#asian paints kitchens
dentistonkingsway · 2 years
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Asian Paints Sleek Kitchen- Bridhi furnishing ,Gorakhpur
Bridhi Furnishing is a leading modular kitchen, Wardrobes, uPVC door/windows & WPC Sheets providers in Gorakhpur and the nearby areas. We provide complete kitchen and wardrobe solutions. Our work is known for its innovative and efficient designs..
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winedarkthoughts · 5 months
house of addams (1)
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— 🌖 pairing: ot7 x fem.reader
— 🕷️ genre: mystery, angst + fluff + smut
— 🗝️ word count: 4.3k
— 🍄 summary: hired to look into the mysterious deaths, disappearances, and disturbances in the small town of Farrow's End, you soon meet a certain gang of oddballs who help you connect the dots. and NO, you are NOT taking a liking to them.
— ☕ content warnings: private investigator!reader, cozy small town mystery/addams family vibes, botanist!yoongi, magical absurdity, bookshop owner!namjoon, barista!jin
— 🕸️ a/n: first chapter! directly influenced by this fic on ao3 by tinyratthief, which is loosely based on the addams family.
series m.list/schedule → next chapter
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chpt. 1: new digs
september 16, 2004
If this job has taught you one thing, it’s that the laws of truth can and will be bent by anyone with enough concentrated effort. People come to you to find very specific truths; birth parents, cheating spouses, the details of shady business deals.
But if this job has taught you one thing, it's that the truth will also reveal itself to anyone with enough concentrated effort.
Though, there's always a handful of cases that force you to delve deep into things you’d rather leave buried. Like the person in Oregon who didn't show up in any photographs. Or the small town in Maryland with the strange, centuries-old secret society.
You’ve seen sides of human nature that have left you cynical, distrusting. Some have called you “dead inside,” but you’re not here to brag. Naturally, you are excellent at your job.
And when the Mayor of Farrow’s End, a sleepy town with enough missing persons cases to warrant a Netflix documentary, contacted you about a possible case, you accepted almost instantly.
Even her first correspondence and initial offer were strange. She stated a preference to discuss the finer details in person and in person only, which to you immediately suggested that the entire investigation would be a matter of confidentiality.
You were proven right when you met with her a week later. And while being proven right is usually one of your favorite things, you didn’t exactly expect this.
The offer: investigative services regarding (but not limited to) local missing persons/homicides, ecological disturbances, environmental chemical imbalances. etc.
In exchange for: monthly salary, rent support, covered business expenses.
And above all, everything must remain off the books.
The salary along with the rent support is very generous considering what you're used to, but you don’t tell the Mayor that. You do inform her that, while you wear many hats, you are not an ecologist, nor a chemist.
Mayor Summerbee, a middle-aged Asian woman with a sweet smile and even warmer eyes, informs you that you will have access to the local University’s college of natural sciences. She gives you the contact information for one Min Yoongi, a botanist who works in the school's research department.
Then she gives you the contact information for one Kim Taehyung, the town coroner and pathologist. Apparently, both of them will be available for consultation.
She is eager, maybe even desperate, smiling at you with an urgent sheen in her eyes.
When you accept her offer, shaking her hand with your usual firm grip, she seems to exhale in relief.
You move to Farrow’s End by the end of the week. It’s not as if you have much to move, just a trunkful of books and a handful of duffel bags. You’ve always moved around for work, and even if you didn’t, staying in one place for too long makes you nervous.
Your bags hit the pavement beside your boots as you survey your new home. It's a small, quaint house. The paint is faded but the architectural structure is sturdy. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, kitchen, living room. The whole place is in a slight state of disrepair, but you can't complain.
You spend the next day cleaning and unpacking, which doesn't take long since you leave most of your books in the trunk. You're exploring the town by the end of the afternoon.
The town square, though full of shops and businesses, is nearly barren. A few civilians putter around, their faces weathered and reflective of the gloom in the air. They stare at you as you pass by, a cocktail of curiosity and slight suspicion.
The next thing you notice is the posters. They're everywhere, on the crumbling brick walls, stuck on lampposts, taped to the windows, all displaying a variety of subjects. Events at the University, local night markets, antiques for sale.
But there are a few that stick out. THERE'S SOMETHING IN THE LAKE! Sign the petition to restrict land access →
HAVING STRANGE DREAMS? You're not alone, contact a psychic today!
Though, what's more strange to you is what you don't see. There are barely any missing person posters, and the few that you do see appear to have been ripped away.
Work begins now, you think to yourself as you snap some photos of several posters, flapping in the cold wind.
You pop into the general store to pick up some essentials, and the store clerk immediately recognizes that you're not a local.
He asks where you're from, you reply with the standard answer: a city not too far but not too close. He asks what you're doing here, you reply with the standard answer: you're a journalist. You add in the suggestion that you're working with the University about a story, and he doesn't question any further.
You're not sure if it's because he takes the hint or because he loses interest.
During the drive home, you notice something looming in the distance. Atop the highest hill is a dark house, with spires and towers rising from the tops of spindly trees. Even from here, you can see that the architecture is old and ornate, almost ancient in a hypnotic way. You're fairly certain you can see a murder of crows circling above.
An unusual feeling hangs around the house, like there's some kind of aura surrounding it. Welcoming some, yet blocking others.
Very strange indeed.
You spend the rest of the night huddled next to the fireplace, using the flickering orange light to skim over newspaper clippings.
No, the house does not have a heating system. But you don't mind too much, you have plenty of wood and warm clothes.
Five missing and three dead in the last year. Local law enforcement has done everything they could with what they had to work with, which apparently wasn't much. Scattered locations, no visible connection between the victims, and an alarming lack of evidence.
Eyelids heavy, you leave the papers scattered across the floor and head to bed, already looking forward to tomorrow's first coffee.
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september 17, 2004
The University appears to be just as old as the rest of the town. Original wood, aged stone, curved iron accents. The brick walkway is slick with morning rain, and the sky is swirling with fog.
Perfect weather, it makes you ready to get to work.
The directory stated that Min Yoongi would be in Montgomery Hall, the natural sciences building, either in the greenhouse or in one of the labs, according to the TA you talked to earlier on the phone.
It takes some wandering, but what you like about this place is that people don't seem to notice your presence as much as they do in town. Out there, you're an easily identifiable outsider. Here, you're just another passerby with a purpose.
You find him in one of the lab rooms, tucked into a little nook that's encased with plastic sheeting, dotted with beads of moisture. The small space is crowded with greenery, big pots of tall plants with fanning leaves, draping vines from wall planters, seedlings in little trays.
Through the condensation dripping down the plastic walls, you can see that he's spraying the plants down with water, wearing a classic white coat.
You're indulging in your bad habit again. Your footsteps are notoriously quiet (you've been told), and you (apparently) have a tendency to sneak up on people and observe them for several minutes before they notice that you are there.
But it's a skill you delight in.
The man is of average height, thin, black hair, delicate features. You notice that the soles of his boots are caked with mud, and his skin is dewy from the humidifiers pumping moisture into the room.
"You already know my opinion on this," you hear him say, muffled by the spray of the water.
