#and maybe he does have that in the comics
thankskenpenders · 1 day
Sonic x ...DC Comics?!
We have our reveal of what our new Sonic comic crossover will be, and it's... not what I expected! We're getting a five-issue comic series mashing up Sonic with the DC Comics universe written by Ian Flynn, plus a slew of merch to go with it.
To be honest, I don't know how to feel about this? I don't feel the hype.
Okay, for one, cards on the table: I have more attachment to Marvel's cast of characters than DC's. Sue me. But it's not like I don't also like DC's heroes! I grew up watching the Batman movies and the Justice League cartoons and Adam West's Batman and whatnot. I loved Teen Titans so much as a kid that I was Robin one year for Halloween. DC's cool! People have been comparing Sonic to the Flash for years! So... why does this collab make me feel nothing?
Well, for one, it might be that I would prefer a series like this to be about Sonic and friends meeting the Justice League, as opposed to them being the Justice League. To me, personally, that just seems a little more interesting. Seeing how those characters play off of each other. People have been asking "who would win in a race, Sonic or the Flash?" for years, so that was kinda the thing I was latching onto as the impetus for this crossover. And yes, in the interview they tease the possibility of the actual characters meeting, but they're marketing it primarily via these mashup characters with Sonic and co. cosplaying as the Justice League, so I have to assume that's the main focus of the story.
But I'm also just sitting here like... why DC? Why is this the highest priority crossover to do with Sonic? It seems so arbitrary. Just mashing two random popular franchises together. It doesn't feel like something that resonates so heavily with Sonic that we just NEED this crossover to exist. The DC universe isn't something that has much of a thematic connection with Sonic. Like, you look at the TMNT x Naruto crossover, and THAT feels inspired. That's something you never would've thought would happen, but the second it's announced it seems so obvious, and the sick cover art sells the idea that it's gonna be something fun. (Hell, speaking of TMNT, that feels like a crossover that would've made way more sense to me. No, the single panel of the Archie comics they appeared in doesn't count.)
When the Sonic X DC thing is announced with a series of stock vectors of the Sonic cast cosplaying as the Justice League and the news that there will be a ton of merch for this, well. It just makes it seem like this is first and foremost a collab designed to generate new Funko Pops.
I don't know. I'm sure that whatever the actual story looks like, Ian will do his damnedest to make the comic fun. It'll probably be pretty decent. He's the perfect writer for this assignment. It's just not the crossover I would've requested. Maybe I'm just being a hater here. I know a lot of people are excited, with speculation about what other Sonic characters could take the roles of DC characters. Maybe showing something from the actual comic would've been a better sell. But, well, that's how I feel about it based on the announcement!
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bomber-grl · 2 days
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Peter Parker Dating hc 🕸️
Pairing(s):Peter Parker (Tom hollands)x Gn!Reader (both civilian and superhero included)
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As a civilian you were probably unaware of his secret identity for a good awhile
Until you inevitably found out and began dating
How you found out well, well let’s just say it wasn’t ideal
You had been friends for awhile and the only way Peter would ever let you near him or his room (while having a crush on you) would be if he forgot something at your house or something
So you knocked and May let you know he wasn’t there but still let you in
I mean she wasn’t just gonna let you stand outside waiting for him, if anything he was to blame for not being responsible about the time you two established for meeting up
Queue you walking into his room and he’s half suited up and the both of you are just staring at eachother
That interaction led to some discourse, obviously
But after the initial shock you (surprisingly) moved on
Now if you’re a superhero working for stark for some reason then you met that way and there’s no secret identity reveal
Tbh the two of you have to have something in common
Whether its interests in comics or “nerd” stuff
something had to have led to the two of you getting together
Or maybe you’re just into easily flustered, needy men, who knows 🤷‍♀️
Like if you’re a hero then you met that way and share that in common (including tech if you’re into that)
So just imagine Peter, whose very nervous/ excited, just absolutely rambling about some interest that was briefly mentioned and that you both shared
The thing is, you’re on a date right now and he’s absolutely embarrassing himself (in his opinion)
He’d try to plan everything to perfection and gift you what he can even if he feels it might pale to what you’re used to (if you’re wealthy)
Your first date was especially memorable since not only did he display his nervousness so obviously but it was as if the universe couldn’t let his plan run smoothly
He had tripped, stuttered, made too many mistakes to count, just a piece of work all in all
To you though? It was endearing
He had wanted your first date to be the upmost perfection, even if it wasn’t an average persons “ideal” by the end-
It didn’t matter because you could tell the genuine affection he had for you so much so that he had planned this all, and unfortunately (for him) embarrassed himself beyond return in front of you
“Kill me now”
- Peter probably
He doesn’t really seem like it, if anything he seems pretty self actualized but there’s obviously moments where he feels a bit sorry (?) for the lack of a better word
He’s just always clumsy, and getting flustered easily
Especially around you
So although he might think that you probably think less than ideally of him, he couldn’t be more wrong
If anything it adds to his charm and anything he does is pretty endearing
So when you decide to share such words with Peter while you’re chilling in his room
Well, he’s floored
He thanks you but then that spirals into him stuttering and tripping over himself
Despite the fact that you complimented him to not only ease his worries but also to just let him know-
He’s groveling (exaggeration) and apologizing for, again, being himself…
Blud needs to chill out…
Usually after missions or whatever they’re called- Peter usually has minor injuries or cuts
How do you know this? You’re his main source of comfort so he’s sneak in through your window into your room as often as he can
A particular moment was when you both decided to have a sleep over at your house
It was definitely a huge progress in your relationship but you should’ve known better
While you were asleep, he snuck off and att the end of his little escapade, he snuck back in
Only thing is that he returned back through the window he snuck out from just to be met with the lights on
He visibly sunk at your disappointed gaze once he noticed you up
He isn’t in the best state so you take it easy on him and just go rummaging through your cabinets- you hoped to have something for his wounds around there somewhere
As you’re searching, Peter has taken it upon himself to convince you his injuries are nothing, just go back to bed, and is just overall downplaying his condition
You pause and just stare at him
Obviously he’s taken by surprise but he realizes he can’t do anything to stop you and just lets you continue
Even while your cleaning his wounds or bandaging him up he’s making jokes about the situation
Well maybe not jokes but we all know how rambly he gets when he’s nervous
Somehow digging himself a grave right there
On that same page
We’re all aware of how difficult it is for Peter to balance his civilian and superhero life
I’m not up for debate- it might as well be canon
He’s always having to leave school for superhero work in which it has consequences or he leaves superhero work and still has consequences in the franchise so respectfully: 🤫🤐)
Peter tries super hard to be there and include you in what’s going on but sometimes he needs to cancel or leave hang outs abruptly
You understand this obviously but it’s still upsetting, not as much if you’re a superhero id imagine
But yknow
Still annoying asf
You don’t give him hell for it even if you want to because either 1. You do the same thing (superhero) 2. He can’t help it and he already gets enough shit
He’s also super protective
Especially if you’re a civilian
It’s sort of endearing/ annoying- somehow both simultaneously
Now if you’re a hero/ avenger then you both understand things about your secret identities
Particularly about hiding them
Yknow how Ned would always help Peter out? Well you and Peter do that for eachother
If u have family or others who aren’t aware like friends- Peter has your back and vice versa
It’s just the price you need to pay
Especially since it’s not easy balancing lives
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umbrellacam · 3 days
Dick performing death fake-outs on Tim: heheh, a harmless little prank :)) too easy, boy basketcase
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Robin (1993) #67 - Tim: "Nightwing! Can you hear me, Dick? Please be alive. No." Dick: "Up here. You should see your face. You really looked worried." Tim: "Jerk." Nightwing (1996) #69 - Tim: "Can you hear me, Nightwing? Can you hear me?" Alfred: "Perhaps we should search for him?" Tim: "Where? There are hundreds of miles of caves. With the rock interfering I can't get a fix on him. He shouldn't have gone alone. He could be trapped or drowned or just lost or... Nightwing! Answer me!" Dick: "Right here, boy basketcase."
