#aunty nat
gentlebeardsbarngrill · 3 months
Samba BTS Set Shoutout: Spanish Jackiez Stills 03/18/24
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"Today’s Set Shoutout: Spanish Jackiez🏴‍☠️ So many crazy beautiful details everywhere, even when destroyed. And yes, Roach was roasting a real pig☠️ #OurFlagMeansDeath #ofmd #ofmdseason2" Src: Samba Schutte's Instagram
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togrowoldinv · 9 months
Natasha Romanoff x Female Reader
Natasha brings you home to Clint’s farm and you share a soft day with the family
Note: I love love love auntie Nat and those kids deserved Nat to stay alive, so in this fic she did. Enjoy the softness!
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 1, Natasha Romanoff Masterlist 2, Main Masterlist
One of Natasha’s favorite places in the world is Clint’s farm. When he first helped her defect to Shield, the farm was her safe haven. Laura and Clint were so nice to her. It was the first time in years that she felt anywhere was a home.
Natasha has continued visiting over the years, so she knew when she fell in love with you that she would bring you home to the farm. After much kissing, she convinced you to get up at the crack of dawn to fly to the farm. The kids would want to see her when they wake up.
“Are you ready, detka?” Natasha asks you as you stand on the front porch of the farmhouse. You’ve seen pictures of it before but being here you can really feel the sense of home Nat gets from it.
Nat takes your hand in her strong one and opens the door. The house is quiet, only the soft hum of fans can be heard. Natasha walks with practiced direction and leads you into the kitchen.
“Nat,” a woman, Laura you recognize from photos, greets her. “Come here, honey.”
She stands up from the table and hugs Natasha. You’re surprised by Nat’s easiness to fall into the woman’s arms. The only other people you’ve seen her hug so casually are you and Steve.
“Laura, this is my girlfriend y/n,” Natasha says.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Barton,” you greet her.
“Oh please, call me Laura!” She says and pulls you in for a hug. Nat watches on with a smile.
Laura tells you that the kids will be up soon, so you better prepare for the quiet house to become chaotic. Nat takes you upstairs to drop your bags in her bedroom. While you’re up there, little feet patter across the floor.
Natasha steps into the hallway and looks towards the bedrooms.
“Nate?” She asks.
“Auntie Nat?” The little boy matches her questioning tone.
“Yeah buddy, it’s me.”
“Auntie Nat!” He yells and steps out of his room completely. He runs to Natasha, who picks him up and holds him tight.
“Good morning, Nate,” Natasha says. “This is y/n. Can you say hi?”
The boy rubs his eyes and leans further into her, clearly enjoying her warmth. You understand.
“He’s still sleepy,” a voice comes from behind you. The prodigal daughter stands there with a sleepy grin.
“Lila,” Natasha says softly.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Lila says as she practically jogs to reach Nat for a hug.
“I missed you, malyshka,” Natasha says.
She hugs Lila while still holding Nate in her arms. He’s drifting off to sleep.
“Y/n,” Nat addresses you. “This is Lila, aka my favorite kid.”
You all three chuckle.
“Nice to meet you, Lila,” you say. She feels a warmth in your greeting.
“You too,” she says. “Coop will be sleeping for a while, so we should probably go downstairs.”
Lila leads the way and you follow her with Nat and Nate trailing behind. The little boy is completely asleep, but Nat doesn’t mind. If anything, it warms her heart that he is comfortable enough to drift off in her arms.
Downstairs Laura begins to cook breakfast. You try to help but she tells you that company shouldn’t cook. You sit next to Nat at the table and converse with the family as the day begins.
Breakfast is delicious. And you already feel like a part of the family. Nate even lets you cut up his pancakes so you take that as a win.
You move to the living room afterwards to sit with Nat. Nate runs around and plays while Lila and Cooper play on their phones.
Natasha seems lighter after just a couple of hours of being at the farm. You lean against her shoulder and she kisses your cheek. You sigh contentedly.
“You okay?” Nat asks.
“I’m great,” you tell her.
You shift to look into her eyes and see her smiling at you. Natasha lifts your chin up with her hand and kisses your lips softly.
“Gross,” comes a remark from Clint of all people.
“Shut it, Clinton Francis!” You tell him.
His mouth opens in shock. Natasha, Laura, and the teenagers die laughing.
“Natasha, how dare you tell her about my name!” Clint yells.
“Sorry,” she says unseriously. “She got it out of me.”
“It’s clear who wears the pants in this relationship,” Clint jokes.
Natasha pulls you closer as the conversations continue. You really feel at home with these people in this place.
You think one day you’ll get a farmhouse of your own and live out your days with Natasha there.
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smallblueandloud · 5 months
honestly one of my biggest disappointments with the black widow movie was how they tried to make kiddo!natasha into this, like, ~quirky~ blue-haired kid with a fairly normal childhood before they had to go back to the red room. when like. aren't you guys interested in a natasha who has never once known a normal life and yet can parody it perfectly? don't you remember the horrified delight of seeing the red room girls learning american english from copying snow white? why are you so insistent on giving natasha "real parents" and an attachment to yelena based on a childhood in OHIO when you can instead talk about natasha living in ohio as just as much of an undercover agent as her "parents". don't you see that the best horror of natasha pointing a gun at her handlers is not that she's holding a gun but that she knows how to use it???
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v3nusxsky · 11 months
Hello my love, I hope your day is going well. I have another agere prompt idea for you, sweet one.
Idea: Nat x r. Everyone gets bad days, and you were no exception. R smd nat have been together for 4 years now and knew eachother like the back of their hand. And from the moment nat and r woke up this morning, nat new r needed to slip. But, r being the stubborn ding dong she is, didn't listen to Nats advice and tried to carry on throughout her day like nothing was wrong. The key word is tried. The slightl headache r woke up with steady progressed into s full blow migrain by midday. R's head was throbbing and it was like someone was taking a baseball bat to the back of her head. And try as she might, r just couldn't finsh all the tasks she had set out to do today. And as Nat came back to their room on the avengers compound after a full morning of meets with the others, she found r on the sofa all currled and and crying. Instantly Nat new what was wrong, so she ever so gently made her way to r and kneeled down on the floor, coming face to face with her little sweetheart. As soon as r saw Nat she jumped into her arms and cried and was a  blubbering mess. Nat listened to her little love, offering praise and comfort. And after her little one calmed down she picked her up and took them to their bedroom. Changing into comfy clothes, getting her stuffy (Emer) and some colors books and pens. They spent two hours coloring and Nat watching over her little one with a smile. Every so often pulling r in to kiss her on the forehead. After coloring was done they went and snuggled on the bed, with Nat holding r close and running her fingers through r's hair. Telling her how beautiful and sweet and adorable and kind and perfect r was.
The rest I will leave up to you my love. I hope you enjoy it! I love you darling ♥️
Time with my baby
*Authors note~ hopefully there will be a fic of a different kind tomorrow:) nat and Agere melts my heart. Mentions of aunty wands 🥹 bc I'm a sucker for the love*
Trigger warnings~ age regression r little r mama bear Nat auntie Wanda headache crying etc?
