#also feel free to reblog though idk why you would
catboy-cabin · 3 months
i think the pictures of the missing child spirits in the lost & found department are the spirits' reflections???
so i just noticed that charles' pins & his earring are on the wrong side in his lost & found picture
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(idk how to get screenshots on netflix so all i have are these pictures of my laptop screen, sorry. feel free to add in the reblogs if you have anything cleaner!)
he should have more pins on the right (our right) than the left.
also it's really hard to see in this picture & not much better in the actual show, but i believe this is his union jack patch? which should be on the right sleeve (again, our right, his left)
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(i'm fully aware that this picture looks like nothing, you're just gonna have to trust me haha 😅)
i can't tell what's above it though, other than that it doesn't really look like his rude boys patch (which should be on the same sleeve). idk what's up with that.
now this *could* be a different outfit, but i don't think so. i can't think of any reason why it would be. it's definitely not what he died in, or even what he was wearing before he hid in the attic. edwin is wearing his normal outfit in his lost & found photo as well (although interestingly not with his brown coat over it. i can't tell if charles is wearing both of his jackets or not though. he's definitely got the black one on, both bc of the pins & bc his shoulders never look that square without it)
his earring is definitely on the wrong side, as i mentioned earlier
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also seems like the buttons on his shirt open the wrong way
(the stripes on the collar are weird too but the design changes several times over the course of the show so i'm ignoring it. his normal red shirt has one stripe, the darker maroon one has two, and the black one doesn't have any as far as i can tell)
i don't have pictures of this one but i believe the buttons on edwin's suit jacket (? idk what it's actually called) are on the wrong side in his lost & found picture as well. that's basically the only part of his outfit that's asymmetrical though (other than a pocket that's next to impossible to make out normally, much less in an extremely grainy photo) so i don't see much point in analyzing it
tldr: if you're like me & you've been wondering why the pictures of the boys in the lost & found department look Weird (beyond the actual quality of the photos), it's because they're flipped!!
the reasons i think these pictures are reflections, specifically, are that:
1. they're flipped, as i just went through
2. ghosts don't have reflections
now i have a tentative theory:
these pictures are from the lost & found department. they're the pictures/reflections of lost (child) spirits; spirits that aren't in a designated afterlife, aka ghosts still on earth
charles & edwin both have reflections in hell (a separate plane from earth)
it seems like they get their reflections back just from being in any afterlife? charles hasn't gotten his afterlife assignment yet, but still has a reflection in hell, which to me implies that he's not considered a 'lost' soul while he's there, even if that's not where he's actually supposed to end up. i'm definitely open to other interpretations on this though.
i also feel like there's some connection between this & ghosts being able to travel through mirrors, but i'm blanking on what exactly that could mean
thank you to anyone who has read to the end of this, i would love to know your thoughts!!
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shy-writer-999 · 7 days
500 followers! dropping personal lore to mark the occasion... this is a big day for me :p thank u for humoring me so much lololol
if we are mutuals, just know that i am plotting to become your friend. im twiddling my fingers and rubbing my hands together about it. cant wait to be ur friend. u cant do anything about it either, its just gonna happen (im kidding, please be my friend).
i live in nyc
im a may taurus
i have a note where i screenshot every single nice comment ive ever gotten from someone on this page and i put it in there. if u have ever said anything nice to me even in reblogs its in there 😭
i never wrote smut before i started this blog in august, and i am used to the stuffy confines of academia. i cant describe how freeing it feels to write this stuff
i have a phobia of flies and theres one in my room rn and i cant get it out its literally terrorizing me. also i found a lanternfly in my grocery bag today and screamed, im not being hyperbolic
i have a scar on my chin and i was going to get plastic surgery on it but decided not to because i think it gives my face character and also (please humor me) i told myself yooo anime characters have scars like that and they look cool so why not HAHAHA
my favorite thing to use while i write is the em-dash. it is the panacea/pharmakon of any sentence. i eat that shit up
Zoro usurped Gojo for my #1 anime man of all time. I have a list for that as well. Idk if it will stay this way though because I love gojo so much I would die for him. But theres also Law and Ace and Aki and Itachi and Choso AGHHHHH I START TO GET SO SCRAMBLED ABOUT IT this is why i need my list.
if you read this far omg... (o˘◡˘o) come here NOW and let me give u a big smooch
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the-kingshound · 4 months
Warning inane ramble incoming, it’ll probably be annoying I apologize. (*_ _)人 I spent the last several days reading every post here. I managed to convince myself to start liking some (sorry about that I’m sure it was annoying to get all those notifications) I have this weird thing where I get nervous about liking older posts cuz I mean it’s been a long time and it’s unprompted so that’s weird right? It feels weird like I’m doing something wrong or I’m being annoying, I considered reblogging too but somehow that felt worse? Sorry I am not good with social rules they confuse me both on and offline Idk my brain is wrong and I’m just a nervous socially anxious snail. (>﹏<)
Anyways just wanted to gush about how much I love it here and I’m never leaving (´꒳`) ♡ First and foremost Yniol has a special place in my heart they will forever be my favorite bestie (*^ω^)人(^ω^*), yes I am biased as my partner is grey and though they don’t play IFs they were thrilled to learn about your character! Also your writing is just phenomenal, your fans are fun and creative, your characters give such warm and positive energy I love them so much they’re perfect, the inclusivity is such chefs kiss ( ´ з `) 🤌🏻✨, the angst is delicious, the fluff is so sweet and comforting, the spice is ... very blush-worthy (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄). This has been a journey I laughed, I cried, I giggled, and I blushed and I have enjoyed every bit of it from pasta discourse to Moldien cult wars to Arthur bunnies, I’ve had the most wonderful time. Now my mind is gonna be filled with Arthurian stuff for months my maladaptive daydreaming is having the time of its life I have a road trip next week and I’m so looking forward to just staring out a window for 6+hours while my Hound's just alternating daydream adventures with the cast o(≧▽≦)o. Also speaking of your amazingly wonderful, sweet, and supportive cast I have decided my (though I love them all) favorite poly pairings are Arthur/Morien and whole crew polycule I’d sell my soul for those but I 100% understand why you can’t really do that. I don’t think I have the endurance in me to code a single poly no matter how much I wish it so the fact you’re doing any let alone several is just god tier you are awe inspiring.
Alas I have rambled far far to much I wish I could be more eloquent in expressing just how much I enjoyed experiencing all of this but for now this is the best I can do (╥ω╥). Thank you for sharing your wonderful work it’s truly a gift to experience. ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧ I wish you wealth, health, and all the best in all your creative endeavors. -🐌
No, please please do not apologize. You made my entire week <3 This ask is straight up going into the folder where i keep my motivation to write and to be just a little proud of my work, thank you so so much for sending it.
For anyone having the same thoughts about liking or reblogging old posts: please do it. When I see the notifications, get very giddy and pleased, and I hope you are enjoying the food. Liking, and especially reblogging things, even more so if you add tags and reactons, not only fills me with glee but it also reminds me of old asks that I want to reblog again for new followers. So yeah, I love it, please feel free to go on a liking/reblogging spree!
You are so relatable for the maladaptive daydreaming (this game was absolutely born out of my own mental movies), I wish I could speed up the writing and editing for the next update so you can read it while you travel but I'm afraid it's a lost cause (I have been working on things, even now, but I am currently rewriting like half of it and while it is way better it takes sooo much time and energy). Knowing my characters and story are in someone's thoughts it the best kind of reward I need. I will never likely monetise this game, so this is the thing I wish to leave people with, and I hope the characters can be comforting and keep you company <3
You have no idea how much I would love to write the full polycule... maybe one day :,) But don't lose hope for the Arthur/Morien poly yet, as I decided to cancel the Gwyar/Morien poly and now I have a potentially free slot. In any case, awww, please know that this ask made me so happy today and will be in my thoughts as tkh is in yours.
