#and i didnt understand what the difference was but i never thought about why i stand like that bc idk didnt really bother me
itsfairly · 12 hours
Saying Out Loud // Nanami Kento x gn!reader
word count: 1.5k
cw: none.
notes: HAPPY PRIDE YALL! i normally post once a month, but lets pretend last post was the make-up for may and this one is june's. either way, fits the month, right?
liked this? show it with a like, reblog, and/or comment. each is greatly appreciated and celebrated!
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"I'm bisexual," you said with a small crack towards the end of your words.
your eyes were constantly shifting between his, searching for any reaction or response from Kento as your fingers fidgeted with each other in an effort to calm your nerves.
it was so uncomfortable, so tense, so terrifying. you know this stuff is told at the beginning of a relationship, not months into it, but things with Kento were going so well. you've never felt so calm around someone, so loved in the most simple yet concrete ways, that a relationship could be so easy and rewarding as this one with him. you wanted to hold on to this stage, this moment where things flowed perfectly and the world seemed to say yes, these two are meant for each other. that's why you took so long to tell him.
after all, how many people treated you differently after they learned this about you?
sorry, its just that i dont want to date someone who will make me look over my shoulder to see if they are being faithful.
what? so you're just gonna leave me when you want to date a man or something?
does that mean we can have a threesome?
its was as if there mere mention of your bisexuality was a burden to them or some sort of fetish. it was exhausting and no matter how much you tried to be fine with it, you weren't.
it wasnt like you didnt trust Kento, he had been nothing but respectful to you and such a gentleman. but god, did those relationships screw up your confidence in this area...you thought you could keep this to yourself, but then again, he deserved to know before things went any further, to walk out if this wasn't what he hoped. you would get it even if it was unfair.
with every second his eyes looked into yours, taking in your words with that stoic expression of his that you could barely read at the moment, the fear was growing in your chest. It kept expanding until it reached your lungs and had to take deep breaths to appear calm about this when you were scared shitless. what would he say? why was he taking so long? he wants to break up, doesn't he? of course, he-
"what made you want to tell me now?" Kento asked, his voice calm as ever as if he was asking where you wanted to have lunch, making you wonder if he was even understanding the severity of your words.
"we've been dating for months now, exclusively even, and you deserved to know before things got serious," you said, feeling your heart race with every word you said. hell, you wondered how you managed to speak so clearly with these many thoughts in your head.
"but are you telling me because you want to or because you felt like you have to?" Kento asked, resting his elbows on his knees as he looked at you with furrowed eyebrows, his eyes showing this concern.
that made you blink a few times. this wasn't the kind of reaction you usually received. you were bracing yourself to hear any apprehension, maybe for him to reject or twist your words, but not to see him worried for you like this.
"i told you, we have been dating for a few months and it would be fair if i kept this from you-"
"but its not fair to force yourself either." Kento interrupted you, his words having this firm yet soft tone to them.
his hands reached out to one of yours, covering it completely in his hold. a steady hold opposite to the fidgeting of your fingers, but in his hands, your hand had no choice but to relax.
"you look so stiff you might break, try and take a breath," he adds, his head tilting to the side as his expression softened.
you do just that, mirroring Kento as he also took a deep breath to encourage you to do the same, and while it did help with the nerves, it didn't relieve your confusion. he wasn't saying much on your coming out, he hadn't say a single word about it yet.
"i wanted—want to tell you because i don't want you to find out later on after investing so much in me and just...you don't need to waste your time if someone like me isn't what you were looking for," you explained.
of course you wanted to tell him, but it didn't took away how scary coming out is, especially when the person you're coming out to is so special and you want them in your life regardless. you didn't want to lose him, but you also didn't want to deceive him like this. maybe you did had to push yourself to say it, not wanting to ruin things so quickly, but you couldn't wait any longer.
Kento sighs, making your heart stop for a second. Was he disappointed? Infuriated? Angry?
But when you heard his words as he squeezed your hand, you were surprised to learn how far off you were...
"i must be awful at making it clear that you're exactly how I'm looking for."
suddenly, its as if your heart gains this new energy, beating and beating as if you just ran a marathon. your mouth feels dry as youfeel your brows knitting together, feeling as if this conversation was bringing more surprises to you than to him.
"you don't care that i'm bi?" you asked quietly, your hand squeezing his back in hopes you didn't hear him wrong.
Kento shakes his head, "i do, but not in the way you think," he says, a shadow of a smile coming to the corner of his lip as he scoots closer to you. His eyes look at yours, silently asking if that was okay. You nod.
"i care, not because it annoys me—i would be an asshole if that were the case—, but because i'm learning about you. The you that you feel most authentic to. While i am happy that you are opening up to me about something so important to you, i wished you would feel more comfortable telling me about it because you were ready, not because you felt pressured to. i'm sorry if i made you feel that."
you didnt know what it was at this point, whether it was the adrenaline or sweetness of the moment, but you knew Kento was the reason with all these words he was saying. he wasn't anything like anyone you'd dated before, he was being so sweet and just a dream. you never thought your chest could swell with this feeling while coming out to someone. it felt...easy.
you quickly shake your head, your turn to scoot over to him with your knees bumping against his. "no, no! you didn't pressure me in any way, Kento. its just that i know how much of a dealbreaker this is to some and i..." you took in a deep breath, feeling your throat hitch with this lump, "god, you have no idea how relieving it is to hear that."
you didn't wait a second longer before you wrapped you arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug as you rested your forehead in his shoulder. you felt his arms wrapped around you in return, pulling you closer to his body as his hand caressed your back in soothing circles that made your heart calm down.
"someone like you is special," Kento says softly, his breath tickling your ear, "you're choosing me over anyone else, and i feel so honored that you are with me."
you laughed softly, pulling your head back from his shoulder and looking at him with a huge grin. god, he made this so, so easy.
"kento, you have no idea what this means to me. No idea how easy it is to feel lucky right now." You said quietly, taking a deep breath before resting your forehead against his, "thank you, just thank you."
Kento hums, his hand coming up to your scalp to stroke your hair gently. hearing all your words and seeing all the emotions you wore on your sleeve made him realize how big of a step this was for you, how heavy of a topic this was on you. it didn't take a genius to know that this reaction from you meant that this situation didn't went as well in the past with other people, which made his heart hurt for you. Sweet you who thought about him first before herself when this wasn't about him.
More than ever, Kento would make sure that you felt comfortable in your skin and secure in your relationship. you deserved nothing less than that and you were worth investing in as you said in your own words, though he would much rather call it loving you. it sounded more accurate to what he wanted to do.
"You know, now i have to put more effort into our relationship," Kento said softly, a hint of playfulness in his voice, "after all, I'm showing you off to double the people, aren't i?"
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ei-mugi · 6 months
one time i was talking to my american online friends about stuff and i was like "haha yeah people always say i look ambiguously european but cant place what i am specifically" and they were like "i dont think europeans have a look though." what do you mean. you dont believe different ethnic features exist...?