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
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No one is immune to the curse of a bad day, but for you and your past it felt as if the dark cloud of a bad day always loomed over you. In your four years of relationship you and your lover Natasha had gotten amazingly good at noticing the signs of a bad day, often being the only one who can make the bad day a little brighter. However, today it appeared you had chosen to be rather stubborn. It was clear to Nat that you were having a bad day and in need of slipping. But try as hard as she might, you were unrelenting in your efforts to pretend to be okay  here. So she did all she can do, let you carry on with your day in a hope that you'd come to here when you needed her help.
Only, you didn't. You kept pushing through. Well attempting to push through. What had started as a simple headache by now had turned into a full on throbbing migraine all by noon. You vaguely remember that Natasha had warned you of your need to slip and that it would cause this if you ignored it, and you also remember telling her that you'd be fine and that she was wrong due to not wanting to bother her. Natasha's schedule today was anything short of hectic and you'd be damned if you were to ruin it and make her stay with you because of your own weaknesses.
Your determination to finish all your morning tasks was battling against your throbbing head. Truly you wondered how it was possible to feel a baseball bat battering your head repeatedly but the more you tried to question it the worse your head became so you quickly gave up on that fight and some how tiredly made your way to the sofa in the compound for just a little rest. Really, you weren't going to sleep, you simply didn't have the time but sitting down never hurt anyone, right? Quickly resting your stinging eyes wouldn't hurt you as long as you made sure to be up and busy before anyone returned.
Although you allowed a nap for yourself you couldn't quite seem to drift off due to your raging headache, tears of pain and frustration began to trail down your cheeks as you just closed your eyes to block out the harsh light flickering through the compound. At times when you felt this bad all you could do is regret not listening to Natasha and slipping earlier, and now you are all alone with no one to comfort you, or so you thought.
Wanda returned earlier than Nat due to the fact Tony wanted to modify her suit, so naturally she went to check on you, she was almost like a sister for you, so when she heard your overwhelming loud thoughts she made her way to you. She could see by your thoughts you needed a slip so with a quick text to Nat she set out to help you.
"Pretty girl?" Wanda whispered causing your body to stiffen and struggle to open your eyes, "shhh it's okay y/n, auntie wands knows all bout it pretty, would you like to rest with me little one?" You managed a weak nod and lifted your head ever so slightly. Wanda slipped underneath your head and immediately brought her hands to your temples in an attempt to help you, despite her efforts she wasn't Nat and your little brain knew that. "Want mama" you whined miserably with a pout on your lips as tears trailed down your cheeks once more. "Wans want my mama I hurtys helps me" your whimpers were breaking your witchy friends heart, but thankfully with the half an hour she began to hear Natasha's rushed and panicked thoughts of you. "Ahh little one I spy someone's mama."
Just from the sight of you Natasha would've Instantly knew what was wrong, but having wanda's helpful insight was always a bonus. She knew how much you loved your auntie wands, so the fact you were still crying meant only one thing. You needed her. So it was unsurprising that as soon as Natasha knelt down to face you, you threw yourself at her, loud muffled sobs coming from you as you nuzzled yourself into her neck. Although it wasn't very clear Natasha knew you were apologetic for thinking you would be okay and she could tell by wanda's reaction that you didn't quite want to be in public in this state but had seemingly regressed smaller than ever before. "Ahh honey, it's okay mama has you now okay? You're such a good girl for me y/n, mama is so proud baby. You're okay and you're so safe with me and wands okay? Shall we go lay down ?"
Natasha easily lifted you into her arms with a quiet thank you to Wanda she carried you into your bedroom, immediately setting out to find the most comfortable pair of clothes for you she could. Once changed you settled on the bed with your favourite stuffed animal call Emer. Natasha changing quickly herself and grabbing some colouring supplies before joining you on the bed. Your migraine wouldn't allow for much, just enough colouring to soothe you into a slumber where Natasha wraps you up in her arms and protects her girl from the world. The only place you could ever sleep soundly was here, with her.
Word count~1315
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Rocking around the Christmas tree
Content - age regression, cg!natasha, platonic!cg!yelena, putting up the Christmas tree, reader wanting to open presents 25 days early, cuddles, Christmas music, not proofread, small mention of alcohol, don’t like don’t read.
Summary - your mommy and your auntie put up the Christmas tree with you.
Authors note - how is it already December time flies so fast, I hope you enjoy this little fic to get us all in the Christmas spirit, reblogs are greatly appreciated, I hope you enjoy<3
Translations - honey = medovyy, sister = sestra, sweetheart = dorogoy, little widow = malen'kaya vdova, thank you = blagodaryu vas, you’re welcome = pozhaluysta
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You loved Christmas, it was your favourite time of year.
Everything was colourful in contrast to the white snow that would appear on the streets of New York City.
Today was arguably even better for you than Christmas, you and your mommy were putting up your Christmas tree and it was even better because your mommy had informed you that auntie Yelena was coming over to help.
You loved your auntie Yelena she was one of the funniest people you had ever met not to mention she always snuck sweets passed Natasha for you when you couldn’t have anymore, she would always take the blame when you went on a sugar high.
You were currently sitting on the living room sofa looking at the bright red bag that your Christmas tree was kept on the black zipper was taunting you.
“Mommy how much longer?” You called out to Natasha who was writing something up on her laptop making her chuckle “not too much longer baby you know you like to do it when it gets dark the lights look better”
She was right you loved the vibrant colour that the light gave off at night but it didn’t make you any less impatient.
A few minutes went by in silence the only sound you could hear was Natasha’s clicking on the keyboard. “Auntie Yelena just texted me baby, she’s just around the corner” she called out chuckling when you squealed with excitement.
As soon as you heard a knock on the door you can over ignoring Natasha’s request to breathe. Seining if the door open you jumped into Yelena’s arms knowing they would already be open, she had grown very accustomed to you jumping onto her as a greeting.
“Hello there medovyy” she laughed heartily moving you onto her hip and stepping inside to meet her sister “hi Yelena” she smirked stroking your cheek lightly “hello sestra” the blonde smiled back bouncing you in her arms.
Walking over to the living room Yelena plopped down on the sofa with you resting you on her lap and playing with your hair “I hope your not getting a new favourite little one” Natasha smirked placing a kiss to your temple. “No mama” you giggled reaching up to Nat feeling her pick you up and spin you around.
“Traitor” Yelena gasped with a scandalous look on her face making you shriek with laughter.
The second it finally got dark you kept off the sofa making the two of them jump, you meant business when it made two black widows jump.
“Mama can we do it now please please please!” You called out running over to the bright red bag making the two black widows chuckle “you and this tree, yes of course we can sweetheart” Nat smiled getting up to help you with the zipper.
Once the tree was out of the bag Yelena and Natasha placed the parts together and fluffed out the branches knowing how much you hated that big, it just felt so tedious and you wanted to get to the decorating.
As soon as the tree was ready Natasha Brough out the box of decorations down a joyful smile coming across her face when she heard your happy squeal from seeing the long awaited box.
Reaching down Yelena took out a circular bag that contained the Christmas lights, pulling out three sets Nat helped untangle them.
You always had an order for the lights, the stars went at the top, the traditional ones in the middle and the Christmas present shaped ones went at the bottom. Natasha always like order and you did too.
