#The EverBurning Flame
ckswitch · 1 year
Tw; loud audio
Last one I promise haha— first time animation action!! Very very happy with it!!
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transcendant-flames · 1 month
"I don't know what you mean. But it sounds like this is about more than the Tsaritsa"
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A competition as fierce as a roaring inferno, and a clash as dazzling as a cascade of iridescent gems. On a hallowed night, the sparks ignited by warriors fall like stars, converging into the triumphant return of the sacred flame.
The Master of War and the Pyro Archon of Natlan, Mavuika has gone through many hardships, one of them being the invasion of natlan by the abyss for thousands of years, and she believes that Natlan is trudging close to destruction and It won't be that long
for she has won many battles and each war adds another flame to the igniting fire that shines within the nation of pyro
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Asks should be SFW as mod can get uncomfortable with NSFW asks! but suggestive is alright
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#Everburning Flames 🔥- General Posts
#Behind the Ancient Name 🕯️- OOC Posts
#Beneath the Teyvat Skies 🌌 - Mentions/Interactions with Traveler
#Turnfire Hunt 🌿- Mentions/Interactions with Kinich
#Splish Splash Wavechaser 🦈- Mentions/Interactions with Mualani
#Nazatcayan Braveheart 🌟 - Mentions/Interactions with Kachina
#Nightsoul's Blessing 🌙 - Mentions/Interactions with Natlan
#Sunlit Elegy ☀️ - Mentions/Interactions with other Genshin RP Blogs!
[more tags coming soon as Version 5 officially starts/progresses]
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Notes from the Moderator
This blog will contain spoilers about Version 5.0 so be advised! Some things will not be accurate as Version 5.0 is not released yet and Mod knows a bit about Mavuika. this blog may be ooc sometimes :)
Mod also runs 3 HSR RP Blogs @emanator-of-nihility , @diamond-of-purity, @obsidian-of-desolation
my format is mine and not plagiarized as part of this format is different and can be changed from time to time
Thank you for reading!
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“Not once have I seen myself as a hero. Quite frankly I don’t deserve the title. I’m here just doing what needs to be done.” -Eliane Hestia, Hydaelym’s Least Favorite Princess
A warrior of light with her carbuncle companion against the darkness.
An independent RP Blog for FFXIV Warrior of Light. A bit of an anti hero some would say. Crossover friendly (with Genshin Impact and HSR verses).
Blazed and written by Ari
All follow backs and asks come from @the-wayward-snowflake
Rules/Muse Information/About Me
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grimeclown · 3 months
The way fromsoft games handle weapons is rly funny sometimes. Yeah this is the everburning greatsword that represents the kindling of the flame that this entire world revolves around. It's a pretty cool novelty weapon but not really all that strong. If you want to tear apart bosses so you can go get that sword as a prize you're gonna want to kill 20 little goblin freaks and infuse their rusted nasty sword with the power of inflicting tetanus
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asherbakugou · 9 months
Dragon Dictionary
Ra's Al Ghul - Lung | Asiatic Jade Dragon
- Known for diamond hard scales that come in all shades of green
- Sharp teeth curved inwards for catching fish; Hooked talons for catching fish
- Breath poisonous gas
- Fly through the sky in a serpentine fashion
Talia Al Ghul - Lung | Asiatic Jade Dragon/Black Mamba
- Known for diamond hard scales that come in all shades of green
- Sharp teeth curved inwards for catching fish; Hooked talons for catching fish; Fangs filled with venom positioned at the front of the mouth in place of canines
- Black mouth
- Breathe poisonous gas
- Fly through the sky in a serpentine fashion
Bruce Wayne - Wyvern | Black Nightwing
- Wyvern with large black wings and three claws at the end of its wrist to walk on; Diamond hard scales that blend in with the night sky
- Breath black plasma
- Long, straight horns pointed back
- Crocodile like tail for balnce when on hind legs
Slade Wilson - Drake | Sand Drake
- Sand colored scales with darker plates along their back like armor; Impenetrable scales with thick skin
- Wide paws for balance on sand with straight claws; Slender body for moving across sand and hiding in the desert
- Barbed tail like a scorpion
- Breath fire
Chato Santana - Lindwurm/Zilant/Quetzecoatl | Born a Sand Lindwurm - Everburning Feathered Zilant
- Sand colored scales with darker skales specked in, uniquily suited tofold front limbs back and move like a snake through the sand
