#any ideas or requests are welcome thx
arabela25 · 1 year
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Past Eurovision artists from Ukraine perform during the Flag Parade
Go_A (ESC 2021)
Jamala (ESC 2016)
Tina Karol (ESC 2006)
Verka Serduchka (ESC 2007)
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must be love - a Steve Harrington imagine
summary: just a shorter imagine about a reader who works at a diner and Steve comes in with the rest of the friendship group (which you’re also part of). There’s a mutual pining between Steve and reader and eventually Steve decides to do something about it, just a lil fluffy imagine which got me going
warnings: brief descriptions of food and eating
word count: 2.5k
notes: shout out to one of my fave SNL skits of Debbie Downer thx for playing a small part in this imagine. if anyone has any ideas for an imagine plsss request i’d be happy to do some requests !! have a great day :) master list here
                                                   ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦
“Have a great night, guys!” You call as the most miserable family you’ve ever served in your entire time of being at the diner slumps out the door. A small laugh escapes your lips, almost in disbelief at what you’ve just put up with, as you start to clear their plates. Clinks of metal cutlery scraping fired ceramic plates fill your ears as you gather everything in an impressive stack. Guiltily, you take the gracious tip they’ve left you and you suddenly feel awful for whining to yourself about how unpleasant they’d been. 
Behind the till, you place their cash tip into the tip jar and then take the plates to the back to be washed. The heat of the kitchen still overwhelms you as you place the stack of dirty dishes into the hot sink full of water. “Busy out there, yet?” Deborah, the main pot washer calls out from the break room, her evening drawing out slowly in front of her at the slow stream of customers. 
“Not quite yet, still early though, Debs!” You call back cheerily, behind her back you all call her Debbie Downer, no matter what you say Deborah will reply with something depressing that ultimately kills the mood of the conversation.
Last month, when you told her you’d got a new cat, she had replied, “Feline AIDS is the biggest killer of domestic cats. Hope you got it checked!” 
Pushing back through the swing doors, you see a few more groups had been shown to tables and you were ready to go over to welcome them in. One group you see, is your friends. 
An unsettled feeling stews inside you, you love that they come here to see you, but you hate how it makes you feel pressured. Dustin loves the shakes, Mike and El the burgers, and Steve loves to come just to see you. Not that you know that. You’re partial to a spill of a drink, or a burger to the floor as it slips off the plates as you try to juggle too many, and you do not want Steve to see anything like that. You’ll just have to try not to show off your plate stacking skills this evening. 
Whipping your pad out from the front of your grease-stained apron, you walk to their table and paint a smile on your face, beaming from ear to ear. “Fancy seeing you here.” You approach the table and stand next to Steve, who looks up at you with a small smile painted across his rose-tinted lips. 
“Do you even need your little pad, surely you know my order by now.” Dustin is quick to comment on his food, he must be starving. He didn’t mean it in an asshole way, you’re close enough with each other that you rarely take offence to anything now.  
You guffaw at his request and scribble down his order. Peeking over the top of your pad to see Steve slightly shaking his head and raising his eyebrows at him. “Max?” Your attention goes to Max now, awaiting her order.
“Just a chocolate shake, please.” She offers, sheepishly pushing the menu back towards you. You don’t push her on an order for food, as you know any of the other waitresses would, you just nod and jot down the code for a shake. She’s still recovering from Vecna, and you understand her lack of appetite, which she is grateful for. 
After finally scribbling down the group’s order in your illegible scrawl, which is only decipherable by the chefs, you turn to Steve who’s perched on the end of the booth. “And for you, Steve?” Your pen is ready in between your fingers, and you give him a patient smile. 
He quickly skims the menu, even though he knew what he wanted the minute he walked in. He relays his order to you before gathering up all the menus, making your job easier and quicker. “Thanks.” You take them from his hands and his cheeks flush with colour. He’s aware of the intense rush of heat to his face, as is everyone else at the table. Your heart skips and beats intensely in your chest as you relish in the sight of his flushed cheeks. You know you caused his blush, and it gives you a slight spring in your step as you return to the host stand with their menus, knowing you have the power to make Steve Harrington tint with crimson. 
Whilst his ears are trained into the conversation happening around him, he lets his eyes divert to your whereabouts. He watches intently as you balance the plates with skill before setting them all down on a nearby table, talking to your customers with expressive hands and giving them an effervescent smile before turning and going to attend to another table. He sees how your tongue slips out of your mouth, ever so slightly, in concentration as you place glacier cherries onto the top of a sundae before carrying it to an over-excited child who claps with your arrival. Your smile at the young boy’s happiness and delightful manners stays on your face as you make your way back over to the serving hatch, the bell ringing out continuously with the Friday night rush of families, friends and couples. 
“Dude.” Dustin starts, leaning in closer to Steve as he breaks away from the rest of the conversation. Steve leans in too. “Why don’t you just ask her out already?” The prospect of doing such a thing is enough to bring sweat to the palms of his hands. Noticeably so that he has to rub his palms over his jeans to get the wetness off. His mouth feels dry, so he runs his tongue over the roof of his mouth and swallows what little saliva he has down his throat. “It’s so painfully obvious.” 
“What is?” He quickly retorts, turning his face too fast so it’s left lingering extremely close to Dustin’s. He pulls back slightly and let’s Dustin observe how you make him feel. The slight tinge of pink has returned to his cheeks, and he hasn’t stopped rubbing his palms over his jeans. Dustin just laughs slightly and gives his head a shake before giving Steve an insignificant nod, indicating your return with an armful of their food. 
“Alrighty.” You say as you settle their food down on the table, sliding the plates in the direction of whoever ordered what. The table digs into your stomach slightly as you stretch across to push El’s plate to her in the far corner of the booth, meaning you slightly lean across Steve. “‘Scuse me.” You gently breathe as you pull back, the smell of your perfume lingering after you push back from the table. He quickly inhales, wipes the corner of his mouth with his thumb and then grabs the cutlery. “Max just let me grab your milkshake, I’ll be right back.” You dust your hands off on your apron as you make your way back to the hatch, collecting Max’s milkshake before ambling back over to their table. “There you go, sweetie.” You turn her shake towards her and her eyes light up, looking at Lucas with wide eyes in admiration at her humongous milkshake. You smile at the pair; glad Max has someone as sweet and caring as Lucas. “Okay, think that’s everything.” Your eyes skim everyone’s plates to ensure you haven’t missed anything. “Can I get you guys anything else? Anymore sauces?” 
Everyone replies with a cacophony of “No” and “Thank you” and you nod at them all, the boys already starting to shovel their food into their mouths as if they haven’t eaten for days. Max seems settled and Steve thanks you again before turning to his plate to eat. 
The next half an hour passes in a blur of sundaes, hamburgers, spilt milkshakes, and grumbles from Deborah as you take in another stack of greased up, ketchup smeared plates. As you stand at the host station placing clean cutlery neatly into white napkins, Steve wanders over to you as he opens his wallet in front of him. You place your hands down on the counter, keeping the napkin well wrapped up in your hands. “Hey!” You beam at him as he approaches. “Was everything okay with the meal?” You finally place the neatened cutlery and napkins into their box and return your full attention to Steve. 
“Was great. Five-star service, too.” The corner of his mouth hooks up into a smile and you reciprocate it broadly. “But I was wondering if I could pay now?”
You nod, taking their order from the small pile of tabs that you keep by the cash register. “Sure, you just wanna pay for yours?” You start keying in the price for Steve’s meal, but he cuts you off.
“No no, I’ll get everyone’s.” His offer is laced with the kindness he exudes, like warmth coming from a mug of coffee on a chilly day. 
Your head tilts to one side and your eyebrows lift slightly, “Steve, that’s awful kind of you but are you sure?” 
He nods, pulling out some cash he’s sure will cover it as he patiently lets you tot up the total for the meals on the register. “I’m totally sure.” He seems nervous, you notice from the corner of your eye his weight keeps shifting from one foot to the other. A small smirk forms on your lips, then quickly dissipates as you get ready to read the total out. 
He hands the cash over without question and tells you to keep the change for the tip jar. “Thank you so much.” You hold the cash in your hands gratefully as you look back at him. He’s still stood behind the host stand, his eyes travelling nervously around you. As you drop the cash into the jar, he leans onto the station with his elbows.
“I was wondering if you wanted to catch a movie? After you finish up?” The words tumble out of him quickly, but his question is laced with reluctance, like he’s already prepared himself for you to say no.
You study his features, the soft-hearted nature of him shines through. Him paying for all the kids’ meals and still asking you out afterwards, you feel on top of the world that he’s asked you. You think of how sublime it would be, spending the evening with Steve after work, but you don’t finish up until close tonight and you fear that would be too late for him, making him waste the night waiting for you. Although it would feel anything but a waste to Steve. A feeling of defeat washes over you as you worry this could be the only time Steve asks you to do something, and you fear he will think that you’re making an excuse. “I’m here till close tonight.” The words fall regretfully from your mouth, and you see his features soften with disappointment.
He nods quickly, pursing his lips as he pushes back from the counter, giving it a tap as he readjusts his posture, standing tall. “Oh, yeah. Totally. No that’s fine.” 
“But I could come over, when I’m done? I know it would be late, but I could bring us something to eat, and we could just, I dunno, chill?” 
Inside his chest, his heart soars around like someone has ignited him and soon the sweaty palms return. He came over here expecting you to say no, but he figured it was worth a shot. He did not expect, however, for you to then suggest another idea. His worries and anxieties about asking you now seem so farcical when all along you had wanted the same. 
He’s almost taken aback and has to bring himself back to the reality of being here in the diner, with you. “No, no it wouldn’t be too late. That’d be great.” He taps the counter again, the pair of you just looking over at one another, waiting for someone to speak. The pair of you never run out of things to say, never find it awkward to make conversation, never shut up really. But now, you both stand enthralled at the idea of spending some time together, just the two of you. 
“I’ll pick you up?” He poses the question to you in a gesture of what seems like good will, but it’s really just a way to get to spend more time with you. 
A torrent of emotion as intense as a winding river of rapids course through your veins and rise the temperature of your body, causing your skin to prickle intensely like tiny bolts of electricity hitting your skin. The flow of your emotional river ebbs, the source of the river stemmed as an anxious thought enters your stream of consciousness. You want Steve to see you at your best, not sweaty and smelling of cooking after a five-hour shift. “I will stink of grease.” You admit to him awkwardly. The perfume bottle you keep in your bag is a God send and you hope it will help to mask at least some of the smell.
He puffs air out between his lips and a smile softens across his face. “I really couldn’t care less.” He pushes his hands back from the counter where they’d been resting lazily, his muscles contracting underneath the sleeves of his t-shirt and you eye it quickly. The way the shape contorts and flexes under his skin as he pushes himself up from the counter again makes your eyes widen and your stomach throb. “Pick you up around ten, is that when you finish?” 
“Yes! That sounds great, thank you!” You radiate, your words landing like a verbal high five. 
He turns away, wordlessly, and gathers the kids up to leave. You click a few buttons on the register before finalising the receipt. They all wave and shout goodbyes as they make their way out of the diner, leaving as you turn to see your favourite group of regulars sat waiting for you to go over and take their order.
Outside, the wind turns to a chill and the clouds blow clear, leaving the sky black and bright above them. “So...” Dustin starts, elbowing Steve as they make their way to the car. The rest of the kids making their way to their buses home. “Did it work?”
Steve lifts his chin and laughs, “Quit making it sound like I’ve been doing some sort of experiment.” 
Dustin just rolls his eyes and waits, expectantly. 
“Yeah, it did ‘work’.” His fingers go up into air quotations before twisting the key to start the car with a low growl. “I’m seeing her after work.”
“TONIGHT?!” Dustin jeers in a high-pitched voice that makes his voice box squeal in delight. “Dude, how many times have I told you. She feels the same.”
“You think?” Steve quizzes, passing the conversation back to Dustin. 
“Hell yeah.” Dustin smirks, showing Steve all his ‘pearls’ as Dustin likes to say. “Offering to see you after a shift at the diner?” He tilts his head and brings his eyes down playfully. “Must be love.” His voice exudes sickly sweet confidence and Steve backs out the car park, turning up his radio and rolling the windows down, despite the chill. He drives back happily and hasn’t once tried to deny Dustin’s final remark. 
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mrfellsans · 9 months
☆Welcome to this goofy ahh blog☆
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Here is some info bout this blog :3
Welcome to..
Anywho old stuff:
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And here is the thing for ask!
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You may ask anything. As long as it doesn't include weird things like nsfw for example, trying to keep things sfw course.
In this ask you may ask:
MrFell sans
(Other undertale characters of you want.)
Pizza tower ask!
CC Peppino
TH peppino
PB peppino and friends
(And overall anybody relating to the tablewarehighrise series)
Smg8 au ask!
Smg8 and any other character lol
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No anon hate, no hate overall, don't be mean to others.. Basic dni, no racist, transphohia, paedophilia, homophobia and overall just nothing in the lines of those. If you don't like my content don't waste your time hating, just scroll.
Also the creator of this blog is a minor pls be aware of that plus the creator is transmasc, pls use he/him pronouns :3
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Anywho- there might be a lot of cursing cuz I'm an idiot and if I ever touch up on dark topics I will be putting warnings
I don't post NSFW this is a full SFW account, I'm just a silly guy that's gonna post some art lol maybe some like mildly suggestive? I don't rlly post stuff like that often but really nothing too bad!!!