Once the lights were successfully tangled in with the branches Yelena grabbed the tinsel and chucked some of it to Natasha before placing some around your neck like a scarf.
“Yelena she’ll get a rash” Nat chuckled taking it off of your neck and placing it on the tree after giving a kiss to your temple.
Once you had put on the tinsel and the lights there was only one thing left, the baubles, your favourite part of decorating the Christmas tree.
You had a mixture of traditional baubles and fun ornaments that Natasha had picked up from your favourite shop.
Around half an hour later your tree was decked out in extravagant decorations looking absolutely stunning, it was finally ready but there was still one more thing to ask for.
“Mama?” “Yes my love?” “Can we open presents yet?” You asked playing with the sleeves of your emerald green jumper the two black widows cackling beside you.
“Sweetheart we barely have anything yet it’s the first day of December” Natasha smiled rubbing your cheek watching you rest into Yelena’s chest.
“It looks like we’ve forgotten something Natasha” the blonde said stroking a strand of hair out of your eye’s signalling towards the power board “It looks like we have” she smirked getting up to pull the switches.
You always forgot how beautiful the looked, it’s was like your very own aurora in the living room the colours making you feel calm and safe “so pretty” you mumbled sleepily your eyes fighting to stay open.
“They’ll still be here when you wake up malen'kaya vdova” Yelena whispered against the back of your hair smiling when she felt your breathing become settled.
After a few minutes of sitting in silence Natasha went to get some beers and some apple juice for when you woke up.
When she came back she carefully sat down next to her sister and passed her the beer “blagodaryu vas” “pozhaluysta”
“So what does she want for Christmas?” Yelena asked curiously taking a sip of her beer making Natasha chuckle.
“I’ll send you a list”
───── ⋆⋅◇⋅⋆ ─────
Taglist - @bootlegmothman420 @littlephia @whippedforhongjoong @youngstarfishdinosaur @patchesofwork @buggyateabug @folklorefairie @friendlyneighborhoodkillerbunny @sparklybuck @2-gay-possums-in-a-trench-coat @hopelesswritergall @stuckysgirl27 @sleepyprinc3ss @chaotic-little-witch @looksthatkilledd @teddybearsgrr @fluffyblanketgecko
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doudouneverte · 1 year
Shapeshifter and the Quizz
a/n: in my mind it was a good idea
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*not my GIF*
mama!Natasha Romanoff x daughter!Reader; Wanda Maximoff x Female!Reader; Pietro Maximoff x Female!Reader(best friend); Yelena Belova x Teen!Reader(aunti-niece); Avengers x Teen!Reader
Summary: it was not the type of Natasha to get involved in Sam's and Tony's childish game but she need to prove them she know you better than anyone
Type: Fluff
Wanrning: nothing
words count: 1879
In the tower, the Avengers were chilling; it was one of those days when there was nothing to do except probably for Pietro, who was planning a lot of pranks for everyone. Usually you should be home at this hour, but you decided to hang out with MJ a little. Correction: She forced you to hang out with her, but you didn't mind; she's one of your best friends, so it's okay.
Tony came to the living room, where Wanda was watching TV with Peter and Natasha was reading; there was also Sam, Bucky, and Steve, but they were doing their thing. "Red, I'm building a new bookshelf for the little spider, but I don't know what's her favorite color." He asked, and before your mom could understand what he said, she heard.
"(F/C)" said by the Sokovian. She smiled, and Tony looked at her for confirmation; she just nodded.
It should be like that; she was happy to know your girlfriend knew you. But she obviously didn't think Sam would invite himself into the equation.
"Oh, Nat, I'm confused; I thought you were the one who knows her best," Sam teased her. Everybody knew what he was doing, but Tony, being Tony, couldn't let it slip. "She starts to steal your baby girl." He said this loudly, and the Russian started to feel jealous of your relationship with Wanda.
"What do you mean, guys? Of course I know what her favorite color is. Wanda was just faster." She replied; she obviously didn't want to fall into their childish game.
"Okay, so what's her favorite movie?" Sam asked not so innocently.
"(F/M)" Wanda replied instantly; there was a silence, and she looked at the redhead. "Sorry," she said lowly.
"See, Natasha, she knows Y/n better than you," the Falcon teased. Usually she wouldn't let them get her, but when Steve and Bucky laughed at Sam's antics, she started to feel jealous.
"Okay, and what do you want to do?" The Russian said, and Tony thought for a moment.
"What do you think about a quiz? We will ask you questions, and the first to reply wins a point," he said. Everybody looked excited.
"We're not obligated," Wanda said to Natasha.
"No, but why not?" The redhead replied. "But what win the winner?" she asked Tony.
He looked at the room and tried to find something worth before his eye lend on a shirt with Minnie Mouse. "A trip to Disneyland with Y/n?" he asked, and the Russian seemed skeptical.
"Why would I play to win something I can afford?" she asked.
"Because I'll pay everything," he replied, and that seemed to cheer Natasha.
"Deal!" they both said.
"Perfect, now we just need a referee who knows Y/n as much as you." Sam said. He thought for a moment before speaking again. "Friday, can you tell Pietro we need him here, and it's important." And the IA did.
For the first fifty minutes, they both replied correctly at the same time. The little animation brought the rest of the Avengers into the living room, and at each question, they always had a little comment. You finally showed up a few minutes later.
"Hey mom, I'm...here" you said when you entered the tower. Your mom didn't come to greet you, but you heard noise in the living room, so you made your way into the room, where you found your mom and your girlfriend. They seemed tense. "Wow. What's happening here?" You asked and walked to sit between them. All eyes were now on you.
"Oh, perfect little Romanoff. We are playing a game. A quiz." Sam explained.
"What's the theme?" You asked; you wanted to play too; it could be fun.
"You." Tony said, and you frowned your eyebrows. Your mom was not someone who easily got involved in Sam's stupid plans.
"Okay, I have another question." Pietro said, and everybody looked at him. "Who was Y/n's first kiss?" He asked, and now everyone looked at you, and it was impossible to hide your flushed cheeks.
"Easy, it's me." Wanda said, and you lowered your head; you were clearly not ready for that. When she noticed you, the witch gasped. "Seriously?" She asked, visibly offended, and everybody except you two laughed.
"It was Mike." Natasha said, "One of our old neighbors." She explained proudly. And you shook your head.
"To be completely honest with you, it was her big sister Nora." You said, and you didn't miss the grin on Pietro's face.
"What but you said…"   Your mom said
"Yeah, but it was before I came out, and I didn't know how you'd react," you confessed, and the redhead hugged you. This cute moment was interrupted by Tony.
"Okay, who was your best kiss between her and your first with the little witch?" He asked, and you rolled your eyes.
"Wanda, of course," you replied, and your girlfriend kissed your cheek.
"Okay, okay, lovebirds I have another question." Sam exclaimed. "Who's Y/n's favorite Avenger?" he asked, and you chuckled. Except Pietro, no one could reply.
"Me," they both said, and you and your best friend laughed. The two women looked at you, shocked.
"It's totally Auntie Yelena," you replied, and Natasha cursed herself. Of course it was her; you were literally her biggest fan.
"At least the little poser has good taste." Yelena said, and you gave her a high five.
