#a smol koala
butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
When Ftwd first started, my brother and i went to comic con to see the panel and his jaw dropped when i pointed to Alycia on stage and said she played commander lexa. Ugh. It’s called acting and she’s just so good. And stunning. I love her press outfit. Just legs for daaaays and those piercing eyes and soft features. 🥰 hard agree on the lip liner- it’s too much and makes her lips,look weird. I think maybe it’s thickness and poor color match?
Yeah it's crazy right? Like the girl is kind of a lowkey subtle chameleon, she just looks different in everything she does, especially compared to her just being herself. And I know some are like meh iTs jUsT ThE mAkEuP shush it, nooo. I understand the magic of makeup I get what makeup can do. What I'm talking about isn't that. It's like when she plays roles her whole aura changes, her demeanor, and they're all different from each other. It's almost like even the way she holds her face and her posture changes. It's like you said, it's actually the acting. For me anyway.
And yeah I just... *deep sigh* idk. With her lip liner issue, I get the feeling it's because these artists want her lips to be shaped a certain way so bad that they try and force them to be shaped that way. They want them to be more rounded out at the edges on the bottom instead of neatly pulling up and in like they do, and they are obsessed with giving her a less exaggerated cupid's bow. They want that top angle line to slant instead of slope and they draw it in constantly and I hAte it. I mean she looks fine, she's stunning as always and even people who aren't nuts about her have to admit the girl is gorgeous on an aesthetic level alone. But ugh, yes I will never be on board with the over lining of the lips because lemme put it this way, while it looks fine for a photoshoot and to the naked eye, if you were to try and draw a portrait of her following those lip lines that they create, you'd be stuck wondering why that shit doesn't look like her mouth
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Day 25 of Fluffvember: Adventure featuring Serafina, Thancred, Mortimer, and the koala joey
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hunniejarbearmundo · 2 years
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runwiththerain · 6 months
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
Horror Games
Jaune was a streamer, going by the name: Crescent Knight. And, today he was playing a relaxing game of, ‘Shadows of Doubt.’
Jaune: Okay… Fingerprints collected. Addresses collected. Any, and all information on the victim has been collected, and yet we have no clue who murdered this poor sod.
GoldenDragon: It was the butler!
RedReaper: No, it was the maid!
Jaune: I don’t think there is a maid, or a butler character in the game. You two.
GoldenDragon: I can dream, Harold!
Jaune: Hehe~! That you can. Ahh, my characters hungry. Lets see, what we should have today…?
TeaLotus: Noodles.
ThunderThighs: Pancakes!
Jaune: There are no pancakes, ThunderThighs, sorry.
ThunderThighs: WHAT?!!
ThunderThighs: This game sucks!
Jaune: Hehehe. What is with you, and your weird obsession with pancakes?
Jaune: Let’s see… 147th street…?!
A howling cry soon emanates form his speakers, causing, Jaune to look at the chat feed.
Jaune: Hey, thanks, GoddessofVictory for subscribing for…? (Whistles~!) Whoa… 14 months! Thank you! And, you sent me a message too…Let’s see… “Crescent, have you decided to do anymore collab streams with any other streamers soon?” Collab streams, eh? Well, Emerald Guardian, and I are planning on playing a few games later, but we need a few more people to play before we can do that. So… Maybe, hopefully soon.
ShadowNinja: Oh! Are you two going to be crossing swords soon~?
Jaune: Hilarious, Ninja, absolutely hilarious…
ShadowNinja: Let me enjoy my otp dammit!
AngelofSnow: We know you’re dating, let us enjoy this!
Jaune: Sheesh, can’t you guys get your own love life to be interested in. Not mine you sad, lonely people?
RedReaper: Ouch.
IceCreamShortstack: 🤣🤣🤣🤣
GoldenDragon: That hurts dude.
Jaune: Oh, we…
Jaune: …
Jaune: Lamb…?
