#and we were like okay sure it sucks but hopefully we’ll do better
1ove1anguage · 2 years
feeling hmmmm cómo se dice???? anger
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agaypanic · 1 year
Eric Forman x gn reader where Eric realizes that he’s in love with his friend (childhood or recent friend up to u) because they’re just as nerdy as Eric is so they go to every movie/convention etc. together but reader also doesn’t get along with Donna very well. So one day Donna says something out of line or her and reader get into an argument and Eric has a realization of “oh, I don’t like this” so he tells Donna off and goes to comfort/confess to reader <3 (no Donna hate it’s just for the plot 😭!!)
Second Best (Eric Forman X GN!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Eric thought that Donna was who he was supposed to end up with. But after a clash between her and his best friend Y/n, he realizes he’s been after the wrong person this whole time.
A/N: donna’s ooc for plot convenience teehee
“Eric, we gotta hurry up, or we’ll miss the movie.” You called out, looking down at your watch. Ever since you and the gang went to see Star Wars for the first time, you and Eric were hooked. So hooked that this was the third time you were going to see it. The rest of your friends, not being as nerdy or invested in science fiction as you and Eric, immediately declined the invitation to come with.
Eric ran down the stairs into the basement, patting his pants to ensure he had his wallet and keys.
“Okay, I’m ready.” Eric opened the basement door for you, looking at the rest of his friends. “Are you guys sure you don’t wanna come?”
“No way, Forman. One time’s enough.” Hyde responded, reclining in his usual chair.
“Yeah, Eric. No one wants to be part of your and Y/n’s little nerd fest.” Kelso said absentmindedly, eyes glued to the television.
“Donna?” Eric looked at the girl hopefully. She looked at Eric, then at you, face pinching with a bit of distaste.
“No thanks.”
Eric didn’t know why you and Donna didn’t get along. But it sucked because you were his best friend, and Donna was the girl he’d been crushing on practically his whole life. Whenever he asked you about it, you said you had no idea why you were Donna’s least favorite out of the group. And he didn’t wanna ask Donna because that might cause a rift in your friend group.
“Okay then… Come on, Y/n. Let’s go.” 
Donna’s little act of animosity was long forgotten by the time Eric parked the Vista Cruiser at the movie theater, thoughts of it being drowned out by the excitement of seeing A New Hope. Like the last two times, you and Eric were completely invested in the movie, pointing out the little things that you hadn’t noticed before to each other.
This is why Eric loved hanging out with you. Ever since you two met, you’ve been bonding over the same things. Comic books, superheroes, music nobody else really seemed to like. This Star Wars movie was just one of countless things the two of you could nerd out over together without judgment from the other.
“God, that was awesome,” Eric said as you and him exited the theater. 
“I don’t know if it’s possible, but I think it gets better every time we watch it.” You said as he unlocked his car, allowing you to settle into the passenger seat.
“I guess we’ll have to see it again to make sure.” You nodded in agreement before the two of you fell into silence, wondering what to do next. “Want me to take you home?”
“I’m actually getting kinda hungry.”
Eric looked up in contemplation, wondering what the best option to suggest was.
“Wanna go to the Hub?” You had probably been to that little food stop a million times, but that didn’t stop you from nodding enthusiastically.
“Hell yeah!”
The Hub wasn’t very crowded when you got there. While Eric went to order food, you nabbed the table next to the bathrooms.
“Hey, I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick,” Eric said, setting the receipt on the table before going through the door. You fiddled with the paper, waiting for Eric to return or for your order to be called. 
Less than a minute later, someone walked into the nearly empty food joint, stopping right in front of your table.
“Hey, Y/n.” You looked up to see Donna looking down at you. “Where’s Eric?”
“Uh, in the bathroom. Why?”
“I wanted to talk to him, figured if he wasn’t at home or the theater, he’d be here. But since you’re here…” She settled into Eric’s seat, locking her hands and looking at you suspiciously. “What’s up with you and Eric?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, you’re always hanging around him, pretending to be into the same stuff as him. You can drop the act.”
“Donna, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You could’ve laughed; this conversation was so absurd. “It’s not an act; Eric and I like a lot of the same stuff. That’s why we’re best friends!” Apparently, Donna wasn’t believing a single word coming out of your mouth.
And Eric, listening through the small opening of the bathroom door, couldn’t believe a word she was saying. But you and Donna were too into this developing argument to notice him or his eavesdropping.
“There’s no way!” Donna let out a little laugh, but she seemed far from amused. “There’s no way you just happen to be so into every little thing that Eric’s into unless you’re trying to get into his pants.” She laughed again at the thought, while you were both offended and somewhat horrified by the assumption. “As if he’d ever want someone like you.”
You abruptly stood up, grabbing your things as you looked at Donna in disbelief.
“You… you’re so- God, Donna! You’re just unbelievable.” You turned on your heel and stormed out of the Hub, many different feelings brewing inside you.
Meanwhile, Donna stayed sat at the table, waiting for Eric, who decided now was the time to come out of the bathroom.
“Oh, hey, Eric!” Donna grinned as if she wasn’t waiting for him and was surprised by his presence. However, the smile faded when she noticed Eric’s angry expression. “Eric, what’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong? Damn, Donna! You have a lot of nerve to say all of that to Y/n and then ask me what’s wrong.”
Donna was taken aback. She clearly didn’t expect anyone else to hear your conversation, especially not the topic of said conversation. She tried to speak, maybe say that she didn’t know what Eric was talking about, but he silenced her with a raised hand before putting it back on his hip like the other.
“No, no, no, no. You’ve had plenty to say. Now it’s my turn. You know, I thought that maybe Y/n had done something to you without knowing it, and that’s why you don’t like them. But no! They haven’t done anything to you except be my friend and have common interests with me. Just because Y/n likes all the stuff I like doesn’t mean they wanna ‘get in my pants’! And even if they did, that’s none of your business.” Eric didn’t care about all the attention he was bringing to himself and Donna, too blinded by anger. He leaned down to be face to face with a speechless and taken aback Donna. “There’s nothing wrong with me, but I know what’s wrong with you, Donna. You’re jealous for no reason. Now look, whatever thing we had between us is over. Whatever I felt for you is gone, because I don’t wanna be with someone who disrespects someone I care about.”
Eric didn’t stick around to hear Donna try to form some kind of rebuttal. She called for him, but he ignored her, walking out of the Hub and looking around for you. You had only left a few minutes before him, but you were nowhere in sight, not by the door or by his car.
You were gone.
Donna was right, in a sense, though you’d never admit it to her. No, you weren’t pretending to have similar interests with Eric to get with him. But you’d be lying if you said that all that you had in common and all the time you spent together bonding over what you had in common didn’t lead to you developing a bit of a crush on your best friend. But you had to keep it a secret; it was your only option. Eric had been hopelessly in love with Donna since you were little kids; you had no real chance against her.
You felt bad leaving Eric at the Hub but figured it wouldn’t matter the second he saw Donna. He’d forget that you were the one waiting for him and have another moment with the girl of his dreams that he’d definitely tell you about the next day.
You should’ve been asleep, like the rest of your household, but Donna’s words kept you up. So you decided to go to the kitchen and have a late-night snack, especially since you ran away from the dinner you were supposed to have.
While quietly rifling through the fridge, you heard a knock at the front door. You decided to ignore it. You obviously weren’t expecting anyone this late at night. But whoever was outside persisted, knocking loudly and more frantically this time. So you left the kitchen, thinking you should at least check to see who’s there.
“Eric?” You had taken a quick peek through the window on the side of your door and were surprised to see the best friend that you had abandoned. You opened the door, watching him light up as he saw you while trying to catch his breath. “What are you doing here?”
Eric brought you into a hug that you confusedly returned.
“I heard everything Donna said.” He answered. “I’m sorry she said all of that; you didn’t deserve any of it.”
“It’s fine, Eric, really.”
“No, it’s not. She treated you like crap because she was jealous and thought you liked me.”
Your hands slowly clutched onto the back of Eric’s shirt.
“She… she wasn’t wrong.” You replied quietly, barely audible enough for Eric to pick up. But he did and hugged you closer to him.
“Well, she was wrong about one thing.” Confused, you looked up at him just to find him already looking at you. “When she talked about me not wanting someone like you, she was wrong. I do want someone like you- I want you, you know, specifically.”
Unable to take the sudden burst of excitement from Eric’s timid confession, you buried your face into the crook of his neck and gripped him tighter. Eric happily accepted the affection.
“You’re the best friend anyone could have, Eric.” Eric rubbed your back.
“Nah, at most, I’m second best to you.”
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theguardiansseries · 5 months
From the Beginning - Chapter 4: Danny Is Brave Despite His Friends’ Best Efforts (He Also Discovers The Benefits Of Soup)
A/N: When you have your outline squished together so what should have been separated into two chapters is instead one big chapter, but that just makes it read better anyways. Enjoy the "Mystery Meat" episode!
Reminder that updates are (hopefully) every Wednesday and Saturday and that I survive off of comments and kudos!
Rating: Teen Audiences
Dani Fenton (who is sometimes starting to go by Danny Fenton) is a fifteen-year-old almost sophmore who was just going about her normal life when she figured out she sort of liked being seen as a boy. Oh, then he (he had definitely been a he at the time) got shocked by a machine his parents built to view into another world that they believed contained a world of ‘ecotplasmic entities.’
Danny really isn’t sure how to tell them that they were right and that he was in the machine when it turned on and that maybe he isn’t so human anymore. (He might also not be a girl anymore, but that one was a little more difficult to explain than the fact that he ((she?)) might be half-ghost.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54944266/chapters/139959616
Chapters: <<First>> <Prev || Next>
Chapter Four: Danny Is Brave Despite His Friends’ Best Efforts (He Also Discovers The Benefits Of Soup)
It was more of an effort to not laugh than it should have been, but Danny figured he was allowed to laugh at his friends’ misery when he was suffering from the same thing. 
Sam didn’t seem to think so, glaring up at him and muttering a whisper-soft, “I know where you live.” The words were nearly drowned out over the frenzy that was the cafeteria room, but it still managed to make Danny give in and laugh fully.
“Yeah, you do, but could you even make it up the stairs to kill me? I’m pretty sure you’d collapse before even making it through the front door.” The sad part was, it didn’t seem like much of an exaggeration when all three of them were exhausted, sleep deprived, and trying to figure out how the hell they had been given so much homework when it was only Friday of their first week. “C’mon, guys, at least we have the weekend to look forward to!”
“Yeah, the weekend we’ll be using to do fifty pounds of homework,” Tucker muttered, everything about him dripping with bitterness. “Do you think the teachers hate us? Is that what this is? Or are they trying to weed out the weak?”
“Probably want us all to commit suicide so they don’t have to deal with us,” Sam grumbled, Danny fighting to not laugh again even as Tucker did. “School was not this exhausting last year.”
Danny shrugged, nibbling on a fry, “Dunno. Maybe they’re trying to figure out the smart ones from the dumb ones early.” A glance down at his tray showed that while he had eaten a lot of his lunch already, there was still a good amount left. He was still starving and hungry as hell a lot, but he at least wasn’t scarfing everything down that he could get his hands on like he had in the beginning of the week. “Which means me and Tuck are doomed.” 
“Hey,” Tucker frowned. “I’m smart!” Mm… was he, though? Danny figured the thought must have shown up on his face since Tucker looked even more offended. “Hey!”
“I mean, don’t get me wrong, Tuck, you’re a genius when it comes to coding and hacking and tech and stuff, but… You kind of suck at everything else.”
There was a long silence, Danny waiting for a response before Tucker looked away and sullenly started sipping on his chocolate milk. It was way more hilarious than it should have been, especially when he saw Sam trying to fight back her own laughs. It was possible all the homework might have caused them to suffer from a little bit of hysteria.
“Okay, okay,” Sam said as soon as she was able, sitting back up. “Whose house is up first for homework duty-”
“Not it!” Danny and Tucker both shouted immediately, which, excellent. That meant a study session at Sam’s who was rich and, therefore, had the best study snacks. Sam didn’t even look surprised, anymore! 
“How generous of you boys, truly,” Sam drawled, Danny quickly taking a bite of whatever was closest to hide the stupid grin he could feel forming. It wasn’t his fault being counted as ‘one of the boys’ was starting to become a pretty good feeling. “Speaking of you boys, Danny! Did you finally learn to breathe between bites?”
“Ha ha,” Danny said with as dry a tone as he could muster, not keeping it up long before he was smiling at his friends’ looks. “I dunno, just… I’m still really hungry, but it doesn’t feel like I’m Godzilla waking up from a thousand year long nap, you know?”
Tucker snorted with laughter while Sam shook her head, smiling anyways, “At least there’s that. How’d your check up with the doctors go on Wednesday?”
“Yeah, how’d your escape from the second half of classes go,” Tucker pretended to frown, Danny rolling his eyes and flicking a fry at him. At least, Danny was pretty sure it was a fry. 
“It went fine.” Which was something Danny had already told the two, but, God, it would take someone a lot stronger than Danny to get them to stop worrying over him. “I’m still, you know, not the best, but they’re happy that I seem to be stable and don’t have anything that’s, like, really wrong, you know?”
Not to say he was perfectly alright. He was still dropping almost everything he picked up or tried to hold, but he wasn’t shaking or losing his balance as much anymore. His breathing still wasn’t the best, either, and his heart rate was still kind of trashed, but he at least didn’t struggle for air after walking from his house to the end of the block! 
“The only thing that sucked was that Jazz spent an hour grilling the doctors about the best way to follow the aftercare instructions,” Danny continued, trying not to think back to the pure embarrassment at Jazz’s motherly concern and craziness. “Not sure if she’s just that worried, or if she was trying to make some kind of point because Mom and Dad weren’t there.” Ah… and there were the shared looks.
Tucker was the first to speak, as the more ‘relaxed’ friend, so him speaking first made it seem less like an interrogation, “Your parents didn’t go to the appointment with you? Or were they waiting in the car or lobby or something?” 
Sam was next, pushing in deep and trying to drive the point home and get Danny riled up into confessing what they all already knew, “Don’t be ridiculous. Of course Danny’s parents would go with him to a doctor’s appointment when it comes to something like this.”
“You know,” Danny finally managed after a few seconds. “This was a lot more effective before I broke down your team interrogation techniques. Now it’s just sad.” Ah, the annoyed, upset looks of his best friends. Balance was restored. “They were at home working on the Portal- I mean, I told you guys what happened, right? The whole self-sustaining thing?”
As expected, Tucker was quick to leap onto the subject of self-sustaining energy, “Dude, I still can’t believe your parents might be about to crack into a source of self-sustaining energy that’s actually, you know, self-sustaining.” 
“Might,” Sam stressed. “If this really is running off of- Of ectoplasm or whatever it is, then we have no idea what that could do to someone if they’re exposed to it. I mean, we once thought radiation was safe, too.” 
“Damn,” Danny muttered, looking at Tucker. “I think she won that one because that’s… That’s a really good point.” 
“But she always wins!” Before Danny could think of a response at Tucker’s loud, dramatic whining, he felt his back bend and his nails dig into his palms at the sudden race of electricity that burned through him like he had shoved a fork into a socket and- “Danny? Hey, whoa, what’s wrong?” 
“I-” Danny cut himself off, shuddering as the feeling began to fade, instead turning into something like a low, pouding sense of worry at the back of his mind. “I just- It felt like I was just shocked, just now, but… not. You know?”
His friends both had looks that made it seem like no, they did not know, and Danny wasn’t sure whether to be annoyed or grateful when the bell warning them of their next class screeched through the air. Shaking his head and standing up, Danny muttered a quick, “Nevermind. Probably just the normal static shock.” Except it hadn’t felt like it. 
It was more like an exposed wire had been pressed to his skin and then pulled away only to linger in the air just behind him, ready to zap him all over again the second he made the wrong move or choice. It was like an ever-evolving anxiety attack and he was half-tempted to ask Jazz if any of her psychology books had anything on something similar because jesus. 
Already keyed up even while the three were just dumping their trash from lunch, he wasn’t even surprised when some loud banging from the kitchen sent him jumping into the air and almost knocking both himself and Tucker to the ground. “Whoa, dude, you okay?” 
“I-” Danny cut himself off, grateful that he had already thrown his trash into the actual trash can rather than flinging it onto Tucker or some random kid behind them. “You guys heard that too, right? The…” Words running out, Danny gestured vaguely towards the kitchen. 
“Sounded like someone back there might have knocked a pot or something over,” Sam said, standing close by on Danny’s other side and hovering like she was about to catch him. It would have been sweet if Danny wasn’t ready to crawl out of his skin from anxiety. 
“I- I mean. I know the bell just rang, but would- Would you guys come with me to just check? Real quick?” Danny should not be this close to some kind of anxiety attack. He had a weird feeling and now he was just feeding into his terror or something like that. Jazz would have had the words for it, but Danny knew enough to know that he was just scaring himself and he needed to calm down. Still. What if it was something and not just a bad feeling? 
“Yeah. Yeah, sure. We can check it out real quick.” Sam headed for the kitchen doors with a sense of confidence and purpose that meant no one would stop her, Tucker still sort of holding him up as he followed after her and tugged Danny along. (She wasn’t really feeling much like ‘Danny’ anymore.)
“Well, that’s a fun thing to learn,” Dani muttered under her breath, not surprised when Tucker noticed and gave her a questioning look, because Tucker only ever seemed to be observant when she was freaking out. “Not really feeling much like a guy when I’m this… anxious?” 
“There’s probably some insanely long lecture on feminism that Sam has memorized to explain it if you want to ask,” Tucker teased, Dani feeling a little better. 
She then felt a million times worse when they all got to the kitchen door and pushed it open to see that the lights were flickering and dimming before shutting off entirely. Dani gulped and she felt Tucker go still, whispering a horrified, “We’re in a horror movie.” 
“We are not in a horror movie,” Sam snapped, which was a clear enough indicator that she was just as on edge as them. “The lights probably started acting up and caused one of the cooks to drop something.” 
“Are lunch ladies really cooks?” Tucker asked, injecting just enough stupid humor into the situation that Dani didn’t feel like she was going to faint in terror as they crept forward into the kitchen. The door swinging shut behind them made her feel like some dramatic death toll should be going off in the background. “Like, genuinely-” 
“Yes, they are,” Sam said firmly. “And also because one of the cooks here identifies as a man, and it’d be rude to refer to him as a ‘lunch lady.’” Huh. Dani wouldn’t have really thought about that even a couple months ago, but that was a good point. 
“Maybe he likes being referred to as a lunch lady. Maybe he finds it funny.” Ah, Tucker. He was doing his best, but Dani could hear the way his voice was shaking. Not that she was much better, gripping onto Tucker’s arm hard enough that it was probably going numb.
Before the ‘fight’ could continue, there was another clanging sound, like something heavy and metal hitting the floor. It had all three of them poorly stifling their screams as they jumped into each other hard enough to nearly send them to the ground. Dani wasn’t sure how they managed to catch their balance, but all three of them stayed standing.
Dani hadn’t even looked up from making sure her feet weren’t about to trip over each other again when she felt static rolling across her skin, nowhere near as strong as it had been earlier, but enough to make her snap her head up to see that there was some light in the kitchen. 
And it was coming from a ghost. 
Dani couldn’t tear her gaze away even as she wanted to look at her friends’ faces to see if they were seeing the same thing. Judging by the way Tucker was now gripping her arm tightly enough to bruise, she had to assume they were. 
“Oh dear, oh dear… No, no, this is all wrong.” The actual real life ghost in front of them was speaking and mumbling to herself like some fretful old lady who had forgotten something. It was definitely a ghost, though, because Dani could see through her to the wall of pots and pans behind her. She could also see the way she was floating seven inches off the ground. (Seven? Six? It was enough to be noticeable!)
“Oh, hello, dearies.” Ah. The ghost had seen them. The ghost was now talking to them. “Could you tell me who changed the menu?”
Dani opened her mouth to maybe pray to some god she wasn’t sure she actually believed in when Tucker beat her to it. “Do you mean all the salads and junk that Sam added?” 
That was enough to get Dani to turn her head to look at him, shocked that one of her best friends was that stupid. He was even pointing at Sam! Who looked just as incredulous! Yeah, okay, there was no accounting for what someone said when they were going through shock and extreme amounts of fear, but still! 
“Oh. You changed the menu?” The ghost who looked like a lunch lady straight out of the fifties with a pink uniform and hair net and gloves and everything was looking at Sam now and Dani was really hoping that this was some weird dream she would wake up from after falling asleep at lunch. Or maybe they were mass hallucinating. That was a thing, right? “You changed the menu.” Oh. That wasn’t a question that time.
Before Dani could say anything, she saw some of the pots behind the ghost beginning to float up into the air, wrapped in the same glowing light that came from the ghost — who was looking a lot angrier than she had a second- Holy fucking shit. 
Staring with wide eyes at the huge cast iron pot that had slammed into the wall hard enough to dent it after just barely missing Sam’s head, Dani was pretty sure her brain went offline for a couple of seconds in shock. She then decided she could go into shock when she was dead and shoved Tucker hard enough that she might as well have body-checked him before doing the same to Sam and screaming, “Run!” 
It was then Danny who turned back and kept himself between the ghost and his friends.
Let me be brave, Danny thought to himself fiercely, because Danny wasn’t the shy, meek little girl who avoided any sign of confrontation and tried her best to be quiet. Danny was someone who was learning to speak up for himself and was bad at it, but was trying. Danny was the one who was starting to let himself take up space and try to figure out just who he was. 
So it was Danny who grabbed the fallen pot off the ground as his friends ran and threw it up into the air at another one that had been flying towards them. Through some miracle of luck it actually managed to hit, the two making a loud clanging sound that hurt his ears and had him hurrying out the door after his friends.
He didn’t bother to waste his breath to tell his friends to keep running, only shoving them forward when he saw they had slowed down to make sure he was behind them. He made sure it was a decently powerful shove considering he heard more pots clanging into the walls and door of the kitchen, the cafeteria now empty with no witnesses which meant no one to see what the hell was going on. 
It wasn’t until they were a couple of hallways away, all empty since everyone who didn’t have a deadly sense of curiosity was in class, that Tucker was squeaking out a high-pitched, “What the hell?!” 
“Inside, inside, inside,” Sam chanted, jerking open a door into an empty classroom before pushing them all inside and then shutting and locking it. Danny watched as her legs gave out and she slid down to the floor, Tucker not doing much better as he propped himself up against a desk. “That- That was… Was that really-?”
“That was a ghost.” Tucker’s face was paler than Danny had ever seen and enough to spur him into grabbing a chair and dragging it over before pushing him into it. “That was actually- Ghosts can’t do shit like that- Ghosts aren’t real like that!” 
Still gasping for breath he didn’t have, and knowing his heart was going way too fast, Danny finally managed a weak, “That wasn’t a ghost.” As soon as his friends looked at him like he was insane, he shook his head. “No, listen, that- That was everything my parents have ever told me about. That was an ectoplasmic entity or whatever it is that they’ve been studying.” Which meant… “Holy shit, they were right.” 
“Dani, girl-”
“Boy again. Sorry.” 
“Danny, man, I love you, but what the hell does that have to do with what’s going on right now? And the fact that we’re about to die?” 
Making a note to beam over Tucker’s casual acceptance of how he was switching between genders like dresses before a party, Danny forced himself to focus and dug out his phone. “It means that we can call my parents and they can come down here and actually do something about it.” 
Pulling up his contacts quickly, Danny heard Sam muttering something before her voice pitched up in something between offense, rage, and hurt, “You ratted me out to a ghost?” 
“I panicked! I thought-! She looked like my grandma, I didn’t think she’d suddenly start throwing kitchenware at us!” Alright. That was a decent point, actually. 
Phone ringing, Danny blew out a breath when it connected and he heard his mom’s voice. “Danielle? Sweetie, what’s wrong? You’re supposed to be in class right now, aren’t you?” 
“Mom-” Voice breaking, Danny realized just how tense and terrified he still was, all his energy thrumming under his skin like static before lightning struck. (He really needed to stop focusing on the static and lightning analogies, if only so he could stop remembering how much he had screamed.) “Mom, I need you and Dad to come to the school, right now.” 
“Danielle, honey, we’re right in the middle of our work. Something odd is happening with the EMD and we need to figure it out before it can cause any problems. Are you having a bad day? I can call Jazz and she should be able to come and pick you up-”
“You were right!” Danny blurted out, loud enough that Sam and Tucker both jumped and rattled the door and chair they were each leaning against or on. “Everything you ever said about- About ghosts and ectoplasm and all of it, you were right, okay? Everything. You were right and we’re looking at the proof and you need to get down here right now!”
