#don't yell at me for lack of originality i just be talking sometimes
kkenma666 · 1 year
(창빈,현진) changbin & hyunjin.. 7 minutes in heaven
...🐷🐰 (창빈) changbin!!
the both of you grunted as you felt your bodies being pressed against each other, the lack of space inside the closet being to blame.
changbin and you looked the other way, trying your hardest not to breathe in each other's faces. "uh well, ain't this awkward.." changbin joked, trying to ease the heavy tension in the air.
you nodded quietly as you leaned against the door, praying that someone will just open the door already.
just how did you get into this mess?
well, it all started with you being dared by your friend to stand inside the closet for seven minutes alone. you accepted the dare— thinking it was easy enough. i mean just stand in a closet, alone, for 7 minutes.
but oh boy were you wrong. you should have known it was suspicious when your friend randomly dared you to go into the janitor's closet for seven minutes with changbin nearby.
somehow your friends somehow pushed the almighty changbin and held the closet close, refusing to open it until the seven minutes were up. you tried yelling at them to open it but it was to no avail.
anyway, that was how you got yourself into this awkward position with your crush.
"um, sorry that my friends pushed you to this.. ugh i swear I'll kill them once I'm out of here.." you muttered an apology while looking down, failing to notice the smile creeping on his lips.
a cute snort escaped his lips making you raise your eyebrow at it.
"it's fine, plus it's not that bad being stuck with you."
you immediately looked up at him in shock, your ears already red. "i— uh. what do you mean by that?" you started fidgeting with your hands, trying to calm your flushing self down.
but it all went to waste as soon as changbin opened his mouth. "well, since i probably won't have another chance like this I'll just be honest. i really like you, yn. let me take you out sometime."
changbin's usual loud boisterous voice was surprisingly quiet, his tone gentle and loving. you could feel his true emotions.
you stared at him as if asking are you joking? to which he replied by only staring at you with his doting eyes. your eyes also bored back into his own as you try to conjure up a response.
you went into overdrive as the warm closet somehow turned into a sauna from how hard you were blushing. "i—uh i— um.. sure! would saturday work?" changbin nodded.
before any more conversation could start, the door suddenly opened— making you almost fall down head first but changbin's hand quickly sneaked its way onto your waist preventing you from falling down.
"see you at eight then, cutie" he helped you back on your feet and left you behind to process what the fuck just happened.
...🥟 (현진) hyunjin!!
your eyes darted everywhere except into his own, his eyes also following suit. you tried to push yourself as far back into the shelves behind you trying to make as much space between the two of you.
"you don't have to push yourself into the shelf, yknow?" your pupil blew wide as you apologized, retreating towards your original spot.
the both of you could feel each other hot breath's against each other, his breath fanning the crown of your head while yours on his chest.
just how did you get into this mess?
you, your friends, and a bunch of your classmates decided to play a silly game of seven minutes in heaven with each other. you could bet everyone was nervous about who they were gonna get stuck with.
one thing for sure was everyone wished that they could get stuck with hwang hyunjin, the class muse— and by some godly luck, you managed to get stuck with him.
you could tell a lot of people were jealous of you but they let it go, i mean it's just a friendly game between classmates.
god knows how nervous you are to be stuck in a room with him. i mean, people would fight for your spot right now.
"hey, you don't have to be so nervous... talk with me." hyunjin's smooth voice managed to ease you down a bit— your tense shoulder drooping a bit.
"yeah no sorry, it's just um.. awkward being stuck here with you!" you managed to squeak out a response, your voice higher than you intended. hyunjin laughed at this, easing the tense air.
without even realizing it, seven minutes passed by in a flash— the both of you doing nothing but chatting and getting to know each other inside that closet.
questions were bombarded your way to which you only replied with a we only chatted.
after the game ended and everyone headed their own ways, hyunjin called you over— earning looks from your friends.
you rolled your eyes at them and made your way towards hyunjin, a shy smile on your face. "um so.. i really enjoyed our time there." you also agreed, "yeah, i really got to know you a lot, hyunjin!"
"yeah so a new cafe just opened up nearby and i was wondering if you were free this saturday?"
dear god you feel like you could faint at this very moment. your ears immediately went red as you tried to remember your own schedule. "yep, I'm very much free! does three pm work?"
hyunjin's dimple made you go into overdrive as he winked at you.
"see you at three then, cutie."
should i make the rest of the members?
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wildpeachfarm · 5 months
Idk maybe I’m stupid but can someone explain it to me like I’m 5 years old how Hannah has enabled or how her audience has pushed TERF ideas or rhetoric? Because it’s the one place the dots are not connecting for me every single time this conversation gets rehashed. I think it’s fine to disagree with how she’s acted in all of this, but it feels like taking what could just be called shitty or annoying and turning it into a moral issue when it doesn’t really NEED to be one to claim she or her audience are acting like TERFs. I just would like to hear one explicit example of how this is the case. Because I just cannot see how it’s “TERF-y” for a woman who has spent years facing immense levels of misogyny to make the decision to distance herself from friends who potentially victimized another woman which looks extremely horrible on the surface, even if her decision was made suddenly and under pressure. Whether she regrets it or not is not relevant to it; it just feels like an extreme lack of empathy to take how she reacted while under a microscope to a situation that looked horrible at first glance and claim it’s her pushing harmful ideas. Especially when she deleted most of her original tweets about it anyways and has not spoken on it since. And I don’t even mean this as hate, I am just genuinely asking. Because I don’t necessarily love her distancing herself either, I just also don’t see the reason to keep harping on her about it or making it into some huge moral issue where she is in the wrong when it does not have to be one. And especially when other women involved from the sidelines have done the same or more than her. Sometimes we can just say behaviors are shitty or nasty and leave it at that.
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ehhh honestly that's not even a part of that ask that I was hard agreeing with and that's also just anons opinion, but also I myself wouldn't even go as far as to say "terf rhetoric enabler" (because I don't agree with that) but more so just concerned that she could be attracting a bad crowd in her fanbase unintentionally that some people wish she became more aware of.
last time i talked about this i was getting yelled at to hell and back and being purposefully misunderstood as claiming she was somehow creating a terf army in her fanbase which...let me be crystal fucking clear I AM NOT SAYING OR EVEN IMPLYING. Nor am I saying that her actions in response to the gogcident are somehow fueling terf ideologies. Not saying that at all and please don't think or claim I am saying that.
However, recently a decent amount of people have seen an increase in people in her fanbase (even some that she interacts pretty frequently with) start speaking using terf and specifically radfem phrases (notably during and right after the gogcident) which was raising some red flags for people who are either fans of hers or on the periphery. Now, I've said before that of course hannah probably does not know this and it's not her job to do a background check on everyone she follows on twitch and interacts with on twitter (that is just a ridiculous expectation). However, I think that when you speak a lot about feminist issues, etc. (all very important topics to discuss!) sometimes terfs and radfems just come into your community because they think you are all talking about the same things and have the same ideology. But, as your community grows and as that portion of your fanbase starts concerning people, I think it could be good for CCs to at least be aware of it. Personally, I have more issue with certain fans than with hannah herself but I do think some of her mods are shitty and she needs to stop it with the idea that "any friend of hers that makes a big mistake is no longer a friend" because that's just not going to hold up for very long in the real world.
As per her reaction to the george situation: yeah it was incredibly shitty and honestly I think she could have been fine waiting a bit before making responses because her quick jumps to conclusions (and shooting friendly fire at sylvee in the process) without talking to anyone involved first was a very foolish thing to do and disappointed a lot of people.
I feel like a broken record for constantly having to say this but I get that these female CCs want to do good by the women in the gaming space, i get it. But sometimes they make impactful mistakes and publicly react to situations poorly and I will say that about any cc who I think makes a poor call, guy or gal. I will always have empathy for people reacting badly to initial news dropping like this because I don't know what these people have gone through in their lives, but what I don't have as much empathy for is people immediately broadcasting their initial emotional thoughts all over twitter and then backpedaling when they realize they were being too extreme or emotional. I have criticized Dream for that, and I will criticize Hannah for that.
And you're right not everything needs to be a moral discussion! I don't really agree with people that are trying to heavily mix these two discussions because I honestly don't think they really coincide that much anyway.
I will never say her reaction is "terf-y" because it's just not. These are two separate discussions in my mind so to put them together in that way just isn't something I necessarily will agree with. And I've said this probably 10 times at this point, that I have never once said Hannah intentionally fueling terf/radfem rhetoric in her fanbase. I'm saying it's a somewhat inevitable byproduct of being a large female CC who speaks on feminism and misogyny on the internet. It happens to tiktokers, youtubers, other streamers, etc. This is not a hannah specific issue but people in the mcyt see it with some of her fans because she's simply just a larger female CC so of course her fans are more easy to spot. (same logic on a larger scale applies to the few bad apple dream stans that get the spotlight because of how popular dream is)
Hopefully this makes sense, it is nearly midnight for me right now so I am very tired but I wanted to answer this as thoroughly as I could because it's always an important distinction I want to make and I hate being misunderstood.
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iviarellereads · 2 months
Wheel of Time full series spoiler thoughts on TDR 15-19
A probably semi-regular weekly bonus to my reread blog, since sometimes you realize things on reread that just make you need to yell in a full spoiler space.
We never really get much more answer on Gray Men, do we? Huh. They stay in the story longer than, say, portal stones, but they also sort of just fizzle out after a certain point, particularly once the gholam is free. (I'm not qualified to talk about THAT one but it's a ways off yet, at least, so I'm saved from having to comment. Hurrah.)
"How will they see us as a threat? Nobody is threatened by someone they can order about. Nobody is threatened by someone who has to scrub pots and turn the spits three times a day." Egwene, how far you have to go before you realize that everything, EVERYTHING is about context.
Sheriam used air to hide the Gray Man's body… Is this where Nyn gets the idea for a mask of mirrors? Do we think Sheriam learned that weave from the Dark?
Oh, Elayne, what misery you've wrought for all the rest of us readers. Okay, I know that SOME people legit ship Egwene and Gawyn, but still.
I'm gonna give a real controversial take here: poor Elaida. Look, does she interpret everything through a lens of "I have to be in control of this situation because I'm obviously the person who understands the most of it"? Yes. But, have you ever had a control complex out of anxiety that your lack of control will mean disaster? Cause, I do. I constantly have to fight that shit. Elaida is never motivated by evil and only rarely by greed for power and influence, only as much so as she needs to accomplish her goal of being the one to save the world, of being the one in control of everything. Left to fester, there's a chance she'd end up something like Mordeth, like Mashadar, corrosive to Light and Dark. And her end in the series is downright tragic. The woman whose anxiety over her visions drives her to control the world, under the control-slavery of the a'dam. I think her offer here is true, I think she really does want to help them. She's just such a domineering presence, she has never bothered to learn how to schmooze, to charm, to persuade as a first resort., when the bullish charge will do the job more often than not, when you're one of the most powerful Aes Sedai in hundreds of years.
And Mat's finally healed. Time for him to become one of my active annoyances. Yeah, I'm the outlier. I've never liked him, I'm not sure I ever will proper like him. The show's gone a long way to making me understand him better and tolerate some of his bullshit, I'm curious how they'll go with him… but Han Solo types are never terribly endearing to me. It IS interesting that he said he's no Aes Sedai meat/puppet in his Old Tongue ravings though. He does maintain that perhaps even more strongly than Rand at times throughout the series.
I do have to say though, I think it was a mistake to try to lean old blood and then pivot into Finn memories. It's too confusing as to the origin of the memories and their purpose and meaning in the story. I don't know how the show's going to handle it, but it seems they're leaning toward his Hero-ness being the cause of the memories, which means that if they're doing the Finn for Moiraine's arc, they'll need another anchor in Mat. I wonder how that'll be worked out…
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 9 months
Heart’s Choice - Chapter 32 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
Sometimes I fucking hate ghosts. I mean, I get it's not their fault.
Things are different on the other side. Memories get jumbled, timelines distort.
It's hard to get a message through the veil. Still, in all this time, Kyle couldn't once have just pointed at the bad guy?
I guess he tried but I feel like almost getting me crushed by a truck and then cryptically yelling 'stay away from him' was less than helpful, somehow.
"Who the fuck are you?" I ask, glaring up at Rafael from where I huddle in the back corner of the van.
The floor is bare metal 'easy to clean, an unhelpful part of my mind suggests' and I have to press myself against the wall to avoid being thrown around as Rexi takes turns too sharply for such a boxy vehicle.
Rafael sits in the front passenger seat, which conveniently swivels like an office chair so he can keep an eye on me.
He holds the gun as casually as a relaxed man holds a drink... as if it wasn't a weapon he'd used to kill someone right in front of me.
"I take it your family never mentioned ours," he says, the corner of his mouth raised in the semblance of a smile.
"Allow me to make introductions. Rafael Moretti and this is my sister, Regina. We come from a line like yours, demon hunters, though we originate from Rome, while the first Martinez of your... particular variety... hailed from Catalonia, I believe."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
I try to pitch my voice low to avoid sounding as terrified as I feel but it trembles anyway and my heart races so fast I gasp for breath at the end of my sentence.
Rafael smirks, apparently enjoying his villain-explaining-shit moment.
"Seems your education is lacking. Not surprising, I suppose. The Martinez whores are matriarchal, aren't they? You probably weren't worth their time."
"That's a lie," I hiss, rising to the bait despite myself.
"My aunt didn't go for that gendered shit. She taught me everything she knew."
Rexi snorts a laugh.
"Clearly not."
I glare at her but as she's facing forward and focused on the road, the effort is futile.
Rafael lifts his hand.
