#his GIGGLES after singing diana
delicatepointofview · 11 months
harry always looks so pleased with himself when he pulls shit like this i will kill him (affectionate)
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marwritesgood · 2 years
Now I'm Bleeding | S. Harrington
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Pairing: Steve x Hopper!Reader
Timeframe: Season 3-4
Summary: Y/n's grief and regret grows tenfold as she finds herself haunted by her deepest insecurities and darkest thoughts.
warnings: suicidal thoughts + vecna taunting the reader
series masterlist // main masterlist
A/N: In case it’s not already clear, Reader and Sara’s mother is not Diana in this story, but rather an unnamed woman who is however you imagine her to be xx
June, 1977
“Shh, we have to be quiet, ok?"
11-year-old Y/n pinched her thumb and index finger together and pretended to zip her lips closed. Her younger sister instinctively held her small hand over her mouth and nodded. It was well past their bedtime, but neither of them could fall asleep.
"C'mon," Y/n whispered, reaching for Sara's hand as they tiptoed out of their shared room and crawled towards the living room. The two of them hid behind the couch and held their breaths as they heard their parents talk while the radio played.
After a moment's deliberation, Y/n snuck a peek with Sara following her lead. Hopper was swaying to the music while his wife wiped down the surface of the kitchen table. Just as she went to finish the opposite side, Hopper reached for her waist and spun her around, giving her no choice but to dance along with him.
As their parent's laughter drowned out the radio's music, Y/n and Sara ducked back down and tried their best to stifle their giggles. Their amusement turned to panic when the room abruptly went quiet.
"Honey, do you hear that?" Hopper asked, his eyes narrowed as he slowly moved away from his wife and towards the oddly noisy living room couch. "It sounds like we may have a couple critters up past their bedtime."
The floorboards creaked as Hopper took slow steps. Y/n gasped and quickly grabbed her sister's hand.
"Abort mission, Sara!"
"W-What does that mean?"
Before Y/n could quickly muster a brief explanation, Hopper lifted Sara into the air as their mother wrapped her arms around her frame.
Y/n nervously smiled as she turned around to face her mother's victorious smirk and narrowed eyes.
"Are we in trouble?"
"I don't know," Y/n's mother answered with pursed lips. With her arms still wrapped around her daughter's shoulders, she glanced over to her husband. "What do you think, Hop?"
Like clockwork, Sara and Y/n turned to their dad and grinned expectedly; their eyes lit up like sparks knowing their dad almost always let them have their way. Hopper drew in a breath as if to consider what he would do next, though he had already reached a decision.
"I suppose we can look the other way if you guys head to bed," he said softly, smirking as he heard the radio begin to play an ever-pleasingly familiar tune. Just as Y/n slumped her shoulder, Hopper put Sara down and swiftly lunged towards his eldest. "... Ok, maybe just one more song."
Y/n jumped in excitement as Hopper took hold of her hands.
"Yes, because this one's your mom's favourite and we wanna dance with our girls, don't we, honey?"
Hopper turned and smiled at his wife, whose eyes lit up the same way they did when she first heard it play on the drive back from the hospital with their firstborn. The woman stretched her arms out and wrapped little Sara in her embrace. There was no chance anyone in that house was getting a decent amount of sleep that night.
"Oh, we definitely do!"
Just as the first chorus picked up, the four of them moved to the centre of the living room. Mrs Hopper rested her youngest on her hip as they swayed side to side, following the song's rhythm.
"C'mon bug, you know the drill," Hopper beamed.
Y/n did not wait any further before stepping on her dad's feet, something that still never failed to make him laugh. Hopper could hear his wife singing along faintly to the last lines of the chorus.
"To love somebody!" He joined in, earning an earnest grin from his beloved alongside several brownie points. "To love somebody, the way I love you."
As the final words of the song played, Y/n could have sworn the room was glowing. She felt a warm sensation in her heart that made it all but impossible to stop smiling.
All she knew was the love her parents shared for each other and for her and Sara. All she knew was the sound of her dad’s laughter, her mom’s warm embrace and reaching for Sara’s tiny hand anytime they were entering trouble.
And that was more than enough for young Y/n.
July, 1985
Ambulance lights lit up the Starcourt parking lot as Y/n held an ice pack to her temple and dodged the EMT that had been tending to her wounds. She spotted Steve approaching her from the opposite end and met him halway.
“They keep shining this light in my face,” Y/n complained, nodding back towards the back of the ambulance where she had been sitting for the past hour. “I think they’re checking if I have a concussion, but I’m honestly fine.”
She turned back to Steve and continued on, paying no mind to his trembling hands and pale expression. Everyone was in shock, she reminded herself.
“I think I saw Murray, so Joyce and my dad are probably here too,” she huffed, dreading having to face the aftermath of their previous conversation. “I should probably go talk to him before I look for El.”
She waited for Steve to say something annoyingly wise about how it was good she was going to talk to her dad. Instead, fumbled with his car keys and nervously licked his lips.
“Y/n, he’s not here.”
He didn’t know how else to word it. Was there even a way of cushioning such terrible news? Y/n furrowed her brows, puzzled by his demeanour.
“Ok,” she shrugged, putting down the ice pack on the hood of the nearest parked car. “Then I’ll just go look for El first and then come back for him.”
Steve shook his head and reached for her wrist, keeping her from leaving and risk finding the truth out in worse ways.
“You’re not gonna find him, Y/n. He’s not here.”
Y/n studied his expression closely. The tremor in his voice and the sorrowful gaze he held as he looked back at her made her stomach turn.
“I don’t understand, Steve,” she whispered.
“There was an explosion at the lab, and Hopper…” Steve cleared his throat as tears formed and stung his eyes. “He didn’t make it, Y/n.”
Her breath quickened as her mouth fell agape. Desperately, she looked around the parking lot and shook her head.
“No… No that’s not true,” she stammered. “It can’t be. J-Joyce is here. Murray’s here, wh- why are saying this?”
Steve didn’t know what to say. All he could think of doing was hugging her and letting her cry on his shoulder for as long as she wanted to. He inched closer and reached for her, but Y/n shook her head and moved away, unwilling to accept his consolation.
“I need to find Joyce,” she muttered, pushing past him.
"Y/n, wait!"
Steve defeatedly stood and watched as she sped towards Joyce, who waited alone near the doors, anxiously waiting for her sons to come out. Y/n felt numb. She refused to believe her dad was anywhere else but hiding somewhere in the parking lot. She needed to hear it from Joyce. She needed her to tell her this was just a cruel practical joke.
“Joyce, where’s my dad?”
The older woman turned and gasped quietly, stifling a sob as she came face to face with Y/n. Joyce sniffled and reached her arms out, gently holding the young girl's shoulders.
“Y/n… honey.”
Tears began to fall freely from Y/n's weary eyes.
“No," she whimpered, shaking her head. "Please... Please tell me it’s not true.”
There was no more stifling her sobs. Joyce pulled her into her arms and hugged her as tightly as she could. She knew Y/n was anything but the kind of person who like hugs, however considering the circumstances Joyce threw caution to the wind. If anyone needed and deserved a hug that night it was her.
"I'm so sorry, Y/n."
Joyce knew her apologies would have little impact, but it was all she could give. While it didn’t change the situation, Y/n was nonetheless grateful for it and for her. As the realisation and subsequent guilt began to settle in, the young girl cried quietly into the shoulder of the closest thing she now had to a parental figure.
March, 1986
Y/n stared at the cabin for what felt like a lifetime. There was something about it that called her name, enticing her to take a moment to look back at it before driving away for likely the last time. She thought of all the fond and not-so-fond memories she made on just the front porch alone.
Maybe one last glance at the living room couch was all she needed to muster the courage to finally go.
“Hey, Steve, I’m gonna go back in quickly, I think I forgot-“
Y/n turned around and was left puzzled. Steve was nowhere insight. Not to mention his BMW or even Dustin and Max. She drew her brows together and stepped out. She could have sworn she heard him muttering something snide to Dustin.
She scanned the area, but to no avail. As she turned back to the front porch of the cabin, Y/n stopped in her tracks when she noticed a familiar figure emerge from the front door.
“This is what you wanted, right?” She could recognise the gruff sound of her father’s voice anywhere. Instantly, Y/n face fell and she felt her throat constrict. Hopper paced towards her, maintaing a death glare. “You said you wished I was the one who died, remember?”
Y/n knew. Deep down, she knew that wasn’t really him. She knew Vecna had finally come for her. Even so, she couldn’t shake the feeling that it was really Hopper. She cowered as he got closer.
“Dad, I-I… I didn’t-“
“No need to lie anymore, bug,” Hopper muttered, adopting an ever-piercing tone.
“I didn’t mean it, I swear,” Y/n sobbed.
"You were happy I died," Hopper stated plainly. "You were happy because your life was miserable and pathetic and I was the only one you could ever blame."
Y/n shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut. She tried to convince herself it wasn’t real, but Vecna had taken the words right from her thoughts. When she finally opened her eyes again, Hopper was towering over her and tilted his head eerily.
"Well, you're still miserable and pathetic, so what's your excuse now?"
Y/n doubled back. She had only ever humoured such a question when she was alone. To hear it from her father made her skin crawl in all the worst ways. She continued to back away, which only prompted him to inch closer, as a familiar clock chime echoed.
"That's why you hide from everyone around you, isn't it?” Hopper asked, his voice sounding less and less like his own. “Why you lie to everyone around you? Why you walk around the empty cabin and wonder if things would be better if you who had died too?"
Y/n gasped in horror and held her hand over her mouth, a failed attempt to muffle to her sobs. Then, just as the last chime sent her ears ringing, she witnessed her father’s figure unravel and morph into something she had never seen before, yet somehow knew was Vecna.
"That's why I'm here."
In an instant, Y/n spun around and bolted. However, when she looked over her shoulder to check if Vecna was following her, she saw the trees and rocky path turn red. When her feet finally stopped, Y/n found herself scanning her surroundings, horrified as she quickly made out the several corpse-like figures held up with vines.
"It's time for you to join them."
The sudden sound of Vecna’s voice caused Y/n to jump. Before she could take another step, he pulled her towards the nearest post and wrapped vines around her limbs and torso. Slowly, Vecna moved towards her and lifted his hand to her temple.
"It's time, Y/n."
She squeezed her eyes shut, too terrified to watch him do to her the same thing he’d done to Chrissy and Fred. Y/n whimpered as she felt his hands get closer to her. This is it, she told herself.
Then suddenly, the faint sound of music broke the silence. As it grew louder, realisation washed over Y/n as she quickly came to recognise the track. She opened her eyes and saw Vecna step back. This wasn’t part of his torture, she realised.
Y/n turned her head as far right as she could and saw a portal opening. She could barely just make out the cabin, her body floating mid-air and Steve, Max and Dustin below her.
Maybe it wasn’t her time after all.
@littlepadfootmoony @geeksareunique
i do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, translated, or reposted onto another site.
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weasleywinchester · 2 years
Counting Stars
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2
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Saul Silva x Curvy Female Reader
Eyyy we’re back, mainly because a really want to watch season 2 but I don’t want what happens in that story to change what I’ve written in my head so far. Thank you to all who’ve recently found chapter 1 and showed chapter 2 some love! I hope you enjoy chapter 3
P.S. I HAVE ALMOST 300 FOLLOWERS?!! Muchas Gracias! 🤩🤩🤩
Summary: over the least few years you had more adventure outside the barriers of fairy kind then most have in their life time. You spend months exploring places thought to be lost, finding treasure and making new friends. But between the excitement you always kept one foot firmly in Alfea, for your friends, for yourself. But when Saul disappears from your life for longer then you like, you take the first job that puts you back where everything started.
Alfea hasn’t changed in the few years you’ve been gone. The fighting fields are still lush and green, the forest shrouded in magic. You didn’t think you would be back so soon but when duty calls-
“Can’t stay away can you?” You turn to see your best friend Diana as she jogs toward you.
“Not for long anyway.” You laugh, giving her a hug.
“And what are you doing back? You just came to visit about three months back! Thought you were off on grand adventures!” She throws one arm in the air, and the other around your shoulders as you both walk down the path.
“I was, they just happened to lead back here.”
“To Alfea? What kind of art needs to be found here?”
“Oh, there’s lots of old abandoned land, buildings, cellars… and a very outdated catalog for the school.” You giggle.
“You’ve been keeping up on those exercises we tried last time?”
You look over at her, your eyes lighting up like an inferno and then back to your normal eye color.
“Glad you’ve kept those skills sharp.” You two walk for a bit, the crunch of the gravel soothing as the sun burns off the morning fog.
“So how is everyone?” You look down at your feet.
“He's as handsome as ever.” Di smiles at you. “And he's single.” She sing songs, dodging your playfully punch and running away.
“BYE!” You yell after her.
“His class is about to start!” She yells back.
You’re surprised at the lack of grunts and weapon noises as you round the hedge borders of the training grounds. And then you see why: Saul is giving his newest group of specialists one of his world class speeches.
“You can’t afford to doubt yourself in battle.” He sternly explains. He’s met with silence and blank faces. He takes a deep breath in, trying to wake himself up. He’s gone through many sleepless nights, but the ones as of late are different.
“What he actually means is if you’re going to think like a dumbass, don’t wimp out at the last second.” You loudly announce to the class. Saul whips around as the class giggles.
“Phoenix?” He says, surprise clear on his face.
“Mr. Silva.” You smile before turning your attention to the class. “But seriously. You have to commit to your actions. If you don’t then your life isn’t the only one in danger. You, as a specialist, are tasked with keeping each other and fairies safe. Mr. Silva’s lessons, no matter how hard they may be, will keep you alive. He is one of the reasons I can stand before you.”
The class whispers, a few in awe that a teacher did something besides teach.
“Yours words are too kind. And I am humble enough to say that Miss Kin has saved me on more than one occasion.” He gives you a small smile, the class erupting in another wave of whispers.
“Alright, everyone take a lap.” He barks. The group of young specialists take off, some grumbling. “Thompson, Rodgers, extra lap for grumbling.” He yells after them.
“How’s the potential looking?” You come to stand next to him. Di was right, he’s as handsome as ever.
“They’ll be fine warriors.” He looks over at the group, “probably a good batch of support members. What are you doing here?” He keeps his eyes trained forward. If he looks at you, you’ll be able to tell something is weighing on him; and you won’t let it go until you’ve fixed it.
“Working. Where were you when I came to visit?” You shoot back.
“Things have become more complicated lately.” He sighs. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to see you, it was just ill timing with a new responsibility on his plate. When you don’t answer right away he turns to look at you. Your eyes are shimmering copper, one eyebrow arched to the heavens. You change so much every time he sees you; stronger, more confident. And more beautiful than all the stars in the sky.
“I’ll let that suffice, for now.” You wink. “Anyways, I will be here for the next few months. I thought maybe we could train together again? Someone needs to keep you on your toes.”
He takes a deep breath in, averting your gaze once more. He’s missed training with you. The small stint where you both got to be out in the field fighting burned ones was the best few months of his life. Fighting alongside you was different than fighting alongside his friends; it was far more peaceful for starters. Gave the two of you plenty of time to know each other as friends rather than just student to teacher.
“If it’s too much-“
“No! No.” He claps his hands behind his back, his mind activity trying to figure out how, if, he could squeeze that in. “Would Thursday mornings work?”
“Sounds perfect.” You wiggle your arms around his middle, his chuckle vibrating your whole body as he squeezes you back.
“Maybe we could have dinner once I get settled in?” You begrudgingly let go of him as the students round the corner to come back toward you.
“I would like that.” He gives you a small smile before turning to the group of students. “Great job everyone. How about we ask our guest for a demonstration?” He smirks at you as the crowd gives a cheer.
An hour. It’s been one hour since your lesson was supposed to start. You’ve trained with Saul for years, and he’s never ever been late. You were once 3 minutes early, instead of 5, and he chewed your head off.
Something must be wrong. Di did mention he’s been putting in a lot of hours… You pace the field once more before walking towards the teacher’s cottages. Saul had told you once which one was his, in case of an emergency (although Di teased for a whole month that it was so you would crawl into his bed!)