Tim: >:( not funny, how would you like it if I did something like that to y--
Dick, having Tim death fake-outs performed on him: TIMMMMM NOOOOO 。゚(゚T´Д`゚T)
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Azrael (Vol. 1) #16 // Robin (1993) #67 - Dick: "Hey...Where is Robin? Don't tell me--" Alfred: "Yes. You're too late." Dick: "But the research lab at Gotham med has come up with a cure and they're distributing it right now. And you're telling me it's too late to--" Alfred: "Too late to do Master Timothy the slightest bit of good." Bruce: "That was in poor taste, Alfred." Dick: "TIM!" Tim: "Cheap shot, Alfie." Alfred: "How often does one get the opportunity?" Dick: "My heart's beating like ninety miles per." Joker's Last Laugh #6 - Dick: "[Robin] is dead? How...how do we know?" Babs: "The Huntress. She arrived at Arkham after him." Dick: "What was he doing at Arkham alone?" [Dick beating the shit out of Joker] Tim: "He's had enough, Nightwing." Dick: "Robin?" Tim: "It's me." Dick: "No... You're dead. It's a trick. An illusion. Another sick joke!" Tim: "It's me, Nightwing! Stop this!" Nightwing (1996) #97 - Dick: "ROBIN!!! Timmy, please..."
Tim: .......okay I swear I didn't do any of those on purpose. That one with the Clench was all Alfred.
Dick, wiping at his eyes: h-haha, funny joke
Tim: sorry u_u
Tim: but since, y'know. you're aware of how not-funny it is, do you think you could maybe stop--
Dick: you first
Dick: (pressured into faking his death to go undercover at Spyral)
Tim: (inadvertently fakes his death by a thousand drone missiles)
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Nightwing (2011) #30 - Bruce: "Everyone thinks you're dead. I need you to stay dead." Detective Comics #940 - [Tim is by all appearances killed in a hail of drone fire.]
Dick & Tim, after getting their preboot memories back: oh, god dammit
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noobsoconfusing · 2 days
pathetic lover_hamzahthefantastic
he’s quite literally a romantic at the heart, always playing this stupid tough guy game on camera, but oh, oh how different he is when the lenses are off.
it’s the way he begs, or how he is so fucking touch starved. maybe even the way he whines like a kicked dog. hamzah is tired, so so so tired of putting up an act, in reality he is just pathetic, always waiting for a command, for anything he can do to obey, to be good. to receive a praise, a touch, attention, affection.
he doesn’t even care, please just give him something, he needs you and is willing to take anything you give him. please, he’s not picky. hamzah would try so hard, so so so so hard to be good, to make you proud, to make you smile and to make you satisfied.
it’s almost comical how stupid he is for you, how down bad he can get. and to be fair, it’s understandable the craving for your approval, for your attention and time…
he has never had anyone like you –or anyone at all–, you care, you love and you give him everything he needs, just like he does with you.
so if you’re away, maybe at college, or working, or just doing groceries, he would just spam your messages because he needs you, and he needs to know if you need him too.
‘need you’
‘when are you coming back?’
‘i miss you y/n…’
‘can you come home early today?’
‘cats and i miss you a lot btw if you even care..’
‘baby please i miss you just come hoooome!!’
‘ive been good btw’
‘want me to make u dinner? want to order anything?’
he’s so stupid, he’s literally like a puppy following you around everywhere you go. whining when you leave his side for more than 0.3 seconds.
feels physical pain whenever you raise your voice at him or ignore him –which you never really do but hey, there’s been times– and apologises so so so much it’s so fucking worrying how much he says sorry even if you’re not mad at all.
dude is so down bad he would steal your clothes and use them to get off, just inhaling your scent and imagining you’re right there helping him up, so fucking embarrassing how quickly he cums at the thought of you alone..
probably the type to audible whimper when you accidentally touch his body while doing anything not sex related too.. do not blame him though he’s just super fucking touch starved :(
if hamzah could, he would throw himself flat on the ground like a rug so you didn’t have to walk on it, man is entirely whipped, his brain shuts off whenever he is with you.
this is just a recurring thought i have 0_0 it’d be cool if someone elaborated on it idk i just had to get it off my chest… also just an excuse to write sub hamzah cuz uhhhh yeah..
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eightlightstar · 3 days
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pairing: Lee Jihoon x AFAB Reader genre: meet-cute, NANA TOUR based, fluff, idol x fan relationship warning(s): reader's feelings are hurt by Woozi's cautionary words (not that deep), descriptions of a kiss(?) word count: 4.1 k (my first fic of this size!) recommended song: _World by Seventeen banner credits: @staranghae
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Woozi was not a wanderlust, and it was a well established fact. That's why he was worried sick as him and the guys were waiting for JunHao to get through immigration. How was a homebody to enjoy a vacation with his loved ones when most of the itinerary was outdoorsy?
His impending doom face must've been hard to miss because Dokyeom was scooting closer as he asked him, "Hyung? You look like you've seen a ghost! Is something wrong?" Seeing a worried Dokyeom made him snap out of his negative spiral. "Ah it's nothing much. I was just wondering how I'm going to handle being out & about since I stay indoors all the time. It's fine though, I guess. It's a relief you all are there at least. I hope I'll not be too disoriented…?" Woozi finished in a confused tone.
"Are you telling me or asking me Hyung?" Dokyeom said and laughed. "You never give such a long explanation to something unless it actually bothers you enough; so, I can see that you're wary of what's to come. It may be a vacation for us, but it might be an ordeal to you. That's why me and the guys will do our best to make sure you have a great time with us. Sound good?" He chirps and hugs Woozi tightly. "Thanks, Kyeom. I don't think I can live without you all." Woozi whispers as he hugs him back.
Woozi was surprised to find that he wasn't uncomfortable with anything that was happening! Everything was great and he was thoroughly enjoying himself right from the moment they had stopped at the Colosseum, to the wine festival they were currently at. He doesn't exactly drink; so, before coming here, he had felt that it would be useless for him to go there and ruin the others' mood by his predicament. Joshua must've sensed his discomfort because he was by Woozi's side the next instant. "Hey, Woozi. You look a bit...uncomfortable?" he asked hesitantly. "No, I'm not uncomfortable, hyung. I'm just wondering what would a person like me do at a wine festival" Woozi supplied forlornly.
"Maybe you'll find something a person like you can do here after all", Joshua said while wiggling his eyebrows up and down. "Hah...hyung you're not drunk, are you?" Woozi asked while sighing at the antics of the older member. "No Jihoonie, just trying to cheer you up with a world of possibilities. I suggest you go about on your own. Having 12 others around is not always enjoyable you know", he says with a wry smile. "Yeah, I guess", Woozi shrugs unsurely but does take his hyung's advice.
As Woozi navigates the crowded wine festival alone, he goes from stall to stall trying some wine here and there. He doesn't know exactly when he gets drunk but the moment he realises, he looks for a place to stop and breathe. While looking here and there among a sea of people, he spots a stall that is not at crowded at all except for one young lady. He goes (read: stumbles) there and sighs in relief. He leans down to check out the different wines on the counter of the stall and notices the lady's keychain as he straightens up. It was a CARATBONG keychain and Woozi doesn't even finish thinking that 'CARATs are everywhere' when him and the woman make eye contact. The woman's eyes comically widen before she composes herself quickly. "Hi?" she says unsurely in Korean.
