#charity auction trauma
cuppachar · 10 months
Jamie Tartt, Battler by Cuppa_Char
Fandoms:Ted Lasso (TV)  
Jamie signs up for the auction.
When Ms Welton asks what made him change his mind, Jamie just shrugs and grins.
“We’re a team, ain’t we?” Jamie finds himself saying again. “Gotta wear the same kit.”
He tries to look away, turns sluggishly to the left only to see Cheryl grinning - leering at him, the image of Keeley teasingly mouthing her tongue through her fingers - and suddenly it’s not the auction or the function room of a swanky hotel room - it’s a room behind the glass window, draped red curtains, and a body pressed over him, whispering ‘that’s it, such a good boy’ and the memory of his dad yelling ‘go on lad, make your old man proud’.
Trigger Warning: Child abuse, non/con, mention of underage rape, Amsterdam Trauma, Charity Auction Trauma
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thelibrarian1895 · 5 months
If your sibling is a rogue then make the best of it
I would like to think that Jason is very Hondo Onakha about kidnapping, very dramatic, fairly polite/chill to the one he kidnapped, minimal trauma, very professional overall but also very theatrical. Out of anyone in Gotham to have as your kidnapper, Jason aka the Red Hood is by far the very best person.
ALL of Jason's family whether they be legal, biological, emotional, or honorary, will absolutely try to convince Jason to kidnap them to get them out of some stupid civilian event. Whether or not Jason will go along with it will depend on several factors such as:
Does this benefit Bruce and get him out of a boring civilian event too? Then so sorry, you're just going to have to suffer!
How busy is Jason at the moment? Because being a drug lord and vigilante is actually pretty time consuming and kidnapping can be a lot of work for potentially very little gain.
What does Jason get out of it? Yes money is all well and good but Jason is rich by his own merits and can just steal from Bruce whenever, there's got to be more to it!
When is the last time Jason has kidnapped this sibling? He can't do it too often or it gets less effective. He has a reputation to maintain after all!
It may also depend on which sib is asking and what they need to be "saved" from.
Dick asks to be kidnapped from a bachelor auction charity? Ha! No chance, sorry Dickie! He will be there though and take pictures and laugh. (And also join all the other siblings who are stalking Dick and the winner of the auction in the event the winner wasn't one of the Bats or an invited member of the JL or Titans using Bruce's money) Dick asking to be kidnapped from a gala or some opening night of trendy place he's at to maintain civilian status? Maybe but the bribe has to be considerable. And it cannot benefit Bruce. Dick's normal bribes consist of taking some tedious part of an investigation over for Jason or getting intel from JL databases for Jason and the Outlaws.
Cass? Anytime and always, favorite sister who can beat him up has special kidnapping privileges, though they did stop for a very long time when some weirdos put out the theory that the Red Hood was in love with Gotham's Princess. (idk if Cass is considered Gotham's Princess in any version of canon but she is to me) Cass does still repay Jason in the form of Black Bat keeping an eye on Jason's territory when he's out of Gotham for any significant length of time.
Tim? He does owe the kid for several incidents and Tim normally doesn't abusive the privilege so he'd probably do it but there does have to be some sort of bribe for appearances sake. Tim usually gets Jason to agree in exchange for pictures of Batman tripping over his cape or in some other ridiculous position. Bonus in Jason's mind if Tim requests a kidnapping when Bruce is off world or otherwise occupied, therefore giving Brucie Wayne's reputation a hit. However if Tim wants to be kidnapped from something where Bruce is also suffering as Brucie, Tim is SOL (Tim might get revenge by getting Kon to wear Red Hood gear and "kidnap" Tim from the event if Jason refused. Kon will do it because Tim asked and also I would like to think that Kon isn't too fond of the guy who beat his best friend/boyfriend nearly to death and will mess with him if given the chance) Since kidnapping normally interferes with things that Tim wants to do however, he may instead bribe Jason to not kidnap a sibling that has asked to be kidnapped. Jason usually obliges this no kidnapping request.
Barbara? Sorry, no, he doesn't want to stress the Commissioner like that. He will, however, kidnap other people for her if she asks.
Stephanie? No Stephanie, he doesn't care what you offer, he's not kidnapping you so you can avoid your finals! Stephanie has, however, worn various wigs and been various hostages who died at the hands of the Hood in order to maintain his reputation. She gets paid in baked goods for her service.
Damian? Damian considered the idea ridiculous and proclaimed he'd never stoop so low and he would carry out his duties no matter how onerous! Damian then had to go to a Gotham gala. Damian is trying very hard to figure out a suitable bribe to get the Red Hood to kidnap him often enough that Bruce will be forced to keep Damian away from galas because of the ongoing security threat. So far it hasn't worked because Damian is very bad at bribing Jason, Jason thinks Damian forced to interact with normal people is funny, and Tim is successfully bribing Jason to ignore Damian's bribery attempts. The Red Hood has "kidnapped" Damian once, as a treat, when he thought the kid was looking particularly down about something.
Duke? Duke has yet to be made to attend any society gatherings as the solo Wayne (normally that falls to Bruce, Dick, or Tim) and can usually be spotted hanging out with Cass by the snack table at any gala or trendy event. He's not at Cass's level of reading body language but he's pretty darn good and he and Cass have reached a new level of being able to avoid annoying rich people while at parties. Duke is Cass's favorite gala buddy. Duke hasn't felt the need to ask Jason to kidnap him yet but Jason will allow the first one to be free of charge, no questions asked. After that Duke hasn't figured out suitable bribes for Jason but has realized that all of his siblings are hyper competitive and that Jason would absolutely wager a kidnapping in a competition or for a bet.
Alfred? If Alfred asked then Jason would without any caveat. Alfred will not ask however but might ask on behalf of someone else and Jason will comply.
Bruce? Jason just laughs. And if someone else is planning on kidnapping Brucie Wayne from a particularly boring business meeting or gala? Jason will actively thwart the kidnapping to force Bruce to continue to deal with social activity.
Jason usually splits a portion of the ransom money into bonuses for his goons since their original job outline is drug dealer/enforcer/mobster and not kidnapper. If they're going to get major felonies on their records, better make it financially worth it. All of Jason's goons are masked during any kidnapping event. The rest of the ransom money goes towards a charity of Jason's choosing.
