#forgive me if its not perfect it is my second language
foolbo · 7 months
congratulazioni quackity !!! sono molto orgoglioso di lui e di tutti gli altri nella categoria degli streamer internazionali. ha lavorato molto per unire le comunità e le culture ed è meraviglioso vedere che tutto questo sta dando i suoi frutti. sono anche così orgoglioso di cellbit, etoiles e rivers. il suo discorso è stato bellissimo. sono orgoglioso di te, quackity, grazie per tutto quello che hai fatto per tante comunità diverse !!!
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neil-gaiman · 10 months
Hello, Neil Gaiman. I am writing this letter of gratitude because I am in despair, but I am obliged to you. I am Russian, I live in a small town in the south of Russia, in the Caucasus. a month ago I turned 16, so now I am fully responsible for all my actions. I'm bisexual, which is now illegal. you understand what I mean, but I’m simply scared to write about such things. absolutely no one knows about this, and I have to hide every day. this is an unbearable burden, but I must say thank you. because your projects are what gives me life. you have no idea how much pleasure it was for me, at eight years old, to fearfully admire Mr. Bobinsky. when, at 14, I finally saved up money for the Russian edition of Good Omens, which I had to order via the Internet not directly, but through my friends, I was quietly delighted. it is worth paying tribute to: this edition is really good and very warms the soul, its design may not be filled with elegance with a golden border, but it is very homely, cozy and imbued with love for the work, this can be felt, even if the translation is not the best. and on the very first pages I felt something that I had never experienced, having problems with the nervous system and anxiety: I felt protected and happy. I felt complete. each line was a sip of life-giving water for me. let me be so bold but this book is perfect for me and it's hard to believe it wasn't written for me personally haha. like two pieces of a puzzle. I hold the book of Good Omens, and I cry almost every time because it feels good just to hold it in my hands. you shouldn’t put this next to fanaticism, it’s just personal happiness. sometimes I felt so safe with this book that I hugged it as I fell asleep. then I saved up to the translation of script book for the first season, and I must say that I am confused, because there are no deleted scenes in it with Crowley shopping or the opening of Aziraphale's bookstore and others, and this was not clear to me. and a month ago, on October 30, my cousin, who is like my own sister, gave me the original Good Omens for my birthday. can you imagine? in all of Russia she was able to find only one person who carried out such foreign orders (please forgive me, I have little understanding of this). so, in some ineffable way, a copy was delivered to me via America from Corgi Books, I think, 2014. soft cover and thin pages, of course, but I'm so happy. and I’m also grateful to myself, because I’ve been learning English since I was seven, and therefore I’m glad that I can read the original. oh, you should have seen with what rapture I waited for the release of the second season at three in the morning! and with what delight I watched it in English without subtitles, understanding what was happening. this is happiness. what I want to say is that you bring…indescribable happiness to my life. you give me strength, and I don’t give up. I cry every time I allow myself to dream that I am escaping from here. that I can meet you and say thank you in person with my stupid accent, not so much because of my native language, but because of the braces, hahaha. but I never stop dreaming about it, although even this is hard. thank you for everything. I wish only peace and love. with devotion, love and gratitude, A.
I'm sending thoughts of love and concern. Stay safe.
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happilyhertale · 9 months
Hot pleasure – Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
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Summary: You've been walking through the white landscape with Daemon for some time now. But relief seems to be at hand when you discover a hot spring.
Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader
Warnings: Smut; 18+; NSFW; Oral (m receiving)
Author’s note: English is my second language, please forgive me if I made any mistakes (:
Word count: 1.7 k
Other stories of mine
12 days of smuff
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Amidst the tranquil landscape, you traverse the snow-covered landscape together with Daemon. The world around you is a pristine white canvas that stretches as far as the eye can see. An unbroken line of trees surrounds you, their towering forms cloaked in the icy garb of winter and reaching high into the sky. Daemon alternates gracefully between walking beside you and staying behind – a silent sentinel keeping you safe. Occasionally, an annoyed sound or a whispered murmur escapes him.
The further the quiet journey progresses, the more the stillness of nature overwhelms you, disturbed only by Daemon's sporadic expressions of discontent.
"How much further do we have to go?" you ask after a while, but there is no answer. A glance over your shoulder shows you that Daemon is a little further back and seems to be lost in thought.
You pause for a moment and start to grin slightly. Slightly, you bend down to pick up a handful of fine snow. Forming a perfect ball, you turn and walk backwards, a mischievous smile playing on your lips. Daemon, still absorbed in his own thoughts, doesn't notice your whimsical distraction. Unimpressed, he continues walking, his eyes fixed on the ground. Only when a gentle bump against his chest interrupts his reverie does he look up and his intense gaze remains fixed on you. Before he can react, another snowball whizzes towards him and hits him just next to the spot where the previous snowball hit him.
"What the hell are you doing?" he asks with a hint of annoyance in his tone. Your reply, however, is nothing more than a light-hearted giggle as you turn away. Your legs carry you quickly, leaving him behind in a dusting of snow. "Hey! Wait!" Daemon calls after you, the clatter of his sword and dagger creating an almost rhythmic melody in the silence, accompanied by your quick footsteps on the snow.
"You can't just run off like that! How am I supposed to keep an eye on you?!" he shouts, endeavouring to catch up with you. Your laughter echoes and a quick glance over your shoulder shows you that Daemon is gaining ground. As you look ahead, you run towards the end of the huge thicket of trees.
You quicken your pace and come to an abrupt halt at the end of the forest, gasping for air, a slight stinging sensation spreading through your chest as the cold air fills your lungs. "You know you can't get away from me anyway!" Daemon shouts, approaching and grabbing you from behind. But undeterred, you concentrate on the landscape in front of you. Despite the heavy breathing you share, your attention is captured by a strange sight – a lake that defies the winter cold. Wisps of vapour rise from its surface, and the distant sound of a waterfall punctuates the scene.
"What is that, Daemon?" you murmur, feeling his grip loosen as you stare mesmerised at the mysterious lake spreading out before you.
"A lake," he says, pointing out the obvious, which you only respond to with a roll of your eyes.
"I noticed that too. But why does it seem warm?" you reply.
Daemon slides his hand down your arm and comes to stand next to you.
"Because it's a hot spring. It's warm even in winter," he says to you and starts to walk closer to the bank.
"What are you doing," you ask him, but you don't hesitate for long and follow him.
"Well, we both need a clean-up... and the water's warm," he says, starting to take off his belt and sword.
"You're insane..." you say quietly.
"Well... you need a hot bath too," he says, grinning.
"Shut up," you mumble and keep walking.
As you walk past Daemon, you don't see his eyes following you. You are drawn to the calm shore and the thought of diving into the warm water is irresistible. After all, the inviting warmth of the water promises respite from the long journey, which you desperately need. Your coat falls with unhurried grace, followed by the cascade of your dress.
The brief pause gives way to the decisive moment when your foot plunges into the cosy warmth of the water, an escape from the cold air. The rest of your body glides seamlessly into the temptation. Your skin feels as if it is being penetrated by a thousand needles as the warm water tries to bring warmth back into your body. But amidst the pristine white expanse, you are finally enveloped by the soothing warmth. There is an almost involuntary smile on your lips as you take in this paradoxical situation.
As you swim through the water and turn round with a feeling of liberated joy, you catch sight of Daemon diving into the lake. You are grateful that the warmth of the lake has already made you blush.
Your eyes immediately fall on the scars that adorn his body and tell an endless story of battles. But you can't help it and your gaze falls almost automatically on his loins and your thoughts take on a life of their own. You swallow visibly and can't stop yourself from imagining how big it is when it's...
An attempt to look to the side, to concentrate on the beautiful surroundings, is not successful for long. Your gaze falls back on his broad shoulders and muscular chest – but before you can let your gaze wander again, the water casts a veil over Daemon as he dives deeper into the water. You continue swimming on your back towards the waterfall and notice the tips of his hair slowly filling with water as he swims slowly towards you with a grin on his face.
"You like what you see?" you hear him say and suddenly you feel caught out.
"What...? No! You wish..," you say, but Daemon just chuckles.
And suddenly, before you can react, Daemon is standing in front of you, grabbing you by the hips. You cry out softly, but Daemon silences you and presses his lips against yours.
His hands glide around your body and find your bum. You gently slide closer to his body as he grabs hold and pulls you closer. You can't resist the urge to slide your hands down his neck. But Daemon has other plans and pushes you further back. Slowly, the water releases your bodies – but Daemon's body presses against yours, protecting you from the cold. You gasp and gladly let yourself be pushed backwards, but when you hear the splashing of the waterfall coming closer, you interrupt the kiss.
But Daemon is already pushing you through the warm veil of water. Your scream still echoes through the air, accompanied by his light laughter as he steps through the veil of water himself. The warm mist envelops you, but before you can complain, he silences you again. The water is up to your knees and he growls slightly as your hands move over his body. You break the kiss and your warm breath mingles. His eyes are slightly closed, but you see his pupils dilate with lust.
You slowly sink to your knees and you hear him growl.  As you see his hard manhood in front of your face, your previous thought is confirmed... your mouth waters and you bite your lip gently. The urge to close your fingers around his length seems unbearable and so you follow the urge. A grunt sounds as your fingers slowly move up and down. Your gaze goes up to Daemon and you see him grinning slightly. But as your hand closes around his cock, he lets out a shaky breath, a grunt catching in his throat as he desperately tries to regain his composure from the sensation. As a sign of his dominance, he slides his hand into your wet hair and holds it tight – and you understand his request immediately.
Daemon lets out a moan as you slide the head of his cock past your lips. Almost immediately you taste the bitter flavour, which elicits a moan from you. His fingers dig deeper into your hair and grip the back of your head as his hips begin to thrust. The sudden movement makes you sway slightly and your hand slides to his bum, digging into his firm flesh. He only grunts louder as your mouth opens wider, letting him penetrate your mouth.
Your eyes meet as he grunts loudly and watches his cock disappear into your sweet mouth again and again. Relentlessly, his hips work their way towards your mouth, thrusting deep into your throat while your head is in his firm grip. You bob your head up and down, your cheeks go hollow. The wet sounds escaping your lips would have made you blush if they didn't turn you on so much. Tears well up in your eyes as he teases your warm walls. You suddenly gag as he thrusts violently and tears run down your cheeks.
"Yes... take it," he grumbles and you feel his cock twitch in your mouth.
Saliva runs down your lips, unable to swallow but Daemon only grunts again, thrusts harder into your mouth and continues to hold your head firmly in his grip. Another violent twitch goes through his cock as you gag again. Your gaze is fixed on his face as his eyes narrow, but still his eyes don't leave yours until he is almost brought to his knees by a wave of pleasure. He resists the urge to defy your limits and thrust his cock deeper into your throat.
The movements of his hips become bumpier, but his grunts become louder as you realise that he is pumping his cum deep down your throat. You eagerly try to swallow it all, but it's too much. Some of it runs down the corners of your mouth and down your chin. Daemon opens his eyes and grunts at the sight. His thrusts ease and his grip loosens slightly in your hair as he slowly releases your mouth. You're breathing heavily and still looking up, gently wiping the remnants of his release from your chin.
"You liked the sight of me after all," he murmurs a little breathlessly.
You raise your eyebrows, "Oh shut up," you say.
"Make me," he just mumbles and pulls you up. You gasp briefly, but then he wraps his arms around your waist again and kisses you.
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@hoshi-miharu-blog @arryn-nyx @aemonds-eyeball @praline357 @melsunshine @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @lauftivy @valeskafics @bl4ckph0enix @autumnhymns @fan-goddess @msmorningstaarr @dreamlandcreations @hopelesswritergall @wetbitchlibrary @aemondsbabe
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Oh my- whorshipper god??
Oh my- Imagine them encountering reader, the poor human, doing their mundane and casual routine, when suddenly, an majestic being appear infront of them, and reader being an religious person, try's to bow, but before they could ever try-
The being bow to them, not even daring to meet their eyes, ashamed to have appeared infront of the being they consider supreme and in their own vision.
Reader is confused, while the god is ecstatic while apologizing from their sudden appear and the waste of their little humans time (even if I'm pretty sure they don't understand the concept of it since one year must be the same as second to them).
The stars fall from the heavens; whisking across the tinted sky and to the earth below. The universe reveals itself to you in brilliant streaks of whites and blues. A nightly stroll led you to the center of a previously forecasted meteor shower. Your current position gave you the perfect sight of the feat. A smile crosses your face as another crashes from the sky; mind deep in wonder towards what wish you'd like to humor before it ended. In the moment you feel truly at peace, and one with yourself and the world around you. Completely whole.
"Is there a desire you long to be fulfilled, my grace?"
