#hopefully I'll start to post some original work soon
a-very-werid-mirror · 3 months
I'm finally 20, just one more year till I can drink alcohol
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berrybaps · 1 month
Oc introduction time! Again :3
Meet iris! :D✨💕
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More info after the cut!
°Information i have of her as of now✨
Iris is 26 years old!
She works at pigsy's noodles! helps with cleaning and even cook the noodles as well, maybe also bake a few of her desserts for costumers to help with pigsy's business!
Yes, just like lian, she has a skill for baking as well
Although being a good baker, she actually doesn't like sweets that much, she likes her food a bit more salty
Her favorite food are just any noodles (y'know where that started)
Actually more timid and soft spoken than lian, she only speaks when necessary
Iris wants to build a bakery of her own but due to the events that has been happening at the recent seasons, SHE CANNOT ☝️
Acts like a big sister to the traffic light trio :3
She's half filipino half chinese!
Lives in an apartment near pigsy's noodle shop
Iris started obtaining the abilities of a red panda demon as soon as she puts on that neck accessory that was given to her by her grandmother.
Unlike lian who can control her emotions very well, iris cannot! She's very emotional so it was harder for her to deal with her newly found abilities.
As you can see from the ref sheets, her original hair color is reddish brown!
Some likes and dislikes✨
I already did state this but she LOVES noodles, it might even be considered an addicti—
She likes to draw too, not as much as baking though
Probably loves listening to songs from Alex G—
She loves collecting anything pink that catches her eyes, so as soon as you come in her apartment, prepare to feast your eyes upon many pink trinkets and plushies she has—
She HATES being compared, she used to be compared to a lot of kids back in her childhood so the hatred feeling of being compared to has stuck to her til she was an adult—
Probably dislikes loud places. with her newly found abilities her hearing became more sensitive.
She dislikes cutting her hair, she will trim it if it gets ridiculously long though!
FINALLY got to post her as well, Iris is the main oc i have that are involved with the lmk gang so it would be fun to figure out how she'll fit in on every episodes of the seasons :3, I'll have to post more ocs in the future hopefully YES I HAVE MORE!!
Bonus : Lmk Edits of her! (She looks a little different from these cause these are old ☝️)
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zorlok-if · 7 months
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♦ 08.11.2023 ♦
Hello everyone! :)
I hope that you're having a good day. Mine was really productive and I (finally) had a night off so I thought, "Why not update people on some of what I've been doing?" Because, there's a lot.
I'll keep this short, let's get to the stuff that matters.
♦ Progress ♦
Prologue Word Count: 120,087 (currently, I'll return to writing after posting this)
Episode One Word Count: 46,055 (see above)
♦ Changes & Updates ♦
Hells, there's a lot of these. Okay...
Changed timeline. The game now starts on Friday, June 13th (a couple days before Tommy leaves for summer camp...)
Added several scenes (most of which are optional) and more choices to the original prologue
Added a skip feature to the beginning of the game (see image below cut)
Made it easier to change character genders at the beginning of the game (see below the cut)
Started switching direct D&D references to Mythmaker and worked on writing some of the rulebook for that (see this poll for context)
And a lot more. I honestly can't even think to list it all (and you'll see the rest of it soon enough)
♦ Goals ♦
HOPEFULLY, release the updated prologue and first scene of episode one by the end of 2023
HOPEFULLY, release the next update within the first quarter of 2024 (we'll see where we go from there)
Continuing writing, in general
Begin streaming again, as early as this long weekend (Nov. 10th-12th)
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More new features, changes, and previews under the cut. [Beware of minor spoilers]
Prologue skip feature:
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Cast gender confirmation screen:
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Players can now go back and forth between text blurbs in these screens, that way you can go back to a previous phrase without having to restart the entire sequence:
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The prologue now contains an optional flashback featuring a certain detective...
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Tommy and Clara don't know each other as well anymore and he can now decide whether or not he's comfortable opening up to her.
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Also... if you make some specific choices, Tommy can be a little bit suave now...
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But don't worry if you prefer a Friends -> Rivals or Enemies -> Lovers arc, there's plenty of Jin content too...
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And much, much more, but that's all I'll share for now. Hope you're having a good day/evening! :)
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
The 'Batfam on Reddit' post was fun and I won't mind another one! (I have nothing specific in mind besides more sibling shenanigans)
Going down the list, here's Jason
Posted to r/AmITheAsshole by user local-zombie
AITA for changing my grandpa's cookie recipe? 
Earlier this week, one of my (22M) sisters decided to fill my rifle with purple glitter. As revenge, I swapped the salt and sugar before she made her waffles this morning. Prank worked, yada yada, that's not why I'm here though. 
See, like a dumbass, I forgot to switch them back. I've been running on 4 hours of sleep and I'm not even home half the time, sue me. It didn't really hit me until I was watching my grandpa make his signature chocolate chip cookies. 
This was some cinematic shit, I tell you. Everything happened in slow motion. Before I could say anything, he dumped an entire cup of salt into the batter followed by a teaspoon of sugar and started the stand mixer. It seemed then that all was lost. 
Out of nowhere, my dad—and I can't believe I'm saying this—descended like an angel from the heavens and asked my grandpa to help him with his hair. And lucky for me, I'm the only other person trusted to be in the kitchen. My grandpa told me to put the cookies in the oven before he went upstairs. 
This is where I might be the asshole. 
I needed to fix the dough immediately, so I added extra sugar and chopped up some caramel candy to (hopefully) turn it into some halfway-decent salted caramel chocolate chip cookies. Then I scooped them out, threw them in the oven, and prayed harder than the goddamn Pope himself. 
Apparently God had a high call volume though, because as soon as the plate hit the table, my ENTIRE family knew something was up, like a bunch of fucking detectives or some shit. And they immediately blamed me. They're not wrong, but the fact that that's their first reaction is totally unjustified. 