You step onto the porch, putting your fist up to knock, but you can’t quite get your knuckles to make contact. What if he’s at the field now? Or maybe he meant to start next week?
You knock gently. Listening for any sound. Eventually the door cracks open and you can see one bright blue eye.
“Hi… I’m Phoenix. I’m looking for Mr. Silva?” You cock your head to one side. I didn’t know Saul had a son…
“Ok.” The boy whispers, pattering back down the hall, leaving the door open. You take a tentative step in, there’s toys and clothes draped over a couch, but otherwise the place is very orderly.
“Sky! Back to bed!” Saul commands, his heavier footsteps coming from the hall.
The little boy races past you, leaping over the arm of the couch and taking cover under a blanket.
You turn to Sauls deep voice, giving him a small smile. He looks like he needs at least three years of sleep and a whole pot of coffee.
He frowns at you. Why is she here? What day is it? Your eyes haven’t moved from his, and he’s not sure why you look so uncomfortable.
You silently will yourself to break the staring contest; but if you do that your eyes will go to his very shirtless upper half. And that will only make things even more awkward than it already is.
“It’s Thursday morning. Our lessons…” you bite your lip. Oh maker, he did mean next week. You shouldn’t have assumed…
Saul blinks slowly a few times, his head slowly putting together lessons and Thursdays. Lessons! Your training was supposed to start this morning you idiot!
“Phee, I’m so sorry… I didn’t… I don’t…” Saul stutters as he gently puts his hand your shoulder.
“It’s alright… I didn’t mean to intrude. I just wanted to make sure you were ok.” You stammer, the gentle touch of his hand red hot through your shirt.
“Give me a minute while I handle him, and.. ugh.. shirt.” Saul quickly picks up the blanket wrapped child and jogs down the hall.
You slowly exhale, slapping your hands over your eyes. What the hell just happened? All those dirty thoughts have been neatly tucked away in the corner of your brain! And what was with the nickname?! He only ever calls you Phoenix, not Phee! And no shirt? Is that how he always sleeps? Oh maker, did he have a partner here? Of course you would walk into something like that! But he would have mentioned that he had a child with someone… right? You two were close enough.
“Phoenix?” Saul tilts his head to one side. You’re facing the window, hands kneading your arms like dough. He steps closer saying your name again, but you still don’t answer. He tries once more, gently touching your bare arm. You “hmm” in response and bump right into his chest; your arms reach for him to keep yourself from bouncing back too far. His hands automatically catch you by the waist in an attempt to keep you steady.
You both freeze. You look up at his grey eyes, so many emotions rolling through them like storm clouds. His stubble looks like it hasn’t been shaved since you saw him earlier this week; you long to gently scratch your fingers against his jaw, silently telling him to shave and get some rest.
Saul could count all the stars in the universe and it wouldn’t compare to the flecks of gold I your eyes. They’re warm and inviting, they feel more like home than his cottage does. And for the first time he yearns to run his fingers along your cheek, to feel the heat of your skin against his.
“Maybe we could just have breakfast and talk.” You whisper. He slowly nods, letting go of your waist and walking into the kitchen.
“Saul, what happened?” You watch as he opens the fridge and grab the carton of eggs and the open packet of bacon.
He doesn’t answer right away. What could he say? Where does he even start? He puts the eggs in his hand on the counter, his mind slowly slipping into a headspace he can’t afford to be in. He has Sky to think about, his students.
Your hand gently touches his arm and it all comes flooding back. He wraps himself around you, a sob breaking free from somewhere deep in his chest.
You quickly wrap your arms around him, one hand gently rubbing his back as the other cradles the back of his head. You can feel his tears against your neck, tears he probably held in for far too long.
You’re not sure how long you stand there, but when you feel his grip loosen you pull his face to look at you.
“I’ll call the Headmistress. You need the day off.” You tell him. He gives a small nod and wraps his arms around you once more.
“Hello Headmistress Dowling.” You sigh into the phone as you start cleaning up Sky’s toys that are strewn about the room.
“I’m surprised to get a call so early from you. And please, call me Ferrah. You are a friend of friend after all.”
“Ok, well… I’m calling on behalf of Saul, he won’t be able to make it in today.”
“Did something happen?” You can hear her chair scrape along the floor and papers shuffling.
“I don’t know the whole story but he needs rest.”
“The school should be there to pick up Sky in about an hour. And I’ll arrange for the other instructors to cover today's training.” She assures you. There’s a few moments where neither of you say anything, the weight of whatever is happening coming down on you both.
“Ferrah, what happened?” You ask quietly.
“I think that might be better explained in person.” She tells you, hanging up. You look down at your phone, unsure of what you could possibly do.
“Phee.” A small voice comes from the hall and you look over to see Sky’s little blonde head poking out.
“Let’s get dressed for school.” You smile at him and follow him to his room. You help him pick out clothes and put on his shoes, managing to shuffle to the door as someone knocks.
You open it to find Ferrah standing on the porch.
“Good Morning.” She gives you a small nod before turning to Sky. “Ready for school?”
He gives her a nod as the school bus rounds the corner. You and Ferrah walk him to the bus, waiving as it pulls away.
“Andreas was killed.” She whispers to you. She can feel the backs of her eyes prickle, it’s been easier to ignore it then let herself feel anything.
“About six months back.”
You nod, it explains why Saul hadn’t spoken to you for several months; not because he didn’t want to, he was just dealing with a whole new life.
“He immediately took Sky in. A big adjustment for him, but you know how he is; doesn’t think he needs help.” A smile flashes across her face but there’s only sadness behind it.
You don’t know what to say, it’s hard enough losing someone you love, but to take on the responsibility of a child?
“Would you like to come in?” Your voice is shaky in your throat, every emotion threatening to come to the surface.
“I trust you to take care of him. We’ve each dealt with this in our own way, but this is the first chance he’s had.” She puts a hand on your shoulder, giving you a sad smile and starts off toward Alfae.
Saul cracks open his eyes, the familiar pattern of the ceiling greeting him like any other morning. Phoenix. He slowly sits up, planting his feet firmly on the floor before pushing himself up. He listens for a moment, the sound of someone singing gently passing through the cracks around the door.
He gently tugs the door open, now hearing the music and getting smacked in the face with the smell of breakfast.
His feet lazily slap against the wooden floor as he walks into the kitchen. You’re stood at the stove, head gently bopping along to the song coming from the stereo as you finish cooking what looks to be breakfast burritos.
“Fucks sake Saul!” You gasp when you catch sight of him. The corner of his mouth tugs up a little as he leans against the doorway. You throw a tinfoil wrapped burrito at him, which he expertly catches with a chuckle.
“Didn’t mean to scare you, love.” His eyes move from the burrito to you, the storm within him seems to have calmed a little.
“Did you get some rest?” You walk over to him, leaning against the wall beside him.
“More than I have in the last few months.” He confesses.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“I couldn’t disrupt your life like that. You were doing what you were meant to do. You didn't need all this.” He waves his hand carelessly in the air.
“All this,” you mimic the gesture,” is your life Saul. It’s not a burden on mine. You are never a burden to me.” You lay your hands on his chest, his arms wrapping around your waist. “You’re not my instructor anymore. We fought alongside each other, learned from one another, and became friends. Let me return the support you've always given me.”
He sighs. She’s always right isn’t she? He gently moves a piece of hair out of your face, indulging in the feeling of your skin beneath his fingertips, your copper eyes closing for longer than a quick blink. He wraps you in a hug, your arms surrounding him in your warmth.
“Did you clean my house?” He playfully shouts.
“I had to stay busy.” You laugh into his chest. “If you need someone to watch Sky after school, I would be more than happy to.” You set your chin on his chest, big dazzling copper eyes staring up at him.
“You don’t have too… I can mange” He shrugs.
“I know I don’t have to, but let me help you.”
“As you wish.”
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daydreamgoddess14 · 10 months
Sing Your Own Kind of Song
Tedbecca Prompt Party 🥳
Ted Lasso / Rebecca Welton
No. 75: Soulmate AU - When you get a song stuck in your head, it’s because your soulmate is singing it. Who's singing what at Nelson Road?
Ted woke up to Aretha Franklin's RESPECT stuck in his head. He put up with it all day, even had Beard raising an eyebrow when he sang it during the morning meeting, which elicited a giggle from Rebecca.
"Alright, Ted?" She asked,
"Just heard it on the radio this morning, that's all boss." He smiled reassuringly.
"Have you heard about this soulmate rubbish they've confirmed on the news?"
"That you're hearing whatever your soulmate is singin'? Sure did, Gigi Hadid. That's some interesting barbecue sauce right there."
"Isn't it just?" Rebecca mused.
"You believe it, boss?"
"Not quite sure what I believe yet, Ted. Guess I'll see how it all pans out."
"I hear ya, if it's good, then you can say you knew all along, and if it's a steaming pile of doggy poop then you don't lose face either."
"You know me so well, Ted."
"Time to get downstairs for training. I'll see you later?"
"Thanks, Ted. Have a good morning." Down on the pitch a short time later, Aretha was replaced by ABBA. When he cooked dinner that night, it was Diana Ross and the Supremes. When he brushed his teeth before bed, it was One Direction. He tried to counteract it by ignoring the song in his head and sticking with his personal favourite, Kenny Rogers, in the hope that this madness would all blow over.
He lasted a month. During that time, there were new romances popping up everywhere. Roy only needed Taylor Swift stuck in his head for a morning to realise Keeley had been singing in the car on the way to work. Likewise, he'd been to see the latest Top Gun movie the previous night with Jamie, Isaac, and Moe, and had woken up singing 'Highway to the Danger Zone'. Keeley thought she might have some detective work to do, but Taylor Swift had done her a solid when she overheard Roy humming Wildest Dreams. They'd been inseparable ever since. There were breakups, too - Beard and Jane had not been on the same page at all, and while Beard wanted to keep trying, Jane did not. Ted was stumped, though. Whoever his mystery singer was, they were an enigma. Songs ranged from power ballads to current pop, and from obscure TV theme tunes he did not recognise - what the heck was Bullseye?! - to showtunes. He was at a loss.
Weeks went by, and Rebecca grew impatient. Her secret soulmate was predictable. It had only taken her a couple of weeks to work out that it was Ted. He listened to a lot of the same artists on repeat, Kenny Rogers, Bruce Springsteen, Dolly Parton and more country music than she even knew existed. Dolly had given her the inspiration to accelerate her plan. She'd spent the time since weighing up whether she believed it or not. She told no one and instead set out on a little game. Each morning, she'd pick a random song or theme tune to sing - trying to get more and more random and wild each day. In return, Ted had been keeping a log - looking for any kind of pattern or consistency. He found nothing. Whoever his soulmate was, they had the most varied tastes. One morning, he wakes with an unfamiliar tune in his head. He can't place it, it's repetitive and sounds like it should be known to him, but he's none the wiser. When Nate whips out his phone to show Ted a clip of the football from the previous night's TV, the tune accompanies the clip.
"Nate, what's that?"
"It's a clip of Sam's goal from a different angle?"
"No, the tune?"
"Match of the Day? You've been here 3 years, and you don't know the tune to Match of the Day?"
"I watch Sky Sports." Ted shrugged. "Anyway, Match of the Day is popular?"
"It's been a staple of British TV for years." Ted mulled over what he'd learned and consulted his notebook where he'd listed weeks of songs. Adele, Whitney, Shania, showtune after showtune… whoever they were, they liked a strong voice. Then he spotted the little outliers… Geri, Mel C, Posh… they'd snuck the Spice Girls in there individually. This, combined with the Match of the Day theme, had him barrelling out of the office and up the stairs two at a time. He burst through Rebecca's open door to see her at her laptop writing an email and softly singing the Match of the Day theme.
"It's you," he said without saying hello.
"Took you long enough." She smiled.
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acesofspadess · 10 months
Endless Love 7
a/n/: title chapter is finally hereeeeeeee. I hope you've enjoyed this little story as much I did writing it.... one more chapter after this :(
niallhoran and nbcthevoice
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niallhoran AMERICA!! Vote. Vote. Vote. @/bleuwilson
user3 I hope they win
lewiscapaldi vote you little fuckers
bleuwilson this picture>>>>>>
Finale pt 2
Last night felt like a dream. Today was the finale and you couldn't believe you had come this far. Harry and the band facetimed you before they went on for their concert and you cried at how proud of you they were. Tonight you would be singing with Niall and you had picked a very special song. Rehearsals were intense as both of you were singing to each other now.  There were many times you guys ended up face to face breaths mingling into one.
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“We match.” you smiled as you spoke softly to Niall who you were sitting next to for this segment.
“Sorrry?” he said leaning closer to you as a joke. You laughed and hit his arm. “They're gonna put that in too." He agreed with a laugh.
“I love the way you speak at one decibel- if even-”
Clips played of you in knockouts rehearsal with Reba and you answering Niall and Reba leaning in to hear you through the mic.
“Should we have a quiet off?” Niall suggested. You whispered very softly, “go ahead.” and niall whispered back a little lower than you, “im excited.” you smile as you let the smallest whisper out saying, “Delira and excira.” Niall ‘heh’ed’ you and you laughed leaning back in the seat.  “I think B won that,” he admitted. “It's my game.” you shrugged.
“The first zoom I ever did with you, I was like- I thought audio was fully off. It wasn't.” you both laughed and you squished your face between your hands.
“I just get nervous. And when I get nervous my voice gets quieter.”
“Unless you ask her about tea or fruit. Then you can't shut her up.” You hid your face in your hands as Niall laughed. “Or Guiness.” you threw in. “A woman after my own heart.” he replied with a laugh, messing with the tips of his hair. 
“Okay but like, I barely knew you then. But then in rehearsals and through team bonding and stuff you had us do it was like having a friend around. And when I perform it's like it's only you in the room.” he smiled at you before talking. “Yeah I'm just rooting you on. People like seeing nice people do good things. And I think B is a perfect example of that by just being herself.”
“Thanks.” you scrunched your nose at the complement. “You're just a nice person. Who’s finally starting to take people's compliments.” you scoffed at him which led him to smile at you cheekily.
“The song Bleu and I are going to sing is ‘Endless Love’ by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross.” you smiled softly at Niall as he spoke, “when we were going over inspirations and songs in one of our first zoom calls she brought that song up, and i knew that that was gonna be our song if- well when- she made it to the finals. It's also one of my favourite songs and i sing it every time i get drunk at Karaoke.” you laughed at his confession and he started to laugh with you. 
“I didn't know that.” you laughed out. “Oh did I not tell you?” you both laughed even harder. “Which part did you sing?” you giggled. “Ill tell you this, its not the part i'm singing today.” You laughed as he shook his head at you.
“You know what to expect from this performance?”
You were on one side of the stage while Niall was on the other. The piano started to play and Niall raised the mic to his lips.
My love, there's only you in my life.
The only thing that's right.
Niall had walked to centre stage and you sand as you walked towards him
My first love, you're every breath that I take,
you're every step I make.
And I...
I want to share...
All my love with you.
No one else will do.
And your eyes...
your eyes, your eyes...
They tell me how much you care.
Oh yes, you will always be my endless love.
As you sang you faced Niall who you saw close his eyes when you sang
Two hearts, two hearts that beat as one.
Our lives have just begun.
I'll hold you close in my arms.
I can't resist your charms.
And love...
Oh love...
I'll be a fool for you, I'm sure...
You will know I don't mind.
Oh, you know I don't mind.
'Cause you, you mean the world to me, oh
I know I've found...
In you, my endless love.
You and Niall started to walk around the stage and each other closing the wide distance between you
Oh love...
I'll be that fool for you, I'm sure...
You will know I don't mind.
Oh, you know I don't mind.
And yes, you'll be the only one.
Niall outstretched his hand to yours and you linked your hand with his
'Cause no one can deny this love I have inside.
And I'll give it all to you.
My love...
My love, my love...
My endless love.
You finished standing in front of Niall with only enough room for your mics between you, his hand laced in yours resting on his pounding heart.  You hugged him tightly when the audience roared and he swayed you back and forth. You let go of the hug and walked down the stage taking your in-ears out as if you didn't just confess all your feelings to him.
