#gaz x konig
gothghostiie · 4 months
Never understood the Gaz Vs König debate. Bc why can’t I have both
Better yet why can’t they make out sloppy style
LITERALLY?? like fully apart from the fact that its a dumb debate in the first place, why not both??? why not let them make out???? sorry not sorry I need to see gaz take könig fat di- *gunshots*
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iblameashley · 4 months
Crosshairs, Bullets and Affections
Military | Male | Gay
5,300 words Content: Alternate universe, longing, angst, cursing, injury / wounds, mention / depiction of blood, captivity / imprisonment, military level violence, mention of torture, gun violence, death, some German, poorly edited Gay Stuff, Love, Fluff
Inspiration for this fic
König | Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick | Kaz?
In the heat of battle, König saves the life of enemy soldier Gaz, leading to his capture and disavowal from KorTac. Struggling with his feelings, König faces suspicion and hostility from the 141. Assigned to integrate him, Gaz is put at the forefront of König's awkward attempts at romance, while Ghost and Soap watch from the sidelines. König asks himself the age old question, 'do you believe love can bloom even on a battlefield?'
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König sat in a surprisingly well-lit cell. The concrete walls and steel bars a clear reminder of the new reality he found himself in. The space felt cramped, but then again, Konig remembered that he's not an average sized man; his legs hanging over the small bed that he rested on.
Upon being brought to the one-four-one base, he was promptly stripped of all his tactical gear and tossed in this cell. Captain Price had been generous enough to allow Konig to keep his hood – a source of amusement for the rotation of guards – and was left to his long-sleeved shirt and pants. Though they had also taken his boots and replaced his with slippers, nothing that could be used as a weapon was left, but at least he was relatively warm and comfortable.
His eyes flickered to the calendar on the wall outside the cell. June sixteenth. Six month and - he had to think about it - four days since his confinement started.
Originally, Konig had been in earshot of some of the more creative suggestions from the members of the one-four-one relating to any information he had. Ghost, ever the pragmatic man, had advocated for a ruthless approach. He had argued that the Colonel was too seasoned to be susceptible to typical tactics, and suggested a tried and true method, according to him; jumper cables and a car battery.
Soap on the other hand, saw no value in interrogating Konig regardless. He saw the giant of a man as too big a threat to keep around and had instead suggested the use of some C4. Most of the team had assumed he was joking. They were really hoping he was joking, but his mate Gaz had been injured and emotions were running high.
Price however, understood the gravity of the situation and the delicate balance of power at play. He saw the value in Konig as an asset, and a chance to gain insight into the inner workings of a known military threat. Besides, Konig had saved Gaz's life on the battlefield, and that alone had piqued Prices interest in the man. Saving an enemy combatant and allowing yourself to be captured in the process? What the fuck had the man been thinking?
The cell door opened and snapped Konig out of his thoughts. His eyes wandered up to see Price standing there. He dragged a metal chair into the cell and the guard closed the door behind him, though stayed close; his hand on his holster, ready to make a move if Konig tired anything.
König's jaw clenched under his sniper hood as he met Prices gaze, his walls coming back up.
“I can't imagine this has been easy for you.” Price began, clearing his throat. He leaned back in the chair and crossed one leg over the other. He tried to appear relaxed by resting his hands on his knee.
“I've seen worse.” Konig fired back with feigned disregard, his accent thick and his voice raspy. “...Just another obstacle.”
Price nodded, he understood the position Konig was facing. “I understand your reluctance to speak to me -to anyone- since you were brought in, but I really need to understand what brought you here.”
Konig narrowed his eyes. Though Price couldn't see it, his lips were pressed into a thin line.
“I had my reasons.” He replied flatly. “Reasons that don't concern you.”
“I would argue that they concern me greatly, Colonel.” Price tapped at his knee, staring Konig down with curiosity. “You aided one of my men on the battlefield. Why?”
In a fleeting moment, König's eyes betrayed him, and a glimpse of vulnerability flicked between the two men.
Price raised a brow, noting the reaction and realizing there was much more to this than Konig was letting on.
“...You had the chance to run. You didn't.... and now, here you are.”
König's body tensed and he gripped at the think mattress below him. “Sometimes the cost of doing what's right is higher than we anticipate.” He replied.
“I wasn't aware KorTac knew what doing 'what's right' was.” Price said, the irony not entirely lost on him.
König sat there quietly, what was the point of replying to that particular comment?
Price let out a sigh, waving a hand apologetically.
“We don't have to be enemies, Colonel.”
“König.” König corrected.
“König.” Price smiled, “Help us, and I promise you, there will be a place for you in this task force.”
“We'll see.”
With that, the conversation had lapsed into silence. Knowing that König was unwilling to speak to him any further, Price stood up and grabbed the chair. The door to the cell opened and he left the holding area.
Amidst the gunfire and explosions, König has spotted someone who shouldn't have been there. Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick. He'd recognize that man anywhere, though he would have noticed sooner, had the man been hanging upside down from a helicopter.
Somehow, the one-four-one had gotten involved in this particular conflict and now there were fights to be hand on two fronts.
It had happened quickly, as so many things do on the battlefield. Gaz had been stuck by enemy fire, a bullet tearing through his shoulder and sending him tumbling backwards. He landed hard on the ground and yelped out in pain.
König's instincts had kicked in before his brain could stop him, and he sprinted across the battlefield until he hovered over Gaz's prone form. He crouched down as gunfire whizzed past them, and he quickly assessed the extent of the injury.
Gaz was going to bleed out if nothing was done, so Konig grabbed the man like a sack of potatoes and hauled him to cover. He worked frantically to stem the bleeding, ripping the shirt to get a better view of the wound.
“That's my favourite shirt, mate...” Gaz had mumbled. He was too unfocused to realize who was tending to him.
“I will buy you a new one, gutaussehend.” König replied as he began to tend to the wound.
It wasn't pretty by any means, but it would do. The bleeding had been stopped, some fragments of the bullet removed and it was disinfected. König had used most of his gauze to bandage the area.
König had barely had a moment to sigh in relief when he felt a gun at the back of his head. “Move away from my mate, nice and slow you slag.” The gravelly British voice commanded him.
“Ja.” König nodded.
He moved with an impressive grace away from Gaz before slowly standing up; his hands raised in surrender.
Ghost kept his weapon trained on König as he peered down to Gaz. A mixture of shock and confusion washed over him as he saw that bandages wrapped around Gaz's arm.
“The fuck is this, mate?” Ghost grunted as he returned his full attention to König.
“I... I don't know.” It was honest. König's own mind was racing with questions about what he had just done. His heart was racing, and if it weren't for the sniper hood over his face, Ghost would have clearly seen the grimace adorning his face.
“Don't play fucking games with me. I should put a bullet in your fucking head...” Ghost snarled. His finger moved towards the trigger, but he thought better of it. Price and Soap were on the way, so there was no need to shoot the man dead. Yet. “Drop all your weapons nice and slow. And kick them away.” He commanded.
König complied and removed his pistols and combat knives, setting them gently down on the ground and kicking them out of reach one by one.
“Step back.” Ghost commanded him once more, flicking the barrel of his gun and Konig.
“Ja.” König nodded.
He took a step back. And then another until he was several feet away from Ghost, Gaz and his weapons. Ghost would have plenty of time to shoot him if he made any stupid moves.
“He will be okay if he gets proper treatment.” König explained calmly to Ghost. He was trying to diffuse the situation as best he could.
“Didn't ask your opinion, slag. Keep quiet.” Ghost hissed, though his attention was split between König and Gaz who was passed out and breathing a bit heavy.
It felt like hours had passed before Price and Soap finally made their way to Ghosts location.
“Steamin' Jesus!” Soap exclaimed as he came to an abrupt halt. He took in the scene with shock and awe.
“Guten tag.” König said a bit more cheerfully than a man with a gun aimed at him should have.
“The fuck happened here?” Price questioned Ghost as he pulled up behind Soap.
“Our German friend here wanted to play medic with out Sergeant.” Ghost nodded in Gaz's direction.
Price moved to Gaz to inspect his situation and Soap pulled his firearm and aimed it at König.
“I got yer back, LT.” Soap reassured Ghost. “I think yer the best man tae cuff the bastard.”
With that, Ghost roughly bound König's hands, his gaze lingering on the captive soldier with a mix of distrust and disdain. As they made their way to the exfil location.
The same question was on everyone's mind; “Why had an enemy soldier helped one of their own?” Not that that question would be answered anytime soon. Even as König was loaded onto the helo, he simply stared into the abyss of uncertainty.
“Scheiße” König cursed himself silently. He knew he had fucked up, but there was something that pulled at his heart, knowing that Gaz would be okay. Though he probably couldn't say the same for himself.
It was early in the morning when the lights flickered on and illuminated the cell, stirring König from his uncomfortable slumber. He muttered something in German, his voice tinged with annoyance until he saw Gaz standing outside his cell.
He swallowed hard and sat up on the cot. “Guten tag, Sergeant.” He croaked out.
König yawned as he leaned back against the cold concrete wall.
“Gaz. Just Gaz is fine.” Gaz advised as the door to the cell opened.
He entered slowly, and like Price had, dragged a metal chair in with him. His presence seems to fill the room with warmth. König's heart fluttered, and he began to fidget as he tried to hold Gaz's gaze.
“How are you holding up?” Gaz asked as he made himself comfortable.