Anyway, now my family's pissed off and my dad thinks I should've just told gramps, but I think trying to fix the situation should count for something. So, Reddit, AITA? 
bluebirdz: Did they taste good? |— local-zombie: Not like the original, but a solid 7/10 |—— bluebirdz: All's well that ends well. NTA
redrobin: yta |— local-zombie: At least provide some reasoning |—— redrobin: no
starfire: NTA but next time give them a heads up |— your-tired-librarian: Also voting NTA but OP should've fessed up from the beginning.  |—— thatpurplething: I'm saying YTA for the waffle part |——— orphanized: not relevant |———— thatpurplething: It is to me
i-am-the-darkness-i-am-the-light: NTA for the way you handled it, that was pretty smart. YTA for tampering with food as a prank tho :/
notmysecretanimeaccount: You are indeed the donkey cavity for the poor setup and execution. |— local-zombie: Dude just say ass |—— notmysecretanimeaccount: Ass cavity. Happy? |——— local-zombie: Not what I was thinking but I'll take it |———— lesbian-premium: Congratulations on the worse conversation the internet's ever had
kyle-rayner: YTA. Just in general
assenal: nta. your family is overreacting
dickwings: soft yta. how would you feel if you were expecting one thing but got blindsided by something completely different? |— local-zombie: I'd just deal with it instead of whining like a pissbaby pretty boy |—— dickwings: nvm make that a hard yta |——— local-zombie:🖕
kitty-central: ESH. You for what you did, your family for how they reacted |— pennyworthy: At last, a sensible answer. 
official-batman: YTA. And grounded. 
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rotten-games · 2 months
Rott Update
So! It's done and debugged.
It's been a long year, a hard one, but hopefully things will change and I'll be able to get back into gear and into the groove of things again (an explanation post coming soon to a theater near you).
I'm not going to lie... there's a lot here that is rough, there's a bit I'm not too proud of, but truth be told if I don't release it as is I'm never going to get anything done. FOR THE MOST PART, it is a complete experience; there should be nothing here that isn't completely playable or obviously a placeholder. If there is let me know and I'll fix that.
Keep in mind that old saves might not work with the current build. If you come across a bug and you have used an old save, you may need to restart the game to get it to work properly.
With that all well and said, if you just want to experience the game here's the link as always: https://rotten-games.itch.io/rott-book-one
If you want the full rundown here's the change log below the cut.
This version of the game includes the following:
The equivalent of the full first four chapters that were included in the original version of the game is now included. I've now caught up on the rewrites and will be moving onto the completely new chapters after a brief break.
You can now meet an additional three to six romancable characters with varying degrees of interaction; Lokeira, Korrin, Ettia, Ardwen, Nox, and Bex!
Train with Severa, Herron, or Spotter and potentially see a start to your own romances with them during the festival.
Get rejected!
Make a bargain.
Speak to a messenger of the Gods?
The original dreams in chapter one were edited. Typos were fixed and some passages were changed. In some cases, additional choices were added.
A light mode has been added. It's a little bit rough and I would like to do some further changes to it but for now it's here. If you need some changes made or additionally want further colour modes added just reach out and I can see what I can do.
The relationship screen now mentions milestones in your relationships with certain characters (both romantic and platonic!)
Known bugs:
As far as I can tell I've ironed out most of the bugs but there's always inevitably some that sneak through and I have no doubt that there will be others. There's two main things I haven't yet been able to fix.
There may be some visual issue that I haven't gotten around to but aren't a priority at the moment. If you see one please let me know so I can note it down for later.
This one is a bit illusive. You may find you are unable to progress the game near the end of the final chapter. I currently cannot replicate this bug (I've tried, trust me I've tried) and thus have no idea whether it's fixed or not so... watch out.
​That being said, I'm glad to finally get this finished. I'm gonna be having a brief break before getting back into it (mostly to find and compile my old notes for the next few chapters).
Hope you enjoy :)
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hoesandnuggs · 1 year
It’s a Funny Story, Actually…
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Please be kind, this is my first imagine
When you had first got involved with Leah, you were both 15. You'd met at an England camp and became friends, soon becoming more as you both realised you cared for each other a little more than you did for others. By the time you'd both had your 23rd birthdays, you'd been together for 8 years, longer than some marriages last.
You knew from the moment you met her you wanted to be hers for life. So the conversations you had about marriage and your future life together weren't anything terrifying.
When Leah had been asked to do an interview about your relationship, she felt happy.
It's not like she didn't already share you with the world. She was so proud to be yours and never shied away from public affection. She'd happily post pictures of you both, as well as kissing you after games, or mentioning you in passing comments in interviews.
"Baby, I've been asked if we can talk about our wedding and stuff. Are you okay with that?" She'd asked you as soon as she'd found out what it was about.
"Yes my love, it's all okay. Just don't make me look bad," you joked, curling her into your arms even more.
"We've never really spoken about it before," she replied, a thoughtful look gracing her features.
"Its never been the right time I guess." You responded, kissing her cheek gently before finding her hand where her wedding band stood proudly.
"I never imagined getting married until I met you," she said, a smile forming on her lips as she looked down at you from her higher ground on your lap.
"Save all the nice things for the interview babe."
And she did.
She was upset that you weren't able to come with her as originally planned, but a meeting with your agent had sprung up last minute and you couldn't find a work around.
"Leah, great to finally meet you." The interviewer said, whilst the crew were setting up the cameras. She engaged in small talk, as a text from you finally came through.
Goodluck my love. I know you'll be just fine. I'll pick you up afterwards and we can go grab some dinner. You'll do fantastic as always. Miss you. Love youuuuu❤️❤️❤️
To: Lover🤍
Thank you love. Dinner sounds lovely, I'll hopefully be done by 7, but I'll text you as soon as I know anything. Miss you too. Love you toooooo🤍🤍🤍
Leah smiled as she put her phone away, waiting for the interview to start.
"So we're here today with Lioness Captain Leah Williamson, a different kind of interview than you're probably used to. Today we’re talking relationships."
"Yes so I've only ever had one relationship, the one I'm currently in. I met my wife when we were both 15 at an England camp, and we've never looked back since."
"So that's 10 years you've been together?"
"Yes, 10 years next month actually. "
"So you and your wife, Y/n Williamson, formerly Y/N L/N, got married 2 years ago?"
"We we're both 23, already been together for 8 years and we just knew it was the right next step. We got a lot of people commenting on it, saying we were to young to commit to the rest of our lives but when you've been with someone for that length of time, you just know, and we did."
"Did you propose or did she propose to you?"
"She proposed to me, although, it's a funny story actually."
You knew how close she was with her family. That was perhaps the only reason you stood outside the door of Leah's childhood home about to ask for her hand in marriage.
You were nervous, slightly. Amanda loved you, like her own, often telling everyone about her three kids, which brought a bit of confusion when they met you.
"Are you ever going to knock?" Amanda asked as she cracked open the front door. The smile on her lips wouldn't last long.
"No," her frown evident as she sat opposite you over the breakfast bar.
"We're ready." You tried, but you could tell that Amanda was stubborn with her choice.