You open your eyes. When had they closed in the first place? The celestials align before your eyes; their shimmer growing brighter as they cluster together. A flash of white light flares in front of you; lingering as you look into the face of whatever stood before you. You assume this to be its face, as you can vaguely make out the silhouette of something within the light. It was as if a literal star was now before you; burning your retinas and psychic the longer you stare. You quickly shut your eyes.
"My sincerest apologies. I forgot my form is harmful to the human mind. Even one such as yours"
The being's face implodes on itself; the aura that radiates from it trapped beneath layers of skin in a similar fashion to a closing umbrella. It shrinks slightly in sizes, but still looms over you; dressed in black robes that remind you of a church attendees formal garbs. Strange patterns were inscribed into their flesh. They make your head spin whenever you try to focus on them; the whisper of a dead language no mortal should ever witness.
Even in this humanoid shell, you could tell this being was a power like no other. A God or like-minded deity with an unknown agenda and you playing part. Your legs buckle as you almost fall to your knees. You are unsure if this is your God, but feel you should coward in its presence. In a bizzare twist of fate, that's exactly what it does to you.
The deity kneels to the ground; head near the tips of your shoes. They hold their hands up to you in a prayer; their voice quivering despite how it rattles around in your brain.
"Forgive me, my lord. For I have crossed your path without permission. I simply couldn't contain myself after seeing how you gazed at the stars. It was utterly spectacular."
You struggle to find the words to speak - something that was already impossible before their speech. This - this heavenly creature was apology? And to you? It must be a trick of your rapidly decreasing mental state. The deity senses your confusion. It drops its hands and fumbles with the fabric of its robes.
"I can tell you have trouble grasping the situation. I do not blame you, only ask that you continue to heed my words. I have existed in your reality since the dawn of your kind. I grew tired of my place amongst the stars, and took interest in watching your kind. Never before have I seen another like you. You've sewn the wounds of loniness in my heart with only your existence. You are a treasure to forever behold. My savior."
A flush breaks across its face; cheeks tinted a faint blueish color. It grows more and more excited with each word that fumbles from its mouth; fidgeting in ecstacy from just being near you. You're still unable to properly respond.
"I know I've taken up much of your time and I am sorry. It Is important to you. I only wish to offer you by service as your loyal follower. The line between reality and fiction will bend to your whim if you allow my aid. I give my all to you, my dear grace."
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holylulusworld · 6 months
Designed by pain (4)
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Summary: Broken hearts are hard to put back together. 8 years ago, Dean lost something he didn’t even know he had in the first place. Will he get a second chance?
Pairing: former AU!Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, language, implied break-up, angry Sam, Mary bashing
A/N: This was an alternative idea for the first chapter of my Bucky story: Monster-in-law masterlist. I decided to use it for a story with Dean.
Designed by pain masterlist
Designed by pain (3)
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“Sammy, I can’t just go to her hotel and ask her to forgive me or take me back,” Dean mutters under his breath. Sam talked him into confronting Mary and to talk to you before you got the chance to fly back home.
“Dean, this is your only chance. We will talk to mother and ask her if she has anything to do with the missing note. After we clarified that our mother is the worst,” Sam snorts at Dean’s pained expression. “What? We both know our parents are the perfect example of a failed marriage and selfishness.”
“Do you honestly believe Mother had something to do with the missing note?” Dean asks. He still doesn’t want to believe his mother would do such a thing.
“Yes, I believe she is behind all of this. Mother invited Lisa, and she distracted you. Hell, she even refused to acknowledge Y/N’s presence.” Sam throws his hands up. “Wake up. Our mother is a manipulative mastermind.”
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“I’m going to ask you this only once, Mother,” Sam stalks toward his mother. He straightens his back and tries to look even more intimating as he dwarfs his mother. “Did you steal the note Y/N left that night eight years ago? Yes or no.”
“Samuel, where is this coming from out of a sudden? How dare you come here to attack your own flesh and blood like that,” Mary sniffles. “I can’t believe my son talks like that to me.”
“I guess this means yes, Dean.”
“Mother, what did the note say?” Dean pleadingly looks at his mother. “I know you wanted me to get back together with Lisa, but please, I need to know if you took the note Y/N left.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” she snaps at her son. “If you’d excuse me now. I got better things to do than letting my sons walk all over me.”
“Stop!” Sam blocks his mother’s path when she tries to leave the room. “You will answer Dean’s question. I know you don’t care that you ruined his relationship with Y/N and that he lost the woman he loved that night. But I will not let you ruin the one chance he got with Y/N.”
“Samuel,” she sniffs and wipes a fake tear off her cheek. “I didn’t take a note. I saw the ring, that’s all.”
“So, you admit that you entered their room that night,” Sam takes a step toward his mother and another. “Answer my question. Did you enter their room and take the note.” He gets louder with every word. “YES OR NO MOTHER!”
“YES!” She sneers. “I never liked that woman. She was no good for your brother. I invited Lisa to make him see what he was missing out. I took the note and left the ring. It was for the best.”
“What did she write?” Dean asks again. “I need to know.”
“I don’t remember,” she shrugs. “I burned the note, and that’s the end of the story. You should thank me.”
“You are dead to me,” Dean shakes his head when Mary tries to touch his arm. “You ruined the best thing ever happening to me. I can’t believe I was too blind to see that you’re a manipulative bitch.”
Dean turns on his heels and storms out of the house. He gets into his car to drive toward your hotel, forgetting about his brother and his hurt pride. He’ll try to get you back. No matter what.”
“Now that Dean is gone,” Sam’s voice is dangerously low as he leans closer. “You will tell me what she wrote. If not, I’ll make sure John will hear about your dirty little secret.” He smirks darkly when his mother whimpers. “The pool boy…”
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Dean didn’t make it in time. When he arrived at your hotel, you already checked out. He drove as fast as possible, pushing his beloved car to its limit, but it was no use. 
The airplane was in the air, and you were gone. Once again, he came too late…
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“Mommy!” Your son runs toward you, giggling and laughing when you pick him up and twirl him around. “How was your flight? Did you get me something cool?”
“I got you something cool,” you whisper and peck his hair. “Look inside my back, baby. You’ll love it. Uncle Bobby got it for you.”
“Cool,” your son opens your bag to find another classic car model. It’s a 1967er Impala. A split-image of Dean’s car. The one your son wanted since he found an old picture of Dean and his car. “I love it, mommy.”
“I know baby,” you run your hand over his hair. You sigh but shake the sadness off. Seeing Dean after so many years hurt you more than you thought possible. “Let’s have dinner before we look for the perfect spot for the car.”
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Your son was fast asleep while sleeping soundly on the couch. After dinner, and a long conversation with your son about cars, and the airplane he drew, you fell asleep on the couch.
The last days drained all the energy out of you, and you couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that Dean had the guts to blame you for leaving. He even lied about the note you left.
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Dean wrings his hands. He debates whether to use the number he got from Charlie or not. What if you don’t take his call? What if you don’t believe his mother stole the note you left?
He takes a deep breath and dials your number, waiting for you to pick up the phone.
Dean closes his eyes, holding his breath when you take the call.
 "Hello, this is Ms. Y/L/N phone you are speaking to. I'm Michael Joseph Y/L/N, how can I help you?" Dean gasps at the other end of the line, whilst he tries to find his voice. He didn’t expect a child to answer his call.
"Hi, I'm Dean Winchester and I wanted to talk to your aunt Y/N Y/L/N..."
"That’s my mother, Sir. My aunt lives in France. I'm afraid my mother fell asleep on the couch. I'm asking you to call again in the morning."
"You're Y/N's son, huh?" Nosy Dean tries to get more information. "How old are you buddy? When is your birthday?"
"Why do you want to know?” your son asks. “Mom said not to tell strangers more about me. I don’t know you, so you are a stranger.”
“Uh-I’m an old friend of your mom. I’d like to give you something for your birthday,” Dean feels bad for lying to a child, but he can’t stop now.
“I'm seven, Sir. But I'll turn eight soon...well in a few months." Your son politely answers while Dean tries to remember how to do mathematics. His heart races and his jaw goes slack realizing he's got a child...with you. "Shall I tell my mom you called?"
"No, it's okay, buddy. I'll call her later..." Dean hastily says. The last thing he wants is for you to know that he knows about your sweet little secret.
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Half an hour later Dean stands in front of Sam’s door, he harshly knocks and calls his brother’s name.
"SAM, Sammy, we got to fly to London, today,” he calls for his brother. “SAMMY! OPEN THE DOOR!
Sam opens the door. He yawns and rubs his tired eyes. “Dude, it's 2 am. Why are you at my apartment?" Sam grumbles. “Can’t this wait?”
"Sammy…I got a son,” Dean splutters and wildly gestures toward his car. “Y/N got my kid and I need to get to London...now..."
Designed by pain (5)
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cheynovak · 5 months
A Soldier's present 
Soldier boy x F/Reader   
Warnings:  none I guess 
Side note: English isn’t my first language.  
Since a few people were interested in a follow up of the story A Soldier’s Past, including @anundyingfidelity who is also a writer I admire very much!
And because my toxic trait is to think I can heal broken fictional men. I decided to make a part two to this story.  (I'm not going to lie, it was already written 😂🙈)
Anyway... Have fun! 😁
*Does not follow the boys timeline* 
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Y/N is a museum clerk at the old Vought Museum on the edge of town. The only and old exhibition about Soldier Boy standing will end in a few weeks, Vought found a new purpose for the museum. Meaning the exhibition will end and Y/N will need to search for a new job. 
After giving Soldier boy one last tour of the museum, he asked her to dinner.  
The next night. 
The crisp evening air carried a hint of anticipation as Y/N stood outside the museum, her heart beating fast with excitement. She had spent hours getting ready, carefully selecting the perfect outfit and styling her hair, all in preparation for her dinner with Soldier Boy. 
As the minutes ticked by, however, a sense of unease began to gnaw at the edges of her consciousness. Where was Soldier Boy? Had something come up? Or worse, had he changed his mind about their plans? 
Y/N glanced at her phone, willing herself to remain patient. Perhaps he was just running late, she reasoned, trying to hold back the worry in her chest. 
But as the minutes turned into hours, and still there was no sign of Ben, Y/N's heart sank. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she realized that he wasn't coming. The weight of disappointment settled heavily upon her shoulders, threatening to crush her beneath its suffocating embrace. 
She had been so foolish to believe that Soldier Boy's interest in her was genuine, so naive. With a heavy sigh, Y/N turned away from the museum, her footsteps heavy with sorrow as she made her way home.  
Y/N wiped away her tears and pushed herself to walk away. She refused to let Soldier Boy's absence ruin her evening. Instead, she decided to take matters into her own hands. 
Without a second thought, Y/N made her way to a nearby bar, her heart still heavy with disappointment but her spirit undaunted. She knew that drowning her sorrows in alcohol wasn't the solution, but tonight, she needed a distraction. 
As she entered the old blues bar, the sounds of laughter and music, the scent of alcohol hung heavy in the air, mingling with the buzz of conversation and the clinking of glasses. 
Y/N found an empty stool at the bar and took a seat and ordered her first drink at the bar. As the night wore on and Y/N saw a familiar figure suddenly appeared before her. It was Soldier Boy, his presence unexpected yet strangely welcome amidst the haze of alcohol and music. 
Y/N's heart skipped a beat as she looked up to see him standing there, offering her a tentative smile. Despite the pain he had caused her earlier, she couldn't deny the flutter of excitement that stirred within her at the sight of him. 
Ben approached her with a sense of hesitance, as if unsure of how she would react to his sudden appearance. "Hi," he said softly, his voice tinged with regret. "Mind if I join you?"  
With a sigh, Y/N nodded, gesturing to the empty stool beside her. “It’s a free country.” Part of her longed to hear his explanation, to understand why he had stood her up. Ben took a seat beside her, his gaze searching hers for any sign of forgiveness. 
 "I'm sorry," he began, his voice heavy with remorse. "I know I messed up tonight. I should have been there, but something came up..." He didn’t finish his sentence. Y/N looked at her drink “I get it, I was foolish to think you actually were interested in little old me.”  
His heart felt heavy hearing her words.” Please, let me make it up to you. Let me buy you a drink.” Looking at her hoping she would at least once look at him. "I don't know.” she admitted quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. 
She noticed how he turned to her, his knee almost touching her thigh. Unable to keep her gaze away she looked up at him. Behind the green of his eyes, she saw so much hidden emotions: tired, afraid, angry, scared, hopeful.  
Y/N hesitated for a moment. Finally, she nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Alright," she said softly. "One drink.” Another emotion, glimmer of happiness appeared. 
As their drinks arrived, Y/N took a deep breath, steeling herself for the conversation ahead. "Why were you late?" she asked, her voice soft yet filled with a hint of urgency. 