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nbcthevoice been waiting alllllll season for @/niallhoran and @/bleuwilson to SING together ❤️‍🔥👀
user4 this duet right here🥵🥴
The time had come. You were standing on stage with the four other artists. You took a deep breath looking for Niall. When you met his eye he smiled and winked at you. You weren't sure if it calmed you down, but with the way you flushed you knew it probably didn't. 
Each of you had a chance to say something to your coaches and when it got to you you smiled with watery eyes. “Wow, I'm not gonna cry, but your friendship and your mentorship has been so special to me and I love you. So thank you for choosing me and giving me this opportunity. Love you.” You watched Niall smile with his eyes closed and him say, “I love you, B.” 
When everyone had finished Carson announced he would be announcing the names now. 
“The finalist in 5th place is….. Novias.” you hugged him as he stood next to you and took Graces’ hand.
“The finalist in 4th place is…… Sorelle.” you hugged the girls with shaky hands and took D-Smooth's hand.
“The finalist in 3rd place is…… D-Smooth.” you were starting to freak out. You were shaking as Grace grabbed your hand. You saw Niall lean forward in his seat a bit and that made you even more nervous. 
“Grace and Bleu, one of you is The Voice. This is the moment we've all been waiting for. By the way, this was the closest margin of victory in The Voice history.” you and Grace looked at each other with shocked smiles. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes as you heard Carson.
“The winner of Season 23 of The Voice is…. Bleu Wilson!” you swore everything went quiet as you opened your eyes up in shock. You looked at Niall to make sure you weren't hearing things and when you saw his face you dropped to the floor crying into your knees. You couldn’t believe your name was just called. 
You felt a hand on your back and stood back up to see Grace holding her arms out for you. She hugged you tightly as you wiped away the falling tears with shaky hands. The confetti went off as you saw Niall waiting at the bottom of the stairs to let you have your moment. When the other artist came up D-Smooth was the first to hug you. When you let go Niall had his arms open and a silent scream plastered on his face. 
More tears instantly fell as you waved at him and he laughed pulling you into his loving arms. “I told you!” he repeated as you let go. You shook your hand in front of your face and hugged him again. He wrapped his arms around you so lovingly, it took everything in you not to kiss him. 
When you were done crying and hugging everyone you managed to disappear into the old rehearsal room. You walked around the somewhat dark room with the trophy in one hand and the other grazing over chairs and mic stands.
You heard the door open and a familiar figure step inside. “I knew I'd find you here.” The Irish accent was unmistakable. “I think you might know me better than I know myself.” you said, turning to him. He continued to walk towards taking your free hand in one of his. 
“And why is that?” he whispered now that the distance had disappeared. “Because I want you too.” you whispered back. You watched his eyes search yours. He brought a shaky hand to your cheek, thumb caressing the bone. “I've wanted to do this for so long.” he whispered almost angrily. “Then do it.” and with that he took your lips into his with a soft exhale and you put the trophy on the chair next to you and took your hand threading it through his hair. He let go of your hand to wrap around your bare waist and you leaned in to him with a soft moan. The intensity of the kiss softened until his lips were just grazing yours as he spoke, “I'm so proud of you B. '' he said softly resting his forehead on yours. 
You kissed his nose softly as you stepped away from each other. “Now we have press to deal with popstar.” he joked, pressing a kiss to your head. “Wait, this isn't gonna get you kicked off the show or anything-” he shut you up with a kiss you easily melted into. “No, I already talked to who I needed to talk to a long time ago.” you headed for the door that would lead you outside before Niall turned you to him and kissed you. “Sorry I had to.” you giggled as he opened the door for you and you laughed at all the people who cheered for you when you walked through with the trophy in hand.
Niall Taglist:
@youcan-nolonger-run @ravenclawdirectioner
@luxiorchive @maeflowers653
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weirdthoughtsandideas · 6 months
~Writing Advent Calendar 2023 Day 19~
Prompt: Snow
Aka: Three future daughters go skiing together, and then something else happens
Read on ao3 or under the cut
Francesca and Diego had moved around a lot since they had a child. Diana was born in Buenos Aires, and lived there until she turned four. Then they decided to move to Italy for a few years. Soon after Diana's tenth birthday, they had moved to Spain, and had lived here now for two years.
Violetta, Leon and their daughter, Isadora, went to visit them for the holidays. Violetta thought it could be fun to celebrate a christmas with snow again, like when she was a child living in Europe. They thought it could be very fun to go to a ski resort. 
Now, not only was Violetta and Leon coming with their daughter, but also Ludmila and Naty with theirs. Naty wanted to visit her family in Spain, and Ludmila wanted to visit Diego. While Violetta, Leon, Francesca and Diego with their respective kids stayed at the resort, Ludmila and Naty stayed at Naty's aunt's house. However, Ludmila was over with their daughter Stella for the day, thinking it could be fun to let her ski. Also to let her meet Diana. They didn't see her too often. Francesca and Diego visited them in Buenos Aires sometimes during vacations. But now they hadn't seen her since last year.
They had stayed at the resort for a day now, and during breakfast, Violetta remarked how big the girls had become.
"Diana, you've grown so much!" Violetta said, putting her hand on Diana's shoulders.
"What about Isadora?" Francesca said, pointing at Violetta's daughter. "She grows so fast! I remember when they were both little babies in our arms."
"Yeah... do you still have that photo where they lie on the carpet together?"
"And when they're five and drink juice on that bench?"
"Yeah, it's so pretty."
"Alright, mom, we were cute as babies!" Diana exclaimed. Isadora giggled.
"Wasn't my daughter cute as a baby?" Ludmila asked, announcing her presence by that line. Stella was smiling awkwardly as her mother guided her into the room. 
"Hey!" Diego gave Ludmila a big hug. "And hi, Stella. How old are you now?"
"Just like your daughters," Ludmila said.
"I'm 12," Diana and Isadora said in unison.
"Close enough. Haha."
"Well, are you ready to do some skiing?" Leon asked.
"No, I'm just here for the hot tub!" Ludmila exclaimed and then laughed loudly. 
"There's a hot tub?" Diana asked. "I thought there was only a sauna."
"Yeah, Ludmila, you gotta try the sauna that was included in our suite!" Diego said.
"No, I don't like being naked with strangers."
"We're not strangers..." Violetta said, "But fair enough."
"Let's give you a tour of the suite we're staying in," Leon said. "Girls, you can go ski if you want to."
"Alright!" Diana exclaimed, "Stella, have you ever skid before?"
"One time when I was very little and we visited my aunt, who had a singing gig at a ski resort in the Alps. But it was only in the kids slope. I don't think I'll be that good at it."
"I'm not good either," Isadora assured her. "Diana had to hold my hand to get down yesterday."
"We'll start in the smallest slope, and then we can get ourselves higher up," Diana said. "Come on!"
The three girls spent half an hour riding up and down in the smallest slope.
"Ok, I think I'm ready for bigger slopes..." Stella said.
"Great! Let's go to the lifts!" Diana said, pointing at the sitting lifts.
"They are a bit hard to get on, but I promise, once you're on the lift, it's gonna go smoothly," Isadora assured her. Stella smiled.
They got on the lift. Isadora thought she'd never like skiing, and to be fair, she did not really enjoy it... but it was fun to do it with her friends.
She didn't meet Diana very often, because they lived in different countries, but every time they met, they had very fun. Because both of them were only-children, and both in the same age, it was extra fun to hang out with someone who was not an adult.
"It's very high up..." Stella said.
"Don't worry, it's a very easy slope," Diana said.
"Yeah, it starts off a little steep, but that's only to get up your speed," Isadora chimed in. "I promise, you'll like it."
They got off, and skid towards the slope they mentioned. Indeed, it looked like it was quite steep.
"I don't know if I can..." Stella said.
"It's just the first part, and I am always nervous about it, too," Isadora said, "But then it will be fun."
The three of them counted to three and then started skiing down the slope.
"Too fast!" Stella yelled.
"Don't worry!" Diana yelled back. "Just tilt your skis, and- whoa!" 
She almost stumbled on a rock, but got back on track soon after.
"Be careful!" Isadora called.
Stella started to smile. "Hey, this is going well!"
"Yes, it is!" Isadora replied, looking back to give her a smile.
But she should not have looked back. Because it caused her to accidentally make her skis cross, ending in her tripping and tumbling down.
"Isa!" Stella screamed.
"Heck yeah, I wanna do that, too!" Diana laughed and purposely threw herself on the ground.
They tumbled all the way down to the ground. Stella was the only one who skid down normally.
"That was fun," she said. "But are you two ok?"
"Yeah," the 12 year olds replied, letting out chuckles.
"Sometimes it's just more fun to fall than ski," Diana said. "But I feel like going inside now. Maybe find that hot tub."
"I think our parents have occupied it," Isadora said. "Maybe the sauna?"
"Yeah, that can be nice, too."
They took off their skiing outfits and let out relieved sighs as they entered the suite. Isadora went to use the bathroom as Diana went to the kitchen, getting soda for them. 
She and Stella sat down in the couch, as Isadora came back.
"Hi, I got you a soda!"
"Thanks..." Isadora grabbed it and took a sip. However, she did not want to sit down. Stella did not think much of it, but Diana noticed immediately. She also took notice of Isadora's facial expression. Slightly uncomfortable.
"Why are you standing?" Diana asked.
"Why do you take notice if I stand or sit?"
"No, I just... I can see your face, and I can see you're a bit jarred. And now you don't wanna sit."
"I just don't want to get the sofa dirty..."
"Since when are you a clean freak?"
Isadora didn't want to reply. Diana however, loved to figure things out whenever people were quiet.
"Did something happen?"
No reply. Isadora just sipped on her soda. Diana stood up and started walking around her.
"Ok. Maybe I'm just reading things too much. Shall we go to the sauna?"
"No!" Isadora let out.
"Why not?" Stella asked.
"I... don't feel like going to the sauna right now."
"Interesting..." Diana said, getting her face very close to Isadora's, as if she was examining it. "Are you uncomfortable now? Because we were in the sauna yesterday, and that was no big deal."
"It's not that. It's... I don't think it's a good idea to be in the sauna."
"Why not?"
Isadora scrunched her face up. She didn't want to tell.
"Isa, I'm getting worried," Diana said, putting her hands on the top of her arms. "Please. What's going on?"
Isadora sighed, and then whispered it slowly into her ear.
Diana let go, looking like her eyes were about to pop out. 
"What is it?" Stella asked.
"She..." Diana put her hand over her mouth as she started to bounce her legs excitedly. Isadora shook her head, mouthing that she shouldn't say it.
Diana started skipping around, letting out excited squeals.
"What did she say?" Stella asked, only more intrigued by this reaction.
Isadora covered Diana's mouth. "Nothing! I... don't wanna talk about it."
Diana backed and ran over to the other side of Isadora. She leaned over her shoulder excitedly. 
"She got her period!"
"DIANA!" Isadora grabbed her by the waist, as if holding her would help the situation.
"Oh..." Stella said. "Is it your first time?"
"Her first!" Diana exclaimed, flapping her heads excitedly.
"Why are you so excited?" Isadora asked.
”Because! I haven’t met anyone who has gotten it before! Besides the adults, obviously, but not anyone my age!”
”So you haven’t gotten it?”
”I know I may seem so very mature, but nope.”
Stella smiled. ”Well… you gotta talk to your mom, she can help you.”
”I don’t wanna talk to her…” Isadora said.
”Why not?”
”I’m just… nervous.”
”She’s your mom,” Diana said, ”I think she knew this would happen. Also, can you release me?”
Isadora was still holding her, but let go after Diana asked. Diana continued.
”Now, I am planning to surprise my mom when I get it! She’s gonna expect me to tell her right away, but nope! I’m gonna sneak it around, make her feel suspicious. And then… when she least expects it, I’m gonna just drop it like a bomb and run away before she can react. She’ll be watching TV or something, and I’ll slip in, go ’by the way, I got my period’, and then slip out!”
”You got your period?”
The three of them got startled. Francesca had suddenly appeared in the living room.
”Not me, mom. Isadora did.”
Isadora wanted to sink underground. 
Francesca turned to Isadora. ”Oh.”
”Don’t tell my mom!” Isadora let out. 
Francesca gave her a gentle smile and stroked her hair. ”You never got it before?”
"Then I think you gotta tell your mom. It's gonna be ok. She's in her room right now preparing to go to the hot tub. Do you want me to come with you?"
Isadora nodded.
”I’m coming with you, too!” Diana said, but her mother stopped her.
”No, you stay here.” She then said something in italian, and Diana just nodded.
As Francesca and Isadora had left the room, Diana turned to Stella.
”So I am assuming you haven’t gotten it either.”
”You’d be correct,” Stella replied.
”So, you have two moms. I have a question: When you get it, who are you gonna tell first?”
Stella opened her mouth, and then stopped her tracks. ”I… have absolutely no idea.”
It was night, and Ludmila and Stella had gone back. Isadora and Diana shared a bedroom. Isadora was currently staring out the window, where more snow started to pour down.
Diana was lying on her belly in her bed, with her legs up in the air.
”So, tell me everything. What did your mom say?”
”Not much. She gave me a hug and kiss and got me some pads. It was kind of uneventful, so I don’t know why I was nervous of telling her.”
”Do you feel different?”
Isadora lied down in her bed, staring at the ceiling. ”Not really. I don’t feel… great, but it’s not really that bad either. It’s just… well, I guess this is just how it is.”
”Yeah… I still think it’s exciting.”
”That’s because you don’t have it.”
”Perhaps…” Diana suddenly gasped. ”Isa… remember how your mom’s childhood was really weird?”
”Uh… huh?”
”And her mom died… so, when she got it, who did she tell?”
Isadora stared into thin air. ”I… don’t know. Her dad?”
The two started laughing.
”No, but she had tutors…” Isadora continued, ”Maybe she told them.”
”From what my mom has told me about your mom’s childhood, it seems like she was very lonely. So maybe she told no one and was all by herself to figure it out.”
”My mom said the only one who understood her was her aunt… but she wasn’t around until my mom was 17. I think my mom would have gotten a better childhood if her aunt was around all the time.”
Diana nodded. ”Did you know our parents used to date?”
”My mom and your mom?”
”No, my dad and your mom!”
”Oh. Yeah, I knew that. There has seemed to be a lot of drama they had as teenagers.”
”I hope I also get into a lot of drama as a teenager,” Diana admitted. ”Or at least get a good love story.” 
Diana took out her hand, and Isadora did the same. They held hands over their separate beds.
”I hope we both get good love stories. And we better tell each other all about it!” 
Isadora smiled. ”Yeah…”
She looked at Diana and felt warm inside. Diana was such a funny girl. And because they didn’t see each other every day, Isadora felt extra special around her.
Although, she wished they could see each other every day. If that were the case, Isadora was sure she’d never have a boring day ever again…
This was inspired by this swedish book series about a middle school couple (a boy and girl) spending christmas at a ski resort with the girl's family, and the girl, who is like 12, is worried she's getting her period. Now, she never did, and actually she never did in the entire book series (probably because that series was written by two men who didn't know how to do it properly), but they at least were like "she could mention about THINKING she got it". Isadora and Diana's relationship will progress a bit more as they grow older. But right now, I think something has sparkled inside Isadora that she won't fully realize until much later.
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writingfandomfeels · 3 years
Tadashi Hamada - Drunk Karaoke
A/N: I wrote this yearssssss ago after first falling for Tadashi Hamada and being inspired by this clip of his voice actor Daniel Henney singing on YouTube for a different role. I hope you can listen to the audio and enjoy imagining Tadashi serenading you in this story <3 “No.” Tadashi breathed, staring at his phone. 
“What?” You asked, approaching him. 
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no! This can’t be happening!!!” 
“What is it?” You repeated yourself. 
“I only got 65% on the last assignment! I don’t understand, I worked so hard!!!” He huffed. 
You searched yourself for some way to encourage him. “There’s other assignments right? I’m sure you’ll do better on them. Maybe just check with the professor on what you were getting wrong and see if you can make up for it?” 
