#buy green rose tea
irisinluv · 26 days
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Isekaied as the Yandere Villain!? Pt 2
Part one
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It was almost 2 minutes before I realized I was still dragging the crown prince behind me. I quickly dropped his hand and looked at him, not able to hide the embarrassment on my face. Listen- I’m committed to the bit. I WILL be the crazy jealous fiancé. But… I’m still human ok. I just dragged a full grown man down several halls and a flight of stairs while I spaced out thinking about how I’m gonna buy my cat premium wet food once I get back home to her.
It’s fine, I’m not flustered at spacing out about my cat, my characters just flustered because she’s been holding the hand of the man she’s obsessed with, that’s all!
“Well…. Did you still want to dine and take that walk?”
I expected him to scold me for my mistreatment of Cressida, grow irritated from me dragging him along like this. Instead, he chuckles and threads his arm in mine, and begins escorting me down the hall.
“Absolutely, have you dined outside by the roses yet? There’s this lovely pavilion that I am eager to hear your thoughts on.”
And that’s how I found myself under an impressive array of roses, all trained up and around a cozy dining area, creating a canopy of green and pink over an intimate tea table. The food was equally impressive, I had to keep reminding myself that the other me is used to this lavish lifestyle, to not gawk at the fancy tiny sandwiches and deserts.
“Well? Is everything to your liking? ”
I’m going off script here, how am I supposed to know how the villainess would react to a romantic scene like this?? If my “evil crazy” side isn’t supposed to be directed at him, and she’s usually kinda distant and unsure around him…. That means I should probably respond pretty curtly, polite, yet not really engaging. But…. I’ve already messed that up…. I guess I can be more genuine when it’s the two of us like this. He can think that this version of me is the facade, that I’m pretending to be pleasant, and then will start to see what a jerk “I” truly am when Cressida’s around. Besides…. I almost feel bad for the villainess. She really just seems like she was shy. Who knows- maybe, if given the opportunity, she really would have opened up more. It’s clear she loved the prince, and just didn’t know how to show it. So, with that thought, I made up my mind.
“It’s breathtaking! Roses are my favorite flower, and I’ve never seen so many kinds in bloom at once…. Plus the food and company leave little to be desired.”
There you go- slip in some subtle flirting! I’m not quite sure what time period this is supposed to be, but I get the impression flirting as bit more high class here, and I think I can have some fun with that.
“I’m glad, to be honest I was a bit flustered asking you to dine with me… you caught me quite off guard today, but in a good way.” He reaches his hand across the table and places it on my own, “I’d like to do this more often, you and I. I feel like the confines of our current arrangement have left us practically strangers, despite being engaged for several months already. I’m enjoying just being companionable with you, even if it’s just existing comfortably in the same room.”
Ohhhh, I know I’m the villain in this story but I can’t help but root for him- what a sweetheart! It’s so obvious he’s been lonely, I can’t wait for him and Cressida to fall in love and have a couple of kids that they’ll spoil rotten. And in the meantime…. Maybe I do have a bit of evil in me, because I’m going to selfishly enjoy this handsome man treating me to lunches under roses and reading in cozy libraries while I can.
“I know exactly how you feel your highness. Now, you mentioned a walk?”
We spent the afternoon laughing and chatting, and it felt nice to chat without worrying too much about my role. He asked me about that book I picked out earlier, and listened attentively as I caught him up with where I’m at in the plot. In turn, I asked about what papers he’s been signing, documents he’s been drafting, etc.
The only thing I had to do was send glares to any young ladies we passed, settling my hand on his arm possessively, and I saw their eyes widen and faces disappear behind fans as they whisper to one another. I can picture this illustrated in a manhwa- the nasty princess sinking her claws into the gullible prince… hopefully all these ladies will start gossiping and we can really cement this evil persona of mine now that Cressida’s here.
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When we returned to our separate apartments, I explored my rooms a bit until servants came to get me ready for dinner, and I slipped back into the frigid bitch persona. The servant girls dressed me in a slightly stuffy gown, but I had to admit, I looked gorgeous. I sat stiff and straight as they did my hair, forcing myself to be the very picture of cold indifference. I then dismissively thanked them for their help, then sat there awkwardly as they stared at me like I was crazy.
Ohhhh shit…. The original story hadn’t prepared me for this. My character was a villain, yes, but a side character for the most part! How was she supposed to act towards her servants? I went over what I knew- the novel showed the villainess alone quite often, usually obsessing over Eric and plotting/stalking. It showed her with Eric, and how distant and awkward their relationship was when together. And then of course the numerous scenes with Cressida where the Villainess did all sorts of heinous things to the sweet girl. But… it never depicted her with servants, or even any friends or other nobles. Just… Eric and Cressida. Was other me not actually a bitch all the time? Am I being unnecessarily rude right now? Oh god I’m such an idiot.
The story is told through Cressida’s point of view- of course there’s more depth to my own character than I initially thought! The Villianess must be a misunderstood introvert! Unsure of how to act around her crush, she’s fiercely insecure and jealous of this new girl who doesn’t struggle the same way she does. When she notices the prince slipping from her grasp, she acts out against Cressida because she can’t bear to lose Eric!
As someone’s who’s worked minimum wage jobs and struggled with social anxiety most of my life, I try to be nice to the people just working to survive, but here I am acting like these poor women are the dirt beneath my shoe…. Ok. Um. Well they’re still standing there in shock, I can fix this….
“You really did a lovely job… my hair has never looked so gorgeous, you’re truly talented! And I think the prince will be very pleased with this choice of ribbon!”
There- I was nicer, and I brought it back to Eric, so I’m still the lovesick fiancé whose entire world is waiting for her in the dining room. I frowned as the servants scuttled out of the room with hurried excuses, all of them looking like they were about to faint. Damn it… I can’t believe I misread the relationship between us. I probably just ruined their night by being uncharacteristically rude. I’ve gotta learn their names next time…. Maybe ask them to help me eat some fancy pastries as an apology…?
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I didn’t know it, but while I was lamenting how wrong I was about the Villainess’ character, the servants were all gossiping to the others about what had just transpired.
“You’re telling me she said THANK YOU!?”
“Yes!!! And then you should have seen how nervous she got! She just rambled, blurting out such a sweet compliment, and she even tied it back to the prince!”
“I had no idea how precious she was… I can’t believe I never realized she’s just shy! In a new place, all alone aside from her new fiancé…. Who I gather she’s got a bit of a crush on! Poor dear.”
“Ohh our sweet girl, I’m sure it must be hard bonding with the prince, when all you do is sit yards apart and hardly speak …”
“Well I may have some news about that… and it’s no wonder she was a bit flustered today, because I saw the two of them in the gardens today! They were both nothing but smiles- absolutely smitten with one another!”
“Such a lovely girl, and we never knew it all this time!”
Apparently, I had it backwards. The real villainess truly was a 2D, basic character. She was insecure and possessive over the prince, bullying Cressida half to remind her who Eric belonged to, half for the fun of it. But she didn’t let on to anyone about the true depth of her love for him. She didn’t gossip to her handmaid, didn’t ask the servants which dress he would like better. Simply acted as if they did not exist, hardly saying a word to them.
While I thought my blunt “thank you” was colder than they were used to, and then tried to smooth things over…. It was more words than they’d heard from me in the whole time I’d lived in the palace. They lapped it up and declared me their own shy little dove after that.
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When I arrived to dinner, I realized why daily dinners weren’t exactly a bonding activity for the villainess and Eric. The table was massive, and only held two chairs, one at either end. It felt so…. Cold?
Eric had beat me there, and quickly stood up from his seat, waiting until I sat and a servant pushed in my chair to retake his own seat. He smiled at me and said,
“Good evening, princess.”
He had to project his voice slightly. It wasn’t like he was shouting or being loud, it was just the manner of speaking you use when talking to an elderly relative, clearer, and enunciating better so they could hear you.
I replied back, projecting my voice similarly, and found the conversation was, in fact, more awkward than it had been earlier. We ate our food mostly in silence, occasionally one of us would say something and the other would stop moving their utensils on their plate, listening closer as they ask,
“What’s that?”
By the time dinner was over and we each went to bed, I felt drained. I could have just been louder I suppose- but it’s so hard to keep up a conversation like that. I know we get along- we had chatted all afternoon after all. But some part of me realized it’s probably good to keep a bit of distance between us, even if I’ve rewritten things to be a bit chummier between the two of us. Cressida needs to swoop in and steal him from me… and my job is still to leave that room for her to do so.
It’s hard trying to be someone else, yet also making sure you lead the plot in the right direction- it’s exhausting! I feel like both director and actress!
It’s with this in mind that I launch myself into the softest bed I’d ever felt, and passed out. My first day as princess consort, the Yandere fiancé, complete.
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While I was getting acquainted with my feather bed, Eric was speaking with the head waitstaff.
“Yes, tomorrow, would you mind adjusting the seating situation? I’d like for the princess consort and I to be closer together from now on. Yes, and ask my assistant to arrange my schedules like so, I’ve detailed it here. Thank you.”
At the same time, Cressida was recounting her run in with the prince and I to her handmaiden as she finishing unpacking and settling into her family’s guest apartments. Which, unbeknownst to me… was right across the hall.
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Aaaa! You survived your first day! And look at you- doing suuuuch a good job staying true to character. Nothing could go wrong… right?
Tag list for the series;
@bitternsweet @tonightwrites @confused-they @lanxianschoenheit @poptrim @siriuslyobsessedwithfiction @one-really-annoying-tree-rat @anonymousdisco @forbidden-sunlight
Tag list closed! Stay tuned for part 3!
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dropsnectar · 11 days
Fawning Rose: Vine Monster x GN!Reader
The Adventures of an Elven Herbalist Part One
This is my first time writing anything in 6 years so keep that in mind. Also my first smut fic. Or monster fic. I literally learned about the sexual parts of plants for this fic. Don't know how I got here but this was fun! btw if you don't like oviposition, I marked the parts with three !!! before and after that scene, so you can skip it if you want.
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WORD COUNT: 3167, or 7 pages on Docs
It had been a long journey from your home country, having to cross an entire sea to get to the sleepy elven town of Hairevick. An Herbalist, you could craft pills to treat a human flu, create a poultice for a dwarves sore, work-tired limbs; even brew potions to help a beastmen ease out of a mating season-- but it was still lonely. Their were no elves about, except for the rogue eccentric nomad. 
Feeling as you had fully mastered your craft in that area, and curious about your kind, you set forth in hopes of bettering yourself. However, when introducing yourself to your neighbors, you found everyone to be polite, but detached. As far as elves went, you were quite young, and the people of Hairevick were elder and not so trusting of outsiders. But worse of all, everyone here seemed to have an excellent knowledge of the local flora and fauna, and their uses in maintaining health. There was no need for an herbalist, especially one so unfamiliar with their lands. 
You spent the entire week mourning your state over glasses and pints of botanical alcohol-- The local tavern drinks were amazing!-- until you finally met a sympathetic face. 
He had long silver hair and the wisp of a ginger beard around his sharp jaw; a peculiar trait. He greeted you friendly enough, asking how you were settling in. It turned out that he owned a store in town, selling odds and ends. He even had a little apothecary in the corner, where those who couldn’t be bothered to make a forest run would buy herbs and tinctures. 
Starved for companionship, you bombarded him with questions about clients, and local herbalism. He was jovial, and after quite a few dregs of honey yarrow grog, offered you a book on the local flora. After some midnight bonding over stories of patients, he gave you a proposition. 
He was having some issues procuring some materials from a special plant, a Fawning Rose. It had incredible healing properties, but a bad habit of uprooting itself and fleeing from anyone who wasn’t a youth. If you could lure it out and bring back anything, be it petals, roots, greens, he would pay you handsomely. Maybe even give you some lessons on how to work with local plant life.
It was for this reason that you found yourself two days into a trip to the heart of the Haire Wilds bordering town. It was not going well. 