#just was reminded of it lol#one i no longer talk to used to insist that i was british because of my not-british accent and would not believe me when i said#no... i dont live there#id told them i was aussie. they didnt believe me though. like they thought i inexplicably had a brtisih accent despite never#having been there ever#another i said i didnt get a SSCoE for HS but a diploma. thats not what diplomas are here but they kept insisting i was wrong#like i have the certificate....its not a diploma.......... thats not what it says.#but they were like just call it a diploma : / its basically a diploma#i know AU isnt that different to the US but at least we are usually a little less annoying#i did see that asshat who was like 'uhhhh climate change means you dont have snow? not for us australians a-durrrrr X D' or w/e#what a twat. even from a purely selfish perspective we still also have climate change. its very noticeable. come on#anyway for a full decade i basically never met anyone online who wasnt USamerican....................#so. i do have some amount of frustration.#they got mad at me for saying bikkie or pressie as slang even tho theyre super easy to figure out from context. also it doesnt matter#'STOP using slang you KNOW us americans WONT UNDERSTAND'#we were talking about christmas!?!? pressie is straightforward!?!? even if not...why are you so indignant#on a more awful note i knew one sheila (white) who was like very vocally/performatively into blm#but then one time when i mentioned aboriginal australians she was like 'what...ive never heard of those before...'#youve known me for years even if you never looked at anything in your life ever id definitely mentioned them before#pretty fucking important. both for my country and when caring about indigenous/first nations peoples. oldest surviving culture on earth#but she was like how was i supposed to know about them : /#because i thoguht you cared about these issues!?!?!??!? also just generally ohhh my god#how could you be vaguely aware of AU history as being similar to your own and then say you didnt know we had indigenous peoples#like. what do i even say#do you think... only america has indigenous peoples??????#its fine not to know a foreign countrys history in depth but just...the absolute basics....about an issue you claim to care about...#sigh. ok this is too long. i feel that last one is justified to complain about tho
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It's a bit hard for me to fully understand how bad first grade was for me. Not because the schoolwork was difficult, because I felt too challenged in a academic sense. I struggled, but not because the work was difficult, but because of the racism I dealt with.
My biggest problem that entire year had to of been my teacher. Starting from mispronouncing my name and refusing to say it properly. Accusing me of cheating on my projects because of how well they were done. While I did get help, she assumed my mom had always done all the work for me.
She liked to try and embarrass me, looked for opportunities to call me a trouble maker and would loudly announce my "bad" behavior, despite her simply mixing me up with students with similar names or appearances. Never apologized to me when she was wrong, which was every time.
Called me slow, would make comments about how long it took me to do activities, especially writing.
There were so many things she did that entire school year that added up. But the most disrespectful thing had to of been when I asked her for our Thanksgiving classroom play, if i could be one of the natives rather than the pilgrims. I'm native american, I'm the only native american in this class, I don't want to be a pilgrim. Guess who was a pilgrim?
And she made sure the native men were loud and ruthless and the native women were scared of everything and screamed and shouted in fear so easily. While the pilgrims were calm and collected, from the men to the women and they helped these poor natives.
My mom and me shared similar opinions on the play and she even talked to my teacher about how harmful it was to teach kids our history like that. The she should do better and emphasized the proper way to say my name. Which she pretended she just didn't know, I never corrected her. (My mom knew this was a lie as I was known to be very quick to correct people and sometimes hostile if they didn't quickly amend it. So yeah... Also, she continued to mispronounce my name unless my mom was there.)
I almost forgot, I am a very quiet person, especially then. I only talked if I had to or liked you enough to talk to. She said even though I met the curriculum for the next grade, in fact, she had kept lowering my reading level until she got in trouble, that she wanted to hold me back for a year. She got an earful from my mom for that one, and I didn't get held back.
So that was what it was like in the classroom. Outside of it, I was often physically assaulted by four girls.
There was this one who was in my class and she made it her mission to stand next to me in line so she could force me to talk. I never did, so she would twist my arm, pinch me, punch me, try to bend my hand back, saying I just had to say something and she'd stop. She never got in trouble for it and it's not because she never got caught, many times I caught my teacher's eye while she was physically harming me, she'd smile and look away.
While I was outside of the classroom, outside of line, there was a group of three girls. They come up to me, make comments, grab my stuff, my belongings, corner me. I remember one weekend I got my nails done, they were yellow with glitter. They saw my nails asked if they were real, and proceeded to rip off every single nail. My best friend saw, alerted her mom who did work there. Not much came from that, they continued to harass me, they just made sure my friend wasn't around and her mom.
So yeah, it was really traumatic, dealing with so much every day at school. I remember walking to the bus one day, it was really windy, and I thought about how much I wished it would pick up more and knock me into the wall. Enough to hurt and kill me. I thought about death a lot that year. I didn't realize until I got older how much it truly affected me.
Also, fun fact, I ended up going to school with those girls again, we moved but in fifth grade I went back to that school, that teacher still taught there, and one of those girls was in my class. She never talked to me, she did give me dirty looks for getting questions correct if she didn't.
And later in middle school I ended up having several classes with all of them. I could tell they recognized me, but never said anything about it. No apologies. Nothing.
The one who twisted my arm, I never saw her again at the very least. But yeah, what a fucked up year, huh?