TeaLotus: Did anyone else hear a scream?
CoffeeAddict: Was that Emerald Guardian?
BunbunBunny: Is she okay?
Jaune: Yeah, that was, Emerald Guardian, chat. She’s playing some sort of horror game.
Jaune: …
Jaune: I don’t think she’s winning…
CoffeeAddict: I don’t think so.
RedReaper: Sounds like she died during a jump scare.
Jaune: Yeah, probably. I don’t understand why she’s playing one of those game. She doesn’t watch horror films, because she can’t handle them, I don’t watch them because I’m bored by them. So, why is she playing those kind of games?!
GoldenDragon: Because it’s fun?
GoddesofVictory: People like to be scared.
Jaune: I know that, but…
Jaune: Hmm?
Jaune swiveled in his chair, allow the chat to see the back of his chair as he addressed the new arrival in his room.
Jaune: Jessica? You okay?
ShadowNinja: Oh, are we going to have some juicy Emerald Knight moments!
IceCreamShortstack: 😘😘😘
AngelofSnow: Hell yeah!
Jaune: Do you need…? Hey, what are you… Ooph?!
ThunderThighs: Oohhh~! Sounds like something interesting is happening~!
GoddessofVictory: This should be good!
Jaune: Uhh… You okay?
Jessica: No…
Jaune: Did something scary happen?
Jessica: Yes…
Jaune: Okay… Do you want to stay here for a while then?
Jessica: Please?
Jaune: Stay as long as you want then. Now, lets get back to it.
Jaune swivelled in his chair so he was facing the camera again, and he showed himself sitting in his chair with his girlfriend, Jessica, the Emerald Guardian hugging him tightly, resting her head in the crook of his neck as she sat on him.
GoddessofVictory: OH MY GODS!!!
IceCreamLover: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ShadowNinja: YES! All my fantasies are coming true!!!
BunBunBunny: Oh that is so precious!
CoffeeAddict: That’s so fucking adorable!
KnightBat: Hey, has anyone seem, Emerald Knight?
SuperMan: She left her game after that last jump scare.
GoldenDragon: Look for yourself.
RedReaper: ❤️ This is so cute!!! ❤️
AmazonianQueen: OH MY GODS!!! She hugging him like a koala! That is so precious!
Jaune: Hehe~! Ladies, and gentlemen: The benefits of a small girlfriend.
Jaune smiled for the camera before giving his Smol girlfriend a kiss, causing the chat feed to explode with hearts, and happy comments.
Jaune: Alright then, where were we…? Ahh yes. Murder~!
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ynbabe · 2 years
Imagine sleeping with the batboys:
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Word count: 496
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
Pg rating: all ages appropriate
No pronouns mentioned
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People think he's the touchy one, but most of the time you're both at your ends of the bed with one hand held.
He runs hot, like, do you have a fever? hot
So in the summers, there were times when you pushed him off the bed when it got too hot at night
But in the winters, he couldn't shake you off even if he threw himself off a skyscraper into a volcano
You hung onto him like a koala, snaking your freezing hands under his shirt and wrapping your legs around his, pulling his back into your chest.
By the time you were asleep, there was barely enough place for both of you to breath 
And the rest of the bed was empty enough to fit his siblings and pets.
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Oh, you thought you'd be breathing? TOO BAD
You should have thought about that before you decided to date him
Imagine almost 170 pounds of straight muscle squeezing you into its chest 
Now that's what it is sleeping with Jason
At first, you could barely breathe as Jason pulled you towards him by your waist, not letting go the whole night
Sometimes you thought you break a rib but when you asked Jason why he held you so close you realized that was a small price to pay.
With him going out every night as Redhood and not knowing if he'd ever come home back to you and with his constant nightmares about before the Lazarus pit, the Lazarus pit, and everything after?
Holding you close was the only thing that brought him back to reality.
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Sleep? What is sleep?
