#i know very well a lot of my followers are only here for danny phantom content
fandomfuntimem · 1 year
The basic story and order of events for my horrer project is done. Now heres the hard part. Concept art, and ya boi isnt too sure how that will go.
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bluerosefox · 6 months
Our Well Deserved Break
Shenanigans (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Time again!~
Danny, our boy the Ghost King, looking over a small team going over relic's given or 'offered' to Pariah Dark over the years both before and after he was sealed away. As they're taking inventory of the chaotic offering room, they stumble across a certain artifact.
This artifact is able to summon a set number of people (it does have its limits) of the users wishes to them and it sets up a barrier around the surrounding place so no one summoned gets out. You know, those kinds of artifact's certain people use to summon heroes and or villains into a room and have them fight to see whose the strongest or for a tournament, Yeah that kind of artifact!
Danny, who found the item, takes a look at after being told what it does. Then out of the corner of his eye he spots himself in a mirror in the room and see's his crown floating above his head and feels the full weight of his responsibility since before and after his crowning. Yes he had help with his advisor, despite how cryptid he can be at times, and of his council but still the weight was a bit too much for a teenager like him.
An idea struck his mind when he hears the ticking of a clock behind him. Without saying a word Danny looks back and raises an eyebrow at Clockwork whose staring at him in silence as well. He glances at the item, tilts his head a bit before...
Smiles in only the way CW knows would both be good for Danny and amusing for him. He nods and says "One weekend should be fine. All timelines will be paused for them. I suggest telling your friends to help prepare for your guests. Enjoy and have fun my King."
"YES!" Danny's voice echoing in the offering room made many ghosts in the room jump for a bit.
This was totally going to be fun!
When the following weekend arrived, young and very stressed teen heroes from across the multiverse are suddenly pulled from their worlds and are summoned into the Infinite Realms. Before any of them can panic or start fights a voice rang out above them and when they looked they could see a young teen, with a crown floating above his head, white hair, and glowing green eyes sitting on a throne.
He smiled and said
"Welcome fellow stressed out Heroes and Heroines to Phantom's Keep! I'm King Phantom, recently crowned fifteen year old, and this is the Infinite Realms! The birth and ending of the multiverse afterlife! Now don't worry none of you are dead or anything like that. I summoned you all here for one reason and one reason only..."
Here Danny paused, just to troll a tiny bit, and could see some of the more tense heroes readying up for a fight or at least argue to let them go. He grinned though and then said.
"And thats.... TO HAVE FUN!"
After that he floated out of his throne and with a flourish in the air he waved his hands and his throne room changed with party decor all around. Tables off to the side appeared with food and drinks from well everywhere and anywhere the multiverse, balloons rose from the ground and floated upwards, streamers flew across above to attach themselves to the other sides, the castle lights shifted to a dim and music began playing from somewhere.
Danny grinned brightly down at them and their shocked faces. oh that's funny, thank goodness Tucker is recording this and Jazz is gonna scrapbook this party for him (she plans on making them for all the guests as a party gift later, you know to remember how fun the party was)
"Now all of you are stressed out teen heroes with a lot of responsibilities on their shoulders! Believe me, I know that feeling, been there done that still doing it even now! But! My advisor says this will be both fun for me and good for you guys to spend one whole weekend here to de-stress and have fun! I do have some ground rules though. One your timelines are in fact PAUSED, you don't have to worry about calling your parents or if you got mentors to let them know where you are at. Two you are all heroes here, many of you are from different worlds and if you are from the same world they already know or CAN be trusted with your real identities but you are NOT required to remove any masks or de-transform or anything like that, if you wish there are masks on that green table over there you can stick on if you want to keep your identities hidden and are spelled to stay on and fuzz the minds of anyone trying to remember your looks once its on, even if they catch a good look at you right now it'll fuzz their memories of you once the mask is on and even after the party don't worry we thought of the time. Three, boys and girls rooms will be at different wings within the Keep! Just ask any of the maid or butler ghosts that will be joining us shortly and they will guide you to the rooms! Fourthly! There are sparing rooms if you wanna test your strengths with others, I only ask please don't get too carried away. We are here to have fun not make enemies! and lastly PLEASE DO NOT try to leave the castle, we are in the very afterlife of the multiverse people, its like the ocean and even I find it hard to navigate it sometimes. Portals can open up to any and all worlds, different timelines, etc etc. I have key items here in the castle that can pinpoint YOUR timeline and world so when the party is over I can send you home no problem, so again please do not attempt to leave."
Danny paused to take a breath, okay ground rules set up and warnings given. He could see the absolute bewildered looks on all the heroes faces and held back a laugh. He smiled however when one of the teens, mask on his face already and dressed in green, yellow, and red asked 'Why?'
"Why? Well... I think its time us teens get to have some fun without worrying about the next big bad or world ending event. Even if just for a weekend, we do deserve a break. So... Lets have some fun for once!" Danny responded.
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flamingpudding · 1 year
DPxDC Family Week June 22 (Day 5)
Prompt: Children | Music
A/N: Super random and I had no idea what to do with the prompts until a couple hours ago.
AO3 Link: DPxDC Family Week Contributions
It was supposed to be a slow and easy day, barely anything big happening. Just a day for them all to chill and relax. Danny really had hoped for that one calm day. He had gotten Jason to come to the Manor to help him with his literature homework. It took a lot of convincing but in the end he managed to convince his second oldest brother to come. Normally he would have asked Jazz or Barbara but the girls were out on a girls night Steph had demanded.
He knows that Dick was also in the Mansion the moment Danny had let it slip a day earlier that he had gotten Jason to agree to help him; the eldest had announced that was going to come visit too. Of course to spend time with the two youngest Damian and Ellie who were busy caring for the animals in Damians Barn. That he got to hang out with Jason, read: force a hangout, was just a bonus.
Bruce was probably in the office and Alfred was in the kitchen baking.
Everything sounds like a nice and calm day doesn't it? Yea, Danny would have thought so too if it weren't for that sudden slip of cold air leaving his lips as well as a certain ghost looking at him through his Textbook.
He blinked, Jason blinked, they blinked.
"Desiree?" Danny carefully started. "What are you doing here?"
She was supposed to be in the Ghost Zone, specifically in Walker's Prison on time out for granting Condiment King of all people a wish and nearly flooding all of Gotham in mustard, ketchup and other things. Lady Gotham hadn't been very amused either, which was why Desiree should be in Walker's Prison.
The ghost in question only smiled brightly at him and he resisted the urge to close the book in her face. He could see Jason digging around in his bag, ever since the ghost had followed him to Gotham he had made sure that all of his siblings had at least something to catch them. "Well hello there Phantom. I just wanted to see if anyone wanted anything."
Before he could answer her she slipped away from them. Danny cursed in a way that would make Jason proud as he jumped off his chair, changed forms and followed the other ghost through the floor, barely remembering to yell at his brother to tell the others to not utter anything that could remotely sound like a good damn wish.
Too bad Danny had not anticipated Desiree going to the Kitchen were Alfreed and Bruce were apparently having a little nostalgic chat. In which Alfred just happens to say that he wished he had more photos of the times all of them had been children.
One wish granting ghosts intermission later…
Alfred blinked at where Bruce had been sitting a couple seconds ago. No, Bruce was still sitting there but he was not the adult he had been talking to but the six years old version.
"Master Bruce?"
The child looked up at him, tilting their head. "Alfred? Why do you look so old? Older than you normally do?"
Well wasn't that a predicament, Alfred mused. "Master Bruce, what is the last thing you remember?"
"Mom and Dad told me they were going on a business trip and I would be alone with you in the Manor for a while."
Okay that was something Alfred could work with. Surely one of the children could tell him what was going on. Maybe Daniel had an idea, this could be something related to the Infinite Realms after all.
"Alfred! Do you know where Father is?" The butler turned to the kitchen entrance only to find Damian and Danielle each holding onto the hands of a young Richard. "Richard suddenly turned into a child and he doesn't appear to remember us."
"I don't remember you because I don't know you." The child between the two frowned at them. "How did I get here? Did you kidnap me?"
"We didn't twerp. You got de-aged." Danielle was clearly fessed up with young Richard and Alfred couldn't help but chuckle.
"Who are you guys and why are you at my home?" Bruce suddenly piped up jumping of his chair and rushing over to the three.
"I live here, who are you brat?" Danielle questioned in return before Damian could say anything, her eyes narrowed at the young Bruce.
"Nu-uh. I live here with Mom and Dad. You're the stranger."
"Hi I am Richard but call me Dick, I got kidnapped."
"We did not kidnap you."
"Hi, I am Bruce and that's Alfred."
"Alfred, this boy… is that father?"
"I am afraid so, Master Damian."
Before anything further could be discussed the screaming of two other children could be heard. Bruce and Dick rushed out of curiosity toward the noise as children were. Damian and Ellie quickly followed behind them. Alfred didn't take long to also follow them.
The five of them did not expect to find more children but these two were brawling. Two similar looking young boys were currently fighting each other biting, hair pulling and even punching while screaming at each other.
Alfred did recognise one of them as Jason while the other most likely was Daniel. Clearing his throat the butler waited for the two brawling children to notice him before pulling them apart. "Master Jason. Master Daniel. You two shouldn't fight inside the house."
Danny scrunched up his nose side eyeing the Butler and Ellie cooed who would have guessed that her template used to be this cute. "I don't like that. Call me Danny."
Jason on the other hand stuck his tongue out at Danny once the two got separated. "Daniel, Daniel, Daniel."
Danny glared and Ellie could only laugh at the face he was making. "Stop that."
Damian let out a sigh. "It looks like everyone but us got turned into children. What could be the cause of this?"
Danielle shrugged. "Dunno, the only I know that could do that is a ghost but she is in ghost prison."
"I will see if I can conta-"
The two youngest turned oldest looked up in time to see Dick swinging on the foyers chandelier. The young child's hand slipped and suddenly the boy was free falling. Both rushed to catch the child, Ellie taking to the air and catching him while Damian on the ground let out a sigh of relief, before realizing that Jason and Bruce were gone.
Danny thankfully was still with Alfred holding on to the butler hand watching wide eyed and in awe how Ellie was slowly floating down to the ground with Richard in her arms. The boy was loudly yelling "Again" over and over.
"We need to find Father and Todd." Damian declared once Richard safely touched ground. The boy pouted but took Alfred's hand as he was told.
"I believe Master Bruce might have thought out his old room. It would be in the right wing of the second floor. In regards to Master Jason…"
"I will find him." Danielle offered, already speeing off. Damian only huffed in annoyance as the girl did not stay long enough for him to properly plan how to find the two missing children. With another huff he turned around and left to find his child turned father.
Alfred only smiled as the two now oldest children left and led the two whose hands he was holding towards the kitchen. "Master Richard, Master Daniel. How about you two help me bake some cookies?"
"They won't come to live will they?"
The butler chuckled at little Daniel's question but also noted that down as a worrisome statement he would have to inquire later about. "No they won't but they will surely taste better with two little helpers."
The boy let out a sigh in relieve as the other tilted his head slightly. "I love cookies! This is definitely the coolest time I have ever gotten kidnapped for."
"You have gotten kidnapped before? Jazz said getting kidnapped is bad."
"Nope, this is my first time! But how can it be bad if it's fun so far? I wanna swing on that ceiling thing again!"
"I wanna try that too…"
Alfreed only shook his head as he let the two children continue to talk. Whatever was happening the butler would make sure to take as many pictures as he could. This was his one golden opportunity to get these for the family albums. After all Tim had gifted him last month with the latest phone model that supposedly had one of the best cameras integrated.
Somewhere else in Gotham…..
When Tim finally got out of the meetings he took a look at his phone. Alfred had been sending pictures all day and he hadn't had the time to take a look at them. He choked on his coffee as pictures of Bruce, Dick, Jason and Danny as children greeted him. The young Co-CEO rubbed his eyes wondering if he was dreaming but then Alfred sent him a video that he instantly saved in his blackmail folder. Whatever was going on he would hold that over his brother's heads for a long time.
Duke leaned back into his chair finally taking a break from his study session. He had ignored his phone so far. Now that he was taking a break he looked at it and spluttered at the cuteness that greeted him. Wait, was that Bruce? And Dick? And Jason? And Danny? What was happening in the Manor? Wasn't today supposed to be a slow day? Hurriedly, the Meta packed up his things from his library table and made his way back home. He did stop shortly at one point to take a look at the video Alfred sent, trying but failing to stop the laugh that bubbled out of him.
The girls all crowded around the screen as Barbara pulled up a live feat from the Manors cameras. They all collectively squalled when they watched the children play. A part of them wondered if they should go to the manor to help Alfred Damian and Ellie but they were having too much fun just watching the chaos unfold on screen.
In the video and live on Barbara's screen four children were currently dancing to the strangest music with Danielle before them instructing them on how to pull off the best moves. All the children's attention was on her as she taught them everything from easy hip hop moves to the funkiest dance move she, herself could think of. Meanwhile Damian was on the sidelines, head in his hand mumbling something but because of the music neither the video Alfred was taking nore the video cams, the girls were watching them from, picked it up.
A couple day's later a blindfolded Constantine finally grazed the Wayne Manor with his presence and a solution to return the four children back to their original age. Once that was done, three out of four were certainly mortified, the fourth trying to take it with Humor all while Alfred was happily working on an additional family photo album.
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my-name-is-calypso · 8 months
Okag so this Au can be mainly used for everlasting trio (platonic or not), but you can use anything else
Alot of things are basically the same, EXCEPT this is halfa trio au, BUT THERES IS ONLY ONE PHANTOM/HALFA HERO! Or at least thats what everyone else thinks, BECAUSE SAM, TUCKER AND DANNY ARE ALL HALFAS
But theres something missing here right? How are they all halfas but theres only "one" ghost hero?
My friends...THEY ARE KINDA OF AN AMALGAMATION BUT ALSO NOT, their main form is a mix of the tree of them BUT they can also shapeshift a bit
Not enough to change their WHOLE appearence, for example:
if they are gonna deal with a ghostly tech (or magic) problem, the ghost will look more like Tucker, if its a nature the ghost will look like Sam (and other theme that you think will fit Sam, because i want to give at least 2 themes for each) one), if the problem is Space/Ice they will look more like Danny.
But it will still be a mix, only that more traits of each of them will appear more (if the problems is focused on the areas of only two, both traits will appear more)
And their thoughs? Can they each think separetly or not? Well i like the idea of their thoughs beaing separed, which will cause a lot of problems at their start on being a hero.
OH AND ALSO!! The main form will have 2 legs and 2 Arms, and the body will look human, but certain times, if 2 arms are -for example- stuck, at least 2 more país can appear, i think it will look good if that mainly happen with arms and legs, but fuck it, anything else works, like their head will just turn in a less fucked up version of like...v0ldemort face being on the back of that one professor head.
ANY WAY GETTING THIS OUT OF THE WAY, lets give more details!!!
The Start:
Their backstorys and family relations is all the same, danny parents are still the "crazy" scientists that believe in ghost, and all that jazz
We know how it goes, the portal gets ready, does not work, The Fenton parents get sad and bla bla bla (you can choose the details here)
But the trio wants to check it, they go see it and for whatever motive you choose they wnat danny to go inside the portal, AND THATS WHERE THINGS CHANGE
Because danny refuses to go unless the three of them go, they agree, take on of the others Danny's extra HAZMATS suits, and they go inside (they hold hands because its dark and they don't want to get hurt)
Their death:
The portal turns on with the three of them still inside, and well they go trough alot of pain and well they have one form and they are tripping everywhere and can't use their(?) body very well, and everyones panicking and hearing each others thoughs and crying and they see a mirror (you choose how they look like exactly but i think their form is changing constatly, and the faces is not exactly right ...until they open their eyes, and are all fallen in the floor, human, breathing and most important, normal!
So everything is the same, except some details, like when vlad sees danny, he doesnt see that danny is an halfa like him, but knows that he is not exactly normal, so he keeps his eyes closes to him, but nothing happens. UNTILL HE SEES PHANTOM (and think the name should be only one and still be phantom) and realizes that is danny, so he follows while hidden to talk to him, and sees the trio destransform
His obsession still has something to do with marrying maddie and adopting Danny (be it him wanting a family, and being delusional that only these two will love him), but he ONLY wants danny to be his halfa son, so he kinda wants to find a way to only have danny as an halfa (be it killing Sam and Tucker)
And then he goes to cloning, and Danniele is born, she is still mainly a clone of Danny, but she still has Sam and Tucker DNA (Vlad failed to truly get rid of these two DNA, so he stuck to having just the minumum of their DNA), they help Danniele (who chooses to now be named Ellie) and she goes to travel the world (in this, she has a phone, and keeps in touch with the trio)
Jazz still is the one to first fully alive person to find out their secret, she doenst change a lot, she just worries more because of the trio
Valerie still is Red Huntress and hates ghosts, but she gets a truce with phantom sooner and gets rid of her hatred of ghost earlier (her Dad still loses his job, and she gets kicked out of the A-Listers, and she still works a part-time job at Nasty Burger)
Amity park thinks Phantom is one person and just shapeshifts (not that crazy of an idea once you realizes ghost exists) and so does the ghost at their first meeting untill they se the trio destransfrom.
The G.I.W is not much of a joke here, because goverment, but they suck ALOT on catchin ghosts
If you wanna go with dissection, i have no idea what will happen so be creative
May add images later?
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five-rivers · 1 year
Cult Division 4
Part of this series.
“Vlad,” said Maddie.  
“Maddie,” purred Vlad.  “What brings you here today?”
Maddie repressed the desire to curl her lip.  “I am informing you that we’re exhuming Phantom’s body, following the activities of the unidentified cultists last night.”
“Oh, but, Maddie, only family members can do that.  And unless you and Phantom are suddenly family members…”
“Don’t give me that,” said Maddie.  “I.  Know.”
Vlad’s expression soured.  “Yes.  Quite,” he said flatly.  “I am aware.  However, unless you want to make your relationship with the boy public, there’s nothing I can do about the law.”
Maddie, having anticipated this, slammed a piece of paper down on the desk.  “You won’t have to,” she said.  “The law is very much on my side for this one.  Municipal Ordinance 10776.  Investigative professionals registered with the city can request that any grave be exhumed.”
(Investigative professionals here meaning ghost hunters.  Not everyone had the kind of open-mindedness as the average Amity Parker, and although a ordinance against summoning ghosts could be laughed off, things like this tended to be taken a little more seriously.)
“Request,” stressed Vlad.  “Requests, by their nature, are not automatically granted.”
“Maybe,” said Maddie.  “But when word gets around about the cultists, and it will, people will start asking why we aren’t investigating.”