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anotherpapercut · 11 months
um anyway I was told today that my knees have been hyperextending for my entire life and I just didn't really notice
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taikk0 · 2 years
#ITS LITERALLY SO IRONIC CAUSE LIKE..OK UH#LISTEN IVE NEVER ACTUALLY FESSED UP BEFORE BUT ABOUT TIME I DO IT NOW IN THE TAGS BUT UM I HAVE A CRUSH ON LEO 💀💀#AND UNTIL NOW IM SUPER HESITANT TO ADMIT IT#AND NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT IM LIKE... 'OH NO WHAT WILL I DO IF I ADMIT IT WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO MY REPUTATION!! ILL BE CRINGE!!' and like.#dude you have a crush on the krang your reputation was sullied a LONG TIME AGO WHAT DIGNITY IS LEFT TO BE PRESERVED 😭#just the way that i always thought 'man having a crush on the krang is marginally less embarrassing than admitting i really like leonardo'#LIKE DUDE NO IT ISNT???????????#they are both embarrassing but in different ways#LEOS THE TYPA LOSER THAT ID RATHER DIE THAN BE SEEN IN PUBLIC WITH#AND THE KRANG IS JUST WIDELY HATED WITH ASPECTS THAT ONLY I SEE AND IM JUST MAKING A FOOL OUT OF MYSELF💀#the mental acrobatics i go through is actually just so..#I NEVER WORRIED ABOUT BEING JUDGED FOR HAVING A CRUSH ON THE KRANG BUT IM WORRIED ABOUT HAVING A CRUSH ON A TURTLE THAT EVERYONE-#-UNDERSTANDS THE APPEAL OF?????? LIKE HUH#sorry yall eyes have been opening these past few days 💀💀💀💀#my own bf described leo as my 'turtle boyfriend' once LIKE I DIDNT EVEN LIKE LEO THAT MUCH BUT HE KNEW SOMETHING I DIDNT 😭#MY BF DOESNT EVEN WATCH ROTTMNT#THAT IS NOT A DEFINING CHARACTER TRAIT#HE USUALLY CALLS THEM BY THEIR MAIN ATTRIBUTES OR THEIR BANDANA COLOR (EX. THE SMART ONE. THE ANGRY ONE. THE ORANGE ONE)#WHY DID HE CALL HIM MY TURTLE BOYFRIEND I DONT UNDERSTAND#I CRIED ABOUT IT (/LH) AND HIS RESPONSE WAS 'what? ✨polyamory!✨' LIKE DUDE PLEAESEEE 😭😭😭😭#IM GLAD THAT I KNOW YOURE OPEN#BUT WHAT#good to know that my bf flat out said that he was okay with me being with leo apparently 💀#idk whats wrong with him /aff#my bf not the turtle i know whats wrong with him#anyways um.#YEAH LETS NEVER SPEAK ABOUT ANYTHING I ADDED IN THE TAGS AGAIN#its classified info between the two of us you the reader and me the mikyomix CAPICHE??#also no this does not affect sona lore whatsoever they r just friends#translation: i am a wuss 👍
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red-dyed-sarumane · 8 months
kyuuyakus so good not only bc its like the only song heavy enough i can tolerate at loud volumes that can Almost drown out my coworker who never shuts up but ALSO for the points ive said 74times & will continue to,
aru sekai shoushitsu set us up for something super sci-fi, which. yes. the series very much is. but it was so technical and almost coldly indifferent. and then we're given the whole "old testament" in the title & the whole intro reading that isnt far from dantes inferno type content as my good friend emimin pointed out. we've got this new aspect added in and at the same time the lyrics let you know this character's still dealing with the complex technical stuff, from the terms down to the second kanji in ashita being incomplete as though because of a program error or interruption or some other similar reason.
and it feels even more different because theres just so much emotion in this one compared to shoushitsu. all the "bye-bye"s written in ways that express deep pain, the fact that the "see you tomorrow"s are cut off in the way they are the first time, and so drawn out the second time. the genre's not the spacey, distant trance type that shoushitsu is; its heavy, its intense, its got as much to it musically as there are details in the story. it's not just to sound cool, it's getting her state of mind across just as much as the spoken words. the world's being destroyed physically & metaphorically, everyone's suffered this over and over, they've parted ways so many times and its just never something they can get used to, especially not if they want to keep trying to end this whole loop, she's stressed past imagination trying to keep everything in check when its just not possible, & the intensity of the music just emphasizes all of that. there's less intense parts too, sort of like a forced focus on what she's doing that all too quickly builds to a panic. or the in the second part where everything gets so dire, the bell's tolling and she's running out of time, the piano over top of it giving such an uneasy feeling, and then right back to that heavy panic. theres so much emotional charge in it you know the long notes aren't just magu having fun with it; you just know they're meant as screams. i dont even think i can say screams for help, i think she knows shes past the point of help or at least that she's supposed to be everyone else's source of help that it's just stressed lamentation. she's doing everything she possibly can and its not working so all thats left is to cry out about it.
and then u have the rute furute wo a motif in here that's added in under the "fractal wa/kurikaeshita" parts that really hits harder now with kannagi for extra context. knowing that this is in the past & can't be changed and everyone else is using this as a point of reference. then u of course have the nami no ne wo motif, & the longest & clearest instance of it aside from maybe oumen mokushiroku so u know she's herself & gets to live, gets to keep doing this & watching other people die. (although i have absolutely no frame of reference for how long she lives given this is a past event & she doesn't seem to be present in the more current time songs. we dont really have that context yet) & then we're back to the rute motif on top of what still sounds like a jumble of nothing. but i also thought the rute line was nothing and here its a big deal so i cant wait to realize what this other jumble is, considering its also under the last ima kizanda parts.
theres just so so much to it, so many little intricacies that build such a full picture from whats otherwise one of the more simple series songs & i cant love it more.
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celibibratty · 9 months
bullying is such a fuck up type of phsychological abuse(i hate that people don't take it seriously to call it an abuse but it is a type of abuse), you don't know what to do, is helpless, when we were kids, everybody used to say(mostly our mother) "just ignore them, they will eventually stop, they will lose interest if you show no reaction", but don't do anything/show no reaction also makes things worse(i hated it, it never helped), it only proves how much of a victim you are, it shows that it won't have any consequences, they can do anything with you whenever they want CUZ YOU ALWAYS WILL DO NOTHING, but if you do react things can go two ways round (or you intimidate them in a way that they will stop trying messing with you(very difficult) or will make worse cuz they will find entertaining), is a no escape situation, you feel stuck, theres nothing to do, every little move or word makes things worse(the advice that i hated the most and mom always used to suggest was "just play along with it, smile, find it funny too", i never bought it that bullshit, they werent my fucking Friends, i not gonna let myself/ourselves being a joke,what they do it/say it hurted me, i can't just pretend it doesnt upsets me)
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my-chemical-aromance · 9 months
sometimes i discover terms and words that describe the things i do that are associated with autism but whenever i bring them up i always get “you were never like that before!!”. i used to get in trouble at school, at home, at church for talking so much. I’ve always been hyperverbal I just didn’t know there was a word for it back then. even after i knew i was autistic but didnt know being hyperverbal was a thing i told people i stimmed by talking. before i knew echolalia was a thing i chalked it up to just liking how things sounded or it being a form of stimming.
you’re telling me that just because there’s a word for what i do that’s associated with autism, suddenly I’ve never displayed this behavior before?
all that learning these terms has done has made it easier to understand and explain myself. instead of saying “i talk a lot because I’m autistic and it’s a form of stimming which i do to self regulate” i can now say “i’m hyperverbal because i’m autistic.” or instead of saying “i’m not repeating you to be mocking it’s just something i unconsciously do when i like a noise or word or how you said that word.” I can say “I use echolalia because i’m autistic, thats why i repeat things the way i do.” In both these examples not only is the second option more concise it’s clearer and people understand me better.
i’m not going to apologize for wanting to understand myself and wanting others to understand me.