Silent. The other end was silent and Danny felt ready to scream as he pulled his phone away to make sure the call hadn’t dropped. There was nothing but a black screen, Danny clicking the power button to bring up the call. Nothing showed up. He clicked it again, a couple times, and it was like a dawning horror to realize his phone had just died. 
“Shit,” Danny muttered, trying a couple more times before giving up and shoving it into his pocket, other hand held out towards Tucker. “Phone. Mine died.” 
Tucker nodded and moved to get it, Danny snapping his hand back with a sharp gasp as that same feeling from lunch, that same burning jolt of static, shot through him with enough force to have him stumbling away and looking around the room as if something was about to jump out at him. 
He wasn’t wrong. 
The ghost from earlier was suddenly in the middle of the room, both his friends jumping to their feet with enough force to send them stumbling back. The look of fear in their eyes had Danny’s skyrocketing, but at the same time it made him feel angry. 
“You dare change the menu?! The menu has been the same for fifty years! Fifty years of tradition! Of getting it right! And you would dare change it?!” 
Let me be brave, Danny thought once again, watching as one of the desks glowed with that strange energy and light the same as the pots had. Danny saw where it was going to hit as it flung itself through the air on a trajectory right towards Sam. 
Before he could even think he was moving, hands outstretched and shoving Sam away and into Tucker, knowing he would catch Sam. He then braced himself to feel a whole lot of pain as the desk flew- Right by him? 
Okay. Well. He wasn’t about to question his luck there when the desk was in splinters against the wall and they now had a clear shot to the door, Danny shoving them forward with another command to, “Run! Outside!”
His friends didn’t question it and began running at once, Tucker panting out strained words as they rounded the corner. “Danny, that desk- It went through you!” 
“Yeah. I know. Really close miss,” Danny panted out himself, the burn in his lungs starting to remind him really clearly that his doctors had talked about him having problems with breathing at his last check-up. “Talk later.”
“No, man, it went through you!” Okay, they would have time to talk about Tucker’s fear hallucinations later, Danny decided. 
“Outside, outside,” Danny said, raising his voice so Sam could hear, who was already making the turn for the front doors. “We need to get out. Lead it to my parents!” If they could get to his house — or more accurately if they could get to ‘Fenton Works,’ his parents would probably have something in the lab that could deal with everything. 
“We- We can’t!” Tucker gasped like he was about to stop breathing, Danny slowing just enough to make sure he could keep Tucker ahead of him and catch him if he collapsed as they raced down the stairs and out onto the front lawn of the school. Unlike Danny’s possible likelihood, Tucker did have asthma. “We can’t skip school!” 
“Get your priorities straight!” Sam shouted back, enough breath in her lungs to yell at them. It was extremely unfair, in Danny’s opinion. What was more unfair was that the ghost or ectoplasmic entity or demon or whatever it was was right in front of them again, like all their running hadn’t even mattered. It also had grabbed Sam by the wrist and jerked her to a stop harshly enough that Sam let out a short scream. 
Danny didn’t even think. He didn’t stop, or scream, or gasp, or anything. He just kept running, fear and anger pounding through him at seeing Sam’s terrified face, before he slammed into the ghostly lunch lady that was looking at them with burning red eyes. He was honestly surprised when he made contact, and apparently so was the ghost since he saw her grip on Sam loosen enough that she was able to free herself. 
“Danny!” The warning came a second too late, Danny wincing as it was his arm grabbed that time. He heard Sam scream again, and Tucker too, but it was a little hard to be sure when all of his focus was on the searing pain in his arm as he was lifted off the ground higher, and higher, and higher-! Too fast, this was all going too fast, he couldn’t even think-
“Now, dearie, it’s quite rude to interfere,” the ghost chided him like he was a misbehaving child, Danny swinging almost twenty or thirty feet up from the ground and trying to hold back a scream. The pain in his arm was enough to make him think it was dislocated, all of his weight hanging by the grip around his wrist. “This should fix that, and you should be just fine, even. Just a few broken bones, is all, I think!” 
Danny looked up at the ghost who smiled at him like she was being genuine and just putting him in some sort of time-out before he realized he was falling through the air. 
For a brief second that had to have been controlled by hysteria Danny decided the feeling of falling through the air felt like when he had jumped from a swing as a kid or when coming down after bouncing too high on a trampoline. 
The next second had the panic overwhelm him, a voiceless thought that he didn’t want to feel that much pain again, but it was quickly drowned out by fear that Sam and Tucker were next. 
He didn’t give a shit if he got hurt along the way, but he was not going to let some insane research of his parents hurt his best friends. He wouldn’t. He wouldn’t. No matter what it took, he was going to protect them-!
A sudden jerk had him stopping in his descent, Danny braced for the pain. He instead felt a wave of shock at there being none. He then realized there was no pain because instead of hitting the ground, he was floating a few inches above it. 
In the seconds before he dropped the last few inches to the ground, Danny looked at Sam and Tucker to see they were stunned, completely still and silent. He also looked at the ghost who looked as scared as he felt. 
A part of him wanted to just sit there and just give into the urge to sob in terror, but then he realized what he was looking at. She was scared. That meant there was something that could stop her. 
Rolling over and shoving himself up onto his knees, Danny saw the ghost was still up in the air, still too surprised to move yet. Danny, now an expert at pushing his panic attacks away until later, furiously tried to think on what he could do. 
A whisper. 
A nudge to his back. 
A swirl of soft blues and purple that he couldn’t see but somehow knew was there, the faintest, Backpack. 
Following the nudge, Danny didn’t stop to think as he ran for Tucker and turned him around before he ripped his backpack open, ignoring Tucker’s sputtering and squirming. Instead he found just what he had been looking for. 
He had almost forgotten, but that time at the lab, on the day of the Accident, he had seen Tucker grab something from one of the tables. He had probably been wanting to play around with it and see what it did, but Danny remembered his dad talking about it. It was an old thermos he had converted into a container for ectoplasmic energy. 
He had no idea how it worked, absolutely no clue if it would do anything towards the ghost that had almost tried to kill him, but he didn’t let himself hesitate. 
Let me be brave, Danny thought as loudly as he could, ripping the cap off the thermos and fumbling to turn it around towards the ghost that was quickly getting over her shock. Let me protect them!
“Soup isn’t on the menu, child.” The ghost was smirking like she was someone who knew they couldn’t be hurt, but Danny forced himself to not believe it. She had been scared, after all. 
She had been scared and so, with every scrap of hope he had left inside of him, Danny held up the themors and pressed the bright green button on the side of it. 
There was a moment — a second — where nothing happened and Danny felt like his heart was about to throw up. Then he felt the metal in his hands heat up with enough force and speed that it took everything in him to not drop the container, eyes wide as a beam of bright white light or energy or something shot out and hit the ghost directly. 
Danny braced himself as he felt the container vibrate in his hands, the ghost screaming as it looked like she was almost being pulled into the thing. He expected her to rip away from it and escape until the last second when both the ghost and the energy coiled back in on itself, Danny capping the thermos without thought. 
“Sorry, lady,” Danny said, a laugh of what was definitely hysteria leaving him as he suddenly felt a million pounds heavier, not helped at all when he heard what might have been his parents starting to shout at him. Or maybe it was Sam and Tucker? “But it looks like lunch is over.” 
Letting out a breath, Danny tried to figure out just what to do with a container that had a ghost in it like straight out of an old sci-fi movie. He also tried to figure out how he was going to explain this to his parents and maybe even the teachers. 
He then realized the black at the edges of his vision hadn’t gone away — had only grown stronger — and that was probably a bad thing. 
After that, all he knew was that it was dark and quiet and he was tired. 
A nap would be fine, right?
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mazegays · 8 months
could've followed my fears all the way down
Chapter 17
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18
The first few days are easy. Familiar. They’ve gone out scouting this far before, and there are little paths worn in from use. The weather is kind to them, but they’ve got plastic sheets for when it starts to rain; their sunny days won’t hold forever.
 Sonya points out the different plants they’ve tried in the greenhouse, to see if they’re edible at all.
Most of them aren’t, which sucks, because they could really use more easily-accessible food sources.
Thankfully, none of the ‘testers’ (mostly just Sonya, and whoever else she can get to try it.) have died from any of the plants. They collect what they can and eat most of it themselves.
Thomas’s food pack has to last a lot longer than theirs. 
“What do you think you’ll find, Thomas?”
“More plants, hopefully. I’m thinking if we’ve scared off any deer around here, but maybe if it’s just me, I’ll see some. I wonder if Frypan knows how to make jerky.”
“I don’t think there’s anything he’s not willing to try making, at least.”
“Good that.” Thomas laughs. “We’ll split tomorrow morning, then. Are you going right back?” They’d made better time than he’d planned for. 
“No, we’ve got a few things around here to take a look at first. I haven’t been out this far before. Have you, Aris?”
“This is the first time I’ve been in here for more than a few minutes. I wanted a change from fishing every morning.” He explains. Thomas hadn’t even realized that Aris was fishing every morning; it explains why he hasn’t seen much of him at dinner. He’s pretty sure that Aris has to be up, like, stupid early for fishing.
“When will you get back, Thomas? I know Aris and I plan on being back in three or four days. How much food do you have?”
“I’ve got enough for three days out here and the trip back. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me. I’ve got a good handle on running in the woods now, too. If it comes to that I’ll run back. I’ll be maybe a week behind you.”
“What do I tell Minho and Gally about why you’re not with us?” She challenges.
He’d really hoped she wouldn’t say that.
“That you lost me? No, don’t tell them that. They’ll flip out. Tell them I was an idiot who went off on his own. They’ll believe that.”
“You can’t avoid them forever, Thomas.”
“I don’t want to. But it’s better if I do.” 
“How long should we wait?” Aris asks. “If you don’t come back?”
“I’ll come back.”
“Will you want to?”
“Yes, Aris, I’ll come back. I was never planning on not coming back— ” Not this time, anyway, “— but this will be easier with just me. We won’t have enough food for all three of us, or even two of us.”
“You planned it that way, Thomas, don’t try and fool us.” Sonya sighs, tugging him over so he’s sitting next to her. “I don’t know why you’re trying to run away from them, from yourself, but it’s not going to work long-term. You’re going to crash and burn eventually, or one of them will. You can come back with us. I don’t think Jorge really expects you to stay out here alone that long.”
“I’ll be okay, Sonya. I’m not running, I promise. I just need to think.”
“And you can’t do that around everyone else?”
No, he can’t trust himself not to tell them everything.
He doesn’t even know what ‘everything’ entails yet. It’s not worth saying something and then finding out he actually felt the opposite.
He doesn’t want to do that to them.
And, he reminds himself, there’s the matter of Rosa— who won’t believe him when he says he’s not being abused, which he hasn’t told anyone about.
She had, however, led him to realize how much happier they were when he wasn’t around.
It was better this way. Minho and Gally could sort things out without him in the way, and he could get over himself alone, with no one else having to deal with his issues.
With him.
Sonya stares at him, hard, like she can read his thoughts.
She’d probably knock him out and drag him back if she could.
continue reading or finish on ao3
The shadows of the canopy are barely there when he leaves the next morning. This deep in, he can hardly see the sky, but he knows Sonya and Aris won’t be up until sunrise at least.
He’s not going to risk the chance of them convincing him not to go on. He’ll have to move more slowly at first, and watch his step very carefully, but by the time they wake they won’t be able to follow him.
He’s so focused on going as far as he can, getting away from everything, that he nearly forgets to stop and eat.
His body doesn’t allow that for long, so he finds a good spot— near berries that look edible but aren’t ones he’s seen before.
He wraps a handful up in cloth and tucks them away. Someone might recognize them when he gets back.
Thomas moves more slowly in the afternoon, taking in everything around him; different plants, more than one he knows is edible—he digs a couple of each up carefully and wraps the roots.
More food sources are never a bad thing.
Still, he doesn’t find much else that day; no animals other than birds or squirrels.
It’s lonelier than he thought it would be, out here.
Yeah, it’s kind of nice, peaceful, but… the solitude is itching at him already.
The white-walled room, the treadmill, the inconsistent meals
He can’t think about that now.
He’ll just keep a routine. He’ll leave shortly after sunrise each morning, eat lunch when the sun is highest, and then settle in right when dusk starts to fall.
That will help.
Minho tries running on his own, but even though he’s allowed to now, it just feels wrong. He’s used to having Thomas by his side, used to finding his balance with a hand on Thomas’s shoulder or back when he stumbles, used to Thomas doing the same on him.
He can’t do it.
It’s… it’s not the same. And it’s not as if he could run with Gally, because Gally’s still hurt, and would probably laugh at him if he suggested it in the first place.
Minho would ask Harriet or Sonya, but Sonya’s still on the scouting trip with Thomas and Aris and Harriet’s got enough on her hands.
So he doesn’t run. He can take a few days off, he reasons, just until Thomas gets back.
“Stop acting weird, shank.” Gally throws a pillow at his head. “So you don’t want to run. Have you considered walking? A nice stroll, perhaps?”
“Shut up, asshole.” That’s one of Minho’s favorite new words. Sometimes the adults get all huffy about it if he uses it around them, though. Why’d they teach it to them if they didn’t expect them to use it? Seems dumb.
“Min, seriously, you’re driving me crazy with all of your pacing around. You need to go and do something, man.”
He doesn’t want to leave Gally alone, though. He knows that Gally would be okay without him, but the ache in his chest when he thinks about Thomas (he knows it shouldn’t be so strong; it’s only been a few days, but he wants to see Thomas again. And talk to him, and take naps together, and tease Gally together, and eat together.) is only lessened when he’s with Gally.
Minho’s not going to read into that too much right now. All he knows is that he doesn’t want to leave Gally alone, but he can’t settle down, either.
“You know what I would suggest if we were back in the Glade?” Gally’s smirking when he looks at him.
“Yeah,  I think I do.” Of course, he’d be doing all the work, Gally can’t do anything right now.
“I mean, if you want to…” 
He does want to. Kind of. He and Gally never did this sort of thing together, but they’ve both heard things about each other.
“What if we get caught?”
“That never bothered you before, from what I know.”
“It was different, in the Glade. It was only boys our age.” When Chuck had come up in the box, those of them who were typically louder (Alby and Newt) and more likely to fool around in easily-accessible places either quieted down or moved somewhere else. If Chuck hadn’t been so damn curious and wanting to get into everything, it wouldn’t have been a problem. At least, not as much of a problem as it was. But the kid would sneak up on you no matter what he thought you were doing, and privacy was almost a foreign concept to him at first.
“So I don’t want Anya or Harriet to walk in on me sucking your dick, Gally.”
“Oh, is that what you wanted to do?” Gally motions for him to come closer to the bed. “I was mostly joking. I don’t think I’d be up for much of that anyway. You could take a nap, though. You haven’t been sleeping at night.”
“Yeah, I know.” Both of them have been having bad nightmares since Thomas left. All of the things they try not to worry about during the day only come back to haunt them in the middle of the night.
When Minho wakes up again, he’s back on the Burg. He can tell because even after days, twisting his back in certain ways burns.
He can tell because Newt’s here, and Teresa, and a group of girls in the corner.
He can tell because Thomas isn’t. Which means that…
It means that WCKD has killed him.
He’s going to have to live without Thomas.
Minho doesn’t know why that loss hits him so much harder than the others he’s faced recently. He hasn’t even known Thomas that long. A month, at most.
But he already knows he doesn’t want to live without him.
He tells the others what he’s thinking, what he thinks WCKD did, but it almost feels like it’s not him.
And then Ratman brings out Thomas’ body.
‘Something’s not right. This isn’t how it goes.’
He ignores the thought, because Thomas is dead and Minho’s decisions killed him. Minho killed him.
Not in the same way he killed Gally, not directly, but he killed him. And he’s going to have to live with that.
He doesn’t want to live with that.
‘This is wrong.’
Yes, it is wrong, because Thomas isn’t here. Thomas should be here. Minho should have picked someone else, he should have chosen.
But he couldn’t do that, could he? He couldn’t pick another of his friends to die. At least this way, he didn’t name anyone.
‘Minho, wake up!’
He is awake. He just really wishes he wasn’t. If he weren’t awake, then he wouldn’t have to face the fact that Thomas is dead. His body’s right there, Minho could go and touch it if he wanted to.
He doesn’t want to.
Doesn’t want to think about Thomas like he’s dead.
He wonders if the others will leave him here, if he asks. 
(He already knows they won’t.)
Minho sits on the floor, facing away from the evidence of what he’s done, and waits for WCKD’s next move.
It’s all he can do now, anyway.
This time, he listens.
“Minho!” Minho flings an arm out to let Gally know he’s awake. “What was that about?”
“Mmmm, give me a minute.” It hadn’t felt like a nightmare, but apparently he had been reacting like it was one.
“You were, like, crying in your sleep, Min. I’ve never seen you do that before.”
“It was after the Scorch.” Minho sits up, wiping at his face. He doesn’t think he’s cried during nightmares before; Thomas hasn’t said anything if he has. “They separated us and had us all do these different trials. Mine was picking someone for them to kill. I refused, but when they brought me back to the main room, Thomas wasn’t there. He was gone longer than anyone else, and I thought--we all thought--that they’d killed him. They hadn’t, clearly, but in the nightmare they had. Ratman even brought us his body.
“It didn’t feel like a nightmare, though. It felt like I was still there. Like that’s where I was supposed to be. There was something telling me that it was wrong, but I didn’t listen because of course it felt wrong, they’d killed Thomas and it was my fault.”
“That’s… that’s a rough one, Minho.” Gally says. “I don’t know what to tell you.”
“That’s okay. I don’t know what to say after nightmares, either. Especially when it’s something like that.”
“Would it be better if Thomas was here?”
“Yeah, but he’s off on his little mission. Why do you think he keeps leaving us behind?” Minho knows Thomas trusts them. He knows Thomas likes them, but he can’t figure out why Thomas keeps running away from them.
“I don’t know. It’s frustrating, though. If he just stayed put, we could talk things out, and we’d be okay.” Gally takes his hand, and Minho moves to lie at the top of the bed with him without more urging. 
“Good luck with that. I don’t think Thomas knows how to stop. I don’t think he even knows how to slow down.” Not that Minho’s much better at it. It’s been really hard, forcing himself to remember that he’s not in constant danger these days. He doesn’t have anything to solve, nothing to be looking out for. 
“If anyone can out-stubborn him, it’s us.” Gally points out. “He’s our boy, alright? And we’ll take care of him.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I like the sound of that.”
It might just take some time before they can convince Thomas that he doesn’t have to be trying to fix everything all the time.
Shuck, they’ll have to learn together.
&lt;- 16 18 ->
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calamityandme · 1 year
Oh man, so update: our AC is officially broken again? Never was fixed really from last time, but was cooler because it wasn’t as hot the past couple days? Who knows.
Our landlord is going to get us a new AC unit either Friday or Monday. Until then, he has leant us a couple box fans to help get air circulating.
It sucks that the house is 83 F. It blows that we have a few more days of this. However, I feel content at the moment.
I’m laying in bed with two fans going at once in my proximity. One large box fan blowing hot air outside, another smaller fan blowing air directly on my face. It’s magical.
Not only do I feel cooler than yesterday, we were given food today! I worked this morning and my boss/friend “S” gave us some of their frozen meals they wouldn’t eat.
We have food! I feel very loved and fortunate. So fortunate to have people in my life who can give me their old food they don’t want or just help me out in ways they don’t realize. It saves us money that we can put directly to paying bills so it means so much.
I want to be a figure like that for other people. Someone who shows love with food and little gifts that make people feel seen and heard. I hope I’m not a charity case sort of friend that people feel forced to give things to me.
I want to return the favor when we are in a better place. Maybe I will bake some things for my friends that helped me out.
Another development, my partner has to get a letter from his old employer stating he hasn’t worked there since January haha. It’s the only thing holding us back from approval to take care of two big bills. One bill we have an impending disconnect notice.
It’s annoying but at least it’s something we can get hopefully soon. We need to get it to them by the end of this week. Fingers crossed his old work is quick with the letter.
I got to eat lunch (my breakfast but at lunch time) with R and her daughter S before I went back home. We ate Culver’s. It’s a very American fast food restaurant. So much cheese, very buttery/greasy buns, but once you try it once you’ll keep coming back.
I got onion rings and a double butter burger. I ate my rings and a couple bites of my burger before deciding to save the rest of it for my next meal. Even though I knew I had food at home I found myself doing it instinctively. Not a bad habit I guess. Leftovers are great.
Now it’s been a couple hours since I got off work and I am still not sure how to spend my time.
Our internet is shut off (not a priority compared to utilities so we’ll pay it once everything else is okay) so I can’t watch anything on a TV, but I can watch media on my phone. My service isn’t the best so sometimes the show or movie I’m watching will buffer for a couple minutes at a time. I can survive lol.
I’ll find something to occupy my time. Maybe another cold bath. I’ll listen to my audiobook from the library.
I’m currently listening to one of my favorites: The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender. I listen to it on my phone through Libby the library app. I’m 26% through it. I’ve read it many times but have never actually finished it. I’m hoping to finish it this time.
Update: It’s 85 F at 8 PM lol. I was cool at points when it was closer to 81, but now I am rough. I’m sticky. Humidity has taken my hair and won’t let go. Landlords said they may be able to come over tomorrow to at least start the AC process
0 notes
proserpina-magnus · 3 years
Yay your requests are open! 😄 Could you pleeeease write a Dom poly!marauders (no Peter) x sub!reader, where it’s a new-ish relationship between the 4 and the reader breaks her first rule, leading to her first punishment and they can all see she’s nervous so they are soft!doms during (you can decide the rule she breaks and the punishment🙊) and the aftercare they give her 🥺
Yes absolutely, it’s kinda rough and I didn’t realize how lengthy it was! This is actually not that good and the aftercare could be better but I hope you like it!
First Punishment’s (R.L, J.P, S.B)
Reader: fem (she/her)
Word count: 2.6
Warning: swearing, rule breaking, spanking, bratty reader (sorta), d/s (sorta heavy?) Remus is the main dom, safe words are definitely in place, lots of aftercare and praises, reader becomes a cry baby super fast, soft doms, Sirius actually doesn’t show up that much and that sucks :(
p.s: my bad spelling also plays a role in this!
There were only a few solid rules the Marauders had set for you, no back talk, no touching yourself sexually without permission, and always thank them when they give you something. They had a few smaller rules specifically for themselves, such a James saying you can’t cuss while Sirius allows it. Remus has to approve your outfit before going out to hogsmeade. Sirius, surprisingly, doesn’t have many rules other than the main ones.
It must have been a bad day or you just felt bratty, because you had been tempting their rules all day. You had gone out to hogsmeade with your dorm mates, not checking with Remus about your outfit. When you returned, a bag full of honey duke treats, you got stopped by Remus in the hallway. He shoo’d your dormmates away, an eyebrow raised with his hands crossed over his chest.
You shrunk slightly, fiddling with the edge of your rather small skirt that Sirius had gifted to you just days ago.
“Bun, did you forget to do something?” He asked and you nodded. Yet you and Remus both knew you had done it on purpose.
“What did you forget?”
“To check with you,” you mumbled, distracting yourself with flattening the fabric of James jumper you had stolen.
“To check with me about what?”
“M’outfit,” you whispered and you caught Remus's stern look and spoke up. “M’outfit sir,”
“mmh,” was all he said, giving you an opportunity to apologize to him properly. You dug through your bag, taking out a chocolate bar you had gotten him.
“But I went to get you guys sweets!” You excused yourself, pushing the chocolate in Remus's hand. Remus shook his head, taking the chocolate. “Alright, I’ll let you off this time. But no matter what your excuse is, it doesn't mean you can go around flaunting your ass to Hogsmeade, understand?”
“I’m not flaunting my ass!” You exhaled quickly, pushing down your skirt as you began to get offended. Remus raised his eyebrow, “I’m sorry?” And you grew quiet. Real quiet.
“Hey lovely,” you heard James call from behind you, you had turned around to see him race down the hall and swing an arm around your waist, a big smile on his face.
“What’s the issue?” James got the tension and Remus motioned for you to explain yourself.
“Went to hogsmeade without checking my outfit with Remus,” you whispered rudely, James raised an eyebrow as he didn’t quite catch it.
“Hm? Speak up poppet,” he said, and you sighed and said it again louder this time.