“It is a holding cell, so it holds me well.” König joked. Attempted to joke. He wanted to hang himself as the stupidity of it washed over him.
Gaz chuckled and shook his head. “Okay, then...”
König's throat was dry as he struggled to find his voice a second time. His fingers seemed to dance on his knees as he gathered his thoughts.
“I am... fine.” He finally replied with a faint shrug. “Trying to make the best of this situation.”
Gaze smiled at him and nodded. “I can imagine you've been a bit bored being cooped up in here all these months.” His voice, his accent was smooth as it wormed its way into König's ear. “But you're still alive and in one piece.”
König's eyes fell to Gaz's shoulder. His arm was no longer in a sling like he has seen a few months back, and he must be healed by now.
“As are you.” He replied nervously.
“Mmm.” Gaz nodded again. “Because of you, I kept my arm and my life.”
There was an unspoken hint of gratitude to Gaz's words, but he was a bit too prideful to outright say the words 'thank you', at least right now.
“Still going through physical therapy. Still can't aim straight with it, but I'm getting there.” His jaw clenched shut and his brow furrowed as he wondered why he had admitted that to König.
“You will recover. You are still young and strong.” König smiled under his hood, he eyes softening as he spoke.
König couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him. He didn't understand this attachment he felt towards Gaz, but he knew it was dangerous for a few reasons. Aside from the fact that he had never felt this way about another man, if he allowed himself to explore these feelings, he'd solidify his desertion.
But as he looked into Gaz's pretty brown eyes -only slightly more enticing than his pretty lips- he could help but let a flicker of hope course through him.
“There... was one other reason I stopped by...” Gaz mentioned in a casual tone, though his eyes were downcast as he said it.
“Hmm?” König tilted his head like a puppy. “Tell me, mein freund.”
Gaz hesitated for a moment, but quickly decided it was best to just be honest. “You've been disavowed.” He spoke the words slow and calmly. “Since the one-four-one never made any demands to exchange you for anyone or anything, and because you were seen willingly helping me, and surrendering to Ghost, KorTac has officially cut their losses with you. We received the news last night.” Gaz explained.
König's heart sank like a stone into the cold depths of the ocean. 'Disavowed'. The word echoed in his mind. All because he had done what he had thought was right.
He shook his head. No, this was all his fault for sure. He had helped the enemy, of course he was disavowed. He was a traitor, and he would have done the same to anyone else on his team.
He grappled with the thought of never seeing Austria again. His friends or family. Everything about his life now lay shattered at his feet, an a storm of emotions began to rage within him.
“I understand.” Was all he managed to mutter out.
And that was that. The conversation was over and Gaz knew it. So with a nod of his head he got up and left König to his thoughts.
There was no choice but to start integrating König into the one-four-one. Well, Ghost had vehemently opposed the idea, stating that König could never be trusted. Price had understood the concern, but also wasn't planning on sending König on missions anytime soon, let alone giving him access to restricted areas or information. Soap had also voiced his concern; first in Scottish Gaelic and then in English.
“I don't fuckin' trust him, Price.” Ghost voiced his disapproval once again.
Price rubbed at the bridge of his nose, clearly exasperated by this circular conversation.
“I understand your concerns, Ghost, but we need to make use of him--”
“It just doesn't sit right with us.” Soap interjected.
That was the last straw for Price. It had been two weeks of this conversation happening again and again, and now his own subordinate was cutting him off mid sentence.
Price was a patient man, and more than happy to entertain the thoughts and concerns of them men under him, but enough was enough.
He stood up from his chair and placed his hands on his desk. He took a deep breath and glared at both men.
“Listen to me very carefully.” His voice was low and seething with rage. “If either of you twats bring this subject up again, or if you ever interrupt me again, I will kick your asses out of the one-four-one. Now, the next thing I better hear from either of your mouths is 'yes sir' before you leave my office and fuck off. Do you understand me?” He hissed.
There was no room for black and white in Prices words, the look in his eyes conveyed his seriousness about the situation, and Ghost of all people knew how fucked he'd be without his job on the task force or Price to have his back.
Ghost and Soap nodded. “Yes sir.”
They promptly left Prices office.
Gaz had been sitting off to the side reviewing some documents as this exchange occurred. To be fair, Ghost and Soap had burst into the room uninvited, and Gaz had been working with Price at that time. He had felt no need to stand or engage as Prices limit had been reached.
And now, he sat there flipping through pages with a smirk on his face.
“Feel better, sir?” He chuckled as Price straightened himself out and took his seat again.
“Fuck off, Kyle.” Price gave him the side eye, but even his beard and tone couldn't hide the amusement.
“I have a job for you.” Price said after a long moment of silence. He reached into a box and retrieved a cigar. He took his time lighting it and enjoyed several long puffs before he continued. “This is a delicate situation, but I believe König has potential beyond information.”
Gaz's brow furrowed slightly, concern crossing his face as he processed Prices words.
“The man has been here what, seven months now? Almost eight? He hasn't once tried to make an escape, and he's been even more docile since you gave him the 'bad news' as it were.” Price puffed on. “I say we give him a real chance, and if he fucks up, we put a bullet in his head.”
Price shrugged and tapped some ashes into a nearby tray.
“I want you to take point on this, Gaz. He seems to like you, so might be easier for you to help integrate him into the force. Obviously I want you to keep a close eye on him, and you won't be alone, but you'll be in charge.”
Gaz's jaw clenched. He took his time thinking about it, but figured he would agree without protest. This was an opportunity to learn why König had helped him all those months ago. And he couldn't deny the joy he would take in superseding even Ghosts authority on this 'project'.
“What I say goes?” Gaz asked. “Outside of your final decision, that is?” He clarified.
“Your say goes.”
“Consider it done, sir.” Gaz agreed. “When do I begin.”
“Now. Why not take out lumbering German to the mess for some lunch.” Price laughed before taking a drag from the cigar.
“...yes sir.”
König stood at the firing range stall waiting for Gaz. His nerves were frayed to say the least as he looked around the room to see Ghost and Soap off in the distance; glaring and judging him. Ghost had a hand on his pistol, still ready to put him down at a moments notice.
“Alright, big guy...” Gaz's words snapped Konig out of his daze and he looked down at the man. Into those big, brown eyes. “Let's see what ya' got, yeah?” He beamed.
König nodded and swallowed hard. He wanted to do right by the one-four-one, he wanted to earn the trust of this whole team, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't want to impress the handsome young man handing over a rifle to him.
König took the rifle and stepped into the stall -which was way too small for him- and, in an attempt to break the tension decided to tell Gaz a joke.
“Hey, Gaz...” König began, already grinning under his hood, “why did the soldier bring a ladder to training?” He asked as he inspected the weapon.
Gaz gave König a quizzical look and tilted his head slightly as he thought about it.
“No idea, why?” He finally asked.
“To reach new heights!”
There was a deafening silence in the range as Gaz, Ghost and Soap processed the joke. The moment only broke by Ghost snorting in reply and looking away.
“Fuckin hell... that was bad...” He murmured as his shoulders shook.
“That's... certainly a new one.” Gaz replied to König, trying to distract the man from Ghosts reaction. He cleared his throat and extended a hand to guide König to the targets down the range, “Alright, lets focus on the targets now.”
König felt his cheeks redden with embarrassment, but he couldn't help it, his heart fluttered when Gaz was around. Without another word, he turned to the targets and readied his rifle.
Pop, pop, pop.
He fired several rounds from the first rifle and his targets. Several head shots and a few straight through the heart.
Next up was a pistol. He was equally skilled with that.
Gaz recognized his skill, and had read in his file that König had always wanted to be a sniper, so he decided 'what the hell' and wanted to give the man a chance. As he guided König to the sniper range -with their shadows in tow- the giant spoke up once more.
“Why did the soldier cross the road?” He asked, smirking like an idiot under his hood.
“I dunno, mate,” Gaz shrugged, already shaking his head. “Why?”
“To get to your side.”
“Christ...” Ghost sighed.
Gaz legitimately laughed at the joke and gave König a pat on the back. “If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to sweet-talk me.”
“This is painful.” Soap whispered to Ghost as they finally made it to the sniping range.
“Mmm. But entertaining in its own way.” Ghost replied as the two men watched Gaz and König set up.
“Just take your time, mate.” Gaz reassured him as he stepped away and left Konig to his practice.
Sniping is a game of patience, and König had been denied his sniping career for two reasons. The first was his size; he made a better battering ram than a sniper, and the second was his need to fidget when bored. But he was determined to prove to Gaz he had what it took.
He took aim and steadied his breathing. His hands were steady and after judging the distance, he fired.
“Fuck...” he hissed under his breath. He had hit the target, but not where he had wanted.
He aimed again. He focused. He fired.
“Der mist!” He grumbled a bit louder this time.
He took one last shot and at least his something vital on the target.
With a resigned sigh, he put the safety back on and moved himself into a sitting position on the floor as the target came swooping in for Gaz's examination; and Ghosts whispered ridicule.
Gaz took time to examine the target, and was overall impressed with König's shots. Only one would have likely been fatal, had it been a person, but the other two could certainly be crippling to an enemy combatant.
“Not bad, not bad.” He nodded as he looked down to König. “Guess we'll just need to set up some more practice time for you.”
König's mood perked up at the idea of spending more time with Gaz and quickly stood up, towering over Gaz in the small box of the sniping range. “Ja, I would like that!” He exclaimed.
