#She is so blinded that she doesn’t see all the little signs and familiar quirks
Okay but if this is Ezra
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Then I can't help but laugh and cry. Cause we can see the man throw his weapon away? I can't tell if it's some sort of rifle or a stick or just something long, but he tosses it the moment Sabine starts to choke him. Like he chucks that shit a foot away. Almost like he's trying to not seem threatening, while also not moving or trying to attack her?
So who wants to bet that this is Ezra, he notices and recognises her helmet, and puts his defenses down and without thinking just goes up to her like "Sabine :D"
Forgetting or not thinking about how it's been like a decade, and he's wearing a disguise, and that he is now nearly thirty now and the last time they saw one another he was only eighteen/nineteen, so Sabine just attacks him.
He tries to talk to her, not wanting to fight or hurt her, but she ends up dragging and choking him across the floor or trying to pull him down.
What if he has to either kick her legs out from under her or he uses the force to grab his lightsaber to free himself because she can't understand him as he's choking?
What if Sabine pulls him with her and sends him flying back into the side of the ship she's in front of, or trying to pin him to the floor?
What if we get Sabine being so angry that she doesn't care about what her trying to say, why he isn't fighting back, and just trying to talk to her?
What if she is just so sick and tired of people stopping her, taunting her, using Ezra against her that she doesn't want to talk anymore?
Until she hears him cough out a familiar "Sabine!"
And she just stops because she knows that voice.
Cue the man flipping them over, or cutting the cable, or just breaking through the rage rolling off her in waves with a single sentence: "It's me!"
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
I'm Only A Crack In This Castle Of Glass (Hardly Anything Else I Need To Be) PT. 3
Batfamily x Batsis Story!
Word Count: 2.1K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst! Tags!: @itsnottilly @cloudyskylines
Author's Note: DUN DUN DUN!!!! Y'all enjoy this now, because it's only gonna get so much more angstier soon. -Thorne
Set Three Months After PT. 2:
She didn’t have to look up to know who entered the shop, because his voice carried over the air. “Melisandre!”
Humming, she immediately plated a pastry and a hot coffee, sliding it on the counter just as he sat down. “Good morning, Wally,” she greeted, watching him take a bite. “Right on time, as always.”
He smiled, cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk. “Morming Merisamdmur,” he replied, and she rolled her eyes with a snort.
“Jeez Wally, didn’t your mom teach you to not talk with your mouth full?”
Shrugging, he swallowed and said, “I was trying to be polite.”
“I think it’s more polite to chew with your mouth closed and speak after you swallow.”
They glared at each other before one of them cracked a smile and they fell into laughter. She tossed a napkin his way. “How’s your day going so far?”
Wally groaned and laid his head on the cool marble countertop. “I’ve got so much to do today, it’s not even funny.”
“Well, well, Wally the procrastinator is finally feeling his toes at the fire, huh?” She ignored his glare. “What do you have to do?”
“Barry needs my help with my cousins and my friends are coming over today to hangout and I haven’t bought any food or drinks for that and I have yet to even start cleaning my house.”
She giggled and reached over, patting his head sympathetically. “There, there, Wally. Everything will be alright. Why don’t you just bring your cousins over to your house and watch them while you hang out with your friends?”
“Because my cousins are annoying and I’m not subjecting my friends to that,” he countered and propped his chin on his palm. “Unless…”
She cocked a brow and waited for him to continue and he offered, “You come over with my cousins and help me watch them?”
“What! Why?”
“Well for starters, I don’t know your friends and it would be weird for me to just show up.” She countered.
“They’ll like you though!” he cried, and his hand shot out, wrapping around hers. “Please, Melisandre!”
“Wally, I’ll just watch your cousins at my apartment and Iris can just come get them later, that’ll be easier and won’t force me to sit in a group of people who don’t know me.” He tried to speak but she tossed another napkin, hitting him in the face. “I’m watching Dawn and Don so you and your friends can hang out without being bothered, and that’s final.”
His face pinched. “You sure you can keep up with them?”
Something passed between them and she quirked a brow. “I can keep up with you, can’t I, Wally?”
Wally chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, that’s a fair point.” He glanced at her. “They would like you though.”
She ignored the comment in favor of, “Tell me about them. What are they like?”
He inhaled sharply and took a moment to think. “Donna’s strong willed, Roy’s loud, Lilith likes to get in your head, Garth is easy to annoy, and Dick’s kinda the glue that keeps us together.”
“Dick? He get that from Richard by asking nicely?”
Wally barked a laugh. “Oh, I’m definitely gonna tell him you said that.” He nodded. “But yeah, his name is Richard Grayson, but he goes by Dick.”
Her eyes almost bulged out of her head and she was lucky that Wally was looking at his watch then.
Don’t ask. Don’t do it. Leave it alone.
But she couldn’t stop herself.
“Richard Grayson?” she feigned. “Why does that name sound familiar?”
Wally met her eyes. “Bruce Wayne.”
She snapped her fingers. “Right! The ward.” Wiping the counter, she added, “I heard they added a new addition to that family too. A daughter, right? Cassie? Cassidy?”
“Cassandra,” Wally corrected. “Yeah, that’s Dick’s new sister.” He put his elbows on the counter. “She’s nice, doesn’t talk a lot though.”
“The quiet one, then?”
He laughed. “Of them all.”
Don’t dig any deeper, (Y/N). Keep your fucking mouth shut and let it go.
“I always wondered what happened to that other daughter he had,” she murmured, and Wally’s face blanched like he’d witnessed a murder.
She met his gaze. “He had another daughter. I think her name was (Y/N).”
He swallowed thickly. “He does.”
“Does? She’s still around?”
“Yeah, she’s in some Italian villa.”
“Wait really? I thought she died or something?”
“What? No! She left—” Wally snapped his mouth shut like he was about to reveal a secret, but she knew anyways. “She left and went to Europe for a mental retreat.” He finalized and she wondered if that was the story Dick told him to say if anyone asked. Or maybe it was Bruce.
“It’s been like three years now, right? You’d think she’d post something on social media.”
“The whole point of a mental retreat, Melisandre, is to get away from social media.”
Oh please, I know plenty of elite who do that shit and still post crap on their socials.
“There’s no way that girl hasn’t.”
“Why do you say that?”
She scoffed. “Oh please, she’s the daughter of a multi-billionaire. There’s no way a girl that wears Gucci belts and carries Prada purses keeps herself off social media.”
Wally’s eyes narrowed like he was thinking hard about something and she internally cursed.
Oh, smooth move you dumbass.
She coughed and waved a hand. “Well, it’s all theory anyway.”
After a moment, he nodded. “Yeah…theory.” Wally got to his feet and handed her the empty plate. “I should go ahead and get back to my place and clean up before they get here.”
“Have fun,” she smiled, and he grabbed her arm.
“Take a pic with me.”
“What? Why?”
“So, I can tell my friends about you and prove I’m not lying.” He pouted. “Pretty please, Melisandre?”
Don’t do it. Dick will know. You know he’ll know.
She smiled despite her internal thoughts. “Sure.”
Wally grinned and raised the camera where she was in the background. She threw up a peace sign and gave a cheesy grin, momentarily blinded by the flash of the camera.
She spun and filled a bag with pastries then handed it to him. “Here, so you can give even more proof.”
Wally took the bag and hopped onto the counter, leaning down to press a kiss to her cheek. “Thanks Melisandre!” And he was dashing out the door.
You’ve ruined it all. This is going to come back to bite you in the ass. And it’s going to come quicker than you think.
She frowned and wiped down the counter again, trying to ignore her thoughts. Maybe. Just maybe, it wouldn’t.
Waving Barry and Iris off, she smiled as the twins climbed into the backseat of their car and the taillights signaled their departure. She closed the door behind her and glanced at the mess the two tornadoes had left. Even for the little she had in her apartment, they sure did know how to make a mess.
She sighed as she bent over to pick up one of the cushions when her doorbell rang and she stood up, confusion coming over her as she made her way to the door.
“Hello?” she asked, and a muffled voice echoed from the other side.
“Melisandre, it’s me, Wally. Can I come in?”
She opened the door, surprised to see him. “Wally? What are you doing here? I thought you were with your friends?”
“Yeah, I told them I had to do something really quickly,” he said as entered her apartment. He took a moment to examine her living room. “Man, Dawn and Don did a number here, didn’t they?”
She chuckled. “We had fun building forts.” Nudging him in the side, she added, “I don’t mind the mess.” She looked at him. “Do your friends know? About you being…you know?”
He nodded. “We’re all special in some way.”
Understatement there, Wally.
“So, why tell them you need to do something then come to me? Is everything alright?”
Busying herself with the couch cushions, she waited for him to explain, but nothing could’ve prepared her for his words.
“It will be once I get to the bottom of it…(Y/N).” She froze for a split second, but it was all he needed. “It really is you, isn’t it?”
(Y/N) stood upright and gazed at him. “When did you know?” Her voice was a lot colder than she meant for it to be.
“I had suspicion for a while, but when I showed the picture to everyone, Dick said it looked like you.”
“Really?” she laughed. “I thought I did a good job changing my appearance from three years ago.”
Wally didn’t laugh, he merely gaped at her. “Why?”
“Why what?” (Y/N) knew what he was referring to.
“Why’d you just leave?” He took a step towards her. “Do you have any idea what your family has gone through since you disappeared on them? The grief? The shame?”
She shrugged. “I explained everything in the letter I wrote my dad, Wally. There’s no reason why they should still be concerned with me.”
“They love you!” he shouted, taking her by surprise. “They love and miss you so much!”
“My family ignored me for eighteen years straight, Wally!” She yelled right back. “What was I supposed to do? Sit and pretend being forgotten was all normal?!” (Y/N) couldn’t help but shove at his chest. “I chose to leave because my next choice was taking a swan dive off Wayne Enterprises!”
His eyes went wide, and she shook her head. “I left because the only person who cared about me, was me.” She turned and fixed the final couch cushion while he watched her do so.
“They’re still looking for you, you know. Dick is always staring at his phone hoping there’s a text from Jason or Tim that they’ve found a sign of you.”
(Y/N) sighed. “If you’re trying to guilt trip me, Wally, it’s not going to work.” She shot him a glare. “I got over the fucking guilt the second the flight to Central took off. I got over the fucking guilt the night I laid in a hotel room bed curled into a ball where I cried myself to sleep. I got over the fucking guilt the moment I realized I’ve done so much better on my own than when I was there.”
She marched up to him and got in his face. “I got over the fucking guilt when I realized Barry and Iris Allen were more of a family than four brothers and dad ever were.”
They glared at each other and finally, she let out a sigh. “It doesn’t matter. I’ve already started a new life here and I have no plans of ever going back.”
“At a college that doesn’t have a real name. You know that’s illegal, right?”
(Y/N) scoffed. “What’re you gonna do, Wally? March into four-C and tell them Bruce Wayne’s daughter is going to school under a false name? We both know you wouldn’t.”
“I’ll tell Dick,” he suddenly shot back, and she went rigid.
“You wouldn’t dare,” (Y/N) threatened and he took a step towards her, getting nose to nose with her.
“Try me.”
They stared one another down and she said, “I think you need to leave, Wally West.”
His eyes narrowed. “Yeah, I guess I should.” He spun on his heel and marched to the door, but stopped when she questioned,
“Are you really going to tell him?”
Wally gazed at the ground for a moment then he murmured, “…No…it’s not my place to.”
(Y/N) swallowed and nodded. “Thank yo—”
“Don’t thank me, (Y/N). I’m lying to my best friend about knowing the real location of his baby sister he misses dearly.”
She looked away. “Cassandra is his baby sister now. He should focus on her.”
“You really have no idea about what they feel for you, do you, (Y/N)?” He asked, and she grunted.
“Get out, Wally.”
“Don’t worry, I’m gone,” he spat, slamming the door behind him, hard enough that it shook the walls that held the doorframe.
(Y/N) stared at the door for a few moments then cursed sharply and collapsed onto her couch, eyes directed to the ceiling. Three years down the drain in one conversation.
Way to go, (Y/N). You did a spectacular job of keeping it all under wraps.
She groaned and picked herself off the couch, not caring about the mess as she headed to bed. She’d deal with it all in the morning.
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gryffindors-weasley · 3 years
Starlit Confession
Young!Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: On a camping trip tradition, your friends have got other plans neither you or Sirius are aware of.
Requested by @expelliarmusmyass : “can i request a classic enemies to lovers "there's only one bed" sirius x reader where all the marauders (+lily!) have a sleepover or camping trip of some sorts and lily and remus finally decide they need to get reader and sirius already and plan to get them to sleep in the same room/bed/tent ? thanks !!”
Word Count: 5.4k
Warnings: little bit of jealousy, mutual pining, fluff, kissing
A/N: Thank you for my first Sirius request!! I absolutely loved everything about it, I hope you enjoy!
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July 1979
The breeze swept coolly across your face against the warm summer sun as you stuck your hand outside the window, the air gliding over the back of it. You were headed to the stretch of woods that you’ve all come to know so well, something that was highly anticipated the moment the summer season had begun. Camping. It was something you and your friends had made into tradition without much discussion against it for the last three years. Lily had saved up for the very Volkswagen bus you’d been sitting in, knowing for a fact she’d get more use out of it than a simple small car; she knew her four closest friends were in it for the long haul and that was something that would always remain true.
It was mostly a golden yellow color, near orange, its roof white with a matching tire cover on the front of it between two round headlights. It was adorable, it was perfect, and most importantly it was big enough to fit a boisterous group of friends that surely needed the space. It’d already housed jovial memories that would be cherished for years to come.
You’d each packed up a bag or two, tossed them in the back and set off to the ever familiar place the five of you had found to be the perfect spot. A clearing amongst the woods, a place not far from the waters edge. It looked near enchanting when sunbeams filter through old yet thriving trees, as much as it could be for being a place without the very magic you’ve known all your life. It was perhaps your favorite tradition out of all others that had been created, one that you never failed to look forward to. No matter what’s been going on with any of you, traditions were never missed or forgotten. That was one thing that was constant and one thing would never change.
Another thing that had been just the same was the constant need for Sirius Black to get under your skin. You’d known him ever since you both were fourteen years old, and every day since then had been a battle of who’d been more witty and your three best friends had yet to determine who had been the rightful owner of that title. You were always bickering about something or another, always tossing narrowed stares and scrunched noses, grumbling under breaths and eye rolls. Even despite that, James, Remus and Lily especially had been convinced that there were feelings amongst it all. It hadn’t been too terribly hard for them to jump to that conclusion. They had their suspicions with each and every look Sirius had found himself giving you when your attention was fixed elsewhere. At the very same look you’d cast upon him when he wasn’t looking. They were absent minded actions to you both, and that was all the more reason for them to think there was something there.
It drove the tight knit group absolutely mad to see their two dearest friends love each other without even knowing of that very fact—James found himself far too close on multiple occasions to flat out complaining of the sheer obliviousness between you two. To simply tell them how blind the two of you must be. But each and every time he’d nearly done so it was promptly stopped by a stern Lily Evans who was not to be defied. They felt another day of this was simply not an option, too painful to watch a second more.
Even now, as you sat in the back with the raven haired wizard, the seating arrangement proved to make for an interesting trip. There was a flurry of jests and quips to match them; it was inevitable when he’d taken the seat right next to you, Remus on his other side. It’d been something entirely intentional on Lupin’s part, though the bickering was something to be expected.
First it had been over who was taking up too much of whose space, something accompanied by a lighthearted series of shoves and stifled laughter when you looked away in hopes the other wouldn’t see it. Then it had been when he’d changed the radio from your favorite song to his with a simple twitch of his fingers, a back and forth battle of rock and ABBA that nearly broke the radio, one that nearly drove your friends insane.
But now, Sirius had found himself staring as he so often does, at the way you waved your hand with the breeze, the way said breeze sifted through your hair and the way you sang along with James to the very same ABBA song that’d been on repeat for the past fifteen minutes. He’d reckon your voice far better than that of the brunette behind the wheel. He doesn’t know just why he always finds himself settling his attention upon you every moment he gets the chance. Or maybe he does and just refuses to admit the reasons for it. But there was something about you, there was always something about you to be admired. You were utterly enamoring even when you’ve got your brows scrunched over something entirely because of him. They never seem to stay furrowed for long.
“If you take a picture, it just might last longer,” you suggest with a raised brow and a smile indicative of your teasing, effectively pulling him from his thoughts.
“I’m sorry, it’s just you’ve got a bug in your hair,” he counters quickly, the corner of his mouth quirking upwards.
Your eyes are quick to widen slightly as your hand rises to your head in mild panic, combing your fingers through your hair in a hurry. His laughter was a telltale sign of his deception, that ever so familiar frown pulling down your lips as you swat at his shoulder. “Sirius Black, you’re a pain!”
His laughter was immediate as he caught your wrist from swatting him once more, “I’m not lying! There is something in your hair.”
He releases your arm in favor of reaching upwards, the tips of his fingers pinching the delicate flower petal tangled within your hair. Your words fell silent as his fingertips traveled down to the very end of your hair, a gentle action that had your cheeks staining what must have been an obvious pink as you found yourself looking at the smile on his lips. One that was soft and lopsided, one that grew as he held up the small pink petal before tilting his head at you. You hadn’t even realized you’d been holding your breath until that moment, hadn’t realized the new found quiet had drawn everyone’s attention.
“Told you so,” he states confidently, blowing away the petal and leaving it to flutter to your feet.
You squinted at him and mimicked his words to quickly move on from dwelling on your burning cheeks, something that brought a different kind of smile to his face mere seconds before you’d ruffled his own hair in retaliation.
“I meant what I said,” you remind him, trying to fight your grin as you watch tangled strands of black hair fall back against his cheeks once more.
“I am so terribly hurt,” he scoffs, placing a hand over his heart in a display of faux offense.
In that moment you settle for shaking your head, biting the inside of your cheek in a pitiful attempt to conceal your smile. A smile so awfully contagious he found himself mirroring it, having lingered on his lips even when you’d looked away from him in favor of looking out of the window. In doing so, you missed the way James had been glancing at you both in the rear view, at the way he shared a knowing grin with Lily, who’d then done so with Remus. It was a moment missed by you both, how could it not be with the way your thoughts had entirely been about each other unbeknownst to you.
It’d been quiet after that, save for the radio and James’ occasional startling outburst of song should a part come on that he’s fond of. It’d been peaceful and upbeat as Sirius crossed his arms over his chest, trying desperately not to think of how you’d made his stomach twist and flutter with butterflies. It was nothing, that’s what he told himself.
The place was just as beautiful and just the same as you’d left it the previous year, the sun still beaming through tall trees and the birds still chirping just as contently as they always do. Upon closer inspection, your initials had been carved in the very same tree, untouched since the five of you had left your mark on it the very first time you found it. Of course, it’d become weathered over time, moss having flourished over the bark, but the engraved letters remain regardless of that very fact.
The fire pit that James and Sirius had made still sat in the center of it all, it’s crumbled stones and charred logs and sticks sitting in a heap within it, waiting to be lit once more. Even the logs circling around it to serve as seats had still sat untouched by anyone else, unmoved from how they were left the previous trip out there.
It was exciting to finally be back there, to finally be out of the car in a place you longed to see again. All was well, except one thing.
“That is absolutely not happening,” you state matter of factly, the twigs snapping beneath your foot as you frown at Lily before narrowing your eyes at Sirius. One look at his smile, just one look, and you return your displeased gaze to the two in question, James making no effort to stifle his laughter at the situation. “No way, that is ridiculous!”
“Lupin must have forgotten to pack a third, Y/n/n,” Lily sympathizes with the softest of frowns to accompany her words, though you hadn’t missed the grin she’d tossed her friend’s way as he scratched the back of his neck and fought his own. “I’m sorry!”
“Then I’ll sleep in the bus with Remus,” you state quickly with a raised brow, crossing your arms over your chest stubbornly as you squint at Sirius’ very obvious grumbling behind you. His reasons for doing it were entirely unknown to you.
“C’mon, Y/n. Pad’s won’t bite,” James chimes in with a laugh, earning a swat to the back of the head from Lily before he protests her actions in return, shrugging his shoulders and rubbing his head. “Not very hard, at least.”
You purse your lips at the brunette and glared, biting the inside of your cheek to hide your smile. A smile that quickly faded as you glanced over your shoulder at the little tent that hadn’t stood very tall on the other side of the fire pit. Your heart leapt and raced within your chest at the thought of being so close, lips tugging downward as you looked back at them with a huff.
“I would say I can’t believe you, but I can,” you groan, brushing past them to get to the lake before they could become aware of your smile.
The last traces of sunshine were warm against your skin as you sat along the water’s edge with Lily, taking a moment to yourselves away from the utter chaos that came with the trio in the water. It was still a bit too cold to swim in but that’d never stop them from doing just that. Despite the chill that ran through you from it, everything around you had been exactly how it’s always been.
Wildflowers had bloomed just about everywhere you could imagine amongst patches of green and overgrown grass, framing the lake in varying hues of blues, yellows, purples, and pinks. When you sat at just the right angle, the reflection of the sky over the water had been absolutely wondrous, painting the water orange and pink. The ongoing breeze had been sifting through the leaves in the trees, leaving some to fall to the ground in its wake.
It was absolutely perfect, and you couldn’t think of just anywhere else you’d rather be in that moment than right where you are. You wouldn’t want to be there with anyone else.
“I think this is our best trip yet,” Lily states, leaning back on her palms as she tips her head back, allowing the sun to sweep across her skin.
“I think so too,” you sigh, letting your eyes fall closed as you hear another aguamenti spell used, followed by a bout of laughter that had a smile pulling at your lips at the sound. Her absence in conversation was sure a sign something was on her mind. It always was without fail.