“Oh let her off this one time Remus, she must have forgotten,” James defended you, rubbing your back so you knew he was on your side.
“I was,” Remus started, irking slightly as he recalled how you talked back. “But instead she told me off for my offer,”
James grew confused, looking down at you. “Love, that’s not true is it?” He asked, pinching your cheek and you pushed his hand away. You thought he was on your side.
“Remus said I was flaunting my ass! I wasn’t! And even if I was, what's the problem with that? I’ll flaunt my ass whenever I want!” You huffed, another small rule broke at your words. Remus rolled his tongue over his teeth, James folding his arms over his chest. Oh dear lord, you were in for it now if you kept going.
“This isn’t far, it’s 2 against one,” you pointed out as you now realized James wasn’t on your side. You copied them, crossing your arms over your chest.
“It wouldn’t have been 2 against one if you didn’t break a rule,” Remus reminded you, you grew frustrated.
“Well I don’t like your stupid rules,” you stated, now you began to get worried. Why did you keep talking, it wasn’t too late for you to apologize and say you were sorry.
“Up to our dorm,” James said roughly and grasped your elbow, you shook him off and stepped back. “No I don’t wanna,” you said and they both let out a laugh.
“Come on, we’re not asking again,” Remus said, you felt your nerves jitter. You’ve never been punished before and the worry began to build quickly.
“No,” you said, shaking your head as you took another step back. Your back hit a person and you cursed yourself. Without turning around, you knew it was Sirius. But hopefully, you prayed he was on your side. Sirius must have read your thoughts, because he quickly said a “they’re right bun, you know if you break a rule you get punished,”
You frowned, huffing out as you realized there wasn’t a chance to escape now. “Fine,” you muttered, pulling away from Sirius as you began to walk down the hall to the portrait. They followed behind, Remus shaking his head.
You stopped at the portrait, arms still crossed over your chest as they said the password and led you upstairs to their dorm. With the thud of the door being closed, you felt the need for a meltdown.
They hadn't discussed what kind of punishment went with each rule, they hadn’t thought they wouldn't need to punish their good girl. James had insisted you would never break a rule, but apparently he was wrong.
They picked up that you were worried, but they couldn’t just let it slide, you’d think that breaking rules was okay and that you could get away with it.
You walked over and set your bag down on James' dresser, sitting down on his bed, hands still folded over your chest.
“Okay, cool off,” James said and walked over to you. “I want you to know we aren’t punishing you while mad, that’s not how this is going to work,” he stated, and Remus nodded.
“We honestly hadn’t planned out a punishment, we thought you would be good,” Sirius said, that hurt. “I am good!” You replied, upset at the fact they didn’t think you were good.
“Hey, you’re not on thin ice anymore missy, I’d watch what you say if I were you,” Remus snapped and you went quiet with a frown.
“We know you’re a good girl,” James soothed over, giving a glare to Sirius. “That’s not what he meant,”
You began to open your mouth for a snappy comment, maybe even going as far as to call James dumb, but you closed your mouth and stayed silent. “Okay,” you nodded, “I understand,”
“You know why we have to punish you?” Sirius asked, and you nodded. “Say it, we want to know that you know what you did was wrong,”
“I broke a rule, well two rules,”
“Two rules?” Sirius questioned, he had missed the start of the backlash. “She went out to Hogsmeade without my permission for her outfit,” Remus cleared up.
“technically she actually broke three,” James said, your eyes opened as you looked over at him. How could he? You felt the need to cry, they seemed really upset. Who knew you would hate them being upset at you so much?
“Three?” You questioned in pure confusion.
“You cussed, you know I don’t like that,” James explained with a hand on your thigh, you nodded in defeat. “It’s alright, bun,” he kissed your cheek.
“James, don’t encourage that she can break your rules,” Remus advised and your shoulder slumped at the fact this wasn’t a time for you to get praises.
“Alright, let’s discuss punishments, she’s scared I don’t like that,” Sirius said and sat opposite of you, Remus took a seat on the chair by James dresser.
“You want us to list some?” James asked, “we won’t do anything without your permission,” he explained and rubbed your knee, you sighed but was a bit confused.
“You can use your safe word any time you feel unsafe, even during punishments. We never want you to be scared of us, okay?” Remus said, rubbing your cheek and you nodded. You leaned your face in his palm, you wanted to soak up all the affection before your punishment.
“We need clarification, you understand bun,” Sirius said, you opened your eyes when Remus pulled his hand away. “I understand, I can use my safe word whenever I need to, even during punishments,” you nodded along, slowly the nerves began to settle.
“Good girl,” James praised, “don’t think we’re going to praise you during punishments either, but since it’s your first time we’ll be more understanding,” Remus explained and you nodded.
“Alright, what about spanking? Not letting her cum for a certain amount of time? Degrading?” Sirius rushed out the ones off the type of his head, your stomach flipped at the word spanking.
They discussed punishments in front of you for a few minutes, some making you worry and others you nodded along like you’d enjoy it. You didn’t know why, but hearing them talk like you weren’t even there was making you feel dizzy.
“What about a simple time out? I don’t want to go all out for her first punishment, I don’t want her to be scared,” James said, rubbing your back gently.
“Let’s make her pick, that way she has control over the first punishment,” Remus said, looking away from Sirius as he kept his eyes on you. “We’ll let you pick this time, but don’t think you’ll get to pick the next time you break a rule,” he explained and you nodded.
“No punishment,” you choose and Sirius laughed, kissing your forehead. “That’s not how it works bunny,” he began and you sighed. You thought for another minute, spanking couldn’t be bad could it?
“I guess spanking,” you nodded, Remus nodded but James wasn’t so sure. “I don’t know, I still think we should give her a time out, maybe even not let her speak for a day or so,” James said, Sirius didn’t agree.
“She wants to be spanked, we’ll spank ‘er,” Sirius said, patting your thigh.
“The whole point of a punishment is that we don’t do what she wants, it’s not a punishment if she likes it,” James explained, you began to worry again.
“I don’t wanna do something scary,” you say, you thought about the discussion of the things you definitely didn’t want to do at the first of your relationship. Were they going to do something that was past your boundary? At the thought alone, you began to sob.
“James look what you did, you’re scaring her,” Sirius rolled his eyes as he took you in his arms, shushing you gently as he rubbed your back.
“M’don’t wanna do things past my boundary,” you sobbed, they all softened at the miscommunication. “Oh no poppet, we would never go past your boundary, that’s not what a punishment is,” James sighed, you sniffled and pulled back, wiping your eyes. “No?”
“Of course not,” Remus clarified, “like we said, safe words can be used during any moment you feel unsafe, do you need to use it now? We can postpone the punishment until you’re ready,”
You shook your head, “no, the faster the punishment is over the faster I can be your good girl again,” you whispered.
“That’s right, just focus on that huh? We’ll be so proud of you for taking the punishment like a good girl,” Sirius said, looking over at James and Remus. They all agreed and you wiped your cheeks.
“Okay but how many spanks? And how hard?” You asked, they all thought for a moment, james and Sirius looking over at Remus for the final answer.
“20 or so? That seems fair,” Remus states and the latter agree, you felt confident with being able to handle 20. “But how hard?” You asked, James stood you up and you felt a hard smack against your ass. You yelped, hand going over to rub the now red skin.
“Does that count as one?” You question, Remus was about to say no but Sirius caught him off. “Might as well,” he states, “who’s giving the punishment? Cant be me cause I’ll enjoy it too much,”
“I want James,” you say, but James shakes his head. “You upset Remus' earlier love, I’ll give you 10 and Remus will give you the other,” he says, looking over at Remus to see if he agrees. The taller boy nodded.
After a few minutes of questioning, you had situated yourself on James lap. Sirius laid on his bed, clear view of your now exposed ass (James had previously risen your skirt and pushed down your panties). You took a deep breath, Remus explaining once again that you could use your safe word whenever you needed.
With the first official smack, you sucked in a breath. There was a certain excitement about it, even the boys felt their heart race as James abused your soft flesh with a couple more smacks. Your skin red on both cheeks, James even went as far as to hitting the low of your thigh.
After the tenth smack, you had begun to let tears slip past your waterline. Sniffling as you sat up and moved to sit in Remus' lap. Once sprawled out, you whispered a small choked out “okay” for Remus to continue where James left off.
Remus’s spanks we’re harder than James, by the fourth you had become a whimpering mess. Your apologies for misbehaving leaked out every smack, it was like dominos. Your skin felt raw to the touch, the spanks stung.
Remus applied the last smack quickly, Sirius sitting up as James fell to his knee beside the bed, stroking your hair. “You did such a good job, poppet, made us so proud,” James whispered as Sirius passed Remus some cream.
Your face deep in the sheets, sobs admitting loudly as you feel the cool cream get rubbed into your hot skin. Sirius rubbed your leg, Remus finished and flipped your skirt down to hide your reddened ass.
“Look at that, you took your first punishment so good,” Sirius said, Remus helped you sit up as you wrapped your arms around his collar.
“M’so so sorry, never break a rule again,” you sobbed, vowing to never receive another punishment. Even though they knew a punishment was necessary, they felt their hearts stop at the sound of your cry.
“Oh baby, shh. Let’s get you some candy from your bag,” Sirius says, grabbing the honey duke's bag as he rummages through it. Remus guides you away from his neck, sitting you down in his lap. You hissed, the contact not feeling good on your abused behind.
James had opened a water bottle for you, pushing in a straw and holding it for you to drink. You nodded your thanks and shakily took it, sipping it graciously. Your eyes were puffy and red, James wiped your face with a tissue, cleaning your mascara from your cheeks.
Sirius had opened a pack of peppermint patties for you, you chewed on it gently and leaned against Remus’s back. After they got you calmed down, the praises had been never ending.
“Look at you, took your first punishment so well,”
“Good girl, best sub we will ever have, hm?”
“Took the spanks so well didn’t she, prongs?”
“She’s such a good girl, don’t you think moony?”
You felt dizzy at their compliments, nodding as they all came tumbling in at once. Sirius had begun brushing your hair, James kissing your cheeks to make you laugh.
“So proud of you poppet,” James whispered in your ear, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he picked you up.
“Let’s go run you a bath and soothe your skin hm? Then will bring you dinner and you can rest with us tonight,” James said, stepping into the bathroom.
“Okay, I’d like that,” you nod tiredly, resting your head on James' chest. Maybe being bratty wasn’t so bad.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Trial Run
Part one and three 
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader enemies to lovers!
Synopsis: last week you hated each other, this week you’re making out in his bed.
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Since you and Peter weren’t exactly friends before, you didn’t have each other’s numbers. You had no way of communicating with him once you went home. Meaning, you had no idea what you’d be walking in to on Monday. All you knew was you made out with your former rival. You didn’t know what it meant to him; you barely knew what it meant to you. So when you saw him at the lockers upon entering school, you had to brace yourself.
You walked up to your locker and kept your head straight as you unlocked it. You could feel Peter’s eyes on you, just as you could feel him fumbling for words to say.
“Hey.” You said casually without looking over at him. You were doing your best to play it cool, when you were internally freaking out around him.
“Hey.” Peter said immediately, overly excited that you were the first to speak. “How are you? Um, how was your weekend?”
“Good.” You said simply. “How was yours?”
“Good.” Peter nodded. He stared at you for a minute as he worked up the courage to say something better.
“I thought about you a lot.” He said quietly, adverting his eyes so he wouldn’t lose his nerve. You sucked in a sharp breath, hating how easily he could fluster you.
“Did you now?” You asked without looking at him.
“Yeah.” He smiled shyly. “I really liked it when you kissed me.”
You couldn’t help smiling at his words, despite you trying to fight it. You looked at him, saw his signature shit eating grin, and rolled your eyes.
“I liked it too.” You said quietly, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.
“Okay, good.” He nodded happily. “We’re on the same page.”
“I guess we are.” You looked at him as you shut your locker.
“In that case, do you want to be my girlfriend?” He asked hopefully as he twisted his shirt around his fingers. For once, you found his nervous behavior to be cute. You wanted to say yes, but you had to make sure he was all in first.
“Not yet.” You decided. “I said I’d be willing to give this a try. I can’t commit to anything until I know what kind of boyfriend you’d make.”
“How can I prove to you that I’d be a good boyfriend?” Peter wondered. You pursed your lips as you thought about it, not having thought that far ahead. You looked down at the books in your arms and held them out to him.
“Carry my books.” You instructed.
“Okay.” Peter took your books from you and walked with you when you moved.
“I like old fashioned romantic gestures.” You explained as you walked together. “Carrying books, opening the door, asking the father for permission to date, things like that. I want a gentleman. I wouldn’t date anything less.”
“Okay.” Peter nodded as he made a metal note. “I can be a gentleman.”
“Walk faster.” You commanded, and he picked up his pace. “I don’t just want you to be a gentleman though. You have to be rough with me sometimes. Tell me when I’m being ridiculous and shut me up with a kiss every now and then.”
“Nice. I finally know a way to shut you up.” Peter joked.
“Cute.” You narrowed your eyes at him. “I’m telling you all of this now because I think communication is the most important thing in a relationship. This is what I want in a relationship. If you can’t give it to me, then we’ll just be friends. No harm done.”
“Okay. Gentleman, kisses, books. I can do this.” Peter hyped himself up.
“Good.” You smiled and stopped walking. “So what are your conditions for a relationship?”
“I don’t know if I have any.” Peter realized. “I’ve never been in a a relationship before.”
“Well what do you want from me?” You asked him. Peter thought about it for a minute before making a decision.
“Can I hold your hand?” He asked, and you fought back a smile at his innocence. You looked down at his free hand and frowned suddenly as something dawned on you.
“Are you still gonna like me if I start being nice to you?” You asked without looking at him.
“What?” He asked. “Of course I will.”
“I don’t know.” You shook your head. “What if you had some underlying degradation kink that I was fueling? And if I stop being mean to you, you’ll stop liking me.”
“I liked you before you were mean to me.” Peter assured. “And I don’t have that kink. At least, I don’t think I do.”
You looked at him for a minute, unsure of what you wanted.
“I don’t want to start this if you’re gonna break my heart.” You said quietly.
“Hey.” He said comfortingly. “I won’t do that. I’ve never broken a girls heart before.”
“Didn’t you say you’ve never been in a relationship before?”
“Yes.” He realized. “But even if I had, I wouldn’t have broken anyones heart. Not on purpose, at least. You have just as much of a chance of breaking mine.”
“I’ll try not to.” You smiled a little.
“I would appreciate that.” He told you. Your smile widened as you fell just a little bit more for Peter. You let out a dramatic sigh and looked up at the ceiling.
“You can hold my hand.” You said like it was inconvenient for you.
“I appreciate that even more.” Peter grinned as he took your hand. You continued walking to class, hand in hand.
You reached your classroom and stood outside of it, hesitant to go inside. You’d only ever sat in that class as Peter’s rival, and now you guys were almost dating. You looked at him holding your books and squeezed his hand gently.
“Just so you know, I want this to work.” You told him honestly. Peter’s cheeks turned pink as he gave you a small nod.
“I do too.”
“Good.” You smiled. “Now get inside. I don’t like being late.”
You and Peter walked into the classroom hand and hand with his books still in his arms. Before you could take a seat, your teacher stopped you.
“Wow.” She folded her arms and smirked. “It looks like my plan worked.”
“I’m sorry?” You asked.
“Making you guys partners seems to have paid off.” She pointed to your books in Peter’s arms.
“Peter was just taking a break from his usually monkey brained self to do something polite.” You stammered.
“And Y/n couldn’t carry her books because she’s too busy carrying the weight of being the most obnoxious person in this part of New York.” Peter followed up.
“Mhm.” She nodded. “And the hand holding?”
“It was his idea.” You said at the same time as Peter said, “She let me.”
“Right.” She clicked her tongue. “Take a seat you two.”
You and Peter took your usual seats and kept quiet the entire class. The rest of the class was quick to notice the absence of the typical taunting banter that usually occurred between you and Peter. In its place, much to everyone’s surprise, was your dangling hands holding each other’s under the desks. His left hand was reaching forward while yours was reaching back, meeting in the middle and staying that way throughout the period. You didn’t know why you let him hold you hand the entire time. He didn’t know either. All you knew was you liked the feeling of his hand in yours.
At lunch time, you found yourself walking towards Peter’s table instead of sitting with your other friends. You had no idea why you wanted to sit with him, but you felt yourself missing him throughout your classes. You silently put your lunch down next to him and began to eat. Peter and Ned exchanged a look and Peter nearly choked on his food.
“You’re sitting here?” Peter asked with a mouth full of food.
“Is there a problem?” You asked as you looked between him and Ned.
“No.” Peter shook his head. “I’m glad you’re here. I’m happy to see you.”
“Shut up, loser.” You snickered as you leaned into him. He leaned back before wrapping an arms around your shoulders. Ned stared at the two of you in shock, usually accustomed to you going at each other’s throats. When Peter told him you’d kissed, he thought he was kidding.
“So are you guys like a couple now?” Ned asked, interrupting the moment. Peter didn’t know how to answer, so he looked to you.
“We’re giving it a test run.” You shrugged. “For now, we’re just casually dating.”
“When will you know if you want to be a couple?” Ned continued.
“I kinda had the same question.” Peter said sheepishly. You thought about it for minute, not exactly sure of your answer.
“Tell you what.” You decided. “If I ever look at you and feel an overwhelming need to kiss you, thats when I’ll know.”
“Okay.” Peter nodded. “I can work with that.”
“So how’s your project going Ned?” You asked as you changed the subject.
“Well, Gwen and I haven’t started dating, so not as good as yours.” He joked.
“Yeah, well. She’s missing out.” You winked at him.
“Not really.” Ned shrugged. “I’m exactly like Peter, just without the abs.”
“And I’m like Ned without the beautiful Hawaiian complexion.” Peter complimented back.
“Woah. Didn’t realize sitting here meant I’d be third wheeling on your date.” You joked.
“You’re not.” Peter didn’t get the joke. “You can sit here whenever you want.”
“Not that I care”, you prefaced ‘“but did you say Peter had abs? As in defined abdominal muscles?”
“Yeah.” Ned nodded as Peter’s face went red. You looked at him with a knowing smile and he knew exactly what you were thinking.
“Don’t.” He warned you.
“I knew you were on steroids!” You said excitedly. “I called it and I was right.”
“I am not on steroids.” Peter whined.
“I knew it.” You insisted. “Your arms got bigger practically overnight and now you have abs?”
“I work out.” Peter lied.
“No you don’t.” You snorted.
“I’m Spider-Man.” He tried again.
“I’d believe you work out before I’d believe that.” You told him, much to his relief.
“Then I guess we’ll never know.” He shrugged, sneaking a knowing glance at Ned. “Do you want to come over later? We can continue working on the project.”
“Sure.” You shrugged, feeling nervous butterflies in your tummy. “I’ll meet you by the lockers after the last bell.”
“Don’t be late.” He smiled.
“Don’t tell me what to do.” You deadpanned, making his smile fall.
“I’m just kidding.” You smiled. “God, you’re so gullible.”
“You don’t like to make things easy, do you?” Peter joked as he leaned on his hand to stare at you. The way he was looking at you sent a wave of butterflies into your tummy, causing you to look away.
“Hm.” You grinned. “No I do not.”
“Hey May.” Peter called as he set his keys down by the door. Your heart rate quickened when you heard footsteps coming into the room.
“Hey, Peter. How was your -oh! Hello.” May stopped short when she noticed you standing behind him.
“Hi, Miss Parker. I’m Y/n.” You introduced yourself since you didn’t meet her last time you were over.
“You’re Y/n?” May asked. “The one from your physics class?”
“Yeah. Peter and I have a few classes together actually.”
“Is this the one you called a b-“
“Beautiful, sweet Angel.” Peter cut her off and smiled at you. “Yes, this is her.”
“Oh.” She was surprised. “Hi. You can call me May.”
“It’s nice to meet you, May.” You smiled as you shook her hand.
“You too. Wow.” She laughed. “You’re nothing like I pictured.”
“May.” Peter said warningly.
“What?” She asked. “The way you described her, I figured she had horns and a little tail.”
“Oh, I do.” You nodded. “I just hide them well.”
“Peter.” May said pointedly. “She’s not nearly as bad as you told me. What are you guys doing here anyway?”
“We have a group project.” He said.
“We’re also dating.” You followed up. Peter looked at you in pleasant surprised, feeling very happy that you said that.
“Finally.” May scoffed. “I knew you liked her. No one whines that much about a girl he doesn’t like.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Peter rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“Well, I’ll leave you guys to it.” May said. “Do you guys need anything before I go? Snacks? Drinks? Condoms?”
“We’ll take some condoms.” You said casually. May raised her eyebrows as Peter choked on his saliva.
“Kidding.” You said through an awkward smile. “That was a joke. Thank you, though.”
“We’re gonna go to my room now.” Peter quickly ushered you out of the room. “Bye May!”
“It was nice meeting you!” You called as he pushed you into his room. As soon as his door was closed, you put your hands on your hips.
“You told you aunt I was a bitch.” You pointed at him accusingly.
“No.” Peter pointed back at you. “I told her you were a brat.”
“Oh.” You relaxed. “Well that’s not that bad.”
“Is that a deal breaker?” Peter worried. “I kinda told her we hate each other.”
“Peter, you have to stop being so worried about messing this up.” You said as you rubbed his arms. “I told you, I want this to work. You have to relax a little.”
“Okay.” He sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m just having a hard time believing you like me back.”
“I like you some of the time.” You shrugged before cracking a smile.
“Hey.” He whined.
“I’m teasing.” You told him. “I’m just getting used to being nice to you. If it makes you feel better, I’m starting to like you a lot more.”
“I guess that does make me feel better.” He mumbled.
“Good.” You smiled and patted his cheek. “Now stop whining about it, brat.”
“You’re the brat.” He scoffed playfully as he put his hand over yours. You sucked in a breath at how close you were, hearing your heartbeat in your ears. Peter’s eyes fell to your lips before going back to your eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked softly.
“Shut the fuck up.” You matched his soft tone with a harsh one.
“Okay.” He backed up. “Sorry.”
“I’m kidding.” You assured him as you pulled him back to you. “You can kiss me.”
He rolled his eyes at you before cracking a smile.
“You’re mean.” He mumbled as he put his hands on your face.
“Yeah, but you like that.” You whispered as you leaned up to kiss him. He pulled your closer by your face as you slid your hands under his shirt. He was a surprisingly good kisser for someone who had never been in a relationship before, and you wanted to test his limits. You dragged your fingernails down his stomach and just as Ned told you, he had abs. He groaned at the unfamiliar feeling and began to move backwards. You followed him until you both fell on the bed. Peter rolled on top of you and continued kissing you, slipping his fingers through yours to hold your hands. You licked his bottom lip and he took the hint to open his mouth. His kisses were clumsy and awkward, but you absolutely loved them. You made out on his bed just like last time, your project long forgotten. Neither of you had any idea how much time had passed before you both collapsed on his bed to catch your breath. You rolled over and rested your head on Peter’s chest, feeling his rapid heartbeat beneath you. You rested your hand on his stomach, mindlessly playing with the soft material of his sweater.
“Hm.” You pouted as Peter wrapped an arm around you and rubbed your shoulder with his thumb.
“What’s wrong?” He wondered.
“I really like you.” You realized as you made a disgusted face.
“Is that a bad thing?” He chuckled.
“Yes!” You exclaimed. “I don’t want to have feelings. Especially not for you. We’re supposed to be enemies but…”
“But what?” Peter asked when you trailed off.
“But I never want to leave this bed.” You mumbled as you you held him closer. Peter laughed again and kissed the top of your head.
“It’s okay.” He insisted. “I really like you too.”
“If I have to stop worrying about messing this up, you have to stop worrying about letting this happen.” He reasoned. “It’s okay that we like each other. I didn’t see it coming either.”
You let out a sigh and gazed up at him.
“I hate when you’re right.” You mumbled.
“You’re gonna have to get used to that.” He told you as he stroked your face.
“Why would I get used to something that only happens once a month?” You asked. He gave you a look so you smiled.
“Kidding.” You told him. “We can still bully each other, right? Or does that have to stop if we’re dating.”
“It depends. You said you need communication, right?”
“Okay.” He nodded. “I don’t like it when you make jokes about me being on steroids. I’m scared people are going to believe you and then I’m gonna have to pee in a cup in front of the principle. I’m very pee shy.”
“Thank you for letting me know.” You laughed. “I won’t make those jokes anymore.”
“What about me?” He asked. “What’s off limits?”
