#ace ♠️ reads the cards
it-is-only-a-novel · 1 year
Aspec symbols
So I've been trying to gather a list of aspec symbols! Old and new, widely accepted, but also more obscure. Here's my list so far, including links and explanations (in italics) where possible. I've tried also to add in the specific labels that the symbols "belong to" where relevant/possible.
the color green (and anything green)
white aro ring which is worn on the middle finger of the left hand link
aro flag
archery (bow & arrow)
arrows of any type
frogs they are green (this is a more general queer symbol as well) link & link
yellow roses (& yellow flowers in general, seems to be more for alloplatonic aros, since yellow represents platonic love) link
sunflowers (aroallos) aroallo flag colors link
aardvarks link
anglerfish link
manticores link
rats link
nandays and caiques link
griffins link
phoenixs link
anatomical hearts distancing ourselves from the regular outlook on love, and/or love in general may be more for loveless and/or heartless aros
<2 link
succulents green
cacti green & many do not want romantic partners and can be seen as prickly, or want to be prickly
plants in general green!!
"no romo"
hummingbirds (aroallos) link
pineapples (aroallos) link
pizza & ice cream link
kiwis link
the emojis:🫀, 🏹, ↖️, ↗️, 🌻, 💚,🍍, 🍏, 💘 explanations: link
paper crowns references jughead jones from the archie comics link
dragons link
cake cake is better than sex link
garlic bread
the color purple
black ace ring which is worn on the middle finger of the right hand link
ace flag
pirates "Ace pirates aren’t interested in your booty" link
ghosts (demisexuals) link
denim vests
AVEN triangle
ace cards suits: spades-aroaces, Hearts-Alloromantics, Diamonds-deamisexuals, Clubs-grey-asexuls link
the emojis: 💜, ♠️
some of these are based off this post, and this master post
the colors blue & yellow in the apl flag
apples (green apples can be geared toward apls that are also aros)
blue heart 💙
apl flag
blue roses link
Blue apl ring on the thumb link
based off of this post, explanations are there.
aliens & robots reclaiming stereotypes about dehumanization link
Artemis goddess in Greek mythology focused on her passion for hunting. Represents finding fulfilment in other aspects of life not only sex, romance, friendship, love, and so on. Also used a bow & arrow link and also my own interpretation from reading about her
Many thanks to @merely-a-caricature, @the-big-gayheart, @heartless-aro, @arosunflower, @saffigon, @crab-in-progress, @aroace-thoughts, @apl-aro-narc, @entropy-sea-system, @dateademisexualpersonwho, @legally-x, @askanaroace, @aroace-people-are-lgtbq, @the-amber-droid-dreams, @foolishfynnesse and @itsnotasecret20 I used their posts/reblogs/comments to compile many of these symbols (and I've linked the posts). If I've missed someone, I apologize, it isn't intentional!
Last edit: 23/2/2024
I also want to add, that this post doesn't include all aspec identities, such as agender, afamilial, asensual, and more. They are important parts of the community, but I'm only informed on some, so couldn't include them.
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twisted-lover-boys · 11 months
First Years with a partner that’s getting bullied
{not proof-read}
This was a request someone sent to me in my DMs. They had sent one in the past and asked me to wring this one along with another coming out eventually
Before we start, I know what it’s liked to be bullied and it’s not fun. Please remember ti be kind to those around you and, if you find someone being bullied or you yourself are, please speak up or defend yourself in some way. There will be people that care for you and will help you out
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Ace is a little worried about you. Normally, you always had a small pep in your step and never backed down from him whenever he teased you. But today, you were…off. You didn’t respond to any of his teasing and nothing he did, not even his card tricks, was able to cheer you up
He tried everything to cheer you up. The aforementioned card tricks, cute little compliments or flirts, some teasing, nothing. Sure, he was able to get a smile or two, maybe even a light chuckle, but the happiness was brief
Ace thought you were probably just having an off day as he kissed your lips and bid you goodnight. He wasn’t able to greet you that morning because of his dorm duties but he made it his goal to find you and bug you throughout the school day
When he finally saw you, he was about to jog up to you when he noticed a group of students he’s never seen before. From your body language and the words they spoke, it was a less-than-friendly encounter
As he listened in to your bullies, every word made him see red. Saying those things just because you didn’t have magic. He couldn’t just charge right in even if he wanted to lest he get in trouble with his dorm head. So instead, he decided to memorize their faces for later
When they finally left, Ace stepped in, immediately going to comfort you. Whether you decide to just cry it out or stay silent, he’s there constantly holding and cooing you. He’s never seen you this upset before and it breaks his heart to think about how long this has been going on or how much pain you suffered because of those jerks
The rest of the day, he planned the best way to ruin those bullies lives. There were so many thoughts running through his head. Playing the friendly to belittle game, getting his dorm head involved, getting his friends to handle them with him. Whatever he picked would surely ruin them
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Deuce can be a little dense but he knows when his partner is feeling down and that’s exactly what was happening now. He knew something was wrong as you weren’t as cheery as you usually were. You were distant and timid now, a stark contrast
He tried to make you feel better with some snacks, jokes, even physical affection but nothing changed. You were still upset. You did smile a bit and you were responsive to his affections but he genuinely wondered if he did something wrong to upset you
He didn’t get to dwell on it long since he had to go back to his dorm for curfew. He gave you his usual goodnight kiss and left for his dorm. Deuce hoped that he’d be able to talk to you tomorrow and ask what he did wrong to upset you
The next morning, he hadn’t been able to find you so matter how hard he searched. However, when he did finally manage to find you, he noticed a group of students he’s never seen before. As he walked up to them, he could hear the awful things they said about you being magicless
Deuce literally saw red and charged straight in. He didn’t even dare to think of the consequences if he got into a fight. However, the bullies ran off at the mere sight of him before an actual fight could begin. Once he knew they were gone, he immediately went to your side
