#eldritch danny fenton
stars-obsession-pit · 2 months
Uncanny Danny
I’ve often seen “Eldritch Danny” as like a fully inhuman form distinct from his humanoid ghost form. But what if that doesn’t happen?
What if he gradually looks less human but it never actually diverges into a separate monster form. He only has the one ghost form and one human form, both of which no longer look entirely human.
He may pass as one at first glance, but then an unsettling feeling prods at the back of your mind, whispering that there’s something wrong with him. Something uncanny. Your instincts scream at you to run, to not fall for this thing’s attempt to blend in.
But the thing is, Danny doesn’t know about any of this. The changes were gradual; all his friends and family in had plenty of time to get used to him. Yeah he’s a little freaky but he’s still just their dude. It’s kinda hard to be terrified of the dork you grew up with and often see infodumping about space.
So he’s just vibing while all the outsiders are glancing at him in mute terror.
Because to them? He reads as an eldritch monster pretending to be a human. They can tell he’s powerful but have no idea what he is or what his goals are. Heck, it sometimes feels like he’s playing with them, openly flaunting his inhuman aspects as if to say, “So what? What are you gonna do about it?”
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disillusioneddanny · 2 years
Eloped in Space Part Four
Dick Grayson had never felt so utterly betrayed in his entire life. Bruce? Married? And he didn’t even tell Dick? He wasn’t even invited to the wedding! How could his adoptive father do this to him? And that had to be a typo, maybe the twink was 20 but–what was better? His father marrying someone who was 200 hundred years old or someone who was 20 years old? He had kids older than 20! It would be so fucking weird for Bruce to marry someone so young. 
It was also, unfortunately, something he could one hundred percent see his father doing. Regardless, the vigilante had made the trip from Bludhaven to see the twink and see what the actual fuck was wrong with Bruce. 
“What do you think is going on?” Jason asked, falling into step with his older brother as they started towards the manor door. 
“No clue. I’m more confused than anything,” Dick admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. Jason frowned but nodded in agreement. Alfred opened the door for them, his face pale white.
“Alfie? Are you okay?” Jason asked, brow furrowed. 
“Apologies, Master Jason. I think that I may still be in shock,” he murmured, stepping back to let the boys in. “Everyone is in the sitting room already.”
“So, he’s actually married?” Dick asked, eyebrows shot up to his hairline. 
Alfred nodded. “Yes, Master Daniel is quite an interesting being, I must say. But, I have never seen Master Bruce as happy as he is right now. Not even when he was a child, it’s odd.”
“Daniel?” Jason asked. 
“He prefers to go by Danny,” Steph said, coming out of the sitting room, a wide grin on her face. “He’s amazing and I love him so much. Damian has stabbed him at least five times and Danny hasn’t even blinked!”
“I think it’s a game now. He keeps speaking to Danny in different languages and is getting angrier and angrier every time Danny responds. Honestly, this is the best thing Bruce has ever done.”
Dick and Jason shared a confused look before following the girl into the sitting room where the rest of their family was waiting. On a large couch sat Bruce and a young man who looked no older than 25 sat together, Bruce had his arm wrapped around the man’s waist, a fond smile on his face. Danny was currently waving his arms wildly as he told a story to his captive audience. 
“Anyway, and that was the day I learned that I am faster than the Flash and I just think that this is impressive,” Danny said with a grin. Bruce just let out a fond chuckle before he glanced up at the brothers. 
“Darling,” he murmured, tugging on his ear lightly. “Everyone is here now.”
Danny looked away from the bats and grinned at Dick and Jason. He quickly stood and bound towards the brothers. “Richard! Jason!” He exclaimed before he stopped in his steps. “Oh Moonbeam, you’re right. Jason is very contaminated, we’ll have to fix that,” he said before his eyes flashed a familiar Lazarus green. Jason immediately took a step back from the man and shot Bruce a startled look. 
“What the fuck? You talked about us to some stranger?”