She hadn’t left you to sit and wonder for too long before she spoke up.
“What do you think about Sirius?” There it is.
Your eyes squeeze shut at the question you anticipated, at the one you hadn’t expected her to wait so long in asked you. A soft huff left your lips as you opened your eyes, brows furrowing as she gave you an expectant look.
“Why do you ask?” You say, the corner of your mouth quirking up at her nosiness.
She shrugs her shoulders as she sits up more, heaps of red hair falling to splay against her back. “Just wondering.”
Her smirk was more than obvious as she looked at you, her smile widening. Lily and Remus had kept an eye on you both for quite a while, they knew that something had been there, it wasn’t that hard for them to figure out. Even if you hadn’t been aware of your own foolish love yourself, they’d certainly picked up on it. Because after every witty remark and every scoff and glare, there was always a smile to follow. After every frown and and nose scrunch as one of you stuck their tongue out at the other, there was always a lingering stare just moments after. Anyone could see that, anyone but to two involved that are far too stubborn and argumentative to realize that.
“Well?” She continues.
“Well what?” You ask, pulling your knees to your chest as you look at her.
“You can’t possibly have nothing to say about him, not after all the banter you do. What do you think of him?” She repeats.
You roll your eyes as you avert your gaze from her, resting your chin on your knees as you look ahead. You mull over your words as a laugh leaves your lips, your head shaking slightly as your eyes fall upon him. He’s got strands of wet black hair stuck to his face, cheeks reddened ever so slightly from the combined heat of the summer sun and the chilliness of the water. His smile was beaming and bright as he tips his head back and laughs at something James had said.
“He’s a pain, Lily,” you said, biting the inside of your cheek to hide your smile. “He’s a pain.”
She laughed at your words, though she took note of the smile that’d been on your lips as she followed your gaze to the very one in question. She hadn’t failed to notice the smile he had returned to you after having done a double take, an action that was far less subtle than he’d hoped. He couldn’t help it though. Not with the way you’ve got flowers tucked in your hair and the way the sunshine made you glow. But when he found himself looking for what he felt was far too long he’d stuck his tongue out at you, wiggling his fingers before you rolled your eyes.
“Oh really?” She inquires, her smile evident in her voice, laughing when you narrow your eyes only briefly.
You pluck a flower from the ground and hold it under your nose for a moment, twirling its stem as it sat pinched between your fingers. You shook your head once more.
“Yes, really.”
The tent was rather average, having danced dangerously on the edge being too small. Every gust of wind, no matter how gentle, had puffed against its very walls, rattling the zippers and the flap of the door until you’d finally closed it completely. You knew for a fact your friends had to have done this on purpose, at this point there was no way they couldn’t have judged by the smiles they’d done a terrible job at hiding.
It was becoming increasingly obvious when you sat around the campfire that evening when Lily sat with James, and when Remus managed to take up the entirety of the log he’d claimed his own. It left you no other option than to sit next to Sirius, his chin in his palm as he hid his taunting smile behind his fingers.
You could tell by the way their gaze fell upon the two of you more often than not, and by the way James had displayed his emotions a little too obviously each and every time Lily had whispered something undoubtedly about the two of you in his ear. By the very way that no matter how much your group of friends could talk and bounce from topic to topic with ease, the conversation would always, without fail wind up circling back to the two of you. You were becoming painfully aware of the plan made by none other than Lily and Remus.
You should have known they’d do something like this; they’ve done it at the spring ball in sixth year. It was the very first time Hogwarts had done something like that, it was magnificent. However, you thought your date had stood you up as you sat with Lily and Remus, the mysterious date they’d set you up with. Said date had finally showed up by the side of James, and your eyes nearly rolled to the back of your head upon realizing just who they’d set you up with. You’d frowned as you danced with him, accompanied by a few laughs when he twirled you, accompanied by a few eye rolls when he said something witty. The night had been far better than it started, but you hadn’t spoken of it since.
They’d done it at Hogsmeade. They’d told everyone to meet at the Three Broomsticks, having diligently reminded everyone to do so. You and Sirius had been the first ones there, having sat awkwardly across from each other as you sipped your butterbeer. It was quiet until the two of you began to bicker over something too trivial to remember, one smiling when the other wasn’t looking. It took about thirty minutes for you to realize that the rest of the group hadn’t been coming, thirty minutes with Sirius Black.
So yes, you should have known better than to think that they wouldn’t do something like this again.
“Sirius?” His only response is a hum in that moment, a rather dismal one at that. “How do you suppose I’ll get any sleep if you keep huffing and puffing? It’s rather hard to ignore, you know.”
“Maybe that’s the point,” he quips, though you could hear the very smile in his words even without seeing him.
You shake your head at that with a huff of your own, but he could see the shake of your shoulders from your stifled laughter that you had fought so hard to keep at bay. No, he most certainly could not know that he’d been making you laugh, that would be absolutely terrible to your cause for he wouldn’t forget that he’d been able to do something other than make you grumble.
It was quiet for a few moments after that, nothing but the crickets singing just outside the little tent and the whisper of the wind in the trees. He hadn’t huffed anymore after that, and you quickly came to realize that it was in fact not the cause of your restlessness, though a part of you already knew that. You knew as you lay in that tent that you hadn’t hated his company, not in the slightest as much as your protests would beg to differ otherwise on the matter.
“Would you really rather spend the night with him than me right now? Remus?” He asks quietly, curious after a little while, and you didn’t miss the small bit of offense in his tone. It was the most subtle of indicators that he’d been jealous. Not terribly so, but it was enough to have your words stick in his mind for a few lingering moments longer than it should. He found himself to be just a little offended, because while he hadn’t expected this to be the sleeping arrangements, he’d hoped maybe you wouldn’t dread it as much as you seemed to have.
“In this particular moment, yes,” you quip softly, a smile beginning to tug at the corners of your mouth when you hear his displeased huff. “I might even sleep outside with the bears should you continue being jealous.”
“That is not happening,” he says, quick to add more once he realizes just what you’ve said. “And I am not jealous.”
As much as you two may have bickered near incessantly, as much as it may have seemed as though you couldn’t stand each other, he didn’t want you to do such a thing. It was dangerous after all. He knows a flimsy tent would do little to protect you, he knows you’re more than capable with magic, but he’d much rather prefer you weren’t out of his sight. It was safer that way.
“Who’s to say?”
Your back remains to him as you close your eyes briefly, your grin having gone unseen. It’d always been your personal mission to get under his skin ever since he was just a boy who had made it a point to get under yours, and now that he was nearly twenty your goals were no different. Maybe they weren’t as childish and filled with a certain annoyance as they once had been in the very beginning, but the habit was still very much there.
“Y/n/n, could you be serious just once in your life?” He asks.
“You know,” you start, rolling over to lay on your other side. Your breath hitched upon realizing your closeness, his face mere inches from your own and you nearly lose your train of thought as he’d done the same. But you quickly gathered yourself as you swallowed thickly, a smile gracing your lips. “I don’t believe I could if I tried.”
He rolled his eyes as he moved to lay in his back once more, his smile bright as his hair splays across his pillow and you follow suit. Your heart had still been beating wildly in your chest at the closeness you’d shared just seconds earlier, cheeks flushed a soft shade of crimson as you dare not look over at him. He supposed he’s grateful for that because he’s too caught up in looking at you, that same smile on his lips that he knows shouldn’t be there. One look at him and you’d have days, even weeks worth of material to tease him with. But he can’t help it.
He also can’t help it when he laughs, his eyes squeezing shut. “What is it?”
He shakes his head as he continues, your own curious smile forming in your lips as you turn your head and look at him. “I’ve got that bloody ABBA song stuck in my head.”
Your smile widens and a giggle falls past your lips as you return your gaze to the sky, the mingled laughter between the two of you having been something not uncommon as of late. “Well I’ve got that dreaded AC/DC song stuck in mine.”
“It is not dreaded, it’s a classic,” he defends, scoffing lightly as a lingering chuckle accompanies his words.
“And so is mine,” you counter, just as much defense in your voice as he held in his.
“That is absolutely false.”
“It is absolutely not.”
He responded with a heaving sigh, a smile on his lips despite it but he let you win the argument this time because surely there would be more. There would always be more when the two of you were together, but he feels as though he can hardly count on one hand the amount of times you had argued over something serious.
Your shared laughter had since died down to silence amongst everything else, leaving you know choice but to think of how close the two of you were. To think of the fact that never in a million years did you believe you’d ever share a tent with each other. You will admit, only to yourself, that you hadn’t hated it as much as he may have thought. A part of you had found yourself thinking that maybe you’d even miss him had you not been less than a foot away. You thought that a lot lately, unbeknownst to everyone else, or so you thought.
It was then, as you lay beneath the stars in a tent you’d felt was far too small to house two, that you felt his knuckles brush against your own, the very tips of his fingers soon to follow it. The simple touch felt far more electrifying than you had cared to admit to, especially for a simple accident caused from the sheer closeness of your proximity. To be quite honest, you felt rather foolish with the way your heart had skipped a beat and fluttered relentlessly within your chest.
And it was then that you risk a glance to your left the same way he had risked one to his right, eyes meeting in a gaze that’d been shared for the very same reason. You both looked away from the other almost immediately, smiles pulling at your lips as you focus your attention on the sky. No attempts had been made to move.
“Something funny, Y/n/n?” He asks, humor in his tone that only made you smile more than you felt you should have been.
“Yeah,” you start, a soft laugh leaving your lips as your eyes flutter closed. “Are you desperate to hold my hand?”
The laughter he exhaled was immediate at your words, but not out of mocking. “Love, if I wanted to hold your hand I wouldn’t waste my time brushing my fingers over yours.”
That most certainly was a lie, it was absolutely false. As brave as Sirius Black can be, as bold as he always was, he was nervous to hold your hand. He felt as though he was tempting fate already by the mere nudge of his hand over yours. To him, the thought of being in love was both exhilarating and terrifying all the same. To care deeply for someone was in his nature despite his hardships, though he’ll never ever admit it aloud. He didn’t need to.
Sirius could and would risk his life for his friends without a drop of hesitation, he always would. But the idea of slipping his hand in yours, of telling you just how he felt—it was a feat that proved to be difficult. You, you were terrifyingly wonderful and breathtakingly beautiful. You always have a quip to counter his wit, and you would never hesitate to cast a harmless jinx upon him.
He hadn’t realized just how much he wanted to tell you until that very moment, that very day for that matter. With the way you sung that song he swears he dreads every time it plays on the radio. With the way you smiled at him, your cheeks stained a rosy pink when you told him he was a pain. Or the way you’d been beaming as you tucked flowers in your hair with Lily by the lake. He hasn’t known how he made it quite this far without telling you, it was beyond him how he did it.
You weren’t just the girl he’d bicker lightheartedly with on a daily basis over the most trivial of things, always ending in scoffs and eye rolls and narrowed gazes that were more humorous than intended. You weren’t just the one who’d turn his hair every shade of the rainbow given the chance, who could outdo him on the scale of stubborn bravery. You were the girl he found himself following wherever you went, who he found himself thinking of far more often than he told himself he should.
He’s pulled from his thoughts at your soft laughter, turning to lay on his side once more. Before he could ask the reasoning behind it you’d already reached up, your fingers brushing through his hair to grab the lone petal tucked pretty and yellow amongst the strands of black. His gaze never left you, gray and admiring as you tucked his hair behind his ear, the tips of your fingers lingering for just a moment before you pulled them away.
The corner of his mouth quirked up in a smile, his breath fanning warmly over your lips. “Can I kiss you?”
The question was soft yet confident, having had enough of the question merely sitting at the edge of his tongue for days, weeks, months on end. It’d made your heart skip a beat, and you were nearly unsure if you’d heard him correctly. Because Sirius Black, the boy who’d never failed to get under your skin, who never failed to make you roll your eyes or purse your lips, the one you’d seemingly loved all along was asking to kiss you.
The grin on your lips was nothing short of an indication that your words would be that of something jesting. “It depends.”
“Do tell, on what?” He inquires, the glow of the moon illuminating the mischief dancing in your eyes.
You moved to prop yourself up on your elbow, your grin widening a fraction the more you look at him. “Just how long has it been that you’ve wanted to ask me that?”
“Who’s to say I’ve ever given it thought before this very moment?” He counters, though he knows he has a million times. You roll your eyes then, tipping your head back only momentarily before looking at him again.
“Could you be serious just once in your life?” You ask, copying his earlier words.
“I don’t believe I could if I tried.”
You shook your head as your hand settled on his cheek, quieting his further mocking as you pressed your lips on his. His laughter sounded softly against your lips, soon dissolving in favor of finally kissing you, of finally doing just what he’d longed to do for an amount of time he’s far too prideful to admit. He found himself smiling when your hair brushed against his skin, at the feel of your nose nudging his own and your fingertips just barely tangling in his hair.
His hand came up to rest over your own, the action soft and distracted as you parted from him only briefly. Brief enough for you to smile against his lips, for your giddy laughter to puff softly against his skin. Fleeting before he kissed you again—once, twice, three times more.
You pulled away completely then, his hand falling from yours as you swipe the pad of your thumb across the dimple in his chin, your cheeks flushed and his lips kiss swollen and pink. He followed after you for just one more, gray eyes sparkling and smile blissful as you lay back on your side.
“I love you,” he murmurs, “bloody hell I do.”
“Sirius Black,” you say, taking your lip between your teeth as you looked at him. “I love you too.”
With that he tugged your hand gently, pulling you back to his lips in a soft yet lingering kiss, one that made your heart pound and another bout of butterflies to flutter in your stomach as he held your hand to his chest. He’d waited too long to ask you just that, wasted too much time bickering over this, that, and the next thing.
“Our friends will never let us hear the end of this, you know,” he murmurs, forehead resting on yours. “They’ll go on for weeks, love.”
“Let them.”
Tags: @vogueweasley @ch0colatefr0gs @anchoeritic @amourtentiaa @hahee154hq @snitches-at-dawn @dracosathenaeum @harrysweasleys @awritingtree @writeroutoftime
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hivequest · 3 years
Taking a Risk » Mallek Adalov/Reader
Wordcount: 2.3k words
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, stressed out reader, chillboy Mallek. TYping quirk only used when texting cause I could not be bothered lmao Originally posted on AO3
A/N: One of my favorite things that I’ve written, ever. I love Mallek and he’s for sure one of my favorite Friendsim characters. When I wrote this I was really feeling those Quarantine Woes
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You didn't know what you were doing here. You felt out of place in the worst possible ways. It was a weird, squidgy feeling like stepping on wet grass. But not like the fun kind where you were running around in a sprinkler on a hot-as-balls summer day. No, this was the bad kind of wet grass that you stepped on without knowing it was wet. Why weren't you wearing shoes?
This analogy is stupid. The point is, you're feeling bummed out.
And what better way to not have to deal with that than hang out with someone you knew wouldn't push you into talking about all the ways crashing on this planet sucked! The point is, you're on your way to see Mallek. Mallek is absolutely the kind of friend who can tell when you just need to sit down and veg out. You had been so caught up in everyone else's bullshit that you weren't looking after your own damn self. So now you were doing that.
All it took was a quick text, asking Mallek if he had any company. He texted back only a moment later with a no, obviously not. You asked him if he wanted any. Not really. You ask him if you can come over anyway. Obviously.
You smiled at the palmhusk in your, well, palm. You could already feel the chill vibes of your hacker friend. Friend? Was that the right word for it? You didn't know anymore. When you first met there were definitely some sparks there. You could still feel them now and it made weird butterflies flutter around in your stomach. When you slapped his phone out of his hand and he sent you ass over applecart into the slimy depths of sewer water and he saved you, tits out and all.
You shook off the weird wistful feeling of maybe possibly crossing the friendship barrier and told him you'd walk to his hive. You'd been moping in some bookhive, not your usual hang-out spot with Tagora or Tyzias. This was some upper caste bookhive with purple bloods and some indigos and definitely not where you were welcome if the looks you were getting were any indication. They ranged from snooty to downright murderous. Yeesh.
Your phone -palmhusk, stupid troll names- beeped again. You got another text from him and those cheery fucking butterflies were back. God, you had it bad.
yeah were not doing that lmao;
im not going to let my robobuddy walk out in the sun
do you even know what time of day it =
just stay put ive already got your location ill pick you up;
And like a good little friendsimp. You park your ass on a chair and wait. You hadn't released your moping had taken up most of the night. But with the quick look around, yeah, no, this place was nearly empty by now. Just some older bluebloods trying to cram before their Ordeals and get shipped off-planet. Again: Yeesh.
You kept your ears open for the telltale sound of Mallek's limo. It was a sound you were getting used to these days. He always seemed ready to drop whatever coding shit he was working on to come to see you. You tried not to think too hard on what that might mean. No need to get your hopes up now. It's probably just your bad mood making you imagine some context where there's nothing. Yeah.
Damn, that shit hurted.
Just as you were about to add that to the reasons you were considering just screaming your lungs out who cares whose listening? you heard the wonderfully familiar sound of an approaching elongated scuttlebuggy. If that wasn't enough of a clue as to who the ride was for the quiet of the bookhive was very abruptly disturbed by a series of rhythmic beeps.
Holy shit was that the Tetris theme?
You shoved your palmhusk into your hoodie pocket and yanked the hood over your head. Even if the sun was only out a little bit you didn't want it anywhere near your freshly healed skin. You had no kind cowgirl to nurse you back to health right now if you got your asscheeks baked by the flaming death orb. You peeked your head out and even with the blinding light of Alternia's suns you could Mallek had opened the door and was waiting for you.
Aw. No, shit. You're in a bad mood don't get all heart eyes at him. Don't make it weird.
You took a few steps back into the bookhive, ready to make a run for it. You turn to a sitting indigoblood, who is just staring at you disdainfully for keeping the door open. You give her a two-fingered salute. Godspeed young cosmonaut. She gives you a one-fingered salute. Close the door you insufferable bulgebiter. Fair.
Taking a running start, you book it out into the heat of the Alternian sun and dive for the open car door. It's then that you realize he's halfway parked on the sidewalk to lessen the amount of time you'd have to spend in the sun. Aw. That also means that you came barreling like a cannonball at something that was like two feet out of the door. FUck.
Your face meets carpet and you can already feel the rugburn starting to set in. You hear a startled wheezy laugh from above you, a sound you know better than anyone else on this planet. You smile. It's not like you had any dignity to begin with.
You say hello to him as you peel yourself off of the floor of his car.
"Hey, there robobuddy. You stuck the landing this time," He smiles down at you as he reaches over you to shut the door, closing the space out from natural light and leaving you both lit by his colorful LEDs. You shrug and tell him you've been getting a lot of practice landing on your face these days. The look he gives you is still smiling but there's some level of disbelief at the dumbassery that is your whole existence.
"I know you can get yourself into it. Nothing too bad this time, though, right? No drones or broken bones?" He sounds concerned which is nice but he doesn't drown you with his concern. He leans back on the bench of his limo, keeping an eye on you as the vehicle begins to move on its own. You've been staying out of big messes but the little messes are starting to mess with you. He makes a sound of understanding the sounds as it comes from deep in his chest. Whoa. "Believe me, I've been there. Glad you're not cracking under it though."
He smiles and you can see his little fang and you can feel your heart melt a little. And also you're getting a bit teary-eyed and now Mallek looks alarmed. Shit. You try to quickly explain that you're fine, just, alien allergies am I right? He must be using some new air freshener to mask the musty smell of his limo. Since doesn't use it enough. Ha ha?
He isn't buying it.
With a rare show of cerulean prowess, he lifts you up off of the shitty car rug and sets you on the seat beside him. He feels uncomfortable and you can tell. Ah, goddammit you made it weird. You didn't mean to. Fuck. Fuck now you're feeling even worse. You thought you were starting to balance out. You're with Mallek now, shouldn't everything start to quiet down like it always does? Fuck. He doesn't say anything at first, just leans back against the seat and stretches his arms across it, letting you lean on him if you choose to.
...You choose to.
Your head finds itself somewhere between his shoulder and his collarbone, and you just. Shove your face there. Then scream.
To his credit, Mallek doesn't even flinch. He doesn't wince or shy away from you as you let out every bit of anger, sadness, and frustration out against his sweater. He just sits quietly, staring straight at the blacked-out windshield. You get the feeling he's needed to do this more than once.
Screw this planet. Screw everything about it that makes all of your friends suffer. Why can't you just get them away from all this bullshit?! Why do you have to deal with everyone's bullshit! You love them, you do but holy fuck they're looking to you like you can undo all the damage this place has done to them when you've got literally no god damn idea what's happening at any point ever!
And then, just like that, it fades into the background. Your throat hurts. Your head hurts and you think you might be crying. But it feels lighter. Better now that you've gotten some of that aggression out. You aren't like the trolls on Alternia. You can't kill people when you experience an Emotion™. But that doesn't mean you don't get pent up with rage.
Mallek realizes that now. He lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding and his left hand slowly moves down from the back of the seat the rest against your back. His thumb brushes against your back, the claw drawing little patterns against the fabric of your sweater. His sweater. He tries not to think his sign your chest. This isn't the time.
"Feeling any better?" He asks and you don't know how to answer. You kinda don't want to. But you nod anyways, and you feel some tension leave his body. You knew he was worried about you. You apologize for making him witness your meltdown but he just makes another deep-chested hum. "Nothing to apologize for. I got the feeling you weren't feeling great. I could tell from the texts, you didn't use nearly enough ugly emojis."