He looked over to Ghost and Soap and and then back at Gaz, lowering his voice. “Hey Gaz, what would be your perfect date?” He asked.
Without missing a beat, Gaz grinned and replied, “April twenty-fifth, its not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket.”
He was so fucking proud of this reply, and loved watching the gears turn in König's head.
The dumbfounded look in König's eyes tipped Soap over the edge and he buried his face in Ghosts arm, snickering at the custerfuck that was this interaction.
“O-oh... okay.” Konig replied still confused.
He handed over the sniper rifle and turned to leave the booth, in a bit of a hurry at that, and slammed his head into the top of the door frame as he attempted to re-enter the base.
“Gottverdammt!” He yelled, felling the rage build inside him. He had fucked up his sniper practice, Gaz wasn't into him, Ghost and Soap were making a mockery of everything and now his head was hurting like a motherfucker.
“You alright there, big guy?” Gaz asked in a soft, sincere voice. He placed a hand on König's arm and turned him around. He could easily tell what König was feeling.
“Yeah...” König grunted, rubbing his head. He took a moment to breath and calm himself down before continuing. “Gotta watch out for door frames, they sneak up on you...” he tried to downplay the embarrassment. “Well... maybe not you...” He added in a deadpanned tone.
Gaz let out a deep laugh, not realizing that König hadn't been joking, just stating a fact.
“Aye, Gaz here is a shorty.” I Soap joked as he and Ghost moved past the two and entered the base.
“Hey, Soap... get fucked.” Gaz laughed.
“I wouldn't talk, mate... you're shorter than Gaz.” Ghost reminded Soap before giving one last glare at König. The meaning was clear; fuck with or hurt Gaz and Ghost would ensure König disappeared without a trace.
“Fuck, never thought I'd see a man flounder so hard. Big mans got it bad.” Soap remarked as he and Ghost made their way down the corridor.
“Better than anything on the telly, though.” Ghost reported. “Four pints says he completely blows it.” He added, staring down at Soap.
“Deal.” Soap grinned.
It was late in the afternoon, and the sun was starting its drop towards the horizon. Long shadows were cast over the ground as the ruins of of the enemy stronghold smouldered in just below. The task force was wrapping up a mission and were currently attempting to regroup back at exfil.
König had been brought along, but he had not been authorized to partake in the mission proper. Price had relegated him to extraction duty alongside two other soldiers.
There was an unsettling silence that washed over the land just after Soap had radioed in that the mission was complete and they were heading back. Maybe it was soldiers intuition, but König had a bad feeling.
Sure enough, and only moments later, the sound of gunfire echoed in the distance as Ghost, Soap and Gaz dashed from the foliage and into the open field.
Bullets whizzed by them as they ran, and they fired back sporadically as enemy soldiers burst through the cover of the trees.
“Give me a weapon.” König commanded one of his chaperones.
“Negative.” The man replied as he reached for his assault rifle. “You don't have authorization. Stand down and let us handle this.”
König wasn't asking.
Faster than the soldier could react, König slammed his hand into the mans throat, dropping him to the ground, gasping and panicking as he fought for air.
“I'm sorry mein freund.” He said as he walked away and unlatched the container that stored a sniper rifle.
He worked quickly to assemble the weapon, making sure to give it one last look before using his towering height to climb onto the roof of the truck. The other soldier finally noticed him, and the look König flashed him was warning enough. Do not try me.
The soldier nodded and returned his attention to his comrades charging in their direction.
König laid down on the roof and set up the rifle.
He licked his lips as he peered through the scope and acquired his first target. He flicked the safety off and calmed himself -as difficult as that was, seeing Gaz in danger again- before placing a finger over the trigger.
“That's it, maus... run into my trap.” He smirked as his finger pulled the trigger.
The rifle discharged with a sharp crack, the thunderous roar echoing across the landscape. It struck the target like a bolt of lightening dropping the man instantly.
“Pop.” König commented, proud of himself.
Several more booms erupted from the barrel as König took down enemy after enemy until his team was in the clear and there were no more soldiers pursuing them.
He flicked the safety back on and hopped down from the truck as Gaz, Soap and Ghost came to a halt.
“You weren't authorized to use that.” Ghost grunted, trying to suppress the need to catch his breath.
“Lay off the man, he saved our arses.” Soap huffed, punching Ghost in the side of the arm.
He walked past König and gave him a pat on the shoulder, “Thanks for the assist, chum.” He smiled.
König's eyes lit up with excitement as he turned his attention to Gaz. He extended his arms and walked with a confident swagger towards him.
“Mine freund!” He exclaimed as Gaz looked up at him, his chest still heaving and sweat dripping down his brow, “Did you see that! I got them all!” His voice boomed with pride.
Gaz just grinned and shook his head. “I can't say I saw it, but I knew you were helping us when the gunfire behind us stopped.” He joked as he took one last, deep breath. “You did good, König.”
The adrenaline was still coursing through his veins when out of nowhere he leaned down and wrapped his large arms around Gaz and pulled him into a tight hug.
“Thank you, liebling!” He was beaming under his hood.
He picked Gaz up off the ground and held him at face level.
“It's all thanks to you. It's all thanks to your trust in me.” König continued as he squeezed Gaz a bit tighter.
“Okay, okay!” Gaz laughed, patting König on the shoulder. “Put me down!”
“Nein!” König replied in a surprisingly playful tone.
Truth be told, he never wanted to let Gaz go. Fuck, he'd never have touched Gaz if it hadn't happened by impulse. That and Gaz smelled so goddamn good.
“Guys!” Gaz called out to Ghost and Soap, “Guys!” He called again with a huge grin on his face, “This dudes great, can we keep him?” He laughed loudly.
König was looking at Gaz with heart eyes, and it didn't go unnoticed by the man wrapped in his arms. How could it? He was wrapped in the mans arms!
“Make you a deal, big guy...” Gaz said in a quiet voice, slipping his hand under König's hood to ghost his fingers over the back of his neck. “Put me down, and you can take me out for a few drinks. Just the two of us. How's that sound?”
König's heart nearly gave out at the thought.
“A date?” König asked, needing desperately to know this wasn't just drinks between friends.
“A date.” Gaz confirmed with a confident nod.
“Ja.” König said as he lowered Gaz back down to the ground. “A date sounds wonderful, liebling.”
“Jesus fucking Christ!” Ghost yelled with a rage Gaz and Soap had last heard when a rookie tried to touch his mask. “Konig you walking Sequoia tree, what the fuck?!”
König's eyes widened. The soldier he attacked.
“Fuck.” He grunted, knowing he was about to face Ghosts wrath, and likely Prices when they got back to base.
Gaz bit his lower lip and shook his head. He gave König a slap on the ass and walked away, “Well have that date after you get out of solitary.” He winked at the large man and give him a finger gun.
König lowered his head and began his march to a probable death. “Es tut mir leid, Ghost!” He called out as he disappeared to the other side of the truck.
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velvetcoffins · 11 months
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Desperately looking for a Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare roleplay.
Im gay and feel uncomfortable playing any other genders/sexualities so I will be only playing as a male character and will only play against a male character.
I will not be open to do cc x oc for this post, I will only do cc x cc.
I play as a dom way too often so Im desperately looking to play as a sub.
Im open to NSFW themes.
I’m open to do ANY ship, no matter what.
( not in specific order )
barracks bunny
monster au
hurt in mission
sharing barracks
enemies to lovers
switching sides
team up
( and more but im lazy )
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blukrown · 1 year
Fairy dust & Pollen - GazxKonig
Gaz is a fairy that occupies a quiet forest in England, spending most of his time pranking innocent hikers. A poor Austrian man is his next victim, but he finds he enjoys himself with the mortal more than just with his pranks.
Or read on AO3
Contains: Implied NSFW, sex pollen & voyeurism
It was spring and the fiery spirit of the local forest named Gaz was up to mischief. A particular seasonal mischief that he looked forward to every year, to be exact.
Pollen from the flora, musks from the fauna, and his own magical essence blended together to create a special dust. This dust was then sprinkled onto the unlucky humans who entered his pretty little wood. The victims would be overwhelmed by sudden, and apparently random, sexual arousal. So compelled by their symptoms, most if not all of Gaz’s victims would then slink behind a tree and deal with their embarrassments before retreating from the area. 
Gaz got an impish joy of doing this. Watching humans blush and splutter and curse as they realize what was happening to them. He would grin as they retreated to a less exposed section of the wood to free themselves from the binds of clothing. Hiding in the treetop or in a nearby bush to watch hands fumble and hasten to soothe the burning lust. Pants down their thighs, hands wet and dirtied, and faces sweaty and or red with exertion.
It was not even like Gaz got aroused by the prospect of it, seeing it more as bemusing. Getting crude delight from the human’s erotic displeasure. This was simply just one of many mischievous projects he committed to year-round. 
One spring morning was like any other. Gaz awoke amongst the family of rabbits in their burrow to the sound of the first bird song. He ate ripened fruits and herbs that flourished in the warming temperatures, savoring them whilst soaking up the warming sunlight. His ears and eyes forever looking for his next target.
It came as a very tall human male, dressed in worn, patched-up hiking attire, boots, and a boonie hat that hid his face from where Gaz hid amongst the leaves of the tree. Gaz grew excited, not recognizing the human as an unfortunate local of the area. He was the perfect target for his prank.
