#cass is 36 so yeah
oifaaa · 1 year
Oooh does Cass in the Babybat AU comic have grey hair already? Or is that a hairclip or something?
She's a tad too young to be going grey just yet but it is a white streak of hair she got thrown in the lazarus pit again and this time she got the white hair treatment
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sokoneedsagun · 2 months
Hello tumblr I just want to give my personal headcannon’s on the batfam age’s since DC refuses to let anyone age (also like I said, this is a headcannon if you disagree that’s fine, it might not all be cannon complicit, if you have a differing opinion feel free to put it in the comments nicely, or in the tags)
Bruce- I don’t really think there’s any way that Bruce isn’t at least in his mid 40’s, especially with Dick being in his mid 20’s, really I’ve always seen him as 44-46
Selina- To be completely honestly I’ve always found the like 5+ year age gaps between Bruce and Selina kind of weird, I get that it matters less when you get to like your 40’s but still, so I think she would be around 42 or 43
Kate- Kate for those of you who don’t know is batwoman and Bruce’s younger cousin, I think she would be in her mid-late 30’s, specifically around 36
Barbara- I think Barbara and Dick would have like a 1 year age gap and when they were kids she would always lord it over him, and I think she’s like 25
Dick- pretty cannon complicit, I think Dick is around 24
Jason- Jason would be 20, a few years younger then Dick because when dick was 18 Jason was robin, he died at 15 so I think around a 4 year age gap makes sense for them
Cass- Similar age to Jason but I think again a small age difference, I’ve always seen Cass as somewhere around 19
Tim and Stephanie- I think Tim and Steph are the same age, both 17 which is again pretty cannon complicit (but also dc for the love of god let Tim get older)
Duke- Duke I see as around 15-16, he’s still in school, he’s obviously younger then Tim so I think anywhere around there works well
Damian- For Damian I think anywhere between like 10-13 would make sense, I know lots of fics tend to make him on the younger side and I can see why, but honestly I never really see him as much older then like barely a teenager if that
Helena- No one ever includes her so I will, but at most from the comics I’ve read of her in them she can’t be older then 2 or so, maybe younger depends on where in the timeline you choose, but yeah honestly when I think of her I always see her as 2 or younger (also in case you don’t know, Helena Wayne is Bruce and Selina’s daughter)
(I couldn’t decide if I wanted to add Harper (Row) but if I did I would say she’s probably like 17 turning 18)
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misspickman · 1 year
hi moss feel free to ignore this but i would love to hear about some kon moments in canon that you really love and appreciate !
oh you absolutely will hear about them. in no particular order but starting with my two fav nerd moments from superboy #66 and young justice #8
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hes great in all of return of superman but this bit is stuck in my brain.. geoffs 'kon was selfish and had to be taught how to care about others' my ass
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first meeting with match from superboy #36!! its so important to me how despite everything kon refuses to see match as anything less than a person and family
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this bit in superboy #69 where kon visits hawaii again and runs into hillary made me so sad there are many issues with this solo but it hits
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ok ive read some very stupid takes on this moment but kon catching cissies arrow in yj #15 was a wonderful moment for their friendship, especially because he offers it back if she wants to actually take the shot + theyre also great in the next issue hes so worried about her,, theyre besties,, listen,,
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not going deeper into why this bit from eradicator #3 is so good bc theres already a great post about it but yeah,, you know
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NOW its time for my 'cass and kon got along well and we should acknowledge that more' agenda ok no not in a romantic sense but in a very 'two lonely teens who are too focused on the mission that has been their entire life to have a healthy private life' way. they should hang out again i think. also these issues are just very sweet and fun
first from superboy #85 bc this whole thing ruled
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and from batgirl #41 where they experience some baby comphet4comphet and decide to just stay friends
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some bits from superboy #88 where hes taking care of baby guardian bc its cute and funny
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also not a specific moment but kon and ma's relationship is very dear to me, there are many things i didnt enjoy re what dc did with kon in 2000s but having him live with the kents and get comfortable in smallville enough to call it home was a good one 10/10
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truffle-draws-turtles · 2 months
1.) What was your first exposure to TMNT?
26.) What is one of your favorite pieces of TMNT fan art?
31.) What is one piece of TMNT canon that you dislike/ignore?
33.) What is your favorite thing you've made for TMNT?
36.) Which character do you have the hardest time writing/drawing?
Wow, gornack. Fastest worldeater around! 🫵
Okay. So, let's do this thing
1) first exposure
the 90th cartoon series :3
Footage of little demon me ⏬
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26) fav fanart (rottmnt)
Oooooof! You want me to choose? Very cruel of you, very cruel!
Honestly, I would say it's "cass apocalyptic series'. I laughed and suffered. A lot.
On top of that the artstyle of Cass gave me hope for my own artistic journey - I was just started drawing and since the beginning my style was very sketchy.
So my heart is with this series on multipile levels.
31) ignore the canon (rottmnt)
Short and sweet: the somehow canon legend that the rise boys are small. Long time ago there was a (Twitter?) post with their high chart. And it was ridiculous - after this "yeah the turtles are around 5" tall" comparison EVERYONE in the series would be hilariusly small.
But how things are in the web, the post was shared a lot, peeps didn't enabled their brains and yeah. :D
33) fav own thing I've made (rottmnt)
Holy fuck. You're brutal today! Okay. Hm
As a writer, I think my first fanfiction has always a special place in my heart. It was the first fanart I ever created.
As an artist:
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If you want me to choose (and I now you want. Very sadistic), take a look at my header ;)
36) hardest to draw/write (tmnt)
The bayverse dudes. Take so much time! Torture for my impatient ass.
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babblingbookends · 5 months
Routine Danger
Cass, bloodied, slumped into the booth opposite from Tim.
"Rough night?" he asked, shuffling his files around so she had room to rest her arms on the table. Her bare arms, because apparently she'd put her suit through a shredder before she put it on.
She shrugged with one shoulder. "Eh. Pretty rough. I need a nap."
"Sorry, they don't sell those here," Tim said sympathetically. He was on hour 36 of no sleep and it was not agreeing with him. It would be at least another hour before he was at a good stopping place, but until then...
"Waitress should be bringing pancakes, if you want some."
She perked up at that. "Sausage too?"
"I got bacon but we can get sausage, too."
"Great," she said, "But get your own order because I'm not sharing."
"Uh-huh. Where's your wallet?"
She shrugged.
He rolled his eyes. "Sure Cass, I'll buy you breakfast, no need to ask nicely or anything."
She poked his arm in a short, sharp jab. "Thanks."
"Anytime. You might want to go get cleaned up though, you kind of look like sausage meat yourself."
She looked down at herself with a mild look of surprise. "Oh."
"Yeah, oh. What were you even doing?"
She slid out of the booth. "I got dragged by a car. Be right back," and she walked off towards the bathroom, the faintest hint of a limp in her gait.
Jeez. Her and Bruce were so alike it was scary. Got dragged by a car like that was a normal occurrence.
Well, maybe for them it was.
The waitress came over with his pancakes. "Need anything else?" she asked, way too cheerful for 2am.
"Another order of pancakes, and two orders of sausage," he asked.
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thedawningofthehour · 2 months
Oh, ok. Pax officially became my second most hated character after Draxum. I don't care what excuses he has now, what kind of trauma he has, when this is over that man deserves to go to jail.