“Is there even anything to investigate?” asked Vlad, putting on his fake innocent act again.  “Goodness, I thought the cultists left the memorial intact and undisturbed.  Are you saying I was misinformed?  Or has something happened to poor Daniel?  I’m sorry, to Phantom?  It really is fascinating that they both have the same first name.”
They glared at each other over the mayoral desk.  
“If I have to,” said Maddie, “I can always reveal you.”
“And I’ll deny everything, or reveal Phantom.”
“Not your ghost half,” said Maddie.  “Your continued sexual harassment.  There might not be enough of it to get you arrested, but there’s certainly enough for some interesting headlines.”
(She could also just wait for the police to get a warrant from a judge, but figuring out how to word it without saying anything about ghosts, cultists, or other things that would make outsiders overly curious took time.)
“You wouldn’t.”
“I would.  Jack would be upset, but if it's for Danny, I think he’ll get over it.”
“Very well,” said Vlad, who looked like he’d swallowed a full box of spiders.  “I will approve your request.”
“Thank you,” said Maddie.  “I–”  Her phone went off.  Relishing the chance to be rude to Vlad, she answered it.  “Hello?”
“Kidnapped?” Maddie Fenton repeated again.  “How?”
“Er,” said Collins, drumming his fingers on the wheel of his car.  This was not the best place to have this conversation, but there weren’t a lot of better options, so…  “The normal way, I suppose.  Someone broke into the house and took him.”
“Through Jack?”
“That’s something we’re investigating.”  Jack Fenton had been found passed out near the front door, and was one of the reasons they’d been called in.  Apparently, bright orange hazmat was visible.  Who would have thought.
“But,” said Maddie, “you think Danny’s okay?”
‘Okay’ was probably an overstatement.  An overstatement at best.  They hadn’t found any major organs or limbs strewn around the house, but there were signs of a struggle, and kidnapping victims were, as a rule, never okay.  
Also… Collins made the decision to not mention the bloody backpack.  Some things mothers (and potential suspects) were better off not knowing.  He was fairly certain it wasn’t Danny’s blood on the bag, anyway.  He almost felt bad for whoever kidnapped him.  
Whoever those people were, he doubted they were aware of even a tenth of what Danny did for Amity Park.  
“At this point, he is most likely still…” he hesitated slightly before the next word, “alive.”  He wasn’t convinced anything could kill Danny.  The kid seemed invulnerable, for all intents and purposes, and even as a human, he could do incredible things.
Maddie made a strangled noise on the other side of the line.  
“We’d like you to come down to the station,” continued Collins.  “Keep your phone on and with you.  It’s possible you’ll be contacted for ransom.”  Possible, but highly unlikely.  The Fentons were well-off, but not to this degree.  
“I don’t have time,” said Maddie.  “I have to look.”
“We’re looking.”
“You aren’t ghost hunters.  It’s almost certainly a ghost that took him.”
“There’s reason to believe that is not the case.  Mrs. Fenton.  Maddie.  It’s possible that you saw or heard something important before you left or earlier this week.”
Maddie was quiet on the other side of the line.  “You think I had something to do with this?” she asked, a thread of danger running through her words.  
“Not as such, no.  This is just– this is just procedure.  We need to look into everyone.  We’re talking to Jack, too.”
“Is that why you think it was humans who did this?”
Again, the reason for that was more the bloodied bag, but, again, he wasn’t talking about that.  “Go to the station and you can ask him yourself.”
“Are you not at the station?”
Crap, what had he said to make her think that?  “That’s–”
“You’re still at Fentonworks, aren’t you?”
“No?” said Collins.  
Maddie hung up on him.  
Great.  She was on her way and she’d be on the warpath.  He hit redial.
“Hello?” said Maddie, in a way that told him that she hadn’t looked at the caller ID and that she was considering what he’d said about ransoms.
“Look, Maddie, I know you were going up to see if you could get permission to exhume the body.  Could we– If you go to the station, we can get that started right away.  We have the equipment ready to go, the medical examiner is ready.  Everything is ready.”
“This is a crime scene, Maddie.  You can’t be here.”  
“It’s my house.  And my son.”
“I know, I know.  We care about Danny, too.  But he’s not here.  You can’t help him here.”
There was quiet on the other side of the line.
“So,” said Paterson.  “You went to the door and… what, again?”
“I already told him,” said Jack, who was sitting on the back of an ambulance, getting poked and prodded by an EMT.  “Can’t he tell you?”
“Sure,” said Paterson, glancing sideways at McGee, “but can you run me through it again?  For reference?  Sometimes, we remember things better the second time around.”
“I went to the door, and started feeling dizzy, but I opened it up - I shouldn’t have done that.  Should have realized that something was wrong.  I opened it up, and there was this duffel bag there.”
“Do you remember anything about the duffel bag?”
“It was taped over in weird places.  Patched.  Uh.  It might have been blue?  Or green?  But after I saw it, I just passed out.  I don’t know what it was about it that made me pass out.”
“Oxygen deprivation,” said the EMT.
“Right, you said I wasn’t breathing before, so–”
“Which was caused by oxygen deprivation.  You show all the signs.  Whoever it was that did this must have released a huge amount of nitrogen or something similar into the area immediately in front of your door.”
“I didn’t feel like I couldn’t breathe, though.”
“You wouldn’t.  Our reflex to breathe is triggered by the presence of carbon dioxide, not the absence of oxygen.  Without rescue breaths, you would have died of asphyxiation.”
“That’s a thing?” asked Paterson, scrunching her nose.  
“Yeah,” said Jack.  “You can’t really work as a scientist without at least hearing about it.”
“People have died from it before,” said the EMT.  “You’re probably going to be fine, you were found fast, but you still need to go to the hospital.”
“But I need to find Danny.”
“They wouldn’t have stuck around,” said Paterson.  “We’ve already got everyone looking for Danny.  Amber Alert and everything.”
“Do you think they did the same thing to Danny?  The nitrogen thing?”
“It would have been in the house, yeah,” said the EMT.  
“Okay,” said Paterson, “so we should look for someone who bought a whole lot of nitrogen tanks or something?  What do people even use those for?”
The EMT shrugged.  “Science, I guess.  You ready to go, Mr. Fenton?”
“Alright,” said Jack.  
“Hey, wait,” said McGee, “I’m not done yet–”
“Then you can come talk to him at the hospital,” said the EMT.  “George!  Come over and help me!”
The EMTs packed Jack into the ambulance and drove away.  
McGee stared after it, tapping his foot.  “Do you think these kidnappers were able to revive Danny, or are we going to be looking for a corpse?”
“Don’t say things like that,” said Paterson.  She’d already seen Danny’s corpse once, after all, she didn’t need to see it again.  “It’s bad luck.”
Danny woke slowly.  He felt unpleasantly bruised, for one, and for another, the last thing he remembered was getting kidnapped, which was generally not a precursor to happy fun times.  
He peeled open eyes that felt disgustingly bloodshot, and looked around.  There wasn’t much to see.  The room he was in was small, clean, and bare, and he was lying down on a bed.  Someone had even tucked him in.  
Creepy.  Not that kidnapping wasn’t creepy in and of itself, but this was especially creepy.  
He struggled to sit up, and discovered that he’d been wrapped in a kind of improvised straitjacket.  Several layers of blankets were wrapped around him and held in place by belts.  He strained against them, but unfortunately whatever the cult from the other night had done was still holding strong.  No powers for him, not even a little bit.
And Danny didn’t even know why these people had taken him.  
His legs were still free, so, with a little extra maneuvering, he got up and walked around the room.  The one door didn’t even have a handle.  
He was stuck.  
His mouth suddenly even drier than it had been, he swallowed.  He was stuck.  Trapped.  Hadn’t even figured his way out of this frankly embarrassing ‘straightjacket.’  
The door opened, and Danny stumbled back, overbalancing and thumping into the wall.  Severa masked figures walked in.
“Oh, he’s perfect!”
They came in, crowding him.  
“Back off!”  Danny kicked out, but he was at a bad angle, and the first of the mask-wearers was able to get close enough that Danny couldn’t do anything other than try to bite, which didn’t really work if the person you were trying to bite was holding your face.  
“Just perfect.”  They tilted Danny’s head this way and that, and Danny couldn’t pull away.  “Age, of course, is important, but appearance, too.  I hadn’t realized…”  They fell to muttering.  
Danny’s eyes flicked from mask to mask.  They were plain white plastic with the eyes blacked out with some kind of fabric.  Simple, but effective.  Danny didn’t know who these people were.  
“Yes, our sponsor was right.  You’ll do perfectly.  Perfectly.”  They patted Danny’s cheek.  
“Sponsor?”  Danny didn’t want to interact with these people at all, but he needed information.  
“I know you must be so frightened.  We would have tried a more peaceful way, but those ghost hunters…  They would never see reason.”
The other mask-wearers shifted, grumbling.  
“The number of times they have assaulted our lord–  No, no, we had to get you somewhere safe.  After all, you are to be the host for our lord, Phantom.”
Well.  That.  
He stared at the masked person, uncomprehending as they waxed poetic about Phantom’s - his - virtues.  Many of which Danny didn’t have.
“... honor, to be chosen, and an honor, too, to be here to witness.  But, of course, you’ve asked after our sponsor.  He asked to meet with you.”  They ran their hand through Danny’s hair, which was just.  Bad.  “Yes.  We have followed his word for some time, and he has never led us wrong, you know.”
Danny didn’t know.  And he didn’t want to meet this ‘sponsor’ they were talking about.
“He’ll be coming soon,” said the masked person.  “You’ll talk, and then… then we prepare.”
The masked people filed out of the room and closed the door behind them.  Danny futilely tried to open the door, in case they hadn’t closed it properly.  Frustrated, he sat down on the bed.  
Another cult.  A different one, too, if he knew anything about cults, which was not a sentence he’d have expected to say before he became a half ghost.  Worse, not only was it another cult, it was another Phantom cult.  What part of his behavior as Phantom made people think he wanted cults?  
Superman didn’t have to deal with this.  
Superman was fictional.  
Maybe he could use the walls or the edge of the cot to shift the belts around, and from there he could use the buckles to… pick the nonexistent lock on the door.  Right.  Not likely.  Maybe he could do something to - no, the hinges were on the outside.  At least, he could use them as a weapon, probably?  Maybe–
Danny’s ghost sense went off, and he tensed.  He wasn’t ready for a fight, but he was ready to be a pain, assuming this ghost was involved, and make a plea for escape, if they weren’t.
A ghost phased through the door.  
Danny hissed.  
“Hello, little badger.”
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Drop Off Part 2
Chapter One
Chapter Two:
Tucker skips lunch and hides in the bathroom.  He can’t deal with Sam or Danny after what happened that morning, and it doesn’t help that Danny hasn’t looked him in the eyes all week.
Sam hasn’t stopped with her angry rants about Phantom during lunch either.  If anything, they’ve gotten worse since Tucker got hurt.  The only difference is now Danny doesn’t say anything in response or try to change the topic, just stares down at the table and takes it, while none of them acknowledge that that’s exactly what he’s doing.
Anyway, Tucker can’t deal with it today.
He plans at first on staying in the bathroom for a while and then heading to his next class, but then he remembers that he has a biology class with Sam next, and the idea of dealing with her is still too much.  He could skip that one too, but even if he skips all the classes he shares with Sam, he’ll still have to go with her to training.  Today is the day they both picked for him to go back.
And the idea of going to training with Sam, listening to her push him or berate him or tell Vlad about how worrisome it is that he still thinks of Danny as—
He can’t do it.  The idea makes him feel sick.
So instead, when lunch ends, Tucker slips out the front doors of the school and starts towards Vlad alone.  If he doesn’t go with Sam again, that’ll just make her angrier; but if she gets there and finds him not there, and then Vlad tells her he skipped school to go instead, that might make her realize he meant it when he said he’d start training more.
Besides, he can just not mention anything that he’s feeling to Vlad, and then that’ll be fine.
He knocks on the door when he gets there, then rings the doorbell after he gets no response.  Finally, when he’s about ready to knock again, Vlad pulls the door open, looking more than a little surprised to see him.
“I thought you’d be at school, my boy,” he says.
“Well I’m not,” Tucker says, walking past him without saying anything else.
Vlad turns and follows him in, shutting the door behind him.
“Is Samantha here with you?” he asks.
“No,” Tucker says, ignoring Vlad calling her Samantha.  “She’s still at school.  We don’t need to talk, I just came here to train.”
“Are you sure?” Vlad asks, moving forward and putting a hand on his shoulder before Tucker can activate his suit.  “Sam told me what happened, it must have been a lot.”
“Yeah, well, I don’t want to talk about it,” Tucker says, activating his suit before Vlad can say anything else.  “I just came here to start training more like Sam told me to.”
“Tucker, hang on a minute,” Vlad says.  He walks around to Tucker’s front, putting a firm hand back on his shoulder.  “I know this is hard, believe me.”
“Oh do you?” Tucker says, taking a step back so Vlad’s hand falls down.  “Is Danny your friend?  Are you the one being asked to fight him?”
Vlad seems to hesitate for a second, and then he sighs.  “No,” he admits.
“That’s what I thought—”
“But would it help you to know that I actually have been through something very similar?”
Tucker blinks.  “Uh,” he says.  “What?  Really?”
Vlad nods.  “With Daniel’s father, believe it or not,” he says.
Tucker stares at him for another second.  He had come here just to train with no intention of talking— with every intention of not talking, actually.  But it’s not like he can just leave that statement hanging there.
“What… do you mean?” Tucker asks hesitantly.
Vlad smiles sadly at him, and waves him over to the side of the room.  He’s apparently set some chairs over there since Tucker’s been here last.  There’s two small plush ones, likely meant for him and Sam, and a larger one that Vlad sits in.  He gestures to the smaller chair closest to him.
Tucker hesitates for a moment, then walks over and sits down.
“I told you already that Jack and I were friends in college,” he says.  “But I don’t think I explained why that’s no longer the case.”
Tucker shook his head, trying to lean in to listen and ignore the squirming of bad feeling in his gut.  He has a feeling this isn’t going to be good.
Vlad sighs.  “Well, it’s not a story I like to tell, in all honesty.  But I think it might help you, so I’ll make an exception.  While the three of us were in school together, we designed a prototype ghost portal.  We gathered to test it together, but there was an incident.”  Vlad takes a breath, and something flashes across his face.  Tucker isn’t sure if it’s sadness or anger, and Vlad moves on before he can decide.  “I was luckier than poor Daniel in that the accident only nearly killed me.  But Jack was the one who wrote down the calculations, and turned on the portal while I was right next to it.  He tried to kill me, just like Daniel did your friend Samantha.”
Tucker looks away, his stomach swirling with nerves again.  He might actually be sick if all of this keeps up.
He feels a hand on his shoulder again a second later, and turns to see Vlad looking at him with sympathy.
“I couldn’t see Jack for what he was until it was too late,” he says.  “I don’t want that to happen to you, or to Samantha.  That’s another reason I’m here, along with protecting the others Daniel might hurt.”
Tucker chews on his lip for a minute, trying to think of how to respond, how to ask what he wants to know without making Vlad uncomfortable.  “Did…” he says hesitantly.  “Did you ever lie to Mr Fenton?”
Vlad gives a startled laugh that startles Tucker too.  “Oh yes,” he says after a second, nodding, and looking up as if thinking to himself.  “Many, many times.”
Tucker squirms uncomfortably in his seat.  “Did it ever get any easier?” he asks quietly.
He feels Vlad look at him, though Tucker doesn’t look up to meet his gaze.
“Yes,” Vlad says, sounding rather casual about the idea.  “Eventually, I got numb to it.  It’s like second nature now.”
…Tucker shouldn’t have asked.  That absolutely does not make him feel better.
There’s a long pause.
“You know,” Vlad says eventually.  “If it’s numbness that would help you, I might have a solution.”
This time, Tucker actually doesn’t ask.  Vlad keeps talking anyway.
“You’ve seen the ghost models I’ve designed to practice aim,” Vlad says, gesturing out at the training grounds in front of them.  “It wouldn’t be that difficult to make a couple that look like Daniel.”
Tucker’s head snaps up.  “I don’t want to do that,” he says immediately, shaking his head almost violently back and forth.
Whoops, he’d thought he was done with the concussion.  Apparently not.  He presses a hand to the back of his head, trying to stop the sudden ache.
“Do you think it’s going to be easier to shoot him without any practice?” Vlad asks gently, reaching out and putting a hand on Tucker’s shoulder again.  Tucker looks down but doesn’t lean away.
“After all,” Vlad continues. “It’s nothing he hasn’t done to you already.”
Tucker takes short, shallow breaths.  He can’t bring himself to say anything.
Finally, Vlad squeezes his shoulder firmly and leans back.  “I’ll tell you what,” he says.  “You look like your head is hurting again.  Go home and rest for the day.  Come back tomorrow if you’re feeling better.  You can give me an answer then.”
Tucker all but sprints from the house, giving no reply.  He ignores the people that send him strange looks as he runs past them, and keeps going until he finds a small empty side street.  He runs down it until he can duck behind the dumpster sitting near the end.
Then he doubles over and vomits up the food that’s in his stomach.
As another bonus to skipping lunch, there’s not much there.
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Cain and Abel Wept 23/23
TW: Mentions of scars and past torture
Well, here we are at the end. I want to thank everyone who has stayed with me till now. I had fun writing this fic and reading all your comments. I won't write an epilogue because I feel that it ended in a good place.
Phantom, King of the Infinite Realms, Tells All in an Exclusive Interview
How a Young King Has Kept the World Safe
By: Lois Lane
GOTHAM July 3, 20XX—Following the last week's UN meeting, many questions have been posed to Danny Fenton, also known in his small town as Phantom, the King of the Ghosts. One of these questions being: why hadn’t he said he was the King of the Ghosts when he did his first interview? Fenton has decided to break his silence by giving an exclusive interview to me, Lois Lane. Below is the transcript.
Lois Lane: So, your majesty—
Danny: Please, call me Danny. You’re not one of my subjects; even if you were, I hate being called that.
Lois Lane: Danny. Well, my first question. Why did you decide to come out as the Ghost King now and not sooner when we interviewed you?
Danny: Simple, it was strategic at the moment. If I had told everyone I was the Ghost King at the time, the US government would’ve found ways to keep me quiet. Besides, the Justice League said it was better if I did it this way.
Lois Lane: I know you had touched upon this before, by why didn’t you come out and say anything to the Justice League earlier? Why did you wait so long if the US government endangered your kingdom and the world?
There are two main reasons. First, I thought the Justice League would turn me in right away. Looking back now, it was stupid to think that way, but what else was I supposed to believe? They uphold justice; my very existence was against the law. When my family and I escaped the GIW a few months ago, we thought our only chance was to flee the country and ask for outside help.
