#i unfortunate still have schoolwork to do
slight-gaming-addict · 16 hours
Leona x reader where to reader was trying to help ruggie get Leona do some class work or something but it only lead to the read accidentally, confessing to him on of frustration
unspoken words
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ruggie accidentally outs your feelings to leona when he gets frustrated with him
pairings: leona kingscholar x gn!reader, ruggie bucchi x gn!reader (platonic)
word count: 1.5k
a/n: i made it so ruggie is the one who gets frustrated with the situation and then outs the readers feelings for leona to him i hope that's okay anon<3
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When Ruggie asked you to help him get Leona to do schoolwork, you knew it was going to be a rough job. Leona rarely does any of the work assigned to him, opting for instead throwing the papers somewhere in his room and then laying down for a nap and immediately forgetting them.
You consider Ruggie a good friend and have had many late-night conversations with him, about Leona's lack of work ethic, along with numerous other random topics. It's how he found out about the crush you've been harboring for Leona for a while. You didn't outright tell him, but he easily found out after observing your behavior when you were talking about him.
Unfortunately for you, Ruggie's able to use this information to his advantage of getting you to help him when Leona's being particularly difficult because you "want Leona to succeed don't you?" You roll your eyes every time he says it, knowing you want him to succeed and don't want him to be held back again.
It's half an hour into trying to get Leona to do any of the work that's been piling up for weeks, and he was being particularly difficult that time. He's refusing to do any of it, claiming he hadn't had his midday nap in order to focus, and that if he got it, he'd be able to focus to do the work.
Ruggie wasn't having any of it though. He knew Leona was just trying to make excuses as to not do the work, and if he let him go take his "needed nap" he wouldn't see him for the rest of the day. You could see the annoyance building up on Ruggie's face as the situation continued, and you were afraid that if Leona pushed him any harder, he'd snap; and that's exactly what happened.
"Leona, for the last time, I just need you to do this one assignment. That's it." Ruggie spoke through gritted teeth, completely fed up with the lion in front of him not cooperating. Leona sat with his head leaning against his closed fist, propped up on the table in front of him, and just stared back at Ruggie as if he was speaking a different language and didn't understand him at all. 
"That's it," Ruggie stood up abruptly, knocking the chair over he was previously sitting in, and causing some papers to float to the ground. "You're actually impossible to work with, I don't know how anyone handles it."
"They handle it." Leona motions towards you and it actually might have been the worst time for him to start talking.
"That's because they like you!" The room went silent after Ruggie's outburst, and he clamped his hand over his mouth after realizing what he had done. Your eyes were wide staring over at where he stood, not believing he said those words out loud in front of Leona. You've been sitting there the whole time Ruggie was trying to get Leona to do something, and you weren't really acknowledged, knowing you were there mostly for support for Ruggie, and only planning to step in when Ruggie reached his breaking point. However, you weren't expecting this situation when he eventually broke.
You couldn't even glance in Leona's direction, wide eyes still trained straight forward at Ruggie who threw apologetic glances your way. You couldn't sit there and wait for someone to say something, you just got up off your seat and walked, more like ran, back to your room.
Once in the door, you let out a shaky breath you've been holding the entire time. You couldn't even bring yourself to walk more into the room, your feet immediately collapsed on themselves the moment you closed the door behind you.
You wanted to crawl into a hole, embarrassment flooding through you the more you thought about the incident. You were dead set on never telling Leona about the feelings you had for him. You knew how he was and couldn't handle the rejection you were sure would happen if he found out.
A knock at your door was heard, but you actively ignored it, not wanting to deal with anyone right now. You don't think you could ever show your face again, not wanting to witness Leona laughing at you for catching petty little feelings for him. You planned to just stay in your room until the whole thing was forgotten about, but the person outside your door didn't think too kindly of that.
You heard Ruggie trying to get you to open the door to let him in, and you hesitated for a second before you groaned, pushing yourself up off the floor to open the door. As soon as the door opened, Ruggie rushed into the room, apologies quick out of his mouth.
All you did was let out another groan as you threw yourself face down on your bed, throwing your pillow over your head trying to block out everything else.
"Go away." You weren't even sure if he heard you from under the pillow, but with Ruggie, it wouldn't have mattered anyway because he wouldn't have listened. You felt him jump onto the bed next to you, grabbing the pillow that you held over your head. You let out a whine, giving in barely any effort in an attempt to get the pillow back from him.
"If it makes you feel any better he didn't seem absolutely repulsed?" You turned your head to look at Ruggie with narrowed eyes.
"Well, maybe he wouldn't have to be repulsed if you didn't completely lay my feelings for him right in front of him." You hissed out the last words of the sentence through your teeth, throwing a random pillow on your bed at him.
"Okay well sorry for saying something that you've been keeping in for months." You scoffed at his words, turning your head back away from him.
"And I would've kept it in longer too." Ruggie rolled his eyes at your attitude, knowing that Leona wouldn't have acted badly to the outburst anyway since he knew Leona had unspoken feelings about you too. 
Ruggie was tired of you both dancing around your feelings for each other, even if Leona didn't outright tell him about the feelings he had for you, he could tell by the lingering glances when you weren't looking, and how he would get annoyed with everyone around him, except you. He wasn't planning on telling Leona about your feelings the way he did, knowing about your fear of rejection and insecurities about him not liking you back, but now that he did, he was glad it was finally out in the open, even if you thought the world was ending at that moment. 
He was about to tell you to get it together and force you to go talk to Leona about it, but a knock sounded on the room door before he could enforce it. Neither of you moved until the sound of Leona's voice sounded from the other side of the door, causing you to jump up on the bed, almost knocking Ruggie over in the process.
"Tell him I'm not here." 
"It's your room." You both went back and forth with each other, attempting to whisper, but ending up only talking slightly lower than usual.
"You guys are terrible at whispering." You heard Leona from the other side of the door, causing you both to abruptly stop arguing.
Ruggie practically shoved you at the door, motioning for you to open it. You really didn't want to open it, but Ruggie was not taking no for an answer. Your hand shook as you grabbed the handle, turning it until the door opened. You peeked your head around the corner of the door, glancing at the lion who stood impatiently on the other side.
He perked up when he saw the door open, and you appeared on the other side. He stared at you expectantly, a small smirk settling on his face as he waited for you to say something. You swallowed harshly, heart pounding in your chest as you attempted to say something. Just say something. The longer you stood there just staring at him, the more you felt like a fool.
"Um... I-" Nope you weren't going to talk either. Speaking just made you look more like a fool. What is wrong with you? It's like now that you knew he was aware of your crush, you weren't able to function properly.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" The smirk on Leona's face only grew larger as he leaned back against the doorframe, running his tongue across his teeth. He obviously loved this, seeing you a stuttering mess in front of him. You would've given him a piece of your mind if you weren't so nervous at that moment.
Leona pushed the door open more, causing you to step back into the room to make room for him walking up to you. He grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him, but you couldn't make eye contact.
"Look at me." His voice sent shivers down your spine. When you met his eyes he still had a smirk on his face. You couldn't stop your body from shaking when he leaned in, hovering his mouth over yours. "You're cute when you're flustered." You had no time to catch your breath before he brought your mouths together.
You completely lost yourself in the kiss, forgetting about the giddy hyena that remained on your bed, watching the whole interaction happen.
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I like to think that Ponyboy thought Soda was closest to their Dom and Darry had their Dad; that sure his parents loved him but he wasn't their favorite but being dead ass wrong.
Got any headcannons about Mr. and Mrs. Curtis loving their littlest baby boy? :)
HECK YEAH I DO! Thanks anon, this ask is so cute.
Ponyboy and his Parents headcanons:
-Got to ride around on Mr. Curtis' shoulders a lot when he was little, and since he was the baby of the family and their last kiddo, also was allowed to way longer than Soda or darry did (this kid was nearly five when he was finally considered 'too big' for it anymore)
-Soda was definitely one of those kids who needed their parents to sit and supervise to make sure they actually did their homework, so when Soda and Darry were doing homework but Pony was too young to have any yet, Mrs. Curtis would sit at the table with him and they'd do colouring books together while Mr Curtis helped the others with schoolwork
-When Darry and Soda were out with friends but Pony was too young to go along, Mrs.Curtis would make a pillow fort in the living room and make them each an ice cream sundae, and then they'd sit together in the fort eating ice cream and reading together. It's part of why Pony's such a voracious reader now, because his mom made it so special for him when he was little
-When Mrs. Curtis was baking chocolate cakes she'd let Pony lick the spoon whenever he was alone with her in the kitchen- which was often, him and Soda were both total mama's boys. (She did it for all her kids of course, whenever they were the only ones around, and to this day they all still think they were the only ones who she let do it since she always told them it was their little secret.)
-Ponyboy has his father's height and also his build. Mr. Curtis was never a track star, but he won a few foot races at fairs and stuff when he was a kid, and that's where Pony gets his speed from
-Anytime young Pony wondered why his dad picked such a weird name- particularly if he was upset after getting teased about it- and demanded to know why they'd given it to him, Mr.Curtis would tell a different story and they got progressively more outlandish ever time he asked
-Mr. Curtis liked movies almost as much as Ponyboy does, except he was the type of person to talk through them, and it annoyed Ponyboy so much (now he'd do anything to watch a movie with his dad again)
-Mrs. Curtis gave all her kids tons of nicknames, but her favourite ones were a little ridiculous. She called Darry 'cheeks' because he had really rosy cheeks as a toddler, Soda was 'smudges' because as a baby he always had food on his face, and Ponyboy was 'bean' because he was a bouncy baby and was 'just like a little jumping bean, aren't you my little love?'
-Mr. Curtis loved plants but couldn't keep one alive no matter how hard he tried, and he mourned every single one he accidentally killed. Pony unfortunately inherited both the love of plants and the opposite of a green thumb. After the sixth plant funeral Pony forced him to attend, Curly got him a succulent thinking it would be impossible for Pony to kill a plant that hardly needs water. The very next day he found himself attending plant funeral number seven
-Mr. Curtis would help Ponyboy and Soda make signs and banners before every one of Darry's football games when Darry was having breakfast with his team. They always offered Mrs.Curtis to join them but she usually took the opportunity of all her boys being busy to take a few minutes to herself
-Soda was always moving as a child, so Mrs. Curtis took him to one of those 'mommy and me' dance classes- but like, the 60s equivalent so like, swing dance lessons they just happened to go to together- while Darry, Pony, and Mr. Curtis would all cook dinner. Because of this, the Curtis brothers all cook more like their dad than their mom, because Mr.Curtis had the patience to help teach them in the kitchen, whereas Mrs. Curtis hated anyone else in her space when cooking (girl me too)
-Mrs. Curtis was the chocaholic that all the Curtis bros inherited their sweet tooth from. She used to buy an extra bag of chocolate chips and keep in the drawer of her bedside table because no other place in the house was safe from Darry's careful investigations and Ponyboy's pleading green eyes. And don't even get her started on Soda's ability to sniff chocolate out like a bloodhound, and steal it quieter than a ghost. That kid was never quiet, not even in church, but hide a chocolate muffin in the back of the fridge and suddenly he was a monk until it was in his belly.
-Ponyboy thinks he doesn't share much/enough resemblance with his parents, but his ears go red like Mrs.Curtis' used to when she was embarrassed or mad, and the cut of his jawline is just the same as Mr.Curtis', and he tilts his head when he laughs just like his mom did. Sometimes Ponyboy will get confused and the scrunch between his brows is so similar to the way their mom used to look when she was trying to help him with math homework that it catches Darry off guard and for a second it's hard for him to breathe
-Mrs.Curtis might have got Pony into reading, but Mr.Curtis was the one who got him into liking poetry. He could recite lines and lines of poetry off by heart and Pony still remembers some of his dad's favourites
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monarchisms · 3 months
Hi, in light of the recent news I'm trying to dl First videos for archiving. I'm sure you had made a post or replied to an ask a while back saying what you used to get First vids off the site, but I can't seem to find it. Any chance you'd mind sharing the site/ software again please?
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👐 https://www.tumblr.com/monarchisms/738894254078885888/how-do-you-dl-first-episodes-off-the-rt-site-im-a
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Happy first day of the war on Christmas everyone
Yearly reminder to gentiles that
1. Jews do not recognize Jesus as anything but a human man who probably existed in some capacity at some point
2. We do not celebrate his birthday. He is just some guy to us.
3. It is not a personal attack on you if we don’t celebrate your favorite holiday.
4. Chanukah is not the most important Jewish holiday, its just the only one you know by name because it happens roughly around Christmas time.
5. You can say or do whatever you want, we just think you’re annoying. At the end of the day, you’re still gonna get school or work off on Christmas and Easter while I have to chose between my religion and my schoolwork every year on Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah.
6. You are not the victim. However, unfortunately you are usually the main character.
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willows-peak · 5 months
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*・゚✧ JJK Character's Fav Positions
tags: multi character x reader, gn! reader, fluff, acute descriptions of cuddling, sfw and nsfw below the cut, the students aren't included in the nsfw portion dw
word count: expected 2.2k
a/n: im struggling with a geto wip so have this for tonight :3c i wonder if u can tell whos my fav to write
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⋆。˚ ♡ spooning: reserved for the clingiest of people, those who wanna feel your warmth no matter what, snuggled tight holding your back to their chest under a blanket and falling asleep to the slow breaths you make in your slumber
nobara: she's a girl with a very busy life, socially and academically, so when she finally gets to come home and relax into you, her back being embraced by you and held snugly to your chest as she sighs in content, she's as happy as can be. especially after a nice warm shower to wash the day's work away, curling up in bed in her jammies and taking a well deserved nap is all she needs. she gets very irritable if (god forbid) she cant be with you for a while
yuuta: he's a very sweet boy, even when sleeping. if u two end up cuddling, you'll somehow always end up being spooned, no matter how you two fell asleep. yuuta claims he has no idea how this happens, but youre starting to doubt him when you fell asleep at the foot of the bed and woke up with a snoring yuuta behind you. though, you dont have it in you to push him away, considering the way he grumbles and reaches out for you until youre back in his arms
getou: while he wasn't the one to initiate being the little spoon, that seems to be the role you gave him when you first started sleeping in the same bed. even while he was relaxed, his back muscles seemed to entrance you enough to want to stare at them while he slept. he wasn't surprised or offended at your reasoning of course, quite the opposite. you were fueling his already huge ego so how could he deny you? now, he'll rest with the feeling of your deft fingers combing through his hair, while your other hand was running across the bumps and crevices of his back.
⋆。˚ ♡ hugging: for the cuddling enjoyer who also wants to smoosh your face with their chest. legs tangled together, the comforting scent of your shampoo in their nose and their hand gently cupping the back of your head
gojo: speaking of the clingiest man alive. he treats you like a stuffie half the time while you two sleep, hugging you tight to his chest and having your face buried in the crook of his neck while he snoozes away. much like yuuji, the pressure of you against his body helps relax him, but unfortunately for you, that means this 6'3 man squeezing you as tight as possible and stacking on blankets on top of your combined bodies. let's hope you two live somewhere cold
inumaki: he always slept in fetal position before you two started dating, so this was just naturally how you two began cuddling. inumaki either slept at 8 pm sharp or he'd still be awake when you got up in the morning, so who was cuddling who was never consistent. sometimes, inumaki slept with his arm thrown across your hip and his face squished against your side, and others he'd hook his arm around the small of your back and hold you while you slept
⋆。˚ ♡ head on lap: sometimes you don't wanna go all out with cuddling your partner, and for those occasions look no further than the thigh pillow ™ for when you or your partner are too tired to move from the couch to the bed
maki: few words are ever spoken when you two do this. you could be catching up on your schoolwork, or talking with maki, or watching the tv, but often times you'll simply stop and roll over to lay on her lap, neither of you questioning or even batting an eye to it anymore. even when you first did it, there was only a moment of confusion in maki's face before she shrugged and continued talking to you
choso: when you asked him how he liked to cuddle one day, he shrugged his shoulders and answered with "whatever makes you happy." and while he meant it, you couldnt deny the pattern you noticed when you were lounging in bed, or sitting down, where choso would inevitably end up cozied between your thighs, his head resting on your tummy with his hand around your back. pro tip, he makes happy hums if you put your hand on his head
⋆。˚ ♡ head on chest: who needs blankets when you have a whole other person? the classic and well loved position that lets them hold u as close as they can, arm snagging around your waist and holding you tight as you drift into dream land
megumi: you may have thought this meant youre laying on his chest. nope. it took a while for him to open up with what he wanted with you, physically, but it very quickly turned into routine how he'd wordlessly crawl into your arms and flop down against your chest, grumbling incoherently when you asked him what was the matter. you'd sigh and resume whatever you were doing, combing through his messy hair until the soft sound of snores filled the room minutes later.
nanami: this man does not play around about two things, children and his sleep. he's very particular with how he rests, as in you *will* be with him while he sleeps, and you *will* be placed on his chest, held tight as he snored away. youre his wonderful break from monotony, a shining ray of sunshine in his cold and unwelcoming world, so forgive him for being clingy while he rests. though, this does come with the downside of him becoming restless if you're ever away. dont worry! he has a pillow with your scent sprayed onto it for this very occasion, just in case
toji: he wasnt huge on cuddling at first, both not used to it and finding it inconvenient to deal with if he needed to do anything at night. he didnt sleep well before you, and even if that hasnt changed, you snuggling up to him like a huge teddy bear at least gave him something to focus on in those sleepless fits he often has. on the rare occasion he sleeps before you awaken, youre extra careful to press a kiss to his chest as he silently rested underneath you
⋆。˚ ♡ in their lap: cuddling doesn't always have to mean sleeping, of course. sometimes its just a really really long hug with your partner. for times like this, curling up in someone's lap while you laze your time away sounds like a paradise
yuuji: at first, scooting you into his lap was just an easy way to keep you close while he had nothing else to do, arm secured around your waist while you either scrolled through your phone or talked to him about your day, the mundane things he loved about you. but, as he soon found, you on his lap added the extra bonus of pressure! a sturdy weight and warmth on his body, allowing him to relax and melt into you in those moments of silence shared between you two.
sukuna: lets just say you're lucky he's touchy at all with you. he'll tolerate surprise hugs or pecks on his shoulder, but the only physical touch he seems to ever enjoy is when you're slotted in his lap, free to touch and poke at whenever he pleases. you'd whine if he pinched your cheek, squawk if he pressed his nails into the meat of your thighs, glare at him if he groped your ass. all those lovely reactions are a fair trade for you scooting yourself into his lap and using his chest as a pillow, he deems
⋆。˚ ♡ cowgirl: save a horse, ride a cowboy seeing you take control is unbearably sexy. pivoting your hips up and down on their dick while your hands grip at their shoulders, or having their hands grab at your ass while you slowly grind down against them. either way theyre yours for the taking
ino: a loveable, yet irritating trait of your boyfriend, is that he struggled to fuck you again after a round. you couldnt blame him, with how fast and hard he pounded into you and how he'd always make sure to hit your sweet spots until you were spasming and cumming around his cock. but when you werent satisfied just yet, he spared no time lifting you up into his lap, eagerly offering his cock for you to use as you pleased. and really, how could you pass up an offer like that?
getou: why should he have to do the work when you look this good riding him? his eyes never leave yours while you're bouncing in his lap, the slap of your skin against his backing up your huffs and whines of pleasure, looking at him so pitifully when he backs his hips down out of you. "you want more? come on honey, work for it. thaaat's right, move your hips just like that f' me" he'd egg you on so sweetly, smiling at your pout while you spread your legs and angled your hips to take him deeper inside
⋆。˚ ♡ doggy style: nasty mfs who live for seeing your ass jiggle with every thrust or slap they give you. the way your tiny waist arches down and your chest is pressed flat against the sheets while they're pounding away at you is unbeatable to them
yuki: behind every woman with a big ass is an even bigger strap, and yuki is the prime example of that. she loves to fuck you in front of a mirror in this position too, cooing at you for being so good at taking her dick while fucking you with aimed precision, making you look at yourself while shes thrusting deep inside you. its enough to make you melt into the sheets and wail at the onslaught of pleasure going through your body, but dont worry, she still has so much more to give you
⋆。˚ ♡ against the wall: can you say desperate? they love this position so much, sloppy makeouts that lead to pinning you against the nearest surface because they feel like they'll die if their lips leave yours for even a second
gojo: call him a showoff, because its true. in this position, he can show you just how small you are compared to him, size and strength wise. bouncing you up and down on his cock until your pretty head doesnt work anymore, seeing your eyes oggle his flexed arms and the space where he was fucking up into you. this paired with fucking you inside his office? his dick has never been harder. the thought of someone hearing how good youre getting fucked, coupled with your horrible attempt at muffling your cries and moans makes him so fucking turned on
shoko: shes a true switch, which means its a toss up for whos gonna be on the wall in this position. it all depends on her mood, and who shes had to deal with today. if it was a slow day at work, she'll happily make out with you and grind her knee into your crotch against the door of your apartment for as long as she pleases. though, if her day was more hectic, shes not so subtly grinding herself onto your lap and pressing her fingers into your mouth, sighing woefully about how stressed she is until she expectedly pulls out her fingers, waiting for you to offer yourself to help her
⋆。˚ ♡ 69: they love the competitive-ness of this position. being able to grab your hips and shove them down onto their flat tongue, getting harder when they can feel how much you're struggling to focus from their mouth. but when you grind down into their mouth while bobbing your head on their cock? hooh
toji: hes so mean when he has you like this.. ruthlessly bucking his hips up into your tight and wet throat, sloppily licking and sucking at you and twitching at the feeling of you gagging when he hits the back of your throat. you can barely move your head, your brain getting fucked out by toji's tongue and lips expertly taking you apart piece by piece. you never lasted long when he had you like this either, much to his delight. eagerly lapping up your cum while you moaned and hopelessly squirmed in his grip felt better than any orgasm hes ever gotten, though your throat comes at a very close second
nanami: nanami can at times forget this position is for the both of you, with how into it he can get. hes good about it at first, groaning into you from the way your tongue licks and swirls around his thick cock. but the more he tastes you, the more ravenous he gets with his sucks against you, licking up any stray wetness that threatens to fall down your thighs as the pace of your sucking slows and breaks. you can try to lift your hips away from his tongue, but good luck with that. the grip he keeps on your thighs is near impossible to break, even if your an orgasm or two deep into the session
⋆。˚ ♡ mating press: whispers of them others name falling right into their lips as their hips rock into you, thighs pressed tightly against your chests and your legs shaking on top of their shoulders. the closeness of this position never fails to rile them up, allowing them to see every little face you make, and hear all those noises they fuck out of you
sukuna: youre helpless underneath him, and thats the way he likes it. you can barely move around when his large, muscular frame is pinning you plush against the sheets of your bed, arms forced to clumsily hold onto his shoulders as he fucks you so deep, so harshly that you choke on your own breath from the power behind his thrusts. "sssuku-na, please, too mm-! is' toomuch, oh" your pleads fall on deaf ears, his thrusts never faltering nor easing up with their intensity.
choso: he honestly thinks he'll die if he isnt pressed up against you while hes fucking you. it all feels so intimate when hes got you with your legs bound to your torso from his chest, his thighs holding your body steady while hes all up in your guts. he feels so wonderfully deep inside you like this, hardly able to get out a full sentence from the way you squeeze and milk his long cock, crashing his lips into yours as tears start to well up in his eyes from how good it all feels
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goldengleams · 8 months
maxed out | luke hughes
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In which Luke calls you out.