As it's the hand holding the gun, I flinch but he merely scratches the side of his head, eying me thoughtfully.
"Did she tell you why you get possessed so easy?" he asks.
"What makes you such a perfect vessel?"
I lift my chin at him.
"Yeah, I'm a Martinez. It's in my blood. My mom was the same way."
Rafael shakes his head.
"She wasn't. She didn't run because she got possessed. She ran because she got hunted."
"Christ on a kebab, Raf," Rexi groans, half her face illuminated by the red glare of a stoplight as she screeches to a halt and turns to look at him.
"You're giving him a fuckin' history lesson?"
"He deserves to know," Rafael says sternly, keeping his eyes on me.
"Fine. Give him the CliffsNotes."
She huffs and turns her attention back to the road, stomping on the gas as the light changes and making me bang my head against the wall with the force of acceleration.
Where were the cops when you wanted them?
Rafael focuses on me.
"As I said, our families are similar. In fact, we shared a mission once, to rid the earth of demons. We worked together in Europe, centuries ago. We Morellis were the scholars and demonologists, you Martinezes were the muscle, the exorcists and assassins. Then your side split for the so called 'new world' settling in Central America and mixing blood with the native tribes. We followed, eventually but landed further north."
I eye him warily.
I'm pretty sure whatever he has planned for me isn't a surprise birthday party but it seems he's not going to shoot me either... not until he finishes his story, anyway so my fear level comes down from a ten to an eight-point-five.
"Okay, colonialism 101. So far so good," I say.
"What does any of this have to do with what's happening now?"
Rafael smiles.
"Tell me, Carlos, what is the best way to banish a demon from this plane?"
I frown at him.
"Trap it in a vessel and exorcise it."
That's what Toni taught me, anyway.
Rafael nods.
"Exactly. But good vessels aren't easy to come by, are they?"
Unsure where he's going with this, I stay silent.
"Long ago, our families found a solution. The perfect vessel, it turns out, is both born and made. Children conceived of a possessed host are naturally more open to receiving spirits. They slip between worlds, relinquishing their physical bodies as a driver might relinquish control of a vehicle for a time and reclaiming it just as easily. The women of your line proved especially suited to bearing such children, who, for whatever reason, were always born male."
"You wonder why your clan is matriarchal?" Rexi asks, her eyes flashing in the rear-view mirror as she glances back at me.
"'Cause the men die young. Vessels are born to serve, not to last."
"What kinda Rosemary's Baby shit is this?" I rasp.
"My dad wasn't possessed. My mom wouldn't do that. And how the fuck would you know, anyway?"
"Because unlike you, we learned our history," Rafael says.
"The reason your family left Europe for the Americas was to escape the burden of sacrifice. They kept the tradition, of course... stayed true to the mission but performed the ritual only once per generation. One vessel, who would be treated as sacred and protected at all costs. Even so, according to our grandmother, your grandmother had a hell of a time convincing your mom to go through with it."
My ears ring as the blood drains from my face.
Toni never talked about her mom.
She'd talk about family history and traditions until she was blue in the face but abuela was something I'd learned not to mention.
"Our grandmothers knew each other?"
"Sure," Rexi says, swerving through another intersection like a stunt driver in an action scene.
"Which would make sense if Raf would get to the God-damn point."
"I am getting there," Rafael snaps.
"Shut up and drive."
Rexi flips him off. Rafael runs his free hand through his black curls and blows a breath through his nose.
"Right. Anyway, our families reconnected in the last century. Started working more closely together again. Occultism was on the rise, knowledge had become cheap. People were opening doors left and right. Letting things through. Only, unlike in the past, we couldn't just go on a crusade, round up the witches and burn them."
"What a pity," I drawl.
He lifts a brow at me.
"People always focus on the innocent collateral. They'd sing a different tune if they knew the truth. Sometimes sacrifices are called for. You can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs, as they say."
"Yeah, well, you could also cook something else."
"Not in this case. Our families homed in on one particular demon. Something old and powerful, a lesser God, you might say, that had slipped through into the place between worlds. You know it?"
I shudder, remembering the 'in-between' where I'd sensed the dark presence.
"It's been stuck there for a long time, unable to break through into this plane but waiting for a chance. If it managed it, who knows what havoc it might wreak on this world?"
Rexi chimes in again.
"We're talking apocalyptic proportions here, in case that's not clear. Volcanism, epic storms, earthquakes, plagues, asteroids, you name it."
"So, worse than climate change?" I quip weakly.
Rafael rubs his jaw.
"I doubt you'll understand, so I won't try to explain in depth but it's a matter of probabilities and of will. Think of the worst outcome of climate change that has ever been predicted and the chance that it will happen soon. The demon could tip things so that it comes to pass."
I stare at him, then shake my head. He's right about me not understanding.
"Okay, so what happened?"
"Our grandmother performed a complex ritual intended to trap the demon and subjugate it to her will, at which point she could return it to its native realm. Unfortunately, this ritual required... sacrifices and she was not entirely forthcoming in her design."
"What?" I squint at him.
"Fucking hell. Just say it already, Raf," Rexi gripes and hits the brakes so hard I narrowly avoid being thrown across the van.
She takes a turn and the tires bounce as we leave the pavement and crunch onto gravel and dirt.
"Twenty years ago, our grandmother performed the ritual of Feasts. She used our dad as the vessel, only because you weren't old enough but your meddling mom and her sister didn't know the plan and intervened at the worst possible moment."
"Wait a minute... Are you talking about the Lucille Peters case from back then? The exorcism gone wrong?" I ask.
"Lucille Morelli, at the time," Rafael says.
"Our grandmother."
My brain goes blank but Rexi keeps talking.
"So, our father died for nothing, while your whore mother caught the demon's eye. Your mom and aunt fled. Your aunt hid you behind the supernatural equivalent of Fort Knox, while your mom just... ran. Guess she figured a moving target was harder to pin down. Meanwhile, we got shipped off to relatives in Italy while Lucille went to ground."
"But the problem of the demon remained," Rafael says, picking up the thread.
"Lucille tried the ritual again after she remarried but it didn't work. Not without a proper vessel."
"She used Kyle's parents... and her husband?" I ask, feeling sick as much from the thought as from Rexi's driving.
Rafael nods.
"Indeed. Unfortunately, she failed. She realized she would need help and the proper tools. So, she sent for us and for you."
"Me?" I blink and shake my head.
"That's insane. I never heard of her before I moved here. I approached her about renting the garage."
"You know how magic works, Carlos?" Rafael asks.
"Real magic, I mean. It's the effect of our will upon the world. Lucille spent years exerting her will to bring you here. Things that seemed random, that just happened a certain way? You could say that's coincidence. You could say it's magic, too."
I shake my head.
"Wait. Wait. So you're telling me this is all about me? Sorry but I'm not that delusional."
"That's the thing, Carlos... it's not about you," Rafael says, leaning forward with a zealous gleam in his eyes.
"It's not about any of us. It's about the mission. Our duty. Lucille understood that. Which is why she sacrificed herself for the second Feast. She didn't have long to live, anyway and she trusted us to finish it."
"What about Kyle? Did he volunteer?"
I shake my head as tears sting my eyes.
Talk about getting all the shitty luck in the world. Poor kid.
"What did he do to deserve what you did to him?"
"Nothing," Rafael says, apparently untroubled by the thought.
"Like your friend at the bar... he was collateral. An acceptable loss, in the grand scheme of things."
"And the drugs?"
Rexi barks a laugh as she jerks the van to a halt and throws the parking brake.
"Raf's idea," she says.
"In the old days, we'd have used something like ayahuasca to open the offering's mind and dull their pain. These days, getting a hold of stuff like that is hard. So we turned to more modern solutions. A mistake, in retrospect. We were untraceable, if not for that."
I feel like I've followed the white rabbit a little too far and shake my head again.
"The fuck," I whisper.
"You're both insane. There's got to be another way to get rid of this demon. I've served as a vessel plenty of times. Why couldn't you just ask me? Why's it gotta be the Feasts?"
"Because the demon can't know what's coming," Rafael says.
"And because to banish it, first we need control. We have to make a deal and for that, we have to give it what it wants."
"In other words, you," Rexi says.
"And for that, Carlos, you'll have to die."
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imawhoreidiot · 2 years
Babe, wake up! New Ghost theory(s) dropped
I have come down with a bad case of Ghost brain rot, so I feel compelled to contribute to silly little theories to keep myself from going insane. Big fat “what will happen to Copia?” theory under da cut :D (warning: it is long, BUT IT SCRATCHES AN ITCH, I PROMISE)
Recently, there was a rerelease of Mary on a Cross. At first, it seemed innocuous enough. Bands release songs in separate single albums all the time to get a little extra money. It wasn’t until I saw the cover that I started thinking there was some foreshadowing involved.
On the cover of the new album is Copia depicted in Roman coin fashion. He is crying blood. The coin is a parody of a Caligula coin (Both shown below)
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In case you are not familiar with Caligula, he was a Roman Emperor that was killed by the Praetorian Guard, which were the equivalent to his bodyguards at the time.
Among the reasons he got assassinated: he became delusional with power. He demanded to be worshipped as a god, was accused of incest, and made many other poor political decisions (This is a highly simplified version of his reign.) The final straw was when he tried to move from Rome to Alexandria, Egypt in hopes to be venerated as a living God. Before he was killed, his delusions and paranoia grew to include those he was closest to and the people around him.
I don’t think any members of the clergy actually want Copia dead…yet. I think within the next year, we’ll be shown a side of Copia we’ve never seen before and he’s going to get more and more paranoid of dying or being replaced.
On stage, he is already starting to display irregular and erratic behavior. While singing Rats, he seems to have started yelling “NO” after the line “Never to return.” I’ve also seen videos of him being a little more tough on the Ghouls. 
More specifically, I think the Ghouls are going to be the ones to do it. They will grow fed up with his paranoid behavior and be the ones to do it, likely on stage. Impera is all about how no empires lasts forever and I think that message will directly correlate with how Copia will die. 
Additional support to the ghouls will be the ones to kill Copia theory: there was a patch that was available to purchase on the website that is now sold out. It’s a mimic of Michelangelo’s Pieta.
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As you can see, the patch shows Copia lying dead on Sister Imepators (heavily implied to be his his mothers) lap. In the original, Jesus is lying dead on Mary’s lap. One of the leading causes of Jesus’ death was due to the betrayal of one of his disciples. What if this is foreshadowing that Copia’s death will be caused by one (or more) of his ghouls???
Actually, since this is a theory post, and I’m already on the topic of the parallels between Copia, Imperator, Jesus and Mary, I’m going to go fuckign crazy with the theories,,,, so here’s your BOGO theory for the day,,,,
I also think Copia is being teased as being the antichrist. As in, son of Satan. I think Tobias is really amping up the “Copia and Sister Imperator are Jesus and Mary parallel.” I don’t think Nihil is actually Copia’s dad, but I do think he is playing the begrudging step father role, which makes him kinda a Joseph figure as well.
The main evidence I have for this theory is one of the fixed songs on the US tours set list is Prime Mover. Prime Mover hasn’t been played live in YEARS. Prime Mover is about Satan using a Nun to carry his child. Anti Virgin Mary if you will. Regardless, I think within the next year, we’ll get a lot more evidence to support some kind of coming of the antichrist, even if it’s not Copia. I have no idea where this theory would fit in with the other one, but hey, I said it was a theory, not that it made cohesive sense.
“But OP, who could ever possibly come after Copia??” no one says. 
“Do you have any theories?” no one pleads. 
In messages from the clergy, chapter ten, we get to see a little glimpse of Copia’s room. There’s a part in the video ( 1:40) that shows some Catholic style prayer candles. The one that has the main focal point is this bad boy
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St Martin of Tours to be exact. And what was he famous for, you might ask? RESURRECTING 3 (THREE) PEOPLE FROM THE DEAD. THREE EXACTLY FOLKS.
Now, if the papas do get brought back (here's to hoping) I don’t think that they’ll front for the band, but I do think that there is a chance that they’ll be there. 
I unfortunately do not have anymore additions to any theories for now, but I am insane and don’t shut up, so more to come I’m sure!! I’m sure none of these theories are new, I just needed to articulate something 
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hintofelation99 · 3 years
The Justice League Hangs out with Duke
Bruce: Duke, it's time we had the talk.
Duke: Uh... nope. No thank you. I'm not getting the sex talk from Batman.
Bruce: What? No! The Robin talk.
Duke: But, I'm- I'm the Signal now? Isn't it a bit late for a Robin talk?
Bruce: Son, it's never too late, not for this.
Duke: Um. Ok.
Bruce: When Dick, Jason, and Tim first started as Robins they created a tradition. A tradition that continued with Stephanie, Damian, and now you.
Duke: And that tradition is?
Bruce: Taking down the Justice League. By being annoying and slightly terrifying.
Duke: OHHHHHH. Is that why no one from the Justice League talks to me?
Bruce: Yes, yes it is. But don't worry. I made an arrangement that will allow you time alone with league members to continue the tradition. You have a week to prepare.
Duke: Cass, what do I do?
Cass raises an eyebrow at Duke.
Duke: For the Robin tradition thing. I have to take down the entire Justice League in a night using creative, outlandish, and original methods. But it's already been done by Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, and Steph. So what do I do? How can I be better than all of them.
Cass smirks: Take them down too.
Duke looking at Cass like she's crazy: What?
Cass: Take. Them. Down.
Duke: Holy shit, you are terrifying.
Cass just smiles and leaves.
-> One Week Later <-
Wonder Woman, Superman, Flash, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, and Steph gather in the Watchtower.