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I hope we can rebuild my account back, I had a great time with you guys on my other account so.. I hope I can have as much fun here as I had there. I love you guys. And if you could help spread this so people could bee aware that would help me a lot <3
Edit: (Thank you guys am for 200+ followers I love you all sm❤❤)
People that my forgetful brain can remember to tag: @yago-undertale @godofautism @pinecone-anon @petal-anon-draws @ink-the-axolotl-rabbit @cutechan555 @the-little-knight @r3set-does-aus @clethythecat @fluffygiraffe @moonflower-pies @excited-anon-acount @ask-crow-aus @freshsans-canonbf uhhh remind me of more
Other socials that I don't use as much
Twitter: @/ThatIdiot_rat or The rat🐀
Tiktok: @/mr.scribbleman or 👹I'm coming for your toes👹 (don't ask)
Instagram: imthebiggestlosernow/✩Mr.Sillybilly✩
Art trades: Currently closed (pls don't push me into doing one)
Commissions: would do that but have absolutely no idea how to work it
Art requests: It takes a while for me to do art for stuff in my inbox sry-
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My normal Sona and smg4 sona
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marsmarbles · 8 months
If you have the time, could you maybe do a scene with bigb teaching grian how to bake his famous cookies? Or maybe something a bit more angsty, like one of them getting to the other only to find their leftover items? Or whatever you want honestly! Thx for the secret soulmates food! :p
I had an idea for this request but it would be too much to draw so I’m actually gonna try and do some writing instead. Sorry for those who don’t like reading. It’s kinda long.
Golden Light to Silver Shadows
Grian nervously stood before the Food Crew’s bakery entrance, clamping his sweaty hands on a present he had spent all day preparing for BigB. Turning the knob of the door and pushing it open activated an alarm system set up by Fwhip. A bell rang and a few note blocks could be heard. It was a charming little jingle to welcome customers. The bakery was cozy with cherry plank walls and coffee colored spruce floors. A few circle tables were sprinkled in the center of the room with booths lining the walls. Lanterns, succulents, and baskets of flowery bushes hung from the ceiling. BigB was sat behind the counter. He was examining the creases in the floorboards with his head resting on his hand. He had been daydreaming. BigB loved his bakery, but it was admittedly boring to wait for customers. The door jingle alerted him to Grian’s presence.
“Grian!” BigB lit up in excitement, his antennae wiggled with joy. The genuine excitement to see Grian was more than enough to make Grian’s face flush. “Hey, BigB. I uhhh… made something for you.”
Grian slid a bag of cookies across the counter with shaky hands. They were neatly wrapped in a shimmery clear bag, tightly fastened with a blue ribbon with gold accents. “This was my first time ever making cookies, so sorry if they’re bad. Maybe you can show me your secret recipe,” Grian laughed nervously.
BigB gleefully loosened the blue ribbon holding the bag shut, took a cookie, and ate it whole. It was crunchy and thin and….hollow(?)…they weren’t bad by any means. For Grian’s first time, BigB appreciated the love and effort he put in. He had waited all day for someone to show up to the bakery. And the fact that it was Grian made it even better. He didn’t want him to leave just yet.
“How about we make some cookies together! The cocoa beans should be ready in the greenhouse,” BigB suggested, gesturing to the entrance to the greenhouse just behind him.
“I’d love to!” Grian quickly replied. The word ‘together’ was enough.
After BigB stashed away the cookies for later in the top cabinet, he and Grian made their way to the back door to the greenhouse. Grian had to do an awkward shuffle around the counter to keep up. The greenhouse was gorgeous. Golden light shone through the semi transparent overhang and broke through the flowers and leaves. Parrots chirped and bees buzzed. Luscious plants swayed in the gentle breeze. Glow berry vines slung from the ceiling as axolotls and frogs popped out from the ponds, curious of the new visitor. Grian stared in awe. This was more of a massive nature preserve than any greenhouse he’s ever been in.
“Grian?” BigB broke Grian out of his trance. “The cocoa bean farm is over here.”
“Uh right,” Grian said, adjusting his glasses and wiping his mouth and chin with his coat sleeve (just to make sure he didn’t drool while distracted).
BigB led him to a cluster of jungle trees. They reached high, popping out the top of through the ceiling. Podzol and bamboo were dotted around in clumps. Just past the cocoa bean farm was the end of the greenhouse. Through the transparent walls could be a seen an expansive jungle forest, stretching well beyond the world borders. BigB pulled off a ready cocoa bean plant and inspected it for abnormalities. After checking that it was good, he held it out for Grian. “Why don’t you try to break this one open?”
“Uhh I dunno,” Grian held his hands up, unsure.
In that moment, Grian took a pause. Actually, the whole world felt in slow motion. Something unseen had disturbed the peace. His Watcher senses were tingling, so to speak. Something was about to happen….. Suddenly, as the world picked back up in speed, BigB’s calming smile was shot down with an excruciating pain all throughout his body; every muscle, every ligament, every organ, each and every follicle of hair. The cocoa bean plant dropped and exploded on impact with the earth. A jolt went up his spine and his legs went out on him. He tumbled to the ground. He had no process time to scream or cry out in pain. He just fell.
“BIGB!!!!” Grian shrieked, dropping to his knees to assist him just as fast as BigB fell. “B-BIGB WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OKAY??”
“I-I…I think I’m going…J-Jimmy…he-”BigB managed to get out with a weak shaky breath.
“BigB! BigB! Please I need you to stay with me BigB,” Grian frantically cradled BigB in his arms. He could feel tears welling up in his eyes. He checked chat…
…Jimmy had fallen to his death…
Oh, fucking of course, Grian thought. Grian hadn’t considered Jimmy being in control of BigB’s lives, but with that confirmation he’d might as well think of this as his final moments with his secret soulmate.
“Grian….” BigB mustered the strength to caress Grian’s cheek and wipe away a tear. “…it’s ok….i’ll be right back….it’s just one life….”
“BigB….” Grian quietly whined, taking BigB’s hand, keeping it held to his cheek. He felt it go cold and his arm become heavy. Grian saw the last of the light in BigB’s dark eyes fade as his body became limp. Grian pulled his lifeless corpse into one final hug. And as BigB dissipated into smoke and billowed away…..Grian was left alone.
All the light and magic that the greenhouse had greeted him with was gone. The birds went silent, the bees hid back into their hives. The trees and flowers went grey and the golden light became silver shadows. Silently, Grian collected BigB’s fallen items, keeping his head down to hide his tearful look. And as he slowly closed the chest he stored BigB’s items in, he heard voices in the distance. It was a collection of people, most notably Scott, Martyn, Fwhip, and Joel, with a tomato faced Jimmy stomping ahead of them.
“Jimmy!!! We’re sorry!! We didn’t think you’d miss the water!” Scott cackled as he tried to explain himself to Jimmy.
“It was bad maths!! Bad maths!!” Martyn pleaded with a giggle.
“We didn’t think you’d die!!” Scott added, trying to breathe through his laughter.
Jimmy stormed into the bakery, and as he slammed the door, Fwhip’s voice was cut off; “but it was just a prank-“
Grian could here Jimmy stomp about in the bakery. He must’ve been looking for BigB. Jimmy ran out into the greenhouse and froze to find Grian and the aftermath of the incident. Grian stood there with a clenched fist and a chest by his feet. He gave Jimmy a stone cold glare with his dark eyes. Jimmy flinched at the sight of his expression.
“I put BigB’s stuff in this chest,” Grian said almost robotically, pointing to the box.
Jimmy desperately wanted to apologize, but Grian looked like he would accept nothing; not even a notch apple. Grian stiffly walked past him.
“I’m sorry….about BigB…” Jimmy made an attempt at an apology, hoping that Grian could find it in him somewhere to forgive him. Grian paused.
“It wasn’t your fault, Tim….” Grian said without turning back to him. “It was their’s….”
Grian continued walking, leaving Jimmy to wallow. He made his way to the bakery and took a seat at one of the circle tables. The room felt cold and desolate compared to before. Like it was a completely different place that the greenhouse had spat him back out into. He shuffled his chair forward and laid his head down, waiting for BigB’s return.
I actually had a lot of fun writing this, even though I wouldn’t consider myself a very skilled writer(and there’s most definitely a lot of mistakes I made lol). I felt like it was easier to depict a full scene compared to a comic(which would’ve probably taken me weeks). So I’ll do more writing like this in the future.
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kunekojo · 1 year
Would they fall in love at first sight or would it be slow burn and why and how do they confess if the reader is oblivious for szayel, mayuri and adult uryu ? Fluff plz
Also thx for the follow 🥺
You’re welcome!!! I need to make more bleach moots 🥹🥹🥹 thank you so much for being my first request btw, this means a whole lot to me! I hope you enjoy this!!!
Love at first sight/slow burn with Szayel, Mayuri and Uryu(adult)
Mayuri Kurotsuchi
With him, it’s pure slow burn.
At first, he’ll treat you just like he treats everyone else, but right when you indicate the tiniest bit of curiosity in his projects, he’ll be overjoyed.
His experiments are his pride and it’s pretty rare for any of the soul reapers to show the slightest bit of interest in them. Yet when you do, he’ll take you and show you absolutely everything while stating the smallest details, convinced you won’t last for too long. His intellect isn’t for everyone and it’s not his problem.
But the problem is, you don’t leave. A little unexpected but he’s sure you’ll leave, eventually.
But again, you don’t. You find everything about his experiments so fascinating that you just hang around because you genuinely enjoy it. You find him impressive enough that you can’t quit witnessing his psyche.
You’re not a scientist yourself but learning about these things takes a hold of you so much that you find yourself together in his lab with him oftentimes.
And believe me, you end up spending a looot of time with him. So much that everyone is kind of worried but that's not an issue.
The more time you spend with him, the more you begin developing ideas and you're not ashamed to spill your mind. Of course, he might be a bit cruel while correcting you but hey, this is his style, right? You can't be right about everything, but he's kind of encouraging you in a weird way to keep at it.
Still, he finds it a little fascinating how you hang around him, indulging yourself in his domain. After all, his mind is so vast, how can people not do that?
Little by little, you take after him and it impresses him greatly, so much that he's kind of developing a little something something for you but he can't exactly grasp what, hell he just thinks you've specialized yourself. Maybe it’s just mutual respect with how much you've evolved but oh boy, it's so much greater than that.
First, You'll notice he's actually letting you take part in his research as he does his lil mad scientist thing but hey, perhaps this means you’re finally able to attend to these, so good job.
Second, he'll tend to care about your well-being in battles. Thing he normally doesn't mind. As a soul reaper, you must give your all, even if it means your life, but he makes a little exception with you.
He can't explain to himself why and will try to find logical reasons for this odd behavior he's undergoing. But the more time you spend with him, it intensifies, sending him to spiral over this nonsense.
Then at some point, he needs someone as a test subject and while you offer yourself, he denies it, giving a rather weird explanation that rather makes sense but doesn't. You don't pay much attention to it because duh, you understand he knows better, you won't just question his decision despite not entirely agreeing to it, but the problem is he questions it himself
For some time the odd change he's sensing goes away, but everything shifts when you bring something for him on his birthday and he doesn't reject it. He might in fact look at it frequently. Why would he even accept something like this? Something, this insignificant. It's so frustrating, but he's got to search for an answer on his own.
This thing eats at him so much that he goes all the way to make throughout tests on himself and see wherever there's an after-effect to his experiments but it's not. The chemicals in his brain incline towards the possibility of behavior so much greater than plain respect, a little investment in you.
Simply put, he likes you a little but will run a few more tests to make sure, and they all come positive, again. He can't deny his own results at this point, but he has to accept whatever this is and work with it
Some more time later after (after days of analyzing), there's improvement on his side (he's accepted)
But you fall victim to a virus during battle and he does his utmost to generate an antidote for you and it drives him crazy when he almost loses which is unacceptable. It's the sudden fear of loss that astonished him, he's never felt that before but it’s a huge game changer between you two
This event makes him consider experimenting on you just so there wouldn't be any more chances of you dying on him
Afterward, once you're refreshed and up, you decide to thank him for saving your life and he makes an odd comment, something along the line “you better stay by my side for the rest of your time.” which you can't get at first but with time, it makes sense
Uryu Ishida (adult)
Uryu’s on the spectrum of love at first sight instead but with a tiny bit of slow burn
He generally protects and saves other women but when he meets you as you're proving you’re able to do that on your own. he acknowledges it. He can’t lie to himself and not agree he’s a little intrigued by it, but will still tend to overprotect you out of instinct
Your whole personality snatches his attention and he can't help but think about you a little, especially with how nice you are so expect him to not take his eyes off you when you seem to be in troubke
You find his carefulness precious but will constantly remind him it's not like you're helpless, but you do appreciate his care and it's what draws you to spend time with him
Despite his quietness, he's really enjoyable to hang around and you both do find a few things to talk about and they do expand quicker than he anticipated
There's just something about your being that draws him to you so much that he can't really imagine not having you around but he rejects the idea of this possibility
Then you praise him for something he did for you and it's done
Face flushed, he won't be able to take you off his mind and the first rational explanation to this oddness is that... He might have a crush on you?? If this is how crushes work.
He denies it but does take it into consideration. Everyone goes through this kind of feeling but isn't it a little different??
He has to go to Orihime and inquire about this, behavior just to confirm his hypothesis and it does
He doesn't know how to handle the news and it's somehow harder to be around you with these newfound feelings but you somehow manage to soothe him which is incredible
But he won’t just plainly state his feelings, especially that he’s not aware if you share them too. It wouldn’t even be proper to address this issue of his since you don’t seem to have some feelings as well
But god it eats at him so much that you start noticing it a little and he panics momentarily while trying to act cool about it
Still, it worries you so much that you’re sure he’s going through a bad period and you must be there for him, to listen to him, completely oblivious that this is only happening when you’re around
Maybe he trusts you enough to show his true colors in front of you!
The more time passes, the more he can't hold it inside anymore, and out of the blue, he requests you two have a talk about an important matter
You're worried sick about it and accept his invitation but when he can hardly find his words, you stare at him confused, urging him to tell you what's troubling so you could help him
“What?? No, nothing’s going on in my family, it's just that-” “just what? Please Uryu, tell me, don't bottle up your emotions. I'm here to listen. There's no shame in having family problems” “No it's not that.” “Are you sure?”
