#i dont have to make fun of anyone in the process!!! we can just go our separate ways and nobody is harmed!!!
fabulouslygaybean · 1 year
i always find it so funny that so many of y'all are all for the death of cringe culture until someone does something you personally find to be a little TOO weird and then bully them till they shut up. like you can't have it both ways. you can't scream out "cringe culture is dead!!" and then hurt people for harmless interests :/
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evilminji · 5 months
You know one of the purposes of Lining?
Shock Absorption.
If the Zone is the Inter- and EXTRA-Dimensional Lining, connecting, containing, and generally powering all of Multiversal Creation? The Great Primordial Soup? The Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust, from which we came and too which we return?
If the Zone itself is basicly the place between Universe, where your soul goes to get washed down, cleaned up, recharged, and sent out to wherever the next random portal takes it? To BECOME whatever you happen to find? An infinte recycler and Multiversal management?
The great metaphorical Yggdrasil, grown far beyond few branches, into an incomprehensible forest of one?
That kinda changes things! And also nothing! Because it means that those who remain? Are basicly squatting in the DMV's attic. Have built bunkers, under the country's main power generator. They really SHOULD move along. Granted, there is no one to MAKE them... but like...
That's cause no one thought anyone would NEED too?
Lol. Don't they feel silly? Anyway, I'ma put MY house over-! *wander off to go squat in the rafters*
Yeah, the CONCEPTS are native. But those probably just generate naturally. It's all the Souls constantly flowing through. Lots of background Sentience and Memories and such being washed away into the air. But? Then these lil souls were like "yeah, but if THEY get to stay... me too! D:< " "no, you can-" "ME TOO" and then they stopped listening and did what they wanted.
Good thing we have literally infinte amounts of room.
T...there's so MANY, you guys.
But! Not the point here!
*smacks white board* Realities! The Die too sometimes! And get born! A beautiful process, really. You can find Reality Beads if you know When and Where to look, some times. They, OBVIOUSLY, don't last for very long. Since they are basicly just seed universe. The explosive growth takes them almost immediately out of our range of perception, as they Begin.
Foundations of all Life and such.
But good God are they MAGNIFICENT!
However, sometimes? The REVERSE happens. If you find the area of the Zone your in? Is getting... "wavey" is the best way people describe it. Distorted. Fun house mirror. As though your vision has weird wrinkles that are distorting and stretching your view of things? Get Out. FAST.
If it's only SLIGHT? Barely noticeable? You can grab your Lair. IF, and ONLY IF you are NEARBY! If not? Remember. Things can be replaced. YOU? Can not.
Cause that "wavey"-ness? Is the final stage of Realm Entropy. The universe that portion over the Zone is covering and connected too, is all hollowed out. And about to CAVE IN. You DO NOT want to be there when that happens!
Remember! You see "waves"? Fly for three days!
Get to the edge of the affected area then KEEP GOING for a full three days flight. Warn everyone in you path. We stay safe together, guy. Collapses are NO JOKE. People get... well. Let's just say it's NOT a nice way too go.
Knowing this of course? We should all be SAFE right? Respectful if Awed distance from Reality Seeds, run like he'll if "waves"? We Gucci?
*flips Whiteboard to other side, to reveal a cartoonishly drawn Supervillian labeled "Asshole"*
Behold! A Terrorist!
It's a charged word. Not used lightly. But THESE fuckers? Oh ho ho! THESE fuckers?! "Ooooh~! Look at MEEEEE! I'm gonna play with FORCES I DONT UNDERSTAAAAAAAND! Destabilize my whole funckin UNIVERSE! Kill countless TRILLIONS OF TRILLIONS! Cause life was bad to me personally and I'm mad about it! Wah wah wah!!" ASSHOLES!
These fuckers? Cause Collapses. Blow Outs. Weird Fucked Up Cancerous Real Growths. You ever seen the Cleaners? No? You don't WANT TOO. They are basically eldritch, deep sea, angler fish looking mother fuckers THE SIZE OF SOLAR SYSTEMS. They travel in SCHOOLS.
When Realities collapse, they "fall off" as it were. Detach. And have to get recycled. All the countless impurities of Life eaten way to a blank slate. So it too, can start again. Thus the Fish. But! They ALSO eat anything "problematic".
Like tumors. Cancers. Poisoned, Multiversal Threats. Those quote on quote "God Killers".
Yes. Yes this IS part of why you DONT want to be near a Collapsing Reality.
No I WON'T explain how I know.
*smack the board with pointer* pay attention.
Jason Todd. Not! An Asshole. Sexy thighs. Fancy lil hair strip. We all miss him. But! He's off living his "no really, I'm totally alive, guys" hot girl summer or whatever. We are going to respect that! But!!! How did that happen? When he was DEFINITELY Hella dead?
Superboy Prime-y Pants. Who IS an ASSHOLE.
Because THAT fucker? PUNCHED HIS REALITY SO HARD IT NEARLY SHATTERED. Oh, no, I'm sorry! He punched SOMEONE ELSE'S reality! Because he is a tantruming MAN CHILD! And NOW? Now, Your Majesty, that WHOLE ASS Reality is more hair line cracks then border walls! One good shove? It'll cave in. Killing every soul inside.
The Cleaners are ALREADY circling.
It needs to be patched. Immediately. But that's not something normal ghosts can DO. The Zone won't LISTEN to us. Nor allocate the energy for it. The Concepts of Healing? We can't even FIND them.
We need help.
Please help them, King Phantom. You're the only one who CAN.
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @hypewinter @ailithnight @mutable-manifestation @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter
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fandomxpreferences · 9 months
Take Me Back To the Night We Met
Pairing: rafe Cameron x female!reader
TW:18+, angst, drug use and addiction, toxic and manipulative behavior
Summary: Loving rafe is a tailspin of fights, sex, and drugs until one day he disappears. When he shows back up, your world is flipped upside down.
Word count:2k
A/N: this is loosely based off euphoria with a dash of tvd and I’m not sorry
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Two years. Two whole years spent in a downward spiral with Rafe as the two of you plummeted toward rock bottom wrapped up in each other and your partying ways. Seven hundred and fifty five days of white lines and reckless behavior as the you fed off each others careless attitudes and gambled with your lives.
You were just another girl at a party one fateful night when Rafe locked eyes with you. Something pulled you towards him, and before you knew it you were wiping your nose and trying not to let a tear fall as the white powder burned your airway.
It was all fun in the beginning, until it wasnt. Social use turned into casual use at home, and casual use turned into searching for a fix. Still, the pair of you kept going and said to hell with anyone that tried to stop you.
Now, you’re standing on Barry’s door step alone while your tired body begs for rest. Rafe was always your ‘dealer’, but three months ago he left without so much as a note. No one knows where he is, but to say its taken a toll is an understatement.
Regardless of your circumstances, you do love him with your entire being. He’s your best friend and everyday you wonder if he’s ever going to come back.
The screen door rattles as your knuckles rap against the rusting metal, and you wait a few seconds before repeating the motion.
“I know you’re in there, Barry!”
A minute goes by before you hear the click of the lock, and the man’s face comes into view. He runs his tongue over his teeth and tsks while cocking his head.
“I aint got nothin’.”
Your eyebrows shoot up and you snort, genuinely amused.
“Sure, whatever you say. Give me my usual.”
Your hand extends to offer him cash, but he just glances between your face and the bills a few times before shaking his head.
“Nah, I ain’t got nothing for you. Not after what happened. Go home, Y/N.”
Irritation claws its way into your nerves as you shift back and forth, a scoff surfacing from deep in your chest.
“You didn’t say that last weekend. Stop with the bullshit, B.”
His eyes cast downward as he shakes his head slowly before he drags his gaze back up to meet yours.
“I can’t sell to you anymore, Y/N/N. I’m sorry.”
He moves to shut the door but your foot darts out at the last second.
“Why? Don’t give me that shit about you caring. You sell drugs to teenagers. You don’t have a fucking moral compass.”
Barrys face twists as your words sting him for a split second before his hardened features return, and he pushes you backwards so he can close the door.
“I dont have to tell you shit.”
Your eyes narrow as you start to put pieces of the puzzle together, and your suspicion only grows as Barry glances behind you every few seconds as if he’s nervous.
“Tell me or I swear to God I will make your life a living hell. I’m still a kook.”

When your threat doesn’t seem to persuade him, you reach out and grab his hand while bending his pinky back. You press down until his knees buckle and leer at him waiting for an answer.
“Ah- fuck, fine! Its Rafe!”
Shock causes your grip to loosen just enough for Barry to break free and he darts to his feet before you can react. He glares harshly while rubbing his finger, and you try your hardest to breathe while oxygen evades you.
“What about him? He told you to cut me off?”
Your eyebrows furrow as you process, and Barry’s silence answers your question. Why would he do that? More importantly, when did Barry hear from him last?
Your fingers massage your temples as a headache brews, and the man watches you carefully before deciding to answer.
“Couple days ago. He stopped by.”
The information is like an ice bucket over the head, and you freeze before swallowing thickly .
“Rafe is back?”
Three simple words that nearly bring you to your knees before anger and confusion take over. He’s been back and hasn’t sent so much as a “fuck you” text? Why did he take time to do this but not to let you know he’s home?
Barry’s features soften just barely as he realizes what he told you, and he sighs heavily before taking a seat on the top step.
“Been back a few days. He looks good; says he went to rehab and got his shit together. Sure seems like it.”
Your ears ring as the entire world comes to a screeching halt, and for the first time, Barry has some sympathy for the young woman standing in front of him. His eyes watch you for a moment before he swallows softly and turns to head back inside.
“I’m sorry.”
This snaps you out of your daze and your manicured hand reaches out to grab his arm before he can leave. Your nails dig into the flesh but he pays no mind as he stops and looks back at you expectantly.
“That’s it? Since when do you listen to rafe?” You ask, and the look on Barry’s face fills you in.
“He paid you.” You scoff, and you release your hold to run your hand through your hair.
“In what world do you not take the money from both of us and double cross him?”
Barry just stares for a moment, and you swear you see a glimmer of concern in his eyes.
“Since the incident right after he left. I was going to cut your ass off anyway.”
At that, he slams the door and leaves you alone with your thoughts on his porch. Thirty minutes later you’re banging on Rafe’s door like the FBI trying to bust it down.
“Open the fucking door, Rafe! I know you can hear me!”
Your screams are ignored as you start kicking at the barrier, now fully unhinged as rage takes over.
“You can’t just leave and get clean then come back and control me! Who are you to tell Barry he can’t sell to me?”
You let out a frustrated yell when he still doesn’t answer, and tears prick at your eyes as pain mixes with anger.
“This is your fault! I was fine before I met you. I was fine!”
Rafe winces when your foot rattles the door, and he leans with his forehead pressed against it while he listens to your verbal assault.
“You get me hooked on this shit and then get help while I drown? You drag me to the depths of hell and then leave me there?!”
Your voice is thick with tears now as your cries turn to desperation.
“What is wrong with you? Why don’t you care?”
Rafe finally unlocks the door and cracks it just enough that he can see you without you barging in.
“I’ve got it under control, just don’t take this from me.” You sniffle, and the look in Rafe’s eyes is enough to make you breakdown again.
“No you don’t. You overdosed y/n.”
Your mouth gapes as you try to come up with a response and you cock your head to the side.
“How do you know that?”
He gives you a “really?” look and you know it must have been Barry.
“You didn’t give a fuck when you left. I could have died and you wouldn’t have even known. If you’re so worried than why’d you leave me here to go on a bender after you vanish?”
There’s genuine sorrow swimming In his irises, and you rub at your nose as you sniffle.
“I had to get my shit together.”
He wants nothing more than to wrap his arms around you as you hiccup and cry but he remains glued to his place.
“You could have taken me. I would have gone.”
The sad smile he gives you causes your heart to drop, and he takes a second to memorize your face.