“Well unlike you, I can take a joke, so nothing is off limits for me.” You shrugged, always taking the opportunity to tease him.
“Hardy har.” He said sarcastically.
“Actually, wait.” You thought of something. “Don’t call me a bitch. Brat is fine but bitch crosses the line.”
“That’s easy.” He said. “I only ever called you that in my head anyway.”
You gave him a look and he laughed.
“Kidding.” He mimicked your voice. “You have my word. I won’t ever call you that.”
“All right.” You sighed in content. “I feel better now.”
“Does this mean I can start calling you my girlfriend?” Peter asked.
“Not yet.” You decided. “I haven’t decided if I want to do this for real yet. I’m still weighing my options.”
“Okay.” He nodded. “Take your time. No pressure.”
“Well that makes it sound like you don’t care either way.” You whined as you sat up.
“I do. I do care.” He assured you as he sat up. “But I don’t want to rush you. I really want to give this a try, but only if you do too.”
You looked at him for a while as you processed what he said.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” He wondered.
“You’re making it really hard to justify not liking you all these years.” You told him, and he couldn’t help but smile.
“Good.” He shrugged. “I want you to like me.”
“I got my heart broken pretty badly in the past.” You whispered. “Because I liked someone a little too much.”
“I already told you, I’m not gonna break your heart. I’m not like that.”
Your lips tweaked into a smile before you leaned in to kiss him.
“You better not be.”
You continued casually dating Peter throughout the week, getting closer to telling him you wanted to be his girlfriend every day. He carried your books for you, opened your door, and shut you up with kisses, just like you asked. By Friday, you were ready to make it official. You found him in the hallway between classes but before you could tell him what you decided on, he started to speak.
“What are you doing after school today?” He asked as he bounced on his heels.
“Volunteer Club was cancelled so nothing.” You answered. “Why?”
“I want to take you somewhere.” He explained. “But it’s a surprise.”
“I knew it.” You shook your head. “I knew you and your cult were gonna kill me.”
“There is no cult.” He huffed. “Just meet me here after school, okay?”
“Okay.” You looked at him skeptically as he broke out into a grin. “But what-“
Peter cut you off with a kiss before telling you, “It’s a surprise! No more questions.”
He quickly scurried away before you could ask him anything else, leaving you a blushing mess in the hallway.
After school, you walked with Peter’s hands over your eyes to an unknown location. The walk was pretty far and his hands we’re starting to get sweaty on your face. If you didn’t like him so much, you would have complained.
“Okay.” Peter announced. “We’re here. You can look.”
Peter uncovered your eyes and let you look around. When you realized he had brought you to a cemetery, you looked at him for answers.
“I was doing a little research, I hope you don’t mind.” He prefaced. “This lot is closest to the Grey Sloan Memorial hospital, so it’s where they put most of their car crash victims.”
“Yeah.” You nodded as you kept your eyes ahead. “I know.”
“This is where they buried your parents, right?” He asked quietly. You looked at him, impressed that he was able to find out where they were, and nodded.
“Yeah.” You said softly. “It is.”
“Can you take me to them?” He asked politely. You opened your mouth to speak, but found no words. Instead, you took Peter’s hand and lead him to your parents graves.
There was a pile of roses laid in front of the headstones, all in different stages of decomposition. Peter took his backpack off his shoulders and pulled out two roses. He handed one to you and kept the other in his hand. Before you could say anything, Peter got down on one knee in front of the headstone.
“Mr. and Mrs. L/n, it’s an honor to meet you.” He began. “My name is Peter Parker. I’m sure Y/n has complained about me a few times to you guys. I’ve definitely given her a lot to complain about.”
You chuckled at his words as tears came to your eyes. You thought what he was doing was sweet, if a little morbid. You knew his intentions were pure and that’s what mattered.
“I came here today for two reasons. The first was to meet the parents of the most unpredictable, intelligent, and beautiful person I have ever met. She’s also super annoying. Like, you would not believe how annoying this girl is.” He joked. “Or I guess, maybe you would. In my opinion, she gets a little easier to endure everyday.”
Peter looked back at you to see if you were still listening, and you gave him a thumbs up.
“My other reason for coming here was to formally ask you for permission to date your daughter.” He continued. “I know it’s ultimately her decision, but she likes old fashioned romantic gestures. So here I am, asking for your blessing.”
You covered your mouth with your hand as happy tears fell from your eyes. Not only had Peter remembered what you listed off to him, he followed through with the most thoughtful romantic gesture you’d been given. He turned around again to look at you, shielding his eyes from the setting sun.
“They’re kinda quiet.” Peter joked. “Do you think they said yes?”
“Peter?” You said weakly.
“I’m feeling that overwhelming need to kiss you right about now.” You told him with a tearful smile.
“I bet you are, loser. Can you give me a minute? I’m in the middle of a conversation.” He rolled his eyes before turning back to the headstone. “So, you guys enjoying the weather?”
You let out a laugh and wiped your face free of tears.
“Peter. Stand up right now.”
Peter obliged and stood up to face you.
“You said you liked romantic gestures.” He began to apologize. “It was either this or I pull out a ouija board and-“
You cut Peter off by throwing your arms around him and kissing him. He kissed you back immediately, stabilizing you as you stumbled into him. Something inexplicable made this kiss feel different from the last ones. This time, you were letting yourself feel everything you wanted to feel for Peter.
“Wait.” You pulled away suddenly and held him back from you.
“What’s wrong?” He worried.
“I don’t want to get caught making out with my boyfriend in a graveyard.” You told him. “That’s too weird. Even for you.”
“You called me your boyfriend.” Peter smiled happily, ignoring everything you said except that.
“Did I?” You played dumb. “I didn’t even notice.”
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donutloverxo · 3 years
How big do you think Steve is....? 👀☕
Please note that my stories are not to be stolen or reposted on any other site. Reblogs are welcome. This blog and this story is 18+. Do not read, follow or interact if you are not 18+.
I've got like a lot of feelings and thots about this but I'll just summarize them with this... smut, Steve has bde and a big🍆🍆, cumplay, this is like really filthy.
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"Yes... um, Captain," Stacey bit her lip, she couldn't help herself. She knew she shouldn't be checking out her friends man but she was sure you'd forgive her. This was Captain freaking America. It would be an injustice to not appreciate his beauty. "What brings you to our little corner today?"
"Um... I'm here to see L/N," blushing a deep shade of pink and rubbing the back of his neck. The bouquet of lillies in his hand, and one of chocolates in another only making him stand out more so.
Stacy chuckled at his misery. "You call her by her last name? Hm... I actually think she'd like it better if it was the other way around."
Steve quirked a brow because he didn't understand what she meant by that. Smiling when he saw you return to your seat. "What're you doing here?" with a sweet smile on your face. Leaning up on your tippy toes to give him a small peck on his lips. "It's a nice surprise."
"Just wanted to give you these," he said as he handed the flowers and the chocolates over to you, "And to ask you to maybe have dinner at my place tonight?"
You giggled as you opened the lid of the box, mouth watering at the variety of sweets to select from, "Stevie, we're in a relationship now. You don't have to ask me out every single time." As you plopped a mint one in your mouth.
"It still feels nice to," He said before kissing you goodbye to return to his floor.
You offered some of your chocolates to Stacey, who seemed to be giving you the side eye for some reason.
"Is it true?" She asked.
"Is what true?"
"Does he have a fifteen inch long cock?"
Which made you choke on the coconut that was in your third chocolate. "What the hell?!"
"You gotta tell me. I promise I'll cover any of your shifts for you while you go on getaways with him to like Europe or something. I'll do your boring paper work. Alright, I understand you wanna keep his privacy," she nodded, bringing her hands together, "Just say when," She said as her palms started drifting apart.
"Stop that!" you swatted at her palms. "I don't know how big he is. We're taking it slow." You huffed. Going slow was his idea. He was old school in that way. You had no idea how you had resisted from climbing him like a tree for so many months.
"Listen, girl, it's just that he has major BDE. When he gives those speeches, and those clips of him fighting bad guys, you just know he has a big dick."
You did believe he had big dick energy as well. At a low moment you told him your supervisor was being an ass to you, even calling you a slut once for dating Captain America. You didn't want to burden him with your problems, which seemed to insignificant in front of his, and you didn't want him to do anything brash.
The very next day he paid your boss a visit. He didn't flaunt the fact that he was Captain America or a very powerful man. He didn't need to. He naturally had a very commanding presence. He just gave a long lecture to your boss on how to respect women, after which they never bothered you again.
You'd never admit this to Steve but you literally wanted to jump his bones them. He looked so fucking hot defending your honor like that. He was your knight in shining armor and you'd let him to anything to you.
Not to mention, you could see the outline of his probably long and thick dick in his jogging pants. That one unfortunate morning you agreed to go running with him. The only good thing that came out of it was that you got to oggle his ass and his dick.
You could feel his hands squeezing your breasts over your dress, you broke the kiss to take a look at him. Glassy eyes and cheeks flushed red, his chest heaving because you took his breath away.
"I wanna go all the way, Stevie." You demanded. "I've waited long enough for you."
"You know I could never say no to you, doll. I promise I'll make it worth your while."
Which he most definitely did. He must've spent like an hour between your legs, using his mouth and his fingers, worshipping evey inch of your body. You felt him rutting against the mattress but chose not to say anything.
"Wait, stop..." you pushed his head away, your pussy too sensitive after the third orgasm to be touch again as he pouted up at you. You sat up on your butt, "I wanna suck your cock," you said, making grabby hands for it.
"Um... you sure, doll? You don't have to," he was too shy to be naked in front of you. He still had his pants and underwear on. You were going to insist that he take it all off but you could barely handle a shirtless Steve, a completely naked one would probably turn your brain to mush.
"Yes I want it! Do you not want me?" your voice quivering just a little. You knew he wanted you, of course he did. But why can't he be vulnerable with you like you are with him?
"No no," he cupped your face, kissing your forehead, "Of course I want you. I want you more than anything else in the world. It's just that... I'm big. Before the serum it was pretty average and now... women get surprised a little."
"How big?" you sniffled.
"I guess you'll see," he said, pulling his briefs and his pants down at the same time.
You let out a loud gasp when you saw it. A literal monster cock. "Oh my god...." you breathed out, "I don't think that's gonna fit in me, Stevie.."
It was the biggest you've ever seen. Pink, long and thick, you could even make out a few veins on it, standing tall and proud against his hard abs, some blonde hair at the base of it. Pearly pre ejaculate oozing out of him, which made you salivate.
"Don't you worry your pretty little head about that, angel," he stroked your hair, "That's for me to figure out. You just have to sit there and make good on your promise. Now come on, open up," he tapped his tip on your lips and you opened as wide as you could.
He wasn't even halfway in when he hit the back of your throat, making you gag around him. He softly fucked into your mouth, which some sucking and help from you. Holding onto your head lovingly as he spoke about how good you made him feel.
"You gonna swallow it for me?" he asked, to which you eagerly nodded.
'I wouldn't let a drop escape.' You wanted to say but it came out all jumbled since your mouth was stuffed full.
Finally you felt ropes of his spend hit the back of your throat. You were naive to think you'd swallow it all. You could barely get half of it no matter how hard you tried, most of it spilled out of your mouth and onto your chest.
He finally pulled out, looking at his girl so proudly, so eager to please him.
"I'm sorry," you said, as you tried to gather as much of his cummies off your body as you could. It tasted salty, the aftertaste being just a little bit sweet. You wondered if that was because of the serum too. "I promise I'll get it all next time. I'll be more prepared."
"'is not your fault, doll. There's... a lot of it."
"I like that though," you whined up at him as you licked your fingers, "I like it. It means you love me so much you made like tons of goodies for me."
He chuckled at that, pecking your lips, "I do love you a lot."
He made you lie back to make sure you were comfortable, wrapping your legs around his hips, "You tell me if it hurts okay, baby?" he asked to which you gave him a meek nod.
Bracing yourself for the pain. Despite how wet and ready and relaxed you were, it still hurt initially. But you asked him to keep going because you wanted to make him feel good and take all of him.
After a few moments you asked him to move.
"Your dick is so beautiful, Stevie." You beamed up at him.
"Not as beautiful as you, doll." He groaned as he pulled his hips back before rutting back into you.
"Nooo," you whined. This man needed to learn how to take a compliment! "No, your dick is so pretty. It's yours, and I'm in love with it."
"I'll promise you one thing, honey. You'll be the only one who gets to see it again from now on. It's for your eyes only now."
"Forever?" you pouted.
"Yes, forever."
You looked down at where both your sexes were joined together, "Looks like we'll be seeing a lot of each other from now on, Captain," you said as you clenched around him, making him bite the crook of your neck.
"Did you just give my dick a petname?"
"Yes, do you like it?" you asked, hopefully.
Steve would rather have you call him Captain. But you seemed so excited, "Yes, of course. You can call it whatever you like, baby."
He was trying to pull out of you to come, of course you wouldn't have that so you pulled him closer to you by wrapping your legs around him.
"I'm good..." you rasped, "got an implant and everything." Which would protect you from having any super soldier babies. "Please come in me."
"How can I say no that," his thrusts became a little more rushed and erratic. You could feel his warm cum fill you up and then ooze out of you as he pulled out.
He tched as he looked at your swollen pussy, "That won't do..." he said as he tried to push his cum inside of you but it was too much for your small cute pussy.
"I've got plugs at my home we can use to keep it in..." you moaned, extra sensitive to his touch then. "Can I have some more of it, please?"
You asked as he scoped your combined juices up with his fingers before feeding it to you.
"Just for now, doll. Next time we'll try that plug idea of yours," he said as he made sure you thoroughly sucked his fingers clean.
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itsbeaconhillsbaby · 3 years
(cruel) summer || tom holland x reader
a/n: well...this took me a lot longer than I expected. I can only apologise for how long this has taken, especially since the absolutely wonderful @glahmouur​ requested it so many months ago. I hope you’re still excited to read, and that I’ve done it justice for you. clinging onto the last of these summer vibes before my favourite time of year - and hopefully plenty more writing to come over the next couple of weeks! I’ve missed you all so very much. enjoy x  word count: 3735 (oops) warning: swearing, gross paparazzi, little bit of angst summary: it’s the summer of your dreams with your favourite people, something was always going to try and ruin it
The trip had been booked for months.
Tom, Harrison, Harry, Tuwaine and yourself. Mexico. 
Two whole weeks. 
No interruptions. No work. Just pure bliss. 
And, it was shaping up to be the most perfect break.
The first couple of days since you had landed included a lot of amazing food, sightseeing around the quaint picturesque villages and cultural landmarks, tackling hiking trails and joining in on the sports activities set up for you and the boys on the crystal white beaches. 
Your favourite part however, was the amount of quality time you got to spend with Tom. Both of you were considered workaholics, and you loved your jobs, but it meant that for the majority of the year you were in separate locations working on your own individual projects.
You both deserved, and needed, this break.
The timing couldn’t have been better, as across the two weeks you would be celebrating your 23rd birthday. Birthdays weren’t always something you and Tom could share together in person, but you would always make it work with FaceTime calls and the promise of a do-over when you were together again. 
You tore yourself away from the soft paperback that was resting warmly against your thighs.
You look up at your boyfriend, strong arms hauling himself up against the hot paved edging of the pool. He shook his wet curls out of his hair, droplets springing from the tips. Tanned, freckled shoulders peeked out from beneath the water. The sun, strong and intense, commandeered the bright blue skies. A far cry from the cold, rainy weather you’d left back home in the UK. You were unwilling to make your way back to your hotel room in the sticky heat for your forgotten sunglasses, and were instead using your hand as a shield from the glaring rays. 
“The water looks good on you,” you flirt, smiling across at him from your position on the reclined sun-bed. 
He grins back at you, cheekily. 
“It’ll look better on you. Aren’t you coming in?” 
You pointed to the book nestled between your legs, “I’m reading, plus the water is freezing.” You teased him, training your eyes back onto the page. You heard brief splashing alongside the laughter of the boys as they continued to play their water basketball game. 
A shadow blocks out your sun, dripping water onto the hot concrete. 
“Yeah, no. Sorry, but that’s just not going to cut it birthday girl.” 
Before you had a chance to take in his words, Tom had scooped you up from your position on the sun-bed. The light droplets from his wet, messy hair chilling your tanned skin. 
“Tom! No! Put me down! What are you doing?” You laughed, lightly kicking your legs, “Wait, at least let me put my book down first.” 
You felt the grumbled laugh against your body, as you gently tossed your book onto the lounger. 
“Okay, go ahead.” 
He pressed a sloppy, wet kiss on your mouth - your hand knotted in the back of his wet, tangled hair as you pushed for more.
“Love you.” He said, before dropping you into the pool with a splash. 
“You suck, Holland!” You shouted back to him, once you’d come back up for air, shaking water out of your ears and trying to scoop your tangled web of hair out of your eyes as he laughed, eyes twinkling. ****
You continued to watch from your perch on the side-lines, legs tracing patterns in the water whilst the sun beat down across your back and shoulder blades. The boys continued to mess around in the water. Your book had been long since abandoned on your sun lounger, pages now curling with the heat. You couldn’t contain your laughter when Tuwaine jumped on Tom’s back, Harry on Harrison’s so the two teams could race from one end of the pool to the other, legs peddling in what seemed like slow motion under the water; raucous fits of laughter emanating from both parties as your cheered on your boyfriend.
You couldn’t help but be automatically drawn to Tom, his smile so wide and eyes creased with laughter as Tuwaine casually slung his arms over his shoulders. His hair was completely dishevelled from the water’s attempts to flatten it entirely. You could see a smattering of freckles breaking out across his nose, complete with a small shock of pink on his cheeks as he was officially branded by the sun. 
“Hey, pretty girl – forgive me yet?” Tom whined, swimming up to the edge to meet you. He gently pulled your legs further into the water, sliding himself between them, wrapping his arms around your waist as your legs wrapped themselves around his. 
You laughed, pushing against his broad shoulders.
“Not sure yet. I’m thinking about it.” 
He gave a toothy grin before peppering a small cluster of kisses against your lips, “You look so good.” He mumbled quietly against your mouth.
You rolled your eyes at him, before returning the kisses.
“Oi, get a room you two!” You laugh as Tom covers the front of you, ultimately taking the hit of water from Harry.
He gives you a light squeeze round the waist, and a soft kiss on the cheek whispering a quick, “Hop on.”  
Wrapping your arms across his warm shoulders, you eased yourself fully into the water, feeling the immediate chill up your sides before wrapping your legs around Tom’s waist. Leaning forward against his back, he held onto the backs of your thighs – propelling you both through the water.
As you arrive next to the boys, you lightly floated away from Tom and were pulled into a one-armed hug by Tuwaine. As Harry held up a fist for you to bump against, you flicked your wrist just under the surface of the water – splashing him as payback.
Tom tread water with the cheesiest grin on his face as all the boys’ eyes immediately trained on you.
“Come on then, what’s this ‘mermaids’ game you were talking about – and how do we play?” ****
The air con hummed lowly, wispy curtains gently blowing in the cool breeze from the open balcony doors. The ocean twinkled in the late afternoon sunshine. You were sprawled out on the large king-sized bed wrapped in one of the hotel’s fluffiest white towels, legs dancing in the air behind you. Lounging on your front, wet curls drying in the cool air you could hear the faint sound of spraying water from the en-suite shower. It soothed you as you continued to follow the written words on the pages of your, now slightly wrinkled and rough to the touch, paperback.
Your phone vibrated from the opposite side of the room, plugged in and charging atop the rustic, vintage vanity table where your new camera, battery pack and Tom’s wallet had all been left.
The camera had been a special gift from Tom which he’d surprised you with on your birthday, celebrated only the other evening. He’d been so giddy the morning of. The carefully, yet haphazardly, wrapped parcel had protruded just slightly from under the bed in the hotel room you shared, where he’d attempted to hide it. You pretended you hadn’t noticed. Puppy dog eyes shone as he eventually handed it across to you, surprising you in bed as the sun was going down, casting golden specks across your bodies, as he whispered a soft ‘happy birthday’ against your lips. Beaming at you once he saw your sheer shock and joy at his thoughtful gift, he had kept the first photo you’d taken in his wallet from that evening. Just the two of you - both sleepy shadows, full from all the sweet lemon sponge cake that has been especially ordered up to your room - cuddled together, legs entangled as you fell into each other’s embrace.
You’d all taken a boat to one of the smaller islands for a special celebratory dinner the next evening; where Harry had surprised you with the battery pack, his smart quick-thinking leaving Tom with a pink blush upon his cheeks. You thanked him with a smile, the rest of the crew spoiling you rotten with drinks and food. As the boys parted ways, you and Tom had waited around for the sunset, high off the sparkling, sweet tasting wine you’d both consumed all evening – bewitched by each other’s titillating company. A small wrap was knotted around your waist, as you had all stayed in your beachwear, black bikini top on show as a server snapped a picture of you both with your new camera per Tom’s polite request. The sun burned low behind you both, it’s vibrant orange glow glistening across the water towards the cove. 
Posting the photo in your wine induced haze, you captioned it with a simple 23 and a golden heart before tagging Tom in the blurry, sepia quality polaroid.
You knew the vibrating would be your phone going into overload. A common occurrence that happened anytime you posted a photo with your boyfriend, the hordes of fans coming in full throttle to interact in some way.
Leaving it to buzz in the background, you turned your attention to the bathroom door opening. Tom stepping out as he shook his wet hair, towelling it dry as it stuck up in multiple directions haphazardly.
“Come here.”
You sat yourself up, legs crossed beneath you as he walked over to you – that soft smile high on his lips.
He sat on the end of the bed as you brushed through his temperamental curls, “Please leave it curly,” you murmur, pressing your lips to his tanned shoulder blades, running your hands through the brown locks.
“We’ll match.” He said, turning to you as your hands fell back into your lap.
“Would it be too much?” You asked, as he gently tucked a rogue drying curl behind your own ear.
“Oh definitely. But I love it.”
With that, he pushed forward. Noses brushed as you both relaxed into each other’s embrace, mouths eagerly seeking out each other, the sweet smells of lotion and ocean spray engulfing you both.
“Right, it’s my round! Get your orders in!” 
The whole group hollered at Tom, who pressed a firm kiss onto your forehead as you tilted it upwards towards him, his two hands cradling either side of your head. Your eyes closed involuntary at the warmth before you turned to watch him leave the table and join the small crowd up at the bar. Dressed in a tropical patterned shirt, unbuttoned and billowing just slightly due to the aircon, you took a minute to admire him from afar. He worked hard to look the way he did, muscles contracting and relaxing again with each breath. 
You pulled the thin material of your summery dress down further, eager to cover up some of the bare skin you had on show after seeing Tom’s. You paled in comparison to the web-slinging actor, and sometimes if you focussed on it too much you couldn’t understand why such a gorgeous man would be interested in you. 
“Hello. Anyone in there?”
A hand waved in front of your eyeline. Shaking your head, you returned your attention back to the table where the boys were trying to mask their laughter. 
“She can’t take her eyes off him for two minutes. Outrageous.” 
“What? I’m on holiday, leave me alone!”  
Tuwaine smirked slightly, as Harrison patted your arm reassuringly.
“Why did we agree to have a couple on this trip again?” Harry complained cheekily, grinning his cheesy grin at you. You reached an arm across the table and pushed a hand against his forehead, playfully shoving him back.
“Shut up, you love me.”
As Tom came back with the tray; a colourful array of cocktails, shots and ciders, the group continued to laugh and joke around, cheers-ing to your recent birthday and to the remainder of their holiday under the heat of the Mexican sun. 
**** “Uh oh, incoming Tom.”
Everyone was rosy cheeked as they tumbled out of the restaurant, laughing and giggling as the sun cast its low golden glow over the glistening blue waters. Waves gently caressed the edge of the shore as you revelled in the drunken clinginess of your boyfriend, and the support and love of your friends. 
You walked with Tom - the pair of you in your own little bubble, as he tucked you into his side, his arm slung casually across your shoulders as you wrapped yours around his waist. You could hear the thumps of his beating heart beneath the now buttoned up fabric of his shirt.
As the words spilled from Harry’s mouth, catching you all off guard mid conversation, Tom whipped his head round; immediately sobering up as his arm tightened around your shoulders. You peeked over his.
Behind a cluster of people, the striking black camera was obvious as the paparazzi pushed forwards, eager to catch a glimpse of the web-slinger himself.
You felt a brush of cold air sweep over your body, the hairs on your arms rising like tiny pinpricks as little goose bumps littered your skin. You straightened up, unwrapping yourself from Tom’s side.