"I'm pretty disappointed," Wanda said, and she pouted. She was too cute, but that didn't change anything.
"Okay, guys, I have a last question. The first who replies wins," you said. "And I warn you, I'll be very disappointed if you can't find the right answer." you added. Okay, now there was a lot of tension in the room because of you. You cleared your throat and felt everybody focus on you. "Who... is... my best friend?" you asked.
"Oh, come on, it's easy. Pietro," your girlfriend replied.
"No, it's MJ," your mom said.
You didn't say anything; you just stood up, went to the kitchen to grab something to eat, and made your way to your mom's room. Everyone looked at you but didn't understand why you acted like that. Pietro could see you were pissed off, and it was unbearable.
"Really?" your best friend asked, and all eyes were now on him.
"What?  It's true." Wanda defends herself.
"Technically yes, but from what we saw, it's not the answer she expects." Yelena said.
"But who is it?" Sam was obviously the only one who remembered you didn't reply.
"It's you!" Pietro said poiting Natasha before sprinting to your location.
"Hey buddy," you said, and you sat properly on the bed, and he sat beside you.
"Oh, you take better than I thought." he replied, and you chuckled.
"And how did you think I would react?" you asked, clearly amused by his exception.
"I thought you would be more sad, you know, like this time with Wanda when she didn't say 'I love you' back and you were a burden for a complete day." He said and you groaned, "Or this time when you split all your drink on the table because you imitated Peter." He added and you laughed.
"It was a very good drink, so of course I would be sad." you said.
"Or this time when you shot an explosive arrow and almost destroyed the training area, and Laura grounded you for fifteen minutes because it was dangerous." he added.
"Okay, I understand; you know me really well, but I need to remind you that it was not my fault for the arrow. If Kate didn't change it, I would never destroy it." you defend.
"I think that means Tony own me a weekend at Disney," he said, and you frowned your eyebrow.
"What?" you asked.
"He promised a weekend at Disney World to the one of them who could answer the question the best," he explained, and your eyes were wide open.
"All that for a trip to Disney World?" you asked, and he nodded. Pietro wanted to speak, but your mom and your girlfriend came.
"Hey, are you still angry?" Natasha asked.
"I wasn't angry," you replied, "just a little surprised that you couldn't both answer an easy question like that." you explained.
Your mom looked at her feet; she was a little ashamed that she couldn't get the right answer. "I didn't know," she mumbled, and before you could notice, Pietro excused himself and her sister and took her out of the redhead's room. He really knew you the best.
"How? I mean, we spent a lot of time together." you said. She didn't reply at first and just sat beside you, wrapping her arm around your shoulder.
"Yeah, but with the time we had fewer mommy-daughter moments; every time I asked you, you said you had something planned with MJ, Peter, Ned, or Pietro, and now you have Wanda."
"But did you forget all the mommy-daughter moments we couldn't have because you were on mission or just too exhausted from work?" you asked, and she felt guilty. "But I'm not really upset or anything. Yes, it's true, I spent a lot of time with MJ recently, but that's because recently you had a lot of missions, so she stayed with me to fill the void of not having you with me whenever I wanted, like when I was a kid, but it's okay." you explained.
"But I should be there. It's not okay." she said, and she started to feel angry towards herself.
"Hey, it's okay, Mom, like really. It's true sometimes; it's really sad, but I know you are somewhere, helping people, and I'm okay with that. I mean, how many teens can say that they have the famous Black Widow as mom?" you said, and she smiled.
"What did I do to deserve you?" Nat asked with tears in her eyes, and you chuckled.
"You just knocked out a bad guy." you joked, and she laughed.
"I love you, мой маленький ангел (my little angel)." She said, and hugged you.
"I love you, too, мама медведь (mama bear)" you replied. There was silence for a moment before you spoke again. "Wait, what will we do about the trip to Disney?" you asked.
"I think you can convince Pietro to let you and her sister have a good time." she suggested, but you shook your head.
"I think I have a better idea. You'll go with Wanda, and I will stay with Pietro at Barton's farm." you said, and she frowned her eyebrow. "It's obvious that you both know me very well, but I think you need to learn more about each other." And it's been a long time since I had a sleepover with Lila, so it's a win-win." you explained.
"Are you sure about that?"
"Yeah, and don't worry, Aunti Laura will do all she can to not let me or Pietro get hurt or anything." you assured her. Your mom didn't reply; she just nodded and laid down on the bed, and you imitated her.
"I'm happy to be your best friend." she whispered, trying not to break the mood.
"I know, everyone would want to." you joked. You both stayed like that until you fell asleep, visibly tired about your day.
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natashasnoodle · 2 years
Sure You Aren't | Natasha Romanoff x Daughter!reader
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Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
Words: 2.3k
Summary: Fun at Auntie Lena's house :)
Raindrops pelted the car like mini bullets on your journey to your Aunt Yelena's house. Being an eleven-year-old, this gave you the opportunity to entertain yourself during the couple of hours it took to reach the house. 
You watched your passenger side window intently as the many raindrops competed in races. The races may not have been real, but the disappointment felt when your chosen raindrop didn't win was. It was real to you. 
Excitement ran through you when the rain somehow got even heavier, the races had become a lot more interesting. You had to restrain yourself from hopping in your seat when your designated raindrops won three times in a row. 
One thing that kept distracting you, however, was your mother in the driver's seat huffing away at how bad the weather was and how it needed to end soon. 
You frowned slightly, the rain was your favourite weather so you didn't want it to stop any time soon. Though your mother who was driving was incredibly concerned about your safety and was mindful of the fact that the road was a lot more slippery than it was at the start of the journey. 
Your mother's frustration had been enough to distract you from the adrenaline-filled raindrop races, and so instead your train of thought went to how bored you were in the car. It had been an hour since leaving your house, and quite frankly you would rather be at home again. 
"Mom?", you questioned as you turned to face her, drumming your fingers against the armrest between the two of you. 
She briefly looked over at you in acknowledgement before immediately snapping her eyes back onto the road, still mindful that these were not good conditions to be driving in. "Yes, малыш?". 
"How much longer", your voice came out in a much more whiney tone than intended, you had honestly tried to keep your tone level knowing that your mom would tell you to talk properly. But you were so bored. 
Your mom let out a dry chuckle whilst shaking her head gently, "What's with the whining?", she teased and looked at you with a pout. 
"I'm bored", you dragged out with an even more prominent whine as you threw your head back onto your headrest. "I'm trying not to kill us here, hun", was the response that you got as she gestured at the windscreen wipers that were giving zero visibility. 
You grumbled a bit knowing that there was nothing you could say to respond to that. "Aww, is my poor baby bored?", your mom once again mocked with a pout.
"Mom!", you tugged on the edges of your hoodie sleeves and your cheeks turned a shade of scarlet from your Mom making fun of you. "Okay, okay", she surrendered knowing not to push it, you had entered that delicate age group where everything causes some form of embarrassment, "We still have another hour left". 
"Are you kidding me?", you groaned and once again pressed the back of your head into the headrest. An hour was too long to be doing imaginary races in your head. You needed out. 
Your Mom's tone of voice with her reply of "Watch it, you", made you snap your head to face her, thinking that you had somehow gotten yourself into actual trouble. Not that you found that a difficult task these days. But when you saw her eyes flash with amusement as she briefly looked at you, and the smirk that rested on her lips, you knew that she wasn't serious. 
