#although they have both been human shields before at least once
thelastsarahbender · 2 years
ben🤝 hi: using their bodies as human shields to protect their friends
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ozzgin · 1 year
Pickle and Baki men reacting to pickle and his prehistoric feral daughter reader.
I like that we’ve done a proper dissection of Pickle’s potential family tree. From mate, to sister, and now daughter. Somewhere in the ancient mountains they’ll probably find a gigantic fossilized block and it’ll turn out to be Pickle’s mom of ridiculous size (like Sidon next to King Dorephan from BotW). Jokes aside, the Internet seems to agree that Pickle is in his 20s from the young facial features and general life expectancy, so his daughter would be rather young.
Baki Headcanons: Pickle’s Daughter! Reader
Featuring Pickle’s challengers and his daughter that seems to take after him in personality.
The news of a prehistoric human were too great to not make their way to all media outlets, though the scientists had managed to conceal your existence for the sake of privacy. They didn’t want a poor, confused child to be surrounded by microphones and cameras the second you landed. What the research team didn’t anticipate was that a bunch of dangerous men would sneak into Pickle’s provisional enclosure in order to measure up his strength. When Doppo broke out of the fake T.Rex and spotted the scattered toys on the floor, he could feel the bile kicking at the back of his throat. “Stop! There’s a child in here!” His voice boomed across the room and the fighters froze. Yuujirou glanced at him, incredulous, and was about to question his sanity when a small figure emerged from the carved tree trunk.
As a loving father himself, Doppo was ashamed to have potentially endangered this innocent soul. He demanded that the men exit the premises at once, and most complied without much protest. The Ogre, however, didn’t like the idea of leaving empty handed. He doesn’t care about his own damn children, why should he concern himself with an unrelated brat? He proceeded to break the security glass, ignoring the pleas of common decency. At that point Pickle was standing next to you, completely unbothered by the scene unraveling before him. He looked at you with an encouraging smile, and with the approval of your father confirmed, you didn’t waste any more time. You rushed towards the intruder and took a swing at him.
The remaining men prepared their stances, ready to shield you from Yuujirou’s anger. He observed your reaction after hitting him. His muscles were hard and the recoil shot through your entire arm. How exciting. You were gleaming with youthful enthusiasm. Yuujirou couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. Now that was a child made for battle. He lowered his large hand and ruffled your hair vigorously. You didn’t entirely understand the gesture, but you grinned at the stranger, flashing your chiseled fangs.
At least one worry has been cleared: fights leave you unfazed. They won’t have to hold back when challenging Pickle. Retsu is somewhat worried at the idea of a child whose main form of entertainment is violence. Katsumi shares a similar train of thought, although he’s quick to be charmed by your cheers and curiosity towards his martial arts. Baki finds you cute and captivating. Both him and Jack like to joke that you’re the child Yuujirou would’ve wanted. You abruptly showed up one day and potentially cleared them of the Hanma inheritance. Not that such matters interest you. You might be a fighting prodigy in the eyes of these men, but you prefer your role as Pickle’s dauntless daughter.
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kybercrystals94 · 7 months
Read here on Ao3!
Febuwhump 2024 | Day 18 | Alternate Prompt 1: Human Shield
Rated: G | Words: 730 | Summary: An altercation during training leads to dissension in the Batch. [Character Focus: Tech, Crosshair, Wrecker, Hunter]
“Why can’t you keep your mouth shut once in a while?” Crosshair asked, shoving roughly into Tech as they went into their barracks.
Tech staggered a step under the unexpected impact and righted his goggles that went askew. “Had I known that the regs would respond violently to my observation, I can assure you that I would have kept my thoughts to myself.”
“When have they not responded violently to you correcting them?” Wrecker grumbled.
Tech was not quite ready to concede the point, although his face burned with chagrin. “I thought that it was in our best interest to tell them the mistake they were making with the wiring. Otherwise, we might have lost marks.”
“Instead, we lost marks and got disciplinary action for causing a brawl,” Crosshair snapped, tossing his training helmet onto his bed and beginning to strip out of his armor. “Not to mention, Wrecker’s nose now looks like a meiloorun.”
“It does not!” Wrecker cried, covering his nose with both hands.
“I did not ask either of you to fight the regs in my defense,” Tech muttered. “If you had not intervened…”
“You’d probably be in medical,” Crosshair interrupted bitterly.
“I could have handled it,” Tech argued. “At the very least, I would have been the only one facing disciplinary measures, along with any regs that were involved.”
“You hear that, Wrecker? Tech doesn’t need us as his human shields anymore. He can handle the regs all on his own.���
“I am not saying I don’t appreciate your assistance, only your interference in this case escalated the situation far beyond what was necessary.”
“You’ve got a weird way of saying thank you,” Crosshair said, grabbing the med kit and pulling out an instant cooling pack. He activated it before tossing it to Wrecker.
“I had the situation under control.”
“You did not! That reg immediately swung at you, and if Wrecker hadn’t stepped in, you’d be trying to fix your kriffing goggles right now.”
Tech stopped removing his armor and stood up. “I am just as capable—”
“Save the speech, I don’t want to hear it,” Crosshair cut him off.
Tech knew it was not physically possible, but felt as though his blood had begun to boil in his veins. He snatched up his discarded armor and clipped it back into place. He started for the door.
“Where are you going?” Wrecker asked behind the cooling pack pressed against his nose.
“Out,” Tech said, and marched out of the barracks without looking back.
It was Hunter that found him, which didn’t surprise Tech in the slightest.
Tech did not look up from the practice droid he was dismantling, even as Hunter sat down next to him at the work table. “Rough day?”
“One I could have easily prevented,” Tech said, “On several accounts, had I been given the opportunity.”
“You really think so?”
“I do.” Tech tossed aside a piece of bad wire, grabbed a spool of new, snipped off a measured portion, and started the process of reattaching it. “Our brothers don’t seem to realize that not every confrontation need end in a physical altercation.”
“If I understood the story, the regs took the first swing,” Hunter countered softly.
Tech shrugged. “Then they would have been at fault. Our trainers would have observed the situation and handled it accordingly.”
Hunter smiled. “So you would’ve taken a punch to get the regs in trouble?”
“The attempt seemed worth it. Wrecker and Crosshair thought otherwise.”
“I doubt they were thinking.”
“True.” Tech grinned in spite of himself.
Hunter said, “But they’re always going to stand up for you or me or each other. They’re not just gonna stand by. It’s what you’d do too, if the situation were reversed.”
Tech frowned. “This is also true.”
“But I think you’re right,” Hunter continued and knocked his shoulder into Tech’s, “We should give this diplomacy thing a try…but maybe without antagonizing the regs into taking a swing, huh?”
“That was not my intention,” Tech sighed.
Hunter chuckled. “I know, but I say we lose the marks next time. Let the trainers tell ‘em what they did wrong.
“I suppose.”
Hunter clapped Tech on the shoulder and stood up. “C’mon, it’s time for late meal. We gotta keep those two hot heads we call brothers in check or they’re gonna end up in solitary for the night.”
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lvlyghost · 1 year
Pairings: John Price x F!Reader
Summary: after a few months since his last visit, john finally gets the chance to see the girl.
Word Count: 1.7k
tw: fluff, angst, allusion to human trafficking, NCA, terrified girls. nothing too descriptive. bad english and poor grammar as usual. if i missed anything just lmk💕
A/N: so this took a little longer since it was supposed to come out during the weekend. i was planning on making it longer but didn't, maybe a second part could happen🐸 anyway, i love price✨🩵!
Masterlist✨ | Part 2
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She hears it while cooking her homemade cherry pie. As far as she recalls, no one was supposed to come today. No. Officer Davis came that morning at eight o'clock like he always did. He had handed her some new books she's been wanting to read for a few months now and was kind enough to buy for her.
Since she wasn't allowed to give her address to anyone,and let alone type it on some random website, she was always asking officer Davis for favors. He was truly an amazing man. Although, even if they ever let her do such thing, giver her some freedom, who would want to go to the house in the middle of the forest to drop off a package?
Freedom. She scoffs. Such a strange word.
Making her way out of the room she walks towards the front door, but not before taking the remote that was given to her by the NCA. All it takes is pressing the red button twice and she'll have the whole police in her doorway. She stands behind the white wooden door, hesitating. Her heart begins to race, feeling it beat against her ribcage.
What if someone had finally found her location?
I can't go back there.
Frozen in her place, hand barely touching the doorknob and tears gathering in the corner of her eyes.
"It's me, sweetheart." A deep voice comes from the other side. "It's okay. I'm sorry for not coming sooner."
She mumbles his name, like a prayer, and then opens the door.
He stands there, tall and broad. The same baby blues that saved her a year ago looking back at her. The lines on his forehead soften at the mere sight of the girl. He's wearing that black beanie that once sat atop of her head when the winter had begun that first time he visited her here.
The only other one that knew where to find her. Because she knew, they all knew, he'd do anything for her.
John can hear the river outside the old house. The rustling of leaves moving against the wind, soon it'll be dark. The humid weather making his green shirt stick to his skin layered with sweat. He inhales deeply. This mission. This fucking mission has been going far too long. But everything they found les the task force to this very place. He goes room by room, entering with his gun aiming ahead and the safety off. Always.
Despite not having execute authority he wanted nothing more than to put several bullets in their bodies. Whomever they were.
A creak echoes on the second floor so he rushes upstairs stealthily. The place above doesn't look much better that the bottom part of the house. There's a weird smell in the air. Like blood and death.
After checking the first room, the bathroom and all the cabinets just in case he sighs.
"Only got one room left to check. Anything out there?" He waits for an answer, in the middle of the bedroom. The mattress was torn and dirty. He thinks of all the atrocities that must've taken place there.
"Negative, Captain. Got you on my sight just in case." Ghost's monotone voice interrupts the eerie silence engulfing his surroundings.
The radio dies and John walks to the next door across the hallway. Except it's locked.
Of course.
"Last door locked. I'm going in. Gaz, Soap you're in position?" He asks
"Aye sir. Both ready."
Next thing that happens is a bullet. He shoots the doorknob and the door bursts open with a loud sound of his firearm.
And screams.
Terrified screams and cries from... girls. At least seven of them. Price swallows hard, his eyes scanning the room when they land on the girl shielding a younger one. She's terrified, shaking, yet still looks him in the eye imploring to be saved.
She's hugging him in an instant, almost making him stumble back on his steps, but embraces her body nevertheless.
"What took you so long?" She asks, her face resting on his hard chest. Price can feel the softness of her skin against his calloused hands.
"Special Ops." She smells like strawberry and caramels. Pulling away so he can look her in the eyes. "How're you doin' love?"
Her heart skips a beat. Never gets tired of hearing Price calling her that.
"Come in and I'll tell you."
Taking his hand she guides him to the kitchen where the pie is almost finished. John drops his duffel bag on the wooden floor, contemplating her small form moving around effortlessly.
"I got some new books this morning. Turns out I've been missing a lot. Davis was kind enough to bring them since... you know." She shrugs.
"They're still not letting you out?" He asks with a serious tone.
"Nah. Might be dangerous." Taking out the pie from the oven she places it on the counter between the two. Price doesn't say anything for a moment, merely looking at her, pondering. "The boys are alright?"
"Yeah." He nods,"Had to drag one or two out of a burning building but that's not new."
She laughs softly, taking a seat, motioning for him to do the same. He obliges.
"How long do you think they'll keep me here, John?" It's a genuine question. It's only been a few months. A year, almost.
"Love..." he sighs. "It's complicated. I don't know much."
"Yeah but, but once they're all captured..." she stammered.
Price could never say he understands what she's going through. What she endured was beyond him. Whenever he thought of it it just made him want burn the fucking bastards. All of them.
"I promise you this. Once it's safe for you I'll personally come and give you the news. And we'll go wherever you desire, yeah?" Although it's not entirely what she wanted, she could wait a little bit longer. John had never let her down. He saved her and in all honesty she'd trust him with her life. "I'll tell you what." He stands up, making the small kitchen look even smaller with his tall form. "Have you heard about the town fair?"
Her eyes light up.
"No... is, is that..."
"Let's go." She doesn't move. "Why don't you go get ready."
"John, I'm not supposed to leave the house you know that, I mean I want to, but... you said..." She's mortified, yet excited. A breath of fresh air. That's what that man meant for her. No one ever cared about her like he did.
"I've got contacts, love. I don't need their permission. For all that matters you're safer with me. Come on, out we go." He points to the front door. "I'm a patient man but don't keep me waiting for too long eh."
He was right.
It was a sight to behold.
John watches her eating the snack he got for her. She loved sweets so much therefore he couldn't let this opportunity pass. When was the last time she got to experience something like this? Sometimes so simple.
Something so mundane.
Her eyes are glimmering whenever she looks at the different attractions at the fair. John takes a long drink from his beer bottle. Right hand finding her lower back whenever she's about to bump into some other person when she's distracted.
"You like it huh?" She looks at him confused. He points the stuffed otter in her left hand. A smile crossed her features.
"I do. And I still don't know how you did it... I mean, I guess being in the military does help when you try to shoot a moving horse toy at the fair to win something." She laughs, embarrassed about what she just said. She thinks she sounds stupid, almost making her want to hit her head against the nearest tree.
He smiles, the wrinkles on the corner of his eyes more prominent than the last time she'd seen him.
"I guess it does, love." He agrees wholeheartedly.
"How long are you going to stay?"
Price looks down at her when she stops before the ferris wheel. The wind blows her hair swiftly. What was that in the air? Her perfume?
"For as long as I can, dear." He takes a strand of hair in his hand, and gently put it behind her ear.
There she is.
"John..." she breathes. "I feel so lonely when you're gone." The grip on the stuffed animal tightens. "I've no one. If it wasn't for you..."
"No." He gently reprimands her. "Don't say another word. With or without me you'll be fine, love."
"What if I don't want to be fine when you're not around?" He's silent, yet his mind is so loud. "You saved me, John." She states. "Any other person would just continue with their lives. You were just doing your job. Another one in the endless missions you're assigned." Swallowing, she asks: "Why are you still here? Why do you keep coming back?"
He doesn't answer the question right away, instead looks over her head, lost in his own thoughts as he shifts his weight from one foot to another. He then clears his throat and looks back at her, who's waiting with wide eyes and lips slightly parted. She was right. Any other day John would've turned page. He would sure remember, after all these are stories that will stick with him until his last day. What made this mission different?
"I think you know bloody well why."
Price helps her sit inside the helicopter to get medical attention. Feeling her weak body trembling even under the black blanket she was tightly wrapped in. He had carried her body all the way outside from that house when she collapsed. The adrenaline running through her system disappearing when she realized they were being rescued at last.
Simon had side eyed his Captain when he didn't let anyone take the girl from him. Why her? He couldn't say. So he went away and led one of the other girls out of there instead with Soap's help.
"There's nothing to be afraid anymore, kid." He reassured her, voice soft trying not to startle her more than she already was. "We got you. All of you."
Her big eyes once terrified and filled with tears of despair finally saw the light at the end. It was him. What she always prayed for. Salvation.
It was staring back at her.
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“Hello, paladins.”
“Kolivan,” Allura greets, nodding her head at him. “You sent word that you’ve found something of importance?”
Kolivan hesitates for a moment, which is something Keith’s never seen from him before. It makes something churn in his stomach.