Jason has also kidnapped people who are not his family or family adjacent. Barbara thought her dad could use a vacation at one point but he didn't have the PTO for it so Barbara had the Red Hood kidnap him. James Gordon experienced the weirdest kidnapping of his life that included some of the best food he'd ever eaten, an extremely soft bed, his pile of books that were on his reading list, and access to the sports games he'd meant to watch. The ransom was successfully paid after he had a week to relax. Gordon was then, as per protocol, allowed time to relax after his "harrowing" event. Barbara forced him to take the time. Strangely enough, some politicians who had been giving the Commissioner a hard time were suddenly very quiet when James Gordon came back, well rested, well fed, and ready to get back to the grind. It, of course, had nothing to do with the very polite emails with pictures attached that they all received while the Commissioner was very publicly out of the way.
Oliver Queen, when he was visiting Gotham, was kidnapped by the Red Hood. He was released after the ransom was paid and specifically he was released back in Star City. Mr. Queen was unavailable for comment after the incident but some sources say that he was cursing bats for some reason.
Lois Lane found herself kidnapped by Red Hood and ransomed by the Daily Planet while Superman was off world. Lois Lane returned safely to Metropolis and published a shocking expose on Luthor's latest scheme. Her sources for the article remain a secret.
Bruce is very grumpy about the whole thing, not just because Jason won't help his poor father get out of the stupid social event, but also because Jason being technically a rogue like this makes it very hard for him to successfully argue that Jason should let himself regain legal living status.
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celestie0 · 6 months
Some headcanons about Kickoff college!Gojo, please!
hellooo my love i’m so sorry this took me a while i wanted to post ch9 first!
kickoff!gojo headcanons pt.1 unserious & fluffy edition lol
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ᰔ these headcanons are based off of my fanfic “kickoff” which is about popular frat boy soccer college athlete gojo lol & there are spoilers below ᰔ for my kickoff readers: most of these are so unserious and/or fluffy (not rly much nsfw) hope u enjoy!!
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kickoff!gojo who almost got arrested once for running away from the cops. he wasn’t even in trouble for anything they just started chasing him bc he started running 😭
kickoff!gojo whose primary love language is physical touch and so all of the times he’s had to NOT touch you has driven him absolutely fuckin nuts. positively BONKERS he’s practically been lobotomized by the restraint he’s had to exercise to not touch you
kickoff!gojo whose frat once hosted a date auction to raise money for rush and gojo singlehandedly raised $20k in one night from the bidding bachelorettes (and bachelors)🧍🏻‍♀️he has yet to go on all of those dates he owes them 😅 he runs away anytime his frat president tries to bring it up LOL
kickoff!gojo who is actually a pretty decent student, i mean he’s a business major so womp womp ofc he’s getting by just fine. i think his favorite class he’s ever taken was freshman year econ bc him and todo got into sm shit in that class and it's some of his fondest memories
kickoff!gojo who was literally picturing a life with you on the italian countryside when you were telling him about it. self inserted to the MAX
kickoff!gojo who is always the first to like all of your film photography slideshows on instagram because he has your post notifs on :”) you and messi are the only ppl he’s got post notifs on for 🤣
kickoff!gojo who thought he would be okay with watching your life from afar, through small pictures on his phone, but the thought devastated him more n more w every waking minute
kickoff!gojo who realized that having you wrapped in his arms at the end of ch9 was the closest thing he’s felt to peace since before the night his father passed away
kickoff!gojo who hasn’t really kept too much memoribilia of his father since a lot of the memories are painful for him, but he’s kept that old soccer ball w his dad’s signature n word of love for his mom on it
kickoff!gojo who wouldnt have been able to get through the trauma of losing his father if suguru wasn’t there by his side. he would’ve really lost himself, and would’ve given up on soccer if not for suguru's support. he's truly really grateful for him
kickoff!gojo who knows what his sun, moon & rising signs are because he’s been ran through 🙄 smh. WHORE
kickoff!gojo who plays for charity soccer tournaments on the weekends whenever he can 🫶🏼💕 he loves it bc there’s less pressure to play super well & also he loves getting to meet the people that the events are helping out
kickoff!gojo who has a massive sex drive (he got that athlete testosterone 😔🤚🏼) esp around someone he genuinely likes AHEM YOU so beware that if you start dating him he’s gonna beg you to put it on him at least 15 times a day and you’ll have to reject him 13.5 times
kickoff!gojo who is not ready to be a father at ALL at this point in his life but he’s thought ab how nice it would be to teach his kids how to play soccer someday :”) he’s givin me girl dad vibes tho, and you just KNOW he’s gonna be cheering on his lil girls when they’re tearing through the little league w their sparkly princess tiaras & tutus on 😤 he’d be the little league coach for sure LMAO
also little league coach!gojo would 100% promise to let the kiddos shave his head if they win the championship game 😭 i can just imagine you yelling at him when he randomly comes home bald one day
kickoff!nanami&choso&suguru who would be such protective soccer uncles to yours and gojo's duaghters. not a single boy would ever get NEAR those girls i'm telling youuu. pls pray for them haha
kickoff!gojo who figured out you were mina’s roommate through a little bit of facebook stalking. and yes, he scrolled all the way down to your embarrassing middle school photos. and yes, he still likes you despite seeing them. more, even, when he thinks about it. also, he’s pissed you had a digimon themed 9th birthday party and you didn’t invite him 😒 what’s up w that
kickoff!gojo & kickoff!choso who once illegally played an off-season tourney abroad in spain for a lump sum lmfaoo and it was a pretty decent cut of cash. but shhhh dont tell the NCAA ab that pls or else they’re fucked 💀
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this is all i could think of rn haha thank you anon for the ask and hope you enjoyed them <333
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frownyalfred · 10 months
So in the AU where all three Waynes do die, whether Alfred is Batman or a villain... what kind of charities is he naming after Bruce? Like in canon medical charities always go to Thomas and animal charities always go to Martha I think? I'm thinking children's charities. Like he hosts a charity auction for the Bruce Wayne Children's Fund and insists on having a moment of silence for Bruce.
I was thinking a new science wing at a museum in addition to Children’s charities, anon. Since Bruce loves dinosaurs and fiddling with science/tech things.
If Alfred was cruel and vengeful, he would use the money to set up a children’s trauma ward in Gotham. Somewhere for children suffering traumatic gunshot wounds (like Bruce did in that alley). So that Gotham can never forget not only that Bruce Wayne died as a child, but how he died.