Thank Thor. 
"But hey, we get to hang out with Auntie Lena all day", she tried to reason with you and stifled a laugh at seeing you weighing it all out in your head. "Yeah, okay", you shrugged, trying your best now to show childish excitement, but inside a bunch of party poppers were going off. 
You didn't see the way that your Mom's eyes practically rolled all the way to the back of her head. What a lovely phase you were going through. How she missed the days where you would loudly show her new dances in the middle of the Dairy aisle in the shops, but now she would just breathe and you would tell her to stop embarrassing you. 
Some parents would get upset at their child entering this stage of their youth. She just saw it as an opportunity to see just how easy it was to push your buttons. Turns out it was incredibly easy.
You were relatively quiet for the rest of the drive, silently listening to the radio. Now would not be a good time to annoy your mother as she drove through torrential rain on fast roads.
You and your mother got on like a house on fire, you were both incredibly close. She was your best friend more than anything, but she could still scare the crap out of you if she needed to. 
Most people experience that terrifying 'Mom Stare' when you royally screw up. However, you had to experience the 'Natasha Romanoff Mom Stare', and man, that was a whole different ball game. You had seen it multiple times throughout your life, but you were still certain that when she pulled that card, you would die. 
Though your mother wouldn't really kill you, right? 
As this train of thought passed through your head you eyed her side profile suspiciously. "Y/n, what are you doing?". 
You quickly looked back to the front, your ears turning a shade of pink at being caught. "Just thinking". Natasha just shrugged it off, she didn't have time to be thinking about anything else other than not killing you in a car crash. 
"Aaaaand we are here", your mother smiled at you as she yanked the handbrake up. 
You were ecstatic, your Aunt Yelena was your favourite person, after your Mom of course. So, she had to follow you out of the car as you sprinted over to the front door and started banging frantically on the door. Your mother was about to scold you for being annoying, but the door suddenly flung open and she watched as a rush of blonde engulfed you in a big hug and swung you around in circles a few times as you both laughed. Natasha couldn't help but smile softly at the sight in front of her. 
"Is that my favourite niece?!", Yelena half-shouted as she put you back down onto the floor and ruffled your hair up.
"Aunt Lena, I'm your only niece", you giggled as you tried to flatten your hair down, unsuccessfully.
Seeing your hair still looking like you had been dragged through a hedge, Natasha moved forward and licked her hand before running it down your hair to make sure the frizz wasn't frizz anymore. "Ew Mom! Gross", you began freaking out and raking your fingers through your hair. 
"You came out of me and you're worried about a bit of spit?".
Your face scrunched up at your mother's words, "That's the worst Mom phrase ever".
"Yes Natasha that was a low point even for you", Yelena deadpanned whilst Natasha looked between the two of you ganging up on her. She threw her hands up in the air in exasperation and moved forward to give her sister a hug.
"I knew you loved me", Yelena joked as she patted her back in return before gesturing for the two Romanoffs to make their way indoors. 
"Where's Fanny?", You asked as you moved forward into your Aunt's living room, it was rare for the golden retriever to not greet you yet.
"Oh, Miss Fanny is locked in the kitchen. When I open the front door now, she's had a habit of running away recently and I am sick of chasing her like a maniac down the street", she turned her head to see you giggling slightly imagining your ex-assassin Aunt sprinting down the street after her dog. "It's not funny Y/n Romanoff!", she exclaimed whilst pinching your rib.
"Sounds pretty funny to me, right Mom?", You turned to face who was looking at you disapprovingly but also had the same amused glint in her eyes as you did. "Don't laugh at your Aunt".
"Thank you!", Yelena exclaimed whilst throwing her hands up in the air as she moved towards the kitchen to let Fanny out. Though her smile was short-lived when Natasha continued, "No matter how stupid she may look".
You burst out laughing at the way your Aunt's face snapped around to turn to the both of you. If looks could kill then the Romanoff bloodline would have ended there and then. 
Immediately you pursed your lips to avoid the likely scenario of her grabbing a vase from the table next to her and launching it at your face. Being struck down in your prime wasn't on your bucket list, and your Mom probably wouldn't appreciate it either. 
"You know what, I'm just going to let Miss Fanny deal with you", was the last thing your Aunt mumbled before opening the kitchen door, and out bounded Fanny. Loud barks painfully rang through the house as the dog sprinted towards you like you were her next meal. You loved Fanny though, so when you saw her barreling towards you, you dropped to your knees to allow yourself to be engulfed by the fluffy dog. 
Your laughs echoed through the room as you started excitedly patting Fanny whilst she began sniffing you frantically, inhaling your scent that she hadn't smelt for a while. Yelena was also laughing at seeing your small stature being completely covered, and Natasha looked on with pure adoration at hearing your giggles. Her favourite sound in the world. 
"Okay Fanny that's enough", Yelena pulled Fanny away from you to allow you to catch your breath. Your Mom laughed at your dramatics when you flopped to the floor in a starfish position with your chest heaving. 
"Come on drama queen, get your ass up", she lifted you up from under your armpits, and you had expected for her to put you down onto your feet to be able to stand, but instead she walked through to the living room with you in her hands, Yelena trailing behind curiously. 
"Mom, what are you- umph". She had launched you onto the couch. The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this b-, "That was rude", you deadpanned whilst plotting revenge in your head. She just pulled a face and began to walk back over to her sister, so you decided that you had to act fast. 
You reached behind you and felt for a cushion before pelting it at the back of your Mother's head. "Y/n..." your Aunt warned as your Mom halted in her tracks and slowly spun around on her heels, daring you to make another move. You gulped when she bent down to pick up the cushion and held it in her hands, looking like she was examining it. 
Frowning, you stared at her, why was she looking so intently at a cushion? Before you had much longer to think about it, she threw it back at you with full Black Widow force. The noise of it hitting you and Yelena rushing forward sent Natasha into hysterics. 
"Get your grubby hands off of my cushions, I spent ages puffing these up before your visit!", Yelena panicked and began patting the cushion down after launching you onto the floor to give her room. 
"You- you puffed up the cushions?", your Mom asked with what could only be described as pure confusion. Auntie Lena was not the type of person to puff up cushions to impress people. "Well I wanted to give the impression that I am more put together than I actually am", she defended with a huff.
Her response earned more laughter from you, "And you thought that cushions were the way to do that?". 
"When did my favourite niece gain such an attitude, huh? Where's the tiny, sweet Y/n gone?", Yelena mocked whilst your Mom shrugged, also wondering the same. "She's in hiding", you grinned. 
"Well, we'll just have to find her won't we?", your Aunt scooped you up from your place on the floor and tossed you onto her shoulder. "Put me down!", you screeched as she took off on a run through the hallway and out of the front door. In between your fits of laughter as she ran around her front yard and down the street, you kept telling her to put you down at once, but your efforts were futile, and all your Mother did to help was record the whole ordeal. 
Your day with Yelena was tiring as always, so when your Mom saw how your head kept falling forward before you jumped awake again whilst sitting in the passenger seat of her car, she wasn't surprised. It happened after every Yelena day visit. 