Duke: Hey guys, Batman just wanted to go through some training exercises with everyone. He'll be a little late. Harley and Ivy escaped Arkham and are trying to grow penis shaped shrubs in all the public parks. But, don't worry he asked me to go ahead and start with out him.
Green Lantern: Why are you leading this meeting?
Duke: Batman is running late and he wants me to practice leading meetings.
Green Lantern, glaring suspiciously at Duke: Are you about to do that stupid Robin tradition where you torture all of us?
Duke: What Robin tradition? Also, I'm not even a Robin? I'm the Signal.
Green Lantern continues to glare at him.
Superman: Calm down Green Lantern, the Robins never do this in front of each other.
Every League member seems to relax at this.
Duke acting confused: Uhhh, yeah. Ok, we have a few housekeeping things to do according to the list Batman left. So, I'll have everyone pair up for sparring while I handle these individually.
Everyone is in the training room working out or sparring. Duke approaches Tim.
Duke: Hey Tim, Bruce wanted you to look in to that Bludhaven case. Is that ok with you?
Tim: Yeah, why wouldn't it be?
Duke: Oh, I just thought it might be difficult considering what Dick did.
Tim: ...What did he do?
Duke: Wait, you haven't noticed? Oh no, I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything.
Tim: Duke. Tell me what he did.
Duke: Well, Jason said that he replaced all your coffee with decaf.
Tim: THAT BASTARD. No wonder I've been feeling so tired! I'm going to kill him!
Duke: Wait, just stop! I heard that he hid all of it in Green Lantern's room.
Tim: Wait, why there?
Duke: Something about you being afraid of him.
Tim: WHAT?! I'm not afraid of the Green Nightlight! I'm gonna find that coffee then make Dick pay.
Duke: Oh, well cool, good luck!
Green Lantern: Um, what are you doing in my room?
Tim: Where is it?
Green Lantern: Where's what?
Tim: You know what I want. Give up now or face the consequences.
Tim: Fine. Consequences.
Steph, sparring with Duke: So, what's it like being the first meta bat?
Duke: Not too bad, but I could do with out the whole 'predict the future' thing.
Steph, laughing: What? You can not see the future.
Duke: I bet you $50 I can
Steph: Your on.
Duke, makes everything around him light up and uses a weird voice: In the next thirty minutes Green Lantern will flee the Watchtower in fear. Soon after Dick will be attacked by Tim.
Steph, snorts in obvious disbelief.
Steph: That was so fake-
Green Lantern runs out of the tower looking terrified.
Steph: No way.
Tim tackles Dick and they start fighting like three year old's on the floor.
Steph, handing Duke $50: Holy shit Magic Man.
Duke makes things light up and does the voice again: Oh my god.
Steph, looking excited: What?!
Duke: The- the sushi. The sushi you brought today, it's made from-
Duke pretends to choke back a sob.
Duke: It's made from the fish who was the maid of honor at Aquaman's wedding.
Steph and Aquaman sit beside each other for lunch, she pulls out her sushi and looks at Aquaman sadly.
Steph: I am so, so sorry for your loss. But just know that her sacrifice is not in vain.
Aquaman, looks confused for a second then sees the sushi: NOPE. Not this again! I'm leaving.
Steph: Wait! I'm sorry!
Aquaman leaves as Steph tries to chase him down.
Jason is laughing and filming as Dick and Tim fight.
Duke, whistles: Man, imagine if that video went on YouTube.
Jason, looking confused: What?
Duke: I'm just saying if the video of Red Robin and Nightwing fighting like kids ever got on YouTube, it'd go viral. Oh and they would be so pissed!
Jason, laughs: Too bad B would kill me if I uploaded this.
Duke: Yeah, I guess so. And you can't upload it here because then Superman would get in trouble.
Jason: Why would the boy scout get in trouble?
Duke: Cause he always uses his YouTube account on the Justice League computer. So it'd look like he uploaded it and B would find out that Superman watches cat videos while he's on monitor duty.
Jason, smirking: Huh, so you're saying if I upload this on the League computer I'd piss off Bruce, Tim, and Dick and get Supes in trouble?
Duke, acting innocent: Huh, I guess so.
-> A Few Minutes Later <-
A call from Bruce comes up on the main computer.
Superman: Hey Batman, what can I do for you?
Bruce: You, Red Hood, cave now.
Jason: What? Why me?
Bruce: Because I saw that little home video you uploaded of your brothers.
Jason: What, that wasn't me!
Bruce: I could hear you laughing while you filmed.
Jason: Dammit.
Jason and Clark leave for the cave pouting like kids.
Duke: Hey, Black Canary?
Black Canary: Yes Duke?
Duke: I'm sorry to do this on such short notice, but I'm very worried about Dick and Tim.
Black Canary: Why?
Duke: Well, Tim keeps claiming that Dick is out to get him. Something about Dick messing with his coffee? And Dick feels like he's just being attacked for no reason and is worried about Tim's health. Is there anyway you could intervene?
Black Canary, looking sighing and looking exhausted: Usually I have three days of preparation before dealing with bats.
Duke: I know it's just-
Duke gestures to Tim and Dick rolling on the floor fighting.
Duke: They really need help.
Black Canary: Alright, I'll see what I can do.
Black Canary attempts to intervene only to get pulled into the fight. Now the three of them are tangled in a huge, confusing fight, that's filled with yelling and hair pulling.
Duke: Damian! Quick!
Damian: What is it Thomas.
Duke: I think somethings wrong with Dick and Tim and maybe even Black Canary. They're all fighting and won't stop! Can you help me contain them so that we can figure out what's going on?
Damian: Fine. I shall help.
Duke: Ok, just try to herd them into this containment cell.
Damian joins the fight managing to get everyone, including himself, into the containment cell. As Damian is trying to leave Duke closes the cell. Damian angrily yells and bangs on the sound proof walls.
Duke: What? Sorry, can't hear you! My hand slipped!
Wonder Woman: Very well done Signal.
Duke, acting innocent: Hm?
Wonder Woman: You tricked Red Robin into scaring Green Lantern away, then into fighting Nightwing. Once that fight broke out you tricked Red Hood into uploading a video to the internet using the Superman's credentials. By uploading that video he caused both himself and Superman to face Batman's wrath. You also used the fight to trick Stephanie into annoying Aquaman to the point of leaving. Then you involved Black Canary in the fight, which was her downfall. And, as a final touch, you managed to get Robin into the fight and trapped all in a containment cell. You successfully eliminated 9 foes with one trick.
Duke: You mean 11.
Wonder Woman: What?
Duke: 11. You see, I didn't trick Red Robin, I tricked Nightwing. I had a week to prepare. In that week I convinced Dick that Tim needed to cut back on the caffeine and that Dick should help by switching all of Tim's coffee with decaf. I also convinced him to hide that coffee in the watchtower, in Green Lantern's room. So that was all true.
Wonder Woman: But, that still does not make 11?
Duke: It does. Because This morning I moved the coffee. I replaced the Flashes decaf with Tim's ultra caffeinated coffee. You see Tim has it specially manufactured to increase the caffeine levels. And, while Flash doesn't usually drink his coffee in the morning, he's always running late and forgets, he does drink coffee during training breaks. Which is now. So in about five minutes we will have an incredibly caffeinated speedster in the Watchtower. And since you're the only one around right now with a chance of catching him, that's your problem.
Right as Duke finishes Flash runs by, majorly hyped up on caffeine.
Duke: Checkmate.
Martian Manhunter: It appears that I am the last remaining League member.
Duke: Yeah, I don't really understand this tradition but apparently every Robin ends it by picking a favorite league member.
Martian Manhunter: Out of all the League members, why have you chosen me?
Duke: Your smart and have a lot of cool powers. Also, I dunno, I hear you sometimes feel like an outsider with the league. Cause, the whole martian thing. And I know it's not the same but, sometimes I feel like an outsider with the bats, being the only meta and all.
Martian Manhunter: You have chosen me so that we may bond over our lack of connections?
Duke: Uhhhh, yeah?
Martian Manhunter: Hm. Very well, I assume that this is your “Robin Weakness”. Apparently every Robin has one.
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
A push to the right direction // Victoria De Angelis
words // 1241
warnings // maybe a little cursing, was meant to be a little angsty but I don't think i succeeded in that
pairing // Victoria De Angelis x GN!Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. again, for the millionth time, don't forget that sundays will be for "sleepovers" from now on, so I can have a bit of a break and still give you guys something so yay. also this originally was supposed to be out yesterday but toothace and all I could barely function at all sooooo yeah. I hope you enjoy the little beach vibes and locked in car scenrio 😂
request // yes, it was through messages by @tabi-toast so i'm putting it here
"I’d like to request some friends to lovers with Vic where the boys notice that they like each other and try to push them towards each other? Maybe some angst but mostly lots of fluff hehehe"
summary // Victoria and reader have been friends for a while, both harboring unspoken feelings. While the two are oblivious beyond their minds the boys of the band have figured out all the glances and sublte touches the two share. Well, all they need is a little push to see the truth.
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It was simply agonizing. The way the two looked at each other lovingly, staring with adoration every time they were sure they would not get caught, the way they spoke of each other, constantly using the fondest of words… They were both suffering from the unspoken feelings, the constant emotion of (non existent, really) rejection making the bad days harder and the good days bad, taking away from the most important moments they shared. The friends they shared were surely close to taking off, not wanting to see the constant pinning and insecurities that come with it.
The pair tended to be so oblivious to the obvious. Writing off indications of romantic feelings as plain signs of the comfort they had with each other. The hugs, the cuddles, the hair petting, all the pet names, the spontaneous 1 am singing competitions in the car while driving to find some food. They wrote it off as plain and simple platonic affection.
But, after, as the times passed by and the two would not seem to understand the feelings they shared, they would each go to a different member, complaining and even crying about the lack of reciprocation.
“How can you know that, Y/N? You haven’t even told her!”
“Well, I know her! She doesn’t want me Thomas!”
A similar scenarios would apply to Victoria sharing her feelings. They were both so blinded by fear of losing each other that they were blind to the truth. But everyone with eyes was not. Everyone, even people that had never met them before, could see that they were dying to be together, sometimes even assuming that they are… But that only ever resulted in awkward denying and later crying over the non existent rejection.
Currently they were laying on a towel at the beach, cuddled up together while relaxing with the last sun rays of the day and the soft sound of waves. The entire group had decided that a beach day was long overdue, the pool just simply not satisfactory enough. It was not the same to be by the sea, with the waves and the beautiful view, and being by a pool with the superficial lights and all (not that they could really complain).
“So, you mean to tell me that it actually happened?!” Yelled Y/N, laughing at yet another story Victoria shared with them.
“It did! I swear!” Victoria laughed back, caressing Y/N’s back softly as they both laughed.
“Well you need to take me with you next time you visit that place again. Who knows? Maybe another incident like that will happen.”
“I surely will,” she said, leaving a soft kiss on their heads.
“Are you feeling tired, amore?”
“Maybe a little… I had a long day…”
“You can take a nap on me if you need to. I’ll wake you up before Thomas and Damiano go to get us food.”
“I suppose I could,” they responded and settled in for a small nap.
The rest of Måneskin simply stared at the pair while discussing how exactly they were not one. It seemed so obvious to them how they had strong feelings, undeniable ones at that, and they could not stand and watch. Something had to happen.
So they came up with a devious plan. It would piss off Victoria a bit but it would bring the results they needed. Damiano walked to the car they came in, thanking technology with all of his might, in his head, remembering how his car has child-proofing mechanisms at the doors so they can only open from the outside. Thus the plan was in action.
After coming back he simply settled down, going back to doing his own thing - whatever he was doing before and waiting until it was time to move forward with it.
“Agh, I’m starving! When are you guys going for the food?”
“Me too.” Thomas stated before settling back in his chair for a moment.
“Hey, Vic!” He almost yelled, the woman flinching and checking to see if he woke Y/N up.
“What is it Thomas?” her voice was sharp, body quickly moving to walk up to him, making sure to not disturb her crushe’s nap.
“Can you and Y/N go for the food? Honestly I am bored, Damiano said he’s not coming and Ethan is too preoccupied right now.” He pouted and everything, giving the older girl the softest look he could possibly manage, while pointing at Ethan having a phone call.
“Couldn’t you have thought of that before? Seriously, Thomas, right now? They are sleeping.”
“Oh, come on Vic, please! I’ll owe you!”
“Agh, agh, fine, let me wake them,” she paused,”you’re lucky I’m hungry or I would let all of you starve,” she mumbled, annoyed by the boys’ laziness, before going over to the sleeping figure on the towel.
“Hey, amore… come on, sweets, wake up. Hey. Hey,” she repeated softly, a sweet smile on her face as their eyes opened slowly.
“Vic? Oh, are the guys going for the food?”
“Not quite. The guys are being annoying and refuse to go. So, if you want to eat we have to go.”
“Oh, alright then. Give me a moment to wake up,” they said and Victoria smoothed down their sea-salt stained t-shirt.
“Ethan, where are the keys?”
“On the engine, cucciola.”
“Ok, grazie.”
With that the two clueless friends sat in the car, Victoria realizing the keys were missing a little too late.
“Agh, cazzo, Ethan! They are not her- The door isn’t opening. Why is the door not opening?”
“Mine isn’t either.”
“Ethan!” Her voice could be heard crystal clear, even with the windows separating her from the outside.
“What is it, Victoria?” He asked, a smug smile on his face as he stood outside the car window.
“What did you do?”
“Well,” spoke Damiano, “you two clueless, little shits have gotten annoying. So if you are not going to do it, we will.” He stated and Victoria’s eyes almost went out of her head, catching onto what her friend was saying.