For a moment, you think he's talking to you, that he's rejecting your case before you've even presented it to him. But he isn't facing you, and his tone is decidedly casual, like he's talking to an old friend.
"It's bad for the others, anyway," he continues. "Don't wiggle your trigger hairs at me like that."
A pause, the water flow stops. Then a sigh of defeat.
"Fine, one puff. Then you quit pouting, got it?"
There's the sound of shuffling, then the fwick of a lighter being ignited.
Your curiosity gets the better of you, and you step forward to peer through the slit in the plastic sheeting.
There's a Venus fly trap on one of the shelves, and between the jaws of one of the trap mouths, is a lit cigarette.
The man's head piques up when you enter his field of vision. Eyes widening, he looks like a cat that's been caught off guard.
He looks between you and the plant several times. You're fairly certain you see the tip of the cigarette glow ember, as if the plant were actually inhaling.
The man snatches the cigarette away and crushes it beneath the wet sole of his boot.
"Nasty habit," he finally says with a nervous chuckle. An awkward, straight-mouthed smile crosses his face, making his cheeks puff out slightly.
"Min Yoongi?" you ask.
"Yes, ma'am," he responds politely.
"I'm ______," you say, holding out a hand to shake.
He shuffles forward, his cold slim fingers meeting yours.
"Ah, the mayor mentioned that you'd be around."
That throws you a bit, because from what you've gathered about this case, you assumed that the mayor didn't want to be associated with it.
"Yes, would you mind filling me in on some of the ecological disturbances that have been going on in town?"
It's as if the question sends ants crawling down his spine. His neutral smile dissipates into an anxious twitch of his lips. He turns the hose back on and resumes spritzing the plants.
"What do you want to know?" he asks, a new tension in his voice.
"Well," you start, "The mayor tells me that locals have been complaining about strange mushrooms invading their yards, increased acidity in their soil. Would you know anything about that?"
His eyebrows are knitted as he dampens the leaves of a spiraling fern.
"Mushrooms are really just the fruit of fungi, they bloom like flowers when the conditions are just right. Moisture, shade, an abundance of organic material, stuff like that. When it comes to the acidity, there's a variety of factors. All the rainfall recently leads to leaching, and the increased use of fertilizers causes nitrification. It's pretty standard."
You raise an eyebrow. He's deflecting.
"People have been saying that these mushrooms have been particularly hard to get rid of."
Yoongi 's brows furrow as if he's thinking hard.
"Fungi are tricky like that. We don't know much about them, really. They're their own class of life form. It could be a particularly stubborn strain."
"There's also been some unusual plant growth, creeping vines or the like. Very resistant to herbicides, apparently."
He pauses, considers it.
"Hmm," he mutters, the nozzle of the hose going lax in his hand.
“Also,” you continue, trying to further engage his curiosity. “There's been several cases of strange root rot?”
You add a questioning tone to your voice, gauging his reaction. Apparently, he hasn’t heard about it, because he looks up at you with the same question in his eyes.
“Root rot? In household plants?” he asks.
“No, in residencies.”
Yoongi stares at you for a moment, and you can tell he’s intrigued.
“I would benefit a lot from your knowledge, if I could just bring you a few samples, maybe go out and do some fieldwork—”
“You wouldn’t like working with me,” Yoongi interrupts. “I’m very…particular.”
You have a feeling the word is meant as a substitute for something else.
“Wonderful, so am I,” you reply, digging one of the many notebooks out of your bag. Flipping to the calendar, you click open your open your pen and start scribbling.
“Mornings are best, get the most out of the daylight. Make sure to bring your equipment and something to write on, and a camera if you have one.”
“Wait, I just don’t know if I’m going to be much use to you,” Yoongi says a little nervously, sticking his hands in his pockets.
You pause your scribbling to look at him. He’s pale in the fluorescent light, but not just physically. He has pale mannerisms and pale expressions, the countenance of a person that doesn’t feel as if they belong.
You know the feeling well.
“Coffee is always on me. How do you like it?” you say instead.
“Does Wednesday work?”
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september 18, 2004
Three dead and five missing in less than six months. First, Michael Bradley, aged forty-two. Cause of death: chronic poisoning/exposure to toxic chemicals. He was found in his garage surrounded by household cleaners and herbicides. Apparently he’d been trying to get rid of the same strange mushrooms in his yard.
For now, all you have to work with is what they’ve published in the newspapers, and it seems that all that's come out of it is a public service announcement warning homeowners to be careful around toxic chemicals. His wife, Mary Bradley, hasn't commented on the circumstances of her husband’s death. And no one else has inquired any further into the matter.
Until today, obviously. Mrs. Bradley didn't answer her phone, and when you knocked on her door earlier this morning, she seemed less than pleased.
You opened with the standard introduction: I'm a journalist working on a story, would you mind consenting to an interview? Mrs. Bradley narrowed her eyes and scanned you up and down with barely concealed suspicion.
She asked what a journalist would find interesting about a common, accidental death in a small town. Apparently, the citizens of Farrow's End are very perceptive to outsiders.
You mentioned that fact that although Bradley's death appeared accidental, it's not common for people to die at the hands of household chemicals from prolonged exposure. Chronic poisoning is rarely without symptoms, why didn't he go to hospital?
She didn't have anything to say to that. You asked if she'd be comfortable divulging some of the details of his death, maybe even giving you access to the autopsy report. But she just grimaced at the mention, insisting that she had nothing to say about the matter and that you should leave right away.
She slammed the door in your face, but luckily it wasn't the first time people have resisted your questions. Unfortunately, a significant part of your job involves being a pain in the ass.
You linger in the front yard, where it's impossible not to notice the gnarled tree stumps and large rings of mushrooms scattered across the lawn.
You're not a mycologist by any means, but even you can tell that these mushrooms are strange. They seem to be multicolored, red and orange and brown, changing depending on the light like a hologram, but without any of the shine. They aren't bulb-shaped like many other mushrooms, but twist in tendrils this way and that, stretching.
And a smell hangs about them. You can't really describe it, something like damp and musk and old meat. Standing there, breathing them in, for too long makes your head spin.
And the trees, or rather, what's left of them. Nothing but stumps now, but you can tell that they were old when they were cut down. There's that same multi-colored effect to them, except it runs in veins throughout the tree's bark, spiraling into the rings.
You'll have to ask Yoongi about it.
Curiosity nips at you like a non-venomous snake even after you're home. It's not deadly, but it sure as hell is annoying.
What kind of disease infects fungi and trees? Why would the mayor care about privately investigating such a thing? And a thousand other questions.
You shove your boots on and enter back into the chill. You remember seeing a bookstore in town.
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The Magic Shop: Books and Oddities
The front window glows with warm light, crowded with displayed volumes and curiosities (a stuffed raven, a jar of yellowing teeth, insects encased in amber).
The door swings open with the ring of a bell. Someone calls out "Welcome in," in a deep-velvet voice.
The smell of parchment and aged leather envelopes you like a familiar hug. You can't help pausing in the doorway and inhaling deeply. No matter what city you're in, places like this always feel like home.
It's everything that a bookstore should be: crowded, mysterious, and slightly dusty. The shelves are tightly grouped and arranged like a labyrinth few are privy to, and stacks—no, towers—of books occupy every corner.