Warnings: swearing, fighting
LUKE HUGHES!!!!! ANGST!!!!! Two of my favorite things, hope you enjoy!
The week was almost over but you felt like you hadn’t achieved anything. You had completed dense readings and wrote two papers and yet an exam and a project loomed in the future. And that wasn’t including the internships you needed to apply for. Apparently they weren’t kidding when they said junior year of college was going to hit you like a ton of bricks.
Three of Luke’s attempts to set up a FaceTime date with you had gone declined, you had opted to do more work instead. Instead of watching a livestream of your boyfriend’s game, you settled for watching the highlight reel before you went to sleep, sending him a congratulatory text when he played well.
You knew long distance with Luke wouldn’t be easy but you both were willing to give it a try. Your relationship was strong when Luke was at Michigan and you thought you would be able to balance everything.
You thought wrong.
Forgotten were all the busy nights when Luke had saved you from your studies or you went to watch a movie with him in his room. Quick lunches and chats in between classes seemed so important just a year ago, but now you couldn’t bring yourself to take your mind off college.
You had sent endless apologies to Luke, which he accepted, but you still felt bad. You knew each other’s schedules pretty well so you felt bad declining his advances when he knew you didn’t have a club meeting or a class. Unfortunately, you never really had a real break due to assignments.
As you wrote in the homework for the next week in your planner, you heard other girls passing by your door. Their voices were loud as they talked about which bar to hit up first, who they were going to meet there.
You felt yourself slipping, tears forming in your eyes at the reminder that that was you. Last fall, you had the boyfriend, the friend group, the perfect schedule. Now, that had all crumbled. You hadn’t felt this alone since your first semester.
As if your body was reacting to the stress you had put it under, you felt yourself start to tremble. Your pen fell from your hand as it shook and you slumped over at your desk. You tried to breathe through the shakiness that overcame you, but it was no use.
You had pushed everyone away in hopes that you could accomplish your schoolwork and applications before you devoted time to relationships with others. Luke, especially, had hurt the most to ignore. He had never made you feel alone. Now, you felt absolutely defeated.
In the midst of your tears, you felt your desk vibrating. Lifting your head, you saw your phone sat on the charger, buzzing with a call.
“Call from Luke Hughes 🤍”
Your stomach dropped. You knew exactly what Luke was doing. About a year ago, when he had first started thinking about leaving early to play in the NHL, Luke had pushed you away, thinking it would hurt less. In an effort to save your budding relationship, you made a promise to call each other when you felt like you weren’t ready to talk face to face. If the other felt like something was wrong, a call was the way to get them to open up.
But Luke had never called you before.
Taking a deep breath, you quickly tried to gather yourself before you clicked the green answer button.
“Hey,” you croaked. You quietly tried to clear your throat so that Luke wouldn’t think something was wrong.
“Hi Y/N,” Luke said softly.
A beat went by with no conversation, so you decided to take control in an effort to steer him off his original course.
“Um, how was the game? I didn’t catch the highlights yet, I’ve just been finishing some homework.”
“On a Friday?” Luke questioned. His tone of voice was bordering on disapproving.
“Yeah, Luke,” you bit back. “I’ve been swamped with work.”
“Y/N, you’re literally the only person I know who works this hard. You can’t always be swamped with work, my god,” Luke complained. “We haven’t talked in a week, y’know.”
“I know, Luke,” you said, feeling a lump rising in your throat.
“I just don’t get it, Y/N. Things used to be so much easier. We used to actually make time for each other, and we used to-“
“Luke, don’t tell me shit I already know,” you warned. “We both knew that things would be different long distance, and we’re still figuring it out.” You knew it was a weak argument, but you felt the need to defend yourself against his fighting words. Whenever you called Luke out on his lack of communication, you never went in with criticism like this.
“No, no I will tell you because I thought we agreed to be there for each other, Y/N. You don’t even watch my games, let alone care about my well-being. It’s like you’re not even there!”
“Are you serious?” You flared. Whether it was due to Luke being the youngest sibling or just being a boy, he always knew how to push your buttons at the worst times. “You know how much I care about you, so don’t even say that, Luke.”
“Yeah well it doesn’t feel like it-it feels like I’m just another task for you now, Y/N,” Luke shouted into the phone. “I have games and practice and everything else and I still manage to talk to you!”
“Well I’m sorry that I’m still in college, trying to get a degree and an internship and every other fucking thing at the same time!” You snapped.
“See, you don’t even care that I was literally there with you, not even six months ago!” You could hear Luke slamming his hand on his desk and you imagined he had a pretty intense look on his face. This wasn’t good. “In case you forgot, I took classes and did homework too, Y/N, but I still had a social life and cared about my friends. It’s like you’re trying to act like you’re smarter than me as an excuse!”
“Fuck you, Luke!” You hadn’t meant to start yelling at Luke, especially not through the phone, but you couldn’t help it. You were at your breaking point with school and Luke was at his breaking point with you.
By now, the tears were flowing in steady streams down your face. To be pushed to the side like this by Luke was something you had never expected.
You couldn’t help the sob that escaped your throat. Once one got out, you couldn’t stop them. The weight of your relationship, school, and your future was finally crashing in on you.
“Y/N?” Luke asked. “Babe, I’m sorry.”
“No you’re not!” You mustered out through your tears. “You called me and I thought you were gonna ask me if I was okay, if I needed anything.”
“And, god, I know I haven’t been a good girlfriend or a good friend, Luke, but I’m on the verge of a fucking breakdown and, and I can barely get through each day, and I guess I just hoped you could tell,” you gasped, feeling close to the point of no return. “I hoped that you wouldn’t give up on me.”
There was silence on Luke’s end of the line.
Your heavy breathing filled in the tense space. You were acutely aware that your walls were thin and someone may have heard everything, but you couldn’t care at this point. You sniffled pitifully, full blown crying having calmed down a little.
“I’d never give up on you, Y/N,” Luke said quietly. “You know I care about you, I’d never give up on what we have.”
You felt a breath enter your lungs as he said it. Maybe there really was hope.
“For real? Because we just had a screaming match on the phone,” you let out a pitiful wet chuckle.
"Well, I did plan to call you tonight to like, actually call you out and see if you were okay but it didn't really go that way," Luke said, sheepishly. "I never wanted to make you cry, Y/N. I'm sorry."
You nodded, knowing Luke couldn't see you but feeling comfort in his intention. You took a deep breath, feeling your nerves calm.
"I mean, you weren't wrong, Luke. I haven't called you and I haven't texted, and I know it's not right but I was just so overwhelmed that I didn't want to take it out on you,” you sighed. “Everything’s been piling up and it’s hard for me to admit that I need help.”
"Y/N," Luke whined. "You know I'm here. You don't have to be stressed out all alone, babe."
"I know," you mumbled. You dragged the sleeve of your sweatshirt across your face to wipe your tears. "I miss you, Lukey. School isn’t fun when you’re not here."
Your phone started buzzing on your desk and you realized that Luke was trying to FaceTime you. You swore that boy could stay on FaceTime all day if his life depended on it. He loved just watching you through the screen, whether it was getting ready or just cooking, he enjoyed every moment of it.
“Hey babe,” he answered when you picked up. He had a small smile on his face and he looked so cute with his freshly washed hair and sweatshirt on.
“Sorry I look rank, I didn’t think we’d call tonight,” you admitted. Your hair was pulled back in an uncommitted hair style and your glasses sat on the bridge of your nose, half sliding down as you tried to wipe your eyes more.
"You look perfect, Y/N. And I miss you more, by the way," Luke countered, laughing a little. "I just want you to relax and do something other than stress about school."
“I mean, I’d like to do that too, just for the record,” you mumbled, yawning into your hand. The stress of the week was finally making you tired.
“How about you go get your nails done and go to lunch? See if Molly’s around,” Luke suggested.
You smiled at Luke on the screen. Even after your relationship was just tested, you and Luke always seemed to pull through.
“Maybe,” you replied. “I did finish my assignments for this weekend, so I could probably rela-”
“Yes! Just sent you money, I’m texting Rutger to tell Molly,” Luke rambled. Your heart warmed at the idea that he was so adamant on helping you de-stress after everything that went on this week. You watched Luke’s determined face on your phone screen as he went to work. Your boyfriend had always shown his love in actions. Luke poked away at his phone and when he was content, set the phone back up against his desk.
“Rutger said he’ll ask Molly but that she’s probably free, so you can finally leave that cave that you call a room,” he laughed.
“Oh please,” you rolled your eyes. “But thank you, that would be really fun to hang out with someone, I’ve missed doing that.”
You and Luke talked for a few more minutes, catching up on his games and his brothers. He even mentioned flying you out for a game, but that was a conversation for another day when you weren’t exhausted. It wasn’t long before your eyelids were drooping, yawns escaping your mouth frequently.
“Go to sleep, babe,” Luke said softly.
“But I want to talk to you, Lukey,” you mumbled, but also stood up to make the short walk to your bed. You climbed in under the sheets and immediately felt peace.
“Call me in the morning, okay?”
You gave a sleepy nod, and mumbled a goodnight to him. You felt better about everything you had talked about with Luke. Everything would be alright.
“Love you, Y/N,” Luke said.
“Love you, Luke, sweet dreams,” you whispered. You shut your phone off and dreamed of seeing your boyfriend again soon.
Luke has been looking so boyfriend in the last few games so I had to write this!! Enjoy the angst 🥰 feel free to send me requests!!
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divine-donna · 2 months
tell me
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instead of writing a fic, i settled on writing just a general collection of headcanons. these are gender neutral. and uh, i'm on a mission to convert my friend to the swann arlaud agenda.
anyways watch anatomy of a fall on a big screen. don't do what i did, which is just watch it on my laptop. movie is too good to be watched on a laptop. and also be a streaming service.
these are gender neutral, by the way.
part 02
character: vincent renzi (aka. hot lawyer from anatomy of a fall)
for vibes: "tell me" by fifty fifty
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moving to france wasn't on your list of things to do when you were in your early teens. it was such a drastic move. but unfortunately, it made sense because your mother was a film scholar who specialized in french film and she got a job to teach at a prestigious university. it was an opportunity she had to take and you were brought along for the ride.
picking up french was not that hard. you learned in school and also picked it up from the films your mother watched. you remembered watching Cléo from 5 to 7 a lot. maybe you shouldn't have, considering its themes. being immersed in the environment helped you pick up on it quicker.
all to say, you were fluent by the time you reached university.
you don't remember which class you met him in. you just know you got put in a group together for introductions. typical first year stuff.
"vincent renzi."
he had a boyish charm to him. he looked younger than you, yet you were the same age. there was still some baby fat on his cheeks.
your smile was warm. "(y/n)."
he became one of your first friends.
university was a rough transition period. you left your old friends behind. you didn't like them that much anyways. they didn't seem to like you either. so, you essentially came into university without many friends.
it's a gradual friendship, one that arises from meeting up consistently and then those meetings evolving into hanging out for hours.
doing schoolwork while drinking coffee, reading in the library, going out for dinner. hell even cooking for each other. it was a solid friendship.
it helped that you guys also wandered in the same social circle. so you also had mutual friends, including german exchange student sandra voyter.
they always talked about how you two were together. always seen talking. always seen outside of class. even when you guys had so much work to do and you shouldn't be with him because you guys ended up distracted and procrastinating your papers.
"why do you still have this?" he asks.
it was your third year of university. your place was small cozy. and it was affordable with your two other roommates. you guys had gotten lucky with the rent.
"have what?" you don't look up from your laptop. you were nearly finished with your paper.
you look up. vincent's holding up a dvd box with a beat up cover sleeve. the colors were faded and the cardboard was bent all over, creating multiple webs.
"because it's mine?"
"it's all beat up. wouldn't it be better to transfer to a new box?" he shrugs.
"my mother gave it to me when i graduated. it's...niche, i guess." you think about how she gifted you her favorite movie and the movie she has written a whole book about.
"everyone knows Céline and Julie Go Boating."
"not in that sense. just in the sense that my mother has an interesting way to mourn me leaving the house." you still stayed with her when you went back. but graduating really proved that you weren't a kid anymore. "i really liked it when i was younger. because of the colors. the rest of the stuff did not register with me. according to her, i kept asking her to put it on."
"you must have had an interesting taste as a child."
"well...she specializes in this stuff. so i'm not surprised."
"you don't even have a tv."
"okay well, i have it for novelty sake."
your eyes return to your laptop screen. you don't notice the way vincent's eyes linger on you, watching the way your fingers intently move as you finish up your paper. or how you furrow your brows when rereading your sentence and realizing it makes no sense. or the gentle curse beneath your breath when you realize you've forgotten a word in your sentence. he's never heard someone curse so gently.
he sets the dvd back where he picked it up from, feeling the worn out cardboard.
it was your birthday. such a scary time, for it to come so soon.
originally, you thought it was going to be you, vincent, sandra, and some of your other friends. after all, vincent was good as organizing group events and outings.
when you showed up at your usual meeting spot, it was just him.
"are they going to meet us there?" you question.
"we'll meet them after." he smiles.
"what is going on in that brain of yours?"
"you'll see."
when he takes your hand, your heart flutters. you've held hands before. but never did it make you feel so...light. like a cloud. you weren't sure if you were imagining your cheeks heating up slightly.
vincent leads you to a nearby cinema. he buys two tickets for a limited showing of Céline and Julie Go Boating.
"this is so..." you can't help but let out a laugh, staring at the movie ticket.
"why not? get the full experience." his eyes are gentle. there's tenderness in his gaze. it makes you feel all warm and gooey on the inside.
"you know the movie is...over three hours long right?"
"of course. that's why i picked an earlier showing. so we can get to dinner on time later."
being in the dark with your friend for over three hours. watching a movie about two people who were coded to be lovers. what could go wrong?
nothing, really. in the eyes of someone else.
to you, and to him, everything.
you haven't seen the film in forever. so rewatching it was like watching it for the first time without being distracted by the colors.
vincent couldn't watch the movie. he was more interested in the way your face shifted, how you whispered about not remembering that happening, how you laughed and the way your lips curled so cutely.
in truth, he could care less about the movie.
you were his favorite film.
as céline and julie were in a soap opera, enacting a hetero-normative plot, you turn to look at vincent. you were wondering how your friend was holding up.
your eyes meet his and your lips can't help but curl into a smile.
"are you watching?"
"of course." his eyes flicker to the screen for a brief moment.
"or were you watching me?"
"your reactions are interesting. they tell me what i should be thinking of the film."
"i shouldn't be the one you judge this film on."
silence between you two. the kind of comfortable silence you two are used to. but something feels more different. perhaps because it was dark. perhaps because the world seemed to fall away and it was just the two of you and the film faded into the background.
you were oddly close to him. your shoulders were touching. and if you moved forward, your noses would be able to touch.
you shift closer, causing his breath to hitch. "thank you for this, by the way." when you whisper, it is a message only meant for him.
"happy birthday." he says. he moves his face closer, heart pounding.
you want to meet him in the middle. you want to feel his soft lips against your own. and yet, something grips you hard. it's stomach curdling.
you move forward, your lips on his cheek. his eyes widen and his shoulders slump a little. you pull away. "it's...nice. to have the bestest friend i know."
"that's not a word." sadness settles in his eyes.
"all words are made up. so i can make up new ones."
in the moment you felt unsure about not making a move. that regret comes to follow you in your life.
graduation came too soon. way too soon.
you had decided to leave france for a bit, go to grad school abroad. somewhere else where you could pursue an mfa in creative writing.
it was your last coffee before you guys would graduate, inevitably separating.
vincent said he wanted to tell you something. it was urgent, something important to him. you could tell he wanted to spit it out.
or did he want to vomit because he was nervous?
"stop leaving me in suspense!" you take a sip of your coffee. "what is it?"
should he tell you?
should he confess?
he wants to tell you. oh so desperately. and yet, he feels it would be selfish to.
it's not about if you didn't feel the same way. to vincent, being rejected is the better scenario.
he didn't want to keep you grounded in france, a place you were looking to leave because you have spent a decent chunk of your life here. moving was good for you.
he worried that if you felt the same way, then maybe you would reconsider going away. and if you were looking to leave forever, he didn't want to be the thing keeping you here.
i love you. i have for a while. let's go on a date.
thirteen words. three sentences.
it was so miniscule. but he felt like atlas, carrying the sky. he was carrying a whole world.
vincent wipes his palms against his jeans. his heart was stuck in his throat. and his brain acted first.
"i got accepted into law school."
"that's great! oh my god!" you nearly squeal for him.
your happiness for him was enough.
writing a hit debut novel is no easy feat. and yet, you did it. people loved your novel.
the novel centered on two friends. their platonic bond ends up in a weird limbo, where there's romantic tension but neither wants to act upon it in fear. ultimately, the two friends reunite years after they separated, on different career paths. they meet at a conference, sit at a bar, and the novel ends with them rekindling their relationship. you left it up to the reader to interpret that being romantic or platonic. or even if they never talked to each other again after that night.
you were on fire as an author. and your recent publication, a collection of short stories, had become particularly famous. especially on social media.
you decided to go back to france for a few months. you wanted to spend more time with your mother and catch up with your friends. all of them you haven't seen since university.
unfortunately it also didn't mean you were on vacation. you still had to work. and you had many book signings to attend to.
when you look up to see the next person, your heart nearly lurches out of your chest.
vincent aged like wine. he still looked like how he did in university. less baby fat. gray hair. some wrinkles. but you liked it.
his eyes meet yours and he walks over. "my favorite short story was the one about the cow farmer."
"that came from a dream i had as an undergraduate student." you open the book and sign the first page. "how are you?"
"good. good. how about you?" he smiles. he's so radiant. you're reminded why you missed him. and why you felt regret in your body from all those years ago.
"well, you already know about me." you gesture to the books. your books. "have you...met up with sandra recently?"
"on the rare occasion. she's been traveling a lot. but recently she moved here. with her husband."
"her husband...samuel?" vincent nods. "he's an interesting character. from the few times i met him."
"they seem to be doing alright." he takes the signed book and peeks at what you wrote. there's a heart next to his name.
"we should talk more. catch up."
"if you're free."
you think for a second. "can you come back in thirty minutes? i should be done by then."
vincent smiles. he leaves the bookstore.
he's waiting outside for you after those thirty minutes.
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itsmarsss · 3 months
Maybe. [Miguel Diaz x fem!Reader] (Cobra Kai)
(~from the vault~)
Miguel Diaz is annoying. That you are convinced of. Sure, you've never really talked to him, but still, you live a very happy life that way. But then one day he gets wasted at a party and you end up with the unfortunate job of driving him home. Sounds like just your luck.
Warnings: making out, little jokes about sex, some sexual tension there. enemies to lovers except the enemies part is completely one-sided
Word count: 9,567
Miguel Diaz wasn’t the kind of guy to have a lot of enemies.
He had, in fact, become fairly popular after he started doing karate and won a fight against West Valley’s biggest bully, surpassing the loser label that had immediately been slapped onto him when he’d moved into the neighborhood.
He was the typical nice guy who pretty much everyone seemed to like. Good at school, the type who wouldn’t hesitate to help you with schoolwork if you asked him to. Always nice to everyone, greeting and smiling at random people he’d never talked to before in the hallways as if they were one of his friends.
But, to you, Miguel Diaz was just irritating.
Everything about him somehow made you mad. He was just so apparently perfect and all of a sudden people couldn’t seem to shut up about him and that was sure to make you nothing short of annoyed. Yeah, you supposed he did seem nice, but you were positive it was impossible that all that sudden praising hadn’t gotten to his head.
You were convinced he was a huge asshole deep down, just a loser who got lucky enough. And though you had no real evidence to back that up, yet to see this facade of his that you convinced yourself of, you still couldn’t get yourself to like him.
Whatever. You could survive a life without him in it.
It didn’t help, though, that your best friend was friends with him. Did karate with him, too. Aisha absolutely loved Miguel, and seemed to make sure to mention it to you all the time.
They were genuinely good friends, and so you supposed you did feel a little bad when you dragged her to sit with you and away from her Cobra Kai friends during lunch, but you were positive that if you tried to sit with them you’d end up saying some not very nice things, and you weren’t up for drama at the moment.
But she kept bugging you about it, insistently so, and god, could Aisha be persistent when she wanted to. So one day, to shut her up about it mostly, you agreed to go with her and her friends to a party at the canyon.
You told her you’d try to be nice, but made a promise to yourself to keep distance from a certain someone specifically. Maybe then you’d be able to enjoy the night and- hey- maybe even the others’ company.
[. . .]
“Don’t just stand there!” Aisha laughed.
“Since when are you a party person?”
“Since I realized I could throw them!”
Wait, what? “Wait, this is your party?”
“Well it’s a Cobra Kai party…”
Alright, so you didn’t want to give it to them. Cobra Kai as a whole annoyed you to no end, as it seemed to be a breeding factory for nerds turned into stuck-up assholes, but you couldn’t deny you were grateful for how much it helped Aisha. The Aisha you knew a few months prior would have never had the guts to throw a party, let alone assume people would attend it.