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Okay we've briefly turned into a Ted Lasso blog because I finally caught up tonight and holy FUCK sunflowers was unparalleled. Literally everything about the episode could be explored for hours but I really just want to quickly highlight one thing:
Obviously everyone is talking about the newest layer of Jamie's trauma that's just been revealed (and good on Roy for immediately acknowledging it as trauma!!), and I'm not going to try and do any sort of deep dive because a hundred people have already done it better than I ever could, but there's one thing that no one seems to be talking about, and maybe it's because I just binged the whole show in two weeks so I remember season one better than folks who watched it when it came out, but y'all remember the charity auction, right? First time we meet Jane, Rupert shows up and steals the show from Rebecca, Ted forces Roy and Jamie to sit at the same table because he's trying to make them get along, and, oh yeah, everyone's bidding on the players?
Now, we laugh when Roy and Keeley are messing with Jamie about having to have sex with the highest bidder and he sort of freaks out and then angrily overcompensates when he realizes they aren't serious. I think Jamie from this episode is mostly remembered as being a dick and a shitty boyfriend (and yes what he did pitting Bex and Keeley against each other in the actual bidding war was definitely an asshole move). On a first watch he seems unreasonably upset about what everyone else thinks is a harmless joke. And since not being able to handle people taking the piss plays into our already established understanding of Jamie as a self-centered jerk who's not all that smart, we don't think to wonder if there's any more specific reason for his reaction than wounded pride.
I'm not doing deep character analysis tonight, as I've already said. But. Uh. Reevaluating that scene after what we learn in Sunflowers about Jamie's sexual history and trauma,,, might give it a different context
Anyway, yeah, I'll just leave y'all to think about that. And fuck James Tartt Sr I hope Roy beats his ass
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 4 months
Want to share more about Through the Desert Repenting?
I talked about the premise here, so here are the working chapter titles for your enjoyment:
-Jamie's No Good, Very Bad Summer (in which James Tartt Sr. is himself (derogatory) and quitting his job to become a reality TV star may not be the solution to his problems Jamie was hoping it would be)
-Sam's Nice Happy Relaxing Fun Times Summer (in which Sam goes home to visit his family and, when he gets back to London, has a somewhat rocky first meeting with Jan Maas whom he worries will be Jamie 2.0)
-Many (Un)Happy Returns (Jamie's back on the team and having a rough time of it)
-Sam, Jan, and Jamie vs the AFC Richmond Charity Gala (in which Jamie and Sam form a tentative friendship, Sam starts his campaign to get the charity gala auction switched for something else, and Jamie tries to avoid thinking about his trauma, with mixed success)
-The Gala but Not Creepy This Time (exactly what it sounds like)
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copperbadge · 1 year
Good morning everyone, and welcome to Radio Free Monday!
Ways to Give:
dapperanachronism linked to a fundraiser for Chris and Nina, who are trying to recover after Chris lost his job for pushing back against illegal labor practices. While he was unemployed, their car was repossessed; he has a new job offer, but needs a car for it, and he will lose his employment without it. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
Nikki is currently working on paying off back rent owed and with fall cold approaching knows that her utilities will go up; they're raising funds to help cover groceries, winter boots, and back rent and bills. You can send funds via paypal to [email protected] or via cashapp to $ncdavis1701; she's requesting donors add a brief note what the funds are for and where they came from.
rilee16 is raising funds to keep the lights on; their roommate, with whom they have had a number of issues, has begun running appliances all day to drive up the bill. You can read more, reblog, and find giving information here.
thishazeleyeddemon is president of Sacramento State's new Secular Student Alliance, which will be hosting Dr. Darrel Ray, a psychologist and author, to speak on recovery from religious trauma; they'd like him to come speak on October 12th, but need to raise funds for a speaker honorarium; when I visited this morning the funds had been raised but I'm sure they could use the extra going forward. You can read more and support the fundraiser here.
Help For Free:
treesah is asking folks to come out and vote for her friend, Rachel Raydo, on Inked Originals, a contest where she's in the running to win $20K and be featured in Inked Magazine; her tattoos have very personal meaning for her and tie into her recovery journey, and winning would mean a lot. Voting is free, but requires a Facebook account or credit card to prevent bots. You can participate here!
marveltrumpshate, a fandom charity auction focused on Marvel characters, ships, and universes, is open for sign-ups until September 30th; you can offer various forms of fanwork or service (fic, art, editing, graphics, podfics, videos, merch, etc) and auction winners donate their bid amount directly to one of the nonprofits on the list. This is the sixth year for Marvel Trumps Hate, which has raised $178K since 2018! You can read more and sign up here.
Recurring Needs:
frenchroasted's cousin, who has been fundraising for a used wheelchair-accessible van after herniating her back lifting her stepson's wheelchair and had to have surgery for it, has partnered with MyDMDHero which is now hosting their fundraiser on GiveButter so that their donations are tax-deductible. You can read more and support the fundraiser, formerly at GoFundMe, here.
And this has been Radio Free Monday! Thank you for your time. You can post items for my attention at the Radio Free Monday submissions form. If you're new to fundraising, you may want to check out my guide to fundraising here.
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mc-lukanette · 10 months
MC-Lukanette’s “No Context November” 2023 Masterpost
` = ficlet
* = one-shot (or close to being a one-shot if a few paragraphs/a little more context were added)
^ = part of a larger AU/hypothetical story
{AO3 link for No Context November}
(Halloween bonus) * (3867 words) - A Horror-ble Idea {Lukanette} [Horror Movies] [Fluff] [Childhood Friends] [Confession] [Kiss]
Marinette had been friends with Luka for years, having shared just about everything except for her crush on him. Deciding it's time to change that, she tries to come up with the ultimate plan to prove her love for him.
It has varying results.
Day 1 ^ (1597 words) - {Lukanette} [Adulthood] [Meeting Again]
Luka meets Marinette again after years and realizes that he wasn't the only one pining.
Day 2 ^ (2223 words) - {Lukanette} [Drama] [Confession] [post-"Silencer"]
Marinette makes a decision regarding Luka's confession in "Silencer," as much as she doesn't want to.
Day 3 ^ (2971 words) - {Lukanette} [Sleeping Problems] [Trauma] [post-"Chat Blanc"] [Light Girl Squad Salt]
Luka approaches an exhausted Marinette, unaware of her terrifying experience in an alternate timeline of Paris.
Day 4 * (1648 words) - {Lukanette} ["Silencer"] [Canon Divergence] [Marinette and Luka are Confident and In Love] [Love Square Salt]
"Clear as a music note, sincere as a melody." Those words kept echoing in Marinette's head, not unlike a chorus on replay.
