#and people stopped and said how cute she was
babyyhoneyyy · 2 days
Ex marks the spot H.S
Y/N didn’t know why she said what she said and why she did what she did right after, when Harry curled his fingers around her throat and dragged her towards his mouth. His fingers slipped into her hair as he bit her bottom lip hard, “hate this mouth,” he mumbled against her, shoving her waist so she was forced to walk back and hit the bed. He pecked her jaw then came back to her mouth, “so bitchy.”
She whimpered against his lips. “You’re…” Y/N breathed as he kissed down her neck, “…an asshole.”
Harry sunk his teeth into the base of her throat, “yeah?”
The one where Harry is Y/N’s best friends ex, and theres something about him that makes her blood boil.
word count: 5k
content warning: mature! please don’t read if you are under 18. also harry is a dick in this one so i apologise in advance.
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Y/N met Marigold during her first year of university.
She was a nervous mess, anxious about moving to a whole new city, surrounded by completely new people. When she was in high school, everyone would always rave about how fun and freeing university would be. Stories about large friend groups and parties every weekend had Y/N hoping she would contort into some kind of friendly and approachable version of herself so she could also experience uni like most people did.
Thankfully, fate had been on her side that first day on campus, probably pitied by her trembling hands and permanent frown. Anyone within a 10 metre radius of Y/N could have sensed that her nerves were on fire.
Soon enough that fire was consoled, and the universe sent her a cheeky wink and a sly smile; because the day she walked into her dorm, she found a teary Marigold wrapped in the arms of her father.
Marigold was pretty like her name— her hair was buttery, eyes like drops of honey and she had a smile that was entirely too contagious. Everything about her was beautiful. She was gorgeous and outgoing, an extrovert who practically pounced on Y/N the second she stepped into the room.
In the beginning, Y/N was quite wary of her; she found that usually people who were too friendly too soon were often compensating for a more sour part of their persona that they planned to reveal later down the road.
But being around Marigold was just so easy.
Talking to her was easy and befriending her was easy. Girls like her were like magnets— guys and girls both practically drooling at her feet at every given moment. It wasn’t a surprise she had everyone wrapped around her perfect, manicured finger. One of those that fell victim to her charms was the one and only Harry Styles.
Harry Styles was notorious on campus for jumping from girl to girl and bed to bed— a sex-driven man who no matter how many people he slept with in a month, was the star in every man and woman’s wet dream.
At one point, Y/N might have thought he was cute. The first time she saw him was at a party where he was (surprise surprise) pressed up against a pretty redhead, twirling her hair around his finger and whispering things in her ear. He was gorgeous; with green eyes that marbleized into hues of brown and golden, chocolate locks that swirled over his forehead and a tall, lean build littered in tattoos.
One had to be either blind or a liar to say he wasn’t attractive. And Y/N enjoyed ogling him for a while as well.
Until he began seeing Marigold.
Although she would attempt to listen with newfound enthusiasm every time Marigold had a new lover, once Harry came into the mix, things began getting more interesting. The most sought after boy on campus was seeing her best friend— the situation begged for a hot goss sesh.
Marigold set the scene for Y/N about how he approached her for the first time at a party, passed a number of compliments her way and kissed her after a couple of dances. His pretty mouth casted a spell on her, and she didn’t stop blabbering about how amazing and hot he was for the next week and a half, which was when Harry showed up at their dorm with a bouquet of flowers and asked Marigold to be his girlfriend.
No matter how off Harry’s aura made her feel, Y/N had to force herself to be happy for Marigold.
And she was for a while! In the beginning, things were looking up for the new couple.
Word was getting around the campus that Marigold had tied Harry down— the boy was ready to settle into a serious relationship with Y/N’s best friend. His commitment issues and inability to keep his dick in one place suddenly vanished.
And maybe it did for a month.. or two… and then when the third month rolled around… well, everyone sat silly with their foot in their mouth.
A sobbing and shaking Marigold slept in Y/N’s lap within less than six months of her seeing Harry.
“He told me he loved me, Y/N.”
“Does he not think I’m pretty?”
“Was I not enough for him?”
All these questions to which Y/N had no answer to but to stroke her friends back and reassure her of how perfect she was; that Harry was an idiot for cheating on her— that any man would be stupid to let someone like Marigold go.
Some new torture that Harry put Marigold through was revealed with every fat, salty drop that dribbled down her cheeks.
Marigold was quick to spill that not only did the boy cheat on her after claiming he was in love with her, but he was a toxic asshole who tried to control every single aspect of her life. Marigold had to dress how he liked, spoked only to people who he “approved” of, clean out her social media followings, and keep him updated of her whereabouts at all times.
The worst part was Y/N had no fucking clue her best friend was being put through this.
Harry had convinced (gaslit) Marigold into believing that everything he did was for the best of her and really, what good was she if Harry wasn’t by her side?
It was safe to say that after hearing Marigold shyly tell her about Harry’s “rules”, Y/N vowed to despise Harry for the rest of her life.
The mere sight of him ticked her off and she aided her best friend in getting over him by consistently reminding her of all the crap he put her through. Like just the fact that he treated her that way wasn’t enough and Marigold had to be reminded every time about exactly how he hurt her.
A semester passed; and then two.
Time really was the best medicine, as a year later Marigold slowly got over the cancer that was Harry and Y/N learned to live with her infinite hatred for the man.
Y/N avoided him like the plague— blocked him on all her social media and would say no to hang out with any mutual friends the two might have at the risk that she might see him.
And she was doing really well embarking on this little mission of hers— until she bumped into him 14 months later at a house party in celebration of the end of the semester.
She didn’t plan to be at the party right after her exams were finished, but there was something about the weekend following the end of semester which made her feel obligated to do something fun and exciting with her time. Y/N was brave enough to go to this one alone, forced to retire to this fate as Marigold had gone overseas the afternoon her last assignment was due.
That left Y/N lonesome in her dorm and an alone Y/N is a pesky Y/N; itching to do something to entertain her idle hands. So she messed around on her phone until she found an open invite to a party posted to a friend's story, didn’t bother checking the address to see who’s house it was, put on a skimpy outfit and left to get hammered— and if she was lucky, maybe even laid.
The outfit she wore was tiny and revealing. A two piece black top and mini skirt which showed off the majority of her legs. Anyone could tell that she aimed to get laid that night and the amount of people that tried to approach her on the little sofa she was tucked in to made her feel great about herself.
Things started to go south when she began turning most of them down with a sympathetic smile on her face if they crossed one of her boxes. It was a tendency of hers that was what often got in the middle of her getting fucked; she found hersef unable to not pick out the smallest details about someone and not get turned off immediately.
They stared at her legs too long? Ick. They’re wearing skin-tight jeans? Ick. They try to kiss her within five minutes of talking to her? Ick.
By the time she softly excused herself from the last guy who drunkenly attempted to slip his hand up her skirt, Y/N was feeling a little hopeless and extremely frustrated.
How hard was it just to get fucked by a semi-decent guy?
One more drink, Y/N decided, and she would just go home. She didn’t even have the energy to entertain herself at this point, ready to go to bed high and dry.
And she would’ve, had she not turned around to see a smug looking Harry staring at her. He didn’t bother to begin with a greeting, eyes settled on her chest and roaming her legs freely. The kink in Y/N’s eyebrows was immediate; she was ready to ignore his presence and walk right past him if he had not stopped her with his sultry baritone.
”Y’look hot as fuck.” A drink was hanging loosely between his fingers and much to Y/N’s misfortune, he looked amazing. His hair was messy and flopped over due to his fingers' constant interference and he wore a pair of loose jeans and a plain black t-shirt.
Too bad his comment made Y/N want to puke.
She gave him one chance and chose to ignore him and leave, but Harry had other plans as he stepped backwards when she stepped forwards, “don’t leave just yet. Promise, I don’t bite. Unless you’re into that.”
The little smirk on his face made Y/N’s skin crawl. She couldn’t stop the snarl that crept upon her features, “funny, seeing you here, I assumed you’d have your dick stuck in anything that resembled a hole by this time of night,” her voice was sharp and witty.
She might have thought the comment was too harsh but it didn’t seem like it struck Harry the way she wanted it to when the seam of his lips stretched even wider. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
Harry stuffed a hand in his pocket and moved to stand right in front her so her back was facing the wall. They were in a fairly quiet room with a handful of people around them— somewhere Y/N retreated to when the party got a bit overbearing. “Fuck off, Harry. I don’t want to talk to you.”
”Come on, Y/N. Don’t hate me so much. We could have so much fun together,” he said slyly. Y/N crossed her arms over her chest.
“Hey, my eyes are up here, you dick. And don’t pretend like you don’t know why I hate you.” Harry feigned a look of confusion, “I don’t. Care to remind me?”
When he didn’t let up on the staring contest he was having with her boobs, Y/N dropped her arms in exasperation, “you were an ass to Marigold. You cheated on her when you told her you loved her.” She couldn’t believe he didn’t remember what he did; or maybe he did remember, and was being dense on purpose just to piss her off.
“Did I? Can’t recall.”
He took a step closer to her and Y/N’s chest began to rise and fall with anger, “stop acting like you don’t know what I’m talking about.” She had half the mind to shove him so his drink sloshed in his hands but she didn’t, tightening her fingers to prevent herself from making a scene in the middle of the party.
“Those are all things of the past. I’ve changed now,” Harry said.
Y/N scoffed. “Guys like you don’t change, Harry. You can lie and you can manipulate, but you will never ever change.”
She shoved her index finger in his chest, making him stumble back a little. This time her words made his eyebrows furrow, “who the fuck do you think you are, telling me what I can and cannot do?” Harry was close enough that she backed up into the wall, but she never let her stare falter even once.
“I hate you,” her voice was scarily stable, “I hate you and you’re a toxic, manipulative prick who hurt my best friend and can’t commit to anything for shit.”
Harry’s eyes darkened, “you don’t know anything about me,” he seethed, “so I suggest you and your prissy ass shut up before I say something you don’t want to hear.”
He was looking right into her own eyes, unwavering and intimidating. Y/N didn’t have any plans to back down anytime soon.
“There’s nothing you can say to hurt me. I’m not insecure like you.” She was pushing all of his buttons, and Harry wanted nothing more than to shut her mouth so she wasn’t running it like she owned the damn place.
“Y’know, It was always really obvious you were jealous I chose to fuck Marigold over you. She was way fucking hott—“
He didn’t finish the end of his sentence because Y/N shoved him away from her with all her might. “Don’t fucking finish that sentence and don’t ever talk to me again,” she hissed. Her face was warm and hot with anger, and she didn’t bother checking his reaction before she stormed out of the room and wiggled her way around the crowd to escape upstairs.
Her chest was heaving and if she let her walls down, her eyes would brim with tears. Thankfully she was able to find an empty room to the left of the long hallway which was tidy enough for her to seclude herself in. She shut the door and paced around the room.
Something about him just made her want to rip her own skin off. He knew just how to get on her nerves and what buttons to push to make her boil with anger, but she wasn’t going to let a dick like him get to her. he made that comment because he knew it was the only thing he could say to set her off. The fact that it did made Y/N feel stupid.
A couple minutes passed while she calmed herself down, and right when she felt like she was good enough to face the crowd and leave the party, the door opened.
Her shoulders dropped when she saw Harry walk in and shut the door behind himself to lock it. “I just told you I don’t want to ta—“
“—You started it downstairs. I was being nice—“
“— Is that your idea of nice, Harry? Staring at my tits and asking me why I won’t have fun with you?”
“I didn’t do anything wrong, I was being civil until you started fucking accusing me of shit out of nowhere!”
She scoffed. “Wow, I cannot believe you. I don’t know if you act this way on purpose or you really can’t tell what the fuck is wrong with your brain.”
“Can you have a normal conversation with me without insulting me for a single second?”
His voice was getting louder and he was right in front of her, staring down angrily at her annoyed face. She could tell his jaw was tense and the sight was almost hot which was even more annoying. “I don’t want to have any conversation with you. I think I have made that pretty fucking cle—“
“—Jesus, just shut up for a fucking second and listen to me,” he shouted.
“Make me.”
Y/N didn’t know why she said what she said and why she did what she did right after, when Harry curled his fingers around her throat and dragged her towards his mouth.
Their lips met in a harsh clash, smacking and bruising— confusing Y/N, because why is she not pulling away and why does he feel so good?
His fingers slipped into her hair when he bit her bottom lip hard, “hate this mouth,” he mumbled against her, shoving her waist so she was forced to walk back and hit the bed. He pecked her jaw then came back to her lips, “so bitchy.”
Harry’s words should have made her angry, but his lips had a certain effect on her that made her feel things she shouldn’t, because his comment went straight to her throbbing clit. She whimpered against his mouth. “You’re…” she breathed as he kissed down her neck, “…an asshole.”
Harry sunk his teeth into the base of her throat, “yeah?”
“Mmm. I hate you,” she responded. She was barely able to keep her eyes open when he finally pushed her on the bed and climbed on top of her. “I don’t think you do, baby. I think…” wet kisses were pressed down her neck and over the top of her chest, “… I think you just need to fuck me. S’that right? Need me to make that ache go away?”
It was like her ability to speak comprehensively was taken away from her when he reached around her back and pulled the zipper down for her top. “Now— fuck me now, Harry.”
He licked a stripe up from the middle of her chest to her chin, dipping into her mouth to kiss her hastily. He was sinful with the way he looped his tongue around hers and nipped at her lip, “I distinctly remember asking you to shut up.”
She was given no time to respond, gasping loudly when he took both of her tits in his hands and squeezed. There was no barrier since she didn’t need a bra for the top so he made immediate contact with her bare skin. His fingers were skillful as they played with the sensitive peaks of her nipples, pinching and tugging till she was a moany mess.
Y/N was unable to offer any response to him, arching her back into his touch when Harry pressed his lips to her buds repeatedly, pecking them affectionately, “think these are the only things I like about you.”
He bit the flesh of her tit lightly as a parting gift before trailing further down her body. Her scent was intoxicating him, more than any drink or drug he’d ever consumed. She was crowding his senses— all he could see, smell, touch and think about. Once he reached the hem of her skirt, he pulled his shirt off and grabbed her hips to pull her closer.
Y/N moaned when he ran his hands down her collarbones, her tits, her stomach and her navel, goosebumps following his trail as he travelled straight down to take her skirt off in one go.
The groan he let out the moment he saw her black lace thong was enough to make Y/N come on the spot. “Fuck me,” he sighed and tucked two fingers into the waistband. Before he pulled them off, he met Y/N’s eyes and waited for her to tell him it was okay. Once she nodded eagerly, Harry didn’t waste a second in ripping the fabric off of her hips.
“What the fuck, Ha—“
He shut up her protesting by shoving the lace into her mouth, muffling whatever curse she was about to spew his way. She furrowed her eyebrows upon feeling the fabric against her tongue. “Shh. That's better,” he sighed with his ringed fingers wrapped around her jugular, “you’re more bearable with your mouth shut.”
Y/N wanted to say something back to him but all she could do was crinkle her eyebrows and try to look angry. She complied and held the tattered lace in her mouth. If she wanted to get rid of it, she easily could— she’d only have to purse her lips and blow, but she chose not to; instead, she remained malleable and cooperative, not wanting to stray Harry away from what she wanted him to do, which was to fuck her brains out.
He didn’t give her a chance to say anything anyway, because as soon as the fabric was tucked between her lips, he skipped down to her pussy and immediately latched on to the swollen bud pearled between her folds.
She was wet beyond belief— slippery between her lips and trickling down onto the bed when he carefully sucked on her clit in rhythmic pulses. The underwear in her mouth was her biggest enemy as her back arched and her throat begged to cry out loud because of the pleasure coursing through her veins. She could feel it all the way in her fingertips when he tucked her lips apart and cooed at her clenching hole.
“I take it back. Your tits and your pussy are the only things I like about you,” such words would normally make Y/N want to slap a man, but Harry had the opposite effect, “s’very pretty,” he mumbled, kissing her clit softly.
He licked her with the broad of his tongue once, twice, and the third time was longer, more thorough as he slowly made his way all the way from her hole to her clit, flicking his tongue against the bud until she was shaking.
Her hips lifted off the bed, chasing Harry’s mouth and her own high which she reached quickly thanks to his noisy suckles and sloppy kisses. He tried to drag her orgasm on as much as he could, pushing himself nose-deep into her pussy. What got her hot was the sounds he was making against her— grunting and moaning into her until she folded her legs and pressed her knees together, forcing him to stop.
A smack resounded around the room when he collided his palm with her outer thigh, making Y/N jump. The sensation tethered on the edge of pain and pleasure, just as Y/N liked it.
Harry sat back on his heels, “I want you on all fours with your ass up.”
Y/N blinked at Harry, unmoving. Her orgasm had made her brain go all fuzzy. “Cmon, get,” he commanded, slapping her leg again. Her thoughts had turned to mush, wanting to do what Harry said but she remained lying on her back, eyes fluttering shut.
“For fucks sake.”
A yelp was muffled by the lace tucked between her teeth when Harry grabbed her hips and physically turned her over, palms rough as they slapped her knees apart and forced her into an arch, “have to do everything for you now, do I? Are you fucked dumb already?”
Harry wasn’t expecting an answer and Y/N couldn’t find it in herself to give him one, instead revelling in the burn in her body when he stretched her out as he pleased. She could hear the sound of him undoing his zipper and pulling his jeans down, a little bummed she couldn’t see him in all his naked glory; but the thought left her brain as soon as she felt him press his tip against her clit and take a fistful of her hair from behind.
“If only you weren’t such a bitch, I’d fuck this little pussy every night of the week,” Harry muttered as he slicked his cock with her juices, teasing her hole and her clit. Y/N shifted her hips back for some friction but his grip was unyielding, holding onto her side with one hand and pushing her face into the sheets with the other. She couldn’t retort even if she wanted to.
“Fu—mm… pl—mph!”
Her desperation was rudely cut off as he delivered a sharp smack to her ass and slid into her at the same time. Harry didn’t bother going slow or giving her time to adjust, making it fit inside of her despite her walls pulsing around him.
His hips were snug against her ass. She could feel him everywhere.
Prodding into her tummy and trickling down to her toes— she was shaking with how good he felt pressed just against her g-spot. He delivered fast, deep thrusts over and over and over again, hard and unrelenting. Her scalp stung with how he held her against the mattress, though Y/N didn’t mind the pain; if she could even call it that.
The feeling was delicious, especially paired with the occasional slap to her ass. “So fucking wet,” Harry stated the fact, cramming himself into her so she could feel him even deeper.
He didn’t let up on his thrusts. His one hand that was on her hips gripped her skin harshly like he was using her as leverage to fuck her harder. Y/N’s fingers grabbed uselessly at the sheets below her with her eyes squeezed shut and teeth clamping around her panties.
Her throat scraped out another loud cry, after which his thrusts eventually slowed to a delicious pace. He was stimulating her g-spot directly as he leaned over her to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.
“You alright?” He questioned, scratching his nails lightly against her lower back. Her heart fluttered. She couldn’t respond with the panties in her mouth so she offered him a nod to which he pressed a kiss to her cheek and returned to his previous position.
He was still very much inside of her during the sweet exchanged, and it was like a flip was switched when he returned to fucking her properly.
The sounds of her muffled whines and his deep groans did something to Y/N— it was all too much. Matters only got worse for her as his fingers met her clit, circling the bud while his other hand left her hair and slid down her back.
Y/N could finally twist her neck and look at him, and the sight was enough to have her screaming.
He was kneeling behind her, hands occupied with pleasuring her and his hair was falling all over his forehead and into his eyes. With furrowed eyebrows and a hung open mouth, he urged Y/N towards her second orgasm of the night.
“Come for me, baby. Give it to me, s’all I want.”
She was writhing in his grasp, grinding her hips back as she came around his cock. The fabric he gagged her with barely covered the sounds of her moans, the sight making Harry speed up his pace. “Fuck, you’re so fucking hot.”
The pleasure that overtook her was blinding— like lightning bolts that struck her nerves. His constant attention against her clit and g-spot had Y/N speechless and dumb, pulling the panties out of her mouth and reaching a hand back to meet him on her hip.
“Please, please, please.” She moaned, unsure of what she was begging him for.
Harry slipped out of her shortly after that and tugged his cock between his ringed fist. Y/N was ready to go again when she saw him coming— hot, white spurts of come painting her back as he tipped his head back and groaned. “Jesus—fuck, you’re so good, baby,” he whimpered.
Once he was done, he slumped over her perched ass, feeling exhaustion creep upon his bones. A minute passed as both of them tried to catch their breaths, eyes meeting and exchanging words unsaid. Y/N dropped her hips to relax her back from its arched position.
They were dragged out of their sweet reverie when someone banged on the door. Both of them jumped at the sudden interruption, “occupied!” Harry yelled out.
“This is my fucking room!”
Harry rolled his eyes as he patted Y/N’s hip, “y’good? C’mon, we have to clean up before that dick out there has a heart attack.” Y/N was too stunned to laugh at his joke, the reality of the situation seeping into her skin. She watched Harry get dressed and then get a wipe from the bathroom to clean her back.
He passed her her clothes when he was done and turned around while she dressed up— still in shock. “Um…” she started, unknowing where she was trying to lead this conversation, “we shouldn’t have done that.”
He only shrugged, “don’t know what you mean. It was just sex.”
“I know it was just sex, but you’re my best friends ex, Harry, we sho—“
“Well, you should have thought of that before you begged me to put my dick inside of you.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes at his stupid, cocky face, “fuck you.”
“Y’already did,” Harry smirked. He walked over to where she was by the bed and pulled her in for another short kiss.
Y/N didn’t fight it when he tucked her bottom lip between his and suckled softly before pulling away.
“S’fine, baby. No one has to know, and I promise I won’t tell. Cross my heart,” a silly smile played on his lips, fingers tucking her hair behind her ear. He kissed her once more. “Now let's go.”
Whilst she was getting ready to leave the room, her phone pinged on the bedside table where she set it down when she first walked in. The notification made her freeze in her spot.
Marigold ⭐️
how was the party?? meet anyone to take home yet??
Her heart skipped a beat reading over the message.
Before she could respond, Harry disrupted her internal battle, “Y/N? Are you coming or not?” She hummed out a yes and shut her phone. She didn’t have the energy to respond to Marigold right now— she needed a well constructed lie which would take a while to develop in her current fucked-out state.
Until then she’d have to live with the fact that she fucked the one man she claimed to hate for the rest of her life. The thought was enough to make her skin crawl— eating her alive until she was a mess of pitiful skin and bones.
Y/N felt like she would never be able to forgive herself. Not only did she break a promise she so readily made to herself, but she betrayed her best friend who trusted her to no end.
As she stood there in the aftermath, she knew she'd just shattered something that could never be fixed, no matter how hard she tried.
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Taglist: @adoredeanna @babegoalsreads
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jackhues · 3 days
...but it's something stronger | oscar piastri
note: here's part 3 <3 this is the FINAL part so i hope you all enjoy it! reminder to read part one and two linked below BEFORE this so you understand
one || two
pairing: oscar piastri x fem!reader, logan x best friend!reader, one sided!enemies to lovers
faceclaim: various, from pinterest
youruser & oscarpiastri
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liked by landonorris, pierregasly, mclaren & others
youruser: your favs are back in vegas !!
user: stop the second pic
landonorris: again. photo creds? -> youruser: again. no.
landonorris: party in logan's room- be there by 9 -> youruser: what if i'm asleep at 9? -> landonorris: oscar get off of y/n's account -> logansargeant: well... i guess i'm hosting -> user: stop lando's friends with logan?? ahh i love this
user: awww i love them
user: girlie's trying too hard
user: nice to see she's finally coming to a race smh -> user: what is with y'all? a wag doesn't have a job- she's leeching off the man's money. a wag has a job and responsibilities and can't make it to a lot of races- she's unsupportive. like make up your mind gd
logansargeant: i have to see y'all being cute in person AND on my feed 😒😒 -> youruser: your fault -> oscarpiastri: you chose this life
y/bffsuser: imy bby <3 -> youruser: imym <33
Y/N WALKED HAND IN HAND WITH OSCAR, following the hotel signs to Logan's room. She was happier than she'd been in quite a while. She'd joined Oscar in Australia, where she met his family, getting along surprisingly well with them. They were great people, which made it really easy for her.