"Малыш, let yourself fall asleep, it's okay".
"No Mama, I'm not tired", you said through a yawn making her roll her eyes in amusement. If the yawn wasn't telling enough, then the fact that you had called her 'Mama' certainly proved her right as you only went back to that when you were almost asleep. 
"Sure you aren't", Nat laughed when you once again jumped awake and covered it up with a cough. 
"I'm not a child I can stay asleep until we get home", you defiantly tried to figure back, but your eyes closing of their own accord really didn't help your case, and only caused your Mom to silently chuckle when shaking her head. 
"I believe you", she reassured just to make you feel better even though it was clear as day that she thought that you were lying through your teeth. Plus, she found it funny how you didn't constitute eleven as a child but that was an issue for another day. So, instead of pushing back to your comments, she started humming a lullaby that used to work like a charm. 
You looked as though you were going to protest her methods, but by the time that you tried to turn to her it had indeed worked and your head slumped onto your shoulder as you succumbed to the darkness. 
Natasha briefly looked over at your sleeping figure with fondness. Even though you thought otherwise, you were still her little baby. 
"Please stop growing up so fast", she whispered as she turned her attention back to the empty road in front of her.
Natasha Romanoff Taglist: @diaryoflife
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verybadatwriting · 1 year
Dog Tags
Summary: Some bullies take teasing a step too far.
Warnings: Stereotypical bullies, anger issues, bottling up emotions, violence
Notes: Papa/Pa= Steve, Dad/Dada = Bucky. No pairing. Reader is Steve and Bucky's adopted daughter. Part two here!
Word count: 1,364
Age 1-5
When you were born, 1939, Hydra got you. You underwent four years of experiments that gave you the gift of prophecy and enhanced physical strength. Random visions of the future came to you once or twice a week, but they were heralded by you losing consciousness.
Four years later, a group led by Captain America took down the lab you were being kept in. You formed a close father-daughter bond with the men who rescued you, James ‘Bucky’ Barnes and Steve Rogers. For two years you stayed with them as they continued fighting against the Axis Powers and formed the Howling Commandos.
It was then discovered that you had a severe heart defect. If left untreated, it would most likely kill you. On December 26th 1944, they placed you in a specially made freezing chamber in the hopes that future medical advances would make your condition treatable. While you were frozen, you still received visions.
Age 6
Decades later, you were unfrozen. You were technically in your 60’s, but by all accounts still a six-year-old. You lived with your adoptive Papa Steve, who ensured you got the medical treatments needed, and had a relatively normal childhood despite the out of the ordinary first six years. He told you that your Dad Bucky was gone, which you didn’t fully believe.
“But I saw him!” You protested.
“I know,” Steve replied, “We used to see him every day. Now we won’t get to see him again.”
“No!” You shouted, “I saw him doing things he hasn’t done yet!”
“Y/n/n,” Steve shushed, “This is a hard thing for both of us. Please stop trying to give me hope. He’s gone. That’s the end of it.”
When both of you had calmed down, Steve pulled out a little box.
“Kid?” He got your attention, “Do you remember what these are?”
“Yeah. They’re his dog tags.”
“Do you want to keep them?” He asked. You nodded in reply, and put them on. From that day forward you rarely took off your Dad’s tags.
Age 8
At school, you kept your head down, four formative years in a strict evil lab will make you very keen to follow the rules and not be noticed. Your increased strength made you afraid you would hurt someone, so you never fought back. Because of this, bullies targeted you. They were a few years older, and notorious all throughout your middle school.
One day they went a step too far by yanking your Dad’s dog tags right off your neck. The main guy, Kennith Reid, tossed them to Tyler, who tossed them to another boy. They went around and around the circle.
“Give them back.” You said evenly.
“What’re you gonna do?” Tyler asked, “Cry to your Papa? Who did you say he was, Captain America? I don’t believe it. I think you lied.”
“Tyler,” Kennith said, catching the dog tags, “What do you think she’d do if we started breaking up this little chain?” 
“Oh Kennie, is she getting mad?”
“I think so T.” Kennith said, and he broke off a few inches of the chain. You stood up, and started to take off your hoodie.
“Why are you taking off your stupid frog hoodie?” Tyler jeered.
“I don’t want to get your blood on it.” Removing your hoodie revealed how much that Hydra had influenced you. Muscles far beyond what any teenager had, much less an eight-year-old like yourself. 
Wordlessly, you swung at him. It connected, hard. His nose splintered and he fell to the ground. Kennith’s pals had a split second of panic, as the blood drained from their faces in fear, but you didn’t stop. You went after every single one of them, being very careful not to injure them too badly. Kennith’s nose was the worst one.
He was the ringleader, so he deserved it. 
A few moments later, they were all sufficiently beaten up, you took back your Dad’s dog tags, and knelt down next to them.
“You’re never going to pick on anyone again, understood?”
“Ye - yeah,” He hastily said, “Got it.  Mhm. 100%. We won’t bully you.”
“No. You won’t bully anyone. Not me. Not Jess, not Caroline, not Xavier. None of us. Are we clear?”
Obviously, parents were called. Your Papa was probably off on some mission, although he said he’d be back today. It didn’t matter. If he wasn’t available Auntie Nat would step in. You sat on one side of the table, waiting for someone to join you. Your new principal, who had recently replaced a beloved one, sat across from you. Her name was Ms. Katz.
“Ms. Y/l/n,” Your principal said after waiting for ten minutes, “Do you know your mother’s phone number?”
“With all due respect, Ms. Katz” You said, “She’s dead.”
“Oh,” She inhaled, “I see.”
“My aunt should be joining us soon.” Right on cue Ms. Romanoff waltzed in.
“Thank you for waiting,” She began, “I came as soon as I could.”
“No problem, thank you for joining us.” Ms. Katz said, “You are here because Y/n has exhibited some concerning behavior. She repeatedly hit her peers, resulting in one receiving a broken nose.”
“That doesn’t sound like her. Have you asked her why she did it?” Nat asked.
“This school has a Zero-Tolerance Policy for physical violence or bullying of any sort, no matter the reason.” Ms. Katz replied, “So we didn’t need to ask.”
“That sounds like a recipe for more violence.” Nat said.
“We’re not here to debate policy.” Ms. Katz said, “She will be receiving a two week suspension, and I’m afraid this will go on her permanent record.” 
“Oh no.” Was your deadpan response. “Can’t let anyone know I retaliated when provoked. Woe is me.” 
Nat flashed you a proud smile, and continued.
“Y/n, I haven’t yet gotten to hear your perspective. I think there’s a little more to it than simply whacking a kid.”
“I don’t believe that’s a good use of our time togeth-” Ms. Katz began, and was shortly cut off.
“No,” Nat said, “Let her talk. I need to know what happened before I decide what to do.”
“I just want you to know we’re not reconsidering the suspension.”
“Fine by me. Continue, Y/n.”
“They snagged Dad’s dog tags off my neck. I told them to give them back. They didn’t. This was the final straw. For the past two years I’ve endured their teasing, and so have countless others. I didn’t beat them up just to get the tags back, I did it to win this fight, and the next ones too. Now they’ll leave me alone, and the others, too.”