The cool air caressed your skin as you entered the grove. You had caught a peculiar sweet smell, somehow floral and buttery at the same time, and had followed it with hope filling your heart. The scent had gotten so thick you could taste it, strong as a tea on your tongue. Blue wildflowers covered the ground, interrupted by the common tree route or vine. 
Your eyes followed the vines or small roots, colored a sage with a speckled gradient to midnight blue. They traveled up into the middle of the grove. Sunlight, so rare this far into the Wilds, fell down in large delicious specks from the trees. They refracted off a large flower, almost two yards in width. Its petals were raspberry pink, turning blood red in the middle. Vines from its base led upwards and rested on the low boughs of the nearest trees, framing the flower and its various young buds like some sort of ethereal art study. 
You grew excited, feet tripping over roots as you ran forward, losing a shoe. You lost balance again and landed face first into the crook of a particularly large vine and hit your head. Hard. 
Hot pain crashed through you, making you curse as you steadied yourself. You tried to get up but the heat struck your temple like lightning as you moved upwards. Alright. Best to stay down then. 
As you waited, you were able to see past the stars in your eyes and notice a slight powdery substance on the vines. It, too, was pink. 
Maybe it was the thrill of finally finding the damn thing, or the head injury, but you felt different. You could hear your heart pumping hard in your chest, pleasantly tight. Your breath was ragged, the air pushing a hard, chilling heat through you. 
Like a particularly good run, your mind registered. A high. 
Your limbs started to tingle at the tips.
The rose’s perfume felt more like a mist now. You were only a few feet away from the base flower, and the scent had turned heady. Your hunger from a missed meal seemed to be surfacing, goaded on by the delectable smell the plant was giving off. While the pain eased and the stars disappeared from your eyes, you noticed that the lightheaded fuzzy feeling stayed.
Uh oh. Not a concussion.
You had to work hard to bring the fear into your mind. There was very little anyone could do to help you out here. The best you could do was not move around too much, and hoped the Fawning Rose would cooperate.
Suddenly, you notice some movement from the roots under your palms. 
No no no not now! Please, I haven’t harvested you yet! You thought as you tried to scramble up. 
The roots moved upwards with you, shoving you onto your side. Sliding around your feet, one took your other shoe with it as it slithered about under you. Another seemed to upend itself and squeeze cooly between your toes. You jumped a bit, but your gaze and mind were slow.
Something thick gilded itself on your shoulder making you look up. Vines, three, four, five of them descended and started rubbing themselves against you like cats. The movement was kicking up clouds of the pink pollen, making you sneeze as you wiggled against the plants outer limbs.
A part of you was horrified, thinking that perhaps you had scared the thing off. After all, you had been warned that this type of rose was particularly skittish. But the plant did not seem to be gathering itself to run away, rather it was pulling you closer to itself, the dragging tearing at the underside of your clothes.
Try as you might, you couldn't seem to think. Foggy, fuzzy, your mind was like cotton. The tingling in your fingertips has spread through your body, and an embarrassed part of your brain noticed your lower body was starting to awaken too. A warmth was beginning to pool in your gut, slow and lazy. Tingly. Fuzzy, like your head.
The vines continue to rub against your body, tearing the rest of your clothes away until only skin remains. They were relentless, cool against your hot skin. Their outer layers were textured but still smooth; a foreign sensation but extremely exciting. It felt almost like something was licking you, the powder giving a wet feel as it spread itself all over. Liquid heat glazed the innermost parts of you, much to your embarrassment. 
Aphrodisiac. You finally registered. You started to curse out that damned store keeper. 
You’d been played. 
You were now at the base of the flower, with even more roots and vines cradling and moving over your body. You were… pushed? Pulled? A foot into the air, close enough so that some of the smaller buds were leaning over you, as if they were getting a good look at you. You felt a knowing, a presence from this plant now. It really was looking at you.
Some desperate part of your mind, far far back in your mind, tries to set off danger bells. That you needed to get up and run.
Ooze started to secrete from the smaller buds, and the already overpowering scent of floral butteriness seemed to multiply. It dripped out onto your belly, warm and tingling, then your chest, your inner thigh, even a bit on your cheek.
The syrup dribbled down into the planes of your mouth as you wriggled under the vines. A particularly mischievous one pushes through the plush cheeks of your ass and moves up, poking at your entrance, causing you to gasp. 
The liquid touches your tongue. It tastes just as it smells, deliriously delicious. Sweet. Hot. It was divine compared to the little rations you’ve been eating the last few days. Like youd been starving and had sudden.ly been given free reign of a pastry shoppe. But no pastry could top this silky butteriness
What little heat that had kindled inside you was now a roaring flame, putting your past arousal to shame. You groan, and pull your head up, sticking your tongue out for more. A part of you is screaming to stop and run, but it is a stupid part that is buried instantly under your sudden overwhelming need. You are desperately horny, and you deserve to feel good after all the trouble you've been through lately.  
Still sticking out your tongue, you start to moan even louder as the vine messages your entrance with its thick girth. At the same time, one of the buds above your face seems to notice your desperation, and leans down to your lips.You lick at its plush petals and sweet sweet nectar seeps into your mouth. It tastes much like a floral pastry and you suck greedily as it pushes itself deeper in. 
The petals are so soft, yet still firm in your mouth as a river of nectar floods your throat. You giggled around it as it started to take its full effect. You felt light as air, so good. 
The vines had moved over to allow a bud to circle itself around your most sensitive part. You gasped out as it started to suck you, making stars flood your already glistening eyes. Your wet lashes fluttered as it began to suck wave after wave of pleasure out of your body.You had never felt so good, you noted somewhere in your sex drunk mind.  The whole time, the bud leaked nectar, completely soaking all parts of your groin.
The nectar left your skin feeling sensitive,  and completely soaked. This seemed to please the vines, which continued to massage the oil about you, then finally push in. You cried out at the sensation. Drool started to pool out of your mouth, mixing with the nectar.
 The vines rubbed lazy curving lines around your walls, making your hips jerk and shake. They seemed to know what they were doing as they started out slow for a time, then sped up their pace, thrashing about inside you. You clench around them, overwhelmed by the unyielding sensation. The pooling heat in you was building high, and you could tell the walls were about to break.
A rogue, mischievous bud had decided to examine your hole, tracing around your entrance in lazy circles. The petals were so soft, softer than skin. The texture made you feel desperate. As if to read your mind, the bud stopped. It must have been blooming because you felt little feelers, probably stamans, tracing about your genitals, wet with its lovely, delicious pollen.
 You swore and whined and pleaded for more as the vines fucked you through it, voice garbled by nectar. Another, thicker vine veined in indigo added itself to its companions and you finally came. The rush was like being tossed in the ocean, a shock that completely enveloped your entire body in cold, pulsing ecstasy. Eyes rolling into the back of your head, your juices spilled down on the forest floor below. 
The echoes of the waves of pleasure were still rocking through you when the vines surrounded your body started to move you upwards again. The vines were slow and delicate as they handled you, as if you were precious cargo. You were brought upwards, almost as if they were about to set you on your feet. Your neck was out, as you were still suckling the addicting flower liquid. 
You noticed through your long damp hair that you were positioned just over the center of the Fawning Roses main flower. A drop of nectar slipped out from inside you and dribbled down and onto the flower's green pistil. The stigma was thick, with four fat lumps at the top. The stamen surrounding it swayed, almost as if there was a breeze. Their magenta anthers rained down more pollen, causing a beautiful gradient against the deep red at the middle of the large petals. It was a truly breathtaking sight. 
A single vine wiggled towards your face and pushed back your hair. You found the gesture almost sweet, leaning into its touch. You remained like that for a time, before the vines started to lower you on to the stigma. 
No no no, you tried to whisper, some understanding dawning; but the bud was being aggressive with its feeding, pushing further in your mouth. It had a job, and its job was to make you so desperately horny and stupid, you’d let this flower breed you. 
The stigma was a hard fit at first. Its lumpy texture felt so good rubbing against you, you couldn’t help but hump back into it. The vines around you squeezing your skin, tilting your hips this way in that, trying to make the fit. The surrounding stamen started to rub their anthers against you, two started focusing on your nipples. You continued to hump the stigma, smearing the nectars from your groin all over it. Then, finally, finally, You were able to squeeze it in. 
The vines had taken over the humping for you now, pushing you down harder and harder onto the pistil. The lumps dragged against your walls in such a beautiful way, that you screamed out babbling whines. Your skin was covered in nectar and bright pink pollen. Every part of you was being squeezed, rubbed, oozed upon with tingling liquid, that you weren’t even sure you had a body anymore, just pleasure. After you came for the fourth time, you started to feel a pulsing within the pistil.  It was like the thing seemed to grow within you.
! ! !
Ridges started to squeeze against your entrance, rubbing against your walls. They moved up, up, up, into the deepest parts of you. There was a sudden burst of warmth, then something small and squishy. You marveled at the texture, as the flower continued to lower you down on the pistil, now at a slower pace, in smaller movements. You ached so badly, but the new sensation of the objects and warmth inside you made you wanna keen louder. They felt sort of like eggs.
Seedpods. You registered lazily. You were being turned into a seedbed. 
This realization only seemed to turn you on even more. They felt so good, rolling about inside your walls. The warmth they brought rivaled the cool temperature of the pistil, a delightful duality. 
You moaned with every bulge, push, then pop of warmth and heaviness. It was getting to the point now where the vines were pulling you up off the pistil to make more room for the seeds. 
! ! !
You were cumming so much now you lost count. It was getting to the point that you were just continuously orgasming, as the seeds and the pistil dragged against your most sensitive parts. 
You may have been like that for hours, days even, the nectar kept you so dizzy you couldn’t tell time. But at some point you were so full that the pistil seemed satisfied. The wriggling stamen around you stilled, and the vines carefully lifted you off the pistil, giving one last drag within your walls.
The bloom inside your mouth slowly dragged itself out, making you whine in protest. The vines carefully laid you down at the foot of their roots, arranging your body in a comfortable position. The vines slowly retreated from your body. They lazily moved about, sometimes knocking into each other in a way that was almost comical. Their movements seemed lazy, almost like it too was spent. 
As the last vine left your skin, it caressed your cheek. Within you some affection of your own seemed to bloom. The haze that was in your mind was starting to dull, and replaced itself with the need to rest. Your heavy eyes closed and you gave into sleep.
You awoke without opening your eyes. You could feel that the curving mound of roots you’d been sleeping on had been replaced with fluffy grass and soil. The smell of freshly tilled earth flooded your nose, and you jolted upright, eyes wide.
The grove was quiet, and empty of the Fawning Rose. All that was left behind was you, the upturned soil it had left behind, and light dusting of pink pollen on the trees. Even the sweet pastry-like smell had left the grove.
You looked down at your naked, sore body and groaned. You could see a trail of bruises from where the vines had gripped you, along with dried out nectar and tons of pink pollen. Your stomach puffed out a bit more than normal, meaning all of this had NOT been a dream. Much to your surprise, nothing hurt though. Your body felt great, healthily spent like you had just run a marathon. Considering how hard you had been working there should have been some pain, but there wasn’t. Just the pleasant pressure of the seedpods against your insides.You recall the conversation with the shop owner at the tavern. Looks like this is the flower's healing abilities at work.
You continued to search around the grove. Your clothes were still in shreds on the forest floor, but your bag was safely tucked under one of the trees the flower had rested its vines in. With some effort, you managed to get yourself off the ground to pick it up, waddling the whole way. 
The pollen was still working its magic on you, but you guessed you had been exposed to it long enough to build a slight tolerance. Or maybe the growing rage within you was doing the trick. You pulled out one of the many glass bottles, and a silver knife. You went to work, scraping the dried nectar and pollen off your body, into the jars.
I’m gonna charge that asshole so much money, his kids will be poor. You seethed as you spent hours getting your money's worth off of every plane of your body. You’d have to birth those seed pods later too. Your insides grew warm at the thought. 
You tried not to think about how you were going to have to walk home naked, where you’d been and what you’d been doing laid bare upon your skin. It’d be free advertising tho, you tried to reason. 