“I know, that’s why I didn’t tell you. We’re not good for each other. You would have been a distraction and I would have failed.”
Your knees nearly buckle when you realize what he’s saying, and that familiar burning seizes your throat as it constricts.
“Please don’t leave me.”
What’s left of Rafe’s heart shatters and his hand comes up to cup your face. You lean into the coolness of his signet ring while his thumb wipes away a tear, and he leans forward to press a chaste kiss to your forehead.
“I don’t have a choice, baby.”
Every emotion in your body explodes when he swiftly moves inside and shuts you out, and before you realize it you’re slamming your limbs into his door like a madman.
“Fuck you, Rafe! You ruined my life and just walked away from the carnage! You are nothing but a selfish, silver spoon, daddy’s money prick! I hate you! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!”
With each word, your voice weakens and you sink lower until you’re a sobbing puddle on the ground. All of the fight drains from your body, and all that’s left is an empty shell. On the other side, rafe sits with his head between his hands as hot tears fall off his face with ease.
He winces as you release all your anger at his expense, but doesn’t move or say anything in response.
“I will never forgive you for this.”
There’s a sadness and finality in your tone that causes him to panic internally. He was so sure of himself until you showed up, and now hes disorientated again as your energy pulls him in. He reckons a part of him has always known that you’ll be here if he changes his mind, but now that safety net is being ripped out from under him.
Every cell in his body aches to be near you, but he forces himself to stay in place. Contrary to popular belief, Rafe is not heartless and he hates himself for everything hes done. He wishes he could go back to before he met you; before he set his world on fire and incinerated yours with it.
He’s fist fighting his own demons as they scream for him to just open the door and fall to his knees, but he resists every urge until he hears your car engine start up. He’s certain you’ve been gone a while but he’s been too terrified to even blink, let alone move.
If he does, he knows he’ll set out to find you and pull you into his arms. So he remains in place until his limbs are numb, hours long past as the clock ticks past two am.
After several phone calls and a hoarse voice from hours of driving around screaming, you finally pull into the driveway that’s hidden deep in the cut. An old “friend” of Rafe’s that stopped coming around after Rafe fought him for making a few too many comments about you.
He isn’t the safest option, but it’s the only bridge left that Rafe hasn’t burned. In his attempt to keep you safe, he’s driven you straight into the heart of danger. This guy isn’t just a low life dealer, he’s the king pin. He’s the suppliers supplier, and truthfully even coming here is incredibly stupid.
Still, your feet carry your forward until you’re knocking on his door and fidgeting. It takes a second but you hear a click of a gun before the door cracks open, and you give your best version of a smile.
It doesn’t do much to mask your sorrow thanks to your swollen eyes and splotchy cheeks, but he doesn’t say anything.
“Well well well, it it isn’t the kook princess herself. You shouldn’t be here, darling.”
The grin he gives resembles the Cheshire cat and you ignore the way your stomach drops.
“You’re my last resort.”
It’s a piece of information you shouldnt divulge, but your desperation outweighs any logic.
His beady eyes rake over your figure before he opens the door wider and nods his head.
“Come on in then, sweets.”
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sturniccz · 6 months
Just for the night?
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Chris Sturniolo smut. Part 1.
In which a girl whom enjoys the company of the loud, banging in her head, just needs a rest.
Warnings: dom!Chris, sub!Reader, use of petnames, degration, smut (no sex yet, just some sexy activities), friends w benefits situation?, rough!Chris, mentions of drug use, yelling/arguing, lmk if i missed anything!
Not proofread, feel free to send requests!
Parties were always your favorite thing. To say the least, you lived for the feeling of the freedom, and the bond with you and the people surrounding you in the one night that you experience with them. House parties were particularly your favorite because it was more likely you would know majority of the people there.
Tonight the triplets are throwing a party just for fun because you had mentioned a few days prior how much you had missed the feeling and the adrenaline. 
Less than two hours ago they had come back from their ‘plug’ with a decent amount of inventory. They had it all. Four vapes, one for each of you, a decent sized bag of weed and two packs of papers, not to mention the four Smirnoff bottles and maybe 500 Solo cups. Easy to say they know how to throw a party.
After receiving your bag of things that they got for you, your vape, a new mascara, some nail glue, and a new toothbrush, you head down to Chris’s room to begin your painful process of getting ready. Regardless of when they tell you that you don’t need all of the makeup and hair products, you can’t help but feel extra pretty once you have it on. 
you always keep a few things here and there in the house so you already have almost everything you need to get ready. Thankfully they picked up a new mascara for you, otherwise you wouldn’t have any.
getting comfortable and Chris’s bathroom, setting your stuff on the counter, and sitting on the countertop, you begin to apply some natural makeup. after maybe 20 minutes you had finished your make up and heard footsteps coming from the stairs of the basement. Turning around to meet eyes with Chris. 
“You look nice,” Chris says, not really paying any attention to anything other than your makeup.
“How sweet, you aren’t even looking at anything but my face,” You begin, “and you wonder why I never wear makeup.”
Chris looks up from his phone as you speak, finally taking the time to fully take in your presence. “Oh come on, you know I’m right.” Chris says, just above a whisper, leaning on the doorframe behind you, beginning to stare at you in the mirror.
Chris always knew how to get to you. He understands you better than anyone else, including yourself, and he knows what will make you feel better in any situation. But, this he also uses for his own entertainment, at times. He knows what you like. You dont.
“Oh Chris please, if you think I actually care, you’re wrong.” You state as you finish your hair, just a simple half up look.
Chris begins to protest but before he can get anything out you cut him off. “What one should i wear? Red or Black?” you begin to question, holding up a black satin dress which hugs your waist and stops right above your knee, completing with off the shoulder sleeves, slightly more sheer than the rest, and a simple red dress that looks almost the same as the black, except the chest, has a somewhat different cut, exposing more of your cleavage than the opposing dress.
Already knowing Chris’ answer, he replies quickly. “I like the red one, we can match, I have a red tie.” He states as he begins walking towards his dresser, pulling out a red silk tie from the very top drawer.
After a little banter you both eventually agree on matching and he also somehow convinced you to wear your hair down. This is going to be a long night.
After what feels like 30 minutes since you have last, talked to Chris, a considerate amount of people arrived at the house. The living room and kitchen is now full with guests and couples linger the halls and stairways, kissing and touching all over.
The sound of the loud bass coming from the speakers, and the mingling of the guests, brings back a feeling that you know you will never forget. You can tell Chris is on aux from the musical choices, but you weren’t complaining, that man has good taste. 
“Hey pretty lady, what brings you here?” an unfamiliar voice exclaims from behind you to your left, right as you finished walking up the stairs from Chris’s room in the basement. “Never seen you before, are you somebody’s plus one?” he finishes, now looking face on at you. You cant help but think where Chris is at, and how he knows this man. He seems to be in good shape, no older than 23, yet still weird considering nobody ever comes up to you unannounced like this.
“Oh I’m friends with Nick!” you begin to explain, hoping that’s enough information for this man to leave you alone.
The man seems to be listening well, making eye contact with you as you explain your relation to the hosts. You begin to walk away after saying goodbye, and immediately lock eyes with Chris from across the kitchen.
He’s seemingly comfortably sat next to Matt, chatting with some random person you’re sure you’ve never seen before. He keeps his eyes on you as you begin walking over to him, slowly pushing past some groups of people before finally standing next to him.
He puts his left arm around you, the other leaning against the wall as he looks down at you with a look you cant seem to read. “Who’s that?” he blatantly asks, obviously, not in the mood to hear anything come out of your mouth other than that he’s a stranger. 
“Oh I dont know just some guy,” you begin, looking behind you at the man you had previously stumbled across a few moments ago. “I’ve never met him before.”
“You alright? Did he say anything to you?” Chris finishes as he takes a long drag from a j Matt had previously rolled for the group to share, while looking into the back of the mans head, seemingly wanting to destroy him.
“Oh no he didn’t do anything dont worry about it Chris.” You say looking up at Chris and taking the j from his right hand, also taking a puff. Chris continues staring, and you break him from his thoughts.
“Chris.” You state, forcing him to look at you as you continue, “Dont stress about it, its all good. I promise.” You say as you interlock your pinkies, taking a final puff before handing the j to Matt, whom has been waiting very patiently, before returning your attention to Chris once again.
He releases his hand from yours and rejoins the conversation he had been in previously, reverting his attention to the group.
The night has been amazing. You’ve been having so much fun, catching up with old high school, friends, taking shots with your old girlfriends and throwing up once or twice. regardless of the love you have for nights like these, they always seem to eventually become too much for you. 
You begin searching through the house for Chris once again, moving from upstairs in the loft with a group of your old girlfriends to the kitchen, where you previously had been met with Chris. 
right as you notice, Chris from across the living room, sitting on the couch conversation with Nate, the same man from earlier stopped you in your tracks. 
“Hey pretty, yknow I never got your name?” he asks sweetly, obviously trying to play at your feelings as he steps closer to you, cutting off your field of sight to Chris.
Only wanting to leave the situation and finally get to some peace and quiet, you feel as the best answer is to just tell him your name, excuse yourself, and return to Chris once again, but he had other plans.
“Im y/n,” you start, clearly trying to look over his shoulder as to search for Chris. “Oh is that your boyfriend?” he asks in a genuine manner, willing to back off if you were taken.
“Yeah it is, Chris is my boyfriend.” You state, standing your ground and forgetting about looking over his shoulder. “Oh I’m so sorry then y/n, I’ll leave you guys alone.” he says before finally walking away back to his clique.
before you can even refocus your gaze to where Chris had been seated, you had noticed that he was gone. You thought nothing of it as you just wanted to get to some peace and quiet, so you finish your voyage from upstairs to downstairs as you finally reach Chris’ bedroom door. 
After knocking and hearing no noise from the other side, you let yourself in and begin taking your dress off to get comfortable for sleep. that is until Chris’s bathroom door opens, revealing a shirtless, high, and tipsy Chris.
you usually would think nothing of it, as you have seen him shirtless before, and he has seen you in a bikini before. Somehow some thing about this environment seems different as his gaze deepens from his frozen place from the bathroom doorway.
“You just gonna stand there?” You chuckle as you finish taking your dress off and begin putting on one of Chris’ hoodies.
“And look at you like this? Hell yeah?” Chris says from the doorway, slowly making his way over to you, leaning on his dresser listening to you speak.
“Well, I’m not gonna be ’like this’ for much longer, because I’m going to sleep, Chris. Now if you’d please, I would appreciate if I could take my makeup off.”  You say.
Chris just stands there. Staring, mouth agape, as his eyes trace over your features, almost sinfully. He knows you have clothing on, but you have never looked so beautiful to him in any other environment. Standing in front of his bed in nothing but your lace panties and one of his fresh love hoodies. God, he can’t seem to get enough of it.
“Fine, go to sleep but keep the door locked, i don’t want your new boyfriend coming in here and fucking you on my bed.” He states as he remembers who you had previously been talking to, and why he went downstairs in the first place.
“Oh Chris, what did I tell you?” You ask remembering your pinky promise from earlier as you take a seat on his bed.
“Its fine y/n just dont get my bed stained.” He says before opening the door, waiting for a response.
“Chris you can’t be serious right now!?” You raise your voice at him from across the room. “I pinky promised you! I dont fucking know who he is and I definitely don’t want him anywhere near me?!”
“Yeah then why are you in my room huh?!? to fuck him?!?” he yells louder than you, almost like a competition.
Your eyes go wide and your legs cross as you take in the sight of the man in front of you. Filled with mixed emotions of rage and jealousy. Something about seeing Chris in this state causes a small little match to start within you, and you cant get enough. All you want to do is make him even more angry at you just to see where this goes. God, you’re a mess.