"You're Korean!?" Woozi asks a little too loudly in his tipsy state. "Ah sorry I think I must've drunk too much wine", he immediately apologises sheepishly. "Not just too much, many different wines too, I guess," says the woman and giggles. "Yes, I am Korean. Korean American actually. But yeah", she adds. "This might be stupid to ask but you do know me, right? Also, can I get your name? asks Woozi, surprising himself. "It's L/n Y/n. And I don't know how to reply to the other question, Woozi", she says as she stifles a smile with the back of her hand.
"Ah wonderful. But first and foremost, do not ask why I'm here in Italy. You'll get to know soon. Okay?", Woozi warned the CARAT hurriedly. "Duh. Of course you're filming something. I'm not completely dumb seeing as I've known Seventeen since debut but go off, I guess", she says in mock anger. "Ah I didn't mean that, I'm sorry. Fans tend to ask for photos or signatures and sometimes even pester us. It was precautionary you know just in-" "It's fine Woozi. I know how bad it can get. Wine?" she cuts his rambling as she shows him what she's currently drinking. "Thanks," Woozi mutters and asks the stall owner to pour him some.
"So, since I can't tell you what I'm doing here, tell me about yourself. What're you doing in Italy? Do you live in Korea? And oh, who's your bias in our group?", Woozi yaps away after taking a few sips of the woody wine. "WOW, who are you and what have you done to our Woozi?", Y/n asks in astonishment but humours this New Woozi anyway. "I'm here on a solo vacation as I just got some time off from work. Yes, I live in Korea. Actually, I live in Yongsan, so I often see you guys near the HYBE building, hehe. But coming back to your question, and not because you are the one I'm talking to, my bias has been you since the Melona Green Room days", she finishes in one breath and inhales deeply.
"WOW", is all Woozi manages. "But seriously, how are you talking so much? And that too with a fan you happened to meet by chance?", Y/n enquires curiously. "Well, Joshua was going on about the world of possibilities or something so I'm trying to get out of my comfort zone?", Woozi answers, albeit apprehensively. "That's actually very Josh of him, but also true. As your fan, I'm glad you're exploring new possibilities, she says and beams at him. "Yeah, but the only reason I talked to you was because I saw your CARATBONG keychain", he admits bashfully. "Aww and here I thought you talked to me because you found me pretty or something", she teases and Woozi has never been so out of his depth.
"Uh..." "Oh come on, I'm just teasing. I know you would rather talk to a stranger who's a CARAT than not" she says and giggles. Her giggles do something to Woozi's heart that he can't quite place. "Fans never talk this comfortably with us you know, they are usually very nervous or too excited. You're...astonishingly calm for a person who's talking to her bias". It was now Woozi's turn to tease Y/n. "Uh...". "Oh, come on, I'm just teasing", Woozi says triumphantly. "Wow...that's a low blow, Woozi. But I'm not offended because oh my god I love this new Woozi!?", she says as she gawks at her reformed bias. "Yeah, I hope I won't regret this tomorrow morning", he says in a hopeful tone. "Okay now I'm offended", Y/n says in a small voice.
"Hey, again, I'm sorry but if you've been here since debut, you know how some people take advantage of us interacting with them like-" "-like normal humans yeah, I know", she cuts him off and finishes his sentence yet again and he's pretty sure his heart did a somersault. "But I thought I already proved to you that I was different? I didn't need to and didn't even intend to prove myself different or anything, but it just happened. Anyway, I'm sure it's not easy for you to trust a stranger you just met even if I am a CARAT. I've only been extra nice because I know how fans get. I just thought it'll be a nice break for you, you know..." she says in a hurt voice.
Woozi regrets his words deeply as he looks at the hurt in her eyes. He makes a bold decision to set this misunderstanding straight. "Okay, for the last time, I'm sorry. This is me trusting and making up to the most wonderful fan I've ever met, who just happens to be my fan. Gimme your phone", he says. "Huh?" Y/n asks quizzically but still hands it to him. He flips it to the back to check just in case and sure enough, he finds a photocard of himself nestled behind a clear cover. "Aha! Now I know for sure I'm your bias", he teases while typing a number onto the keypad and saving it as Lee Jihoon. "That's my number. I feel like you're a person I can get to know so call me when you're back in Korea. I'll go back in a few days too. Okay?", he asks with hope in his eyes.
"But do you really want an unknown number calling you? When you already get so many calls from fans?", she asks him dryly. "Ah I hadn't thought of that. Wait, send me a message on Kakao right now", he says with a twinkle in his eyes as if he had just thought of the greatest idea in the world. "And what should I say?", she asks. "Ugh, just open the messenger and give it to me. Quick I need to go back to the group" Woozi says hurriedly as he checks the time. Y/n hands him her phone with his contact open on Kakao messenger. His fingers fly on the keypad of her phone as he sends a message to himself. "There, now I will know it's you" he beams like he had just won an award. Y/n is touched by the fact that he would go to such lengths to placate a fan who was simply treating him like a fellow human being. "Thank you, Woozi. It was wonderful meeting you. See you in Korea" she says as she waves at him. "See you in Korea Y/n" he says and leaves.
-Time Skip- (The story switches to Y/n's POV)
The rest of the vacation went by in a whirlwind for both you and Woozi. Both of you almost completely forgot your encounter with each other until you were trying to type a message to your friend and accidentally open your chat with Woozi.
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You stare at the message in utter confusion and think to yourself. 'How do I contact him further? Shouldn't he be the one who has to recognise whatever this cryptic message is and reply to me?' You sigh, exit his chat, message your friend like you had originally intended to, and go on about your day. You don't think about Woozi after that.
As for Woozi, he was insanely busy trying to catch up on and finish everything for their latest album Seventeenth Heaven. NANA TOUR had been a much-needed break yet now he had no choice but to work himself to death as comeback was almost upon them. It was after about 3 weeks that Woozi decided to (read: had the time to) reply to the messages he had ignored since he left for NANA TOUR. Surprisingly, there was only 1 message from an unknown number but just as he was about to delete it, he caught sight of the content of the message.
cheers to youth.mp3
Woozi was shell shocked. How had someone texted him the name of the Vocal Unit song file which was from their next album after Seventeenth Heaven!? His mind was reeling, and he was almost about to go nuts when his mind thankfully went to & stopped at the memory of his encounter with you at the Wine Festival in Italy.
"Oh my God that's Y/n!" he said aloud to himself. He immediately called you. You were just walking back home from a convenience store and were actually just opposite the HYBE building when you received a call. You were confused yet thrilled when you saw it was Woozi who was finally calling you! "Hello? Y/n?", Woozi asked nervously. "Yes, this is her, Woozi", you replied as you giggled. "Ah now I know it's you for sure" he said, and you could hear the smile in his voice. "And how do you know that may I ask?" you ask haughtily (comical). "Your giggles. I distinctly remember them. They're music to my ears", Woozi says adoringly before he even realises what he had just said.
"My giggles are music to the God of Music? I am honoured!" you say as you tease him. "Uh...I didn't mean...uh actually it kinda slipped out but..." Woozi hesitates for a while until he finally snaps and actually tells you what he wanted to tell you. "Okay fuck this. Will you go out on a date with me?" "...a date? I..." It was your turn to hesitate now. "Come on y/n, I think I've filled the hesitation quota for today. Not you too", he whines.