But in all seriousness, the only way to get Tim to bed is to grab him and never let go
Sometimes he forgets to sleep, not his fault, he just has a lot on his mind and sleeping is not one of them
That's where you come in, one of his brothers, sometimes bruce, and once even Alfred, called you to snitch on Tim
And then you walked into his room, dragged him out of his desk chair to his bed, threw him on it, and fell on top of him refusing to get up even after his many protests
After he had excepted his fate, you'd get up to switch off the lights and shut his door and then fall into the same position as before.
Now you were kind of to blame for his insomnia cause he can no longer sleep without some weight on top of him
when you were on vacation, Dick found him sleeping in the gym holding one of Jason's weights 
Jason didn't seem concerned but Dick almost had a panic attack thinking Tim had gotten hurt.
All in all, please hold this smol boi and force him to sleep, he misses you and he really, really needs the rest.
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kachinga12 · 6 months
i love ur dol designs n i was wondering what ur pc looks like in game??😳😳
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There the little goober, I can't do the thing of tie the braids to get the actual hairstyle
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Here drawing of the goober
There's some differences, the take I do is book smart and mostly friendly easygoing, but a social inept
(easy example she gets naked because it's her way to regulate her body temperature, forgetting dress after or simply living without thinking "oh yeah i should be ashamed" since her thought is "i got naked because its too hot! Some people chew ice, I do this is not bad, but I'll dress if you want me too)
since she don't get between the lines or subtle ways to show affection
(yet is super empathic and can see if someone is sad or suffering)
(kinda also that's why she in the drawings hug, take hand, or jump into people, because her way is blunt, fully honest, I like you so I'll give you a lot of PDA, words of affirmation and full koala hugs(can't be bear hugs because smol),
since she saw almost all contact/talking as friendly, can get easily abused (like more than already a normal PC is)
So had to do some changes in the dynamics with the characters from the canon (like more protective take on the boys since well, she meet them all in a wacky kind of accident or bad luck from her),
since she is fully virgin and mostly have a friendly healthy take (from her mostly, because still can get mistreatment from characters like Whitney or bailey) but she don't see it as "they are mean" she take it as "they are grumpy, I'll bring them something later" (her limits blur more when is a friend that step on them, with a stranger can be more vocal(still polite) but with a friend becomes almost a shy plead (I give her sad puppy eyes power so don't get that bad for her)
The boys got a "different" way of treating her, being kinda soft oh her because puppy sad eyes and she is actually nice so, they protect her more and keep an eye on her choco adventures (aka somehow almost dying/being kidnaped and coming back with a new friend)
Also have lore of why and how she ended in the bailey care, also why she is like that, yet can switch in a buried scary behavior (since just because someone is mostly friendly don't meant that they can't fight if they have too)
Tell me if you want to know more about her or the takes with the rest of the characters
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shapeshiftinterest · 2 years
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sun and moon holding hands and looking at monty
one of their first times meeting/ seeing a glamrock and he’s just chillin
just vibin’ and drinking some monty mystery mix
monty: siiiiiiiip~
sun and moon but mostly moon: whoa, a glamrock
sun: i’m just gonna do a quick lil touchy touch-
moon: /smacks sun’s hand/ no! what if we get in trouble!
sun: but they’re so shinyyyy
monty: huh? /turns around/
moon: ack! /quickly grabs sun and yeets upwards/
sun: /holds onto moon like a koala/
both: /smol panik but also giggling/
monty: /looks around, confused/ ???