Soldier Boy hesitated for a moment, his gaze dropping to his drink as he searched for the right words. "I... I got caught up in something," he admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "Something unexpected came up, and I couldn't leave." 
Y/N studied him carefully, searching his eyes for any sign but he was unreadable. "Can you be more specific?" she pressed gently, her curiosity getting the better of her. Ben sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "It's complicated," he replied evasively, his eyes avoiding hers. 
Y/N's brow furrowed with concern, a flicker of frustration creeping into her voice ‘Fine.” Y/N's grip tightened around her glass, her knuckles turning white with the intensity of her emotions. She took a deep breath and finished her drink.  
Y/N pushed herself up from the stool and made her way towards the exit of the blues bar. Each step felt like a battle against the weight of disappointment. Ben watched her go. He wanted to reach out, to stop her from leaving.  
But decided it was best to let her go.  
As Y/N stepped out into the cool night air, her mind still reeling from the encounter with Soldier Boy, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. Not only had he stood her up, but he hadn't even bothered to compliment her.  
Lost in her thoughts, Y/N barely noticed the two men following her at first. It wasn't until she heard the faint sound of footsteps echoing behind her that she glanced over her shoulder, her heart skipping a beat as she caught sight of their looming figures in the darkness. 
A sense of unease settled over her like a heavy weight as she quickened her pace, her footsteps echoing against the deserted streets. Just as panic threatened to consume her, a voice broke through the silence.  
"Hey, where are you going pretty thing?" the voice called out, “Wanna have some fun?” Y/N looked over her shoulders again ignoring the two men. Just as one wraps his hand around her arm and pushes her against the wall, she hears a familiar voice.  
“Y/N!” The men took a step back pretending to be familiar. Y/N turned to see Soldier Boy running towards her, his expression filled with concern and determination. Relief flooded through her at the sight of him, a surge of gratitude washing away the fear that had threatened to consume her. 
"Ben," she breathed, her voice trembling with emotion. 
Without hesitation, he stepped forward, positioning himself between Y/N and the two men who had been following her. His stance was protective, his gaze steely as he faced down the threat. 
"Back off," he warned, his voice low and menacing. The two men hesitated for a moment clearly calculating their chances. But when Ben took another step forward one of them recognised him. “Fuck dude, do you know who that is? Let’s get outta here.” he tapped his friend’s shoulder and started running.  
"Thank you," she said softly, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. Soldier Boy smiled, a flicker of warmth in his eyes. And as they stood there together in the quiet of the night, Y/N felt a sense of peace settle over her. 
“Are you alright?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry. Y/N nodded, her breath still coming in short, uneven gasps. "I... I think so," she replied, her voice trembling slightly. 
Soldier Boy reached out to gently touch her arm, his touch comforting. "Do you want me to walk you home?" he offered, his tone soft yet filled with determination. "Just to be safe." "Thank you," she whispered.  
Y/N knew that she was safe. And as they neared her apartment building, she couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude. She turned to Soldier Boy with a small smile, the tension of the night gradually fading into the background. 
"How about another drink?" she asked, her voice warm and steady. Ben was hesitated for a moment, his gaze searching hers for clarification. “When?” Her smiled widened, “Let me rephrase that.”  
"Would you like to come up for a drink?" she offered.  
Ben’s eyes widened, "I would like that," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity, nerves rushing through his body. Not knowing what to expect, it had been ages since a woman invited him in her house. What did she mean, was a drink a clue for more, is she just friendly...  
But the second he stepped inside Y/N's apartment and closed the door behind him, a sense of calm settled over them like a comforting embrace. 
Y/N led Ben to the living room, gesturing for him to take a seat on the couch while she disappeared into the kitchen to fetch drinks, Ben's gaze lingered on her retreating figure, a soft smile playing at the corners of his lips. 
He couldn't help but admire the way she moved with grace and confidence, her presence filling the room with warmth and light. 
When she returned with two glasses, one filled with wine and the other with whiskey, Soldier Boy's eyes lit up with appreciation. He accepted the glass of whiskey with a grateful nod, his fingers brushing against hers in a fleeting touch that sent a shiver down his spine. 
"Thank you," he murmured, his voice tinged with sincerity. Y/N smiled in response, her eyes sparkling with warmth. 
As they settled onto the couch together, the soft glow of the lamp casting shadows across the room, Soldier Boy couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him. Despite the events of the evening, being here with Y/N felt like coming home.  
A feeling he hadn't experienced in a long, long time. 
"You look beautiful, tonight" he blurted out before he could stop himself, his words filled with genuine admiration. Y/N's cheeks flushed pink at the unexpected compliment, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of surprise and pleasure. "Thank you," 
As the night wore on and they continued to talk and laugh, Soldier Boy found himself drawn to Y/N in a way he couldn't quite explain. Her presence was like a magnet, pulling him closer with each passing moment.  
He stole glances at her whenever he thought she wasn't looking, the way her eyes sparkled with laughter and her smile lit up the room. He saw how her legs were tucked in under her, showing some skin of her thighs underneath her dress.  
Her arm hanging over the couch while her hand moved through her hair, tilting her head while listening to his stories. With each passing moment, Ben's fingers tingled with the desire to touch her.  
Gently, almost tentatively, he reached out to caress her arm, his touch light and fleeting as he traced a pattern on her arm. Their eyes met in silence, he was looking for any sign of discomfort.  
But when Ben didn’t notice anything, like a wave, drawing him closer to her in ways he couldn't fully comprehend. Emboldened by the electricity that crackled between them, his hand drifted lower, his fingers grazing over her thigh with a touch so delicate it was almost imperceptible.  
Y/N's breath hitched at the sensation, her heart pounding in her chest. As Soldier Boy felt Y/N's reaction, a wave of nervousness washed over him. Had he crossed a line? Had he overstepped?  
But all he found was a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes, a vulnerability that mirrored his own. "I'm sorry," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. 
Ben couldn’t help it but to feel in doubt. What was happening to him? The old him would have kissed this girl by now. Wouldn’t waste time sitting here listening to each other, no he would have dragged her to bed and fucked her till she couldn't walk anymore.  
But instead, he is afraid he overstepped? Pussy.  
Y/N's eyes softened at his apology, her heart swelling with compassion for the man sitting before her. "It's okay, Ben," she replied gently, reaching out to touch his hand in a gesture of reassurance. Her fingers drawing circles on his hand. 
And as they sat there together, the tension between them slowly easing with each passing moment. As Soldier Boy glanced at the clock, his heart sank at the realization of how late it had become.  
He knew he should get going, that it was time to leave Y/N's apartment and return to the outside world. But a part of him hoped that she would ask him to stay, if only for a little while longer. 
"I should probably get going," he said, his voice tinged with regret as he stood up from the couch. 
Y/N's heart twisted with a sense of longing at his words, a flicker of doubt creeping into her mind as she watched him prepare to leave. She knew she should let him go, that it was the sensible thing to do. But a part of her couldn't bear the thought of saying goodbye not when their connection felt so real, so undeniable. 
"Are you sure you have to leave?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. "I mean... it's late, and... and you could stay if you wanted to." Soldier Boy's heart skipped a beat at her words, a surge of hope swelling at the thought of spending more time with her. 
"I appreciate the offer, Y/N," he replied softly, his voice filled with gratitude. "But I don't want to overstay my welcome. Besides, you probably have things to do tomorrow." 
Y/N nodded, a sense of disappointment settling over her like a heavy shroud. "Yeah, you're probably right," she murmured, her voice tinged with regret. As Soldier Boy made his way towards the door, Y/N couldn't shake the feeling of doubt that gnawed at her insides.  
Should she let him leave? 
As Ben stood at the door, preparing to leave, he found himself lingering just a moment longer, unwilling to let go. Afraid to lose the feeling they had the last few hours. Knowing in the morning she might not want to see him again.  
But before he could say a thing, Y/N's boldness surprised him. Fuelled by the courage of the wine and the intensity of her emotions, she reached out and gently took his hand, pulling him back into the room with a sense of determination that left him breathless. 
To his surprise, she pressed her lips to his, a soft, tender kiss filled with all the passion and longing that had been building between them throughout the night. Ben's heart skipped a beat at the sensation, his senses overwhelmed by the sweetness of her touch.  
As she dropped back on her heels he followed her, not willing to let go of her lips just yet. Their bodies pressed together in a silent declaration of desire and longing. 
For the first time since he walked this newfound world, he felt alive, no longer a living fossil, all thanks to the woman standing before him. He wrapped his arms around Y/N, pulling her closer until there was no space left between them. Their kiss deepened, becoming more urgent and desperate with each passing second.  
And as they broke apart, their breaths coming in ragged gasps she spoke “Are you sure you don’t want to stay?” But he didn’t answer how she hoped he wanted.  
Ben sighed, his heart heavy with a mix of conflicting emotions. He gently pulled away from Y/N's embrace, his hands tender as he cupped her face, his eyes searching hers with a mixture of concern and tenderness. 
"Y/N," he murmured, his voice soft but firm. "I think you might be a little drunk right now. And I don't want to take advantage of you in this state." Y/N blinked, her head spinning with a whirlwind of emotions as she processed his words. She felt a pang of embarrassment wash over her.  
"I-I'm sorry," she stammered, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I didn't mean to... I just..."Ben silenced her with a gentle brush of his lips against her, his thumb moving against her cheek in a soothing gesture. "It's okay," he reassured her, 
“I just don’t want you to leave yet.” Her puppy dog eyes worked their charm on him. With a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, a twinkle of affection in his eyes.  
"Now, why don't you let me make you some tea? It'll help sober you up, and then we can talk some more." And as they moved towards the kitchen together, Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the man standing there.  
Looking at him, he was clearly struggling to make a cup of tea, “You need a hand?” she asked, but determent to take care of her he answered “No, no I got it covered...”  
“... I think” he sighs.  
Y/N watched him. All these years of studying him, teaching about him, she couldn’t help but wonder. 
Is this caring man the real person behind the egocentric 'Soldier boy’ mask?  Who knows, but she was willing to find out more about him.
Let me know what you think, feel free to like, share or comment. Make sure you check out my masterlist.     
Taglist: @yvonneeeee @suckitands33
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thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
Was reading thru ur answered asks again (also hey lol i CAME BACK--) and like. Oh my god. It gave me The Most Idea.
So you get isekaied to Teyvat right? They hear your og language, they revere every single worf from your mouth, yadda yadda yadda. But like. How does SLANG AND THE OTHER ASPECTS OF UR OG LANGUAGE translate. I am having VERY heavy flashbacks to Pokemons "jelly filled donuts".
So like-- for example: (this is the first one that came to my head dont judge me i am tumblr trash) (lets also assume that traveler has perfect understanding of ur language and slang and all the nuances of it)
Lets say you and the traveler were hanging out with some of the Vision holders, and the traveler had some shenanigans and pranks or something planned. After they pull their shit, you say "i hate you so much (affectionate)". Which kind of throws the Vessels in for a loop because like-- their god literally just said they HATED someone. And hate is a PRETTY STRONG WORD. So they should DEFINITELY strike them down for catching their gods ire but-- AFFECTIONATE????? how does one hate someone affectionately???????? Does this mean their god hates the traveler but decided to recind their hate last second? Is it some form of Divine and Holy emotion that cannot be described by the mere words of their language????
Meanwhile youre just there vibin and having a blast with the traveler while you casually give them a philosophical crisis AHAHAHA
Another example is shortened words-- because i know teyvat doesnt have shit like "ily" or "omg" or "lmao" or "fyi" or "brb". Because honestly, without the cultural knowledge and background of the internet, these sets of letters are just fucking GIBBERISH.
And i know that like-- i know enough internet slang abbreviations that i can literally just talk in jumbles of letters, so how in the WORLD would the vessels interpret that? Because its very clear that their god is just using the letters of their language, HELL they might even use Teyvatian letters so what in the world are they saying????
So theyd just hear a convo between the traveler and reader thats like:
Reader: traveler, i gtg asap; tldr i forgot some stuff back in the cr brb
Traveler: wait fr?
Reader: yeah fr
Traveler: lol f
Reader: (sighs) ffs man-- anyways brb for real
Traveler: cya
And the vessels are just watching the exchange like "huh?? What????? What just happened here??????" And theyre just wondering if they used teyvatian to talk in the "divine language of the gods" but nah-- yall are just dickin around AHAHA
Hey, so it came to my attention some of this was AAVE, and while i am southern so things like "ya'll" got included w/o me thinking - thats not an excuse for me to use this as a white person.
so if you wouldnt mind letting me please know if i do this as we talk abt language more and more - i do not want to repeat shit like this again.
I'm genuinely sorry to any black readers out there.
