#can you imagen the chaos
I think the most interesting thing QSMP could do next is take Bad and Phil at the same time
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cerisefait · 3 months
Hello my dear!! As i promised here's my request. Can you write a Shanks x reader fic where they have been together for a really long time and beacsue of this Luffy looks at the reader like his mother figure? Like just imagen the Strawhats meet the reader and Luffys first reaction is to shout "Mother!" and the Strawhats are like "Wait.. That your mom???" i could imagine all of the being like really surprised XD and also obviously Shanks is there as well and tgat also cause another set of confusion like?? Shanks a big pirate?? Here?? I can just imagine the chaos and happiness that it would bring to Luffy
The Confession
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a/n: I'm baack and motivated than ever! so sorry for the long wait @smolracoon25 but I hope I did you justice with this one and I hope all of you readers enjoy it <3 I've put a little spin on the request and wrote an angsty romance with a happy ending x
(warning! description of drowning)
‘Look out!’
The sound of swords clashing filled your ears: Metal on metal clanking in a deathly duel against Red Haired Pirates and the Intruders.
‘I can handle myself Shanks!’ You exclaimed as you made your way to the butt of the deck in an attempt to escape the guy who was chasing you with a sword in his hands.
You were successful for a moment. Taking a quick look at your crewmates, you couldn't help but feel your heart shatter at the scene which unfolded before you. Most of the barrels were scattered on the floor, some of them were on fire: One of your crewmates was trapped in a corner and the others were fighting for their lives.
Your view was suddenly cut off by a larger and thus, threatening frame.
'Don't you dare come closer.’ You stated sternly but the quaver in your voice gave your fear away.
'What are you gonna do about that, princess?’ said the unwelcome pirate, clearly enjoying the display of his actions.
Upon hearing the disgusting cockiness and the nickname that came out of his mouth, you furrowed your eyebrows. 'Don’t you fucking dare! …Stop!’ You yelled, taking small steps backwards.
'You'll make a very pretty hostage, it's been so long since we had a woman on our ship.’
‘I said stop!’
Now, you were on the edge looking for someone to come to your aid. Your eyes wandered around in hopes of finding Shanks but to your misfortune, he was too busy trying to save the trapped crewmate.
For a split second, he looked back at you; the fierce and confident look in his eyes turned into a fearful one.
Knowing what's to come, he knocked the guys he was dealing with within a blink of an eye and rushed towards you but he was far away.
Seeing your gaze fixated somewhere else, the foreigner tried to take advantage of your distraction and took a step closer to you.
And out of instinct, you took a step back.
Suddenly you were face to face with the sky: falling on your back, feeling the cold breeze on your skin.
As you were falling, you screamed Shanks' name at the top of your lungs with terror. The feeling of panic and adrenaline was coursing through you. Squeezing your eyes shut, you waited for the inevitable.
‘(Y/N)!’ he exclaimed rushing to you, knocking everyone and everything that got in his way.
…that was the last thing you heard before submerging deep into the depths of the ocean.
At first your back came in contact with the water's surface in which you felt a sharp stinging pain that spread all across your body. Feeling that pain, your eyes opened widely.
You tried holding your breath for as long as possible but after a few seconds, you inhaled some water which made you splutter, cough and inhale more.
There was a burning sensation in your chest, making you instinctively panic... Until you surrendered.
When you stopped fighting you felt calm, tranquil even. You knew what it meant: the loss of consciousness was showing its symptoms because of the oxygen deprivation.
In the meantime, Shanks was done with the intruders. The rage he had inside of him was enough to fight all of them. He was swinging his sword in such a delicate way that made his enemies fear and search for a place to hide. Your fall gave your crew a massive anger which they couldn't contain any longer and lashed out on the enemies with more power.
Seeing his mates handle the foreigners, Shanks immediately jumped off of the deck to save you. The water was dark, chilling and you were nowhere to be found: he had to swim deeper.
He didn't have the time to think about taking off his clothes before jumping, he had only removed his black coat. And the fact that he was wearing layers didn't make it easier for him to swim.
But luckily he found you quicker than expected and got a firm hold on you, manhandling you in order to waste no more time.
When both of you came up to the surface, he called out your name multiple times but you weren't responsive. Holding your fragile frame in his arms, with the help of his crewmates, he managed to get you back on the dock.
Looking at your face in desperation for a sign of life, he tried his really best to keep his composure. But the fear in his eyes was evident. Getting on his knees he laid you on your back, tears welling in his eyes while maintaining a stern, angry look on his face.
He gave you cpr, tried everything in his power but nothing seemed to bring you back to life… to him. After the last mouth to mouth, he was exhausted. He looked at his crewmates for hope, but all he saw was faces close to crying.
He then turned his gaze back to you, drained and hopeless. He put his hand on one of yours and held it gently. Your skin felt strange, it wasn't like what he was used to. With his thumb, he circled swift emotions on the back of your hand and gave it a little squeeze.
…with that, he gave up.
He lowered his head, letting a warm tear move across his cheek and drop onto the wooden floor. He didn't want anyone to see him so… defeated.
Just then you moved your fingers a bit, the warmth of Shanks' hand was a huge contrast compared to the coldness of your damp clothes clinging to your body.
You weakly mewled Shanks' name but he was in a complete trance; He didn't hear you the first time.
You tried calling his name one more time, trying to open your eyes ever so slightly to get a look of his face.
He quickly switched his gaze back to you. there you were breathing, alive. That was the most miraculous thing Shanks swore he had ever experienced.
He softly whispered your name, a look of relief and adoration in his eyes as he tried to help you to get in a sitting position. With the help of his left hand on your lower back and right one holding your hand, you sat up coughing.
‘I thought I lost you.’
'Me too...’ You winced in pain. The air in your lungs was filled with water and the burning feeling made it hard to breathe or speak. Shanks looked worried but he continued.
'I'm glad you're here, with me… I can't bear the thought of you not being right by my side.
I need you more than anything in my life (Y/n) and I'm done trying to hide the fact that I love you. ’
'Shanks… I-’
'Don't tire yourself out sweetheart.’