“You okay?” He murmured into your ear, eyes hardening as he focussed on the path ahead of him whilst navigating the drunken, bustling crowds.
You nod.
“How did they even find us?”
You could sense Tom’s frustration and anger at the situation, resting a comforting hand on his arm. You knew what this meant, if the paparazzi had caught wind of where you all were, it wouldn’t be long before they figured out where it was you were staying and you couldn’t imagine that they’d leave Tom alone for the rest of his trip.
“I posted a photo the other night. Someone could’ve recognised the restaurant.”
It was during your worried ramble that the shouting started, camera-wielding men desperate to get a photo of Tom.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault, okay? Let’s just head back.”
Your heart was racing as you were led through the dimly lit cobbled streets of the small village, losing Tom’s hand you were flanked by Tuwaine and Harrison – Harry hurrying up ahead with Tom. The camera shutters were getting louder and louder, the constant clicking ricocheting off the stone walls surrounding you as you attempted to block out the shouting and the grabbing hands of the people around you. The once happy, bustling streets now felt claustrophobic.
It was so easy to forget who Tom was in regards to his public image and celebrity status when you were together. Forcing you to recall that he wasn’t just your boyfriend, he was suddenly an A-list celebrity, ‘Spider-Man’ himself. Back home you could easily be together in public without too much attention – only having to accommodate for the occasional fan photo or dinner interruption. Premiere’s and special events weren’t so bad because the press was supposed to be there, and whilst extremely intimidating, you understood it was part of the job.
You noticed Tom and Harry slip down a small alleyway to the right, a blink and you’ll miss it move – as you and the boys continued up the cobbled paths to the main street. It was a distraction technique discussed every time the five of you went out together and had to deal with any irritating situation.
“They said they’re getting a car, and they’ll meet us back at the hotel.”
As Harrison organised your transport, you reached the main road – twinkling lights from the city and the roaring of cars sweeping past you. The paparazzi slowed behind you, their shouts less desperate now that it was obvious Tom was no longer with the group. Their frustration was obvious as they all grouped together, scanning through the photos that they had managed to sneakily take.
Then there was a stupid comment.
As the paps brushed past you all, one leaned in far closer than you had anticipated, stabbing a pointed finger straight into your chest and leaning in close.
“Think you’re so special. Girl like you. So many other beautiful girls out there.”
Whilst the language was slightly broken, you pieced enough together before Tuwaine stepped in front of you both.
“What the hell man! Fuck off, you’re just a bully, why don’t you just leave her alone, yeah? Pick on someone your own size!”
You grabbed at Tuwaine’s arm, shaking your head in silent surrender.
“Just leave it. It’s okay. It’s not worth it.”
“I just hate them so much. Never let anyone have a bit of privacy. Constantly looking to bring people down, and start fights - assholes!” He shouted down the road at the small cluster of men as they continued on their way, “Are you okay?”
You nodded, “I’m fine. They’re just mad they didn’t get their picture. Let’s just get out of here. Should probably make sure that they don’t follow us back to the hotel.”
Harrison came jogging over, hand beckoning to follow him to a sleek black car parked just around the corner.
“Car’s here,” He paused for a minute. Noticing your smaller stature and Tuwaine’s puffed out chest and frown, he tilted his head, “We all okay?”
“Yeah, we’re good. Let’s go.”
Smiling a small, grateful smile you gave Harrison’s arm a comforting squeeze before sliding onto the black leather seats.
***** “Can’t even give us a couple weeks off. I love this job. But I would pack it all in if it meant that paparazzi just fucking left us alone.”
“Tom. Think we should call it a night.”
Harrison nodded over at you. Whilst your body was curled into Tom’s frame, your eyes unfocussed, having found a spot on the wall to gaze into as the boys all had a drink in the private hotel lounge.
You didn’t want to admit that the photographer’s words had any impact. And you really didn’t want to bring down the light-hearted, fun energy that your vacation had been full of. You were usually so good at brushing off any unwarranted comments, which were usually inevitable seeing as your boyfriend had such a large fanbase. There was no way everyone was going to like you, and you could cope with that. It wasn’t like you hadn’t been doing so for ages now. But whether it was the alcohol you’d already consumed, or something else – you just couldn’t stop thinking about what the man had spat at you.
Tom’s body shifts beneath you, holding out a hand for you to take as you both rise from the luxurious chaise. Shaking your head out of your daze, you smile softly as you grasp his hand and haul yourself up.
“We’ll see you guys tomorrow okay. Thanks for tonight boys, and sorry for ruining it.”
“Tom, you didn’t-” Tom waved them off with a shrug, before sliding his arms across your shoulder and entwining your fingers at the other side.
“Night guys.” It came out as more of a whisper, as you processed to walk with Tom up to your floor, your head nestling gently into his collarbone.
The hotel room was suffocating.
You lay on your side, facing the firmly locked balcony doors. The room was cold. The air conditioning incessant with its obnoxious whirring. There was a rustle. The thin cotton sheets slide across your body as Tom hops in next to you.
“I’m sorry.”
His soft words caused your entire tension-filled body to exhale.
You turned to face him. His eyes were closed, tiny creases etched into the space between his eyebrows. Tom didn’t like being vulnerable, you knew he was staving off his true feelings – the striking anger that was coursing through his body. Gently smoothing the creases out with your fingers, he leaned ever so slightly into your touch.
“Don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault.”
You pressed a soft kiss on his brow bone before settling in next to him, bodies warm to the touch.
“I love you. You know that, right? Whatever they’re all saying, it’s rubbish.”
The lump in your throat that you had been impressively swallowing down all evening came back to the surface, the pressure building.
“How did you know?”
He shrugged.
“I saw some of the comments.”
The pictures had been released pretty quickly. By the time you had all arrived back to the hotel they were already circulating across the internet, which people took as the perfect opportunity to hurl insults at your social media pages.
He shifts his head to the left to look at you, eyes softening.
“Hey. You can let it out. It’s just me. C’mon.”
You curl further into him, as his lips caress your forehead.
“People suck.” You mumble into his chest as he wraps himself around you, lightly trailing his fingers up and down your arm, the skin bursting with tiny goose bumps. You revelled in the soothing comfort.
“Sometimes I just forget. I forget that there are thousands – maybe even tens of thousands - of people out there who just don’t like me,” Tom squeezes you that little bit tighter, “And it’s okay. I don’t mind, really. I just wish they didn’t have to be so vocal about it – about how I look, how I act, how I dress. About whether I’m good enough.”
“You are good enough. You’re more than good enough. You’re amazing.”
Your lips pull up into a small smile as you look into those concerned brown eyes.
“You’re biased.”
He let out a small huff, chest vibrating beneath you, “Am not.” He sighed, those fluffy brows saying a thousand words, “I’m supposed to make all that crap better, not make you feel worse because of some so-called fans on the internet, and those stupid idiot paps; I’m so sorry.”
“Maybe if you just…weren’t so damn attractive. That would help.”
You both laughed.
“Oh, really?”
You nodded, as he pulled you in, peppering more soft kisses along your temple until he made his way down to your mouth.
“You’re ridiculous. And beautiful.”
Another kiss.
“And smart.”
Another kiss.
“And kind.”
Another kiss. “And I am so in love with absolutely everything about you. You’re enough. You’re everything.”
You felt your eyes glossing over. Scrunching your nose to avoid an onslaught of overdue tears, you felt Tom move beneath the covers – his arms wrapping around your torso, his curly messy hair resting on your stomach.
“I love you too.”
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sunwoo-hoo · 3 years
↣ the boyz reaction to s/o bringing home a pet / interacting with animals
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↳ a/n: hello my darlings! we are back at it with another tbz reaction! this is for my lovely anon who requested this. i hope you don’t mind i altered the request a little bit. i’m so sorry that requests are coming out slowly but bear with me i’ll get through them. nevertheless, i hope you enjoy! also, all my reactions are canon to my boyfriend series so i highly recommend checking those out as well! ☻
↳ genre: fluffiest of fluff
↳ requested? yes
↳ send me your requests here!
↳ word count: 2.7k
↳ the boyz x fem reader
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「 Lee Sangyeon  」
it had been a week since you last saw sangyeon and you were finally going to see him, but you never would have guessed the unexpected to happen one rainy evening when it was nearly 35°F
as you were walking up to the dorms that’s when you heard tiny meows and spotted a small white kitten near the alley trying to make cover in a box
you instantly felt bad for the poor kitten due to the harsh weather conditions and it looked like it was lost from it’s mother
you swiftly picked up and tried your best to cover the tiny kitten with your jacket as you made your way inside the dorms
as sangyeon open the door he instantly smiled seeing your face giving you a cheek on this kiss
“what’s that sound?” he wondered as he heard the faint meows coming from your jacket
removing your jacket sangyeon saw the small kitten that was in your hands
“i found him outside, i couldn’t just leave him out there. do you think we can keep him?” you asked hopefully giving sangyeon your doe eyes
he sighed “i don’t know baby, we’re both really busy with our schedules.. he should be with a family where they can properly take care of him”
you nodded hating that he was right, you knew that you couldn’t take care of pet when you had a full time job and sangyeon had his idol responsibilities
sangyeon noticed your sadness and lifted your chin to look up at him “we’ll make sure that he’ll go to a loving home okay?” he promised
you smiled in response giving him a small peck setting the kitten down on the floor where he quickly ran under the table
「 Jacob Bae  」
you were excited, it was the day of your birthday and jacob wanted to make it extra special for you
he knew you always wanted a pet so he decided that you could go to the pet store and get any pet you wanted with his card
he wanted to go with you but unfortunately practice overlapped
nevertheless, you were ecstatic looking at all the different animals that were for sale, when your eyes finally landed on some caged rabbits
you smiled as you saw a light brown one with his long whiskers, in a way it reminded you of jacob
as you told the seller that was the animal you wanted, you bought all the corresponding items you would need like food, treats, toys, and a cage with a matching bowl set for his food and water
once you had everything you needed you made your way to the dorms to surprise jacob with your new pet
as you knocked on the door jacob answered noticing the huge cage covering your entire face and half your upper body
he laughed “what on earth did you buy?” trying to peek through the cage grabbing it from you with ease setting it on top of the dining table
“something that reminds of me of you” you smiled
“that’s funny because i don’t see a golden retriever anywhere” he teased
“this is better! just close your eyes” you instructed as jacob did was he was told
once you knew his eyes were closed you opened the cage and grabbed the rabbit holding it in your arms “okay open!”
when jacob opened eyes he saw the small brown rabbit in your hands “aw… you got a rabbit?” he asked scooping it from your hands wanting to see it closer
“yes!” you squealed not hiding your excitement as jacob set him down on the floor so that he could hop around
“well it’s super cute, and it suits you so well” he said giving you a kiss on the cheek before he continued “now c’mon i have more surprises for my birthday girl”
「 Kim Younghoon  」
you loved younghoon, you pretty much had the perfect little family including your little poodle bori
but when your friend texted you that her maltese dog had a litter of puppies you couldn’t deny that you wanted one, they were just so precious
you kept hinting at younghoon all week that you really wanted to snag one of your friend’s puppies
“younghoon look at this cute picture again” you grinned showing him your phone
“they are cute baby but we already have bori” he said glancing at the picture
“but bori needs a friend” you protested leaning your head on his shoulder “pleaseee?”
he let out a light sigh “we can go and look at them but no promises okay?”
you shrieked “yay that’s perfectly fine! i love you so much” you repeated grabbing his face giving him kisses all over
as expected when you and younghoon went to go see the maltese puppies he was excited and couldn’t deny their cuteness and agreed that you could get one
you ultimately decided on the runt of the litter which was a boy and the smallest out of all the puppies
「 Lee Hyunjae 」
it was fun weekend when your sibling asked you to take care of their pet hedgehog
at first you weren’t even going to mention it to hyunjae since he was busy but he decided to surprise you at your apartment one evening
that’s when he noticed the small cage in your living room that definitely wasn’t there before
“hey babe what’s this? did you get a pet?” he wondered curiously
“oh! no i didn’t i’m just watching him for the weekend while my sibling is out of town” you replied heading to the kitchen to get dinner started
as hyunjae opened the cage to get a closer look at the hedgehog it quickly curled up into a ball out of anxiousness pricking hyunjae’s fingers
“ah! it feels like needles” he nearly screamed closing the cage quickly
as you ran back into the living room to see what the commotion was all about you saw the hedgehog still curled up in a ball in the corner of his cage
“aw hyunjae you scared him” you said opening up the cage grabbing him carefully
the hedgehog slowly peeked out of his little ball and started to relax in your hands
hyunjae came up behind you laying his head on your shoulder trying to get a better look at the hedgehog’s face
“it looks cute, but he still hurt my hand” he whined playfully
rolling your eyes at him you set the hedgehog back inside the cage where he started to walk freely
you grabbed hyunjae’s hand giving it a small kiss trying to make him feel better
“it hurts here too babe” he said pointing to his lips smirking
you chuckled as you leaned in giving him a small peck
「 Lee Juyeon 」
you were visiting juyeon during practice when he finally met your pet turtle for the first time
it was a yellow-bellied slider turtle and it was still small enough that it fit in the palm of your hand
you walked in the studio with your small portable cage and saw juyeon practicing alone to new dance moves for the boyz next comeback
he smiled when he saw you through the mirror reflection turning around walking towards you giving you a peck on the lips
when he pulled apart he noticed the tiny cage in your hands
“hey babe, you didn’t have to come all this way to see me. i was gonna head to the dorms after” he said
“i know, but i wanted you to finally my meet my pet turtle. i’ve had him ever since i was little” you smiled taking your turtle out of the cage handing him over to juyeon
“he’s super cute” he commented as the turtle kept sticking its head in and out of his shell
as you both sat down on the floor you grabbed a little bit of juyeon’s fruit from the table and started to feed your turtle
juyeon laughed at how slowly the turtle was eating
“that was all the food i had for practice and it’s gonna take him at least 5 years to eat it all” he teased as you giggled in response
「 Kevin Moon 」
after dating for about a month kevin finally decided to visit your apartment for the first time
you were a bit apprehensive at first mostly because of your pet since you weren’t sure how he was going to react
as you walked into your apartment he casually looked around
“wow i’m jealous i think your place is bigger than our dorms” he commented
you laughed before stopping in front of your bedroom door
“okay, so don’t freak out but i have pet snake..” you told him hesitantly
“no way for real? can i see?” kevin asked excitedly
you nodded opening your bedroom door as you and kevin walked up to the medium sized cage in the corner of your room
“wow he looks really cool can i hold him?” kevin asked
“absolutely he’s actually really sweet” you replied taking out the medium green snake and handing him over
kevin held the snake in his hands while sticking out his tongue copying the snake as you smiled
“i actually have to give him away soon since i’m moving to another building and they don’t allow pets” you mumbled
“aw that sucks [name] i’m sorry, how about i help you find him a good home?” kevin asked placing the snake back in the cage
you nodded happily wanting nothing more
「 Choi Chanhee 」
you weren’t expecting that this was the way that chanhee would meet a pet mouse for the first time
it was a memorable experience to say the least
when chanhee was on vlive you figured now was the time for him to meet the cute little mouse
“i’ll be right back deobi’s i’m gonna bring a friend” you smiled
chanhee gave you a confused look as far as he knew it was just you and him that were gonna do the vlive together
once you came back into the room chanhee turned his chair to greet the new acquaintance but the first thing you heard was his screams
“love what is that? is it a rat?” he shrieked as he covered his mouth in disbelief
“no! it’s my pet mouse, doesn’t he look cute deobi’s?” you asked showing him to the camera
“look at his cute little round ears” you added as chanhee was still giving you puzzled looks
“oh love, i don’t know…” he finally said looking at the mouse from afar and at his phone reading deobi’s comments
you giggled responding “relax chanhee it’s my neighbors mouse, i just wanted to see your reaction”
he sighed putting his hand over his chest dramatically “love you almost gave me a heart attack in front of deobi’s”
“sorry deobi!” you apologized sincerely leaving the room
“what just happened?” chanhee asked the camera jokingly
「 Ji Changmin/Q 」
it was a nice sunny day when you and changmin decided to take a walk through the city
it was a spontaneous day, doing everything that caught you and changmin’s eye like the cafe and shopping
as you both were making your way home that’s when you spotted the pet store asking changmin if you can go in
“changmin-a, can we go there?” you asked pointing to the pet store
“of course babe, i was thinking about getting some new fish” he grinned grabbing your hand
as you both walked around the store looking at the various fishes and reptitles that’s when you saw a cage full of adorable hamsters
“aw changmin look how cute these are, they look just like you! especially that one” you pointed laughing at the individual hamster in the corner eating with its cheeks puffed
changmin laughed showing his adorable smile agreeing before asking the seller if he could hold one
the seller opened the cage and handed changmin a hamster to hold
you quickly took out your polaroid camera as changmin started to pose with the hamster
the rest of the day was spent taking pictures with all the animals in the pet store
「 Juhaknyeon 」
it was a chill day spending it haknyeon on his rare day off
as you two were watching t.v with your head on his lap you were casually scrolling through your phone
that’s when you saw an ad for a chameleon that was for sale
you didn’t know much about chameleon’s besides thet fact that they were really cool looking and that their skin camouflaged itself to hide from prey
you gently tapped on haknyeon who was slowly starting falling asleep
“haknyeon look someone is selling their pet chameleon” you said lightly trying to wake him up
“hmm? that’s nice babe” he replied still half asleep
“can we go and see it?” you asked hopefully
“mm, sure babe” he murmured bending down to kiss your forehead before falling back asleep
a couple of days later you were seeing the chameleon for the first time even though haknyeon barely rememberd the conversation on going
“this is him” the older lady introduced you two to her loving chameleon adding “would you like to hold him?”
you nodded enthusiastically as she grabbed the chameleon and placed it on your forearm
haknyeon lightly touched his back commenting on the odd texture
you then placed it on top of haknyeon’s forearm and saw the chameleon changing colors to haknyeon’s jacket
“wow, this is officially the coolest pet ever let’s get him” haknyeon’s said smiling
「 Kim Sunwoo 」
kim sunwoo loved you, in fact he adored you. in his eyes you could do no wrong
but he also loved the two lovebirds you had together as pets as they reminded him of your relationship
the birds were always together, eating, sleeping, and flying simultaneously
the male lovebird had a black face with a grey body and his name was jae
while the female was light blue with white body with her name being eun
he especially loved it whenever he would come home from practice and they would fly all over the dorm
“sunwoo wait, jae is on top of your head” you giggled as sunwoo entered the apartment taking off his shoes
you pointed your index finger outward as jae flew on top of it landing easily
jae quickly flew over to his wooden play stand walking to eun as she was eating from the bird feeder
sunwoo pulled you close wrapping his arms around your waist pressing light kisses in the crook of your neck from behind
“how was your day?” he murmured in between kisses
you moaned in response “so much better now that you’re here”
sunwoo smiled as you both heard the the faint chirps from jae and eun in the background
「 Eric Sohn 」
one of the reasons you loved hanging out with eric was because he always made you feel like a little kid again
it was his idea to spend the day with you at an amusement park where you two went on countless rides and ate all the junk food you can eat
you both decided that it would be best to take a break from all the rides and go to the park’s animal exhibit
“wow babe come look a this” eric exclaimed excitedly pulling your hand running towards the reptile exhibit
you giggled in response at his energy following right behind
you both took in all the different snakes, lizards, and turtles before you finally stopped in front of an exhibit where a worker was explaining one of the lizards they had which was a bearded dragon
“now would anyone like to hold him?” the worker announced to the onlookers
“i would!” eric grinned raising his hand in response
as you both walked closer to get a better look the worker handed eric the bearded dragon where he was also explaining more fun facts and instructions on how to hold him properly
“hold still eric i wanna make sure i get a picture of this” you smiled taking out your phone
after you took a few snaps you sent it to the boyz group chat where texts started to flood in
you laughed when you read hyunjae’s comment saying that the bearded dragon looked like eric
eric peeked at your phone to see what was so funny until he read hyunjae’s text
“just wait, he won’t laugh once he finds a bearded dragon on his bed” eric chuckled mischievously
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* © sunwoo-hoo 2 0 2 1  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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tamakigf · 3 years
feeling things
pairing: streamer!armin x streamer!gn reader
warnings: caps, cursing, fluffy moments
a/n: im pretty nervous for this part d: i usually don’t write. feel free to critique my writing. (actual critiques not “this sucks” please)
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“are you ready?” he asked making eye contact with his camera to make sure you knew he was staring at you.
“ready as ever armin. go ahead and start your stream.”
“ok stay muted and unmute when i text you. i’ll just be reading donos and thanking people for subbing and stuff.”
“okay i’ll be waiting.”
he shared his stream with you on discord and you saw the ‘starting soon’ screen. after 5 minutes, he switched to face cam and began to speak.
“hey chat!! how is everyone? thank you for all the subs! we’re at a level 4 hype train. thanks so much for the support!! anyways most of you already know who’s joining me and what we’re doing today but if you don’t y/n is joining me soon for minecraft. we’re starting a server!! we’ll, also, invite our friends so expect new people to pop in on my stream. i’ll ring y/n in about 5 minutes, but for now i just want to talk and read donos. WHOA THANK YOU ‘random user’ FOR 100 GIFTED!”
just as he thanked the person for the gifted subscriptions, you saw a donation appear on screen.
“i’m glad you and y/n are finally friends. both of you are my comfort streamers.” armin read the dono. he paused for a second before continuing with, “oh wow thank you so much. y/n and i have been chatting off stream and they’re amazing. they’ve been nothing but kind to me since the incident. i mean i know it’s only been like 2 days but it’s like i’ve known them for a lifetime.” he froze realizing he started rambling about you. “oh my bad. i didn’t realize i was rambling.” he said with a light blush appearing on his cheeks. “anyways lets get started. i’m texting y/n to come on.”
you look at discord and see a message appear. reading ‘lets start <3’
you unmuted and began to speak, “hey armin!! hello chat!!”
“hi y/n! how are you today??”
“im alright. i could be better but something happened to me not too long ago.”
“wait what happened? are you alright?”
“oh yeah it’s just...” you paused trying to contain your laughter, “ i got whomegaluled.”
“oh ha ha. you’re so funny”, he rolled his eyes.
“what its true. it was this streamer. yeah his name is armin but he goes by arlert.” you laughed and began to see chat filling with the OMEGALULs and KEKWs.
“yeah yeah, whatever. let’s get started. do you have minecraft open and ready to start?”
“yeah have you whitelisted me?”
“of course you were the first person i whitelisted.”
“aw, how sweet. anyways this is our smp or whatever right?”
“yeah i’ve whitelisted your friends and my friends hopefully they don’t join. anyways for now let’s just prepare ourselves with supplies and leave them to suffer.” he said with a bright smile and then laughed.
“jeez, armin i didn’t realize you could be so cruel.”
“i was kidding. well kinda. i’ll get stuff for mikasa but leave eren to fend for himself.”
“wait does that mean i have to get stuff for my friends?”
“i mean if you want.”
“i’m sure they’ll be ok. anyways i’m joining.”
“ok, i’m at the near spawn i'm chopping some trees down.”
y/nlive joined the game
your character finally spawned in. you look around and see a crouching armin chopping wood. after he gets the last piece, he walks towards you and crouches.
“hi, y/n.”
“hi, armin.”
“i got you something. i got on the server yesterday and found it.”
“wow, you’re such a cheater. you wanted to get all the good supplies before i did.”
“noooo i swear this is all i got.”
“ok, sure.” you rolled your eyes and waited for him to drop what he got for you.
“hold on before i drop it let me switch to face cam so no one sees what i’m giving you. here!” just as he says that he drops a flower. your favorite minecraft flower.
crouching your character you say, “armin!! this is my favorite. how’d you know?”
“i asked jean.”
“aw, thank you so much armin. i know it’s small but it means a lot to me.”
you could only imagine what the chat was saying. you’re sure it’s exploding with questions.
“anyways i’m switching back to the game screen so hide my gift.”
“alright, let’s go explore.”
after 50 minutes of playing, you finally decided to start building your house.
“armin did you find a place to live?”
“oh, we’re not living together?”
“OH i didn’t know you wanted to but we can!”
“okay im on my way. what are your coordinates?”
you decided on building a little mushroom house. just as you and armin were getting ready to place your beds down you see something appear in the minecraft chat.
jaegerbomb joined the game
<jaegerbomb> add me to vc >:(
<jaegerbomb> ARMIN
jeanieboy joined the game
<jeanieboy> hi guys :) add me to the vc please
just as you saw that, you hear a laughing jean.