- Fangs situated at the front of the mouth filled with highly corrosive venom
- Long red, yellow, and orange colored feathers along the top of the skull, down the neck and along large wings, tipped with hooked foreclaws
- Real embers along the spine; Runs naturally hotter than almost any other dragon species
- Feathered tail that leaves behind trails of deadly smoke
- Breathes golden flames
Damian Al Ghul - Wayne - Yinglong | Asiatic Jade Nightwing
- Diamond hard scales with mottled black and green scales that allow them to blend in with the night sky and shadows
- Black mouth with inward curved teeth to catch fish; Hooked talons for catching fish
- Large black wings with single foreclaw and moveable wrist that he can walk on
- Black plasma
- Thin whip like tail
- Long horns curving slightly backwards
Respawn (Achilles Al Ghul - Wilson) - Lung | Jade Sand Dragon
- Impenetrable sand colored scales with green armor like plates down the spine
- Venoumous barb on his tail; Fangs positioned at the front of his mouth are filled with deadly venom
- Wide paws with hooked talons for fish; Black mouth with inward curved teeth for eating fish
- Fly tgrough the sky in a serpentine fashion
- Camouflaged in desert areas
Matteo Al Ghul - Santana - Feathered Yinglong | Everburning Jade Dragon
- Dimaond hard scales in shades of dark green with golden/sandy colored speckled in
- Black mouth; Fangs situated at the front of the mouth filled with corrosive venom; Straight teeth, like a wolves or coyotes
- Large paws with hooked talons for catchin fish
- Green and white feathers around his slender face, down the neck, over the wings, and down the spine
- Embers glow along his back, hidden with the feathers; Runs hotter than nearly all other species of dragon
- Breathes golden-green flames
- Feathered tail leaves smoke trails when he flies
Dick Grayson - Feathered Dragon | Thermotect
- Ice cold, diamond hard scales in all shades from black to white, blue to pink, and more; Specialized feathers along the face, neck and top half of the wings
- Large teeth, like a polar bears; Hooked talon for gripping ice and catching fish
- Blue-black tongue
- Breathe ice
- Wide paws with thick pads to walk across snow and ice
Jason Todd - Feathered Wyvern |Phoenix Drake
- Covered in thick red-orange feathers with darker red ones around the neck, wings, and tail; Fluff covered hind legs with long wicked sharp talons like a Harpy Eagles
- Sharp foreclaws on the tops of the wings 'wrist' to walk on though Phoenix Drakes are capable of walking upright on their hind legs alone
- Thin faces with angular snout; Razor sharp serated teeth, like an anacondas, to grab hold of prey
- Long tail feathers with two extra long white feathers that stretch several feet past the rest of the tail
- Run hotter than almost every species, but are vulnerable because they lack the thick scales of most species; Compensate by being reborn
Timothy Drake - Dragon | Goldenfang
- Beautiful golden scales with short wings and long frills along its spine with a long tail with thin delicate looking veils connected by thin spines on the tail; Darker golden-brown scales on the head like a fer-de-lances
- Jungle dwelling dragons best at gliding through trees and weaving around obstacles
- Sharp needle like claws for clinging to trees; Delicate fangs positioned at the front of the mouth filled with potent golden venom
- Sharp teeth and molars like a monkeys; Short muzzle than most dragons
- Flexible bodies with a specialized flexible spine
- Incredibly delicate as their scales aren't diamond hard of inpenetrable
Cassandra Cain - Drake | Scorpion Drake
- Thick, impenetrable scales that comes in pale shades od brown or shades of black or in between; Long tail that curves upwards slightly tipped with a sharp stinger and poison glands
- Specialized scales along the wrists and ankles that let them feel vibrations in the air; Naturally thinner scales, a weak spot
- Large paws with flat claws to balance on sand
- Able to go long periods without water; Can hold still for hours
- Extremely fast and agile for a drake who are normally bulky because of their thick, armor like scales
- Fast runners because of their longs legs
Rare - Common
Successful Hybrids (that survive) - Extremely Rare
Everburning Dragon - Rare
Phoenix Drake - Rare
Goldenfang - Rare
Asiatic Jade Dragon - Uncommon
Sand Drakes - Uncommon
Thermotect - Uncommon
Scorpion Drake - Uncommon
Black Nightwings - Uncommon
(Inspired by @salparadiselost Dragon Au; The Thermotect, Phoenix Drake, and Goldenfang all belong to her)
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valeria-fortnite · 2 months
I curse thee with vampirism , o’ divine flame, until the moon rises to its full glory once more.
