#ac doesn’t care about gender differences in animals
foofyarts · 1 year
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Tatiana and the totally unrelated Kul Fyra
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bunni-v1 · 1 year
First Years Finding Out Your A Girl?!?! (NOT CLICKBAIT!!!)
TW: Mild swearing, STRICTLY Female Reader, Discussion of Jack having a good sniffer (lol)
Info: Headcannons; Ace, Deuce, Jack, and Epel x Reader (platonic); Mostly for fun
🍓Hi. I'm back... sorta. I didn't have much time to write over the summer, and I honestly don't know how much I can write during school cause my schedule is... yikes. But I picked up something I wrote a while ago, edited it, and decided to post it. I'll be answering whatever's in my ask box right now, and then maybe work on some other stuff.
Ortho & Sebek
Second Years
Third Years
Dorm Leaders
-Okay so, I know we’re all wondering, how the hell do you get away with hiding your gender for so damn long?
-Firstly, those ceremonial robes do great at hiding the figure. The only tell would maybe be your hair, but feminine men aren’t unwelcome at Nightraven College, so you mostly get a few questioning stares and that’s it.
-Secondly, Crowley wants to save his own fucking ass. He already has to hide from the press that he has a MAGICLESS student from ANOTHER DIMENSION here, he doesn’t need the fact that you are a woman ALSO on his plate. So, obviously, he helps you hide your gender from others.
-Grim knows, of course, and he keeps his mouth shut for a few yummy cans of tuna (and threats of being expelled from Crowley <3)
-Even when you were just a janitor, he couldn’t have the rumor that he put a “helpless” young woman to work. (Like it wouldn’t be expected.)
-So how do you two do it?
-Baggy ass uniform. Crowley gave you at least three sizes too big.
-Your figure is completely hidden. Sure, you look completely homeless, but at least you’re hidden.
-For your voice, you simply deepen it. After some point, you blackmail Crowley into giving you a potion to help with it, since it's so taxing on your voice. (Or maybe your voice is naturally deep!)
-Sam provides you (for an unfairly pretty penny (not too different from your original world…)) any feminine hygiene products you might need.
-Honestly, you’re set for being cared for, but it’s the adjustment period that’s the hardest part. 
-Truly, it’s very jarring to suddenly be thrown into both a magical world and be isolated in a man's world with nowhere to hide.
-At least in your world you had other women who could understand your struggles. Here though? You’re completely alone.
-You notice how… messy some of these guys could be. How some of them smell… really rancid. -How rough they were with you and each other.
-Honestly, it’s kinda eye-opening. The way men show affection to each other is oddly refreshing to watch and experience!
-Ace and Deuce specifically are a good… trial run.
-That’s not what we’re here to talk about though…
-For the most part, it's incredibly easy to hide yourself for the first while on campus. Everyone on campus is so self-absorbed that they don’t bother questioning you.
-Your only real risk factor is Savannaclaw, but it's easy to avoid those guys (minus Jack, of course, but we’ll get to him).
-However, you can only hide your gender for so long… It’s mentally draining to keep up this facade all the time around people you care about.
-So… how do they find out?
-He’s one of the first ones who find it out, and it’s in the very cliche anime way.
-After some point of knowing you, Ace is so comfortable that he just invites himself into ramshackle. 
-It’s never been an issue or anything. You’re thick as thieves now, you’ve survived death together a handful of times. If you ask Ace, that’s about as close as you can get with someone.
-Normally, you and Grim are just sitting around in the living area, but this time you aren’t. However, he does hear voices coming from your room. His curiosity is peaked.
-So, slippery guy that he is, he sneaks up to your room and his curiosity only grows when he hears a woman’s voice. Prefect getting lucky? And he didn’t tell him? Ace thought you guys were friends.
-He creeps up to your room, slides open your door, and!!! Holy shit it’s you. It’s you in a towel. It’s you and you’ve got tits?!?! 
-His first reaction is to… well… scream.
-“You’re a girl?!?”
“Why are you in my room???”
“You’ve got- boobs!”
 “Get out Ace!”
-Bro sits very politely and very quietly on your couch after that. Deep behind his blank stare, he is seething. You were a girl this whole time, and you didn’t tell him! He thought you guys were friends!
-He definitely fights you about it once you’re down and dressed. He’s just salty, he’ll get over it. 
-Swears up and down he won’t tell anyone.
-Immediately tells Deuce.
-That's it though! Deuce is part of the main quartet, he deserves to know! (You scold him for this too, but you figured it would happen one way or another).
-From him finding out, he doesn’t really treat you differently. You’re still a person, why should he act differently cause you’ve got different body parts than him.
-Though, and he won’t admit this, he’s a bit more… watchful of the others around you. Yeah, you can hold your own and he respects you… but guys like Azul exist, and he’s seen firsthand the torture Azul is capable of. 
-As stated before, Ace outs you to Deuce almost immediately after finding out.
-Deuce, in all his awkward glory, completely shuts down. Disconnects from this plane of existence. He cannot believe the news he was just told.
-You, one of his best friends in all of twisted wonderland. You, the person who survived multiple overblots alongside him. You, who have seen him at his most vulnerable… are a girl.
-It isn’t even the fact that you’re a girl, it’s the fact that you kept this a secret from him for so long. You guys are… bros… how could you possibly hide something so important from him. Did you not trust him?
-Yeah… he overthinks things quite a bit.
-He also ambushes you the very next day with a million questions (very loudly (very in public)), to which you calm him down and reassure him that “No, Deuce, I don’t suddenly hate you. I wasn’t hiding it from you maliciously. I was going to tell you at some point, I just hadn’t had a good time to.”
-Deuce’s behavior definitely… changes… in some ways. 
-Deep down he knows you’re a kick-ass bitch and you don’t need to be cared for, but he can’t help but want to. 
-It’s definitely his mommy issues in play here.
-He just becomes more… protective and aware around you. Not in a creepy obsessive way, just in the same way a guard dog would. 
-Like Ace, he’s more than aware of what the people on this campus are capable of, and you’re completely magicless on top of being more feminine. Some guys at NRC would hop on an opportunity like that like nothing.
-He just doesn’t want to see his friends getting hurt okay :(
-It’s like you gained an overprotective older brother who also sometimes barks!
-Out of everyone, Jack was the first to find out.
-I don’t wanna be the cliche writer but… he’s got a sniffer on him. 
-He definitely could smell that something was up, but he didn’t want to assume! 
-You could be trans, you could be genderfluid, you could be anything other than a woman! It’s not his place to judge, and smell isn’t always the end all be all. You could just really smell feminine and that's how guys come in your world.
-Mr. Respectful would never want to assume anything… but he’s a little curious he won’t lie.
-Jack REALLY found out shortly after Ace, Deuce and Grim got their asses in trouble with Azul. 
-He’d never been given a reason to spend any more than a few minutes around you at a time. However, since he got pulled into this mess, he’s spent a lot more time with you.
-It happened when he was forced to hide under the desk in his office.
-You were so close and you just… smelled like a girl.
-He is so polite and so upstanding, he would NEVER ask you directly. But the suspense of not knowing really does take a number on him.
-By the end of Azul’s overblotting he is so awkward and nervous around you, that you absolutely have to say something.
-At this point, you figured most of the beastmen had an idea of you being feminine, however, you had no real confirmation of that. 
-Jack is such a “let's not bother other people” kind of guy, that you knew he wouldn’t want to say anything to you if you knew… so you decided to take the plunge.
-At the museum, you pull him aside and you have to ask.
“You know, don’t you?”
“I figured as much. Don’t tell anyone, m’kay? I want to tell my friends on my terms.”
-It makes Jack respect you more than he already did. Not only did you have the confidence to confront him, but you did it calmly and you were understanding of his position.
-And honestly? Not much changes between the two of you.
-He just respects you a little more. He’s not particularly protective around most other students, he talks to you the same, and he doesn’t act like you’re special. You’re just… a friend. 
-The only thing that he may be different about is other beastmen. He does his best to shield you from them if he feels they might be a threat to your well-being. 
-Epel, being a more feminine-looking man himself… doesn’t think much of you.
-At this point, you’re well acclimated to things at nightraven college, and are very good at being “one of the boys.”
-His ONLY implication is how… differently Rook and Kalim treat you.
-At this point, Kalim has found out via the previous chapter, and Rook knows because of course he does. (We won’t be getting into that today though)
-They both are more… delicate with you? Rook whips out the charm times ten when you’re around. Kalim, although friendly with everyone, seems to be even MORE friendly when you’re around. Like he wants you to like him.
-Even Deuce and Ace have a few… odd tells.
-They both pointedly ensure Jamil is at least five feet away from you at all times. Glare at Rook when he’s a little too charming.
-Other than that, nothing really gives it away.
-Epel is completely and totally in the dark because you’re really good at hiding that you’re a woman.
-He does, however, eventually find out because… Deuce slips up. He’s there giving his big speech on the beach, hyping Epel up, and somehow he manages, “And the prefect is a woman, but she never lets that get in her way!”
-Epel: Shocked, confused, in awe… says nothing. He lets the information ruminate.
-He lets it ruminate for a very long time.
-So long, in fact, that he doesn’t raise his suspicions until the two of you are on a broom heading off to save Vil’s life.
-The silence was killing him, so he had to ask.
-“Prefect, are you a girl?”
“You didn’t know?”