Gaz found his opportunity when the male paused on the makeshift path amongst the trees, crouching to admire a patch of mushrooms sprouting at the roots of a tree. His tall frame made a large shadow over the patch of ground, hiding Gaz’s own as he hung from a branch and poured his special dust onto the poor human’s head.
Retreating back behind the leaves, Gaz watched as the human breathed the dust in, remnants settling on the brim of his hat and the fabric at his shoulders. The male frowned, looking around and breathing in deep breaths as if smelling the air. Confusion steeled his features until it was washed away with embarrassment as he noticed the growing predicament in his pants.
“S-Scheiße,” The human swore in what Gaz presumed was German.
The human was looking almost horrified, hands out and trembling as he was unsure what to do. His head was swiveling around to ensure that no one was nearing him on the hiking trail.
The male then swore again, stepping off the path behind a tree a few steps away. The trunk was wide enough to hide even this human’s tall broad frame and Gaz had no trouble following him from above to settle at a lower branch.
The German looked from side to side - not even considering looking up - before using a hand to touch the growing shape in his pants. The shape in question looked large, even with comparing the proportions to the hand that touched it.
Gaz found himself leaning his head closer, as if to see just that little better. Eyes crinkled in a grin as the human let out a huff now abashedly groping at his erection through roughened fatigues.
It appeared to not stave off the need brought on by the dust as the male let out a whimper, his hips fidgeting a little. Not even moving his head this time, the human’s eyes looked quickly to his surroundings before unbuckling and pulling his pants to puddle at his ankles.
Gaz’s eyes widened, marveling at the sheer size of the human’s erection as it stood at attention. Twitching in the cool open air, flushing a deep pink and veins prominent along the shaft, Gaz had to admit this human was a specimen.
The male took his own cock in hand and started to move, dragging out strained breaths and soft moans with each jerk of his wrist. His eyes squeezed shut in focus, face reddening from the erotic heat. Gaz could only watch on, beginning to grow enthralled. Watching the tip weep pre, feeling his mouth salivate for a taste. Soon, his own body seemed to be reacting from the sight, his own cock tensing. Gaz squeezed his legs shut in an effort to tame it.
It was not long before the human finished, white strips dribbling forth onto his hand and some spilling onto the forest floor. The human gasped as his shoulders relaxed and leaned against the tree, settling from cloud nine.
Gaz was saddened to then see the human tuck his softened cock away and motion to return to the path. Gaz did not want him to leave. He wanted to see the human’s cock again, maybe touch it, taste it, feel it inside. 
The fairy was following the human, just at the lowest branches. Want and need demanding he pull out the dust pouch once more and pour a healthy amount above the human's head.
The male was only a few steps from the hidden tree and looked mortified to see himself hardening again as he inhaled the fumes.
“N-Not again,” The human whined, hands covering his tented pants as he retreated back to the same tree.
Hand already tugging the fly of his pants down before he even managed to hide. Desperate frustration demanding him to hasten. This time he leaned facing the tree, one forearm against the tree and forehead resting against it. Looking down as his hand took himself into a desperate grip.
Excitement made Gaz’s hands tremble as he floated to touch his feet to the ground just by the male’s side. He did not hide his grin as he made his presence known.
“My, impatient aren’t we?”
The human flinched, hand ceasing and looking horrified at Gaz. And the fairy knew it was not just because he got caught touching himself.
Gaz was distinctly not human. Larger eyes that were pure black, lacking white scleras and coloured iris’. Long, pointed ears sprouted amongst black locks with twigs, leaves and feathers tied into strands. Long brown beetle wings spread from his back. He was naked by human standards apart from a bag for his belongings, his beautiful dark skin soft and almost glowing in the dappled light of day. Not hiding his own growing arousal between his legs.
“W-W-Who are you?” The man blustered, eyes scanning over his features.
“Hmm,” Gaz hummed in mocking thought, “Let’s say I’m a friend, a friend who’s happy to help with your problem.” He then pointed down to where his erection was.
“This-This was an accident I-” 
“Do you want me to help, or not?” Gaz interrupted, growing tired of the human’s bumbling.
The male visibly thought over his answer before, almost shyly, nodding.
“Good.” Gaz grinned, crouching down to sit on his knees in front of the mortal with his back to the tree. “Go on then, don’t keep me waiting.”
The human appeared to be far too enrapt in need to question him further, chewing on his bottom lip as his hand took a grip on his cock once more. Fingers wrapping around the length and tugging again, shifting closer until Gaz was close enough to smell the human’s sweat and arousal.
Gaz opened his mouth, giving the human the go-ahead to feed the tip past. The mortal flinched at the sensation and gasping faintly, Gaz’s lips happily enwrapping the tip inside and lapping at the slit. Humming in delight at the taste of salty pre.
Gaz did not wish to waste time, lifting a hand to replace the human’s own around the shaft. Sinking his mouth lower onto the length, his hand pulling grunts and moans as his cheeks hollowed to pull his end closer.
Gaz’s eyes were looking at the human with a smug smile, as he pushed even further down. His inhuman body meant he could easily take the human’s impressive size all the way down to the hilt without strain, although he did feel the weight and stretch of him in his throat and mouth. Just as he liked it.
The mortal was quivering where he stood, knees weak and hands covering his mouth to stop his pleasured noises from growing too loud. A shame, Gaz thought, but wise. Even with such restraints, however, he knew the human was close and he did not plan to take his time.
The fairy started moving, dispensing then taking the human’s cock back in with eager bobs of the head. Tasting and feeling each twitch and shiver that he caused. His need for a taste of the male’s finish made him feverish, ignoring the human’s warning gasp as he neared.
A hand then suddenly grasped at the back of his head, pulling him close until his nose was against the human’s stomach. Letting out a breathy groan as he spilled down Gaz’s throat.
Gaz may have been annoyed at the forcefulness of it but it was so goddamn arousing he elected to not complain. His own cock was now an abject annoyance between his own legs, hard and desperate for stimulation.
The male pulled his cock out, breathing in huffs as he awkwardly stepped away. 
“T-Thank you for doing that . . .” The mortal said breathily. “What hah- what is your name?”
Gaz wiped his mouth before speaking, standing to his feet. “Gaz, and you?”
“König.” The human said in reply, pulling his pants back up in an attempt to redress himself.
“Well, König,” Gaz said, closing the distance again. “You know I’m not quite done with you yet.”
Before the human could finish the word, Gaz had taken a breath and blew dust again.
To say the least, the fairy used most of his dust collection that day and gladly so. To say the most, Gaz had that human König fuck him until the sky darkened. Against trees, amongst bushes, on top of the leaf-covered ground, and even, once, the human just holding him mid-air. It was all a true delight. It was also unsurprising when König soon fell unconscious due to exhaustion.
Gaz thought it a shame but knew it was a good excuse to disappear. But not entirely. 
He returned to his spot amongst the branches, now in moonlight’s shadow as the human awoke from exhaustive sleep. Getting up on weakened feet and shaking his head. 
König had looked around, as if searching for someone, perhaps for Gaz. It had then surprised the fairy when the human looked up. Gaz was quick to vanish but König caught a glimpse of beetle wings. Similar to the ones he saw in his dream.
Suffice it to say, König would return to that forest again. In hopes to find that beautiful mischief-making fairy again.
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deunmiu-dessie · 5 months
𐙚₊˚⊹♡ 23 c.o.d men rambles with nsfw visuals (p-links) ♡
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featuring!— kyle ‘gaz’ garrick, johnny ‘soap’ mactavish, simon ‘ghost’ riley, john ‘captain’ price, phillip graves, könig, vladimir makarov! ♡
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₁ 𐙚 imagine fucking john doggy style, and he’s jus’ so horny for you so you guys don't even make it to the bed :( he tosses you onto the couch and lifts your ass into the air, his thick, meaty cock bruising your insides. then he grips your hair and bends you back to slant his lips over yours in a messy kiss 😖
₂ 𐙚 having a sloppy make-out session with gaz when he gets back from a mission. sucking on his tongue and whimpering into his mouth while his big hands run up and down your thighs and ass. gaz always gets you so needy and wet before he dicks you down, having tears streaming down your face and thighs trembling :((
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₃ 𐙚 soap fucking his cum back into your swollen pussy while whining and whimpering, promising to get you pregnant; thick and hard at the thought of you round with his kids. he pumps your pussy to the brim with his cum that night, til it drips down your thighs.
₄ 𐙚 gaz loves to record the two of you having sex, and loves to send it to the 141 group chat. loves to show off his pretty girl whose pussy takes his big cock so well :( loves to show them how well you moan and beg, loves to show them your fucked out face, loves the way the team goes feral as you moan their names with bleary eyes and drool spilling down your chin. loves to show them that regardless, you're his.
₅ 𐙚 simon using your pussy as a cumdump... literally, when you act like a brat. he'll have you lay naked across the bed, hand fisting his cock as gazes at your tits, your needy cunt drooling and clenching. he'll watch as you cry and beg for him to fuck you, your wrists bound together and tied to the headboard. then he'll press his thick tip into your pussy and spill himself inside. brats don't get to cum, as he likes to say— sorry :(
₆ 𐙚 kyle 'will overstimulate you while pussydrunk' garrick. baby gaz just loves the taste of your pussy, especially after going so long without it :( you're so warm and sweet, needy and sobbing-- and he's missed the feel of your thick thighs wrapped around his head, missed the feeling of your hands running through his hair. so, just let him enjoy his meal.