I guess it's a good thing he didn't show up much. It's one thing if Draxum simply lied to him saying Donnie went willingly, but he knew all along that it was against his will!!!? That it was all for 'his own good!', plus, Draxum actually promised him that he would try to convince his brothers!? Come on! Draxum almost killed Leo more than once! What would have been his response if Draxum had killed Leo in the roof chapter! A message to Mikey with a 'sorry about your other brother!?'
Cass is similar to Pax in some ways, but the difference is that she is a teenager and Pax is a grown adult! So sorry if I'm not as sympathetic to him!!!! I really hope Pax gets consequences.
Whew, sorry if I got a little intense for an oc, but I guess that's what happens when you tend to get too involved with a fic. Once again, good job.
(friendly reminder to everyone that Pax and Bella are meant to illustrate the paradox of tolerance and their very names lampoon that)
But also with Pax-yes, he is an adult, he's roughly 35-36, but this is still really young for Yokai. Their legal age of majority is 20, but they're basically like 18/19-year-olds in our world where they're still very much considered teenagers despite being legal adults. Even Bella is still considered a very young adult-50 or so is when they start being seen as real adults, and some will consider everyone under a century a YA. Tigerclaw is roughly 200 years old and he's seen as someone in their 30s would be in our world.
And Bella was raised mostly as a human and definitely feels more in line with her human age than the Yokai perception of her age, but Pax did NOT. He was 7-8 when his parents died and they died violently, at the hands of humans who hated them for what they are. He was in human school for like three years, and from then on he was raised by his uncle. In the Hidden City, as a Yokai, and for much of that time he was homeschooled and getting the full brunt of Draxum's insanity. Drax was more mild at this point, he didn't really start ratcheting it up until his nest was empty and he had nothing left to do but stew on what happened, but he was still afraid. And again, Pax was a kid who was just orphaned, had his house burned down, and narrowly escaped being murdered himself. He was already scared of humans, and Draxum just kept fearmongering until they were both completely terrified.
So Pax's reasonings for going along with his uncle's bullshit are very in line with Draxum's own excuses. He thinks Donnie would have died anyway. Yeah, he doesn't like it, but things will be better once Draxum enacts some of his plans. He doesn't hate humans. He's not thrilled, but the conflict was going to happen anyway. At least this way he can advocate for harm reduction.
I know you're not American, but I remember having to write an essay in college on the Birmingham campaign, where civil rights activists encouraged students and children as young as eight to march in protest of segregation. This resulted in the Birmingham jail being filled, mostly with kids, at which point the police used fire hoses and dogs against the remaining protestors.
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These pictures brought national attention to the issue and the brutality that these people faced, but it also, understandably, attracted a lot of criticism for the usage of children in what many people knew would likely become a violent protest. I believe this was an essay question to a test, so I don't have it backed up anywhere, but the question was basically if we thought the decision was condemnable or not. And the thing is, you can't excuse putting kids in harm's way. You can't. It's just a horrible thing, period.
...But how many of those kids would be brutalized by the police as adults? How many would have their lives and opportunity strangled by discrimination? How many would die young and have their killings brushed off, labeled as 'thugs' and 'no angel' now that they weren't cute photogenic kids, and having every excuse trotted out to defend their killers from justice? Tomorrow their suffering would earn no sympathy. Didn't the guys leading this protest (which included MLK) owe it to these kids to get results? To ensure the world they'd inherit was better than what they had now? To not let their suffering be in vain? They needed national attention and sympathy, and if this was the only way to get it-well, don't they have a duty to do it?
I guess I didn't really answer the question, since I couldn't say whether it was right or wrong. I said that when a situation is unfair, you can't expect the persecuted party to climb out of it fairly. It's been set up to make that impossible. There is no right when your conflict is so intensely wrong.
Anyway, I don't remember what I got on that test.
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Okayokayokay i’m gonna keep this quick because like. Man. man i dont even KNOW what this was just fucking read it man it was WEIRD
Uhhhh okay so this was a transcript of a dream that I, um. Alexander. Had like last night. For a long time i dunno. It’s in third person
[Transcript begin. Or something.]
[I. shit I mean Alexander. Fuck whoops.]
[Alexander opens his eyes at the edge of an empty parking lot, it’s night, he’s alone. He knows how things like this usually go. He readies himself for an attack of some sort.]
?: [Directly next to him.] Buddy, chill. 
[He jumps at the voice, turning to make eye contact with the GHOST THAT WAS FOLLOWING MARI. He showed me– ALEXANDER. A nametag. It had the letter E on it, confirming what he already thought.]
Al: You’re that ghost I saw! With Mari! What do you want?
E: This won’t take long, I just want to talk for a second, introduce myself. You know. 
Al: Oh. That’s… weird, okay.
E: Mhm, I heard about you from Jeremy a while back. Alexander, correct?
Al: I hope so lol.
[A very long silence.]
E: Did you just say “LOL” out loud?
Al: Erm… yeah. Whoops.
E: Moving on. Seeing ghosts, huh?
Al: Yeah.
E: You… gonna say anything about it?
Al: Is there more to say? 
E: Well, yeah. How clearly can you see us, first of all.
Al: Clear as day.
E: Anything else?
Al: Nope.
E: I’ll… leave you alone about it then. How are you?
Al: Uhhhhh… man, come on. You can’t just bust out the hard questions this soon.
E: Hard questions? I just–
[The plants near the edge of the parking lot rustle, causing both Alexander and E to jump backwards.]
E: The fuck…? I didn’t do that.
Al: Well, I didn’t either, obviously. So…
[E steps in front of Alexander, getting between him and the rapidly approaching mystery person. Alexander backs up, trying to get a better view. Someone blond, Cassius, stumbles out.]
C: [Picking sticks out of his hair.] Jesus, Alex! Did you do all of this? Also! It’s been days, and we’ve heard nothing from you! Someone said you were screaming at Hana?
[Alexander stares at Cassius, now remembering why E looked familiar when he first saw him. It was all piecing together now.]
[E reaches out, Cassius STILL doesn’t notice him.]
C: I mean, honestly! Why a parking lot? And why did I get in here in the middle of fucking nowhere? We’ve been worried, Alex. What the fuck.
E: … Cass…?
[Cassius freezes, and slowly turns to E. Eyes wide, his mouth half open.]
C: You…
[He takes a few cautious steps towards E, who does the same. They meet in the middle, staring at each other. It looks like they’re about to kiss or something. Alex can only see Cassius’ face, so he moves to the side to view the scene from an angle.]
[Cassius takes a very, very long pause.]
E: I–
[Cassius raises his right hand and slaps E. E’s head snaps to the right and stays there, his hand making its way up to where Cassius’ hand connected.]
C: [Through tears.] Where the fuck have you been, Edgar. 
E: [Slowly turning his head back.] Where I’ve been for the past 36 years, that damn restaurant. I’m sorry.
[The two hug, Alexander stands off to the side smiling awkwardly. E and Cassius mutter things to each other out of earshot.]
E: So… that’s where you’ve been hiding out? (I think thats what he said I kinda forgot)
C: Mhm. 
E: Well, I’ll… see you then. Have a proper reunion.
