#ghost bio is so different from human bio
wolfjackle-creates · 7 months
Ghost!Robin Arc 2 Part 4
Here's everything I shared during the ask game event with some minor edits. Most of the edits are around the results of the scan, I more accurately described what I was trying to say.
Story Summary: Everything changed the evening Jason met Jazz's brother. Danny introduced him and his entire family to the ghost that is, apparently, haunting him. The ghost of the Robin he had been.
The ghost of the person everyone he's ever known wishes he still was.
All he wants is to make it go away.
Arc 1: First, Last
Arc 2: First, Previous
Word Count: 1.7k
Frostbite looked between them and hummed. “I should like a blood sample from you”—he nodded to Jason—“and an ectoplasm sample from you”—he indicated the ghost—“please hold out one of your arms.”
Jason sighed and gave his left arm. The yeti took out a syringe, thankfully a normal sized one, though it looked tiny in his giant hands. He watched as Frostbite carefully pierced his vein and filled a vial with blood. It went as smoothly as any blood draw he’d ever received from Dr. Thompkins or Alfred.
“You’re good at that,” he commented.
The yeti gave him an amused look. “I should hope so. I have been a doctor for many times longer than you’ve been alive.”
Jason flushed. “Sorry, it’s just… I wasn’t sure how many living patients you’ve ever had.”
“Many ghosts come to us for healing. And of those who were once alive, their ghostly bodies often mimic the ones they had in life. It is not so different, drawing blood from a living body as it is drawing ectoplasm from a ghostly one.”
“Huh. I guess that makes sense. I didn’t realize.”
Frostbite ruffled his hair and it took every ounce of self control he had to not pull away. “That is quite all right. You will learn in time.”
Jason had to bite his tongue to keep from saying he didn’t want to learn.
But the doctor was already turning to the interloper and reaching for his arm. Jason couldn’t help but watch as they made more of those chirps and trills at each other. The ones from Frostbite were much deeper than the ones from Danny or the ghost, but they were unmistakably the same sort of noises.
When Frostbite took the ectoplasm sample, it really didn’t look any different than a normal blood draw. Except the resulting fluid was bright Lazarus-green. He shuddered and looked away.
Frostbite pulled out what looked like a transparent tablet and typed something on it. “A technician will be along shortly to collect the samples and run a few tests on them. Now, Prince Phantom said he scanned you and it showed the two of you are tied together. I should like to repeat the process but with our own scanners.”
“What do your scanners do?” asked Jason.
“I will show you. See this machine?” Frostbite indicated a machine that was positioned in the corner of the room. It looked like an old-fashioned x-ray machine you might find at a dentists’ office. It was about the size of a standing shower and was mostly open. “This part here”—he touched a piece of metal that reached from floor to ceiling—“will circle around the two of you and track your ectoplasm. It serves a similar purpose in ghost anatomy to an x-ray of a human. From the readings, I will be able to assess your core, young Robin, and your liminality, Sir Jason.”
“Just Jason, please.”
“Are you not a warrior of your people? And you are courting Princess Jasmine. No, to call you anything else would be improper.”
Jason flushed. “Then what should I call you? Aren’t you the leader here? Is it King Frostbite?”
“You may call me Doctor or Chief Frostbite should you wish.”
“You’ve got it, Dr. Frostbite. So will you have to scan us together? Doesn’t look like there’s a lot of room in there.”
Frostbite hummed. “I believe three full scans, one of each of you alone and one with both of you together. I apologize for the size; this is the first time we’ve had to scan two individuals together like this.”
Jason scowled, but didn’t comment. He would do anything to get rid of the interloper.
Before they could start, however, a knock sounded on the door. Frostbite opened it to reveal two more yetis.
“Ah, Silverclaw and Snowfur. Thank you for getting here so quickly.” He grabbed the vials of blood and ectoplasm. “These are the samples I want tested.”
“Of course, Chief. We’ll get to work on them right away.”
“I know you will. Thank you.” Frostbite nodded his farewell. Once the two yetis had left, he shut the door and turned back to Jason and the ghost. “Which of you would like to get scanned first?”
Before Jason could even think of volunteering, the ghost let out a trill and flew to the machine.
Frostbite chuckled. “Very well, young one. I shall begin the process shortly. Please remain still as the scan is in progress.”
Jason watched, curious, as Frostbite pressed a few buttons. The machine whirred to life, blue lines lighting up along the metal. Then the panel Frostbite had pointed out before slowly rotated around the ghost. Five times it completed the circuit before stopping in it’s original position by the wall.
A screen lit up on the wall, also transparent like the tablet, and on it images very much like a human x-ray appeared. Only instead of bones, it showed a ball of red-orange light. Tendrils spread out in the shape of a humanoid body. A thick cord of light extended off the screen. The cord was mostly gray and it’s tendrils wound around the red-orange ball and mixed in with the branches that made up the rest of the ghost’s body.
Frostbite hummed, but didn’t comment further, and Jason didn’t know him well enough to know if it was a good or bad hum. “Sir Jason, it is your turn.”
The ghost flew out of the scanner and Jason entered. “Will it feel like anything?”
The doctor shook his head. “Indeed not. You may hear a humming, but the scan itself will not affect you in any other way.”
“So I just need to stand here for a minute while it goes?”
“Indeed. Simply remain still. Are you ready?”
Jason took a deep breath and stood tall, arms by his side. “Go ahead.”
Frostbite hit a button and the device lit up with the same blue light he’d seen before. Then the scanner began rotating around him. As the yeti had promised, he didn’t feel anything but the hum of the machine.
And soon enough, it settled back into its rest position.
Jason didn’t wait for permission before stepping out and taking a look at the results of the scan. The same cord of light that had been coming off the ghost seemed to be stretching to him. Tendrils of it wrapped around the areas where his heart and brain would be if the scan showed human organs. Thinner tendrils stretched through the rest of his body, but the majority clustered around his heart and brain. His light was mostly gray with the red and orange bleeding in.
Chills ran down his spine. The ghost had integrated himself entirely into Jason’s body. Would it even be possible to get rid of him without killing himself? But could he go on living knowing that the interloper, no, the parasite was tied so closely to him? He’d finally started to move on from his death and the anger!
“Calm down, Sir Jason.” Frostbite’s steady voice cut through his thoughts. “We have one more scan and then I shall explain my theories as to what is going on and how we might address the situation.”
Jason gave a single nod and unclenched his fists. He closed his eyes and took a few seconds to go through a breathing exercise Jazz had taught him. “Fine,” he said when he was sure he wouldn’t start throwing out cursed.
Didn’t stop him from stomping over to the scanner.
Frostbite rested one giant paw on his head for a moment. “I understand this is a lot for you. But I will assist you to the best of my abilities.” He glanced away from Jason towards the interloper. “Both of you.”
Jason frowned but didn’t bother mentioning that that was what he was worried about.
“Now, young Robin. If you could come here as well.”
Frostbite took a moment arranging Jason and the ghost within the scanner. This was the closest Jason had been to the interloper since he learned about his existence and the proximity raised goosebumps on his arm. Why did things like this always have to happen to him? He hated it. He just wanted to go back to arguing with Bruce and trading insults with Tim and pranking Dick. But he couldn’t do that if the ghost of who he’d used to be was following him everywhere.
Jason closed his eyes so he wouldn’t have to see the creature’s stupid uniform or too-young face.
Then the humming started again and Jason could only assume he the scanner was running. He held entirely still, both because the scanner needed it and because he and the ghost were so close that if he moved, they might brush arms or touch.
He held back a shudder and didn’t open his eyes until the humming had stopped.
He couldn’t have said who evacuated the scanner first, they both rushed out quickly and set themselves up on either side of Frostbite while the image loaded.
As predicted, it was as if the two previous scans had been put together. The cord connecting Jason and the ghost was thick and strong. It originated from what Jason could only assume was the ghost’s core and spread out until it latched onto Jason’s brain and heart.