“It would be more accurate to say they found us,” Kolivan says. “It’s easiest if I simply show you. May I?”
Shiro steps forward, next to Allura. He puts a hand on her shoulder. It’s a testament to both of their strength that Allura doesn’t immediately grimace and throw him off.
They’ve been fighting a lot, lately.
“Show us what?” Shiro asks.
“A video, from one of our Blades.”
Allura and Shiro look at each other, silently communicating for a moment. As not-funny as the situation is, Keith does find it funny that despite the fact that they have a screaming match at least once a day, they know each other seemingly better than anyone else on the team, to the point where verbal communication is beneath them, apparently.
“Show us,” Allura says. Kolivan nods, and moments later a file appears on the holoscreen. Shiro taps it, and shaky footage begins to play.
The first thing visible, once the camera settles, is the bridge of a Galran warship. Several high-ranking officials are present, although — are they bound?
“Give it up, Storax.” The voice is deep and distorted, out of frame. The largest Galran soldier — a general, based on his uniform — sneers at whomever is speaking.
“It is not over until you and all vermin like you are crushed under my heel,” the general snarls. He turns his head and spits. “Until your kind is submissive under my hand.”
Loud, stomping footsteps echo through the room as a figure steps forward. They’re not tall — at least not by Galran standards — and very willowy, although their shoulders are broad. They wear a black, skin-tight suit under flexible armour, and a large helmet with a tinted view-shield.
“Oh, I’m shaking in my baby-seal leather boots,” they mock, sticking up a boot in question.
“Hey, wait a second,” Hunk says from beside Keith. “That’s — that’s a reference! A human reference!”
“That’s from Megamind!” Pidge agrees.
Coran hushes them gently, and Keith turns his attention back to the screen. Clearly the general has noticed the strange words as well, because he blinks in confusion. Then a slow, evil smirk spreads across his face.
“Well, I’ll be,” he says, leaning back. “If it isn’t my desert lily.”
The figure stiffens immediately. Their fists clench.
“I’m not your fucking lily,” they snarl. Keith can’t see their expression through their helmet, but their tone alone gives Keith chills.
“I don’t know how I didn’t notice,” continues the general. He gives the figure a long, slow look, up and down. Leering. “I’d know that figure anywhere.”
The figure stands in tense silence. They stand so still they barely appear to be alive, were it not for the waves of silent fury Keith could feel even through the screen.
“I was not a cruel person,” they say. “Not before you, Storax. In fact —“ he unholsters one of the pistols at his belt, and before Keith can even blink, fires shot after shot to the Galran soldiers bound on either side of them. Each bullet leaves a neat hole in the centre of the soldiers’ foreheads before they slump over. The figure hadn’t even looked to aim.
“I was going to kill all of you quickly, before I blew up your ship. But you?”
For the first time since the figure spoke, the general looks at them in some kind of fear. He swallows roughly.
“I’ll look forward to seeing your eyes pop out of your head,” the figure spits. The stride over to the general and rip of his helmet, throwing it to the ground. They lift their leg and stomp on it, shattering the reinforced material.
“Please,” the general says quietly. He seems to finally realize that this is the end for him, and it will not end well.
“Rot,” the figure stays, venomous. Without moving their gaze from the general, they point directly at the video — or, rather, the person attached to the camera.
“Blade,” they say. The video shakes, as if the Blade had startled. “In three seconds, I am going to press a button that will deactivate your cuffs. You are then going to run to the east wing hangar, where you will find my ship. My ship has a bomb attached to it, set to go off in twelve doboshes. My quintessence is the only thing that will deactivate that bomb. If you leave without me, the ship will blow up with you in it. If you do not get on the ship, this warship will blow up with you on it, and you will not bring your intel back to the base. Make a decision wisely.”
A click sounds loud enough to be heard through the video. The camera moves again, as if the Blade shifted their arms.
The camera shakes heavily as the Blade sprints, presumably towards the east wing. The next time the camera has settled enough for the video to be visible, the interior of a small cargo ship becomes obvious, with a small, flashing contraption at the entrance.
“That looks like a human pipe bomb,” Keith notes aloud. Shiro turns just to give him a Look, like he always does when Keith brings up explosives of any kind.
Keith only shrugs. His thing for bombs and shit has only helped since they got into space. He’s sure as hell not apologizing.
Suddenly, a deafening boom rocks the ship. Seconds later, the figure from the bridge comes sprinting down the hallway visible from the ship, chunks from the ceiling collapsing all around them. They barely manage to throw themselves into the ship and slam the doors shut before the entire Galran warship explodes into flames, the tiny cargo ship making a speedy getaway with the figure in the pilot’s seat.
As they put more distance between their ship and the warship, they lean over, pressing their hand to the top of the flashing pipe bomb until it stops flashing.
“Thank you,” comes a quiet voice from behind the camera. The Blade.
The figure doesn’t respond.
“How did… how did you know I was a Blade?“
“Stop asking questions,” the figure says. “I’m dropping you off at your base with your intel, and then I’m getting the hell out of dodge. If you speak again I’ll drop you in front of the base’s thrusters.”
Wisely, the Blade shuts up.
After several moments of frankly uncomfortable silence, the figure speaks up.
The Blade waits for more of a sentence, but none is forthcoming.
“Yes…?” he says, prompting.
The figure clears their throat. “Tell me about them.”
“I appreciate everything you’ve done, but you have to know that information about Voltron is classified and highly sensitive.”
“I fucking know that,” the figure says, scowl evident in their voice. “I’m not asking for their damn secrets or locations or anything, Jesus. I just mean… are they okay?”
“Alive, dumbass. All the paladins. They’re good?”
“…oh. The blue one was killed, some time ago. The rest are alive, I believe. My last check-in was several quintants ago, however, so my intel may not be accurate.”
The figure’s shoulders droop, making Keith aware of how tense they were previously.
“The blue one is… dead?”
“From my understanding, yes.”
“How has Voltron worked, then?”
“I must confess I do not know.”
“…Alright, then.”
The rest of the video progresses in silence as the figure pilots smoothly to the base, dropping the Blade off as promised and then flying away. The video stops, then, and Kolivan turns back to look at the team.
“We’re not sure what to make of them,” he says. “The intel they collected and gave to the Blade included plans and pathways for the warships of several officers close to Haggar’s operation. The figure seems to speak like you humans, and asked about you specifically.”
“They’re awfully concerned about L — about him,” Allura murmurs, voice cracking on Lance’s name.
Keith swallows roughly.
“I’ve sent that intel to you,” Kolivan says gently — gently by his standards, anyway — after a moment. “We would appreciate any insight you may have.”
“We’ll look over it,” Shiro promises. “Thank you, Kolivan.”
Kolivan nods, and then the holoscreen goes dark.
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xadoheandterra · 6 months
Ok, have some Alastor and Husk content from this scene I'm working on for Chain On Your Neck.
A few quick notes before the scene itself. Alastor 100% views Husk as a pet cat who just so happens to be able to speak to him in a coherent and understandable manner. He knows Husk was human once, and like everyone else did something to get himself into Hell. He chooses to primarily ignore that Husk was human and view him instead as a cat.
Unless Husk pisses him off. Then he gets treated like a person instead of a beloved pet...but usually that means Alastor being cruel.
Husk essentially has some form of Stockholm Syndrome involved with Alastor, and they are both well aware of it. Honestly the entire thing in this, even being platonic in its nature, is very much not a healthy relationship between them, and they are completely aware. Neither of them gives a shit, really, that they are all sorts of fucked up between the two. They take their comforts where they can.
This scene is also completely in Alastor's viewpoint. When I write stuff I write it from that character's headspace normally, so everything within the scene should be taken with some salt and not as gospel. Each character is, at their core, an unreliable narrator. Alastor sees what Alastor wants to see in regards to Husk's behavior. Husk sees what Husk wants to see in regards to Alastor. So on and so forth. It is also why the tone of this scene might very from the scene before that I shared.
Anyway enjoy the somewhat soft Alastor and his pet cat Husk that this scene ended up being. IDK. Alastor went "QPR!" and Husk got dragged along for the ride.
His room was his safe haven, a place were he could dress down and be himself; a place where Alastor could set aside the Radio Demon and, for the moment, relax. The door opened up into the muggy familiar heat of a bayou, the ground beneath his boots murky and wet just past the doorway unless one knew the paths to walk. Alastor knew those paths like the back of his hand, and with a cheerful hum walked them past the endless front space until he vanished into the depths of a cold morning fog. Past the fog lay the real room. The bayou--the sound of the swamp, the crickets, the thick blades of grass the the faint gurgle of the water--was still there, but here it resembled mostly a room and not the swamp. A lavish bed with fitted sheets and a deep, black canopy above it settled against the clearly defined wall. It blocked out the twinkling sky overhead that mimicked the night of home, of the little house he grew up in with mær before all of that city nonsense. Alastor stepped toward the dresser, settled into the wall just away from the bed, and carefully placed his microphone down with one hand while the other eased the bow-tie from around his neck. With nonchalance he scuffed the shoes off his hooves and let them settle into the plush grooves of the carpet. His jacket quickly followed, placed perfectly upon a coat-rack before Alastor stepped around the bed and toward the lounge settled just in place that he could see into the thick wood-scape that shielded his more private quarters. With a relaxed sigh he settled into place, hooves curled up at his side as he snapped a decent two fingers of rye whiskey into place on the small table. His grin was noticeably smaller, here, although still present. He may have 'dressed down' now that he was in a private space, but he could not find himself to be fully rid of the smile unless he was about to head to bed. There was still far too much to do for him to rest now, either way. Another snap of his fingers as Alastor pulled the glass up to take a sip settled a notepad and paper into place. He scribbled down the few vague thoughts he had gathered from his walk through Pentagram City until he had reached the edges of his territory. The city had certainly expanded since he had last walked the streets and pressed near up to the very edge of the circle it resided in where before there had been at least some space between the points of the city and the edge. The streets themselves were also so unfamiliar, and even worse somehow in the seven years of his absence those dilly Overlord’s had lost control of most of the subjects within their own territories! Why, Alastor could easily see places where Vox so pleasingly overstepped and they just let him! Alastor couldn't plan too much without the information Husker would undoubtedly bring him once the feline had gotten himself cleaned up. His gaze tracked up toward the door, which had so far remained close, as he hummed thoughtfully. He hadn't seen Husker in such a sorry and pathetic state in quite some time, although these fits of his pet did seem to come around every now and then. Alastor had to wonder if Husker had spent too much time among the city folk and needed to have his freedoms restricted for a bit--it had happened before, after all. If you let a cat roam too much, why one day they may not come home at all! On the other hand, Alastor had never liked keeping his pets solely indoors, even if it would ultimately be better for them.
The door to the room opened with a soft creak and drew Alastor out of his thoughts. He glanced from his half scribbled notes toward the door where Husker shuffled his way into the swamp, shoulders hunched in thick, nervous energy. Softly Alastor scoffed to himself as he set his drink down and lightly knocked the notebook off of his lap. It landed on the table, the pen casually vanishing into black static as Alastor tilted his head and let his eyes glance over to his lombraj from where it had grown against the wall. He watched, faintly amused, at the way it’s ears flickered down and back as it’s grin turned more into a grimace with the edges still curled into a smile. It shrank itself down, and like a shot darted through the mist and bayou to reach Husker. Husker noticed something, as Alastor expected. His fur stood up on end and he began to glance around quickly, pupils nearly pinpricks they had contracted so much. Alastor let out a pleased chuckle, allowed the sound to reverberate through the area if only to see the way Husker shook. His lombraj curled up and out of Husker’s own shadow, claws out to land gently upon Husker’s shoulders. Husker yelped, and in the next second his form dissipated into the shadows only to reappear in the corner of the couch Alastor had settled himself in, pressed close into all of Alastor’s sharp edges.
“Hello my dear Husker,” Alastor nearly purred. The radio static provided the right edge of a growl to his voice as Alastor reached up and scratched lightly at the base of Husker’s ear. He watched, pleased, how the feline’s lips thinned and his eyes darted right to Alastor’s side. Such amusing, grumpy reactions his pet constantly gave him! Ah, Alastor did so miss dear Husker these past few years. “Did you have to send the stupid shadow, boss?” Husker grumbled, and Alastor could feel the way he trembled faintly against Alastor’s side. To his left his lombraj hissed and leaned forward just the slightest bit into a three dimensional space, just a bit of a threat that had Husker pressed even closer. Alastor bit back the laugh he wanted to let free. “Mm. No,” Alastor decided, and then tugged Husker lightly by the ear until the feline was pressed completely into his side. The soft fur was such a comfort against his claws, and the succulent flesh that coated Husker’s form in a nice, comfortable layer of fat was gentle against all of Alastor’s sharp edges. He could feel his own ears becoming less and less alert as he gently rubbed at Husker’s head. The tenseness in Alastor’s own form eased bit by bit. “I thought you wanted an update on the territory?” Husker grumbled as he settled himself just a bit more against Alastor’s side.
“I do,” Alastor agreed gamely. He directed a tendril of shadow to grab the folder out of Husker’s claws and deposit it into place on the table. Another shadow poured a generous helping of drink for Husker into a second glass. He scraped his claws lightly against Husker’s scalp until he caught the faintest sound of a purr barely covered up by a grumbling half-groan of annoyance. Alastor laughed, soft and light and rubbed the pads of his fingers up one of Husker’s ears. “Go on. Tell me of the territory in my absence.” “Not while yer pettin’--” Husker started, and then shuddered as Alastor dragged his claws down the back of Husker’s skull. “Then be silent and let me have my fill,” Alastor countered lightly. It was the closest he would ever come to admitting that he had missed his darling pet. He missed this soft fur beneath his claws, the subtle purring that Husker hated, or the press of Husker’s fat covered form against his side, soft in all the places were Alastor was hard. For several long minutes Alastor kept Husker there and based in the comforting warmth the other sinner gave off. At some point he twitched his fingers and the radio began to play soft jazzy tunes as Alastor felt himself sink more fully into the couch. Husker leaned further and further into Alastor’s side and nearly tumbled right into Alastor’s lap from the gentle stroking and petting. The only other noise to accompany them had been the faint burble and gurgle of the swamp in the distance. It was peaceful. It was comforting.
Alastor pulled away once he had his fill, and Husker flopped over in a half-asleep state that the radio demon had left him in. For Alastor he merely stood and stretched his limbs, let the bones creak and pop out of their relaxed state. He picked up the folder Husker brought him, and then his glass of whiskey, and with a faint hum began to flick through the pages and papers bemusedly. Husker resettled himself on the couch now that Alastor wasn’t there to hold him tightly into place. His paws reached out greedily for the drink Alastor had poured him and quickly swallowed a mouthful, face set into a perpetual frown that Alastor had always found so amusing. With the alcohol in hand, and Alastor now out of Husker’s reach, the other demon settled out into the couch in a languid, feline fashion. “Alright, boss, now do you want that update?” Husker asked as his tail flicked near agitatedly beside him. “Mm, what have the twins been up to?” Alastor questioned as he flicked through the pages. “Keeping you relevant,” Husker grumbled as he took another sip of his drink. “They’ve been going through your recorded broadcasts and sending ‘em out every few days or so. On top of runnin’ the re-broadcasts from the news.” Alastor hummed. It was good to know there had been some quality radio while he had been away. He’d hate for the ether to be completely bereft of his influence or presence. The recorded broadcasts had been a just-in-case; Alastor did not want his shows to become another clambake just because he hadn’t been there. He felt a bit of the tension ease from his shoulders with that news. “And the Overlord’s?” “Think yer dead,” Husker grunted. “Most of ‘em. Or hiding. Or doing who knows what.” Alastor’s ears went back and his smile thinned. “Swell.”