Please have a lovely day and a lovely week and also a very lovely trip! Thank you again so so much!!
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antiquarianfics · 1 year
Taken pt. 8
If Bucky Barnes could time travel, he would go back to that morning. He would hold you a little tighter in his arms, and he would kiss you a little deeper. He would pull your daughter in between the two of you, letting her giggle as loudly as she wants whilst her parents kiss her cheeks and tickle her belly. If Bucky Barnes could time travel, he would have told you not to go to the park—to go anywhere else. But Bucky Barnes can’t time travel, and his wife and daughter are gone.
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a/n: woooh! this part got me excited to write!!! y’all, things are heating up! also, what if i just, idk, post a part early for once. surprise!
warnings: swearing, blackmail, mention of murder, themes of conspiracy, canon typical violence.
note: I do not own the character Bucky Barnes or any other Marvel affiliated characters. Any and all characters are a work of fiction and any likeness to real persons is wholly unintentional.
You do not have permission to copy, translate, or repost my work; however, feel free to like, comment, and reblog.
previous part | series masterlist | next part
He doesn't cry, though. He doesn't scream or hit anything. No, he can't. Not yet. For now he can only hold his sleeping daughter close to him and listen to the gentle breathing of a child who hasn't slept or eaten well in weeks.
It is all he can do to stay strong for his daughter.
The trip back to the States from Siberia was certainly tense, but Bucky is certain that it was preferable to the conference room he is currently sat in. He has been in many a debriefing, but he has never been in one reliant on a toddler.
“Bec, honey,” Natasha says softly to Rebecca, “I know it’s all bad memories, but can you tell me what happened to you and your mom while you were away?”
Rebecca looks at Natasha unsure before looking up at Bucky from where she sits in his lap. She had developed a habit of looking to you for permission to speak while in HYDRA’s custody and the habit has transferred to Bucky. After all, the toddler essentially traded one parent for another.
Bucky smiles encouragingly at his daughter, “Go ahead, love.”
Becca looks back to Natasha and takes in a deep breath.
“Just start from the beginning, yeah?” Natasha encourages.
Becca nods shyly before finally speaking.
“Mommy and I were at the park. I was swinging really high and jumping off. Then, Mommy said we had to leave, and she started walking really fast. Then we were in a box, and it was dark, and I was really hungry. We were there for a long time.”
Bucky bites the inside of his cheek while he rubs his flesh hand comfortingly up and down his daughter’s arm.
“You’re doing great, sweetie,” Natasha says. “What happened next?”
Becca nods. “Dr. Frost took us to the room where he hit Mommy. He wanted to know about “The Asset.” Mommy said that was Daddy.”
Bucky visibly tenses in his seat and makes eye contact with Natasha in front of her. She sends him a tense smile in hopes of providing some comfort.
“What did Dr. Frost want to know about your dad?” Steve chimes in. While Natasha sits in the chair directly across the table from Becca, where she sits in Bucky’s lap, Steve sits at the head of the conference table a few feet away.
Bucky had insisted that not too many people were in the room to question Becca when Steve finally convinced him to let the team talk to her.
“Buck, I know you don’t want her to have to think about it anymore, but if we’re going to stop Morozov and avenge Y/N, we need to talk to her. She’s the only one who knows anything, and we’re desperate for a lead here, pal.”
“He kept asking Mommy about words that didn’t work.”
“Do you know why he wanted to know that?” Steve pushes.
“Steve,” Bucky warns as he becomes exceedingly more uncomfortable with the interrogation of his daughter. Steve makes eye contact with Bucky, and the face he sends tells Bucky he has no intent to back down. But he’s sorry about it.
“They wanted to keep me,” Becca says, scrunching her face.
Bucky scrunches his own face in confusion, and anyone observing the pair would be able to note their resemblance on the facial expressions alone.
“What do you mean, honey?” Natasha asks tensely.
“I do not know,” Becca says, confusedly looking back up at her dad. “But Mommy got really angry and pulled the…” she trails off, searching for a word you’d taught her all those weeks before. “Handcuffs?” Becca says, continuing when Bucky nods, assuring that she is making sense. “Mommy pulled her handcuffs off the wall. They wanted her after that.”
The three adults look at each other, trying to make sense of Becca’s story. Nothing was adding up. If they wanted Becca to begin with, why would they stop? Why would they kill you just to return her?
“We were there for a long time after that. They hit Mommy a lot. They asked her to do something for them, but she said they had to give me back to Daddy.
“They took her away. When she came back, they hurt her until she stopped moving.”
Becca finishes her testimony, and the Avengers are nowhere closer to understanding what HYDRA was planning. Bucky, however, begins to think about all his daughter shared, and he thinks maybe—just maybe—they didn’t actually kill you.
A month goes by and Bucky Barnes insists his wife isn’t dead. His friends all insist he’s grieving, but he knows better. Something about Rebecca’s story just doesn’t add up, and he is sure there’s more going on than his daughter could possibly know.
He has taken to keeping to himself, only really talking to Becca, who he has diligently kept close to him at all times. So, when he is called in for a meeting for the first time since Rebecca’s rescue mission, he isn’t sure what to do. He settles for letting her sit in the briefing room with her headphones on, turning on a cartoon for her to watch. After she’s settled, he turns to the team.
“What do we got?” He asks, mouth held tensely in a thin line.
Then, with the flourish expected from the director of SHIELD, Nick Fury waltzes into the room, answering Bucky’s question as he goes.
“President Atkins was found dead in the presidential suite of the White House at 9 AM this morning,” he says, taking a seat at the head of the table. He presses his fingers together in a triangle formation, taking on an introspective look of sorts.
A wave of shock passes through the Avengers.
“If we’re all here,” Tony speaks up from his seat at the conference table, “it must not have been a natural death.” He says it as a statement, but it is a question.
“Exactly,” Fury confirms. “We’re not sure who or how, but someone is loose who is capable of breaking through top of the line security without being detected.”
“So, possibly inhuman? Alien?” Bruce muses from Tony’s right.
“Or, it’s a defected SHIELD agent,” a new voice speaks up.
The room’s attention is drawn to a darkened corner of the large conference room. Bucky squints to make out the figure of a man, and he is surprised he hadn’t noticed the stranger before. Then again, one doesn’t have to be on guard at all times when surrounded by Earth’s mightiest.
The faces of the original Avengers team are confused, and Bucky wonders if the stranger is someone they know.
Finally, the man steps forward.
“Sorry to scare you guys. I’ve just always wanted to do that. The light was out in the corner, and I just couldn’t help myself.”
“Coulson?” Steve asks surprised.
“You died in The Battle of New York,” Natasha says, shock evident in her voice.
“Only for a few minutes,” Coulson shrugs with a lighthearted grin.
“Where have you been?” Tony asks tensely.
“Tahiti. It’s a magical place,” Coulson says ominously and with a smile.
Steve, Tony, and Natasha share a look. Coulson makes eye contact with Bucky.
“Sargent Barnes, it’s a pleasure to meet you! You know, if you have a minute later, I have a trading card of you and,” Coulson rambles only to be cut off by Fury.
“Agent Coulson,” Fury says, quickly ending Coulson’s fanboying and placing the conversation back on track.
Coulson straightens up and nods, clearing his throat.