Frostbite hummed again. “I will need to ask both of you some questions that you may not want to answer. I apologize in advance for any discomfort my questions may cause. But let us get comfortable first. Afterwards, I shall explain my suspicions.”
Jason nodded and took a seat on the examination bed that Frostbite gestured to. Robin crossed his legs and appeared to sit in midair. The doctor pulled up a chair for himself and settled in.
Even sitting and with Jason on a high bed, they were roughly eye-to-eye due to the yeti’s large size.
“Young Robin, what do you remember of the time between your death and Sir Jason’s resurrection?”
The ghost, of course, only replied in the trilling language, leaving Jason out of the conversation. Asshole could’ve signed if he wanted to. Jason bit his tongue to keep from saying anything, though.
After a time, Frostbite nodded and turned to Jason. “And now, Sir Jason, I must know how you were brought back to life.”
Ah, Jason really isn't going to like this conversation. None of it is fun, but this conversation will be his least favorite.
And look at Robin being just as petty back! Refusing to bring Jason in on the conversation.
How will they move forward from this?
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bluerosefox · 1 year
The (Not) Normal One...
I LOVE the stories where Danny is deaged and later found by one of the bats and taken in as a son or he's Bruce's bio son and is either Damian's twin or half brother or little/big brother BUT I don't see a lot of reborn/reincarnated Danny into the batfamily (I can think of two but one of them he is Dick's son?clone?somewhat clone? And the other is an amazing story where Danny is reborn as Jazz and Jason's kid and I love it to bits)
So let's change that a bit and have some fun.
Here's the idea
Danny, either from finally aging to his death (it was slow and long aging but he is still partly human too don't forget that) or dying at the hands of GIW (or by his parents if we go the Bad!Fentons route), is reborn into the batfamily.
He could either be Bruce and Selina's kid after they finally tie the knot, or be a one more attempt by Ra's or Talia to get the heir they want but is immediately found out when Tim notices certain labs active and they find baby Danny. OR Danny can be an oops baby to Bruce's one night stands OR one of the batboys baby. EITHER WAY, Danny is reborn into the family from the start.
And he has his memories. (He has little hints of his powers btw, they dont fully come in until his 14th bday)
And his new family all swear to give him a proper and happy childhood (as best as they can seeing how it's Gotham)
Only I want Danny milking being a baby then toddler/kid and later a teen for all its worth. He's going to enjoy this new life with everything he gots.
Like imagine the chaos and shenanigans he gets into as a toddler. He's the king of hide-and-seek. He uses his tears to get away from whoever annoys him. He's mastered the puppy dog look to get away with things (it holds no effect on Alfred though, man is immune to all tricks).
But then of course there's the... odd things that happen around him. Sometimes they catch him talking to no one. Sometimes they spot a ball or a toy rolling to Danny despite him not touching it. Sometimes they think they see or hear someone in the room with Danny only to go busting in to find nothing. (One time someone busted his nursery door down they heard on his baby/toddler monitor the distorted voice of a woman singing him a lullaby (it was Martha who was soothing him to sleep after a tiny nightmare, boy was Bruce not ready for one of his kids to hum the tune in the morning)).
Danny asking for an extra drink and the newspaper after Bruce is done before he runs off to one of the many sitting rooms the manor has. There he leaves the drink and the newspaper near a chair, hops into another chair nearby and chats to someone (they all think its his imaginary friend but that honestly doesn't explain why the drink seems to slowly disappear without anyone touching it. (btw its Thomas, Danny is talking to they like chatting in the morning)
OR when Danny gives hints to cases his family is working on, how he knows? No one knows. Sometimes they chalk it up to a kid randomly saying stuff or seeing it from a different simple outlook but sometimes it seems a little too on the nose and they think Danny might know about their night jobs... (He does know, but he gets some info from Lady Gotham who visits him and gives him little hints to pass onto her fav Knights)
Basically what I want is a reborn Danny trying to get a decent childhood/teenage years before his powers kick in full swing, his family trying the same but they got no idea about the powers (maybe), and ghosts like to visit Danny. The shenanigans that follow will be amazing.
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rainbow-neko-artblog · 5 months
Sending in this ask to say !! I would LOVE to read a ramble about the Polyverse plot and I am prompting you to use this ask to ramble /nf
FNF Polyverse plot is very convoluted because as I've said before. It's an RP run by like 7-8 people and we don't stop eachother from indulging. But I suppose I can explain it >>;
Ramble under the cut!
Our story begins YEARS before the actual events of FNF take place. On a computer owned by a really talented coder we named Admin for short. Admin is really good at what they do- they even made their own firewall.
What they didn't realize was the firewall was so well made it was actually Sentient.
Admin for unknown reasons, abandoned their dream of being a coder for a really long time, leaving their sentient firewall all on its own, and it gets really really lonely- deciding to act on its own according. It catches a virus- but instead of getting rid of it, it let's the virus stay- and eventually through contact to the firewall, the virus also gains sentience.
These two are Chaos and Order. The Virus and The Firewall.
Together, the two of them used the code leftover on the computer to make their OWN world. A game world. Their own personal Earth. On this Earth, they made a race of beings called The Ancients who had the ability to change their appearance by will alone. They were shape shifters! And for a awhile things were great.
Until The Ancient Civil War.
Half of The Ancients so closely followed Order's teachings of law and right and wrong that they thought the whole of earth should value Order more, the other half saw Chaos' teachings of self control and freedom as more important, and when their wills so strongly aligned, they would shift to look like Angel and Demons respectively.
Despite Chaos and Orders pleas, Angels and Demons fought long and hard- they killed eachother- destroyed the earth in the process. Till eventually the sides realized they were at a stalemate. Angels and Demons chose to flee- with EVERY Angel fleeing to a plane above Earth they created called Heaven and with MOST of the Demons fleeing to a plane far below it, called Hell.
The Ancient Civil War was put on hold- and while the two sides were away, Chaos and Order began to put earth back together. This time with more species and varying beliefs. Humans- robots- ectect. The demons were still there because of their whole "freewill" thing but it wasn't an issue without The Angels.
This is obviously where a lot of the plot splits off, as with more creations and the earth fully healed up like this, it's obviously where different arcs come into play with the other people RPing. However my arc was BFs.
The Angel's were PISSED that the demons were still occupying earth. They felt as though the stalemate wasn't really a stalemate and vowed to destroy them all- however how to do that? How to break a stalemate with a creature that's biologicaly as strong as you? New weapons.
So a good half of the angels gave up their form to create this giant biblically accurate angel toothpaste lookin ass glob of power named The Collective - in order to CONDENSE huge peices of their code to make more powerful bio weapons.
The first three failed as you might have guessed- the 5th was SO perfect, their PERFECT Hero, that they stuffed the 4th one that was being made along side him into a robot body to go down to earth with him.
This as might have guessed, was BF. or Keith as we call him.
Keith is the Angel's perfect angelic bio weapon, destined to be sent to earth to grow up and then slaughter everyone on earth the Angel's deem unworthy to be there.
But while Miku is off getting money to keep the two of them fed and happy as her programming is designed to do- Bf falls in love. With a lot of people. A Demon girl named Lucy, Aka Gf, who the collective would obviously not approve of as a demon, A flawed murderous man by the name of Pico, who's acts of violence outweigh many of his good deeds, and a Ghost/Demon hybrid named Eric who had been stuck in a video game for so long he honestly is an abomination.
But BF LOVED them. For their flaws. For their personality. Every part of them was something he cherished. So when Miku brought him to The Collective to explain his purpose, he turned them down. Refusing to be Their Hero. Insisting that Demons and Angels didn't have to fight like this.