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multishipper-baby · 1 year
now im thinking about the cast being remnants of despair... if goldami was actually a thing before the game, imagine they got rid of golden's family and started ruling together... and made everything worse, the exact opposite of what they had once hoped for 🥲 anyways, what atrocities was the cast up to before the game?
Oh yeah that would majorly suck for the both of them- finally being in control of everything and just using that power to hurt others. I especially think it would sting given what went down in the killing game; Remnant Cami has probably used her hypnotism to manipulate others into commiting horrible deeds just like she did with Golden. And having their relationship absolutely destroyed because of that would be more painful if they used to love each other... Hopefully with time they'll be able to recover from that?
As for what the remnants were up to... Generally they did a bunch of atrocities (murders, terrorism, stalking, etc). More specifically:
All the characters that had families were responsible for having them killed. Some did so directly and with their own hands, some did so indirectly by sending others to kill their families for them. The exception to this would be Usagi and Loon, since their families where is another country when the Tragedy started and they lost track of them. They're the only lucky ones, though.
There's also Deuz, who was a special case since he considered the Nightmares to be his family. Instead of killed, they were brainwashed alongside him to help the remnants. Long-term they still died, but in their case it was during confrontations against the Future Foundation, instead of because Deuz himself doing anything to them. So he at least doesn't have that in his conscience.
Springtrap made a lot of machines for the Ultimate Despair, including bombs, weapons, vehicles and even some executions. Aside from Owynn, he's probably the one who most contributed to the whole operation. The only upside is that at least now that he's been reformed, he can use his knowledge to help the Future Foundation deal with the problem he caused- searching for weaknesses in his old creations, explaining how to defuse the bombs he made, etc.
Loon has the most versatile talent, and thus has the biggest range of things he's done for the Ultimate Despair. The others usually specialized in a few things, but he did anything and everything under the sun. It made the process of remembering very, very painful, because there was always something new and horrifying to uncover and every single memory was its own kind of messed up. He needs a lot of support from the others.
Towntrap probably had a lot of things regarding animals, which sort of ruins all the love he had for his talent. For a while after waking up he can't be anywhere near an animal at all without being triggered and it takes him some work to get over that. He also feels alienated from his classmates, in that he's like "I have no right to feel so traumatized when most of them had it worst, since they harmed more humans than I did", which hampers his healing process constantly.
Eak is an special case in that he didn't actually cause too much direct suffering (although he definitely did kill people) but as Owynn's personal bodyguard he indirectly made things worse. Once he starts getting memories of Owynn almost being killed only to save him, it kind of drives him to blame himself for everyone else's suffering, even if it's not really his fault. After all, Owynn wasn't the only Ultimate Despair, and killing him wouldn't undo their brainwashing, but still. Also he has many injuries from using his own body as a shield while trying to protect Owynn, so he needs some amount of physical healing as well as psychological.
Toddy is very detached from her own memories, so she has a harder time truly accepting what happened. She can't see herself commiting all those acts that she's done, so she buries herself in denial and tries to run away from the truth. It makes it pretty hard for the others to aid her in recovering.
Meg is another one that needs physical recovery- as a remnant, she often committed acts of arson, and so the right side of her body has many serious burns. You know how Fuyuhiko loses an eye in Peko's execution and then it turns out he's also lost that eye IRL? Yeah it's the same with Meg getting burnt in Fox's execution.
Speaking of Fox, he's an special case in that he had surgery while as a remnant. Top surgery, specifically- none of which were done in a safe way. Miraculously, it didn't get infected, but his chest has a lot of extra scarring, almost like he got butchered. It certainly made his experience of waking up quite a bit more shocking than for the others; having your own body changed so majorly without your knowledge is quite the experience.
...I kind of lost the plot at some point and started talking about what happens to them after they wake up rather than what they did as remnants, oops. Probably shouldn't answer asks while sleepy.
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genrefluid-arts · 1 year
C'mon Yo-Kai Let's be friends! Chapter Four - Second Thoughts
Current Word Count: 2,365 words 13,481 characters
Me thinks trouble is slowly starting to brew… both outside the mindscape and INSIDE the mindscape
Dawn had turned to night as a couple of hours went by, and all the lights shined brightly, from stop lights to handle the drivers that have places to go at night to street lamps that guide pedestrians home for the night. Despite all the lights cutting out the star in the skies, the moon continues to light up in the sky.
 A figure was one of those said pedestrians, a hoodie covering their face as they walked through the night, an earbud playing music in their left ear. Two girls were walking home after a day of after-school studying a couple of blocks before them, chatting away in exhaustion and giggling as carefree teenagers usually do. The stranger, although practically invisible to them, tsked and scowled. 
They paused in their steps, noticing something as their head slightly turned. 
A statue in the middle of the town square depicts an injured ancient warrior, an arrow pierced through bits of marble armor while being shielded by a dragon, tears carved on the dragon's marbled cheeks. The stranger raised an eyebrow at the peculiar statue. 
"A dragon protecting a human…?" they paused, sharp teeth baring before letting out a soft scoff, a silver-colored flow of magic curling around their fingers. "What a silly concept for a statue, but nothing a little fixer-upper can't solve~…." 
Taki was slumping on his bed face-down, his body limp as the peach bread remained on his dresser, untouched. In the meantime, Ellow was cleaning up his room, organizing his belongings alphabetically as she quietly sang an unfamiliar but catchy song.
f the clouds were to dance, then the wind would sing~~
The human turned, clutching the pillow with a solemn expression. "...Ellow?" 
The ghost maid paused in her cheerful melody with a 'hm?' turning towards her master. "Yes, Master Taki..?"
He thought momentarily, gaping his mouth open once or twice before deciding to speak.
"Do you think I'm kinda unworthy to be making friends with yo-kai???"
The ghost maid's eyes grew wide, seemingly shocked by the boy's question. 
"Master Taki, OF COURSE, you are! Otherwise, the watch would've hopped right off!" She placed her feather duster down in favor of sitting next to her master. "But why would you ask…?" 
"..." The boy let out a sigh. "I… might've been too quick to try to befriend a yo-kai…and if that's how I am, will I creep other yo-kai out!?" 
"If they ever come back.." Taki pressed his pillow on his face, legs curling as he let out a strained grumble. "I am not good at this detective stuff…." 
"Now, now, Master Taki," Ellow conjured her feather duster out of existence, crossing an arm as she placed her remaining hand on her cheek. "For starters, I'm one of those yo-kai, and I'll be frank, you haven't creeped me out! Although you did slightly surprise me in the beginning-"
The ghost maid excitedly clenched her fists. "And you did find out who we're looking for A human named Haruto Saito and a yo-kai named Hon Kage!" 
She paused, reeling in on what might be going on with Taki. "But - Perhaps you're tired from the events that conspired today. Maybe a cup of tea will help you re-fuel?" 
Taki thought for a moment before softly nodding. "Yeah, that sounds good!" 
Ellow smiled at him and nodded, turning towards the door to prep some tea, rambling that she might make some 'famous family cookies' as she phased through the door.
And then Taki was left to his own devices. Sitting up, he bit the inside of his cheek, reaching towards the laptop on his nightstand. 
He writes a new digital diary entry, starting it up and wiggling his fingers. 
'Hey, it's me again! So today has been somewhat eventful- well, for me, at least. The good news is…I found a couple of yo-kai today and became friends with one of them! She's a yo-kai butler named Ellow; she's chill! However, the other yo-kai, Nekogi, who I felt like I was *close* to befriending, kind of…ran away. He was so cool, though, and mysterious! But, the bad news is that we don't have a yo-kai to help us fight whoever is causing destruction around Azalea Heights, who we believe to be Haruto and Hon Kage- and we don't even know what they look like or even where they are!'
Taki sighed, hesitating a couple of times before he resumed writing.
'I'm having second thoughts about this whole 'befriending yo-kai and saving the town' thing, or even the idea that…I belong in Azalea Heights. Everything is just too…different. Well, besides my family, of course. Maybe, I'm not cut-'
"Taki!" His mom called out from his door. "Someone is here to see you! A girl around your age, I believe?" 
"Huh?" Taki leaped from his bed, rushing downstairs to the front door, only to see Momoka standing outside. "Momoka?"
- The pigtailed girl was situated on a tatami chair, a spare Mrs. Oshimo happily lent, in Taki's room, her face scrunched as if she was troubled. Taki sat crisscrossed with arched eyebrows, gaze full of confused worry. 
"Is something the matter, Momoka?" Taki asked, removing his legs from the crisscross position.
"No, no, not really. But," Momoka paused, staring down at the floor for a brief moment. "I was outside when I heard you talking to…someone?"
Ah. So Momoka heard him talking to Yo-kai. Hopefully, she won't see him as weird… 
"But then, I heard you mention the name 'Haruto Saito'..." She looked down, a glum expression contrasting with her usually cheerful demeanor. 
"...Yeah, I did say that name, but, What about it?" 
Momoka fell silent, letting out a sigh. "Haruto…Haruto kind of went…missing? Or at least, ran away…"
Taki lightly gasps, his eyes wide in shock. "Haruto ran away? …Why?"
"..." Momoka's eyes glistened with somber. "They had it rough during our elementary school days, and trouble kept bothering him. And on the day we were supposed to start middle school that started last month. He ran off somewhere.."
Taki's face molded with sobering shock. "Does…Does his family know where he is?" 
"Well," The girl started. "His parents have said that they come home sometimes, but then he's gone again the next day. No warnings or anything."
Taki tapped his chin in thought, letting out a slight hum. 
Maybe…Hon Kage is influencing Haruto into doing bad things?? No, no, don't blame the yo-kai yet…well, GramGram did say that yo-kai can influence humans into doing bad things…maybe this was the case?
Counterpoint: Nekogi says that Haruto summons Hon Kage, and those who are inspirited might not SEE the yo-kai at all…
"By the way, Taki?" 
The boy's eyes rapidly blinked as he broke out of his train of thought, snapping back into reality. 
"Ye- yeah?" The boy stammered
Momoka tilted her head slightly. "Who exactly were you talking to? It didn't sound like you were talking to yourself.."
Ah. The moment has come, time to lose a friend probably.
Taki cleared his throat, slowly removing his goggles from his curly hair. 
"So…how do I put this…" He tapped his fingers, a nervous sweat rolling down his cheek. "...I was talking to yo-kai..?" 
Momoka blinked, her expression very telling that she was in disbelief. "Yo-kai..?" 
Taki mumbled a soft 'yeah' as he handed over his goggles. "Here, put these on!"
The girl's face scratched in confusion, but slowly, she reached for the quirky accessory and put them over her eyes. 
Taki pointed towards his door. "Now, look over there." 
And so she did- she let out a frightful gasp as she flipped over her chair. A ghostly maid holding a tray of piping hot tea and cookies floated before her eyes, a sense of eeriness shrouding the paranormal being. The young girl let out a loud gulp, clenching a part of her shirt for comfort.
"Oh, Master Taki!" Ellow exclaimed. "I didn't know we had a guest!" 
The human boy gave her a smile, his head turning towards the frightened teenage girl. “Momoka, this is Ellow.”
Nekogi was walking down the bare streets just west of Taki's house. The few humans that remained outdoors in the nick of night paid him no mind. He is a yo-kai, and of course, humans can't see the paranormal that walks among them. 
He turned a corner and walked into the park. The breeze rustled against the branches and flowers as he entered, greeting him as he walked along. A mile later, his eyes met his destination;
A large tree, with a few azalea shrubbery surrounding it, practically hiding the tree. Nekogi walked off the trail and headed towards a said tree, sighing in relief as he slumped down into the grass, purring in contentment. He eyed a small hole not far from the tree, inching towards it.
He called into the hole. "Hey, I'm home!" 
A few minutes later, a couple of baby rabbits and a mother crawled out of the hole, greeting the cat-rabbit yo-kai with nose boops. Nekogi chuckled as he watched his rabbit siblings wrestle each other before their mother let out a stern squeak, halting the mock battle. She then pushes them towards the hole, signaling them to 'go back to bed.' 
Nekogi positioned himself on his feet as his mother approached, letting out a puzzled chirp.
"Oh, today was…different." 
The mother rabbit tilted her head curiously. 'How different?' 
"Well.." The Cat-rabbit yo-kai drawled. "For starters…I got chased by a human and his ghost maid. He had..a yo-kai watch." The mother rabbit's ears flinched, and she let out a purr. 'A yo-kai watch? Does that mean you made a human friend?' 
His ears slumped down. "Well, no…He wanted me to fight alongside him against those guys. The ones whom the other yo-kai were trying to fight.."
'Well, why not join him?' the mother rabbit chattered. 
Nekogi didn't say anything, repositioning himself in a fetal position as he leaned against the tree. "Because I'm scared, Mama…."
The mother rabbit let out a soft whine, hopping towards him. Laying a paw on his own, she stares at him with kindness in her beady eyes.
'My son, it's okay to be scared. Those two... seem like they're causing a lot of trouble and danger to others and our home. They are a confirmed danger, so that is a valid reason to be scared of something..' 
Nekogi let out a soft 'hmph,' staring elsewhere.
'But, you can be scared and also be brave. Brave enough to fight alongside people who are willing to protect our home! Plus, having a friend has kind benefits.' 
The yo-kai eyes grew wide at those words, and he fell silent as he stared at the barely visible stars, and his mother chirped a 'goodnight, son' as she hopped into the hole in the ground, leaving him be with his thoughts.
--- "So, let me get this straight," Momoka started, putting down her emptied cup. "So, For starters, yo-kai are supernatural creatures from our country's myths and legends, and we can't see them?" Taki nodded, mumbling as he chewed on a cookie.
"And yo-kai have been trying to fend off the culprit causing chaos around Azalea Heights, who are said to be Haruto and a yo-kai named Hon Kage?"
"Yes, that is correct," Ellow said, holding the teapot towards Momoka's cup in a wordless question. She gave the ghost maid a nodding reply. "The yo-kai Nekogi has confirmed it." 
"But still," Momoka paused, sipping her freshly poured tea. "I don't think Haruto is going around town and causing massive damage.."
Taki gave her a slight nod. "That is a good point, but there is the matter that they are driving a ton of yo-kai away.." 
The teenage girl let out a sudden sigh. "And you're sure, besides Nekogi, that no other yo-kai is around to help?"
"Well, actually," Ellow piped up, wielding some Ipad but with ears arched dog ears on the top. "According to this yo-kai sensor app I just found (and paid ¥5401.90 for), It says here that at least five other yo-kai remain, including Nekogi and Hon Kage!" 
The two humans glanced at each other, promptly getting up to observe the screen; 
It showed a digital map of Azalea Heights, the blinking dots presumably marking the yo-kai.
"Look!" Momoka exclaimed, pointing at one of the dots. "One of the yo-kai is around my tia's greenhouse!" 
Taki beamed. "That's great! We can check there in the."
The boy halted as music went off, a pop jingle rumbling against a fabric. 