Your hand placed on his shoulders is what pushes him to the last straw
“There’s nothing wrong about my family.” “Then about who?” “You. I like you”
His words stun you but he's quick to explain his love feelings, confessing he had kind of fallen for you from the start
Another pure slow burn similar in some ways to Mayuri
It all begins when you’re placed to work under him by Aizen himself. When you two first meet, he's not phased by your presence but takes it as it is, especially since Aizen pointed out that the choice of putting you alongside him isn't baseless
He's rather curious why though, a little convinced there might be a faulty reason to it but for that confirmation, he must put you through all sorts of trials
Yet when you pass these little mind tricks, he doesn't deny it. So you're worthy enough to witness his absolute genius
You catch up with his ideas pretty quickly which is intriguing. Your drive to help him achieve whatever’s on his mind is of great benefit to him and he does take advantage of it
Truthfully, as long as you're useful you're good to hold around.
You two spend quite a lot of time together and you get to see parts of him Aizen has never told you about, so your intrigue makes you show more of you as well
He might not make it seem like he cares but he does keep in mind everything, just chooses not to give further thought to it for now
All that time also comes with different experiments which start mild and are easy to handle but the more he increases them, you start showing signs of difficulties but your urge to keep them going amazes him
So you're not perfect after all, then he should make you perfect. He deemed you worthy in the beginning, so he must keep you that way to the end. You don't even protest and he welcomes your reply
There's something odd about the way you let him do anything for the sake of research. It's not like you do it as a mindless puppet, but as someone who understands his means to some extent
It draws him closer to you but again, he does not give much thought to it
Then at some point, one of his experiments goes bad and puts you in a sort of critical condition and he does everything to undo it
Why would he even do that? It's simple, he needs you and your psyche, he can't afford to lose such a significant piece, one who listens to every command
Also maybe he's grown attached to you and the realization itches deep inside his mind until it's knocking at the door
He enjoys the way you go to the extent of putting yourself in danger but it's not like he’ll allow that to happen. He needs you healthy and well, and not only for his experiments
Your input is always spot on so he praises you when you come up with ideas to boost his brainstorming and that means a lot to him
You're in fact an important piece in his eyes and he'll do everything to ensure your growth and your safety
You also begin showing him equal signs of attachment and care for him, which he can hardly digest because of the suddenness
But he can't deny his growing feelings of comfort and deep trust around you, practically giving a hint of a feeling much more evolved than previously
It's when you manage to do an experiment of yours without his help that he places the palm of his hand on your head, as his soft-spoken words seize your focus
“I love the way you've evolved, and I wish to see your astounding skills bloom so much further.”
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yawn-junn · 1 year
helloo it's the minjae anon again!
I looked ur prompt list and I wanted to ask a imagine with the 4th prompt w buzz love-&tem plss
hope ur doing great and thx in advance
♡︎The Buzzing Sound - Minjae♡︎
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A/n: hello anon! Thank you for requesting <3 I also hope your doing great and your oh so very welcome please do enjoy if you have any more requests you can always come and ask my inbox is always open
Member: Minjae x Reader
Date: 7-28-23
Words: 1002
Genre: Fluff, Childhood Friends To Lovers, song Fic
TW: cursing : secrecy : teasing : mentions of Food : Mentions of Soda :
Prompts: "Your So Stupid" & "Buzz Love - &Team"
Summery: You and Minjae have been friends since birth you've stuck with him threw thick and thin every heartbreak, new relationships, puberty and he's stuck with you unbeknownst to both of your feelings towards one another
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Every Friday you and Minjae have a dedicated Movie Night each month a different genre of movies an idea Minjae came up with but tonight however Minjae was acting a little off towards you hiding his phone even went as far as to change his pincode so you can't get in. He'd even take off into the bathroom for 30 minutes or longer talking on the phone with someone but whispering quiet enough so you can't hear him
("Yesterday and today are also normal days"
昨日と今日も普通の days
Just you and me, just you and me
"But I'm more worried than yesterday"
Minjae left the bathroom coming out looking a lot less stress and set his phone back into the phone cage "do you have a girlfriend or something?" You asked giggling as you took the popcorn out the microwave your question caught Minjae off guard as his head whipped towards you catching his reaction out the corner of your eye
Made you double over in laughter "holy fuck you do!" You spoke threw your laughter at this point Minjae was so panicked "nononono its nothing like that trust me I'd let you know the moment I'm talking in that way with her!!" He said waving his hands in the air "oh my gosh calm down Minjae it's ok it's not a big deal" you said finally calming down from your laughing fit
Minjae twisted his head to the right side in confusion "what" you said "Minjae? You never call me Minjae....did I do something?" He asked more panic setting in "not really, why guilty conscience?" You said teasing him farther "wh-what-" he stuttered causing you to giggle
"calm yourself Jae whatever is going on with you, you don't have to tell me. I don't have to know every little thing going on in your life" you said making your way over to the couch with your bowl of popcorn
("Even if it's like a popcorn"
It's like a popcorn 蓋しても
"It's overflowing, so what should I do now?"
"Only these feelings are blooming my heart is in the air"
この感情だけ咲いてる my heart is in the air)
Soon enough Minjae caught up with two bottles of Soda in his hands once he sat down you pressed play on the movie and set the bowl between you two after awhile of you and Minjae laughing at the bad acting he suddenly got quiet again but this time he paused the movie and moved the popcorn off the couch and turned to face you seeing Minjae has turned towards you, you turned towards him
("Only these feelings are blooming my heart is in the air"
この感情だけ咲いてる my heart is in the air
"Before you know it, your eyes will follow you everywhere"
気づけば目で追う everywhere
I'm thinking about you)
"Y/n" he said as he looked in your eyes you started to feel nervous, Seeing how nervous you are Minjae took your hands in his and held them between you two "I wanna tell you something but I'm afraid it will ruin our friendship" he said quietly "I assure you it won't, it's ok you can tell me" you said the nervousness still there as you rubbed the back of his hands with your thumbs
"I-" Minjae started and suddenly got quiet he sighed and looked at the ground before looking back up at you instead of speaking Minjae showed you what he ment by kissing you your eyes grew wide before closing as you melted into the kiss after what felt like an eternity you two pulled away with a small "smooch" sound that echoed like a pen drop in silence
("in my eyes you"
僕の目には you
"only you shine"
La-la-la-la, la-la-la, buzz love
La-la-la-la, la-la-la, buzz love)
While you were catching your breath you suddenly felt Minjaes lips on yours again this time more desperate losing your breath even more Wich you didn't know was possible you pulled back and pushed Minjae back a little "y/n....I like you" he said a shy smile on his face "I think I already got that Minjae" you faked a disappointed face and touched his shoulder
He rolled his eyes before shrugging your hand off and looked at you waiting for a real answer "I like you too Minjae" you said before kissing his nose his smile grew wide as he jumped on you hugging you by your waist "will you be my s/o?" Minjae asked as he looked at you "your so stupid..." You told him his eyes widened with sadness and heartbreak "wha-" you cut him off by kissing him after pulling away
You nodded your head with a smile on your face your answer only made Minjae happier as he hugged you tighter and hid his face into your neck the rest of the night you and Minjae spent cuddling into one another watching shitty movies and making fun of the acting
(won't stop ringing
Buzz love for you
La-la-la-la, la-la-la, buzz love
La-la-la-la, la-la-la, buzz love
La-la-la-la, la-la-la
won't stop ringing
Buzz love for you)
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zylophie · 11 months
HELLO!! my birthday is coming on halloween :3 so i would like to request n25 having a halloween party with reader! or idk anything halloween themed is fine thx <3
Halloween Trip ☆
↳ N25(Together) celebrates Halloween together with you by hosting a haunted house.
♬ X/ModNene is typing...
↻Happy early/belated birthday anon ☆ Hope your birthday is going well ! I wasn't sure if you wanted to separate or put it together. If this wasn't to your liking, feel free to request again \(≧∇≦)
𝅘𝅥𝅮 If you would like to request click here and read the writing rules for all the writers ! ☆
■ Contents: Fluff
► ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : N25
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N25 were doing their usual daily things in order to make more songs to save people. Until K stumbles a song she had saved the title as "[name] birthday present" which she then realised was in a weeks time. Slowly streamlined of events unfold.
Nightcord at 25:00
Amia: Yahoo! What are you guys going to do for [name]'s birthday?
Enanan: I haven't gotten a gift yet. It's quite hard to find something that's presentable.
Amia: Just say you're indecisive..
Enanan: Hey! You're indecisive too
K: Ah.. I've composed a song for them as a gift. I hope they'll like it.
Yuki: Couldn't we just say happy birthday?
Amia: Not this time Yuki!
Amia: I've got an idea of how we can celebrate it fufufu~ Since it is Halloween soon..
Enanan: No.
Amia: Hey! Why?! I haven't even started telling you my plans?!
Enanan: I don't like your ideas.
Amia: Ouch!! Yuki, K, Enanan is such a bully!!
K: Enanan, how about we hear her out first.
Enanan: I refuse, she is probably going to take us somewhere scary first!!
Amia: Ena you suck at guessing.
Enanan: Huh? We aren't going somewhere scary? Also I do not suck at guessing! You always have tricks up your sleeves.
Amia: That's so mean of you to think that someone as cute and adorable as me would do something like that!
K: So where are we taking out [name] on their birthday?
Amia: Let's make a haunted house!
Enanan: ..Eh?
You were now standing outside Kanade's apartment however it seemed a bit different. The door was unlocked and it was incredibly dark with only a few candles that dimly lit the halls.
'Did a hurricane hit Kanade's house..?' You thought as you could see fallen debris everywhere as well as broken furnitures. It has the atmosphere of a haunted house. Perhaps this was what Mizuki had wanted you to see?
"Ya-hello~? Is anyone home?" You yelled in the house, there didn't feel like there was any life in it. You walked into the apartment cautiously.
"EEK WHAT WAS THAT?!" You cried out, slowly embracing yourself to look down. Only to found out that you've stepped on a piece of paper on the ground.
"Oh.. Hahaha, silly me, it's just a piece of paper." As you bent down to reach it. 'Welcome dear guest.. Once you read this, your fate has been sealed! Only way to get out is to continue forward.' And just like that you heard the door behind you shut close with a slam.
"AH-hahaha.. What a nice joke.." You turn around to try to open the door. However..
*Cluck cluck.. CLUCK CLUCK CLUCK*
It was completely shut and wouldn't open. However the shut door had a red writing that kind of looks like blood.
Have fun with this little haunted house activity we put together for you~
Come and find us! There will be a great surprise at the end if you do 𝅘𝅥𝅮
- Mizuki :P"
Oh.. So it is a haunted house after all. You heaved a sigh of relief glad that Kanade is fine and that the girls had come together to make this for you. You had always liked haunted houses however you were scared of them. It was both terrifying and fun at the same time, you would always go with Mizuki as they were the most enthusiastic to come.
You then proceeded to turn around to continue the haunted house activity moving ever so cautiously to not get scared, when suddenly the place was filled with mist and an eerie music started playing.
"Creepy atmosphere? You must do better than that to scare me." You thought.
- only to jinx yourself as suddenly a hand came out of nowhere out of a painting and tried to grab you. "EEK?!" you immediately jolted away on reflex.
The hand immediately withdraw and what now lies in the painting was a black figure with long hair. "The pain.." The painting softly said.
You recall the horror story the Mizuki told you about and jolted out of the hallway as fast as your legs could take you.
"Wait. It was just a painting. Surely paintings can't chase me.." You look behind you and nothing was there. "Urghh! I spent my energy on nothing." Although now you were in the room full of dolls with eerie red lightings.
As you take a bit of a look around the room. You found many artworks in red, they all look quite terrifying but you could clearly tell the Artstyle was from Ena which made it less terrifying.
"The artstyle is really nice, however Ena draws too well to make this scary.."
"Tha- I mean, look guys! A human, we c-could totally use more blood for these paintings!" You heard a voice behind you. Suddenly you can see multiple dolls slowly standing up from their sitting positions to come after you.
Although you weren't really scared since Ena's artworks seem to calm you down as you know you aren't alone and that this room was Ena's part of the haunted house.
"Hey! Why aren't you scared?! I-I mean we are going to harvest your blood you know?!"
"..Ena I know you're behind the voices of the dolls."
"...How did you know?! I thought I didn't mess-"
"Your artworks were really good to give me a sense of fear, probably because I know its your artstyle which gave me the comfort that you're here with me!"
You took this as an opportunity to dash out the room while Ena was stump at the sudden compliment that she forgot about the part about chasing after you.
"Phew~! That was a bit close. I definitely don't want to be chased by dolls." You were slowly making to the end of the haunted house as there was a light emitting out below of a close door, where you assume was where the surprise was.
Without hesitating, you immediately started sprinting to the end. As you were about to reach it..
"Boo" something walked out of another room and scared you.
"AH! PLEASE DON'T EAT ME-" You fell down shutting your eyes and used your hands to block whatever was in front of you.
You slowly opened your eyes to see a familiar purple haired girl standing in front of you.
"Oh.. Ahaha, it's just you Mafuyu, I t-totally knew it"
"Didn't you just screamed 'don't eat me'-"
"I-Ignore that!! The tiny details don't matter!"
"The tiny detail was you screaming though.."
"Hey! That was a half-ass jumpscare! How did you get more scared of that than my part?!" You looked behind you to see Ena coming out of her room, obviously a bit mad.
"I was only told to jumpscare.."
"Still you could've done a little better?!"
"Ahaha.. Now now, don't fight you two, it's [name]'s birthday."
You turned to see the door in front of you which was emitting light open with a side pony-tailed girl behind it.
"Congrats [name]! You made it, I totally enjoyed your screams~𝅘𝅥𝅮"
"Yeah, congrats [name]" as the last member of N25 came out of the lighted room to congratulate you.
