#deathstroke x ravager
satoshy12 · 9 months
Danny's many Kids/Clones
It all started when Danny once said he would like a few playmates for Dani, as it seems like she feels alone. It had been just bad luck that Vlad heard it, and in his way, Vlad thought to fix that! Was to create new Clones! And that was how five more playmates for Dani came to be. And Danny had five more new Clones. + A few weeks later
As Danny opened the door, there stood five new tiny Danny's, and before he could say anything, his mom screamed Grandbabies and hugged them. It was not long before the whole Amity Park knew about it, and he was again grounded for time travel. Something about not learning from his mistakes. And Amity Park was just going like, "The Fenton kid once again, Time Travel'd, it seems, they are adorable!" They aren't even sure how old the Fenton kid is now with all the times he did that. ++ Danny's first thing was to call Vlad in anger, but then he saw the joy Dani had with her siblings... And he wasn't that angry anymore. But he asked who he used, as they don't look as fully like him as Dani did. He seems to have used the ones that teens play in Hero and Villians. ++
So he had 1 of them are Twins.
Bat-Phantom = Cassandra Cain and danny Blackfire-Phantom = Blackfire and Danny Ravager-Phantom = Ravager and Danny Wonder-Phantom = Wonder Girl and Danny
++ First one to find out about Time Travel babies is Deathstroke, who proclaims himself Grandpa Slade! And yes he trains and treats all the 6 kids the same, he won't fail this time!! And he is very thankful how Amity Park is, otherwise it would be super weird. I mean he is known for fighting the Justice League most of the time!! ++ Danny is learning to be a doctor, he knows his luck and being one would make it easier to look after his kids.
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vincentvega0721 · 4 months
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Teen Titans / The New Teen Titans
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scarletlunarosa · 2 years
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Slade: Does your Daddy know you’re undercover with the bad guys.
Slade: Nightwing, Teach my daughter everything you know.
Rose: Deathwing, or nightstroke never mind that one sounds kinda dumb.
Nightwing 112
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Rose lets her gaze sweep across the ballroom, her enhanced mind unconsciously identifying and cataloguing those few partygoers she can recognize. The crowd tonight seems… off, somehow. There aren’t nearly enough notable faces as there should be for one of the mayor’s famous formals. The man near the balcony owns the biggest private power plant in the city, and the one standing next to the chocolate fountain is undoubtedly San Francisco’s new superstar police commissioner, but Rose also recognizes several news correspondents, local reporters, and… yeah, no, it’s not just her imagination. There are way too many people affiliated with the press around for an event like this. Everyone here is rich enough to have something to hide, specially the mayor, so why would there be any members of the press around at all?
Biting her lip, Rose looks both ways to check if anyone is watching her before pressing the microphone on the hem of her dress and lowering her voice to a murmur. “Press.”
”I noticed,” comes the reply from the mysterious Oracle, who had oh so generously offered to play quarterback for this mission when Tim had asked. Rose still couldn’t resist rolling her eye whenever she thought about it. “Go find Tim. And Ravager?” she adds when Rose straightens up against the wall. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing.”
”Oh yeah?” Rose’s voice is thick with sarcasm. “And what would that be, huh?”
There’s no reply. Rose isn’t sure if that’s a good or a bad sign. She doesn’t care either way.
She pushes away from the wall and walks back to the dance floor, weaving through crowds of over-glamorized high society ladies and rich white men in rich white suits to flag down an unassuming young waiter. When the man turns to look at her, she purposefully stumbles into him, giggling drunkenly, a move she had once used with Dick. The man, surprised, catches her by the shoulders and rights her, and Rose puts a hand on his chest and leans in to whisper in his ear.
”Hey, big boy,” Rose murmurs loudly and huskily, then lowers her voice. “Too much press around.”
”I noticed,” Tim whispers back, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear and smiling lecherously against her neck. “The blonde guy in the leftmost corner was in charge of the guests lists.” Pause. “Where’s Cassie?”
”Occupied,” comes the whispered reply as Rose leans away from Tim, swatting at his chest demurely for good measure before grabbing a wine glass of a different waiter and stalking towards the leftmost corner. Sure enough, a blonde man in a blue suit stands there, watching the room with the airs of private security but without the gear that would usually come with such a job. Ex-military, then. Probably special forces, and too in love with war to ever leave. Like her father. He stood like that all the time.
”I know you have your own agenda here,” Oracle’s voice informs her out of the blue. “I just can’t figure out what it is.”