"Sorry, that's me!" The pigtailed girl rushingly apologized, reaching into one of her pockets to pull out her phone. 
"iSoy Momoka!" She greeted. "Sumiko! How are you-"
Momoka paused for a moment; a panicked shouting could emit from Sumiko's line, Taki and Ellow watched as Momoka's expression turned to shock and terror.
"...what do you mean someone destroyed the town hall statue!?" 
Suddenly, the casual atmosphere dropped, and the other two stared at each with widened eyes, shocked at what Momoka just said.
"....Okay," Momoka breathed out. "I'll be right there! And I'm bringing a friend! Bye!"
The girl quickly hung up her phone, roughly placing it in her pocket as she rushed for the door, gesturing the others to come along. Taki gave a determined nod and grabbed his iconic orange jacket and his goggles, Ellow going on ahead with Momoka.
As they rushed down the stairs, Mrs. Oshimo gave the girl a curious look. "Heading home?"
"Uh," The girl paused. "Yes, and Taki is walking me there!"
"I'd hope so!" The woman huffed. "I heard it's been getting dangerous at night! Well, you two be safe now!"
Momoka gave a quick 'Yes, Mrs. Oshimo' as she saw Taki skipping down the steps, proceeding to stretch her legs for the running ahead. 
"And Taki," Mrs. Oshimo said. "I want you back in *at least* 30 minutes!"
The goggled-wearing boy panted as he quickly put on his shoes, nodding swiftly, and tied his shoes. "Gotta go!"
And that's when Momoka and Taki quickly booked it out the door with Ellow in tow.
"Follow me," Momoka said through breaths. "I know where the town square is!"
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Au 1: ???? ????? ?????? (Wally Au)
Note: This is is my first Au, so I hope things turn out ok
Wally may look like a normal innocent Pokémon Trainer, well, normal as he can be unless you’re friends with the dex holders. But there was one incident which nagged a few people till this day about him, you see, not only was Wally born with an unknown respiratory disease, he also had a weird condition which didn’t allow him to talk properly, so he has to wear a special device which around his neck which allowed him to talk. But people also often ‘reported’ saying that they felt ‘giddy’ or have an urge to sing against or with Wally whenever they are in close proximity. This cause Wally to have little to no friends as if any kid was too close to Wally for more than 5 minutes, the kid would faint and would’ve been sent to the nurse’s room.
So Wally had to be homeschooled for the majority of his life. However, 5 years before Green and Red became dex holders, Wally mysteriously disappeared leaving no trace behind, a small search party was held but they failed. One day, a week before Ruby moved to Littleroot town, Wally was seen again, his parents were more than happy to see him albeit, they noticed some changes, he seemed to be holding something in his right hand and both of his wrists have 3 different coloured rings engraved in it, one Ruby, one Sapphire and one Emerald, he also seemed to be more optimistic compared to before his disappearance. But what didn’t change in Wally is his appearance, he didn’t seem to age once despite being gone for almost a decade and that was a mystery. This caused many rumors and theories speculating that Wally isn’t human or that he’s older than he looks or something similar, even his birth certificate showed that he’s older than the first 3 dex holders yet looking no older than 12, however, most people dismissed the theory and that it became forgotten, until one day……
After the events in Sword and Shield:
All the dex holders (gen 1-8) were invited to a singing contest on the second day of the new year which they all gladly accepted, even Wally was invited (by Lisia apparently?) but he didn’t seem to be excited, rather being sad or disappointed of sorts. One day before the contest starts, Ruby noticed that Wally’s appearance didn’t change from their first appearance. He heard that only Wally’s parents knew his secret and why he was gone but refuses to tell others about it. When Ruby went to visit Wally, he found Wally…………sweating? He didn’t know what happened but Wally mentioned that he was just scared, probably about the murders which happened in 2 weeks. Although, Ruby had his doubts.
2/1/?? (You can decide the year),8:30 pm
The day of the contest arrived, everyone including the dex holders arrived and are hyped for it, even Cheren and Bianca took a break to watch the contest. When Ruby tried to look for Wally but he wasn’t found anyone, before Ruby could ask where Wally was, the contest started. Overall, it seemed relatively enjoyable, the nice songs, the loud cheering of the audience and the judges voting the score of the participants. But that all changed when the 3rd singer arrived on stage, as he was approaching the end of his song, a sickening splat sound was heard, the singer’s lifeless body fell to the ground, sliced in half, just like the murders. Everyone soon panicked and tried to rush for the exit, but the automatic doors just refused to open for no apparent reason, when the dex holders tried to release their pokémon to deal with the crowd, they realized that their Pokéballs are locked, if that wasn’t bad enough, communications have been completely shut off. As things couldn’t get any worse, a sinister yet familiar voice (at least to one person) sounded out: “There goes your queer little friend, I honestly don’t give a shit about him at all, while this is just a small oversight in your plans, the show must go on right? Until he arrives with the Green haired brat, let’s all wait shall we?” A sense of dread filled the air, a sense that no one has felt before………………
Sorry if this is a bit lengthy, I can’t write properly and this is sort of a rewrite from the last one, also, most of these Aus are crossovers so you can try and guess what series this Au is, here’s some examples: Cuphead Au, Undertale Au, BATIM Au, something like these. You can place your answer in the comments if you know or you can reply me your answer. Oh and before I go, I just want to say that if—*RING,RING,RING,RING,RING* sorry, that’s my phone let me take this call, just give me a couple of minutes. Hello? Yes, yes
That’s what I decided to start with
Alright then, catch ya later
Now where was I? Oh right, if you have any questions regarding these Aus as we dwell further and further into them, feel free to ask✌️
I’ll reveal what Au it is on Sunday
Alright then, guess that’s all I have for today, until then, I’ll see you around. This is the-new-pokespe-futures, signing out!
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trashogram · 3 years
Disney!Hades x OFC/F!Reader Drabble
Rated T for tears because the process for this was having an imagine in my head, jotting it down on a word doc, and then crying for days as I tried to make it readable.
At first, neither Pain nor Panic had any idea what they were looking at.
They’d scampered into the throne room, for once all-too-eager to see the aftermath of Hades' anger in the face of a failed plan. It was rare, afterall, that a grand scheme failed and it wasn’t due to the imps’ incompetence, but because of some other poor soul’s honest mistakes.
In this case, it was their newest recruit, and first indentured mortal since Meg to be tied down to the underworld pre-daisy pushing. Pain and Panic had initially referred to this particular human as ‘Not-Meg’, among other colorful titles, and it seemed like that had been an involuntarily smart decision. She wasn’t long for the waking or under-world after running - er, swimming afoul of charybdis and needing to be saved.
They’d been banished from the throne room while their boss dealt with the mortal woman, but after a good 15 minute countdown, Pain and Panic had agreed that she had to be but a pile of ashes by now - or charred down to the bone in several places at the very least.
But… this… well…
What they’d just walked into wasn’t an outcome either of the duo would’ve come up with if they had a millennium to guess.
Not-Meg was straddling the throne, lower half angled toward the back with her bare legs haphazardly strewn over the obsidian armrests. However, her back was arched dramatically until she was making an almost perfect arc, until her flushed face was visible upside down. Her soft features were taut, stress cinching at her brow and lips quivering as she whimpered. Very little left to the imagination as the mortal’s signature pale dress was pulled down and bunched around her hips.
And taking its place in clinging to her every curve was none other than the Lord of the Dead himself.
Hades was anchoring the little mortal woman with one arm wrapped around her waist. His other was busy, free hand kneading at the soft mound of her breast as he indulgently lavished the other in his mouth.
Although slow to the uptake (as always), Panic felt the same onslaught of emotions as Pain. A combined malaise of confusion, shock, disgust, and uncomfortable warmth dawned upon them both. It was so strong that one of them must’ve squealed or shrieked, for in an instant Replacement-Meg’s eyes shot wide open.
She gasped at the upside down image of two gaping cretins, body instinctively curling inward as she grabbed for Hades. Predictably, the god’s head snapped up, pupils shrinking at an unnerving rate within blazing eyes.
       Do you two.
You’re doing?!”
As he began to huff and puff - fairly standard - there was visible restraint when it came to Hades actually exploding. He pulled the mortal to his chest until she was lost in the charcoal fabric of his robes as if to shield her. As if her modesty - no, her safety from his outburst was a high priority.
In a daze, Panic raised his hand. “S-sir? What -“
before he was blasted in the face with searing flames.
“GET OUT!!!!”
Running was typically the best (and only) way to escape Hades wrath - though with these deep injuries, the imps couldn’t get far before having to catch their breath.
Panic shivered, still feeling the sting of fire at his back and singing his tail while Pain was doubled-over, huffing and puffing at his side. Both wore dual expressions of distress as their tiny brains attempted to wrap around what had just transpired.
“Maybe we should actually try to learn her name now?” Pain suggested after a beat of silence, normal agonized moaning and screams of the dead notwithstanding.
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drippingviolets3 · 3 years
The following afternoon
You were woken up by the slam of your door. Your first thought was ‘f*cking sh*t Mammon’s here to bug me again’ but the sudden chill in the air made you pause to re-think that previous theory, before it clicked that it must be Viveka, the new goddess that was now living in the House of Lamination.
“How utterly disappointing.” She huffed, crossing her arms and sitting on the edge of your bed. You groggily blinked your eyes. “Huh..? Viveka I just woke up from a nap, what happened?” You asked with a yawn.
“I’m talking about the lack of resources here! What kind of living space lacks food?!” She asked angrily. “I simply wanted to make myself a meal, and do you know what I find instead? A empty fridge!” She exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. Another cold wind blew in, carrying snowflakes in its trail and swirling around Viveka like a shield, guarding those in her way from her wrath. “And then I come to find out it was all that grimy orange haired demon’s fault! He took everything from the fridge, everything! Who in the name of Life and Death can take enough food to feed nine people in a house and eat it all?!”
“V-Viveka you gotta understand! We’re living with Beelzebub here! Beelzebub! He’s is the avatar of gluttony and he can’t control his hunger, his stomach is pretty much a black hole.” You said, trying to calm down the raging goddess. “It’s about 3 anyways, we’ll be having lunch soon. We always have enough food for everyone, I’m sure you won’t starve.”
The albino woman took a deep breath, and once she let it out the wind blew away, taking the snowflakes with it. “Hmph. Fine, I will wait then. It at least gives me time to wait for my package.” She said, combing through her hair to put each strand back in place after that little wind storm she caused.
“Package? You’re already using Akuzon?” You asked. She shook her head. “No, one of my messengers will simply be bringing me something from home.” She answered. ‘And you couldn’t add it in that giant luggage pile?’ You thought, biting back the comment.
Viveka stood up from the bed. “Well, I suppose I should change into something more casual. Although I don’t know if any of the clothing I packed will fit the “casual” criteria.” She said with a sigh, making contact with your (e/c) eyes with her ruby red ones. “Perhaps you can lend me a hand.”
You blushed a little, unsure of what she was implying, but recognizing that you might not have a choice here you nodded and climbed out of bed, following Viveka.
Outside of your room, you saw that her luggage was all gone, everything probably being packed up by now. Beel was walking down the hall with his arms full of food, and was chewing on a apple. He saw you both and nodded, unable to wave without dropping his food. You saw Viveka tense up, recognizing him as the person who f*cked up her mission for a snack.
“M’rning Y/n.” He greeted with a mouth full of the apple he was chewing on, little bits and pieces flying out of his mouth as he spoke, before swallowing to greet Viveka. “Hi Viveka. Want a apple? I think I have one somewhere….”
“You mean that apple you’ve been spewing out of your mouth as you spoke to me and Y/n?” Viveka asked, anger bubbling in her tone. Beel seemed unaffected and merely looked at his hand. “Oh yeah, I guess I did already start eating it….want a Twinkie then? Solomon brought them over from the human world last time they visited there.” He said, before promptly shoving the apple into his mouth and chewing it entirely, and then rummaging through his snack pile in his arms to pull out a Twinkie.
“Actually I picked out the twinkies.” You quickly butted in, recognizing those brand new twinkies as the one you picked out when you traveled to the human world with Solomon. “Solomon brought chocolate, remember? And I had to convince him to bring Twinkies in place of some sort of weird snack from the human world.” You shuddered at the memory, that thing he had picked out looked like something he would have cooked himself and it was terrifying.
“Oh, I think I remember. I don’t know, I grabbed them when Solomon set them down with the Twinkies.” Beel said, a little flustered. Viveka narrowed her eyes, and you could sense another impolite comment coming on, but she seemed to push that urge down and simply snatched the Twinkie from him. “I’ll eat it at a later date.” She said sternly, before taking you by the wrist. “Now if you’ll excuse us, Y/n must assist me with a task.”
She pulled you forward and walked down the hall, her dress flowing gracefully behind her. You turned your head back to see Beel staring at you both, but following his line of sight you realized his gaze was set on Viveka specifically. You quickly brushed it off when Viveka dragged you into her dorm, slamming the door shut. Yew, who was sleeping on her bed, arose with a jolt, perking it’s ears up and looking around. You smiled a little at the bunny and reached over to pet it again, which it accepted immediately.
You took a minute to look around now that the room was decorated. The room was decorated like a winter wonderland with themes of white and different shades of blue. The old blankets and pillowcases on the bed were swapped out for much more high quality ones, the blankets seemingly made out of animal fur (probably fake, or at least you hopes they were) and there was a velvety light blue fabric hanging down from the bed, along with little fake leaf vines with holly berries on it for decoration. There was a vanity that was a snowy white and shone like a diamond, and you could see the top of it had what appeared to be a silver jewelry box with rubies imbedded in the design, along with the necessary items that looked waaaay more high quality then they should be, such as a silver hairbrush and comb.
“Hmph. The nerve of that gluttonous demon, he dares speak to me with his mouth full? Such impoliteness would never be tolerated by a god of any kind! And I think he even got some pieces in my hair, yuck.” The snowy goddess grimaced, sitting by her vanity and picking up the comb laid out to brush through her hair.
“Hehe, yeah. They may be all powerful demons, buuut they’re about as clean and hygienic as your average human male. Except Asmo and Lucifer that is. They care too much about their appearances to skip hygiene.” You said with a light yet awkward laugh. Viveka scoffed at that. “Expected, yet utterly disappointing anyways.”
Once she was sure her hair was clean she stood up and walked to her closet, opening it up to reveal multiple uniforms for school, and a lot of her own dresses as well. “So tell me Mc, what does street fashion look like in the Devildom? Or anywhere for that matter?” She asked.
“Uhm…I guess casual? Whatever you would wear on a regular outing?” You said, although your voice gave away that you were unsure. “Like, what would you wear to a hangout with friends? Or your siblings for that matter?”
“Hmm, I suppose maybe something like this.” She mumbled, rummaging through the multiple outfits to pull out a small hat box and a coat. The coat was gray, and had (fake) fur lining the cuffs of the sleeves, along with the neckline and edge, and was kept closed with buttons. In the hat box was a solid fuzzy faux hat, the same shade of gray as the coat. “Usually I’ll wear a sweater underneath and some leggings, will that work?”
That was a….oddly simple look for such a regal woman. But then again she was going for something casual so maybe she wasn’t like the nobles in the stories where they think casual is showering themselves in jewelry and ruffled skirts.