Not being able to say those three words frustrated you so you grabbed him by his collar and planted a weak kiss on his lips.
Everyone around you was happy.
Ever since that day, Shanks and you became inseparable. Luffy always saw Shanks as a father figure, so it was only normal for him to look up to you as a mother figure.
Even though it created some sort of confusion and the assigned family ties made it difficult being a pirate, all that mattered to the both of you was Luffy's happiness.
Present day
'Luffy! Looks like we have a visitor.’ yelled Nami.
'What? Where?’ He got hyper excited as he always did.
‘'Calm down cap. Visitors are mostly never welcome.’ Told Zoro in his usual grumpy tone.
'Would it hurt to be positive for once, Mosshead?’ asked Sanji.
'If it means that I'll be agreeing with you then yes… Cook.’
They started snarling at each other.
'Guys, quit it!’ Nami yelled once again.
The figure started to become more recognizable. It was a beautiful woman walking with a larger crew behind her but it was quite hard to observe the others: They were further away.
'Anybody know who she is?’ asked Usopp, confusion clear in his voice.
The strawhats stared at her, then turned to their captain in unison. Luffy was awfully quiet.
‘... Who is she Luffy?’ Nami questioned.
'That's my… mother.’ He stated very calmly.
The rest of the crew was shocked for many reasons. One, how could he stay so calm and two, she's his what now?
The woman and Luffy made eye contact. She looked so relieved to see him. Her eyebrows lifted upwards, her eyes teary. The same look was now on Luffy's face.
When they were few feets apart, the woman shouted
Upon hearing her calling his name and the sound of her voice, Luffy broke into tears of joy, lifting his arms high above his head, yelling ‘Mom!’ before running to her.
They hugged, everyone was confused. Then, the bigger picture started to unfold: The strangers' jolly ranger was the one no other than Red Haired Pirates’.
‘Are my eyes deceiving me or is that…’
‘Oh my god.’
Luffy was crying like a baby in his mother’s arms while she looked peaceful holding him. They were lost in the moment when Shanks came up and wrapped his arms around both of them.
‘We saw your wanted poster… I’m proud of you kiddo.’ said Shanks pulling away from the hug to look Luffy in his eyes: They were already swollen.
‘We’re all proud of you sweet boy.’ added the woman.
Luffy was enamored, his happiness was all over his face. His hands then went over to his head, moreso to Shanks’ hat.
‘I think this is yours..’ he said, offering it back to Shanks, looking grateful. But Shanks could see through his defeated smile that he loved his hat and didn’t want to let go.
‘Don’t think so, kid. It belongs to you.’ he said, smiling warmly.
‘Plus.. your mother here thinks it suits you more.’ he whispered, rolling his eyes at her, laughing.
‘You think so?’ asked Luffy with a golden retriever energy, smiling ear to ear.
‘I know so.’ she replied, giving him a wink and shoving Shanks’ shoulder playfully.
‘Uh.. sorry to interrupt but… Luffy?’ It was Nami.
‘Yeah?’ Luffy answered, expectant huge eyes directed in her way. He looked completely oblivious.
‘...Care to introduce us?’
‘Oh right!’
He introduced his crew one by one: They were all thrilled to meet Shanks and the others. After all, he was one of the biggest pirates.
But what mattered the most was, Luffy was over the moon: He was with the ones he loved the most. Shanks, his mother and his own crew all in one place. How could he not be?
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blues824 · 2 years
Imagen the dorm leaders body swapping with there female demon slayer s/o for a week because of crowley not doing his job .
🦩🌹Like riddle and his mitsuri s/o
Him having to get used to his s/o strength and appetite. Imagine a lovable riddle smiling and a yelling mitsuri about the 810 rules.
🦁😐Leona and his giyuu s/o
Him feeling so frustrated and more sleepy than ever because his s/o body has a natural alarm clock for midnight to fight demons and isn't made for naps .and his s/o being just giyuu imagine cheka coming over and now his *uncle "is willing to play with him instead of sleeping (aperntly giyuu loves children ) .
🐙✨Azul and and his tengen s/o
Him getting used to there high and hearing and stealth .his s/o admiring being in his flamboyant husband's body( bonus and the tweels having a feeld day because they have a insecure tengen and a confident Azul .)
🌞🔥Kalim and his Rengoku s/o
(aperntly cannon Rengoku has hearing problems that's why he is so loud ) him dealing with their hearings problems and having a bigger appetite . Personally wise they are the same but Rengoku is more responsible .
🦚🐗Vil and his inosuke s/o
💀imagine the chaos him having to lock them up because crawling on the ceiling whoud ruen him having rook look after her while he has a feeld day giving her body and makeover and admirering her face (his s/o treatment to eat mud if he throws away her bore mask 💀) .
🎮👼Ildia and his tanjiro s/o
Him passing out or freaking out in their body while his s/o is comforting him singing her family lullaby to him to comfort him and them just gaming even though she is not good at gaming they still try for him .
(bonus for nezuko and ortho are also switched and being as adorable as ever.)
🐲☁️And last but not least Malleus and his muichiro s/o
Imagen everybody in school seing a muichiro that remembers and is polite and a forgetful rude Malleus.
Him and his s/o stil cloud gazing and being the loveable couple they are. while sebek is freaking out. silver fell already asleep wile cloud gazing with them. and lilia is ether filming it or helping solve it because muichiro in boddy Malleus trew a rock at ace.
Y’all, have you seen the art that @reiketsunomizunomegami made?? I don’t tell you guys to do much, but please go support them!!!
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Riddle Rosehearts
Mans woke up feeling like he hadn’t eaten in 1000 years. He’s glad that you both stayed in his room overnight because he looked over and saw… him? He was high-key panicking and went to his bathroom to check the mirror and saw… you? He took a deep breath and figured that you both must’ve switched bodies somehow.
He gently woke up and was taken aback by how his voice sounded. You slowly blinked, then you saw yourself looking at you. He waited until you were fully awake to explain your predicament. He guided you through deep breaths, and you came up with a plan. You would tell everyone at breakfast so as to avoid any confusion.