“Y/N, Victoria has feelings for you. Victoria, Y/N has feelings for you. Now talk!”
If only glare’s could kill, Ethan would be having a very painful death as Vic kept mumbling how she’ll kill him. Y/N, on the other hand, simply stared at Victoria in adoration.
“Do you have feelings for me?”
“Look Y/N, I-”
“Answer my question Victoria! Do you have feelings for me?”
“Yes,” she replied, looking down as if she was ashamed.
“That’s not how I wanted you to find out. I wasn’t really planning on telling you cause I know that Ethan is lying but-”
“Victoria! Take a breath between sentences! What are you talking about? Ethan is not lying, you know?”
“I know, Y/N, you don’t have to sugarco- Wait, what?”
“He isn’t lying, Victoria. I really like you.” “You do?”
“Mhm, I do. Now, will you give me a kiss or are you waiting for Ethan to smash our heads together,” they joked, easing up the tension Victoria was feeling and pushing their lips to hers.
It was not anything special, just a simple, soft, kiss. What made it special was that it was to each other. They shared a kiss together, not someone else, not a stranger, not someone they had no feelings for, but someone they were yearning for, for a very long time now.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever@tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina
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byuntrash101 · 3 years
Ahhhh I just wanna try this out but I really don't know what I want. I just know that I want bbh 😩
1. Bday: Feb. 27, 1999 (I was born at 5:35 AM UTC+8 if that's important lmao)
2. Baekhyun 😭
3. I'm letting you take the wheel man. I trust you.
4. I love smut. But if you think it doesn't fit us then I'm fine with none.
It's okay if you don't accept this request though. I will forever be here silently reading your stories 🤗
Hello Anon! OMG you're so so cute!!!! Thank you for reading. I didn't know what you wanted so i went with something cute and a little angsty. I hope you enjoy ^^ don't hesitate to tell me :D
Warnings - angst (kinda), shower sex, body worship (f), oral (f)
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Eternal Beauty - Pisces!Reader & Taurus!Baekhyun
When you push in the door of your appartement tonight you feel bummed out, saddened and heavy hearted. Your job as a model was, most of the time, fulfilling and it was amazing getting to be the part of an artistic process such as the making of a collection of clothes. You liked to catwalk or pose for photoshoots. You liked to look at the stylish piece together beautiful outfits and you liked to see the make-up artists do their magic. As a Pisces woman art and spirituality was a big part of you and having it as part of your job felt just right.
But unfortunately there were days, like today, that it wasn’t picture perfect. You auditioned to catwalk at the Paris Fashion Week for Céline. One of the designers you’ve admired ever since you started your career. And you got the job, yes, but originally they said you were going to close the show and wear the center piece. A gorgeous destructed ball gown inspired by grunge and underground culture. But alas, they announced today that they decided to go with somebody else.
What was supposed to be an accomplishment for you turned bitter as you couldn't help but to see it as a failure. You should be happy to be a part of the show. That only is already a great accomplishment but… you can’t.
Your creative nature comes with a downside because your imagination serves you to escape reality but sometimes it also takes your brain to dark places, washing your own confidence away, down the drain.
Baekhyun, a true Taurus, didn't pick up right away that something was wrong with your mood. You usually like to spend time on your own so it didn’t ring any bells when you simply said hello and went straight to the shower. Pisces when hurt tend to seek solitude.
But even if the bull isn’t notorious to be discreet he’s still far from dumb so when you seem to take a little too long he comes in.
“Sweetheart…” he’s hesitant. “Are you okay?” you sniffle.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine” you lie.
Baekhyun knows it.
“Can I come with you?” he asks, still hesitant.
“Yeah” you huff out, rubbing the tears away with more water.
When he steps in the big Italian style shower he notices right away your watery eyes and your pinkish reddish nose. And he knows you’ve been crying. The taurus man can’t stand seeing the ones he loves hurt so his first reaction is anger.
“Who did that to you?” His big voice bounces off the wall and makes you flinch. It’s the last thing you need right now. You feel fragile and hurt, you don’t need to hear yelling. When your eyes fill up with tears again, Baekhyun hugs you.
“My baby girl” he cooes as you quietly sob in his arms. “What happened?” he says, trying to catch your gaze.
So you tell him the whole story and somehow talking out loud about your struggles has lessened them. Baekhyun and you work together beautifully and harmoniously. You give him the whim he sometimes lacks and he’s able to ground you in like the stable and robust earth sign he is.
“Maybe I wasn't pretty enough?” you let out, repressing a sob, your lip trembling. There it is. The mean thought that you have been throwing at yourself ever since the big news this afternoon. The thought that has been eating away at your confidence.
“What?!?” Baekhyun says outraged. You chuckle cutely at his exaggerated reaction.
“My baby, you are the most beautiful woman on earth” he says as he attacks you with kisses in the crook of your neck as warm water runs down your back.
“Stop it” you say, nudging him.
“Baby I’m dead serious. I’ve never seen anybody or anyone as pretty, as gorgeous, as kind, as imaginative as caring as you. You’re beautiful in every way inside and out.” he looks at you with those eyes full of love that you can’t resist.
“I’ll prove it to you” he gets on his knees and bows his head to you. Which as you smiling from ear to ear. “You’re absolutely perfect, stunning you’re my goddess” he whispers. as he brings his hands to your chest. “Your stunning breasts” he presses a kiss onto your hip. “Your beautiful stomach” his hands go down to your back and bottom. “Your ravishing piece of ass” he presses another kiss to you pubic bone “and your heavenly, delicious little pussy”
He presses an open mouth kiss to your bundle of nerves, you let a moan out. He sticks his tongue out and wraps it around your clit, his warm tongue feels good and you let your head rest on the tiles of the shower.
“Fuck baby, you taste so good” Baekhyun says as he gets more impatient, attacking your swollen bud with small bites and sucking on it. “My goddess, my beautiful goddess” he whispers lips pressed to yours, sending vibrations to your core.
“Baekhyun, don't stop” you cry out. You needy moans make Baekhyun double his efforts.
“Cum my goddess. Please cum all over my mouth”
You feel your walls clench on themselves as you throb on Baekhyun’s skilfull tongue, moaning and panting, hand entangled with his wet locks of hair.
When you settle down Baekhyun gets back up and wraps his arm around you. Before laying a soft kiss on your lips, the taste of your cum spread in your mouth.
“You’ll book other shows, my love. In the meantime, could you model for me forever? My beautiful eternal goddess” he whispers as he beams at you.
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alchemania · 3 years
Barbara, and Bennett: Toxic Positivity (and how they each exude it)
While it's easy to spot negative toxic behavior, toxic positivity can be harder to recognize and pin down. In this blog, I am going to analyze 2 characters in Genshin and explain just how they show traits of toxic positivity. (I originally was going to include Jean, but I already covered her in an earlier blog so it'd just be redundant)
Barbara Page
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Barbara is all smiles and sunshine, trying her best to ensure that everyone is happy. However; she does this to an unhealthy degree and often does not prioritize her emotional wellbeing.
#1: Forcing herself to always be happy.
Barbara's story lines state that she "only allows herself to be depressed for 30 seconds" and that after that, she basically puts on a smile; regardless of what she's actually feeling. She often talks about how good everyone is to her, and I honestly believe that Barbara invalidates her own depression because in her eyes; she has a good life and there's no "reason" for her to be sad, plus if she was sad then everyone else would feel down. She hasn't experienced anything traumatic, so how can she have the right to be depressed? But the thing is, she has: her parents divorced when she was young; and Barbara grew up apart from Jean, leading to a lack of a relationship between the two. While the divorce, based on Jean's story lines, did not seem to have a lot of negativity around it (from what I can tell Simon and Frederica actually split on amiable terms, they just fell out of love with each other), it still affected Barbara in a negative way and no doubt she is hurting from it but she's not acknowledging her pain. All trauma is not the same, this is true. But all trauma IS valid; just because someone is hurting less doesn't mean they're NOT hurting and Barbara needs to understand that her pain is valid and give herself time to process it.
#2: Lack of emotional boundaries
If there's anything that Jean and Barbara have in common besides both being healers, it's that they're absolutely terrible at saying no. In Barbara's hangout, she feels guilty for avoiding Albert and wanting to be left alone despite being emotionally exhausted and even wants to apologise, despite doing nothing wrong. Later on when her fans ask for autographs; she agrees, despite being off the clock and trying to take a break: Aether has to step in personally to get people to go away, and not only that; he has to lie through his teeth in order to do so. If you tell the NPCs the truth ("Barbara is currently on leave, please don't disturb her",) they'll reply "Oh she's on leave? Perfect time to ask for an autograph!" They don't care about her feelings; all they care about is what she can do for them and the worst part is that Barbara lets them treat her like this. It's so bad that the Knights have to constantly step in and rescue her because folks can't get it in their heads that off the clock =/= available; and Barbara feels like if she can help other people that she needs to; to the detriment of her own needs. She seems to think it's selfish to put herself first; but looking out for yourself emotionally is anything but. It's okay to say no, it's okay to tell people you're not available. Just because you're free doesn't mean you're up to engage and there's nothing wrong with that. But like Sister Victoria says herself; Barbara is too nice. She gives and gives and gives and expects nothing in return, and people take advantage of that.
#3: Undermining herself through constant praise of others
In her hangout, she tells you that besides singing and healing, she doesn't have anything worthwhile about her, and then goes on about how amazing you are, Jean as well. Barbara doesn't acknowledge her positive traits, and then when she vents to you she apologizes for doing so, since you were supposed to be hanging out and having fun. She puts a lot of her worth in comparison to what other people can DO, and not actual character. Barbara is a lovely person: she's sweet and kind and loving, but because she doesn't see herself as physically strong or powerful, she doesn't think she's worth a lot.
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My GOD, Bennett is like the EPITOME of toxic positivity.
1. Allows others to mistreat him and take out their feelings on him because he feels it's his fault they're suffering (essentially, a martyr complex)
Bennett's hangout is a prime example of this where when Royce got angry, Bennett simply let him yell until you step in. Due to his almost perpetual bad luck, he feels that he's responsible for the misfortune of the people around him and since he can't physically do anything about it, he attempts to "atone" by letting himself be emotionally assaulted.
He also puts himself in physical danger to keep other people safe (he figures since he's already unlucky, might as well suffer a little more if it means everybody else is okay, right?), and accepts abandonment as the norm since he's a liability. Bennett does not value his wellbeing whatsoever due to constantly being in danger and he seems to be of the mentality "If I'm going to die, at least let me die protecting everybody" and that immensely upsets me that a KID, who's probably no older than 17, is already considering his mortality.
#2: Not allowing himself to process negative emotion
Just like Barbara, Bennett constantly forces himself to always keep a smile on, only in his case it's more to keep himself from getting overwhelmed about his situation. It's heavily implied in his story that Bennett is afraid that he could die any day (and I don't blame him) and so he lives hard and fast because he feels he doesn't have a lot of time. He's cheated death MULTIPLE times (he almost died as a baby, and he almost died prior to receiving his Vision), and Bennett more than likely feels that one day, he's not going to get lucky enough to escape again; and he'll actually die. His life is an entire string of misfortune and unlike Barbara and her parents divorce, Bennett is aware of this trauma: he simply chooses to take it in stride and forces himself to stay upbeat. Which is just as bad as letting negative emotion completely overwhelm him, it's literally just the other ditch.
Bennett also seems very sad about the fact that his team abandoned him but he doesn't let himself process that either (if you respond angrily to the revelation that his teammates left he'll jump to defend them and insist "they had their reasons"- and that may be true, but that doesn't invalidate the trauma and sadness of being left behind because of something you literally cannot control). Similar to Diluc, Bennett is sort of an Atlas of his own right, but instead of carrying all of Mondstat on his shoulders he's shouldering his emotional wellbeing: he refuses to vent to anyone and bottles everything up because he doesn't want to be a burden; but in doing so he's only hurting himself in the long run.
(Thank God for Razor though it seems like he might be hanging around for the long haul and that makes me immensely happy. I could cry. Please don't let anything bad happen to him and Bennett they deserve friendship)
I'm going to go off the beaten path a bit here but, to all you guys reading this; please remember that:
1. Your trauma is valid, regardless of how "lesser" you think it might be.
2. You are not obligated to give yourself emotionally to other people if you are not up to it. You cannot give what you do not have, and if you're not 100% emotionally wise, you really shouldn't be taking on any more negative energy. It's not selfish to take care of yourself. If people can't respect that then they're not worth your time. Set emotional boundaries and don't budge for anyone. The people who are meant to stay will honor your boundaries.
3. It's okay to be sad! And it's okay to be sad and have no idea why. It doesn't matter if you have a 'good life,' depression doesn't care who you are or where you are on your walk of life and sometimes it hits like a truck. Your sadness is valid and don't be afraid to take the time you need to acknowledge and process your negative emotions.
Please take care of yourselves, friends; and be safe.
Have a good day. 💗
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help-im-a-gay-fish · 3 years
Okay I had to do some stuff, but here I am rambling about relationship between Killer and Nightmare in Colours of LOVE.
Some of this I might mention before some of it might be your and Jann or Yuri ideas... Anyway!! The way I see that:
Even though this is soulmate au Nightmare and Killer aren't perfect fit for eachother. They are perfect fit in threesome - Ccino softens rough edges of both of them, and changes their attention from being mad on eachother to carrying about Ccino together (especially at first when he is really depressed). But before that... It was hard.
