#but like i also think that's why i adore the character of Roy because I get it
tbcanary · 1 year
yet again i say everyone who argues about what is and is not in character for jason needs to stop fighting each other and unite against our common enemy, scott fucking lobdell
#i'm looking back through outlaws for an edit#and like i have such. feelings. i have so many feelings.#this is the first comic i read! and there are parts of it i still genuinely enjoy and which tug at my emotions in certain ways!#but going back to it now after having read other things is so. like.#what the fuCK#WHAT THE FUCK !!!#it's funny to me. it's honestly hysterical. like i'm not mad about it to be clear i've been cackling over it for an hour#i think it's so. like. why did they do this. why did they give jason evil-sensing blades and a background with a magical monk society#why did they do roy so dirty. why did they do KORI so dirty.#i love the three of them as a relationship and a dynamic but so much of this comic is absolute nonsense kjvnxkbjngk#anyway. ANYWAY.#i will die on the hill of like. the reason why everyone has such warped views of jason is because his rewrites have completely changed him#like every single aspect of him#multiple times#and so it's really hard actually to get a grip on who he is! because like. do you want the bloodthirsty one who kept trying to kill tim.#or do you want the somewhat relatable (weakly written) young lost man looking for love and family wherever he can get it#or do you do what i do and treat them as two separate characters in two separate boxes in your mind closet#so that you don't have to consider the fact that everything about him is absolute jumbled fucking nonsense#this also goes for j/a/y/r/o/y. a ship i absolutely adore and love.#it's very like. ok which version of jason tho. which version of roy. it had better not be outlaws roy i will gut you--#i have so many feelings about this little trio. this post is brought to you by jason saying kori would never have to know life without him.#THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE PLATONIC. ALLEGEDLY. NORMAL BESTIE MOMENTS.#ugh. ugh ugh guhhhhgiuuhbngjkn ugh.#don't cancel me for enjoying some parts of outlaws ok. i have a complicated relationship it's not uncritical it's just that i love them.#text.tb
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apparently "being like Roy Mustang" is not a healthy way to deal with your problems. Who knew? Certainly not me, and certainly not Roy Mustang.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 2 months
Things Are Changing (Part 14)
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Jason waited at the bar, tapping his fingers on a pint of beer he was too nervous to actually drink. Danny had gone out with the birds of prey tonight to either look after, or make a mess of, crime alley in his absence. He’d find out which one in the morning, though he trusted Danny to keep most of the Chaos under control since he loved their home almost as much as Jason did. 
He wasn’t nervous about what they were doing, he was nervous about meeting Roy again. Which was probably why he was early for the meeting, early enough to get a beer that was no longer as cold as it had been. He sighed at himself and took a sip. 
“Hey buddy,” Roy greeted, biting back a chuckle at the way Jason jumped. 
“Damn you and your light steps. You'd think after growing so much you'd make a little more noise,” Jason sighed, taking another sip from his beer before getting up and hugging Roy so tightly it made him wheeze. “It's good to see you too.”
“Damn, you got strong,” Roy gasped, patting Jason's back awkwardly. “You were such a scrawny kid too.”
“Ya,” Jason chuckled, putting Roy down again. He stepped back a little while Roy ordered a beer and glanced around for a more secluded table where they could talk a little more openly. Once Roy had his beer Jason jerked his chin towards the table, Roy nodded so Jason led the way over to it and they sat together. “It was from being malnourished as a kid, but a dunk in the pits seems to have repaired a bunch of that shit and I absolutely shot up! 
“It was kinda weird because for the first… year there I was barely conscious so when I finally came back to myself it was already to a body that was so much larger than the one I was used to. The LOA had been drilling me on techniques and shit so unconsciously I knew my new size and strength but anytime I tried to do something and thought even a little to hard about it I’d be so fucking clumsy! And you wouldn’t believe how many doorways I hit my head on before I got used to this height,” Jason chuckled, and Roy laughed along with him.
“Damn that's crazy, but also I totally get it. I was kept unconscious by Cadmus for years, when I finally got out of that fucking tube I’d lost my arm,” he held up his prosthetic, which was so good Jason had barely noticed it before. “And my muscles were so atrophied moving around felt nothing like it used to. I didn’t grow That much but it still… it was so fucking weird.” He sighed and took a bigger gulp of his beer, it clearly wasn’t easy to think about still.
“That’s fucked up,” Jason sighed, patting Roy’s shoulder. “Cadmus are a bunch of bastards. If you ever want help blowing up any of their shit let me know. I’m pretty good with explosives and guns now, and Danny would help too, and let me tell you,” Jason whistled softly and gave an almost feral grin. 
“Both you and Dick always go for the powerful ones huh?” Roy cackled, elbowing him.
“Hey! To be fair to me I didn’t know he was this powerful when we got together! I knew that he had a healing factor but that was all I knew until after we moved in together.” Jason said with a dramatic pout. 
“Still, I bet you picked up on the vibe,” He said and Jason sighed because he couldn’t refute that.
“What about you though? You said Lian’s mom is in prison now but who was she?” Jason asked, he figured it was fair game after the teasing about his own relationship, though he second guessed himself when he saw Roy sigh and slump a little.
“Cheshire,” he murmured, tracing the lip of his glass with a finger. 
“No shit!” Jason breathed, shocked but at the same… she was an interesting character, Jason knew she wasn’t all bad, and she was pretty.
“Ya, and she’s a good mom. She adores Lian, but you know how she and Artemis grew up right? They never really had a chance. I tried for years to keep her with us, but I don’t think she can get out of the life for real when she doesn’t know anything else. I can’t keep waiting for her, me and Lian, we gotta move on and make the best of things you know?”
“Ya, I get that, Do you have anyone else in your life now though? Since I’m assuming you and Cheshire aren’t really a thing anymore?” Jason asked curiously. 
“No I haven’t,” Roy said with a little shrug. “I tried at first you know? Especially since people kept saying Lian would need a mom, but dating with a kid is hard. I’d rather just focus on her then try to chase any skirt. Artemiss lives with us off and on so it’s not like Lian doesn’t have a female role model, me and Artemiss just don’t fit together. We tried to kiss one and it felt so fucking wrong! She’s like my sister.”
“I’m glad you’ve got support, and you’re doing great. If you ever need any help I can give, just let me know okay? Maybe it’s kinda sad to say since we haven’t talked in years, but you’re still my best friend.” Jason admitted, shifting awkwardly in his seat.
“Nah, it’s not that weird, you might still be my best friend too,” Roy said with a wry little smile and a shrug. “Sad… maybe, but honestly I’d say we’re both pretty fucking sad already.”
“Well, you’re not wrong, so cheers to that,” Jason laughed and they clinked their glasses together, giving each other sardonic smiles. 
They were quiet for a moment, just drinking their beers before Roy put down his drink and cleared his throat. “So, I assume Danny is your boyfriend I’ve heard so much about?” 
“Ya, that’s him. He’s been with me a long time, even before we started dating. He’s… He’s absolutely amazing Roy, I’m not sure I deserve him,” Jason sighed.
“Oh come on now, of course you do, you-” Roy started but Jason was shaking his head and biting the inside of his cheek.
“There’s a real power imbalance Roy, and you wouldn’t think so given how physically powerful he is, but that doesn’t really matter. What matters more is he worked for me before we got together, and he’s so fucking broken after everything he’s been through. And I’m not kidding Roy, what he’s been through makes what happened to both of us look like a vacation. He sees me as his saviour, he’s said multiple times that he would do anything for me and he means it. 