Second, getting any help from inside Amity Park was close to impossible. Because of the high ghostly activity, the GIW had closed off Amity Park to any external communication. A few townspeople had tried to ask for help when Pariah Dark, the old Ghost King, attacked and then sucked us into an alternate dimension. This was before, during, and after the attack.
Eventually, we figured out we were on our own, and I took down any threat we had. Then a rumor started going around town. The Justice League never showed up because they a. knew about the ghosts and b. thought the GIW was the best way to keep them down. It makes sense. I shudder at the thought of possessed Superman.
Lois Lane: Hitting on that subject. What’s to stop a ghost from possessing a hero, a citizen? They are dangerous, and yet you advocate that they are under attack.
Danny: No offense Ms. Lane, but a human with Kryptonite is dangerous to Superman. A person with a gun can kill a lot of people. Everyone on this planet has the potential to be dangerous; most of us aren’t. It’s the same with ghosts. The most dangerous ones are quickly locked away for the safety of Earth and the Infinite Realms. Besides, the percentage of ghosts that leave the Realms is less than 0.1%. Those that do leave don’t venture away from Amity Park. While there are shades—people that died violently and have not had a chance to enter the realms—they pose no threat to people as they don’t have enough power.
There have always been ghosts around us, and nothing major has happened to the Earth. I argue that the last two years have put the world in more danger than the whole of history when it comes to ghosts. The GIW wanted to destroy the Infinite Realms. As I said during the UN meeting, we are two sides of the same coin. If one is destroyed, so is the other. Humans have been a greater threat to ghosts than ghosts have ever been to humans.
Lois Lane: Hmm, interesting. Now, to get a bit more personal, how did you, a seventeen-year-old boy, become the King of a previously unknown realm?
Danny: [Danny laughs while scratching the back of his head.] Remember when I mentioned our town got sucked into the Infinite Realms? I was fourteen at the time. I had been a hero for under a year and was terrified. I put on a suit my parents had designed that amplified a person’s power and challenged Pariah Dark. He was a tyrant and had been put to sleep by the Ancients to keep him from conquering the Earth.
I found out about him when some of the ghosts had escaped the Infinite Realms out of fear. I ended up fighting the guy in single combat and somehow won. At the time, I didn’t know beating him made me the next in line to the throne until last year during my sixteenth birthday, when a floating eyeball showed up with a crown and ring and said it was time for me to take it.
Lois Lane: I’m sorry, did you say a floating eyeball?
Danny: [Laughs] It’s a long story. I’ll get into them later when I write down the guide I intend to publish in case anyone wants to know more about ghost culture. But essentially, they’re like a council of ghosts that are nothing more than floating eyeballs wearing capes. They pass judgment and are my advisors. They’re annoying.
Lois Lane: Well, that is certainly interesting. I want to wrap up this interview with one final question: Why did you reveal yourself? You could’ve gotten the help as Phantom, King of the Infinite Realms? Now, everyone knows your secret. Why expose yourself that way?
Danny: Hmm, well, honestly, it felt right. I wanted to show the world I wasn’t here only to help ghosts but to help humanity, too. I live in two worlds: the land of the living and the land of the dead. I wanted everyone to know that I understand both words and have them in my heart. What better way to stop any naysayer from saying I have no interest in humanity than by showing them I am part human?
Danny opened his eyes. It was still dark out. He didn’t know what woke him up until he heard soft footsteps on the other side of the door.
“Dami, I know you’re there. You and Jason might as well come in.”
Dami opened the door and entered, followed by a tired-looking Jason.
“Sorry, akhi, we didn’t mean to wake you.”
“No problem; what’s up,” Danny asked as he sat up.
Danny was staying at Wayne Manor for the time being but didn’t go out through the main entrance. They didn’t want the news to find out (at least not yet.) that he was staying with the Waynes and that his biological father was Bruce Wayne. That was a problem for future him when he resolved all the GIW issues.
Things were going better than they had hoped. They had most of the public’s support thanks to the Justice League and their PR team. The US government had banned the GIW and the experimentation of ectoentities. The UN has started drafting laws that protect all persons, ghosts, or beings with an ectosignature.
Danny was now more worried about what was happening closer to home.
Jason had problems controlling his abilities, and his younger brother had become more awkward around Danny, unsure of how to interact with him.
Jason woke up from nightmares in his ghost form (chest bare with a Y-incision weeping ectoplasm. His nails missing, and ectoplasm coming out of his mouth and eyes. Hair white with black stripes. Burn scars ran up Jason’s arms. Jason’s death screams echoed through the manor, haunting everyone.)
Thankfully, x-rays showed that everything was where it was supposed to be, and physically, Jason was fine—one less thing to worry about.
Jason went up to Danny and showed that his right arm was going in and out of invisibility.
“Oh, yeah, that’s a problem.”
Jason scoffed, “I dreamt that—well, I dreamt something, and now my arm won’t stop doing this.”
Danny nodded in understanding. He remembered learning how to control his powers and how terrifying it was when he lost access to or control of them. He couldn’t imagine how much worse it was for Jason.
(At least Danny’s death and revival had been quick.)
Danny sat on the edge of the bed and got hold of where Jason’s arms should’ve been. It wasn’t intangible.
“Okay, concentrate on the feel of your arm. The weight, the way it moves, and then imagine it’s there.”
Danny wished he could explain this better. He felt he wasn’t good enough to teach Jason to control his powers.
Eventually, Jason’s arm appeared again, clean of any blemishes. Jason sighed in relief and moved his fingers.
“Thanks, kid,” Jason whispered.
“I didn’t do anything.”
 “Trust me, having someone who knows what’s going on and has dealt with this is plenty.”
Danny hummed in understanding.
Jason sat on a loveseat and closed his eyes.
“Have you heard from Talia,” Jason asked.
“Yes, she’s been sending me text messages when she destroys a GIW base. I wish she wouldn’t. I don’t want people thinking it’s me.”
“Tt, it’s not just mother destroying those bases. You’ll be fine; no one will ever think it was on your orders. It’s clearly humans destroying the bases.”
That was true. Since the discovery of the GIW, mobs, heroes, and vigilantes have gone after GIW bases in the United States to destroy them. Thankfully, the government hadn’t accused Danny of ordering it. There have been no ghost attacks since Danny destroyed the portal in Amity.
Danny heard a snore. Jason had fallen asleep; good, he needed it. Danny sent feelings of calmness toward Jason, hoping to stave off any nightmares.
“When do you think you’ll go back to Amity,” Damian asked in a monotone voice.
“Not anytime soon. We’re closer to the UN building here. I want to be able to sort everything out before going back to my haunt.”
Damian stayed silent. He wanted to say that Gotham could be Danny’s haunt if they stayed long enough. He stayed quiet. Damian didn’t want to alienate his older brother.
“I’ll visit every weekend. It’s not as if I can’t fly here. Besides, it would be hard for Bruce to find an excuse for why I’m staying here.”
“Tt, don’t worry about father; he’s used to scandals.”
“Dami,” Danny started.
“I know, akhi, I won’t begrudge you going back home but don’t leave because you think it would inconvenience father. He’s dealt with worse.”
Danny smiled.
“I know. Don’t worry, we’ll come up with something, but I miss my haunt. It calls to me. I can’t help it.”
Damian nodded. He’s been reading up on ghost culture. A ghost couldn’t be far from their haunt for long without feeling like a part of them was missing. And, while theoretically, a new place could become their haunt, it was painful for them. Damian wouldn’t ask his brother to give up something for him. He had already sacrificed too much.
“I’ll visit, too,” Damian said, “That is if it’s okay with you.”
“I would love that. I’ll show you my Keep in the Ghost Zone when we fix the portal. It’ll be fun.”
They went quiet, with Jason’s soft snores filling the room.
“You think Bruce will be okay with Jason going to Amity for a while when we leave?”
Jason had decided to follow Danny to Amity Park until he got used to his powers. Father hadn’t taken the news too well. He still feared losing Jason.
“The rest of my siblings will be here to help. Besides, it’s like you said; you’ll visit every weekend. Todd can come with you.”
Danny yawned, and Damian knew he had stayed too long.
“I’ll go back to my room. You need to rest.”
Danny took hold of Damian’s hand, “You might as well stay, you know if you want.”
Damian smiled, knowing an olive branch when he heard one.
“I would love to, akhi, thank you.”
For the first time in years, both brothers slept in the same bed. Both brothers had smiles decorating their faces.
Nobody in the room had nightmares for the remainder of the night.
Thank you for reading until the end!
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An Early Start - Chapter 16 - Danny Phantom
Ao3: Here | Masterpost: Here
Ao3 Description: The accident that turns Danny half-ghost happens when he is four years old and leaves him trapped in the Ghost Zone. Clockwork finds him and takes him in to raise. But what happens when Clockwork sends Danny back to the human-world ten years later when a permanent portal appears?
Chapter 16:
Nighttime in Masters Manor left the entire castle with the same unsettling feeling as the man himself. But Danny was exhausted, especially after not sleeping the night before in that stupid RV, so he resolved to try and get at least some sleep. He managed a restless two hours before his ghost sense woke him up. Whatever. It’s not like he was sleeping very well anyway. Danny turned in to his ghost half, always a welcome return, and went to go find the source. It honestly didn’t surprise him that this castle was haunted, but he wanted to make sure none of them would hurt his family.
The source of his ghost sense did not take long to find. While invisible, he saw those same three vulture ghosts from back in Amity Park, and they finally found his father as they trailed behind him while he groggily made his way to the bathroom. Danny swooped underneath the floor and brought his dad with him, dropping him off at the bathroom before returning. “Hi, guys,” Danny said. “I thought I sent you to Florida.” The vultures turned around at the sound of his voice, scowls adorning their faces and a biting remark surely at the ready. But, the moment they did turn, they proceeded to scream, and flew off.
Well, okay then. “That was weird.” Danny mumbled.
“Ah, bright boy.”
Danny spun around and found himself greeted face to face with a different ghost altogether. Black hair, blue face and a white suit. The ghost floated with arms crossed and a smirk across his face. Danny lifted a hand and waved. “Hello.”
“Clockwork’s ward,” the ghost said. “I’ve heard tales of you. I also heard you recently left the Ghost Zone.”
“A lot of ghosts have heard of me,” Danny replied. “But my name is Phantom. What’s your name?”
The ghost only smiled and phased through the wall behind him, into the castle's study. Danny followed. “You can call me Plasmius.” The ghost said. “Tell me, my boy, why would a ghost like you decide to leave the Ghost Zone, now of all times, to protect the humans? What changed?”
Danny had a feeling he was going to have to fight this ghost, but he could tell he was powerful, so Danny didn’t know if it was a fight to win. He remained calm as he answered. “Clockwork gave me a mission.”
“So you decide to just follow his orders blindly? Oh, you are such a child.”
“He raised me,” Danny scowled despite himself. He took a breath and centered himself again, now was not the time to lose his temper. “Why are you here? Do you know those vultures?”
“I hired those idiot vultures!” Plasmius announced. “They were supposed to kill Jack, not believe the weak lie of some teenage ghost. I guess I’ll just have to finish him off myself,” and his face darkened. “But you first.” Plasmius shot a blast of pink ectoplasmic energy at Danny and Danny quickly put up a force field to dodge it.
“Can’t we talk this out?” Danny tried. “I don’t want to fight you!”
Plasmius only smirked. “No you most certainly do not.” He shot another blast at Danny and Danny let go of flight to dodge it. The moment he reached the ground, he touched the floor, and a shot of ice fractured out, climbing up Plasmius once it reached him, completely encasing him.
Danny shot back in to the air and flew toward him. “Look, it doesn’t have to –“ But seconds later Danny was thrown back. From inside his encasing of ice, fire began to burn from Plasmius’ entire body, and once the ice was melted enough, he broke free.
“Clever,” Plasmius said. “But still not stronger than me!” He flew toward Danny and split into four versions of himself, surrounding Danny. Trapped on all sides, Danny knew he was at a disadvantage, cloning himself was something he's not yet managed to master. Danny knew he only had one choice left, but it was destructive, and he was not at that point yet, so he fought.
Danny gave it everything he could, fought with everything he had, but it still wasn’t enough. Plasmius countered every attack and immediately got back up every time he was hit.
“Why do you want to kill Jack Fenton so bad?!” Danny demanded.
“Because,” Plasmius growled. “He deserves to die.”
“Then you leave me no other choice.” Danny steeled himself, took a deep breath, and released a ghostly wail that shook the entire room. Books fell off their shelves, chairs went flying, and Plasmius screamed as he was thrown against the opposite wall and slid to the floor. The battle was over. When he was sure Plasmius would not get up, Danny too fell to the floor, exhaustion from the fight mixed with the energy drained from his most powerful attack, he blacked out, letting go of his transformation against his will.
Danny woke up one more time that night. Adrenaline hit the moment he regained consciousness and he desperately tried to fight away the binds that held him. Only after he escaped did he realize that they were not binds at all, but in fact his blanket.
“You gave me quite a scare.” Danny whipped his head over to see Vlad Masters standing in his doorway. “Are you okay, my boy?”
Danny looked around. How… What?
“I found you passed out in my study,” Vlad explained. “So, I picked you up and brought you back to bed.”
Danny narrowed his eyes. Shouldn't Vlad have noticed the destruction? Yet again something about this man didn't sit right with Danny, but they were alone and Vlad had every opportunity to drop the potential façade if he wanted to. Since he didn't, and remained innocently in place, Danny tentatively decided to drop it for now. So, Danny placed his hands on his chest and bowed his head in apology.
“Not to worry,” Vlad assured. “What’s a scare between friends?” He turned on his heal to make his way back to the door but stopped long enough to say, “Sleep tight, little badger.” Danny watched as Vlad left the room and closed the door behind him, leaving an unsettled air behind. Danny felt more stressed than ever now but at the same time, exhaustion embraced him like a wool coat and shortly after pulled him under.
The next day Danny kept his eyes peeled for any sign of those vultures, or of Plasmius, but when he went back to the study to investigate, everything was in its rightful place. It was disconcerting and Danny resolved himself to stay at least in the next room over from his father at all times, just to be safe.
Danny went back to his room once early evening rolled around to put on the suit his parents bought him, but faltered at the tie. He’s never tied a tie in his life and in fact didn’t understand their function at all. Shouldn’t the suit be enough to show one was all dressed up? Danny exited his room to seek out Jazz to see if she knew how to tie a tie, but the moment he turned the corner, he nearly ran into none other than Vlad. “Ah, Daniel,” Vlad said, stopping him by his shoulders. “You seem to be in a rush. Might there be something I can help you with?”
‘No’. Danny thought. If he could help it he’d stay away from this man as much as possible.
“Do you perhaps need help with your tie?”
Danny gulped. He really should say no and just go find Jazz, but when that’s what he decided to do, Vlad was already reaching out to help him.
“You’ve been gone so long, it’s no wonder your father never taught you how to do this. There you go, good as new.” Danny looked down and smoothed out the tie. He missed his hoodie. At least in that he didn’t feel as exposed as he did in this constricting suit. He kept his head down as he nodded in thanks. “It’s no trouble at all, little badger. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have guests to greet.” Vlad continued his way down the hall and Danny sprinted off to continue his search for his sister.
Danny found Jazz ten minutes later in a theater room, watching some black and white film about the Packers. He tapped her shoulder to get her attention. “Oh, hi Danny.” Jazz smiled. "I was wondering where you were." Danny tilted his head and pointed to the door. Jazz wrinkled her nose. “And watch a bunch of old fossils pogo to new wave music? Pass.” Danny didn’t know what half those words even meant. But, he got the message. He shrugged and left her to her own devices. Honestly, Danny wanted to join her, but he had to make sure no vulture ghosts, or any other ghosts, would try to hurt his father.
The moment he entered the party room with his parents, he regretted his decision. Danny didn’t know if it was due to the amount of people present, but the room felt smaller than many of the other rooms in the castle. The music felt too loud and there were too many smells from too many body sprays. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and braced himself for the evening to come.
“Hey, Harry!” Jack called. From across the room Danny could see a woman in a green suit grimace in discontent. Okay, impatience with his father was officially removed from the list of things that make Vlad Masters unsettling.
The woman walked over to them and said with faux pleasantries, “Jack, Maddie, how nice…”
Danny’s father remained oblivious as usual as he wrapped a large hand around Danny’s shoulder and introduced the woman. “...But back in my college days she was just Harry. Harry Chin!” Danny cringed at the same moment his father laughed. Goodness, Danny really wanted to leave.
Danny watched his mother apologize for his father’s behavior, and his father take his mother to dance. Danny sagged his shoulders but when Harriet walked up next to him, he gave her a tight smile. “I’ve heard of you,” Harriet said. “I couldn’t not look into it when I saw the name Fenton cross my desk. Sorry you had to come home to that.” Danny followed her gaze to his father, who was knocking people down left and right, and couldn’t even be mad.
Danny contented himself with sitting at a table and tried to pass the time by counting how many people there were, but kept needing to restart, because people kept coming and going and no one would stay in one place. He was grateful when he was given an excuse to leave. Vlad appeared next to him and said, “Daniel, there you are, I was wondering if you could do me a huge favor.” Danny perked up and nodded. He didn't particularly like this man but if he was giving him an excuse to leave, then Danny would take it. Vlad smiled. “Wonderful. Could you go to my lab, second door on the right upstairs, there’s a present in there for your father that I’d like you to bring down.” Danny practically jumped out of his seat at the opportunity.
The halls were empty when Danny reached the next floor and he took a moment to just breathe. He seriously could not wait for this weekend to be over. It was especially times like these where he missed the Ghost Zone the most. Danny hoped this mission wouldn’t last forever. He hoped he could one day return.
Danny made his way down the hall to the room Vlad described, and went inside. Well, this was definitely a lab. However, there was no present in sight. He looked around... This was a huge castle, was there maybe a different lab? But just as Danny was about to turn to leave, he caught sight of a framed photo, one with a piece torn off, and Danny was certain he had the other half. He pulled that torn photo of his father from his pocket and held it up to the frame. It was a perfect match. Not good.
Danny’s ghost sense went off and he transformed but the moment he did, tentacles from two ecto-pusses wrapped around his arms and lifted him into the air. It wasn’t difficult to push them off. But, the moment he did, he was captured in a net. Danny went sliding across the room and after he hit the wall, he was finally able to look up to see who attacked him, and was greeted by Skulker. Danny quickly broke free of the net and flew to the ceiling. “What are you doing here?” He demanded. “Aren’t you getting tired of this game?”