art reference i used pose K3
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revenantlore · 5 months
for smol animal you are a koala - specifically because they're good for cuddling and I just wanna hug you
there is nothing i want more than to be a little koala sat in a tree hugging my potato
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thisismeracing · 8 months
bono!reader head-canons (pt. 4) (glad yall like this insanity)
constantly falls asleep w/out taking her earrings out. whether it be when taking a nap or falling asleep while working in bed those earrings are staying in. so mick has taken up the mantle of taking them out and putting them back in her jewelry box
had those glow in the dark stick on stars on her childhood bedroom ceiling and maybe she still does in her grown up bedroom that she shares with mick
gets a cartilage piercing on the ear that doesn't have her piercings dedicated to working for merc. and the jewelry that she puts in it is a small “47” stud that she got custom made. her piercings represent her biggest achievements in life and her being able to let herself be loved and be in love took a lot of work to get to, so it absolutely gets acknowledged in what she considers to be an achievement
calls james allison “allie” because when she says james she means vowles, and when james a. came to merc in 2017 she needed a way to differentiate the james’.
has an orange cat [purely based of this tt: https://www.tiktok.com/@mildwestsami/video/7136290369683131690] im leaning towards either diesel or luna for the name, but i can be persuaded into considering other ones. those are just the two that seem the most fitting atm
carries her cat like a baby and buys mini furniture for said baby
i think it would be funny if this cat was a stray that was roaming around a gp and she decided to adopt them after checking if they had a microchip and owners
steals micks hoodies/sweaters and they have a bartering system where if she wants one of mick’s newly purchased article of clothing she has to give him one of his old ones back to secure the new one. great economically for her, not so much for this boy
pulls mick in by his belt loops when she wants him close to her
loves being close enough to her lover that she can feel and hear the rhythms of his breathes
having her head resting on top of her papa’s chest where his heart is, listening to the beats of his heart will, without fail, soothe her. it started when she was a smol babe but just because she’s a grown up now doesn’t mean that it wont work
her team headset is covered in small stickers around the merc logo
ok so the jewelry she has in her first cartilage piercing she got for being hired at merc is this [https://www.etsy.com/listing/729980335/arrow-earringscartilage-earring-16g?click_key=198d47f7f1895e88c7eef3638427353c6eef89af%3A729980335&click_sum=65e3a9a5&ref=user_profile&pro=1&frs=1]
has a guest room just for her in certain team members houses [lew, the wolffs, james v,]
i could also see drivers having a room for her (seb, kimi, jense, nando)
constantly tries to persuade (poach) hannah schmitz from working at rb to merc
i could see her meshing well with oscar
her first australian gp she got gifted a small koala plush from one of the drivers (im leaning towards michael) and for the years following it’s been a tradition for all of the drivers who wanted to participate to nominate and vote who would get her a new plush to add to the collection. the only rules being it has to be a koala and it cant be one she has already gotten in years past. best believe there have been fights for the privilege of being the koala giver
[and with that i will end this segment of head-canons, yes i breached the second google doc page again i dont want to talk about it]
happy new year and i can't wait for the 2024 season to start so i will grace the inbox with more bon
(also yes i know this isnt in the usual bulleted list format that i usually do for these hcs but i dont have the patience to re-format this ask on my phone cause tumblr decided to delete my bullet points)
omg yes to everything sagksjgksdjg I won't even add, just appreciate this whole ass headcanon <3
tiktok link (it says unavailable for me :/)
i think it would be funny if this cat was a stray that was roaming around a gp and she decided to adopt them after checking if they had a microchip and owners // like corinna did w a dog during the Brazilian gp *crying into my hands*
piercing link
*virtual hug* its perfect
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@brandstifter-sys: short gremlin Remus x tall (or even just. regular size. Depends how short Remus is) Virgil.
me, immediately: ok but???
• Remus has A Lot of heels. among them are those octopus heels and also that pair where the heel is clear and has eyeballs and stuff floating in it. hopefully you know what I’m talking about and I didn’t just dream those up.
• tall Virgil lifting Remus for kisses. Alternatively, Remus scaling Virgil like a tree.
