#he’s smart but dumb
void-dude · 5 months
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I’ve decided to embrace my style crisis
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lilislegacy · 22 days
when i say percy is one of the only people in the world who will stand up to annabeth or call her wrong, i do NOT mean she’s a horrible person and he calls her out for being one. allow me to write a long incorrect quote scene to show you what i actually mean:
*in some battle, post-heroes of olympus*
annabeth, fiercely in control and leaning over a large map: okay, here’s what’s gonna happen, everyone. we are going to evenly distribute our forces and deploy them in successive waves. we must avoid further division to ensure that each wave remains strong and concentrated on the central target. we are going to systematically weaken their core. once their primary fleet becomes depleted, we will expand our focus to engage secondary targets. we will defeat brute force by gradually eroding their strength over the course of several hours. anyone got a problem with that plan?
everyone in the strategy tent, including the smartest children of mars and athena:
annabeth: that’s what i thought. okay so-
percy: actually, i do
*everyone’s eyes widen in surprise*
annabeth, raising her eyebrows: what do you mean?
everyone: *backing away slowly in fear of her wrath*
percy: i get what you’re saying, and usually you’d be exactly right. but i know these guys better than you do, wise girl. i’ve actually been here and fought a couple of them before. yes, they are insanely physically strong creatures, but you’re overestimating their intelligence and positioning. if we do what you’re saying, they’ll just pick us off little by little. we need to be quick and dirty. force their hand
annabeth, pinching the bridge of her nose: percy, you’re talking about a full frontal assault on their strongest point. that’s reckless. we’ll be outnumbered and overwhelmed.
percy, stepping closer to the map and pointing to the terrain: not if we use their terrain, which i personally know. if we concentrate our forces here and here, we can create the illusion of a weaker center. they’re crazy strong, but much more arrogant than you’re assuming. so knowing them, they’ll all focus on our main assault, assume they have us outnumbered, and put all their energy into trying to punch through. but if we’ve got our best fighters hidden in the valleys, instead of holding back, we can hit them from both sides once they commit
annabeth, her brow furrowing as she considers percy’s plan: we’d be baiting them into a trap. they’d think they’re winning, but the second they overextend, we surround them. they won’t see it coming because of the way their ranks are arranged.
percy: exactly
annabeth: it’s based off the assumption of their own tactical shortcomings, but… it’s brilliant. come here and show me all the pathways, and i’ll plan for the side attacks. do you have any advice there?
percy: nope, i need you for that part
*them working seamlessly together as everyone else stands around in shock*
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sir-walton-goggins · 2 months
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blessyouhawkeye · 2 years
the best part about wei wuxian's resurrection scene is that it happens when the audience doesn't know anything about him yet, so when he goes "i'm going to act like a deranged homosexual lunatic so no one recognizes me" you're like yeah sure that could be a feasible disguise until the flashback happens and you realize it's a terrible idea, because wei wuxian acts like a deranged homosexual lunatic all the time
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sunclown · 11 months
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adharastarlight · 11 months
The James Oblivious Potter Chronicles Pt1
James: people are so stuipd
Sirius: whats up prongs?
James: someone in potions just said you and moony were dating! Just because he's into dudes and youre gay doesnt mean youre dating?!
Sirius: James-
James: that would be like saying Marls and Cas are dating just because theyre lesbians
Sirius: uhm, James-
James: dont worry, i told them you're just friends
Sirius: WHAT!?
Remus walks in and he looks so hurt and a little pissed: we're... friends now are we?
Sirius: no- no, mon amour- no, james is just a fucking moron
James: what... wait are you two...?
Sirius and Remus: yes!?!
Sirius: for like five months!?!
James: WHAT
Remus: we kiss in front of you all the time???
Sirius: we're constantly holding hands???
Remus: we go on dates like constantly???
Sirius: I told you I want to marry him!?!
James: I thought that was in a best friend way!!!
James: wait so are marls and cas...?
Sirius: Yes!!!
Remus: james who the- what- how-
James: WHO ELSE!?!
Sirius: crouch and rosier, pandora and emmeline, lily and mary???
James: ohhhh... what about Regulus?
Remus, grinning: no one, why?
James: so you guys are dating, should i... buy you a plant?
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notfeelingthyaster · 4 months
idk but tim's skills both in comics and in fanon are so inconsistent. like wdym he can fight azrael and ra's and lady shiva and he loses fights to... damian? like ok damian is a good fighter, trained by assassins and whatnot but it makes no sense, bc he wouldn't win against shiva
or like tim barely being able to hold out against jason both times he attacks him seriously (battle for the cowl and titan's tower).... but winning against all sort of weird ass shit in young justice?
im not even talking about how his intellect is all over the place, one day he is lying to batman and fooling doomsday and the other he is truly getting trapped/fooled by shitty ass villains like Calendar Man
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bullagit · 1 year
due to personal reasons i am now firmly on team “i hope aziraphale does change heaven for the better actually (going on the assumption that his return is as straightforward as it seemed etc” 
like if the alternative is just this ohhh he’s so NAIVE and SOFT and so WRONG and he’ll have to LEARN A TOUGH LESSON etc etc nonsense then yeah 1000% go for it babe knock it out of the park
i hope choosing hope and kindness pays dividends. i hope the soft traits that made other characters continually disparage and underestimate him and his intelligence turn out to be his greatest assets bc i kinda don’t give a shit about a “toughen up it’s the only way everyone else knows better” life lesson for this character
(which like honestly a lot of the rhetoric is dismissive of the fact that persistent goodness in the face of an existence of disparagement takes great strength and that at the end of the day aziraphale has always been able to stand up in his own way)
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shouldersshrug · 6 months
some of yall need to infantilize sam less. im all for different viewpoints on characters but sometimes it’s just downright disrespectful. “haha sam thinks chocolate milk comes from brown cows” that is a grown man who smokes weed and has a computer science nerd for a best friend
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starreyblueberry · 5 days
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why is he stupid omg
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shallowseeker · 10 days
Cas is right. Dean, with all of his free will intact, would NOT have murdered the Stynes kid.
