#and too many limited time events. I was a kid back when I played so yes I had more time but GOD OW demands so much time from you now
deathbydarkelves · 6 months
I hate all forms of PvP 99% of the time but this new mode is silly enough that I wanna try it. I'll let y'all know how I do. I have next to no experience in battle royales.
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skullvgirl · 12 days
being best friends with the blue lock boys | school au
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warnings ;; suggestive, school!au, fem reader, possibly ooc i haven't written for them in a years whoops. situation-ship ( ? )
incl ;; isagi, bachira, barou
an's ;; i backkkk ( maybe )
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hes unsurprisingly super depenable, sweetest guy, always got your back and a picture perfect best friend. you've been best friends since you were kids and now that your in high school, not much has changed. the stoy has always been the same—the two of you met at a park, somewhere between where the both of you lived and since then you've been stuck together like glue.
you were so close in fact that at a certain point in time none of you can read people began to think of you both as one person. if isagi needed to know something but wasnt there at the time, just tell yn and the message would be received. isagi's in class that day but you have an appointment? just tell him and eventually the words will reach you ears, it was awfully convenient.
in some cases ( some rare cases ) isagi might've received a love letter to pass onto you and strangely enough you never seemed to get the message, speaking normally to whomever sputters and blushes while talking to you. its no surprise that most people think your off limits—they assume that your off limits beacause of how often the two of you are together, and while there are many many normal best friend behaviors that come along with your long lasting friendship there are a few...questionable things on-lookers observe about the two of you.
like for example your at almost every game and every practice. even when they're forced to practice inside it's almost like your unofficial designated manager because no one questions your presence and often ask you favors as if you're a real manager. and in the rare case somebody does ask ( most-likey a new freshman player ) everyone just answers with "oh her? thats yoichi's girl."
nobody's ever corrected it and its not like either of your really minded.
at games you wear his jersey or at the very least his jersey number and cheer like a maniac in the stands which ( isagi will never admit to your face ) boosts his ego like crazzzyy, spurring him on to play harder and harder each time.
you always leave in his car after whatever events took place that night and sometimes is even seen coming with him in the mornings. it doesn't help that you have 4 classes which him plus you're lunch period where the both of you will 100% without a doubt sit next to each other.
in the end he'll always be your best friend, whatever you need he's got you. wether thats a pat on the back or a lomg makeout session in the back of his car, he'll always be there for you. no matter what. ◡̈
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you became friends in middle school. he was just as lonely as he'd been for years and just your luck, you were to!
the two of your bonded over your loneliness and if i'm being honest, neither of you saw each other in a romantic way until someone brought it up. bachira one day had been sitting in math and was about to fall asleep when his classmate tapped his shoulder to get his attention.
"hey, aren't you friends with YN?" he asked.
bachira didn't know what he was trying to get at by asking the question. I meanf wasn't it obvious? he was with you everyday. "Yeah..why?"
"aren't you gonna tap that? She's like, hot as hell." the male snickered disgustingly and if it wasn't for Bachira's scattered thought process he would have defended you from his peers comment. He thought it over for a moment.
am I gonna tap that...?
you on the otherhand were in your english class ready too doze off as well, hoping to dream about your little trouble maker of a friend.
"psst! yn! wake up!" your friend called from besides you.
you groaned and sat up to see what she wanted to say. "hmm?"
she giggled and scooted s bit closer too you whispering into your ear. "are you and him like—are you guys like dating or something?"
you pulled away from her and raised your eyebrows like you were surprised even though it was probably the 10th time somebody had asked you that.
"what? no! were just friends, really close friends thats all."
you both later realized that even before all the accusations the two of you liked each other, I mean, what kind of best friend lets you crashout at his place for days on end, spooning in his bed "because he's cold" then the next morning make breakfast for him and spoon feed it to him?
yeah now that you think about it...you should have seen this sooner...
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you don't know whats worse. being best friends either barou or being in love with him. you''ve decided on both.
it's only been s year since the two if you met, you were the new kid he happened to take a liking too even though he was well intergrated into BLLK HIGH, although there were many attemps at other people trying to enter your and his little circle of friends, they were met with disappointment. barou wasn't the one too mess with, especially not with his loved ones.
barou, although you considered yourself his friend, was still so hard too read sometimes. you share lunch together and you just can't help it if your heart races when his hand creeps up on your thigh, rubbing the squishy fat between his fingers. it makes you heart confused when he's barely even looking at you while he's doing it too, pretending to listen to whatever you're friend is saying.
at his game, he's perfect. sweaty and glistening beautifully under the lights as though a light rain had come doen too greet him. he meets your in the locker rooms and you congratulate him in many ways. what started out as just a few kisses soon turned into wandering hands and breathy moans cut off by the rest of the returning soccer players.
whats worse is the next day he acts like it's nothing. continuing to go about your regular schedule and trying to ignore the pains you get when he talks about possibly going to the spring dance with someone, he just doesn't know who.
it doesn't help that all of your friends on both sides seem too ship you two like crazy, having no problems in making sneaky little comments that suggest the two of you should get together.
barou didnt seem interested and for your own sake they drop the idea quickly. for a moment in your friendship ( if you could even call it that at this point ) the touches and the kissing stopped when it was let loose by a certain someone that you too weren't interested in the idea of being with him first the dance. and so for 9 long painful weeks of endless tension and pinning barou finally decided to make a move.
he burst into tge classroom he heard you were in for stuying and your body immediately tensed.
"oh, hi barou, what are you doing here?"
he smacked his lips and stomped over too your desk, "it's shouei to you, since when have you ever called me that?"
you shrugged your shoulders feigning nonchalance, "since whenever I started, now tell me what you want quickyly, i need too study."
barou shook his head head and moved you belongings aside so he was the center of your attention.
"hey what are you—!?"
"It this because of the dance?"
You stopped in the middle of your sentence to stare at him. "what?"
"the dance, because i said i wouldn't go with you?"
well that is not what you were expecting. "no...?"
barou sighed and crouched down so his was squatting now. "l—that time I thought, well I don't really know what I thought and-"
"shouei." you cut him off and he looked at your expression. "do you want to go to the dance with me?"
he stood up from his position taking you along with him. "'course i fucking do."
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an ;; 🤢 shit ending, god awful writing, i know i sorry, ill do a samu soon to make up for it.
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nocturni3 · 1 year
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Miguel Ohara x male reader: canon Tragedy
CHARACTER DEATH, I can understand if y’all don’t wanna read if you don’t think this is something you can’t handle mentally DNI. Or read when I do Angst and death I don’t hide anything it’ll hit deep and twist your heart.
(TW: possibly incorrect Spanish, toxic mother, loving brother in law, reader death, canon event, blood, death, venom 2099, mourning, mental break, feral Miguel, death of child, kron stone death, venom death, Revenge, pain)
Two months passed before the two newlyweds knew it! They were officially married and now waiting for their baby girl Gabriella to be ready to bring home with them. For the two months after their wedding M/n and Miguel were working non-stop; be it with Alchemax workloads, or setting up their daughters room for her arrival.
A room the newly weds spent all their time painting, buying all the needed equipment, toys, crib, lights, play pin. Both of them never had in their childhoods; a happy healthy home; that was their plan to give their daughter everything they never had.
M/n still couldn’t believe it, as if it was out of a movie he stood in the doorway of Gabriella’s room staring at the cream pink walls hang pictures of animals, her play bin filled with stuffed animals as well nearly flooding onto the floor many of those animals being rabbits of different sizes and colors. A holo projection hung clouds floating and shifting across the ceiling.
Soft blanket folded in the crib waiting to be wrapped around their beautiful daughter. M/n smiled at the room knowing this once empty, hollow room would soon have a child in it to breathe life on its walls.
Arms wrapped themselves around his middle pulling his back against a muscular chest. The hands that wrapped around his waist displayed a ring that M/n rubbed his thumb across smiling, turning his head to look into the eyes of his husband.
Miguel O'hara, who’s eyes bore bugs under them of the countless nights of working late as the new CEO of Alchmax. Even still a smile stretched across Miguel’s lips before pressing a kiss against a M/n’s temple.
“Think we got her enough toys? Maybe we should get her-“
M/n gave a soft chuckle rubbing Miguel’s head as it leaned on top of his own shoulder.
“I think this kids gonna be spoiled if we keep buying her toy after toy before she gets here.”
Miguel’s arms tightened around M/n pulling in closer, sighing from his husband being so close to his heart.
“Oh trust me love she’s already spoiled. I think we can handle spoiling her a bit more”
“Hmm, yeah you’re right…maybe when Gabe and me are out grabbing lunch I’ll grab a few more things for our baby”
“Make sure Gabe doesn’t try to buy her dumb”
“Miggy! Gabriel O'hara trying to buy our daughter something ridiculous?! We both know your brother but I’ll try to convince him to keep the terrible jokes at a mild”
Miguel chuckled, shaking his head into your neck breathing in his scent, his cologne. Taking in all of m/n as he held his other half’s body close. Migue wished he could go with him on this lunch like they both used to do but as the CEO his time was so limited to quick snacks and breaks before being on calls for a good chunk of the day.
But he knew m/n needed to get out of the house, check on Gabe after he and his girlfriend fought. To get his mind off of the stress of their own soon to be born child. After all, Gabe had spent far too much time ensuring Discord stayed locked away in cyberspace; he needed a break away from downtown even.
M/n smiled before turning around in Miguel’s arms pressing his hands against Miguel’s chest. Smiling up to his tired husband;
“And maybe after shopping I’ll check on our little girl get some more photos before she’s born, I could video call you get you to go on a well needed break away from those other department dicks”
Leaning down Miguel captured soft lips with his own, a kiss both performed so many times, yet it was a dance that still left Miguel’s lips and fangs buzzing after you lips left his. Patting his chest M/n pulled away running his hand across Miguel’s chest as he walked past him to gather his holo watch and jacket.
Miguel fallowed him leaning against the kitchen wall staring at his gorgeous husband he stuck by him for a decade of dating. A year of supporting Miguel becoming spiderman, finding out of his identity. Livening Miguel through all the ups and downs of the months of them struggling to become parents and now they were married.
Living in their house, a peaceful house away from the stresses and anxiety of the city. Miguel stared at his husband who soon noticed looking over his shoulder, making his h/l h/c get in his face as he smiled at Miguel who watched with his own smile watching as e/c eyes shined.
“Like what you see hot stuff?”
“Oh, ya conoces el amor, there’s no point in boosting that ego of yours farther”
“Damn and here I thought I needed an ego boost, shock throw the plan away then”
Miguel shook his head, pushing off the counter before pulling M/n close to him once more taking both hands in his; as though the two were going to start to dance like they had at their wedding as shown with countless photos of the twos wedding and years of dating hung all over their home.
Leaning forward Miguel pressed his forehead against M/ns, leaving a small peck against the soft lips he loved with all his heart.
“Knowing you, you'll make another plan for that ego, be safe okay, holo call me after you and Gabe’s lunch alright, love you”
M/n smiled even more, holding the side of Miguel’s tired cheek, nudging his nose against his worried husband.
“I will handsome, if you promise you will take a well needed nap; Mr. CEO needs to sleep too you know don’t make me have LYLA shut down the servers just for you to sleep”
“Can’t have that”
“Nope, those servers are a pain to turn back on”
“Than you got yourself a deal”
“Good, Now ilove you and I’ll call you after me and Gabe are done eating and shopping”
Miguel smirked watching as M/n called up Gabriel who answered in a tired, stressed voice on the other end.
“Yo! Bro are ya done yet! That brunch place is gonna be pact by the time we get ther-“
“He’s ready Gabe, you keep him safe yeah?”
M/n jokingly elbowed Miguel smiling at him before turning to Gabriel who rolled his eyes in the holo call.
“Yes Mig I’ll keep your husband safe and sound; we both know just how dangerous a cafe can be-“
“Okay kids stop fighting, I’m coming out now Gabe!”
Gabriel nodded before hanging up the hollo call.leaving Miguel and M/n once again alone. Turning to Miguel M/n placed a quick kiss on Miguel’s lips mumbleing against them as he wished him an easy work day before pulling back to head to the door.
“Lyla! Make sure Miguel gets sleep yeah!”
Lyla smiled as she appeared in front of M/n smiling as she winked at his giving him a thumbs up.
“You got it boss”
Miguel gave a soft sigh when the door closed to their house; before turning to the kitchen counter that held his now cold coffee. Another long day of work.
M/n laughed at Gabes joke on members of his girlfriend's rebel groups antics. Neely spitting out his coffee at his husband's brother.
“There’s no shockeing way he did that!”
Gabe laughed, his goggles nearly falling on his eyes as his head shook.
“I wish I was lying but the guy is a moron when it comes to tech hacking and don’t get me started…”
Humming M/n looked out the window zoning out to look at the city skyline, watching the hover cars fly through the sky In between buildings and holo board’s advertising companies with the hero’s of old. M/ns mind moved to Miguel’s tired eyes the way his face saved a bit from stress of work. His clothes-
“Bro you good?”
“Huh! Oh shock sorry Gabe I was just-“
“Thinking of Miguel?”
M/ns hands held the cup of coffee taking a small sip, taking in all the emotions that flowed in his heart. Even though the cafe was a peaceful atmosphere it didn’t quell m/ns worrying heart.
“Trouble in paradise?”
M/ns eyes widened as his waved his left hand that held his wedding band, that bounced the suns rays off the red diamond.