• or maybe the height difference is barely noticeable because Vee slouches so much (seriously, mans gotta have back problems). And then he straightens and everyone nearby goes "what the fuck"
• Virgil teasing Remus about being "fun-size" and then immediately regretting it or not when Remus says something like "oh I’ll show you fun 😏"
• sometime in the future, dukexiety starts adding on to the fun-size jokes with jokes about Virgil being family sized. (…)
• you know that one meme that goes like "my bf is too tall how do I kiss him?" look, I don’t condone violence, but Remus has kicked Virgil in the backs of the knees to get him low enough for a mouth-to-mouth kiss before. • forehead kisses. nuff said.
• regular sized Vee being like "I’m actually not that tall..?" smol Remus: shut up beanpole
• Remus: "give me some of your height. I want eight of your inches." • Virgil: "you can absolutely have eight of my inches." (I feel like this one works better the other way around but whatever Virgil gets to make dirty jokes too)
• lil koala Ree when they cuddle.
can I pick an emoji? I’d like to be this lil dude. 🐢
I L O V E L O V E L O V E this S O damn much!!! The chaotic Short King knows every solution to getting affection from his Emo Tree and from the amount of teasing and smooches it only makes him more P O W E R F U L (Also Vee getting to make dirty jokes and slouching a lot is so R E A L)
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oinkinpigprince · 3 months
anyways, could u make some grim x reader cuddling headcanons please? ur like the only person who writes for grim and he’s so adorable I wanna hug him til his head pops :333
IM SO HAPPY TO BE BACK TOO, I LOVE WRITING ᕦ( ᐛ )ᕤ!! Am i rlly the only one who write for grim?? Or have you just not asked around enough 🤨🤨
Grim cuddling headcanons
This, honestly takes a while for him to feel comfy enough to have physical contact and even then he doesn’t rlly like cuddling that much. If he’s in a bad mood he might genuinely try and bite you for trying to hug him
You want nothing more than to just pick him up while he’s seething at the mouth pissed off at life, but he ends up biting you and infecting you w/ the rabies virus 😔😔(apologizes when he calms down, cause wtf??)
BUUUT if you ask him nicely, he’ll more than likely to oblige. He cannot say no to you. There’s a few things that make grim weak to persuasion and you’re on the top of the list.
He enjoys it because you enjoy it. So even if he may never ask or need physical contact, he’ll still make an effort cause he knows you like to 💕💕
Not so secretly loves being the small spoon. He may deny it to the high heavens when someone asks him, but he loves crawling into your arms like a sad little cat
He also doesn’t mind being the big spoon, he’ll koala hug your back. Grims a pretty smol guy, a little dude, an intsy bro. He’ll have his arms wrapped around your chest and his legs around your hips
Randomly bites you, like really hard. It’s like having a rabid dog in your arms. You say something stupid and he’ll sink his teeth into your arm like a psycho
Something he does enjoy and does really really like is lying on your back. It doesn’t feel as cagey and he still gets to touch you, so it’s like a win-win :33
Something rlly cute, you have him in your lap and you just kinda hold him like a giant stuffed animal. Maybe if you squeeze him he’ll squeak
Absolutely hates it when you rest your head on-top of his, it just reminds him of how short he is. Grim will sit there and pout the entire time, it’s absolutely adorable
He can’t sleep while cuddling so he often just talks through it. Just random stuff he thinks about, honestly you get him there long enough he just starts to trauma dump
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kylos-starlight · 6 months
{Where we belong}
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Ship: Kylo and Kaden
words: 956 (smol~)
cw: NONE Just Kylo and Kaden be fucking adorable together T////T
Summary: Kaden is missing their husband to be.(I MISS HIM SO MUCH)
Kyden drabble! Kyden drabble!!! pspspspsps <33333
Hey if you don't self ship please dni! I have anxiety lol || Reblogs encouraged and welcomed for self-shippers!