“I couldn’t be sure, I look like a girl too, so you never know.”
“Yes, Epel, I’m a girl.”
-Honestly, he’s kind of jealous of you. You passed better than him, and you had to try harder.
-It doesn’t change how he treats you, honestly. He’s not that kind of country bumpkin, but he won’t lie and say he doesn’t have a little resentment held against you.
-He thinks you’re cool as hell, and you help redefine what femininity can look like to him much better than what Vil does.
-He, however, does actively become more protective of you. 
-Not because he thinks you can’t fend for yourself, but because he kinda wants to show off a little.
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yulin-pop · 2 years
⤷ ✧ Sebek Zigvolt with a crush
Gender neutral
- order 61 | Headcanon | Sebek
⇥ Idia Shroud • Silver ⇤
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He’s respectfully in love.
Like he’s honestly scared to do anything that you wouldn’t like. He’s the type to try to change himself for who he loves. Kinda sad actually but it doesn’t really work.
“You must be in love if you would go out of your way to do something like that for them.”
“Oh dear… I know what this means.”
He’s overjoyed. Silver never wants to let him know on his love life, he always insists that he doesn’t have time for that. He’s been dying to play cupid.
Sebek is young and dumb, there’s no way he would know what to do. Not that Lilia is too experienced himself but he has some knowledge.
Well Sebek talked about writing letters however, I feel like he would get nervous even then. His hand is literally shaking as he writes his love letter to you. Honestly the whole letter was really out of character of him.
Lilia offered to bring it to you. He does his classic, appearing upside down. But he had a ridiculously jolly demeanor.
“This for you.”
“From Tsunotaro?”
“Nope, Sebek. He put lots of care into this!”
Later, Grim reads it and tells you that Lilia is probably pranking you. There is no way that Sebek wrote this! Grim refuses to believe it. It was so sappy and nice, it just wasn’t Sebek.
Sebek is so nervous when he next sees you. Even when Grim and Ace are misbehaving, he doesn’t have to guts to walk over to tell them off.
But things quickly return to normal after like a few days. Nobody could ever guess Sebek has a crush on the prefect. But maybe that’s a bit of a problem for him because he wants to make his feelings known.
But the idea just flies over everyone’s head.
Sebek is uptight but in a different way than usual. He wants to impress you and prove he’s a good man for you. But how is he supposed to do that? He pays close attention to you.
He thought you liked animals, specifically cats since you’re with Grim 24/7. So he’ll probably get really random things, it’s still cute at least.
But he tends to get a little protective over you. He gets pissy when he sees Ace and you messing with each other.
“How improper! Don’t hit or shove each other in the hallways!”
He’s right but the main reason he cares is because it’s you. He doesn’t really understand roughhousing. If you two wanna fight that bad then duel.
He very vaguely asks Silver for help. He asks him what humans like. He specifies you specifically actually. Silver is s bit surprised and after answering him pretty much just forgets.
He’s the type to get jealous. So he sees Ace, Deuce, and Grim spending so much time with you and can’t help but feel defeated. Tears in the corners of his eyes man.
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gorogues · 1 year
ohhicas replied to your ask post: James had to ask Hartley directly in the comics why the hell he gave a shit what happened to the others after how they treated him so like 💀 Remake killed a lot of the nuances of "oh they absolutely cared he was gay. Very specific ones did not care, and removing that difference killed a lot of the uniqueness of the group's relationships with each other"
This I agree with, though in the modern era I still think the guys may be due for an overhaul. They can have differing opinions on Hartley's reform and political views, and some might not care but others might have big problems with it. Another source of potential conflict is Hartley dating a cop, which the Rogues undoubtedly have feelings about. I think there's room for real tension between him and them that doesn't involve them being hateful.
belphegor1982 replied to your ask post: And that's why my relationship to DC comics canon (whatever the hell that may be) is basically the kind you have to a somewhat distant relative you used to see fairly regularly once upon a time but now you just kinda check in on sometimes in a "so what are they up to these days" way. The version of the Rogues that lives in my head is both very specific and incredibly vague for that very purpose.
That's fair. For me, the good thing about fiction is that nobody actually got hurt and so it isn't a huge deal when a fictional character does something terrible (I don't necessarily like it and it might make me uncomfortable, but a real person/animal wasn't hurt). But not everyone sees things that way, and that's understandable. Plus, everyone draws the line somewhere at the types of media they immerse themselves into, so for example I generally avoid gore and horror. Comic book supervillains doing their thing might be too much for others.
belphegor1982 replied to your ask post: One “the Rogues are all straight except for Piper” headcanon I do have though is that any and all of them could have fallen under the queer umbrella if 1) they’d grown up/lived in different circumstances and 2) if they’d let themselves be queer. The hyper masculinity they show could be interpreted as performative for fear of being perceived as even more Other than they already were. belphegor1982 replied to your ask post: That doesn’t stop me as seeing James as pan, Mick as ace (or somewhere on the ace spectrum anyway), Len also possibly grey ace and maybe bi (again, if he’d give himself permission), Mark as gender fluid, etc. That’s the beauty of headcanons - it’s all a big sandbox and open to interpretation!
Indeed, well said :)
demonbirdsforever replied to your ask post: I didn’t realize that stuff had happened. I understand you have your view now. We all just have to remember that comic characters change by whose hands they end up in. So I think the homophobia you mentioned is more a writer problem than a character problem. It’s like Trigon, everyone says he’s a demon but he’s not really. He’s is EVIL or as he put it, Celestial Blasphemy. That’s why I’m okay with other opinions on characters, to degree…
Oh for sure, there's no reason any given continuity will stick around forever -- which is both the beauty and the bane of comics. That's why I'm hopeful that DC will update them at some point, but hopefully it won't take ages to happen.
I will say though that this might be a hazard of being a fan of villains: it's pretty unlikely that they'll be unproblematic like, say, Superman might be. That doesn't mean they're all going to be hateful bigots or that we should like it if they are, but a lot of them might do or say things at times that the audience doesn't like. That's something we have to come to terms with, because even the nicest Rogues have done horrible things at some point…you have to take the bad with the good.
it-is-i-zim replied to your text post: Confession: I didn't really read most of Identity Crisis. Most of what I read was issue 5 out of context. And now I feel kinda stupid but in my heart I know him randomly murdering some guy is out of character. And that's what counts it-is-i-zim replied to your text post: Out of context it just looked like he was breaking and entering. And then got shot for breaking and entering.
No, he was hired to kill Jack Drake…it was a whole thing, the story just gets worse the more you hear about it. You're better off not reading it.
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purgatorical · 1 year
Obey Me Character Info: Miyuno
I’ve done one of these in the past but I saw one I’ve never seen before so Im doing a refresher for Night Bringer
This is from the template that EveningStar1516 made with the template HERE
Again I’m gonna make one for Miyuno, Kie, and Taxike with Miyuno starting under the cut uwu
Name: Miyuno
Nickname: Miyu (thanks ace :D )
 Age: 26
 Height: 6′5
Weight: Heavy set with a tummy and muscles
Race: Human/ Half Jamaican Half Japanese
Religion: Agnostic
Gender: Transmasc
Pronouns: They/He
Birthday: 5/13
 Star Sign: Taurus
Hair: Medium-Curly black hair pushed back by a headband with ram horns attached, a curl sticking out by each ear
Eye Colour: Light blue, white, and pink eyes 
Skin Tone: Warm-toned dark skin
Demons Pacted with: All of the brothers
Sin Order: Assuming this means favorite order for the brothers: Miyuno likes all of them so much so he won’t pick favorites. If it means what order they got all of their pacts, they got them in canon order.
Nicknames for the Boys 
Miyuno calls everyone by their first name for the most part or uses common nicknames that others have said so this might be a little boring.
Lucifer: Luci
Mammon: Mams
Leviathan:  Levi
Satan: Satan, Satnyan
Asmodeus: Asmo
Beelzebub: Beel
Belphegor: Belphie
Diavolo: Dia
Barbatos: Barbatos. No nicknames.
Simeon: Sim
Luke: Luke :)
Solomon: Solomon 
Personality Traits: Kind, Gentle, Caring, Easily Persuaded, not gullible per se but believes in the best in others. 
Background: An office worker who is thankful for the chance to get out of his job (and to never go back :) ) 
Why were they chosen for the program: Miyuno doesn’t quite know. They were just some person at some desk in some building when they were dropped into the devildom
Hobbies: Miyuno likes working out and doing yoga, reading fantasy novels, trying out new foods, and watching shows. They like creating cosplays but haven’t cosplayed much themselves
Likes: History, beaches, swimming, stuffed animals, teasing, fun pranks, and tea
Dislikes: Salty food, language classes, mean spirited pranks
Casual Clothes 
S1: A large jacket with puffy wool around the collar and baggy sweatpants with a ram horn headband
S2: they’re a creature of habit and it takes them a long time to change clothes. They transitioned out of the headband around this time.
S3: A dark maroon Turtleneck with a green tweed sweater-vest on top
They wear their uniform perfectly, a bit of a stickler for the rules.
 Mother and Father: Although their parents were never hostile, things got very tense when they came out as trans. Ever since transitioning they have only spoken with their parents out of politeness during the holidays. They wonder if their parents even noticed they were gone.
Siblings: none
Pets: Miyuno was planning on getting a cat before getting taken to the devildom.