So, fair enough. “Cool!” “Hey Aisha come watch me do a keg stand!” Some guy you’d seen walking around with the Cobra Kai guys before yelled from the other side of the place.
Aisha glanced back at you, seemingly a bit torn about leaving you. “Do you wanna come?”
“No it’s fine. I think I’m gonna grab something to drink. Now go!” You assured her, smiling. You wanted her to enjoy having other friends.
You barely had time to pick yourself up a drink before you weren’t alone anymore.
“Y/N!” A guy wearing a graphic t-shirt that quite literally read ‘📍your mom’ under a flower pattern button-up called your name, walking towards you. You furrowed your eyebrows, confused, as you were completely sure you’d never talked to him before.
You didn’t know how to feel about not being so invisible anymore, all by association with Aisha. It definitely felt a little weird. “Um. Have we- have we met? Sorry.”
“Not really. But Aisha talks about you a lot. I’m Demetri, by the way,” he held out his hand, and you shook it. What teenager shakes hands these days?
“Well, Y/N.”
“Yeah, I know,” he laughed. “So, you want me to show you everyone?”
“Uh. Okay. Sure. Yeah. That'd be cool."
“So, that’s Eli-” He pointed at the guy who sported a blue-dyed mohawk, and was currently rather busy making out with someone you actually knew- Moon. You didn’t exactly like Moon, but you supposed she did seem to be more of an out-of-touch person than a mean one, compared to her friends. “Uh yeah, who’s apparently making out with Moon. Somehow. He likes to be called Hawk now but I think that’s pretty ridiculous.”
“It is.”
“Yeah well he used to uh- some people used to call him Lip. ‘Cause he has a scar.”
“That’s him?” Said boy pulled away from Moon, and you took a good look at him. It was him. You always thought he looked cute, but you had to admit now he looked kind of hot.
You did had to give Cobra Kai some credit in that area too.
“Yeah.” Demetri turned you around. “Those two walking down are Robby and Samantha and-” He seemed to realize something, suddenly looking worried.
“Something wrong?”
“No uh. I don’t really talk to them. That,” he spun you around one last time, “Is Miguel. But you must know him already.”
“Yeah I’ve heard of him.” He was downing a beer bottle at rapid speed. “He’s really getting shitfaced,” you pointed out.
Demetri still looked worried, nervous. “Yeah uh, Sam’s his girlfriend.”
“The one walking down the hill?”
“He thinks she’s cheating on him. With Robby.”
You looked at the two again, laughing, their fingers intertwined. You could be taking it wrong, of course, but it did look like they were together in some way. It wasn’t that far of a stretch to feel a little jealous of a scene like that at least. “Oh that sucks.”
You weren’t heartless, okay? Just because you didn’t like the guy didn’t mean you wanted him to get cheated on. If that’s what was even happening.
“We should go-” Demetri grabbed you by the wrist, pulling you with him on Miguel’s direction.
“What? No-” You weren’t heartless, but you weren’t his friend either. What were you going to do, comfort him? Let him cry on your shoulder? Come on now.
But you didn’t even have the time to protest. You were already there, and it seemed that so were the Samantha girl and the Robby guy , and Miguel didn’t look pleased.
Well, he was laughing, but it was definitely not a good kind of laugh.
“So I don’t have to worry, right? Well that’s funny.”
Miguel was wasted.
He tried to pick up a fight, and ended up hitting his own girlfriend on accident, which had, expectedly, resulted in her breaking up with him on the spot. Now you were sitting beside him, and you didn’t know what to do.
Wouldn’t it be best if you just left? Clearly you shouldn’t be here, his actual friends should be dealing with this. But then again it would be too shitty to leave Aisha on her own. You had agreed to be her designated driver after all.
Everyone was quiet, apparently not knowing what to say. God, someone really should bring the guy home.
Hawk spoke up, finally, voicing those same thoughts. “Um, dude, you should go home.”
“I’m fine.”
“You’re really drunk, man, just go home.”
“I walked here.”
“Shit. Right. Do any of you have a car?” Demetri asked no one in particular.
“Oh Aisha does. Well it’s her dad’s,” you pointed out, not really thinking it through.
Aisha’s look shot up. “But-” You could see she was conflicted. You could understand. Finally people wanted her around, and she wanted to stay a little longer for that.
You could not believe you were about to do this.
“I’m such a good friend,” you muttered, standing up, and Aisha looked at you, puzzled. You held your hand out. "Gimme the keys."
"Do it before I change my mind."
She did as you said, placing it on your hand. You took another look at Miguel, then at Hawk. "Can you help him?"
Hawk immediately stood up to do so, and you made your way to Aisha's car, leaving both Aisha and Demetri behind with a promise you'd come back later to drive them all home too.
"Do you know where he lives?"
Hawk was done shoving a now barely conscious Miguel into the passenger's seat, buckling the seatbelt for him, which you took notice of. He seemed to care a lot about Miguel. "Yeah I'll- can you give me your number? I'll forward it."
[. . .]
"Where are we going?" At some point along the way Miguel seemed to have gained a little consciousness back, his eyes widening as he took bearing of his surroundings. You could understand why. He was in a random car going who-knows-where with a kind of random person who hated him. Well he didn’t really know about that last part, but still.
"I'm taking you home."
"No, no, no, no, no, no, my mom can't see me like this."
"I can't go home like this you don't get it-"
"But where-"
"She's been so proud of me lately, I-" Was he… crying? So he was an emotional drunk. Miguel Diaz, a crier. Who would've thought.
"Well where the fuck am I supposed to take you?"
"I- sensei- no he lives next door you can't-"
"Diaz I'm gonna take you home. I don't care."
You actually took a good look at him when you had to stop at a red light. He looked a mess. He was sweating, hair sticking to his forehead, legs shaking in anxiety.
You couldn't be this soft, right?
You sighed in annoyance, but you were doing this to yourself, really. "I'll take you to my place. But you better sober up cause you're gonna have to get in through the window."
He seemed surprised. "You'll do that?"
"Yeah don't get used to it. I'm kicking you out as soon as I wake up."
He stayed silent the whole ride, until you turned the engine off.
"Thanks," he muttered under his breath, before you opened the door to get out. You didn't reply.
You helped him out, holding him by his wrists until he got his balance back, and you both climbed through your bedroom window, which you were now thankful you'd left open.
"G’mme your phone."
“I’m gonna text your mom.” He unlocked it, getting the password wrong a few times before handing it to you. The texts you sent were simple.
hey mom im really tired gonna stay at demetri’s call you in the morning!
You didn’t know if trusting Miguel to be alone with his phone, in that state, especially after what had gone down at the canyon, was the smartest choice, so you took it with you, stuffing it in your back pocket.
“Okay look I still gotta get Aisha and the guys, so I'm trusting you to keep quiet." This was a bad idea. "Can you do that?" This was a terrible idea.
He nodded before plopping down on your bed. This was a horrible idea.
He was asleep in a second, and there was nothing else you could do but hope he'd stay that way as you climbed your way back out.
. . .
"Okay any of you that wanna get home get in the fucking car please," you said, not really up to stay and wait even more for them. After all, every second you were there was one more second in which a completely wasted Miguel Diaz was alone in your room, with your mom right there in hers.
All three got inside pretty quickly, and you dropped them off as fast as you could. Demetri first, then Hawk, Aisha last.
You actually got in through the door this time, so your mom would know you'd gotten home without having to go check your room. You prayed she hadn't done that already.
"Mom? You awake?"
"Yes! The party done?"
"Yeah. Had to drop some friends off, sorry I took too long."
"It's fine. Didn't Aisha pick you up though?"
"Oh yeah she left the car with me, got to be the driver for today. I’ll just pick her up tomorrow.”
"Oh okay honey!”
"Well I'm really tired. Gonna go to sleep.”
"Yeah, me too. Goodnight!"
“‘Night, Love you!”
With that, you quickly took off to your room to check on Miguel, who, surprisingly, was still asleep on your bed.
Your relief quickly washed away when you registered the fact that he was asleep… on your bed. You know, where you were supposed to sleep. Fucking great.
You considered waking him up and making him sleep on the floor. For… reasons that had everything to do with not being an asshole, and nothing to do with anything else at all, you didn’t.
You grabbed some blankets and placed them on the floor beside your bed, snatching one of your pillows from under his head. This was going to absolutely kill your spine.
You took one last look at him, and couldn’t contain a laugh at how ridiculous he looked, draped over the bed, hair disheveled, literally drooling. You’d have to change your pillowcase tomorrow.
‘Good-fucking-night, I guess.'
[. . .]
Your alarm went off at 7, as it always did on school mornings, and you jumped awake when you remembered how gross you probably were after the previous night. Miguel was still in deep sleep when you left to take a shower, but was sitting up on the bed, looking confused, when you came back. He’d apparently already taken the advil you left for him on your nightstand, as it was nowhere to be found.
“Are you- what am I doing here?”
“Drank too much. Cried like a baby when I tried to drive you home,” you shrugged. “Now hurry up, dude, or we’re gonna be late.”
“Look we’ll talk in the car, I can’t be late for chemistry again or Mr. Henderson is gonna be up my ass about it.”
He still looked completely out of the loop, barely awake yet, but nodded, standing up and following you to the car.
“Why’d you bring me here?” He finally spoke up after a couple minutes in silence. It seemed that he was finally becoming fully aware of what was going on.
“I was actually gonna bring you home, but you started crying ‘cause you didn’t want your mom to see you drunk or whatever. So. Next best thing.”
“Thank you.” He paused. “So, uh. you’re friends with Aisha, right? She talks a lot about you-”
You cut him short. “Look, just because I let you stay over and sleep in my bed doesn’t mean we’re friends, alright? You don’t have to be friendly just ‘cause you think you owe me something.”
“Um, I was just trying to be nice-”
“I’m not an asshole, I wasn’t gonna do you like that. I’m very nice, you’re very welcome, whatever.”
“Are you- are you... mad at me?” He looked surprised- no, dumbfounded was a more fitting word to describe it.
You scoffed. In truth, you still had no idea what about him got you so irritated. It’s not like he wasn’t being nice.
Still, you couldn’t help it. “What, can you not believe there’s one person out there who doesn’t worship the ground you walk on?” Okay, so you were exaggerating. So what? Not like it was gonna make much of a difference for him.
“I don’t think anyone worships the ground I walk on.”
"Whatever, Diaz. I’m only doing this ‘cause you’re Aisha’s friend.”
“I’m sorry, by the way.”
“About what?”
“Your girlfriend, or whatever.”
He hesitated. “Yeah, it’s fine. I was an asshole last night. Should’ve expected it. I’ll get over it.”
“Yeah. Oh Hawk’s bringing you a hoodie, by the way. So you don’t smell like alcohol at school.”
“Thank you.”
Nope. “His idea.”
He nodded. “Right.”
It wasn’t long until you pulled up into Aisha’s driveway, making your way out and around the car and opening the passenger's door to find Miguel staring at you, silently asking what you wanted.
"Move. I take shotgun when Aisha drives."
"Does that really-" He didn't bother finishing his sentence, letting out a sigh before unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out.
"Thank you," you said, making sure it didn't actually sound like you were thankful at all, before hopping in. Miguel did the same, getting in the backseat.
You quickly separated as soon as you got to school, with Miguel following Hawk to change into the hoodie he brought him, and you and Aisha getting on your way to Chemistry with Mr. Henderson.
Aisha shot you a weird look. "Why are you acting like this?"
"Like what?"
"You're being a total bitch to him! What happened to the person that took him home last night? Let him stay over?"
"For your information I do have empathy, you know? He was crying!”
"You still could've just taken him home," she shrugged, a smug look on her face. Jerk.
"Hey this is all on you! He left my bed reeking of beer, you owe me a big one."
"He slept in your bed?"
"And I slept on the floor, dumbass! He was passed out drunk!"
"Yeah sorry I don’t think I remember a lot of it. But you slept on the floor? That must've hurt."
"It did. So he should be very thankful."
"I... think he is. You're just not letting him thank you."
"Hey I let him thank me! But that doesn't mean we have to be friends. I'm doing pretty well without him in my life."
"Just admit he's not as bad as you thought and move on!"
"Oh fuck off. What do you want me to do next, marry him or something?"
"Hey you’re the one who’s bringing it up,” she put her hands up in surrender, as if defending herself.
"Shut up. Pay attention, Ms. Robinson!" You mocked her, turning to the projector in front of you.
[. . .]
"Yeah right like Demetri could win a fight against Hawk."
"I think he could! If he got some training." Aisha protested, laughing.”
"Oh come on have you seen the guy? I don't know what your sensei's been feeding him but he's like jacked now."
"Oh so you've been paying attention?" She raised an eyebrow in an exaggeratedly suggestive manner.
"Like I'd want something to do with a guy from Cobra Kai."
"You're an exception! You are on thin ice though."
"Well I think you should give them a chance."
Of course you could see right through her. "If by them you mean Miguel's included then you can forget it."
"What is it with you and him anyway? What did he ever even do to you?
"Nothing? I don't know, he just makes me mad. You can't be that perfect and not be an asshole."
"Did you just call him perfect?"
"I was being mean about it!"
"You totally d-" She stopped mid-sentence when she noticed you weren't paying attention, your eyes focused on something right behind her. She turned around to face…
Well, speak of the devil.
"What?" You asked him dryly. What could he possibly have to talk to Aisha about right now that required interrupting your lunch?
But he was actually talking to you. "I uh- I think I left my phone at your place? I can't find it anywhere."
You mentally cursed yourself for it, remembering you'd taken it with you the night before. "Shit yeah. I was scared you'd call someone or it would ring and my mom would hear or something. I guess… You can come over to get it after school if you want."
"Yeah. Sure. Thanks." He was about to turn around and walk back to the table he was sitting at with his friends before he stopped. "Do you guys wanna like. Sit with us?"
Aisha looked at you expectantly.
"No, we're good," you replied, and he nodded, making his way back.
"Dude! Let's just go!"
"What I already have to see him after school and now you want me to spend lunch with him? No thank you."
"You're so stupid."
You stuck your middle finger out at her before going back to eating.
[. . .]
You had already told Aisha goodbye, and were about to leave when he came up to you again. “Hey! Y/n! Wait-”
You turned around to face him. He was out of breath, clearly having run all the way up to you. You quirked an eyebrow, demanding him to tell you what he wanted. This was like a 400% increase on your Miguel Diaz interaction scale and you were right about done.
“My phone.”
Oh, right. He was coming over, like, right away. That was great.
“Yeah right. I’m walking home though.”
“Yeah I’ll- I’ll walk with you.”
And what an awkward fucking walk.
“Well here it is,” you handed him the phone, and he took it, stuffing it in his back pocket.
“Alright, thanks.”
“See you at school?”
Hopefully not. “I guess.”
[. . .]
“Oh I’ll- be right back!” You heard Miguel’s voice behind you as you walked through the hallway alone, on your way to bio, and made sure not to look his way, hoping he wouldn’t see you.
You had no luck with that.
You let out a defeated sigh before turning around. He was wearing a deep-red hoodie, which was something you took notice off, for some reason.
“Hey I know you don’t want anything to do with me-” you nodded, agreeing, and he pursed his lips together before continuing. “-but I think uh- I think I left my socks at your place too?”
He had to be kidding, right? “What?”
“My uh- my socks.”
“You think you left your socks in my room. And you wanna go get them.”
“Well yeah.”
“Can you not survive without one pair of socks?”
“You know what, fine. Whatever. I’m leaving a little late today though so you’ll have to stick around.”
“Yeah sure.”
You wordlessly turned around and walked to class. It seemed that interacting with Miguel was now a daily experience. That was just such fun, huh?
. . .
You found him waiting for you by the bike racks, right by the front steps, as you exited the building. You kind of didn’t actually expect him to wait for you. I mean, he could just ask you to look for the stupid socks and bring them to him the next day. That’s certainly what you would do if you were in his shoes, as to avoid the interaction.
You had to remind yourself, though, that the hate you felt for him isn’t mutual, which only angered you further. Couldn’t he just hate you back? Be a little rude? Maybe then you wouldn’t look like a bitch for being like that towards him.
“You didn’t take that long,” he pointed out.
“Yeah. Turns out they wanna move the project up for one more week or something.”
“That’s cool.” He pulled his bike out of the rack, grabbing the handles and starting to walk with it by his side, and you followed along. You were both quiet for a couple minutes before, of course, he couldn’t help himself from talking. Did he think everyone wanted to hear him talk all the time?
A tiny part of you told you he was just trying to be nice. Okay, fine. Maybe you were being too harsh.
“What’s your deal with me?”
Yeah, no, he can perrish actually. “What do you mean?”
“I mean why do you hate me so much?”
“I don’t hate you.”
“It… definitely looks like it.”
“Well I don’t.” Well...
“Then why do you act like you do?”
“What, are you trying to psychoanalyze me?”
“I just wanna know what I did!”
“You didn’t do anything! You never seem to do anything wrong, do you?”
“What, don’t play dumb. I don’t know what it is, okay? You just annoy me. You’re so nice to everyone and everyone just likes you so much and you don’t even have to do anything!”
“You don’t like me… because I’m nice to people. And so they like me.”
“That’s not what I said.”
“It’s how it sounded.”
“Whatever. We’re here,” you pointed out, and you made your way into your place. Not without taking notice of the sky, which was a dark grey color now, a storm forming. “Come on you can leave the bike here, looks like it’s gonna rain.”
“Yeah, I think…”
[. . .]
… So you were stuck at home with him.
This had to be a nightmare.
The clouds were quick to cover the sky right after you got inside, and you could barely see any hint of sunlight despite it still over four in the afternoon. Rain started pouring heavily quickly after, a storm suddenly forming in no time.
And so there you were. In your kitchen. Alone. Stormed in with Miguel Diaz.
This was just fantastic. Great, amazing, wonderful even!
And your annoyance was apparently visible. “Look if you’re so mad about it I can go-”
You stared at him for a couple seconds, unamused. “You wanna bike? In the middle of the storm?”
He just shrugged.
“I don’t hate you that much, you know? You can stay ‘till it’s over.” God, did you hope it would be over soon.
“See you told me you didn’t hate me at all.”
“Okay yeah you can go.”
He laughed. “Fine. I won’t push. Do you wanna do something?”
“I mean I don’t think there’s a lot to do. I guess we could watch something.”
“Yeah! That’s cool!”
“Well what do you-” you were interrupted by the sound of your phone ringing, and you took it out of your pocket, only to see it was your mom calling. Miguel sat back down by the counter as you picked it up.
“Honey are you okay? Are you home yet?”
“Yeah we got here just in time. Are you alright?”
“Yes, but the rain’s really bad here- wait, we? Is Aisha over?”
You took a glance at Miguel. Now how to explain that?
“Uh, actually it’s another friend.”
“Is it? Who?”
“Um his name’s Miguel? We were gonna do a- a physics project. But he rides a bike, so.”
There was a pause. “Right. Are you two gonna be okay?”
“Yeah don’t worry! We’ll just do what we need to do ‘till he can go.”
“Fine. Call me if you need anything! I’ll head home as soon as the storm clears.”
“Right. Love you!”
[. . .]
“Um does she not mind?” You were both sitting on the couch now, about 20 minutes into Thor: Ragnarok, when he said something.
You looked away from the screen. “What?”
“Y- your mom? That I’m here, I mean.”
“Oh she did sound a little- I dunno. But it’s not like she’s gonna make you go out in this weather.”
“Cool. Oh- we didn’t- I didn’t get my socks.”
You laughed at the thought of him thinking about his stupid socks the entire time you’d been watching the film. “Do those socks really matter that much to you? Oh are they too embarrassing? Do they have like little spongebobs on them or something?”
“No, I just-” he seemed to be fighting it, but was now laughing too. “No they don’t have little spongebobs on them. Just remembered it.”
“We can get it after the movie’s done.”
“Right.” He brought his attention back to the TV, but you decided to grab your phone and text Aisha.
dude youre not gonna fucking believe my luck
She replied almost instantly.
????? what happened
well miguel came over to get his socks or whatever
and???? ;))))))
this isnt a ;) situation!!! were stuck inside!!!
omg are you serious its just rain
yeah but pretty boy here rides a bike
dude you walk
well what are you doing rn?
were watching thor trying not to kill him
oh shut up
he’s annoying!!!
just watch the movie and wait for the rain to stop its not that hard
y/n i've watched this like 7 times already he was just really excited to watch it
awww you're all soft for him
im going over your house to kill you
you cant bc you're stuck with miguel!! WAIT
you're home alone with a cute boy and youre complaining??
hes not a cute boy!!! hes miguel!!!
whos a cute boy
you dont even like guys
im not blind??
shut up
get some!!!!
You put your phone down looking at Miguel once again. He was really concentrated on whatever was going on in the movie, so you decided it was safe to stare for a little bit. He didn’t look as messy like he did that day at the party. He even-
“That hoodie looks good on you.”
Where the fuck did that come from?
You really hadn’t meant to say it out loud. You couldn’t quite figure out his expression. God, he was gonna make fun of you-
“Thanks,” was all he said in return. He was staring at you now, as if trying to figure you out. You supposed you had to give it to him- you were just as shocked at yourself to blurt that out as he seemed to be. The movie seemed to be long forgotten.
You expected some snarky remark, a cocky grin. But nothing. Was that it? He was probably controlling himself as to not laugh at your face about it, you just knew it.
You couldn’t take the embarrassment. Why did you have to make things weird? You suddenly stood up in a quick motion. “I’m gonna find us something to eat.”
Aisha’s texts must have just gotten to your head, because why else would you even say something like that? You didn’t think he looked in that hoodie. Wait, no, that’s not what you said. You said you thought the hoodie looked good on him. Whatever, you had to focus.
And then he did the worst possible thing he could have done, which was offer to go with you.
Fuck off, fuck off, fuck off! “Sure.” You tried to act normal. There was nothing normal about the weird tension you’d managed to create between the two of you.
It’s safe to say things were awkward. You occupied yourself with opening and looking through every single cabinet in the kitchen, even the ones where you knew there would be no food, trying desperately to find excuses to delay looking at him.
“Um are you okay?”
“Yes.” You were not. “Why?”