“Like Director Fury said, President Atkins was found dead in his room this morning. We have reasonable evidence to believe this was an assassination carried out by a former agent.”
“And what evidence is that?” Bucky asks, eyeing Becca in the corner to make sure she’s still occupied with her show.
“Well,” Coulson says, moving to grab the tablet sitting on the conference table. “After the death of the president, two more assassinations took place.
“The Secretary of Defense, Elizabeth Fitzgerald, was found deceased in her home at 11:26 AM, and the Director of Homeland Security, Antonio Smith, was found deceased in his office in the capital building at 12:58 PM.”
“Okay,” Sam speaks up for the first time since Bucky had arrived. “That still doesn’t explain what makes you think a former SHIELD agent is responsible.”
“I’m glad you asked,” Coulson says, turning to a screen on the wall to his right. He taps the tablet and security footage appears.
Bucky and the team—Steve, Tony, Bruce, Sam, Natasha, Wanda, and Clint—all turn their attention to the screen. Bucky thinks the camera is portraying the backside of the U.S. Capital Building—a camera meant to watch the perimeter.
“SHIELD received this video from a trusted source within the Capital earlier today,” Fury says, nodding for Coulson to play the footage.
The video plays, and seemingly nothing is out of the ordinary at first. The wind gently blows the grass far below the camera, and no one is walking on the pavement directly below the camera. Approximately 30 seconds into the video, though, the camera catches movement in the bottom right corner of the screen. A figure swiftly walks to the edge of the Capital’s platform, quickly looks back over their shoulder, and jumps off the platform.
“Wait, go back,” Tony says.
“Was that?” Wanda asks, looking warily at Natasha who nods to say she saw it, too.
“There’s no way,” Sam says, leaning forward in his seat as if to see the frozen frame better.
“So, when you said a former agent, you meant…” Clint trails off, looking at Fury and Coulson for confirmation.
Bruce sits next to Tony, hands clasped underneath his chin in thought, eyes trained on the screen, analyzing it.
Coulson and Fury nod, but before anyone else can say anything, Bucky speaks.
“It’s Y/N.”
@just-henny @jasminocano @browneyedgirl22-blog @barnesboo1967 @matchat3a @unkasworld @qwertyb2577 @raajali3 @yoruse @iilsenewman @alysianc @fairytalegirlofurdreams @marvelxlevram @casa-boiardi @buckybraneslover111 @hhiggs @smolracoon25 @questionableratatouille00 @heytheredemonsitsyourgirl @thearieunhinged @sebastianstansqueen @middaystarlight @talesofadragon @killerwendigo @ozwriterchick @kandis-mom
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lorkai · 10 months
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づ A/N: This idea has been living rent free in my head for a few months now and I finally had time to sit and write down. Might write a part 2 but idk yet. Also reblogs are appreciated!
Characters: Thirteen, Solomon, Simeon & Barbatos
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There are stupid things that are expected to be common sense. For example, everyone knows that eating Solomon's food is an extremely dumb idea. Alas you are dumb and decided to eat the pasta he had made after one lesson you had; resulting in you gaining immortality.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Thirteen is the first being to notice the change. Your candle is forever frozen just like Solomon's, motionless, the flames static and the reaper is left in a mix of feelings when she understands what happened; what that terrible wizard have done to you, poor you and your beautiful soul and mortality. She questions you about it as soon as she sees you, no matter who is around, questioning you about your immortality, about what happened and if you are happy with your decision.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ For her, this was what you wanted so when she finds out that you didn't even know about it Thirteen doesn't know how to react. You recount the day's events to her, how you trained magic with Solomon and then had dinner with him. It's so comical, so unbelievable, several humans searched for a way to obtain immortality and you just had to eat the food that Solomon prepared for you. She is crying with laughter and rolling on the floor at this point, however, the reaper will be more than happy to help you find a way to undo your immortality if you so desire.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Solomon was by your side when Thirteen appeared suddenly and he is so surprised by this information. I mean, he doesn't understand how a simple pasta can make you immortal since he himself only became immortal through one of his failed experiments, but he also didn't know his cooking could do this??? He is not at all sad about the news as now he know his beloved apprentice will live forever, however, yes, immortality has its downsides; the death of friends and family, the pain of remembering how you forgot their faces, voices and cherished memories and there is nothing you can do to get them back.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ But he is here to support you in every difficult and painful moment as well as in the most joyful and happy moments. He's here forever to be by your side, to give you a helping hand and a shoulder to lean on. Though saddened he would help find a way to reverse your mortality if you truly wished for it.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Simeon's mouth had never been so open. You, immortal? How, when, why? He listens to you recount the day's events, but he still can't comprehend how Solomon's dish could do something like this. Simeon knows that the thing Solomon calls food is capable of doing, but being able to grant immortality to someone? By heaven, he doesn't even know what to say, he doesn't even know what to do. Do you need to be comforted? Do you want a hug? Are you well? He's more nervous than you are, honestly. Simeon tries to calm you down and offers solutions to your problems.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ When everything was done and said, he felt a little happy. Angels don't know what the pain of loss is like and he wishes he didn't know what it's like, he wishes he didn't live to find out what life was like without you. You're like a ray of sunshine, so cheerful and chaotic and a welcome part of his life.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Barbatos found out about it from Simeon. The embodiment of "disappointed but not surprised", if you subjected yourself to eating the horrendous pestilence that was Solomon's food then you knew the risks you were taking and didn't care. The lord of time holds back from giving you a good lecture as soon as he sees you. Who in their right mind would eat that??? Why, MC, why??? He wants so much to understand what you were thinking at that moment and what you are thinking now, what you feel now, becoming immortal can be a bit shocking, even more so with all the pros and cons that come along with the experience of being immortal.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He is the one who helps you adjust to your new life as the years go by. The one who helps you get a house, new documents and teaches you how to deal with everything when things get too much. He already did it once to his master and now he's going to do it to you now. If you ask and Diavolo allows it, Barbatos will look into the future for a way to reverse your immortality. That's your wish and he respects it but then why does this possibility leaves an empty feeling in his chest?
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kuebiko-writing · 3 months
✧ Maji ✧ 20's ✧ she/her ✧ Secondhand Writer ✧
Hi! My name is Maji (ma-jee). I thought curating a blog all about writing would be fun, so here I am! A little bit about me: I struggle with social anxiety and possibly agoraphobia, and I'm at home all day, every day, with plenty of time for writing. I don't write as much as I want to, so surrounding myself with content about writing will hopefully give me a much needed boost in inspiration and motivation.
I believe writer's block is a thing (nuanced) and I'm always looking for ways to beat it.
If you're reading this and you're into writing as well, hello fellow tormented soul! Have you written anything today? Maybe you're staring at the dreaded blank page or scrolling through writeblr like I am instead of writing? 🧐 Please give me a follow or interact so I can check your blog out! I'm shy, but I would love to be mutuals and just like and reblog your content.
Feel free to tag me in tag games and stuff! It might take me a while to get to them though. ʚĭɞ
Running a worldbuilding blog @the-desert-lands
Random things about me:
I love coffee, but I'm biased towards hot chocolate as well. Also I can be bribed with cookies, just saying.
I used to be able to read 300 page books in a day. I'd just get so lost in the sauce. Now I'm lucky if I read a whole chapter. How I have fallen. 😔 (Trying to fix this by reading an hour at a time)
I don't know anything about Franz Kafka or Clarice Lispector or Slyvia Plath but they're tortured and relatable and their writing is like a spoonful of honey. (Idk why I'm saying this)
If you write anything that had to do with religious trauma- or any trauma really- please let me know! That's the good stuff.