[Cassius nods, and looks over at Alexander. He waves, and vanishes. Alongside E.]
[Alexander jolts awake.]
Al: … man what the fuck was that.
[Transcript end.]
Hopefully i did this right lol it’s my first time
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madame-mongoose · 2 years
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i mean honestly if you existed solely in the fantasy i have of toxic girl lovers who hate each other with zeki and cass then yeah go for it
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@erikakensuke this request spoke to my very soul
2,971 notes - Posted August 11, 2022
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Okay here's the official color and design ref for Sun n Moon in Our Orbit is Elliptical!!!
3,587 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
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ignore that im calling myself out rn
4,053 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
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Got the idea for a theme park au so!!! Here it is :D
Sun and Moon are the featured characters in the Superstar Square, an area targeted to kids 3 and up!! The square is split into two sections, Moon's on the left and Sun's on the right!! Moon themed rides are targeted to older kids (ages 6-10) with his featured ride being an inverted family coaster. Sun themed rides are targeted towards younger kids (ages 3+) and his featured attraction is a massive indoor play area/funhouse!!
They both tour their respective areas, acting as mascots to greet children and take pictures!! While Sun actively engages with anyone who will have him, Moon prefers to stick to the shadows. Only those really looking can find him.
4,378 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hi if you're here looking at the original post, know this is about her not your dream smp minecraft white boys or whatever it's about HER
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35,891 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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blueeyedheizer · 2 years
aaaaa congrats on 1.6k!! could you do prompts #31 and #36 for cassie x reader?
#31 "she’s everything i ever wanted, but i don’t want to risk losing her as a friend."
#36 "i heard what you said...no one's ever talked about me that way before.."
the second half of this is so fucking bad im so sorry omg
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"No, you just... you don't get it Kat." you sighed as you closed your locker, leaning your head against it. You were getting tired of explaining the many reasons why a relationship would never work between you and Cassie. "For the hundredth time, Cassie is not into girls."
"You don't know that." Kat argued.
"My God, just—" you groaned. "Look, I know Cassie, okay? All she does is talk about boys and how handsome they are and how she can't wait to meet the one for her. Cassie Howard. is. not. into. girls." you whisper-yelled those last words, but not without checking your surroundings beforehand to make sure no one could hear.
"You really like her don't you?" Kat smirked.
"She drives me fucking crazy, Kat. I get literal butterflies in my stomach when she walks by. She's so kind, and sweet. She always listens when I need someone to talk to. She's the best friend anyone could ask for. And don't even get me started on how beautiful she is. She's just—ugh," you groaned, shaking your head when realizing your were rambling. You apologized quietly, to which Kat only smiled.
"Look.....why don't you just talk to her? Just try and flirt with her and see how it goes. Maybe ask Maddy if she knows anything." Kat suggested, shrugging.
"No, I can't— I can't let her know. She’s everything I ever wanted, but i don’t want to risk losing her as a friend. I don't think I could handle that."
Kat sighed and gave you a sympathetic smile, letting a comfortable silence settle between the two of you.
“Are you coming to Maddy's birthday party tonight?" she eventually asked.
"Yeah. Duh." you chuckled.
"Well, you know Cassie will be there too. I think you should tell her. The longer you wait, the harder it'll become."
"Nah, just—" you shook your head, closing your eyes. "Forget it, Kat. Really. It's not worth it."
The evening came quicker than you expected and before you knew it found yourself standing on the porch of Maddy's house, tugging on your dress as you waited for her to open the door.
But to your surprise, it wasn't Maddy who welcomed you inside. It was Cassie. You almost chocked on your saliva at the sight of her; she was wearing the absolute hottest pink swimsuit, her damp hair clinging to her bare shoulders.
"Hey Y/N/N." she beamed and immediately pulled you into a hug, which you gladly reciprocated.
"Hi Cass."
She let you in and you began to greet everyone, giving Maddy an extra long hug and wishing her a happy birthday when you spotted her inside the kitchen as she prepared the drinks with Kat and a few other guests — which you assumed were friends of her friends.
"Y/N?" a familiar voice sounded from behind you, catching your attention. You turned around to be met with Cassie, who had a shy smile on her lips. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"
You nodded and turned to Kat, who simply winked your way as you followed Cassie upstairs.
You could tell Cassie was nervous as she sat down on Maddy's bed, her clammy hands rubbing up and down along her bare thighs.
"What is it, Cass?" you wondered, taking a seat next to her. You took a better look at her and frowned. Her eyes looked puffy and she was sweating, which you hadn't noticed until now. Was she...was she drunk already?
"I just... I just wanted to say.." she stammered, taking a deep breath. "I heard what you said today, at school...no one's ever talked about me that way before.."she finally admitted, turning her head to face you.
You were speechless, to say the least. Your jaw hung open for a moment, all while you racked your brain to try and find the right words, unsuccessfully. Seeing you weren't responding, Cassie continued. "I'm not... I'm not just into boys. I think. All I know is, I'm into you and I really, really want to kiss you right now, Y/N."
Holy shit.
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dayenurose · 2 years
Writer’s Month Prompts (written for @writersmonth )
Day 26 - Tim(e) Travel (Tim Drake)
“Hello,” Tim mumbled into the phone. He wasn’t certain what time it was, but the sun sneaking its way past the edges of the blackout curtains told him it was well into the morning.
“Good morning, Master Timothy. I apologize for waking you.” For his part, Alfred did sound genuinely contrite.
“That’s all right, I needed to get up anyways.” Tim rubbed at his eyes until he could make out a bleary 9:36 am on his alarm clock. He really hadn’t meant to sleep this long. As always, he had too much to accomplish today and really couldn’t afford to waste time on non-productive activities like sleep. And now, with Alfred calling, that didn’t bode well for his plans. “What can I do for you?”
“Your presence is require at the Manor. Immediately, if at all possible.” While Alfred remained impeccably calm, there was a note in his voice which made Tim’s heart beat faster.
Still half tangled in his bedding, Tim tumbled out of bed and more or less onto his feet. In a whirlwind almost worthy of Impulse, Tim gathered pieces of clean clothing, throwing them on with little care if they matched or not. Through it all he managed to keep the phone wedged between his ear and shoulder. “What’s wrong? Is someone hurt? Bruce?”
“No one is injured,” Alfred said in a reassuring manner that was far from assuring. “Although, the matter is one better explained in person rather than over the telephone.”
“Okay, I’ll be over as soon as possible.” Tim grabbed his jacket and helmet as he hurried out the door without pausing to grab his coffee. If Alfred said the information needed to be relayed in person, then in person it would be. Besides, he knew where Alfred kept the good coffee.
“Thank you.” Alfred sounded relieved as the call disconnected and Tim was on his motorcycle.
Leaving his bike in front of the Manor, Tim vaulted up the front steps and through the door.
“Alfred!” He called as half dashed, half hopped through the foyer as he struggled to yank off his shoes and left them abandoned in the middle of the floor.
When Alfred didn’t immediately respond, Tim changed directions and made a beeline for Bruce’s office. No one was there. The media room and library appeared to be just as abandoned.
For a moment Tim contemplated descending to the Batcave, but Alfred had said Manor, not Cave. So, this was unlikely a Mask problem.