And perhaps she was the song in his head simply because she'd wanted to be there in the first place.
Day 5 ^ (1086 words) - {Lukanette} [Adulthood] [Charity Auction] [Silly] [Flirting] [(implied) Adrino]
A charity auction is held, selling off dates with famous men to any woman with enough cash to throw at them for it.
Marinette just didn't know the list would include a rock star's son.
Day 6 ^ (1431 words) - {Lukanette} [Silly] [Confession]
Two fools in love stop being as foolish as before.
Day 7 ^ (1707 words) - {Lukanette} [Luka Hears Heart Songs] [Rock Star Anarka Couffaine] [Luka's Father is Not Jagged Stone]
Luka senses music in most things he experiences, yet somehow Marinette is still a unique one.
Day 8 * (1963 words) - {Lukanette} [Post-Dating] [Gift Giving] [(Adrimi But Only Mentioned)]
Marinette had been dating Luka for a while now and she couldn't have been happier. He was everything she could've wanted in a boyfriend: attentive, mature, and incredibly loving.
But maybe there was also such a thing as too loving?
Day 9 ^ (3854 words) - {Lukanette} [Adulthood] [Homeless Luka Couffaine]
Marinette worries about her homeless friend when cold washes over her town.
Day 10 ^ (3431 words) - {Lukanette} [Fantasy] [Witch Marinette Dupain-Cheng] [Naga Luka Couffaine]
Marinette meets a musical naga boy while she's working on new ideas for her magic.
Day 11 ^ (1523 words) - {Lukanette} [Adulthood] [Baker Marinette Dupain-Cheng] [Childhood Friends]
Luka stops by a bakery in town and sees a familiar face. He has mixed feelings about it.
Day 12 * (2678 words) - {Viperbug} [Sparring] [Introspection]
For Ladybug, going on patrol just isn't good enough. Akuma battles aren't the time to be improving her skills, so she uses her nights to train whenever she can.
She knows just the partner to help her with that.
Day 13 ^ (4945 words) - {Lukanette} [Childhood] [Fluff] [Sleepovers]
Luka meets a new face during one of Juleka's "girls only" sleepovers.
Day 14 ^ (1974 words) - {Lukanette} [Adulthood] [Florist Marinette Dupain-Cheng] [Luka Has Flower Nymph Genes]
Marinette gets an interesting customer in her flower shop.
Day 15 ^ (1636 words) - {Lukanette} [Fluff] [Introspection] [Outsider POV] [Possibly Post-Dating]
Juleka reflects on three separate instances of her brother and friend hanging out together.
Day 16 * (2765 words) - {Lukanette} ["Glaciator" Fix-It] [Adrien Salt] [Love Square Salt] [Introspection]
Marinette's first instinct had been to run away as she watched the culmination of her efforts end with her ice cream cone falling from her hands. After all, none of her efforts - no matter how strong - had gone anywhere or done anything substantial for her relationship with Adrien.
But if she ran, the cycle would only continue. She would do the same thing over and over for little to no return and it would continue to be that way for potentially forever.
So instead, she reflects, in part with the help of the new friend she'd made just recently.
Day 17 ^ (1150 words) - {Lukanette} [Luka Knows] [Nutrition]
Marinette shares a previously-unknown fact about being Ladybug with Luka.
Day 18 ^ (1797 words) - {Lukanette} [post-"Silencer"] [Music]
Marinette calls Luka about a particular location for their next music lesson.
Day 19 ^ (2281 words) - {Lukamouse} [Post-Dating] [Luka Knows] [Multimouse] [No Miraculous Timers]
Luka gets a tiny visitor during class one day.
Day 20 * (3070 words) - {Lukanette} ["Desperada" Fix-It] [Reincarnation] [Canon Divergence]
Luka wasn't self-conscious about his role in life. He was perfectly happy where he was as his mother's son, as Kitty Section's guitarist, as Juleka's brother. To him, his life had enough meaning as it was.
He just couldn't help feeling like there was something more to it.
Day 21 ^ (1699 words) - {Lukanette} [Adulthood] [Merman Luka Couffaine]
Ladybug comes across someone interesting and her own heroism gets the better of her.
Day 22 ` (925 words) - {Lukanette} [Silly]
Marinette prepares a little something for Luka, but nothing ever truly goes according to her plans.
Day 23 ` (1194 words) - {Lukanette} [Adulthood] [Post-Dating] [Trauma]
Luka helps Marinette work through the thoughts in her head.
Day 24 * (2808 words) - {Lukanette} [Jealousy]
As the months went on, Marinette found it harder and harder to keep up with her growing circle of friends and responsibilities. There were too many things to do and she wasn't "good or efficient enough" to do them. Other people had it easier, and she imagined they could replace her if needed.
Luka disagreed.
Day 25 ` (1386 words) - {Lukanette} [Post-Dating] [Gifts] [Fluff]
Luka goes to Marinette's house and catches her in the middle of one of her bad habits.
Day 26 ^ (2837 words) - {Vipernette} [Fluff]
Viperion goes out for patrol and gets appreciated by the only person he would seek appreciation from in the first place.
Day 27 * (3320 words) - {LukaFairy} [Adulthood] [Fantasy Elements] [Fairynette] [Introspection] [Love Square Salt] [Moments in Time] [No Dialog]
A tale of a fairy seamstress as she meets a model, a musician, and experiences love for the very first time with one of them.
Day 28 ^ (1703 words) - {Lukanette} [The Wish] [Silly]
Luka meets Marinette for the first time… sort of.
Day 29 ^ (1809 words) - {Lukanette} ["Chameleon" Fix-It] [Canon Divergence] [Luka and Marinette Are the Same Age] [Post-Dating] [Brief Class Salt]
Marinette gains an ally in her metaphorical battle with Lila.
Day 30 * (3381 words) - {Lukanette} [Cold Weather] [Silly] [Fluff]
Marinette hates the cold, and it's looking as though she's about to have a lonely day far removed from anything enjoyable.
Until, of course, Luka arrives at her home and they can't seem to part from each other for even a moment.
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drarrymicrofic · 1 year
Wheel Of Drarry (WoD) Round 1/2023 Masterlist
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Hello there!