I've personally seen and cringed with you when I see imagines/reader things that assume a white person as default,
All I can do in ur eyes is promise that I am actively putting a stop to my ignorance of things like AAVE, and ask for forgiveness (which you arent obligated to give, never feel that way).
So with that in mind, read the ask below with caution, although it has since been edited.
A treat for ur ask my liege 🤲🍪✨️
I think u were literally the first asker after my first SAGAU/Isekai language brainrot post!! Omg u came back with a banger LMAO
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What in the public menace is this...
(Gif is traveler and u pranking bitches)
Traveler knowing our world + language + SLANG?? INTERNET?? is SUCH A CONCEPT
So much room for inside jokes
I absolutely love the first one u said about phrases these days/gen z ig? slang
Its like so dramatic now that i think about it
Hate / love / dead / die / just straight up threats towards ur friends as affection or if theyre annoying u 😭
So many explicitives that make it hit harder too "go fucking die, my love <3"
^^^Or yeah like contradictions lol
I think it was @nexylaza (srry abt the tag!) who replied to one of my earlier asks about blunt language how that might sound like to Teyvatians like ur emotions sound more extreme than what u actually feeling (which makes sense ur literally using hate = mildly dislike LMAO)
Same situation here like what u said ^^^
(Ok i did lovely Aether awhile back so we'll go w/ Lumine this time! <3 u Aether!!)
*idk at an event/party for your arrival or something, and ya hungry fucks r hoarding the buffet table lol 🍻
You: "Shut the fuck up Lumine-"
Lumine: "Why r u pouring ur drink like ur in a earthquake lmao? Shaky hands lol"
*The immediate area of people around you go dead silent
*Lumine laughs
Lumine: "Your gonna miss our cups LMAO"
You: "Bitch!" (u grinnin too lol)
*the whole rooms now quiet 😭
Lumine: "Don't spill- 🤣"
You: "I fucking hate you u whore <3"
(And u give the most genuine like abt to laugh smile🥰 )
*...a confused and kinda scared tension fills the room lol
*So poor Noelle, is like, oh. my. god. Creator is that upset with Lumine?? I must try to see what happened, how I can help! I dont remember Lumine doing anything bad to them! Shes wonderful y u do this to her 🥲
Noelle: "Uh, um, e-excuse me? Is every-everything al-alright, Y-y-your Majesty?"
You: "Huh? Yeah why??"
Noelle: "...w-well..."
*The room is staring at Lumine, in a mix of like shock, fear, and a little admiration for taking ur hate?? mood swing??? so well,,
theyre just waiting on Noelle to get an answer from you as to why you hate someone u seemed to care so much about, esp since they were ur first vessel 💀
look what you did their poor hearts u gonna give them a heart attack soon
Noelle: "A-a-a-a-are y-y-you s-sure??"
You: "🤨🤨??"
*Lumine finally notices why theyre all quiet and kinda concerned looking, bc u sure as hell wouldnt 😭 (i mean it is normal speech for u)
And Lumine's like: "No Noelle we're all good! It's just how Your Grace's home world, er, speaks for slang? Its overexagerated purposely dont worry love"
*Im sure they dont all believe her (or even you if u tell them 😭) and are just like,, REALLY NERVOUS CHUCKLING WHILE LIKE SWEATING-
And it takes a good like 10 minutes for the conversations to start getting back to their volume again, and they all still are looking over their shoulder checking on you guys 😰
(U did pour drinks w/o spillin tho🍻)
Ok, but u and Lumine would fucking write letters to people, and being the little shits pranksters u are,
(Bc u kno Teyvat dont got nothing else bc we're in the medival ages, besides having cameras- 🙄 )
And u guys r constantly-
"oh yes yes, that sounds all well and good Keqing, please inform the Qixing that I'll be there ASAP"
"oh haha, silly me, i forgot that only Lumine/you get that stuff, sorryyyy 😋!!!"
And it just spreads to ALLLL the official documents u write or literally any letters sent to anybody-
And everyone else is feeling like the friend that got sacrificed to walk in the grass instead of the sidewalk 💀💀
While also being like "??¿?¿??? 🥲🥲😀😀???"
Is this ancient code?? Why does Lumine get to know it??
Why dont the like??? really old deities understand it??!!
But then nerds like Tighnari, Albedo, Alhaitham, Zhongli, Sucrose, Ayaka, Kokomi, Xingqiu, Childe, Yanfei, Shenhe, Kazhua, Sara, Ayato, Heizou, Cyno, Kaeya
Try to "solve" the letters or slang, poor things and not a single one of them gets it (y did u do this to them lmao)
(God i finally looked at a character list so i wouldnt leave anyone out, but theres so many of these fucks by now help)
^^^But all these ppl try to solve it in different ways/for different reasons that im too lazy to type out individually, u can see it right??
Some see this as an ancient scholarly code thing, some of them think of it like a rlly hard puzzle, and some just rlly want to put the mental effort into knowing/not being left out 😭😭
And if anybody happens to see some letter exchanges w/ Lumine or like any written responses, you do not. stop. using. text slang. back to back.
(Like what u put in the ask💀)
And its so miserable for those characters mentioned especially, bc they look like scrambled letters 😭
Honestly them seeing u two talk to each other via letters just proves that the letters even mean anything at all to them, bc how did u understand each other, otherwise???!!
(No one would ever realize u guys were fucking around unless u told them 💀)
✨️Sorry✨️this✨️isnt✨️that✨️great✨️i✨️just✨️wanted✨️ to✨️ expand✨️ on✨️ what ✨️u ✨️already ✨️had ✨️nothing ✨️new✨️ 🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️
I felt feral and out of it when i wrote this, i literally dont remember a single word i typed on that bullet list..
SO i still have asks/requests im gonna answer but i will be posting my follower event poll!! CLICK ME :) ♡
Yall get to choose what i write about for some posts :D
(You can be a new follower!)
I hope my shit writing was somewhat ok of a reply to read to pay u back for that great idea lol
♡the beloveds
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bipstargirl · 1 year
❝Echoes, Shadows and Resolutions❞
feel free to request any headcanon here 🠒 headcanons list ★ forgive any mistakes, English is not my native language, and this is so metaphorical, I'm not sure if you'll like or understand the meaning, but still, enjoy, my loves ♡
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Amber was bombarding her phone with messages once again, probably for the hundredth time in half an hour. You had ignored her calls and messages all day long; you were hurt and needed some space for yourself. But of course, she didn't like that at all – she never did. You knew you should reply to her, provide explanations, or perhaps thousands of apologies. After all, the blame was all yours, always had been and always would be, or at least that's what she made it seem like. But dealing with her now was tiresome, like wasting words that would fall into the abyss of her mind without even being thought through and rationalized. It was like playing a soft melody in a noisy environment, where the tune gets lost in the chaotic noise – what's the point if, when carried by inertia, it loses its purpose of being appreciated? You immersed yourself in your work, desperately seeking temporary salvation, an escape from the shadows that threatened to engulf you. Each typed key was a blow against your own pain, an attempt to overpower the emotional cacophony surrounding you. Yet, even in the refuge of concentration, her memory lingered, hovering like an invisible ghost, a presence refusing to completely fade away.
The guilt, always finding shelter in the darkest corners of your heart, weighed like an anchor dragging you to the depths of the ocean of sadness. The words you should have said, the actions you should have taken, all turned into ghosts that now danced around you, whispering endless laments and questions. The pain of knowing that the disconnect between you was growing like an irreparable crack in the glass of what once was love had transformed into a silent whisper echoing within the walls of your being.
"To argue; to dispute; to quarrel; to misunderstand" – different words with similar meanings that, in a general context, describe the act of defending an opinion contrary to another, often associated with feelings of revolt. So simple, words that students occasionally encounter in the dictionary, words we frequently use when reading news or when nosy old ladies tell you about a scandal involving your neighbors while you're not at home – such simple words, words that are also actions and attitudes. When our actions are not thought through with humanity, they hurt like a silver dagger to others. Any action can become torturous, even a small one. It wasn't the first time, nor would it be the last, that you and Amber argued. Of course not, it was persistent, like removing a sticker from a jar or, more poetically, like the moth that dances around the light – your soul is drawn to it but also burned by the intensities of persistence. But at some point, in a split second between the narrow hands of the clock, you grew weary, how could you not?
Amber was paranoid, suspicious, perhaps confused…
She was also a star, bright and fiery, your star obscured by thick mist, clarity fading into the confusion of suspicion, leaving the mind at the mercy of shadows, but perfect, so perfect. And you were imperfect, not enough, like an unfinished painting where flawed strokes reveal the beauty of imperfection – that's why she constantly accused you of major "mistakes."
And you, being imperfect, in your tormented mind, it was more than logical that you were betraying her, even though she loved you. You didn't deserve her trust, and that's why in the darkness of the night, while tired bodies rested and melancholic minds surrendered to the flow of memories, darkness provided a space for words as sharp as a silver dagger to be thrown at you, freely and harshly piercing the labyrinth of your heart.
"I can't believe this! Do you really think you can fool me? I saw the messages, saw the evidence. You're cheating on me!"
"Amber, stop acting like everything is true. There's no cheating happening here."
"How dare you deny it? I read the words, saw the proof. You're deceiving me behind my back!"
"This is a misunderstanding, Amber. Things aren't what they seem."
"Don't give me your flimsy excuses. I never thought you were capable of this. You're a liar and a traitor."
"I'm not a traitor. I don't know how you came to this conclusion, but you're completely wrong."
"Wrong? There's no mistake here. You're cheating on me, and you thought you could get away with it."
"I'm trying to be honest here, but you're being irrational and don't want to hear the truth."
"The truth? The truth is, you're stabbing me in the back and trying to manipulate me now."
"Manipulate? You're acting impulsively and not willing to consider the possibility that there's more to this."
"I don't want to hear anything else coming from your lying mouth. You've destroyed everything."
"I won't accept this false accusation. I refuse to be vilified for something I didn't do."
"Save me from your theatrics. You're a traitor, and there's nothing you can say or do to change that."
"I won't keep trying to explain to someone who's so closed off in her distorted view. I really need time, and so do you."
"Get out! Get out of my life and never talk to me again. You're not worthy of my time."
You knew when you left for the library, walking hastily and light-footed through the damp streets, surrounded by the scent of freshly ground coffee, that she would still come after you, calling and being like a pebble in your shoe. Even as you tried to ignore and continue walking, at some point, she became painful and distressing, making you stop to remove her. As exhausting as it was, you still cared for her; after all, she was your girlfriend, your love, your golden light at the end of the day. And she loved you; think about all she had done for you. Why leave her alone and even more desperate? Yes, she said terrible things, did terrible things, she was completely unstable. But now, you had restored your peace and tranquility with the completion of your work, at least for now. So why not stop being a selfish, petty person and explain things to her? After all, it was your fault. Why didn't you listen to her? Why didn't you apologize and resolve this? Just wait an hour, wait for the hands of the clock to roll again, for your mind to sort itself out once more.
The clock of circumstances advanced with heavy steps, like a meticulous clockmaker etching marks on the fabric of time. An hour passed like a calm river, its waters carrying away the waves of indecision and doubt that filled the space between you and Amber. The echo of your thoughts resonated within the walls of your mind, like a chorus of restless voices.
Then, like a lone star twinkling in the darkness of the night sky, you felt the urgency to try once more. The phone became a magical artifact, a portal to a realm of possibilities. With trembling fingers, as if tracing a seal that could unlock the doors to the depths of the unknown, you dialed the numbers.
And then, the waiting ended. The sound of the ringing phone echoed like a call through the mists of uncertainty. Each ring was like a drumbeat in time with your anxiety, a prelude to the imminent encounter with destiny. The tension in the air was palpable, like a thread of electricity connecting
you and Amber, each vibration amplifying the anticipation that filled the room.
Finally, her voice emerged from the other end of the line, like an echo from a hidden place deep within the forest. It was a sound that carried with it shared memories, the good and the bad moments that now seemed to teeter on the balance of uncertainty. Her words were a distant echo resonating in the cavern of your emotions, creating a painfully beautiful symphony.
"Amber," you said. "I'm sorry about what happened. I didn't mean to ignore you."
"Yeah, right," she said. "You're just sorry you got caught."
"No, I'm serious," you said. "I just needed some time to think."
"Well, you had your time," she said. "Now come back home."
In the twilight of reconciliation, like two stars emerging from the veil of night, you and Amber finally agreed to return to the abode of tranquility. Home became a symbol of refuge, an oasis where emotional storms could rest and calm down. It was as if you were about to embark on a journey of self-discovery, exploring the hidden caves of the human heart.
The hours slid by like sand flowing through an hourglass, each moment a grain of possibility. The conversation that unfolded was a symphony of words and silences, like an intricate dance of intertwining souls. The unspoken words were like rays of sunlight filtering through the cracks in the curtains, revealing truths that had been hidden in the shadows.