Like Cas, with his free will intact, would never have murdered Samandriel.
Their assessments of one another are actually correct.
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Both are on their way to becoming mindless super-soldiers who feel nothing.
And essentially, they tell each other, "you're gonna have to go through me" (to become that).
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Some similarities in the fight scenes:
They both reach out a hand to the other's shoulder, saying the other's name:
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Both twist the other's hand away:
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They ask each other to: "Stop," both telling the other in so many words that "this isn't you."
Their styles differ, of course. Dean goads Cas defiantly: "Come on you coward, do it!" Cas tries to remain level-headed and controlled, only moving to block and restrain.
Essentially, their desires are the same, for the other to stop.
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With everyone telling them who they should be, and trying to make them into things other than what their big hearts would actually want, they beg each other to stay as they are.
I don't want you to be what they want you to be.
Just be you. Just be.
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And then, much like Cas in the crypt... flight. Cas leaves.
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Dean leaves.
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And here's what's on my mind... They were both GOOD at being soldiers. Unbelievably good.
Their talents were recognized early and exploited. They became chained to their respective battle aptitudes.
Both had to reckon with becoming addicted to war, to the feeling of adrenaline and black-and-white causes (see: Purgatory, hunting, etc.). Both often feel too much responsibility, punishing themselves and undertaking penance.
They struggled with thinking it's all they were good for, battle or WORK.
Or worse. For Dean, it was often being one of the "crazy ones," only "good for a fling." For Cas, it was often "being expendable."
They're looked down upon by the likes of Metatron: Cas is like a "dumb puppy," a "stupid, lumbering jock." Even Crowley talks to Dean this way on occasion: "It's math (idiot)."
It's also like when Death calls Cas a "stupid soldier." Or when the British Men of Letters call the ones on the ground doing the fighting and getting their hands dirty "dogs." Or when Henry calls hunters "apes."
Despite their supposed "legacy lineage," Sam and Dean inherited the Campbell class. The soldier class.
Interesting to me that Jack inherits this, too. Despite his aptitude for nearly everything he touches (computers, research, even blossoming machete skills when he kills Noah the Gorgon), Jack too will inherit this Campbell-coded "stupidity."
That's what Chuck charges him with in Unity: "TOO STUPID."
Jack has Cas and Dean's class: the soldier class.
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thefaeriecreek · 1 year
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Link would be the type of chess player that has a hard time concentrating on the strategy of the whole board and can only concentrate on a piece at a time. He loses most games, but his strategy is nonexistent, making him extremely unpredictable. Revali is a master strategist, (which we can see in his dialogue in Age of Calamity), so Link's blockheaded, rock-eating playing style is infuriating.
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minaillus · 1 year
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in the name of midori’s center i redrew one of my most popular comics
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morganbritton132 · 3 months
I need one of those Tim Joins The Batfam Early AU fics but it’s just Tim being so sleep-deprived and delirious from staying up all night taking pictures of Batman and Robin that he confronts Jason about it at school because Jason never looks tired. He never acts tired. Tim has never even seen him yawn and Tim would know if he did because he watches him all the time.
He’s just like, what are you doing??? How are you staying up all night? How are you sustaining this? Jason interprets this as Tim asking him if he’s on drugs which does not go over well. He almost kicks his ass before he realizes that this kid seems to know a little too much about Batman’s patrol routes.
So, Jason ends up taking Tim home and introducing him to the wonderful concept of the afternoon nap.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 11 months
Also, I'm pretty sure Steve knows music he just pretends he doesn't, so Eddie can educate him. It's a definite move. Also, he's hard of hearing and he uses that his advantage.
"You know, maybe if you sat in my lap, I would be able to hear you better," Steve would say.
Eddie would sigh before sitting in his lap and continuing his rant about all kinds of music. Of course, Dustin would ruin it.
"Why are you sitting in Steve's lap, Eddie?" Dustin asked as he walked into Steve’s house uninvited. . .again.
"So he can hear me, duh," Eddie exclaimed.
"Dustin," Steve warned.
Dustin pulled Steve’s hair to the side.
"He's wearing his hearing aide," Dustin said.
"Uh, I forgot to get new batteries," he said.
"The light says otherwise," Dustin said.
"You have deceived me! Forsaken me!" Eddie exclaimed and narrowed his eyes. "What else have you lied to me about? Dustin, leave, so I can punish your babysitter properly."
"I just got here!" Dustin exclaimed.
"Leave!" Steve and Eddie said without looking away from each other.
The next day. . .
"Oh my God! That's a lot of bruises on your neck, Steve," Dustin said. "What'd Eddie do? Punch you in the neck?"
"Yeah, that's exactly what he did," Steve said dryly. ". . . With his mouth."
"Oh my god!"
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crimsonlovebartylus · 3 months
Regulus is smart but he has no shame copying off his boyfriend because Barty is smarter.
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