“Ms. Katz,” Nat turned to your principal, “I would just like to thank you. Y/n and I will enjoy these next two weeks off. I want you to know that she will be receiving no punishment at home.”
The intercom on Ms. Katz’s desk buzzed.
“There’s someone here to see y-”
“Tell them to wait.” She cut them off, “Very well then. I also wanted to address her chronic lying.”
“Tell me more.”
“She insists her family is full of superheroes and spies.” She pulled out a drawing, “Here, she even drew this when we were supposed to be making family portraits.” The drawing was of you, Auntie Nat, your Dad, your Papa, Uncles Tony, Thor, Bruce, and Clint, the whole crew. After a pause, Auntie Nat nodded.
“This is just about right.” She smiled, “My hair used to be wavy, if that’s what you’re concerned about.”
“No,” Ms. Katz sighed, “She insists she lives with the Avengers! Don’t you see? She strings up wild stories about fighting Nazis and being frozen in a time capsule!”
“They’re true.” Nat’s phone buzzed. “And I can prove it. Tell your receptionist to let in the other visitor.”
Ms. Katz complied, the door opened, and Steve walked in. She stared agape for a moment, before regaining composure.
“That… That will be all, thank you.”
“Have you been reading Ender’s Game again?” Auntie Nat asked on the ride back to Steve’s apartment.
“Maybe…” You grinned, “Okay yeah.”
“Thought so, that speech sounded a bit familiar.”
Part two here!
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lucky-bishova-42 · 17 hours
Hi(gh) Mama!
(oneshot that takes place anytime after Chapter 32 in Malen’kiy Yastreb)
If you asked Yelena how today was gonna go, she wouldn’t in a million years have guessed this.
It all started when Sonya had come over to visit the apartment the night before.
And let’s just say she brought some fun brownies over for her and Yelena to enjoy while they hung out.
What Yelena neglected to remember, before going to bed, was to label or move the leftover brownies.
Which led to this.
“Oh blyad!! Kate don’t eat those!!” Yelena cries as she watches Kate take a bite out of said brownies.
“What? Why?” Kate puts the rest of the brownie down.
“You didn’t eat any more of those, have you??” Yelena asks urgently.
“Just one other one right before this one, why? Are they for something specific?” Kate starts to get concerned.
“Der’mo! You had a whole one?”
“Yes!” Kate replies exasperatedly, “Now are you gonna tell me why its such an issue that I had one?”
“Those aren’t regular brownies, Kate. They are weed brownies,” Yelena sighs.
Kate’s eyes go wide as she looks down at the sweet treat she is still holding.
“Holy shit,” Kate says, realizing the situation.
“Mama and Mom are gonna kill us.”
“Yes. Well, probably not you since it isn’t really your fault. But me, for sure.”
*about two hours later*
“Do you ever think about how if you never truly let your car’s tank get empty, that there might be a molecule of the original gas solution still in the car?” Kate ponders as she sits upside-down on the couch.
“No… but I think it is safe to say that the edible has finally kicked in,” Yelena replies, “What time are your parents going to be home?”
“Huh,” Kate pauses for a second, ignoring Yelena’s question in favor of staring at the dust on the light fixtures, “we should really start cleaning the ceiling… maybe Peter could help.”
“Kate,” Yelena snaps her fingers in front of Kate’s face, “focus!”
“Oh sorry,” Kate chuckles, turning herself upright, “I feel reeeeeeaaaaally spacey right now… how long does this normally last?”
“Well, you basically had one and a half… and you are smaller than me… and Sonya makes them kinda strong…”
“Maybe a few hours,” Yelena reluctantly supplies, “possibly the rest of the night—“
“Shh, calm down, malen’kaya ptichka,” Yelena puts her hands on Kate’s shoulders, “we will figure this out. Now, what time will your parents be home?”
“In within the hour,” Kate says, looking at the clock.
“Der’mo,” Yelena curses, takes a deep breath, “Okay, listen. This is what we are gonna do. We are just gonna pretend that you are extra tired and want to go to bed early; that way you can hide out in your room til you come back down.”
“I dunno Auntie Lena,” Kate frowns slightly, “lying to Mama is never a good idea; she always knows when I am lying. Plus, Mom can literally read minds.”
“It will just be for a few hours,” Yelena says, “plus, it’s not like it will be a full lie; I bet soon you will start to feel tired anyways.”
Kate looks at Yelena skeptically.
“Please, Kate,” Yelena pleads, “If your mothers find out they will kill me.”
Kate sighs, “Fine. But I make no promises.”
And Kate really tries to calm down and try to relax. She does.
But something about the specific strain that was laced in the brownies makes her slightly anxious and her already short attention span even shorter.
About twenty minutes later, she finds herself unable to stop bouncing her knee while her brain starts to run rampant with all of her irrational fears; specifically those fears that surround getting punished.
“I don’t think I can do this, Lena,” Kate trembles.
Yelena looks up from her phone to focus on a very anxious Kate.
“We should just come clean right away. They are gonna be so pissed. But maybe if we tell them it’s an accident they will go easy on us,” Kate’s trembling gets worse, and her eyes start to water.
“Hey—hey, Kate, look at me,” Yelena gently takes Kate’s chin and gets her to meet her eye line, “You are not in trouble. It was an accident. If your parents are gonna be mad at anyone, they will be mad at me,” Yelena wipes a single tear that escaped Kate’s eye, “okay?”
Kate nods and hugs Yelena, who tightens her arms around her as they cuddle on the couch.
“I still don’t like how I feel right now,” Kate announces after a moment, “my body feels heavy but my brain is moving too fast.”
“Ah, I get it, malen’kaya ptichka,” Yelena reaches over and grabs the remote, “I think I have an idea of what might help.”
Thirty minutes later, Wanda and Natasha walk into the apartment to find a very giggly Kate sitting on the couch with Yelena watching what seems to be one of those toddler sensory videos.
“Um…hello?” Natasha says cautiously as she walks towards the back of the couch.
Kate turns around with a goofy smile and a dazed look on her face, “Yay! Mama’s home!”
“Yeah…” Natasha replies slowly as she looks back and forth between her daughter and her sister, confused at what is going on, “I am home.”
“Come sit, Mama! Auntie Lena found the best tv show!” Kate cheers, patting the seat next to her.
At this point, Wanda had also joined them in the living room and was also very confused, and maybe slightly concerned, about what was going on.
Natasha goes and sits next to Kate on the couch. Once she sits down, Kate immediately snuggles into her side then looks up at her.
“Hi Mama!” Kate smiles.
“Hi baby—”
“Wow! Your hair looks extra red today!” Kate reaches out and begins to play with a strand.
Natasha is confused.
Don’t get her wrong, Kate is a very cuddly person, and is always a little bit more open and relaxed when snuggled with her Mama or Mom, but this seems a little over the top.
Natasha briefly looks over to Wanda, who shrugs her shoulders, before looking down at her daughter.
Natasha raises her eyebrow, but goes along with it, “it does?”
“Mm-hm!” Kate hums happily, and smiles again back up at her Mama, “like a fire truck!”
And that’s when Natasha sees Kate’s red-tinted eyes, and everything clicks.
Her eyes widen, and she whips her head up to look at her sister who looks very guilty all of a sudden.