“You’ve been looking for something for a while. I’m not that hungry you know, you don’t have to.”
“Well I am.” You grabbed the first thing you could find, which was a chocolate bar, thankfully. At least one good thing to come out of this never-ending disastrous afternoon. “Found it.” You held it up for him to see, but made sure to avoid eye contact before making your way to the living room.
You both sat down to resume watching the movie, but there was still this weird energy around the room, one which, again, you’d gracefully created on your own, and you felt antsy. “Do you wanna go get your socks?”
“Uh, okay?”
You nodded back, turning around and making your way towards your room, knowing he’d follow you. You quickly sat down on your bed and waited for him to walk through the door.
“Um I didn’t see any socks anywhere so. Feel free to look around.” You finally worked up the guts to look at him for a split second. He nodded.
[. . .]
An hour had gone by since, and the storm didn’t look like it was getting any better. You’d even passed the point of being embarrassed about what you’d said earlier- okay, maybe not completely, but still- and were just staring at the ceiling, laying on your bed, waiting for the time to pass. Miguel was sitting right beside you, and you didn’t remember the last time one of you had said a word until he broke the silence again. God this kid loves to talk doesn’t he?
“You don’t actually hate me, right?”
“Are we still on about that?”
“There’s not really anything to talk about. I don’t know anything about you.”
“My name’s Y/N Y/L/N. I go to West Valley High. I'm stuck inside my house right now."
“Wow now I know everything there is to know, thank you,” he returned with sarcasm.
“What do you wanna know?” It had to be the peak of boredom, engaging in small talk with Miguel Diaz of all people. What was this, 21 questions?
“Well what kind of music do you like?”
“Little bit of everything I guess. Rock, pop, whatever.”
“You like 80’s rock?”
“Cool. My sensei showed it to me and it’s been my favorite.”
You didn’t mean to laugh.
“Just weird. Sensei.”
“Well that’s the word.”
“Yeah I know.”
“Have you ever thought about it?”
“Thought about what?”
“Joining Cobra Kai.”
This time you made sure to laugh loudly. “Yeah. Would be a dream come true.”
“What’s so wrong with Cobra Kai?”
“Don’t get me wrong, Diaz, Cobra Kai has helped Aisha a lot. But honestly it just seems like it recruits nerds and turns them into self-conceited jerks.”
“Um would I be one of those self-conceited jerks?”
“Have I done anything to you? I don’t-”
“You haven’t. But just- everyone keeps praising you for everything. And you didn’t let it get to your head? I don’t buy it.”
“People don’t praise me for everything. I've gotten beaten up a fair amount."
“Well what’s your favorite color?”
“Are you seriously asking me that?”
“It’s a valid question.”
“What’s yours?”
“That’s lame.”
“What's yours then?”
“That’s lamer.”
“Very funny.” You mocked him, but realized you were actually smiling.
He opened a smile of his own. “See? I’m not that bad.”
“You’re bearable.”
“That’s progress.” There was a pause. “Well you should come to practice some day.”
“Why would I do that?”
“To see that you’re wrong! We’re like family. I’ve never had anything like that before Cobra Kai.”
“Yeah I don’t think that’ll happen. But I’ll keep it in mind.”
[. . .]
“Yes mom I know. Yes he’s still here. Of course I’m not gonna let him go out in this weather. No, are you sure? But where will you- fine. But please talk to me. Right, love you.”
“She's gonna have to stay there until things get better.”
“What? Is it still that bad?”
“Apparently. There were like a bunch of car accidents around the buildings.”
[. . .]
“This is so fucking boring.”
“Do you have any games on your phone or something?”
“You sound like a little kid.”
“Shut up.” He totally did.
“What is it?’
“Stop staring at me.”
“I’m not staring at you.”
“You were! Weirdo.”
There was a pause. “Did you mean it?”
“That you think my hoodie looks good on me.”
“No?" You tried.
“Then why why’d you say it?”
“Can we not talk about that?”
“You know if you actually gave me a chance I think we could be good friends.”
“Yeah in your dreams, Diaz. I’d probably kill you.”
He actually had the nerve to laugh at you. “Yeah I don’t think you could.”
“I think I could!” You tried defending yourself, but you knew it was complete bullshit. I mean, have you seen his arms?
Not that you’d been looking!
Obviously not.
“Did you forget I literally do karate almost every single day?”
You shrugged in fake disdain. “Still think I could take you.”
He let out an incredulous laugh. “Okay.” He stood up, holding his hand out to you. You shot him a confused look. “What, prove it then!”
“No I’m not doing that.”
“So you’re admitting you can’t take me.”
You knew you couldn’t, but you also doubted he’d go too hard on you. Plus this was a matter of pride now, you couldn’t just let him have that. He knew exactly how to push your buttons to get you to do this. You immediately took his hand, standing up as well. “I said I could.”
“Alright. Come on," he challenged you, getting in a fighting stance, and you tried your best to mimic him, holding your hands in fists in front of your body. He laughed at that, reaching to change the position of your hands. “Okay this,” he said as he moved them just a little bit, “could break your thumbs.”
“Fine. That good enough, sensei?” You mocked, and the boy made a funny expression at that, but quickly snapped out of it.
“Okay, so I’m gonna try to sweep your leg, like this,” he pretended to do the motion, “and what you’re gonna do is block my leg with your right arm, like this,” he did the same with the new movement.
“This isn’t a karate lesson, just fight me!”
“Alright, whatever you say. You ready?”
You were not. “Yup.”
Okay, terrible idea.
In no time he’d done as he said, and your back was immediately pressed to the floor, with no time to even process it happening.
Still, you weren’t gonna just not get a little fun out of it. “You got lucky."
He dared to laugh at you again, before sticking out his hand for you to take. You couldn’t contain a grin as you pulled him to the floor beside you, laughing at his surprise when you were successful.
“Oh I see how it is!” He exclaimed, laughing. You were already starting to stand up, but he tackled you to the floor again, hovering over you.
“Jerk!” You punched him on the chest, playfully, but you were both laughing, despite both being extremely out of breath. You tried to catch him by surprise again, and went to flip your positions, but he was quicker, pinning you to the floor by both your wrists. It was no use then, when he was clearly stronger than you.
But then something really, really weird happened. After your laughter calmed down, it was impossible not to take notice of how the two of you looked right now.
It’s like you had to think about it a second time for the situation to actually click: he was on top of you, having you quite literally pinned under him by your wrists, practically straddling you at that point, with his knees on the floor on either side of your hips.
You looked up at him, and he was staring at your face. Intently so.
For some reason you couldn’t get yourself to look away. It lasted a ridiculously long time, the eye contact, or at least that’s what it felt like, and you were still out of breath from the play fighting, your brain trying to catch on to the situation you were in.
You could swear you saw him glance down at your lips, fueling the tension that was already inherently thick in the air between you. You immediately tried to rid yourself of the thought, as it was probably ridiculous- but then he did the last thing you’d expect him to do.
He actually leaned in.
And you did something even weirder than that: you actually let him do it.
In a second his lips were on yours, and he almost lost his balance as you got your wrists free of his grip, instinctively reaching for the back of his head, intertwining your fingers to his hair.
The adrenaline of it all was thrilling, and it was like your brain had stopped stopped working altogether. After all if you had been functioning normally you would not find yourself in this situation.
No matter. At that moment all you were really worried about was kissing him. You kissed him back, and then you did it again, and again, and again, until you had to pull away to breathe, your chest heaving up and down, as did his, and your breaths being the only sound heard around the entire house, much louder than the now muffled sound of the rain and thunder outside.
And then you made eye contact again and it seemed as what just happened downed on you, all at once.
You had just kissed Miguel Diaz.
No, much worse: you had just made out with Miguel Diaz. On your bedroom floor.
Ooooooooh, no.
Your eyes went wide and you were quick to push him away, standing up.
“Are you-”
You cut him off immediately. “I’ll be right back."
“I’ll be right back!” You repeated yourself. “You can go uh- looking for your socks or whatever if you want.”
“Are you serious-” you made your way out of the bedroom, straight into the first room you took sight off- the bathroom. You made sure to lock the door before you sat on the floor, back pressed to the wall.
Okay, so that just happened. You just kissed Miguel Diaz. No, actually, you just kissed Miguel Diaz back. He kissed you. But then again you kissed back. But he kissed you first, which means he was attracted to you? Did that mean you were attracted to him? No, you- okay, maybe.
Shit, shit, shit.
You pulled out your phone, scrambling to find Aisha’s contact. You hesitated before sending anything, knowing she'd tease you about this until the end of time , but Miguel was right outside and you had no idea how to face him after this. Holding your breath, you pressed send.
i did something
She took a minute to reply, and you jumped when you heard the sound of the notification.
okay should i be worried
um depends
okay im definitely worried did you actually kill him
then what did you do did you kick him out?
also no
girl just fucking say it!!!! i dont have time for this
okay but you cant say i told you so
youre definitely worrying me
he migthve kissed me
i,,, might have kissed him back
and we mightve made out like a little bit
why would i joke about that?????????? you think i wanted this to happen???
well clearly you did????
why would you have kissed back then?????
i dont know!!!!!! reflex?????
yeah right
was it reflex to KEEP kissing him back????
im gonna call you
no hes still here!!!!!!
Your phone rang, and you were quick to decline.
hes still here! hes gonna hear us!!!
omfg what are you gonna do
die maybe?
i knew you were into him
i am not!!!! into him!!!!!! HE kissed ME!!!
and you kissed back!!!!
that doesn’t mean anything!!!!
yes it does???????
Fuck. He was right outside the bathroom door.
“Are you alright?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes I’m great Diaz. Go look for your socks.”
“Yeah um- I found them.”
“Hey it’s okay if you don’t wanna talk about it, I shouldn’t have-”
“Yeah, you shouldn't have.”
“I mean you… kind of did kiss back.”
Silence. What could you reply to that?
“Can we not? Talk about it.”
“Uh. Fine?"
“Okay. I’m coming out then. And we can finish the movie.”
“Sure. The sky’s clearing up too so.”
You unlocked the door, inhaling deeply before opening it.
[. . .]
“Why did I let you do this? This is weird!” You whispered to Aisha, making sure the others didn't hear you. You'd let her convince you to sit with her friends from Cobra Kai during lunch, claiming it was the best way for you to seem ‘chill’ about what had happened. You were immediately regretting it.
You’d agreed not to talk about what happened at your place the night before, but things were still pretty awkward with Miguel, and it was really, really visible. Hawk had been stealing small glances at you, then immediately averting his eyes to Miguel, and so you were sure Miguel had told him all about it. Sure, you'd told Aisha too, but whatever.
He was probably bragging about it or something, in typical fuckboy fashion. Or something.
“It’s literally fine! You’re seeing things.”
“I’m not seeing things! It’s literally so awkward!”
“You can't avoid him forever!”
“I don't have to sit with him at lunch either!”
[. . .]
You’d almost considered yourself lucky for not having had to see Miguel in any other instance during the rest of the day, even congratulating yourself on managing to avoid him when he, of course, approached you at the exit.
You stopped, sighing in defeat. “Yes?”
“Are we cool?”
“I mean it seems like you’re acting weird, I don't know.”
“Does it really matter to you? We're not friends, so.”
“Okay. But we- was it that bad?”
“That I kissed you, are you that mad about it?”
Your eyes widened and you looked around, trying to see if anyone around you heard him. “I told you I didn’t wanna talk about that!”
“Well let’s just solve it so we don’t have to! I thought you wanted it too. I mean it- it seemed like you did at the moment but now I don’t know and I’m really sorry if-“
“Look I don’t know what happened okay? You don’t have to feel bad about it or anything, you didn’t read it wrong. But it was a one time thing. It I’m trying to be more friendly with you guys because of Aisha, but there’s nothing more to it. It was just a heat of the moment thing.” You turned around, already starting to walk before he had the chance to talk more.
Of course he still yelled after you. “You should go see us today!”
Okay, big change of subject. “What?”
“At the dojo. We have practice at five.”
You were the one to not get the time to say anything back this time, him hopping on his bike and getting on his way.
Well, should you?
[. . .]
“This is stupid.”
“You’re just watching!” Aisha said, trying to cheer you up. “I can’t believe I couldn’t get you to come see me but Miguel could.”
“That’s not what’s going on.”
“It’s not! Did I not sit with your friends at lunch today? I’m making an effort. For you.”
“And only for me.” She didn't sound like she believed it at all.
“Only for you.”
She let out a laugh, and you elbowed her arm. You got to the place, entering the door, which made a bell sound out. You couldn't help but notice the ridiculous amount of snake drawings, which was apparently the dojo’s logo, that were scattered on the walls. Despite that, the place looked decent.
You caught sight of writing on one of the walls.
“That like your mantra?”
Strike first. Strike Hard. No mercy. Very inviting.
“Something like that.”
“Not violent at all,” you pointed out.
“What's the point of karate if it’s not violent?”
“Isn't that LaRusso's whole thing? Non- violent karate?”
“Well he’s stupid, so that fits.”
“Okay, well I’m gonna-”
“QUIET!” A man you hadn’t seen walk in shouted, startling you and all the students.
“Ms. Robinson, who are we missing?”
Aisha looked around. “Hawk and Miguel, sensei.”
“Okay. They have three minutes.” He seemed to finally take notice of you. “New student?”
“Y/N’s my friend, sensei-” did they have to refer to him as sensei in every single sentence?
“Yeah I'm just here to watch-”
“What are you, a pussy?”
“I’m sorry?” You asked, dumbfounded. Okay, what was happening?
“Don’t think you can handle one class?”
“I don’t-”
“If you’re staying in my dojo, you’re participating.”
You looked at Aisha. “I mean it can’t hurt,” was all she said, shrugging her shoulders.
“Are you kidding me-” At that very moment you heard the bell again, turning around to see who it was. Of course the timing was immaculate. Hawk and Miguel entered the dojo, taking their shoes off and stepping into the mat. You turned back around to face Aisha. “Do I have to take my shoes off?”
You did it quickly, before getting back to your place. Were you really about to do this? And what for? Because you couldn’t say no to a scary old man?
Because you couldn’t say no to…
“Alright quiet! Fighting positions!”
Everything was happening way too fast, and you tried to keep up, trying to remember the stance Miguel had helped you with the night before. Sensei walked through the rows of kids, all dressed in those weird clothes except for you, which naturally drove his attention to you, to which he laughed. “Yeah do that and you'll leave a fight with two broken thumbs.” Right.
Just to prove your luck, Sensei Lawrence had a fantastic idea. “Diaz, you’re in charge of teaching her the first moves. I’m teaching these nerds here how to headbutt. Again.”
“Yes, sensei!”
You were accepting it, the Universe had to be having the time of its infinite life at your expense. Miguel walked up to you, sporting a smirk. “You came.”
“Because Aisha asked me to.”
“Right. Of course.” You both walked off to the side of the mat, as to not disturb the rest of the class. “Alright, fighting stance.”
You made sure to make a face before you did as he said, remembering to leave your thumbs out of your fists this time. You were not giving him the satisfaction of correcting you about that again.
“Okay, that’s good. But you gotta-” he pushed your feet further behind with his own. “Okay. Now the most simple punches you’re gonna do are the jab and the cross. You’re gonna do the jab like this-” he showed it, punching the air with his left hand, “and the cross is gonna go like this,” he did the same, with his right hand this time. “But you’re gonna punch this,” he motioned to the punching bag in front of you.
“Oh, I kinda hoped I'd get to punch you!”
He smiled. “You’ll have plenty of time for that.” He positioned himself behind the punching bag, holding it in place.
"Do I have to do the weird grunt noises too?" You messed with him.
“Just go.”
You tried you best, not really having any idea what to do.
“Okay stop.”
He came up beside you. “Okay pay attention.” He did the movements, slowly this time. “You’re letting your hand punch down. It’s supposed to stay just in your eyesight.”
“So like this?” You tried it.
“Yeah but don’t bend your elbow. You could sprain it that way.”
“What? I don’t-”
“And you really thought you could take me?”
“Shut up. I could report you to your sensei, you know.”
“I’m the sensei right now.”
“In your dreams.”
“Come on, you can do it.” He took you by surprise as he placed a hand on your waist, pressuring it down so your legs would stay steady, and grabbed your right hand with the other one. You tried not to think too hard about it. It was a little hard focusing on what he wanted to teach you when you knew what it was like to- no. No wandering there.
He curled your fingers into a fist. “Okay so your hand will already be in a fist, right here, and then what you’re gonna do is hold it out in a straight line, you can’t let it fall down-”
[. . .]
“You can admit it, you know?”
“Admit what?”
“You liked it.”
“Karate.” Oh. Right. Karate.
“I would never.”
“You totally did!”
“Okay. Fine. A little. But I think it definitely would have been better if I had a better teacher.”
“A better sensei, you mean,” he pressed you about it, earning an eye-roll from you.
“Are you gonna keep doing it?”
“Are you like enrolling?”
“I don’t know. I’ll think about it.”
“Why, do you wanna see me that bad?”
He let out a laugh. “Yeah, whatever you say."
[. . .]
A couple weeks had gone by, and you had agreed to go to the movies with Aisha and her friends- well, you guessed now they were your friends too. The two of you were the first to get there, and were standing in line to get popcorn when Hawk and Miguel walked up to you. “I didn’t know you were coming,” Miguel pointed out.
“Do you not have other friends you can talk to?”
“You act like you were forced to be here.”
“I could have been!”
“I don’t think you were.”
You didn’t have a snarky reply to that.
“So sensei was talking to me about putting you in for tomorrow.”
“Yeah cause you missed on tuesday?”
“Oh right! Stupid project.”
“Yeah. Well apparently he has stuff to do so he asked if I could help you out.”
You laughed in an exaggerated manner. “Oh there’s no way.”
“It was sensei’s idea!” Miguel defended himself.
“And it’s a bad one! No way.”
Aisha turned to you, handing you a huge popcorn for you to hold. She then handed Miguel two cups, and all of you went on your way.
“Look the dojo’s empty at three. You should be there then.” He walked past you and sat down next to Hawk.
[. . .]
“You showed up!”
“Yeah whatever.” You put your backpack down on the floor and took your shoes off, walking into the mat.
“You’re not wearing your gi,” he pointed out just to mess with you.
“You’re not wearing yours.”
“But I’m the sensei today.”
“Yeah you don’t look very sensei-like to me.”
“What would look sensei-like to you?” He got himself in fighting position as he talked, and you made sure to do the same.
“I don’t know. A little buffer, less of a pussy,” you teased him.
“Hey watch your words! We’re serious people in this dojo!” He laughed. “Alright left front kick, right round kick, jab, cross and hook, all of them three times. You ready?”
You tried to make sure you remembered the order correctly. “Is the hook before of after the cross?”
“Right, so left front kick, right round kick, jab, cross, hook.”
“Yeah. Now go.” You did it. “Okay good! Is someone… enjoying karate?”
“Shut up.”
He smiled. “Alright I’m gonna block you this time.”
You repeated the sequence. Left front kick, right round kick, jab, cross, hook. Left front kick, right round kick, jab, cross, hook.
Left front kick, right round kick, jab, mat.
“That’s not fair you were just gonna block!” You exclaimed after processing the fact that he’d just tackled you to the floor.
“You forgot to keep your guard up.”
“Whatever.” You began standing up.
“What, can’t take it?”
“Is little Miguel Diaz being mean to someone?”
“I’m just pointing out your weaknesses so you can work on them.”
“Because you’re just perfect, aren't you?”
“Do me then.”
“I’m sorry?”
“I-” he closed his eyes shut and pursed his lips together at the poor choice of words. “Do the same thing to me.”
“I don’t know, I’m starting to think you’re like into pain or something.”
“Yeah whatever you say. Come on.”
He did the sequence this time, and you blocked the movements, waiting for the chance to catch him by surprise. You did it while he was going for it the second time around, grabbing him by the wrist and attempting to pull it down, but he was quicker.
Best fighter in the Valley, after all.
In no time you were on the ground again. Fucker.
“I told you! It’s good practice though.” He was laughing at you, and held out his hand for you to take when he noticed you weren’t standing up.
You grinned. “Do you never learn?” You did the same as you'd done that one day at your house, pulling him to the floor next to you.
“Okay that was rude!”
“You practically asked for it!” You laughed like crazy as you stood up. “I can’t believe you fell for that twice!”
“Okay, fine.” He held his hand up again. “You not gonna help me?”
“Nope. I, for one, am not dumb.”
He got up. “Oh you’re gonna regret that.”
[. . .]
"Hey are you- are you doing something right now?" Miguel questioned you as he finshed turning the lights off.
"Not really. Why?"
"Do you... want to?"
"Like right now?"
"I mean I think we could both use a shower first but- later?"
"I'm just bored. You don't have to."
You pondered it. Aisha did have to bail on you to go to dinner with her dad. "Fine."
"What- okay."
You laughed as he finished locking the door of the dojo. "What?"
"Didn’t think you’d say yes."
"I can still change my mind."
"Yeah right. You like hanging out with me!"
"Hey don’t get too confident, I just don’t have anything else to do."
"And I don't believe you. Golf ‘n’ Stuf. In like an hour?"
"I don’t know. I might not show up," you teased.
"Yeah I'll see you there!" He yelled, content, already ahead of you on his bike.
[. . .]
“I knew it.”
You turned around where you stood, only to see Miguel behind you, a grin on his face. “You’re annoying. I’ve told you that before, right?”
“Yeah. Many times.”
“Just checking.”
“So?” Miguel held up his arm for you to lace your own with. As if. You scoffed, walking past him, leaving him to jog after you into the park.
“Okay what first?”
“Oh you’re letting me pick?” He asked you. Okay, you had to give it to him, he wasn’t as insufferable when he matched your sarcastic attitude a little bit. Or maybe he was more insufferable and you just liked to see him not be as nice.
“Yes I’m very polite.”
“Well then we’re doing mini golf.”
“Are you forty-five?”
“This place literally has golf in the name, what did you expect?” He grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you along.
[. . .]
“Okay I don’t think I’ve ever seen as many tickets in my entire life,” Miguel exclaimed, holding up what looked like at least 80 tickets, all bunched up. You studied the excitement on his face. Fine, so maybe you had a little fun. Just a little. And maybe you thought he looked stupidly cute right now.