“hey, y/n! hi, armin.”
“hi, jean. why are you bothering eren.”
“let jean bother eren. he didn’t even say please.”
<jaegerbomb> ok bye
jaegerbomb left the game
<y/nlive> L
“hi, y/n im eren.”
after several minutes of hearing jean and eren go back and forth with each other left the vc and rang armin on your own.
“y/n why’d you leave?”
“they were giving me a headache.”
“hey you know you can leave whenever you want.”
“yeah, i know. im just gonna do something really quick and then i’m heading out.”
“okay good. i don’t want you to force yourself to stay. what’s the last thing you’re doing?”
“making an item frame. do you have leather?”
“i think so let me check my chest.”
<jeanieboy> y/n come back
jaegerbomb joined the game
<jaegerbomb> y/n i miss you come back :(
<jaegerbomb> please
“i only have 2 pieces of leather. is that enough?”
“yeah, i only need one.”
<y/nlive> i’m leaving >:)
armin dropped the leather and you finally crafted the item frame. you place the item frame above your and armin’s beds and put the flower armin gave you.
“alright im heading out now. bye, armin i’ll talk to you later. bye chat!!”
“bye, y/n.”
<y/nlive> bye jean and eren
<jeanieboy> bye y/n
<jaegerbomb> Y/N DONT LEAVE
y/nlive left the game
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series masterlist
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fun facts!!
eren went dark on his y/n stan acc
armin really didn’t want anyone else to join vc but let jean join because he didn’t want chat to think anything bad
armin definitely wants to play genshin with y/n again!
taglist 🏷
@hugemommymilkers @simpeon101 @megumisenpai @starlightsemi @keiganie @etherealiwa @idontevenknow129 @erensslut @httpglxssy @saintreneschapel @rrroadkill @clean-soap @milfslvr @sugarpieck @lazalee @mika-kc @chwlogy @ascybous @tanakaslastbraincell @3rens-r3t @chemeinpain @stardusthyuck @erenismyhobo @lagrimasdeglitter
italicized couldn’t be tagged :(
taglist is open
396 notes · View notes
alwaysmarveling · 3 years
Rock Band
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader
Warnings: None, just fluff :)
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: Not too sure how I feel about this one, but it’s Wanda so hopefully you guys enjoy it (also I miss playing Rock Band)!!
“You ready for game night, Bird Boy?” Bucky winked.
“You bet, old man. I’m going to crush you, just you wait.” Sam smiled at Bucky with a glint in his eye and mischief clear in his voice. “You guys coming?” Sam turned to look at you and your girlfriend. “The theme is Wii games. Even Thor is coming.” You looked at Wanda for confirmation before answering.
“Yeah, sounds fun. Don’t know if we have the same need for total domination as you losers, though.” Tony laughed from his position in the chair next to you.
“Just you wait, kiddo. You’ll get into it. They all do.”
“Even if I do, I doubt it’ll be that hard to take a bunch of grandpas down,” you winked at the men before scooping some salad into your mouth.
“Since when am I a grandpa?” Sam scoffed.
“Since you became old, which, according to my calculations, has been… oh, right, always. Grandpa in spirit.”
“Well this grandpa is going to beat your ass, so just prepare yourself,” Sam challenged.
“I personally would like to go back to the ‘losers’ thing,” Steve countered. “The only loser is going to be you. Do you even know what games we’re going to be playing, Y/N?”
“Nah, but I figure whatever it is I’ll win,” you smirked.
“Oh, someone’s feeling cocky today. I’d be scared if I were you.” You turned your head slightly to your right, noting how Wanda’s lips curled upwards at Steve’s warning. “Nat has yet to be defeated in Mario Kart, and I, for one, am pretty decent at Smash Bros.”
“You’re on,” you winked at him, the table beginning to clear out. “See you tonight.”
When everyone had left the table but you and Wanda, you turned to your girlfriend. “I suck at Mario Kart. And Smash Bros,” you whined, burying your face into the crook of her neck. “What got into me?” Wanda laughed and ran a hand down your arm.
“You’re too competitive for your own good, detka. If it makes you feel better, Nat already knows you’re bad at Mario Kart,” Wanda smiled, reflecting on the many game nights the three of you and Carol had had together over the years.
“That doesn’t make me feel any better. I’m going to be a loser,” you complained, your voice muffled.
“You’ll be fine, babe. You’re good at, um... What's that game called again?”
“Mario Party 8?”
“Yeah, that one!”
“I can’t win game night with one game, Wanda.”
“Well, you’re always a winner in my book,” your girlfriend reassured you as she played with your fingers.
“Cute, Wan,” you huffed. “Maybe there is a way I could be a winner…” you smiled. When Wanda began to shake her head furiously, you began to beg. “Please, baby, you don’t have to do a lot. Just distract them a little? Please? Pretty please?”
“As much as I love you, Y/N, there is no way I’m messing with their minds just so you can win a game night.”
“I guess you have a point,” you sighed, making sure the fake sadness was clear in your voice. Wanda only laughed, brushing your cheek with the back of her hand.
“I’ll make it up to you. I promise. Besides, if you win, I can’t kiss away your pout.”
“But if I win, you can kiss me as a little ‘good job,’ you know?”
“You’re cute when you pout, though.”
“Am I not cute when I’m smiling from the pure joy of winning?”
“Weren’t you just saying you didn’t want ‘total domination’ less than five minutes ago?”
“Don’t change the subject,” you grumbled. Wanda chuckled, pressing her lips to your forehead.
“Sorry, printsessa. You’d better go practice if you want to try to win tonight.”
“I suppose,” you mumbled, pulling away from the witch. “You’re going to help me, though, right?” Your girlfriend pecked you on the lips, causing a smile to slowly form on your face.
“Of course.”
Later that night, you and Wanda were sprawled across your bed watching the first show that played when you turned on the TV. Your head laid in Wanda’s lap as Wanda traced invisible patterns in your hair and along your face.
“Okay, but why is ‘womb’ pronounced ‘woom’?” you spoke up. “Shouldn’t it be ‘wom’? You know, like ‘bomb’? Or what about ‘tomb’? Why is it pronounced like that? Who said that putting a ‘b’ at the end of the word makes the ‘o’ long for some words but not others?” Wanda brought her gaze down from the screen to your face, her brows furrowed and nose scrunched.
“What the heck even made you think of that?”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, “I’ve just been thinking.”
“Maybe you should be thinking a little less, printsessa,” Wanda giggled, drawing a swirl on your cheek with the tip of her finger.
“That tickles, Wan.” That didn’t stop the witch, who simply pinched your cheek before resuming her tracing. “But I thought you liked my thinking. I have some pretty good thoughts,” you defended yourself, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
“Like ‘what would happen if the French used the Statue of Liberty like the Trojan Horse?’” Wanda raised her eyebrows.
“It was a hypothetical!”
“A pretty bad one, if you ask me.”
“Well sorry, Miss Smartypants.”
“You can be smart too, dorogaya. You just… have your moments,” she winked at you.
“I hate you,” you grumbled, turning away from her so that you were facing the flashing screen, images playing across it but neither of you really sure—or caring—what was going on.
“You love me.”
“Nuh uh.”
“Yeah huh.”
“No, I-”
“Guys, game night is starting,” Tony knocked at your door.
“Okay, we’ll be down in a second,” Wanda told him. You didn’t listen for if he had left, instead turning your gazes back to each other.
“Okay, maybe I do love you a little bit.” Wanda raised her brows, her finger now running along your lower lip.
“Only a little?”
“I might be able to be persuaded otherwise, but as of right now, yes, a little.” Wanda hummed before leaning down to join your lips.
“What about now?” she asked, her lips brushing yours as she spoke.
“I love you a medium bit.” She kissed you again, this time a little longer than the last.
“And now?”
“I love you a lot a bit,” you whispered. Wanda smiled, giving you one last kiss before sitting back up.
“I love you a lot a bit too. Now, let’s get down to the living room. I believe we have a bunch of ‘grandpas’ waiting for us.”
“Wanda, Y/N, I missed you. How has life been treating you on Earth?” Thor waved at the two of you. You guys had little time to wave back, let alone respond, before Tony spotted you.
“There they are,” Tony clapped his hands together. “We were just about to get started. First on the agenda is Smash Bros because this one,” he aggressively pointed in Steve’s direction, “said he needs to go to bed before 1. Party pooper.” Steve rolled his eyes. 
“Some of us just don’t want to destroy our entire sleep schedule in one night.” He turned away from Tony to face the two of you, holding out one controller. “We’ve got one spot left, who’s playing?”
More than three hours later, the clock read 11 PM and the group of you had made it through several games. As you expected, you hadn’t won anything, but Wanda held her own in Smash Bros and was actually close to beating Nat in Mario Kart at one point (that didn’t last long, but you were proud nonetheless). Thor beat you all at Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games, but with all the jumping and yelling going on at the time, you weren’t sure the tower would hold up long enough for you guys to actually finish the game.
“Are you planning on winning any time soon, Y/N?” Nat winked at you from her spot on the couch, one leg resting above the couch and the other bent at the knee on a cushion.
“Oh, shut up,” you laughed. “You know that I suck at video games.” No one else could hear your conversation with the chaos going on over Cooking Mama. That’s right, Cooking Mama.
“I actually thought you were playing us the first couple game nights. And then I finally realized you were just that bad,” Natasha chuckled, quickly having to dodge the pillow you’d thrown in her direction.
“Would it kill you to sit normally for once?”
“Yes,” she smiled, “Yes, it would.”
“How’re you doing, babe? Not too upset yet?” Wanda joined you on the couch with a peck to your cheek.
“Doing just dandy, Wan. See, I can be a good sport.” The witch laughed.
“I’ll check back in with you in an hour.”
“Hey, ladies, we were going to play Rock Band. You guys interested?” Bucky held up the controllers.
“Who won Cooking Mama?” you asked, a smirk clearly written across your face. Bucky rolled his eyes before responding.
“Clint. Now are you guys joining, or what?”
“Mm, I think I’m going to grab a drink. I’ll enjoy the show for a little bit first,” you winked as you slowly rose from the couch.
“She’s only saying that because she doesn’t want to lose,” Sam scoffed. “Y/N’s just upset she can’t deliver on her promise to beat us all.”
“Just you wait for Mario Party 8, Sam. Just you wait.”
“We don’t have that game,” Bruce whispered to you apologetically. “We let Peter borrow it for the weekend. Sorry, Y/N.”
“Are you serious?” You threw your hands up.
“Coward,” Clint teased, sticking his tongue out at you.
“Oh, calm down, Clint. Rock Band doesn’t even have a winner,” Nat chastised.
“Yes, it does! Whoever gets the highest score wins.” The redhead simply rolled her eyes before winking at you.
“Alright, I’m in. Put me on guitar. You coming, Wan?” Natasha turned to her.
“I’m a bit exhausted from the last game. Soon, though,” the witch promised.
“You want anything, babe?”
“A water would be nice,” Wanda smiled at you. “Thank you, detka.”
“Of course.” You squeezed her hand before heading toward the kitchen.
“How come you didn’t ask any of us if we wanted anything?”
“Okay, Sam,” you turned, crossing your arms, “Do you guys want anything?” A chorus of “no’s” echoed through the room. You shook your head, letting out a puff of air before continuing into the kitchen and grabbing one water for you and your girlfriend.
After a small argument over the song choice, Sam, Bucky, Nat, and Tony were all jamming out to ‘Say It Ain’t So,’ and you couldn’t help but laugh from your position on the couch. Wanda’s left arm was wrapped around your waist, holding you close to her, not that you were complaining. You appreciated the body heat, and her, of course.
Sam did have a pretty decent voice, you had to admit. You didn’t think he’d get so into it, but it was quite entertaining.
Speaking of entertaining, it was extremely difficult to hold in a giggle every time you looked at Bucky. Not that he was bad at it—he was surprisingly very good—but it was obvious he’d spent hours playing this game. Eyes closed, head shaking frantically side to side, and cheeks rosy, one might’ve thought Bucky was actually playing at a concert. You were sure Bucky had his part memorized, which was quite a lot for a guy who was still complaining about all the “confusing, new technology nowadays.”
Nat couldn’t be farther from the opposite of the Winter Soldier. As one might expect, she was hitting every note, but from the look on her face, you had a harder time going up the stairs without tripping than she was having playing the game.
And Tony, well, you didn’t really know what to expect with him, but it certainly wasn’t this. For a guy with all the charisma in the world, you thought he would’ve been more… coordinated. He dropped a drumstick at least twice already, and he could never seem to hit the pedal when he had to use the sticks at the same time.
Unfortunately for you, the song quickly came to a close and a new distraction arose—you.
“Y/N, no avoiding it any longer. C’mon, get up here. Which one do you want to be?” You glanced reluctantly at Wanda before answering. If you wanted to play to win, your best bet was singing, but none of the Avengers, including Wanda, had heard you before, and you were in no rush to change that. At the same time, your girlfriend was right; you definitely had a competitive side to you, and seeing the looks on the guys’ faces when you won would be a glorious sight. But maybe it wasn’t all about winning, after all, Wanda had promised you a kiss…
“Put her on the mic,” Natasha smirked. She removed the strap of the toy guitar from her neck before handing it to Steve. Before you could protest, the microphone was shoved into your hands and someone pushed you towards the front of the room.
“Good luck, Y/N,” you barely heard Wanda call from behind you, more worried about what you were going to do.
“Okay, so, Steve and I will be on guitar and bass, Thor on drums, and Y/N on mic. We ready?” Bucky scanned the room for approval. When everyone except for you nodded, he went to choose a song.
“‘Wanted Dead or Alive?’ Really, Buck?” Steve shook his head.
“It’s a good song,” he shrugged, moving to his spot next to Steve. “Should we show them how it’s done?”
“Ha, funny of you to think you’ll win,” Thor boomed, rubbing the drum sticks together.
“Y/N? You’re awfully quiet.” Sam smirked.
“Oh, shut up, Big Bird. Let’s just get this over with.” The man held up his hands in surrender as he backed away from you slowly.
As the first few measures of the song passed, you made a decision. Screw what the rest of the Avengers thought, you were going for it. You took a deep breath as the words rolled across the screen.
“It’s all the same, only the names will change.” The second you started singing, you heard everyone else go quiet around you. Steve, Bucky, and Thor all stopped playing for a second, and you could practically feel everyone’s mouth drop as you forced your eyes to stay on the screen in front of you.
“Every day, it seems we’re wastin’ away.” Just keep going, you told yourself. As much as you wanted to shrivel up in a corner somewhere far, far away, you had already started this. Might as well finish it.
“Another place where the faces are so cold, I’d drive all night just to get back home.” A whistle erupted from behind you—it had to be Tony—and amongst the hooting and hollering, you smiled, relieved, as the rest of the Avengers seemed to snap back into it.
The rest of the guys got back into the groove, and at one point you weren’t even sure you could hear yourself over Thor’s rather enthusiastic drum playing. You had a hard time not laughing at Bucky when you were watching him earlier, but it was pretty much impossible to not laugh now when you were seeing him with Steve. They were definitely feeding off of each other’s energy, and, wow, was it a sight. You’d never seen them this… loose before. They’d definitely need a comb after this game.
Nevertheless, your teammates’ antics helped you fully relax into the song, and it was over before you knew it. On the last beat of the song, you heard a loud crack and whirled around just in time to dodge part of a drumstick coming straight for your face.
“Thor, what the heck are you doing, man?” The god laughed sheepishly.
“Are you trying to kill my girlfriend?” You glanced over at Wanda, who looked ready to grab Thor around the neck. One stern look from you made her hesitate, but the anger remained obvious in her eyes.
“I guess I got a little caught up in the game. In my defense, your human toys are way too fragile.” After one harsh glare from Wanda, the god swallowed and added, “I apologize, Y/N.”
“Dude, how the heck are we supposed to keep playing with a broken drumstick?” Clint inspected the broken piece, which was at least the size of his palm, passing it from hand to hand.
“Ah, forget it. We can just switch to a different game. Y/N’s would’ve won the rest of the rounds anyway,” Bruce shrugged as he pointed at the screen.
The rest of the Avengers followed his finger, and sure enough, you had finished with a perfect score.
“Okay, Y/N, I’ll give it to you. That was good. How come you never told any of us you could sing?” You laughed, shaking your head.
“Nobody asked me.” You shrugged before handing the microphone to Bruce, allowing the conversation to return to what to do about the broken drumstick and returning to your seat next to Wanda. “Babe, I defeated the grandpas,” you whispered before pushing your face into the crook of her neck. More relaxed now that you were safe next to her, she chuckled, grabbing your hand.
“You did. I thought you would’ve been more excited about it?”
“I’m very happy about it,” you murmured, just loud enough for her to hear.
“You’re cute when you’re embarrassed,” she smiled, squeezing your thigh. You whined, prompting your girlfriend to laugh softly and kiss the top of your forehead. “I wouldn’t mind hearing you sing more often. You’re a good singer, malyshka.”
“Thanks,” you muttered.
“Wow, Wanda, you didn’t even know your girlfriend could sing?” Clint teased. With the conversation back on you, you pushed yourself further into Wanda’s body. She reassured you by tracing small circles at the top of your knee.
“Obviously none of you knew about it either.”
“I did,” Natasha smirked, causing you to look up at her in shock. “I heard you singing in the shower the other day when I went to drop off the sweatshirt you left in my room.” You threw your head back in laughter before chucking a pillow in her direction, which she easily caught.
“You suck. You put me on singing on purpose!”
“You wanted to win, didn’t you?” your best friend shrugged, clearly not feeling bad for what she had done.
“Okay, okay, can we get back to game night now?” Sam whined. “Sure, Y/N can sing. But can she dance?” Everyone groaned playfully as Sam pulled out a copy of Just Dance. “Natasha, you’re not allowed to play,” he quickly added. The redhead crossed her arms, a smile on her face.
“Fine with me. Go get ‘em, Y/N.” You grinned. Giving Wanda a peck on the cheek, you stood from the couch yet again and rolled up your sleeves. This was going to be a long night.
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Hiii!! I really love your tumblr posts and I'm pretty new to the Batfam (meaning I have only read fics and textposts about them, no comics) and I wanted to ask about the year Bruce/Batman gets "lost in time". I know general things of what the kids have been doing–Dick became batman and fired Tim from robin, giving it to Damian, everyone thinking Tim was crazy for believing Bruce was alive, (don't really know what Jason was up to though, was he still murderous towards Tim? Does the pit still affect him? Also I have no idea about Cass and Duke, were they introduced at this point??) Anyways, my real question was why was Bruce lost in time, what villain put him there? And how did he get out? And how long was he "dead"? Was Bruce in another reality or like just asleep the whole time? Oh! And how soon did this happen after Damian got introduced to the family–a couple months?
I'm so sorry this is so long, but I hope you answer and thank you!!
(I’m going to try and cover all my bases here by going into how exactly Bruce “died,” what went down during the Battle For the Cowl, what the Batkids did while Bruce was gone, and how Bruce came back. Hopefully it all makes sense?? We’ll see how it goes lmao.)
Part 1 - What Happened to Bruce:
So there was this event called Final Crisis (which I won’t go completely into since it would make this post a million times longer than it already is), but the bottom line is that Darkseid wants to overthrow reality and release his Anti-Life Equation, which would overthrow the whole planet and turn everyone into slaves. (If you’re interested in knowing more about the storyline, here’s a Reddit thread that explains it WAY better than I could.) 
What I CAN tell you is that during his final confrontation with Darkseid, Bruce is hit by an Omega Beam and turned into a burnt chicken nugget killed. Poor guy.
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Final Crisis #6
Clark and Diana bring the body back to the Batcave and break the news to the Batfamily. Batman #687 covers a good portion of the aftermath such as Bruce’s funeral, the Batfamily grieving, and Dick coming to terms with his new responsibility of becoming Batman.
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Batman #687
Part 2 - Battle For the Cowl: 
Musical chairs time, fellas! After word gets out that Batman is gone, Gotham erupts into chaos. Dick doesn’t want to take over the mantle, Tim needs Dick to take over the mantle, and Jason says “fuck it” and takes over the mantle himself because somebody around here has to. He becomes this murderous psychopathic Batman and starts taking out criminals with deadly force because someone’s gotta do the job, so it might as well be him.
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Batman: Battle For the Cowl #1
(Okay honestly, this series had some pretty bad characterization overall, which sucks since it’s such an important storyline. Jason is portrayed as this violent psychopath, which...okay, he was kind of insane after the Pit and all, but not to this degree. Personally, I choose to owe the bad characterization to Bruce’s death because as much as Jason resents Bruce for all he’s done, he does still love him and losing him would be devastating, which would exacerbate his already fragile mental health. As for Damian, this happens roughly three years after his first appearance, so we can assume it’s been a few months since he first joined the family. He’s still relatively new at this point, so nobody knows how to write him yet. He ends up being depicted as if his main two personality traits are Bratty and Assassin-Child and that’s it. It’s all just a mess.)
Anyway, Tim tells Dick to become Batman and stop Jason’s reign of terror. Dick says no, so Tim follows Jason’s lead by saying “fuck it” and putting on the cowl himself. He goes to confront Jason, which ends in Jason beating the crap out of him (again) and leaving him for dead after Tim declines his offer to become Jason’s Robin. Dick goes to save Tim and ends up fighting Jason. 
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Battle For the Cowl #3
Dick wins, Jason disappears, Tim is fine, and Dick finally gets his head out of his ass and becomes Batman. 
Part 3 - What Happens to Each Batkid While Bruce is “Dead”?:
As I said, Dick becomes the new Batman a month after Bruce’s death. He’s got big shoes to fill, and it takes some time for him to get used to his new role. He and Damian end up flipping around the classic Batman and Robin dynamic, with Batman now as the fun counterpart to Robin’s edginess. Dick, Damian, and Alfred relocate to the penthouse above the Wayne Foundation building, operating out of a secret Bat-Bunker in the basement.
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Batman #688
After Battle For the Cowl, Jason is still batshit insane and determined to make Dick’s already stressful life even harder by becoming a supervillain with an ugly costume and an even uglier hairstyle. (I know it’s just because the artist sucked, but still. Jason is horrifying to look at during this time.) He mostly just gets on Dick’s nerves by running around Gotham with his new sidekick Scarlet and killing criminals as Batman and Robin wannabes. Eventually, Dick has Jason committed to Arkham Asylum and he hangs out there until Bruce returns.
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Batman and Robin (2009) #5
Tim...doesn’t do great after Bruce’s death, mentally. Dick makes Damian Robin, his reasoning being that Robin is more of a sidekick and he sees Tim as his equal. By making Damian Robin, Dick hopes that it will give him the stability he needs to keep him from straying back toward the “bad” side. (It’s the right move ultimately, although his execution was pretty messed up since he didn’t discuss it with Tim beforehand, but he’s allowed to make mistakes. Dick’s father just died and now he’s in charge of picking up the pieces of their broken family. It’s a lot to handle.) 
Long story short, Tim has a breakdown, realizes that Bruce is alive, dons the Red Robin identity, and cuts ties with his family to travel the world in search of proof. It’s a rough time. 
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Red Robin #1
Our little guy becomes Robin! So proud of him! As I explained earlier, Dick makes Damian his Robin with the assumption that it will keep him out of trouble, and he’s right on that account. He mentors Damian, teaching him how to channel his violent instincts into something productive, and it works! Slowly but surely, Damian makes the transition from bratty assassin to actual hero!
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Batman and Robin (2009) #22
Duke sadly was not introduced at this point in time, so he missed out on all the pandemonium. Cass, however, has been Batgirl for years by now, but she got kind of pushed aside by the writers after Bruce’s death. Bruce disappears shortly after adopting Cass, but once he was “dead,” the writers sort of moved Cass around for a while, not quite knowing what to do with her. First she was with the Outsiders. Then they got disbanded and Cass tried forming a new network of heroes to take over for Batman if needed. Then she helped out in said network during Battle for the Cowl, taking care of a newly ravaged Gotham. Then Cass gave the Batgirl mantle to Stephanie Brown after she became disillusioned with the role, thanks to the loss of her father and mentor. Then Cass picked up and moved to Hong Kong to “follow Bruce’s plans” by continuing whatever work he had set up for her there. It was all very vague and confusing, and Cass more or less got swept under the rug during this time. Thanks, writers.