Danny pouted. “No, he barely said anything except the bare bones explantations. But, I do know that you reek of contaminated ectoplasm which makes sense if you took a dip in what my Starlight calls Lazarus Waters,” Danny said, tilting his head to the side as he observed the vigilante with those frightening green eyes. “Anywho, Richard Grayson, also goes by Dick, detective by day Nightwing by night. Avid lover of puns and former gymnast. It’s nice to meet you,” he said with a small smile, two little fangs sticking past his lip. He then looked at Jason. “Jason Todd-Wayne. Died and came back to life, former crime lord, current Red Hood. Interesting fascination with guns that has Bruce slightly concerned. It’s nice to meet you both, I’m Bruce’s husband, Danny. You guys can call me Danny or if you feel so inclined, call me Dad. I don’t care,” he said with a grin before he pulled the two into tight hugs.
He skipped back to Bruce and slipped his hand back into his husbands and leaned in close. Bruce just gave the man a dazzling smile before he looked at his children and pseudo children. “I know that you all must have a lot of questions. This is a rather big change, so Danny and I will do our best to answer them to the best of our ability.”
“How did you meet Danny?” Steph asked, practically frothing at the mouth at the couple. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She had never seen Bruce so happy, so soft! He was like a different person. 
Danny smiled and shrugged. “I needed some help investigating some pools of ectoplasmic waste that had made it into these realms and Bruce was apparently the only Justice Leaguer who was insanely knowledgeable on them. He kept calling them Lazarus Waters though and I was so confused,” he said with a laugh. 
“Wait-what did you want with the waters?” Jason asked, brow furrowed. 
At this Danny’s smile widened even further, looking just a little less human. He looked at Bruce. “Should I show them?”
The man shrugged his shoulders. “Darling, our family is made up of detectives. If you don’t, they’ll just start investigating you,” he said with a mirthful smile. 
Danny nodded and two large rings of light surrounded Danny before he shifted into a new form. Gone was the gangly twenty something year old and his place sat a large, looming being. Danny’s hair turned stark white, his fangs elongated, eyes shone Lazarus green. He was the definition of eldritch horror with his too long claws and green skin. He was a nightmare. 
“Holy fuck,” Jason whispered, eyes landing on the crown with blue flames that licked up in the air. His knees nearly buckled beneath him as he stared at the being, something in his very soul telling him to bow. It took everything in his being to not do so. 
“This is High King Phantom, king of the Infinite Realms and ruler of the dead,” Bruce said with a smug smile. “And my husband.”
“Danny, you’re too bright,” Duke whined, covering his eyes from the bright green glow that emitted from Danny’s form. Danny let out a squeak of surprise and swiftly shifted back into his human form and ran over to Duke. 
“Oh! I’m so sorry, I’ll try not to do that again, I can’t promise anything but I’ll figure out a way to turn down the brightness!” He exclaimed, hands hovering over Duke as though he didn’t know what to do. 
Duke gave him an awkward smile. “It’s okay, really,” he said. “I’ll just make sure to wear sunglasses or something next time.”
Danny grinned and nodded before patting Duke’s head and sat next to Bruce once more. “Anyway, as the High King, my job is to investigate any and all issues that have to do with the Infinite Realms. One of those realms is the Ghost Zone where there is this substance called ectoplasm. It’s supposed to look like this,” he said before letting the ectoplasm pool in his hand. “It’s what flows in my veins as well as most ecto-entities. It’s not supposed to exist in this universe. When I learned of the Lazarus Waters and realized that they were giant pools of contaminated ectoplasm I realized that I needed to shut it down and fast. I knew that this dimension had the Justice League as like earth’s mightiest heroes or something like that so I went to them to learn about what they knew of the waters. So with the help of Bruce, we went on a mission to get rid of them completely.”
“The Lazarus Waters are gone?” Damian blurted out, surprise etched into his face. 
Danny smiled. “No one is allowed immortality without permission from me. Not only that, but that is not how ectoplasm is meant to be used,” he said with a shrug. “So yes, they’re gone.”
“How did Ra’s react?” Tim asked with a frown. Danny frowned and looked to Bruce in confusion. 
The vigilante chuckled. “He was beyond livid. Tried to kill Danny and even attempted to use some spell to force Danny into his slave,” he said. 
“Oh! Stinky guy? Yeah, he’s dead,” Danny said with a grin. “Dead and in Walker’s prison for the rest of eternity.”