₇ 𐙚 needy soap who swears he'll just rock against your panties, his thick cock nudging your fattened clit which presses eagerly against the pre-cum soaked fabric. soap who moves your panties to the side and shushes you with a kiss to your lips, swearing he'll just thrust against you; thumb brushing against your bundle of nerves. soap who loses himself in the moment, gripping your thighs and looking at you with pleading eyes, swearing he'll only use the tip, thick, bulbous head already stretching your pussy. 🥺
₈ 𐙚 after you had the baby, john can't stop thinking about seeing you swollen and round again, with your breasts heavy, and thighs thick. john who breeds your pussy at any moment he can. whether it be with you bent over the counter and cooking dinner, with you sleep; your pussy warm and welcoming, or even in the shower, your milk-heavy tits pressed against the shower door. ( bonus )
₉ 𐙚 makarov who finally gives in to your pleading demands, his hands rough as he forces you onto the bed, yanking down your skirt and pulling your panties to the side. his gaze is cold and calculating, even a bit annoyed. makarov who snatches the loli from your mouth, running it up your slick pussy before pushing it in. "Это то, что вы хотели, да?"
₁₀ 𐙚 he makes sure to fuck you well before he leaves on a mission, his thick cock bullying your slick cunt full of his cum. gaz makes sure you know who your pussy belongs to, makes sure he has your thighs trembling in his arms as he fucks you against the shower wall.
₁₁ 𐙚 simon loves to watch you ride him, loves to have your tits in his face, taking one of your sensitive nipples into his mouth. loves to hear you whine that your cumming for the fifth time, loves to watch as his abdomen becomes sticky with your creamy cum. loves watching your lips tremble and your eyes water as he thrusts sharply into you, knocking on your cervix and bruising it.
₁₂ 𐙚 having sex with gaz always overstimulates you in every sense of the word and not just with your body. gaz loves to watch you fall apart on his cock, loves to grab your chin and keep your eyes locked with his, loves to watch your gaze get bleary and your mouth struggle to form words all while his hand moves in quick figure eights on your clit, cock spearing through you deliciously. gaz will press kisses to your swollen lips, groaning into your mouth. "on me, luv. le' me see those gorgeous eyes."
₁₃ 𐙚 price loves to suck on your tits, while his cock slowly pumps in and out of you. loves to bury his face into the valley, placing kisses and sucking hickies. john price sucks on your nipples like a man starved, thick hands squeezing and kneading :(
₁₄ 𐙚 imagine getting punished by boyfriend graves because you fucked up during a mission, the objective getting away. he tells everyone to leave the room, glaring eyes stuck on yours. graves who orders you to strip, pushing you down against a busted couch, yanking down your combat pants, and tearing your panties. graves who angrily unzips himself, as you blubber and plead, pussy leaking and ready. he watches as your pussy struggles to take his cock, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you apologize repeatedly. "don't want to fucking hear it, sergeant."
₁₅ 𐙚 gaz fucking you into the bed after he gets home from a mission gone awry. soft lover gaz who just can't be his usual giving self. gaz who takes what he needs from you, regardless of the tears that stream down our face.
₁₆ 𐙚 könig, all needy can't help but fuck your thighs, whimpering and whining :(
₁₇ 𐙚 having a threesome with soap and gaz; who can't help but record as soap practically makes love to you with his eyes. gaz who could care less as you forget all about his cock, breathing heavily as he watches as your pussy struggles to swallow soap's cock. gaz who sends the video to the 141 group chat.
₁₈ 𐙚 imagine makarov sharing your pussy with yuri as a reward to the man. makarov who guides your mouth over his cock, all while sipping on his alcohol; yuri fucking into your pussy needily, grunting and groaning as you squeeze around him.
₁₉ 𐙚 100 percent believe this is how gaz and soap eat you out, prove me wrong. i'll wait. ( bonus: since soap made you cum first, you granted his wish. )
₂₀ 𐙚 john overstimulating you while whispering how much of a good girl you are, slapping at your thighs when you cringe away from him, his thick fingers finding your clit again. john who fucks into ravenously, cooing as you shudder and buck against him.
₂₁ 𐙚 graves finally puts your smart mouth to work, shoving his thick length down your throat. graves angrily saying your pussy isn't good enough for his cock. his words, not mine.
₂₂ 𐙚 angry sex with toxic gaz, who swears no one will ever fuck you as good as he will. who tells you that you belong to him, that you were made for each other, that you won't leave him. who fucks you dumb until you promise to stay.
₂₃ 𐙚 soap swears he won't cum inside you...
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spent hours scrolling through twitter porn, help me.😔
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grabattheseballsss · 7 months
Yawll……dis is horny… so like fair warning
John price
Price tying you up after he catches you disobeying him by touching yourself :(
Overstimulation with John <3
Price eating you out after a loooooong mission
More price eating pussy (the guy LITERALLY looks like him or am I tripping)
Since you like using them so much, this shouldn’t be a punishment for you, correct ?
John getting you to ride his thigh
Theres a reason why they’re his favourite
Kyle Garrick
Gaz after ruthlessly fucking you for three hours ;3
What you get for flaunting yourself in front of his mates :(
Lazy night in with gaz
Shhh don’t want anyone to hear you
Late night humping with your clingy boyfriend
Roommate! Gaz getting tired of your horny whining
Simon Riley
Just a quick reminder of where you belong
Quick polishing’
A goodbye gift
A welcome home gift
Roommate! Ghost pounding you till you wake up :(
Owner! Ghost with his lil pup
Little film for later
Gettin’ crafty
John McTavish
Riding him until he’s dumb <3
Mornin sex with Johnny boy
Self restrain
Virgin! Johnny
Just his doll
Convincing your friend, Johnny to join your live 🫣
Hes just too big you needed a photo for confirmation
Need your colonel to reach you a lesson?
Just a quickie before he leaves for work
Quickie part 2
Good girls beg
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konigsblog · 4 months
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somnophilia with pervert!könig
taking kidnapper!könig for the first time
size difference with petite!reader and könig
“just the tip, könig.” with loser!könig
loser!könig who loses control (breeding kink)
being groped by kidnapper!könig (hole inspection)
forced breeding with pervert!könig
hope inspection with older boyfriend!könig
virginity loss with könig (virgin!reader)
letting virgin!könig use your body (virginity loss)
raped and recorded by könig
entertainment for kidnapper!könig (non-con)
raped in public by rapist!könig
incel!könig making porn for his online girlfriend
punishments with brat!reader and simon riley (brat taming)
relaxing simon riley with your pussy
‘obedience’ with simon riley
stepbrother!simon riley and his best friends
humping your stepfather's bulge
car sex with stepbro!simon riley
rough dom!simon riley and his fuck doll
being manhandled by your stepbrother
raped by kidnapper!simon
being filled by simon riley (breeding kink)
hole inspection with simon riley
cock worship with older boyfriend!simon
rough dom!simon x brat!reader (brat taming)
punishments with stepfather!simon
having your attitude fixed by your lieutenant
semi-clothed sex with pervert!simon
raped for intel by lieutenant!simon
pervert!soap x milf!reader (morning sex)
“just the tip, i promise.” with stepbro!soap
your needy stepbro attempting to distract you
rough dom!stepbro!soap punishing you
playful!stepbro!soap and his virgin stepsister virginity loss
stepbro!soap eating you out
cuddling fucking with stepbro!soap
drunken sex with loser!soap
“fuck, don’t stop, bonnie...” handjobs with soap
being fingered by stepbro!soap
mutual masturbation with soap
stepson!soap with stepmom!reader
shower sex with pervert!gaz
the type of videos gym bro!gaz sends you
riding gaz in your new lingerie
the result of getting high with stepbro!gaz
having your insides rearranged by gaz
riding gaz for the first time
“don’t pull out!” with pervert!gaz
sucking off gaz for the first time (inexperienced!reader)
letting virgin!gaz play with your cunt while you're high
treating soft!gaz to a handjob after his deployment
virgin!reader fucking themselves back on gaz
being eaten out by john price (1)
being eaten out by john price (2)
morning sex with older boyfriend!price
spit play with older boyfriend!price
morning sex with sugar daddy!price
being eaten out by sugar daddy!price
manhandled by price
making out with price
stepdad!price and his slutty, daft stepdaughter
8K notes · View notes
teamblck · 8 months
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9K notes · View notes
bruhhxiao · 4 months
You finished night chores in the kitchen after dinner and Simon was laying in bed “enjoying” Manchester match alone, since you were too loud 🙄
Once you get in bed too you toke a look at the screen.
“Unlucky one?” You say softly sitting next to him, he was grumpy, so you kissed him.
He signed not kissing you back, so you give him two more but he leans his head on the side ignoring you.
“C’mon the match is over.”
“No, it’s not. 3 minutes left.” He says pushing your head out of the way.
You kissed him again and again and then again, leaving sweet pecks on his lips. The match was over and he was listening to the after match conference.
“So you’re into this old man more than me? Give me one kiss!” He sighed and bought his lazy hand behind your head pulling you down for a short stamp.
“One more…” You say leaning closer and he kisses you back.
“A bit more…” as you said that he pulls you in a passionate kiss, a slow one.
After you broke the kiss and try to sit back like before, he grabs your arm pulling you down next to him kissing you a few times as he slowly positions himself on top of you.
“Simon it’s already 11:00 pm- Mhh~” he cuts you off.
“Now you got me in the mood, so shut up” he said with his nose against yours looking into your loving eyes before kissing you passionately.