Killer is really open about everything he thinks and feels. If he founds someone who is attractive he will flirt. Even when he is already dating Nightmare. And also he always shows his affection to Nightmare everywhere, in public too. That's cute and sweet, but Nightmare is really closed person so that makes him really uncomfortable. Night often got jealous with Killer flirting with anyone else, got embarrassed with his kisses and all on public, and in general is a bit annoyed with Killer's actions. Killer on the other hand doesn't really understand why Nightmare is so "tensed" (he is not, Night is just much more calm, but Killer don't get it).
They were braking up and coming back again a few times, because they had argued a lot about everything and got tired of this. Right now they are on their "best days" - they started to date again a few weeks ago and right now they are through some stuff, they understand eachother better, and pretty chill about eachother weird actions. Like in the second page Night is a bit flustered by Killer's kiss but he almost used to that. Same as he is worried about being late, since Killer is almost always late, but he is more or less fine by that. On next page (which you haven't seen yet), there are an interesting dialog between them, and I will definitely write some of "subtext" about it when I will post it.
Actually if they haven't met Ccino they would break up again after a few months. And maybe come back again after a week.
Also! Interesting thing about third soulmate: at the beginning of the comic (before Nigh met Ccino) Killer is 100% sure that they have third soulmate, but Nightmare is sure for about 60%. Killer is existed about that, he knew knew that he is polyamorious for a long time, but Nightmare hesitates a lot, because he can't really imagine himself in polyam relationship. It feels weird and also he is soooooo jealous about Killer paying any attention to anyone except him, that he worries to become "third wheel". Will it be different with Ccino?? Who knows (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Hi kotikaleo!!! This was super fun to read.
Firstly I'm going to tag @zu-is-here since she started the studio verse
It's definitely an interesting insight to your comic and the characters!
It reminds me a lot of an early version of my own ideas about the studio verse nightkiller relationship! And I can definitely see the way we have bounced headcannons of each other paying off.
Them still dealing with a softer kind of lovehate dynamic is an interesting one. It doesn't seem to be as extreme as my version, but it's interesting that it's still there.
The fact that they are meant to work as a 3 makes sense as well. If they are supposed to be bounded as a 3 it makes sense that three they their relationship would be unstable. They don't work as a two, but they are soul mates and something would always pull the two of them together.
I'm also curious, since Nightmare isn't 100% sure that the lack of colour is due to them being soul mated to another person. I wonder if he ever felt like the universe got it wrong? And that he'd been mated to the wrong person? Or perhaps he felt it meant that him and Killer don't have soul mates and that's why they have some connections.
It sad boy.
Also if Killer knows he's poly by nature, is that something that causes disagreements with the 2 of them?
And now for mine and @jann-the-bean version.
This story has been something that we mostly developed in tumbler DMs but both me and Jan wrote a story about it. Jan wrote
And I'm writing
Round and round till we all fall down
Nightmare and Killer's relationship started off baddddd, it basically started as a mutual dislike for one another. This is due to their conflicting personalities and morals.
Nightmare was originally quite excited to meet Killer, as he'd heard a lot about the actor. But almost straight away he found Killer to be rude, childish and irritating. Killer found Nightmare to be stuck up, snobbish and entitled.
The two first met at an awards ceremony and got into a yelling match after a few drinks and were separated. From there their dislike for one another was made quite well known to the public because of a social media battle back and forth.
This only went on for a few months however, as the characters of 'Killer' and 'Nightmare' were cast to play together.
Nightmare and Killer agreed to be civil in order to function while working and get the filming completed as soon as possible.
As they worked together, their dislike turned into a playful banter and respect for one another. And then something else shifted.
Now Killer has a reputation for being a player and one who likes to sleep around, as you said, he's open about his interest in people when he has it and enjoys casually flirting with just about anyone.
Which came to include Nightmare.
Nightmare paid no mind to it really, though he couldn't understand why it embarrassed him so much.
Killer comes to find Nightmare to be very attractive and enjoys his reactions when teased, he rights him off though because he was under the impression that Nightmare was straight, and he'd never try to change that.
It was a day when they were talking about Killer's eyes and how it's caused him to struggle, that Nightmare tells him that he thinks his eyes are very pretty and that they are an attractive quality, and something in Killer breaks and he kisses him.
So Killer feels like he messed up and the two avoid each other. But it causes Nightmare to start questioning things about himself.
Nightmare at this point had only every dated women. He assumed that he was straight. But after that kiss a lot of buried feelings are dragged to the surface and exposed, and he realises that he's also attracted to men.
So Jan goes into full details about this, in the fic Killernights, but basically Nightmare confronts Killer about the kiss and Killer tells him he 'has a thing for him'
The two go back to Killer's flat to talk, but their normal banter, leads to flirting and then another kiss. And Nightmare who is curious and suddenly craving new sensations becomes lost to him. Killer who finds Nightmare physically very attractive, also gets wrapped up and the two of them sleep together.
Nowwww this is getting long so I'll try to shorten it down a bit.
Basically, it's an amazing night. It's passionate, enjoyable and a lot of fun for both of them. Upon finding out Night has never been with a man, Killer guides him carefully though the process.
After that night the two can't stop thinking about each other, even though they both planned for it to be a one time thing. Again, they avoided each other until talking after a while.
And killer admits his desires for the other, and offers Nightmare a safe environment to experiment with his sexuality, where he won't be judged.
To cut a long story short, this spirals into a passionate and carnal, on and off booty call/fling with each other that spans for years.
Other that time they grow very close with each other, and come to recognise the similarities that they share, and have soft moments of just enjoying being together with one another.
For Killer, Nightmare is the first person to ever tell him he had beautiful eyes and mean it. The first person who wasn't at all put off by them.
To Nightmare, it feels like Killer is the one person that will never pick Dream over him. And he makes him feel wanted and desirable in a way few have before.
However, their are still parts of their relationship that conflict. Of course a healthy relationship will always have some conflicts. But for Killer and Nightmare the conflicts clash and fight with each other.
That along with both of their past traumas, (I wrote about Killer's back story here) means they find it difficult to talk about genuine feelings and what's bothering them. Causing things to bottle up and blow up over time.
They also find it impossible to admit that they actually love each other deeply.
They tried to be in a full on committed relationship once, (which I'm writing about in Round and Round) but it didn't work out for these issues. As well as the fact that Killer is poly by nature, and therefore gets anxious and uncomfortable in a relationship with one person only. Which he won't talk to Night about for the reasons stated above.
Enter Ccino.
Now Ccino is the missing piece for Nightmare and Killer.
He's soft and gentle spoken, which easily helps them calm down when things get heated between them. He also provides a safe and loving space to open up about what things are bothering them.
Nightmare and Killer's also, as you said, spend more energy caring for and sometimes worrying about Ccino, so they have less energy for the constant fighting.
Ccino was the missing piece. He's the person who will cuddle and read books with nightmare, but also the one who's super into affection, which Killer loveesss.
A relationship would never work between just killer and Ccino, since Ccino wouldn't be able to keep up with Killer's libido and killer doesn't know much about Ccino's mental health. And Ccino wouldn't work in a relationship with just Nightmare because Night's colder and more straight forward personality would leave him affection staved after a while.
They just work together! They are basically soul mates in this universe as well!
P. S Nightmare in this universe was also very veryyyyy jealous when Killer showed interest in Ccino. Which is something he took out on Ccino till Killer stopped it. After falling in love with Marshmallow he regrets this a lot.
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weltenwellen · 4 years
As a lot of other people... I'm scared of and for my future. I know what I want to do, but it's just terrifying -- the path, the process, the struggles, everything.
I'm in my freshman year in Uni. I'm an English Major, and I am that anon who sent you an ask about my classes, and how I feel bad that I don't care about most of them and how I feel scared.
Yes, there are many times that I just want to yell at myself because...perhaps, the truth is that I'm dumb. But I know me... At least a little part of me, and I can confidently say that I'm smart. I know and understand a lot. But see, I've never had anyone else, with complete and utter genuineness, say that to me . That I am. I have to begin with something I've accomplished on a particular day to pull it out from them.
Maybe that's the root of a part of this, but I don't think it answers why I hate, and don't understand why we have to learn any of the things I'm currently trying to learn about when there are other more useful topics and ideas to discuss. Things that actually matter about that particular program, and the life one gains from it.
As for socializing... I am terrible at it. I do not like the people in my class, and yes, it makes me sound so...well, bitchy. But I tried to befriend them, but I always get ignored. Always. I feel that if I try to even be my authentic self with these people, I would get judged. I have a lot of opinions and complaints that I know will only give me more scowls from them.
My anxiety comes more from them when I have to talk to them or just by simply having to go to a meeting with them than the usual sources of my great mental raids.
Maybe I have to try more, and get to know them like a friend of mine suggested, but I think I would rather tire myself from putting up a facade and fake my way through than to try with them over and over.
They're not the villain, I know. And perhaps, it is me. But I guess, that's not really the point.
Anyway... I willfully chose this program because it's the closest to what I originally wanted, and I, well, I actually feel excited about it.
...I'm just terrified, and I can't even tell what of. Yeah, the future, but I feel like there's more.
Thank you for taking your time to respond to my first ask. :-)
trust in your own competence. trust in what you know that you’re capable. maybe people interacted with you and thought ‘hey he’s/she’s very smart!’ or maybe they haven’t. if you get caught up in people telling you you’re smart, intelligent, beautiful or worthy you will never not be worried or uncertain about all and any aspects in your life because you are putting the belief in yourself / your sense of self at the mercy of other people. you level of worthiness and competence lies in the hands of other, of complete strangers. that’s why maybe you struggle to engage fully at uni or college because every test or exam result either confirms your intelligence or the lack of it. there needs to be trust in your self-efficacy and your intelligence otherwise everything you do and think about in regards to your future will be terrifying. (edited: also it might be helpful for you to look at the work of carol dweck and her work on the influence and impact on how we think about our own intelligence and competence. she differentiates between a set mindset (in which we have a fixed intelligence and level of competence / capabilities) and a growth mindset (we can evolve and progress as we learn and develop) and she outlines how those held mindsets influence and shape our motivation, approach to learning and our achievement / academic outcomes etc.)
as for the subject matter, maybe it is not the “right” subject for you to study. sometimes we get so caught up and get so narrow minded about we originally wanedt that we don’t realise or want to admit that we maybe changed a little bit and what we currently are doing doesn’t fit anymore. it’s sometimes difficult to look at the prospect of having to adjust the sails than to just let things go on the way that they did. but also maybe, don’t judge something to early. there were courses i took at uni that were more interesting than others. for example i enjoyed far more my psychology lectures than i did enjoy lectures / random courses such as project implementation or international educational systems. but as i said before, all these courses have built this foundation and i find bits of pieces now everywhere again from my bachelor in my master and even though i didn’t incredibly feel motivated to study those topics then, i have had moments where that knowledge was helpful.
i don’t think it’s so easy to say you’re the villain or they are. we’re complex human beings and we do a lot of stuff that could be considered unfriendly, rude or simply apathetic and it creates an unhealthy environment. but sometimes you’re simply not on the same wave length as other people or you’re not interested in the same things they are. maybe it would be good for you to try to connect with other people first and then come back to the people in your courses after a bit. i very connected more with people who were further ahead than me at uni and i also like people who did not study what i did & i was a slight touch more superficial friendly with the people i had classes with. nobody expects you to make friends immediately and i don’t believe forcing yourself to be friends with someone or trying over and over again to be friends / to be liked is healthy or will make you feel connected. sometimes you hit it off with someone fairly quickly, other times it just takes more time to find your own pace and adjust to a new environment and as you feel more comfortable you’re drawn more towards people you could actually get a long with more easily. 
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madmachaca · 4 years
On Pisces Aphrodite:
Originally I was just going to make a post saying that, much like Deathmask, I consider the way Aphrodite is portrayed in Saintia Sho is the best (Chimaki Kuori really did a great job with the golds), but then I remembered I wanted to make a post dedicated to the most beautiful saint in Athena's army...so here we are now
One of the biggest problems with Aphrodite is not the character himself, but how he is one of those character whose interpretation and general characteristics about his personality recognizable among fans, are mostly fan made. And it bothers me a little because, though I don't mind comedic takes and memes on a show or a character (actually you may have realize I don't like taking things seriously now and then), there will be a momemt when we wouldn't remember who the character really is.
(I should mention that I mostly blame the Abel movie for solidifying the idea of an overly vain Aphrodite. I don't particularly like how he is pictured there...but that didn't stopped from making a meme...because it was funny)
So who is Aphrodite then?
Let's begin with his personality.
He is a very calmed person. In contrast to Deathmask, who he is normally associated with, he doesn't have aggressive outbursts of laughter or yelling. Not that he can't lose is temper or anything like that, but he seems to be among the calmest saint among the 12. He also doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve as visible as some of his companions. But this doesn't mean he holds back his opinion or that he cannot be cruel. This may be an stretch but he did told Shun that Seiya was going to die right before reminding him he was supposed to be looking for revenge (whatever it was done in a mocking way or not is up to debate)
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This could be with the intention of shaking his opponent core and ability to focus. Though he would be able to stop Shun if he had tried to run and help Seiya, it would be easier to defeat an oponent who is emotionally invested (in theory, look at tbe battle between Deathmask and Shiryu to see how emotion can turn a fight around).
Aphrodite is proud and considers himself above other in terms of power and hability, but this isn't a feature exclusive to him. All gold saints KNOW they are on a different league, and Aphrodite is not someone who is constantly pointing it out... that would be Shaka...for example.
The way Aphrodite does patronize Shun is by calling him "child" or "naive" (which he arguably is). Not by being particularly self absorbed.
Now let's talk about his philosophy.