“No, not in this class, she’s very strict. Absolutely no makeups, she’s warned us. I could still check why though so at least I’ll know… ” 
“Why don’t you come out with us tonight?” Fred offered, suddenly appearing in the back of the emptying nerd lab. “Yeah, you won’t be able to hear back from that teacher tonight anyways and you got nothing else to do. Have a little fun for a night. Wasabi is DDing” 
You looked to Tadashi, curious his response. Your boyfriend wasn’t much of a bar goer but he did go with his friends on occasion, usually as the designated driver though. 
He sighed. “Yeah, okay, might cheer me up after all this.” 
You crowded around the bar, each taking turns ordering. Except Fred. He took 3 shots and ran off to dance. Wasabi got a diet coke since he's the designated driver and Honey ordered a martini. Everyone looked surprised when Tadashi got ready to order too. 
He shrugged at their expressions. "It's been a long terrible day that I really just want to forget."
"Well if you're in the mood for forgetting..." Gogo paused and ordered some complicated drink then slid it to him. "It's my own little concoction. Strongest stuff I've ever had."
Tadashi eyed it hesitantly.
"I...don't know Gogo," Honey said looking at Tadashi. "You don't have to drink anything if you don't want to." She reminded him.
He shrugged. "Why not. What have I got to lose." He said and began drinking Gogo’s concoction.
"Hey! Look! It's karaoke night!" Wasabi said turning his attention to the stage opposite the bar.
Honey gasped. "Tadashi! You should sing!!"
You looked at him shocked and impressed. "You sing?!!"
He shook his head. "Only in the shower or when I don’t notice I’m doing it. I'm not nearly drunk enough for karaoke."
"Well then! That can be arranged!" You laughed and ordered him a shot.
He chuckled. "I would have never thought you the type to get someone drunk and take advantage of them." He teased.
"What can I say," you shrugged, "I love singers”
"Oh, do you?" He asked watching, interested.
You smiled at him coyly and he quickly took the shot. Not long later, he's making dumb jokes and like a hyper little kid. 
He giggled as he stared at you. 
"What?" You smirk.
"There's two’a you." He giggled more. "This is so awesome. I love having two’a you. But wait which one is the real you ‘cause I don'wanna acciden’ally kiss someone who's not my girlfriend." His eyes grew big as he slurred. "Whoa, yeah, that would be bad....but two of you!!!" He exclaimed excitedly again.
You laughed with Honey and Gogo at him.
"So does that mean you're drunk enough to sing for me now?" You asked.
"Sing?! OHH YEAHHHHH I WAS GONNA SIIIING FOR YOUUU, okay okay just....just wait here...." He said and got up from the bar stool, stumbling a bit. "Just stay here..." He held his hands up, "I'll I'll be right back...okay?"
"Okay, I'll be here." You smiled.
"Okay." He said and started to leave but then ran back to kiss you, catching you off guard, and then ran back to the stage. 
Gogo chuckled at your surprised look. "Yeah, he gets a bit clingy when he's drunk."
"A bit clingy?!" Honey said as if what Gogo said was a terrible exaggeration.
Gogo chuckled again. "Okay, a lot clingy! Once he wouldn't let Honey go to the bathroom alone." 
"He kept saying I was his best friend and not to go but I was like ‘Tadashi I really have to pee! And what about Fred he's your best friend too?’ Thankfully that got him distracted enough to tackle Fred with hugs instead of me." Honey explained. 
You laughed at the story with the girls.
"Next up! Ta-" the MC paused and looked at Tadashi who was just off stage "dude, I can't read your handwriting… what does it say?"
Tadashi just grabbed the mic from him instead.
"Heeeelloooooooooo Sanfransokyooooo! It is I, Tadashi Hamada, here to serenade you.....buuuuuuuut mostly just my girlfriend ‘cause she's a dork waffle and got me drunk so I would sing to her." He slurred. "But it's okay ‘cause she's really cute. Okay! This is a song! Called...ahh....umm....a thing, I dunno......anyways I umm OH! Oh it's starting!!! Everyone it's starting, shhhhh! Wasabi it's starting, look, shhhhh!!!"
You and the group laughed at him and Honey got out her phone to video it. Frankly, you were quite impressed with his talent. 
When he had finished, the whole bar applauded like mad. "Thank you!!!" He shouted and dropped the mic. He picked up his baseball cap that had fallen while he was head banging, then jumped off stage. 
You got up off your barstool to meet him. "You were amazing!!!!" You shouted over the new music playing. You reached your arms out to hug him but he pulled you into a sloppy kiss instead.
"Let's dance." He grinned and pulled you deeper into the crowd. 
Moments later, you bumped into Honey again.
"IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU GUYS EVERYWHERE!!!" She yelled over the music. "YOU GOTTA COME SEE FRED!!!!" She dragged you off behind her and soon you come within view of a mechanical bull that Fred was totally rocking. 
Having a few drinks in yourself, you decide you want to try it too after Fred. Tadashi didn’t realize this at first though, so got upset when he saw you getting on it. 
"WhAdder youuu doing?!!" He scolded. 
You shrugged. "Giving it a try."
"No no no no no!!" He said, running over and trying to carry you away from it. "I don't want you to get hurt!"
"But Fred didn't get hurt." You pointed out.
"But Fred is a idiot so even if he did I woulden’ be too worried. But you’re too pridddyyy t’ fall an’ break your face. Fred can break his face if he wants though." He slurred and pulled at your hand. "C'mon let’s do something else.” The drunken boy looked around the bar for something else to do. 
“LOOK DARTS I LOVE DARTS DON’T YOU LOVE DARTS?!" he said excitedly and pulled the darts from the board then backed up. "I'm sooooooooo good at darts, just watch me," he said, giving you a charming crooked grin and a wink. 
He threw the first dart and it hit the edge of the board. The second hit about 2 inches from the target, and the third....hit your forehead.
"Aaahhhhh!!!" You grabbed at your temple before looking down to see the bright red blood on your hands.
"OH NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" He rushed over to you. "I'm SO sorry Y/N!!!!!" He apologized, looking at the cut and hugging you. "We gotta get Baymax! Baymax!! BAYMAX!!!" he began calling and wandering a little. "OW! BAYMAX! OW! BAYMAX! ACTIVATE!!"
You held your stinging temple and ran after him, grabbing his arm with your non-bloody hand. "Hun, Baymax is at home." You pointed out. 
"Oh" He paused, looking worriedly at the dripping blood. "Well let's go find him then!!!" He said, determinedly scooping you up into his arms and heading to the doors. 
Once outside he wandered up and down the street almost whacking your head on a light post. "Umm..." he hiccupped, "where are we??"
You laughed. "How bout we get Wasabi to drive us instead?"
He nodded, setting you down and going back inside with you to find your friend. 
“Aghh, my head…” Tadashi groaned the next morning. 
You rolled over in bed to face him. “Yeah, I know that feeling.” 
He looked at the bandaid plastered to your forehead. “Did I do that?” He moved his hand up to his head, groaning again. “Everything is so hazy.” 
“It’s okay, it wasn’t that bad.” You reassured. 
He turned over to pick up his phone, checking the time to see how late the two of you had slept in. In doing so though he noticed an email notification. 
“Oh my gosh. I can’t believe it.” He breathed. 
“What?” You asked curiously. 
“My professor… she’s actually going to let me make up my grade!” 
“That’s amazing!!!” You cheered. 
He looked at the time again. “Not if I don’t make it to meet her!” 
Tadashi jumped out of bed, instantly regretting the fast movement. 
You cringed as you watched him place a hand to his mouth, willing himself not to vomit. 
Hurriedly he changed out of his pyjamas and into the first clothes he could find. 
“Good luck!” You called after him as he rushed away.
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hercleverboy · 3 years
spencer reid x fem! reader
summary ↠ reader and spencer come to terms with the fact that they’ve fallen out of love. 
category ↠ angst
warnings/includes ↠ arguing, slight hints to sex, falling out of love, a lot of crying
word count ↠ 3.8k
↠ so this is my submission for @railmereid ‘s writing challenge using the prompt “Do you think we could pretend?”. as soon as I saw the prompt I got the idea for this and figured i’d participate! thanks for reading! 
“Never feel guilty for starting again.” — Rupi Kaur
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Razljubit is the Russian word for the sentimental feeling you have for somone you once loved, but no longer do.
It’s a funny thing, Love. It’s been written about in countless poems, sung about in millions of songs. They tell you about how people can cheat and lie and hurt the people they were supposed to love in the most heart-breaking ways. 
But they never sing or write about the most painful scenario. 
When two people fall out of love with one another, there isn’t always a reason.
That can sometimes make it worse, the fact that it’s no one’s fault.
Because wouldn’t it just be so much easier if there was someone to blame? Someone to scream and cry and lash out at? Wouldn’t it be easier if one of them had cheated, or spewed words of venom in an argument that they could never take back? 
That’s what made it so difficult. There was no blame, no fault. Just a love now lost. 
For the last four years, Spencer and Y/N had spent near enough every waking moment together. Being with one another was all they knew and it’s all they wanted to know for the rest of their lives. 
There were countless museum trips and blushing giggles exchanged over the tops of coffee cups. With every early morning and every late night, they knew that this had to be forever. This had to be it for them. 
When Y/N met Spencer’s mother, it was one of the happiest days of his life. Diana had been having a good day, so Spencer had called up his girlfriend and asked if she’d wanted to finally meet his mother. Of course, she’d been ecstatic that he wanted to share this part of his life with her, as they’d only been dating for six months or so. Immediately, Diana fell in love with her. They spent the entire day talking, with Diana happily showing off pictures from Spencer’s youth from her scrapbook. Once it was time to go, his mother had pulled Y/N into a hug, telling her how thankful she was that she had taken good care of her son. Y/N moved to stand by the door to give Spencer the space to bid his mother goodbye. When Diana pulled her son into her arms, she whispered into his ear the words he’d never forget. “She’s the one, Spencer. Don’t you ever let her go.”
It was only a few weeks after that that Y/N finally met Spencer’s team. They’d quickly figured out that he had a girlfriend, though he’d expressed how he wanted to wait until he was ready to introduce her, and the team didn’t push him. Though, when they met her, they fell in love with her too. Y/N was just that kind of person, magnetic, passionate. To be near her was to love her. The first time they met Y/N, they’d gone to their usual bar for drinks after work, and Spencer had decided that he was ready to introduce his beloved to the team. Sometime later, Y/N excused herself to the toilet. Spencer had turned nervously toward his team, waiting for their impressions. Morgan spoke first, “Pretty Ricky, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were wrapped around her finger.” Emily had chimed in with, “Yeah, Reid. You better marry that girl before someone else does.” Garcia had been the last to speak, already four fruity cocktails in. She’d grasped Spencer by his shoulders, looking him in the eyes. “Okay so Y/N is my new best friend now. You better not break her heart, you hear me?” She’d slurred, to which Spencer had chuckled. “I won’t, Garcia. Not to her. Never her.”
They would dance together in the early hours of the morning, when sleep was so close yet so far out of their reach. The sound of Elvis Presley’s ‘I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You’ would quietly play from the record player in the living room, the pair swaying together to the soft beat. They didn’t exchange much conversation, simply just basking in one another’s warmth, enjoying the feel of being in each other’s arms. Spencer would hold her tightly to his chest, rest his head on top of hers. It was simply bliss. 
After spending hours between the sheets, they’d stay up together, his arms around her and her head resting on his chest as she absentmindedly drew shapes across his skin. They’d giggle over silly things, talk about their future; marriage, buying a house that would become their forever home, raising a family together. “I like talking about this. With you.” He’d whisper, looking up at the ceiling. “You do? Why?” She’d question. “Because it grounds me. Reminds me that with all the horrific things I see on a daily basis, there’s still good in this world. There’s still purity in the form of children, happiness and kindness and love —” He’d paused, reaching down to grab one of her hands in his. “It reminds me that this — this is the life I’m fighting for. The chance to come home to you, our kids, and know that everything I do is making the world just that little bit safer for the people I love.” He’d smiled. “If I can do that,” He’d grinned, “then it will have been a pretty good life.” 
Their relationship was great, brilliant even, for the most part. Though, some nights were worse than others. “You’re never here!” She’d exclaim, pain in her voice. He’d scoff, crossing his arms as he got defensive like he usually did. “You knew that would be the case when we got together four years ago! Why is it suddenly a problem now?” “Because how are we supposed to build a life together, have a family, if you’re always halfway across the country? Too busy to even call me and tell me you’re still alive!” She’d spit, venom in her words that burned his skin like acid. “Oh, I’m sorry that the serial killer we were hunting down couldn’t spare five minutes for me to give you a call. Perhaps I should ask them next time!” 
Eventually, after the dust had settled and with the weight of the words exchanged between them, they’d apologise. “I’m sorry. I know I’m gone a lot and I know it’s tough on you, I should’ve been more considerate.” “No, no. It was my fault. I shouldn’t have yelled like that. I’m sorry.” “It’s okay. I love you.” “I love you too.”
No matter how vicious their fights could be sometimes, they always came from a place of worry. After all, the arguments weren’t the reason they fell out of love. 
And for a long time, this life fulfilled them both. 
Until the day came that it didn’t. 
They’d been together for so many years that all they knew was one another. Y/N was Spencer’s first proper relationship. She’d taught him how to love, how it felt to be loved in return. For four years they knew nothing but waking up together, falling asleep together. They spent so long on late night phone calls when Spencer was away on a case, spent countless mornings in bed just relaying ‘I love you’s over and over. They were both young, in love with the idea of love. 
They spent so long being in love that it took them some time to recognise when they’d fallen out of it. 
Once they both hit that realisation, however, the relationship didn’t end. Not yet anyway. They both danced around the topic, refusing to accept what they knew to be true. Their mornings were no longer full of loving kisses and gentle touches. Instead, a simple forced smile and awkward laugh with a small “have a good day” as Spencer headed off to work. He’d come home, and they’d eat together in silence. Then she’d go and busy herself with cleaning up while Spencer resumed reading or researching. When bedtime came, he’d lean over and plant a single kiss on her forehead before shuffling further onto his side of the mattress and turning away from her, and she would do the same.
When he was away for cases, he texted sometimes so she at least knew he was still alive. However, gone were the nights spent on the phone, him in his hotel room whispering in a hushed tone how badly he missed her. No more early morning texts that exclaimed his excitement at coming home.
And after months of dancing around the ashes of a love that once burned so bright, it finally came to a head. They could no longer deny the inevitable. 
They’d simply fallen out of love.
Each of them berated themselves for allowing this to continue on for so long. really, they were both just afraid of what life would be like without one another. It would be like starting back at square one. They’d had their whole lives mapped out ahead of them, and they just simply didn’t know what the future held for them, if not each other. 
This was the girl Spencer had been so sure he’d marry. Now she was going to become a complete stranger. 
That was something else that worried them both. Would they be friends after this? Even if things hadn’t worked out for them, would it hurt to see one of them find someone else? Start a life with someone that in a different universe, could’ve been them? Would the reminder of the future they could’ve had together if things had been different painfully jab at them each time they saw one another?
One evening, they stood together in the small kitchen after dinner. They were silent, (conversation didn’t flow like it used to before) and Y/N busied herself with washing the plates. The only interaction the pair had was when Y/N’s fingers would brush Spencer’s as she passed him the plates so he could dry them and place them in the cabinets. Both of their hearts sank at the lack of a spark as their fingertips touched. They felt nothing. 
The only thing to break the silence was the sound of the tap running, and when Y/N had washed the final plate and passed it to Spencer, she turned off the running stream and let the silence that had suffocated the couple for months resume. 
She stood for a moment, as did he. For the first time in months, neither one left the room. With a deep breath, she turned around to face him, her hands reaching behind her to hold the counter in a grip she was sure she would need to survive this painful conversation. 
The day that Spencer realised was two months ago. 
He and the team had been away on a case, and they’d been gone for an entire week. He had called Y/N once, just to confirm he was on a case and didn’t know when he would be back. No further communication happened between the couple. Oh, how desperately Spencer missed the texts she’d send every day he was away, the phone calls whenever he wasn’t too busy. 
Once the case wrapped up, he realised how he didn’t feel the usual excitement as he boarded the jet to come home. He didn’t text her to tell her he was coming home. He felt guilty. He used to be so animated on the jet home, knowing he was going back to her. It even got to the point where he’d annoy the rest of the team with his constant rambles about how thrilled he was to be going home, how much he’d missed his girl. 