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carrotpiss · 1 year
An attempt to get some thoughts feelings out of my system re the failed date
#genuinely embarrassed i still feel so upset about it again just a new wave of anxiety hit me this morning#i just feel so lost at how it ended up like that i thought i communicated clearly but obviously i didnt i said mid afternoon i let them know#when j was leaving like mid-afternoon literally is 3pm but maybe i shouldve just said yrah ill be around at half 3ish#and then they just left me waiting with no actual eta just repeated “not long now” for 2 hours#and then in the last 30mins were loke btw bunch of their friends joining eho dont have tix#and its like.. okay? atp ive been waiting so long it felt like i had to agree and its not like i object to others being there a bit#like we're primarily going to a gig nesr where thejr mates live i expect that i just wasnt expecting to get completely sidelined#and its like they were flirting with me all up until i said i was omw#i forgot it even was a date at one point until they themslef mentioned they were on a date w me to someone else#like i just dont understand what happened#like where did i go wrong#crouch speaks#i know the answer but still#i got hopeful. the one thing i shouldn't be. i for a moment thought we had a chance#and so life had to humble me bc i got thinking about thjngs i dont deserve and will never have bc im fundamentally broken and horrid and#unlovable and hideous#like idk why i thought this would result any differently#now i feel guilty and rotten#like fuck was i expecting too much was i been too dramatic to just have a bit of alone time with them just to het to know them a bit better#i dont know i dont know how this is supposed to work
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wwwyzzerdd420 · 1 year
I really just do not get women At All
#understand that i used to 'be one'#i was never under the impression that men would hurt me#i wasn't raised by women so maybe thats why? they never were able to infect me with that paranoia#i never felt unsafe around any man not even homeless men in the streets downtown San Antonio at night#i was never catcalled until my mid 20s#i was never ogled or at least i never noticed until my mid 20s#so i didnt even think that kind of thing happened to women cause it never happened to me#and ngl i was only catcalled ONCE and i was heavily made up with a wig and costume#ive always been too ugly to be harassed#i didnt even experience the trauma of moms picking apart their daughters appearance cause.. never had a mom#the first time i was ever body shamed was by other girls my age who HAD moms who were incredulous -#that i was in 4th grade and not shaving my legs yet (wasnt allowed/taught)#second time ever was in 6th grade after we moved to a predominantly white town and all the rich girlies started ripping me apart#i really truly and genuinely wonder if i HAD someone who cared about me raising me would i even be trans?#would i still be a man if i were raised with a mother and if my older sister took ANY interest in helping me?#would my perspective be different if my main romantic abuser had been a man instead of a woman?#and like. ive engaged in some RISKY behavior#like going on what i thought was a friend date with some divorced loser i picked up as an uber driver#like almost getting kidnapped while delivering pizzas on my birthday#like going to conventions dressed scantily clad completely alone with nobody checking in on me?#would my perspective be different had any of those times gone poorly for me?#or did these incidents not work to make me a paranoid woman because theres some different male wiring going on in my brain?#everything goddamn else traumatizes me so easily so im Genuinely asking here.#im more traumatized from being called bad names on the phone while trying to WORK than from almost being raped by a stranger#is that a bad thing????
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snekdood · 1 year
All ik is if i gotta be isolated and socially ostracized in spite of doing nothing wrong, then maybe we dont get to be so forgiving and understanding and Here For the person who put me in this situation. Kinda think they deserve the same shit too, i mean, if we're all being fucking genuine right? Or did they convince you so well that theyre so uwu weak and innocent that even though theyre a rapist you still need to hold them with kiddie gloves?
#cops when it comes to be but have the Nuanced Leftist Understanding Of Retributirive Justice & Why Its Bad when it comes to them lmao#okay#so i gotta go through all this trauma but even if you find out what i say is true then they srill face no repercussions of any sort huh?#yeah yall dont care about me too lmao. yall dont care about victims. yall like making victims and finding targets.#yall LOVE trying to destroy peoples loves and will jump at any opportunity to do it but suddenly your fave blogger is outed as a creep and#lives* not loves#its all fine and you give 0 of that same energy back to them. iight.#like go fuck yourselves lmao. wipe yourself from the planet or at least from society if this is how you fuckin are#they could be outed as a serial rapist and yall would look at their fursona still and go 'awwww' like. why are you on this planet shisjsks#why cant you evenly distribute the energy of Hating Rapists when it comes to them huh?#some of yall are already in an abusive relationship with them and dont even realize. you dont even see how they have such a hold over you#that you react different than you did to me about finding out theyre a creep.#i went through all this trauma of isolation + no ones apologized yet + no ones even tried to help me or help repair the situation.#yall literally do not care about other humans. you care about drama and bloodsports.#yall dont understand HOW MUCH you've made me lose faith in humanity. like if yall thought i didnt care if humans died for whatever reason#before i probably believe that shit now BUT ITS FUCKING BECAUSE OF YOU PEOPLE. ITS FUCKING BECAUSE OF YOU#its tumblr users that are this dogmatic about their favorite creators which is why i say people on this site dont deserve shit#yall are just whiped fucking dogs.#did you get a treat for not putting up too much of a stink? for never comfronting them? for standing by?#kys
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etheries1015 · 1 year
How TWST characters react to finding out your real name
They hadn't realized you were using a fake name or a nickname, and when they find out you hadn't told them your real name, they each reacted in their own way.
Featuring : Idia, Lilia, Crowley, Ace/deuce/grim (together) , Azul/jade/Floyd (together), Malleus, Epel, Rook, Vil, Kalim, Jamil
Idia - Fair. Its like using a fake in game name only in real life, who needs to know your real name? It's not that important, it doesn't change that you're still you. But he is glad that you trusted him with your real name, but now he's a little possessive, and doesn't like it when other people use your real name. Its HIS privilege to know the you behind the character! (He wants his y/n moment and he gets some sort of fulfillment knowing he was the first to learn your true name. Like he's in some sort of otome game)
Lilia- he raises an eyebrow and has an amused smile on his face. He wasn't expecting you to feel the need to hide your identity, were you some sort of refugee? Hiding from something? You then explain to him you simply didnt feel comfortable sharing your real name with a bunch of strangers since coming to twisted wonderland, and he was easily able to accept that answer. He calls you by whatever name you prefer, it makes no difference to him, and he quickly gets over it. (If he wants to get your attention and tease you, he will use your real name)
Malleus- A little bit...hurt, in a way? You couldn't trust him with your real name? He knew others thought he was scary and didnt trust him for his lineage, however he had to remind himself that you were different than them. You were kind and understanding, and he had to push back his childish thinking. He did the same thing in fact, hiding his name from you until learning far after your meeting. Perhaps you had your reasons as well, and he respects that, and warms his heart slightly coming to terms that you had entrusted him with that information. He uses whatever name you feel the most at ease of hearing, but there will be times in which you two are alone and he gets in his feelings. Hearing your name sound so sincere and loving coming from his lips makes it sound sweeter than you remember.
Azul + the Leech brothers- Shocked. Flabbergasted. You did it in such a cool way too, you signed his contract using a name he wasn't familiar with. "You are aware that using a fake name won't do you any good, Right?" He had pointed out. You gave him a smirk and crossed your arms, "Who says its fake? In fact, the name I signed is indeed my REAL name. I thought I might as well use my real name, to show how confident I am that your little tricks will not fool me." Jade simply smiled and nodded in approval, whilst Floyd began laughing hysterically at Azuls reaction (his mouth hung open. He just convinced himself you had an inflated ego.) Needless to say, they will not forget that moment in a while.