The Immortal And His Fox
ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ Sᴏɴɢ ɪ'ᴍ Sᴛᴜᴄᴋ ᴏɴ
The Good Demon by Jimmy Cajoleas Rosehead by Ksenia Anske Wetlands by Charlotte Roche Flambards by K.M Peyton Voice of The Blood Jemiah Jefferson The Captive Prince Series by C.S Pacat
MY ᴜʟᴛɪᴍᴀᴛᴇ ɢᴏᴀʟS
Complete the stories I start Learn to love writing more Make writing an escape from reality Make ocs that people will want to ask questions about, cosplay as, and make fanfics/fan art for
My posts are under the tag #mine & #scribbles (#bookmarked is for stuff I want to come back to)
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freddie-77-ao3 · 3 months
sup yall we're vibing here
anyway. hey, my name's freddie, and i'm finally trying to write an actual intro/master post which... we'll see how this goes.
important stuff is highlighted in orange.
so, basic stuff:
as I said, my name's freddie. he/him pronouns. i'm a college student (majoring in accounting, might add a psych minor). not gonna say which college but i'm currently in california.
i've been on tumblr since 2019 i think? not under this account, this started as a fandom account and then spiralled out of control... really fast. um, my regular tumblr which i've not actually opened in ages is @chronicchthonic14 so. yeah.
not particularly relevant to this blog, but i might mention it at some point so, i have autism and adhd. and some other things but. like. that list is very long and those are the two most relevant because i promise if i come off wrong/mean, i didn't mean to, i just forget to make my words normal. but. those are the two most referenced. if for whatever reason someone wants to know more or has questions you can send an ask ig?
i'm scottish, born there. moved to US when I was four. finishing uni and moving back.
some quick warnings
this blog definitely contains cursing/vulgar language, whatever you want to call it, so if you're not comfortable with that, probably not the blog for you, as i don't tag cursing or anything for you to filter out.
if, for whatever reason, if i ever reblog something that contains a slur (against racial minorities, queer people, anything) i will ABSOLUTELY tag that though.
also if anyone has any trigger warnings they think any content needs, please let me know-- asks, dms, comments, reblogs
the cursing thing also applies for sort of dirty jokes? think that only applies to like. two posts and very not explicit. those aren't currently tagged but if they get any more explicit they certainly will be.
queer identity because the explicit reminded me, i'm asexual, and probably straight. maybe bi? dunno, don't particularly care. and i'm trans. ftm. this isn't the blog i talk about that on usually though, unless it relates to a specific ask or a fandom thing.
which, getting into what this blog is for because i can't think of anything else i need to add here (guys let me know if i forgot important stuff, please, i'm an idiot!!! i will forget the important stuff and write random shit instead!! i've already deleted three tangents from this!!)
fandoms!! ones i write and/or post about or will potentially post about
percy jackson extending to hoo, toa, tkc (definitely post way less about this), mcga (again, way less). haven't read TSATS or COTG yet, but spoilers are fine. i post way more about minor characters. write fanfiction for and have some posted (both on here and ao3) and a bunch of snippets.
dcu-- films, comics, animated shows, all of it. personally, my favorites are young justice (the comics, not show version), new teen titans, and batman inc (batgirls, nightwing, and red robin esp). late 90s yj run is my favorite, and i loved the DCeased event. favorite batman comic is definitely court of owls run. no fanfics posted, but some on docs.
mcu-- way less so, but have a stucky oneshot. slowly making my way through in timeline order.
throne of glass. i'm an aedion and chaol apologizer because they do a bunch of dumb shit but then WHO DOESN'T in this series. fanfics in doc, not posted.
this would go on for ages if i listed everything so instead, here's an ask i answered on my fandoms/genres and everything. feel free to send me asks about anyone. if you send me something about radium girls i may cry though (tears of joy) so there's your advanced warning.
main things you'll see on my blog are incorrect quotes, snippets, and the occasional fic
my... idk, contact policy? seriously what do i word this
asks are always open, anon is on.
if you send hate... whatever. i'll probably delete it.
unless i find it funny. then I'll post it. there's really little you could say to me that would hurt.
when i say asks are always open, you can drop anything you want.
literally anything
you need to vent? want advice? want to request headcanons? request a fic? give me a prompt? ask random things about me? something else I've forgotten? go right ahead
if you want to ask me to update my fics? go right ahead. sometimes i forget i didn't post something.
send as many asks as you want, i don't care if it might be spam
i can't promise i'll respond to asks in a timely manner, sometimes i open my inbox and forget they exist for months, i'm sorry. if it's something you really want answered you can send another one
dm's are alright? if you want to be friends or something, go right ahead.
anyone can reblog any of my posts/comment/heart, i don't care. you want to heart 50 things in a row? i adore you. if i had kids, you would get my firstborn
if we're mutuals you can ask for my insta/give me yours.
now, other accounts:
anyway, i think that's it?
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stupidscav · 9 months
DNI: zionist, antikin, ableist, lgbtq+ phobic, fatphobic, fat kink, proshipper, support ai art, anti-cringe, general bigotry. sorry once again I am too lazy to make a proper dni
im sorry for not reblogging or answering asks regarding the current genocide but i really cant handle it.sorry.
RB > LIKES on art, preferably
art fight,,
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ok new pinned time finally
I am also otherkin/fictionkin, and my confirmed (?) kintypes are caninekin and collectorkin (toh):]
hello!! I'm comet/collie/callie! feel free to alternate names (aka pls pls pls pls/nf)!! I go by it/they/thing/he. I am neurodivergent (autism, anxiety, probably adhd and maybe ocd) please be clear about things,, my mental health also may not the best currently so I might not be in a stable mood sometimes. expect some vents. i am also a minor, and I love bugs, indie music, Gravity Falls, The Owl House, and Rain World. :3
you can send me bug images as long as it is NOT A LARDER BEETLE. THEY ARE SMALL BLACK BEETLES WITH A WHITE/TAN STRIPE. DO NOT SEND ME THOSE . if you send an image of a larder beetle i WILL be blocking you.please and thank yuo
if anyone uses this to specifically send me images of tjem im just gonna delete this part
about my tw tags: I tag the word itself. if "your mom" was a trigger, I would simply tag the post "your mom". you can always ask me to tag something!
tags + info (these are subject to change):
#scavs silly misc: miscellaneous posts/original posts. I upload random shit sometimes🔥
festers fuckery: art :3
#dark pearls: dark topics, vents
#pearl treasury: asks and polls!
#scavs favorite pearls: gifts! at least I think that was the tag
#scav is serious: announcements mostly
spam acc: @gayass-ery
music sideblog: @musicmutt
btw, I love being tagged! I love being asked! I love getting doodle requests, though idk if I'll get them all! these are basically always open!! unfortunately I am a horrible procrastinator so I might not always answer timely :']
probably gonna add more if I forgot, which is very likely. ty!
notes below!!!
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-if I change my PFP from your art to something else that doesn't mean I don't love it and cherish it forever!!!!! thank you so fucking much for every gift you make I love them!!!!!! seriously why do people keep making me things helppp/pos
-sorry I haven't been answering asks often:(( still don't mind asks though!
