving to pour his own cup of coffee. He sets the cup down and sighs, pressing his hands to the counter before regarding his leader.
“Not even once.”
Your brain is desperate to focus on anything else than the lack of news, so you always notice when his footsteps are coming. You stand from your couch and open the door before he can. You expect a quip about how eager you are but are met with desperate lips. He moves inside your house before shutting the door with his foot. He’s frustrated today, you can feel it in the way he kisses you. His jacket is nothing but a disturbance so you push it over his shoulders and he lets it fall to the floor. Each time he pulls away and comes back he’s hungrier than before. There has been a comfortable, quiet acceptance established of what the other needs by now. 
Too bad you have to ruin it.
You reach for your phone in your pocket, cracking an eye open to open your camera. You position it to get both of you, deciding to snap a picture when his hands snake up to your neck. A place they’ve seemingly gotten comfortable. You snap another when he bites your lip. Another when he nips and kisses your jaw. Only then does he realize that you’re distracted. 
He opens his eyes, following your eye line until he spots the phone. His heart drops and he immediately reaches for it. You back away, quickly snatching the pepper spray from your coffee table and aiming it at him with your finger hovering over the button. A sense of hopelessness washes over him as he stops moving toward you. 
“You’re making a huge mistake.” His threat is dulled by the panicked look in his eyes and you resist the primal urges screaming at you. “This is going too far.”
“No, Beomgyu. You went too far when you got me fired.”
“You haven’t been fired yet–”
“You’re right.” You interrupt his dramatics and hold up a picture you took. “Because you’re going to tell them you lied.”
“And if I don’t you’re gonna show them proof that I wasn’t lying? Great plan.” Beomgyu is eased for a moment as more holes form in your plan. 
“No. I’m not showing this to them.” You lower the phone and hurriedly send the pictures to a trusted contact, shaky fingers reminding them of the plan right after as you mutter, “Someone else will post the picture publicly when I tell them to.”
“You’re willing to fuck yourself over too?!” Beomgyu erupts, racing toward you and only halting when you lay your finger on the trigger. 
“Beommie. You already fucked me. I’m fucked either way.” Your words slowly garner more venom, clenching your mouth shut when you see his resolve crumble. You chuckle bitterly. “You really think I would’ve just let you have your way with me with no consequences after what you did?”
“I didn’t mean for you to get kicked out. I only meant for them to ban you from the dorm.” Beomgyu admits regrettably. Like he was ashamed he wasn’t attempting to ruin your career.
“Well. Guess you really fucked up then. Get it done quick and make it believable for your sake.”
You keep your arm raised as he starts to walk away. He has this look of sarcastic acceptance on his face and you panic for a moment. Did he have something else up his sleeve? Was he going to snitch instead? You would still post the picture anyway, ruin the fantasy for his fangirls and his idol image. You had to do something other than wait in this damn apartment. And he had to understand you weren’t forgetting about the torment he put you through.
You heard nothing from Beomgyu for twelve days. Twelve days of radio silence and being cooped up in your apartment. You were borderline stir crazed but you were too scared to do anything. You found yourself holding your breath at times. 
He doesn’t show up at your house, but social media is blowing up. “Get well soon Beomgyu” is trending on Twitter. Turns out he’s on a “mental health hiatus”. Either that’s true and he’s chickening out or he’s on a temporary suspension as well. You don’t find out until the next day. 
“We would like to apologize and we hope you can forgive us and begin preparing for your debut again.” 
Your face lights up and you thank the executive profusely. You stand up and bow to everyone in the room, thanking them through your tears.
Whether or not Beomgyu showed up at your house hadn’t occurred to you nor did you care. You were rarely at home and busy rehearsing day in and day out. You were utterly exhausted, trudging home with sore legs one night when you saw him. He was waiting by your door, looking shocked when he notices you. 
“I already know you did your part. You don’t have to come here anymore.” You brush past him and push your keys into your door.
“We’re even now.”
You turn the keys and then the doorknob before stopping to spare him a glance. “I know.”
“You left me with blue balls last time and never made up for it.” He doesn’t even try masking the entitlement in his voice. You shove the door open, tonguing your cheek as you turn to face him.
“I don’t owe you anything and I still haven’t forgiven you.”
“Oh come on.” He rolls his head back dramatically. “Don’t make this difficult. What we have is fun and easy. We don’t have to tiptoe around each other, wondering if we said the wrong thing or whatever. We already know we hate each other.”
You sigh, already agitated mere minutes into the conversation. You enter your house and try to shut him out but he keeps it pried open with his hand. You turn to scowl at him to find he’s scowling back. You tug him in by his shirt and shove the door closed. 
“What we have isn’t mutual. It’s not “I hate you, you hate me”. You’re a terrible person and I–” Your rant loses steam as you take a step back and realize that this man is yet again in your home. “I keep subjecting myself to it.” You mutter under your breath regrettably. 
Beomgyu huffs a short laugh. “And what does that say about you?”
His words go down like shards of glass. Mostly because he’s right. He was right before, too. You don’t have to guess what’s going on in his head or what any of this means. You could kiss him right now and not have to worry about what it will mean tomorrow, what the next step for you two is. None of this will lead to mailing wedding invitations and discussing how you’ll split your income. It’s certain.
“Doesn’t really matter now does it?” You smirk as he pushes your jacket off and tosses it away. “No. Now let’s get on with this, Soobin’s getting on my fucking nerves again.”
“Wait.” You distance yourself from him. “Is something wrong with Soobin?”
“As if you care.” He cups the back of your neck and crushes your lips together. You hum a pitiful protest, wanting to continue the conversation but he tastes so fucking good. You finally gather the willpower to pull away. “He’s my friend, of course I care.” Your fingers tangle into his hair as he moves to mark up your neck. 
“You’re only asking about him now?” He mutters between nipping your neck just a little too hard. He’s amazing at pissing you off. You hiss, getting annoyed by his teeth and his words. “You really think I trust you enough to believe anything you say? You’re probably still turning them against me.”
“Lucky for you,” Beomgyu sinks his teeth into the apex of your shoulder and neck, intending to leave a reminder, “they’re on your side.”
“Huh,” You bite your lip and arch into him. The upper hand, you think. Always feels good.
“Don’t even say anything.” He growls into your neck. Before you could do just that he was pulling you to your kitchen and bending you over the counter. “We never make it to the bedroom.” You chuckle. The glee in your voice was sickening. “What did I say.” He warns.
“Aw, what’re you gonna do? Have sex with me? Scary.” You laugh, gasping in delight when he rips a hole in your leggings. “Not gonna shut up?” He grits, seething at your neverending smugness. You hear him behind you, angrily undoing his jeans and shoving them to his ankles. What you don’t see coming is him shoving you full of his cock in one fierce thrust. You gasp harshly this time, reaching back to push at his legs. “So fucking annoying.”
He thrusts you into the counter, banging your pelvic bone against it repeatedly. You fall forward onto the cool material but get lifted back up when he grabs you by your hair. He holds you at that awkward angle and keeps you there as he hammers into you. “Sh-shit!” You try to push back on him and attempt to regain your upper hand but he never ceases. With his other hand he lashes his palm over your ass, dick aching with each yelp you let out. He keeps going until your flesh feels red hot.