Crowley- Blames you and says "Well of course I couldn't find your records anywhere or continue with my investigation on your case, you didnt even give me an accurate name to go by!" (In reality he wasn't doing anything to help you, he just thought this gave him an out and more time to think of something. You knew this.) The gaslighting king, and good at making you feel bad for not enrolling into the school by providing your full real name. You rolled your eyes and kept doing what you were doing (slay)
Kalim- he gets super excited, and fully respects you by any name you go by. He showers you in compliments and says its such a nice and fitting name for a person such as yourself. He smiles brightly and locks arms with you; "(fake name) or (real name), they both suit you well! You're still the prefect I love, regardless of what name you use!" .... But then he starts to ask you why, and it turns into an hour long conversation about names. (Probably tries to suggest names that would suit you)
Jamil- A little surprised at first, however he never made a big deal out of it and didnt care much. He shrugged and continued using the name you had given him, its what you chose to go by, is it not? So he will continue to do so. (Inwardly he understands why you hid your true identity, but also thinks its silly in a way. Why would you go so long without sharing something as small as a name? But it was a one time thought, and never dwelled on those questions.)
Vil- Also doesn't make a big deal out of it. Your name suits you well, he will ask what you prefer to go by, however. If you aren't comfortable using your real name, who is he to judge? He asks you once about why you chose to use a fake name, and he respected it. "Or I can just call you prefect, if you prefer? Your title precedes your name, and it's a form of respect. How does that sound?" You chuckle and say that you trust him enough to be on a first name base, and he responds with a slight blush. You really know how to see past his professionalism.
Rook- Add it to his list of things he knows about people and probably knows too much about people. He stores it in his mind along side with your weight, your height, your frequented places in the school, your gym scores, the height you can jump, how fast you finish your lunch, how big your hand is, your shoe size, how many hairs are on your head... "magnifique! I just love learning new things about you, it never ceases to amaze the mysteries you hold! Please, tell me more!"
Epel- A little bit disappointed you hadn't told him sooner. He gets over it quickly, but he was still a little upset to hear that he was one of the last people to find out what your real name is! Not that it truly matters, but a persons name is a persons treasure, and he wanted a part of the great reveal! (It wasn't THAT great. It came up casually, he's just a little sentimental and dramatic sometimes.) He ends up carving your name out of an apple, he says he made it cause' he was bored and no other reason, but in reality he really likes your name more than he leads on.
Ace/deuce/Grim- What do you MEAN that the past year they have been calling you by a FAKE/NICKNAME This entire time?? Do you have that little faith in them???? When you explained to them you had simply rolled with it when you first arrived to twisted wonderland and became accustomed to it, the name flowed off your tongue as natural as breathing. It had nothing to do with trust as time went on. They were all so dramatic about it though. "Our Prefect LIED to us!" They cried out, prostrating themselves on the floor and demanding you buy them food in to compensate 'the emotional damages' they claimed you inflicted upon them. You rolled your eyes and laughed playfully as the three of them whined about your "distrust" in them.
You loved them nonetheless, those morons 💜
A link to my master list!
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 3 months
Hiya there!
I have two questions,
first, what if Katsuki was whipped over a popstar reader?
Also, who's the character in your profile? i wanna maybe draw her.
Much love
-Kovu :>
hello this is LOOOOONG overdue @kovu-bunnbunn im soooo sorry ! i didnt rlly know how to get to this at first cus i've never done hc's before, but either way i hope you like it ! also tumblr just randomly ate this so i had to restart...yay.
p.s.: the character on my profile is my oc ryoko ! she's my mha oc, i'd be so super flattered if you decided to draw her ! (also idk if you couldve guessed but shes my oc x canon katsuki ship I KNOOOOW shocker)
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katsuki has literally every single piece of merch he can get his hands on
vinyls, album records, posters, accesories and t-shirts but he never wears them he hides them somewhere in his room so you don't find out he has them.
(you do find out eventually.)
he gets so giddy on the inside when you give him limited edition stuff and that's always something he shows off
"woah man that's limited edition ive been LURKING for that !" "yeah well apparently you haven't been lurkin' hard enough cus I HAVE IT--"
he shows up to all your concerts and somehow he manages to be the loudest one there lmfaooo his ass is NOT on mute.
if you ever take him backstage he's so awkward cus he doesnt know anyone so he just sticks to you (not like he doesn't on the daily)
at most he'll nod at people in greeting (he's kinda scared he'll start stuttering)
but he's scary lookin so the staff n others think he's just protective over you
for sure your other bandmates / staff think he's your personal bodyguard LOLOLOLOL
but nope turns out he's just a loser lol
if you sell photocards as merch or something like that best believe has ALLL of them
collectin em like his phone isn't already filled with pictures of you
his storage about to burst and it's still not enough for 'im LOLOL
he for sure has a secret fan account that entirely revolves around you.
he defends you with his LIFE on there too he's one of them fans😭😭😭
he has a different playlist from specific albums depending on his mood, so whatever playlist he's on there's always at least one song of yours on there
he has a seperate 'bad boy playlist' that he has so you don't find out he's a hyperfan
one time you guys were sharing earbuds in the bus while his playlist was on shuffle and he'd accidently added one of your songs on his edgy dark n brooding cool guy playlist.
needless to say he was more than embarrassed, damn near MORTIFIED and didn't look at you for the whole bus ride 😭😭
gets so flustered when he finds out songs you've written were while you thought of him or were dedicated to him. he gets so blushy about it but he's such a show off
like whenever he hears a song meant for him, he smirks about it to himself and no one understands why but he really doesn't care cus they don't need to understand
cus it's something between you and him <3
all in all, he loves you and your music (and your merch) and he couldn't be prouder to call himself your boyfriend <3
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adkawariatka · 1 month
I can’t stop thinking about this idea soooo here is another part.
In hindsight Tim really shouldn’t have worked himself so much about that friend of Damian. Why you might think? Becouse spying your brother’s friend is an invasion of his privacy? Or just creepy? Or maybe its unfair towards said brother and his friend? No. No Tim problem was much more human shaped. He did plan to be subtle but with DAMIAN. Not with his very annoying and moral older brother. When Dick found him in Bat Cave in his work trance and asked him what he was doing…. Tim just told him, damn his one track focus. It earned him a lecture about privacy, respect and morals….So he was forbidden from any camera videos in areas that Damian met his misterious friend. He felt so frustrated when he tried to explain his worries to Dick and he called him paranoid… which fair he may be sometimes fixated on some cases and a little suspicious of everything too… normal. But Dick was just so happy about the information that Damian had a friend, that he did not think about the fact that other normal 10 year old would never be able to talk with Damian about complicated emotion problems … let alone how to solve them. The time of Damian working on friends mission, Or differently meeting with some stranger, and changing his behaviours at manor lined. SO that someone needed to talk with Damian about his social problems. The only logical way of explaining the „condinience” would be if that person was someone older. Old enough to understand social interactions to the level that allowed them to introduce it to Damian. It painted disturbing picture to Tim. Some Creep manipulating his younger brother. It can lead to a disaster not only for Damian but all the Waynes. What if he will Trust that person and tell them their secret? The talk with Damian only opened his eyes that above all the training the kid had he was still just that: a kid. The only thing that Dick advised him was to go and talk with Damian. Which ok, last time went well but…. he might at least try.