��What happened to Bruce’s no killing rule?” Dick asked, frowning. 
At this Bruce’s face fell, turning into an annoyed scowl. “Trust me,” Danny said with a laugh. “We had a very long talk afterwards that killing is bad and then I told him that as the king of the dead I can decide who enters my realm whenever I want. I’m what you humans call a God,” he said with a sharp grin. “As much as I love my sweet Sunbeam, he cannot stop me from deciding who lives and who dies.”
@mynameisnotlaura @neverlandingbird @angelheartgamer @connorsbonez @quietlyscared  @kgne-k @namichanth @magificence12  @alinmenttreasure  @phantomskeep @themirrorghost @dragonmoon2995 @numbuh-7-knd @blacksea21090 @blankliferain @avenInfear @rentatsunagi @bytheoldwillowtree @michikoy-yuki @aro-acedumbass @legowerewolf @justwannaseesomebrozawa @starscreamlover @undead-essence @skulld3mort-1fan @random-shit-writing @yinari-uchiha @dragongoblet @lesling123 @ascetic-orange @pastalavistamf @illusionwolfwriter24r8 @drowningroane @jotaroslooseeyebrowhair @daemonlogical @jogjosmowwdkfs @markus209 @fox-sama97 @that-one-goblin @immakittybear @the-legal-shipper @blackstar-gazer @spoopyspoony @mj-arts-n-stuff @cloudminder 
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shrub-jay · 3 months
The New Arrival (Danny Kent)
CW: Body horror, teeth
TL;DR: The Kents take in another alien.
The American Southwest has some of the highest found-meteorite density regions. New Mexico has a found meteorite rate of 1.9 per 1,000 square miles. Kansas trails with 1.8. A single farm in Smallville, Kansas, at just under 800 acres, has reported 23. One Dr. Kent reported iron meteorities landing in June, following northwesterly winds and a low chance of precipitation, over the course of several decades. It was an idle curiosity among Kansas meteorologists. A bizarre coincidence.  
“How big you think this one’s gonna be?” Jonathan Kent mused as he eyed the streak of green in the sky, leaning on a pitchfork. The still-young corn crop rustled in the breeze. 
“Not too big, or Clark would already be here,” his wife, Martha, mused from the porch. She looked up from Bubble Wubble Blast 2 on her phone. “Sweetie, you’ve gotta stop holding the pitchfork like that. I’m not ready for people to start comparing us to American Gothic.” Jonathan grumbled before leaning it against the porch railing, whistling sharply. 
“Shelby! Come here, girl!” A rambunctious golden retriever mix trotted around the corner, tail wagging. The streak in the sky had faded, disappearing behind the barn.  “Shelbs and I are going to go check it out on the four wheeler.” Martha perked up.
“And don’t forget to–”
“Log the coordinates, you’ve taught me well,” Jonathan finished, waving his hand dismissively and sending her a smile. The ATV engine roared to life, and he was off. It rumbled to a stop in front of a smoking crater. A head popped up, and two large eyes blinked back. Jonathan’s phone flash went off as he snapped a picture.
The figure recoiled, hissing. Ghostly white hair flickered around their face like fire, and a green sheen swirled across the wet surface of their eyes like rainbows on the surface of a bubble. Green tinged skin stretched across their features, and huge, wrinkled ears angled themselves back cautiously. Their dark nose twitched as Shelby approached the edge of the crater. A series of clicking noises rang out before their long, slender limbs collapsed beneath them like scaffolding.
Shelby darted forward.
“Woah girl, you don’t want to scare ‘em,” Jonathan whisper-shouted, hastily dismounting. It was too late. Shelby was already weaving joyfully between the new arrival’s arms, tail going a mile a minute. They obliged the dog with gentle scratches, and Jonathan smiled. “Looks like Clark might be getting a new sibling.”
It wasn’t hard to get them to follow. It was disconcertingly easy, in fact. Jonathan texted Martha to scrounge up some of the leftovers from their early dinner. He wasn’t sure if their new charge ate, given that he hadn’t seen a mouth. Perhaps they could photosynthesize like Clark, if the green hued skin was a clue. 