“That looks beautiful! But I..don’t think that’s good for the Devildom’s climate. There may not be a sun, but it’s still really hot here.” You explained sheepishly. “We don’t exactly want you getting sick from heat stroke, so I don’t think a sweater will work very well either.”
Viveka didn’t seem pleased with that answer and huffed, hanging up the coat before speaking. “Well, now I’m unsure of what to do. All of my cloths are either too formal or are too warm for this domain’s weather.” You didn’t fully believe that, although you will admit it seemed plausible due to her status as a minor goddess of snow and ice. But with how packed her closet was you found it hard to believe all of those were just winter clothes. So you stood up, moving your hand away from Yew who looked up at you with a sense of bunny betrayal (how dare you), and peeked inside the closet. “Let me take a look.”
You heard Viveka give another scoff. “I am aware that you’re trying to assist me, but asking for permission would be lovely next time.” You gulped but nodded, before diving in to dig through the mountain of outfits hung up in her closet. The materials the dresses were made of varied (although all were very fitting for a royal like her), but the color scheme was mostly the same. Whites, blues, silvers, and sometimes a bit of red.
A lot of the outfits were long sleeved and warm dresses, as expected, but through some digging you found a hidden gem in the back of the closet. Pulling it out, you saw it was a sundress of sorts. It was white with a flowy skirt and butterfly sleeves, and while the front was a button up there were drawstrings to pull the sleeves and neckline up, perhaps to cover more of her chest area (which didn’t show much but like…still kinda awkward for some people)
(What I’m trying to describe is this, I’m sorry but I can’t describe clothing for shit 😭)
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“Oh my. I completely forgot I had this dress.” Viveka said in awe, gently taking the dress from you and holding it against her, doing a little twirl and watching the skirt fly around like a kite in the wind. “My sister gave it to me. Azura to be specific.” You recognized the name of her, she was supposed to be the one who became the goddess of summer, but was currently the goddess of harvest and warmth. “It’s one of the few peace offerings I have from her…” Viveka added.
“Anyways, this will do. Please exit so I may change.” She ordered, pointing to the door. You didn’t hesitate to leave, not wanting to invoke the wrath of a goddess, and sat against the wall outside once the door was shut behind you.
“Heeeeeey Y/n! What’cha doing outside of Viveka’s room?” You’d recognize that voice anywhere. It was Asmo, who was leaning down to you with his signature closed eye smile. “Oh, Viveka wanted me to help her find a casual outfit for the Devildom. It was pretty hard though, she has so many gowns and coats, it’s a wonder she didn’t get sick on the way here.” You laughed.
That seemed to flip a switch in Asmo’s brain, and his eyes began to shine. “Oh my gosh! We should totally take her to Majolish! Help her pick out some clothes, you know?” You wanted to say that the girl didn’t need any more clothes then she already had, otherwise her closet would burst. But then you paused to rethink that, and just nodded with a sigh. She needed clothing that wasn’t so heavy and extravagant, or she’d get mugged (good luck on the muggers) or sick. “We’ll talk to her about it then.”
“Pardon? I believe I heard my name.” Viveka chimed in, stepping out of her room in the sundress you picked out. Her hair way styled, with the hairs that framed her face pulled back and braided, making you gawk. You turned over to Asmo who was in a trance, but then began to squeal. “Oh my gosh oh my gosh! You’re stunning! Aah! Oooh, that reminds me, sooo Y/n told me you don’t really have that many casual clothes, so how about we take you on a small trip to Majolish and pick you out a outfit or two, m’kay?” He asked grabbing her hands in his own and swaying them happily. Viveka tore her hands away from his and moved closer to you. “Hmph, I don’t know why holding my hands in such a manner was important for your offer, but I accept.” She said cooly.
“Hey hey hey! What are y’all talking about, shopping with Viveka and Mc?” Mammon yelled, running over from down the hall. He must have been passing by and overheard the plan. “I’ll come with! I’ve been modeling for a while, I know some good places to visit!” He said, pointing a thumb to himself with his usual prideful grin. Asmo’s eyes narrowed in disgust. “Oh please, you’d just end up dragging us to the casino.” He scoffed. Mammon’s face twisted in anger immediately as a result. “Oi! I wouldn’t drag Viveka to a casino! If anything you’d be the one causing trouble, you’d drag her to a strip club or something!” He growled.
“Did he just growl?” Viveka whispered to you. You nodded, knowing it was just Mammon’s thing. Viveka narrowed her eyes. “Hmm, I should call animal control soon then.” Looks like Viveka would rather observe the situation then break it up, so with a sigh you shoved between the two brothers and glared at them both. “Can you literally shut up for one minute? Let’s just grab some clothes, maybe a bite to eat, and come back. We can’t drag the woman around all day, so I’ll be the one leading the charge so you two don’t do anything shady or stupid, Kay?” You took a few steps back and crossed your arms, and the two brothers just huffed.
“Hmph, fine. Lead the way Y/n.”
Ah, so the human can tame these beasts. Maybe that’s why they seem so special. Although those creatures don’t seem to be very into them, they act rather huffy when they order them around. But of course, no one likes to be ordered around.
Viveka noticed this as Y/n lead them out of the house, remaining close to the human in case some puny demon decided to attack. Demon tamer or not those creatures couldn’t be trusted, their loyalty can change at the flip of a coin, and Viveka would be damned if they let this human die on her watch.
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
...And Forever
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Enhanced!Reader; Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. SMUT! Read at your own risk. Alternate MCU facts/timeline, lies, cursing, angst,  oral, (F, M receiving) fingering, spit play rank kink, size kink, unprotected sex (wrap it up!), sex on a pool table, semi-public sex, a special surprise, stalker-ish behavior, almost Dark!Steve? Not Beta’d. All errors my own.
A/N: I am an MCU nerd but not a timeline detail gal. Please forgive me if the timeline is off. This is an alternate universe and a work of fiction. Please have fun with it! This is the second part to Always.  Enjoy!
You opened your eyes to see that you were in what looked like a break room. There was a coffee machine, a round table with five chairs, a row of lockers, two Captain Americas, and a Winter Soldier.
There was some strange conversation going on.
“Then who gave me the shield at the lake…?”  
Sam was questioning Steve, but he stopped talking when you started moving around.  You must have still been in the wedding venue, because you saw the name of the historic building on various items in the room. 
You scowled up at Sam, Bucky and Steve.
You moved to sit up and Steve was at your side. “Easy…”
“Sweetheart, are you okay?”
You squinted at Steve. His hair was shorter and he was clean shaven, but he was still gorgeous. Those blue eyes were full of concern. 
You raised your hand, and he held it, holding it and caressing it as you raised it to his face.
“Is it really you?”
Steve smiled ruefully at you. “Yeah, it’s me.”
You held his cheek and looked at him, bringing your other hand up to the other side of his face. He smiled at you. 
You grabbed him and hugged him hard, and then pulled back again as he held you in his arms. He moved back and pursed those ruby red lips. 
You had this irresistible urge to...slap the shit out of him. And so you did.
The sound reverberated in the room. Steve just stared up at you, with that fucking beautiful face, and then smiled, rubbing his jaw as if it hurt. 
But you knew it didn’t. And you were tired of the bullshit.
Sam and Bucky moved to calm you down, but you were too quick for them, pacing to the other side of the room. 
“All of you can stay the hell away from me. Y’all have some fuckin nerve. Especially you, Steven.”  
Your Houston accent was shining through with your anger.
“Wow, Sweetheart, that was harsh. But I wouldn’t expect anything less.”
You pointed at Steve.
“Fuck you.” 
You were seething, especially when he raised his eyebrow at your comment. But he quickly fixed his face when he saw the rage on yours. You looked at Sam, who just looked down, and at Bucky, who looked like he was in pain.  
Fuck thier feelings.
“I deserve your anger. I didn't tell…” Steve tried it. 
“You don’t deserve a got damn thing. Not even my anger.” 
Steve was stone faced at your vitriol. You were shaking, trying to control your emotions and not cry.  You were so hot. You fought to keep your voice steady.
“I thought you were dead.” It came out as a ragged whisper. But you knew everyone heard you.
Your voice was low, even, and scary. Bucky looked at you with wide eyes. Your own were brimming with tears.
“I thought you were dead and that they didn’t want to tell me.” 
You waved your hand at Bucky and Sam. And you waited until Steve looked you in the eyes again. 
“I thought you were in prison, that someone, on some alien star, forced you to play some sick gladiator games. Or that HYDRA was still around and they turned you into an agent for them. Or that you lost your memory in the blip. So many scenarios played in my mind, Steven.”
Steve knew better than to talk. This was his time to listen.
“But I never ever once thought that you chose this. Never thought it was your choice to leave and to stay away.”
“Listen…” Sam started speaking.
“Shut the fuck UP, Samuel.” 
If you had Bucky’s knives, all of them would be seriously injured right now.  
“You knew that he was alive and you didn’t tell me. Despite me begging for any kind of information.”  
Sam just pursed his lips and returned your glare.  You were right.
You went and stood in front of Bucky.
He looked at you, those pained eyes making your stomach flip.  
“How could you?  You knew?”
He just stared at you. Retreating into not speaking.
Steve spoke up.
“Yes, I left. Yes, it was my choice.  I thought I could… Well, let’s just say that hindsight is 20/20 and you can’t ever go back. I swore Sam and Buck to secrecy and I asked them to take care of you.  This all just got out of hand.  Didn’t it Buck?”
You watched Steve in disbelief and you swiveled your head toward Bucky and Sam again.
“You both lied to me. And Sam. Did you tell Steve to come back and ruin my life?”
Sam scoffed, offended. “No. I didn’t. S.H.I.E.L.D gave Steve quarterly updates.  You and Bucky happened so fast…” 
You ignored his explanation.
“But you knew exactly where he’d gone.”
“Yes.” Sam was cornered.
You turned back to Bucky. 
“I asked you a question earlier. Did you know?”
He nodded, imperceptibly.  “Doll… I…”
“James Buchanan Barnes. You knew?” Your heart was breaking even more than it was.
“Yes, but it’s complicated. He didn’t come back, at least not the way he left, and I thought it was a done deal. I thought he found…”
You interrupted him. 
“What. Happiness?” 
You turned back to Steve. “Is that what you were looking for, Steve? Happiness?”
“Sweetheart, you made me happy, I just had the chance to finally settle some unfinished business.”
You nodded.
“So James here took advantage of your little vacation to get with his best friend's girl while you explored your other options. Cool.”
It was not cool.
“Do you remember when you asked me if you could trust me, Steve?”  
He just gave a little smile and came to stand before you, looking down at you in that way of his.  He was trying to shake you. You were unshakeable. You raised your chin and looked right in his eyes.
“What you don’t understand is that you can’t pick and choose the pieces of life that you want, Steven.” 
You moved away from all of them. Steve stepped toward you, but stopped when you held up your hand.
“I’ve lived my life for everyone else, for this country, for as long as I can remember.  I deserve a little piece of life, Sweetheart.”  
Steve really believed what he was saying.
“What about me? Do I get a choice?”
Steve looked around at his two best friends, who were now best friends, and his best girl.
“You’re right. I think you should. You should choose.”
Your mouth hinged open. You spoke at the wall, then looked at Bucky.
“What about you, James? Do I need to choose?”
Bucky walked in front of you
“No Doll. You don’t have to choose.”  
You looked up into his eyes.  Damn, he looked so handsome in his bespoke grey suit that he chose for the wedding. And the tie that you gave him set off his eyes.  
“I just….  I just wanted a piece of happiness too. I knew you were Steve’s girl.”  He took both of your hands in his. 
“I don’t deserve you. When Steve didn’t come back, and you and I connected, I couldn’t help it. I was just going to keep an eye out, but…”
He gave you that cute little side smile of his.  And then he kissed you. It was short and sweet and oh so hot. You looked up at him, shook to the core. And then he ruined it all.
“I love you Doll. It was nice while it lasted.” 
Bucky was giving up. 
You nodded and backed away. Not believing this situation. 
“Ok. I’m making my choice.” 
You raised your chin and looked at Steve and Bucky.
“I’m not some fucking marble that you pass around, play with, and trade with your friend.” 
You took a deep breath.  “I choose me.”
You were gone in a flash, before they could even register it.  And although they ran, they couldn’t catch you before you were out of reach.
Three months later, you walked through the late August soup of Houston heat to the bar, pausing when you thought you heard footfalls behind you. You used your speed to zip along to Willy’s; you were safe there.
You were back sharking with the best of them.  But your training was put to good use.  You never got burned and you never got caught.  You were making a good living.  
There were a jumble of misfit super humans who had gathered there with you.  You were a leader now. And you were doing well on your own. It was a life.
You already knew he was coming, and maybe that’s why you moved to the back room to play.
You were prepared, but when you felt him, you still lost your breath.  But you recovered quickly, straightening your spine, despite the fact that he was standing so close to you.
You looked at the dartboard on the wall across from you and chalked your cue.
“Don’t you have other things to take care of? Other wheres? Other whens maybe?”
You learned more about time travel since you’d left New York, and you understood more of what happened. 
The Avengers had access to time travel.  If only you could go back… but no. You were stronger than those men.  You could live with your decisions. And move forward.
“No. What I need to take care of is right here. Right now.”  
His deep growl stirred something inside you, and you fought your body, which was becoming moist at his proximity.
You bent over the table, super soldier dick poking you in the ass before you drew your pool cue back sharply into his stomach.  Abs of steel met the cue and nearly broke it.  He just stepped aside and shook his head at you.
You turned your head to look into his aqua blue eyes and you fell in love all over again.  Shit.
You gave up and turned around, leaning back against the pool table, because he wasn’t giving an inch, not moving from your space.
You scanned the room and your people were watching, but keeping your distance. They all knew who he was, and your history. They gave you space, but wouldn’t let you be hurt without a fight. You nodded at them and they all went to the front, giving you more privacy.
He nodded in their direction. 
“People fall under your spell fast, I know that all too well. They trust you.”
You lifted your head. “I’ve never done anything to make them not trust me.”
He sighed.  “Point taken.”
“Why did you come here?  I know that you’ve known where I was. Sam must have told you.” 
“I’ve known where you were. How could I not? I didn’t need Sam to tell me. It’s not like you were trying to hide.”  
He cocked his head at you.
“But the reason that I’m here, now, is that I’ve always been slow at math. And I just put two and two together.”
You smirked up at him. “You’re right. This is home. A leopard doesn’t change her stripes.”
He just chuckled at your evasion.
“You wanna play a game?” 
His eyes followed you, undeterred by your challenge.
You walked around to the other side of the table, leaned over and gathered the balls to be racked. 
You held two in one hand and looked at him.  He smiled and the electricity at the small of your back was everything. He slowly walked around to you as you racked them.
He took in your form (including your ample cleavage) as you bent over the table and your mouth as you said the word, “Break.”
“I’m tired of playing games, Doll. I’m just here to win you back.”
You turned around and faced him, looking up at him, now aware of his smell.  You closed your eyes and inhaled leather and metal. You opened them again and his eyes were blazing.
“James.. I”  
Bucky grabbed your face, hands gently cradling your head, and cut you off with a kiss, his lips gentle at first. Then his hands moved to your hips and lifted you onto the table. He slotted himself in between your thighs, your bodies separated by the same brand of black denim. 
His lips and tongue seemed determined to possess you. Bucky kissed and felt your body like he hadn’t in a lifetime. His hands roamed you like they were starved from touching you. 