“All excellent questions that I will not answer,” Skulker replied. He fired a shot at Danny and hit him square in the chest. Danny fell to the floor and in one fluid motion, Skulker slid a cube over to him and before Danny could react, it encased itself around him. The moment it did it began to disrupt his powers and Danny watched as Skulker hit a button, and the cube began to electrocute him. The pain that followed was overwhelming and he tried to use his ghostly wail to escape, but it was all for naught. He couldn’t even so much as faze. The electrocution cancelled out his transformation and he returned human. Skulker grabbed him by his hair and put a blade to his throat. “Now,” Skulker said. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this.”
“Enough!” Both Danny and Skulker looked up at the source of the voice. “I didn’t free you to kill the boy, Skulker.” Vlad said. “Your work here is done.”
Skulker quickly stood up straight and sheepishly said, “Yes, well, I’ll just be taking my leave then.” With one final glare at Danny, he went intangible and flew off before he could face any consequences from Vlad.
With Skulker gone, Danny turned back to Vlad and scowled at him. He was starting to figure out what was going on but he still wouldn’t say anything until he was sure.
“I’m sure you’re very confused right now, Daniel,” Vlad said smoothly, walking toward him. “Which isn’t a surprise considering you’re what? Fourteen?” He circled Danny as he talked. “I sent those ghosts, and others, to test your father’s skills. Imagine my surprise when I find you! The second ghost hybrid his foolishness created.”
Well, there it was. The confirmation to Danny's suspicion. He watched as Vlad transformed into the very ghost he fought last night. “Clockwork told me there was one other person like me.” Danny growled.
“Careful, Daniel,” Vlad smirked. “You wouldn’t want your parents hearing you speak such a forbidden language, would you?”
“Let me go.” Danny insisted.
“Why?” Vlad argued. “So you can go back to living in a world where you know, in your heart, you don’t belong to? You don’t need them. I have experience, my child. Clockwork has sheltered you. I could train you, teach you everything I know, and all you’d have to do is one simple thing. Renounce your idiot father. Which, of course, shouldn't be difficult, considering what he did to you. To us.”
This guy couldn’t be serious. Danny actually couldn’t believe what he was hearing. All these years… all these years knowing there was someone out there just like him. Someone who should know exactly what he was going through, Danny often fantasized of finally meeting this person. But now that he has, all he felt was sad, disappointed... Betrayed. “No.”
Vlad tilted his head. “No?”
“No,” Danny repeated, frustrated tears stinging the corners of his eyes. “I’ve known for years there was someone out there just like me and all I’ve ever wanted was to meet them. But now, finally meeting you, and learning the type of person you are, there is no way I’ll join you. I don’t particularly like my father, but I like your motives even less.”
For a moment, Danny could see hurt cross Vlad’s face, but as fast as it appeared it vanished. “Okay, Daniel. If you say so.” Danny watched as Vlad disappeared from sight in one fluid motion.
Once Vlad vanished, Danny tried his best to escape the containment he was trapped in. Not only was it seriously messing with his claustrophobia but not being able to use his powers for the first time in his life was really making him begin to panic. The minutes he was stuck there dragged even if one minute only turned to two. His ghost sense went off again and Danny steeled himself for whatever attack came next.
“Well gosh and golly it looks like you could use a speck of help there, dontcha know?”
But that he was not expecting. Floating before him was the Dairy King, the same one from the portrait at the entrance of the castle. “Uh, yeah…” Danny said. So, the Dairy King did just that, reaching forward and pressing the release button on the box. Danny smiled and kicked it away. “Thank you.”
“Take it from a king, everyone needs help sometime, dontcha know.”
Yes, this Danny knew, and he wanted to ask for help against Vlad, but he could tell this ghost wasn’t a fighter. So, he said, “I really appreciate it but I need to get going now. Nice to meet you!”
As Danny transformed and raced out of the room the Dairy King called after him, “You too, kiddo! Try the gouda, it’s dairy fresh!”
Danny raced to the party room and upon seeing his father hovering two feet off the ground, went intangible and pushed Vlad out of him. They tumbled through the wall to the library on the other side. “Daniel, stop,” Vlad said. “Think about the things I could show you, the doors I could open for you. You, Danny Phantom, and I, Vlad Plasmius.” He clenched a fist. “Together we could rule.”
Danny frowned. “But why?” He asked. “Why do you crave power so bad? Why can’t we just be friends? Why do we have to hurt people?”
Vlad faltered at that. His expression dropped and for a moment, a sadness of his own crossed his eyes. But before he could even respond, the honking of a horn caught both of their attentions and they watched as the Fenton RV crashed through the wall. Danny looked back at Vlad and saw him scowling again. Hatred. Danny realized. It was Vlad’s hatred for Jack Fenton that drove his obsession. Vlad flew to the roof of the RV and pulled Maddie from her seat. “Mind if I cut in?” He said.
“Let go of me!” Maddie insisted.
But Vlad merely replied, “Never again, woman.”
As Danny pulled himself from the rubble, he watched as his father exited the vehicle to chase after Vlad. Danny took the chance to turn invisible and try to work the weapons in the RV himself. He knew he couldn't defeat Vlad on his own and this was his best bet. He figured out how to drive it and aligned the vehicle with Vlad, nearly running over his frantic father in the process.
Danny wished he didn’t have to do this. He didn’t want to. From above, holding Maddie by the ankle, Vlad smirked at him. Well, he'd tried, but Vlad didn't want to listen. So, Danny took hold of the controls and fired the weapon. The first two did not hit but the third one did the trick. As Vlad got pushed away, he let go of Maddie. Quick as a whip, Danny raced to overshadow his father and catch his mother before she hit the ground.
“Jack! You did it!” Maddie exclaimed.
Danny set her down and pointed her to Harriet before running over to Vlad, and lifting him up. “Must it really be like this?” Danny asked.
“As long as Jack draws breath, it must,” Vlad growled.
Danny sighed. “Okay, then. Here’s what’s going to happen. We’re going to call a truce.”
“And why would I agree to that?” Vlad scoffed.
“Because,” Danny replied. “If you don’t, I’ll walk out of my father right now and expose both of us as ghosts. I’ve lived without my family for ten years, so I can do it again.” He didn’t think about how much he’d miss his sister. “I don’t need to stay with them to protect the humans. But, I know how much you care about my mom, and what would she think if she learned you’re a ghost?”
For a moment, Vlad recoiled, but he quickly recollected himself and smiled. “Using your opponent’s weakness against him? I am teaching you something after all. Very well, truce. Eventually you will join me by choice, once you see that humans aren’t everything you hold them up to be. But for now,” he cleared his throat and prepared to make a show. “Curse you, Jack Fenton! Your world-renowned expertise of all things ghosts has defeated me! Until next time...” Then Vlad disappeared in theatrical fashion.
Danny left his father and flew off to his room.
The moment Danny hit the floor, he dropped to his hands and knees, the purple hood of his ghostly attire blocking his peripherals. Ice blossomed from his hands and spread rapidly across the room. His mind ran a mile a minute and all he wanted to do was run, or rather fly, away. Far away from everything to where it was safe, where it was comfortable. Danny lifted his head and looked around. He needed to pack. He needed to leave this castle. He did just that, and waited until the last possible second before returning to his human form. Danny slung his bag over his shoulder and exited his room. He ran into Jazz as he did, and quickly reached behind him and shut the door before she could see the thin but visible layer of ice covering everything inside.
“Danny?” Jazz said, placing her hands on his shoulders. “Are you okay?”
“It’s time to leave.”
“Time to…”
Jazz grimaced. “I already went to pack when I saw them drive the RV inside. I guess you saw that, too.” Danny finally noticed that she too had her bags slung over her shoulder. She slung her free arm around him. “Let’s go home.”
Danny didn’t have time to change out of that awful suit before they left but he did remove the coat and replaced his blue hoodie, pulling the hood up. As they drove, he sat with his legs pulled to his chest, staring down at his tie, the one Vlad had helped him with.
Danny now knew why Clockwork never told him who the other halfa was. Still, he wished Clockwork would’ve at least warned him. But on the other hand, maybe it was better he hadn’t. Danny buried his head in his knees.
So much for finding someone he could relate to.
Ao3 Notes:
Part 2: An Unknown Known World. End.
Look how far we've come! I can't believe we're already at the end of part 2! I hope you have a marvelous day/night!
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months
How did you find/decide to watch lmk? And at what point did it hook you enough to say; time for this funny little lego show to consume my life I guess?
Purely on the surface it seems like it’s a show you wouldn’t be interested in. Since you really love looking for parallels/themes/foils etc. 
(And lmk being- well, a glorified lego toy commercial doesn‘t really scream 'intricate storytelling and character arcs'. Eventhough it‘s packed with exactly that.)
I stumbled across a review of it roughly a year ago, but moved on because it didn‘t seem like my kind of thing. What intrigued me enough to watch it was actually the 'warrior of the mind' animatic.
So I checked it out and was completely blindsided by literally everything about it! I loved all the characters from episode one. And the animation is obviously top-tier. And then season two with the plot??
The last show I loved this much was Danny Phantom. And that is with hella strong nostalgia goggles and me mostly loving the concept more than anything.
I was also pleasantly surprised when I didn‘t cringe even once while watching it. That was largely due Mei and MK being the most besties ever. Their friendship made their shenanigans and embarrassing moments feel more like goofing off than anything else.
You made me realize just how much I adore these two goobers in particular. At first I just kinda followed the fandom focused on the monkey trio. But in hindsight Mei and MK are actually what made me fall in love with the show.
I‘m physically incapable of asking/talking about this show without gushing.  Sorry bout that! 🙈 
I don't really know how I got here. I am more aware than anyone that I am writing a lot of analysis about legos lol
Like I saw the 1x09 SWK V Macaque fight one time on my dash, and it was from a blog I liked, and the animation was cool, so I decided to give the show a chance.
But, honestly, I think catching up on LMK around the same time that my interest in TDP made a come back a year ago (which is just a very thematic show in general), contributed a lot to how I got here. Reading long theories/metas is how I've always interacted with fandom, and I wasn't finding any of the stuff I was seeing in the show, so then I decided to write my own! Cause why not!
Like, there's a lot of stuff to talk about here and I can only think about MK staring sadly at his reflection and hands so many times before I have to do something about it.
But 2x05, 3x10, the entire "to pain" scene, and all of s4 is what made the little lego show consume me. Like. Man. Have you seen this shit? What is up with that. Why are the legos crying.
And anon I think you would appreciate this post <3.
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emcscared-whumps · 1 year
WiJ 2023 - 01: Introduce Yourself
WiJ 2023 Navigation Post
(I'll put my favourite tropes under the cut because this post is getting a bit long, oops lol)
I've been in the Tumblr whump community for a couple of years now, but hello and welcome to everyone both old and new to my blog! I'm emc, and I'm an Australian writer and artist specialising in the bloodthirsty subject matter we all love here on whumpblr! I mostly reblog at this stage, but I love to participate in community events, and have plenty in the works :)
I create original whump works. I'm only in one fandom, Danny Phantom, so I will occasionally reblog stuff from there.
Project Updates!
I'm completely, totally obsessed by one singular whumpee... so everything I work on centers around him... lol
Anyways, so, it turns out that SP multiplied...
Shifting Phases - This is gonna be a loooooong fic lol, but! I'm making good progress, and I've managed to stay inspired and motivated for +6 years, so you can count on it getting finished, no matter how long it takes :)
10 of 59 chapters are drafted, one of which is pending review,
8 of the remaining 50 chapters are in progress,
The word-count as of writing this post is 23.5k.
I'm sure a few of you have followed for this fic/pieces of the boi, and I think about that constantly especially since it's still a major wip lol ^-^' Not worry, I will not rush uwu
I'll link the masterpost of it though because I keep it updated with my progress, and also any good snippets I write :)
Full Moon Waning - Because I'm horrible and have so many thoughts all the time, I've actually started planning this; the sequel to Shifting Phases! I think I have some cool whump ideas, and it provides another chance to explore the worldbuilding and character backstories, so I think it has a lot to offer and will be fun to write :)
Plotting; jotting down vague ideas and arranging them in a semi-coherent order.
Eclipse Descending (AU) - Oh this one is incredibly fun and fucked up, and somehow manages to be SO much darker in which Pete falls down a terrible path and becomes a hunter. It goes about as well as you'd expect lol. I explained the premise to a friend and she wondered, since it was so compelling, why it wasn't canon, and man, that's a fun thing to hear. It also means it's gonna be an absolute behemoth...
Plotting and detailing scenes simultaneously.
Caesar Salad (AU) - Remember how I said I wanted to stab my whumpee during the Ides of March? Guess which concept got WAY out of hand XD It will be a much shorter fic, but it's still a major project. It's an alternate secret reveal, so, it's an AU.
Detailing the scenes while trying desperately to come up with a resolution ^-^'
Anything Else? - Yep! I have a few other little scene/whump ideas that I'll eventually write out, but for now, I just keep them stored in a little au/idea doc. I'm still also working slowly on my BTHB card, and also the gift and several treats for the exchange I mentioned earlier, but I shan't be spoiling those :)
Favourite Tropes
Those of you who've been around me/know me will find that I am indeed very consistent XD Some of my favourite tropes include:
Bad caretaker/s
Compromised mobility
Dehumanisation and animalisation
Domestic abuse
Emotional whump
Environmental whump
Long-term injuries and scars
Near-death of the whumpee
Nightmares/Night terrors
Nonhuman whumpees (usually vampires, demons... and especially mer)
Panic attacks
Restraints, especially creative ones
Secret angst-- whumpee having to keep their species/identity secret for their personal safety, and because they fear they'll be rejected by the ones they love most
Severe sickness
Species-specific whump
Transformation whump
... and so many more...! Also, caretakers and whumpers are not necessary for me to enjoy the whump ^-^
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jaredthebc · 1 year
Yokai Watch was on the brain earlier so I brainstormed a mini Yokai Watch X Pokemon Black and White AU! (Note that I haven’t really seen all the Yokai Watch Media, my main source of knowledge is the 1st game and the things people have told me over the years) ramble in the keep reading!
My main idea is Hilbert, Bianca and Cheren are the main core of friends the series follows, as well as Hilda later on. Initially, Hilbert is the only one with a Yokai Watch, which was a gift given to him from a random man (Alder) near Mount Wildwood (note the locations will probably be adapted to be more similar to Unova/New York, I’m using the canon names from Yokai Watch for a lot of things just cause I haven’t fully plot stuff out yet) though later on Bianca and Cheren will probably get their own watches too. Hilbert just figures the man was being generous, or just had something he needed to get rid of
Later when the trio are in the woods, Hilbert runs into an Oshawott Yokai, and befriends it. Bianca and Cheren are in on the Yokai deal right away, but Hilbert choses to keep it secret from his mom, and twin Hilda. Basically think of the Unova trio as something similar to Danny Tucker and Sam from Danny Phantom (and Hilda as like Jaz, honestly the main reason Hilbert didn’t tell her is because he knew she would probably use Yokai for mischief...and when she finds out she honestly does what he feared lol but she has a good heart). When Cheren and Bianca get watches, they have Snivy and Tepig Yokai’s respectively. Idk if Pokemon are really a thing in this universe, but stuff like gyms aren’t a thing and its way more slice of life
Oshawott, Snivy and Tepig can directly talk to the ones who scan them with the watch (like every Yokai in the series basically) though they don’t evolve. Evolution *is* a thing in the series, but its basically never brought up so I’m not gonna bother lol. They act like companions to each of their “trainers”, though are far less knowledgeable than Whisper is in the main series, so the trio has to basically work it out themselves how the Yokai stuff works with only surface level help from their Yokai
Now to contrast the slice of life...Team Plasma are 100% a thing, but they are more underground, like conspiracy theorists in a cult. They aren’t stealing publicly, more working in the shadows to use the Yokai knowledge for their schemes
N is a thing here, but he’s much more lowkey in his Plasma aid than he is in Black and White. He has the ability to see and hear Yokai without the use of a Yokai Watch, as well as being able to firmly grasp a medal to summon a Yokai by hand. I like to think he has the colors of the Yokai Watch in his eyes as a sort of heterocromia. He starts as somewhat of a frenamie for the crew, meeting with Hilbert to teach him about Yokai and such, while stealing the medals Hilbert and crew they earned over the course of the series for Plasma, as well as other schemes that weren’t like directly horrible so they still are on good terms (at least to Hilbert and Bianca, Cheren started hating N the second he first tried to steal medals lol) but is still clearly an antagonist. Over time though, the cult trickery starts wearing off some for N, and becomes much more a friend up to N leaving Plasma. Its not as in depth as Plasma is in the actual game, but still very much a cult in nature N needs to leave
Overall the whole thing has a Saturday Morning kinda vibe, but isn’t afraid to get mildly serious when needed for plot events. Its sort of a more serialized thing than the main Yokai anime, though not as heavy as the Gen 5 games are (no kids are gonna get stabbed with ice...as far as I know so far SIDUHEFUIHF)
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can't stop thinking of this op danny/guardian spirit/young justice crossover that I can't write because I don't have the DC universe background knowledge for it so I'm gonna just dump the concept here
be prepared for a lot of rambling
so the JL consider Amity Park a Safe Zone in case of dire emergencies
but nobody is told why, only the top members of the Justice League know anything about the place, Robin probably breaks into Batsy's computer and finds something about some hero there named Phantom but he can't find any other info about him or the town other than that he's trustworthy
and maybe the Young Justice crew get fucked up and the JL are indisposed or being distracted or something and the safe houses are compromised so Robin has to be like 'alright team I know this One Place that's supposed to be like a last resort safe space' so they all end up in Amity Park, and their pursuers are right on their tail until they hit the edge of town and then some fucking force of nature comes down on the bad guys following them out of nowhere and fucks them up
they would just be like 'holy shit who is this guy how come we never heard of him??'
and Robin is like 'oh hey so you're Phantom? Batman said this was a safe place to go when we're in trouble'
and he's expecting Danny to know some shit or have a plan or a safehouse to take them to
but Danny's just all 'uhhh this place gets attacked by inter-dimensional monsters every other day why would he send you here for safety? also Batman knows who I am???'