“Roy…” Jason bit his lip, he hadn’t admitted this to anyone, hadn’t talked about it with anyone. Suddenly he was nervous as hell someone would overhear. “Do you mind if we go back to one of my safehouses to talk about this actually?”
“Sure, you got one nearby? We almost should have started there honestly,” Roy agreed, already pushing himself away from the table. 
“Ya, probably,” Jason chuckled awkwardly, putting down some money for their drinks and following Roy out. “There’s one in walking distance.” 
Neither of them spoke again until they were inside and settled on the beat up couch. “So, what were you going to say?” Roy prompted and Jason groaned, rubbing his face with his hands. 
“I’ve had some serious anger issues since coming back, the Lazarus pit really did a number on my temper and my self control. Danny never defends himself. He’ll defend other people if he thinks I’m going overboard. But I don’t know if he has any self worth beyond what he thinks he can do for me you know? I love him, and he loves me and I love how devoted he is, but he’s almost too devoted you know?” Jason said, having thought better of actually admitting to beating Danny.
“Oh shit man, ya, that’s… complicated,” Roy said with a sympathetic frown. “I’ve never had to deal with anything like that, I don’t really know what to tell you, except I guess, encouraging him to make his own friends and shit, and try to be worth his loyalty?” 
“Ya, I’ve been trying,” Jason sighed, rubbing his face again and ruffling up his hair. “I can’t push him away, both because I love him and I don’t want to, and because he’s explicitly told me losing me would break him, like actually kill him.”
“That’s fucked up,” Roy agreed uncertainly. 
“Ya… But I mean other than that things are great. And He’s hot as hell,” Jason joked, trying to lighten the mood again after all that. It wasn’t fair to have Roy to have any actual advice, this situation was so far outside the realm of the normal.
“Ya? I believe you, the crazy ones usually are,” Roy joked back, some of the tension leaving his shoulders. “But pics or it didn’t happen.”
Jason laughed and pulled out his phone, swiping through the pictures he had of Danny, and of Danny and himself. Most of the pictures on the camera were of Danny honestly, and not all of them were fully appropriate. Danny liked to feel watched during sex and the camera would do.
“Damn, he is hot,” Roy agreed with a low whistle and punched Jason’s shoulder lightly. “Good for you dude.
“I can’t wait for you to meet him, you’re going to love him I’m sure. And hey, if you do like him, we like sharing,” Jason said with a meaningful little smirk that made Roy blush and choke. Jason laughed softly at him and switched apps to text Danny he was good to come join them now when he was ready too.
Danny was having fun running with the birds of Prey, they were busting up a trafficking ring Seline had found and doing a damn good job of it too he’d say! The girls were responding better to the ladies and Danny’s obviously queer self than they might have to the bats, and none of the traffickers had stood a chance against them!
Once it was done they went their separate ways, Harley and Salena wanted to make sure the girls got to a trusted shelter safely, and Ivy wasn’t really a people person so without her girlfriend there to help she left quickly too. Danny didn’t mind, he was just waiting for Jason to text him it was alright to come back, it shouldn’t be that much longer. He had already gotten a text that the visit was going well, which made him smile and eased his worry. 
He was just gazing up and the smog covered sky, considering going for a fly to see the stars when he heard a thump on the roof behind him. Danny had a bad feeling about who that was, since either of the brothers would have texted him before showing up. He sighed heavily and turned around seeing Batman looming on the other side of the rooftop. Though maybe it was Danny’s imagination that his posture was more uncertain then it had been before?
“What do you want?” Danny drawled, looking back up at the sky.
“I just want to talk,” Batman said, and Danny definitely wasn’t imagining that his voice sounded softer and less rough. “I… misjudged you at first, I couldn’t accept what Jason is capable of now and you were an easy scapegoat. I understand now that… Well, that it’s not your fault.”
“Huh,” Danny sounded, blinking in surprise and looking back at Batman consideringly. That hadn’t been what he expected. “Well, thanks I guess.”
“Constantine thinks he knows what you are.”
Danny barked a laugh and leaned back a little. “So what’s the old magician’s theory?” He asked, cocking his head to the side with a knowing little smirk. 
“He says you're a halfa, the first one in thousands of years,” Batman shared, and Danny froze for a moment. 
“Huh, I hadn’t expected him to get it right,” He sighed sitting down on the edge of the roof and propped his elbows on his knees. 
After a moment of hesitation Batman came closer and sat down next to Danny, still out of arm's reach, which he appreciated. “I’m sorry for what happened to you, truly. And I’m sorry about what my colleagues said, whether the beings of the Infinite Realms are threats or not, it was an incredibly inappropriate response.”  
“If you just came to apologize, then apology accepted, and you can go now,” Danny said, giving Bruce a suspicious look. 
“No, that’s not all,” Bruce said, steepling his fingers and leaning forward on his knees. “Constantine told me that according to legends Halfas were creatures of balance, guardians of sorts. Do you have any way to learn about your… cultural heritage?” 
“Some of the ancients lived when halfas were still around. Frostbite and Clockwork have told me some. I’m still very young, I’ve been dead less than 6 years-” He noticed Batman wince slightly but ignored it- “It’ll take me a long time to grow into whatever it is I’m supposed to be.  Don’t you hold your breath when I do though. Balance and Justice aren't the same things after all. If I do ascend I’ll be fighting against you as often as I’m on your side I expect,” he chuckled.
“Right,” Bruce sighed. The disappointment in his voice made Danny cackle, though he muffled it with a hand since Batman was playing nice. “Well, the Justice League have a few supernatural consultants on call if you need to talk to someone. And if you need any help, really, let me know.” He stood up and held out a card. “Not that you need it with how close you are with both my-... All of my sons, but if you need any help. Call me. Being alone isn’t easy.”
“I absolutely won’t, but thank you,” Danny said, but after a moment of hesitation he slid the card into one of his pants pockets. Batman seemed satisfied with that, nodded to him. “And I’m not alone, I have Jason.” 
Batman froze for a moment, looking at Danny with wide eyes before Danny realized how that had sounded. He shook his head with a laugh. “No, Jason isn’t a halfa. His resurrection was under completely different circumstances! He’s got a bit of the Realms in him, but it doesn’t flow through him like it does me. He’s still, like, 85% human.”
“That… That’s good,” Batman sighed, his shoulders slumping a little.
“Did you have any more questions?” Danny prompted, cocking his head. 
“You offered help with any Realms beings. Do you expect we’ll have any trouble?” Batman asked, cocking his head a little. 
“Maybe,” Danny said with a little shrug. “It depends if the GIW still has an active portal somewhere, and how good their security is on it. Must be better than my parents used to be or we’d already be up to our eyeballs in confused ghosts, but it’s always a possibility.” He noticed the considering look Batman was giving him and gave a crackling laugh; “I haven’t been back to the realms in years. If anything’s going on there I don’t know about it. Though I’m sure Clockwork knows where I am if they really need me.” 
“Right, thank you for the offer,” Batman sighed and stood up. “And just think about my offer alright? If you need help, or protection, call. Not just from the GIW.”
Batman hesitated, opened his mouth to say something else and then sighed and shook his head. Whatever it was he seemed to have thought better of it as he turned away with a swish of his cape and grappled away. Dramatic bastard. 