“What oh no, no no! Nothing like that at all, we’re great, better than ever it’s just…Gabe you’ve seen Miguel he’s working so hard all the time-“
“I thought you said he stopped being spide- I mean”
“Wait you know!”
M/n laughed covering his mouth as he sat the hot cup of coffee down on the table. Seeing Gabes shocked face of horror.
“I’ve known for a while…and yeah he’s stopped or slowed down a lot more due to him taking up the CEO position at Alchemax but that’s the issue.”
“Him being CEO or quitting his other gig?”
Sighing M/n looked down at the shopping bags that sat next to his and Gabe's table inside sat another small bean stuffed bunny, an old looking toy but the novelty of it drew him in. Holding the small bunny in his hands M/n played with the soft white ears, moving the big floppy ears from its face.
“Neither, it’s him working himself to exhaustion that has me worried to death. Gabriella is coming home next month and it worries me he isn’t getting the sleep we both need now before we bring a newborn home.”
And I just can’t put more stress on him-“
A hand grabbed the white rabbit from M/n anxious hands; holding the body in front of his face, speaking in a high pitch voice that heard other patrons and their kids staring; some chuckling before going back to their own conversation.
“M/n O’Hara you listen here, when you get home you make Miggy go to bed, you tell him he needs to chill out on being the big CEO of Alchedick. You hear me Mr. O’Hara”
M/n laughed his hand covering his mouth as he laughed as Gabe smiled at his brother in law seeing M/n Ohara relax.
“Thanks Gabe, I know you know this but your the best brother in law I could’ve asked for and uncle for Gabriella to have”
“I’m the only one of those two things!-“
Gabriel’s watch started ringing loudly, Gabe looked down at the caller ID instantly answering; m/n looked away giving Gabe some privacy as he stared at the bustling and busy. Slipping the rest of his own coffee before Gabe piped in his expression told M/n all he needed to know;
“Shit, hey man I gotta-“
M/n smiled holding up a hand at Gabriel.
“Gabe go on I’ll catch a taxi to the clinic; go take care of your girlfriend okay, when you can call Miguel. You may not know this but every time you call Miguel is happy to talk to his baby brother you know.”
Gabriel looked down at his coffee tapping his watch on the tipping pad. Nodding sadly before placing his goggles around the rabbits neck smiling at M/n as he pushed the bunny back in his hands.
“Give those to little Gabriella yeah? if she’s anything like Miguel and me you’ll have your hands full with fights”
Taking the rabbit in his hands M/n smiled at Gabe, before placing the small stuffed animal with the dirty goggles around its neck back in the back at his feet.
“Oh I have no doubt, take care of yourself Gabe”
“You too my favorite brother in law”
Laughing M/n lightly punched Gabes arm.
“I’m your only brother in law you moron”
Gave laughed weakly before waving bye to M/n who smiled at his now empty cup of coffee, looking back out to the skyline taking in the breathtaking view of it all.
“What a beautiful day.”
Keeping her promise Lyla had Miguel take a well needed nap that wasn’t at the very desk he did all his work, but in his and M/n’s bed room. Even going as far as to have one of his serving drones spray M/ns cologne all over their bed just to get Miguel to fall asleep faster.
Lyla loved the couple, as close as any friend would and it broke her AI software to see Miguel work himself every hour of everyday while M/n worried in silence. Only to comfort Miguel everyday after work when the two got a rare moment of peace. Only for Miguel’s scectarly; his own mother to call him to yet another meeting.
It had gotten so bad that Lyla would answer the phone calls from his mother before his holo watch even notified Miguel and told her that Miguel was busy and to move the meetings for the next day or week. This bought Miguel some time to catch some rest like this moment.
Lyla watched as Miguel instantly passed out under the soft covers pulling some of the covers to his face to smell his husband's cologne even more as he slept. Lyla smiled, hovering her hand over Miguel’s hair before vanishing to the living room, staring at the many photographs that hung on the walls of the modern home, photos of the couples time during high school prom night, the photos of their graduation at Alchemax School for Gifted Youngsters.
Next we’re photos of them in their apartment, vacations to parts of Mexico and the world. Photos of their rings on either of their hands and last their wedding. Both wearing white suits as they kissed in front of a crowd of friends and Miguel’s family.
Lyla's smile wore away as yet another processing call from Miguel’s mother came in. Sighing dramatically, Lyla made a 21st century phone call as she answered, hearing the older woman's voice on the other end of the line.
“Miguel sweetly you have a meeting-“
“Ima stop you right there, one Miguel sweetly is
sleeping after pulling a 24 hour shift of none stop meetings, stress and isolation thanks to your constant fear migrating and project-“
“What did you say! Lyla you put Miguel on this call right now-“
“No, you listen here you are cozying up to Miguel after years of hating him for your own selfish sake just to work your way in having him fear failing his new family like that abusive bastard had. So I won’t put Miguel on the call cause unlike you! me and M/n have eyes and heart to see that Miguel needs a long needed break away from work and away from you you old washed up hag!”
“You good for nothing AI you listen here you bit-“
Lyla had the phone vanish and along with it all her anger before she made her way to the couple’s room peering inside to see Miguel hugging m/n’s pillow tightly the nanotech in the fibers emitted a light glow in the pitch black room. a smiling Lyla left once more seeing Miguel’s face relaxed, at peace as he slept.
She only hoped when M/n called Miguel would take some time away from the stresses of work and spent it gushing over little Gabriella and M/n who would probably continuously feed Miguel praises and love.
“¿eh? Miguel Ohara hablando”
The sound of Miguel’s tired voice brought a smile and chuckle from M/n's lips as he placed his hand on top of the glass set face that protected Gabriella from the world outside.
“I sure hope so, what do I have to do to set an appointment for my husband?”
“M-m/n! Ow shock! Sorry I was-“
“Sleeping? Good, did you have a good long rest hun?”
Faintly hearing Miguel on the other line humming before a groan escaped his husbands lips M/n knew Miguel had gotten the sleep he needed most.laughing M/n turned on his holo watches camera popping a miniature view of a still sleepy miguel who still lauded in their bed. His deep brown locks were a mess of tousled bed hair, mixed with his tired smiled that showed off his fangs as he spoke:
“Best rest I’ve had cariño thanks to Lyla holding off my mother and her constant meetings and a bit of your cologne”
“My cologne?l
“Sí, it help me sleep”
Chuckling M/n turns fully to watch his old hand rubbing the glass that held their daughter; as though this simple act helped her feel safe.
“Then I guess I should start stockpiling some more huh?”
“Haha I think you’ll be fine you already got enough of that stuff to last a year”
His cheeks reddening M/n shook his head before pointing an accusing finger at Miguel. Both playing along with the others' antics and sarcasm. Acting more like children than 27 year old newlyweds.
“Hey careful there husband or you’ll find yourself-“
“On the couch?”
“Oh shush!”
Miguel’s tired voice gave way to a chest lightening laugh that was soon joined by M/n. Both men looked at the other with such love it was almost hard for either of them to describe. Moments passed with M/n and Migue talking to their daughter who was floating in the water like liquid. Both parents smiling love not at their daughter seeing just how much she looked like Miguel and both taking guesses on what she’ll be like.
“Nah I think she’ll for sure be a daddy’s girl”
“Amor were both her parents”
M/ns smile widened even in hologram form Miguel stared at his husbands smile as though it was the sun itself.
“Duh that’s to the point! No competitions for her favorite parent reward”
“I just hope I can’t catch a break from work to see her enough-“
“And you will; miggy I love you and Gabriella loves you too. The company won’t crumble to dust if your gone to be with your family.”
Miguel knew what M/n was saying was the truth; he knew he was overworking himself, wasting time that could be used to be with his husband at the clinic with m/n instead of holo calls.
Nodding Miguel got up from the comforting bed making his way to the office computer that he wasted so much time behind ensuring a company he originally hated after what his “dad” did to him. After what they did to the people of Nueva York. Glancing to the spiderman suit that still sat behind a glass case then back to the countless emails from investors, department heads, and competitors trying to buy the company.
“Lyla send out a department wide email informing them I’m going on maternity leave for a year to support my family and direct all questions and answers to the new AI secretary that will soon be replacing secretary Ohara.”
Lyla smiled, doing a quick salute before proceeding to write and send email, while ordering the highest tech of a secretary encrypting it with all of Miguel’s plans, goals and Alchemaxs new goals. While on the side writing the termination paperwork for one Conchata O'Hara.
Turning back to the holo call of a shocked M/n who’s eyes where now filling with tears of happiness at Miguel’s selfless actions.
“Y-you really did it?”
“Por ti hago lo que sea, mi amor.”
Wiping away his tears M/n smiled looking at the hologram of his husband who looked as disheveled as always when he woke up from a long needed rest.
“You better get over here so I can kiss you then-“
The door to the clinic opened, reviewing a man M/n had never seen in the clinic before. Yet the older looking man wore a lab coat, his long greasy looking white hair cascaded over his face as he spoke his crooked teeth were as apparent as the sewer smell radiating off of him.
“You’re Mr.Ohara right?”
“Mmh, that’s correct M/n Ohara; is there something wrong! My husbands right here,please tell us is there something wrong with our little Gabriella?!”
Miguel’s heart was pounding as m/n gently placed the watch down so he could fully see this doctor; Miguel had a feeling he knew this man…that he’s seen the man somewhere before?
Pushing those thoughts down to focus on his fear for what the doctor would say to the couple.what would they have to do to keep Gabriella safe. Miguel could only process a split second of the “doctors” words as he walked over to M/n and Gabriella, his hands pressing against the glass staring at the couples daughter.
“Yes but it’s best if we talk with you first m/n, shouldn’t take that long, and your husband can stay in here keep an eye on little Gabriella”
M/n shuffled uncomfortably as he looked back at Gabriella and Miguel who looked confused but far more scared for the news of Gabriella’s health.
“M/n it’s alright I’ll watch over her…make sure shes-“
M/n picked up the holo watch placeing it nearer to the glass sphere.
“I shouldn’t be long love”
“I know, amor just be careful”
M/n smiled at Miguel before following the doctor out of their daughter's observation room. Miguel’s eyes fell on his daughters small body inside the water like liquid as the motors light up her vitals which all looked all good; by all accounts she’s the picture of health?
“What is that doctor even talking about-“
Miguel’s thoughts were tossed out of the window as the room's door slammed open as M/n was thrown through the air, his body and head slamming into the thick glass of Gabriella’s container making a thin freak form.
Miguel’s instincts rushed into overdrive hearing a deep gurgling voice laugh as M/ns body could barely move as he struggled to sit up his head was bleeding socking the clothes he wore his arm had deep claw marks left his arm soaked in blood that poured down to the floor even as he tried to close the claw marks the best he could.
Miguel didn’t hesitate to run to his office door to run to the clinic if he had to; as he watched helplessly as m/n pressed his blood soaked body against Gabriella’s glass; trying to protect their daughter from the danger that wreaked havoc killing doctors, guards before turning its black tar like body towards M/n, tha skull markings mixed with the grotasted spider made of bones that wrapped in its front had M/ns throat clenched.
Only to scream to Miguel with his eyes filled with fear, tears and outright love for Miguel all while protecting their precious child even as his body screamed at him to run! M/n's heart pounded in his chest as his head started to feel light either from blood loss or adrenaline he couldn’t say as he looked at an even fearful Miguel eyes he knew were on the glass case of spiderman.
“Go on call for my bastard brother! I wanna tear his body limb from limb! Tell him to get spiderman to do his job YOU HEAR THAT OHARA CALL SPIDERMAN HELL COME DOWN HERE YOURSELF TOO! Haha watching Hope melt from your eye will be so sweet when I kill your brat and husband! ILL EVEN MAKE A DEAL! which one to kill! Haha”
The volume of the two overlapping voice made M/n and Miguel’s fear riddled minds spinning as M/n turned to Miguel, tears falling from both partners eyes as they both knew what M/n was about to say-
“No please don’t kill them I’ll do anything! What do you want, just name it! You want spiderman right I’ll give you him just don’t hurt-“
“Miguel please! Save Gab-“
M/n screamed as the monsters clawed hands grabbed him by his neck using its blood covered fingers to turn M/ns head to look at the breaking and frantic Miguel ohara; the man he loved more than life itself break down.
“Money! Do you want money! Drugs, what do you want please tell me and I’ll do it!”
“I will get him there please just don’t hurt them!”
M/n screamed as a clawed hand clawed through his skin over his checks.
“You come too brother! After all, I want to see your break the most!”
M/n's watch was smashed along with his body against the glass protecting his daughter's body. Who’s vitals were starting to hit an all time high as the stress, sounds and vibrations of each slam against the sphere began to raise them all in the red. M/n yelled out, gasping as he clawed the best he could against the tar body; only gaining laughter and burning green acid to nearly miss his body.
“P-please stop, don't hurt my daughter please!”
“We don’t care; we kill, we will kill you then that brat…and watch Spider-Man’s heart break when we eat your corpse!”
M/ns eyes widened as the monster spoke its teeth near centimeters away from biting his head off.the pain and lack of air being breathed in had M/ns head spinning as the reality of this monster knowing Spider-Man’s identity; of it KNOWING Miguel’s identity. Gasping for air as his body was thrown to the ground a black tendril wrapped around his neck lifting his body off the floor to slam him to the wall.
M/n cried out as he watched each tub was ripped out of the sphere that kept Gabriella’s vitals safe, now their child was moving around frantically as if she knew what was happening as a black clawed hand scratched the surface was if it took not strength, as it turned to M/n laughing as the hand picked the sphere up with Gabriella up;
“WERE GETTING BORED! Let’s have fun destroying families “
“No! Please! NO!”