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Aphrodite believes that the strong carry justice. He thinks that if someone is strong and powerful enough to vanquish their enemies, then they would be strong enough to look after others
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His perception of the world is not black and white. He understands that in order to accomplish peace and prosperity, sacrifices need to be made. Justice may sometimes seem as cruelty in the eyes of those who don't know how complicated the world could be. He didn't became a traitor because he was evil, he saw how small and fragile Athena was and eventually realized she wouldn't be enough. We may understand this better if we consider that even by the time Saga's rebellion happened the santuary was already getting ready for the holy war, they didn't know if it would come the very next day, or 13 years later, but they had to be ready anyway.
It was maybe there where Aphrodite realized that a baby couldn't do much, and after Aioros and Athena supossed death happened, he convinced himself it was for the best.
Saori's more passive take and overly kind attitude may would clash with him and his views of justice, but he would had follow her anyway. After all he has been shown being very respectful to authority.
Fighting style
By the way he fights,we can tell he falls more into the "silent assassin" type.
His attacks are discrete, fast, lethal, and elegant. As far as I know, roses were (goddess) Aphrodite's flower, and the pisces constellation is directed tied to her for it tells the story of when she and Eros transformed into fish. Given the origin of his constellation, and the deity he's tied to, it makes sense beauty would be found not only on his face, but on his fights as well.
Saga even acknowledged him as lethal.
Yes, he doesn't like losing (but who does, really?)
During his fight with Shun we see Aphrodite go from calmed and even patient, to confused and surprised.
When he had the higher ground, he even advice Shun let things be
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It seems like he acknowledged Shun lack of experience in real war, it can also be that he didn't consider him a dangerous enemy, after all, he was just a mere bronze saint. The panel above shows Aphrodite trying to spare Shun from further suffering. Little he knew Shun's cosmo is unexplainable strong
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Later, he got desperate. He used an attack he never needed before, but it was too late. Shun's strength along with Athena's blessing, signed Aphrodite demise
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(Before going to the next point, I have to say that in the manga version of Hades saga, he didn't beg for his life like he did in the anime. He just watched in silence until the very last moment, when he asked Radamanthis to stop)
His views on beauty
Honestly, I don't know what he thinks about his own looks... he never speaks about it.
So, please repeat after me:
Whenever his looks are brought up is by someone else. He doesn't really seems to pay much attention to them. The only instance I can remember he addressing the issue was not in the manga or anime but in the awakening game which so far had kept them all in character
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"Since I first arrived here, everyone praised my beauty, but they never acknowledged my strength".
So, it's the Saintia Sho take really that good?
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I humbly think it is perfect
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casiavium · 3 years
Hello👋 I go by Cherry, you can also call me Max or Sky because honestly I don't answer to my own name. I ramble a lot
-I am an adult. When I joined these fandoms I was not. Your interests don't magically disappear when you turn 18
-I'm lesbian, so if your first thought when you see that is :/ you're not welcome here! Lesbian is not a dirty word and it does not inherently mean terf or biphobic. Check your own community before demonizing another. I'm also genderfluid (sort of a girl-nonbinary-agender spectrum) so if you think that cancels it out same thing! I am not afraid of coming off as a mean fucking dyke I am tired of this shit
-I swear a lot
-suggestive content sometimes (nsft, nsft-ish, and nsft mention are the tags to block)
-no offense but I really don't care about mutuals status. Unless we're actually friends, if you post stuff I'm not interested in/move onto a different fandom I'm not following ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ call me boring but I don't like cluttering my dash with stuff I know nothing about. Please don't take it personally if I unfollow you, I follow like 50 people max and it's still a lot for me
-I ship ghiralink. Saying this now because it's apparently a big thing
My version of Sky Link is >18 because the game starts with him graduating school and becoming a knight, I started the game as a 17 1/2 yr old about to graduate high school and beat it the day before I went to college so I'm hella projecting onto it, like you're supposed to with a blank player character. Most of the stuff I make is post canon, the events of the game taking 6+ months. If you have a problem with Ghiralink you should also have a problem with Midlink, Shadlink, Miphlink, Sidlink, Revalink, Zelimpa (or their x Zelda counterparts) and countless other Zelda ships with nonhuman characters and/or a lack of canon age/consistent age equivalency before trying to claim the moral high ground. If you don't like it you don't like it, stop pretending anyone who does is a monster
This is my main blog, it doesn't have a theme, but I post/reblog
-Legend of Zelda (mostly Skyward Sword Ghirahim/Ghiralink )
-general internet culture
-fan art
-original artwork
-Update of shame: Star Wars
My stuff is tagged cherryskyart/writing/etc because I usually split posting it between here and my skyward sword sideblog
I'm not really into these fandoms anymore so if you're following me for that you'll be disappointed
-Harry Potter (do not talk to me about anything Harry Potter. I do not want it in my life anymore. Even anti-HP stuff I just Do Not Want to deal with anything related to it)
-Percy Jackson
-Doctor Who
-Breath of the Wild/Age of Calamity (anything not skyward sword, tbh)
-Lord of the Flies
(if that list wasn't a red flag)
I also use @skyview-temple-spring (Skyward Sword) and @hylimpa (WLW in LoZ). See the linktree in my bio for usernames on other sites
Please ask if you want me to tag any content (I tag most generally triggering things but if there's something else that's not one of the main ones let me know, it's no big deal. Anon is on)
I don't really have a DNI, I block first ask questions later and don't offer second chances anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ if you think it was a mistake, log out and send me an ask on anon, I won't post it and call you out or anything
Here's my block criteria anyway. I like reading people's DNI lol
Reposting is fine just credit me and don't use shipping tags unless it's said so in the main post
adding something about reposting my artwork. If you get harassed about it, please delete the post and block the user, do not engage with them!! For any post really, as likes and views are not worth your mental health, but I feel bad because I've not had many problems and this is twice now someone has reposted something of mine and they're the ones that took the fall for it. I have many people blocked already (Tumblr and Instagram, still working on Twitter) that wouldn't see it to begin with, but you may not! If they can't yell at the source they'll take it out on you, and even if you do try arguing often times they'll switch up their argument and keep it going once they realize you're right.
I don't have a problem with tagging my art as your kin/id or whatever. Maybe don't use "me" because that comes off as you made it. I'm uncomfortable with my art being tagged as your "fictional other", husband, or wife.
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sirene312 · 4 years
i'm back at home
This have to be the first time that the reason I disappeared here was not because I lost my internet, I don't even know how to start the nightmare that these last two-three months have been. What happened to me it's something so horrendous that i need to get this out of my chest now that i have the chance so i don't have to think about this whole experience ever again. sorry in advance but this is going to be a long post. 
Before you read this I want you to keep in mind that I live in a south american country falling apart with many problems (here's a translated thread (x) of the things happening on in my country. here’s the original with images (x) caution some images are distressing) where crazy things like this happen with impunity because literally nothing here works and that includes justice.
My dad passed away suddenly at the end of August, my brother and I went to his house that is on the other side of the city, and when we got there, apparently there were some “friends” living with him: a man, a woman and a child. At the time, since I was distracted by being utterly devastated and my mind was clouded with pain i didn't realize what this could mean, after all my dad had many many friends, but still i thought it was a little weird since we talked to my dad frequently on the phone and he never told us about these randos.
After the funeral, since we still needed to do more legal stuff and wanted to save to give him a proper grave/tombstone we decided to stay and live at my dad’s house (now ours by law) for a few weeks until we took care of everything. and this is where the nightmare starts.
We asked these "friends” of his when they would leave and go back to their place and they never gave us a clear answer, they were very evasive and never told us why they didn't want to go to their own home... and you know why? because they didn't have one. They were squatters. Here they are called “invaders” and you can read in these news articles (x) how they act (x), in our case these squatters were non violent but they did make our lives hell, because since we couldn't get them out we had to live with them or we would have lost our dad’s house and everything inside. 
In this stupid country if the squatters got into your home in a non violent way, you can't just force them to get out. Yes, you read that right. That is why we didn't went to the police, we knew they weren't going to do anything, they only do something if you have money, have contacts in the police, or a bunch of people make a fuss and attract media attention. 
The only thing we could do legally was go to la Fiscalía (I don't know what's the equivalent in English the persecution I think?) and file a complaint and some other paperwork, all that legal process can take years and meanwhile, the squatters can live there as they please and you can’t get inside your home again or get your things out...God...as you can imagine that was definitely not an option. 
After much thought we decided to sacrifice some of the money we had and got a lawyer for advice in what to do, and she said that while she searched for another legal way to get them out asap, we had to live in the house and don't ever leave it unoccupied, always my brother or I had to be there, because otherwise the squatters could change the locks and then there would not be anything we could do to get back in. I didn't want to do that but we had no other choice. Nothing could have prepared us to the things we would have to endure there.
Here are some the horrible things they did while we were living there:
They rearranged everything inside the house. We just lost our dad and I couldn't even keep the memory of how his house was decorated and how his things looked the way he had them. they moved around every little thing. it stills hurts, they had not right. 
They STOLE many things of my dad. They were only old things with very little value, but to me, their sentimental value was incalculable. like for example imagine that favorite chipped coffee mug your mom loves, or your grandpa reading glasses, or that comfy cardigan your granny likes to use when knitting, now imagine that a random stranger took them without permission and is using them as they please, worse because your loved one is no longer here and that is the only thing you had left of them. Now you have an idea of how sad and indignant i felt.
They never wore masks or didn't even wash their hands, they didn't care they were putting us all at risk with their lack of hygienic measures, in fact mocked us because we were super clean and wore masks when they were near us.
The woman pretended to have a serious medical condition and would threaten to report us for attempted murder  if we spoke to her in any way that she wouldn't like because getting “upset” triggered her “condition”. Which is ironic since I’m the one with a heart condition and she could have jeopardize my health with all the stress she and her husband were subjecting me everyday. 
They turned all the neighbors against us! that evil woman would pretend to have “fits” of “her disease” right on the street were the neighbors would witness it to gain sympathy and later tell them that we caused her that, they believed her and everyone on our street hated us, and even all of them signed a bullshit letter to have us evicted from our own house and to let them keep the house. Good thing that wasn't legal and the government office ignored that ridiculous letter.
They used everything inside the house without permission, like our refrigerator, the kitchen appliances, the washing machine, the stereo, our water and food, our frigging clean bed sheets, it was like that was their home and WE were the intruders. that made me so so mad. 
They psychologically tormented us. They took advantage of our emotionally fragile state to do and say things to get us so upset so we would leave the house for good. And they almost got it, my mental health was a mess, grieving and dealing with this was too much but our mom convinced us to stay, she said our dad wouldn't have wanted us to lose our house to these damn thieves.
and speaking of theft...they even tried to steal OUR DOG. The kid one day said “this is now my dog! our new dog, my mom said so!” and i was like wHAT NO! but i just said something like “but we love him we’ll be very sad and lonely if he's not by our side” bc i didn't want to upset the kid. She was very sweet and innocent, she and I actually got along well and played sometimes (she gave me drawings that i still have and i gave her some paper crafts and my childhood toys) it was not her fault that her parents were evil. That horrible man wasn't even her father, he treated her bad, god I hated how he yelled at her and made her cry she was just a little child, i wish i could have had the power to do something.
At this point you must be thinking, why the hell were you acting like a doormat?? why did you allowed them to treat you like this!! why didn't you do something!? oh believe me I was very vocal in my discontent and didn't give them an inch, but the thing is there was little we could do, if we tried to talk to them they ignored us at best, police were not going to help (we at one point did end up going to the police station just to get told what we already knew: that they couldn't do anything), and even when one day i snapped and i told them to leave us alone and not touch our things, they just brushed me off. They knew if things escalated and violence of any kind were used against them we could be in legal trouble (same applied to them, that's why they never physically attacked us). We were alone in this battle, didn't have the support of anyone. What else we could do? our hands were tied. 
We had to endure all this shit non stopping every day we were there. I was saving all my limited phone data for important things like calls and messages to my mom and my lawyer, so my only source of entertainment was the cable TV, I can't believe that what kept me sane was watching old reruns of Cupcake Wars and home improvement shows.
But the more time passed the more this situation was unbearable and we were not doing well, this distressed my mom so much that she decided to pack a small suitcase and go stay there with us, we didn't want her to do that because she is an elderly woman and her health could be at risk but she didn't care and just show up one evening and let me tell you, after months of not seeing her when she walked through that door i was so happy and relieved and emotional that i started crying two seconds flat and we just hug her for a long time. Damn these people for causing us to be apart when we needed our mom the most.
Now with our mom there I think they felt threatened and so those pathetic fools went so far as to make a false document where it said that they were “our tenants” so they could be protected by law and could stay there “legally” for at least a year or two. That stupid stunt would be their downfall. 
We were cited to go to a govt office that deals with rent and housing problems where they were going to present that bogus document, the office needed for all parts to be present there, so my bro, our lawyer and I got there and later the squatters and their kid since they were using the scarce public transport. My mom stayed back at the house alone. I don't know if it was luck or divine intervention (or karma in their case)  that the woman in charge couldn't make it and the audience got postponed for the following month, our lawyer was fuming she didn't want those horrible people to spend another whole month at our house, she called my mom and told her to lock all doors and don't let anyone in, we quickly got into the lawyer’s car and got to the house first before the squatters and we put a huge padlock on the door! That way they wouldn't be able to get in, they only had keys (that were originally our spare keys that they stole) to the front door.
I can't even begin to describe how nerve wracking was all this, but for the first time i felt hopeful because finally things were in our favor, now if those squatters tried to get inside of our private property by force they could get in serious trouble. How the turntables bitch!