Everyone had different reactions. Trey just about dropped the teapot, Cater’s eyes just went wide and jaw dropped, Ace let out an audible laugh (thinking you were joking at first), and Deuce just froze. Riddle - in your body - explained it like this: treat you (him in your body) like the dorm head and treat him (you in his body) like his significant other.
It was one weird first day because Trey had to see if your food preferences remained the same depending on the person or depending on the body that person was in. Cater totally vlogged this whole thing. Ace had to watch his back even more because you were one of the people he could rant to. Deuce was trying his best as well, but he fared better than Ace.
Overall, a solid 7/10 week. Riddle might not have been able to behead anyone, but he was able to put them in a very easy chokehold. And by easy, I mean they almost passed out due to lack of oxygen. Ace can concur that he prefers collars to being choked (don’t take that out of context).
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Leona Kingscholar
You better believe that he was angry that he woke up before the sun rose for no reason other than his body told him to. He decided that he would try to go back to sleep and went to pull you back in when he noticed that he was pulling himself in… oh, shit. 
He shook you awake and you had a bit of a shocked face when you saw yourself waking you up. However, it’s not the weirdest thing you’ve seen. You were still quite sleepy since Leona’s physical body was always exhausted, so you quickly came up with a plan where you would pretend to be each other for however long this lasted.
At breakfast, it was a very weird experience. Ruggie most definitely noticed something was wrong when you said ‘thank you’ after he gave you your food. You mentally cursed yourself and just dismissed yourself to eat it in your room, but before you went you told yourself (Leona in your body) to go with you in the most I-don’t-care way possible.
It was a very difficult first day because Leona’s brother decided to drop off Cheka for the day. You (in Leona’s body) were actively playing with the young cub because you personally loved children. The child noticed this, but didn’t mind because maybe his uncle changed?
Overall, 5/10. I would’ve said it was a 4, but you finally got to relax from the stress of being a demon slayer. You got to know what it was like to sleep in and be catered to. Plus, the food Ruggie made was amazing. However, Leona wasn’t really acting like you a lot.
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Azul Ashengrotto
When you both woke up at 6 in the morning, you knew that Azul wouldn’t want to get up immediately. You would normally give him a kiss on the forehead to get his day started, but when you went to do that you screamed. You saw your own body lying next to you.
After hearing your scream, your boyfriend looked around and saw himself on the floor. He was about to go back to sleep before he did a double take and started panicking when he realized he wasn’t dreaming. You led him through breathing and you came up with an idea. You would tell Jade and Floyd, but ask them to not inform anyone else.
Floyd was on the floor laughing while Jade choked back a few chuckles. The 4 of you decided that any appointments for any contract were to be rescheduled, and the excuse was that you got sick and Azul’s taking care of you. Jade got accustomed to it very quickly, but Floyd was having one hell of a time trying to get everything straight.
It wasn't too bad of a first day, and you kept this plan for however long was necessary. Since Crowley already knew, he informed the teachers so there wasn’t any mix up in class. However, your personalities kind of clashed around other students because you as a person were very confident and Azul’s very insecure.
Overall, 8/10. Nothing really changed in the wake up schedule, but everyone had to deal with a very flamboyant octopus and a very insecure demon slayer. Usually, you were the one comforting Azul, but to everyone else Azul (you in his body) was comforting you (him in your body).
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Kalim Al-Asim
He probably woke up before you because your body was acclimated to waking up at 5:30 am on the dot. He was about to go to sleep when he wanted to give you a kiss on the forehead. That’s when he realized that it was his body that was lying next to him and not yours.
He shook you awake and you seemed surprised to see yourself waking you up. It’s one of the few times where you’ve seen Kalim (who’s in your body) panic. After you calmed him down, you decided to catch a few more hours of sleep and tell Jamil once breakfast was served.
Speaking of, you always loved to help the Vice Housewarden in preparing food. So when he sees Kalim (you) marching into the kitchen, he drops the spoon he was holding. You took this chance to explain that you and Kalim had somehow switched bodies overnight. Good thing it was Winter Break and no classes were being held.
For the first day, it wasn’t all that bad. Kalim (in your body) are a lot more than he normally would because of your body’s appetite, and everyone saw a more responsible Kalim (you in his body). You both kept up the high energy, so no one suspected anything.
Overall, another 7/10. Kalim had a lot of strength being in your body, so he wreaked more havoc. Nothing was horribly damaged except for Jamil’s sanity. What’s worse is that Kalim found out about your inability to hear well and he decided that you should receive more assistance once you switch back.
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Vil Schoenheit
You both wake up at a very early time to get the day started. You took one look at each other and Vil screamed while you lunged at him. You thought some impostor had taken over your body when you looked in one of his mirrors. You got off of him and apologized. 
You realized that this was a matter that needed a plan, so you sat down. You could be cooperative when you needed to be. You would inform the teachers about the swap and then inform Rook about your predicament. 
The hunter had to admit that he did not see that coming. Rook stood there with his eyes widened and jaw dropped. You (Vil in your body) briefed him on the plan while you took to wobbling in the heels that Vil prided himself in being able to wear. As flexible as you were, you thought you would break an ankle.
For the first day, it was horrible for the both of you. You had informed the teachers of what happened, but it was still difficult. Vil loved performing skincare on his (your) face because you always struggled against him, but it stresses him out because you would threaten him by picking up some mud and holding it to your (his) face.
Overall, a 3/10 week. This was stressful for the both of you. Vil’s body was not used to wielding two nichirin blades, so you suffered some difficulty in training. Vil, however, enjoyed the flexibility your body offered and so he did a lot of yoga.
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Idia Shroud
When he wakes up for whatever reason at 5 am, he’s confused. Didn’t he go to sleep 2 hours ago? He decides to look over when he sees his own flaming hair… on his own body. He screamed because he realized that it was his body he was looking at and not yours. 
His screaming most definitely woke you up, and you panicked a bit because it was you that was screaming, or something that was inhabiting your body. You looked down and saw your boyfriend’s jacket. You also noticed your new hair. You calmed Idia (in your body), and told him the plan. You would tell the teachers and Ortho about your situation and go from there.