You enter into the space, feet padding on the braided rugs, eyes drinking in the details. There are labels on the shelves, haphazardly spaced. They start normal enough: gardening, self-help, adventure.
But then you realize that they branch off into even more labels, or rather sub-labels. There's nocturnal gardening, gardening under the influence, Faerie gardens and goblin gardens. Each labeled sub-genre branches into even more specific sub-categories, creating a seemingly endless array of subjects.
You could explore this place for hours. In fact, you intend to over the course of your stay in Farrow's End.
You spend an indeterminate amount of time exploring all the labels and categories. The shelves twist this way and that, creating little nooks where the occasional armchair is tucked into.
Eventually, you come to a more open area with a wide-sprawling desk. The man sitting behind it is tall and tan, glasses perched on his nose, with short chestnut hair that shifts golden in the candlelight.
He's deeply focused on the book in his hands: A Comprehensive Guide to Navigating Parallel Universes and Pocket Dimensions.
Typically, you hate to bother people in a bookstore, especially if they're already reading. It's supposed to be a space for quiet reflection, for self-exploration and uninterrupted browsing. But you still have a job to do, and it's clear that you won't be able to navigate the complicated system yourself. At least, not in a concise period of time.
So you square your shoulders and prepare yourself to address the (handsome, you notice) man at the counter.
"Excuse me," you begin in a hushed voice.
The man's head whips up, as if he completely forgot there was another person here.
"Yes?" He says in that same deep voice, friendly and eager. "Do you need help finding something?" It sounds like he can't quite believe the fact. This place must not get many customers.
"Yes, if you don't mind."
His face lights up as if nothing would delight him more.
"Do you have anything on unusual mushrooms?" you ask.
The man sets down his book and slips out from behind the desk. "Hmm..." he mumbles to himself, expertly weaving between the shelves while you hurry to catch up.
"Let's see here..." he says, passing a wall draped with vines from a hanging planter, like the ones in Yoongi's lab, you notice.
"Fungi," he mutters, fingertips ghosting over the shelves. The sections under Fungi are vast and wide-ranging. Poisons & Antidotes, Moss & Lichens, Carnivorous, Aberrations.
He pauses at that last one, eyes flitting between the volumes.
"Anything specific?" he asks.
You debate on how much to disclose, but with the several cases of strange fungi in people's yards, it's probably common small town knowledge by now.
"Anything about an unusual fungus with...tendrils?" You can't help the hesitation, you're not sure if it's a common feature among mushrooms.
Apparently, it's not as unusual as you thought, because the man only nods and shifts his attention to one of the lower shelves. His slim fingers finally land on an old cloth-bound book with a red toadstool on the spine. There's no title on the cover, but the man seems to be familiar with it.
"Here you go," he says, handing it to you. "I think you'll find what you're looking for in this one."
He says it with the confidence of someone who's read every book in the building front to back. A very specific part of your brain tells you that this fact is almost certainly true.
"Thank you very much," you say, turning the book over in your hands.
"My pleasure," he replies, and means it.
"How much?"
He guides you back to the counter and rings it up for a very good price.
You're itching to ask questions, but you're not sure where to start.
The man places the book into a brown paper bag printed with Magic Shop Books and Oddities and hands it to you with a warm smile.
You lose your nerve and take the bag in silence. Then, as if he could smell the fragmented thoughts darting around in your skull, he says, "Be careful in the woods."
You look at him. There's the same friendly smile, but now with a hint of good-natured curiosity.
"If you're going mushroom hunting, I mean," he adds.
You stare at him for perhaps too long.
"Thanks," you say, dropping a generous tip into the jar next to the register.
"Hope to see you again," he calls out as you exit through the front door.
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A moth to flame, bees to honey. Insert: you to coffee shops with perfect ambient lighting. You spot it just as you're leaving the narrow alley that leads to the bookshop.
Turning the corner onto a cobblestone walkway, you catch sight of the cafe windows, slick with the recent rain. But from what you can see through the glass, it looks like a warm, cozy place.
Glancing at the front door, you notice an OPEN sign, even though it's quite late. You're opening the door and stepping inside before you're even conscious of it.
The interior reflects the same aged aesthetic as the exterior, dark wood and brick and brass accents. But the kitchen area houses clean chrome appliances, and there are shelves stacked with white dishes behind them. Golden light warms a glass case fully stocked with a manner of pastries, breads, and other nibbles, all of which still seem to be steaming hot.
You immediately decide that you like this place.
"Good evening," a pleasant voice calls, though you can't yet identify the speaker.
The smell of steam and freshly-ground coffee beans becomes richer as you approach the counter. You can hear someone puttering around in the back room.
You glance at the menu's wide selection, and when you look back at the counter, a man is standing right in front of you.
You don't scare easily, but it's enough to make you jump a little.
"What can I get you?" the man asks cheerfully. He's tall and slim, wearing a white button-up and black slacks under an apron. Brown hair, dark eyes, and a full smiling mouth.
You order a coffee and a pastry.
"What time do you close?" you ask, wanting to sit down and enjoy the atmosphere but also not wanting to be the asshole that settles in just before closing.
"On Wednesdays we close at noon, otherwise we're open twenty-four hours," he replies, sounding delighted by rather than annoyed by the fact.
A twenty-four hour coffee shop? You really like this place.
He must see your eyebrows raise in surprise, because then he proudly adds, "Only one in town."
Pleasantly surprised, you look around the shop to assess the seating options. There are booths tucked along the walls, a few tables and chairs, and a few plush-looking armchairs near the windows.
"Please, have a seat and make yourself at home. I enjoy the company," the man says as he makes your drink.
You take him up on it, settling into one of the chairs by the frosted glass of the window. It's then that you take a closer look at the book the shop owner recommended.
A fraying cloth-bound cover, a red toadstool instead of a title. Inside, a table of contents. First, a bit of basic mycology, which you greatly benefit from. Immediately after, a range of mutations, circumstances, and environmental factors that caused the direct disturbance to said mycology.
You get lost in it quite easily, sipping your drink (which is expertly brewed) and nibbling your pastry (which is almost too delicious for words). You know that you'll be spending a considerable amount of time here throughout your stay in Farrow's End.
The book cites several case studies, all suggesting that a new strain of fungus is not only spreading rapidly, but infecting all other strains it has access to.
You read on, only momentarily distracted by the occasional customers that enter into the establishment. Like the group of students, most likely from the University, who order a large batch of espresso to-go. Or the old man who orders a sandwich and black coffee and sits outside despite the late-night chill.
You don't realize it, but you read on until the early morning. The first few faint, pale rays of sunlight stretch across your current page through the window, and you jerk to attention when you realize what time it is.
Not that you have somewhere in particular to be today. But you've always liked to get a jump on things early on in the investigation. And you have better luck getting interviews during the day.
You had no idea that time was passing so quickly. This place seems to have an air of particular tranquility, the kind that only a handful of coffee shops are able to achieve. It's the feeling of finding a quiet place after being overstimulated for hours.
You take your dishes to the counter, drop a tip into the jar, and step into the morning chill.
