#i only ever pull for characters because they’re hot
the-travelling-witch · 10 months
i need to stay strong, i’m not pulling for wrio just because he’s hot… and has handcuffs…
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rinhaler · 6 months
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CHAPTER SUMMARY: So you're trapped in a cabin with your hot ex who you haven't seen in months as well as his hot friends. Now what? Party and make him jealous, of course.
ex-fiancé!rin x f!reader
WARNINGS : 18+, alcohol consumption, oui'd smoking, shotgunning, lots of flirting, sex talk/discussions, squirting mention, dry humping?? (grinding while dancing), rejection, pet names (baby, princess).
WORDS : 8.6k
notes : this series may be a flop but I like it 😭🫶🏽
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Rin’s eyes lower from staring up at you, instead focusing on talking to his brother and the other guests as he comes into the cabin and finally shuts the door behind himself. They’re all catching up, it’s plain to see how close they all are and how happy they are to see each other.
Even Rin looks uncharacteristically happy to see everyone. Usually, the only thing on his mind is football and training. Maybe the holiday season is bringing out this new side of him.
Though you can’t help but feel a little nauseated. You know Sae is just as surprised to see him as you are, but still, if you trusted your better judgement, you wouldn’t have come just in case this happened. Your fingers curl around the banister tightly as you try to steel yourself.
“I can’t believe this.” you whisper to Chigiri, who runs a soft palm soothingly across your back.
“Come on.” he tilts his head towards the top of the stairs, suggesting you go and reassess the situation in the safety of your bedroom. He leads the way, and you follow hurriedly, not getting the chance to see Rin glance up at you disappearing. “It’s giving main character.” Chigiri can’t help but smirk as he shuts the door behind you both.
“It’s giving… I’m fucked.” you laugh back before screaming into a pillow. You pull it away, your hair messed up a little before Chigiri puts it back into place for you. “I literally can’t believe this is happening. So much for no Rin talk all week!”
“Oh fuck, I know. So much for a rebound, too.” he sighs. You do a fake little cry before genuinely groaning in distress as he thinks. “I mean, you could still do it, but it’ll just end up causing drama.”
“Yeah no way, maybe we should leave?” you suggest, and he doesn’t argue. It might be for the best, it’s an uncomfortable, unexpected change in circumstance and both of you can’t help but feel less welcome. “They’re his friends. We were only invited because he wasn’t supposed to be coming.”
“Plus we can spend the week together anyway since you managed to get out of seeing your parents.”
“Right!” you nod excitedly. “Okay, wanna help me pack and then I’ll help you?”
“Sure. But I don’t need help and I know you won’t help anyway.” he chides, laughing softly as he stands tall and looks around thinking about where to start.
Really, nothing gets done. You talk about packing, but you both end up sitting on top of the bed and gossiping more about what happened.
Rin Itoshi is here.
And you haven’t seen him since the breakup. That awful, painful breakup. Enough time has passed that the memory doesn’t feel as raw. But Christ it still hurts. You can still feel the way tears pricked at your eyes and flooded your lash line as you broke things off with him. They cascaded downwards with no sign of stopping as Rin begged and pleaded, sobbing to give him another chance.
You wanted to.
You remember how agonising it felt to deny him that chance. The fear in his eyes as he realised things weren’t going to be fixed with words and he really was losing you forever. The exact moment his heart broke into pieces will be etched in your mind for the rest of your life. The pain of that vision has dulled but is ever present.
And seeing him, now, look at you with such little care is like a knife tearing into your flesh. His lack of smile is like salt and bleach pouring into a fresh wound.
You do your best to hide a fresh tear rolling down your cheek from Hyoma, but it’s too late. He sits up on the bed and leans over to you to wipe it away. And you know what’s coming, a classic pep talk from him that always make you feel better. Even if he can be harsh, he always knows best.
Just as he’s about to speak, though, the door swings open.
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t— are you two a thing now?”
You shake your head, trying to conceal your red, watery eyes from Rin as he stands in the doorway. Hyoma objects. A little too much for your liking. But there isn’t a single indication of jealousy or relief as Rin listens to him speak.
The thought of you moving on doesn’t faze him at all.
“You’re in my room.” Rin tells you, and you nod.
“Rin! I was just about to tell you that your rooms been taken, you’ll have to—” Sae follows his brother into the room, looking at you with a slight look of sorrow as he can tell how upset you are. And if Sae has noticed, Rin definitely has.
“We’ll be gone soon.” you try to sniffle discreetly. You can’t bear looking at Rin, but your eyes meet his brothers as he cocks his head in confusion. “We were just about to pack and head home. You can have your room back, sorry.” you explain. The brothers watch you as you walk over to the wardrobe and begin collecting your clothes, and you’re thankful for the opportunity to hide your face and wipe your shimmering cheeks.
“You’re not serious, are you?” Sae asks, and all you can do is nod. “Rin was going to take the couch.”
“Was I?” he raises an eyebrow and grimaces at his brother who returns a scathing glare back at him. “Don’t leave on my account. I thought we were going to be mature about this.”
“This is being mature, Rin.” you sigh, finally looking at him. “This is your house. Your friends. It’s okay, it makes more sense for us to leave.”
“Chigiri, talk to her.” Sae requests, only to end up disappointed when Chigiri confesses that he agrees with you. He sighs, but tries to think of a solution. “Look, it’s gonna get dark soon. At least wait until morning? You’ve only been here for an hour or so, and you were excited for this. Things don’t have to change.” he reasons, watching you and Hyoma share a look as you consider it.
“It’s a long drive… icy roads… and he’s right about it getting dark.” Chigiri says to you, quietly, though the brothers can hear. You look at all of them as you think, but you focus on Chigiri as he continues. “Why don’t you move your stuff into my room and then Rin can have his own room?” he suggests.
You sigh, nodding. He starts helping you bring your clothes into his room rather than packing them away, and Rin drags his suitcase into his own room so he can unpack when you’re done.
Sae helps with your stuff, too, sticking around in Chigiri’s room to make sure you’re okay.
“I hope you don’t think I’m setting you up or anything…” he tells you, “I swear he told me he wasn’t coming. He actually told me he’d rather break both of his legs than come here.”
“It’s okay, Sae, I know. I trust you.” you smile at him. Him and Chigiri work well as a team, pretty much taking over and not allowing you to lift a finger as they help you transfer your things to his room. “I still feel like I shouldn’t be here. I don’t feel great and I’m probably going to ruin the mood.”
“Not possible, Rin is the biggest buzzkill without trying.” he laughs, picking up the golden glittery dress Chigiri had noticed earlier. “We’re having a party tonight, definitely wear this.” Sae tells you, handing it to you.
You model in front of the standing mirror in the corner of the room and hold the garment up against your body. It’ll definitely turn some heads, for sure. And even if you can’t actually hook up with anyone, you’re sure you’ll get some attention either way.
“I’m going to town for another booze run, wanna come, Chigiri?” Sae asks, turning focus from you to your friend. Chigiri looks at you inquisitively, like he’s asking permission, but you only shrug.
“I should shower and start getting ready for tonight, anyway!” you tell him. “But you better be back in time to do my hair.” you poke out your tongue.
“Ugh you take forever.” he sighs, heading for the exit with Sae. “Go, go.” he mutters, walking ahead of him until he’s completely out of sight and down the stairs.
“Otoya is coming with us,” Sae tells you. “Ryusei will keep you company if you get lonely.” he smiles, leaving you alone with your thoughts and allowing you to ruminate on the fact you’re stuck in a house with your ex.
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Chigiri isn’t back by the time you get out of the shower. You rush across the hall, a little deflated that you’ve downgraded to a room without an ensuite. Though you’re sure everyone is downstairs, your adrenaline is through the roof at the thought of being seen in just a towel.
You make it back to your room unseen, however, locking the door behind you when you get inside. You’ll have to hurry and get dressed in case Chigiri comes back. You’re sure he’s seen you naked countless times through your friendship when you’re too hammered to care, but the thought of him walking in on you with nothing on is too embarrassing to even think about.
YOU: are u still out?
CHIGIRI: yeah we’re heading back now tho
You put your phone away and start to lather yourself in all of your lotions and potions. You’re sure he’ll comment on how overpowering the smell of strawberries and coconut is when he returns but you can’t find it in you to care. You feel so smooth and sweet and invigorated.
There’s a short and vest pyjama set plaguing your mind that you bought brand new that you’re itching to wear. Though when you strip yourself of your towel, you realise you should have brought a dressing gown.
It makes you think about Ryusei.
You’re sure there’s a spare in his ensuite, or if not a spare, he might let you borrow his. You unlock the door to your room once you’re dressed in your barely there loungewear, shivering a little as water still drips and spills across your skin.
The corridor with each room is bare as you look up and down. Though as you walk towards where Sae said Ryusei’s room would be, you spot Rin poke his head out of his bedroom. He sees you, too, barely glancing at you for more than a moment before he goes back inside of his room.
Your stomach churns, nerves getting the better of you. But your eyes soon light up when you see Ryusei leave his own room. You want to call out to him, to run towards him, but he disappears just as quickly when he follows Rin into his room.
It makes you pause, unsure of what to do. You don’t particularly want to see Rin again, but you’d quite like to catch up with Ryusei.
You take a breath, and slowly approach. The door is ajar, though you don’t feel confident enough to reveal yourself. Instead, you rest against the wall. It’s not like you’re eavesdropping, you’re just working up the courage to talk to him.
“Crazy that she’s here.” Ryusei laughs. They’re talking about you, you realise. You slow your breathing and actively make the effort to listen in on their conversation, now. It’s icky and invasive and you hate yourself for it. But you can’t help yourself. You want to know what they’re thinking. Both of them. “How’re you feelin’ about it?”
“Well—” he stops, thinking. It goes silent for a while, and he begins moving around the room. It makes your heart race. Does he know you’re there? Is he about to close the door? You inhale a slow, silent breath, holding it in your lungs for as long as possible. “I’m seeing someone… so I don’t really care.”
“You are? You kept that quiet!”
“You never asked.” Rin responds without missing a beat. “We’re also not friends.”
Ryusei laughs at him, though he isn’t sure if he’s joking or not. They’re friends, right? They talk often enough, and Rin probably sees Ryusei more than he sees his own brother. They hang out a lot outside of practices and games, so he doesn’t doubt that they’re friends, despite what Rin says.
You feel your heart stop beating, you swear.
For the first time, maybe ever, Chigiri was wrong. Rin is seeing someone. He actually moved on. You can’t be mad; you have no right to be mad. Not when you ended things. If you cared about him so much, you wouldn’t have broken his heart. He has every right to move on, and so you do.
Though you can’t stop the way your heart aches. The way it bleeds each time it beats, it’s scarring with every thump. You feel the lashing of a whip lacerating it as it does all it can to keep you alive.
But you’ve died inside.
You can’t help the way your throat suffocates itself with a lump in a desperate bid to gain more oxygen. Your eyes are full. They’re wet and pitiful as you come to terms with the news. Maybe you thought you’d find your way back to each other one day.
After the breakup, he didn’t bother you at all. He took it terribly in the moment. But after, he seemed to shut down completely. Everything was so methodical and planned. He arranged to have his stuff moved out by movers and requested you wouldn’t be there. It was quick and seamless, and you never heard from him again after that.
It hurt.
It stung, in fact.
But in your mind, you hoped that things would change. Even up until now, you hoped you would both grow as people and maybe one day find each other again. You’d be ready to grow up and be who you each needed to be so that you could be together in the right way.
But that can’t happen, now.
You were too hopeful that he’d change for you.
You just gave him the freedom to be someone else’s.
The wood floor creaks as you try and stealthily sneak away, and it doesn’t go unnoticed by Rin or Ryusei. You hear Ryusei question if someone is there, and it makes everything worse. You quickly try and disguise your tears before you reveal yourself, pretending to be on the phone as you stand in the doorway.
“Sorry I was just talking to my dad and pacing around! Bye!” you tell them, hurrying away before either of them can call you out on it. You aren’t sure if they realised you were listening in, and truthfully, you don’t want to know. If either of them were to ask you, you think you’d have a breakdown.
You rush back to Chigiri’s room and lock the door behind you, and for a while, you manage to keep composed. Tears are flowing and you feel horrible about the situation, but you’re surprisingly calm.
“Hey, kiddo,” you hear a soft knock at the door. “Can I come in?” Ryusei asks. And that is when you begin to sob.
You go to the door and unlock it, opening it wide and allowing him to see your puffy eyes and soaking cheeks. He tuts, sorrowfully, wiping your cheeks with his thumbs as he enters the room. He closes the door behind himself again and locks it before guiding you to the bed.
The tears don’t stop, and he keeps wiping them away for you. It hurts. God, it fucking hurts. If you had some hindsight and known he’d move on this quickly, you never would have ended things. You’re realising a lot about the breakup and what a big mistake you’ve made, now. And it’s stupid and selfish and you hate yourself for it.
You know you weren’t happy at the time.
But you were a lot fucking happier than you are right now.
“You heard, then?” he asks. “What were you doin’? Eavesdropping doesn’t seem like you.”
“I— I wasn’t. Not really… I didn’t mean to.” you try to explain, still stuttering and sniffling through your words. He coos and shushes you, trying to calm you down so that you can speak and think clearly. He urges you to take deep breaths, and finally, you can explain. “I was coming to see you and then I saw you go into Rin’s room so I got nervous and hid.”
“Ah,” he nods. “Well, what did you want to see me for?”
“I just… wanted to know if you had a spare dressing gown.” you tell him half of the truth, the other half glued to your tongue and unwilling to be shared. Though his smile, his cheeky, almost intimidating smirk has you folding for him and confessing the rest. “’n I missed you, thought we could catch up.”
He pulls you into his arms and squeezes tight. He can’t even begin to tell you how much he’s missed you. Of course, you’re all busy doing your own thing, but he got to see you way more when you were dating Rin.
You have no idea how much he cherishes those moments you came with them when they travelled to away games. The pranks you played with him and the nights you spent up watching movies and learning more about each other.
He’s never crossed a line with you, ever.
But that doesn’t mean he hasn’t thought about it.
Rin is one of his closest friends. And, at the time, you were his. He’d never dream of making a move on you. He wouldn’t want to ruin his friend’s relationship and break the trust between them.
You withdraw from his hug, though. Your eyes shimmer and twinkle as they look into his wantonly. They’re so flirtatious yet stern in comparison to how wet and desperate your own look. The tension between you is rife, and you swear the only thing that can be heard is the way your heart pounds.
He doesn’t expect you to lean forward.
He doesn’t expect you to tilt your head and close your eyes as your face gets closer to his.
It takes him aback, his eyes widening in shock as he realises what you’re doing. His hands fly to your shoulders, and he pulls away from you, keeping you at arm’s length. You feel every organ plummet through your body as you realise what an idiot you are.
“Oh my God.” you sigh, moving away from him and covering your hands over your mouth in horror. How could you be so stupid? You’re stone cold sober and don’t have a single excuse to fall back on. You just threw yourself at him, and he didn’t give you any indication that he was interested.
“Hey, it’s okay! You’re just hurting, and I’m here.” he starts, getting closer to you and putting an arm around you before you shrug him off and walk away. “Things don’t need to be weird, baby, I understand.”
You scoff, looking at him briefly before your eyes fill with tears again at the sheer embarrassment. He stands up, desperate to hold you. To console you. But you don’t let him. Keeping him away as far as possible as you move away from him and push him, almost angrily.
A turn of the handle at the bedroom door makes you both freeze. The following knock at the door forces you to look at him.
“Don’t tell anyone.” you request, eyes pleading with him as you begin to panic.
He doesn’t speak, heading to the door to see who’s there. You’re relieved when it swings open, it’s Chigiri. He looks a little surprised to see you in your scanty pyjamas with Ryusei in the room. The latter of the men doesn’t say a word as he slips by him. Not uttering a sound or even looking at him as he goes back to his own room.
Chigiri comes in, quickly, locking the door again and setting down the shopping bag.
You see two glasses in his hand, quickly grabbing them and setting them down as he pulls out a bottle of rosé wine from the shopping bag. He holds it up, raising a brow, asking a silent question of whether you want to start the party early or not.
“Pour the drinks, bitch.” you tell him. He laughs, screwing off the lid as you grab your makeup bag and a few different eyeshadow palettes from your suitcase.
“Do I even want to know?” he wonders, holding your glass out to you. You take it from his hand as you walk by and sit at the dressing table with your makeup. He circles around you, grabbing his hair dryer so he can start doing your hair at the same time.
“I tried to kiss him.” you smile, sarcastically. “Tried being very important, because he was horrified. He couldn’t keep me far enough away, Hyoma.”
“Well… you are his friends ex, babe. Give him some credit.” Hyoma tries to reason. “There’s no way he wouldn’t kiss you back otherwise.”
“Oh! Speaking of my ex, he’s seeing someone.” you start laughing hysterically before fanning your hands in front of your face to try and stop yourself from crying. “Remember,” you laugh-cry again, “remember when you said he’s too focused on work to move on? Hahaha!” you continue, grabbing your wine glass and drinking every last drop.
“Oh boy.” Chigiri speaks, downing his own glass before topping them both up. Admittedly, you feel way calmer as he starts brushing your hair. His soft hands raking through your locks almost sends you to sleep. “Who told you?”
“No one, I accidentally overheard. Not that it matters.” you shrug. “We’re definitely leaving tomorrow. I can’t do this.”
“Fine.” he shrugs. “You know what you can do, though? Wear that slutty little dress you bought and give him a show. You’re literally a model, babe. What are the odds he’s found a hotter girlfriend than you? I bet she’s ugly.” Hyoma smiles.
God, he’s the best. He knows exactly the right thing to say every time you’re in distress. You wish you could offer the same support to him. But honestly, his life is pretty well put together. He rarely gets involved in drama. And even when he does, he always knows how to get himself out of it.
“Gonna get your hair looking perfect, okay? Wear that dress, grind on the guys, get wasted. And then tomorrow we can dip.” he explains, and you nod. “Who cares if he’s dating someone? You think he won’t get jealous if you dry fuck his friends?”
“No, you’re right.” you tell him before taking another drink. You aren’t sure if you’re feeling genuine confidence or if the blush pink liquid is rushing straight to your head. It doesn’t matter, though. Everything he’s saying is true. And you’re ready and raring to go. “He was so possessive when we were together.”
He nods, and you both clink your glasses together as you seem to have a solid plan prepared to set in motion.
Although, it’s half-baked as best.
Time flies as you get ready. Your makeup is settled on your face to perfection and Chigiri finishes off your hair, making sure there isn’t a strand out of place. He applauds as he admires his handiwork. He reaches for the bottle of wine, realising it’s empty as he goes to pour himself another glass.
“Fuck sake.” he mutters. He watches you as you stand up, the two of you finally notice the sound of loud music playing from downstairs as the room falls silent. You do a little dance as you strip down to nothing, not caring about your present company. “Oh we’re doing this.” he exclaims, turning away on instinct.
“Oh fuck I’m sorry, I forgot.” you laugh, and now you realise you’re definitely at the very least tipsy. He laughs too, noting how confident you are as you stand completely bare in front of him. It’s something you’re used to, honestly. Doing runway shows gives you no room to be embarrassed about your natural form. But for whatever reason, Chigiri makes you feel shy unless you’re drunk.
“I can’t believe you got a Hollywood wax you whore.” he laughs. “Trying to act like you weren’t trying to fuck but you were prepared!”
“You never know, Chigs~!” you sing a little as you walk to the wardrobe to grab the golden dress. You slip into it with ease. You aren’t allowing it to wear you, though. It’s yours and you own it. There is no doubt that you are the one wearing it, dominating it like it was created for your body and yours alone. “I can still hook up, y’know? We’re leaving tomorrow. Who cares if I stir the pot?” you shrug.
“Listen, if you call me Chigs one more time I’m gonna suffocate you with a pillow in your sleep.” he warns you, and you giggle as you slip into your high heels. He doesn’t dispute your point, though. This might be the last time you see any of these guys. Rin has moved on, and there’s no reason you can’t too. And while you’re at it, you may as well burn every bridge in the process.
“Let’s party.” you wink, opening the door.
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You’re greeted to a cacophony of cheers and wolf whistles as you descend the staircase. The boys are scattered around. A few of them in the kitchen, while the others are in the lounge.
Otoya curls his finger from the kitchen, inviting you over to hang out with him and the others. You look over your shoulder towards the lounge. Ryusei and Rin are staring at you with an intense gaze. Of course there’s a chance Ryusei told him that you threw yourself at him, but you’re choosing to believe they’re admiring how hot you look instead.
“You look stunning.” Eita tells you, offering you a puff of his J as he holds it in front of your face. It’s been a while since you got high. You stopped when you started dating Rin, and you didn’t feel the need to pick it back up when you broke up. But, now, you have nothing to lose.
“Thank you.” you smile, accepting the weed and the compliment. You admire the lights as they change colour quickly, making you feel like you’re at a club. You immediately sink into a bar stool as you feel the drugs take hold of your body, weariness hitting you instantly.
Karasu lights another blunt and hands it to Chigiri, who smokes without hesitation.
“Do you want a drink?” Sae asks you both, looking between you as you get more and more comfortable in the group. Chigiri nods, walking around the counter to help him.
He knows what you like, after all.
“She looks fucking amazing.” Oliver comments, standing up from between Ryusei and Rin before he heads over to join all of the action in the kitchen. “Hi gorgeous,” he whispers in your ear as he places his hand in the small of your back. You smile, cheerfully, resting your body into his as he holds you close.
“Pace yourself.” Chigiri warns you, sliding your drink to you. You sniff it, realising he’s poured you some Malibu and coke into a cup. His warning goes ignored, however, as you drink two thirds of the drink before setting it down.
“I’m fucked.” you laugh, staggering a little as you walk beside Chigiri to get another drink. He looks concerned, but leaves you be for now. It takes all of your power not to look over to the only two men not hanging out with you right now. “Are they looking?” you whisper to Chigiri.
He looks, quickly.
Your smile widens and you can’t help but laugh. Hyoma snatches the bottle from you as you go to pour a new drink. Oliver passes your original cup to you, and you beam as you remember you hadn’t finished it, though it’s gone in an instant.
“Real party girl, aren’tcha?” Karasu asks, putting his arm around your shoulder and forcing his blunt into your mouth. “You’ll be asleep before midnight I bet.” he challenges you.
You ignore him, turning to face him.
His eyes widen in realisation as he notices you’re keeping the smoke deep in your lungs. He closes the gap between your faces and his lips rest against yours, accepting the smoke back as you exhale it.