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karliiiis · 9 months
ok but
being a part of the 141 (+konig) and having to dress up in disguise for a mission in some rich, fancy casino. the boys are waiting on you, talking amongst themselves.
you walk out wearing a slim black dress, low neckline exposing the top of your cleavage. the dress is fitted to your curves and loose at the bottom to hide the pistol strapped around your thigh. you’re looking down, smoothing out your dress, you don’t notice how every head snaps up at the first sound of your heels on the hard floor.
you don’t notice the way ghost straightens up from leaning on the table, arms still crossed and mask hiding the red creeping up to his cheeks. you don’t notice the way konig shifts awkwardly on his feet, blue eyes darting up and down not knowing where to look. you don’t notice the way gaz bites his lip, almost hard enough to break through the soft flesh and draw blood. you hear soap let out an exaggerated breath, a quick “godda-“ before he’s cut off by a smack to the back of the head from price.
you whip your head up at price’s chuckle, seeing soap rubbing the back of his head. “does this look alright? you can’t see my gun, can you?” you ask turning around to show them the back of your thigh where it’s strapped tightly. you miss the way ghost bites his fist, eyes rolling to the back of his head as soap nudges his shoulder giggling like a school boy.
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mrsparrasblog · 3 months
COD porn links part 2
You liked my porn links so I thought I'd search again
A/N: for these of you who Klick on it and say you're traumatised or complain it's porn, if it traumatisez you don't Klick on it lol
It's okay by military law as long as I don't put it in , bonnie
Johnny has a foot fetish
Just Johnny being Johnny
John Price
He loves to make his wife wet
Your Captain isn't a soft lover
Price after you flirted with a recruite
Dryhumping Price
Kyle loves you and your cunt
Romantic kyle
Tinder date with officer Kyle
Virgin Simon
How your lieutenant likes to see you
That's 1000000% Simon Riley
Teaching his favourite rookie a lesson
Kortac is fine with frateenization
Königs big hand fingers you
König with his barracks bunny
Loser König
That's so threesome with Johnny and Simon coded
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alwaysshallow · 11 months
boys trying to survive nnn with their partner (141 + los vaqueros + könig x f!reader)
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a/n: if it wasn't for @blissful-bunny, there wouldn't be nnn. LMAOOO i hope y'all will enjoy, it's my first time doing something like this... and i think i don't hate it as i did before!
mdni, as always. nsfw below + keegan's version here
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
Being around Ghost durning this time is funny, to say the least. You know about this bet from Gaz, when you invited the whole Task Force 141 for dinner. There wasn't much of a reaction from you, just a nod and a hum that's interesting to hear that. Nothing more, until your boyfriend's friends went home, and you stayed with him, washing dishes.
"You think you're gonna last?" you ask, and you pretty much can't stop yourself from laughing when he gives you a side eye.
"'s just a month." he grumbles, and you know, you somehow irritated him. Or, the bet did, you're not really sure. "Been through worse."
Theoretically, it is true. He's military, he has seen things that you won't ever see, something so stupid like this challenge shouldn't be something hard to do.
Practically? Practically, he takes every fucking chance to get closer to you. You're making breakfast, showering, washing the dishes? He's gonna be right behind you. It's not surprising at first, he liked to be near you always, but it has a malicious intent to it, when he drags his clothed cock up and down your ass, grunting right into your ear. He gets you worked up, and you're pretty sure he's gonna lose, but he stops right before he cums.
You can't really decide if it's funny or sad to see him like this. It's his pained expression that he gives when he bites on his lower lip, grumbling something about watching you touching yourself, so it will be better. You can't really say no to a man starved, so you put out a show for him, thinking how so much better his fingers would be in your pussy.
If it would depend on you, you'd kneel and relieve him, but what can you do, when he has this ridiculous challenge of his?
He breaks after two days, when he sees you in your shared gym, exercising. It's unexpected, when he puts down dumbbells you were working with, doing squats; you want to ask what's wrong, but when he lifts you up, your back hitting the wall, you just know. You even forgive him when he doesn't prep you enough, and he just thrusts into you without much thinking of it, his balls heavy.
You know you won't leave this gym for a long time.
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
"You're participating in what?"
To say it was weird, was one thing. To say that Kyle does it, was even weirder, especially that he was straight from two months of deployment. Needy. You knew it, as you were with him almost three years by now, he had always spent hours in bed with you because he missed you like a madman. These two months were pretty much the longest you've been separated with him, so, you can imagine your surprise, when you learned about the challenge, when you two were cleaning your apartment. He was touching you every now and then, giving you little kisses, and now he was talking about something like this.
"—No, I heard you" you chuckled, shaking your head. "I'm like… trying to understand who convinced you to do so."
"Bet with Soap. Lad thinks 'm not gonna last with you." he murmurs, and you just know that this motherfucker made this as a personal challenge. So, you just nod your head, to Kyle's surprise on his pretty face. "That's… all you're gonna say?"
"What else I'm supposed to say?" you raise your eyebrow, amused. "That I feel sorry for you, this will do?"
"That ain't funny."
"It is, kind of funny." you grin, as you kiss his forehead, at which he closes his eyes, so you repeat kissing his forehead a few times. "I'm gonna support you in this, yeah? So it's gonna be easier."
It wasn't easier. You could see that he glances at you every now and then, when you are doing domestic things around the house, giving him little, encouraging smiles. Little do you know that Kyle's bulge is growing larger and larger every time he looks at you.
Gaz is pretty calm, at least until he sees you in his t-shirt (that is way too big for you) and just panties underneath, sitting right beside him with a bowl of popcorn. You two planned to watch a movie, but your boyfriend quickly brushes it off, as his hand wanders under the hem of your panties.
"Kyle, you—"
"I know." he almost growls, as he puts you on his lap.
The moment he feels your wetness, he's a gone man; he makes you ride him, and the challenge is just a fading memory, when his lips attack yours.
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John "Soap" MacTavish
Soap is absolutely offended when everyone in Task Force 141 tells him he's gonna lose the challenge. He can't shut up about it for an hour straight, as he lays with his head on your lap, telling you something about celibacy and being true lover, not some "horny arse like the others". You listen to it with a small, amused smile on your lips because as much as you love your boyfriend, everyone is right about it.
He's not gonna last, and he knows it personally too, but you say nothing about it. You just listen to Johnny's ramblings, until his eyes are on you, observing your reaction so casually.
"What do ya think? 'm gonna beat it? Be the best?" he tilts his head like a puppy, squinting his eyes. It's an icy ground you're standing on right now.
"I think… it's gonna be hard." you answer; slowly, reluctantly. It's not something that he wants to hear though, as he groans, shaking his head with displeasure. "What? You asked!"
"I ken it's gonna be hard. 'm askin', if 'm gonna beat it" he emphasizes his last words, and you can feel he barely holds himself from rolling his eyes.
"…well, baby, as much as I have faith in you in other things…"
It's not a good answer for him, nor for a challenge, considering that you end up getting fucked by him – it's some kind of punishment, he tells you, when he folds you in half. He tells you that he also didn't lose the challenge, technically, as you had sex November 1st , at 3 a.m. You nod, hesitantly, so you could go to sleep without causing him to ramble about it again; you are exhausted.
It takes him three days of fucking you in various places to finally come into the conclusion that the challenge isn't for him. Three days of promising and hearing him whining that it's gonna be 'st the tip, baby, to feel you good.
"Good that you've figured that out." you say with a small smile, in restaurant's bathroom, his forehead against yours, as his cock is still buried deep inside you.
"Lasted longer than lads. Sure of that."
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John Price
You want to think of your husband highly, when you hear of this stupid thingy. The authority, someone that leads the Task Force 141, setting the example for his younger proteges with his willpower. Someone who actually cares about engaging in challenges, even if they're stupid, even if he shouldn't even look at something like this.
Yet, you know John, you're married to him, for God's sake – and you know his sex drive. When this man is home, nothing and no one stops him from getting what he wants, and that's on you. In your mind, there's a core memory of him saying that he absolutely loves your pussy, multiple times.
So it's not a surprise that he doesn't participate in this challenge. It's not a surprise when he babbles about having kids with you while he fucks you wherever he can; kitchen counter, under the shower, your couch. His obsession over kids grew over this month more than ever, and you were happy to meet his expectations in a middle, since you thought of having a little angel in your small family for a longer time now. Having a dog wasn't enough.
A surprise comes when he proudly admits that he won in the end of the month. Boys are pretty much shocked by this, considering that their Captain didn't even look frustrated once, and he was in better mood than usual. Yet, they don't have a place to complain, so they accept the defeat with a frown on their faces, and a quick comment from Soap that he for sure cheated.
"You didn't win, honey." you laugh to him, sitting at his lap, when he's in his office, alone.
Price arches his eyebrow in amusement. "I did."
"That's not really—"
"Listen, we were tryin' for babies, weren't we? It wasn't egoistical fuckin'." he explains, completely serious.
It takes all in you not to either gasp or laugh again. "So, if it would be without the intention of making babies, you'd lose?"
He gives you a quick nod. "Exactly, missus. Exactly."
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Alejandro Vargas
It's easy to last a few days for Alejandro. Maybe even a week, or a bit more. With his kind of work, being a Colonel, you often didn't see him for days, or even weeks if it was a bad time. Right now, with working over destroying a Mexican cartel, being home was rare for him. Was it saddening? Of course, but you knew what you were doing when you married him, you've talked with him about it for days, maybe weeks, even.