"I won't deny that you are y/n, I know you're ready to take that next step, I just don't think Leah is. You're both only 23, you're still so young, you don't have to rush. Marriage is a big commitment, judt think about it some more," Amanda explained, but your heart had already shattered.
You weren't really expecting her to say no, and had the whole thing already planned out, the ring sat safely hidden away in your bedside draw, where you knew she'd never look. You knew Leah would love the date you had planned, and instead of wasting the cancellations you took her on it anyways.
Leah had butterflies from the moment you'd asked to take her out.
After your conversation in bed a month or two back, she'd been waiting for you to take her out and ask her to be yours forever.
The flowers that had arrived at her door were the first sign, the most beautiful bouquet of roses she'd ever seen.
And then you showed up at her door, dressed to the nines and a smile painted on your lips.
"God, you're so beautiful," you said with a smile, Leah's heart beating at a unknowing pace.
The compliments didn't stop there, and neither did the romance. Every stop in the journey, Leah waited for this to be the location you dropped to your knee and asked her you be yours.
But you never did.
As much as Leah loved the date, she'd also felt her heart break as it came to an end and she still didn't have a ring on her finger.
She didn't sleep that night, wondering if she hadn't been obvious enough in her approach. But you'd literally sat in bed on night and told each other that you were ready, that you'd only ever want each other. Maybe you just hadn't been ready just yet.
Her thought ran wild as she slept peacefully on her chest, her hand running through your hair.
"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Leah asked, hugging you from behind as you washed up the dishes you'd dirtied from breakfast.
"It's okay baby, I've got some things to take care of this afternoon. Maybe if you're still there at dinner I'll pop over." You smiled, giving her a kiss as she sighed.
It wasn't like you to miss family time. Especially when Amanda was making one of your favourites. Leah chalked it down to some of the stresses you'd had with your agent over the last few weeks, trying to cement a contract that you were worthy of at Arsenal, so you could stay with her.
"The pictures you sent me were lovely," Amanda said as she sat at the table with a tea in her hand, a juice for her daughter who still didn't drink hot drinks.
"Yeah it was amazing," Leah sighed, the frown that graced her forehead for a few seconds was not missed by her mother.
"Okay," she longed out, "that wasn't the reaction I was expecting."
"It was amazing, the most romantic date we've ever been on, and I thought she was going to propose, and she just-" Leah's heart sank, her head fell into her hands as she tried to contain her tears, therefore missing the reaction from her mother.
"She just what?" Amanda said, her hand squeezing lightly on her daughters shoulder in a weak attempt of comfort.
"She just didn't. We've literally spoken about it. I told her I only want her, that I'm ready. She said she was too and I guess I thought she meant she was ready now." Leah still hadn't been able to understand it, but seeing her mothers face made her question what she'd thought of you.
"Would you have said yes?" Amanda asked.
"Without a doubt. I don't want to wait another second." Leah replied.
Your phone buzzed a few seconds after your girlfriend had text you to let you know she was on her way home and that she'd pick up a Nandos for you both on her way back.
You assumed it would be Leah again, but was surprised when you saw Amanda's name on your screen.
"I'm sorry," she said before you even had chance to say hello.
"What have you got to be sorry for?" You laughed slightly, trying to hide your fear. What if she'd said something to Leah and she was coming back to end it.
"I said she wasn't ready and I was wrong, she is ready. You're both ready and I had no right to tell you otherwise. Go get the ring and do it." Amanda rushed down the phone, you could tell she was upset with herself.
"I've already got the ring, Amanda." You laughed.
"I'm home baby," Leah called, kicking off her shoes and heading straight to the kitchen to plate up your food.
"Babe?" She asked when you hadn't responded, only to find you stood in the garden, the fairy lights you'd hung up on the fence when you'd first moved in a-light.
"Darling, what's all this?" She asked as she made her way outside, confused by the roses in your hands.
"I love you," you started, as you handed her the roses. She gave them a sniff before she took in your nervous form. Placing them on the small outdoor table you had, she took your hands in hers, thanking you with a light kiss.
"I love you too." She said with a smile.
"This isn't what I had planned, but I can't wait another second." Still with your hands in hers, you dropped to one knee, only letting go to find the ring that was burning in your back pocket.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you. 8 years is not enough time to have loved you, and I want to have the opportunity to love every single year you spend on this earth. You are my everything Leah and I-" you stopped when you felt a wet drop on your hand and looked up to find her crying.
"Please don't cry gorgeous," using your thumb to wipe away the tears on her cheeks.
"They're happy tears, I promise," she spoke through a sob. "Ask me." She demanded.
"Leah, will you make me the happiest girl alive and be my wife?" You ask.
She nods her head, slowly at first, but it quickly turns into a vigorous shake.
"Yes! Yes, yes," she said as she gives you her hand and allows you to slip the ring onto her finger.
She smiled at it for a second, before throwing herself into your arms.
"I thought you were going to propose the other day," she said, calming down enough to speak.
"It's a funny story actually."
To: Mum
She did it🤍
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castielslostwings · 2 years
Please help me tell people about my book!
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Hi! I'm publishing a book! It's HERE, just in time for Christmas!! It's GAY!! It's romantic!!! It's HOT! It has firefighters and background sapphic romance, and is exciting AF!!!
I'm very excited, too!
Both U.S. domestic and international friends can order shipped Paperbacks from me directly via my Ko-Fi shop (retailers take less of a cut): https://ko-fi.com/castielslostwings/shop Or you can order on amazon directly, this is the only way to get the KINDLE ebook option: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1945687126
Standard EPUB format is available to download directly from me for $1 cheaper than Amazon: https://ko-fi.com/s/2a82c64d56
And WILL be available at other retailers soon!
Here's the thing: I had a pretty solid platform on Twitter, but since Elon took over, a lot of my followers left, the algorithm crashed, and the whole thing might go under. I don't have the same reach on other platforms, so I need some help! Please share this post if you like GAY SHIT and BOOKS and helping indie content creators be successful!!! Please follow me or check out my ko-fi for updates! Thanks!!! Here's my pitch, hope you like it:
"Fire & Ice": The flaming hot queer romance novel where a foray into BDSM helps two best friends find themselves, each other, and what it really means to burn. Summary: "Firefighter Tripp Truett has somehow tumbled into a whole new kind of relationship with his quirky paramedic best friend, Lee, but mutual relief from their high-stress jobs quickly develops into something more. With all the missed signals and crossed wires, can these two ever figure out that they're so much closer to being on the same page than they think?"