“Is Kate… high?” she asks Yelena in a measured tone, as she starts to glare at her.
Yelena avoids Natasha’s glare and pauses before letting out a small, “maybe…”
“You got my daughter high?!?” Natasha basically growls, causing Kate to jump in her arms.
“How can you be so irresponsible?!” Wanda adds in.
“It was an accident!!” Yelena defends herself, “I forgot to put the brownies away after last night.”
“How many times have I told you to label them?!?” Natasha shouts back.
“It’s not my fault I forgot—”
“Stop fighting!” They hear a teary Kate interject.
Natasha looks down to see an upset Kate with tears running down her face.
“Oh malyshka,” Natasha pulls her in close, “it’s okay.”
“It was just an accident,” Kate sniffles, “it wasn’t Lena’s fault.”
Natasha looks at Wanda then at Yelena, and after a brief pause, decides to talk more to Yelena about this later to not further upset Kate. So she looks down at Kate with a soft smile, “I suppose you’re right. It could’ve happened to anyone… It was just an accident.”
Kate returns the smile and cuddles deep into Natasha’s arms before turning her attention back to the tv, where there are still smiling fruit bouncing around to happy music.
After a few minutes, she starts to giggle again, pointing out to her parents and aunt what things are the funniest.
Soon Natasha, Wanda, and Yelena can’t help but laugh along with Kate.
“Alright, I know this is a big accident,” Yelena whispers over to Natasha and Wanda, “but you have to admit, it’s kinda hilarious.”
Wanda and Natasha chuckle.
“You might be right,” Wanda smiles looking down at a half awake, half giggling Kate.
“Remind me tomorrow to explain to her that this won’t be happening again until she is at least 18," Natasha says.
“Oh believe me,” Yelena chuckles, “I don’t think you will have an issue there.”
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marvel-lous-guy · 2 years
Tony: you can't stay in the tower by yourself!
Peter: Why not!? I'm 15! I'm responsible!
Tony: You're holding nunchucks!
Peter: ...I'm holding nunchucks responsibly!
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wandasaura · 2 months
Always forget there is more to marvel than hot women that could kill me
age of ultron? i’m sorry i think you mean the 12 second clips of natasha picking up lila and watching her draw a butterfly
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 2 months
Samba BTS Shoutout: Stunts Dept - V9
Revenge Crew Running on the Beach
03/20/2024 - Today’s Shoutout: our Stunts Department headed by the amazing @jaketomuri🏴‍☠️ The explosions were loud but incredible (did you catch mime Roach?), we had to run so far in our British soldier outfits on sand, and the zipline stunt gave me a massive wedgie☠️ #OurFlagMeansDeath #ofmd #ofmdseason2
Source: Samba's Instagram
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the-wize-1 · 1 year
Thawing the Widow | Natasha Romanoff Series
Tumblr media
Summary: Catalina Gray is ten, has a genius IQ, a rather unhealthy coffee addiction, and is somewhat excellent at running away from her problems. Exhibit A: on the run from CPS after months of being under the legal guardianship of her abusive uncle. One day, she breaks into a strange hidden safehouse. It turns out to belong to none other than the Black Widow herself, Natasha Romanoff.
Warnings: Each chapter will have their own warnings, but it is minor friendly!
Updates: Updates will come weekly each Monday/Thursday at 5PM PST!
Chapter 1: Ding Dong
Chapter 2: Street Life
Chapter 3: Interrogation
Chapter 4: A Friendly Conversation
Chapter 5: Spidey Saves the Day
More to come!!
More to come!
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smallblueandloud · 5 months
it's that time of the month again*
*rewatching every natasha romanoff scene on youtube and longing for what could've been
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milli-moi · 11 months
Natasha Romanoff on Sex Education: Or, how Aunty Nat would be awesome and Mama Nat would be a nightmare
Natasha would be a very different person to have in different roles when it comes to all things Sex Ed based. This might seem weird at first but let me explain.
Obviously Auntie Nat would be a great person to have on your side when it come to this stuff.
- She would be prepared, even though (depending on MCU or 616) she may not need them, she would always carry tampons and pads with her just in case someone needed them. She even keeps a couple tampons in one part of her tac belt and has helped out the team on various occasions.
- She wouldn’t judge. All the younger girls she has an impact on - in my head I think mostly of Wanda and Lila Barton here - know that if they have any weird symptoms and need to see someone, Natasha will find them the right doctor. They know if they need access to emergency contraceptives or abortion care then she’ll get them access.
- Natasha always has ALL the supplies. Due to the nature of her job there is nothing Nat doesn’t have if you give her a little notice. She’ll get you whatever contraceptive methods you need. spermicides? Yup, Lubricants?pick a flavour. Hypo allergenic condoms? Absolutely, any specific texture?
- In the same vein (pun not intended but I’m easily amused 😂) if it’s technique you want then she can give you tips on that too (jeez the puns… why…??) Natasha will talk to the point, blunt and without a hint of embarrassment. She will point out the problems with the banana-condom situation, explain toy sterilisation and pre or post- sex hygiene.
And these things would be great if she was your auntie, right? She would be someone to go to no matter what and without any judgement. I imagine she went to Wanda after a few weeks and dragged her to a pharmacy, getting her set up with contraception options as well as talking her through some of the products available, knowing that when she had first come to the US it had been overwhelming with so many new brands.
But then there is the other side, Natasha as a mother. Sounds awesome in a lot of ways, but…
(FYI: I always think of Mama Natasha as being very on the side that sex education should be mostly done before embarrassment sets in. She won’t risk her children being unable to say if something happened to them.)
- Instead of their two year old just being asked to explore those body parts privately Natasha explains what the clitoris is and why it exists.
- Being called into the class of your six year old to discover she had decided to explain to her classmates what sex is.
- Frequently reaching into the pocket of their jacket or bag as a teenager and finding a selection of different condoms.
- Being HORRIFIED to find the way the Black Widow is portrayed on the internet. The kids did not need to hear people talk about their mama like that.
- Having your mama just casually strike up a sex-based conversation with your friends if anything happens to bring the subject up.
- Thinking there are probably kids in your class who fantasise about your mama. Knowing they do when one of your friends discovers someone they know has black widow themed condoms.
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izayoichan · 7 months
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Everyone had chuckled slightly when Liam had sat on Devan’s lap for a bit after the meal, as he had noticed Devan didn’t have a big family, although he had his brother and his brother's boyfriend with him proclaiming that now he was part of his family, and that his family was HUGE! And the best! The second laugh was when he called Nat for aunty Christmas because much like last, she was here to wed the two couples. She had asked up front this time though so they knew she would be here this time as well. 
Devan: I thought I would be more nervous, movies keep showing the men as nervous. John: Don’t believe all the movies you see.-he chuckled as they stood waiting for their respective other.- I… oh wow!
His attention was taken by what entered. Hayden was with Arlene in her wheelchair, while Vy was the one giving away El. 
Devan: I second your wow.
The two smiled, as music Lucas and Arlene had made together was played as they made their way up, Nat joining them with Chris who held the four rings.
Nat: As you all know by now, I do not do long speeches. Mostly because what I have to say is not as important as what these four have to say to the other. -she nodded at Arlene, who would do her wow’s first.
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