“Fuuuck, am I in love?” Karasu laughs as the exchange ends. He turns away, biting his lip slightly as you bend over the counter and rest your head in your hands. The skirt of your dress rides up a little, and Chigiri graciously tugs it down for you.
“Babe, stop,” he warns you, leaning over to whisper in your ear. “You’re gonna end up passing out.”
You gulp, nervously, feeling anxious under Chigiri’s intense eyes. You know he’s only looking out for you, but you can’t help feeling a little on edge. Sae comforts you, though, pulling you into his side like a protective big brother as he asks how you’re doing.
“Having fun?”
“Yes! Thanks for inviting us.” you smile.
“Glad you wore this one, suits you.” he nods. You watch him as he smokes beside you, and you decline when he offers you a puff. Chigiri, however, gratefully accepts without even being asked. Sae leaves your side in favour of sitting next to your best friend as they talk and bond over the joint.
You aren’t sure what to do, now. You feel a little deflated after Chigiri’s warning and you aren’t sure what to do with yourself. It seems like you shouldn’t drink or smoke anymore, but you’re brimming with so much energy you don’t particularly want to sit down.
“Hey, c’mere.” Eita orders, Oliver sits down next to him upon his request.
And when you approach, that is when Ryusei finally decides to come over. He smiles at everyone, but can’t seem to catch your attention as you’re too fixated on the two men with different tints of green in their hair.
Eita stands up when you hoist yourself onto the counter, and he slots himself between your open legs. Ryusei watches the scene unfold, anger bubbling at his jawline as he contemplates whether to intervene or not. His protective side roaring at him to get you away from the renowned playboys.
“Let her be.” Chigiri tells him, noticing his irritation. Ryusei sits down opposite to him, leaning over to chat quietly amongst themselves. Sae listens in, too, but only because he’s in close proximity. “I heard what happened. Did you tell Rin?”
“No, I didn’t.” Ryusei answers, though he doesn’t look happy about it. It feels like a betrayal to hide something so big from his friend, but he knows nothing good will come from sharing. “Oliver and Eita, they’re—”
“It doesn’t matter. It’s none of your business. She’s not looking for a boyfriend, she’s letting her hair down. So, whatever you’re planning, stop. Let her have fun. If you wanted her, you should have—” Chigiri stops himself when he remembers Sae is right beside him. He looks over at you, still being showered in attention by Eita and Oliver.
“Do you have feelings for my ex-sister-in-law, Ryusei?” Sae asks, laughing lightly before passing him the gross remainder of his blunt. Ryusei shrugs, smoking.
“’s complicated.” Ryusei announces, uncaring. He’s sure nothing that is discussed here tonight will be remembered come morning. “Rin! Get off your phone and come over!”
Rin flips him off and continues playing on his phone. You’re a little disappointed, but it can’t be helped. Karasu sits on the other side of Chigiri while Sae shuffles a deck of cards.
“Set up ring of fire, dude.”
“Ring of fire sucks.” you yell over your shoulder, though you giggle when Otoya’s fingers gently caress your chin and force you back to look at him. Oliver pours three shots for all of you, handing them to you and his friend. You drink them together, giggling even more when you feel the buzz rush right into your brain.
“What drinking games do you like, sweetheart?” Oliver asks, his hand resting on your thigh while his thumb softly strokes your skin.
You tell them that you like never have I ever the best, prompting Sae to call Rin over. Then, and only then, does he actually listen. Chigiri makes sure everyone has a drink, pouring something random for Rin as he takes a seat next to Ryusei and opposite to his brother.
It’s nice seeing the kitchen island so lively. In a weird way, you feel like a teenager again. Finding out someone’s parents are out of town and having a big, debaucherous house party while you play drinking games and get too fucked up to even know where you are.
Obviously you’re grown, now. And you like to think you’re a bit more responsible than you were back then. Though it’s likely it might just be Chigiri keeping you on the right path. He shoots a smile at you as Eita helps you down from the counter. Oliver moves one seat along and you sit between them, his arm is around the back of your chair while Eita’s hand remains firmly on your thigh.
“Who’s going first?” Ryusei asks.
“I’ll go, let’s start easy.” Karasu answers. “Never have I ever ate food.” you all laugh and everyone takes a drink. He nudges Chigiri to go next.
“Never have I ever had sex.” everyone laughs, drinking again. You and Rin exchange an awkward look before looking elsewhere.
“Horny, Chigiri? Onto the sex questions already?” Ryusei laughs.
“We all know people only play this for the sex questions so I’m just moving the process along.” Chigiri rolls his eyes before looking at Sae, assuming the questions are going around the table clockwise.
“Never have I ever eaten ass.” He drinks as soon as he finishes talking, and he smiles as Rin grunts, realising he stole his little brother’s question.
You watch Oliver and Eita either side of you drink as well as Ryusei. Karasu admits he hasn’t done it but it very open to trying it, earning a laugh from the group. Rin sits silently for a while as he tries to think of a question. It takes him too long, so Ryusei decides to take over.
“Never have I ever cheated.”
Oliver and Eita laugh before drinking. Chigiri hesitates, but drinks too. Everyone hoots and hollers as he flips them all off. In his defence, he got cheated on first, it was a revenge fuck! Though you don’t speak on his behalf, he doesn’t feel the need to defend himself.
“Never have I ever had a threesome.” Oliver laughs, Eita laughs too.
“Fuck you, man.” he chuckles as they both take a drink. Ryusei, Karasu and Sae all drink too.
“I feel so boring.” you giggle, “You two are gonna be drunker than me at this rate.” you tell the men either side of you.
“Maybe we can change your answer tonight.” Eita whispers into your ear. Rin and Ryusei stare daggers at the three of you, and it only makes you play into it more. Chigiri smirks when he looks over at Rin. His face is unchanging, but he can see that cold, calculated rage burning behind his eyes.
You turn to face Eita, your lips ghosting his before you face the rest of the group again. “Never have I ever been to a party at the Itoshi cabin.” you smile, everyone takes a drink, Rin drinking a heartier amount than everyone else before asking Chigiri for a refill.
“Never have I ever made a chick squirt.” Eita smirks as he drinks. Oliver joins in, and you can’t help but wonder if they shared a girl and gave them that experience. You watch on as Ryusei, and Rin drink, too. Your face flushes with embarrassment as Rin drinks and he looks at you again, averting your gaze and hoping nobody notices. “Fair play, Itoshi.” Eita nods towards Rin.
“Shut up.” he responds. “Never have I ever smoked weed.” he shrugs, reclining back in his seat while everyone else drinks. You can’t help but feel a little disappointed that he’s too focused on his phone rather than being entirely present in the moment with you all. You can’t help but wonder if it’s because he’s too preoccupied talking to his girlfriend.
“I was thinking we could do a secret Santa thing while we’re here, by the way.” Sae suggests, and Chigiri smiles at the idea. “We can all head to town together with a spending budget and find something.”
“That’s so cute!” you nod.
“We can’t do it.” Chigiri reminds you. “We’re leaving in the morning.”
“What?” Sae asks, quickly, and Rin is listening in carefully, now. His phone slotted into his back pocket as he observes your exchange. “I thought we figured everything out?”
You look at Ryusei, uncomfortably and gulp. His eyes soften as he realises you want to leave because of him, but he can’t say anything and start senseless drama. He doesn’t want you to go because of him. He doesn’t want you to go at all. However, he knows while everyone is intoxicated and tensions are high, confessing the reason will only lead to an unnecessary uproar.
“You— You should stay, kid.” is the most he can offer. “We haven’t had a chance to catch up properly, right?” he hopes you can take the hint. He can’t talk about it now, but there is definitely a discussion needed. You sigh, and nod.
“We should stay, Hyoma…” you smile at your best friend. And he looks relieved. He looks pleased that you’re spending a few more days with this crazy group and hopefully having more little parties like this. “And secret Santa sounds like a great idea, Sae.” you nod.
Sae smiles, excitedly. He pats Chigiri on the back and they laugh together happily. They start talking about the gift exchange and how to do it. Sae gets up in search of a pen while Chigiri tears up pieces of cardboard from a drink crate to write on. Sae hands him a pen, and they get to work writing down everyone’s names. Ryusei hands them an empty cup to put the names in.
“Just pass the cup around and take a name.” Chigiri tells the group as he draws the first name and passes the cup to Sae. Rin follows and then passes down to Ryusei. You, Oliver and Eita take your names and then Karasu gets the final piece of cardboard. “We good? Cool.”
“What’s the budget?” Rin asks.
“We’ll decide tomorrow,” Sae answers. “Just don’t forget or lose the name.”
“Does anyone want to dance?” you ask, swallowing the last of your drink. Oliver and Eita nod immediately, Chigiri shrugs and Karasu agrees too. The five of you head towards the lounge where the music is playing loudest.
Chigiri doesn’t dance, but he steps from foot to foot in time with the music. He keeps an eye on the grumpy gang still sitting in the kitchen while you take turns dancing on the three men giving you all of their attention.
You hadn’t expected to be so drawn to Eita, but his height and calm demeanour are pulling you in. His hand rests on your waist while you dance together, your ass pressed comfortably against his crotch.
He plays it cool, of course, whispering sweetly in your ear.
You watch Chigiri as he gets bored with the music, skipping the song to something more familiar.
“You’re a model, yeah?” Eita asks, directly into your ear canal. It makes you shudder, but you nod. “Show us.” he orders, though you’re sure it’s intended as a suggestion. They all seem entertained with the idea, though. No one more encouraging than Chigiri.
He’s your number one supporter, and you love him for it.
He looks a little taken aback as you move away from him, and your face turns expressionless yet sultry. You rise up the small steps that connect the lounge and the entryway, doing the best walk that you can towards the kitchen in your drunken state. You take your time when you get closer to Rin, Ryusei and Sae, posing for a while before turning back towards the other half of the guests.
They all clap and smile when you finish, your friendly, warm smile returning to you.
“That’s her drunk, imagine when she’s focused.” Chigiri hiccups, Karasu laughs with him. The two of them get to chatting and dancing again as they discuss the party thus far.
Oliver ruffles your hair and winks, heading back to the kitchen to get a refill.
“She’s good. She’s a little firecracker, isn’t she?” he laughs.
The siblings and Ryusei don’t say a word. As worried as Ryusei is about you, he tries to distract himself by talking to Sae and Oliver instead. Rin, however, can’t stop looking at you. You’ve stopped thinking about him, though. Your attention is entirely with Eita for now. Chigiri is taking it all in, on your behalf, making mental notes of things to tell you tomorrow.
Hopefully he won’t be too drunk to recall it come morning.
Eita squeezes your ass as you get closer to him. Rin stands up, finishing his drink and telling everyone goodnight. He heads up the stairs when he sees you and Eita almost share a kiss, your lips connect, though you break it before it can really be called a kiss.
“What’s wrong?” he asks.
You look towards the stairs, and you hate how Ryusei and Sae are looking at you. It’s like you’re so predictable and they know exactly what you’re going to do. You can’t help it, though.
“I’m sorry.” you tell Eita, running away from him and chasing Rin up the stairs.
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Rin’s door is closed, but not locked. You feel slightly sober now that you’re here. Part of you regrets running away and leaving Eita behind, but you know you’d have regretted being so petty and hurting Rin in the morning. Especially now that you’re staying.
You knock on the door, and he doesn’t respond.
Really, you should walk away. He’s either sulking or trying to sleep. Maybe even both. Your better judgement is telling you that you should leave him to it. But you can’t. You’ve been trying to get a reaction out of him all night and you finally got it.
Girlfriend or not, you got what you wanted.
It has to mean something.
So you enter without permission. The room is dark, and there’s no sign of him on the bed. You see the balcony door slightly ajar, and the biting breeze confirms his whereabouts. Did he leave because he was tired? Or did he leave because he felt jealous?
Of course there’s a chance you could be overthinking, but you have to know for sure. Admittedly, discussing your feelings whilst drunk might not be the brightest idea. It doesn’t stop you, though. He knows you’re here when he hears your heels click against the wood flooring. He looks over his shoulder, he’s leaning over the balcony railing when you step out and see him.
“You’re in the wrong room.” he tells you, turning around and resting his elbows on the railing as he faces you. The dark night sky obscures most of his face, but the moonlight highlights him gorgeously. It makes your knees weak, and you can barely think of what you want to say.
“I know,” you tell him. “I just wanted to check on you.”
He scoffs, but nods. You stand beside him and look over towards the town. The cold, bitter wind makes you feel drunker. Part of you can’t believe you’re actually staying here after you were so adamant that you were leaving. The glittering lights of the snow-covered village makes you smile unintentionally.
It’s how you’d imagine Santa’s workshop, if he were real.
“Um… congratulations on the new girlfriend, by the way.” you start, instantly regretting bringing it up. You’re sure you’ll start crying if he starts fawning over her. You don’t even know her, but you hate her. You try to keep calm and remember Chigiri saying she’s probably ugly. At the very least she’s got to be less attractive than you. “I’m glad you found someone… I hope you’re very happy together.”
“We are.” he tells you, immediately. You gulp and it feels like swallowing glass. He’s always been blunt, it’s not because he’s particularly angry or bitter towards you. It’s just who he is. And still, it hurts. “Are you interested in Otoya?”
You’re frozen without a response. You aren’t sure whether to lie or be honest, though you fear he knows you too well and will know if you’re lying to him.
“He’s fun.” you shrug. His lips curls into a smirk at that. It tells him all he needs to know without you saying anything at all. You feel defeated, completely and utterly, as you look at his expression. “I don’t want to come between you and your friends, Rin.”
“I don’t care.” he shrugs, “Do what you want.”
His words are like bullets shredding through your skin. You do what you can to maintain your composure, trying to regain control of the situation and the conversation.
“I thought you might be upset when you left the party…”
“No,” he corrects you, his gorgeous teal eyes fixate on your own as he speaks. “I’m tired. I wanted to say goodnight to my girlfriend, but she must already be asleep.”
And, with that, you run out of willpower to continue talking. He sees how tears begin to prick at your eyes, and you try to walk away before they spill over again. You offer him a quick goodnight as you try to hurry back through the cabin and to yours and Chigiri’s room.
He stops you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you back out into the cold.
“You’re unbelievable.” he tells you, bending down so that your noses almost touch. His eyes bore into yours as he offers nothing but a harsh, callous stare. You want to run, but you can’t. His grip on your wrist is firm, and you’re worried the cold temperature will aid in any bruising. The strength of his hold isn’t painful, but the chill of your skin is intensifying it. “You broke up with me. Yet you have the gall to be jealous?”
“That’s not fair…” you whimper, but he’s right. You’ve been saying the same thing all day. Even before you knew he was seeing anyone, you knew you had no right to be upset considering you were the one who ended things. And yet, here you are, trying to defend yourself now that you’re suffering the consequences of your own actions. “I didn’t know you’d move on so quickly… I didn’t know I’d be seeing you again… I didn’t know it would h-hurt.” you hiccup, and you do your best to wipe away your tears with your free hand.
“You just wanted me to grieve forever, yeah?” he wonders. “You thought I’d be waiting in the wings for you, waiting for you to decide you want me back.”
“That’s not true, Rin,” you sniffle, “I care about you. I always will…”
“I don’t want you to.” he informs you. “You’re—”
“I think you still care about me too…” you interrupt him, looking down at the way he grasps harder onto your wrist as you speak. You look up at him again, his face somehow even closer to yours now. “Y-You can’t just turn feelings off that quick… I—”
“I’ve moved on. You’re moving on.” he tells you. “Fuck everyone here for all I care, princess.”
“Rinnie…” a tear silently rolls down your cheek as he calls you a name you never thought you’d hear spill from his lips in reference to you ever again. You can’t help but wonder if he calls his new girlfriend the same sweet names he once called you.
Rin is chillingly composed.
But if only you knew.
He feels a lump in his throat as he replays the way you said Rinnie to him, a nickname long forgotten since your breakup. A name he’d never allow another soul to call him for the rest of his days. It’s yours, all yours. It wouldn’t sound right coming from anyone else, he can’t imagine feeling anything but disdain hearing it from another.
You melt into his touch as he cups your face with his free hand, his thumb swiping at the spilled tear glimmering against your cheek. He looks down at you with a heavy-lidded stare, and you want him.
You miss him.
Especially like this.
His eyes so tired and heavy as he gives into his lust and claims you. Your eyes close completely as you feel his head tilt.
He does still care about you.
He’s going to kiss you. He’s going to cheat on his girlfriend for you. You weren’t far off on your suspicions, after all. He still cares. He might even still love you. You’re too drunk and delirious, though. Your eyes are closed and awaiting his kiss. His are barely open, lazily gazing at you knowing he isn’t about to give you what you so desperately crave.
“Goodnight, princess.” he whispers, the bitter scent of alcohol dusting across your face as he breathes.
You pull away, slowly, horrified that you’ve been denied of a simple kiss twice in one excruciating day. Your wrist is free, now. And he watches as you back away from him. He feels a little bad, but not much. He’s sure you’re only feeling a fraction of the pain and humiliation you put him through when you ended things.
He’s sure you can handle a little rejection.
“Goodnight, Rinnie.” you sniff, walking away calmly until you’re through his room and heading to your own.
You think about telling Chigiri. You even start walking down the stairs so you can cry on his shoulder. But you see him with the boys. His smile is so wide, and he looks really happy. You don’t want to ruin his night, too.
Eita looks up at you, though you don’t catch him looking. You’re too focused on yourself and Chigiri. You don’t notice him follow you as you ascend the stairs. He waits outside of your room as you decide you ought to go to bed.
You don’t even have the energy to take off your makeup or your dress. All you can do is shake your feet until your shoes fly off in different directions. Your body breaks out in goosebumps when you hear a soft knock at the door, and you can only hope your disappointment isn’t obvious when you realise it isn’t Rin coming to talk to you some more.
Eita holds up a joint, offering it to you.
You’re pretty much sober, now.
You’re surprised you haven’t burst into tears, too. So, you nod. You accept his offer, gratefully, hoping you’ll slip off into a blissful sleep once you finish smoking. Eita closes the door behind him, locking it so you won’t be disturbed as he sits on the bed beside you.
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© 2023 rinhaler
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gojoath · 2 months
yūta has always been a giver when it comes to you and your pleasure, but you do think it’s about time that you repay the favour.
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summary. fem reader. yandere yūta. obsession. manipulation. stalking. yandere themes. aged up characters. blowjobs. m! oral receiving (yūta). yuta is a total munch. wc, 2.1k.
note. repost :)
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the air is hot and sticky when yuuta pulls away from the space he’s made home between your thighs, your slick sheens against his cheeks and the lower half of his face but he looks as hungry as ever despite the meal you’ve just served up to him.
your thighs are covered in marks and bites, trembling as your pussy throbs in the remnants of your orgasm and as always, he leans up a few moments later — gazing at you before he’s leaning in for a kiss. to let you taste yourself on his tongue when you’re mixed with his spit — exactly how you should be. you taste best when you’re mixed with him.
you meet yuuta for a second only, lips pressing against his quickly before you’re pulling away a few moments later, not giving him nearly as much as he needs as you push at his chest and you swear you feel him tense significantly. he gives you a sharp, lidded look from the depth of his eyes that makes your next question purr as it’s spoken.
“do you want me to do you?” your question is shy, a dreamy sort of scratchy sound and he can’t help the way it makes his already leaking cock twitch, like it’s been led closer to you. he knows exactly what you mean when your next blink is longer, lingering down at his lower abdomen to focus on the noticeable bulge in his sweats as you lick at your lower lip and fuck, he wishes he could kiss you a little more.
“ah.. y-you don’t have to,” so yuuta tries to, he leans in again— to meet you, to taste you, to have you back wrapped up in his arms and mouth and surrounded by him.. like you should be, like you’re meant to be. he’s already twitching for the sweet hug of your walls, he needsyou.
but this time you don’t meet him, you give him another wet, fucked out blink and it makes something in his chest squeeze, but something in his cock throb even harder. “yuuta, you always take care of me but never yourself.”
“yeah but i..” yuuta begins but his words almost catch in his throat when you blink up at him again, making him flush as his fingers squeeze in the space where they rest on your hips. they’re cold despite the stuffy space you’re in—he swallows as he stares at you, “i get to have all of you, so it’s fine.”
it’s true, that he never really bothers much about you giving him anything, you give him enough afterall — your love. your being. you’ve given yourself up to him completely, so he wouldn’t want to be greedy — he knows every part of you is his, so hes got everything he’ll ever need. he doesn’t care about whether you touch him at all before he sinks into you, he’s fine without, because he gets to look up at your pretty face as you ride his tongue or his fingers instead.
it’s because nothing else matters but you. it’s exactly everything yuuta’s been dreaming of all the months hes loved you, even before he had you, the yearning moments where he was learning your patterns before you even had an idea of who he was.
this, you are his reward for all the work hes put in to make you love him.
so he doesn’t want anything else other than your pleasure, but your eyes are almost pleading to the devoted, twistedlittle space in his heart that makes him nod shyly when you ask “can i take care of you, please?” because maybe it would be fine to feel you this once, to be greedy, to have you looking up at him with your sweet lips around his cock. so he’s pushing off his sweats and lying back to rest on the pillows, letting you take a pretty space between his thighs before he can even breathe next.
you’re smiling, still nude and glistening from your previous orgasm but yuuta thinks you’re beautiful like this, soul laid bare for him as you send him a lidded look through your lashes and push yourself to lie on your stomach between his spread legs.
“you’ve really never had one of these before?” you ask, a genuine curiosity in your words but it’s drowned out by the thick desire that coats them also. the question is breathed across the already sensitive skin of yuuta’s cock and even the soft pressure alone makes him twitch — lower lip between his teeth as he looks at you.
“n-no. i wanted to wait for the one i love, for you..” yuuta’s fingers reach to smooth along your cheek and it makes something in his chest burn when you lean into the touch.
“you’re cute, yuu~ i’ll make sure it was worth the wait.” you don’t think he’s being serious, that he’s being literal when he says he’s been waiting for you, you knew you were his first but it’s different — he’s been saving himself so that you could be his only.
you’re blinking up at yuuta as you shift onto your forearms and finally take a fistful of his cock and he watches you, adoringly— abdomen twitching as you lean into drool along the sensitive head and your hand pumps your spit along his cock with long, full strokes of your palm. you’re mesmerising, like an angel or a succubus as you press suckled, sweet kisses across the shaft— every touch of your lips makes him tremble.
“have.. you done this before? with somebody else?” he doesn’t know why he asks, his mind already feels thick with cotton but he can’t help the way the curiosity weighs down on him. like an ache in his chest, a knife through his heart. it makes something in his mind crack, knowing there’s probably other men who have had you like this— in this position, looking this pretty with their cock smearing across your lips. did you ever love any of them like you love yuuta, you wouldn’t.. right?