Tim did not wanted to believe that it was that easy. Of course he didnt start to snoop about the friend yet…. But just interacted with Damian. First time was really akward but they got past it. Tim still cringes at the memory:
It was after patrol they were changing in to civilian clothes. Tim was battling with his thoughts how to start conversation when Damian started to pull out his equipment for sharpening his katana. And he thoght that it is as good subject as any other.
-how long does it take to sharpen it?
Damian stopped what he was doing and gazed at him warly. They stood in complete silence long enough to be uncomfortable. Tim started to think that it was mistake when Damian broke the silence.
-do you…want to see?
And Tim did want. It turned out that it was great idea. Damian talked for almost an hour about granuality of sandpaper used to sharpen his katana, different kinds of oils and even how to storage it properly. Tim was impressed by detailed knowledge and experienced movements. That was his first full Blown conversation with Damian and it was great.
After that they interacted with each other more and more outside of patrols. They weren’t conversations of utter importance, but Tim got fond of them. More often than not it revolved around things as trivial as favourite books, school, fight techniques Or even hobbies. If Tim was being honest he did not Think that Damian would ever talk about such topics. In the past he often expressed his annoyance at information of this type, but not anymore. Tim suspected that it was the influence of his „friend”. However among those unsuspecting subjects Damian sometimes asked questions that worried Tim.
One of the untold rules of their interactions were that they never talked about the „deep stuff”. Which was why he was so surprised by sudden change of topics during unsuspecting conversation about donating clothes to Damian school, which by the way he was doing things like that now. Without any warning he heard question:
- when you were living in Darke manor were you… lonely?
That was weird question to ask without warning. But… was Damian worried about him? Or was he feeling like he has no one close? But there was also second aspect: From beggining of their interactions they avoided any subjects that Tim was prying for and here Damian was offering it on silver platter. He was not going to waste that chance.
-hmmm… well I was young and alone for most of the time so yes I was
Damian seemed to mull over that information. After short pause he started
- What did you do to feel better?
- I mostly tried to take my mind elsewhere. I cooked, cleaned, studied, went around making photos of Batman in the middle of the night… but I wouldn’t recommend that to anyone. Oh and I read many many books. But you know the best option is to go to people that care for you.
- that seems acceptable.
After that Damian came back to the previous subject. Tim felt a little dumbfounded. He couldn’t shake the impression that he was the one grilled for information in this situation.
Not long after that memorable conversation Damian started going to library very often. Tim was now seriously worried. Did Damian felt lonely? Did he actually think that he has no one. It didn’t seat with Tim right. He doesn’t mean that he was uneasy with Damian trying to help himself… it was more about the fact that he was doing it wrong… he had Dick and Bruce, Alfred, his supposed friend… hell Tim was right here! He thought that their relationship was better. He thought… he doesn’t know what he felt but he was damn upset about it. If Damian does not came to Tim then he will come to him. When he passed library third time that week and Damian was there picking books he decided that it was enough.
When he entered Damian was standing on a small stool picking books from the shelf high above his head. Tim walked to the stack of already picked ones and went through their titles
- I didn’t know you were interested in astrology… or maths and physics
- I am not
Replayed Damian without the beat of hestitation. Tim looked at him as if he grown second head.
-then… why did you choose those books? I can help you find some about katanas or animals
- I appreciate the offer but I do not require your assistance.
Tim stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, while Damian apparently found what he was looking for and got of the stool. He turned around and meet Tim’s unsure eyes. In his hand he held huge brown book with constellations on the cover. Damian studied him for a moment.
- Drake
- Damian IF I can somehow help…
Cut in Tim trying to act as a responsible older brother. Where the hell was dick when he was needed. He was the emotional one. His small breakdown was interrupted by Damian words:
- Timothy I don’t know what inaccurate conclusion you created but whatever you are thinking is wrong
It sounded only a little as an insult. That’s progress but it does not solve his problem.
- Damian if you look for a way to feel better…
Tim trailed off God he was awful at this. He had problems processing his feelings how was he supposed to untangle Damian’s?!
- Ancients Those books are not for me.
Tim stared dumbfounded. Who the hell were ancients and if books weren’t for Damian then…
-they are for Danny
Ok Tim did not know from when did Damian started using nicknames, or who was Danny but he started to have his suspicions. Who did Damian became close lately? To the mysterious friend. It was not difficult from there.
-soooo Danny told you he was lonely?
Tim swears that if some creep is trying to pry on his little brother developing compassion then he is going to make sure he will pay for it very high price. He needs as much information as he can get.
- No he did not. But I observed that…his mood drops whenever we had gone longer without seeing each other…. Your advise seems to help
Huh. Tim did not expect that. However that does not seem that it is not manipulation either. Danny might be playing the victim to ensure that Damian trusts him completely.
- hey Damian how old is Danny?
Damian narrowed his eyes and tensed. Oops Tim just crossed the line.
- I don’t see any reason I should inform you about that.
That was rather cold. Tim is glad that Damian’s katana is away from his hand radious.
- If he is lonely then he could sometimes visit manor. Come for dinner or something. It’s not like our friends don’t visit.
Damian eyes softened a little. Tim counted this as a win.
- I will take that into account.
After that Tim helped Damian carry his books to his room and tried not to worry too much about his suspicions.
In Tim’s defense he did not plan this. He was just checking out the coffee shop close to the park when he bumped into them in the doorway. He exited said store when he stumbled into someone. Only after a moment he processed that said someone held in hands the same huge brown book with familiar constalations on the cover. And sure enough when he looked to the left there was standing Damian. The boy who held the book was Laughing and looking at his younger brother. Tim studied him carefully he had piercing blue eyes, hollow cheeks indicating malnutrition and black tangled hair that seemed in serious need of a cut. He was wearing jeans that in the past were probably navy blue but now seemed more gray and brown pulled jumper very similar to what he used to wear few years ago. He was lanky in that unhealthy way that kids from troubled homes were. Tim smiled slyly and caught Damian eyes. He seemed really tense.
- hey Danny nice finally meeting you!
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starrvsn · 3 months
🥥 ˎˊ˗ fruit for thought ⠆how can you be mad at lando?
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lando hates this.
he hates that you're in his bed, mad at him. your back facing him in complete silence. he can’t sleep which makes it worse– he doesn’t have someone to answer his redundant questions, to make jokes with or to share his mindless thoughts too because he knows you listen.
tonight, you drew the line on lando. he went to far on a joke during dinner and you had enough. it didn't help that you had a less than ideal day at work and all you wanted to do was unwind with your lover, that was to much to ask for you assume. you’ve been mad at him ever since, lando feels horrible for what he did and he apologized many times after it happened but was proven fruitless when you stayed quiet with him even after getting ready for bed.
he didn’t know if you were doing this to spite him or if you were genuinely upset because he could tell the difference– he thinks he can tell the difference. lando let’s out a hopeless sigh and shifts in bed for the tenth time that night– yes you’ve counted. as much as you couldn’t take the silence, you really wanted lando to understand what he had done wrong even if he looked like a dejected puppy while doing so. your lover repeats the same actions for another five times and doesn’t seem like he’s gonna put it to rest anytime soon.