Well, Alfred was the one who summoned him, not Bruce, so he should try looking in Alfred places. (Maybe he should have stopped for that coffee after all.)
In stocking feet, Tim skidded across the dining room floor. He caught the door frame to the kitchen and brought himself to a sudden stop. The only thing more jarring than the stop, was the sight waiting for him in the kitchen. Speechless, all Tim could do for the moment was observe.
Sitting on one of the tall chairs along the counter was a small boy with a shock of black hair. (And, presumably blue eyes, though he had his back to Tim, so it was impossible to tell.) The boy’s legs, too short to rest on the stretcher, swung back and forth, hitting the cabinet in an arrhythmic pattern. He tucked into a bowl of Dick’s favorite cereal. At his elbow, there was a mug of probably not coffee in Tim’s favorite mug. Other than the boy, there was no sign of anybody else in the kitchen.
There really appeared to be only one conclusion left to make. Bruce had adopted another child. Another blue eyed, black haired orphan. Someone really ought to talk to Bruce about this. So, yeah, the kid probably needed an introduction to the family.
No one with any sense would ask Jason or Damian to be the first brother for him to meet. And, Alfred had plenty of the lion’s share of sense in this family, so he definitely hadn’t done that. It took most people a while to understand Cass. Based on your body language, she would either warm right up to you or prowl around the edge of your awareness until she decided if you could be trusted or not. Again, probably not the best introduction to your new siblings, especially if you weren’t prepared. Dick really was the best choice for the job. He was great with kids. Even demon brats like Damian.
Tim pulled his phone out of his pocket, fingers hovering over the screen to dial.
But, Dick and Babs were on their honeymoon. Bruce left strict instructions to leave the couple alone for the duration of their trip. Despite the stricture that anything short of death or the end of the world should be managed by the active Bat and Birds of Gotham, Dick and Babs had already foiled an attempted coup, taken down three crime lords, and returned the stolen data from a particularly hostile and persistent ransomware scheme. (Although, Tim was pretty certain that Babs was solely responsible for the last one since the cape had been wholly digital.)
Resisting the urge to sigh, Tim slipped his phone back in his pocket. As much as Tim wanted to dump this whole situation in Dick’s lap, Bruce taking in another child was definitely short of the end of the world or death. Unless, of course, Damian decided to be offended. No, Alfred made the logical decision when he called Tim. He was the best choice to welcome this new brother.
“Hey,”—The boy stopped swinging his feet. Stretching his feet, his toes just barely brushed against the stretcher. He turned halfway, giving Tim a view of his profile. Bright blue eyes sparked in the boy’s intelligent face.—“are you done lurking in the doorway, or do I need to ask Alfred to invite you in?”
Tim swallowed. Of all Bruce’s strays, only Damian had ever presumed such familiarity immediately when brought into the family. He really couldn’t bear to go through all that again. Not when his own adoption felt so tenuous.
“Patience,” Alfred chided lightly.
He crossed the kitchen and handed Tim a mug of coffee. The good coffee. Oh, shit. This was going to be bad news.
“Come in, my boy, have a seat. We have things to discuss.” Already leading the way back into the kitchen, Alfred placed the coffee pot on the counter at Tim’s customary spot.
Damn. The hard sell. With less hesitation than he was willing to admit, Tim followed the draw of the coffee and took his seat. He wrapped his hands around his second favorite mug and inhaled the life giving aroma. Maybe after he managed to consume at least half of this he could hear the bad news without  a break down.
The boy watched Tim closely. His unnerving stare sent a shiver down Tim’s spine. There was something too familiar about this boy. Tim doubled down and took a long, slow sip of his coffee. He wasn’t about to be defeated by a boy about half his age win.
With both boys seated and staring at him expectantly, Alfred braced his arms against the counter and took a deep breath. “Master Timothy—“
“Yes?” Both Tim and the boy answered in unison.
Silence settled over both boys as they studied the strangely familiar visage sitting opposite the other. The same blue eyes. The same slope of the nose. The same shock of black hair. After a long moment of just staring at each other, the truth crashed over them like a wave.
A look of horror dawn across Tim’s face. That is, Old Tim— No. He refused to go by Old Tim, even in the privacy of his own mind. Present Tim? Not ideal, but it was better.
A look of horror dawned across Present Tim’s face. Bruce hadn’t adopted a new kid. As bad as that was in Tim’s experience, this was worse. They were dealing with time travel.
“What? How is this even possible?” Tim stammered. Apparently his coffee addiction was finally getting the better of him like everyone had warned. “I don’t remember time traveling when I was six…”
“I’m ten.” Tiny Tim— (No, strike that. Tim winced at the nomenclature. There had to be something better.) Past Tim (better-ish) protested. His eyes blazed with the same fiery indignation Tim felt whenever someone dismissed him because he was too young or too small.
Still, had Tim truly been that small? And only two years (well, two—two and a half—what’s the difference) from confronting Batman. “Okay, fine, ten. I still don’t remember time traveling at ten.”
“Well, I’m here.” As if to prove the point, Past Tim scooped up a large spoonful of cereal and stuck it in his mouth.
In the temporary silence, Alfred resumed his interrupted explanation. “Young Master Timothy showed up nearly at the Manor at a quarter past three this morning. He’d walked in from town.” Alfred massaged his temples, pained at the very thought of a child no matter how small or young, venturing across Gotham alone. “He was nearly asleep on his feet. I was not about to turn the child away at that time of night. This morning, upon waking, he informed me that he is Timothy Drake.”
“I’m right here.” Past Tim nearly knocked his mug off the counter with his elbow.
Thanks to his Robin trained reflexes, Present Tim caught the mug before it skittered over the edge. It was his favorite mug after all. His young doppelgänger watched with wide eyed wonder and breathed out a whispered, “Wow. How’d you do that?”
Tim had forgotten how easily impressed he could be. And, that his younger self probably didn’t know he grew up to be Robin. It wasn’t something Tim had inspired to while he chased after Batman and Robin. To Timmy—(ah, that was better). To Timmy, Jason was Robin. How could he dream of Jason’s gruesome fate and the inexorable change it wrought on Bruce? How his own life would change in a few short years? All the loss…the loss…the loss….
The all too familiar rising swell of panic bloomed in Tim’s chest. He needed to get away. Get away from all the eyes, the expectations. From the past. Just on the edge of breathing too hard, Tim pushed away from the counter and stalked out of the kitchen. He could feel the gaze of his younger self boring into his back, the unasked questions screaming loudly in his ears, as he hurried away to the privacy of his room.
“Give him space, lad,” he heard Alfred advise his other self. He wished Alfred would have done the same for him.
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nightingaelic · 3 years
Companions reaction to the Courier just casually having 36 gold bars from the Sierra Madre Casino?
"Yep, that's pretty much it." The courier gestured at the Lucky 38's empty cocktail lounge. "You've already seen the penthouse, and this is the last floor before that one, so that kind of concludes the tour. Make yourself at home, and all that."
They snapped their fingers, but whatever Securitron they appeared to be trying to summon was apparently not within earshot. With a sigh, the courier headed over to the bar themselves. "I thought I told them I wanted this place staffed, as long as I was home. I don't fucking remember how to mix a cosmopolitan... ah, whatever."