She turned the corner, seeing Lando and Logan standing outside of their room.
"Finally," Lando grinned, seeing them.
"It's 8:45," Oscar told him. "We're early, if anything."
"Why are you guys outside?" Y/N asked.
"We're going to this bar that Lando found last year during the Grand Prix," Logan explained. "He said they've got hot bartenders."
"I see why you two would be down for that," Oscar rolled his eyes.
"Good answer," Y/N grinned. She turned back to the other two, "Alright then, let's get drunk."
"Not too drunk," Oscar corrected. "I want to be in bed by midnight."
"What are you, Cinderella?" Y/N asked. "Oscar, you're in Vegas once a year. Enjoy it."
"I'd like to enjoy it in bed," he muttered. "Also, you're wearing insanely high heels. You're going to be begging me to take your shoes in like an hour."
"Okay fine," Y/N agreed. "Not too many drinks, and in bed by twelve. We can manage it, no problemo."
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Y/N SMILED AT THE SIGHT OF OSCAR IN BED next to her, sleeping soundly. A slip of sunlight streamed through the curtains, covering him in a golden light. His hair was splayed over his forehead in an unruly manner, beckoning Y/N's hand closer.
She twirled one of the strands around her finger, taking a moment to admire him. He looked beautiful, even more every time she looked at him. She was almost blinded by how pretty she was.
It took a minute for her brain to catch up and realize his beauty wasn't blinding her, it was the sunlight glinting off the rock on her finger.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" she sat up, eye on the ring and trying to figure how the hell it got there.
Next to her, Oscar groaned.
"Shhhhhhh," he muttered. "My head hurts."
So did Y/N's. In fact, it was beginning to spin a little. Or maybe that was the room?
She turned back to Oscar, hoping to clear up why the fuck there was a hugeass engagement ring on her finger, but he didn't seem to be in the mood to wake up.
So she stole his blanket.
"Y/N!" Oscar groaned. "Give me my blanket! And turn the light off."
"Oscar, that's the sun," she told him. "Also, why are you in a cheap looking tux?"
"In a...?" He opened his eyes, surprised at the fact that he was actually wearing a tux — or at least parts of one. What he had on wasn't really nice, probably rented. Or secondhand bought? He looked back up at Y/N, tilting his head, "Uh... why are you in a wedding dress?"
"Huh?" Y/N looked down at her clothes, repressing the urge to scream at what she was wearing. It was a white minidress, not near anything she had planned to wear at her own wedding one day. "This isn't... it's not a wedding dress. It's a white mini dress."
"The veil falling out of your hair says otherwise," Oscar noted.
"The veil—" she reached up, pulling out what was indeed a veil. "Oh my God, I'm in a wedding dress. And I have an engagement ring on my finger. And you're in a tux. What the fuck happened?"
"Wait, you— you have an engagement ring... what?" Oscar sat up, his gaze finally falling on the ring she wore.
"Oh crap, I don't even know who it belongs to," she muttered in horror. "Where the hell am I supposed to return this? It must've cost a fortune..." she trailed off, eyes meeting Oscar's. Memories of the night before were coming back to her, or at least some of them were. "Oh my God, the Bahamas. You said you were going to propose then... but I— I was freaking out because there was no ring at the ceremony and you pulled this out."
"I was possibly going to propose at the Bahamas," he corrected. "I had it planned out, but just in case, I also had something for after the season."
"Can't say that wouldn't be a fucking dream," she shrugged.
"So you'd have said yes?" Oscar's eyes widened. "If I asked, I mean?"
"Oscar, I'm like 99% sure I married you while I was drunk out of my mind because of how much I love you," Y/N responded honestly. "I'd have said yes without a second thought."
"Well it's nice to know your response while sober," Oscar responded. "But... did we actually get married?"
"I... oh, I remember Logan began crying because—"
"Because you asked him to be your maid of honour," Oscar remembered. "And Lando appointed himself as my best man."
"And Elvis was standing funny while he was marrying us, and I kept trying to copy his stance, but it made my feet hurt," Y/N continued. "And... and you took my shoes off during the vows and said in your vow that you'd always carry my shoes after I did dumb things like try to copy Elvis."
"And in your vow you said you'll never let my life get boring, no matter how early I wanted to sleep," Oscar added. "You said... you said that you're so in love with me that you'd trust me with your heart."
"And that's when Lando started sobbing," Y/N remembered.
"No, he started crying after I took your shoe off," Oscar furrowed his brows.
"Oh my God, was Elvis crying at our wedding?"
"I gave him the tux jacket to wipe his eyes," Oscar remembered. "And he never gave it back."
"Oh yeah, he stalled the 'you may kiss the bride' part so much, I said it myself," Y/N muttered.
"Wait, so if we're married... where's the marriage certificate?"
AN HOUR LATER, the (probably) newlyweds had turned the room upside down, but still had no sign of the marriage certificate.
"Maybe we didn't actually get married?" Oscar wondered. "Like it was a faux?"
"Does that mean you're still proposing in the Bahamas?"
Before Oscar could answer, a knock sounded on the door, causing the two of them to freeze in their spots. The two of them looked at each other in their wedding clothes, then to the room, with clothes and belongings littered all around.
"Don't say a word," Oscar whispered. "They'll go away."
The two of them stayed silent and frozen for a while longer, but the knocking didn't stop.
"Guys, it's me and Lando," Logan said on the other side of the door. "Open up. We have your marriage certificate."
At that, Oscar ran to the door, dragging the two boys inside, before immediately shutting the door.
"What tornado came through here?" Lando asked, looking around.
"Tornado 'we were looking for our marriage certificate'," Y/N muttered, taking the certificate out of his hands. She read it three times, before silently passing it along to Oscar.
"Wow," he muttered, silently realizing the two of them were officially married.
"Congratulations," Lando grinned, pulling Y/N, Oscar, and Logan in for a group hug. "Oh, I'm so happy. When can I expect to be named the godfather?"
Oscar whipped his head to Y/N, eyes wide, "Was that why we got married? Was it a shotgun Vegas wedding?"
"Oscar, honey, if I was pregnant, I wouldn't have been drinking," she reminded him. "I'm not pregnant, okay? And Lando, quit scaring him like that. I think the wedding is more than enough for us to digest."
"Wait, you guys don't remember the wedding?" Logan looked between Y/N and Oscar.
"We do, but like random parts of it," Y/N explained. "Like I remember most of the ceremony, but why the fuck did we decide to get married?"
"How did the topic even come up?" Oscar added.
"Well, it all started after Y/N downed a shot without flinching," Lando reminded them. "And Oscar fell in love for the millionth time right then and there. Said he could marry her. A couple drinks later, you lightweights were out of it, and Oscar started telling everyone he was going to marry Y/N. Some guy at the bar recommended an Elvis guy, and Y/N was so excited to be married by Elvis that she agreed right then. And then you guys started going looking for 'something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue'."
"That's why I kept the heels on even though my feet were killing," Y/N muttered. "They were my something old."
"The ring was something new," Oscar added.
"What was something borrowed and something blue?" Y/N asked.
"Elvis' jacket," Logan supplied.
"Elvis gave you his jacket because you said it'd be nice with the blue and borrowed. You're wearing his jacket in a lot of your wedding pictures," he explained.
"I'm sorry, wedding pictures?" Oscar asked. "Where the fuck did we find a photographer?"
"We're the photographers," Lando explained. "You sent us to buy some cameras while you guys did the something old and new. Logan got the polaroid, and I found a cute digital camera."
"At least you guys have the photos if not the memories," Logan grinned.
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youruser & oscarpiastri
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris, mclaren & others
youruser: followed the queen of genovia's advice and ended up married to man who made my foot pop
oscarpiastri: i love you forever -> youruser: and ever and ever and ever and ever
oscarpiastri: looking beautiful as always mrs. piastri -> youruser: why thank you mr. piastri. you look lovely as well
user: THEY'RE MARRIED!!!!!!!!!!!
user: yeah they're a pr relationship 🙄
logansargeant: i love you guys 🤍 -> oscarpiastri: are you still drunk? -> logansargeant: a little. i might cry again -> youruser: check in on hungover lando, he'll make you laugh -> user: LANDO AND LOGAN AT THE Y/NOSCAR WEDDING THIS IS NOT A DRILLLL
landonorris: FINALLY!!! -> user: wdym finally?? they met like 7 months ago this comment thread has been deleted
landonorris: guys it's too early to be this cute, but i love you so i'll let it pass
mclaren: congratulations y/n and oscar!!!
user: logan and lando moh/best man ?? -> youruser: yeah they were -> user: I'M DEAD NO FUCKING WAYYY
user: they're married already?? this ain't lasting -> oscarpiastri: thanks for ur unwanted opinion
user: i love how down bad they are for each other -> user: nah fr tho
f1: congratulations guys!!
charles_leclerc: congratulations! welcome to the family y/n!
user: princess diaries reference i love that movie -> oscarpiastri: she made me watch it with her
user: guys... hear me out... what if they got married in vegas? -> user: homie those pics ain't vegas
yourmomsig: i love you guys i'm gonna cry again -> oscarpiastri: no don't cry mum -> user: MUM
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INTERVIEWER: so first off oscar, congrats on the wedding
OSCAR: *smiles* thank you
I: we heard that the mrs. is actually here for the last race of the season, is that right? she had issues with her schedule, so you went for it all in her break, huh? vegas, a wedding, and now abu dhabi? in what, three weeks?
OP: yeah, she's here for this weekend. she was- well, she just partnered with another lawyer to actually open their law firm together, so she's actually going to have the rest of the year off, which we're both obviously excited about. but *laughs* i mean, once she said yes to marrying me, i didn't want to wait, you know? i'm just... you know, i'm really proud of her because everyone talks about the drivers and the media's always trying to diminish her, and the other partners' accomplishments, but it's absolutely insane all that she's done and all that she will do. it's great that i can stand next to her as her husband while she does all of it. i'm actually a little surprised that she even married me. marrying her's probably my biggest accomplishment.
f1, mclaren & oscarpiastri
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liked by y/npiastri, logansargeant, landonorris & others
user: stop he's so cute
user: i'm crying oscar's a championnnnn
user: did anyone else hear y/n scream while he was on the podium -> user: "that's my husband!" girlie put her whole chest in that
y/npiastri: THAT'S MY HUSBANDDD -> oscarpiastri: THAT'S MY WIFEEE -> user: iconic
charles_leclerc: congratulations oscar!
maxverstappen1: congrats mate!
logansargeant: congratulations oscar! well deserved win! -> oscarpiastri: thanks mate -> user: GUYS LOOK LOSCAR CRUMBS -> user: nom nom nom
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris, mclaren & others
user: ain't he australian? -> y/npiastri: now he's american by association
oscarpiastri: THAT'S MY WIFEEEE SHE'S THE BEST HYPE WOMAN AND AN ABSOLUTE BOSS IN EVERYTHING -> y/npiastri: I LOVE YOU SO MUCH -> oscarpiastri: I LOVE YOU MORE -> y/npiastri: I LOVE YOU MORE THAN THAT -> oscarpiastri: I LOVE YOU EVEN MORE THAN THAT -> logansargeant: WHY ARE WE YELLING AT EACH OTHER?? -> landonorris: you're all sitting next to each other you realize that -> user: NOT A DRILL THE GREATEST GRID QUARTET IS TOGETHER IN VEGASSSS
y/bffsuser: RAHH 🇺🇸 REPRESENTTTT -> user: HE'S AUSTRALIAN 😭😭 -> y/npiastri: NOT ON MY INSTAGRAM PAGE TONIGHT 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
yourmomsig: congrats oscar 🤍 i'm so so proud of you! call me soon -> oscarpiastri: calling rn mum 🤍
user: stop the way he looks at her- i can't -> user: are you surprised? this the same man who said his biggest accomplishment is marrying her -> oscarpiastri: and it's still true!
oscarpiastri & y/npiastri
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liked by logansargeant, landonorris, f1 & others
oscarpiastri: maybe vegas is just lucky for us
tagged: y/npiastri
y/npiastri: i love you so much i'd marry you in vegas a million times -> oscarpiastri: i love you so much but please don't expect me to ever drink that much or stay up that late again
y/npiastri: GET READY LOSERSSS BABY PIASTRI ON THE WAYYYY -> y/npiastri: baby piastri's genes boutta clear all your try hard babies' genes -> user: honey you know you shouldn't drink while pregnant right? -> oscarpiastri: she's not drunk, she's just been like this the entire pregnancy -> y/npiastri: AND THERE'S STILL SIX MORE MONTHS TO GOOOOO
user: STFU THAT TWITTER USER WAS TELLING THE TRUTH??? -> user: OSCAR AND Y/N WERE THE ONES IN VEGAS?? I'M GOING TO LOSE MY MIND -> user: can't believe they kept the secret for that long loll -> user: lando almost slipped sm times 😭😭
user: okay but the bahamas wedding thingy afterwards was a smart decoy ngl -> logansargeant: thank you 😊 -> user: YOU KNEW??? -> y/npiastri: ofc he and lando knew, who else would be our moh/best man in vegas?
logansargeant: guys really? i just stopped crying -> landonorris: I HAVEN'T STOPPED YET -> user: stop i love them -> user: need them to be godparents frr -> y/npiastri: one for each twin ye -> user: TWIN????? -> y/npiastri: oops
f1: congrats y/n and oscar!
user: oscar a DILF now -> y/npiastri: homie i been knew. why y'all think i bagged him? -> user: i though he just had such a big crush on you, he didn't really realize you were the weird girl -> y/npiastri: why would you say that to a pregnant woman? -> user: ohmygosh, i'm so sorry! i really hope you're not crying- -> y/npiastri: nah idgaf it's just funny seeing ppl freak out -> user: GIRL YOU HAD ME STRESSED -> oscarpiastri: welcome to my life -> oscarpiastri: i love you wife 🩷 -> y/npiastri: nice save
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i hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it! this is honestly one of my fav series, and don't forget to show some love and reblog if you enjoyed <3
taglist: @ravisinghs-wife , @urfavsgf , @mxdi0 , @lemon-lav , @lilipiggytails , @stinkyjax , @blckgrl-sunflower , @dreamsarebig , @k-pevensie28 , @themislovesf1 , @hellowgoodbye , @chezmardybum , @5sospenguinqueen , @stylestastic , @sie17136 , @2lsargeant , @softpiastri , @p1astrisgirl , @mavies-stuff , @littlemisssummer , @charlotte1697 , @styl1shl1v <33
437 notes · View notes
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Pairing: Jackson! Joel Miller x reader
Warnings/Genre: a horribly horribly long slow burn, excuse any typos, fluff, slight angst, offstandish reader, slightly overbearing new friend (not canon character), potentially cute dogs, jealous friend, said friend has a crush on Joel, Joel gets hurt on patrol, mentions of blood, reader gets a cut on her hand, slightly romantically tense situations, let me know if I missed anything!!
A/n: I've been telling this story to myself as I fall asleep at night and have decided to write down what I've daydreamed up so far!! Wish me luck! I hope this is good. . . And it's so long. . I'm so sorry
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Maria and Tommy found you on a patrol near the river.
It was a cold December this year, and your ratty, thin clothes were making it hard to stay warm. The only way to stay warm was to keep moving. Maria wasn't going to take you in, deadset on letting you pass around the town once the K9 cleared you.
Tommy wasn't so set. He figured that Jackson had the room. You were only one more person. Jackson would always use more people for patrols and work around Jackson.
The couple bickered back and forth for a few moments and once decided, Tommy shucked his jacket around your shoulders and gave you a ride back to Jackson. Once there, they settled you in a house across from them, not directly across more diagonally. You showered and they brought you to the mess hall.
You sat with Tommy and Maria, as well as another man and his kid, and another lady who seemed to have implanted herself in the family. She talked a lot. But you could care less, scarfing down your very delicious food was more important. You could feel the eyes of the man and child on you the entire time you ate.
That night, you slept warmly with a full stomach.
You woke early the next morning, so early the sun was barely up. As you finished dressing in some clothes that Maria had found you, knocking was heard.
You followed the noise to your front door and opened it to see Maria. She mentioned that she had a job for you. You nodded and pulled on a warm, heavy jacket. She led you to the stables and past the horse stalls to a back corner.
There were a few kennels back here, ten at the most. There were dogs in every one.
Maria explained that these were dogs that had wandered into Jackson, or that had been picked up on patrols. They'd been dropped here as no one had the time to train feral dogs, and since you were new you'd been granted that job.
You thanked Maria, and she disappeared into the barn.
You took notes that the dogs had the bare minimum. Like just enough food to get by, a blanket per dog, and a bowl or two per kennel. You hmmpfed and noted that the dogs also had no real way to get outside if they needed, much less a designated area to go outside.
You got to work almost immediately. Introducing yourself to the dogs, filling food bowls from a bag stuffed into a corner and filling water bowls from a spicket on the wall at the end of the little hallway/room. You found a notebook and pencil, deciding to use it for information on the dogs, like scars and particular body characteristics. You found out, just by looking and feeling, that one of the dogs was pregnant. You weren't sure with how many.
You worked the rest of the day cleaning their kennels and fixing it up with your limited tools of whatever you found in the area.
Around the start of afternoon, there was a knock on the doorway of the room, and a cheery call of your name.
It was Debby, the lady who talks a lot from dinner yesterday night, "Hey! How you doing today? I didn't get to hear you talk a lot today? Oh.. You got put on mutt duty.." She trailed off at the end, giving disgruntled looks around the small room.
You nodded, standing up and wiping off your hands, "I'm settling in, slowly. Can I help you with something?"
"Oh well," She paused as she twirled a finger. "I was just on the way to lunch and heard you worked in here now. Just decided to stop by and see if you're hungry."
You thought for a few moments, noting your empty stomach as you'd accidentally skipped breakfast, "Sure. I'm at a good stopping point for right now."
"Great!" Debby grabbed your arm and skipped her way through the barn and into the open. "Have you met Joel yet?"
"Joel?" You asked, not picturing a face to the name.
"Joel Miller!" Debby was exasperated in her answer. "Tommy's brother! He sat with us at dinner last night with his kid."
His face was blurry in memory, but you kind of made the connection. You nodded at Debby's words.
"Joel is so great!" Debby started loudly. "He's so handsome and strong! And he's so kind and willing to do almost anything for anybody!! If only I could get him alone, even just for a few moments, but that kid of his is just glued to his side."
Her cheeriness died back as she mentioned Joel's kid, almost as if Debby has a resentment toward the 14-year-old. You couldn't make sense of her rambling. You'd spent so much time outside that you really didn't understand the way Debby felt towards Joel.
When you both entered the mess hall, you dished up. Debby's gasp pulled you from your focus and she gripped your jacket sleeve. You looked at her, brows scrunched in an irritated way.
"Joel's here!" She whispered at you, shaking you just a bit.
You turned fully to look in the direction your companion was looking in. You spotted Tommy and Maria first, and the presumed Joel and his kid sat across from them. They were engaging in something casual and eating slowly. And as if feeling eyes on them, Tommy turned first and the others followed in suit. Tommy waved you two over.
Debby practically skipped over, and you were much slower. Debby plopped right beside Maria, trying to get as close to Joel as he could. You sat beside Debby, careful to not evade any space.
"Hi Joel!" Debby greeted, too cheery for something casually quiet.
Joel only nodded in response, mouth full of food. His kid only glanced at Debby before back at her food.
"You settling in okay?" Maria asked, leaning forward around Debby.
You nodded, trying your best to not scarf down your food and match the pace of the others.
"You think this job is okay for you? Do you need anything?" Tommy asked, putting his spoon down to show full attentiveness.
"Umm," You swallowed your food. "Maybe a library and some blankets? And maybe a way to let the dogs go outside by themselves?" You were unsure if you were to grab anything extra for the dogs, or if you could modify that part of the barn.
Tommy nodded, "I can show you the library after this, and where we keep our extra clothes and blankets."
"Thank you," You almost started eating before Maria asked you a question.
"You fixing up that outside coral?" Maria asked.
You nodded, "Planning on it, so they don't make such a mess of inside."
"By yourself?" Maria asked again.
"Planning on it," You sense Maria's hesitation. "I was wondering where to get some wood and maybe some chicken wire, and maybe something to smooth the wood out so no one gets any splinters."
"Chicken wire?" Tommy asked, confused.
"So the dogs don't slip out under the fence," You pointed out.
Tommy nodded, "Well, uh my brother here is pretty well-versed in woodwork."
You looked at Joel, who sat across from Tommy. He looked back.
"Joel Miller," Joel reached a hand across the table to shake yours.
"Y/n," You told him, accepting his hand.
"Ellie," Joel's kid offered her hand once you pulled away from Joel. "You'll get the hang of eating slow eventually. I was like that too."
You nodded, settling back down into your chair.
Lunch went a lot slower than you were used to. But later than sooner, you were off to the library. Tommy led the way, informing you that you were welcome to take books home if needed, but to bring them back when you were done.
You nodded along to the information. And when Tommy left to go help Maria with something, you started wandering. You were looking for books on dog behavior and diet, hoping to find good ways to train the dogs under your care.
In just under two hours you found what you needed. You big goodbye to the library caretaker and was on your way back to the barn. You checked up on the dogs, cleaned up any mess they made, and got to reading. You took note of anything you deemed useful as you read.
A knock disrupted you. It was Tommy again. He brought an arm-full of old blankets. You met him at the doorway, thanking him. The man nodded and said if you needed anything that he'll be around. You thanked him again and decided that you'd wait to give the dogs their blankets until they were ready and trained to go outside.
After reading a few more pages, you fixed up some more things around the kennels and cleaned up the place a little more.
The sun went down and the town lights came on. Work slowed the darker it got in the barn. Soon enough, you bid the dogs goodnight and made your way home. You weren't too hungry so you skipped dinner and read until you couldn't anymore.
The next morning, you woke again before the sun. You peeked outside and saw that maybe only one or two people were awake. You got ready slowly, giving the town time to wake up before you officially started your day.
You shucked a big, thick jacket on and headed to the barn. The dogs greeted you with barks and wagging tails. For each kennel you cleaned, you gave the resident dog some love. You fed them and refreshed their water. Your stomach growled and you headed out to get your own breakfast.
The Miller Family was already there and settled, as was Debby. Debby seemed to be talking a very tired-looking Joel Miller's ears off about something. You see Ellie excuse herself from the table and make her way to join you in the line. She grabs a plate and comes up beside you.
“You smell like the barn,” Are the first words Ellie speaks to you. “Do you work with the horses?”
“No,” You answer as your grab some breakfast. “I work in the kennels.”
“Kennels?” Ellie presses.
“There’s some kennels in a room off to the side in the barn,” You tell her, grabbing a drink and utensils. “I can show you sometime if you like.”
“That’d be.. cool,” Ellie gives a chill smile, her eyes sparkling in excitement.
You lead the way to the table and you two take up your usual spots. You start eating instantly, extra hungry from the skipped dinner last night.
“You smell like the barn,” Debby notes with her nose wrinkled in distaste.
You swallow your bite of breakfast, “Woke up early.”
“And the barn was the first place you went?” She asks.
“Well yeah..,” You look at her finally, feeling a little subconscious. “Where else would I go?”
Debby opens her mouth to speak, but closes it again. She decided to not add any more comments about you and continue on with her breakfast.
A small conversation picks up between Tommy and Joel. Something about patrols and work that needs to be done around the town. It’s almost like they plan their day around each other, as if they want to see each other as often as possible. Maria joins in too, noting sightings from patrols on the west side. Joel nods, muttering about going out sometime today or tomorrow.
“What about the fences for the dogs?” Ellie interrupts.
“Still on my list,” Joel answers Ellie and then looks at you. “When would you want to start on that?”
“Whenever works best for you,” You tell him.
“We can start after this, if you’d like,” Joel suggests.
You nod, “That works.”
Joel nods and you go back to your breakfast.
You’re starting to get used to the slow breakfasts, but not really. You’re antsy to get back to the dogs. But breakfast does go by. Joel goes to get some tools and wood, and you go to meet him at the barn. The dogs were antsy for your return, barking and jumping on their chainlink cages as you walk by. You give them love and refill their waters if needed.