Friends: Outside of the Devildom Miyuno had a few friends in their office and a few friends in the local cosplay community. They would often make accessories for their cosplays
Past Lover: Miyuno has dated many people of all genders as they’ve grown up, but never really had a long term relationship. The longest they had was 18 months, but that was back in high school.
Been in Love: Miyuno felt like they were in love back in high school, they were dating their best friend and life was good. But when they graduated the went in opposite directions and Miyuno wonders if they just liked the idea of being in love
Have Crushes: Miyuno gets crushes easily, all it takes is spending time with Miyuno and matching up with their energy. They usually assume it to be a *friend crush* like wanting someone to be their friend. With the brothers it was different, he genuinely fell in love with each of them.
Believe in Love: Miyuno believes in love. Believes in caring for another and trusting and thinking about others. They believe you can love as many people as your heart can hold and each love can be different forms or different types. Variety of love and relationships is what Miyuno adores most about their partners. They love them each on their own way.
Type: Miyuno’s type varies based on the person. What he hates in one person he might adore in another. It’s more about the experience and friendship they have with people that makes them their type.
 Sexuality: Bisexual/Biromantic
Brother They Like the Most: Miyuno likes all of the brothers in their own way and cannot choose who they like more
Why: Miyuno has had such different experiences with the brothers that it wouldn’t be fair to try and rank them. They love them so so much that to even think of ranking them stresses Miyuno out to no end.
 Traits Looked for in Partner: someone to laugh with, someone to cry with, someone to help and someone to be helped. Someone to hold hands and hug and smile. Someone who gives love even if it’s in their own way.
Past Crush: Miyuno’s best friend from high school still comes up sometimes in phone calls and messages, to see how they’re doing. And Miyuno reminisces on their years of friendship and their attempt at romance. Perhaps to young to really try hard enough for each other.
Favourite Food: Anything spicy, Parfaits, and unfortunately the Lunatic pudding :(. Solomon smuggled some back to the human world when they were first sent home.
Least Favourite: Salty foods, anchovies, tangerines, poison princess apples
Favourite School Topic: Potions, Devildom history
Least Favourite: Language Arts
Introvert/Extrovert/Ambivert: Ambivert
Favourite Movie Genre: Fantasy
Least Favourite: gritty action movies
Reads a Lot: Fantasy, loves the Lord of the Rings series
Favourite Animal: Guess :) (it’s sheep)
Least Favourite: Honestly loves most animals, but the least liked but still liked would be crawfish, too many legs makes them uncomfortable.
Favourite Music Genre: Classical but like Beethovens 7th and Flight of the Bumblebees, fast pace songs
 Least Favourite: I hate my wife and fuck my truck Country music
Do they Like Sweets: They don’t hate them but don’t have an overly sweet tooth. Prefer fruit parfaits and flan/cinnamon puddings over chocolate
 Do they Like Spicy Food: they LOVE spicy food. The hotter the better, they can’t feel the spice and it’s all just extra flavor for them
Do they Like School: They have had bad experiences at school but being in the devildom has renewed their love for learning. They like THIS school.
Pet Peeves: They don’t like people who are mean just to be mean. Having anger, feeling betrayed, or teasing is okay, but specifically being mean just to make someone feel worse about themselves when they’ve done nothing to you is the worst.
 Additional Headcanons:
Too many to put here honestly. But welcome to Miyuno again :)
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Hello! I see requests are open on your blog and your pinned post has a list of cool fandoms. So I thought of a nice idea: May I request HCs of either the First Year gang or the Dorm Leaders with a [Gender Neutral] Reader [Romantic or Platonic] who is a Shinigami (Soul Reaper) from the Bleach universe? You can choose whichever choices are left in here.
I loved the Bleach series and it was my first anime.
- 최미연 [@sanctum-of-ramshackle]
Hi! Thank you for the ask! Bleach is a really fun series and I discovered it recently, so I’m super excited for the next season coming out soon! I’m currently writing only for a maximum of five characters if you wanted hcs individually, so I’ll be writing for the first year gang in a platonic way!
First Years with a Shinigami platonic!s/o
He probably didn’t know you were Shinigami to start with since you were in your more or less “human” form
But when he finds out the nature of your job, he’s a little spooked. But he also finds it really cool since you get to wield a cool sword and fight these giant monsters
He would love to see you in action one day, but he might not be able to see you because of spiritual energy/pressure and such. He might watch you disappear and reappear instead.
Will ask you what a zanpakuto is, and if you decide to share yours with him he’ll be totally hyped!
He also didn’t know, but when you told him he was like “woah, so do you see dead people a lot?”
He now knows how you can stay in Ramshackle without being creeped out by the ghosts haha
He too will think that the fighting aspect of being a Shinigami is really cool, but will ask you to be careful. He wants to help out but you explain he can’t since magic and spiritual pressure are different things
Please tell him about your zanpakuto, he’ll think it’s the coolest thing ever
He’s probably noticed something off about you the moment you guys first met. He won’t say what, but will think “oh, huh” when you tell him what you are
Jack will be more concerned about your health and safety after hearing the nature of your work, and will try to help you de-stress if needed
He would want to help out fighting too! Maybe you guys can train together?
Overall he’s the most concerned about your wellbeing out of the group. He doesn’t want you to end up hurt badly when battling hollows
He thinks you have the coolest job. You get to fight monsters while seeing ghosts? How cool is that!
Thinks your zanpakuto is so cool, he wants to try it out. You explain to him that it only works with you, and that activating it might be dangerous if you guys are in his dorm.
He would want to see you in action, but will always miss the chance. He blames Vil for this haha.
If you ever need someone behind your back, he’s there to help!
He honestly sensed something different about you, he thought that maybe you were some kind of other fae that he didn’t know about. But you explain to him that you’re a Shinigami and he’s like “a what?”
You explain what you do and how you fight hollows, and he’s really shocked how you can do all of that while also balancing schoolwork. Honestly he’s impressed.
He will also ask you to be careful, and if you want he might ask Lilia to give advice to you. He’s sure Lilia would know some stuff about Shinigami, so he ends up consulting him for help.
He thinks your zanpakuto looks cool, but will respect your decision to not show him how it works. He would want to venture out into a hollow area with you too see you though.
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anxiety-and-bees · 4 years
Things people have said and asked me after learning I am asexual, and why they are rude and acephobic.
"You just haven't found the right person yet."
Every aspec person has heard this more than once, and everyone saying this, is more or less referring to themself as the right person. Finding the right person will not change our sexuality and implying that it will, is acephobic.
"There's nothing to be afraid of."
We are not afraid of sex. We just don't feel sexual attraction, thus the urge and need for sex is little to none-existing.
"But do you masturbate?"
Asking asexual people if they masturbate is extremely rude and frankly, none of your business. Would you ask a straight or gay person you just met the same?
"You can't be ace because your boobs are so nice and big."
The size of our body parts doesn't dictate our sexuality. Saying someone can't be ace because they have big boobs or a big dick is invalidating, and putting physical appearances over personal feelings and experiences.
"You should come with me to a swinger club."
I really should not, and I don't need to explain to you why this is offensive. Just don't ask asexual people out to a swinger club.
"Why don't you like sex?"
Asexuality has nothing to do with not liking sex. Some aces do, some don't. Again, asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction, not whether or not we like the sexual act itself.
"You aren't ace, you're just straight and making up an excuse to invade lgbtqia spaces."
This is simply not true. We are not sexually attracted to the opposite gender, so we are not heterosexual. This includes heteroromantic aces, because they are still not heterosexual. Aces are and will always be lgbtqia.
"You can't be intimate without sex!"
Of course you can. Having sex is only one type of intimacy. There are so many other ways you can be intimate with each other that doesn't revolve around sex, and having to explain this to you, is actually pretty sad.
"Sex is what separates us from the animals."
Most animals have sex, so this is not even an argument. This is also implying that aces aren't real human beings, which is an extremely hurtful thing to say. Just because we experience life differently than you, doesn't make us any less human.
"You're like a plant then!"
A lot of plants also have sex, so also not really a valid comparison, and once again, diminishing our human experience.
"Soooo.... Send me nudes? It's not sexual to you so you wouldn't mind me seeing your boobs."
This is not only acephobic, but also misogynistic. Of course I'm not going to send you nudes. Just because I'm asexual and doesn't find the human body sexually appealing, doesn't mean I want to fuel your boob obsession. Asexual is not synonymous with not caring who sees me naked. Stop being an objectifying asshole, and treat women and aces with respect.
"How can you fall in love if you're ace?"
Ace people can still experience romantic attraction and fall in love. Implying that we can't fall in love, is acephobic and diminishes romantic attraction and platonic relationships. Even aromantic asexuals can fall in love and want a relationship.
"Wait you're ace? What a waste."
Do I even need to tell you why this is extremely offensive and hurtful? This is once again putting someone's physical appearance over real feelings and lived experiences.
"Your previous partners must have been weak and pathetic in bed."
My previous partners have nothing to do with my lack of sexual attraction and you bringing them into the discussion, is in itself weak and pathetic. They didn't make me ace by being bad at sex, I was always ace. This also suggests that you probably think you can do better and "fix me" but sweaty, you can't. You really can't. No amount of good sex can ever make me any less asexual. It's not how it works.
