heavenlyraindrops · 3 months
Scene writing prompt: the two “enemies” making out so aggressively in a room that people think that they’re arguing with each other and getting physically violent, due to all the slamming and knocking things over.
bonus points if someone is so concerned that one of them will get hurt that they walk in on them lmao
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akakumoeteru · 8 months
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It's raining, Lan Zhan!
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bebx · 9 months
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If you’re still taking prompts, how about Eda taking bets with the other Owl House parents on which kids will be proposing first?
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"Willow," Darius said, like it should have been obvious. "Of course it'll be Willow."
"You're betting against our son?" Camila demanded, eyebrows raised.
"Yes," Darius said.
Alador nodded. "Yeah, my money's on Willow," he said.
Camila threw her hands up. "Am I the only one who has any faith in him!?" Camila vs Hunter's sort-of-dad and sort-of-step-dad; it wasn't a battle of wills that Eda expected, but it was one she enjoyed watching.
"I agree," Perry said. "I'd say Willow."
Raine looked contemplative. They hummed, tapping a rhythm on the table, but didn't offer a side yet.
"Actually, I side with Camila," Lilith said slowly. She looked like she was thinking hard. Weighing the pros and cons would be Eda's bet. "Hunter is shyer than Willow, but he loves her dearly and he's brave. He can be very determined. I can see him proposing."
Darius and Alador exchanged dubious glances. Camila smiled smugly.
"Well, what about Luz and Amity?" Raine asked, tapping their chin.
"Luz," Camila and Eda said.
"Amity," Lilith said.
"Honestly, considering their track record, I expect them both to propose on the same day," Alador said with a shrug. "Or they'll try to anyway. Hopefully without Hooty's involvement this time."
"Is something wrong with Hootsifer?" Lilith demanded.
"You don't want me to answer that."
"Okay," Darius cut in quickly. "What about Gus and Matt?"
Perry snorted. "They'll need to actually date first," he said. "And my hair will be entirely grey by the time those boys sort themselves out. They're both painfully oblivious."
"Are they still calling it a rivalry?" Camila asked sympathetically.
"Unfortunately," Perry sighed.
Alador snorted into his apple blood. Eda gave him and Darius her most shit-eating grin.
"Yeah," Darius sighed. "We'll all be waiting a while on those two."
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nebulastarss · 19 days
The timer soulmate au, but one person REALLY doesn't want to meet their soulmate (everything's gone wrong recently, they're so tired emotionally, etc etc) so they resolve to just stay in bed all day. They cancel EVERYTHING.
Unbeknownst to them, their soulmate is having one of The Worst Times.
They meet when their soulmate is bodily launched through their window.
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(#) = Notes at end of post
TW: mentions of human experimentation and blood
The Sapphire Stone Sits Highest on the Throne
The GIW have done the unthinkable. They've captured Phantom, King of the Infinite Realms and ruler of all who reside within it. The government organization tortured and experimented on Danny so much and for so long that Danny was forced to recede into his core. While a ghost's core is relatively strong by itself --only another ghost of similar strength could shatter it-- it's also extremely vulnerable to misuse if left in the wrong hands.
The GIW use the King's core to ravage Amity Park --uncaring if human citizens got in their way-- as well as the Ghost Zone itself. The Ancients combine their efforts to search for the lost, little king, desperately trying to find Danny's core and take it back from the blood and ectoplasm stained hands of the agents. As a result of their dogged search, the Ancients bring worldwide destruction down upon the Earth in their hunt for every single white suit agent remaining, scurrying from one hiding place to another like rats in the walls of a dilapidated house.
One by one, almost every agent was hunted down and bound in unbreakable chains of ice, awaiting their trials for the atrocities they committed against the Infinite Realms and its King. The only one left is the leader of the organization itself, the one who holds Danny's core. The leader, however, is extremely slippery and has managed to evade capture for months now, going so far as to throw their own men to the wolves if it meant an easy escape with the jewel-blue heart of a scared, grieving, and injured child.
At this point though, the Ancients have caused so much destruction and natural disasters, that the Justice League has no choice but to step in. At first, the JL actively try to fight the Ancients, not fully understanding the situation but having little luck in actually hitting any of them regardless. It isn't until John Constantine runs onto the battlefield like a bat out of hell and skids to a stop right smack dab in the middle of the fight that things change. He's out of breath, his hair is in disarray, he smells heavily of smoke and alcohol, and that's definitely a still fresh coffee stain on his weather beaten trenchcoat along with red blood painting his knuckles.