But it doesn’t matter. None of this tantrum of his matters. At the end of the day you still deflected each of his attempts to screw you over. They all failed. “Give it to me Beommie.” You mewl obnoxiously. He keeps spanking you until his own hand starts to hurt and curses under his breath.
God, does it feel good. Hate fucking is one thing, but nothing makes your cunt purr like successfully getting under Beomgyu’s skin. He should’ve never told you that. You squeeze around him teasingly, humming when he groans. You’re distracted from your teasing when he readjusts, aiming right for your g-spot. Your resolve melts and you wish for nothing more than to lie forward, go completely limp. Your back and neck start to ache and you whine.
Beomgyu growls again, egged on by your sniveling. The things he’d do to hear you beg for him to let go of your hair are endless. He wouldn’t do it, of course, but it’s your suffering that matters. You whimper, “Beomgyu,”
“What?” He tugs your head back and you release another sweet noise. 
“Right there… that feels good. Don’t stop.” Your voice is so quiet, much different than how you usually are. Not to mention what you said, which took quite a while to register. Beomgyu stops for a moment and you protest, but he needed a moment. He shuffles his feet awkwardly before letting go of your hair. You flop to the counter, welcoming the return of your mobility. He grabs your hips and starts stimulating your sweet spot again. You dissolve into the pleasure and he does too. Without the constant bickering and trying to show each other up you could just… relax.
Your body still aches a bit from the straining and spanking but it’s slowly recovering as your high approaches. Beomgyu moans and leans forward, curling his hands around your wrists as his hips continue to smack against yours. An intricate knot loops in your belly and is pulled tighter and tighter with each genuine sound of pleasure from Beomgyu. He’s actually kinda bearable when he isn’t blabbering a bunch. You rest your cheek against the cool counter as the pleasure practically incapacitates you. Placating all your defenses and strong emotions until you’re a numb blob melting onto the counter. Your debut song is way out of your register and you have practice again in the morning but no one couldn’t tell any of that was the case if they looked at you right now. 
All that mattered was the smooth dick easing in and out of you and the tightening knot and his grip tightening around your wrists and his body moving against you and–
“I’m cumming!” You gasp out before pushing your ass against him as a gush of arousal floods around him. He pulls you up abruptly, holding your body against him as he pumps into you for the last few times. He sees the blinding light of the first of many climaxes for the next month or so. He holds you there until his own climax subsides, yours flickering out a while before. Then he lets you go. You were going to be seeing each other a lot, so there was no need to stay after the deed was done. It didn’t need to be complicated.
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danieyells · 4 months
. . .this whole time i figured the spy and the demon were a connected thing but
I had some vague memory of a line of dialogue and i went looking for it. (I didn't find it, I probably imagined it.) And in that time i ran into
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This. Haku says that the ghouls are punished by breaking the Institute's rules, although he won't elaborate on how or why.
Now think of every ghoul that Darkwick(or, rather, the Institute itself) might have reason to punish.
. . .A lot of them are the ones who're aware of the spy, aren't they?
Taiga does nothing but kill anomalies when the Institute wants to capture them.
Alan killed someone who ultimately lived(came back to life?) and became a professor at darkwick.
Haku hates all of this and probably tried to run away.
maybe Rui did too?
Tohma is perhaps too close to both Alan and Jin and is conniving enough to be a concern for them, on top of being so actively involved in hunting down the spy.
Jin hates his father with a burning passion.
Leo isn't caught in this yet but anon brought up a good point, he mentions wanting to make the people who were responsible(for the misfortunes in his life? For what was going on in the pre-prologue?) pay--if he is indeed talking about the Institute, he'll probably end up getting punished for being too nosy as he gets too into trying to figure out what's going on with this spy business, or trying to investigate something else.
Haku also makes this joke
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which is hot but also. . .I wonder if this is an allusion to that the ones investigating the spy are being closely watched or tracked, or having their movements restricted. . . .
Jin, about 6 months prior to the start of the game, stopped coming out of his room and making public appearances--according to his voicelines he only goes on missions that're B rank or higher and C rank missions he gives to Tohma.
If Jin is avoiding social interaction, Tohma has to attend to him more--and trusting Tohma with administrative things in Darkwick means he has to report to officials frequently, so they can keep a better eye on him. Not sure how long he's been doing that, but I'm pretty sure he transferred in the past year or two? And it's implied he used to be vice captain of Vagastrom, so they may not trust that he's getting so close to Jin either. On the other hand, it separates him from Alan.
Taiga was made captain of Sinostra about 3 months prior to the start of the game, putting his behavior more under scrutiny--ultimately, after sending him on a mission with the intent that he killed an anomaly(only for him to fail, which I find suspicious if we consider theories relating to timelines, loops, or Taiga seeing the future, as one could argue that Taiga deliberately left the anomaly alive for some reason) Romeo's unruly behavior is used as a last straw and Sinostra is put on probation, keeping Taiga on campus.
Alan was given a first year with the second highest scholastic ability score as a vice captain--someone who has a stigma that allows him to hear others from a great distance. Perhaps with the intent that Leo would, due to his academic ability and inexperience, accidentally reveal resistance information for them or put more pressure on them, causing them to struggle more with investigations and resistance.
Haku, in a yet-unreleased chat, says he only goes on low ranking missions so he doesn't have to go to class but can still graduate. They probably aren't too worried about Haku right now, but still keep an eye on him because he was defiant in the past.
. . .i don't really have like. a proper theory here. Just an increasing suspicion that maybe the Institute may not be the best(or the people up top aren't anyway) but Darkwick isn't really aware or they're complicit for the sake of getting work done. . . .
also another random thing that i wonder if it's related. . .one of the wickhive messages is like. "Professor Nicolas would put an anomaly brain in a human body with a smile on his face." and we know he's the advisor for Mortkranken, where Yuri is famous for his experimentation on others--I wonder if that's going to turn out to actually be like. . .a thing. Where Professor Nicolas, the guy who's been like the most chill and normal so far, turns out to be Really Bad or something. . .like maybe they're experimenting on making 'artificial ghouls' or they actually know a lot more about demons than they let on and are somehow getting demons to make pacts with people to see if they can make more ghouls? idk.
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also Hyde is either gonna be one of our first big bads or our greatest ally isn't he.
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iovetecchou · 2 years
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Pairings... Fukuchi Ouchi x Reader
Contains... smut. power imbalance, office sex, rough sex, hair pulling, pet names, dirty talk, size kink, belly bulge, degradation, ruined orgasm, cumshot.
AFAB Reader.
1,457 words.
Original Request.
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You knew you royally screwed up. Fukuchi told you that if you failed this mission, there would be a punishment. A chill ran down your spine when you came into Headquarters today. Teruko informed you that Fukuchi requested you in his office.
As you descended the hallway, anxiety crept up on you. You knew he was pissed when he didn't come out to retrieve you himself. Having Teruko do his bidding was the first red flag. You took in a shaky breath as you pulled his office door open.
"Um, Sir? May I come in?"
You cursed yourself for how shaky your voice came out. "Come, sit." His voice boomed through the room. Causing you to jump out of your skin slightly. You made quick strides toward the open office chair. Not wanting to piss him off further for making him wait.
"You know why you're here, yes?" You had a lump in your throat. You swallowed harshly before you spoke up. "Yes, I'm sorry sir. I'll take any punishment you see as worthy." His back was facing your direction. Not knowing the look he had on his face troubled you.