Miguel contacted the public eyes on the situation on an unknown enemy taking the CEO of Alchemaxs husband and child hostage! Many came to help weapons at the ready as they followed the web crawler to an utterly destroyed clinic; dead bodies laid sprawled across the medallic landing pad; the more Spiderman ran through the building the more fire he faced.
Migue didn’t wait for the public eye as he ran through the blood soaked halls, various glass spheres that now were broken with dead 7-9 month old children laying dead and blue. Dead parents, doctors, nurses, guards all littered the floor of the clinic. Miguel’s only focus now was to follow the mass of dead bodies that got more and more dismembered the farther he ran. The sounds of the public eye officers followed him to the room that hung wide open; the lights flickered as a scream ripped through the blood filled halls. Miguel's mind was only focused on one goal.
Save M/n and Gabriella; swinging into the large room that once was filled with small decorations m/n and Miguel had placed around the room for their Gabriella, now torn, and covered in blood. Shopping bags torn and laying amongst the desisted was sobs and screaming coming from behind tha monstrously grotesque monster who’s skin looked and moved like tar. It’s clawed hands smeared in blood.
A wet sound could Miguel’s attention as he looked down to see water…mixed with blood. His heart pounded as Miguel let out a scream to the mister his voice creaking with his scream, tears soaked his mask.
“I’m here! Fight me you fucking murder!”
The beast turned around it’s skull like pattern creased as it smiled a mouth full of ridged jagged teeth
Miguel fought the beast focusing on the battle the best he could but no matter what he did the screaming sobs that ripped through the air as M/n held their daughters bleeding limp body to his chest distracted Miguel long enough for this Venom to take ahold of Miguel’s head holding his body up into the air, Miguels talons had no affect to venoms body as it chuckled bringing a long claw up to Miguel’s mask;
“I know who’s under there brother, WE WILL MAKE SURE TO LET YOUR BOND WATCH YOU GET DEVOURED-“
“Spiderman watch out!”
Miguels eyes fell on Venoms body as bullets ripped through venoms body as it dropped Miguel’s body into the water and blood…that got darker as Venoms laughed louder; as it jumped through the ceiling.
Miguel's eyes followed the pool of blood landing on…M/n who was barely breathing as his back was littered with bullet holes slumped on his side, his arms wrapped around the small lifeless body of their sweet Gabriella who was wrapped in a bloodied pink blanket….
“NOO! M/n! ¡No no!¡Esto no puede estar sucediendo, por favor, quédate conmigo!”
Miguel scrambled to his feet sliding to the gasping body of his Husband who held their dead daughter's body close.l who’s face looked at peace and beautiful as though she was just sleeping if it wasn’t for the blood on her pale brown skin that was so pale Miguel knew she was gone before she could even take her first breath.
Migues eyes frantically looked to M/n face whose face was smeared in blood and cuts. Miguel didn’t care who saw the two as Miguel's arms held the dying body of his husband. Who barely cling onto life; even still M/n gave Miguel a struggling smile as tears smeared the blood more even in pain he tried to comfort his broken husband.
“Miggy, I-it hurts so much ”
“I-I know amor I know; stay with me please love I can’t loose you too-“
Miguel held the hand in his as he pressed the cold hand to his lips and cheek. Ignoring the sounds of the shied agents shooing away the public eye to give the two privacy their concerned eyes went unnoticed by the couple as Spider-Man cried holding the two bodies.
“I don’t want to l-leave you yet! Miggy i-I’m scared it’s so cold. W-we lost Gabriella it hurts so much Miggy”
Miguel's sobs ripped through him as he pulled the injured boy of his husband close, putting pressure on the wounds on his back the best he could; to try to stop the bleeding!
“I should’ve been here with you-“
The hand on his cheek lifted the bottom half of the mask smiling at Miguel. Gasping as he held their daughter lifeless body to his chest, the pain was fading for M/n now a numbness from blood loss as well as the cold peaceful grasp of death began to pull him from Miguel’s warmth.
“You’ve always had a-s-such a handsome s-mile o-one of many r-easons I fell so hard for you. Wanna see it one one time please”
“No stop talking like that, You’re not going anywhere! I’ll save you, the doctors can save you both!”
M/n's vision began to blurt as he witnessed the once strong willed, loving man in his life break in front of him grasping at any once of hope he could…m/n knew it wasn’t possible as his body became so heavy even pulling Miguel closer was exhausting.
M/ns hand pulled Miguel down weakly, his ghosting breath against Miguel’s lips. Miguel's lips quivered his hands pulling the cold body of his husband closer as both shared one final kiss before even his lips turned cold.
“We love you so much Miguel…r-remember that hun…”
Miguel's eyes stared in shock as life left M/n's eyes, the once e/c eyes that Miguel could drown in now unfocused as they slowly closed, his husband's body going limp. Miguel desperately pulled the two love ones of his life to his chest as he screamed. Screams that ripped through the clinic, ripped the hearts of the public eyes, shield agents, and now the press that heard it.
It was a scream of pure agony as though one’s heart was ripped from their chest in seconds.
But Miguel didn’t care as he clung to the bodies of his husband and child. Both looking at peace at last… Miguel’s heart raged one as helix screams of mourning became a far cry of rage.
Out of the corner of his eyes he saw a sample of that living tar like substance. Placing his loved ones bodies down Miguel gripped a beaker scooping the disgusting monster in it.
“I’ll find you venom I’ll kill you myself”
And suffer Miguel did as he marched into the labs the workers jumping back at their CEOs appearance. His eyes were red, bags and sunken cheeks made them wary of his mental state as he stood in front of the monster once again. Who is now a coward in the holding experimental cell.
Numbness was all Miguel felt as he wore two rings on his left hand, a small stained stuffed bunny with Gabs goggles wrapped around its neck in his other. Numbness and pain followed with a burning vengeance on his mind Miguel yelled.
The staff didn’t hesitate to rush out of the labs. Rveryone walked on eggshells the past few days as their CEO was a grieving mess after the loss of both his husband and daughter. Everyone knew however what his goal was when spiderman threw the beast in the holding cell.
They knew Miguel was going to kill the monster.
Placing the bunny rabbit next to the frequency controls Miguel stared at the rabbit, the ring that once belonged to M/n now on his finger. As he traced over the letters;
‘You are my one and only light’
Miguels bared his teeth at the beast as his hand cranked the volume to max; tears ran down the widower’s face as he screamed over venoms suffering.
“OOOH HIT A NERVE-ahhhhhh”
“And when I’m done I’ll burn your corpse and throw you in concrete where you’ll be forgotten!”
A scream ripped from the rippling symbiote, a voice Miguel faintly remembers hearing through years of working at Alchemax, the voice of Kron Stone. His half brother was a cold blooded murder who wreaked havoc across the country killing families. Miguel snarled cranking the volume to Max screaming over the beast's scream. His voice cracking as sobs ripped over his screams, the memories of his and M/ns years of life together flashed in his mind.
Their first kiss, their first date, their first time together…their fights, concerns, love, laughter, hardships, marriage, wedding, planning for a baby. Most of all seeing M/n's face splattered with paint as they laughed while decorating Gabriella’s room. His warm arms that comforted Miguel’s during hard nights of spiderman… the blood that belonged to his husband and their daughter covering Miguel’s hands.
The screams echoed from the room, the sounds of screaming from the Symbiote before silence, what followed was bone crunching punch after punch; sickening and bloodied as screams from whoever bonded to the Symbiote was beaten to death.
Miguel stood up, his hands bloodied, his knuckles split open and bruised as he stared down at the bloodied face that was barely recognizable to what Kron once looked like. Miguel landed a final kick to the murders face his breathing was erratic as he walked over the cowardly form of sludg that was the Symbiote now back as far as the hold glass cell allowed,
Miguel’s eyes blazed red as Miguel emotionless expression stared down at the alien before slamming his fist against the red botton that set the Symbiote ablazed its screams did get an once of pity from Miguel ad he turned around picking up the small stained rabbit before exiting the room. Turning to one of the public eye guards who looked terrified of his boss as he spoke,
“Throw that Trash into the incinerator; I don’t want to see it or hear about it anymore”
“Y-yes sir”
Miguel’s return home was lonely; the house that was once held so many memories that was going to hold more now sat dark, dim, and grim as a thin layer of dust sat on the furniture that M/n used to always be at. The kitchen was empty and bare as fast food platters and bags littered the island.
Lyla, no matter what she tried couldn’t keep up with Miguel’s spiral of grief. But today seeing his hands injured and spattered with blood that wasn’t his own Lyla gently guided him towards his and M/ns room that was just as a mess as the rest of the house the two shared.
Miguel paused at the closed door with a small painted name plate;
His heart broke but Miguel stared at the stain rabbit with Gabes goggles hanging off its neck. His injured hands shook as they wrapped around the knob twisting it open to a thinly dusted room filled with toys that would never get played with, a crib that would never hold their sweet Gabriella.
Miguel took in a shaky breath as Lyla watched him, her own chest clenching as she watched Miguel place the small rabbit into the crib and pulling a pink blanket over it before walking out and closing the door.
Miguel entered his and M/ns room the thick smell of m/ns thick cologne hung heavily in the rooms air, on every blanket and clothes as Miguel’s body fell onto the bed his large body curling ever blanket he could to his face as Miguel cried his hands hurt, his heart hurt…and most of all his soul hurt as he took in the smell of the man he will never get to hold, never get to kiss or spend anymore time with anymore.
Their daughter they both wanted so badly was dead, his husband was dead all Miguel could feel was heartbreaking grief as Miguel eyes filled with tears stared at Lyla whose face looked ready to cry herself as her body took its human size her hand hovering on Miguel’s shoulder as he begged;
“Lyle tell me a story, make the hurting stop”
(I’m crying, no joke I was sobbing!)
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hanafubukki · 1 year
Hi, here Cottage Life Anon :3 I like this name a lot, but sadly I didn't find a cute Cottage emoji, so here the chosen one: 🦋
Being 🦋 Anon while been know for talking about a timetravel fic and the whole timeline mess it's involve is actually quite funny 😂
Happy to be one of your partners in crime, it's seems this timeline OT3 ending have beautiful days before it !
I'm pretty sure Dawny would be offered a job at RSA as a sword teacher. And he would also took care of a kind of fencing club in NRC :3 (Man wants to bring money at home- He was a houseman back in the time because Silver was a baby and the situation between him and the fae was still not so good so now he wants to be more active after his sleep 🥹)
I crave for Y/n schoolmate reaction 😭 The Adeuce duo + Grim are the most incredible. But everyone is priceless. "The F- Silver is your child ? He's older than you !" (In a scenario where Y/n be back at her regular age as a first year when returning in the present-)
Perhaps Lilia hid the whole truth to Silver. Like, if he was awake before the Knight, perhaps he thought it was an accident. And if Meleanor and Levan don't success to put the child back to sleep, it can add fuel to the idea. Lilia could be scared that Silver would never met his mother and other father because of a magic problem. The rest of the event would be similar to the original timeline.
Actually, timetravel and changing timeline is a trope that have many different concept, views and solution. But I kinda like the idea of a timeline "arranging/reguling itself" so the flows of event do not become too much aberrant after some big change (and it's actually a pretty simple way to avoid time paradox- 🫥). It can also explain Y/n returning. Because honestly, I think no one would willingly go back to the present (in another world-) after having a kid and living in a cute Cottage with 2 handsome and perfect husbands-
Plus Teen Silver play a essential role in original timeline. Because without him, no dream, no saving, Y/n in Malleus dream forever, no timetravel after that, no story- And I need him to meet Sebek and Malleus because sad croco boi need his training brother figure and big lonely prince need to save baby from Lilia's cooking. Meleanor and Levan have their limits-
(How that in a time where Malleus parents are alive because of the changing timeline there is no reason to explain any reguling of it because it's nonsense ? But- My Diasomnia family fluff- 🥹)
I actually have a little thing started in a text document for this OT3 🫡 I run free for it-
Thank you for initiated this OT3 😭
(References: Fanfic, Ask 1, Ask 2, Ask 3, Ask 4, Ask 5, Ask 6)
Hello 🦋 Anonie,
Wonderful choice of emoji 🦋 Anonie! I love this emoji and like you said, there is irony in using such a symbol. Namely the OT3, Time travel, and the butterfly effect 👏☺️😂 Let's go my partner in crime 💚🙌
Yes, considering all the pain and suffering the original canon timeline went. I wanted this OT3 timeline to have a happy ending for them. 💚🥰 There will still be struggles of course, but in the end, I want them to have a wonderful ending.
Dawny being more active and wanting to bring financial stability to his family is so sweet. I can see him become a teacher at RSA and mentor the students there and NRC. He doesn't want to anyone to feel left out so he sets up a club at NRC. Lilia would mention how he has more than enough money for their family, but of course, Dawny does not want to just let Lilia handle everything. And really, how can anyone say no to those determined looking eyes?
This will allow him to not only have a reason to visit both schools, but he can also spend time with his son and his classmates. I can see Silver and Sebek popping in occasionally to train with Dawny. After all, learning from two powerful warriors can only help them in the future as knights for Malleus. I can also see them being Dawny's training partner for the other students who want to learn and observe as well.
Then you also have Lilia and Dawny, I can imagine they would both have practice fights to show off to the students. YN warned them not to get hurt and not to destroy anything during their spar.