He’s not a casanova with his words but he’s good for physical comfort. He’s ready to hold you as tight as he can muster or simply hold your hand and pat your back. Whether you feel like crying or staying silent, he’s there for you
Now for the payback. Again, he doesn’t care about any consequences that he may face. So what if he ends up beating the bullies up? They won’t be able to tell anyone. And even then, who’d believe them of everyone around is denying he did such a thing?…
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Jack immediately knows something is off with you. Your body language gave it away easily. He asked what was wrong but you didn’t answer, saying it was no big deal and for him not to worry about it
He didn’t really know how to best cheer you up but even his best attempts led to nothing. You both did your normal physical activity and even water his plants, including his cacti, but no smile was ever able to crack your face
Jack decided to take your advice and not worry about it. You’d tell him when you’re ready. He bid you goodnight but not before placing a kiss on your cheek and jogging his way back to his dorm. Hopefully you’d tell him tomorrow
Come the next day, he couldn’t find you anywhere. He did think it was a bit weird but he didn’t put too much thought into it. Sooner or later, he found you but you seemed…upset. And that group of students in front of you weren’t helping
As he got closer, he started to make out what they were saying and he didn’t like it one bit. Jack’s large figure is enough to make them go packing but if they didn’t, he wouldn’t be able to keep his composure
When he knows they’re gone, he starts to look at you. Jack knows that you probably don’t want to talk about it right away and gives you time to just let out your emotions. He’s not good with his words but he wants you to know that he’s there for you
As for the bullies themselves, all he has to do is make them leave you alone right? So what if he does it under his dorm head’s nose? Even if he finds out, he’s not gonna do anything right?
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Epel figured out that you were upset pretty quickly. Your usual bouncy and sweet attitude was replaced by a solemn and silent one. He didn’t know what caused this change but he knew he didn’t like it
He tried using what his family would do when he’s upset. He made homemade remedies, snacks from the apples his meemaw sends him, and the apple juice his parents send him almost monthly but nothing worked
Even though he wanted to stay with you longer and cheer you up, he didn’t want to gain the ire of Vil for not coming back to the dorm so he kissed you goodnight before running off back to his dorm. He would try again tomorrow
Try as he might, Epel couldn’t find you around the school. He grew worried since he didn’t know if you were still upset after yesterday or not. When he finally found you, he happily jogged up to you before hearing the harsh words a group of students had said to you
Epel immediately saw red and lost himself. He blanked out for a bit but, when he ‘woke up’ again, he found himself disheveled and bruised with you worrying over him. The bullies were gone. That’s all he cared about.
He didn’t care about his injuries, he cared about if you were okay mentally. He doesn’t care if you decide to cry or stay silent but he wants you to be truthful and honest with him. He wants to be there for you. He’s not weak after all
Of course he’d have to deal with Vil and Rook fussing over him because he got into a fight but his main focus was the bullies. It would be…unfortunate if they were suddenly the target of random traps and curses, right?
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It took Sebek a while to find out that you weren’t feeling right. He noticed how you didn’t banter with him anymore or respond to anything he had to say. He didn’t think he did anything wrong but he nevertheless ended up consulting Lilia and Malleus
From what he learned from them, he did the things he thought would best cheer you up. Some physical activity to get you out of your room, small talk about anything that came to your mind, and even a sweet tea time but a smile never returned to your face
He hated having that return for curfew but he needed to be there for his lord so he bid you a goodnight kiss and left. Of course he consulted Lilia and Malleus again and said it would be best to try again tomorrow. So that’s what he did
The next morning, he was on a mission to try and find you. He searched everywhere for you, practically screaming other students ears off just to find you. When he finally did, he immediately rushed over to you, ignoring the other students that stood in front of you
Sebek was immediately shaken when he heard what those students were saying to you and how they were telling him to ‘get lost’. The nerve! How dare they treat his partner like this! Don’t they know who they are?! He will not take this disrespect of you!
It took only a few strong words from Sebek to send them packing before he went back to his initial plan; asking you what was wrong. Whether you decide to be honest or just cry out your emotions, the croc fae will do his best to console you. He immediately takes you back to a safe space for you to calm down
Of course he consults his lord, mentor, and closest comrade about what happened and what he should do. Of course his job would be to take care of you until you felt better. They would deal with the bullies for him. They hated seeing you and Sebek upset
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liamthemailman · 3 months
♠️♥️House of Cards♣️♦️
Act Two Part Two - Deal
CW: None
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The way to King’s office was a distance away from the medical bay, unfortunately. It only meant more bright lights and noise from passing foot traffic that Ace had to power through. It was good enough that he was stable on his feet as he tried to ignore the thrumming pain in his head, and the curious looks directed to his neck.
His mind strayed as he walked, wondering why King had called him into his office. In addition to that, Ace couldn’t make sense of King’s summary of the incident. It was vague and left more questions than answered, and Ace dreaded whatever conversation that was awaiting him. 
Ace would like to think that King had decided to go easy on him, perhaps already over the fact that he had attacked his wife, figuring Queen would have already told him by now. Though how much truth was in Queen’s reports was up for debate.
Ace nears a corner leading to King’s office, feet brisk and light. Just as he turns around the corner, he sees a captain exit King’s office. He watches as the man closes the door behind him, readjusting the boonie hat that sits on his head.