Exhaustion sets in on the journey home, and you crash moments after your head hits the pillow.
The dreams start that night.
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a/n: thanks so much for reading!! love to hear any of ur thoughts 👉👈
next chapter
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dukecollinsbf · 28 days
gulp... darlin hcs... this is kinda long... i use he/they pronouns here. hes a cis dude in my eyes i just type they out of instinct.
hes called julius
mexican-asian! (their dad is mexican, their mom is cambodian. they were born in mexico but moved to washington when their dad got a better job opportunity.)
his dad has a teardrop tattoo and one of those "cut here" tattoos on his neck. he's also blind in one eye
their mom is beautiful but #evil. she always had her nails painted dark red
julius' favourite colour is dark red
he got 4 siblings!! hes the middle.
their older sister was the typical 2000s teen girl. ik yall are envisioning the hairstyle im talking about. she also brags about how she loved leopard print before it got popular.
also shes a kesha lover. now she listens to chappell roan. she IS casual.
as an adult, their younger brother works with animals! their older sister has an online job and their older brother is a mechanic. their younger sister is in college and julius hates her bf. the one sided beef is crazy. theyve never even met in person.
he did boxing as a teen and his little sister used to do dance
ik more of the fandom wants them to have happy childhood BUT NOT ME!!!!!!1
their dad sold their wii for drug money (am i projecting)
their mom is worst than their dad muahahahahah
they had a saint bernard called Pooch growing up and a yappy little chihuahua that his mom loved. that dog also refused to die. like im talking this dog got attacked by a bigger dog and had a tumor and got hit by a car and survived. by the time the dog died it had a leg missing and was blind. the vet bills were crazy
even tho their parents were shitty, they could never bring themselves to hate them even though they wanted to. when either of them would pass out on the couch, he'd cover them with a blanket and clean the living room and kitchen. when his mom would be upset, he'd sit and listen to her even tho she never did the same to him
he doesnt talk to his parents now and he makes jokes about what he went thru to cope, but he wonders if they're doing okay, if they got healed and became better people or if they passed away and they never knew.
the bond they had with their unempowered friend was the same bond asher, david and milo have. his friend was called trevor.
julius was trevors first kiss because trevor complained about feeling like a loser since everyone started dating around their teen years LMFAO
their first concert was a metallica one that they went to with quinn
they worked as a waiter for a while as a teenager and had a work bestie that was like 40
I STOLE THIS HC FROM A FIC IVE READ IF YOU FIND IT PLZ LMK SO I CAN CREDIT!! but they worked in a fighting ring at one point
my own add on to the same hc: during this time, they had a shitty little apartment and the most decorated space was a dresser dedicated to their fish, soda pop. that fish was spoiled as fuck and he cried when soda pop died
he frequented a diner to the point the lady behind the counter knew his order beat for beat
when they were teenagers, asher took inspo from their style. they used to wear those little black wrist bands with the little spikes (do yall know what im talking about) and thats where ashers love for his spiked collar came from
they do not have a single pair of blank socks. they all have some sort of stupid design on them
also ofc, the rubber duck, courtesy of domini.
they hate haircuts
they HATE the grocery store. they get overstimulated and wanna die immediately.
best meal theyve ever made for themselves is mac and cheese. from those little boxes.
aggro bit them one time and theyre still upset over it
TATTED AS FAWK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they have piercings GODDDD THEYRE SO FINE
they also have sharp canines (im bouta bust)
i know yall want asher to have heterochromia but i hc julius has it. HOWEVER! I hc asher has anisocoria (one pupil bigger than the other). they bond over having eye conditions
they also fell out of a tree in the middle of the woods one time and cracked their head open and broke their leg and had to limp home
the first ever scar he got was on his chin when he and his brother were pushing each other around (as brothers do) and julius fell and cut his chin open. its very faded now, but his brother brings it up somtimes
one time, out of boredome, he ran away from his brother at the store
his little sister would hide between clothes in the store and would need to be called for on the intercom
i have more. theyre my fav listener. all my hcs go to them.
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toulousewayne · 1 year
Batfamily Shenanigans:Head-canons Pt: 1
Bruce eat Peanut Butter from the jar and it drives Alfred mad. Has a kid it was the only thing that calmed Bruce down after his parents,but as an adult he still does it.
Bruce cannot cook in the kitchen, but he can grill just about anything and does it with minimal effort.
Dick, Bruce,Alfred,Steph and Duke are right handed. While, Babs, Jason, Damian, and Kate are left handed. Tim is ambidextrous. Damian hates it.
Damian is vegetarian, Dick and Babs will try different restaurants with him and some of Dick’s new favorite takeout is a vegan and vegetarian Asian restaurant in Uptown.
Alfred prefers Earl Grey over any other tea.
Tim got his GED,at first the he didn’t want to tell anyone but Damian found his mail and told him he was proud. But threatened him if he breathed a word to the others.
Duke sometimes get overwhelmed during the day patrol and other bats sometimes will randomly come by to check on him.
Bruce to his credit was still getting hang of being a father with Jason and Dick. Tim was more of a partner at first, but later on he became his son. He really got improve and do better with Damian. He’s still trying but at least that counts.
Jason does have the white tuff, however after speaking with Talia and Damian he learns it’s not a result of the pit. And it’s actually Vitiligo.
Stephanie is actually allergic to eggs, put loves them so much that everyone just carries Benadryl. Cass keeps her EpiPen.
Duke is the best swimmer out of his siblings.
Kate does not like desserts, she doesn’t have a big sweet tooth. Bruce however is a Cookie Monster.
Babs has had LASIK however she still wears her glasses to not strain them while looking at monitors all the time.
Alfred the Cat, loves Tim’s room more because of his window. It gets the best sunrises and sunsets, he enjoys the warmth from it.
Ace prefers to set at Bruce’s feet in the cave. Bruce enjoys his company.
Cass and Dick have dance classes together in the ballroom. Dick is surprisingly good at Ballet.
Jason will eat his siblings leftovers. Tim will get him half his PB&J and Jason will devour it in seconds.
Talia used to make food with her mother has a little girl and did the same with Damian. He tries to teach Bruce some of his favorite food. Poor Bruce isn’t very good at it but the enjoy the bonding.
Cass can identify which of her brothers is the closest by their scents. Dick has a vanilla and cedarwood smell,Jason smells like Grapefruit and Amber, Tim smells like French lavender, Duke has a grapefruit and Patchouli scent, and Damian smells like cinnamon.
Barbara likes when Cass and Damian make her handmade jewelry over being bought stuff. She wears a gold locket Cass gifted her everyday. And has a ring and charm bracelet that Damian gave her for birthday. She never takes these off.
Tim is allergic to shellfish.
Bruce cannot stand strawberry jam, he prefers grape much to Alfred’s horror.
Stephanie will stack plates, silverware and cups like a server. It’s habit she got from her Mom and hates leaving a mess for Alfred or any other server to clean.
Jason has smoked from time to time. But will snap if he sees his little brothers do it. Jason will Mother Hen them to death.
Alfred is the best marksmen with long ranges guns, Jason is the best at versatile shooting and Barbara is the best firearm shot.