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It had been going on week two, two long weeks that felt more like months had passed. Kaden was a lot more mopey than usual and everyone knew the reason why that was. Their husband had been away for quite some time and they were missing him greatly. They were used to him being there beside them when they fell asleep, wrapped in a tight embrace, feeling warm and safe in his arm, to waking up next to him, brushing strands of hair out of his face only to have him smile and pull them into his arms again.
Kaden sighed heavily, they wanted him home, they hardly slept properly since he left. They were of course worried about him and it wasn't the same sleeping in an empty bed. They missed everything about him. His voice, his eyes, his cologne, his calming presence they felt whenever he was near them. They missed the way he'd kiss their forehead or their lips; Hell anywhere. They missed how he would wrap his arms around them and make them feel like they were the safest person in the universe.
Kaden mumbled to themselves "When are you coming home.." Their heart felt heavy and they felt like they could cry from how badly they missed him. "Just come home to me…" They whispered sadly.
It was as if the cosmos had heard their pleas. Not long after, the door opened and Kaden's head perked up at the sound, their green eyes trailing to the open doorframe of their bedroom.
"Starlight?" The all too familiar voice called into the empty room and Kaden smiled widely, they practically sprang up from their bed and ran straight for the front door.
Kylo hardly had time to react when Kaden quite literally jumped on him like a koala, he hardly had time to get the front door shut. Usually, Kaden hated to be picked up but right now was an exception, thank gods he had quick reflexes or else he may have dropped them. His arms wrapped around them, tightly as he caught them, a small 'ouf' left him when Kaden collided with him. Kaden's legs locked around his waist as they snuggled into him tightly, their head nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
"Whoa, whoa.. wasn't expecting this.." He chuckled softly, his arms moving to hook under their butt for better support.
"Gods please tell me I'm not dreaming~" Kaden hummed softly, inhaling deeply to breathe him in.
"I assure you I'm here and that I'm very much real." He smirked as Kaden's legs unwrapped themselves from his waist, their feet settling back down onto the floor.
Kaden stared up at him and smiled before standing to their tiptoes to place a long sweet kiss on his lips as their arms loosely hung around his neck. "Don't leave me for that long again.." Kaden whined softly against his lips.
"I'm sorry starlight- I didn't have a choice" He mumbled. "But now I'm home~" He mused, without missing a beat he leaned down, grabbing Kaden, his arms hooking under the back of their knees as he swept them off their feet and into his arms bridal style.
"A-Ah! P-Put me down!!!" Kaden yelped out, with a small giggle as they clinged a little tighter to his neck.
"Put you down? But you had no problems clinging to me a moment ago love so why's this any different~?" He raised a brow, a small playful smirk tugging his lips.
"….touche" Kaden chuckled softly.
Kylo walked with Kaden straight into the bedroom and Kaden peeked over his shoulder at his things at the front door.
"your stuff-"
"It can wait." He hummed as he placed them down on the bed and before Kaden could blink Kylo tossed his shirt off and crawled into bed next to Kaden, he hooked his arm around their middle and pulled them into him, it was his turn to nuzzle his head into the crook of their neck. Kaden could feel his breath against their skin as he let out a soft sigh of contentment.
"Much better.." He mumbled, giving Kaden's neck a few soft lazy kisses.
"hmm, I missed you.." He hummed softly.
"I've missed you too." Kaden shifted, turning to face him, their eyes meeting his as they both took a moment to just gaze into each other's eyes.
"I had trouble sleeping" Kylo admitted, a small flush crossing his cheeks. "Me too- As you can probably tell" Kaden chuckled softly, gesturing to the dark rings under their eyes. "On top of that, I was worried… I hadn't heard anything.."
Kylo frowned, reaching over to brush Kaden's bangs out of their eyes, his fingers lingering on their skin as they trailed down their face. "I'm sorry starlight, I was somewhere where communication off the planet was near impossible for me… I didn't mean to worry you."
Kaden snuggled into Kylo's chest and let out a soft sigh. "Doesn't matter now, you're here, you're home with me." They smiled sweetly when they felt Kylo wrap his arms a little tighter around Kaden, their legs intertwining together under the covers.