So, maybe that's why he didn't really think much of a challenge when he agreed to it, one of the nights he was drinking with Los Vaqueros. Just for fun, just to make a fun memory in this mess they were in. Days were passing in the blink of an eye with the same routine; a few hours of sleep if he's lucky, patrol, documents, action and repeat. Nothing too fancy, nothing too new for a man of war like he is, he got used to it all.
Harder was the moment he came home to you, where you were waiting for him with your open arms, all needy for his presence, for his touch, but somehow, somehow he managed, giving you the best orgasm of your life with his mouth only, even if he was in need too.
"Cariño?" he calls you, confused, when he doesn't see you in bed in the next morning. In his sweatpants only, he goes to the kitchen, following the sound of pan that sizzles lazily in the background.
"Makin' breakfast, Ale!" you reply, looking behind your shoulder with the biggest smile that slowly falters the moment you see his eyes darkening in the span of seconds. "What's with the face?"
He approaches you slowly, caging you between his arms. "Just… appreciating" he says, as he starts kissing your neck "my little wife. Who's been really patient with me, gone for so many days. And now, you're making me breakfast—" he groans, shaking his head. You can feel his growing bulge, as you grind your ass against it.
It's obvious that Colonel lost the challenge, after he arrives to his work with his wife, his arm possessively around her. Why? Maybe it's your neck covered in hickeys, your trembling legs, or his arms visibly scratched, but no one says anything about it in the base.
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Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra
You have a kind of forbidden romance with him; you're the one of Los Vaqueros, and the romance is absolutely prohibited here, to prevent the collapse of the squad. Not to mention that he's a right hand man of Alejandro, so he has to follows the rules directly. Maybe even more than anyone here, to be honest; setting an example that he's not a exception to the rule.
It doesn't help that you're so kind. That you nod every time you see him as a silent greeting, and then you rush to do whatever you have to do today. It doesn't help him that you're helping everyone around you with a smile that could light up the whole town, and he smiles every time he sees it, too.
Everyone pictures that Rudy would win the challenge easily, since in their heads, his head wasn't occupied with anyone, and he could easily withold himself with his desires.
And maybe he would. Maybe he would, if you weren't the one guarding the base with him, if you weren't the one who was smiling at him with those plump lips of yours.
"If you'd only know how much I thought about… hah—" his breaths are ragged, as the pace of his hips gets quicker. His lips finds yours, as he kisses you with such hunger, you know without a doubt that he means what he says. It automatically makes you smile.
"It's fate that binds us, then" you say, your fingernails clutching at his arms; you're sure that you're the creator of bloody crescents here, but you can't care less about it. Not when the man of your dreams is fucking you.
He smiles at your words.
Rudy never been a good liar, and you painfully learn it, when Alejandro asks him why he's so happy; as you stand nearby, you hear the whole conversation. It's cute in some way, the way he's a blabbering mess, without any sense of it.
It takes Colonel's one look at you, and he knows.
You never walked faster to your work, neither did Rudy.
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If you think he's gonna even try playing at this, you're in deep denial. Maybe if he'd be alone he could try of a genuine curiosity, but not when he has you. Such a pretty, obedient girlfriend, that he has wrapped around his finger, and a girlfriend that is pretty much at his service every time he wants.
He's a man to laugh about that challenge with his squad, telling them that they're filthy, and he would last the whole month, maybe even longer, if it weren't for you. Because he's such a caring boyfriend, he listens to your needs, even if you're whiny.
At least, that's the story that his squad knows.
He tells you about this while he folds you in half, that he needs to act a little grumpy around his squad, to put a facade that he's hungry because it's the right thing to do. When you suggest that he could even try, he barks a low laugh, while he pumps his cock before thrusting into you.
"Schatz, as if. Not gonna play the kids game." it's all he says, kissing you with affection on your swollen lips. "I do not intend on torturing you like this. You wouldn't survive a day without my dick."
There's some truth to it — but you're truly wondering if that's you who wouldn't survive without his dick, or he, that wouldn't survive without your pussy and sex, considering he is even more of a maniac than you are.
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dividers by cafekitsune
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
MW2 Reaction to You Being A Virgin
Warnings: 18+, Implications of Smut, Corruption Kink, Purity Kink, Innocence Kink, Ownership Kink, Age Gap, Implied Slight Yandere Graves Inexperience, Objectification, Dominant MW2, Soft MW2, Gaz is anxious :-( but trying his best, MW2 Trying To Be Smooth, Profanity, No Pronouns Used For Reader Except ‘You’.
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The fact that you, innocent, are his to love and corrupt sends white-hot anticipation between his legs.
He’s imagined what you’d be like in bed: how you’d take him, the sounds you’d make. Of course he has – practically everyone on Base has.
But now, his fantasies are tinged with something feral. A primal need to show you that he is the best choice for you (even if he doesn’t believe it himself) – the only one strong enough and skilled enough to be yours and to make you his.
He’s fantasised about you looking up at him with doe eyes while he pins your wrists to the mattress, voice meek as you tell him, as if it’s a secret, that you’ve “Never done this before…”
He can’t live without it. The fact that he can – will – be your first time. Satisfy you in ways nobody else will ever be able to compete with.
He’d never admit it, but a dark part of him has plagued him with ideas of ravaging and corrupting you, about making your first time so pleasurable and carnal that nobody will ever be able to satisfy you as he can.
“Don’t worry, Sweetheart,” he tells you, taking your chin between his fingers. He lowers his lips to your ear. You don’t see the dark gleam in his eye. Don’t see the deliciously dark idea cross his mind – the impulse to fuck you so hard that you won’t be able to feel anything, nevermind pain. And he makes a promise to you anyway.
“I’ll take care of you.”
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“Thought as much.” König’s words are blunt yet sharp.
“Seeing as you have everyone wrapped around your finger, it’s clear you have no regard for the way you conduct yourself.”
You may construe König’s words as mean. Derogatory, even. He means it as a compliment. Even if you don’t know it yet.
“You think I don’t see the way you flaunt yourself in front of the soldiers – thinking that you’ll be able to get away with it without consequence.”
König’s frame towers over you. His gaze is ice, and any trace of the socially anxious soldier you knew is gone.
“I wonder how you like it.” he muses aloud. His voice is tinged with something unreadable. Venomous.
“How you’ll take it. Rough, gentle…” His eyes narrow.
He’s boxed you in with his stature alone.
“Makes no difference to me,” he tells you. Deceptively calm. And then, an offer. One you can’t refuse.
“I’ll fuck you every which way until I find what makes you scream the loudest.”
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“Oh, really?” he says, eyebrow quirked and a hidden smile teasing his lips.
Johnny really couldn’t care less that you’ve never had sex before. But, the fact that you shared this information with him – albeit after he steered the conversation towards more…intimate topics – gave him hope that you were hinting towards something.
Something that Johnny’s wanted since he realised he was massively, whorishly down bad for you.
From his position opposite you, against the kitchen counter, he takes a step forward.
“I suppose you’re not very experienced then, are you?”
He advances until he’s in front of you. A wolf and a lamb. Close enough that you can smell his cologne.
His eyes are piercing, but there is a softness behind them. Something that writhes and wants and needs.
His hands come to rest upon the counter behind you. Nowhere for you to run. The heat from his body is scorching.
“Though, I’d be more than happy to…” His voice husks. “Beef up your résumé.”
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Corruption kink to the MAX
Valeria is a territorial, dominant woman – that much is easy to see.
And the fact that you haven’t had anyone else before her just does something to her.
Alters her brain chemistry permanently.
There’s not one soldier, police officer or government official she doesn’t own in Las Almas.
So why shouldn’t she own you, too?
Now she’s thinking of every conceivable way she’s going to take ownership of you.
She thinks about it so often that she struggles to complete her paperwork without having to disperse the issue before she can continue.
But be warned: there will come a day when satisfying herself just won’t cut it. When she’s going to seek you out and ruin you.
“It might hurt at first, mi Amor,” she tells you, hand stroking your cheek, coming down to your jaw. “But trust me when I say that–”
Her hand grips your jaw. Tight. A viper’s strike. A fire burns in her eyes and the corners of her lips curl up in a cruel smile.
“I’ll make it hurt a whole lot more if you don’t do as I say.”
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Given his age, Price has had his fair share of experiences.
But that doesn’t harden him to the simple fact that you haven’t.
In his eyes, there’s something endearing about how you’ve yet to give yourself to another person.
Another person that, he hopes, will someday be him.
The idea makes something in him stir. The fact that the difference between your age and his makes him that much more confident in his ability to please you in ways no mere boy can makes him anxious to act.
“Oh. Is that right, Love?” He says, eyes light and his smile dangerous.
“S’ppose you’re waiting for the right person.” His posture is inviting. Tempting. Belies the rush he’s feeling — the desire to have you at his mercy in the most carnal sense.
“Pretty little thing like you, you could have your fill of men.”
He’s angling for something. His face says it all.
He steps towards you. Again. Again. He’s in front of you.
His chest is almost to yours. His smile is shallow now. Strained. Like his pants.
“Probably looking for someone with experience.”
He thrives on the way your chest flutters. His does, too, but it’s masked beneath a  heavy stare.
“And trust me, Love,” his voice is low. A message for you and you alone as he brings his lips to your ear, breath hot against your skin.
“I’ve got plenty to spare.”
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You don’t hear it for his mask, but Horangi lets out a shuttered breath.