They pass each other in the hallway. Ace bowed his head a little as he caught the eye of the superior officer. The captain nods back, his mutton shops stretching into a polite smile, and they part ways walking in opposite directions. Ace looks over his shoulder as the higher-ranking soldier disappears around the corner.
Ace brushes the short lived interaction away and knocks at King’s door. 
“Major Hansley, it’s Lieutenant Doe. May I enter?” Ace waits for a response as he listens to muffled paper shuffling on the other side before hearing King telling him to come in.
The office lights were a little dimmer than the overhead fluorescent lights, Ace’s headache already reducing as his eyes adjusted to the change in light. He steps closer to King’s desk, straightening up, his hands locked behind his back.
“At ease, Doe, you act like you’re in trouble.” King chuckles as they lock eyes again, eyebrows raising as he takes in Ace’s rigid posture. “Have a seat.”
The chair drags a little as Ace seats himself on the wobbly chair, pulling himself closer to the desk. King gives another short laugh as he notices the puzzled look on Ace’s face.
“Am I not, sir? I figured Captain Tudor would have reported what happened in the safehouse.”
“Trust me, Lieutenant, Elize did not spare me the details,” King sighs. He picks up a folder and puts his reading glasses on. “From what I’ve heard, you’ve caused a bit of trouble.. But before we start..”
Ace watches as King slides a form towards him. Ace furrows his eyes at the paper, leaning closer to read the text.
“Transfer forms,” King says, leaning forward in his office chair. “Another captain has requested your transfer, if you’re up for it, of course.”
Ace picks up the papers, swiftly skimming over the details of it before placing them back down on the desk. His eyes meet King’s again as the other man awaits his answer. A pause stretched between them as Ace debated his choices. Given, he had his issues with the team, but Ace found that they didn’t necessarily call for a transfer. 
“...No thank you, sir, I’ll stay where I am.”
“Very well,” King hums, taking back the forms and setting it aside. “So, regarding your.. Slip up during your last mission.”
Ace tenses as he waits to be chewed out. It was only natural, seeing that he admittedly did strike Queen first. He had no excuse for his actions and Ace doubts he could even reason with King about it anyway.
“Queen has suggested a.. Uh, immediate dishonourable discharge for you, seeing that your records aren’t exactly clean either,” King states, opening the folder and flipping through the pages, his glasses sitting on the edge of his nose. Ace subconsciously holds his breath as King skims through the papers, unnerved by how nonchalant he seemed even as he referenced Ace’s time as Mad Dog.
“However, your skills are too valuable to let go-” King continues, causing Ace’s shoulders to relax a little. “-and given your last count of insubordination was well over five years ago, with your previous team no less, I’ve decided not to process her complaints.”
Ace let out a soft huff of relief, shifting in his seat as King continued to flip through the pages. He released his fists, seemingly having clenched them unknowingly. 
“Thank you, Major, but-”
“Please, Doe, it’s just us. No need to act like there’s a stick up your arse.” King hums, earning a sigh of frustration from Ace. He shuts the file sharply. He places the file back down on his desk.
“Okay.. Again, thank you, Hansley..” Ace says, forcing the words out of his mouth. “Though I must ask, what’s the catch?”
His words cause King to bark a laugh, finally making him look back at Ace. Ace tensed as he caught the slight gleam in King’s eyes, only confusing him further.
“Sharp as ever, eh, mate? You’re not really off the hook since I can’t let you walk away scot free, you understand.” King says, sliding the folder towards Ace, silently cueing him to pick it up. Ace flips through the pages. “So here’s the deal. Just take care of this thorn in my side for me, and we forget it ever happened. Deal?”
Ace’s eyes flit over to the objectives. It seemed simple enough. A solo mission. Doing some reconnaissance for upcoming mission operations and simple maintenance on a satellite ground receiver. Everything was right up Ace’s alley, which was perfect since it made his life easier.
“Good man, Ace,” King says, leaning back, his chair squeaking under his massive weight. “Wheels up at 0500 hours.”
With that, Ace was dismissed.
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maceofpentacles · 2 years
cartomancy: playing card meanings and info
cartomancy is a form of divination done with cards, tarot and oracle cards are used in cartomancy but regular playing cards (like poker or go fish cards) are also an option!
playing cards tend to be easier to read and a lot more straight to the point when it comes to readings. there are some overlaps with card meanings but that’s where your intuition comes in. what really matters is how you learn interpret the cards as you go.
♥️ hearts: represents feelings, love, relationships, home, and family
ace - new friendships or relationships coming your way
two - good luck in friendships and relationships
three - be cautious towards people trying to get closer to you
four - future change or travel
five - someone is jealous of something you have
six - a surprise new relationship is forming
seven - broken promises
eight - new visitors and possible new invitations to things
nine - your wishes are on their way to coming true
ten - good fortune is coming for you and those around you
jack - represents a good friend
queen - a kind blonde woman in your life
king - a kind blond man in your life
♠️ spades: represents challenges that may be coming in the future
ace - chapters ending or misfortune
two - a tough decision is coming, change and deceit may follow
three - possible trouble in relationships
four - personal illness or broken promises
five - obstacles followed by eventual success
six - improvements and small wins to build confidence
seven - bad advice from someone close to you, can lead to grief or loss
eight - be cautious, danger may be closer than you think
nine - bad luck, depression and anxiety might try to take hold
ten - bad news that will cause lots of worry
jack - an unpleasant, immature person in your life
queen - a selfish dark haired woman in your life
king - a selfish dark haired man in your life
♦️diamonds: represents money and finances
ace - you may receive an unexpected gift soon
two - disapproval of a friendship or relationship
three - possible legal trouble or arguments regarding money
four - you might stumble upon some unexpected money soon
five - improvements in your business or career
six - relationship troubles due to finances
seven - challenges at work
eight - surprise travel with money you didn’t know you had
nine - new business opportunities are around the corner
ten - good fortune and prosperity are coming to you
jack - a possibly unreliable light haired friend
queen - an outgoing light haired woman in your life
king - an accomplished light haired man in your life
♣️ clubs: positive things in your future
ace - financial gains and good news to come
two - possible challenges or maybe gossip about you
three - a wealthy partner may be on their way to you
four - betrayal by someone you trust
five - new friends and a new support system
six - success and prosperity in every aspect of your life
seven - success in business that leads to promotion and recognition
eight - difficulty in business, followed by a slow progression of growth
nine - new opportunities
ten - unexpected travel opportunities
jack - a reliable dark haired friend
queen - a helpful dark haired woman in your life
king - a strong dark haired man in your life
you may notice there is no solid meaning for the joker card, that’s because the joker can be used with a number of different meanings or not used at all. i personally don’t use the joker card, but it can represent surprise events outside of your control, foolishness, immaturity, secrets being kept from you, etc. it’s all in your interpretation and intuition.