Danny chuckled and shook his head at the older hero’s behaviour and pulled his phone out again. He had a text from Jason, telling him which safe house he and Roy were hanging out at and that he should come. And maybe… if he wanted to, to bring lube and the three of them could have some fun. 
Danny grinned sharply and licked his lips beneath his muzzle, well he’d just swing by their nest on the way over then! He texted Jason he would be there soon, and asked if they’d need condoms too.
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puppetwoman17 · 1 year
I’ve been wanting to talk about this but I thought it would sound weird and kinda Mary Sue like! Glad to hear that I’m not the only one.
I’m very adamant on Cap being a pillar in not only the magic community(cause of his Champion role obviously) but the hero community as well. He’s well-known for his heroics and impossible stories about battling sentient worms and being diplomatic with alien dinosaurs.
He’s also loved for the advice he gives. All Billy wants to do is bring smiles to these peoples’ days. He dishes out advice like it’s candy and always sees the good in people. He’s great at looking at situations through multiple viewpoints and understanding everyone’s thought processes. This in particular helps with the Superman and Superboy problem. He tells both of them individually that both of their hardships are valid. Clark is allowed to feel violated because his DNA was stolen and mutated in a way that was against his consent. Connor never asked to be created, always wanting Superman’s love but never receiving it.
They reconcile, and Billy doesn’t think much of it, because it’s what anyone would do, right? No biggie. He even does something similar with Red Arrow, convincing him that he’s not just a clone. He’s his own person. He built his own life. He has his own achievements. He shouldn’t feel bad for any of this because none of it was in his control. And Roy is so damn grateful because it feels like a weight has been taken off his shoulders.
Marvel just shrugs. No biggie.
He talks Leaguers through both personal and professional problems and guides them onto a simple, honest path because adults make everything so damn complicated so why can’t you just sit THE FUCK DOWN—
So he helps with that too. No biggie, right? Just another good deed.
He expands his one-way business to other teams too, like the JSA, the YJ team, the Teen Titans, etc. Spends time with each of them, helps them solve their own problems whether they’re big or small.
No biggie, right?
Fucking. Wrong.
The world of heroes absolutely adores him! The other hero teams look to him like he’s the cool uncle. Despite no one knowing jackshit about his personal life, they trust him wholeheartedly. They know he’s got their back.
That’s actually what hurts, tho. Whenever anyone asks him about his life outside the cape, he gets tongue-tied. Panicked. Silent. Doesn’t say a word until a new topic is brought up and then changes wheels like it’s nothing. It hurts, knowing he doesn’t trust them. They know it’s stupid, he never had obligations to tell them anything about the real him, but it stings. Where does he go when he isn’t Cap? Does he have family? A lover? Hobbies? Pets? Why is he like a brick wall with them? Did they do something wrong?
Things get especially annoying when characters like Booster Gold(from the future) and Doctor Fate(Lord of Order, basically on the same pedestal as the Champion) know his identity and don’t even bother to hide that fact. Leaguers will frequently catch Booster making knowing jabs at the Captain, winking and saying strange things that get the Captain riled up and shaking his head profusely. Nabu is no help either, with Leaguers catching him and Marvel quietly conversing. When someone, say, Barry, shows up, Marvel stops talking.
It fucking hurts. A lot. And Billy doesn’t even notice the looks of jealousy cast at his future teammate and fellow Lord by his coworkers. The YJ team is not taking that shit because that is their den dad. Diana doesn’t appreciate that these strangers know more about her brother than she does. Flash is all confused and slightly annoyed because when are they gonna play another prank on Hal? Is he just gonna keep talking to those weirdos all day? And the next?
Billy’s honestly just happy to be here. He never thought he’d get past the age of ten, so doing all of this, helping these heroes while learning more about himself, is just great. He’s speedrunning his way through every moody, self-righteous, hurt, traumatized hero with no sweat on his back.
So yeah, he is beloved and he doesn’t even know it. You betcha that when Cap’s identity is revealed, everyone goes full mama bear/papa bear/protective older brother or sister on him. No way is he leaving without supervision.
Nabu and Booster are rolling their eyes cause hello? That’s the Champion of Magic. If anything, he’s the one they should be worried about.
Yeah, they are politely asked to leave after that. Anyhow Billy, wanna go get some hot chocolate 😘😍
Excuse the word vomit.
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royboyfanpage · 5 months
how do these pannels make you feel. they make me feel sad
Hi anon!
For context these are the panels Anon sent me-
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For starters, it's totally understandable that these panels make you feel sad! That's clearly what they were written to do.
I can't take it seriously because it's RUDY WEST. Rudy West is not comparable to Oliver Queen! Rudy West is absolutely not a better father than Ollie!
I mean, aside from the fact that it's pretty hard to be a worse father than Rudy West and Roy would absolutely not be "a better person" if he was raised by the Wests, like. Ollie and Roy didn't have that much of a bad relationship when Roy was a teenager. Obviously Snowbirds happened and that changed their dynamic and created a whole lot of tension they had to work through, but this is clearly pre-Snowbirds, and since Ollie still has money+Queen Industries it's also presumably pre-Hard Traveling Heroes, which is where the idea of Ollie not being around stems from. Was there conflict? Sure! But not to the extent that the Teen Titans would be blaming Ollie for how Roy is (actually, the "its not his fault the way he was raised" angle is more accurate for Dick than Roy, but I'm not gonna get into that). And I am doing a lot of explaining and defending for a man who's competition is Rudy West.
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Fundamental misunderstanding of Ollie and reducing him to "Batman with arrows" my beloathed.
Also another big issue is the fact that Roy's meant to be some spoilt rich brat, which doesn't really make sense?? I mean, Roy grew up on a reservation, and at this point he's living with Ollie who, based on this panel, is implied to still be at least kinda socialist in this timeline. He's not gonna be some disconnected nepo-baby who shames Wally for his parents' financial status, even at his most insecure, which I guess is the angle they're taking here.
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And also why is Garth the one defending Roy? Garth doesn't care about Roy at best at this point, and actively dislikes him at worst. Especially considering Roy's treatment of Garth is arguably worse in this than in the original Teen Titans run. Idk, it feels like it's trying to make Garth into the quiet emotionally mature kid in this scenario, which i don't feel is very accurate to who Garth actually is (I'll admit I'm only recently getting into Aqua comics so I don't have a complete grasp of Garth's character, but I get the impression that he's definitely not as much of a pushover as this comic presented him as- in the original Teen Titans run he was bantering as much as the others were, and he did have moments where he'd get aggressive, such as when the Titans refuse to help him because of their 'vow')
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I'm not gonna say I hate this comic. There are some parts of it I really love, like
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These panels are cute as fuck and I adore them. I think that the comic really works as its own story outside of the main Teen Titans continuity, with its own interpretations of the characters and their stories. But if you try and apply it to the original Teen Titans series, it does get kinda messy.
So yeah, in conclusion, the panels are sad if you look at them within the story, but I just can't take it seriously in a broader scope because y'know. Rudy West. I'm not even that big of a Flash fan and I still know Rudy West is the worst guy.
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there-must-be-a-lock · 4 months
Clint Barton/Roy Harper ship manifesto and recs for @dc-marvel-crossovers Pool Noodle Party!
At this point I think more than half the fics in this tag were written either by me or for me, so I might be biased, but god do I love this precious little pool noodle. These two are so perfect together.
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Not just the archery, but the self-esteem (or lack thereof) and self-destructiveness and big soft scarred hearts, and the stubbornness to keep fighting no matter what. They both deserve the kind of care and loyalty they’re always trying to give to others. I love them.