Recently the Drarrymicrofic Discord Server ran its latest round of Wheel of Drarry (WoD) Fic Gift Exchange between participating members. Here is the compiled Masterlist, based on the details submitted by the gifters themselves. Please enjoy these beautiful works <3 To participants: If you see any errors with the links or the usernames, or if you don’t see your fic and want to be included, please reach out to Isami (isamijoo) on Discord.
1. Gift for @peachydreamxx by @makeitp1nk
Title: Overcome with light
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 295
Summary: For dear Eliza, as part of the WoD exchange for @drarrymicrofic, based on her prompt ethereal. A gazillion thanks to my beloved @crazybutgood for the always excellent beta. Inspired by The Dreamer Trilogy; the title is from the song with the same name by Bowerbirds. Hope you like it!
2. Gift for @steampunkserpent27​  by @cavendishbutterfly
Title: As it was written
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 4772
Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Post-Second Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), War Trauma, Depression, Nightmares, Canon-Typical Violence, Trans Male Draco Malfoy, Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Angst with a Happy Ending, snuggling with your former enemy, and weeping in their arms, a kneazle who probably has a secret evil agenda
Summary: Harry keeps having nightmares after the war. Someone keeps saving him.
3. Gift for  @geesenoises​  by @wolfpants​
Title: The Holly and the Ivy
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4640
Tags: EWE, Non-Linear Narrative, Hogwarts Eighth Year, Quidditch Player Draco Malfoy, Castles, Flashbacks, References to A Christmas Carol, Miscommunication, Idiots in Love, Misunderstandings, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Holidays, Christmas, Fluff, Light Angst, Explicit Sexual Content, Charity Auctions, Rich Harry Potter, Prickly Draco Malfoy, POV Draco Malfoy
Summary: This year at the Annual Ministry Yule Auction, Magpies Seeker Draco Malfoy's time is up for sale. When Harry places the winning bid, will their contracturally-binding weekend together heal old wounds, or worsen them? Featuring a fluffy black cat called Marley, a castle on the western coast of Scotland, an Eighth Year Christmas kiss, and stupid boys who can't express their feelings.
4. Gift for  @thebooktopus  by @themountainsgreen
Title: Midnight Confessions
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 1576
Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Potioneer Draco Malfoy, Auror Harry Potter, Idiots in Love, New Years Eve, Fluff, Holidays, Confessions, Falling In Love, Drarry, alternating POV
Summary: Sometimes, you need that special charm to realise what's right in front of you.
Harry's and Draco's is a tentative friendship, built on the ruins of Hogwarts and losses they’ve both suffered. This year marks the first time they spend New Year's Eve together. 
5. Gift for @isamijoo​ by @steampunkserpent27
Title: Shared Glimpses and First Kisses
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 2029
Tags: Harry Potter EWE, Eighth Year, Pining, Fluff, Gift Giving, Getting Together, Yule Party, Dancing, Good Harry Potter, Good Draco Malfoy, Established Friendship, Oblivious Harry Potter, Banter, First Kiss, Boys in Love, Boys Kissing, Happy Ending
Summary: The Eighth years have put on their very own magical Yule Party to celebrate how far they have all come. Harry has invited Draco, knowing that his new-found friend has been having a tough year, but will he show up?
6. Gift for @tink-wondering by @gallifrey1sburning​
Title: Waifs and Strays
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 5279
Tags: Alernate Universe - Different First Meeting, Chance Meetings, Runaway Harry Potter, Lost Draco Malfoy, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Canonical Child Abuse (but nothing graphic), Libraries, Good Influence Tonks, Cousins don't let cousins grow up to be bigots, and friends don't leave their friends' kids in abusive households, pre-Harry/Draco, very very pre, they are small children then have many years to go, Alternate Universe - Pre-Canon
Summary: When Draco Malfoy was seven years old, he got lost in Diagon Alley and met a cousin he’d never heard of. When Harry Potter was seven years old, he ran away from home and met a friend he never knew he had. A story of how chance encounters can change everything.
7. Gift for @basicallyahedgehog​ by @nelweensfic
Title: Patience is the best gift
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4037
Tags: Omegaverse, mpreg, smut, fluff, Omega Harry Potter, Alpha Draco Malfoy, christmas
Summary: After almost a decade of being both a teacher at Hogwarts, and an Omega, Harry realises there’s only one thing he's finally ready for: founding his own family.
8. Gift for @wolfpants by @isamijoo​
Title: Take Your Time
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 3000
Tags: Post-Hogwarts, Post-Battle of Hogwarts, Not Epilogue Compliant, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Getting Together, Kissing, The Deathly Hallows  
Summary: Ten years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Draco Malfoy owns a repair shop in Knockturn Alley. One day, Harry Potter came with a job for him.
9. Gift for @blue--dreaming by @peachydreamxx
Title: Treacle Tarts and Longing Hearts
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 4230
Tags: Hogwarts Alternate Universe- Canon Divergence, First Kiss, POV Draco Malfoy, Friends to Lovers, Flirting, Pining, Fluff, Awkward Crush Feelings
Summary: Draco would usually find studying an absolute breeze, if it weren’t for Harry Potter being such a frustratingly gorgeous distraction.
10. Gift for @quackquackcey​ by @sorrybutblog
Title: Two of Us
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 5559
Tags: Professional Quidditch, Fake/Pretend Relationship, except not really because Harry is too dumb to realize he’s doing it, Pining, Jealousy, Quidditch teammates, Himbo Harry Potter, Smut, based on the vibes of a hockey rpf!!, Harry is a little repressed but he gets it in the end
Summary: The gang goes to a gay bar. Or: five times Harry accidentally pretended to be Draco’s boyfriend and one time Draco told him to put out or shut up.
11.  Gift for @cluelesspigeons​  by @shealynn88
Title: For Everything, a Season
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 1344
Tags: established Drarry, fluff, empty nest, parents with adult children
Summary: Harry misses the kids, but Draco knows how to cheer him up.
12. Gift for @gallifrey1sburning by @blue--dreaming
Title: waiting for courage
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 1125
Tags: Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Pre-Canon, Pre-Slash, Canon Divergence - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Inspired by Alice in Wonderland, Happy Ending, Post Sectumsempra Scene | Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter's Duel in the Bathroom  
Summary: In which Draco forgets about finding an odd book in the library as a child, but is somehow set on a better course anyway after an unexpected tumble.