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brothersonahotelbed · 2 years
im feeling particularly brave this evening so here's the little story i wrote yesterday !!!! **tw for death (getting shot) and mentions of alcohol** also horribly rusty writing </3
basically my sister and i were bored so she sent me 3 emojis and i had to write anything i wanted based off of them. the emojis were: ♠️🤬🤠
story begins under the break thx for reading :)
The legs of the wooden table at the back of the saloon were uneven, causing the whole table as well as the intense game of poker occurring between a gang of cowboys to shift and slide around. Between the three men there were several empty shotglasses which used to hold the strongest whiskey on this side of town, a few pints of beer not yet finished, and peanut shells scattered all over the surface of both the table and the floor. 
The players wore their hats proudly and shared the same concentrated demeanor which altered the expressions on their scraggly, whiskered faces. They could not, however, be any more different from one another. The man with the dirt-caked fingernails tapped his foot rapidly underneath the table, causing the spur on the heel of his boot to rattle. He needed a new pair of boots badly — he was hoping that he would use the winnings of tonight’s poker game to purchase a pair of the local cobbler’s newest boots. Exhaling sharply through his nose, he ground his teeth together and pondered the cards placed on the table by the man sitting in front of him. 
This man sported a mighty mustache which not only fed his inflated ego the longer it grew, but also became a topic of conversation between him and his gang whenever he got the chance — for while all his pals began noticing silver streaks in their manes and beards, this man had not grown a single gray hair. The mud-brown hairs on both his head and face had begun to lose vibrancy, though, but he would never admit it. He glanced at his pal’s dirty fingernails that tapped irritatedly on the table before smirking at his partner. He had the money in the bag, and the brothel next door was already calling his name. 
With hair so gray it was almost white, the oldest man at the table showed no emotion, body language and facial expression remaining completely neutral. That was his trick, yet he was no magician. Magicians were fools, men who tried too hard to make an audience believe he is something he’s not. Though he might have been older, he was wiser by far and knew that the men in this town would take any chance they got to exploit both their friends and foes. Gripping his cards with steady, calloused fingers, he noticed the fading spade on the corner of his ace. These cards were worn and beaten up, yellowing at the edges. He had gotten this set from his Pa who was an avid poker player and arguably one of the most famous men in this town. He drank but never got drunk, played but never boasted, and took nothing from no one. Tracing his tongue on the inside of his cheek, the older man waited until his partners had set down their cards before glancing one last time at his hand and finally laying the cards down on the table with a silent finality.
Curses rang throughout the saloon. Meaty fists banged on the table and the other men in the bar looked over with distaste. Sore losers, all of them, while the man with his Pa’s deck leaned back in his chair and smirked under the shadow of his cowboy hat.
“Well done, gentlemen,” cooed the older man. “I’ll take my earnin’s now.”
Mustache looked at Fingernails and an understanding passed between them through the meeting of their eyes and the twitching of their mouths. In one swift movement, both men ripped their guns from their holsters and pointed them at the seated man who didn’t even bother to look up. He was not alarmed. In fact, he was amused.
“Brawn’ll get you nowhere if you don’t know howt’a think for yourselves.” He proceeded to gather his Pa’s deck of cards and silently thanked his spurs for that lucky ace. After slipping the cards into the pocket of his jeans, he stood up slowly and bent his knees, one after the other, to stop the aching of his old joints.
The gun-wielding cowboys regarded their elder partner with confusion, not understanding how he showed no sign of fear. Any rational man would be scared out of his boots, or angry at least. As if his partners weren’t there, the old man gathered his earnings from the middle of the table, stashed it in his bag, and tipped his hat at the two men. 
The cowboys, still brandishing their guns, made the mistake of blinking. They didn’t see him shoot and they didn’t hear any weapon fire, but somehow they were propelled backward by some unseen force, holes in their head that spilled blood onto the wood planks of the floor. 
The men lounging at the saloon were no strangers to barfights and standoffs, but they looked over at the table anyway. They didn’t see the old man fire and they didn’t see him leave. But his partners were dead as doormice and bleeding through the floor, with the third man nowhere to be seen.
On the table in the back of the run-down saloon lay a single card from the cowboy’s deck. The ace of spades, face up, emitting an ominous aura as shadows from the saloon’s poor lighting cast shapes over the face of the card. 
There was no trace of the cowboy with the white-gray hair. Plainly, he was gone.
@certifiedcuntconnoiseur if you wanted to read it no pressure :)
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dame-neamhain · 2 years
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"Now I know I got to play my hand, what the winner don't know, a gambler understands" (Heart) ♠️
 A "Ace of Spades" playing card prop! Perfect for when you need the winning hand in a game of cards. 😉
Replaces - Wind-Up Cursor 
(Please see the Read Me file for full permissions and other information!)