“Yeah so what if I was gonna fuck him Chris?!? Im not a baby I can do whatever the fuck I wanna do!!” You yell in his face, and the look that those two sentences put onto that man’s face, you will never forget. He looked so strong and like he could do anything he wanted to you. And he did.
Chris loudly slams the door shut with his foot, locking it behind him as he pushes you by the shoulders onto his bed. “You wanna fuck him? Huh?!?” he yells into your face, just inches apart as he hovers over you, never daring to make contact to your skin. Not just yet.
You look up at him feeling helpless. The feeling you are getting from this is like no other you have ever experienced. A lust stronger than your insatiable love for the adrenaline of the party.
“I asked you a fucking question, whore” He says, just above a whisper, almost as though if anyone heard him call you such foul names, that he would be sentenced to death, as he begins softly kissing just below your ear, somehow, already knowing your sweet spot.
“Chris- I-I” you cry out, not being able to form a full sentence. The scent of him and the feeling of his teeth in your neck, his hair against your jaw, its unreal.
“Yeah not so bratty now are we, baby?” He teases as his hands move up your waist, softly running his hands up and down your sides. “You love the feeling of my big hands on your tiny body, don’t you, love?” he asks from your neck.
“Chris please-“ Is all you can get out, somehow you have already lost all willpower it takes to form a sentence.
“Oh yeah? What do you want, my love? You want me dont you?”
“Y-Yes-“ you whisper from below him, your arms now wrapped around his neck as he begins grinding down on your hips, and damn, he is hard.
“You feel that, baby? Do you feel my dick, baby? Fuck you love how hard I am for you, huh?” He knows just how to get to you, and fuck is it working.
His lips attach to yours in a fast, filthy, makeout session. He kisses you like he had always wanted to, the way he fantasizes about.
Suddenly Chris’ bedroom door opens with a loud bang, and you both freeze and simply look at eachother. Oh, fuck.
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ultra-raging-ghost · 2 months
In response to your post about the upcoming event:
(Feel free not to respond by the way, just wanted to share my thoughts)
I totally agree. Not only does it feel doomposty, but it also just feels almost like a conspiracy theory to me? Like, you don’t know the details about this event, so to automatically assume it’s being run in bad faith or because of x or y thing currently happening is kind of…well I think it certainly helps me form some not so great opinions on those people
You can of course be upset about what’s going on, but it’s important to recognize it is highly unrealistic to keep the server in a permanent limbo state while we wait for information these people want to be public. Those processes take a *long time*. It isn’t necessarily trying to brush off or hide away what has happened, but rather trying to continue forward for the sake of the project
I am responding to this because i agree wholeheartedly
I feel like some people dont understand, legal stuff in the US generally take a couple months to well over a YEAR and i think its the same situation as when the egg figurines were released. QSMP needs revenue, it needs creator and audience interaction, it needs to actually gain money to make the progress people want to see. I am making that point very clear because i have a suspicion it might be streamed on the QSMP twitch channel, bad spotted some behind the scenes camera work, coulda been for the cutscene we got today but i think its for the event personally.
Its kind of obvious (to me at least) when things are admin run, and so far for the past couple weeks EVERYTHING has been ADMIN RUN. They were holding off but eventually went back to rping again because its FUN and they want to have fun on the SERVER. and even the admins NOT ON THE SERVER want it to continue running and continue content being made, are you deaf?? how in the world are you angrier than the people who were affected? what kind of goddamn vigilante justice bullshit??
This probably made no sense, but im excited. Im not gonna not be excited, im not letting anyone ruin the fun of the project
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muneca-lemon-steppa · 9 months
Interviews for New Beginnings: Part 1
Alfie Solomons x Fem!Reader, Fluff
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Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Swearing, Period Era Sexism
A/N: Hi guys! This is my first fic in over a year, but I dont know I just wanted to have fun! Also lets be real... i needed these ideas out of my head. Please enjoy, have fun! Have an amazing rest of your day! Hi everyone!!! So this became a multi chapter story! This has been so much fun and I am so excited to see where this story goes! If you are interested in continuing this story, go to my tags and click ‘Interviews for New Beginnings’ there all parts will be together! Eventually I’ll put together a master list for it! Love you guys so much, I’m so glad you guys are having fun!!
You had heard about this job from your cousin Eli. And maybe that should’ve been the first clue that perhaps this may not have been a completely legal or safe or upstanding or above the table or whatever good adjective your parents could come up with position. But you had told Eli that you needed a job! And he did find you one! And your parents should be overjoyed that you will be working in the same “bakery” as a male cousin. It’s not proper for a woman to be working without a family member’s presence… especially where there are other men in the office.
“When you go in there be sure to look strong, but not too strong, emphasize that you’re docile and you want to please him.” Eli had been quizzing you about your skill sets and how you were to behave in the interview the entire walk to “The Bakery”. And while Eli was so sweet and more of a brother than a cousin… you couldn’t keep your irritation at bay.
“Tell me Eli… am I interviewing for the position of personal secretary or personal wh-“
“And don’t be so quick with that mouth of yours! Listen… Mr. Solomons is one of the most important men in Camden. This could be a really big opportunity for you. Being the personal secretary of one of the biggest names in the city can give you a steady income and some real independence! But that means you can’t be so…”
“Myself?” You say with a cocked brow and a bumped hip.
Eli’s eyes lit up as if a child he had been teaching finally understood arithmetic, “yes! Yes exactly! Listen while you’re in front of Mr. Solomons, it’s ‘yes sir’ and no questions asked. Got it?”
You sigh and roll your eyes. It felt like you had had this conversation so many times in different ways. Why did your parents care to educate you so much if you weren’t allowed to use your mind? You had asked your father many times, if God gave you a mouth and brain, why shouldn’t you be allowed to use them? And he was never really able to answer beyond a couple phrases talking about the ‘role of women’. You had just been fired from a doctor’s office due to talking back to an unruly patient. Truthfully, this was your last shot to get real independence. It was either this job… or letting your parents begin the process of finding a husband.
You finally reach the door of the bakery, and Eli turns you toward him to fix your hair and straighten your sweater, “Ok ok. Here we are dearest. Now just follow me, don’t make eye contact with everyone and just… be good.”
You chuckle out a, “Yes mum.”
With a laugh he shoves your arm, and gives his name to the young man standing by the door. With a nod he opens the door and lets you in, quickly following Eli’s steps.
While Eli said you couldn’t make eye contact with anyone he never said you couldn’t look at the bakery. It didn’t take you long to notice that while all the men were wearing aprons… there was a distinct lack of… bread… or anything to do with bread. Soon after this you began to feel that memorable tickle in your nose. Rum you thought to yourself. With a smirk you ran up behind Eli and whispered, “Wow quite the bakery Eli. Does the family know about your little rum house job?”
His face was pale, and he was clearly in no mood to joke. With a huff you returned to your previous pace, and you see that the office is just ahead.
Suddenly you feel the flush in your neck, and begin to steel yourself. You had of course heard about Mr. Alfred Solomons. The King of Camden. The Brave War Captain turned Ruthless Gangster. Eli was not kidding when he said that Mr. Solomons was one of the most important people in the city. He ruled the community. This was not the time and place for your mouth to act up. This was the time to behave and play it safe.
Eli rapped the door of the private office gently, and was met with a gruff, "What now!?"
Eli with a shaking hand opened the door, "Mr. Solomons? It's me Eli I..."
"What the fuck do you want eh? Come on now yeah you interrupt me and just stand there acting like you've been struck dumb by God. Come on!!"
Eli kept stammering, basically useless, so you stepped up, "Mr. Solomons, I'm Eli's cousin. I'm here for the secretary position."
Mr. Solomons eyebrows furrowed, looking you up and down. You couldn't help but feel like a child in front of his stare. Fiery, discerning, and just plain terrifying. "You said you're here for what?"
"The secretary position. My cousin said you were in need of a secretary."
Mr. Solomons looked at Eli and looked at you, "And you think you're qualified for a secretary position?"
The heat in your chest started to grow. And you could feel your temper begging to be let out. But you had to make a good impression. You needed this job. You needed to be sweet and to behave.
You nodded, "Yes sir, I can assure you I am I-"
"I'm sorry treacle but this simply will not do." Mr. Solomons cut you off. "What I am doing here right? I'm running a legitimate business. I am running something very difficult that little girls like you simply could not deal with yeah? Now run along and go do whatever young girls do yeah?"
"Mr. Solomons I-"
"Treacle now you're making me a little frustrated right, I said run along now."
You could feel the heat rising and rising, and Eli tugging at your sleeve, "Mr. Solomons if you will just listen-"
Mr. Solomons rose from his desk, "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE I SAID LEAVE."
The room went silent. The entire bakery went silent. And from the corner of your eye you can see different men pausing, waiting to see what would happen next.
Alfred Solomons, for the first time in his life, was left speechless. The last woman who had yelled at him was his mother. Usually, women run and hide from him upon the first interaction. Men have wet themselves from his bellowing. Yet... this little woman is standing here, screaming at him, demanding to be heard. He did not know what to do, he could only stare at her.
You tried to be good. You really did try! But it was too late now. Mr. Solomons was just staring at you, and you had a point to make.
"Mr. Solomons, I am the most capable secretary that you will ever have walk through these doors. I am fluent in Russian, Yiddish, Hebrew, and French. Not only can I read and write, I was the best in my class in maths. I am a damn good baker, though clearly you do not need my services there. I am incredibly punctual and polite and am able to talk to anyone. And to top it all off, I make a very good cup of tea. Now I put on my best dress and shoes and I walked 45 minutes to get to your ridiculous office and I will be damned if I will leave here without a job! Do I have your attention now sir?"
While you were speaking Alfred Solomons had slowly lowered himself into his seat, with a smile on his face. He was stroking his beard, considering your fiery eyes, and the shape of your lips while you yelled at him. He began to laugh to himself, "Come sit down treacle. Eli, get the fuck out, stand by the door."
You turned to look at your cousin, but he had already closed the door behind him. You walked to the desk where Mr. Solomons was sitting, and took a seat directly in front of him. Where he had been leaning back in his chair, he was now leaning forward on the desk, resting on his elbows on top of a thick layer of papers. His eyes twinkled, and a handsome smirk played on his lips. Your rage was still simmering, and it was hating you for staring at those eyes.
"You can read and write?"
"How fast can you type?"
"80 words per minute."
"You're good at math?"
"You want to put a slate in front of me and have me recite a King's speech as well Mr. Solomons?"
He barked out a laugh, "Fuck me. You've got a sharp tongue on you don't you?"
"I have language why not use it."
"Fucking hell...alright listen here you little viper. I want you here every morning at 8 o'clock. Ready to work. You will have many a late night in this job. You will be my personal secretary, which means when I say "come here", I better see you before I finish that sentence. You'll need to write letters for me as well as manage my meetings alright? You will be my shadow. Any questions?"
"What is my salary?"
He paused, staring at you, seemingly trying to see how low you would take, "4 pounds a week."
"Good Lord what do you need 6 pounds a week for? 4 and a half and thats generous."
"Mr. Solomons I'm not stupid I know what you do. You need me. You want to become a respectable businessman you need someone like me to make sure your affairs are in order. I know you are working with many different people, and you need my abilities. I am the best you will ever have. 5 and a half."
Alfred keeps stroking his beard...wondering how the hell Eli could be related to someone so strong... and how much it was going to cost to keep you, "5 pounds a week. And I will give you a Hanukkah bonus."
"...And Rosh Hoshannah off."
You stood to shake his hand, firmly, though he kept smirking as he shook yours. "Alright my little viper, I will see you tomorrow. Bring ink and a notebook. We start at 8."
"Thank you Mr. Solomons. You won't regret this!"
"Alfie. You will call me Alfie from now on."
The way he said it while staring into your eyes brought a heat to your cheeks, and you prayed that he couldn't see any change in your demeanor. "Alfie." You whispered as you nodded and walked away.