“is that really what you’re thinking about right now?” you giggle and he knows he shouldn’t but he can’t help it, can’t help the way the idea of you doing this with someone else makes something in his veins pulse. it’s knowing they could’ve touched you, felt you— what’s his, what he owns. how else is he supposed to react when you were supposed to be waiting for him? no other man would put in the work he has, the long nights following you home, learning your schedule, stalking your social media. he’s done everythingfor you. he knows your friends and families names— their birthdays. nobody else would love you like this, so nobody else should see you like this. your lips wrap around him best because they were made just for him.
yuuta shifts his hips at your answer as his mind spirals, something burning beneath his skin. he almost loses his mind entirely before it’s pulled back by you when he feels you lean down to finally stretch your lips around the blunt head — humming around the weight of him and the sound vibrates through his cock until he almost whines. he almost forgets his sense of self completely around you. his haunting gaze meets yours when you blink up at him through your lashes, suckling slowly around the sensitive glands of his cock.
“s-sorry,” he gasps as his palm rests over his lips gently, trying half-heartedly to hide how needy he sounds. how needy you make him. you’re not sure why he’s apologising, maybe for the question but you don’t pay any mind to it — you’re too busy with him. easing his pain, swallowing the guilt.
he’s already breathing hard when you relax the muscles of your jaw, pushing his cock down the tight hug of your throat until you feel yuuta twitch and throb on your tongue, the way his thighs quiver making you purr as you gag around him.
“i don’t think i’ll l-last long, sorry.. it feels too good,” he gasps, letting his hips follow another slow drag of your mouth but you knew that already, he was sensitive and completely devoted to you — just the slightest brush of your fingers along his thigh had him keening.
“i like when you look at m-me,” you feel yuuta shift restlessly when you pull off his cock with a wet pop, swirling your tongue along the swollen, sensitive head and you make sure to look at him before you’re pressing kisses along the sensitive glands again, across the sides as you bat your eyelashes up at him.
the sound you pull from him next is pretty and quiet, almost a breathlessly-needy whimper when you jaw slackens and you sink down on him again. but his gaze still holds yours— almost unsettlingly still despite the way his body trembles beneath you.
“please, baby. k-keep doing that.” yuuta’s teeth grit, letting his head drop back before his palm is resting on the back of your head — there’s no real weight to it, you can tell he’s holding back when his fingers twitch, but you can also tell he doesn’t want you to stop with how his chest is heaving with every breath he takes.
you hollow your cheeks as you stretch your lips deeper around him, the thick press of his cock along your airwaves giving you a delightful spin in your mind before you’re dragging your head back up. it’s messy and lewd as your spit catches on his silky skin, making the dark hairs around his pelvis damp enough to pool down his balls and soak into the fabric of the sheets beneath him.
“you’re so pretty, yuu.” you rasp, pulling back to slurp at the head as you blink away tears to admire him — his jaw is slack, his blue eyes are blown out and heavy and his hair is mused, messy from where his own hands have been raking through it as his bangs fall slightly over his forehead.
“hah.. really?” yuuta smiles, almost shyly and you think it’s adorable how awkward he still seems to get from your compliments— biting on his lower lip before his thoughts are lost behind another moan when you take his cock back between your lips. your tongue traces along the sensitive flesh and veins until his hips are twitching and he’s sinking himself deeper — mumbling out a curse followed by an apology as his palm cups around the back of your neck but still, he manages to douse you in praise all the same. “you’re r-really pretty, it feels so good.. it always does, because it’s you.”
you press closer until you feel his balls press underneath your chin, your nose against his pelvis and each time you bob your head you feel the spit drip down your chin. you hear yuuta groan before he’s wiping at the stray tear that falls down your cheeks and the soft pants falling from his lips make you tremble. the fucked out state of your boyfriend making you rub your thighs together before you suddenly swallow him down again.
“baby, l-look at me.” you feel his cock throb and thicken against your tongue, twitching inside the tight give of your throat with a trembling grunt and a soft, dreamy groan. but because he asked, you look up, and it’s almost in an instant— the way you need to pull back when you feel the first sudden rush of yuuta’s cum on your tastebuds, allowing your lips to slurp and swallow around his throbbing tip as your tongue swirls around his pulsing veins.
he’s fucked out, hips twitching in time with your movements as he pants out mantras of i love yous, pretty abdomen tightening while he groans and whines and squeezes at the back of your neck while you wring his cum out of him.
you only pull away when you hear him whimper, licking across your lower lip to clean yourself up before yuuta’s letting his head fall forward to meet your gaze. “s-sorry, can you give me a sec…” you giggle and he shoots you a gentle, kind sort of smile and despite his embarrassment he’s grabbing your jaw as you push up to your knees to pull you in for a kiss.
it’s messy, lewd the way you’ve barely swallowed him and he’s sucking on your tongue — moaning at the taste of himself mixed with you. he could get used to it, used to giving you more of him — it’s like he’s marking you, from the inside out, in more ways than one. he needs to have you labelled as his in every way. his next words are a slurred, a whispery drawl against your lips as his eyes flutter and he squeezes at your skin.
“baby, do you think i could have you again? please, just one more.”
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© gojoath. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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cmncisspnandmore · 28 days
Not Coming Home
Pairings: Simon Riley X F!Reader, Plationic!141X F!reader
Warnings: hurt, Angst, Character Death.
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The hardest thing John Price ever had to do was tell you that Ghosts has been killed in action.
When you pulled open the door, expecting to see Simon standing there with a smile on his face, only to be met by the solemn face of his captain. Your heart sank, your entire body going cold as he stepped into the room.
"I wish I was here with better news..." Price mumbles as he closes the door behind him.
Your entire body feels detached from your mind, like you're not really here. Not hearing the words that are coming from your husbands superior.
"I'm so sorry... Simon is dead.." Price stumbles out, his own words thick with emotion.
It was at that moment that the world seemed to stop spinning. Everything came to a screeching halt as you processed his words. There was screaming, but you didn't know where it was coming from. Who or what could be making that awful sound?
You sink down to the floor, and only as the door flies open, John MacTavish standing there, with his hand on his gun on his waist. You can barely see him through the blur of tears that cloud your vision. The telltale mohawk the only give away. His face is pale as he stares down at you with blue eyes wide with emotion. That's when you realize that the screaming is coming for you.
Hot tears stream down your cheeks as Price and Soap crouch in front of you. Their hands come out to touch you only for you to recoil from their touch. You shrink back against the wall, as if they were trying to hurt you.
Because they were. Not physically, or intentionally. But the comfort they tried to offer you hurt. Knowing that it would never be Simon who held you close when you cried again hurt. Knowing that they also lost a teammate hurt.
You aren't sure exactly how long you screamed for, huddled on the floor. Your knees pulled up to your chest as the two men who served alongside your husband kneeled in front of you. But eventually your voice gave out, leaving you with nothing but broken sobs in its place.
As morning grew into day, your tears eventually stopped. The silence that settled over the room was worse than the screaming. It felt fragile,like one small word and chaos would ensue again.
Johnny couldn't stand to listen to the sound of your sobs and screams. Each one felt like a knife twisting in his already mangled heart. He wanted to hold you, tell you that it would be okay but he couldn't. Because he didn't know if it ever would be. How could he tell you such sweet lies just to placate himself.
In truth you probably wouldn't ever be fully okay again. Even though you spent years preparing yourself for the possibility that SImon might not come home one day, you never thought it would happen. No one wanted that to come to fruition, but it did and now as Johnny and Price stare at the broken mess of a woman at their feet they don't know what to do. There aren't any magic words or miracles that would bring Simon back to you. 
Johnny stands next to you at Simons headstone, you had one placed even though he was cremated. You couldn't bring yourself to damning him to eternity in a pine box, not after everything he went through. You wipe a tear that trails down your cheek as Johnny wraps his arm around your shoulders. 
“He’d be proud of you ,” Soap whispers, his hand tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I hope so,” you whisper, wiping your eyes and sniffling. He gently grabs your face in his hands and brushes your stray tears from your cheeks. You give him a small half hearted smile as a small voice calls out to you.
“Mummy! Mummy! I found some pretty purple flowers for Daddies stone!” Your 4 year old daughter calls out as she runs towards you. Her blue dress swishing around her ankles, she stops in front of you and Soap. 
“Oh they’re beautiful, he’ll love them,” you smile crouching down in front of her as she thrusts the flowers into your face. You gently move them from in front of your face as 2 other figures come over the hill. John Price and Kyle Garrck, you give a small wave as they walk up. Your eyes flickering back down to your daughter as she looks at the flowers, gently stroking the petals. “Didn't we talk about running away from Uncle John and Uncle Kyle?”
“Yes mummy, I'm sorry,” she sighs, and looks behind you at the gravestone. “Can I give the flowers to Daddy now?” She looks up at you. 
“Of course Baby,” You smile softly as she grabs Soaps hand and drags him over to the stone.
“C’mon Uncle Soap, lift me up so i can put them on the tippy top! That way Daddy can see them all the way from heaven!”
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wandasfifthwife · 4 months
Rainbow Dash | first kiss
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paring: (equestria girls) rainbow dash x reader
a/n: set during senior year, characters are 17/18. title suggests content of fic. Enjoy! (NOT PROOFREAD. I’ll come back and edit later lmao, sorry if it’s literal crap). DONT COPY MY WORK.
It was after her soccer game, the one that would get her a place on the college team. You were worried for her, knowing she’s been stressing over this ever since the information got around.
It wasn’t much of a surprise when Equestria High’s team won. Rainbows was an exceptional player, carrying the team most days whenever they played due to her dedication to the sport.
It was a moment of excitement. Her hair and jersey dripping from exerting all her energy the past two hours. She had her bag lazily slung over her shoulder, soccer ball in her hand when you all came down the bleachers to greet her. She accepted your hug and the many others who came behind you, celebrating with her.
“It’s too hot,” she says, her voice hoarse from yelling, “let go of me.”
It was night of celebration, watching the sun set from inside the town’s local ice cream store. There was a moment of bittersweet joy. From here on, nothing will the be the same. Twilight will be taking the internship with the astrology research company, Applejack taking over her family’s farm, you applying for the college in Canterlot.
The moment flew by, and everyone was saying goodnight, exchanging hugs with one another. You look to Rainbow, and she was already looking at you.
“Gotta walk you back, let’s go.”
The walk was spent looking back on your senior year, crazy how you only had two weeks left. You kept your gaze on the sidewalk a majority of the time. It felt weird thinking the next stage of life was just around the corner.
“You want to study at Canerlot College, right?”
You hum, kicking a rock ahead of you two, “they’re the only one that has the program I’m interested in.”
“That’s cool. Really cool.”
It was awkward. You hated it.
Your house appeared just a bit too soon. You looked at her, gesturing to your porch. She shrugs, and you two sit on the patio swing. Your hand gripped the chain, head resting against it. Rainbow sighed, squirming beside you, hands in her jacket.
“I’m,” she breathes, “I’m sorry. I avoided you because I was nervous.”
You feel a breeze, the cold making you shiver. You curl in on yourself, leaning back but still seating yourself at a decent distance from her.
“I thought I ruined everything.”
“You didn’t.”
“Rainbow, you walked by me in the halls, you avoided my texts—“ you stop, reeling yourself back.
She winces, “I know.”
Adjusting your body to face her, you stare into her eyes.
“So what’s your answer, Rainbow.”
She stutters, her attention anywhere but you. You shake your head, getting up and heading inside. Your vision grew a bit blurry, your hands shaking as you tried to open your front door.
You hear the chains rattle from the force of her getting up. She freaks, trying to gently draw your hands away from the door. She doesn’t know what to do, her heart racing as she sees the tears build in your eyes.
“Rainbow, I—“
She rushes forward, pressing her lips to yours for a quick second. You freeze, looking to her. It’s quiet, the world around you fading away as she moves in again.
You kiss back this time. She moves your hands to rest on her shoulders and you pull her closer, a hand clutching at her back. Her hands rest at your waist, pressing you closer if possible.
She breaks, her deep breaths hitting your face. You smile, and she returns it shyly. Your thumb rubs small circles on her cheek.
“Date tomorrow?”
She laughs, the sound making you laugh as well. You play with her hair as she begins to grow red. She squeezes your waist, stepping back.
“I’ll come get you tomorrow. 5PM.”
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kalims · 6 months
Oh my goddess, orders are open! Ahem, ANYWAYS— I wonder if I could have an Idia with a fem or gn s/o who is introverted and generally closed-faced, being a sweetheart and even shy with him, pretty please?
• Remember to drink water and take care of yourself correctly, kisses <3
– Mel 🌙🩵✨
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idia forever thought his cause of death would be the permanent termination of his end game account—which in theory, is now proven wrong at the existence of a brand new thing that just might obliterate his heart.
note. thank you mel <3 you too. i, for one will gladly accept kisses from u and idia (he's downbad here LOL)
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idia is having a strangely, familiar sensation.
for example—the fact that his heart is palpitating so fast is making him afraid that he'll get the same sense of doom he frequently gets whenever this happens. like when he's the one that the professor chooses to answer a question up front. just his luck cause it absolutely sucks in real life just as much as his chances of winning that rare character.
but no, there isn't an impending sense of doom that sends him to the edge. no cold sweat forming on the skin of his neck, nor does it protrude from his clammy hands. it's weird, he feels warm rather than the cold it usually accompanies.
he needs to visit a doctor.
he gulps thickly. sending a lightning fast glance at your direction then averting it even faster. oh my god, your hand just brushed against his.. was it intentional? no, no—it mustn't be. you wouldn't waste your time doing that.
but you might even look more tenser than he is.
despite the attempt at flushing down the tightness in his throat, his words still break off into a croaky stammer that just sends his face into a grimace because, did he sound like that? "I'm.. I'm really sorry, you didn't have to do this," he says, looking away with those eyes that just screams a mixture of 'I hate it all.' and 'I'm so scared.'
his eyes in comparison to yours, dull significantly in terms of greatness. cause as rare as it is for your eyes to meet, he'll always marvel at the lush hue your eyes are colored with—and god, your lashes. so pretty, so, so pretty.
he sulks. he doesn't deserve this.
"it's alright," you answer in response, voice quiet but it's the only thing he ever hears despite the myriad of people quite nearly squishing the both of you. the crowd is large, and noisy. so he isn't sure why he's suddenly the greatest listener when you speak. "I'm glad you thought of... inviting me along, I know you're quite passionate about it."
passionate is not a strong enough word, it could be an incorrect word to use even. he supposes it's just a nice feeling to excel—be good at something.
but with how hot his heart is probably burning, maybe passionate really is the right word.
for you that is.
most likely idia's ideal type of player two <3 someone he can keep up with, not too fast and certainly not too slow. but either way, he’s probably having a heart attack at whatever you do. literally just sleeping? his heart… playing with him? please match avatars at once or he will combust. (and yes, he is hinting even though you already match everywhere else. had a house in a game, got married in a game.)
don’t even pull out the fact he buys you the currency to match and you feel bad cause he thinks it’s too cute. you need to stop or else he will buy you more.
speaking of more in game terms, he surprisingly garners a lot of attention online maybe because he’s endgame in every single account he’s made and many people like money so… there are many attempts at ‘rizzing’ him up but in the end he’s provoking them to screenshot it and report them as online daters.
^ says THE online dater.
still reports people if they flirt with you, but compared to his. not only is it a file for online dating he somehow dug up the dirt, the monstrous things they did like… 3 years ago and now they’re gonna get suspended. It’s concerning since he was talking with you animatedly during it and he somehow also exposed them all in 10 minutes.
did the see you again trend in secrecy cause he would rather leap down a hole to hell than let people see it. In any case… if it isn’t obvious he’s the lala, you the okok.
deluded himself, is convinced that he’s actually the nonchalant, ‘cool’ one but all he is, is a literal puddle. is still solid when standing but will be putty in your hands in SECONDS.
idia is secretly really proud of himself whilst being like: how did i even pull them. cause when he looks at your face when you’re talking to other people. he’s actually kind of scared cause it’s a really wondrous thing you never once looked at him like that… (please save his mind too. he’s trying to convince himself that you must be like this, soft person he knows to other people too and not just him because that’s just crazy right haha.. hahahaha…)
the type to tell you to stand back during raids, challenges, boss fights, etc…  that all you need to do is be there, and that he’ll solo it for you and you can claim your rewards even though he gave you the rarest, strongest equipment in respective games which won’t be much use at this point cause he insists he do it for you, and sulks all day if you don’t let him.
stay at home couple >>>
will order every single thing you crave during those times he’s too shy to consider date nights, and you too so it’s like an unspoken thing. he honestly plays better when you’re inside his room, even if it’s just laying on his messy bed scrolling on your phone or munching on something.
it’s just complete, comfortable silence.
except for the time one of you accidentally makes an indirect flirty comment and now the room could be considered a sauna from the literal steam only two people emitted. 
really, really, really, REALLY, likes it when your head is on his shoulder.
“─ean.. no one really asked for it, the nerf was completely unnecessary and─” the words poured out of his mouth, something uncontrollable that he couldn’t stop. there is something about you that just kicks down the layer of anxiety on him. comfortable might be the right word, even if you don’t talk that much (which is surprising cause he ends up being the talkative one and you always assure him that you like to listen.) somehow the thought: am i too annoying? doesn’t really pop up like usual.
in fact, he’s excited to ramble all about it. excited to hear your thoughtful hums, excited to see your attentive eyes on him since the first word he’s said─but it isn’t. because he looks up and you’re blinking haphazardly, thrice in a second and before he panics to shut his mouth he feels the soft slump of your head against the curve of his shoulder.
oh my god, oh my god, oh my g─
if idia had half of his mind he would scream instinctively at the weight he isn’t really accustomed to feel. actually, even if he did have his entire brain connected, and his thoughts coherent he still would. but he bites the inside of his cheek cause despite the chaos that just erupted in his mind which is somehow simultaneously blank, and swirling.
and he remembers midst his confusion that you are,
you’re asleep on his shoulder
you’re asleep.
asleep on his shoulder.
on. his. shoulder.
he resorts to the screech in his head.
his shoulder─is so terribly stiff right now to the point where he thinks that sleeping on a hard, wooden surface would be surely more comfortable rather than where your head lays. he makes an effort to relax his muscles, tell himself that it’s only you and that there’s nothing wrong but there is something wrong because it’s you! idia dares to sneak a peek at you and your closed lids only confirm your unconscious state.
and careful with each nudge his movement makes sends to your head. idia can’t resist the hands that creep up his face and bury it, to hope all the embarrassment and whatever he’s feeling right now absorbs it right out of his face because god. he knows he looks like he just ate 10 bowls of lilia’s cooking.
he would scream, he really would. a second thought but you’re on his shoulder!
you, who rarely touches him too much.
on him.
him, who gets too flustered to be touched by you.
so he feels pretty obligated to just suck it up cause he’s enjoying the moment even if you aren’t conscious right now and he sure as hell is going to, for as long as he can.
idia releases a deep sigh, long and wistful because he’s gonna die before you even wake up.
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princessmisery666 · 12 days
Best Con Ever
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Summary: It’s all fun and games until the truth is revealed.
Warnings/Genres/Troupes: fluff, drinking, silly stuff, Jared being an annoyingly good friend (seriously, he wouldn't shut up!). 
W/C: 2,381.
Characters: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Alexander Calvert, Richard Richard Speight Jr.
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x fem!Reader (you - no descriptions of body type or ethnicity).
Challenge/Bingo: @jacklesversebingo Prompt/Square Filled: Making fun of one another 
Notes: Jensen is a single pringle for this one! 
Betas: @deanwinchesterswitch // all mistakes are mine.
Graphics: dividers - @talesmaniac89 / picture in title card - @lemondropsonice - they were kind enough to grant permission to use when I asked.
Master Lists: Dean Winchester / Main
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The special fan event is going so well. The intro includes party games, such as Pin the Wings on the Angel and Bowling with the Devil. The pins have pictures of demons from each season taped to them. There’s also a drinking game with “apple juice” because Jensen and Jared keep insisting “Jack” - Alex - isn’t old enough to drink yet. You’re a little buzzed, but it helps ease your nerves. 
“Ah, you said Supernatural!” Alex exclaims, pointing at Jared, and the audience collectively yells, “DRINK!”
Shots of apple juice that smell suspiciously like whiskey this time get passed around until the four of you have one, and then, as one, you shoot them back.
“Woo,” Jensen yells, sucking his teeth as he turns his back to the audience and looks at you. “Don’t let me fall over.”
“Only if you do the same for me,” you laugh. 
“I got you.” He turns to the audience again but puts his arm around your waist and pulls you into his side. 
Of course, the audience immediately awws and gasps. “Oh shhh, you lot,” Jensen playfully scolds, “I’m just holding her up.”
“Wouldn’t want her falling now, would we?” Jared says. “Unless it's for you. Ba-dum-tss.”
He gets nothing from the band. The drummer shakes his head.
“Oh, come on!” He complains. “That was good!”
This is your first event since joining the show at the end of season eleven, but it is not the first time a potential off-screen romance has been mentioned. You have seen videos of panels where fans have asked the question, and you and Jensen have each been approached by fans on the street. With Jensen’s arm wrapped firmly around you, you are sure you can get through it without making a fool of yourself.
Jensen has been a wonderful source of support from the beginning. You had been nervous about how the fans would react because you replaced the wonderful Megalyn Echikunwoke as Cassie Robinson, Dean’s love interest from way back in season one. The inconsistencies in appearance had been loosely explained, and it was somewhat plausible in the world of Supernatural, but that didn’t bother you so much. Being Dean’s love interest was what worried you the most. The fans are so protective, and rightfully so.
“They’re going to love you,” Jensen had said when you aired your concerns. “Just like I…we do.”
He was right. The reception to the reintroduction of Cassie couldn’t have gone better. The fans loved it and accepted you and Cassie Robinson with open arms. You’d read some comments, heard second-hand from producers, and when the fans started an online petition - for fun - to get you and Jensen to date in real life after seeing behind-the-scenes footage, Jared dubbed himself the President of the “Jensen and Y/N should be a couple IRL” club.
You and Jensen played along with it. It helped ratings, and it wasn’t a chore to have Mr Ackles’ undivided attention at parties and dinners to play up to the rumors. But that's all it is: rumors. The two of you are close, on and off set, but whereas Cassie and Dean are super hot, you and Jensen are lukewarm. Hugging Jensen - though it happens often - unfortunately doesn’t lead to sex like it would with Cassie and Dean.