You scoff and smack a hand against his chest and once again you hear that wonderful laugh from him. Hey! Your purrbeast emojis are adorable, thank you very much! And you'll not hear another word of it or else you'll send him pictures of rocks and rocks exclusively. No more memes.
"Jokes on you I'm into that shit." You laugh and thump your head against his collarbone. You thank him for being with you when were needed it. And picking you up to make sure you didn't deal with it alone. You don't want to make it weird but...yeah.
He doesn't respond this time, just letting you both enjoy the silence and the comforting sound of the engine. You should almost be at Mallek's apartment by now. It's as you're settling in for the last bit of the drive that you notice that the limo isn't moving. And hasn't been for a while. Your head pops up in confusion and the little GPS display on the back of one of the seats says... yep.
You're already at Mallek's.
But then why is the engine still on? That can't be good for the environment. Do these things even run on gas or is it bugs? Bug gas? Gross.
You notice then that the rumbling is coming from behind you. Like. From where Mallek is sitting. He doesn't look away when you turn to him, just kind of tilting his head to the side with a little bit of a cerulean hue to his cheeks. Oh. Oh, the sound is coming from him. He's purring. That's.
That's adorable.
You feel yourself soften even more when he lifts his arms, silently offering a hug if you want it. Is this platonic? Is this more? You've never had too much trouble identifying what people wanted from you. (Debatable.) If was overtly flushed you could shut it down or divert it to something very much friends only. (Like your every exchange with Zebruh.) But did you even want to do that to your hackerman? You could feel yourself screaming, no, absolutely not. But at the same time, you didn't want things to change. You didn't want to make his issues any worse than they already were. He didn't have too much longer on the planet and you knew it would tear him apart.
But then he turned those blue eyes to you. He looked just as unsure as you were but he was willing to take the risk. He shoved himself so far out of his comfort zone for you and was asking you to be selfish. To want something for yourself and do something for yourself. Not put him or anyone else's wants first. Just your own. And so you did.
You crawled up into his lap, pressed yourself as close to him as you could and clung to him. His arms didn't hesitate to wrap around you and you could feel a shuddering breath from above you.
"We don't have to put a label on this... not yet. Or ever. Either way is chill with me. I just... yeah." He gave up with a little shrug of his shoulders but you knew what he meant. Unless you could find a way to fight fate he was going to go off-world. He was going to leave you and you doubted you'd be able to go with him. You'd probably get gored by a drone for even trying.
But even if it was just for now, just for a moment, you were going to take it. You were going to let yourself have something, have someone who would care for you no matter how long or short your time was. You'd take it. You had stomached some of the most horrible things on this planet but Mallek had always been a constant. And you got the feeling he thought the same way about you.
So, you'd take it. Whatever comes next, you'd take it. You listened to the sound of his purring, in no hurry to move to get inside the apartment. Mallek felt the same.
You exhaled.
You would be okay.
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kiranogareru · 3 years
WARNING: Angst, Bakusquad boys being assholes, violence, bullying, cursing, toxicity
A/N: 3rd person view, this is the first of a few one-shots to come, that will be improved versions of my old imagines on my Wattpad!
'Another day at my most favourite place, UA Hero Academy!' You thought sarcastically
Better known as another day of bullshit you have to endure...
You still don't have a clue how you made it through two years of this already, but it's not like it matters, as long as you are in one piece!
Your time here has been..eventful? Well that's that's one way to put it, for lack of a better word
You are walking to the cafeteria alone as per usual, praying you won't be noticed by them. Unfortunately they are already there, waiting for you to show up, like animals waiting patiently to pounce on their prey and even though the place is packed with students of all classes and departments, they somehow still spot you in the sea of people!
"Awww there she is!" Kaminari mocked using a 'cute' tone and grabbing you by the arm to bring you in the middle of the group
"You made us wait today, not manly at all!" Kirishima feigned sadness and hurt, placing a hand on his chest
"Don't be so hard on her guys. Maybe she forgot where we were meeting" Sero cooed, cupping your face with one hand and applying pressure
The look in his eyes made you uneasy, because you know exactly what is going to happen next. You've gotten used to it by now
"Today has been sooo boring" Kaminari complained
"But that's why Y/N is here man! To make our day better!" Kirishima cheers, balling up his fists and doing his signature pose
To anyone watching you, this seemed like nothing but a normal conversation, but you know better..
"You better get out of here, you damn idiots" Bakugou's voice grumbled from behind you
The words almost filled you with hope, making you momentarily forget who spoke them in the first place and making you feel like a fool for thinking that way
Bakugou was like a leading figure to these guys, so why would he put you above his friends?
If anything, he is only scolding them because there's too many eyes around and they don't want witnesses!
That thought leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. This is the next generation of heroes? It's just so hard to believe.. it's truly appalling!
Bakugou stayed behind 'most likely to avoid suspicion' you figured
The rest of the boys drag you outside, to a spot you have grown familiar with ever since you were a freshman. It's beside the main building, a place typically void of students or teachers!
They chose this place because they know they won't get in trouble, since this is also a blind spot for the cameras in this area!
Kirishima shoves you to the ground, which Sero takes as a sign to bind your hands and tape your mouth shut, so they can start playing their favourite game with you
A game they like to call "How long until Y/N breaks"
It doesn't take long for the first kick to fly straight to your abdomen, followed by another and a few more..they add a few punches here and there to switch up the pattern
They don't want this to get boring too quickly, of course not! They want to have fun with it..because this is their sick idea of 'fun'!
Kirishima rips the tape from your mouth, since it was starting to peal off with all the blood and spit that had started coating it!
You feel weak, you can't even activate you fucking quirk to try and defend youself! Everything hurts, but what the fuck can you really do at this point?
Hopelessness, defeat, they managed to beat into you, all the things you hate being! They have driven you to a point where you hate yourself, because of what they made you!
'How am I supposed to be a hero, if I can't even save my damn self?'
'I don't stand a chance against them anyway, they have made that very clear, since the first day we met and every time after that'
"Please stop!" You plead over and over, but there is no use however
"Why do you keep doing this?" You let out a pained cry, but the only response you get is in the form of more hits
They are treating you like a sand bag and you don't even know why. You wonder what you could have done to them to deserve this
At some point they stop and a wave of relief washes over you as you think this nightmare is finally coming to an end.
That illusion completely shatters when you hear the voice of someone you know all-too-well and realize why they stopped to begin with, but you don't have time to process anything else, because Bakugou knocks you out!
Your eyes flutter open, the first thing you see being your boyfriend of nearly a year, Bakugou Katsuki!
You take in your surroundings and sit up.
'Was I brought to Recovery Girl?' You question yourself, as your right hand comes up to your head, due to a pounding headache
"Baby are you alright?" He asked, reaching his hand out to touch your cheek
"Don't" Your tone coming off quite threatening, while your fragile figure tries to get up
Your knees give out and Bakugou is quick to catch you and hold you up!
"I'm sorry baby!" He repeats the same words you've been hearing since you first started dating!
"Get the fuck off of me! Let go!" You demand, clawing at his exposed arms in an attempt to squirm out of his grip
He let's go of you and you get yourself back on the bed
He looks at you with so much sorrow in his crimson eyes, but all that does is vex you further, makes you hate him! You can't stand to even look at him anymore!
The sight of his face makes your stomach twist, his presence alone causing your blood to boil and your knuckles to ache for some action!
You're barely able to hold back right now, because looking at him has suddenly become a reminder of an agreement he convinced you to make..
His lips part, but before he can utter another disgusting, half-assed apology, you shut him up!
"No more apologies Katsuki, no more fucking lies, I don't wanna hear it anymore! I've really had enough! I just can't take it!" You stated in an ice-cold manner
"I'm sorry ok?! I couldn't do anything, it's not up to me, I can't tell them what to do! Yes, they look up to me, but I can't control them!"
Can he not hear what bullshit is coming out of him mouth? Can he not hear himself right now?
This is the only thing going through your head at the moment
"I can't stop all of a sudden, they can't know we're dating!" Katsuki says, directing his gaze to the floor
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Without a second thought your hand makes contact with his cheek, the smack echoing throughout the room
A visible, red patch in the shape of your palm forms, as he lifts his head up to meet your burning gaze once more. His expression holds complete and utter disbelief!
"You said that once we got together this would stop, you promised, but it seems like you don't want it to stop! Are you enjoying it Bakugou? Do you get off at the sight of me breaking?" You asked , well aware of the fact that you're not ready for his answer, but wanting to hear it nevertheless
"I swear I will talk to them, I just need a little more time and then-!" You cut his rambling short
"It's always the same shit with you! Spewing fake promises! This time it won't work Bakugou, I don't have the strength to do this anymore! And I don't want to waste my love and time on someone who beats me so people don't associate me with him, someone who goes to this extent so he won't be seen with me!" You confess
"I'll chan-"
"Don't say it, because it's not true and you know that! You always tell me you'll change, but you don't even try!"
"I don't enjoy seeing you in pain, I just can't stop! I've been doing this for so long, I don't know how to be anything else. But I never meant to hurt you!" He finally answered your question
"If you don't want to hurt me, you'll leave me alone! I want to be away from this so called 'relationship', it's not healthy! I need a break!" You reason
"It's not a break if you never come back to me..it's a break up!" He lowers his head once more, hair falling over his eyes, as he speaks calmly
"Come back to you? As if" You scoff, laughing out
He doesn't dare speak, he is simply staring at you, with shocked, red orbs!
"You should have stayed with the League of Villains when you had the chance! That's where 'heroes' like you belong!" You eyes shoot daggers at him,
"Now get the fuck out, you Sludge-Bastard!" You demand, using the name he hates even more than the one Midoriya calls him
He is in tears, as he leaves the school's infirmary
It isn't so much because things ended between you as it is the weight of your words!
Bakugou processes what just happened, wearing a blank expression, while he walks through the halls of UA, tears still streaming freely!
Seems like he put a lot of thought into what you told him, because the next thing you know, a new villian makes his debut
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theoreticalli · 3 years
tma and unreliable narration
you know in thinking so much about melanie and jon and helen and jon (and to an extent georgie and basira and martin too) I just keep coming back to how good an example of unreliable narration tma is (spoilers thru 160 and for 187, as well as a link to a post abt the finale).
because jon is our pov character, right? for the vast majority of the series, outside of statements, everything we experience is implied to be through his perspective. we start out with him and him alone, we return to him again and again-- alone in the tunnels, alone in America, alone after the Unknowing, alone as the apocalypse swirls around him. we let him entrust us, an unseen confidante, with things he won’t tell anyone else. we are intimately familiar with his experiences and his personality, and we see every little moment of development he goes through. we spend so much time with him.
but jon... is wrong sometimes. like, objectively, we know that. his paranoia spiral in s2 is the first major indicator that this character, who is functionally our narrator, is not objective. he makes decisions based on prior experiences and the information he has and assumptions from both, like we all do. it’s just good character building! it makes him feel more real if he’s wrong sometimes, if he has flaws and blind spots!
and sometimes he is wrong. the most signposted and indisputable moment is the web table, when he just straight-up puts the clues together and comes to the wrong conclusion, or when he spends a whole season being suspicious of tim and martin (and elias) when not!sasha’s right there. basically, He Is Not Immune To Propaganda
so that’s our sign that this is not the kind of character who is always or even usually Objectively right or in the right. he’s not frequently outright wrong, either, but his view of things is always limited, and the other characters are carefully placed to be foils to his perspective, to highlight things he isn’t thinking about or illustrate contrasts or just other opinions. again, It’s Good Character Building! it’s smart writing to have all your characters exist first and foremost as bundles of principles and priorities informed by certain key backstory events, because then you can rely on that to figure out how they’ll react to any given situation, and personalities and quirks tend to fall into place from there. my brain is not moving on the frequency to illustrate exactly what all these foils are right now but I’m sure there’s other posts about that so moving on
most of jon’s conflicts with his allies are not because either of them are wrong, but because they each have distinct and conflicting perspectives. and there’s some posts I see that just... frustrate me because they only take into consideration the context for jon’s actions, and don’t extend the same analysis to any other characters involved. there’s no thought put into why georgie might feel the need to draw the boundaries she does, why melanie goes off on jon at the specific times she does, or god forbid when either of them try to reconcile with him at various points. jon is sympathetic to us as the audience in his shoes, but the actions he takes don’t always have positive effects on those around him in the same way that other people severely hurt him without really meaning to. really, my first reaction to posts like these is always to want to just point out 5 different moments of context that show that most of jon’s allies are never being malicious to him because they’re bad people, or heartless. they have their reasons, and are not being cruel for cruelty’s sake like many of the avatars. they aren’t required to agree with him to still be taken in good faith.
(I have a post about this wrt the end of s5 that I’ll link here to make this stay mostly spoiler free so feel free to go read that but anyways)
and there’s also the things jon directly says about other characters, which again, should not always be taken at face value! and this bit is partly a personal grievance with the way helen’s arc ended, so ymmv, but I think that leaving the exact nature of the distortion (esp how it meshes with its host of sorts) more vague is much more effective in terms of her function in the story. so to my interpretation, even though jon says a lot of things about what the distortion is, that doesn’t necessarily mean any of them are entirely accurate! that’s a point helen made repeatedly, and her role as a foil is to make it clear that the truth is never one thing, no matter how the eye likes to pretend it can find objective reality. she wiggles her way out of the liar’s paradox because reality is complicated, and there are many statements that lie in that grey area between true and false while still sounding very sure. so even though jon states a lot of things in a very certain tone, that doesn’t mean any of them reflect the nature of the distortion any more than anything helen said before. it’s just one more piece of information to put together with everything we’ve seen about the character’s words and actions up to that point and come to our own conclusion!
to me, that’s a much more fun and interesting way of engaging with this story than only looking at things through jon’s pov and taking the things he says without a grain of salt, and I think jonny’s done a really good job of having a lot of characters with specific traits and clear histories that pretty consistently inform how they engage with any given situation. of course, there’s a lot of characters and a lot of extrapolations one can make, especially for more minor or intentionally mysterious characters, so there’s no one right way of understanding a given person. but it’s fun to mess around with, to discover new bits that you’d forgotten about that inform your interpretations, to fill in the gaps.
that’s all no I will not shut up about melanie king if you read this far thank you so much you have my affection and pls reblog w your thoughts!! xoxo
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popatochisssp · 4 years
if/when you get the energy/time to- im really curious; what kinda fuzzy friends do the newer skeles have? does pitch have a seeing eye-dog version of princess? or does ell and/or nemo have a fuzzy buddy to help with their anxiety or anything similar or in-between? spare fuzzy friend hcs for the poor, ma'am????
Well, you asked for it!
Ash (Undergloom Sans): A cat named Annie (Ragdoll), adopted as an emotional support buddy! She picked him, really, just ambling right on up to him, and it was love at first flop-over-his feet. Having a little sweetheart like her to take care of has really helped to pull Ash out of the doldrums and he loves her a lot. She’s a big-time cuddlebug, just like he is, and they definitely spend a ton of time napping together, everywhere and anywhere.
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Annie’s Quirks: Extra chunky (master of the ‘I haven’t been fed yet 🥺’ con), stockpiles socks and undies beneath the bed, shameless catnip junkie
Yrus (Undergloom Papyrus): He feels like he’s not as active as he should be, lots of time spent indoors doing academic things, when there’s a whole beautiful world out there that he should be getting out to see at least sometimes... He has the idea that maybe an animal companion would be the right motivation to get up and out at least a couple times a day, and Cannoli (Pembroke Welsh Corgi) is the solution to the problem! They click pretty much immediately and are just very well-suited to each other, especially as exercise partners.
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Cannoli’s Quirks: Loves (short) walks, rests his head on any feet that stay still long enough, must sleep in the same bed as the people and will hop/bark/cry if he can’t get up there himself
Brick (Horrorfell Sans):He doesn’t know too much of the story himself, he’s sure he was told in more detail but probably forgot. All he remembers is, a friend of a friend had a dog who had an accident...or maybe it got sick? Either way, it went deaf, and the dog was too big and unwieldy for them to try to retrain themselves. But they had a friend who was HoH, and that friend was active in the community with lots of other signing and HoH folks and could ask around about someone who might be up for the challenge of having and training a real big dog that couldn’t hear a word you said to it. That’s how Brick heard about it, anyway, and he’s not deaf but he’s big, and he figures he probably knows at least enough sign by now to train a dog. And that’s how Tiny (English Mastiff) comes to stay at his place. They clumsily work on understanding each other, it’s definitely a Process, but there’s plenty of fondness there to make any difficulty worth the trouble.
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Tiny’s Quirks: Bit of a digging problem, gets very excited about balloons, likes to sit near people and lean his entire weight into them
King (Horrorfell Papyrus): This one may look familiar, but it’s fate-- Doomfanger (Persian) belongs with him and could find her way to him in any universe. ...But King was a little later getting to the Surface, and wasn’t there to pick her up when she was freshly on the streets. She spent awhile longer being an alleycat, a few years of living the rough life, and one day when she’s not quite fast enough to scurry out of the way of an oncoming car, it probably would’ve been the end for her... if not for the kind Samaritan skeleton who was just passing by that scooped her up off the pavement and brought her to a vet. King tried very hard not to get attached to her, especially when it was still looking like she wouldn’t make it, but he kept moving the goalpost of when he’d let himself care about her. ‘IF IT LIVES UNTIL MORNING,’ ‘IF IT MAKES IT TO THE VET,’ ‘IF SHE SURVIVES HER SURGERY,’ ‘IF--’ and then she looks at him, with her goofy drugged up face, freshly missing the foot of her back paw so that they even match now, and... And just like that, Doomfanger has a home and a devoted cat-dad owner and anything else she could possibly need.
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Doomfanger’s Quirks: Likes to be raked, makes an incredible fuss when shut out of any room for any reason, very spooked by loud noises and immediately runs and hides under daddy’s bed
Merc (Horrorswap Sans): He wanted a pet, especially when things were still a little strained with his brother and the nature of his...condition...made it difficult to make friends. He was lonely and a little pal would be very welcome in his home, but he’d also really hate to curse a furry friend with the ever-present threat of being dripped on and getting nasty bone-goop stuck in their fur... Ella (Sphynx) is the workaround to this unusual problem and makes herself right at home with Merc, happy to love on him whether he’s solid or sticky.
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Ella’s Quirks: Has an extensive collection of sweaters that she adores (will sit by her dresser and meow until she is clothed), great sense for emotions and tends to appear whenever she’s needed, transfixed by mirrors
Ell (Horrorswap Papyrus): He didn’t choose Ripley (Maine Coon), Ripley... well, he’s not even sure Ripley chose him. He definitely chose Ella, because that pretty little sweater-wearing vixen in the window is what drove him to bust into Ell and Merc’s house and start sauntering around like he owned the place. Ripley (named before they realized he was a boy-cat) was definitely feral, with a notched ear and a missing eye, but he just keeps coming around, breaking and entering, cuddling with Ella and sharing her food, and when he one day hops into Ell’s lap and curls his big fluffy body up there... Ell makes the (possibly bad) decision to just shut the doors and windows on this mean, fat bastard and make him commit to the self-domestication he’d started. Ripley’s fickle, anti-social, and nine times out of ten mean as hell, but despite it all, Ell’s attached to the fucker. Doesn’t stop him from talking mad shit about his demon-cat to anyone who’ll listen, but y’know, there’s a weird sort of love there, between them both.
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Ripley’s Quirks: Hates other cats and people, with Ell and Ella as the only exceptions (Ell sometimes, Ella always), does truly heinous things to birds and rodents and even bugs if the opportunity presents itself, an escape artist who is not to be trusted around doors or windows
Pitch (Horrorswapfell Sans): Ms. Sandy Peaches (Golden Retriever) is a service dog, trained to assist people with visual impairments in a variety of tasks. Pitch, who’d long been mulling over the idea of getting one such dog, eventually follows through, and as soon as he hears her name, he’s decided-- Sandy Peaches is the one for him! He’s been blind awhile by the time he gets her and generally knows his way around things, but she’s very helpful in his day-to-day and some of the things that were moderately inconvenient to get through before are only mildly inconvenient now, and her value as a helper and a companion is much appreciated.
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Sandy’s Quirks: Gets excited when it’s time to put her vest on and go work, thinks the appropriate amount of brushing time is probably about three hours, loves to go swimming
Nemo (Horrorswapfell Papyrus): He found Dizzy (American Shorthair) after an accidental click led him to a local shelter’s Instagram, where they had a video of her playing and a few hashtags that explained her condition. He learned a lot about cerebellar hypoplasia, aka ‘wobbly cat syndrome,’ and when he eventually made it back to her video and watched it again... it was too late, he was already half in love with her. He contacts the shelter and after a couple weeks making arrangements, purchasing necessities, and wobbly-cat-proofing the house, he braves the outdoors to go get her and bring her home. She’s probably 100% his baby within the first hour and he loves being able to take care of her and help a kitty that not everybody would have the time or dedication to take in. The love is very much mutual and Dizzy’s tail does the ‘omg it’s you, I love you!’ tail-quiver whenever she sees him and trots on over.
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Dizzy’s Quirks: Sixth sense for when there’s clean laundry to be laid on, likes to hold extended warbling and yowling conversations with people, chews on anything that crinkles (keep plastic wrappers out of reach!)
Sunny (Gastertale Sans): As soon as he knew he wanted a dog, he knew he wanted to pick up one of the less adoptable ones. Skipper (Beagle mutt) was certainly that, with only two legs--one in front and one in back. Sunny had a play session with the little guy and admired his energy and how enthusiastically he played, like his missing legs didn’t even phase him. Whatever happened in Skipper’s past, he’s not letting it be his problem now, and needless to say, he’s adopted and taken home in pretty short order. No holds barred fetch and spontaneous frolicking in open fields are a great bonding activity for these two, probably a match made in heaven.