He couldn't help but linger there in that moment, watching you walk away, speaking animatedly with Eli. Never had he ever felt so... struck by a woman before. He had women before of course, but no woman had captivated him the way you just did. He needed you. He needed you with him, in any way that you allowed him to have you near. Maybe this was a mistake, but he highly doubted it. How could a mistake be so beautiful?
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callsignfate · 9 months
Valeria x Chaotic wife pt.5
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(Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for all of the likes and attention people give this series! It means a lot because, honestly, I'm new to Tumblr, and I started writing (publicly) for a hobby. Thank you, and don't worry, I have no plans to end this anytime soon. Enjoy!)
Part One/ Part Two/ Part Three/ Part Four/ Part Five
Part Six/ Part Seven/
R/N: I'm tired.
Valeria: I told you to go to bed last night. You don't NEED to sit on your phone for an hour or more before you go to sleep.
R/N: ...I do it's a part of my process to fall asleep.
Valeria: At least it's not bluey anymore.
R/N before you say it, it's not a kid show. It tackles serious topics.
Valeria: for kids sure.
R/N: You watched it too!
Valeria: And if you ever tell anyone that I will deny it, then never let you leave again.
Valeria: Do you really need another one? You have like a hundred and I'm pretty sure I've seen that exact one.
R/N holding another squishmallow: This one is different it has a hat!
Valeria: Did you finish the last five books you bought?
R/N: Sort of...
Valeria: Let's go to- what are you doing?
R/N: What?
Valeria: It is almost midnight and you are drinking an energy drink?!
R/N: They taste good..
Valeria: You are either going to kill yourself or me way younger than I want either of us to die.
R/N: ...Want one?
Valeria: I left her with your for 5 minutes! How in god's name did she scale the building and get stuck on the roof IN FIVE MINUTES?!
Valeria's men: We don't know we turned our back for like a second..
Valeria: (cursing under her breath in Spanish as she gets up from her desk to go help you down from the roof)
Valeria: With the amount of trouble and situations you get yourself in.. I'm genuinely surprised you're alive.
R/N: Oh, me too, I think it's like a super power.
Valeria: I wouldn't call it a superpower, but alright.
Valeria: Why is there a ton of games downloaded on my computer?
R/N: ...
Valeria: What is wizard 101??
R/N: A game where your a wizard.. and you have to go to different towns and do different things..
Valeria: ...tell me.. do you do these things with the intent to annoy me? Or just do it and think 'no, Valeria won't care if I delete files to download A WIZARD GAME'
R/N: I'll take avoiding this question for 500.
R/N helping Valeria with paperwork: GOD THIS IS BORING AND DRY. Can't their be some hot woman or man in this?
Valeria: It's finance paperwork not one of your dark kink romance books.. which is starting to make me wonder because some are about Mafia or Cartel leaders...
R/N: Intresesting because (R/N sprints away)
Valeria: I'm trying to work.
R/N: and I'm trying to annoy you while you work to get you to stop working so we can do something.
Valeria: ...
R/N: Anyways as I was saying, then Edward says 'this is the skin of a killer bella' and honestly it's kinda fun-
Valeria: Why are my men saying your doing something stupid?
R/N: That's incredibly rude of them, I'm not doing anything.
Valeria: Then unlock the door and let me in.
R/N: We both know I can't do that.
Valeria: and why's that?
R/N: I tried to see if I could do this trick where you get your handcuffed arms from behind you to infront of you..
Valeria: You handcuffed your arms behind your back again?!
R/N: ...help.
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shewreckz · 4 months
Hey your art is pretty whimsical and radical my gender non specific broseph, per chance would thou be able to enlighten us on how you draw such bodacious fine art? Like how you draw bodies and fave and what have thee. (Fr tho your art really cool and I'd like to see how you make it)
okay i have whipped up a quick little visual of my thought process while drawing!! it might not be the best cause im not the greatest at teaching but if anyones curious ^_^
first lets start with how i draw bodies
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a lot of people like to do the "skeleton" method which is where you draw lines and circles to plan out where the limbs should be. honestly i really dislike doing that because i like to always have volume and shape in mind when drawing bodies, but if it works for you thats great.
instead i separate the body into different pieces, kinda like an articulated doll. i think it helps visualize all the moving parts in a 3d space and makes posing and perspective a lot easier. i can also always add the detailed anatomy on top of this basic model like you see on the left. its always important to work from simple -> complex. drawing a pose while being too worried on anatomy will really hinder your drawing process.
to improve doing this it really just takes practice and observation. i could be here all day talking about proportions, and how many heads high a person is, and each specific muscle group, but i reccomend you go and watch videos and study professional artists on your own. as someone who has been drawing and studying these things for so long, i barely think about how many heads high a person is when im drawing a body. its kind of like learning how to play and instrument or driving a car. it becomes second nature eventually, but you have to apply those skills and work through that period of time where youre still trying to program it into your brain.
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after you get a hang of the basics you can take this basic model and draw all types of body shapes with it. i say its always important to play around with making your body types diverse. its not only fun to do but helps make all the characters you draw unique and recognizable. (dont be like vivziepop).
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dynamic posing can be the hardest thing to master for a lot of people. the best way to learn how to pose is to not think about it too much and just doing it. for example in my figure drawing class we had to sketch out gesture drawings from a picture in 15 seconds. excercises like that help a ton in making you feel more comfortable when drawing from a reference. you should definitely reference a LOT when it comes to poses, it helps build this visual database so that eventually you can get to the point where you can just draw accurate and dynamic poses from memory. after getting to this point eventually you kind of start thinking of your canvas as this tangible 3d space and considering your characters in 3d space helps make the poses feel a lot more realistic and interesting.
ok now a quick little tour into how i draw different faces yaaaayy!!!1!1!1
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main thing with my art is that i LOVEEE drawing dynamic face shapes i think its so important to avoid drawing the same slim faces over and over. shape language plays a big role into this. like for example the face on the middle is more square, the one on the left is more oval and the one on the right is more circle. shape language helps communicate so much about your character without even saying a word about them and just helps differentiate people from a glance.
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facial features also play a huge role into making your faces different. these are all drawn from the same exact face shape but look like entirely different characters by adding variety in the features. different noses, eye shapes, lips, etc. can make such a huge difference
i think before any of that its important to learn the anatomy of the face though. again im not gonna go into how many eyes wide a face it or how far the nose is from the mouth but like its always important to learn the fundamentals before stylizing stuff. again the face is a 3d space and if you dont consider your face a 3d plane the features will kind of just look like theyre floating on your characters face like soup...theres a lot of great resources and tutorials online take advantage of those!!! and reference from artists you like too it helps a ton.
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and then you mix that all together and Boom you have cool and interesting faces. you will best that same face syndrome in no time if you take my advice Trust...
anyways yeah thats the soda design philosophy hit that like button if you liked it or douse me with tomatoes and kick me off the stage if you think i give bad advice ill leave the decision up to you
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bbyquokka · 11 months
Lix looked really handsome in his YouTube live. I can imagine he’s on video call with his gf and she can’t help but compliment him like every second and he’s left all flustered 🥰
you're so beautiful, it hurts
warning: gender neutral reader, idol au, pet names, semi proof read, a lot of fluff ;-; words: 0.6k ~ (636)
dont repost. dont translate. feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
“and then jisung thought it would be funny to tease changbin by stealing his food and we all know how that went.” felix laughs as he thinks back to the events that happened several hours ago.
you smile and nod as you listen to him. felix laughing and smiling so brightly it blinds you from your phone screen. he did a YouTube live a few minutes ago and saw your comment of “i miss you :(” resulting in him instantly calling you as soon as the live ended.
being away from one another is painful but it's part of the job. you knew what you were getting yourself into when you and felix became a couple. some days it's easy, some days it's hard but it's all part of the process. the reward of seeing your lover after months apart is a reward you love.
when you and felix are together, the memories you both create are worth the time apart. you both stick together like glue when felix's schedule is calm.
“changbin was not happy about that and jisung being, well, jisung was just laughing and being a menace.” felix pauses to laugh before continuing, “and then chan came in and everyone just went silent!!”
“sounds like fun baby. it's never a dull day with the members.” you giggle. he hums, nodding as he runs his fingers through his bright blue hair. his skin naked and showing off his freckled face. a white t-shirt and black jeans accommodate him. you can't help but swoon at the sight of him.
as felix continues to talk about the chaotic mess, you go off in a daydream. your eyes flicker and take in every detail of felix's face, loving the way his eyes crinkle at the sides when he smiles, how his voice deepens when talking naturally but rises up in pitch when talking about something that excites him or was exciting to him.
“you're so beautiful, lix.” you say without realising, the words slipping from your lips like butter. he halts mid-sentence, clearing his throat as his cheeks and neck slowly heat up.
“no. no i'm not ” he whispers, looking at his lap. you furrow your brows as you tilt your head to the side.
“yes, you are and nothing you say can make me change my opinion. you're beautiful lix and i'm not just talking about the way you look.”
“what so you mean, yn?”
“your looks are just a bonus. you are a beautiful soul. the prettiest, most gorgeous man i've ever seen. you think about others before yourself, making sure the people you love are well cared for and needs have been met. which can have it's downfall because i sometimes wish you would put yourself first before others but i don't think that's possible with someone like you, lixie. you're my bright sunshine. you light up my life and you're just so gorgeous and beautiful and pretty an–”
“ok ok ok! stop yn! you're making me feel so incredibly shy!” felix whimpers, his cheeks now the same colour as a red apple. you giggle as he shuffles on his seat shyly, fingers twiddling and picking the material of his jeans.
“its true though! you're beautiful lix and you're very very handsome too.”
“ok ok, yn! seriously. just stoppp.” felix whines, his bottom lip pouting. you laugh and hold your hands up in defeat.
“ok sorry.” you grin, winking at him. “i just can't help myself when i'm in your presence!”
“you're a menace to my heart yn. i hope you know that.” you pretend to think for a minute, finger on chin before shrugging and giggling.
“oh i know but you love me.”
“you're damn right i do. i love you more than anyone and anything in this world, my beautiful menace.”
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note: sorry it took so long to complete this :( but i hope you enjoy this!! don’t forget to leave feedback, reblog and tell me what you think here. i hope you all enjoy! ‹3
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tags (open): @sstarryoong ; @unh0ly-dr3am3r ; @septicrebel ; @alyszaen ; @writerracha ; @hyunluvxo ; @aestheticsluut ; @xcookiemonsteer ; @telesvng ; @oshimee
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pookieismissing09 · 3 days
ok guys i never post on here but heres my take on the sturniolo space camp situation if anyone gives a fuck
and if u disagree with me idc im just expressing my opinions 😭 read the whole thing so i can justify myself before u start attacking me
before i say anything im not just sticking up for nick just because im a fan of the triplets. like some people are only sticking up for him because they hate to admit that he would ever lie or do anything wrong- and they’re defending him with no reasoning other than “he would never 🥺” like stfu. what im saying is that i don’t know for sure whether the ‘bee better’ guy is telling the truth, for all i know he might be chatting utter shit. but if he is telling the truth, then im saying that i understand nick lied but its not necessarily a negative thing.
so like first of all i dont see the issue with nick not being the founder of the brand. like yes i understand its ‘morally wrong’ to lie and its misinformation but i think we will live… it doesnt make any difference to the products or the people who buy them. like ik people say that they only bought it to support nick and they wouldn’t have bought it if they knew it was just some random brand, but its not just some ‘random brand’- they are still supporting nick cos he gets payed for advocating it. by purchasing the products, theyre keeping the brand afloat which means nick will get payed for being the ‘face of the brand’ and doing a good job at advertising. or in simple terms, even if nick isnt the founder of the entire brand he is still a huge part of the company and is definetly getting a fat bag from all of this. like yall are acting like you wouldnt lie if a company said they would pay you to do so- bffr we would all do what nick did.