"Mizuki! You're so mean! However this experience was really fun. I really enjoyed it a lot" You praised them for making this for you, after all they all poured their efforts into this.
After this. N25 hosted a birthday party as your gift for going through the haunted house. This was the best birthday you could've ever asked for and won't be forgetting in a long time.
"The haunted house was so amazing the decorations and props made it feel so surreal~!" You chirped happily, thankful that your friend made a full haunted house activity for you.
"Aha, the props was thanks to an old friend of mine, he made the dolls and we could control it. But apparently Ena is so terrible at scaring you, we didn't manage to get that to work."
"Oi! How would I know my art would comfort them?!"
"Mhm.. Can I take off this costume and makeup then.."
"Oh right, I'll help with that Mafuyu, after all I was the one who did it."
You took a closer look at Mafuyu and the makeup looks really well made and terrifying. Mizuki's skills of dressing her up has surprised you.
"Ah right I still have to wash my arm.. Is it okay Ena?"
"Hm, oh yeah, the makeup I used is fairly easy to get off. Just wash it off with water."
"Eh?? You all split up the work and cooperate that well to make this whole thing?! I mean.. Everyone worked well except for Ena" you teased a little
"What's that suppose to mean?!"
"That no means you suck!"
Mizuki yelled from the room.
"So loud.."
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“Glad you’re here”
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Summery: Kevin needs some comfort one day and you reassure him. a long chat right next to you is just what he knows he needed. thats great, but somehow it leads to him in your bed and your mouth on his. you know... cause you know... you really wanna make sure he knows his worth and how much you love every part of him. oops I guess approximately a 40 min read
a/n: idk what this is man. Tumblr wouldn't let me post a longer than like two sentence post and so it's a little late. I had a dream about something like this happening like months back and now it's finally come to life! or.... not really to life but life enough lol I told one of my moots on here about the dream and she said "that's perfect fic inspo" so here we are. at this point I can't remember if the smut part was in my dream but oh well I aint complaining. I don't know if this is any good cause I haven't written smut in a minute but pleas enjoy and let me know if y'all have any hard thots or future fic suggestions. (it was so exiting when I got my first request you have no idea I felt like real writer who people actually enjoy content from and not much could top that feeling ya know) I probably won't get to them for a month lmao but still id love to hear them!
warnings/info: cursing, Kevin had a bad week, comfort, reader and Kevin’s type of relationship is never specified in this fic if that’s makes sense, kissing, smut, low key body worship, like a little bit toward Kevin from reader, oral sex (reader receiving), also Kevin fingers reader, reader is afab when it comes to smut but is gn otherwise, mentions of having to go get a condom but no sex is described, think that’s it! misspelled words and incoherentness im sure, ill fix them soon, Pls lemme know if there’s anything these
~this is simply a piece of fiction. my imagination onto "paper." this is in no way meant to be taken as an actual and real representation of anyone.~
a familiar knock on your door brings you out of the daze you once were in. For once you weren’t doing anything. Comfort flowing through your veins as you relaxed. You weren’t expecting anyone…. You glance at your phone to see Kevin’s profile picture pop up. A candid photo you took of him while he was laughing at something or the other on a Ferris wheel when you two were just friends. The message simply said “hey it’s me” weirdly dry and weirdly simple coming from him. but your heart still leaped for joy out of you chest when you read it. Somehow more peacefulness coming over you as you walked to let him in, though you were scared something was wrong.
you swing open the front door, still halfway looking at your phone. I mean, if you had a cute picture of him that was at your disposal at all times in your phone, you'd be looking at it still too. it was one of those pictures were only you could see. something for your eyes only... that sentiment seemed to be a running theme in your relationship. not that you minded, though. you welcomed it. relished in the feeling of being so damn close to him.
you don't even get to let out a word before his arms are around you, his head is in your stomach, and his heavy breath his flattening out your shirts wrinkles. he's on his knees as first but when he gets up you stumble backward further into your place, shutting the door with your foot. he steps back, half to regain his composer he lost the second he saw you worried about him, and half because he realized he was probably too forward. he kicks off his shoes and before you know it you can hear little quiet sniffs coming from the man.
"you good?" you ask, even though you knew that he wasn't.
he peels his face off your shirt as you tuck your phone into your back pocket so as to not have any distractions. you wanted, no needed to be fully there right now. completely zeroed in on him and whatever he needed. In a flash it was like a full 360 realization came onto Kevin. In a flash he's pulling away from you and trying to compose himself. "God, im sorry. I-I didn't mean for my visit to turn out like this." he just wanted to see your face, talk a little bit, not to break down the second he saw you. His eyes dart around as he plays with his own fingers.
You take his hand, guiding him to sit down where you previously were. and god does he really want to scoot himself as close as physically possible to you. but he doesn't want to come off too strong, or like he was needy or anything. but now he's sitting here in arms reach of you and he's nearly screaming inside for you to pull him closer. "Don't be sorry. I’m glad you’re here.” you tell him, softly but firmly. it was more than that thought, and he took the opportunity you'd given him to tell you why he was upset. "I dunno, it wasn't one big thing or anything. but sometimes... sometimes I feel like im too much, you know? or that im not doing enough all at once. But hat probably doesn't make any sense though. kinda stupid, right?" your eyebrows creased together like you were asking what the hell he meant.
Over the course of the better part of an hour he tried so so so damn hard to explain to you what he was feeling and why he thought his entire body felt like it was aching because of it. You listened for a while until you got up to bring the both of you a snack cause he looked a little hungry. he wanted to stay close to you, though, so he followed you to where you kept your snacks and back. and though he was siglent on your short walk, you could almost feel the heaviness that was within him. it seemed to seep through his pores and straight into the air. but you still listened to him, trying to put in what you thought when he needed it.
through broken sobs and quivering lips he had to bite to stop from betraying himself and what he was feeling, he stoped abruptly. "...Like right now." he said simply. "What do you mean?" You prompted. "Are you..." he needed to collect his thoughts and pick himself up, now. "Are you embarrassed of me?" You crained your neck forward, as if you somehow hadn't heard him properly and your ears had tricked you into thinking he had said what you thought he had. "um excuse me? yeah, im gonna need an explanation." you chuckled. and he couldn't help but smile along with your slight laughter. it was infectious. he didn't know why but it seemed like whatever you where feeling he started to as well.
"So far you've spent at least thirty minutes here with men trying to help me." you said. but you still weren't understanding. that was just something you'd do for him. as he'd readily do for you. it came as sedan nature to the both of you and you liked it that way. how you both were so close that either of you could just drop whatever you were doing and help the other. "Does that not seem bad to you?" you simply shook her head. "I had a dream that you were embarrassed of me and how...." he searched for the right words, "you know, needy I can get. And I know it was just s stupid dream, ok? But then I actually started thinking about it." scenes flashed through his mind, burried deep into his heart of all the times you've cared for him. whenever he's feeling insecure and he either came to you about it, or you noticed it, you helped him out of his rut. All the times he's felt sick you've rubbed his back and brought him a cold compress and Vix vapor rub. and sure, he's done these things for you as well... but right now it seemed like he was all the work and you just had to pick up his pieces.
he hated the feeling of causing you so much trouble. and he knew what you would say, too. that "oh no you're not. you need to stop thinking that way about yourself." and he knew it did. he really did know that. but what he also knew was who it seemed like he was acting. no, how he was acting. he wasn't coming to you for every single little thing but sometimes it felt too close to it for his comfort. and not only thing, but, though he knows how you've told him a million times that he's welcome and encouraged to talk things out with you or even just ask for some comfort, he's also well aware how much he's been doing it this past month.
How was it not driving you nuts already? it was sure making him pace around his living room thinking and hoping that you weren't mad at him for it. And he had tried to hold out, ok? he really did today. But then he started thinking about how you probably felt a little suffocated by his latest actions and how it portably looked to outsiders and it made him get all up in his head and that made him only want to come over more. eventually, though, he broke and now here he was feeling bad about even being here.
"you look guilty." you note. "that's cause I am." he admitted, "im sorry that its probably a little weird me coming over like this. or at least me calling you for like an hour because of these things." he swallows thickly, looking at his swinging feet, unable to stop their moving by the floor. you were about to say something but he grasped your hand, blinking a few times and you know you should just let him talk for now. "Is this not embarrassing to you? like, when you talk to people how the hell do you even mention me doing this? I wouldn't blame you if you don't.... you just, seem so happy even when im acting like an actual wreck and y-youre not tired of it? or ashamed? or--" you pull him into your chest, leaning back and bit and letting him fall into a half laying down position, wanting him to be more relaxed.
"you do this for me too, you know?"
"Yeah, but im not the now showing up and the others door like a mess right now. making you take time out of--"
"yeah, but..." you trail off for a moment as he lifts his head up to look you in the eyes. His dark soft hair is sticking up, almost comically, from you pulling at his. more massaging his scalp than anything though, but by the way you gently tugged at his strands he seemed to melt into you easier. "that's what the both of us are here for, no?" you feel him nod into your chest and your small laughter from it causes a vibration to go through your upper chest where he lays his head and into it. you take a deep breath, spurring him to do the same. and for some reason, it really calmed him. air filling his lungs along with you, it felt-- at least to him, that it connected the two of you. releasing, but really it felt like releasing all the negitivity and heaviness that weighed him down. stuck to him like a sickness, and felt like a glue on his lungs that made it hard to breath.
but now, with a clearer head, he listened to you. listened when you said there was no place you'd rather be than with him right now. listened when you told him that no, he's not embarrassing just because he has feelings and lets them out. and he even listened when you told him you're proud of him for still coming to you to talk it out. you wiped the tears from his cheeks with your thumbs and ran your hands through his hair so much it stuck up almost like from electricity. and among talking about other things, the day grew along side the both of you and your chatting. eventually his mind was eased and now taken off of what was bothering him.
He wondered how you could even do that, as he lay practically on top of you, wanting to fuse your skin together if he could just to get impossibly closer.
He leans in to whisper in your ear, “please. I-I I really need you closer” you look down at your bodies practically fused together, him basically on top of you, chest to chest and his warm nose, reddening from crying pressed into the crook of your neck. Puffs of air from his heavy breaths tickle your skin and you can’t help but smile as you pull him closer. “We’re already so close, Kev” but really, you knew what he meant. You felt it, too. His hardening dick pressing against your thigh. You could tell he’s trying to be inconspicuous about it, scooting away but you just pull him closer, fingers slicking around his back, thumb padding against his spine.
but you can feel him shiver against you. and not in the typical "I feel so good im practicluy purring" type of way. "You cold?" You ask. Though you know he wasn’t. The sound of him moving further on top of you come to your ears before his voice does. “You made me feel so good.” His face presses further into you neck, pressing a kiss into your rapid pulse. “I wanna make you feel good too… that ok?” You didn’t even need think about it before you nod.
a second later you're in your bed and he's laying on top of you just like before.
He keeps kissing at your neck. the pecks getting longer and more sloppy as the hand ticks on the clock, the only other soul in the room with you. he pulls you up with him so he can circle his hands around your back as yours travel under his shirt, riding it up and feeling his bare skin like it was second nature to you, but exploring like it was new to you all the while. a small smile graced his face and pulls his lips upwards ad he closes his eyes and just feels. feels your fingers on him and relishes it. his lips detach from your neck when he feels you on his lower abdomen. god he really looses his focus too quickly.
But how could he not with you, you and all your splendid glory right in front of him, feeling him up and now slipping your hands underneath the waistband of his pants, making him see stars when you start rubbing his hip bones. it made him get all tangled up in the moment it doesn't even register how you start laying him down. and at this point he doesn't really care as you capture his lips in a searing kiss that leaves the both of you feeling woozy. "open your eyes." you purswade gently. he does so, only for him to tug at the hem of your shirt. "Please," he sounds way too whiney and out of breath for the little that you have done, but he can't help it, getting a little ovewelmed by the thought and look of you, "I need more." you sit up on him, legs swung over either side of him and already dripping heat right above his.
You toss your shirt to the side and within a millisecond he's pulling you back down to him, wanting and needing to feel you on him. your chest presses against his and even though you're still wearing a bra he feels like he's in heaven. and "more" is what you start to give him; kissing down his body and telling him everything you love about him. starting with his shoulders, "you carry so much weight, mediforecly but still. Iove that bout you; how you're so willing to help shoulder a burden." you look up at him for a second, taking a break from just mumbling against his skin, "It also helps how they're so nice looking too. Gorgeous." you move to his chest, "I love you chest, know why?" he shakes his head, "its where one of the few biggest hearts I know is kept." you kiss right by where his heart is, hearing it beat rapidly under his burning hot skin. you go a bit further down his torso to his lungs, "these help you take deep breaths to calm down. im happy when you're calm so I love them." his eyes squint in a smile form your words
but suddenly he realizes as you start to kiss your way further down that-- “This is supposed to be about me making you feel good.” He pulls you up to his lips into a searing kiss that your body can't help but freeze in place from. his hips snap up into yours and you let out a surprised groan from the feeling. the pants you were wearing were thin, but still too much of a barrier from him. he stays underneath you, but now he's a bit more in control, wanting to make you feel above and beyond the love and want and all around good feeling you made him have all up until a moment ago. he sits up and his hands brush up and down your bare back, landing at your hips and keeping them there.
he just wants more. more more more until the both of you bursts. his mouth moves against yours in a way that made you think he was a dream. he sensed it too. and he only wanted to build on that feeling. he moves down to your collarbone and he has to tare himself away so as to not leave a hicky. he has to suppress a loud moan when you start moving your hips on him, grinding on his dick. he grips your hips tighter, thumbs pressing into your sides and the both of you parting lips just for a minute to look deep into each others eyes. he's knows that stare on you, though. a look of longing he wants noting more than to satisfy.