Joel shows up not long after, with Ellie in tow. You help carry wood and tools back to where you want to start. You two adults get to work, and you tell Ellie to make herself comfortable inside the barn and that the dogs are friendly. You and Joel tear up the old wooden fence and replace with new, better wood. You both hammer down and sand, making sure the fence is stable and has a lack of splinters. You slowly make your way around this corner of the barn, completing the process of setting up the fence by midday. Putting up the chicken wire only takes another hour or two.
When finished, you ask Joel for another favor, if he doesn’t mind. What? To help make the doggy doors a little better, and make it so the dogs goes in and out as they please.
Joel agrees, leaves to grab some more supplies, and when he comes back he shows you how to install his idea so you can do some doors as well.
Joel takes the previous doggy door off, cuts around the doorway to make the shape a little better, installs a new frame around the door, attaches this rubber to the sides and bottom, and attaches this swinging rubbery door to the doorway. Joel explains that the rubber will act as a seal to keep the cold air out of the kennel, and the new door should flap back and forth a few times before catching on the rubber and sealing the inside from the outside again.
You nod as you take in his instructions and explanation. It’s only slightly confusing but hopefully with some hands on the instructions will become more clear.
Joel moves to the next door down, and you settle in at the one beside that. Joel shows you how to install at a slow pace, making sure to go step by step with you. He does this at the next doggy door, and a few more before weaning you off instruction and trusting you to do it by yourself. It’s not long before you make it to the other side, installing the other five doggy doors. You do the last two yourself, Joel keeping a watchful eye over your shoulder.
Once you’re done, it’s evening. The sun is just barely starting to set. A few of the dogs have begun to venture outside to check out the new fence, their new doors, and Joel. After a few hi’s to the dogs, you take Joel inside through a door for people located in the premises of the new fences. You help him collect and put away his tools, but you seem to get a little too confident with these newfound tools and the small saw slips in your grasp and cuts into your first two fingers. You yelp and hiss, instantly grabbing your two injured fingers in the palm of your injured hand.
“What? What?,” Joel’s instantly concerned, gently grabbing your shoulder to turn you. “What happened?”
He zeros in on your fingers grasped in your hands and gently cups your hands in his.
“It-It’s fine, Joel. Really,” You tell him. “I guess I just wasn’t holding the saw tight enough and it slipped.”
“Let me see it,” Joel demands softly.
“Joel, really,” You pull your hands away slightly. “It’s okay. I can fix it up myself.”
“Just let me see it,” Joel demands again.
You look at his face full of concern and give in, resting your hands in his grasp. You release your fingers from your grasp and let them fall victim to Joel’s eyes. The man gently straightens your fingers with his and look at the cuts on your fingerpads, titling your hand from side to side.
Joel hums, “Come back to my place. I got the stuff to fix you up.”
“I can just do it at my house,” You try to reason with the taller man, who make your hands look like half the size they really are in his.
“Do you have rubbing alcohol?” He asks and you shake your head. “Bandages?” Another head shake from you. “Well, I’ve got those at my place, so just come back with Ellie and I and I’ll get you fixed up before dinner.”
“But-“ You start.
“It’s better than you running around with bleeding fingers trying to get the supplies yourself,” Joel tells you, giving you an intense gaze.
You give in, “Fine.”
Joel nods, shucking the tool bag onto his shoulders and calling Ellie in from outside, as she joined you and stayed out to play with the dogs. He finally let you have your hands back when he led the way out the barn and to his house.
“What’s he so tense about?” Ellie asks, walking beside you.
“I cut myself on the saw,” You show her.
“Oh, well it’s not that bad,” Ellie waved Joel’s tenseness off. “He shouldn’t be that worried. Joel’s had so much worse!”
You don’t have too much time to look around Joel and Ellie’s house before Joel is ushering you off to the kitchen and asking Ellie to put the tool bag away. She does, marching off down the halls.
Joel stands you both over the sink, running the water until it’s decently warm. He helps wash your fingers off until the cuts are visible. They’re not too bad, but too deep to be left alone. Joel reaches up into a cabinet beside the sink and grabs some rubbing alcohol and some bandaids. You hiss when he pours the rubbing alcohol over the cuts, the stinging causing you to pull away on instinct. Joel gives you a minute before putting your fingers back under the water to wash away any more debris and any remaining alcohol. He turns the sink off and dabs the areas dry with a thin rag. Joel puts the bandaids on himself, he doesn’t give you a choice to try and put them on yourself. Once satisfied with his work, Joel finally lets you have your hand to yourself.
“Keep the bandaids on for a few days,” He tells you. “Either you can let them fall off or take them off when you’re ready. But if the cuts are still not healed when the bandaids come off, feel free to stop by and come grab some more.”
“Okay,” You nod, rubbing your good fingers against your injured ones, feeling the bumping texture of the bandaid. “Thank you.”
“Anytime,” Joel nods.
Joel looks at you for a moment. You watch as his eyes dart from here to there. But he gets to look for only a moment before the front door is thrusted open. In comes Debby.
“Joel!” She calls into the house, looking ahead. “Sorry for stopping in like this, but I figured it’s dinner time and you’d want to know! And we can like totally walk there together if you’re. . . . ready. .”
Debby trails off at the end of her sentence as she makes eye contact with the pair of you. She assesses the situation before speaking.
“Y/n? What are you going her?” Her tone is a nice balance between friendly and surprised, but her eyes scream confusion and threat.
“I got hurt working today and Joel fixed me up,” You tell her.
“Oh! Are you okay?” Debby slams the front door shut, rattling some little figurines on a near by table.
She grabs your fingers a bit roughly, making you wince, and looks them over.
“He fixed you right up, didn’t he?” Debby voiced is pitched. She looks at Joel, “Didn’t you, Joel?” She almost speaks to him like a puppy that’s done something cute.
Joel nods, “I offered.” His voice is monotone and he turns to put away the medical stuff, and throw away the bandaid wrappings.
“Well, girl!” Debby turns to you. “Don’t be such a klutz next time, yeah?”
“Umm,” You hesitate. “Yeah.”
Debby is tense. Almost as if she’s taking you being in Joel’s house as a threat to her crush on the man.
Ellie comes stomping down the hallway. She’s easy to hear when the kitchen has gone quiet. She calls out to Joel.
“I’m hungry, man!” She expressed. “When are we going to eat?”
She turns the corner and her raised eyebrows fall when she see the additional person in the kitchen. Ellie huffs, looking at Joel with an irritated expression. Joel gives the hint of one back.
“We can head out now,” Joel says.
“Good!” Ellie marches on to the front door and outside. She clobbers down the steps, “I’m so hungry!!”
You three adults trail after her. Joel turns on his porch light and shuts the front door. Joel takes big steps to catch up to his advancing daughter, urging her to slow down a bit.
Debby is uncharacteristically tense at dinner. Her chatter doesn't stop, but the edge to her tone gives her away. The table either doesn't notice or doesn't care. It's whatever to you, honestly. You're too focused on eating dinner, and figuring out how to hold a fork with three fingers.
"What happened there?" Tommy asks you during a break in Debby's dinner talk.
"Work accident," You tell Tommy after swallowing a bite of tonight's dinner. "One of the small saws slipped through my hand when I was helping Joel put tools away."
"It's hard to work in the cold," Tommy nods. "Your hands go numb and stuff. You got gloves for next time?"
You shake your head no.
"I can go buy and get you some," Maria offers. "And some antibiotics, just in case."
"Oh thanks!" You thank Maria.
"I can drop them off at the barn if that works," Maria says.
"That works," You tell her. "Thank you."
You find the gloves the next morning, sitting atop a stool that you use sometimes. You pull them on and get to work that day, training the dogs to go outside for potty instead of inside. You check up on your pregnant dog, which you've named "Mama." She doing good and growing steadily day by day. The only odd thing in the bunch is a dog at the end, that you've named "Mick" has got a case of the sniffles. You'll have to keep an eye on him.
After your little accident, the days go on. You have meals with the Miller family, which has lead to you and Ellie growing closer. She stops by the barn every once in a while, mostly to come play with the dogs and horses though. Debby and you grow closer as well, once you move past the tenseness she feels when she thinks you and Joel stand a little too close for her comfort. It's whatever to you, you're not entirely bothered by it. Maria and the Miller boys stop by too, to check in and stuff (Joel's excuse). Joel stops by a bit more than the couple though, just to see how the wood work is hanging, he says.
Mick, the skinny black mutt at the end of the row of kennels on the left, seems to get worse as the days go on. His sniffles and runny nose evolve into coughs, weakness, and a lack of eating. You get worried and run him to Jackson's local vet. The doctor says he's run into some type of winter cold. To her, it seems he's coming down from the worst of it. The vet gives you a small bag of this white powdery stuff and tells you to mix it in with his food and water. You follow orders, and give Mick another blanket.
There's one day, after dinner while you were checking on the dogs before you went home, that Mick doesn't get up. He hasn't really eaten since breakfast. You pet him, feeling his ears and they're burning hot. You worry and pace for a small bit, wondering what to do. You decide the best thing for Mick, and yourself, is to stay with him that night. You’re lucky that you wore some thicker clothes today, it’s supposed to be a cold one tonight. Despite Mick’s heat, he’s shivering. You pile up some blankets in the kennel and get settled for the night. All the lights in the barn are off, the only light now is coming from the heat lamps that hang low from the ceiling. You curl you and Mick into a corner. You sit up so Mick can lay on your lap. It’s uncomfortable but you fall asleep anyway.
You’re roused awake by someone calling your name. You think you’re dreaming until your name is called again. You blink open your eyes and see a figure crouched in front of you, resting a hand on your leg.
It’s Joel.
There concern written on his face, and perhaps a little bit of confusion.
“What are you doing here?” Joel asks in a hushed voice.
“Mick’s sick,” You voice is raspy with sleep and lack of water.
You palm Mick’s head, feeling around his fur. His heated ears have cooled considerably. Maybe he’s getting better.
Joel huffs, you’re not sure what for.
“What are you doing here?” You asks back, a little more awake now.
“Well your porch light wasn’t on and- and Ellie said you hadn’t come home yet,” Joel explains.
“What time is it?” You asks again. There’s not windows here to look out of to guesstimate the time.
“Awhile after midnight,” Joel answers. “The town’s already gone to sleep.”
“And why didn’t you,” You press.
Joel hesitates, “I. . . I couldn’t sleep.”
You hum in response.
“You mind if I stay with you?” Joel asks.
“Sure,” You nod.
Joel situations himself beside you, your shoulders are barely pressed against each other.
“It’s. . supposed to be cold tonight,” Joel notes.
“You want a blanket?” You ask, thinking that he’s implying that he’s cold.
“Sure,” Joel says.
He takes the one you hand him and situates it on top of himself.
Due to your tiredness, you fall back asleep rather quickly, enveloped in the warmth of the dog on your lap and the man on your side. Unbeknownst to you, when you do fall into a good sleep, your head falls to rest on Joel’s broad shoulder.
Joel’s a little tense at first, but when the heat from you and the heat lamp above soak into his clothes, he’s dozing right off to sleep.
The next morning, you wake by yourself. You're so so warm, but your body hurts so so bad. You rub the possibly bluriness from your eyes before opening them. The room is lit from the plastic doggy door. It's not too bright out, so either the sun isn't up all the way or it's super cloudy outside. As you wake up more, you realize the position your in.
Somehow, someway, you've made your way under Joel's arm and you're resting your head on his upper chest. Mick has moved as well, from your lap to Joel's. He looks comfy, passed out.
You reach over and pet Mick's head, massaging his ears. They've cooled back down to a regular temperature. Maybe all Mick needed was some company for a night. You sigh and settle back down. You close your eyes for a moment before you hear footsteps and someone clearing their throat. You open your eyes again and see Ellie standing in front of the kennel.
"So this is where Joel ran off to in the middle of the night?" Ellie whispered, an amused expression on her face.
"I thought you knew where Joel was," You asked, only a little confused.
"Oh no," Ellie shakes her head. "He ran off in the middle of the night. Something about going to the barn to check on something. I guess you were that something."
"I guess," You cast a glimpse at Joel. Since when did he become so worrisome, especially towards you. "What time is it?"
"Breakfast time," Ellie answered, "Which is why I stopped by here."
Ellie turned her attention towards Joel and raised her voice from a whisper, "Joel! Joel! It's like way past your morning alarm!"
Joel only groans in response. He stretches, raising his arms above his head. When he puts his arms back down, Joel traps you back against his oh so warm body. But he jumps when he feels you under him.
"Sorry. . 'bout that," Joel apolgizes, putting his arms down in front of him.
"It's alright," You tell him.
"So awkward," Ellie mumbles, kicking the dirt floor of the barn.
Joel moves to get up, but a furry body prevents him from doing so.
Mick shuffles and wakes from his slumber. Without picking up his head, he looks back at the two of you and wags his tail. He already looks so much better.
"You feeling better, boy?" You ask him, petting his head.
His sniffs your hand, and licks it.
"'cuse me, kid," Joel pats Mick on the head and shifts his legs little by little until Mick lifts his head. He gets up slowly, groaning as he uses his knees as leverage to get up from the dirt floor.
You follow suit, groaning as well. You'll be regretting sleeping in a dirt floor today. You do your best to stretch out your condensed muscles.
Joel limps and wobbles a little bit as he makes his way out of the kennel and to Ellie.
"That's what you get for sleeping on a dirt floor, man," Ellie shoves Joel lightly.
While the two bicker, you check up on Mick. He's sitting up now, wagging his tail while doing his best to give you a tired little smile. He looks so much better now! Especially with the lack of sniffling and coughing.
After a few minutes of petting Mick, you turn towards the bickering father and daughter, "You don't mind if I feed the dogs real quick before breakfast, do you?"
"Not at all," Joel says.
"Can I help?" Ellie asks excitedly.
"Sure!" You say.
You tell her to gather the bowls from the kennels on the right while you gather the bowls from the kennels on the left. You fill the bowls and split the ten bowls between you two again to deliver them to the dogs. After feeding, you also refill their water bowls. Soon enough, the dogs are chowing down on their food and you three head off to the mess hall.
It's cold out, colder than when you arrived at Jackson. It seems the worst of winter is making it's way up and into the mountains. You're glad to get into the warm mess hall as soon as possible.
Once you three get settled and start eating and conversating with the rest of your group, a shadow at the corner of your eye causes you to turn to your right.
A young woman stands to your right, looking a little nervous as she twiddles her fingers.
"You work at the kennels, right?" She asks.
"I do," You nod. "What can I do for you?"
"Well, I was just wondering if any dogs are available for adoption," The woman explains. "I just feel bad 'cause it's getting colder out now."
"I'd say the dogs are ready for adoption," You tell her. "You can come by the barn after breakfast to come check the dogs out."
"Oh thank you!" She smiles. "I'll see you after breakfast!!"
The young woman practically skips back to her table, excitedly telling her group of friends her plans for the afternoon.
Breakfast goes by unexcitedly. The only relatively interesting news that is that Joel will be going out on patrol today, but that's about it.
The Millers, Debby, and you go your separate ways after dinner. You trot in the direction of the barn, meeting the lady from the beginning of breakfast there. She shows up soon after you, introducing herself as Mary. Mary brings along a friend as well, a woman around her age named Saturn.
You introduce the duo to the resident dogs, telling them about their personalities and any mishaps they've had while at the kennel.
Mary takes a shibu and Saturn takes a chow. As a form of payment, they exchange some homemade stuff that they made in their free time, like soaps and a wood carved duck. You give the ladies their dogs' favorite blankets and bid them goodbye.
As soon as you're doing cleaning up the empty kennels, a few more people stop by that are interesting in adopting some dogs as well. Soon enough, you have a little gathering of people in the room. By the afternoon, all dogs except Mama, your resident pregnant german shepherd. Someone even adopted Mick, even though he was recently sick. You told Mick's owner what the vet told you about his bag of medicine. The owner reassured you that Mick was in good hands.
It was quiet in the room now. You cleaned up slowly, folding blankets and stacking food and water bowls. You sighed, resting on the counter that sat against the right wall and looked at Mama.
"Well, looks like it me and you now, girl," You told her.
She wagged her tail in response.
You paused for a few moments, thinking. You figured that bringing Mama to your house, instead of leaving her here, wouldn't be so bad.
"You wanna come home with me?" You asked Mama, opening her kennel door.
In response, she got up and hobbled her way over to you.
You figured that was a yes, and you gathered up her blankets and food bowls. You led the way through the barn, letting Mama either stop for a sniff or pause for a break. She was about as big as a hippo now, and no doubt was she about to pop any day now.
You two slowly made your way back to your house, and you get Mama settled in the downstairs bedroom with all her blankets. For now, you place her food and water bowl in the kitchen.
It's afternoon by the time you've settled you and Mama at home. You're not sure what to do now that you don't have ten dogs to take care of. Maybe you'd eat lunch or something. It's a bit late for lunch, but that means you missed the lunch rush. You pat Mama on the head and tell her your off for lunch. She's rested up on the couch and she makes no sign to move from her spot on the couch as you open the front door.
You walk by the barn on your way to the mess hall and see Ellie making her way from the barn. She looks a little dejected before she see you, and then she lights right back up. The girl trots right over to you, bumping into your shoulder when she’s close enough.
“Whatcha up to, kid?” You ask.
"Well, Joel's on patrol and the kids here and doing something totally lame so.. I was looking for you and saw all the dogs were gone," Ellie kicked some dirt at the end of her explanation, hiding her dejection.
"Oh sorry kid," you apologized. "Yeah, most the dogs got adopted out today. The only dog that didn't was Mama, the pregnant one."
"Where is she?" Ellie asked. "She's not in the barn or outside."
"I actually brought her home," You told Ellie. "I didn't think it was fair to leave her there herself, especially since she's already so close to having her puppies."
"Oh is she really?" Ellie looked up at you, surprised.
"I know!" You acknowledge her surprise. "It doesn't feel like that much time has passed but I guess it has."
Ellie nodded.
"Well.. I am going to the mess hall to get some lunch if you'd like to join," You offered.
"Sure!" Ellie took your offer and you two were off to the mess hall.
Since you two were taking a late lunch, there were very few people in the mess hall. Only a few of the kitchen staff and a few people eating late lunch were seen in the mess hall.
You and Ellie decided to sit at your regular table but across from each other. It was nice to have someone sit across from you for once, especially someone so pleasant to talk to. Ellie was so pleasant to talk to that you two accidentally had stayed until evening, when the early eaters started trickling in. In a decision to make room for the early dinner crowd, you and Ellie had decided to go and walk around town. There was a slight chill to the air, but nothing too bad. The lack of a breeze made the early evening air easier to handle.
Eventually, you two had made your way back to your house. Ellie had beelined for Mama, who hadn't moved from her spot on the couch. You gotten the three of you settled in your living room with blankets and warm drinks. You and Ellie got to know each other more and you learned she wasn't originally from Jackson like you thought, but from the east coast. In return, you told her where you came from. You two ended up bonding over the struggles of the world outside of Jackson.
Around mid-conversation, a frantic knocking was heard from your front door. You paused and turned, glancing over at Ellie who looked as confused as you did. You got up and opened your front door caustiously.
A sobbing and hyperventilating Debby. She practically burst through your partially opened front door and into your arms. You barely caught her as you stumbled back. She was mumbling incoherently through her sobs and hiccups.
"What?" You asked, trying to pry the sobbing woman from your arms.
"Joel's hurt!!" Debby yelled through her tears.
Panic and alarm hit you. You looked and Ellie to see the same emotions mirrored onto her face. She shucked on her jacket and was out the door before you could get Debby up onto her feet. You shoved Debby out and mumbled a "be back" to Mama before shutting your front door and attempting to catch up to a sprinting Ellie.
Ellie had burst through Jackson's infirmary before you got there, calling out for her dad. You and Debby caught up to her. You stood behind Ellie, looking for Joel while Debby clung to your jacket.
A sob tore from Debby's throat and she lunged forward, leaving you and Ellie behind.
Predicting the distraught woman's path, you spotted Joel settled in a back corner. There was blood on his face and his right eye was squinty. His clothes and hair were disheveled, splattered with blood. Currently, his hands were being cleaned up and bandaged. Whoever he got in a fight with, neither of the opponents came out pretty.
You nudged Ellie and led her quickly and quietly from the infirmary to her dad. Once there, Debby was all over him. Sobbing and pawing at the injured man. Joel winced at her ministration, looking tired and irritated.
"Ma'am. Ma'am," One of the nurses called attention to Debby. "You're getting in the way of his treatment. Please back away."
The nurse's words had no affect, and Debby ended up having to be pulled away from Joel and calmed down on another cot nearby.
You decided to let Debby have some time to herself and stay here with Ellie in case she needed any support.
Ellie stood there nervously, not wanting to get in the way of the nurses but also wanted to be next to Joel.
"He'll be okay," Ellie mumbled to herself. "He's been through so much worse."
You pat Ellie on her shoulder, comforting her the best you could in the situation.
At the mumbling, Joel looked up and made eye contact with Ellie. He adjusted on the cot and pat the spot beside him. Ellie sat down beside Joel, practically pressed up against him.
"What happened?" Ellie asked.
“Just some raiders that ambushed us over by the ridge,” Joel explained.
He winced when the nurse dabbed at the cut above Joel’s right eye, as she had finished tending to his hands.
You glanced down at his hands. They were relaxed at the moment. There were some cuts and splotches of bruises littered across the peak of Joel’s knuckles. Joel’s left hand was bandaged from the knuckles and down around his wrist. He must’ve gotten really hurt on that hand.
“Well, you fucked them up pretty good, right?” Ellie asked, her tone indicating that she was trying to lighten the mood a little.
“ ‘course,” Joel chuckled, patting Ellie on the knee.
Two bodies joined you on one side. You looked over to see Maria and Tommy. They both looked over at Debby before turning their attention to Joel.
“What’s up with her?” Tommy asked you, confusion on his face.
“No idea,” You shrugged.
You noticed a black eye forming under Tommy’s left, mirroring Joel’s squinty right eye.
“You on patrol too?” You asked.
“Yeah,” Tommy nodded, sticking his hands in his pockets. “Joel seemed to have gotten the worst of it compared to me.”
You nodded.
“He’s tough though,” Maria noted, switching her attention from Joel to you. “I heard you had a busy day at the kennels. How many dogs got adopted?”
“All but one,” You answered.
“Oh really?” Tommy looked surprised. “I figured they all would’ve gone.”
“The only one that didn’t go was the pregnant one,” You told him. “But I brought her home cause it didn’t feel fair to leave her up there all by herself.”
“She didn’t give birth yet?” Maria asked.
“Nope,” You said. “Any day now though.”
Maria nodded.
The nurse stood from her stool and worked on gathering her medical supplies, “All fixed up, Miller. Take it easy for a few days.”
“I’ll try,” Joel responded.
He groaned as he got up. The man massaged the back of his neck with a hand, squinting in discomfort. Joel eyed the three of you, no readable emotion in his eyes.
“I need a drink,” Joel groaned.
“I bet you do,” Tommy chuckled.
“You wanna join?” The older Miller brother switched his attention to you.
“Awe what?!” Ellie exclaimed. “Then who am I gonna hang out with?”
“Go hang out with that Dina girl,” Joel reasoned. “You seem to like her a lot.”
Ellie scoffed, her cheeks turning just the slightest of pinks, “I guess..”
“I’ll be okay, kid,” Joel told his kid.
“Plus, it’s about time we get this hermit out her shell,” Tommy joked, bumping your shoulder with his fist.
You rolled your eyes playfully, “Those dogs loved me.”
“ ‘course,” Tommy shrugged.
The younger Miller lead the way out of the infirmary and into the cold winter air.
The sun was just a few feet above the horizon line now, painting the sky in oranges and pinks. A few people were out and about, but due to the cold weather slowly making its way over the mountains there weren’t many.
Once you’d reached the bar, called Tipsy Bison, Joel told Ellie to scamper off (in his grumpy, loving way) before leading the five of you into the bar. Because of course once Debby had seen Joel up and walking, she had attached herself to his hip and snuggled up to him all the way to the bar. You’d decided to hang back with Tommy and Maria to avoid awkwardness.
Being quite early at the bar had its quirks apparently. You’d all gotten chairs at the bar-top right next to each other. In a way to for you not to feel left out, you sat between the Miller brothers. You talked primarily with Tommy and Maria, as Joel seemed only focused on drinking at the moment.