And that's how we could GET THEM OUT AT LAST. 
When they realized they couldn't do anything more than pace furiously on the sidewalk they left (the woman tried having one of her “fits” to get people’s attention but since it started to rain she quickly gave up ha!). We thought they were going to stay in any of the neighbor's houses but they left to who knows where. A few days later we changed the locks and we got our uncle to go stay and live in the house while we finish sorting the legal papers. The only thing i felt sorry was for the kid but we later learned that the squatters found another house to take over the very same day we locked them out, so i know at least that poor little girl is not sleeping on the streets. I feel sad every time i think of her, this is not how a child should be living bc of her deplorable parents. i wish i could have had the chance to say goodbye to her in better terms.
I still can't believe all this happened to us when all we wanted was to get through grieving our dad and give him a better grave with some flowers. Hopefully we can finally finish saving and get that done now that we don't have to stress 24/7 over people wanting to make our lives hell.
I would have liked for this insanely horrible experience to end with them receiving punishment for what the did to us, but by this country standards when dealing with this kind of situation we were very lucky, this was the best outcome many people has told us, and honestly I'm just happy that it's over and I'm back at my home with my family and I’m sleeping on my own bed again.
Last but not least I want to thank everyone that took the time during these months to send me their lovely messages and their condolences, and were very supportive and understanding of my situation, although now is when I'm able to read them, they have made me very happy thank you so much for all your kindness.
and now to end on a high note here's Tomy our sweet dog, that belong to us and we get to keep because he’s ours :)
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thejosh1980 · 4 years
Don't you know that you're toxic?
I was in a toxic relationship...
In fact I have been in a few... But the last one is the one I can still remember in some detail...
The first few, well they were immature drunk and disorderly scenarios. They are not important in this story, other than you should be aware I was pretty repetitive towards my approach to relationships back then.
The story I would like tell is about the 7 year old relationship that ended in March 2019.
This particular relationship had the biggest effect on me, my well being, and my happiness. And even though I married an amazing woman earlier this year, that last relationship is still a reminder of the baggage I have held onto since my first relationship.
It's time I unloaded that baggage and shed my skin.... Even if it's just a little bit... You know, small steps...
So, lets call my ex “Grumpy”...
In fact that's a name an American girlfriend of a drummer of a band we were watching called her once in Germany, literally minutes after meeting her. I should have seen that red flag even back then...
Look, Grumpy isn't a bad person, deep down I think she means well... But she just hasn't been able to get past her past... She wont let go of any stubborn insecurities, learn new coping mechanisms, and she wont forgive herself, or you for that matter... At least that's what I've experienced with her.
It's like whenever things don't go her way, whenever she's frustrated or doesn't know how to cope, she'd revert back to a 14 year old girl, which is when she had troubles with her Mum.
I mean honestly, who didn't have troubled teenage years??
I'm not saying she doesn't have a right to feel pain about some significant event or trauma, but she surely can't hold it over my head and expect me to hang around, forever...
During our relationship, I explained to her, that when I went into therapy (which at the beginning she thankfully helped me do) I had no idea what to expect. But I knew I couldn't continue the way I was and expect a happy outcome.
It took a long time, but I processed many of the issues and events of my past, which in turn helped my current situation and had a positive effect on my future. I learned new ways on how to cope with current problems, insecurities and learn to take responsibility for my actions and choices in life...
I forgave my Dad for not being a good father. I understand, he just didn't know better and chose not to learn how later in life... It's no excuse but I find some comfort in knowing I wasn't the problem. These days, I can be comfortable in his presence, no longer hoping for the Dad I've always needed, but enjoy his company for what it is...
I forgave my sister for her misgivings. She's a tough cookie, and very jealous of me. I think she's very jealous of my relationship with Mum, but my sister hasn't taken responsibility for her actions, and therefore it will be a long road before I can trust her, but I'm totally OK with that. She has her problems, and they are not mine to take responsibility for, anymore.
My grandparents on both sides were hard work over the years. I thought it was my fault too! But really it was their lack of empathy and understanding that created an atmosphere of negativity. They had every opportunity to be a good example to an impressionable young me. Luckily I learned to forgive them, even if I didn't actually say that to them while they were still alive. I forgave them and myself for contributing to the escalation, rather than finding resolution.
Grumpy knew I did this (and more) in therapy, and refused to consider it.
Now in all fairness, I originally refused to entertain the idea of counseling too, as I had a negative experience in my younger days (just like Grumpy), but when I reached my first breakdown around 2014 in a foreign country, I knew I needed help and I asked...
You know, I know she's still hurting over her past...
How can I tell?
Because it's been 18 months since I broke up with her, and she continues to create drama, instead of “adulting” and talking to me about it.
She's had every opportunity to deal with these post break up problems we all have had to go through like an adult (you know, splitting up the household belongings etc), without fail each time she has deflected, ignored, created more drama, lied or done something else that shows me, she has not recognized her part in our story.
Let's face it, it takes 2 to tango...
I've come to realize she treated me the way she did during our relationship, because she took me for granted. She thought I'd never have the courage or strength to actually leave her. I sure proved her wrong, didn't I!!!
We started our relationship drunk, and continued like that for 2 or so years. Grumpy and I could drink a lot, and did... We both were a bit rounder then too! We were never fully honest with each other or ourselves. I would say, we probably should have just been a short term fling, because we both weren't ready for long term, but we dived in anyhow...
That journey got me here, and that's totally fine. I have no regrets...
In case you didn't know, I wasn't a very strong person back then. I had little self esteem, and little self worth. So it was easy for both of us to “beat on” each other verbally and not resolve any issues. That's easy to do when someone just can't listen without demeaning you, without taking your feelings and smashing them against the wall... I was always ALWAYS in trouble. She was too sometimes back then... We both were in trouble...
As time went on with my therapy I processed a lot of things, and became ready for long term... I also knew I wanted to move back home, down under, eventually. That would be a hard decision, with or without Grumpy. I just couldn't imagine piling on more stress on top of stress with that relationship. I came to realize there was no future there unless something changed. We had to listen to each other, we had to trust each other, we had to respect each other.
I know I am not perfect, but surely if I can forgive her for things, she could step my way a little... Couldn't she? Didn't she have the power to learn to forgive? I mean really forgive someone and love them for all their faults? Didn't she have the power to grow? Unfortunately she didn't... I knew she didn't process anything because she was bringing up stuff from 2 or 3 or 6 years ago...
When I sobered up and seriously got into therapy, I had no idea what road it would take me down... But after talking about all my family issues, social anxiety issues and depression, the last thing was Grumpy. It took almost 5 years to get to the point where I acknowledged I was unhappy, I realized I didn't trust her and I couldn't see a future with her...
I just couldn't talk to her anymore. We just didn't trust each other anymore... That's the point...
The day we broke up, I had written her a letter, and I read her this letter. I read out a letter I had spent weeks writing making sure my adult words were being used (because without the letter I knew I'd revert to something less mature and less communicative). I clearly stated after trying many times, trying for years to correct our problems, I had come to realize we couldn't go forward. I decided we would break up to save each other from unnecessary pain. I couldn't see any steps going in the right direction in our relationship anymore...
I loved her, but it just wasn't working out, and didn't show any signs of improving.
Her first words were “I knew it” with tears rolling down her face...
I didn't want to do it, but I made a choice... Based on the past, for the present, to better my future.
Honestly I don't know if she wanted to recognize any of those times I tried to talk to her. She didn't want to see the signs. When she got frustrated and yelled at me, and I sat quietly listened and did my best not to raise my voice back. When I tried to talk sense to her she'd react like I was talking crazy.
Maybe she was scared? After all, change is a scary thing.
I changed a lot in those years since I started therapy and stopped drinking, always hoping Grumpy would come my way a little... For several years I was a huge contributing factor to our fights, but as time went on and I learned and grew, I started to de-escalate those fights. (Which generally made things worse!).
Apparently she didn't get the memo...
And she continues to blame me for that mistrust, because that's the way it goes when you don't take responsibility for your actions... It's always someone else's fault... The world owes me...
Even though she's been in a committed relationship since the beginning of 2020, she still hasn't let go of any anger, hurt, or resentment towards me. Her actions clearly show she hasn't processed our relationship, start, middle, or end, and would prefer to block me or stop all communication with me, before dealing with herself. She'd prefer to tell everyone else how bad I was, what I owed her, what I did to her, than think about her actions and how they affected our relationship.
It's like history repeating itself... And I am finding freedom in the fact I am no longer a character in her story.
I'm quite sure she'll keep the narrative within her circle of friends to make her look good, and me bad. But I like my narrative more (who wouldn't?), I feel we both were a mess... We were having a negative affect on each other. How or why, isn't as important as learning that communication, trust, forgiveness and respect are the things that were missing...
In fact, I think she dislikes anyone who has shown personal growth... It scares her... I think she's comfortable in her denial... She blames her Mum or her grandma... She blames me... Not once had I ever heard in all her years of coming home from work, “Oh it was me...”, “I did something wrong...” or “I messed up, I better say sorry...”
So how could I stay with someone who didn't take any responsibility?? How can I love someone who doesn't say “sorry”?
I was heart broken during the time leading up to reading Grumpy that letter...
I went back and forth in my head, could I see a future??? But in the end I couldn't... The one thing I realize, that is so important in my relationships, is good ol' communication. We lost that, when we lost the trust... It all turned toxic... Manipulative.... Twisted...
I wish her all the happiness the world throws at her.
We all deserve happiness... But Grumpy, sometimes you gotta work at it...
I could spend my time blaming her for so much of it but in the end, it was down to me. I am the one master of my fate... Just as she is... Then and now...
Thanks for reading,
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skittles1229 · 4 years
THE EVER CHANGING STORY OF LUNARIS (reader insert romance)
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This is a project I started to maintain my boredom so ill be using the characters from a really great visual novel called when the night comes written by lunaris. go check it out! ill be writing about all the characters including you being the x reader. after I've introduced the plot and characters and if i have enough readers, ill let you guys pick who I right the first romance ending with, the endings will probably have a bit of smut so if your just wanting to know the story you don't have to read the romantic endings
Chapter One: Unwelcome Start
        My feet are killing me and its hot and dark, I'm walking through unfamiliar woods. All I can smell is tree leaves decaying and pine. To fill you in without telling you my life story and having a pity party, I'm one of the few shifting Dire Wolves left. We are a dying breed since people and monsters were coexisting now, I'm over joyed about the mixing of the populations but as the wolves breed with humans our ability to shift is slowing leaving as the generations grow. I on the other hand wasn't liked by much of anyone. I grew up around old town human folk. Both parents had been killed by townsfolk and luckily the little who girl found me as a puppy was nice enough to bring me to her home. That little girl became my life. Her blonde hair reminded me of wheat in the fall and she smelled of old moth balls and freshly cooked bacon. Kasey was a lonely child born a bastard and then left alone when her mom left into town one day. She didn't come home that night. She had the kindest eyes. They say eyes are the window to the soul and hers was broken and glued back together so many times that you couldn't recognize her original beauty. She brought me to a little cabin back in the woods where I stayed with her and her grandmother.  I stayed out of school because at the time freaks weren't exactly normal. I learned everything through Kasey and her homework as I grew up. We played in the old field through the woods and down an old forgotten gravel road. She would always tease me about my ears but she loved my big bushy tail. Kasey was a pure soul and sometimes id have to remind her how special she was especially during the times to come. She became ill in late fall, losing her ability to walk and becoming more and more pale from the lack of sunlight. We were told she had an immune issue that couldn't be fix with the medicine we had then and magic was a cure but was also out of the question since anyone who was seen as a witch was seen as a harm to the community and burned at the stake. It wasn't that way in the big towns with lots of people coming and going bustling about, but down here in the boon dock of the forgotten swamp everyone had the same opinion. anything new and different was and and therefore had to be destroyed.
         When I was around six Kasey succumb to her unfortunate circumstances in her sleep and she took her welcome with her. I think that maybe it was one of the few mercies I've ever seen god do for someone. After she died the grandmother, already being on her last years, passed not long after that. With nothing holding me to that little shack in the woods I moved on. I was never given a name and so along the way I've figured out who and what I am. Remind me to tell you that one later on, I've been walking for a few days with my satchel made from rabbit fur with old shoe laces holding it together, Kasey in her better days stayed bored in her old pink bedroom reading the same book she had on the old bookcase in the living room. Her grandmother went to the market in town most days to sell her vegetables. she would bring us home sweets and toys. For Kasey's birthday she bought her a bag of fabric rabbit fur and some thread and needles to teach her to sew hoping that would cure her boredom. A few months before she passed, she hurriedly finished off the synch bag with one of her shoelaces from her boots. That bag is the one I have with me now. My clothes and few days worth of food is in it as well. I had been shifted into my wolf form going on 48 hours now and my (F/C favorite color ) fur was now stained with mud and leaves from the nights sleep in a dug out hole. The last sign of civilization was back in my home town. it was now night time again and had seen no sign of a town any where close. It was getting dark and my joints were burning from the pain of walking. I quickly found a soft spot in the ground digging up a little hole to lay in for the night. The woods around me creaked with shifting wood and wind rustling the foliage. Harry had become the governor a while back suddenly disappeared recently in his home base in Lunaris. That's where Kasey's grandmother went for hours everyday to be a part of the market so I decided to see if there was anywhere I could stay and maybe get a job and start a life for myself. All this time I had no real name, Kasey never named me. She wanted me to be able to choose it for myself and I'm now 20 in human years. Our bodies aged in human instead of dog years another kind of pro with the watering down of the generations. I had gone through all of Kasey's family and school friends, even people she heard the name of by passing by in church, I'd heard all the names and thought about them and said them all out loud the see how they role off the tongue and I finally settled on (Y/N) tonight. 