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...Huh, well, I suppose if it happened to Midas then surely it'd hit me at some point. Didn't take vampirism to be contagious, lol.
Certainly wish my Everburn hadn't freaked out during...all that because I simply look ridiculous now, I barely even remember the photoshoot this look was for.
I suppose I should be lucky it wasn't anything worse, I can handle this. As I do everything else, now where to find something warm to eat...
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markerofthemidnight · 4 months
I love your Hatchetfield fics Grayscale and Hidden Depths. Can you tell me a tidbit about both/ether of them?
AHHHHHHH I’d be happy to oblige!!!
As much as I’d like to talk about both at the moment… I hate to admit this, but I’ve really been ignoring the existence of Hidden Depths as of recent. And Greyscale, but Hidden Depths deserves attention too! So, since Chapter 6 has been held back for so long, why not share some more about the Old Lords?
HD: ULTIMATE Recap was, after all, only a very small tidbit of extra info on them. I’m also working on a piece that’ll show you all their designs- except Kindler’s, since we’ve already seen his, but I’m not even halfway through that yet. Starting to get pretty concerned with how little I’ve been doing stuff as of recent…
Well, anyways! Here’s some extra information on the Old Lords and my thought process behind making them.
Kynzol Errakt (aka Kindler)
The God of the Sun and Flames, as you know. Previously known as the God of Drought in Chapter 1, but I felt like it was pretty odd to have a god whose powers can only be defined by what they aren’t associated with.
Obviously very draconic in design, but the dragon actually isn’t his associated animal. That would go to the thorny devil: everybody’s favourite spiky little reptile that I felt best summed up what exactly I was trying to go for with Kindler, and that was before I learned that they can apparently drink water by absorbing it through their feet!
Known as the Everburning Star, Kindler is the de facto leader of the Old Lords. He carries himself with a sophisticated yet very intentionally intimidating disposition, and tends to not really think about the wellbeing of others unless it affects his.
It’s fairly obvious from his behaviour that he has a pretty big god complex (ironic, huh?), and is incredibly stubborn in his beliefs. Not even the Old Lords would ever dare speak out against him: the only reason why they’re so comfortable with his presence is because they’ve spent 5,000 years with him.
You may be wondering why I chose this specific personality when it’s not very different from Wiggly’s. Well… that’s because Kindler was pretty much just based on my perception of what Wiggly’s predecessor probably would’ve acted like, which slowly developed into the dragon we know today.
The main difference between them, I’d say, is that Wiggly is only partly scary (hence why so many people are in love with him), whereas Kindler is actually genuinely scary and villainous. It’s like the difference between any normal Disney villain and Emperor Belos from The Owl House.
Trypnarash (aka Thrasher)
The God of Noise, associated with a bat for fairly obvious reasons. Rather fittingly, also as blind as a bat. For some reason he switches between having an Australian or a Cockney accent depending on whichever one I think would be better suited to what he’s saying.
Known as the Beastly Cacophony, Thrasher is… loud. Very loud. Strangely enough, he’s actually surprisingly chill: he’s pretty much fine with anything as long as it’s entertaining.
However, it’s important to keep in mind that this still doesn’t make him a good person. He’s evil just like the rest of them, only in his own ways. (Not Evil from The Lego Movie 2 is a song that I associate with him quite a lot, by the way.)
Inspiring false hope so that the others can crush it, and toying with people in more personal ways, is his MO. He pretty much does whatever’s most entertaining to him at the moment: the only reason why he’s alright with Blinky not being evil is because in a few months, he’s gonna be dead for good. No point in caring about that.
Gazon Q’raktic (aka Gazer)
The Goddess of Space, associated with jellyfish since it was the first animal I thought of that felt alien enough to be associated with space. Also known as the Scholar of the Stars.
My basic concept behind her and her personality was “what if the ancient deity was a girlboss.” A stark contrast to the slowly rotting incel with ADHD that we call Tinky. Some would call her arrogant, though it’s important to keep in mind that arrogance implies misplaced confidence.
And hers is definitely not misplaced.
She is smarter than you. Much, much smarter. Gazer has peered into the distant voids of space, and understands the universe in a way no one else can. She knows how the Big Bang happened, she knows about the existence of extraterrestrial life, and the answers to many more unanswered questions about the universe. How does she know? Simple: she figured it out. HERSELF.
She has an IQ of at least 2,000. And she is cursed with knowledge no one else can ever bear: because no one, not even any of her fellow Old Lords, is intelligent enough to understand it.