As the sun set and more people trickled in, the five of you moved to a table near the outer circle and away from the crowd. With the table being circular, there was a bit more of an even option to talk to everyone. Most talk was about the town’s going ons and how the patrol went. You chipped in a couple times, but not too much. You’d spent these past few months in the barn and the mess hall, so you had no interesting news to share with the group.
Slowly, music had started from a jukebox in the corner of the bar and as people started dancing, Tommy and Maria had excused themselves and disappeared into the crowd. This left you with Debby and Joel, which wouldn’t have been awkward if it weren’t for Debby’s one-sided flirting towards a very tired-looking Joel.
You excused yourself and headed off towards the bar to get another drink.
It was louder over by the bartop compared to your little corner near the back of the barn. Thankfully, you ordered your drink without much hassle. You waited patiently, standing with your forearms resting on the counter and tapping your fingers against the wood along with the music. You felt a body join you on your left, but thought nothing of it until they started talking.
“You looking for someone to dance with?”
A tall blond man stood on your left, leaning against the counter with one arm. He already held a drink in his hand. His blue eyes looked you up and down, only briefly making eye contact.
“No,” You observed him briefly, before looking ahead at the bar again.
“Awe.. Why not?” The man sighed, setting a hand on your upper arm. “You got something better to do?”
You only looked at the blond man. After a few heartbeats went by, you tried to pull your arm away from the unknown man but to no avail. This man kept a rather tight grip on your upper arm.
“Well?” The man asks.
“Can you let me go please?” You try to pull your arm away with a bit more force this time.
“Why?” The blond man only tightened his grip. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”
Before you could respond, you could feel an overbearing presence over your shoulder. You didn’t have a chance to look at the person before they spoke.
“Is there a problem here?” Joel spoke from behind you.
When the blond man made eye contact with Joel, he let go of your arm so fast that you almost thought something burned him. His previously smirky expression developed into one of panic and fear. The man scooted back from you a bit.
“No-nothing for you to worry about, Joel,” The man seemed to have a bit of confidence still in him as he tried to tell Joel off.
“Go scamper off, kid,” Joel brushed the comment aside. “Go bother someone who wants to be bothered.”
The blond man huffed and left your side, shoulder-checking Joel before stalking off into the crowd. You watched the man walk off before Joel joined you at the bar top counter.
“You alright?” He asked, ordering his own drink when a bartender came by.
“Yeah,” You nodded. “I’m more weirded out than anything.”
Joel nodded. He set a soft hand on your upper arm, patting it once or twice while you waited for you drinks.
After getting your drinks, you and Joel went back to your table.
Debby had left and you couldn’t see her anywhere in the crowd. You assumed she went off into the crowd after Joel went to get another drink for himself. You weren’t worried too much. Your friend has lived in Jackson longer than you, so you trusted that she knew her way around town.
“So,” Joel took a sip of his drink. “Got anything going on for the rest of the night?”
“Umm.. Probably just gonna go home, check on Mama, and go to bed,” You told him. “Not the most excited.”
“You mind if I. . joined you? If that’s not a problem,” Joel took another sip from his drink, as if hiding behind the glass.
"Not at all," You smiled.
Joel's sudden shyness was unlike him, as was the pink tint to his cheeks. Why? Was it hot in here? You didn't think so. You shrugged his reaction off, not thinking anything about it.
After sipping down your drink, you and Joel left Tipsy Bison and headed off to your house. It was dark out now, and much colder than today. Not many people were on the streets either, not unusual for a cold winter night in Jackson. After your walk through town, you came up onto your porch. You noticed a medium-sized black lump on your porch. You didn't turn your porch on before you left in the late afternoon, so it was hard to tell what was on your porch.
As you came closer, the black lump lifted up it's head. It was a dog. The dog wagged it's tail as you came closer. Joel hung back a bit as you stepped up onto your porch. In the full moon light, you could see the black dog was Mick! He must've ran away from home and found your house!
"It's just Mick," You turned and told Joel. "He must've gotten out from his owner's house earlier."
"Ah," Joel joined you up on the porch and gave the black dog a few pats on the head. "Okay."
You opened your front door and welcomed Joel and Mick into your house. You told Joel to make himself comfortable.
As you hung up your jacket onto the hooks on the wall by your door, you noticed the lack of Mama's greeting as you came inside. You told Joel you'll be right back, you're just going to check up on your dog. You made your way into the downstairs bedroom and was greeted by small yaps and the thump of a wagging tail. You turned the light on and saw Mama laying in a nest of blankets with three very tiny bodies nestled against her belly.
"Oh!" You exclaimed.
You joined Mama on the floor, checking the new puppies. They weren't wet and all were breathing fine. You concluded that Mama must have given birth sometime early into your night out. You gave your dog a couple pats on the head and moved her water bowl closer to her so she could take a drink.
The click-clack of claws and the thumping of boots made you turn around.
Joel and Mick stood in the doorway. Upon the sight of Mama, Mick came in and gave Mama a couple licks on the head before settling down beside her. Joel still stood there, observing the situation.
"You alright in here?" He asked. "Thought I heard you say something?"
"I was just surprised that Mama gave birth already," You told Joel, settling down into a more comfortable sitting position on the floor. "Would you like to come see?"
"Sure," Joel was quick to come settle down beside you, letting Mama sniff his hand before giving her some well-deserved pets on the head.
You watched him interact with the dogs, surprised to see Joel relax so quickly in the presence of animals. It was almost like you weren't in the room with him anymore. Almost.
Joel sat up a bit, looking at you now, "So how are those fingers?"
You brought your hand up to look at your injured fingers, "They're not too bad. Still a little tender." You looked up at Joel. "How's your face?"
"Sore," Joel responded, smiling a bit.
"Too bad I couldn't be the one to fix you up," You sighed a little. "To repay the favor."
"Next time," Joel said.
"Next time?" You questioned, surprised. "I hope next time is just a little scratch and not a spilt eyebrow."
Joel only laughed at you.
You two spent the rest of the night sitting in the room with the dogs and getting to know each other a little more. Joel was a complicated, many-layered man who seemed to have very few soft spots. You were happy to be friends with Joel, but something deep down was tempting to see if you could be more.
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worldofkuro · 2 days
Painted Smile
Painted Smile XXVII
<- Previous Chapter I
Summary: You couldn't wait to meet new friends. What you didn't expect was this smiling little boy, only one year older than you, that would take such a big place in your life.
Notes: I won't lie, I'm proud of this chapter, it's better than the last one which I'm not completly satisfied with. I hope you will enjoy this chapter.
You gasped as your soul came back inside your body. You couldn’t help but feel fear sipping through your body, making you stand up quickly. You felt like something was coming toward you, at a racing speed.
You looked at your shadow which was frowning, staring at the entrance, her form being bigger and bigger, her growing presence overwhelming all the room. Your breathing was getting quicker and quicker, what was going on?
You tried to talk with Legba but you were too panicked to be able to summon a tangible link. You rushed into the kitchen as you felt another presence watching you. You took a knife and waited with your shadow at your side. It was snarling and growling, staying protectively near you. 
You flinched when your shadow rushed toward something, making you freeze. You waited, your grip on the blade showing no sign of weakness. You waited before seeing your shadow coming back with its usual hideous smile. You tilted your eyes, you couldn’t feel the presence… What you could feel was…
“ Alastor?”
You went into the living room where Alastor’s shadow was looking around, everywhere. It stopped when it saw you and rushed toward you, caging you in its embrace with his horrific smile. You patted its head with a relieved smile.
“ Good boy…” You watched as it beamed before it latched toward your own shadow and both of them began their usual banter. You sat on the sofa, calming your nerves. If Alastor’s shadow was here, it certainly meant he felt something like you did. But it also meant Alice and Alyzée were alone without protection… 
You called the two shadows to you which both went toward you, waiting for your commands. You tilted your head, crossing your arms against your chest, your finger tapping against your arms.
“ I don’t think I can manage to send my own shadow so far away from me, so you need to go back to Alice and Alyzée.” you said, sighing when you saw Alastor’s shadow fuzzing with anger, his smile dropping into a snarl. It moved toward you and wrapped its hand around your ankle, smiling once more. You pouted, it seemed like Alastor had decided that his priority would be you.
You looked at your shadow which was tugging Alastor’s shadow’s hair. Maybe you could try to send your own shadow..
“ Do you think you can protect our friends ?” you asked, ignoring Alastor’s shadow frown. Your shadow smiled hideously at you, nodding eagerly. You sended her to your friend and as soon as your shadow was out of your property, you fell on the sofa, your eyes closed.
You couldn’t move. It was a strange feeling, it was like you were watching from someone else's eyes. Your own body couldn’t move, you needed to be so concentrated to keep your shadow moving to Alice’s position.  How could Alastor manage to do his daily life when his shadow was always attached to Alyzée or you? 
You felt the Alastor’s shadow squeezed your ankle, like an encouraging gesture. If you could have, you would have smiled at it. It was oddly cute, it seemed like a more twisted version of Alastor when he was younger.
You looked through your shadow’s eyes which were already at Alice’s side. Your friends were talking with a woman about God. You tried to see if the man who watched you  was around but it seemed like he was gone. Well, you panicked for nothing…
You looked at the lady, she was kind of cute, holding a Bible against her chest, explaining something to your friends. It’s when you saw Alice and Alyzée’s uncomfortable face that you decided to listen to what the lady was saying.
“ We must fight those people who go against God’s will. Some women fancies other women, how disgusting.”
Well, that wasn’t a pleasant conversation at all.  You looked around, maybe you could make something happen so the unpleasant lady would back off from your friends. You looked through your shadow eyes, looking around. 
You didn’t want Alice to support the lady’s yapping more than she already indulged. You saw a group of men, chatting on the other side of the road, one holding a dog by his leash, but the dog was staring in your direction. The dog was wagging his tail lazily, seeming to look in your directions.
Could animals see the spirits ?
You asked your shadow to move toward the dog, wanting to test your theory and you smiled when the dog barked at your shadow, his tail wagging energetically. That was interesting information… You looked toward Alice and Alyzée, going back toward them as the two women were looking at the dog who was making noises.
You giggled but then froze when you saw the lady looking at you, seeming paler than she was a minute ago. She jerked her head toward the dog, before trying to come back to her discussion with your friends. Did… Did she see your shadow ? You needed to find out if she could see you, then you would know how to act. 
You forced your shadow to approach the lady who clenched her Bible harder against her chest. You could feel your shadow smiling down on the poor woman, in its usual horrific way. You smirked when you saw the woman looking at your shadow.
You got her, now what should you do? Follow her or stay with your friends in case something happens?
You turned around when you heard a panting noise coming from behind you. You turned around and saw Victor, catching his breath as he looked at Alice and Alyzée with a tired smile.
“ Hha… Alastor… told me to fetch you.” Victor said to your friend with a friendly smile.
Once again, your husband was just… perfect with his timing.
The lady ran away from your friends who seemed shocked. You demanded your shadow to follow the woman which it gladly did. As your shadow was following the woman, you felt your own body getting tired. How exhausting that exercise was! How could Alastor manage it? The woman ran for ten minutes before going inside a building. You watched as your shadow followed her, seeming to have much fun. 
The shadow entered the building, which seemed to be abandoned. It looked around, once again, its childish curiosity making it hard not to find it cute. It looked at a dirtied doll before going after the woman. You didn’t know where she went but it shouldn’t be hard to find her. 
You could only hear noise and see when you were inside your shadow, so you were a little confused when it moved toward a room with excitement. You looked inside and saw a.. was that a lamb? Your shadow moved toward it, touching the dead animal with morbid fascination. What was a lamb doing here..?  The room was dark, you couldn’t see anything but the lamb in the middle of the room. There was so much blood…
“ We got you.”
Your shadow turned around, snarling as a man was standing in front of the entrance of the room. 
You commanded your shadow to attack the man. You didn’t want to lose this time,  and furthermore, this man gave you the same vibes as the stalker who attacked you last time. You needed to see his face. 
The man avoided your shadow attacks with strange precision. You let your shadow play with him, letting him get away before trying to reach for him once more, keeping an evil smile on its face. You were trying to see the man's face, but because of the cloat he was wearing it was even more difficult with the darkness in this room.
Wait… Didn’t he say.. We got you..?
You felt your shadow snarl in pain when you heard a feminine voice chanting something. You squint your eyes, trying to see where the voice was coming from. You watched as your shadow tried to run away but it seemed like it was caged between an invisible shield. You looked around and saw with incomprehension something on the floor, around your shadow making it impossible for it to run away. Was that..Salt?
You looked up when the man lit a candle making you capable of seeing around you. The walls around you were gray but you could see blood dripping on it. You frowned as your shadow tried to make itself bigger, snarling at the man in front of it, banging against the shield.
“ Oh lord, you were right…”
The voice came behind the man and then you saw the woman you were after. Her Bible was opened and she was looking at your shadow with disgust and fear. You could feel anger swirling inside your belly, how dared she look at you that way? 
“ Yes, I saw her thanks to the Lord. We need to get rid of it.”
What was going on…? You looked as the woman began to read her bible, chanting something you couldn’t understand. You looked as your shadow began to snarl in pain, its body bending in awkward shape, its hand trying to keep the noise from coming inside its ears. 
You felt helpless, you couldn’t do anything but watch as your shadow seemed to be burned alive. You didn’t know why, but you felt foreign energy going inside of you, you knew you were upset and yet you didn’t feel any emotion. The man watched as your shadow was hissing in pain with a satisfied smile. 
You stared at the salt keeping your shadow caged. You could.. make it go away. It seemed like your shadow was the only thing being affected by the chanting. You closed your eyes, trying so hard to raise your hand. You could feel your own body in your house, moving like you were doing right here. Come on… Just a little push…
You wanted to use your telekinesis on the book or the salt, to break the barrier. You inhaled before energy busted out of you, making the woman fall backward and send the salt away, breaking the shield. You shouted in your mind at your shadow to run, to go back home at your side right now.
The man tried to keep your shadow but it snarled with pure fury, clawing at the man’s face before rushing out of the building, running back home. 
You opened your eyes with difficulty, you needed to see your shadow. Was it okay..? You sat up slowly, Alastor’s shadow trying to help you with a worried frown. You looked around you and frowned when you saw furniture on the ground. Did you use your power near your shadow but also here…? You patted the shadow’s head before jerking your head to the door, seeing your shadow coming home, cuddling its arms against itself.
Alastor’s shadow rushed toward yours, looking at what was wrong with your shadow. You walked toward them, crouching in front of them. Your shadow looked like half of its face had been taken off. You grimaced as your shadow kept a frown on its face, even with Alastor’s shadow trying to cheer it up. 
“ Let me heal you…”
You yelped when both of the shadows snarled at you with anger. You blinked at their reaction.
“ What? You don’t want me to heal you?”
“ And they are right, my love.” 
You turned your face toward the door and smiled at Alastor who was clearly irritated. He walked toward your shadow and looked at its injury. You didn’t need him to talk to know he wanted to know what was going on. You told him everything that happened, watching as his body tensed as you explained what happened in the abandoned building.
“ Mhn..We need answers. Kalfu, come here.”
“ Papa Legba, would you please join us?”
You watched as the two spirits were leaning comfortably against the wall. Kalfu was smirking, it seemed like he was enjoying himself. Legba was looking at you with his usual warm expression. You stood up with Alastor and everyone went into the kitchen.
“ I have questions. Would you betray us?” Alastor asked, drinking the coffee you made him.
“ Alastor!”
“ No offense taken, little lady.” Papa Legba said with a genuine smile. “ What is a betrayal for you? If you are asking if I will give others an access to the spiritual realm, as long as they give me a sacrifice, I will.” You looked as Alastor’s smile twitched.
You frowned at his answer.
“ Then, if I fight against someone who works with you… How are we going to deal with it? Would you tell our secret to them?”
“ Why would I do that? I will give access to a spirit they want to work with, nothing more.” Legba tilted his head, watching you calmly. “ If you were to fight with someone I helped, I won’t intervene, it is only your control over your powers that will help you.”
“ But I know my wife is your protégée, right?” Alastor asked with his usual smile. You watched as Legba looked at Alastor, staying silent for a moment. What was a protégée exactly..? You asked your husband who explained it to you. “ A protégée my dear, is when a Spirit is fond of a human who tries to reach for them. Like a mentor student relationship. The spirit decided to be more present, without needing to ask for a sacrifice each time they are called depending on the situation.”
You beamed at Papa Legba who was looking at you with a raised eyebrow. 
“ Am I your protégée ?” you asked with a big smile. You didn’t know why but you saw Legba as your grandpa and knowing he was watching over you was comforting. The spirit smiled, sighing before patting your head.
“ I guess you are.”
You smiled at Alastor who smirked at you. You looked at Kalfu who was looking in your direction when he felt your gaze on him. He smirked at you still trying after all those years to make you scared. You weren’t afraid of Kalfu anymore but you knew he could be so scary sometimes, so you didn’t want to push your luck.
“ Is Kalfu’s protégée Alastor?” you asked curiously. You flinched when Kalfu roared with a mocking laughter.
“ Ooh, yes he is. But unlike your sweet relationship with Legba, I won’t run to save Alastor’s life. He can save his own, if not, why would I be there? I can help him in other ways, but don’t call me for sweet things like saving his life. Isn't that why you are here, little missy?”
You looked at Alastor who nodded, smirking mockingly at Kalfu. You rolled your eyes, smiling a little. They must  talk about your healing abilities…Talking about healing… You turned your head toward the two shadows and felt sad.
Your shadow was still unmoving even with Alastor’s shadow moving around it, tugging its hair and waiting to see if it would react. It seemed to be more worried each time your shadow wasn’t giving it a proper reaction.
“ How could my shadow be hurted like this?”
You looked at the three men in front of you. Now, you needed to understand what happened in that building. Legba crossed his arms after smoking, his pipe fuming in a smoothing way.
“ Well, you saw it yourself , didn’t you?”
“ What do you mean?” you asked, making a cold chocolate for you.
“It was an offering, aren’t you not used to seeing them now?” Alastor asked, stroking your cheeks. “ From what you told me, the lamb was an offering.” He looked at Legba who nodded. “ Was it for you?”
“I’m more of a rooster man. This offering wasn’t for me.”
You frowned, looking at Kalfu who smirked at you before shaking his head. It wasn’t for him either.
“ Well, they did have a Bible with them, so I’m not surprised either…” you mumbled, drinking your cold chocolate.
“ We can work with christianity.” Legba said with a small smile. You tilted your head, curiously but he didn’t say anything more.  You looked as your husband took your hand, stroking your skin, deep in thoughts. You looked at Legba with a sad smile.
“ Can .. Can you heal my shadow..?”
Legba turned his gaze toward your shadow, still being taken care of by Alastor’s shadow. He stood up and walked toward them, smiling as Alastor’s shadow kept yours against its. Legba touched your shadow, a red energy coming off him. You closed your eyes as the light was getting too strong for you to be able to see what was going on.
After a minute, you blinked your eyes and you smiled as your shadow was moving everywhere, clearing happy to be painless once more. Alastor’s shadow was staring at it before tugging its hair once more and smiled when it saw your shadow running after him in the house. You sighed, relieved. 
You thanked Legba who asked for a rooster in exchange, which you accepted.
“ Then, is it possible for them to work with angels?”
All heads turned toward Alastor. Angels…? You never thought they existed but now, it could be a possibility… Could you compare Papa Legba to an angel? You didn't know how to compare their power… Well, Legba told you the power was held in the person who asked a spirit, so maybe… With a good plan you could take someone who was working with an angel..? How complicated.
“ It is highly possible, even more so if they had a Bible with them.”
“ Mhn, It’s not my favorite hypothesis.” Laughed Kalfu with a smirk, looking at you with a knowing smile. Alastor stared at his spirit, his smile never faltering. “ Now, I have other things to do, if you excuse me.”
You looked as Kalfu vanished from his chair in a dark mist. You looked at Legba who smiled at you, asking you not to forget his rooster before walking away, vanishing behind a wall. You waited a few seconds before looking at Alastor who was sighing, his eyes closed.
You walked toward him and kissed his cheek which made him look at you.
“ Ahh, darling, do you want me to die younger because of stress?” He said as he tugged you on his laps, his arms around your waist. You tilted your head as he kept talking. “ I sended Victor to take care of the girl so you would go back home, and yet… You went into the big bad wolf’s mouth, not even planning something. I taught you better than that, right?” He purred, his lips against your cheek.
You smiled at him, wrapping your arms around his shoulder.
“ I’m sorry. I was… too excited I think.”
Alastor hummed against your skin as he watched both of your shadows playing with each other. You smiled fondly at the view.
“ Don’t you think they acted like us when we were younger?” you giggled as Alastor’s shadow poked yours on its cheek, making it snarl at it.
“ I think the same… But they are deadlier.” Alastor gave you a sinister smile which made you shiver. You kissed his lips, humming as he kissed you back. You pushed your body against his, singing in bliss when you felt his nails digging into your skin. You whispered against his lips.
“ You don’t feel sick anymore..?” 
“ I was not sick dear, I was just… tired.” he kissed you back before you could answer back, making you chuckle against his lips. You knew that Alastor and you would find those who dared disturbed the peace you created for yourself. 
It’s been so long since you felt another predator was in New Orleans. But you would win, like always.
You were with Alice, at her home. 
It’s been two months since you discovered your new ‘enemies’. You didn’t expect it to put so much mental charge in your mind. You could feel their eyes on you on the street and yet you couldn’t find them. Fortunately, they didn’t show up and didn’t attack you, or Alastor or anyone else. Alastor and you went into the abandoned building, multiple times to search through every floor and you didn't find anything. It felt like they cleaned everything before vanishing.
You’ve been making yourself sick over this. It felt like the danger could happen any time. You were sleeping less, you had nausea and you were getting emotional with the lack of sleep. Sometimes you could cry because Alastor came later than usual and you thought he had been killed by the couple you couldn’t find in this bloody town.
Alastor, seeing your state getting worse, demanded you to stop caring about this and that he would handle it himself, but you shouted at him that you would never let him go alone against two persons that had power which you didn’t know anything about. 
You knew Alastor was getting more worried about you, you could see it in his eyes even when he was smiling like usual. Sometimes it was scaring yourself how you would lose yourself to your nerves. This was the most difficult thing you've ever done.
Killing Alastor’s father  was your first, but it was easy, it happened one night and it was gone, just like all your victims. You would track them down and kill them with Alastor by your side. Now, it felt like you were the prey, but unlike your previous victims, you knew you were being hunted.
You sighed, it’s been going on for two months and you didn’t discover anything, the only thing news was that Baron Samedi was coming to check on you more often. You wondered if Alastor asked him to… Well, when you asked him, Baron Samedi just smiled at you with a knowing look so you guessed it was Alastor’s doing.
“ Fuck it, I’m calling a doctor.”
You turned your head toward Alice, who had a nice small bum which made you smile. She was now six weeks pregnant. Pregnancy looked good on her… Wait, what did she say?
“ No, no need. I’m just… tired.” you sighed, lying on the couch, closing your eyes.
“ You’ve been in this state for more than two weeks. I’m calling our best doctor, don’t move.” She stood up and called her butler. 
You didn’t know when you fell asleep but you woke up with a gasp when you felt a touch on your shoulder. You sighed when you saw Alice who was beaming at you with a doctor next to her. You knew she wouldn’t give up, she didn’t know you were using your power most of the time to watch if the couple that attacked you was around… 
Well, let’s just let Alice win this time.
You let the doctor examine you and smirked when he told you seemed very tired. You stared at Alice, with a ‘ I told you so’ gaze. She just snapped her fingers, demanding that you keep your focus on the doctor.
You felt cold around you and frowned when you saw Baron Samedi behind the doctor, staring at him with an amused smile. You tilted your head and gasped when the spirit went inside the doctor's body, making the man faint.
Alice gasped as she touched the man’s shoulder.
“ Mister,are you okay?”
The doctor, which you knew was possessed by Baron Samedi, smiled at her. You could see his eyes were different, you wondered if Alice could see it…
“ I’m doing great. I’m here to tell you what kind of sickness Mrs.Sanglar is having.”
You frowned, was he joking with you? What was he doing–?
“ You are pregnant.”
“ What?” Alice and you said in unison.
“ Congratulations, you must be around nine or ten weeks pregnant.” Baron Samedi smiled.
You screamed with Alice, both of you panicking. You stood up, placing your hands on your belly, screaming at Alice who was helding your hands with hers, screaming with you. You needed to calm down, you needed to calm down ! It could be a bad joke of Baron Samedi.