When had that feeling gone away? 
Would it ever come back? 
When they landed back at the BAU, instead of heading straight back home like he used to, like he should’ve, he went and sat as his desk for a full two hours, contemplating everything in his head before finally heading home. On his way out of the bullpen, he ignored the looks of concern he got from Hotch and Rossi. The team knew something was seriously wrong, but no one wanted to be the first to overstep and ask what was going on. Stepping through the doors of the apartment, he registered how it no longer felt like coming home. Despite being in the apartment that the pair had bought together, the home he lived in with the woman he was supposed to be madly in love with, he’d never felt further from home before. 
In fact, he felt nothing. 
It frightened him. 
Of course, at first he denied it. The idea that he was falling out of love with her was ridiculous, right? Perhaps this was just another bump in the road of their relationship, one that they’d overcome and come out the other end stronger than ever before. It truly seemed ridiculous. Not even three months earlier, Spencer had been looking at engagement rings, agonising over which one would be perfect for her. 
But now? That all seemed so far away. Floating just out of his reach. 
He glanced over to the other side of the bed one night, where she laid next to him. 
His eyes raked over her frame, sleeping soundly with her back facing him. His heart broke as the realisation hit him like a train. 
He didn’t love her anymore. 
The day that Y/N realised was two months ago. 
Spencer had gotten the call that there was an urgent case and was scrambling around the apartment to grab his things before he was late. Y/N stood in the kitchen staring at a blank space whilst she held her mug of tea in her hands. Spencer popped his head into the kitchen, gaining her attention. She grinned over at him as he walked toward her. He quickly placed a kiss on her lips, murmuring a small ‘Love you’ before turning and leaving. 
When she heard the apartment door close behind him, she sighed as she set her mug back down on the countertop. She missed the sparks that used to fly between them every time they kissed, how the touch of his lips used to set her body on fire. Butterflies would soar in her stomach, his touch alone making her weak in the knees. Dread filled her as she noticed how kissing him goodbye had begun to feel more like a chore than a declaration of her love. 
She stopped being bothered when he didn’t call her for days while he was away. She used to get pretty upset over it, always paranoid that something bad had happened whenever he didn’t call or text. She wasn’t fazed at how he was coming home hours after she knew the jet had already landed (courtesy of updates from one miss Penelope Garcia.) 
Of course, she still cared for him and worried about him, but she didn’t feel that ache in her chest that she used to, the one that could only be soothed by his presence, his arms around her so that she could feel home. 
She only began to register what had really happened when the only way she could justify not breaking up with him at that moment was by replaying old memories in her head. 
She would fall asleep reliving memories of the first time they met, how beautifully awkward their first date had been, the day he’d asked her to be his— as if the same man wasn’t sleeping centimetres away from her. She was in love with their memories, in love with how happy she’d been for four years, how she thought she’d feel that way forever. She grasped a hold of the warmth that filled her as she remembered the first time he’d kissed her, wanting to cling to that feeling forever. 
But now, she only felt cold. 
In fact, she felt nothing. 
It frightened her. 
She glanced over at him one night as they were sat together on the couch. He was sat at the opposite end, his nose deep in his copy of War and Peace. 
She knew it then, in that moment, as she watched him push his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. 
She didn’t love him anymore. 
She gripped the kitchen counter tightly, finally looking up to meet his eyes for the first time in weeks. 
Though, something unexpected happened. (After all, they’d never been the most conventional couple.)
He smiled at her, and she effortlessly gave once back. They were the most genuine smiles they’d worn in what felt like a long time. They continued looking at one another, until Spencer broke into a little chuckle. She began to laugh along with him, both of them snickering at the absurdity of the situation they’d created together. It was one of those situations where if they didn’t laugh, they’d likely cry. 
Their laughter eventually died down; the silence they’d grown accustom to filling the room again. 
Spencer was the first to speak, sighing before clearing his throat. “It’s uh— It’s over, isn’t it?” 
Y/N just nodded sadly. “I’m sorry.” 
She meant it, too. She was sorry for a lot of things. She was sorry for falling out of love with a man who would’ve once given her the world had she have asked for it, sorry for letting them cling to something that had burned out long ago. 
“No, don’t be sorry.” Spencer assured her. “It’s not your fault, and it’s not mine either. It just— happened.”
Spencer looked at her with an unimaginable sadness in his eyes, also laced with the slightest bit of guilt. He opened his arms, inviting her into a hug. 
She gladly accepted, putting her arms around his waist, and resting her head on his shoulder. His arms came around her, enveloping her in a warmth that she hadn’t felt in so long. 
The feeling made her begin to sob, and Spencer did too, the understanding of what was happening finally hitting them full force. Together they stood in their kitchen, crying on one another’s shoulders. Together, they let go of all the despair they’d been holding onto for so long. 
When they finally pulled back, Spencer pressed a kiss to her forehead, a loving gesture he’d always done to show her how much he cared. 
She gave a weak smile up at him, wiping her cheeks. “I think I’ll always love you, Spencer.”
His voice quivered as he spoke, struggling not to let it get caught in his throat. “I think I’ll always love you too.”
Whilst they were no longer in love, they still loved and cared for one another deeply.
She took a deep breath before moving back a few paces. “Okay then. I’ll um, I’ll grab some of my things and stay with a friend for tonight. Then I can drop by tomorrow and grab the rest of my things.” 
He nodded, feeling an odd mix of relief and grief fill him. Relief, because they finally had let one another go after holding onto something that had faded long ago. And grief, because although the blossoming flowers of their love had withered over the years, they were still a successful couple. They were so very in love once that nothing else had mattered. He grieved for the future they could have had, the children of theirs he would’ve been delighted to raise with her by his side.
But it simply wasn’t meant to be.
Within twenty minutes, Y/N was stood by the door with a suitcase full of her stuff. She looked up at him, an awkwardness settling over them. What were they supposed to say? Was there anything that could be said? 
“I, um, I don’t know what I’ll do without you here.” Spencer whispered out, his voice wavering. It was funny, he thought, that he knew so many words in so many languages and yet he couldn’t find one that encompassed everything he wanted to say. “I mean, I’m not sure I remember what my life was like without you in it.”
“I know.” Y/N whispered back, managing still to give him a smile despite everything. “Me either. But we’ll be okay.” She slowly reached up, her arms coming around him and pulling him into a tight hug. 
He hugged her back, gripping fistfuls of the back of her jumper as though that would be enough to hold them together, to glue back the pieces of a relationship that had long broken apart. 
“Thank you, Spence. For everything you gave me over the last four years. I was so incredibly happy with you.” 
He let out a breath as they pulled apart, a sob escaping his lips no matter how hard he’d tried to hold it back. “I was with you too.”
She nodded with a smile, bending down to grab her suitcase, and reaching for the doorknob. Though she didn’t make it far, as Spencer had reached out his own hand, grasping her arm gently. 
“Wait—“ He started. She frowned, turning to face him again. 
“Do you think we could pretend?” He mumbled, his eyes searching hers. When he caught on to the confusion she held in hers, he elaborated. “Just— just for tonight? Could we pretend that you still love me, and I still love you?” 
She shook her head with a sad smile. “We can’t keep holding on to this, Spence. It’ll do much more harm than good if I stay.” 
He nodded, because he knew that she was right, though his grip on her arm only tightened. “Please. Just stay for tonight. I’ve slept in the same bed with you nearly every night for the last four years. Please, just one last time?” His voice was thick with emotion, begging and pleading. 
How could she refuse him? 
She hesitantly nodded, allowing him to grip her hand and take her towards the bedroom they’d called theirs for so long. They climbed in, her head resting on his chest as his arms wove around her. 
Because even if they weren’t in love anymore, he was still losing her. Even if they weren’t in love anymore, she was still his best friend.
Spencer worried for how they would navigate a friendship after so many years of being more. Though, he pushed the thoughts from his head, and instead focused on the moment. They could worry about everything else in the morning. But for now, he was going to hold the woman he used to love for what he knew would be the last time.
This was not them just falling out of love, it was them letting one another go. It was moving on to better and greater things that awaited them.
As he drifted off into slumber, he reminded himself that you do not walk back through a closed door. You open a new one and continue on your way.
permanent taglist: @beyonces-breastmilk @pinkdiamond1016 @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @thelovelyrose @averyhotchner @cynbx @calm-and-doctor @reidyoulikeabook @katexrichardson @jemimah-b99 @devilsarchive
spencer reid taglist: @reidtome
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metalheddie · 3 years
In Full Bloom
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summary: Spencer goes to the flower shop 1 (one) time and falls in love somehow.
tw: mention of medication, Diana's care facility, Diana lashing out mention
word count: 3.9k
a/n: Alright y'all!!! It's finally here! My first ever fic :) I apologize if some of it is a bit clunky or awkward... this is my first time writing and posting anything like this. I hope y'all like this as much as I liked writing it! and this is a Spencer x POC!reader :)
It was early Saturday morning when y/n opened her shop. Unlocking the doors and stepping inside. It was raining pretty heavily, too. She closed her pastel pink umbrella and put it in the basket next to the door. She stopped to take a deep breath, she loved the smell of fresh flowers in the morning. She walked towards the back to turn on her fairy lights and low lighting for her plants and put on her pastel apron with embroidery on the trim. She turned the radio on to the oldies station and Etta James’ Stormy Weather was playing,
Don't know why
There's no sun up in the sky
Stormy weather
Since my man and I ain't together
Keeps raining all of the time...
A perfect song for this morning. Singing to herself, she twirled as she moved towards her supplies, she got to work caring for her flowers and miscellaneous plants around her space.
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A few hours later, a light ting of the bell above the door of the flower shop sounded. Y/n hadn’t looked up from the bonsai she was trimming, as she was too immersed in her work to realize someone had walked in. When she finally looked up, she was surprised to see a tall and handsome stranger staring back at her. In that instant, she felt her heart stop for an eternity. He stood there a bit awkwardly as he waited to be helped. Snapping out of the trance she had previously been in, she walked over to the counter where he was standing.
“Hey there! How can I help you today?”
Her face slightly flushed but it wasn’t so noticeable on her tawny brown skin.
“Hi, um, can you help me find some flowers for- for my mom?”
Y/n noticed that he says this a bit sheepishly, almost as if he’s embarrassed to be getting flowers for his mom. Or maybe he’s just awkward, who’s to say?
“Sure! Is there anything specific you’d like to say with this bouquet?”
“Um, yes...well I just wanted to let her know that I appreciate her and I love her very much. She hasn't been feeling well recently, so I wanted to do this small thing for her just to let her know I’ll always be here…”
Y/n smiled at that. It was always so nice to see a man value his mom so much. It warms her heart.
“Aww, well I'm so sorry that she hasn’t been feeling well. I think that's so sweet of you to do this for her. I get my mom flowers when she’s not feeling well too” y/n says with a smile.
“So,” she says, clapping her hands together softly, “I think the best flowers to get her would be Carnations, pink of course, and daisies!”
Y/n excitedly moves around the counter and beckons him to follow her. He does this with a small smile, admiring how animated she had become.
“Why those specific flowers?” he asks.
“Well,” Y/n started, “Did you know that Carnations symbolize the love for a mother as well as the phrase 'I will never forget you’ ” The daisies mean innocence, motherhood, and purity. That meaning stems from the old Celtic legend. In Norse mythology, it’s known as Freya’s sacred flower. Freya is the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, so it only makes sense that this would be her flower!” y/n continued excitedly.
The man nodded along in interest, all the while y/n was collecting and arranging the flowers in a lovely bouquet, putting them in a small and tasteful vase. She brought them over to the counter to ring him up, fixing the flowers as she went.
⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
Spencer’s POV
While on my way to my mom’s care facility, I saw a quaint little flower shop at the corner of the intersection. I decided to stop in and get some flowers for her. She hasn’t been doing well recently… She’s been lashing out at the nurses and is almost always agitated. Hopefully, this small act will remind her of all the love there is in life.
As I pull into the parking lot of the shop I notice the sign, hand-painted with a unique border that reads Fantasy Flower Shoppe. The side of the building is covered with several winding paths of ivy, truly giving it a fairytale cottage feel. The railing up the steps to the entrance has the ivy as well, acting as a guide to the sage green door.
I stepped through the door, mesmerized at the inside of the shop. There were plants and flowers hanging from the ceiling, on wooden tables, in large pots on the ground, and even in a large misty cabinet on the east wall. A small record player radio hybrid was nestled in between a budding avocado tree and a pot of budding bluebells softly playing what I believe to be I’ve Got a Crush on You by Ella Fitzgerald…
I've got a crush on you, sweetie pie
All the day and nighttime, hear me sigh
I’ve never had the least notion
That I could fall with so much emotion…
I looked around the room, searching for someone who could help me, that's when I laid eyes on the most beautiful girl in the world. She had dark, curly hair that fell to her shoulders wrapped in a cream-colored silk bandanna. She wore a cocoa brown dress with a beige long sleeve shirt underneath and an apron with what looks to be hand-embroidered flowers on the hem. I felt as though I was put under her spell as I gazed at her. She hadn’t looked up from her work, being so focused on trimming her bonsai, she hadn’t realized I had walked in.
I let my eyes linger on her a bit longer as I appreciated her focus. She must have felt my eyes on her, for she looked up and met my eyes. I quickly turned away, as to not make her feel uncomfortable, but also to hide the redness rising high on my cheeks. I suddenly realized what I came into the shop for in the first place.
“Hi, um, can you help me find some flowers for- for my mom?” I stuttered out, cursing myself internally for it.
She smiled sweetly and agreed to help me pick out the best flowers for her. She suggested I get Pink Carnations and daisies. I already knew that those would be the best choice, but I loved the sound of her voice. So as an excuse to continue to listen to her, I asked
“Why those specific flowers?”
I watched her eyes light up with a passion I never knew existed and proceeded to tell me the meanings and origins of both flowers.
“-so it only makes sense that this would be her flower!” she said
I nodded along in interest as if I didn’t already know the answer. She became so animated when she talked about the things she cares about. It was refreshing after being in the BAU for this long and witnessing so much hate and sorrow that came with the job. Seeing someone filled with passion and liveliness when it comes to making a career out of their hobbies was a wonderful thing. All this was not to say that I didn’t like being in the BAU. I wouldn’t be able to leave my family there, not now anyway.
Speaking of family, I need to go to the care facility before visiting hours are over.
⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
I set the flowers on the counter, tying a silk ribbon around the vase just to add a little flair.
“Alright! That’ll be $10.50.” I said with a smile.
I look up from the register to see him staring at me with a crooked smile. God, he was cute. I wish I was confident enough to ask for his number… Hopefully, I’ll see him again someday. After admiring his features for what seemed like a lifetime, I realized we’ve just been staring at each other since I looked up at him. I start to get a bit insecure. Why has he been staring so long? Is there something on my face? Oh my god is that pesky pimple back?
As y/n was internally freaking out, Spencer on the other hand was basking in her beauty. He couldn’t believe he was standing in the presence of such an ethereal being like her. Her… Oh god. He doesn’t even know her name.
“Um,” y/n stuttered, “Hello? Are you alright?” She lifted her hand to wave it in front of his face to get his attention.
“Oh! I- I- uhh, Sorry about that. I got a bit distracted…” Spencer stumbled over his words like a teenager in love. “What was the total again?” he asked embarrassedly, a blush rising from the bottom of his chest to the tip tops of his ears.
“Oh, um it was $10.50,” she repeated with a newfound shyness, tucking a stray curl behind her ear.
Spencer tried not to fumble with his wallet too severely in an effort to save himself any further embarrassment in front of the pretty florist. That plan failed miserably because as soon as he pulled out his cash, several coins flew out of his wallet. He muttered a quick ‘I’m so sorry as he bent down to get them.
What he didn’t notice was y/n bending down to help him. As she collected the few that fell over by the counter and he collected the ones on his side, they both stood up slightly too close together and headbutted each other. It wasn’t hard enough to leave a bruise or bump, but enough to send a shock through both of them.