Richard announces it's time for the fan questions and asks those selected to form an orderly queue behind the microphone. Though the questions have been pre-approved, you get a wave of anxiety as you don’t know what they will be, and you hope this portion of the event goes as well as the rest of the day. A fan asks how your first meeting with the cast went, and you look sheepishly at Jensen. 
He shakes his head and rolls his eyes but sighs in defeat. “Fine, you can tell it.”
“Better yet, reenact it!” Jared suggests. 
Your eyes light up with something akin to glee, and Jensen raises his brow and doesn’t need to ask the question in his eyes, ‘Really?’. You pout, bottom lip sticking out as far as it will go. “Please,” you draw out.
Reluctantly, making a show of it, and very slowly, Jensen gets to his feet, leaning closer to pretend to nip at your protruding lip. 
Jared shakes his arms out as he stands up, “I’ll play Y/N.” 
“The hell you will,” Jensen says, playfully pushing him out of the way. “Y/N will play herself.”
Jared comically falls over his chair to the ground as if Jensen’s push was twice the pressure it had actually been. 
You stand up in front of Jensen and wait for the laughing audience to quiet down. Jared stands straight and holds his microphone close to his mouth. “It was a bright winter morning, not a cloud in the sky,” he narrates in a poor impression of David Attenborough’s voice. “The beautiful and elusive beast, Jensen Ackles, notices a radiant creature across the lot. Slowly, he approaches…”
Jensen shakes his head at the crowd and rolls his whole head along with his eyes but obliges the narrator. He walks the few steps and shakes your hand with way too much enthusiasm. “Hi, I’m Batman. Dean. Ackles. I mean …” he groans, trying to dismiss his embarrassment, then blushes and says, “Hi.”
You laugh again, as does everyone else. Jensen grimaces just as he did on the day. “I’m going to walk into the sun now, sorry.” he strides around you to the end of the stage, and Jared steps up to take his place. 
Jared shakes your hand like a normal person. “Translation, that’s Jensen, for I think I just fell in love with you.” 
Jensen, with his back to the two of you, throws a thumbs-up over his head. “It went exactly like that!” Jensen confirms, nodding and shrugging as he makes his way back to his seat. “And now that we’ve all relived my embarrassment, let's move on.”
The microphone gets passed to the next person, and they ask, “Jared and Jensen are known for their pranks. Have they played any on you, Y/N?” 
“Oh yes!” you answer as Jensen takes his seat beside you and squeezes your knee. “I’m hanging like twenty feet in the air,” you begin.
“That’s like three Jared’s,” Richard adds, pointing to Jared on his left.
“Exactly,” you laugh, spreading your arms and legs out in a star to show the position you were in. “I’m full on Mission Impossible Tom Cruise-ing it, three Jared’s high off the ground, and the camera breaks.” 
The audience reacts with grimaces and chuckles. 
“They tell us it will be like ten minutes, and being the awesome trooper she is,” Jensen continues, flashing you a sweet smile. “She agrees to stay up there while they fix it.”
“Of course, it takes longer than ten minutes, so Jensen and I get bored!” Jared laughs, evilly rubbing his hands together.
“First of all, they decide to rub salt in the wound,” you shake your head, laughing at the memory. “They start doing lunges and star jumps, bragging about how comfortable and free they are.”
Jared and Jensen reenact their exercises, doing over-exaggerated lunges and squats, to laughter and catcalls.
“Stop it,” you say, around almost uncontrollable laughter. “You’ll split your pants.”
“Hey, watch it,” Jensen warns, pointing a finger, “my ass is not that big!” 
“Your ass is just fine,” you smirk, the audience agreeing with whoops and hollers.
“You're not so bad yourself,” Jensen counters, winking.
“Hey, hey,” Richard chides, shouting over the raucous audience. “This is a family show.”
“ANYWAY,” Jared says loudly. “Then we used her as target practice, trying to throw Skittles in her mouth.” 
“Let me tell you, at speed, those things are like bullets.” You explain, “I swear they chipped a tooth!”
“I’ll pay for any dental work,” Jensen confirms with a slight nod. “And to answer the question, Jared and I messed with the camera. We knew she’d get stuck up there.”
You shove his shoulder, and he teeters to one side before purposely overcorrecting himself so he’s lying across your lap. 
“We still need to get him back for that one,” Alex reminds you.
Jensen scoffs, rising to sit up again. “You tried and failed. Give it up.”
You and Alex simultaneously declare, “Never!” 
“Alex and I decided to team up and get them back,” you explain to the audience.
“They tried to get me,” Jensen says, “but Jared caught them, and he told me so it didn’t work. But they managed to get Jared,” Jensen begins laughing, unable to continue the story.
“All Y/N’s idea,” Alex insists, pretending to edge away from Jared.
Jared shakes his head, tongue sitting in the pocket of his cheek while he tries to look disgruntled but can’t hide the smile he tries to contain.
“It was genius,” Jensen manages around huffs of laughter. 
“We got the wardrobe department to take in his shirts and shorten his pants a little each day for a month,” Alex says. “But it only took two weeks before he started complaining about gaining weight and growing taller.”
Jensen’s laughter stops, his demeanor turning completely serious. “I cannot tell you how annoying he was about it!”
“I wasn’t that bad,” Jared protests. 
“Dude, you were bad!” Jensen counters, “You were googling if you could have a growth spurt after thirty. It’s all you talked about for two weeks. It was so annoying!” 
“That’s me, Jared Annoying Padalecki,” he says. Then has a lightbulb moment, or perhaps a whiskey-inspired one, and jumps off the stage. Everyone laughs as they watch him cheekily shove to the front of the question queue, dropping to his knees. 
“Hi, I’m Gen from Texas, and this is for Jensen,” he says in a higher pitched voice than anyone would expect could come out of the giant of a man. “I would like to know what your favorite scene to film was from the last season. And why is it the sex scene with Y/N from episode three?”
Jensen closes his eyes, face scrunched and lips pursed in mock annoyance as he flips Jared off.
“What a great question, Gen,” you chuckle, turning to stare at Jensen. “It was definitely one of my favorite scenes to film.”
“It was a fun day,” Jensen agrees. “Usually, sex scenes are super awkward and embarrassing, but it wasn’t. I mean, who wouldn’t want to spend a day in the back of Baby with all this,” he gestures toward Y/N, “on top of you.”
Jared gets to his feet, using a fan's shoulder to hoist himself up, and then bends to reach the microphone. “Follow-up question,” Jared begins, “this time for Y/N. Are you free for dinner tonight? Asking for a friend.” 
“Oh, for a friend,” you say, leaning to look around Jensen and at Alex. “Well, in that case, I’m free anytime, Mr Calvert.” you wink. 
Jensen leans forward, pointing a warning finger at him, “No!” 
“Urgh, Alex,” Jared groans, using a long leg to step back onto the stage, “you’re such a troublemaker!”
The next fan is given the microphone. “So it’s been twelve seasons; what mementos have you taken from the set?”
“Funny you should mention that,” Jared answers immediately, then sings, “Jensen’s in trouble. He stole the infamous demon Dean's red shirt.” 
Jensen throws his hands up, shaking his head. “I did not! I don't know who did, but it wasn't me.” 
Jared rolls his eyes. “So some ghost took it out of your trailer?” 
“Maybe,” Jensen shrugs. “This is Supernatural.” 
The drummer immediately punctuates his response, the hiss of the snare still echoing as Jared stands up in protest. But the audience is too quick, and they yell, “DRINK!” 
“You lot are a bad influence,” Jensen tells them as you all make your way to the drinks table at the back of the stage.
You hold your microphone down while Richard pours the shots. Leaning closer to Jensen, you ask, “Are you really in trouble because of it?”
Jensen scoffs, “No, of course not. But they need it for a photo shoot, and they want to auction it off for charity. They’ve been on my ass for weeks.”
“Oh?” Jensen asks, very much channeling Dean in his expression. “Do you know something about it?” 
You wince, trying to feign innocence, but it's no good. You know you’ve been caught out, and you’ll have to give it back. “I took it,” you confess.
“What? Why?” 
You can’t think of a lie quick enough. So with a nonchalant shrug, that's all for show because you don’t feel it at all, you admit, “I like it. It's a nice shirt to sleep in, and it smells like you.”
“If you want something that smells like me, you can have me!” Jensen blurts out loud enough that the mics lowered at your sides pick it up.
The fans erupt, screaming and shouting. They get to their feet and clap. Alex and Jared talk over each other, but it all becomes white noise as you stare at Jensen, who stares back. 
“Screw it,” he says, and you're the only one who hears it. But everyone sees him take a small step into your space and place a gentle kiss on your lips. He pulls back enough to look at you for any reaction, and when you lightly smile, he slips a hand down your cheek and draws you in closer for a deeper kiss this time. 
The crowd goes wild. Your ears will be ringing for days.
Jensen keeps the kiss PG13, but you go as far as wrapping a hand around the back of his neck. It ends too soon, but you remind yourself that you are being watched. He leans back, smiling happily. “Sorry if that was out of line.”
“The only thing that was out of line was how long it took you to do that.” 
He shrugs one shoulder, tongue sitting behind his teeth. “Sorry.”
Jared tries to get control of the audience, but it doesn’t work. Jensen walks to the edge of the stage and holds up a hand, silencing them with the simple gesture. 
Once it's quiet enough, he smiles, boyish and wide. “Best. Con. Ever.”
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Master Lists: Dean Winchester / Main
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Tags Info
Tag List: @alexxavicry / @b3autyfuldisast3r / @deanwinchesterswitch / @fandom-princess-forevermore / @foxyjwls007 / @jc-winchester / @justagirlinafandomworld / @katbratsupernaturalwhore / @leigh70 / @letsbys-library / @lyarr24 / @mrswhozeewhatsis / @nancymcl / @shanimallina87 / @stoneyggirl2 / @waywardbaby / @wildbornsiren / @writercole / @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior / @Pank0w / @kmc1989 / @deans-spinster-witch / @spnbaby-67 / @roseblue373
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sehodreams · 5 months
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Pathetic people also fall in love
WC: 7.3K (I’m so sorry it feels like with every fic I write more)
S: Eunseok is busy enough with his life, he has an 8-year-old daughter and is overworked at his job, he didn’t need to add another thing to that list, so when he puts the unused room in his house for rent, he expects his life to become easier, not to wonder why his tenant is so hot!
TW and Tags: Singledad!Landlord!Eunseok x Tenant!Plussize!reader, aged up Eunseok for the story, all consensual, mutual pining, smut, p in v, use of condom (poor Eunseok is traumatized after his first daughter), fingering, mentions of dacryphilia, fluff (I think near the end, if you don’t think so please let me know and I’ll erase it from here), they’re just two losers falling in love.
Comment: Hey guys, sorry for not having post much lately, this was actually first a Sungchan fic because an anon asked me for a Singledad!Sungchan, but while writing I thought wth this is my baby Eunseok and changed it. I want to clarify that this is not dark at all, so be careful if you go through my other fics because most of them are, I’m all soft since 119, still hope you like it!
You were the best tenant anyone could ask for, and Eunseok knew that, so why was he acting as if he was desperate to drive you away?
When you moved to the room next to him in his house he had his doubts, you were younger than him, which usually meant problems, like drunk boys out of his house throwing up on his flowers at midnight, or loud music when he tried to work, but he needed the money and the extra help, and when he interviewed you, you were relatively fine, a young girl that moved away for school and was more than eager to help around for a significant discount on her rent.
You were so fresh, a 22 year old student with the character of an older sister, and he liked that, you always paid your rent on time and made cookies on friday night instead of going out, you also took care of his daughter when he needed to go out in an emergency at work, only asking for some food when he came back, so you were a good girl and the best tenant.
He couldn't lie to himself, he liked you a lot, which made him feel pretty much guilty, because you were just a sweet young thing who hadn't discovered how the world worked, while he, even if he was still young at his 27 years, had gone through everything in a rush, from heartbreak to disappointment and frustration, perfectly knowing he shouldn't look at you the way he did.
He had too many responsibilities to let himself be swayed your way, he had an 8 year old daughter, an overworking job and too many things on his shoulders, and your presence had started to bring him problems, especially at night, when he dreamed of fingering you in the kitchen before breakfast to thank you for making his coffee, or you receiving him in the entrance wearing nothing but an apron with flour stains, and after you gave him a taste of your freshly baked cookies, he dropped to his knees to taste something even better.
He dreamed all that and woke up feeling more tired than when he went to sleep, and with a painful boner that wouldn't leave him alone until he came over the bathroom titles when he took his quick morning shower, thinking of you with him there, taking his length like the good girl you were.
He couldn't look at your face when you said good morning, the guilt making him blush to his ears, wishing he could go back in time and not let his impulses win over him, because he was sure you would feel repulsed if you ever found out what he thought about you.
For you, he was just your landlord, the older guy with a daughter that worked in a restaurant and brought you leftover pasta every now and then, nothing more, and he had to come around that.
But you made it so hard, making breakfast with your pajama shorts and the thin t-shirts that showed your beautiful nipples, bending down with that gorgeous ass when you pulled the tray out of the oven, or with the sound of you vibrator that woke him up at 2 am, with your little moans going through his wall and making him gulp before he decided to wait for you to cum to go back to sleep.
He could help you, he thought that every time he heard you, he could walk the five steps to your room and fuck you like you deserved, nasty and rough, telling you how good you acted that day, making his favorite dish for breakfast, or playing with his daughter until he came back home, "Such a good girl, don't you want to be my little wife? Such a sweet thing should cum over a real dick every night".
His cheeks became red, he shouldn't be thinking that, not before work where he could do nothing to soothe the need.
He rushed to the door, with his coffee cup in one hand and his daughter backpack in the other, she was already waiting for him in the entrance when you ran to them, were you going to give him a goodbye kiss? He wished.
"I made too many of them yesterday, take them for lunch" you gave him a paper bag with two muffins, he felt the sweet aroma of them through the bag and his eyes followed your lips when you talked again, "I already put one in her lunchbox, these are just for you".
He wanted to kiss you so bad, he didn't care that your hair was still ruffled from your night, or that you weren't wearing any makeup at all, he thought you looked fucking gorgeous in that moment, and he wanted to kiss you to say thank you, thank you for being so good, thank you for treating his daughter with care, thank you for everything you do for him even when you didn't need to.
"Okay" he said, and left.
"Okay?" Sungchan asked when he arrived at work and told him what he did.
"Okay" Eunseok passed his hand through his hair, exhausted with everything, with his 10-hour shift, his daughter telling him she missed him, and his body not being able to sleep properly because it needed his tenant.
"What an asshole, that sweet thing just gave you two of the best muffins in the world for free, she made your coffee and helped you get your daughter ready for school, and you say 'okay', not even a 'thank you'? Man, if I was her, I'd leave your pathetic ass immediately, doesn't matter how cheap the rent is" he grabbed one of the little pastries and was about to eat it when Eunseok snatched it from his hand.
"Mine" he said and walked away, making Sungchan scoff.
He didn't meant to be so cold, it was like his body was in survival mode, trying to save his feelings from getting hurt before he even got a chance to do something about them, it'd be too uncomfortable if things didn't work out, you were precious for him, and he didn't want to lose you, but if he kept acting like that, he wasn't just going to drive you off, but you'd hate him in the process, and he couldn't deal with the thought of you hating him, not like that.
That night, when he arrived from his shift, he brought pizza and your favorite drink.
He left them in the counter and walked to his daughter's room, the house was in silence, his daughter already sleeping in her bed and after giving her a good night kiss, he searched for you, you were nowhere sight, so you must be in your room, right?
When he knocked no one answered, where could you be?
You came out of the bathroom seconds later, with just a towel wrapping your body, your tits were overflowing from the grip it did to not fall and he couldn't help but watch you from head to toe, your uncovered shoulders, your soft thighs, even your pretty feet with red nail polish.
"Hey Eunseok, you're early today" you proceeded to tell him about what his daughter had for dinner and how she was sleeping already, and that you were waiting for him before you went out. Almost everything got lost in his ear, he was too busy watching your back and the drops falling down your neck.
"I brought pizza" was the only thing he could say.
"Thank you, I'll eat it after I come back" you closed your door before he could say anything more and, not knowing what else to do, walked to his room.
He looked himself in his mirror, his boner was showing in the reflection and his face was red, he really had a problem, so he took care of it while listening your soft voice singing on the other side of the wall, feeling like a pervert when he finished over his hand.
He changed his clothes for something more comfortable and went to the kitchen to eat a slice of pizza before bed, he was tired and even if he came back earlier than normal, his body was exhausted from all the nights without sleeping well.
He was just finishing his portion when you walked down, looking like a fucking angel ready to take him to the afterlife.
You were wearing a white flowy short dress, showing your beautiful curves and the full of your chest through the cleavage that made you look even more angelic.
But where were you going dressed like that? It couldn't possibly be...
Your phone sounded before he could ask and you ran to open the door, a skinny boy with long black hair was there, waiting for you with the worst resting bitch face he had ever seen, so different from your excited ear to ear grin, "Hi Wonbin" you said with your pretty smile, and he only gave an acknowledged nod in response. Asshole, he thought.
He couldn't say anything to stop you from going out, to scream how you were his and how that lanky boy couldn't give you what he could, he wouldn't appreciate you like he already did, because he didn't know how special and amazing you really were.
Eunseok, still in the same place, heard the door close and then a car starting outside, driving away.
He felt fucking pathetic looking at you smile to another man and leaving the house with someone like him, but maybe that little boy was better than him, even if he didn't like the thought, he could be younger than him, and not have a daughter, just a normal boy for his age, without the weight of thinking about the future, because he didn't have anyone who depended on his actions, just himself.
He closed the pizza box and grabbed a beer, such a pathetic loser, he told himself, having the girl he wanted so close and stopping himself from getting her, blaming his circumstances instead of the reality of him being a coward.
The night felt longer than usual, he used to think that nights didn't have enough hours to rest, and now, with you outside, he thought it felt endless.
He just needed you back home, to know where you were, and what you were doing, with him steps away, to know you were safe.
Hours passed and when the eleven-news started and some traffic accident showed on the screen, he heard a car park out of his place, recognizing your steps to the door. When you opened the door he saw you alone, with a sad look and your pretty hair different from when you went out, as if you tried to brush it with your fingers to look put together before you walked in. His blood wanted to boil at the thought of him touching a single strand of your hair, but he was too preoccupied with your face, what could've happened in your date for you to arrive like that? Was he the jerk he appeared to be? He knew that boy didn't deserve you, but at the same time he wished he was wrong.
"Welcome back" Eunseok said, giving you a small smile. You dropped your purse to the floor when you saw him, looking too exhausted to reciprocate the awkward greeting smile. He felt bad for you, you continued with the disappointed air all over you and he didn't know what to do to cheer you up, "there's still pizza in the kitchen".
You denied his offer, walking to the couch he was sitting, letting your body fall on the other side of it, leaving a big space between you.
You watched the news together for a couple of minutes, in total silence. He understood you didn't feel like talking, you went out after such a long time, getting all dolled up with a dress he had never seen you wear before and such uncomfortable shoes. You almost never went out like that, more into comfortable loose clothes, and around the house you never used make up. He still saw you gorgeous though, but Eunseok was different, he thought that when you had your hair up in a ponytail while cooking, or when you left his daughter use her toy makeup on you, and he loved to see you wearing that swimsuit when you played on the child pool with her, your tummy showing through the clothing and your full chest covered with a top that wasn't your size, it couldn't be your size, he swore that because every time you used it your tits were too much for it and the fabric was hanging on for its life over your body, which to be honest, was incredible hot for him.
And you did all that for a boy that couldn't even walk you to your door at the end of the date, he can't imagine what else did he do that night to make you come back home with such a disappointed look.
"How was the date?" He asked and sipped his can of beer, trying to appear nonchalant, like he didn't care, but he was dying to hear about it.
"It wasn't what I expected" you answered while taking off your high heels, he saw a little blister forming on your feet and he wanted to grab them and give them a well-deserved massage, he was dying to do something for you, but he shouldn't, so he did the only thing he thought would comfort you without him touching you, he passed you his beer for you to take a sip, which you did, you grabbed it and drank a big gulp of it, looking a bit more refreshed after, making him feel good with his choice. "He made me pay for the movie tickets" you continued.
Eunseok opened his mouth, not believing what you told him, he knew the boy was going to be a jerk, but to such extent?
"Yeah, I know" you said when you saw his surprised expression, making you laugh but from embarrassment. "I... I didn't know how to say no, we were already in the que, and I thought that maybe it wouldn't be that bad, maybe it was going to be just that and then he'd pay for the popcorn, I-I don't know what I was thinking"
Of course you knew what you were thinking. You didn't go out with him for the movie, you wanted to get laid, and he was the only one who had offered to go out with you after so long, you didn't have another choice.
You weren't an easy girl, you knew you deserved more, but since you had moved to Eunseok's house you felt more and more needy, praying every day for him to not notice how your thighs clenched when he was around you, or how you touched yourself when he took care of his flowers under the sun, the sweaty look of him was too much for you to contain himself, and you had fallen for various reasons, how he always took a few of his precious creations to decorate your room, how he always brought you your favorite pasta when it was on the daily menu of his restaurant, even how he made sure you were always comfortable around him and his daughter.
How could you not fall for a guy like that? So caring and sweet, and you lived with him, it was like torture to have his smell around you, his body, his warmth, and not be embraced by him.
The only reason you accepted to go out with Wonbin was because your friends told you he was going to be a good fuck, but the only nearly good thing that night were his guitarist fingers playing with your pussy during the movie, "for the ticket" he had said, but you honestly would've preferred the money. It felt good for a second, the teasing was hot, and you told yourself it'd get better, but when he took you to his car and to that dark place instead of a nice room and a comfortable bed, fucking you in his backseat and coming after a few thrust, all that after he asked you to give him head, pushing his fingers on your well braided hair, making a mess of it even when you told him you didn't feel like it, everything got boring for him and he drove you home in an uncomfortable silence.
You felt disgusting when he dropped you off and immediately drove away, leaving you there in front of the house, not even checking if you walked in safely.
The only thing you could think while walking those few steps to the house was Eunseok would've never treated me like that.
So, when you opened your door and saw him sitting in the couch, in front of the tv, when he should be asleep after a long work day, waiting for you, you wanted to cry, because he hates the news, and he would never watch them willingly when he could use that time to sleep instead.
You contained yourself and sighed, biting back your lip from quivering and showing how weak you felt at that moment, you were a big girl, and you couldn't cry every time something went wrong.
But you couldn't deny that you were also more vulnerable because of him those days, and how he was pushing you away when you tried to get closer, just that morning, when you gave him those muffins, it hurt you to hear the 'okay' came out of his mouth, it felt like you were being too much for him and he didn't know what to say to your advances anymore, and perhaps that's why those days he seemed in a worse mood, troubled with your presence near him.