Normally, one small human wouldn't be able to stop the wrath of the Ancients when they've set their sights on something. This instance, however, was very different. As Constantine raised his hands up towards the rampaging Ancients about to unleash their fury on the JL, one thing managed to capture every single one of their attention.
That being the weakly glowing, sapphire-like core held in one of Constantine's outstretched hands(1 & 2) and the faint, echoing cries of a child begging the Ancients to put an end to the carnage they've unleashed upon the world.
(1) Constantine gives little explanation on how he got his hands on Danny's core. Little do the JL know, it was just pure, dumb luck. He ran into the leader of the GIW right as the bastard was leaving a coffee shop. Coffee got spilled all over Constantine and, being slightly drunk off his ass, he decides to deck the person in the pretentious white suit and knocks him out in one shot. Constantine's about to walk away when he hears a child crying. He finds Danny's core in one of the downed guy's pockets and has a panic attack when he immediately realizes what it is. Danny explains what's going on and Constantine books it towards where he can sense a large amount of necrotic energy gathering. The rest is history.
(2) ALSO, sapphire is a pretty significant gem. According to the internet, the sapphire symbolizes wisdom, royalty, prophecy and divine favour. It's a symbol of power and strength, but also of kindness and wise judgement. Which just fits Danny PERFECTLY in this prompt, imo.
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unboundprompts · 4 months
Random Prompt #107
"I hate it when it rains because of all the sidewalk worm deaths."
Character B was silent, just humming an acknowledgement to their friend's statement.
"If you were a worm," Character A continued, "I would pick you up off the sidewalk and put you in the grass."
"I would let the rain kill you if you were worm."
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whumpster-dumpster · 11 months
Whumpee who loves rain, finally seeing their first rainfall after being freed from Whumper's clutches. Just feeling the water and wind on their skin for the first time in so long
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thewhumpcaretaker · 4 months
Whump in the Rain
It's a classic.
A blank white sky matching the numbness of a depressed spirit.
Rain mixing with tears.
Rain mixing with blood.
A soaked dress shirt clinging to exhausted muscles.
Wet hair clinging to Whumpee's face.
Whumpee stays out in the cold and the wet and gets sick (or sicker).
Caught in a sudden rainstorm.
Watching the rain streaming down a car window while lost in misery.
Whumpee hates bad weather or has seasonal affective disorder, and now it’s raining on top of everything else.
Whumpee has a phobia of thunder. Caretaker wrapping Whumpee in a warm, dry coat or offering an umbrella.
“Come inside, you’re drenched!”
Whumpee with a phobia of thunder.
And finally, please consider: Whumpee struck by lightning.
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tizniz · 9 days
WIP Wednesday 🌙
Except it's not a WIP but a story because I got another @badthingshappenbingo story for y'all. Please enjoy my take on this prompt - wanted to offer something a bit different and maybe unexpected for it :)
Prompt: CPR
rain falling from a cloudless sky (1.6K)
“Where are you?” Eddie shivers, “I…it’s raining.” “No, it’s not.” “I can feel it.” “That’s a memory.” His chin wobbles, “Buck…”
OR: A bad call has Eddie struggling.
NP tagging: @hippolotamus, @actualalligator, @actuallyitsellie, @perfectlysunny02, @bidisasterevankinard, @spotsandsocks, @fortheloveofbuddie, @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove, @theotherbuckley, @daffi-990, @jesuisici33, @cal-daisies-and-briars, @exhuastedpigeon, @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming, @monsterrae1, @epicbuddieficrecs, @elvensorceress, @eddiebuckley-diaz. @eddiebabygirldiaz, @wildlife4life, @evanbegins, @devirnis, @loveyouanyway, @watchyourbuck, @loserdiaz, @excuseme-greentea, @wikiangela, @dangerpronebuddie, @kitteneddiediaz, @incorrect9-1-1, @underwaterninja13, @bigfootsmom, @princessfbi 🩵
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serickswrites · 19 days
Loved the Rain
Warnings: captivity, torture, blood, wounds, mcd, hurt/no comfort, caretaker and whumpee
"I always loved the rain," Caretaker murmured as they stroked Whumpee's hair. Through the thick stone walls of the dungeon, they could hear the pitter patter of the falling rain. "It always relaxed me so much. Just to sit and listen to the rain," they said as they continued to stroke Whumpee's filthy, matted hair.