“How do you think they eat? If they eat at all?” Martha murmured, leaning forward on an elbow. Their guest prodded inquisitively at a gently warmed plate of food. The skin beneath their nose was taut and seamless. “I can never believe how lucky we got with Clark.” 
“Hell if I know,” Jonathan responded, tucking into his own plate of food. The smell of shepherd’s pie always whet his appetite. Their company watched him carefully. Jonathan gestured with his fork with ‘cheers’ motion before relishing the forkful of luscious potato, mouth already watering from the well browned beef. 
Jonathan Kent was a man who sometimes wondered if the point of life was to hear food sizzle while cooking. Cracking fresh eggs and wiping freshly minced garlic from the slightly tacky blade of a knife were simple tasks and simple joys. He wondered if Clark was eating well. 
He was pulled from his thoughts by a sharp crack and a soft gasp. The figure’s pointed chin had lowered, the muscles of a jaw straining into visibility. Where their mouth would be, the skin stretched tighter still, before caving in like the hollow of a cheek. They emitted a high pitched, painful whine, eerie as a theremin, limbs tangling around their head like a self imposed cage. Martha lurched forward in concern.
The skin began to split. Fibrous layers burst forth, as if they had only been held together by tension. Their face bloomed like a roll of tissue shredded by a cat's claws. Pieces began to flake and fall off, and the whine intensified as something began to protrude. 
A tooth. A startlingly human looking incisor. Jonathan’s fork clattered onto his plate, and he winced in commiseration. They began to claw at the flaking skin, slowly excavating a set of pearly whites. When they finished, piles of white flakes littered the room. They sneezed, shaking their head, rubbery ears slapping against their face.
They gnashed their newly grown pair of human teeth with apparent glee. 
“It seems like they might be able to fit in just fine.”
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kitsune024 · 9 months
Danny Phantom, DCU, & Batman Fanfiction Crossover
How Light Carries On (Endlessly, Even After Death) by BumblingBeesAndWillowTrees
The boy was not his responsibility. The boy would never be Danny’s responsibility. Danny was dead, for Ancients’ sakes. He had no business in dealing with the living. The boy had to go.
The boy didn’t go.
Chapters 3/3
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anglers1mp · 1 year
so I made Danny actually have a few lovers before Jason and decided on having a Martian lover when he was younger..what species should his other relationship be before Jason??
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zealouswitchwerewolf · 4 months
Has anyone seen/written any fics where Danny is so used to being an overpowered menace that danger doesn't even register the same for him anymore. Like he's gone against the likes of undergrowth and vortex, he's obviously not going to be intimidated by a middle aged man with sweaty hands pointing a gun at him.
It's all fine until he leaves Amity and starts being put in mildly dangerous situations that don't bother him at all but everyone around him looks super freaked out? And it can range from like being mugged or one of the DC superheroes facing one of their supervillains while all the civilians run away and Danny just keeps going full on ignoring cause not his circus, not his monkeys, but still.
And then he realizes that his reaction is abnormal and people are starting to stare and he doesn't need the extra attention on him but knows he can't act for shit so he just goes for the most deadpan sarcasm he can muster and goes all "oh, nooooo. This is so bad. I am SO scared." And it just makes the stares worse but by then he's committed to the bit and will throw gradually more concerning stuff about his past in conversations with the most dead expression just to see how far he can take it until someone confronts him about it.
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blueboybot · 4 months
Fish Are Friends Not Abominations
The entire Justice League have been on edge lately watching as a giant creature the size of planet dart around the Milky Way galaxy in an almost panicked state. Despite it's very appearent size it hasn't done anything harmful, passing through planets and stars with intangibility.
Constantine on the other hand was freaking the fuck out. There was a giant realms being with a crazy amount of power searching for something and it felt like the universe itself was holding its breath. He was honestly at his witts end when he felt it.
"YOU! What do you have?" He stopped his pacing to look at Batman's traffic light child.
"That's none of your concern." Robin snapped back.
"Robin." Batman's voice cut through their little conversation. By now every JL memeber was watching them.
"It's nothing–"
"Oh yes it is, now let me see it."
As if on que a tiny glowing humanoid creature popped into view ontop of Robin's head cooing and making warbled noises.