Their companion drifted over as well, watching while the courier crouched down to retrieve a clean martini glass and a few bottles of liquor. The Mojave's most- or least, depending on who you asked- fortunate individual then turned to the miniature refrigerators that were concealed under the counter, opening one to a collection of fresh desert fruits and one to a variety of cold sodas before yanking open a cooler completely filled with gold bars.
"Oh, whoops," the courier said in a casual tone, swinging the door shut again. "Wrong fridge. Forgot those were up here, actually."
Arcade Gannon: "Oh, sure," Arcade said, nodding as he slid onto a bar stool. "Yeah, I know I have a habit of leaving gold bars lying around my tent at the Old Mormon Fort. I'm just tripping over the things, it's a huge hassle."
"Mmm-hmm," the courier agreed vaguely. They were still perusing the liquor cabinet's contents and clearly weren't listening.
"Hmm? What?"
Arcade leaned over the bar. "Why do you have GOLD BARS in your goddamn refrigerator?!?"
"Oh." The courier waved the question off. "Got kidnapped, wound up at the Sierra Madre, ran a heist. Long story."
"Then make me one, too," Arcade demanded, indicating the martini glass. "For that much gold, I've got the time."
Craig Boone: Boone eyed the fridge with misgiving. "How'd you get that much gold up here? It's got to weigh..."
"Almost 1,300 pounds, yeah," the courier agreed, flashing him a grin. "Same way I usually get my drinks up here. Securitrons."
"Right." Boone shot a suspicious glance toward the elevator, back the way they had come. "Why?"
"Collateral." The courier stood up and plunked a bottle of tarberry juice on the bar, next to the vodka and unidentifiable liqueur. "Currency. Hard asset backing, conversation starter, you name it. Gold is just useful to have, even if I don't need it that often."
"When was the last time you used it?"
"Ah." The courier began pouring vodka into the martini glass. "You heard about the Kings' gripes with the NCR moving into Freeside? Well, I've got 36 of those babies up here in my fridge. The King has number 37, and I hear the two groups have been getting along much more smoothly since I parted with it."
Lily Bowen: "You should hide your valuables somewhere safer than the refrigerator, dearie," Lily suggested, squeezing onto a barstool. The stool groaned dangerously, but it held her weight.
"We're on the top floor, Lily," the courier replied, unearthing the bottle they were looking for. "Well, second from the top. With a whole squad of Securitrons between here and the ground, and no chance of anyone just wandering in and raiding my liquor cabinet."
"What about that nice lady with the caravan?" Lily said. "Oh, what was her name... Rosie! She does like her drink. A little too much, if you ask Grandma."
The courier chuckled and uncorked the tarberry juice. "I'll be sure to tell Cass that you disapprove of her lifestyle, next time I see her. Don't worry about the gold, Lily, no one knows it's up here but you and me."
"If you say so." Lily smiled. "Make Grandma's drink a virgin, pumpkin. She's watching her weight."
Raul Alfonso Tejada: "Espera un minuto, Six," Raul said crossly as the fridge slammed closed. "I was looking at those."
"Well look, but don't touch," the courier replied, moving to open the door again.
Raul leaned forward over the counter. Sure enough, gold bars. He counted them one by one, then turned to the courier with a bewildered look. "Treinta y seis, Dios por encima de nosotros. How did you come by them?"
The courier shrugged. "I earned them. Some idiot decided to slap a slave collar on me one moonlit night. In exchange, I took him for everything that he had."
Raul whistled. "Sounds like a good campfire story, boss. Got time to tell it?"
The courier popped up from behind the bar again and offered him a beer. "Maybe in installments, if you ask nicely. Like those pre-war telenovelas you're always on about."
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "You're stashing gold in your icebox?" Cass said, scrambling behind the bar to get another look at the treasure. "Who even are you, Six?"
"Thirsty," the courier complained, nudging her out of their way with a well-placed bump of the hip. "Come on, I'm already being forced to make my own drinks today like some dusty saloon owner, leave me alone."
"Give me that." Cass yanked the bottle of tarberry juice out of their hand. "I'll pour your damn drink for you, just give me one of those gold bars you're hiding."
"Fine." Cass uncorked the juice with her teeth and began guzzling it, ignoring the courier's cries of protest. She let out a theatrical sigh of satisfaction when the bottle was empty. "Delicious."
"I have more," the courier said reproachfully, going back to their search of the bar. Cass grinned and settled herself onto a stool with some whiskey, content to heckle them for the rest of the evening.
Veronica Santangelo: "Uh, Six?" Veronica leaned around the bar and stared at the closed fridge. "What are... what are those up here for?"
"Eh, it seemed like a good place to keep them," the courier replied, moving on to the next fridge. "I'm not good with remembering combinations, and the basement of this place is beyond creepy."
"Yeah, but... a fridge?" Veronica smirked. "Gonna shave off some gold every now and then, throw it on a drink as a garnish?"
"We could." The courier popped up with some tarberry juice and a smile. "House did things at his parties that were loads wilder than eating gold. He's got pictures up in the penthouse from his early days, if you know where to look."
Veronica wrinkled her nose. "I don't want to know. And neither do I want to eat gold. What I was trying to ask was, why do you have a stash of gold at all?"
The courier uncorked the juice and gave her a good, long look. "You said you used to have a girlfriend, and a kind of... grandpa figure, out West, right?"
ED-E: ED-E tilted its speaker down toward the fridge full of gold, then up again at the courier in silence. It did this a few more times before the courier finally noticed. "What?"
ED-E gave them a blat, then shook itself. "Well don't look at me," the courier replied. "I didn't even know about the gold before I went trudging off into the desert looking for the Sierra Madre. That... that just sort of happened, and I already told you, I wasn't walking out of there without some kind of souvenir for my trouble. Keeping you in the dark about the gold was for your own safety, you bucket of bolts."
This wasn't enough to satisfy ED-E, who continued on with some blips and buzzing. The courier sighed. "Yeah, I told Veronica about her... everything. Why do you think I'm up here with you instead of running around the Mojave with her? I'm stuck here, playing the waiting game."
They turned back to the next fridge. "God, I'm going loopy up here without human contact."
Rex: Rex, unbothered by the hoard of gold in the courier's fridge, nuzzled his way into their path and began sniffing at the contents of the liquor cabinet himself. "Rex," the courier complained, nudging him gently out of the way. "I don't think there's anything up here that you would give two... wait a minute."
They reached into the back of the cupboard and withdrew a very old box of dog treats. Rex stared at the box and whined.
"Huh," the courier said with a shrug, opening the box and tossing him a bone-shaped dog biscuit. "Yes Man really thought of everything. Either that, or House was into some weird stuff."
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c-vs-the-world · 3 years
Jdkdjdjsjd bruce angst with alf slander dhjdjdjdj *does a gross little laugh*
"-so that's how my week went. Had to scrub shoe prints off the ceiling again but what's new about that, right? What about you, Bruce?" said Lois, crossing her right leg over the left as she looked at her friend.
Refilling his glass and taking a sip of the rose colored wine, the billionaire replied, "oh, nothing much, same ol' same ol'. Dicks off in Blüdhaven, Jason's in his rebel phase, I don't even know what's going on with tim to be honest. Duke and Cass pretty much do they're own thing and Damian is trying to live up to Jay's nickname of "demon brat", he shrugged. He looked over when his reply was met with silence, his eyes being met with a worried and judgmental gaze.