13. Gift for @nelweensfic​  by @cluelesspigeons​
Title: Counting Down To The New Year With You
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 2117
Tags: Minor Seamus Finnigan/Dean Thomas, Minor Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley, Minor Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, New Year's Eve, New Year's Party, New Year's Kiss, Fights, Making Up, Grumpy Harry Potter, Healer Draco Malfoy, Sulking Harry Potter
Summary: Just before Harry left for the party, he and Draco had a massive fight. Will Draco forgive him before the new year begins?
14. Gift for @sorrybutblog by @quackquackcey​
Title: "Little Blond Shite"
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 22557
Tags: Hogwarts Eighth Year, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Draco Malfoy Wielding a Bat, Humor, Crack Treated Seriously, Hijinks & Shenanigans, A little bit of mystery, Some Action, Baking, Everyone Thinks They're Together, Getting to Know Each Other, Getting Together, Falling In Love, Some pining, Banter, Eventual Smut, Probably one of the best things I’ve ever written, Wheel Of Drarry Mini-Exchange 2023, Animagus Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy Has Long Hair
Summary: Picture Draco Malfoy now in the habit of swingin’ a Beater’s bat—(not unlike Steve Harrington from Stranger Things)—after Harry Potter snatched his wand during the war. Now picture Draco Malfoy in eighth year minding his own business, getting rid of his excess handbaked goods by offering them to fairies, only to accidentally push Harry Potter into a fairy ring and get him cursed. That’s the story.
15. Gift for @written-in-ash​ by @tink-wondering​
Title: Lacrima Mortis
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word Count: 13954
Tags: Dementors, the Kiss, Azkaban, Veela!Draco, depressive thoughts, borderline suicidal ideation, self-harm, very brief and not really self-harm, but tagging it just in case, low self-esteem, mental health, microfics, within the fic itself, angst, happy ending, kind of an open ending, love is an important theme in this, as much as it is in the original story, canon divergent after the Lily’s and James’ deaths, wherein Voldemort truly died that night, but with a slight twist, so kind of, Alternate Universe, time travel, or more like time imprisonment, time-turner, Minor character death, nothing graphic and not from the character’s POV, No beta we die like Sirius, Spoiler alert?, canon compliant violence, Veela!Draco finding his mate, Panic Attack, cremation
Summary: Through history, Veelas have been hunted and almost decimated for one thing. A single thing that seems trivial and useless at first. A lone tear. Their last tear. Lacrima Mortis. Many advocated against the kills, yet it remains a potent potion ingredient. And now, though illegal, the hunt still perdures.
Please read, leave a kudos and comment of these wonderful fics. Until next time, have a lovely day!
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firesign23 · 3 months
🖋️ [Pen] Describe your WIP in a single, terrible sentence
I got this ask twice (the second was from @renee561) so I'll answer for the last two things I've worked on:
X-Men 5+1 Fuckbuddies AU: Look, sometimes you gotta be a horny freak to deal with all your traumas; occasionally it even works.
GoT charity auction fic: Exes, jealousy, duty, and fucking in an alley: just a day in the life of Jaime Lannister, Master of War.
Random WIP Ask Game
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mthofferings · 1 year
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See penguinofthewaddles’s existing works here.
Preferred contact methods: Email: [email protected] Tumblr: penguinofthewaddles Twitter: penguinwaddlesd Instagram: penguinofthewaddles
Preferred organizations: - Assistance Dogs International - Autistic Self Advocacy Network - Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (See the list of approved organizations here)
Will create works that contain: Fluff, angst, happy ending, hurt/comfort, fight scenes, cuddle scenes, platonic kisses (not on lips) and hugs, romantic kisses (with ships I like), platonic and romantic cuddling, fix-it, whump, traumatized character recovery, injury/hurt recovery, happy family dynamics, dysfunctional family, implied trauma (torture, heartbreak, neglect, loss) recovery and stuff like that, found family, people eating together, platonic sleeping together (innocent, just for comfort/cold), domestic fluff, some ships, mental illness (depression, anxiety, etc.), neurodivergent things, recovery, action scenes, happy/hopeful ending, (character) gets a hug, characters watching movies together
Will not create works that contain: Really sexual stuff (slightly implied might be ok but case by case basis!), extreme gore (ok with some, just not excessively pls), overeating, excessive body horror, horror in general (spooky/scary is ok, just not too disturbing), any hate/debate regarding religion or politics or controversial things (hate from other characters is ok on marvel villains or bad things happening in Marvel), hating on other people's interests, full nudity, unhappy endings
  -- Art --
Auction ID: 1155
Will create works for the following relationships: Loki/Sylvie - MCU Loki-centric - MCU B-15-centric - MCU Wanda Maximoff/Vision - MCU Namor & Shuri - MCU Loki & Thor - MCU Matt Murdock/Jennifer Walters - MCU Gamora/Peter Quill - MCU Miles Morales/Gwen Stacy - Spider-Verse (animated films) Bruce Banner & Heimdall & Loki & Thor & Valkyrie - MCU
Work Description: I do digital art in a cartoony/comic booky style!! I also do Chibi that you can see on my socials here! I can do different characters/relationships than what I listed ;) Though I’m a bit picky about shipping, so I might not want to do some relationships super shippy and romantic other than what's listed. Willing to draw pretty much anything gen with characters I know. Feel free to still ask if I want to do a specific romantic ship or something, though; I still might consider it! I'm familiar with all of the MCU shows and movies, some of X-Men movies, Spider-Man and X-Men Ultimate universe comics, and the AOS Loki storyline! (Haven’t finished it all the way through though!) Most likely would be half-body and a couple characters together but willing to negotiate ;) As I now work and am in school again, I might need some grace time with my busy schedule, so probably about 1-3 months depending on which auction number you are! (I am doing 3 auctions and I can only work on one at a time lol). If you would like it for a specific holiday or something, let me know and I can try and make it work! I usually work best with more frequent communication! I like sending wips lol and feel free to reach out for any questions/updates. I usually am most active on Instagram/Twitter/Discord. Also, the more details/specificity in the prompt, the easier it is for me! Please consider donating to one of the neurodivergent/disability support charities if bidding for this! My cousin is severely disabled and my family has been struggling to find the right care for him, so just on my heart lately and would mean a lot to me as a neurodivergent person myself as well. ❤️❤️ Thanks so much! Can’t wait to see your prompt!