The Glamour Dresser
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gycaneria · 1 year
using regular cards as tarot cards
base colours
♣️ clubs - wands
♥️ hearts - cups
♠️ spades - swords
♦️ diamonds - pentacles
Major arcana associations I use
Fool - joker (black)
Magician - ace of diamonds
High priestess - queen of hearts
Empress - queen of diamonds
Emperor - king of diamonds
Hierophant - king of hearts
Lovers - ace of hearts
Chariot - ace of clubs
Strength - king of spades
Hermit - king of clubs
Wheel of fortune - 10 of clubs
Justice - queen of spades
Hanged man - 10 of spades
Death - ace of spades
Temperance - 9 of diamonds
Devil - 10 of diamonds
Tower - 9 of spades
Star - queen of clubs
Moon - 10 of hearts
Sun - 9 of hearts
Judgement - 9 of clubs
The world - joker (color)
I based my choices on common interpretation of the cards meanings when used as regular playing cards for divination. I use two combined decks, one full and one scavenged for extra aces and cards from 9 through kings. It is possible to use just one deck however it may be tricky to guess which card interpretation should you read into keeping in mind some of the cards can be used twice. I've marked my deck using a pencil to distinguish the repeating cards.
Buying two identical cards decks can be a cheaper alternative to tarot deck. You can also easily dismantle it and turn it back into playing cards.
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Minimum increase:
Deviant Art Points: 100.
Amino Coins: 120.
USD: $1.
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doctormctiddy · 7 years
Listen I kno everyone talks about Julian's booty from that one image the devs posted but like
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Are we not gonna point out how happy he looks???
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crescent-maple · 2 years
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Twst idol au
**referenced poses from K/DA
Heartslabyul /HEART5 (hearts)
Main vocalist/leader: Riddle
Main rapper: Trey
Main dancer/song writer: Cater
Vocalist/lead rapper: Ace
Vocalist/dancer: Deuce
More info under the cut.
~ founded by Trey and Riddle. They were supposed to be a trio along with chen'ya but things don't go according to plan when their close friend moved to a different city.
It didn't take too long when they met Cater, Deuce and Ace.
Strict & unforgiving (he does but he doesn't want to be seen as a softie)
He is the core of the group. If not for his brutal yet honest feedbacks to his colleagues they wouldn't be able to rise among the charts/ranks.
His voice is enough to make heads turn to their direction & along with the grp's natural charm it becomes potent.
When asked if he got a tattoo for the photoshoot he quickly dismisses it by shaking his head.
It was merely a henna which was quickly discussed with his mother.
The big brother of the group. Whenever the others feel as if their arms and legs are about to give out due to practice he's the one who would remind riddle everyone's stamina isn't the same as theirs.
It was kinda his idea as to why their group was based on card suits.
Ever since they were little, Riddle read Alice in Wonderland over and over again til he memorized the words by heart.
It wasn't rocket science to figure out the rest.
When asked why he still wore glasses instead of contacts he states the contacts itself make him shiver.
♦️ Cater
Spends more time in socmed than in practice/j. He practices diligently and gets everything correctly which gives him a free pass to using his phone.
Fans love it when he has a new post up. Its as if he's giving out mini spoilers to them.Riddle did reprimand about that but the group's mngr said it was all right, as long as he doesn't post anything that could be tagged as a major spoiler for the group.
When asked abt his look during the photoshoot, cater winked & said having his hair down was smth he wanted show.
♠️ Deuce
The shy yet hard-working member.
Deuce always had a thing for singing but for dancing? No. His mom would laugh and joke about how he can't dance but she knows he is trying his best.
He often stays late to practice the steps he doesn't understand. A fellow member, Ace would annoy and tease him. But surprisingly he'd help deuce whenever.
When asked why he did such a pose during the photoshoot, deuce said he was supposed to do this 🫰 but failed. It was a dare between him and Ace because he couldn't get some steps right during practice.
❤️ Ace
Charming & annoying wrapped into one. He's an upbeat type of fellow who can always be seen either with a smile or a smirk plastered on his face.
But he has something to prove. Ace doesn't like talking about his past & any questions about his family are immediately shut down. Though some were beginning to see the resemblance with another idol who was very tight lipped when asked about the young one.
He thought by being a vocalist/ a rapper he would get away with dancing but ...
No questions were asked during the photoshoot.
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thelittleoracle · 3 years
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❤️♦️♣️♠️ Yes, you can do divination with a deck of regular playing cards! This is a great option for witches and occult practitioners who need to keep their practice secret, cannot own tarot or oracle decks, or who want another option.
This rhyme lets you easily memorize the basic meanings of the cards.
The firstmost rule is easily had: Red cards are good and black cards are bad.
The secondmost rule shall bring greater fruits: It deals with the meanings of each of the suits. The Hearts ❤️ count as love, family, and friends. Diamonds ♦️ are money, wealth, means, and ends. Clubs ♣️ shall mean work, callings, and plans, And Spades ♠️ are the troubles that plague every man.
The thirdmost rule toward number inclines; Just note the card’s pip and read here its sign: An Ace brings beginnings, And Two gives exchange, Three shows things growing, But Four does not change. Five is the body, Its health and its stead, Six shows a path that the Seeker shall tread. Seven brings troubles that Fate has assigned, While Eight shows ideas and thoughts in the mind. Nine heralds changes, And Ten is the end, While Kings are the symbols of power and men. Queens are the emblems of women and truth, A Knave is a message, a girl, or a youth.