You'd make a killing. Aphrodisiacs were rare, and extremely expensive, especially to a crowd of immortals. I think I'll sell these seed pods on my own though. You smiled. 
You’d make sure to be properly prepared the next time you went into the wilds.
Might do a part two, maybe with slimes next time? Also sorry about any switching of tenses, I have a hard time with that! Hope you guys enjoyed!
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giorno-plays-piano · 8 months
Proposal | Gojo, Nanami, Sukuna
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Pairing: Satoru Gojo x reader, Kento Nanami x reader, Sukuna Ryomen x reader
Warnings: fluff, some cursing, a little yandere-ish Sukuna, mention of pregnancy
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Satoru knows everything about you, including the way you drink your coffee: he generously adds cream and that fancy caramel syrop he bought for the occasion in the cup he prepared for you, giggling like a child. He feels really proud about making his proposal so creative and unusual. Proposing with a cup! Isn't it sweet?
It's hard to keep a straight face when he hands you your coffee, but Satoru is trying so much, leaving a tender kiss on your temple as you smile. Then you're softly tugging him by the collar to make your shamelessly tall boyfriend bend down and give you a real kiss, and he complies without a word. He really knows everything about you, and yet, every single moment you spend together feels like a gift.
As he sits opposite you, devouring warm waffles you made him a couple of minutes ago, he does his best not to shift nervously in his seat. All his thoughts are about the face you'll make once you see the bottom of the cup. If Geto ever asked him about it, Gojo would always reply with the exasperated sigh that you'd accept. He loves you. He knows you love him, too, even if sometimes he turns into a literal manchild with a penchant for drama. But he's caring, soft-hearted, and ready to walk alongside you for the rest of your lives because he can't imagine spending it with anyone else. There's nothing he wouldn't give you.
It feels like you've been together for eternity, but it hasn't even been that long. He just... doesn't want to delay it anymore. What for? He knows he wants to see you in a wedding dress, walking down the aisle and smiling at him, shining in all beauty. Surely, you want the same?
The minute he sees your face changing, Satoru is jumping off his seat, hands shaking a little. You have just finished your coffee. You are now staring at "Will you marry me?" written beautifully at the bottom of the cup with googly eyes, blinking away tears.
The second you turn your head to him, he's already on one knee with a beautiful engagement ring he spent several weeks searching for, dragging Shoko to every decent jewelry store he spotted for "moral support".
You say yes before you even register what's happening, hugging the cup close to your chest like it's your greatest treasure.
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Kento Nanami is not a nervous man by a mile, and yet he finds himself furrowing his brows as he pours down your favorite green tea in the new cup he secretly got you, mulling over the fact you might not find his proposal adequate. Wasn't it better to do it the old-fashioned way? Book a nice restaurant, buy you a huge bouquet of red roses, propose like any other decent man on his knee with a fancy ring...
"But it's really getting old," Shoko enlighted him as she handed him a perfectly normal cup in a box, tapping it with her slender finger. "Look, haven't you heard how Gojo proposed to his wife?"
Then Nanami sat there like a fool and listened to that story, questioning himself if the old-fashioned proposal was really the right way to go about it. You did joke he reminded you of an old man sometimes, and he certainly didn't want you to think that when he'd be proposing.
He still wonders how Shoko managed to change his mind in a heartbeat, but what's done is done. You are setting down the table while he is pouring green tea right into that famous cup, knowing you will see its bottom the second you take the cup into your hands.
Kento Nanami realizes he is sweating profusely, the red velvet box with your engagement ring burning a hole through the pocket of his dress pants. Are you going to say yes? There is't a day he was unsure of your feelings, but he can't help feeling a little self-conscious today. You didn't date long, to be fair, and yet he was convinced you were going to be his wife the second time he saw you. It was that simple.
He likes everything about you, regardless of how cringy it sounds when he tries to put it into words. The way you smile at him every morning after waking up, and how you look when you're packing him lunch before he leaves for work, and how your face lights up when he comes back, tired but happy to find you in his home. He is seriously thinking of changing his god-awful corporate job just to spend more time with you because you make him realize how precious the time you share together is. Marrying you is only logical when every moment he spends away from you, he thinks of coming back and having you pressed tightly against his chest.
Do you feel the same way?
He knows you do when you turn to him, smiling so wide it almost hurts, and he's on his knee before you can say a word. The next second, he is putting the ring on your finger and kissing your knuckles as you say yes, laughing, tears streaming down your cheeks.
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Sukuna had never planned to propose. Hell no. Him? Marrying some woman? Whoever even joked about it was going to get their ass kicked. He never even cared for serious relationships, much less marriage that was akin shackling himself for some girl's advantage.
No, Sukuna is never going to get married.
And yet, he is standing in the kitchen in nothing but his gray sweats, holding this stupid cup with its stupid "Will you marry me?" all over its damn bottom. He wants to say he hates it, break it, and throw away the fragments before your eyes land on it, but he also sort of... doesn't.
He does want you to stay. Not like his girlfriend who comes and goes, but like... like someone who doesn't leave. Not now, not ever. Sure, he isn't stupid to believe marriages are binding people forever like they were half a century ago - Sukuna thinks it's a shame, really - but he knows you wouldn't leave. Not with a ring on your finger and his child in your tummy. But both things need work, and thus he is now standing in the middle of a kitchen like a fool, dumbly pouring you coffee in that fucking cup that's supposed to help him propose.
What a fucking pain.
"Can you give me my cup, please?" You ask, hurriedly putting his sandwiches in a lunch box for him to eat at work, and Sukuna nearly splashes coffee all over himself.
"Oi, can't you wait one more minute, woman?!" He yells, enraged he almost dropped the dumb cup and ruined the whole thing, and you immediately send him a death glare.
No, meek little girls wouldn't survive a day with Sukuna. You, on the other hand, are ready to fight him at any given moment, which is precisely what you are going to do now.
"I'm only asking for a cup of coffee, not a dry martini with a lemon twist!" You retort, furious at his attitude, and Sukuna does his best not to throw the kettle in the sink, instead shoving the cup into your manicured hands and turning away as quickly as he can.
This is going so wrong. Why can't he be at least a little more patient? It's his goddamn proposal, and he's fucking it up right from the start.
"You forgot to add sugar," you add dryly, and he thinks he's going to explode.
Maybe it could have scared anyone else, but you are a woman bending aluminum spoons with your stare, and Sukuna's outbursts aren't scaring you. Instead, you scream at him with the same intensity, "WHY SHOULD I DRINK THIS NASTY COFFEE?"
Sukuna is now fully turned to you, his face contorting in anger, "BECAUSE I CAN'T PROPOSE TO YOU WITHOUT IT!"
He realizes what he just said a second too late, slapping himself in disbelief as you're staring at him wide-eyed across the kitchen. What a fucking moron. He should've just proposed in a restaurant or some shit. How was he going to do the right thing now?
But you finish your coffee in two big gulps and then stare at the bottom of the cup with a dumbfounded expression like you never in a million years expected him to propose. Your eyebrows are so high on your forehead it almost looks comical.
"Are you for r-"
"Yes," he cuts you off impatiently, and you see, he really is nervous. "So, what? Are you going to marry me or not?"
He's going the wrong way about it from start to finish, and yet, it doesn't deter you as you nod, unable to utter a word. He has finally managed to leave you speechless.
Nice, Sukuna thinks before he draws you to him, giving you a heated kiss before you have the time to ask him why the hell couldn't he propose normally. Then he says, "Your dress fitting is on Tuesday. I'll text you the address."
Tags: @minshookie29
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catatombi · 1 month
Was tagged by @i-eat-deodorant, ur mr preg king thank u for this
Get to Know Me Game
rules: answer + tag six people u want to know
fav color: dilute olive & sage greens, soft dusty rose pink
last song: Truck Stop Tiger by roar. fucks me up dude
currently reading: i dont really recall, ig the takeuchi excavator TB235-2 user manual
currently watching: hermitcraft as per usual, tangotek livestreams and i gotta watch bdubs newest episode still
currently craving: dirt & thrifting, i wanna go outside & buy cheap work shirts. food wise: i miss tacobell so bad dawg the closest tacobell is in another state :((((
coffee or tea: i need my teeth to rot out from sody pop thank you :3
Tagging: @megsiepoo @by-glass-and-waves @the-pentaparty @missed33 pavi tagged most of the ppl i wouldve tagged, get died ig ily/p my beans i have tagged myself
anyways heres me on said excavator LMAO Gpa wanted to remove a VERY rotten stump to make room for corn i put anuras face to censor my heinous face fgjkfgjdfjljdf
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rainbowbarnacle · 6 months
Please make a tea post so I can save it especially the pineapple ice cubes I need more info
Oh, like, different teas I like to make? Okay! :D
🍍Pineapple Tea🍍
The way I do it is really simple:
Buy a giant jug of already-made tea (I like gold peak!)
Buy a carton of pineapple juice
Freeze the juice into cubes, pour a little of it in the tea for extra flavor
And that's it. That's aaaall you gotta do.
There's all kindsa ways you can dress it up, but nine times out of ten I just do this and drink it by the gallon when it's hot out.
If you wanna get fancy with it, feel free to cold brew your own black (or green) tea, add actual hunks of pineapple fruit in there, add some orange juice, add some honey, add some coconut milk or sweetened condensed milk, whatever sounds good! (Also, pairing pineapple tea with coconut cookies? SO GOOD.) Put mint in the pineapple cubes if you like mint! Add a bit of boiled ginger root or some brown sugar and cinnamon for a little kick! Heck, last summer I used blue peaflower star-shaped ice cubes just because they were pretty.
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(Peaflower petals don't taste like much, but they make a GORGEOUS blue, and if you put something acidic in there like lemon juice IT TURNS PINK. :D)
🍓Strawberry Tea🍓
I find this stuff sort of difficult to find where I live, so often I go the same route as the pineapple tea: grab a jug of black tea, grab a jug of strawberry juice, (ocean spray has a really nice cran-strawberry one I like) freeze the juice, mix, and enjoy. Super simple.
If I can't find strawberry juice, I dice some strawberries up and put it in a jar with some water and a bit of sugar for a few hours, then add *that* to the tea. (heck, it's really nice all by itself!)
What goes with strawberry? ANY DANG THING YOU WANT. I am particularly fond of lychee. Jasmine tea and rose petals pair really well with it too. Again, if you like mint, it's *really* nice with strawberry. And you know how if you put black pepper on strawberries they taste even strawberrier? (If you haven't tried this, go do it, it's magic.) Same goes with the tea, add some peppercorns or a teeny bit of chili powder or some ginger.
If you wanna drink it hot or cold brew a batch of your own, here are some brands that are also nice:
1. Strawberry Sensation
2. Adagio Strawberry Tea (this is also where I got the peaflower petals)
3. Any of Lupicia's Strawberry Teas they are HEAVENLY
🍏Apple Tea🍏
As with the pineapple and strawberry teas, it's totally fine to just go find some ready-made tea and mix it with some apple cider or apple juice for tasty low spoons fun. If you drink it iced, a bit of sugar and lemon juice brings out the apple flavor nicely!
I prefer drinking this stuff hot though. You know that Fall Drink post that was floating around? IF YOU HAVEN'T YET, TRY IT, IT'S AWESOME.
☕Chai Tea☕
So here's the thing about chai for me personally: I don't tend to drink it iced or sugary, but if you do like it iced and sugary, there are a couple of really nice chai tea concentrates:
Oregon Chai Latte
Tazo's Chai Latte (Forget the "skinny" nonsense, I just wanted to include an option with no milk so you can add whatever you want to it)
Pacific Chai isn't concentrated, but you can use it to make hot or iced chai and it's really lovely, not too sweet and super easy to work with. As for dressing up chai, I don't tend to! There's already so much going on with all the flavors, I just drink it as-is most days. Play with milk-to-tea ratios or sugar amounts all you like, figure out what's your jam.