"Is everything okay, Bruce? You and your kids don't seem very....close? No offense."
The 36 year old spoke without thinking, internally cringing as he heard himself speak, "we're as close as any family. I don't see any difference between my kids and I and when it was just Alfred and I."
The brunette reporter thought, perfectly manicured eyebrows scrunching together. She hesitated before asking, "How close we're you and Alfred, Bruce? When you were younger?"
He thought a moment. How close were they? He has plenty of fond memories, mostly birthdays and holidays, but he doesn't really recall any alfred-centric memories beyond that. He was mostly left to his own devices as a kid and teen during the day, meals were silent, and when Alfred wasn't cleaning or cooking he was doing paperwork and required silence.
He loved Alfred, he really did. He was a tough old man, but he practically raised him. Not as much as the streets of gotham had, but he was still mostly there, right?
Bruce's thoughts spiraled from 'yeah he was a great dad' to 'every parent gets critical of what their kid is doing' and 'did he really not want me' to 'i wonder what happened to Rose?'
He didn't notice when Lois left and he was finally alone with his contemplation and wine.
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tangledbea · 3 years
I completely agree with you on being glad that the ending has Cass leave. I don’t like Cass. Like on paper she’s cool but in action? Annoying horrendous why are you treating someone who just left a life situation like Raps the way she did even before Cass turned officially on everyone? She’s also older than Raps yet acts so immature and it’s ironic. And honestly when she got hurt it was an accident that wasn’t one persons fault I don’t think Raps could stop herself and warned Cass to back off but Cass was stubborn like always. I objectively understand those who project on Cass but I can’t see how they can pretend she didn’t cause some of her own problems. Also she antagonized Eugene at first and then it was mutual and yet some fans will see her as a sole victim. I feel like maybe if the show had been acted out I could be more empathetic but the way the show is I just don’t find myself caring as much about her. She had a better upbringing out of the main group but she’s still bitter. She’s too grown to be putting her problems on others. The show has its issues with pacing and consistency but if they wanted me to root for Cass it didn’t work.
While I agree with almost everything you said, I'd like to point out a few things:
1) In S1, when we meet her, she's 23. Yes, that's an adult, but it's also just four years out of being a teenager. From my POV, as someone who was 36 (going on 37) when TBEA came out, she's still in that "punk-ass young person" age. She's the same age in S1 is that Eugene is in the movie. Most people I know in their early 20s (myself included, when I was that age) don't feel particularly grown up, even when their lives are pretty together. I give most of the cast a giant pass on that, because most of them are in their 20s or younger.
2) We see Cassandra antagonize Eugene before we see him antagonize her, but we don't know how it started. It is never stated in canon that she started it. That's definitely the way I, personally, expect it went, but I am in no way claiming that my perception is actually canon in this case. Eugene in the movie kind of walked around being antagonistic towards people, after all. It's not like he lost that flair for being passive-aggressively insulting, even in the series.
But yeah, Cassandra is definitely not the kind of character I tend to get attached to or care much about.
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sparkleofpizza · 4 years
How to say I love you - Dick Grayson x reader
Requested: no
Warnings: fluff 
Summary: Jason needed to know if what he was feeling was love, so he went to his older brother hoping he could get some help, after all Dick was engaged to the love of his life.
Prompts: 50 wordless ways to say "I love you"  7. Lightly kissing on top of a freshly formed bruise. 23. Taking a picture together to print and hang later. 36. Helping brush their hair after a shower. 49. Giving them a tight hug that makes them lose their breath.
Word count: 1.8k
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Jason had thought a lot before it actually came down to it. He considered all of his options, but there wasn’t many. He could ask Roy, but he didn’t know much either, Kori provided to be little help. Bruce would just be weird, Tim didn’t know anything either. Did he even need to justify why he wasn’t going to ask Damian? Duke was a nice guy, but he wasn’t sure he would be of much help either. Stephanie and Barbara would make it a big deal, and Cass wouldn’t know how to help. 
So there he was right now. Standing in the middle of the kitchen, watching Dick make himself a bowl o cereal. He seemed very concentrated, trying to balance the perfect amount of milk to go with his favorite cereal. 
Jason took a deep breath, it was now or never. It was just the two of them. Damian was probably at the cave, Bruce had already left to work and Tim most probably went with him. Cass was getting ready to go to school, Duke had to leave for college in a while. So it was just him and Dick. 
“Hey, can I ask you something?” Jason questioned, almost wishing his brother would say no 
“Good morning, Jaybird.” Dick answered happily “Of course! What can I help you with?”
“How did you… How did you find out that…” he stopped, realizing how stupid he would sound if he asked that question out loud “You know what? Never mind.”
Dick frowned “What is it? You know you can talk to me about anything.”
Jason considered his options, if he asked the question and Dick started laughing or judged him, he could bolt out of room. His bike was parked in the driveway since he had spend the night over. The keys were in his pocket, and he was sure Dick wouldn’t be able to react fast enough to follow him in time. Before his brother even knew he would be in one of his safe houses that his family did not know about. 
“How did you realize that you were in love with y/n? How did you know she was the one?”
Dick’s face blossomed into a smile. But it wasn’t a mockery one, it was a pure happiness smile, the one that only you could put on his face. 
“Oh, Jaybird, it actually took me a while to realize that.” He said, taking a sit a stool, motioning for him to join “I had many girlfriends in my life before, but everything was different with y/n, you know?”
Jason was hoping for more, waiting for more. He didn’t watch with envy for so many years his brother being deeply in love with his fiancé and being as happy as Jason has ever seen, for Dick to not sare it all with him. He wanted, no needed to know if what he was possibly feeling for a certain person was what he was so afraid it was.
“There was this one time” he smiled “that y/n was trying to reach the top shelf in my kitchen…”
Cookies. You wanted cookies, craving them like crazy after having tried to spend a week without eating sugar, but you couldn’t, you needed sugar in your life. You knew Dick kept your favorite cookies at the middle cabinet, what you didn’t expect was for it to be as high as it was. Did he really have to put that in the top shelf? 
You stood on your tiptoes, stretching your arms, but it didn’t work, you still couldn’t reach it. You looked around, spotting a stool near the laundry. You grabbed it, positioning it in front of the place you needed it, and stepped on top of it. Again, you stood in your tiptoes, successfully grabbing the cookies. What you didn’t expect was to lose balance and fall.
You screamed, hitting the ground with a yelp. Ouch, that hurt. 
“Y/n?” Dick yelled, coming running towards the kitchen and finding you on the ground “Oh my God, what happened?”
He kneeled down before you, cradling your face, looking it over for injuries.
You grinned at him “I fell down when I was grabbing some cookies.” You showed him the smashed package in your hand 
He shook his head, helping you sit up, but he couldn't help the smile that appeared on his face. This was such a you thing to do.
"Why didn't you ask me to get those for you?"
You pouted at him. 
"I was actually hoping I'd eat them before you realize that I gave up on my month without sugar thing."
Dick pretended to be hurt "You didn't plan on sharing? How dare you?"
You giggled. He knew just the right thing to say. You were probably going to feel guilty for having given up, but there he was cracking a joke just to make you smile. 