How to use this rhyme: This is a starting point for understanding playing card cartomancy. I recommend repeating it over and over until you memorize it. I like to shuffle my deck while I chant it out loud. Then, get out a journal or open a notes app and go through the cards one by one, making notes of keywords and interpretations for each card. Then try a few readings and add anything else you think of to your notes. You can refine the meanings you assign to each card over time.
You may wish to designate a specific deck of cards for doing readings with, or use this practice with whatever deck you have access to. With practice, I’ve found that I can get really in-depth responses from a regular deck of cards. ❤️♦️♣️♠️
[Source for rhyme via WaybackMachine]
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liamthemailman · 3 months
♠️♥️House of Cards♣️♦️
Act Two Part One - Recovery
CW: Minor injury description
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White light flooded Ace’s vision as his eyes fluttered open, immediately blinding him. He hissed sharply as a searing pain throbbed at the back of his head. If it wasn’t for the distinct smell of the medical bay, Ace would have assumed he had woken up in heaven. 
Ace sat up before he rubbed the ache at the back of his head. He inhaled as his hand trailed down to his neck where his fingers came into contact with the cotton gauze around his neck. He sighed, a soft groan slipping past his lips as he recalled the events that transpired in the safehouse. His back still hurts from the scuffle he had with Queen. He groaned audibly, already dreading the ramifications that followed.
Ace stretches his neck, testing his limits and feeling the raw skin stretch beneath the bandages. It felt itchy and rough, burning against his flesh, suffocating almost. He took a deep breath, feeling the urge to tear the dressing off. It felt like a collar. An uncomfortable one at that.
It didn’t seem like Ace had been in here long, maybe a day or two at best. He figured he wasn’t out that long as he continued to nurse his head. A nagging thought eats at him as Ace wonders how he even managed to end up where he is now.
The privacy screen screeches against the metal rails as it’s drawn, the sound sending another awful pang to Ace’s head. Ace flits his eyes over at the intrusion, glaring at the form as they step in. 
“Major.” Ace relaxes his gaze, raising his eyebrows at the towering man.
“Lieutenant,” King returns the greeting, gruffing as he closes the privacy curtain behind him. “I see that you’ve finally woken up.”
“Yes sir..” Ace hums, nodding. He straightened up despite the strain in his back. He returns his eyes to King, a silence falling between them. It was tense as Ace anticipated. Before Ace could ask anything, King broke the silence.
“Elize had been put to desk duty while she recovers from her sustained injuries.” King says, answering Ace’s question as if he had read his mind. Ace nods silently, still waiting to be chewed out for being the cause of the assault.
“Sir, I-” Ace opens his mouth to speak but falters as King holds up a finger, silencing the shorter man instantly.
“Relax, Doe, the situation is being taken care of.” King interrupts, earning an odd look from Ace, the man’s brow furrowing. “Awfully shameful situation, really, but we know Private Kyle has always been a loose cannon.”
King’s tone left a sour aftertaste in Ace’s mouth. He frowned, but had expected the disdain coming from the Major. King was never fond of Jack to begin with. While Jack was careless, calling him a loose cannon seemed rather harsh.
“Where is she?” Ace finally asked. He was answered with a short scoff from King.
“They ran off, that coward,” King rumbles, folding his arms across his chest with a scowl distorting his face. This only further confused Ace, but he felt his stomach drop at the reveal.
Without prompt, King continued,“Long story short, the young punk attacked you from behind. That’s how you got your little injury there.” King says, gesturing vaguely to Ace’s neck. “Luckily, Elize managed to step in just as you got knocked out, but not without having to fight him off.”
Ace fell silent at King’s explanation. He had a feeling there was something wrong with it. He couldn’t actually place what had happened, though the nagging feeling at the back of his mind only grew more. Ace didn’t say more, having no grounds to suspect anything. 
It felt frustrating, but Ace surrendered, choosing to just nod along to whatever King was telling him despite it not making sense at all.
King cleared his throat again, his foot tapping against the ground, disturbing the otherwise peaceful silence.
“Well, enough chit chat, Lieutenant,” King rumbles. “Get back on your feet and meet me in my office as soon as you do.”
Metal screeches again as King pulls the privacy screen open, stepping out before Ace could even mutter a ‘Yes, sir.’ 
Ace sighs, and finds himself alone with his thoughts. As his mind mulled over the timeline of the confrontation, his hand strayed back up to his neck. He mindlessly picks and itches at the bandage, pulling at the material. 
His lonesome doesn’t last long as King’s presence is replaced. In walks a nurse, gently pulling aside the screen, holding a tray in hand.
“Don’t do that..” The nurse scolds softly, swatting away Ace’s hands from his neck. Ace stares at the nurse as they present the tray to him.
“These are some paracetamol pills, both for your head and neck. Do take them when needed within six hour intervals-” the nurse drones on with Ace barely paying attention. He hums, absentmindedly scratching at his neck again.
“Okay, thanks but uh..” Ace points to his neck. “Any chance I’m allowed to take it off?”
The nurse stops before they rattle on again, turning their attention to Ace’s neck. They paused. “Well, you can but-”
“Wonderful, darling,” Ace cuts in again, already undoing the wrap, practically ripping it off much to the dismay of his nurse. Ace hops off the lumpy medical bed, pocketing his prescription bottle and swiftly walking away, leaving behind a bewildered and flustered nurse.
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person8789 · 2 years
Sooo I got into Twisted Wonderland recently (like two months ago when it came out in English) and I wanted to talk about it a little! No spoilers in this post!