”That makes two of us,” Rose murmurs, scratching at the hem of her collar and inconspicuously picking up the microphone before dropping it in her wine glass. It fizzles and sparks for a moment but dies too quickly for anyone to notice. Rose does the same with the camera in her eyepatch without slowing her pace and then reaches for her earpiece.
“Whatever you think you’re doing, the team will understand if you come clean now,” Oracle says urgently, but Rose ignores her and drops the earpiece into the wine. It dies just as quickly as the microphone had. Rose takes a sip of the wine, hides behind a pillar, and throws it in an arc at the blonde man in the corner.
The glass hits the man in the back of the head and breaks, scattering glass everywhere and sending him to the ground in a pool of blood. Someone screams, then many someones. On-site medics run into the ballroom, followed by men in grey security uniforms. Rose watches all this with a satisfied smirk on her face, waiting until the man is taken away to the mansion’s infirmary to come out from behind the pillar and start following the medics from a safe distance.
”You can’t be here,” a nurse tells her when she walks into the infirmary, more annoyed than suspicious thanks to her unsteady gait and drunken swaying. “There’s been an incident, and-”
Rose’s fist shoots out, knocking the nurse’s head back in a shower of blood and bringing her crashing down to the floor, as unconscious as unconscious can be. Rose strips the nurse and puts on her uniform and cap, then takes off her eyepatch and peels off the layer of cloudy grey film covering her newly-fitted glass eye. No one in the team knew she’d had a glass eye made, which means that no one will see her leaving if it comes to that.
Her disguise in place, Rose walks up to the bed and shakes the man on it back to the waking world.
”Wha-nu-” the man babbles, before stilling as Rose presses the blade of her knife to his throat.
”There is a woman going by the name of Xia Worth on the guest list for tonight,” Rose snarls, pulling the man’s head back by the hair with her free hand and nicking the edge of the man’s neck. “You’re going to tell me everything you know about her.”
Part 1: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47358040/chapters/119333437
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imsparky2002 · 3 months
DC and Marvel AU - Extra Names
Jessica Keynes-Hill (Batgirl) - Grey Bat
Aeon Keynes-Hill (Bumblebee) - Swarm
Socqueline Wang (Mr. Mxyzptlk) - Miss Soklinebryglk
Wayhem Dana (Bat-Mite) - Supe-Mite
Fei Wu (Lady Shiva) - Lady Wu
Barbara Keynes-Hill (Batman) - Black Bat
Olympia Keynes-Hill (Atom) - Tiny Titan
Luka Couffaine (The Shade) - Shadow Snatcher
Ondine Rivas (Enchantress) - Sea Enchantress
Caline Bustier (Hugo Strange) - Miss Mystery
Olga Mendeliev (Chief) - The Professor
Alonzo Grotke (Black Lightning) - Soulshock
Dahlia Winters (Crazy Quilt) - Threaded Thespian
Denis Damocles (Quincy Sharp) - Warden Damocles
Delmar Stahl (Ravager) - Ravage
Camilla Stahl (Deathstroke) - Reaper
Vivica Maricel (Punk Rocket) - Rockin’ Robber
Marvel AU
Delmar Stahl (Cyclops) - X-Ray
Fei Wu (Daredevil) - Sonar
Wayhem Dana (Ant-Man) - Insectisize
Socqueline Wang (Wasp) - Buzz
Jessica Keynes-Hill (White Tiger) - Akicita Igmu
Olga Mendeliev (Hank Pym) - Ant-Woman
Vivica Maricel (Ghostrider) - Dead Rebel
Caline Bustier (Medusa) - Gorgana
Alonzo Grotke (Blade) - Nocturne
Dahlia Winters (Chameleon) - Professor Polymorph
Denis Damocles (Thunderbolt Ross) - “Darkwing” Damocles
Camilla Stahl (Binary) - Cosmica
Lemme know what you think in the comments. @artzychic27 @msweebyness @nerd-chocolate
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andi-dromeda · 3 months
What does Grant go by in your New All-Caste au? Are him and Rose both Ravager, I could definitely see him retaking his old name and completely ignoring Rose but if he doesn't want his family to know he's alive I assume he'd get a new alias. - AutisticRoseWilson
I forgot inboxes exist so sorry if this has been sitting around for ages. So I had another idea for an au that I’m going to steal Grant’s name in that for this. In rebirth, Slade says:
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So Slade had the world view that your either a sheep or a wolf and classed himself as a wolf. Whist Grant hates Slade so he wouldn’t want to be a wolf, he also hates the idea of being powerless so would hate being a sheep even more. In the other AU he hears about a guy in Gotham who has all the traits he liked about Deathstroke before he knew it was his dad (the guys strong, powerful, plays by his own rules, isn’t a hero) but also crucially has things Deathstroke didn’t (he protects kids, hates abusers and isn’t a full on villain) called Red Hood. Grant assumes Red hood is a reference to little red riding hood and guesses from the rumours he’d heard, some big bad Wolf did something to him and now he’s not so little. So he gets obsessed with red hood, starts stalking him but also helping him out. Jason is very confused but since this guy’s just helping him he’s not actively hostile towards Grant. Grant decides to call himself Hunter because 1, the Hunter is the one to stop the wolf from hurting little red riding hood and 2 I mean he named himself ravager. It’s kind of on the nose.