"That's what I like to hear. Stand, now." His voice was sharp. Lacking any trace of his usual brash self. You did as ordered, standing at full attention. "Come on this side of the desk y/n." You took a few shaky steps. Coming face to face with your superior.
His face was stern, causing anxiety to course through your veins. "Good... now, time for that punishment." Before you could even process it, Fukuchi was pinning you to the desk. He had a firm grasp on the back of your neck. His other hand came up to soothe over your ass.
You let out a loud gasp at his actions. You brought both of your hands up to the desk to further support yourself. Fukuchi's grip on your neck made it difficult for you to move your head in his direction. "Sir, what are you doing?" You croaked out, face flushing deeply as he continued to rub his large hand over your clothed backside.
"You said any form of punishment I deemed worthy. So why don't you stay quiet and take it, my dear."
Before you knew it, Fukuchi was flipping the hem of your skirt up. Exposing your panty-clad ass. Your blush grew deeper as you heard Fukuchi cracking up behind you. You heard rustling next, and the sound of a zipper coming undone. You weren't naive, you knew where this was going. But that didn't mean you still weren't surprised by his form of punishment.
You see, you had been crushing on your boss and leader of the Hunting Dogs, Fukuchi for quite some time now. He would always pair you and himself up on missions. Taking you out for drinks after a hard day's work and everything. Even went so far as to call you,
My Dear
Before you knew it, your panties were being tugged off your hips. You clasped your thighs together as the stale office air hit your bare body. Trying to cover up your newly exposed pussy, but to no avail. Fukuchi jammed his thick thigh between your own. Spreading your legs apart so he could get a better view of your needy cunt.
"Now, now. Don't make this difficult my dear. I have a soft spot for you, so I'm letting you off easy with my choice of punishment. But... if you are going to act like a spoiled slut, then I'll treat you like one."
You clenched around nothing at his words. Fukuchi admitting he had a weak spot for you made your heart flutter. You had been so wounded in your own thoughts that you ultimately failed to notice how your Superior began to line himself up at your entrance.
In one swift motion, he was buried to the hilt inside you. You mewled out as his thick cock stretched you out. The mix between pleasure and pain was enthralling. "Fuck... you're so tight my dear. Think I might have to train your pussy to take my cock, and only my cock from here on out!"
He chuckled out through gritted teeth. His free hand came up to tangle within your locks. Fukuchi yanked you towards him by your hair. Your back contorted as he pulled you flush against his sturdy chest. You could hear him grunting beside your ear as he began his brutal pace inside your pussy.
You were whining out as you felt his cock scrape up against your sweet spot perfectly. His gruff voice hitting the shell of your ear had you clenching around his dick like a vise. "S-Sir... you're too big!" You whimpered out. Turning your head slightly so you could get a small glimpse of his visage.
His grip on your locks grew stern. Locking your head in place as he landed a harsh smack against your ass with his opposite hand. "Eyes forward my dear! This is your punishment after all." He grunted out. Soothing his large hand over your newly reddened ass as he continued to stir up your insides.
You were drooling at this point. His cock continued to prod at that spot inside of you that made you see stars. Fukuchi snaked his large hand that was resting atop your ass to the front of your tummy. He let out a loud whistle before he tilted your head forward. "See that? This pussy is all mine now." Your eyes were blown wide at the sight below you.
Fukuchi's cock was so deep inside you it was causing your tummy to protrude slightly. With each deep thrust, you could see the imprint of his dick bulging at your front. Drool seeped past your lips at the sight alone. He pressed his fingers into your tummy, causing you to whine out. "Feel that? I'm all the way in your guts, my dear."
Your orgasm was approaching, and fast. This whole experience was so overwhelming, in the best way possible. You still weren't quite sure how this was considered punishment. To you, this was more like a reward.
"Sir- m' gonna cum!" You babbled out. Your eyes rolled back into your head as you twitched and pulsed around Fukuchi's thick cock. You were merely seconds away from toppling over the edge. That was until Fukuchi pulled out of you, completely. Leaving you twitching and clenching around nothing. Your orgasm was entirely ruined.
"When did I say you could cum, you spoiled slut?"
Of course, it was too good to be true.
His grasp on your hair loosened. Causing you to collapse atop the desk. Fukuchi began pumping his cock fiercely from behind you. You could hear him grunting and sighing behind you as his first ropes of cum hit the back of your thighs.
"Fuck... you look so pretty coated in my cum my dear. Maybe I should put you on display from now on. Since you are utterly useless to the unit on the field."
He groaned out as the last of his seed painted your exposed flesh. You pouted at his words. Teeth scoring your bottom lip as you heard him chuckling once more from behind you. Your legs were shaking slightly as you heard the door swing open.
You whipped your head up at the sound. Fear coursed through your veins as you saw your three colleagues slip through the door one by one. "Jouno my boy! Perfect timing." Fukuchi exclaimed. Tucking his spent cock back inside his briefs.
Your eyes locked on Tachihara's as he peered down at you. A sly smirk etched across his face as he made his way closer to your pathetic frame. Tecchou wasn't far behind the amber-haired man. "Obviously I would have perfect timing. I could hear every filthy thing that transpired in here only moments ago." Jouno quipped out. Clicking his tongue as he took his place behind you.
"Sir- what's going on?" You frantically blurted out. Bringing your shaky hands down to the desk. Pushing yourself up swiftly, only to be shoved back down by the blind king himself. "You didn't tell her?" Tecchou questioned, making his way beside Tachihara. Who stood directly in front of your face now.
"Oh right! Completely slipped my mind. Y/n my dear, your punishment is not over just yet. That's right, it's only the beginning! So, who's up next?"
Jouno's grip on the back of your neck tightened. He leaned over your frame. The tips of his colored hair tickled the side of your face as his lips ghosted over the shell of your ear. You could feel the smirk that was etched into his visage.
"It's my turn, princess."
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thank you so much for your request! this was my first time writing for fukuchi, so I hope I was able to do him justice^^!
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o-wise-corvid · 1 year
Maul takes statements a little too literally because Sidious had a habit of making “offhand” ones that turned out to be extremely literal. Like “it will only be a little skin off your back” would mean carving a piece of flesh off Maul’s back while being told if he moved or made a sound, they’d start again on a completely new area until he could “complete the mission”.
You don’t come out of being raised like that for as long as you can remember and be a regular person mentally. If he didn’t take it all at face value, he’d never have survived. If he didn’t follow instructions to the letter, there would be pain worse than what he was already in.
In canon, and AU’s that include this, most healthy moment he ever had was realizing that it wasn’t that he was unworthy of Sidious’ approval, but that Sidious was unworthy of his adoration. In canon, he decided to make it Sidious’ problem however he possibly could. Killing Anakin was his best shot. And he got Ahsoka instead.
Kenobi was just an outlet for all the pain and hurt and jealousy that all this breeds inside a person’s soul. Kenobi was why he failed right? Right?! He had to be. And when Maul discovered Kenobi had someone that loved him, truly loved him… they had to be dealt with. And that’s why Satine had to die. How could he let the man who’d taken everything from him have the thing that Maul so desperately CRAVES? Simply put, Maul couldn’t.