Intro for those who maybe already know the game: I got into it with the English release and play the English ver, but I am also caught up with watching/reading the translations with the Japanese ver of the story. (Ex: in the English ver I’m in book 4 but I’ve read up to where the Japanese ver is in book 6).
Intro for those who don’t(?): Twisted Wonderland is a mobile gacha game made by Disney (and Aniplex, as well as Yana Toboso who did Black Butler but please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong!) You play as Yuu, (or any name of your choosing, but that’s the canon “fill in” name that I’ll be referring to them as), a magic-less freshmen at Night Raven College that somehow got thrown into a world called, you guessed it, Twisted Wonderland. Night Raven College is a pretentious and famous school whose students are somewhat roughly based off of different Disney villains along with some heroes who use powerful magic. There is also a rival school called Royal Sword Academy as well. Throughout the story Yuu will meet, aid and grow close to students from different dorms based off of different Disney stories/movies along with Grim, a “monster cat” that can communicate and use magic (I’ve seen a lot of people compare him to Morgana for the role he plays if that gives you a better picture). Gameplay wise it’s a gacha style action game where you draw cards for different characters to use in fights. There’s also a rhythm aspect of the game where you play through different songs as well. In order to strengthen cards and your personal player rank, you go through different types of lessons and use items you can either buy or obtain from said lessons. There’s a bit more to it as well but I won’t get into all of that in this post, if someone says they’re interested then I can make a separate post for it, this is long enough as it is.
Whoa yikes that synopsis was kinda long but let’s move on, if you really *really* don’t want to know even character’s names or dorm names or anything like then then I would stop here.
How I would describe each of the characters in one word/phrase: (keep in mind this is kinda opinion based please):
Riddle Rosehearts: Perfectionist
Ace Trappola: Clever
Deuce Spade: Badass
Cater Diamond: Secret sad boi hours
Trey Clover: ENABLER.
Leona Kingscholar: An ass
Ruggie Bucchi: Mischievous. Also, street smarts!
Jack Howl: “uh oh, they messed with Jack’s morals” is a phrase that’s regularly said and that’s all I have to say.
Azul Ashengrotto: “Blue nerd octopus” (not my words). Also, ANXIETY.
Jade Leech: Shady.
Floyd Leech: A force of nature
Kalim Al-Asim: Ignorant sunshine
Jamil Vipor: Snake. Like when you call someone a snake.
Vil Schoenheit: Is persistent the word I’m looking for? Maybe Diligent would be better?
Rook Hunt: Eccentric. And very extra. (Also kind of a simp)
Epel Felmeir: “Fight me! You won’t!”
Idia Shroud: I’m pretty much convinced that Idia is also playing Twist at this point.
Ortho Shroud: baby robot child
Malleus Draconia: all the sass with this one
Sebek Zigvolt: SIMP.
Silver: Narcoleptic and not happy about it
Lilia Vanrouge: “how do you do, fellow kids?”
Dire Crowley: VERY shady.
Ok with that out of the way some general opinions about the game and characters:
Favorite character: ♦️Cater Diamond♦️
(Some) Runner up favorites (in no particular order): 🌹Riddle Rosehearts🌹, ♠️Deuce Spade♠️,🐍Jamil Vipor🐍, and 🐙Azul Ashengratto🐙
Some characters I don’t care as much for: 🏹Rook Hunt🏹, ⚡️Sebek Zigvolt⚡️, and ♣️Trey Clover♣️
Favorite Book: 🐍Schemer of the Scalding Sands☀️
Least Favorite Book: 🦁The Usurper from the Wilds🐺
Favorites Dorm: probably Heartslabyul
Favorite dorm leader: uh (why would you make me choose-)
Favorite Vice dorm leader: most likely 🐍Jamil Vipor🐍
Favorite from each dorm:
Heartslabyul: ♦️Cater Diamond♦️
Savanaclaw: 🍩Ruggie Bucchi🍩
Octavinelle: 🐙Azul Ashengratto🐙
Scarabia: 🐍Jamil Vipor🐍
Pomefiore: 👑Vil Schoenheit👑
Ignihyde: 💀Idia Shroud💀
Diasomnia: either 🐉Malleus Draconia🐉 or 🦇Lilia Vanrouge🦇
✨I left a lot of this out of context in order to avoid spoilers for this post but if you’re curious about why I might’ve answered any of these the way I did, would just like more Twist content, or just have any general questions for me please feel free to send me an ask! I’m really enjoying this game so far so it would be much appreciated!✨
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liamthemailman · 2 months
♠️♥️House of Cards♣️♦️
Act Two Part Six - Goodbye
CW: None, angry old men
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The door opens with a creek, pulling King’s attention from his work as he looks up over his reading glasses. He gives a short huff as he watches Ace limping in.
“Quite the mess that last mission was,” King comments, his eyes falling back to his paperwork. He missed the slight glare that Ace shot at him as he stepped forward.
“..The intel given was rot, sir. I was told the area would be clear.”
Ace drops the mission report, shifting his body weight to his uninjured leg. He was far from recovered, but Ace would be damned if he let the medics fuss over him again. This time he barely stayed in the medical bay, having decided he had other things to settle.
King only gives a light hum, seeing Ace’s current state. He finally places his pen down and reaches over to the report and places it aside.
“You came back just dandy, didn’t you Lieutenant? This isn’t the worst you’ve faced so I don’t see the issue here.” He invites Ace to take a seat opposite him but Ace remains standing despite his knee protesting the pain. 
“What actually happened in the safehouse, Major?”
King gives him a questioning look. He straightens up and furrows his brows at Ace. The air is still as the two stared each other down, the silence only broken by a rough gruff from King.