Robin is just confused as all hell because apparently Batman has this town listed as the Ultimate Safehouse and its hero is listed as Trusted but he's never even spoken to the guy?
real sus
but Danny takes them in and finds some abandoned house for them to stay in, and promises that whoever is chasing them will not set foot in this town, like they might have to deal with some ghosts popping up but human threats are no problem
and they're in this empty house that's, okay well it isn't dilapidated or anything but it has no power or water or even security, Phantom just tells them he's got their backs while they recover and don't worry about it
but Robin wants answers so he's quizzing Danny on who he is and why Batman trusts him
but Danny's got no idea, he's surprised the JL even know who he is because nobody has ever come to see him, nobody has ever given him any indication that they even know he's here, which he was kinda peeved about because he had to tackle every ghost attack by himself
but the Justice League not only knew he was here but apparently volunteered him to look after them?
he's a little bit pissy about that, Robin cannot entirely blame him, Robin thinks this whole thing is weird, like there has to be a reason, the JL don't just ignore kids fighting crime on their own, they would have invited him into their team, offered him help and training, not left him to figure it all out alone
although the kid was pretty powerful, he took out a whole crew of bad guys in one breath, literally
true to Danny's word, nobody finds them, the guys who had been hunting them down and chasing them everywhere can't seem to track them here, either that or Phantom just keeps getting in their way when they try, they feel so safe here, safer than they've ever felt before
Megan picks up that there's something unusual about the place, it's like the town itself is telling them that they're safe here, the air is full of love and warmth and comfort, somebody here wants them to feel at ease, somebody here wants them to feel safe
Robin still thinks it's sus
he starts to wonder if Batman was coerced by this psychic force to mark the town as a safe space, but he's pretty sure Batman's too savvy for that, besides, Megan was certain that there was no coercion or ill intent plaguing their minds, it's just a general atmosphere of safety
and she's pretty sure it's coming from Phantom
they witness a ghost fight or two and are amazed that the JL have been ignoring these pretty significant threats and just let some kid handle it alone, sure he has the same powerset as the enemies plus some, but he's still a kid and he's alone
none of them would ever have been allowed this much freedom or this little assistance
super super sus
after the JL finally get out of whatever issue they've been stuck with, they come pick up the kids and Danny is there like 'oh hey I think I need an explanation because what the fuck guys'
and Batman in all his blunt glory just tells him 'we were advised not to interfere unless absolutely necessary'
Danny obviously Does Not Like this answer and wants to know who this guy is that's ordering Batman around, then low and behold, Constantine shows up, immediately balling out Batman because 'why the fuck are you in Amity Park rn I made it VERY CLEAR that this place is a delicate fucking ecosystem if Superman gets god damn overshadowed we are all gonna have problems'
aaaaaand suddenly it all makes sense
Danny realises that any hero who's powerful enough to take on a ghost literally cannot risk that power in the hands of creatures that can just take over their bodies at any time, especially when this is a standard ability in all of Danny's enemies
but he's still shitty because like 'y'all could still have called me or something it would be nice to know I wasn't totally alone out here ya know'
and Constantine is all 'kiddo I literally had the god of time show up in my bedroom at 3am to tell me to make sure none of these fucks tried to adopt you as a side kick, one of them has a track record with this kinda thing it's a legit problem, I couldn't give these fuckers an inch, this town was off limits. so WHY ARE YOU ALL HERE RN'
aaaand Batman has to explain them a thing, basically Phantom is considered so fucking OP and has such an omniscient connection to the town itself that it makes for the perfect hiding place and defence for anyone in dire straights, and it really is only supposed to be a last resort, the side kicks had absolutely nowhere else to go with all of their safe houses compromised
aaaand that's how Danny learns that he is kind of more powerful than most of the god damn Justice League
hope you enjoyed this because I am never gonna be able to actually write it, have a nice day ✨
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
Half of
Danny Fenton was half ghost. Or something.
No one was quite sure what that meant exactly or if it was even true. A ghost in a pure white suit had announced it during an attack on the town until he was beaten and silenced by Phantom. It’s been three days since then and the nerd hasn’t been at school. Not that Dash was looking for him or anything.
Dash worried, for just a second, that something bad happened to him. The Guys in White creeps had been asking questions around school the last few days. There’d been a noticeable lack in ghost attacks around town, maybe another ghost got to him? What about his ghost obsessed parents? Surely they wouldn’t have done anything to their own kid...
“Think Danny will be in school today?” Kwan whispered nervously, leaning in close to Dash’s side. Talking too loudly about the elephant, or ghost he guesses, in the room got people very forcefully interviewed by the government. 
“Why the hell would I know?” Dash grumbled, shaking his friend off to shove his hands deep into the pockets of his letterman jacket. “No one knows what’s going on, Manson and Foley haven’t shown up either.”
“I hope they’re ok,” Kwan said quietly, looking down at the floor. 
“Why do you care?” Dash grumbled, harsher than he meant to.
“You and everyone ditched me for Danny when Paulina was dating him, remember? Sam and Tucker were real pals and Danny, well he’s weird but not really that bad.” Kwan said bitterly before his eyebrows twisted in confusion. “That was actually pretty out of character for Paulina to date him now that I think about it, maybe he was, like, using ghost magic to control her?”
“That’s stu-” Dash was interrupted by the usually noise of Casper High going dead silent. He and Kwan shrugged at each other. He saw Star down the hallway, staring at something. He caught her eye and mouthed What is it at her. Her eyes slid back over to the hall before mouthing Fenton back. 
“Shit,” Dash couldn’t help but mutter under his breath, “Fenton’s here.” He glanced over at Kwan, trying to hide his nervousness. “Guess we’ll find out if he’s some sort of ghost freak after all.”
Kwan eyed him for a second, “you know if Danny really is half of a ghost then maybe you’ll want to quit it with the names.” The warning bell rang for first period. “You guys have homeroom together with Lancer, right? Just, I don’t know, don’t make him mad or anything.”
“Man, don’t even joke,” Dash said with a strained smile. “It’s Fenton, what’s the nerd gonna do?”
Fenton always sat in the back right of the class so seeing him there wasn’t that strange. What was strange was that he was there before the bell rang, not looking sweaty or exhausted or beaten up. Seeing him sitting there with an almost bored expression, casually leaning one arm over the back of his chair. It was eerie, seeing Fenton try to act normal. Dash felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on his head as he stiffly walked by the nerd he usually smacked when he walked by. He thought he felt Fenton’s icy eyes following him as he passed. Dash made sure he didn’t scurry like a wimp to his seat but it was a close thing.
“Class, please stop staring at Mr. Fenton and let us begin,” Lancer sighed, unsuccessfully trying to start the class.
“Do you know the ghost boy?” Paulina asked, slamming her palms on her desk and ignoring their teacher. “Because if you’ve been holding out on me-”
“I mean everyone in Amity Park knows him,” Fenton shrugged. He’d been so chill this morning, like the whole thing wasn’t bothering him. It only made Dash more antsy. He bounced his leg under the desk.
“Can you do anything cool? Like fly or shoot lasers from your eyes?” Mikey asked, leaning forward with curiosity.
“I can do lots of cool things,” Fenton sniffed. “I know a lot about the space program and local astronomy. I draw sometimes and I’m think I’m pretty good. I also have super flexible joints so I can do this.” He grinned a little as everyone squealed when he bent his thumb back so far it nearly touched his wrist. “Of course,” his grin turned into an eye roll, “no one really cares about that only my supposed superpowers.”
“What is a half of, exactly? What that ghost called you?” Dash found himself asking. He almost didn’t want to be heard but Fenton turned to look at him anyways. 
“What do you think it means?” Fenton questioned back. Though he had a teasing smirk, his eyes looked dull and dead. Dash couldn’t look at them and ducked his head. 
“Alright, alright, enough with the questions. The Fenton’s gave Danny a clean bill of health and allowed him to rejoin class so that’s all you kids need to know. Now, back to what we were actually talking about.” Class continued as expected but everyone still snuck glances at Fenton. He’s not sure what they were all waiting for, him to suddenly turn green or sprout horn or whatever. But Fenton just sat there, still as anything, trying to act normal and it just didn’t fit him right and it was all just. Wrong.
Dash was relieved Fenton wasn’t in his second or third period classes but they did have the same lunchtime. For the first time since he was skinny, bucktoothed 6th grader, Dash wanted to hide away and eat his lunch in private. But Fenton wasn’t the only one trying to keep up appearances.
“Alright, what has everyone got,” Paulina was whispering to the table by the time Dash was sitting down. “The day is halfway over, someone had to have seen him doing something ghostly.”
“I mean we don’t know how long he’s been like this,” Star commented, flipping her hair as pretense to sneak a glance at the loser trio near the back entrance of the cafeteria. “He could’ve been hiding his for a while.”
“Fenton’s always been weird,” Dale commented with a sneer, stabbing at his beefaroni. “Since day one, he’s been jumpy and clumsy and goes through weird mood swings.”
“Maybe he’s never been normal,” Kwan said with a little frown. Now Dash knows this wasn’t true. He was the only one at the table who’d gone to the same middle school as Fenton. The nerd had talked too much about space and was always tripping over something but he’d been like all the other annoying brats in middle school. Dale was onto something, Fenton had changed once high school hit which means whatever is up with him as been going on for a while. Years. 
He suddenly felt eyes on him, a cold, crawling feeling that made his breath catch in his throat. Dash squeezed his eyes shut and breathed a silent sigh of relief as the eyes turned from him. They didn’t return but Dash found he couldn’t eat after that.
“Dude, did you hear about Fenton?” Victor said in an excited but still hushed whisper as Dash was leaving fifth period. 
“No, what did he do?” Dash asked with dread.
“He had gym last period and apparently he’s been faking his loser weakness. He crawled up the rope climb like a goddamned spider monkey and then slid himself back down. Don’t know how he didn’t have intense rope burn from that. He also beat Charlie, Katie and Veronica on the sprinting portion. Must be those ghosty genes.”
“Fenton did all that?” Dash asked, he bit the inside of his cheek. Hard.
“Yeah it was crazy, I thought Tetslaf was gonna pass out,” Victor laughed. “Maybe we should get him to try out for the football team, he’d be a great running back or-”
“Come on, Vic,” Dash laughed but the sound came out wrong. “Why would we want Fenton on our team? He’s, he’s Fenton! Just a skinny, weird little wimp.” Vic side-eyed him a bit before clapping Dash on the back.
“World’s changing, Dash. First ghosts, now half ghosts, it’s all wrong but you just gotta roll with it. All I know is I have 2 years left in this hell hole before I leave this miserable place for Chicago and never look back. I recommend you do the same, after all,” Vic grinned again but it was sharper. “Fenton’s always been your personal punching bag, not every day you learn your victim has superpowers.”
“We don’t know what the hell is up with Fenton,” Dash defended. Vic just shrugged.
“Yeah but he’s always been a freak now we know he ain’t human. Who knows what else he’s hiding?” Vic said with a smug smile before wandering off, giving a halfhearted wave over his shoulder as he left.
Dash stood in the hallway, trying to get himself under control until the warning and late bell rang. Only then, when he was certain he wouldn’t run into Fenton, did he head to class. 
“Should we follow him, see where he goes?” Paulina said, biting onto one of her nails in nervous excitement. Paulie was gorgeous and overall pretty cool but her thing with ghosts sometimes tired Dash out. Now more than ever. 
“Come on, that’s like stalking,” Kwan scolded. “Even if that wasn’t illegal or whatever it’s just not cool. They had a rough day today, leave ‘em alone.” That icy chill returned and Dash looked out of the corner of his eye to see Fenton and his cronies walking out of the school. 
Truthfully, Dash didn’t think Fenton had that bad of a day. Yeah people were asking questions but he’d side stepped them all, gave non-answers. Other people talked about Fenton’s supposed strength in gym but there’d been conflicting reports, some said he flew up the rope climb, others said he levitated doing his push ups. Dash really didn’t know what to believe. Fenton was just acting, well, like Fenton. He paused for a second, stopped walking before catching up with the group.
Maybe... maybe Dash was getting caught up over nothing. There really was no proof Fenton was this ‘half of’ other than what one dumb ghost said. He thought back to Fenton’s grin during first period; stupid nerd was probably milking his 15 minutes of fame and bully free time. His earlier fear and uncertainty burst into flames until a familiar anger was burning in his gut. Now this he knew what to do with.
“Yeah, well his day is about to get rougher,” Dash heard himself say as he stomped off to where Fenton was smiling tiredly at something Manson was saying. “Hey Fentonio! Think you’re pretty cool with every paying attention to you but I-”
Fenton gasped suddenly, like a hiccup only his breath misted out in front of him cold as a winter’s day. Dash stopped midsentence watching as Fenton’s whole face twisted. His earlier weary but tolerant annoyance that he’d been projecting all day was stripped away. He glared at Dash with an expression that was hard as ice and full of an exhaustion and bitterness he couldn’t begin to understand.
“As payment for being forcibly outed,” Fenton spoke up loudly enough that most of the school yard could hear him. “I was promised a week.” His eyes slowly but methodically scanned the crowd who had frozen in place at his authoritative tone. “Where I didn’t have to deal with ghosts, so I want to know... Who is trespassing on my haunt.”
Fenton’s mouth opened impossibly wide revealing what seemed like rows of sharped teeth. He curled his fingers into claws and, looking closer, his fingernails had indeed become real claws, as sharp and deadly as his teeth. His eyes blazed an impossible, ectoplasmic green and his dark hair developed streaks of white. He was terrifying, monstrous, but he was still Fenton. That feeling that had been eating at dash all day came back full force. Not the realization that Fenton had powers or whatever but that he had been hiding it in plain sight through ghost attacks and bullies and failing grades. This had always been Fenton, they just hadn’t seen. Until now that is.
And now the script had flipped and Dash didn’t know how this Ghost Fenton, who still was the same Fenton Dash had wedgied last Wednesday, fit. A green blob ghost materialized over by stairs, quivering and wailing in some ghost language. It turned and fled, presumably in the direction of the Fenton Portal to escape Fenton’s wrath. Fenton’s glowing eyes tracked it for a moment before he straightened up from his hunched posture and... was human again.
He brushed his hands through his black hair, lazily blinked blue eyes and, when he smiled, his teeth were normal. But Dash had seen, they all had. He’d let them see but to what end, he had no idea. Fenton turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow and another small smirk, just as tired as earlier.
“Sorry about that Dash, I take my vacation time very seriously. You were saying?” Fenton said with a smug lilt but his eyes were still dead and there was a bit of fear in them now. Despite his powers, he still gripped his backpack tightly.
“When your dumb little vacation’s up, Fentionail,” Dash said with a shaky voice. “It’s-it’s back to business, okay? Punches and wedgies and locker shoving. You,” he voice cracked a bit and he fought it down. “It’ll ramp up now that I know you can take it.” Fenton blinked, once then twice before he smiled. This time it wasn’t annoyed or scary or fearful but like the dumb grins he usually gave his dumb friends. 
“Yeah okay, we’ll start back up next week. The usual time?” Dash nodded, not knowing what else to say. “Alright, see you around.” He turned to walk away before pausing and turning back. “Actually you should be careful on who you shove into lockers, it can get hard to breathe in there and not everyone can phase out of them. You never know who’ll turn up dead,” he grinned and his eyes flashed green again, “if only half.”
That said, he and his friends walked away, ignoring the stares of the entire school on them. “Oh and it’s halfa, not half of,” Fenton called out over his shoulder. “I’m not half of anything, I’m just a whole me even if the details get a bit complicated.”
“Bye Danny, see you tomorrow,” Kwan called after with a grimace. No one else said anything for a minute until Dash found the strength to move his legs from where they’d been planted. He clenched his fists to hide his shaking and continued his walk home. Everyone else slowly did the same, talking quietly among themselves.
“What the hell was that?” Dale asked in a nervous high pitched voice. “What the hell did I just see?”
“Fenton being a weirdo but that’s nothing new,” Dash shrugged with a confidence he didn’t have yet. But if Fenton could show up to school after being outed and then willingly show them his inhumanity, then Dash needed to up his game. Couldn’t let the nerd be cool or anything. “So what if he glows or whatever, he’s still Fenton. Look I gotta get home, it’s Pookie’s feeding time and he is NOT going to believe the day I had.
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tumbling-darkling · 3 years
The boy who lived and the professor that didn’t (for the most part)
During Harry's second year at Hogwarts, a strange and unexpected man starts teaching his Defence Against the Dark Arts class.
(A Danny Phantom X Harry Potter crossover)
Chapter 1
Harry took a seat in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, glancing over to Ron who sat beside him and then scanning the classroom for their new DA professor. He already met the man in Diagon Alley, blonde and very much interested in only himself. Harry shivered as he remembered being pushed towards him as people took pictures of the famous wizard and the boy who lived.
At least it wasn’t worse than a head of the dark lord growing out of the back of the professor's neck.
Well- Harry did thumb through some of the textbooks before classes started. He absolutely agreed with Hermione who was very vocal about the books- they didn’t actually seem to teach anything. Just spoke about the ‘many adventures of Gilderoy Lockhart’.
Maybe this will just end up being an easy class.
The door slammed open 15 minutes past the start of class, startling the students as they swiveled their heads to look at the newcomer, expecting Gilderoy Lockhart.
Instead a tall man with a slim frame and hunched posture strode into the room. He had messy black hair pulled in a very horrible and tangled loose bun with the remaining dreads lazily dangling at the man's shoulders, his chin and cheeks covered in unshaven stubble. His robe was creased and torn, his hat loosely hanging from his hand and his sleeves pushed almost all the way up his arms. What really caught people’s attention was those eyes. Unnaturally clear and bright icy blue, so blue that even in the bright light they seemed to slightly glow.
He quickly pulled down his sleeves as he walked past the students towards the front of the room, grumbling slightly under his breath about something Harry couldn’t catch. He tossed the hat aside, muttering more loudly about how ‘wizard hats are so stupid and impractical I’m not wearing that garbage’ before he turned towards the class.
“My name is Fenton- er Professor Fenton I guess. Since I’ll be teaching you about…” he glanced down at the podium he stood in front of, crouching a little as if looking for something before straightening back up. “Defense… Against the… Dark… Arts,” he said slowly and not very confidently. Then he whispered again to himself but just loud enough for some students to pick up, “they see me fight one god damn ghost and suddenly I’m an expert on all dark magic entities? I think I’ll fight Dumbledore after this.” He straightened a little, eyes looking over the classes.
Harry did not like those eyes lingering on him for half a second longer than the others. He didn’t like this professor looking at him at all.
Something just didn’t feel right.
“Alright, any questions?”
A hand immediately went up, and Harry knew exactly who it belonged to.
“Uh- yes miss-?”
“Hermione Granger. Wasn’t our professor supposed to be Gilderoy Lockhart?”
“Yeah- that guy. He’s a phoney.”
The class went silent before someone yelled out, “WHAT?”
“Guy went around, found Wizards and Witches that did cool things, made them forget it then took all the credit. Tried to take my credit and I hit him a little too hard. Now I’m here taking his place. It’s all over the news, you know. You can read the exaggerated details in there. Anything else?”
The same hand went up.
Professor Fenton sighed, “yes?”
“Why were you 15 minutes late? Shouldn’t professors be on time? And why do you look like you crawled out of the forbidden forest.”
“I fought a ghost. Then got lost,” Fenton deadpanned.
The class went silent.