You walked up to the counter. He looked at your prize options. “So what do you want? We can get like 53 rings or like 72 plastic… babies? Why would anyone want 72 plastic babies?”
You let out a laugh. “I don’t know, I-” you saw it by the corner, almost hidden. It was perfect. “Ohmygod definitely that guy!” You pointed at it, and the woman behind the counter handed it to Miguel.
He held up the plush bumblebee. “He’s cute! What should we name him?”
“Um… Phillip?”
“What no! That’s so not a bee name.”
“What the hell would a bee name be?”
“Okay first off that’s so cliche. Second off, he’s a boy!”
“How would you know that?” You’d been walking for a while, and finally got outside, sitting down on a bench.
“I decided it!”
“Okay. What can we name him then?”
“Oh my God, Lucas!”
“Okay, I think I can accept Lucas.”
“You don’t have a say on my son’s name!”
“Hey he’s our son!”
“I don’t know, we’d have to take a DNA test.”
“Shit have you been cheating on me?”
“Yeah I’m sorry…” you tried to match his playfulness.
There was silence for a moment.
“You know this was actually pretty fun.”
“Yeah I was surprised.” You were teasing, but it wasn’t a lie, either.
“So you liked it? Who knew.”
“Oh shut it. It was okay.”
“You totally did!”
“Okay, whatever. Now we need to discuss Lucas’ custody situation. I’m getting dibs on weekends!” You tried to joke, but Miguel’s mind seemed to be wandering off. “Miguel? Hello?” You waved your hand in front of his face.
“You okay?”
“Yeah. I just- can I tell you something?”
“I have a theory. You can say I’m wrong. But you can’t get mad at me about it.”
“Okay I’m getting worried.”
“Well I’ve thought about it, and I might be being a little hopeful. But I’m pretty sure you might have a crush on me.”
You laughed in disbelief. Did he really just say that to you? “I’m sorry?”
“It’s just a theory! I want you to! I’m- am I wrong?”
You didn’t reply. Because you didn’t know the answer. Did you- wait. “You want me to?”
“I- mean I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything, but. It would be nice. And I know you still don’t like to talk about that one time we kissed and all but things have been pretty confusing.”
“Because you have a thing for me.”
“Okay, I get it, it's fine if you don’t-”
Maybe it was not exactly the brightest idea to do something so important so suddenly, without sparing a thought before you did. But, when you knew it, your lips were on his.
It was calmer, softer than the first time you’d done it. Miguel was the one to pull away, smiling into the kiss. He stared at you, and you were nervous. You wanted to tell yourself you didn’t know where that came from, like you’d told yourself had happened that day at your place before attempting to bottle it up. But you knew.
You didn’t realize it, but in those weeks you hung out, you got to actually know him. And at some point you must have started liking him. A few weeks was definitely enough to change your perspective on some things.
You assumed he felt the same, considering the things he said.
… but maybe you read him wrong?
“What?” You asked, insecure, when he didn’t say anything.
He grinned. “You totally have a crush on me!”
You let out a breath in relief.
Okay, yeah, maybe Miguel Diaz wasn’t that bad after all. And maybe you could get yourself used to the thought of going out with him.
[. . .]
A/N: edited the fuck outta this one before posting, my ideas were good but my writing was pretty shit at the time. I think I was like 16/17 when I wrote this one. shits crazy. luv yall
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alina-awen-writes · 6 months
Sebek x GN!Reader, Soulmate AU
Prompt: You have your soulmate’s first words on your body
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When classmates asked Y/N about the one thing from the realm of Twisted Wonderland that shocked them the most, many thought it would've been magic, talking animals, overblots, ghosts, or flying brooms. 
No, for Y/N, it was the fact they had a soulmate. The initial shock and hope for what their future soulmate might be like only lasted a few minutes
Yep, that is the sentence that had etched itself onto Y/N's wrist as soon as the coffin opened during the initiation ceremony. It was in a rather nice cursive handwriting, but unfortunately written in all caps. According to the other students, that meant their Significant Other would be yelling during their first meeting.
On the bright side, Y/N was able to narrow out which dorm their soulmate was in. Heck, judging by the wording, they were pretty sure they figured out exactly who their soulmate was.
While they hadn't had an official first meeting yet, Y/N had heard plenty of rumors and the distant sounds of Sebek's speeches. It also helped that Hornton would occasionally mention him during the nightly strolls about the school grounds for Golem Club.
The only thing left to do was for Y/N to work up the courage to actually go and speak with Sebek. Which was practically impossible seeing as he was always busy with schoolwork and all his extracurriculars were focused on being one of Malleus' knights. On the bright side, they did share a few classes together. One of which was Professor Crewel's potions, the very class Y/N was currently zoning out in. 
Their head shot up when there was a sudden loud smack on their desk "Now, now little pup. I just gave very important instructions for your next potion only to find you didn't listen to a single word. Make sure you do your best, otherwise, you'll end up in detention and back in training school. " Crewel stated with a sharp look at Y/N, "Now then, since you weren't listening I'll only repeat this once. Your partner is Sebek and your potion assignment is due next week." With that final statement, Crewel walked back to his desk. 
With that stressful callout being over, little dog tags with classmate names flew around the room, each landing with the assigned partner. Y/N looked down at the tag as it landed on the desk and sighed as it confirmed what Professor Crewel had said. With a quick glance over the shoulder, they could see Sebek practically glaring holes through the back of their jacket.
While they hadn't interacted much, Sebek still wasn't a huge fan of Y/N's for a few reasons:
Y/N isn't Malleus
For some reason, beyond Sebek's comprehension, Y/N has managed to befriend Lilia and Silver
Y/N just made him feel off, which is obviously a huge reason why Y/N should never be within 100 feet of Malleus' proximity
Once again, Y/N isn't Malleus
After a few moments of preparation, Y/N gathered the potion books and decided to take the first step in talking to Sebek. However, when they turned to say hello, they noticed the knight had already disappeared. 
With a small sigh, Y/N headed out and began the trek back to Ramshackle. Right as they took a left down a hallway, they bumped into someone's back.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" Y/N exclaimed while trying to make sure the other student didn't drop anything.
"It's quite alright Y/N. I hadn't expected to see you until our club meeting later tonight." Hornton stated with his signature small grin as he steadied Y/N.
"Oh, it's just you Hornton! Thank the sevens, I was worried I might've bumped into one of the Pomefiore kids doing a quick touch-up. That definitely would've ended badly." Y/N laughed, followed by a sigh of relief that they had only bumped into Hornton. Right as they were about to ask him about his day, there was a sudden yell from directly behind them.
"HOW DARE A HUMAN BE SO CASUAL? ESPECIALLY WITH THE PRINCE OF BRIAR VALLEY!" Sebek yelled as he charged down the hallway towards Y/N and Hornton.......well Malleus.
Malleus simply raised an eyebrow and gave a small frown at the fact that Sebek had blown his cover, yelled at one of his few friends, and had also said that Y/N talked to him casually.
"His royal highness must be treated with high esteem at all times! Especially by those who are commoners or simple humans!" Sebek continued with his rant for a solid minute. 
The entire time, Y/N slowly got more and more annoyed at all the insults that were about how they were a human and a commoner. The final straw was the comment about how Y/N wasn't even from Twisted Wonderland and thus shouldn't have the audacity to even be near Malleus. Y/N took two simple steps forward, putting them practically chest-to-chest with Sebek, resulting in making him pause, stutter, and blush.
"Do you EVER know how to talk about anything or anyone other than Malleus?" Y/N questioned in a clipped tone, which quickly changed to yelling, "I should've known since I've had THIS etched on my wrist since I walked out of that coffin!" 
Y/N waved their wrist in Sebek's face, showing him the very words he had yelled only a few minutes prior, "But hey, at least my sentence gave me a warning about how rude and loud you are! Got the red flags about your volume level since it's in all caps!"
With a final huff, Y/N immediately turned around and stormed down the hallway. They muttered a quick apology to Malleus as they passed by and took a random hallway to make a quick escape. With each step, the slow realization of what had just happened slowly sunk in. 
Y/N's angry stomps from the stunned Sebek soon turned into a quick sprint back home. Their only thought was that the faster they were home, the sooner they could curl up in bed and try their best to forget everything that had just happened.
Within no time, they were about ten steps from the front door. However, right as they felt the wave of relief wash over, they heard loud footsteps and yelling from behind.
"WAIT! Would you stop your measly human running speed and wait for a moment! We are not done with our conversation!" Sebek yelled as he dashed up the pathway at max fae speeds. What had taken Y/N 10 minutes to sprint, he completed within half the time. Once he had reached Y/N, Sebek slowed to a halt and immediately held their shoulders. 
"I'm sorry! I was jealous you were close with his highness because I had wanted to find a way to become friends with you as well. When you first joined his club, I watched from the background to ensure you weren't trying to trick or influence him...but I ended up growing feelings for you." Sebek said softly, all while slowly moving his hands from Y/N's shoulders to gently hold their hands.
"It wasn't until today that I realized those weren't just friendships. Y/N, I've been falling in love with you. I understand if you don't forgive me and never wa-", Y/N knew Sebek would continue his apologetic rambling for another 30 minutes if he had the chance, so to cut him off they leaned over and silenced him with a hug. 
"Just promise me you'll never speak to me, or any other human, that way again," Y/N muttered into Sebek's shoulder as he gently wrapped his arms around their waist. 
"You have my eternal vow. I'll never say anything that could insult or harm you, for the rest of my days in this realm and the next" Sebek said solemnly. 
Y/N just smiled, before looking up and pressing a kiss to Sebek's cheek. "Alrighty, since we've made up, wanna come inside so we can start on the assignment?" they asked as they tugged the blushing fae into the Ramshackle dorm. 
238 notes · View notes
suga-kookiemonster · 1 year
satisfy 05
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summary⇢ “listen,” taehyung says, eyes wide and eager as he smiles at you. “i figure we can just help each other out. i scratch your back, you scratch mine.” but when you find yourself suddenly in need of a massive favor, exactly how much scratching are you willing to do? pairing⇢ seokjin/reader, namjoon/reader, taehyung/reader, …..jimin/reader word count⇢ 15.9k genre⇢ smut | escort!au | ceo!au (kinda) warnings⇢ 😇😇😇😇 *chin hands sweetly* STRAP IN, FOLKS!!: GANGBANG. this chapter will include three brothers having sex with the reader at the same time (but not with each other). if this bothers you, please feel free to skip!, rough sex, unprotected sex, oral (f+m giving/receiving), fingering, face fucking, exhibitionism, voyuerism, da booty getting ate like groceries, assplay, name calling, daddy kink, orgasm denial, forced orgasm, marking, spitroasting, cumplay, bukakke 😭, honestly this is a hot ass MESS and i should be sorry but i’m not 🤷🏽‍♀️ a/n⇢ well, hello~ long time no see!!!! i'm super pumped about this chapter because it has literally been in the works since i planned this whole fic out years ago 😭 a lot of planning and struggling later, and WE FINALLY HERE 🙌🏾 🙌🏾 i am so relieved that this finally exists in the world and not just in my head lmao. thank you all for hanging with me for this long and being so patient. i hope this chapter lives up to your expectations 😈 only the epilogue left! 😮‍💨👀 mood for this chapter is this song~ hope everyone enjoys!
chapters⇢ previous | next | series masterlist
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Days quickly morphed into weeks, time continuing to flow even without you consciously noticing it pass you by. You were just so busy, both your schoolwork and your unconventional part-time job a whirlwind of activity that left you too preoccupied to do much else. Your already scant social life was starting to suffer, but honestly? You were completely fine with that—a neverending schedule of sex, sleep, and studying was more than enough, and it was highly unlikely you would be able to fit anything else onto your overflowing plate anyway.
It was expected for you to not have that much free time, anyway. Jimin’s was waning too, as the further the two of you got into your studies, the busier you both became. You still texted often to make sure each other was alive, but with your differing schedules, the new normal became not getting to see him in person for weeks on end.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t losing steam. Burning the candle at both ends was finally starting to catch up with you, but there wasn’t much you could do about it other than focusing on powering through it. This was the career path you chose—your dream—and so you simply just had to bear everything that came along with it. You were willing to put the work in to reach your goals, and you just kept reminding yourself that how you were living now was just a means to an end. 
Not that you at all only found the Kims to be a means to an end. Yes, they were paying your way through school, but you still really enjoyed the time you spent with each of them. They were all great company in different ways, and at this point, the only time you were freed from the library’s clutches was when one of them wanted to take you somewhere, so you found them to be more of a welcome distraction than anything else. 
Unfortunately, that still didn’t change the fact that at the end of the day, you were bone tired.
You had always been good at compartmentalizing. But though you tried your best to not let your slowly-building fatigue show, even your new employers could tell that you were being ran a bit ragged. Namjoon came to pick you up for a date one day, and all it took was one long look at you while you were trying to buckle your seatbelt for him to put the car in park and hustle you back upstairs instead, despite your protests. You thought that maybe he decided to forgo your movie plans for much more carnal activities, but once you were back inside your apartment, he sprawled himself onto your couch and reached for you. You were confused, but when you reflexively took his hand, he simply pulled you down with him and easily folded you into his body. 
God, he smelled good. And was comfortable and warm, so it didn’t take long for you to nod off, despite only being fifteen minutes into whatever Netflix movie he had put on. Namjoon spent his scheduled date letting you snore into his chest, and when you woke up hours later, groggy and discombobulated, you found him already gone and a blanket thrown over you.
It didn’t take a genius to realize he must have said something to his brothers. The next day, seemingly out of the blue, you got an email notification that Wendy, Seokjin’s assistant, had canceled an upcoming work lunch that had been on the calendar for weeks. (You highly doubted the lunch itself was canceled—just that Jin had decided to go alone.) And you were so used to Taehyung’s frequent visits that when he didn’t stop by for four days in a row, it became blatantly obvious that something was amiss. 
They were giving you space.
But if you were honest, though you appreciated the sudden breathing room in your schedule, all of them suddenly pulling out of the arrangement was making you uneasy. This was a job, after all, and you weren’t fully holding up your end of the bargain. Hell, the week before had been your period, so you hadn’t slept with any of them then, either. And, considering the fact that all three Kims were set to go on an overseas business trip soon, the amount of leave you were inadvertently taking was quickly adding up.  
You needed this money. You needed this money, this was not what they agreed to, and you were nervous you were starting to frustrate them.
To their credit, none of them ever seemed to be. Early on, when your period made its first appearance as the perpetual wrench in your plans, Seokjin had casually informed you that he was totally fine with just putting a towel down. However, when he saw you weren’t nearly as enthused with the idea, he simply gave you an easy shrug and said, “Then take whatever time you need.” His brothers had been equally as accommodating, and have been ever since (though Taehyung sometimes still liked to playfully pout at you when you told him Aunt Flo was in town).
But the fact was, you ultimately weren’t holding up your end of the bargain, and that knowledge was constantly hovering in the back of your mind and making you a bit anxious. That was why, days before he was scheduled to leave for his three week business trip, you took initiative and asked Taehyung if he wanted to come over. 
Both Seokjin and Namjoon had already graciously canceled their standing appointments with you for the second week in a row, but Taehyung had never had a standing appointment. He was always much more spontaneous than his brothers, and that personality trait was no different when it came to you, so that’s what you were counting on.
[1:32] Hey! Did you want to come over tomorrow? [1:32] Or later today, I guess
Despite it being so late, Tae apparently hadn’t gone to bed yet. He was a bit of a night owl, like you.
Taehyung [1:34] Well hello~ Taehyung [1:34] So nice to hear from you, sweetcheeks. How’s it been going? [1:35] Sweetcheeks, Taehyung? Really? Taehyung [1:35] What? They’ve always looked pretty sweet to me 😌👀
You scoffed, amused and fond. Always an incorrigible flirt, that one.
[1:35] Yeah, okay lol  [1:36] So if they’re so sweet, what are you gonna do about it?
A pause, one slightly too long for someone whose phone was in their hand and had been actively responding to you only moments before. You knew you had him even before his reply finally came through.
Taehyung [1:37] What time?
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The next day, you focused on getting as much of your work done as you could before the hard stop of when you knew you had to start getting ready. You took a long shower, letting the hot water relax your stiff muscles before carefully maneuvering into the lingerie that was still prettily packaged in the bag from the boutique you got it from, untouched on the floor of your closet since you bought it.
You hadn’t seen him a while, so it only made sense to you to make things a little more exciting than usual. Spice it up. Honestly, sex with Taehyung was always anything with boring, but the thigh-highs you slipped into were just as much for you as him. You had been so focused on your studies that you couldn’t remember the last time you wore anything other than court-approved suits, sweatpants, or pajamas. It would be nice to feel something other than just tired again. To feel desired. Sexy.
And even you could admit the outfit you had chosen was sexy. A crimson, lacy bodysuit thing that did little to obscure the dusk of your nipples and disappeared between your asscheeks. The matching thigh-highs, joined with garters. You even had a pair of heels that you planned to wear—ones that made your legs look a mile long, but hurt like a bitch every time you attempted to wear them out. Despite their shortcomings, you were willing to slip on the deathtraps because luckily, for this particular occasion, you wouldn’t have to go anywhere in them, nor would they stay on you for very long. 
You were even planning on putting on a little makeup, on properly doing your hair for the first time in weeks and giving the bun you had been sporting a rest. However, all it took was a knock on your door to put an end to all those extras.
You frowned at the sound and padded over to your front door, happy you had already thrown on one of your law school hoodies to keep yourself warm until the festivities properly started. The sight of a familiar man through the peephole, hands resting comfortably in his slacks, threw you off.
Automatically, your hands were disengaging all the locks, were swinging the door open. “You’re early—”
Whatever words you had next immediately dissipated on your tongue. Taehyung was there, but he apparently came with company. Your mind whirred, trying to come up with a perfectly logical reason for why all three Kim brothers were at your doorstep right now.  
“Your hair,” you blurted, your scrambled brain latching onto the easiest subject first.
“Hmm?” Taehyung ruffled his newly dyed locks, the onyx hue a stark difference from the silver you were used to. “Oh yeah, I guess I haven’t seen you all week. My dad wanted me to dye it to a more ‘appropriate’ color before the conference. But whatever—it was time for a change, anyway. And this will be much easier to upkeep.”
You could only continue to stare at him as he spoke, your eyes naturally drifting over his shoulder at your additional visitors. 
All three of them were dressed pretty casually, which was normal for Taehyung and Namjoon, but less so for Seokjin when not in the comfort of his own home. The soft pink of his sweatsuit was a stark contrast to the sharp intelligence of his eyes, and he met your gaze for only a few seconds before he was turning to meet Namjoon’s instead, a pinch in his brow. 
Taehyung spoke again before either of them could say anything. “You gonna keep us out here?” he teased, casually leaning against the doorframe.
That finally jumpstarted you out of your haze, scrambling to move out of the way and gesture them inside. “Yes, of course. Come in!” Before your nosy neighbor caught them and assumed you were slutting it up.
(She would technically be right, but still. It was the principle. Your life was none of that judgy old shrew’s business.) 
Tae strolled in like he always did—like he owned the place—but you noticed his brothers’ strides seemed a bit more hesitant than the confidence you were usually witness to. Namjoon’s mouth was slightly pursed in the way you’d long learned meant he was thinking. Why did they seem as confused as you did?
“Hi,” you hedged anyway, a small, puzzled smile on your lips. “It’s been a while. Sorry if I’m acting weird—I just wasn’t expecting you, so I’m a little thrown off.”
Understanding immediately crossed Seokjin’s features, but you only got a second to see it before he was whipping towards his youngest brother, appalled. 
Namjoon was looking at him too, clearly irritated. “Are you serious, Taehyung?”
“What?” you asked, gaze flitting between the three of them in hope of finding some sort of clarity. 
“You never asked her?” Seokjin snapped.
“You know that’s not cool, man,” Namjoon sighed, an agitated hand running though blond locks.  
Why were they standing in your hallway and having whole conversations in front of you like you weren’t even there? “Never asked me what?” you cut in bemusedly, a little louder than you intended. It worked, at least, all three men immediately turning back to you.
Taehyung, for his part, looked properly contrite, cringing a little at the exasperation in your voice. “I’m sorry,” he told the room before placing his attention solidly back on you. His eyes were soft and sincere. “It truly slipped my mind, and I’m sorry, _____. I didn’t think.”
“When do you ever?” Seokjin snarked, but you ignored him, focused solely on Taehyung.
“What, Tae?” you encouraged gently. “What are you sorry for?”
It was clear from the hunch of his shoulders that he felt bad. “Um…”
“He invited us to come with him to meet you today,” Namjoon supplied. He gave his little brother a disappointed shake of his head. “But that’s not a decision for him to make. Is it, Tae.”
“I just knew that none of us have seen her in a while,” Tae whined. “And _____, when you reached out yesterday, I figured it would be the perfect opportunity since we’re about to leave the country for a few weeks.”
“I should have known better,” Seokjin muttered below his breath, looking heavenward in his annoyance. “I’m really sorry about this, _____. You never marked group activities as a no and I assumed Taehyung actually asked you like an adult, so I thought you were on board. I can leave.”
You blinked, still trying to grasp what was going on. “You were…trying to share your time?” you asked Taehyung slowly.
He nodded meekly. “I don’t mind sharing,” came his honest answer.
“But does she,” Seokjin scoffed, rubbing his temples in irritation. “That’s the only thing that matters. And to think otherwise is just selfish, Taehyung.”
“No, no, it’s okay.” The words left your lips before your brain could even register them, likely spurred on by how the increasingly chastened expression on Taehyung’s face. The three of them looked at you in surprise.
“It’s okay?” Namjoon parroted, an eyebrow raised in question.
You swallowed, mind racing to actually consider the consequences of what your mouth had just offered. But your nod of confirmation came almost immediately, because you knew Taehyung had never been trying to trap you. One of the qualities that simply made him him was his spontaneity, and while that made him fun and interesting to be around, it also was a double-edged sword that could easily make you end up in situations like this.
Tae knew none of them had seen you in a while, he knew they were soon going to jet out of the country, and had simply been trying to be nice in inviting his brothers along. He didn’t mean any harm.