I do know that mixing chai and coffee together (or chai and chocolate together) is guaranteed to make a feeling groovy kind of morning, at least if you have two thumbs and you're me. Iiii think that's all the tea blather I can think of for right now. Thank you for asking, anon, it was fun! Anybody reading this, feel free to add your own favorite things to do with tea. :D
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biscuitdolly · 9 months
skincare recommendations ♡
note: i have very dry skin and don't suffer from acne or oily skin. these products worked for me, but may not work for everyone!
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avocado nourishing hydration mask by kiehl's ୨୧
this stuff literally changed my life!! my skin was literally so smooth and texture-less after using it??? originally i had gotten this as a freebe in a small test bottle, i was a little grossed out at the texture of it at first (as i had never used a face mask before), but i'm so glad i used it!! 10/10 would recommend!!
beauty of joseon products ୨୧
out of all their products, i would personally recommend:
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♡ ginseng essense water
almost acts as a toner but without a lot of the harsher acids. fun fact, Hwang Jini, known as 'the most beautiful woman in the Joseon Dynasty', used ginseng root water whilst bathing! ginseng is a herb that has long been used in Korea as a natural way to supply moisture to the skin. this product helped even out my skin tone so much!
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♡ green plum refreshing cleanser
my favourite cleanser everr!! doesn't leave my skin dry after , i swear my skin looked so dewy after using it!! has an almost minty fresh feel to it! i was a little worried about using it at first, as it has a slightly acidic formula , but i'm so glad i tried it!!
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♡ red bean refreshing pore mask
cleaned out the excess sebum i had on my chin! it doesn't dry fully so it didn't strip the moisture from my skin either, my face looked so much brighter after i used it !
Korean skincare  🔛 🔝 !!
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innisfree products ୨୧
now, i feel some of innisfree's products are a tad bit overrated , BUT i still love thier products none the less! their face masks are super cheap and affordable , i love the dewy rose one. their green tea range is super good too! i LOVE their lip products as well.
i haven't tried their cherry blossom range , and while it is super pretty, a lot of people have been saying that it either dried their skin out or broke them out, so maybe avoid that just in case. (if anyone has purchased it i would love to hear what you think in the comments!) remember, just because the packaging is pretty doesn't mean it's good !!
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rose water ୨୧
u can make this at home or buy it , (let me know if you want a recipe for homemade rose water!) i have one by natio and it leaves my skin super soft and hydrated! (i love natio entire rosewater collection, i would def recommend checking it out!!)
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face sunscreen by mecca cosmetica ୨୧
approved by the cancer council aus !! never gotten sun burnt when i use it, and it doesn't feel greasy at all, nor dry out my skin !
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rebelliousstories · 6 months
That’s My Sister
Relationship: Sean Renard x Reader, Monroe x Monroe!Reader
Fandom: Grimm
Request: No
Warnings: Brief Strong Language, Fluff, Light Angst
Word Count: 3,540
Main Masterlist: Here
Grimm Masterlist: Here
Summary: Bringing home your significant other for the holidays is always stressful. Even more so when you are a wesen, with another wesen coming, and a Grimm to top it all off!
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Love is like death, it must come to us all, but to each his own unique way and time, sometimes it will be avoided, but never can it be cheated, and never will it be forgotten.
The spice shop was gorgeous this time of year. Smells of nutmeg, cinnamon, and juniper with just a hint of pine filled the room. Lights strung up along the banners and shelves. There were not enough to distract or take away from the business, but it added just enough of Yuletide cheer to the area.
“Rosalee? Are you in?” Someone called out into the shop. She looked around in wonder as she waited for the person to appear.
“Hey, it’s my favorite Monroe. What can I do for you?” Said Fuchsbau emerged from the back, dressed in a cozy cardigan.
“Don’t let my brother hear you say that,” the Blutbad teased, “but seriously. I’m looking for a gift for my boyfriend and was wondering if maybe I could poke around and see what I could find?” Her timid tone, and now shy demeanor intrigued Rosalee as she watched the woman.
“Oh. Your mysterious boyfriend that we have yet to meet. I’m sure we could find something. Tell me a little bit about him.” Breathing a sigh of relief, the Blutbad relaxed and went back to her usual self.
“Well, he’s super sweet and oddly loaded. Which makes it difficult to buy him a gift because if he wants something, he already has it. I just- I want this to be good because it’s our first Christmas. But he does like tea when he’s not working to wind down. So maybe something to do with that?” Her rambling encouraged the other woman to begin scouring the shelves for something that might peek her interest.
“Is he wesen? Just incase I give him something poisonous.” Rosalee stopped to look at the sister in her shop.
“He’s half zauberbiest, if that helps.” She offered, to which Rosalee confirmed that it did, in fact, help in her search. But all the while the Fuchsbau’s thoughts were racing as she tried to think of anyone who was half zauberbiest. It was not a very common type of wesen, especially if he’s half.
“Aha! This might do the trick,” she pulled something from a shelf in a glass container, “it’s a calming blend. Rose, chamomile, lavender, mint, and green tea. It’s delicious and should help calm him down from stressful days.” The other woman’s face perked up, and she excitedly followed Rosalee to the counter, where she began to dispense an amount to take with her.
“So this boyfriend of yours, are you bringing him to dinner tomorrow night?” Rosalee tried to sound nonchalant, but her curiosity was eating away at her.
“Maybe. We’ve only been dating a few months. I’m just worried about my brother going off on him.” She pulled out her wallet as she continued to speak.
“I mean, the last time I was dating someone, Roe went full Blutbad on the guy and I could never get a date after that. This is the first guy I’ve dated in years, and I really like him. I don’t want to mess that up.” Taking to leaning against the counter and watching the Fuchsbau measure out the tea and square it away, she continued her lament. Rosalee looked up at her future sister-in-law.
“Look, I get it with your brother. He can be a bit intense. But I will keep him on his best behavior. Is that why you don’t want to introduce them?” She asked, ringing up her family discount for the tea.
“Yeah. That last guy, he looked at me like I was a freak after my brother woged at him. Haven’t been able to get over that stare since. And then he told every other wesen at our school to stay away from me and my ‘psycho’ brother. Never wanted to hurt a Hundjäger so badly in my life.” Placing some bills on the counter, she grabbed the package of tea from the woman, who held her hand gently.
“Bring him to dinner tomorrow. Juliette and I will make sure everyone is on their best behavior. There won’t be a repeat of that.” Rosalee reassured the Blutbad in her care. The other wesen nodded, and placed a hand on top of the other.
“I will, Rosalee.” They both smiled, and let each other go. As the female Blutbad left her shop, the Fuchsbau could not help but let her mind wander as she began to clean up a little bit. Did she even have zauberbiest come into the shop? It’s so hard to tell sometimes, let alone if they are half. All at once, Rosalee had a revelation. She knew who it was.
“Oh no.”
Meanwhile, in the precinct Nick watched from his desk as his captain seemed preoccupied with his phone. It was an unusual behavior which is why it drew the young man’s attention.
“What are you staring at so intensely, Nick?” Hank asked from his desk right next to him.
“It’s the captain. He’s been on his phone more and more today.” The detective pointed out.
“Maybe he’s making plans for Christmas dinner tomorrow night. It’s not a crime for him to be on his phone to make plans Nick.” He tried to explain the behavior away, but Burkhardt shook his head.
“See that?” He called attention to a certain quirk of the face. “He’s smiling. There’s no one in his life that he smiles genuinely for anymore. I think he’s got a girlfriend.” Nick said finally in disbelief.
“If anyone needs a good woman to keep him grounded, it’s definitely the captain. Just be happy for once and don’t profile the man.” Griffin shook his head and turned back to his files, prompting his partner to follow suit. But their attention was called away again as the captain’s office door was flung open.
“Where are you going?” Hank asked, watching the man move fast; it was as fast as he would move if they were on a case.
“Oh, I need to go pick up something for someone. You two should go home, and enjoy Christmas Eve with your families. I’ll see you later.” And with that, he was gone. The two detectives sat there, dumbfounded.
“I’ll be damned; the captain has a lady.” Hank muttered to himself, stopping his work for a moment. Checking the time, Nick stretched his back while standing from the chair.
“Alright, you heard the man. Let’s get out of here. Hey, see you at dinner tomorrow night?” Burkhardt asked of his partner. Griffin nodded and followed suit; both men grabbing their jackets from the back of their chairs in order to leave.
“You know it. I’m not one to turn down a free meal.” Hank joked, stepping out into the parking lot of the precinct. The men said their goodbyes and made their ways home.
In the Calvert-Monroe household though, a full blown argument was about to boil over. They had been going at it since the subject was brought up at dinner. It had lasted from the appetizer, all the way to clean up before dessert.
“All I’m saying is that I would like to meet her boyfriend before he comes over. What if he’s a lowen?” Monroe complained, handing washed dishes to his girlfriend.
“Do you honestly think your sister would date a lowen?” Rosalee countered, drying off the plate to stack.
“You’re right. Still,” he continued, “I just don’t want her to date someone that’s just going to break her heart. I mean, all the guys in high school she liked were totally not for her.” The Blutbad paused for a moment, and rested his soapy wet hands against the sink. Setting down the towel, Rosalee wrapped her arms around her boyfriend and cradled his face.
“She really likes this guy, Monroe. Don’t go over board. Besides, he’s not the worst choice for her.” Turning back to the task at hand, it took the man a second too long to process what the Fuchsbau had said.
“Wait, do you know who she’s dating?” Monroe questioned, watching Rosalee’s face take on an air of faux innocence.
“Maybe. Maybe not. She didn’t explicitly tell me who it was. I just worked it out from what little she did tell me.” She began to place her dishes away, but it seemed that Monroe was not yet done.
“Come on, who is it? Who is she dating?” But the woman said nothing.
“Rosalee.” He growled out in a warning tone, to which she finally faced her boyfriend and rested her hands on her hips.
“The only thing I will say, is that you have met him before. That is it. Now, cake?” Rosalee went to retrieve the chocolate cake from the fridge, leaving Monroe there in the kitchen.
“I’m gonna be kept up all night now.” He complained, but followed his girlfriend into the dining room to have dessert.
The next morning, was a morning of rest. Christmas had come, and everyone was preparing for the festivities that would soon come. Sneaking out of her shared bedroom, a Blutbad began to make breakfast for her lover that was still asleep in their bed. It still astounded her that she could even call this place, this bed, this man, her’s.
Vegan sausages were being fried, toast, pancakes, and several smaller side dishes covered the counter in the kitchen. It continued to shock her at how far vegan alternatives had come as she put the fake eggs in the pan to scramble. As she cooked, two strong bare arms wrapped around her waist. A kiss was placed to her head from behind as the mystery arms relaxed.
“Good morning. It’s not often that I get breakfast made for me.” The voice grumbled out, still thick with sleep.
“Who says this is for you?” She teased. Making sure that nothing would burn, she turned briefly in the man’s arms to come face to face with him. Sage green eyes gazed lovingly into her own, but shut momentarily as they met for a kiss. Her lips molded to her own, and reluctantly she pulled away from the beautiful shirtless man before her, in favor of ensuring their breakfast would not be wasted.
“It’s almost done. Want to go ahead and start putting food on the table?” One last kiss was pressed to her head, along with a squeeze at her waist, and he was off. Soon, the whole table was littered with food.
“Thank you for making this.” He commented genuinely, holding her hand over the steaming food. Suddenly, she hoped up as if a light bulb went off in her head, and she made her way to the kitchen. When she came out yet again, a mug was in her hands this time around.
“What is that?” Came his question, taking the mug and maneuvering it next to his other cup of coffee.
“It’s one of your Christmas presents. Try it.” Sitting down, she watched with bated breath as he brought the mug to his lips, and took a tentative sip. His face lit up and he eagerly took another sip.
“This is delicious. What is it?” Another question, and he was reaching for her hand once more.
“It’s a tea blend from a friend’s shop. I thought it’d be nice to help you wind down after work.” She explained, happy that she was able to get one of two correct.
“This is wonderful. I genuinely appreciate this. Let’s eat though. You went through all this work.” And with that, they dug into the food that littered the table before them. It was not too much longer before they sat themselves on the couch, and enjoyed each others company with presents to either side.