“ Wait, Alice we can’t panic at the same time!” You shouted, trying to calm yourself. You needed to… to calm yourself.
“ You are right. I’m going to panic first, then it’s your turn.” said Alice before screaming, moving around the living room.
You looked at Baron Samedi, still possessing the doctor’s body.
“ Are you joking? It is a nasty joke?” you asked, your voice shaking.
“ No, I promise. It explained your nausea, your emotional state, you didn’t get your period not because of stress but because you are pregnant.”
You sat on the couch, your whole body shaking from excitement, fear and happiness. You were pregnant..? You were going to have a baby..? Alastor and you were going to have a baby…? Oh my God.. 
You gasped when Alice touched your shoulder.
“ I finished panicking, it's your turn.”
You screamed in joy and pure fear once more. Alice hugged you, being mindful of her belly, her eyes getting teary. You didn't know why you began to sob, hugging her against you. You were pregnant… Oh God, oh God!
You needed to see Alastor right now!
You took you things, already asking for someone to take you to Alastor work. Then you stopped yourself, Alice bumping against your back.
“ No, maybe I should do a surprise for him? But will he see it coming ? What do I do ? What if he doesn’t want children, we never really talk about it? Oh, I need to tell Marie, and my mother, and my father! Oh and–” you stopped talking when Alice put her finger on your lips with a genuine smile.
“ Sweetie, deep breath…” 
You closed your eyes and did as she told you, calming yourself. You bit your lips, oh lord, you were pregnant… You opened your eyes, feeling something you never felt in your life. There was a life that was beginning to grow inside you..
“ Now, what do you want to do?” Asked Alice.
“ I want to see Alastor.” you said, your voice calmer than a minute ago.
Alice nodded with a smile and asked one of her drivers to drive you to Alastor’s workplace. You were bouncing on the seat, stroking your belly, still flat for now. You felt like you were in a maze, you felt light but also heavy.
You ran out of the car once it parked. You looked down as you saw your shadow looking at you curiously. You told it to stay silent, watching as it went back to its normal form. 
“ Victor, is Alastor working?” you asked, panting,  when you saw the man in the corridor. He looked at you with a welcoming smile before shaking his head.
“ He is inside but he finished working.”
You thanked him before entering Alastor’s office, and closed the door behind you. You watched as your husband was looking at you with a fond smile. You were breathing hard, which immediately made him stand up with a worried expression even if his smile was still present.
“ Well, darling, you look like you ran from something… or someone? Did you see them?” you smile as his eyes flashed red when he asked you if you ran into the catholic couple. You shook your head as you took his hand and placed it against your cheek.
“ No, no… I… I have good news. Well, I hope it’s going to be good news…”
You watched as Alastor looked at you, confused but let you speak. You kept your gaze on his face,  taking his hand from your cheek to place it against your belly. He tilted his head, confused. He looked so cute like this.
“ I’m pregnant.”
You watched as his eyes widened and his smile dropped, making your heart clenched. Was he not happy..? You waited for him to talk, you knew he always needed to have time with his thoughts but right now you needed him to act right now.
You watched as he kneeled in front of you, staring at your belly with a mix of fascination and confusion. You let him touch your stomach with a soft smile, he looked like a kid again, when he discovered something he never expected to exist. 
“ You… I’ve made you… pregnant?” he asked softly, lifting his head up to watch you. You chuckled as you stroke his cheeks, your voice soft.
“ Yes.. I’m carrying your child.”
“Our child.” he corrected you.
“ Yes… Our child.” You smiled at him, your eyes getting teary. He scooped you in his arms, laughing. 
“ Who would have thought ! There is something… in your belly that we created together…” He stared at you in fascination. He seemed fascinated that you both created something that would be alive.
You kissed him softly and giggled when you felt his shadow touched your belly with curiosity. It was poking at your belly then it went to poked your shadow’s belly who let him do it. Alastor made you sit down before opening the door and asking Victor to bring you a cup of water.
You looked at your belly. You were creating life, after killing so many people. You smiled, in a few months, you would meet your baby, something you and Alastor’s love created. 
You couldn’t wait.
Tag List: @lukneetoonz @martinys-world @littlepoetnova @sirens-and-moonflowers @eris-norwega @tiredflame132 @mo-0-o @vvollerie @sodavizz @boogiemansbitch @tessemerick @slytherin4ever @kammsinn @alastorssimp @t0xic1vi @diamond-almond @fangirlbitch02 @saccharine-nectarine @thenorthnightingale @bibliophile-yomna @itzjustj-1000 @mothraantics @yourdoorisunlocked @phamtasic @karmakillz @holographicage @sarcastic-sourwolf @akuraluna2468 @everwolf-20 @thesunandmoons-blog @songbrita @noraunor @fandomsbookclub @hokkaido97 @catticora @gasiacos
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uconnposter01 · 2 days
Me and you
Warnings: Cursing
3.k Words
Chapter 1
October 2021   3rd person pov
Aniyah Sanchez was uncomfortable, she has been at this house party for 2 hours and if one more frat boy tried to hit on her or try to touch her she was gonna scream, she was only here because her teammates  wanted to go out and since they haven't in over a year she was down to come but now Aniyah's over it. It's hot, she's tired, it's crowded, and her teammates were preoccupied with other people leaving Aniyah alone on a couch in the living room surrounded by loud drunk students.
"Damn girl you are bad as shit" a male voice says in her ear way too close for comfort. 
"6 feet” Aniyah says, finding herself starting to feel annoyed.
"My bad" the guy next to her said, backing up a little 
 Aniyah looked at the guy over seeing a light skinned  guy with short curly hair and green eyes. Both of his arms are covered in tattoos, his teeth a vibrant white.
She could tell by the smirk on his face he usually got whatever girl he wanted and the way he shamelessly checked out Aniyah made her skin crawl. 
"I'm gay boo so move along"Aniyah says looking at her nails dismissing the man.
 "Damn don't be like that girl, so I can't even get your name,I'm Ant” 'he says flashing his million dollar smile. 
Aniyah took a deep breath hoping telling Ant her name he would just leave her alone. 
 "Aniyah'' She replied, praying that the interaction would end.
 "See, that was so hard," Ant says, sitting down on the couch.
“Why are you sitting down?" Aniyah questions her eyebrows furrowing  in confusion.
You don't want no friends?" Ant questions smirking.
          He didn't believe the girl next to him could be gay she is way too beautiful. Ant figured if he smooth talked to her and got her to take her guard down he would be golden. 
"Nope" Aniyah says, putting emphasis on the letter p. 
“ What you drink, let me get you a drink from the kitchen,” Ant says, smirking. 
“Fuck no” Aniyah says rolling her eyes.
”Damn, you kinda mean," Ant said, rubbing the back of his neck.
Not sure what to say,he didn't want to give up on the beauty,he was sure she was the most attractive girl in the party right now. He couldn't help but to stare at her hazel almond shaped eyes, they hung low and Ant couldn't tell if it was from weed or was it natural.
"I'm not mean enough seeing that you are still here trying to talk to me" Aniyah responds back rolling her eyes once more. 
"Sheesh" Ant mumbles.
Aniyah's standoffish attitude wasn't gonna deter him though. Once again Ant begin’s to stare at Aniyah, this time noticing how full her lips are,and he couldn't help but think what they would feel like wrapped around his dick.
 "Nigga can you stop staring at me" Aniyah snaps glaring over at Ant
"What's with the attitude shawty?" Ant asks, eyebrows creased in confusion. 
"I'm gonna say this nicely. I'm a lesbian, I'm not interested at all, leave me alone before I get real mean "Aniyah stresses, about to go off on the man.
"How you even know you gay?" Ant asks, disregarding what Aniyah said trying to scoot closer to the brown skinned girl.
 "How do you even know you're straight?" Aniyah questions.
"I'm serious, I think you haven’t got the right dick yet" Ant says, his eyes trailing down the girl's  body hungrily. Aniyah looked at the guy sitting next to her with pure repulse, not too sure Ant took the girl's silence as a cue to move closer and touch Aniyah's thigh.
"Don't fucking touch me nigga, are you fucking dumb dickhead" Aniyah yells pushing Ant away from her. 
"Why are you acting like a bitch, I'm being nice to you and everything, you ain't that cute to have that much of a fucked up attitude" Ant complains, his eyebrows furrowed in anger.
"Because I'm gay, I'm a fucking lesbian,I don't know why your dumbass can't grasp that shit, my body language and my words are telling you that I don't want to be fucking bothered, stop trying to talk to me, I'm not interested in your dumbass take the fucking hint!" Aniyah yells even louder. 
Before Ant could reply to the girl yelling next to him, someone behind him spoke up. 
“Yo, I don't think she wants to be bothered, move along” A tall blond said behind Ant.
    Aniyah looks over at the girl instantly recognizing her as a player on UConn's women's basketball team, she couldn't lie the point guard looked good, way too good if you asked Aniyah. The blond had on an all black Nike tech suit with low top panda dunks on her feet, her straight hair pulled back in a low bun.
"This you?" Ant questions the girl towering over him.
 "Yup, that's all me” Paige says, licking her lips and  looking past Ant and at Aniyah.
“Nah you lying, she’s pretty as hell he can’t be gay” Ant replies in disbelief. 
“You sound ignorant as hell bro, get the fuck outta here, ain’t nothing over here for you” Paige says glaring at the guy. 
“Whatever, shawty wasn’t that cute anyway" Ant gumbles, stomping away, angry he couldn’t take  Aniyah home.
  “My bad ma,I didn't mean to come over like that, but I overheard you and I couldn't just stand there and listen to that shit happen” Paige says rubbing the back of her neck. 
”I appreciate it, I really do,” Aniyah says, biting her bottom lip. 
She likes hearing the point guard call her ma, and between the eye contact and the nickname it all made Aniyah feel somewhat special and giddy. but the giddy feeling disappeared once Aniyah remembered that Paige is a player and that she has probably said these same things to other girls. After hearing so many stories about Paige from her teammate Jazmine she's not sure if she really wants to deal with Paige on a serious level, but she didn't mind having fun.
“What's up mama, you good?” Paige asks,her face etched with concern noticing a slight change in Aniyah’s mood.
 Her face etched with concern noticing a slight change in Aniyah. Paige is so excited to finally talk to the girl, she's seen her everywhere and she couldn't get the girl out of her mind,no matter how hard Paige tried. The first time Paige saw Aniyah on campus was in the dining hall, the second time she saw her was at the library and the third time she saw her was at her game sitting in the crowd and Paige ended up scoring 31 points that night.
As bad as she wanted to go up to the girl each time, Paige decided not to,knowing she has a player reputation. A nasty rumor that started going around on campus during Paige’s freshman year and not being sure if the girl to her left was aware of the rumors about her she never had the confidence to go up to the girl.
Paige was excited, as soon as she saw the girl walk in with the rest of her friends Paige knew this was her chance to talk to her. She proceeded to watch the girl from afar the moment she got here two hours ago waiting for the opportunity to speak to her.
After gaining some liquid courage and overhearing what was happening with Ant, she knew she couldn't pass up the opportunity to help the girl out and talk to her. Paige has let the girl slip through her fingers on three separate occasions; she refused to let it happen again. 
“Yeah I'm good,” Aniyah says, flashing a closed mouth smile. 
“You sure?” Paige asks scooting a little closer. 
“I promise I'm sure” Aniyah responds softly  looking in Paige’s eyes.
The energy around the two girls felt thick as they continued to look at each other, their stares filled with lust and longing.
   “Is this okay?” Paige questions softly, putting her hand on Aniyah’s exposed thigh. 
“Yes” says just as soft her eyes never leaving the intense stare of Paige's blue eyes. 
“What's your name ma?”Paige asks softly in the girl’s ear. 
“Aniyah” She responds just as softly, glancing down at Paige's lips. 
“Paige,” the blond says, holding out her hand to the girl.
 Paige kissed Aniyah's hand and she immediately started to feel  flustered trying to hide her smile Aniyah faced the other direction.
“You are so beautiful please don't hide that pretty ass smile from me, I love it already” Paige says while gently turning Aniyah's face back to her.
Aniyah's smile and the blush on her face grew even wider. Paige smiled back enamored by the braces clad girl, she wanted to learn everything she could about Aniyah she has never been this attracted and infatuated with anyone before especially not this fast.
 ”Do you smoke ma”? Paige asks after a moment pulling out a baggie with 4 blunts in the process. 
“Of course,” Aniyah responds. 
“Come out back with me, It’s hot, loud and packed in here and I wanna get to know you better” Paige says standing up.
Aniyah stood up with her and they walked towards the back of the house. Paige led Aniyah through the party with her hand resting on the small of her back.
 Aniyah couldn’t lie she became enamored with Paige in the short amount of time of being in her presence just off of the energy alone, she wasn't stupid though.  Even  though Jazmine’s words about Paige kept playing over and over in her head, and right now Paige is saying all of the right things that's and doing all of the right stuff.
Even down to her confidence that bordered on cockiness that was emitting out of her, It all screamed player and it made her nervous, but Aniyah isn’t looking for anything too serious right now, she couldn’t even look for something serious if she even tried so this could be a good thing.
The pair walked towards the outdoor couch, the twosome both picking opposite sides of the wicker couch to sit. 
“Why you sitting so far, come mere” Paige mumbles, lighting the blunt.
 Aniyah inhaled trying to not let her attraction for the girl make her make a fool of herself. 
 “That’s it ma, I won't bite, I mean unless you want me too” Paige teases, her eyes are already starting to become hazy. Paige passes Aniyah the blunt and she watches the girl inhale and look up in the sky.
Maybe I do” Aniyah flirts looking over at Paige passing the girl back the blunt. 
The vibe between the two was thick with tension, both semi lost in their thoughts about each other and how to proceed in the conversation.
  “Tell me bout yourself” Paige says, glancing down at Aniyah’s lips.
 “What do you wanna know?” Aniyah questions.
 “Everything” Paige states, turning to face the girl.
“Well I’m 19,  Aquarius gang over here, a Freshman, I’m from PA, my major is Sports Management and my favorite color is green '' Aniyah says rattling off basic information about herself. 
“Where in PA, and you know i wanna know your birthday mama not ya sign, lemme me know when that is” Paige says rubbing her hands together. 
“February 13th” Aniyah says, finishing up the blunt and pulling out another one.                                           "Damn, Ma you a stoner for real huh” Paige teases.
“Yeah” Aniyah says laughing and lighting the blunt, her eyes  glossy and red. 
“Back to birthday’s tho, it’s lowkey crazy that ya birthday is right before Valentine’s Day''Paige says laughing.
      “I know right, It’s pretty chill I guess,'' Aniyah says, feeling like she’s talking about herself a little too much. 
“You didn’t answer my other question though” Paige says, blowing out smoke, looking over at Aniyah intensely. 
      “ What question?” Aniyah questions her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
        ``Where in PA you from, I meant it when I said, I wanna know everything bout you” Paige says softly while staring at the girl.
        “I’m from Upper Darby, it’s the Philly suburbs,” Aniyah explains. 
    “Cool, cool Imma have to come see the vibe down there” Paige said smiling.                   
   Okay I'll take you one day, I wanna know about you know, tell me about you though” Aniyah replies softly.                                                                                                                                                              
    “Well I’m from Minnesota, I'm 20, I play ball,  my birthday is October 20th and my favorite color is purple,” Paige responds.
         “Oh shit happy belated birthday, I'm sorry I didn't realize your birthday was a couple of days ago,” Aniyah says, playing with her fingers.                                                                                       
          It’s aight ma, how was you supposed to know we just met like 30 mins ago ''Paige jokes.        
       “I know, but still” Aniyah says, pouting. 
        “Do you like basketball?” Paige questions after another moment of silence.
       “Yeah, not as much as my sister though, I've even been to a couple of Uconn games” Aniyah says.
       “ How often do you usually go to the games?” Paige questions, licking her lips. 
  “Whenever I can really” Aniyah answers looking over at Paige, glancing at her lips in the process. 
    “You be busy?” Paige asks quietly while focusing intently on Aniyah. 
       “A lot of times yeah, I do gymnastics and sometimes I genuinely just don't feel like leaving my dorm, my sister goes to all of the games though,she said she's gonna get y'all to come to my meets” Aniyah rambles. Paige’s heart drops a little hearing that Aniyah is a gymnast,  the chances of her knowing about those rumors have increased tenfold.
       “Who ya sister?” Paige questions her eyes glancing down at Aniyah’s lips. 
        “Nuveah Sanchez” Aniyah answers.
              Paige’s face lit up upon hearing the Soccer players name, Nuveah and Paige had gotten pretty close during the 2020 school year, they really couldn't hang out or interact too much,however they would play Fortnite and text all of the time.
              “Nu-Nu is my dawg, she talks about you all of the time, she never said your name though or showed you to us, I would've remembered” Paige says once again glancing down at Aniyah’s lips.
            No matter how hard Paige tried not to look at Aniyah’s lips she couldn't help but to, they look so soft and smooth and she desperately wants to feel them on hers. Aniyah quickly caught on to Paige staring at her lips; Paige wasn't even being sneaky anymore she was blatantly staring at her lips. Aniyah didn't mind though, in fact it made Aniyah feel prideful and bold. Licking her lips Aniyah glances over at Paige to see her reaction. Paige bites her lip and clears her throat moving closer to Aniyah so there's no room in between them. Grabbing the blunt gently from Paige’s hand Aniyah lights it puffs and exhales.
“Can I try something?” Aniyah questions softly, grabbing Paige’s chin.
       “Yeah ofcourse mama” Paige says just as softly, her eyes low and her voice husky.
Aniyah takes a hit from the blunt and lightly puts her lips on Paige’s blowing smoke into her mouth in the process. Paige opens her mouth accepting the smoke.
         “Damn” Paige says, exhaling the smoke, her eyes dilated and low.
 Aniyah touched her lips still feeling Paige’s lips on hers. Paige wants to kiss Aniyah, the spark she felt when she had her lips lightly touched her lips still lingered. 
Your lips are so soft" Paige says softly while gently tracing Aniyah’s lips with her thumb.
"Thank you" Aniyah says, staring in Paige’s eyes.
"Can I feel them again ma?" Paige asks, her voice low, dripping with desire.
         Aniyah leans in, her lips softly gently meets Paige’s lips in a kiss that is firm and soft. Paige sighs into the kiss, her hands slowly sliding down to Aniyah’s waist. Breaking the kiss Aniyah rests her forehead against Paige’s relishing the kiss the pair just had. Paige wants to kiss Aniyah again, the kiss was everything that Paige thought it would be plus more. She wants to kiss Aniyah over and  over again. Before Paige could lean in and kiss Aniyah once again a voice interrupts her.
     “There you are, I was looking for you, i’m ready to go” Jazmine whines coming outside. Paige separates from Aniyah after hearing Jazmine's voice not wanting the girl to catch them she didn’t have it in her to deal with a Jazmine  tantrum. 
  “Hey girl” Aniyah says awkwardly slowly scooting away from Paige. 
Jazmine felt anger bubbling up inside when she saw Paige with Aniyah, she had so many questions, why were they out here alone, and why did they look so awkward and guilty. 
“What’s going on with ya’ll?” Jazmine questions annoyance covering her features.
“Nothing, we just chilling,” Paige mumbles, looking down.
 Agitation and sadness spread throughout Paige once she saw Jazmine, Aniyah knowing Jazmine made Paige realize that she 100% knows about the rumors or that they sleep together which made Paige a little worried, she wants to try to pursue something with the girl, and those two big factors make things a little more complicated for Paige.
“You ready to go?” Jazmine asks sharply to Aniyah while glaring over at Paige.
“Yeah, just gimme a minute, I'll  meet you out front” Aniyah says dismissing Jazmine.
“I can wait for you here” Jazmine says sitting in between Paige and Aniyah.
“ Chill, we just talking,” Paige grunts, feeling annoyed. 
“You can’t talk in front of me?” Jazmine questions angrily at the blond.
“Why you acting like this”? Paige asks, looking over at Jazmine, her nostrils flaring in the process.
“Like what, I’m just waiting for my friend” Jazmine challenges.
“Whatever bro” Paige mutters her voice low and tense.
Aniyah sat clueless at the end of the wicker couch confused on the nature of the relationship between the two girls, Jazmine always says that Paige did her friend dirty, but this is a little too intense. Jazmine seems way too jealous right now for her and Paige to not be way more familiar than her just being a friend of someone that Paige fucked in the past. 
“Get my number from Nu-Nu, imma go head and leave, I’ll talk to you later okay” Aniyah says standing up.
“Aight ma” Paige mumbles standing up and pulling Aniyah into a hug.
Jazmine stares angrily at Paige during the hug with Aniyah biting her tongue not wanting to expose the nature of her relationship with Paige, she will be addressing Paige about this later.
“Let’s go” Jazmine huffs getting up.
“Jazzy slow down, why are you so mad?” Aniyah says as she struggles to keep up with Jazmine.
“We’ll talk when we get to our apartment” Jazmine grumbles.
“Girl what, I wanna talk right now” Aniyah says not appreciating how Jazmine is treating her like a child.
“Why did you do the opposite of what I said with Paige” Jazmine questions her voice tense with anger. 
Aniyah blinks, not wanting to go off on Jazmine, taking a deep breath Aniyah pauses before continuing. 
“Because I wanted to, why are you so mad about this?” Aniyah questions her eyebrow raised slightly.
“I told you all the shit did to my friend, and you ignore that and still go fuck with her”Jazmine says her tone confused.
“I don’t want nor can I do a relationship, so I’m cool with just fucking around” Aniyah says nonchalantly shrugging. 
Jazmine rolls her eyes and says nothing to Aniyah, knowing that she would say some smart shit to her, and she damn sure didn’t want to have any issues with Aniyah. Both girls get inside the uber the energy between them is icy and tense. After getting to her dorm Aniyah wordlessly goes inside her room. She truly didn’t understand why Jazmine is being so weird about Paige, she appreciates the girl for trying to look out for her but she’s good. She’ll just check in with the girl and make sure they are still good. 
  After completing her nightly routine Aniyah laid in bed scrolling through Tik Tok, when she got a message that made her smile grow immensely.
          203-436-2177: Hey ma its Paige
                   Read: 1:20 AM
Criticism more than welcomed
I hope y'all have a good day 💜
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kindaqueerngl · 1 day
pjo incorrect quotes as things me and people I know have said on crack
Jason: these grapes are funky
Leo: these grapes are fucky
Leo: *drops sandwich, cries*
Nico: I will never forget the fact that Piper and I where sitting together with headphones on and she looked up only to see me playing air guitar and head banging to whats my age again
Solangelo: *kith*
Will: *walking away with a dorky grin*
Will: *almost gets hit by car*
Will: *gets home and screams into pillow for twenty minutes, then picks up diary and writes like five pages about Nico, then texts him for like an hour and a half and afterwards draydreams about him*
Will: hmm I think I might like Nico
Leo: imagine having sex and someone moans like a hentai girl lol
Percy: *moans* KyAAaaaAAHHHhhhhhh
Reyna: bro apologized like Colleen Ballinger
Reyna: like fuck off I hope you die
Percy: tOxiC GosSiP tRaiN
Jason: not a groomer
Leo: *hair flip* just a loser
Piper: Im horny- I mean horngry- I mean- *cries*
Nico: mentally I am a fifty year old man
Will: yeah totally not obvious mister motley crue
Leo: jason
Leo: I have something to tell you
Jason: yeah?
Leo: Im gay
Jason: WHAT
Annabeth: my wrist hurts
Percy: emooooooooooo
Annabeth: I literally sprained it wtf
Hazel: no you cant commit mass genocide Nico
Nico: its pride month this is homophobic
Reyna: okay how about we play the quiet game
Reyna: whoever wins gets my two dollars
Reyna: three, two, one, ghost town
Leo: *face red, fists clenched, rocking back and forth*
Everyone: *concerned looks*
Piper: your moms hot
Jason: lol what she ugly asf
Will: im concerned with your eating habits, Nico
Will: its very serious Im kinda scared
Nico: womp womp
Jason: would you suck my dick if-
Percy: yes
Jason: if there was poison in it and I would die if you didnt
Leo: ive learnt something interesting
Leo: my arm skin one day may be cut off and turned into a penis
Leo: therefore...