Currently timeline shenanigans with YN's schoolmates is what I love, especially for the first years. Jack is extra alert because you're a mom...or well, mom figure? And as a wolf, they take pride in protecting maternal figures. But he is also so confused because how does he treat you? You are still in his same year and age.
Then you have Epel, I can see him switch from Miss to Mrs. to Ma'am and just get frustrated. 🤣 Sebek is going through all the emotions. You’re a human who is very well loved, wife of Lord Lilia but also somehow Silver's mother and the wife of the Knight of Dawn, someone help this boy. He starts treating you with great respect, but you have to stop him and compromise with him. At school and other places, he can just treat you normally. If he's comfortable, he can be respectful back in Briar Valley. After all, you're friends with Sebek and you want it to stay that way and you dont want that to change because of some status he thinks you have now.
The "Silver is older than you" comment has me laughing.
Here are some other Twst character interactions I can think of once they found out.
Leona: Now calls you 'Lady or Princess" with that smirk on his face, trying to irritate you.
Kalim: finds this whole situation interesting. He doesn't fully understand it but as long as everyone is happy he's happy.
Jamil is now worried because he now has to worry about more people not to offend...and then he remembers what he did to you in book 4 and watch him hide in his hoodie.
Rook: loves the chaos and all the emotions around him. I can see him want to spar with both Dawny and Lilia.
Idia: is wondering how some of his favorite tropes in anime/games became real. He is also slowly trying to disappear because too many beautiful people and he doesn't want the attention.
Ortho: Well, he's having fun calculating the likelihood of this entire situation happening. In short, wow YN, you really beat the odds in everything you do.
I can imagine the pain and suffering Lilia went through to hide the truth from Silver. He loves Silver and is happy to raise him as his son, after all Silver is his son, but it hurts him that you and Dawny couldn't be there to see how your three's special boy grew up. YN and Dawny would have to step in not to only assuage this guilt and comfort him, but to do the same with Silver.
Silver would definitely need to be sat down and talk to about all this, about how loved he is and how you three are happy to see him happy and healthy.
Exactly! Who wants to return to their normal life after having such a precious family? Especially who wants to be annoyed by the headmaster constantly? So this is a win-win on all situations.
Thinking about the original timeline and how while it is the same, it is still different for all the good ways. Sebek has his best friend, Malleus got to help raise Silver and have his parents, and Silver gets extra family members who love him.
Meleanor: The spoiling aunt who will dress up her child and Silver (and later Sebek) in cute clothes, will kidnap him whenever Lilia isn't looking or Malleus tries to hide Silver from Lilia's cooking.
Levan: Who can also teach Silver and Sebek history and tactics. He can tell them stories and calm down his wife when she gets hyper.
For Diasomnia Family fluff, we can forgive and change anything to our needs 🦋 anonie 🙌
Ahhhhh I'm so happy to hear that 🦋 anonie!!! That brings me a lot of joy, that you loved this idea I had so much, that you started writing too 🥰🥹 It brings me happiness that I can inspire others to create. You have no idea. Please, if you end up finishing it, please share it with me. If you post it here on Tumblr, please tag me or send me a link if you are comfortable. Or you can always use the ask box too to share. I would love to read it 😭🥹💚
You're very welcome! This OT3 has become a comfort for me, and I am so happy to see others interested and loving it too. I love that people are joining the love for it. It brings me so much happiness, especially since it has such a close place in my heart.
Thank you as always fro sending this in 🦋anonie.
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moonshere · 3 months
Another day another ISAT live posting, some more thoughts and potential spoilers
Man man man where to even BEGIN! God this game gets more and more heart wrenching by the minute!!
to be clear, I’m currently at Act 3 I think? I tried to help everyone all at once so I did one full run with no skips to get all the info I needed, and I couldn’t stop thinking about what every else’s pov of Siffrin is like. At the moment my Siffrin is over lvl 60, so he managed to one-shot a lot of the enemies.
How does it look to everyone else? Your friend, the cheeky, pun-loving, trap and puzzle master. Who’s known more for their speed, killing enemies faster than anyone else. And while exploring they don’t look around, they just take the keys in the correct order and manage to choose the correct path every single time.
I noticed that some interactions you can make your friends notice that you’re acting suspiciously. So far I only got Odile to comment on it (and get interrupted rip) and Isabeau to say they will talk later about it. But I’m REALLY hoping there’s a way to get Siffrin’s friends to actually confront him before a loop end so he can actually freaking open up!!!
On that note, I know that I’ve only been talking about Siffrin (I can’t help myself ajdbhsbs they’re my absolute fav and consume my every thought!) I ADORE all the other characters too!!!
Mirabelle is soooooo freaking cute!! (I’ll be honest her character design is one of the reasons that made me want to play the game aidhisns) I’m so so so happy that she’s someone who’s aroace and adores romantic novels!!! There really isn’t that many aroace characters out there, especially one I relate to. But her!!!! It made me so happy!! I loved the scene between her and Siffrin (and that they’re ALSO ace and maybe alloromantic?? Demi??? I’m still unsure haha) their friendship means everything to me!! I also love the subtle way they confirmed she has anxiety! I’m kinda half wondering where she used to live before the House of Change considering how much she talked about how the headmaiden taught her everything
Odile is also so cool!! Finding out that she was only looking for half of her heritage, trying to find somewhere she belongs was something I did not expect but expands so much on her character. At first I thought she was just gonna be the Adult of the group, wise, knows what she’s doing, distant and Too Cool. But this was genuinely so good cuz it showed that Odile is just as unsure as everyone else. Hell, she and Siffrin turned out to have so much in common!! Finding a place to belong but finding nothing but yourself. I loved it so much!
little Bonnie!! They are so stinking cute I would absolutely die for them!! I like how- in a turn on how kids in video games are always put in incredibly dangerous situations and adults let them just cuz they are determined to help- Bonnie is always the one the group wants to protect the most. Even though they wanna help (and they do!! Their heals are lifesaving frfr) it’s always within the limit of their own safety. I also loved their hang out, the hug was so sweet!! Seriously, if anything happened to them I would cry
And lastly Isabeau!! He's so sweet!! i love how much he looks out for Siffrin! I’m not sure if it was a scripted event or that I managed to raise enough sus points for him to notice, but I love how when he noticed that Siffrin isn’t doing ok, he decided to postpone the confession just so he can properly focus later on Siffren’s own mental state! Also also! After looking at the romance novels once again, I almost screamed when Siffren said they were aware!!! They know that Isabeau likes them!! (And their self deprecating comment once again,,,,) Seriously, what torture it must be to see him almost confess over and over and fail everytime!! I definitely want to go back to the ending one more time to see if he ever manages to say it (but man is the king fight long,,,) His hang out was also sweet!! I think also a possible nod to what Siffrin’s home town is? If related to the stars?? But either way, the full on picnic afterwards was so cute!!
I just had to do a full run with them all together once again without any looping cuz Siffrin said so, all the new cutscenes with them together was just the sweetest!! The woodcutting one, the hair brushing, all of it is so soft!! the ending scene where they said they were a family just 🥹🥹🥹🥹 I can’t I can’t this game is too good!! I think the worst part of this though, is seeing Siffrin hoping, despite himself, that maybe, maybe, this time might be it. That all he needed was to be safe, to be happy, to be loved
And it still wasn’t enough
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heliads · 8 months
Praying I’m not too late because of school!!
Anyways, post undivided/unbound, grace and argent reunion fic please? Like, after the events of Unbound, Grace and the rest of the main gang meetup again and they’re all hanging out on some unknown port. Meanwhile Argent’s there running errands for Divan. The two bump into each other and hurt/comfort reunion ensues!! Also I wanna see Argent grovel for Grace’s forgiveness hehehe (Also the Grace Redemption Arc continues wooo)
'one more game to play ' - grace skinner
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Grace Skinner is doing well, all things considered. She is not dead. No one wants her dead, either, except perhaps some of the adults down at the park, the ones who sit in front of their chess boards rain or shine in search of a good opponent. It’s not Grace’s fault if they fell for her strategical schemes. Perhaps they should practice more.
Aside from the chess players, though, Grace is fine. She’s doing well as a new entrepreneur of tissue synthesis technology. Her friends, for the most part, are still whole, although Connor Lassiter has a new crop of scars that he doesn’t seem all that keen to show off. They’re getting better, slowly, and everything is fine.
It’s like a game that Grace can play, and she’s excellent at games. Whenever she catches herself slipping, she thinks about good things, like the health of her friends and the success of her latest enterprise. She takes walks. She clears her head, and she doesn’t think about what she shouldn’t. There are topics that are off-limits. Grace knows the rules, and she follows them.
Right now, she’s on her way to meet up with some of her friends. They’ve arranged for everyone to gather at a nearby pier. Apparently, the sea air will do them some good. Plus, the fresh breeze tends to restore all of them to finer spirits. Farther away from the city, they won’t be exposed to things that bring back bad memories, like the precise scent of smoke that burns down an antiques shop, or the routine shuffle of police footsteps outside a hiding place.
No, no. Grace reroutes her thoughts again. She was close there, but she won’t lose the game. She’s been playing it steadily for a while now. They all have. They stick to their houses or go somewhere so far away that no one even knows who they are, but it’s just different versions of the same idea. Different rulebooks, maybe, or different players, but the same damn thing in the end.
At the crosswalk in front of her, two children carefully walk into the road, eyes wide to avoid any cars. There isn’t that much traffic this time of day, but the older one still takes the hand of the younger anyway, ushering them across with far more gravity than the situation perhaps requires. She sees their faces, a boy and a girl, maybe siblings. Grace can remember when she had a brother who would do the same thing for her, before–
Her breath catches in her throat, and Grace remembers.
She’s lost the game again.
Grace doesn’t realize she’s stopped walking until she starts attracting funny looks. Quickly, she starts moving again, picking up the pace. She doesn’t want to be late to the meetup. Tardiness will attract questions, like just what she was doing to cause her to be distracted. Grace is always precise, perfectly on time. She doesn’t usually make mistakes like this. She doesn’t usually lose the game when she’s so certain about winning.
She keeps walking, passing the two maybe-siblings and leaving them far behind. They don’t matter. They’re just kids. Grace is older than them by many years and many memories. She does not have to look at them and wish that she could have her brother back, even for the time it took to cross the street, even for one half-moment when she could just talk to him and say–
Something, maybe. Grace doesn’t even know. She doesn’t have to know. Grace doesn’t know where Argent Skinner is and she probably never will. Connor told her that her brother was alive, but even he didn’t know where Argie had ended up. Her brother is pretty good at keeping to himself, even if he’s better when he has someone to talk to. That person used to be Grace. She doesn’t know who’s taken her place, but she hopes they’re good enough.
Most of her friends have arrived by the time Grace shows up at the pier. She waves hello to the ones she knows best, and casts a hopefully warm glance towards the ones that are more like acquaintances. Connor gestures for her to join him and Risa in a lively debate; apparently, they encountered an open-ended riddle while traveling here, and wish to have her input. 
The discussion is broadened to the group at large, and in between trying to figure it out, people start talking about where they’ve been and what they’ve been up to since the last time they were all together. Hayden’s trying his hand at public speaking, although he says it feels different when many people are actually watching him instead of just listening along. Lev has been working with Miracolina on how to prepare past tithes for the future they never planned on reaching. And Grace, of course, has the organ printer. All good things.
Still, she can’t help her gaze from drifting listlessly from the many faces on the pier back towards the bustling business of the port. Grace likes spending time with her friends, really she does, but having this many people here gives her the expectation that she’s got to perform for them in some way, be a better version of herself without quite knowing how, and it tends to stress her out a little. Looking at the bricks of the low buildings, watching the cars driving back and forth across the roads, is a lot easier to focus on than the discordant harmonies of so many voices.
Grace can feel her pulse starting to come back down again, and then she sees a silhouette slipping out of an open door. Their back is to her, so she can’t make out their face, but the advantage of spending one’s entire life around one single person is that you tend to remember them, and Grace swears she knows this person perfectly. The swing of his arms as he walks, the absentminded tilt of his head. This– this is Argent. Impossibly, it’s Argent. Grace’s brother. The reason she has to keep distracting herself from the awful truth that the closest part of her family is gone.
Grace’s breath catches in her throat. Truth be told, she didn’t even know if Argent was alive. He certainly hadn’t reached out to her, but then again, he would have no way of doing so. Vividly, Grace’s mind flashes back to a terrible night in Ohio, when she had seen a man she had thought was Argent, only to see part of her brother’s face on a different guy’s body. What if this is the same thing all over again? What if he really was unwound, even despite being old enough to avoid the limit, and one recipient just happened to get all of her brother.
Grace should look away and spare herself another horrorshow. She can’t take another brother-based heartbreak, that would go beyond losing the game to losing herself. Still, the silhouette mocks her silently as it walks away. It looks an awful lot like Argent, doesn’t it?
She can’t take it anymore and murmurs an excuse to her friends before heading off back down the pier towards the town. The young man who could be Argent Skinner isn’t walking all that fast, ambling in the vague direction of his destination, wherever that may be. By contrast, Grace is setting new records for speed walking, fists pumping as she hurries towards her supposed brother.
Just before she reaches him, Grace hangs back a little, giving herself time to judge the situation. If she’s wrong, she’s wrong now, and she’ll know it. However, the more Grace looks, the more she’s certain that this is indeed Argent. She steadies herself slightly, curling her hands into tight fists, and says uncertainly, “Argie?”
