#green energy products
pleaseeeimjustagirl · 3 months
🎀Your Physical Glow Up Tips - Diet, Movement & Skincare🎀
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prettieinpink · 11 months
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A routine is essential for us to become the best versions of ourselves, but for us to fully commit to a routine, it has to be aligned with our needs and values.
hehe trying out a different aesthetic 😚😚
FIGURE OUT WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE DAILY. This isn’t what your to-do list currently looks like, but rather how you want your to-list to look like. If you can’t think of anything right now, carry a small notebook or open your notes app during the day to take notes of anything you may want to add to your routine.
BREAK THOSE TASKS INTO SMALLER ONES. This helps us to see more clearly in our routine and helps to make our tasks or goals easier to achieve. E.g. Avoid saying ‘study time’ but say flashcards and re-reading notes.
SET GOALS. This can be daily, weekly, monthly and so on. Just have those little habits in your routines that help you advance to reach your goals. This also helps with our motivation throughout the day.
STRUCTURE YOUR DAY EFFICENTLY. If you have a day where there are no urgent or important tasks to be done, use it to take notes on how you feel throughout. Document the times when you feel the most productive, energised, social and tired. Using this information, divide your tasks into the times that suit each other.
ALLOW FOR FREE TIME BLOCKS IN YOUR DAY. One, for just allowing some time for your brain and body to just chill. Two, just so if anything comes up, you have a free window of time to do it.
TEST YOUR ROUTINE AND MAKE ADJUSTMENTS. Throughout the day, ask yourself; ‘how does my routine make me feel?’ and ‘What tasks do I dread, and what do I look the most forward to?’ If need to be, make any changes.
BE CONSISTENT. This is the only way for a routine to be solid in your life, to do them at the same time every day. This tip sounds mundane, but you can always change it up a little. E.g. Listen to different podcasts or audiobooks every time you go out for your walks.
PREPARE FOR YOUR ROUTINE. Allow your environment to encourage anything you want to add to your routine, for example, if you want to do yoga in the morning, leave your yoga mat in front of your bed where you can see it.
INCLUDE BREAKS, FOOD AND EXERCISE. Resting, eating well and moderate exercise help us to be more productive in the day, and to complete our tasks to higher standards.
KEEP TRACK OF YOUR PROGRESS. See which habits you’re more inclined to do, and which ones you usually avoid. Sometimes, some habits just aren’t meant for us, and that’s okay.
FORGIVE YOURSELF FOR NOT COMMITTING. It’s okay, you’re going to have days when your routine is the least ideal. Don’t beat yourself up for it, instead try to at least accomplish one task that’s a part of your routine.
MAKE IT ENJOYABLE. Your routine isn’t something to punish you, but rather something that helps you to keep an orderly life. It should be something that you’re at least willing to do.
Some ways to make it fun: Listen to music while you do tasks, romanticise your routine as much as possible, include rewards for anything productive and try to involve your loved ones.
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ros3ybabe · 5 months
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Pilates Videos Reccomendations!
I am looking for specific pilates videos that you guys enjoy to give me some new things to add to my YouTube playlist! What are some videos that didn’t make you breaks a sweat? Videos where you broke the biggest sweat? Easiest? Hardest? Favorite? Least favorite? Please share as your girl is always looking for things to spice up her workout routine! I just ordered three lb dumbbells, a small pilates ball, and resistance bands so videos involving these are welcome as well!!
thanks lovelies 🩷
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So anyway you repeatedly say we only feel corn husks and similar inedible parts to cattle but Never add a source to back it up. Having worked on farms I’m afraid for the most part the feeds I’ve seen have been parts entirely edible to humans. And like fuck man 5% of all grown soy is fed to humans or however the stat goes, do you really think the remaining 95% is inedible? really?
Anyway yeah I’m asking for a source here cause I don’t want to add this on to months old post
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Ingredients such as “grain by-products” are referring to the husks, stalks, and other “green” parts of the plant that we humans don’t actually have the digestive capabilities to eat. The breakdown of most livestock feeds looks like the above when you actually take a look at it.