But The Collective had been stuck together for so long that it corrupted them- they had no room to doubt their choices and ended up chasing BF and his partners out of heaven in this epic violent chase sequence- where it then tripped, and fell off the side of the plane. Falling deep into the code when Chaos and Order dismantled it.
Leaving the 4 Poly pals to love eachother on Earth among the other angels and demons who changed their minds.
All of that though is BFs arc! There's a few other arcs like how Skid and his dad The Eyes of The Universe needed to make up in order to stop Eyes from dismantling the whole code of the game- which is how we have so many duplicate modes characters like the remixs and aus, because Polyverse is technically filled with a bunch of Holes from The Eyes. And the Eddsworld arc where BF helped Tord reconnect with his friends. The Omori arcs where he got new siblings who adopted him from the crew of FNF characters. Ectect.
We did a lot. We're technically still doing things. That's how Silly Billy/Yourself was added recently. Every new mod is a new addition to Polyverse! ^^
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queen0fm0nsterz · 8 months
I was thinking about the old LN1 character bios and remembered the line about the Twins being "born to be chefs". Assuming their not native to Nowhere, this would mean they had some violent tendencies before becoming residents, like it was their destiny.
This then made think about the end of tson ep 3 where Otto says the something like "Our world isn't the only world, let alone the predominant one".
All this made me realize that the worlds other than Nowhere may have been created by it (The Nowhere is implied to be sentient in it's own right) specifically to create concepts and injustices that could be used to warp and traumatize children, turning them into visitors and then into residents.
Alright so this is a great question that I think leads to a much larger discussion about how the Nowhere operates. I would like to hear what other peeps think as well.
So, starting from the Chefs. Personally I always assumed that they are part of that group of characters who are from the Nowhere because of the way their description is worded (and also their baby pictures... this one is so cute lowkey...)
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--- But following your train of thought: considering what we know of the Nowhere, it seems to amplify certain characteristics of a person, usually the bad ones. Two kids who are a bit propense to get into fights in the waking world may very well become blood thirsty maniacs in the Nowhere.
Interestingly, the modification of traits does not only apply to personality but also the body -- and usually, the physical changes are in relation back to said traits. For example, the Teacher - someone who is known to be controlling - can extend her neck infinitely to look everywhere and have the ability to blink removed to make sure she's always watching. The Doctor, a perfectionist with tons of authority, is always looking down on people while also growing enormous to match his ego. So on and so forth, you can follow this reasoning for a large number of the Residents we meet.
I think other timelines derivating from the Nowhere is definitely a possibility, as we don't know much of how the universes work there.
The general theory of a multiverse irl is that no timeline has any specific weight or importance over others; they are all parallel no matter how different, with no timeline being "the real one". This is if we view the Nowhere under the lens of it being a separate dimension. In TSON, the Nowhere is kind of implied to be sucking the people most vulnerable to it right in, so perhaps the idea Otto has of it the predominant world stems from the fact that he can't explain his fascination with it... or from a real, genuine desire to somehow "return" to the original land, if that's where the other timelines originated from.
HOWEVER, I would like to offer an alternative perspective on this --- based on what I found out during my research on the Ladies. Yup we're going there again
Rather than the characters themselves, this time I'm going to refer to a symbolism that is very prominent in their lore: Buddhism. More specifically the references to the six planes of existance, and how those can be tied back to Little Nights in a loose way. As stated in this site:
" The six realms of rebirth are a schema in which beings are reborn according to the kind of life they lived. [...] The animal realm, in which inhabitants are driven by basic needs, is one of the three “lower” realms. The other two are the hell realm, a place of constant suffering and torment, and the realm of the hungry ghosts, grasping beings who are never satisfied. The three “higher” realms are the human realm [...] the demigod realm [...] and the god realm, where beings enjoy a life of pleasure. It’s important to note that some Buddhists view the realms as literally real, while others interpret them psychologically as metaphors for the emotional states of the human condition. "
(Click on the link to read the whole thing; I only highlighted the parts I think are relevant to this conversation :] )
What I believe specifically relates back to the Nowhere are the three lower realms, from which the place itself may be loosely inspired by because of how its inhabitants are described.
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All of these are things we see in Little Nights from various Residents, depending on the social class and place. It is important to note that while these realms are placed in different hierarchies due to quality of life, they all cohexist together without necessarily being more important than each other as they all have the same purpose in the end.
If the worlds of Little Nights operate in a similar way, then what we're looking at is not really a case of dimension hopping, but rather a passage from a plane of existance to the next. A forced one at that, at least in the case of Noone.
Now, considering Otto's assumption, the idea of the Nowhere being a predominant realm only popped up because he was trying to wrap his head around it and how Noone felt, but to tell you the truth, it is a rather baseless assumption considering he's never been there and is only experiencing it in a very limited way. However... considering how many children from different places in time and space have experienced the Nowhere, sometimes even simultaneously, I wouldn't say that it's completely wrong to assume that the place might be the "original plane of existance".
Now. Reflecting on what you said at the very end, I would like to ask a question back: do you think the Nowhere is, hypothetically, only capable of bringing out the worst in people inherently? Or is it only acting this way because humanity itself is more easily conditioned to fall victim to their bad traits?
I've been recently thinking about it because of the Maw. The writer of Little Nightmares, Mr. Mervik, has stated multiple times over the years that the place has not always been the way that it is; at the same time, he also said that it was not man made, but rather created by collective hunger/desire to be fed. These two things don't make sense together unless you assume the Maw was not originally born for the Guests and the whole cannibal business, but rather from a desire of shelter. A need to be fed. Which is not inherently a bad thing -- and it would explain why the structure itself is so largely built to house so many people, and why children still feel relatively safe in it to this day.
So I find myself thinking that perhaps, the Maw degenerated overtime because the people inside of it (cough its leaders cough) did. And if this is the case for the Maw, who's to say it's not the same for other places? The Nest, for example? The School, the Hospital... etc. But. It is also true that the creatures who inhabit the Nowhere (the Ferryman, the North Wind, the Flesh...) all seem to have their own interests and destructive amusement more at heart than anything. If these creatures are what move the large of the Nowhere (which I guess they are considering the eye symbol is all over the goddman place), then the human will can't really do much.
That being said, I am wondering currently if it could be possible for the Nowhere to bring out something good from a person in the right situation. At the same time, the hopes are incredibly slim. Nonexistent, actually, but it's nice to think about hypothetics.
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marlynnofmany · 2 years
The Oddest of Odd Jobs
Captain Piercing Sunlight rubbed her knuckles together, making yellow scales click. It was a more worrying sign of agitation than when Paint did it. The good captain was concerned.
“I imagine more opportunities will be posted soon,” she said, staring up at the job board. Not a single one of the posts was a request for a courier ship, or even passenger transport. It was all local stuff for this colony world. Surprising, really, since the people living here surely needed stuff they couldn’t make for themselves yet, but nobody seemed to be asking for a delivery.
“We could try the other colony,” Kavlae suggested, pointing vaguely over her shoulder while a gust of wind ruffled her head frills. With the sky-blue tone of her skin, she looked cold in the breeze, but that was normal. “I spotted a big spaceport while we were coming in.” Kavlae always noticed alternate landing sites; it was part of what made her a good pilot.
Before Captain Sunlight could reply, Zhee hissed sharply, which I’d learned was the bug-alien equivalent of a skeptical snort. “They’ll know we came from this one,” he said. “The local news said there’s feuding already.”
“What, really?” Kavlae asked while Captain Sunlight sighed deeply. “Weren’t the colonies started by the same group? They’ve got the whole planet to share, and they’re feuding?”
“Territorial species,” Zhee said with a dismissive click of his pincher arms. “Not enough food-plants to go around, apparently.”
“Keep your voice small,” warned the captain with a pointed glance at the nearest large passerby, who could crush any of us with a single hoof. Not a species to insult carelessly, or even on purpose. Six limbs, two of which were sometimes arms, lots of muscle, and even antlers. Nobody had told me the species name yet, but I was privately calling them Space Moose.