"But you're already asking me out on a date when we didn't even talk after our first encounter?", you ask him unsurely. "Uh, yes. I thought this might come up", Woozi says monotonously on the phone. "Obviously!", you say, now slightly annoyed. "Well, what can I say? I saw the CARATBONG and thought it was a lucky coincidence. And then I saw your face and thought I was the one who was lucky. And then as I talked to you, I finally realised that it was fate. I was fated to see you, meet you, and get to know you. So...uh...to me, it was only natural to ask you out as soon as possible", Woozi finishes in one breath.
"WOW...that's...I'm floored Jihoon", you say as your heart does an entire gymnastics routine. "So, it's a yes to the date?", Woozi asks you hopefully. "Yes, and as fate would have it, I'm standing right opposite the HYBE building hehe" you say while making sure to emphasise the word 'fate'. "Really? I'm in the studio. Can you come towards the left of the building? I could see you from the window!" Woozi tells you excitedly. You move to where the Universe Factory window is and sure enough, there was Woozi. Standing at the window looking at you and waving as he says "Hi" through the phone. "So, when is the date you just asked me on?" you ask as you look at him. "Today. I'll text you the details so be ready, okay?" he says and waves at you before hanging up.
Then he quickly opens the shopping app on his phone and starts looking for a dress to give as a present to you. He finds a beautiful ruby coloured dress after scrolling for a while. He thinks about the first time he saw you with a wine glass in your hand and decides it would be the perfect dress. He selects the size and hopes he got it right from whatever he saw of you at the wine festival from almost a month ago. Then, he texts you. "Hey Y/n, can you send me your home address? I'll send someone to pick you up from there and bring you to HYBE's parking lot. Then we can go together from here in a car that has blacked out windows. Sound good?"
You see the text and muse that it was an ingenious plan. Nothing suspicious crosses your mind so you simply send him the address. "See you soon, xoxo", you add. Unbeknownst to you, Jihoon almost faints from giddiness when he sees the 'xoxo'. He quickly types in your address and makes sure to get the fastest delivery option available, which happened to be more expensive than the dress itself, despite the store being in Yongsan! But all he cared about was seeing you wearing his present; so, after wrapping up the gift situation, he quickly got ready in the spare suit that he keeps in Universe Factory for 'just in case' situations.
As soon as he touched up his appearance and was ready to leave, he gets an update from the shopping app that the delivery has been made. As he feels relieved that his present reached you in time, you call him. "Jihoon, did you just send me a dress?", you ask in disbelief. "I mean, that's it what it looks like, doesn't it?", Woozi replies cheekily. "But whyyy, you didn't have to you know. Also, 'ruby'? Really?', you ask you first whine and then deadpan. "Ah, it wasn't because of my song. It was to commemorate our first meeting - at the wine festival", he explains hurriedly. "Fine, how long till your manager gets here? Do I have to get ready quickly?", you ask worriedly. "Oh wait! I'm actually ready right now. I'll come get you myself and we can go directly from your place. You can text me when you're ready okay? Meanwhile, I'll reserve a table for us. Yeah?", he asks sincerely. "Sure Jihoon. Thank you. I was worried about having to meet your manager before meeting you again. So, I'm glad it's you who I'll be seeing directly" you say as you thank him. "Ah no need to thank me, Y/n. Now go get ready. Bye!", Jihoon says, and you end the call with a soft "Bye Jihoon".
The dress was a perfect fit and you were surprised he guessed your size correctly. But this is also why you realise he's genuinely interested in you and smile to yourself in disbelief. It was true you were obsessed with your bias...but to have your bias be obsessed with you was a whole another feeling. You sent Jihoon a quick text saying you were ready. To your shock, his reply read, "Come down then, I'm already waiting in your apartment's parking lot. I'm inside the black Carnival facing towards the exit". You were touched that he came and chose to wait for you without coming up to your place. 'Such a gentleman', you think to yourself and quickly go down to meet your bias (read: soon-to-be-boyfriend).
You get inside the car and both of you simply stare at each other for a whole minute before both of you breathe out in unison, "Beautiful!". Laughter bubbles immediately as you both realise you are deep in this thing with each other. He holds out his hand to you and you take it, and he simply keeps it on his lap while soothingly rubbing circles with his thumb. The car ride is silent apart from the giggles that come from both of you when you catch the other looking at you.
It's a very fancy place (obviously since your date happens to be an idol with 100+ KOMCA credits) and both of you make your way in through the back entrance and inside a private booth. He pulls out your chair and lets you sit before sitting opposite to you. "I'm glad the dress fit you perfectly. I hope you like it?", he asks shyly. "Of course! I love it, Jihoon! You have pretty good taste I must say. Music and clothing alike", you say as you tease him. "Ah stop bringing up the song, Y/n", he says like a hurt puppy. "Okay okay fine", you placate him and giggle.
The rest of the date goes by in you both getting to know each other by yapping away well into the night, occasionally eating a bite of your otherwise untouched food. Suddenly, you feel very hungry so you stop mid-ramble and say, "I'm really hungry Jihoon, shall we continue talking after we eat?", you ask with puppy eyes and who is Jihoon to refuse. "Sure baby", the nickname slips out very naturally and he doesn't even notice it. You blush at that but continue to eat without telling him anything. Once in the car after a nice dinner, you both start to yap yet again. You were so lost in conversation with each other that the driver had to tell you that you had arrived at your apartment's parking lot. "Can I come till your door and say goodnight?", Jihoon asks hopefully. "Sure honey. Let's go!", you say, a little excited. You don't notice the nickname you slipped in, but Jihoon does and smiles shyly to himself.
As you open your door and turn to wish him a goodnight, he moves a bit closer and asks in a whisper, "Can I kiss you goodnight?". Your heart races as you whisper a "Yes" back. The kiss is magical, it's beyond anything you've ever imagined. Jihoon must be feeling the same, going by his grip on your waist. Your lips move effortlessly against his as if you had been kissing each other all your life. You only separate when both of you need to breathe. "That was some goodnight kiss alright" you say in a daze. "Sorry if I was...", Jihoon begins. "Oh, shut up Jihoon. It was perfect. I loved it", you say as you hug him before letting him go. "Next date, my idea. Okay?", you say as you get ready to close the door. "Sure, love", he says before he walks away from your door after waving goodbye to you.
Several dates go by with the both of you taking turns to make the date as amazing as possible for the other. The one you were currently on was some 13th date or something, but it was a very simple one suggested by you because Jihoon had once again been working himself to the bone and you had wanted to do something about it. "Date idea, listen. I come to Universe Factory with some food, we eat, and then...we take a nap on that unnecessarily huge couch. Okay?", you tell Jihoon sternly in the morning, after seeing him stare at Cubase on his computer all night the previous day. "Okay baby, whatever you say", he says as he gets up to go to work. "See you at lunch, love. Bye", he says and hugs you before leaving.
You make an elaborate spread of Jihoon's favourite dishes, box them up and make your way to HYBE. It had been 2 months since the day you had met Jihoon in Italy, and you had been dating him for 1 month now. It was only natural that all the members got to know you and became close to you instantly, much like the way Jihoon had. They took you under their wing and you had felt like you had won in life - dating your bias and being friends with the other members? Yeah, that's the dream and you were living it. With these thoughts, you reach the building. You go in the general elevator from the parking lot and reach the floor Universe Factory is on.