Maul’s full, ultimately, of love. But he’s been beaten and twisted and broken so many times that when it comes to showing it, it’s also broken. “I was told to do this by a person I love and if I love them, I do it to the letter, because if I don’t, I must not love them so maybe they’ll love me if I do it perfectly.” All he wants in the end, is someone to please love him back. But he doesn’t believe he deserves it. Because no one ever has. Which in turn leads to “If I don’t show how much I hurt, it isn’t real but I deserve it all anyway, so who cares?”
So when I write for a Maul who’s endured Sidious and come out the other side, whether in an AU where he gave up being a Sith or Sidious was killed, you get a very tired, very lonely man. He’s free of some things, having possibly realized that Kenobi was just a scared kid who’d watched his father-figure die and who else wouldn’t have gone after Maul after seeing that? It was all Sidious. He might meet someone he likes. A partner or perhaps a younger person he realizes he has paternal instincts toward. But then, he comes to love them. And one day they tell him to just GO AWAY. LEAVE ME ALONE. They mean it for an hour or so. A couple days max.
But Maul doesn’t understand that. It’s not their fault. And it’s not his either. So when they realize Maul’s not even in the same building, but is in fact waiting at the nearest spaceport with the cheapest shuttle across the galaxy in mind, it’s liable to make them panic. Because chances are, they don’t even remember what they said to him. If he ends up failing either in this or some other regard, brought back because of whatever reason, it frequently leads to quiet self harm because he failed and failure means punishment.
It doesn’t matter whoever he’s with all but begs him to not do this, not leave them. Maul doesn’t believe it. Even if he agrees just to get whoever it is to calm down. Because it feels so good. To be wanted. To be clung to. If it’s true, it’s going to have to hurt. Things that feel this good… they simply don’t happen to Maul. So they’re obviously lies.
This mental cycle is breakable. But it’s going to take a long time and a whole lot of effort. Which is why Maul isn’t easy to love or for just anyone to attempt to try to. He’s damaged. Horribly. And you’re going to get hurt trying to heal that. One should accept that not all of it will be healed. One should accept that he’s going to misunderstand. And if someone really does love him? They’re going to have to try anyway.
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fallen-flier · 3 months
the moon will sing (time traveling tim)
part 1 + ao3 link
idea inspired by this post by @puppetwoman17!
beta'd by @pinkcowzz :)
Tim had forgotten, to some extent, how vigilantism looked from a civilian perspective. Unless one had a strict, holier than thou moral standing, was a certain type of law enforcement, or was a criminal, very few people well and truly saw it as a bad thing, unless said vigilante punished innocents. 
So when Tim sees Nightwing on the news, beautifully intricate and brutal, the air is punched out of his lungs. His older brother hasn't adopted the same type of showiness and efficiency Tim is used to, but he can see moves that Dick could've developed into his future style— a kick that could've transitioned into a flip, too many spins when it could've been easier just to twist out of the way. Tim aches, the same way a younger sibling misses the quiet and not-so-quiet affection only the older can fill. Tim knows how to bide his time, knows the price of hastiness like an old wound, but this is different. Dick is not a mission Tim needs to fulfill, a duty Tim has bound himself to serve (to save), he's Tim's older brother.
Because here is the thing about Dick: Tim knows he cannot outsmart him. Not because Tim isn't a fantastic liar or is wonderful at gaslighting people, but it's because he's learned it from the very boy who preceded him— Dick. 
If Tim could move people around like chess pieces, analyze their next move and stay three steps ahead of them, then Dick could coax them to shift to where he wanted, read their body language and mood like it was nothing, slide right into their path and dismantle it. Tim manipulated people with the ease of a trained puppeteer but Dick was a damned master at it. 
Or maybe, Tim just didn't want to see his older brother because the whole thing would fall apart. Not because Dick could read him like Cass could, but because Tim would probably slip up too much, let him know more information than needed— and boom, cover blown.
It's a good thing he's too young for galas at this age. Tim still has a few days left of spring break, but the deadline is coming quickly and he'll be thrown back into middle school. Or well, boarding school, to be exact. Which meant he wouldn't be anywhere near his house or the nightlife of Gotham for a few more months, not until summer break. The thought makes Tim's stomach twist uncomfortably with dread, half because he's still being hit with migraines and trips over himself way too much and the paranoia of being unable to protect himself gets a little heavy sometimes. And Tim hasn't exactly had the best of relationships with schools in general.
Intellectually, he knows that school should be easy. He's twenty-three years old and he's going to be surrounded by eleven-year-olds who most definitely have never used differential calculus or number theory before. They're probably going to have grammar quizzes in his English class instead of five paragraph in-class essays. Tim can fail most of his tests and it won't even matter in the long run because nobody even checks middle school grades.
All of a sudden, Tim sympathizes with Damian. The worst part is, reality is finally kicking in and the smartest people in the room are going to be teachers, who most definitely are going to treat him like a genius at best and a traumatized, overly intelligent child at worst (he has never understood Damian so much). 
Tim can barely remember the name of his sixth grade friends, or if he ever had any. In fact, Tim has no idea what his classes are or where to find them. 
Tim is pretty sure it’s ridiculous, how much time he spends on not researching current events. He’s from the future. He should know everything. 
Gotham is horribly, terribly, alive. It’s the city he fell in love with, like every other Robin before and after him. In truth, Tim almost forgot his camera before leaving (rookie mistake, even his younger self would’ve caught on), because it’s been so long since he’d gone birdwatching. 2XXX. It’s a Saturday. Batman probably would swing through the Bowery first, then through Crime Alley, and then turn at East End, make a loop through Somerset, then go to Old Gotham. 
Tim grabs onto a ladder, quickly swinging himself up onto the roof with a quiet ‘oof’. His footsteps are far too loud for his liking, but it was unlikely anyone would come and investigate– it was Gotham, as long as he didn’t go breaking into buildings, nobody cared. Quietly, he settles behind a packaged unit, adjusting the lens of his camera. Then, he settles in for the long wait. 
Not before long, Batman comes swinging across with Robin– Jason. He’s not as acrobatic as Dick, but certainly just as efficient. Tim presses down softly and the camera clicks, the sound hidden among the rest of the nightlife. 
He only gets a few other pictures that night, but his favorite is Batman and Robin, standing side by side, a wide smile stretched across Jason’s face as Bruce puts his hand on his shoulder.
It’s an achingly wondrous expression on Jason’s face.
All too soon, the week comes to an end and Tim has to order a taxi to bring him back to school. Annoyingly, it makes Tim extremely twitchy, so he spends most of the time trying not to vibrate out of his skin, forcing a steady stream of words out of his mouth to distract himself. It sort of works, and Tim is pretty sure that the taxi driver is reluctantly charmed and hopefully not annoyed.
At this age, Tim’s computer is still one of those big, chunky, plugged-to-the-wall, takes-forever-to set-up-type of computer, but at least he has one. It does not make him incredibly annoyed. It only takes a few minutes to open it, and by the time Tim is connected to the internet, his head is buried into his arms, burying a scream. 
Everything burns, in the worst, most horrible way possible. 
Tim gets back up anyways.
a/n: some introspection before we get into it! this also came out horrifically later than i wanted to lmao but i hope y'all enjoyed. :) i’m taking a hiatus after this, so posts will be sporadic (even more than before haha) but yeah.