“Fine, fine,” Zhee said, folding his pinchers grumpily and glaring up at the board.
Captain Sunlight looked up as well. “Is there anything on here that looks do-able?” she asked, addressing all three of us.
I studied the grid of job posts. The rest of our crew was busy getting supplies — I hoped we weren’t about to skim over something that another person would catch. But just as I thought it, my eyes fell on a posting from a human ship.
“Oh, someone lost a dog!” I exclaimed, pointing. “They couldn’t find it before they left. That’s so sad.”
“We can keep an eye out,” Captain Sunlight said. “Our ship doesn’t have any of the fancy bio-scanners for seeking out that sort of thing.”
I read the whole post, looking for details. A three-year-old husky, male, “exceptionally fluffy,” named Matt. Which was short for Mattress. I loved him already.
“How recent is the post?” Kavlae asked.
“Just two days ago,” I said. “I hope the dog is okay. It says they last saw him at the edge of town.”
“There is a thriving ecosystem here,” Captain Sunlight reminded me gently. “The animal can surely find its way.”
“But he’ll be lonely,” I said, forlorn. Poor Mattress.
Before I could whine about it further, Zhee laughed and pointed at a different post, tapping it with one of his little wrist fingers. “Look at this. Anyone fancy being an exorcist today?” At his tap, the post unfurled a map and a sound clip. He pressed play.
A very familiar yodeling howl filled the air. Unsettling, if you were an alien herbivore. A glance at my crewmates showed that none of them recognized it either.
I grinned. “You guys, we have to be exorcists today.”
* * *
“We saw it again just last night,” said the enormous space moose, his deep voice going high with nerves. “It actually went into our shed, and no one is ready to go see if it’s gone yet.”
“I will check for you,” I assured him. Captain Sunlight was letting me take point on this job, and Zhee was doing his best to keep his sarcasm to himself. Kavlae looked nervous.
“You don’t need anything else?” the space moose asked. “Armor, weapons?”
“No, I’m pretty sure this ghost is friendly,” I said, holding up the only two things I had brought: a sheet of fish jerky and a clip-rope from the cargo bay. “At least, he should be happy to see me. But you guys stay back, okay?”
The towering behemoth was more than ready to stay behind. Several other moosey faces peered through a long window in the house nearby. They hadn’t even come outside. Captain Sunlight told Zhee and Kavlae to stay where they were, and to give the human space to work.
I looped the rope over my shoulder and approached the shed on quiet feet. The post had said the dog wasn’t aggressive, but I knew full well how unpredictable fear could make an animal. (People too, really. All the more reason for the others to hang back.)
The shed was big, more what would pass for house-sized where I was from, and it just seemed to get bigger. Plain-looking otherwise. Flat beige walls and a slanted roof, no windows. A door that stood open. A spill of pellets all over the floor, which proved to be from the torn corner of a bag like I’d seen at the market.
Grain stuff, so hopefully okay for a dog’s system, I thought, hesitating outside the doorway. As long as he didn’t eat more than his stomach can hold. Here’s hoping it tastes bad.
I cleared my throat. “Ma-att,” I singsonged. “Matt! Mattress! Here, boy!”
A rustle and a thump was all the warning I got before a very large and exceptionally fluffy dog charged out and tackled me to the ground.
The moose bellowed in panic and my crewmates shouted. Mattress licked every inch of my face, prancing and whining while I did my level best to sit up.
“It’s okay!” I called out between licks. “He’s just happy! Here, boy, do you want a treat?” I scrabbled for the jerky that I’d dropped, and managed to redirect the dog’s attention without losing a finger. I got to my feet while he tore at the jerky, tail wagging at light speed. Good thing it was the soft kind of fish jerky. At this rate, he might have hurt himself on the stiff kind.
“Are you all right?” Captain Sunlight asked from where she stood.
“I’m fine!” I said with a wave.
She and the other two had stepped away from the space moose, who seemed to be making an effort to breathe his way through a panic attack. I didn’t blame them. The poor guy looked equally likely to pick fight over flight.
Better get everybody settled, I thought, turning back to Mattress and finding the rope where it had fallen. He had a collar, thankfully. While he finished gulping down the food, I clipped the rope to his collar and wrapped the end around my hand multiple times. Then I stroked that thick fur and murmured praises.
“Is it safe?” asked the space moose in a strained voice.
“Yes, just a moment,” I said as Mattress started prancing about again. “Matt, sit.”
He sat. Huzzah. I stroked his head, and his tail thumped the ground with gusto.
“Good dog.” I took a step and tugged the leash. “Heel.”
He sprang up and trotted after me, tail wagging and tongue lolling, though with slightly less chaos-gremlin energy.
“Good boy,” I said, then led him over to where everyone waited. I didn’t get too close. “Sit,” I repeated. He sat.
The space moose was calming down admirably, though his eyes were still a little wide. “You do seem to have it well under control,” he admitted. “Thank you.”
“My pleasure,” I told him. “This guy just wants to go home. We can handle that.”
“You have my gratitude,” the moose said. “And now, money. Extra for speed.”
Captain Sunlight handled that part, while I stroked Mattress in a subtle search for injuries or problems stuck in his fur. He returned the favor by licking my ear with far too much saliva. I tried not to grimace, and wiped it off with my sleeve. “Good dog.”
“All right, let’s get this animal to the ship,” Captain Sunlight said.
“I’ll call up the owners for you as soon as we get there,” Kavlae said, checking her pocket communicator for the phone number from the post. We’d all saved copies.
“I’m sure they will want to see their animal in the cameras,” Captain Sunlight said, turning to me. “I trust you can keep it calm inside the cabin?”
I assured her that I could. We said our goodbyes to the space moose and his family watching from the house, then headed back to the spaceport.
Mattress followed happily, though judging by the panting, he was thirsty. There probably hadn’t been much to drink in that shed, and the jerky on top of alien kibble was bound to make things worse.
“We’ll get you a bowl of water right away,” I promised him. “Okay, boy?”
Mattress looked up at me with alert ears and that particular doggy smile.
Captain Sunlight got out her own phone. “I’ll have Wio ready one for us. How big of a bowl do you need?”
“Um, just have her fill one of the smaller cookpots. He looks pretty thirsty.”
Kavlae asked from a fair distance away, “How can you tell?”
“He’s breathing hard,” I said. “With his tongue sticking out like that.”
Zhee was also giving the dog a wide berth. “Is that why it’s doing that?” he asked. “I assumed the animal was showing off its teeth for the benefit of anyone who might offer it harm.”
“No, he’s smiling!” I said. “Look at that; that’s a happy face. Just a little thirsty.”
Zhee muttered something disparaging about predators being allowed in close range. Kavlae laughed, and Captain Sunlight shook her head.
I looked from face to face. “You guys don’t keep pets, do you?” I asked. “None of you?”
“None like that,” Captain Sunlight said. “Nothing that could kill us, no.”
“He wouldn’t do that!” I said with an exaggerated ruffle of Mattress’s fur. “He’s a good dog! And look how fluffy! Such a nice soft pillow, he’d probably let you take a nap on him.”
“No thanks,” said Zhee. “I don’t see the appeal.”
“You don’t see the appeal? Do—” My smile slipped when I really looked at Zhee’s exoskeleton. “I don’t think you can fully appreciate the feel of soft fluffy things, can you?”
Zhee’s unimpressed scoffing confirmed my suspicions. I looked to Captain Sunlight, and her own scaly hands. “What about you? Not a big deal?” I didn’t wait for her answer before turning to Kavlae, the vaguely fishy humanoid with frills everywhere. “You have proper skin! Come pet this dog!”
She didn’t want to, but under my insistence and Mattress’s continued good behavior, she finally edged forward and brushed a hand across the copious floof.