The figure stands stock-still, all momentum blown out of him like a limp sail on dead seas. Slowly, he turns around. There’s a moment before he completely faces Grace, a moment in which time feels as if it takes twice as long to pass. The instant of hesitation lasts for infinities, and then the figure stands directly in front of her and she knows– she knows it’s her brother. Knows it like breathing, like plotting out the winning move in a chess match. This is Argent, and she is Grace, and they are back together again.
For a while, they don’t say anything at all, just taking in the sight of each other. At last, Grace understands just what was done to her brother– half of his face is still scarred, as it was when Connor Lassiter attacked him when escaping his capture, but half of it is even more so damaged, still vaguely pink and irritated from the lingering aftereffects of a biobandage.
“Your face,” Grace says uncertainly, then immediately wishes she hadn’t.
Argent’s hand rises up instinctively– not to the fresh scars, as Grace had assumed he would, but to the old ones, the wounds Connor had given him. It’s as if he’s afraid that the other side of his face, too, would be ripped away when he least expected it. Dear God. What have they done to him?
“Never trust a parts pirate,” Argent growls.
So that’s what had happened. It makes sense that the man with Argent’s face that Grace encountered before he burned down the antique store would be a parts pirate. It also makes sense that Argent had tried to trust one. Lonely, hopeless Argent, who kidnapped the Akron AWOL then lost it all because he just had to post a selfie of the two of them together, who had joined up with a disreputable parts pirate because he wanted some grand expedition of revenge. Faceless Argent, who bears a countenance of wounds marking both times he learned his lesson.
“I missed you,” Grace says unexpectedly. “You didn’t call.”
Argent squints at her. “How could I? You left home and so did I. ‘Sides, I didn’t think you’d want to hear from me, on account of you running off with Connor and me trying to hunt you two down.” Upon seeing Grace’s crestfallen face, he adds hastily, “That didn’t mean I didn’t want to, though. Christ, Gracie, you’re my sister. That might not mean a whole lot at times, but I’ve felt rough about it ever since. Seeing you is good, though.”
“Thanks,” Grace whispers. All of a sudden, she feels eleven again, never quite saying the right thing to her cooler brother, not enough to make her one of his friends but enough to be a sister, as always. Well, maybe that’s not the worst thing in the world. Being a sister. It means she would feel less alone than she had before.
“I owe you more than that,” Argent confesses. “I’ve treated you something awful, haven’t I? Enough to make you run off with Connor and not come back. I’ve overlooked you, Gracie. I’ve treated you badly. It just tore me up inside, thinking that maybe you’d get hurt because of stuff I did. Say you’ll forgive me, won’t you?”
Grace hesitates a bit, mulling his words over, then nods at last. “I do forgive you, Argie.”
Her brother’s face washes over in relief. “I’m mighty glad to hear that, I have to say.”
She chuckles. “I’m mighty glad to hear you apologize. Thought you never would.”
“So did I,” he admits.
They stand for a few moments in awkward silence, not sure what to do now that the obvious has been taken care of. Then, in a sudden flash of reality, Grace remembers the group still bunched out on the pier. “A couple of us are hanging out past the docks. Do you want to join us?”
There’s a careful light behind Argent’s weatherbeaten eyes. “Are you sure? I reckon they might not be the happiest to see me right now.”
“Don’t mind that,” Grace says with a wave of her hand. “You saved Connor when he was unwound, right? He told me about that.”
“The Akron AWOL is saying I saved his life?” Argent asks, unconsciously puffing out his chest a little.
“He is,” Grace confirms. “Come on, you can hear him say it for yourself.”
With that, she turns and starts walking back towards the pier. A few moments later, she hears Argent following her. He catches up when they’re about to cross the street, insisting on going a half step earlier so he can watch for cars. Grace instantly remembers the younger pair of siblings she’d seen just an hour or so earlier. She’s got her brother back, she realizes with piercing clarity. They’re together again, the two Skinners, watching out for each other once more.
And with that, Grace wins the game.
requested by @sirofreak, i hope you enjoy!
unwind tag list: @reinekes-fox, @locke-writes
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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autobot-ratchet · 3 months
MTMTE 12-13
still so cute that Tailgate's happy place is movie night
damn they really just cut right to the aftermath of the battle like “oh yeah btw Rewind's injured and Swerve got his face blown off. Just to let you know. Okay back to the present”
Drift is in his element, look at that smile, you go baby, slice those dudes up
gfdjks poor First Aid is so done with Chromedome's fussing, give the guy a break he's just worried about his husband
also yeah god this is the first time we get to say explicitly that they're married, isn't it? I remember being completely fucking floored by that the first time I read it, like “wait what do you mEAN THEY'RE ACTUALLY TOGETHER??? LIKE IN THE ROMANCE WAY?!?!?” like I had picked up on the queercoding vibes but then the comic was just like “yeah coding-schmoding, they're queer” and I simply could not believe that shit lmAO
also btw Cyclonus is injured too. Just fyi
I've made fun of Tailgate for embellishing his past accomplishments but damn does he do a good job of stringing Rewind along lmAO kid's a pretty good liar under enough pressure
I love how they show us that horrifying panel of Swerve's fucked up face without context and then later the context turns out to be “yeah he just accidentally shot himself in the face.” he looked down the fuckin barrel of the thing god lmAO
I love the concept of innermost energon so much. For a race that's constantly morphing and changing to give away the one part of themselves that always stays the same no matter what, the fuckin romance of it all
I love Tailgate trying to gas up Chromedome by constantly trash-talking Dominus just on principle alone lmAO “Oh that's Rewind's ex? Fuck that guy he's got nothing on you” “Tailgate he was an incredible person” “Incredibly cringe, maybe”
sorry I am now distracted by the idea of Tailgate using the word “cringe,” that wasn't nearly as much of a thing when this comic was coming out but he absolutely would, holy shit
ooohhhgdjhfs Drift recruiting Chromedome for The Overlord Thing while he's at his lowest and Rewind's incapacitated is so slimy, he really does have to do all the dirty work for this project huh
Cyclonus immediately goes back to help Tailgate clean up, he's making progress, we're getting thereeeeeeeee
I think this is the first time (of many) that Cyclonus looks at Chromedome and Rewind's relationship and is like “...........huh.” Like, he definitely uses them as a framework for his own relationship with Tailgate and wants what they have, even if he doesn't quite realize it at this point
Ah, right, I forgot that Whirl helps Rewind jump his spark out of guilt for nearly killing him alongside Cyclonus lmAO
And Cyclonus protected Rewind.... nnnnNNGFHSDFNgsdf *points at Cyclonus* HAHA YOU HAVE FEELINGS... YOU CARE........
I like the implication that this isn't the first time Drift has grabbed Swerve like a football
also love Cyclonus calling Drift too young, both of you are old as dicks
I will never be able to think about the bit where Swerve asks Drift to be his roommate and Drift is like “no thanks, in my off time I prefer to be alone in a state of heightened isolation exploring the limits of solitude” without thinking about that vine that's like “sorry dude I can't go do social event, I'm busy” and then it cuts to him in his room alone, drinking a can of beer with one hand and playing jock jams on a keyboard with the other, this one, this is the vine
I fucking forgot Swerve was still here, I thought they closed the door on him lmfAO they really just had that whole conversation with the door wide open
I'm still so sad we only got the good holomatter avatar generator after Ratchet had used his old one, not to mention everyone whose avatars we never saw. Every day I wonder what Drift's avatar would've looked like
Magnus shoving his way between Swerve and Tailgate, making Tailgate scoot three entire seats over
“I think the program is struggling with human gender- Do I look like a 'Mary Sue?'” ah-HAH *slaps knee*
Aww, I forgot Magnus's avatar is Verity, that's so sweet. I didn't know who Verity was the first time I read this, but now that I do it does hit different lmAO
fuckin rip Magnus. Fhdksjkl I just noticed Rewind recording in the background, you can see the light of his camera on his silhouette
“Why do I get the impression that you can't remember your worst enemy?” nnnnnnNNNNNGGHH
drunk Magnus is cute
“Where IS Chromedome?” “Oh, he's, erm... I'm sure he told me...” NNNNNNNGGHHFFGHGHFGH
“Savor this feeling, everyone. You never know what's around the corner.” yEAH, YOU GUYS SURE DONT...
Cyclonus teaching Tailgate to sing in old Cybertronian... Tailgate said earlier in the issue that Cyclonus was the only link to his past and that was defs on purpose so that this could be Cyclonus's moment of realizing that Tailgate is much the same for him
aww Swerve, buddy... I mean to be fair I would've done the same thing in Blurr's position, Swerve comes on a little strong, but oh man. Swerve's not a bad guy, he's just unbearably lonely but Blurr never could've known that
oh right this is the first little written blurb we get hell yeah
Rung quietly marveling at the miracle of Cybertronian physiology like. That's YOU!!! That's more you than you could ever know!!!!! He doesn't even know that he's the originator of all that!!!!!!!!
it is still so funny that Rung regained the ability to move by getting so sick of Swerve's shit that he subconsciously mustered the power to move his arm so he could shush him
mmmmphphgndfm one of the only things Rung remembers during his recovery period was the smile Skids gave him when he corrected the mispronunciation of his name... SKIDS IS REAL SWEET........
gfdjk the gang watching Cyclonus browse a gift shop like they're ethologists and Cyclonus is a species of animal they've never seen before
godjdfska Magnus trying to make a joke and failing harder than anyone ever could is still so funny.. HE'S TRYING OKAY........ Also, absolutely hysterical joke to be telling to Rung specifically
God Rodimus is such an ass lmAO “What is wrong with people” he asks the therapist, genuinely. Simply solve mental illness, why don't you
ooh, get him, Rung, stick to your guns, attaboy
God. Watching Rodimus lie through his teeth about investigating the voice Rung and Red Alert heard... I mean, it was never going to work out, bringing Overlord onto the ship, it was a doomed endeavor from the start, but seeing all these moments of Drift and Rodimus trying to keep it under wraps is just so bitter lmAO They did their best, their awful, awful best
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micalpixel · 3 months
May Flowers Game - June 2024 Progress Report
Another month has passed, so here’s another update on my gamedev journey. The goal is to create my first video game using the Godot game engine.
(Prior Updates: May, Initial)
The main goal for June was research. Play other character/exploration-focused games with no farming or combat elements and see what they do to keep things fun. Here’s what I played (or watched others play)
A Short Hike: A game about a penguin climbing a mountain. Finding new people, new areas, and moving/gliding were very enjoyable. The game’s 3D environment with pixelated graphics was also a new experience for me. A very nice cozy game.
Rakuen: I love this game. You play as a kid stuck in a hospital, trying to help other sick patients, while also exploring a fantasy world described in a book. Lots of exploration, puzzles, and focus on characters. Catchy music too. Kind of exactly what I was looking for. I think Undertale fans would enjoy this one.
The Stanley Parable: A choose-your-own-adventure game. No NPCs, just movement and a very entertaining and well-crafted narrator.
Potion Permit: You play as a chemist who just moved into a town, and must make a living brewing potions while getting to know the town, its people, and the wilderness. The first life-sim game I’ve actually beaten. The lack of time limits was greatly appreciated.
Shenmue (Watched not Played): An important piece of gaming history. I watched a playthrough of this one, just so I could see this game at its best, and not miss any important events.
Freddi Fish 2 (Watched not Played): A point-and-click adventure for children??!… What’s this doing here?!?! Well, this one wasn’t on my original list, but I realized the point-and-click game genre had many similarities with the walk/talk/trade-items gameplay I originally envisioned. Plus this one had no game-overs and no frustrating trial-and-error like many do. Studying how a different genre handled that kind of gameplay, while making it very accessible and entertaining, was a good learning experience.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits (WIP): I started this one, more for fun than research, but haven’t finished it yet. Beautiful game. As others have noted, it’s like playing a Pixar movie.
OneShot (Not Started Yet): Ran out of time. 😒 Next month. Really looking forward to this one.
All in all, I took 10 pages of notes. Things I noticed, liked, disliked, wanted to think about.
On June 20, I began work on an actual prototype (“Prototype 1”). Code from my earlier Godot projects was collected, combined, and improved. The goal is to implement every important mechanic in the game. Everything the player should be able to DO in the game, the prototype should have at least ONE place where the player can do it. In a very condensed environment that's easy to test. Physics and graphics can be fine-tuned later. This prototype is all about functionality. For example:
Walk in 8 directions.
Talk to an NPC.
Choose an answer when the NPC asks a question which triggers different outcomes.
Walk to the edge of a room and appear in an adjacent room.
And overall, things have gone very well! I have a page-long checklist of everything I want to implement in this prototype, and it’s about half-done. :D
Except menus.
And except puzzles.
Puzzle mechanics aren’t added yet. I realized the mechanics I was planning did not have much synergy and were very simple. I also want to review the notes I took during research and study puzzles in general. So, back to the drawing board, for now. Puzzles are the next major step. And I think I have a pretty good idea how I want to change them.
I made a text-blip sound effect (hear it in the video above) and a placeholder “song” of 6 notes to use for testing music. Since this game’s art style is based on the Game Boy, I did some research on the Game Boy’s sound capabilities.
It has four “instruments” that can play sounds simultaneously, aka “channels”:
Channel 1 and 2: Pulse Channel. Each can emit a quadrangular wave
Channel 3: “Wave” channel with user-definable waveform
Channel 4: A noise wave (think static)
Channel 3 is the most fascinating imo. You can define your own timbre of the sound to be played. If you ever played a Game Boy game that had a unique-sounding song that, chances are it was a custom waveform via this channel. (Also, if you ever played Mother 3, the movie theater part with the retro-sounding music did in fact use the original Game Boy audio capabilities in the Game Boy Advance, and also includes these sounds.)