“That’s why you’re always so quiet when sex talk comes up.”
He says it as a fact, but you take it as a question. You nod.
Horangi’s arms unfurl from his chest, come to rest at his sides. He’s looking at you.
Even through the layers of his mask, his gaze is heavy. Leaden.
He steps towards you. His frame, broad, fills your vision.
You can hear how heavy his breathing has become. How thick the air is.
How much he’s trying to restrain himself.
“How about a deal,” he proposes. Commands.
“You give me something to have a nice, long, hard think about,” his hips are to yours. You feel him pressing against you.
“And I’ll give you something to talk about.”
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“You surprise me, mi amor,” he says, natural as anything. As if he already knew.
“I’d have thought someone would have swooped in and claimed you by now.”
Truth be told, Alejandro wanted to be that somebody so badly that it made him ache in places he’d rather not think about. Especially when you’re already making containing himself incredibly difficult with that pouting, wide-eyed, innocent look.
God, you had no idea what you were doing to him.
“Or…are you saving yourself for someone specific?”
Before you, his frame is broad and imposing even without all his military gear on.
He takes your chin between his fingers. Tilts your head so your gaze can’t escape his. A shiver runs up his spine at the sound of your breath stuttering.
His words aren’t rhetorical. He’s pulled the answer from you – seen it in your eyes.
“Or are you just waiting for a man who knows how to take care of you?”
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“O-oh!” Rudy chokes out. His cheeks are already giving way to a telltale pink. He tries to cover it.
“But– you’re so pretty and smart and kind – I thought you’d have a boyfriend by now!”
In some ways, Rudy’s a bit of a traditionalist: his mind still jumps to the idea that you’d typically only be intimate with someone you’re already in a relationship with.
Not that he’d judge you if this were not the case for you.
But he sees his chance. And he takes it.
“Well, if you’re not with anyone, then…would you like to go out sometime? With me?”
His eyes are wide and filled with hope – something you’d never have expected from a  man in such a brutal line of work.
Sex is the last thing on his mind right now: truly, he’s so taken in with the idea that you’re single and available that your sexual status means very little to him.
Though, that isn’t to say he hasn’t thought about you like that before, or that he hasn’t spent many a night with his face smothered with pillows as your name escapes from between his lips, panting, moaning.
That’s a little secret for you to uncover later in your relationship…
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“So you’re tellin’ me that no one’s had the privilege of fuckin’ that pretty little ass of yours?”
Graves sure has a way with words.
For all his slimy business practices, this is the one time he’s genuinely surprised. Unable to be slick.
He puts his game face on. Gives you a half-lidded stare and lowers his voice. His heart hammers: he conceals it behind a cool tone.
“Well, colour me impressed, Angel,” he says. A hand comes to the hem of your shirt, takes it between slow, intentional fingers. He has to resist the urge to look at your chest when he pulls the fabric taut.
“And here I was thinkin’ I already knew everything about you.”
He’s moving in before you can analyse his statement. Before you can begin to understand how badly this man has lusted after you – how deeply entrenched in your life he’s become. And all without you knowing.
He places a hand on the wall behind you. Presses himself closer to you.
“How much to let me be the first,” he drawls. Your eyes widen. His thin smile grows.
“And last.”
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Bless his little cotton socks, he doesn’t know what to do with both this information and himself.
See, despite being incredibly intelligent, Gaz is still the youngest of the 141, so he’s not entirely accustomed to situations like this.
He can’t tell if you’re hinting, flirting, or just telling him something about yourself.
He remembers what Soap taught him, though.
Should a situation arise where someone is flirting with you, just use your intuition and don’t fuck it up.
Gaz leans against the doorframe, almost misses, scrambles to resume his ideal posture.
“Oh, so we’re more similar than you’d think, then.”
He can feel Soap banging his head against a wall. Jesus, Gaz – at least try to impress (Y/N) !
At your raised eyebrow and your playful “Oh?” Gaz coughs. His voice lowers.
“But…” he steps closer. “Maybe we can un-virgin each other.”
Long story short, Gaz has no idea what he’s talking about. But, somehow, his nervous disposition and pretty boy charm have enamoured you. And you may have told him you’d take him up on his offer 👀.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
Yandere Masterlist Juicy Original Content <3
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lxvvie · 1 year
Y'all know that whole trend that was going around social media with women calling their significant other by their full name? Yeah, that one. Yet another conversation was had, this time it was about the reactions your favorite babygurls would have if you called them by their full government name because of reasons. Maybe.
Capt. John Price - He's, uh, startled but not enough to drop his cigar this time. Does take a puff of it, though, before addressing you like it's the calm before the storm. Isn't too fazed because he heard it enough from his own mom growing up and he figures he's suave and diplomatic enough to placate you.
Gaz - Pointedly ignores you while giving you side glances here and there which is a major indicator that he's gotten into some shit. Probably. More than likely. Yeah... it was Soap's fault.
Alex Keller - Actually did get into some shit. Does not answer the call of duty.
Soap - You hear 'ah, shit', heavy footsteps, probably a crash, and Soap's peeking his head out from the other room. Has a deer-in-headlights look about him. It was Gaz's fault, goddamnit. He's so adorable. It's enough to make you giggle.
Ghost - You get a grunt. And then it hits him. He stops doing whatever it is he's doing. Fuck, he knows that tone. Simon turns to look at you and he stares into your soul or something like that. What in the hell kind of made-up middle name is that? You spend the better part of a good minute staring each other down before you're all, "I love you ♥️," and Ghost groans and rolls his eyes and goes back to whatever it was he was doing. But not before he grunts out a "Love ya, too." in return.
Alejandro - This is one of the few things that'll actually faze the man. Will damn near break his neck turning to face you to see what's wrong and his eyes will be wide. Oh, the last time he heard his full name called like that was from his beloved grandmother and he'd gotten into some shit then, okay?
Rudy - Ducks his head. Doesn't show his face; he can't bear the sternness of your voice, your gaze. It wasn't him this time, he swears; it remains, though, the way you say his name, an echo in his mind: Ro-DOL-fo. Why'd you have the emphasize THAT part of his name, huh?
König - König.exe stops working. Actually does break something trying to get to you. His eyes are fucking saucers, okay? Oh shit, what did he do this time, Schatz? Are you getting him back after that one time he snuck up on you to surprise you and you dropped dinner? Did you find out about the time he accidentally messed up the laundry and the white clothes came out pink? WHAT DOES HE HAVE TO DO FIX THIS?! Oh, you... just needed him to grab something off the top shelf for you.
Horangi - Also did some shit. Is unapologetic about it. Hits you with a nonchalant, "Yeah?"
Graves - STAYS IN SOME SHIT, OKAY? Saunters in like the smug bastard he is. Smirks and winks at you. "Haven't heard that name in a while, darlin'. What's your fancy?"
Valeria - Pulls a Uno Reverse and calls you by your full government name. Wait―
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rowarn · 3 months
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status: in progress
you were in dire need of some cash - a lot of it and quickly. so you decided to post an ad auctioning up the only thing of value you could think of; your virginity. unsurprisingly, a fair amount of men pounced at the opportunity. but you only have one virginity to give away.
all that's left is to pick the one.
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i. simon riley - IF YOU NEEDED ME !
ii. john mactavish - SURPRISE, SURPRISE !
iii. kyle garrick - SWEET AS PIE !
iv. könig - BUT WE SHOULDN'T !
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all rights belong to rowarn. do not repost to other websites, reblogs are welcome!
*titles may be subject to change!
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y13evie · 1 year
141 + konig reactions to seeing reader in thigh highs?
141 n koni babys reaction to seeing u wearing thigh highs
nsfw under cut you’ve been warned
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john price is a simple man. even old fashioned, if you will. so he does what any normal man would do. sat you on the bed and began kissing down your thigh all the way to your ankle. savoring how beautiful your skin looked in the elegant fabric. he eventually began leaving sloppier kisses against your inner thighs. by the time he got to your dripping heat, the lacy garments were off.
simon riley basked in the sight for about a minute before tearing them off. something about how gorgeous your thighs looked drove him insane. your legs are fully spread apart, taking his full length as if your life depended on it. while tears are forming at your eyes due to his sheer size, he scolds you. he scolds you for wearing such a slutty thing, basically asking to get ravaged.
johnny mactavish tried his best to ignore the fact you had been walking around your shared kitchen in nothing but his t-shirt and a pair of white thigh highs. the way the delicate material wrapped around your thighs made his cock twitch needily. you stood over the countertop making a simple lunch for your boyfriend, johnny let his arms snake around your waist and let his hands wander. he began softly humping you through his sweatpants, whining for you to come to the bedroom.
kyle garrick tried his hardest to pretend he didn’t notice that sexy lingerie sitting atop of your thighs. but he did. he noticed it all. the way you shuffled between him and the coffee table when the two of you were watching a movie, ass moving right across his face. the way you had sat on his lap while texting your friends back, ignoring the way his throbbing dick was proding against you. he eventually gave in. bending you over the sofa and softly lecturing you about how it’s naughty to tease him all day while wearing tight lingerie around the house.
poor könig couldn’t contain himself for that long. the way your thighs looked so perfect killed him. he pulled you onto his lap facing him. whining about how you made him so needy by wearing something so cute. he used giant hands to rock your hips back and forth on his hard length, leaning down to your ear whispering about how he’s fuck you stupid while watching the lacy fabric hug your plump thighs
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