Taking ship name suggestions because I cannot keep calling this ArseEye.
Here, have some fics!
Hope It Leaves A Mark ch. 2 by @thepartyresponsible - every line of this ficlet is jam-packed with perfect characterization and gorgeously precise language. Features one of my favorite Clint/Roy parallels: their tendency to be underestimated because they look like hot messes. The juxtaposition of chaotic disaster and breathtaking competence is perfect.
Maybe he really is Arsenal. Because he might seem to carry himself with all the strategic acumen of your average inebriated raccoon, but so far every move he’s made has been absolutely beautiful. Clint’s prepared to admit he’s a little charmed by that.
To Have (and to owe) by @sammialex - peak mopey sad-sack self-destructive boys throwing themselves into a fight because they don’t value their own lives. Gorgeous use of imagery. Very whumpy, but they bring each other a little sunshine and hope too. This sums the pair of them up all too well:
…it’d been so long since Roy had a mission he wanted to complete, instead of a mission he half hoped he’d die for.
Soft target by @bill-longbow - Ronin!Clint and a Roy who’s struggling with sobriety. Angsty but so sweet. Something about Roy seeing himself in Clint but taking better care of him/having more empathy for him than he ever would do/feel for himself — yeah, that hits me right in the feels. Also with podfic and art!
There's something familiar about him Roy can't catch, but it might as well be because Roy recognizes that look from the mirror. Try and hurt me, nothing you can throw at me is worse than what I do to myself.
The Beverage Comrade by @sishal01 - pure fluff and adorable awkward flirting. The cutest pair of dorks. Also with podfic!
Okay earth, he thinks, I’m ready now to be swallowed up, please. Any time would be good.
To Roy’s surprise the crinkles around the guy's eyes only grow deeper, his mouth falling into an easy lopsided smile.
disasterosity by @bittercape - could function as a primer on why these two are fucking perfect together. Spot-on banter and wit and chaotic humor with just enough self-deprecation to ring true to character. Funny as fuck.
“You fished me out of a dumpster like two hours ago, nobody’s into that.”
“Don’t diss the dumpster life,” Clint says reflexively, and Roy laughs, loud and surprised.
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sylvies-chen · 1 year
okay I’ve refrained from posting my thoughts on the ted lasso finale until now in the interest of making sure they’re expressed properly so that people understand how correct my opinions actually are. but I’m here and I’m queer and LET’S DO IT FOLKS:
Nate!! Nate was a timid, sweet note in this episode. It was such a gentle little reintegration of his character back into the team and seeing him get a secure happy ending after all that time of insecurity was the part of the episode that provided the MOST payoff. Seeing Nick Mohammed’s post about Nate and his family life and understanding how much he put into that character was so beautiful to see too. I adore actors who very publicly (and in a nerdy way) love their craft!
His conversation with Ted also made me cry like I have never cried before.
COLIN KISSED HIS FELLA AFTER A WIN!! Ugh such a beautiful payoff and full circle moment for him, I was truly squealing with joy <3
The team’s rendition of So Long, Farewell had me GIGGLINGGG oh my god, I’m a die hard Sound of Music fan so I loved it! I would have maybe liked a little more emotion from Ted, I felt like his reaction was kind of… meh? meek? but other than that the song itself was FANTASTIC.
Obviously I love that they won the game, duh
They also had a lot of really amazing and thoughtful callbacks in this episode, like Keeley’s parallel to her entrance in the pilot was great, Ted’s bbq sauce mantra, Nate leaping into Ted’s arms, the ussie guy, the winning play being the play from season 1. All of those little moments showed a strong attention to detail I truly loved.
I love that Rupert made HIMSELF unlikeable in the end. Rebecca didn’t need to ruin his life; she stopped caring and soon saw he was doing a perfectly fine job of doing it himself. Karma truly is Rebecca Welton’s boyfriend!! Or is it?
Jake the motherfucking client seducer over here turning out to be a total dud like yesss!! I don’t want Ted and Michele back together by any means but fuck that guy lol, glad to see she and Henry were getting sick of him
Which leads me to…
I know you all know I ship Tedbecca, but this is truly not coming from a shipper standpoint when I say that that first scene of them was absolute BAIT. It was pretty disappointing because I know Ted Lasso’s been prone to red herrings and fakeouts every now and then but I didn’t take it as a show that would truly bait their fans with something like that??
I don’t care if I’m biased, I don’t care if the writers were trying to be avant-garde with their ending for rebecca, I’ll say what I’m about to say a million times: writing off 1 of your 2 most main characters into a happy ending with a man whose name the audience doesn’t even know is literally never a good writing decision. I think this should be obvious.
I have no hate to Boat Guy, Rebecca’s whole thing with him was basically the plot of Before Sunrise + Before Sunset (all hail Richard Lanklater) if someone watched those movies and then tried condensing them into fifteen accumulated minutes of television
Keeley, Roy, Jamie… they did you three so fucking dirty my babes. Keeley you especially. I’m beyond disappointed, bordering on genuinely hurt, by how much they screwed up Keeley and all of her adjacent storylines this season.
I loved RoyKeeley so much in seasons 1 and 2, they had such a sweetness and a magic to them. There were so many elements like that to season 1 and 2 that I feel the writers gave up on in the name of growth or… honestly, at this point, I don’t know why they did this. Roy was a little insecure in seasons 1 and 2, but I never felt like he was needy. It felt so cruel to have shown us RoyKeeley in all of these moments of such stability, such healthiness, and such genuine love for so long and then rip it away for some version of Roy Kent that felt hollow, twisted, and who just Did Not Get It. It makes me so sad.
It makes me sad for Jamie too. Him falling for Keeley again was like the last thing I needed to see from his character. There’s so much else they could have done with him, and instead they took that beautiful moment of him being accountable and respectful with Keeley and the tape, and they turned it into something ugly: they had him weaponize it as a bargaining chip against Roy.
I don’t understand why they thought having our favs engaged in this very sexist outdated convo with such possessive language in the name of comedy was a good idea. I get it was poking fun at them but it was the kind of fun that shouldn’t have to be poked at by now. They’re not these men, I don’t recognize this version of them. It’s such a regression.
speaking of weird and uncomfortable shit being played off for laughs… beard and jane got married! ted wasn’t even there! she shredded his passport to keep him in captivity! how creepy! (see the joke is that they’re crazy and do toxic things to each other. you’re supposed to laugh.)
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smilingperformer · 6 months
Me: "Yaaaay it's Horizons anniversary soon!!"
Others: "It's been a year since Satoshi's journey ended"
I... I didn't even think about that |D
Guess I was that ready to just let him leave the story.
Considering that none of the original series staff stayed in the writing team, they were too.
Since it's soon been a year and we're reaching the end of act 2, I can confidently say this is like, my favourite Pokémon series. Alongside Sun & Moon. And both are favs for wholely different reasons, as in, love Sun & Moon for tackling mature topics and for having wonderful humor, alongside good world building and nice focus on family theme. While Horizons I love the story focus shift from normal, cast that is super enjoyable and a take on a found family type of group, new original villains that I've come to like a lot, etc etc.
I love how different both shows are. I love how both dare to try new things out in different way. Liko is one of THE most relatable characters to me, and I love the whole entire cast to bits. I even adore the Explorers, esp. Sango is slowly making a hole in my heart that wants me to call myself a fan of hers. Yes. She's been that enjoyable to me. Even Amethio's grown on me immensely, I like how his character works, and excited to see his role this upcoming ep.