**************************************** About the author (info dump ahoy!!!!) :
I'm Robin, sometimes known as Wings! I'm a 36-year-old, queer, autistic, disabled mom of 2 humans and 5 senior rescue dogs, former R.N. & paramedic. I'm a hardcore fangirl and a proud fanfic writer (and reader), and while I know some people will judge me for that, I am not ashamed! I started writing as a hobby after becoming physically disabled and unable to work as an RN. Fanfic gave me an audience and an outlet, gifted me purpose and hope again. Transformative fiction is FUN! It fosters creativity and passion, heals wounds, and makes people happy. If someone wants to discredit me for that, then perhaps they aren't the audience I'm seeking.
Ultimately, I know I'm taking a risk, but since people seem to enjoy my fics, this book is my attempt to try and make ends meet through original fiction! I know some people WILL discredit me. But I'm always about being myself and speaking on what I feel matters: Fanfic should be legitimized as a creative medium. I assure you, friends—the thousands of hours I've spent on my fanworks are as REAL as it gets. The intersection of disparaging fanfic + sexism/misogyny can't be overstated—women (esp queer women)'s unpaid work is often treated as a "hobby," not worthy of uplifting. I'm here to uplift! The risk is worth it—I would have nothing without fanfic & I'm proud. Younger creators shouldn't feel shame about writing/reading fanfic. We should ALL approach it as a legitimate medium. In fact, MOST new media these days is transformative "fanwork" of SOME kind, whether it's inspired by, based on, or outright rebooting existing worlds.
Plus, we queer folk simply deserve to see our stories in the mainstream media and to see the characters we fall in love, identify with, and root for to get their happily ever afters.
TL;DR: I'm keeping my name and history. Hopefully, I'll be successful in original fiction, but if not, I'll still be a fangirl. Please consider supporting me + other creators attempting to dip into original works. Follow or subscribe to my ko-fi for previews, updates, access to my discord community where I share exclusive content, and more: https://ko-fi.com/castielslostwings FIRE & ICE IS NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH MULTIPLE PLATFORMS! Ko-Fi subscribers will have the option to buy signed copies & merch bundles! The link to purchase will also be posted there first.
A MAJOR thank you to my friends, editors, and to everyone who in my server for supporting and encouraging me to put myself out there and try something new. Love you guys so much. <3 Thank you to @chaoticdean for the beautiful cover. Many more thank yous to come. P.S. If you are reading this and know anyone with a platform who might be interested in receiving a free copy in exchange for promo (only if they enjoy, ofc), please holler at me, I can use all the help I can get!
<3 Wings
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lutiaslayton · 11 months
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Hey guys, I felt like giving you a bit of a heads up: now that the transcription of the Japan-exclusive Eternal Diva novel has been completed, I am now working on its translation. And I thought -- hey, why not share this translation here as I go?
The website's translation is meant to be as accurate as possible and is filled with annotations and comparisons with the Japanese version, but if all we're interested in is just reading the darn novel like it's actually meant to be (read: a story that is actually enjoyable to read), then this translation really isn't going to make that happen.
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(Just look at this. This is awful. Translation accuracy: 9/10. Reading enjoyment: WhatTheHeckIsThis /10. Do not recommend.)
So yeah, I'm actually working on two English translations 👀 First one is from the website and meant primarily to study Japanese and (sometimes) get the juicy lore, and the second one will be posted here! This second translation will actually be meant to be read like a novel / fanfiction, in the sense that I'll rephrase things and try to make it as enjoyable as can be. It may mean that a thing or two might be changed along the way, but I'll try to keep my creative juice under control and try to stay as close to the original as possible.
If anyone wants to criticise this translation and bring suggestions if you think that I took too many liberties, feel free to let me know so we can rephrase things! It'd be much cooler if this were a collaborative project rather than the work of just one person who might end up putting in her own biases, whether consciously so or not.
I can't tell when exactly I will start uploading since I'd like to have some buffer before starting, but when I do, I'll try to have some sort of schedule. Like one "chapter" or so every week, something like that. (The novel doesn't have "chapters," but it does have sections with titles. So I guess we might as well call those "chapters" for commodity.)
Anyway, that's pretty much all I wanted to say -- just a little teaser and some context for something I've been working on and will hopefully start posting soon-ish, and which I'd like to share with you guys as soon as I can! It'd be cool if this could be something I could post while my PhD is slowly ending and my workload is getting heavier and heavier -- just imagine if I had some buffer that I'd just put in my queue, and then boom, a chapter a week while I'm off dying while preparing my PhD defence and whatnot hahaha. No promises, but it would be really cool if I could pull it off.
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serahlink · 1 year
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!!
Making a new commission post since we're in desperate need of help currently. We were only able to pay half of what we needed yesterday, so now we owe the normal 55$ rent today plus the 30$ we couldn't pay yesterday. We also couldn't get any food yesterday and we have no food here, so I'm hoping to get something for that as well if we can.
My name is Link and I've been homeless for about two years now (since November 2021). Due to my dad falling into a diabetic coma around that time leaving both him and my sibling homeless without their truck, and myself having to move out from my friend's house due to their grandmother falling severely ill at the time, we were all left without a home. We don't have any family help (tried reaching out as soon as it happened and both sides of the family just weren't willing to help with either shelter/food/financially and otherwise) or anyone else to really rely on. My friend drove us all to a motel where I started up commissions and have been trying my best to keep up what we need for food and rent ever since neither of us could get jobs (we all don't have our IDs/documents, a car or the money to go and actually try getting that stuff) and we also can't get benefits from things like food stamps. We would've been able to at least try from low income housing if we had them, but that's the main thing that's stopped us from getting out of this situation or at least getting closer to finding real stability again. This is and has been our only source of income for a while.
Right now, things haven't been looking great. We almost got kicked out last week, and if the man at the office wasn't kind, we wouldn't have had anywhere to go. Most days we go without food since the room is the utmost priority, and we can barely pay that. Business has been very scarce, so I'm hoping by making a new post that I can get some more help somehow.
I'll put my commission examples, prices and business email below if anyone is interested in helping. If you can't, no worries, I completely understand. Reblogs also helps in hopefully bringing us new work opportunities, so it'd really mean a lot. Thank you so so much in advance.