When you get there, you notice several pairs of shoes outside and knock hesitantly. "Come in, Y/n", a group of people chorus. You realise it's the members and breathe in relief as you enter the code and unlock the door. "Hii Y/n!" says Hoshi cheerfully while Seungcheol waves at you and Vernon nods in your direction. "What're y'all doing?", you ask curiously. "Getting some songwriting done for the next album", Vernon says and tiredly. "You all look tired though. How can you express yourselves properly with tiredness clouding your thoughts?", you ask worriedly. "You have no idea," says Seungcheol, a little miserably. "I got food! Do y'all wanna eat with us?", you offer. "No Y/n, you're very kind. We know you and Jihoon have a date now haha. We'll make our way out and leave you to it", Hoshi says and winks.
"Yeah, yeah whatever. I'll see you guys at practice?" says Woozi as he goes to the door to lock it after they leave. "Sure Woozi. Rest well with Y/n and come to practice with a fresher mind, yeah?" the boys fuss over him a little bit before finally leaving. Meanwhile, you open the packaged food and set the small dining table for the both of you. "WOW! These are all my favourite dishes, baby! Thank you!", Jihoon says with delight in his eyes. "Hehe I'm glad you love it, honey. Dig in", you say as you start eating too.
After a hearty meal, both of you got comfortable on the 'suspiciously wide couch' of the studio. As Woozi hummed long and got ready for his forced/much needed nap, you took a trip down memory lane. It was mere months ago that you had met Woozi by chance at a wine festival in Italy. And you both had hit it off instantly. It was probably the wine, but you had loved 'Yapper Woozi'. Being a CARAT, his personality at the time had been a pleasant whiplash to you. "I can hear you think babe. Please sleep if you don't want to make me regret wandering around Italy & finding you. You giggle as you cuddle him close. "It's probably a good thing that you did wander".
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tags: @forever-atiny, @minhui896, @staranghae, @welcometomyoasis
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Thanks for reading! <3
Consider buying me a coffee if you liked it.
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lynn-tged-posting · 4 hours
wait, let me get this straight. a protagonist, that has blue as a main color, wields a sword for his weapon, has red by his eyes, has a killer sacrificial streak, and has an alt timeline counterpart that lost everyone he ever loved.
are we talking about leo ninja turtle or javier estate knight
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... an alt timeline counterpart that lost everyone he ever loved...
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"in what world/context would leonardo ninja turtle ever meet javier asrahan" genuinely? i could not tell you. portal shenanigans or something on leo's end i guess... he does get lost for quite a while according to the farewell comic, maybe this is one of the places he ends up. somehow...
javier has no idea what or who this turtle-creature-person is, but he can speak and seems friendly so it's probably fine. javier also has no clue what the heck a "phone" is, how to "take a selfie", or how to "skateboard", but the person - who claims to be named "neon leon" - seems to be very genuinely happy to be showing javier these things so playing along can't hurt, right?
"do you have pizza here? does fantasy europe know about pizza? what about pineapples?" the turtle muses, swiping away at that "phone" of his. javier is reminded of the many times lloyd would throw strange, new terms into their conversations. distantly, fondly, he wonders if it'd be worth asking the noble about all these new things he's learned from leon today.
(later, lloyd is finishing up a blueprint at his desk when his knight approaches, lost in thought, and asks,
"sir, do you know how to make a 'pizza'?"
"... javier. where the hell did you learn that."
"a turtle mentioned it. he visited the estate today."
"a what?")
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casual-praxis · 2 days
I doubt it was intentional, but does anyone else think the early animosity Blue had towards Red maybe stemmed from Link disliking/wanting to suppress the more childish side of him?
Like, given what little we know about Link before he was split, it’s safe to say he does have a childish side, but he also probably wouldn’t want anyone to point it out. He gives off the vibe of acting mature so people take him seriously (and so his father might let him act independently), but being completely silly when in the right company (namely Zelda).
Maybe he wants people to think of him as a competent adult (whether he is one or not), rather than a child who needs help in battle. So the fact innocence was such a key part of his personality, to the point it manifested in Red, irks Blue (who’d be the only one able to feel that annoyance).
In reality, it probably doesn’t go any deeper than Red and Blue just being comic relief for the most part, but it’s still interesting to think about.
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gothamcitysurgeon · 2 days
Gotham City Surgeon
As the head surgeon in Gotham General's Emergency Department my life is hell. the mysterious Batman and his side kicks are partially to blame, I've decided to take up investigating the elusive Batman so I can be better prepared the next time he drops into my ER. I have more than 700 pieces of documentation that I am determined to study.
I will be documenting my findings here and perhaps I might even make a Documentary. Believe me I will know more about the Batman and who he is than anyone else in Gotham does. Maybe even more than him...
I am Genuinely going to do this but I do first need to figure out how I'm going to go about it and also if anyone is interested in reading about my findings.
I have the Golden Age comics in my "documents" but I'm not sure if I want to add that in later. regardless I'll be doing year one possibly year two and the Man Who Laughs first. I'll probably be having a small paragraph as The Surgeon who is researching at the top and bottom of the post and have a little story and then have review, summary and analysis.
IDK let me know if anyone is interested or has any advice.
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scarfacemarston · 3 days
I wish Bucky was leading the Thunderbolts. It's what he did in the comics and he was damn good at it. He enjoyed it in comparison to having the Captain America mantle placed on him My only guess is that maybe some people don't believe Sebastian is as "bankable" as Florence. I'm a fan of both, I'm just saying that the company might be debating who has more star power and in their opinion, that may be Florence. I don't know what the answer is, but considering she's leading everything including press conferences, that is what I believe is happening. THIS DOES NOT MEAN I DISLIKE FLORENCE OR YELENA. It's just a theory.
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Pride & Insolence
//This scene came in my head and I needed to write it down before I forgot it.
Maybe one day… when I have to drive and desire, I’ll make a comic; MOD//
@tunadunanana @szynkaaa
((If anyone else wishes to be added (or removed) please let me know.))
Story summary;
Bèiké gets summoned by the party for the first time to help assist with a nasty Yaoguai, and the “Tranquil Princess” surprises the Monkey King with her method of handling the situation.
This story is 18+, it deals with mature topics, themes of punishment and psychological torture and threats of assault. But please read with care.
The monk had been captured again.
It was weekly at this point, but saving the virtuous Tripitaka was truly a challenge this time.
The Water Yaoguai that had snatched him while he was getting some water had taken him beneath the waves at the mouth of a great river that fed into the Ocean. This Yaoguai called himself the Bā tuófēng yěmán rén (八駝峰野蠻人) ((eight hump savage))
While normally Zhu Baije and Sha Wujing had no issues fighting in the water, they were both better suited for the fresh waters of rivers, lakes and springs and where their unfortunate master was being held was where the ocean began. The salt stinging their eyes, the force of the tides making it hard to stay in position.
They tried thrice to save their master, and failed thrice, much to the increasing annoyance and Frustration of a certain Stone Monkey who wasn’t used to being useless in a fight.
He was about to fly off to conscript the help of the bodhisattva, QuanYin when he was stopped by his companion and a women who’d been sharing his frustrations - the Phoenix Maiden. She pulled out a Silver Pearl and voiced that Maybe they could ask the lady of the waters for help.
The Monkey laughed at first, having seen the adopted princess a couple times while he was in Heaven, and shook his head. There was no way the slender woman in pretty fabrics, who spent her days listening to the whales moan out their songs would know anything about combat.
The Phoenix Maiden scowled at him and mentioned that at the very least, she could move the water away. She could make it so the Monk was no longer imprisoned underwater.
The Monkey paused as he thought through the pros and cons, and then nodded.
And so, the Phoenix Maiden dropped her Pearl into the water and said the incantation the entire party was taught.