"You loved the rain, too," they whispered as the tears they had been trying to hold back finally came. The tears tracked down their cheeks and dripped onto Whumpee's upturned face.
"You would really like this rain, love," Caretaker sobbed as wiped their tears, trying not to think about the blood that coated their hands.
They hadn't bothered to close Whumpee's eyes yet. They couldn't bear it. But they also couldn't bear to stare down into the lifeless eyes either. And so they stared out into the dingy, damp dungeon as they stroked Whumpee's hair.
Whumpee had bled out in their arms hours ago. Whumper had spent days torturing Whumpee only to end it suddenly by stabbing Whumpee in the chest and throwing them to Caretaker.
The sound of Whumpee's choking breaths fading as they struggled to breathe around the blood filling their mouth would forever echo in Caretaker's ears. The light fading in Whumpee's eyes would forever haunt Caretaker's dreams.
It was all more than Caretaker could bear. And so they sat, Whumpee sprawled across their lap, as they listened to the rain and stroked Whumpee's hair. "I used to love the rain."
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coffeeghoulie · 1 month
Mushy May Day 9: Warming Them Up
Rain's always eager to get in the water as soon as he can, no matter how cold it is. Dew's there to warm him back up.
Thank you again to @forlorn-crows for putting Mushy May together <3
Divider by @ghuleh-recs <3
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Dew's comfortable in bed, the lamp on the nightstand casting his room in soft gold light as the sun dips behind the horizon. It's spring, at least according to the calendar, just barely warm enough for the snow and ice to melt, revealing the budding green of life underneath.
It's still too cold for Dew's taste, but he had watched from his window all afternoon as Rain eagerly took his first swim of the year in the lake outside the Abbey. He's on his way back, and Dew knows exactly where Rain will end up.
He sighs, marking his place in the book he borrowed from Aether and setting it on the nightstand. He takes his gold wire reading glasses off and folds them, placing them on top of the well-loved paperback. He loves Rain, it had been a rocky start but he does love him now, but he does not miss the urge to get in the water at the first sign of spring.
Soon enough, the door creaks open, and Rain sticks his head in. Dew can hear the way his serrated teeth chatter from ten feet away. "Hey, D-Dewey," Rain says, long, elegant fingers curled around the doorframe.
"I've got a Rainsicle, don't I," Dew sighs endearingly, waving Rain in. "Now do you see why I made you promise last summer not to drag me out first thing after the thaw, pearl?"
Rain nods shakily, stepping into the warmth of Dew's bedroom and latching the door behind him. His hair is still soaking wet, plastered to his skin in blue-black waves, dripping down the back of what looks like Swiss's hoodie. His skin is bluer-tinged than normal, cheeks a dusky violet. "Felt nice while I was in," he shrugs.
"I bet. Stay there so you only drip in one spot." Dew stretches as he gets up out of bed. He ducks into his ensuite bathroom, digging out one of his softest towels from his closet. "Oh, and take those wet clothes off!" He calls.
"You just want to get in my pants, don't you?" Rain cackles, but there's the splat of wet fabric against the stone floor a moment later.
"I don't want you getting my bed all wet, you ass!"
"Oh, I beg to fucking differ, just the other night you wanted me to-"
"Ah! Shut it!" Dew calls, and they both burst into laughter. Dew steps out from the bathroom, towel in arm, but he doesn't go straight to the water ghoul. He heads to his dresser, pulling out a pair of sweats, boxers and a well-worn t-shirt, tossing them on the bed. Only then does he turn to face Rain, who's standing naked in a small puddle of lake water, teeth still chattering. Dew kicks up his internal fire, shaking his head fondly as he holds out the towel. "C'mere, pearl."
Rain steps forward, sighing in relief as Dew wraps the towel around him. "Thank you, Dewey," he says, letting his eyes shut while Dew dries him off, careful of the sensitive gills that line his ribs and throat.
"Don't thank me," Dew hums, reaching up to running his fingers through Rain's waves. He kicks up his temperature even more, helping the water evaporate from his hair as he gently untangles it. "This is me making up for not coming out with you for a swim."
Rain leans into the hand running through his hair, a low purr vibrating in his chest. "You don't like the cold though. I know you'll come out with me once the water actually warms up."