and the other main thing is everyone is complaining about the price all of a sudden. like if you are all protesting about how nick has nothing to do with the origin of the brand then surely he also wouldn’t be able to control the price? so according to everyone saying the lip balms are not his idea, don’t be mad at nick for the ridiculous pricing if he apparently ‘had nothing to do with it in the first place‘. and aside from that, the pricing literally had nothing to do with the fact that he lied about being the founder- it would probably cost the same either way so why are people only getting worked up about the pricing now that he is being ‘exposed’? like honestly people are just looking for excuses to say he’s a bad person like what 😭
and ik this doesnt have anything to do with spacecamp, but in general these days everyone is saying how the triplets don’t put any effort into their content anymore and only do it for the money. i think you are forgetting that youtube is their full time paying job. doing youtube as a hobby and doing it as a career are completely different- and most people find that when they pursue their hobbies as a career choice they start to enjoy it less since they feel under pressure to perform a certain way (and don’t come at me for saying that because im “babying” the triplets, piss off).
put it this way, people that have high paying jobs that sit in an office all day don’t do that type of work for their enjoyment- they only work in that environment because they want to receive a larger income instead of having an enjoyable job with a poor wage. this is exactly the same as the triplets’ situation, i doubt very much that they actually do youtube for their personal enjoyment. at the end of the day they have to pay the bills and youtube is their only job- its not always going to be fun like it used to be (both for them and for us watching).
and for all of you thinking ‘well they shouldnt be youtubers if they cant entertain people’ you have to understand that getting a different job takes time. like the whole process of finding a career, interviewing etc. and as well as that, they are probably terrified to even consider looking for another career because of their batshit crazy fans (including me 💀). like can we just cut them some slack and let them get on with their job 😭. and at the end of the day they cant just stop being youtubers, they will never be able to live their lives as regular people now that they have created their platform- i doubt they will ever do anything else bc of the fear of being recognised in public whilst they are doing a more “normal” job.
and for the love of god this is NOT me saying that the triplets are gonna quit youtube. like i said, its their full time job. im just giving my opinion on people saying they are only doing it for the money- and quite honestly they are, but is that really such a bad thing? like im sorry but they aren’t just posting for our entertainment, they need money one way or another.
also is anyone else excited for the stream later like i hope nick will say something about all this and not just stay quiet until it all blows over
i think thats all i was gonna say i cant remember but if theres more then i will say 😘😘😘 sorry i waffle alot
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outcaststars · 3 months
I've been streaming on twitch for over 4 years. I've made a great community and a wonderful group of friends but I've also had to deal with a lot of aweful people. Recently I've been feeling particularly upset about it all so I'm going to air all my grievances here. TW this mentions bullying, grooming, self harm and abuse. If anyone mentioned in this post trys to comment im just gonna delete it, i also dont care if your fav streamers is here, this is my authentic experience. Also dont go attacking anyone i mention here, the whole point of this is to be better then them.
The first streamer I ever had an issue with was Rat_emoji. It all started when I tuned into one of their DbD streams only to find him streaming another, younger, streamers live content.
He had just died to this kid playing Myers, he had TTV in his name and Rat was so mad about what had happened he streamed this kids twitch live to his viewers, all the while making fun of his appearance and stream quality.
A day later I would go back and screen record this whole interaction so I can share that if you want to see it. It felt so disgusting to watch this happen live, he has 100 viewers in chat and they were all being nasty. The only person who told him to stop was drag streamer Suttonfister (i think, 90% sure) who was in the same game and discord call at he time. the whole scene was aweful to witness, it felt like such an abuse of power. Rat didnt directly say anything mean but they made a lot of mean girl comments and didnt moderate anything cruel their chat said, it was obviously intentional.
After this I blocked Rat, it would have been easy to avoid him if he didn't found the stream team "Aussie pride", he got a lot of attention for that and a lot of praise and all of it made me sick. Funnily enough I heard that Aussie Pride was an aweful team to be in. The creators didn't care about the smaller members, planned no events and then disbanded the team with the release of Hogwarts legacy because they didn't want to take a stance on JK Rowling. Honestly it seems like the whole thing was a vanity project. That's why I don't like Rat_emoji.
DCpup was the first streamer I tried to network with. He hired me to make some art for him. He wanted me to work on merch for his channel, I declined, saying that I wasnt comfortable with the idea of someone else selling my art. I counter offered to just make him a profile icon, this way we could see how my style suited him and i could work out how to tackle the idea of eventually doing merch.
When the icon was done I sent him the high res file, he asked for my signature (my artist tag, a very small "outcaststars" in the corner) to be removed. When I asked why, he told me he needed it gone in order to upload it as merch.
Naturally I was upset. I explained that we had already made a deal not to do merch yet and I also explained that I was uncomfortable with the idea of removing my tag. I went on to explain why visibility was so important for artists. At the time I was a much smaller content creator and DCpup platform was much bigger.
He apologized and said he would give me a cut of the sales. I said don't bother and reluctantly let him do what he wanted. At the time I was too scared to make enemies so I fell into people pleasing.
I took more work from DCpup because I needed the money and I hoped it would be good for my channel growth. He would upload my work to his store and wouldn't credit me. I was frustrated.
The tipping point was after the final comm I took from him. An animated ending screen. During this process DCpup would message me everyday asking for updates which was annoying. When I delivered the final product he once again asked for my tiny, half transparent signature to be removed. I was so upset and defeated, I told myself I'd fight it but I didn't. I removed my sign from every layer, reanimated the whole thing and vowed not to take work from him.
After the piece was done he wanted to commission me again. I left him on read, then I found out what he was saying about me to other people. A good friend of mine showed me a message he had sent in his stream, telling him not to bother commission me, because I would be too busy doing work for him. I was furious.
Another week later I got raided by someone and told the new viewers to check out my work, it broke my heart when someone who looked at my insta, told me he had no idea I made all of DCpups stuff. Why would he? Dcypherpup went to ridiculous lengths to hide my credit. He was telling people not to contact me and not tagging any comm work with my name. One day he came into my live stream and I was so mad I banned him on the spot .
I wish I had done more to be assertive, live and learn. Funnily enough I found out he posted a big rant, telling people off for supporting JK Rowling when Hogwarts legacy released. Only to be called out for buying it and playing it on his steam, which he had forgotten to make private. He deleted the tweet. What a cunt.
Undertheredmoon and Greenypika
Redmoon is furry streamer that I use to really like. They were funny, had great energy and I would even go as far to say that they were a friend.
All this came to a grinding hault the day he invited furry artist and accused child groomer Daveoverlord to join us on Monster hunter rise live on stream.
Dave wasn't in voice chat and I wasn't reading Redmoons twitch chat at the time, so although I was aware of who Dave was, I didn't realize it was them. When someone messaged me about it a few days later I was mortified, I assumed Redmoon didn't know and I messaged them immediately.
I asked Red if he knew who Dave was and what he had done and the kind of artists he was friends with (cub artists). Redmoon ghosted me, left me on read for a week. I messaged again asking why he wasn't talking to me. He said he was too stressed to deal with this "drama" and didn't care to get involved. He mentioned that if Dave was guilty cops probably would have gotten involved and said he just wanted to focus on his own work.
When I asked Redmoon where he stood on cub porn, he stopped replying. We haven't spoken since.
The same person who told me about Dave joining stream also pointed out that Greenypika was inviting Dave onto his stream. They dm'd greeny and asked them if they knew and greeny said he had no idea and that he'd look into it. Greeny hadn't responded for a few months so I dm'd him with the same message and got the same copy paste reply. TLDR greeny knew and was just lying about it so I blocked him too.
Dudes a fucking groomer and now he streams. Blocked.
Cider and I got into an argument once, the topic of which is no one's business.
His bf weyland got mad at me for it and vague tweeted about it so I decided to start a group chat with them to sort it out. And we did.
I apologised for what I did and cider took some time away from interacting with me. Everyone in this situation wanted what was best. And weyland is now one of my best friends.
Cider and I aren't as close as we could be but that's my fault. They're honestly a wonderful person and I appreciate their friendship. There inclusion in this list is to prove a point later but they're also the only person here who I think deserves success.
Stripeydragon and Break trail.
This one is complicated because it involves someone who ment a lot to me.
Back when the exclusive stream team Break Trail formed, my good friend Marsh joined the team. Being an artist he did a lot of the teams promo art of all it's members. Marsh had a lot of anxieties about the team because he was one of its smallest members and often told me he felt underappreciated or out of place. This feeling for worse when artist/streamer and fellow team member Stripeydragon decided he was going to do a redraw of all of marsh's promo work.
I didn't see Marsh much at the time but when this began he spent the better part of a week in my mod chat expressing how upset he was about it. It didn't help he was already anxious but he felt stripydragon was replacing him and even mentioned a time when he tried to give feedback on stripys work only for him to disregard it. Marsh was really fucking upset.
After stripeydragon posted the work my moderator, Ibn, who had been listening and consoling marsh for a week, decided to comment on the art publically. He said he didn't think stripyes version of the art was better and criticized him of slimming down the fater characters.
I wanna pause this to say I don't condone what Ibn did. He ment well but it wasn't his fight and he shouldn't have commented a critique on something no one asked him to judge. Don't do this. Anyway...
Stripeydragon fucking hated this. Not only did he respond to every tweet, he went into the break trail discord and rallied everyone to defend him and attack Ibn, a lot of break trail members also rushed to the comments to defend stripey and attack ibn. He also posted ibns comment in his own discord to encourage others to dog pile on. This shit got out of hand super fucking fast. Ibn was crying and marsh was pissed. It was betray of trust on Ibns part, but the way stripey responded was downright scary.
Shit was at its peak by the time I woke up (Australian timezone) and I immediately went into damage control. I gave Ibn a huge lecture, I was mad af and told him to apologize. I dm'd breaktrails stream team manager Mari, and tried my best to defuse the situation so that both parties could stop. Everyone deleted their tweets. Ibn apologised a dozen times and Marsh told everyone that ibn was just an asshole.
So the story everyone believes now is that marsh actually loves stripydragons work and Ibn is just a weird jerk. There where no consequences for stripydragons weaponizing a stream team and their fan base against someone on twitter. They're still a member of break trail but the team has been dead for a long time. I understand that Ibn was in the wrong and marsh should have just talked about his issues with his team. But this is another case of someone with a big platform and bigger ego not hesitating to use that to attack others.
this one is fucked up.
Starky mods for a bunch of break trail members, so he had an inside look into the whole stripeydragon thing. Keep that in mind.
About a year after the stripey incident, I woke up to a message from starky. I had recently finished a commission for starky but apart from that we didn't know each other well.
He claimed that ibn had harassed him on stream by bringing up controversial topics and that because he was my mod he wasn't going to support me any more. I was pretty angry, Ibn was causing trouble again. I dm'd ibn and told him I didn't want to hear what he had to say and instead I just wanted the timestamp on Starkeys VOD so I could see what he did myself.
I watched the VOD and what I saw didn't line up with anything starky had said. He made the whole thing up.
What really happened was, starky decided to bring up "cancel culture" and went on a rant about how it was inherently bad and that anyone who participates in it only does it for "self-aggrandizing reasons". A lot of the shit he said was very thinly veiled right wing bullshit dog whistles.
Ibn asked him to elaborate and said something to the likes of "what about people who cancel pedos and rapists" and starky banned ibn and ended the convo.
Ibn didn't start the controversial topic and he didn't harass anyone. But starky was mad and wanted to attack him, he knew Ibn had a history of starting shit so he came to me with a bullshit story thinking I'd believe him and Ibn would lose his friends. And it almost worked.
I tried to talk some sense into starky, I pointed out that his original message was dishonest. Starky doubled down and made up more lies. He continued to claim that things happened during the stream that aren't in the VOD. He even bought up weylandshere and claimed he was harassing him too, out of nowhere! which if you watch the VOD is also completely made up. He said some ablist shit about "high functioning autism" aswell, its all really incoherent. Non of this is true and I downloaded the VOD so he couldn't hide the evidence.