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Skipper’s Quirks: Tennis ball fiend (literally can never have enough), chews on unattended shoes, loves to sing (read: howl) along to music
Aster (Gastertale Papyrus): He wanted a guard dog, some big intimidating-looking thing that would look really, really cool guard the house. He finds Ace (Doberman/Great Dane), unfortunately with his ears already cropped (Aster wouldn’t have chosen the procedure himself), but otherwise a very handsome fellow and still definitely in need of love and a home, both of which Aster was willing and able to provide. He’s attentive with all the care and training his new pup needs, and when Ace grows up just as huge as predicted, looking like a cross between a panther and a hellhound, he’s become an extremely well-mannered and obedient dog, full to the tips of his pointy ears with love for Aster.
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Ace’s Quirks: King of naps, the worst nightmare of any strangers at the door (but very affectionate and loving once they’re in!), will tell you if you’ve stopped petting him too soon, boofing and trying to put your hand back to make you resume
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pearl-blue-musings · 4 years
Perchance to Meet pt. 4
Hi again! 
Back at it again with anotha one. I didn’t put it on the other ones, my bad, but it is a fem reader. I apologize if that makes anyone uncomfortable!
Warnings: language, suggestive language, angst, you’ll probably hate me at the end but oh well 
  Part 5 
After that night, Aizawa tried his best to do what was best for him and his girlfriend. Regardless of what that enailed, he would do it. By no means did that mean he worked any less, he did what any over zealous workaholic does.
He began to stretch himself too thin.
On top of his teaching, patrolling, and keeping (Y/n) safe, the pro-hero barely had time for himself. He felt it was worth it, so long as work and personal life never interfered with each other or her work life for that matter, things were fine.
He did his best to believe his own façade until an early on staff meeting. He sent his love a quick text letting her know that he’d be late to her store because of a staff meeting. That’s alright, she responded, I’ve had some extra stuff come up at the shop with the café portion. Be safe baby uwu
Aizawa rolled his eyes, if you ever say that again I’m not picking up sweets on the way home.
Uwu uwu??
You’re lucky I love you
The man chuckled and put his phone down, preparing himself for the meeting. So far the school year had gone pretty smoothly regardless of his attempts to expel students from the first week. The meeting at hand was just a normal staff meeting, going over the upcoming calendar for the whole school and going into smaller details like who would be at the USJ in the upcoming two weeks. He doesn’t show it, but he’s very excited for his kids to begin training at the USJ and with All Might and Thirteen there they are sure going to learn and grow in the right way.
After the meeting ended, everyone was rounding up their belongings and having idle chit chat. Aizawa is so close to tasting the sweet relief of the end of the day when he’s stopped by a couple teachers.
He’s met with whimsical sapphire eyes that match a grin on the ravenette’s face. “So, when am I going to meet the mystery woman that’s clearly stolen your heart.”
“Nemuri,” Aizawa sighs, “it’s not appropriate to talk about personal relationships during school hours.”
Ruby lips frown and pout, “Aw come on Aizawa! You’ve been together for almost a year now! Why haven’t you brought her to any of the staff outings?”
“Maybe because she’s busy too? I don’t wanna get into it.”
“It’s true!” The loud voice interrupting can only belong to one obnoxious blond. “She runs her own bookstore and bartends to make money for said bookstore! She’s a workaholic just like him. A match made in heaven!”
Upon his arrival, Present Mic had wrapped his arm around his friends shoulders to bring the three of them closer as they walk out of the room. As much as he wants to shove the arm off of his body he doesn’t feel the need to.
“Oh,” Midnight surmises, “so that’s why I haven’t met her! Stop hiding her from us Eraser we want to meet her.”
“You will, eventually.”
Nemuri scoffs, “Eventually?! You’ve been saying that for months.”
“Ah but what if he’s keeping her a secret on purpose?”
A new voice shocks the trio as they turn around to see Principal Nezu walking with a frailer looking All Might. All Might shakes his head and points to Nezu. “I mean, Eraserhead is a very busy man who puts his life on the line for his students and community. Who’s to say he’s not doing it for her safety?”
That makes the three teachers stop and think, but Aizawa’s train of thought isn’t exactly the same as his peers. The principal has a point. Up to this point, he hadn’t been able to bring her because of their crazy schedule and diligence to their respective jobs; granted they always made time for each other. But what if that’s a big part of it? Now that the number one hero is at the school he teaches, having a close connection to his class he might add, doesn’t that put a bigger target on his back for villains?
He’s tried not to think too much about the increase in villain activity since All Might’s presence, however it is now unavoidable. There’s always the possibility of an attack, the press made that pretty obvious, but Aizawa wouldn’t put it past any villain to do their research. Has he been safe enough when he’s been out with (Y/n)? Were they being tailed or followed by anyone on their many dates? Shit, has she gotten any new customers that might be a problem?
How could he have been so stupid and blind to not see the potential danger she’s in just by being with him? He had never felt like this before; never been so pulled into one person. He had avoided dating for this reason but how could she make him forget all of those reasons?
“It’s clear to me you love her and that you have a lot to think about Aizawa,” Nezu finishes, “but you always know what to do! I may not know her but I wish the two of you happiness!”
(Y/n) tried her best to hold back her anger and frustration, but it was inevitable. Even with the addition of the café and a couple extra workers, she still needed to pull hours at the club. The struggle was indeed real. She desperately wants to slam her head on her desk but she knows that it’ll only upset Aizawa to see her physically hurt. So she keeps her head up with her arm and continues to look through the books for the last month.
No one had been stealing, everyone was working hard, hell even Kona had taken extra hours to help ease her stress over keeping the business running. But it wasn’t enough. No matter what she did, it wasn’t enough to keep working like this. Her tired eyes bore into the calendar knowing she can’t take much time off soon regardless of how much she wants to. Her time off will come in the form of a conference she’s been invited to attend and hold a small lecture. It’ll talk about how running a business you love while using your quirk for good is still considered heroic in its own right. I mean, she and all her friends knew that but there are still so many people in this society who feel less than because their quirks aren’t heroic…
Her mind begins to wander to her friends, Aizawa, one of her older favorite customers…
Ah yes, she hadn’t seen them in the last couple of years. She couldn’t remember the moms name, but her child always came in with another daycare every now and then, Eri. She had the prettiest white hair and red eyes, and the cutest little horn that was on her head. (Y/n) really missed her, but she assumed because of something with her quirk she stopped showing up, or maybe they moved; they would always come around the same time as if on some schedule.
A deep exhale escapes her mouth as she attempts to focus on the task at hand. She was finally making some headway in organizing the schedule and financial books when she hears an abrupt knock on the window. In a daze, (Y/n) leaves her office to walk toward the front, staring at the turned off ‘Open’ sign in frustration. But who is she to deny someone who might need help?
“Sir,” she yawns, “I’m sorry but we’re closed right now.”
The man in front of her has a menacing look that sends a chill down her spine. The mask covering his face makes it hard to distinguish his figures, and she notices the gloves over his hands. “Are you not (Y/f/n)?”
“Uh, yes? And may I ask who wants to know?”
The man chuckles, “I have a request from someone you may know.” He hands her a piece of paper and she hesitantly takes it. All that is on it are a few words that she is able to identify as a particular book in a children’s fantasy, her quirk coming to her aide. “I have the money already if that’s what you’re concerned about.”
Unsteadiness rises in the young woman. She searches his eyes for any kind of familiarity but fails to find any. “Ah, well sir I have the right book in mind. Could you wait right here?”
The man waits for her as he watches her go inside the store. So this is the place that good for nothing woman would go to? Hmm, it has appeal and he can see why his subject enjoyed it. Anything to put his plan into motion and keep it within his reach.
“Here you are, and may I get your name?”
Upon receiving the book, he exchanges the money and politely bows. “Chisaki Kai.
“And Eri says hello.”
The drive to the airport was filled with content silence, as (Y/n) leans her head onto Aizawa’s in the car they shared. It was early in the morning so the pro-hero was already adjusted to being up at this hour, however his girlfriend wasn’t. He had debated about escorting her to the airport, Nezu’s words still in his head two weeks later, but figured she’d be happier and more at ease having him see her off. It’s not everyday someone he knows and loves gets invited to talk about something they’re very passionate about.
He’s overly ecstatic about it and is upset he can’t be there for her. But he knows that he’ll do his best to stream her talk when it’s available.
This is what he loves, this equal give and take they have for their relationship. He’s met some of her friends and family, albeit on a tight schedule, and vice versa; minus the pro-heroes. They both have a strong respect for what they do and when they do it. Even though this will be the most time they’ll have together, he’s glad he can see her sleep so peacefully on his shoulder. A content grin adorns his face as he does another thing out of character and snaps a picture of her.
Damn, he really is in love with her. Once he sees the airport in sight, he softly nudges her, “Hey, princess. We’re almost there.”
“Unngg, no…”
Aizawa chuckles at her whining and lightly kisses her forehead. “I wanted a couple extra minutes of you awake before you get out and-“
“Sh, sh,” she interrupts. “You act like I don’t get it,” her words are slurred from being too tired. “You do a lot for me, love. We gotta be safe I understand; gossip is so bad.”
He loves how extra snuggly she is when she’s too tired to function. “You know I’d walk you to the gate if I could,” his voice rumbles huskily that ends up making her mewl.
“I hate when you talk like that.”
“Oh don’t worry, I’ll be sure to call you tonight and talk just like this.”
“Oh sure! Just forget that I’m in the car! Now hurry up your students have a big day coming up!”
The couple giggles at Hizashi’s words, despite their truth. His friend rolls his eyes as he sees where they parked. It’s a bit of a walk to the airport but this gives them privacy from any prying eyes, especially of the villain nature. The two of them step out of the car and gather her overnight luggage from the trunk.
“I’ll only be gone for the night, I’ll be back tomorrow evening.” She leans up to kiss him.
“I know,” he kisses her back, “I just wanted you to finally meet my students and see them in action.”
Her eyes widen at his words, and so did some golden ones at that. “You..? What?”
“Heh, I figured it was way past time I let you into more of my world. I know I’m not the most open person, but I want to keep you safe and where else to do that than at U.A. with other heroes? They’re going to be working on rescues, and since you’ve shared so much of yourself with me, well it’s about time.”
Tears threatened to spill in his girlfriend’s eyes at his words. “Are you sure? I understand we kept our relationship a secret for our safety but, are you sure? I’m content knowing only your family and Yamada and- mmph!”
He silences her with a kiss and chuckles into it. “It’s dangerous yes, but you’re worth it.”
The flight back wasn’t as enjoyable as the tired woman had predicted. Since her presentation went well, she was on a high until midway through her flight. Poor (Y/n) got stuck in the middle seat surrounded by the most unbearable people on the planet. She couldn’t wait to get back to Aizawa and just let him ravish her.
Once she had collected her luggage and turned on her phone, she tried to find the raven haired man and his loud blond friend. But after ten minutes of waiting and searching she came up empty handed. “What the hell,” she muttered to herself. She had no missed calls or texts from Shouta so what was up? He promised he’d pick her up but she’s been in the airport for almost an hour now and no such luck.
Getting frustrated she ended up hailing a random taxi and input her address. No matter, he could have had something come up at school which is entirely possible. She wasn’t going to let that get in her way of returning to the man she’s absolutely head over heels for. It might have been just one night away, but it felt like an eternity. Despite all her work, all his work, the world pretty much telling them no they found a way. Sure they had their fair sure of arguments but what couple didn’t? At the end of the day, they loved each other and that’s what was important.
She suddenly began to feel her phone buzz and pouts at the caller I.D. “Yamada, I have half a mind to come to your place and demand you drive me around for the hell of it! I thought you were supposed to pick me up!”
The laugh that was in her throat retreated when she noticed his serious tone. This wasn’t like him. Damn, what happened?
“Hizashi, you’re scaring me,” her voice trembles, “where’s Shouta?”
She can hear him take a deep breath and his voice is not as boisterous as it typically is. “Answer me!” She’s clutching her phone as tears threaten to fall, “where is he?!”
“(Y/n), dear, I’m so sorry. There was an attack yesterday during the training, and he’s injured. Really badly.”
He’s met with silence on the other end and slowly continues. “He’s at the hospital. I’ll send you the address.”
With that he hung up. (Y/n) felt her jaw go slack. Her heart begins to pound faster than before as her breathing increases. The urge to vomit overwhelms her senses as the feeling in her stomach is one she’s never felt. Nothing makes sense. Why? Why didn’t he tell you immediately? Or why didn’t Present Mic tell you earlier? It’s almost 5 pm school ended hours ago, this makes no sense he would’ve told her, he would have he would have-
Her phone lights up with a text from the blond man Here’s the address. I did this for him. Please go to him.
The rest of the ride is a blur after she tells the driver to switch addresses. Her conference didn’t matter, her shitty flight didn’t matter, her new found knowledge didn’t matter… Shouta needed her and fuck why can’t this person drive faster!
She barely recollects paying her driver as she pulls up to the hospital. She runs in with her bags up to the front desk and politely yet frantically asks for her boyfriend. The nurse up front is apprehensive but relaxes upon seeing her stressed out face and Hizashi coming up to vouch for her. He glances into her eyes and gives her a hug in solidarity and apology. The pair of them pass by rooms, quickly going to the elevator to find Aizawa’a room. Along the way, she assumes she passes some of his students as the blond man pushes them out of the way.
Hizashi holds her luggage as she makes her way inside. In the room, she finally sees him and falls to her knees. Her presence is finally announced as an older nurse and a frail looking man turn to her. His face is completely covered in bandages and his arm is clearly broken. It takes everything in her to not wail at the sight.
“Who is it?”
The voice is soft and muffled but she’s able to make out who said it. The elderly looking nurse comes to his side and removes some of the bandages on his face in order for his eyes to be revealed.
It had been a few hours since he had been able to see, but what he was greeted with confirmed his newfound resolve. The sight of his girlfriend’s face covered in tears for him was almost too much.
“Sh-Shouta, why? What happened?”
“Why are you here?”
That sentence alone stunned everyone in the room, including Hizashi who had just walked in.
“What are you talking about? You got attacked! Why else would I be here?”
“You shouldn’t be here,” he coughs out. “This isn’t a place for you.”
Confusion crosses her features at his words. “I don’t? I don’t understand, I thought you wanted me to be part of your life.”
“Present Mic told you I was here didn’t he? I told him not to.” He sighs and tries to lay back down. “Recovery Girl, could you cover me back up?”
“Whoa, whoa wait! I come back from a conference and I find out that you are severely injured and you don’t want me here?! What the hell happened to everything we spoke about literally yesterday? Why didn’t you tell me, or at least have him tell me you were okay or something!
“You’ve been like this for a whole fucking day and if I’m correct, you weren’t planning on telling me?”
He lowers his voice from the yelling and mutters loud enough for her to hear, “this is why pro-heroes don’t date.”
Gasps were heard around the room and Present Mic is most surprised, “Eraserhead come on,” he breathes. “Don’t do this, man. And you need to take a break! You can’t just go back to work like everything is fine!”
“He’s what!?”
Aizawa puts up his in broken hand to silence them, “no she needs to hear this.” He points to the now confused and angry woman in front of him. “You don’t understand that this is my life and I will get hurt.”
(Y/n) shakes her head, “I know that! But you need to rest, I’ve missed you and I’m sure your students would understand. You saved them!”
He interrupts, “I can’t stop being a hero and a teacher because of some injuries. My kids need me.”
“I need you too.”
“But you’re not putting your life on the line every day are you? You just sell books and make drinks, how is that helping people?”
Her heart sank at those words. How could he say something like that? She can slowly but surely feel her heart be torn and repaired by thorny weeds holding it together. She can’t even look at him, knowing that he was aiming to hurt her intentionally with those words. Those words were why she does what she does and he just mocked her. After all this time, it seems his true colors were finally showing. This is why he never let her in, because he’s a coward. A coward too afraid to let anyone come close. It’s a miracle to her now that he has friends.
The silence is deafening after his last questions as all eyes on are on her. (Y/n) straightens her posture and begins to head out of the room. She stops briefly to whip out her keychain. She removes the key to his apartment, struggling to get it off and finally throws it on the ground, the clanking of the metal against the tiles louder than anyone thought. And through her gritted teeth she spat,
“Fuck you Aizawa.”
She grabs her luggage from an unusually quiet Hizashi and storms out, tears cascading down her face.
Once she was out of earshot, Mic turns to his friend and takes a deep breath. “What the hell was that!? That wasn’t what we practiced!”
He’s greeted by silence from his injured and heartbroken friend. Aizawa knew what he was supposed to say, but the attack on his students left him feeling some kind of way. Even though the villains were after All Might, they attacked his students and he couldn’t have that. He told no one of that trip and feared that someone may have overheard him talking to her at the airport. He knew these villains were ruthless and as he said, he would do anything to protect her at all costs.
Aizawa sighs, the weight of his words and actions falling onto him. “It was the right thing. These villains are crazy, attacking students and teachers in broad daylight. Who knows what else they know about us? I can’t get her involved in that.”
The blond shakes his head in disappointment. “No you don’t get it. (Y/n) loves you and would do anything for you. I understand you want to keep her safe but breaking her heart like that…”
Aizawa knows this too well as he speaks to his friend again. “It’s better if she’s not in my life. I don’t want her connected to this and you know she’d throw herself into this to support and be there for me. I can’t have my students and my girlfriend with targets on their backs.
“What kind of hero would I be if I can’t save the ones I care for?”
taglist!: @kiribaku-queen @cupcake-rogue @shinsouskitten @prk-pyo @therealwalmartjesus 
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seventfics · 3 years
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Blind Owl
Written for @witcher-rarepair-summer-bingo​
Prompt: Temporary or permanent blindness Relationships: Triss Merigold/Philippa Eilhart Rating: M Content Warnings: None (Mild Gore, Blood and Injury) Summary: It's hard, but Triss finds a way to help Philippa.
Read on AO3
* * *
At the mention of her name the sorceress turns, her head held high. Too high, Triss notes, to be facing her directly.
The edges of the blindfold over Philippa’s eyes are stained red.
“Triss. I must say, of all the things that have happened today? I didn’t expect to meet you.”
Triss quirks a smile at her. “Disappointed?”
“No, never,” she says with a graceful wave of her dirtied hand. “Surprised. I overheard that all the mages had dipped from Novigrad. I should have known you would stay behind.”
“I wasn’t going to, to be honest. Geralt convinced me.”
“Yes, he’s good at that, isn’t he?”
Triss’ portal had taken them from Sigi Reuven’s bathhouse to her small room at the Rosemary and Thyme. It’s not her room, really, but a kindness of Geralt’s friends, and one she immediately took up. Better than the Bits, where she lived in tight quarters on a lopsided building. Now she has actual furniture she picked herself, a full bed that can support her weight without sinking, and a lock on her door. It is much more to her liking.
Philippa would hate her decor, if she could see it. They’ve always had different taste in furniture.
“Circumstances aside…I’m glad you’re with us, Phil.”
Philippa hums. She walks the room carefully, a hand tense with magic held forward to sense for objects. “And what are the circumstances, exactly?”
From her pocket, Triss brings out an agate.
“Geralt stumbled upon this, some time ago.” The stone glimmers from old traces of Philippa’s magic. “You want the Lodge back together. Well, so do we.”
“Ah. Our interests align.”
Though she is blind, Philippa props herself neatly on the lone bed’s edge as Triss explains the looming threat of the Wild Hunt. In all things she is flawless artistry. Her hands cross over a hip, as she lifts her legs to lounge over Triss’ bed—and oh, how familiar, the sight of her like that. It distracts her mid-speech more than once.
“In my state,” she drawls, gesturing to her blindfold, “I am not much help.”
Triss is less artful, but just as coquette with her lilting voice. “You are, Philippa,” and more seriously, she adds, “You were the best of us.”
“Quite. You understand that this is a matter most crucial for the survival of magic.”
After a moment’s pause, Philippa sits upright against the half a dozen pillows Triss hoards at the back. She presses a hand to her temples, sighing as if displeased by something.
It is the closest sign she’s going to give to her exhaustion. Her pain.
Triss’ heart aches to help. But Philippa is proud. She is strong on her own, and protective of that right. She would not accept an ounce of pity nor mercy, no matter how well-intended.
Years of her acquaintance have taught Triss how to work around that.
“We need you at your best. Phil,” she says, sitting by the weary sorceress to take one of her hands between her own.
Philippa tilts her head up then. Again, too high, and slightly left of Triss’ ear.
“Tell me what I can do.”
* * *
The wet stones under her fingertips harbor the cells of Philippa’s experiment. It’s grotesque, she knows. Some sections have grown beyond control, eye-masses with mutated pupils, multiple irises, some even larger than a megascope’s crystal. But as Philippa does her best rebuilding the Lodge, reforming allyships, and planning the Wild Hunt’s defeat, Triss must do this unpleasant work. For Philippa.
She nearly slips and falls down to her doom twice. The stones are at such a precarious altitude, at a precise distance from the cavern waterfall to promote cell growth without washing off the results. What was Philippa thinking? Growing eyes in such a dangerous place?  
But here she is, carefully extracting the cells from the stone with her magic. She suspends them in a sterile magic seal, to store in her purse. For some reason, that makes her laugh, a sound that echoes back to her ears three times. She has Philippa’s eyes in her bag. Philippa’s beautiful eyes that had been gouged out by an angry and paranoid king. The amber of them is now indistinguishable from moss.