“It’s okay,” you repeated, giving him a reassuring smile that visibly loosened some of the tension in his body. “You can all stay.”
The words settled between the four of you, heavy in the resulting quiet. Teeming with implication. You still weren’t completely sure what you were agreeing to, but what you did know was that you were going to need something to help stave off the nerves slowly bubbling beneath your skin. You cleared your throat, turning to make your way to the kitchen. “I think I need a drink.”
You didn’t glance back at them, but you could still feel them trailing you. Feel the heat of their gaze, and even the distinct heat of a body against your back, only a whisper away. Instead, you busied yourself with rooting around in your pantry and pulling out a handle of tequila. 
“This for me?” hummed a familiar velvety voice, close enough for you to easily deduce who had invited himself into your space so intimately. Taehyung. 
You looked over your shoulder at him, immediately frozen with what you saw. His eyes were blatantly trailing your figure, undeterred by the obstacle of your sweatshirt and easily roving your stockinged legs and feet. A dangerous smirk crawled across his face that had a delighted shiver racing down your spine in anticipation. “What?” came your stupefied reply. 
“This.” His gaze lingered on your toes, but quickly rose so he could playfully flick the zipper of your sweatshirt. “Whatever you’ve got on under there. Is it for me?”
Heat licked between your thighs at his deceptively light tone. At the way he was looking at you. “No,” you sniffed. Not wanting to give in just yet. “Just something I wear around the house.”
“Well, it’s nice,” came another voice, and you were instantly reminded of your other guests. Namjoon was leaning against an adjacent counter, eyes dark. “You never wear stuff like this for me—Taehyung must be your favorite.”
Startled despite his teasing tone, your hands flew up in protest. “N-No, it’s not that—”
“Of course I’m the favorite,” Tae sassed, throwing you a wink. “It’s okay to admit it, _____. We all know!” 
There was an almost immediate snort from behind you. Technically quiet enough to go unnoticed, but full of just enough derision that Taehyung’s proverbial hackles raised at the very sound of it. His head whipped to the source.
Jin looked deceptively bored, meeting his youngest brother’s glower with a flat stare. A single lifted eyebrow said everything his mouth deigned not worth the effort. What?
Tae scowled at his brother’s obvious disdain, but then, after a few moments, he simply shot an exhale from his nose and shook his head. “You’re clearly goading me,” he chuckled. “But you know what? It’s not gonna work this time. If you’re gonna be a jackass, you can just go.”
“I think you’re vastly overestimating your importance in this situation,” Seokjin scoffed, rolling his eyes. “But what else is new.”
“Guys,” Namjoon sighed, holding up pacifying hands in an attempt to ward off the rising tension.
You observed the whole exchange silently, still too off-kilter from the situation you’d suddenly found yourself in to do much more than look from brother to brother as if you were watching a tennis match. 
This was only the second time the four of you had all been in the same room—with the first being your original meeting discussing the contract. Well, technically third, if you counted that party Taehyung took you to so many months ago—the one that rerouted your life onto this much more interesting path. But the three of them hadn’t really mingled then, so you had been left to speculate their group dynamic. 
Now, though, you were starting to suspect your inklings were true.
Seokjin, the oldest, with lots of responsibility and expectations always set on him. Taehyung, the spoiled youngest who grew up without any of the same restraints, but also without any of the same parental attention. And Namjoon, the calm, stereotypical middle child, the glue who held it all together. The forced peacemaker who made sure that any of his brothers’ unspoken resentment for each other never got too far out of line.
“The only person who can tell me to leave is _____,” Seokjin continued, the sound of your name immediately throwing you out of your thoughts. You straightened, unprepared to suddenly find yourself locking eyes with him and surprised at the intensity you found there. “And is that what you want, _____? Do you want me to leave?”
“No, of course not,” you blurted. You didn’t miss the smug look Jin threw his brother, nor the way Tae’s lips pursed in irritation, but you couldn’t really find it in you to care about any of that right now. With a steadying breath, you focused instead on shuffling over to another cabinet and pulling out a glass.
It was starting to hit you. You weren’t sure what in the hell was going on, what exactly it was you agreed to, but whatever it was, you now had all three of your lovers in your apartment at the same time. Respectful of you and your space, but still obviously ogling you—ravenous predators slowly and eagerly circling their next meal.
It all made your skin prickle in anticipation, the thrill of the unknown buzzing in your veins.    
“Choo choo,” you muttered to yourself sarcastically, pouring a healthy amount of tequila into your cup.
Namjoon raised a brow. “What?”
“What?” you parroted immediately, startled that he had heard you.
“I just…nevermind, I thought you said something.”
“Oh. Uh, I was just wondering if any of you wanted any.”
“No, I’m okay. Thank you.”
“I’ll take some,” Tae piped up brightly, moving into your space before you could blink. Body a breath away as he reached over to you to pull his own cup from the cabinet. You froze at his proximity, unable to look away as he smirked down at you. “Choo choo,” he murmured with a wink.
Before you could react with anything more than a sharp gasp, he was pulling away again, reaching for the tequila bottle.
With a slightly unsteady hand, heart pumping furiously in your chest, you welcomed the burning liquid down your throat, sticking your cup out for Tae to pour you more once it was empty.
“So how have you all been?” you babbled, tone a little too high and strained to be casual. “It’s been so long, I was beginning to think you’d forgotten about me. Or that you’d made other arrangements or something. I don’t think I’ve ever been paid to be stood up before, that’s kind of embarrassing—” A hand, warm and gentle, rested on your arm, and immediately, all coherent thought escaped your electrified body.   
It was Seokjin, slowly rubbing what he likely thought were calming assurances, but only amping you up more. “She rambles when she’s nervous,” he informed his brothers, the small smile on his lips betraying his endearment.  
“Aw, don’t be nervous, babe. I’ll take good care of you,” Taehyung cooed, effortlessly draining his glass and motioning towards yours. “Want another one?”
No, that probably wouldn’t be a good idea. The last thing you needed was something that could lower your gag reflex even more. Vomming all over them would certainly make for an interesting going away gift, but then they would most certainly ghost you for real.
You shook your head of the negative thoughts, timidly swiping a tongue over your suddenly very dry lips. “So how exactly is this going to work?”  
“The way it’s always worked,” Tae reassured you with a nonchalant shrug. “It’s just you and me. The only difference is that they’re here too—but you don’t have to worry about that. I told them they could only watch.”
It took you a few moments to process that, your eyes silently roving over each of them and finding them all watching you right back. Ready, but waiting. 
Look, don’t touch. Another interesting twist to a night that was already looking to be interesting.
“Is that okay?” Seokjin asked, clearly intending to follow your lead. Leaving the ball in your court. And another glance at the other two showed they obviously shared their older brother’s sentiments. 
A memory flickered teasingly in the corner of your mind—the trepidation of being fucked in front of a window where anyone could see. The undeniable thrill that followed the thought of being watched. 
You swallowed. “Yeah,” you finally replied. “If…you want to.”
“Do you want us to?” Namjoon pressed sternly, refusing to let go of your gaze. Communication, he always insisted. Solid consent, or no consent at all. Yes or no.
All three stared at you. You shifted under their attention, a bit out of your element, but ultimately sure. “Yes,” you breathed.
“Okay,” Namjoon simply replied with an approving nod. With a pleased smile that brought forth dimpled cheeks. But then he shifted towards you more, and the slight change in his stance seemed to completely change his demeanor. His intention. “What’s your safeword?”
You knew he knew it; knew he knew you did as well. The two of you had been together enough times for a rhythm to between you to form, so this repeating of superfluous information was likely solely for his brothers’ benefits.
“And if you can’t say it?”
“Tap you 3 times.”
“Safeword?” Taehyung chuckled incredulously, eyes a little wide in surprise. “Well shit.”
“Yeah, and I know how to use it too, if you get out of line,” you teased, but your mind was already elsewhere. It didn’t matter that Tae was the one who would be actively playing with you today—you had spent enough time with Namjoon that you had apparently been conditioned. The blond had asked you your safeword, you repeated it to him, and so the scene had officially started. All of your previous unease ebbed away as you couldn’t help but focus instead on what you were all here for. 
Carefully, you set your glass down on the counter and moved to exit the kitchen, brushing against Taehyung on your way out and shooting a pointed look at him over your shoulder. “You ready?”
“Baby, you know I’m always ready,” he purred, jolted into action and eagerly trailing down the hallway after you. “I’ve just been waiting on you.”
You didn’t bother to turn to see if the others were following you. You knew they were, their very presence somehow making the hallway feel like it was shrinking, overstuffed. Still, you tried not to let that unnerve you, continuing on with purpose until you made it to your destination and were hovering awkwardly next to your bed. 
They all filed into the room, one by one, and you bit your lip, fully out of your element. Three handsome men had allowed you to lure them here, but now that they were? You had no idea what your next move was supposed to be.  
Luckily for you, Tae was more than happy to take initiative, immediately slinking up to your side and waggling his eyebrows suggestively. The gesture was so ridiculous that you couldn’t help but snort, and he simply grinned, pleased with himself for lessening your nerves, even if only a little. He reached for you without a second thought and you let him, eager to fall into more familiar territory. 
Taehyung’s large hands smoothed over your hips, your ass with clear familiarity. A finger curled under the top of your thigh highs, lightly snapping the elastic against your skin. “You really did this is for me, huh?”
The dark look in his eye had the breath catching in your throat. “Shut up,” you scoffed unconvincingly.
He tsked, the wicked curl of his lips ruining any illusion of disappointment. “You know I like it when you’re mean to me.” 
You could only blink in response. You hadn’t known that. Was he serious? Was this another level to his subjugation, or was he just pulling your leg? 
Before your brain had the opportunity to come up with a proper retort, Tae was reaching out a finger to tap the zipper of your sweatshirt, gaze focused on its slow, teasing sway. “So.”
Your brow lifted, an unspoken prompting. 
The swinging zipper almost slowed to a stop, and when he reached out this time, it was to lightly run his thumb over the metal, to slowly roll it between his fingers. You swallowed, the anticipation of what you knew to be coming only adding to the charged silence between you. Distractedly, the tip of his tongue swiped across his lips, drawing your gaze. “You invited me to play,” he finally continued, voice honeyed amber. Crushed velvet. 
As if he hadn’t been playing with you from the moment he entered your apartment. You tilted your head anyway—an invitation and a challenge. “Then let’s play.” 
A small smile touched his lips, clearly pleased that his teasing invoked yours. But he didn’t say anything else, his response simply to finally guide the zipper down its track. Leisurely, unwrapping you like a present and delighting in the underneath.  
And you had technically dressed yourself to be one, so you let him. Let him take his time so he could fully appreciate the swell of your breasts, the purposeful, flirty peek of your nipples through the scarlet lace. You wished you had had the time to properly do your hair and makeup and slip on the heels you had set aside just for the occasion so he could get your full intended effect, but your less than perfect appearance didn’t seem to dissuade Taehyung at all. No, he simply slid his hands under the fabric when he finally got impatient enough—fingers light and palms warm—and pushed the sweatshirt off your shoulders with eyes that were all pupil. His hungry gaze carefully roved your form, a lingering path from head to toe that made your skin tingle in its wake.  
His lips parted, tongue giving them another distracted swipe, and then he finally moved again, making his way to your dresser. Now that his broad form wasn’t blocking your view of the rest of the room, you were quickly reminded of the room’s other occupants. Seokjin and Namjoon still hovered near the doorway, quiet, but obviously also drinking in the sight of you now that they could see you properly. Your breath caught, not used to having so much obvious desire directed at you, the air so thick with it you could practically taste it, heady and syrupy.
A light scraping sound regained your attention, and when you turned your head, you realized Taehyung had pulled open a particular drawer—one that he had quickly became familiar with since the start of your arrangement. He pulled out the lube he was looking for, but was much more interested in something else in there, if the mischievous look on his face was any indicator. “What’s this?” he asked, mouth a delighted box, and before you could chastise him about going through your things without permission, he was already pulling out your wand vibrator. “You got a new toy?”
“It’s not new,” you huffed, slightly embarrassed despite everything. “I just usually keep it in the shower.”
You saw his Adam’s apple dip at that information. Saw the wheels turning behind his eyes before he was quickly shutting the drawer and headed towards the bed with his loot in hand. He sat on the edge and eagerly motioned for you to follow.
Your eyes narrowed suspiciously at the vibrator he had neglected to put away, but Taehyung just reached for your hand and gently pulled you towards him until you were close enough for him to properly guide onto his lap. “Don’t be like that,” he murmured against your neck, his hot breath against the skin inciting a shiver to run through you. “Gotta prep you for the show.”
Ah yes, the show. He had faced you away from him, so now it was impossible for you to forget your captive audience. At some point, Seokjin had pulled your office chair away from your desk, and now he was lounging across the room, in direct view of the bed. His legs were comfortably spread, almost as if it was an open invitation for you to crawl onto his lap instead. Namjoon, on the other hand, was casually leaning against the desk, arms crossed. Eyes dark.
Lips trailed up your neck, quickly regaining your attention. Taehyung pressed slow kisses into the sensitive skin, humming contentedly when you tilted your head to give him better access. His hands dragged up and down your stockinged legs, his exploration only pausing to playfully snap the garter at your thigh. Your breath caught in your throat, heat thrumming through your veins at the action. You felt him smirk, and then he was tactfully lifting your legs by the knees and hooking them around his own one by one. Easily spreading  your thighs by widening his own.
Easily revealing to your unsuspecting employers that your lingerie was crotchless.
The sudden display of your pussy had an immediate effect on the room, though no one said a word. The air was so charged with crackling energy that you shivered, almost breaking out in goosebumps at the onslaught of blatant desire. This close, it was quite easy for you to hear how Tae’s breath hitched, quite easy to interpret the excitement of his fingers, still compulsively tracing over the pattern of your stockings like he wasn’t even aware he was doing it. Inexplicably, you still found yourself feeling a bit shy at the salacious attention you intentionally brought upon yourself, gaze darting to the floor for a few seconds before you finally chanced a look at the other two from beneath your lashes. Seokjin was busy unabashedly staring at your spread pussy, Adam’s apple bobbing, but Namjoon was unabashedly staring at you, your heart pounding when you locked eyes.
The spell was only broken when an impatient hand guided your head to the side, Taehyung demanding your full attention. After lapping against your pulse one last time, his mouth promptly switched course to your own,  the kiss sweet, but decidedly sloppy due to the angle. In any case, it was easy to quickly lose yourself in the warmth of his lips—at this point, it was all practically reflex—and you were so engrossed in the ebb of his tongue that you completely missed the rather foreboding buzzing in the room until something was being purposefully pressed against the most sensitive part of you.
“Shit,” you gasped, jerking in his hold. But it didn’t matter, because Tae’s other hand was gripping tight at your thigh, ensuring you could do nothing but squirm in his lap, breath quickening in anticipation. 
“Hm?” came his casual response. You knew from experience that he only had your vibrator on the first or second level, but the way his restless fingers still plucked at your stockings told you he was nowhere near done with you. Let’s play you had teased, and he clearly intended to do just that. 
Before your thoughts could linger too long on how intense this night was likely going to be, the vibrator was shifted slightly to the side, resting momentarily on your thigh so Taehyung could reach for the bottle of lube and give it a generous squeeze. 
“What’s your plan?” you breathed, the question inane even to your own ears. But the words escaped you before you could even properly process them, needing to say something in an effort to distract yourself from the muted vibrations that were still trickling up your leg to your core. 
Tae let out an amused exhale, clearly not fooled by your feigned nonchalance. He humored you anyway, despite your very obvious failings to suppress a shiver. “Gotta prep you,” he answered huskily, busy warming the lube with his fingers and making them visibly slick in the process.
You only had one moment—two—before you felt him sliding a finger across the seam of you. Slowly dragging the digit up from your entrance to your clit, ghosting over the bundle of nerves just enough to make your breath catch, then drifting his way back down again.
“Don’t tease,” you murmured. 
That earned you a chuckle in response. “Don’t you think you’re the one being the tease here? Texting out of the blue and wearing this—”another snap of your garter against your thigh, to punctuate his point—“when you knew damn well it would drive me crazy?”
“I don’t know. Sounds like I was being pretty direct to me.”
Another chuckle. “Fair.” And without further preamble, he slipped a finger in you, your relief leaving you in a shuddery exhale. “That better?”
“How about this?”
Another finger, plunging into your willing heat and making another relieved sigh escape you at the stretch. “We’re getting there.”
You didn’t have to be able to see him to know he was grinning, always one to be entertained by the easy banter between you. Tae didn't say anything, his response better communicated by a scrape of his teeth across the sensitive skin of your neck, settling to suck on your pulse point. 
You didn’t bother hiding your shiver this time, unconsciously slumping further against him, hips reflexively jerking forward to pull him in deeper.
Taehyung added a third finger, snapping and scissoring and pressing and curling. Seducing your body’s natural resistance until you really started to betray your need, hips canting greedily towards his thrusts, whines erupting from your throat.
“You’re enjoying this already, baby?” Tae cooed, delighted by how responsive you were being. “I’ve barely done anything.”
You just nodded distractedly, the familiar warmth that was building in your core and creeping down your legs making it hard to think about anything else. Still, you couldn’t help your gaze being drawn to the other occupants of the room, who seemed to be frozen in time, dutifully having not moved from their posts. Completely enraptured by the way their brother meticulously worked you open.
Tae breathed hot into the shell of your ear. “You like it when they watch you?” came his knowing whisper, a nip against the cartilage punctuating his point. “Like for them to see how good I make you feel? Hmmm? What if we show them how good you take this dick?”
Your pussy fluttered. Tae cussed under his breath, teased with the wet, pulsing grip of you and falling deeper into his own fantasy. “Fuckkk, you’re dripping all over my hand, baby. I would probably just slide right in, wouldn’t I?”
“Yesss,” you moaned. “I can take it, baby.”
“I know you can. With this perfect fucking pussy. But what if we played some more? Got you nice and juicy for me?”
“I’m always juicy,” you sassed back, but any more retorts died on your tongue when you saw him reach again for the momentarily forgotten vibrator. 
Tae’s arms circled around you, his chin slotting into the crook of your neck so he could get a better look of what he intended to do. The vibrator was turned up from its low rumble and pressed unceremoniously against you, and you yelped, jolting in his hold. It was too much, and you couldn’t help but writhe against him. Still, you welcomed the sudden intensity, desperate whines freely escaping you as you hurtled toward your peak. Tae only fingered you faster in response, the undoubtedly sloppy sounds drowned out by the vibrator. “I could slide right in, but I won’t cause it’s much more fun this way. Especially since we haven’t seen each other in a while. More fun for everybody if take our time, right, baby? So how about you cum on my fingers first, and then you can pick everywhere else on me you’d like to cum?”
You could only moan freely, just like how Tae liked. If you weren’t so distracted by the way he was fucking stars behind your eyelids, you would have noticed just how affected your spectators were becoming at your display. The shifting, the subtle rubbing over pants.
But as it were, you were completely preoccupied by your swift descent into madness, your hand desperately scrabbling for purchase before ultimately rooting itself in the hair at Taehyung’s nape to await your rapidly approaching release. Because at this point, your orgasm was inevitable, your thighs quivering with the sheer force of it, every atom of you hyper-focused on achieving that satisfying end goal. 
Until the sudden sound of a certain voice knocked you out of your trance. 
You jolted as if touching a live wire, hand immediately wrapping around Taehyung’s wrist like a vice and yanking the vibrator away from you. 
For a few moments, the room was silent, save the rumble of the toy and your heavy breathing. But Taehyung was too baffled to let what just happened slide. “What’s the matter?”  
You nervously licked your lips, too frozen in Namjoon’s dark stare to answer his younger brother.
“You know better,” came the blond’s low admonishment, Seokjin turning to look at him in bewilderment. 
And you did know better—when you were with Namjoon, you were not allowed to cum without his express permission. It was a game the two of you played that you often lost, despite your valiant efforts. It just never occurred to you that you would still be expected to play in Namjoon’s general presence, whether he was the one touching you or not. 
Jittery with your aborted orgasm and nervous excitement, you looked away, your eyes automatically averted submissively to the floor in a last effort to assuage him. “I’m sorry, Daddy,” you replied softly.
“Daddy?” Taehyung repeated incredulously. “What the fuck?” In his confusion, his hold on you slackened, and, nervous he wouldn’t take the hint otherwise, you used the opportunity to shift his fingers out of you and stumble forward on wobbly legs.
“Take your clothes off,” was your reply, breath labored and skin already veiled in a light sheen of sweat. You needed to distract him from asking too many questions right now. Needed to distract yourself from just how strongly your body was begging to fall apart.
Tae was still confused, but he didn’t need to be told twice. Off came his button-down shirt, each button popped open just roughly enough that you were surprised none of them ended up scattered across the floor in his haste. Off came his slacks, unzipped and then easily slipped down his slim hips. He paused when reaching for his underwear though, eyes narrowing at something behind you.
You didn’t even get the chance to turn around to investigate what had caught his attention before you felt it—the distinct feeling of someone hovering in your space, close enough you could feel his body heat radiating against you.  
“Hey sweetheart,” came a familiar husky voice, goosebumps rippling across your body at the feel of Seokjin’s hot breath ghosting up your neck. “Can I touch you?”
“Hey,” Tae scowled.
“_____?” Jin interrupted, still only millimeters away. A whisper away, but never touching, waiting for the only permission he truly needed—yours. Not Taehyung’s.  
Without a second thought, you leaned back against him, delighting in the feel of his body slotting so naturally into yours. “Yes,” you breathed, pressing your ass further into what could only be the hard jut of his cock.  
Soft, plush lips trailed up your neck instantly, large hands sliding over your hips and around your waist. You immediately melted into him, your body well-trained and eager for the pleasure it knew those lips and hands would deliver. 
“This wasn’t the deal,” Tae huffed, eyebrows scrunched in irritation as he finally slid off his boxer briefs. Drawn like a magnet, your eyes fell to the bounce of his freed cock, tip already shiny with precum.
Seokjin tutted distractedly, too busy nibbling along your jaw to give his youngest brother much attention. “You need to learn to share, Taehyung. The rest of society learned that concept when we were toddlers.”