      I had fallen asleep at some point and shifted back into human form curling around my bag to protect it from the outside. Suddenly the ground around me started to shake and the foliage covering the entrance to the den started to shake loose and fall in. At this point I'm wide awake and have my back to the wall and head in a snarl towards the entrance not knowing why or what had shaken the ground so harshly. I smell a fowl smell that reeks of something I've never smelled before. It began to burn my nose like alcohol or whatever grandma had in the wash rooms for spring cleaning. I heard twigs breaking and a long groan that howled with the wind. My heart was racing not knowing what to expect to come through the entrance and that's when I saw the light from the moon blocked by a large shadow. I braced for a fight when suddenly it let out a yelp of pain as I see two or three other shadows chase it to the right of the hole. Lots of yelling from men and women can be heard along with lots of new smells. All of them had hints of sweat and fear but some of them were odd. One was carried in on a breath of lavender and honey and the other of burnt wood like a fire place. One also smelled like chocolate and for a split second I smelled the familiar canine sent, Another wolf or maybe a half breed Lykan. I laid there and listened as the group seemed to quickly dominate whatever that creature was and if there's a group of hunters then there has to be a town. I wait for the noise to die out before I stick my head out of the hole to check my area. I look at the position of the moon and start to get a better idea of how long I was asleep. I think it must have been at least 3 in the morning. I grabbed my bag and pulled myself out of the hole, shaking off loose dirt and changing myself back into that big furry wolf I've become used to and walk towards where I heard the commotion to catch the scent of where they had gone. The creature they fought was dead on the ground covered in its black oozing blood. It looked like a genetic mutation of some kind gone very wrong and the smell almost could knock you out, if your a dog that is. I heard a snap of a twig in the distance and that's when I caught the scent of a dying summer, decaying flowers and dying memories. 
      I see a blue glow coming from an object a few feet in front of me hidden in the darkness of the trees, whatever it was it made it very clear that I was unwelcome and that I was seen as a threat. I bent neck down feeling the hair along my spine start to stand on end as I snarled my teeth in the direction of the ominous blue glow. Suddenly the tense feeling in the air dropped, you could feel the tension melt away and in that second the strange creature pushes forward into the moonlight. A man with golden eyes and a mechanical arm moves forward looking with his hands raised. "My names Finnegan and I know you wont hurt me because your not just any wolf am I right?" The sudden question brushes me as weird and out of place but regardless it only makes me all the more persistent that he not come any closer. He stops in his tracks and sits in the tall grass he had been previously standing in. We sat there like that for what seems like forever and he seemed to feel talkative because he asked question after question. I looked around to think of what direction I wanted to go in order to get away from here .
     "You know it would be easier to go to Lunaris." he said picking at something under his nails. I look at him tilting my head, can he hear my thoughts? I didn't think humans could do such things but he didn't look like a human. Not with the fangs like that and those pointed ears. "No I'm not human I'm a vampire, I live in Lunaris with my friends. I actually have a Lykan friend as well so you wont be alone." I bent my ears back in annoyance, tired of the vamp imposing on my thoughts. I decided I would speak with him but not in this form. As a Lykan I could still stay able to protect myself and be able to speak to this other freak of nature in front of me. In order to do so I'd have to get away from this vampire long enough to cover myself. Almost instantly the vamp got up causing me to jump. "There's a graveyard a little ways from here, you can shift and change in the maintenance shed. As I'm sure you heard earlier there are some odd creatures in these woods so ill walk you to town myself. Then I can take you to Ezra and have him give you a once over." he began to walk and turned around about five feet away to ask if I was going to follow, I decide that this town might be a start to a weird series of events. We made our way through the woods to a small path of cleared trees and some sand, we followed that to the graveyard behind a large church like building and that's when I saw the small shed. "I'll stand behind the shed towards the woods I'm sure nobody is awake so you shouldn't have to worry about townsfolk." I shifted back into my Lykan form and hurry into the shed. My (hair length) (H/Color) hair fell over my face as I shoved myself into my tight jeans and put my long sleeve white shirt on. my ears still sat on the top of my head and my tail is swishing back and forth in anticipation of how this town was going to accept a new comer and a freak at that. I threw on the hoodie I had found hanging on a tree on my way out of my old town, probably left by one of the boys in the old town. I smoothed my fur down and walked out of the shed with my bag in my hands, I peaked my head around the corner and caught the golden eyes of the man called Finnegan as he's leaned against the shack with his arms crossed. 
      I walk up to him with my arm wrapped around my bag and offered him the other. "My names (y/n), sorry about the weird introduction but I really just have no clue where I am or where I'm going." he grinned and studied me before opening up and talking again. "You cleanup really well don't you (y/n)." I simply lowered my head as a response and shrugged my shoulders. " It would suck to have to stay as wolf all the time because I'm just to ugly to look at as a Lykan." he laughs flashing his fangs and approaching me and taking my hand pulling me closer to him to where we were inches apart. "Ugly is one thing you aren't, if your this pretty as a Lykan then I cant wait to see you in human form" he then snuck his arm around my waist turning me around as he began to walk to the town. "How did you know I could do that?" I stopped him and I could see his grin form as he turned around to meet my eyes. "I've been alive a long time (y/n).  when the old man who sired me was alive he'd tell us stories of the dire wolves that lived in the forest in the mountains. He would tell us stories of how they had almost repopulated in a town not far from here, completely unannounced to the world growing among the town folk." he looked away suddenly his essence changed from one of wisdom and confidence to one of remorse and sadness. He began to walk once again motioning for me to follow. "That is until the townsfolk caught wind  of such rumors. He banded together the higher ups and went through exposing half the town to be," he grimaces as if saying the name leaves a sour taste in his mouth, "werewolves as the humans put it."  We had just made it through a small alley leading too a large stone road. This is the first time I've heard the real story aloud of what happened to my parents that day. Suddenly I  didn't feel much like talking anymore and the vampire noticed this as we made it to the closed up and dark market side of town. Large tents and shacks were on both sides of the road, I'm sure it looks much nicer when its open and bustling with people. "I'll have to show it to you." he says suddenly again answering my thoughts as if id said them aloud. "You know Finn I love your interest in me but I think its kind of of rude to read others thoughts right?" His eyes suddenly dart away and clears his throat, "Not if the person has particularly loud thoughts but I do see what you mean. Nasty habit it is, been aiming to fix that." We both laugh for a bit and then he heads for a door on the right side of the road raising his metal arm to touch the door. When his hand makes contact, Finn says a few words in another language and his arm burst to  life flowing with blue lights. The door makes a noise and a shield seams to lower into Finn's hand as he opens the door. He pulls me in and I'm immediately overwhelmed at the smells around me, some fragrant like perfumes and others dirty like burning wood. He had shelves of boxes and books, homemade spells and food with jars of candy lining the shelves.
     Finn puts the wards back up and leads me to the kitchen where he sits me down at the wooden table across from the couch and the wall covered in art work, "Wait here while I run upstairs and get the witch you just relax and think if anything hurts or needs to be looked at." with Finns vampy speed skills he vanishes up the stairs to get this so called witch, I certainly do hope I don't meet the same fate as my parents once did in this town years ago. I here rustling and movement up the stairs as a dark skinned man comes running to me with worried eyes and open arms. he cups my face in his hands and scans me over for any sign of blood or wounds. "Finnegan she looks alright, you made her out to be as if she'd been attacked." He looks back at Finn letting go of my face in order to hit him in the head just enough to scuffle his hair. He then turns around to me and straightens up his robe and his curly mop of hair, I hold out my hand to introduce myself and he grabs it with both hands pulling me in with a smile. "I'm Ezra and this my little spells and Knick knack shop." he has a strange contagious happiness that causes my worries and doubts to slip away. He rubs his hand through my hair making his way to my ears checking for ticks and mites since my ears are much different  from human ears. "Are you ok," He says we a worry filled smile and motions me to sit down, I obey as my feet have become numb after so many days of walking. He reaches into his shelves and pulls  out a kettle and a metal box of herbs and tea bags for homemade blends. "Go on love what happen? Why are you out in the woods at this hour?" I yawned in response of all their questions and simply said, "No disrespect Ezra but I'm exhausted and my feet are throbbing, I think the walking has caught up to me." He nods knowing what I mean. Ezra hands me a cup of tea and some cookies from a jar up in the cabinet. "Right I'm sorry. Let me help Finn out and I'll come back and run you a bath with herbs and salts to get you well rested and ready for tomorrow." He and Finn stepped to a hatch underneath the rug in Ezra's common quarters.  I took a few cookies sneaking them into my bag so that I can eat them later as well, they were ( favorite kind ) cookies and i couldn't resist the temptation to stuff my face. 
        Finn calls my name waving as he disappears into the hole and Ezra closes it back up and covers it again. "Alright now to get you all set, come with me up stairs." I follow behind slowly hating every step up those stairs but it was well worth it when I made it. He had a big circle tub surrounded in stone, it looked to be able to fit two people and the water come up pretty high. The twinkling lights hanging from the ceiling were different shades of blue purple and pink with a magical blue flamed candle hanging on the wall in a glass case. The tub was filled with steaming water and flower petals, the room smelled of pine and mint with citrus chopped up into slices and dropped into the water. Bubbles had covered the top of the water like snow and smelled like lavender and honey. His bathroom was pure happiness and love expressed in his home. "Now this bath should help your muscles not be sore in the morning and it should help you fall asleep tonight, I hate to ask but should I check you for ticks or scratch's anywhere on you?" I shrugged as my body was still covered in fur and it could be hiding anything but I was so self conscious about my body that I wouldn't dare ask for his help with this task. I point my head down and hugged myself as if to comfort myself. Ezra looked at me with kind eyes and hands me a towel, "Its ok if you aren't comfortable with it, just promise me you'll come and let me take any off for you. They carry lime disease and other things that can harm you!" as he goes to grab the handle to leave I grab his arm. I muster up all the courage I can and whispered, "Can you stay and help me Ezra?" He smiles and blushes slightly, wrapping me in a hug, "of course!" He closes the door and stays turned around as I take my clothes that I have on now off and grab the robe from the wall and cover myself. "Alright your ok to look now." I say in a small voice. "Alright I'm gonna start with your legs and work my way up and after your done you can use my cats flea shampoo to make sure everything is clean and gone. I nod my head agreeing and let him begin, he rubs his soft hands over my paw pads massaging as he goes looking for any bumps or imperfections. He comes across a tick that had made itself at home on my inner thigh , he poked and prodded at it for a few minutes but it was resistant to all his attempts. "You know fur is great but I just don't think I could do a full body of it." He laughs and I return his joke with a giggle of my own. "Would it be easier if there was no fur?" I ask searching his face for his reaction.  At first he looks confused and he seemed to be racking his brain for what I could be saying. "Well I'm certainly not going to shave you if that's what your asking." he smiles and we both laugh. I trusted Ezra I didn't sense any type of misjudgment or threat coming from this simple witch. 
     I began to shift into my human form and my leg grew smaller in his hand and the once thick course fur is now bare soft human skin. The robe that was a perfect fit before, is now hanging down off my shoulders. It draped around me like a sheet and Ezra had stayed quiet so far, only staring wide eyed and enchanted at the sight. My hair falls in front of my face as I smile at him, "Is that any better?" He's still not said a word so far, just staring at my face and rubbing my legs searching for the fur that was no longer there. "Now how did you do that? spell? hallucinations? Are you even a wolf?" He seems stunned and unsure of what to say, he did however have lots of questions some of which I could answer and others was searching for myself. We talked while taking the ticks that had made themselves at home on me off finally, burning them as he went. his hands glided over me like soap and his hands felt like heaven against my skin.  "I'm honestly stunned I didn't think of it before you told me, I remember in school they use to mention small things about dire wolves but they never dove into that chapter which I guess was because you guys were believed to have died out long ago. but behold!" he places some bubbles on my he'd and smiles so wide that his eyes look squinty. "your here1 So obviously the world didn't lose all of its beautiful one of a kind dire wolves." What a sweet happy minded guy, he seemed to only be able to see the silver lining and if he could see the other side of things then he hides his emotions very well. It didn't take much for the mud and dirt that was previously there to fall away into the soapy water. Ezra had gone to make himself a cup of tea and was waiting in his room for when I was done. My hair had been shampooed and I washed my body with the bar of soap sitting on the side of the tub. It was green and purple but see through, there was a small flower in the middle and there seemed to be small beads in the soap that came out as you washed. It smelled like roses and vanilla, the smell reminded me of Ezra. Soon I got out and dried myself off with the lavender towel Ezra had left behind, throwing the robe on and heading to where Ezra had said his room was. He had laid out a large t-shirt and a pair of women's shorts? I hadn't seen a women in here before and no-one had said anything about a wife or girlfriend ... maybe they were a friend of his, at least that's what I'm hoping. As soon as my head hit the soft feather pillow I drifted off into a deep sleep, filled with dreams of of cookies, flowers, and Ezra? oh, Finnigan as well. Seems I simply cant escape the happenings of tonight or the past. My memories slowly drift back to that little blonde haired girl I had loved once before.
(A/N) The picture at the top is of the characters mentioned in this from the game when the night comes. if you haven't read it You should defiantly take a look before you dive into this so that you can fall in love with the characters before reading other peoples interpretations of their personalities. I personally feel like I couldn't dream of reaching the level of dedication that the creator of the game had for their characters.
I also have a second chapter out on wattpad you can find it here.
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