Kylo shifted a little to kiss Kaden's forehead and when Kaden lifted their head, he closed the distance to press a soft kiss to their lips, one that was filled with love and tenderness. They were both finally feeling the comfort of one another and the sleepiness that followed.
"I love you, Ben."
"I love you too my starlight..forever"
Then there was silence, nothing but the sounds of their soft breathing and the slow rise and fall of their chests as they both were finally able to sleep easy, right where they felt the safest. In each other's arms.
taglist: @ama-ships || @kylars-princess || @heatobrienswife || @lysandreslittlechatot || @dragonsmooch
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psychic-refugee · 1 year
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Wenvier Bingo - Professors
Thank you @heavenlyvixen for being a sounding board for my ideas. I wouldn't have the inspo for this without you. I'm sure some of the dialogue will seem familiar. 😜
Eugene was buzzing with excitement to attend Innsmouth University. It was the premier school for melittology with a focus on apiology, a branch of entomology. He found his people in the science department, and although he got tired of repeating and dumbing down what his field of study was for his degree, he was able to succinctly tell people:
“I’m gonna study honeybees.”
If it were up to him, he’d spend all his class time in the biology department or working in the apiary club called the Hummers.
But alas, Innsmouth had a general studies requirement and encouraged students to be “well rounded.”
So, he took a painting and a creative writing course.
The two professors could not be more different.
Professor “Call me Xavier” Thorpe taught Intro to Painting. Professor Thorpe, Eugene was never going to call a Professor by their first name as it was ingrained in him since private preschool to never be so informal with a teacher, was talented and knew what he was talking about when it came to colour theory and technique.
But he was the most unserious professor Eugene had ever come across.
Professor Thorpe wore camo pants to class, he was often mistaken for a student by other members of the faculty, invited his students to picnics on the quad, and often took the class on field trips to art museums where he wasn’t afraid to get down and dirty to kneel or squat when enthusiastically educating them on the artwork.
Even for the decorative molding which wasn’t technically part of the exhibit, Professor Thorpe saw art in everything.
Eugene could admire and respect the love of art Professor Thorpe had…but was baffled when the professor was found asleep on one of the art exhibits on campus and he wondered how he kept his job.
Then there was Professor Addams. She never offered for anyone to call her by her first name, but she was the type of severe teacher that Eugene was convinced she didn’t have a first name. Her name was Professor Addams, and no one could tell him otherwise.
She taught creative writing and specialized in the macabre and mystery genre. She even had a popular series based on a heroine named Viper de la Muerte. He was surprised she was even teaching as there was a rumour on campus that she had just gotten movie deals for her series.
Professor Addams was the consummate professional. She was always pristinely dressed and well put together, and she put the fear of God into her students. So much so that they jokingly said The Devil Wrote Mystery Novels, and when she walked across campus, people got out of her way.
One day, when someone said she was married to Professor Thorpe, Eugene literally laughed out loud and went about his classes. When others tried to convince him that the beautiful creative writing professor was married to the goofiest teacher Eugene ever had, he laughed again.
It wasn’t until he saw them kissing under a gnarled oak tree on the quad, did he finally give credence to the rumours.
“How in the hell are those two married?” he asked his classmates while at the art studio, before Professor Thorpe arrived. He would never have done it in Professor Addams’ class, too afraid she might accidentally overhear.
He looked around, paranoid she may be around the corner.
“I know, right?” Pugsly could only laugh as it was a ridiculous thought. “They’re so opposite of each other.”
“And not just in demeanor and how they dress,” Yoko added, “He’s a tall and she’s a smol.”
The class laughed as they got their supplies together.
“She’s like a tiny koala and he’s a eucalyptus tree,” someone else commented.
“Yeah, I bet she climbs him like a tree,” Yoko said suggestively. That was when the girls in the class heartily agreed and giggled.