There is software that can reproduce the capabilities described above in order to create Game Boy-sounding music on a PC. I’d like to experiment with that in the coming weeks. The Game Boy was capable of some really good music. Limiting my scope to its capabilities for the same of my own sanity, plus the flexibility of that wave channel to create custom sounds, seems like it can produce some really nice results, which is very appealing to me.
I made a font! It only includes English letters, for now, but it works! I used it in the “Save Pointy” art earlier this week and the prototype video above, and intend to use it for everything going forward.
And that’s June! Have a nice July, everyone!
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twentytwentywhore · 6 months
JJK Miscellaneous Headcanons: Satoru Gojo
Miscellaneous headcanons about Satoru Gojo. Single character for this post because I have so many thoughts.
For more characters please see my tag 'JJK Miscellaneous HC'
Warnings: Casual interspersing of angst and humor.
Satoru Gojo
Bisexual. Very aware of how attractive he is to some people. Particularly heterosexual women. He is annoying about it.
Has so much rizz up until the point he opens his mouth. If he were mute he could sweep any person off their feet.
The man is a massive softie somewhere in that ego of his. It's just hard for him to slow down and actually appreciate things from time to time.
He is not resistant to vulnerability. The problem is he won't engage it himself. Particularly because of how he was raised. Because he presents himself as a shithead 90% of the time, most people don't care to prod and ask how he is doing proper. If ever given the chance he would spill his guts though.
He would never acknowledge the fact that maybe he is very severely traumatized.
Tsumiki and Megumi became weird little sibling figures to him. This helped a ton because the bar was already on the floor with how they were raised. Gojo however, grabbed a shovel and started digging. He left them primarily on their own and just paid for utilities and visited them on weekends.
Up until Tsumiki went into her coma and he felt responsible for her state because he didn't keep an eye on her close enough. That's when he started bonding with Megumi outside his training as a sorcerer.
He was not disallowed from competing in the exchange event during his second and third years at Jujutsu High. The Kyoto students who competed against him never forgave him.
He is good at everything he has ever tried, sure. But he will never try anything he is confident he wouldn't be good at. The biggest example of this is cooking. As a rich kid he has never had to cook he never will have to learn to cook and he will lie about buying food and presenting it as his own.
Massive massive bully mentality. In that his favorite people are the ones he can get a rise out of. It's why he picks on Utahime so much. She's never learned that if you don't respond they'll give up eventually.
It is almost a talent how bad this man is at timekeeping. He is regularly late to everything no matter how important it is. While mostly honestly accidental, it plays into that bully mentality of getting a rise out of people.
He is a little fruity with his gender but is still definitely a cis man.
Would have killed it on vine.
Bleeding heart for his students. Past or present. He has to make it hard to get a hold of him when he is on missions because he will get distracted. Especially if his students ask for help.
Has a big family but no siblings. When he was still en utero he was not even close to being the next head of the clan. Up until he was born and it was revealed he had the six eyes and limitless.
Blue eyes are a staple in the family. Just usually not that blue.
He would lose his mind if he ever met someone like him. Very much a dish it out but can't take it kind of guy. Unfortunately no one has ever really been able to dish it back.
So adamant about pushing his limits in terms of what he can get away with because he knows at some point there has to be a 'too far'.
He hopes there's a 'too far' at least.
For the love of god they can't just let him do whatever the hell he wants.
But every single time, they do.
Can't go to the aquarium anymore.
Maintains his undercut himself. Shaves it once a week in a bathroom mirror. It's a weirdly cathartic experience for him.
As a child he was really dismissive about learning combat because of limitless. Thought he was too good and untouchable. That changed quickly in his mid teens though.
Was actually much worse as a child than he was as a teen and even an adult. Entitled, bratty and unnecessarily cruel. The complex was developed incredibly young.
Awful cute aggression. Paired with low impulse control and insane strength, Satoru is very careful to not hold small animals.
Thought about a family for a long time. Especially because it was something expected of him as the next head of the clan. While he likes the idea of settling down, he doesn't want biological kids. Partially to spite everyone around him. Mostly because even as the strongest, he always had that voice in the back of his head that constantly asked 'what if something happened'.
It is not impossible that he has managed to learn to sleep like a dolphin with only half his brain at a time.
Indifferent towards cats or dogs. Simply not a pet person.
Used to hold very traditional ideas about the role of women in his clan. Incredibly misogynistic until his early teens. It was one of the first things that signaled to him that there was something wrong.
When it comes to Yaga specifically, he would never deny a request. He will groan and complain about it if he doesn't want to do it. But he will get it done.
His near death experience, between Heaven and Earth, was the last time he felt honestly happy. Not that he hasn't been happy since, of course. It was just a euphoria and clarity that could never happen again.
He and Suguru cremated Kuroi and Riko together. The only people that would mourn them.
More than willing to lie to people's faces about how much or little they mean to him. He doesn't keep everyone at arms reach as much as he likes to pretend he does.
Went out of his way to protect Suguru's family after he died. No matter what roles they played in his cult.
Answer to the trolley problem: do not pull the lever
Because of how light his eyes are, Satoru's only real weakness is a sensitivity to light and quickly adjusting between light and dark spaces.
Was particularly hard on Maki when she was in his class. He wished he could have helped her more in realizing who she could be. A part of him was terrified to.
Despite everything. If he couldn't ensure the safety of his students, Gojo wouldn't change a single thing about his life. Even if he desperately wanted to.
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anotherkindofmindpod · 11 months
(deep breath in) Thank you so much for this episode. Really outstanding. Also you are going to get me fired because I did this instead of working. :)
So, the dive into the question of Jim’s corporal punishment and how it is framed has really gotten to me. Apologies for the rant.
I think ML acknowledging the corporal punishment in the way he does is actually quite revealing—a little bit about him, but this is also a generational thing.
He knows it’s a topic other writers have brought up and he (however reluctantly) accepts that it has played enough of a part in the Beatles book world that he must at least touch on it. But he chooses to do so in as glancing a way as possible and with a nod to Mike’s comic narrative voice. Yes, there was physical punishment in this house, but it’s the 1940s/50s and that’s the way it was and we (including the kids involved) can all look back on it with rueful humor.
And look, I get it. Mike’s comic candor in the 1960s places his and Paul’s experiences squarely in a long tradition of what I think of as “bragging rights” stories of childhood crime and punishment. My experience of my own older relatives aligns with how Mike narrates what to us are pretty awful events. The stories people in my parents’ and grandparents’ generation would tell—and tell laughing—about what outrageous things they did as kids to get themselves into trouble and how awful the punishments could be, were many and varied. The more ridiculous the hijinks, the worse the punishment, the better the bragging rights.
I’m guessing like most people of their class and generation, Paul and Mike grew up with a kind of affectionate “it sucks when the grownups start hitting, but meh, that’s life, amirite?” attitude they would have picked up from members of their own family and from their peers. 95% of all stories dealing with corporal punishment written or told before 1960 reflect that attitude. Mike narrates their childhood stories in exactly that vein. Paul does too in a limited way: but only about his teachers (who are outside the family circle of loyalty that you rightly point out).
All of which is to say—and you make this point in the episode but I want to emphasize it here as well—that it is doubtful that any concept of abuse or of equating anything that went on in their home with abusive behavior ever entered their heads at the time—which to me is why Mike can talk about it in the way he does and why Paul doesn’t mind him telling those stories. I think it’s less (at least in the 60s/70s) about either Paul or Mike trying to slip information to the rest of the world than it is a genuine belief that these are amusing and typical stories.
The quote you offer about Ringo from 2015 being surprised to discover that his childhood was not as rosy as he remembered it is hugely instructive. Even after experiencing a lifetime of better conditions, it still took an outside perspective to make him reconsider how he’d framed events and circumstances. To apply this to the McCartney family, Jim’s reliance on corporal punishment was standard, so already the kids are going to frame his behavior as normal. If his actions were in any way different or more extreme than other parents, how could they judge that? This was the water everyone was swimming in at the time.
To be clear: I’m not saying that there is an “acceptable” level of corporal punishment and if we can say that Jim stuck to that level, then everything’s cool by 1950s standards and we should leave it there. But I think that’s exactly what Tune In IS saying. I think ML uses Mike’s comic tone as evidence for how not-a-big-deal this aspect of their childhood was which gives him permission to sidestep it. And if earlier Beatles writers spent time detailing Jim’s actions, then they, like Mike, are utilizing the stories for a touch of period charm, not to take a deeper or more nuanced look at Paul’s childhood. And he’s right. It isn’t like previous authors framed this as a Topic, just colorful background.
So, ML chooses to nod to the fact that previous writers have dealt with this, but since we in the 21st century don’t find stories about children being beaten nearly as “cute” as earlier generations did, he eschews going into detail, perhaps thinking that by not including these details he’s being tactful (like it is retroactively embarrassing to Mike and Paul that we know these things), or at least reflecting a more modern sensibility.
But as you point out, this is where we run into trouble. We DO know these things. Can’t un-know them. And we have the advantage of years of research on the adverse effects of corporal punishment that tell us there is no “acceptable” level of violence against children. And yes, while both Mike and Paul make light of this topic in the 60s and 70s in their different ways, we also have the fact that Paul brought it up in a more complex way in discussing his “showdown” with his dad. Whatever they felt at the time, isn’t it worth exploring how either the people in this history or how society at large view this topic NOW? Isn’t the advantage of writing a book about past events that you can explore these experiences in a larger context?
Late WWII / Boomers are a tricky generation on the question of corporal punishment. A lot of them grew up in homes where this was common, silently certain they would not use physical violence as parents themselves but also absolutely not thinking of what they experienced as potentially damaging. And they would be offended on their parents’ behalf if you framed it that way. If I were to guess, I suspect that’s where Paul and Mike live—and perhaps a lot of readers in that generation? I may be being presumptuous here—in that weird headspace where you get to the point where you have enough perspective to know a loved one’s actions were Wrong but to hang a weighty label like “abusive” on that person or on their actions feels equally, perhaps profoundly, Wrong. If nothing else, it exposes that person to a characterization you maybe don’t want them to have. And for outsiders to do so is just going to shut down the conversation.
I think ML is absolutely right in his overall takeway that in the end Paul’s view of his family settles into one of a safe and stable place. It is where he feels loved and known as “Paul MacCartney” instead of “him.” I think overall, the support system they provided (and still do) gave him more emotional resources to draw on than John had when they faced similar tragedies. And Jim is not a villain in this story. One of my favorite early Beatles stories is Jim bringing Paul lunch sometimes at the Cavern Club—it's such a sweet dad thing to do. Jim is good people. Most of the time.
But the idea that it was always that simple, or that getting to that place of security wasn’t a journey with failures and pitfalls and significant effort, is demonstrably a failure to engage with the facts as we know them. And it denies Paul (and Jim for that matter) the “reality” of growth and struggle and change.
(deep breath out)
Thanks for this, Anon! We've already said plenty in the ep, so we've nothing to add to your great commentary here. Thanks for listening! ❤️
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autisticdiaries · 13 days
Autistic Diaries
Stories of my Youth;
Back when I was about six to seven years old, I lived in a trailer park. I was quite unhinged and wandered the area a lot because I loved the adventure and thrills. It was most stimulating for an Autistic child with no limitations. My mother didn't care and was sleeping most times.
One particular weekend, a Sunday morning, I visited a frienemy (She was three years older than me and was very bossy, she also lied a lot), we hated each other but also had this odd relationship or maybe it's that she was like a real life Angelica and I was like Tommy. She would order me to do things, or she'd convince me to with persuasion. I've got a many stories of adventures around this particular time.
The Sunday School event-
So on one Sunday morning she had me board the Sunday school bus to her church. I have no recollection of how the bus driver allowed me to go with them. And I never questioned it until I got older.
So, we arrived at this big church, and it definitely seemed like a school, too. As memory serves, there were rooms for different grade aged kiddos. They separated me from "Angelica" and after they pointed me to the room I was to go, I got distracted and ended up in an area full of adults doing hymns.
The pastor was amused but made me follow him to another side room nearby for children that weren't old enough for school. I sat and coloured and talked to the toddlers and played. Then, one of these ladies that were probably just watching the kiddos, saw me writing and colouring with my left hand. Oh boy.
She immediately said something along the lines of "They say those that write with their left hand is a servant of the fallen angel, Lucifer." I just gawked at her and was like "What's that?" And she went on and on about who Lucifer was. And I was so confused about it all that I only heard bits and pieces while I kept drawing. Eventually she got so angry because I kept using my left hand and proclaimed that I was disrespecting her and then she grabbed a wooden ruler told me to lay my hands flat on the table and slapped them until they were reddened.
I was so confused and proceeded to having a meltdown. (Remember, meltdowns are involuntary and can be very traumatising for us, especially as children. I had no idea how to process what was happening and nobody knew I was Autistic.
The babies in the room started hollering, too. The lady shot me a harsh look and yelled "Look what you've done!" And as she hushed and tended to some of the toddlers, I ran out of the room, and into a long hallway of doors still sobbing historically. I went through one that took me to a room full of kids around my age.
The teacher there stopped her discussion with them and was very kind to me. I can't even remember her face. But I remember her calm nature. The bright yellow walls, the toys, books, bibles, and circular tables with blue plastic/metal chairs only fit for children.