Constantine paled.
Robin took the being from his head and held it in his arms, pulling out a batarang and giving it to the thing which then began to bite it.
"Robin." Batman started, voice firm but sounding tired.
"This one found me first." He countered.
"It doesn't matter how you found it, we need to–" Constantine's words were cut off as the large creature released a noise that sounded almost like a whale but something like warbled speech mixed into it. What happened next sent his heartbeat into a marathon and his stomach to a deep trench.
Robin's little creature stopped chewing on its toy and responded with a cry of its own.
Welp they were fucked now.
The large creature's head snapped to their direction, eyes directly on the watchtower as if it could perfectly see them from such a distance and sped towards their location.
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sanguinesmi1e · 1 month
Everyone knows Jason likes Jane Austen and reads romance. Everyone assumes the romance he reads is historical. And some of it is, they're not wrong, but most of what he reads is reverse harem monster fucker smut.
When Red Hood gets sacrificed by a cult during a summoning ritual and the ghost king shows up in all his eldritch glory, Jason has never before been more grateful for his full face mask. He has never blushed so hard in his life. He's the same color as his mask right now, actually. He is way too into the tentacles. Like, way more than he ever thought he'd be. It’s honestly impressive that any blood is managing to leave his body with the way it’s all rushing to his cheeks. He's also about to swoon like one of the heroines in his favorite old bodice rippers. 
That last part probably is the blood loss, though. 
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voided-peach · 2 months
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Crazy how one year of dedication can improve so much for your art. I’m hella proud of this one!!
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dandey-lion · 26 days
Basic DC soulmate AU. Everybody has a soulmate mark. Pretty simple.
Enter Danny.
Now, he’s from another dimension. Came here for work, funsies, or by accident. The choice is yours. He doesn’t have a soulmate mark because he’s from another dimension.
Everybody around him is very confused and worried for him because that boy doesn’t have a soulmate mark! Everybody has a soulmate mark! What does this mean?
He’s out here trying to convince them everything is fine without giving away the fact that he’s from another dimension cause he doesn’t want to risk the hero community finding out about him.
Unfortunately, the bats and birds of Gotham are very curious people. And what’s more thought-provoking than the first person in their universe to not have a soulmate mark?
The Bats pursue.
Shenanigans ensue.
Bonus Points if somebody Danny cares about is in danger and he goes full eldritch.
Bonus Bonus Points if Danny’s eldritch body is covered/surrounded by runes, words, shapes, and the sort.
Bonus Bonus Bonus Points If the biggest shape on his body is a soulmate mark.
BONUS BONUS BONUS BONUS POINTS If his soulmate mark is the same as the person he’s protecting.
I think this is a great setup for a Danny x DC character plot.
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hugsandchaos · 2 months
I keep thinking about Clockwork appearing in Amity Park in some horrific eldritch form with clocks or something to symbolize his power over time, and Danny (as Phantom) goes up to him all happy and smiling. Amity Park, at least the ghost hunters, are collectively like “Holy sh!t, is that his dad?! Have we been hunting this guy’s kid?!” and are already dreading the consequences of what would happen if they shot Phantom in front of whatever that thing is.
And yes, he was there to pick him up so he could take him to the ghost zone for some lessons on whatever.
Bonus points if Danny also goes space eldritch when he goes up to him, but is still much smaller than Clockwork.
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disillusioneddanny · 2 years
Eloped in Space part 7
Read part six here 
I am slowly making an outline for this to become more than just random drabble. But it won’t be coming out until after Cat’s Cradle and The Devil Wore a T-shirt are completed
Danny leaned up on his tip toes and gave his husband a quick kiss. “How was therapy?” he asked, climbing into their large bed. Bruce just gave him a look ™ that basically told Danny everything that he needed to know. He simply gave the man his best innocent smile and waited for a response. 
“Jasmine has decided that we are going to approach my lack of trust in others first,” Bruce said with a sigh as he pulled off his slacks. Danny chuckled to himself as he watched his husband undress for bed. 
“Could be worse. She could have tried to tackle your mommy and daddy issues,” he said only for a shirt to be thrown in his face. The Ghost King let out a dramatic whine as he pulled the shirt off his face. 