Starky tried to use my argument with cider and Ibns argument with stripy as evidence that we were bad people. I found this really sinister, because my initial reaction to Starkys story, was that i believed him, pretty much everyone reacted this way. It upsets me that i was almost convinced to distance myself from my best friend because of a lie.
A ton of people didn't watch the VOD and took Starkeys word. Starky blocked me and started asking all his followers and mutuals to do the same. A whole bunch of people sub tweeted about ibn being an abuser and me being an enabler. It was fucking aweful. It went on for days.
This only stopped when Kyziethewolf stepped in and defended me. Even tho starky was one of his best friends, he had watched the VOD and told everyone he was lying. Starky doesn't talk to kyzie now and it really broke his heart.
A lot of people still believe starky and I lost a bunch of mutual streamers support because of this. It's one of the worst attacks I've suffered on twitter/twitch to date.
I found out a few months later he's added "outcast is racist" to the narrative he tells people and there's nothing I can do about that
This also basically ended my friendship with Marsh. I've known marsh for 7 years and hes a friend of Starkeys too. During this whole ordeal he never spoke up, it was only kyzie. I was really upset about this because i feel that Marsh could have made a significant change to how this played out if he had of just stepped in.
When he dm'd me a few weeks after asking if I'm make some free art for his project I told him no. I told him I was hurt. He said he just didn't want to get involved in drama. i think its really harmful to reduce harassment to just "drama". We've stopped talking.
I met jayed though my friend weyland. I needed a 3D artists and he needed work.
Jayed had recently lost a lot of friends because during COVID he tweeted that people not social distancing at a furcon where putting disabled, high risk, people's lives in danger. Totally righteous imo.
He however also tweeted that anyone who doesn't where a mask should kill themselves and deservingly got a lot of hate and backlash. Lost a lot of friends. Since then he was pretty unwilling to comment on any political shit. Publically that is.
The first fight I got into with jayed was when Ibn reposted a Tumblr thread about the YouTuber keffals, and some of the problematic things she'd done. Jayed loves keffals so he dm'd Ibn about it and started a huge fight defending his favourite YouTuber. I stepped in to try and resolve the fight but no one was really happy.
This argument made jayed realise that he didn't have the same values as the friend group he was in. He liked keffals, he thought it was ok to say the R slur and he felt people should be allowed to support JK Rowling.
He left my discord and I contacted him trying to smooth things over. We talked for a long time and I settled on agree to dissagree the hopes to change his mind on some of these issues.
That didn't happen. Jayed kept starting fights about woke shit, even though he's a self proclaimed "leftist" and it slowly drove a wedge between us. He stopped talking to everyone in our friend group, unfollowed us all on socials.
Artists/streamer and friend Ixu had drawn a big group shot of all of us together. Weyland (who is in this friend group) was pretty angry about the whole ordeal so he asked Ixu for a version without jayed edited out. When he posted this jayed got super pissed about it.
Jayed tweeted about how unwelcoming my community was. Screen caped some DM's and changed the context. I was so angry, I had spent months continuing to offer my friend ship and trying to change his mind. One of the last fights we got into he said he was mad that "people" expected him to show support for Palestine and thats kind of the end of it.
This one hurt because it felt like a betrayal. Jayed you can get fucked dude.
This one is super recent and is basically why I decided to write this.
I can't remember how I met socks. They work in the games industry and they have a LOT of money/connections. He gives away a lot of stuff, Donates to people a lot. He very affectionate and Everyone loves him. I even accepted a bunch of charity/gifts from him and in return drew a bunch of gift art.
Socks success made a few mutuals of mine uncomfortable. He had a lot of money to put into stream so his channel grew insanely fast. I'm also told he made comments to some mutuals, comparing channel growth that made them feel bad. He ran multiple giveaways and got partner almost a year after starting stream.
There was some drama between socks and one of his mods. I tried my hardest not to get involved. Socks employs a lot of parasocial strategies in order to retain an audience so he flirts a lot and also has a persona of "I'm you dad" on stream. Idk if this counts as love bombing, but it feels similar.
I heard that one of his mods developed a crush on him and when rejected, he drank himself into the hospital. He almost died.
I spoke with this ex mod about it. He doesn't blame socks for what happened even tho he feels the rejection was harsh. I still feel that socks takes advantage of people with his gifts and parasocial friendship. This is a result of that going unchecked.
One of our mutuals found out about this and was really upset. They tweeted about it and tried to hold socks accountable. Nothing came of it.
I grew distant from socks when he started hanging out with Redmoon a lot. Because I felt close to them at the time I messaged him a about Redmoon and what happened between us. He never replied.
This story takes a dark turn when jayedskier, friend of socks, decided to make that tweet mentioned in his section. Socks also went in on someone jayed had mentioned.
This is about my good friend Weyland. Weyland had had someone very close to them pass away recently. Socks complied some tweets and chat screen caps, and made up a story of weyland threatening to kill themselves.
Some of the messages were about weylands dead friend. Socks knowingly changed the context and lied to make weyland look bad.
I honestly think this is the worst thing on this post. To use the death of someone and the personal anguish of someone and ammo for you bullshit story about them is fucking horrifying.
I replied to socks tweet about weyland, I told him what he was doing was wrong. He told me that he feels bad I'm surrounded by toxic people and that he hopes they get better.
After seeing the way socks treats his audience and the way he lied about another streamer, I genuinely believe hes some kind of abuser. Idk the vibe is REALLY off with this one. This feels worse then bullying, there's an ego about it. I've blocked socks on everything. Frankly they scare me.
Final notes
Anyway that's been my aweful experience with aweful twitch streamers. The whole thing has left me bitter and sad and I no longer want to interact with anyone. idk where to go from here.
Twitch TOS doesn't care what people say or do on other platforms. And with other streamers/mutuals so unwilling to get involved or show support I just feel alone.
I do feel compelled to speak up when I see or experience something I think isn't right. I think a lot of neurodivegant people, like myself, feel that way. But I think it's been terrible for my career. I hate the feeling that I'd be so much more successful if I'd shut my mouth and looked away. Maybe even be partner by now. I know a lot of this comes across as just "furry drama" but i think its reductive to label it as that. Content creators who engage in these kind of harmful behaviors need to be held accountable if we want to see any positive change. And im not saying that means "CANCEL" them. some (not all) of these content creators can still learn and grow and be better. Negative attitudes and dismissive statements of "its just drama" create a space for bullies to thrive
Finally, please PLEASE do NOT under any circumstances harass anyone involved in this post. This is not an attempt to rally the masses to lynch some people, im just telling my story so that next time you see someone come forward with claims about a content creator you like you'll see the situation differently.
If you made it this far, wow. Thank you. Dunno if I'll post the vids/screencap evidence. I don't know if I care enough.
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personwhowrites · 2 years
hi ! could i request a 141 x reader who celebrates yule instead of christmas ? ive seen so many "celebrating christmas with 141" posts everywhere, but i dont celebrate christmas so i thought id send a request in myself, thank you !
Absolutely! I did have to do some research on Yule since I never actually heard about it, so I apologize in ahead if I did get things messed up. It was so fun to learn about the holiday!
Slight Simon “Ghost” Riley x reader.
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You rub your hands together as you stare at a log. An plain simple oak log, the members stare at you, thinking your crazy for a log. You grab it smile, December twenty one, perfect day to get the log.
“You okay there y/n?” Price says looking at you with the log in your arms. “You do know we can’t take stuff from our missions.”
“Oh uh.. can we please take this log?” You say softly and hold it closer to your body. “Please, I won’t ask for anything next year!”
“Just let the Bonnie take her log.” Soap says elbowing Price who sighs and then summits. “Atta! We got you a log Y/n!”
“Sweet!” You say with a smile, the helicopter landing near you. “Ah let’s go guys”
You hop into the helicopter, getting a weird stare from the driver. You give them an awkward smile as you sit down and hold the oak log close to you. A symbol to your holiday, Gaz and Soap sit next to you as Price and Ghost sit across from the three of you.
“So the log!” Soap yells over the sound of the helicopter. “What’s it for!”
You act as if you can’t hear the man. You stare at the log, happy and smiling. It was a good log that you picked. Ghost and stares at you with price, a slight worrisome feeling that Price can’t push away.
Your in the air and look to your right. Seeing Gaz staring at the log, a very daring look. You cough getting his mind and eyes on you.
“..Don’t even think about it.” You mumble holding the log closer to your body. “I know what you were thinking.”
“I wasn’t gonna throw it out the door..” Gaz mumbles with a sigh. “Okay maybe I was.”
You shake your head, tossing back a laughter. Price stares at you and the log, seeing you so happy with a log got him really worried. Have you gone insane with all the missions the past few days?
You land at the base, laswell awaiting the group arrival. She has a Christmas sweater on and thick Santa hats for everyone.
“Price! Gaz! soap! ghost!” Laswell says walking over with a smile. “And Y/n with a lo— wait why does she have a log?”
“Let her be..she’s happy with that log for some reason.” Price says with a sigh and grabs a Santa hat. “What’s this for?”
“Since you all be out heading home for Christmas I thought we could have our small party.” laswell says handing the others a Santa hat. “Here, I can give the log one.”
“Oh uh.. I don’t.. do Christmas” you say with an awkward smile. “I better go..”
You rush away quickly with the log in your arms. Dropping the Santa hat in the process, Ghost stares at the hat then at you. Finding it curious that you also don’t like Christmas. Laswell stares at the man and sighs.
“How’s she holding up?” Laswell asks the men who stand there in confusion. “Hello!”
“Oh uh..she’s been great on missions.” Price says putting the Santa hat on. “Wont talk much about her family or.. anything personal.”
“She’s a good help in the field..” Gaz mumbles still looking at the reaction you ran off to. “She’s staying at the base for Christmas with Soap and Ghost.”
“That must be nice! You three can celebrate Christmas!” Laswell says with a smile as soap looks at Ghost. “..Or not?”
“Not a fan of it..” Ghost mumbles handing the Santa hat back to her. “I don’t know about soap.”
“I might, but I don’t know.. I rather relax.” Soap says stretching and looks at Gaz and Price. “You two better get going, the last plane to your home towns leaves in an hour.”
“..About that..” Gaz says with a chuckle. “I don’t really have anyone to be with for Christmas. My ma is out of town and I don’t wanna travel.”
“Guess we are all staying?” Price says making the others look at him. “What? I wanna know what’s up with y/n and that damn log. She’s holding it like a baby.”
“We better go check on her..” Laswell says rubbing her chin. “She did request some weird stuff when I called her a few days back.”
“Like what?” Soap says grabbing his bag off the floor.
“Pine cones, Dried cranberries, Cuttings of a mistletoe.. holly, pine needles, and ivy..” Laswell says counting the things off her finger. “Oh! and some feathers and cinnamon sticks..ah what else.. oh right a hot glue gun and a lace red ribbon.”
“The hell would she need that for?” Gaz says confused. “Is it something we should be worried about?”
“Well it’s just plants ain’t it?” Price says starting to walk ahead the direction you ran off to. “Don’t think we should.”
You happily start decorating the oak log. Using every drop of the hot glue gun, placing and marking the right spots you want everything. You will hear the others come in and play their stuff down. Soap will immediately point out what you’re doing to Price. Which immediately concerns him.
“Y/n what are you doing there?” Prive says walking over with Gaz not far behind. “Okay, uh.. that’s a pretty log?..”
“…mhm..” You hum softly paying no attention to him. “..Can you pass me that pine needle?”
Gaz reaches over and passes it to you. Seeing how pretty the log is he sits down next to you and watches. The soap and Ghost confuse look over to see Price and Gaz watching you decorate the log. The two man also walk over and watch you, soap slightly surprised you haven’t burned your hand yet.