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Business Email - [email protected]
Sketch (price depending on type of sketch) - base price of 10$
Sketch page - 10$ per sketch
Headshot - 20$ (+10$ if shaded)
Bust - 30$ (+10$ if shaded)
Half body - 45$ (+10$ if shaded)
Full body - 60$ (+10$ if shaded)
Couples Commission (a commission that includes two people) - 90$ (+15$ if shaded)
Group commissions (commission that includes more than two people, price dependant on the details) - 60 base price(one character, unshaded; each extra character is +75% to the original price) (40$+ if shaded)
Paintings (price depending on the details) - 100$+
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raven-moon33 · 8 months
Imaginary Friend Poll Results!
Alright, the votes are in!
I'll officially start posting updates about my new original novel (based on my old fic, Imaginary Friends) as I get started writing it.
I do plan on using this novel for NaNoWriMo next month, so hopefully I'll be able to keep you guys posted on my progress pretty often.
It means a lot to me that so many of you are interested in reading some of my original work; I'll make sure to post snippets of it as I go, and I hope you enjoy it as much as you've been enjoying my fics.
Keep having a wonderfully spooky month, and I'll talk to you all again soon! :)
(P.S. I've uploaded the second chapter of my newest fic, Just Dead! Gonna Be Okay, so go ahead and check that out!)
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kaiowut99 · 2 months
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Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episode 1 Subbed (Finalized Re-Release)
(Original Finalized Release Post)
(Check out my Subbed!GX Stream Masterpost!)
TURN-1: Yugi's Successor
On his way to the Entrance Exams for the Duel Academia High School, Judai Yuki meets the legendary duelist Yugi Mutou and receives a card from him. Running late, Judai arrives at the venue and requests to take his exam, but Instructor Chronos sees Judai's exam as pointless given his lackluster score on the written exam. A duel begins between Judai and Chronos, and Chronos's rare Antique Gear Golem card uses its powerful 3000 ATK to damage Judai. His back against the wall, Judai hears the voice of a Monster--which turns out to belong to the card he received from Yugi, Winged Kuriboh...
...I first posted the original finalized version of this episode almost 10 years ago??? Time is an illusion...
Fresh off the presses, it's a re-finalized version of my episode 1 subs! Well, probably re-re-re-re-finalized given my penchant for consistency and quality after previous revisions in the past 2-3 years, between fixing a handful of animation errors and terminology revisions... But this one merited a new post not so much for any updated translations, but because after casually skimming through this episode a while back, I noticed more animation errors, all card-related, that I'm now able to fix as I have for episodes since. You know the deal with this one, I'm sure; new kid on the block bumps into the Game King himself as he runs late for his Academia exam and manages to hit one of the school's best with his skills--literally. Fun opening episode to a fun series.
With this, I'm hoping to officially call this episode finalized for good, mainly because the kind of annoying thing about doing further revisions now is that, thanks to my solid-state drive (SSD) failing in October of 2022, I lost my personal copies of the episode scripts with the ATK/DEF counters I stylize and all, so it means I have to cut/stitch together different parts of the episode between the fixes I applied and the previous hardsub to account for the stat-counter subs or the eyecatch subs I started doing--since the softsub MKVs I release don't have those specific subs, they're easier to update. So I hopefully shouldn't be touching anything before episode 84 (the first one I finalized after getting a new drive) again and those can ideally be considered finalized for good. I'm hoping I can also give that title to 84-109 (where I currently am), but I'd like to think I didn't miss anything, lol.
Anyway, as mentioned, this revision applies several card-related fixes to the episode, some of which replicate fixes 4Kids did for the dub that I took a cue from. The fixes were added to the last DVDRip I released, subsequently made into a new softsub MKV, both of which will be up on NAC soon with the updated hardsub. List below the cut below as always, for the interested~ (Nice thing with some of these is that the frame rate was usually consistent, which meant that editing most panning shots and the occasional zoom shots were usually more of a breeze than later on, haha.)
Enjoy, folks; with this out of the way, since it's been about two weeks since 108 and 109 were finished up, I'll start setting up stuff for finalizing 110 while doing a little more TFSP work here/there before I fully start on 110 sometime next week. Stay tuned!
Fixes & Edits!
*The bolded edits below were applied back in 2021 and were added into the original release post; adding them here for completeness.
Applied a card back to an orange rectangle that was a face-down card during the panning shot of the Exam Duels going on over the episode’s opening narration as it fades to Chronos watching, repeating the edit as it pans back around again before fading to Manjoume and Ryou/Asuka watching.
As Misawa's exam proctor says that he stands no chance against his Super Defense Deck, the blank-art cards on his Disk for Big Shield Guardna and Gear Golem the Moving Fortress are reversed (the wider side for the effect box should be on the right). Fixed by applying proxies on them for a frame in AfterEffects, masking in the card outlines for blending, before taking that frame into Sony Vegas and zooming it out for the zoom shot here.
As Misawa's Ring of Destruction destroys Vorse Raider, we see the smoke rush onto the proctor's side of the field--and as we do, we can quickly see the blank-art Big Shield Guardna and Gear Golem cards on his Disk are again reversed before the smoke covers them. Fixed first in AfterEffects by slapping the proxies on for a frame, then in Vegas by taking that frame into and keyframing it to the rapid panning shot for most of its 17 frames. (Incidentally, throughout this scene, a different error happens in the dub, where aside from keeping the cards' orientation on the proctor's Disk incorrect, they also shuffle between Gear Golem and Big Shield Gardna being Normal or Effect Monsters--bit of an identity crisis!)
Fixed the error with Misawa’s LP dropping to zero after he uses Ring of Destruction to finish his Exam Duel; should have dropped to 1300.
After the proctor's LP drop to zero, he congratulates Misawa on his win, but the Gear Golem card on his Disk is reversed. Fixed first in AfterEffects by applying my proxy for a few frames, then taking one of those frames into Vegas to lightly keyframe as the shot pans left. (As a fun editing aside, I could tell 4Kids likely edited this in a similar way to how I did because as the cards fade out, you can briefly see some residue of Manjoume's hair outline on Big Shield Gardna's card which they didn't cover up; I definitely made sure I went the extra mile with redrawing the arena floor to cover that haha.)