Anyways back to New All Caste, I think he still could’ve picked up Hunter even without the red riding hood connection. He doesn’t want to be a sheep, doesn’t want to be a wolf so what beats both? A Hunter! But since his name is kind of generic he hasn’t really gotten that famous which in a way was kind of the point. If he got too big there’s a chance his family might look into him. In this, all he’s heard about Red hood is that the guys is Roy’s friend who’s good with Lian and took over crime in Gotham but nothing else. Jason hasn’t really heard of Hunter at all because again, generic name, and also Grant likes to take jobs in places that aren’t “dumpster fires” such as Gotham.
Once he does meet Rose, he ABSOLUTELY takes up his old mantle to try get back at her. He came back to his family after dying and suddenly there were way more people, everyone was significantly less toxic and actually putting in an effort to be a family. He is extremely envious that the other kids didn’t go through all he went through (from his perspective) and to hear one of them stole HIS name. He’s pissed and has always been territorial so keeps trying to one up Rose. Which only gets worse when he finds out Rose dated Jason. It’s mostly a one sided rivalry though because Rose has better shit to do than worry about a dead brother she thought was cool because of Joey who she now think sucks after finally meeting him.
Then Grant finds out Dick stole his other name, Red X, and all hell breaks loose. Jason is debating on whether or not to step in and Jade’s just enjoying the show. (She doesn’t actually want him dead since Lian adores Dick however, she is very content to watch him suffer.)
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meekmedea · 2 years
House of Masks
After making so many images for the ladies (link here!), it's only fair to make a one for Slade, Grant and Joey :)
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Slade Wilson - aka Deathstroke. Former soldier and ex-husband to Adeline Kane. Currently a part-time mercenary and full-time father. Has a total of four children: Grant, Joey, Rose and Medea
Often worries that his eldest child has set a trend with his siblings as his middle two children have taken up masks, prays that his youngest won't follow in their footsteps.
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Grant Wilson - Eldest child between Slade Wilson and Adeline Kane. The brother behind Medea's nickname 'Medi', which was later adopted by their other siblings. Formerly Red X and the first to operate as Ravager, currently operates as the mercenary, Rogue.
Fiercely protective of all his siblings – he can tease his siblings because he's the eldest of them all, but anyone else? Watch out.
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Joseph (Joey) Wilson - Youngest child between Slade Wilson and Adeline Kane. Grant's younger brother and older brother to Rose and Medea. Mute after his throat was slit, he often relies on sign language, though he sometimes uses his subvocal mic to voice his thoughts. Besides Rose, he's the only other of Slade's children to inherit the metahuman gene, giving him an array of abilities.
Formerly a member of the Teen Titans as Jericho. Currently just trying to survive university.
Credit to creators on picrew:
For Slade
For Grant & Joey
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anotherdcfangirl · 3 years
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same energy
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ak-the-valkyrie · 3 years
Me: *casually looking through Tumblr*
Joey Wilson/Jericho in "Tiny Titans":
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legomocfodder · 3 years
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From the Galaxy of Justice, I present the Lazarus Guild. A secret branch of the Bounty Hunter's Guild, Lazarus will take the jobs other guilds wouldn't.
1st picture: Group shot
2nd picture: Talia Al Ghul, current leader of the guild, with the title Demon's Head. Jade Nguyen, Talia's right hand and a silent killer. Xesh: Mysterious merc wearing stolen Mando armor.