Everything was still for a moment before there was a rippling of water from beneath her and the Maiden’s face appeared from the blue. Pausing to look up at her from the water before rising halfway out of the waves to look upon the person who summoned her. The blue of the waves covering her modesty, and her hair rid of all the clips, pins, flowers and ornate styles Sun Wukong had remembered her having. Only the pearls remained.
“You summoned me.” Not a question, not a demand for an explanation… simply a calm statement. But one the Phoenix Maiden took as a question anyway as she began to hurriedly explain the situation. Zhu Baije and Sha Wujing filling in any blanks when they came to sullenly join the group once again in defeat.
The Maiden of the Water didn’t so much as blink as she listened to the situation, though when she heard the name of the Yaoguai they were facing, her brow furrowed a bit, then looked at the river that emptied into the Ocean. “You are sure that this Yaoguai set up his domain in the ocean? Not the River? It does pass the border?”
“Yes Princess! You can feel the salt stinging your eyes and the currents trying to drag you further out to sea!” Zhu Wujing snorted in irritation, though still doing his best to remain respectful before the Royal Maiden.
The Maiden nodded, turning to the ocean and contemplating her next move.
“What’s the Plan Bèiké? Is the Lady going to break down the door and demand a Kowtow?” The Monkey snickered
“You Stinky Ape! How Dare You-“ Zhu Baijes outburst was interrupted when the Lady simply got to her feet and stood so only her ankles were still submerged in the water.
“You always were amusing Great Sage. After your rampage, the Jade Palace was so quiet.” She shook her head and murmured. “You were always Brave too, I haven’t heard that name from anyone but my mother in near 700 years… I miss hearing it from others… I’ll give you pilgrims permission to use it. It’s easier to speak than my other titles…”
“Still…” She raises her hands as the ocean begins to rumble and bubble. And with a great burst of movement, the Yaoguai’s Palace - and the floor on which it sat - was rejected by the ocean and spat out, floating on the surface, resulting in cascading waterfalls and massive waves that beat the shore from the displacement.
“Demanding a Kowtow does sound… reasonable… this Yaoguai in particular - if it is the same one who has lived here - was supposed to stay in the river. If I recall correctly, the dragon in which he insulted drew out Clear boundary and territory lines… it appears those have been ignored. Truly insolent.”
She turns to the group, and smiles. Though it strangely empty, not reaching her eyes. It made it all the more chilling. “Stay here… I will deal with this personally seeing as it pertains to my domain… it would’ve have come to me eventually anyway even if he hadn’t been so brave has to interfere with a journey tasked by the Merciful Buddha.” She shakes her head. “Do Not enter, no matter what you hear. Once I open the doors again you may come in and retrieve your master.”
Sha Wujing stepped forward. “My lady I must protest, as a member of the royal family, I can’t in good faith allow you to enter such a hostile place alone.”
The Yín zhēnzhū gōngzhǔ - with the same smile on her face - gently patted the larger warriors arm. “Good faith or not, it is My order, please follow it. He won’t be able to hurt me, he is of my domain.”
The displeasure was clear on Wujing’s face, but he nodded all the same as he took a step back and the Maiden took one step forward before melting in with rest of the waters. Leaving the reluctant party behind… minus one.
The Yín zhēnzhū gōngzhǔ didn’t bother to knock. Simply reforming into a human form on the inside of the door, in the greeting hall. She didn’t bother to wear her royal regalia, wearing a simple and plain Haori made of water to cover her modesty, her hair down and absent of the pins, jewelry and clips that a woman of her status was entitled to, save for the silver pearls that were ever present on her body and entangled in her hair.
She debated on summoning her trident, but decided against it… The signature weapon would succeed in sending a message sure, but what she had planned… the threat wasn’t necessary.
The water that still filled the greeting hall came up to her knees. It was truly a lovely greeting room… too bad it belongs to a shameless beast. The tranquility of what the hall could’ve been was ever ruined by the sounds of panicking servants in the distance. Most likely surprised at seeing their underwater palace suddenly above the waves.
She flicked the water from her fingers into the air, causing everything to still. And her voice rung out. “Bā tuófēng.”
The resulting silence was deafening, and the Water Maiden knew that she was heard.
Heavy footsteps beat against the floor before the door swung open and the Yaoguai, Bā tuófēng yěmán rén entered the room, and upon seeing who stood in his Greeting hall, Froze.
Becoming a maneater had done him no favors, his normally obsidian and golden scales now a sickly shade, his once dark eyes now had a white film over them as they bulged out of his skull, his great fangs now chipped and a disgusting yellow, his proud fins shriveled and torn, his once strong body now twisted, flabby and bent. The eight humps that once stood high on his head like a crown, were now wilted and puss-filled.
The Maiden gave almost a mournful sigh at seeing how the once proud warrior had fallen… all because his Pride couldn’t accept his wrongs. “Oh my dear Bā tuófēng… Time has not been kind to you…”
The Yaoguai snapped out of his shocked state and immediately fell into a Kowtow. “My Lady!” His voice was raspy and gruff, thick with mucus and bile. “You’ve come to grace my hall! Truly a prosperous day!”
“What were you doing in the ocean Bā tuófēng? Have the years made you forget that you were banished from it?”
The Yaoguai froze before looking up at her, taking in her expression as she gazed coolly back down upon him, waiting for his answer. “M-My Lady! The River didn’t offer the nutrition I needed! I’m still so close to the shore! Surely that dragon can allow me a bit of territory…. Perhaps… PERHAPS! If YOU were to help plead my case! I can take back what I once had!”
“That river is prosperous… it has been for years… it just doesn’t have easy access to your preferred food, does it?” She narrowed her eyes. “How many fishermen and children have you eaten Bā tuófēng? Did you learn nothing from your banishment? I see you’re still a useless beast.”
“You Damned Wench! I will not be subjugated! I Will have the power I deserve! I am Bā tuófēng yěmán rén! A woman shall have no rule over me!”
The Yaoguai jumped back and began to laugh as he began to summon the water to move to his will.
“Oh virtuous Yín zhēnzhū gōngzhǔ! The bitch who refuses her role as the fairer sex! I shall show you what power is! You’re not the only one who can wield that trident!” He cackles again, spittle flying from his mouth. “And when I defeat you! I shall take you as my wife and we will feed on that monk as our wedding feast! I’ll teach you the joys of marriage.”
The trident formed in his hand it glowed and rattled with the power of the water and he went to lunge at her, ready to prove his strength.
To show the Maiden of the waters he was no normal Yaoguai! To teach that royal wench that just because she held a crown and a title, she was just another powerless princess.
One hit was all it should take, her slender body would break.
Just one H-
His body froze. Paralyzed.
The trident burst into liquid, melting from his grasp.
He tried to break free of the paralysis, but he wouldn’t budge. It only made him fight against the invisible hold harder.
The Water Maiden watched him struggle for a few moments before sighing. “I knew you were never the wisest… but you’ve surprised me all the same Bā tuófēng. Normally, I would simply pass my judgement and be done with it. The pilgrims need to continue their journey and I have other responsibilities to tend to. The world has plenty of water to be managed you know. It’s hard to be everywhere at once…”
She took a few steps closer to him before gravity released its hold on her body and she began to float, going to sit in the air in front of his frozen form so that her face was level with his.
“But I find the need to mentor you before you take your punishment. You seem to have misunderstood my role in this world…” she gave a girlish giggle and tilted her head, gazing upon the beast in front of her with amusement. “You seem to have misunderstood… what exactly I am…”
She extended her arms out, the water coming alive, glowing and rippling. “I… am water. Despite what many believe, I am not the lady in charge of the waters, I am not the daughter of the waters, I am not even born of the waters.”
