#how james flirt
daddiesdrarryy · 1 year
James: We’re having iced tea. You want some, honey?
Regulus: What did you say?
James: We’re having iced tea. You want some honey?
Regulus: …sure
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red-flagging · 3 months
alex being forced to squirm under the weight of james vowles' smooth baritone genuinely complimenting him about how he has the talent and potential to be a world champion while an entire film crew watches.....delicious to me
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adharastarlight · 1 year
barty: I wish someone would look at me like i look at a menu
evan: at least a menu has something to offer
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hollis-art · 8 months
"My congratulations, Captain. A dazzling display of logic."
"You didn't think I had it in me, did you, Spock?" Kirk jokes, face full of love and affection. A teasing smile on his face.
"No sir." Spock replies, not even taking a second to consider the answer.
The fond smile falls, and Kirk's eyebrows pinch together slightly as he clearly feels disheartened by this sentiment.
(season 2, episode 3, "The Changeling")
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
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Favorite moments of David flirting with Dec on Saturday Night Takeaway last night.
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rickybaby · 5 months
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Daniel Ricciardo Pinterest Gems [2/?]
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mugrisstuff · 4 months
rw dr house and not hilson being the black plague of the old man yaoi
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quillkiller · 2 months
I love effiebarty please give me some headcannons surrounding them but also what about montyeffiebarty?
i see your montyeffiebarty but i will have to leave you to it❤️ my barty does not get along with the potter men. he hates james with a passion, and he hates monty too :/ he cant stand either of them
anyway!!! some hc’s!!!
1. barty is so entirely whipped. hes at effies beck and call. he’ll do whatever she wants whenever she wants
2. effie absolutely knows this and basks in it
3. a leash comes into use a lot :/ barty brings it up first
4. barty is nowhere near rich enough on his own to get effie pretty things like monty can but he’s good at stealing. he’s a great pickpocket. he’ll text effie at a gala (shes there with monty 😔) if she shees anything she likes, she texts back that mrs whatshername has a pretty necklace, then they meet up in some closet space and he gives it to her and then hes on on his knees and her leg over his shoulder
5. effie gets a tattoo and barty gives it to her. he’s good at them. its a small tattoo. she doesnt have any others
6. they sext a lot
7. they make sure to have sex in every single room in monty and effies mansion. barty especially loves ruining their marital bed
8. monty finds out at some point
9. post monty finding out, effie buys a small mansion for herself and doesnt even ask if barty wants to move in. she just tells him to
10. he’s her housewife. wears an apron and everything. waits on his knees by the door like a dog when shes expected to come home
11. they dont stop going to galas and fundraisers and what not. effie doesn’t give a single shit and they get looks and barty’s throat is covered with hickies and while hes not wearing a leash in public he might as well be with the way he doesnt leave her side
12. barty goes no contact with his father at some point. he always tries to talk to (or yell at, or hit) barty whenever they’re at the same function but effie stands infront of barty like an unbreakable wall
13. they go to museums a lot. and they travel. they enjoy reading aloud to each other. especially in the bathtub or barty propped up against the headboard and effies head in his lap. they go to the cinema and they both like silent film. effie likes french new wave the most tho
14. they have a pool and like roleplaying pool boy and married woman. like how they met <3
15. effie gets more tattoos
16. barty gets an effie tattoo. obviously
17. effie doesnt ask him to marry her. she tells them they’re getting married that afternoon. they bring the leash
18. barty is insanely jealous so hes mean and blunt to whoever he thinks is flirting with effie
19. effie dresses barty up. a lot. be it in their own home or when they’re going to a function. barty is her little plaything and barty is happy to do whatever she wants
20. they’re very happy <3
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jester-step · 2 years
okay but barbara kean and edward nygma both started out as good, friendly people, both struggled with a darker side of themselves, both dealt with drug use and childhood abuse, both had downhill character arcs in S1 that culminated in a traumatic event triggering a mental breakdown, both became flashy villains with a flair for drama and violence, and ofc they’re both bisexual icons
my POINT is their chemistry and parallels were wasted on Ed’s revenge arc and we were robbed of them being not only an iconic power duo but also besties 💔
#i will die on this hill#the scenes where barbara asks ed for help with the court and where they’re torturing mayor james live in my head rent free#yes barbara wanted smth out of him but it’s so obvious how much fun they had together!!#i can’t remember if it’s canon but i keep seeing ppl mention that barbara gave ed the drugs he used in 3x15 and just#the IMPLICATIONS#like they mentioned she struggled with drug abuse in S1 and then never brought it up again like???#there were so many opportunities to point out the many parallels in their backstories and we got NOTHING#also i see the appeal of shipping them but their friendship is infinitely more interesting to me#bc barbara grew up being told her self-worth was defined by her beauty and charm and learned to use those as tools for manipulation#and yet when she tries to do that w ed (trailing a finger down his jaw etc) he looks completely Unbothered#i just like the idea of their relationship being completely platonic and him liking her bc she’s clever and dramatic and fun#but barbara still flirts w him for fun bc he’s unaffected and only has eyes for a certain penguin anyways#basically i want an AU w no isabella and where barbara and ed’s friendship grew organically from their tendency to be Dramatic Bitches#this is completely incoherent but anyways it’s pride month and i’m bi so my opinion is Correct /j#barbara kean#edward nygma#the riddler#gotham#gotham tv#gotham fox#also i think they both had their Villain Moment in ‘under the knife’ in S1 so some of these parallels must’ve been deliberate#and then they were just NEVER brought up like WHAT
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daddiesdrarryy · 1 year
James: Catch you later, silly Reggie
Regulus: What?