At the start Roy felt a tad bit too alike to Satoshi, and at times I can see that similar type of "forget about a skill and then do the skill" writing from Satoshi era is thrown on him, but he's still mostly his own character. But that is probably why I'm more drawn to the likes of Liko, Dot, Friede, Amethio and Sango, because their fighting styles are so refreshing for me. I even like how Onyx and Sango pairing works, with Onyx fitting Sango's oni-speaking pattern (srsly wtf that must have been intended and now I want to know if dub has ANYTHING to match this speaking pattern with.)
There's been clear growth, clear character progression, much much slower team progress than whatever the fuck JN did (not jabbing at anyone who likes JN but I won't deny that I really hate how fucking fast most Pokémon evolved there. It seems Horizons knows not to rush things).
Act 1 suffered from pacing issue where stuff happens in one episode and then the next ep sort of shrugs it off and continues the plot in a really weird tone-shift, but I don't think act 2 had that, which I liked. But act 2 also had more fill-ins compared to the action-packed act 1. But imo, it was good to have a more slower, calming pace for a while. It helped build on the characters more, and show how the Rising Volt Tacklers exactly live like. Which makes the Brave Asagi breaking in recent episode ever so more heartbreaking aaaaaaaaah-
I'm also kinda glad I was wrong on the "only a one year long series", because so far I'm quite attached to the cast and definitely wouldn't have felt happy to see them go yet. So knowing that Horizons seems to follow the usual 3 year pace (maybe 2, maybe 4, who knows) makes me happy. And I totally look forward to act 3 that is definitely caused by the Brave Asagi needing long, long time for repairs.
So um yeh. This was a weird ramble lol. But like, love Horizons, don't exactly miss old show as I felt it told whatever it wanted to and had the danger of just, butchering characters further from what I enjoyed it for. Sometimes it's better to let go. Fanfics and fanarts will still exists for a long long time, I'm sure. But my enjoyment on Horizons has definitely caused me to not miss the old days at all. And I'm glad.
(Do I want Satoshi to return? Honestly? No. 26 years is long enough for me.)
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profound-bouquetbird · 6 months
The new spooky month episode was AMAZING!!!!
and I am here to now rant about it 😋
Spoilers if you haven't watched sm6 ☝️
To start things off. I love how they showed Radford more, and now he actually has more screentime. I remember adoring him when he first appeared on screen, and now that he had more screentime to show what kind of character he was just makes me love him even more 😭
My jaw literally dropped when I saw blood all over the crematory (if that's what it's called) and just Dexter's mom's pendant laying on the ground (also, seeing Dexter's face just felt cursed for some reason-)
The scene where the devil (or whatever it is) turns into Dexter and literally starts manipulating the priest (is that what they call him?-) just made me scream, silently of course because my parents were sleeping. AND DEXTER'S MOM ALSO APPEARING MADE ME RIP MY HAIR OUTQUQIWKQK (not literally)
The scene where Skid and Pump walked 'normally' (aka got anatomically correct bodies) made me wheeze, highlight of the episode. Another highlight of the episode is when I saw Streber at the hospital desk, and yes we are gonna ignore me thinking that it was Streber's mom and not him, totally ignoring that.
And when the grandpa bought Pump the octopus toy- I just couldn't help but be overwhelmed by this sense of guilt, like how I always feel when my parents/grandparents/anyone buys me something to surprise me. Idk if that's just me but I rly did feel guilty seeing that receipt in the grandpa's back pocket :/
Like- he went all that way to the store to just buy a gift for his grandkid to not make him think that his parents don't care about him or don't want him.
Okay, to get a little out of the depression stuff, I started jumping up and down from excitement when I saw the hatzgang. I wonder what they were talking about tho 🤔 Roy seemed rly upset, and Robert and Ross were comforting him and telling him that they were there for him, which was rly sweet but now I'm curious and scared of what they were talking about 😔
I wish I could just crawl into the screen and hug Roy (I know damn well he would bully me if I existed in that universe, but we'll just ignore that 😋)
I was shocked when I saw Patty without her mask. I mean- u go girl, but your whole personality is that mask 🙄 (/j)
Before I rant too much about this episode, I'm just gonna finish it off with this:
Jaune's husband is hot. (/hj)
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mymiraclebox · 1 month
since you changed up some of the canon miraculouses, do you think the lineup would change up as well, either switching around or replacing characters?
I think the biggest impact that would come from my changes to the canon Miraculouses would be with Felix and the Peacock Miraculous. Since my Peacock Miraculous does not create new individual lives but rather a physical manifestations of one's mind, Felix would have no need to claim the Peacock Miraculous since it isn't being used to control sentient beings, nor would Felix be a sentibeing, so he couldn't be killed by it being in the wrong hands. (Felix and Adrien's births are still connected to the Peacock Miraculous, with it being used to help the Graham de Vanily sisters with their fertility struggles, but the boys are not creations of the Peacock themselves).
I can also think of some other changes I would make based around this and a few other concept changes, so I think the hero lineup (including the Butterfly and Peacock being rescued) would be like this if canon used my version of the canon Miraculouses:
Ladybug - Marinette (Ladybug) Black Cat - Adrien (Chat Noir) Fox - Alya (Rena Rouge) Turtle - Nino (Carapace) Bee - Chloe (Queen Bee) Butterfly - Felix (Viceroy) Peacock - Luka (Panoptes*) Ox - Ivan (Minotaurox) Tiger - Juleka (Violet Tigress) Rabbit - Alix (Bunnyx) Dragon - Kagami (Ryuko) Cobra - Max (Python) Horse - Zoe (Shire) Goat - Marc (Satyr) Monkey - Kim (Roi Singe) Dog - Mylene (Lassie) Mouse - Sabrina (Muroidea) Rooster - Nathaniel (Red Quill) Pig - Rose (Pigella)
I think the OG five have great match up with their original Miraculouses, whose concepts and powers stayed the same in my AU, so really no need to make any changes here.
First up we have Butterfly!Felix. Even if he has no reason for the Peacock, I still think he’d be down to steal magic from his uncle. I like this match because I think Felix and Nooroo could connect to each other with their similar pasts, and also I think they'd be a good influence on each other. Nooroo being Generosity could help Felix who is more self centered, while Felix could help Nooroo with his low confidence and pride.
Next is Peacock!Luka. Luka would be such a good Peacock. And seeing how canon treats Luka like everyone's therapist, and his whole ability to understand people and express it with music, why shouldn't he get the kwami of Psyche? Honestly I think he'd be a good match up with the canon concept Emotion as well.
Next up is Cobra!Max, I just always thought Max would do so well with these time powers, his ability to analyze, remember, and strategize would benefit with the gathered information and Opportunity he could create from the Cobra Miraculous. I also thought he didn't have a particularly strong connection with the Horse Miraculous, like it's okay, but not as perfect as some other pairings in canon, so with the Cobra opened up this was a no brainer.
Then we have Horse!Zoe, who I think matches this Miraculous a lot better than Max. As Zoe is someone who has never had much freedom and was always hiding herself to fit in I think the Horse would be perfect for her, and I think Kaalki would absolutely adore Zoe as well.