“Here you go.” The man placed a rather heavy wrapped present in her lap, and watched her with eager eyes. She tore into the paper, and leveled her boyfriend with a look as she saw what she had.
“Really, Sean?” Her tone was dry, and she tried to fight the smile coming onto her face. However, with her boyfriend sporting one himself, it was rather hard.
“What? You could always use another book, and I thought you might enjoy the stories.” Said man tried to explain away.
“You gave me a collection of brothers Grimm fairytales!” She exclaimed.
“And you’re not wanting to read them?” He leveled her with another look, which made her shrink down into herself.
“Yes. I’m going to read them.” Muttering under her breath, she placed the book to her side and grasped the other box that was next to her. She placed it in her lover’s lap, and awaited his reaction. Sean gently unwrapped the present, and opened the box that was in his hands. His face dropped in surprise, and his eyes danced over the present he had.
“Do you like it?” Timidly, she inquired. There was no telling what his reaction was going to be. Sean’s hand reached in and pulled out the small object that was awaiting him. It was a ring. Tiny and unassuming, which described his lover but that was not what caught his attention. It was what was on the inside of the ring. An inscription dated September 23rd of that year; their anniversary.
“You don’t like it? It’s fine if you don’t. I just thought maybe you would. I can take it back though if you don’t want it. I’m sure I could at least get store-” she never finished her rambling, because her boyfriend had surged forward and captured her lips in his. They remained locked in their embrace for who knows how long, but she was pushed against the couch in the midst of it. Alas, they pulled away for some much needed oxygen.
“Do you like it?” She repeated her inquiry.
“I love it.” He replied, breathlessly. Helping her back up, Sean allowed her to slip the ring on to his left pinky finger. On the outside, it just looked like a simple silver band, but the fact that he knew that there was that inscription inside made it feel like a known secret. And it was all his.
“This is funny actually.” Sean reached behind him and found the box next to him once more. She was confused as to what he was talking about, and took the box gingerly from his hands. Opening, she let out a small chuckle as to what was inside.
“Now, now, you still have to get my brother on your side.” Once again, she was teasing him. He chuckled as well, but pulled the ring from the box.
“It’s a promise ring.” Sean slipped the ring on to her right ring finger. The emerald in the center, with the silver surrounding it instantly drew her eyes to the sparkling stone.
“This is going to turn some heads at dinner tonight.” Her mind could not help but think about what was going to happen.
“I’ll be right by your side.” Drawing her into his arms, Sean pressed a kiss to her head, and cradled her close.
A few hours later, the couple was dressed up and ready to leave. One last spray of perfume and the jewelry was placed on her body before they left for the evening. Her leg could not stop bouncing as they neared their destination. Sean reached over and held her thigh in hi grasp, which allowed her to calm down just enough. He parked on the side of the road and helped his girlfriend safely exit the car onto the icy sidewalks. They walked up to the door with stained glass, and she took a deep breath.
“You can still back out, you know?” She tried to tell her boyfriend, but he just held her by the shoulders and looking into her eyes.
“I’m not scared by meeting your family. It’s going to be fine.” Sean tried to reassure her.
“Alright. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” And with that, she knocked. Just a moment later, the door opened and revealed a festive looking Fuchsbau.
“You made it!” Rosalee cheered, hugging her boyfriend’s sister close. Letting go, she turned to face the man standing next to her.
“Captain.” She greeted politely, and held out her hand for him to shake.
“Rosalee. It’s good to see you again.” This confused the Blutbad standing between them.
“You know each other?” She wondered aloud. Renard and Rosalee looked at each other.
“I think you’ll find a lot of the people here have met each other at least once.” Rosalee responded cryptically. She pulled them in and out of the cold, before taking their coats to their spare room. The couple wandered through the house and found where the rest of the group was hanging around. She got to watch Sean’s eyes take in her brother’s Christmas decorations that littered the room. The sheer amount of tinsel, lights, and fake snow that was around the house was enough to make even the most Christmasy person take a step back. There was a pause as everyone stopped to stare at the couple.
“You’ve got to be joking.” Monroe stated, setting down his beer. Nick, Juliette, and Hank all turned to face where the Blutbad was staring.
“Captain? Nice to see you?” Nick drawled out confused, and followed his friend’s motion.
“Roe, everyone, this is Sean. But I’m guessing that you all know each other.” She was looking around at the rest of the guests.
“Oh, you’re dying now.” Rounding the corner at an incredible speed, there were shouts as Monroe grabbed the collar of Sean’s more casual sweater she had convinced him to wear instead of his suit. He shoved the zauberbiest against a wall, narrowly missing some decorations as he woged. By this point, Nick and Hank were trying desperately to pull him off of the man, while Juliette and Rosalee were holding and shielding the other Blutbad.
“What are you playing at? What do you want that you feel the need to date my sister?” Monroe growled out, eyes no longer human but red and black and unearthly.
“I am not dating her for a plan. I love her for her.” Sean held up his hands in surrender.
“Roe, let him go.” His sister growled, stepping out from behind the women. The man in question turned his head and let the woge fade back into his skin
“This man is not who he says he is. He’s a royal, little sis. He only told you he loves you to find a way to fit into his plans. Whatever they are.” The longer he spoke, the angrier his sister became.
“I know he’s half-royal, Roe. But that doesn’t mean that Sean doesn’t love me. Now get off of him.” Fully woge out, she grabbed her brother’s arm and threw him back enough to create some distance. The three men that were currently in front of Sean were replaced by one angry Blutbad woman. Her woge disappeared as soon as it came, and she checked in on her boyfriend.
“It’s been lovely seeing everyone, but if this is how it’s going to be, we’ll be leaving.” She said after whispering to Sean for a few moments. It shocked everyone in the room. Rosalee went to reluctantly grab their coats, while everyone else stared at Monroe with pointed glares.
“Wait!” The Blutbad called just before the couple left the party. Sean was helping her into her coat when they paused. He was entirely following her lead on this, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable or unwanted.
“I’m- I’m sorry, okay? You’re my sister and I’m always going to be protective of you. But you are an adult so I need to accept your choice. I’ll tone it down just, please, stay for dinner?” He was keeping his eyes on his sister, who returned with a less believable stare.
“You’re allowed to ask him three questions about our relationship, and three about himself. That’s it.” She replied, allowing Sean to once again, help her out of her coat. Rosalee took it back and happily went to set them on the bed once more. Monroe pulled his sister into a bear hug in the foyer of his home. When they pulled away, Sean stepped up to properly greet the Blutbad.
“You hurt my sister, I’ll break my pledge.” Monroe stared the half zauberbiest dead in the eye as he shook his hand. Renard brought out a smirk, and shook the man’s hand firmly.
“I’m slowly starting to realize the amount of people who will hurt me if I hurt her, including her.” He replied smoothly. The couple were pulled back into the fray easily. Everyone was laughing and eating, and in general, just having a great time. Looking at each other over their glasses of wine, and plates of food, Sean gave her a small wink, and held her hand. With the other, he thumbed a small velvet box the was in the pocket of his slacks. Perhaps next Christmas she would be more than a girlfriend. He needs to get through to her brother first.
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Show Me Yours | Matty Healy [46]
chapter forty-six, act six: be my mistake
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December 25th 2017
It takes Tommie forty minutes to stop staring at the front door as if he’s going to walk right back through. When she finally does leave the hallway her gaze settles onto the wrapped gift still untouched. 
She’s sitting criss crossed under her green Christmas tree with Button on one side and Allen the other.
The wrapping paper has little dinosaurs wearing cowboy hats, which upon further inspection she realises have been drawn on by hand. She tears it open, then folds it neatly and places it to her side. Her eyes tear up, her thumb traces the leather. 
It’s her book. 
Her lyric book she thought lost forever sits right there in her hands with a blue post it note on top.
‘ Don’t worry, I didn’t punch him, Ross did (again).’
She giggles to herself as she takes the post it note and slots it inside to a page in the middle of the book, the one with the first ever draft of her poem ‘show me yours’.
Beneath the old brown leather book is a very similar one. The exact same book instead this one is a dark green colour.
She flicks open the first page and finds a note has been drawn on the inside cover.
‘The day that I met you I started dreaming. Now I write them down if I remember in the morning
-Yours, Matty’
A few pages have been written on, he writes on one side of a double page then leaves the other blank so she can fill in her own thoughts or change what he has written.
They’re songs. Songs he had written in rehab. About her. For her. She’s not sure yet.
Her eyes scan the pages as she flicks through them all, taking note of the titles scribbled in red ink.
Inside your mind Love it if we made it Be my mistake Sincerity is scary If it’s not with you Mine In love Sometimes About you Playing on my mind
She reads them all. Over and over and over. She only adds to one of the songs he’s written. 
She finds inspiration, she writes. She writes a lot, poetry which turn into songs and songs which become poetry. She finds herself finishing songs from her old book that she’d begun writing years ago. Love songs she’d tried to write about Caleb seem to fall together with a new inspiration in mind.
Even in the breakup songs she finds ways to reference him in some way.
She can’t help it. There’s a piece of Matty in everything she does. Not just in her writing, she finds herself gravitating towards clothes of hers that he’d once touched. Like her old The Stone Roses shirt he wore once, or the flannel shirt he’d always ‘borrow’ when he came into her room. She buys his favourite brand of tea bags and stocks the fridge with his favourite pop. She listens to his favourite artist and hums a few tones lower to match his usual pitch. She reads books he had recommended and watches True Romance over and over because she can still picture his happy grin as he mimed the words along to the cinema scene. She finds herself stroking the freckle on her collarbone he once kissed. Touching the part of her hairline he would rest his lips against when he held her close. She finds herself thinking of him. Consumed by him. It’s Matty. It’s always been Matty.
She doesn’t stop writing. The words seem to flow out of her unlike anything she’s ever experienced before. Her hand cramps and even then she continues on with ink stained finger tips delicately turning white pages.
She shifts the book from her knee to the coffee table and as she does something falls out from the back of it. Shuffling awkwardly across the floor and raising the heads of the two dogs who watch her, she reaches for the small photograph.
A smile stretches her lips. It’s of the band a few weeks after she first met them. She was young at the time, thirteen maybe if she remembers correctly. Matty is standing directly behind her with his hand on her shoulder and his chin on her head. She’s smiling so big. She misses it. She misses the band. She misses her boys. She misses her Matty.
July 30th 2007
“You’ll be fine.’
Her cousin's words do little to help sooth her nerves as she clutches his hand. “They’re my best mates,” He continues on as he holds the door open for her, “They’ll love you as much as I do.”
“I’m not sure, Ads.”
“It’ll be fine.”
He promises as he opens the door. Three sets of eyes are on her when she enters and she pauses at the doorway.
It’s the tallest one with a buzzcut that comes to her first with a smile. “Caroline?”
“Tommie.” She says quickly.
“I’m Ross.” He tells her, then with a hand on her back he guides her further into the room to sit on the small two seater they have. 
Before he can settle beside her the space is taken by the long haired guy, he throws an arm over her shoulder and places the other in front of her for her to shake. “I’m Matty. Hann tells us you can play guitar, wanna be in the band?”
Ross shakes his head and pushes Matty away from her by his forehead, “She’s like ten leave her alone.”
“I’m not… ten.” She says quietly. 
Matty shrugs, ignoring her quiet comment, “Well, let her decide, Ross.” He turns back to her then, brown eyes looking right through her, “Would you?”
She shrugs, “I don’t know.”
“Leave her alone.”
The third guy who she hasn’t learnt the name of yet drags him to stand and pushes him away, Ross takes Matty’s spot while the guy in the beanie offers a shy smile. “I’m George.”
She nods back to him and lets her eyes go back to Matty who’s rocking back and forth on his feet, “I’ve always said having a girl in the band will do us better.”
“Better how?”
He sighs dramatically and Adam shoots a sharp look to George, “Really? You want him to give his whole speech again?”
George shrugs innocently as Matty clears his throat, “First of all, a girl can hit different notes than me, having one to harmonise-”
“Matty.” Ross interrupts, “The girl’s just got here. Let’s leave her alone, eh?”