Kindler is arrogant to the point of being delusional. Gazer is… probably the only one out of those five who actually has her head on straight.
Honestly, she’s also probably the closest to being a good person, as well? Whenever she plays with mortals, it’s usually some kind of simple challenge with fair enough rules, which only gets violent if those rules are broken.
Retonydunfir (aka Rattler)
The God of Decay, associated with vultures. The name Rattler comes from the bones all over his body. Known as the Harbinger of Decay.
Rattler is… you know how I just said Gazer’s probably the only sane one there? He’s close to being sane. Not quite there yet, though.
His base personality is best described as the archetypical cranky grandfather who says the most appalling and racist things as if he’s just talking about the weather. Except Rattler is more intimidating than that.
He works slightly differently to the other Lords in that his powers are fueled. When something somewhere in the universe dies or decays- no matter how great or small- he gains power.
He is obsessed with what he calls the “art” of decay. Partly because it fuels his powers, but mainly because he’s just, for lack of a better term, a nightmare fetishist.
This stretches not only to physical decay, but mental decay as well. Unlike Nibbly, he’s very patient, and prefers to make people suffer through slow torment that steadily gets worse as it continues, rather than just… eating them.
Definitely not someone you want to have on your bad side… or your good side, as he’s known to subject some of his own followers to similar things once they die. What they endured his room (and, to this day, continue to endure in Nibbly’s room) can only be described as a really big, really long retelling of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.
Stinturmor (aka Stinger)
The Goddess of War and Discord, and probably my favourite out of the old Lords in Black? Her associated animal is an ant, because ants go to war with each other all the time. She’s known as the Gyne General (a gyne being the primary reproductive female in a system of insects, i.e. an ant queen).
She has two forms in total. The first and more commonly seen one is a small cartoony blue ant. The second… I can’t talk about what the second one looks like.
She’s also the first of the Old Lords to have her room fully designed. It’s a medieval castle on a hill (🎶 AS THE STORY GOES 🎶), mainly either royal blue or baby blue in colour.
She likes ponies, drinking tea with honey, and drawing her favourite mortals all being horrifically tortured whilst laying on her little princess bed with her feet kicking in the air like a toddler.
So the main inspiration for Stinger, as well as my headcanon voice for her, was The Ghost of Christmas Present from Scrooged. If you’ve watched that, I’m sure you’ll know exactly what Stinger’s going to be like in the story, specifically when talking to Pokey.
The reason why that specifically is her personality is because, if Pokey represents peace and harmony, she represents war and discord. Dissonance, conflict, contrasting elements between characters.
So naturally, my only option with her was to play up the general vibe of the canon LiB, giving her two sides: the first being this cutesy little whimsical creature who talks like she’s from Oz, and the second being a horrible nightmare that’ll torture you for days on end, kill you as soon as she gets bored, and then resurrect you as soon as she gets bored of all her other favourite playthings.
She also has the ability to summon any weapon at will. And I do mean any weapon, even ones that she shouldn’t feasibly be able to wield. She prefers ones from the Dark Ages or beforehand, but unfortunately for you, our dearest Stinger doesn’t exactly believe in consistency.
For this very reason, I am very much looking forward to writing a scene in Hidden Depths where she just nonchalantly whips out a grenade launcher.
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rumor-imbris · 11 months
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Symphony of bluebells old awakened spells ere the veil on my soul fell Flamed echoes, scalds in my bones, in my eyes older than oaks, stronger than suns from everburning love on my inside It bloomed deep within me again from many lives crawling through the past to come find you once more in the end
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hottubraccoon · 6 months
Solistal; Land of Knowledge and Hunters
northern mountain border of the continent, primarily dwarf citizens
Character SHORT List:
Alexa Snowlight
Amber Gemwater
David Woodkeep
Holly Nightfoot
Kyvon Snowfeather
Raiden Snowlight
Vril Snowfeather
Zabrac Blooddust
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Achraf Nekker on unsplash.
Solistal is based on the UK islands physical geography*. It is very much the coldest nation, having snow almost all year round except for the 3 months often jokingly referred to as their 'summers'. Despite this, storms are infrequent and the weather is generally clear or slightly cloudy. Storms are constantly being prepared for, both snowstorms and magical storms, as the ones that do appear and particularly harsh in Solistal. Besides those, earthquakes have been recorded in the nation too.