She helped me get a snack around snack time and I stayed there sitting in silence until it was time to leave. I ran into "Angelica" down the hall leading to the buses. And we hopped on the bus together. She asked me how it went and I shrugged looking out the window in a daze. Still recovering from the meltdown I'd had hours prior.
And that's when I had learned that once again, the more different you are, how easily they will cast you out.
Thankfully, there are some whom do not care about judging your identity and will still treat you with kindness.
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chamoemileclown · 10 months
saw someone else post about this and i really agree i think it just wasnt the right time for purgatory, the stakes were there but the vibe and the point in roleplay development for individual characters just.. wasnt it for me. I dont know what they have planned for the future so i cant say it shouldve happened later, but i think because of all the trips and vidcon the charas had just gotten to a point where they had started healing from their kids going missing only to be thrown into this, which can be a good point narratively but theres also a couple other things that kinda just didnt let it work out for me tbh
a lot of it was just the rules and events were weird? that probably makes no sense. but like from a viewer pov it felt like the characters were beta testers for this and the rules have been constantly changing, so its hard to get comfortable in. Like when theres a set of consistent rules teams are able to more accurately strategize and such and they couldnt really do that? so it just felt like weird improv the whole time which theyre very good at but it was just.. like idk unbalanced? thats a dif point that contributed
like etoiles pointed this out that they balanced the teams (not really imo) in game but not fandom-wise, like certain teams had a very large fanbase and certain others had a very small one, etc etc. And like for example blue team had much less people on consistently but by the time they realized that it was probably too late to change teams without an event like the one recently splitting green. I feel like the admins tried to mix up the players outside of their usual friend groups but it just kinda cut the ints in half? i know cellbit didnt wanna kill roier, bad was very isolated from all his regular friends and therefore nobody wanted to talk to him (he wasnt on their team), tubbo was kinda suffering because he couldnt use create. Red team was overwhelmingly loud, blue was crushingly quiet, green was... tbh not on a lot of the time. Not good to watch from most POVs
i could be wrong about a couple things but like this is my general feeling on it, odd timing and weird balancing combined with toxic fandoms caused by competitiveness within the streams kinda ruined it for me, you can only curate ur experience so much
I really like how you put the first part because it was also something that I had felt about the event but I couldn’t really pinpoint why? I’m sure that a lot of the planning came down to a lot of stuff we can’t see behind the scenes like trying to be mindful of the ccs/ admins schedules but scheduling purgatory so far out from the disappearance really changed a lot. Like I just got used to not having the eggs and being fine with that and a lot of the ccs did sort of move on/ adapt to it. Obviously most people want the eggs back safe but I think some novelty has worn off after being away from them for so long. I think purgatory would’ve had more of an effect if the wound was more fresh when purgatory took place it would’ve made the stakes higher and I don’t think as many people would be saying “oh I don’t care if the eggs die at this point just end purgatory.”
Also the rules changing I noticed too was really jarring from day to day. I feel like a lot of the qsmp is like this and it’s a product of the admins being quick to respond to complaints in general and changing things accordingly. In my ideal world where the admin team could’ve just run the event with a test group to almost like stress test the rules? but i doubt that’s a very viable option. It would’ve been nice to see teams strategize more than play off the cuff in the limited time frame they have I feel like that only really rewards people with spontaneous playstyles
I think a lot of the problems with balancing fanbases revolves around people not knowing how to act online. The qsmp has long stretches where there isn’t much character conflict so that’s attracted a lot of people who feel really attracted to one pov and just don’t know how to handle conflict. We’ve seen this stuff outside of purgatory like during the entirety of the elections arc and when characters have an insignificant argument in rp. I don’t think you could balance viewers while also balancing skill but its definitely a problem that exists and doesn’t really have a clean solution. Also I do think the division of teams was to encourage different people to interact or possibly drive more in rp angst but it did fall flat in ways that were unintended.
Overall I think a lot of purgatory was trying to cater to a lot of people at once but thats just not working. I enjoyed the event from the standpoint that no matter what the admins want a good audience experience and they wouldn’t intentionally let us down. This seems more like a fundamental flaw in the server maybe? That it’s just not structured to be doing competitive game in this format at the very least.
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ac-liveblogs · 2 years
Hi! I just stumbled upon your tumblr!
I have this rather unpopular and controversial opinion about Scaramouche. I feel like 3.3 has pictured him way too dramatic and too much of a victim so that people will feel simpathy for him.
The 3.3 events don't make me feel sympathy for him because Scaramouche joined the fatui willingly based on the Husk of Opulent Dreams set.
The set also states that Scaramouche is not affected by rain, nor does he breathe, which made me think that he doesn't....exactly feel pain? Yet there's a ton of audio lines that hint how he went through a lot of torture back when Dottore experimented on him.
When Scaramouche joined the Fatui, he was seated as a Harbinger, aka a high diplomatic position, had his own subordinates, and probably had access to travelling and many other comodities. It's not like he was a simple labrat similar to Collei.
Collei was kept in a dark cell, treated like a dog, forced through injections to go through the human enhancing experiment, and hunted down like a rabid animal throughout the manga.
Scaramouche was being sent into the abyss constantly, from which he would return and then go directly to Dottore to patch him up. If he felt like he was suffering from those experiments, and disliked the fatui, why not escape or ....end himself through the abyss?
A lot of people kept blaming Dottore for his baggage but it seems to me that there were a lot more factors in play here. Scaramouche was damaged by Ei, then Dottore, then by human nature (with the sick kid dying), then ultimately, himself.
What's your take on how Scaramouche was handled in the 3.3 archon quest? Do you think that there was an obvious writing tactic in making Scaramouche symapthetic so as to influence players into pulling for him? Sorry if you have already talked about this and excuse me if I may rustle some feathers from what I have wrote, in case you're a Scaramouche fan.
Hi anon and welcome! And sorry for the belated response, life is. Yeah. Never fear, Genshin's writing is so Like That that I'm absolutely fine tearing even the characters I DO like to shreds, and Scaramouche is definitely not one of those.
Honestly, yeah? A LOT of weight is put on Dottore pushing Scaramouche down a bad path. Way too much, IMO - it's the realisation that Scaramouche was lied to that makes him decide to undo everything he did to the Raiden Gokaden, which, uh. Look, Dottore wasn't exactly holding a gun to his head forcing him to do any of that. It's not Dottore's fault Scaramouche went Full Revenge Quest 3000 on the ancestors of folks tangentially related to Niwa Hisahide like an insane person. And honestly, Genshin's usual brand of "you only did the wrong thing because you didn't know the truth of the matter!" aesop kinda stings here because, what? Scaramouche just eventually shifted his focus to Dottore, so what's the actual moral here? That if Niwa really had killed a subordinate as Dottore had claimed, Scaramouche would have had nothing to learn or grow from?
Because Scaramouche's drive for revenge isn't actually commented on, you know. Not really. The fact that he was still taking potshots at the - again, tangentially related - Raiden Gokaden centuries on isn't really the focus of any of this in his redemption arc, it's just window dressing for the domino effect of tragedy caused by Dottore tricking him and a convenient setpiece to demonstrate the limits of Irminsul's power. There isn't an aesop of learning to let go and moving on or heal from the past, like one might expect. He is not made to pay for his actions, nor is he ever confronted by anyone affected by what he did, nor is there a lesson to be learnt about the futility of revenge. Once Scaramouche is past his suicidal episode and has been successfully manipulated into working for a different Archon this time, he just redirects his rage and swears vengeance on the Fatui and Dottore instead! So what's the lesson, here? If you're gonna swear bloody vengeance, at least make sure it's on the right people?
Narratively, this is all very confusing and unsatisfying to me. You establish a character flaw that is not addressed, and instead set up a misconception mystery where both the misconception AND the truth are explained at roughly the same time so I can't even bathe in the horrific irony of the situation. Perhaps I wasn't meant to look at Scaramouche's insane revenge quest and think it mattered for his character, just like I wasn't supposed to look at Ei allowing Inazuma to get screwed over and think that reflected badly on her, but it was also the most concrete thing we had on him in terms of characterisation (that wasn't an item lore dump) for quite some time so, yeah, after the Iradori Festival I do feel kinda blueballed. I can't feel bad for a character like this. Late Sumeru was the first time he got real focus, and it was already telling me to forgive and feel bad for him.
And, like. Has Scaramouche GROWN as a person? It's not like he's actually been redeemed in any way that matters (to me), and I would hope that Genshin keeps that in mind moving forward (they do seem aware, at least), but it does feel like they couldn't see the forest for the trees when constructing his quest WRT his character. It seemed like the absolute focus was to pull as much attention away from "Scaramouche is a fucked up guy, trauma notwithstanding" and instead hone in on on a) "Irminsul sure is important!" and b) "Scaramouche is a poor little meow meow, he's so sad, please roll for him". Literally, he's depicted as a crying kitten, this quest does NOT want to grapple with the morality of Scaramouche's actions, just the lore surrounding why he did them. Forget anything he did in the Fatui, though. The propagation of Delusions in Watatsumi on behalf of the Vision Hunt Decree, who? What? Eh….
It also strikes me that "Scaramouche is a sad manipulated tortured (off-screen) baby, isn't it so nice he's away from that nasty (off-screen) situation so he can't get manipulated by Dottore (off-screen) anymore, isn't it so good he fixed the problem so that he never did it in the first place (off-screen)" is a HELLUVA lot easier to write than "Scaramouche is a petty, spiteful murderer that can't let go of the past and, as an immortal, that has terrifying repercussions for the descendants of those he despises; is redemption even possible for him what will happen when he meets these characters etcetcetc.", and Genshin always, ALWAYS takes the easy way out, doesn't it? It did with Kaeya and his connection with Khaen'riah. It did with Collei and her backstory with Dottore. Just don't worry about it, keep the actual problem as far away as possible, we'll solve this with the least amount of words and animation possible and preferably with the characters talking to each other for as little time as possible.
I cannot get over the fact that Scaramouche is explicitly a character that will continue taking revenge on Niwa's ancestors and the 5 clans from the Raiden Gokaden - You know, the 5 sword schools, descendants of whom still survive today, some of whom are playable - but instead they had him try to undo everything he did off-screen so he never has to interact with them in any serious capacity. It's so fucking lazy it's unbelievable. What was the Iradori Festival for if not setting up Kazuha and Scaramouche's meeting (it was establishing what happened to the Raiden Gokaden, Kazuha does not matter)? What was Kazuha's quest for if not establishing his moral compass in preparation for a similar situation in the future (it was discussing what happened at Tatarasuna Furnace, Kazuha doesn't matter)? In a real story where the characters matter, these things should have chained into a story and, I'm sorry, I know I'm beating a dead horse with Kazuha FUCKING Kaedehara's ridiculously misdirected character beats but 2022 was a rough year, okay. Genshin set out very explicit building blocks for a story that seemed SO obvious even a child could see what was going to happen and they couldn't even commit to it because, what? It was hard? They didn't realise they'd accidentally set up a character conflict? Were Scaramouche and Kazuha foils on purpose or was that just a cosmic fluke?
Kazuha wanted to understand his friend better - specifically through the lens of how he felt when he fought a god -, he has a shared backstory with a character that is established to still want revenge on his family, and that character becomes a god, but Kazuha is also established as a forgiving character that cares about the present, not the past. I'm not crazy, right? That seems like a pretty open and shut set-up for a future character conflict, right?!
i would like actual validation on this i think because i'm starting to go a little crazier every time i see someone talk about how good and profound scara's writing was, like it wasn't the laziest possible solution for a bunch of shit that happened off-screen where the writers didn't have to, like, actually write any of it
um, tl;dr, i thought 3.3 and scaramouche's handling pretty much all game was pretty bad. i don't really like the way they resolved his character arc here, it seemed like they kind of missed the bigger picture because they wanted to talk about lore again and couldn't really correctly identify scaramouche's real character flaws. kind of reminds me of xiao's writing in the chasm in that way, actually. like, there's been an attempt, but i'm not sure they really understood the gravity of what they'd written, and it feels like they took the easiest way to resolve the issues they DID focus on, so...
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fluffansmut-old · 2 years
Steve’s christmas party
12 fics of Christmas - masterlist
Summary: you run into someone at Steve’s party that you wish you hadn’t.
Content warnings: hurt/comfort, anxiety, panic attack, mentions of unintentional self harm(scratching arms with nails)
Word count: 1578
Fic is also posted on Ao3
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The Harrington holiday party had been a staple event every year since Steve’s freshman year of high school. 
He had hoped that he wouldn’t need to have a party this year. Cause the friends he wanted to celebrate with he would meet at the official “friendmas” at the Hopper/Byers closer to Christmas and the others he hadn’t really seen since graduation and he honestly had no problem with not seeing them, he was past anything that had to do with his so called high school friends.
But when December rolled around the phone calls started to come in from about 15 people asking when it was and if they could bring their college  boyfriends or not.
Steve didn’t know how to turn them down, so instead he told you and Eddie to ”bring people that are actually enjoyable to be around.”
Gareth and Jeff, the two of Eddie’s friends who 
1.agreed to come to Steve Harrington’s house, (they were still very much on defense about him based of the reputation he carried in his earlier high school years, it was something Steve was still trying to live down)
2. Actually were old enough.
Not that Steve’s parties had some sort of age limit, it never had, when it all began it had very much been a under-age-drinking mess. But You, Nancy, Steve, Eddie and Robin had collectively agreed that the “kids” would not be attending. This was a fact that made both Dustin and Mike furious.