-please don't make jokes on my vent posts or blank reblog or anything unless I say you can btw. should have said that earlier sorry
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janeya · 3 months
JANEYA i need you to drop the names of all the rtc productions you know because I LOVE ALL TESE JANES YOU'VE POSTED SO FAR I NEED TO KNOW THEM ALL
i really wish i could!!! i hateee possibly seeming like a gatekeeper on here 😭 but i explain it in my intro a little bit, though i know not everybody reads those. so heres my explanation as to why i dont always post production names!
first, i am a biggg advocate for the privacy of minors online so i don't ever post the names of productions unless i am SURE of the actor being an adult (since posting the theatre they go to and their face online is lowkey doxxing? ESPECIALLY highschools, i've made it a rule for myself not spread an actor's face attatched to the highschool they attend.) even though everything i post is from public accounts, it still feels weird to me idk. in addition, since i'm a pretty big blog on here, ive had people send me pictures and videos of their productions which they do not want posted! and i really try to be trustworthy and keep my word with that sort of thing. and also, just in regards to your question, i fear that listing every single production i know of would just be kinda pointless cause there are SO many and a good portion of them can be found on the already existing archive. i dont want to be like 'in competition' with it (because i have had people say stuff like that????) im just a guy who really likes costume design and jane's character :]
that being said! if you don't know the name of production i post feel free to ask me in my replies! i get back better at those vs production name asks or reblogs (i dont always respond to the latter 2 since im scared theyll just clog tags and this whole blog). even if its not one of the ones i want to post publicly i will sometimes message individually from my main!
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ebonystarfall · 3 months
Ink!Peng x a reader who was also part of the brotherhood?
Like reader had a similar experience as Macaque and just ran
But Peng was surprisingly attached to reader
So the scroll taunts you about that through Ink!Peng????
Idk this is weird and I’m sorry 😔
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A Cursed Taunt
Ink!Peng x Ex-Brotherhood!Reader
Created by: Starlight (Owner 2)
Type of content: Oneshot
Pov: Second
Word count: 652
TW: Mentions of almost getting impaled, Ink!Peng is a fucking sour lemon towards you, taunting, reader doesn’t speak (I apologize).
A/N: I absolutely adore this idea, thanks to anon for suggesting it! Definitely feel like Ink!Peng would blame you endlessly, asking why you left them. Also @starbeamssovereign I know you said no angst...but dearest please give me the option to do so :(
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A shaky breath escaped your lips as you clustered with the remainder of the crew. Yet, despite your apprehension, your gaze was drawn to the protective curse, its ink shifting and morphing into myriad fantastical creatures. You observed the pilgrims, their discontent and ire manifesting in heated words, glaring down at you all in disgust. Then, your eyes fell upon the Brotherhood. Yellowtusk, once a formidable demon with a gold heart, now bore a gaze that bespoke a fierce desire to strike you from where you stand. You had abandoned the Brotherhood during the assault on the Jade Emperor. Such a betrayal was unforgivable. You were branded a coward.
Yet, an all too familiar voice caught your attention, making you separated from the group. You stood paralyzed in astonishment as you confronted Peng. The birdlike demon emitted a bitter laugh, their glowing blue eyes fixing you with a malevolent glare. No, you could not succumb to this illusion. It was merely the scroll's curse, merely an ink demon, not...not your friend. You tried to seek out MK, or Mei, or anyone who might aid you. But in the newly revealed clearing, there was no one present save you from Peng...or rather, Ink Peng.
“Ah, if it isn’t the cowardly little y/n, even worse then Macaque. Unlike that pathetic rat, you didn’t even join the battle… were you already adamant on leaving the Brotherhood? On leaving me?”
They swung their ji at you, the blade narrowly missing as you leapt aside. They scoffed, using their talons to pin you down, mocking you with cruel laughter.
“Oh, I’m just quivering in fear by you, all mighty and powerful. You didn’t even feel the need to fight! Do you see yourself as better then us, darling?”
You felt the air constrict in your lungs as the ink demon pinned you down. Their talons, though appearing as liquid ink, felt unnervingly lifelike and sharp. You wished to retort but chose to hold your tongue as you looked up at Peng. The inky bird demon grumbled at your silence, releasing you and striking you with their wing.
“You must’ve really lost your power. So pathetic, I swear…” they had scoffed, poking you lightly with their ji.
You rolled your eyes in irritation, attempting to swat the weapon away, only for it to dissolve into ink and then rematerialize as Peng lunged to strike once more, halting a mere instant before impaling you. They laughed, seizing you by the chin and forcing you to look up at them. “You abandoned us to our fate, never once trying to save or free us. Free me. I believed you considered me your… 'best friend.' Clearly, you do not deserve that title at all, little bug.”
The ink demon version of your old comrade suddenly tightened their grip on your chin, then rested their inky yet feathered head against you, giggling mischievously. Their ji remained pointed directly at you. If they pressed just a little too hard…
“Oh, you don’t plan on fighting back? Hm. I should strike you where you stand, stupid worm, if only you hadn’t left me….”
You looked back with a mix of remorse and anger. You yearned to despise this distorted version of your comrade, to push them away and return to your new friends... but the strange warmth emanating from their inky feathers gave you pause. You allowed them to lean on you, even though you were perilously close to being impaled and killed.
This moment with Ink Peng was abruptly interrupted by a loud yell. You presumed it was Mei, slashing her way into the clearing with a new sword. You stared at her in astonishment, even more so when everyone else rushed toward you. But when you turned back to look at the bird demon... they had vanished, as if the protective curse from the scroll had never been near you at all…
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sebastianstanisahotmf · 11 months
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Steve Rogers x reader
A/N This fic is about how overlooked Steve's trauma was in the films. It's just my opinion since he definitely would have had struggles but they weren't really seen in the films. Once again this is just my opinion. Idk if I like this though so I might delete it. I'm not sure though. Also, all mistakes are my own so if you see any feel free to comment them and likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated.
Summary Steve is struggling and you convince him to get help
Warnings Fluff, angst (a lot), allusions to being suicidal kinda (if these things trigger you in any way then please don't read it)
Steve was your everything. He was the reason you woke up with a smile every day. You trusted him with your deepest secrets and he does the same with you. That’s how you got into the position you were in. 
Steve was lying on your chest while you ran your fingers through his soft hair as he sobbed. It broke your heart to see him in such a state but, there was nothing you could do but hold him until the crying stopped. 
This wasn’t an unusual situation for the both of you to be in. This broke your heart when you came to that realisation since it made you think of how much you saw Steve in such a state.
It was because of Steve being misunderstood by everyone. Everyone saw America’s golden boy who bravely fought in WWII and continues to fight for justice. They saw his best friend -formerly the winter soldier- fighting his inner demons and PTSD. 
What they didn't see was the man who was scared to admit he was tortured by memories as well. They didn’t see the man who had nightmares almost every night. They didn’t see the man who would cry for hours on end thinking about the people he watched die, the people he was too late to save, the people he thought he should have swapped places with. 
They might not have seen that, but you did. You saw the look of pure horror on Steve’s face after each nightmare, you saw the way his hands trembled and you saw the way Steve would try to fight back the tears. You saw everything. 
Steve was so thankful to have you in his life. You brightened his day and made life worth living. Especially in moments like these.
His arms were wrapped around you as he snuggled into your chest. The blanket was over his head; a cocoon of safety, protecting him from the outside world. 
As his sobs turned into whimpers and his breathing evened out, you slightly lifted the blanket so you could look at your boyfriend.
“Do you wanna talk about it baby?” you questioned.
“Could y-you just hold m-me for a bit l-longer?” he replied.
“Of course I can,”
You stayed like that for a while before a thought entered your mind.
“How about we tell Dr Cho or Banner about this Stevie.”
“W-why?” He stuttered, trying not to panic.
“Because babe it hurts me to see you in such a state, especially as often as it has been happening lately.”