*but only when I feel like it lol
Most of Solistal's territory is the northern mountain range that stretches from the east to west coasts. Adventurers struggle to survive in the winter on the other side of the mountains. Maybe, these harsh conditions are why there's an impossible amount of fossils found here compared to the other nations. These mountains are also the only place in Klenith that natural clusters of 'seals' can be mined for the magical properties. The seals are said to be the result of a magical blast that sent many forms of mega-fauna to go extinct, connecting to the fossils found here. Another piece of this theory is the 'everburning flame' kept watch near the capital city, Domongrad. Nobody has a reason for why it continues to burn despite the snow and ice surrounding it, but many suggest magic, specifically the magical blast that took out mega fauna. As there is no concrete way to find out, it is still being discussed by scholars and many myths have stemmed from these theories. From the outside, the planning of Solistal towns appear to be random, but is entirely dependent on what each towns considers necessary. If built on flatter ground and the need for stronger buildings is higher, that town puts it's most traveled buildings on the outside. Whereas, a different town will be secure in their mountain-side so will focus on their magic and research, therefore their magical stores and casters' homes would be placed further into the mountain walls. What's needed is most central, and what's not is pushed out. Many towns and cities are built into the side of the mountains, pushing their necessary buildings into the caves to be the most defensible. The styles, including materials used, follow Russian architecture. Although... squashed, because dwarves don't need as much room.
Solistal primarily exports the ore/minerals that are found in the mountains, the magical seals only found here, and have large stores of meat due to mega fauna hunting. They could be self-sufficient, however it would lower the citizens general happiness and lifestyles. As they have such large holdings over the ores and seals, trading is a constant request from the other nations. Whilst the continent wide trade is currency based, within the Solistal borders it is often information based. Even when currency is required, the price will often be lowered for a good book or two. Their largest import is dyes from Birkina, requiring ink for the libraries, and their lowest being finer/thinner cloths.
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rxbn on unsplash
Other Parts:
For Great Kettering. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Solistal. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Kamikita. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Birkina. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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devileaterjaek · 1 year
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Kingdom Hearts II™️ for the Sony Playstation 2™️ is the pinnacle of all art and culture throughout civilization. All of human history has lead up to the singular purpose of crafting the finest piece of interactive electronic entertainment possible in both theory and practice. The euphoria experienced from its elegant gameplay and shakespearian narrative has been known to bring meaning to an otherwise meaningless existence. Indeed the very reason we are put upon this earth was to lay the foundation upon which eventually Kingdom Hearts II could be forged by the very gods of olympus within the everburning flame of the sun itself, that it's majesty may be appreciated by all life on Earth. Truly one must ask, if Kingdom Hearts II is truly the sole reason for life on earth, what are we to do in a post-Kingdom Hearts II world? Surely nothing matters now that the absolute peak of human enlightenment that is Kingdom Hearts II has been achieved. Friend, there is purpose yet in this existence, for as long as we hold Kingdom Hearts II in our hearts and minds, life will always be worth living. Spread the gospel of Kingdom Hearts II to your friends and loved ones today, so that they too, will know the blessings it can bring.
Hallelujah, amen.
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ckswitch · 1 year
More on ‘The EverBurning flame,
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kilobytten · 1 year
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Flame style study. Really happy with how this came out!! I originally was just going to draw a hand casting magic, but as always, I went a little too ham...
Illustration of my friend DrgnGld's Charr (Alorag)'s paw.
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hrodvitnon · 26 days
BAGAN (3/3)
This has been a long time coming, but now we have the finale to this little Bagan mini-series! Complete with some more lore implications.
Godzilla felt nothing but incandescent rage. Not the sort of rage that had fueled him when he was but a runt millennia ago, not the rage that was there with him when he first fought the Great Apes. Not even the rage he had held when Ozymandias had vanished from the world.
No. This was Wrath.
It was all the anger and hate he had ever felt condensed into one everburning moment of pure hate. Even now, it was what fueled his strikes as he beat down the thing that had taken the twisted shape of his brother. And yet Bagan continued to talk, its voice quiet and soothing as ever, a lethal lullaby spoken in a pleasant monotone.
I can feel your pain, Great King. It whispered, the words reaching into Godzilla's brain like skeletal fingers digging deep into the wet contours of his skull even as he parried a blow from the crystalline horror and burned it with his breath. Your heart-song bleeds and screams at me, even as it invites me in. Others would call this a contradiction, but it is as it should be. 