When he offered you his beer you feel slightly comforted, how pathetic, you thought, a girl feeling comforted just because the guy who was rejecting her gave her a sip of his beer.
Some pop star was in a dating scandal and you couldn't care less, but you didn't want to leave, you wanted to be with him for more time, as long as he allowed you.
"Did you want to go out with him?" He asked after a couple minutes. You denied with your head.
He finished his beer, so he got up and walked to the kitchen, coming back with two cans and opening one for you, sitting slightly closer this time.
"Then why did you accept?" Some politician was talking about being honest on his campaign, what a bullshit, he would lie, just like you, a normal human being, has being done since you came to that house, acting like you didn't feel anything for Eunseok, and that everything you did was out of your heart, it partly was, but you did it more eagerly because you wanted him to look your way, to maybe see you different, not the young girl that rented the room next to his in his house, and if not an equal partner, at least some kind of comfort from his daily life, something to come back after his tedious routine and that could give him the peace he needed, just like he and his home did for you.
You decided to not lie anymore, if he asked you something, the least you could do was to be honest with yourself and with him, you didn't have long until everything spilled out of the glass already full of your feelings, and it would kill you to move away from him, his daughter, his house, and everything that had become familiar to you those months, but if you were still going to get hurt, you should be honest before everything went to hell.
You drank another big gulp of your beer before talking again, to feel more confident, "I wanted to get laid". He almost choked with his drink, coughing and looking at your direction to try to find out if you were making a really bad joke or you were telling him the truth.
You didn't look at his direction, some festivity was about to start in a few days and the city was getting ready for a festival, it looks pretty, I should go with his daughter before I move out, you thought.
Every day you had contained yourself from going to his arms, kissing his lips and asking for him to pay you attention had come to that, and you had resigned to leaving when he asked you to, because if before he was uncomfortable, now he was going to find you unbearable, and it would kill you to stay and see the place you called home crumble in front of your eyes.
Still, you had never felt so free.
He saw the decision written all over your face, you knew what was going to happen next, and he was afraid of the outcome, of what was going to happen if you ever left him, what would he do without your coffee? Without your laugh filling his house, without the smell of your shampoo all over the room after you took a long shower, or with the way his daughter had started to depend on you for certain questions, just, what would he do without you?
He wanted to come home after his shift to be welcomed by his two favorite girls all over the world, and he was an adult, he would get over it with time, but he didn't want to, he had already compromised with many things, with leaving college, with not going to friend's parties anymore, with only drinking beer once a week, with not being the first place in his life never again, he had already accepted too many things, and you leaving wasn't one of them.
"Well, you didn't have to ask another man when you have me right here" he couldn't process what he said, he just said it, his lips moving before he could think twice. You stared at him taken aback from his words, you expected him to call you dumbass or anything along that, but he was making clear you had permission to see him not like your landlord or just an older guy, but like a man.
Your eyes interlocked and the tension got thicker, both of you were closer without any of you noticing, shoulders touching, and when you moved your face slowly towards him, waiting for him to tell you he didn't mean what he just said, he tenderly grabbed your face and made you kiss him, erasing all distance between you, finally.
Your eyes shut and you kissed softly at first, tasting the lingering bitter flavor of his cheap beer, enjoying every second of it, until you whimpered on his lips, and he, reacting to it, tapped twice with the palm of his hand over one of your thighs, to signal you that he wanted you to be over his lap.
You let your weight fall over him and he loved the way he felt your ass flushing with his knees, his hands roamed all the way from your waist to the softness of your legs and followed the same trail back, addicted to the way your body, even being bigger than normal and nothing like he ever had in the past, felt perfect on his hands, as if you had been designed for him and only him to touch and indulge in.
The hem of your dress had rolled with your movements and his hands didn't help neither, trying to lift it up as much as he could to feel the plump of your ass.
"To the movies with a dress like this one? Tell me the truth, did he finger you with people around? don't you feel any shame?" He asked, making you rock your hips over his boner. You sighed on his neck, not daring to look at him in the face, shame creeping your red cheeks.
"Why do you say that?" You asked curious of his remarks, they were true, but how did he know?
"Because he's no better than me, and I'd have done it too", he made you look at him, one of his hands still over your ass and the other on your jaw, admiring you over him, his glossy eyes were all over your face, from your flushing cheeks to your lips with the mild cherry color of your lipstick that was almost completely removed by his kisses "you're too pretty, no one would be able to resist" he said, lips finding your again, kissing you deeper, wanting to satisfy the part of him that had been screaming for your mouth every day until now, as if it was possible to ever calm it.
You started to blush even more, embracing him with your arms around his neck to kiss him better, and after a couple of seconds, when he let you breath and hide your face on his neck again, licking his lips and still making you bounce with the strength of his hands on your waist, moving you to his liking, his bulge perfectly touching your clit under your panties, you nodded to his past question, Wonbin did finger you, and you did feel shame, but with him, with Eunseok, you were sure you'd have let him take you right there in front of everyone and you'd have said thank you when he finished with you.
"I'm sure he fucked you, did he fuck you in his car? He doesn't look like the kind of boy who takes you to a nice room to give you what you deserve, I'm sure you couldn't even cum once with him, this sweet thing needs to be taken care of by someone who can handle it, someone like me" he whispered that to your ear, biting back his groans and making fun of you trying to hide your soft moans, adding to that the way you nodded to everything he said, he felt exhilarating, wanting to tease you even more, wondering what would happen, would you cry for him to stop? Or even better, would you cry for him to not stop?
The thought did things in him, and as a result, his thumb touched your pussy over the fabric of your panties, fumbling around it to feel how wet you were getting, making you moan louder than you expected, sensitive after being teased before but not finding the satisfaction you needed.
You supposed it was that, how Wonbin played with your pussy just hours before, you didn't think it was probably from all you went through for months, hiding the way you needed him, or how you played with yourself thinking of him behind your door, everything accumulating and being too much for you in this moment, the cathartic minute in which you finally were feeling his body against you, his aroma as close as you begged past nights, and his hands prying the place that suffered his absence the most.
"It hurts" you cried, begging for him to touch you directly with his hands. The air in the room was hotter and your untouched skin was burning. Your hips moved perfectly over him and he imagined himself making you lie on the couch to fuck you until you screamed, he was in pain too to be honest, too many nights needing you almost made him weak, but he wanted to enjoy it as much as he could, in case it was the only night he'd have the privilege of having you, to never forget you in case what you had decided for tomorrow didn't include him.
He kissed you again, he couldn't take you there, on his ugly old couch, he had to take you properly, like you should be treated, "I know baby, I know" he said, eyebrows frowning and breath hitching from getting closer to his orgasm, he had been too painfully untouched and sure you were the same, asking for each other at midnight, each of you in their own rooms, praying for the other to do something about their desire, "let's go to my room, okay? I know you can do it for me, I need to touch you more, and for you to be comfortable in every moment of it, my precious baby"
You wanted to tear up of how good he talked to you, giving and asking for compassion at the same time. For him, you had earned the right to be treated like that, to demand it from him, working hard and giving parts of you he didn't ask for and hadn't realized he needed until you came into the picture of his dull and exhausting life, making it brighter and more bearable every day you spent together.
You didn't want to move, so close of your first orgasm over his lap, but he clapped his hand over your thighs, telling you to move away from him "come on angel, I know you're a good girl, you heard me, let's go" you were a good girl, his good girl, so with the pain of your heart, and your clit, you moved out of his lap, letting him drag you by the hand to his room. The path was short, just the staircase and a couple steps to his room, but the way he was showing you his back, making you walk as fast as him to get to his bed, made your pussy throb. This was happening, really happening, and you smiled feeling content.
When both of you arrived to his room, a secret place you had never been able to set a foot in before, door always closed, you sensed the last line between you both blurring, because nothing, not even an earthquake, would make you get out of his bed tonight, you'd receive everything you had been yearning for, and you'd be grateful at the end, in case he only accepted you one time.
He kissed you again against his door, making you stand on your tip toes to meet his mouth. Your chest was touching his and you were dying for them to touch directly, without any fabric stopping your nipples from feeling his hard chest, even if he didn't train that much anymore, you had seen him come back sweating after a morning jog every sunday, waking up at 6 AM to come back with your favorite bread freshly baked.
While kissing he made you walk back to the bed, pushing you over it and taking off his shirt to then go back to his duty over you.
His mouth couldn't leave you alone, and groping everything he could with his hands and rutting his erection over your pussy, he made sure your lips, and your tongue, were focused on him.
"Please, I need more" you told him, tired of not feeling him on your skin.
He didn't answer you, two of his fingers found your clothed pussy and pressed your underwear, sensing how wet you were under his fingers, a big warm spot was formed, and he decided to not tease you anymore over it. His palm went under your panties, and if over your panties he felt you wet, now you were dripping. His hand was quickly covered on your juices immediately, making him groan, how could he tease his baby so much when she was suffering like that?
"Fuck, I’m sorry angel", two of his fingers found your hole and started to play with you, fucking you without problem because of how wet you were, and you received him like all the time, making him feel welcome with your warmth.
Your body was shaking under him, hands on his chest touching his skin, trying to grasp as much of him as you could, slightly pushing him away of how good he was working you with just with his fingers, but without the force to actually do it, it was just your body reacting to him, because you really wanted him to be closer.
"Wait-" strangled words wanted to come out of your mouth, he was so good with his hands your eyelids were fluttering and the only think you could see in the dark room, with the little light coming through his curtains, was his grin watching your pussy take his fingers, and his arm making that possible.
Two fingers became three and his hand started to fuck you more, like trying to find something inside you, fingers in and out on scissoring movements, until you started to cry louder and leak over his hand, making him feel proud of his work, "that's right baby, come on, cum all over my hand".
You had your first orgasm, making a mess on his hand and your panties, it was uncomfortable to keep wearing them, wet and sticking to you, so he took them off, making you lift your legs to take them. You didn't know if he could see you in that darkness, but he could, your pussy glistening was impossible to ignore, and the image in front of him was everything he had been dreaming of for months.
He took of your dress too, enjoying the view even more, you weren't wearing a bra, and your tits jumped in front of him, gravity making them fall a bit to each side of how big they were, so fucking hot.
His mouth went to your little buds, tongue flicking over one and grabbing the other, and exchanging the work between each of them after he thought it was enough attention to one. They were so soft under his hand, skin overflowing his grip and making him think maybe I should die here, because there was no place more comfortable than there over your beautiful chest.
"Eunseok, please don't tease me" You cried under him, you had watched him so concentrated on your chest you didn't want to distract him, but the pain on your pussy was becoming too much for you, and you were still leaking all over his grey sweatpants.
"Such a crybaby" He smiled, pulling down his sweatpants and his boxers, just enough to free his cock and put the condom he had on his nightstand, he wanted to fuck you, but he had already learnt his lesson, he wanted to take care of you for a long time, to fuck you many more times. He slapped your pretty cunt with his length, enjoying your little jolts. "Sorry, it's because you're the prettiest girl, I couldn't contain myself" he said, pushing his dick over you, simulating the way his cock was going to fuck you in just a second, you opening your legs even more without you intending to, all so he could be closer to you "I'll give you what you want, don't worry" he kissed your forehead to take your attention away from the tip of his dick sliding through your hole, but it was so long he still had you squirming under him, even with all the preparation, you felt him stretching you like no one had done before, "You're dripping all over my bed, it's because of me or him?" He asked after his cock made a wet sound when he finished pushing it into you.
"Uh?" You couldn't process his words, too lost into the sensation of his cock inside you, fucking your guts, so deed the only thing that went through your mind was fuck me, fuck me.
"Who made you like this, me or him?" He repeated his question and you realized who he was talking about, Wonbin, and even if he had fucked you, he was nowhere near Eunseok.
"You, Eunseok, just you" you cried, his hips had stopped for a second to hear your answer, and when he heard the desperation on your voice, he understood you weren't telling him just what he wanted to hear, but the truth. Your nails started to mark his back and he, because of the intensity of the moment, didn't feel it, too concentrated on the sensation of your walls accepting him so easily, something uncommon for him since his length was bigger than normal, but of course his little angel would do it without problem, you were made for him, and he had no intention of ever sharing you again.
His hips moved again, pulling as far as he could to dive all in, making your tears drop one by one of how good you were feeling, you felt high, like touching the sky, and with each trust he took you back to earth, to that room, demonstrating you how the only thing you needed to feel complete was him.
Your heart was racing, you could hear it beating on your ears, but you didn't know what was that you were hearing, his cock making you ignore anything else that wasn't him and his groans.
"Fuck, so tight, has no one been taking care of you since you came here? I'm sure your little toy doesn't compare" he asked and the rhythm of his hips increased, his cock pushing deeper with each thrust. "Were you thinking of me when you used it? Did you want me to hear it so I could go to your room and fuck you?" You shook your head, you used it because you were too horny after spending time with him, and just the image of him coming back home with his white shirt and his ruffled hair made you crazy, he always looked so stressed you had to resist the temptation of dropping to your knees to suck his cock when he told you your daily good night, your mind only repeated I'm here, please use me!, and without being able to receive anything from him, you had to rely on your toy.
You wanted to talk and tell him everything, but no coherent sound came out of your mouth, your insides were being so fucked any function in your mind had shut down, focusing only on your pussy and the pleasure he was giving you.
You couldn't talk and that frustrated you, making multiple tears fall down your cheeks, sobbing at this point. Your hands didn't want to let him go and you tried to hug him and get him closer to you, but you were crying so loud he had to stop to check on you one second, to make sure you were okay.
He looked at you worried "what's wrong baby? Am I being too much?" He caressed your cheek with his thumb and cleaned the strand of tears.
You denied, focusing all your mind into talking again "feels so good, please don't stop". He stared at you for a long time, appreciating your face and your body, trying to get all into his memory to never forget how beautiful you looked at that moment, crying for him and his cock, begging for him to not stop.
He didn't know what he would do if he couldn't fuck you again, if before he was deep into you, now he was in a place that had no escape.
You moved your body under him, trying to get the same feeling from seconds ago, making you forget everything again, making you forget who he was, who you were, and what would happen after you both finished.
"You have no idea of how much I fucking like you" you wanted to say me too when he talked, but his hips had started to work you again and you could only moan loudly when you tried to talk, so you decided to bite your lip to stop being too noisy instead. "I'm sorry baby, I know you want to be loud, but we'll get in trouble" you nodded, understanding why he said that. He put his hand over your mouth and kissed your temple while fucking you, pushing you to the same abyss he was in, needing more of your juices to make a mess over his bedsheets, to let your smell linger around him for more time.
The way he was looking at you was something you'll never be able to forget, something you had never seen before, no one, in all your life, had stared at you with such intensity, full of need and possession, like screaming mine, mine, mine, and you couldn't correct him, he was right, you were his.
Your walls clenched around him and he let your mouth free to kiss you again, his tongue had intruded into your mouth, stealing the little air you had and making you even more dizzy, mind scattered all around the room like your clothes, pushing his dick in a more erratic way, not calculating so much how and what to push, just feeling.
"I'm so close, cum with me angel, fuck" his hips were practically punching yours, making the sound of both skins clapping so dirty you felt yourself tightening just with it. You nodded, both of his arms were on each side of your head and your hands held onto them, trying to not fall wherever you felt you were about to, as if he was going to push you, with him, into some state of clarity you had never experienced before.
He did push you into something new, the orgasm was so hard you lost yourself for a second, mind becoming black and eyes rolling for a long moment, your heart and breath completely stopping and toes curling into the bed, feeling his cock throb inside you while some liquid leaked out of your used pussy.
He brought you back to reality with soft kisses. His hair was sweating over your forehead, and you felt his skin sticky against yours, but you felt complete, after so much time, you were where you should be, in his room, on his bed, with him and only him.
He let his body fall over yours, squishing you with his size, his cock was still inside you, and you didn't want him to move, he could stay like that all night if he wanted, you'd never ask him to move.
Sadly, he moved apart minutes later, when both of you had regained their breaths and your hand was caressing his broad back. He lifted himself, still between your legs, pulling his dick out of you to remove the condom, making you whimper a protest. He laughed quietly, looking down at you, such a needy baby.
He walked out of the room and you started to get doubtful, was he going to regret everything you had done? You loved every second of it, you didn't want to be apart from him ever again, but maybe... Maybe he just needed some release.
Your eyes started to get wet, you always thought you would be satisfied with one time, but you became greedy after feeling his touch, and one time would never be enough again.
He came back minutes after, you heard his steps, but you didn't turn back to him, afraid of what he would tell you.
"Angel, I brought you your tea, have some before you sleep" he touched your shoulder and made you look at him, when you did, he gave you the softest smile and moved a strand of your hair out of your face. You wanted to cry again, touched by his treatment.
You drank some of it, still fresh and cold, while he cleaned you with a wet towel between your legs, so you could sleep more comfortable.
Then, when you gave him the cup, he tossed the used towel away, and, after leaving your cup over a couple of his gardening magazines on his nightstand, he made you cover yourself under his bedsheet, lying next to you, accepting your hug into his arms and giving you a goodnight kiss on your forehead, erasing all doubts from your head, because he'd never be able to give up on his little angel again.
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NSFW Alphabet - Legolas
I blame "The Rings of Power" for getting me all riled up over this elfin dude. 😤 Also, NSFW Alphabets are one of my favorite types of smutty writings because they're a great overview of the character, and they're really good for getting me thinking about what scenarios and oneshots I could potentially write for the character. ALSO also: for the purposes of this fic, we're giving Legolas dark grey eyes. I do not like the blue contacts in "The Hobbit" at all, and in the books his eyes are grey, BUT since Bloom's eyes are dark brown, I decided dark grey would be a good medium. But you can imagine him with whatever color eyes you want! 😉
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
The literal Prince of Aftercare. Did you expect this soft, sweet cinnamon roll to be anything else but loving afterwards?? He worships you, giving you sweet praises in Sindarin and Westron, telling you how well you took him, while he strokes your hair and holds you tightly. He will get you whatever you desire, whether it be food or drink, or a nice hot bath. He loves gently bathing you as he sits behind you in the tub, leaning you back against his strong chest. He'll massage your sore muscles, rub soothing Elf ointment on you, and then cover you both in the softest blankets as you fall asleep in his arms.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Legolas absolutely loves your neck and bare shoulders. He finds these areas so intimate and alluring. Your beautiful neck is just begging to be kissed and sucked when you arch it for him during sex, and your bare shoulders draw his hands from his sides to caress them. He also loves your luscious hips and supple thighs. Elvish women are generally svelte, and you were worried when you first fell for him that he would find your womanly shape unappealing, but to the contrary, it enthralled him. He loves squeezing and stroking all your curves, and he especially loves that he can grip your hips to pull you back into him when he's taking you from behind. He can hike your thighs up higher around his waist so he can angle himself deeper when he's fucking you face to face.
On himself, Legolas is very proud of his hair, arms, and hands. He knows he has beautiful hair, and when you first asked to touch it, he blushed furiously, but was secretly very pleased that you found it so desirable. As for his arms and hands, he has spent a great deal of his life perfecting his archery and fighting skills, and has built up lithe but incredibly strong muscles. Muscles that he uses to hold you up agaisnt the wall.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Legolas has two places that he loves to come on you, although he will gladly come anywhere you wish. First, he absolutely loves coming on your face, watching the cum drip down your soft face and graceful neck, dip into you clavicle, and then down your breasts. He think it is the most beautiful, the most arousing sight he has ever seen. He was deeply ashamed to request trying this, so you took the initiative and knelt down to let his cum splatter onto your face. His reaction was one of such awe and pleasure that you simply had to do it again and again. His second favorite place is on your lower back/ass. Really, what these two places boil down to is that he loves seeing you covered in his cum; it's like marking that you're his, a sight only for him to see, and the sight drives him absolutely wild.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Legolas would literally rather die and never see the Undying Lands than ever tell a single soul this, but he has a particular dream of stumbling upon you completely naked in a woodland glade (for his eyes only, of course) shooting a bow--his bow, to be precise. He knows it is strange, but the thought of you absolutely bare, with every curve on display, using his weapon with your muscles tensed and taut, just absolutely ruins him. He has had many, many dreams about this exact scenario, and if for whatever you reason you found out and decided to surprise him by fulfilling this fantasy, he is positive his poor elfin heart would stop and he would die on the spot. (Spoiler alert: you do find out about it when, after one of his nights drinking too much with Gimli, he drunkenly tells you. You of course surprise him several days later by inviting him to meet you out in the forest, where you are waiting naked with his bow. He does not, in fact, die, but he is speechless for several long minutes. He then fucks you senseless and decides that he is the luckiest being in any of the realms.)
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He is not experienced; he has had at most two flings before he met you, long ago in his early youth, and only a handful of times with each. BUT--this does not at all mean he is bad or awkward when you get together. Far from it, in fact. Not only is Legolas keenly observant (he sees with his elf eyes, after all), but Legolas has read some things. You see, the Elves have a lot of writing about a great many number of things, including sex. There is a great deal of early Elvish erotic poetry (complete with pictures) that Legolas just so happened to read in his teenage years. It has stuck with him ever since. As his father's library expanded, it gradually grew to include volumes of a similar nature, but from a human perspective. He, being the learned scholar he is, read that, too. Only he didn't think he'd ever need to use that knowledge--until he met you.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He'd be hard pressed to choose a favorite position, but he absolutely loves taking you from behind when you're both laying down on your sides. This position allows him to be as slow and sensual as possible, and he can reach around and play with your nipples and breasts, or stimulate your clit; he can also kiss that lovely neck of yours, or turn your head so he can press deep, passionate kisses on your lips. For times when you both need it hard and fast, he holds you up against the wall, with your legs wrapped around his waist. He can hold you like that for multiple rounds, and can use the wall for leverage. He loves being able to kiss your lips, neck, and shoulders in this position, and his dark grey eyes bore into your e/c ones, making sure he's bringing you to the height of ecstasy.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Nothing about Legolas is goofy or silly, but he does have a unique sense of humor, and will say little things to make you smile or laugh, or even blush (which makes him smile and laugh), during your time together. There are times, however, when he is deadly serious and just needs you. He won't joke during those times, and you wouldn't think to, either.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He has very trim, tidy hair down there, and it grows like that naturally, so he doesn't have to do much grooming. He has a tiny little trail of faint golden hairs leading from his lower abdomen to his groin. You think it's incredibly sexy.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Legolas is deeply intimate, no matter the occasion. He believes that making love (or even the times when it's fucking) is a special thing, one that he does not take for granted. So he wants to show you how special you are to him. He reads you love poems, and erotic poems in Sindarin and Westron, and will light a few candles for soft lighting. He'll hold you close, whispering sweet phrases to you: Chin gelair chîn orthernir guren. (Your radiant eyes conquered my heart.)  Thîr vain chîn darn thulen. (Your beautiful face halted my breath.) He will also write poetry and songs just for you, which is incredibly romantic.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Yes. Just yes. He does, and when he first fell for you, he was greatly surprised to find that he simply could not control his urges, which proved quite . . . distracting. You met when you joined the Fellowship, and during the various battles that followed, like the Battle of Helm's Deep, was not the most opportune time to get a boner. So he had no choice but to find somewhere and jerk off, otherwise he would have been too distracted during battle. So now that you're together, he doesn't need to jerk off so much, but since there are times he must be apart from you, he still finds it necessary. During these times, he just dreams his fantasy of you naked and wielding his bow. He also dreams of what he'll do to you when he returns.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
P R A I S E KINK. Your handsome elf needs to hear that he is doing a good job, he needs to know that he is the only one who can make you feel this good. He lives for your praise, for your sweet, lust-filled moans when he's taking you; tell him how strong he is, how handsome you find him, please. He will shower you in praise in return: "How well you take me, Miluis (lovely one). So beautiful for me, spreading your legs so good for me."