“Oh, that is soft,” she said.
“See? And he is such a good boy.” I patted him some more, and he responded by licking both of us.
Kavlae yelped, pulling back.
“It’s okay,” I hurried to say. “That means he likes you.”
“Oh,” Kavlae said. She sniffed her hand, then retched. “Oh, he smells!”
I looked down at him and had to admit, “Yeah, that’s another thing dogs do.”
“To the ship!” Captain Sunlight announced. “For water, a phone call, and then a thorough cleansing! Which I’m sure our favorite animal expert can handle, yes?”
I sighed. “Yes. I won’t enjoy it, though.”
Zhee hissed a laugh. “Maybe you can take a nap on the creature afterward.”
“Maybe! Just you watch. Might have to tire him out a bit first though. I’m sure nobody would mind a game of fetch in the cargo bay, right?”
Captain Sunlight gave me a look, but she didn’t say no.
The ongoing adventures in backstory for this book! More to come.
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Simons always noticed Soaps a bit… off. Not that he’s unfriendly, or threatening. Far from it. He’s the friendliest man he knows. He’s certainly competent, disturbingly so on occasion, but outside of the field he wouldn’t hurt a fly.
It’s just, there’s small things that can’t even be explained by the normal variety of human weirdness.
For example, eating. Soap has the same appetite as the rest of the 141. He obviously feels hunger, has dislikes and likes, has cravings. It’s in the mechanical aspects of it that something seems misaligned.
He has two dramatic poles Simon’s noticed. Either scarfing down food so quickly that Simons not sure how he doesn’t choke. Or chewing for so long it’s like he forgot he needs to swallow eventually.
Then there’s the matter of injuries. Every time Ghost’s seen the man injured (which was frequently, unfortunately for Simon’s nerves) it’s like he’s surprised it can happen.
He obviously has some sense of pain, but over anything else he seems disappointed by being hurt. Be it a paper cut or a gunshot wound, he has a habit of staring at it like it’ll heal out of shame.
He’s also remarkably blasé about touch, which tips Ghost off less than it probably should. Simon himself is usually touch-averse, so he understands (in concept, not really in practice, besides with Soap) that some people are the opposite.
It’s only that anything Soap touches him, something about Soap’s own body or his understanding of them is slightly worrying.
A consistent one is his temperature. Parts of his body can be drastically different tempetures at once. And not in a ‘bad circulation’ way. In the way that a half shaded-rock is hot to the touch in places and cool in others. It’s like he’s cold blooded.
He also shows a certain… disinterest, disrespect, maybe incompetence about the human body. Ghost isn’t even sure what to call it. But he can swear, the multiple times Soap has draped himself over/next to Ghost, he’d always had bizzare complaints.
First it was Ghost’s ribs as Soap tried to rest his face on his chest.
“Couldn’t you spare just a few? It’d be more comfortable.” Soap had said, muffled by the fact his mouth was half smushed right over Ghost’s heart.
“Can’t do that unfortunately, need those to hold my body together.” Simon had said, assuming it was a bit.
But the Soap had grumbled, “Greedy fucker” with just a bit too much malice for him to have been joking.
Next was his breathing, or rather the sound of his lungs(?)
“Too loud, ever heard of fucking curtesy?” Soap had said, half asleep where he had tucked his back against the curve of Simons body.
“Thought I was breathing rather quietly. The mask helps that.” Simon had said. He payed more attention this time, the rib incident still fresh in his mind.
“ s’not your breathing, its your divison. Fuckin’ anaphase. Don’t know why you bother with it.”
So he did know human anatomy. To an unusual extent. Simon himself didn’t remember that from human bio. To be fair he wasn’t a great student.
At that point Ghost had stopped paying attention for his own sake. He had his own curiosities after all, and he doubted Soap spent hours pondering them.
Little did he know…
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pigeon-smidge · 1 month
🇵🇸 🛑pleas don't scroll ‼️Hi, I hope you are well. My name is Mohammed Atallah, I live with my parents, six sisters, a little girl named Malak and a little boy named Ameer in North Gaza. I created this link to fund a bone graft in my left hand which was shot by an explosive bullet, to rebuild our destroyed home and to evacuate my family from Gaza to a safe place.And donate any amount to safe life .. I will appreciate your help❤️ Can you please help as much as you can . Press all buttons on my wall , I beg you to visit my page, view it, and donate via the link in the bio💔Donate and share widely 🆘🆘 Every euros will make a difference 🙏I urge you to donate. Even the smallest amount can make the biggest difference. Not only he needs to evacuate with his family, but he is in dire need for surgery! The IDF has shot his arm with an explosive bullet. Not a regular one. AN EXPLOSIVE ONE. So he needs to get it treated right away! Otherwise, he will get an infection and it may lead to amputation. WE DO NOT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN, DO WE DO?So contribute! Make sure to reblog and share his story if you are unable to do so.Help my family. War is devastating. There is nothing left to live. No schools, no universities, no home, and no dreams. All dreams have been shattered. I hope for help before it is too late Please share on Twitter and tumbler and Instagram The campaign has been documented @90-ghost 🍉
If you can donate, please please do. Share as well, as a simple reblog and pasting the link somewhere can help more people see. It can save lives. It brings more attention to these stories that desperately need activism.
If you can’t, please share.
Arab.org actually allows you to donate FOR FREE to Palestinian refugees with clicks. You can normally click once per day but if you use different browsers, devices and open it from different platforms on mobile you can do it more often.
Peace for Palestine and the world. No one deserves to be hunted for simply existing.
We can all coexist peacefully. We are all human. 
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voidofryu · 2 months
🛑pleas don't scroll ‼️Hi, I hope you are well. My name is Mohammed Atallah, I live with my parents, six sisters, a little girl named Malak and a little boy named Ameer in North Gaza. I created this link to fund a bone graft in my left hand which was shot by an explosive bullet, to rebuild our destroyed home and to evacuate my family from Gaza to a safe place.And donate any amount to safe life .. I will appreciate your help❤️ Can you please help as much as you can . Press all buttons on my wall , I beg you to visit my page, view it, and donate via the link in the bio💔The campaign has been documented @90-ghost Donate and share widely 🆘🆘 Every euros will make a difference 🙏I urge you to donate. Even the smallest amount can make the biggest difference. Not only he needs to evacuate with his family, but he is in dire need for surgery! The IDF has shot his arm with an explosive bullet. Not a regular one. AN EXPLOSIVE ONE. So he needs to get it treated right away! Otherwise, he will get an infection and it may lead to amputation. WE DO NOT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN, DO WE DO?So contribute! Make sure to reblog and share his story if you are unable to do so. Please share on Twitter and tumbler and Instagram
This is Mohammed Atallah's go fund me. Please do your best in donating, sharing, or even engaging with this post so that it gains traction.
It pains me to see that to this day, Mohammed is still suffering due to his arm that was shot by an EXPLOSIVE bullet. EXPLOSIVE. None of these Zionists have even had humanity in their hearts. All of them are evil. Pure evil.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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lunarrosette · 1 year
@doodler-rights asked so now I’m gonna ramble abt how perfect to poem Beth Chose for the rad fact was!!
The poem in question:
I met a ghost, but he didn't want my head,
He only wanted to know the way to Denver.
I met a devil, but he didn't want my soul,
He only wanted to borrow my bike awhile.
I met a vampire, but he didn't want my blood,
He only wanted two nickels for a dime.
I keep meeting all the right people—
At all the wrong times.