"Yeah, give it a couple more weeks," Dew laughs. Once he's deemed Rain dry enough, he tosses the towel to soak up the puddle Rain had left on his floor before turning to grab the bundle of clothes he set on his bed. "Hands on my shoulders, pearl."
Rain obliges as Dew kneels at his feet, wrapping his cold fingers around Dew's knobby shoulders. Dew presses a kiss to the sharp line of Rain's hip as he helps him step into his boxers. Dew glances up, copper meeting cerulean, and he leans ever so slightly into one of Rain's arms, smiling fondly.
The sweats are quick to follow, and Rain sighs, long lashes fluttering shut as he starts warming up now that he's in dry clothes. Dew stands, kissing Rain's cheek as he moves to grab the t-shirt, but Rain beats him to it, shrugging it on.
He takes a deep breath, burying his aquiline nose in the sage green fabric. He glances up, a spark of mischief swimming in the blue of his irises. "Mount's been sleeping over lately?"
Dew scoffs, rolling his eyes playfully as he pulls back the covers on his bed. "Like Aeth hasn't been staying over with you?"
"Touche," Rain sighs, but he's smiling as Dew lays on his side, patting the open space in front of him. He climbs into bed, settling with his back flush against Dew's narrow chest. The fire ghoul pulls the covers up, making sure each blanket lays flat over them, fighting for a moment with the lining of his weighted blanket.
Dew can feel Rain's body shaking, less so than when he first stuck his head in, but he gives up on fighting with the weighted blanket to hook his arm around his waist. He nudges a skinny thigh between Rain's as he hauls him even closer.
"Thank you," Rain whispers, nuzzling into the pillows, getting as close to Dew as he physically can. Dew smiles, lips pressed to the cool skin on the back of the water ghoul's neck.
"Don't thank me, pearl," Dew hums, breathing in Rain's scent. He still smells like the lake, a little bit like ice, but under that he just smells like Rain, salt and tea tree. Dew's purr kicks up in his chest, rusty like an old motor, and he holds his Rain close.
"Love you, Dewey," Rain says, a wave of exhaustion hitting him now that he's warming up and comfortable.
Dew kisses the nape of his neck, nuzzling at still damp waves. "Love you too, pearl."
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justbreakonme · 1 year
Most people find listening to the sound of falling rain relaxing.
Most people.
Not him.
He had spent too many nights huddled under awnings and tucked under bridges, unable to avoid the water that soaked him and what little he had to the skin.
Wet shoes and socks meant being barefoot, too numb with cold to notice he was stepping on broken beer bottles along the road. Wet clothes meant that he had only hours to find somewhere, anywhere to get warm or dry before he would get sick, really sick.
He wasn’t there, anymore.
He was safe.
He was home.
But that didn’t mean the sound of falling rain didn’t fill him with a bone deep sense of dread.
She didn’t understand exactly; she knew she’d been lucky enough to never associate the sound of rain with anything other than staying indoors. But she understood enough.
Warm blankets and dry socks found their way into his lap while the whistle of the kettle drowned out at least a little of the noise.
She’d close the curtains and put a movie on, loud enough that he could almost forget until the next crack of thunder would make him jump.
He didn’t hide under storefront umbrellas or overpasses anymore, but he did tuck himself further under her arm, as if out of habit, even now.
They both silently hoped that one day, the rain would be just rain. But until then, they’d wait out the storm together, in dry socks.
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mac-and-thefox · 7 months
MAC!!!!! 21 and/or 28 with Swiss and whoever else u want!
GAIGE!!! I finally had the spoons to write smut again, so here you go my dear!!
I'm sorry this took so long 😭😭
Some Rulti mirror thigh-fucking, just for you!
Soft as Silk
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Rain stands in front of the mirror, watching the way the fabric of the silk slip shifts against his stomach as he twists his body from side to side. Rain loves silk. He loves the way it feels like water against his skin, cool and soft. He has been wanting to wear one of these for awhile, it feels intimate, a little forbidden. 
The slip is a creamy white, almost pearlescent in the way it shimmers and catches the light as Rain runs his hands along his torso and over his hips. His fingers catch on the pale blue-gray lace trim along the bottom of the slip, sliding underneath to trace along his thighs. Rain bites his lower lip, releasing a soft moan as he watches his hand inch underneath the fabric to cup at the soft bulge barely hiding underneath.