“It’s not that bad doll. Bucky’s got it worse,” he responded.
“Maybe he has, but that doesn’t take away from your struggles.”
“B-but what will everyone think? I’m supposed to be Captain America, the man with a plan. Their symbol of hope,” he said, starting to hyperventilate.
“Look at me, Steve,” he lifted his arms so he was resting on them and facing you, “Breathe with me,” you took slow, deep breaths in through your nose and let them out through your mouth.
Steve started to copy you and in no time, he was back to breathing normally.
“You don’t have to be strong all the time baby. Nobody is,” 
“It’s okay to have struggles. You have every right to ask for help. You went through a war, lost your best friend and then woke up seventy years into the future. If anyone deserves to get help it's you.”
Steve looked at you with pure admiration and love in his eyes. 
“I love you so much, doll.” He leaned in to kiss you, it was so gentle and full of love.
“I love you too Stevie, that’s why I want you to get help. Please. I’ll go with you if you want and I’ll be there for you. Every step of the way.”
“You’re perfect darling,” Steve replied, laying back down on your chest.
“So does that mean you’re going to ask Dr Cho or Banner for help then?” you asked hopefully.
“Yeah, I will do it tomorrow,” Steve looked up at you and then continued in a voice so small and innocent it almost didn't sound like him, “Will you still come with me?”
“Of course I will babe,” you responded with a smile.
The next day, you woke up to Steve kissing you on the cheek and smiling at you. 
“Good morning, doll,” he whispered.
“G’morning baby,” you replied, kissing him.
“I already booked an appointment with Banner at 1:15pm.” He told you with a smile on his face.
You pulled him down to kiss you, “I’m so proud of you Stevie,” you kissed him again, “so proud.”
Steve’s cheeks had gone red from the praise. Then, he got up and went into the bathroom, leaving you alone in bed with a big smile on your face. 
Once Steve came out of the bathroom, you went inside while he went into the kitchen to make the both of you some coffee and pancakes.
Maybe Steve was struggling but he had you and that’s all that mattered. You gave him purpose and someone to love and he would forever be thankful for that.
Taglist: @buckys-wintersoldier, @nicoline1998enilocin
if you want to join my taglist just click on the link
Also, if you want to see the things that I repost then you can follow my other account @sebastianstanisahotmf-reblogs
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 8 months
🌸Intro post! (Changes over time)🌸
I do polls about the qsmp eggs and what kind of children they are! Suggestions are greatly appreciated, as I am a one man band!
Polls will be scheduled to post at 10AM PST every day, but I also love to reblog things about the eggs! I also run events to encourage people to make eggsonas and interact with others in the fandom.
🌸More about me and my blog under the cut! (and some rules)🌸
About me!
⭐️ My name is Captain! You can also call me Poll if you want, as that is the name of this blog's mascot/eggsona.
⭐️ I use They/it/(+neos? idk) pronouns. I don't mind what you call me either, so just go with your heart kkkkkk
🇺🇸 I am American
❗️I can and will block liberally. I refuse to let this blog be swamped in any amount of negativity. I am not a celebrity, I am a pleasant escape.
🌱 My special interest is plants, I am going to start my own garden soon! I also just watch a LOT of cartoons. Oh, I'm also an artist and a writer.
🫶 My native language is English, but I have been learning American Sign Language, Spanish, and recently French. I'm not good at the French.
My main Tumblr account is Captainbee66, but I keep them mostly separate. I just reblog fanart on that one, mostly. I also write fics on Ao3!
I am an Aroace, Agender adult with ADHD :]
About my blog
❤️ Most of this is going to be polls. When requesting polls, PLEASE request them separately. I would prefer an inbox spam over a block of requests. It makes it easier. Also, your requests won't be answered right away. I actually have a lot saved in my inbox, so there's a good amount to sift through. Rest assured, requests will be saved until a later time. I try not to waste.
⭐️ Random asks and questions are also encouraged! I think they're fun. If I don't answer them though, don't be discouraged. Sometimes I just don't have a good answer!
⭐️⭐️ If someone makes fanart/fics based on anything on this blog, please please please tag me, that would be so cool.
❤️ Also, any language allowed here! Google Translate is my best friend, so you can use whatever is comfortable to you.
⚠️ Since I've been asked a few times I'll put it here: I have a limit of 12 options on a poll. We have 11 living eggs. I unfortunately cannot put your favorite dead egg on the polls for this reason. That is why the "Other/Combo" answer exists.
Who are those eggs I keep seeing? I don't remember them from the QSMP??
They're my OCs! The egg in my pfp is Poll. They're sort of my mascot/eggsona that you all helped me make! The other egg is Tequilla, their brother! He's new to the family :]
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⭐️ Poll uses all pronouns, Tequilla uses He/Him
🌸 Poll's defining item is a flower crown, Tequilla's is a messenger bag
😭 If anyone makes fanart of them, I will be so emotional about it.
What is Poll's Egg Playdate Project? Can I participate?
🌸This is a community project that I started! It is to encourage you all to make your own eggsonas and make friends, despite events that have happened. We are a strong community, and I want to foster that closeness we've had over the past year!🌸
❤️everyone is welcome to participate, no matter how "late" you are to the party!
❗️Please be respectful of other people's eggs. Don't be a bully, don't put them in bad situations without permission, and just generally behave, alright?
🫶Just have fun, interact with people, and spread your creative wings! If anyone wants a list of specific eggs, I've made a list that I can draw from :]
📖🖌✏️ You can make whatever you want for this project! Artworks, doodles, drabbles, paragraphs of loose thoughts, whatever you want! In any form that you want! The whole point is CREATION.
(Feel free to ask questions in my inbox <3)
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A Letter For You
SUMMARY: Azul writes a letter to you. WORD COUNT: 500+
WARNINGS: Book 3 spoilers (just adding this in case), Azul hating his old self/being fatphobic, Azul overthinking, basically if you know Azul's backstory it talks about that A/N: Okay so I wrote this in three different languages, I did this one last, and since it's translated from the original (which I wrote in Japanese, the language I'm struggling in most with writing (somehow even though it's my mother language wtf)) it looks so formal and blocky and Idk- I'm proud of myself for writing it in three languages but when I say I hate translating- (My summaries gradually starting to suck more and more-) Also yes of course I wrote about Azul he's my favorite <3 English (this one!) - Japanese - Spanish
© kazumiwrites - All rights reserved; please do not steal, edit, copy, repost (etc) my work without my express permission.
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Dear kantokusei-san,
I always had a lot of struggles.
Every day, voices in my head would tell me that I was ugly. That I was just a dumb, hideous octopus.
I can't do anything.
"I want to smile always." "I want to live happily with Floyd and Jade."
But voices are always running around in my head, making me overthink.
Are you really my friend?
Even if you saw me as a kid, would you still be able to say that I'm different from him?
You wouldn't be able to, would you.
Because no matter how you look at it, I'm just a stupid mer that wants to be human.
I'm a horrible person who can't even accept himself.
"I can't be a human."
This is the truth. No one can change it.
I thought that I had accepted these words, and yet… I couldn't.
"I don't want to be a mer again."
"I want to stay as a human forever."
"I don't want to return to being that fat, ugly octopus that I was before."
And I also wanted legs. Human legs - /real/ human legs. Legs that I could have without drinking a potion or creating a contract. Legs that I could walk, run, play and dance with. Legs that I could do anything with.
Why? Why was I born as a mer, and an octopus mer at that?
I had been living like that my whole life.
Until you arrived, that is. That was when everything changed.
The first time I met you, I wasn't sure what to make of you.