Is the main reason why Goat!Marc and Rooster!Nathaniel are here because I thought this was going to be canon? Maybe. But also with Marc as a writer I just can't see him not being a good holder for Imagination. I love the idea of Orikko and Nathaniel together, I think he'd be such a good confidence booster for Nath. Also I think Marc and Ziggy would get along so well too, both having a very sweet side.
For Dog!Mylene I picked this because I never saw the Mouse as an overly good fit for her, and with the Mouse no longer shrinking holders down I felt it lost the visual match as well with Mylene being one of the shorter classmates. Then with my Dog as Detection rather than Adoration I don't think it fits Sabrina as much anymore. I swapped these two because I felt Detection would fit Mylene well seeing how active she is with trying to do good in the world, and maybe it could help her with her fears if she was more aware of her surroundings. Mouse!Sabrina I think would definitely maximize the possibilities of being able to be in multiple places at once. She’s very smart, and plus I think Mullo would help her stand up for herself.
And for everyone else... well, canon gave them a really good fit, even with the changes I made to my headcanons. Like with the Pig now being Love, it still fits Rose well, etc.
*Credit to @silverslate221 for the name of Peacock!Luka.
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oifaaa · 1 year
Please tell me how Roy’s characterisation was massacred for N52.
I understand how Jason and Roy’s relationship can be annoying where Roy never questions Jason and just follows him around blindly, never second guessing him. Roy is hard on himself and lacks self esteem and so thinks highly of Jason when really he should be angry, maybe even jealous of the power (all caste magic) Jason has. Then i get confused because I’d think someone going through a bout of depression and self hate and self medicating would have low self esteem and would think everyone is better than them and that they are a fuck up so isn’t that accurate portrayal of how awful Roy’s situation is?? Doesn’t that show the way Roy struggles just as he has pre N52?
Additionally Jason always compliments Roy on his greatness and abilities (Not in person which is annoying because grr he has to be manly and can’t compliment a friend) but in his little thought bubbles he’s always talking about how great Roy is and how grateful he is to have him.
Now this is where I get more confused because surely Roy respects Jason and through Jason’s monologues he clearly respects Roy though he may not say it out loud. The point is, people exaggerate so much how Roy is used as a crutch for Jason to look cool but Jason is constantly mentioning Roy and how important he is for the team. (Though I won’t deny there are times he may call him a goofball or undermine him but I mean cmon it’s literally ‘Red Hood’ and the outlaws, not ‘Titans’ where they’re equals, so it’s understandable that Jason would have swords and magic and stuff and save the day whilst Roy is not the main character). Idk I just haven’t noticed Roys character being MASSACRED when he’s with Jason.
People say Roy’s biggest trauma is having to be with Jason but I don’t know why that’s so bad like don’t just say it’s shit writing, fucking give me the evidence. (Sorry for the rant no offense to you what so ever). If the writing is so bad then blame the writer idk why Jason gets so much hate.
Anyway, please tell me how and why Rhato is the worst comics because I don’t think it’s that bad personally and I’d get shit for saying that.
Ps. This isn’t even about JayRoy or Lobdells disgusting history it’s literally just about why Rhato gets so much hate. I’m so confused so please explain /gen.
Thank you, have a nice day :)
Okay im gonna start this off by saying I think your looking at this the wrong way, your treating RHATO as just a stand alone story and if you want to know why people hate it you have to look at it in the broader context of it being a continuation of three different characters stories bc that is what it is - kory Roy and Jason are all pre established characters with rich backgrounds and personalities that have been building up for decades if you ignore these histories your gonna get push back from fans and Lobdell actually took it one step further
I'm gonna be short and sweet with this bc people more knowledgeable about roys character can put it way better then me but lets get straight to the point - the reason why people say Roy harper was massacred in RHATO is bc his whole character was changed- his back story, his relationships, his addiction, a lot of his personality and hell even his tattoos were changed and changed for the worse as a lot of it seemed to get done just to better suit Jason who was also changed a lot by lobdell but not to the extent that Roy was - a lot of it comes off like lobdell didn't even bother to read any comics with Roy in them before he decided to try and shove him into a role that wasn't suited for him which if your a long time Roy fan watching a character you adore get a complete overhaul just so he fits with the character the author uses as a self insert your gonna be a wee bit agitated
When your writing stories in the dc universe you have to be careful as a lot of these characters are main characters in their own right when they team up together sure you can focus on one more then the others but you have to be at least abit aware of each of the characters your including back stories motivations and personalities and what lobdell did was use the fact that the new 52 just happened as an excuse to create whole new characters with the same names as these much loved pre established characters and this rightfully pissed off a lot of people who loved these characters especially bc the things that happened in the n52 have had a lasting effect as these are the comics newer fans are reading and if your favourite character has been given a complete overhaul into a character you no longer recognise too bad a lot of people are gonna go forward only seeing Roy as Jason Todd's side character the guy in the baseball cap
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pluckyredhead · 1 year
Green Arrow #1 (2023)
I promised to yell my feelings about this issue so here! Are! My feelings!!!
Spoilers beneath the cut, obviously. Also, I won’t be including scans since I want to encourage people to buy this comic. It’s already selling so well that it was expanded from a 6 issue miniseries to 12 issues before the first issue even came out - if sales stay strong, maybe we can get an ongoing!
First off, love Sean Izaakse’s art so so so much, I adore his designs for the characters and the way he makes them move. Roy and Connor’s new looks are a little busy but I forgive him because they have such lustrous hair. (Though I still long for a Connor with a curl pattern.)
Starting with Ollie hitting on Dinah while barely conscious? A+. Also, the bit where he realizes he’s on an island again and is like “HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO ME???” made me laugh out loud.
I’m not going to lie, on the first double page spread, I’m...not sure why Doomsday is there? Or whose arm is sticking up out of the rubble? Does anyone know?
Why on earth would Dinah call Connor “Hawke?” That line felt really weird to me. Izaakse has been calling him that on Twitter so idk if they’re trying to rebrand him that way or what. Are they making it his new codename? I guess it’s slightly less dumb than “Drake.”
Also, I love the flashback panel of Roy and Connor with their arms around each other, but I am very tired of this thing DC has been doing lately where we see the aftermath of big moments and not the big moment itself. I suppose I shouldn’t complain considering that they nailed the most important reunion in this issue, but I really would have liked to see Connor’s reunions with Roy and Dinah, especially considering that Emiko and Dinah both had basically zero reaction to learning that Roy wasn’t dead. (And in that vein, I’d like to see an actual conversation with Ollie about Connor being ace and not just a flashback panel that’s like “I told my dad, and he was great about it! This will only be addressed annually in Pride issues from now on!” Bonus points for Ollie being very supportive but not 100% getting it and getting a chance to learn.)
JASON SAID THE VAN HAD FINGERPRINTS THAT MATCHED. ROY’S LEAD CAME FROM JASON. Jason and Roy are another set of characters where we were robbed of a good, satisfyingly emotional reunion, but in the single solitary panel we were given of the two of them together, Jason did say he would find Lian, AND HE KEPT HIS PROMISE. Can we please stop discoursing about whether or not he is a good friend to Roy now?
Ollie says that Roy is the greatest marksman in the world and my heart grew three sizes. The last time this came up was 2006ish and it was contested, with the heavy implication that Roy would soon surpass Ollie. I guess he finally made it! I’M SO PROUD. (Although... Shado is the greatest marksperson in the world. I choose to believe that Ollie is using a gendered term deliberately, especially considering what he says to the Manhunter at the end of the issue. Anyway lololol get fucked Merlyn, enjoy being #4.)