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
-- Art --
Auction ID: 2077
Will create works for the following relationships: Loki fandom any gen - MCU Loki & Mobius - MCU Daredevil fandom any gen - MCU Agents of SHIELD fandom any gen - MCU Moon Knight fandom any gen - MCU Loki & Thor - MCU Guardians of the Galaxy fandom any gen - MCU Avengers fandom any gen - MCU Kamala Khan-centric - MCU Bruce Banner & Loki & Thor & Valkyrie - MCU
Work Description: This is a platonic/gen only auction! I can do different characters/relationships than what I listed! I'm familiar with all of MCU shows and movies, some of X-Men movies, Spider-Man and X-Men Ultimate universe comics, and the AOS Loki storyline! (Haven’t finished it all the way through though!) I do a cartoony/semi realistic style and chibi (see my examples here)! Most likely would be half-body and a couple characters together but willing to negotiate;) As I now work and am in school again, I might need some grace time with my busy schedule, so probably about 1-3 months depending on which auction number you are! (I am doing 3 auctions and I can only work on one at a time lol). If you would like it for a specific holiday or something, let me know and I can try and make it work! I usually work best with more frequent communication! I like sending wips lol and feel free to reach out for any questions/updates. I usually am most active on Instagram/Twitter/Discord. Also, the more details/specificity in the prompt, the easier it is for me! Please consider donating to one of the neurodivergent/disability support charities if bidding for this! My cousin is severely disabled and my family has been struggling to find the right care for him, so just on my heart lately and would mean a lot to me as a neurodivergent person myself as well. ❤️❤️ Thanks so much! Can’t wait to see your prompt!
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
-- Art --
Auction ID: 3028
Will create works for the following relationships: Sylvie-centric - MCU Loki-centric - MCU Wanda Maximoff-centric - MCU Remy LeBeau/Rogue - X-Men: The Animated Series Layla El-Faouly & Steven Grant & Marc Spector - MCU Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers - What If..? Frigga & Loki - MCU Shuri & T'Challa - MCU Michelle Jones/Peter Parker - MCU Loki & Wanda Maximoff & Stephen Strange - MCU
Work Description: I do digital art in a cartoony/comic booky style!! I also do Chibi that you can see on socials here! I can do different characters/relationships than what I listed. ;) Though I’m a bit picky about shipping, so I might not want to do some relationships super shippy and romantic other that what's listed. Willing to draw pretty much anything gen with characters I know. Feel free to still ask if I want to do a specific romantic ship or something, though; I still might consider it! I'm familiar with all of the MCU shows and movies, some of X-Men movies, Spider-Man and X-Men Ultimate universe comics, and the AOS Loki storyline! (Haven’t finished it all the way through tho!) Most likely would be half-body and a couple characters together but willing to negotiate. ;) As I now work and am in school again, I might need some grace time with my busy schedule, so probably about 1-3 months depending on which auction number you are! (I am doing 3 auctions and I can only work on one at a time lol). If you would like it for a specific holiday or something, let me know and I can try and make it work! I usually work best with more frequent communication! I like sending wips lol and feel free to reach out for any questions/updates. I usually am most active on Instagram/Twitter/Discord. Also, the more details/specificity in the prompt, the easier it is for me! Please consider donating to one of the neurodivergent/disability support charities if bidding for this! My cousin is severely disabled and my family has been struggling to find the right care for him, so just on my heart lately and would mean a lot to me as a neurodivergent person myself as well. ❤️❤️ Thanks so much! Can’t wait to see your prompt!
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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guinevere01 · 2 years
Underappreciated The Magnus Archives fanworks auctions in Fandom Trumps Hate
Here’s an overview of the offerings in the Magnus Archives fandom for @fandomtrumpshate this year, specifically all the ones who at the half-way point (March 3rd, 2pm EST) have no bids yet. Not familiar with Fandom Trumps Hate? In short it’s a yearly fanworks auction of which the proceeds go to charities supporting progressive causes. For the long version click below
Link to Fandom Trumps Hate - FAQ
Bidding runs till March 5th at 8PM EST!
Fanfic #1
Name auctioneer: ghastlyAlkali (link to auction), tumblr: @the-devourer-of-words
Highest rating: E (Explicit)
Length/scope: 5-10k words
Minimum bid: $5
Current high bid: $15
Especially interested in:
I am most familiar with Jon/Martin, but I’d be willing to write for most other pairings. Hurt/Comfort with themes of love and working through differences would be something I’d be interested in writing for, but I could do most other things as well. Happy ending guaranteed. Anything I write for Jon will have him as asexual, but I don’t care which type.
Fanfic #2
Name auctioneer: homeopathic_butthole/Rag (link to auction)
Highest rating: E (Explicit)
Length/scope: 10-20k words
Minimum bid: $5
Current high bid: $15
Especially interested in:
pairings: jonmartin, jonelias (gross only), jondaisy, jonmelanie, jonmartin-jondaisy-daisira poly, petermartin (gross only), jonmelanie-jonmartin-melaniegeorgie poly, melaniegeorgie, jontim, daisybasira, melaniebasira, eliasmartin (gross only), jonmichael, jonhelen, gertrudemary. big fan of poly in general
subjects: whump, porn, abuse, kink, trauma, healing, badwrong, horror, violence, body horror, fluff as long as it's kinky. trans and queer characters and themes
timeframe: any
Fanfic #3
Name auctioneer: Starlocked (link to auction), tumblr: @starlocked01
Highest rating: M (Mature)
Length/scope: Less than 5k words
Minimum bid: $5
Current high bid: $10
Especially interested in:
Soulmates gone wrong, AUs and/or Crossovers with other media, aromantic/asexual/trans headcanons
Fan Labor
Fan labor #1
Name auctioneer:  BlindBeta (link to auction), tumblr: @blindbeta
Subtype: Sensitivity reading
Highest rating: E (Explicit)
Length/scope: More than 50k words
Minimum bid: $10
Current high bid: 
Auction #1, TMA specifically: No bids yet, give this creator some love!
Auction #2, any fandom: $15
Auction #3, TMA specifically: $10
Notes about labor offered: Part time cane user and some experience with Braille. I can research and ask others for any conditions or experiences I do not have myself
Especially interested in:
Fanart #1
Name auctioneer: MxCaptain (link to auction), tumblr: this is me, hello, you’re here!
Subtype: Pixel art
Highest rating: T (Teen)
Length/scope: Pixel art of up to three characters (dependent on complexity - ie I'll do one detailed/complex character or up to three simple ones) of your choice, with a simple background (think solid colour, repeating pattern, gradient, simplistic landscape) I will do one character sprite + a simple background for the minimum bid of $10, additional characters (up to two extra) for a minimum of $5 each. <- The strike through part is actually an old thing that I failed to delete before the auction went live! Feel free to reach out with what you have in mind, I am quite flexible.