There is no time to rest between quests, and yet, once she is finished gathering the most that she can, Triss climbs to safer ground on shaky hands and knees, needing a second to breathe. Just a second. She cannot spare more than that to mourn, or cry, or remember how Phil used to tease her with just a stare and a raised brow.
It will be fine.
She will have new eyes. They won’t be the same, but Philippa won’t care. It’s just Triss who needs a second.
Back when they were a powerful Lodge of Sorceresses, and not the tattered survivors of imprisonment and war, Triss had mooned over the proud advisor to the crown of Redania. She didn’t make her attention obvious, but nothing goes under Philippa’s notice. The woman had made herself friends among spies and, like in all things, absorbed some of their skills.
They spent many nights in each other’s company. Sometimes, it was just to forget the cruelty of war, the greedy men who broke what they could not claim. Triss was lucky to be considered important. A sorceress has more worth as a power to be wielded than a woman to be abused.
And after the Battle on Sodden Hill, Triss had little trust in men.
Maybe that’s why she started this...liaison. And maybe it had been a shallow, poor excuse at first, but. Somewhere between disillusionment and distraction, her heart stole away in the owl’s nest of Philippa’s making.
“Do you think one day we could be happy?”
With a single candle to illuminate the room, Triss braves the words. This world is not made for them to find happiness, but they are powerful. They could make it so.
Philippa doesn’t move from her limp, careless spread over silk red sheets. The dim firelight paints her skin bronze. Nothing covers her, and it is beautiful.
“Happiness has never been my dream,” she says, her back to Triss. “My vision remains on the future of the Northern Kingdoms and the conservation of magic. A sorceress’ dream.”
That is Philippa. Sturdy. Focused. Her hedonist streak is a sparse creature, easily ignored.
Still, Triss hopes. That is who she is.
A long pause ebbs the nervousness buried in Triss’ chest. No one disturbs them, which is rare. No megascope call. No xenovox. No letter from either of the kings they serve.
Triss nearly dozes off, warm and content with things, when she hears a quiet, “Do you see me, in your dream of peace and leisure?”
“I do.”
She opens her eyes to the jostle of movement. Philippa has finally turned around to stare at her, her dark hair a wild fan over her shoulders and breast.
“Perhaps,” she says as she brings up fingers to play with the loose fire-red strands over Triss’ ear, “perhaps one of us should keep that possibility in our mind.”
* * *
“Ah, you’ve returned.”
The surprise lilt in Philippa’s voice tells her that she did not expect Triss so soon. She understood the hard undertaking of retrieving her growing eye cells from the deepest caves of her most secret hideout.
But where Philippa is clever, Triss is eager. Of course she would go as quickly as possible. The Wild Hunt does not wait. The witch hunters of Novigrad will not cease their chase. There is no time to be dallying.
“Well darling, hand them here," Philippa starts, her palms opened to receive Triss' hard-earned work, "so I can get to the matter of fusing them in.”
“Let me.”
She pauses at the plea. If she had eyes, Triss imagines she would have blinked.
But it’s only a short lapse in time, her mind running through a million scenarios.
Eventually, she nods, deeming the offer acceptable. “If you insist. But do not take too long, I hear our brave witcher is to return soon with our esteemed Cirilla, and I have much to talk with her about the future of our Lodge.”
Slowly, Philippa undoes her blindfold, unknowingly as Triss goes to kneel in front of her.
She does flinch at the sight. It is a nasty healing wound, dark and sunken where eyes should be. The skin around the sockets is black. But her own chest, glamored to hide snarled skin, bares worse scars from battle.
The cells take time to transfer from her purse, and they are not yet fully nurtured. They will have to grow into place. With Philippa’s magic to amplify sight, it would be enough to maneuver buildings and streets on her own. It is not by any means a perfect resolve.
Triss puts great care in choosing the healthiest cells. She tries not to cause too much discomfort—any sort of magical procedure that modifies the body would be painful, at the very least uncomfortable—but if it is unbearable, Philippa bears it.
When the last sliver of magic dissipates, Philippa voices a tense but honest, “Thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me.”
There, still knelt between pale thighs and gazing up at the newly-healed flesh around mossy eyes, Philippa kisses her.
A wound Triss did not know she still had in her heart opens. Fresh blood pounds through her body like a blaze set free on a forest. It burns, the kiss like a match against her lips, and the world narrows down to them, now, together after everything. Her arms cannot hold onto Phil any harder as she kisses back with all her being. All her fire and pain and love that never waned.
When they separate, Phil whispers, “Do you still see me in your dream of the future?” like a secret that should not be named in fear of shattering it.
“I do.” They don’t have time to second-guess their dreams or the choices that got them closer to achieving them. Just a second is all they can spare, to doubt.
One day, Triss hopes they can finally stop running, stop fighting, scheming, surviving, and simply be.
It will be fine.
They stay in each other’s arms, breathing each other’s air. Philippa’s fingertip lingers above Triss’ lip, almost playful in its upwards tug. This time, when Triss stands up and Phil raises her head, it feels like she is looking at her.
“Well, then we better stop this world-ending business first.”
Triss gives her a smile through her eyes.
One day.
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kitty0boy · 3 years
You know the drill. Marichat time with a dash of Adrienette. It is Adrienette April after all, I’ve gotta do a little something. Mari is 17 Adrien is 18, I’ll use “...” to show changes in perspectives as per usual.
Adrien thought it would be a calm Tuesday, nothing special would happen. He’d somewhat memorized Hawkmoth’s schedule and learned that he didn’t usually release akumas on Tuesdays. For what reason? Nobody knows. Maybe he needs breaks from all of his crushing defeats. I mean seriously, how old is this guy? Can’t even defeat two teenagers and he’s been trying for what, almost three years now?
He let his mind wander during the ride to school. Even though he could legally drive now, his bodyguard still had to make sure he made it to school safe. At this point, he’d rather the Gorilla adopt him, he made a much better father than his own already. Even if he is paid to do it. No one was waiting for him at the front when he arrived, which was refreshing. There were usually swarms of fangirls waiting to escort him inside, especially after one of his photo shoots. They had become much more, revealing lately. What with him being and adult now. Which was difficult seeing as how he still had to go to school with teenagers that would tear him to shreds for an autograph. Unfortunately though, Nino wasn’t even at the front.
He stepped out. On his right he saw a group of girls wearing shirts with his face or his name on it, and in front stood a cute petite woman wearing a black skirt and a pastel green t-shirt. She was very angry, pointing at them, apparently telling them off. The other girls looked back and forth at each other before they spotted him. They nearly trampled Marinette as they made their way over. “Oh please Adrien, can I have your autograph?” One of them practically shoved a notebook up his nose, “Can you sign my shirt?” One of them said, turning around. A bright flash blinded him as one of the girls took a photo. He felt a hand on his shirt as one of them tried to take it off. “Umm,” he backed away, uncomfortable “sorry but I have class.” He managed to push through them and walked up to Marinette. “Hey, can I walk to class with you?” He nearly pleaded, he didn’t want to be left alone with them if he could help it, usually Nino ushered him inside but he wasn’t here for some reason. “Sure, I was about to ask you anyways, those girls were about to rip you apart.” He rubbed his neck.
He was glad Marinette was more comfortable around him now. Sure she didn’t always stammer in front of him when they were younger but she never seemed fully comfortable to be with him either. She seemed comfortable now though, looping her arm through his as they walked into the school. “So I’m going to assume you made this yourself?” She nodded in response. “The paw prints took furever to sew on too.” He giggled, “Clever, and where are these pawpurrints” he punned back. She pinched the hem of the skirt to show him, his eyes went wide for a minute. “Oh calm down I’m wearing shorts underneath.” He sighed in relief and squinted at the prints. Sure enough there were tiny paws sewn around the hem, almost as if a kitten stepped in green paint and walked around her skirt. “Wow, you’re stitching is purrfect.” She laughed, “Thank you, it’s taken years of purractice. I’m sure you could do it too.” “No way, I couldn’t pawsibly match the purrfection that is Marinette’s craftsmewnship.” The pairs laughed as they entered the classroom, their friends were huddled in a group, caught up in a friendly debate.
“Oh hey Mari, Adrien.” He waved, “What are we talking about?” Alya crossed her arms, “Well I think Mr. Superhero has moved on from his bugaboo but some of us aren’t convinced.” He could confirm Alya’s theory, he had moved on from Ladybug. In fact the person he moved onto had just walked him to class, but she couldn’t know that yet. Not until Hawkmoth’s defeat anyways, he didn’t want to hurt Marinette like he hurt Kagami. Alix sat in the back of the class with her feet propped up on the desk, as sucker in her mouth as usual. She smiled coyly at him. Ladybug had given her the rabbit miraculous already which gave her insight to everything in his life. Possibly Ladybug’s life too. “There’s no way he’s moved on,” was Rose rebuttal, “He still flirts with her, he’s clearly still in love.” Was he flirting with Ladybug? He though he was just being friendly, he’d toned it down a lot at least. Marinette snorted, “Oh come on Rose he flirts with everyone.” Alya quirked her head “Girl what are you talking about? No he doesn’t.” Marinette crossed her arms, “Oh yes he does. The first time Nathaniel was akumatized, Ladybug had me go on a date with him to trap him.” Nathaniel blushed, “And Chat Noir came by to tell me the plan. You wanna know what he did?” Marinette put on her best smirk and turned to Alya, “Hey I haven’t even introduced myself,” she mimicked, grabbing Alya’s hand and getting on one knee, “I’m Chat Noir.” She kissed the back of the bloggers hand and stood up. “And then he started flexing and saying things like ‘don’t worry you’ll be save with me.’ And when I asked about Ladybug he said ‘she’s busy with something tonight so, you get to be my Ladybug.’ Honestly he’s a flirty as they get.” She concluded and crossed her arms. The girls just stared at her in shock. His chest felt hot and he quickly rubbed the back of his neck as if it would cool him down. How did she even remember that?
“Marinette I have met Chat Noir on multiple occasions and he’s never flirted with me like that.” Marinette turned her head to the side adorably. “But what about when you were Rena Rouge? I saw him getting real chummy when your sisters were the Sapotis.” Alya grinned, “I think that was more to make his lovebug jealous. Well, ex-lovebug because we’ve clearly found out who has the cat in the bag.” Marinette waved her arms in front of her, “Hang on now, this happened years ago. Who says he has a crush on me?” Alix snorted and everyone stared, she hand her phone in her hand and was starring at it, clever little cover up. Juleka raised her hand, muttering “Actually he was on your balcony last night.” The class gasped and Alix stifled a laugh. Adrien tried really hard to remain neutral, which was really difficult seeing Marinette’s pink face. “He just stopped by because he was bored, I’m sure he stops by lots of people’s houses.” Everyone else shook their heads, Chloe decided to speak up. “Well he stops by the hotel to get milk but he doesn’t speak to me.” Then Lila stalked up to the front, “Well actually I know who Chat Noir fancies now, and it’s certainly not Marinette.” Adrien stood, “Oh really now?” He challenged crossing his arms. “Yes it’s quite embarrassing but it’s actually me.” The class gasped but Marinette laughed. “Ok now that’s a lie if I’ve ever heard one. Chat Noir doesn’t even like you.” Rose turned to Marinette, “Now that’s quite rude, I’m sure Chat Noir doesn’t dislike anyone.” Marinette raised her hands in surrender, “Ok sure but he doesn’t fancy her either.” Adrien was glad Marinette was on his side rather than believing her. Since Lila had joined the Agreste foundation, he’s had to do very uncomfortable photo shoots with her. And with summer right around the corner, bathing suits would be in soon and he wished for time to slow down. Lila had already been way to touchy with him, now picture that but basically naked. Not his idea of a dream come true to say the least.
“Well then,” Alya crossed her arms and hip bumped Marinette “we’ll just have to assume he’s in love with you then.” Marinette’s face turned a deep red which made Alya smirk “And it seems the feeling is mutual.” Marinette hid her blushing face before a Giant and very familiar hand picked her up and carried her out of the school. “August!” She screamed in surprise. While the class was distracted Adrien snuck out and transformed in the hallway before leaping over their heads and onto the roof. Thankfully, preschooler August was much easier to speak with than toddler August. “Pretty doll.” He said, starring at Marinette.
Chat flicked his bell to get Gigantitan’s attention, “You’re right, very pretty.” He winked at her before turning back to August, “But she’s not yours, is she? We shouldn’t take things that aren’t ours.” August bent down to Chat Noir’s face, “She’s not yours either, finders keepers.” He smirked, “Hey now, we never said she wasn’t mine. But either way there is a big difference between dolls and humans. So put her down and we can talk about this like big boys.” August contemplated for a second. Chat Noir had learned from his last battle with him that August was a big boy now, a lesson he learned the hard way.
Coming to a decision, August stood up straight, and dropped Marinette. “No!” He sprinted off the rooftop and dove after Marinette. She reached for him and he grabbed her, pulling her flushed to him and spinning mid air as he collided with the sidewalk. Marinette sat up, completely unaware of their very compromising position. He propped himself up on his elbows and turned his attention to August “Oi! Big boys don’t drop pretty girls August.” Marinette laughed and butterflies fluttered around his stomach. “Well this pretty girl thanks you for the save kitty.” She flicked his bell and smiled at him. August made an other swipe at Marinette and Chat rolled them over into another compromising position, praising the fact that Marinette had worn shirts today. Marinette blushed up at him before he dug an arm under her back and stood with her. “What do you say to a game of keep away?” She smirked, “I say game on kitty.”
After defeating August and returning him to his school, Chat brought Marinette back to their school. Their whole class whooped and cheered and whistles at the pair. Alya approached clapping slowly as he slid down his staff with an arm wrapped around Marinette’s waist. “Well would you look at that. Someone is smitten.” He pretended to be confused. “What are we talking about now?” Nino walked up and looped his arm around Chat’s shoulders. “Oh just the fact that you and Marinette seem awfully, what was the word you used earlier Marinette? Chummy.” He continued to play dumb, “I have absolutely no idea what you’re stalking about civilian.” Alix, who was much taller than Marinette now, strode over and took Marinette’s hand. “Come here a second.” She lead Marinette to the center of the group, in front of him. He gave her a look that said ‘Alix I’m going to kill you.’ She smirked back and lifted their hands above Marinette’s head, spinning her around. Her skirt flew in all directions and her lose hair glided gently in the breeze. Alix smirked at him, “There’s your proof. Absolutely captivated.” He was so going to get back at her on patrol later. He made a pact to stop dating until Hawkmoth’s defeat and for the past few months, she was absolutely no help. He laughed it off, “Well like I said, she’s a pretty girl, especially in my colours.” He grinned at her blushing face.
“As lovely as this Chat was I’ve got places to go, things to see. I bid you all fair well.” He turned and started walking away but he didn’t get far before a hand grabbed his bell, spun him around, and kissed him. He pulled back in disgust as Lila grinned up at him. “I did miss you last night kitten.” She cooed, and poked him in the chest. A very angry Marinette made her way over to them with a water bottle. She shoved Lila away held it out to him “Rinse.” She instructed and he did, taking a big swig of water and swallowing. Then Marinette wrapped her arms around his neck and, standing on her toes, kissed him.
That was much better. You know what? Screw the pact, he closed his eyes and let the butterflies in his stomach emerge and fly around them. It was almost like they were in a world of their own. He smiled against her and lifted her so he could smile up at her. Each kiss sent a bolt of lightning through him and the cheers of their classmates just barely reached his ears. An angry Lila tried to run away but Juleka and Rose stopped her and started lecturing her about consent. He wanted to spend a lifetime just like this. With her legs and arms wrapped around him, the world was peaceful. There was no Hawkmoth, no Lila, no danger.
She pulled back and smiled at him, “Purromise that won’t happen again.” He grinned, “Believe me purrincess, I don’t want to kiss anyone but you.” He spun her around before putting her down and giving her a quick kiss goodbye. “See you tonight?” She asked, he nearly combusted on the spot. “That is a very dangerous questions my dear.” She smirked “Do I seem like the type to run from danger?” He laughed, this girl was going to be the death of him. “No you almost certainly aren’t.” In an attempt to make her blush as much as he was, he bent down and kissed her exposed collar bone. “I will see you tonight then.” Before she could tease him back, he leapt away.
Adrien emerged from the restroom and the second Alix spotted him she grinned and approached. “Broke the pact I see, how’s that kiss?” He smiled, “Worth it.” She laughed at him. “It’s about time too, you do realized she’s had a crush on you for ages right?” “Oh I knew that, one time she confessed to me and I had to go over to her house for breakfast with her parents, that was awkward. I was still in love with Ladybug you know?” Alix stared at him, “Hang on was this as Adrien or Chat?” He looked at her confused. “Chat, who else?” She laughed at him, “Must have been a fleeting attempt to get over a Mr. Adrien Agreste.” His eyes widened, “Wait she had a crush on Adrien, me?” She nodded, “It stopped about a year ago, seems she moved on to, well, you.” He smacked a hand to his forehead, “Mon dieu, I could have dated her in civilian form all this time?” Alix grabbed a sucker from her pocket and handed it to him. “Don’t worry model boy, once we defeat Hawkmoth you can snog her to your hearts content as yourself.” He popped the sucker into his mouth. “You know, August loves these things.” He said crumpling the wrapper in his pocket. “Oh really? I’ll be sure to give one to the pretty lady next time he gets akumatized.” He really hoped there wouldn’t be a next time, for his heart’s sake.
That’s all for this fic, thanks for reading!
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aikrus · 4 years
Just Fine
Pairing: Reader x N. Monoma, Reader x S. Todoroki Rating: G Words: 4k279 Warnings: Angst, mentions of panic attacks, emotional affair, kiss, Todoroki’s a little ooc-- but does that really matter in the long run? Requested by: No one, but feel free to request! Request/ Prompt: Monoma has to cope with his loss. Sure Y/n had been upgraded in class level, but that doesn’t mean she’ll upgrade out of him, right?   
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    UA’s annual sports festival was monumental every year, but it seemed like everything shifted after the declaration of winners. Sure the competition itself had been a little weird, the students were exposed to each other and the world-- for better or worse, but it was what came after which would change the future of everyone involved.
For Y/n, it was for the best. The entrance exam had worked against her in many ways. For one, it was against robots, rendering her quirk practically useless. Secondly, she was placed with all of the heavy-hitters. This left her ranking very far down on the scale. She placed twenty third out of all first years in the exams, securing her a spot in class 1-B. 
During her time there, she grew extraordinarily close to the students in the class. Tetsutetsu had become like an older brother to her, he trained her tirelessly in hand-to-hand combat until she was one of the best in the class. She knew that he was there for her, and he had earned her respect very quickly.
Pony had also grown close to Y/n. They got on like a house on fire, mostly to them both having not an ill-willed bone in their bodies. They were often seen as ‘the sweethearts of 1-b’ and were protected by their class, even though they were both arguably the strongest people in the class. They’re some of the only people who hang out activities outside of school (i.e. movies, parties, sleep-overs).
And then there was Neito. They hadn’t started out on the best of terms- Y/n had told him to never copy her quirk, “It’s too dangerous”. Sadly, Monoma took this as a challenge. During their first group fight, he copied off of her without knowing what she could do. 
Y/n’s quirk is known as “Blinding,” a quirk that allows her, when someone makes eye-contact with her left eye, to blind them or gives them a ‘blinding’ headache. While this is dependent on how long they stare, it automatically stuns her opponent. 
Monoma had no clue that, because of this, her left eye can never be used as an actual eye, so he was blind out of his eye for two days, and he blinded Kendo. Lesson learned, he never copied her again. For the two days, he was half-sighted.
From then on, before she trained with Tetsutetsu, Y/n would spend an hour helping Monoma use her quirk, so if he ever had to he wouldn’t be hurt too much by it. Needless to say, they ended up spending a good chunk of time together.
Oh, sweet Neito, who was able to charm and hair-sweep his way into Y/n’s heart. In a month the two were dating, and everything was warm cuddles and hand-holding. Locked pinkies in the halls and ‘I love you’ notes left on their desks filled their lives, and they’ve never been happier. 
Y/n had comforted him after 1-A fought the villains, she was the only one able to help him with the inferiority complex that ate away at his head and chained him to his bed every morning.  She glared at the other class for reasons they had no control over, and even though everyone held her much higher than that, she loathed them for it.
This class had hurt her wonderful boyfriend who was ashamed of his own quirk, who wanted him and his classmates to have a chance to prove themselves. This class had unknowingly ruined him for days, the class that thought they were famous because of their misfortune- they knew nothing of misfortune.
And then the sports festival came along, and class 1-B made a group pact not to be spiteful towards their partner class, and even though he was very reluctant, Y/n made sure Neito did it as well. They would be humble winners or gracious losers, they would be better than everyone thought they would be.
The first round started all too suddenly. The crowds seemed to suffocate Y/n, her quirk-driven social anxiety was at a high peak, and her only current comfort was the eye-patch that laid over her left would-be eye. 
Hyperveteling and shaking, a hand grabbed her waist and pulled her forward, swooping of the wall and sliding to the front. With her eye shut (thank god it was) she hadn’t seen herself glid along the ice that her savior was pulling her on. 
“Sorry for grabbing you like that, I just recognized some signs and didn’t want to risk a possible anxiety-attack,”
Finding her grounding, Y/n finally saw the heterochromatic boy who saved her. “Thank you,” she breathed out, before looking forward with the few other people. 
At the end of the day, she had finished fifth in the race. Her quirk didn’t help, but her training sessions with Tetsutetsu did. The observers hadn’t said much about her, but they all noticed her appearance and the lack of quirk usage in that match. 