After Misawa thanks the proctor, we zoom out to Manjoume in the stands as the Solid Vision fades out, but the cards under Big Shield Guardna and Gear Golem are--you guessed it--reversed. Fixed in a few ways, with the goal being to redo Big Shield Guardna and Gear Golem fading out--first, in Vegas, I took the first frame after they're gone and zoomed it into place at the start of the zoom, which let me cover up Gear Golem and most of Big Shield Guardna, but because Manjoume's hair moves upward as the shot zooms out, doing this means I couldn't fully cover it. So, I then took this first post-fadeout frame into Photoshop, where I used the Clone Tool to duplicate the arena floor and cover up the rest of Big Shield Guardna, reinserting it into Vegas and applying the zoom keyframes I did to the earlier frames to it--this lets my edited frame properly zoom out with the shot. Once done, I went into AfterEffects and applied the Big Shield and Gear Golem proxies onto the shot's first frame, masking them above the cards, then took that frame into Vegas to zoom out with the shot (rather easily, luckily, thanks to the frame rate note I mentioned up top), masked out Big Shield and Gear Golem and made them fade out into the edited frame in the layer below. With that set, all I had left was to go back and mask Manjoume's hair back above the edits for the duration of the fade, which was pretty easy, and boom goes the dynamite.
After Judai's duel with Chronos starts, he summons out Elemental Hero Featherman, but the card gets placed reversed on his Disk. Fixed in AfterEffects by applying a proxy first to one frame during the initial light zoom-out in the shot, taking the fixed frame into Vegas to re-zoom and hold once the zoom was over.
Chronos reacts to Featherman's summon, and as Featherman lands in front of Judai, his card on his Disk is reversed again, but also as the screen pans right, for a few frames as Judai moves to then place a card face-down, the shadow under his left leg goes from being more gray to black, turning back to gray once he stops moving. Fixed in AfterEffects first by placing a correctly facing proxy on his Disk for a frame, which I then took into Vegas and re-panned into the shot; while in Vegas, I then masked in the gray leg shadow over the black, masking in part of Featherman's ATK/DEF counter over the edit to blend it in.
In the next shot, as Judai ends his turn and their LP counters pop up, the Featherman card under him on the field is reversed; fixed in AfterEffects by slapping in a proxy, masking Featherman back in above it.
[cont below]
(10) After Chronos uses Confiscation, as he sends Judai's Revival of the Dead/Monster Reborn to his Cemetery, a few things happen: 1) the Featherman card on his field under him on the field is facing Chronos in Attack Mode, and 2) it's in the wrong Zone on Judai's Disk, as it should be in Monster Zone 3. I fixed this a few ways, first fixing the Featherman-on-field aspect in AfterEffects, applying a Defense-Mode proxy under Featherman and masking him and Judai back over it; I then took a cue from 4Kids and took the frame immediately after his Cemetery stops being lit up (but before Judai starts to move) and the frames as Judai moves into Photoshop, where I copied the empty Zone 1 into place over Zone 2, blending it in with some minor editing, and combined it with the AfterEffects edit I then did by applying a Featherman proxy in Defense Mode to Zone 3. After throwing everything into Vegas, I then applied some masking to a solid-white color layer to replicate the lights coming from Judai's Cemetery slot (helped by the fact that, luckily, the lights don't move). (The dub, for their part, only handled the Disk aspect, applying a weird light to cover up their Zone 2 edit while the Graveyard was lit up, leaving the Featherman card on the field as it originally was, OCG format and all lol.)
(11) Chronos activating Heavy Storm causes a huge storm of wind on the field, and as it gets to Judai's field, we see that the Defense-Mode Featherman card on the field under Featherman is reversed. Fixed first in AfterEffects, applying a proxy in a frame where most of the card was visible and masking Featherman back above it, then taking that frame into Vegas where I first redid the panning that happens, then I created a solid-color layer colored like the wind and applied some masking to replicate the gusts of wind that blow over the card.
(12) After Chronos summons his Wicked Lord Tokens and the crowd reacts, the smoke on the field from their summon simmers down, but the Featherman card under Featherman is reversed again. Fixed in AfterEffects by applying a correctly facing proxy and then masking Featherman back on top.
(13) After the commercial break, fixed the error with a Ra Yellow student’s miscolored jacket as he and the others watch Antique Gear Golem being summoned, thanks to thepalebride’s help.
(14) After crowd reaction to Antique Gear Golem being summoned, Asuka looks out onto the field and says she unfortunately heard the sound of the Academia's gates closing shut for Judai--as she does, we see that the blank-art card under Featherman is reversed. Fixed first in AfterEffects by applying a proxy under him in the first frame of the shot and masking him back on top, then taking that frame into Vegas where I re-panned it as the shot pans upward.
(15) After a brief blush, Judai summons out Winged Kuriboh, but he places it reversed on his Disk--and in the very next shot, it's correctly facing such that its name box is to our left. Fixed in AfterEffects by applying a proxy as he places it on his Disk, masking his fingers over it.
(16) After Antique Gear Golem destroys Winged Kuriboh and Judai tells Chronos that it reduces his damage to zero--to Asuka's shock--Judai takes Winged Kuriboh off his Disk and places it in his Cemetery slot in a quick shot, but the card is reversed again. Also fixed by 4Kids, I fixed this in AfterEffects by applying a proxy facing correctly in the frames in which Judai moves it.
(17) After summoning Flame Wingman, and after some taunting from Chronos, Judai activates an arena as heroic as he is in Skyscraper, but as he does so, Flame Wingman is missing from his Disk, as it should be in Zone 3. Fixed first in AfterEffects by applying a proxy (after finding the best-quality screenshot of Wingman's anime art and touching it up using an AI tool [I think I settled on Waifu]), fading it in as the scene fades from the Judai closeup to Judai about to swing his Disk around, and adding it as he does so, then applying a brightening and dimming as the Solid Vision lights go on around him. Once I did that, I went into Vegas and applied some masking on the little flickers that pop up over that zone to blend the edit in. (Side-Note: while dubifying the Skyscraper card in Judai's hand, 4Kids forgot to mask in his thumb over it, begging the question... how is Jaden holding that?)
(18) Fixed the blank Normal Monster card that should be Flame Wingman, both as Antique Gear Golem crashes onto Chronos and as the duel fades to an end.
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bvannn · 2 months
Weekly Update April 19, 2024
I had more lingering sickness from the last surgery this week. I'm pretty sure that's what it was since it went away after I took my medicine, although I'm still messed up and exhausted from all my schoolwork, though. Haven't got a whole lot done as a result, but I made some progress.