Ortho was shocked. His brother swapped bodies with you? How did this happen? Were you cursed? How long is this going to last? His reaction, although apparent, is very logical. He will go through the internet database to see if there is any solution for your predicament.
For the first day, it wasn’t too horrible. The teachers excused you from your classes since nothing too important was going on. You and Idia spent the day in his room. He taught you how to play a few video games and even though you were horrible, you still tried.
Overall, I would give it an 8/10. It was a pretty chill week. Even though you were in different years, your teachers allowed you to attend classes virtually. It was a very chill week, but it was still weird to cuddle with your boyfriend who was in your own body.
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Malleus Draconia
You both woke up at a very early time, but when you looked at each other to bid each other a good morning, both your eyes widened. It was most definitely an unforeseen surprise, but neither of you panicked over it. It was just a small inconvenience that could easily be worked around.
You both decided that it would be beneficial to tell the others as well as the professors. Lilia couldn’t help but giggle at how funny this whole thing was. Silver was shocked, but he didn’t mind addressing you both the opposite names of what he was used to. Sebek screamed and started to accuse you of cursing the Prince.
The teachers had dismissed you both from class for the day to get acclimated to this swap, so you both spent the most of it cloud gazing and planning for the upcoming few days. You see, your head was always up in the clouds, but when someone brought you back down you got angry. Malleus was very down-to-earth, but open-minded.
The first day was pretty chill. Lilia was helping the both of you try and find a solution to this problem, Silver spent the day sleeping like he always does, but Sebek was on-edge. He was used to always screaming at you to get your head out of the clouds, but now you were in Malleus’ body and he felt like he was being disrespectful to the young Lord.
Overall, 9/10. Even though you (in Malleus’ body) threw a rock at Ace for letting his mouth run, it was satisfying for the both of you. Lilia was rolling on the floor laughing while Sebek was telling you off. Malleus (in your body) defended you.
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joeydoeeyes · 4 months
Hi guurll, do you remember if joe in real life has the energy he has on photos or in real life he has more of a wow look, what i mean is what energy does he have in real life is it wow, or soft or scary or sexy or just chill and also are his hands soft lol anyway i just love fans talking about how he looks in real life couse i cant imagen him been tall idk why :D i image him like a short hobbit
omfg, i was absolutely HAMMERED™ meeting him so take all of this with a pinch of salt. i'm 5ft so everyone's tall to me 😭, the top of my head was underneath his chin???
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i'm a little bit shorter than grace so i was about his collar height???
but he's really broad, that's one thing i will say, he's more so just wide like that man is just wide and sturdy lmfao. he's very calm i remember, i was so ungodly drunk when i met him and rambling to no end and he was so nice/patient with my stupid ass 😭 hands i don't remember the texture???, they're warm though. i didn't hug him but he put his hand on my arm (his hands are MASSIVE tho, jesus christ 🫣)
that's all i really can think to add, one day i need to do a storytime on the sheer chaos that was me meeting him 😭😭😭
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takitafulily · 10 months
Hi, before I ask a question I just want to say that I love your "Misadventure of the MC's" story. It always lighten up my days (^v^).
And as for the question I want to ask. It was a random question but recently I am playing a Genshin Impact, and I can't help but wondering
if the MC's somehow got a vision, what kind will they get? And what reaction will they make if they each have one?
I can imagen the chaos that they will make 🤭
Aaaaaa my motivation is like a cat one moment it likes me the other it doesn't-
Oof, I'm not a genshin player, I like the character designs but I missed the hype so I just never caught up- so uh gimme a sec- *goes to Google* These are my personal interpretations but feel free to discussing what their visions would be in the comments!
Misadventures of the MCs #B7 (Bonus !!)
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WHB!MC - Cryo OB!MC - Hydro TWST!Yuu - Electro MM!MC - Pyro LTD!MC - Dendro
WHB!MC: So, uh, what, am I Elsa now?
LTD!MC: :0 Plant powers! I can decorate the office now with more green babies now!
TWST!Yuu: I've never met a bigger plant parent than LTD!MC...
OB!MC: So, uh, child, would you, perhaps, like to talk about it?-
TWST!Yuu: No, I get to go zap zap and that's it :D
MM!MC: Plant powers are cool and all but can someone explain to me why they thought giving me fire powers was a smart idea??????
OB!MC: Pffft, you think any of this was smart idea? It's a good idea and that's all it needs to be :D
TWST!Yuu: Hey OB!MC?
OB!MC: Mhm?
TWST!Yuu: What if we combine our powers? :D
WHB!MC: Oh no.
TWST!Yuu: I'm boreddddddddd There's nothing to use my powers on!
LTD!MC: *looking after their new plant babies* Go bully those friends of yours if you have so much free time
TWST!Yuu: I already did that and I'm never doing that again.
MM!MC: Why?
TWST!Yuu: You don't need to know the things I saw, trust me you don't want to...
OB!Levi: No I do! It's just...
LTD!MC: What's going on?
OB!Levi: No I do... It's just... it takes more than a hydro vision to play with Lotan...
LTD!MC: ...*sigh* MM!MC needs help. They set their apartment on fire. Again.
OB!MC: On it!
OB!Levi: *mouths* Thank you
OB!MC: I'll just play with Lotan when I get back!
OB!Levi: ...*facepalms*
Sitri: Solomon! Take cover! We're under attack from angels!
*Freezes all angels in their place*
Gehenna Devils: HOW ON-
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I can tell that if something new for Gravity Fall is in the works, Alex Hirsch would absolutely do the wildest promotion for it, whether be an ARG, whatever the Book of Bill event was or something else.