“Whatever,” Tae grumbled, clearly not happy with the way the night was turning out. He only allowed his brother a few more seconds to have his way with you before he was reaching for your hands and walking you back towards the bed.  
You gasped in surprise when the world was suddenly off-kilter, your hands reflexively scrambling to hold onto Tae for balance, but it was only when the two of you landed on the mattress that you realized he had purposely tipped you into him, your chests flush. 
“Really, Taehyung?” you laughed, now conveniently in his embrace instead of Seokjin’s. 
Tae just grinned in response, so close that his nose brushed yours. Cheekily, his hands worked the flesh of your behind.
“I’ve been wondering where those have been coming from,” you heard Seokjin say behind you, and your face heated up in realization of what he was talking about, once again shy to be so on display and open for scrutiny. You had forgotten how mottled the skin of your ass still looked, and it was a little embarrassing to be called out on it. Time apart meant the bruises were near the end of their healing stage, but though you no longer sported marks of potentially alarming colors, their faded remnants still branded you in the distinct shape of a hand. 
“If you were wondering, why didn’t you ask,” you countered, tucking your face in Tae’s neck to help hide your flustered state. 
“Because that’s rude,” Jin answered easily, his own hand reaching over to gently smooth over the discolored skin. “And it’s really none of my business.”
“I think they’re pretty,” Taehyung cut in from below you. This close, you could feel the rumble of his declaration, could feel the heat of his stare. Of his want.
“So do I.”
A different voice, one that made an undeniably eager shiver run through you. Slowly, you lifted your head and turned, and there was Namjoon, still standing across from the bed, eyes all pupil.
The way he was looking at you…desire rippled through your whole body in response, your next words leaving your lips before you could even process them. 
“Are you going to touch me too, Daddy?”
The room was quiet, the question marinating long enough that the air became thick and heavy with the resulting tension. Just when you thought you might suffocate, Namjoon finally tilted his head. Slowly—a predator locked in on prey, playing with his meal simply for his own amusement—he stalked closer to the bed. He walked past Seokjin and made it all the way to the foot of the mattress, close enough to touch you if he so pleased.
The burn of his gaze was somehow stronger now that he was closer, a palpable energy that drew you like a moth to a flame. You couldn’t help but scramble upright when he was finally right in front of you, clambering to your knees despite Tae’s clear reluctance to let you go.
“Do you want me to?” Namjoon asked passively. He looked down at you, seemingly unimpressed by how eagerly you knelt on the mattress, just waiting for him to join you on it. “You already have enough people taking care of you. Are you really that greedy?”
“Yes,” you shivered, the action involuntary but wanting. “Want you too, Daddy.”
“Hm.” The single syllable was dismissive, but your previous time spent with Namjoon had taught you not to take that at face value. That you had to have patience, that if you simply waited him out, you would always eventually get what you wanted.
As if proving your point, Namjoon silently considered you for a few more seconds before his eyebrow finally raised in challenge. “Open,” he demanded. 
Your jaw dropped instantly, tongue out, and he smiled, pleased at your obedient response.  
You weren’t sure you had the energy to be bratty to him today when his brothers were still in the mix too. 
“Good,” Namjoon cooed, all dimples and boy next door. The boy next door who firmly grasped your chin, lifting your head a little and leaning down. But though your eyelashes fluttered in preparation for the slot of his mouth against yours, it never came. Namjoon paused, slanted eyes quietly observing you, then spit in your open mouth instead.
“Jesus,” came Taehyung’s awed reply from behind you, but you were too busy trying not to whimper, thighs squeezing together with sudden want. Namjoon hadn’t told you you could swallow, so you didn’t, drool starting to collect until it overflowed and dribbled down your jaw. 
“Very good,” Namjoon murmured, and this time, he did lean down to kiss you, all wet and sloppy. You eagerly pushed further into his space, blood thrumming with your need for more, but he pulled away before you could get too carried away. He cleared his throat, lips pink and spit-slicked. “Gonna keep being a good girl for us today?”
You immediately nodded, a thrill going through you at the way the action rapidly made his expression steel over. He tsked condescendingly. “Now, now, you know better than to not speak when spoken to.”
“I’m sorry Daddy. I promise I’ll be good.”
“Well, that definitely answers the mystery bruises.” It was Seokjin, now behind you. Somehow you hadn’t noticed him discard his shirt and climb onto the bed, too caught in Namjoon’s spell. You felt his hands drifting across your waist again, roaming up to cup your breasts and lightly pinch at your nipples through the lace. You whimpered, arching eagerly into his touch.
“Oh come on,” Taehyung whined. A turn of your head produced him, naked and sulking in the middle of the bed. “It was supposed to be my turn.” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at his cute pout, dutifully extracting yourself from Jin’s hold to crawl your way towards the youngest brother. “Don’t worry, baby. I know how to multitask.”
He greedily grabbed you as soon as you were in reach, holding you tight to his chest and plopping back onto the bed so you were once again on top of him, knees straddling his hips. You giggled again at his antics, flattered by his sudden possessiveness, and Tae playfully nipped at your collarbone in retaliation. 
The bed dipped behind you, and then there was Seokjin again, undeterred by Tae’s petulant behavior. “Not only are you bad at sharing, but you’re only thinking about yourself,” he scoffed, grabbing your hips without preamble. “What about _____?”
Taehyung immediately bristled beneath you. 
“It’s okay,” you tried to reassure, but before you could properly defend him, you suddenly found yourself face down and ass up, the sudden appearance of a tongue swiping through your slit rendering you shuddery and brain dead. “Fuck. Jin—”
You felt Seokjin’s smirk against you. “Sorry, sweetheart,” he said huskily, hot breath ghosting over your most private of parts. “Couldn’t help myself. You dressed my meal up so pretty.”
That was fair, you supposed. That he made proper use of the easy access your lingerie provided, that he gave himself the opportunity to admire the tiny lacy hearts on your garter belt up close. But Seokjin didn’t allow himself to preen for very long, his focus immediately turning back to the task at hand. Laving hot and slow, your whole body tingling down to your toes.
Unconsciously, you pushed back further into his face, and Jin hummed approvingly, massaging your asscheeks, large hands spreading them apart so he could get as close to you as humanly possible. His enthusiasm has always been so fucking sexy, and you knew he wasn’t playing it up for theatrics when the slurping sounds started. You were that turned on, still frustrated from being led to the edge of the proverbial cliff and not allowed to jump, and Seokjin was more than happy to help himself to the honey he was coaxing from between your thighs. 
A haze was starting to take over you, completely focused on how good he was eating you out, on how hot you were, sweat and desire prickling your skin. Your hips mindlessly circling while you vaguely tried not to drool on Taehyung’s chest. 
Not that Tae seemed to mind much, hands idly roaming whatever stretch of skin he could touch, content to watch how your expression twisted and eyes glazed over as lust easily towed you under.
Seokjin pulled back a bit, chuckling at your whines of protest when he did so. But the familiar click of a top being popped open shut you up, lifting your head and looking over your shoulder to confirm your suspicions. The lube was a bit cold when it hit your asshole, and Jin wasn’t shy with the amount he squeezed out. His eyes were completely blown, enraptured by its slow decent, watching the lube trail through your pubic hair and down your slit. A distracted tongue swept across his lips, completely focused on sliding his fingers through the slick and making everything somehow even more wet. 
You shivered at his touch, thighs twitching as his long fingers smoothed the lube over your bundle of nerves in sure, purposeful circles. He leaned in again, tongue blazing a hot, meandering trail up the inside of your thigh and giving the sensitive skin there a playful nip before his fervent licks returned. Tongue slipping down to caress your clit, wandering back up to dip into your throbbing cunt, and dragging back down again. 
It was on one of these passes that Seokjin accidentally drifted a bit too high, your undulating hips causing him to lap over your asshole instead. You moaned, loud, and he immediately froze. 
It was clear neither of you had been expecting that reaction. But while you could only describe the look on his face as light surprise, you couldn’t help but duck your head in embarrassment.
“What’s the matter?” Taehyung breathed into your hair, wondering what halted the activities.
You weren’t really sure what to say, now embarrassed by your embarrassment. But it turned out you didn’t have to say anything, Seokjin curiously testing the waters by leaning in and placing a chaste kiss against your rim. When you didn’t do anything but suck in a breath, his tongue dipped out again for a tentative lick. You shuddered, ass reflexively bucking towards him instead of pulling away, and that was all the confirmation he needed. His hands palmed your asscheeks again, spreading them open to give himself more room to press his tongue against you more confidently, and you trembled in response.
It was a foreign sensation, but not bad. You technically hadn’t marked this as a no when signing your contract, but it never even crossed your mind that getting your booty ate would be a very real possibility. You weren’t against assplay per se—you simply had never experienced it before. And never in a million years would you have expected it to feel like this. 
“Mmmm, that’s good,” you couldn’t help but whimper. Electricity licked up your spine when his sloppy tongue slowly circled around the tight ring of muscle. Unbidden, your hand reached back, gliding through his hair before rooting itself and pulling in an attempt to get him impossibly closer to you. 
Seokjin hummed approvingly at the your enthusiasm, the sound almost sounding like he was blowing bubbles with the way you were now shoving his face between your asscheeks. Leaning somehow further into it, he ate you out with a vigor that told you he was clearly pleased you were using him to get yourself off. You melted into his ministrations, a whine falling from your lips when he gently slipped his sinful tongue inside you, the foreign feeling making your toes curl in unexpected pleasure. 
You were getting worked up. With nothing more than his mouth, Seokjin was easily restoking the blazing fire within you that only minutes before had been forced to embers. You were getting worked up, and the more you moaned and gyrated against him, the more Taehyung’s fingers twitched restlessly against your skin. If you had been in your right mind, you would have noticed his rising agitation and wouldn’t have been surprised when he suddenly grabbed you by the backs of your thighs and pulled you away from his brother. Instead, you blinked at him dazedly, pelvises flush after momentum had you inadvertently scooting further up his body.  
“I’ve shared enough,” he growled, irritated. “It’s my turn now.” Another pull, and you were back on his lap, his leaking erection grinding pointedly against your slick folds. “C’mere, baby—fucking sit it on it.” 
You were dazed, already pretty fucked out even though things were just getting started. The constant influx of pleasure was striking all your coherent thought, unable to understand anything other than finally being able to cross the finish line. And you knew from experience that Taehyung’s massive dick was a great way to get there, so you didn’t mind at all when he continued to maneuver you as he pleased, large hands canting your hips at a proper angle to receive him. 
Your breath hitched when he finally sunk into your fervid body. You were so turned on and wet at that point that it didn’t hurt the slightest, but he was so big that the very pressure of him forcing your walls apart caused your eyes to roll back in your head, your nails pressing crescent moons into the caramel of his skin. “Ungh—”    
“Shit,” Tae groaned, fingers tightening on your thighs at the wet grip of you. “Feel so fucking good, baby. Always so fucking good.”
He was buried balls deep, too on edge to give you any more than a few seconds to adjust before he was bucking wildly into you, easily scraping against your spongy nerves with every unforgiving stroke. You couldn’t do much more than take it, unfiltered moans readily escaping you. Hot and low, like they were generated deep in your pussy and Taehyung was hard at work fucking them up and out of your mouth.
You were so worked up at this point that you knew you weren’t going to last much longer, your walls tightening more and more by the second, your whole body trembling in preparation of the inevitable.
 “_____,” Namjoon snapped.
It took some effort to lift your head from where you had buried it in Tae’s neck, startled into blearily looking up to meet the middle brother’s steely gaze. Your mind raced, flustered and trying to understand how you had somehow forgotten about him. When his lips curled with a whisper of a smirk, it instantly dawned on you that him fading into the background had been entirely by design.
Namjoon had allowed you to be distracted by his brothers. Had allowed them to have all the fun while he quietly watched your slow, uncontrollable descent into carnality. Because he knew that all he had to do was wait, and you would inevitably disobey him.
And then his fun would start.
You had played your part in his little game, cockily swaggered your way right into his trap with thigh highs and a smile. Too naive to notice that the situation had been rigged from the start, and now that everything was in motion, it was far too late to save yourself from your oncoming reckoning. 
You were gasping, the pistoning of Taehyung’s cock setting all of your nerves alight and making it hard not to meet him thrust for thrust, trapped in meeting Namjoon’s stare through your wet lashes. He had moved to stand at the foot of the bed, close enough to touch, and he was the only person in the room who was still, bafflingly, fully-dressed.
“Please,” you babbled, too far gone to even know who your begging was directed towards. “Please, I—” Your body spazzed violently, only contained by Tae’s bruising grip as he relentlessly continued to plow into you. “Ohhh godddd! Fuckkk—ah, ahhhh—”
Against your best efforts, your cunt locked down, hard. So hard you forgot to breathe, pleasure and relief finally flooding your veins as you stuffed your face into Tae’s neck to ride it out, bucking and whining and incoherent.
Taehyung made a loud, choked noise, the feeling of you pulsing around him throwing him further into his trance. “Fuck yeah,” he growled, fingers digging into your thighs punishingly. Drilling into you harder, your release heightening his desperation for his own. Biology making him single-minded, manic, even when you started to mewl in oversensitivity. “Squeezing me so tight. Cream me good, baby. Fuck.” 
You continued to tremble, nothing more at this point than sparking nerve endings. Tae lifted his head a little to lick into your awaiting mouth, kissing you wet and wild and desperate while still plunging deep inside you.  
But even though you did nothing to attempt to control the torrent of whines freely spilling from your tongue, in the back of your mind, you still had the good sense to be nervous. Because even without seeing his face, you already knew Namjoon was pissed. 
You had failed.
As if confirming your thoughts, fingers wrapped around your hair and pulled, naturally ripping your lips from Taehyung’s and forcing your head to lift. With nowhere to hide, you were forced to meet the full intensity of Namjoon’s glare. 
“What did I say,” he demanded darkly, a muscle jumping in his jaw. Your blood pounded excitedly.
“Cut her some slack, Namjoon,” came Jin’s mild reply from behind you. Your eyes widened, not expecting his dismissive tone to go over very well. 
Namjoon didn’t acknowledge his older brother, instead focusing his attention on his younger. A carefully controlled tempest that was moments away from unleashing its wrath. “Taehyung. Move.”
The swivel of Tae’s hips slowed, but didn’t stop. He was too on edge, too close to joining you in bliss. “I—g-give me a minute, hyung—”
You could feel just how reluctant Tae was to comply—his rutting finally stopped, but his hips still instinctually twitching in a primal need to keep fucking you. Still, something in his brother’s tone made his protest cut off in his throat, and after a few labored, frustrated breaths, he obediently slipped out of you. 
You whimpered at the loss, your toes curling at the resulting friction. Between the cum that had long been leaking from you and dribbling down your thighs and the mess Tae’s cock was making in his excitement, it was hot and sticky where your bodies slotted together, and you couldn’t help the way you senselessly started to grind against him, lashes fluttering at the feeling.  
Namjoon scoffed at your clear desperation. “You would have liked that, wouldn’t you?” he snapped, grip still firm in your hair. “For him to cum inside you.”
You shivered at the thought, a little embarrassed that you were so obvious. “Yes, Daddy,” you murmured, releasing a shuttering breath when you felt Tae’s slick cock jump against your stomach at your admission.
“Well you’ve been bad,” Namjoon replied slowly, as you weren’t very bright, “so you don’t get to have what you want.” He took a step forward, legs knocking into the edge of the bed, now only a breath away, and you licked your lips, mentally preparing for what you knew would come.
But before he could get any closer to you—before Taehyung could even slide from beneath you—there were once again hands on your hips.
“Hey!” Tae snapped irritably, but whatever he had to say was drowned out by your surprised, rather pathetic choking when, with a delicious roll of his hips, Seokjin unexpectedly sank inside your pliant body, thoroughly making himself at home exactly where Tae had been forced to vacate. You had been so focused on Namjoon that you somehow missed the weight shifting behind you, the telltale rustling of clothing as he pushed is sweatpants down his hips enough to free his cock so he could stuff you the hilt. 
You had been saved by the eldest Kim, at least for now. But for how long would he really be able to delay your punishment?
Since he was still holding you by the hair, you could easily see the emotions flicker across Namjoon’s face at his older brother butting in, but his expression quickly settled into something mirroring cool indifference.
You knew better. Namjoon was a patient man, but you doubted he would let your disobedience slide so easily. 
Seemingly uncaring of either of his brothers’ vexation, Seokjin rode your ass, hips rolling forward in constant waves, strokes long and deep and pointed. Clearly wanting to keep you mewling for him. 
And as you did just that, you rapidly realized that saving you from Namjoon’s wrath had never been his intention. No, he simply liked you just like this, whiny and shivery and too fucked out to care that you were drooling and desperate. 
“You feel it, sweetheart?” he asked, voice melodic and sweet. Leaning over to press plump lips up your spine and sucking on a rather sensitive spot at the back of your neck. 
“Yesss,” you whined. You could feel everything, could feel the ripple of your ass every time his hips slammed against it, could feel every ridge of his cock that scraped against your insides. Sparks shot through you after every stroke, your clit forced to drag across Tae’s stomach with the force. “Fuck, you’re so big and deep, fuck, fuck.”
Seokjin just hummed, playing your body like a fiddle and pleased by how it was responding to him. Breath stuttering, toes curling, fingers gripping the sheets.
But despite how good he was making you feel, you weren’t too fucked out to overlook Namjoon this time. No, this time forgetting him was impossible, the middle brother doing nothing to hide his massive presence. He towered over you, intently watching you get railed by his older brother, and the barely suppressed fury you could sense radiating off him was making your cunt throb and head spin. 
“I’m sorry, D-Daddy,” you stuttered, everything tingling at the look he fixed you with in response. “I couldn’t help it.”
“Are you?” he asked lowly, a tic in his jaw. He let the question marinate for a few moments, let you simmer beneath his intense stare. Just when you felt the overwhelming compulsion to apologize again, he finally reached for you, a single finger lifting your chin and forcing you to meet his gaze directly. With a patronizing tilt of his head, he popped open the button on his pants. “Then make it up to me.”
You were already pushing yourself to your hands and knees, desperate to please. Taehyung’s hands drifted up your sides to steady you, your body trembling from the way Seokjin still reamed into you, undeterred. You reached out for the band of Namjoon’s pants, trying to get to the important bits, but he simply tutted and smacked your hand away.
“Mouth,” he said simply, the single word full of derision.
So you leaned forward again, this time using the tip of your nose to part his fly and give you proper access to his clothed cock. He was thick and swollen already, straining against the material, and you felt him stir with interest when you mouthed at him through the fabric. Coquettish licks lapping hot against the length of him and making his hips reflexively shift forward, unconsciously chasing the stimulation. You licked and sucked until there was a noticeable wet patch, doing your best to show that your apology was sincere and give him your full attention. 
But that was hard to do when his brothers were busy giving you their full attention.
Seokjin was in a trance, fingers sinking into your thighs so he could properly hammer into you. Thrusts steady and coaxing your pussy to leak its praises, your thighs sticky with your essence. 
Taehyung, on the other hand, was getting noticeably antsy beneath you, fingers increasingly twitching against your damp skin the longer his brothers got more of your attention. You looked down, and the furrow of his brow and downturn of his lips were your last clues to his growing jealousy before he took action, hand reaching up to drag through the mess you were making before his thumb sought your clit, rolling and pinching. You bucked and squealed, the extra stimulation rocking you to your core and making your walls pulse dangerously enough that you found yourself squirming to escape him, grabbing Tae’s wrist for the second time that night in an act of self-preservation.
He was undeterred, rerouting his focus to your chest instead. With impatient hands, he yanked on the cups of your bodysuit, a concerning ripping noise immediately filling the room at the action. Before you could even say anything, he was already lifting his head to eagerly bite and suckle on your newly freed tits, tongue curling around a pebbled nipple and mumbling “I’ll buy you another one.”
Switching from one erogenous zone to another did nothing to quell your desire, but at least the stimulation wasn’t as intense. This you could safely enjoy, lashes fluttering, chest inadvertently pushing further into his face in silent encouragement.
And encourage you did, Taehyung creating enough suction with his mouth to properly burst capillaries. Contentedly littering your skin with marks you allowed, comfortable in knowing this was a region easily covered by your clothes. 
Determined not to lose focus, you leaned forward again to continue giving Namjoon your full attention, trying to strategize the best way to get at him without using your hands. But either Namjoon finally decided to take pity on you or he was getting impatient too, because it was his own hands that reached down, only bothering to disturb his waistband enough to free his already leaking cock.
You didn’t know if it was a conditioned response from your past escapades or simply the extremely sexy sight of him giving himself a few firm, confident pumps. Either way, you felt it when you started to salivate, aching to properly taste him.
Your enthusiasm must have shown on your face, because the blond man simply smirked down at you knowingly, thumb slowly running over a prominent vein and further smearing his own mess around. “Well?” he prompted, almost sounding bored. You knew he wasn’t. That he was rock hard and dribbling precum, that his eyes were hooded yet laser-focused on the way his brothers devoured you—those were clues enough. Still, you couldn’t help the fire his feigned disinterest lit low in your belly, desperate to please him.      
You started low, turning your head so you could playfully tongue first at his balls before making the long trek up the massive length of him, taking care not to accidentally involve your teeth from the way Seokjin’s thrusts were rocking you forward. Finally, you took him in your mouth, suckling on the weeping head. Humming contentedly at the salty taste and meeting his blown eyes from beneath your lashes.
Namjoon’s lips parted, but he didn’t say anything, hips twitching forward when you pressed your tongue into his slit.
You didn’t notice at first. To be fair, you were plenty preoccupied with everything else going on, with all other sensations. So you didn’t notice Taehyung’s hand drifting over your hip until he was cupping one of your asscheeks, fingers teasing further inward. 
Before you could say anything, a finger sunk itself into your cunt, right next to where Jin was still plowing into you. You groaned, eyes rolling back at the added stretch, but the oldest brother wasn’t as pleased by the intrusion.    
“Taehyung,” he said gruffly, voice deep with irritation and thinly-veiled hunger. But Tae just pumped the long digit into you a few times and then slowly backtracked, lightly trailing the slick back up the cleft of your ass.
“Relax,” came Tae’s mellow reply, and when he started circling a questioning finger around your rim, you weren’t sure if he was talking to you or Seokjin. 