Eugene just rolled his eyes. While he thought Professor Thorpe was goofy as hell, many of the women on campus swooned over his 6' 2" height, dreamy green eyes, and heart stopping dimples.
Their words, not his.
Despite his bafflement at their relationship, they both ignited a love for the arts in him. After that semester, he decided to double major in writing and did painting as a hobby.
The Hummers’ beehives were treated to a makeover and had never been as colourful and beautiful.
He happily consulted with Professor Addams on how one might die from a swarm of honeybees for her next novel.
He gave both professors excellent reviews on RateMyProfessor.com.
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mozart-the-meerkitten · 5 months
POV: You're the Gaang just now finding out that the whole time he's been chasing you Zuko has also been looking after a baby... lizard kitten?
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This is the other funny Avatar/The SOS Chronicles (my original story) crossover idea I had. Sometime during season 1 or shortly before it Zuko finds 5-year-old orphan Silvie and adopts her. Silvie at this point is largely non-speaking due to both trauma and being autistic so it's unclear when exactly he finds out she's fully sentient but he learns it eventually just by paying attention to her and her actions/reactions.
Silvie and Zuko are a lot alike actually! Their moms both disappeared when they were young, they're outcasts that most people dislike, they have anger issues and tend to act before they think, and their dads were both horrible people! :)
Baby Silvie is very clingy- literally. Baby Aguithans like to climb their caregivers and cling to them like baby koalas. By season 3 Zuko's used to it- and probably using it to his advantage to try and win the Gaang over. He tries to keep baby Silvie out of his fights and stuff as much as he can but the Gaang has likely seen her around some, especially during season 2 since Zuko no longer had a ship to hide her on. But they kind of assumed she was just a pet like Momo.
Taking care of a smol creature is good for Zuko and makes him much more responsible and thoughtful earlier on because he has to think of the BABY. Iroh is very amused and delighted by the affect Silvie has on his nephew.
Despite trying to keep her out of trouble, Silvie is not helpless and proves it whenever she has the smallest opportunity. She's very defensive and protective of Zuko! If he gets attacked and Silvie is around she's likely trying to tear the face off of one of his assailants with her very sharp claws and teeth. She's nervous in the picture, but you'll see she's got her tail wrapped around Zuko a bit- that's a protective gesture! She's telling the Gaang, 'I might be scared of you, but if you hurt my dad I'll gouge out your eyes.' or something like that, anyway. She's a very fierce little kitten.
Silvie does not trust most people but she trusts Zuko very quickly. Everyone else takes much longer, but she eventually trusts Iroh and the whole Gaang. While Zuko's taking members of the Gaang out on their life changing field trips, the rest of the group is trying desperately to befriend his weird alien child. Silvie does NOT make it easy for them. She does like Appa tho, and will often climb him and hide in his fur. She befriends Toph first because Toph's personality is similar to Zuko's and Toph is trying less than everyone else. Aang is next because while he's trying waaay too hard he's also very nice and good with animals. She holds out distrust for Katara and Sokka longer but eventually after they make friends with Zuko they win her over.
Alright, I'll stop now, but I love this silly little AU so if you want to hear more about it feel free to ask!
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heda-heather · 8 months
It’s crazy how Taylor’s demeanor can change depending who she is with.
like whenever she was with Kar, she would act so baby girl, and more feminine… even the way she dressed while with her.
and with others she could be so different, like that gif or that video coming out of the stadium
Idk who the heck is on my blog right now. But these anons are making me so giggly. I love to chat.
Because I HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS A MILLION TIMES. Like 1989 era, Tay was just a little babydoll koala gf.
I have a theory the reason she fell so hard for Kar is because she’s so tall and broad shouldered that Taylor’s biggest insecurity (being a monster on a hill when everyone else is a sexy baby) is minimized.
Kar is her protector. She allows her to be vulnerable and smol 🥹
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