His hand hand travels down your torso to palm your throbbing core needing attention. the heel of his palm rubbing at your clit while his lingers work on your interance. even through the clothes you can't help but sigh in pleasure from his actions. Eventually you just can't take it anymore and you start humping his hand, wanting to realize but also not wanting to peel yourself away for more than a moment to take off your bottoms. under you, Kevin, hard as ever now, let out a whine into your mouth at your lust for him. it seemed like you no only had one thing on your mind and he loved it, chased after that need you felt and tried to expound on it.
you break away from him a moment later though cause, fuck this really isn't getting me anywhere. And help him tug his shirt up and over his head he complies it in his hand and puts it to the side to be long forgotten as you link your hands behind his neck and lean back with him as he chases your lips. he smiles into the kiss and it makes you do the same; a quite moment that wasn't ruined by him gently pulling at the waist band of your bottoms in question and you nodding against him. "oh yes please," you breath out, almost relieved, "I have to have you. thought you'd never ask." your tilt your head back, though you're not quite sure what for until he plants another open mouthed kiss on your sweet spot and you feel like blushing and moaning at the same time.
"Me too," he admits In your ear almost as a whisper, a secret only the two of you were able to share. "I wan-- need you closer." his fingers dance down, down, down, until he finds the wet patch you've made on your underwear. God he fucking needs it on his face, tasting you, smelling you, feeling you around him. better yet, why not get it straight from the source? damn it now he needs you on his face too. all the while he's rubbing you just how he knows youll shiver with pleasure and writhe on top of him, you're eyes are closed. and now thinking of it... and wanting you to know about it, makes him get a little bit bolder. "eyes on me, darling," he mimicked what you had said to him earlier. except this one was less commanding. he starts rubbing faster on your clit, making you pull him closer.
he can't take it anymore; with his free hand he begins to palm himself over his pants "I need you to see how you make me feel." you open your eyes to see the erotic sight right in front of you. his head thrown back and stroking himself over his sweats. you can tell he doesn't know what to make or do with himself. and to be completely honestly neither do you. his tongue is poking out to wet his lips as a high pitched keen meets your ears.
He feels like he really does need to-- need to show you how hard you make him. how else is he supposed to help you to understand all that he wants you to right now? You scoot his hand out of the way and replace it with your own "do I get you like this?" he presses his lips together and nods, barely able to form words with your hand moving on him now. "mmhm only you." the confession made you smile but you weren't able to continue the moment when he shifts so that you drop your hand and lay down further. "remember? you." he chuckles. he returns his hands to your heat, you tugging down your bottoms in the process.
Now that he sees you clad in just your underwear and bra, he can't help but crawl back up to eye level and give a quick peck to your lips. it was too fucking sweet to describe. with a cute smile pulling at his lips, he backs up and his fingers return to pleasure you. your underwear was sticking to your pussy uncomfortably now, wet patch now more visible. and as much as he wanted to tease you more, he also knew what you needed. he rolls down your underwear just as he would any other time. that was one of the things you loved about him, you thought as he dips his fingers into your wetness, testing the waters. you didn't know he was going to come over, you deffintly didn't know that it was going to turn into this. it wasnt like you wore anything special and dressed up, but he still loved it all. noticed was amiss, noting changed.
that was one of the reasons why you didn't mind having to spend so much time comforting him. cause he does the same for you an no matter if you dressed up or not he still gave you what you needed, not just sexually but in general. so of course you'd treat him the same way.
You make a sound of pleasure and now he's hooked, chasing more form you. dropping his entire body down further, he comes face to face with your glistening cunt. the fact that he made you like this-- god can barely think because of it. he takes an experimental lick up your folds and holds his tongue at your clit, putting hot, wet, and steady pressure on it. the muscle moves a bit more, kitten licking at your hole, sucking at your clit, and doing all the things that makes you wanna combust.
his tongue goes in and out, poking inside your gummy walls. and he feels like he's in heaven with you right now. He can barely handle it as he feels you clench around noting and you whisper out his name over and over again, pulling at his hair, tighter than before, bringing him impossibly closer. he grasps your hips to pull your up and even closer. the new angle hitting just right you can't help my moan. "fuck-- I-- I need--" you don't even know what you need at this point you just want more of this, more of him. He's eating you like a starved man, already drunk on how you taste on his tongue, wanting more.
While his tongue works on in between your folds his nose is getting wet bumping at your clit. His hands on your hips makes it perfect to grind on his face. but he doesn't mind, invites it, actually. He just holds out his tongue and lets you grind your way dangerously close to your high. He starts to move along with you, matching your movements as his dick twitches in his pants. the added pressure is just what you needed to go over the edge. you start to slow your movements on him, him picking up the pace so to help you ride it out. his hips rock into the mattress, wanting and needing to feel more. you're sounds proving to be too much without himself feeling something. You're moaning and groaning and whining along with him against you as you feel pure euphoria rush through you like a wave of perfection.
You try to even out your breath as he rubs at your hip bones, sitting up to keep himself from grinding on the bed, he can already tell he's not gonna last long enough to have you later too. "You--" you don't even know what to say as he brings you up with him, you know sitting on his thigh and you don't know if you can take it anymore. neither can he, seeing you cum-- it took everything in him not to follow along with you. he can't help but thrust his hardness up, barely feeling you in the end but he needs something, anything. just the thought of himself feeling your slick on his cock. that's all he needs, really; your wetness on him. he just needs to feel it. so he keeps going, angling his thrusts towards your pussy. he fucks himself into you, needing to feel you on him.
he locks his lips on yours as you rut yourself on his thigh. your fingers that were in his hair unties his pants and inches them down enough so that he get thrust up, getting his tip wet through one less layer. The feeling makes him press his lips harder on yours. he whines into your mouth and you don think you've ever heard a sound prettier. his hands are griping your hips, traveling to your back to bring you closer. you're grinding on his thigh as he tries to grind onto yours, the slick that travailed down your thigh making it easy to slide, rubbing up and down, his mind blank.
he's almost looses sight again with his lips moving in sync with yours. He breaks the kiss to watch his own hand go down to capture your release on them, fucking it back into you when you urge him to hurry up. he curls his fingers right where you want him to, pumping them in and out at the same pace he was thrusting into your thigh. you had just came so the feeling was ten times stronger than before. He senses what you're feeling and pecks your lips one more time before driving his fingers back into your heat. "give me one more? please I know you can." he nearly pleads with you.
You hump his palm, chasing your own high. a slow and intimate grind but enough to get you what you want and need. he feels woozy because of the feeling of your cream lathering up his fingers and forming a ring around the base, now dripping onto his palm as he watches his fingers roll in and out. a moment later and you're releasing all over his hand, his whining while he humps your leg taking it to a whole new level as you moan out in pleasure. and now he's rubbing the slick you've given him back into your pussy
your lips are back on his in an instant, unable to stay away for long after the leg shaking orgasm he gave you. he looks down at his boner. not realizing he had cum along with your with his release making a wet patch all on the front of his boxers. "you're still hard?" you chuckle. "For you? always." he smiles, more of a smirk than anything, back at you. breathing heavy and labored and eyes squinted.
"Do you have a condom?" he asks, half actually asking and half wondering aloud if you wanted to go any further, "I don't think I can keep on seeing you look so perfect without doing anything about it any longer." he wonders if he's even making sense. but when you peck his lips and reach over to your nightstand. he freezes, but he's back to life in a second when you turn to him with one.
“aren’t you glad you’re here?” You laugh, “you get to share you feelings and we get to have each other.”
He’s sure the way you said it must be a joke I’m some way but yeah, he's really glad he came over.
please leave a comment or reblog if you enjoyed!!
taglist: @itz-yerin
©️2023copyrightofshutupheathersorryheatherr do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works even if you give me credit
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hitmanexchange · 10 months
Hi, I'm interested in the upcoming fic exchange and I was wondering if other characters/ships/potential OCs were allowed.
Hi, yes, of course! Have you seen this year's tag set? If the characters/ships you'd like to offer or request aren't in there, let me know what you'd like me to add! We usually have tag set nominations as part of our events, where you can add them yourself.
Keep in mind that for exchanges, participants have to be matchable, which means they have to offer and request characters and/or pairings that other participants also offer and request.
In case a participant doesn't have a potential recipient, I will contact them after sign-ups close and ask them to offer additional characters or pairings. Participants without potential creators will go out as Initial Pinch Hits.
Once sign-ups are open, you can keep an eye on the requests with this handy web app here. This is a good way to figure out if you have a potential recipient before sign-ups close, and also a great way to find requests to write treats for. :D
If you're offering/requesting one of the rarer characters/ships in our fandom or reader insert fic, it's a good idea to invite others who also like these characters/ships to join the event too. The more, the merrier, and you're really, truly, all welcome to participate! :D
If you only offer or request an OC or pairings with an OC, it's possible that you're not matchable when no-one else does.
In this case, try to add a "safety" offer and request to your sign-up; a character or pairing you'd also be interested in writing or reading, even if they're not your OC or your favourite rarepair. Most participants (or potential pinch hitters among the non-participants) in our fandom would be able to write a fic about just 47, but finding someone who can write Alma Reynard/Sean Rose fic for example would be very difficult.
Oh, and in case you or other potential participants don't have an AO3 account yet, remember to join the queue right now. We have a few emergency invites for participants without an account, but there's still enough time to get a regular invite. :D
Please let me know if you have any other questions, and if I can add characters or pairings to the tag set for you!
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menkhutawv · 2 months
menkhutawv dot tumblr dot com !!!
𓃠digioire blessing𓃠
may air give me the wisdom to assemble these writings, fire the inspiration to write in honor of the craft, water the ability to do the craft justice, and earth the patience to complete the task. i dedicate this forum, to mother earth, in hopes i may further my craft. may this forum be filled with magic and splendor.
haiiiii my name is ella and this is my digital grimoire !
whether no one finds this blog or four people do, im honestly just glad to be here ^x^
this is where i'm going to put my table of contents, not all of which are up or written yet, but i'll update and embed links as i go; this is also where i'll put a little introduction. i'll also pin it for the time being. thx for reading !!!
𓃠table of contents𓃠
tarot study crystal study numerology study astrology study herbology, incense, oils study the elements moon cycles moons of the year time sabbats lughnasadh making an altar pendulums spell ideas grounding rituals cleansing rituals banishing rituals "5 minute witch" list witch wellness checklist
𓃠astrological info𓃠
birth tarot cards: the devil + the lovers birth chart: ☉ cancer, ☽ virgo, ↑ libra
𓃠my craft𓃠
i'd probably describe myself as an eclectic witch, but i've detailed the exact minutiae of my interests below craft i have more experience in: kitchen witchcraft craft i'm a novice in: hearth, house, green, crystal, cosmic witchcraft
𓃠my witch rules𓃠
if you are here, you are expected to be, at the very least, open-minded. i'm nonbinary, a leftist, and am formerly of a religious background; i have put a lot aside to be baseline chill with the way a lot of witches speak on the internet ! what i won't tolerate here is any kind of esoteric fascism or anything adjacent, bioessentialism, or any kind of antisemitism or islamophobia! 1) i have severe trust issues with much of witchcraft's eurocentric roots. i will make it a point to learn from witches of color. 2) don't bring that divine feminine bullshit over here PLEASE! if that request bothers you, you are the exact kind of person i'm trying to avoid. 3) i may be a witch, but i owe so much to people of faith that have come before me. religion is a part of my life even still, i don't care for reddit atheist witches.
all that being said, welcome to my little corner of the internet !!! to those that passed the entry exam, please make yourselves comfortable.
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emmasturnolio56 · 3 months
✨Emma yapping✨
My name is Emma and I write for the sturniolo triplets. I’m a Capricorn, I love the fall and Halloween and ofc that means Tim Burton movies. I enjoy writing and reading (obviously). I’m a Matt girl but I love all the triplets ofc. I love to hear people’s ideas and just like to chat so plz message me anything!
Does of my page:
Send request
Talk to me
Give me feedback(respectfully)
I will write smut about Matt and Chris.
Don’t on my page:
Be rude towards me or anyone else
Send me request I have stated I’m uncomfortable with
Send any homophobic or racist request
I won’t write anything with incest or crazy kinks
I think that’s it thx for being here 💕
✨Emma yapping✨
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russilton · 2 years
can we have more snippets of the omega George sitting in Lewis' car in 2020 and Lewis going crazy over his smell? I need smtg to cheer up my sunday lol thx
Seems you triggered something in my writing hind brain anon bc I ended up writing about 1.5k of the start of the fic last night in bed. It’s UTTERLY un researched AND un edited, but that’s the bargain you make requesting snippets. Hope you feel better soon.
As he stifles a cough trying to rattle its way out of his lungs, Lewis debates if getting back in the car this week is really the best idea. His whole body aches, a soreness worked bone deep across all his muscles, even ones he didn’t know could hurt, and it still feels like there’s a persistent band around his lungs, cinched just tight enough he can’t quite get a full breath in. In short, he feels like shit, but the fog over his mind had started to clear around Tuesday, and after some cautionary light safety drills with Angela to make sure he could still get himself clear of the car in a crash, he’d bit the bullet and decided to at least show up tor free practice one and try.
None of that matters now, of course, he's got work to do, brain already rolling over to settle into the well worn space he needs it to be in when he races. He’s got just enough time to try to stretch out his muscles before he should be heading down to the garage to find out what his engineers need from him. There isn’t normally a whole lot of set up to do for the final race of the year, they just have to keep it running. But normally, he’s the only person who sits in his car.
George. George was the last person in his car, the thought made his head spin slightly. It’s not the first time George has been around their cars of course, he’s their reserve and test driver, but a race is a new beast. One, that by all the second hand accounts Lewis has been given, George tamed without a second thought.
He hasn’t watched the race yet himself. When it was happening Lewis was so neck deep in fever he could barely keep his eyes open, let alone focus on a race. After he’d regained use of his brain, he’d still avoided watching the race, something churning in his gut whenever his finger hovered over the play button.