“..so the log..what is it for..?” Soap asks again getting your attention. “Well?”
“Its for Yule..” You mumble slightly embarrassed. “It’s a holiday I celebrate, since Christmas isn’t my thing.”
“Yule?” They all say in unison causing you to laugh.
“It’s uh.. a holiday somewhat similar to Christmas..” You say looking back at the log. “..well not really.. it’s when.. um people..welcome back the sun, after long dark days..”
“Hold on what?” Gaz says looking at you. “Welcome back the sun?”
“..Well uh Yule was a festival long ago. For Vikings, Germanic tribes and people in the pre-Christian Eroupe. “You says holding a feather in your hand. “..most days it’s just now celebrated by Wiccans and other Neo-pagan practitioners.” You pause for a moment and place the feather down on the log. “Yule gives.. people a way to expand our four inner realms and to come forth.”
The members remain silent as you continue on explaining the Yule. Gaz hands you what you need while you talk. Ghost leans against the wall and watches you, while soap sits on the other side of you, slightly leaning his head on your shoulder. Price sits sits down on your floor and watches you.
“Like I said before.. uh Pagan and Wiccan families are the most common to celebrate it.” You say softly looking at the finished log. “It celebrates the return of sun.. they sometimes add a lot of lights in their home.” You pause again and unplug the hot glue gun with Price help. “It originated in Norway.. they used to think the sun was this giant wheel that rolled away from the world..”
“That’s.. interesting how come.. you celebrate it?” Price says rubbing his chin. “Did someone introduce you to it?”
“Yes.. a close friend before I moved away to join the military.” You say looking up at him. “It’s a fun holiday..”
“So you just decorate oak logs?” Soap says looking at the log. “That’s it?”
“There is so much more to do.. and you don’t really have to decorate oak logs.” You say looking at him. “I picked to.. since when I burn it I know it will represent.. Wisdom and strength..”
“Oh so each type of wood has its own meaning?” Gaz asks slightly understanding. “What do the others mean?”
“Well.. families usually burn Pine since they hope for a good year of prosperity..” You say softly looking at the log in front of you. “Couples.. will drag a bough of birch to their hearth. If they wish fertility the upcoming year.”
“..And I’m guessing you only decorate a Pine and oak log before?” Price says looking at your now sadden eyes. “..Or..”
“None.. actually.. an accident happened before we could even.. start it.” You say getting up from the floor. “..this is my first year alone..”
“Why don’t we celebrate with you?” Gaz says getting up and helping soap get up. “We aren’t leaving for the holiday and hell this seems nice.”
“Really?” You say looking at them. “You guys will actually do this with me?”
“Sure why not!” Soap says with a smile. “What else do you do in this Yule holiday.”
“..I mean I was going to out and get some food and return to the base and eat.” You say with a soft laugh. “Like a feast..”
“Does the feast have to be something specific?” Ghost says making you remember he’s been there the whole time.
“No.. it can be anything really, your favorite things. Just plain food..” You respond looking at him now. “I don’t know how to cook so I just planning to get some chips and soda.”
“Why don’t we al go out to eat!” Soap says with a smile. “Like a family, Y/n you pick the restaurant and we will come along.”
“That will have to be on the twenty fourth.” You say softly. “I just wanted Sri get the log done while I declutter some stuff around my space.”
“Oh so you clean out things you don’t need too?” Gaz says slightly confused. “This is an interesting holiday.”
“Mhm..” you mumble slightly embarrassed.
“Then what are we waiting for.” Price says clapping his hands. “Let’s get this place clean up.”
“Do we have to decorate?” Soap asks you making you look up form the log once more. “Besides the log.”
“I mean we could just put candles or some fake plants around..” You say with a smile. “It doesn’t really matter, it just matters that we all just.. feel happy and comfortable.”
They all nod to your words ans head to their own spot. Starting to clean the room you all share with, made you slight happy. Seeing how strangers you started working with couple months ago now want to celebrate Yule.
December twenty four came by fast. You were laying down in bed reading your book. Enjoying the silence until Soap bursted into the room with Gaz with excitement. You jump out of your bed and stare at the two of them, Ghost and price behind them. You see them holding food on their hands.
“I thought we were going out to eat?” You say walking over to them. “Ah wait I forgot holiday..”
“Mhm, we went ahead and ordered some Chinese food. We got you broccoli with chicken.” Price says setting the food down on a table. “Are you alright with that?”
“It’s perfectly fine!” You say with a smile and look at Soap. “You two are excited.”
“I read more about the holiday you mentioned and I can’t stop thinking about it.” Soap says with a bright smile. “I like it more than Christmas now! It has more meaning than giving shit to people.”
“Can we just.. eat Im starving.” Ghost says grabbing plate. “Which one is mine?”
“Any of them really, I order randomly.” Price days with a smile. “I do know I ordered broccoli with chicken.”
“..Why don’t we all just share the food? Can’t hurt us to try new things.” Gaz says looking at the food. “God that smells so fucking good.”
“Damn right it does..” Price says handing everyone a fork. “I didn’t think we would be sharing so uh.. enjoy?”
You give them a smile and nod. Grabbing some orange chicken and stuffing it in your mouth. You were too busy eating with soap to realize Ghost has taken his mask off. Price went to lock the door incase anyone tried to get in. Eating with the men was a new thing you never thought that would happen. Ghost stares at for a slight moment, slightly happy you aren’t mentioning him without his mask.
After a couple hours of just relaxing and playing card games against them you looked at the time. There you saw it twelve am. You quickly got up form your chair, almost falling down in the process and rushed to get something under your bed.
“What are you doing! We are in a middle of a game.” Gaz says looking over at with ghost. “Y/n!”
“I need you guys to write something you wish for!” You say running over slipping and landing in Ghost arms. “Write! Fast! Don’t tell anyone what you write!”
You tear small pieces of paper and hand them out to the men. Ghost still has you in your arms and stares at you. Slightly smiling under his mask seeing you so focus on the holiday. You finally notice your in his arms and move away. You hand him a paper and and the others start writing.
“When your done roll it up and grab a coat!” You say scribbling something on your paper.
You finish up and rush to the log, gently grabbing it and rushing out the room. The men hurry after you in slight confusion, all grabbing a coat expect you. They see you look around and place the log down.
“Oh! Are we doing what I think were doing?” Soap says coming up from behind you. “We are!”
“Mhm!” You say quickly grabbing the papers out their hands. “Someone have some sort of lighter?”
“I do..” Price say taking it out his pocket. “For what?”
“To burn the log, it’s the final thing to do..” You say with a smile. “Give me!”
Price hands it to you, slightly concerned as you crouch down to the log. You flick the handle of the lighter and hold it up to the log, which immediately burst into flames. Ghost quickly grabs you away from it and and stares at you.
“Careful..” He mumbles letting go of you and letting you approach the fire again with the papers. “What are you doing?”
“Hopping.. the year will become great.” You say dropping the papers in the fire and backing up. “You all do the same.”
“God, the log is really burning.” Price says looking at you and the log. “..Y/n.. you really love this holiday don’t you?”
“..Mhm.. puts my mind at ease..finally being able to let them go.” You mumble taking your necklace off and placing it in the fire. “Like they would wanted..”
The others remain in silence as they see your paper drop in the fire. They see the writing, their hearts sink down to their stomachs.
“..To live another year without..you..my family..”
Ghost pulls you between him and the men. All of you huddled up, watching the log burn, your necklace and paper burning too.
“Happy Yule..” Soap mumbles for the group putting his arms around them.
“Happy Yule..” You respond looking at your burning necklace and then at your new found family.
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aita-blorbos · 6 months
(tma oc ask content warning for canon typical levels of buried fuckery)
am i the asshole for driving away my friend?
hey reddit . im posting from a throwaway bc i dont want people connecting this to my work (though i doubt youve heard of me anyways) but i think i messed up terribly and i want to know if this is something i can still fix
also sidenote sorry if my grammar or punctuation or word choice or anything of that sort are poor. i have not been sleeping well for some time
i (19m) am a video game developer. its been my passion for years now and i am currently in uni studying computer games development and programming and level design . although i have considered dropping out but thats a point for later . i post on itch io and such and sometimes i make flash games but idk if anyone reading this has played a single one
its been a bit of a hard time for me, if im being honest. i really like games and i really liked making them but i dont think im very good at programming or art or level design or any of the other things that go into the process of making a game . at least a profitable and fun one .
so i ended up coming to this computer science study group in the hopes maybe someone could teach me to be better at programming. and i met this girl. i dont know exactly how old she is, but i want to say she was maybe two or three years ahead of me in her schooling, so probably about 22. anyways lets call her E
E was studying pure computer science and wanted to do it at a high level . so of course she was pretty good at helping me with my really rudimentary programming stuff . and she was friendly and funny and we liked hanging out so we ended up being good friends . she actually complimented my games, once i got them to function, and said my pixel art was cute . my point is we were close . maybe we wouldn’t have been so close if we had anyone else, but i was still new and she was pretty lonely .
really shortly after i met her though i started having fucked up dreams. ok that’s not entirely accurate because i had been having fucked up dreams on occasion for a while . but they got worse and she showed up in them. it was all me locking her in stairwells hitting her over the head and piling earth over her body filling her mouth with mud and cement. terrible things
so i stopped sleeping. i tried not to at least. im pretty sure most uni kids pull all nighters. i know i did even when i was younger. but i wasnt studying for exams or whatever. i was just trying and trying to force myself awake and i started to lose it a bit. my grip on things. it felt like i was sleepwalking through classes and even like i was dreaming when i was awake. id nod off for a moment in a lecture and id feel dirt caked on my hands under my fingernails. and no matter how much i scrubbed and how much i knew with my eyes it wasnt there it just. refused to come off . and it felt like her blood
i don’t remember how we got on the topic but i remember she told me how she always worried a little bit about being trapped . like claustrophobia of a flavor that shows itself in locked doors and thick walls and collapsing underground stations. that made me feel even more odd about the whole thing . of course i felt awful about hurting her but that part of it was like a joke i didn’t get
and then weirdly enough i got really into nineties 3D games. they have these skyboxes that make it really obvious they’re not actually infinite . and i thought that was kind of interesting in context. like the whole world is a box you’re in so why worry so much about if the stairwell door will lock behind you
i kind of started thinking that was something i would like to replicate with my art . like if i put all my issues into one game they would be out of my brain and gone . maybe it could even be pleasant without the whole preying on my friends terror thing
so now we get to the part of the story where i fear i really really messed up . i made this game . and honestly i dont remember the development very well . sleep deprivation is a dreadful thing . i remember again and again while i was making it kind of coming to my senses not knowing where i was and finding massive parts of the game that i didnt remember making at all.
it was set in a stairwell but i dont remember buying or making the models for the door . there was a really weird kind of way the game functioned with an infinite path going up but how that functioned i couldnt tell you . and i dont remember composing the audio or where i might have downloaded it from except that i never liked to listen to it for very long . i dont know why i kept it in the game
i always showed my games to E but i really wanted her to see this one in particular. so she came by my flat and played it and then i remember she just glared at me . there was something to the look she gave me . it was like she was completely horrified and was trying to pretend she was just angry instead
she hasnt spoken to me since . and i think i fucked up . i knew it was playing at her issues and i think maybe i even made it at least subconsciously to pry at them. like the same part of me with dirt under my fingernails was also sitting there typing away on that keyboard .
but at the same time its just a game . and im better at programming now too . like something just clicked there
honestly though development lately has been weird. its been hard trying to go back to the old sort of pixel art platformers and shoot em ups and that kind of thing i used to make. every time i open any program its like im just staring at it and imagining skyboxes. putting it all in a box imprisoning every world i make that kind of thing. like i said earlier ive been considering dropping out. but i dont know. i think id need to sleep on it
i still have weird fucked up dreams but E isnt in them anymore . i dont know where shes gone . i think maybe my idea worked somehow and i did transfer all that shit to my art . and then that just all went right to her . but i dont know if i like that idea or hate it
anyways reddit am i the asshole?