Y/n stumbled hard enough from the collision and surprise that she almost toppled over. At the last second, the handsome stranger reached out and grabbed her hand, effectively steadying her.
Rubbing her forehead y/n said “I'm so sorry! Are you alright?”
Letting go of her hand, Spencer replied “Oh, no I’m sorry, I didn't even realize you were right there. Is your head ok?” He was genuinely worried if she was ok.
“Oh, I’m fine, no need to worry!” y/n giggled.
Spencer set the money on the counter and put his wallet away. Y/n rang him up and gave him his receipt.
“Oh, wait! Before you go, I wanted to ask if you wanted to add a small card or note…free of charge” y/n said, the last bit a little sheepishly because of what (she hoped) she was implying. Unfortunately for her, Spencer was very dense when it came to flirting, so he didn’t pick up what she meant.
“Really? Thank you…”
y/n grabbed a card with a pretty border and one of her fountain pens. She looked up at him and nodded, waiting for him to start speaking.
“Live the wonderful life that is in you. Let nothing be lost upon you. Be always searching for new sensations. Be afraid of nothing. I love you, mom. Love, Spencer.”
y/n smiled at that. This was one of the sweetest bouquets she’s ever had the pleasure of putting together, too bad he’ll be gone before she knows it.
“Well Spencer, you're all set! Thank you for stopping in today, I hope to see you again soon,” she says with a smile. Although this encounter was fleeting, she was enamored with him.
“Thank you for all your help. I wouldn't have been able to do this,” he gestured to the vase full of flowers, “without you, um, I’m so sorry I never got your name...”
“Y/n,” she supplied. “and it's no problem! Stop in whenever you'd like!”
With that, he walked out with a small wave and a smile. Y/n sighed happily, knowing that the rest of her day was going to go very well.
⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
Spencer’s POV
Once I left the shop and was on my way to the care facility, I realized I couldn't stop thinking about her. Like she put me under her spell as soon as I laid my eyes upon her. I want to see her again but it’s not like I get flowers all the time for people… Maybe I should do that, for the sake of the economy and helping out a small business. Also, it makes people feel appreciated, so what's not to like about getting and giving flowers?
By the time I decided that buying flowers for people would be my new gift-giving method, I had arrived at the care facility. I took a deep breath and exited the car. I was nervous to see what kind of day my mom was having. The last time I talked to her nurses, they said she wasn’t doing as well as they had hoped once they put her on new medication. I, of course, still wanted to visit her. She’s my mom, the person that has been there for me always.
After checking in and locating her I greeted her with a smile and a warm hug.
“Oh, Spencer! I’ve missed you so much! I have to tell you about this poem by Jane Austen I read the other day…”
“I can’t wait to hear it, mom.” He said. He was so glad she was having a good day. He wanted to tell her about y/n after she said her piece.
⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
“ ...and that's why I can never read it again without thinking about Stevie Nicks!” exclaimed Diana.
Spencer was having such a nice time with his mom and he must have lost track of time because when he looked at his watch it was almost the end of visiting hours. It completely slipped his mind to tell his mom about the beautiful girl who runs the flower shop.
“Mom… Do you believe in love at first sight?” he asks, a little out of the blue considering the conversation they were having before.
“Well Spencer, that’s a pretty hard question to answer. I think it all depends on the other person's first impression that they may have had on you before even opening their mouth to speak. Though I’m not sure if I’ve ever experienced that feeling firsthand…” she answered honestly.
Spencer sat there contemplating the advice he was given and said
“I met this girl today… She owns the flower shop just a few minutes away from here. She helped me pick out the flowers I gave you. She was kind and so smart. She knew the meanings of the flowers off the top of her head like it was nothing. Her smile could light up any room and I could tell she was so passionate about her job. I would like to think she would be my first experience of love at first sight…” he rambled hoping he didn’t sound foolish.
Diana looked at him and shook her head lovingly.
“She sounds wonderful, Spencer. Please tell her thank you from me the next time you see her.”
And with that, visiting hours were over and it was time for him to head home.
⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
The Next Day
The next day Spencer Reid walked into the bullpen with a smile on his face and a pep in his step. He was still a bit giddy from the encounter he had yesterday, playing it over and over in his mind. The perks of having an eidetic memory. Since he works with a bunch of profilers, they were able to analyze his cheerfulness and boil it down to-
“So who’s the special lady?” Derek asked as he walked up to Spencer’s desk with two mugs in his hand, one labeled ‘Spencer Reid’.
Spencer froze, trying to make up a lie to explain his cheerful mood. “I- uh, I was j-just visiting my mom yesterday and she was having a really good day. No other ‘ladies’ in my life, thank you” he said as he snatched his mug from Derek. Tasting it and mentally noting that it needed more sugar.
Derek looked at him and obviously wasn’t convinced, but he dropped it, for now, settling for “Alright pretty boy, if you say so…” he chuckled and walked away, leaving spencer glowing red at his desk.
He folded his arms on his desk and put his head between them to hide his blush. If the day kept going on like this, he might turn into a permanent tomato.
A few hours later, after finishing his paperwork for the case they had finished a few days ago, he headed to Penelope’s office just to visit. In all honesty, she was just as much his best friend as Derek, just in a different way. She always gave him some much-needed positivity in his everyday life, and he will always be forever grateful to her for that.
As she walked into her lair she turned in her swivel chair and greeted him with a happy smile.
“What's Cookin good-lookin?” she teased, hearing from Morgan that something was up with him.
“Ha ha very funny Garcia.�� he joked with her internally cursing Morgan for spilling the non-existent beans.
“Sooo…. Who’s the lucky lady that has caught the eye of the wonderful Junior G-Man?” Garcia teased, yet genuinely curious.
“There’s no girl I swear!” he lied through his teeth, and pretty badly at that.
Penelope shot him a look that said “Do not lie to the omnipotent being that is moi, I know all”
Spencer sighed and sat in the other spinny chair in her office and said,
“Yesterday I went to the little flower shop near my moms care facility just to do something nice for her because she hasn't been doing well recently,”
Garcia frowned a little at that and put her hand on his knee, comforting touches are just her thing and he knows that, so he doesn’t push her away, he places his hand on top of hers. He knows how much he cares.
“It was beautiful n there, but what really caught my eye was the girl working there… She was beautiful. She was so kind and she was incredibly smart. Her eyes were like honey in the sun and I’m sure she’s artistic because the sign out front was hand-painted… but all that aside, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her.” he continued.
Garcia was practically vibrating in her seat with excitement as he finished. She was just so excited to see him happy.
“Spencer oh my god! She sounds perfect! You need to ask her out like today.” she said while turning to her computer. Spencer has a feeling of what her next question is so he says,
“No, Garcia, I will not tell you her name so you can do a deep dive on her life.” as he side-eyes her. Her face contorted into a pout at his words.
“But Spencer please~, “ she begs. “I can find out all her favorite places so you can take her there for your date!”
“No Garcia… I want to get to know her properly. No FBI intervention. Plus, I want her to take me to her favorite spots because she wants me to, not because I already know what she likes…” he states as he imagines what going on a coffee date with y/n would look like.
“Alright alright fine, but pinky promise that you’ll fill me in on all the details when you eventually take her on a date.” She said while holding her pinky out for him to accept.
“Deal.” he said as he locked pinkies with her.
⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
As y/n went to start cleaning up for the evening, the light ting of the bell above the shop sounded once more. As tired as she is, she turns and slaps a happy smile on her face
“Hi welcome in! How can I help you today?”
As she turns she sees the handsome man from yesterday, Spencer, if she remembers correctly. He looks even more adorable than before with his sweater vest and all-star chucks. She smiles genuinely now, tucking her curls behind her ears in an attempt to seem more casual.
“Hi again… I um I needed to get some flowers for my friend. She just announced that she’s having another baby and I wanted to congratulate her with something other than future baby items because unfortunately, I have no idea what I would get for her if I went down that route…” he trailed off, stuffing his hands in his pockets and making the Awkward White Person smile, obviously nervous and giving himself away with the rambling.
Y/n was so excited at the news of a baby she immediately got to work.
“Oh my goodness how exciting! Does she know the gender yet?” she asked just so she can accurately style the bouquet.
“Yeah! She’s having a little boy.” He smiles at that and he visibly relaxes. Y/n takes that as a sign that he’s warming up to her a little.
After half an hour of picking out the perfect flowers and placing them into a large vase, y/n finally tied a blue silk ribbon around the neck of it. She added a few finishing touches and voila! Her masterpiece was complete.
All the while Spencer was standing on the other side of the counter watching her work with such adoration in his eyes. He enjoyed watching her work. Adding flair and certain specializations to every bouquet to make them each unique.
After finishing y/n peers to the side of the large vase of flowers to look at Spencer in the eyes. To her surprise, he’s already leaned over and looking at her too. They share a brief moment of admiration of each other before getting embarrassed and looking away like a couple of high school kids.
“So, since this is a gift for a friend, It’ll be on the house…” she says desperately hoping he’ll pick up on the hint this time.
“Oh my god...I - I can’t let you do that. Here,” he takes out his wallet and tries to pull out 35$ in cash.
y/n reaches over and puts her hands over his. “That’s not necessary, really. I don’t mind…” she says this with a warm smile. Just being able to spend these few fleeting moments with him in her shop has brought her so much joy.
“Thank you… That’s so generous of you, but I can’t just let you give me a whole flower arrangement without something in return…” he stalls. “Would you let me take you out for coffee? I know a great spot near the farmers market, and it has a flower booth too…” His hands are trembling a bit but she doesn’t notice because she’s smiling so hard her cheeks are beginning to feel sore.
She nods enthusiastically and says “Yes. Of course, I’ll go out with you.”
She slides him a piece of paper with her number on it and leans over to kiss him on the cheek. He accepts it and flushes so brightly, it rivals that of the sun. They wave goodbye after scheduling their date for Saturday, and y/n could tell that soon this relationship would be in full bloom.
tag list:
pls message me if you’d like to be added or removed <3 !!
@ssavanessa22 @boldlyvoid @shemarmooresfedora @spencers-dria @meganskane @ilovespencerreidmarryme @g0lden-cth
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YouTube special: Diana's YouTube channel: Spaghetti Princess
Feels like - YouTube special
a peek into our favorite goofy brit Diana's YouTube channel
Story Masterlist
video is starting now
"Hey folks welcome to Genovia and your watching Disney Channel "
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*badly imitates the disney sound* "Bullocks" She looks up the stairs and shouts " Y/N " no answer "Y/N" " W h A t? " comes back y/n's voice. Diana looks to the camera a giggles
" YEAH! " "NO"
Diana Facepalms and looks at the camera sheepishly
" you guys have good imagination right? "
Camera cuts to her eating pickles with THE FRIDGE door open and then suddenly she stops. Then she starts belting out all too well.
She songs as though it's the national anthem
The door suddenly opens and Conan runs in and joins diana with the singing and dancing.
Camera cuts yet again to Diana cooking while talking to the camera
"So a lot happened this week ! my Best friend y/n FINALLY MOVED IN and guess what she brought the pictures I asked her too ! "
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"Which proves she loves me"
"......" "Then she didn't cause I broke her guitar"
Video cuts to Diana with a guitar in her hands and she looks up to the camera and grins and says " imma be a YouTube star "
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And promptly breaks a guitar string in the next 20 seconds
Camera cuts back to Diana cooking
"Yeah so that happened but then to cheer her up I took her to a handmade picnic"
"We had fun and we were all cute and adorable the way that everyone ships us but we like separate people way"
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"Credits to Riley from my class and I'm sorry again that I spoiled your Ganache by putting vinegar in it"
"IT WAS A MISTAKE" she screams to the ceiling "Talking about cooking, Mine didn't fail this week."
She says and then winces once again
" sorry again Riley "
"Anyways I baked a gorgeous state of the art amazing strawberry shortcake and I was so proud of my flour that i cried for some time and I even took a few pictures with it "
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"But I forgot the strawberries" She facepalms yet again "And when I drove up to the store for the first time in my life the parking was empty, so I thought I just have to take a picture of my self there but I can't with my car parked so I careful parked mine on the opposite street and I turn around and guess what? THIS BUGGER PARKED IN HE PARKING AREA" GASP "WHO DOES THAT???"
"Any ways I somehow convinced that guy to pull out by telling him how how get Taylor swift tickets and he agreed and He finally took my picture"
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"And then when he gave me back my phone and asked me how to get tickets and I told him to download ticket master and get it and I ran for my life back to my car. And I'm pretty sure he was looking up to the sky and questioning his life when I looked back." "Kinda rude" "Eh" "But it was worth it"
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Editing Diana : " I eventually did get the strawberries later but I went home and felt so guilty that I named a plant after him" she holds up a pink cactus and says meet strawberry
Brief intermission : lobby music plays
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She screams into her pillow She gets up normally and picks up the ravioli she just made "So you might have noticed the flurry of cat pictures on my social media accounts if you didn't I hate you"
"I really don't" She said smiling once again "Anyways me and y/n had a housewarming party for our new apartment"
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"And there were a lot of people" "Famous ones" she whispers "But apparently I will be choked to death by a federal agent if I tell you guys so …" camera cuts once again to Diana shouting "TAYLORSWIFTWASTHERE"
"But as always if any of you guys know me My day ended with me in bed listening to the moment I knew........Sobbing"
"Ok goodbye and your welcome for the clip coming ahead" Clip shows y/n hugging a pumpkin and saying " I don't want it to go hysterically crying noooo" Finneas comes and pulls it out of her hands dropping it by mistake causing the pumping to split apart. AHHHHH someone screams from the back ground. "Y/n no!" Taylor screams "Beat his ass y/n" screams Billie
end of video
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Viral hit (Drabble)
Warning: None Word count: ~640 Request by Anon: Could you do a one-shot where the batsis has like tik tok and they do a tik tok in the Batcave with Batman behind them and it goes viral?? And the justice league find it and are like what the hell?? Pairing: (Platonic) Batsis x batfam
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It was a stupid accident and one that could have been avoided if you had just been a bit more careful. You had meant to send it to the batkids™-groupchat for funs and giggles, but for once in your life, you forgot to upload the video on private like you usually did - your tik-tok account just a random name without a profile picture or any posts at that point. The fact that the 10-second video of you - or rather Y/H/N - hanging from the ceiling along with the bats that had made their home in the cave while singing baby-shark, the camera moving down at the end to showcase Batman with the textbook definition of a disappointed look on his face was now up and in the open online went completely over your head until you came back from patrol. It had been a rather chill patrol and there hadn’t been any difficult fighting so when you, Damian, Jason and Steph came back to the cave in a rather chirpy mood you hadn’t expected to find your phone flooded with notifications. Oh shit. “Uhm...guys?” you asked after looking around to make sure that Bruce was nowhere in sight, “Remember that video I sent you? The one with...uhm...Bruce in it?” “Yeah, that was hilarious, it’s good to know he doesn’t just look at me like that,” Jason chuckled and came up beside you, his ever-curious nature prompting him to look at your phone only to freeze. The others agreed, even Damian, but when you and Jason exchanged looks - very, very serious looks - they noticed that something was wrong. “Guys?” Stephanie asked, and inspected you carefully. Both you and Jason simultaneously turned around, looking at your siblings who were eyeing you suspiciously. You had to swallow down the lump in your throat but decided that instead of saying anything you’d show them. “Catch,” you said, voice void of any emotion, and threw your phone in Damian and Stephanie’s direction where your little brother already had his hand raised over his head, not even flinching when the phone perfectly landed in his grasp. Thank you, Bruce, for making your children extremely good at catching stuff. For a second there was complete silence while Damian and Steph looked at your still activated screen before their eyes shot up and met yours just like Jason’s had done earlier. “Please tell me that’s a joke, Father is going to kill you,” Damian scoffed while Stephanie started to laugh. “That’s perfect! It’s a viral hit,” she exclaimed and clapped into her hands. “The video wasn’t meant to be viral! It was only meant for you and the others!” you shouted and couldn’t help but whine a bit in frustration. “Welp,” Jason patted your back and looked up at the entrance of the cave that was currently opening, “It was really nice knowing you sport, but I’m afraid that was the last time for a veeeery long while that you’re going out on patrol.” You couldn’t help but moan in frustration, but you knew that you had to surrender yourself to your fate…
<A few minutes earlier, somewhere else entirely, not even on earth>
“Uhm guys?” Barry asked into the filled meeting room of the JL, his phone in hand, mask on. “What is the matter, Flash?” Diana inspected her friend carefully, question marks basically depicted in her eyes. The speedster looked around, his eyes quickly being caught on Batman who was standing at one of the windows with Clark. “Take a look at that,” he whispered and turned his phone around, holding it out towards Diana. Her eyes went wide at the video of Bruce’s daughter with him in the background. “Oh, my dear Zeus, the child is dead,” Diana chuckled slightly and shook her head, quickly departing when she noticed that Clark and Bruce were on their way to them...