Cass,Steph are the same height, both are an inch taller than Tim, Duke is to inches taller then them.
Tim and Damian are the artist of the family. Damian prefers classic art, like oil paintings, pottery, and marble sculptures. Tim prefers modern art, photography, stone sculptures. Diana takes them to her art gallery on the weekends.
Bruce is the slowest to text back, Jason and Damian ignore texts if they’re not emergencies,Tim emails the fastest, the only good testers are Steph, Duke, and Barbara. Dick will ignore your text and FaceTime you to ask you to repeat the question instead and Cass prefers a phone call.
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fagboyfriend · 1 year
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the five peices i did for one of my finals- centering around the theme of transness in the home. I’ve been really getting into the concept of domesticity, privacy and intimacy and how these are experienced in trans bodies.You may recognize the characters if you follow my work hehe ^_^
all are 22x30, watercolor, colored ink, acrylic gouache and various other things like gel pen, colored pencil, paint pen- and of course- stickers!
[Image Description:
5 traditional paintings.
The first is of a fat south asian trans man lying nude reclined on a bed inside of a van. His eyes are closed and he is somewhat falling off the bed, his head and arm draped towards the ground. Visable in the van are snacks, a record player, fastfood containers, condoms, a vibrator, and several posters on his walls.
The Second is of two characters, a fat east asian trans woman, who is nude, and a mid-size white nonbinary person, who is shirtless but wearing boxers. They sit on a bed together, smiling and surrounded by pinkish light.
The third is of a thin white transfeminine nonbinary person lying on the floor of a bathroom nude, with her legs propped up on the edge of a bathtub. They’re also making a phone call, and looking absentmindedly into a mirror that is reflecting them.
the fourth is of a chubby trans man with dark curly hair wearing a binder with his laptop propped up on his lap. You can see the rest of his bedroom, including someone watching tv in the far distance.
The fifth is of a thin white man standing in a room, looking down at a mirror that lies at his feet. You can see the rest of his room, including a teal ladder and a stained glass window in the kitchen.
All five paintings are very colorful, covered in stickers and have colorful borders.
End ID.]
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litsetaure · 1 year
So…one of my favourite headcanons is that the Potter family are Indian. (Those of you who’ve read my Grindeldore/Wolfstar dancer fic might recall that Fleamont Potter, James’ father and the UK Prime Minister, is Indian in that. Funnily enough, our real life Prime Minister is a British Indian Hindu who became PM last year. On Diwali. Yeah, that was an…interesting day in the family. Still not entirely sure how I feel about it.)
Anyway - here are some headcanons about James Potter being Indian, some of which are based around how I actually grew up. (Note: there will probably be more as I think of them!):
When Holi comes around, James wakes the others up by pelting them with coloured powder. He does it every year and every year they fall for it. They also pelt everyone with coloured powder throughout the holiday. It took weeks for the paint to be cleaned fully. (Some people suspected Dumbledore deliberately let it stay like that because he liked the colours.)
Sirius got really angry the first time he heard someone call James a Paki. He doesn’t know what it means, but he never wants to see that look on James’ face again. He absolutely lost it when James told him what it meant. (For those of you who don’t know what it means, it’s an incredibly racist slur towards south Asians; along similar lines of using the n-word to a black person. This is also why James gets so angry whenever anyone uses the word Mudblood - because he knows how that shit feels.)
Sirius helps James create magical rangoli patterns during Diwali. They also take over the kitchen for an evening trying to make Indian sweets. The results are mixed-looking, but they all taste good, and the house elves get some great new dishes.
Every time a festival falls on a full moon, they always celebrate a few days after so Remus can join in. (He hugely appreciates the sweets.)
James initially wasn’t thrilled that his Animagus form is a stag, since a deer is the form one of the bad guys took in the Ramayana when he triggered the events that led to Rama’s wife being kidnapped.
When James’ father died, he had a traditional Hindu funeral. Traditionally, the eldest son leads the proceedings, but when James broke down, Sirius stepped in to continue. In that moment, James loved Sirius more than he could put into words.
James also taught the Marauders some Hindi so they could talk privately, as well as some Indian magic.
James, Lily and Sirius actually go to india for their wedding outfits. Lily also has magical mendhi patterns done by James’ aunts and cousins. James also had to gently explain to Lily that wearing white is associated with funerals.
Petunia showed up to James and Lily’s wedding in a white dress to try and upstage the bride. She’s very confused to realise a) Lily is not wearing white, and b) a lot of James’ relatives are looking at her weirdly, because she’s wearing a funeral colour.
At James and Lily’s engagement party, James’ aunties kept trying to set Sirius up with their daughters and teasing him about getting married. They shut up when Sirius snogged Remus in front of everyone. James wasn’t even mad that his engagement was briefly upstaged.
James has a book of Indian tales and legends passed down from his father. He read them to Harry at bedtime. Lily would smile and watch from the doorway. He also taught his friends some classic Indian songs to sing to Harry.
Every year on Raksha Bandhan, James ties a rakhi on Sirius’ wrist and charms them so they’ll never come undone. One night, Sirius noticed the threads of one of them coming loose. That night was October 31st, 1981.
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brickcentral · 7 months
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Sharing my review for the LEGO 80113 Family Reunion Celebration. My husband gave me a gift card for the Holidays and waited patiently for this set’s release on Jan. 1st 2024. The reviews are based on my own opinion. I omitted the minifigures just because I wanted to focus on the build itself.
Celebrate the Year of the Dragon with this beautiful set! The Family Reunion Celebration set is a traditional restaurant with beautiful details and wall art. This set has 1823 pieces and has 2 detachable floors for play. It comes with 13 Lego Minifigures but I would like to talk more about the intricate design and art of this set and how eye-catching it is for me.
The build details
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I admire the “Nice Part Usage” of the frogs for a more Asian architectural approach. The gold ingot in Earth Green is the perfect Green for the roof tiles.
The corner stalls
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These beautiful, printed stickers add a sense of Asian culture to the build.
The entrance
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Again the characters are neatly printed and are very inviting.
The aquarium
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This is my favorite part of the build! The aquarium is a way of attracting good luck and fortune. The placement of it in Feng Shui is perfect!
The kitchen
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The Kitchen is very playable too with pots and pans and that duck!
The paintings
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The paintings on the 2nd floor are so beautiful! On the round table, you can gaze at this beautiful bird painting while the light is shining through the window. When you go to use the bathroom on the same floor, you will see a beautiful castle painting that reminds you of where the Ancient Chinese Gods live.
This set costs $129.99/€129.99/£89.99 and comes with a sticker sheet. Some wouldn’t like the stickers but for me, it added to the play as if I’m holding a piece of delicate art and framing it. This set comes with a lot of really good pieces like the gutters and fence and as a builder, I know I can create tons of beautiful MOC’s with this set.
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dorothygale123 · 8 months
Raise your hand if you've heard of the 4 Guardian Beasts before. Anyone? If you don't, it's cool. That's what learning is for!