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pholla-jm · 1 year
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I can't believe I let them die... it's all my fault. I am part of the Lower Moon. I was supposed to protect my fellow peers. Mukago specifically. Mukago was often scared of fighting with demon slayers. And for some reason I took it upon myself to protect her. 
But even I failed at doing that. 
It was supposed to be easy. Just a normal scouting for information and maybe kill a couple of humans along the way.   Mukago could be be pretty careless when killing humans. She doesn't care who the human is, she is killing them.
Me, on the other hand, only killed specific types of humans. 
I don't know what happened really. All I know was that I was gathering information. My best guess is that Mukago was killing humans. Word of that got to the demon slayers and some lower rank demon slayers were sent to investigate. 
When I heard Mukago scream, I ran straight towards that direction. I was too late though. Her head was already rolling on the ground, her body starting to disintegrate. 
The demon slayers eyes met mine, and they readied their sword to attack me. But they were too slow. I was able to activate my blood demon art before they even got too close to me. 
After I finished my mission I went to my room in the infinity castle.  I know, I get my own room. 
Muzan liked having me closer to him for some reason. I was always a bit confused as to why because if he wanted to summon me, he could just tell Nakime to summon me and I would be there in a split second.
Let's get back to my current situation.  I could feel the panic start to set in my stomach. 
I just know that Muzan is going to be furious about the outcome of our mission. I let one of the lower demons die. I am for sure going to die. I didn't want to die, I didn't want to get hurt. However, I knew I made a big mistake so the punishment should surely be death. And knowing Muzan it would be painful.
Next thing I knew, tears were flowing down my (s/c) skin. I couldn't control them. They started cascading down my face like a waterfall, and my breathing started to get heavy. 
I remember these... panic attacks. I had them quite often when I was human.
"(y/n)". I froze up hearing the familiar voice calling my name. 
My back was facing him, so he couldn't exactly see my tears. So I quickly wiped them away, hoping he wouldn't see me crying. That would only make me seem weak to his eyes. I tried to control my breathing but it was hard to do. 
"Yes... Master." I muttered, not facing him.
"(y/n), face me." He says and I silently curse to myself. I turn myself around, still keeping my head facing the ground. 
"Tell me how the mission went." He says and just like that, I feel my panic attack start again.  My breathing started to get heavy, I could feel my heart palpating. My words were stuck in my throat. I didn't want to tell him. I don't want to get hurt.
The next thing I know I could see his nice leather shoes in my vision. One of his hands was on my upper arm, and his other hand reached for my chin. Forcing me to look up at him. 
Muzan's eyes widen looking at me.  "Slow down, (y/n). Take a deep breath." 
I do what he says... because why wouldn't I listen to him? 
"I'm so sorry Master, I deserve to die." I say as some tears start to trickle down my face. "Did you find some information?" 
I nodded my head, "Yes... but I let Mukago die. One of your lower rank demons are now gone..." I whisper. 
"I do not care." His words cause me to look up at him surprised.  He could sense my confusion, so he continued. "I do not care that she died. She was weak anyway. Scared to fight any demon slayers. She was bound to die anyway with that mindset."  "It was my job to protect her though... and I failed. I am a failure." 
"I don't ever want to hear those words come out of your mouth again." He sternly says causing my eyes to widen and my heart to stop beating. He was mad, I just knew it. I look back down at the ground.  "I'm sorry M-" "You are not a failure." 
"I'm sorry?"  Now I was confused.
"Stop saying you're sorry. There is no reason to be sorry."
I felt his hand on my chin, forcing me to look into his ruby eyes. 
"Now, tell me why you think you are failure." 
I took a shaky breath, "When I was a human... they always called me a failure."  Muzan's eyes furrowed, "who?"  "My parents.... if I did one thing wrong, I would get severely beaten." I let out a bitter laugh as I remembered a memory.
"I remember one time I was cleaning the kitchen and I forgot to clean out the ashes in the oven. When my dad came home, he was so furious. He took me outside, along with the ashes, and dumped them on me. After that he smacked me in the face. He called me a worthless failure... just because I forgot to take out the ashes. There was another time that I tripped in the house, and my mother got so mad for no reason. She kicked me repeatedly until my ribs broke and locked me in room. She said something along the lines that I was an embarrassment." 
I was suddenly pulled into an embrace. My eyes widen when I realized that I was in Muzan's arms. He was hugging me... 
"What-" "You are not a failure." 
I stopped talking, not wanting to anger him. It felt strange though. I never seen Muzan give affection to anyone. Why was this any different? 
It felt nice though... Hands being used to give affection instead of harm. Strange, but nice.
I slowly wrapped my arms around him, leaning my head into his chest. In response, he hugged me tighter, but not too tight. 
"You are very dear to (y/n), do you understand?"  I just nod my head.  "Good." He whispers still holding me in his embrace. I don't know how long this will last, but I will enjoy every second of it. 
"What happened to your parents?" He asks out of nowhere.  "Oh... I ate them. They were my first meal after you turned me."  I felt Muzan smile slightly, "good." 
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codfanficedits · 1 year
One fucking mistake - Part Two.
Pairing:Simon 'Ghost' Riley x fem!Reader.
Summary: Simon lost you after making a mistake on a mission.
Wordcount: 843 | Rating: E (18+ only!)
Warnings: Arguing, cussing, swearing, grieving, communication, angst with no comfort.
A/N: Part two!
Part 1 ~ AO3 Link
And when the morning comes, and Simon is once again reminded of what life has taken from him, he starts to understand why people smoke until their lungs are black, why people drink the night away or why they throw themselves off buildings.
His mind didn’t register the warm water of the shower anymore, everything in life started to feel dull, the warmth of the sun no longer hitting his skin, the smell of lavender no longer reaching his nose, even food started to taste as bland as he felt.
Simon dreaded going to debriefings, the stares he would get, full of compassion, it made him sick to his stomach, they all thought that they knew what he was going through, but no one really knew how he felt, and he was not about to share it with anyone.
He was the last to join, and as expected all the heads turned towards him when he walked in, taking his usual seat. He despised the looks his teammates gave them, and he refused to meet their gazes, his eyes focused on the paper before him.
“Simon.” Price starts.
“Ghost.” He corrects.
“I’m sorry.” Price clears his throat. “Ghost. We’re going back to that mission whe-“
“Why.” His voice is sharp.
“We’re going to search for a body.”
Simon can feel his heartbeat in his ear, and he can feel his face getting red. He doesn’t want to search for a body. Because not having a body meant you were still Missing In Action. It meant that there was still a chance you would come back to him, it meant that if he prayed hard enough, you would return to the place where you belonged. His arms.
Finding your body would mean that you would be Killed In Action, it would mean that he would need to find a crowbar and pry the pieces of God of out his body, a punishment for being abandoned. Finding you would mean that he had to accept that his mission had killed you, and he wasn’t ready to face that.
“No.” His answer was short.
“It has been three weeks.”
“I don’t care!” Simon slams his fist on the table to power up his words.
“We’re going and you can either join us or stay here.” Price gives him the choice.
And Simon doesn’t know what to do, because he wants to stay in the bubble he had created for himself, he wanted to believe that you would just show up, as an early Christmas present. And if he went to look for you, he’d know for certain you would never come back.
But he couldn’t let the other find you. It would be a betrayal towards you, he had sworn to protect you, he had already failed at that, the least he could do was bring your body home himself.