Your hands were on his neck and in his hair, relishing the feel of him. You’d  missed him so fucking much. You drew apart, and his breath fanned your face as you two panted together, his forehead resting on yours.
“I am never going to let you go again.”
“Hold on Doll, I’ve got to say this.” 
He smiled and gave you another quick peck.  You nodded, solemn.
“I said the wrong thing back in Brooklyn. I don’t care that you were with him first. I don’t care if you think that you might want to be with him. When I fell for you, I fell harder than I ever have. Even from the train.”  
He was whispering the words you wanted to hear months ago, causing you to cry.  But a lot of things caused you to cry lately. 
Bucky smiled at you, his eyes crinkling in that adorable way that you loved. You opened your mouth to speak and he kissed you, silencing you again. You responded with a smile. He continued.
“I know that you think that I folded and just gave up on you on our wedding day. I was just thinking that I don’t deserve you. Especially next to Steve.  I mean, you won’t find a better man.  But in the time since, I’ve realized, even though it’s hard. I’m a good man too.”
“You are, James…”
“You helped me come to terms with everything that’s happened. Sam has helped me deal with everything I did...and I’m not perfect, and neither are you, but we can be perfect for each other.”  
You nodded, smiling a little.
“I’m in love with you and I deserve you. You deserve me. We deserve each other.  And I’m not saying this because I think you saved me. But you are the strongest woman I know, enough to be with me when I am weak. I figured out that I can be strong for you too. I have to be now. I am so sorry that I let you walk away. But I’m not going to let you out of my sight now, even if you don’t want to be with me.  But I am asking you, again. Be my family. Make one with me. Choose me.”
You shook your head as tears fell from your eyes.
“James Barnes, there was never ever any choice. It’s you. It will be you. Forever.”
Bucky let out a sigh of relief and started kissing you all over your face, down your neck and into your cleavage.
“I was scared shitless, Doll! I love you so much,…”
You kissed him now, your hands under his jacket, slipping it off his shoulders. Next, you went under his shirt, feeling his nipples, playing with them as he shuddered. Then your hands went up to one cold shoulder and one warm, grasping them as he ground his hard jeans covered crotch into yours.
“Too many clothes.”
You ended up helping him pull his shirt over his head. You trailed your hand back down his abs to the button on his jeans.
“I missed you James. My hormones are going crazy, Baby…”  
His eyes got wide as you popped the top button and bit your lip.  Bucky moaned.  He was about to explode just being near you.
“Th-that’s what we need to talk about…”
“Talk later. Fuck. Now.”
Bucky looked over your shoulder to the other room. To his surprise, the door was now closed.
“Wow, they…”
You hopped down from the table and got on your knees in front of him.
“You gonna let me suck your dick or not James?”
He looked down at you smirking up at him and could feel himself leaking in his jeans.  Three months of his hand had been torture, thinking of you.  
It seemed as if he unfastened and pulled himself out without knowing.  For a moment he feared mind control. 
But it was just love and lust.
You grasped him, testing his girth and admiring how your fingers did not meet around his cock.  
“Mmmmmmmm,” you moaned while you thumbed his tip, collecting the pre-cum and lubricating him as you pumped.
He stared at you, slack jawed and sexy as he watched you.  He reached down and put his hand in your hair, massaging your scalp.
You commanded him. “Eyes on me, Sergeant.”
Bucky locked eyes with you and watched as you licked your lips, opened your mouth, and spit on his cock.
You pumped him a couple of times before you opened wide and took him as deep as you could, relishing the feel of his wide, smooth, hard unit in your mouth.  You pulled off of him with a pop.
“Damn I missed this dick.” 
Then you deep throated him again, making Bucky have to hold on to the side of the pool table as he held your head while you spluttered around him.
“And I missed your pretty little mouth, Doll. Damn.”  He watched as you did it a few more times.
When you looked up and  he saw your ruined face, Bucky went feral.
He pulled you up by your shirt, pulling it over your head and wiping your face with it.  Then he kissed you.
“Fucking love how you do that, Doll.”  
He started kissing down your chest, pulling your breasts out of your bra, pinching and rolling your nipples gently, a little more carefully than usual. He looked at you knowingly as you squirmed in pleasure.
“I’ve been doing my research.”  
Then, he leaned down and suckled them with that mouth until you almost came, writhing in his arms. Bucky unbuttoned your pants and pulled them down, kneeling, and staring up at you as you leaned against the green felt table.
You stepped out of your jeans and panties and watched as his flesh hand glided from your ankle to your ass, palming it and then sliding back down as he lifted your thigh on his shoulder.  You shuddered as you could feel his breath on your cunt.
“I’ve been dreaming of this.”  
His eyes held yours as he leaned in for a kiss, then a long wet lick of your cunt.  You grabbed his brown hair as his blue eyes hypnotized you and as he ate you out. When his metal fingers came up, whirring, you started begging.
“Please, James…please…please…..”
He laughed, mouth still fucking your pussy. He pulled away, chin glistening with your juices. His fingers began pumping inside you, the vibration driving you up the wall.
“Are you begging me to stop, or to continue, Doll? Talk to me.”
“Unnnh, unnnnh, oooohhh shittttt. Don’t ever stop.” 
And then you came all over his face,  Bucky slurping it up happily.  He stood up, taking you with him and maneuvering you so that you could feel his thick tip at your hole before it breached you. 
Bucky’s cock stretched you out and made you see stars as you slid down his thick pole while he was standing up, pumping inside you as he deposited you on the table.
You wrapped around him like a vine as he held you, cock pounding from the feeling of being inside you again. He pulled back to kiss you again.  He was grunting in his throat as he tried to speak.
“Fuck you feel so good...Fair warning, Doll. I’m not going to last. Been too long.”
You let go of him, and leaned back on the felt, arms braced behind you as you replied, “Just fuck me James.”
Bucky took in your body, from where you were connected up your torso to your breasts and the beautiful fucked out look on your face and started moving.
“Fuck, fuck, fuckkk.”  You took him, looking down to see the impossible stretch.
“Yeah, look at that. Looks and feels so damn good, doesn’t it, Doll? How the fuck are you so… so… fucking… tight….?”
“Yes, fuck, James, FUCKKKKK.”
All nerves were in your cunt as you went down to your elbows, and then to your back flat on the slate table, pool balls going everywhere.
Bucky pulled your hips off the table and really started digging in, hips snapping at a frenzied pace as his metal hand slid down your body. You could tell that he was almost there.
“Cum with me Doll.” 
When that metal thumb touched your clit, it was over.  You came as soon as you felt his white hot ropes of cum drench your walls. You closed your eyes for just a second, and then opened your eyes wide.
‘Why am I curled up on a pool table after being fucked by my 106 year old fiance? What is life?”
Bucky laughed as he pulled his shirt over his head and helped you off the table. He looked around, going to get you a bottle of water from the vending machine.
“You good?” 
Bucky eyed you as you got your clothes together.  He leaned next to you as he watched you drink the water.
“Baby okay?”
You ducked your head, smiled and grabbed his hand, putting it on your slightly rounded stomach.
“Yeah. I can feel him moving around.  Can you feel that?”  
Bucky just stared at his hand, then at your face.
“Not really… Him?”  He was astounded.
“That’s normal. I’m gonna be able to feel him before you can, And yeah, Him.”  
You turned more fully toward Bucky and he took you in his arms.  
“I had all kinds of tests, to make sure that he was okay.  I wanted to know if… if what they did to me would affect…. “ 
You shook your head, then smiled up at Bucky.
“He’s healthy.  I’m 20 weeks. I figured we’d call him Jamie?”  
Bucky beamed at you and nodded. 
“How did you know?”
“Well, I figured out that you didn’t faint at the wedding just because of Steve. Why didn’t you tell me, Doll?”
You rolled your eyes.
“Are you really asking me that question?”  
Bucky blanched and you decided not to be salty. 
“Well, At first, I didn’t want you to feel trapped. I was so happy that you asked me and didn’t know.”  You beamed at him. “ But then…” Your smile faded.
“I’m an idiot, Doll. Forgive me.  It’s me and you. And Jamie. Forever.”  
You two shared the kiss you missed at the altar. It was going to be okay.
“Now, let’s go get some food. I know you’re hungry.”
You laughed as you punched his arm. 
“Ass. But you’re right.” 
You two walked down the street to Ninfa’s Restaurant hand in hand. Bucky turned his head and gave an imperceptible nod as you two passed by an alley/
Steve returned the greeting as he stepped out and watched you and Bucky make your way down the street.
“That’s okay Sweetheart,” he whispered. “Buck’s a good man. But I know you’ll choose me. In another time.”
He walked to the quinjet, which was pointed toward New York.
Did Reader make the right choice? What do you think about the surprise?And what the what is Steve thinking? Let me know if you liked it by commenting or reblogging!
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Ghost-Blood//Revenant: 8
Khonshu, Marc Spector, Steven Grant x Fem!Reader, with a side of Frienemy Harrow
other chapters
Rating: PG-13/T, for cursing and later violence
Warnings: None
Summary: The storm abates.
You’d retreated so far into yourself the outside world practically doesn’t exist - burrowed deep into your own soul, cocooning yourself in every available shred of energy you can in a desperate attempt to allow yourself time to heal.
There was nothing else here but you. Not even the other presence you’ve been sensing in your periphery ever since you fell to the ground in your lab.
No, just you. Safe, and warm, as if you lay wrapped in the softest blankets fresh out of the clothes dryer, like you hadn’t been since you were a child. Time was meaningless here, as was space, or the physical sensations of your body - no horrid things like pain or fatigue - no, just the feelings of your soul. Everything weightless and ethereal, solid forms long since abandoned. The sickness cracking your body through couldn’t reach you here. Or at least, the hurt of it couldn’t. Pain only affects physical nerve endings, after all, and this deep, you were separate from your body completely.
You opened your eyes, breathing a sigh of relief somehow, like you do when you dream, even though you don’t need to. The world around you was dark and hazy, nothingness on a backdrop of the deepest black imaginable, soft and comforting in the obscurity it provided. The kind of dark that rendered shelter rather than fear. The mist floating around you swirled in a soft cast of colors, the limits of this space not caring whether there was a source of light or not - still, the clouds reminded you of ink dropped in water, as the pastel colors swam in the turbulence you created as you moved. Your bare feet pressed against the invisible floor as you went - the sensation pleasant, like walking on sun-warmed sand, while a cool breeze blew through your hair.
You don’t even know why you were so upset, before.
This was not a memory seen through someone else's eyes. It seems your soul has given into the torment as well, separating from the cause of the fracture - your mortal form.
This was a retreat. Safety.
And then you turned around, and were faced with a mirror.
The face looking back at you wasn’t yours.
Yet, at the same time it was - the oldest, truest form you had.
Several feet above where you stood, your reflection stood taller, her form composed of a bird's head - no, not just a bird, a laughing dove - her pale rosy-brown feathers forming a smooth, round head that curved gently into a curving neck, continuing until the fluff disappeared into a brightly dyed and patterned sheath dress. Her hands were human shaped, if tapered and thin. She didn’t have wings, but every visible inch of skin was covered in short feathers that almost looked like fur, from a distance.
Although, you knew that if she wanted, she could open her arms and sprout wings made of razor-sharp bronze feathers that glinted beautifully in the sunlight, shield and dagger both.
But she was you. Or used to be.
You knew that. In another life, so long ago, this was what you looked like.
As soon as you acknowledged that fact, the image flashed, and changed to a true reflection of your current form, your eye bags visible and heavy, the edges of your lips slightly grey, and hair messed up beyond any acceptable level.
“Hello.” You felt compelled to say, like you're truly meeting yourself for the first time, and, with a shaky, whispering hesitance, stretched out a shaking hand to the mirror.
As soon as your fingers made contact with the smooth surface, it shattered into pieces, but stayed in place, reflecting thousands of different faces back at you all at once. Too many to count, to keep track of to remember, oh god why do you remember so much, weren’t you supposed to be safe here - ?
You buckled over in a scream, and fell, and fell, and fell, arms grappling wildly for purchase but finding nothing but mist that fell through your fingers in a mocking reminiscence of sand -
And then it stopped as suddenly as it started, strong arms wrapping around you and holding you close.
“Causing trouble for yourself as always, it seems.” A warm, deep voice started, somehow sounding amused despite your situation, and set you down gently. When you stepped down and opened your eyes, it was as if you hadn’t moved at all. “By binding yourself to a mortal, no less.”
When you turned around to face the speaker, you sucked in a gasping breath and had to blink your eyes open and closed to make sure that she was real.
She had dark, smooth skin and plaited hair as black as coal, with eyes the color of the brown-red scorpion shell that adorned her braids like glass beads and just as shining. She wore a dark red sheath dress, golden jewelry, and a smile.
“Sister.” Was all you managed to breathe out in your shock, hand trembling violently as you reached for her, as if she would disappear as soon as your skin met hers. But no, she was solid, and cool to the touch, just as she always had been. “Serket. You’re here.”
She traced her hand down your forehead, pressing her palm to your cheek, and you couldn’t help but lean into it.
“Of course I am, I was called by your troublemaker to help.”
“My what?”
“The man with the cane. I felt your presence on him, and knew you needed me. Quite the situation you have with that one”
“Oh. Well, he’s not my anything, I’ll have you know.” You pouted very much like the little sister you remembered being, before cracking a hesitant smile. “Can you help?”
She pinched your cheek if only to laugh at the way you scrunched up your face in response. “Don’t underestimate big sister.”
“Okay, okay…” You shoved her hand away, your smile growing larger despite yourself.
“There's my little dove.” She traced her fingers down your forehead again, brushing hair out of your face as she went. “I’ll have to close off your memories again, but there’s so much damage already, there will be leaks. You’ll just have to learn how to ride them out until your next reincarnation, when the wall is built anew.”
You nodded, grasping at the hand that lay on your face, savoring the closeness of the one you’d spent so long apart from. “I understand.”
“But before I do that, there is something I must ask: do you know what mischief you’ve wrought by accident, little bird?”
Well, you weren’t one to wreak any kind of mischief other than the on purpose kind. Truly, you should have befriended Loki when you had the chance. Would’ve been great pals, you’re sure. “What do you mean?”
“You’ve accidentally made that Arthur fellow your avatar. So much for him not being your anything, hm?” She pursed her lips and shook her head in the way that she did when she desperately wanted to make fun of you for something, but was too worried to actually do so. “But with you being in mortal form, who knows what havoc that will wreak on you both.”
Oh. Well, that wasn’t good.
“Shit.” You huffed, and closed your eyes, hands going to your hips and squeezing tight. If you weren’t inside your astral form you would be bleeding from the grip. “Any way I can reverse it?”
“I don't know, but I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” She shrugged. “You’ve always been the creative one.” She tapped your chin with her fingers, forcing you to look up at her. “Besides, it’s unlikely to be of any consequence, so long as there aren't side effects. He can’t siphon from power that isn’t there, after all, and yours is all bound up tight, even now.”
“Right. So I’ll keep a sharp eye out for side effects, I promise.” You sighed and closed your eyes again, letting her lay one cool palm on your forehead, and the other on the nape of your neck. “Alright. I’m ready.”
“Then goodbye for now sister, and I will see you in between this life and your next,” she said with an air of finality. “Deep breathe in, and -”
Deep breath out.