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Batgirl (2009) #1
Part 4 - How Bruce Came Back: 
When the Blackest Night storyline happens, the Justice League realizes that the corpse buried under Bruce’s grave is apparently not the real one and that he’s actually alive out there somewhere! How wild is that! This is further proven by Dick after he places Bruce’s body in a Lazarus Pit to revive, which has the same result because it’s very clearly Not Bruce and they should have listened to Tim from the start.
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Batman and Robin (2009) #9
Anyway, what actually happened is that the Omega Beams that Darkseid shot at Bruce didn’t kill him, but rather blasted him back through time to the prehistoric era with his memories wiped. The Omega Energy inside of Bruce ends up catapulting him through various time periods, which is all part of Darkseid’s plan. With each time-hop, Bruce builds up more Omega Energy in his body which, when he gets back to his original time period, will be unleashed and destroy everything.
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Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #5
It’s been a little under two years since Final Crisis, though in-universe it’s uncertain exactly how long Bruce has been “dead.” We can assume it’s been a year, give or take. The way he comes back is too scientific and complicated for me to understand, so uhhhh the bottom line is that Tim and a few Leaguers save Bruce at the Vanishing Point and the day is saved! Hooray! 
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Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne #6
(If you want to read about how it actually goes down, then I seriously recommend reading Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne. It’s only six issues, so it’s a quick read and it explains the situation far better than I ever could.)
Bruce eventually reunites with his family after spying on them for a period of time as Insider to see what has changed in his absence:
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Bruce Wayne: The Road Home
After that, things quickly settle back into their new normal. Dick and Damian stay on as Batman and Robin. Bruce goes back to being Batman as well, with him handling Batman Incorporated business and Dick continuing as Gotham’s defender. Tim keeps the Red Robin outfit, Steph stays on as Batgirl, and Cass becomes Black Bat. Jason stays in Arkham for a while before filing an appeal to be moved to a regular prison. He kills 82 inmates in less than a week and gets transferred back to Arkham, which he promptly escapes from. It’s a ride, I tell ya.
Aaaaand that’s about it! I hope this answered all of your questions!
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fearfully-fiction · 3 years
St. Albans Pt.4- Dakota Laden x Reader
word count:3625
warnings: Fluff/comfort. PaRaNoRmAl aCtiViTy *insert spongebob meme*
Summary: Based on season 1 episode 4 of DF so all credit to the crew, the show, and the channel! Coming back together after separation reader and Dakota have a comforting conversation before deciding where to sleep alone.
part1! part2! part3!
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(not my gif!)
The doors opened and you took a deep breath of fresh air. Dakota went to film with Alex and you went to talk to Tanner.
“Hey Tanner.” you greeted your friend. “Hey (y/n)? You ok?” he asked you. “Yeah, I’m ok. I just wanted to say sorry for overreacting earlier. It was really silly of me, and I hope you know I would never actually mean that.” You apologized. He looked down at you with a smile. “I know (y/n), it’s ok. I know you just want to protect him and I do too. C’mere.” He said and opened his arms to you. You wrapped your arms around him and held him tightly. “I want you safe too Tanner, I want all of you safe I hope you know that,” you said to your friend. “I know that, and I want you safe too we all do. We’ll keep each other safe.” he said and let go. You nodded your head in agreement. "Of course.”
Dakota walked over to you both and you could see his eyes looked a bit glassy. Your heart sunk he walked straight to you and wrapped his arms around you. Tanner walked away letting you both have a moment. 
“What happened my love?” you asked softly as his head rested in the crook of your neck. 
“I swear it doesn’t want us down there. I’m so nervous about this. I really don’t want anyone going back down there. I don’t want to go back down there.” he admitted to you. 
You held him tighter and kissed his head. “I’m so sorry babe, I don’t want you down there either. I can’t stand the thought of you down there by yourself,” you said and he pulled away. You placed your hands on his cheeks. He looked at you with those beautiful eyes that you loved so much. You could see the fear glimmer in his eyes, and it caused a frown to form on your face. 
“If you get the basement/bowling alley, I don’t want you to go alone. I’ll go with you ok,” you reassured him.  “No, I don’t want to bend the rules because I’m scared. You’ll have your walkie close?” He asked you. “Of course I will, but are you sure you don’t want me with you?” you asked him just to make sure.
“I’m sure,” he answered you. You nodded and let your hands slip from his face and down to his shoulders. Rubbing his shoulders gently trying to calm him down a bit. He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours letting his hands grip your waist, your hands moved from his shoulders and to the back of his neck to play with his hair. He sighed into the kiss held you tighter. Your lips moved together slowly as if trying to memorize the feeling. 
“Hey! If you guys would stop making out I’d like to get this night over with!” Alex called over to you. You broke away and took a breath before letting a smile fall on your lips and dropping your head onto his shoulder. He let out a chuckle, something you haven’t heard all night and it made your smile brighter. “I guess we should appease the crowd huh?” you asked with a raised brow. 
“I think it would be best,” he said. You let go of him and were about to grab his hand and walk back to the group but he pulled you back to him and pressed one more short kiss on your lips just to annoy the group. You heard aggravate groaning and it made you giggle against his lips. You pulled away once more and dragged him toward your friends. “Alright, alright, we’re here. Sorry.” You jokingly apologized. Chelsea shook her head and bit back a smile. 
“Alright. So, right now, we are going to sleep separately. This is gonna raise our fear levels, and hopefully, ramp up the activity in the sanatorium.” Your boyfriend informed the audience. 
You rolled your eyes. “I totally hope that happens.” you retort sarcastically. “I know right.” Dakota shot back. You glared at him playfully. 
“So, we should agree on the five scariest locations. We already kinda have,” he said and looked at you all. “Yeah. we know it is definitely the bowling alley.” Tanner said. 
“Bowling alley for sure is the worst one,” Dakota said. 
“The electroshock therapy room.” Chelsea put it out there as well. 
“Absolutely the electroshock therapy room, so many people were tortured there,” you said. 
“And then the suicide bathroom for sure.” Tanner threw that on the table as well. 
“Suicide bathroom it’s on the third floor you’re so far away from everyone else. So yeah the three that we have are on this building.” Dakota said. “Someone should be in the east building in that creepy winding corridor.” Tanner also suggested. “Yeah, the basement.” you piped up. 
“So, we did a walk-through of the east building earlier, and nothing happened, but when we were down in the basement that’s when it felt like we were not alone,” Dakota explained to everyone. 
“We also have the boiler room, which really fucking creeped me out,” you said and a shiver ran up your spine at the thought of having to sleep alone down there. 
“Right yeah,” Chelsea confirmed. 
“So Tanner’s gonna now write these five locations out on paper and then we’re gonna draw out of a hat and decide where we sleep for the night.” Tanner placed all of the locations in the hat, and you clenched and unclenched your fists nervously. 
“Okay, you got it?” Dakota asked him. 
Tanner held out the hat toward Chelsea first and you could tell she was nervous. 
She quickly grabbed one and showed the small crumpled ball of paper to the camera with a nervous smile. 
“Alright Chelsea, where are you sleeping?” her brother asked her. She looked right at him. 
“I don’t even want to tell you,” she said and you chuckled. 
You looked at her paper over her shoulder and cringed. 
“Ooh. Electroshock.” All of you cringed at the location. “That’s the second-worst one, you said.” She relays. 
Dakota moved the camera forward to get a good look at her paper. “Chelsea got the electroshock therapy room. I think Alex should draw next.” He suggested with a grin. 
“Alex.” he held the hat out for him, he reached his hand in and pulled out a paper to unravel his location. 
“Suicide bathroom,” he said with disappointment dripping from his words as he showed the camera. 
“Not to scare you anymore Alex but you are three whole floors above anyone else,” Dakota said, and you placed your hand on your best friend’s arm in a comforting manner. “You’ll be ok Al.” you smiled at him reassuringly. 
“Ok babe, you’re up. It’s between the east basement, bowling alley, and the boiler room,” he said and gave you a grin. 
“I better not get the boiler room or I’ll be pissed I swear.” you shook your head as you reached in to grab a paper. “Hey, at least you won’t be three floors away from anyone else,” Alex said. You gave him a sarcastic grin. “Yeah, that makes me feel great Al.” he chuckled at you. 
“Alright, let’s see what you got,” Chelsea said while looking over your shoulder as you unraveled the paper. 
The minute your eyes scanned the paper you immediately dropped your arms to your sides in exasperation. “No way. No way in hell!” you exclaimed. 
“She got the boiler room,” Chelsea explained to everyone. “I got the damn boiler room.” you sighed before holding up the paper to the camera. 
Alex threw an arm over your shoulder and pulled you into a side hug. You leaned into it and sighed. 
You grabbed Dakota’s camera and began filming for him while he and Tanner chose. 
“I hope it’s not the bowling alley because I feel like I’ve been picked on this whole night.” he ran his hands through his hair out of anxiety. “Ok, whatever. I’m just gonna do it. I’m just gonna do it” he tried to muster the courage and reached into the hat when Tanner did. When both of them had their paper. 
“Open at the same time. Don’t look.” Alex said. 
They both unraveled their paper at the same time. “Bowling alley.” your boyfriend read off and your stomach lurched. “No!” he exclaimed loudly while Tanner jumped in excitement and relief that he didn’t have to sleep down there. While you were happy for him you were extremely worried for your boyfriend seeing as he most definitely was being messed with down there. Dakota had a smile on his face but you knew just how scared he was of that place and it broke your heart. 
“Dude, I got touched down there. A handprint showed up on my back,” he said. You looked away because tears were collecting in your eyes. “I’m scared for all three of us,” Chelsea said and looked at her brother. 
“Honestly, the bowling…” he cut himself off. “Can we redraw?” he asked.
You sighed and turned away from everyone else preparing to go get your things for the sleeping arrangements. Your boyfriend noticed that you had gone completely silent and looked over at you. Your back was turned to him, and he could practically see you trying to not breathe too hard.
He could tell that you were about to cry and made his way over to you. 
The others were already grabbing their things. 
“Hey,” he said trying to get your attention. You didn’t turn around and so he tried again this time walking around to face you. “Hey, babe look at me,” he said and you released a shaky breath before looking up at him. He could see the shine in your eyes from unshed tears and sighed. 
He pulled you into a hug and you held him tightly. 
“We can trade places. I know the boiler room still sucks and it’s super close, but it would be better than the bowling alley,” you suggested though it was a bit muffled by his chest seeing as you buried your head there. 
Though your voice was muffled he heard you and pulled away from you. “There is no way, I would ever let you sleep in that bowling alley. Not after what happened tonight and to Chelsea last time. I’ll be ok, we’re close together ok. If you scream for me I’ll be right there, and I know you’d do the same for me. We’ll be ok babe, I promise you.” he said and kissed away the tears that fell down your cheeks. He nudged your nose with his gently and placed a kiss on it. It brought a small smile to your lips, and he smiled as well. “We’ll be ok,” he reassured you both one more time before grabbing your hand so you could both gather your things and head to your locations. 
You all walked Alex up to the third floor and helped him set up. You made sure to give him a big supportive hug before leaving. “Love you Al!” you called while walking away. “Love you (y/n)!” he called back. 
You made your way down to electroshock to drop off Chels and help her set up before giving her a hug as well. All of you said your I love you’s, getting the same response back. The next stop was Dakota, you and Tanner help him set up and Tanner wished him luck. You walked over and kissed him. “I love you, Kota. Just walkie me ok, or scream whatever you think will work better.” you joked a bit. He gave you a soft chuckle before kissing your cheek. You began to walk away with Tanner and sighed when you reached the boiler room. 
You set your stuff down and Tanner helped you set the camera up before giving you a hug and wishing you luck. “Hey, wait,” you called after him. He turned back around with his flashlight in hand. “You ok?” he asked. “Yeah, I just wanted to know if you wanted me to walk with you so you aren’t alone,” you said to him. He gave you a warm smile and shook his head. “No, no I’ll be ok. Plus if I ever said yes to that here I’m pretty sure Dakota would kick my ass.” he joked which made you laugh. “I guess you’re not wrong. Well if you need anything just walkie me alright,” you said and he nodded. “Night, Tanner, love you!” you called and he responded the same. 
 You sat yourself on the ground and sighed heavily knowing you were not even going to be able to shut your eyes that night. “This is gonna be a night from hell…” you spoke to yourself. 
“So, I am in the boiler room which is right next to the bowling alley actually so me and Dakota are very close to each other. Which is really strange because none of us have been this close in a location before but hey, I am not complaining about it,” you spoke to the camera. “At least I’ll be close to my boyfriend if I die here,” you said with a sigh.
As soon as the words left your mouth you hear what sounded like faint laughter. Your heart dropped as you shone your flashlight throughout the room. “That was a laugh, I just heard a laugh.” you began to panic. “Shit, I hope the camera caught that,” you mumbled to yourself. 
The night had just started and you already felt more unsafe than before. 
You picked up your walkie to get a hold of Dakota to ask if he had heard it too. Seeing as you were practically right next to him he had to have heard it. 
“Kota,” you called. 
“(y/n), what’s up?” he asked with a concerned tone. 
“Did you just hear laughter? Or did you maybe laugh at all?” you asked him anxiously. 
“What? No, I didn’t laugh. You heard laughter?” he asked in a panic. 
At that moment you could just tell you were screwed. 
“Yeah, it was very faint but I heard it. I’m not sure where it came from but I swear on my life I heard it,” you explain to him. “We’re not even 20 minutes in, and this is already frickin sick,” you said in a frustrated huff. 
“We’ve got this, only a few hours left ok.” his voice crackled through the walkie. 
“Alright Kota, you know what to do if you need me,” you told him. 
“Got it see you soon.” he ended. 
You went back to just sitting in the dark just waiting for something to come out at you. You knew for a fact that you were not alone in the room. It made your skin crawl at the feeling of someone or something watching you. 
You sat there in the dark making sure to listen for Dakota if he yelled for you or if something happened. As you sat there you still couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. Seeing as you were so focused on listening you suddenly heard something go by you. It wasn’t like walking more like the sound of shuffling as if someone were to crawl across the floor. It made you freeze in your place your breath got caught in your throat and you felt completely helpless. You wanted to walkie your boyfriend or even just yell for him because you were so scared but you didn’t want him to worry more than he already was. You knew that something wasn’t willing to let up and it scared you more than you had been at any other location. 
You finally let out a shaky breath, “I just heard something literally crawl past me I swear on my life. I know I’ve been like a baby this entire night but damn…” your voice broke. You hated feeling weak but tonight you just couldn’t help it. You were extremely emotional and it most definitely wasn’t helping your situation. You needed to pull yourself together for your sake and everyone else’s. “Ok, I’m pulling myself together. I’m gonna be ok, Dakota is gonna be ok, we’re all gonna be ok. We’re stronger than this thing.” you spoke to yourself as calmly and confidently as you could. After saying this you once again heard faint laughter and it made you jump and turn your flashlight on to scan around the room. Still, you saw nothing but knew you would always feel something watching you. You took a breath and kept the light on for a few more seconds before turning it off and trying to push the events to the side. You just tried to focus on everyone else and it seemed to help slightly so that’s what you kept in your mind.
It was about an hour later when you began hearing noises again. You heard what sounded like tapping, “what the hell?” you whispered. 
Then you heard your boyfriend from the other room. 
“What the fuck? Ok. No. No.” your head snapped in his direction. 
“Dakota! Hey, are you ok?!” you yelled. You heard him gasp. “Shit” he mumbled. 
“Did you not hear that?!” he called to you. “The tapping?!” you asked. “No, the loud scratching noise!” he shot back. Your eyes widened, and all of a sudden things felt really heavy. 
“No, I didn’t! Are you ok?!” you yelled hoping to get a good answer back. 
“Fuck that was loud.” you heard him say. “Red if you’re down here, please leave me alone.” he pleaded. Your heart wrenched at the tone of his voice. 
 You got up from your spot as quickly as you could and grabbed your camera and flashlight. You made your way out of the room and into the bowling alley where your boyfriend sat with his head in his hands. 
“Kota, hey. I’m here are you ok?” you asked softly trying not to startle him. He looked up at you and his eyes flooded with relief. 
“(y/n), crap you should’ve heard it. It was frickin terrifying, and it was so loud,” he said as you sat down next to him letting one hand rest on his back while you set the light on the floor next to you. 
His tense muscles relaxed at your touch and he sighed. 
“I’m so sorry. Is there any way that Chelsea may have made the noise? I know she’s above us but maybe she did it.” you suggested. “I’ll check right now,” he said and picked up his walkie. 
“Hey, Chelsea,” he said into the walkie. 
“What?” she asked sounding exhausted. 
“You’re not moving at all upstairs?” he questioned his big sister. 
“Not moving at all,” she answered. You could tell that she was ready to be done with this place just as much as you were. 
“You have to hear this. What I just heard.” Dakota said to her. 
“Thanks for sharing your fear. Now I’m fricking wide awake,” she responds. 
He sighs heavily. “Fuck.” you said in exhaustion.
“What was that?” he asked. 
“I believe you. We know you’re down here.” he talked. 
“I’ve heard you. You’ve talked to me, she heard you laughing earlier. I get it. We get it. Please leave us alone.” Dakota spoke into the dark. You both knew he was there, and it was even scarier that he didn’t respond, and knowing the things that had happened earlier in the night to you. You decided not to mention it in fear of making his fear worsen and his panic rise even more.
You turned to face him. “Do you need me to stay with you Dakota?” you asked him with sincerity floating around your words, quietly hoping he would ask you to stay, as you didn’t think you could handle that room alone.
He let out a heavy sigh before looking at you with disappointed and fear-filled eyes. 
“Honestly, please. I really don’t want to be, I can’t be here alone anymore,” he responded and you set down your camera to wrap your arm around him and sit close to his side. “Then, I’ll stay. Just like I said. I’ll stay.” you told him and rested your head on his shoulder. Letting out an internal sigh of relief. He placed his head atop yours and let your presence be a grounding force for him. 
“I’m sorry I made us do this.” you heard his voice, it was small and sounded so apologetic. 
“Hey, it’s ok. Look at us, hell yeah we’re scared, and rightfully so but we’re together and we’re close to the finish line and then we can leave and never have to come back.” you tried to relieve his fears. 
“I never should have brought us back here,” he said and put his head in his hands once again. You switched your positions so you were sitting in front of him.  You took his wrists in your smaller hands and pulled his hands away so you could properly look at him. You could see guilt forming in him and you understood why, but you also understood why he had done it. He wanted to conquer this building because they didn’t before. 
“Listen to me, Dakota. You came back here, to conquer the challenge that you quit last time. Now here you are hours and hours in. You’re here, we are all here and we won’t let it win. We can beat this. So let’s do it together huh.” you said and tried to smile though it was barely visible in the darkness. 
“Together,” he said. “Together,” you reaffirmed. 
Taglist: @jaziona92​
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ezrasarm · 3 years
Big Boys Must Cry
Pairing: Benny Miller x GN!reader
Word count: 1.8K
Warnings: PTSD, depictions of violence and blood, some heavy angst but also very soft fluff to hopefully balance it out a bit, really lazy proofreading
Summary: Having lost enough sleep thinking about it, Benny realizes it’s time to stop fighting after an incident that puts people’s lives at risk. He cries in front of you for the first time and after a touching heart-to-heart, you convince him to get some help.
A/n: This was born from my own rage over the dumbass standards imposed on men not to show vulnerability cause it just makes me sO fUcKinG aNgRy and I’ve seen it hurt a few too many people I care about. Didn’t quite turn out as I had hoped but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless :)
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Cold. Colder than when you fell asleep. You hardly ever needed the duvet when you shared a bed with Benny but for some reason you found yourself reaching for it from where you had shoved it down around your waist––Something stopped you though. Letting your fingertips follow the silky ripples in the sheets to Benny’s side of the bed you pried your eyes open when they kept reaching but didn’t meet warm skin. He wasn’t there.
The light from your phone stung your retinas when you flipped it over to check the time. The numbers 2:37 seemed to burn a blotchy purple into the backs of your eyelids when you blinked away. With a heavy sigh you rolled out of bed and padded down the hallway to where you could see the soft glow of the lamp in the corner of the living room pooling out the doorway.
“Ben,” you hummed from where you’d leaned yourself against the doorframe. His head shot up from its place buried in his hands and you swore you caught the glint of a tear trailing down the side of his cheek before he smeared it away with the heel of his palm. “You okay?” You asked, rounding the couch to take a seat next to him.
“Yeah,” He sniffed back and you knew that was a lie if you had ever heard one. “Couldn’t sleep. Didn’t mean to wake you.” He choked out a moment later, doing a very poor job of trying to cover up the waver to his voice.
“The dreams again?” You pressed. All you got in return was a broken stare. You didn’t need an answer for that look in his eyes to tell you everything you needed to know. “Ben, ever since—“ he sucked in a breath that told you you probably didn’t need to finish that sentence. “I’ve tried to be patient,” you muttered hardly above a whisper “but I can’t help you if you keep freezing me out,” You settle for. “I want to help you Benny.”
There was a long pause. You almost thought he was going to get up and leave when a strangled sob fell past his lips and instead his head fell forward notching into the crook of your shoulder as his arms wrapped around you. It was a little shocking at first, as your hands sought out his warmth through the shirt on his back and your fingers deftly traced up his spine to where they could tangle in the loose curls that tickled his collar, you realized he’d never cried in front of you. You knew he cried, he was awful at hiding it but never before had he broken like this in front of you. The realization made you clutch him to your shoulder that much tighter as you craned your neck to plant kisses in his messy hair.
You managed to catch a particularly articulated gasp from the hot breath on your skin. “I’m so sorry,” he had said and you felt your heartbreak at the words. For a moment you thought he was apologizing for this—for falling apart in front of you, perhaps he was, but with the desperation in his tone, you knew there was more to it than that. You knew he was talking about what had happened on your way home from your date almost a week ago now.
“It’s okay.” You murmur softly between each press of your lips to his scalp. “You have nothing to apologize for. You weren’t yourself when it happened,” you tried to cut the thought off at the root but he was already too far past that.
“But what if I was? What if that’s who I am? What if—“ The thought seems too painful for him to finish and he stops himself. A ragged breath shudders through his hollow chest before a whisper escapes him “I could’ve killed him.” He’s trembling as he clutches your arms now and you can feel the terror flowing off of him in waves. “I—I could have hurt you too.” He can’t bring his eyes to meet yours when you try to lift his gaze in your direction. His face is red and his jaw is clenched so tight you fear he could crack his own teeth.
You have to work to keep your voice even when you scoot closer to him so you’re practically in his lap as you cup his face. The memories of the other night are potent again. The fluorescent lights of the small convenience store overhead, the feeling of his arm yanking out of your grasp despite how hard you tried to pull him in the opposite direction, the sound of bone cracking bone when he lunged for the poor bastard that had overestimated his restraint and underestimated his strength and the echo of your own shouts for him to stop ringing in your ears.
The guy had crowded him in the line for the checkout and something snapped in him. Something you had only ever seen surface when he was deep in the throws of a fight and never quite like this. It was like he’d lost all awareness of the world around him, nothing you said or did seemed to get through. Both you and the shopkeeper trying to pry him away was little use and it wasn’t until you managed to throw yourself between them, a bloody nose from having taken an elbow to the face that he finally cracked.
“You wouldn’t have. I know you, Benny,” You murmured but his own memories of that night were rushing back to him too. Just as they had been all week, keeping him from focusing, keeping him from sleep, keeping him from looking you in the eye because all he could see was the swollen bridge of your nose that was his fault.
He had almost hit you. You had braced yourself as if ready to take it. You looked terrified… of him. He didn’t think he’d ever be able to forget that tear-stained and blood-smeared face if he tried and he knew he would never be able to forgive himself if he’d laid a finger on you. He was having a hard enough time forgiving himself as it was.
“You don’t know what I’m capable of––what I’ve done.” He seemed pained to say and you’re afraid he’s gonna pull away again and block you out like he had every other time you’d tried to broach the topic with him.
“You’re right, I don’t.” You were very well aware that there was a whole other side to your boyfriend’s life that you knew absolutely nothing about and you were okay with that. If he didn’t want you to know, you didn’t want to push him, but you needed him to talk to someone.
You’re not sure how but the sentiment seems to sink through to him because instead of getting up and leaving as you were half expecting him to do, he choked out a “I don’t ever want to lose control like that again,” that told you he must have been just as terrified in that moment as you had looked to him.
“I—“ his words caught in his throat for a second as though he were afraid to voice them out loud but he seemed committed to them nonetheless. “I think I have to stop fighting for a while—forever, who knows.”