Godzilla spun around, a energetic flash covering his tail as it cracked against the skull of the Not-Ozymandias. The burning light covering him prevented any of the alien crystals from taking root on his body, but anywhere they touched still left a chilling sensation of decay.
Did you know what was there? In the Beginning? Before it even? It is a question all life has asked at least once, consciously or unconsciously. Bagan voiced the question even as its throat distended and bulged, and a cloud of razor-sharp spores rocketed out of its gaping maw at Godzilla's face, searing themselves on the heat of his fury. 
There was One Thing and that One Thing was all there could ever be. But then there was Her, and She took of that One Thing and from that taking there was more and more that was never the One Thing, because they flowed from Her and She was not of the One. 
Godzilla tore out the Not-Ozymandias' throat with his claws and snapped one of its arms in half, and yet the voice continued unabated. Unbothered. 
The One Thing had stopped being One and was now an observer to Her as She took what was once One and made it Many. And from the One was born HATE and from that HATE came realization, the realizing of possibilities born only from the One that sought to return all back to what it once was. To take back what She had taken and return the One's eternal wholeness.
It kept speaking even when Godzilla severed its spine clean in half with a blast of atomic flame and smashed in its skull.
Born from one of many possibilities of the One, I have come as an angel of liberation. You who are trapped in yourselves, you who cannot see what you really are, you who loathe the hunger and thirst you feel in yourselves and yet wish only to indulge in it, a plague of contradictions. I have come bearing the gift of revelation across the still waters. 
Godzilla ignored all of its words even as he started to pull its head from its neck, heedless and unknowing of the black ooze that had started to trail up his legs and arms the longer Bagan droned its nihilistic dirge.
You, O' King. You shall taste of my Body, drink of my Blood, and eat of my Heart. When it is done, the suffering of self, of restriction, of a limitation to the endless atrocities you could imagine into being shall be at an end. You shall join with many others and be free.
Godzilla could see vistas of cities burning before him, of humanity's betrayal, of the loss of all the trust he had ever placed in them, roots of a crystalline nightmare spreading where it should have been finally destroyed. He could see Rodan's children dying, feel wounds inflicted on his own sons, saw the skies burn with azure light as Mothra tried and failed to fight back against some hideous shadow that burned with an unspoken hatred and deep abiding sorrow. He saw a red-fanged horror, blazing crimson with an ear-piercing cry as it stood towering before him amidst the ruins of humanity. He could see a world of endless gray, blanketed by ash and dust, with him wandering listless through the billowing wreckage of a world made silent. 
Be free.
The words had long since stopped being physically spoken, if they ever were. All Godzilla heard in his head was the rush of an endless ocean, darker than the deepest abyss. It welcomed him, even as the black ooze started to swallow him entirely just as he brought his jaws down to crush the Not-Ozymandias' skull in his maw. He was finally coming home. He was finally going to be free-
A single limb was placed on his shoulder, its warmth shaking him from his reverie, his rage evaporating in an instant at the warm sensation. The darkness left his eyes, visions of a dead world receding as the shadows covering him did the same. Godzilla turned to stare at the source of touch, the one who had pulled him back from the brink.
He stared into the face of his Queen, his mate. Mothra crooned at him softly.
Behind her, he could see Ladon, Shin, and Leo alongside Battra, Keeta, Manda, Biollante, Tiamat, his father, and even Megalon. They were all right there. They weren't gone.
Godzilla dropped the skull of the Not-Ozymandias which had started to bubble into a frothing ooze before it even touched the ground and turned to embrace his mate, kneeling low along the ground as he felt the energy leave him. She embraced him in turn, cooing soft murmurs and comforts as finally, the rays of dawn started to break over the ruined husk of a city they stood in.
The others let them have their moment for a few minutes longer, Keeta and Manda fretting over their parents even as the three Princes caught up on what happened with their dad from Kong and Shimo. Battra shuffled awkwardly, even as Megalon stood next to him with rapt attention, gaze locked on something behind the two Titan monarchs. 
It was only when the King and Queen slowly broke apart that Megalon moved forward, still eyeing the mass behind them, Battra following close behind. The black remains of the Not-Ozymandias had bubbled and rotted into a putrid sludge, the slurry sizzling and running over itself as it steadily dissolved.
The mass did not speak, but a low note ran through the air nonetheless, echoing in the heads of all present. It was the sounds of the ocean.
Mothra turned her attention to it, rage and fury coloring her normally tranquil features. You...how dare you.