Like, imagen if this really large metropolis that is this website got flooded by water by the Dream Demon himself for a promotion for something new about G-falls. -
You wake up in your apartment to see the water trough the window. You get up to the roof of the complex to see what the fck is going on. You look around yourself -
There's already a full communal base on top of some buildings on the far left made by the Minecraft/Terraria users, @ranboolivesaysstuff and some of his friends like Racoon boy, Bee-goat, Crow father included. On the right there's a big ship sailing through the waters that's mainly full of monster truck pirates, mainly cause of the three main humans that are there, captain "Burn wheel" 's second in hand, the Mechanic, @flamy-789 - the third in command and some of the pirate users of here. Far in the distance there're lots of 4th wall entities, OCs and characters all over the roofs and in the sky. Pilots, wizards, bird people, pegisi, god-likes are flying everywhere. There are horrors beyond your comprehension chilling like it's not a big deal. On one group of roofs there are oversized hedgehogs sitting on them, with users like @weirdozjunkary, @taffydragondraws, @smallpwbbles with their au characters and right beside them the cast of Lego Monkie Kid are riding a Chinese Dragon. On another roof is the jsab gang, most likely where i and my homies the royal Cs are at, with @raisa-drawz 's @jsab-corruptedbond gang, the rest of the HOB trio - @deltaqi 's boi and @soulofzurvan 's boi @afrothunderxx96 's cast and such. On another one are the Team fortress 2 cast with Medic trying to save a wet inanimate object with @shinyzango and some Pokémon: strangled red characters watching it happen. Right beside their building is the one with the Bendy fandom on it, even some canceled aus are there with one being very recognizable. And to top it all off - in the far middle a fight between Perfect chaos and Shiny & Thunder is happening with AM on the side, enjoying the show. Oh, don't forget the people who are sailing their boats on the water below.
All I'm saying is that it would be chaos. And the funny Tumblr men such as @itsapmseymour would enjoy voicing it.
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sonicasura · 8 days
Yeah it is a good thing Tiny did not get Kafka while he was a kid. If that had happened the kaiju would quickly regret his choice no matter how good it would have been to get Kafka early.
Tiny will feel the worst chill and dread of his life when he realize just how special the Hibino family is, and the share amount trouble he is in thanks to the family and pack bond shared between all members.
Its bad enough to hurt one of them, is another when you do it to the youngest and most vulnerable of the pack.
Speaking of which, you can try and imagen what it would be like for the DF turing those 8 years they dealt with capturing the boy whenever he accidently transformed. Its going to freak them the fuck out when the realize that theres 7 kaijus (including Kafka and Proto) living around or near the city and theres nothing they can do about.
If Akari is unable to go get Kafka when the chase has been going for too long, one of her brothers would get him. And boy those that put a new twist for the poor officers who has to capture Kafka.
It is also not helped that all the brothers are bipedal in their kaiju forms. Making it easier for them to travle through the city regadless of their sizes then Akari would have given she's quadruped and her size.
And well, lets just that the Science Department are loosing their balls with all the data that is collected from the whole family. And any ideas regarding if they should capture Kafka after he's mom died are put on hold thanks to his uncles still being around.
The boys would infact transform when the rare flare up happened, to go get Kafka. Especially if it happens in a place where it is too dangerous for Kafka to be alone for long. Kafka unforunatly once transformed near one of the divison bases when he was 16, and believe me the chaos that caused was not pretty at all when the bases radars went bonkers of a kaiju on or too close to base.
Tiny's only saving grace is that they can't remove him from Kafka but there's definitely telepathic poking through the pack bond. All of them are threats that he better behave as he's now stuck with the clan. Luckily someone is there to help Kafka when his body freaks out like it did in the second episode/chapter.
The Defense Force definitely didn't have fun knowing they have a family of kaiju living so close to human civilization. Especially with a whelp that clearly has an awful wandering habit. Some are genuinely about how the fuck he even got into some of the places.
The only relief is that the older kaiju haven't attacked anyone and merely show up to retrieve the lost whelp.
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chessalein · 10 months
Another random thought about Jackie, Nori and the chaos crew
Please... please imagen the following. I'm dying of this thought.
Jackie, Nori and Mamá are standing in the kitchen and chat.
The chaos crew said they would cook today because of a reason I can't think of. Anyway, Jackie and Nori are cooking right now, making salat while Mamá stands around, sipping her coffee while music is running over the speaker that are scattered around the house. Its A mix of everyones music so there are a LOT of genre.
After a while, "Encanto" music starts playing and Mamá is like:
"Oh, that was the cute film with the people with the magic powers. I liked that wall guy. What was his name? Bruno."
Nori looking serious at her. Saying: We don't talk about bruno"
To activate the song, emotionless.
"We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no! We don't talk about Bruno... "
Jackie and Nori start to dance and lipsync to the song perfectly as Felix and Pepa. Singing their verses to Mamá who just stands there and shakes her head with a smile.
It was my wedding day It was our wedding day We were getting ready, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky No clouds allowed in the sky
Bruno walks in with a mischievous grin- Thunder! You telling this story, or am I? I'm sorry, mi vida, go on
Bruno says, "It looks like rain" Why did he tell us? In doing so, he floods my brain Abuela, get the umbrellas Married in a hurricane What a joyous day... but anyway
We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no! We don't talk about Bruno!"
"You two spent too much time together. Why don't you finally get to-"
From the back of the kitchen island appears Valerie out of thin air.
"Hey! Grew to live in fear of Bruno stuttering or stumbling I could always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling I associate him with the sound of falling sand, ch-ch-ch"
While doing so, she salts the food!
"It's a heavy lift, with a gift so humbling Always left Abuela and the family fumbling Grappling with prophecies they couldn't understand Do you understand?"
Now Mamá is like "What the heck" but still smiling while she watches Val doing her part.
But then Vincent comes in from the next room:
"A seven-foot frame Rats along his back When he calls your name It all fades to black Yeah, he sees your dreams And feasts on your screams"
Together they stand in front of Mamá now:
"We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no! (We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no!) We don't talk about Bruno"
While they do a random taking role with the fish and so on part, mama walks out. Declaring that she has no idea what she landed in.
Kerry stopping her as she wanted to go to the livingroom:
"He told me that the life of my dreams would be promised, and someday be mine He told me that my power would grow, like the grapes that thrive on the vine"
Valerie walking past them, reaching for something that isn't there:
"He told me that the man of my dreams would be just out of reach Betrothed to another It's like I hear him now"
Kerry now looking bitchi at Mamá: Hey sis', I want not a sound out of you!