So there are a couple interpretations one could take from the poem but I’m just gonna box them into the pessimistic interpretation and the optimistic interpretation and both scary and Terri fit each interpretation respectively
I’m going to start with Terri’s because it’s the most straight forward! The optimist interpretation basically is these things that have these scary connotations surrounding them are no more different than any other human so everyone should be treat with kindness and humility despite what previously feeling one may hold. This fits pretty well with Terri’s view point she’s an optimist, she makes friends easily and treats everyone with kindness! However the last lines are what really gets me “I keep meeting all the right people— // At all the wrong times.” This is still pretty straightforward as well, she met and spoke with terry when she was Terri and not scary, right person wrong time! And in that fashion it displayed how good of a father terry would’ve been to Terri but it was the wrong time
Now for the scary interpretation! There are layers here, I’m gonna start with the more straightforward one which is with Willy. Willy is a monster but scary never met him as one, he was just a normal guy to her that seemed like he wanted to help her and cared abt her or to translate it to the poem “I met [Willy Stampler], but he didn't want [to manipulate me], // He only wanted to [be the father I never had].” So in this pessimistic interpretation it’s taking the idea that these “monsters” are lying and hiding their true colors, which is further backed up by the ending “I keep meeting all the right people— // At all the wrong times.” The wrong times being before they show their true colors. The next layer with scary is her relationship with terry jr! Scary sees terry as a threat, as evidence that her father is never coming back, as some guy trying to be what she needed and wanted too late so safe to say that could mean she sees him as a “monster”. But he has pure intentions. To her he seems like a ghost who wants her head but just wants the way to Denver. But scary doesn’t care because she doesn’t want to accept the fact the her bio dad is a piece of shit and isn’t going to come back to fix it. But as the last lines say (the last lines are just perfect for scary’s relationships I’m sorry) they met at the wrong time. They could’ve had a great stepfather daughter relationship if terry came into her life after scary accepted the things abt her bio dad. He was the right father for her but they met at the wrong time
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a-bio-hero-writer · 25 days
🇵🇸 🛑pleas don't scroll ‼️Hi, I hope you are well. My name is Mohammed Atallah, I live with my parents, six sisters, a little girl named Malak and a little boy named Ameer in North Gaza. I created this link to fund a bone graft in my left hand which was shot by an explosive bullet, to rebuild our destroyed home and to evacuate my family from Gaza to a safe place.And donate any amount to safe life .. I will appreciate your help❤️ Can you please help as much as you can . Press all buttons on my wall , I beg you to visit my page, view it, and donate via the link in the bio💔Donate and share widely 🆘🆘 Every euros will make a difference 🙏I urge you to donate. Even the smallest amount can make the biggest difference. Not only he needs to evacuate with his family, but he is in dire need for surgery! The IDF has shot his arm with an explosive bullet. Not a regular one. AN EXPLOSIVE ONE. So he needs to get it treated right away! Otherwise, he will get an infection and it may lead to amputation. WE DO NOT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN, DO WE DO?So contribute! Make sure to reblog and share his story if you are unable to do so.Help my family. War is devastating. There is nothing left to live. No schools, no universities, no home, and no dreams. All dreams have been shattered. I hope for help before it is too late Please share on Twitter and tumbler and Instagram The campaign has been documented @90-ghost 🍉
The more of those happens the more horrified I am by the human kind.
Please, do consider, here’s the gofundme
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killershrike · 8 days
ok guys here's a tiny sneak peek at a section in chapter 7 of dark suspension. just because languages are one of my autistic special interests lol I thought this might be fun to share to the fandom. I finally figured out how I imagine yautja to speak to one other, outside of human translation or you're reading two yautja converse in my fic. This is a COMPLETELY UNEDITED SECTION please do not think this is the final draft lol this is just the bare bones I thought would be neat to share
Han-e'sain's POV:
"Can I ask a question?" So-yin hums from his side, and the yautja rumbles in approval. He nods. "How did you get so good at English? No offense, I know you're smart. You just picked it up so fast-"
The warrior laughs, reaching out to rub her back in an easing way. "No offense, little one." Ghost assures her before continuing. "This device," He gestured to his gauntlet. "combined with my bio-mask allows me to trandlate any language to yautja. I can also search for specific things, translations, whatever I want." The woman looks astounded.
“While you slept and I could not sleep, I would study the ooman language." So-yin nods.
“You said it was kinda easy, right?” 
Ghost chuckles. “Yes. Now, no offense to you, little one, but there are species out there that do not even use words to communicate. Only facial expressions, gestures, sounds. Your ooman language is not so hard.” She considers the thought, looking intrigued and interested before getting herself back on tack, pretty green eyes focused back on Ghost.
“Too me, that hardest parts were identifying the correct region. And translating my language to you. It was.. very difficult. I probably sounded very stupid at first." The yautja even clicks, looking down at ground in embarrassment.
So-yin reachs out to teasingly tug a long dreadlock, smiling. “No, you didn't. You sounded better than a lot of other humans ive spoken to.” She giggles. “What was so hard about the translation?”
Ghost had to think for a long moment, trying to find the right words that weren't overly complicated for his sweet human. “The structure of your language versus ours. Very few ooman languages operate like yautja. We have an.. usual word order if i attempted to directly translate from my language, without added context or interpretation.” The woman looks even more curious now, and the yautja rumbles with humor as they walk.
“How's the structure different? I'm no writer or anything, I know plants more than I know language. But I'm curious.” A soft hand reaches out to grab onto his, managing to grip only three thick fingers in her small human hand.
Her lover rumbles on, "Yautja place the object of a sentence first. Then the verb, then the subject.” When So-yin tilts her head in confusion, Han-e’sain chatters in amusement. Her scrunched up button nose with a thick gold ring hanging from it was just too adorable.
Leaning down to pluck a vibrant pink and white striped flower, he holds it out to her. So-yin takes it, closing her eyes and inahling deeply before tucking it behind her ear, meeting Ghost's gaze again.
“Flower to her gave I.” He rumbles. “You would say something like, I gave the flower to her." Ghost clicks, with a little annoyance. "In my head, I kept switching the words around. It took me time to sound out the correct ooman sentence, in my mind."
So-yin understands, giggling now. Raising his hand and pressing a warm, soft kiss to it, she murmurs. "Love to him gave I?" The look of unsurity makes the yautja burst into deep, loving laughter.
"Very good, little one. You will speak yautja in no time." The rumble ends with a deep kiss.
Anyways, I entirely based the structure off of Klingon! Object first, then the verb, then the subject.
So if you wanted to say something like "I gave him a book." It would translate to "Book to him gave I."
As we place the object (book), before the verb (gave), and then the subject (I.) Hopefully that makes sense and is interesting for any of my other language nerds lmao I know it's not that deep or complex or cool but I just thought it was Kinda Neat
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ghostlyangels1204 · 7 months
⋆ℂ𝕒𝕗𝕖 𝕍𝕚𝕓𝕖𝕤⋆ („• ֊ •„)
Credit for text dividers goes to the amazing: @cafekitsune
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⋆ Hiya, my name is Somr (alias) and I'm 19 from England. I've had a lot of prior tumblr accounts and I wanted to finally start writing for fun! I'm an aspiring law student, I want to go into human rights and international law when I graduate <3
I also have a substack blog where I write about current affairs/news as an independent jounalist. I'd love it if you could check it out if you're interested!
I also have a sticker shop on Redbubble, where I design bookish-type stickers!
Substack here: CitizenConnect
Redbubble shop: DalilahMeadows
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Boring rules here but please adhere to them,
No hate, obvious one is obvious but this blog and anyone who engages is all in good fun. The world is dark as it is so lets have some good vibes going!
If a post is indicated as MDNI, and you are a minor or don't have your age listed in bio, then please follow this rule for both of our comfort and safety.
Requests will be open, unless indicated otherwise, and do know if I'm uncomfortable with any requests they won't be entertained unfortunately.