Sirius: What?
Remus: What?
James: …
James: Okay, is there any chance you guys didn’t hear that?
Everyone: …
James: Yeah, I’m just gonna leave
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duskbats · 2 years
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solo date with daniela.
now that there’s a few less contestants, eden can spend more intimate one on one time with everyone else. due to daniela’s love of the outdoors, she decided to take her around the lovely town of moonwood mill.
what eden neglected to consider was that it was a full moon, and everyone in town was in full on rage mode, so they left early and went for a walk.
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p4nishers · 1 year
honestly bro just give crosshair an overly flirtatious boyfriend. that'll calm him down.
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fresiants · 1 year
The Lestrange couple is actually interesting.
Bellatrix does come from an extremely messed up family. Not only do they behead their slaves after they become too old to carry tea and stuff their heads and hang them on the wall, you know, normal stuff. Then, according to the Black family tree, her father was only 13 when she was born. So you know, clearly healthy stuff. Also, if Filch is to be believed, hanging students days on end by the thumbs was common practice not too long ago from the 90s, and torture instruments are manufactured with enough regularity (I don't believe those things would have survived Fred and George, nor the Marauders).
In his forth year, Arthur was punished badly enough so that he has scars he keeps well into adulthood despite the wonders of magical medicine. (Most scars do fade away after a decade or so, which makes me think the whipping was either extreme or their was some Black Magic involved) for being out of his dorm.
We don't know much about Rodolphus, but his father or uncle was one of the first associates of Tom Riddle, and he would also in all likely hood attended school to taste this kind of extreme discipline that left Arthur scared for life. Also, according to Sirius they were part of a gang of bullies.
So is it any surprise that Voldemort was able to recruit followers who if not violent themselves, where quite desensitized to violence. So, even if Voldemort is extremely sadistic and does not treat his followers well to put it mildly, to people like Bellatrix, it must have seemed not that bad and normal. Also, their hatred for Muggleborn might have also mixed with envy. During the second half of the XXth century, corporal punishment was on the decline, and frankly, six of the best cannot in honesty be compared to the strappado. I would imagine members of these pureblood Slytherin gang of bullies viciously mocking muggleborn students and their inability to keep up with what they would perceive as normal things. It would probably like humiliation through babying, escorting them to "safety" while constantly mocking them:
"Twenty and already dizzy ? How adorable ! Let me take pictures of you. See, we don't hate muggles, we find them so wee!" (proceed to wrap them in frilly stuff before taking pictures).
Is this a response to my post about Severus and Lily? If it isn't, please ignore this whole post lol.
I agree that in the wizarding world, these acts were perceived as normal, as evidenced by the prevalence of bullying and violence that went unpunished and ignored everyone, even by the teachers who were responsible for safeguarding them. Regardless of the gravity of the situation, students were only ever subjected to detention as a form of discipline.
But we must consider that Severus hated the Marauders for bullying him and always tried to persuade Lily to stay away from them for this specific reason. It's understandable that, given his character, he might find it difficult to empathize with others. However, it's still a shame that he couldn't see the similarity between the Marauders and Mulciber's group. If you see your housemate bullying other kids, shouldn't it remind you of your own bullies? I think this situation was also heavily influenced by the house rivalries at Hogwarts.
Severus probably harbored a "serve them right" attitude when Mulciber bullied Mary McDonald, as if attacking a Gryffindor student was a form of avenging his own bullying. This is a childish mindset that many victims adopt, seeking to hurt their bullies by wishing harm on those around them. You may have heard people say things like "I hope your child experiences bullying in the future, then you'll know how it feels" or "I hope your daughter gets cheated on, so you'll feel the pain you caused others." It's the same type of mindset where you can't hurt the bully, so you hope someone they care about gets hurt instead. As someone who was once a victim of bullying, i totally understand why some people might think this way, but I refuse to defend this behaviour as it is wrong in my book.
Hence, I truly believe that even if Severus hadn't called Lily 'Mudblood', their friendship wouldn't have lasted long. Severus cherished Lily because she was the first person to ever show him kindness, and he loved her deeply to the point that he thought she was the only friend he needed. He only cared about his and Lily's well-being (as an individual) He couldn't care less about other Muggle-borns and this didn't sit well with Lily.
Things were already looking bad for Severus. But here's where things got worse. Lily Evans... the only person Severus ever care about... failed to comprehend why Severus refused to let her to associate with the Marauders. In fact, she felt offended by it.
Snape’s whole face contorted and he spluttered, “Saved? Saved? You think he was playing the hero? He was saving his neck and his friends’ too! You’re not going to— I won’t let you— ”
“Let me? Let me?”
Lily’s bright green eyes were slits. Snape backtracked at once.
But we also shouldn't ignore the fact that Severus called everyone(muggleborns) aside from Lily 'Mudblood', which mean she had probably tolerated him a lot, hoping that he would finally get a grip and realised what he was doing was wrong.
But of course, that never happened. Doesn't really help that his only friend wasn't very understanding herself and already had feelings for James even when he was bullying Severus, which was confirmed by JK Rowling herself in an interview. (I mean... why would Severus feel the need to remind Lily that James wasn't a good lad if she wasn't interested in him?)
Interviewer: How did they get together? She hated James, from what we’ve seen.
JKR: Did she really? You’re a woman, you know what I’m saying. [Laughter.]
She was referring to the stereotype that women are attracted to 'bad boys' *puke*
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just-barrow · 2 years
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hello Mr. Flirty Face
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