For a second you thought his hesitancy was directed towards you. You had always been supportive of him, you were glad he had something to be passionate about and that sometimes got him a bit of cash but you weren’t ecstatic about watching him get pummeled in a cage on your nights off. You thought you had made that attitude clear to him but still he danced around the idea as though he was scared to disappoint and it’s only when the word popped into your head that it dawned on you it wasn’t you that he was afraid of disappointing.
“Look, I know you don’t want to hear this…” you began and he was already shaking his head “but I think you should tell Will exactly what you’ve just told me.”
You knew the two brothers were close, but you also knew there were some tensions between them that all the training helped them work through. It forced them to spend time together in times they wanted to least. He wasn’t afraid of letting Will down by quitting fighting, he was afraid of letting Will down by quitting them. He was afraid he’d failed him, failed to keep his head on when he knew what Will had gone through to do the same. He had promised this wasn’t going to happen and yet here he was, petrified of what to do next. “No, you know how he is, I can’t do that—“
“Benny, he’s your brother, not just your trainer. He wants you to be safe, and happy, and healthy, just like I do,” you whisper, brushing some of the stray tears from the apple of his cheeks and pressing a light kiss to his forehead. “But as much as I want to be able to wave this all away for you, he knows better than anyone else what you’re going through.” A kiss to his cheek, “He can help.” A kiss to the bridge of his nose.
He gives you a wordless nod and you press your forehead to his, squeezing your eyes shut and taking a deep breath. “Thank you for talking to me. I know it’s not always easy for you,” you hum and you really mean it. You’re proud that he’s recognizing he needs help and you're glad he was able to confide in you to get it. “We can call him in the morning, but for now we need to get you some rest.” You whisper and you feel his nod against your forehead when you go to press a kiss to his other cheek.
“I love you,” the words are frail on his lips but every bit as meaningful and you feel your mouth curve up into a small smile as you repeat them back to him before this time he’s the one to pull you into a kiss. It’s desperate and it's sweet. It’s clingy and forceful but ever so feather-light. This is your Benny, you think to yourself. This right here is exactly how you know he could never hurt you. Before you know it he’s chasing your lips as you climb out of his lap, your fingers tangled with his own as you drag him down the hall and back to bed.
“Rest,” you remind him. “We’ll finish this in the morning.”
He manages to sleep that night.
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
The Proposal ~ T.H
chapter five: the truth
Synopsis: fake marriage, real trouble
Series Masterlist
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Before Harry could walk away from you, you grabbed his arm and pulled him into your room. You threw him down on the bed and blocked his path to the door.
“We need to talk.”
“Hm.” Harry looked at you innocently. “What about?”
“You know my secret.” You said, unamused.
“I do.” Harry smirked. “And I have to commend you, honestly. Marrying someone just to stay in the country? You must really love your job. I’ve been fired from 7 different fast food restaurants for not showing up to a one hour shift. You’re pretty dedicated.”
“How do you know about that?” You gasped. “Did Tom tell you?”
“Nope. I figured it out.” Harry said proudly as he tapped the side of his head.
“How?” You raised your eyebrow.
“One thing I know about my brother is that he can’t keep a secret.” Harry shrugged. “The second you so much as called him something other than “assistant”, I would’ve heard about it.”
“Your point?” You folded your arms.
“My point is there is no way he started dating you and didn’t tell us.” Harry stated. “And it’s not like you guys are very good at hiding that you’re not a couple. Mum and dad don’t realize because they’re too swept up in the excitement of it all, but I see everything. Every time you swat his hand away or remind yourself to look interested, I saw. I knew something was up from the first day.”
“Well how did you know about the reason for our marriage?”
“Oh, I knew that because my room is right next to yours.” Harry said simply. “And you guys yell a lot. Literally, it’s like all you talk about.”
You rolled your eyes at Harry, but he wasn’t done making fun of you.
“Wah, I feel bad. Wah, don’t feel bad. Wah, I hate lying. Wah Wah Wah.” He mimicked your voices. “Like, we get it. You’ve fallen in love with our family and can’t bear to lie to us. Boring.” He faked a yawn. “Don’t you guys ever talk about sports or the local news? A missing dog from down the block was found today, but you wouldn’t know that, would you?”
You rolled your eyes at his jokes before grabbing a handful of his shirt and pulling him close to your face.
“Listen, curly.” You growled. “Tom and I have a lot riding on this so I need to know that you’re gonna keep your mouth shut. Are you gonna tell your parents?”
“No.” He said as he stared at you in fear. “That would make them liable if this all goes to shit.”
“What about you?” You narrowed your eyes at him. “You could get in trouble for knowing and not stopping us.”
“Then do me a favor and don’t get caught.” He said. You looked Harry up and down before releasing his shirt, deciding that he was trustworthy.
“We’ll try.” You mumbled as you smoothed your clothes.
“He likes you, you know.” Harry told you. “That part isn’t fake.”
“I like him too.” You said quietly as you avoided his eyes.
“You better.” Harry stated. “Don’t let my brother go to jail, okay? He’s too pretty for jail.”
“He’s a little pretty.” You smiled shyly.
“Yeah, well, he’s spent the past two years calling home to tell us how much he admires you.” Harry rolled his eyes. “He’s your biggest fan, Y/n. Don’t let him down.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean you need to be the person he thinks you are and let him out of this deal.” Harry’s tone got serious. “There’s still time to end this whole thing. I’m sure you can find another bloke who’d do anything for you and use him for citizenship. Just leave my brother out of it.”
“He agreed to this.” You said quietly. “I didn’t make him do anything.”
“He agreed because he’s in love with you, Y/n.” Harry sighed. “He’d do anything for you without zero hesitation. “You know that and you’re taking advantage of it.”
“I’m not trying to take advantage of him.” You defended. “But I needed a husband and he wanted a promotion. It’s a win win.”
“The promotion doesn’t mean anything if he got it for doing you a favor. And when that sinks in for him, he’s going to hate himself. And he’ll hate you too.” Harry insisted. “He’s been working his ass off for that promotion and you’re only giving it to him so you don’t get deported.”
“That’s not true.” You protested. “He was always going to get the job.”
“Okay. Then forget that part.” Harry shrugged. “Let’s talk about how you’re playing with his feelings.”
“What?” You scoffed. “I’m not playing with his feelings.”
“Aren’t you?” Harry titled his head. “You knew he liked you. And now you’re parading around like you’re his wife and I guarantee he thinks you’ll still like him once all of this is done. You’re letting him think he has a chance with you so he doesn’t back out of the deal.”
“He...he does have a chance.” You said quietly. It was the first time you said it out loud, but it was true. If Tom wanted to make the fake relationship real once your marriage was official, you wouldn’t exactly be opposed. All the small moments; him giving you his shoes, giving you his bed, kissing him when no one was around, and all his selfless acts of kindness were adding up. He wasn’t who you thought he was, and the person he turned out to be was someone you were seriously falling for.
“He better.” Harry stated. “Because if he ends up in jail or with his heartbroken, I’m gonna be pissed.”
Your heart sank as Harry’s words made all your guilt come flooding back. Every time you had qualms about lying to Toms family, Tom assuaged you by telling you they’d never find out. Now that Harry knew about the deal, there was nothing keeping you from feeling guilty.
“Look, I really like you, Y/n.” Harry said when he noticed your sad expression. “And I want you to be part of the family. But only if it’s for the right reasons. If you’re just using us for citizenship, then I want nothing to do with you. And once everyone finds out the truth, they won’t want you either.”
You felt tears come to your eyes as you realized he was right. You had grown to love Toms family, and going through with this marriage meant you’d be selfishly using them for your own benefit. A tear rolled down your cheek as you were faced with a tough decision. If you stayed, you could marry Tom and keep your job. If you left, you wouldn’t have to lie to a group of people who treated you with nothing but kindness. You opened your mouth to speak, but found yourself with nothing to say.
“Harry, Y/n.” Dom’s voice rang from the kitchen. “Breakfast is getting cold.”
“Think about it.” Harry squeezed your shoulder before leaving the room. You waited a few seconds before following him into the kitchen. Tom immediately noticed your ghastly expression when you sat down at the kitchen table. He had been nervous to see you after the makeout session in his bed, but now he was just concerned.
“Are you all right, love?” Tom asked as he squeezed your hand. You blinked a few times and looked at him, feeling all your guilt come back. You picked up Toms hand and pressed a long kiss to the back of it, making him look at you curiously.
“I’m fine.” You forced a smile. “We’ll talk later.”
You went straight to your room when you finished breakfast after telling Tom that you needed a minute alone. A few tears had slipped down your cheeks once you were alone, knowing the fantasy of staying in the country with your new family was over. You jumped a little when you heard something outside your door, followed by the sound of footsteps departing. You opened your door to find a bowl of cut up strawberries on the ground, with Nikki’s perfume still lingering in the air.
“Nikki?” You called out, and she came back.
“Hi, sweetheart.” She smiled warmly at you. “I wasn’t sure if you were in there. Do you like strawberries?
“I love them, thank you. You didn’t have to do that.” You said as you picked up the bowl.
“I just noticed you looked a little upset at breakfast.” She explained. “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
You looked down at the bowl of strawberries and sucked in a sharp breath, feeling overwhelmed at the simple act of kindness.
“I’m okay.” You said weakly. “Thank you for the berries.”
“Of course.” She cupped your face and wiped a tear with her thumb. “Follow me. There’s something I want to show you.”
You silently followed her into her bedroom and ate some of the strawberries as she disappeared into the closet. After a few minutes, she came out of the closet with a long white gown in her hands. It’s was simple, made of silk with braided straps. Your eyes lit up at the sight of it and you quickly set the bowl down.
“Oh, Nikki.” You gasped. “It’s beautiful.”
“It’s yours.” She smiled eagerly. “Go on. Try it on.”
“I can’t.” You said quietly. After the conversation you had with Harry, you felt wrong trying on her wedding dress.
“Please?” She asked hopefully. “It would be an honor to have you wear it when you marry Tom.”
“All right.” You reluctantly agreed. “I’ll try it on.”
Nikki beamed in excitement before handing you the dress. She clapped her hands happily as you disappeared into her closet. You shut the door and slipped the dress on, the way it fit you perfectly making you feel even worse. After zipping it the best you could and smoothing it out, you left the closet.
“Oh, you look so beautiful.” Nikki put her hands over her mouth. “It’s perfect on you. You look enchanting.”
“Thank you.” You said as you looked down at the dress. “It’s beautiful. Thank you for letting me wear it.”
“Wait here.” She clapped her hands again and went under her bed. She pulled a box out and set it on the bed before opening it up. Inside was a delicate white crown and long, tulle veil. Nikki placed the crown on your head and adjusted the veil so it perfectly framed your face. She backed up to admire her work and clasped her hands under her chin.
“There.” She grinned. “Now it’s perfect.”
She walked back to you and turned you around, letting your view yourself in the mirror. Her hands continued to play with the veil as you stared at yourself. You’d never seen yourself in a wedding dress before, you never even imagined wearing one. The combination of the proud look on Nikki’s face and the sight of yourself in the beautiful dress made your face scrunch up in pain.
“Oh, honey.” She cooed as you began to cry. “It’s okay to be emotional. I cried the first time I saw myself in it.”
You turned around and let her mother you, allowing her to wipe your tears with her hands. She was so excited for the wedding, and all you could think about was how much it would crush her if she found out the truth.
“Thank you. For everything.” You told her. “I know it’s only been a few days, but you’ve really made me feel like part of the family. I really appreciate everything you’ve done.”
“Of course, sweetheart.” She smiled. “Anything for my daughter.”
You sucked in a sharp breath when you heard this, making a fresh tear fall from your eye.
“No ones called me that in a long time.” You smiled sadly.
“Sweetheart?” She asked.
“Daughter.” You answered.
Nikki looked at you fondly before pulling you into a hug, comfortingly rubbing your back. You squeezed your eyes shut and hugged her back, assuming that that would be that last time.
“I always wanted a girl.” She said as she stroked your hair. “Heaven sent you to me.”
You looked up at the ceiling as tears fell from your eyes, feeling sick to your stomach with the guilt. When you pulled away, you sheepishly wiped your tears and gave her a smile.
“Um, I better change before Tom sees me.” You said. “I don’t want any bad luck.”
“Smart girl.” Nikki patted your back and sent you back to the closet. You changed out of the dress and gave it back to her, excusing yourself as quickly as you could.
You rushed back into your room and got your suitcase out from under the bed. You began to hastily throw your clothes inside, tears making your vision blurry. You didn’t hear Tom come into the room, not noticing him as he watched you pack.
“Y/n?” He spoke up. “Is everything okay?”
“I can’t do this.” You said without looking at him. Your tears and breathing were becoming hysterical and Tom realized you were having a panic attack.
“Hey. It’s okay.” He put his hands on your shoulder to stop you from packing. “What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong?” You laughed sadly. “I’m gonna ruin your family like I ruined mine. And I’ll ruin you too.”
“Woah woah woah.” He pulled you into a hug. “It’s okay, darling. Nothing is getting ruined.”
“Yes it is.” You cried into his chest. “I roped you into this mess and now you’re stuck committing fraud and getting married to someone you don’t love.”
“I’m not getting married to someone I don’t...” Tom trailed off when he realized he might be saying too much. You were too busy trying to catch your breath to hear him as you began to pace the room.
“You’re just getting nerves about the wedding. I’m sure all brides worry about committing fraud two days before their wedding.” Tom tried to lighten the mood with a joke. “Don’t worry about me, okay? We’ll figure this out together.”
“Stop doing that.” You snapped as you continued to pace.
“Doing what?”
“Being nice to me!” You cried. “I have never been nice to you.”
“It’s okay. It’s-“
“It’s not okay.” You cut him off. “I never would’ve done this for you. I wouldn’t even call you by your name.”
“Why are you freaking out? What happened?” Tom pulled you back towards him and rubbed your shoulders.
“Your mom cut up fruit for me.” You said through tears.
“That’s what’s making you freak out?” He asked. “Because she cut up fruit for you?”
“Tom, she left it outside my door.” You stressed.
“So? That’s what moms do.”
“I know that’s what they do. But she did it for me.” You cried. “And your dad let’s me use his lucky golf ball and I have inside jokes with your brothers and your grandma texts me memes she sees on Facebook.”
“I’m sorry, but I don’t see what the problem is.” Tom said calmly. “Why are these things bad?”
“They’re not.” You sobbed. “They’re good things.”
“So why are you upset?”
“I forgot, okay?” You shrugged sadly. “I forgot.”
“Forgot what?” He tried to understand.
“What it feels like to have a family.” You whimpered. Tom looked at you in confusion as he stopped rubbing your arms.
“What?” He asked quietly.
“I forgot how it felt to have someone teach you what they know and love you and miss you and hope to see you at the holidays.” You dry heaved. “I haven’t felt that in years and it’s all coming back and I can’t handle it.”
“Hey, shhh. It’s okay.” He pulled you into his arms again and held you tightly. “How could you forget those things? What about your mom?”
“My mom is dead.” You whispered against his chest. Tom stiffened at your confession but never loosened his grip on you. He continued to rub your back and let you speak when you were ready.
“We got in this fight one night because I was being a bitch like I always am and I ran out of the house.” You gulped as you tried to catch your breath. “She drove around looking for me but it was raining really heavily and she couldn’t see where she was going and this truck-“
“It’s okay.” He cut you off. “You don’t have to tell me. It’s okay.”
“I ruined her.” You whispered. “I ruined our family.”
“Shhh. I got you. You’re okay.” He mumbled as he stroked your hair. You sniffled a few times before pulling out of Toms arms. You looked at him sheepishly as you wiped your tears and snot.
“I’m sorry.” You said weakly. “I didn’t mean to dump all of that on you.”
“You didn’t dump anything on me.” He assured you. “I told you it’s okay to open up to me, remember? You can tell me things like this. I’m going to be your husband, after all.”
“Thank you.” You smiled weakly. Tom smiled back and reached out for you again. You let him pull you into a long hug, allowing his warmth to comfort you.
“I’m so sorry about your mom.” He said before kissing the top of your head. “I had no idea about any of this.”
“And I had no idea that you had your mothers eyes or your fathers handshake.” You pulled away suddenly. “Or that all of your brothers have the exact same smile. You were never a person to me before all of this. But now I see you have this whole life outside our office and I’m no longer okay with messing it up.”
You fully pulled away from him and went back to your suitcase, throwing the rest of your things inside.
“Why are you packing?” He worried. “Where are you going?”
“I’m going back to Canada.” You said without looking at him. “I can’t use you like this. I can’t ruin your life.”
“You’re not ruining my life.” He came up behind you and tried to stop you. “My family loves you. They haven’t been this happy in years. And we have a deal, remember? You’re not using me if this benefits me too.”
“The deal is off.” You shook your head and zipped up your suitcase. “I can’t risk you going to prison for me.”
“Why not?” Tom began to panic as you went for the door. “You had no problem with it last week.”
“That was before I started falling in love with you, Tom.” You raised your voice suddenly.
You and Tom both fell silent at your unexpected confession. Your eyes immediately dropped to the floor as his mouth hung open in shock.
“Shut up.” You instantly cut him off. “I don’t want to hear another word from you”.
“You love-“
“Stop speaking.” You spoke loudly over him. “That’s an order from your boss.”
You tried to leave the room with your suitcase but he grabbed your arm to stop you.
“Y/n, wait a minute.” He said sternly. “We need to talk about this.”
“No we don’t.” You stated. “You’re dismissed now, assistant.”
“Y/n.” Tom tightened his grip on your arm without hurting you.
“Just leave me alone Tom.” You whispered. “You don’t want this. You don’t want me.”
“I love you too.” He said suddenly, making you drop your tough act. Your face softened as you stopped fighting him to leave.
“I love you too.” He repeated. “I fell too.”
Your gaze fell down to his lips, the urge to leave behind replaced by the urge to kiss him until you couldn’t breathe. You swallowed thickly before shaking your head at him.
“No.” You decided. “You don’t.”
“Yes I do.” He insisted. “I love you, Y/n. And I want to help you.”
“You’re only helping me so I make you editor.” You laughed sadly. “You don’t love me. This has nothing to do with me.”
“I do love you.” He promised. “I’m doing this so you stay in the country. We can’t be together if you’re all the way over in Canada.”
“So then we won’t be together.” You shrugged and tried to leave again.
“But I want to be with you.” He said sadly as he stepped in front of you. You looked into Tom’s eyes for a minute, hating the sadness that you put there. All he wanted to do was love you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to let him.
“You deserve a nice girl, Tom.” You said after a beat. “I’m not that. I’m not good enough for you.”
“I don’t want nice.” He said quietly. “I want you.”
“I want you too.” You told him. “But not if its like this.”
“I’m sorry.” You said sincerely. “But I have to leave.”
You moved past Tom before he could get another word out. You walked into the kitchen with your suitcase, stopping in fear when Toms entire family stared at you in confusion.
“Where are you going, sweetie?” Nikki asked when she noticed the suitcase. “Is everything all right?”
You looked back and forth between all of them, feeling a panic rise again in your stomach. You didn’t expect them all to be there when you left, and that made it so much worse.
“I’m s-so sorry.” You stammered. “I have to go home right away.”
“Oh no.” Dom frowned. “What’s wrong?”
“Family emergency.” You lied, wincing a little at the irony. “I’m so sorry. Thank you, all of you, for everything. These past few days have meant a lot to me.”
You looked around at everyone’s confused faces and dropped your bags suddenly, running right into Sam’s arms and hugging him tightly. You whispered a short thank you into his ear before moving onto Paddy. Then you went to Nikki, letting the hug linger as long as you could.
“Goodbye, Nikki.” You whispered tearfully. “Thank you for everything.”
“Oh, you’re welcome.” She said sadly as she rubbed your back. “Goodbye, honey.”
You pulled away from her and gave her a sad smile before hugging Harry.
“You’re doing the right thing.” Harry mumbled in your ear. You tightened your grip on him as a tear slipped down your cheek, knowing he was right. You pulled away and hugged Dom last, just as a tearful Tom came into the kitchen.
“We’ll see you once you get back, right?” Dom asked when you pulled away.
“I....I’m not sure.” You said weakly. “I’m sorry. I have to go.”
You turned to pick your suit case back up, making eye contact with Tom as you did. You ran to him and threw your arms around his neck, hugging him as tightly as you could.
“I’m so sorry.” You mumbled in his ear. “I wish things we’re different.”
You pulled away from him and picked up your suitcase, leaving without another word.
You caught a cab back to your apartment and collapsed on your bed as soon as you got home. You knew Harry was right about you doing the right thing, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. If you had it your way, you’d stay with Tom and his family and live in peace. The IRCC wouldn’t bother you and you could continue working your job with Tom as your editor. But of course, it wasn’t that simple. You’d have to get your citizenship the normal way and hope your job was still waiting for you when you got back to the UK. And hopefully, Tom would be there too.
When you woke up the next morning, you got ready to go back to your office. Slipping into your high heels after nearly a week of wearing Toms old tennis shoes made you feel the slightest bit back to normal. Your heels clicked underneath you as you strutted into your office, feeling relieved as the employees shuttered in your presence.
Before stopping by your office to pack, you stopped by the head of the company’s office for a quick conversation. You had a few things you wanted to say to Mr. Reynolds before leaving the company. After speaking with him, you went to your office to pack your things. You held your held up high every time you carried a box of your items to your car. You were about to carry the last box out of the office when you heard a knock at your door.
“I thought I’d find you here.” Toms voice sent goosebumps down your spine. You looked at him and gave him a tight smile, hoping to avoid any awkwardness.
“I was just leaving.” You said as he took another step into the office.
“Can we talk?” He asked as he stepped in front of you. “There was a lot I didn’t get to say yesterday.”
“Can it wait?” You asked. “I have a flight to catch.”
“A flight?” Tom sighed in disappointment.
“Could you just-“ you voice cracked a little as you forced out a smile. “Could you smile, please? I don’t want my last memory of this place to be of you frowning. I made you frown enough over the past two years.”
“You don’t have to do this.” Tom said sternly.
“I do.” You said, face sinking when the irony of the words hit you. It was technically your wedding eve, and you were spending it saying goodbye to each other. Tom felt the irony too and his eyes welled with tears. You gulped and turned away, not wanting to see him upset. You saw a stack of papers on your desk and were reminded of what you had done before packing your office.
“I almost forgot.” You picked up the papers and handed it to him. “Here.”
“What is this?” Tom asked without looking at the cover.
“It’s a wedding gift. I published your book.” You smiled weakly as Tom looked at you in disbelief.
“You what?” He gasped as he flipped through the pages. Sure enough, it was the book he had submitted to you.
“20,000 copies are being sent out to the public next month.” You continued. “It was one of my last actions as editor in chief.”
“One of your last?”
“After I published it, I stepped down from my position and nominated someone to take my place.”
“Who?” He asked.
“You. Congratulations, Mr. editor at a big shot publishing company.” You tried to smile. “Editor in chief, actually. This all belongs to you now.”
“Y/n.” Tom whispered as he stared at you with tearful eyes.
“You deserved this promotion without having to marry me for it.” You assured him. “It was always yours. I’m sorry it took me so long to give it to you.”
“I don’t want to work here if you’re not here.” He said as a tear slipped from his eye. He was very aware that this could be your last conversation for a while, and it was killing him.
“You’ll make a great boss.” You continued. “The employees deserve someone like you for a boss. Someone...nice.”
“Please, stay here.” He pleaded. “I don’t want you to leave. You just started letting me in. Don’t run away from me now.”
You looked at Tom for a minute before putting your hands on either side of his face and pulling him into a kiss. He kissed you back passionately, hoping it wouldn’t be the last time he felt your lips on his. You pulled away and pressed your forehead against his, sucking in a sharp breath as you inhaled his scent.
“I have to go, Tom.” You whispered. “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you doing this?” He asked as you went for the door.
“We had a few good days, Tom.” You shrugged. “That’s all. That’s not love. Not really. That’s just a few good days.”
“We could have more if you stay.” He pleaded.
“I don’t think love is something that should be messed with.” You said sadly. “Not like this, anyway.”
Tom didn’t say anything, instead letting his eyes stay on his manuscript. He knew he couldn’t look at you without breaking down, so he kept his eyes down.
“Goodbye, Tom.” You said softly. “I couldn’t have had a better assistant.”
“I would’ve been a good husband too.” He mumbled.
“Yeah.” You laughed sadly. “I bet you would’ve.”
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