The three hellfire members seemed to be having a good time, they had roped Jonathan into some sort of popcorn catching contest and you laughed with them before kissing Eddie’s temple, telling him that you were going to go get another drink, and to find Nancy who had been gone for some time. 
He nodded and only pulled you back once for a kiss when you tried to walk away.
You weren’t used to seeing Steve’s house look this  …full.
Usually it was a small group, your usual friends, who all felt at home at Steve’s.
 It was Robin, walking around without pants, just sporting boy shorts and her shirt, telling Steve off for not buying the kind of pasta that she likes. 
It was you and Eddie, having an entire corner of the couch designated for the two of you, to unwind, relax or make out in, all of the rest knowing that you craved the space as much as you craved touch from each other.
 It was Nancy, bringing out board games without even asking if anyone wanted to play, and all of the others agreeing without doubt. 
It was the guest bedroom upstairs that more or less belonged to Dustin, it was the place he stayed in when he had recurring nightmares and didn’t want to worry his mom. It was also the room he stayed in when Steve had the flu and couldn’t get out of bed.
The house was also only, truly, home for Steve when you all were there, bugging him.
Right now Steve’s house felt like a strangers and it was weird to say the least. You looked around for Nance and spotted her with Robin, the two hiding in a corner, passing a bottle of sparkling wine back and forth. But before you could reach the two you bumped into the only one you didn’t want to meet. 
Tommy Hagan. 
Way before Steve first got together with Nancy, you had hooked up with Tommy at a party. 
You made out with him and let him fondle with your tits in this random bathtub. When he wanted to take it further you deemed yourself too drunk to take a rational decision so you left him there. 
What ensued after was a two year rumour that implied that you were the worst at giving head. 
“I heard she can’t even give head properly, did you know that she threw up on Tommy Hagan’s dick at that party last week, apparently she even left him to clean up by himself” 
It was something that was almost impossible to live down. Which meant not many people wanted to be associated with you, not many people wanted to be friends with you, not wanting to risk being deemed “undatable” by association, and not many people wanted to date you because they thought of you as gross. 
It wasn’t until you found someone, someone who’s name floated around school just as much as yours did, that it turned around.
Eddie Munson. The man who didn’t give two fucks about what other people said about you.
“Aye ain’t it my least favourite cocksucker” Tommy slurred as he saw you, already drunk out of his mind. 
“Fuck off, Hagan,” you said and tried to walk past him, to get to Nancy and Robin.
“You stay right here, I still have some bones to pick with you.” He said grabbing your arm cornering you in. 
You never did good with crowded spaces or confrontation, your heart was ticking in your chest so fast that you could feel it in your ears. 
You didn’t really hear what Tommy was ranting about, instead you tried to ground yourself, as you felt a panic attack coming on, full speed. 
Steve was the one who noticed first, he saw it by Tommy’s threatening stance and the way you scratched your underarm, a desperate measure you sometimes took to refocus and not get lost in the feeling of panic. 
He called out for Nance and Robin who also realised what was going on in record time. 
Steve and Nancy were by your side not long after, Nancy taking your arm leading you upstairs to Steve’s bedroom, whilst Steve cursed at and eventually thew out the guy he once upon a time had called his friend.
Whilst this was happening Robin pushed through the crowds, trying to find Eddie.
Nancy did the best she could, bless her, but you were too far gone and all you could do was hyperventilate, until you choked on nothing and your breath hitched, then it started all over again.
“Sweetie I need you to calm down, can you look at me?” she had you sat at the edge of the bed, she sat on a chair facing you, trying to get eye contact.
Anxiety sat in your throat and your chest, and you rubbed, clawed and pushed at it trying to get it to go away, but it didn’t. 
Instead it got worse. you ran to the ensuite to Steve’s bedroom and threw up in the sink, setting off a new panic attack just as the first started to die down. 
Your mind was spinning at a million miles an hour when you heard him.
Eddie cracked the door to Steve’s bathroom and saw you standing there looking like a sad puppy that had been left out in the rain. 
You cried harder when you saw him. Out of relief, mostly, but also slightly out of embarrassment. 
Eddie grabbed you round the waist and hoisted you up on the bathroom counter, making you look in his eyes.
“Baby look at me, just at me now” He said, voice both velvet soft and firm at the same time. 
You locked eyes with him and let some more tears spill, you tried to even your breathing out but if just wouldn't work, which was sending you in a downwards spiral, making you think that you suddenly couldn’t breath. 
“You’re okay, here, hand on my chest” Eddie said, putting your palms against his chest, his big hands on top of yours. “Follow my lead sweetheart, big breath in, and out” 
You tried to copy his breathing, feeling the movement as his chest moved. 
“Good girl, once more” he said and you did.
When your breathing was more stable, Eddie grabbed a washcloth and ran it under the sink, dabbing it over your face before wiping your mouth. He thew in the bathtub before looking at you. 
Can I look at your arms?” Eddie asked softly. When you nodded he took your hand and turned them over exposing your scratched up arms to him. 
“I’m sorry” you whimpered, knowing Eddie hated when you hurt yourself. 
“hey baby, look at me” he said tilting your face up.  “Don´t apologise, I know why you do this, and I know that sometimes you can’t help it” 
you sniffled as Eddie examined your arms more closely. 
“I don´t think that they need immediate care” Eddie said and pressed a kiss to the hand he was holding. He looked up at you to find you tugging the neckline of the dress you were wearing. 
“Want to wear my shirt?” Eddie asked, already shimmying out of it.
You nodded, the dress you had on felt too tight, it was made you feel more cornered and anxious. Eddie did a quick job of undressing and redressing you as you sat on the counter.
“Cmere sweetheart” Eddie murmured towards you and held his arms open for you to dive into, which you willingly did. His strong arms carried you to the bed and he leaned back against the headboard holding you against his chest, rubbing his hand up your back and along your scalp, all whilst telling you how safe, loved and okay you were.
when Nancy, who left when Eddie arrived, returned with water and a sandwich for you, you were asleep against Eddies chest, fingers clutching him tightly.
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herorkgk · 1 year
Now I'm curious. What's YOUR favorite OW2 skin??
i'll do you one better, here's my fave skins (that i own) for all the heroes
i opened up my game for this, if anyone reads through this good luck im sorry.
d.va - shin-ryeong
i can't even begin to describe why i love this skin so much but my fave part of it is the candles on her cannons
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doomfist - saitama
fun fact i became the very thing i hate for this skin (doomfist player)
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junkerqueen - zeus
i literally do not care this is her best skin and nothing that could come out for her will EVER be as good as this
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orisa - reindeer
another case of they can never make something for her as good as this
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ramattra - poseidon
honestly again. ik he doesn't have many but its just. how can they top this? i'm very into greek mythology so this event was really awesome for me tbh
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reinhardt - cardboard i've wanted this skin ever since ow1 btdubs bc my fave spray for him was always him as a kid trick or treating with cardboard armour and i wanted him to have a cardboard skin so bad. when they came out with it i caved... it was just everything i ever wanted
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roadhog - pachimari
i do not play roadhog.
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sigma - maestro
i like scuba too bc of his rock hard abs but this one is just so unique
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winston - werewolf
i also do not play winston but i love werewolves and i got this in a lootbox once
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wrecking ball - horizon
i don't play this stupid thing but i like lore skins
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zarya - totally 80's
DONT CAREEEEE best zarya skin
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ashe - little red
this has been the staple ashe skin for me. ashe has a lot. a LOT of really good s tier skins and i think she has the most best skins out of other characters aside from like. tracer and genji.
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bastion - coffin
bird is a freaking skeleton. best skin
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cassidy - riverboat
i've been wearing blackwatch lately and i keep losing so i think its a skin issue. going back to tried n true
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echo - kkachi
she's actually the cutest
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genji - genos
i really like one punch man....
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hanzo - casual
i remember the controversy over this skin back in the day it was so funny how grandpa they made him look. i think i like this one the most on hanzo bc i just like him as a character. i also like how this skin is him finally just being himself and in a subtle way showing how he's grown into himself as a person. means a lot to me
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junkrat - dr. junkenstein
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mei - jiangshi
best mei skin ik melon exists but be serious
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pharah - orbital
pharah has a bunch of good ones too but i can't help loving her being bald
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reaper - lü bu
best reaper skin. do not care
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sojourn - cyber detective
people who pretend sojourn has no good skins are delusional this is peak
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soldier 76 - grillmaster
do i need to say more. i will this was the first skin i ever worked really hard for in ow1. when i started playing again i grinded for days to get enough coins to get the full set golf swing pose, highlight intro and skin. i prayed i would get it in lootboxes but i never did so i worked really hard for this. corny but it means a lot to me, that was probably the most fun i ever had playing this stupid game
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sombra - face changer
i wear bride a lot too but nothing can beat face changer. imo this is one of the top 10 skins in the game if i was rating them. i love the mythology, i love the colour palette, i love the animations as the face changes, i love that you can see which face she is currently wearing on her gun in real time. its a really impressive skin
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symmetra - oasis
best sym skin its so elegant and pretty and cunty
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torbjorn - cybjorn
kraft mac n cheese.....
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tracer - comic book
i loveeeeee this one the panels from london calling.... eats this skin
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widowmaker - ange de la mort
as a widow main this skin makes me hot
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ana - night owl
goth bird. best skin
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baptiste - funky
dude i will never not love this skin the custom music when you select it and the gun colours. groovy
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i've hit my pic limit unfortunately i will need to rb and finish the rest
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hamartiannn · 2 years
Batfamily Headcanons - 1
-Bruce loves his kids. But, like really, his favorite time is always family dinners, patrols, or simply every second he spends time with all of his children.
-Yes, they sometimes get angry, and even they hurt each other, but no, no one can stay mad at one other forever. One hug, and it's all over.
-Sometimes, when everyone is around, they spend times WİTHOUT Bruce. They walk on the streets, eat ice cream, go to the shooting range, or walk by the ocean.
-But if they don't want to go outside, they are choosing a room and they spend their time in there mostly. Like they play board games, card games and more -and one day... one day, surely Jason will force them to start gambling/poker at home...-
-Damian and Jason are closer than everyone thinks. Damian had all his firsts with Jason. The first time he cried his eyes out, the first time shot a gun, the first time he slept/fell asleep next to someone, the first time he felt, undoubtedly, safe, and more, all were with him. And Jason was the same too; the first time he felt unjudged, the first time he felt like a big brother, the first time he felt at home, all were with Damian.
-Bruce, actually, can cook. This is not up for discussion... And yes, he learned that the hard way, but he eventually did, okay? Also, mostly, he learned it from Alfred, but as he likes to be "Creative" he creates his recipes, and somehow, every time, they turn out really good!!! And he likes to cook for his children. So family dinners are, always but like always, from Bruce "Cook" Wayne.
-Just like Bruce, Jason also likes to cook, and sometimes, if he has free time, dinners are from Jason "Cook" Todd.
-Okay, sorry, but they aren't scared of Alfred, like none of them, because they know he would never hurt them. But yes, they are afraid because no one knows his limits, even Bruce...
-Well... 2 words... Stoner Tim... That's the headcanon...
-And as Damian grew up with the smell of smoke because of Jason, he kinda likes it now. Yes, at first, he hated it, and he found smoking very stupid, but after Jason left him, he even missed that gross smell. So every time he smells cigarettes now, the old memories come back.
-Also, Bruce got some alcohol problems... He is an emotional drinker, so whenever he feels down, he ends up in the cellar. And no one knows about it. He got his own ways to keep it as a secret, even from Alfred.
-Dick and Roy started to smoke and drink together -for a while- after learning about Jason's death... Facts!!! -Also, Star had to have their backs, though, cause they were both really fucked up...-
-Okay, I don't care what anyone says... For me, they all love galas, balls, or such events. Because they feel "Normal"?? Yes, it's weird, I know but think about it. All of them are with Gotham's most-known people and families. Everyone is happy, laughing, and having some fun. Gotham's citizens are talking about that event, and also, they are having fun! I mean how many peaceful nights are out there in Gotham?? LET PEOPLE HAVE FUN WITH SUCH EVENTS!! ESPECİALLY WITH WAYNE GALAS!!! -But of course, they don't like to be dressed up. Like, who actually would??-
-So you know what? Three troublemakers of the family are the ones who graduate from a university except for Babs... (Barbara graduated from Gotham University School of Technology, Jason graduated from Gotham University School of Law, Stephanie graduated from Gotham University School of Design, and Damian graduated from Gotham University School of Science.)
-They all love all animals, soo much. But they got of course their superior animals:
Bruce: Bats (Do I have to explain??)
Selina: Cats (Well...)
Dick: Elephants (Zitka... Wait for a second pls, I'm crying...)
Barbara: Squirrels (I don't have any idea why but she reminds me of squirrels.)
Jason: Foxs (His surname means "Fox" as I know, and he is a redhead in some versions -just like foxs- and he is a redhead magnet, fair enough for me.)
Tim: Robins (This boy just has issues with Robin's, and being Robin. Like wth Tim???)
Stephanie: Canarys (Again I don't have any idea why but she is a canary.)
Cassandra: Spiders (She is silent, dangerous, and hella scary, just like a spider, perfect match!)
Damian: (Dude for him, it's better to be killed rather than make him choose an animal, like, are you kidding?)
Duke: Frogs (Don't know why, but just when I saw a yellow frog I was like "It's Duke..." They are soo cuteee!)
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