Requests I won't take: Anything with an age gap involving one party being a minor (consenting adult age gap is different and I'll gladly do that)
I can write smut, but nothing involving-
Extreme Violence in a sexual setting
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ᴄᴀʟʟ ᴏꜰ ᴅᴜᴛʏ (ᴍᴡɪɪ + ɪɪɪ ᴜɴɪᴠᴇʀꜱᴇ)
Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Captain John Price
Sergent Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish
Sergent Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick'
ALL 141
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vladdyissues · 8 months
I once read the post where Vlad said: "This anime is obviously a romantic school comedy! Danny and I are the main characters, so it means we are love interests. (to Jazz, Tuck, Sam) You guys are the heterosexual support cast, so make sure do not across the line" (I saved screenshot but Idk how to add photo in ask). Developing the subject, how do you see this anime au? Sailor moon alike relationship? Should it also be a horror cause of creepy natural ghosts?
I've never seen Sailor Moon so I can't comment, but it definitely seems like Danny Phantom was heavily influenced by Yu Yu Hakusho, so it wouldn't take a lot of mental gymnastics to envision an anime version of DP being a lot like this, mixing humor and drama and the supernatural. I'd love to see some actual horror thrown in, though. Animes like Vampire Hunter D and Bio-Booster Armor Guyver come to mind. Guyver's not actually billed as horror, but there's enough body horror, gore, and horror elements in it to qualify, in my opinion. I mean, look at this thing, it's terrifying:
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Aside: This ask got me nostalgic for Guyver and I went and watched a few episodes. (The last time I saw it was in the 90s on VHS.) I was floored. There is so much it has in common with DP that I wonder if Hartman wasn't inspired by it as well.
Compare: the black-haired, blue-eyed MC (Sho) who's not the best student, had a disfiguring experience involving something with lots of power and now has two different personas, human and non-human, the latter having incredible strength and unearthly energy that he uses to combat threatening entities that are Not Of This World; best friends are a glasses-wearing geek and a girl who's also the show's love interest, completing the trio. Of course Sho spends a great deal of time protecting his friends, but they also cheer him on from the sidelines and offer help when able, much like Tucker and Sam.
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But get this: The only other person with a Guyver armor happens to be the villain (spoiler: not really the villain, it's all an act, and eventually they team up). This is the guy:
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Long hair. V-hairline. Sideburns. Thick black eyebrows. The English dub isn't that good, but this guy's voice is deep and nice to listen to. He's supposed to be a student but looks like he's 35.
Anyway. DP anime.
I don't see much changing at all plot-wise. Upping the rating to at least PG-13 is definitely prescribed, so there can be things like blood and fantasy violence and adult humor. Let Danny say "hell", "damn", "bastard", and the occasional "shit", like in YYH. Naturally, Vlad and Danny would start out as rivals before laying aside their differences and teaming up to save the world—which is exactly the formula that YYH and BBAG follow in terms of enemies-to-allies.
I'm imagining a steady progression of saving each other's butts and fighting increasingly powerful enemies until it comes to a point that they both realize they'd die for each other. (Literally Kuwabara and Yusuke lmao.)
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In fact, just do a DP/YYH wardrobe swap for all the characters, because Dan Dan Phantom Show is something I'd pay money to see 😂
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skyeblue8 · 10 months
Alrighty, thank you for letting me share this stuff! Fair warning though, this is a stupid long ramble.
The title of this little rewrite project is currently Halfway Hell. Our star is Reagan Morgenstern, daughter to one of the most powerful and influential men, who lives in the lap of luxury, wealth, and privilege. However, her cozy life is changed forever the morning after her 21st birthday, when she is woken by a group of seven horrific and grotesque beasts. Her father, Solas, reveals to her a dark secret; He is not human, but rather a powerful sorcerer as old as humanity. Long ago, he and a group of wizards and witches were banished from their home world in the stars to be imprisoned in the Earth’s flaming core for the rest of time. Before they were banished however, Solas and his six siblings used their remaining magic to curse the first vestiges of humanity; The more wicked, despicable, and sinful they were when they were alive, the more monstrous, deadly, and magically potent their souls would be reborn as Solas’ unholy army. Utilizing the damned and tortured souls’ as magic replenishes, the Seven Siblings of Sin were able to breach their flaming prison, and now, Solas, The Dark King, believes the time for his forces of darkness to conquer all three realms is growing near, and when that time does, Reagan will be leading the charge alongside him as his Dark Princess. So to prepare, Reagan is shipped off to the many parts of the world where her father’s siblings reside, to learn to weaponize the magical properties of the six souls spiritually chained to her. But as Reagan spends more time with her ensnared entourage, a conflict begins to brew within herself: Should she follow her family destiny of rulership over all that is known? Or will the suffering and maybe-not-so-awful souls enslaved to her convince Reagan to turn a new leaf?
Ok so that’s basically the plot, I’ve also got a design for Reagan, who is my stand in for Charlie. It is a bit old which is why she’s called Piper on it, but I am planning to give her a slight makeover digitally. I’ve also got a bio for her but that’s also old and really long so I’ll be tweaking that. (btw solas is the stand in for Lucifer, he’s not meant to be Stolas, they’re entirely different characters here, I’m just using the name Solas for reasons including it sounds like Soulless and I think that’s good for your main villain)
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Basically, I’m making this rewrite mostly out of spite for all the wasted potential of hazbin/helluva, and all the stupid choices that were made that completely butchered what could’ve been two great adult animation shows. I’ll take the characters from both Hazbin and Helluva and change them to suit this new narrative, while sort combining both of their plots into one(a group of morally ambiguous non human entities do some fucked up shit on Earth, while also growing from hating each other into a found family and trying to save themselves and others like them from their eternal suffering) However, instead of directly using actual Christian demonic/religious figures and stories, I’m using those texts, mostly The Testament of Solomon, as inspiration for the characters, story, and world of Halfway Hell (example; Heaven and Hell are not the traditional Heaven and Hell we know in Christianity, though the parallels with fallen angels and the seven deadly sins and Armageddon are there) So no actual names of demons and angels will be dropped, my characters will just resemble them. I don’t want to offend people and their beliefs by using these names in vain because religion is important to a lot of people, and it’s a nuanced topic that has made people do good and bad things in the name religion ever since, well, the beginning. Plus, I feel like it could make room for more diverse creature designs if I don’t make them explicitly demons or other similar concepts from different cultures such as yokai. They’re meant to be moreso ghosts and monsters in a generic sense, just ones that were originally humans and sprout from a burning land. I want this to be fantasy oriented with all the magic and creature designs I’m planning, while also having a core general theme of change, and a more specific theme of how we can make the changes we want to our lives, and why we make those changes, unlike Hazbin where it’s all about redemption for now. The best way I can describe what I want Halfway Hell to feel like is if The Owl House was written like Bojack Horseman, basically a dramedy with fantasy elements. Originally I was gonna make this even more like Bojack Horseman in terms of realism and tone down the religious influences even more, with purely human characters, an ordinary Earth setting, and it was gonna be called Seven Swinging Souls but dammit, I like fantasy stuff and I wanna draw fantasy stuff. 
And that’s pretty much what I have so far. I’m thinking once I develop more ideas and make plenty of art for it, I’ll make a new account dedicated to Halfway Hell and maybe one day make a comic series out of it. No promises at all, I’m still suffering through college and this is mostly a creative outlet but who knows. Let me know your thoughts, thank you for reading all of this nonsense!
Honestly, after looking over the whole summary of the rewrite, I think this is a really solid re-imagining of Hazbin. Actually, I think it's more than that.
Now, I will make note of how much it deviates from the original concept in the fact that it takes away from the idea of a traditional Hellish afterlife, as well as the whole thing concepts we've been introduced to since everything's on Earth, I guess, but, it's because of those differences that I think it would work brilliantly as its own piece of written work as I think it would give it more credibility for being an outstandingly well-written, original project without having the association of Hazbin Hotel as I feel that would discredit it both to those who have problems with Hazbin/Helluva Boss' writing and those who are so loyal to it that they may want partial credit for Viv.