“I’ve told you. Captain Tudor had fought off Private Kyle after they viciously attacked you,” King answered, his eyes narrowing as he studied Ace standing before him. Ace’s stare was piercing right into King’s eyes.
“Is that what really happened?” Ace prods. “As far as I’ve known Jack, he’s not one to-”
“Be careful, Doe. Are you sure you want to question Elize’s words? She still saved you after you fought her.” King rumbles, a dark warning tone slipping out. This doesn’t deter Ace though, he only stands taller in spite of his handicap.
“Your promotion is coming up,” King adds, words cutting through the thick air. A threat to Ace in every way, daring the man before him to continue if he so foolishly pleases to. To anyone else, it might have silenced them into compliance, but not to Ace.
“It doesn’t matter to me.” Ace says firmly through gritted teeth. He bites his tongue to keep from wincing as he takes a step forward. Before King could ask, Ace slaps another document onto King’s desk.
“What is this?” King picks up the form, eyes scanning the top header before clenching his jaw. He looks back up at Ace who stares back with equal intensity. King sputters. “You-”
“I’m not staying for this. Not anymore.” Ace says, cutting in before King could express any further confusion or anger. He leans against King’s desk, letting out a sharp inhale as he forces his injured leg to follow along.
“I can no longer work by your side or this task force due to conflicts of interest, alongside obvious medical reasons. Effective immediately.”
King looks up from the form, looking between Ace and the paper before barking out a loud laugh. He reaches for a pen, clicking the tip out and scoffs. 
“Glad to see you still have that bite in you, Mad Dog,” King says with a bit of a joke in his voice. Despite this, the white knuckled hold King had on the pen and the silent angry scribble of the pen in the suffocatingly silent room said this was everything but a light matter. King lifts the paper, standing up himself as he reaches out to shake Ace’s hand.
The handshake was harsh, painfully tight and curt. As King moves to retract his hand, Ace clenches it tighter one last time, straining to lean closer towards his former boss and friend.
“You were a good man, Russel. It’s a shame things ended this way.”
Ace finally released King’s hand, who was shocked by his gall and could only stare as Ace turned and limped towards the door.
“I appreciate the sniper support from the last mission, Major. Don’t know what inspired the change of heart but glad I wasn’t totally alone in enemy territory.” The door shuts behind Ace, his odd limping footsteps slowly fading away.
King sinks back into his chair, the thing creaking under him. He slowly leans back, taking a deep sigh as he sets aside the approved retirement form. He stares at the door for a moment.
“I didn’t send a bloody sniper..” King mutters to himself, pulling out his phone and dialing Queen’s number with hands shaking so much he was sure he was going to snap the bloody thing in his hand. The dial rings once, twice and Queen picks up on the other end.
“Yes, my love?” Her voice calls out. King’s shoulders slack a little at the sound of her voice but he steeled himself and sat up.
“I didn’t send any snipers to assist the Lieutenant on his latest solo mission. I’ll need you to investigate his movements. He just retired too which is awfully convenient timing on his end. Might have some involvement with the enemy.” King says, eyes glazing over Ace’s mission report once again. He’s met with silence but it doesn’t last long.
“Roger that, Major. I’ll take a look into it.” Queen hums.
King bit his tongue and sighed, tapping his fingers on his desk as he hung his head low, thoughts still fresh on Ace’s parting words.
“My darling, you were right. He was a mistake to bring in. I thought I managed to put that dog down long ago but clearly it’s very much still alive.”
On the other end, Queen smiles to herself, twirling her pen in her hand as she hummed.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll take care of it.”
Objective Completed.
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fall-cryptid-beetle · 2 years
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[OPEN] Arachnikitties adopts 1/3. 
Base by: https://www.deviantart.com/charlie-mom/art/F2U-Arachnikitty-Old-base-727850694
Hi hi! Please don’t forget to read my terms of service, dm for offers. https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/851908.adopt-tos
♠️𝕋𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤:♠️
~1, What I accept/don’t accept.
~2, Adopt status (open/closed/on hold).
~3, Pricing.
♠️𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕀 𝕒𝕔𝕔𝕖𝕡𝕥/𝕕𝕠𝕟’𝕥 𝕒𝕔𝕔𝕖𝕡𝕥:♠️
•1, USD (PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, or Apple Pay).
•2, Deviant art points.
•3, Art (digital, traditional, animation, etc. Please provide examples and specify how much you’re offering).
•4, Amino Coins.
•5, Mixed offers.
•6, Oc redesigns.
•7, Base edits are a heavy maybe.
•8, Pre made characters designed by Sirfluff, Awoouf, CoyotesCorner, ElectricSunshine, Sammywolfs, Cuteepaws, SEAL!! (Name changes a lot, they made a species called “sky puppies”), 🍀CloverCow🍀.
•1, Customs.
•2, Gift cards.
•3, Writing.
•4, Traced edits of shows, movies, etc.
•5, Uncolored art, minimal colored sketches are fine but no completely blank line art/sketches.
•6, AI generated “””art”””.
♠️𝔸𝕧𝕒𝕚𝕝𝕒𝕓𝕚𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪 𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕥𝕦𝕤:♠️
•1, Closed for 🏳️‍🌈 Sage 🏳️‍🌈
•2, Closed for Beetleblood
•3, Open 
120 AC = $1. 
1,200 AC = $10.
100 points = $1. 
1,000 points = $10.
Minimum price: 
For 1 and 2.
Amino Coins: 2,040.
Deviant Art Points: 1,700.
USD: $17.
For 3.
Amino Coins: 1,440.
Deviant Art Points: 1,200.
USD: $12.
Minimum increase:
Deviant Art Points: 100.
Amino Coins: 120.
USD: $1.
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doctormctiddy · 4 years
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