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Now, anime fans like myself may be more than a little familiar with these guys as they've shown up in more than a few properties (ex. Fushigi Yuugi) but the concept, like many things in Asian culture, was originally Chinese. Also called the 4 Symbols, the 4 Gods, and the 4 Cardinal Creatures in English, the 4 Guardian Beasts are very popular in East Asia. We'll be calling them by their Chinese name, the Sixiang, because it's much shorter than any of their English titles because it's shorter. Do excuse me if I call the beasts themselves by their Japanese names, as it's what I know them best by.
The Sixiang are an astrological concept, with each one governing a portion of the sky. Each of these 4 sections had 7 constellations consisting of parts of the beast that when looked at together shows the beast as a whole. Pretty different from Greek constellations, huh? Anyways, these 28 total constellations were very important to Chinese cosmology as each one was seen as housing a different part of the Heavens, where the gods did their business. Let's take a closer look, shall we?
Azure Dragon/Canglong/Seiryuu, Guardian of the East
Fun fact: back in ye olden days azure was used to describe a shade of green, so while there are many depictions of Seiryuu as a blue dragon a lot of really ancient art paints him green. Surprisingly, he's associates with the element of wood rather than water. His constellations house the Heavenly Gates and several parts of the Jade Emperor's palace (including the stables where a certain naughty monkey did a stint). He's generally seen as the most important member of the group as a result.
White Tiger/Baihu/Byakko, Guardian of the West
As the name suggests, Byakko is a massive white tiger that rules over all other beasts with a terrifying roar. He's said to be in tune with all 5 elements (water, fire, earth, wood, metal) but is most associated with metal. He carries the 'essence of heroes' and means business. His constellations mostly have to do with the Heavenly army, with the prison, garrison, and granary all falling under his purview.
Vermillion Bird/Zhuque/Duzaku, Guardian of the South
Often confused with a Phoenix, Suzaku is actually a distinct creature. The fact that Eastern and Western Phoenix's are very different in concept doesn't help matters, especially since cultural osmosis has led to the Eastern Phoenix becoming more and more similar to it's Western counterpart. Suzaku himself is very similar to a Western Phoenix, being associated with fire and elixirs of immortality. His constellations are very functional, housing heavenly the wells, wardrobes, kitchens, and other such things.
Black Turtle/Xuanwu/Genbu, Guardian of the North
Now I say turtle, but Genbu is a bit more of a dual creature. Sometimes they're 2 animals, a turtle with a serpent on it's back, and others it's a turtle with a long snake-like neck. Sometimes it goes full chimera and is a turtle with a snake for a tail, head included. No matter which way you slice it though, Genbu is some mix of snake and turtle. Naturally, it gets associated with the element of water. Sometimes it's even credited as once having been the turtle that carried the floating city of Penglai (which I'll get to eventually). Genbu's constellations seem to be wealth-based, as it presides over the temples, treasury, and non-military granary.
Okay, so I know I said 4 beasts, but the Sixiang are sometimes shown with a 5th member that takes it's place in the center of the group. Occasionally it's a yellow dragon to represent the Yellow Emperor, but personally I prefer when it's the qilin/kirin, the Chinese Unicorn. Now it's called a unicorn, but like many Chinese creatures it's a bit of a chimera. With the head of a ram, the hooves of a horse, legs of a wolf, body of a deer, scales of a snake, tail of an ox, and horns of a dragon. Calm and intelligent, it is often seen as a symbol of nobility and scholars. Another fun fact: the Japanese word for giraffe is kirin because of their remarkable resemblance to the mythical beast.
This was a bit of a long one, but I had fun! What about you guys?
Sh*tpost Masterlist
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hamsterbellbelle · 11 months
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Additional CC list for Lestat's Apartment🎦:
Antique suitcases || Archway || Bag/clothes/suitcase || Bag || Bag || Bathroom clutter || Bicycle (wall)/speaker || Blood bag || Blood (deco) - A - B - C || Board planks || Books - A - B - C - D ||
Bowl with towel || Boxes/hand truck || Boxes || Broom/drying rack (bathroom)/wall rack || Bucket with dipper || Calendar || Candles || Candles || Cardboard rug || Cereal boxes || Chair with bag || Chair with clothes || Cleaning clutter || Coat rack stand || Coffin ||
Conduit || Cooking pots || Crate || Dirty dishes (sink)/mail || Dirty dishes (table) || Divider with clothes || Door || Drain || Fan || Floor clothes || Floor dirt || Floor wood strip || Folded jeans ||
Folding chair || Food (deco) || Fridge || Guitar (deco) || Hamper || Hanging branches/old clothes || Hanging tapestry || Hanging backpack || Hat || Headphone || Herb pots ||
Ironing board/drying rack/laundry clutter || Map (deco) || Mattress || Mug || Neon - Cat - Cross - Mouth - XXX || Newspaper stack || Oil lamp || Painting clutter/canvas || Paper bag/mug || Papers ||
Piano || Picture stand || Pillows || Pillows || Plants - animal - can - floor - hanging - piano || Polaroids || Puzzle || Record player || Rug || Shampoo || Shoe box || Shoe rack/shoes ||
Sink (bathroom) || Sink (kitchen) || Sofa || Soil bags || Stool || Suitcase/bag/clothes || Used tissue ||
🐹             🐹             🐹             🐹             🐹    
Animated astray || Asian divider || Chair with clothes || Cyberpunk posters || Metal panel || Neon (afterlife) || Suitcase laptop || Wires/panel ||
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barry-kent-mackay · 2 years
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The group of mammals that includes whales, dolphins and porpoises is call Cetacea, and the subject of my recent oil painting is the world’s smallest Cetacean, the Vaquita (Phocoena sinus), little porpoise that, at maturity, is less than five feet long.  The Vaquita is found only in the waters at the northern end of the Gulf of California and is critically endangered, down to about ten to twenty individual animals left, as of earlier this year.  Its existence as a species was first established in 1958, based on the structure of skulls retrieved from dead individuals found on the beach, but it was only in 1985 that its external appearance was finally described.  “Vaquita” means “little cow” in Spanish. No other marine mammal has such a small range.
The main threat to the species is another animal species found only in the Gulf of California, a large drum fish called the Totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi), itself now an endangered species. I have shown a couple of them in the background. The problem is a demand by an Asian market for the swim bladders and meat of the Totoaba. The nets used to catch the fish caught, entangled drowned the Vaquitas. The bladders are a delicacy in Chinese cuisine, and the bladders are mistakenly credited with treating fertility, circulatory and skin problems. The demand for Totoaba commenced a century ago, after a native Chinese fish, the Chinese Bahaba (Bahaba taipingensis), also known as the Giant Yellow Croaker, as nearly exterminated. It is still critically endangered, with both fish species facing other threats captured by the catch-all rubric, environmental degradation.
A major threat to the north end of the Gulf of California’s marine life is all too well known: the salinity of this region, surrounded by land, has for thousands of years been determined by the flow of fresh water from the once mighty Colorado River, at the “top end” of the sea.  But the water of that river, whose force carved the Grand Canyon upriver, and could fill the aquifer behind Hoover Dam, all gets drained off for farming, kitchen taps, golf courses, lawns, gardens, car washes and multiple other human uses before reaching the sea, while at the same time massively unprecedented draught grips the region. 