“why do you keep sighing, what’s wrong?” your tone is low and curt. it startles the man in front of you, shifting his head to see that you're now facing him. eyes closed with your hands beneath your head. a rush of guilt pulses through him as he looks at you with a heavy gaze. you can’t see him but knows what his expression is like: pouted lips with furrowed brows afraid to say a word to you. you’ve never gotten like this towards him, he’s only seen it when you got upset at oscar for breaking your favorite vase. now that it’s towards him lando doesn’t know what to do with himself.
“i can't sleep.” he responds in a soft voice, slightly faltering.
“why’s that?” you inquire a sigh leaving your lips, awaiting his reason.
“i can’t sleep with you upset at me.” he mumbles, a pout lacing his words as if he was embarrassed to tell you. you would normally find his expression and efforts endearing but right now you’re supposed to be mad at him, your silent treatment a form of punishment. you flutter your eyes to see lando inches away from you with the exact expression you had visioned in your head.
“well should’ve thought about that before making that joke.” you mutter, locking your gaze to his before changing positions in bed akin to what he’s been doing for the past hour. a dejected expression graces his face as he watches you turn on your back, staring at the ceiling.
“i didn’t mean for it to go that far baby, i really didnt. i’m sorry y/n.” he huffs a bit before turning away from you, a familiar burn in his eyes which he tries to will away by stuffing his face into his pillow all while a thought floats into his head. at the thought he lets out a low whine– caring less if you think he’s acting a fool right now.
“what’s wrong, why are you doing that?” shifting your head to the side to look at him, dark shadows of him only visible against the moonlight, irritation threaded through your brows.
“i really can’t sleep now– you always do this thing where you run your hands through my hair as i lay on you, i’m sorry y/n you must be really upset with me.” his voice is muffled as he explains but you instantly know what he means. using all this energy being upset at lando makes you really realize how much you miss him. how much you miss his presence, his voice, his touch. maybe he’s forgiven, for now. wordlessly you reach for his arm, willing him to closer to you. though surprised, lando easily follows in a heartbeat, placing his head in the crook of your neck, his arms naturally moving around your waist and finally your fingers threading through his hair just like he explained earlier. your lover lets out a sigh of content and he snuggles closer to you.
“just so you know i’m still mad at you.”
“you can be mad at me later. let me enjoy this.”
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ownership of starrvsn. please do not repost, modify or translate.
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sanjisblackasswife · 1 year
okay so i had a silly idea and i needed to talk it out… what about… some fun during sex like it’s not embarrassing but you’re there fucking and then start to joke around and laugh or argue for fun… while fucking at the same time…. with the monster trio + law…. please timi ily 💞💕💓💗💖💘💝💞💞💝💖
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“𝔽𝕦𝕟𝕟𝕪 𝕄𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤 𝔻𝕦𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕊𝕖𝕩 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕞”
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its not a silly idea lowkey reminds me of them funny moments of sex i did w them but anyways i Immediately thought of the different possibilities with Luffy🌚
Black Fem Reader
Ft. Sanji, Luffy, Law, Zoro
CW: Sex, but clumsy sex, laughter, established relationships
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One of the best things about sex with Luffy is that there is never a dull moment.
He makes sex so intimate yet exciting and most of all funny and sweet
For example, Luffy noticed how sore your body was from a very intense battle days prior and he suggested in giving you a massage since you always begged him to give you one
“Let me give you a message!”
“….a what.”
“A message! that thing you been asking me to do where I put my hands on your back—“
“Yeah thats what I said!”
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You got naked, and Luffy didnt understand so he got naked too. Not necessarily questioning him, he was sitting on top of you, dick on your ass as he casually rubs oil on your back while you lay on your tummy.
“Mmmm thank you, Lu. You’re really good at this.”
“Don’t sound so surprised! You always said I’m good with my hands, like when i finger yo—-“
It was a surprisingly nice silence between you both just for a while , but of course, Luffy being a guy, and with the slight friction and sounds of your pretty moans he started to get hard.
Luffy can usually ignore his boners but in his mind he doesn’t see why to do so if you’re both naked and in bed.
It was silence for a moment, you didn’t bother to open your eyes, being patient to hear what he has to say, instead you feel something tap your buttcheek.
It was Luffy. Non verbally asking to fuck you by slapping his tip on you.
“Yes, Lu.” You sigh playfully to his request, he giggles, thanking you for letting him slide himself inside you, he hovers over your back a bit, both hands forming gripping your ass as his hips thrust up into you like a dog. You’d be a liar to say his whimpers and pants from behind wasn’t riling you up more.
“Right~ there ah!~” The sounded of skin slapping as his cock dragged in and out, slightly hitting that small sweet spot on the left really had you so close to cumming until—
Luffy’s hands slipped, the oil and precum that was mixed on your ass caused him to lose balance and fall atop of you, and to make matters worse he slid off your wet body to then fall off the bed, holding your waist to bring you down in the process.
So here you were, now on top of Luffy, oily, naked and on the floor of the rug. You both stare in confusion for a moment not registering what happened after you both shrieked. The silence overtook the room until Luffy began to burst out laughing with you.
“Why did you fall?!”
“Ion know..” Luffy kept giggling looking down at your lower body, adjusting you to slide back down on his cock, because sure you both kinda ruined the sexual mood, but that doesn’t stop him. “Just ride me then like you did last week.”
You groan, he was so exhausting, and as much as you wanted to protest, he smiled at you, his hair reverting back to it’s fluffy curly state due to sweat. Luffy kisses your lower lip and lays his head down to thrust up into you.
You didn’t mind at that point to finish sex on the floor.
It was Luffy after all.
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You and Zoro always bicker when like this and something doesnt go either of your guys’ way.
You both could be doing doggy style and Zoro gets pissy because you’re not letting him “do all the work”
It still ends with you both fucking like rabbits, but it’s still such a funny sight to see
“Are you trying to suck the soul out of me?!” Zoro literally was pulling you off his overstimulated dick since you wanted to suck him through his next orgasm, his face was so red and hot you nearly felt bad for how much you gave him a blissful sting after just orgasming.
“Yes, actually…” You smirked, small string of your spit and his cum falling down the corner of your lip, Zoro rolls his eyes .His shakey hand touches your face to wipe the fluid off your face to then put his thumb in your mouth.
“Shut up.” He grumbled, you roll your eyes, arms crossed between his legs suckling his thumb, you whine feeling Zoro place you on your back, upset you no longer have his digit swirling around your slutty tongue. “No more of that shit with you.”
“What shit.” You pout.
“Being so fucking pissy when you don’t get your way.”
“I always get my way so of course I’m ganna be pissy when I—AH~!”
Zoro wraps your thighs around his waist, you don’t even know when he pushed his way in your pussy all you could do was quickly grab onto his shoulders.