Hair pulling kink. He *loves* it when you pull his hair, whether he's going down on you or if he's balls deep inside you. It shows him how great he's doing. He likes the bit of pain that comes with such pleasure. He also likes to pull your hair. If he's behind you, he'll wrap it around his hand and pull enough to make your head snap back; if he's in front of you, he'll do the same in order to reveal your neck to him, so he can suck and bite on it. Speaking of which. . .
He loves it when you bite and suck on his sensitive ears. You rubbing and caressing the tips sensually is completely foreplay to him, and you know just how to rub them.
He also loves spanking your ass. He would never truly hurt you, because he loves you and knows he's much stronger than you, but he does love seeing the imprint of his hand outlined in red on your ass check. He likes to watch it jiggle when he spanks you.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Because you two are travelling much of the time, you don't really have a fixed location exactly, but he loves any room you two share on your adventures. It's the intimacy of the space that he craves. He also loves any forest, meadow, glade, or dale, too. Seeing you exposed to him under the night sky with the stars, or under the bright sunlight, just does something to him.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
In keeping with his fantasy, seeing you using his bow and using it well gives him an instant boner. Along that line, any fighting skills you posses and use will turn him on. If you pin him down during a sparring session using your thick thighs, he immediately stops fighting you, gets the cockiest grin on his face, a massive boner, and just lays back enjoying it. Seeing you in elfin clothes, with your hair beautifully braided (by him, of course), with a pale gossamer gown that dips low and shows off your neck and collar bones makes him fall in love with all over again (and also leads to you finding some private room somewhere to fuck). If you should happen to learn Sindarin (you do, of course) and you start to say something even remotely teasing, he is instantly a blushing, horny mess. (You do this often.) Bonus points are given if you say it in a low, sensual voice, just barely whispering it against the shell of his ear. He is literally putty in your hands.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Legolas would never take you in an environment he felt was dangerous (so like, if there are orcs roaming about), because as much as he desires you, he would never forgive himself if he didn't keep you safe. He is also not a fan of anything public. He is very private and reserved when it comes to things like that; as he is an elf of few words, being in a spot where you could get caught or within easy earshot of someone hearing him giving you pleasure would likely lead to teasing from the rest of the Fellowship, and that is a conversation he does not wish to have.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Have you heard ya boi roll his 'R's in Sindarin?? Of course he is amazing at giving oral. He absolutely loves the taste of you, like sweet water, and puts all of his linguistic skills to good use when pleasuring you. He has also eaten you out many times while you hovered over his face. Anyway he can give you oral, he would gladly do. On the other hand, he equally enjoys receiving. Not only is your technique superb, but in this position he can sit and watch your beautiful face as he cums all over it. You take his cock and his cum so well, and to be honest, this is something he had only read about in those erotic Elf texts until he met you. You literally stole the breath from his lungs the first time you wrapped your tongue and mouth around his hard shaft.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Generally, Legolas prefers to take his time with you, so slow and sensual is his preferred pace. This way, he can make sure to give you the maximum amount of pleasure: kissing, caressing, breast play, oral, before sliding into your wet heat, he loves all of it. But as said before, there are sometimes when he just wants to fuck you senseless and do it roughly, so he'll slam into you at a bruising pace, which you love.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Occasionally they're necessary because of time constraints, but he prefers the times when he can give you all of his attention instead of rushing through it, which is why you don't often have them.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Like the situation previously mentioned where there might be orcs or other malicious beings around, he is just unwilling to risk your safety. He doesn't have the drive to have sex where there's an added element of danger. And while he does love pulling your hair and spanking you, anything more that might break your skin or cause lasting harm, like knife play or whips or wax play--these are not risks he takes with you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
My dear, he is called the most tireless of all the Fellowship for a reason. You will most assuredly get tired long before he does, but honestly he prefers it that way, because the thought of not being able to satisfy for as many times and as long as you desire honestly makes him a little sad. He is always up for more than one round, but realizes that for your human body, that might not always be physicallly possible. So, he tries to go for as long as possible, like well over an hour as long as you're not too tired or sore. Your bones are usually limp by the time you're done.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Elves, unsurprisingly have several toys, but because mechanical and electric things have not been invented yet, these are stationary and usually involve insertion. You've tried them together, but they weren't anything special. You much prefer your fair Elf prince's fingers, tongue, and cock.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Also unsurprising: Legolas is a huge tease. He will somehow always manage to sneak up on you without a sound and then whisper something shockingly naughty against your ear while ghosting a light kiss over your neck. When you turn around to say something, he is somehow standing far away, grinning st how aroused he made you from something so simple. He will also make a big show of braiding and unbraiding his hair in front of you, knowing that you desperately want to run your fingers through it. Speaking of showing off, he manages to be practicing some martial art or other shirtless a truly absurd number of times. Even when it's freezing out. "Is it not a bracing day out, perfect for exercising, Miluis?" You would fuss at him that it's too cold out, but you know he doesn't really feel the cold and then you'd have to deprived of the sight of his muscles.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not loud, but talkative. For someone who is generally quiet, he says a lot during sex. He is always whispering praises in Sindarin and Westron, as well as many swear words in both languages. He can't help it; he just needs to say how good you make him feel and how much he loves you. He won't mind if you make some noise, however. He lives for your moans and pants, your praises and screams. He'll do anything to get those out of you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
It is Legolas's personal goal to go through every position and technique he read about in Those Books (you know the ones) with you. He thinks you would both greatly enjoy it, and plans on asking you if you'd like to some day. You will of course say yes, and will have the best sex of your life.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's long, not very thick, but veiny. His cock has a mushroom head, and gets a very fleshy pink when aroused. The anatomy is the same shape as a human man.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
High. He wants you all the time, anywhere (so long as it's safe), any way. You can wake him up at 2:00am, and he's ready to go. He's ready after a long day of journeying, after a battle, after lunch--any time you want. He just loves you so much, and loves connecting with you physically and emotionally. You bring out all of his desire, and he has to show you that. If you don't have a high sex drive, though, he's of course very respectful and can content himself with plenty of jerking off to his favorite bow-wielding fantasy.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Elves vary greatly in their sleeping needs; for Legolas, he always makes sure you are safe and comfortable before even thinking about dosing off. Sometimes he'll immediately fall asleep, not from exhaustion, but just because of how comfortable he is. Other times, he might be exhausted, but he'll stay up, looking at you dream. He'll go over in his mind what you two just did and how much he loved it.
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juicyc0utur3 · 2 months
random hcs w/ near x fem reader!
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one of my absolute fav characters
warnings: smut, subbing, cockwarming, angst with comfort
nsfw under the cut
• i would say that you guys met before the kira case, maybe at wammy’s or just through family/friends
• only because i doubt he would’ve been out of the spk building much during the case, and he doesn’t seem like the type to get randomly attached to one of his workers
• keep in mind you work with him and not for him like halle, so you don’t fall under that umbrella
• you and halle are friends, she loves you
• since you stay and work with him, you guys have nights where you sleep over in her room and you guys just talk and have fun
• you and near are such an unexplainable friendship
• like halle and the other workers are so confused bc if he met anyone else that acted similar to you, he didn’t take nearly as much of a liking to him as he did to you
• but he enjoys having you around, even though he’s hard to read
• since you two had always been close, there was never really a time where you were shy around him, unless it was just a part of your personality
• you could easily just go sit by him while he was working and start a conversation with him and hours would speed by like seconds
• i headcannon him to be autistic to some degree, so eye contact is kinda hard for him
• social cues as well, which i think is why he pisses mello off like anytime he talks
• but you don’t see him as any less because of little things like that, which he’s silently grateful for
• asking him out was very fast
• the whole exchange was maybe like ten seconds tops
“hey near?”
“can i be your girlfriend?”
• he was happier than he let on though
• your relationship is more on the private(not a secret) side, and all in all it’s very healthy
• you guys don’t go out for dates much even before kira, but you hang out often so it makes up for it
• you play games together, like cards and dolls and hot wheels, he eats that shit up fr
• you bought him a dollhouse or a mini racetrack or something and that was the first time he kissed you
• as for kisses, they’re fleeting and he keeps you on your toes
• he’s never big on pda or js affection in general, less because he dislikes it and more because he’s just never experienced it before
• but you help him soften up a bit, and he slowly grows fonder of little things, like kissing your hands and cheeks
•he loves kissing your hands: wrists, knuckles, you name it and he’s right there
• like you’re cupping his face and he reaches a hand up to move one of yours closer and he kisses your palm :3
• sometimes he’s lonely when you’re outside the building, but he’s never insecure(cough mello cough)
• he trusts you completely and knows that you love him just the way he is
• sex
• oh good heavens where do i start
• sub almost every single time
• ik i said he’s not big on affection but for some reason sex has always been one of his handful of exceptions
• eats pussy like a god
• mans will have you absolutely hooked, obviously giving him space between rounds but never passing up an offer to have any type of sex w him
• first time you two did it he was antsy beyond belief
• anytime you made a sound whether it was good or bad even though they were always good, he’d have to resist the urge to pull away and make sure you were okay
• you never rushed him, but gradually he grew more comfortable with sex and was barely ever nervous anymore
• he has a low libido, but if yours is higher he’ll gladly accommodate for you via overstimulation or vibrators and other toys
• likes head, but is super sweet and will always put you first if you’re both needy that time
• really likes head
• i think he just likes seeing your face, and maybe just the fact that you’re the one giving him head
• he’s quiet, but really easy to hear during sex
• he whimpers fs, and maybe moans a bit further on
• probably into orgasm denial, for both of you but mostly on him
• he can talk really dirty when he feels like it, every word he says during sex seems to have a purpose whether it’s to get you closer or just to tease you
“talk all you want, you can’t deny the mess you’re making of yourself.”
“aren’t you cute, thinking i’m gonna let you get off that easy.”
• he’s smart with his words and studies your reactions so he knows more of what to say in the future
• also he has an rbf but it’s less bitchy but more nonchalant, he only ever really smiles or anything like that after you guys are done because he’s too focused on you to even think about it
• his face during sex is so hot
• he would be into cockwarming and size training, but honestly i think he’d prefer it as less of a sexual thing and just something intimate instead
• sitting on his lap with his cock between your legs, gently stretching you out as you play with his hair and chat with him about his day while he works
• during the kira case, he’d be restless, and sometimes you’d wake up early to find him hunched over and snoring in his chair
• besides basic hygiene(i.e. baths, brushing his teeth) i feel like he’d have some trouble taking care of himself so you’d help him
• when he isn’t busy you guys have mini slumber parties where you wear face masks which he hated at first but got used to and play with barbies and it’s just a nice time
• he likes just being in a room with you, you make rooms good*
• the night after mello came back to the spk to get his photo, he cried in your arms for the first time(might make a fic abt this)
• it was just everything on top of everything, and he wished they hadn’t grown up the way they did because he really did care about him
• you held him close and cradled him in your arms, reassuring him that it was okay to cry and okay to feel, you have no idea how much that meant to him
• he can’t imagine his life without you in it
• listens to mitski, mom jeans, and cocteau twins
• doesn’t listen to music much, but it helps him destress
• likes generic cookies like oreos
*you’re immediately my friend if you recognize the saying
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
Make Your Choice: Part II
🔞 minors, do not interact 🔞
Part I
Characters: Neteyam Sully (21) x Fem Na’vi Reader (20) x Lo’ak Sully (20)
Warnings: NSFW, filthiest, grimiest smut I’ve ever written, profanity, jealous/territorial behaviour, rough sex, rough oral sex, dom lo’ak, dom nete, overstimulation, degradation, see warning re incest
❗️I don’t see this as incest because they are not engaging with each other - only with the reader. They take turns, and don’t touch each other in any sexual way. However, this does involve them both sexually engaging with the same person. Do with this info as you will. Do not engage if this is may be a trigger for you.❗️
Word Count: 4k
Author’s Note: I need therapy. Enjoy, besties
Synopsis: Lo’ak and Neteyam take turns fucking you to show you who would make a better mate.
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Previously on ‘Make Your Choice’:
“I – I think I need to try you both first.” You moan softly, flickering your eyes between the two of them.
They both look at you and grin, dropping their gaze down to the slick pooling on the table.
“Let’s get it done, my love.” Neteyam says in a husky voice, sliding his hand over your cunt.
“Let’s do it, y/n.” Lo’ak adds, taking your nipple into his mouth.
For a while, you allow both of them to have their way with you, touching every inch of your body.
Neteyam is so fixated on your pussy – fingering and eating you out again, determined to finish what he started. Whilst Lo’ak is sucking your nipples and brushing his cock against your outer thigh.
How did it get this far? How did you even get into this position? When did Lo’ak take off your top? Why is Neteyam gulping so loudly? All you were supposed to do was give them each a turn and make your final decision. But you can’t.
You can’t decide – because you want them both.
“Neteyam... Lo’ak...” you moan their names, feeling dazed. “I thought we were playing fair.”
You can barely catch your breath from them both sucking away at you. Grunting and mumbling into your most sensitive areas, they ignore your whimpers as they’re too busy tasting all the succulent flavours that your body has to offer. It’s all too overstimulating – you can’t even think properly.
“Guys... ugh, fuck. Guys!” you moan loudly, bowing your back against the table. “Please... ‘ts too much!”
Neteyam is the first to unlatch, yanking his fingers out of your cunt, frustrated yet again that he wasn’t allowed to make you cum. Lo’ak lingers for some time, chasing his high from dry humping the softness of your thigh. The closer he gets to cumming, the harder he sucks your raw nipples. Its like he can’t decide which nipple he wants the most, switching between them hungrily. You look down at the sight, watching him try to squeeze your breasts together, close enough so that he could suck both your nipples at once.
“Neteyam...” you breathe, hoping he’ll rip his brother off you.
Neteyam does just that – pulling Lo’ak off you. His mouth makes a loud popping noise as he’s tugged off your chest.
“Behave, Lo’ak.” Neteyam growls, shooting him a look as you sit up.
Eventually, your eyes fall on the two raging erections before you. How the fuck are you going to take them inside of you?
“I need to be stretched...” you gulp, feeling nervous. “...you guys are too big for me.”
It seems like everyone in the room, including you, forgot that this is your first time with a real cock. Sure, you’ve finger fucked yourself before, using a toy here and there during your heat, but never something this massive. Seeing how out of control Lo’ak is, you look to Neteyam to do the job.
He grins, making his way back over to you. “I am going to make you cum. Don’t push me away, understood?” he warns you, kneeling before you, taking your hot clit into his wet mouth.
With no time to refuse you dip your head back as he sucks your clit, sliding two fingers into you, scissoring your pussy open. Your eyes roll back slightly, as you turn your head to look at Lo’ak, who’s stroking himself to the sight of your erotic expression. You let loose pants as you watch him pleasure himself while he watches you shudder under his brother’s touches. He’s staring deeply into your eyes, desperately trying to restrain himself from having his way with you.
Soon the pants turn into whines, as Neteyam rubs the spongey part of your heat, lapping up the juices that flow out of you. You can see Lo’ak practically begging you with his eyes –  he wants in on the action. You smile and shake your head, reminding him that it’s not his turn yet. Neteyam drives his third and final finger inside of your cunt, bending them towards him and thrusting them into you roughly – his way of telling you to keep your eyes on him.
“Look at me.” He mumbles into your clit, peering up at you.
You bite back a moan, staring down at the face between your legs that’s devouring your cunt greedily. His hot breaths blow against your lower stomach as he pushes his face into your pussy even harder. Lo’ak’s husky voice is heard directly next to your ear.
“Eyes on me, princess.” He whispers, running his fingers through your hair.
You glance at him quickly, afraid to look away from the dark golden eyes that peer up at you between your glossy thighs.
“You know I have 4 fingers, right?” he wiggles them, now licking the base of your ear. “I’d stretch you out, so much better.” He growls lowly, placing your dainty hand around his girthy cock.
It’s something about his throaty voice in your ear, talking to you in that way, that sends your hips into a frenzy. You grab a fist full of Neteyam’s braids with your free hand and thrust into his face until the heat pooling in your womb spills out of your cunt.
“Ngh. Fuck! Nete...” you moan loudly, closing your legs around Neteyam’s face as you shove his mouth harder against your cunt.
“Hurry up and cum, so I can have my way with you, sweet girl.” Lo’ak whispers in your ear, rolling your nipple between his fingers.
“Oh.. o- oh my... Eywa, ugh!” you blabber, crossing your legs, trapping his face into your cunt. “Neteyam! Cumming... cumming!” your walls pulsate feverishly around his fingers, gripping and releasing them the more he laps up your sweet nectar that’s flowing directly down his throat. He gulps loudly, drinking your cum willingly. You unwrap your legs, allowing him to breathe. He drops back into the dip of his feet, frantically gasping for air.
“Good girl.” Neteyam breathes, licking his lips clean.
“...such a good girl.” Lo’ak sighs into your ear, planting rough, wet kisses along your neck. “Now, let me stretch you out properly.”
Denying you the chance to come down from your high, he slides his hand from your breast, down your stomach, and cups your pulsing pussy. You jolt from the pressure of his palm against you.
“Ready for me?” he mumbles into your collarbone, asking for your permission.
“Mmnn... mhm.” You purr, feeling feverish and hot.
Lo’ak shoves all four of his fingers deep inside you, hooking them right against your sweet spot. You let loose a loud whimper from the hint of pain that comes from his fingers stretching you to inexplicable lengths. He fists you roughly, moving his arm up and down causing your body to jerk from his ruthless movements. He can feel the swell of your sweet spot, as it becomes hotter and hotter – ready to burst all over again.
“It’s my turn, right? Cum for me, now.” he mumbles, sucking on your shoulder, leaving behind bruise-like marks.
You feel Neteyam at your feet, planting wet kisses up your leg as he touches himself, listening intently to the filthy noises coming from your throat.
“Haah... ah... Ngh – f-fuck!” You cry out. Just like that, you were convulsing uncontrollably again, with the walls of your cunt throbbing excitedly around Lo’ak’s fingers. 
“That’s it... that’s right, cum on my fingers. Fuck.” He growls into your neck, bucking his hips into your hand.
At this point, Neteyam’s made his way up to your hips, nuzzling into them, breathing in your scent. He brushes his tongue against your skin, working his way up to your breast, where he takes your stiff nipple into his mouth and sucks rhythmically. He, too, is now bucking his hips, rubbing his aching cock against your thigh.
You’re so fucked out that you can’t even form a coherent thought, much less make a sound decision. You just want to be yanked onto all fours and plunged into, by any of them. Neteyam pops off your nipple, listening closely to your needy body language, he flips you onto your stomach, and yanks you towards him. Your legs tremble beneath you, trying to hold up your body weight as Neteyam quickly positions himself behind you.
“Tell me what you want... who, you want” Neteyam growls behind you, pressing his warm, rock-hard cock against your slit.
“Ugh, fuck. F-fuck. I want you... to fuck me.” You stutter, backing yourself onto him.
He crouches over you, pushing his thumping cock even harder between your plump pussy lips. “Say my fucking name. Say who you want to fuck this pretty, little pussy.”
“Neteyam! Neteyam... please. Please fuck me already!” you beg and plead with him.
“That’s it. Spread your legs for me.” He demands, kicking your legs apart.
You open your trembling legs, unintentionally rubbing your slit against the length of his shaft.
“Fuck. Look at you, listening so well.” he praises you, wrapping your tail around his forearm as he positions the head of cock against your quivering hole.
Neteyam pushes his cock into you slowly, watching as every single inch of him disappears in your soft, tight, cunt. A high-pitched whimper escapes your throat as you fling your head back from the mixture of pleasure and pain. This is the first time his cock has gotten any real attention; the feeling is like pure bliss to him – making him slip even deeper into the thick of his territorial urges.
His throbbing erection is engulfed by your heat, gripping him tightly and refusing to let go. He can’t even find it within himself to allow you to adjust to his profound size. Drawn out whines make their way into the air as you feel his pelvis smack into you repeatedly, as he sets a pitiless rhythm. He dips his head forward, taking in the sight of you sucking in his entire length.
“You feel so good, gripping my cock like this, y/n.” he grunts, breaking the rhythm already. He pulls your hips all the day down onto him, holding them there for some time, allowing you to feel every thick vein and curve of his bulging cock inside you.
“Feel that?” he moves his free hand under you and caresses the bump protruding from your lower abdomen. “That’s me, right here.” He kisses your shoulder, brushing his fangs against it.
All you can do is make needy, filthy noises as he teases you. You just need him to fuck the sense back into you. “Please... please. Please Neteyam.” You hiccup, trying to rock your hips back and forth on his cock.
“So fucking needy.” He spits, pulling his cock all the way out, and slamming it back into you.
He’s giving you the pounding of your life, slipping deeper into the foggy haze, when Lo’ak moves around to the other side of the table. He’s now standing directly in front of your face. He grits his teeth, trying his best to keep his calm as he watches you get fucked by a cock that isn’t his. Noticing your pelvis pushing back against his brother’s insistent thrusts, he kneels in front of you, coming face to face with you.
He looks deeply into your watery, drunk, eyes. “Gonna cum again like the little slut you are? Hmm? From taking another man’s cock in front of me like this?” he growls, gritting his teeth. “Cum quickly. So I can fuck you silly and make you cum even harder.”
“Y-yes, Lo’ak!” you let out a sweet, little cry. Neteyam jerks your tail towards him, pulling it even more taut around his arm. “Ugh - fuck! Neteyam, Neteyam! I’m sorry!” you sob loudly, feeling yourself dissolve in pleasure.