And finally "I can make you change your mind/fix you/make you like it"
Often said by a man, thinking his dick is made of magic and can "cure" asexuality. Well, your dick isn't magic and we don't need to be fixed. We are not broken. We also can't change our minds, because it was never a choice to begin with. And if you have ever said to an ace person that you can "make them like it", you sound like a rapey creep and need to stop. Just stop.
All of these examples are things that real people have actually said to me. I'm perfectly okay with educating people and answering questions, but there are limits to what I'm willing to share. Some questions are just too rude for me to be polite about.
If you really want to learn about asexuality, you can do some research yourself instead of asking rude and invading questions. And if you absolutely have to ask questions, be polite and don't ask things you wouldn't ask a stranger while standing in line at the grocery store.
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chocodollxren · 2 years
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cw: a bit of an unhealthy mindset, talk about children’s pageants, gold-digging, and if you have a problem with his sexuality and gender feel free to screw off! my mc is a bit different than the typical all life is good, everyone loves me, so hopefully this doesn’t sound edgy?? yes he’s a gold digging gay creature.
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picrew x, edited hairstyle and colours.
<33 headcanons grim soon, just had to speedrun and post this! in support of posts like this, and this, as a way to openly announce that if this offends you then go ahead and block, I’ve decided to (poorly) draw my mc despite not being an artist! they are genderfluid and currently use he/him, but his pronouns do change quite a bit, during his first summoning he used she/her, and later he/him, and back and forth. he doesn’t care if people misuse his pronouns, though- so long as they respect him and how he chooses to dress/act. please note this is my own gender and do not call me confused.
he originates from shibuya, japan. from a young age he had participated, due to his mom’s desires, for children’s beauty pageants. she ended up wracking a massive debt from the countless years that she ended up leaving the family, where he still believes one day she will return- as long as he pays off her debts. he lives alone with his dad who mainly works, and doesn’t actually go home often, as he’s poor, he makes a lot of rich friends or dates the rich kids of his school or neighboring places.
he’s biromantic asexual, his type is mainly those who have money. he’s not shy to admit to being a gold digger, because he hates being reminded of his debts and how he’s poor. as of late though, he’s come to understand that his looks aren’t everything that matter after coming to the college, where his friends won’t bend over and serve him like back at home, just because he’s a pretty dumb people pleaser- something he has mixed feelings about.
if he weren’t from another world he’d definitely be amongst the pomefiore students as his makeup skills are high tier, and his outfits are always beautiful despite seemingly having no money. to him, beauty and money are both very important as they mean he’s closer to bringing his mom back home.
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hope my bad art doesn’t look eye-bleeding…
Yuma Hoshishima
age: 16
gender & orientation: Bio male but Genderfluid, Biromantic Asexual
dorm: Ramshackle, Prefect
from: Shibuya, Japan
class: 1-A
best subject: Animal Linguistics (wants to pet them)
worst subject: Physical Ed (refuses to sweat, constantly falls)
unique magic: none
The Ramshackle dorm prefect, who makes it very well known they came from a different world, during the entrance ceremony. they tend to change their pronouns and really hates when someone calls them poor, or tells them to face reality. they know fully well that their mom will never return no matter how beautiful, rich, or famous they become and yet they still have hope deep down. they’re cynical, and cunning with a love for the high life, but hides behind a cute smile and adorable outfits, innocently draining a person’s pockets. as of late, however, they’ve come to stop putting so much distrust in others and toned down their snobby behavior, actually working hard, due to their newfound friendships.
He sucks up to people he believe will benefit him but after Ace and a flustered Deuce, someone who had never been flirted with in his life, rejected his flirting to make them do his work, he’s come to realize he isn’t the greatest. still definitely and shamelessly flirts with the jocks, and any rich kid flaunting their money, but is now a social media influencer who does part-time modeling to afford expenses he wants, not needs. he’s been rejected and put in his place by a lot of students around him, such as Riddle, Leona, Jamil, and even Vil, telling him to stop thinking his pretty face will get him far in life. he’s extremely used to his pampered parasite lifestyle though, and still needs a lot of work.
he’s a casual flirt and easily breaks up with people. so far he’s dated about 5 students. he’s trying to go for one of each dorm, but the other half of his conscience says to stop casual flirting. however, he finds it enjoyable to cuddle Riddle who rejected him at least 10x and ask him out on a date before pouting, and moving to the next person he knows will reject him. Ace has asked if he simply enjoys being rejected, and with a bright smile, he responded he loved when he was rejected- as it meant he wasn’t just a pretty face anymore.
his mental health isn’t the best, being a prior experience where couldn’t look himself in the mirror without feeling disgust after his mom ‘left’ him and his dad behind and sometimes still feels upset to look at his body thinking he’s not pretty enough and maybe if he were just taller and slimmer like her, a gorgeous and bright young lady, she’d say she was proud. he really hates comments about his body being “natural” and gorgeous as though he didn’t work hard to restrain himself and try to stay in the ideal pageant body type.
he isn’t shipped with anyone, as of late. he’d probably not be open to relationships with friends due to a fear of losing them as he finds himself happier rejected and able to act like himself, a scumbag, rather than cute and cuddly pouting and winking for money like a hottub twitch streamer.
his mom is dead and he knows. he had always known but chose to believe what his dad said, she left with the debt as he couldn’t handle the thought of her never coming back and lovingly embracing him while saying everything would be alright- he lives in a delusion that she will one day return proudly telling him he’s worked hard enough to pay off her debts before she could knowing full well that will never happen, as her condition caused her to have withered away. not sure how in-depth to make an intro post?? but could definitely make a whole toyhou.se on him/her. current you can refer to them as he, until i explicitly state they’re feeling feminine that they or month, or feel free to use them. they don’t use neopronouns like ver, xe, so their gender just flows between m and f.
thank you for reading! this was a little heavy, but to me an OC specifically means a realistic person with their own struggles, ugly side, and pretty side. not everyone has the ideal mental and physical health, Mary Sue personality, and easily changes their personality or mindset instantaneously. please do not write about mental health or disabilities, certain cultures, or other things you do not do your research about- I tread on heavy topics but do not do it to insult others. it’s very obvious my oc does not have the healthiest of mindsets, and that is not something you should aspire to have, as well. you are beautiful and perfect the way you are- the point of his mentality is shaped via his environment though, as whether intentional or not pageant children do feel stess and pressure which affects them later on, only believing that looks matter most. personally, pageants are disgusting if they’re meant for children and i dislike them with every fiber of my being. if you think forcing kids into beauty contents and forcing babies to teens to dress up for people to constantly judge doesn’t have its toll on mental health, please do not interact and learn about sympathy.
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
“Yeah, so? What am I supposed to do with that?” - Twisted Wonderland MC/Yuusona
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a.k.a. making a self-insert yuusona while having a flashback from my elementary and middle school days
Her name is Yūkiko Sekaihashi and my goal is to make the most pathetic/unlikable TWST MC ever /j (because it would be *funneh*)
Name: Yukiko Sekaihashi [世界橋 遊貴子 , Sekaihashi Yūkiko]
Name meaning:
遊 (yū): "recreation," "fun," "game" (yes, this is a Yu-Gi-Oh reference)
貴 (ki): "valuable"
子 (ko) meaning "child"
世界 (sekai): "the world"
橋 (hashi): "bridge"
Age: 16 (first year)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: not really sure, possibly aromantic
Date of Birth: 29 September
Hobbies/Interests/Likes: reading and writing stories, watching YouTube, playing video games, sleeping, chocolate and cheese toast, fresh warm milk
Dislikes: anything foods that contains onions, spicy foods, swimming and vast water in general, study groups, changes in her schedule, harem and reverse harem anime
At first glance, Yukiko is a cool-antisocial type of girl. She rarely talks to her classmate, never shows any emotions, and prefers to work alone, even during a group project. The small moments of her expressing herself are through a deadpan stare. She describes herself as the Tag-Along Kid. She is an observer who does not get involved nor expend much energy. She often sits back and watches others busy doing things. The way she observes causes her to never give of herself and, therefore, never receive either.
Behind that cold demeanor, Yukiko actually believes that she's pathetic because she never accomplishes anything great, is afraid to make mistakes and accept rejections, and doesn’t have a tragic backstory. She never does anything great in her life, because she's afraid to fail and disappointed those who actually care about her.
Yukiko goes through life doing as little as possible, quietly and expending little energy. You can count this as her being lazy as fuck, but sometimes doing things makes her exhausted in every way. She never has any goals in her life. She's a slow thinker, which made her feel left out. In school, she is the last student to understand the problem after a million tries, also being a slow writer and prefers to write in a long formula that she understands.
Her social life is no different. She has trouble making friends because she barely catches up with the conversation. She's lost in her own world, which made her look like an airhead and the resident cloudcuckoolander. She would often talk to herself in her head and sometimes slips into mumbling to herself. Sure, she will try to inspire others to do something but are not likely to personally get involved herself.
One thing good about Yukiko is that she is a patient girl and good at hiding her emotions. She's a calm girl who is not plagued with emotional outbursts, exaggerated feelings, anger, bitterness, or forgiveness. She believes that every people has a good side in them, including the worst people on the planet (way better than herself). Unfortunately, this made her trust people too fast and pretty gullible. But, it's hard for her to get attached to people, and often quickly forgets about them.
Yukiko’s life before Twisted Wonderland is nothing special. She has loving parents and a little brother. She grows up normally, despite having trouble making friends, believing that she doesn’t need friends. 