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Different cattle feed, similar ingredients. Still primarily things that, and I have to stress this, you cannot eat. This one is slightly higher in quality and does indeed have actual grain products included. Some of those are edible to humans. Some are not. Generally cattle are fed cattle cubes with supplemental mineral licks and hay. Some also supplement with whole corn, but I can gladly assure you that corn is not in short supply and even if all the corn sold to animal feed was donated to the poor, you can’t actually live off of corn because there’s very little nutrition in it. Hence why in both human and animal food it’s typically seen as a filler ingredient. Keeps the mouth busy with a meal without making your stomach feel full and you end up eating more without feeling satisfied.
Soybeans are really only often used in feed for pigs because they’re a great source of protein for these animals. I would state that soy is also a terrible option to use as an emergency food for humans in need because while, yes, it is indeed a healthy bean, it’s also one of the top eight foods that humans are frequently allergic or intolerant towards. I’d also ask you for whether your 5% of all grown soy statistic is referring to the beans or the entire plant because yeah the beans are the edible part. The rest of the plant isn't especially healthy for humans to eat. I would say the beans are around 5% of a mature soy plant sure.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Book recommendations on self-growth and confidence?
Hi love! Here are some of my favorites that come to mind:
Book Recommendations for Self-Growth & Confidence:
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck
Atomic Habits by James Clear
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
Boundary Boss: The Essential Guide to Talk True, Be Seen, and (Finally) Live Free by Terri Cole
The Confidence Formula: May Cause: Lower Self-Doubt, Higher Self-Esteem, and Comfort In Your Own Skin by Patrick King
The Mountain Is You: Transforming Self-Sabotage Into Self-Mastery by Brianna Wiest
Choose Your Story, Change Your Life: Silence Your Inner Critic and Rewrite Your Life from the Inside Out by Kindra Hall
48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene
The Art of Seduction by Robert Greene
How To Win Friends & Influence People  by Dale Carnegie
Never Split The Difference by Chris Voss 
Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini 
The 2-Hour Cocktail Party by Nick Gray 
Becoming The One by Sheleana Aiyana  
Radical Acceptance: Awakening The Love That Heals Fear and Shame by Tara Brach 
Codependent No More by Melody Beattie
Unbound: A Woman’s Guide To Power by Kasia Urbaniak 
Pussy: A Reclamation by Regena Thomashauer 
Confidence & Assertive Skills for Women by Angelina Williams 
A Single Revolution by Shani Silver 
Women & Power: A Manifesto by Mary Beard 
Like She Owns the Place by Cara Alwill Leyba 
Existential Kink by Carolyn Elliot
Hope this helps xx
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prettyaddict14 · 5 months
Different beauty uses with Teas
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nenelonomh · 6 months
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hello, loves
good morning! i have a warm cup of strawberry green tea by my side as i write this, and a feeling that something good is coming.
today's quite a sad day (the rain won't stop)--but i'm sure i will be able to turn it around. at some point, i want to change into swimmers and play outside in the rain with my little brother.
last night i made a new pinterest account for myself, and deleted one of my old side blogs. i know that if i want my life to change (for the better), i have to change myself (my mindset) first. the blog and pinterest were very much holding me back (as silly as that may sound).
here's my to-do list for today: ☆ continue on my sehs glossary ☆ español study ☆ change my calendars to april (still haven't gotten around to it lmao) ☆ go for a walk ☆ english ct1a ☆ upper body training
i know that a lot of people don't work well with to-do lists but they help me SO MUCH. there's something about just having it all written down that allows me to be so much more productive.
i hope you all have a wonderful day
❤️ joanne
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blonkk · 7 months
all these dumbass women who say they just wanna be taken care of and frolic in a field while their husbands make the money and provide the “masculine” energy etc unironically need to watch friends. it’s really weird but one thing i’ve learned is that a lot of gen z and younger have never seen it which is wild to me lmao
and i’m not saying it’s the perfect representation of feminism, not at all, but it’s got great merits. it showed positive, strong relationships between young women well into their thirties, despite dating and multiple relationships. there was pretty minimal shaming of women’s sex lives. there was very little drinking/drug abuse. there was a healthy lesbian relationship introduced at the beginning.