Now, for a bit of warning, I am often extremely picky and skeptical of all new shows, stories, written works, and series I first encounter, regardless of how well-recieved they are – and that's not usually a matter of one’s storytelling ability so much as my general pickiness. With that being said, I'm deeply interested in the potential this concept could have and how you can make it your own. Good luck in college! Idk what that's like yet, but I'm sure I will soon enough. And excellent work, here!
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thebindingofpillo · 2 months
Hi! The previous anon who asked about your bio here. Kind of random but I'm curious what the fav ice cream flavors of the cast are. And since I'm bored, I'm gonna give my guesses Isaac: Chocolate
Magdalene: pistachio
Cain: Vanilla Judas: hot fudge Eve: Cookies and cream Samson: strawberry Azazel: rainbow sherbet (not ice cream but seemed fitting idk why Lazarus: black walnut Eden: Prob doesn't eat but if i had to guess butter pecan Lilith: doesn't like ice cream but gets chocolate chip cookie dough for Fwendy Apollyon: believe they were confirmed to not eat in an ask years ago but if they could uhhhhh strawberry Bethany: Mint chocolate chip Jacob: peanut butter Esau: ghost ice cream Neapolitan
all of these were just done off of vibes and little to no thought went in to them
Hiiiiii I love all of these, tbf I haven’t really thought about their favourite ice cream flavours either but it’s fun! Here’s my thoughts. Disclaimer: I don’t really know a lot of American ice cream flavours lol
Isaac: he’d probably like chocolate ngl. A bit basic but alright. Nothing that stands out too much. I feel like he would also like vanilla. Either that or something stupid like bubblegum. He’s too done to care, he’ll get whatever he pleases lol.
Magdalene: something rich like salted caramel, or a very fancy vanilla. Rocky road. Cookie dough. Or all of the above, together. She has a huge sweet tooth and likes mixing and matching.
Cain: He likes it simple, so I guess vanilla could go. Or rum raisin because he’s an old man.
Judas: doesn’t really like sweets in general, so he doesn’t really have a favourite ice cream. If he had to choose he’d probably go with coffee or something not overtly sweet, like pistachio or dark chocolate. Always gets the smallest cone/cup available.
Eve: isn’t really one for sweets in general unless she’s feeling really down, in which case she’d eat a whole tub in one sitting. Likes chocolate chip, but when she’s feeling especially shitty she will branch out with stuff like caramel, chocolate etc. always with chunks tho, she loves chunks.
Samson: I know Americans make a difference between ice cream and gelato but I literally never knew what it was. Anyway Samson likes gelato. Probably cherry idk. There’s a super good cassata gelato at my local supermarket and I feel like he’d like that one but I don’t really know how to describe it lmao.
Azazel: another sweet tooth. I feel like he wouldn’t really have a favourite flavor bc he’d like way too many to decide. He’s always loved human food and is always down to try anything. I feel like he’d be interested in more uncommon flavours like popcorn (idk if its common over there, but I’ve never seen it here) or that raspberry and rosemary one i tried once. Or sea salt. WAIT almond ice cream with dried figs. That’s the one.
Lazarus: I have no idea how black walnut would taste. But I trust you.
Eden doesn’t eat, you’re right, but they might partake in the Human Activities from time to time. And when they’ll become human (spoiler) they’ll get to try a lot of different things! I feel like they’d have a very limited palate tho, kinda like a small child. So nothing too complicated, like strawberry.
Lilith: STRAWBEBBY one time I had a very good strawberry float with prosecco and it was so her. Fwendy would appreciate the cookie dough chunks tho, they can munch on them together u.u
Apollyon can’t eat :( but he’d like very basic flavours. There’s a flavour over here called fiordilatte that’s even more basic than vanilla, it literally tastes like milk, I think he would like that.
Bethany also strikes me as a mint chocolate chip girlie, I can see that. Lazarus knows that and always keeps it in the freezer so she doesn’t have to go without u.u
Jacob: mhmmmmmm very hard to figure out. I don’t really remember if he liked sweets or not, but peanut butter strikes that balance of not too sweet but still great so I can see him liking it.
Esau: isn’t Neapolitan like three flavours together mhmmmm he feels like a frozen yogurt kind of guy. With extra protein and fruit toppings.
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hxdonist · 5 months
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.::. I AM THAT I AM .::. ikarus ito
Citizen Profile Loading. . .
profile loaded. ERROR CODE 1F1N1T3FUN: Some Data Expunged.
.::. A SICKNESS UNDEFINED .::. basics.
NAME: IKARUS CAELUM ITO ALIASES: IK, IKKA, THE FOX OF EIGHT EYES, 1NF1N1T3FUN AGE: THIRTY-FIVE YEARS OLD. [JANUARY 17TH] GENDER/PRONOUNS: CIS MAN HE/HIM SEXUALITY: PANSEXUAL // DEMIROMANTIC HUMAN // HOST: HUMAN OCCUPATION: DATA EXPUNGED - - - as far as you need to know, I am a friend. A netrunner and a braintrip cutter of the...shady variety. AFFILIATIONS: NANO ZILLA. And any gang, corp, or solo with the balls to think they can run with me.
.::. IT'S MY KINGDOM COME .::. going deeper.
HISTORY: CORRUPTED DATA RESTORED. BACKUP DRIVE CREATED. File Attached: FoxOfEightEyes.txt [TRIGGER WARNINGS: CHILD ABUSE, ANIMAL DEATH] [Mobile version of bio available in a google doc HERE] [hint: use the forcecode to skip the puzzle.]
.::. FROTHING AT THE MAW .::. connections.
CAT TO MOUSE; FOX IN YOUR HENHOUSE: The eponymous 'predator and prey' relationship- but who's who when the chips fall? Be you a Corpo burned by Nano Zilla, a gang member too foolish to determine you were being swindled before it happened, or even a Cowboy with your eyes on a pricy take- 1NF1N1T3FUN welcomes your attempts on his life- and recommends you come prepared.
FOLLOW THE WHITE RABBIT: An understudy/mentor relationship- a recently welcomed netrunner into the embrace of Nano Zilla and their base made in Dreamland, you followed the Fox of Eight Eyes and found its den to rest in the retrofitted depths of a once-bustling theme park; the skeleton of whimsy and fun now inhabited by the kind of people who treat the net as their playground. Ikarus only welcomes the best into his family, those willing to shirk the existing rules and demands of corporations and the government to seek building something greater- through technological subterfuge- he'll take you under wax wings, teach you to wind among the wires with the best of them- just make sure you know exactly what that means, when the time comes.
BITTERLOVER.EXE: The ever-present exes connection. Ikarus is a different man, in love. Dedicated to ideals and the ever-elusive 'better' his goals seem lofty- but oh, he always seemed to have time for you, and a carbon-steel fist that drives his crew so firmly was always soft in the quiet of a tiny apartment- but that was then. It's hard to recognize him now- you can't imagine you want to, because when push came to shove- Ikarus chose power over you. This is a connection for an ex who dated Ikarus recently, while he's headed and operated with Nano Zilla as an active anarchist/insurrectionist.
ISANYONEUP.MP4: You need help sourcing an illegal or otherwise damaging to your reputation braintrip and with some digging- you've found the editor who spun it. Sure, he wasn't the gunman that left your loved one dead in the dirt- wasn't the bastard who filmed the two of you having sex and sold it off after- but he knows who was, picking around in the BT with his editing software- he's said he'll help you, for a price- are you brave enough to take that offer?
Childhood friends
Exes (younger than 19 years old/schoolkid ages)
Former coworkers (Ex Gestalt Bureau Corpo, abandoned his position at 23.)
Fellow Nano Zilla netrunners who work for/under him
corpos/ceos/high ranking officials he's got existing dirt on
Braintrip recorders/sellers who use his services as an editor
regular hookups
literally anything I'll take it all babyyyyyy
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