You woke up to gentle sunlight in your face, the scent of fresh laundered linen, and the sound of the ocean. Your body ached, but in a way that was a relief. It was a dull and diffuse kind of hurt, and leagues more bearable than the burning, needling pain of before.
You blinked your eyes several times to adjust to the light, a daze of sleep hanging over your still recovering mind, and slowing your thoughts - and yet you felt a certain clarity of being that wasn’t there before. A sharpness to the air, a shift in the way the world felt on the border between yourself and it.
There was a power there, now, that wasn't there before. The barest wisp of smoke from a candle flame compared to the kind absolutely pouring off a goddess like your sister, a being so powerful she’d been conflated with Isis herself at some point, but it was there nonetheless.
You sat up and wiped the sleep-sand from your eyes as you looked around. You weren’t in a clinic anymore. Instead, it was a dim room, simply and comfortably decorated in tones of soft golden beige and an earthen mud-red, the lofty curtains drawn to let the sunlight into the space. A small speaker on the bedside table lit up in light yellow proved to be the source of the wave sounds as it switched to the sound of rain.
It was a nice space. Would be calming, if you knew where the hell you were.
You threw your legs over the bed, and pressed your bare feet to the floor only to be met with stinging pain that had you throwing yourself back with a hiss.
You looked down at them to see what the hell happened, just to see chunky, jagged lines of metallic bronze criss-crossing the soles of your feet.
What the everloving fuck?
You ran your finger over them, and winced again at the pain.
At least it seems they only hurt when you put pressure on them. But walking out of here would be a literal pain if you had to contend with these bastards on top of your exhaustion from the last few… however long.
“I’ll have to apologize for that on top of everything else, it seems.” A familiar, textured voice came from the door, prompting you to look up at him as he closed the door behind him almost all the way, but not completely. “I didn’t know yet that it would hurt you if I walked on glass. I’ll be more careful in the future.”
You’d seen into his memories, if just barely. Not enough to tell you what the hell was wrong with him and that cane of his. Just enough to know you felt bad for what he’d been through, and that he was an avatar for Khonshu at one point, if not anymore. You’d think the god would have stopped this before it started, if he had still been in his service.
Oh, and there was the small factor that this was undoubtedly the version of Moon Knight that had saved your life.
So, out of courtesy, you didn’t mention that this wasn’t the kind of wound spread that would happen if he’d walked on glass by accident.
Instead, you moved back into the bed and curled your knees up to your chest, just now noticing the soft earth-tone pajamas you wore, fingers tightening into the seam. Linen. Somehow you could always tell when things were linen, even before this break into your goddess side.
“Please tell me you weren’t the one who changed my clothes.” Was all you said, not sure where to go from here.
Did he know what you’d done? Would he hate you for binding him to you without permission, or would he try to use this as an advantage? He had an agenda, you knew that much, but whatever it was, you couldn't wrap your head around it enough to know why you recognized that stupid cane. He didn’t even have it on him now, and when you looked, all you caught sight of was how his feet were wrapped in bandages beneath his sandals.
Hmph. At least those obviously self-inflicted wounds would heal, in time, if he left them alone. Hopefully the marks on your feet would fade with them.
He actually chuckled at you, though, seemingly caught off guard with your bluntness and avoidance of the real issues.
It was a skill, what could you say?
“No, that was the nurses, I promise. I hope you don’t mind being out of the medical gown.”
You just shrugged. Getting dressed and redressed by nurses wasn’t anything new. You’d had to have surgery after the car accident, so that bit of dignity went down the drain as soon as that deer had darted into the road.
You cleared your throat. “So… mind telling me why you nuked my brain?”
He pressed his lips into a line with a curt nod, and sat down on the edge of the bed. Close enough that you could reach out and touch him, if you wanted to, but not enough to intrude on your personal space.
“It wasn’t meant to go like that, and I would like to apologize again for the pain I’ve caused you.” He said simply, hands folded in his lap as you both stared in front of you to avoid looking at each other. “In short, I read people’s scales. Tell them if they’re weighted well or not.”
Scales - crystal hearts, sands, meeting Osiris in the Duat to aid him in his journey from death to rebirth, Isis’s horrible sobbing - hadn’t these people been your family once? You’d protected him and what had he given you in return -
You swallowed, and forced your heart to stay calm.
Now wasn’t the time to fall apart - not the time to be able to grieve for yourself and your loss of family and way of life, for the first time ever. You couldn’t grieve what you couldn’t remember, after all.
“You’re-” You barked out an unfunny laugh at Arthur, bordering on mean but way beyond caring, shoulders shaking as you ducked your head. “You’re a fucking psychic? You blew my mind up because you wanted to sell me on my destiny?”
“Of course not.” His eyes widened at the accusation for only the barest hint of a moment, before returning to the placid facade he’d kept before. “I suspected you were an avatar to an enemy of mine amongst the pantheon, is all.”
That stopped your laughing short.
“Of course.” You said, voice smaller than you meant it to be. Because, really, of fucking course one of the gods was somehow responsible for this, even indirectly. Absolutely Fucking Typical.
“I’m able to see someone’s memories, when I judge them. If you were an avatar, I would have seen the memory of you making a deal. Instead-”
“Instead it found five thousands years worth, just counting the human ones.”
“..correct.” His lips quirked into a smile. It didn’t read as mocking or sadistic, or even amused. You let him keep whatever those feelings of his were to himself though, you were too tired to care at this point.
“I’d like to go home,” You exhaled slowly through your nose, voice barely holding steady. “So if you could bring me my clothes, that would be appreciated.”
Neither of you spoke of the new aura that clung to him, not dissimilar from the same, new clarity that thrummed through your skin. You knew he knew, somehow, that he’d been connected to you. There was nothing to talk about that wouldn’t be there in the morning, and he knew how to find you if he wanted to.
And you just really wanted to cuddle with Steven right now, goddess and avatar shenanigans be damned.
“And stop walking on glass, you masochist,” Was the last thing you said to Arthur Harrow in goodbye as you slipped into the cab thirty minutes later, a sizable bag of vegetables from his garden clasped in your hands. “I have places to go.”
“For a goddess such as yourself?” His eyes sparked with something in the daylight - what you weren’t sure. You got the feeling he meant someone else as well, but had no way of knowing who. “Anything.” He closed the door for you, and you told the cabbie to go to Steven’s apartment instead of your own.
The lingering chill from the absolute dedication and honesty in Arthur’s words didn’t dissipate for the entire ride home.
As soon as your car pulled away, one of Arthur’s disciples approached him, standing with him as they both watched you leave.
“You're just going to let her go? After all that?”
“Of course.” Arthur nods. “She could be a great asset, but we’ll have to handle this… delicately, if we want to win her over to our cause. Play our hand too soon and we lose the whole gambit.”
A/N: I wrote this all in one day lets goooooooo. I had smarter commentary to this at some point BUT rest easy knowing Steven, Marc, and Khonshu return next chapter <3 Hope you guys liked it, leave a comment to let me know what you think!
Edit: Forgot to mention Serket’s name before, so i fixed that.
I may be stupid.
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devildomdisaster · 3 years
Hi can I ask for the reaction of the demon brothers to the mc who always behaves fearlessly, but is afraid of a sharp clap and hides behind them?
Hi anon, this is my first ask for this blog so I hope it's what you wanted.
I got a bit carried away with this one so it ended up a bit long.
Normally fearless mc who hides behind the brothers after a loud noise
Initially, Lucifer thinks that a human who has little to no magic ability (at least at first) is going to be helpless and frightened of almost everything. This is the Devildom after all, and demons would love to eat a sweet human soul.
But you routinely stand up not only to his brothers but to him.
Honestly, he finds it frustrating.
With no way to intimidate you Lucifer’s normal tactics to ensure proper behavior are rendered useless.
Not only that but you encourage his brothers to act up as well.
But your fearlessness has also endeared you to him.
Even more pride than normal radiates off him when he sees you put some lower-level demon or his brothers in their place. Even if he has to step in sometimes.
Lucifer discovers your fear as you walk into Ristorante Six and a waiter drops a tray of drinks behind you as you are being shown to your table
The tray hits the ground with a loud clatter
Lucifer turns at the noise but otherwise thinks little of the situation
You however are immediately hidden behind him, hands fisted tightly around handfuls of the back of his coat
He is surprised but quickly schools his expression into one of concern.
His first thought is if you are alright, did something on the tray somehow hit you?
He turns to you, taking your clenched fists into his hands.
For all intents and purposes you seem physically fine just…scared. Truly frightened.
Later when you have calmed down he might ask you about your reaction. But for now he will simply comfort you.
He pulls you into his arms whispering lowly into your ear, “there is nothing that can hurt you while I am here Mc. It’s alright.”
Once your breathing has slowed he’ll ask if you’d like to leave and go back to the house of lamentation.
If you were just startled he’ll spend the evening as planned, although he is far more aware of the movement of the surrounding demons. And any possible loud noises that could startle you again.
If you do want to go home he will gladly take you, he’ll propose a quieter evening, relaxing in his study listening to his records perhaps?
Oh, his fearless human!
He is oh so impressed at your bravery.
It’s almost reckless at times how little fear you seem to have in the face of demons.
This boy loves to watch you stand up to other demons or handle situations that others would consider frightening (especially for humans).
Your fearlessness makes you the perfect partner in crime for his schemes.
He loves the rush of getting away with his schemes and loves having you there to share that rush with even more.
Of course, when you do participate in his less than honest scheming, or even his honest ones, he is always there to protect you.
Watching you be fearless is fun but if anything could actually hurt you he is always aware of it. Ready to step in front of you at any moment. You’re his human after all. It wouldn’t due to have something harm you when he can prevent it.
You’re not even outside the house of lamentation when a rather peeved Lucifer comes into the kitchen. “Mammon!” he thunders with a loud slap of his hands on the counter.
You jump behind Mammon, face pressed into his back
One of Mammon’s arms unconsciously reaches behind him to shield you even more.
He is shocked at your reaction but the instinct to protect you kicks in instantly.
“Lucifer” Mammon warns quietly with a quick glance towards you behind him “could we maybe do this later I think Mc…” He trails off
Once Lucifer is gone, seeming to have gotten the gist of the situation, Mammon turns to you. one hand stroking your head gently until you look at him.
“Hey, Mc you’re ok. What’s gotten into ya?”
“The noise” you mumble. Half embarrassed, half still trying to calm your racing heart.
“Geez Mc, ya don’t gotta worry ‘bout stuff like that when I’m around”
He doesn’t quite understand why a loud noise would scare you but is more than willing to listen if you want to explain.
Levi doesn’t get you.
How can some magicless normie human not be afraid in the Devildom? Surrounded by actual demons? Whatever it’s not like he gets normies anyway.
But then he gets to know you and he actually likes you. You’re his Henry now, his player 2 or… whichever you prefer Mc. Even admitting this to himself is sometimes so hard.
Your whole fearlessness thing still confuses him, but it’s impressive too.
He enjoys being able to play horror games with you or watch horror anime without you being terrified.
It’s like nothing phases you. You can face down anything the Devildom throws at you. Levi thinks you’re so cool, it’s almost not fair!
He kind of wonders what actually scares you
He finds out one night when Asmo throws the door to his room open so hard it bounces off the wall with a loud slam.
Asmo is crowing about family bonding night and repainting Levi’s nails “because gaming isn’t all that matters Leviathan, and you should have been in the living room half an hour ago!”
Levi groans at Asmo’s outburst. Then pauses, blinks slowly, and realizes you’re hidden behind him quaking in…in fear?
His demon form slips out quietly and he wraps his tail around your waist protectively.
He doesn’t understand why you’re frightened but he’s got you covered normie.
“Ohhh, I didn’t know you were playing that kind of game!” Asmo grins purposely misreading the situation. “You and Mc can come down when you’re done.” he sings, shutting the door behind him as he leaves.
Levi’s face is so red, he opens and closes his mouth several times before any words make it out.
“M-mc did did Asmo do something to you? or?” He’s trying to figure out what’s got you so scared.
But he’s still so flustered from Asmo’s teasing that he can’t turn to face you. Instead, he keeps his tail protectively and hopefully comfortingly around your waist.
“No” you sniff “the noise. When the door, it just”
“Oh, good. Not good-good! I mean good that Asmo didn’t do anything.”
You’re both silent for a long moment as Levi composes himself and turns around. Levi finally has time for his surprise to hit him. This is what you are afraid of? He never would have guessed. Still, he doesn’t think any less of you. How could he? Everyone’s got their things, their fears.
“Thanks, Levi,” You say, tapping his tail gratefully.
You get to watch the red bloom across his face this time.
You being fearless is intriguing and impressive.
He has read about all sorts of phobias and a part of him wants to expose you to some common ones just to see if any of them scare you.
But he won’t.
He likes you too much for that.
You aren’t afraid of pranking Lucifer with him.
Or of late-night library searches, or cursed books, or most importantly of him.
He expected you to be afraid of him, he is the avatar of wrath after all, and his anger can and has made him lose control.
But you're not the least bit afraid of him. He truly appreciates that.
While cooking dinner the loud clatter of a pot falling to the floor and splashing its contents to the ground makes him curse and then sigh, but it makes you jump behind him.
hm? Oh. Oh!
With one hand gripping his shoulder and the other clutching his shirt, it only takes a moment for him to recognize your fear.
He realizes pretty quickly that it must have been the loud noise.
There’s a part of him, the same part that had wanted to test you for hidden phobias, that is immensely satisfied with this new information about his favorite human. Excited even.
Satan feels that knowing there is something that scares you makes you more real.
He almost chuckles at your reaction.
Instead, he guides you to a seat and as he straightens lets his knuckles brush your cheek gently.
“Are you alright Mc?”
He waits until the shock and fear have worn off before cleaning up the mess on the floor.
He knew there had to be something that scared you, he just hopes this fear isn’t tied to any…unpleasant people or situations in your life. Just the thought of that erases all his satisfaction at discovering your fear.
If you’re still a bit rattled he’ll keep you distracted, while he finishes cooking, with tales of the Devildom and the new installment of his favorite mystery show or the new novel he’s reading that he thinks you might like.
If you have recovered he’ll gladly accept your help finishing dinner.
Asmo loves your fearlessness.
He thinks it makes you even more attractive.
He says that other than your magical potential it was one of the things that led him to make a pact with you.
“Nothing seemed to phase you, I just had to know more!”
Drags/brings you shopping a lot partly just to watch you stare rude demons down.
Of course, he is always there just in case a demon doesn’t get the point, but he takes a kind of pleasure in seeing demons try and fail to intimidate you, before leaving in shock and shame at being unable to scare a mere human.
He doesn’t let you get into dangerous situations if he can help it. Being confident and fearless is all well and good Mc, but you are still a human and demons can be dangerous.
During one of your shopping trips, there is a loud clap of excitement from a demon when they find what they were looking for.
You gasp and duck behind Asmo.
He turns an amused smile on his face.
“Mc, how can you possibly help me look for my size when you…oh!
As he sees your face he understands. You’re afraid.
He is flattered that you chose to hide behind him for protection. He thinks it shows how much you truly trust him.
He takes your hand in his, even as his head tilts slightly trying to figure out what scared you.
It all clicks a moment later. The noise.
He grips your hand a bit tighter and guides you out of the store, away from the situation.
Asmo knows that your reaction could have just been from being startled but he also knows that it could be tied to a deeper fear of something or someone.