Fenton then turned around, “well if that’s all, let’s get started with something I know a lot about. What do you already know about Ghosts?”
“You’re seriously more afraid of Professor Fenton than Professor Snape?” Hermione asked Ron. “He’s not even mean! Sure he’s grumpy but he doesn’t beat down every question I ask him! He even seems to be glad I’m asking questions! Unlike Professor Snape who just treats us like idiots for not knowing something.”
“Sure- he’s not mean or cruel but… he just freaks me out. Like how he just stares sometimes at empty walls! Or how the room temperature always drops the moment he seems to take a single step into the room! I can’t even hear his footsteps when he walks! He’s bloody freaky is what he is!”
“Well I for one am glad he’s our Professor! Imagine having a phony for a professor! Though he talks a lot about ghosts. Ghosts can’t cause people harm. At most they give a little scare but it’s not like they could cause terrible damage.”
“What about those ectoplasm based ones he was talking about? The solid ones?” Harry asked.
“Rare and unlikely. Ectoplasm doesn’t form in the magical world, Harry! The stuff that leaks through and hangs in the air is only enough to allow ghosts like Nick or Myrtle to hang around in harmless ways.”
“But he said he fought a ghost before he arrived in class! And he looked really beat up!”
“He said he got lost too! Maybe he just stumbled across a guard dog like Fluffy and made up something about ghosts!”
“What if it’s like the last professor though? What if he’s looking for another secret object in Hogwarts walls?” Harry hissed softly, “Ron is right that he just has a sense of oddness about him! I just don’t trust him!”
“Harry, you’re just paranoid from last year. Professor Fenton is normal. Now pick up your pace, we’re going to be late for our next class!”
Professor Fenton glanced down at Harry, then back at Professor McGonagall, “he has what with me?”
“Detention. You see, Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley caused a bit of a fuss by driving a flying car in plain sight of several muggles, and risked exposing the magical world. As such, his punishment has been detention. I trust you can find some fitting work for him to do as he reflects on his actions?”
Fenton crosses his arms, his mouth tightening slightly into a grimace as his fingers slightly tapped his own arms. “This won’t be every night, will it?” He asked.
“No, we will be switching supervisors for a few weeks but you may also need to supervise Mr. Weasley sometime before then.”
Fenron let out a sigh of defeat, “well- alright. I’ll take care of it then.”
Professor McGonagall gave a curt nod before turning stiffly and walking off. Professor Fenton scratched at the back of his neck as he watched her walk off, then glanced down at Harry, those eyes seeming to search him for… something. Then that stern look relaxed into a lopsided grin, “So you were the one that made that stuck up ministry trip over their hats and scramble around in blind panic! I say, hats off to you young Potter!” He laughed.
Harry blinked in confusion at the shift in mood, then Fenton patted him on the back, “hey, no need to look so freaked out! I’m not gonna bite ya!” He began walking forward, and it took Harry an extra second to realize that the professor was moving and he should follow. “Oh, wait you probably are a little freaked out, huh? I guess my mood could have been a bit better this morning, I was just a little flabbergasted today. I was kinda rushed into this position, you know.” He shrugged, his hands shoved into his cloak’s pockets. He didn’t really walk like any of the other Hogwarts professors. He had this relaxed saunter, like he was more of a visiting relative than a staff member. “Say, let’s say your ‘punishment’ will just be helping me bring some books from the library to my quarters. There’s a lot I need to run through and a single trip would make all the difference.”
Harry nodded, finding it hard to keep up with the man's long strides. “So… you don’t like the ministry of magic?” Harry asked.
Professor Fenton huffed in annoyance, “not one bit. They are almost worse than observants!” Harry had no idea what those were. Another level of magic government? “They try to control every little thing. Don’t expose magic to the normal world. Don’t use magic to make technology without permission. Don’t use magic to save muggle children if people are watching.” His said in a mocking tone, “they have so many rules that are outdated or stupid. Never trust a government, kid! Especially a magical one!”
“What are… observants?”
Fenton glanced down at Harry, “oh those stuck up jerks? They are like the government of the ghost realm. Really annoying. Unlike the Ministry of Magic, they actually know how to find me!” He laughed.
“Ghosts have governments?”
“Oh yeah! They have more of a monarchy, the observants are like hermit wizards that only step in when they believe the world is in peril. Meanwhile the rest falls on the shoulders of the Ghost King.”
Harry frowned, “I’ve never read about that in the textbooks. Hermione says that ghosts are just harmless beings formed from souls that aren’t ready to leave the mortal realm.”
“Well she’s half right. There’s different kinds of ghosts, like Sir Nicolas and the Bloody Baron. They are more like echoes. Souls that cling desperately to this world but didn’t have enough ectoplasm to become a fully solid ectoplasmic being. They won’t leave for the infinite realms until they are ready, though many believe they are trapped here forever. More solid ghosts form in a similar way but are exposed to more ectoplasm, but rarely show up because natural portals to the infinite realms are sparse and in between. Well until about a decade ago.”
“Infinite Realms? Natural Portals?” Harry felt like his head was going to explode.
“Well, there should be some books about that in the muggle section.. Though some wizards would say it’s all garbage because muggles discovered and studied it. Just look up my name under the author and you should find some.”
“Oh… wait- did you write them? Is that why you know so much about ghosts?”
Professor Fenton barked out a loud laugh, doubling over as he clutched his sides, “Ah! No! No, I didn’t write them! My parents did!” He cackled. “Ah, yeah but I did learn from them. And a bit of field work. Tell Miss Granger to check them out too, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind having something to read. She reminds me of my sister in that way.” He stopped in front of the library doors, “Aha! I knew we would find this place eventually!”
Harry looked at Professor Fenton in bewilderment, “you didn’t know where we were going?!”
Fenton shook his head and shot him another grin, “nope! I’ve been constantly getting lost in these dumb halls. This place constantly moves and I absolutely hate it. Even the Infinite Realms make more sense than this castle!”
Harry stuttered, “If the infinite realms is where ghosts go, isn’t that like… the afterlife? You’ve been to the afterlife?”
Professor Fenton lazily shrugged and opened the doors to the library, “yes and no. It’s all complicated. I’ll tell you a different time.”
Harry stood there for a few more seconds as his brain tried to catch up with the information, and once he managed to close his mouth he chased after the Professor.
Harry glanced around the Professors room as he followed after him, arms filled with books that seemed to suspiciously be only about the Dark Arts. He’d never been to a professor's living quarters, at most he had been in some offices. Even so, it was not at all what he imagined a wizard's living quarters would look like.
First off, there seemed to be technology. He recognized a coffee machine on a low table, but it wasn’t plugged into anything. There was an odd box that looked like a slightly smaller television, it’s screen black and wires sticking out of it attached to a rectangular box with a lot of buttons on top of it and a small round device. There was also a radio, and a huge telescope leaning out the largest window. As Harry looked, he began to notice spaceships literally in every corner of the room. Different kinds as well, some would even move and blast off. The most amazing part was the roof of his room. It was almost exactly like the great hall as it rose into dark nothingness, but the stars were MUCH brighter and all the constellations had been traced out, some brighter than others. For someone who knew a lot about ghosts, he seemed to really like space. Then there were also some odd things thrown around, like a very weird looking thermos. Or a metal… boomerang?
“Just place them over here, Harry!” Fenton called as he dropped his pile of books onto a couch in the corner. Harry did as he was told, placing the books down a little more gently than the professor did.
“Professor… how did you get these things to work? Technology usually… explodes around magic,” Harry asked.
“Oh! Well it’s because I power them myself!” Professor Fenton chirped. “They don’t work the same way as regular technology. Again, I recommend checking out some of the notes in the Fentons books, they have a lot of stuff that works in the magical realm.”
“Why would you need it though? Doesn’t magic make up for a lot of technology?” Harry asked.
“Ah, but that’s where you are wrong you see! There is nothing in the magical world that is equivalent to the coffee machine!”
Harry blinked, “... what.”
“It’s a very important machine, Harry. You will depend greatly on it once you need to stay up for an entire week. But! It seems our time together has come to an end. Thanks for your help, Harry, and if McGonagall asks, tell her I made you scrub toilets or something,” he winked.
Harry grinned back, heading towards the doorway to go find Ron and Hermione. He closed the door behind and the moment it clicked shut, he saw a flash appear from under the door.
He paused slightly, but shrugged. Maybe a comet passed by on the enchanted roof of his room. He then headed down the halls to find his friends.
“Not normally invited?” Harry asked.
Hermione nodded, “Ghosts throw death day parties like birthday parties, but rarely do they ever invite living people!”
“I see, so Sir Nick really wanted us to be there,” Harry pondered as the trio entered the party area. He immediately was hit with an awful stench, nearly gagging before he had to swallow it as Sir Nicholas noticed their arrival and approached swiftly with the widest smile they had ever seen on his face.
“Harry! Ron! Hermione! You all made it! Oh this brings such joy to my cold, dead heart!”
“Glad to see you as well, Sir Nick,” Harry struggled not to gag on the smell.
“Say, why do ghosts even celebrate the day they died? Isn’t that… like a very traumatic experience you would rather not remember?” Ron somehow managed to ask.
“Well, ghosts like to celebrate it to commodirate a start to a new chapter of our afterlife!” He paused, glancing across the room for a split second, “most ghosts that is, and the death day isn’t to remind us of our death. It more serves to encourage us to look forward! No one really wants to remember how we died. Never a pretty picture.”
Harry followed Nicholas’s gaze for the split second glance, then noticed a ghost he had never seen before. He ignored the smell (they would have to ask about that later) and nudged Hermione, pointing at the ghost, “hey Hermione, have you ever seen that ghost around the castle before? I don’t remember seeing him from last year…”
The ghost in question seemed so much stranger than the rest, he had a brighter glow, where he should have had legs, merged into what seemed to be a ghostly tail, drifting lazily like caught in a breeze. Long hair whiter than snow itself drifted around like caught underwater, and bits that weren’t drifting were braided neatly and lost in the rest of it as it constantly moved. The ghost had purple skin, pointed ears, green freckles dotting his cheeks and long sharp fangs showing as he laughed at another ghost's joke. He dressed like a medieval lord, wearing a delicately detailed black and white tunic tucked into a braided belt circling his waist, his ghostly tail completely black. Thick white leather gloves covered both his hands as he waved them around while he spoke. A white cape hung off his shoulders, but when the cape occasionally drifted to show the inside, it was like the ghost had taken the night sky and attached it to the garment. Thick fur wrapped around his shoulders and long and sharp horns that looked like ice circled his head like a crown.
Toxic green eyes that had irises that seemed to swirl around the pupil glanced at the trio and Harry suddenly felt very very small.
“I… don’t know. I haven’t even heard of any ghost that looked like him before,” Hermione seemed like she was at a loss, probably scouting through her thoughts and memories for any trace or mention of the unfamiliar ghost.
Sir Nicholas cut in, “oh! That may be because King Phantom doesn’t live in this castle! He’s mainly only here to visit for the year!”
Ron gapped, “... did you say… king? Was he a king before he died?”
Sir Nicholas frowned, “no, of course not! He’s the king of all ghosts! King of the infinite realms! The one who defeated Pariah Dark in single combat barely a year after he died! The youngest and most beloved king we ghosts have had in such a very long time.”
“There’s a king of ghosts? And that’s him?” Harry asked.
“That’s what I just said, my dear boy. Keep up!”
“I don’t want to seem rude, Sir Nicholas but… why is he here?” Hermione gasped, “if he really is such a powerful and imposing figure, doesn’t he have a lot of duties to fulfil?”
“Well, he told us he was technically here on business but that it requires time and an investigation that could take a few months. So he could visit and celebrate with us from time to time! He’s a very relaxed man, I assure you. Here let me introduce you all to him! My Liege! I have some friends you absolutely must meet!”
The King looked over and smiled widely, “friends, you say?” His voice echoed more than the other ghosts, seeming to carry across the room as he spoke. He then blinked in surprise and turned to Nick, “Sir Nicholas… you realize these three are still amongst the living?”
“Why of course! Harry is the Boy Who Lived! The first to survive the death spell!” Sir Nicholas said quite proudly.
The King drifted down towards the three, causing Ron to slightly flinch at his approach, his hands clasped together as worry seemed to etch on his face, “well, most ghosts don’t have a very good sense of smell or taste, right? Which is why we have all the rotting food out?”
“Yes?” Sir Nicholas still didn’t seem to catch on.
King Phantom held out his hand, producing clothing hanger clips made purely of ice, “The living can still very much smell and taste, and I don’t think it’s exactly the smell of roses and lavender.”
Sir Nicholas blinked, “oh. Oh! Oh Harry and friends, I apologize for forgetting such a detail!”
Harry, Ron and Hermione all graciously accept the clips, pinning them on their noses to escape the horrid smell. Then Hermione turned towards the Ghost King with a glint in her eyes, “wait- how did you do that? Ghosts aren’t this solid- and they definitely can’t use magic!”
Phantom chuckled, drifting back into the air as he pointed to the crown of ice horns on his head, “Well first off, I’m the king so I get some bonuses. As well as not all ghosts work the same. You should try listening to that Dark Arts professor of yours when he talks about ghosts. He’s quite knowledgeable about all things not living.”
“But- but years of documentation and research-!” Hermione tried to argue before the King tutted.
“Information is constantly changing and growing, something that seems pretty constant could change in seconds and turn your whole world upside down. Not to mention, many different types of ghosts like myself only became more common recently. Before, most of us were confined to the infinite realms, only ghosts like Sir Nicholas forming for many centuries and the different kinds rarely slipped out.”
“Well-, what changed?” Hermione challenged.
King Phantom sported a playful grin, “I d̶͙͉̓̓i̷̢̩̬̘̟̽ę̴̘̲̹̤͌̊d̸̢̳̞̄.”
He then turned and left the three on that note as he went to join other ghosts at the party.
“What does he mean by that?” Hermione huffed.
“He’s got an odd sense of humour, that’s for sure,” Sir Nicholas laughed.
Harry couldn’t stop his glare that shot towards Professor Snape as he accused Harry of petrifying Mrs. Norris and writing the bloody message that stained the wall. Before he could snap back at him that he did not do any of this, Professor Fenton seemed to almost step out of thin air to his defense.
“Mr. Potter was with me all night, he did not do this,” his voice laced with a chilling venom. Was he… lying for him?
Snape tilted his chin up, attempting to look down on Fenton who was no longer hunched, and instead stood tall at his full height. It was quite difficult to do as it turned out, Fenton towered over every other Professor in the area. “And who, pray tell, are you?” Snape seemed to almost spit.
A sinister grin spread across the tall Professor's features as he stepped in front of Harry, leaning menacingly over the shorter wizard and blocking his view of the student, “Professor Fenton, the professor of the Dark Arts. Accusing a second year of such a powerful spell isn’t a very wise take, now is it Professor Snape?” Fenton basically spat his name.
Snape glared back, “you would be surprised what Potter is capable of, especially the trouble he gets himself in.”
“How about you try not pinning the blame on a 12 year old child?”
“That is enough out of both of you,” Dumbledore stepped in. “We all know Harry was not responsible for this, as Professor Fenton’s defence is true. We have a healthy patch of mandrake roots that will cure Mrs. Norris of her petrification, and students will resume their classes while the professors investigate the issue. Now you three will return to your dorms for the rest of the night.”
Harry hesitated before he headed back towards the dorms, but didn’t fail to notice how Professor Fenton’s eyes flashed toxic green, or the wink sent in his direction.
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five-rivers · 3 years
Written for Ectober 2021 Day 1: Trick vs Treat. This is part of the Exhumed series.
Danny Fenton walked into the precinct. As often happened when he did this, all attention slowly turned to him. “Hi, Detective Patterson. Have you ever heard of Beltane?”
Patterson took a long swig of coffee through the plastic stir straw, because she felt the need to be at least a little drugged before dealing with whatever this was, and then said, “Is this the kind of thing the whole precinct needs to know about, or is it more specific to me?”
“Mm, not specific to you, but I’m not sure if everyone needs to know about it, yet.”
Despite only select members of the Amity Park police force knowing Danny Fenton had another identity, he’d become a sort of ‘ghost liaison’ for the precinct. Better him than the adult Fentons, who tended to break things even (especially) when they were being careful.
“Actually,” continued Danny, “you might have already noticed some things about it. I mean, it’s seasonal, and Mom and Dad were detecting ectoenergy and ghost activity spikes for events like this before they got the portal up and running. Although, the portal was supposed to stabilize and reduce those spikes… I guess reducing one isn’t bad?”
“Okay,” said Patterson. “I don’t really know what you’re talking about. Do you want me to go find Collins?”
“Oh, that might be a good idea.”
“Great,” said Patterson. She turned her head to shout across the room. “McGee. Go find Collins.”
“Still the new guy?” asked Danny, sympathetically.
“It isn’t like we’re a popular posting,” said Patterson, “and, thanks to the ghosts, we don’t really need new people.”
Danny nodded placidly. “I know. But it must be hard for him, don’t you think?”
McGee had done his job. He’d discovered the corruption in the Amity Park Police Department and plumbed its depths. The problem was that he could never, ever, report it. Even if they didn’t have a perfectly good cause for it all, what they were ‘hiding’ (and they were only barely doing that) was so ridiculous that McGee had thought he’d gone crazy at first.
The whole of Amity Park was haunted. Just like it said in those touristy brochures at the front of the local diners.
He stuck his head into the break room. “Collins, Patterson and Fenton want you,” he said.
“In the normal room?” Collins asked, shoving a sugary monstrosity of a donut into his mouth.
“I have no idea. She didn’t say.”
“Normal room then. Great job, McGee.”
McGee rolled his eyes. Great job, he said. As if he’d done anything.
God. What would Halloween be like?
“So, it’s like, reverse Halloween?” asked Patterson.
“Well, not exactly,” said Danny. He patted Daisy, the department mascot slash corpse sniffing dog who had followed them into the small interview room, gently on the head. “Actually, there are more similarities than differences. Basically, like Halloween, we’re going to get a spike in ectoenergy. Maybe even some ectoplasmic storms. More portals. That kind of thing.” He shrugged. “Most holidays and seasonal divisions have them, you know.”
“So… we’re getting Halloween round two?” asked Collins.
“What do you bet that this is what gets McGee to snap?”
“He’s been here since December,” said Collins. “I think he’s too stubborn to leave.”
“Is he still spying?” asked Danny.
“No,” said Patterson, waving a hand. “He gave up on that, after a while. But there’s a new office bet about whether or not he’ll stay stay, or if he’ll decide to quit. We’re not allowed to join in because we know him too well.”
“Mm,” said Danny.
“I don’t actually know if I feel like I know him that well,” said Collins.