She arrives in Twisted Wonderland in the most cliche way: by getting hit by a truck. She’s very disturbed that she’s the only girl here, rooted in her disdain of harem anime, but never expresses it. Now, her biggest plan is just to be a good girl, and don’t look for trouble, and maybe they'll leave her alone. She fully/stupidly trusts the headmaster will bring her back home. Even then, that often slips her mind because she spends too much time in this strange world.
By avoiding trouble, she really means avoiding the plot as much as she can. In Prologue, she can’t really do anything but get ropes in Ace, Deuce, and Grim’s adventure in the Dwarf’s mine. In Heartslabyul Arc, while she still helps in the tart making, she doesn’t really want to join the Heartslabyul Tea Party because she’s an outsider. In Savanaclaw, she’s pretty indifferent about the various star player incidents. In Octavinelle, she’s willing to leave Ace, Deuce, and Grim in Azul’s mercy because it’s their fault. In Scarabia, she doesn’t want to join the training camp. And in Pomefiore, while she’s willing to lend a place for the training, she isn’t really thrilled to be the manager. The only reason she’s even participating in the main plot is that Grim drags her in. 
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Could you do a headcanon about the villain's SO that's Asexual(someone who is disgusted by sex/doesn't want to have sexual intimacy. However, some asexual individuals partake in sex for personal reasons, like for their partner while others don't at all). How would they react? Would they even care? And I was thinking for the villains that it could be Captain Hook, Dr. Facilier, Hades, Ratigan, Beetlejuice, and maybe Bill Cipher? Thank you! I love reading these!!! Your work is so good!! 💛💜
Course! Hope you likes these! ^^ Thank youuuuu, I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed some of this blog so far! 
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·         Well damn, that’s a bummer.
·         I’m sorry for him! But BJ is one hypersexual little shit. Of course, he’s not going to leave you or anything because if he just wanted sex then he’d go back to that brothel- he also likes your reactions to his horrible jokes, and your horrible jokes, and your very presence.
·         So, I mean, the ‘You’re not interested in sex’ thing is a bummer for him, but it’s not the end-all be-all of the relationship for him. Not for someone as old (And as acquainted with his right hand. Not to mention his powers) as he is.
·         If you’re still willing to have sex with him, though, be prepared to see a very ecstatic ghost!
Bill Cipher: I... kind of headcanon him as ace also? I think? I mean, he’s a triangle. He’s not disgusted by it, and he can certainly use it to his advantage, but its like ‘Yeah nah no thanks. Colossal Cosmic Power though pls?’
Captain Hook:
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·         I mean, even in a relationship with someone who wants and likes sex, Hook isn’t that interested in sex. He’s spent so many years on Neverland, a place that’s run by children, that sex has been put on such a backburner for so long that fantasies and desires have sort of... become… unimportant? Well, far less important than, like, getting his revenge, keeping good form, and now, you. Sex hasn’t really been a thing for him, so it’s not a big deal at all for him at all that even now that he has a partner, he won’t be having relations like that (Unless you’re okay with it. But even then- he might not be).
·         When you tell him that you’re asexual, its just like ah ‘Ah. Oh well.’ Kinda moment. He is curious about your sexual identity (Because of course he knows n o t h i n g apart from ‘Straight’, ‘Gay’, and those rare party animals’ that’ll hit ‘either’ gender. Good grief, please educate him) though so I hope you’re ready to talk about it! It might actually feel good to have someone just, genuinely curious about you. Not as a way to ‘debunk’ you identity at all- just because he’s he thinks it’s interesting.  
·         He accepts you wholeheartedly. You know, he would say, I thinks one of me pirates is like that too! Smee, maybe? Whatever, I don’t ask about the men’s personal lives.
·         You will feel completely accepted and understood on the Jolly Roger!
Dr Facilier:
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·         I tend to headcanon Dr Facilier as having ‘been around’, you know? Like, he’s been to all sorts of underground clubs and casinos in the French Quarter that he’s met everyone. Gays, bisexuals, men who are women on the inside, women who are men on the inside, people who throw gender to the wind entirely, couples made of more than 2 people, etc. And you are certainly not the first soul he’s met that isn’t interested in carnal relations.
·         Basically, with him, its like dating any gen z- he doesn’t care about losing out on sex! He accepts you and just wants you to feel safe and comfortable being yourself around him.
·         As long as he still gets to cuddle you (LOTS) and give you all-over-the-face kisses, (Meaning: Worship you) he’s happy XD Just lots of non-sexual affection.
·         Lots… and lots… of affection. He’s obsessed with it, really. Physical and verbal.
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·         Hades is a God- the fact that asexual individuals exist is not a surprise to him in the slightest like it is with a lotta other Disney Villains. Its like ‘Righty then’ and you move on with your day.
·         Hades is not as hypersexual as his flirting may sometimes imply (He is most c e r t a i n l y not at Beetlejuice’s level, anyway)- he’s far more invested in his desires to take over Olympus and that is more at risk of destroying your relationship then the lack of sex in it.
·         If you are willing to do it with him, though, he’ll be careful and slow and will stop with ease the moment you decide you want it to stop where it is.
Professor Ratigan:
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·         Ratigan is a man of science- and that includes psychology, as well.
·         He quickly realises that if you two want kids and you don’t want to have sex with him to do it (If you have a functioning female reproductive system), then there’s always adoption, or other a number of other choices. Or you might not want children at all.
·         He also understands that different minds (And libidos) work differently and the fact that yours doesn’t want sex is neither a personal choice on your part, or a fault in any way. This is one of those times in Ratigans life that he realises how stupid the rest of the population is compared to his own genius criminal mind- how can anyone not understand this? Imbeciles.
·         He didn’t fall in love with your ass anyway, so no worries.
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luna for the headcanons thing pls pls pls
Yes!!! I love giving Luna headcanons, so here ya go bestie!
(Read under cut)
Luna Lovegood headcanons
First of all, definitely a trans girl, no doubt about that. She lived in a very open environment and was able to explore her gender identity at a young age. Her mother sewed her dresses to wear, long, flowing garments that Luna thought were the most beautiful things she’d ever seen. Her father taught her how to make flower crowns and crowns of leaves, and she’d wear them with her dresses.
She didn’t have to come out to her parents. Her femininity at a young age simply led to her simply stating that she was a girl, and that her name was Luna. Her parents were very accepting (and Xenophilius is trans himself because fuck you of course he is, so he was super supportive of Luna).
She named herself after the moon because her parents loved astrology and they taught her all the different planets and their moons, and all the different stars in the sky and how to spot the constellations.
The Lovegoods were definitely pagan, I mean they were all about nature and spirituality. They always marked every single holiday, staying up all night on the solstices, lighting huge bonfires, and making wreaths to wear. Pandora played the lyre, Xenophilius sang songs and Luna would act out stories and poems.
Cornish, and they speak the language as well because being bilingual is sexy.
Speaking of pagan, Pandora’s funeral would have also been pagan, obviously.
She’d have a natural burial, and Luna would recite a poem, and the rest of the family would also give eulogies, recite poetry, or thank the Goddess. Four members- including Xenophilius and Luna- would stand at each point on the compass and “invoke” each element (Air in the East, Fire in the South, Water in the West and Earth in the North) and give thanks to them. There would also be music at the wake, played by members of the family. Drums, tambourines, flutes etc. Luna played her mother’s favourite song on her lyre.
When she reached Hogwarts, I don’t think she was drawn to anyone in particular right away, I think she had better relationships with the teachers more than the students. She got on really well with Professor Sprout, and I think Hagrid really liked her too, because they’d talk about all the different magical creatures together, and Luna would tell him about all the creatures her and her father wrote about in the Quibbler.
Academically, she was very smart, and did well in most of her classes, but she didn’t particularly find a lot of them overtly interesting to her, unless she was able to put her own twist to it, which usually she wasn’t. In Potions, she wasn’t able to brew her own stuff, make up recipes, or use a variation of the recipe. Snape was much too strict with her and as a result, she didn’t do very well, which made her more upset than she would let on since she had been really good at potions at home.
She particularly shone in third year, since she was able to take classes more suited to her, like Astrology and Divination. Astrology was her favourite of course, and she’d talk about it all the time with Ginny.
However, in third year she also became particularly interested in DADA, mainly because she formed a strong friendship with Professor Lupin. Remus had been informed that Luna was trans, and since he is as well, they had things in common, and were able to talk about it with each other, Remus sort of taking Luna under his wing a little. They’d sit in his office and drink tea and Luna would give him copies of the Quibbler, which he’d happily read.
Luna was actually the first to figure out that Remus was a werewolf, but she didn’t tell anyone, not even him. She didn’t think it was her secret to share, nor did she think it changed anything. But she did find it fascinating, and read a lot of books on lycanthropy. After Remus had left, Luna told him that she knew and she asked if she could write some articles about it in the Quibbler, to raise awareness, or if he’d like to write any articles. Remus agreed to let her write something, and she wrote a three page article about werewolf inequality (but careful not to mention Remus by name). She did interview him about it, and he said that he was proud of being a werewolf, that it was actually very cool at times, but that it was simply wizarding society that had forced him to be ashamed. She wrote all this down, and it became the most bought copy of the Quibbler, as lots of students at Hogwarts wanted to read it, and they shared it with their friends and parents. So despite Remus not being able to come back to Hogwarts as a teacher, he did receive tons of letters in support of him from parents and students who had read the article and put two and two together.