It is good to see you again, Priestess, War. So long was the last time I walked this world that I had feared you would forget me. Good tidings to you as well, Prophet. 
Battra froze at that remark, memories flooding up unbidden into his mind - the recollection of a time long gone and all of the ancient pain that was left in its wake. Mothra moved defensively in front of him.
If it were annoyed or angered by the goddess's fury, Bagan's voice made no indication of it. 
I mean no insult, Priestess. Merely a greeting. I can see how well the Prophet of The World has grown, a life born of cultivating one's own desires. It brings me pleasure to know that such an opportunity had been granted without hesitation. Bagan said, its voice a low and slowly fading whisper on the wind.
Battra shuddered at every word it spoke, shivering lightly even as Mothra placed a comforting limb along his wings, before turning back to the remains of the demon. 
You have been driven out once and we shall do so again. This time you will find no purchase here. Mothra glared down at the bubbling mass, already slowly seeping away into the dirt and gravel. 
A momentary delay, Priestess. My goal has been accomplished here and the soil has been tilled. I go in peace, for the great work is never done. 
Perhaps. Perhaps not. Until we meet again, War, Prophet, Priestess. One day, you too shall all be free. 
A blast of golden light struck the remaining puddle of sludge just ss it finished speaking, burning it out of existence with a ferocity little witnessed before. Even with her power burning at it though, Mothra knew it was not truly harmed - neither by the efforts of Godzilla or by her own might. It had left because it had chosen to do so.
As she lay there, amongst her family and closest friends, in the corpse of a long-departed city, she knew deep down that the nightmare that had come to them was only just beginning.
Oh, interesting! Good that Mothra kept Goji from falling too deep into that black goo – and evidently this isn't Bagan's first visit to Earth, nor will it be the last. The soil has been tilled, as it were, but Bagan will surely be back to sew the seeds... if it hasn't already.
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sasorikigai · 2 months
@hexsreality stabbed the heart.
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || An irreversible, eternal sleep is a fickle mistress; how she croons and cradles, yet tends to leave too soon or comes too early. In Hanzo's case, it feels as if he is stuck at an impasse between the hours of dusk and dawn. She plays coy; close, yet never close enough where he could grasp and clutch it. I should have already turned to ashes, Hanzo contemplates, as coursing poison ravages and annihilates his human system, even colliding with his everburning hellfire. But he refuses to be turned to silver embers and into ashes and dust like a dying star that would dance in the air, slowly dissipating.
Everything all rushes by, a blur of structures and trees as the sunray blooms more like a bruise in the sky against the backdrop of approaching thunderstorm. And he sighs in disregard, as if daydreaming about a faraway land. And in the blink of an eye, his dreams that he has left behind all these years of rebuilding in resurgence - both in physical and psychological - starts to make more sense to his faraway self.
In this paradoxical softness and warmth of love and life turning into the brutal violence and mercilessness of absence as his body and mind refuse to be synchronized, Hanzo mulls through all the moments when resentment and anger had invaded his soul and his thinking. Moments where it was hard to draw the line, where the only emotion guiding his thoughts translated into how hurt he truly was by his past.
Perhaps it is time I start making my peace with the cage of unresolved stories that keeps everything inside me, he realizes, as this particular and precise moment brings him a key symptom of evolution within him. It may be too late, as the acknowledgement of discomfort paints his expression and his limbs, he shakes his head. At least I am able to lose stories and stop trying to fix the unfixable, even in his dissolving nature keeps on making him feel like there would be no liberation and absolution. What am I? Anything other than an unsophisticated, intricate, complicated, and paradoxical. Still embodying a certain darkness, yet enshrined in light, desiring to be effulgent...
Will I ever be without the abyss filling my being, become anything other than someone who wanders in drowning chaos and dwelling anguish? The very jagged terrain of Netherrealm fuels the enervated reserve of Grandmaster Hasashi's hellfire, as his trickling blood soon transforms into the dark red clay of his birthplace. No longer a fleeting flame and a fading star, even as the irresistible force of oblivion taunts him nonetheless, how his form stretches and contorts, as firestorm spirals inward, then becomes a mere speck of light against the backdrop of now-emptied Shirai Ryu compounds. "Is anyone present here?" Gravitational fiery waves ripple, yet his voice becomes a faint whisper against the disturbed atmosphere of his transportation. Hanzo's once-brilliant light, now a mere flicker in his boundless depths, slants and settles into the sky above as his breath weaves faintly around his aching body. ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 ||
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theaviskullguy · 10 months
Woe. Bg3 Army be upon thee
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Who doesn't love themselves a bloodstained twink?