"A different world? That can't possibly be true. Are you joking around?"
That was what I thought, and I was wary of you.
However… Even after the Overblot incident, you were nice to me for a reason I couldn't explain.
How could you be so nice to a person like me? I almost killed you, didn't I? Are you insane?
I told you this thousands of times. yet you still spent time with me.
Floyd and Jade teased me a lot for it, but you always defended me against them. Do you remember doing that?
That honestly made me really happy.
"You aren't such a bad person."
And before I knew it… I was in love with you.
I was surprised at first, you know? That I could feel this way.
What made me even more surprised was the time when you told me that you felt the same way.
If you say things like that, it'll only make me fall for you more, since I'm not used to words like that.
You are such an important person to me. I wouldn't want to live in a world that you're not in.
So… Would you like to stay in this world, with me?
I know that you most likely have ambitions, a family, a good life in your previous world. But if you could leave all of that behind to stay with me… I would be overjoyed.
I'll understand if you don't want to stay here; it's not your world, after all. However, I still wanted to ask this of you. Maybe I'm too greedy, asking you for this.
Either choice you make, I'll love you, forever and always.
With love, Azul Ashengrotto
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As always, reblogs and comments are always appreciated! ♡ Send your thoughts grr
Feel free to send requests! Check out this post for info ^^
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
Hello can I request a stray kids with there s/o being a stylist !
( imagin one of them getting jealous on how close there s/o is to a other idols face when doing there makeup >-<)
stray kids with a stylist s/o
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genre: fluff
word count: 0.9k
warnings: not proofread
pls like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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channie just loves the way you do his makeup. like he really feels only you bring out his best features. you make him feel confident in himself when he is performing because you give him outfits that not only are flattering but also that he feels comfortable in. even when you're not styling him, he might ask for fashion tips or your opinion on his outfit anyway. what makes channie super happy though is that you always remember to compliment his handsome face whether he is wearing makeup or not, knowing that he's insecure about his bareface. this makes his heart flutter for sure <3
lee know
minho loves the perks there are in having a partner who is a stylist. you have a good eye for things so he comes to you for free fashion advice and stuff like that. what he isn't too keen on is when you are styling other idols. he knows it's part of your job but when he catches glimpse of you leaned over another idol to do their makeup, he can't help but feel a little jealous. even if the other idols you are styling happen to be his members! why should they be worth more attention than him? that's where his mind is at. so be sure to pamper him and give him special treatment uwu
he loves the fact that you are mostly there backstage whenever he has a concert or special event. he feels like he can get positive vibes and support just by knowing you're not too far from him. he loves it when you take care of him, especially in between performances at concerts. while adjusting his make-up and outfit, you'll wipe his sweaty forehead and always ask him if he's ok and if he needs anything. you mkar him feel so loved and care for no matter what setting or circumstance. he likes to think that you take care of him at work and he get's to take care of you at home >.< idk the whole scenario is just very cute to him.
he admires your work because to him being a stylist is like being an artist; you have your own creative process and speculate on how to make things look beautiful or make outfits look unique for performances. he always claims that every time you style him, you give him the most iconic looks. whether that is giving him a new hairstyle or vibrant, intricate makeup on his face, or even a new style of clothes that has never been tried by an idol before. he likes making a good impression on the fans and being known as striking and daring, so having you by his side to support this idea is a dream come true for him.
he finds it quite a novle idea that he would be connected to his partner this way. he still finds it funny how he could ask about different clothes and hairstyles that you would be willing to try out in him while you talk long into the night. having you in his work aspect of life is something he is still getting used to, but definitely something he very much appreciates. just knowing you are there, even jn the backgrounds of the dressing room somewhere, even if you're styling another idol, he knows you're there. and that's the main thing. he feels he has someone to turn to just incase something happens. he is very comforted by you.
every time you get the opportunity to do his makeup for an event, you also make sure his beautiful freckles are visible, which he really appreciates. as felix's stylist and partner you feel that you tend to focus more on complimenting his personality and talents than looks. this is because felix has expressed to you that he doesn't want to just be known for his handsome face, and you completely understand that. as someone who is constantly around handsome faces anyway, you tend to be unfazed with regards to looks, and so you reassure him that his personality shines the brightest <333
before he started dating you, seungmin was super shy when you came over to style him, and this was mainly because you could not stop yourself from complimenting how handsome he is. i mean... i can't blame you?? i would totally do the same lmao. anyways, now that you both are dating he's a lot less shy because he's used to being around you a lot more, not just at work but also in a less professional setting, like when you guys at home. but you still make his heart flutter regardless; he's just not used to getting so much attention from just one person. it's a new feeling, and a feeling he likes very much indeed.
you are able to shield jeongin from any awful hairstyles that other stylists attempt to infringe upon him. like the amount of times other stylists have come at him with hair crimpers is appalling and definitely not happening, not if you have any say in it! he definitely appreciates you understanding his wishes, for sure. when he sees you styling other idols, he can feel himself getting more and more jealous. he's just lowkey insecure, especially if he deems the idol you are so close to as being 'more handsome' than he is. but he will never mention it to you because he recognises that you are a professional and this is merely what you're paid for.
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otakusheep15 · 1 year
How Likely I'd Be to Eat TWST's Characters Favorite/Least Favorite Foods, Except I'm a Picky Eater
I've decided that from now on, all of my titles are going to be anime title length, and no one can stop me. Anyways, I'm bored and haven't done Twst content in a while, so I thought I would today. Feel free to share y'all's opinions in the comments/reblogs if y'all want.
Favorite: Strawberry tarts
Literally 10/10. I love strawberry tarts, or anything with strawberries really.
Least favorite: Junk food
Also 10/10. I eat a lot of junk food (especially on depression days), so I'm all for eating it.
Favorite: Candied violets
3/10. I don't like eating flowers, but I'd consider it since they're candied. I probably wouldn't like them though.
Least favorite: Mustard
8/10. It's not my favorite condiment, and I'm very picky about what I put it on, but I love mustard.
Favorite: Spicy ramen
7/10. It depends on how spicy and what brand of ramen. I only eat a very certain brand, and my spice tolerance depends on the day.
Least favorite: anything sweet
5/10. Depends on what sweets and how sweet. I do have a sweet tooth, but I'm more picky about sweets than any other flavor.
Favorite: Cherry pie
0/10. I cannot stand cherries. The texture and flavor makes me sick and I can hardly even look at them.
Least favorite: Raw oysters
0/10. I also hate seafood, but especially oysters. Again, it's all about the texture. They're too slimy.
Favorite: Anything with eggs
10/10. Eggs are my favorite form of protein, and I could honestly eat them with every meal. I love eggs a lot.
Least favorite: Bell peppers
4/10. I can only tolerate them when they're cut super fine and mixed in with other things. I grew up in Louisiana, so it's common to find bell peppers in basically everything, so I've grown somewhat immune to them.
Favorite: Meat
6/10. Depends on what kind of meat and how it's prepared. There are some meats I love, and some I can't stand, especially things like steak or roast.
Least favorite: Vegetables
7/10. I live veggies, but I'm super picky about them. I only really like lettuce, carrots, and broccoli, and I have to have them prepared very specifically. I will also only eat lettuce in a sandwich or in a salad, and I only eat carrots and broccoli raw with ranch.
Favorite: Donuts
5/10. I like donuts, but only on very specific occasions. I also prefer donut holes because I find regular donuts too filling and sugary. I love blueberry and red velvet donuts the most.
Least favorite: Anything rotten
0/10. I've eaten rotten food before, and it is not pleasant. I don't know who would honestly enjoy rotten food.