You two got up from the floor, but you moaned in pain when he grabbed your arm to help you stead yourself. He frowned, looking at your forearm where a big bruise was starting to form.
"Does it hurt?" he asked
"Yeah, but only when I touch it."
He nodded, bringing your arm to his lips and laying a kiss there, very softly so it wouldn't hurt you.
"Now, I've kissed it better."
You smiled, your boyfriend is such a dork. A cute one.
"Oh, there was this one time too that we were out and I took a picture of her on my phone. I didn't think much of it, until later when I was out on a mission and I grabbed my phone and saw it there." Dick smiled, pulling out his phone to show his brother which picture he was talking about "She looked to beautiful and before I knew it I had already printed it and now I carry it with me, inside my wallet, so I always have her close to me, even when we're far away."
Jason thought he would be sick listening to this stuff. Normally, he would make fun of his brother for being a softie romantic dork. But right now, he was wanting more stories.
"There was also this one time..." Dick continued 
You got out of the shower hoping you would feel refreshed, but you had such a hard day at work today. You had to go in earlier and ended up staying until late, you reassured yourself it was worth it, you were working your way towards a promotion and you could really use the extra cash that will come with it. But damn, you were so tired. 
After having your muscles relaxed in the warm water, you wanted nothing more than to just colapse in bed and fall asleep. 
"Why are you up so late, angel?" 
You looked trough the mirror, watching Dick in his Nightwing suit standing behind you. You were so tired you didn't even hear him slip trough your window. 
He would do this sometimes, after you found out about his secret ident. Show up in the middle of night, sometimes to make sure you were ok, other times just to see you for a while. 
"Late shift at work, and also early shift. I am so tired." you mumbled, closing your eyes and allowing your back to rest against his strong chest "I think I'm going to go to bed now. Will you tuck me in?"
He kissed your temple. 
"But your hair is wet, sweetheart. You're going to get sick."
"I have no energy to blow dry it."
Dick smiled, guiding you to bed while he grabbed a few stuff in the bathroom. He sat behind you in bed, gently brushing your hair, untangling nots. Then he blew dried it, making sure all of the spots were dry so you wouldn't get sick - winter was approaching, he didn't want you to catch a cold. 
"There you go." he smiled at you, tucking you into bed "Goodnight, sweetheart."
You smiled with your eyes closed, feeling him peck your lips before going out the window again. 
Jason was so engrossed in Dick's tellings, that he felt to notice Tim slipping in the sit beside him, sipping at his coffee mug. Damian stood at the doorstep, holding Titus' leash, completely forgetting it was going to ask one of them to walk his dog. Duke stopped midway while putting his laptop inside his backpack, and Cass stood near the trash can, throwing away a rotten banana that she though was still eatable. 
"Oh, when I go away on missions that last more than three days..."
You heard the front door open and close. You jumped from the couch.
"Dick!" you exclaimed, running towards him "You're back!"
You threw yourself at him and he caught you with ease. His arms circling around your waist while you placed your around his shoulders. You hug him so tight, knocking some of the wind inside his lungs. You had missed him so much, and you were so worried about him.
He pulled back, staring into your eyes.
"I love you." He said without second thoughts 
"I know." you smiled "I love you too."
Jason absorbed every single word that had just came out of his brother's mouth. He was surprised he didn't give up halfway trough. And his heart... it was beating weirdly inside his chest, there was something cold inside his belly.
"So after doing all of this... idiotic things you realized you loved y/n?" He asked slowly 
"Yeah." Dick nodded his head "It was actually Roy who made me realize that."
Jason frowned "Roy?"
"That day that I meet you two for that mission you asked for my help. Roy asked me about y/n, and I spent nearly two hours talking about all of this stuff, telling him all of this. In the end he told me he was glad I had finally found the one. And that's when it hit me. I ended most of my relationships when it got close to them finding out about who I am, but I let her stay. And all of those little things I did for her and she did for me? That was our way of wordlessly saying I love you to each other."
He stared at his siblings who had lost looks on their faces. Cass frowned a bit to herself, thinking. Tim fished the phone out of his pocket, typing furiously at it as if his life depended on it. Duke ran out of his room, saying he had to get to the library before it was too late. Damian quickly left the room, muttering something to himself. And Jason slowly got up from his sit.
"Need to go somewhere?" Dick asked teasingly
He nodded his head. Heading towards the exit.
"There is someone I really need to talk to." And with that he left 
Dick smiled to himself. He did it, he really did. He inspired all of his siblings to go out there and get their loved ones. He showed them it was worth it.
He grabbed his phone that was laying near his bowl of cereal, going to the speed dial and placing it on his ear.
"Hey, sweetheart." he grinned "You're never gonna guess what just happened."
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Hiii! I feel a little late to the chapter 32 party but I just finished it. I made a short list (there’s so much more I could’ve put in it) of some of my favorite things from the new chapter:
1- I love how in character everything feels! I don’t have a direct quote but I have the scene where Leo just got back to the lair and the narration brought up how he just pressed the key on the keyboard and spun around just to be cool. I know that might be obvious but it really stood out to me and it hit my funny bone in the right way.
2- I really enjoyed reading about Obscurial-Swann syndrome. It’s a random like but I found it really interesting. 2.1- Also, the side note of Draxum not knowing how to delete his browsing history was hilariously accurate. He feels like the kinda guy who wouldn’t know anything about googling and using the internet because he used encyclopedias and textbooks for everything.
3- This is something we can all agree on but I really enjoy reading the conversations between Gale and Tigerclaw. You really stepped into the murder uncle role for this chapter. The honesty and care and familial love is incredible. I just love their relationship so much.
lastly I did have a question, sorry if this has already been asked before. How do you think Gale will feel about Hungin, Mungin, Cass, and Tigerclaw once he becomes Donnie again? I don’t think he would really harbor that much ill will against them because they were all so nice and genuinely cared for him (as well as the fact the cass is under the hypnosis as well, if i’m remembering correctly). Thank you so much for all your hard work. Remember to take breaks, drink water and eat full meals!!!! <3
Bro the chapter's been out for 36 hours. You're not late for anything.
Seriously, I would very much prefer people take it at their own pace and talk to me when they get to it. It's honestly really disheartening when I put a bunch of work into a chapter, get five comments on it the first day, and then radio silence until I put the next one out. And besides, this was a long chapter. I figured it would take most people a little bit to get through. (plus a lot of readers are high school/college students-I released it on a schoolday, and y'all got homework)
LEO IS JUST SILLY THAT WAY. For real, writing little actions and stuff like that is real useful for breaking up dialogue, but then I have to, like, figure out what they're actually doing while talking. It's actually harder to do with Leo's sections that Gale's, because Galois is always using various tools and doing crazy shit that literally no one other than him would understand nor expect to understand, so I can mix shit up and keep it completely vague and it's still on-brand for him. Leo-what the fuck does Leo even do? Half the time I just have him On The Computer, like how Ken's job is Beach. What's he doing on there? I dunno! I just didn't feel like even pretending to make up a reason for him being on there and I don't think he did either. I think he legit said he was going to go upstairs and Look For Donnie on his laptop and gave no thought as to how the laptop helped accomplish that. He just pulls out his computer and clackety-clacks away because it makes him look productive.