“Starling!” he complained before snatching Bruce’s arm and pulling him back to the bed once he was in nothing more than his boxers. “Don’t be mean, I’m just telling you the truth. It’s okay to have parental issues, I have them and I’m two hundred years old!” He exclaimed. Bruce just rolled his eyes and got into the bed, pulling the covers over him. 
“I don’t have parental issues,” he mumbled, resting his head on his fist so that he could still look at his husband. “I think that you are delusional, Darling.”
Danny just smiled and moved closer until his leg was tucked between his husbands. “Whatever you say. Now, Clockwork already froze time for us so that you could actually get a decent amount of sleep before your patrols tonight so let’s not make him wait any longer. You could truly use some rest you know. I can see the bags under your eyes and it makes me worry,” Danny said, cupping Bruce’s face in his hand, running his thumb along the darkened skin under one of Bruce’s eyes. 
Bruce placed his hand over Danny’s and smiled. “I don’t know what I did without you. You know that, right?” He said quietly, staring up at his husband and falling into those cerulean blue eyes. “Dick was so happy after the two of you went to lunch. And I know you are planning on going out with Jason sometime this week to bond with him, he’s going to have a wonderful time.”
“I don’t know what you did without me either. But it’s fine, we don’t have to think about that anymore. I’m here now,” he said, thumb now moving to trace up and down Bruce’s cheekbone with cold, feather like touches. “And I know, I’m still figuring out what we are going to do. Don’t worry, we won’t go out and kill the Joker. Even though I really do hate clowns and have clown trauma of my own.”
At this Bruce made a pained face. “Do I even want to know what happened?” He asked. 
Danny’s face darkened ever so slightly. “T’was a dark day in Amity Park,” he said solemnly before his face brightened up once more. “I was thinking about taking Jason out for drinks or maybe we can just do some light torture with the Joker. I don’t know yet but I want to get to know him better. I feel for him, I really do. I remember how lost I felt when I came back from dying. It’s really scary and you feel all alone. I don’t want him to feel alone anymore, now when I’m here to help him out along the way.”
“Well, I suppose that’s better than you outright murdering him,” Bruce said with a sigh. 
Danny just smiled at him, the corners of his eyes scrunching up ever so slightly. “I may not completely understand it, but I am trying to respect your wishes. The only time I’ll go against your no killing rule is if one of your rogues hurts my kids,” he said causing Bruce’s heart to soar. Danny had already taken his kids in as his own and loved them with everything in him. Bruce had never thought he would ever find someone who would not only accept Bruce as he was and work with him on the things he struggled with but also accept his kids and their nightly adventures. Danny did all three. He legitimately wanted what was best for Bruce and his children. It was why he had managed to convince Bruce into going to therapy, why he and Dick were now able to have weekly phone conversations without it turning into an argument. It was also the reason why Jason had actually come home the last two Sundays for family dinner. 
Danny was just wat this family needed and Bruce would never be able to truly show him just how thankful he was to have the ghost in his life.
@mynameisnotlaura @neverlandingbird @angelheartgamer @connorsbonez @quietlyscared  @kgne-k @namichanth @magificence12  @alinmenttreasure  @phantomskeep @themirrorghost @dragonmoon2995 @numbuh-7-knd @blacksea21090 @blankliferain @avenInfear @rentatsunagi @bytheoldwillowtree @michikoy-yuki @aro-acedumbass @legowerewolf @justwannaseesomebrozawa @starscreamlover @undead-essence @skulld3mort-1fan @random-shit-writing @yinari-uchiha @dragongoblet @lesling123 @ascetic-orange @pastalavistamf @illusionwolfwriter24r8 @drowningroane @jotaroslooseeyebrowhair @daemonlogical @jogjosmowwdkfs @markus209 @fox-sama97 @that-one-goblin @immakittybear @the-legal-shipper @blackstar-gazer @spoopyspoony @mj-arts-n-stuff @cloudminder @  serasvictoria02 @thegatorsgoose @  mnemovoid   @ nor-al  @i dontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @ alixanterm 
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt in Memes 5
Once more, have a prompt entirely in memes because I'm too lazy to properly write one right now lol.