Friends with Ginny by third year! Luna actually took a while to warm up to Ginny, thinking she was this loud, athletic, snobbish type, but then Luna got to know her and realised that she wasn’t that at all. Ginny was loud, but in a contagious laughter sort of way, and she could be very quiet and calm when she wanted to. She was athletic, but chatted animatedly about Quidditch teams, and Luna couldn’t help but listen. And she wasn’t snobbish, quite the opposite. She was the only person who listened to Luna, and discussed her ideas rather than swat them away impatiently. Luna made Ginny flower crowns, and Ginny stayed up with her all night during solstices. They became very close.
Ginny was the first student at Hogwarts that Luna told about being trans, and Ginny came out to her as being bisexual. And they were very supportive of each other, as well as being great at keeping each other’s secrets. They trusted each other with their lives, and would always stand up for the other. If Luna was getting picked on, Ginny would go feral and start fights. Although she eventually stopped, since it made Luna more upset. So she stuck to just being there for Luna (and maybe slipping a potion into bullies’ morning pumpkin juice that made them cluck like a chicken. But Luna didn’t need to know about that...)
That being said, Luna could get angry too of course. When she heard an older girl make fun of Ginny behind Ginny’s back, Luna wordlessly went up to her turned the girl’s hair blue with a wave of her wand. Ginny laughed her head off when she found out.
It was through Luna’s bond with Ginny, that she realised that she wasn’t interested in either the romantic or sexual side of relationships. At first she assumed that it was because Ginny was a girl, and she may not be attracted to girls, but it got her thinking about boys too, about everyone. And she just didn’t want that sort of relationship with anyone. She loved her platonic relationship with Ginny, and that’s how she wanted all of her relationships to be like.
I feel like she also had a close bond with Neville, and they gave each other plants as birthday gifts.
Projecting a little bit here, but Luna with Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder, spending hours by herself making up fantasies and constructing worlds in her head, making up new characters, and getting so invested in them that she regularly saw herself as her characters. I feel like this started because of the trauma from losing her mother. She didn’t tell anyone about it, or at least nothing in detail, but she tried to explain it a bit to Ginny, who knew to leave her alone when Luna would sit by herself.
MaD also made Luna a little more detached from her gender identity, especially if she was acting as one of her characters (again I’m projecting here) who were either male or genderless. She still identified as female, but in a much more looser, fluid way, and even experimented with she/they pronouns, which she eventually decided she liked. (If this were set in the modern world, I can also imagine her using neopronouns such as xe/xer or fae/faeself, though in the canon world, she may have also tried out it/its).
Doesn’t know much about the muggle world, but Hermione gave them a copy of Alice In Wonderland which they loved. And if I were to headcanon Luna liking a muggle band/artist they’d probably like anything psychedelic or nature-like, maybe the early stuff of Pink Floyd (yes, Dev, I’m thinking about Atom Heart Mother).
Went travelling after Hogwarts, where she met Rolf Scamander, and they hit it off immediately. Very similar to each other, and soon became close friends. I also headcanon Rolf as aro/ace so their relationship basically became like Luna’s and Ginny’s.
Their house was filled with all sorts of plants and animals. Rooms were lined with trees filled with Bowtruckles, and owls flitted in and out of windows, cats slinking about the place, so many frogs. My god, their house was wonderful.
Adopted Lorcan and Lysander because ffs not everyone has to have a nuclear family jkr 🙄. And parents also don’t have to be romantically or sexually involved with each other either; Luna and Rolf had a good relationship, both wanted to be parents, so they raised the twin boys together. And Lorcan and Lysander had a fantastic childhood, can you imAGINE?!
Godmother of Lily Luna, obviously. And Harry and Ginny’s kids loved going round Luna’s place, so more often than not, the house was filled with not only the entire natural world, but also a bunch of children running about the place.
Oh also, Luna has nymph ancestors. They just do, okay?
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kukuandkookie · 4 years
Sometimes I forget people aren’t used to consuming Chinese media like I am so they expect any bl to be explicit.
Like today someone referred to Childe and Zhongli as potential “queerbaiting” to me and I had to pause for a moment and consider this. I always take things in stride when it comes to what is called “queerbaiting” in Chinese media because we don’t know how strict censors are (sometimes bl seems mostly okay, sometimes it seems a little less okay, sometimes it seems okay as long as it’s not “anti-gov”... Oh, and the topic of censorship is a whole ‘nother complex discussion due to it happening because China rebuilt itself with all-new policies and was also westernized after suffering under colonization...).
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Like I can’t objectively tell you if some of these series with bl are queerbaiting because it arguably challenges censors and in many ways, is entirely meant to be taken as canon—so is it really queerbaiting then?
Take Childe and Zhongli and their fenghuang chopsticks. That seems entirely intentional. A Chinese game using a traditional Chinese theme for an object exchanged between two men that represents unity, harmony, and marriage? That’s pretty much intentionally gay if you ask me, but maybe that is just me. 😆
But we all remember The Untamed and how Wangxian exchanged loving glances, touched each other constantly, basically got married (through symbolism of the forehead ribbon and the exchanging of chickens), calling each other a term that could mean either “life-long confidant” or “soulmate” and so on.
We never got a canonical scene where they kissed or said “I love you,” but we can see the intent there. We know what they’re saying. The same applies for the Mo Dao Zu Shi donghua. The manhua is more obvious about it, but they still cut a kiss scene... But since it appears it was still drawn, we can take that as it having still happened. And Mo Dao Zu Shi Q takes this further than the regular donghua too because the censors are more lax on them.
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And yes. They are based on a bl novel, so it’s a little different from Genshin Impact, but if you consume as much Chinese media as me, you can usually tell when a team/author is intentionally using symbolism to suggest a canon couple, often with a traditional Chinese theme. Like why use the fenghuang theme? They really didn’t have to do that, but they did it. 👀
The animated movie Jiang Ziya used language that suggested Shen Gongbao and Jiang Ziya could be a couple, but it was never explicit. But hell, they basically adopt a daughter! I interpreted them as a couple but didn’t see it as fully intentional or canon until talking to a good friend of mine whose Chinese is better than mine. There were more hints and reasons to believe they cared about each other in that way, so we concluded it was way more obvious than we would’ve thought at first glance. And that’s kind of how China does it when the main focus of a story isn’t bl but there’s a potentially bl couple.
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And even when there are censors, there have been a variety of ways Chinese media has skirted censors in the past. Like in Beryl and Sapphire, we get the “survivor’s cut” where things are censored and the “director’s cut” where things aren’t censored (so characters can hug, kiss, confess, cuddle, and so on). And Beryl and Sapphire, while originally designed by the author as two males, are designed so they can be in any story (bl or not) and were originally drawn in the comic as stick figures so you could imagine their gender as whatever you want (so they could even be girls’ love if you so desire!).
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Or how in Spirit Pact the male leads kiss to give each other power or exchange vows but the manhua’s creator said it’s “not necessarily because they’re in love.” There was debate this is queerbaiting, but could the creator just be avoiding trouble with censors? The very fact the male leads kiss so much and care so much about one another suggests intent.
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Now contrast that to Hualian from the Tian Guan Ci Fu donghua, where things are so obvious and it’s even gayer than the novel in some areas. People keep questioning how they got it past censors, and that makes me rethink how I view Chinese censors. However strict they truly are, Chinese media is very purposeful in how they depict bl couples.
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So I don’t really think about whether something is queerbaiting or explicitly canon in Chinese media. I basically see something that can be read as bl through symbolism/language/metaphor and I see that as intentional. The creators are letting you choose how you want to read it, and you may never get the kiss you want, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t “canon.” There’s often intent behind it, and because of varying levels of censorship, I take the idea of “queerbaiting” in Chinese media with a grain of salt.
For example, Kaeya and Diluc use a term in Chinese very similar to sworn brothers, which can be romantic in Chinese. With modern day China, creators often use “sworn brotherhood” as a way to depict romance and skirt censors. And yes, I know the English translation labels them as two adopted brothers, which is also okay! But as I’ve confirmed with multiple native Chinese speakers, the original Chinese language used is not exactly family-oriented, and that can be viewed as intentional (that’s why you see some Chinese fans ship Diluc and Kaeya while the western fandom views it as incest). Language is complex! There’s no clean, clear-cut answer.
Bl is popular in China, but it’s not always the main focus of every series (you know, sometimes bl is the side couple). We could say You Shou Yan features an intentional bl couple with Sibuxiang x Tony/Tuye or Fei Ren Zai and All Saints Street feature the intent of potential bl with Yangjian x Guanyin and Nick x Lynn respectively; or Are You OK is bl even if the story doesn’t focus entirely on that but it does feature more than one bl couple; or Wo Jia Dashixiong Naozi You Keng is bl because it features guys crushing on other guys and sharing moments, even though the manhua isn’t about that bl romance explicitly; or see Nezha as having bl potential because of how it interprets the Nezha and Ao Bing relationship (to the point of even changing the depiction of the relationship between Ao Bing and Nezha from the 1979 animated movie to be more domestic rather than as enemies); or even say mihoyo’s other game, Honkai Impact, arguably intentionally features some girls’ love too.