There will be time for that later, he thinks, checking he has his phone and tugging his mask on securely over his nose before slipping out of his driver room. Antibodies or not, he’s not taking any risks.
The walk to the garage from his room isn’t a long one, Angela pops up alongside him valmost immediately, the shorter beta keen to tease him about being a workaholic. He manages a tired smile for her he hopes makes it through his mask, but it falls away quickly as he spots a pair of red bull mechanics without theirs on, hanging near the neighbouring garage entrances.
A glare at them both has them scrambling to tug them up, but Lewis already feels edgy heading into an enclosed space. It’s an odd blessing that at least he only has to deal with his nerves today, the clinging remains of the virus leaving his sense of smell practically non-existent. Combined with the high quality masks Mercedes had bought, he can only get the faintest hints of scent from the team. It leaves him feeling slightly off balance, an Alpha trying to navigate their surroundings without scent feels a little like trying to drive with an arm behind his back. But he’d won a rookie championship doing that before, he’ll survive this.
The team seems to know what he needs without having to ask, welcoming him back whilst keeping their distance. Toto is the only one that leans close to check how he’s doing as he appraises the car from a distance, but his boss’s warm, heavy hand is a comfort on his back.
“Good to have you back, Lewis. How are you feeling?” The older Alpha rumbles at him, voice calm and comfortingly paternal.
“Honestly? Awful. But I’ve driven through worse, Hockenhiem-“ Toto cuts Lewis off before he can even finish the thought, nose wrinkled beneath his mask at the mere memory of the 2019 German Grand Prix
“Eurgh, I thought we agreed to never bring that race up again”
“Point stands, Man. How’d she do while I was gone?” She, being his car. He runs his hand gently along the W11’s rear wing, following the curve and ignoring the twinge in his gut at the thought of another driver touching her.
“Wonderful, it’s a shame you couldn’t see George in her. The poor boy was so in love I thought we’d have to pry him out after the race.” It makes Lewis snort, the idea of the thin, brown haired omega whining at them to let him stay in his car. Something in his gut rolls again, and he chalks the nausea up to lack of smell.
“Have you spoken to him yet? He could use your advice” Lewis eyes Toto out of the corner of his vision as he shakes his head. He isn’t sure what exactly George might need him for, but Lewis hasn’t spoken to anyone yet, only focus on ignoring the itch in his chest to cough, so he can get back to the thing he knows best.
“Send him over some time. Until then, let’s see if anything needs fixing” He ends the conversation with Toto via a warm squeeze to his shoulder, hearing, rather than smelling, Totos pleased rumble. Lewis has always been grateful for the Austrians' no nonsense approach, even when he was on the receiving end of it.
The mechanics part like a school of fish around a shark when he steps up to the car, working away diligently at the little details that no one outside their garage will see. As he waits to get an approving nod from Bono that he’s okay to climb in, something tickles at his nose, a scent slipping beneath his mask. Weird.
When Peter gives him the go ahead, he climbs into the car, moving more muscle memory than thought, an action so practiced that he’s settled in his seat within seconds. That’s when a wall of scent hits him like a brick.
What had been faint but noticeable from a distance even with his hampered senses, is dialed up to full within the cockpit of the car. It makes his head spin for a second as it washes over him; his inner alpha knocked sideways by it all. He has to take a few deep, slow breaths before his overstimulated mind finally kicks in and starts to assess what he’s smelling. Coffee, salad, citrus, sweat, lynx body spray and something distinctly sweet that blankets it all. Omega, not just any omega, there’s several of those among his engineering team, none of them smell like this, George.
Of course his car smells like George, he’d been the one sat in it last week, but after a week of transport and repair work the car shouldn’t smell of much of anything anymore. For Lewis, he would swear George was inside the seat with him, scent settling like an aura around him. He hopes his mask is hiding whatever his face must be doing, tries to set his shoulders and look like he’s naturally assessing to feel of the car, all while trying to draw deep, measured breaths into his nose.
He know this may be one of the weirdest reactions to a scent he’s ever had; but he can’t stop himself from picking it apart like breaking down a qualifying lap after missing pole. For the most part the smells blend beautifully, earthy and sharp, fresh with a natural warmth. Sweat is expected, Bahrain even at night has him sweating through his fire suit most races. That, he realises distantly, is probably why he can smell anything at all. It’s generally accepted Paddock policy for Alphas and Omegas to wear scent suppressant patches, it keeps everyone around the same level and prevents any underhanded manipulation. Lewis’ own patch is adhered firmly to the back of his neck. Between the external heat and adrenaline George probably sweated through his, which is why Lewis’ car smells so intense a deeply possessive part of him wants to grumble at all the engineers around him touching the car.
Pulling the fragrances apart like a puzzle, he starts to notice changes to them. It’s subtle, for the most part Georges scent is fresh and excited, laced with adrenaline and drive. It’s understandable given George had been stepping into the most powerful car in the grid, a universe away from his Williams. But something sour and bitter creeps in around the very edges of the car, blood, coffee turned burnt, vinegar.
Valtteri had told him about how George’s race had turned from triumph to nightmare, the Finn looking self blaming as he describes a pit stop fuck ups and a puncture costing George a win that would have been monumental. Lewis can smell how angry and frustrated George was, scents turning acrid with anguish. His heart aches for George. The pain in his sweat, blood from the cramped seat and all for 9th? Lewis wants to find him and tell him his time will come. Soothe his fear till all that’s left is the intoxicating drive Lewis had smelled first.
There’s a loud noise to his left that makes him jump so violently he slams his elbow into the wall of the car. The noise is explained as a mechanic picks up a large wrench they must have dropped, the beta giving Lewis an apologetic nod before going back to work. It snaps Lewis out of his reverie, he should be glad for that, he needs to focus on his own practice session, get himself in order so he can do his job for the team. He tries to block out George as he goes back to working through his set up tests with Bono and Shov, but every now and then a hint of something sweet creeps under his mask and settles in his mind. George.
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twstdreams · 4 years
Hi there! i got a headcannon request idea for the princes of our twisted bunch (kalim, malleus, leona, and riddle-idk if he's a prince or not but eh-)! What would they do if they over heard news of their crush's (or s/o's--you can choose) parents looking for suitors to put them in an arranged marriage? Would they step up and take a chance? Thx! Keep up the good work!
Hello! I’m the one who sent the arranged marriage ask and I kinda realized that’s a big step so instead of it being their crush could you plz change it to their s/o? Thank you! sorry for that >_<
Kalim Al Asim
Kalim immediately says he’s available to be a candidate! He has no shame nor worries. He loves you! And while he hasn’t given it much thought, he would happily be by your side forever!
If you’re flustered, he might ask what’s wrong. Don’t you want to be with him? Isn’t this an easy way to appease your parents? Oh, you’re just surprised he said yes so fast? Suddenly he hugs you tightly, commenting how cute you are. He’d happily look at your smiles for the rest of your life!
If you express that you’re uncomfortable with the entire situation, he’ll work with you to fix the situation! He’ll be open to any ideas you have and ask Jamil for advice if you two can’t come up with a solid solution
If the entire thing causes you endless stress, Kalim will whisk you away on a magic carpet ride. Fresh air, head above the clouds, cool breeze, the combination never fails to calm the nerves
Malleus Draconia
Malleus is annoyed at your parents. He’s right there. And while he knows it’s not the reason you fell in love with him, he is the ruler of the Valley of Thorns. Who could be a better prospective suitor? Why isn’t he invited?
He doesn’t voice these grievances aloud but he’s a bit poutier than usual and sulks a little
Malleus checks in on you to see how you’re doing and determine your feelings on everything
If you hate having any suitor in general, then Malleus will back off and support your endeavour. He doesn’t want to force you into anything you don’t feel comfortable with
If you worry about getting a random suitor, well then Malleus can step up and take a chance. This isn’t exactly how he imagined it, but he’s not going to let you slip through his fingers along with the precious love you’ve built together
Leona Kingscholar
Leona immediately checks in on you and how you feel. He knows how annoying and degrading it is to have family dictate everything
If you want to blow this entire thing off, Leona has got your back
If you don’t, he might be annoyed that you’re considering anyone else. He’ll pout and grumble even if you insist that it’s to appease your parents
If you bring up how he’s more than welcome to apply, he’ll tease you about how much you must want him to even consider being together forever. If you retort by saying he doesn’t have to, he quickly reassures you that he will. You brought it up, didn’t you? Be prepared for the repercussions. 
He’s a jealous lion and doesn’t like the idea of having to give you up to anyone. You’re his and well, he’s yours. Leona has no intentions of changing that any time soon
Riddle Rosehearts
He knows exactly what it’s like to have parents that control everything, and he does not blame you for a second
You express your distress at an arranged marriage with a stranger you may come to love or you may hate for the rest of your life
Riddle soothes you and is willing to prepare a plethora of strategies if you wish to tell your parents this isn’t something you want. He is willing to listen to you vent about your worries, sympathetic with your plight
Riddle is hesitant to offer his own hand in marriage knowing he has a controlling mother he’s yet to gain permission from. Furthermore, if he marries you, he doesn’t want you to feel like he was pressured into it
If you tell him that you wish his name was amongst the suitors, he might freeze. It wasn’t something entirely out of his mind but not what he expected either. You tell him not to worry too much, you know about his home circumstances too.
Still, the idea lingers in his mind. After some time to think, he realizes the other option is unacceptable. What if your parents insisted you marry someone else? Riddle would be infuriated and do everything in his power to prevent it. Rather than wait for some foreboding declaration, wouldn’t it be better to be proactive and apply now? 
It’s a gamble and he’s not certain, but you’re worth the risk. 
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butwhyduh · 4 years
Hello! idk whether requests r open, but hope they r. just feel like reading a random damian wayne x reader where reader is his best friend. Any horror will do. Thx!!
Tumblr media
In the Darkness
Damian Wayne x BFF!reader
Warning: scary stuff, blood, horror
It was a dark stormy night in Gotham. That terrible temperature that hovered just above freezing until almost morning where it dipped just enough to make an awful icy morning commute. Normally you would be bracing yourself for your next morning trip to school. And forget about being warm, your apartment could barely keep up with being above freezing.
But this night you sat on plush velvet with a roaring fire in a gigantic stone fireplace at one of the Wayne’s penthouses in the city. The wall sized windows showed Gotham through streaming water. It almost looked peaceful.
Breaking you from your revery was a bowl of popcorn being plopped in your lap. You looked up to see Damian with a half grin before he sat down beside you. Titus sat down on his other side.
“We have that film you wanted to watch in theatre,” he said grabbing the remote.
“D, it’s still in theatres,” you said surprised. “How did you get it?”
“A, my father is Bruce Wayne. I could probably buy it. And B, I saved a certain theatre from being robbed and they owed me one and they lent me the film. You’re welcome,” he said, still looking at the screen. For Damian, that was practically the biggest compliment, that he thought about you.
“Thanks. Yeah, I usually just block out the fact that your dad is Bruce Wayne to be honest,” you said eating the popcorn.
“Be less honest,” he said with a gentle shoulder shove. “Let’s watch the film. I have to train tomorrow.”
It was a good movie. Scary with a bit of gore, though you weren’t prepared for Damian to tell you how blood patterns worked differently.
But with only 10 minutes left and the killer almost revealed, the power went out. You groaned and moved to grab your phone. Damian stiffened and looked around.
“Great, my phone is dead,” you said rolling your eyes. Damian quickly looked at his, dead too. At this point he was tense and Titus was on alert.
“Nothing should be out,” he said quietly.
“It’s a big storm, dude,” you said about to ask about flashlights.
“We have 2 main power supplies and 3 back ups. There should be no outage. And my phone was fully charged before the movie. There was a power pulse. This is a Wayne Enterprise owned building and we are in the penthouse. This could be an attack or coop,” he said standing. Titus stood by him and you couldn’t help but stand.
“There’s 2 ways to this floor. The main elevator and the service elevator that is in the guest bathroom,” Damian said. Knowing your location could save your life.
“You think someone is coming up here,” you said quietly. He nodded and moved over to the wall and grabbed a sword from a stand on the wall. You had thought it was decorative. Of course it was real. It was Damian’s.
“Here,” Damian said, reaching in his pocket to grab a large pocket knife. You blanched. “Worst case scenario only. You could hurt yourself before someone else because you aren’t trained. But if your cornered, this could save your life. Only open it if you really need it. Got it?”
“Yeah, D,” you said with frown. He stood a few feet in front of you and Titus was a safe distance away on alert. Your heart was pounding. You really regretted not taking Damian up on the offer to teach you some self defense. At the time the idea of bruises all over your body was the last thing you wanted.
The elevator dinged. It shouldn’t have. You needed a passcode and finger print to operate it. Not to mention, the power was supposed to be out. The door opened and a green mist wafted out and Damian stepped back to avoid it. Gotham villains loved toxins and he didn’t want to be under the power of fear toxin or pheromones or something. Titus got a dose and began barking wildly.
Damian pushed you back with his arm not holding the sword. “Try not to breath it,” he said as the mist filled the apartment. He could make out the shape of a person but couldn’t identify them. Within a minute, Damian realized that they were just some poor victim of whoever set up the toxin. They were screaming silently while their eyes darted around the room. Great, it was probably fear toxin.
Damian pushed a panic button he kept in his jacket pocket at pretty much all times. Hopefully the energy pulse didn’t affect the button. You shoved your shirt over your nose but it was futile. Damian stood in front of you looking around wildly. His eyes were dilated and his breathing was rough.
“Don’t move. It’s all fake! Don’t fall for it. It’s all fake!” He yelled and swung his sword away from you at nothing. Your vision blurred.
Damian and Titus fought some invisible monster in front of you. You turned to see the windows melting. You gasped loudly as the glass slid down like wet gelatin. The floor grew heavy. You weren’t even facing the same direction as Damian any more. You heart thumped painfully in a hard slow rhythm.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
You heard screaming laughter. Was the fucking Joker here?? You looked around to see no one.