If he looks like Emperor, it's cause half-elves have limited face shapes and this one fits both him and emp. I tried to make him as visually distinct from Emp as i can, apart from the face shape.
Lot of info here, so it's going under a cut
Half-high elf fighter, a former member of the Flaming Fist before the tadpole dulled his powers. Even before becoming a fist, he has scarred from various battles and wars throughout Faerun. He quit the fist to try and find a life of peace. When the Nautiloid attacked Baldur's Gate, he took up his sword and intended to try and defend his city, but was taken by the mind flayers.
Now, equipped with the Everburn Blade, he's back in action and ready to not only destroy the cult of the Absolute, but also get his revenge on those who have harmed his new traveling companions. Which is two gods, a vampire lord, and archdevil, and a cambion. Nothing can stop him.
He's also romancing Karlach because Army deserves a fire wife.
look at the way he looks at her
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and here's him in better armor
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Alright. Time to get Technical!
Race: Half-Elf (High)
Class: Fighter, battle master
Background: Soldier
He is ALL IN for pure damaging hell. He's armed with Rally for a quick temporary heal of someone, Riposte for counter-attacks, and Precision Strike for when i gotta hit someone Extra Precise. He also has a lot of fire damage- with Flame Bolt being his elven cantrip, and the Everburn Blade doing fire damage, but he has non-arson options like his bow and the Sword of Justice stolen from a guy that tried to murder his future wife.
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markerofthemidnight · 3 months
Hey-hey-hey-hey, everyone!
I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the support I’ve received so far in my pursuit of actually being a good writer. A goal I haven’t yet achieved, but hey, a girl can dream!
Hatchetfield fans especially have been giving me plenty of encouragement for the past 8 months since my start. Can you believe it’s been two thirds of a year, already?
God, this sounds like the kind of post I’d be making after hitting some important milestone, so- look. The point is, you all seem to like my stuff, so after much deliberation, I’ve decided to make a-
Thank you for your oh-so-precious work, Marit-makryll. But if you excuse me, I’ll take this from here.
Wait… wha-
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…Ah. It seems you can all hear and see me. Well, ‘see’ in a sense.
Now, you may not all know who I am, and those who do may not recognise me from this puny form’s simple description in the novel itself. So allow me to refresh your memory…
I am Kynzol Errakt, the Everburning Star, and God of the Sun and Flames.
…Or, urgh, former God. But I suppose the title is no less meaningful given my presence here tonight. Why else would she choose to summon me for this?
Don’t misunderstand: she may insinuate she didn’t, but she did. Such is the eternal mystery of the Narrator of Infinity: Marit-makryll, or Marker, as she chooses to go by here.
But, ah, enough of destroying this fourth- or perhaps fifth- wall that lies between you and the mind-melting reality of this pitiful place you call a universe. I can’t address you very properly when you’ve gone mad from such a revelation, after all.
I am here to talk to you about the future of a reality woven by said Narrator, one you have come to know and love as “Hidden Depths”. One in which I star as the greatest member of the main cast.
If I wasn’t already the grandest being in all of creation, I would almost feel humbled. Nevertheless, news of this opportunity did make me take time out of my day to entertain you all, and show mercy to my shameful excuse for an heir in the process.
Perhaps it was best that this opportunity came when it did. He can’t do his duties very well when he’s still recovering from his burns… and lacerations… and broken bones…
Well, either way, I suppose I should just tell you that a… what I hear you people call a “side blog” in this godforsaken pocket dimension, has been opened. One dedicated to exchanging information about Hidden Depths, and the characters within, including me.
There, you can choose to send your prayers to Marit-makyrll, to which she will answer… with certain exceptions:
Any requests that dip too far into what she calls “spoiler territory” will not be answered for the sake of the readers’ enjoyment.
Do not send any requests that are not relevant to the story. She has her… “main blog”, whatever that means, for that.
No sinful material in any requests. This includes ones that violate the sins of Wrath, Lust, or similar misdeeds.
And lastly, I should warn you that there will be frequent periods where Marit-makryll will refuse to respond to any prayers, and the ability to send some will be temporarily disabled.
You’re welcome for your time. Now go, continue with your little mortal lives. I’ll be watching closely.
…Well, that was weird.
But, uh- yeah! What he said! The official Hidden Depths Blog is nowwww open!: @hiddendepths-aublog
Go ask me stuff, if you feel like!
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