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Maybe it’s just because I identify as ace and I don’t mind if there’s no signs of sex scenes and I’ve even grown accustomed to not seeing kisses. I love seeing other signs of love—like protecting your partner, being their sugar daddy, hanging out with them a lot, and all that jazz. If there’s a kiss, great! If not, that’s fine too because there are other things to suggest they’re canon.
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So is Zhongli and Childe queerbaiting? I don’t personally think so. Those fenghuang chopsticks suggest marriage or at least harmony in unity, and marriage or “being together” can be seen as quite canon. Will they say it out loud? I guess not, but we have to acknowledge the context that it’s still from China and there are censors for them to deal with.
But if you don’t want Childe and Zhongli to be canon, that’s totally okay too! I mean...it is also a game, and games even more than media can be interpreted differently since every user’s experience differs.
Love is love—and that includes whether there’s a kiss or not, when the author/team intends it and lets you interpret it any which way, you can interpret their symbols as signs of how canon your two favourite characters are!
Oh, and as a finishing thought, here’s a list of donghua recommendations for anyone who wants to check some of these out! I include a lot of good donghua with pictures, descriptions, and links to where to watch. 🥰
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vaindumbass · 4 years
The ministry is good for one (1) thing... getting Tonks a date
‘Why-’ Tonks says to the head that is currently sticking out of her fireplace, ‘Why did you ask me for this job.’
Charlie doesn’t even hesitate before answering. ‘Because you speak French fluently, and because you love me and therefore couldn’t say no.’
Mentally, Tonks curses out the Black family and their fucked up traditions. Why French, of all things? Then she corrects herself and blames her mother instead, for keeping this particular tradition. Couldn’t she have gone hunting when she was ten, instead? Bella always thought that was great fun.
Out loud, she replies. ‘I could’ve said no. If I wanted to.’
‘So you want to do this? Good to hear! You can always thank me later, a gift basket would be nice-’
Tonks scoffs at Charlie’s way too wide grin, a laugh threatening to crack out on her face too. ‘You know what, Charlie?’
‘What?’ he says, smugly, as if he’s won.
‘You weren’t completely wrong. I couldn’t have said no.’
‘I know.’
‘You were wrong about one thing, though.’
The fire crackles as Charlie cocks his head. ‘Well?’
Tonks pulls her face into something sad and melancholic to the best of her ability, and looks dramatically into the distance. ‘I don’t love you.’
Charlie’s gasp is loud enough that Tonks almost fears that he’ll douse the flames, somehow. ‘How dare you! Was all this…. a lie?’ After he has stared morosely into the flames for a while, though, he asks: ‘But seriously, babe, what is it?’
The back of Tonks’ shoulders itches a little now that they aren’t joking anymore, and she feels a bit too closely scrutinized. ‘It’s not that bad, okay? You don’t have to look so worried.’
Charlie still looks worried.
‘It’s just- remember how you asked me so that I could translate what she would say?’
‘Well, since she’s here partially to improve her English, she told me that I wasn’t really needed.’
‘Okay.’ Charlie says, ‘And?’
‘What do you mean?’
‘You wouldn’t be bothered this much by that. I know you, can’t fool me.’
‘Okay so I may have-’
‘May have or you did?’
Tonks ignores him, words spilling out of her. ‘I may have spilled my coffee on her. And she’s so fucking pretty, Charlie, and confident, which I’m apparently attracted to?’
‘There we go,’ He mutters under his breath. Tonks isn’t done.
‘And she doesn’t sugarcoat stuff, you know? So logically I know that she means it when she says that it’s okay, and that she doesn’t mind me ruining her clothes, but what if she secretly hates me now?’
‘She was perfectly kind, though, and have I mentioned how good-looking she is? Name is Fleur, by the way, and sure looks aren’t everything, I change mine on the daily, but the way she looks when she smiles… Only, there’s no excuse for me to stay around her, anymore, and now I’ll never see her again, and she’ll only remember me as that horrible person who ruined her day.’
Charlie’s laugh rings around the room, warm and comfortable, and some ash gets on the carpet when he finally decides to just step out of the fireplace. ‘I’m going to have to stop you there, babe. You’re not just here to speak the language of love-’ After these words, there’s a horrible eyebrow wiggle, and Tonks makes and even weirder face back, just because she can. ‘- but also to show her around!’
‘I don’t even work here anymore! It really is weird that you couldn’t find anyone else who speaks French. I mean- Sirius does?’
‘Yes,’ Charlie responds, while walking around in her house in that comfortable way of his, easily settling down on her couch, ‘because I know Sirius so much better than I know you.’
Tonks lifts up his legs so that there is some space for her to sit, and then keeps one hand curled around his ankle, the other gesturing wildly, almost hitting the lamp that stands near. ‘I don’t know! You both like animals, right?’
‘You know very well that Sirius has adopted a hippogriff. Now, if it’d been a dragon-’
‘Fair enough,’ Tonks says, because while she loves Charlie’s ranting there’s still one topic she’d like clarity on, ‘But still, aren’t there people who speak French and, like, actually work at the ministry?’
Charlie purses his lips. ‘Maybe. But while I am very aro ace I still have eyes and she’s indeed very pretty, and you are very single, so-’
He can’t even finish the sentence before Tonks has thrown a pillow at him. He throws one back, of course, and soon enough they’re two adults in a full-on pillow war, laughing up and until Tonks accidentally punches Charlie in the face.
She gets him some ice and then they just cuddle on the couch for a bit, legs intertwined, and as Charlie tells her about the proper way to clip a dragon’s toenails, she gets a feeling as if she might just be able to handle the whole Fleur thing.
Tonks is not able to handle the whole Fleur thing. 
They don’t spill their coffee again, they’re trying to be careful now, but she’s already confusing departments, and accidentally pressing all the buttons in the lift, which isn’t really appreciated by anyone.
Fleur just laughs at that. ‘How did you press all of them?’
‘I was-’ Tonks stammers, ‘I was trying to hold on to something so I wouldn’t fall.’
‘Why not hold on to me?’ Fleur asks, a thick French accent coating her words, and Tonks just stares for a while. Is this flirting? Is it a joke that Tonks is simply too dumb to get? Should they respond to this with ‘but then I wouldn’t have fallen for you’ and some finger guns?
Tonks only knows the answer to that last one (it’s ‘no’, in case that wasn’t clear). ‘It’s- erm- I mean-’
Fleur just smiles at them in a way that Tonks wishfully thinks might be flirtatious. Tonks is suddenly very glad blushes don’t really show up on their dark skin.
A voice calls out ‘Department of Magical Games and Sports’ and Tonks and Fleur get out, because this was the next part of the tour.
Fleur, her eyes lingering on the various posters hung on the walls, says, ‘Aren’t people here supposed to be impartial? This must be inefficient.’
‘For sure,’ Tonks says, never one to defend the ministry, ‘it’s all a bit shoddy, as if it’s taped together with duct tape.’ (They very carefully pronounce that last word. Who knows, maybe muggle knowledge will impress Fleur?)
‘Then why do you work for it?’
A laugh curls Tonks lips. ‘I don’t! Me and Moody, that’s my old mentor, have opened a sort of private detective office.’
They aren’t even walking through the corridor anymore. One quidditch poster (The Chudley Cannons) is slightly crinkled where Fleur’s shoulder is leaning on it. She throws a bit of her long blonde hair over her shoulder. ‘Then why are you giving me a tour here?’
With a bit of a crooked grin, Tonks answers: ‘Like I said, a bit shoddy.’
Tonks likes the fact that they’re talking now, likes it very much, and therefore they try to lean on the wall just as casually as Fleur does, but they miscalculate, and the ground suddenly comes at them with an alarming speed.
‘Watch out!’ Fleur says, from somewhere very, very close, a flowery smell suddenly surrounding them. One of Fleur’s arms is around their upper arm, the other one curled around their waist. Fleur is very warm. Coincidentally, so are Tonks’ cheeks.
They get up quickly, trying not to elbow Fleur, avoiding eye contact just a little bit. ‘When you said I could hold on to you, I didn’t think I’d need it this quickly.’
Fleur snorts. ‘I am not all too surprised, honestly.’
‘That’s fair,’ Tonks' heart is still beating wildly.
There’s a bit of a silence, and Tonks wrecks their brain for something to talk about. They don’t want this to be over just yet. Luckily, Fleur speaks up.
‘How is being a metamorphmagus? I am part-Veela, and I know other magical beings are immune for that, but I do not know much more. What do you change most often?’
‘My hair,’ Tonks laughs, raking a hand through it (short and a deep blue today), ‘It’s partly apart from my body, in a way, so it takes a bit more effort to change, but once it’s a different colour it stays that way without any effort.’
Fleur cocks her head. ‘It takes effort to change?’
‘For sure. Not all that much, but if I change too much for too long I get a headache. I would never change my skin tone, but if I did I’d get really grouchy, most probably. Oh! And I sometimes change my nose and such as a party trick.’
‘Sounds fun,’ Fleur says, a smile playing on her lips. Tonks seriously considers changing their nose into the one of that squid in the cartoon Hermione showed her, before realizing that that wouldn’t impress Fleur, but rather the opposite.
‘It is! But I get tired if I do it too much. That’s also why, on days that gender is-’ Tonks makes a vague hand gesture, ‘- I sometimes wear a binder, because while I can make my chest flatter, sometimes I’ll be concentrating on some work and suddenly, bam!’ They mimick an explosion in front of their chest, pushing their hands forward.