He rolls his eyes then turns them back to Tommie, “Favourite song?”
She looks back to Adam, already hating her cousin for forcing her to meet his friends, “I don’t know, um.” She looks around at the walls of the little pool house they’re hidden away in. There’s posters and instruments all lying around, the floor is covered in wires and through a barely covered glass window she can see the pool. “I like that one of the new Arctic Monkey album.”
“Which one?”
He nods in thought, “Alright. Sit back, relax and enjoy, Thomas. We’re gonna blow you away.”
He ushers the guys up and Ross leans towards her, “This is him trying to convince you. Don’t give in, he’s pushy but he’ll give up eventually.”
Looking back, Tommie’s glad he didn’t give up.
She clutches the photo to her chest and leans back against her settee with a sob of solitude. 
With tears in her eyes she crawls across the floor to her sofa and grips her phone. With shaky hands she lifts it to her ear as the phone starts ringing. 
“Can you come over? Please. I just-” She niffles and rubs the back of her wrist against her nose, “I really need you right now.”
@thereisaplaceintheheart, @indierockgirrl, @sofaritsalrightt, @julezs-bl0g, @eaglestar31, @sophinthealpss, @noacfemcel, @if-my-heart-bleeds, @befrwime, @fallingforel, @sexorchocolateorpillowsorclouds, @3terna15unshin3, @1975sophie1975, @thesocraticjunkiewannabe, @littlesoldierelleora, @procrastinatinglikeapro, @beatr2x, @byyourside28, @plantinghobbies, @sinarainbows
-let me know if you want to be added :)
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Would you by any chance be willing to do Lynette being given a flower from reader? But like instead of it being a real flower its glass? They made it themselves for her and it has all these different colors of glass to try and make it look as pretty and real as possible?
lynette x gn!reader fluff, whether they are together or not, i leave it up to you. Reader is not Traveller, small spoilers for Lyney story quest
A flower for you.
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To say making a glass flower is a challenge is an understatement.
When you signed up for a glass flower making workshop that was held by a local glassblower, you did not know it was this hard.
It's not that it isn't difficult, it's just that... You wanted it to be perfect for Lynette. Sweet, quiet, but absolutely wonderful Lynette.
As to how that happened...
flashback 2 months ago
'Say, wouldn't this show on September 30 be your 100th show with Lyney?" You casually ask over tea, as Lynette sips her tea. Today's tea is Earl Grey tea, one of the classics. "Exiting Standby Mode. Yes, it would be. Lyney has been thinking of celebrating afterwards." She replies softly.
"How do you feel about it?"
"Much happy, actually. We've come a long way since our first show." Lynette replies simply, before eating a macaron.
You go silent at her words. Having met at a back alley while feeding some alley cats, the both of you have fostered a budding friendship over feeding cats, and over time, drinking tea as well.
"Perhaps I should take you up on your offer to reserve a ticket to a show after all." You state softly to Lynette.
You nod.
"Alright then, I'll pass you a ticket the next tea session."
What you don't add is the fact that you'll be bringing a small gift for her to celebrate her 100th show with Lyney.
Much thought had been put in place for the gift.
To buy it? To make it? The thoughts plague you. She can't have anything strong smelling because she's sensitive to scent, so no perfumes, no flowers...
Wait a minute...
And that's how you're in the workshop for a private studio session, trying to ambitiously make a rainbow flower.
The first time you went for a workshop, you made a decent simple flower.
And you were going along with that until...
"My brother gave the Traveller a Rainbow Rose during a private magic show for them." Lynette once offhandedly mentioned to you.
"He was probably imitating Mr Cesar, but even I can't deny that was rather smooth of my brother."
And that's how you're trying to make a glass rainbow flower for her.
Sitting down, you take in a deep breathe, trying to calm down.
After lots of money, time spent on this, and only a week left to that 100th show, This was literally the last chance.
With that, you begin shaping the petals, petal by petal. Even though you had decent practice, you still unfortunately burned your finger a little, causing you to take a short break when you were making the green petal.
After a while, all 7 petals are done, and set to cool.
Next up, the stems and leaves, in the color of silver, just to somewhat match her outfit during shows.
Slowly, slowly, you combine everything.
It wasn't the most ideal compared to what you had seen others do, but it'll have to do.
At least it wasn't like the 2nd try where everything went wrong.
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"Welcome to Lyney and Lynette's magic show!" Lyney warmly welcomes the audience, you among them.
Most people would keep their eyes on Lyney, for he is the star of the show. However, your eyes were always on Lynette, watching her throughout the show.
The first time you went to watch the show, while most of your friends focused on Lyney, your eyes always focused on Lynette, causing you to miss out the main show every single time.
Call it infatuation, but you were smitten at the start. Daydreams of hugging her, kissing her, cherishing her filled your mind.
You never thought you'll see her outside the show, that day you were feeding cats.
But ever since, you've been blessing the cats, least to say.
In a blur, the magic show was over. Your mind focused on Lynette all the time, the way she'll simply pop out of nowhere, her stoic demeanour, sharp and calculated movements aimed at being a shadow in the presence of the overwhelming light that was her brother.
The show ends, and you head backstage to find Lynette.
"Ah, and you are?" Lyney appears with a polite smile, but what it does not betray is his deep suspicions that you have insincere motives.
"Y/N. I'm looking for your sister. Do you know where she is?" You ask gently, knowing from Lynette's mentions of her brother that he's very protective of her.
"Ah, Y/N." The twins ring out at the same time.
So that's the friend Lynette has been mentioning lately, Lyney muses to himself.
"How was the show?" Lynette asks, internally glad that you, someone close to her, made it for such an occasion.
"It was great! And I, well, have something for you." You awkwardly take out the glass flower, embarrassed at giving her this in front of her brother.
"I'm sorry if it's not very beautiful compared to real flowers, but you told me before that you were sensitive to the scent of flowers, so I thought I would get you another type of flower. I hope you like it." You state weakly, feeling more and more embarrassed.
"Any.. anyway, congratulations for your 100th show, and um, all the best for future ones!" And with that, you left backstage, leaving the twins with each other.
"So... Y/N..." Lyney cheekily asks, with an underlying hint of suspicion and concern.
"They're fine." Lynette replies, stroking each glass petal of the flower. "They had a small burn on their finger." She states softly, face turning red at the realisation that it wasn't bought, but made by you.
"Sounds like you like them, sister." Lynette eggs her on for an answer.
"How about you worry on how to gain back more of the Traveler's trust first? Wouldn't want to lose their affections, would you?" Lynette rebutts back softly, still recalling your blushing face.
She knows of your eyes on her throughout the show, ever since the first one you attended. While she was initally... scared because of past experiences, her personal interactions with you, and all the things her feline friends have been telling her about you when you're feeding them...
A small smile creeps onto her face. Lyney watches, not used to seeing his calm sister a little lovestruck.
Perhaps she would ask Lyney for some advice to be more bold in expressing her affections for Y/N.
Or maybe not, I'm still not sure about how I feel for Y/N. All I know is that Y/N is special to me, friend or more.
"Still, be careful, Lynette." Lyney warns her softly, in reference to their Fatui ties.
She sighs.
"I know, don't worry. We will be alright."
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I spent 15 minutes considering what a glass flower was and googling how to make a glass flower.
You can use the link here
As always, likes and reblogs appreciated, Requests are still open as usual
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anxious-anura · 1 year
Fae Farm; A Basic Guide
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Friend-able Characters
Wisp Mother
The Marquis
Romance-able Characters
Gifts: Blob Globs, Bug Juice, Bullfrog, Common Toad, Ecto Dew, Fae Dust, Flutter Dust, Frog Sweat, Nectar, Rainbow Frog
Gifts: Berry Jam, Cheese, Clay Brick, Cotton Fabric, Fish Jerky, Flour, Fruit Preserves, Mushroom Jerky, Nut Butter, Pickled Greens, Pickled Roots, Pickled Shellfish, Pickled Veggies, Stone Brick, Wool Fabric
Gifts: Azure Spud, Baked Mac and Cheese, Charred Fish, Chili Pepper, Crystal Pepper, Deep-sea Delight, Flame Heart, Frost Beet, Grilled Mushroom, Magic Bean, Mystic Macarons, Scrambled Eggs with Fruit Salsa, Seafood Spaghetti, Twilight Salad
Gifts: Brown Snail, Candied Fruit, Deluxe Fruit Tart, Fruit Pies, Fruit Salad, Flutterwood Lumber, Grilled Fruit, Oak Lumber, Sporewood Lumber
Gifts: Copper Ingot, Feyrite Ingot, Iron Ingot, Polished Amethyst, Polished Aquamarine, Polished Citrine, Polished Emerald, Polished Peridot, Polished Rose Quartz, Polished Sapphire, Polished Topaz, Silver Ingot
Gifts: Berry Tea, Black Hyacinth, Black Lily, Black Rose, Black Zinnia, Blossom Brew, Fae Fairy, Gloom Shade, Milk Tea, Myst Fairy, Willow Wisp
Backpack Upgrades (Skye, Supplies and Sundry)
500 Florins
2,500 Florins
8,000 Florins
Home Upgrades
Starting Home
2,00 Florins , 25 Copper Ore, 25 Beech Log
4,000 Florins, 25 Iron Ore, 25 Oak Log
6,000 Florins, 3 Copper Ingot, 3 Beech Lumber
8,000 Florins, 3 Iron Ingot, 3 Oak Lumber
10,000 Florins, 15 Feyrite Ore, 15 Flutterwood Log
Hazy Haven
4,000 Florins, 3 Copper Ingot, 3 Beech Lumber
6,000 Florins, 3 Iron Ingot, 3 Oak Lumber
8,000 Florins, 2 Feyrite Ingot, 2 Flutterwood Lumber
10,000 Florins, 15 Silver Ore, 15 Sporewood Log
15,000 Florins, 3 Silver Ingot, 3 Sporewood Lumber
Fae Acres
Produce Stand
2,000 Florins
7,000 Florins
Tool Upgrades (All Tools)
Copper: 200 Florins, 1 Ingot
Iron: 500 Florins, 2 Ingot
Feyrite: 1,500 Florins, 3 Ingot
Silver: 2,500 Florins, 4 Ingot
Orichalcum: 3,500 Florins, 5 Ignot
Critter Net
Sturdy Critter Net: 1,000 Florins, Critter Catching Level 3, Critter Net
Advanced Critter Net: 2,500 Florins, Critter Catching Level 5, Sturdy Net
Master Critter Net: 5,000 Florins, Critter Catching Level 7, Advanced Net
Fishing Rod
Sturdy Rod: 1,000 Florins, Fishing Level 3, Basic Rod
Advanced Rod: 2,500 Florins, Fishing Level 5, Sturdy Rod
Master Rod: 5,000 Florins, Fishing Level 7, Advanced Rod
Animals (Coop and Barn must be unlocked before you can buy.)