Both Vaquita and Totoaba are protected, and work is underway to commercially raise the latter in fish farms, which potentially carry their own environmental risks. But there is not only poaching, but net captures of other marine life that still threaten both the Vaquita and the Totoaba.  The latter has good survival potential but it is extremely frustrating to those of us who care that there seems really to be nothing that can be done to prevent the extinction of the Vaquita at some future point in the current century.  It’s far from my best painting; I wanted to convey a sense of tranquility to symbolize the harmonization within nature even with its predatory and competitive nature whereas I perhaps should have tried a more stark or dramatic effect, perhaps the better to reflect my frustrations over my inability to reduce the damage we do to others, other species often unknown to most people, but I felt that at least I should paint its picture, chasing squid in the shallows, an imagined scene based on a reality soon to leave us.
The painting is in oils on compressed hardboard and is 24 by 30 inches in size.
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dentistonkingsway · 2 years
Bridhi Furnishing, we have a team of creative thinkers ready to take on new projects and offer a variety of design suggestions for creating residential spaces in Gorakhpur. We approach every assignment with a comprehensive perspective! We want to develop environments that are both cost-effective and reflective of the people using them. We make houses into beautiful, hospitable homes. Our designs are inspiring and changing. We work hard to achieve excellence hence we are the best home solution provider in Gorakhpur. To get the best home solution in Gorakhpur, connect to Bridhi Furnishing.
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simmy93sims4creations · 5 months
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Old Italia Pier Apartments - (Anchorpoint Wharf - San Sequoia)
Residential Rental - 4 Multi-story Apartments + Shared Ground floor amenities.
"The Old Italia Pier Apartments have seen generations of people come to SimNation to make their fortune. Originally built to house an influx of Sims from the Old Country, it has played host to families from across the world. The final residents left knowing their former homes would tell their stories. The previously commercial ground floor was repurposed and now boasts a laundromat, pool complex, gym and hobby centre."
Sims 4 Gallery: https://www.ea.com/en-gb/games/the-sims/the-sims-4/pc/gallery/7ADA558610F54770BC00977979535727?category=all&searchtype=ea_origin_id&sortby=downloads&time=all&searchquery=Simmy93&max=50&maxis=false
A Tour of the Lot
The Exterior:
Designed to preserve the exterior design of the original property, the four apartments are accessed by two dedicated yards with trash access. The 'main street' of the now quiet pier was once host to hundreds of sims a day but is now a shared space for the tenants to enjoy some outdoor time together. The name 'Old Italia' is inspired by the patriotic paintjob left by the original inhabitants way back when the Pier was still an active fish market.
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The Communal Spaces:
Although the outside of the former shops and services have remained unchanged, the interiors could not have changed more. Unlike the upstairs homes, the commercial property had no prospect of enduring and has since been repurposed for truly luxurious living.
Long Game Gym / Formerly Granny Beth's Bits n' Bobs
Once owned by the final inhabitant of the apartment above, Granny Beth's Bits n' Bobs was once the one stop shop for anything craft related in the local area. After a lucrative creative career Elizabeth 'Beth' McCann set about spreading her pink vision of the world. Unfortunately her rival and neighbour would have the last laugh as her grandson bought out the craft shop and replaced it with a gym inspired by his grandmother's domino aesthetic.
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Adriatic Laundry Services / Formerly The Red Crane
Renowned as the best Asian cuisine this side of the Simissippi, the Red Crane was once the favourite spot of celebrities far and wide. Despite the fame, the owner never took advantage and became well known for his fair prices and wholesome family image.
Once attached to the apartments above, the Red Crane's kitchen still exists in the private residence and aspiring Chefs from across the country bid to stay for as long as they can, hoping they absorb some of that magic.
Now however, the once booming restaurant is providing services which removes grease from clothes, rather than contributing to it!
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The Green Dragon / Formerly Bountiful Bouquets
Few people know, but San Sequoia used to be the source of many flower imports into SimNation, and no where else could the freshest and most exotic flora be found. Taking advantage of this luck was Bountiful Bouquets who it is said created the bouquets for a Royal Wedding!
Nowadays the shop has been converted into a community hobby centre; chess, painting, archaeology, woodwork and of course, flower arranging are available to any resident.
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The Hidden Oasis / Formerly Giuseppe's Fishmonger
The heartbeat of the local economy was appropriately nestled in the middle of the main street trading in the best that came off the fishing boats. It was the only commercial endeavour that saw the start of the pier, and the end.
Afterwards it underwent the largest renovation of the four properties and was developed into a community pool. Decadence awaits you as you descend into a desert oasis amongst the busy suburban life. Equipped with pool, adult hot tub area and even a kids activity room, every member of the family can enjoy their day hiding from the desert sun.
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The Apartments:
The Pink Lady - 2 bed, 1 bath. Unit Value: §75,628
One half of the most famous duo to be residents at the Old Italia Pier was Elizabeth 'Beth' McCann, a woman who it can safely be said, enjoyed pink. After a glittering career with her sister in the silent era of film she made the transition to the talkies, and then to colour films unlike her sister who seemed to be unable to keep up.
This lifelong resentment led to a bitter rivalry between the siblings, although most of it was aimed at Beth who for all intents and purposes was living her best life. Never marrying, Beth would adopt a son with her long time partner though they would later part ways causing scandal in the tabloids.
Tragedy would touch the McCann household despite Beth's happy disposition and she would end up raising her grandchildren after the death of her son and his wife necessitating some remodelling to accommodate such a lofty task.
No longer able to tread the boards or walk the red carpet, Beth consolidated her royalties and opened her 'Granny Beth's Bits n' Bobs' craft store and settled in for a quiet life.
The home has seen a lot of love, a lot of tears and a lot of knitting. It is perfect for an elder sim, or a small family of comfortable means.
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mexican-tile-store · 1 year
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Hand-painted Talavera tiles have their roots in the Spanish colonial period, blending the techniques and influences from Spanish, Italian, and Moorish or even Asian pottery traditions. Introduced to Mexico in the 16th century, these decorative tiles quickly gained popularity, adorning churches, monasteries, and grand haciendas. Today, their production is still centered in Puebla as well as San Miguel de Allende and has become a source of pride for Mexican artisans. One cannot help but be captivated by the artistic mastery displayed in Mexican Talavera tiles. Each tile is carefully hand-painted with a wide range of colors, often featuring floral motifs, intricate geometric patterns, and even scenes from Mexican folklore. The detailed craftsmanship and precision make each tile a work of art in its own right, showcasing the dedication and talent of the artisans who create them. When choosing your favoirte patter, remember that colors hold deep symbolism in Talavera tiles from Mexico. The cobalt blue, a prominent shade, represents the influence of Spanish pottery, while the vibrant yellows and greens draw inspiration from Mexican landscapes and flora. Symbolism also plays a role, with certain patterns and motifs carrying cultural significance. Understanding the meanings behind these colors and symbols adds another layer of appreciation to the beauty of Talavera tiles.