“I’m coming.”
His teammates look up, slightly confused, all of them had expected him to stay on base.
“Are you sure?” Soap breaks the silence.
“Do I have to repeat myself, sergeant?”
“Of course not Lieutenant.”
But Simon zones out quickly after that. His mind wandering towards the upcoming mission. Bringing you home. How would you look when he found you? Would you still be as pretty? How would your face look? He was worried, worried he’d find you with a terrified look on your face. Worried he would find you half dressed, your innocence taken away by the enemy. All he could be was worried.
 He doesn’t even register his teammates getting up and leaving the debriefing room.
“A word.” The stern voice of his captain snaps him out of it.
“You can’t go on like this, Simon.”
“No. I’m talking to you as Simon.” Price answers. “I’ll allow you to go on this mission, as I understand how important it is to you, but after we’re back.”
“Don’t you dare.”
“I’m your captain and you listen to me.”
Simon can feel the muscle under his eye twitching, he hated it when Price reminded him that he outranked him, but he knew Price wouldn’t back off if it came to a standoff, although Price did seem like a sweet man, he had a lot of bark in him when needed.
“Yes captain.”
“When we’re back, I want you to take some leave, get some professional help. I can’t watch you drink yourself to death every night. I can’t keep covering for you to our higher ups, Simon. You deserve better than this.”
No, no, no. Simon felt as if he deserved exactly what he was given, after all, he had been the one to drag you along on that mission.
“If you say so.”
“Now, go prepare yourself. I can imagine it is going to be tough to get back there.”
Oh it was. Just the mere idea of going back to the place where he lost you was enough for Simon to get his stomach to churn. But he needed to go, he owed it to you, he owed it to himself.
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ficbitch · 1 year
Mistakes and Punishments [Miguel O’Hara x Reader]
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Oneshot (18+)
Summary- After failing a mission, miguel calls you into his office and punishes you.
Tags- NSFW, possessive, creampies, degration, praise, choking, biting, ownership, fighting, unprotected sex, rough sex, overstimulation, untranslated Spanish.
Miguel O’Hara had ordered you into his office, a cold and dark room where he spent his days staring at the screens. As you took a step into his room, you could feel the coolness of the room and you eyes ran to where he was, his back to you. 
You knew he knew you had entered, so you didn’t feel the need to announce your arrival as you made your way to the place you had been judged and reprimanded from past missions.
You found your usual spot, crossed your arms, and watched his figure. He had his hands on his waist as his head shook slightly. “Otra ves esto no.” he muttered darkly, as he turned to face you, looking down at you with distaste. 
His crimson eyes scanned your frame, and you felt small under his intense gaze. He has always seemed to hate you, from the moment he reluctantly recruited you into his spider society. This time you had screwed up on a mission.
“You messed up big time, princesa..” Miguel stalked towards you like a predator, his gaze harsh and dark. He grabbed your chin and made you look him in his eyes. 
You didn’t back down from his gaze, and mustered up all your confidence to glare him down. You stared up firmly into his eyes as much as you could, and you didn’t cower, but your heart was racing and his face seemed to be inches away from yours.
Miguel looked almost as if he was amused at you not backing down. Perhaps this was why he had recruited you, although you had always been a pest in his eyes, you had the confidence and you would never back down. 
He stared at you for a moment and he backed away slightly, dropping your chin. “Good,” he said quietly, “I don’t like you being weak.” he almost looked impressed. “I want you to tell me exactly what went wrong.”
You took a deep breath in, realizing you had been holding it in, and you felt your heart flutter from his.. compliment? You shook your head from any thoughts and stayed on topic, “I told you all about it in the report, Miguel. Things got hectic in there and next thing I knew, I messed up.” you run your hand over your face.
Miguel backed up and leaned against one of his desks, his arms crossed and his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. He seemed annoyed right now, as if he was on the edge of snapping. “You don’t get it do you? ‘next thing I knew?’ You’re supposed to be good at this. People depend you! You were trusted to do this and you screwed it up?!” His voice had risen, and he took a breath that looked like a meek attempt to calm himself down. “Tell me exactly what happened.”
You sigh and shake your head, recounting through the mission. “Then.. I was holding up this bridge and Peter B was knocked out, and Doc Ock had people hostage. I didn’t have a choice, I dropped that bridge and saved those people but Doc Ock escaped and the damage was...” you faltered in your story, eyebrows furrowed as you looked down, disappointed in yourself. “I wrote a whole report on it, I don’t know why you don’t just read it.”
Miguel scoffs and rolls his eyes. You have a point, but he’s not going to admit that. He puts a hand to his head, “this.. is.. exactly what I mean! You’re not ready for this,” he turns to his screens, having come to his conclusion. “You have a lot to learn.” He looks away from you with a cold callous gaze.
“A lot to learn?” you say in shocked amazement and you let out a laugh “I can’t believe you right now. I make one mistake and suddenly I don’t know anything?! One mistake and suddenly you’re saying ‘I'm not ready’ as if you don’t know I’m on of your best assets.”
Miguel lets out a scoff, turning his head back to you. “You are not one of my best assets. You are arrogant and self-absorbed. If you’re so amazing, how come I still have to fix your screw-ups? You’re a burden to the team and you need to fix yourself.” He looks at you with hatred and disgust. He had never seemed so mean, but he definitely was showing how harsh he could be.
Him being harsh only spurred you forward, as your voice began to rise and your fists balled at your sides. “You’re the one always calling on me when things go awry.” you start to shake with rising anger, “Don’t even act like I'm not good at what I do because you know you’d never be where you are now without me.”
Miguels annoyance rises, and he faces you fully once more, his red eyes looking down on you with a fiery dislike. “You are so full of it.” He hisses as he stalks closer to you, glaring you down. “You’re a bratty little spider, trying to act all big and tough, but really you are the weakest person on this team,” He snarls at you.
You’re on the edge of snapping, and you have no intention on backing down. “And you’re a self proclaimed know-it-all who hides behind a cold exterior when you’re really just too scared to open up to anyone else in fear of another failure.” You snarl as you inch closer to him, glaring up at him.
Miguels eyes narrow, you seem to have hit a spot inside him that hurt, and you see his eyes glow red. “Don’t you dare talk about me that way. I am the boss. I am the reason everyone is here. I am the only one holding together the multiverse.” Miguels fists are clenched as he steps closer to you, his face inches from yours. “Say it again,” he dares you.
“Oh I think you heard me loud and clear,” you growl out at him.
He looks livid, “You’re an insolent brat who doesn’t know how to keep her mouth shut. How dare you talk to me like that.” You had never seen him so angry, and you were so angry you wanted to see him snap, but another part of you faltered at his anger. He was terrifying when he was like his. 
Miguel had been absolutely cruel to you ever since you had met, and had been knit-picking every single job you do, never relenting. Your work would be close to perfect, and he’d find one tiny mistake and would make you do it all over again. You had wasted nights working away. You had spend sleepless nights fixing made up mistakes. And you had been at the edge of snapping for months. 
“If I don’t know how to keep my mouth shut,” you say softly, “why don't you shut me up?” your voice turns gravelly as you dare him, you watch his eyes, hatred sparking in your eyes.