He hopes you were just startled but makes sure you know that he will always protect you from your fears. Minor or serious.
If you let him he will have a whole self-care spa day with you after you get back to the house of lamentation.
Beel is impressed by a fearless human.
Especially one with little to no magic when first coming to the Devildom.
But he is also concerned for you.
He worries you might do something reckless.
So he makes sure to be around in order to make sure you stay safe.
Will 100% eat a lesser demon who tries to harm you.
Beel wants you to be safe.
But he is glad that your fearless nature gives you the confidence to explore more of the Devildom than just RAD classes.
He is so happy when you want to go somewhere new with him, maybe to a restaurant or cafe you haven’t tried yet.
The first time you hide behind him is after the wind blows a chair over at a nearby table outside a cafe.
You are on your feet in an instant
And in the next, you are almost cowering behind him.
Beel is startled.
He doesn’t understand why you seem so afraid.
But he pulls you into his arms anyway.
Beel comes right out and asks you about your reaction.
When you explain that it was the loud noise Beel nods.
He wants to ask if you were just startled or if there is more to your fear but doesn’t want to overstep.
He’ll wait until you are headed back to the house to ask.
Whatever your answer is he’ll accept it and in the future act accordingly to prevent you from being afraid.
Honestly hates how fearless you are at first.
It annoys him and he wants to make you afraid of him…until he doesn't.
And the complete 180 surprises even him.
He still wonders how a human can be so fearless and kind of wonders if it's all an act you use to protect yourself.
Even so, he’s still impressed that you can be fearless in the Devildom.
He’s another one who likes to see you tell other demons to get lost.
He thinks that a human chasing off a Demon in the realm of demons is hilarious.
On the way to RAD one morning what sounds like a loud clap causes Belphie to turn and see another demon being slapped.
He goes to make a snide comment to you, only you aren’t standing next to him anymore.
Instead, you are tucked behind him holding tightly to his uniform jacket.
“Um, Mc? What exactly are you doing?”
And that’s when it all comes out.
The noise had scared you so much you had hidden behind him.
Belphie just shrugs. It’s surprising sure, considering all the other things you’ve seen and experienced in the Devildom. But hey you are a human, something was bound to scare you eventually.
He’s curious if you are just easily startled or if you have a fear of sudden loud noises.
Unlike his brothers (*Satan) he is curious enough to test you and see which it is.
Unless you come out then and there to tell him you have a fear of loud noises he will plan out a ‘prank’ to startle you again.
If it turns out it’s not a fear caused by anything serious and you are just easily startled he will use it against you occasionally, at least until he is bored of your reaction or you ask him to stop.
But he doesn’t want to hurt you, emotionally or physically. If it’s a genuine fear he’d never use it against you. And he’d personally end anyone who did.
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lilacsandamethysts · 3 years
A pair of Idiots
Pairing: Thoma x fem!Reader (she/her pronouns)
Summary: How did these two end up guarding a princess again?
Warnings: mention of sexy times, mentions of alcohol and being tipsy, hickey
A/n: I played the first part of the archon quest in Inazuma today and least I can say is that I'm in love with half the newly introduced characters and especially Thoma. today I initially wanted to write for Kazuha but oh well Thoma won me over.
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Ayaka was admirable. Ayaka was a noble, a princess if you must. Ayaka was respected across Inazuma and anyone would expect her to have the best of the best as her loyal guards; people who would never waver nor be led astray. Both samurai and mages had applied for the two empty spots on her sides and instead of choosing one of the skilled fighters she chose those two. Whenever you wanted to track them down all you had to do was follow the noise. They were loud, obnoxious, idiotically brave and above all menaces. They couldn’t possibly be separated even if someone tried by force and they made each other stronger, sharing a connection no one could seem to break.
The two idiots in question were merely a couple; friends since childhood and lovers in adulthood withstanding any misfortune cast their way with interlocked hands. Ayaka herself admired their dedication to one another. She sometimes wondered what would happen if she were to send one of the two on a solo mission; not that she needed to but she had to get back at Thoma in some way after the stunt he pulled on her. Her hair still smells of jueyun chilies. Chuckling at the memory she walked into the teahouse, the laughs of her “guards” echoing through the shop.
“Who is laughing so loud?” Paimon, the floating companion of her newest ally, questions jumping back as another cry of laughter pierced the air.
“Truthfully?” She shook her head once, before letting out a subtle laugh of her own. “You can’t really tell with Thoma’s squealing.” Motioning once with her head she led the Traveller through the teahouse and towards the source of the uncontrollable snorting. The sliding frames were closed but their shadows could still be seen through the thin screen. They were obviously a little tipsy judging by their giggles and one was straddling the other. “I’m betting 50 mora that Thoma is the one pinned down”
Without hesitation she slid open the door, stepping inside casting down her gaze at the human pile that were her bodyguards. They both peaked behind them, eyes widening as they met Ayaka and the Traveller. Thoma was holding onto his lover’s waist, fingers clearly digging into her sides in an attempt to tickle her off of him while she had her fingers wrapped around his wrists, a bottle of Mondstadt’s wine lay empty a few feet away. She scrambled off of him, buttoning up her shirt and straightening the rest of her clothes, failing miserably to hide the very evident hickey on the side of her neck. Thoma on the other hand still lay on the floor, arm over his eyes shielding him from their uninvited guests, his blush matching the vision strapped to his hip. She nudged him twice with her knee, a small “get up” leaving her lips. He, of course, remained on the floor. Ayaka merely rolled her eyes at the sight.
“I trust you’re having a pleasant evening?” She asked, enjoying how her protector and dear friend squirmed in her seat.
“Yes milady, although I’m afraid we had a little too much to drink.” Her eyes remained glued to the horns on Thoma’s head, avoiding both her friend’s gaze and the Traveller’s. She bit her lip, barely managing to keep her laughter in at the sight of Thoma’s trousers being unbuttoned and the almost purple mark under his collarbone which was now visible due to his shirt being almost ripped open. She prayed to all the archons, her own included, to shield her from the shame of being found out like this. Sure, they may have been caught giggling on top of each other but that was just the aftermath of their previous…. activities. Heavens forbid lady Ayaka learn what they used their private tea room for.
“I am well aware.” Ayaka’s eyes shone with amusement, her features trying desperately to stay neutral at this hilarious predicament. “I expect you both to be on your best behavior when we meet you at the manor in an hour’s time. We have important matters to discuss.” With that she turned her back to them, hand gently clasping the Traveller’s shoulder who was gawking at the sight in front of them.
They both collectively let out a relieved sigh, eyes closing in gratitude for the end of their suffering. She slumped in front, her forehead coming to rest atop of Thoma’s as he carded his fingers gently through her hair. He placed a kiss on her hairline, chuckling as she groaned.
“Oh and Thoma,” They both jumped at the sound of Ayaka’s voice, this time both sitting up. “Do keep your trousers buttoned.”
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Karl Heisenberg x Autistic, Sound-sensitive Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing, Spoilers for RE8:Village, Noise sensitivity
Genre: Romance, Comfort
Summary: Not everyone could love a man like Heisenberg. But Y/N isn’t everyone, nor is she just anyone. She loves him as the whole package he is: murderous intentions, human experiments and all.
Requested by @phoenixofthevalley Hi dear! Here you go - the first fic I’ve ever written for Karl Heisenberg (first of many) and thank you so much for being my first ever Resident Evil 8 requester! Hope you enjoy the read! Feel free to correct me if I’ve described anything incorrectly or in an accidentally offensive manner. I have no intention of spreading hate or any type of misconception so I’d really appreciate the correction. Love, Vy ❤
Watching Karl get so excited over this grand plan of his - the destroying of Mother Miranda, his revenge - it all makes me feel uneasy. I can’t explain the feeling, mostly cause I’ve never felt it before, and I can’t quite describe it either. I don’t connect to people easily and I’ve always been told I’m the problem but I guess it took the right person to make me feel things I haven’t felt for no one else all my life.
“The weren’t worthy of your emotions, darling.“ Karl told me on one of the rare occasions when I opened up my mind to him. I felt his words wrap around me like a comforting embrace. For the first time in my life, I felt understood.
I think that’s what took me the longest to get used to - being understood, seen and validated. My opinions had never before been taken into account seriously, my personal boundaries were rarely respected by others and people always had a hard time dealing with how distant I can be. But what bothers me above all is how people refer to me as dramatic because of my sound sensitivity - something no one took seriously when I’d tell them about it.
Karl did though, surprising me to no end.
He respects that I like my personal space and prefer not being shown much affection, especially not physical. He understands that I have a hard time showing people affection myself. He goes out of his way to make sure I’m ok with whatever it is he’s doing, saying or suggesting. And I’m sure that if I were to ever tell someone about this, they wouldn’t believe me. That’s most definitely due to his rough exterior and intimidating appearance. Also probably because he comes off as downright selfish and rude when you first meet him, but getting to know him was a journey worth taking because I now know the real him. A trust me, his rough exterior and the softness of his true self have nothing in common. Although, he does claim that softness is only reserved for me.
With all that laid out, it’s completely understandable that I don’t want him going up against Mother Miranda. Thanks to Karl I’ve never had the displeasure of running into her, but I’ve heard countless stories of how powerful and downright terrifying that witch is. Bottom line: I don’t want Karl walking into something that’s the equivalent of suicide.
And I’ve finally decided to let him know exactly how I feel about it.
I’ve been sitting here, searching for my voice as I observe Karl in his deepest thinking space. He’s constantly in it, if you ask me - constantly thinking, looking for ways to make his innovations better, stronger, more powerful to add to his chances of victory against the sadistic ruler of this village. He was already at his desk when I walked in, hunched over dozens of drawings drawn with cut-edge precision yet in his mind they are probably not near good enough. In his mind, all he does is never good enough. He prides himself on this factory and what he’s produced thus far but he cannot stay proud of himself for very long, he constantly feels the need to better himself in order to remain worthy in his eyes. I wish I could change his mindset on those grounds but I know that my tries would be futile and pointless.
“Karl?“ I suddenly speak up, surprising both him and myself. I don’t know what I was thinking opening my mouth when I still have no idea how to go about this without making it seem like I don’t believe in him. That is in no way the case. I believe he can defeat her, if he cannot do it himself, his robo-army most certainly can. But I don’t want defeating her to cost him his life cause without him in mine I’m not sure what will be left of me.
He straightens up from where he’s been hunched over for the past God knows how many hours, rolling his shoulders and stretching his arms as her turns to look at me, his sunglasses capturing the white neon light in the office as he does so.
“What is it, darling? Something wrong?“ he takes a step towards me as I stand up and go to approach him.
“Actually...“ Suddenly, that thing he keeps in a safety cell just below this room starts going off with that annoying loud sound it makes. It’s always disturbed me, ever since it came to exist which was not so long ago considering it’s been his latest project. It not only terrifies me but triggers my sound sensitivity as do most of the machines in this forsaken factory.
I close my eyes tightly shut as I cover my ears with my hands, praying for the sound to go away as soon as possible because I can’t take it. It almost makes me physically nauseous and gives me vertigo, bringing me to the brink of tears because of its loudness and intensity, like it’s drilling right into my brain.
I can’t quite pinpoint the exact moment the sound went away because when faced with such a pain-inducing experience, my senses tend to tune out while I still remain conscious, but when my hearing returns I the only thing I’m able to hear is a steady heartbeat and a steady breathing. 
“It’s ok, darling. You’re ok.“ I hear Karl’s quiet whisper, giving me peace and coaxing me into opening my eyes.
When I do so, I come to realize why the rest of the world has gone quiet. Why I’m suddenly so flooded with comfort like no one is able to bring me. No one but him.  One of my ears is pressed up to his chest while the other is covered by his warm hand which travels up to move a strand of hair from my face and put it behind my ear as he repeats his soothing words like a chant, slowly starting to let go of me out of fear that he’s crossing a line. He’s always so wary about that and I’ll forever be grateful to him for it.
“Are you ok, sweetheart?“ His hands gently cup my cheeks, tilting my head so I can look him in the eyes - directly in the eyes, for he has ridden himself of his glasses. I’ve found he does that often when around me - removes his glasses. I once asked him why that is but the answer he gave me was vague, all the while a small smile played on his face. Guess he’s a bigger secret-keeper than I primarily thought. It doesn’t bother me really, I know the only secrets he keeps are the ones that would be a hazard for my safety if he exposed me to them, so I allow him his secrets and I keep some of my own to myself. It’s only fair, after all.
I nod, blinking up at him, “Yes, I’m ok. But...“ Now or never, girl. Now or never. “But if you want me to be honest, I will be.”
He looks baffled by my answer but he doesn’t falter, quickly regaining his composure before he replies, “Of course, dear. I always want you to be honest with me. What’s on your mind, what’s bothering you?“
Now “I haven’t been really ok for a while now.” I take his hands in mine, removing them from my cheeks but holding them firmly between us - a gesture that surprises me just as much as it shocks him. Never have I felt the need to be so close to someone. It may be momentary and temporary, but I refuse to dwell on that as I push forward with my argument, “I haven’t been ok since you told me about your plane. The whole thing with Mother Miranda and all that...” Not the time to be leaving me, words. I started this, I’ll finish it. “Look, Karl, I know you and your army can bring that witch to her demise but...”
“But what, Y/N? Tell me.“ He encourages me softly, his hands subtly tightening their hold on mine as if to keep me grounded, remind me he’s listening closely to every word I’m saying. Like he always does.
“But what if it doesn’t go as planned?“ I blurt out, biting my bottom lip nervously. It makes me anxious, being so honest and emotionally exposed. That’s so rare for me I doubt I’ll ever get used to it, but that’s the only way I have at least a fragment of a chance of convincing Karl to drop this. “What if things go south and you end up killed or turned into a monster or something else?“
The concern on his face washes away when he hears my words, getting replaced by a soft, consoling smile. I quickly look away, feeling that confession on my part was quite odd. I feel out of place but not uncomfortable, I don’t know how to explain it. It almost feels like relief, like I’ve finally gotten a huge boulder off my chest and I can finally breathe properly. But I can’t, not until I hear his reply. That smile should probably tell me something but it doesn’t - I won’t believe anything until I hear it come out of his mouth with my own two ears.
“Oh Y/N, darling, you won’t lose me. Ever.“ His thumb swipes across my knuckles soothingly, drawing abstract patterns on the skin of the back of my hand, “You never need to worry about me, hun, I ain’t going anywhere. No one can take me away from you or you away from me. Anyone who dares to try, well, bad things will happen to ‘em.“ He chuckles, easing the tension enough for me to able to look up at him again. When our eyes meet again, I see something I can’t name nor describe. All I know is that what he’s telling me is genuine and comes, “I’ll always be here, by your side, Y/N. I will always be here to shield you from anything and anyone. Any rogue lycan or any loud sound, I’ll be there to prevent it from reaching you. Never forget that. Ok?“
That urge to be have him close takes over me again. I think that somewhere in the back of my mind I see a clock ticking down, counting down the numbered hours we have together before he inevitably carries out his plan. As scary as that is, I think I can do nothing but accept it.
And so, that’s exactly what I do.
Wrapping my arms around him tenderly, enveloping him in the first hug I’ve ever given him - probably the first hug anyone has given him - I accept our fate, silently hoping it changes somewhere along the lines.
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