Rain slowly runs a finger up and down the underside of his cock, teasing himself with soft, feather-light touches. He wraps his hand around the growing length and slowly strokes up and down, rubbing his thumb over the head, spreading the small pearls of precum around. His eyes travel upwards, following his other hand as it snakes its way up his body, stopping to skate along the lace covering his chest, fingering the delicate flowers that perfectly match the color of the flush spreading across his cheeks and collarbones. Rain watches his hand travel up towards his neck. His fingers wrap around his throat and he moans as he squeezes his own throat lightly, still fingering himself under the slip with his other hand. His cock grows hard under his soft ministrations, kicking in his hand. He moans again, voice pitching up as he slides a finger tip along his gills,  squeezing his own throat again. 
“Hey Rainbow, I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk with me—Oh…”
Rain spins towards the door to see Swiss standing in his doorway, a coat clutched in hand. Rain moves to cover himself with his arms, wrapping them around his chest and torso as he gapes at Swiss with a wide-eyed stare. 
“I didn’t…it’s not…this isn’t what it looks like!” Rain stammers, tail curling around his calf tightly.
Swiss stands there, mouth slightly open as he takes in the sight before him. Rain fidgets with the hem of the slip, the other arm still wrapped around himself as Swiss slowly approaches him, dropping his coat on the ground and pulling his shirt over his head. Swiss stands behind Rain, settling his hands on his shoulders as he looks the Water ghoul up and down in the mirror.
“What…is this?” Swiss asks, words falling slowly, haltingly, out of his mouth.
“It–it’s nothing, just something Cirrus gave me,” Rain whispers, shuddering at the feeling of Swiss running his nose up and down Rain’s neck and behind his ear, scenting him, never taking his eyes off of Rain in the mirror.
“My dear Rainy, this does not look like ‘nothing’,” Swiss growls. 
Rain watches in the mirror as Swiss’s hands leave his shoulders, running across his chest and sliding down his waist, across his stomach. There’s a hungry look in the Multi ghoul’s half-lidded eyes, and Rain emits a small whimper as Swiss’s large hands move to grasp at his waist, hooking his chin over Rain’s shoulder. 
“You look so pretty like this,” Swiss murmurs, feeling the soft silk of the slip beneath his hands, “Wanna feel you against my skin.”
Rain whines low in his throat. Swiss moves in closer behind him and Rain can feel Swiss’s chest press against his back, his rapidly swelling cock pushing into the cleft of his ass. Rain shrinks into himself slightly turning away from his reflection, a lilac blush spreading across his cheeks and collarbones. 
“Hey, don’t hide baby. Let me see your beautiful face, there we go,” Swiss brings a hand up to cup Rain’s jaw, making the Water ghoul look at himself in the mirror as Swiss licks a hot stripe up the side of Rain’s neck.
“Look at what you do to me, looking so…enticing like this.”
Swiss kisses up and down Rain’s neck, hands back to roaming Rain’s body, feeling the soft silk under his callused hands. Rain moans, feeling a tightness in his stomach as Swiss slowly rolls his hips into him, grinding his cock into Rain’s ass. He leans back into Swiss’s chest, allowing his head to fall to the side to allow the Multi ghoul more access to his neck and shoulders. 
Swiss obliges, groaning soft praise into Rain’s skin as he trails a path of wet, open-mouthed kisses from Rain’s neck along his shoulder. His hands move up Rain’s stomach to his chest, finding his nipples through the lace and teasing them into warm, perky buds, pebbling through the silk. 
“Hmm…what’s this?” Swiss murmurs into Rain’s shoulder, grinding more insistently against his ass.
“Huh–wha?” Rain pants, meeting Swiss’s eye in the mirror. 
He follows Swiss’s piercing gaze slowly down his body, between his legs, to the dark spot spreading on the silk of the slip. The pearlescent white fabric hides nothing as it grows translucent with moisture, revealing the indigo head of his leaking cock. He watches Swiss’s hand trail down his body, fingers toying with the lace at the hem. Rain gasps and grabs handfuls of Swiss’s pants to ground himself as he watches Swiss’s fingers disappear under the slip and close around his cock.
Swiss rubs his thumb over the head of Rain’s cock, collecting the precum and smearing it around. He wraps his fingers around the Water ghoul’s slick length, pumping his hand slowly up and down under the slip. Rain lets out a moan, fully falling back against Swiss’s chest, knees weakening at the feeling of the Multi ghoul’s massive paw around his cock.