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davekat-sucks · 1 month
just look up "tavros mexican" on here or twitter search bar, its a very predominant headcanon, basically their thought process is
see adiosToreador -> "omg is that spanish?" -> "which country speaks spanish... mexico right? tavros MEXICAN-CODED REAL!!!!!!"
hussie also said tavros was mexican in response to people unironically asking him if the fictional aliens born in an entirely different planet had earth nationalities, and the idiots STILL took his answer seriously. like the fat vriska or fat feferi joke
and toreador isnt even the correct term, that would be 'torero', or "matador/matador de toros". toreador is actually a made up word only used by english speakers really. interesting how i dont see anyone rushing to complain about the botched spanish like they do the botched japanese... (hint: its performative activism)
which is why i would have actually liked to see tavros or rufioh speak google spanish or spanglish, and wearing a mexican hat and maracas to poke fun of all of this, that would have been really funny
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He did. Along with dodging the question about if Karkat was Mexican and that Fat Mexican Vriska has a nice ass. If people can pick up on certain jokes he makes through stuff like this as well, why can't they detect the same for Fat Vriska or Fat Feferi?
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And yeah, nobody bitches about botched Spanish language. Even now, we got bullshit things like Latinx and Filipinx/Pinxy going around. XD I wouldn't mind Tavros or Rufioh dressed up like in that silly fashion and doing that. But considering the current fandom culture period we live in, I doubt it will happen any time soon. Ah well, at least this GIF of Tavros strumming the guitar like in Road to El Dorado is still good enough.
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hearthandheathenry · 4 months
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14 Ways To Live A Healthier Life That Anyone Can Do
Use cast iron, stainless steel, glass, and ceramic cookware/dishes. Use wooden and steel for the utensils. Ditch the plastic and chemicals! They are even finding microplastic in the blood of newborn babies! If you can't afford to switch, switch slowly and buy second-hand! These materials will last through generations!
Buy and cook more fresh, high-quality food. Stop buying premade and processed garbage! The hidden massive amounts of fake sugar and additives in everything is far more damaging than a little bit of extra grass-fed butter or grass-fed meat on your plate. You can find local and even organic produce and meat for cheap at your local freshmarket, mexican grocery store, or asian grocery store. Aldi and Trader Joe's are also healthy yet cheap stores! You will also be surprised how little time it takes to cook versus having something pre-made, and with home-made food you'll have control over exactly how much sugar, fat, etc you have in a given meal. Neither of these are bad in moderation, but the key is moderation!
Prioritize your health and try to create less stress. Brush and floss your teeth, take care of your skin, eat as well as you can, move more, and sleep enough. These are things you should be doing AT MINIMUM to stay healthy. Stress also has a huge impact on health, so it is important to do your best to lower everyday stress and balance your hormones.
Do things that make you feel good. This ties into the less stress philosophy and the rule of everything in moderation, and this looks different for everyone, but generally focus on hobbies and habits that are good for you overall and dont cause addiction or mental health issues. The more things you incorporate into your life that you enjoy, the more you will enjoy your life.
Be aware of your feelings and honor them. No ignoring how you feel deep down! Notice what makes you smile and what makes you sad. Feel it all and try to see what your brain and body are trying to communicate to you about things. Your emotions and thoughts have a purpose, try to see what they're saying.
Try to wear or use more organic materials. Try to use cotton, linen, wool, etc for your clothes, sheets, and more. For jewelry try to use gold, silver, steel, copper, etc. Drop the acrylics and plastics. Invest in your clothing and wear quality materials - your health and wallet will thank you.
Try to kick any drug or alcohol habits. We only have one body in this lifetime and these things WILL catch up to you healthwise. The short-term dopamine is not worth the long-term consequences. Ask anyone who's suffered from their decisions from when they were younger.
Spend more time in nature. Being outside has many health benefits and it does incredible things for mental health. Find a place you can visit outside that brings you peace. Try taking a daily walk.
Learn to set boundaries for yourself. Including towards yourself! If you are pushed past your limits of exhaustion, honor your body and rest. It is okay to have soft, flexible boundaries, or hard boundaries, but they are rules we put in place in regards to ourselves to keep ourselves safe and happy! IE - "If I need sleep I will not keep pushing myself and I will go to sleep" or "I will not put up with being yelled at and I will remove myself from that situation".
Walk as much as you can, while you can. Try to opt out of convenience when possible and walk a little further to the front door of the store or try incorporating a daily walk into your routine. Moderate exercise is great for our health!
Do something daily that will exercise your brain. Whether it is a fun crossword puzzle or just something in your daily life you need to problem solve, do something that is going to flex that brain power and keep those pathways firing. If we don't use our connections, we literally lose them over time!
Talk to at least one person a day for at least 5 minutes. We are social creatures that thrive off community, so it is extremely important for our mental health to find connection with others and feel seen and heard and like we matter. Not only that, routinely reaching out to others will help you make and maintain relationships of all natures!
Educate yourself. Learning shouldn't just stop after you finish schooling. You should continually be trying to further your knowledge about yourself and the world around you. You live in the age where information is readily available all the time, so make an effort to use it to better your life, and learn how to sift through the misinformation as well. Not knowing how to do something is no longer an excuse as an adult when you can easily look it up or ask for guidance.
Consume more positive media and less media overall. What we watch and listen to really affects our thoughts, moods, and subconscious. There is a reason upbeat music motivates us! Try to keep your media exposure to uplifting and feel-good things rather than ones that cause anxiety or sadness.
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actualbird · 1 year
Hi Zak!! This is a pretty random ask but i was just wondering if you have any tips for starting a fanfic/story? I just keep getting stuck on how to start one (I really love your work/blog 🙏 feeds my tot brain rot fr!!)
hi anon, im glad you like the stuff i make ;w; !!! and ohhh, sure i got tons of tips for that!.....so many that i actually wish i cld get u back here to ask what specifically about starting a story u'd want tips on but for now, i'll go for a general overview :D!!
cuz....to me (i.e. based on my writing process, which i'll be drawing heavily from for these tips), the act of Starting comes in three distinct steps, one after the other:
Idea Generation (what is the story gonna be about and how do i get ideas for that?)
Concept Organization/Outlining (how is the story going to be about this idea and how will i be executing it?)
Creation (GAH, HOW PUT WORDS ON PAGE!?!?!?)
so i'll give general tips for all three!!!
Idea Generation Tips
(this is the step that i personally have the least trouble with because my brain makes 5 new ideas every day. it's kinda a curse now because it leads to me having too many wips and concepts and only 1% of them gets to the Creation period jhvjhVJKSHFVHJS BUT ANYHOO, TIPS-)
Check Out Prompt Lists (super fun and easy way to get an idea! theres tons of story and fic prompts out there that you can search up here on tumblr, some of them being lists of lines of dialog or lists of AUs or scenarios. even if you dont follow a prompt exactly, they can be great at kickstarting ur brain into thinking of something related that you Do wanna pursue)
Open/Ask For Prompt Requests (if ur brain doesnt have any ideas, u can ask around and see if anyone ELSE has ideas theyre alright with you writing! my tot fics "reviews for Time's Antiquities, South Stellis | Average Rating: 4.8 Stars" and "but little do we know, the stars welcome him with open arms" were both inspired by anon asks i got!! to those anons who sent those asks, i owe u my life....but yea, maybe other people can give ideas to you! or, again, give Something that can inspire another thing in ur brain to take shape)
Just Ramble With A Friend (SO MANY OF MY FIC IDEAS started because i was just goofing off and playing idea volleyball with fandom buddies in our DMs (shoutout to sam samsspambox, z lukevonhagen, and beck beckthebeetle for being the main culprits of this). like, what started out as a joke conversation eventually makes go "oh no wait i actually wanna see that as a fic" and then boom, Idea Has Been Acquired. but fr, talking with another person makes your brain create things u never thought about before. it's both tons of fun to chat with a buddy as a sounding board, and it yields awesome concepts for stories!)
For Fanfic Specifically, Think About What You Want To See In Canon But Hasn't Happened And You Want It So Bad It's Driving You NUTS (this can be anything from missing scenes you wish were expanded on, scenes you wish went a different way, character relationships you wish you could see more of in canon, go nuts! the fun thing with fanfic is that it's a fertile playground for all the what-ifs, and a lot of my fics' ideas were simply found because i thought "man i know tears of themis is never gonna show me deep found fam moments/artem ptsd consequences after main story 6.2/mariluke, so imma make it myself" JHVSJDHF. ideas are hard to make sometimes, but brains are so good at desiring things. and all those desires? those can also be Ideas for a fic!)
Concept Organization/Outlining
(very much skippable if your writing style/personality is more receptive to free-wheeling!! im just the type of writer who always needs an outline to begin something. it helps me structure a raw idea with no shape into something clearer that i can envision a story for)
Outline A Rough Chain Of Events Chronologically (this can be as simple as three bullet points, what happens at the Start of the story, the Middle, and the End. or maybe you can go list down the portions of your fic according to the Freytag's Pyramid Plot Structure: Exposition, Inciting Incident, Rising Action, etc etc.)
Outline A Rough List Of Stuff You Just Want To Happen In The Fic (if your brain is like mine and isnt too great at chronological thinking, make a list of just all the plot points and events or even dialog exchanges u Want to see in the fic. you can organize it in the order u want later once uve put everything down)
Outline The Themes (moving away from plot, many stories are more focused on feelings or characterization or themes. so make a list of the Concepts you want to tackle. this is something i do for my fics that are more introspective, so i outline shit like "EVENT THAT MAKES LUKE INTERNALIZE SELF-LOATHING followed by EVENT THAT MAKES LUKE'S VIEW BE NOTICED BY ANOTHER CHARACTER")
(the worst part of writing....is the writing JAVFJVSDKHFDJHJ but nah fr this is the part i have the hardest time with, so here are tips that help me kickstart the word engine)
You Dont Have To Start Writing The Fic From The Beginning Of Its Story, Start Writing Wherever (confession: a good 75% of my fics are ones where the first scene i actually wrote down was not the start. instead, i just wrote the scene i was most excited to write. and usually thats somewhere in the middle! i do this cuz it makes my brain happy, and a happy brain is much easier to pull words from than a sad brain. plus, when i see the scene I Like Best already written, it gives me motivation to do the rest of the fic because oh my god i want everybody to sEE THIS ONE DANG SCENE!!! start writing the fic at whatever point you want, in whatever order comes most naturally to you, is my point. you can fill the rest in later, but hey, starting to write where you Want has gotten you Started. now you just gotta finish, and finishing when you already have something down is much easier than starting from 0)
Set Tiny Wordcount Goals. And When I Say Tiny, I MEAN TINY!!! (writing is intimidating but if you set a goal of say, 100 words written for a wip per day, at the end of one week, you'll have 700 words. at the end of two, you'll have 1400 words. at the end of a month, 3000. small goals help since it makes you do Something, and that Something will inevitably compound, no matter what goal uve set. and let urself be proud of the goals uve achieved!!! writer brain gets happy when you tell it it's done a good job at reaching a wordcount goal, and like i said earlier, happy brain is much easier to work with than sad brain)
Give Yourself All The Time You Need (i know this sounds counterproductive but sometimes....the best thing you can do for the part of your brain that wants to start creating....is waiting til it's ready. dont pressure yourself, cuz brain will get sad. dont be too hard on yourself, cuz brain will get sad. start when you want to start in the way that works best with your brain and see where things go, but be patient with yourself. sometims Starting is actually the longest part of writing a story and thats fine. it will happen. trust)
thats all the tips ive got! and of course, what will work for me wont always work for other people, so please feel free to take what you think applies to you and discard what doesnt resonate.
i hope some part of this can help! happy writing :D
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