3rd picture: The heavy hitters. Bane, strong and deadly with an electrostaff. Floyd Lawton, ex-Imperial sharpshooter, he can blast a finger off a jawa from Kilometers away. Slade, a dangerous hunter who can track anything. Lobo, the most brutal hunter in the guild, made a name for himself taking contracts on Jedi and succeeding.
4th: The deserters. Ravager, Roy Harper, Jason Todd, Artemis Crock, and Cassandra Cain. All of them left the guild and joined the Rebel Alliance
NSFW blogs do not reblog!
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Happy fathers day i edited the meme i made earlier to add more ✨children✨ including a special guest.
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@dogmeatthedead i think you will like our special guest
Also I totally didnt listen to daddy issues while working on this during fathers day hahaha………
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ainzee · 5 years
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TerRose rights!
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kitkathero · 5 years
These are all the comics that are reviewed:
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Random CassieRose headcanons, cause why not?
-Their first kiss is in the gym, during a sparring match that ended with Rose kissing Cassie while lassoed. They go from rivals to rivals/lovers to just plain lovers along the course of six months and many, many more sparring matches—most of which end very similarly to the first one.
-Cassie can’t keep her hands off Rose. Whether it’s a casual pat on the arm or a quick brush of her hand, Cassie seems to always find any excuse to touch Rose. Rose teases her relentlessly for it, but does nothing to dissuade the casual contact.
-Rose’s favorite pastime is riling Cassie up while she can’t do anything about it, like during team meetings. A hand lingering a second too long on her hip here, a feather-light brush of her ass there… it all drives Cassie insane, but she can’t react without losing plausible deniability, so she has to stand there and continue the meeting like every cell in her body isn’t urging her to grab Rose and return the favor right there on the table. As soon as the meeting is over, however… well, let’s just say there are a surprising group amount of supply closets in Titans Tower that could comfortably fit an angry demigoddess itching for payback and her insufferably smug girlfriend.
-Cassie makes a point of visiting Rose in the infirmary every time she gets hurt after a mission, even though she totally doesn’t have to, considering Rose’s healing factor will leave her good as new in just a few hours no matter the severity of the injury.
-They will bicker like a married couple about literally anything. Everything’s an argument with them, though most of their arguments seem to end with them making out. It’s kinda gross.
-Rose sneaks into Cassie’s room at night so often she’s started leaving some of her stuff there.
-Rose leaves the Tower on solo missions often, but she makes sure to bring back the stupidest souvenirs she can find for Cassie. Most are gag gifts at best and amusingly useless at worst, but Cassie stubbornly insists on still the Wonder Woman-themed pen Rose bought her even though it wasn’t originally designed to be reusable.
-Rose sends Cassie pictures while she’s away. These can range from silly selfies with obscure landmarks in the background (they have a game where Cassie tries to guess where Rose is at any given time using these landmarks, which is stupid because if Cassie really needed to know where Rose was she could just check the tracker Tim put on her in case she was ever kidnapped by Deathstroke. Even though Rose knows about the tracker, using it for anything other than an absolute emergency feels like a breach of trust.) to pictures of a more explicit variety.
That one picture of Rose standing in front of a mirror wearing nothing but a Wonder Girl shirt awoke something in Cassie.
-Cassie, like anyone associated with the Amazons (fight me, it’s canon), is into tying people up. Rose, who canonically likes being tied up, thinks this is very convenient.
-M’gann and Raven don’t invite both Rose and Cassie to girls’ night these days, as they always end up making out and it makes everyone uncomfortable. Rather, they alternate on which one to invite.
-Rose loves it when Cassie gets bossy, whether it’s on missions, in the bedroom, while making out, anywhere.
-Canonically, Rose really fucking hates needles (three guesses as to why). Thankfully, her enhanced physiology means that the times where she has to go near them are few and far in between. On the rare occasion she do has to get tested for something, Cassie makes a point of finding an excuse to be in the room. Rose, who thinks she’s being stupid and demonstrates it with a roll of her eye, never ask her to stay… but, well, she never asks her to leave, either, so Cassie’s pretty sure she appreciates it.
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Ravager and Deathstroke must reluctantly work together to fight Tim. It will be described as mind-blowing.
— Jason Todd (@Jason_P_Todd_)
May 25, 2018
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blanddcheadcanons · 7 years
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Red X II is Rose Wilson, daughter of Slade. She stole the suit and managed to bypass any and all security the Teen Titans established, her primary motivation for this was to step out of Slade's shadow and establish herself as a major criminal threat.
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