“I may have taught Roy and Connor” what did you teach Connor, Ollie? Stop lying.
The flashback panel of Ollie and Dinah fighting back to back is! So! Good! Very Doc Shaner, which is always a compliment.
The first time I read this I wasn’t sure if they knew it was Lian, because obviously she’s a lot older than they would have expected. Rereading the panel where the family reacts hits different when you know: the dumbstruck look on Roy’s face! Dinah’s comforting hand on his shoulder! Connor saying “Good form” because he is a PROUD UNCLE! And his little smile on the next page as he wrangles the guy she shot HE THINKS SHE IS SO COOL.
I truly feared that they were going to let her go so Roy’s line, “You threw your first ninja star when you were two years old,” stopped my heart. And then Roy’s speech, besides being heartbreaking, is full of so many great details. I love that he has a sweet tooth and Lian doesn’t. I love the panel of them watching Point Break. I love that they remembered his missing arm in the flashback panel of him mourning Lian.
And on that note, the line “I don’t care how you’re here”...sometimes I get frustrated by DC’s refusal to try to logic their mangled continuity back together  because it feels lazy to me, but here I think it was handled really elegantly. Lian was five and dead and now she’s not; Roy was missing an arm and then he wasn’t and then he was dead and now he’s not. They don’t know why, they’ve accepted that their lives are weird, and they’ve moved on. What’s important to me is that this comic sets out very clearly what is canon and what the characters remember experiencing (short answer: everything, because Roy clearly remembers both pre-Flashpoint and the New 52), because that tells me how to understand their relationships and their choices. I don’t care how they got here either, I just want to know what they’ve lived through.
God, the way he just goes to his knees and gives her all the space in the world. Trusting that she will make the decision that’s right for her, even if it’s one that hurts him. Offering his love on her terms. It’s so perfectly Roy and exactly what Lian needs in that moment.
AND THEN THEY HUG AND I SOBBED FOR TEN MINUTES. Lol @ Izaakse signing this page like “Yeah. You’re welcome.”
AND THEN A FAMILY GROUP HUG. I appreciate the acknowledgement that Lian and Cheshire interacted in Catwoman, because I was so frustrated that nothing came of that.
“They’ll never let our family be together.” This is such a smart move! If you only have 6 (now 12!) issues to bring back Ollie AND Lian AND Connor AND Mia AND (I hope) bring Cissie into the fold for the first time, giving all of the various deaths/disappearances/continuity hiccups one unified source is a great way to fit them all into one story.
And then: DYSTOPIAN OLLIE!!! Dystopian Ollie is always a good move! Dystopian Ollie wants you to use gender neutral threats! Dystopian Ollie has a chainsaw arrow! I love Dystopian Ollie.
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charmixpower · 1 year
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Everyone standing around for Stella's fashion show is so funny.
Roy standing behind the actual specialists like Cotradora and the rest of the side characters to the point where I didn't even notice his ass at first. I cannot believe they're trying to make him a love interest, you spent NO time on him. Please cut some of the bullshit and develop your plot lines that are actually going to affect future events.
Roxy is also there but only for a second, at least she isn't in the background and Artu was remembered.
Timmy and Brandon are holding hands which is EXTREMELY funny to me and I will forever use it as evidence that everyone loves Brandon. I think Brandon was just super excited and wanted to shake someone around.
Riven is XD. No, listen he's happy for Stella but he's not happier for her than he was for Musa in s2. He's standing off to the side of his friends who are whooping loudly clapping more subdued like. Still extremely happy for his friend but not expressing it like that. Like he's showing more excitement than Sky, which simply isn't going to happen. He gets embarrassed when expressing himself, objectively wrong.
The way he puts his arm behind Sky and gently leans into point, is adorable. Wrong, but adorable. I'm so obsessed with it because no he wouldn't on all accounts. Even if he and Sky are getting along better, Riven wouldn't pick him to do this, like their strongly contrasting personalities....well I guess this is perfectly fine for s5 Sky and Riven who do not feel strongly about anything outside of their girlfriends, so who cares.
Why the fuck did Radius and Luna decide to stand next to each other??? It would have been so much funnier for them to put Brandon or something in between them, and it would have made more sense for them to stand on opposite sides of the venue.
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imagines--galore · 1 year
FRIEND Hello!! It's been a while since I visited your inbox lmao. How's it going? Good I hope!
I have ✨️questions✨️. Not particularly requests but little funny questions
1) which characters you write for- are more likely to forgo a wedding, and instead secretly sign the papers with their s/o and see how long it takes for their friends/family to realize they got married
2) which characters you write for- would goof off and make husband/wife jokes with their s/o pre-marriage or even pre-relationship. (Ex. My friend and I played It Takes Two, where you play as a husband and wife trying to talk to their daughter and we call each other by husband/wife. And whenever we want to play the game we text "hey wanna try talking to our daughter?)
3) during roadtrips, which characters would roll down the windows and scream sing to music no matter the weather. Or who would be embarrassed about their s/o doing that?
4) which characters would dress up with their s/o to see the new spiderverse movie, or barbie movie
I'm doing alright and I hope you are too!
Most likely to forgo a wedding and just sign the papers
Alright so for your first question thats a tough one! But if I had to pick I would pick a couple of them. First one being Sherlock Holmes, I mean come one, he would find it hilarious when people figure it out that he married his s/o because NO ONE would've expected that of him. Also he would just simply want to get it over with because secretly(something he will NEVER admit) he can't wait for his s/o to take his last name. hehe. So the second one would be Taichi Kamiya from Digimon. Not a lot of fans for this character but I adore him. And his s/o is actually an oc of mine called Hidemi. And I think the both of them would forgo the wedding because they wouldn't want the hassle that comes with planning everything. And given their LARGE group of friends, it would be really funny to see them loose their minds that he went out and actually got married given his think before you act nature. And the final one is Spock. He would find it logical to just sign the papers and be done with it. Though I have a sneaky suspicion that he wouldn't be opposed to a small wedding ceremony later, especially if his s/o asks for it. hehe
Goof off and make husband/wife jokes before a relationship or marriage or engagement.
And moving on to your next question! The first character that comes to mind is definitely Roy Mustang from FMAB. I mean he is a flirt and has a teasing nature, and yeah their s/o would be taken by surprise at first, but would soon join in. Which would also drive their team nuts because why do that have to act like that so openly when they're not even in a relationship. And yeah, NO ONE will be surprised when they actually get together. I mean, has anyone seen how they look at one another? Also Vax from Vox Machina! I have a feeling he would be the same with an s/o who is confident and sure. The S/o would have to start flirting like that first, and Vax would catch on pretty quick and start flirting back. Would probably take a near death situation for true feelings to come out. haha For Clark aka Superman, I think things would pick up after an engagement. Pet names and calling one another by their last names sounds like something he would do.
Singing during road trips and who would be embarrassed about it.
Oooooooo Spencer Reid! He would be a little embaressed at all the attention but once he realizes just how happy his s/o is, he will just sit back and stop worrying about everyone else. Red Arrow aka Roy would be pretty embarrassed about it as well. Their s/o would be singing really loudly with the rest of the team, since they would all go on a team trip and yeah he would wish he had never come. But his s/o would just kiss his cheek and force him to join in at the chorus at least. Though he REFUSES to sing anything Taylor Swift.