Chickoo: 200 Florins
Cottontail: 200 Florins
Coop Trough Upgrade: 1,500 Florins
Mamoo: 300 Florins
Woolyhorn: 300 Florins
Barn Trough Upgrade: 1,500 Florins
Fresh Out Of The Oven (Dominic)
Flour: 85 Florins
Butter: 35 Florins
Holly’s Seed Shop (Holly)
Turnip Seeds: 5 Florins
Cauliflower Seeds: 6 Florins
Bean Seeds: 12 Florins
Potato Seeds: 10 Florins, Farming Level 10
Corn Seeds: 15 Florins, Farming Level 15
Pepper Seeds: 20 Florins, Farming Level 20
Bounteous Fertilizer: 35 Florins, Farming Level 3
Zippy Fertilizer: 35 Florins, Farming Level 3
Magic Crop Swap Fertilizer: 50 Florins, Farming Level 3
Daisy Print Wallpaper: 100 Florins, 1 Paper, 1 Beech Lumber
Caramel Checkered Flooring: 100 Florins, 10 Clay, 1 Polished Topaz
Dry Bamboo Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Sugarcane
Treemendous Trees (Willow)
All Fruit Saplings: 450 Florins
Beech Sapling: 20 Florins
Oak Sapling: 30 Florins
Fruit Wallpaper: 100 Florins, 1 Paper, 10 Chopped Fruit
Grass Flooring: 100 Florins, 50 Plant Fibers
Fresh Bamboo Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Sugarcane
Supplies and Sundry (Skye)
Backpack Upgrades: ^^^^
Masonry Wallpaper: 100 Florins, 1 Paper, 10 Clay Brick
Cream Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Beech Lumber
Orange Brick Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Clay Brick
Deep Azure Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Oak Lumber
Smokey Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Oak Lumber
Robin’s Egg Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Frostwood Lumber
Vermilion Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Ancient Lumber
Nautical Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Sporewood Lumber
Fish Shelf: 200 Florins, 1 Small Empty Shelf
Tea Shelf: 200 Florins, 1 Small Empty Shelf
Pantry Shelf: 200 Florins, 1 Small Empty Shelf
Bag Hook: 100 Florins
Wall Clock: 300 Florins, 1 Copper Ingot, 1 Beech Lumber
Fishing Gear: 100 Florins, 5 Rope
Glass Bulbs: 100 Florins, 1 Rope, 1 Glass
Simple Ladder: 100 Florins, 1 Rope, 6 Oak Log
Wall Scroll: 100 Florin, 1 Paper, 1 Oak Log
Wonderful Wearables (Millie)
Charles’ Comfy Creations (Charles)
Emily’s Eccentric Extras (Emily)
Rose and Shine Flower Seeds (Rosalind)
House of Healing (Vera)
Millions of Bees (Mel)
Merchants’ Guild Shop (Pearl)
Comfy Critter Inn (Kasper)
Haute Cuisine (August)
Job Quests (You can only have ONE job quest active at a time)
Growing Goals - Holly (10 Total)
Harvest 30 Vegetables in one day.
Make florins selling 40 vegetables in one day.
Harvest 12 seasonal vegetables.
Use Zippy Fertilizer 12 times.
Harvest 12 potatoes.
Craft 12 pickled vegetables.
Harvest 12 Fae Crops.
Craft 12 Fae Seeds.
Make florins selling 48 Fae vegetables in one day.
Harvest 12 seasonal grains.
Reward: Farmer Outfit
Mystic Wings: 1 Polished Garnet, 10 Magenta Trillium, 10 Flutter Dust
Violet Wings: 1 Polished Amethyst, 10 Magenta Zinnia, 10 Flutter Dust
Butterfly Wings: 1 Polished Aquamarine, 10 ???, 10 Flutter Dust
Dragonfly Wings: 1 Polished Peridot, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Fae Wings: 1 Polished Rose Quarts, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Dark Wings: 1???, 10 Black Tulip, 10 Flutter Dust
Feathered Wings: 1???, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Violet Wings: 1 Polished Amethyst, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Silver Wings – 1???, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Color Palletes
Soft Yellow: 100 Florins, 30 Sand Dollar, 30 Yellow Tulip
Soft Orange: 100 Florins, 30 Ammonite, 15 Orange Rose
Soft Pink: 100 Florins, 30 Coral, 15 Pink Lily
Soft Teal: 100 Florins, 30 Oyster, 15 White Tulip
Vibrant Sepia: 500 Florins, ???, 30 Small Honeycomb
Vibrant Yellow: 1,000 Florins, ???, 30 Small Honeycomb
Vibrant Ochre: 500 Florins, ???, 30 Small Honeycomb
Vibrant Azure: 5,000 Florins, ???, 30 Blue Hyacinth
Vibrant Pink: 5k gold, 3 Polished Rose Quartz, 30 Pink Hyacinth
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the---hermit · 1 year
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The first lil mushrooms for my crochet project (look how pretty the colours are with the deep green base!!) and a new book I got.
This month has started in an unexpected but lovely way. While I was at the bus stop waiting for my bus home I started chatting with a girl who asked me informations because she is only just learning Italian, she complimented me for my English and we found ourselves talking about anything and everything, and we spoke for like half and hour? Other than just goving me a confidence boost on my English speaking abilities, since I don't get to practice a lot, it made feel so proud of myself for talking to a stranger. I am a super shy person, and one year ago I would have never just had a conversation like this with a stranger, it felt so good to do something so out of my comfort zone in such a natural way. I spent the rest of the morning in my family's store with my mom and brother, and then spent the afternoon with my mom. We had some errands to run and then we went to get a tea and a sweet treat in a cafè. It's something we like to do every once in a while, and it had been some time since our last tea afternoon. As we were out I also did something I hadn't done in years, I bought a book I don't know anything about and that I have never seen or heard before. It might sound stupid but in the last few years all my book purchases have been somehow planned, I knew what I was looking for amd I got books I knew something about. To just walk in a bookstore have my eye caught by something I know nothing about felt so good!
Chill hobbit summer activities of today (I am about to change name for this section but that will happen once I get back into my productive routine next week):
Reading in the morning
Monthly therapy session
Talking to strangers without feeling self conscious
Sat in the sun outside the store with my brother chatting and laughing
Buying a book I know nothing of but that called to me (I feel like it will be a great autumn horror to get cozy with)
Tea time with my mom (we got an amazing sweet treat and also the tea we got was super good? It was a mix of green tea and other herbs including lemongrass and rose, it was spectacular)
Crocheting everytime I have nothing to do
I'll be going out my family for dinner
📖: The Dragon Republic by R.F. Kuang
🎵: Burn The Witch by Shawn James
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venusian-orchid · 2 months
August for my Senses 💌 An August Guide
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August is the most erotic month in my opinion. The sticky-sweet heat fills my heart with something very special, like earth’s warm embrace. I changed greatly over the summer, and as I approach my 20th birthday, I’m becoming more aware of what it means to be a woman. I’ve accepted that I’m no longer a girl, and here are some sensual items, ideas, and activities that are being implemented to help me step into my womanhood.
Table of contents:
1. Lifestyle/activity
2. Perfume, scent, hygiene
3. Fashion
4. Literature
Here is my Substack supplement with more “philosophical” ideas:
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- I’m trying to eat better and have portion control. One thing that’s helped is using smaller plates. On the note of food, making it look nice on the plate has encouraged me to eat slower. I’ve always been a fast eater, which is really horrible.
- journaling is a literal life saver. It turns me into my own therapist, like actually. I journal every morning for 20-40 mins with my phone on silent. Scrapbooking is also a really nice hobby for anyone who needs a creative outlet.
- slow mornings with my phone on silent; wake up, stretch, skincare, wash face, brush teeth, breakfast with green tea + read, journal, and get on with my day. I understand that not everyone has this luxury, but I feel like it is always worth it to wake up a little earlier than you have to so that you can move slowly, regardless of your circumstances.
- i am (hopefully) getting a job at a library because my mental health is finally at a place where i can work again.
- I’m writing erotica again. My heart is overflowing (:
Read my erotic here:
Perfume, Makeup, Hygiene,
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- pulp by byredo (notes shown above) is my new favorite scent. I’m hoping to buy a full bottle soon, hopefully before the end of August. It’s a little pricy, but I have saved up money and I’m getting a library job.
- I’ve been really into soft glitter eyeshadow, peachy blush, and light mascara. It’s a very nice look and I like to make the eyeshadow barely noticeable.
- my skincare doesn’t feel like my own. My mom sells Mary Kay, which I’m really not comfortable using, but I do because I get it for free. I’ve been researching skincare, so should be able to move on with my routine soon. It would also make me feel more in control, just because my mom has always tried to monitor this kind of thing for me.
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- I’m soooo into white dresses right now. Light of my life. Just dresses in general have been so good to me, so much so that I don’t want to wear pants.
- I’m trying to feel more comfortable in my skin, so I’m trying to wear sleeveless clothes more. I really hate my arms, so it’s I’m healing my relationship with them.
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- I’ve really just been reading Paglia’s “sexual personae.” It’s kind of long, so it’ll take me a while, probably until mid-late August. I highly recommend it for feminism, philosophy, and timeless anthropology and sociology.
Much love 💌 xoxo - M. Rose
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row-of-ribbons · 1 month
Dream Girl Diary intro 4/5: skincare + my skin care secrets
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Hey there, lovely ladies! Welcome back to my Dream Girl Guide intro. Today, let's chat about skincare. I know it can be overwhelming with everyone talking about which products to use, but don't worry - you don't have to buy everything that's trending. Just remember to enjoy every moment and embrace your womanhood with grace and elegance.
I'll definitely break it down in a simple way and share some of my favorite skincare tips with you!
1# Overuse of products
One of the primary reasons for your breakouts could be the result of using an excessive number of skincare products. Overloading your skin with various products can suffocate it and hinder the effectiveness of the treatment. It's important to allow your skin time to benefit from the skincare routine by not overwhelming it with too many products. sometimes simple is best
2#Expansivee does not always mean better
I'm certain you've heard about dupes—I personally like them. But were you aware that sometimes the dupe is produced by the same company under a generic name, or that sometimes the dupe outperforms the original? (Not to say you should only opt for dupes if you don't want to.) Occasionally, it's worth investing in the original, like The Ordinary AHA BHA serum. I have complete faith in their brand, and it's perfectly formulated.
3# Use what you actually need for your skin
stop following trends and pause, think about what your skin needs there is no point of buying a cleanser that's abrasive with harsh ingredients (acids and exfoliators) if you have sensitive skin. what works for others might not work for you. take some time out of your day and research your skin. look in the mirror and identify your skin problems.
4#Your diet plays a part
Maybe you are doing everything right; perhaps Remember that improving your skin health is not just about the products you use. It's also about what you consume. you understand the deep depths of skincare and know what to do. But, honey, your diet sucks. You're eating fried food, soda, and sweets, and that throws off your pH, and hormones, thus affecting your skin. I know that clean eating is hard to do, given that everyone's finances are different. If there is a change you can make, like drinking more water or not eating as many sweets, then you could try that. Stress can also affect your hormones and make you crave other things that are not good for you. Learning stress management is also important.
now my skincare tips
Make your own toner by steeping rose petals in green tea. Store for a week in a cool place or 3 days at room temperature.
In the morning, I always use a silicone mold facial icer filled with water and lemon juice instead of a regular ice cube. This way, I get an extra dose of vitamin C to start my day right.
I strive to derma-plane my face once a week, then use a mud mask with Aztec clay and apple cider vinegar to cleanse my skin. Remember to wash your face with a gentle cleanser before applying the mud mask and use 2-4 teaspoons of vinegar to avoid irritation after exfoliation.
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arisenreborn · 2 months
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE.  REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG, with the information of your muse,  including headcanons, etc.
Pawn & Arisen Edition!
Tagged by: @sangre & @lesbianbreastmilk - thank you!! :D
Tagging: @fangbangerghoul, @bearlytolerant, @linashirou, @ritens
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name: Olivia Tramont nicknames: Liv, Livi, Livia (Emrys preferred only), Princess, Crow (no relation lmao) age: 22 race: human, distant elven ancestory orientation: bisexual. zodiac: Leo moral alignment: neutral good - chaotic good class/subclass: "warfarer", a fighter first and foremost, she later took a shine to the style of thieves and the mystic spearhand. (her magic capability is... 'weird', and her aim is atrocious.) background: A daughter of nobility, Olivia defied the expectations of her station (and gender 😒) to join the military with romantic dreams of becoming a knight of legends and hoping to be of service to the people. Instead she got her heart ripped out and saddled with Arisenhood and a pawn with an attitude problem. interests/hobbies: dressing up/fashion/etc., masquerades/parties/festivals, dancing, buying shiny things (coughcrow-codedcough), generally being a social butterfly hitting up taverns and the like. though she never had an aversion, she grows to have a deeper fondness for traveling during her journey. spoken languages: common, some broken elvish, draconic profession: ex-soldier of Vermund, Arisen, (future Sovran), in some verses: Former Arisen colors: sapphire blue, emerald green, blue goldstone, iridescent opal, amethyst purple - deep, rich, colors that look good in the latest fashions fruits: strawberries!!!!!!!! drinks: She'll drink teas but they remind her of her mother, she'd prefer coffee and probably overdoes/runs herself ragged on it. alcoholic beverages: on one hand she's not too picky... on the other she does have rich tastes - and the money to back it up, so she'll commonly take the most expensive stuff a place has got. she's a social drinker and has terrible self-awareness/bad at knowing her limit, but is truly the life of the party. smokes: it's not her inclination, but she'd probably smoke of whatever herbal mixtures Emrys uses for pain/relaxation in the comfort of their home with him. drugs: nothing more than the above. drivers license: she knows how to ride a horse and holds the record time among her peers (when they were younger) for managing to stay on an ox without getting thrown off....... it's just she couldn't get off at all and they had to get a bunch of people to coral the ox to get her off........ ever been arrested: nope. I think most in Vermund would recognize/be confused/buy whatever cover story she sold them (maybe with some actual coins on the side) without any further fuss. HOWEVER when she oh-so-accidentally snuck across the border... The Battahli guards certainly tried. Alas, she was too fast for them.