“Well,” said Danny, “it shouldn’t be as extreme as Halloween. Since, I mean, there aren’t as many religious holidays directly associated with death and stuff happening on or around May first. So. Yeah. But the thing is, there are some traditional, er, activities. Spirited activities.”
Collins suppressed a groan, and was glad that Captain Jones wasn’t available today. He and Danny could sling puns at each other for obscenely long periods of time.
“I’ve never noticed ghosts doing anything on May Day,” said Patterson.
“This is only the third year anyone’s even acknowledged that ghosts exist,” said Danny, “so I’m not really all that surprised. But the reason that I came to talk to you guys is that some of the ghosts want to do Beltane stuff. Like the fire blessings. Also, I’ve been told that some of the trees in town are secretly ghost trees, and if we don’t want to deal with another tree army, we need to do some stuff to appease them.”
“Secret ghost trees.”
“My source is very reliable,” said Danny. “Also, while I say ‘we don’t want to deal with it,’ I think we all know who’d be dealing with most of it.”
“You would,” said Patterson.
“Got it in one. Like, I can convince most of the ghosts to either do their Beltane stuff in the Ghost Zone, or somewhere out of the way. They’ll be disappointed, but I can do it. The ghost tree thing, though…”
“Can’t we just, I don’t know,” said Collins, “get rid of the ghost trees?”
“Well, they aren’t really evil ghost trees. Or even really ghost trees. They’re more… ghosts that live in trees?”
“What, like dryads?” asked Collins, raising his eyebrows.
“That’s what I said, but they’re different species, apparently.”
“Okay,” said Patterson, “so. Appeasing the trees. How many trees are we talking about here, and how are we going to appease them?”
“Okay, so, this is definitely a whole precinct kind of thing,” said Patterson.
“And possibly an ‘all civil servants’ type of thing,” added Collins. He pinched the bridge of his nose. “Where are we going to get the funding for this?”
“Oh, don’t worry about money,” said Danny. “I’ll just blackmail Vlad, and if that doesn’t work, I can get Mom and Dad to pay for it.”
“What,” said Collins.
“I think this might be a bit beyond your parents’ budget,” said Patterson, “but knock yourself out as far as Masters goes.”
“Well, I guess if it is,” he allowed, dubiously, “I could get the cults to pitch in?”
“This is nice,” said Danny. The sky was a bit overcast, which was a shame, but the hundreds of bright flowers and cheerful music more than made up for that.
The May Day celebration was, in Danny’s opinion, a success. At least, this half of it was turning out to be. He’d have to wait and see how the Spirit Bonfires went tonight before he could really make a judgement.
He’d only had to blackmail Vlad a little, too. It turned out that the ‘ruthless businessman’ in Vlad was ludicrously easy to manipulate, and once Danny brought up how a celebration like this one could revitalize local businesses and bring in tourism, he’d caved.
Although, that might have been the threat of an angry tree army. Vlad had definitely come off worse for wear in the last one, on all fronts.
Then, publically putting the Phantom Stamp of Approval (and Necessity Given The Potential Angry Tree Army) on the event had gotten buy-in from his fans and (sigh) the cults. The cults were, in fact, very enthusiastic about their new Holy Day. Danny had made a map of all the places they’d set up booths, and was studiously avoiding them.
Sam and Tucker were doing a walkthrough of that area, now, to check for problems and unadorned thorn trees. They’d arranged to meet up soon.
So, Amity Park was decked out in ribbons and flowers. All of the schools had gotten Maypoles and the day off of classes. Several bands, both human and ghostly, were playing in different parts of town.
It was chaotic, but great.
Danny briefly cut into the street to dodge a pair of college-age men play-fighting with tree branches (a genuinely important tradition symbolizing the battle between winter and summer), then walked through a wall to avoid two ghosts doing the same thing.
Finally, he reached Madame Babazita’s table.
“Hi,” he said, “three readings, please.”
“Three?” she asked. “Just for you?”
“My friends should get here before mine’s done,” said Danny. Was he channeling some predictive powers? Maybe. Holidays did make his powers weird.
“I have no idea what your reading is saying,” said Madame Babazita, after fifteen full minutes. “The cards simply aren’t speaking to me today. Also,” she held up an Uno card, “I’m not sure how this even got here.”
“That’s okay,” said Danny, “I just wanted to make sure it was the same as last time.”
“Hey! Phantom!” called Ember across the crowd of ghosts that had gathered in the cemetery. Most of them were fire or nature themed. “You’re in for a treat!”
Danny, who had been examining the flowers left on his grave, looked up. “I am?”
Ember draped her arm around Danny’s shoulder. She’d been a lot more friendly with him since the corpse incident. “Sure are.” She stepped up onto the surface of his memorial, pulling him up behind her. Danny shook off a brief chill and looked around.
Ghosts were streaming into the cemetery from various directions, bringing armfuls of flowers with them. Danny could see two, huge bonfire piles of flowers growing near the cemetery gates.
“Are there going to be cows?” asked Danny, who was still fuzzy on the details of the ghostly side of the celebrations.
“I don’t know,” said Ember. “When I’ve seen this done in the GZ there are. Here? Who knows. Maybe we’ll just walk through.”
Danny nodded, unworried. Beltane sure was an interesting holiday.
The last armful of flowers was placed, and every flower in the cemetery caught on fire at once. Including the ones on Danny’s grave. Danny yelped, jumping into flight. As an ice core ghost, he vastly preferred cold to heat.
This went without saying, but fire was very hot.
Ember grabbed his foot, and he almost kicked her. “You knew that was going to happen,” he accused.
“Sure did, babypop,” said Ember, grinning. “Come on, don’t you want to pass through the bonfires?”
Danny eyed the very large bonfires on either side of the cemetery gates. They were lit up with sparks like fireworks, shifting like flowers blooming and withering and blooming again. They were beautiful and impressive, and Danny felt like melting just by looking at them.
“I don’t know…” He wanted to, but… melting…
“Well, if you want to go out the other way and be horribly unlucky for the next year…”
Danny narrowed his eyes. “Is that another trick?” he asked.
Ember’s grin grew wider, and she took off towards the gates. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Danny sighed and followed her.
“Unbelievable,” said McGee. “Absolutely unbelievable.” He gave the elderly cultist a boost into the wagon.
“I know, right?” said Patterson. “All this property damage and a low-key kidnapping,” she gestured to the hapless late night partier who had called the police when the cult got too insistent about their message, “and they didn’t even have the good drugs?” She shook her head. “Not that we ever arrest anyone just for drugs in this town.”
“I did not just hear you say that,” muttered McGee.
“We’ll make an Amity Parker out of you yet,” said Collins, heartily, slamming the back door of the wagon. He thumbed the button on his radio. “Any other disturbances?” he asked.
“No, you’re good to come back,” said the dispatcher.
“What I don’t get,” said McGee, leaning against a nearby wall in a moment of weakness, “is why we aren’t breaking up whatever cult thing is happening in the cemetery.” They’d seen it quite clearly on their way here.
“Because those are ghosts,” said Patterson.
McGee took a deep breath. “The ghosts are having some kind of ritual in the cemetery, and you aren’t worried.”
“Not really, no.”
“I hate it here,” said McGee.
“Do you, though?” asked Collins, sounding genuinely interested in the answer.
McGee opened his mouth to snap back that, yes, he did. But…
Hm. Huh.
Collins patted him on the back.
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dreamwraith · 3 years
Summary: Danny finally learned how to teleport, but where is the 'off' switch? Pairings: Hints of Sam crushing on Danny Warnings: Danny accidentally teleports into the girl’s locker room, but only for a few seconds; he’s as startled as they are. Danny and Tucker have a no-homo thing going on, they should probably just hug it out already.
On Ao3
"Hey! Sam! Sam, wait up!"
Sam glanced over her shoulder. When she saw Tucker chasing after her with an anxious look on his face, she stopped walking down the sidewalk. Tucker was able to reach her in no time, but he had to bend over and gulp in large breaths afterward.
"Something wrong, Tucker?" she asked after giving him a few seconds to catch his breath. "I thought I was meeting you and Danny at school today?"
"Well, yeah," Tucker panted, "that was the plan, but…Have you seen Danny?"
She raised an eyebrow. "No. Why? Did something happen? Is he in trouble?"
Tucker waved his hand, chuckling between gasps. "No…well, yes…well, kind of…"
"No, he isn't in any real danger. Yes, his secret may be in jeopardy."
Sam widened her eyes. "His secret might be in what? What happened exactly?"
Tucker stood up straight, using his beret to wipe his sweaty forehead. "Well, this morning, while Danny and I were walking to school, he had a breakthrough on teleporting. He practiced it a couple times by teleporting up and down the sidewalk when no one was around, getting farther and farther away. He was getting really good at it!"
"O-kay," Sam said slowly, "so somebody saw him doing this?"
"Um. No."
"What went wrong then?"
"Well, we were almost to school, so he changed back to Fenton. But a few seconds after he did, he disappeared and—"
"Tucker!" Danny jumped on Tucker. His best friend screamed and would have shot three feet in the air if Danny's Hug of Death was any less secure. "Finally! I've been trying to get back to you for who knows how long now! Oh, hey, Sam! Wait, where'd you come from?" He loosened his hold on the trembling Tucker and looked around. "This isn't where I left you, Tuck…"
"He came to find me after you apparently disappeared," Sam explained for their shell-shocked friend. "Danny, what's going on? Are—"
"I can't stop teleporting, Sam!" Danny all but shouted, unwrapping one arm from around Tucker so he could wave it around for emphasis. "One minute I'm walking peacefully down the sidewalk, the next I'm in my room! So far I've teleported to school three times, to the Ghost Zone twice, my room five times, yours once, Tucker's three, Vlad's house one time too many, and once I somehow ended up, like, fifty feet in the air! I can't control it!" He released Tucker, and latched onto Sam's shoulders, earning a surprised gasp from the Goth. "Make it stop, Sam! I can't take it anymore!"
"Danny, calm down!" She brushed Danny's hands off her shoulders, but he quickly grabbed her wrists. She scowled. "Danny, let go of me before I show a very incriminating photo of you and Tucker to Jazz."
Danny's hands flew away from Sam like she was an evil ghost in disguise. "I thought you burned that!" He hesitated before giving Tucker a one-armed hug again.
Sam smirked. "Why would I get rid of perfectly good blackmail material? Is there a reason you keep grabbing onto us, Danny?"
"Yeah, dude," Tucker said, finally regaining his wits enough to eye his strange friend. "It's getting awkward."
"I am being teleported all over the place without my consent," Danny reminded them, "can't I get a little sympathy from you guys?" They gave him bland, completely unsympathetic looks. "Alright, fine. By holding onto you stationary people, I'm hoping you will anchor me and stop me from teleporting."
"Wouldn't we just teleport with you though?" Sam asked.
Tucker's eyes grew large and he struggled against Danny's hold, but even in human form Danny was stronger than him.
"No," Danny grunted, "because it takes a lot of control to be able to teleport more than one person, and clearly I don't posses any control over this, whatsoever."
Tucker relaxed but his nose wrinkled. "It still feels awkward, Danny. Go hug, Sam."
"I'm not hugging you," Danny protested. "This is a manly arm grip!"
"It doesn't feel very manly."
"Doesn't look like it either," Sam said, smirking.
Danny huffed. "Fine." He dragged Tucker closer to Sam and then threw his other arm around her neck before she could protest. Sam gasped and struggled, upset—if her red face was anything to go by—but Danny started walking, and his friends were forced to follow. "Alright! Now this is teamwork!"
"More like kidnapping!" Sam shouted.
Tucker teased, "You know you like it, Sam."
"Oh, yeah, I just love to be held against my will."
"It's only until this stops," Danny tried to reason.
"Oh? And when will that be?"
"Uh…I don't know…"
She sighed, resigned. "This all started after you changed back into Danny Fenton, right?"
"Well, maybe you'll have more control of it if you're in your ghost form. Seems to me your ghost half would have more control over your powers than your human half would."
Danny hung his head, wishing he could face-palm without losing his anchors. "I should have thought of that…"
"That's what I'm here for. Now hurry up and change while the streets are empty."
Danny nodded, and in a flash of light, he became Amity Park's number one ghostly hero.
After a few seconds, Sam cleared her throat. "You'll have to let go of us to test this, Danny…"
Danny flinched. "B-but what if it doesn't work and I start teleporting like crazy again?"
"Then we'll just have to think of something else!" Sam hissed, "Now let go of us before somebody sees Danny Phantom hanging out with Danny Fenton's friends!"
Danny grimaced. He slowly, very slowly, released his best friends. They walked a few steps farther ahead before stopping and facing Danny again. He had his eyes pinched shut and his hands fisted at his sides.
"Did I teleport?" he asked, keeping his eyes sealed.
"No." Tucker chuckled. "But you look constipated. Loosen up, dude."
Danny cracked an eye open, but upon seeing the same setting as before, he grinned, and jumped in place. "Alright! Way to go, Sam!" He went to high five her, but seconds away from making contact, Danny became consumed by green mist. The mist disappeared along with Danny, followed by a popping sound.
Sam lowered her hand slowly, and exchanged glances with Tucker. "Uh, I guess it didn't work…"
Tucker sighed. "We might as well get to school, Sam. He's not going to show up here any time soon…"
"Paradise Lost!"
Danny's momentum carried him through the motion of the high-five, but because Sam's hand wasn't there to meet his, his swat carried into a somersault in midair. "Whoa!" He righted himself and jerked his head from side to side. The faces staring up at him were familiar, but the location wasn't since only teachers and their favorites were allowed inside the teacher's lounge.
Danny laughed nervously. "Um, uh, whoops?"
Mr. Lancer was the first to regain his composure. He stood up and fixed his tie in a nervous habit. "Mr. …Phantom, what is the meaning of this?" Sweat noticeably broke out over his forehead.
Danny flushed. "Um, I'm having a few technical issues with my powers…" He cleared his throat and floated with his back straight, adopting his 'hero' voice. "Sorry for the inconvenience, citizens. I'll just be going…"
But after a few seconds, Danny still floated in place above their table, staring fixedly into space. The teachers looked at each other in confusion. The Art teacher pulled out a sketch pad and started sketching the focused Ghost Boy in profile.
"…Any second now…"
If they had crickets in the staff lounge, they'd be chirping.
"…Any second…"
Mr. Felucca stepped forward, his index finger poised in question. "What power are you having difficulties with, Mr. Ghost Boy? As a scientist, perhaps I can be of assistance."
Danny grimaced. "Uh, actually—"
Ms. Tetslaff slammed a fist on the table, and the sudden violence made Danny start in surprise. "If it's power he's having trouble with, it's me he should be coming to for help! I'll whip him into shape!"
He winced, and drifted away from her. "Uh, it's not really a physical power—"
"I have studied many classical stories that teach great, historical lessons," Mr. Lancer said. "Perhaps one of those will be of some use to you, Mr. Phantom?"
"Thanks, but I don't—"
The Mythology teacher scoffed. "Your literature is of no use to a being of exponential power. My myths have way more value to him than your 'fiction'."
"I don't need—"
The Psychology teacher snapped her fingers. "It may be psychological! Please feel free to tell me all about your problems. I'm here to help!"
"I don't have a psychological issue! Why does everyone always think that?"
Ms. Loretta gazed at Danny's skinny body with a critical eye. "Perhaps it has something to do with malnourishment. Do ghosts have to eat? I can make you something, boy."
The Government teacher trembled in his seat, staring up at Danny in fear. "W-we should call somebody about this! Call the Fentons! Call the Guys in White! They'll know what to do!"
The Art teacher reached out and pinched a fold of Danny's jumpsuit. "Is this latex?"
"Hey!" Danny knocked his hand away and floated a few paces away from him. "No touching!"
"We should give him a physical!"
"He needs to learn a moral lesson!"
"What he needs is more meat on his bones!"
"Oh, how am I going to capture that glow…"
"Something must be wrong with the inner workings of his mind!"
"Perhaps it is his molecular structure that is causing the problem!"
"QUIET!" Danny shouted. The teachers instantly quieted. "There is nothing wrong with my body, my mind, or my morals, alright? I just developed a new power and I'm having some difficulty controlling it. That's all!"
The teachers backed away from the panting ghost boy.
Mr. Felucca was the first to gather his courage. He asked, "What kind of power?"
Danny relaxed. "Teleport—"
The teachers gasped, and stared at the spot where the Ghost Boy had once been.
"NOOO!" the Art teacher cried, and threw down his half-complete sketch. "I was so close!"
"Breach in Sector 8! We have a breach in Sector 8!"
Before Danny had a chance to gather his bearings, several ghost nets crashed into him and bound him to the floor. Where the net touched him, little bolts of electricity shot into his system like static jumping to a doorknob. Danny growled and struggled against the painful bindings, but the whirring of a ghost gun made him freeze. He looked up into the tinted sunglasses of a GiW operative.
"D-Don't move, Phantom!"
Danny's eyes half-lidded in boredom. "Oh great. The Mr. Clean Groupies…"
"Quiet, ghost," another agent ordered. "We have you surrounded."
Danny looked past the two standing over him. "Let me guess, the reinforcements are invisible?"
Danny wasn't able to see his eyes, but the second agent's brows furrowed, and his mouth turned down.. "I don't like your tone, boy."
Danny used his infamous cocky smirk. "Like I care? With only two agents, why should I worry? I could take you guys out easy."
The first agent, the one who had stuttered, gulped. Without warning, he shot at Danny.
Danny gasped, and dove to the side. He needn't have bothered, though. The shot was way off target. It crashed into the wall five feet behind Danny.
"Agent N!"
Danny eyed the scared agent warily. Like cornered wolves, frightened hunters packing heat were dangerous. "New agent?" he asked the other guy.
He grunted. "As green as they come. Listen, kid," he faced Agent N, "there is a rhythm to these things. We exchange witty banter, and then we start shootin' them."
Agent N nodded his head rapidly. "Y-yes, sir. Understood, sir! Should I tranquilize him, sir?"
"Wow, he is green."
The senior agent scowled. "Tranquilizers don't work on ghosts, recruit. Get your facts straight!"
Agent N stuttered apologies. Danny rolled his eyes and wished he would teleport out of there already.
"W-what do we do then, s-sir?"
The other agent grinned sadistically. "We shock him until he loses consciousness."
Danny flinched, but tried to hide it. "Gee, so humane. You must be very proud of your species."
"I am." The senior agent pulled a button switch out of his pocket, and poised his thumb above the large red button. Danny breathed in a deep breath, readying a Ghostly Wail. Passing out and transforming in front of them wasn't an option. "Or, I don't care about yours. Prepare yourself, ghost scum."