The second stage started, and most of Class 1-B flocked to Y/n or Ibara. She had ended up hand-picking her team. Sadly, Monoma had already been a part of a team, so she recruited Shinso, her friend from General Studies, Shoda, and Tetsutetsu to be her teammates. 
They faired very well with little drama, and Shinso had been kept in line and only brainwashed Shoda and Tetsutesu, leaving Y/n well aware and able to front the team with Shinso on top. Y/n hadn’t used her quirk during the Cavalry Battle, as she supported her team with strategy and strength. 
They ended up in second place, much to three of their’s delight. Shoda had excused himself from the festival, leaving Y/n with one less friendly face going into the next round.
And finally, the one-on-one fighting, and the drama it brought with it. Neito hadn’t passed the calvary battle, but he supported her through her battles. He cheered loudly for her, and he waited for her after her match.  
Her first opponent was Ashido, a pink-haired girl from 1-A that always seemed to be yelling about one thing or another. Y/n had removed her eye-patch for the match, and she was prepared to use her quirk if she had to.
It ended quickly, a nice warm up her boyfriend would have called it. The other girl had put up a good fight, but her curiosity got the best of her during the very beginning. The blindness made her easy to maneuver, and her fear only helped Y/n win, but it weighed heavily on her conscience. 
Y/n sat with her class during the other battles. She watched the match between her savior and another student in awe. Her eye sparkled brightly and she sat on the edge of her seat. It was the kind of match that left both members and the audience satisfied, but Monoma was less than pleased at her fawning.
Y/n rolled her eyes at his remark, slightly annoyed but unwilling to make more of it than it was. She made her way to her second match- the nerves had eaten at her, and she had hoped her boyfriend would give her words of comfort. That didn’t work out. 
The match had gone on for longer. Tokoyami’s quirk was terrifying to her, but he had looked her in the eyes when calling upon it. Her fear may have pushed her to go further with her quirk than she thought she was going to. 
He fought with the pain, and he tried to stand after falling to the ground. Tears had started to fall from his eyes, and Y/n started to plead with him to forfeit. She had planned on giving him enough of a headache for him not to be able to tell Dark Shadow where to go, but she had pushed too hard. 
He fought, but the pain wore him down to surrender. She was quick to release her hold on him, but she was afraid to look up from the floor after that. Y/n had rushed away from the peering eyes, and tears began to fall to the floor.
She collided with a chest in her rush, a hand stabilized her before she could fall back. 
“Sorry about that, I don’t mean to be grabbing your waist so often,” a quiet voice resonated above her. She took a step back to see a new familiar face.
“It’s not a problem,” she rushed out before looking back to the floor.
“Hey, I wanted to congratulate you on your win, your quirk is very powerful,”
“Yeah,” she whispered, “I know.”
“Is everything okay?” He placed a hand on her shoulder, but she refused to look at him.
“Your friend, the one I was fighting, I hurt him more than I meant to,”
“I wouldn’t worry about it,” he soothed her shoulder, “his ego’s bruised more than anything else. It’s not your fault, you were doing what you were supposed to do- as was he. This is the one time we, as students, are allowed to use our powers like we’re being threatened. And you had medical on call, it was the safest place for it to have happened. You were just in the festival spirit.”
“I was careless,” she argued.
“You were frightened,” he hooked a finger under her chin and lifted her face up to meet his eyes, “and you have nothing to be ashamed of.”
A blush had betrayed her, and she was quick to put some distance between the two of them. 
“I- I’m sorry,” Todoroki was the one blushing now. “I just thought that you- I didn’t mean-”
“No! It’s okay, I’m just in a relationship and-”
“Y/n!” A voice echoed down the hall. Both parties looked to the dark, and they saw Monoma run up to them. “You did such a good job up there! I’m so proud of you,” Neito pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead.
“Thank’s babe,” she said back, awkwardly patting his back. “Hey, babe? Meet uhh...” she scratched the back of her neck.
“Todoroki Shoto, It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he stuck his hand out towards the blond.
“Monoma Neito, and I’m sure it is,” he shook his hand.
“Babe!” Y/n slapped his chest. “Remember the deal?”
“Right, right,” he sighed at her, “The pleasure is mine.”
“Thank’s again Todoroki, it meant a lot! I’ll see you around, okay?”
“Yeah,” he waved at her as the pair walked away. “I’ll see yah,” he whispered to an empty hall with only their bickering echoing back at him.
That was her first actual conversation with her savior, and to their words they did meet again. Y/n had fought one Iida Tenya in the semi-finals. He was quick and learned to not look her in the eyes, but after spending months training more than anything else, Y/n had gained enough muscle mass to prove herself worthy. 
She had managed to trick him out of the match- he was too distracted at not looking at her eyes to look where he was running. She felt a little dirty, but she won the match. He was gracious and shook her hand after it. He was a little embarrassed, but he wasn’t hurt.
The other semi-final match had started by the time she made it back to her seat. She was rushing, but it was futile. She didn’t miss much, however, as the first punch was thrown but nothing else.
Going back to her awe-struck position, she watched the match like it was the only other thing in the world. Class 1-B showered her with praise, but some of them had started to grow weary of their friends' popularity. They saw where this was going.
Class 1-A watched the match with eager eyes, and they commented on Todoroki returning to only using his ice-side. They also seemed to notice that he fought much harder than he usually did. He was thought out- calculated. The complete opposite of Bakugo. And for this, he ended up scrapping his way to the winning position.
And then the finals. The last fight in the tournament and Y/n wasn’t sure if she was able to face him. Todoroki had started to consume every thought she had, and clearing her mind was too difficult of a task for her. 
In a blink of an eye she was standing across from him. “Hey, Todoroki!” She called across the small arena.
“Promise me you won’t hold back, okay?” She smiled at him, and Monoma glared from the stands.
“Only if you do the same,” he agreed before getting into his fighting stance.
The match had ended with ice scattered around the stadium, and charred marks up and down the walls. The fight felt like it wasn’t going to come to a close, but they promised each other not to hold back. So, of course, Y/n would stay true to her word.
The first was his sight that she took away. He responded with an ice dome surrounding himself- blocking her from any way to get to him. She knew that they didn’t look him in the eyes long enough for her to use a special ability- well at least not the one she was planning on using. 
Instead of Mealt-Down, she settled on using Nausea- by rapidly changing the severity of his blindness, she would cause server fatigue and pain, not to mention the distortion he would feel. 
He still fought back, slowly pushing his ice out trying to force her from the arena. She had made her way on top of the ice, slipping the entire way up. She continued to re-adjust her position, trying to wear down on him until he couldn’t do anything. 
After what felt like all too long, he had passed out from the vertigo that she inflicted on him. She was anything but proud of herself, as she made her way through his ice to carry his sleeping figure out of the arena. 
Crowds cheered for her, even though she never actually fought fought someone during the games- she had won, but it didn’t feel right. It felt dirty to take the win, but she knew that if someone had let her win after she passed out it would feel the same. 
The migraine that hit Y/n stayed for the rest of the day. Even on the podium getting the medal she didn’t deserve, she squinted at the sun. Her eye-patch in its place and her pride on the ground, she accepted what All-Might presented her with,  but she never looked up.
Y/n never had a formal chance to say goodbye to class 1-B. She had been called into the principal's office before school two days later. She knocked on the door, anxiously waiting. 
“Come on in Y/L/N,” Principal Nezu’s high-pitched voice called her in.
“Senai Sekijiro?” Y/n questioned, before sitting across from her teacher at the long desk.
“Y/L/N, you fought extraordinarily well during the sports festival. Your control over your quirk has improved greatly over your time with me, and you have become physically stronger as well. Sadly, my time as your homeroom teacher has come to an end,” he sighed and looked down. The pain in his eyes was too visible for him to look at his prize pupil.
“Sensai? I don’t understand, am I being expelled?” She looked rapidly between the three men sitting across from her. 
“No, Y/l/n, you’ve misunderstood us,” Nezu voiced out.
“Quite the opposite, after much deliberation, you have been transferred into class 1-A,” a man who she hadn’t met before spoke for the first time.
“Y/l/n,” Sensai Sekijiro said, “I would like you to meet your new homeroom teacher, Sensai Aizawa. He is very skilled and I have the utmost faith in his ability to help you grow,”
Y/n had decided that if she were to say much she would begin to cry. She had grown attached to her teacher, he had supported her through a lot. Sure it hasn’t been more than a year, but he had helped her when her quirk became too much, when she couldn’t look from the floor, and when she couldn’t open her eyes.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you sir, and it’s an honor to be taught under you,” Y/n’s y/e/c eye didn’t look up from the dark-oak desk that held her full attention. 
Yes it was rude, and yes Aizawa sent her previous teacher a look for it, but with the stress that the situation Y/n couldn’t guarantee that her quirk wouldn’t activate by itself. There were many precautions, but the eyepatch didn’t always work during extraordinarily emotionally taxing times. 
It took weeks before Y/n could look Sensai Sekijiro in the eye after she accidentally triggered her quirk during a science lab and gave him a slight headache.
“Y/l/n,” Sensai Aizawa voiced out. “You can look in my eyes, I promise that you won’t hurt me. If t would make you more comfortable, I will erase your quirk when you do. Just for a handshake,” he nudged her. 
The two teachers had talked before the meeting. Kan was very attached to his best student, so he wanted to make the transition as easy for her as possible. So, he gave Aizawa a few pointers. Like for one, seat her at the back of the room. Y/n likes to control who she looks at and when, and if she’s in the back she can easily advert her eyes if she has to. 
For another, she is very ashamed of her quirk. He told him that she has hurt many people by accident, and her insecurities are plentiful. For her to grow, she needs to be reassured that there is nothing wrong with her ability.
A third, the easiest way to establish a trusting relationship with her, is to have her look him in the eyes early on. If she’s looked into his eyes early on, she will feel more comfortable doing so in the future. 
And his last tip when handling her is to sit her near the students who aren’t too loud. She takes time to trust, and she’ll need a quick friend, and those with loud personalities can easily trigger her into a flight or fight response.
At the time Aizawa thought his pointers were stupid. This is a person who is going to be a hero, not a toddler. But now, as he sits so much higher up than she is, he understands. It’s not about how old she is. This is a girl who clearly has seen things that no one should, let alone a child. He knew nothing of her world outside of school, but he had his doubts on how kid-friendly those around her were.
So here he was, coaxing a girl afraid of her power to look him in the eyes. Once she lifted her head, he activated his quirk. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, I have heard incredible things from Sensai Sekijiro, and I witnessed your abilities and the tournament. I look forward to teaching you,”
And then she was thrown into a new class. Sensai Aizawa had been very kind to her so far. He told her that she could introduce herself if she would like, and she will be sat in the middle of the back row, with his best students on her sides to help her if she ever needs it.
Y/n stood outside as class began until she got the signal to come in. Introductions had gone seamlessly, and she had started to answer questions.
Her first one was from one of the runner-ups in the festival, the one with green hair. “I was wondering what your quirk was, I mean we saw it at the festival, but it would be nice to know a bit more,”
“Of course, My quirk is called Blinding. I can give an opponent anything from a minor headache to taking away their ability to see or process sound. 
“What did you do to Todoroki?” A girl with long hair in a ponytail asked from the back, next to her empty seat. 
“I used one of my ultimate moves, Nausea. I worked on it for a very long time, but it’s kinda hard to explain,” Y/n scratched her neck embarrassed.
“I have a question,” Todoroki raised his hand.
“Do you still have a boyfriend?”
Transitioning went over very well. After a few weeks, it was like Y/n had always been a part of 1-A. Sure it was a little weird for the rest of the class when a few random members of 1-B would join them at lunch is Y/n sat at their table, or when they walk into homeroom to see a group of them at her desk, but they couldn’t expect her to just abandon all of her friends from her old class, right?
Slowly the crowds wore down, and only three or four people would be at her desk until the warning bell. Pony was always there, smiling and sweet and talking about everything that crossed her mind. 
Testsutestu was always there as well, he held constant arm-wrestles with Y/n every morning, and he always waited for her after class so they could continue to train together. 
A few others would rotate through in the morning, but not once did Neito walk into classroom 1-A. He would almost, every morning he would almost walk in to say hello, but he never could. Just like he could never sit with her at lunch if she sat with them.  It was petty, but that was just how it had to be.
After a while, class 1A won over Y/n. She spent a lot of her time with them. Whether it be with Mina, who always wanted to brush through her hair, or Tokoyami (who she never stopped apologizing to). She hung out with Midoriya and Yaoyarozu, and soon they all understood exactly why class 1-B was spending their free time with her. 
Even later though, Todoroki always seemed to be the one to catch her when she was falling. He told her on her second day that he still wanted a chance with her, and if anything ever changed with her and Monoma to tell him.
He wasn’t a bad guy, Y/n was well-aware that Todoroki was smart, strong, dedicate, very hot, and a guy that most girls dream about. But she already had her prince (maybe-not-so-charming), and she couldn’t cheat on him.
But with every ‘almost’ Y/n grew closer and closer to Todoroki, and she drifted further and further away from him. It was only a matter of time, he knew. He could feel it.
“Monoma,” Y/n smiled at her boyfriend before sitting across from him in their booth at the cafeteria. It was after school and empty, the perfect time. 
“Y/n... I missed you,” he whispered, looking in her eye.
“Yeah,” she sighed, “I missed you too.”
“I’ve been wanting to see you- I’ve been meaning to ask-”
“Monoma, I’m so sorry,” tears had gathered in her eyes before she even had the chance to say what she was apologizing for.
“Sorry? I don’t-” he stopped talking when he understood. “You’re leaving me.”
“I’m so sorry love,” she sniffled, “I love you so much,” her tears became sobs as she looked down. Her hand reached out to grab the back of his. “I never meant fo this to-”
“Who was it?” His cold voice was leveled, and it almost hid his sadness with anger.
“I don’t think that ma-”
“Who took you from me damn it!” He flung his hand away from hers.
“Monoma, I-”
“FIrst that awful class steals you away from me, and now one of those students took your heart, and I need to know who to blame,” he’s yelling, but he knows it won’t fool Y/n. She always saw right through it, right through him. 
Y/n stood up from her seat to face Monoma. He had stood during his yelling, but now he was shaking. Whether from his anger or sadness, he didn’t know, but Y/n did.
She pulled him into a hug, and he collapsed against her. Tears soaked her shoulder and his full weight slumped against her. “It’s okay, love. It’ll be okay,”
All he could do was ask himself what he did wrong, where he messed up. He finally scored the love of his life, and now she was gone- slipping through his fingers- into the arms of another.
Her phone rang from its place on the table, pulling their hug apart.
“Yes?” She answered. “Yeah, I remembered. Don’t worry about it! Alright, I’ll be right there, see you soon,” she ended the call and slipped it into her bag. 
“I have to go,” she put her arm through her bag and stood up straight. “Will you be okay?” She walked right up to him, putting a hand on his cheek. 
He closed his eyes on instinct and leaned into her touch. She smiled softly at him, this would be the last time they saw each other like this. He opened his eyes and lifted her head up. Slowly, he leaned in, his eyes flickering up to hers once their lips are almost touching.
With a broken breath, she leaned in, kissing him harder than she ever has before. She traced her name into his lip with this kiss, and he poured all of his emotions into it, pulling her close with his left hand while his right tugged lightly at the base of her hair. Her lips felt a loss when they pulled away for air- their world had ended. 
“I’ll be just fine.”
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I had an idea for an OC if you want it. A woman/girl with a love quirk that makes it so anyone who looks her in the eyes falls madly in love with her with like everything that comes with it whether it be lust or possessiveness or snuggles and the person under her quirk is just the maxed out version of themself in love. She doesn’t intentionally use her quirk because she learned really quick how awkward it is to look at someone and them to propose so she wears a blind fold everywhere.
You didn't say who your favorite character was.... so I picked someone for you 🥰
Shoto Todoroki x Reader: Eye Love You.
“What a pretty little girl.” Your mother beamed with pride as the man smiled down at you. You were five, around the same age as all the other children who started developing their quirks when the first incident happened. Your mother and father felt like they had no reason to be concerned about your future powers. Your mom was a gentle heart, who could ease people's anxieties with a soft touch. Your father had piercing golden eyes that could see into the hearts of people, and find out who they loved the most. Both unique quirks, but nothing incredibly powerful. So when you woke up with the same liquid golden pools one morning, they were happy. You had hidden behind your mother's legs that afternoon, and she pushed you to say thank you to the man. “T-thank you.” You stuttered out, looking up to see the wrinkled face of the older gentleman. The man staggered back, gripping his head like he was in pain. “Sir are you alright?” Your mother asked, reaching out to touch him with her hand. He quickly stood up straight with a pained look on his face. “How much to marry your daughter? I have my check book right here!” He tried to grab your mother’s shoulders, she reeled back in horror, the shouting man starting to draw a crowd. “What are you talking about?” She picked you off of the ground and held you tightly to her chest. “Get away from us!” A patrolling hero strolled over to help, placing himself between the two of you and the increasingly more aggressive man. “Please mam, I love her! I’ll pay you any amount if you just give her to me!” The hero ended up escorting the man away, taking him into police custody as the man started to fight. 
Your parents have never outwardly said to you, that they fear your power. They didn’t have too. “See Y/N, we got you masks in every pretty color. This one even has sequins.” Your father said, trying to convince you to wear your blind fold. “But papa I don’t wanna wear a mask over my eyes...” You whined and cried, but eventually it became routine to wear an eye covering everywhere you went. You got fairly good at navigating the world without being able to see fully. Your eye coverings blurred the world, but didn’t completely darken it. 
Lost in thought you were startled by someone brushing past you sort of harshly, their shoulder shoving you to the side and forcing you to slam against the locker. “Ow!” You couldn’t tell who had pushed you so rudely, they continued to walk away without much of a glance in your direction. 
“Hey you!” A lower voice you hadn’t heard before called out from behind you to the person who gave you a push. “What?” The shover called back, annoyed. “You hurt this girl and didn’t say excuse me.”  “So?” 
“So you should apologize.” The voice was monotone, but stern. 
“Or what?” The bully sneered. A softer voice, like the person was trying to whisper spoke up. “Hey didn’t you know that’s Endeavors kid?” 
Endeavor’s son? You’d heard of him, but you’d think he would be too busy to stop and help someone from the Management class. “Hey man look, I don’t want any trouble but she was walking too slow. Sorry or whatever-” The kid said before shuffling off. 
“Are you alright?” Todoroki turned to you. You had a few good friends here, but most people generally ignore you. Rumors at your old school flew around that you would curse people who were mean to you, forcing them to fall in love with you and do your every wish. It was frustrating to have people view you in such a negative light, you’d never use your powers on someone on purpose. It was cruel to watch people lose themselves, you could ruin someone’s life with your quirk. Break up a happy home, destroy someone’s relationship in a flash. You’d only ever used your quirk by accident, and hated yourself for it every time.
It was easier not to have anyone too close to you. 
“Yeah, I’m okay. You didn’t have to say anything to him.” You angled your face to the ground, seeing the outline of his shoes. “Where are you heading?” Shoto asked. 
“I’m meeting some students from the support class in the library. We’re all working on a project together.” In management you got to work with a lot of other students at U.A. You might not be the best at punching villains, but you could run numbers and execute ideas in a group setting really well. “I’ll walk you there. I’m heading that direction too.” You didn’t know, but Shoto was actually head the exact opposite way. He had plans to return to his dorm, but for some reason he felt intrigued by you and your strange little mask and decided he would make sure you got to the library without any more trouble. “Oh, well great.” You smiled, feeling a bit shy. 
The next morning you heard a familiar voice call out to you. “Good morning Todoroki. Did you find that book you were looking for?” You asked sweetly. Surprised and happy he greeted you. “What book?” He asked, sounding confused. “The book you said you needed from the library last night, silly.” You giggled. Todoroki hadn’t checked anything out. He lied so you wouldn’t think he was just trying to walk with you. “Truthfully I didn’t really need anything. I just wanted to make sure nobody else bothered you.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. He spent the entire night tossing and turning, picturing your lovely cheekbones and smile. “That’s very heroic of you, but I can handle myself.” 
“I’m sure you can. Can I walk you to class?” 
Everyday, Todoroki would wait for you and walk you to your classroom. Much to the jealousy of a few girls who felt a little obsessed with the quiet fire prince. He didn’t seem to care, or even really notice how popular he was. It took a few weeks, but he started to open up more of his personality for you to see. Making a few jokes, laughing a bit at your witty and sarcastic comments. You were both similar in the way that it took some chipping down to open up about things. The two of you sat outside in the sunshine, feeling the beautiful spring air in your hair. “My mom always loves the flower blossoms this time of year.” Shoto said quietly, he had his hands clasped tightly together in his lap as the two of you relaxed on a bench. “I wish I could see them. They smell beautiful.” Shoto was quiet for a moment. “Well why don’t you take your blind fold off? I’ll watch for anyone walking by.” 
Your heart lurched, this always happened. The closer you got with someone, the more comfortable they were being around you. It’s dangerous to not be on your toes, you thought. “I wish I could Shoto.” 
Without saying anything he loosened the knot on the back of your head, the thin cloth falling into your lap. You quickly covered your face with a gasp. “Shoto! That’s not funny.” You felt panic rise in your chest. “I need you to look away while I put it back on. I’m serious.” 
“I would never pull a prank on you. Do you trust me?” He said softly. Shoto reached out and gently took your hand and pulled it off of your face. He lead your chin to look his direction with his finger. You had your eyes shut tightly still. “Open your eyes Y/N. Please, I want you to see my face.” 
You wanted to cry. “Shoto, I can’t control my quirk.” 
“Do you trust me?” 
“I-I do.” You said meekly. 
“Then please, open your eyes.” 