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name: Emrys Venor nicknames: Em, Emmy age: ??? race: human, cycle-dependent displays draconic features orientation: bisexual. zodiac: Gemini moral alignment: chaotic neutral-chaotic good class/subclass: archer first and foremost, has dabbled comfortably in thievery (give me back my weapon swapping gdi) background: An older pawn with a sordid history, he contracted the dragonsplague while traveling with his original master, resulting in their death. Since then he has been 'different' from other pawns, loathing his lot and the Arisen he comes into the service of, though he puts on a friendly face all the while. interests/hobbies: drinking, occasionally gambling, visiting the Rose Chateau - though he does enjoy these things, they seem to be things he assimilated into his 'mask'. More genuinely: traveling (note: not in Battahl), hunting, generally living off of the land. spoken languages: common, bits of elvish and dwarvish that he could get through an encounter, draconic - oddly enough. colors: rusty red, faded gold, earthy browns, natural greens, bruise purple, dragonsplague red fruits: a little partial to strawberries vicariously through Olivia, raspberries drinks: Coffee for sure. He generally thinks tea is too weak but he does have a couple of brews for pain relief/relaxation (that he'll sometimes spike for an added kick lmao) alcoholic beverages: Yes, please. He'll drink anything just about. smokes: that fat rimworld blunt primarily stuff he gathers himself, and usually only for pain/to help him sleep. drugs: nothing more than the above
driver's license: tbh, he could manage a carriage just fine ever been arrested: not recently, he's good at keeping a wide berth of such inconveniences, but he's probably been arrested a time or two a long time ago - maybe got in a drunken bar fight or some such.
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ser3nityst4r · 2 months
Eleventh Acceptance
The ground shook from the abundance of magic, the scent of roses turning acrid, as Riddle, his form consumed by a monstrous darkness, towered over them. His eyes, once a dull blue, now burned with a malevolent crimson. His usual crisp uniform was replaced by a grotesque mockery of the Queen of Hearts' attire – a tattered, bloodstained gown and a crooked crown of thorns. The tendrils of these thorns, infused with his twisted magic, snaked around the terrified students, threatening to impale them.
Crowley, his face a mask of worry, barked orders, his voice barely audible over the roar of Riddle's dark magic. 'Everyone, evacuate! Grim, send a distress signal to the other housewardens!' He scrambled to guide the students out of the room, their faces pale with fear. 
Yuu, however, couldn't tear their eyes away from the monstrous figure that had once been their friend. A chilling certainty settled in their gut, confirming their worst fears. This was the source of the dreadful, foreboding feeling that had plagued them for days. This was the overblot.
'Heh heh heh... AH HA HA HA! You are fools to defy me! You are not welcome in my world. In my world, I am the law. I am order made manifest! The only response I will accept from you is 'Yes, Housewarden Riddle.' All who defy me will lose their heads! Ah ha ha ha ha!' His laughter echoed through the chamber, chilling the very bones of those who heard it. 
Adeuce, despite the pressure of the dark aura pressing down on him, couldn't stand idly by. He cast a barrage of spells, his hands moving in a blur, but the magic seemed to be deflected by Riddle's oppressive power. The air around him crackled with energy, each spell seemingly feeding the dark aura.
Trey, his face serious, joined in, his signature spell, a complex, multi-layered enchantment, shining with an ethereal light. His magic, however, only seemed to buy them fleeting moments of reprieve. 
'Overblot,' Crowley explained to Grim, his voice strained, 'It's a… a disastrous manifestation of magical energy. If left unchecked, it can consume the victim, leading to…' He hesitated, his words catching in his throat.
'Death?' Grim finished, his voice barely a whisper.
The other Heartslabyul students watched in terror, their eyes wide with fear. Cater, however, remained detached, his usual carefree facade replaced by an unsettling calm. 'Stupid,' he muttered, shaking his head. 'They're just making things worse.'
But Adeuce and Trey continued their relentless assault, their faces set in grim determination. They knew, deep down, that if they didn't stop Riddle, no one would.  
Finally, after a barrage of spells and chants, the monstrous aura around Riddle began to flicker. His grip on the thorns loosened, his laughter turning into a series of gasps. His form faltered, and he collapsed onto the floor, reverting back to his normal self. He lay unconscious, his face pale and sweating.
Trey rushed to his side, his eyes filled with concern. He gently shook Riddle, his voice hushed. 'Wake up, Riddle. It's okay. You're safe now.'
Riddle's eyes fluttered open, revealing the familiar emerald green. He blinked slowly, his gaze confused. 'Where… where am I?'
Trey, exasperated but relieved, shook his head. 'You overblotted, Riddle. You're safe now. We're here.'
Riddle’s eyes widened, tears welling up in them. 'I… I don't understand. It's all so… confusing.'  
His voice trembled as he confessed, 'The truth is… I really wanted to eat that chestnut tart and I don't care if the roses are white, or the flamingos are pink. I prefer honey to sugar cubes in my tea, and I like milk tea better than lemon tea anyhow. And after a meal, I want to be the one sitting around talking with everyone… and I really wanted to play with Che'nya and Trey more.'
The room went silent. Everyone was stunned. Even Grim, who had seen his fair share of strange things, was speechless. Ace, however, couldn't help but scoff. 'I know I’ve been saying I wanted an apology from Riddle, but now that I got one, y’know what? One stupid 'I’m sorry' doesn’t even come close to making up for what he did!'
His words were met with disapproving glares, but Ace didn’t budge. He was tired of Riddle's tyranny, tired of being forced to conform to his rigid rules.
Riddle, his face flushed with shame, sniffled. 'Then… what would you like me to do?'
Ace smirked. 'I demand a do-over for the unbirthday party! Except this time, we ain't gotta do squat. This time, YOU’RE the one who brings the tart! And no getting Trey to make it for you! Do that, and then things are square between us.'
Grim, shocked that someone could hold a grudge longer than him, watched with amusement as Riddle, the normally unflappable tyrant, seemed genuinely flustered.  
Finally, Riddle nodded. '…okay, I accept.'
Yuu, who had been watching the entire scene unfold with a mix of relief and trepidation, felt the sickening feeling in their gut dissipate. But a new, unsettling sensation, dry and desolate, took its place. It was a feeling of dread, of impending danger. It wasn't a feeling of personal threat, but a feeling of something vast and terrible encroaching on their world. 
Yuu knew they needed to understand this new feeling, to unravel its meaning before it was too late. They might have escaped the immediate crisis, but the overblot was just one of many greater, more insidious evil. This was only the beginning.
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loosesodamarble · 21 days
Welcome to the Black Bird Part 11: Luis's Special Brew
Summary: Introducing Marx as Luis, the Black Bird's tea specialist and one of the kitchen crew. Genre: general Word count: ~850 A/N: Thank you to @crazycookiemaniac for the commission of Marx.
Bountiful Francois, a family-owned business selling herbs, spices, and most famously tea leaves. Everything the business sold, they grew on one of several farms owned and run by a branch of the expansive family tree.
Marx, as a child from the main branch, knew he’d eventually be entrusted with a significant role in the company. What specifically he’d do, he had no clue. Then, opportunity knocked by way of his Granny Claris calling him to her personal office.
“Marx, sweetie, how would you feel about being a consultant for a new business partner?” she asked while sliding a cup of tea to Marx who graciously took it. Marx gave his grandmother a questioning look, wordlessly seeking elaboration. “A cafe wishes to buy our leaves and make their own blends. Though, to ensure that our products are used to their fullest, I feel it best to give them an expert opinion.”
“And you think I’m qualified?” Marx asked between sips.
Claris grinned and replied, “Why of course. You have an eye for detail, you’re efficient, and—”
“Oh!” Marx stared at his cup. “Was this blend made with clementine and not blood orange peel?”
“See, that’s what I mean!” Claris exclaimed with a cheerful laugh. “Your palette is refined and I don’t doubt your judgment would benefit that cafe.” Her praise made Marx smile and flush. Claris reached across the desk and took one of Marx’s hands between her own. “The best part is, working with the cafe could be way to promote Bountiful Francois before opening a store in Clover City.”
Marx chuckled. While Granny Claris wasn’t the most shrewd business woman, she was always considering potential deals and future projects. And if she believed Marx would succeed in the task given, as small as it was, then he couldn’t turn down the chance.
“One pot of Dreamy Darling for Table #11,” Marx called out as he placed a tea set for pick up.
“Luis!” “Marius” sped up to the pick up counter and peered into the kitchen. “A customer wants a recommendation. Floral with spicy undertones, and something that doesn’t need any additional sweetener.”
Marx blinked before several possibilities came to mind. Orange blossom and cinnamon yellow tea. Rose and cardamom. Marigold with nutmeg, or ginger. But no sweetener?
“Give me ten and I’ll have something prepared.”
Marx strode deeper into the kitchen to a large cabinet and swung it open. Jars and canisters of dried leaves and petals and more lined the shelves.
“I’ll need to use a white or yellow tea as the base to minimize the bitterness…” Marx pulled out a jar of pale leaves. “Cinnamon or nutmeg would provide good spice. A pinch of fennel too…” He plucked the chosen spices and set them aside. “For the floral element… something that will provide most of the sweetness…”
It wasn’t normal practice for Marx to piece together a custom blend for a patron on the fly. But sometimes, the standard blends that the cafe serves and seasonally cycled through didn’t suit a customer’s tastes. It was always a gamble, but Marx would follow his instincts and have faith that the flavors he studied and knew would work their magic.
The kettle whistled. Marx poured the boiling water through a strainer filled with the custom blend and into a teapot for serving.
The aroma of the steam was different. Pleasantly so. Marx made a mental note to remember it and recreate the blend, perhaps to add it to the cafe’s menu rotation.
Assorted Tea Bites. A dessert that turned the enjoyment of enjoying tea and pastries into fun, bite-sized portions.
Cookies flavored with tea weren’t invented by the Black Bird so they elevated the dish by presenting multiple flavors of tea on a single platter. Black, chai, green, and white tea flavors were always served while an extra two flavors, typically herbal blends, were changed regularly to keep customers from growing tired of the dish.
The tea flavor of the dessert was added through liquid and dry ingredients. Milk would be simmered with loose leaves to absorb the flavor and then cooled at room temperature. For the dry component, leaves from a blend were ground down to a fine powder, matching the consistency of flour. The infused milks and powders were then used to make cookie dough. Once mixed, the dough was portioned for daily use and stored in the freezer.
Was it a lot of prep work? Certainly. Did it mean the kitchen staff had to track when portions of dough were made to use them up before too long? Indeed. But it saved hours of time that would’ve been wasted trying to make fresh dough daily.
The dish, the recipe, and the organization to implement it spoke to Marx’s soul. His family’s products were used masterfully. And staff were efficient, so as never to run out early or leave dough sitting too long.
A chance was taken and though Marx had been taken a bit far from the family business, he liked how he felt comfortable and yet challenged where he was. Like tea leaves, he was undergoing a process and would come out of it changed into something far more refined than what he once was.
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