She lowered her arms and rested a single hand on her chest. “I, am the personal personification of all the water that flows in this world. I, am Water. And everything that is made of water… is me.”
She laughs again and rests her hands in her lap and she ‘swims’ in the air a little higher to be above Bā tuófēng. A visual that is not lost on him. “I meant it when I said it’s hard to be everywhere at once you know.” Her hands rest on her face, gently pulling her eyelids wider as she looks down on the Yaoguai. “When you are quite literally almost everywhere, it’s hard to be in any one place! If that makes sense, I don’t expect you to understand.”
An eye opens on top of the water beside him, causing him to flinch in his paralyzed state.
It looks exactly like the Yín zhēnzhū gōngzhǔ’s eye…
“To be able to see everything, to always be everywhere!”
Another eye opens within a tiny waterfall that’s still falling from the roof of the room.
“It’s hard to keep your sense of being and identity… being stretched so thin. And eventually - in order to exist in polite society - you have to learn how to tune it out. To focus on where you are now.
Eyes appear on the walls around him.
“Because water is everywhere.”
More eyes open around the room, and dread begins to fill the Yaoguai.
“Water is within most of everything!”
Her human form begins to ebb as she takes on a more liquid form, her hair and body merging with the water that is still in the greeting hall to form a giant figure that dwarfs the petrified Yaoguai. Her voice is still the same.
“And what most so often seem to forget…. Is that Water is apart of most Everyone.”
Bā tuófēng cries out in pain as he feels some skin on his arm slit open, when he looks down, he’s horrified to see an eye blinking back at him… Her eye…
He lets out several more yells and shouts as he feels his body begin to split as more and more eyes emerge on him.
“You wanted to make me your bride? Dear Bā tuófēng, I’m already apart of you…” She giggles once more at her own awful joke. And begins to mess with the blood within his body to prove her point.
When he can’t take it anymore he screams.
He goes limp when the pain drains away, falls heavy into the water as the paralysis fades. The water quickly beginning to turn red.
The maiden of the waters almost falls back into her human form, the eyes all around the room close. And she stands over the fallen Yaoguai. Looking upon him with still glowing eyes as he is heaving and panting from the exertion his body was just put through.
She sighs then closes her eyes and steps away from him. Going to stare out a window. “Did you know that the heavens call me the ‘Tranquil Lady’? I was confused by the title at first… storms rage, oceans feed hurricanes, riptides and swift rivers kill the distracted and clumsy, floods are ever unpredictable, and even the mist and fog can cause the most seasoned traveler to get lost forever… For so long, I thought they had confused me with my Royal mother. She is the one who calms the storms and protects the sailors. She’s the one who can even command me to sooth my rage…”
She turns back around and leans on the windowsill.
“And then I realized… it’s because I’m not outwardly reactive. I had them all fooled you see, they thought me incapable of rage, of vengeance, simply because I never saw a point in giving them a visual reaction.”
She began walking slowly to the fallen Yaoguai again, who was trying, and failing, to move.
“The storms that would come and destroy their property afterwards were never associated with me, it’s was simply nature being unpredictable as ever! It was almost insulting if it wasn’t so hilarious.”
She knelt in front of the pitiful soul in front of her. Her voice still in that gentle cadence.
“But I am vengeful my dear Bā tuófēng, I am easily irritated when disobeyed and threatened by someone whom I’ve shown mercy too in the past… I am even quicker to feel anger towards someone who causes disturbances, in my domain especially….”
She reaches down and gently lifts the Yaoguai’s chin, forcing him to look at her. “And even more than the last two, my rage is so intensely summoned, when I am underestimated, and when my position and rank are laughed at. When my Pride, is insulted.”
She drops the Yaoguai’s face none too gently back into the red waters.
“Dear Bā tuófēng, as the Maiden of the waters, it is my responsibility to ensure that all the waters of the world are flowing correctly and being utilized properly…”
She stands and her eyes beginning to glow once more.
“And you, Bā tuófēng yěmán rén… have become a waste of water…. So I’ll be taking it back.”
Bā tuófēng yěmán rén felt pure, undiluted horror shoot through his body like a lighting strike, but was unable to get out a word before a seizuring pain unlike anything he had ever experienced overtook his body.
The screams that erupted from his chest were awful and caused the stones to crack and the windows to burst. They almost drowned out the wet sounds of flesh and bone ripping and tearing… almost.
It seemed to go one forever before it abruptly stopped as quickly as it began.
The Prideful and Insolent Bā tuófēng yěmán rén was no more… his punishment complete.
The greeting hall had been painted red.
It dripped from everywhere and the thick scent of iron assaulted the Great Sage’s nose as he watched from his position on the wall as a little fly.
To say Sun Wukong was shell shocked was a bit of an understatement. He had lived for a while and had seen many things. But what he had just witnessed in this hall was something he never could’ve predicted.
He had followed her, ready to defend her… and mainly because he was curious and didn’t like being ordered by the royals…
Even still, he had expected to have to intervene and protect the slender princess from that half rotting Yaoguai.
Part of him was impressed, he didn’t think the Princess whom he’d seen kowtow so easily, whom he’d seen submissively drop her gaze and dance and sing poetry so delicately for the entertainment of that senile emperor had it in her to be so authoritative.
The rest of him…
The rest of him was almost terrified. It made his fur itch and his tail twitch for all he was still in the form of a small fly.
It was a feeling he wasn’t all that used to. Not since the battle of the Samadi Fire��� not since the moment who knew he had failed the Buddha’s bet and couldn’t escape the consequence…
This was no delicate princess, this was no “Tranquil Lady”…. And now seeing her, seeing and feeling the aura that wrapped around her like a second skin… he found himself wondering how he had ever been fooled into thinking otherwise.
How did the Heavens not know what she was? Did the Jade Emperor know? Did the Buddha? How had she even come to exist?
Why would she help-
“I am pretty sure when I ordered everyone to wait, you were apart of that conversation…” Came a sarcastic, almost exasperated tone that shook him out of his thoughts.
He focused back on the princess to see her staring right at him with an expression that looked somewhere between miffed and bored.
Knowing he was caught - and not trusting her to not give chase if he ran - he transformed back and somersaulted down onto his cloud, not wanting to dirty his clothes in the blood that covered the Halls.
He shrugged, feigning disinterest. “I already spent 500 years under a mountain for displeasing the Heavens. I wasn’t too keen on what the punishment would be if I had let one of the esteemed Jade Emperors favorite daughters come into harm. Especially one so merciful and forgiving as you.”
She stared at the Monkey King for a tense moment before the princess huffed out a soft laugh and Sun Wukong felt the danger pass. “What a silver tongue you have Great Sage, spare me your spurious sycophancies.”
He gave an exaggerated gasp as he placed a hand over his heart, grinning. “I say my lady! This handsome monkey king speaks no falsehoods and serves only to please! Though I am most impressed that the famously tranquil Yín zhēnzhū gōngzhǔ would so willingly allow herself to get her delicate hands dirty for the sake of justice. I’m so used to the royals having others met out punishments.”
He gestures over her dirtied form. Indeed, in her punishment of the insolent Bā tuófēng yěmán rén, she too had been covered in his blood.
Pointing it out seemed to allow the princess to realize her appearance. She took in her clothes and the rest of the room. She removed one of the pearls from her hair and crushed it in her hand before sprinkling it in the bloodied water.
“I assume my appearance is alarming. Though I usually I wouldn’t consider blood dirty…”
The red water rippled and suddenly the blood began to vanish, the room being cleansed.
“After all… blood is just the water of Life. Even from a Yaoguai, it’s not a dirty thing. It’s simply another form water can take.”