“It’s in your head,” Damian yelled. He was still fighting an invisible foe. “It’s fake!”
The wall began to cave in. You could feel your body slide slowly towards the gaping window. You grasped at the couch but it too began to slide towards the edge of the wall. You were 50 floors up. There was no way to survive it. You shrieked and grabbed at the slick tile floor. The cold marble bit at your hands.
You could see your blood stick to the floor before defying gravity and floating to the ceiling. It pulsed with your heartbeat. You could hear the laughter in your head. It was so loud. You grasped at your skull. Your bloodied fingers left little streaks of blood all over your face.
Damian was calling you but he was the most dangerous one in the room. He was wildly swinging a sword and he and Titus were furiously fighting a battle. Was he fighting a past foe? The man in the elevator picked the wrong moment to move because Damian came closer and closer to him.
You watched as Damian killed him. His sword sliced the man’s arm first and he barred his teeth before growling at Damian. His eyes were wild and movement was more like an animal over human. Damian slashed him, this time in the abdomen. Dark red blood pooled from the wound and the man bellowed in pain. You cried and rocked. The world was collapsing.
The man was like a wounded beast and he tried to gnarl and slash his hands at Damian. Damian jabbed quickly, almost faster than you could see, and the man breathed his last breath as Damian’s sword pierced his heart. Blood pooled out almost lazily post death. The man’s eyes froze wide and terrible. You cried freely. Damian didn’t stop. He clearly was fighting another foe in his mind.
You balance turned on you and you almost threw up as you gripped the floor. “Stop! Stop!” You yelled as Damian and Titus both continued their battle with nothing.
The floor was turning again. This time, it became sticky as the ceiling melted down towards you. Little bits of melted plaster burned the floor. You rolled away as a large chunk hit the ground. The laughter sounded again and you saw a flash of white face pulled tight in a chaotic laugh.
The second elevator sounded and you scampered away and to behind the couch. Your fingers were white as they gripped the fabric to keep from falling out of the window. Monsters, beasts, men in black suits hurried towards you. Damian screamed and slashed at the air between him and the attacker.
“Don’t touch her! Don’t fucking touch her,” he bellowed. But it was too late. A monster in red grabbed you. You screamed and fought, landing a hit to their chest and a bite to their hand.
“She fucking bit me! Goddamn,” the big man groaned. He wrapped his arms around you tightly and you bucked but it was useless. He had you and you couldn’t escape. A man in black and blue shot Damian with a taser. This was how you were going to die, in a melting building with men as monsters grabbing you. How could you possibly fight them when they took Damian down? He’s the son of Batman.
A monster with a shifting face, once a man and another a beast, came towards you with a syringe. His mouth gaped and swallowed blackness. “No! No,” you moaned. Your throat was raw from screaming. He quickly jabbed you in the neck. Before you passed out, you saw the screaming laughing face of the Joker.
12 hours later you woke up. You sat up quickly only to see Damian’s bedroom in the manor. Your head spun for a moment before stopping. His crisp white sheets and blue blanket and red ornamental rug laid on wooden floor. You were alone. You felt a small bandage on your neck and your fingers had small scabs along the nail lines on both hands. One of your fingernails was cut jagged to the quick. You grimaced as you touched the injured skin.
The walk from his bed into the hallway showed you two things: the floor was really cold and that you were wearing Damian’s clothing. A simple grey sweatpants rolled up and black Superman shirt was not enough in the chilly manor. You opened the door to an empty hallway. The floor had a thick soft rug that covered the sounds of your feet. You heard the sound of voices from the library at the end of the hall.
“I almost killed her,” you heard Damian say. His voice sounded pained and raw.
“It was the fear toxin. You didn’t do anything,” said one of his brothers. You couldn’t tell who yet but probably the oldest.
“I almost eviserated her, Grayson,” Damian said flatly. “The fear toxin made her cry in the corner and I almost cut her in 2.”
“She managed to bite me,” said another deeper voice.
“You left yourself open to be attacked,” said a third voice.
“Enough. She’s awake,” said a final voice that you definitely recognized as Damian’s father. “Come in.”
Damian sat on the edge of a wooden desk. Bruce sat in the desk chair behind the desk. Dick sat on a chair in the corner. Jason stood by Dick’s chair and Tim paced by a bookshelf. The other bat kids must have been out working.
“Hey,” Damian said searching your face and body for injury. He almost looked... vulnerable. His eyes stared at the bandage on your neck.
“Hi,” you said and your voice felt raw and painful. You rubbed your throat.
“How are you feeling?” Bruce asked. Damian quickly got you a chair. You sat down slowly. Your head still throbbed.
“Okay I guess. What happened?” You asked.
“Someone got ahold of a new street drug that uses a certain variety of fear toxin that is fast acting but short term and they atomized it and released it into the tower. They did it through a vent from the top down so you both got the largest dose. Luckily the security guard on the bottom floor only had some anxiety and a racing heartbeat and was able to recognize the situation. Damian’s tracker was activated and we got you both out as fast as we could,” Tim said.
You rubbed your temple. That didn’t sound right. What about the elevator? The man?
“Does your head hurt? We can get you something for that,” Damian said.
“I’m okay. Thanks. How long was I out?” You said trying to put things together.
“12 hours, give or take. You should probably get back in bed until tomorrow. Your mind and body need a break,” Bruce said. You nodded. Your head did hurt and you were tired but you couldn’t relax. There was just something off about everything. Maybe a side effect of the toxin. Damian offered to walk you back into your room.
“I’ll give you some medication to help with your headache. It might make you sleepy, okay?” He said pulling a syringe from a drawer in the room.
“Okay, I guess. My head does hurt,” you said climbing back in bed. Damian smiled and injected your arm.
His face. He smiled widely. Wider than he ever had before. Wide enough to have a gaping blackness. You went to scream but you were too tired. You tried to grab him to find you were tied in place. The manor’s neat clean walls faded to dirty dingy peeling mess and you could smell must and mildew. Your vision blurred.
The sound of a screaming laugh from a pulled back face was the only thing you could hear.
Let me know what you guys think 😀
It’s a part 1 of 2. The second part might be out Friday or next Friday depending on my schedule.
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gladdygirl18 · 3 years
Sorridi Per Me!
This is my first “x reader” fic ever, and it was requested/suggested by @nagitoshopejar! Thx so much, my friend! I had an absolute blast making this! This isn’t a romance thing, more of a friend/sibling relationship!
Summary: You had just come back from patrol with Mista and you weren’t in the best mood. Something was bothering you, and Mista was determined to find out what was making you like this.
Word Count: 1725
⚠Warning⚠: Mild swearing (both in English and Italian)
Y/S/N: Your Stand’s Name
“C’mon Y/N! Time to go patrol!” Mista called out.
You let out a groan and inevitably got up from the leather chair to join the gunslinger at the door.
“You okay, Y/N?” Mista asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you sighed, “Let’s just get this over with...”
You pushed past your friend and walked down the Italian streets, leaving Mista baffled. He reluctantly followed you and started walking at your pace.
“Okay, something’s definitely wrong with them, but what...?” Mista wondered.
You felt eyes on you and turned to see Mista staring at you.
“Do I have something on my face?” you asked, your tone annoyed.
Mista blinked back to reality and shook his head.
“No, no! Sorry about that,” Mista said, “Kinda spaced out there for a sec.”
You nodded and continued to follow your patrol route. Mista sighed as he stared at the back of your head. The gunslinger sighed as he followed you around the corner. You noticed you were over the cerulean ocean and walked over to the bridge’s edge. You let a sigh escape your lips as you leaned over the sandstone bricks, the ocean placing a salty kiss on your features. This calmed you and a small grin began to form.
“There’s that smile.” Mista said, placing a hand on your shoulder.
The gunslinger startled you so bad, you manifested Y/S/N in a heartbeat.
“Whoa, take it easy!” Mista said, holding his hands up in surrender, “It’s only me.”
Your grin quickly faded as you called back your Stand.
“C’mon, it’s almost noon,” you said, “I at least wanna finish patrol before lunch.”
You stormed away from the gunslinger who had a concerned look on his face. Breathing out a heavy sigh, the two of you finished your patrol and headed back to the house.
“We’re back!” Mista called out.
Bucciarati looked up from his book and smiled when he saw you two.
“Welcome back, you two,” he said, “We ordered lunch, so it should be here soon.”
“Good. Call me when it gets here.” you said, heading upstairs.
Bucciarati watched as you raced up the stairs and looked over a Mista with a puzzled look.
“What’s wrong with them?” he asked.
“I don’t know. Your guess is as good as mine,” Mista answered, “They’ve been like this during patrol.”
Bucciarati hummed as he nodded, only to set his book down.
“I’ll go talk to them.” Bucciarati said, preparing to stand
“No! Maybe I should talk to them.” Mista said, giving his leader a knowing look.
Bucciarati smiled and sat back down. Smiling at his leader, Mista raced up the stairs to your room. You were currently laying on your bed, your back to the door with a pillow over your head. You didn’t know why you were feeling this way at all; you didn’t know when or how this feeling started, or how to make it stop. You breathed out a shaky breath and closed your eyes, feeling a tear streak down your cheek. That’s when you heard a knock at your door.
“What?” you grumbled.
“It’s me. Can I come in?” Mista asked.
You breathed out a sigh and called upon Y/S/N to open the door. When Mista walked in, your Stand closed the door before you retracted it. Mista looked down at you with worry in his eyes.
“Is everything alright, Y/N/N?” Mista asked, sitting by your head.
“Don’t call me that, Mista,” you grumbled, “I’m so not in the mood right now...”
Mista groaned as he watched you with concerned eyes, trying to come up with ways to make you feel better. The perfect idea popped in the gunslinger’s head, causing him to smile sinisterly at you. You continued to stare out the closed window, not paying any mind to what Mista had in mind. A giggly yelp soon escaped your lips when something poked you in the ribs. You looked over at Mista to see mischief in his eyes.
“Mista...” you said in a warning tone.
“What? I didn’t do anything...” he said innocently, “Well, not yet, anyway...”
That’s when the gunslinger pounced on top of you. The two of you wrestled on the bed before Mista finally pinned your arms under his knees.
“Stronzo! Get your ass off me!” you growled.
“Language, Y/N,” Mista said, patting your lips, “Someone like you shouldn’t spit such poison.”
You growled at the gunslinger as you struggled underneath his weight. Mista grinned at you before poking your ribs again, causing you to flinch.
“Mista, don’t you fucking dare...” you growled.
“Oh, I dare!” he said before clawing at your sides.
You let out a loud yelp before struggling against your giggles and your friend’s weight. You were able to force away a smile that was threatening to show itself.
“Aw, don’t be like that, Y/N,” Mista said, “Smile for me!”
When Mista started clawing at your top rib, you couldn’t help the giggles that flowed from your lips.
“Mista, stohohohohop!” you giggled out, “Leave me alohohohohone!”
“Nope! I’m gonna make sure you’re smiling like an idiot for the rest of the day!” Mista said.
You gave a small buck when Mista attacked your armpits, causing your giggles to escalate in volume.
“Oh, my Gohohohohohod! Get ohohohohout!” you cried.
Mista ignored your protest and continued to attack your armpit; your giggles ceasing to stop. Mista’s face soon fell slightly when your giggles started to decrease in volume.
“Come on, Mihihihihista! Quit it alreheheheheady!” you giggled.
Mista did stop to give you a breather, but only for him to think of another spot to target.
“Hm... Giorno and Narancia both have ticklish armpits and Bucciarati has ticklish ribs, along with Fugo,” Mista thought, “Where was one of Abbacchio’s weak spots again...?”
The gunslinger thought for a while, lightly tapping on your ribs to keep you giggling.
“Mistahahaha! Stohohohop!” you giggled out.
“Shh! I’m tryna think...” Mista said, placing a finger on your lips.
The giggles began to well in the back of your throat just waiting to flow out of your mouth. That’s when the gunslinger snapped with a wide smile on his face.
“I remember now!” Mista said excitedly.
You weren’t ready for Mista to start digging into your hip, so the giggles that were welling up turned into a squeal that made Mista laugh.
“Whahat was thahat? he asked.
You could barely answer his question. Adorable laughter spilling from your lips made Mista smile and laugh along with you.
“Hey, watch your mouth!” Mista said, tweaking the bone of your hip.
The feeling made you melt and wheeze out your laugh.
“DON’T DO THAHAHAT!” you wheezed.
“Why? Does it tickle?” Mista asked.
You managed to roll your eyes and growl under your breath through your gales of laughter.
“Well, to me, it just doesn’t look like it tickles,” Mista said, “Guess I need to try harder.”
Mista reached behind him and tweaked your thigh, causing you to arch your back and let out a new stream of laughter.
“Now that’s a laugh!” Mista said, laughing along.
You shook your head in ticklish agony. However, a part of you enjoyed this, despite it being torturous as hell. This was the person Mista missed. He missed your smiling and laughing face. You and the others were close like siblings and if one was feeling down, the others were ready and willing to whatever they can to help, especially Mista. He was like a big brother to you and right here and now, that’s what he was being.
“Hmm... I don’t know,” Mista said, “You still don’t look happy to me.”
You couldn’t believe what you just heard.
“Is he serious right now!?” you panicked.
Mista removed his hand off your thigh and pretended to think, still squeezing your hipbone to make you flop around like a fish out of water.
“Alright, let’s make a deal,” Mista began, “If you promise to smile like an idiot to the point where it’s almost sickening, I’ll consider letting you go. How does that sound?”
Mista hummed and started squeezing the other side of your hip, causing you to squeal and making your laughter go silent.
“Say it like you mean it.” Mista said in a warning tone.
Mista grinned and removed his hands off you and let you go. You took in the much needed air and let out a groan.