Most of what I did was on music projects, which I've decided to start referring to by their initials in these updates so they can be differentiated from one another, but they aren't completely spoiled either. OEB was the cover I got done a while ago, and I've been chipping away at the music video for that, which is 16% storyboarded. Also finished up another cover I had been working on, WOTW, which I'd like to do an animation for as well, albeit a shorter and simpler one. This means I'm sitting on 4 songs I can't release for a while, because those two need visuals, and the two originals, BMBO and BATB, still need lyrics. I did progress on lyrics for BATB this week, and I've been upset for the same reasons that prompted me to write BMBO in the first place today as well so I'll try to take another bite out of that one, too. BMBO is 33% done with lyrics right now, BATB is like, 45%. Both a ways out but if I sit down and focus they'll get done quick, that's how I was able to finish WOTW as fast as I was. A couple instrumental themes are in progress too, I've been having fun just sitting down and writing melodies, but I don't think I need to work on those for a while anyway because I want to focus more on my comic once I'm able.
Oh yeah the comic. I haven't had much chance to work on it myself because I've been sick and playing piano helps my heart rate, so I've been doing that instead. Right now comic pages are 7% done, I am bottlenecked on drawing backgrounds because I really don't feel like it with my workload, but if I get more free time I'd like to just pound out another page's worth. It's mostly a time issue right now, but hopefully I can get some rest, and finish up page 3 soon.
I also haven't had the chance to do anything else. I apologize for posting so many low effort sketches, I hope I'll be able to have time to make a real drawing soon, but for now I'm focusing on schoolwork above all else. I'll do schoolwork for now, but normal classes are done after next week, finals shouldn't be too bad, and I'll be able to just unload on animation and comic after I get some rest. I've been in a pretty bad headspace as well due to being sick and all the work, so I've been trying to post more small drawings to still have something to show, since interaction makes me feel less lonely, but it seems like you guys are getting tired of it, which is fair. I'm going to try to lay off for a while, and if I have time to make a real drawing I will, but it's unlikely. Thank you for being patient, I'm almost through the worst of it!
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space-writes · 1 year
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hi writeblr! i’ve been kicking around on here for the hottest of minutes, but this is the first time i’ve decided to start actively posting about my writing. (this is a sideblog; you can find my main @thespacelizard, and i follow from there)
about me!
I go by Space, my pronouns are they/he, and I’m staring down the barrel of 30 with grim determination. My current pseudonyms are A.L. Thorne (for my fantasy writing), and A.L. Dusk (for my queer erotica)
Aside from being a writer I’m also an artist and a Forever DM, and I love to come up with wild characters for my campaign and then complain that I have to draw them because there is no picrew in existence that can make them.
I write a lot of fanfiction, and I post about my current ongoing series on my main blog. I intend to keep my fic writing there, and my original writing here, but if you’re interested in an m/m erotic romance featuring d/s dynamics and drow wizards engaged in deeply frustrating mutual pining, the tag over there is obedience fic blogging and the series is on AO3 here
I otherwise write fantasy novels, because I am, at heart, a Weird Dragon Kid. I also like to, of late, make them queer as hell, because I too am queer as hell, and I want to write about queer characters having all the adventures I usually read straight cis characters having.
I am a big fan of playing in the traditional fantasy tropes aisle, and whilst I do love unique fantasy worlds, there’s something about a classic set of wizards and dragons that just makes my heart happy.
My writing style is fairly lighthearted but the heart still beats quite sincerely. You’ll find fantastical places, characters who all have something Fundamentally Wrong With Them, and more one-liners than strictly necessary.
current wips!
Chronicles of Valloroth
This is the main (read: only) thing I’m working on at present, and it exists because I read too many Drizzt books over lockdown, got brainworms, and then decided to write my own take.
The series features: knock-off tieflings, a grumpy assassin and a sparkly mercenary in a rivals-to-lovers arc, knock-off dragonborn, found family, gods with very mortal foibles, A Whole Entire Dragon, magical mishaps, and an entire cast of queer disasters.
not everyone in this book is trans, but there is So Much Gender in here. it’s not a trans book, but it has trans bones, and not just because I, A Trans, am writing it.
It’s basically ‘what if The Legend of Drizzt but Gay and Also Trans? what then?’
I'll be posting a wip intro for the first book soon!
My current goal is re-drafting the first book, and getting all my outlining and zero drafts finished for books two and three. I write a lot, and I write quite fast, but good god there are so many words to get down. Just. An absolutely ridiculous amount of words.
what’s on this blog?
I intend to post about my writing progress, my characters, my worldbuilding; lots of things to help keep me motivated and to (hopefully) drag other people into Caring Too Much About These Blorbos Hell with me.
Hey, it worked for Obedience and now at least three other people are yelling at those drow boys with me. trust me. yelling at my characters is a fun hobby we can all share together.
You can expect to see:
snippets of my notes (and probably chatter about Obsidian.md, which is what I write everything in, and is my favourite notes app of all the notes apps)
Thoughts About Blorbos
character art and playlists (some of which I will probably even draw myself, because when you can draw, you simply must draw your ocs and show them to everyone)
Thoughts About The Writing Process
And i will of course be reblogging every remotely relatable writing meme i come across (which is most of them)
#valloroth blogging (for all/general posts related to the series)
character posts will be #c: [character name]
#space has thoughts (for writing thoughts, and suchlike)
you can find me elsewhere on tumblr @thespacelizard (main blog), and @incoherentmuses (art blog). i’m also on twitter @/degenerate_DM (for writing posts) and @/incoherentmuses (for art posts)
over the next few days i’ll be posting a proper wip intro for Valloroth, and i am 100% looking for writing mutuals to yell about words with. I’m also very open to ask/tag games!
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softguarnere · 3 months
Fic Writer Interview
Thank you for the tag @mercurygray!
How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 6, but hopefully that number will go up over spring break
What's your total AO3 word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Like A Girl (Like A Man) - Band of Brothers
Just A Kid - The Outsiders
Bear The Burden Alone - The Chronicles of Narnia
For Whatever We Lose - Band of Brothers
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, absolutely! I share my writing because it allows me to connect with people who share my interests. If I'm not posting replies, it feels more like a one sided conversation, imo. Also, it seems the polite thing to do
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
It's about to be Like A Girl (Like A Man)! You'll see why soon >:)
What the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
On AO3, it's probably Bear The Burden Alone, but I try to keep the fics that I post here on Tumblr kinda upbeat with hopeful -- albeit open-ended -- endings.
Do you write crossovers?
Yeah! For Whatever We Lose is actually a crossover with The Pacific, and I'd love to do more crossovers in the future
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yep! I've deleted the comments, but some people were VERY ANGRY about the background Babe/Roe content in LAGLAM -- you know, despite the fact that the plot of the fic is driven by a queer woman's decision to cross-dress. Guess they had to draw the line somewhere, but the hypocrisy of it all makes me chuckle
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Kinda? I deleted most of it from the original LAGLAM drafts and instead just alluded to it, but things are going to be different in FWWL. Get ready for crappy ocean metaphors and religious imagery, babes!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not :( That would stink
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I think it would be fun!