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theprologues · 3 years
SUBMISSION - Grammys performance symbolism, part two
So, with those reservations safely out of the way, and a warning to readers NOT to hurt themselves by getting their hopes up again … 
What aspects of Taylor’s Grammy’s performance made me think there might be light at the end of the tunnel for Kaylor? 
First, Taylor’s blue and gold performance dress. “Deep blue but you painted me golden” is a line from Dancing With Our Hands Tied, a song that is widely assumed to be about the night of Kissgate. It’s a song where Taylor talks about how miserable (“deep blue”) she was after the collapse of her relationship with Diana and her public reputation in 2013. She describes how her new lover, Karlie, brought her back to life and lit her up with the glow of a new, true love. She painted her golden. But then they were caught in an intimate moment at Kissgate, and Taylor panicked. Her fears and anxieties threatened to drown her, and though she and her new lover tried to dance through the catastrophe, they eventually came to realize they were doing so with their hands tied. They had no hope of swimming to the surface together and breaking free. They could only have done so if Taylor had stood firm and owned their love in the moment, instead of setting in motion the bearding contracts that would change everything. (This is what she means when she says that “if I could dance with you again”, she would “kiss” and “hold” her lover, instead of presumably backing away. If she could do the moment over, she would claim Karlie as her lover, and hold her hand for the world to see, through hell or high water.) 
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Though it’s a depressing motif in DWOHT, Taylor has, interestingly, returned to this imagery of a golden tie several times in other songs, painting it in a much more positive light. Most recently, the Willow music video explores this, visually representing the “single thread of gold that tied me to you” which Taylor sings about in Invisible String. Both IS and Willow are happy songs, which describe their lovers as being tied together by fate. “Wherever you go, I’ll follow,” Taylor sings in Willow. In DWOHT, the lovers followed each other to a place of deepest blue. The bottom of the ocean, under the waves, where they couldn’t breathe. In Willow they follow each other to freedom.
That freedom is represented in the Willow music video by the open cabin door the lovers step through at the end of the video. Taylor incorporates this door into the Willow section of her Grammy’s performance, performing first in the open doorway and then stepping through it to perform with her band out in the open. 
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But returning to the blue and gold dress. This is not only a very Karlie motif which keeps recurring in her art (often to postitve effect). It’s also a representation of Taylor finding happiness WITHIN the closet. It’s talking about how her partner’s love helps her to bear the depression being in the closet, and fearing exposure, causes her. The fact that Taylor chooses to wear this dress throughout her performance, with no costume changes, suggests a) she is still in the closet, and b) she is still with Karlie, and still considers her love to be such a lifeline. 
If Toe was real and Taylor was happy with him, she could have chosen to wear an all-gold dress for the occasion. If Kaylor was over and she had decided to return to the closet, she could have communicated that by wearing all blue. If Kaylor was over and so far in the past she had moved on with someone new, there was no need to evoke the motif at all. She could simply have laid claim to another color, or worn another prairie type dress to fit the aesthetic. And yet, she didn’t. Why not, if not to communicate what I said above? 
What else is worth considering, in Taylor’s medley? Well, there’s the cabin setting. Taylor and Karlie famously took a trip to Big Sur forest and stayed in a cabin together in 2014, where Karlie was the first person to hear 1989 in full. They took many photos on the trip, including one captioned with “on the way home” (a lyric from You Are In Love, which talks about hearing love in the silence) and one of the two of them looking up at a fallen tree. A VERY similar looking tree appears in the Cardigan music video, and the slanted, moss-covered roof Taylor opens the medley lying on also looks a lot like this tree. Again, curious that she would call back to this if she and Karlie have separated.
Moving on. Taylor opens the medley singing on the roof, looking straight up into the camera. When we pull back we see the stage around set to that of a starry night. Taylor is thus cast as the romantic, the star-gazer. She also calls back to another lyric Kaylors have previously tied to Karlie - “up on the roof with a schoolgirl crush”. It’s been repeatedly tied to Karlie and Taylor’s attendance at the Victoria Secret show after-party. Again, why evoke imagery so tied to the early, happy days of this relationship? 
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We then move through a progression of events that sees her hiding inside with friends, before eventually stepping out into the light. That all reads like a visual interpretation of her relationship with Karlie, from her early loneliness and lovestruck dreaming, to the happiness she finds within her little hideaway, to her eventual decision to step out of it and claim her lover. The medley ends on a repetition of “that’s my man”, seemingly hinting that Taylor’s freedom is tied up in her ability to finally say those words. 
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What else? Well, there are the Ivy allusions. Taylor’s cabin covered in greenery can’t help but evoke the lyrics of Ivy - “my house of stone, your ivy grows, and now I’m covered in you”. Ivy is widely interpreted as a sapphic song about two women finding love despite their commitments to men. Another line in the song “he’s in the room, your opal eyes are all I wish to see, he wants what’s only yours” is alluded to in Taylor’s choice of opal jewelry on the night. What a weird thing to draw attention to, if you’re not secretly in love with a woman while parading a beard around in public. We’re also told in the song that “he” (possibly the same man, possibly another) wants to burn the house of the Ivy lovers down. Jerk just so happened to announce the baby’s birth on this night, in what felt like an attempt to undermine Taylor’s joy. Hmm. Curious. 
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You know what else is curious? Taylor’s choice of outfit for the Grammys red carpet. Not only is the floral dress very reminiscent of a floral ensemble Karlie wore to cover a June (pride month) issue of Spanish Vogue. (Cover subtitled, “flowers of change”.) It’s also by the designer Oscar de la Renta. Taylor and Karlie famously attended one of his shows together early on in their relationship. They sat in the front row looking very cozy, while Taylor refused to answer questions about why she was there and reportedly giggled “my publicist will be mad at me”. Hmm.
Taylor has also worn Oscar de la Renta on numerous occasions while out with Karlie, including most famously at the Met Gala. That iconic pale pink gown that she was buried in the Look What You Made Me Do music video? That was an Oscar de la Renta. There are many interpretations of the scene in the video, but it’s worth noting that Taylor is buried alive in it (which could be interpreted as a metaphor for being closeted) and that in a video all about her various revenge fantasies, she depicts herself crawling back up out of this grave. She views coming back to life and walking away from the flaming wreckage of her past with Big Machine as the ultimate revenge. At the end of the video she clips her own wings while all the past iterations of her argue amongst themselves. This would seem to suggest that she can defeat her enemies but she can’t defeat herself, because she can’t outrun her past, and until then she will always be doomed to self-sabotage. Nevertheless, this Taylor (lurking in the background bedecked in peaced-out palm tree print) is in a much better position than the Taylor who opened the video as a zombie corpse. She’s on the surface and has some hope of freedome, at last. This is a theme we see carried through in the following video, where Taylor goes one-on-one against herself and eventually breaks free.
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Long story short? Taylor wearing such a floral, literally blooming dress from THIS designer, of all people, suggests she may finally be about to rise again. The aborted coming out apparently planned for the Lover era (and thus seeded during the Rep era) may finally be a go? 
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Again, I’m very reluctant to get people’s hopes up here. But it’s hard to look at this dress and not think of that June (Pride month) floral magazine cover. Or of the Spade riddle, “Why worry? She blooms in June.” Or of the fact that Taylor’s stunts are often loudest before the end. She acknowledged Calvin and hugged him at an awards show before he was booted out of the narrative and Tom H appeared to replace him. (Something like ten days or so after the “split”, if I remember right?) And the inconsistencies of the Toe timeline speak for themselves. There was speculation - unpopular though it was - among Kaylors in the Rep era that guessed Taylor wouldn’t come out until 2021 / 2022. It seemed a world away at the time but who knows? Maybe this was always the plan. Maybe this is all “part of the fucking story”, even the parts that seem ugly or counterproductive. A lot can change in a couple of months in Hollywood, and with Taylor in particular. By June, it’s possible we COULD be looking at a vastly different landscape. Maybe this was one last hurrah for the Toes. Many of them are just harmless fans taking Taylor at her word, after all. 
Only time will tell, and I don’t blame Kaylors for checking out. This isn’t healthy, especially for those of us who are gay ourselves, and can’t help but feel a personal connection to Taylor’s journey out of the closet. We know what a big deal it would be. But for those who still want to hope … It’s just possible Taylor has a plan, and this is the dark night before the dawn. 
Pro: I added the photos and the bolded parts. Love symbolism. This was truly a spectacular performance. Awesome submission anon!!
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embeanwrites · 3 years
Enjoy your relaxation time! I don't want to swamp you with prompts (cause five is still heaps wow) but I'm so excited to see mine backlogged eep! Took me a while to come up with one, but how about reader and Artemis go to an opera? And Artemis is all excited and bouncy and emotional because we all know he's a nerd. Also secret handholding? Thank you:) and pls take time to relax and get ready for when your classes start again! That's more important! -Ari💖
A/N: Have I mentioned that I am an absolute slut for period dating tropes? Secret hand-holding? A flash of ankle? A dance at a ball? I am so here for it! Pride and Prejudice mini-series from 1995 with Colin Firth is one of my all-time favorite shows! Ari, you always have the most wonderful prompts! I’m sorry it took me so long to get to this one! 
           Artemis was a difficult person to birthday shop for, anything he wanted he pretty much already had, and you didn’t want to buy him ties and clothing like he normally asked for. He wasn’t necessarily picky, but he wasn’t the best at lying if he didn’t enjoy the gift. This was your third year together and you were determined to knock this year's present out of the park.
            You spent months debating the best way to go. A private vacation for the two of you? No, Artemis wasn’t a big fan of surprise vacations. He enjoyed planning out everything, so the two of you got to do everything your hearts desired. A new book collection? The Fowl manor library was already bursting! You had been sitting across from Artemis when the idea hit you. He was listening to music, which he rarely did, but even more rare did he listen to music with words. After slyly checking what he was listening to you knew exactly what to do for his birthday.
            You had woken up a 4 am to log into the ticket site and sat in a virtual waiting room for hours, but you did it. You scored private balcony seats to see The Magic Flute, an opera by Mozart in Salzburg Austria. Mozart’s birthplace. It was perfect, not only would Artemis get to see the opera, but the two of you could hit all the museum and honorary spots for different parts of Mozart’s life. You felt extremely proud of yourself and even more so when you handed Artemis the tickets. For the past six months, he had brought up the show at least once a day and was ecstatic. 
            You weren’t sure how he would be able to sit in his seat the entire show, even right now on the plane he was practically bouncing up and down.
            “Can you believe we’re going to hear Diana Damrau sing Queen of the Night? Live! In front of us! And we have a private balcony seat, this is going to be amazing!” Artemis gushed, causing you to laugh and lace your fingers together.  
            “I know, Arty. It’s going to be great.” You said in between giggles. It was rare to see Artemis act like a kid in a candy shop, but here he was practically vibrating with excitement. His excitement was contagious. You knew you weren’t going to understand most of the show since it was in German, but at least Artemis was going to be in heaven.
            Once the two of you landed and freshened up in a hotel the two of you made your way to the opera house. It was clear to you Artemis was trying to hold in his excitement, but as the two of you waited in line to get in, he kept squeezing your hand and occasionally rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet. It was extremely endearing to see him nerd out about something that wasn’t necessarily science or math-related.
            After waiting 30 minutes the two of you found yourselves in your private balcony overlooking the stage. The show was completely packed, and you thanked your lucky stars that you were able to score such great tickets. You smiled and looked over at Artemis, who was already looking over at you with a lovesick smile.
            “This is the best birthday present I have ever been given. Thank you so much, my love.” He murmured right before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as he wrapped his arms around you.
            Even though you didn’t understand half the show, you couldn’t wipe the smile off your face as Artemis held your hand through the entire show.  
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apinchofm · 3 years
drunken love
Phoebe finds out how vampires get drunk and Marcus is an adorable drunk.
requested by an anon ;)
Phoebe came down hearing the knock on the door. She supposed it was Marcus, coming home from his night out with Gallowglass. It was nice that the two were spending more time together after years apart.
"Hello" Matthew practically dragged Marcus in with an apologetic look to Phoebe.
"Dad, take me home. I wanna snuggle with Phoebe" Marcus whined drunkenly.
"We are home" Matthew reminded him, probably for the umpteenth time. It was times like these Phoebe could see them acting as father and son.
"How much had he had to drink?" Phoebe asked astonished as Matthew sat him down on the sofa.
"He and Gallowglass participated in the old age tradition of drinking from intoxicated humans at one of the many feeding clubs around England" Phoebe's face fell at that.
"You guys have clubs for that?" Phoebe asked nervously. No, Marcus wouldn't. He didn't drink from anyone but her, because they did that during sex.
"Don't worry, there's nothing sexual about it, just a quicker way of getting drunk for vampires" Matthew assured her, seeing her facial expression. "Besides, he spent the entire car ride talking about how much he loved you. I had to take his phone away before he started calling you".
"Dad, there are two of you" Marcus mused, squinting. Matthew sighed and looked at Phoebe.
"I can stay if you need. Diana knows I'm here. He called her to tell me to come and pick him up" Phoebe chuckled at that. She could imagine how amused and confused Diana was at that phone call.
"No, go home, I can take care of him" Phoebe assured him. Matthew pressed a kiss to her cheek before bidding them goodnight.
"Come on you," Phoebe said, helping him up "Bed"
"No, no. I can walk myself" Marcus insisted, swaying slightly.
They went up to the bedroom, Phoebe walking straight in whilst Marcus seemed to look confused and hesitant.
"Marcus?" Phoebe asked, "What's wrong?"
He looked at her, an apology in his eyes "You are really lovely. So very lovely."
"Thank you?"
"But I have a fiance who I love very much and I'm not sure why my dad didn't drop me home with her, though I have to say you two have similar tastes. Maybe you'll get along. But we can't have sex" Marcus explained looking around the room like a lost puppy.
That's when Phoebe lost it, laughing hard. A drunk vampire? Funny. A drunk vampire who doesn't realise he's at home and his fiancee is standing right in front of him? Absolutely hysterical.
"It isn't funny!" Marcus yelled as she laughed "I never want to betray her. I need to go home"
"Why don't we call her to get you in the morning?" Phoebe suggested, stopping him from speeding off. "You can sleep here and we can call her in the morning?.
Marcus looked at her suspiciously before nodding and getting undressed. "Don't look". Phoebe stifled another laugh as she turned around. When he was done, he lay down on the carpet next to the bed.
"Would you like a blanket?" Phoebe asked, stifling a giggle.
"No, I don't get cold," Marcus said, obviously comfortable "Besides I slept on worse floors than this during the war. But I can't tell you which war, my dad will get angry" He whispered the last part.
Phoebe got into bed, ready to sleep and trying to ignore Marcus singing to himself. It sounded like Everybody Wants to Rule the World, the Tears for Fears version because he hated the Lorde version.
"I think he was nervous I would hurt her" He murmured.
"Hm?" Phoebe asked turning to look at him on the floor. He looked ridiculous but there was a sadness in his eyes.
"My dad. I think he thought me going home like this would be bad. But I would never hurt her." Marcus said sadly.
"I don't think your dad thought that" Pheobe reassured him. "I don't think you would hurt her either" Marcus could still be insecure when it came to his blood rage and strength. But he was more like a lovesick seventeen-year-old than a bloodthirsty ripper when drunk.