(Val in the Background) it's like I can hear him now I can hear him now.
Now all of them are dancing around the table they are setting and bringing the ready food to while singing the last part together.
Mamá is sitting on the couch, watching them like:
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"I shouldn't have talked about Bruno..."
I was standing at the bus station when the song came on my phone and this scenario in my head. It was a BLAST.
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glazeflower · 1 year
So like what if
The brothers joined a unit in ensemble stars!
I mean... His voice and charm scream "We are UNDEAD!" (Yes I made a reference)
I can see him scolding Koga or Kaoru if they did something wrong
Him and Adonis are the parent figures
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Oh lord him and Rinnie are a mess
Absolute chaos
I can already see Mammon and Rinnie drunk sings Crazy Roulette
I have pitty for Niki, HIMERU and Kohaku
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Idk who to explain it he just has this vibe
Like he would love to be a super hero
I think his collour would be purple
Imagine him doing those super hero shows for kids
I can't come up with a reference here...
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Tbh Satan was pretty diffecult to think of
But ig
Alkaloid or Ring.A.Bell
I think he would be chill in both units
Tatsumi giving a big side eye to Satan because HE IS Satan
Tatsumi has holy water on hand
I think he would be a Ace
Spade, Heart, Clover, Daimond and Ace
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Getto Spectale or Puffy☆Bunney
Idk they both fit him for some reason
He would definitely slay both outfits of both units
Like the girlboss he is
Dancing one night fever moonlight disco☆~!
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Bro imagen him in that MV
I want Beel to interact with Kuro an Terora
Image him busting down that rap in the full version
Idk I want Beel to interact with that whole unit
*insert epic fighting scene*
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La Mort
He has that vibe
Ritsu and him are bestie there the same
Or with Kohaku
He would look suoer epic in that MV
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I'm so sorry that most of these were shuffle units instead of the standard units. Also I'm sorry that I post so many times about this topic. I hope you enjoy this tho :) thanks for reading!
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tutort-academy · 9 months
6 Trends You Can't Afford to Miss!
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Artificial Intelligence has come a long way since its inception, evolving into a powerful force that simulates human intelligence to perform complex tasks. Generative AI, in particular, focuses on generating new content through prompts, utilizing large datasets to analyze and create meaningful outputs. This technology has gained significant traction, with the introduction of breakthroughs like ChatGPT, which has captivated audiences worldwide.
As we delve into the future of AI, it's crucial to examine the trends that will shape generative AI and its impact on various sectors. Let's explore these trends, each showcasing the immense potential of generative AI.
1. Improved Natural Language Generation
NLG plays a vital role in various applications, such as virtual assistants, sentiment analysis, semantic search, and conversational AI. In 2023 and beyond, we can expect significant advancements in NLG technology, enabling virtual assistants to better understand unstructured data and semantic nuances. Startups like Y Meadows are already automating customer support by focusing on intent analysis rather than relying on predefined decision trees or keyword-based approaches.
2. Beyond Image Generation
Generative AI has already made significant strides in image generation, with models like DALL-E 2 and Imagen dominating the market. However, the future holds even more promise, as AI models will consider additional parameters, leading to the creation of photorealistic images and the ability to handle multiple concepts simultaneously. Startups like Alethea AI are leveraging generative AI models and blockchain technology to create interactive AI characters that can be traded as intelligent Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).
3. A To Z Video Production
Algorithmic creativity powered by generative AI is set to disrupt the video production industry. AI will play a pivotal role in producing virtual environments, special effects, character animations, and more, revolutionizing the way videos are created. Startups like Vidtext are already using text-to-video generation, eliminating the need for shoots, actors, or expensive equipment. These AI-generated videos can be customized in various languages and used for marketing or e-learning purposes.
Also read: How to upskill yourself in AI and future-proof your career.
4. Advancement in Scientific Research
One of the most exciting trends in generative AI is its application in scientific research. Large Language Models (LLMs) can generate novel hypotheses across multiple scientific disciplines and develop accurate data models for fields like astronomy, chemistry, drug discovery, and material science. Startups like Cervest are leveraging AI models to help the planet adapt to climate volatility, while Rahko uses AI for quantum discovery efforts in chemical simulation.
5. Speech Synthesis
Text-to-voice generation has already gained popularity, but in the coming months, we can expect advancements in multilingual and realistic speech synthesis. AI will enable character voices and provide materials like audiobooks, podcasts, and learning materials.
Murf Studio, for instance, offers lifelike AI voices with customizable tone, pitch, and style. Voice cloning is also predicted to become more sophisticated, adapting to complex instructions and incorporating emotional variations.
6. Autonomous Game Development
AI-assisted game development is poised to enhance the gaming experience by leveraging algorithms like Minimax and Machine Learning (ML). Self-learning AI will respond to real-time player feedback, changing how players interact with games.
Startups like RCT AI are using deep reinforcement learning in their AI engine, Chaos Box, to dynamically produce new plotlines and create immersive gaming experiences.
In conclusion, generative AI is poised to unlock the future of innovation across industries. Improved natural language generation, advancements in image and video production, scientific research, speech synthesis, game development, generative music, GANs, and enhanced cybersecurity are just a few of the trends that will shape the AI landscape. By embracing these trends while addressing ethical concerns, businesses and individuals can harness the power of generative AI to revolutionize their industries and create a brighter future for all.
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iatraining · 10 months
Cada prompt que escriba después de este texto asegúrate de seguir las siguientes pautas correctamente dandome dos estilos diferentes ,si entendiste solo responde ‘okey espero el prompt’ , las pautas son las siguientes :Use the --quality or --q Parameter
Add --quality <value> or --q <value> to the end of your prompt.No
--no Negative prompting, --no plants would try to remove plants from the imageLos estilos son configuraciones preempaquetadas de Midjourney que cambian la forma en que se expresan nuestras indicaciones en el lienzo. Cuando no especificamos un estilo, estamos usando el estilo de casa predeterminado de Midjourney. Si especificamos un estilo, estamos reemplazando el estilo de casa predeterminado con nuestra elección.