“Feeling better, Y/N/N?” Mista asked.
You glared at the gunslinger; however, it was less intimidating because of the goofy grin adorning your features.
“I’ll live...” you panted.
Mista chuckled and wrapped his arms around you.
“I’m just glad to see you smiling again.” he said, poking your ribs.
You couldn’t help but giggle and squirm around. You then tasered Mista’s exposed sides in the process, causing the gunslinger to giggle and jump back.
“Yeah, don’t feel good, huh, stronzo?” you asked.
“Guess I deserved that.” Mista laughed.
You smiled and freely laughed along. That’s when the door swung open and Fugo was standing in the doorframe.
“Bucciarati wanted me to tell you that lunch was here.” the sixteen-year-old said before taking his leave.
“Good. All that laughing made me hungry.” you said, patting your stomach.
“Yeah. Sure does work up an appetite.” Mista said.
You looked at the gunslinger with so much disbelief, bewilderment, and annoyance.
“You did not just say that...” you asked, your voice low.
“And what if I did? What are you gonna do about it?” Mista asked, crossing his arms with a challenging grin.
You returned the expression and manifested Y/S/N.
“My Stand is physically stronger than you’ll ever be,” you said, “I’d start running if I were you...”
Mista didn’t need to be told twice. He let out a laugh before bolting down the stairs with you hot on his heels. While chasing your friend, that awful feeling you were experiencing before was completely gone, as if it never existed. You couldn’t help but laugh as you chased Mista around the house. You could always count on him to make you smile.
OMG this was so much fun to write! Once again, huge shoutout to @nagitoshopejar for giving me this idea! Hope you liked it!
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artxyra · 4 years
I'm not entirely sure that your taking requests (I'm only 68% sure) but if you are can you try doing a daminette fiction based on the song Karma (cover by CMKC) with some class salt? (Maybe even some sibling jasonette or some daminette (or maybe even both...?😏) if you can) Btw I love your writing! 💜 (And before I forget thx for doing my requests, the previous ones and hopefully future ones 💜)
Note: This fics original idea had Marinette being akumatized into KARMA, yeah that didn’t happen when I was writing this one. 
I've lost my mind The skies are crashing around me I'm left behind Smoke obscures all that I can see
“Oh, look, honey, our daughter made her first dress. Get the camera.”
A doll sits on the windowsill overlooking the growing garden on the deck. The doll has blue straw-like hair, bright blue color buttons for eyes, and a black stitched smile.
“Get out! You’re nothing but a pest. How could I care for such a child when you couldn’t do the one thing you brought into this world for.”  
The doll no longer sits on the windowsill, but now lays on in wastebasket. No longer did the doll possess the bright stitch smile. Instead, the face lays bare without a stitch in sight.
“Hey, what are you doing out here all alone? What’s your name?”
A small blue jay flutters its wings.  
“I’m Jason. I’ll protect you for now on.”
The blue jay chirps.
A bullet sounds off. A small pull of blood surrounds the bird.
“No!” A thunderous boom goes off in the distance. Multiple sirens join the assembly of loud music. A young pre-teen holds the girl close to his chest, blood oozing out of her chest. A hand touches his shoulder. He shakes it off. Never letting go of her.
Beep…Beep…the heart monitor comes to life slowly. Waiting for the young child to test its system. There is no movement. Then there is silence.   
A dark-haired, blue eye teen, stares into the mirror. Her eyes showing no emotions as her body is littered with markings ranging from cuts to words meant to demean a person.
“Marinette! How could you take credit for Lila’s design?”
The mirror cracks slightly.
 “You have to be an example, Marinette. Your peers look up to you.”
Another crack.
“Marinette how you be mean to that poor girl at your school?”
Another crack.
“I thought you were our everyday Ladybug.”
The mirror shatters. All that is left is darkness.
Marinette stares frozen in place. The gloss in her eyes fading away as the glass falls to the ground, blood in her hand as fragments of glass pierce her skin.
She gasps unsure what to do. Her hands never close as she stares at them with fear. The blood continues to ooze out. The room does dark. A thump.
Her frail arms wrap around her legs tightly. She doesn’t move.
When she comes to, it's by the rushing sound of running water. A waterfall, maybe. She looks up and all she can see is white.
“Why did you do it?” A voice pulls her away from the water. Quickly, she turns around but is halted by a pain aching feeling shooting through her body. She lets out a cry.
“I’m I dead?” Her voice was hoarse, she couldn’t even whisper.
“No,” The voice chuckles. The knobs squeal to life. The water stops following, no longer hitting her in the face. “Are you going to tell me what happened?”
Her mouth opens but no words come out. She begins to breathe heavily like there was no air entering her lungs.
“How could you push Lila down the stairs? Here’s a taste to what Lila felt.”  One moment she was standing top of the stairs getting ready to leave, the next she at the bottom of the platform. Everything was hurting. Then darkness.
Marinette eyes flutter open, there the no hard tile beneath her like earlier but now cotton sheets and a blanket. She could feel her body move, one toe wiggle, two taps against her fingers.
“Jason,” She sits up pulling the blanket closer to her chest. There is no one there.
A wave of sadness washes over her. A glossy shine covers her bluebell eyes.
“Hey, hey, I’m here, Pixie.” The voice was comforting. She curls into herself. His arms wrap around her and pull her close. Whatever happened to her should have never happened.
He looks down, a soft snore escapes her lips. A smile appears on his lips. At least she safe and with him. No longer in that toxic environment.
A phone vibrates. It’s Marinette’s.
Jason unlocks the phone to see a series of messages. None of which are good. The hand holding the phone shakes. He tightens his grip. Slowly the screen begins to crack.
“You’re safe now.” He whispers into her ear. “Your big brother is here to protect you.” The remaining source of light turns off. He stays next to her.
“We are meant for each other M’lady. To halves on the same coin. You belong to me and no one else can have you.” Green eyes haunt her dreams. The cold feeling returns with growing darkness that was all too familiar.
She wakes up screaming. Tears rolling down her cheeks. There was no stopping the waterfall.
Jason runs into the room cursing himself. He knew he should have left but his family needed him for a mission life or death.
“You’re okay, Pixie, no one but you and I are here.” She continues to cry into his chest. He doesn’t mind the dampness he welcomes it. “It was a bad dream, Mari. A really bad dream.” His free hand caresses her hair, calming her down slowly.
“Todd what is the meaning of this.” His little brother asks over the phone. Jason watches as Marinette takes small bits of her food before swirling the remains in her bowl before repeating the process.
“It sounds like you miss me, Demon Spawn.” Jason jokes back, half into the conversation. He keeps his attention on Marinette. “Hold on.” He hangs up before Damian could retort. Marinette had pushed her bowl away from her and picks up the spoon. She looks at her reflection.
“Why would Adrien even spare you a glance. You are ugly, dull, nothing you would do would ever get his attention.”
“Argh.” Something snaps. It was the spoon. Breathing heavily, Marinette staggeringly gets out of her chair.
Jason helps her to the floor. He could see that she wasn’t going to make it far in her current condition.
“Am I not pretty enough.” Jason barely caught her words. He must burry any of the anger he has for those idiots for the sake of his sister.
“You’re magnificent, Pixie. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.” He replies. His phone continues to ring with the familiar ringtone, He ignores it.
“Thank you, Jay-Jay.” Marinette closes her eyes. The ringtone lures her to sleep.
“You’ll never be a real designer, Marinette. One word from him and Gabriel will have you blacklisted from the industry before you even put your name out there.”
“I like to see you try.”
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng, an aspiring fashion designer, has been blacklisted on the bases of copying designers for her work.”
“I told you, Dupain-Cheng, you should have back off when you had the chance.”
Marinette curls into herself as the memories flood back into her mind. She’s alone. The old TV flickers in the darkness. The channel continues to change as the voices, tone, and display changes with each click of a button.
“Why can’t you leave me alone?” She murmurs to no one. Her grip tightens around the blanket.
“What the fuck, Todd? You’ve been gone for days on end and being all secretive.”
“I didn’t think you care about my well-being, Demon. I have a life outside of this shithole.” Jason says as he cleans the barrels of his guns. His younger brother growls. He could only raise an eyebrow.
“I will find out what you’re hiding Todd.”
“Good luck with that.”
Jason picks up his guns and disappears within the shadows of the Batcave.
“Pixie,” The door creaks open. A little bit of light enters the room. Marinette is sleeping on the couch, the blankets cocooning her. Everything seems fine.
“So, she’s what you’ve been hiding.”
“What the fuck?” A gun cocks.  
“Is she your girlfriend?”
“No, my sister in everything but blood.”
“Hmph…why is she here?”
Jason sets his gun down and shuts the door. He turns to Damian; the teen genuinely was curious.
“She needs helps and I’m the only one who can help her. Gina tried but the mental and physical abuse became too much to manage. So, for her protection, Gina sent her to me.” Popping the cork off the bottle, Jason pours himself a drink.
“Does father know?”
“If he did, she would have been adopted in the family by now.” Jason pours himself another glass. Damian scoffs at the out his brother is drinking.
“Ladybug is hereby declared an enemy of Paris.”
“Tikki, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”  
“What do you mean you’re no longer going to be Ladybug? You’re a true creation soul. A true holder of the ladybug miraculous.”
“Find someone else to do it, Master. You heard the Mayor, I’m an enemy of Paris, no better than Hawkmoth and Mayura.” She hands him the ladybug miraculous. Her red eyes close at the thought of losing her best friend.
Marinette wakes up sweating, her hand immediately reaching for her ears. Nothing. She sighs and curls back up.
“She’s been through a lot Damian, whatever scheme you have in mind leave it be and forget about it.”
Swinging her legs over the bed, Marinette sneaks over to the door. The door opens just enough for her to rest her hand against the doorframe.
“Jay-Jay…” Her voice was a whisper again.
Jason pushes the bottle and glass to the side. He’s by her side examining her. She wasn’t hurt.
“Pixie, you should be sleeping.”
“I had another nightmare.” She tells him. “Who’s your friend?”
Damian shuffles in place. She’s so tiny compare to any of his sisters like the wind could just blow her over without even trying.
“I’m Damian.” He tells her.
Marinette gives him a curt nod. Her eyes lock onto his. They’re green. She could feel her chest tightening. No air could get in or out. The glossy look returns in her eye turn.
Sobbing Marinette screams out, “Je vais le faire, Chat Noir. Je vais le faire, arr��te!” She slides the down the doorway.
“Shit,” Jason runs over to Marinette. She blocks her view of Damian. Her lock on the green eyes soon fades to blue. Jason’s eyes. She tightly wraps her arms around his neck. Jason rubs her back. Turning to Damian all while keeping him out of Marinette’s sight, he tells his brother, “We’ll finish this later. Your eye color triggered a memory. And Damian, do not tell anyone about her.”
Damian is frozen in place. So much had happened in the last ten or so minutes. He had met the most beautiful girl he has ever seen and then she has a panic attack, something clearly triggered by previous trauma.
“Okay, I won’t tell.” The youngest Wayne agrees but not without weighing the pros and cons. He left the small rundown apartment with more questions than answers.
Jason turns his attention back to Marinette, who’s sobs turn into sniffles. “He can’t hurt you anymore. He can’t hurt you anymore, Pixie.” Marinette buries her head into Jason’s chest. She takes a deep breath. She can only hope.
Now you've used up all your luck It's time to get what you deserve I'm holding out for KARMA I'm holding out to watch you burn
Years past before Marinette was completely healed. Gina would visit from time to time making sure that her granddaughter was okay. She was ecstatic to find that Marinette was healing even if it was a slow process.
“Are you ready?” Marinette turns to Damian; his green eyes hold so much love and care for her than the green eyes she had grown to hate. Nodding, she takes his hand.
Beyond the doors, a series of lights flashes along with shouts. Reporters are in a frenzy trying to get the latest scoop on the Wayne heir’s beloved. Never once had she made a public appearance.
“Yes, thank you all for coming and showing my family your support. Today marks a very special achievement, my young son proposed to his girlfriend just a couple of days ago much to my second oldest dismay.”
Jason disrupts Bruce’s speech by shouting, “Hey” from his location next to Roy.
“Please welcome my son and his fiancée, Marinette Karma Todd.” Bruce steps away from the podium. The doors behind him open to show Marinette holding hands with Damian. She grips his hand tightly as Damian gives her a reassuring smile.
In Paris, several people are thrown in for a loop. Several lawsuits were issued. Collège Françoise Dupont, the school board was not happy at the treatment of one their student, a student that would grow to become one of the most powerful women out there.
Adrien Agreste, who was outed as Chat Noir, received a sexual harassment charge and a restraining order. The Wayne’s were out for blood and wanted to add attempted rape charge and compensation for all the trauma he had caused Marinette.
Lila Rossi, who managed to keep a tight grip on her classmates was finally exposed. Apparently, her latest lie was about being the mysterious Damian Wayne’s girlfriend. That backfired. She was then hit a cease and desist order along with a restraining order. Marinette had won the war.
Alya, who never learned to check her sources, lost any and every opportunity in her field. She even lost her job because she published a story about her best friend being the Wayne heir’s girlfriend. Thankfully, for the business, that article was only hosted in Paris, but the damage was already done.
Marinette never sent anything to her adopted parents. They didn’t deserve her. She was their servant, someone to help with the bakery. Though they were better than her birth parents, she couldn’t find it in her to ruin their lives. Gina became her legal guardian and that was that.
“I’m so glad that I meet you,” Damian says to her, placing a kiss on her hand. Marinette giggles and pulls Damian in for an embrace.
“I’m the lucky one. You would have thought this would be my future.” Marinette gestures to their growing empire. It was small but with Wayne Enterprise and Damian’s Veterinarian business, they were doing quite fine.
“Can I offer you a dance, Angel?”
“I would love that.”
No music plays just the beat of their hearts as one.
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