AND THE VERY FIRST EPISODE introduced rachel by having her turn up in her wedding dress, after having run away from her wedding, and making a decision to abandon the financial safety her father and fiance would have promised for something of her own. she started at the bottom at 26 as a waitress and had to learn how to be independent. obv her arc was unrealistic, but it’s tv, and the message is simple: do what’s best for you, the happiness and opportunities will follow. conquer your fear of failure and work through the hard times and it will be worth it, hard times will come, good times will too.
a lot of people really think rachel was shallow and vain but i honestly see her as one of the strongest characters in the show and an excellent example to women. monica and phoebe were good in their own right, but rachel just really inspires me lol. like i said she did a really hard thing; walked away from financial security in order to stand on her own feet, not knowing what she was doing, how it turned out. she used her former mean-girl ways to be fiercely confident and loyal to her friends. she wouldn’t take ross’s shit when he slept with someone else, and she ate when she wrote him that 18 pager (& still refused to take him back). i think she was just the easy one to hate because she was hot and popular and broke ross’s bitch baby heart in high school wah wah. i honestly love rachel lol. and the writers maybe didn’t realize it but they showed how a woman can really do the hard things, get heartbroken by people who are supposed to love them, are always judged and type-casted, yet can thrive and succeed and be amazing people when given the freedom to do so. her confidence is something that grew over the course of the show and i think a lot of young girls and women would benefit from watching her growth, i really mean that. that’s why it was such a groundbreaking show in the 90s, because it was as kind to its female characters as it was to its males; it gave them moments of weakness and all, but it also developed richly textured female characters whose arcs were as complex (or more) than their male counterparts. idk…getting emotional over this tv show…i get that it’s widely beloved but just. not for the right reasons LOL
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pleaseeeimjustagirl · 4 months
Improving Your Relationship With Food And Movement
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Hey babesss I have improved my relationship with food and exercise these past few months. It was hard because I had to break down a lot of negative feelings and thoughts I had built around certain foods. I started yo-yo dieting and restrictive eating when I was 10 years old and it has had a lot of negative effects on my body not just physically, and mentally, but socially as well. These tips have changed my life and I hope they help you as well<3333
Signs you have a negative relationship with food.
♡ You think of food all the time. You think about what you're going to eat next and overthink your meals, and the calorie counts.
♡ Feeling guilt over your food choices. Whenever you eat something that might not fit into your “diet” you feel guilty and say negative things about yourself or “punish” yourself by excessive exercise or extreme restrictive eating. 
♡ You must earn your meals. This ties into the previous sign, you feel like you have to earn your meals through exercise and restrictions.
♡ You binge eat. Binge eating is having a large amount of food in a short period, accompanied by feelings of loss of control.
♡ You ignore hunger cues. You feel the urge to eat but don't allow yourself to because of a certain diet or restrictive eating.
♡ You can’t keep your favorite foods in the house. You can’t control yourself around your favorite foods due to going a long time without them because of restrictions.
♡ You emotionally eat. Using food to comfort you is okay sometimes BUT it becomes a problem when you turn to food constantly whenever something bad happens and causes negative emotions.
♡ It is stressful going out to eat. You can’t enjoy yourself at restaurants or turn down invites to restaurants or events because you are overwhelmed by the idea of food and calories.
♡ You’re stuck in a diet culture mentality. It is okay to want to lose or gain weight and get into a healthier body but you can do this without restrictive eating. 
♡ Your body dictates your food intake. If you are bloated you eat little or skip a meal altogether.
Signs you have a negative relationship with exercise.
♡ You use exercise as a punishment. Whenever you overeat or feel like you have you make yourself exercise for long periods.
♡ You feel guilty when you miss a workout. As women sometimes we can’t work out the way we want to because of our menstrual cycle and you need a break and it is okay to take a break.
♡ You exercise even if you're injured. Rest days are okay working out through injuries only makes injuries worse.
♡ You do workouts you don't like. You're focused on burning calories and not the enjoyment you feel when working out.
♡ Affecting your social life. You might excessively work out to the point you're missing events and invites to work out.