And finally who would dress up with their s/o to see the new spiderverse or barbie movie
Peter Parker MCU version would DEFINITELY dress up as someone from the barbie movie with their s/o to go see it. And Michelangelo from TMNT would dress up to watch spiderman because that movie is epic. No question and no competition.
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gretahayes · 2 years
☕ + favourite dc heroes! drop your list bestie <33 and tell me why and what you think of them <3333
Okay SO this took me a while to write but in no particular order, and definitely non-exhaustive
Nightwing!!! He's my boy. Absolutely unhinged. So kind. Love him! Could on about him for hours
The Flash (SPECIFICALLY Wally’s Flash though, because look. LOOK. I love Barry. And he's an amazing Flash. You can tell he was created a while ago, is all I'm saying.) because like he's so fascinating and such a complex character. He fully believes in his capabilities and is an asshole about it sometimes because he believes he worked for the mantle and others (cough cough Kyle) were just handed it. He also believes Barry was a better Flash than him and he isn't doing the mantle justice. Like...he's such a dumbass but his life is as stable as a superhero's can be, with the job he loves and his lovely wife, twins, the unborn baby, a nice house, and a family he adores and adores him back. Disaster of a man.
Whatever alias Tim is going by at at given point. He's my little guy I love him <333
Literally anyone in YJ now that I'm thinking about it. They're all so blorbo shaped...dumb teenagers with the world on their shoulders
This sounds like such a fucking cop-out, but Robin. Everyone to ever wear the mantle in main continuity (IGNORING Carrie and Jarro. I dislike Jarro for very petty personal reasons that have nothing to do with his merit as a character and Carrie is just...there to me)
Wonder Woman! I love Diana, she's such a strong, brave, kind, and determined character and genuinely amazing. Nubia though 👀 I need to pick up one of her comics sometimes because she looks amazing and she's black like me?? Gotta check her out soon.
Tbh, Wonder Girl, Cassie and Donna both. Do they have much of a canon relationship? No idea. They're sisters to me though <3
Batgirl!! Esp the main three; Babs, Cass and Steph. I just feel they each made Batgirl their own and embodied the different aspects of it so well while keeping the core things the same; Kindness, Bravery, Resilience. (Though Babs growing into Oracle is just as important to me as Dick growing into Nightwing)
Starfire, she's kind and complex and sweet and brave and gorgeous and also completely down for murder at any given opportunity, which is iconic of her.
I would say Roy and most of his aliases, but like there's been so much stuff done to his character that I can't pin one down to say it's my favorite. Him being part of the fab five generation with little Lian is essential to me though
(ask game)
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gnar-slabdash · 2 years
Leverage Mark Showdown -- First Heat Contestants
Where the nominator left comments (or fun extra descriptors), I’m including their comments, cause those are way better than what I’d come up with. Where they didn’t leave comments, you’ll have to settle for mine :P
Mark Doyle The Bottle Job I genuinely liked him as a character, he was sleazy but so fun. The accent was fun, he was an easy mark, and he screamed like a girl. One of my fave episodes cause of him.
David Lampard aka “Truffle Jackass” The French Connection Job who the hell meets “gnar slabdash the n is mostly silent” and just TAKES THAT at face value
“His Honor Mayor Brad Culpepper III” The Three Strikes Job and to a lesser extent The Maltese Falcon Job TONAAAAAAAAAAAAAY
Ian Blackpoole The First and Second David Jobs The man has balls, okay? I’ve said it before -- a disgruntled, disheveled ex-employee pulls a gun on him, and his response is to calmly ask if he’s going to kill him, then invite him to his party, offer him shrimp, and call his ex wife over to see him. Ice cold.
Mark Vector The Morning After Job he's a bitch and a sleaze and it was so satisfying seeing him go down
Greg Sherman aka “The Blowfish” The Boiler Room Job my ultimate love-to-hate. I always spend the episode going WHY DO I HATE THIS GUY SO MUCH before remembering oh yeah it’s cause he’s the bad guy, I’m supposed to hate him. BUT I HATE HIM SO MUCH!
Victor Dubenich The Nigerian Job, The Radio Job, The Last Dam Job man you guys had a lot to say about this one! here goes: - he's awful but he's also how they came together - i like the actor that plays him - THE OG. mr inciting incident. my most underrated man saul rubinek. the absolute balls on this guy. might even still be out there you never know - Not only the first and the one who accidentally helped bind together a world-class team and eventually sent them after himself - twice;  but also the first echo/cast-caĺlback to the Nero Wolfe series. - He consistently thinks he's better than the crew, but Nate keeps outsmarting him anyway. Plus, the fact that he and Latimer forced Nate into calling back some old favorites, there's a number of reasons to love The Last Dam Job. I will never get over the hacking with a clam thing - Because he came back with a revenge plan and because he started this whole thing when he screwed the team over - this guy kinda kickstarted the whole thing by being greedy and selfish enough to try and double-cross not just a group of thieves, but a man who was ROYALLY screwed by the system literal months prior by using his dead kid against him. He's arrogant, but just smart enough to be a threat as of The Last Dam Job, and even then his insistence that he "knows" the team better than Nate after all these years is one of the things that leads to his downfall. Seriously, fuck that guy.
Judge Roy The Bank Shot Job He commits to the bit, okay? I WILL turn this entire episode into a western and I WILL be the black-had domineering bad guy and I WILL refuse to have any semblence of self-awareness about it at any time!
Gabe Erickson The Real Fake Car Job Matthew Lillard is great, and I absolutely loved "Nobody's plotting to kill you, you idiot!"
Starke’s Crew ( Marcus Starke, Chaos, Mikel Dayan, Apollo)  The Two Live Crew Job They were so fun and I absolutely adored their interactions with our leverage crew.  Scott Roemer The (Very) Big Bird Job The Carey Elwes? The Howard Hughes cosplay? The fact that he thinks he stole and destroyed the entire Spruce Goose?
Jack Hurley The 12-Step Job - It was nice to see a mark that’s not a POS and have the team ‘help’ once they realised that - He was a genuinely great guy who's just a fuck up. I get it.  - He is just too excitable and honest and keeps getting into shit way over his head but is too sweet to really hate - I really enjoyed having a Mark who "redeemed" themselves to. Plus, hes a goofy character, and seeing him a second time when I didn't expect it made me double take and laugh on my first watch.
Monica Hunter The Three Days of the Hunter Job - she's horrible and interesting and you get the most satisfaction from seeing her go down. also the bit where she's being interrogated by the army and she's like "it's okay I know that there *totally aren't* any secret bases ;-)" and the guy is so tired and like "yes that's bc there aren't any secret bases" and she's like "I know you have to say that ;-)" and he's right - rip girl you would have loved qanon - I love conspiracy theorists who don't even really believe in the awful stuff they make up (+ it's a terrible human being with the face of aunt zelda)
William Quinn & Tobey Earnshaw The Juror #6 Job He was a fakeass hippie played by Brent Spiner. She was trying so damn hard to be a chessmaster it was embrrasing. Can I make it any more obvious?
Eddie Maranjian The Order 23 Job Man there’s a few marks I can’t help but feel viscerally bad for cause of how the crew preys on their fears and neuroses that they can’t help. So a little sympathy, and also like, affinity crimes are nasty fucking things but in terms of story it’s a nice change of pace from the usual white guys playing chess from their lofty towers
Caroline Cowan The Low Low Price Job Oh another one that I kinda almost feel bad for for how much they freaked her out. This is a good matchup!
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