The blood that covered her turned into water once more and the last of the Iron Scent faded away.
Sun Wukong shook his head, finding himself confused by the Being before him, and increasingly glad she was tasked to aid them and not challenge their journey. “When I saw you in Heaven’s courts I took you for a willowy, fragile and humble little thing. You have fooled me! I am delighted! Not many have fooled me! I see now you are capricious! That is much more interesting! You are a most disconcerting woman Bèiké.”
She raised her eyebrow at him. “And a stone monkey that can fly through the sky isn’t? Go save your Master, Great Sage. And be thankful you aren’t of my domain. I would dunk your furry head in icy water if you were.”
He grinned and bared his teeth at her playful threat. His cloud already raising to speed to his master. “Maybe next time princess! If I’m to be greeted with ice, mayhaps I’ll greet you with some fire heated stones down your dress!”
“Awful Monkey!”
He laughed as he dodged a water spicket that shot in his direction and went to go retrieve and console his poor mortal Master.
The “tranquil” Princess could banter and play! What joy!
He couldn’t wait to tell his dear friend, the Phoenix Maiden, and his brothers of his discovery! He wonders if they’d even believe him!
What joy! What joy indeed! The Monkey King had found a fun game!
//this was not proofread, forgive any spelling errors, the Chinese translation was done on google translate. Please forgive if it is wrong, and let me know if I need to fix it.//
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flaccid-rats · 2 years
You know as much as I love Dream’s sad pathetic wet cat look I desperately need him to have a Padmé Amidala-esq wardrobe
Lots of silky fabrics and shiny things. Clothing that is form fitting. Clothing that is incredibly glittery and flowey. Clothing that is both all at once. A ridiculous amount of necklaces. An Insane Amount of shoes. Raven feathers are a common motif. Would never be caught dead in the same thing twice. Always looking Immaculate. Hob has never even seen him wear the same shirt more than once and while he can chalk the first 600 years of that up to the fashion changes for their centennial meetings, it’s starting to get Out Of Hand once Dream is popping into his lectures every other day. How does he do it. Where is all this clothing coming from. Hob is just a little too into it.
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artkaninchenbau · 3 months
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People keep on asking for more Baby Robin and Papadile so here is more Baby Robin and Papadile. Now never ask anything from me ever again
#My art#One Piece#Long post#Sir Crocodile#Nico Robin#Alternatively panel 5 would've been a close up of Crocodile's face from Robin's POV where he looks like he's giving her a death glare#Not intentionally he's just a big scary bastard with a Resting Murder Face and Robin is a small traumatized child#But I wanted to focus on the silliness of the moment so you get the goofy version instead#IDK man there's just something very funny to me about the idea of Robin just randomly info-dumping about a subject she's read about#And Crocodile being like ''?????????????????????? The fuck you talking about??''#Robin leaves the ship's kitchen and Crocodile just stares at the tomato like ''...It's a fruit? Forreal?''#(Meanwhile Robin is sweating bullets like ''I called his favorite vegetable a FRUIT right in his FACE he's going to KILL ME'')#Robin grew extra feet from the bottom of her feet to reach the counter and that actually isn't me trying to explain bad art away#In the original Papadile comic there was a panel of Robin doing the dishes with extra feet to reach the sink but I cut it out#(It was a stress relief comic I did not feel like drawing a complicated background in detail) (BUT YES I THOUGHT OF IT)#Nico Robin Age 11 is *more* than capable of cooking Crocodile just does not trust her with his food. At least not yet#She did start doing the dishes unprompted and continues to do so (mostly out of fear). Croc told her she didn't have to but allows it#IDK a lot of people seem to headcanon Crocodile as incapable of cooking and like. Surely Mr ''I don't trust people'' knows how to cook#Like he doesn't have to be a master chef or anything but and maybe he enjoys not HAVING to cook (pain in the ass with one hand + knife/hook#But surely he can cook decent enough. SURELY#Botanists don't @ me I know the ''tomato is a fruit'' thing isn't fully accurate this is just a silly little haha comic
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reds-skull · 3 months
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My mom named one of the street cats she feeds Tommy, so I thought to myself, "what if..."
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fuumiku · 4 months
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It was Maid Day today yesterday a week ago so I got struck by inspiration to draw the worsties, and it ran away from me into a whole AU where they’re coworkers at a maid cafe. She’s a med student & this is just a part time job, and this is his depression job while he gets his life back together. He needs something he can be workaholic about to forget what it’s like having a personal life and personal issues. He’s actually the accountant, but the new hire janitor (Izutsumi) doesn’t show up for half her shifts and is a sloppy worker, so he gets the extra work of doing her job on top of his because he’s undervalued and overworked. Of course, janitors also have an uniform to keep the aesthetic cohesion as they go about cleaning the place, of course.
Senshi’s the part time cook you only see slivers off, he’s kind and warm when you do see him and have a chat but most shifts he’s in and out the kitchen without a trace. Laios and Falin are regulars because Falin and Marcille are besties & in the same med school, Laios accompanies Falin as she visits her friend at work and gets hooked on the food. Chilchuck has to remind Marcille to work instead of chatting with Falin for an hour, and next thing he knows she’s distracting him from work too. That’s it that’s the AU. Inspired by this idol AU fanart a bit <3
This was not meant to be birthday gift but well…… Happy bday Chil!!!
Read from left to right
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#Dungeon meshi#delicious in dungeon#Chilchuck tims#marcille donato#spoilers#dunmeshi au#Maid cafe au#Marchil#Workwife marchil save me. Kabuholm in the background bc i said so lmao#i think people forget marci n chil are coworker worsties first and foremost. Ppl should capitalize on it more#The orange hair swag that makes him look like a marketable idol more#You can tell idk how to draw maid outfits. I hate those hats sm I will miku miku beam them out of existence#Marcille does change her hairstyle everyday btw#they don’t get back together btw she goes you haven’t talked to me in 4 years and he immediately goes YOU haven’t talked to ME in 4–#i mean ehem i’m sorry haha… while Marcille is like 4 years?! 4 years…#Mei only did it bc Fler has been getting jittery again kept sighing#I wanted to draw Chil with a car key at his belt but it wasn’t meant to be#idk if marchil ever gets together in this one it’s an eternal summer coworker with tension situationship au#romance is when you slowly deteriorate his work ethics so he starts skipping on his worktime to spend it at the front messing around w you#once he’s blessedly in the office and he hears this huge crash and the Marci just goes ‘…… Chiiiiiil?’ cue sigh and having to repair#the coffee machine. So many lil comics i couldn’t indulge myself to draw save me#shoutout to the time as a cashier in training at a convenience store I was left by my coworker who was supposed to wash the greasy chicken#oven but didn’t so I had to clean it for the first time myself while I was alone in the store and was also supposed to man the front#Shoutout to my convenience store’s accountant helping us with cashier duties often when there was less job to do ty ty#Understaffed struggles are so real#People also call Chil a manager because the boss is most often away so he just does everything#There’s no union but maybe one day he’ll get to overthrow the boss idk#The pay IS good at least#Modern au
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marclef · 29 days
today's lesson: things that Fakey probably shouldn't ask to fellow Fake Peppinos
(featuring DMW Peppi-no from @pizzabox-box)
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(my poor dear Fakey might be a little too curious 👁👁💧)
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oifaaa · 1 year
I think one of the reasons why people think Duke is the least insane or most normal member of the batfam (aside from the just not knowing much about him) is bc hes the only bat who hasn't had beef with another member of the family I mean Duke even gets along with Jason - anyway my solution to this is that Duke should get to physically fight another member of the family and my personal pick is obviously Tim Drake
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