Tips to improve your relationship with food. 
♡ Learn about nutrition. A lot of us are uneducated on nutrition and how we should be eating to prevent excessive weight gain and malnutrition I will recommend a lot of books below to start your education on nutrition.
♡ Practice mindful eating. Slow down and become aware of what is happening to your body when you eat certain foods, and your hunger cues, and don’t make any judgments. Eat foods without distractions such as TV, books, and phones. Take your time to chew and taste your foods. Mindless eating is eating without control or out of boredom.
♡ Stop labeling foods. We tend to use the words “good” and “bad” when talking about foods. However, labeling foods can harm your relationship with foods. Welcome all food groups into your diet. Making food decisions shouldn't make you feel like a bad person or a good person. 
♡ Find enjoyment in food. Focus on enjoying food and the pleasures that come with preparing and enjoying food with others.
♡ Allow yourself to eat the foods you enjoy. It is okay to eat foods you enjoy in moderation, 
♡ Challenge negative self-talk. The way we speak to ourselves regarding food and diet can affect the way we view foods challenge those thoughts with positive thoughts when they come I recommend reading this blog post about your mental diet by @arielsreality
Tips to improve your relationship with exercise.
♡ Create your own vision of fitness. Everyone has different body goals and what they want to look like the media pushes an image not all of us want to fit into. So create a vision for what you want to look like.
♡ Try different forms of exercise. Try different types of exercise. If you don't like cardio, try weight lifting. If you don't like weightlifting, try pilates. There are many options to choose from, so give them a try. Do what feels right and brings you joy.
♡ Listen to your body. If your body is sore, skip a day and walk instead of lifting weights. Listening to our bodies is super important ignoring pain cues is very harmful.
♡ Embrace rest. Sleep is our best friend getting the right amount of sleep every night is what helps our glow-up journey over all. Taking rest days is super important as well.
♡ Understand your body changes. Your body at 12 is not your body now and that is a beautiful thing. We especially as women go through a lot of bodily changes so we have to let go of society's expectations of how our bodies should be and look like what do you want your body to look like? And how can you get there? 
♡ Follow women who look like you. Follow women with similar body types like yours. I have a Pinterest of women who have similar body types to mine labeled “Your body is beautiful” I look at it if I need reminders when feeling insecure. I follow a lot of black women on many platforms as a black woman because I like to see women who look like me in positions of success and wealth it motivates me. 
♡ Celebrate non-scale victories. Maybe instead of being stuck on the number on the scale, you tried those jeans that couldn’t fit before but now they are so comfortable. That is something to celebrate!
Book Recommendations 
♡ The Binge Code by Alison C Kerr
♡ Women Food And Hormones by Sara Gottfried
♡ The Food Therapist by Shira Lenchewski MS RD
♡ The Good Gut by Justin Sonnenburg
♡ Feed Yourself by Leslie Schilling 
♡ Reclaiming Body Trust by Hilary Kinavey MS LPC 
♡ The Food Mood Connection by Dr Uma Naidoo
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prettieinpink · 1 month
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WAKE UP EARLIER. Waking up early looks different for a lot of us, and i’m not going to reccomend waking up at 5am for a lot of us. Whatever time you wake up now, I would suggest waking up 30 minutes or so earlier and see how you feel. 
If you feel like you really need those 30 minutes to sleep, then use it sleeping. Whatever time makes you feel like you are at the best, is the perfect time for you. It does take some trial and error to find this time, but it’s worth it. 
Another thing, I generally wouldn’t suggest waking up past 10am. If you sleep in a little too much, you do become a bit sluggish during the first hours of your day, but whatever works for you. 
SUNLIGHT FIRST THING. Going outside, a hot girl walk or simply opening your windows to allow the sun to come in helps our body to become awake. Natural sunlight is a sign to our bodies that we need to start the day. 
This also promotes a healthy rise in cortisol to support our mood, focus and energy. This natural increase in cortisol helps with melatonin production in the evening, which improves the quality of your sleep.