Las imágenes que parecen fotografías son el "estado bruto" de la producción de Midjourney, por lo que el nombre de este estilo podría darte una pista sobre sus efectos.
As with all styles, you can increase the influence of “--style raw” with the value of “--s N” (stylize) where the value of “N” can be between 0 and 1000. If you don’t specify --s (stylize) the value will be 100.
Estilos predeterminados de mitad de viaje
El estilo de la casa de Midjourney tiene una increíble inteligencia en torno a la estética. Parte de esa inteligencia está escondida en la caja negra del funcionamiento interno de Midjourney, por lo que no podemos verla, conocerla o configurarla nosotros mismos. Pero otros elementos de la inteligencia estética de Midjourney están abiertos para que los configuremos en forma de parámetros como:
el estilo (--style) nos permite elegir diferentes configuraciones de la caja negra.
stylize (--s) nos permite aumentar/disminuir la influencia del estilo que hemos elegido.
chaos (--c) añade un elemento aleatorio para que cada imagen de la cuadrícula sea diferente.
extraño (--w) añade un elemento aleatorio que aleja las imágenes de la cuadrícula de lo que sea que esté de moda.
Cuando usas "--style raw" en tu aviso, estás cargando una configuración que hace un poco menos de "trabajo de postproducción" por ti. Algunas personas lo llaman hacer que Midjourney sea "menos obstinado". El efecto es complejo, pero un resultado útil es que las instrucciones estéticas en su aviso pueden expresarse mejor.
⚠️ Be aware that using “--style raw” also means that if your prompt is missing aesthetic language, the output may be less visually appealing or coherent. To troubleshoot, you can experiment with decreasing or increasing the value of “--s” (stylize).
¿Cuándo usaría --style raw?
Si quieres que las frases estéticas que has creado sean una influencia principal, puedes explorar el uso --style raw.
an asymmetrical unknown illuminated letter shaped like an oak tree, gothic diagrammatic sketch on parchment paper --style raw
If you would like to see a less “post-processed” type of photograph, you might explore --style raw to reduce that post-processed look.
Copy code
a pride of lions rests in the shade of a tree, amateur snapshot photography --style raw
Do I have to use --style raw to create good Midjourney photographs?
No. Adding words like photographic, photograph, photography to the prompt is typically sufficient. Rawdoesn’t create photographs, it’s just useful when making photographs because it can reduce the “post-processing” look that some people find a little uncanny. As always, some prompts respond differently than others.
Puedes jugar con cómo Midjourney interpreta tu mensaje aplicando parámetros como estos: Parámetros: -chaos, -weird (–c, -w). ¡El caos (-c) y el extraño (-w) añaden diferentes tipos de variedad a las imágenes de la cuadrícula!
--chaos N
Chaos makes sure every image in the grid is randomly different from every other image. It’s only in play when you /imagine. You can’t add it later. The higher the value, the more dramatic the variety. Try --chaos N or --c N at the end of the prompt. Default value is zero. Values can be 0 - 100.🔹 El caos en v1-3 y test/testp añade desviaciones del padre. En v4/v5 añade desviaciones de las otras variaciones de la cuadrícula. 🔹 If you want fewer surprising styles/poses/models/details in your grid, lower --chaosor better yet prompt what you do want.
--weird N
Weird makes sure every image in the grid is different from the prevailing aesthetics found on the Midjourney Gallery. It’s only in play when you /imagine. You can’t add it later. The higher the value, the more the images will strive to be weird, offbeat, and original compared to other Midjourney images. Try --weird N or --w N at the end of the prompt. Default value is zero. Values can be 0 - 3000.
Si quieres que las frases estéticas que has creado sean una influencia principal, puedes explorar el uso de--style raw.
Copy code
an asymmetrical unknown illuminated letter shaped like an oak tree, gothic diagrammatic sketch on parchment paper --style raw
Sin todos los tratamientos estéticos del estilo de la casa predeterminado, y con la ayuda de "--style raw", podemos ver el tipo de salida en bruto de Midjourney, que es fotográfico. Esta es la razón por la que "--style raw" puede en algunos casos ser una buena manera de admitir las salidas fotográficas que creas con indicaciones que incluyen
photographed by,
el nombre de un fotógrafo,
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adizzyrandomking · 5 years
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You know those cute parent and child matching shirts... this is not one of them... at all.
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luthienne · 3 years
I’m sorry to bother you, your blog is lovely and perhaps you could help me (but if you can’t or don’t want to it’s perfectly fine!). I’m turning 30 today and I feel a little lost. Late stage capitalism is a cruel thing; I’m jobless and I feel so far away from my goals, and scared for the state of the world. Do you have poem or prose for someone in my situation? Thank you so much!
first of all: happy belated birthday <3 i think you might really enjoy reading rebecca solnit's hope in the dark and maya angelou's letter to my daughter <3
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Joanna Newsom, Esme
“And when you fail, and are defeated and in pain, and in the dark, then I hope you will remember that that darkness is your country, where you live, where no wars are fought and no wars are won, but where the future is. Our roots are in the dark; the earth is our country. Why did we look up for blessing – instead of around, and down? What hope we have lies there. Not in the sky full of orbiting spy-eyes and weaponry, but in the earth we have looked down upon. Not from above, but from below. Not in the light that blinds, but in the dark that nourishes, where human beings grow human souls.”
Ursula K. Le Guin, “A Left-Handed Commencement Address” (Mills College, 1983)
“…you feel that you are always in a state of waiting, expecting some event, not on the outside, but inside you, in your guts. it is a condition that could be called cloudiness. you do not know if you are in rain or in sunshine. and darkness no longer becomes darkness, but a climb toward the threshold of an internal light that is just about to glow. this is when it becomes possible to speak of the light of darkness as it would be possible to speak of the darkness of light.”
Adonis, from Selected Poems; “Candlelight” (tr. Khaled Mattawa)
“We talk so much of  light, please let me speak on behalf of  the good dark. Let us talk more of how dark the beginning of a day is.”