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bluerosefox · 11 months
Beloved Beyond Time
A DeadSerious Prompt where a young Damian follows his mother's advice about finding his future 'Beloved' and is smitten with a TimeTraveling Ghost King (Prince) Danny when his grandfather summoned the eldritch being.
Damian, despite being young, will want no other to be by his side once he takes over the League. Especially since the King was able to strike fear in his grandfather for even just for a moment.
Danny, whose just started taking up his soon to be Kingly title and duties, at first freaked out when a kid who just got out of toddlerhood is offering marriage. Who wouldn't. And well while he didn't fully encourage it, he found it a little adorable and tried to nudge the kid away from said... err crush feelings?
He was a little sad to have to say goodbye to the kid when his month long stay with the al Ghul's (mostly to see if they're worthy to keep the Pits) he was pretty for sure he'd never run into the kid again and if he did who knows how old they'd actually be because again.. time travel.
So Danny now at the age of 16 really wasn't expecting to be basically be cornered on his first day at his new school at Gotham Academy by a 17 year old Damian Wayne who is leaning over him and says "Hello Beloved. Time has been kind to you it seems."
Danny's poor half-alive heart is currently dying from being cornered by an older Damian.
Let this crazy train wreck begin.
#danny phantom#danny fenton#blue rambles#crossover#writing ideas#random idea#danny phantom dc#dpxdc#dcxdp#dead serious#Damian sneaked into a League meeting when they summoned the Ghost King#but they actually got the Ghost Prince who was learning how to handle realm duties at the time#but Danny doesn't tell them that. Also they summoned him when he was practicing his eldritch form. So yeah he scared them.#Danny actually scared Ra's into submission by threatening his precious Lazarus Pits since he was going to be forced to stay for a month#Danny actually and sadly can't do much to the Pits.Its been there for so long the world would start to become unstable if he took them away#He can heal people who have been effected by it though#Anyways this is another thing Ra's doesn't actually need to know if Danny has anything to say about it#Damian is a smitten kitten by the being who managed to strike fear in his grandfather#and decides only the Ghost King was worthy of becoming his Beloved#During the month he tries to get Danny to agree to their impending marriage#Danny freaks at first but finds it a little adorable and never really takes it seriously#he does try to reason with Damian about how it wont work but the boy is stubborn#Damian does worm a spot in Danny's heart though by being stubbornly adorable#When the month is up. Damian swears to a fading Danny he will marry him in the future#Danny returns to his own time and thinks thats the end of that.#A few weeks later he finds out that someone as a joke signed him up for an exchange student program and that he was picked to go to Gotham#Damian has NEVER forgotten the one he calls Beloved#and has drawn him. Many times. In Eldritch form. Ghost King form. Little Man form. Phantom form. EVEN his human form only Damian knew of.#So when Damian spots Danny. He knows who he is.#Damian is gonna try to channel his mother's abilities in seduction to woo his Beloved
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blueboybot · 4 months
Mooom stop, You're Embarassing Meee
The Justice League and Young Justice were too late, the summoning had been completed and whatever creature the cult had chosen to wreck havoc on earth was coming out of an ominous green portal.
The head popped out. It looked as if a piece of space was trying to imitate a human head but the constant movement made it appear as if it was burning and flowing underwater at the same time. A halo made up of floating pieces of ice gathered behind its head, glowing and rearranging itself to look like a wheel with never ending details. To top it all of a crown the deepest black anyone has seen sat ontop of it's head, embedded with five beautiful blue jewels. However, the longer anyone stared at them the more the jewels started to look like eyes.
The head turned towards the cult members, freezing them in a blink of an eye, the attack too fast for them to comprehend. It then set its sights on them, scanning the heroes before a giant hand?...Claw?... Some weird mixture of both reached out towards them with insane speed.
Someone shouted but it was too late, the creature already had him in its grasp and bring him up to its face and–...actually, it doesn't seem to be harming him at all, much to everyone's confusion. Furthermore it is as if it was...lovingly nuzzling him?
Superboy looked red in the face and rather embarassed?
"Mommm, stop, you're embarassing me infront of my team."
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merlinemrysse · 1 year
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