Fleur snickers. ‘Poor you.´ That sounds like the end of the conversation, but Tonks has finally had enough time to get their brain to work again, and they’ve come up with a new topic.
‘So, what are you here for?’
‘Did you not get that information?’ (Tonks had never said it was a good topic)
‘No, I did, but I thought you might be able to explain it better?’
‘Oh.’ Fleur says, ‘well, I am looking into the practical applications of magic, but specifically on magical creatures. Dragons, for example, can be lured to sleep with a sleeping charm, but can resist most hexes without any effort.
‘Giants, who can also resist hexes, can easily resist a sleeping charm, but curses can seriously harm them, and that’s already fascinating, but I’m going to look into what effects other kinds of magic have, outside of wizardry, starting with Veela magic, because I happen to possess that, and that's not even talking about how that magic works. Only female Veela have any sort of non-wixard magical power, but the magic is not stored in the uturus as one might think, because I do not have one, but still have magic. How does the magic know that?’
Fleur had been talking slowly and deliberately ever since Tonks had met her, as if she was weighing the words, remembering the pronunciation, but now she talks faster, a flush on her cheeks.
‘But I'm getting of topic. I will mostly work with stuff like: why does Veela magic affect unicorns but not dragons? Why does it affect giants but not metamorphmagi? And if it doesn’t affect metamorphmagi, then why do you still get so flustered?’
‘I-’ Tonks says, ‘Erm-’
‘Do not worry,’ Fleur says, smiling ever-so-slightly, ‘I think I know the answer. Would you like to go on a date with me?’
Honestly, Tonks didn’t think a dingy corner lined with quidditch posters could ever be romantic, but Fleur makes it work, with the soft lighting on her cheek, and that fucking gorgeous smile on her lips. ‘Yes,’ they answer (was there ever another option?), ‘I’d like that very much.’
In a sudden rush of courage (what are they, a gryffindor?) they ask: ‘Can I kiss you?’
Fleur nods, and they discover that yes, Fleur’s smile tastes as wonderful as it looks.
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A few weeks to a month ago, a YouTuber (Jaiden Animations) posted a video called “Being Not Straight.” Now, I haven’t watched the video (or any of her other videos), but I do know that she comes out as asexual and aromantic in it.
She has received quite a bit of hate from comments I have seen posted on social media sites. I’m sure there are just as many positive comments on the video, but no one is focusing on that. People have actually unsubbed from her channel and are calling her mean names.
This (the hate and acephobia from society) is why I have kept quiet about my sexuality for the last 3-4 years…even though I have known for longer I wasn’t hetero. I’m asexual/aromantic. I don’t feel any sexual or romantic attraction to any gender. The act of sex repulses me, but I have no problems talking about sex. Yes, I think certain males are good looking but it’s all aesthetics. I don’t get turned on sexually at all.
No, there is nothing wrong with me. Being ace doesn’t make me any less of a human. It doesn’t make me any less capable of caring for other people. Being ace/aro is completely normal. In fact, most autistics are either asexual/aromantic or somewhere else in the LGBTQ+ family.
Now I know it’s really no one’s business what another person’s sexuality is, but I felt that I needed to say this. I’m tired of saying I’m heterosexual (straight) when I’m technically not. I’m asexual. There is a difference.
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Remus Lupin being an awesome teacher and human being
I Was Made For Loving You - Tori Kelly, Ed Sheeran
He exempts students with depression from participating in the Patronus lesson and students with anxiety from participating in the Boggart lesson. (He teaches them individually instead.)
He brings Sirius in for visits where he sits in the back of the class and jokes around with all of the students.
He gives extra lessons to students he knows have rough home lives. (He also teaches them spells that hide magic they did outside of school.)
He lends the Map to students who can’t get guardian permission to go to Hogsmeade.
He encourages self-love and makes sure to compliment all of his students on their good work.
He has a huge collection of chocolate specifically for students who are having a bad day.
The windowsills of his classroom are full of stuffed animals that are human size and perfect for hugging (most notably a stag, a rat, a dog, a wolf, a dove, a snake, and a black cat).
He asks every student about their day and actually cares about the answer.
He’ll play music using a Sonorus charm during almost every class (even tests!). (He does take requests; he does not care if they are “school appropriate”.)
He teaches kids spells to dye their hair different colors and thinks it’s a good laugh when one of his students dares to dye his hair pink. (Once one of them made Sirius’ hair purple. He refused to come out of Remus’ office for a week.)
He takes his kids to pride parades on brooms without school permission (not that he needs it; Dumbledore is a very proud gay) and conjures them pride-colored things whenever they want (most notably pencils and erasers).
He often invites struggling students to lunch or dinner in his office so they can talk to him about their issues.
He is notably quite good at catching suicidal or self-harming students and takes extra care to make sure they’re okay.
He ALWAYS gives students hugs when they need them and ALWAYS takes the time to answer questions about the war, his scars, or Death Eaters and Azkaban.
He works hard to dispel myths about magical creatures, werewolves included, and does his best to teach them openly and kindly.
He keeps careful watch of the Map so he can see if any of his students are in danger (wandering alone too much, hiding in the bathroom, on the ledge of the Astronomy Tower, etc.).
He decides it’s bullshit Hogwarts doesn’t have a counseling department and insists they implement one immediately. (It consists of only Sirius at first and then slowly grows as James and Max, (and Peter and Regulus, unofficially) all come in to help.)
He fiercely defends Squibs and Muggles and invites open conversations about any family members people might have who are. (He also holds a Muggleborn pride for people, which may or may not have earned him incredibly enthusiastic hugs from Regulus and Lily and an incredibly enthusiastic kiss from Sirius.)
He makes polite conversation with the house elves just because.
He’s open about being a werewolf and does his best to set a good example and teach his students how to open-minded about things they don’t know about.
He makes out with Sirius in places he knows they can get caught and simply laughs about it with his students afterwards. (They fucking love Sirius. They fucking love Remus. Everyone’s winning here.)
He and Sirius duel in front of the class to showcase fast and unpredictable spellwork.
He stress bakes a lot so after grading a test kids can usually expect cookies or brownies or sometimes even cupcakes with their graded test.
He makes Muggle and magical book recommendations for Hermione (and others of course), taking great care to find ones with main characters who are ace or polyamorous.
He entertains and explores Luna’s theories about imaginary creatures and lets Newt showcase and sleep with each of his.
He once thought it was Saturday and showed up to class in a white bathrobe with pink polka dots and bunny slippers and a cup of coffee and he taught the entire lesson without missing a beat like that, even when Sirius traipsed down with his matching bathrobe and slippers and mug and proceeded to mirror him for the entire lesson.
He knows how to deal with students who have ADHD because of Sirius and James.
He works really really hard on enforcing body positivity and self-love by openly sharing the stories of his many, many scars.
He brings students from abusive homes to Sirius for company, counseling, and protective rune tattoos.
You would think he tries to reign Sirius in from oversharing details about their love (and sex) lives. You would be wrong.
He’s very insistent on breaking down toxic masculinity. Sirius and James often help him out on this front. He’ll paint any student’s nails that asks him too, regardless of gender. (Remus has very steady hands.)
Remus cares. He cares a lot. And he does his absolute level best to ensure his students knows that.
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backwardscapsmh · 4 years
thank u to abby for getting me on this bc i want to talk about asexual shitty! here’s abby’s post. go look at it; it’s great
maybe it’s projection hours but i don’t care!
- as abby was saying all of his knowledge on sexuality feels performative (not that he’s secretly homophobic but that he makes this big show of consent and sexuality in an attempt to feel like he knows what sexuality feels like)
- as an ace person myself, i’ve thrown myself into researching sex (whether it be animal sex or human sex) for a good portion of my life in an attempt to fabricate an understanding of sexual attraction in order to fit into hypersexual society. (read angela chen’s book “ace” it’s really well done and talks about all facets of being ace in society)
- and i feel like shitty did the same thing.
- at andover everyone was like “i think __ is sexy” and he was just like “yeah they’re physically attractive but i wouldn’t want to have sex with them”
- it just doesn’t make sense to him. why would you have sex with someone when physical intimacy like cuddling is just as good?
- and so when he’s there, he feels different but he doesn’t know what that difference translates to
- and because you can’t call yourself something if you don’t know the terminology, he starts researching sex and sexuality and gender
- he tries to find a word that fits him because yeah he likes girls (and maybe guys but who knows?) but he just doesn’t ever feel the need to have sex and WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!
- so he stumbles across asexuality and wow! everything makes sense. that’s exactly what it is and it feels GREAT! AMAZING!
- and he doesn’t feel as confused and lost anymore. he’s ace and it makes him feel a little better
- but then he tries to tell someone. and it doesn’t go how he wants. (and here’s where i really start projecting.....)
- they don’t know what that word means, except for when it’s used in a biological context. and so he has to explain.
- but they still don’t get it. and then he hears the words.
“eh, that’s just a made up thing. you’ll understand when you’re older”
- and maybe it’ll change but right now that’s what he’s feeling and it hurts. it hurts that this person told him that he’s not real.
- so when he gets to samwell, he doesn’t come out (even when he knows they probably won’t say anything like that to him). but he’s still scared so he says nothing.
- he just exists and makes a big show about consent and how every sexuality is valid because he never wants anyone to feel like he did when he came out to that one person at andover.
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