The first thing Danny noticed was the absence of annoying static shocks. The second thing he noticed was the absence of everything else. Including air. He was really glad he took a deep breath before, though the breath was almost stolen from him when he looked down at the Earth. Like, the Earth, the blue planet Earth.
I'm in space! he thought, grinning goofily. He gazed around himself in wonder. He had been to space before, but he'd been too busy fighting to really admire the scenery.
Stars in every direction, as far as the eye could see, he was on the sunny side of the Earth, but he could see the moon poking out from behind the rocky planet. A comet was off in the distance, its ice and dust particles trailing behind it as the solar wind tore at the ice rock. He closed his eyes, and lights danced behind his eyelids as the solar wind hit him.
Danny sagged, and his expression became dreamy. It's so beautiful…this just makes me want to be an astronaut even more! I wish I could stay—Air! He gripped his throat. Air! I need air!
"Chronicles of Narnia!"
Danny gasped in air, like he'd never tasted anything so sweet. Space was awesome, but it'd be a lot better with oxygen.
"Danny Phantom!"
Danny spun around, and found his first period class staring up at him the same way he had stared at Outer Space. A nervous smile worked its way onto his lips. "I'm just dropping by. I'll be gone in a second, so please, don't let me interrupt."
The class started whispering to each other in excitement, looking like they were seconds away from mobbing him. In the back row, he saw Sam scowl. She hated his 'hero' voice. Tucker waved discreetly to him, and Danny subtly nodded back. He was glad Valerie didn't have his first hour…
"Mr. Phantom!"
Danny looked over his shoulder at Mr. Lancer. "Uh, hello again…"
Lancer frowned. "I take it you haven't fixed your 'problem'?"
"Then perhaps you would like to sit in for my lesson," he said, smirking like he had just won a contest. "Perhaps you will learn something."
The students screamed. No longer able to contain themselves, they jumped out of their seats and rushed for Danny. He floated out of their reach, feeling nervous and slightly nauseous. Tucker and Sam joined them in order to keep up appearances, and Danny was annoyed to see Tucker filming it all on his PDA. His classmates gathered below him, shouting for autographs.
Danny backed away, breathing fast. "Uh, I don't know if that's such a good idea! Besides, I probably won't be here for much longer, or at least I really hope not, so I—"
"…and that is why, I believe we can use the town's little ghost problem to our…" Vlad trailed off when it became apparent he didn't have his audience's full attention. "…advantage…"
Despite the meeting being comprised of mostly professional reporters and self-important civilians, they were whispering rudely amongst each other, laughing and pointing at something behind Vlad. He looked behind him, but all he saw was the red curtain. His eyes narrowed thoughtfully.
"…As I was saying," Vlad said, turning back to the microphone on the podium, "with an interest in ghosts growing worldwide, more and more people will be traveling to Amity Park in search of the fabled beings—one in particular, I might add. I say we encourage this by building tourist attractions that will bring in large crowds of people."
"What?" a familiar voice exclaimed. Vlad smirked, his suspicion confirmed. Danny Phantom flew in front of him, his arms thrown out. "You can't bring more people here! I knew you were a fruitloop, Vlad, but this is going a bit far!"
"Ah," Vlad said suavely, "Amity Park's famous Ghost Boy. So nice of you to join us."
"Cut the crap, Vlad…er, Mr. Mayor…" Danny blushed and glanced over his shoulder at the flashing cameras and excited audience.
Vlad chuckled. "If it puts you more at ease, you're welcome to use my first name. It's the least I can do for our star attraction."
Danny refocused his righteous gaze on Vlad, but he floated to the side of him so his back was no longer to the cameras. "You can't bring tourists here, Masters."
"Oh? And why not? It'd be very profitable for this town."
"You mean it'd be very profitable for you," Danny corrected. "And you can't bring them here because, in case you haven't noticed, this town isn't very safe. The people living here know to run when a ghost attacks, but tourists will get closer because that's what they came to see. People could get seriously hurt…"
"Do you doubt your ability to protect them, little hero?" Vlad questioned, smirking mockingly. "We can use the funds the tourists bring in to hire more competent ghost hunters, so I assure you there is no need for such fear."
Danny scowled at the 'competent' part. "You're making a mistake, Masters. You can hire a hundred ghost hunters, but they won't be enough to—"
Vlad raised an eyebrow. Interesting… He hadn't expected the boy to develop his teleportation powers so soon, but his apparent lack of control more than made up for his accelerated growth. He'd make the boy suffer a while longer before he approached him.
He turned back to his murmuring audience. "Any questions?"
The crowd shot to their feet.
Ms. Tetslaff blew her whistle. Her students looked at her with hope in their eyes and sweat covering every inch of their exhausted bodies. "That's enough for today," she said. "Shower up, you lazy maggots!" The students silently cheered and limped toward the locker rooms.
Tucker almost fell over in relief. He'd take helping Danny fight ghosts over gym any day. He was tempted to curl into a ball and fake dehydration, just so he could sit and relax for a few seconds. Sadly, it was not to be. Sam bounced to his side, and Tucker for the second time that day cursed the girl's athleticism.
She grabbed his arm, and forced him to stumble toward the locker rooms. He muttered complaints, but being the good friend she was, she ignored them.
"Any sign of Danny since this morning?" she asked him quietly.
"Once," Tucker replied. Even his voice sounded tired. "He made a brief appearance in third period chemistry class, and I mean brief. He was there for all but five seconds, but it was still enough to disrupt the whole class and get us out of homework." He grinned. "It was awesome! What about you?"
Sam shrugged. "He popped into second period Art Class. Everybody started sketching him, including Mr. Coal." She smirked. "Danny looked so embarrassed."
Tucker chuckled. "I bet. How long did he stay?"
"Five or ten minutes. There were a lot of disappointed groans after he disappeared, but Mr. Coal managed to finish. It looks really cool too…I also heard he made an appearance for History Class, and Government." She rolled her eyes. "The Government teacher tried to call the Guys in White, but he got taken captive by his class."
Tucker laughed. "Oh man! I wish I had seen that!"
"We can ask Danny all about it once we see him again," Sam pointed out. "If he stays long enough…"
Tucker chuckled.
They split into their gender specific locker rooms, waving goodbye. Still chuckling, Tucker grabbed his shower supplies and strolled into the shower area. Because of a recent ghost attack, tarps littered the area, for once creating some much needed privacy. Too bad Danny was missing it. Mr. Modesty would most definitely appreciate the seclusion.
Tucker stripped down, and was just about to turn on the water when…
Tucker jumped.
Danny nearly hugged him like he had that morning, but he stopped at the last second. He pulled slowly away, making a face. "Uh, you're my best friend and everything, Tuck," he said, "and I love you like a brother, but I am so not touching you when you're naked…"
Tucker hurriedly wrapped his lower half in his towel. "Well no asked you to!" He looked at his best friend, noticing the tousled white hair, the tear in his jumpsuit, and the way his eyes twitched and darted around the room. "Having a rough day, Danny?"
"Like you wouldn't believe!" Danny pulled on his own hair—explaining why it was so messy—and stared at Tucker with unnaturally large eyes. "I never know where I'm going, or when I'm going there! It's all completely random! And I've seen things, Tuck! I've seen things…"
Tucker held his fists against his naked chest, mocking a scared expression. "Were they dead people?" he whispered.
Danny blinked, scowled, and crossed his hands over his chest, sulking. "Oh yeah, ha ha. Laugh at the poor kid who just saw Ember and Skulker making out."
Tucker's jaw dropped and his face turned slightly green.
Danny smirked. "Yeah! Not so funny now, is it!"
Tucker stared at the empty space before him for a moment, wondering where his traveling friend would end up next.
It happened very fast.
Danny saw what every straight guy dreams about, committed it unintentionally to memory, and was then deafened by shrieks. He screamed too and quickly covered his eyes with his hands. He turned around and tried to fly out of the Girl's Locker Room, but he forgot to go intangible, and he crashed into the lockers. The girls started throwing towels, hairbrushes, and other items at him.
"Sorry! I'm sorry!" he shouted over their screams, cowering in a corner. "I have no control over where I'm going!"
Danny was never so glad to hear that sound. Still, he stayed in a fetal position, too afraid to see where he had teleported to. Maybe if I stay still, he thought desperately, I won't teleport!
"It's alright, Danny," a kind and familiar voice said. "You're safe here."
Danny opened his eyes slowly, and stared up at Clockwork. The Time Ghost in, the form of an old man, smiled kindly back down at him.
Danny grinned and jumped to his feet. "Clockwork! Man, am I glad to see you! Listen, you have to help me! I can't stop teleporting everywhere, and I'm seeing things I really don't want to be seeing, going places I shouldn't be going, and you probably already know about all of this, because you're the Master of Time and everything, but I have to tell you because—"
"Danny, you have something on—"
"—I'm freaking out here, because I can't stop teleporting—"
"Danny, your head—"
"—and I'm seeing things I should not be not be seeing, and it won't stop, Clockwork, make it stop!" Danny leaned his head against his Guardian/mentor's chest, whimpering pathetically. "Make it stop…"
Clockwork hesitated, unsure. He reached up a hand, and patted Danny awkwardly on the shoulder. "I…I'm sorry, Danny," he said, sounding sincerely apologetic. "It's not my place to help you."
Danny's shoulders slumped in defeat. He drew away from the timeless ghost and shook the hand off his shoulder. "Yeah…I should have figured that…Sorry for putting you on the spot, Clockwork."
Clockwork changed into a toddler. He sighed, and shook his head. "There is nothing to apologize for, Danny. You ask far less of me than most ghosts. However," his tone made Danny glance despondently up at him, "I can tell you it will end soon."
Danny straightened, and his eyes brightened with hope. "Really?"
The Time Master nodded sagely. "Indeed." He smirked, and it was very odd to see such a sarcastic look on a kid's face. "By the way, Danny. You have something on your head."
Danny frowned. He brought his hand to his head and pressed down, immediately feeling something lacy. He grabbed it and brought it down to eye level. It was a white bra. Danny let out a half-yelp and quickly tossed it away from him. He wiped his hand against his pants, making a face.
Clockwork chuckled, now a middle-aged man. "I thought you were over the 'cootie' stage by now, Danny."
Danny grimaced. "I'm fourteen, and I have an older sister. You do the math."
Clockwork nodded. "Fair enough. You have ten seconds before you teleport again."
Danny looked dismayed. "So soon? Can you tell me where I'm going?"
"Home, Danny. To Fenton Works." Danny smiled in relief. "But you won't get a warm welcome."
He frowned. "What do you mean by that?"
"I can't believe you're counting down!"
"Whoever heard of Master of all Time counting down the time?"
"'Hey, I'm Clockwork! I'm counting down because I'm awesome like that—'"
"Warning! Warning! Ecto-entity in the lab."
Danny blinked. "Wow. What a welcome home…"
His mom grabbed an ecto gun off one of the lab tables and shot at Danny. He gasped and quickly dove beneath it, escaping the shot by a hair. Jack shot a net at Danny, but it missed him completely. Still in a ball, it ricocheted off the wall and expanded over Maddie, knocking her to the ground and sending her gun flying. Danny clamped his hands over his mouth, trying to smother his giggles.
"Jack!" Maddie shouted angrily, struggling inside the net.
"Sorry, sweet cheeks!" Jack dropped the net launcher and grabbed the weapon they'd been working on before Danny arrived. "I'll get you out of there as soon as I capture this ghost!"
"Jack! We haven't fixed the—"
"BONSAI!" Jack pulled the trigger. Ectoplasmic goop shot into his face.
Danny wasn't sure whether to be embarrassed by his father (again), or be grateful he messed up an attack (again). He just chuckled weakly, and rubbed the back of his neck.
As soon as the green mist cleared, Danny looked around his new surroundings. What he saw made him grimace, and not just because the green and gold color scheme was an eyesore.
"Ah, Daniel. I was wondering when you'd 'pop' in."
Vlad stepped out of a darkened hallway, haunting smirk in place. Danny spun around and crossed his arms over his chest, lifting an eyebrow. "Do you always have to make a creepy entrance, or is this another fruitloop thing?"
Vlad huffed, looking offended. "It's dramatic, Daniel, not creepy."
"Where'd you learn it from, Villainy for Dummies? Seems like overcompensation if you ask me."
Vlad's eyes flashed red, before he schooled his expression into one of mocking regret. "I was going to offer you my expertise on teleporting, but if you're going to be immature, I have more important things to do." He turned around, walking back into the dark hallway.
Danny gasped, and quickly flew in front of the man. "Whoa, hold on!" He held up his hands in front of Vlad, forcing him to stop. "You can stop this? You can make me stop teleporting?" Vlad nodded, and Danny smiled happily. "Great! I—Wait." The smile fell from his face, and he eyed the man suspiciously. "What's in it for you?"
Vlad's lips twisted into a smirk. "No longer naïve enough to expect anything for free. I'm proud of you, little badger. My price is the usual."
"Renounce my dad and become your evil apprentice?" Danny crossed his arms again. "Forget it, Vlad."
Vlad shrugged his shoulders. "Then enjoy the rest of your life filled with uncertainty." He walked around Danny, raising a hand in farewell. "Ta."
Danny winced. He chewed on his bottom lip, thinking. He hated teleporting. If he ever got out of the rut he had fallen into, he swore the power would definitely be crossed off his list…He groaned, and flew after Vlad. "Vlad wait!"
Vlad halted, his expression triumphant. "Yes?"
Danny refused to meet his eyes. "I…The reward isn't worth the price, Vlad, but…will you teach me to control this power for…Mom's cell number?"
Vlad's eyes sparkled in interest. "You'll give me her phone number?"
It was difficult, but Danny managed to keep from grinning triumphantly. "She'll probably never forgive me, but yes. I mean, it's not like you'll get anywhere with it…"
Vlad smiled cockily. "I assure you, Daniel, I can be quite charming. I'll be your legal father in no time." Danny gagged, and Vlad rolled his eyes. "I suppose we have a deal?" Vlad held out his hand.
Danny stared at it, making a show of hesitating. "Alright…" He reached out and grabbed the other hybrids hand. "Deal."
Danny blinked, and when his eyes opened, it wasn't Vlad's ugly décor that greeted his sight, but Amity's newspaper office. People occupied cubicles, writing down stories on computers and scribbling notes in their notebooks, but no sign of Vlad.
"No!" Danny screamed, frantically searching the office for his savior. He could have followed him in ghost form, right? The sound of typing and pencils scribbling on paper instantly ceased, but Danny didn't notice. "I was so close to ending this!" He ran a hand through his hair, pacing back and forth on the open air. "I finally outsmarted the creep, and I get whooshed off before I can even celebrate! Where's justice in that? Is this some great cosmic joke? Just—"
"Jack! Get this net off me!"
"—how many people are laughing at me? The Observants—"
"Danny Phantom!"
"—are probably having a grand ol' time laughing at me, the jerks. No doubt Vlad finds this whole thing amusing—"
"Breach in Sector 11! Again!"
"—because he's a total bastard like that. Clockwork, Master of all Annoyingness, acted—"
"—all sincere, but I bet he's laughing on the inside!"
"Mr. Phantom! A few questions—"
"And don't even get me started on my friends—"
"—probably laughing about it at this very moment! Some friends!"
Danny spun around. His friends stared up at him, along with the whole Casper High cafeteria. He was floating over the lunch line, and even the lunch ladies were gaping openly at him. Slop slipped off one of their spoons.
Danny laughed. "Great. Just great. Of course I'd wind up here, again."
"Danny," Sam hissed, "go invisible!"
Considering the students were starting to rush in his direction, that was sound advice. Danny turned invisible. His fans slowed, groaning in disappointment, but Danny felt no sympathy. He placed a hand on Sam's shoulder, and whispered, "I'll meet you guys at our table." She nodded and whispered the message to Tucker.
Danny sat in his designated seat and placed his head in his hands, just taking time to relax and not think about anything. A few minutes later, Tucker and Sam sat at the table on either side of him.
"Danny?" Sam asked quietly. "Are you still here?"
Danny nodded his head, but realized they couldn't see it. He sighed. "Yes."
Tucker stuffed some mystery meat into his mouth. "So how's your day been?" he asked cheerfully.
Danny groaned.
"Aw, it can't be that bad." He grinned, and nudged what he hopped was Danny's shoulder and not his head. "Sam says you teleported into the girl's locker room while they were changing…"
Sam stabbed her salad, growling low in her throat. She muttered what Danny assumed were threats against mankind.
"They nearly killed me, Tuck."
"Yeah, but you would have died a happy man!"
Danny's lips twitched. "True…"
Sam slammed her spork down, her face flaming. "We are never speaking of it again, and you—" she pointed a threatening finger at Danny's seat "—are going to forget what you saw. Got it?"
"…I don't think I can, Sam…"
Sam growled, and Tucker laughed. Danny smiled, though they couldn't see it, and snuck a fry from Tucker's tray. Being invisible had its perks.
"The school is in an uproar, Danny," Sam said after a minute of silence. "…More than usual. Valerie is going crazy trying to find you, Paulina constantly fixes her makeup, and the teachers seem to be competing against each other…"
Tucker nodded. "There's even a bet going around about where you'll pop in next!"
Danny raised an unseen eyebrow. "Do I want to know who started the bet, Tuck…?"
Tucker coughed into his fist. "Depends on what you plan to do to him—or her! For all we know, the evil, clever, and no doubt charming mastermind might have been a girl."
Danny rolled his eyes, and stole another fry from the 'clever mastermind'. "Uh-huh."
"Have you learned any control yet?" Sam asked.
Danny grumbled. "No. I convinced Vlad to help me, though."
"How'd you manage that?" Sam asked.
He smirked slyly. "By offering my mom's cell phone number."
Tucker frowned. "But your mom doesn't—" His eyes cleared in understanding. He smiled at Danny. "Niiice, dude."
"So, you know how to stop now?" Sam asked.
Danny sighed. "No. Before he had a chance to tell me, I teleported away."
"Well," Tucker said, "that explains the rant. That must have been really frustrating."
"I wasn't ranting!" Danny protested. "I was…expressing my anger to the universe."
"In other words, ranting," Sam concluded.
"…Alright fine, I ranted."
"Maybe there's a pattern to it," Sam suggested. "You've been here for a while. What are you doing differently now?"
Danny shrugged. "Talking to you guys, focusing on not teleporting so I have a chance to relax."
"Maybe that's the answer then. You just have to concentrate on your surroundings and on staying in one place."
He grimaced. "I don't know, Sam. What about when I—"
Sam groaned, and leaned back in her chair. "Great. Here we go again."
Tucker chuckled. "Look on the bright side, Sam. At least the bet—that I had no part in making—is still on. I'm going to be rich!" He went to grab a fry, but the bucket was empty. He frowned down at his tray. "Where'd my fries go?"
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