Favorite: Pear compote
0/10. Pears are on par with cherries for being one of my least favorite fruits. I cannot stand pears.
Least favorite: Green onions
9/10. I love green onions, but only in soups and stuff. Potato soup with green onions is always a winning combination to me.
Favorite: Fried chicken
11/10. Fried chicken might actually be my favorite savory food. I live right next to a Popeyes, and I eat there religiously. Fried chicken cannot be beat in my eyes.
Least favorite: Health food
4/10. Some health food is okay, but i can never stick with it for too long before I'm either bored or sick.
Favorite: Octopus carpaccio
0/10. I hate seafood, and I hate raw food even more. I genuinely have no clue why people enjoy eating raw meat/fish.
Least favorite: Conger eel
0/10. Again, I cannot stomach seafood. Also, eel? You can eat eel? Idk but it sounds gross.
Favorite: Takoyaki
2/10. Okay, I know I've been talking about how much I hate seafood, but I've always wanted to try takoyaki. Will I hate it? Yes, but I still want the experience.
Least favorite: Shiitake mushrooms
-10/10. Mushrooms might actually be my least favorite food ever. The texture and taste are both awful, and even the look and smell are enough to make my gag.
Favorite: Coconut juice
5/10. I'm not a fan of coconut, but I've never tried the juice, so I'm not sure if I'll like it or not. I'd be down to try it at least.
Least favorite: Curry
6/10. Would depend on spice levels, what kind of curry, etc. I can't remember if I've ever had curry, but it doesn't sound unpleasent.
Favorite: Curry
Same as before.
Least favorite: Dates
3/10. Absolutely not. I refuse to touch dates. I'll give them a slight chance because I've had worse.
Favorite: Homemade smoothies
8/10. I really like smoothies. My favorite is strawberry and banana. I'm a little more hesitant about stuff like kale smoothies, but I still like smoothies overall.
Least favorite: Mayonnaise
9/10. My house always had mayo in the fridge, and I refuse to eat sandwiches without it. I love mayo, and it's definitely a top 5 condiment for me.
Favorite: Liver pâté
0/10. Why do so many of them have an interest in raw meat? That's why all of them are so weird. They keep eating raw meat.
Least favorite: Garlic
8/10. Yes, I am that guy who enjoys garlic chips. And, yes, I put garlic in basically everything I consume. I just really like the stuff.
Favorite: Grilled meats/Macarons
7/10 for grilled meat. I like grilled chicken, but only sometimes. 10/10 for macarons. I am obsessed with macarons, especially fruity flavors.
Least favorite: Apple pears
2/10. I don't like pears, but I'd be more willing to try them since they're somewhat similar to apples, which I do like.
Favorite: Sweets
10/10. I love sweets, even if I am picky about them. I prefer stuff like pastries over stuff like candy, but I like candy too.
Least favorite: Raw fish
0/10. Again, raw meats/seafood is just such a strange concept to me. I think I've said enough on the topic by now.
(skipping Ortho bc both his fave and least fave are literally nothing)
Favorite: Ice cream
7/10. I'm sort-of picky about ice cream, but it's mostly a flavor thing. When it's a flavor I like, ice cream is one of my faves. But if it's a flavor I don't like, it's one of the worst foods ever.
Least favorite: Full-sized cakes
3/10. Cake is okay, but I could never eat a full-sized cake. Also, cake is one of the desserts I'm pickiest about, so it's not a preference for me.
Favorite: Tomato juice
5/10. I don't like tomatoes, but I do like smoothe tomato soup (never chunky), so maybe I'd like tomato juice.
Least favorite: Marshmallows
10/10. I love marshmallows so much. The texture makes me very happy, and I especially love the big ones that take multiple bites to eat.
Favorite: Mushroom risotto
0/10. Again, I cannot stand even the thought of mushrooms, so I doubt I'd like it in a risotto. Maybe I'd try it for Silver though. Maybe.
Least favorite: Lilia's cooking
-10/10. Absolutely not. I refuse to even humor the idea of trying Lilia's cooking.
Favorite: Salmon carpaccio
1/10. Seriously, why is there so much raw seafood mentioned in this game?? I gave this one 1 point because I do like salmon, but I still wouldn't eat it.
Least favorite: Black coffee
2/10. I do not like coffee, black or otherwise. I'd be willing to give it a try since it's been a while since I've had it, but I doubt I'd like it.
Favorite: Canned tuna
7/10. I like tuna, and I honestly wouldn't mind it from a can, but it's not my favorite type of fish.
Favorite: Wild game
5/10. Depends on the type of game and how it's cooked, but it wouldn't be the worst thing to try.
Favorite: Raisin butter
1/10. I dislike raisins very much, but I'd hesitantly try it in butter because I do like butter.
Favorite: Vichyssoise
3/10. I don't like leeks, but I do like potatoes, so maybe it's balance out and I'd like it. However, I'm also a pessimist, so I'm giving it a low score anyways.
Favorite: Raw eggs
2/10. Here in America, eating raw eggs is very dangerous, so it's a no from me, but I do know people in other countries eat raw eggs, so maybe I'd like it.
Favorite: Chicken gumbo
10/10. Like I said, I grew up in Louisiana, so of course I love gumbo. I don't like seafood gumbo, but chicken gumbo is easily top tier for me.
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copperbadge · 1 year
I've been talking about what does/doesn't make someone an artist (or something art) with different people in my life and as a long-time follower of yours from back in the LJ days, I'm interested in your take and that of your followers: When does a creative pursuit become art, or is that just an arbitrary line made by gatekeepers? Is there a difference between art vs craft? Can anybody who creates be considered an artist?
And because I've seen you have to grapple with other anon queries in the past, I'll add that if you prefer not to dive into this or let somebody query your readership this way cause you aren't interested and/or don't want to start a weird precedent, totally understood and no worries. This is just curiosity, and I can easily take a non-response as a response.
I think...well, for me, at least, the question is...a bit broad. It's something you could argue forever, and also...I'm not sure what purpose it serves as a question, other than to get people to talk a lot about art. Which is a great purpose, don't get me wrong, but I come back to, Why are we asking? Are we asking in order to challenge the art establishment, or in order to legislate arts funding, or in order to determine how we support artists, or....? Because if you're asking "What is art" in order to determine what goes in a museum that's very different from asking "What is art" in order to determine whether someone is eligible for an arts grant. And both of these are different from, say, asking "What is art" in the context of an art piece currently causing controversy, or telling someone what they've made "isn't art" because you want to keep it from greater exposure.
And also are we talking about art strictly in a visual sense? When asking this specific question, are we including film, music, writing, performance? If someone sculpts The Thinker, and some guy dresses up as The Thinker and busks in Central Park, is the latter art? Performance art? Merely busking? After all, it takes intentionality and work to achieve, and he's asking for compensation in return.
I know all that is kind of a non-answer, but this is something that people spend their lives on in academia, and the distinction between "art" and "not art" is something that can also be used to hurt people, to denigrate artists or uplift people who might be artist but are, also, assholes. I do generally approach the idea from the point of view of "Why would you say this isn't art" and almost always the answer is either "because I don't like it" or "because I don't like who made it", but that's a conversation, not a definition. And of course there's also a distinction between "why wouldn't this be art" and "why is/isn't this in a gallery" and "why was this created".
IDK, I just feel like I'm not qualified to answer, though in the past when I was younger I probably would have had some confident assertions to make.
Readers, feel free to comment, although please remember to be civil and to respond in comments or reblogs, as I don't post asks sent in response to other asks.
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