You bury your face into your arms as your body pushes Neteyam’s out of you, cumming violently on his cock. Your cunt is pulsating feverishly while you try to hold back your moans. They come out as squeals, muffled by your arms. He rubs his cockhead against your clit, desperate to plunge right back inside of you and make you cum again.
“Oh Eywa. I love these little noises you are making for me.” Neteyam grins. “Make them louder.”
Hearing your strained whines, Neteyam does just that – he slams the entirety of his cock back inside of you, angling his pelvis to fuck right into the swollen, spongey part of your cunt. After a few deep, and hard thrusts, you cum again, throbbing around his cock.
“Yes, my sweet girl. Cum as many times as you need.” Neteyam encourages you, feeling your walls clench around him for second time.
Forcefully pushing him out of your cunt, your legs shake uncontrollably, giving out beneath you. Neteyam holds you up by your hips, releasing your tail from his grip, just relishing in the feeling of your pussy pulsing against his length.
“No fair. What about me?” Lo’ak huffs, jealous and unable to control himself anymore. He stands up and rests his heavy cock against your face that rests on your arm.
“You better fucking cum for me like that.” He bucks his hips against your face, sliding his wet cock against your cheek – anything for a bit of friction.
Neteyam wastes no time and stuffs his cock back inside of you, slamming his pelvic bone right into you. Your face reddens from the immense pressure you feel as your muscles tighten, cumming for a third time – just from his singular thrust.
“Neteyammm. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” You moan lengthily, pulsing around his cock yet again.
“I love hearing my name come out this pretty mouth of yours while you cum all over this mighty warrior’s cock.” Neteyam moans, praising you by tapping your thigh.  
“Well, I don’t. This filthy mouth of yours needs to be stuffed.” Lo’ak growls, shoving his cock inside of your mouth.
The corners of your mouth sting due to the sheer size of his girth. Your lips stretch to their limit just to accommodate his thickness, which is now muffling your moans. You grunt helplessly into Lo’ak’s raging cock, brushing against it with your teeth as Neteyam fucks into you. He grabs a fistful of your hair and moves your head to a better position.
“Easy with the teeth, pretty girl.” Tears are streaming down your face as Lo’ak’s cock hits the back of your throat, causing you to gag. He’s fucking your face, as if it were your needly little cunt, jolting your body against Neteyam with each shove. Each time Neteyam thrusts into you, it drives Lo’ak’s cock further down your throat, making you gag around his girth even more.
“Mmm - fuck. I’m gonna fucking cum in your throat if you keep gagging on me like that. Open wider.” Lo’ak pulls out of you momentarily, patting your cheek and moving your hair out of your face. You gasp for air, taking a deep, sharp breath through your gaping mouth before Lo’ak fills your throat again.
“Yes, just like that. See? Not so hard to listen to me.” Lo’ak moans, fucking into the back of your throat.
Saliva runs down your neck as you struggle to take his cock, choking at every thrust. The two brothers shift their focus to each other, looking at what the other has and wanting it for themselves. Neteyam wanted to shove his entire length down your throat, and Lo’ak wanted to fuck you into comatose. They communicate with their eyes, and nod slightly, and both pull out of you at the same time.
You gasp for air, wheezing loudly. Strings of saliva hang down your mouth, while tears stream down your flushed cheeks. You’ve never felt so empty in your life. They flip you onto your back and each grab an arm and leg and pull you towards themselves – completely spinning you around. Lo’ak is now pressing against your cunt and Neteyam is brushing against your cheek.
“Guys... Please!” You sob, looking through blurred vision to see the two bothers hovering over you, positioning themselves to fuck both your holes numb.
Neteyam yanks you towards him by the shoulders, causing your head to hang freely off the edge of the table. All you can see in your direct line of sight is Neteyam’s monstrous cock, looming over your face – his tip poking into your breastbone. At the base you see his growing knot, purple and veiny – begging to be buried inside you.
“Oh, fuck no.” you mumble as he rubs his slippery cock between your breasts, smothering your face with his knot and balls.
Lo’ak lifts your leg over his shoulder, lining up his stiff cock with your used hole. He rubs his mushroom-like tip against your abused hole, before plunging his entire length into you in one, quick, hard thrust.
“Ah! Wait, Lo’ak... ‘ts too fucking big! Take it out!” you scream, as your cunt stretches to accommodate his extreme thickness.
The bend in his cock makes it so that his swollen cockhead is driving directly into your sweet spot. Your screams quiet down into muffled sobs – everything is so raw and tender that you feel like you’re burning up. Your hands frantically search for something to hold. Lo’ak grabs your hand, and intertwines his fingers with yours, squeezing your hand tightly.
“Shh... you’re alright.” He reassures you, looking down at your cunt swallowing his cock avidly, using his free thumb to rub circles into your throbbing clit. He waits for you to adjust to his girth before moving his hips.
Neteyam holds your other hand, bringing it to his thigh for you to squeeze. “Relax, baby. Take a deep breath for me.” You breathe in deeply, filling your lungs with cool air. “Good girl, keep these pretty lips open for me.”
Neteyam slides his cock slowly into your mouth, watching it vanish down your throat – inch by inch. You squeeze his thigh as your feel his cockhead burrow its way past the back of your throat. Lo’ak starts moving his hips erratically – feeling the ecstasy that your now-pulsing cunt brings to his chest. He fucks directly into your sweet spot, hard. The sheer force of his thrusts make the table beneath you rock back and forth, shoving Neteyam’s length down your throat even more.
They were both on the verge of cumming from denying themselves the pleasure this entire time. You can tell from their insistent, merciless movements, ramming their cocks in and out of you for survival. All you can hear are the squelching noises coming from your sopping pussy, their low, guttural grunts and groans, and the sound of skin slapping against skin.  
“Come on.” He grits his teeth, rutting into you. “Cum *slam* for *slam* me *slam*.” Lo’ak demands of you, wanting to make you cum before he does. It’s like your body listens to his commands, spasming your muscles as you try to push his cock out of you.
“Yeah? Right here?” he pounds directly into the swelling, spongey part of your heat. “Don’t push me out. Cum for me like a good little slut.”
You let out choked mewls, thrashing your head from side to side as Neteyam grinds into the back of your throat. You slap his thigh repeatedly while throaty whimpers vibrate around his cock. Neteyam pulls out of your mouth to let you breathe.
Taking a huge breath, you lift your head up, watching his cock pop out of you. “Ugh Lo’ak! Cumming, cumming!” you rasp, as your entire body shakes, squirting your essence all over Lo’ak.
Lo’ak looks down at the mess you made on him, with wide eyes, surprised that you could do that. “That’s what I’m fucking talking about, y/n.” he pats your trembling thigh, still bucking his hips against your slippery clit.
He sees the daze in your eyes, and takes your other leg over his shoulder, and squeezes them together – now fucking the softness of your thighs.  
You hear a loud growl behind you and feel a pair of hands grip your face, pulling it back over the edge of the table. “Why didn’t you squirt for me like that? Hmm?” Neteyam growls, eyes green from jealousy.
“I... I-I didn’t know I c-could –” You stutter, being cut off by him ramming his entire cock back down your throat.
He flings his head back, relishing in the warmth of your mouth. He snaps his back down, to see a bulge in your throat.
“Shit. Another one?” he rests his hand on the bulge jutting out of your neck, caressing it ever so slightly. “Such a good girl, taking me so well.” he praises you by driving his cock into you as hard as he can.
“Look at me down your throat, my love. Your filthy little mouth was made to take my cock.” You start to gag as he bottoms out in your mouth. His eyes squeeze shut, and he clenches his jaw, trying his hardest not to cum.
“Oh, fuck. Brother, you were being serious about her gagging like this.” His knot pushes against the entrance of your mouth. He grips a fist full of your hair at the back of your head and holds your face down on it as you gag repeatedly.
“Shh... shh... take it baby. Ugh – Ngh. You can take it - you’re okay. You’re okay.” He comforts you, allowing his hand to slide from your throat bulge down to your breast.
He pulls out suddenly, allowing you to breathe. You make loud, choked gasps, desperately trying to fill your lungs. “Netey –” you choke out, cut off by his cock plunging back inside of your mouth, holding you firmly against the beginning of his knot by the back of your head. You gag repeatedly, seeing stars in your vision.
“Yes, just like that. F-fuck!” he lets loose a guttural groan.
Suddenly, you feel his cock throb and pulsate in your throat. You let go of Lo’ak’s hand and grab your neck, feeling the bulge jump as he empties his seed directly into your stomach.
“Swallow... swallow it, baby.” He hums, rocking into you as he supports the back of your head with his hand.
Lo’ak is pounding in between your thighs, chasing his climax, too. His head is dipped back form utter bliss, sliding his slippery cock between your swollen, plump pussy lips. He’s holding onto your legs that are now wrapped tightly around his neck, as he gives you two, long, hard thrusts, covering your entire torso in his hot, sticky seed.
“Oh – oh shit. Shit. Shit. Yes, y/n.” he moans loudly, rocking into you as his throbbing cock paints your stomach and chest.
Neteyam steps back, pulling roughly out of you. You gulp down his salty cum, feeling it fill up your stomach. You can practically hear his huge load slosh around in your tummy as Lo’ak is still bucking his hips into you as he calms down from his high.
You vision fades to black, and the boys’ voices turn into echoes. You focus on breathing between your violent coughs – trying you best to stay awake. Your efforts prove to be futile as you drift in and out of consciousness. They quickly realise that they may have taken things too far with you, looking down at your condition.
“y/n? y/n?” Neteyam kneels down next to your face, tapping your cheek gently, trying to wake you up.
Lo’ak crouches over you, trying to look into your eyes. “Shit. Y/n?” he shakes your limp legs on his shoulders.
“Nete – neteyam. Lo – lo’ak...” you blabber softly, not knowing what you’re saying.
“Yes, y/n?” Lo’ak lowers your limp legs down, rushing to your side.
“I’m right here, y/n. What is it?” Neteyam supports your head on his shoulder, brushing his cheek against yours.
All that comes out your mouth are soft whimpers and mewls, shaking your head side to side as you try to fight the urge to sleep. It seems like this is the only way you’ll be able to make a choice – if you’re so fucked out that you don’t have any common sense left to stop you from overthinking.
“y/n?” they say in unison, both of their faces nestled next to your cheeks.
“Who do you want? Who are you calling for?” they both whisper in your ears.
“I – I want...”
“... ma’ ‘teyam.”
“... ma’ Lo’ak.”
“... b-both.”
Tags: @jakexneytiri @sweethoneycn @deadgirl02 @keijis-wifey @pandorxx @swiftielivvie @teyamfangirl @bl-lover-yaoii @sooebear @vanillawhales @bxnnywriting @athenachu @trashboat-the-raccoon @avaixe @itssiaaax @qweq-6802 @rodeosayu @girlpostingsposts @jakesullysbabygirl @rinloversworld @agelsully @zetey @boooogieman @jiafeimagic @eywascall @yawneneteyam @weirdomcu @pandxrastars @eichenhouseproperty @camgod78 @kibiscribbles @bedofpearls @kurtsworld096 @audrinawf @otukirey @deexdeez @c78r
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lovingelegance · 2 years
Camboy Monday AU (🎊Event)
Twitter Links + Short Scenarios!
Summary of this event : You’re a cam person in this AU and when going live, you feature the genshin boys in them! I also tried to include some people I didn’t before in my last event so enjoy!(Once again, be prepared because I’m not including everything that’s in here…)
Characters, AlHaitham, Ayato, Childe, Kaeya, Pantalone, Scaramouche, Heizou, Thoma, and Xiao.
Side note : Oh my god. Id like to thank everyone who’s liked and read my posts, and I’d like to thank the people who follow me! I also can’t forget to thank my Anons!! Thank you so much for the support I really appreciate it, like I really do. Cheers to hitting 100 followers! 🥂
Before we start, sorry for my grammar mistakes! (If I have any) 🫶
❗️Also you need a Twitter account to view most of these links!!
❕ AlHaitham
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❗️Scenario beneath
SubVar13ty is 🔴 Live!
“Cum, slut! Featuring, @|D3ndr0Wh0r3”
“You’ve got some pretty moans..” You say while pumping his cock nonstop. AlHaitham moaned harder, the chat rushed in, “Of course he does!” One person says, “Yeah, pretty slutty moans.” Another person commented. You smiled under the mask and began to stroke his cock more roughly. “Ple-Please..!” He whined out, you act confused for a second. “Please what babe?” You said gently, “I need y-your cock/strap in me!!” He cried out. You pulled his hair and went quicker.
“Oh yeah?” You say switching your tone instantly. Tears rolled down AlHaitham’s face, “Yesyes! Ah- Fuck—!” Pre-cum leaked from his cock as you shoved your cock/strap in him. His whole body tensing up. “Feels- amazing!!~” He cried out once again. His eyes rolling back and he took the pleasure you gave him. Fuck, seeing the expressions he’s making made you feel intense lust. Almost as if it was spreading all over your body. “I bet it does, doesn’t it?”
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❗️Scenario beneath
SubVar13ty is 🔴 Live!
“Cock Whore. Featuring, @|S1yS1ut”
“Take all of my cock you Whore.” You say demandingly. “Yes!- thank you!!” Ayato exclaimed. He bobbed his head on your cock/strap, he slightly gagged. The chat were cheering him on to take all of it in his mouth, praising him for being able to take all of your cock/strap in his mouth. You were reading the chat out loud to him, “They’re praising you for how well your taking in my cock, say thank you.” You say grabbing a fist full of hair of Ayato’s. A muffled thank you came out of his mouth.
“This angle is perfect!” You saw someone say. Ayato was riding you. You could see his cock, as well as his ass now taking your cock this time around. “Shit, he really is a fucking whore!!” Another comment appeared. When Ayato read that comment, he almost came right there and then. “Nngh..- ‘m gonna cum!~” you nodded your head signaling he could cum. Ayato came as his semen dropped down onto your chest.
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❗️ Scenario beneath
SubVar13ty is 🔴 Live!
“Bitch Boy!! Featuring, @|Pain4Me”
You slapped his ass real hard. Hard enough to get a imprint of your hand on his ass. “I bet you like that, huh?” You say while slapping him again. Childe whimpered, “I do! I do!” He said desperately. The chat was in awe of his desperation. Degrading him just how he liked. “You’re so fucking pathetic!” These mean words only added more fuel to the fire. He let out a strangled moan in response. You continued to slap his ass while giving him the most disgusted look you can ever give.
“Mmm..! Ah!- Shit~” he was gripping the arm rests of the chair. His drool seeped from his mouth. You stroked his cock just the way he loved. Childe’s eyes were now rolling back. The chat went crazy it. “He looks so hot while doing it?!” “Fuck, this type of sub makes me go crazy..” you smirk. It looks like you reached your target audience with Childe. You couldn’t believe how much Sadists were behind the screen watching, but at least they were enjoying this lovely view.
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❗️Scenario beneath
SubVar13ty is 🔴 Live!
“Surprise! Featuring @|Pr1nceSS”
Now, Kaeya was very very popular. You didn’t expect him to have an account on this website, but here you were. Now fucking him. The chat flooded, they were all surprised. Their favorite dominate creator and sub creator doing a collaboration.. “Who would’ve thought? I’m not complaining though, there both so sexy.” A compliment along with a donation. “Thank you so much!!~” Kaeya said with a thoughtful look on his face, soon that look was wiped off as you fingered him.
Kaeya moaned out as he rode your fingers. Making the sluttiest noises possible from his mouth. “Before taking my cock in we should prep you with more than my fingers.. right?” You suggested. He was open to the idea but the dildo was larger than the normal sizes he used. “Ah- O-Okay..” he stuttered. You guided him onto the dildo, he whined out. “Oh my!— th-this is stretching me out..~” Kaeya said seductively. “If that stretched you out, then I wonder how you’ll do when you take me.” Maybe you should collaborate with him more often you thought to yourself.
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❗️ Scenario Beneath
SubVar13ty is 🔴 Live!
“So humiliating. Featuring, @|1and0nly”
“UHGH!- I’ll be a good w-whore for you!!~~” You pulled his hair, and fucked him roughly. “Do you know how many times people have told me that?!” You say harshly. What you said was true, but you knew he liked getting told those type of things. “I’ll be better- wait-! Better th-than the others! I swearr~!”he says while getting drunk on the pleasure. “You’re so fucking greedy. Such a greedy whore.” The chat was going crazy. The way you said it made everyone feel some type of way. The way that Pantalone’s eagerness sparked something in them.
“Yess..!! Hah—” You tugged on the leash. You read his collar one last time before going back in to fuck him. “Number 1’s Best Whore” you giggle a bit, but not loud enough that the people who were watching you can hear it. “You really are something.” You say watching him closely. Pantalone looked away, embarrassed. “Fuck I love that embarrassed expression of his.. it’s so fucking beautiful!” A person said in the chat. You read it aloud to him and made him cum on the spot.
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❗️ Scenario beneath
SubVar13ty is 🔴 Live!
“Maybe, Good Boy? Featuring, @|G00DBRAT”
“You know, you look pretty good in handcuffs don’t you think?” You say while sweeping the hair from his face. The chat agreed with you, saying all sorts of dirty compliments. “You.. you really think- so?” He says blushing hard. You nod and caressed his cheek. You gazed at him and made out with him. Suddenly, the kisses turned into sloppy ones and a competition to fight for dominance. Of course, we all knew who was going to win but Scaramouche still dared to challenge you.
Lifting up his skirt to show his panties, the chat were amazed with this. This was a rare moment. He practically begged. You wanted to see that adorable look of his during this round and keep it. You wanted to hear him beg aloud for the viewers to see it and cherish it. “I’ll touch you when you beg for it.” You whispered, just loud enough so the viewers could tell what you were whispering about. “Pl-Please.. P-Please touch me..~” he says cutely. Oh you were going to do some unspeakable thing to him after he said that.
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❗️Scenario beneath
SubVar13ty is 🔴 Live!
“Good Job! Featuring, @|S3CR3T6”
He knew how to push your buttons, but now.. You were pushing his. You denied his release. Every single time he said he was going to cum or said he was cumming you stopped your actions. “Why- Why?!” He cried out. You stopped again, grabbing his chin. “Why what darling?” You asked him. He hesitated but decided to talk back. “Why are y-you stopping everything when I say I’m going to cum..?” He responded. “Don’t worry, in the end it will all be worth it. Okay?~” you say sweetly. It’s as if he forgot about that part for a second.
“Fuck cumming, cumming—!” His semen goes all over his thighs. His eyes roll back and he throws his head back. “Now.. I finally let you cum. You satisfied?” You teasingly said. He nodded his head, though you had something else in store. “Well, sense you wanted to cum so bad the other times.. let’s see how many times I can make you cum.” He was shocked, but he should’ve expected this to happen. The only thing now is to prepare for the time of his life.
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❗️ Scenario Beneath
SubVar13ty is 🔴 Live!
“Puppy Like, Featuring, @|MA1D4U”
The chat hasn’t seen him in a while, though they loved him. They loved how innocent he seemed but in reality he was just another cheap slut begging for your cock/strap. “I love the maid outfit!<33” “sososo cuteee” you laughed reading the comments. “They all really like your outfit for today..” you murmured. “Too bad were gonna ruin it today~” saying in a low tone. That made Thoma shiver. Shit, he hasn’t been turned on like that for a while. You knew all the spots to make him feel good.
“Mmph—! Uh~!” He whimpered out, spilling cum all over his maid dress. You soon got him on his back and fingered him. “Does that feel good sweetheart?” You ask him. “AH! yesyes-!!” He moaned out. “How can they do it that fast?!” A person in the chat said. You just tilted your head and gave the viewers a smile through your eyes. Even though they couldn’t see it behind your mask, they could tell you were smiling. “Ohh~! I think ‘m gonna c-cum again!” You turned your attention to Thoma and signaled for him to cum.
❕ Xiao
Link Link
❗️Scenario Beneath
SubVar13ty is 🔴 Live!
“Very cute! Featuring, @|Alat0z”
“Ahh.. I see why my viewers like you so much.” You say with a smug look on your face. Xiao was all tied up and was in feminine clothes. At first he didn’t like this idea at all. Now he loves it and so does the chat. “Holy shit he’s so cute.” “The titles not wrong!!” He has a skirt and long socks on. You took off his shirt earlier because you felt like he didn’t need to hide his chest. He moaned out as the vibrator buzzed onto his cock and in his ass. “Such a good boy. Unlike some others.” You laughed.
“Aww you’re such a good boy for me aren’t you?” You say as you see him obeying your every order. Xiao wasn’t like the others. He wanted to hear your praise every second, and is willing to do anything for that. The viewers called him precious. “Mhm!” He said while looking at you with puppy eyes. Fuck. That look of his is quite powerful but he doesn’t even know that. “Let me reward you, I think you deserve it honey.” You coo. You stroke his hair and made him go on all fours.
Y’all im so tired, but I hope you guys enjoyed!!
My requests are open <3 Sorry if I don’t get to your request right now, I’ll get to it as soon as possible!