Apologies were like keys that unlocked the doors to your hearts, releasing the guilt and anguish that had accumulated. Each word of remorse was a raindrop falling onto the dry soil of the relationship, nurturing the seed of mutual understanding. You were like lost travelers who had finally found their way back home, guided by the beacon of reconciliation.
The promise to improve communication was like a gentle breeze sweeping through the dry leaves of autumn, carrying away the remnants of the past and preparing the ground for new growth. It was like a sacred vow etched in the stars, to be more truthful with yourselves and each other. You were mapping emotional territories, where vulnerability and authenticity would be the compasses guiding you.
It wasn't an easy journey, but you and Amber navigated the treacherous waters of resolution. The road to reconciliation was strewn with sharp stones and treacherous currents, but you moved forward hand in hand, like fearless adventurers exploring the depths of the human heart. The winds of change whispered promises of renewal, yet also warned of the fragility of the achieved balance.
And yet, even as the anchors of harmony were being secured, there was a shadow, a dark cloud of uncertainty on the horizon. You felt it, like an unwavering clock, reminding you that the path to redemption was paved with unexpected challenges. The past "mistakes" were not isolated incidents; they were question marks lingering above you, waiting for the right moment to trigger a new cycle of turmoil.
Thus, even as the light of reconciliation shone, you couldn't ignore the shadows dancing in the corners of the future. It was as if reconciliation itself were a fragile shell, surrounded by the tumultuous ocean of uncertain destiny. The commitment to be more honest with each other was there, but you knew that the challenge of keeping that promise would be an ongoing battle against the tides of time and circumstances.
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tiyoin · 2 years
i’m just fantasizing about jade fuxking up so badly mc is just, quiet
jade’s walking over to them with his signature coy smile as he starts on with his usual rambling. asking his ‘darling if they’re alright’, but he’s met with silence.
he goes on and on about how he’ll make it up to them, about how he’ll make them a cup of tea to ‘do what the humans do; forgive and forget’.
but this time. time is different. of course he noticed their shaking, reminding him of a leaf in the wind as he approaches, how their fists tighten around their wrists, how they curled up tighter into their knees
he was a master of human movements; a master of body languages. which was ironic in its own right.
he was confused, but only for a split second, when they flinched away from his gloved touch. how they didn’t meet his eyes like normal, how’d they slowly nod at his practiced words. they didn’t sniffle at him, didn’t even turn to gave him with their glossy eyes.
no. this time was different. they were afraid of him, jade connected.
none the matter, he sighed out loud, crouching by them as they tightened their grip, face pushed into their knees
“come along perfect” he cooed still crouching “let me help you, let me make up for being a horrible boyfriend”
oh, there they were
those pools of vulnerability he often found himself get trappped in, those crystalline tears that would reflect the suns warmth. even the matte tracks they left behind allured him.
jade thought you were so beautiful when you cried.
yet when the transparent tears turned murky, like ink in water- better yet, like blood in the water, his smile faltered for just a moment.
you were bleeding. badly. he was amazed that when your shaky hand went up to touch it, it only raced down your finger and twisted along your forearm. heavy blood cascaded down your temple and to your jaw. it was ruining your tears.
it kept dripping down your hair line, over your eyebrow and into your eye, which was now closed as he could only stare into your other one. it wasn’t perfect, but it’d do.
“you’re a bad boyfriend” you finally croaked out. jade nodded, humming silently as he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket. “we all have our faults”
you moved away again. “i can’t help you if you keep moving” he smiled. you shook your head.
“you’ve done enough”
he didn’t know when you got up, or how long it took you to balance on your two legs. even how long it took you disappear from his view. as the only thing he could truly remember was how you looked at him, which was probably the last time you'll ever do that willingly.
you, who once gazed at him with such beauty, such awe; like everything he did fascinated you. like every syllable he spoke was an unfiltered truth, like he has set the stars in the dark blue sky;
now views him like everyone else.
a homicidal freak
he smile, now standing “my my, humans never cease to amaze me”
edit : who knew telling people idc for their likes would piss em off🤷🏻🤷🏻
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nicosraf · 10 months
I've got an interview coming up for a pretty top Uni and I put angels before man as a possible book that I would be open to discuss.
I was just wondering about your thoughts on the themes of your book, especially the implementing of homoeroticness and the sympathetic stance for a widely condemned character.
Hello!!! Good luck with the interview!!! I hope it goes well and u get into whatever school is the one of your dreams :') I'm honored u named ABM. It's hard to talk about themes without rambling forever so I'll try to ramble just about what you specifically asked about:
On implementing homoeroticism — I think it was important, for me, to inject queerness into the story itself.
It's not a "queer retelling" just because a boy-ish character likes another boy-ish character (Lucifer and Michael don't even identify as men! They're angels!). ABM had to be a queer retelling in the way it told its story (not keeping to a conventional act structure), queer in its world (the angels are all So Flamboyant and Gay), and queer in the coming of age portion (Lucifer grows up feeling Different, feeling embarrassed, having the moment of Sexual Awakening from Seeing Other Boys in the Locker Room and the moment of Falling In Love with the Handsome Macho at the Sports Game, and Lucifer loves singing and dancing and is emotional and feminine; he's queer in a way beyond his attraction to Michael).
Making the homoeroticism so normative meant gushing about how handsome the angels are, about sexualizing them. It also meant using flowery language to sexualize them, to be tender about it. The angels aren't men but they're almost men, and men are usually denied flowery, tender sexualization. I wanted to approach it that way.
And now about making a condemned character sympathetic — I think you can either turn a condemned character into a complete victim (usually by taking their agency away) or make them... complicated. I wanted my take on Lucifer to be the second option for one big reason: the Bible is so strict in being Good vs Evil with no gray, so I wanted to make it gray. If I made Satan just the good guy and God just the bad guy, then I would be falling into that same problematic moral dichotomy of the Bible.
So Lucifer is complicated. He's the victim, but he hurts innocent angels. Phanuel didn't deserve that. Dina didn't deserve that. Baal didn't deserve to be manipulated either. Lucifer was also never really perfect; he was always a bit self-absorbed, and he's always been too quick to get emotional.
But I think positioning the devil as an "imperfect victim" is important too. Victims who lash out in ways seen as "unacceptable" are so often demonized, especially SA victims (which Lucifer is). Lucifer's explosion at the end of ABM was about catharsis, not about revenge, and it's not meant to be pretty (God already made his suffering pretty, made Lucifer cry flowers) or forgivable.
You're not supposed to forgive Lucifer; he doesn't want your forgiveness!
Forgiveness. I think a lot of readers think providing a sympathetic stance for a widely condemned character is about asking the audience to forgive them. Maybe for some authors, that's true, but John Milton, for example, never intended for you to forgive Satan. Recently, the Hunger Games prequel came out, which served as President Snow's "villain origin story" — anyone who read the book or watched the movie knows that Snow isn't forgivable in that. Milton and Suzanne Collins were just... trying to explain them, trying to provide a little nuance.
I think the question of forgiveness is really important when it comes to the devil. The Bible is centered around forgiveness, a lot of Christians ask why God doesn't forgive Satan or why Satan won't accept God's forgiveness.
In ABM, Lucifer begs for forgiveness from God over and over throughout the book. The chapter he meets him, Lucifer crumbles to the ground and says, “Father, Father, be merciful, please have pity on me, please forgive me.” He doesn't even know what he did, but he's sorry, and he's sorry and sorry and sorry until the end. There's this line from the revision that puts it nicely, I think:
'Heaven will despise me. No one can ever love me again.’ “I’ve done the unforgivable.” Lucifer had become the unforgivable. But he was breathing easier, though he didn’t realize it yet; he had unshackled himself from the pity of angels. From the promise of salvation, he had been liberated.
It's always been important to me for Lucifer to become unforgivable in the end, not just for God but for majority of readers. He frees himself from pity (of the angels and of the readers) and from being a "good" victim, from being good. The first to free himself from the moral constraints of wanting to be good — that's really what makes him the devil.
I hope this ramble is helpful :') good luck!!!
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binint · 1 year
ೃ⁀➷ "Everything I know about Love"
A Twisted Wonderland Series based off of Laufey's beautiful album "Everything I know about Love"
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(ongoing series)
Synopsis for stories may not reflect the final piece :")
Dance with You Tonight ➻ Ace Trappola
╰─▸ "You're a charmer that's for sure, but I can't stand anymore. Shame I would've danced with you tonight..."
Prom with you would be perfect.
Fragile ➻ Deuce Spade
╰─▸ "Your skin on my skin, the room is spinning..."
┊͙School is rough, classes, sports and the cherry on top: chores. Everyday more work than the next. One moment of calm would be nice wouldn't it?
Beautiful Stranger ➻ Idia Shroud
╰─▸ "A fairytale moment could've occurred, but my beautiful stranger will have to remain a stranger until I see him again..."
┊͙You needed help fixing your laptop and Crowley knew the exact person to ask.
Above the Chinese Restaurant ➻ Rook Hunt
╰─▸ "I still freeze when I look at these faded photographs from February, last twenty-second or twenty-third..."
┊͙You have some photos from your old world and reminisce of a time you can't imagine anymore.
Dear Soulmate ➻ Floyd Leech
╰─▸ "Dear soulmate, I can't wait to fall in love with you..."
┊͙Soulmates have always been a foreign language to you, but in this new world, these tales of destiny and soulmates seem to be translating.
What Love will do to You ➻ Jade Leech
╰─▸ "Losing my mind, drunk on jazz and wine..."
┊͙You can't get him out of your head, why won't he leave your mind?
I've Never Been in Love Before ➻ Sebek Zigvolt
╰─▸ "So please, forgive this helpless haze I'm in. I've never really been in love before..."
┊͙Falling in love for the first time is scary and sometimes you end up doing strange and irrational things
Just like Chet ➻ Ruggie Bucchi
╰─▸ "I don't know anything about love and its' foolish tendencies, and just like Chet I tend to fall in love too easily..."
Everything I know about Love ➻ Jack Howl
╰─▸ "I don't know that much at all, I trip I fall, every time I try it's all too much. That's everything I know about love..."
┊͙From all the fairytales that have been read to you as a child, you would expect to know a little bit more about love.
Falling Behind ➻ Jamil Viper
╰─▸ "I've never had a shoulder to cry on, someone to call mine. Everybody's falling in love, and I'm falling behind..."
┊͙You've always been way too busy for anything other than school and now is a good time to relax, if ever a time.
Hi ➻ Azul Ashengrotto
╰─▸ "Now I'm dreaming of your moonlight glow from my empty studio, hoping that you'll say 'hello' to me..."
┊͙You've always been a nervous figure, the 1st years only being the people truly close to you. You should probably go out and say "hi."
Valentine ➻ Silver
╰─▸ "Don't know how to respond. I tell him that he's pretty too. Can I say that? Don't have a clue..."
┊͙Valentine's day has always been one of your favorite holidays, isn't it nice you get to spend it with your favorite person?
Night Light ➻ Secret
╰─▸ "Guess I won't be living in here anymore. Take down the posters of the pop stars on the wall. Empty room, it looks so small..."
┊͙Twisted Wonderland has such a lasting impact on your life. Nice things don't always last forever though.
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krystalfics99 · 6 months
Summary: The well known billionaire Playboy Tony Stark has an affair with the wrong woman and now Has to attend the consequences of her vengeance
Paring: Tony Stark x Daughter OFC
Warning: child neglect and mature language
Age Rating: 16+
A/N: ◆◇◇
Hello, I hope you like it, it is my first time writing and english is not my first language so forgive the spelling horrors and inconsistencies, I will try to be aware and correct them. Tony Stark isint a good parent in this fic and the protagonista is my OFC.
Ps. Let me know if you guys like it.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:✧✧・゚
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The sun was shining through the hospital window. It was the first sunny day since two weeks of rain and the sun was shining beatifuly. It was shining so brightly that it made her eyes burn. She turned het head to take a look at her newborn daughter. She let out a tired sigh from as she watched her baby with little interest. Seconds later he turned her head towards the window.
- Good morning miss Frost - said the nurse which attitude equal the bright sun outside. Emma looked at her and gave her a small smile without showing her teeth
-  I just came to do a check up on the baby- She assured while getting close to the baby but she was surprised when she saw the name sticker empty
-  Mrs frost have you thought of a name?- The nurse said while glancing at the new mother with a frown on her face.
- No.- Emma answered coldly but then noticing how the nurse's expression had changed completely. She didn't need it to use her powers to know what the nurse was thinking.