“Y-you! Fuck— asshole!” Complaining yet non stop moans hit your green haired boyfriend’s ear, you could feel his sly smirk against your neck while you try to get him to slow down.
You hated how easily he can make you melt once he is on top of you, his weight against yours, grunting and breathing harshly, almost as if he was trying to prove a point he begins talking in between strokes.
“You’re always—-so fucking—-annoying when you don’t listen to me.”
“Fuck! You! I don’t have to listen to shit!”
“Oh yeah?”
In an instant Zoro presses his lips against yours, allowing one hand you move your head closer as he forces his tongue inside you mouth, and just like he predicted you couldn’t help yourself but to latch onto it moaning.
“You’re so full of shit—MMPH!”
You can keep talking your shit, it doesn’t matter to Zoro, he loves it actually, your words as naughty as your body begging for more and he does just that.
You both don’t know what it is about acting out this love/hate relationship during sex, but it fuels you both into some of the best moments in bed, with even sweeter moments afterwards, wtih Zoro holding you close against his tired worn body, and your limp one, kissing you lazily as he praises how well you took him.
That man really falls for you harder each time.
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It’s kinda common for you both to have a few hiccups when having sex, he still has his moments where the overwhelming pleasure of you naked and touching him gets the best of his actions.
You wanted to ride him, Sanji was always trying to be “against” it only because the mere thought of your breast jiggling in his face, your pussy around his dick and your ass slamming down on him gets him in a very shocked state where he can’t even produce coherent words
He’s afraid he wont be able to last long.
Not like you care, you loved seeing him crumble under you.
“Pleasseee, please please pleaseee.”
You never really have to beg much for Sanji to say yes, but for this case you do and finally after 45 whole minutes of naughty touching and kissing behind his ear as he was in the kitchen he agrees
So, you did the usual; sucked his dick, praised him, got him way more riled up than needs to be and you decide its time to finally sink down onto his dick.
Well you do and not even 2 bounces in he is whimpering like a slut, and cumming like a whore.
“Wait wait wait waitttttt—FUCK!” Sanji holds you down, the harsh grip on your waist as his own hips stutter slamming up into make you cry out he leans into your breast, breath barely escaping his mouth, “You’re too good at this…”
You roll your eyes, your blondie actually looked cute so worn in the face already , sucking your bottom lip as you feel him twitch inside you, his cum making a mess of your thighs.
“You came alot…” You kiss and rub his head, you can hear him pout, Sanji felt embarrassed, usually he is able to at least TRY to not cum before you, but it was all too overwhelming for him.
“It’s okay, Ji…” You laugh picking his head up to cup his blushed cheeks, “I’m glad I make you feel good.”
“You make me feel like I died and went to Heaven but….”
“Your pussy is a damn weapon of itself.” He mumbles, covering his attitude by smothering his face back into your breast, You let out a chuckle , his vulgar words during sex never cease to make you turned on and flustered, considering he tries not to speak such filthy words outside of the bedroom.
“Just relax we have all night——MMPHH!?”
Amazed by the swiftness of his speed, Sanji already had you on your back, small light kisses against your lips he looks down to realign himself.
You moan softly, feeling the way his tip was wiggling against your sensitive clit, your noises bring his eyes to snap at you, Sanji always had a tendency of seeing your face the moment he pushes himself inside.
“You don’t have to—ah!” Throwing your head back on the fluffy pillow, the shift in his hips bring you to nip at your lip,
“Dammit I wish you could see your face right now.” Sanji whispered against your lips, his damp hair tickling your cheek, “You’re so fucking hot.”
Your mixtures of moans and giggles were intoxicating to the man, wrapping your arms and legs around him you crack a smile, “You’re so —-cute…”
Sanji blushes, once again feeling himself get close, he buried his face in your neck, breathless laughs hit your skin as his thrust transition from fast and shallow to deeper and slower.
You hum in content, rubbing his nape, “You’re cuter….way cuter….” Sanji finally lets out holding your hips to rock against his. You both coming close to a blissful orgasm to share together, he finally collapsed atop of you, peppering your neck in kisses, praising you softly.
“Thank you for the meal…or whatever.”
You share another laugh with him under the covers.
He was so cute when he got like this. And it was all for you.
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You are just a little shit and he knows it.
You always have to make him more stressed than what he is
Law swears up and down you get off to annoying him more than actually fucking him
Like now.
Law agreed to let you sit on his face, it’s been a rough day for you both but as doing so you nearly kill him.
“Why are you trying to suffocate me.”
“Because why?!”
“….you made me upset.”
Law knows why you’re “upset”, so he groans,
“I told you Bepo needed me. I’m here now arent i?”
“You love Bepo more than me just say it.” You pouted, your thick thighs beside his face as you sit bare naked atop of him.
Law sighs, his hands creep to your hips and traces shapes on your fatty dark skin, “C’mon….sit again. But don’t fucking kill me this time.”
You turned your head, huffing, you weren’t actually upset but being a brat came second nature to you. And Law knew it which is why when you got like this, when you didn’t “get your way” he took matters into his own hands.
Or moreso tongue.
Pushing your lower body back on his mouth he looks up at you, his eyes peering up to grab your arms and guide them against the headboard to hold yourself up.
“S-stop—ah! Stop it im mad at y-yyou.” You rocked your hips, trying to move away and yet the flat of his tongue gliding and sliding against your slippery slit just turned him on more, just enough to pull out his own dick to stroke it.
You turn to notice, “Pervert!”
Law winks at you, “Then do it yourself. I felt you clench anyways when you seen it. So who’s the real pervert?”
“You fucker—“
Pushing you lower against his mouth and holding down your thighs, you felt the vibrations of his groans, your pervy tatted boyfriend always gets so caught up in tasting you, that you nearly get lost in the pleasure yourself.
You reach with one hand to stroke his shaft, grinding against his nose, hearing the wet sounds below you.
“I’m still—hm! mad at you!”
That earned you a smack to the ass, “Yeah yeah be mad and cum on my tongue.” Law muffled on your clit, you wanted to curse him out so badly, and almost like he read your mind you could feel his 2 thicker fingers stretch your tiny hole, bringing you closer to,
“‘m close!” You moaned out picking up your pace with your hand so he can cum with you.
You could hear his whimpers and heavy breathing, making a mess of your palms and knuckles as he bucked into your touch, You knew he’d be super sensitive right after cumming, but you decided to turn yourself around and “clean him up”.
“WH-WAIT WAIT WAIT—FUCK Y/N!” Law’s voice broke trying to sit up, feeling your slutty lips sucking and licking his twitching tip, “N-NOT NOW!”
“Mmhmm” You hummed mockingly against his shaft, “I’m just ganna clean you up.”
He knew exactly what you were doing, and as painfully good as your mouth felt he couldn’t submit so easily to your demise, so he “returned the favor”, by moving you back on his face.
“St-stop it!”
“What?” Law teased, before giving your clit a kiss, “I’m just cLeAnInG yOu Up.”
The sheering competitiveness of you both lasted a while on who can make who cum first.
It was a tie.
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