Leo: *bumps arm into Jason*
Jason: WHAT
*talking on tumblr*
Hazel: wyd
Frank: jus on tumblr and talking to you
Hazel: lol nerd imagine
Hazel: *bats eyelashes* what does gyat mean
Frank: uhh It means generous young amazing t-
Rachel: Im so single
Will: skill issue? L ratio? no rizz? no game? no bitches?
Percy: I havent taken my meds
Annabeth: oh no good gods
Percy: so that means
Percy: I will either try to kill myself orrrrr
Percy: like violently fuck someone
Jason: I volunteer
Jason: I volunteer as tribute
Nico: hey girl *winks* r u a racoon
Nico: bc Im trash
Nico: *bursts into tears*
Annabeth: *walks into bathroom, sees spider*
Annabeth: *yelps* oh
Annabeth: hello mister spider
Annabeth: youre not so bad
Spider: *moves*
Jason: *hits knee* oh fuck- my knee-
Leo: okay
Jason: *scared* ur gonna fuck my knee????
Thalia: I am now a tree a tree I am a tree is me
Nico: im actually kinda insecure about my knees weirdly enough
Will: aww bb :(
Will: well I think you uh
Will: ...have beautiful knees???
Nico: *jokingly* I can read your mind
Will: oh no
Will: oh shit
Will: thats not good
Nico: it cant be that bad
Nico: are these thoughts about me, per chance?
Will: WHAAAAT NOOO *hangs up*
Leo: daddy hands, twig nerd bod
Leo: im confused why can girls call their friends girlfriends but whenever I call Jason my boytoy twink malewife manwhore someone gets pissed
Hazel: yeah, this guys really annoying me
Frank: ugh im gonna fist him
Hazel: ...
Frank: what
Frank: like beat him up?
Percy: my friend thinks youre cute
Annabeth: what? who?
Percy: me
Percy: Im the friend
Percy: I think ur cute
Nico: so weird when someone comforts you
Nico: like why
Nico: just lemme be a moody emo brooding sad angsty depressed boy for a bit
Leo: *in toad voice* BItCH i SaiD wHaT i sAiD iD rAthEr bE FaMoUs InsTeAd iD LeT aLL Of ThAt GeT To MY heAd I DonT cArE ILL pAinT tHe ToWn ReD
Nico: *crafting with scissors*
Percy: *walks in*
Percy: what are you doing
Nico: ...crafting?
Percy: oh okay I thought you where cutting yourself
Leo: *glares*
Frank: *glares back*
Frank and Leo: *glaring at eachother*
Leo: omg I just felt sparks
*sees gay porn*
Will: thats it im homophobic
Nico: so I wrote this song
Nico: *adjusts mic, positions guitar*
Nico: *deep breath*
Nico: *strums single chord* my whole family died
Nico: thank you, thank you
Nico: just realized the only physical contact Ive had in like a whole month was Leo dabbing me up
Jason: straights ask why theres no straight pride month but like
Jason: isnt there a toyota month or smth
Jason: id say that works
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owlwithanapple · 3 days
Blossom ❤️‍🔥🌸
Tumblr media
Content : First love/Young love/Kissing...
Characters : Jonathan Kent x Y/N Wayne
17 years old—
“Everyone, sit down. We have a new student in our class today.”
“Damian! It’s a new student!” Jon said excitedly.
“I know… no need repeat it.” Damian said impatiently.
The moment you stepped into the classroom, saw your twin brother Damian Wayne. After writing name on the blackboard, you turned to your classmates with a bright and sunny smile on your face to show friendly attitude. The classmates focused attention on you. What was shocking was you and Dami had a very different personality. You were optimistic and positive, while he was cold and indifferent. Although were twins, but still different.
Jon was surprised and pulled Dami's sleeve and whispered, "She's your sister?!"
Dami covered his head and sighed helplessly, "Shut up, Jon."
Daddy once said you are the type of person who is charming and will attract a lot of attention. You are the only one in family who has the biggest contrast with them. Your optimistic and cheerful personality attracts the attention of many classmates. During lunch time, everyone gathered around you to chat. You didn't know how to get rid of them, until your brother walked into the crowd.
"Hey. Get out of my way. Stay away from my sister." Thanks to Dami's help, your classmates finally gave you some space.
"Dami... I..." You looked straight at his expressionless face.
"You're welcome as usual." He teased you with his hands in pockets.
"Haha, thanks for the compliment?" You laughed for some reason.
"Hello, Damian's sister! My name is Jonathan Kent, just call me Jon." The boy with glasses who stood behind Dami greeted you warmly and cutely.
"Hi, just call me Y/N. Dami's friend, also my friend." You said generously.
Jon had a smile on face but suddenly became shy and hid behind Dami to secretly look at you. He was Dami's good friend, and personality was opposite of your brother's. It was impressive when first met him. Dami glared at you and left the class. You understood what he meant so you left your desk and followed him. You walked to a quiet place, where you two were alone. To be honest, your brother's personality was so arrogant and unique charm.
"Father arrange it?" he asked.
"Yes. He wanted me to get in touch with ordinary life." You smiled calmly.
"TT. Come to school, and same school." He covered his forehead and sighed.
"It's just class, as a leisure and entertainment." You swayed back and forth in front of him.
"What about Robin?" he asked.
"Hmm... I want to try, wonder if dad will allow it." You turned around and looked at him.
Suddenly, an inexplicable fierceness surged, you knew where it came from, you stared at your cold brother with a smile in your eyes. You knew very well how important Robin was, he relied on dad very much, wanted to be the best Robin and fight side by side with Batman. But you are not interested in the role of Robin, just curious.
"Don't worry, I have the ability but won't snatch it. There are so many Robins, I will look inconspicuous." You enjoy the solemn atmosphere he brings without worry.
"I'll give you a piece of advice, if you want to snatch it, do your best to snatch it. Robin is not as simple as you think." His tone became heavy.
"That's why I said I won't snatch it." You smiled.
The brother and sister are not arguing but enlightening each other. Each has own mission. You have your own sense of propriety. It is a wise choice not to intervene in the dispute. There must be conflicts between people, but you choose to maintain good communication with others, whether family or friends. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. You have secretly reminded Daddy and Dami several times, but didn't stop them. With your ability and wisdom, there is no need. Mommy's education is different from Daddy's philosophy, and your point of view is also different.
"Hey~ Damian! Y/N!" Jon ran towards you two.
"Tsk, the annoying one." Dami scratched his head impatiently.
"Jon!" You were jumping and laughing enthusiastically.
"Hey... Hey... Hey...!" Jon braked and stopped in front of you, not daring to raise his head.
"Hey~ Jon." You leaned close to his face and blinked, keeping a close distance with him.
"Wow!" He blushed and immediately dodged you, hiding behind Dami.
"Don't get so close to me, it's hot..." Dami complained reluctantly.
"Sorry..." Jon apologized like a puppy.
The interaction between the two of them is really good. Such a stubborn and arrogant brother can become friends with Jon who is lively and cheerful. Your brother is the least good at dealing with the character and one of the least suitable people for Jon to meet. It is really an interesting combination of two people. Your stomach is rumbling, you leave that place to find food and fill hungry stomach, before run far, you turn back smile and wave goodbye.
"Tsk..." Dami looked at your back indifferently. At this time, he noticed Jon's face was red and full of joy. He pushed Jon with his arm to pull him back to reality.
"Sorry! What's wrong!" Jon was panicked.
"Since my sister came into the class, you acting weird." Although Dami is very indifferent, he still cares about his sister, not completely zero.
"It is ...?" Jon whistled in his mouth to ease the tension.
"I'm warning you, don't think about my sister." Dami left these threatening words, and Jon realized he was really in trouble.
At night—
You followed dad to the Batcave, Batman's hideout. Looked around and were shocked by these technological caves, which were filled with countless efforts and sweat from your dad. You had underestimated your his ability, but now have seen it with your own eyes and realized how good he is. You looked carefully, everything was unfamiliar.
While you were appreciating these wonderful moments, he took you to a room with many glass display case containing equipment. Many equipment of Batman and other partners were gathered here, you walked forward curiously to observe carefully. It was the first time in your life that saw such a huge base, and this was the meaning of Dad's protection.
"Y/N, come here." Dad stood next to a glass display case.
"Here we go~" The equipment lights up your eyes. The R design on the chest represents Robin, the bright yellow cape, the red and green combination, the mini skirt and the black tight pants, just like the image design of the male version of Robin in previous generations, then mix and match the female version.
"Do you want to put it on? It's customized for you." Daddy waited silently on the side.
"I want it!" Daddy avoided it, and you put it on quickly. You look at yourself, reflecting the vivid brilliance on your body. The bright colors are as eye-catching as the first generation Robin. The brothers used to debut with Robin, now they are expanding themselves in different fields.
You stepped out of the door, turned around and put hands on waist, posing your own unique posture, showing energetic and charming temperament. Daddy walked forward with a smile on face to help you adjust cloak. He held your shoulders looked at you as he had something to say but couldn't express.
"Little princess! It suits you so well!" Your brother Dick Grayson, Daddy's adopted eldest son, Nightwing himself. He rushed over give you a big hug, lifted you up in the air and turned around a few times before putting you down.
"Thank you for the compliment." You turned around gracefully and saluted.
"Wow, my little princess has become Robin~" He expressed his opinion proudly.
"She's just doing an internship." Dad on the side interrupted.
"Hm, that's right. The little princess has no actual combat experience." He touched your head regretfully.
"Can I go out with brother tonight!" Your eyes are shining, even dad and brother have trouble controlling them. The two of them discuss it while you wait and do warm-up exercises.
"Little princess, come with me today!" Dick was very happy.
"Keep an eye on her. If something goes wrong, retreat and don't force it." Dad warned you two.
"Wish me good luck~" You pecked Daddy on the cheek, and excitedly went to the scene to experience Robin's busy life.
After reaching the high place, Dick introduced the Robin equipment one by one. The Grapple Gun on your waist is a must, allowing to fly and escape at high altitudes at will. You took it out and shot it towards the opposite side, tightened it, ran at full speed, turned over in the air and swung in that direction, and landed there smoothly. You opened arms and looked at Dick. He came in front and touched your hair several times.
"Good job! You are so brave!" He applauded you repeatedly.
"Hehehe! ~" You are full of confidence.
"If you perform well, maybe Batman will make you Robin." Dick brought up the topic that you care about.
"Nah... I'm just curious." You hesitated a little.
"Don't you want to be Robin?" He asked you curiously.
"I haven't thought about it. I'm just curious what you do every day? And why Dami is so determined to help dad?" You responded to his answer with a question.
"Hmm... I see. I thought you moved here for this reason."
"Nah... I'm here to enjoy life." You curled lips and smiled.
"Nightwing!" A familiar voice caught your attention.
A boy with a red cape and an S logo on his chest, holding a boy with a black cape and an R logo like you, landed in front of you from a high altitude. It was your brother Damian Wayne and Superboy. Superboy admired Nightwing very much and quickly ran towards him quickly. The two hugged each other happily. Dami stared at your whole body to see what was going on. You posed for him to see, he shook head helplessly.
"Hey, why she come out with you?" Dami walked towards Nightwing and was about to scold him.
"Come and experience it, it's okay." He convinced Dami with an optimistic attitude.
"You just spoil her too much. You know how dangerous our job is!" Dami complained to Nightwing.
"Only tonight. I will keep an eye on her. You can rest assured." The two seemed to be in conflict or in negotiation...
There was a gaze staring at you for a long time, from Superboy. You walked up to him and observed him carefully, he kept avoiding your gaze. It was indeed him, Jonathan Kent, your brother's friend. You met him for the first time in this way, which shocked you. You approached him, and he dodged you again.
"Jonathan Kent!" You called him.
"I'm here! No! How you know it's me!" Jon looked surprised.
"Hahaha, come on, it's already been exposed." His innocent and naive look made you laugh.
"...I still want to show my handsome side." Jon frustrated.
"Then how do you know I'm Y/N?" You leaned close to his face.
"I..I..." He blushed, could it be...
"Are you using your X-ray vision on me!" You said loudly, covering your chest.
"You dead bastard! Using X-ray vision on my sister?!" Dami grabbed Jon.
"You'd better explain it, otherwise..." Nightwing suddenly became a different person.
"Absolutely not! I...!" He wanted to say it but was shy.
Your two dear brothers started to pick on Jon because recognized you right away and they were very curious. The situation was two large dogs surrounding a cute little dog, which looked really pitiful from the perspective of a bystander. You stepped forward pushed them away, pulling Jon aside.
"Can you tell me?" You leaned close to Jon's face.
"I... you will be very surprised to hear it..." Jon scratched his head and his face turned red.
"I don't mind." You encouraged him optimistically.
"Your... heartbeat..." He clenched his hands and lowered head with a blushing face.
"My heartbeat?" You were confused.
You were stunned. He recognized you by the sound of your heartbeat. This is the power of Superboy. It was really shocking and touching. You looked at the other two who were whispering, their eyes full of curiosity. It really exciting to see brothers around you. You just made up a random excuse to dispel their curiosity.
"He recognized me by my hair color." You pointed to Jon behind you.
"Ah? Oh oh oh! Yes! Just as she said!" Jon straightened his spine.
"If you dare to look at my little princess's body with X-ray eyes, I will pierce your body with Kryptonite. Do you understand?" Nightwing lowered his voice to threaten Jon.
"I will tie you to a chair and stuff Kryptonite into your mouth, so you can know for yourself." Dami also joined in.
"Stop! Enough! You are scaring Jon!" You opened arms in front of Jon to save him from the innocent.
"Hey, little princess, you are biased~" Nightwing pulled you.
"I'm not biased. I'm trying to stop you two from bullying my friends" You confessed earnestly.
"Y/N..." Jon behind you showed a happy face.
"Now let me ask a question. Dami, aren't you supposed with Daddy? Why with Jon?" You put hands on waist.
They stared at each other, obviously hiding something. You walked towards them step by step, but Dami stopped you, "Superboy and I have something to do."
"Something? Is it necessary to be fully armed?" Nightwing interrupted.
"I see. You're doing it in secret, right?" You realized something and snapped fingers.
"Eh!" Jon's expression was completely exposed, as you guessed.
"Explain. Do Batman and Superman know where you two are going?" Nightwing leaned against the wall and became serious.
With no other options, Dami and Jon confessed. They said there was a rumor a factory was producing counterfeit drugs, they were going to investigate the matter before reporting to Batman and Superman. Nightwing said he had indeed heard the rumor, but no reason to interfere without a precise statement. Dami couldn't wait and took the initiative, Jon came to help as a partner.
"You all go back. I'll take care of the rest." Nightwing walked towards them.
"Wait a minute! We're going too!" Dami and Jon shouted at the same time.
"How about we go and see it? It's just a look." You raised hand to comment, out of curiosity whether it was true or not.
"Little princess, you..." Nightwing held your shoulders tightly.
"If something happens, I will notify Daddy and Superman immediately. Besides, you want to handle it, so having a few more followers to help won't get in the way, right?" You turned to the other two and blinked, Dami shook his head because he was very knowing your rhetoric, Jon nodded seriously.
"Fuck...I know. Remember, don't rush into the vanguard. If something happens, I will open a way for escape. You must escape, do you understand?" Nightwing scratched his head and pointed at you.
"Yes!" You and Jon saluted Nightwing.
"It's so noisy." Your noise made Dami speechless.
After some thinking and analysis, Nightwing has no choice but compromise. You arrive at the rooftop where Dami said, it's suspicious. You notice Dami's focus there, the hound is on the target. At this time, you and Jon's eyes meet, he smiles, you smile too, until Nightwing comes between you.
"Enough of the flirting?" Nightwing whispers.
"I'm not!" Jon yells shyly.
"Shhh!" You cover Jon's mouth with your hand.
"Rooftop! Shoot!" shouts from below.
The people below fired at the rooftop. Nightwing reacted quickly and pulled you away. Jon and Dami dodged the rain of bullets with agility. No one was hurt, for now. You followed Nightwing to a safe place. Dami jumped in without following the rules. Jon had no choice but to keep up with him.
"That guy didn't intend to stay still from the beginning!" Nightwing complained.
"Nightwing..." You held him.
"Little princess, I'll deal with it. You notify Batman about this, stay here don't run around. Do you understand?" Nightwing held your hands tightly.
"Got it." You nodded.
He rushed inside. You turned on the communicator contact Batman and Superman. If they knew Dami and Jon were messing around like this, they definitely be scolded.
"Speak." Batman and Superman answered the call.
"Batman, it's me. There's a suspicious pharmaceutical factory here. Nightwing, Robin and Superboy are currently taking action to fight."
"Jon is here too?!" Superman screamed.
"Hahaha... I just found out..." You're afraid of being scolded, especially by your dad.
"Turn off the communication device, or your throat will be in danger." With a knife on neck, your whole body stiffened. You had no choice turn off the communication device and raise hands in surrender.
"I turned it off." You stayed calm.
"Eh?" Jon, who was busy inside, heard your heartbeat.
"Hey! Why are you in a daze?!" Dami kicked the enemy away with a flying kick.
"Y/N she..." Jon was very uneasy.
"Don't move! Otherwise, I won't care if her head is smashed!" A gunshot instantly attracted the attention of the three people, you were threatened by the enemy with a gun on your head.
"Damn you!" Nightwing clenched the weapon in hand.
"Tsk..." Dami clenched fist.
"Put your hands up! Or I'll kill her!" He fired a gun beside your ear.
The gun was only a millimeter away from your ear. When fired, the sound of gun went straight into your ear, causing tinnitus. The ringing sound in mind kept repeating. You closed eyes in discomfort and wanted to cover your ears with both hands. When you opened eyes again, the gun had been crushed into pieces. A pair of bright red eyes appeared in front of you. It was Jon.
Jon threw the broken gun on ground and punched the person who threatened you. You were so surprised that forgot how to blink. All the gunfire focused on Superboy and you then started to shoot randomly. He used his steel body to protect you from any bullets hitting your body.
"Jon..." You looked at his face.
"Don't worry about me, I'm invulnerable." He smiled to reassure you.
You used the hacking technology Tim taught you to hack into the circuit of this factory and temporarily shut down the whole factory, plunging into darkness. The enemy began to panic. You felt someone grab your arm, and didn't know who it was in the darkness. You struggled to shake his hand off.
"Don't afraid, it's me." Jon's voice is right next to you.
"Nightwing! Now!" The vision is black, but it can't affect the actions of the other two.
"Ok!" Nightwing responded.
"Don't move here." Superboy quickly knocked down the others.
After the circuit returned to normal, it was bright and peaceful again. All the enemies had been annihilated and fell to the ground. You stood up saw three of them were safe. You walked slowly towards them. Suddenly, one of the people screamed like crazy and grabbed your feet, attracting the attention of the other three. You kicked his chin and made him faint.
"Are you okay?" Nightwing hugged you worriedly.
"I'm fine. Thank you." You patted his back to comfort him, looking at Jon standing beside and winking.
"Really, how could you be caught so easily?" Dami came forward.
"You blame me. You acted on your own." You stuck out tongue at Dami's stinky face.
"The most important thing is that everyone is okay." Jon came forward to comfort everyone.
Everyone went to investigate the situation separately, and just as the rumors said. You collected all the information handed it over to the police and dad later. The other three tied up the enemy who fell to the ground. You moved closer to Jon to help him. He would sneak a glance at you from time to time, so you seized the opportunity to make eye contact with him.
"Got you!" You laughed playfully.
"Eh?! Haha... Sorry..." He lowered his head shyly.
The other two who were busy, you closed the distance with Jon. He dodged you again, and you moved closer again until he gave up. He kept avoiding you, even his ears were red. You reached out to touch his ears, and his body trembled and turned head to face you. You finally waited for this moment.
"Thank you, Jon." You leaned close to his face.
"Well, you're welcome." He smiled and didn't avoid you.
Suddenly, the door was blown away by some strange force, and a gust of wind rushed inside. Jon hugged you tightly block the sudden attack prevent you from being hurt by the impact. When everyone entered a state of alert, two tall figures and familiar voices stepped in. They were Superman and Batman.
"Father!" Dami stood up straight.
Batman walked up to you, and said coldly, "Too tight, let go of my daughter."
"Ah! Sorry!" Jon quickly let go of the hand that was tightly holding you.
"Little princess, are you okay?" Batman knelt on one knee on the ground.
"I’m good." The serious daddy called by your name, and the gentle one called you little princess like Dick, you smiled and shook head.
"It seems we don't need to help." Superman walked towards Nightwing.
"Yes. Thanks to them." Nightwing said politely.
"Them? You mean Robin and Superboy?" Daddy's face suddenly darkened.
"It's not good to make decisions on your own." Even Superman had a blank expression.
"Everyone go back to the base." Batman helped you up.
The four of you all returned to the base, and all defeated by the aura of Batman and Superman. All of you stood there silently, waiting for their terrible punishment. Daddy's quiet look is always scary. This time Superman was so quiet. Everyone is really finished.
"Dick. I told you to keep an eye on her and retreat if something goes wrong. I trusted you to take care of her, why did she get involved in this situation?" Daddy stared at Dick, you didn't dare to speak at all.
"I did, but one of them caught her unexpectedly... It was my mistake, sorry..." Dick blame himself and helpless.
"Damian, Jon. Why are you two handling this matter?" Superman questioned them.
"We just want to investigate the truth of the rumor, just..." Jon lowered his head.
"The incident happened as the rumor said, the enemy has been captured, and the evidence is conclusive, which means the matter itself is over." Dami said.
"Damian, can you think about the consequences when do things? Your sister is there, she inexperienced, what will happen if something goes wrong!" Daddy stood in front of Dami.
"Jon blocked the bullet for her, she was unharmed, isn't it okay!" Dami angrily retorted to Daddy.
"Damian!" Nightwing hugged Dami to comfort him.
"Bruce..." Superman stepped forward.
"This time it's my fault. I didn't stop them." Dick told dad guiltily.
"She is your daughter who you raised with your own hands. Her life is more important than my contribution. Even the identity of Robin should be given to her. Am I right!?" Dami roared.
"I instigated it!" You shouted.
"Little princess?" Dick called, everyone looked over.
"I told Dami and Jon the rumor, then used a bunch of twisted logic to convince Dick to let us go. I wanted to take this opportunity to get Dad's attention." You clenched your hands and looked at Dad.
"Y/N. Bear the consequences of what you say. Do you understand?" Daddy glared at you.
"Everything I said is true. You can punish me however you want." You curled lips and smiled.
It has always been everyone indulges your willfulness and unreasonableness. This time have to pay the price for them. You did have idea to convince them to solve this matter, but realized they were all trying to protect you. This fault cannot be entirely blamed on them, even if you are lying or true.
"You are grounded for a week. Put all your equipment back and go back to your room." Daddy said and turned his back to you.
You put away the Robin suit, a feeling of frustration surged in your heart. Perhaps this is the best ending. You didn't want to be Robin, just wanted to wear that suit and run around. Experience the adventures that your brothers experienced. You kept smiling said goodbye to them and left the Batcave.
"Y/N!" Jon caught up.
"What's wrong?" You held hands tightly behind, not wanting to show your emotions.
"It's not your fault at all! Why did you do that!" Jon's voice was messy.
"Nono... That's fine." You put your index finger on Jon's lips.
"But..." Jon's expression was solemn.
"Thank you for saving me, Superboy." You hugged him tightly to express your gratitude.
After letting go, you immediately back to room and lay on the bed, wanting to cry but not letting the tears flow. Dami was reckless, but the matter was perfectly resolved thanks to his efforts. Jon risked his life to block all the risks for you, and the innocent Dick almost took all the blame. At this time, there was a knock on the door, you opened the door and Dick walked into your room sat on the chair.
"Little princess. Why did you do this?" Dick questioned you seriously.
"It's not your turn to say." You sat on the bed.
"This was done without permission. I have the responsibility and obligation to stop and protect, but I didn't." Although he looked solemn, but still kept a gentle tone.
"You were instigated by me. Don't forget that I convinced you." You shook your feet to ease mood and smiled.
"Little princess, you making excuses?" He smiled.
"No, I'm adapting to the situation." You said with ease.
"Are you imitating Jason?" He leaned back in his chair.
"Oh, you caught me." You laughed.
"Have a good night's sleep, little princess." Dick gave you a goodnight kiss and a hug before leaving the room.