-Listen um?...-
-Parker ... nurse Parker-
- Nurse Parker I haven't decided what name to give her i a very hard decision-  answered Emma caming nurse Parkers worried
- Well your doubt is normal I still remember how hard I was to name Peter- nurse  Parker answered with a nostalgic smile on her face.
- Your son? -
- No Peter is my nephew he is months older than this little one -
-  Seeing that you have more experience than I do with this whole thing ¿do you have any suggestions? -
- Of course let me think - the nurse said staring fondly at the baby girl who smiled at her and then the nurse smiled back.
-  You know  this is one of the most special babies I ve to help deliver, we've been having intense rain for two weeks which means many accidents which leads to an excessive work  load with not enough staff in the hospital when you arrived  I had already pulled a 20 hour shift  I was on my way out but there was no one else on call last night So I had to stay and help. The moment she was born the thunder and rain stopped being heard there was a moment of calm in the OR. Then I walked outside and I could barely recognize my surroundings the sun was shining there was no sign of rain-  She said approaching the baby's crib and taking her in her arms, The baby girl was starting to get fuzzy so nurse Parker rocked her in her arms.
- That's why I think that the name Aurora would be perfect- Nurse Parker said looking up at Emma while still cradling the baby in her arms.
-  What does Aurora mean?-
- It means Danw its also the name of the northpole lights-
For a moment a his heart had the impulse to leave her daughter under the care of nurse Parker but then looking at her daughter's face she saw the factions that resembled her father and her heart filled with hate and bitterness then she decided to continue her initial plan and her lipsformed a mischievous Smile by thinking how the so called father of his daughter was going to react  by seeing the surprise she was going to leave him.
- were is the doctor In charge? of my case I want to know when do I get out of here-
-Mrs. Frost has just given birth, be here for at least two more days for...- she was interrupted by an Emma Frost using her powers.
𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐈𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐰.
The hypnotized nurse went straight to look for the doctor.
Minutes later the doctor arrived.
-Mrs. Frost wanted to see me - the doctor said with an irritated tone.
-Yeah. -Emma responded.
𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥.
Emma ordered, already dressed with the girl in her arms, heading to the door.
𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐧𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐠e𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐬 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞.
Emma headed out with the girl, got a taxi to take her to her apartment. When he entered, he left the baby on the table and walked to his room where he looked for a basket and placed a pillow inside. He went out of his room to the table and put the baby in the basket.
-Well, it was a new pillow- he said with a tone of disgust while the baby babbled with a smile.
With the basket in his arms he headed outside after several attempts he managed to get a taxi.
- Can you take me to Stark industries? - Emma said and the taxi driver looked at her in disbelief.
- Is that a baby? - He asked genuinely concerned.
-I asked you a question sir-
-It's a baby. Do you know you have in the basket is a baby? - Said the upset taxi driver.
𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
And with that the taxi driver starts immediately. The trip was peaceful until the baby started crying.
"Of course , just what I was missing," he said in an irritated tone.
𝐁𝐞 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭
The girl was silent instantly, but her face showed discomfort. Emma noticed it but just rolled her eyes and started writing the letter.
After a while they arrived at their destination and Emma got out of the car with the basket, but not before covering the baby. He entered easily thanks to his powers. He began to walk through the hallways of the company until he found the office he was looking for, as usual his bouncer was outside the door and he ran into someone who worked there who seemed to be a secretary.
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐫. 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐭.
And with that the secretary went straight to Starks office.
"Hello Happy, I bring a special delivery for Mr. Stark," said the secretary in a friendly tone.
"Hello Vicky, Tony isn't here right now, but come in and leave it on the desk," Happy said in the same tone.
Vicky left the basket on the desk and left the office.
-See you Happy-
-Goodbye Vicky-
After a while, Tony and Pepper arrived, greeted Happy, and the three entered the office and immediately saw the basket, especially Tony.
-Norman probaly sent me a gift so that I would leave him alone, but that is not to happen...- He was interrupted by the cry of a baby, the three people in the office were stunned.
Pepper approached the basket and uncovered the basket and saw the baby and the letter and read what the envelope said, which said Tony.
-Tony, what did you do?- Pepper said to Tony, surprised.
-I dont have anything to do with that- said the brunette, abruptly taking the letter, opening it, and beginning to read it.
                                    𝓞𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻  9, 1996
𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓣𝓸𝓷𝔂:
𝓘𝓷 𝓬𝓪𝓼𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓡𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓮 𝓲𝓽'𝓼 𝓶𝓮 𝓔𝓶𝓶𝓪 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓽. 𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓪𝓼 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓼𝓮𝓮 𝓘 𝓭𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓭 𝓽𝓸 𝓴𝓮𝓮𝓹 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓪𝓫𝔂 𝔀𝓮𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓪𝓫𝔂 𝓫𝓮𝓬𝓪𝓾𝓼𝓮 𝓘 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓹𝓵𝓪𝓷  𝓸𝓷 𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓶𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓪𝓲𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰.𝓦𝓱𝓲𝓬𝓱 𝓫𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓮 𝓲𝓼 𝓐𝓾𝓻𝓸𝓻𝓪 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓼𝓱𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮𝓼 𝓽𝓸 𝓬𝓻𝔂. 𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓪𝓼 𝓪 𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓮 𝓶𝓪𝓷 𝓽𝓸𝓵𝓭 𝓶𝓮(𝔂𝓸𝓾) 𝓰𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓵𝓾𝓬𝓴 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽.𝓓𝓸 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓽𝓻𝔂 𝓽𝓸 𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓴 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓶𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓬𝓪𝓾𝓼𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓰𝓸𝓲𝓷𝓰  𝓯𝓲𝓷𝓭 𝓶𝓮.
𝓟𝓢.  𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓬𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓰𝓸𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓷 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓷𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓮𝓷𝓮𝓭 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓫𝓮𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮𝓭 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓪𝓷 𝓪𝓼𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓵𝓮 𝓼𝓸 𝓘'𝓶 𝓰𝓸𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓽𝓸 𝓵𝓮𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓪 𝓻𝓮𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻.
𝓦𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓔𝓶𝓶𝓪 𝓕𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓽
-That fuking bitch- said a very angry Tony.
Chapter 2 is out one my page
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happilyhertale · 2 years
Love at first sight- Aemond Targaryen x female!reader
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Summary: You are the daughter of Lord Borros Baratheon. You have been betrothed to Prince Aemond Targaryen for three years now. You fell for the prince immediately, but your fear that you won't quite fit into the Targaryen family because of your physical appearance never quite leaves you.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader
Author’s note: Hey you (:
This one shot story is the result of a request from a dear Anon.
I hope you will enjoy it! English is my second language, please forgive me if I made any mistakes (:
Word count: 4.1 k
Second part of this Story
Other stories of mine
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The sun is shining through the window of the carriage. You are excited. You are on your way to King's Landing. You would see your betrothed again after three years. You were introduced to your betrothed when you were 10 and 6 years old. At that time you immediately felt how his looks made you nervous. But not nervous in a bad sense. His warm purple eye caught you immediately. He was incredibly nice and sweet. And also very obliging. He treated you with the utmost respect. You walked together a lot in the gardens and talked about literature and history. You also exchanged philosophical theories. You will never forget the way his eye sparkled when he told you about his favourite theory. You couldn't help but fall in love. You never thought you would be lucky enough to have such a sensitive husband, let alone a husband you would love.
Over the three years you wrote letters to each other. There was never a letter or a question from you that went unanswered.
Every time a letter arrived from Prince Aemond, you rushed to your chambers with it. You sat at your window, let the sun warm you and read his words again and again. He was so eloquent and often made you smile with his thoughtful words. It never took you long to write him back. But you were not prepared for the letter, for which you waited a little more excitedly than usual. You dared to tell him that you would like to know how his lips would feel on yours. Your septa would have reprimanded you for that. A lady does not say such things. Especially not to a man. But you had to do it. After all, you have spent many nights imagining how he would kiss. And so you wrote the letter with flushed cheeks. You dared to tell him that you were curious. Curious about how his lips would feel on yours.
When the letter was on its way to Prince Aemond, you almost regretted it. You were almost certain that he would consider it an impertinence.
But when you held his answer in your hands, your breath was taken away. He did not see it as an impertinence at all. He agreed with you. Blood immediately rushed into your cheeks. 'As my betrothed, you are very much entitled to feel, no, to experience… To feel how my lips feel on your lips. On your skin… It seems to me that the best opportunity would be when you are in the capital, to attend the tournament for the name day of my brother, Prince Aegon.'
You went straight to your father, the letter was still in your hand.
"Father?" you literally stormed into his chambers. A smile on your lips.
He looked up from his desk, "Y/n? What's the rush?"
"We're going to King's Landing?" you were still breathing heavily from running all the way to him.
He smiled at you, "Yes. I thought the upcoming tournament for Prince Aegon's name day would be the perfect opportunity for you to see your betrothed again"
You just nodded and found it hard to suppress a grin.
And so it is that you sit next to your father in the carriage and see the Red Keep coming ever closer.
When you arrive in the courtyard of the Keep and your carriage comes to a halt, it is not long before your father is announced. "Lord Borros of House Baratheon"
Your father steps out of the carriage and you follow him directly. As you stand in the courtyard, you see the royal family standing there. But your eyes immediately fall on Aemond. A faint smile plays around his beautiful lips. You see Prince Aegon leaning over to Aemond.
"Brother... Your brown-haired betrothed has arrived..." he whispers to Aemond. But Aemond pays no attention to him, he only has eyes for you.
Your families greet each other until the rest of the servants enter the courtyard and lead you and the rest of your family to your chambers.
The next day the tournament takes place. But tonight there will first be a dinner with all the guests present. You want to change your dress before you see Aemond again. You have chosen a dark green dress with golden applications. Your green dress highlights your green eyes perfectly. Your hair falls in soft waves down your back. The dress reveals some of your cleavage, but not too much. Your arms are covered by light satin.
Together with your father you enter the great hall in the evening. The hall is festively decorated and many lords and ladies are present. At the end of the hall, at the large head table, the Targaryen family is gathered. Some of the faces you have never seen before. They must have come especially for the tournament. As you move towards the table, you become more nervous. This will be the family you will soon belong to. And you notice that all the heads at the table, except that of Queen Alicent, Prince Jacaerys and Prince Lucerys, light up brightly. It almost looks as if numerous halos are gathered around the table. It almost intimidates you. How will you ever fit into such a prefect family..?
As you stand before King Viserys, you curtsey. Your father bows his head slightly.
"Lord Borros! How good of you to dine with us tonight!" King Viserys greets your father.
"Your Highness, it is our honour to celebrate your son's name day and to begin today with a dinner. And it is also a perfect opportunity to let my daughter y/n continue spending time with Prince Aemond"
You have to smile and out of the corner of your eye you see Aemond looking at you with a smile. King Viserys nods to your father and you take your seats. Aemond has his eyes on you the whole time.
The dinner is served shortly and you are talking to a Lannister Lord sitting opposite you at the table. After a while, the Lannister Lord asks you if you would like to dance with him and you happily accept. As the musicians begin to play and the music fills the hall, many other lords and ladies are already standing around you, ready to dance. The Lannister Lord spins you around until you end up in the arms of the lord standing next to you. After a few turns you are back in the Lannister Lord's arms. He lifts you up in the air by the waist and does a half turn with you. As you turn around to take the next lord by the hand, you are briefly startled. The beautiful purple eye looks at you warmly and the full lips, which you find hard to resist, smile at you.
"Prince Aemond," you gasp with a smile. His smile widens, "Lady y/n. I told you to call me Aemond"
Aemond spins you around, but suddenly you have no interest in being in anyone else's arms. The musicians stop playing their instruments and Aemond leads you off the dance floor. He gets you both a cup of wine and at the edge of the dance floor you both watch the other lords and ladies dance.
"Are you looking forward to the tournament tomorrow?" you ask curiously.
Aemond shakes his head slightly, "Not really... I'm not interested in tournaments"
You nod slightly, "So I won't get to see you fight?"
He chuckles lightly, "I don't think you will"
"Very well... That's too bad, I would have loved to watch your sword skills. There is a rumour in the realm that you are good at it"
Aemond hears a slight sadness and watches your features.
"My love... I think there will be some more opportunities. After all, you wanted to feel my lips for the first time... we don't have to experience everything for the first time right away. That would ruin the further excitement," he winks at you lightly. Your cheeks turn a deep red colour and you hear Aemond chuckle slightly.
"Nothing to be ashamed of, my lady. I would also like to feel your lips…," you notice Aemond hesitate briefly, "I will see you tomorrow, my love," he whispers in your ear before he leaves the hall.
You are almost caught off guard by his quick farewell, but still you cannot help but smile.
But Aemond had to leave the hall. He had never felt that before. A woman who almost made him forget his self-control. How you stood there, with your beautiful wavy brown hair. Your beautiful green eyes that looked at him so innocently. The dress that perfectly enveloped your body.