He was beautiful. You had imagined what he looked like for weeks now, but you never thought he would look so lovely. Your heart lurched seeing the scarred patch of skin on his face. Your awe was quickly smothered by a wave of panic. “Shoto I’m so sorry, are you okay?” You reached out and grabbed his face, looking for any signs of a change in him.
“I feel perfectly fine Y/N. I promise.” He gave you the sweetest, slight smile. 
“Wait... does my quirk not work on you...?” You asked confused. 
“It doesn’t have too.” He leaned in, closing the space between you two and planting a soft kiss on your lips. He pulled away, admiring your stunned expression. “I already love you.”
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darriness · 3 years
Klaine Fic - You’ll Always Be The Home - Chapter 3
Author: darriness
Fic Summary: Everything is finally settled in Kurt and Blaine’s life…right?
Link to: Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2
Rating: T
Chapter Word Count: 1898
Chapter Summary: A funeral
Author’s Note: As always, thanks to my beta @darrenismydarcy​!
AO3 Link
The rest of their day following the conversation in the kitchen is surprisingly normal. They do go out for waffles, Bethany does homework, Blaine and Kurt do laundry, they cook dinner as a trio - usual stuff.
It’s not until Bethany suggests a movie that Blaine declines. Both Kurt and Bethany give him a strange look and he shrugs, saying he’s just really tired. Kurt suggests he’ll go to bed with Blaine but Blaine insists he watch the movie with Bethany, smiling to show that everything is fine.
And he supposes everything does feel fine until he’s in the shower. He’s not sure when it starts but suddenly he’s crying, he can feel his eyes getting puffy even though his tears mix in with the steady flow of water over his head.
He leans his forehead against the tile and lets the water pound against his back. He’s not even sure why he’s crying. Why is he crying?
He’s also not sure how long he’s been in the shower until he jumps when the curtain is pulled back and the water turned off. He almost turns but then feels strong hands smooth across his shoulders and then he feels a kiss to one shoulder as Kurt’s familiar arms wrap themselves around Blaine’s waist.
“I’m okay.” Blaine whispers but even to his own ears he knows how wrong it sounds.
Kurt hums softly, “It’s okay not to be fine.” He says into Blaine’s ear.
Blaine shakes his head, “She wasn’t even my mother anymore.”
“Sure she was.” Kurt answers and Blaine pushes off the wall sharply to look at him over his shoulder. Kurt shrugs, “Maybe not so much in the last nine years, but for the first 15 years? And regardless of how she treated you or your sister...she was still your mom. Your heart doesn’t forget a person that quickly.”
Blaine’s eyes pinch, “I want to forget her though. Bethany seems to have.” He gestures out of the shower.
Kurt bites his lower lip slightly and turns to look at the shower curtain, “Bethany only had your parents until she was seven. Part of me wonders if she even truly remembers what it was like to live with them.” He turns back to Blaine, “You’ve been her parent for longer than they were. YOU’VE given her the strength to be fine with this.” He shuffles forward with a sad smile and grabs Blaine’s hand as Blaine feels more tears slip down his cheeks, “You had your parents for longer and then you became the parent. No one was there to make sure YOU would have the strength to be fine with this.”
“I have you.” Blaine whispers.
Kurt smiles again, “You do. But I’m here for you in a different way. I’m not your parent - even if we did try out calling each other ‘Daddy’ for a while.” He rolls his eyes slightly before scrunching up one eye and shaking his head. Blaine feels a surprise chuckle bubble up inside him. He didn’t think he would be in the mood to laugh right now.
“Yeah, that didn’t really work for us.” Blaine whispers with a soft smile of his own.
Kurt shrugs, “Experimentation is the sign of any good relationship.” He squeezes Blaine’s hand in his own before bringing his hand up to gently wipe at Blaine’s wet cheeks with his thumb. They’re quiet for a moment before Kurt pouts thoughtfully, “Maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to start talking to Anthony again?”
Blaine pouts thoughtfully back at him. Anthony had been Blaine’s therapist when he’d moved to New York. He had really liked Diana, his therapist in Ohio, but when he and Bethany had moved to New York obviously he couldn’t continue to see her. He had gone to Anthony for about a year after moving before he had felt strong enough to try life without him. He hadn’t even thought about the possibility until now.
“Yeah. Maybe I’ll book an appointment.” He says with a nod and Kurt once again smiles.
“I’m here for you whenever you need me, you know that right?” He whispers as he lays his forehead against Blaine’s.
Blaine nods against him, “I do know that. I really do.”
-- -- --
It’s a short walk from the subway station to the church the funeral is being held at on Sunday. It had been a tense morning in the apartment for a multitude of reasons, the least of which being Kurt's continued argument that he shouldn’t go.
“Do I want to be there to support you? Of COURSE I do but…” He’d started but Blaine had interrupted him while he stood at the mirror tying his bowtie.
“Then come support me!” He’d said, “Simple as that. I want you there.”
“But no one else does!” Kurt had argued.
“Bethany does.” Blaine had shrugged.
Kurt had rolled his eyes, “You know what I mean.” He’d huffed, “I don’t want to create a scene.”
Blaine had turned away from the mirror with a pleading look in his eyes, “My being there is going to be what creates a scene, if anything. But I’m going and I’m asking you to. Please. Come.” He’d implored.
It had been those eyes that had changed Kurt’s mind, and now he and Blaine walk hand and hand down the street toward the church with Bethany walking a few steps behind, pretending she wasn’t sulking (or more rather trying to amplify her sulk).
“I’m not sure how you convinced me to change.” She grumbles from behind them.
Blaine looks over his shoulder at her, “I didn’t convince you of anything. I flat out told you you weren’t allowed to wear your pride flag shirt to the funeral.”
“But it would have been so awesome!” Bethany argues, “And I just want to support you.”
Blaine stops walking suddenly, pulling Kurt to a stop and causing Bethany to almost run into them from behind. He turns to her with a sigh and rubs his forehead in exasperation, “I’m not looking to make a statement or piss anybody off. My being there will do that well enough all on its own. Can we just...get through this with the least amount of damage as possible? I know you want to support me but you can do that by just...being there. No theatrics or pride flags needed.”
Bethany looks like she wants to argue before she turns to look at Kurt, who is silently trying to get her to agree, and sighs, “Fine.” She says, shrugging, “But can we do something super gay afterwards - like walk in a pride parade or buy a unicorn? I feel like my status as an ally is being threatened.”
Blaine and Kurt chuckle, “Fine. We’ll buy a unicorn.” Blaine concedes before the trio is walking again.
They come upon the church and collectively inhale at the grandeur of the building. It has been a while since the Anderson siblings have been to church, and for Kurt even longer, but they all collectively agree that this is the most opulent church they’ve ever seen.
It makes sense considering that they are in New York City, that the church would be just as grand as the city it stands in, but its pale stone facade and stained glass windows are a stark contrast to the metal and shiny reflective windows of the buildings around it. It’s an intimidating structure and the group pauses for a long moment even though they get a few grumbles from pedestrians trying to walk past.
“Are we ready for this?” Kurt asks looking at the siblings in turn.
Blaine looks at Kurt and then at Bethany who nods before nodding himself, “Let’s do this.” He’s not sure why he feels like he’s preparing for battle. He hopes that’s not the case.
-- -- --
The church seems even larger once they’re inside. That’s about all Blaine notices before his eyes are scanning the pews for the face he doesn’t want to see but needs to keep track of. He doesn’t necessarily want their father to know they are there, but he knows for sure he wants to know where the older man is at all times. He doesn’t want to be blind-sided.
The crowd is a fair size and Blaine doesn’t recognize a single face in it. He has a feeling even if he were in his parents’ life over the years, he probably wouldn’t recognize anyone here today. His parents, until his mother’s passing, plus him and Bethany are the only Andersons left. He has no other living family and he doubts he would have known any of his parents’ friends or co-workers.
His roaming eyes finally land on his father and he tenses when he sees his father staring right back at him. His father’s face is hard and his glare is piercing and Blaine is already bracing for a confrontation.
He and his father stare at each other for a few moments, but his father remains seated in the front pew. Blaine wonders if his father thinks confronting his abandoned children would seem improper in front of his friends and in the current situation. Or maybe he’s formulating what he wants to say.
Either way, his father stays sitting but doesn’t look away from Blaine as they stare at each other.
“Blaine.” Kurt whispers next to him. Blaine hears him but doesn’t look away from his father, “Blaine.” Kurt tries again and this time Blaine shakes his head slightly and turns to look at Kurt. The other man isn’t looking at him though.
“What?” Blaine asks.
Kurt’s eyes swivel back to Blaine’s and then look away again as if prompting Blaine to follow his gaze. He does and he finds Kurt is looking at their father just like Blaine had. Marcus Anderson has turned back to the front of the church and Blaine breathes a little easier at that but he’s not quite sure what Kurt wants him to see. Kurt must know that was where Blaine’s eyes had been.
He turns back to Kurt with a quirked eyebrow but is prevented from asking him anything by Bethany’s gasp on the other side of him. He turns, quickly, to see Bethany staring wide eyed, and pale faced, at the front of the church.
He’s even more confused as he once again follows her gaze and then he sees it. Or rather...him.
Staring back at them from the front pew, sitting right next to Marcus Anderson, is a little boy. It’s hard to guess his age but his head just barely reaches past the pew, his chin resting on the back as he stares.
Blaine swallows, thickly, as he takes in the dark brown hair on the top of the boy’s head, gelled down neatly into a style Blaine knows all too well (though hasn’t used himself as rigidly in years), along with the boy’s hazel eyes. If Blaine didn’t know any better, he would think time travel was real and that he himself was sitting next to his father as a little boy.
But time travel isn’t real. Which means there is only one possible explanation for the boy’s appearance - he and Blaine must be related…
...and considering the boy can’t be older than 8 or 9, there is only one potential possibility for his parentage…
Blaine feels like he’s going to be sick.
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Evening, Officer
Kinktober Day 17 ~ kink: degradation
pairing: ashido mina x fem!reader
warnings: smut, cursing
word count: 3,435
a/n: READ WLW YOU HOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also I have no excuse as to why this is late except that my period started and I took an accidental 4 hour nap
Stereotypes were the bane to your existence.
They were cruel, mean, and unneeded. Why they were even created was something that you wish you could give a definite answer to. Were they created out of love at first and then twisted into horribleness? Or were they always derogatory?
You had no idea.
All you knew is that people always held two stereotypes triumphantly over your head. You were a woman so you couldn’t drive, and that you were gay so you even worse at driving.
Those were the two things forever held over your head. You had a conversation with someone every three days about your driving skills. It seemed that this stereotype was forever chained to your leg.
Were they wrong?
Of course! You were an amazing driver! You always looked over your shoulder before changing lanes and… you can’t even lie.
You were an awful driver.
Every day without fail you were either fifteen miles above the speed limit or fifteen below it. You could never parallel park, and would always hug one side of a parking space. You always used your blinkers! But again, you also left them on to the frustration of other drivers. You cut people off, flipping others off when they did the same to you. You slam your brakes instead of easing into it, and often you get distracted with your playlist to drive. You also clipped the curbs a lot. All and all, how you passed your driving exam was a mystery no one could solve.
The largest evidence of your shitty driving was the number of tickets you had as well. You were good though! The major points against your record happened once a year! But this year it seemed you were dwindling on your typical luck as you were racing home. Trying to tune in to the Bachelor. Why you liked that show was beyond you, but the drinking game always left you buzzed and ready to take on the world. You knew, as well, that you had two speeding tickets. You also figured that there were two months before you would be clear to restart your ticket clock. But it was already super late. The lack of cars on the highway made you press past the seventy-five miles limit by a whopping twenty miles.
You had taken this route before, and the highway patrol had never been there. Was it your luck that as you passed a large sign you were then met with bright blue and red lights. The all too familiar sound of a siren blaring as you cursed. You didn’t resist, however, turning on your blinker and pulling off to the side of the road. Your head slamming against the wheel as you awaited for the officer to come over. It felt like an eternity before a flashlight shone through your window. Tapping against the glass window as you lowered the window without looking.
“License and registra--” Your head peaked up to catch the pink-skinned officer. “Oh my god, are you serious, y/l/n?!” The female voice groaned, and you moaned further as your hands fished for your purse and your papers.
This was not the first time you had been pulled over by Officer Ashido.
“Evening, officer.” You sniffle, already thinking about the incoming notice of the suspension of your license.
Officer Ashido had never let you off with a warning before! You wish you were kidding when you said that she is the only officer to have written you up for speeding. Most male officers looked down your shirt and gave you a warning. You weren’t opposed to using your body to get away with things! You were not ashamed of it either! You just wished Officer Ashido was a hopeless lesbian so you could get away with things.
“Do I even need to tell you what you did wrong here?” She asks you, a coy smirk on her face as she leans on the threshold of your window. You can feel your face turning on fire as you sigh, staring straight ahead you nod. Why did you feel like a misbehaved puppy whenever she was involved?
“I’m especially pretty today? So you felt the need to pull me over and tell me?” You flirt anyways, your eyes falling onto her grinning face. Officer Ashido laughs shaking her head as she takes out her ticket machine.
“So,” She continues ignoring your words. “Is this the seventh time I’ve caught you?”
Your face burns as your hands reach out for her, her fingers punching in a serial of numbers into the machine. “Let's not be hast here!” You interject as her fingers pause, her eyebrow quirks as she looks at you.
“Why’s that?”
You know she knows, there’s no doubt about it especially with the devious glint in her eyes. You felt your blood boil as you square her off, “It’ll be my third ticket!” You say as you try reading the screen. “I can’t get my license taken away.”
“Sounds like you knew what you were doing wrong then, sweetheart.” Mina clicks her tongue, but she doesn’t go back to writing up your ticket. “You took a chance and slipped. It happens to the best of us. Tell your boyfriend to take you places from here on out then.”
Your cheeks puff out as you’re a bit flabbergasted with her words. What about you screamed that you had a boyfriend?! “I don’t have a boyfriend! I also don’t have roommates!” You whined, hoping that there would be some sort of sympathy in her heart.
“Should’ve thought of that before speeding on my highway.” Officer Ashido sighs as her fingers begin tapping away at the buttons.
“There’s never been anyone there before!”
“So, you’re admitting to speeding multiple times?”
“I’m pretty sure that’s what you confessed to earlier?”
“I wasn’t confessing anything! I--just--fucking shit, Officer Ashido, I can not get this ticket. Please, I’m begging you! I’ll do anything!”
You watch as she pushes off from your car, her arms folding as she turned away from you. Your eyes widen as you continue looking at her, unsure of what she was even doing. You felt on edge. You had never, ever, used that phrase before. Anything could mean anything, and a part of you feared she would say something dumb or straight out refuse. Your lips part as she turns around, a serious expression on the typically jovial cops face.
“Alright, let’s get you down to the station!”
“T-The… the station?” You repeat confused. Why did you need to go to the station? Your show was playing!
“Well, considering this is your third violation of the year. On top of you attempting to seduce an on-duty officer, you are violating the law.”
“WHAT?!” You panic as you feel your stomach fall out of your ass. Strings of apologies pour out of your mouth, tears welling in your eyes as you try to show how apologetic you were. “Please forgive me! I didn’t mean for you to--fuck I’m an idiot, come on Officer Ashido, just this--”
You freeze as her giggles sound in your ears, and you look up. Your tears quickly dying in your eyes as you stared at her laughing form. Oh, she was joking. Annoyance floods your veins as you pout, your hands crossing over your chest as you look ahead again.
“Sorry, sorry, I had to take that!” She laughs as she leans in towards the window again. You can feel her soft breaths hitting your neck as you try to remain unaffected. Officer Ashido was someone you found to be very attractive. But you knew nothing would ever come out of pining after an officer you only saw when breaking the law. “Now, let’s talk about this ‘you’ll do anything’ business.” She sighs and you snap your gaze over to her.
“What makes you think that still stands after what you did?” You retort, your eyes angry as your eyes shift over to her bottom lip that is captured between her teeth.
“So you want the ticket?”
“Good, because if I’m being honest I have something I want to attempt with you. Of course, if you’re up to it.”
Your breathing feels like lead as you stare at her blown wide pupils. Something convinces you to continue. “Depends, what do you want?”
“You see,” She removes the officer’s hat, her curly pink hair tied back into a messy bun. It was nearing the end of her shift as well it seems. “For the past few… years. I haven’t been having that much fun in bed. Long story short, men… aren’t my favorite things anymore.” You feel your fingers tremble as you stare at her face. It seems she’s trying to judge how you’re reacting to her story. The trembled breathe that escapes your mouth lets her know to continue. “They’re boring, egotistical, and by all means never want to see a woman on top of them. I’ve always been attracted to women, but I’ve never tested out the waters before. But, I want to try it with you, of course, only if you want to.”
Your chest heaves as you feel very, very turned on. Her yellow eyes on yours as they trail against your chest, the tank top you wore leaving little to imagine.
The words pour out of your mouth before you can even think about the consequences of your actions.
“Get to the backseat.”
Your fingers unlocking the car doors, you unbuckle yourself from the seat. Your fingers rolling up the window as Officer Ashido slips into your backseat. The car door slamming as you relocked the car. With the car doors locked, you get up from your seat. Jumping over the armrest to get to the backseat where Ashido is expecting you. The red and blue lights of her patrol car blinding you as it flashed in your eyes.
Her strong hands grip your waist, and you gasp as in your blinded state her lips latching onto your neck. Her teeth nibbling on your vein makes you moan, your back arching as she presses on, unafraid of what she’s doing.
“Tell me...” She wonders against your skin. Your fingers clutching her biceps between your hands as you lie against your seat. “What does my dirty little slut like?”
Your eyes open. Degradation was something you’ve never tried before. But those words send heat towards your cunt. You moan as her fingers trail under your tank top, her nails dragging against your sensitive skin. Her hands are on your waist, and she drags your legs until your ass is adjacent to her crotch. Your hips come to roll against hers, a movement that causes her to hiss.
Her smile makes your walls flutter in anticipation as your mouth opens to answer, “I… I like being fucked by a dom who isn’t afraid to wrestle around with me. I’m not giving in quickly, and I don’t expect to be on top. I love being tribbed, it’s so fucking hot feeling a girl grinding her soaked pussy into my own.” You grin as your watch Ashido’s head drop backward, a preemptive moan escaping her mouth at the thought of doing all those things. You weren’t ashamed to admit it, and you glowed at her inability to look at you right now. You didn’t ever sleep with anyone with a degradation kink, but you knew about it well enough to play with her own emotions. “I love being used as someone’s sex toy. Using me after dominating me in whatever way and desire they want. I love watching people play with themselves as I’m forced to watch, the look on their faces as they’re getting off. The look on their face when-- shit!”
There’s a hard thrust against your aching core, and Ashido has your hands above your head. Cold metal circling your wrists as you watch her handcuff you to the door. “Officer--!”
“Call me, Mina.” She grins before her lips come and connect with yours. Goosebumps shoot through your body as your hands tug against the restraint. The cold metal hissing against your burning skin as her hands push your shirt up and over your breasts. Your face twists with pain and pleasure as her hands force your back to arch. A muffled moan escapes your lips as she undoes your bra. Her hands shoving the trapped material up with the shirt.
You pant as Mina pulls away, her fingers unbuttoning her blue workshirt as she grinned. “Don’t you just look lovely like this. Saying things about how you’re a bratty sub, but look at you. You’re trembling with excitement. Such a fucking whore, aren’t you? How long have you waited for me to do this to you, hm? Did you want me to fuck your dirty fucking pussy the first time around? How many people have you fucked to get out of a ticket before, are you a desperate whore as I think you are?”
An aroused and insulted moan escapes your lips as Mina pulls the white tank top over her head. Her breasts restrained behind a sports bra as she leaned back down. “I want a fucking answer, whore.”
Your breathing hitches as you stare into her lust-filled eyes, her emitting confidence was very quickly overwhelm you. Was this really her first time domming?
“I’ve n-never done this!” You stutter as her fingers pull off your pants, your hips bucking with the desperate need of attention to your throbbing core.
Mina chuckles as she spreads your legs apart, her hot breaths hitting your soaked core causing you to whine. Chills of pleasure spreading among your skin as you cry out her name. “I’m glad because you’re mine and only mine, got it?” Mina asks you, her fingers tracing your clothed slit. Your head nods rapidly in agreement.
Mina’s fingers push aside your panties, and her fingers push into your dripping core. Your back arches off the seat, your body almost tumbling off as you scream her name. “God, you’re such a tight fucking little whore. You really wanted this to be the end result, didn’t you?” Mina snaps, her fingers curling into your walls. You sob in response, the overwhelming pleasure spreading like fire through your body as she coaxes her fingers against your walls. Her other hand shoots out to your noisy mouth, sinking two fingers into your mouth as you gag against it slightly. “Come on, I know you can take my fingers like a good bitch.”
You moan against her fingers, your hips awkwardly bucking against her fingers as your backseat was definitely not spacious enough to maneuver without care. As if she was not doing enough, Mina’s head tilts down to suck onto your pert nipples, your gagged scream only riling her further. Her tongue swirls your stiff nipple around in her mouth, the sucking sensation of her mouth making you plead to her around her fingers. Her eyes are locked on your desperate eyes. She doesn’t stop, her fingers now scissoring within you as you shudder against her movements.
Mina lets go of your nipple and sighs. “You’re such a dirty fucking bitch. Your pussy is so fucking wet, are you going to come so quickly?” Your head shakes fast, your back arching off the seats as you try getting more friction to your pussy. “I know you’re a good whore, you won’t come yet right now, right?”