Miguel let out a low growl and his face turned furious. His hands clasped on your shoulders roughly as he pulls you closer to him. He's ready to snap, and he looks like a beast. “Who taught you to be so brazen?” he says lowly.
“You” you reply with words like silk, and you look up at him with a calm rage.
He pulls you closer, and he looks like he is ready to kill you. He looks like he’s ready to kill you. “I have given you so much, and you don’t appreciate any of it.” Miguel is so close, you can smell his skin, see the tiny specs of saliva on his lips. 
Your breath catches as your confidence slips slightly, your heart beating heavily. You can sense his beating rapidly too. “You haven’t given me anything except for insults and sleepless nights and threats.” 
He glares down at you. “You’re nothing.” his face is only inches from yours, his breath hot on your face. “Shut.. Up. Do you know what I do to people who make me angry? I know exactly how to make you regret talking back to me,” his eyes glow red, and you can see his fangs as his snarls at you.
“Try me,” you glower at him, “You’re all bark and no bite.”
He gets even scarier looking, and his eyes turn dark, he pulls you close and whispers in your ear, his cheek hot against yours, “You really want to know what I do to brats who anger me?” His breath is hot as he hisses.
Your heart is beating fast now. From fear, from anger, and from a small excitement. Deep down you knew this man was gorgeous but you had concealed that feeling for so long. You take a deep breath in, and shake slightly as you clench your legs together, noticing just how wet you had become. What was wrong with you? You couldn't possibly be turned on from Miguel being a monster.
Miguel notices your reaction, and he notices your face getting red. He realized you liked this, and he puts his lips on your ear as he whispers huskily, his tone soft now but there's still a hint of malice. “You’re not as tough as you make yourself seem,”
Your mind is foggy, “I’m tougher than you will ever imagine to be,” you ground out, struggling to breath properly as you notice his shift in energy.
He chuckles softly at you're breathless voice. He continues whispering in your ear. “Do you want to prove you’re tough?”
He’s so cocky and sure of himself it drives you wild. You’re so full of anger, despite your body reacting differently, and you raise your hand to hit him but as you swing, he grabs you wrist right before you make contact with his skin, his hand wrapping around your wrist. His eyes never breaking from yours.
He laughs at you. His eyes are burning with an intense red. “You’re pathetic,” He lets your hand go and it falls limply to your side. He smirks at you. You’re face is red. 
“You deserve to be punished,” he says darkly, and your eyes go wide. He's in your ear again, his hands on your waist as he pushes you back. “Would you like that?” Your back hits the cold wall behind you, and he has you pinned.
Your breath is stuck, and your face is red. He grins darkly and runs his lips down your ear to your neck, breath hot on your skin. “You want me, don’t you?” he asks. He’s enjoying your reaction. You look up, your hands on his shoulders now as you hold your breath.
His mouth opens, his fangs run along your skin lightly. He settles them on the nape of your neck, and you let out a soft breath. Before he sinks his teeth in, he pulls away and chuckles darkly.
“Look at you, so desperate, so weak and helpless. You’re your worse enemy. Giving yourself away so easily.” he leans in close to your ear, his lips grazing your ear. “I’ll have you begging for mercy soon,”
You’re at a loss for words, your excitement pooling and you can feel just how wet you’ve become. You simply nod your head shyly, all of your confidence gone as you blush underneath his firm hold.
“Tell me,” his lips trace along your ear to your cheek, “tell me just how badly you want me.”
“M-miguel,” You clench your thighs together, anything to ease the growing pressure. “I want you.” you whisper out softly, amazed that you would ever admit those words. 
He grins as you blush, and he loves seeing you unable to find words to snap back at him. He had thought about you like this for so long, imagined at how you would react to his words, to his touch. 
He pulls back slightly and holds your chin up to look him in the eyes. His eyes are still burning red, and his voice his husky. “If we do this,” his voice turns firm and almost cold, “you will be mine.” his eyes flash with hunger.
You can’t deny that the idea of being his excites you, but also startles you slightly. It was as if he was eager to have you be his. Your mind is reeling. Maybe the reason he had always annoyed you to no end with his knit-picking and correcting was the only way he knew how to interact with you. You hadn't given him many other chances, avoiding him any chance you could get. Perhaps the true reason he kept you around was not only for your skill, but his want and desire.
After a moment, you nod your head softly, your chin in his hand, “I'm yours” you whisper out.
He seems very satisfied with your reply as he smirks down at you, his thumb running across your lip lightly as he analyzed you, his eyes dark “Very good, princesa.” he chuckles and knows full well what you’re feeling, he can smell your excitement, and he loves it. He continues to look you up down. 
He leans in close, and you can see a twinkle in his eye as he smirks, looking down at your lip as his thumb lightly pulls down your bottom lip. “I will do whatever I want to you, and you’ll thank me for it.”
His thumb rests on your lip and you open your mouth slightly, looking straight into his eyes as he tilted his head, his thumb going into your mouth and you suckle on it softly. It drives him wild, and he licks his lips, his eyes glowing. He pushes closer to you, his thigh pushing between your legs and he pushed you to the wall, his arm resting on the wall next to your head as his gaze is heavy on you.
He smirks, popping his thumb out of your soft mouth. “You’ve been turned on from the beginning, haven't you?” he whispered softly, as he took in a deep breath. “You’re scent drives me wild.” he pressed his thigh between yours, and you let out a barely legible moan. “And you’re so wet.” He said softly, feeling you on his thigh even past the clothing separating your skin.
Your face is red, and you bite your lip softly as you look up at him. He looks hungry, and you can tell his thoughts are foggy as he has you under him. 
His looks at your lips, and he’s so close you can feel his lips brush against yours for a second. He closes the small gap and he kisses you slowly and softly. His lips are so warm against yours, and you kiss him back, deepening the kiss. Your tongue licks his lip softly and his hand grips your waist tightly, his eyebrows furrowing as he's lost in your taste.
You whimper at his hard grip on you, a sharp contrast to the kiss he is giving you, and he lets go, kissing you more forcefully, his hand snaking behind your waist and pushing you closer to him, his other hand sliding down your clothed stomach. You can feel his strength as he pulls you as close as he can, his hand sliding down your front is feather light. 
He continues kissing you with pure desire, as his hand behind you slips into your hair. His grip tightens and he suddenly yanks your head back, parting from the kiss and running his lips down your chin to your neck, kissing your skin hotly, leaving your lips hot against the cold air. He's kissing you with a passion and intensity you never thought Miguel would be capable of.
Your hands go to grip his arm that this running down your front and he smirks against you. “You’re such a needy little spider, aren't you?” he groans out as you grip his arm nervously. As you nod your head lightly, he starts to suck on your neck. You release a soft moan you didn’t know you were holding at his hot tongue on your neck. 
His other hand reaches your pants, and he quickly pushes past the fabric, his strong hand running down your soaked panties. “Fuck, princesa.” he groans out lowly as he grips your cunt. You let out a soft whimper, wanting more. He smiles at your neediness, and his free hand pushes your shirt up, your hands quick to rise, helping him undress you. 
He looks at your breasts and back into your eyes, “tu eres maravilla.” he says lowly, his eyes darkening as his middle finger runs down your folds past the cloth of your soaked panties. Your mouth opens in a small silent moan, your eyebrows furrowing at his light touch. He licks down your collar bone to your breast, sucking softly on your hard nipple. 