I clenched my fists, feeling very resigned. It was clearly our fault, but Y/N had to bear the consequences. Damian's twisted thoughts and the words he yelled. I couldn't understand why he had such negative thoughts about Y/N, why he was obsessed with getting his father's approval over his sister.
"Why do you say that?" I stepped forward block Damian's way.
"Get out of my way, I have nothing to say to you." He glared at me with hatred.
"What about your sister? Why didn't you admit that we acted on our own?" This was the first time I was unwilling to accept it for someone else.
"Is it necessary?" I was furious when heard this, I grabbed his clothes with fighting spirit.
"Jon! What are you doing!" Dad rushed over.
"Why is it not necessary! Batman, you know!" I roared at them.
"Is it wrong I don't want her to become Robin! She is very good and smart, and she meets the requirements to become Robin! She will be hurt after becoming Robin, but am I wrong if I don't want her to be hurt?!" Damian's explanation shocked me, this was the first time.
"Y/N refuses to become Robin." Batman, who was sitting next to him, finally spoke.
"Eh?" Damian and I looked at Batman at the same time.
"I won't give Robin to her either." Batman looked at us calmly and said.
"Father..." Damian's heartbeat calmed down.
"Then why punish her?" I asked.
"It's a good thing my daughter rebelled against her father for the first time." He curled lips and smiled.
"You have a really bad character." Dad stood aside and laughed.
"Jon, thank you for protecting my daughter." Suddenly Batman expressed his gratitude to me.
"I...!" I wanted to explain but was interrupted by Damian.
"Even save my sister, I still have to warn you not to think about my sister." Damian told me fiercely.
You were so bored lying on the bed staring at the dark ceiling. Everyone was busy, but you were bored and lonely. At this time, there was a knock on the window. You got up from the bed in shock. This was the third floor, why would someone knock on the window? You went over carefully, opened the curtains and saw Jon floating in the air, you quickly opened the window.
"Jon? Why are you here?" You were surprised.
"I came to find you. Do you want go out and play together?" Jon told you shyly, scratching the back of his head.
"Unfortunately, I'm grounded." You sighed helplessly.
"It's okay if you're not found~" He showed a bright smile.
"You're so bad, Superboy." You smiled wickedly.
"Let's go, Y/N." He approached the window and stretched out his hand to guide you away.
You chose to go with him without hesitation. He hugged you and flew to a distant place. The panoramic view of the entire city from high above were so beautiful. You looked at Jon, who was full of confidence and looked so handsome. You didn't expect that he would block all the gunfire damage for you. Wonder if he would feel any pain.
"We're here!" He landed on a quiet beach.
"Wow~ amazing. You got here so quickly." You told him excitedly.
"Just a small matter." He said shyly.
You stood on the beach, the sea water rushed to feet, enjoying the coolness brought by the wind, and there was a crisp sound from the sea water. There was no one on the endless seashore, only you and Jon. You opened arms to embrace the world, and screamed loudly to vent the emotions that had been suppressed in your heart for a long time.
"Jon, thanks for bringing me here." You turned around and smiled at him.
"I should thank you." The sky was dark, and Jon's smile was very moving.
"It's me who should say it. You stood up to protect me, don't know how to express my gratitude." You told him sincerely.
"Then... how about staying here with me?" Jon smiled.
"Okay. I'm happy to." You laughed along.
A plan emerged in your mind, turned around and splashed water on Jon. Jon, who was splashed with cold water, laughed loudly, and he ran over to play with you. You accidentally fell into the sea, Jon quickly pulled you out of the water, you looked at him, he avoided your gaze again.
"Jon, look at me." You hold his face.
"Y/N! I..." You can feel his face is warm.
"Why did you recognize me through the sound of heartbeat?" You look expectantly.
"Because... you. Y/N, you are very special." He leans on your forehead, closes his eyes and breathes gently.
Your heartbeat speeds up as if it is about to jump out of chest, feel unimaginable and indescribable emotion. His breathing is so calm, and your heartbeat is agitated. The simple close distance at the beginning has a different feeling compared to now. You can't think calmly, heartbeat is messy, as if your emotions are about to burst out at this moment.
"Jon, you're so weird." You curled lips and smiled.
"Because you... I'm weird... only for you." When he opened his eyes again, you were really caught in his eyes, you wanted to possess him.
He shyly lowered his head to your face, because of him your face was also hot, couldn't take your eyes off each other anymore, it seemed confirmed that the two of you hearts belonged to each other. The two of you gave up all feelings for this wonderful encounter, kissed each other's lips, leaving a sweet mark.
"Y/N..." He called your name again after kissing you.
"Jon..." Not only his lips, he kissed your forehead.
"It's you. Only you." He hugged tightly and whispered softly in your ear.
"Jon, that was my first kiss just now." You blurted out, and he was shocked.
"Really?!" He shouted nervously.
"Really." The two kisses made your heart beat.
"We..." He looked at you with a puppy dog ​​expression.
"I don't have any idea about love yet... How about we get closer first?" You said shyly.
He smiled with eyes shining, this side of him left a deep impression on you. His sunshine-like gentleness and strong body kept making your heart beat. You held his hand and kissed his cheek, his shy expression turned into a smile, and his smile also infected your heart.
You returned to the beach, he used his super breath to blow out a strong wind to dry your wet body. If he hadn't held you tightly, would have been sent away. After dry, he picked you up, floated in the air, moved towards home. He opened the window, and you quietly stepped into the room when no one was there.
"Goodbye, Y/N." Jon said goodbye to you reluctantly.
"Good night, Jon." You were reluctant but still smiled.
A good night makes me look forward to tomorrow, want to see her soon. I flew home and went in through the window, changed into pajamas and wanted to drink a glass of water, went downstairs saw my brother Connor Kent and dad Clark Kent sitting there. I walked to them with the water, wanted to get some advice from them.
"You're late, I thought you would be home first." The first thing my father said, I left earlier than my father and went to Y/N's place before going home.
"Where have you been fooling around?" Kon said with a smirk.
"I have something to talk." I sat up straight.
"Tell me." Dad put down what he was holding and listened carefully.
"I fell in love with a girl." I blurted out shyly.
"Really? Who!?" Kon pulled me closer.
"Falling in love is a happy thing. Who is the lucky girl?" Dad looked at me with a kind expression.
"Damian's sister...Y/N." I said.
"No hope." Kon made a conclusion at once.
"Huh?! Why?" I stood up in surprise.
"It's a bit difficult indeed." Even my father said so.
"Y/N Wayne. The little daughter of the Wayne family. She has a father and four brothers, the most vicious of whom is Jason Todd. You have encountered a problem." Kon's words made sense.
"Jon, you are fine, there will be no problem." Dad put his hand on my shoulder gently comforted me and gave encouragement.
"Take it step by step, maybe soon Batman will recognize you as his future son-in-law~" Kon curled his lips and smiled.
"Future son-in-law!" I became shy.
"Hahaha, still a long way to go and a lot of tests. Especially her family, you know..." Dad encouraged me but was a little confused.
"I know. I'll try my best!" I was full of fighting spirit. Since I love her, can't give up halfway. I have decided she is my life partner, no matter how terrible her family is, I still have to do my best.
"So passionate." Kon laughed at the side.
"Who wouldn't chase love madly." Dad looked at Kon.
— The End —
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AO3 Heroes in Love by owlwithanapple
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0cta9on · 2 hours
lewd thoughts on:
Sullyoon being surprisingly daring, wearing a very sexy black laced skirt (the same skirt during NMIXX performance in Dankook University), then does a lap dance to you before getting creampied in her pussy by you
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Hello anon! Decided to combine both of these asks since they're both about Sullyoon. This is an unedited BFH so sorry for missing words and bad grammar :>
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"Manager oppa!" Sullyoon calls out to you from the dance room. "Come here~"
The rest of the Nmixx girls already showered and headed home for the night, exhausted from their performance at the university, but it seems like one of them still has some energy left in her.
"What is it this time, Yoona?"
You walk into the dance room to find a single chair in the middle of the room and Sullyoon with a nervous smile on her face. She still had on her outfit from the performance. You would be lying if you said her body didn't do something to you, but as her manager, you try to keep these kinds of thoughts to a minimum.
"Yoona, you have another performance tomorrow, you should go home and-"
"Wait! There's a dance that I want to show you first." She gestures for you to sit in the chair, which you quickly oblige since arguing would only drag this out longer.
Sullyoon goes to the speaker and plays a slow, sensual R&B track before standing in front of you, her hands shaking with anxiety. Her moves are small and timid at first, unusual for how often she performs in front of thousands of people, but as she starts to feel the music, everything becomes clear.
"Yoona, what is this-"
"Shhh." She places her finger on your lips with a sultry smile. "Just watch."
The way she swings her hips to the rhythm hypnotizes you, the fabric of her skirt swaying with each movement. She rubs her hands over your shoulders and chest, getting lower and lower before feeling the bulge in your pants. At this point, you're too aroused to stop her.
"I saw you watching me earlier. Did my sweaty body turn you on, manager oppa?"
She tosses her top at you, her cleavage peeking through the top of her bra. It's taking every fiber of your being to stop yourself from pouncing on her like an animal.
"You want to touch me so badly, don't you oppa? I bet you jerk off to my body every single night, huh?"
Hearing those dirty words come out of that pretty little face is only turning you on more. You reach out to grab her waist, but Sullyoon swats your hand away.
"Nuh uh, I didn't give you permission yet~"
So that's the game she wants to play. This sweet, innocent girl wants to be in charge for once. Fine. You'll humor her for now, but if a single crack shows in her act, you're ready to show her who's really in charge.
Her skirt is the next to go, leaving her in just a bra and panties. She continues to move to the music, presenting her perfect little ass and running her hands over her curves. You can feel cock strain against your pants, yet your demeanor remains calm. Just because your playing along doesn't mean you'll make it easier for her.
Sullyoon notices this and decides to push further, tossing her bra at you. However, she timidly covers her chest, too embarrassed to give you a peek.
"Y-you want to look, don't you? Your mind is probably, um, filled with dirty thoughts, isn't it?" Even her voice is starting to break. You stifle a giggle. She clearly rehearsed the dance more than the actual script.
Sullyoon continues to dance with one arm still covering her modest chest while the other teases the waistband of her panties. Her movements are confident and erotic, yet the nervous gaze in her eyes betrays her feelings.
Figuring that she's not going to go farther than this, you stand up and slowly approach her, never breaking eye contact. Sullyoon places a hand on your chest. "H-hey, I didn't give you permission to get up-"
"And who said I needed permission?" You grab a hold of her hair, producing a cute moan from her lips. There's the Sullyoon you know. She can practice her little dance and wear her little cocky facade all she wants, but that doesn't make her any less of a submissive slut.
"Move your arm," you command her. With a growing blush, she drops her arm, revealing her perfect breasts, round and perky. They aren't the biggest, but they fit perfectly into the palm of your hand as you gently need her mounds, watching her eyes flutter with want.
You slide your fingers down her toned stomach before reaching the waistband of her panties. Her breath catches in her throat as you touch the damp spot on her crotch.
"Would you look at that. I barely did anything, yet you're already dripping wet."
She forcefully grabs your cock through your pants. "I'm not the only one turned on here," she teases. Ooh, feisty. So there's still a fire inside of her. You'll make sure to extinguish it soon enough.
With her hair in your hand, you push her face first into the mirrored wall of the dance room, sticking her ass out towards you. Her panties and your pants are gone in an instant, leaving nothing between your cock and her sweet hole.
"You want this so bad, don't you?" You egg her on, rubbing your tip against her moist folds.
"Y-you're the one who c-couldn't control yourself, oppa. All I did w-was dance for you, yet you couldn't k-keep your hands off of me."
You snicker. Touche. However, her prideful smirk is quickly wiped away as you thrust into her without warning. Thanks to her slick, she takes your entire length with ease, pulsating around your cock.
"O-oh god, yes!" Any ounce of fight she had left is dissolved as she devolves into a mindless sex toy, pushing her hips back into you to meet your thrusts. Even her face, normally attentive and composed, is turned into a mosaic of lust. Her eyes rolled back, her mouth agape, her hair in a messy frizz, she's your doll that you get to mess up and play with.
You'll give Sullyoon the benefit of being correct - you were, in fact, staring at her during the performance, ogling her sweaty thighs in that skirt. But even if she didn't offer herself up like this, you were going to get her one way or another.
A familiar feeling stirs within your groin, a feeling that Sullyoon senses. "F-fuck, oppa! C-cum inside me! Please!" With your hands firmly grasping her hips, you pull her back into you one last time, shooting rope after rope of your cum deep inside her sweet pussy. Sullyoon's body shakes with her own orgasm, and you hold her before her legs can give out. She goes limp against your chest as she catches her breath.
"Th-thas... nfair..." She mumbles.
"That's... unfair..." She looks up at you with a pout. "I wanted... to lead..."
You chuckle at her. Even after pounding into her mere seconds ago, she still manages to be so cute like nothing ever happened.
"Maybe next time," you assure her, planting a kiss on her cheek. "Now go home before I ruin you again."
"Don't threaten me with a good time, oppa~"
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crowleysgirl56 · 15 hours
Concerning the reactions to the comment David made to a young woman about the ending of Good Omens season 3 (including mine).
Firstly let me start by saying that most of my posts are to be taken a jokes. They are written to be mostly tongue in cheek, sarcastic and (what I think) are hilarious. So even though my previous post about freaking out about what David said might seem like I was legitimately panicking I just want to say that it was a joke and please don’t take it too seriously. Honestly I hope it just made you laugh, and you continued scrolling. If my post caused anyone to further their own anxiety or freak out, I apologise. If my post contributed to the fandom as a whole slightly losing their minds, I also apologise.
For those of you who took your reactions to David’s comment a step further and threatened that poor girl, insulted her, or were just generally mean to her, stop it! Don’t do that! Don’t be awful. Please be kind. Go and apologise!
With that out of the way, I did want to do a quick* analysis of the comment and perhaps address why people (and to a little extend myself) are feeling nervous.
To begin with, Neil has previously said (and this is a really good point), David was speaking directly to a fan, and was unaware he was being filmed. So when he says “maybe it’s not the ending you want”, he’s speaking directly to the person who asked him. We don’t know the context of their interaction beforehand and maybe she (or anyone else) had already expressed what their desire for the ending is, so this was his response. However taken out of context, the fandom has put themselves in the shoes of the person asking the question and therefore inserted themselves into the you part. The ending might not be want we want or expect. And considering the number of discussions the fandom participates in, the number of headcanons the fandom throw around, and the number of fanfics being written and read, whatever ending Neil has written is not going to satisfy everyone. It’s impossible to. But that is the same of any fandom really.
Speaking of fandoms, yes we are collectively nervous for a few reasons. One, for a good month there, we were convinced that the ending of season 2 was what the end of that story was going to be. Then when it was announced there’s still one more story to tell, there was another four months before it was finally confirmed that we were going to get that story. Two, case in point Game of Thrones. I don’t think I need to explain anymore than that. We have been burned before and now we’re worried it could happen again (though I will point out here, Neil has a better handle of storytelling and the love, devotion, and desire to finish a story that is beloved to him and is effectively a love letter to his best friend, compared to two TV producers who got bored and wanted to move onto other projects…). Three, filming is still 6 months away, and the premiere likely another year after that. A lot can happen in that time. So after these experiences, I can appreciate why people get nervous and a little in their heads about things.
In terms of the immediate reaction to what this could mean for the ending itself, I honestly cannot fathom how some people have managed to draw a straight line from “It might not be the ending you want” to “Terry would absolutely hate it”. Like, that just boggles my mind. HOW do you extrapolate that? David then immediately said “It’s a good ending”. So I think it’s safe to say that it will be good.
So let’s talk about endings and what people are mostly worried about.
1) Crowley and Aziraphale become human. This isn’t going to happen. Mainly because Neil has joked multiple times that this is the ending. Therefore if he says “this is what will happen” I’m pretty confident that this is what definitely won’t happen. You know after season 2, I ended up writing my own little fan fiction about them becoming human. I thought it was sweet and cute. Then I saw a lot of people absolutely hate that idea, so I never published it anywhere. Oh well.
2) Either one or both of them will die. Also not going to happen. Something tells me that Neil would not participate in the “bury your gays” trope. I do think that maybe there might be a non-permanent death or near death in the climax. But both will live, I’m positive of this.
3) Sex. I’ve spoken about this before. We’re not getting hardcore sexual activity. This is not the show for that. Neil has said before he’s not into writing that kind of thing. Do I think we’ll get more kissing? Yes. Do I think there will be implied sex? Maybe, hopefully, I’m wishing for it. But there is not going to be actual sex folks. Please make your way to AO3 for your reading pleasure.
4) The South Downs. And now we get to what I’m most worried about. That we won’t get what everyone assumes the ending will actually be. Crowley and Aziraphale retired and living in the South Downs. Will I be disappointed if this doesn’t happen? Absolutely. Will I lament here about it? Sure, probably. Will I send Neil abusive messages about how he destroyed and ruined the ending? NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! AND DON’T ANYONE ELSE DO THAT EITHER!
So, will the ending be what we want? There is every chance that it will be, but always a possibility that it won’t be. This is the nature of storytelling. You will never satisfy everyone. Will the ending be good? I have no doubt in my mind that it will be. David says it’s a good. I trust him. Neil says it will be good. I very much trust him.
This is a comedy, first and foremost. Comedies have happy endings. Let’s just take a collective breath and believe it to be so.
*by “quick” I actually meant “really long”. Sorry about that.
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junespriince · 17 hours
you know what fuck you! *Yuri your birdflash* au
Wally: Linda! Hartley! Guys I need help!
Linda: what's wrong?
Hartley: is Chris still bothering you? God, he can't take no for an answer!
Wally: not him, those he did try to sit with me in lecture today, but that's besides the point just, ugh just come with me to my apartment!
Kyle, Conner, Hartley, Linda, Ace, and Bart sitting in her living room.
Wally: so Birdie just asked me out on a date—
Kyle: about fucking time.
Wally: shut up Kyle, and listen!
Wally, huffs: anyways, she asked me out on a date, and I don't know what to wear, she said we're going to a thrift store, and then a botanical garden exhibit, and then a dinner at this way to fancy restaurant and I don't want to make more of a fool of myself then I already have, I mean what if I dress to fancy I'll stick out, but if I dress to lower she'll hate me and I'll never see her again and like this was a dream come true she asked me out, if she hate me then we won't build a house together in the forest, adopt a turtle as our child, maybe have a dog too, and we won't wake up together or make bread together or anything! I need you guys to help me here!
Hartley: if she hates you for dressing comfortably then she ain't it then.
Wally: but she's everything! She's smart, beautiful, talented, her eyes are the most beautiful gems I ever seen, her dimples are so cute, and she takes up half my future planning I can't mess this up, please just help a girl out over here! *Staring to tear up*
Kyle: okay, okay we get it! We'll help, stop crying!
Bart: must be real desperate bringing all of us in here to help.
Wally: very! Kori off planet or I'd call her too.
Ace: okay sis, bring out the outfits you have in mind.
Linda: and the shoes! Oh let me get my makeup bag as well, I'll be right back!
Conner: I'll make some tea and look through your hair products, I'm thinking hair down, help shape those curls out, and maybe a cute hair accessory.
Kyle: can I go cunty?
Wally: no! This is the first date! I need to be cute, but rememberable.
Hartley: let me see your closet, when the date?
Wally: in seven hours.
Hartley: a little bit of a challenge but doable.
Bart: I'll make snacks, and I'll have Kon spy on her so we can match her levels!
Wally, about to cry again: oh my god thank you, thank you, thank you!
7 hours later and at Bludhaven's cafe, lesbian owned
Rania ((Urania ))(Dick*), dressed in a cute and nice little blazer moment, in deep green, dress shirt unbuttoned at the top, Sharp but not too sharp makeup, short hair slicked back a bit, tented glasses rest at the edge of her nose and they're red hearts: My little Willow tree, you are right on time, excited for our date to be late? *Soft chuckle, dimples showing*
Wally, long waterfall curls with a cute strawberry headband, that iconic strawberry midi dress, very little makeup Bec we don't cover freckles in this house hold, nervous: very, I-I,,, I didn't want to keep you waiting is all, rainy.
Rania, calm and collective: no worries, *offers arm* let's go, have a busy night ahead of us.
Wally, blushing taking her arm: y-yeah.
Rania, hours before
Rania, holding her brothers, sister, Steph, Barbara, Donna, her dad, the butler, Roy, and Kori hostage in her room: if I don't look stunning for that pretty girl, I will die! I need suggestions and support people!
Jason: why would we want to help you?
Rania: because if I don't impress her, I'm destroying all your books.
Jason: I'll get the makeup.
Roy: girl, I don't know how to dress myself the hell you think I can help you here?
Rania: then support me!
Bruce, on the phone: calling Diana, Selena, and Talia as we speak sweetheart.
Alfred: I'll get the outfit Miss Urania.
Rania: thanks, I just,,, I have to make a good impression on her! My future hangs in the balance with her!
Barbara: getting the gel, Damian get Jon to spy on Willow we need these two to match, sapphics love a good match.
Damian: got it. Do you want some tea Urania?
Rania: yes, please, thanks Dami, you're a good kid, and I love you so much, you know that?
Damian, prideful about the praise: of course I do.
Tim: kiss ass
Damian: hate not being the favorite, I see.
Kori: oh, oh, I want to pick out the shoes! Maybe favorite are in your closet right?
Rania: the Church's Burwood Oxford in black or the Church's Fairstead Oxford?
Kori: the first one.
Rania: uh, in the shoes closet, back right wall.
Kori: yay!
Donna: getting the accessories, you want the tinted pink shades or the red?
Rania: red heart ones.
Donna: gotcha.
Stephanie: let me see those outfits Al, I have a vision.
Damian: hope that vision includes strawberries, West is in a strawberry midi dress, whatever that is.
Stephanie: GASP, it does! I could kiss her! Get the green dress suit!
Cass: I'll get it!
Duke: how her make up Damian?
Damian: soft, they're leaving the freckles.
Rania, blushing: they're leaving the freckles,,,,, Dad, tell them to get here fast and call Harley and Ivy and auntie kate we need those two lesbian asap!
Bruce: got it!
Damian: some chamomile tea, and I have some lavender at the ready if you need it, Urania.
Rania: thank you dami, again *kiss his forehead*
Back on the date
Wally, in her head: wow she's so calm, and pretty, oh focus Wally, you don't need to trip!
Rania, in her mind: god she's so pretty, damn I can the wedding, no, no, focus on today damnit!
*but a Romani name I really like for her also I did use behind the name so if it's not right oops I did look into this
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17x03 Spoilers/Thoughts
(Not very long of a post tbh. There’s just too much to kinda unpack tho)
(TWs bc the show doesn’t really give you much, but self-harm (around 32:00) and talks of p*rn and online exploitation) I think I might make the tws italicized in my spoilers to give that heads up.
This is directed by Adam Rodriguez!
The whole case basically isn’t connected to Gold Star, I don’t think it is. There’s a mask involved now and Tara and Rossi take on the case. Rossi trying to get through the window was pretty funny tho.
Emily is off with her old neighbor (played by Paul F. Tompkins), Brian Garrity. She is trying to get him to take down some misinformation. It’s pretty funny seeing those two actually.
Also Brian gets beaten up by a group of men and Emily finds him and tries to protect him, but the police come in and see her with her gun out, so now…
Emily gets arrested and framed
I kinda barely paid attention to Tyler at this first watch but uhhh he meets a guy named Sebastian Gasper
JJ and Luke team up together but Luke is feeling absolutely guilty of what Emily and Voit told him.
Voit said from ep 2 that there is a BAU Gate, which is a site full of memes and pictures and stuff about the team. But Emily says there’s something that involves JJ in it that Luke couldn’t believe was true.
BAU p*rn. And all of it is of JJ.
JJ and Luke talk to Sydney and on their way, they talk about what’s been bothering him. It’s just so hard for him to not keep it quiet and I feel for him.
JJ talking about how good of a leader Emily is and that she knew it would be for the best anyway.
And her saying whatever Luke doesn’t tell her will be protecting her and what he does tell, she will get hurt.
JJ is aware of the BAU Gate thing since before she was a profiler, so during her liaison days. She thought it was a lot of anime on it and ridiculous stuff of the team, but something on her face the more they talked about it seems like her fear of what Luke tells her later is affecting her when she suspects it.