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vampaiaz · 2 years
stranger things filth (some fluff!)
warning: this’ll be headcanons about characters when they’re intimate with you so vulgar language ahead! this’ll also be mostly for afab readers!!!
notes: should i do an amab ver?😲 i mean, you could request anything!!! just request and i’ll try my very best to satisfy you
characters: eddie munson, steve harrington, billy hargrove, jonathan byers, robin buckley, and nancy wheeler
he definitely loves to talk about your body as he fucks you, just saying everything he loves about it from your perfect tits to your soft thighs
whenever you’re away, he can’t stop thinking about you so he rubs one out. his mind plagued with the thought of your face whenever he goes in and out of you, his hand gripping hard and taking fast strokes just to mimic how your walls tighten around him.
god he’s so loud, sometimes even louder than you. he doesn’t care if it’s “not normal” or makes him “less of a man” you like it when you hear him moan or whimper, he knows that, so he loves being right next to your ear moaning your name as he cums.
whenever he goes down on you, your fingers will never not leave his hair, pulling and gripping the fuck out of it. eddie loves it, makes his eyes roll back a bit, makes him whimper against your clit.
big fan of aftercare T-T he loooves just cuddling with you right after, playing a soft tune on his guitar for you, or even fixing up a snack for you after cleaning you!!! he’s the sweetest before, while, and after being intimate with him.
bonus! his favorite position is seashell, why? the closest to a full nelson where he can see your face. eddie has to see your pretty face, he needs to. he wants to know that he’s making you feel good.
i feel like he’s secretly a total perv, anything you do innocently it’d get him hard. you kneel down to reach for something that fell under the table, you suddenly see him trying to adjust his jeans. you’re happily eating a popsicle on a hot day at the community pool, he’s gotta take a dip in the pool to “cool down.”
he wouldn’t be into hurting you that much but slapping his dick on your face? definitely, he loves it. after you give him the best head he’s ever gotten, he slaps you with his dick on your cheeks to slapping it on your tongue, and asking you “isn’t this the best dick you’ve ever sucked?” to hear your answer just to inflate his ego.
based off that one scene with the “six nuggets” he wants, steve has an impregnation or breeding kink, IM RIGHT!! so real!!! he would be fucking you rough and hard while whispering “you gonna let me fill you up? make you all round and plump, hm? ready to make you a mommy. so ready, y/n.”
but he’s usually sweet and takes his time with you. he wants you to know that you’re his girl, his only girl. you would sometimes even tear up at how sweet he was being, and if you do let a tear fall he’ll not hesitate to reassure you and leave quick kisses on your forehead. BUT ALSO he takes it nice and slow because he wants to make your walls remember his shape, cervix kisses all the way with him.
oh get ready for this one!!!! (can u tell i want him to do me so bad)
most definitely into overstim, he loves making you cry and desperately beg for more under him. he watches your eyes brim with tears and smiles, then gives you what you want. you’d tell him he’s a total dacryphilliac but he denies it a lot (so bad at lying.)
loves to finger you, until you’ve got your hands on his arm, trying to stop him from making you cum for the 5th time. once you cum, he brings his fingers to his mouth and licks it all up while staring into your eyes.
i feel like billy is kinda gross…. which is good i love gross, so that means spit kink!!!! billy will take any moment he can to spit on you. he’s eating you out? he’ll spit right onto your pussy, you’re sucking him off? he spits right onto his dick then your mouth because he wants to “help” you, and last but not least! whenever you two make out, he never fails to make you feel so weak. his tongue just overpowering yours every time and your mouth being filled with his spit until you’re both drooling.
he’s an ass man, idc if you disagree but this man would leave so many bite marks on your thighs up to your ass. when the two of you are alone in his room and you’re sitting on his bed in just panties, he never fails to point out the healing mark on your cheek, don’t worry he’ll bite it again.
i don’t think he’d be into names/titles, but something about you calling him “hargrove” when you’re hatefucking makes him so insane, the fact that you want to make him feel like nothing and it gets him even more mad just makes the sex more fun! (you two make up after don’t worry, just a usual fight, he’s got issues right.)
“cmon pretty girl, use your words for me.” OHHH MYYY GOOOOD
he’s also a big pervert, but is proud. he’s too much at school, when you pass each other in between classes, he doesn’t hesitate to grab your ass. he even places his face right in between your tits just to smell you, it was weird at first but he’s cute when he does it. also, tommy? he’d sometimes talk about you in a way billy does not enjoy, so whenever there’s a house party, he never fails to make tommy see you getting fucked out in a random ass bathroom. you and billy love getting caught.
full nelson…. he’s such an enthusiast for a full nelson, this position is his favorite and when you let him do it, oh he’ll be rough. he loves it because you can’t do anything at all, you’re stuck being his toy, he knows your eyes are rolling back because he’s bruising up your cervix. you’re moaning so loud and that gives him more motivation to make you cum.
bonus! cockwarming, he likes it in your mouth the most. one time he told you he had a test but didn’t wanna study, so you came up with a plan and that was keeping his cock in your mouth while he studies and once he’s done you move as a reward. ever since that happened he’s been so obsessed with just having you go down and make your jaw sore from being open for him for so long.
something really cute he’d do is give you an extra bottle of his perfume (it’d definitely be a unisex scent btw) he loves the idea of letting people know you’re his, so why not make you wear his scent.
i am so excited for this one YOU DONT EVEN KNOWWW
loves names, degrading ones especially. you call him a pervert or a loser and he’s cumming, he feels guilty for being disgusting but you make him love being that way, he’s so submissive for you it’s crazy.
ever since s4, i just know he loves high sex, he’s got more control. while fucking you, he’s got a camera flashing and those photos of you fucked out are sitting right inside his wallet, something to remind him of his pretty baby.
so whiney, so loud. you’ve got him saying “please, i need to cum. please. i need it.” repeatedly right next to your ear.
his fingers are in you while your hand is on his dick, mutual masturbation is something you both enjoy so much. after you cum on his fingers, he brings them up to your mouth and watches you suck your own juices off his fingers.
boobs guy, such a big fan of your tits. he’d suck and bite a lot, he’d spend most of the foreplay on your tits, you’re sensitive there and he just loves watching you whimper and shiver a bit.
bonus! face fucking, he doesn’t start in a fast pace, he takes it slow and really making you gag on him. his tip reaching the back of your throat real slow, he wants to feel you close up on him, he wants to cum right down your throat.
leaves some of his clothes at your place, he had to lend you his shirt and boxers once, and ever since then he’s been obsessed seeing you with his clothes on. it’s like a way to keep him close to you at all times.
super into thigh riding, she loves to see you rut on her thigh and she’s got her hand on either your throat or your ass.
she loves eating you out from behind, face down ass up then suddenly her hands are kneading your ass and her tongue is on your pussy.
she’s a switch leaning a bit toward dominant, but when she does get subby, you’re going down on her and she’s crying for more, rutting her hips for more friction on your tongue.
when you wear a skirt around her, she’s SOOO touchy, can’t keep her hands to herself. you could just be reading a book next to her, then your panties are on your ankles and her face is under your skirt.
ever since you squirted that one time you two masturbated together, she makes it her mission, I REPEAT, HER MISSION!! to make you squirt all the time, she’s got amazing technique so…
let’s be honest robin would flirt a lot but when you do it back out of nowhere, she’ll get so flustered. you make her face heat up every time, she’s so cute T-T.
ice cream dates, reminds her of her job at scoops ahoy, and the very first time you two met! it makes you feel so special when she still remembers the first time you two met.
if the strap-ons that could cum existed in the 80’s nancy would love using that when she’s with you. it could be you receiving or her receiving, it’ll be hot no matter what.
you two always have “sleepovers” at her house, secretly letting herself enjoy tasting you down there in her pretty pink room.
SHE LOVES SPANKING, you’ve been rude to her or anyone else? you’re immediately coming home with her and counting every smack until your ass gets red.
if you have tattoos, nancy will leave kisses on it. she loves your tattoos because they look so pretty on you, and when other people point it out she gets jealous and brings it out on you by abusing your clit when the two of you are alone.
when you masturbate in front of her, then you cum, you bring your fingers to her mouth and maintain eye contact while letting her suck. her pretty eyes just staring up at you make you wanna pounce at her.
such a big fan of public sex, the adrenaline she gets from it, from you? it’s the best thing ever.
you love to gift her stuff you make or stuff you get from a trip, she keeps them on a table in her room, and likes to look at them when she misses you T-T.
she’d give you random poems sometimes, she’d also point at random flowers or stray cats and say “look, it’s you!”
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servethelight · 2 months
Shit I’ve noticed during my clone wars rewatch and my interpretation (very Obi-Wan focused because he’s my favorite character lmao):
(Includes spoilers obviously)
+ I love this show to bits, but it has horrible issues with consistency. Every other episode there is a new weapon or something introduced and we’ll never see it again. This is very prevalent in especially the first seasons.
+ Obi-Wan is such a fucking enabler. Like he tells Anakin his plans are stupid at least twice during the Malevolence episodes, but then joins him on all of those. It’s literally like: “Anakin this plan is reckless and won’t work, anyways what’s my part in your plan?”
+ Rex running into that metal pipe. I forgot about that and laughed for 20 minutes straight.
+ Anakin pulls a “Are ya winning son?” on Obi-Wan about Ahsoka.
+ I once saw a post that it isn’t confirmed that Obi-Wan and Cody are friends, but you have Obi-Wan literally marveling on how competent the commander is and Cody always going the extra mile to save his general’s ass. To me that’s pretty much a friendship.
+ The Jedi are in general very gentle, but quite touchy. They might not go for hugs, but there is always someone touching someone’s shoulder or waist. And they’re just so fucking kind. I don’t think I ever noticed that as a kid, but they’re so respectful about life and culture and always helping someone. I just love them so much.
+ And I love the understanding and kindness the clones have. They’re soldiers and programmed to kill, but they’re also good people in most cases. I just wanna hug most of them.
+ My mother told me I cried as a child during the episodes with the Zillo beast. Well, I didn’t cry again, but I’m still so fucking mad at Palpatine for putting that poor creature in that position. If he just had listened to Mace Windu (more of the characters should actually, just saying) that poor animal wouldn’t have killed people and found its end like that.
+ Mortis is quite hated by the fandom but for me it’s a defining showcase of Obi-Wan’s, Anakin’s and Ahsoka’s relationship. I’ve seen people in the fandom saying that Anakin would’ve turned out differently if Obi-Wan would’ve told him he’s proud and took care of his feelings. This episodes literally show that he does exactly that and Anakin still doesn’t give a shit.
+ Anakin tells the son in his dream, that he’ll never come to the dark side willingly. Only to walk over to the literal manifestation of the dark side like 10 minutes later to save Ashoka. I came to the conclusion that the only way to tempt him was by promising to save his loved ones. I still think it was a really awful and greedy thing to become Vader for that, but I must admit it’s a noble character trait to put others first.
+ Kit Fisto doesn’t have nipples. Therefore I’ve concluded he’s isn’t a mammal and hatched from an egg like Nemo the clownfish. (And no, that isn’t a animation thing, Rex does have nipples when his shirt is off).
+ The discussion with my gf about Kit Fisto nipples and Star Wars biology also touched the topic of “how does Maul use the bathroom”. My conclusion is: he has a stoma, because the lower abdomen, where that would be, is always covered.
+ Hardcase mentions he is hyperactive. I now see him as my favorite ADHD clone, because having ADHD myself I can fucking relate.
+ I forgot Waxer died on Umbara and bawled my eyes out. Waxer is one my favorite clones and when he cried while dying I just couldn’t take it.
+ My friend spent the entire Umbara arc just simping for the clones (mostly Jesse), while I was suffering. So maybe they look hot or something for people attracted to men in this episodes.
+ In the episode after the Umbara the duo usually consisting of Waxer and Boil is sent out, but this time it’s just Boil and I was about to bawl again.
+ For being called “the negotiator” Obi-Wan gets his ass beat quite a lot after his “negotiations” (aggressive flirting).
+ While I’ll never forgive Obi-Wan for doing that Raako Hardeen shit, I nearly pissed myself when the Ziro the Hutt’s ex gf is flirting with not one but two women there. Like I didn’t expect her to be the fucking gay rep in clone wars.
+ I’m seriously never forgiving Obi-Wan for that. I can’t get over Ahsoka’s tear filled eyes while she’s holding his corpse. Also she doesn’t seem angry like Anakin just massively sad and disappointed after it is revealed that he’s still alive. Personally I believe she’s starting to doubt the order here.
+ Point three on hating on my favorite character for that shit, I feel like Anakin becomes quieter and less playful after that disaster.
+ Maul is me. He’s obsessed with Obi-Wan and mentions that he has massive problems what is going on inside his head. As a mentally ill person, that makes me feel really seen lmao.
+ The underwater episodes and the ones with Ventress on that train were just the most beautiful worlds I’ve ever seen. Like the planets in general are so beautifully designed in clone wars, I’m so in love.
+ Motherfucking “I said fuck the council and became a child soldier for a rebellion at 13” Obi-Wan Kenobi seems very reluctant on doing it again. There are two entire arcs of him disagreeing on helping rebels. First I didn’t understand, because like dude you literally did this before, but since he talks about his worries about bringing the separatists in or worsen the situation, I think the poor man is just a little bit traumatized.
+ After the events of Onderon I’m pretty sure Ashoka is already filled with doubts about the order, the republic and the war. I also feel like she’s feeling massively led down by Obi-Wan again, which broke my heart because I love their relationship.
+ I just realized he fails Ahsoka a third time, when she is captured by Hondo and Obi-Wan is supposed to help her. Instead he gets attacked by Grievous and is forced to postpone the helping them until they help themselves. I mean it’s not his fault but in Ahsoka’s place that wouldn’t feel good to me.
+ This particular fight with Grievous ignited my love for Obi-Wan again. Before he attacks Grievous he helps an injured clone and when he goes into the fight, Grievous directly kills a clone. Instead of his usual witty remarks, he just goes: “you’re gonna regret that” and jumps Grievous. He just loves his clones as much as I do.
+ One of the most beautiful shots in the entire series for me is in the episode before the droids find Gregor. This WAC droid looks into the desert and it reflects in his eye. Because of the cracks in the desert ground it looks almost like a retina. Beautiful metaphor of combining something artificial and metallic with an organic and almost human part. This was such a fucking raw shot for me, it took my breath away.
+ Tarkin is an asshole, but he’s climbed the asshole latter so hard after he has been mean to Plo Koon.
+ Shotout to Obi-Wan for convincing the order to let Anakin go after Ahsoka. Additionally the whole time he acts in her support only to be shut down by the council. I didn’t remember him doing that so I was surprised.
+ Fives tells the plot with the inhibitor chips to a cab driver. Do you think the cap driver ever thinks back after the war and is like: “Fuuuuuuck”?
+ I kid you not, the clone bar has gender neutral bathrooms (and no, it’s not bc the clones are all male, in the bar are also women). The bathroom are just decided by humans, hutts and a third species I cannot quite recognize.
+ I forgot Teckla gets shot, NOOOOOOO
+ I always say clone wars anakin is better, but Jesus stop acting like a jealous bitch. Padmè deserves an award for putting up with his bullshit. Obi-Wan too. He even tries to give him reassurance by telling him that feelings are not forbidden and Anakin just bitches at him.
+ Obi-Wan casually passing on babysitting duty for Jar Jar fucking killed me (and yes, taking care of Jar Jar is babysitting duty).
+ Never in a million years I would have thought to see Jar Jar admitting to fucking this queen, but here we have him saying he was making love to her last night. Imma set myself on fire and I believe Windu will join me.
+ You could also call the clone wars the exposition wars. Every episode has their one minute exposition in the beginning, but I feel like a lot of the dialogue is used for exposition.
+ Obi-Wan doesn’t learn shit. That man got drugged by Hondo, but yet still accepts drinks from the Pykes. MY BROTHER IN CHRIST PLEASE DONT
+ I AN GOING TO SCREAM. You have been informed that the Clones have a behavior influencing chip in their brains and then you find out Dooku was behind the creation of the clones and no one connects the fucking dots. I love the Jedi, but goddamn are you all dense.
+ Do you think Hunter thought Rex was screwing his general? Because their conversation sounded kinda suggestive and then they trail off to do something secret.
+ Ahsoka going “my older brother thought me”after kicking a guy where it hurts most. I now imagine Anakin going to Ahsoka as soon she got to be his padawan: “Listen up Snips, if you ever facing a creepy guy, you kick them right there”
+ When the sisters make their escape I don’t get why they don’t let Ahsoka fly. She’s clearly the more capable pilot.
+ Controversial opinion: I have a strong dislike for Bo Katan. She’s a fucking terrorist who doesn’t betray the deathwatch when they murder an entire innocent village, no but when there’s Maul trying to take their authority. Says a lot about her character if you ask me.
+ I mcfucking cried when the clones painted their helmets according to Ahsoka’s face markings and my flatmates gf came in and asked me if everything’s alright. I am fucking embarrassing I have seen this scene three times already but I still bawl like a baby.
+ Also my dear Obi-Wan can you quit being an ass? A “hello Ahsoka, nice to see you” wouldn’t have killed you.
+ Through the whole show most of the characters seemed to appear increasingly tired towards the end. Especially Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, but other characters aswell. The only one who seems to stay energized is Anakin. He becomes more serious but I feel like he’s the only one at the end that is still going into battles with full energy. It almost felt like he’s especially thriving in a war scenario which is incredibly sad.
+ The beauty of that last scene with Vader is truly unparalleled. I don’t ever think a tv show can recreate that.
+ I still love this show to bits and I cried 5 times total during that rewatch, shit this was nice.
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alwaysaslutforfic · 1 year
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Tsukki Headcanons ❤️ - NSFW
Just some musings on my favourite Sendai Frogs middle blocker ☺️
Warnings: nothing super explicit. Mentions of sending nudes, hair pulling, and oral sex
Minors keep away from the cut and DNI!
Beta readers? Pft
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Listens to any and everything but with a purpose 👌🏾. Ask him for a recommendation in any genre and he’ll give you a top 5 tier list. Has playlists arranged by mood, genre, vibe and occasion (he even has one for you that he will literally never tell you about but plays often. He just tells you it’s his favourite mix). Dude is highkey a music snob. Like he’ll listen to a song in any genre but it better be a fucking ✨S tier song✨ or he will Judge. Will never concede the aux cord.
Meanest tutor ever. Will have you crying at the kitchen table asking the same question till you get it right. “If Johnny has 5 apples! 😤” typa tutor. But his notes are amazing and he’ll always lend them without question.
We already know how I feel about clingy Tsukki. But let me reiterate: this man is obsessed with being in your personal space. Like ”I’m gonna go take a shower.” ”….. without me? 😒”
But he also respects your space when you need it. Just don’t be gone too long or he’ll get lonely. He’s highkey touch starved.
An impeccable driver. And unreasonably hot while doing it. I’m talking hand on thigh, arm on headrest when reversing, will do your seatbelt HOT. And you’re his favourite passenger princess. Tsukki refuses to let anyone adjust your seat. If they’re feeling cramped they’re more than welcome to sit in the back, or even better, walk.
A great cook. He lets you be the taste tester when you cook together. If you can’t cook this is the one time he has an amount of patience teaching you. He is, however, a horrendous baker. Tried to make you valentines day chocolates and you had to throw out the tea towels cos they somehow ended up singed. You laughed till you cried he’d have been hurt about it if you weren’t so beautiful
Likewise, his actions speak louder than his words when it comes to affection. Obviously he compliments you and tells you he loves you, but only on special occasions like birthdays, christmases and blowing your back out ten ways till sunday. But mostly he’ll show you how much he cares by treating you like royalty. Carries your bags while calling you weak, says ‘no’ every single time you ask for a favour but does it anyways, takes you for walks to your favourite ice cream shop and pays for both of you while you bitch about a character in your dumb show that he hates (read: binges with you and gets invested in)
A slip it in while you watch a movie kinda dude. At this point the Netflix subscription is for show. There is literally no point in trying to watch something with him because your legs will be over his shoulders way before the halfway mark.
Much like his actions speaking louder than words, he’s willing to try anything once if you suggest it. This has led to a very interesting bedroom life. There were obviously things that you both decided weren’t for you, but Tsukki would do anything to please you even if he’d never confess it. Once you asked for a personalised dildo so you could have his dick whenever you wanted as a joke. It was there by next week.
Loves fucking you in public. You guys are banned from THREE different lingerie stores. You’re 65% sure he only takes you out so much so he can find somewhere to fuck you, since it’s how most of your dates end. The Karasuno gang clocked you two on a club night when Noya and Tanaka took a badly timed trip to the bathroom. They are constantly embarrassed when you two go missing for half an hour and return dishevelled.
Send. Him. Nudes 😩 Especially when he’s busy. He sends them back and holy shit are they art personified. He heard “don’t send dick pics, send cumshot vids with the sound on” and boy did he run with it in the best of ways. Has a password protected folder for all the filth you send each other.
Speaking of nudes, his dick is so pretty. He doesn’t even manscape. It’s just long and slightly curved with just the right amount of hair. Also so much pre-cum. He was actually a little embarassed by it until he saw how much you loved licking him clean.
Pull his hair and listen to him moan. If you pull it hard enough when he’s close he will just cum. He definitely wasn’t embarrassed the first time it happened. Now it’s sort of a game to see if you can use it to get him off when he’s going down on you.
He’s reconciled with the fact that he has a volleyball brain. Seeing you at his games, and feeling your eyes on him as he jumps blocks is like foreplay to him. It’s always a race to see how quickly he can get you naked and under him after a match.
I will undoubtly have more thoughts on this, because I spend an unreasonable amount of time thinking about Tsukishima Kei
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bestdeadbeatmilf · 2 months
Round One, Bracket Three
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Propaganda under the cut!
Submission 1: Kenjaku. Absolutely. Experienced the miracle of childbirth to have a son (for purely the purposes of being a vessel ) they did not bother to get to know- going quite a bit past being a deadbeat mother, what with murdering his father and leaving him to grow up raised completely by his grandfather. Actually, forget being a deadbeat mother to one son, try all nine of his siblings as well, all ditched immediately after birth! But they’re not really done after leaving the scene, and have lovingly taken the time to bodysnatch the ex of their son’s teacher, happily ruin their son’s life by making his head a roommate for an ancient sorcerer that gets him on society’s death row, barely bat an eye at the deaths of nearly all their sons, try to kill one of their sons, set up circumstances that nearly get their other son killed, and run into one of their son’s friends only to cheerful tell her they’re grateful she got along with their son. And then died housing their ex’s fetus in their man-made womb. Wonderful.
Submission 2:
Kenjaku is a genderless brain thing that took over the main character's (Itadori) mom and got laid by the main Itadori's dad in order ot enact her evil plan for the future. Truest deadbeat mom in the world she leaves soon after giving birth and Itadori doesn't know who his mom is. But wow she's kind of hot I can't lie. She's got game, she's hot and she's ambitious with her goals in life? Queen of my heart.
Extra notes: Wins both hottest deadbeat milf and dilf award in my heart
Lee Sookyung:
Submission 1:
Without spoiling too much, she kinda sorta maybe went to jail for murdering her abusive husband, and then maybe sorta kinda wrote a bestselling book about it thereby ruining her son's life by forever associating him with a murderer and then kinda maybe sorta doesn't ever address what happened and instead continues to pull the "mother knows best card" even though she hasn't spoken to him in like 20 years. SPOILER WARNING: For that reason she also is sorta maybe kinda the reason the apocalypse happens but we're not playing the blame game here she just sucks
Extra notes: I am legally required to tell you to read ORV
Submission 2:
murdered her abusive husband <3 then she wrote a book about it <3 accidentally ruined her sons life because of her refusal to speak to him/convey solidarity about the book and press attention with him + taught him that the only and best way to communicate your love for your child is to leave. when it was prophesied that he was going to be killed by the person he loved most she kidnapped and trapped him in a recreation of their childhood house and killed him. it didnt even fulfill the prophecy. shes so cool and leads an entire gang of female prisoners in the apocalypse and her sponsor/god is also a mom (and a bear. and the mother of the founder of korea). she hates her sons favorite character so bad for raising him where she didnt. you could make an argument that she gets into yuri with her sons friends if you want.
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