“For someone who was so embarrassed at me finding you this way, you sure seem to be enjoying the attention” Swiss growls into Rain’s ear, holding his trembling body up against him with a strong arm across the smaller ghoul’s chest. 
“I…just…please, Swiss,” Rain pants, sagging against the larger ghoul. His eyes slip slowly shut and Rain lets out a gasping cry as Swiss’s hand speeds up around his cock. The wet, filthy sounds of skin on slicked-up skin fill his ears.
“Hey now...I told you to keep your eyes open, Rainy,”
Rain’s eyes fly open with a choked gasp as a callused hand wraps itself around his throat and squeezes lightly.
“Why would you want to look away? You look so beautiful, falling apart for me like this.” Swiss whispers, his breaths coming hot on Rain’s neck as he continues grinding himself into Rain’s ass, keeping tempo with the hand on the Water ghoul’s cock.
Rain glances down his nose at the reflection in the mirror, vision hazy. The ghoul looking back at him pants heavily under his partner’s touch, eyes heavy and dark, pupils blown wide with lust. His hair is mussed, dark curls falling across his face, shiny with the sheen of sweat. He watches the ghoul in the mirror bring his hands up to his heaving chest, cupping his tits in his hands and kneading them, pushing them together and bunching the scraps of silk and lace with them. Rain watches the ghoul in the mirror throw his head back against Swiss’s shoulder and arch his spine as he grinds back against Swiss’s hot, rock hard cock, pushing his tits more forcefully into his hands, crying out as the hands in the mirror twist and pull at his nipples. 
Swiss groans in approval, moving his hand from Rain’s throat to release himself from his pants, shoving them down to his knees. His erection springs free, slapping against his stomach before Swiss grips it and positions it between Rain’s thighs, below the cleft of his asscheeks. Swiss brings his hand to Rain’s hip, grabbing it in a bruising grip and moving Rain’s body back against him. He lets out a gasping moan at the feel of Rain’s slick between his legs, covering his cock and allowing him to slowly start fucking Rain’s ass crack and thighs. Swiss grabs Rain’s hand, bringing it away from his tits and down to his leaking cock.
“Touch yourself for me, baby. Wanna watch you make yourself feel good,” Swiss moans as he pumps himself in and out of the tight space between Rain’s legs.  
Rain wraps his hand around himself, gasping at the difference between Swiss’s warm hand and his cold one. His hips buck up into his grip, and he squeezes the base, whimpering at the pressure. He wraps his tail around Swiss’s waist in an effort to pull the Multi ghoul closer.
Swiss hooks his chin over Rain’s shoulder, gripping his waist with both hands as he moves Rain’s body back and forth on his cock, letting out a hoarse cry at the increase in pressure as Rain squeezes his thighs together. Rain looks at Swiss’s face in the mirror, his stomach clenching at the sight of the Multi ghoul looking fucked out already and drunk on the feeling of Rain’s slick coating the insides of his muscular, lithe swimmer’s thighs, milking Swiss’s cock. Swiss’s eyes fall shut at the obscene sounds coming from where his cock disappears and reappears in the cleft of Rain’s ass, the squelching sound of wetness and skin slapping against skin. He opens his eyes, gazing hungrily under heavy lids at Rain in their reflection.
“Fuck, you look so hot right now.” Swiss groans, increasing the speed of his thrusts. 
“Swiss…please…feels s’good” Rain pants, speeding up his hand on himself to match Swiss’s rhythm. 
“Being so good for me, gonna cum between your thighs, make it all nice and creamy.” Swiss’s hips  begin stuttering as he nears his climax.
He reaches around Rain’s body, knocking his hand away and grabbing his cock. Rain’s hands fly back to his tits, kneading and twisting his nipples, whimpering and keening as the Multi ghoul sets a punishing pace in his thrusts and on the hand flying up and down his cock.
“Need to cum…please, Swiss,”
“Cum for me, Raindrop, I’m right there with you. Cum with me,” Swiss pants.
Rain’s body goes rigid as he cums over Swiss’s hand, reaching behind him to wind his hands around Swiss’s neck as his knees begin to buckle with the intensity of his orgasm. Swiss cries out behind him, whining as he cums between Rain’s thighs, coating the inside of Rain’s silk slip with ropes of white, soaking through the fabric. The two ghouls slide slowly to the floor, Rain resting against Swiss’s chest, breath coming in quick gasps. 