Her fingers leave your mouth, and you cough, your lungs finally filling with a full amount of oxygen, “Mina, please, I want you now!”
Mina doesn’t even flinch as she instead removes her fingers from within you, and removes your panties. Your strained cries also ignored as she removes her pants, your hips wriggling in hope to catch her leg between them. You need contact.
You watch with increasing lust as Mina removes her sports bra, now in front of you, gloriously naked. She’s beautiful and perfect. Her breasts look full and ready to be touched, her curves making you feel jealous as she leans back over you. “Did you know you have the prettiest fucking pussy I’ve ever seen, harlot.” You grunt, not at all liking all the talking and wanting her to grind her pussy against yours. “Do you need to come now? You were taking my fingers so well, and I think my pretty fucking whore needs to come. I sure want to come against my whore.”
You sob as your hands pull desperately against the restraint, your body unable to move from your position.
“Yes, Mina!” You cry as her fingers trace the sides of your body, your hips squirming under her touch. “I want to come, and I want you to come on me.”
“You say such sweet things for a dirty cumslut.” Mina giggles as her legs straddle your opened legs.
You hiss as she lowers herself over your throbbing pussy.
“Oh my god!” You shrill as she places herself directly onto your clit.
“Fuck, shit!” Mina gasps, her back arching as your hips rut against hers. It’s obviously a new sensation for her, and her clenched eyes tell you that easily. “You’re so fucking wet, so fucking messy for me.”
“Mina!” You shout as you roll your hips, creating friction between your both soaked pussies. “Please, Mina! You need to move!”
Mina shakes her head her body still adjusting to this new pleasure as her hips finally move. The sopping sounds of your interacting pussies make you nearly shriek as Mina’s hips roll against yours. She grinds against you sinfully, as if she has been doing this for ages. “You’re so fucking wet!” She cries out her hands playing with her breasts. “You’re such a fucking slut, your pussy is fucking soaked for me!”
Your head throws back as you feel her pussy throb against yours. Your teeth biting into the side of your arm to keep yourself from screaming. “You’re so fucking good at this!” You praise against your arm. “Don’t stop mina, you’re so fucking amazing!”
“You’re such a sexy woman, slut.” Mina cries, a single hand moving from groping her breasts to placing her fingers onto both your throbbing clits. The two of you cry out, your hips bucking wildly against hers as Mina laughs.
“MINAE, FUCK!” You sob as your hips try to start a merciless speed against her hips, but she keeps you under her pace.
“Keep screaming my name, whore.” Mina gasps, her cunt grinding even harder against you and you pull against the handcuffs so hard you’re sure to leave a bruise. “Screaming my name like the fucking slutty mess you are. All this shit just to get me to fuck you? God, you’re so fucking pathetic y/n. Yet here I am, my pussy fucking wet as you’re handcuffed and screaming under me. Begging for me, begging for more? I think you’re my favorite whore ever.”
“Mina,” You wail, your wrists and pussy throbbing as she continues rocking her cunt against yours. Your vision seeing stars as you tremble more and more. “I am your whore. Please let me come, please! You fuck me so well, fucking hell!”
Pleasurable waves crash through you as her fingers focus on your clit, and your walls spasm. Your breathing hitches as the pleasure within continues building mercilessly. It shoots through your body, your toes curling as your jaw drops in a soundless scream.
You’re about to tumble onto your orgasm when Mina’s finger let go of your clit, and a resulting cry rips through your throat as Mina reaches towards the floor. Her hands taking her keys and freeing your hands from handcuffs. Your hands immediately seeking both your clits and Mina’s resulting hiss making your cunt tremble.
“Yes, yes, fuck yes!” Mina cries as your moving fingers will you both on. Mina’s head is thrown back, and the lewd scream that leaves her lips does it for you.
You come hard, your hips twitching and throwing in every which way as you scream her name. Your fingers freeze against Mina’s clit, but she continues riding against your finger, coming seconds after as she falls forward. Her sweaty body pressing against yours.
The two of you lay there, your mixed breathing filling your ears as after awhile she presses away.
“Well, I think you need to give me your number, I would love to take you out.”
You feel a smile come to your face as you laugh, your head shaking.
“You don’t have that memorized yet? It’s on my registration papers!”
"Oh, I never noticed!"
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langdxn · 4 years
Ooo!! Do one where they’re in the outpost and ms. V hurts y/n because she wasn’t following the “rules” and outpost!michael is there to protect her
Wow I took this one a little too far... 1.7k words too far to be exact, sorry anon! (sorry I’ve lost the gif maker’s URL so please let me know if you know whose amazing work this is)
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Showing pain was a sign of weakness to Ms Venable. Weaknesses shown in her domain at Outpost 3 were hers to exploit. To terrorise. To torture.
Silently sucking your teeth as the whip snapped against your spine, your eyes bulged as you tried in vain to appear resilient to her efforts.
“Pathetic,” Ms Venable seethed an inch from your face as Ms Mead cracked the whip again. “You can’t even hide your pain, let alone your guilt.”
“Guilt over what?” You spat, unsuccessfully masking a shivering flinch at the next searing impact, tugging at the manacles suspended from the ceiling.
“Cooperating with the Cooperative,” the redhead hissed, surveying your every response with a pedantic glare. “I saw the way you looked at Langdon this evening, quite the show you put on for us all.”
“What the hell are you talking about, Venable?” You contorted your face in abject confusion, helplessly expressing yourself using flailing hands against your rattling shackles. “I was listening to him explaining our fate, for fuck’s sake.”
“Tell that to your lovesick, puppy dog eyes batting at him the whole time. Anybody would think he was narrating a Hollywood romance, not instructing the Outpost on the survival of mankind as we know it.”
Inexplicably trying to reach out and slap her, your hand waved weakly in your cuffs and earned you a sharp whip. And another. Tears brimmed furiously in your eyes as realisation hit you — she had no tenable excuse for torturing you, it was simply her method of passing the time and whittling down her charges in the Outpost, one by one with no trial necessary.
“Look, Venable, the world is in nuclear winter a few feet above us and your priority is beating the living daylights out of me for looking at an attractive blonde? The first new man any of us have seen since we got sent down this fucking rabbit hole eighteen months ago?”
Venable’s lips parted softly, quirking an eyebrow and leaning in closer to your face, a radiating heat of anger hitting you in the face.
“So you admit it?”
“I’m not admitting shit, Venable, that would imply I’ve done something wrong.”
Hearing a gentle swoosh of the whip behind you as Ms Mead prepared the next hit, Venable raised a halting hand and leaned back on her cane, eyes narrowing as she chased a new avenue of questioning.
“What is it you see in him?”
“I don’t know, he just seems like a nice person. I feel like I know him.”
“So you’re in league with him?” Venable’s bitter tone returned to the surface. “This is quite the development. First Gallant yesterday, now this little cockroach too. Try her again, Ms Mead, let’s see what else comes tumbling out.”
The stout woman drew her hand back to lash the whip again, reaching behind her head before the deafening clacks of expensive heels against the chamber gratings broke the silence.
“I understand torture is the only interrogation method available to those lacking the evidence to support their outrageous claims.“
The familiar honeyed tone laced with spite boomed through the metallic chamber, stopping Ms Mead mid-swing as Venable rolled her eyes. Realising the Cooperative member was walking right in on you, chained to the spot, wearing nothing but unflattering white underwear, you clenched your thighs together in the vain hope your existence wouldn’t be noticed.
Langdon paced agonisingly slowly to Venable’s side, hands clasped studiously behind his back, stopping as his boots bumped her heels.
“What a shame you don’t have the physical strength to extract the information for yourself,” he snarled menacingly. “That is, if there were any information to extract.”
“May I remind you whose Outpost this is, Langdon,” Venable jeered, drawing a clack of her cane to assert her authority. “Just because the Cooperative didn’t delegate you to lead one, that certainly doesn’t authorise you to attempt to usurp mine.”
“Usurping? That’s all you think I’m here to do?” Langdon chuckled under his breath, a devious grin curling his lips. “Perhaps you’d do well to take off those rose-tinted glasses and see what’s going on around you.”
Langdon began circling around you with glacial, contemplative steps. Venable’s brows furrowed with every pace, pursing her lips with every click of his heels.
“As it would appear you’re struggling to understand, I’ll speak your language. With every crack of this whip, you slip further down the greasy ladder that permits you entrance to the Sanctuary.”
Venable huffed in surprise.
“You think this is about salvation?”
“Let’s be honest here, everything you do leads back to saving your own ass,” Langdon barked, his predatory motion coming to a halt in front of you. “So you either leave this poor girl alone or I leave you here to rot, see how long it takes the feral cannibals to tear through your mauve wardrobe.“
“I can’t believe you—“
“Did I not make myself abundantly clear, Ms Venable? Lay another finger on her and I will personally disembowel you myself, leader or no leader.”
Venable swallowed harshly, eyes darting to her feet before heading for the door, a dismissive hand waving Ms Mead obediently back to her quarters.
“You haven’t heard the last of this, Langdon,” Venable called back as she swung the chamber door open. “And neither has she.”
With the click of the door confirming her departure, Langdon snapped his neck to look at you. As his eyes met yours, his gaze bled from cocky authoritarian into terrified concern with a blink. The back of his hand ventured to your cheek, lightly pressing his baby soft skin against yours, his rings cooling the rising heat as you watched his demeanour change instantly.
“Did she hurt you?” He cooed softly, gentle breaths fanning your hair from your face. “Are you okay?”
“Sure, I’m... okay?” You replied tentatively, perplexed by his blatant worry as he ghosted his fingertips over the vicious welts peppering your shoulders and issued a sharp hiss through your teeth. “Nothing a bit of whiskey can’t solve.”
“She won’t get away with this, I promise you,” he muttered, anger boiling under the surface as he surveyed every injury, silently cataloguing the crimes of Venable’s authority blooming red and purple across your skin.
“Langdon, do—do I know you? I feel like I’ve seen you someplace before—“
His face dropped.
“You, you don’t recognise me? I—I thought you realised yesterday when I was talking to everyone, you were staring at me.”
“Yeah, that’s what Venable said,” you sighed, eyes darting to the floor. “I was just trying to figure out who you are, that’s all.”
“Well at least the identity spell worked,” Langdon muttered to himself.
“Hold up, did you just say identity spell?”
“Fuck, I knew this would be harder than it was with Ms Mead,” he wiped his face in his hands in exasperation. “At least with Ms Mead, I just had Kineros reprogram her.”
“What the fuck are you talking about, Langdon?”
“Look, just hang in there and I’ll explain, the plan’s not ready yet.”
“Fucking hilarious, sir,” you snarked, jangling your chains above your head. “What do you mean, what plan? You’re scaring me.”
“Oh no, no, please don’t be scared,” he cooed, leaning in to cradle your face in both hands. “Everything’s going to be okay, I just need more time to sort this place out and we can go home.”
You shook your head frantically, slapping away his hands as he stepped back nervously.
“Home? You better start making sense, Langdon, you’re driving me insane.”
He noticed the fear in your eyes, the way you stared through him, expecting the crack of a whip at any moment. Everything he said, everything he did, drove you further and further into your shell.
“Listen,” Langdon placed demonstrative palms in the space between you. “I’ll sort out the spell, but I need you to promise me you can carry on as if nothing’s changed.”
“What fucking spell? Please—“
You were cut off by his lips crashing into yours, his hands pulling you into him by the waist. Somehow, you melted into him, his soft kiss set off a blinding light in your closed eyes, followed by a searing pain in your head as everything span around you. As his lips left you, your eyes opened to see Langdon in a totally different light.
“Michael?” You whimpered, your eyes bursting out of their sockets as you finally recognised the man before you. He beamed from ear to ear, wrapping his arms around your waist and drawing you in for a tight, protective embrace.
“Baby girl, I’m so sorry,” Michael hummed into the nape of your neck. “This wasn’t how it was supposed to go.”
“Well how about getting me out of these fucking chains?” You shook your arms in demonstration as a pained expression washed over Michael.
“I can’t baby, they could come back in at any minute. Like I said, you need to act as if nothing’s happened. Just keep your head down, don’t mess with Ms Venable’s rules and we’ll own this place by the end of the week.”
“Have you found any of the witches yet?”
“Not yet, I think they’re under identity spells too, that’s why I sent you here. They planted a mole, I had to plant my own. I promise you, my love, everything will come together.”
“Okay, Michael, I trust you.” You smiled warmly back at him, safe in the knowledge Michael knew what he was doing. He kissed you again, a haunting, lingering kiss that spoke all the words he’d wanted to say since he arrived and painstakingly pretended not to know you.
Suddenly, three pairs of heavy footfalls approached the chamber, startling Michael into action.
“That’ll be Venable with her backup. Baby, I have to go now but please, remember what we said. Keep your head down, forget we had this conversation and we’ll be back in the Sanctuary in no time.”
“Then good luck out there, baby. Look after yourself,” you sighed, arms falling against your restraints and accepting your punishment at the hands of Ms Venable was far from over. “I love you so much, Boy Wonder.”
As Michael reluctantly turned for the exit, he sighed.
“I love you, more than you will ever know.”
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bakudekuficlibrary · 5 years
Do you have any fics with a deaf or blind Bakugou or Midoriya? Doesn't matter if it's angst, fluff, or whatever, I love all types ^w^
All righty, here we go. I found a ton of these! The tags are riddled with Koe no Katachi AUs, as to be expected (KnK is The Sob-Inducing BombTM). But there’s a ton of really cool and interesting fics that diverge from that. Thank you for your patience^^ I hope you like.
Also, be sure to check out the Disabled Bakugou list curated by Jay!
~Gabs ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
25 works.
Actions Speak Louder by TsunaidaMay( E | 38,438+ | 10/14 )
When Bakugou Katsuki meets Midoriya Izuku at a Pro Hero fan event, he’s intrigued by the intricate way Izuku’s hands move, emphasizing every word and phrase. After another chance meeting, Katsuki will soon come to learn that sometimes, actions speak louder than words.
The Way You Used to Do by edema_ruh( T | 347,037+ | 20/? )
“We’re really sorry,” his father says, in a teary-eyed, wobbly way. “But your friend, Izuku, he’s… He’s gone, son.”
Katsuki can do nothing but blink up at them for moments that feel like an eternity, eyes darting between both his parents in obvious confusion, disbelief, and, more than anything, indignation.
“What the fuck are you two talking about? The damn nerd is standing right beside you!”
During a battle, Midoriya gets hit by a villain whose quirk detaches his soul from his body. Stuck in a ghost-like state, the boy enters a race against time in order to save himself from permanently dying. Much to his luck - or lack of it -, the only person who can see and talk to him in this state is no one other than Kacchan.
Alternatively: Deku and Kacchan are soulbound.
Some Wannabe Hero! by Superior_Mustache( M | 50,792+ | 14/25 )
Katsuki had bullied Izuku for nearly all his life for being deaf and Quirkless. After middle school, they went their separate ways, never to see each other again. Ten years later, however, when Izuku moves back into his old neighborhood, a familiar face jumps back into his life. But neither of them are sure if they want to reopen old wounds.
Senses by Phayte( E | 22,294+ | 6/? )
In a freak accident through battle, Bakugou loses his sight. This is the story of his struggle, downward spiral, and the friends that get him through it. 
Hand Speak by crackmonster( E | 30,350 | 12/12 )
“You think you’re some hotshot, huh? You’re not going to even apologize, are you?” Bakugou folded his arms, waiting for him to get on his knees with grief, but he turned around and picked something up from the counter inside. “Hey! Hey are you serious? I’m talking to you!”
Bakugou had no qualms about barging into his house uninvited. “I said I’m talking to you! Are you Deaf-” 
Blue snow by Darkshadow( T | 908 | 1/1 )
A bullied Izuku meets a blind Katsuki in the park.
I guess… I’ll just… fuckin read this by TheGeekProblem( G | 1,533 | 1/1 )
Izuku works the graveyard shift in a diner and he’s really tired. A group of people come at 2 a.m. What could go wrong? 
Dull by choimarie( G | 714 | 1/1 )
“What? Never have seen a hot dude before?” 
Learning A Thing Or Two by overworldpumpkin( G | 654 | 1/1 )
Bakugou meets somebody new and interesting on his first day. 
love is blind (and deaf) by kagehinataboke( T | 789 | 1/1)
Izuku hesitantly opens the door, wielding an umbrella and ready to square up against a mugger. but it’s only one of his neighbors: a new one, in fact. Izuku faintly recalls him moving in a few weeks ago, but one unfriendly glare was enough to stop him from approaching.
he discreetly drops the umbrella behind the door. “can i help you?”
— a bakudeku one-shot
Learning Curve by iknewaman( G | 10,304 | 1/1 )
“Izuku.” Uraraka repeats as she motions at the person stood next to her. Green curls, average height, and, well. Up close, not such a bad smile. Uraraka points a thumb at Bakugou and enunciates slowly, “This is Bakugou. He can speak sign language too.”
Wait. Sign language?
The stranger— well, Izuku— looks at him with a raised brow. Their free hand lifts up as they make a slight motion of the hand.
Bored out of his mind at a house party one night Bakugou is introduced to Izuku, a deaf student who offers to help teach Bakugou sign language in exchange for a favor– or well, is prompted into asking for a favor.
Missed Connections by Labellevita( M | 9,765 | 3/5 )
Deaf Uni student Bakugou can’t catch a break, but he does catch the scent of a fantastic smelling omega. 
Hackles Raised by Sanctioned_Chaos( T | 3,357 | 1/1 )
Twenty-six year-old Midoriya Izuku takes a trip to the past in the middle of grocery shopping for him and his mate, Bakugou Katsuki. It’s happened before but it’s always managed to be different each time. Still, doesn’t change the fact that he usually only travels when he’s needed. He shouldn’t be surprised coming face to face with a teenage Katsuki mid-panic attack.
His inner alpha bares his teeth and Izuku worries.
Silenced. by RJDAZE( T | 2,644 | 1/1)
When Bakugou was bit, he didn’t die. He was one of the few people that lived. But he lived for a price, and that price … it was his quirk.
Bakugou runs into Deku while he’s in a bad situation and helps him. They talk— they really talk.
transfigured night by bittermoons( M | 6,044 | 1/1 )
An unexpected hospital trip changes things between Izuku Midoriya, age forty-four, and his longtime roommate, co-parent, and co-composer, Katsuki Bakugou.
Do You Hear What I See? by SilentJo( M | 2,156+ | 1/? )
Nearly deaf from the use of his own quirk, Bakugou fights to keep his dreams alive, despite knowing his career will only last as long as his hearing.
When a villain’s attack takes Midoriya’s sight, Bakugou is overwhelmed with guilt that it was his fault Midoriya’s hero career was over.
But Midoriya was never one to just give up, now was he?
No Warning by DeafBakugou( G | 10,375 | 1/1 )
Bakugou survives a natural disaster and has to navigate the world without the normal accommodations he depends on as a Deaf individual.
To Fight and Protect by HapSky( T | 2,566 | 1/1 )
The officer laughs then, and claps Katsuki’s shoulder. “You guys really fit the ‘go big or go home’ attitude! If I weren’t on the job right now, I’d praise you. Really nice teamwork there–every villain got caught and every citizen was protected,” he clears his throat and retreats his hand, “but I’m on the job right now so you didn’t hear any of that,” he winks then and adds, in a forced serious voice, “You could do better regarding own safety and quirk overuse next time.”
Katsuki grins, because he knows he didn’t kill the villains yesterday, and knows the villains didn’t get past Izuku to kill anyone either.
Lost the Fight by Katt1848( T | 1,733 | 1/1 )
Every Hero remembers the first time they weren’t able to save someone. This is Katsuki’s.
Angel Down by Baltic_Breath( M | 16,008 | 3/3 )
After Midoriya Izuku throws himself out of a window because of him and almost dies, Katsuki comes down from his high horse real fucking quick.
He decides to be responsible for what he caused.
(glimpses into the lives of Katsuki and Izuku in the aftermath of Izuku’s suicide attempt in middle school.)
[Graphic Depictions of Violence]
Finding Out and Confessions by Needle_In_A_NeedleStack( G | 605 | 1/1 )
Bakugo is deaf, that’s why he’s always so loud. He hasn’t told anyone. So when Midoriya Izuku accidentally finds out Bakugo’s secret, how will things change.
[Discontinued] Listen to the Heart by milkcandie( M | 25,682+ | 5/? )
Katsuki wants to remake what he had demolished (broke, cut, destroyed), every little thing that he had single-handedly set on fire and every moment that he had crushed under his foot. The past is irreparable, but when he sees Izuku, he feels like he can believe in the impossible again.
☆ A Koe no Katachi AU where Izuku is deaf and Katsuki dedicates his entire being to see him smile.
Omniscient Eyes by everlastingspaghetti( T | 11,285 | 1/1)
Katsuki wasn’t sure what to say about this. All his life, he'd— he was a horrible person; both inside and out.
He didn’t deserve whatever this is. He didn’t deserve anything, not when the boy he’d tormented relentlessly was shaking in front of him, with outstretched limbs a sincere smile dripping down his face, tears smacking the concrete.
Katsuki wanted to say something— anything, but then Deku had looked up at him - through a tearful gaze of forest green - and softly gasped, “I forgive you, Kacchan.”
Silent Voice, Loud Gestures by ReadingHell( T | 10,001 | 3/3 )
“My name is Bakugou Katsuki”
“If you need to talk to me, use this notebook”
“I can’t hear”
Koe no Katachi AU
Say Something by limesicle( T | 4,520 | 1/1 )
Katsuki pushes and pushes until he pushes too far. He is left guilty until Izuku returns to give him–not a second chance, or even a third–another chance.
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