Yeah, I do try to keep out the Harry Potter references, because fuck JKR, but in the same vein you're never going to undo the effect HP had on popular culture. HP stuff is pretty much universally recognizable and sometimes it's either use HP references or go something more obscure-and in a case like this, where I'm describing a made-up condition that I don't even define in the story, it could be very confusing if the audience doesn't make the connection. (also the other half is a Twilight reference, so it's doubly cursed)
Oh, and if you noticed, it's spelled differently for both Gale and Tigerclaw, because Tigerclaw is pronouncing it wrong. :D
Draxum probably doesn't even fucking know what a browsing history is, let's be real. It's a good thing he's gotten really into this dad roleplay thing and hasn't Googled anything about mind control or how to deal with your kidnapped son's estranged brothers.
Huginn and Muninn, hmm, I'll have to think about that. I haven't really thought about them in the epilogue, to be honest, they kind of just flit in and out of the story when convenient. I can't see him blaming Cass, she's as much a victim as he is. Tigerclaw-I mean, to be fair to Tigerclaw, he's operating on limited information. Draxum told him that Galois is his son. Why should he doubt that?
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clamityganon · 3 years
their ages are so fucking confusing so i decided to do the hard work and figure them out so you don’t have to :D
normal ages:
using frank miller’s “year one” as a reference, bruce was 25 when he comes back to gotham after training and traveling abroad in january. he turns 26 in february of that year, and debuts as batman in april: this makes him 26 when he becomes batman
now since dick was first introduced in Detective Comics #38 back in 1940, we obviously have some issues of batman by himself
i headcanon he’s had about half a year to himself while crimefighting
this gives him enough time to construct somewhat of an image for himself (like the whole “batman is an urban legend” thing)
dick in his first appearance was 9, and bruce sorta adopts (looking back on this it’s more like kidnapping) him after his parents die
this gives dick and bruce a 17 year age gap
now, dick retired from being robin around the same time he went off to college. and since his birthday is in spring (he’s got like 7 different birthdays so cut me some slack), he’s 19 when that happens
this is when dick had his bisexual awakening and donned the discowing (disCOWing? disco-wing?) costume btw
and since this is 10 years after dick became robin, this means bruce is 36 because maths
now while dick’s gone jason comes in
we’re still assuming dick’s 19 while he’s gone because from what i think i remember, jason came in fairly quickly after he left
anyway when jason stole the tires and got rescued from ma gunn’s he was 12
making dick (19) 7 years older than jason and bruce (36) 24 years older than jason
AND SO we all know that my boy jj died when he was 15. like this is %100 confirmed
so let’s say after about 6 months after his tragic passing, tim drake puts two and two together and figures out that batman is bruce wayne. he goes to dick and tells him to become robin again, yadda yadda yadda
now, i headcanon tim to be 11 when he figures this out. some people say anything from like 9-13, but 11 makes more sense to me personally
if he’s 11 that’s giving him an age gap of 4 years with jason
a gap of 11 years with dick (now 22)
[in young justice (90’s) we have 15 year old tim talking to 20 something dick about how the night where dick’s parents died is a night he’d never forget. if you want this to make sense you’ll have to decrease dick’s age and increase tim’s to close the age gap. my recommendation is making dick 5 or 6 and having tim be 3? honestly it just doesn’t make any sense lmao the maths don’t add up]
and he has an age gap of 28 years with bruce (now 39)
so when bruce dies and dick becomes batman, tim’s 17
and we all know this because of all those “look me in the eyes and tell me a 17 year-old CEO is a good idea DC” memes
during this time (6 years after he shows up at wayne manor) bruce would’ve been 45. dick is 28. jason would be 21
steph is a year older than him, so she’s 18/19
and around this time i think damian shows up
and damian’s 10 in his first appearance
but i think he’s currently 14
some side notes:
bab’s age is fucked up in timelines. because in certain iterations she’s closer to bruce’s age, but a lot of the time she’s dick’s love interest
so i’m making her 4 years older than dick in this (if you don’t like it you can suck my dick work around it i guess)
and for cass: she’s 6 months older than jason which makes her about the same age as jason.
so she’s 3 years older than steph, and 4 years older than tim, and 11 years older than damian
tbh i haven’t read much about duke but according to @peppersonironi (thanks for correcting me!) he’s 3 or 4 years older than damian
if damian wayne is 14 in your fic then:
duke is about 17/18
tim is 21 (yeah i know he’s eternally 17 but this is real maths)
steph is 22
jason is 25
cass is 25 as well (or 26, depends)
dick is 32 (don’t worry guys 32 isn’t that old. plus, he can be a DILF)
babs is 36
bruce is 49 pushing 50 (if your fic is taking place after february then he’s 50)
if damian is 10 in your fic that means:
duke is 13/14
tim is 17 (yay! eternally 17!)
steph is 18
jason is 21
cass is also 21
dick is 28
babs is 32
bruce is 45
since bruce was 26 when he adopted 9 year old dick, damian can be 10 when he’s adopted by bruce (this matches up well, which makes me happy)
this gives bruce and damian a 16 year age gap
if we’re getting technical, that means that bruce would have to become a teenage vigilante for him to have a teenage pregnancy with talia al ghul
so let’s pretend that bruce started training for bat“man” at 15 and hit the streets when he turned 16 (yes this sounds super unrealistic but tbh how else is this gonna work out)
anyway that means that damian would leave and become his own vigilante nine years later at the tender age of 18 (call it artistic differences) while bruce is 35
so while damian might go solo and have his gay/bisexual awakening with an off-brand discowing or something, tim’s going to be 12 (the ages add up well here too) and just figuring out that batman = bruce wayne
and something’s gotta happen to make tim realise that batman needs a robin in damian’s absence
y’know so he ends up going over to damian to give him the speech of how batman needs a robin that he rehearsed in the shower and in front of a mirror to perfection
and then damian will take him to the manor and give tim the robin costume as a “dude shut up and go help batman yourself idc” gesture
so this gives tim (12) and damian (18) an age gap of 6 years
and tim (12) and bruce (35) have an age gap of 23 years
now you kill tim at 15 or have him go off on his own in order to open up a spot for jason
if you go down either path, making tim red robin is pretty cool because jason (whose spot he takes in the RR au) was originally red robin!
anyway a few months after tim’s divergence from the batfam (make it as angsty or as chill as you wish) jason steals the tires off the batmobile half a year later at 11 (which *chef’s kiss* ALSO adds up according to the Reggie Canon)
so jason becomes robin at 11
this gives him and tim (15) and age gap of 4 years
him and damian (21) a gap of 10 years
and him and bruce (38) a gap of 27 years
and six years later, 9 year old dick grayson’s parents die. bruce’s adoptive instincts kick in and he takes dick in as his newest robin
IN THE END (with the age gap they have referring to baby dick):
dick is 9
babs is 13 (age gap of 4 years) 
jason is 17 (age gap of 8 years)
cass is also 17/18 (age gap of 8 ½ years?)
tim is 21 (age gap of 12 years)
steph is 22 (age gap of 13 years)
duke is 23ish (age gap of 14 years)
damian is 27 (age gap of 18 years)
and bruce is 44 (age gap of 35 years)
[ whew this took a while. inspired by @screennamealreadyused ‘s reverse robin au (which is in works) and @woahjaybird ‘s post about ages! ]
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