Swiss wraps his arms around the spent Water ghoul, pulling him closer against him. He nuzzles Rain’s cheek, purring softly. 
“Please wear this again.”  
“It’s ruined,” Rain looks down at his slip, the silk stained with cum and sweat.
Swiss coughs out a laugh, pressing a kiss to the Water ghoul’s damp curls, “Then I will buy you as many as your heart desires.”
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dumplingsjinson · 1 year
A prompt for dancing in the rain?
List of “dancing in the rain” prompts 
“We’re going to get all wet!” 
“I don’t want to catch a cold…” “I promise it’ll be worth it. Come on?”
“Take my hand and let’s dance this sadness away?” 
Laughing and clutching onto each other while they goof around as the sky pours down on them. (It’s the happiest they’ve been in a while.) 
Character A twirling Character B around while they’re both giggling like little kids. 
“If I slip and fall—” “You won’t! I’ll make sure you won’t. I’ve got you, remember? I’ll catch you before you fall — always.”   
Pulling them into a kiss mid-dance, rain soaking through their clothes, laughter against each other’s lips; they separate, stare into each other’s eyes before going in for another one.
“Are you crazy?!” “Crazy enough for this, yeah. C’mon, it’ll be fun!” 
Passersby glancing at them, but they couldn’t care less, lost in the moment and in each other. 
“Lord, I’m soaked through.” “But that was fun, wasn’t it?” “Yeah. Yeah, it was. Because it was with you.” 
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babytarttdoodoo · 11 months
The team somehow find out about what Jamie’s dad did in Amsterdam and are horrified/furious.
I’m skipping ahead to write this one because it won’t leave my brain alone. I apologise to all readers for the pain this is about to inflict.
If it makes you feel better, I am not okay after writing it.
It will also be in multiple parts since I really feel like the Reveal and the Reaction are things that need separate room to breathe.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (pending)
(Prompt Fill Masterpost)
It came down to the timing, really.
Every locker room Jamie had ever been in had worked its way around to this topic sooner or later. Especially in the Academy, where the typical teenaged obsession with ‘who had done it’ reigned supreme.
Jamie had never had a problem with it. He’d shrugged or laughed or lied and no one ever called him out. He was Jamie Fucking Tartt, after all.
He’d never had to breathe a word about Amsterdam.
Telling Roy had been a spur of the moment decision, and one that hadn’t really bothered him at the time. It hadn’t fundamentally altered their friendship or made Roy tiptoe around him (thank fuck).
But his reaction - Jesus. Must have been traumatising. - had played on Jamie’s mind. So much so that when his talks with Dr Sharon had broached the subject of ‘intimacy’, he thought it was probably worth bringing up.
Yeah. That conversation had gone a bit differently.
And now, here Jamie was, two days into processing his freshly unpacked trauma and his teammates were cheerfully regaling each other with stories about losing their virginity.
“It was my last night before flying out here.” Sam was telling the group, a sweet, bashful smile on his face.
“Didn’t know you’d had a girlfriend back home.” Isaac chimed in.
“We had already decided to break up, instead of doing the whole long-distance thing,” Sam explained. “It was a nice way to say goodbye, though.”
There was a general sound of agreement and Richard took the opportunity to launch into a questionable story about charming a runway model at the ripe age of 17.
Jamie just continued getting changed in silence, letting the voices wash over him and trying not to let the sudden nausea show on his face. Removing his jersey felt like a Herculean task when all he wanted to do was get the fuck out of here.
Sam’s experience sounded like something out of one of Ted’s rom-coms. That was good. That’s what someone as nice as Sam deserved.
What had Jamie deserved, then?
He quickly cut off that line of thought. He didn’t want to do this. He didn’t want to think about it. Not here. Not now.
It was like trying to cover up an open wound when everyone else had a morbid impulse to poke at it.
A ripple of laughter pulled him back to the room and set his teeth on edge. He pulled a fresh shirt over his head and tried to breathe through the swelling, pulsating anger and shame that threatened to surface.
It was utter bullshit. He hadn’t thought about what had happened with anything more than vague disgust and detachment for years. A whole decade, even. Fuck Dr Sharon and Roy and all these giggling idiots for changing that.
“Oi, you’ve gone quiet, Jamie.”