Minimum bid: $10
Current high bid: $20
Especially interested in:
Jon, Martin, Gerry's fun too. Entity imagery
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mikaaccidentaldemon · 9 months
Hi, and happy Yuletide, holidays and/or the end of the year! I'm once again wandering from askbox to askbox, asking questions from my fellow Good Omens fanfic writers.
How was your writing year? What's the favourite story you wrote? Yes, YOUR favourite of YOUR work! Feel free to gush about your creations, I'm looking forward to hearing all about it!
I wish you all the comments and kudos, and an exceptional new year! 🧡 Mirjam
Thank you so much for asking me, even though my Tumblr is basically not existent (I'm a discord and twitter person).
Writing year was altogether alright. Did I hope to write more? Yes. Did life (sick kid, surgery, work deadlines) happen? Also yes.
Still, I wrote 7 stories, 2 for RareOmens, 1 for an event, 1 as a collab with an artist, 2 FTH auction docs and my multichapter fic 'Art in the Making' that is ongoing. I am very pleased that I took part in events this year, be it for fun or for charity. I'm also involved in 3 zines right now that I'm currently very excited about but cannot say more about yet.
My personal favourite is HARD. BUT. 'All my Grace', an event fic that turned into a study of living through and dealing with trauma was unexpectedly meaningful to me. I love the smutty stuff I wrote very much. But this tackles a heavy topic and I feel like I couldn't have written it two years ago, when I was just starting out with writing.
Link here:
And for fun smutty and pining stuff, 'Art in the Making' is still living in my brain rent free and I'm excited to finish the story next year. Anytime I think about it, I wanna make Crowley create art (and create art myself) and have them fuck 🤣😅
I'm really grateful that a lot of writing came with interaction (like events, collab, etc) and that I met so many creators in the fandom and became good friends with some awesome people.
Thanks again for asking and happy Yuletide!
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rxscss · 2 years
closed starter for : @shebloom​​ {nathaniel}
location : a charity gala
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she had always been one to give back, especially to the industry that had given her and her family so much, and tonight was no exception. auctioning off one of her ornate and elaborate custom designs was an honor for her and she still sometimes had to pinch herself because it felt like a big dream that she’d wake up from and find herself back in the trailer parks. but it was very much real and she’d never, ever take it for granted. offering a warm smile to the male that she saw observing her dress, not familiar with who he was, she nodded her head towards the dresses sparkly train. “i know it’s a lot, but every girl deserves to feel like a princess, right? fashion has gotten too boring with all the monochrome and what not, i think it’s been more than enough time and everyone’s recovered from the trauma that is the 80′s, i think we can all start having fun with it again. but that’s just me.”
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gregg-reuben · 6 months
The challenge of nonprofit fundraising
The challenge of nonprofit fundraising https://seths.blog/2024/04/the-challenge-of-fundraising/ When someone starts a business, they spend a bunch of time with a business plan, working to raise funds and get it off the ground. After that, though, the purpose of the business is completely aligned with the idea of not running out of money. We run a business to make money, not to spend it. If done well, there’s no more fundraising after a startup period. On the other hand, nonprofits sign up to do at least two things. They’re here to solve a problem, to address trauma, to enrich the culture, to do the difficult work that we’re not always able to do on our own. And yet, at the same time, we require them to raise money. Not just for a little while, but all the time. The more successful they become, the more money they need to raise. Along the way, it’s not unusual for a nonprofit to spend 50% of the money they raise on the expense of raising more money. That’s not because they’re inefficient, it’s because we are. We demand a gala, or an emergency, or artfully written fundraising letters. Donors want personal attention from the folks who are ostensibly doing the front line or strategic work of the nonprofit, and treat regular donations as an exception, not the standard. When the internet arrived, it dramatically lowered the transactional costs in a wide variety of industries. You can buy an airline ticket yourself faster and with less intervention than through a travel agent. You can buy stocks for transaction fees that are a tiny fraction of what a broker used to charge. But creative and effective nonprofit fundraising has been stuck in a cycle of risk, galas and uncertainty. GOODBIDS is making it easier for a nonprofit to create an event that might capture the attention of regular donors as well as new ones. It still requires some effort to secure the prizes, but our tool significantly leverages the work of the nonprofit and the fee we charge the nonprofit is a tiny fraction of what it usually costs to do fundraising. Today’s new auctions are rare collectibles donated by special friends: Apollonia Poilâne’s Surrealist, Dali-inspired Sourdough Bread “Paindelabra” shipped to you from Paris Her father baked a chandelier for Salvador Dali, and this is your chance to have a handmade work of art from the world’s most famous bakery. Movie Jacket Signed by Guy Kawasaki: Rare Apple-sponsored crew jacket from the Mission Impossible 1 movie shoot Apple sponsored these luxurious jackets for the crew on the original movie. Guy signed his for you, making it doubly collectible. I hope you’ll check out how positive auctions are working for charities you care about. PS bonus tip: Each Goodbids auction has an end date and time, but the auction is automatically extended when someone bids near the end of the window. That means that there’s no benefit to waiting until the last minute, because there isn’t a last minute–the auction keeps running until the bidding is done.
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 9 months
ooooooooh so so many of ur wips sound fantastic but i would love to hear more about Sam, Jan, and Jamie vs the AFC Richmond Charity Gala
Thank you! Sam, Jan, and Jamie vs the AFC Richmond Charity Gala is a product of the fic I said I probably wouldn't write to fic I am, in fact, going to write pipeline. Here's the post I made about it! This one is set in mid season 2 and is essentially about Sam, Jan, and Jamie campaigning to swap out the auction at the charity gala with something a bit less... gross and exploitative. It's also about Sam and Jamie, who have been on decent terms but are still a bit cautious around each other, slowly building a real friendship, Jamie kind of falling sideways into processing his trauma around Amsterdam and his complicated feelings about Lust Conquers All by participating in a project that's based around the importance of consent and bodily autonomy, and Jan Maas unintentionally helping the team and Jamie understand their relationship last season a bit more objectively through the power of bluntness. It ends with a parallel to Roy and Jamie's scene at the bar in 1x04 where Roy apologizes for joking that Jamie would have to sleep with that woman and Jamie opens up a bit about why he quit Man City. (I still haven't figured out what to replace the auction with, though I got some good suggestions on the original post I made about it)
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