The next day you sit on a wooden bench in the stands. You watch the tournament. Aemond sits next to you. He chuckles from time to time when he notices you gasp and get scared when someone gets hurt down on the field.
"You seem jumpy, my lady," he whispers to you.
You have to smile, "I'm not used to seeing men attack each other so openly," you confess.
"Perhaps it is not such a bad thing that you are not in the tournament," you continue.
He smirks at you, "You would be afraid for me?"
You blush slightly, "I wouldn't want you to expose yourselves to such danger"
He chuckles slightly again, "You should have more faith in my abilities"
Aemond doesn't leave your side during the day. Every now and then he gently strokes your arm or your lower back. He always makes sure there is light physical contact between you. You enjoy it. But towards evening Aemond is persuaded by his brother Prince Aegon to drink wine with him. It is his name day, after all. He kisses you fleetingly on your cheek, "A little foretaste of our first kiss," he whispers in your ear before disappearing with Prince Aegon. You look after him, your cheeks slightly flushed. You spend your evening with Princess Helaena and other ladies. You also drink some wine and giggle a lot. You like Princess Helaena. She is very nice and attentive. At one point her cheeks are all red from the wine and she confesses to you that she is happy that you will soon be her good sister, that Aemond is a wonderful man and will always be good to you. You are happy about these kind words and for the first time you feel that you could really belong to this family. Aemond never makes you feel like you would never belong to this family. But hearing such kind words from another Targaryen family member makes you smile.
Aemond, meanwhile, is drinking with Aegon. In fact, they have an almost pleasant time together and laugh from time to time. Until the two of them get drunk at some point and Aegon begins to want to provoke Aemond.
"So brother... You don't even have a Targaryen betrothed... It was kind of obvious that you would be betrothed to a Baratheon slut... I mean, you didn't even have a dragon as a kid..," Aegon chuckles into his wine cup.
Aemond tenses his jaw.
"Brother… Don't talk about my betrothed like that," he hisses.
"It's alright brother... It's alright... But you still won't manage to produce pure Targaryen heirs," he grins mischievously at Aemond.
And these words stick in Aemond's head. He continues to drink. And keeps thinking about Aegon's words.
Of course he manages to father pure Targaryen heirs. By now he has almost emptied the third jug of wine. But he needs more. He needs to numb this dull pain. The old familiar pain of not being good enough.
At some point he sits alone on a bench and continues to drink. He cannot imagine fathering children who are not pure Targaryen. After all, he is a pure Targaryen. And his mother has brown hair... like you have. And yet he and his siblings have silver hair... Aegon has no idea... Or maybe he does? Aemond continues to drink.
Is that why he was betrothed to a Baratheon lady, because he is not worthy to father pure Targaryen heirs?
He keeps drinking. He drinks a lot. Far too much.
And the next thing he knows, he is thrusting into the woman beneath him. Again and again he thrusts all the way into her. Their sweaty bodies collide. Her breasts bounce with every thrust. She moans with pleasure. She reaches for his biceps. He senses that she is about to come and screams his name again and again. Her walls clench around him and he notices how his cock starts to twitch in response. With a deep grunt, he pumps his seed into her. But when he looks up from her body to her face, he sees no brown hair.
He sees silver hair.
He is shocked. This cannot be. But suddenly he remembers. A cousin. A Targaryen cousin. He's not even sure what her name is. That's how distantly related she is to his family. And she probably just happens to have silver hair. Her eyes don't even have that clear purple. Only half of her right eye is purple.
But it should be enough, he thought to himself as she seated herself on the bench with him. It should be enough to father Targaryen heirs. Aemond rolls off her. She is still panting and wants to turn to him, but he stands up, almost sober again.
"Aemond..." she breathes, "stay with me..."
He answers harshly, "No. I have to go", he puts on his trousers.
"Why... The night is still so young", she literally presents herself naked before him.
"Because I don't want to be here," he hisses at her.
"Well, it felt different a few moments ago... Your seed is still dripping out of me"
He is disgusted with her. He is disgusted with himself.
"Please. Just stop talking about it. I'm betrothed," he closes his eyes briefly and pulls on his leather waistcoat.
"So what?" she retorts, "There's nothing wrong with having lovers..."
He gives her a warning look, "I won't have lovers. That," he nods at her disdainfully, "was a mistake. And I warn you. If you tell anyone about that night... You know who suffers in such stories... It's not the men who suffer," he hisses to her.
He leaves her chambers.
He stumbles through the corridors. What has he done. This is unforgivable. Why would he do such a thing? Why does he keep getting rattled by Aegon? He's betrothed to you... You're perfect. So untouched.
When he reaches a hall, he stops for a moment. Suddenly his chest constricts. He can't breathe. His pulse begins to race. Cold sweat breaks out on his forehead. He leans against a wall, breathing heavily. He feels like when he was a little boy. The one who didn't have a dragon. The one who was only teased. The one no one wanted to play with. The one who can't do anything right. He sinks down onto his knees. A hand lies over his eye... And... suddenly he notices that his hand smells like his cousin. He wants to vomit.
When he hears you.
"Aemond?" you whisper in surprise, "What are you doing here?"
He looks up, startled. You see his worried look. Aemond's breath catches in his throat. This can't be happening, why do you have to come and see him now?
He just shakes his head slightly and wants to get out, but then you are already next to him, on your knees.
"Hey... what's going on? You're shaking," you say softly.
You carefully reach for his face and he leans a little into your touch. You stroke his cheek and at some point he slowly opens his eye. The warm purple looks at you, but you see tears in it.
"Aemond...?" you whisper. Your heart breaks at the sight.
"I... I don't deserve you... you're so perfect and I... I..." but you interrupt him. Before you can think, you press your lips to his. For the first time you feel his soft lips. And you know immediately that you will never get enough of them.
Aemond is startled at first. But finally he kisses you back. You gently lean your forehead against his, "You always think far too badly of yourself," you say softly, "I don't know how I'll ever fit into the perfect Targaryen family... But I know that we are made for each other... that I belong with you... I love you.. Aemond", you whisper.
He wants to scream. He doesn't deserve this. But he just nods slightly at you, he kisses you again, "I will prove to you every day how much I love you" he whispers against your lips.
He will be faithful to you from now on. No more stupid mistakes. But he can't tell you about this one mistake.
Two years later.
You are Prince Aemond's wife. Princess y/n Targaryen.
Not for a second would you doubt his love for you. It's no secret at court how much Aemond adores you. How harsh he is to others, but how much he loves you. It is not hidden from the public that he uses every opportunity to touch you. As if he is trying to make up for what he missed during the years he had to go without touching you.
He reads your every wish from your lips. He loves you wildly and passionately almost every night. Never has a septa told you how beautiful love can be between a woman and a man.
One day maesters approach you, your monthly bleeding stops. You are with child. You are overjoyed and immediately seek out Aemond. You have the urge to tell him immediately. When you tell him, you see pure shock on his face. You are visibly irritated. You expected anything, but not such a reaction. But he quickly pulls himself together. He smiles at you, kisses your forehead gently and then leaves your chambers. You stay in your chambers. You are irritated, at a loss. Doesn't Aemond want to have this child? You have never spoken about children... But isn't it normal for a woman and a man to have children eventually? Why does he behave like that? Doesn't he want heirs?
In the evening, Aemond returns to your chambers. Visibly drunk. You sit on your sofa and watch him stagger into your chambers. You get angry.
"Aemond? Are you going to tell me what's going on?"
He turns slowly towards you. He is barely able to look in your direction. But he comes towards you slowly and with great difficulty.
He gets down on his knees in front of you. He takes your hands in his. You smell the sweet wine he has drunk.
"My love...", he mumbles. You are visibly irritated by his abnormal behaviour.
"Why are you so drunk?" you almost whisper.
He looks up, he sees the concern in your eyes.
"Don't you want us to have a child...?" you whisper. Tears come to your eyes.
He takes your face in his hands.
"No! No! I want all my children to be yours... I want that so much...", he whispers the end of the sentence.
"What...?" you whisper, a little irritated.
Now his eye fills with tears. You notice how he is getting nervous.
"I... I... already have a child...", he says quietly, you almost don't understand him.
Your breath catches in your throat. You just look at him. A tear runs down your cheek.
"How is that possible...?" you finally ask, "Do you have," you swallow hard, "a lover?"
He immediately shakes his head, "No! My love! No! I would never..."
"Then how is that possible?" you interrupt him.
He breathes heavily. He knows he can't keep it from you any longer.
"The night... when the tournament was... when you found me..."
Your heart stops, "The first time I kissed you?", you whisper.
He closes his eye and nods, barely noticeable.
"Aegon... we drank a lot... way too much... He provoked me... tried to tease me... because... because I wouldn't get a Targaryen wife, wouldn't father a pure Targaryen..."
Your chest hurts.
"...I drank far too much... and my cousin was there... she's been trying to convince me to sleep with her for a long time..."
You close your eyes. You just sit there. You try to breathe.
"My love... please say something..." he whispers.
You are getting warm. You feel nauseous. Everything seems to be happening at once. Your dress suddenly seems unbearably tight. You stand up so abruptly that you almost knock him over. You touch your forehead. You are breathing much too fast, you feel dizzy.
"Y/n..? My love?", Aemond says to you. But you don't hear him.
The thing you were most afraid of has come to pass. You're not enough to fit into the Targaryen family. Your brown hair. Your green eyes. How naive you were to think Aemond would love you. You storm out of your chambers. Aemond can't catch up with you fast enough because of his alcohol level.
You walk through the corridors. Tears stream down your face. You don't know if you meet someone, you don't notice anything. You wander around for hours. When you finally realise that you have nowhere to go... You must return to your chambers.
You go back to your chambers. You are exhausted and tired.
Aemond is sitting there on your sofa. His face is propped up on his hands. When he hears your door open, he looks up. He says nothing, but his eye is red. But you don't look at him, you go to the back of your chambers, to your bed. You sit down on it and there is silence in your chambers.
"Is this child running around the court? Did you make a fool of me in public?" you finally ask.
"I have not..." he says, but you interrupt him.
"Is this child running around the court?" you ask again.
"No... My love... please," he gets up from the sofa and comes over to you.
He stands at the end of the bed and looks at you. You look at the floor and fiddle nervously with your dress.
"I will arrange for my private chambers to be prepared tomorrow... You don't have to sleep in the same bed with me anymore," you murmur.
"No! My love...", he says immediately, but you interrupt him again.
"You know... I thought we married for love... That I was lucky to have a loving husband. Instead I am pulled out of this dream and reminded that I will never be enough... never be a Targaryen," you whisper.
"No..." he rushes to you, kneeling before you again, "My love... we married for love! I love you. It was the biggest mistake I ever made to give in to my insecurities and alcohol... Letting Aegon play with my thoughts... I'm glad you're not a Targaryen... Because you have a pure soul. You're too good to be as corrupt as most of this family is..." he says sincerely to you.
Tears come to your eyes, "Now you will probably have brown-haired children..." you whisper.
He takes your face in his hands, "And if they have green hair! I don't care. I don't care what hair colour... what skin colour or eye colour our children will have. I used to think it was the most important thing. But I was wrong. I'll be proud of our children.. Love them. Just like I love you!"
You smile slightly.
"Where is your child...?" you ask quietly, after a while.
He hesitates for a moment.
"She's in Dorne", he finally says.
You look at him irritated, "Why?"
"She is only distantly related to the Targaryen family. And now she is the shame of the family. Shortly after the incident it was clear that she was pregnant. She didn't tell anyone who the father was... and she was sent away. All the things I detest the most, I have fathered myself. I fathered a bastard and she was sent away for it"
You look worried, but nod slowly, "You... You have never seen your child?" you ask quietly.
He shakes his head, "That would not be good. It's best for everyone this way"
You nod slightly again.
He gently kisses your lips.
"My love... That was my biggest mistake. The biggest mistake I ever made. I know you can't forgive me... but still I want to try that you can forgive me someday. Please let me try. I love you so much," he whispers.
He kisses your hands, "I will prove to you all my life that you are my love... my true love... my only love"
You just nod at him and pull his face towards you and you gently kiss the lips you can't get enough of.
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New music themes for our main characters, starting with Tord. Hoping all subsequent pieces will be easier to make XP This one features a genre I never wrote in before, and a language I do not speak in and neither does Teto. Jazz said it is legible at the very least so, hooray. It's far from perfect and I hope Norwegian people can forgive me for that hahaha.
I'll be posting this, as well as "No Rest For The Wicked" (aka main theme) on my YT channel in July. Since I need some cover art for the music videos. Same will be true for the rest of the songs I'll write. Edd is next btw.