There’s stuff with Sydney and Voit’s daughters.
Really cute moment with Luke playing soccer which… for the sake of this being the happy thing of it all, Luke and JJ playing soccer together 🥺
Holly(?) is the one having a hard time grappling with the fact that her father is a criminal.
In one scene, she cuts herself before her mom comes in to stop her.
Sydney talks with JJ and Luke after about going into witness protection and everything they need to do.
After that…. Luke finally tells JJ.
It’s honestly better for people to watch the scenes for this upcoming storyline for JJ bc I have no other way to describe it.
But Luke tells her everything he learned from the secret, that the site was flagged by Homeland Security in 2014 (said by Emily) and Voit and his network has an updated version of it.
He tells JJ that it’s not the other agents that were on the site but just JJ.
She was the focal point of it all.
The absolute heartbreak in JJ’s whole being. Everything is just sucked out of her. And if you thought this was bad, the next scene of this is worse.
After everyone leaves the office, JJ closes the blinds to the roundtable room and checks the website for herself. It’s just…. Heartbreaking and haunting are the two words to describe it.
There’s a bunch I have on this probably on a separate post but damn CM. They really went there. And it’s the worst of the worst. (Not to compare storylines or trauma but nothing can really go beyond that)
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ariseur · 3 days
omg please could you write about cloud?? Maybe where he’s looking after reader’s younger siblings with her omfgggg that would be so cute
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as cloud looked over the living room, watching as your little sister ran around, his lips pressed into a thin line. “you called me over .. to be a babysitter?”
you scoffed at him, watching as he furrowed a brow with a hand on his hip. “no need for sass,” you explained, “and it’s not just you babysitting! i’m gonna be here, too.”
“still babysitting.”
“i’m gonna punch you.” you scowled.
he looked at you before his eyes darted to a corner, feigning thought before he responded with a curt, “nah.” you rolled your eyes to that before making your way into the living room and plopping down on the couch. grabbing the remote, you turned a random trash tv show on the screen before you noticed cloud still awkwardly standing in the doorway.
“c’mon, sit down—!” you beckoned him over to which he reluctantly walked over, making eye contact with your sister as she hesitantly hid behind the couch. cloud sat down on the couch and kept his posture tense, making sure to sit on the edge of the couch so his buster sword’s length didn’t cause a problem for him as he took a seat.
he looked over at you a few times. he couldn’t help it, he just felt a little weird being in a foreign place and having to be around a kid nonetheless. cloud didn’t hate kids, he just .. wasn’t quite sure how to act around them. on his fourth glance in your direction, he saw your sister with a cupped hand against the side of your face as she whispered in your ear, occasionally looking over at cloud.
“‘s okay, he’s nice.” he heard you mutter. you thought he was nice, he thought. not exactly a proper synonym that could be applied to cloud but— he appreciated your attempts in trying not to scare your sister about him. “sit down with us, yeah?” you pointed at the empty space on the cushion next to cloud as she took small steps towards him. instead of taking a seat, she stopped in front of him as she twiddled her thumbs together.
“what’s that on your back?” she asked, holding up her small index finger as she pointed to the buster sword. you chuckled, cloud never took it off— only when he’d sleep.
he tilted his head a bit. “‘s a sword.”
your little sister’s eyes widened, she looked at cloud as if he had hung the moon. her tone uplifted as she asked, “are you like one of those SOLDIERs?” fidgeting with her hands, she gasped when he put a hand to his chin to think. what could he say to her to have it make sense to her, cloud thought.
“he used to be,” you cheerily explained to your sister to which she looked back at him in awe. you explained further, “now he beats bad guys up and helps people down here — right, cloud?” you looked at him expectantly. he looked at you, then looked back at your sister. the kid had her hands clasped as she waited for his answer, it was almost like sparkles emitted from her.
“right.” was all he said — or more so, that was all he could say before he was bombarded with questions. you laughed as she hopped up on the couch next to him, barely paying attention to the volume of the show as it fell deaf on her ears, it was like the only thing she could hear was cloud. even then, cloud only gave her few worded answers. it was definitely enough for her to keep going, though.
her inquiries continued for another hour or so, and eventually her lighthearted interrogation faded into soft snores and drops of drool falling on cloud. you held a hand up to your lips as you giggled, leaning forward more to gauge cloud’s reaction. he tried keeping his eyes straight ahead of him, trying to ignore the sleepy mutters of your sister mumbled against his bicep.
“so,” you whispered, “think you’re cut out for babysitting?”
he looked at you, eyebrows knitted before looking back down at the kid who’s drool was halfway down his arm. he hummed lowly before lifting his head up back to look at you. all he said was, “nah.”
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𐙚 taglist ; @alieeelinn
𐙚 requests are closed — june twelfth, 2024
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iwasabs · 20 hours
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hatefucks are the best way to make up after a fight. you gotta follow your instincts, even next to a room filled with your friends
pairing miya atsumu x fem!reader
content contains rough sex, oral sex, vaginal sex, fingering, semi-public sex, abrasion kink, asphyxiation kink, praise kink, possessive characters, jealousy, slight age gap (feel free to add anything i missed in the comments)
A.N. THIS IS A POST HIGH SCHOOL SCENARIO, CHARACTERS ARE 18+. please read the informations above carefully. if ANY of the contents triggers you, DO NOT read this post. if you're a minor, please scroll. requests on my blog are open.
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The noise of the ball slamming on the ground and the screams of joy echoing throughout the gym won't stop pounding your head. The friendly match has been going on for the past hour and a half. As a manager, you're sitting on the bleachers with your team, Inarizaki, and Nekoma and Fukurodani. Every time you glance at Atsumu, you clench your fists harder, remembering the little encounter he had earlier. You've never been the jealous type, the main reason being you never had a relationship this serious, but also the fact that you always dated nerdy guys who weren't that much on the cute side.
Three years ago, at the beginning of your first year, you met Atsumu. He was five years older than you and everybody knew him because of his undeniable volleyball skills that brought so much fame to your school and his innate charm. He's one handsome motherfucker. You two are the definition of she fell first, he fell harder. Being older than you, he didn't really notice you three years ago, but, when you contacted him as a manager earlier this year, he couldn't help but notice how well you grew up. As soon as you turned eighteen, six months ago, you started dating. Since then, you have to push back girls and boys with a bat, because your boyfriend surely doesn't go unnoticed. Now that he's the official setter of MSBY, he and his teammates offered to host matches in their gym every now and then to play against the Inarizaki team and raise the bar. As soon as the news spread, these matches have been crowded with fans. It's a shame the MSBY gym is enormous because it's getting almost impossible for you to contain your boyfriend's groupies.
Today, things have reached a new low point. Usually, people stop at comments about his beauty or his muscles, but earlier, you witnessed a gut-wrenching scene: a girl, probably a couple years older than you, whispered something in Atsumu's ear, then took a picture of the both of them, fiercely touching your boyfriend's bicep. With steam coming out your ears, you ran towards them, clearing your throat.
'You should head to the field, baby. We'll start training in a few minutes.' you said, crossing your arms under your chest and glaring at the skank. She willingly ignored you, pressing a kiss on Atsumu's cheek and waving him goodbye.
He must've heard the sound of your blood boiling, because he tried to say something, but you pushed him away and sprinted to the field.
So now you're here, sitting on the bleachers, enraged with your boyfriend because he's too hot to walk on this earth. When the match ends, both teams sit in a circle, discussing the game together. Your intense staring activity gets interrupted by a first-year student, whose name you never remember, who slightly taps your shoulder to get your attention. He's a very shy guy, but you were told he's got the biggest crush on you, so you always try to be nice.
'Y/n s-senpai, I'm sorry to bother you, but I wanted to thank you for your help with my English class. I passed the test' he stutters, eyes on the ground.
You let out a scream of joy, getting a few people's attention, then jump on your feet and hug the guy tightly. He's shorter than you, so his face is basically squashed between your generous boobs. you smile at his flustered cheeks and wave at him, watching as he literally runs away. A weird feeling on the back of your head makes you turn around, facing Atsumu's face. Every crumb of anger disappears when you notice he's clenching his jaw so hard he'll probably break a tooth. Unlike you, he was born jealous. Even when his teammates and best friends spoke to you, he couldn't stand it.
Totally ignoring him, you turn you back on him and wait outside.
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After getting takeout food and drinks, you head to Bokuto's house to spend some time with Atsumu's friends. You two haven't spoke to eachother since the skank-incident and everybody noticed a little tension. When your boyfriend has the audacity to sit next to you on the couch and rest his hand on your inner thigh, you quickly get up.
'What the hell do you think you're doing, Miya?' you try to keep your voice down so you don't cause a scene in front of everybody.
'What do you think? I'm trying to touch my girl, who's been ignoring me the whole day.' his tone is louder, so everybody turns around.
'I'm not doing this with you.' you say grabbing your purse.
You hear Atsumu calling you multiple times, but you ignore him and proceed to greet the others. You're about to hug Bokuto when Atsumu suddenly grabs your arm and tries to stop you from leaving.
'C'mon baby. What's going on?' he says in a softer voice.
'I'm not your baby. I'm sure that whore left you her number, so feel free to call her and leave me alone' you say, basically screaming. you hear the others' giggles, so you try to pull away, but Atsumu picks you up, resting his palm on your butt.
'Leave me alone, you perv!' you scream hitting his back.
He fixes you on his shoulder and takes you to the kitchen, slamming the door.
'What the fuck do you think you're doing, y/n. Why are you acting like a baby?' he says with a confused and slightly annoyed tone.
'Me? A baby? Atsumu, do you know how tiring can be being with you?' you push his chest.
'Everyday a new threat, always somebody around you, complimenting and touching you' you push his chest again.
'I'm tired, Atsumu. I'm fucking tired.' you start punching his chest, until he grabs your wrists and stops you, pushing you against the kitchen counter.
'You're so worried about people around me, but what about you, uh?' he hisses.
You give him a confused look. He runs his finger on your throat, then squeezes your cheeks with his big, calloused hand, forcing you to look at him.
'You always run around in this flimsy shirt so those suckers you go to school with can't help but look at your boobs. And you put on this ridiculously short skirt and these stockings that could turn on a dead man. Always smiling at everybody, playing with your hair or biting your nails when you're annoyed.' he whispers in your ear, his hand lowering to squeeze your neck.
'W-what are you talking about' you say and he tightens his grip. You slightly arch your back, getting aroused and feeling Atsumu's grin in the crook of your neck. He knows you like it. In a split second, he spins you around, grabbing your hair in his fist.
'Do you like that loser you hugged on the bleachers today?' he whispers again. You grin. Let's play.
'He's cute' you answer. He pulls your hair and you let out a moan. He presses himself into you and you feel him hardening.
'Do you think he could fuck you the way I do?' he asks, spreading his hand on your belly, pushing your body harder against his.
'I don't know, but I'm sure he can't wait to' you smugly reply. In a heartbeat, his hand shifts from your belly to your stockings, ripping them apart. He touches your panties and lets out a bold laugh.
'Are you getting wet while we fight, y/n?' he asks, biting your earlobe.
You don't answer, so he moves your panties to the side and with no warning enters you with two fingers. You let out a loud moan, so he covers your mouth with his hand.
'Oh, come on baby. Do you want everybody to hear how I fuck this little brat attitude out of your body? Be a good girl and let me use your little pussy.'
He grabs your neck again, pumping two fingers in and out your wet core. You try to grab the counter to stabilise yourself, but he brings your body back, resting it on his chest. The moment he adds a third finger, you feel your knees weaken.
' 'tsumu' you moan.
'What, baby?'
'Please.' you whine, moving your hips to add friction.
'So eager to come on my fingers, aren't you, little one?'
You whimper, nodding your head. He fucks you with his fingers deeper and deeper, until he touches that soft, spongey spot that gives you the most pleasure. A powerful orgasm reaches every end of your limbs, making you shiver. You look at the ground, where a puddle of clear liquid is staining the floor. You flinch and cover your mouth, trying to get away from Atsumu, but your legs still feel numb, so you trip. Atsumu catches you immediately, spinning you around.
'Look at you, princess. You squirted for me like a good girl. You don't have to be ashamed of yourself.' he says, caressing your cheeks, his fingers still soaked in your juices.
You look down, embarrassed, when you notice his prominent hard-on. He chuckles.
'Would you mind helping me with that?' he asks with a cocky smile, rubbing your cheek. You grab his hand, guiding his fingers into your mouth and sucking on them. His expression suddenly changes, his eyes shining with mischief.
'On your knees, little one' he says, and you instantly drop on the ground, your stockings getting drenched in your squirt. You carefully pull his sweats down and free him of his underwear. His cock bounces on your nose and you grab it with both hands, unable to circle it with only one palm. You give it a couple strokes, spreading the precum leaks with your thumb. While circling the tip, you give it wet kitten licks, tasting his aphrodisiac flavour. One of you hands automatically moves to his balls, the other one still stroking his length, while you put him in your mouth. You feel his breath hitching, his hands pressed on the counter. You slowly start moving your head up and down, reaching half of his shaft, stroking with your hand where your mouth can’t reach.
‘Princess please, try harder. Need you to swallow my cock’ he says, biting his lips. You try to suck deeper, but you gag on his girth, making him even harder. You pull him out with a loud pop, inhaling some air while still coughing.
‘ ‘m sorry baby I can’t, you’re too big.’ you say, cleaning the mix of precum and saliva from your mouth. Atsumu grabs your hair and guides your mouth back to his cock.
‘One more time baby, c’mon’ he asks slowly guiding your head up and down. After a couple seconds you gag again.
‘Don’t stop, little one. I need you pretty mouth now.’ he says with a voice so sensual you feel like the most beautiful girl on heart. You ignore the gag and keep sucking on his cock. You feel him growing impatient, moving your head faster, until he’s unable to control himself anymore and starts moving his hips. He quickly speeds up his tempo, fucking your mouth with his whole cock. Every time he slams on the back of your throat, he speeds up, shamelessly moaning. You’ve always loved how vocal he can get when he feels pleasure.
‘So hot and wet. My little princess. ‘mh f-fuck- taking me so- ‘mhg- so well, choking on my dick.’
The room is filled with your gagging sounds and his moans. You feel his heavy balls tighten.
‘Close your eyes, baby’ he says. After a couple seconds, you feel his cum dripping down your throat and filling your mouth. You plan to swallow every drop of it, but Atsumu pulls out, grabbing his cock with his hand and coming allover you face, covering your cheeks, lips and forehead in thick ropes of white cum. He grabs you from the ground and drops you on the counter. He slowly gathers every drop of his cum from your face, making you suck it from his fingers. You look at him with the biggest doe eyes, instantly feeling him hard again.
‘What are you doing to me’ he says, resting his forehead on yours. you cup his face with your hands.
‘Fuck me’ you tell him with the most innocent look.
He doesn’t waste a second spreading you legs and, hand on his cock, guiding himself inside you. He doesn’t give you time to adjust, slamming his whole cock inside your cunt, balls deep. You scream in both pain and pleasure, grabbing the skin of his back and scratching it. He gets harder at the slight pain caused by your scratches, so he starts moving inside you with a soft pace, that quickly speeds up, fiercely thrusting inside you. He covers your neck in bites and hickeys. Still weak from the precious orgasm, you become a blabbering mess, holding onto him for dear life.
‘ mhg- g-god, ple-please daddy’ you whimper. Hearing you call him daddy makes him spin you around, chest on the counter. He’s now pounding inside you with a wild strength, your boobs spilling out your bra. You don’t usually call him that, but it’s not the first time you notice he likes it.
‘ ‘m gonna fill you s- mhn fuck- so much you’ll have my babies, belly so big everybody will know how well i stuffed you. F-fuck- be so fucking good taking care of our children.’
He grabs your hair with one hand, using the other to cup your boob. The powerful thrusts and the obscene sound of his balls slapping your butt are the last straw that gives you the second orgasm of the night. Atsumu fucks your sensitive pussy until he comes too, spilling inside you.
He grabs your hips and helps you sitting on the counter, with your boobs still out of your bra, your ripped stockings and cum dripping down your legs. He squeezed his cock back into his underwear, adjusting his pants. He grabs your leg, taking off your stockings and throwing them in the bin. He cleans your legs and the floor, while you fix your hair and your shirt. Once he’s done, he looks at you, positioning himself back between your legs. He kisses you, resting his hand on your cheek. You stroke his hair and moan into his mouth.
‘Princess if you go on like this i’m gonna get hard again’ he says, grabbing you by the hips and putting you back on the ground. He rests his hands on your shoulders, guiding you back to the living room, where everybody’s staring at the both of you with smiles and grins.
‘y/n, i’m so sorry about your stockings’ Bokuto says, making everybody laugh.
‘I-Im going to the bathroom’ you say embarrassed, knowing that everybody heard how much you like to be fucked by Atsumu. You kiss your boyfriend on the lips, then head to the bathroom, while he slaps your butt before sinking on the couch with a satisfied smile.
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xstrawberryshiftsx · 13 hours
How I met my better cr s/o PT11
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Part one here!
@starrihideshere @gaiaexploreslife
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It had become very clear to everyone at school that Caster and Dove hated each other, as soon as the second day of school started that they despised one another.
It had started off small-glares and scoffs whenever the over one walked past or spoke, then it started to escalate into snide remarks and just plain insults, soon it wasn’t a dislike it was a rivalry and hatred plus it didn’t help that whenever one of them got good marks the other had to have one mark lower-if another won at something wether it be a school reward, game or activity the other came a close second. They were always neck and neck fighting to be the best
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It was loud and bright, everyone was everywhere. Why on earth did she agree to this? Dove could’ve had an easy night at home with the guys watching some shitty twilight movie but instead she’d decided to go to that stupid party her old friend from primary invited her to. She’d got to the party around 15 minutes ago and was already sick and tired of it, her ‘friend’ had ditched them the moment someone offered a drink and a ciggy, leaving dove alone in the middle of the party surrounded by drunk teenagers.
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no way.
no fucking way.
In front of Caster like 5 meters ahead was Dove-fucking-Dove. They were wearing a black lace dress, she had a bulky leather jacket over it and had her pinned back with a dark purple red clip.
the only reason he agreed for Bell to host this party was if NO ONE from school came, excluding James of course
‘Dude-don’t be like alarmed or whatever but I think that’s Dove!!’ James half yelled punching Caster in the shoulder.
‘Oh my god’ Cass groaned at his friend under his breath turning away from him ready to text Bell why the FUCK she invited Dove.
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Cassiepoo 🦍: why the hell did u invte dove???
Bell 🔔: i didn’t?!? Ur so obsessed wth her lol ur even hallucinating dumb bitch
Cassiepoo 🦍:Stop being such a cunt why’d u invite jer
Bell🔔: srsly I didn’t…but I did say to some people they could bring a plus one???
read 9:45
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sighing Cass put his phone down and turned back to James…who was gone-great
By now dove had noticed his presence and was looking directly at him, her normal obnoxiously large doe eyes where even larger then normal, she looked like a deer in headlights. It was almost laughable.
‘the fuck are you looking at asshole?’ They said stomping over to caster.
‘A stupid bitch’
‘…real original’ she sneered
Cass grinned
‘yeah but it’s true’
Dove fumed and leaned in closer to him now yelling over the loud music. She smelt like strawberries and vanilla, something inside Casters stomach flipped but he chose to set that feeling aside to unpack later.
‘I thought it was me who got 100% on the last test…didn’t you get 96%?’ She smirked pointing a finger at his chest, when she smiled her nose scrunched up it was cute-fuck nope Nuh uh she was annoying and mean and ugly, Cass hated Dove and it was gonna stay that way.
‘I only lost because I was sick-‘
‘yeah sure keep telling yourself that buddy’ she turned away from him and sauntered off.
he watched her walk away scratching his head, what was going on with him?
Caster was an attractive guy-still a cunt-but attractive, it was normal…rational even that she was slightly attracted to him, key word ‘slightly’.
walking outside Dove flopped themselves down on the patio couch, pulling out their vape they took a hit breathing out slowly watching the smoke flow, she closed her eyes finally away from the hustle and bustle.
‘wow vaping should’ve guessed’
fucking caster
‘piss off mate’ she replied not opening her eyes.
she felt the couch lift up as he sat down next to her
‘why are you out here?’
Dove opened her eyes and sighed taking another hit.
‘my friend ditched me, thought I’d find her out here’ she took the clip out of her hair and pushed it inside her jacket pocket, her hair always got messy in the cold air and no amount of hair clips would hold down the frizz.
‘my friend ditched me-I came out here to make fun of you but that’s kinda off the table’
he grinned stretching out on the couch and in retaliation Dove shoved him and threw the vape at him.
‘why’s it off the table? Finally realised I’m better then you?’
Caster took a hit from the vape, strawberry, of course.
‘nah just feel sorry for you-pitiful looking thing aren’t you?’ Dove snatched back the vape and scowled crossing her arms.
‘you never have a nice thing to say do you?’
Caster paused
‘nah not really’
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do y’all want a part three?
also comment if you want a tag for the next one! <3
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fromtheseventhhell · 7 months
Zutaras are really the original self-insert, "we understand the story soooooo much better than everybody else" girlies and they just never moved on
#anti zutara#no offense to anyone who ships it and follows me but I'm so over the shipping wars of this show that aired almost 20 years ago 😭#at some point you guys are gonna need to hang it up cause there's a sequel series and these people are married with children like...#we get it if you were Katara you would've chosen Zuko but guess what?! you aren't and need to stop projecting onto her#the pretending to care about Katara is what really gets me cause she's never even implied to have romantic feelings for him#or vice-versa + it ignores her anger towards him and how long it took her to forgive him + rightfully so#criticizing the writing for Kataang is one thing but turning around and shipping Zutara while doing so is crazy work#ship it if you want but please stop pretending it makes more sense when both Zuko and Katara have their own separate romances 😭#love how people have to age Aang down + infantilize him and erase Mai to make it work but sure it's the better option#stop erasing Katara's arc and development just to claim that Aang brings her down when she's been a bad-ass since season 1#reducing her arc to that ONE moment with Zuko and ignoring all of her other development just to prop up a ship is nasty#Katara isn't a reward for Aang and she sure as hell isn't one for Zuko stop belittling her like that#if y'all didn't watch ATLA when you were 12 and think Zuko was cute this ship wouldn't even exist#thinking about that post that said the writers /pandered to dudebros/ like we all weren't children the delusion is crazy sdfssdfsdfsd#also seeing AANG of all characters getting whacked for a ship...please get a life and stay away from him#antizutara
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vaugarde · 2 years
so sad watching someone go through each episode of a multi season show and they just get more and more exhausted as the seasons just get worse
#both about drake's mlp liveblog and about the 7 hour spongebob ranking LOL#i forgot how many episodes of spongebob were just plain mean-spirited and i fully agree with him when i say that like#*when he says#they're not problematic or the worst episodes of all time and ''its just a comedy'' but then the mean spirited stuff isnt funny#its just not fun to watch. like black comedy can be really good but like it has to actually be enjoyable#mlp thankfully doesnt have that same mean spirited issue or anything like i think i likelater seasons more than most ppl#bc i got into the show finally when the movie came out. so im used to alicorn twilight and baby flurry heart and. kinda starlight.#but like the tone absolutely just gets weirder as it goes imo. like watching season 1 i can see why ppl prefer it#bc its very charming and later seasons kinda lose that. like ''the magic of friendship'' stops being like a metaphor#and there was sorta less focus on cute lessons about ''listen to your friends when they reach out! ask for help!'' that made the elements wo#work#and friendship somehow becomes like this magical unspeakable force thats barely studied and only ponies understand for real#so they have to teach other people what friendship is so they can also be magical. and how having friends just redeems u immediately#idk if im describing it right but it just feels weird. like in the movie w twilights dramaticline like#''friendship didnt fail me... i failed friendship.'' like that wouldve sounded more natural if she said ''my friends'' instead#idk its not a huge deal but it takes away from the charm for me bc it feels less like power of friendship and more ''this is so mystical''#echoed voice#id say i think this is me also with pokeani but like. idk i feel like thats kinda different inthat its not seasonal rot#its just that theres so so much of the same formula and not every small arc they do isa banger#the casts also shift now and then so it doesnt feel like characters other than ash haveto forget things all the time to function
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