While rooted in tradition, decorative Talavera tiles have seamlessly transitioned into modern design aesthetics. From kitchen backsplashes to bathroom accents, these tiles add a touch of authenticity, warmth, and vibrancy to any space. Interior designers and homeowners alike are increasingly incorporating Talavera tiles into their projects, creating unique and visually striking environments that pay homage to Mexican heritage. Handmade Talavera tiles continue to enchant and inspire with their timeless beauty and cultural significance. From their origins in Puebla to their versatility in contemporary design, these handcrafted treasures have stood the test of time. Whether used in traditional or modern settings, Talavera tiles celebrate the rich artistic heritage of Mexico and allow us to discover the captivating beauty that lies within each meticulously crafted tile.
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bearbaitmegs · 7 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers!
The #1 thing that makes me happy is backpacking. Not simply hiking. Long, immersive, multi-weeks-long stretches of it. I love the weight, the sweating, griping, complaining, the views, the satisfaction that comes at the end of each day, no matter how sore. Water is sweeter, beds are softer, my appetite bottomless, the stargazing can't be beat, and I love waking up somewhere different every single day. I enjoy inconsistency. My greatest desire is simply me doing little more than walking all day every day. I expect to lose the ability to do this as I age, due to congenital issues, so it's important to me to do it Now.
The remaining 4 things in no particular order:
I have a Thing for pinecones and other cone-bearing plant seeds. I once met someone who had made a vertically cut pinecone into a necklace and I was just...never the same afterward? I made a handful of art using pinecones as a medium for about a year there. I have a small collection of pinecones from different species of conifer and they're all in labelled ziplock baggies. Forget flowers, just give me a pine bough. (Unless it's an artichoke flower, which is my favorite.)
Being in the kitchen! Herbs and spices! Cooking is one of my favorite outlets for my creativity and affection. I've had a pretty extensive spice collection for well over a decade, but I was introduced to some stunning Middle-Eastern and West Asian cookbooks in the last couple years and I'm obsessed. Without a garden of my own, I live vicariously through friends and fistfuls of the dried stuff/infused butters. One of my favorite ways to spend time with friends is in the kitchen cooking with you, for you, or designing a 7-course meal for fun. I hate the smell of lavender, but oh I love to eat it. Let me make you a tea party, pleaaaaaaase. I don't even mind doing the dishes. Gifting me with dessert is a one-way ticket to my heart.
I suppose cooking falls into this realm also, but just... making things. Painting, sculpting, embroidery, sewing, carving, cutting, glueing, doodling, knitting... put something malleable in my hands. Yeah, yeah, I have chronic tendonitis, who cares it's fine. One autumn I picked up dozens of leaves and just sewed them together into panels and florets.
Antarctica. It became my niche interest because, about 3 years ago, it became the setting for a story I've been chewing on since I was...21? 22? Over a decade ago. I've always got an open tab or bookmark that has to with its biology, geology, geography, etc, though if you ask me, I feel like I barely know anything. I'm not going to go mushy over a penguin or seal plushie or anything; I'm much more interested in the tributaries than the mainstream. I'd like to spend a season working there someday.
Bonus : I sincerely enjoy wearing masks. They're part of my daily wardrobe now and my life has improved in several ways just by having a mask as an extra accessory.
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starlightoaks · 8 months
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Kick off your lunar new year celebrations at Starlight Oaks' annual Lunar Lanes Street Party! Each year the Lunar New Year celebrations in Starlight Oaks only get bigger! The Lunar Lanes is a return favorite, and from 4pm to midnight, this weekend (10th February & 11th February), the bustling laneways outside Chin Chin and Seoul Kitchen will buzz with live entertainment, roving performers, food trucks, market stalls, DJs playing the latest in C-Pop, J-Pop and K-Pop, and plenty of Insta-worthy moments from art and light activations to dazzle the crowds during this two-night event. The best part? The Lunar Lanes organizers have also teamed up with your favorite Asian restaurants to bring you cuisine from China, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysian and Japan! The owners of Chin Chin, Gravi-Tea and Seoul Kitchen, as well as members of your local Asian community are excited to share their culture with the people of Starlight Oaks! Be sure to visit the Chinese Garden of Friendship that has been set-up at the very end of the street, for tea ceremonies and fortune readings, and look out for the seventy-foot long traditional Chinese Dragon weaving its way through the streets, to thunderous drumming! Or, go in search of the 100 Good Wishes Quilt displays that'll be located in six locations throughout the downtown area. These beautiful quilts have been based off drawings from children living in Starlight Oaks that symbolize good luck, honor and success for the new year. Or, if lanterns are more your thing, head to the activation outside Gravi-Tea to see stunning lanterns light up the night. End your Lunar New Year celebrations with a brilliant firework display on Sunday night at 9pm, lighting up the sky with brilliant steaks of red and gold; you may even spot a dragon amongst the stars! Come and celebrate the Year of the Dragon in Starlight Oaks!
lunar new year crafts (Chinese dragon craft, sock puppet, Chinese coin bracelet), dumpling making class, learn how to play mahjong, lunar new year bingo, paper lantern making, Chinese calligraphy, cherry blossom painting, traditional Asian cooking demonstrations, DIY bubble tea station @ Gravi-Tea + many more!
This event will begin on Saturday, February 10th (from midnight PST) and end on Tuesday, February 13th (until 11.59pm PST).
All threads pertaining to the Lunar Lanes Street Party must begin during this period. No new starters should be posted after this time, however you may continue in the days following to wrap up these threads.
This event is entirely optional! Previous threads may continue as normal. However, we would love to see you get involved!
Please tag all event related posts with #starlight.event, and make sure you're following @starteroaks as we will be reblogging any open event starters over there.
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fruitanddarkness · 1 year
Enmu is a home owner. What's his house like?
In terms of physical structure, it's a Euro-Asian townhome. Placed on the edges of a semi-modernizing town not too far from a larger major city. It's mainly built with stone and wood, though outwardly it's covered with wood paneling. Inside, there are patches of the home where stonework is visible; particularly in the walls.
Inside, there are two floors, an attic, and a cellar. The house itself is lit with electricity and gas lamps. Upon entering there's an umber staircase that leads up to the second floor. To the left, is the kitchen and a large dining room that connects to a living room. The kitchen has a gas stove that has to be lit with a match, and most of the kitchenware is pots and bowls of varying sizes and materials for brewing/stewing herbs. There are jars of herbs and preserved ingredients/parts in the cupboards and pantries.
To the right, is a den that connects to the aforementioned living room. There's comfortable seating along two walls and a covered bay window which part of his carnivorous plants call home. Enmu has a rig set up to where he can open and close the blinds from across the room to allow his little friends sunlight; and yes, they are fed a steady diet of human meat. There are some decorations in this room too; some ornate vases, paintings, books, and some dried plants/herbs along the walls. They wanted to make it a pleasant space to have a cup of tea in or hold a conversation.
The upstairs are the bedrooms. One personal bedroom which he does use on occasion, one guest room, and one bedroom that has been converted to an office for clients to visit and have private visitation/consultations. That room has a shelf dedicated to plants in it as well; it also contains most of his medical texts and books he uses to further his craft. The desk is organized but covered with apothecary tools; test tubes, glass jars, mortar and pestles, and titration kits just to name a few things.
The home has an ominous vibe to it considering there are blinds shutting out light from every window, but since he does use every part of the home at some point, that sensation is offset somewhat.
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