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Everlark! (said while frothing at the mouth because they make me go insane) I've been obsessed with them since I first read The Hunger Games at age 9. I could write you a whole novel about why I think they're perfect together, but I'll spare you the ramble (unless anyone wants it?)
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
Tears in my eyes when I tell you that it's probably the requests in my inbox. I keep telling myself that I'll get to them, but I've just felt unmotivated with all the stuff I've had going on in my personal life/at school. I really really do hope to get to them someday, though, because some of them will be really fun to write
What are your writing strengths?
I have no clue, lol. I tend to get compliments about how I describe settings, so I'm gonna say that!
What are your writing weaknesses?
My abuse of commas and italics.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Personally, I love doing it. Especially in a fic like LAGLAM, where even though most people don't speak the language I'm using (Cherokee), I feel like they can still see the importance to the characters and to the story. And I like tricking people into caring about Indigenous language preservation. My teachers told me that anything can be a vessel for carrying language on, and by God, I took that to heart
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Oh boy. I was in the fifth grade. I had won many writing competitions. Two classmates approached me and told me that they wished The Hunger Games had more post-Mockingjay Everlark content, and that since I was a good writer, they wanted me to write it. I was traded many cosmic brownies and other such snacks throughout the year for my services in providing my classmates with Everlark fics on pages of notebook paper that are probably crumpled up in a landfill by now. At the time, I had no idea I was writing fanfiction, but it was the start of my favorite hobby. Look at me now, baby!
What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to?
I've always wanted to write for TURN: Washington's Spies but have never had the courage haha
What's your favorite fic you've written?
I have a couple of one-shots that I'm pretty pleased with, but currently I'm going to say LAGLAM because it's been so special to me <3
Tagging (but no pressure!): @almost-a-class-act @latibvles @footprintsinthesxnd @liebgotts-lovergirl
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carrs-universe-writes · 2 months
Well what in tarnation-
Um hello 👉👈 funny seeing you guys here...uh...come here often? Still wondering about my silly little writing? Oh haha...yeah...about that...
Crazy how fast time flies when you have time blindness.
So let's get the big stuff out of the way. I am no longer writing Wolfwater, WCA, or M715 as interactive fiction. I am still writing the stories, but no longer as interactive fiction.
No one knows what's happening with dragon smut because it was just a silly little side project so as of right now it's on indefinite hiatus/canceled.
But the other three are still deep in the holes of my brain. These characters mean a lot to me at this point. But I've lost the passion to make them IFs. Not only is it way too much work for my Swiss cheese ADHD brain to stay focused on, writing is also something I can just kinda do mindlessly. But with IF I have to pay WAY closer attention, and that makes it a stressful thing, not a fun, relaxing form of expression.
To put it simply, it's way too much work that I don't want to do.
So where does that leave the stories? Well, as novels.
I've already started rewriting chapter 1 of Wolfwater, and I'll post it in it's entirety here when I'm finished. Some things have been changed, like now Alex is the protagonist. And given Alex obviously isn't interested in a lot of the romance options, one of the subplots will finally be Ezra and Aim kissing all on their own. Big day!
WCA will be split between Casey and Quincy’s POV's mainly, but there will be no serious changes to the plot, other than the fact that...well...you aren't there.
And M715 will be changed so that Zelda is the main protagonist. Again, very little to change in that story, other than shifting who things happen to.
The original playable IF version of WW ch1 will stay up forever if you ever want to reread it. And nothing is being deleted or changed on the patreon, all the original drafts will stay up. But they are not going to be edited again.
I know Wolfwater especially has been in the works for like 4 years, but unfortunately I used all my dopamine up writing Far Cry fanfiction when I was in middle school, so I'm now a very slow writer.
If you've been here a while, get ready for some deja-vu because: I'm leaving my job at the gas station soon and starting basically my dream job driving a truck. Just me and my dog in a truck all day, not a single customer interaction to be had. Hopefully around the end of summer I'll be there full time and can quit the gas station, which will be better for me. (I feel like I've seen this movie before....)
Um I struggle with genuineness but ummmm thank you to those that have stuck around while I was doing absolutely nothing. But I am writing again, I am back, everything is sorta back to normal.
Now stop looking at me 😖
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afniel · 6 months
I'm into editing (still 2 chapters to write but we're not talking about that yet) and I'm proud to say that I have divested myself of the old habit of starting sentences with the word 'and.'
Unfortunately! I have picked up using 'quite' all the damn time for no reason, and I'll still comma splice a motherfucker to death, especially in dialogue. So there's that. It's at least easier to wrangle than literally 500+ superfluous uses of 'and,' which is what stopped me eventually from editing my old original novella from like, 2007. It was too much to deal with. I just had to stop.
But like. It's still definitely A Thing that I've got to get under control before I even consider posting. Sigh.
For the most part, though? I'm really enjoying the re-reading part of editing. It's actually pretty solid. I think there's some sticky-uppy pacing edges, but it's not as much the actual pacing and more that I just need to sell some events/reactions a little harder. So that's cool. I'm excited as hell and very hopeful that I'll have it out in maybe a week or so.
And honestly I'm trying to make it interesting sci-fi on its own merits. (I'm allowing myself that one initial 'and,' nobody @ me.) I think it'll still potentially be interesting even if you haven't played the games. There's so much personal worldbuilding, exploration of things that the games never get into at all, and alternate canon that I could almost file the serial numbers off, but I don't feel the need. So if you keep thinking it sounds interesting but eeeeh you aren't into Mega Man X...I dunno, give it a shot anyway?
I put a lot of work into turning it into something that's almost standalone in characterization (the only truly onscreen canon character is X himself and he gets fully characterized in the story outside of his ingame history anyway) and definitely standalone in themes, knowing that I've got friends who expressed interest but haven't played any of the games. So hopefully it'll be cool even if you don't go here at all. If you do go here, there are a few name drops that will help certain events hit a little harder, but it's not at all necessary. Think of it more like Easter eggs. There's enough essential information throughout that you should be able to put it together without any background, and I even resisted just infodumping at random, because that's not usually fun in a story.
Also I'm doing character art and illustrating some of my more favorite moments. Like you do, when you're a weirdo polymath who can do both. So that's fun too.
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