Maggie Smith, from “How Dark the Beginning”
"Hope locates itself in the premises that we don’t know what will happen and that in the spaciousness of uncertainty is room to act. When you recognize uncertainty, you recognize that you may be able to influence the outcomes—you alone or you in concert with a few dozen or several million others. Hope is an embrace of the unknown and the unknowable, an alternative to the certainty of both optimists and pessimists. Optimists think it will all be fine without our involvement; pessimists take the opposite position; both excuse themselves from acting. It’s the belief that what we do matters even though how and when it may matter, who and what it may impact, are not things we can know beforehand."
Rebecca Solnit, from her foreword to Hope in the Dark
more under cut:
"Accept the waiting, that you won’t always have a place in the chaos. Accept the closed door, the wall ever-higher, the little hurdle, the image that sticks out its tongue. Don’t climb backwards onto the shoulders of ghosts for it’s ridiculous to fall backwards with music in your soul."
Blanca Varela, from The Blinding Star; “Auvers-sur-Oise” (tr. Sara Daniele Rivera & Lisa Allen Ortiz)
[Original: Acepta la espera que no siempre hay lugar en el caos. Acepta la puerta cerrada, el mura cada vez más alto, el saltito, la imagen que te saca la lengua. No te trepes sobre los hombros de los fantasmas que es ridículo caerse de trasero with music in your soul.]
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Lucille Clifton, from The Book of Light; “Night Vision”
“What can we do? Wait for spring, even if a tentative one, to arrive.”
Etel Adnan, from Paris, When It’s Naked
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Rebecca Solnit, from Hope in the Dark
"The dehumanization resulting from an unjust order is not a cause for despair but for hope, leading to the incessant pursuit of the humanity denied by injustice. Hope, however, does not consist in crossing one’s arms and waiting. As long as I fight, I am moved by hope; and if I fight with hope, then I can wait. As the encounter of women and men seeking to be more fully human, dialogue cannot be carried on in a climate of hopelessness."
Paulo Freire, from Pedagogy of the Oppressed
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Rebecca Solnit, from Hope in the Dark
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Maya Angelou, from Letter to My Daughter
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Mahmoud Darwish, from Memory for Forgetfulness: August, Beirut, 1982 (tr. Ibrahim Muhawi)
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Adonis, excerpt of “The Banished,” in Selected Poems (tr. Khaled Mattawa)
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Gregory Orr, In an Interview with Krista Tippett
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Ross Gay, from The Book of Delights
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anonauthorsworkshop · 2 years
I can just imagen that mc got teleported to alagadda so many times and got used to it that every single time they teleport theyre like its time to party. They just party there since they cant in the foundaition and the lords are always seeing mc drinking rum or dancing and they try to get mc but mc somehow is gone because they probably sense the lord coming to get them and run away and it drives the ambassador crazy.-🎧
you all just want MC to cause chaos don't you
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bhaalspawn300 · 2 years
Okay I used my two braincells for this one. Rengoku with a reader who caught on to their umai thing. So now Rengoku and reader are saying it as they eat.
-lotus anon
omg no but can you imagine,,,,
- Rengoku taking you under his wing to train so slowly but surely you start to adopt some of his quirks and behaviour
- At first you'd be a little embarrassed at how he constantly praises the dish in front of him so loudly that the town over would hear
- It takes a while for you to grow comfortable with him to question why he express his gratitude so loudly but upon hearing the reason you heart can help but melt a little and soon enough you follow suit
Looking down to their bento before finally mustering the courage to speak Y/N let out a small breath before turning their gaze to the Flame hashira sat beside then
"Sir pardon my intrusion but may I ask why do you praise the food you eat so loudly?"
Hearing the flame Hashira let out a loud chuckle before returning his attention to the younger demon slayer "In our line of work you never know what meal will be your last so I saviour every meal like it is my last!" Giving them his usual wide smile before turning his attention back to his bento Y/N stared at him a bit shocked as his statment hit a bit too close to home meanwhile giving them a new perspective and outlook to simple means.
Letting out a small chuckle Y/N looked back to their own Bento begining to start eating from it "I suppose your right" after taking a bite of their food they gave a big smile to Rengoku
As they went back to eating Rengoku stared at this with a look of love and admiration before loudly chucking "That's the spirit!"
- now just imagen would it would be like with both of you in the one room with the other Hashira's,,,chaos
- honestly most of the Hashira's would groan and be like "oh god please not another one"
- But others would find it adorable and sweet!
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
So mama Rosehearts has been getting angst- and I’m working on some headcannons but I just a funny idea, imagen if you can go between twst and our world and tell Idia about Muskrat and Jerk beezos and their stupid d-ck Rockets. Like Idia can’t believe these normies. Comes with us one afternoon and shows off ortho like that will smith meme.
Like picture a new conference Where Idia is giving speech in person but via text
“While you low level Normie trial level bosses we’re busy being apart of toxic masculinity and capitalism- I made the true future of humanity. Ortho.”
I don’t think Idia is an incel- he’s just awkward, heavily traumatized, and autistic. Ortho’s in his new modified wish body and is just like so cute, there’s and audible “awww” in the crowd
Ortho: it’s very nice to meet you all!☺️ Thank you so much for coming! My big brother worked super hard to make this body so I can go to space! Do you guys want anything from mars?😊😊”
Someone might say like “that rover that got stuck?” I can’t remember it’s name it was a few years ago? Like 2016?? We all cried about if for like a week?
Ortho says okay he can do it! blasts off thirty seconds later he comes back with it. Everyone in TWST is freaking out cause Holly shitt you just admitted ortho’s extantance to Yuu’s entire world world why?!?
Yuu is freaking out cause “you said you’d just make a meme!”
“I did. Of them.”
Idia lowkey wants chaos. He'll be so amused by all the reactions to seeing Ortho doing his thing. He'd also be amused/ in shocked how behind our world is compared to twst in terms of tech. stuff like their motorcycle alone are something out of Tron. Idia is going to have so much fun.
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