Exposure to unnatural light can disrupt this rhythm, so it’s best to stay away from any devices and turn off of your lights before and after you wake up. Ideally, an hour after you wake up, should be spent device-free. (aside from alarms or setting habit tasks) 
NO PROCESSED, CAFFEINATED OR SUGARY FOODS, before you have a proper meal. When we eat these foods before a nutritious meal, it can lead to a spike in cortisol and blood sugar levels first thing in the morning, which leads to crashing in the afternoon after the spike goes down. 
When we eat after we wake up, it stabilises our blood sugar levels and replenishes ourselves after our fast. If need to be, meal prep the night before so you can have a quick and easy breakfast. As long as it properly fuels your body. 
GENTLE EXERCISES. You’ve just woken up, so you don’t want to rush your body into something too hardcore until you feel like you’re fully awake. Gentle exercises could mean stretching, a light walk or if you’re feeling a bit energised, pilates. 
SET INTENTIONS. Set the theme for how you want to feel at the start of the day, during and end. It doesn’t have to be something productive, but a feeling that you want to achieve and maximise and use that feeling in what you do. 
For ex. In the morning, I want to feel calm. During the day, I want to feel productive. At the end of the day, I want to feel accomplished. 
SHORT TO-DO LISTS! To-do lists that are more than 3 major tasks usually are unmanageable. While you can break down those 3 major tasks, try to avoid having more than 3 major tasks. 
If you do have more than 3, consider moving them into a different date if its not urgent or cutting that task completely if its not urgent and unimportant. How you assess the urgency and importance of your tasks is up to you, as you know what productivity means to you. 
Remember the basics as well, such as hydration, mindfullness, and at least one fun activity in the morning. Thank you so much for the support, even while I was a bit inactive <3
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ros3ybabe · 2 months
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Daily Check-in: July 25th, 2024 🎀
Thursday was a meh kinda day. It was a long day, honestly. I ended the day, so so tired. But it wasn't a bad day.
🩷 What I Accomplished
40 min pilates full body workout per health coaching plan
worked an 8.5 hour evening shift
washed laundry
morning journal
morning skincare
ate decently compared to usual
discovered I can take creatine with myo inositol, which I will do once I'm back home
💔 What Could've Gone Better
didn't study languages like I wanted, but I was tired
didn't get to video call my boyfriend
got paid, but am basically broke because I have necessary payments to make with this money
didn't complete the workout fully due to not eating beforehand, gotta make sure I eat before my workouts
💗 Stuff For Friday (July 26th)
study korean
morning skincare
night skincare
complete leg day workout after work shift
night time journal
video call boyfriend
alter language study schedule
drink electrolytes before workout
put away clean laundry
make a to buy list for when I return home
check up on if my nail appointment has been approved or not yet
💕 Song of The Day: Chk Chk Boom - Stray Kids
I love stray kids. i love their music. it's so good.
til next time lovelies 🩷
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techdriveplay · 3 months
What Percentage of Cars Sold in 2023 Were Electric?
The automotive industry has been rapidly shifting towards electric vehicles (EVs), driven by increasing environmental concerns, technological advancements, and government incentives. The year 2023 marked a significant milestone in this transition. This transition has raised the question: What Percentage of Cars Sold in 2023 Were Electric? Let’s dive into the data to understand the impact and…
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ecaico · 5 months
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I downloaded an app that I think is meant to be used for like, detailed food tracking or something, but I instead really just wanted something with this format (color coded calendar days) so I could put in one single simple entry a day to kind of rate my day overall (based on physical health symptoms).. which..... looking back over it for the new year since when I first started tracking.. 9 "good" days in about 9 months, so roughly one good day a month LOL...