A few curious eyes turned in his direction and the only thing that stopped him from shrinking away was years of playing at being untouchable.
Instead, Jamie scoffed and plastered on a smile, hiding his fists in his clothes and digging his nails as deep into his palms as they would go. “Eh, a gentleman never tells, mate.”
But he had hesitated a second too long and he saw the potential for mischief light up in a few faces. They knew him too well, he realised, the knowledge churning in his gut.
He wasn’t Jamie Fucking Tartt here. He was just Jamie.
“You are not a gentleman.” Richard stated bluntly, eyebrows raised and a grin playing at the corners of his mouth.
“That is true.” Jan agreed, because of course he fucking did. “You have bragged many times about being with women.”
“What happened, amigo?” It wasn’t fucking fair that Dani sounded so genuinely interested.
“Maybe she didn’t like his pink pants.” Isaac threw in and it drew another round of laughter. The noise echoed in Jamie’s head.
He knew, he knew they were just teasing because they didn’t know better. They were being dickheads because they were always kind of dickheads to each other. It was banter. On any other day it would be fine.
His neon underwear had nearly caused a riot the week before and it had been hilarious.
Why couldn’t he just act like it was funny now?
“It’s none of your fucking business.” he finally managed, not quite keeping the harsh edge out of his tone. He turned away and pretended to be looking for something in his bag so he wouldn’t have to meet anyone’s eyes.
“C’mon, mate, can’t be more embarrassing than mine.” Colin added easily, utterly comfortable with the conversation, in spite of all the implications it had for him specifically. Jamie really fucking admired that.
He was ridiculously, fiercely envious of it.
“Guys, he doesn’t have to talk about it if he doesn’t want to.” Sam admonished lightly. He was offering him a liferaft and it rankled at Jamie in all the wrong ways.
He didn’t need fucking saving. He wasn’t some soft, delicate little thing that needed Sam Obisanya of all people rushing to his rescue.
Suddenly, he was speaking without having made any conscious decision to do so.
“14.” Jamie’s voice was too loud, too sharp in this safe space that on any other day felt like home. But his fingers were clenching and unclenching, and his shoulders were coiled tight, and there was a rushing in his ears.
The vitriol pooled like acid on his tongue and Jamie couldn’t help but spew it out before it began to eat him away.
“I were 14.” He smirked and it felt wrong. It felt cruel and bitter. He rounded on Colin and relished in the flicker of unease that crossed his face. “No fucking idea how old she were but I can tell you how much my dad paid for her to fuck me straight.”
The silence should have been oppressive, he thought distantly. The way the air stilled should have made it hard to breathe. The colour leaching from not just Colin’s face, but Jan’s and Richard’s on either side, should have been concerning.
It just felt freeing, in a twisted, emptying sort of way.
“No! No, it’s alright!” Jamie turned wild eyes and a manic grin on Sam, finding it abstractly funny that the younger player took a step back. “You wanted details, right?”
He shrugged, looking around at the slack faces of his teammates. He’d moved forward, he realised, making himself the centre of attention. Typical.
“Tell you what, yeah? Next time we’re in Amsterdam, I’ll take you all on a little tour. Don’t remember her name but I’m pretty sure I could find the place again, no problem.”
And he probably could. He remembered his dad talking to some bloke smoking in a doorway while Jamie stood in the rain, confused. He remembered loud people and neon lights all around. He remembered how the place had smelled when he’d been pulled inside…
Someone else was saying his name now. He didn’t care. He just got louder.
“You wanted a show, didn’t you Thierry? We could put on a repeat performance. Play-by-play reenactment, ‘cept you’ve got to think I can do better now, right? Better with age and all that.”
Arms closed around him from behind and whatever vile shit he was about to spray out into the atmosphere died in his throat. Jamie’s entire body bucked, trying to break away.
“Fuck off!”
It didn’t sound like his voice, a screeching snarl that cracked partway through.
“Jamie.” Roy’s voice in his ear. Roy’s arms around his chest. “Jamie. Stop. Don’t make it worse.”
And what response was there to that except to laugh? Fucking hilarious, that one. Too little too fucking late.
Jamie only registered that he was being half pulled, half carried out of the locker room when the laughter started to hitch in his chest. When the air wasn’t coming like it was supposed to. When Roy manhandled him into an office chair and the tears started in earnest.
All the fight went out of him like a marionette with its strings cut and he just cried.
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