His hand in your pants runs slow circles around your clit with barely any pressure, and it drives you wild as he sucks on your breast softly, his fangs sending your back arching at his touch as you let out the quietest whimpers. 
His eyes glow red and you push down on him, “Miguel- please,” you say softly.
He growls against you softly and pulls back, a string of his saliva falling down his chin. He pulls his hand up and you whimper. He stares into your eyes as he raises his wet hand to his lips and sucks. Your face is red as you watch him lick your juices off his finger, and he cups your face. “You are so needy, I think you’re forgetting who’s in charge here.” He says deeply, his softness dissipating and his gaze grows dark. 
“I need more,” you say breathlessly, feeling bare without his hands on you, “Please Miguel.”
He shakes his head as he chuckles. He grabs your waist roughly and flips you, your hands catching yourself on the cold wall. “You want more?” he asks in your ear, his body pressed against your back. From this angle, you can feel his bulge against your lower back as he intentionally pushing against you. “Fine, I’ll give you more.” he says as his hands grip your pants and push them down to the ground. 
Your ass is bare and the cold air of his office hits your hot skin. You can hear his suit undue and the tech of it disappearing. His body is hot against you, and he presses into your back, one hand playing with your breast and the other back on your wet pussy.
He’s rougher now, as he runs his hand down your soaking folds and he groans at the feeling in your ear, clearly pleased at how you’re reacting to him. “You want me so bad,” he says darkly into your ear. “I can do anything I want with you, can't I?” 
You nod your head quickly, “Y-yes. Miguel I need you.”
“Good,” he groans as his hand on your breast runs up to your neck, his other hand moving to his own length, pushing between your thighs, against your pussy. You look down at you can see his length, wet from you, poking between your thighs, hot against your skin. He starts to move his hips against you, and you watch as he pushes back and forth, teasing you as he slicks along your cunt.  “You're so fucking wet.” he whispers to himself.
“Please” You beg as you push yourself against him. His grip on your neck tightens, pushing you closer against him. 
“Such a needy slut,” he spits out, he kisses along your shoulder and adjusts himself against you, leaning low. You can feel his tip push against you, and you open your mouth, half from pain and pleasure, as he slowly pushes into you. He sinks fully into you, and he lets out a deep groan, sinking his fangs into your shoulder.
“F-Fuck” you moan out as he watched his dick disappear into you, lubricated by how wet you were. 
“You feel so good” He groaned out as his gaze turned animalistic and needy. He didn’t give you time to adjust to the sheer size of him before he pulled out and pushed back into you roughly. 
You moaned out loudly, your head rolling back, as he got lost in the tightness and warmness of you. You felt heavenly. Both of his hands went to your waist, and lifted you easily, your hands and cheek against the wall for support as your legs dangle helplessly. 
At this angle, he went deeper than before, and he was relentless, his speed quickening. He was driven by dark desire and he’s in his own world, his eyes red and his mouth letting out soft breaths as he pushing you down and thrust up into you. 
You're a moaning mess beneath him as you take him, and you can hear his deep groans every time he pushes all the way in. He sounds so heavenly and soft, but when you glance at him he looks like a demon, eyes red and canines white. His eyes look up to you and his eyebrows are furrowed, his mouth open as he moans, his gaze heavy as he watches you in the same state he’s in. 
You had never felt anything this good before. He was reaching places you didn’t know could be reached, and the way he was moaning sent you wild. 
“Tell me how good it feels,” He moans out, his hot breath against your back.
“It feels so good baby,” you moan out messily, and your eyes roll back as he goes quicker, as he pistons in and out of you.
“That's my little princess,” his voice is low and animalistic. You begin to shake from pleasure, and you can feel a knot forming in your stomach quickly.
“God, I’m close,” You whimper out and his arm wraps around your waist, giving him a free hand to play with your clit. That sends you into a moaning mess as his hand expertly circles around your clit, and the mixed pleasure is almost too much. Your legs shake as you cum around his dick, and he doesn’t make a move to stop.
“M-Miguel!” you moan out as you become a shaking mess, his hand circling your clit quickly as he bottoms out in you. 
“What is it?” He asks in your ear, “You want me to stop?” 
You nod your head, as his hand and dick overstimulate you. “’s too much,”
His hand pulls away and he sets you down before popping out of you. The wall supports you and he turns you around to look at him. His jaw is tight as he leans down to kiss you. You kiss him back softly before he suddenly lifts you again. He takes you over to his desk and sets you on the edge, kissing you roughly now. His hands on your hips as he lifts you towards him. 
He lines himself up again, and pushes in. You try to pull away from the kiss but he doesn’t let you, “Miguel” you moan into his lips as he pulls in and out slowly, your legs tingling at each stroke. 
He pulls away from your lips and looks down at you, “say my name,” he demands coldly, as he watches his dick push in and out of you. 
“M-miguel” you whimper, “Please, this is too much,”
His eyes don't look up to yours, and he keeps his pace.
“Say you belong to me..” he demands, his eyes dark as he quickens his pace. 
You had never seen him so clouded, he was only listening to what he wanted to hear, and your legs shook but he held you down, forcing you to continue taking him. “Miguel,, I- I’m yours, I belong to you,” I say helplessly and he grins and pushes your back against his desk, his hand around your neck as he quickens his pace more.
“Say it again. Say you know you’re mine and that you’ll always be mine.” Miguels voice is dark and demonic, driven by passion and a dark anger you’ve never seen before. This Miguel is terrifying. 
You a moaning mess beneath him, and you grip his arm as he lightly chokes you, holding you in place. “I’m your’s forever,” You moan over and over again, reaching another orgasm at his relentless pace.
Miguels eyes glow even more brightly. It seems like hes driven even further into the depths of madness and he can’t turn back now. “You belong to me. you will never be anyone else’s. You will do whatever I say, whenever I want.” his voice is dripping with a sick dark lust for power. It seems he will do anything now, as he’s lost all control in this moment.
Your shaking underneath him, and he grabs your leg, pushing them against your chest as he gets deeper in you. He seems like he’s on the edge of crossing a line, and his voice is dark and deep. “You love being used like this.” He looks down at you with a dark, burning hunger in his eyes. 
You nod your head helplessly as you throw your head back, eyes shut as he uses you. He’s moving faster now and his voice is animalistic, sick with lust. “Tu eres mia. No puedes dejarme ahora.” He pushes your legs apart, above you now, his arms around your waist and he pushes into you, groaning into your ear without shame. “No importa lo que yo haga, tu vas a estar aqui para mi.”
Your hands are on his back, nails digging into his skin, as he pounds into you. His breathing is quickening, and his pace as becoming sloppy, as he reaches his edge. He's a moaning mess, and so are you, lost in your pleasure. 
“I’m yours, Miguel.”
Miguel grins at your words, satisfied, “That's what I like to hear.” his voice drops to a low growl. He’s almost growling out his words now as he starts to quiver, his pace faster and faster. “Oh, You’re gonna make me lose complete control.. oh...” Miguel suddenly seems to explode with passion and power as he hits a breaking point. You both cum at the same time, and he moans into you neck.
You both breath deeply, he pulls out softly, and his cum leaks out of your cunt. He looks at you, his eyes are glowing golden with a new found power. “eres una buena juguetito.” he smiles down at you. 
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