Like last time, lyrics and some ramblings under the cut
There was actually a different version of this song that I ended up completely scrapping as I couldn't come up with a chorus
My biggest sources of inspiration were early Korn, Slipknot and, surprisingly, "Ima's Tower", from The Void OST. The chromatic downstepping mostly. It really does create some angsty atmosphere. When I think about it, the characters themselves do have certain things in common, hm...
Dypt nede helt nederst Av en endeløs grop, Glemt og råtten, Legger min ødelagte kropp. (Deep down at the very bottom Of an endless pit, Forgotten and rotten, Lays my broken body.) En pendel uten snor. Et verktøy, en gang så nøyaktig Kan ikke gjøre en eneste sving Med all makt stjålet. (A pendulum without a string. A tool, once so precise Can't do a single swing With all its drive stolen.) I'm nothing but a shell. (Trapped in a prison cell) A ghost in the machine. (Living off adrenaline) Hope springs eternal, But not for my chest. Burning inferno Is all I have left. 'Cuz I am no longer human. Jeg er ikke lenger menneske. I am no longer human. Jeg er ikke lenger menneske. Sigaretten min sin glør Lyser i mørket, Som jeg prøver å huske Hvordan å puste inn. (My cigarette's ember Glows in the dark, As I try to remember How to breathe in.) Lukter nitrat og svovel Fyller luften. Røyk og krutt Legg igjen et hull i hodet mitt. (Smells of nitrate and sulfur Filling the air. Smoke and gunpowder Leave a hole in my head.) I'm nothing but steel. (It's all so unreal) A cog in the wheel. (YOUR PERFECT IDEAL) Hope springs eternal, But not for my heart. Learn to comply, And play your part. Go metal! THIS IS MY RIFFLE, THIS RIFFLE IS MINE! THIS IS MY BURDEN, THIS BURDEN IS MINE! Hope springs eternal, And mercy divine. Burning inferno, And poison for mind. I am no longer human. Jeg er ikke lenger menneske. I am no longer human. Jeg er ikke lenger menneske. Got nowhere to run, Ingen steder å løpe 'Cus I was never human. Jeg var aldri menneske
For the Norwegian parts, I've put italicized english translation in the brackets underneath. Except choruses cuz those just repeat the english lyrics.
Featured references and idioms:
First spoken verse is a reference to Edgar Alan Poe's "Pit and the Pendulum".
Ghost in the machine: Human consciousness and thought as an entity distinct and separate from the body.
Hope springs eternal in the human breast: People can always find a reason to hope, even in the bleakest situations. The phrase comes from Alexander Pope's poem Essay on Man.
Second spoken verse has words breath in and sulfur. This is in reference to Slipknot's song "Sulfur".
A cog in the wheel: Someone or something that is functionally necessary but of small significance or importance within a larger operation or organization.
This is my riffle, this riffle is mine: in reference to "Full Metal Jacket".
Mercy divine: not a direct idiom, but inspired by to err is human (to forgive is divine) Being fallible and making mistakes is inherent to being a human, and forgiving such mistakes is a transcendent act.
So it's mostly your typical nu metal angst XD Lots of parallels between being human and being a machine. Lots of self-imposed lies and false beliefs. Don't worry, we'll get 'em
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adelcrait · 2 years
Glad you like my ideas! Its me again! And no anon! About Luke still remaining good being raised by Anakin? Well I guess he would be anyway. The reason is that Luke would be a gift from the gallows to improve Anakin's life and make him happy. It wouldn't be something that would be used to destroy the galaxy or go to the Dark side of the Force, as it does a lot of damage. No. Luke would be, the light in Anakin's life sent by his mother Force, who is tired of seeing her son so miserable.
But Luke wouldn't come in a *Poooof*. Since, he is made of Anakin's flesh and blood, then would it be something more, how can I say, more pregnant? but not at the same time as a woman. It would be more like, Oh, a lump, but it turns out not to be a lump and WHATHECK, IS THIS A BABY???? Of course it's not a pleasant idea for many, but I always found these things interesting. Mainly to think about how Anakin would process all of this and realize that he did something, what in his mind. would it be perfect, even with his body having been so destroyed? And I would love for you to give me recs of fanfics where Anakin survives in the end! I don't think many of those, unfortunately.
Sorry for the late reply! Here are some finished fics recs out of the top of my head of post-ROTJ where Vader survives:
Better Choices (Vader Lives AU) by SpyroTF (49k): a series with 11 different stories.
Rescued by his son from the second Death Star, Vader strikes a deal with the Rebel Alliance, in which he would help them reestablish the Republic in exchange for one year of life before his eventual trial and execution. There is no atoning for his crimes, and no forgiveness from the galaxy; but he might as well try and do right by those few who still matter to him.
It's been a while since I read those, but my personal favorite is Crumbling Chains (8.9k).
Post-ROTJ, Vader lives AU. Many years ago, Anakin Skywalker said that he would free all the slaves. He has to start somewhere.
broken roofs and bloody hands; a tragedy by luke skywalker by Anonymous (2.9k).
“Who would have thought that Darth Vader would one day be being forced to fix a roof with duct tape.” A snort and a squeeze on his shoulder is his father's response. “So,” he asks, turning his face to Anakin, “Did it work?” “Yes.” Or father and son talk, as they watch the rain.
Beyond Measure by Tairona (3k)
After Vader survives the Battle of Endor, Luke decides to learn Low Huttese, which is his father’s first language. But even though Luke is doing this to connect with the man, he’s not too happy when he gets a homework assignment that involves talking to a native speaker. Because his father is many things, but a supportive conversation practice partner isn’t one of them.
Asking Price by Husborth (4.2k)
Anakin looked at him shrewdly. “You are expecting me to be angry because you are angry.” “I am not!” Luke burst out. “I have traveled all the stars and found them no different from the gutter, and I have shaken hands with rage incarnate. I know that which I see. What angers you, my son, can be crushed, swiftly, and judiciously.” Luke sputtered. “I don’t want to crush anything! I want absolutely nothing crushed. Negative a thing should be crushed. Maybe I’m a little miffed that my best friend tried to rob my dad, I guess. I mean, that’d be a little crazy, considering—y’know, considering. But I guess I am.”
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leojurand · 1 year
silly lymond ranking after the reread 🫶
6. queens' play:
this was my least favourite book in the series when i read it the first time, and unfortunately revisiting it didn't change that... it reinforced it. on reread i realized part of it is that i don't think this book is very exciting? there are some amazing, fun sequences (roof chase ofc), but overall i would say it lacks spark, if that makes sense. i think it's inevitable for me to not be head over heels in love with this novel because, especially compared to book 1, i don't think these new characters are that compelling. i don't really care about phelim; my favourite thing about oonagh is the way she's described (and man, do i not care about the fling she has with lymond...); and even though i think the robin stewart subplot is the best part of QP, i also don't have a lot of feelings about that guy specifically? great storyline, wonderful homoeroticism... still zero attachment to robin stewart.
the first time i read it i also thought there was way too much thady b stuff. i wanted francis crawford! but the second time around i appreciate it more, and i noticed that we actually get a fair amount of rare lymond pov in this book, which is very interesting.
so, this is either my least or second to last favourite dunnett novel. still really, really good!
5. the ringed castle
dorothy. i'm sure you did so much research about russia and russian ambassadors and the english court with mary and elizabeth but. did we have to read so much about all of that? i think dunnett is usually very good at showing the historical events and historical figures in an interesting way, but man. she failed here. especially with the english court and the russian ambassador, i could Not care less!! and another thing about this book that really misses the mark for me is philippa's characterization. i don't understand why she abandons kuzúm so suddenly and without a second thought. i dislike how she's so incredibly gorgeous and smart every man around her falls for her. i really don't like that she starts quoting literature in other languages so we see how very perfect she and lymond are for each other. it doesn't work for me at all.
i'm making it sound as if i hate this book lmao but that's not true!! i actually find lymond's character very compelling here. i'm not bothered by his cold behaviour towards everyone because i get it. i love the st mary's men in RC too. danny is perfect, and adam and alec are incredible here. the diccon chancellor storyline is heartbreaking and as horrible as it is i love its conclusion. and the crawford family drama... it hurts me in the best way possible.
so this novel has some things i very much appreciate, but some parts i'd want to skip in the future (spoiler alert: these mixed feelings will continue with the next entry)
4. checkmate
hoooo boy. okay so. this is (probably, maybe) the most popular book in the series. i know many would consider it dunnett's magnum opus. and i unfortunately disagree completely. not because i think this book is bad. i think in many ways it is exceptionally good. the prose here is unparalleled. in the first 70% of CM the drama is very engaging and keeps you reading and picking up the book again and again... even if, like me, you don't really care for this drama specifically. it's that well-written!! i fucking love all the francis/sybilla drama, as unnecessary as it may seem. i fucking love marthe and jerott's fucked up lavender marriage and their very different but equally complicated feelings for lymond. AND THE WRITING IS SO GOOD i have to say it again.
but this romance? not for me. i really tried on reread, but still couldn't get into it, sadly. i hate the misunderstandings... philippa thinking lymond was in love with güzel, and then with kate, and then that his feelings for her were only sexual. for someone so smart she wasn't thinking clearly at all.
i could forgive that easily, though. i can't forgive what happens to philippa at the end of part 4. just awful plot-point. even i, not a fan of philippa, think that was character assassination. i don't know why dunnett did it... i guess it was a popular thing to do in histfic, or in super dramatic stories in general. but i hate it. i don't like the part at sevigny, either. maybe most of all, i hate the ending, how rushed it was, philippa healing magically, lymond brushing off marthe's death and completely ignoring jerott because he's too busy having sex. wtf
and i would still give this book like, a 4.5/5. this is dunnett magic do not ask me about it i'm not a rational being!!!
okay, those three are the books in the series labeled with "complicated". these next three have all my love (or most of my love (looking at you TDK))
3. the game of kings
this book. THIS BOOK. you know those edits of cats crying surrounded by heart emojis. that's my every time i think or talk about GoK. i love it so, so much. it's not perfect but it's beautiful in all its flawed glory. on reread it was more noticeable that this was dunnett's first novel, simply because she gets so much better. but wow, what a debut novel! it's a little convoluted and heavy-handed, but it has so much charm and heart. at one point, more or less halfway through, it's almost impossible to put down. and, love him or hate him, francis crawford of lymond has has an insane gravitational pull. it's impossible not to want to know what's behind the mask.
in conclusion: game of kings my beloved
2. the disorderly knights
now this book. it's kind of crazy? definitely because this is the start of the gabriel duology, which is undoubtedly my favourite part in this series. TDK feels like a soap opera to me, maybe because of the insane levels of drama, maybe because the characters that get introduced in this book (jerott, gabriel, joleta) are so incredibly beautiful they almost make lymond seen like a normal guy.
and i eat it up! i love the insanity and drama! i think it's all so, so compelling. gabriel is scary in a way that very few villains i've read about are. he really feels almost invincible, despite being an ordinary human being. i love the moments where lymond loses his cool because gabriel is such a relentless antagonist. very painful, very fascinating.
most importantly, JEROTT. jerott blyth is my favourite character in this series and he's so. perfect in this book. like, he's terribly flawed (jerott don't throw that rock. jerott), but god, what a character. by far my favourite pov in the series and no one else comes close.
i have so much praise for this book i could talk about it endlessly but there's one caveat: joleta. dorothy why would you do that. why???? joleta's storyline is so uncomfortable to read. her character is so tragic, but it seems like we're supposed to hate her, and we're supposed to side with lymond when it's revealed that she... was abused by other adult men... ??? i'm so glad adam, alec, and i think jerott? do see her as a victim, and lymond as the one with all the power, but everyone else? idk. just very bad, and one of the moments where the series really feels like it was written in the 60s
but other than that. this book fucking rules
1. pawn in frankincense
i've talked about PiF so much i feel like i don't have any words left to describe it, but even if i hadn't talked about it at all i would still feel like no words can describe how much of a masterpiece this book is to me.
i've mentioned before that jerott is my favourite LC character, and he's arguably the main character in this book. he even mentions the title when talking about himself!! i'm both very surprised and not surprised at all about how unpopular jerott is among the veteran fans of the series. sure, he's very flawed and somewhat unlikable, but he is so compelling, so complex, so well-written, he's become one of my all-time favourite characters.
not only that, there are two other main/major characters in this book that also became all-time favourites: lymond and marthe. the lymond/jerott/marthe is one of the best this i've ever read and this is where it starts. literally dorothy was insane for that one.
from the very first chapter until the last one, PiF doesn't give you time to stop and breath and calm down. maybe my favourite beginning in any dunnett novel. and the fact that pawn's move isn't widely considered one of the best chapters in literary history? unbelievable
is this book perfect? no. is it still the best thing that has been written and will ever be written by a human being? yea :)
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