"Phoebe is the bestest, smartest person in the entire world. She always smells like lavender which is my favourite scent in the entire world but it only became my favourite when I met her. And she has the best hair, it's so big and curly and beautiful, even though she hates washing it because it takes long" Marcus rambled. Phoebe smiled at him fondly. "I love her so, so, so so much!"
"She loves you too" Phoebe assured him.
"She does!" Marcus said excitedly as if hearing that for the first time. "I'm so lucky and she wants to spend forever and ever with me. I'm super lucky" He gushed. Phoebe smiled as he rambled how much he loved his fiancee like she wasn't next to him.
The next morning, Marcus woke up with the worst headache he'd had in about eighty years (thanks Gallowglass!) and was confused as to why he's on the floor.
His bedroom floor, he came to realise. Why wouldn't he be in bed? He shrugged it off before going into the bathroom to brush his teeth and put on pyjamas. It was going to be a stay at home day.
"Morning" Phoebe smiled as he walked into their kitchen, confused. She slid a mug of animal blood over the counter to him.
"Morning" He took "When did I get here?" He couldn't "Matthew dropped you off early this morning" Phoebe replied
"I-" Marcus was confused. This was his house, their house. "I thought I was somewhere else"
"Yeah, you didn't know who I was" Phoebe smiled behind her cup of coffee. Marcus' face fell.
"What did I do?" Phoebe sat across from him "Well, you said to me and I quote 'I'm lovely but I have a fiancee who you love so much so we couldn't have sex" Phoebe laughed remembering that and at Marcus' face "You then proceeded to get undressed and slept on the floor".
"Well, at least you know I would never cheat on you," Marcus said, slightly smug "I am a loyal drunk man".
"Drinking from intoxicated humans?" Phoebe asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I will never do it again" Marcus promised "Not even if Gallowglass dares me to, again" He walked around and hugged her side, eyes pleading.
"Oh, I know you wouldn't cheat on me," Phoebe said "I'm the bestest, smartest person you've ever met". Marcus groaned, beginning to remember what he said. Phoebe laughed at his expression. "And I smell like lavender which you only started liking when you met me?" She continued teasing him, causing them both to laugh.
"Lavender did become my favourite scent" Marcus insisted "It's true and you are my favourite person and thank you for putting up with drunk me". He planted a kiss on his cheek.
Marcus' phone buzzed, he saw it was a text from Miriam. Attached was a picture of him, from this morning, spread out on the floor asleep. Taken by Phoebe and sent to Miriam.
You dumbass. I'm putting this on a cake she typed. Marcus' face fell and he turned to look at Phoebe who was too busy laughing.
She was not sorry.
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kaemulti · 4 years
i’m gonna start writing headcannons whenever i get sad/anxious for a number of different fandoms. it takes my mind off things, even if only for a little bit. this time it’s gonna be about dcshg 2019. i’m honestly obsessed with thinking about the mundane teenager things we don’t see in the show that all the superhero/villian kids go through so i wanted to write some stuff about that.
•karen is actually more popular than she realizes, people think she’s sweet even though they rarely see her/don’t have classes with her
•leslie and dorris are a thing to everyone BUT themselves; they hilariously don’t even realize they’ve basically been dating for years: carpooling together, hanging out before and after school, bullying kids like a tag team, skipping classes together, movie nights, shorting out the exercise machines at the mall to make that misogynistic jerk at the fitness store scared, buying their favorite snacks for each other without thinking much of it, etc.
•barbi not only hates diana with a burning passion but ALSO tatsu because both girls excel in both their academic and physical education classes, unintentionally surpassing barbie by a long shot whenever the opportunity presents itself
•jessica and hal hang out at sweet justice after their week day training classes and even invite barry when he has the day off
•kara is completely oblivious to the fact there are a bunch of girls crushing on her at school, she keeps wondering why they whisper about her and never make direct eye contact with her as she walks through the hallways. she only finds out what is actually going on when she opens her locker on valentine’s day and gets COVERED in cards. she doesn’t tell most of her friends about it (she knows they’ll just be annoying) but she does vaguely ask jess about how to write people back, turning them down nicely and whatnot, she’s not a monster for gods sake, she’s just not ready for a relationship.
•babs and diana like to study together the most even though barbra never really pays attention, she mostly talks about different batman articles and comics she read and new gadgets she’s created but diana doesn’t mind TOO much because she has an growing interest in modern day ‘world of man’ technology
•diana can NOT sing to save her life. the girls thought that having a karaoke night would be fun sure, but nothing would’ve prepared them for the laughing fits they had when diana started screeching into the mic. They also find out that Babs is always off pitch and Jessica refuses to sing in front of people. alternatively, however, zee, kara and karen (in that order) are the best singers in the group.
•zee keeps inviting kara to these crazy expensive-super long wait list restaurants even though she knows kara probably won’t eat any of the food. she doesn’t really know why she keeps doing it, especially after the whole giant tentacle incident, but she does know she enjoys kara’s funny comments and cute laugh enough to continue.
•when selina first saw diana she might of had a tiny sexuality crisis, no she won’t elaborate.
•tatsu helps garth work on his confidence and he helps her with her HUGE slight fear of open water. even though they don’t know the other is super, they still help each other as much as they can. tatsu will train garth to do some basic defense techniques against bullies and they’ll go swimming every other week, garth always making sure to keep as much water as he can away from tatsu’s eyes and nose.
•kara and barry like to race each other whenever they get a chance to go to the pier. kara always cheats so she never loses but barry doesn’t mind because he’s her friend and it makes them laugh.
•steve is actually really good at embroidery, his mom taught him when he was younger. he once made a wonder woman shirt for diana and when he gave it to her, she fainted.....twice.
•pam is allergic to three different types of flowers but she still nurtures them in her garden at home whenever she can. if her allergies get really bad though, she’ll ask jess to help her water them, ONLY because she needs to keep her precious flowers alive, NOT because she is actually jess’ friend...she thinks.
•the first time carol met barbie they both got into detention for loudly insulting each other’s fashion sense in the middle of math class. (they still haven’t apologized to each other so they keep acting like it didn’t happen because they both think they’re right)
•the first time harleen called pam “green bean”, pam blushed and giggled...like FULL blown diana talking to steve giggle. and then she pushed harleen off a bridge with a vine on accident. harleen thought it was the funniest thing ever and pam could only awkwardly apologize for almost killing her teammate
•oliver and zee tried to co-write a christmas play but they were so busy fighting each other on who had a better ending they didn’t actually order any props or costumes for it. leaving the main actress to perform in a pirate outfit.
•kara still hangs out with bizarro super girl every now and again and they take turns ranting about their idiot cousins, it’s all light hearted because kara still has some emotional stuff to work through.
•diana unintentionally starts a “who will come out next” contest when she asks the girls about same sex attraction. she had seen leslie and dorris making out in one of the locker rooms (yes they FINALLY got together together) and asked her friends what it meant. after a lot of confusion as kara stumbled over her explanation of the lgbtq+ community, she ends up coming out as a lesbian first, followed by babs, who is bisexual, karen, who is questioning but absolutely had a crush on kara before their food fight detention day, and zee who is trans. they end up going to metropolis pride two months after that.
•diana is still convinced there is an oracle at the pier so every other sunday the girls go so she can spend all of her money on “knowing the future”
•babs never really gets angry on the daily and the rest of the girls learn why when some jerk at sweet justice insults jess’ looks because she wouldn’t go out with him. barbra turned bright red as she let him have it, words coming out of her mouth faster than barry can make their ice cream (they didn’t think she had it in her). and if he he ended up glued to his bed the next day, well, jess will let batgirl get away with that one JUST this once. barbra will NEVER not stick up for her friends.
•kara and babs often have multiple sleepovers a week, harleen even joins them sometimes when kara doesn’t mind her LOUD presence.
•the girls never get mad at one another when someone breaks down or blows up after holding certain feelings in for too long. whether it’s kara ghosting them for days leading up to her mom’s birthday, diana overworking herself to the point of exhaustion when she gets homesick, karen refusing to go out to anywhere except for school and tough missions for weeks at a time because she thinks she doesn’t matter, zee reading too many spells at once and giving herself an awful migraine after messing up an easy one, jessica isolating herself at lunch so she can sit in the library alone and cry to herself quietly after a hard day of training, or babs not being her normal happy self after having a heated argument with harleen, there will ALWAYS be a shoulder to cry on when someone needs it. If that comes in the form a knock on kara’s door as her friends invite themselves in with her favorite foods and a mega ‘feel better soon’ music playlist in tow, an impromptu destress retreat that they force diana to go on where she is only allowed to use a weapon if there is a direct threat, making a giant list of all the things they love about karen and reading it to her from outside her window, someone closing zee’s spell book and holding her tightly as her eyes turn back to normal from flaring pink with anger, all the girls quietly sitting with jessica one by one in the library and gently holding her hand as she lets out what she can, or buying limited edition comics and leaving them as presents for babs in her section of the hideout, there is ALWAYS someone there to make it hurt a little less.
the end :))
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gothicwidowsworld · 4 years
Justice League
They tell you they love you
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Bruce Wayne
“Bruce please hurry up the guests are due to arrive any minute!” Y/N called securing her earring. Scurrying down the hallway the y/h/c woman almost ran into Bruce's familiar assistant. “Don’t worry Alfred, I can handle it.” Y/N reassured the older man who looked like he was about to have kittens time keeping had never been one of Bruce's strong suits. Storming into their shared bedroom Y/N tutted her y/e/c orbs falling on the figure of the famous Bruce Wayne fighting with an unmade bow tie. “Take your time Bruce it’s not like we’ve been planning this gala for months.” Y/N smiled teasingly. Huffing the male smacked the loose strip of fabric “Do I even need this?”  Nodding the female bit her red painted lips her y/s/c hands making fast work of the offending item. “There. Wasn’t that hard was it?” Y/N asked rhetorically before taking her leave. “You know I love you right?” Bruce called smirking at the large oak door. Popping her head around the doorway Y/N laughed “I know. Now hurry up I believe some people are waiting for Mr. Wayne to make a grand entrance.”
Arthur Curry
“Here you go Tom.” Y/N smiled softly, passing the older man a mug of coffee. The early morning sun causing a warm glow to fill the kitchen. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a girl make me breakfast in such a fancy getup.” Tom teased referring to the well loved flannel that currently hung off the girl. Sighing playfully Y/N flipped a pancake “I see where Arthur got his smooth talking from.” Heavy footsteps broke the pair from their conversation “Morning sleepy head” Y/N greeted placing a plate and some cutlery at the tall man's designated seat. “Rough night?” Thomas Curry interrogated his son knowing Arthur had spent the night doing what he did best saving the people the ocean nearly claimed. Scowling at his father Arthur sat down stuffing his face with the homemade food. Truth be told recently the Curry family had been eating like kings rather than living off microwave meals and Y/N was to thank for that. “I’ll leave you kids to it.” Thomas nodded awkwardly heading to the pier like he did every morning. “You shouldn't be so mean to him.” Y/N frowned, clearing the recently evacuated seat scolding the tan man. Smiling Arthur attempted to pull out the puppy dog eyes knowing it was one of the girl's weaknesses. “Oh no don’t try and play innocent with me!” Y/N giggled, slapping away his hands that where currently trying to grab her waist. Squealing the y/h/c woman lost the fight rolling her y/e/c orbs as Arthur wrapped his arms around her. “You love me though right?” Arthur whispered in her ear. Shrugging Y/N debated aloud teasing the male “I don’t know do I?”. Silence fell over the pair nothing but the sound of the ocean waves filling the lighthouse. “Well I certainly love you.” Arthur admitted cringing at the soppy emotion that currently plagued him. 
Clark Kent
“I love you” Clark mumbled the dark battlefield ruining the moment but it was now or never. Laughing awkwardly Y/N held the weakened Krypton native her y/e/c eyes running over the makeshift war zone. “That’s sweet and all but maybe now’s not the best time for that.” The  woman argued the rain beating down, making her y/h/c darker. “No Y/N you don’t understand I love you.” This time his tone urgent breaking the female's attention from a giant currently trying to end the world in an attempt to kill Superman. Confused Y/N whipped her head to the fellow superhero her face falling when she caught his gaze on the glowing green spear. “No Clark you can’t!!” Stumbling to his feet the man winced as he picked up the kryptonite tipped weapon. “I have too, it's my duty.” Clark insisted moving to face the girl who now had tears streaming down her face but he didn't mention it. Y/N could kick ass alien or not. “What about your duty to me?” Y/N questioned her y/s/c hand clutching at his blue suit. Shaking his head Clark saw a cloud of green filling the sky if there was anytime to act it was now. Pulling away Clark flew off trying to block out the girl's screams.
Barry Allen
Barry Allen may live life in the fast lane but there was nothing he enjoyed for then staying up late playing video games with Y/N L/N. “THAT’S CHEATING!!” the y/h/c girl screech failing to serve out of the flailing limb Barry had sent as an attempted distraction. “What my leg was going numb?” the dark haired male started innocently a chuckle erupting from his plump lips. “You're such a loser Barry Allen.” Y/N mumbled taking a swig of her Pepsi before violently pressing the yellow Y to exchange her weapon and shoot an prowling enemy. “Maybe I'm an idiot who loves you.” Barry whispered a red tint filling his cheeks thank god the pair like to play in the dark to limit distractions. Pausing the game Y/N froze. “What?” the girl asked silently applauding herself that she didn’t stutter and make the room more awkward. “Huh? Nothing. I didn’t say anything.” Barry argued the pathetic excuse tumbling from his lips. Putting down her controller Y/N shook her head violently. “No! No you definitely said you loved me!” Shrugging the male muttered something to myself. “Okay… maybe I did.” Running a hand through his messy noir locks the teen frowned “But I can't help it. Your prefect. You like pizza and video games.” Turning to face the girl Barry held her hand shyly. “That and you’re not embarrassed to be seen with me!” Barry revealed. “I get it if you never want to see me again.” Barry hummed almost sinking into the sofa, the red blush now a dull pink that still burnt like the midsummer sun. “What? Barry no. Your sweet, I was just surprised.” Y/N insisted slowly inching her way closer to the dark introvert.
Diana Prince 
Diana never thought she’d feel love again after Steve but the summer of 1977 surprised her. It was the Summer she met Y/N L/N, a girl more innocent than her 1945 self. “Diana tell you’ve at least heard this one?” Y/N asked bouncing on the balls of her feet something that should have been impossible in platforms but it was a quirk that the Amazonian had grown to love. Smiling the brunette shook her head flicking through some of the records in the boxes in front of her. Record hunting had become a weekend event for the pair; some of the stalls that lined the River Seine were complete treasure troves. Hanging her mouth open Y/N gasped her y/s/c hand hovering over her chest in mock disbelief. “Y/N I love you you’re going to catch flies!” Diana smirked her red nails running over the spines of vinyls. “Right that’s it we’re going home right now and I  will force you to listen to the amazing masterpiece that is ABBA!!” Y/N squealed quickly palming off a euro to the poor startled man and running off the tan female in tow. Even when they were in public and people mistook them for best friends Diana loved when they reached their small apartment and could finally shut the world out and be what they truly were… Lovers. 
Victor Stone
“Ah come on just tell her!” Barry yelled, currently bothering Victor like a bratty toddler just begging for attention. Scowling Victor looked up, his fingers paused  hovering over the keyboard “Do you want to say that any louder!” Smirking Barry zoomed over to the fellow youngster “Just tell Y/N you loveeee her!” Barry teased in a sing-song tone noticing his friend's uncomfortable behaviour. “No Allen just leave it!” Victor growled his teeth gritted. Frowning at his friend's sudden change in volume Barry turned only to discover the reason Y/N Wayne. “Hi guys” the young girl smiled waving awkwardly honestly considering her father was a well known suave millionaire Y/N unfortunately didn't inherit her Father's confident nature. “Oh by the way Vic… your mic was on.” At that point Victor was glad he was mainly mechanical parts so the y/h/c girl couldn’t tell how much he’d be blushing and stuttering at that moment.  “I like you too. Um do you want to go to the movies with me. They’re reshowing Hitchcock movies all month.” Brushing a strand of y/h/c locks an awkward silence filled the room. Well other than Barry muttering something about ‘I told you so’ or ‘Call me cupid.’
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