#A neutral/yellow day is if I felt sick or had any symptoms (nausea. joint pains. headahces. etc.)#to a distracting degree for at least an hour or more at any point in the day - YET it was not so severe or so distracting#that i was completely unable to get anything done. An orange day is if I was so sick or felt so bad#that I completed absolutely nothing that day because my primary focus was basically spending the entire day on whatever#was wrong with me or recovering from that. And a green day is a day that - even if maybe i had a few aches or pains - I was never any#noticable or distracting amount of sick - PLUS - i also got a reasonable amount of things done.#If I don't feel very sick yet I also lack the energy or mental wellness to complete daily tasks then it still counts as a yellow day.#So I guess like.. Yellow is if health was ok but focus was bad OR focus was okay but health was distracting. Green is BOTH focus and#health were mostly okay for a majority of the day with no major setbacks. And Orange is zero focus whatsoever because health is too bad.#There are also 5 categories. the worst is a super dark red and then best is a super bright green but I don't like using them#You have to select a bright red (x_x) emoji face to classify your day as dark red. and I dont like the implication of a 'dead' person face#because of my ocd lmao... it makes me afraid it's some habringer of death (if I select it for that day then somehting terrible will happen#the next day or whatever lol) *** *** *** - so I never use that one. I also feel like the MOST extreme categories should be reserved for#super extreme circumstance like.. I would only do a dark red day if I was literally hospitlaized or something. And same with the bright#green days like.. that would imply I guess that i was both suuuuper productive ANd had basically no symptoms at all all day. like a#Very Very Good day. and I just think that's not even possible. no day ever goes by without me feeling at least a little sick or achey at#SOME point lol... A day with NO headahces or issues or etc would be.... wow... mythical occurence..#I have definitely gotten worse as I got older but even at like 15 or 16 years old I used to take ibuprophen a ton (I dont anymore of course#for stomach reasons lol) and remember having various minor problems here and there I was bothered by a lot#AAANYWAY.. also I count 44 'bad' days ghb... that's losing like.. at least one entire month of time a year.. maybe this is why I have so mu#much trouble getting things done and finishing my projects. BUT thats the point and why I wanted to track that. to like.. see it all laid#out at the end of the year. Maybe I could even compare years. Even though I started late in 2023. It'd be interesting to have a#yearly record of how many good vs. bad vs. neutral days I had in any given year.#(app is called 'Moodflow' on android phones. in case anyone sees this and asks. though I cant vouch for it or any of the features or anythi#ng since.. again. i literally ONLY use the one single feature of rating calendar days. I look at nothing else on there. And I keep my data#off and phone in airplane mode basically at all times so I never get ads on apps. Sometimes i'll mention liking some puzzle game or somethi#and then someone else is like 'yeah i love it but OMG so many ads' and I'm just like.. yeagh.... not for me lol.. but sorry to you. that#sounds annoying certainly..) ANYWAY.. auuugh... a sea of yellow neutrality. better than a sea of orange though. so :'3c
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healthmonastery · 1 year
Creating a Healthy Home Environment: Tips for a Clean and Toxin-Free Space
A healthy home environment is crucial for your overall well-being. It’s the place where you spend a significant portion of your life, so ensuring it promotes health and wellness is essential. In this guide, we’ll explore effective tips for creating a clean and toxin-free living space that you and your family will love. Healthy home solutions 1. Declutter and Organize One of the first steps…
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sappy-witch · 1 year
Morning Tea Spell 🍵🌞
Hello darlings 🥰
Here’s a recipe I love for brewing up your own Energizing Morning Tea Spell ✨
🍵 Green Tea: Boosts energy and focus. 
🍋 Lemon Peel: Refreshes and invigorates. 
🌿 Peppermint: Stimulates and awakens the senses. 
🍯 Honey: Adds sweetness and vitality. Chamomile: Soothes and promotes relaxation.
Brewing Your Tea Spell:
🔥Boil a cup of fresh, hot water. 
🌿 Add green tea leaves, lemon peel, and a sprig of peppermint. 
⏱ Steep for 3-4 minutes, allowing the flavors and energies to infuse. 
🌞 Set your intentions for a productive and energized day. 
🍯 Stir in a spoonful of honey, visualizing it as a sweet source of vitality. 
🌬 Inhale the aromatic steam, feeling the invigorating energy awaken your senses. 
☕️ Sip slowly, embracing the revitalizing warmth and energy.
✨ Let this tea spell energize your mind, body, and spirit for a productive day ahead.
🌞 If you enjoy my posts, please consider donating to my energies 🌞
✨🔮 Request a Tarot Reading Here 🔮✨
With love, from a Sappy Witch 🔮💕
Blessed be. 🕊✨
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