Still, you shivered, breath stuttering when you realized where this was going. When the finger did nothing more than circle and lightly press against you, you released Namjoon’s cockhead from between your lips, eyes fluttering. “Yes,” you breathed hot against Namjoon’s crotch, understanding what Tae was wordlessly asking you. 
A glance down produced Taehyung, eyes all pupil, tongue lolling thoughtfully in his mouth as he watched you tremble above him, tits rippling and swaying from Seokjin’s force. Finger mindlessly continuing the massaging of your hole. He locked eyes with you, making sure he understood, and then slowly started pressing the slick digit into your asshole.
You whimpered, fighting against your instinct to clamp down on him. Relax. Relax. It didn’t hurt exactly—was just pressure where you weren’t used to having any. And Tae made sure to go at a glacial pace, made sure to keep massaging your insides, to help you acclimate to the intrusion. 
Distantly, you felt Jin’s thrusts slow to something much more languid, and you had a feeling the way your body was opening up for his youngest brother was more than a little distracting.
“Good?” Tae asked shakily, sinking into you bit by bit. 
“Yes,” you slurred, completely fucked out. Tae’s always had large hands with long, elegant fingers, and right now, when he kept going further and further in, you were becoming privy to just how long they actually were. Your eyes threatened to roll back when his last knuckle finally breached you, and when he gave you a cursory tap after a few seconds, you had to swallow a moan. 
Rather affectionately, Namjoon started caressing your face, bringing your attention back to him. Dazed, you put him back in your mouth, continuing to suck him and trying not to think about how Seokjin was revving his pace back up and Taehyung was tapping your insides in tandem. Namjoon just smiled softly down at you, and it was so sweet that you almost don’t see what happened next coming, too preoccupied with everything else that was going on. Gently, his hand drifted up—and gripped you securely by the hair, cock suddenly surging down your throat. You immediately gagged, throat repeatedly convulsing around him, and he grunted appreciatively at the feeling before pulling all the way out. Cheeks still sweetly dimpling at how wrecked you were.
And wrecked was the only way to describe you. You were gasping, jaw glistening with spit. Eyes watering and whole body twitching from all the relentless stimulation.
Namjoon only gave you a few seconds to gain your bearings before a pull of your hair had your head snapping back. Before his cock was pushing back into your panting mouth. You tried your best to relax your throat this time, taking stuttered breaths from your nose when his fucking began in earnest. Tried your best to ignore the way your jaw threatened to lock from trying to accommodate the sheer girth of him.
It was a lot. You were feeling sensations from so many areas at once—ass, tits, mouth, cunt—that your brain was absolutely swirling trying to figure out which brother’s ministrations it should be focusing on. And though the pleasure pumping through you was borderline unbearable, you couldn’t even let that overflow of emotion out, your wails stuck bubbling in your chest because you were too busy lewdly gargling on Namjoon’s cock.
You remembered, all those months ago when you’d first been considering whether you should take this job, how you'd poured yourself another glass of wine and reread the contact for the nth time thinking well, I guess I do have three holes. That’s certainly convenient. 
Now that it was happening, however—now that all three of your holes were stuffed and both your mouth and your pussy were dribbling and messy and straining with effort—now, it was nothing short of intense. Nothing hurt, but you were so completely and entirely overwhelmed by all of the feeling that you thought you might just simply burst, your nerve endings crackling free and raining over the room like fireworks.  
It’s too much. It was too much, but right when you were starting to consider giving Namjoon two taps on the wrist—a metaphorical yellow—he backed off on his own, easing some of the pressure. And suddenly your mouth was free, a string of saliva still connecting you to his glistening cock before the tension of him stepping back eventually made it snap.  
Namjoon had eased some of the pressure, but he couldn’t stop more from surging forward in its place. Your body could only take so much of their tortuous teasing before it succumbed to its baser instincts, and it seemed you had finally reached your boiling point. In a trance, you pressed your hips backwards to meet Seokjin’s next stroke, forcing him deeper inside you and making you both shudder. And that small action was all the encouragement he needed, his primal instincts screaming at him to ruin you.
Drilling into you with new purpose, Jin fucked the remaining breath out of your lungs, staccatoed bursts of ah ah ah pouring from your drooling mouth. Panting like an animal in heat, moaning so wantonly that you would be embarrassed if you weren’t already so completely braindead with pleasure. 
“Holy shit,” Taehyung breathed, watching your rapid unraveling in amazement. “You’re so fucking hot. Fuck.”
Before even realizing what was happening, you finally shattered around him, your bones liquifying at the intensity and causing you to collapse on Tae, writhing and choking into his neck.
“There you go,” Jin encouraged, words wobbling as he tried to weather the force of how tightly your walls were squeezing him.
Taehyung was curling his finger within you to lengthen your orgasm, was absently rubbing your back to guide you through it. “So perfect,” he whispered, lips fondly brushing against your temple while you shook.
When it finally ended you were left twitching and sensitive, too dizzy from the sheer force of your climax to register the thunder rolling across Namjoon’s face.
His brothers did, though.
An audible squelch filled the room when, without warning, Seokjin pulled completely out of you. Confused, you looked over your shoulder at him, only to suddenly find yourself lifted and tilted, Taehyung surging upright and taking you with him. Unprepared to catch yourself, your back easily hit the mattress, now finding yourself looking up at the three brothers who hovered over you.   
“Hmmm.” Namjoon pretended to think, tone calm but eyes steely. “I could have sworn I specifically told you not to do that.”
“You did,” Jin cut in mildly, looking between the two of you curiously.
Your eyes widened, unprepared for this turn of events. You never would have pegged Jin as such an instigator, but apparently he was very interested in seeing the consequences of your continued disobedience.
Your betrayal must have shown on your face, because Seokjin’s lips pursed in amusement. “Sorry, sweetheart,” he chuckled, leaning down to press a chaste kiss against your lips. “You’ve been so good for me, but we have to be fair. And unlike Taehyung, I know how to share.”
“Am I or am I not sharing right now?” Tae griped, unamused by the dig. But you were no longer paying those two any attention, your focus now fully on Namjoon and the leisurely way he was now stripping out of his shirt.
“I’m sorry, Daddy,” you hedged, knowing before you even said the words that they would do jack shit to appease him. “It just felt too good…”
Namjoon raised an unimpressed eyebrow, throwing his t-shirt on the floor as if it offended him. “All you keep saying is sorry,” he mused. Down went his pants and underwear, kicked out of his way. His knee hit the mattress, Taehyung shifting to the side so Namjoon could finally stalk over to where you lay, fucked open and wet. Cautiously, you met his stare, the breath halting in your lungs when you recognized the retribution that was undoubtedly about to come. 
“But sorry means nothing if you don’t modify your behavior,” he tsked, eyes darkening. “So. I don’t believe you.”
That was all the warning you got before he was crowding into your space, grabbing you by the ankles and hooking them over his shoulders. Caging you in with his body, pressing close enough that his cock easily slid over the mess of your cunt, making you mewl at the sensation.
And that involuntary reaction didn’t seem to help your case with Namjoon. “More?” he scoffed, seemingly displeased, though the way he rocked his length through the seam of you told a different story. “After all that, you still want more?”
You were exhausted, thighs still quivering from your last orgasm. But you couldn’t help the way the weight of his body and the slide of his cock were causing your pussy to pulse. “Yes, Daddy,” you breathed, angling your hips down so you could deliciously meet him on his upstroke.
“And it’s all about what you want, isn’t it?” he mocked, spearing you to the hilt in one go. You choked at the intrusion, not expecting him to enter you so suddenly. At this point, you were fully prepped enough to take him, but, like his brothers, Namjoon was still a lot to take all at once.
Particularly when he had already made up his mind that the best way to punish you was with his cock.
You quickly gathered his gameplay from the immediate way he started rutting into you, not giving you any time to adjust or catch your breath. Simply railing you into the mattress, your legs over his shoulders ensuring he hit deep enough for you to feel it in your throat.
“Fuckkk,” you groaned, fingers curling in the sheets, biting down on your lip enough to taste metal. “Fuck fuck—”
“What?” he taunted, eyebrows furrowed in concentration. Making sure he scraped your g-spot on every thrust. “This is what you wanted, remember? And it’s all about what you want.”
“Yes, Daddy.” You could already feel yourself ready to clamp down again, your extremely sensitive pussy overreactive to any and all stimulation. “I want it, I want it, yesss—”
He pressed impossibly closer, bending you enough that you felt the burning strain in your legs, and that did the trick. Before you could nervously start to ponder whether you were flexible enough for what he wanted to do, you were cumming, hard, back attempting to bow with the force of it but only succeeding in making your whole body lock up and your vision blur.
Namjoon didn’t slow down during your climax, and he certainly didn’t slow down after. He fucked you like a machine, undeterred by how your pulsing walls tried to suck him in and keep him there. Undeterred by how you hopelessly whined and squirmed in overstimulation. And when you suddenly heard a familiar buzzing noise, there was nothing you could do but meet his intense gaze with wide, alarmed eyes.
“What?” he demanded, pressing your long-forgotten wand vibrator right on your clit and making you immediately jerk. The caramel of his skin was already glistening and beading with sweat, but he seemed long from tired. “You think you can cum on everbody’s dick but mine?”
It was too much, the near animalistic pace of his fucking paired with how high he had turned the vibrator making your hands shoot up, scrabbling along his biceps in a panicked response, your body now entirely on autopilot, desperately trying to save itself from its fate. 
“Please,” you heard yourself beg, choking at the intensity. Legs jerking uselessly on his shoulders, nails scratching marks down his skin.
But the word that would make him stop never passed your lips. And so he continued to ignore your unsuccessful struggling, fucking you right back to orgasm, this time somehow even stronger than the last and stealing all air from your lungs.
He felt it, of course. Felt exactly how hard you were squeezing him, the tight grip of your pussy evoking the grit of his teeth. 
“You’re gonna have to try harder than that to milk me,” he growled, moving the vibrator away from you just enough for you to suck in a breath. “Come on, take this dick since you want it so bad. Take it!” 
And you had no choice but to take it, trying your best not to black out as he forced the coil within you to snap, again and again. You were shrieking, but you couldn’t even perceive your own actions anymore, swept completely by his unforgiving undertow of pain-lined pleasure. Namjoon was fucking you stupid, scrambling your brain as easily as if it were an egg, forcing you to your most primal of reactions, your most basest of self. Thrashing beneath him, desperate tears trickling down your cheeks, spit freely trickling from your wailing mouth.
It felt neverending, this exquisite torture, and just when you were starting to get distressed about how much longer you would be able to take it, Namjoon’s thrusts started to turn sloppy.
“This is all you wanted, right?” he panted, hips stuttering. A welcome warning for what was soon to come. His focus rapidly shifted from your orgasm to his own, and the way he tossed the still buzzing vibrator to the side was nothing short of impatient.
You blinked up blearily at him, the reduction in stimulation helping you slowly return to your body after being stuck the stratosphere. 
“Wanted my nut? Agreed to fuck all of us at once just so you could get more of it, isn’t that right, babygirl?”
His intense stare told you he expected an answer, but all you could do was whine in response, hesitant to admit it. Pussy pulsing at the very visual he had conjured up. Warily, you glanced at the other two brothers, nervous at what you might find there, but one look quickly evaporated all uncertainty.
Though they had moved out of the way for Namjoon, they hadn’t moved far—still close enough for you to reach out and touch, still close enough for them to hover over you and get a close view of the action. Still close enough for you to see understanding dawn across Seokjin’s face, to see pure astonishment take over Taehyung’s.
Namjoon spotted your division in attention and was having none of it, a hand guiding your jaw until you were focusing on him again. “You like being a dirty cumslut,” he prompted mildly, your heart racing in response. Slipping a thumb between your plush lips and humming approvingly when you sucked on it, tongue twirling. “Don’t you, baby?”
“Yes, Daddy,” you moaned hoarsely, the very admission making your whole body vibrate. The continued hammering of your sensitive core making you want to reflexively squirm away, though Namjoon’s heavy body ensured you had nowhere to go.
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, I like being a dirty cumslut.”
Taehyung whimpered, and it was easy for you to deduce from the rapid movement you could see from the corner of your eye that he was jacking himself off while watching you. Well and truly done with delaying his own pleasure.
And from the rather manic way Namjoon was looking at you, he was obviously on the same wavelength. “And do you know how much cumsluts love it?” A quick swipe of his tongue over his panting lips. “They want it in them. On them.”
“Please, Daddy,” you begged, nearly sobbing at the strength your want. Your head whipping around, desperately pleading with all three of them. “Please let me have it! I’ve been so good, please—”
“Holy shit,” Tae groaned, eyes rolling back in his head. “Okay baby, I’ll give you what you want. I’ll give you it all. You want it all?”
“Yes. Yes, yes yes yes yesyesyes—”
Abruptly, Taehyung was pushing forward into your space, hovering more directly over you and treating you to the sight of how those long fingers were furiously pumping his cock. He was panting, a prominent vein in his neck visible because of his efforts, little whines escaping him as he viciously worked his slick length.
There was shifting on your other side, and your focus immediately turned to Seokjin. He looked back at you dazedly, lips parted, chest flushed at your attention.  
“Please?” you whimpered, fully aware how pathetic you must have looked but not giving a single shit. So long as you got what you wanted. You needed them to give you what you wanted.
The oldest immediately softened at your pleading, always so willing and eager to please you. “Of course,” he breathed, hand already moving over himself with long, tight strokes. He shivered, hips reflexively jumping forward at the stimulation. “W-Where?”
A shift, and Namjoon was pulling back from you, maneuvering your legs back to the bed and sitting back on his haunches. Despite this new position, he never let his cock leave the comfort of your walls, continuing to hammer into you, jaw locked in concentration, balls smacking into your ass with a lewd slapping sound. Focused only on racing to the finish line.
“Anywhere,” you shuddered. “Everywhere, just…” Your entire body was on fire and you could barely take it, the anticipation of what was about to happen making you writhe over the sheets, whimpering pathetically. Your tongue lolling out your gasping mouth, an eager target.
And then finally—finally—you were given what you asked for. Loud, uncontrolled moans spilled from Taehyung’s lips, swiftly becoming desperate before one last squeeze of his cock had him cumming, his release spraying hot all over your breasts and slowly trailing through your cleavage. 
You moaned with him, delight buzzing through your veins at being marked so intimately, and the sound seemed to trigger Namjoon, who immediately pulled out of you, expertly pumped himself a few times, and then ejaculated with a long, drawn-out grunt. After essentially edging himself for most of the night, the amount of cum he gifted you was more than generous, most of it painting your pussy in long ropes, but some of it inevitably ending up on your belly with how aggressively he was jerking himself off.      
The sight of it all, the feeling, was so unbearably hot that you almost came untouched, eyes rolling back, pussy pulsing with interest despite how exhausted you were. And your obvious pleasure was what finally set off Jin, teeth digging into his lower lip while his seed spurted white across the lower half of your face and slid down your jaw, some of it delightedly landing on your awaiting tongue. 
You hummed contentedly, immediately licking the thick, heady remnants from your lips so you wouldn’t waste a drop. Your eyes fluttered shut, your hands slowly and sensually trailing over your own body. Basking in it all. Purposely smearing their mess over wider stretches of skin—pinching gently at your nipples, dragging your fingers between your tits, gliding over your hips, drawing light, sticky figure eights around your clit before dipping a bit lower and slipping two cum-coated digits inside your hot walls. Your hips twitched, lazily chasing the intrusion on reflex. Simply enjoying being so completely and utterly satisfied.   
You were so transfixed and in your own world that you completely forgot about the three other people still in the room, greedily feasting on the undeniably filthy way you savored what they gave you. You weren’t sure how long they let you be, but it was a voice finally breaking the silence that slowly lured back to reality.          
The voice was gentle, yet deep, the spell cast over you immediately broken at the sound of it. It was Namjoon, hovering over you again, lips quirking into a small smile as he watched the fog disperse from your eyes. “How do you feel?”
You let out a satisfied sigh, pulling your fingers out of your pussy with hum. “Tired,” you admitted, voice raspy from the activities. “But amazing.”
His smile widened, cheeks dimpling. “I’m glad.”
Suddenly, Taehyung was laying on the bed with you, arms wrapped around your sticky form. Just like always, his sweaty body slotted easily against yours, happily nuzzling his face into your neck and apparently wholly unfazed about the fact that you were completely covered in spunk. “You’re amazing,” he chirped, pressing a flurry of kisses into your skin and making you giggle. “You know, when you told me you liked cum forever ago, I didn’t realize this was what you meant.” 
“You never asked,” you shrugged, somehow still timid despite everything that had just happened. “What did you want me to say, exactly? Hey Tae, do you mind doing me a solid and shooting the club up? Or maybe can you give me a nice, relaxing facial?”
The pure bafflement of his expression had you laughing again. “In what world would I ever say no to that?” he demanded incredulously. 
Amused by the turn in conversation, Seokjin bent down to press his lips against your forehead in gratitude before swinging his legs over the side of the bed. “Do you mind if I use your shower?”
“Of course,” you replied, moving to direct him to your bathroom before Namjoon stopped you with a pat on the thigh.
“I’ll show him.”
You couldn’t help but watch their strong, naked forms leave the room, eyes drawn to the musculature of their backs and buttocks.
“Hey.” Tae poked you in the cheek, mirth dancing in his eyes from catching your ogling. “Focus. I’m talking to you.”
“What, I’m not allowed to enjoy the view?” 
He couldn’t help but huff out a laugh, though he was undeterred from getting the answers he sought.
“I told you what I wanted,” he reminded you gently, pressing another kiss against your jaw. “You know you could have done the same.”
You shifted in his hold, sheepish. “Tae, all of this isn’t really about me…”
“What, so just because we’re paying you, you’re not supposed to enjoy it too?” he scoffed. “Baby, as we’ve just proven tonight, it’s more fun when we all have fun.”
“I always have fun!” you protested, but you were prevented from elaborating by Namjoon returning with a washcloth. He climbed back on the bed, reaching for your ankles and guiding them apart.
“Open,” he directed, his tone containing none of the dominance it often had when he usually uttered the word. You obediently followed his instruction, a soft sigh escaping your lips when he pressed the warm cloth against your thoroughly battered netherparts and started cleaning you up. 
For a little bit, Taehyung watched your makeshift bath in silence, not even saying anything when Namjoon left to rinse off the towel and came back with a freshly damp one, gliding over the stained skin of your face and chest before they started to crust over. In fact, Tae didn’t speak again until your spot bath was finished and Namjoon was clambering back in the bed with the two of you, an arm slinging low over your waist as to not disturb where Tae’s rested. Pulling you against him until your chests were flush.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come with us on our trip?” You could feel Taehyung’s pout against your skin, displeased at the idea of being away from you for three weeks.
You huffed out a laugh, slinging a leg over Namjoon’s hip to settle more comfortably into your new position as the filling of a TaeJoon sandwich. “I’m positive. I have a lot studying to do and frankly, I’m not completely sure I can walk anymore.”
“Who said you need to walk?” Namjoon cut in sleepily. 
“We can pay someone to walk for you,” came Tae’s enthusiastic, yet ridiculous offer. “We’ll be going to meetings, but you can just roam the city if you want. Or relax at the hotel. You can lounge by the pool all day and put all your food and drinks on our tab.” 
Though it certainly sounded tempting, you were fully aware what the tradeoff of that makeshift vacation would be, and the absolute last thing you wanted to think about after the crazy intense session you just experienced was sex. So, despite Taehyung’s wheedling, you managed to stand firm in your decision, completely fine with waiting until they were back in the country to even consider spreading your legs for any of them again.
And you were justified when Seokjin finally reappeared, fully clothed, rubbing a towel through his hair, and informing you that his assistant Wendy would be in touch to schedule his next session for sometime after he returned.
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mcflymemes · 9 months
just spotted that rant complaining about shipping in the rpc (the one using an ableist slur as an insult, which already discredits the post's validity in my eyes) and i just wanted to offer my two cents.
"remember when people wrote with you nonstop, bombed your DMs with headcanons and gushings, tagged aesthetics that reminded them of the shipped muses? remember when people actually knew how to juggle and be a partner? it was a double effort and we had loads of fun."
i just did a poll on this blog to determine how long people have been in the rpc... and 66% of the people that voted have been here for 8+ years. do you know what that means? it means "back in the day" when we were "writing nonstop" or when we "knew how to juggle and be a partner" many of us were younger. a lot of us were in high school or college, or we didn't have jobs, or we weren't old enough for huge responsibilities. many didn't have families or kids. we didn't have the responsibilities 8 years ago that we do now.
many of us have busy irl lives with travel, work, children, spouses, family members to look after, animals to care for, money troubles, schoolwork, medical issues. homes to look after, groceries to buy, mental health struggles, irl friends to visit with, etc. as much as we all love this hobby, and we want to find people who are passionate about our characters or our writing as much as we are... you are not owed this. you were never owed this. it was simply easier a few years ago.
you are owed kindness, basic human decency, and a respect for your blog rules. you are not owed ships. you are not owed someone's passion or their constant enthusiasm or their time away from irl events. you are not owed their daily messages, their instant replies, their eternal passion for your ship.
"i long for the days that when someone said they wanted to ship with your muse, they meant it."
they still mean it. unfortunately... they don't always have the time. our lives have evolved and with that, the rpc has evolved into something with less pressure, less demand, less of an obligation. and that's okay, because we have irl things to worry about. this is a hobby. this is not a job. more important things in our lives have taken priority. the rpc has changed... and that's okay.
finally, and most importantly, you should know better than to use the term "spastic" as a derogatory term in your quest to insult these people.
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beautouslysandy · 1 year
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headcannons of the boys dating a soc!reader
by- sandy
the outsiders x gn!reader
warnings- a bit of language, lowercase intended, not proofread, and some fluff
word count-
request- Headcannons on dating each of the greaser boys, as a soc??
a/n 💌 - ahh finally finished! i apologize for the long wait, this longer than expected.
darrel curtis-
-oh my my, darry usual is strong but he was weak knees for you my friend. he has known you since the diapers, growing up together, learning and exploring together has created such a strong bond between the two of you. nobody can take that from you two, nobody.
-you may have different lifestyles, bank numbers, and lived on opposite sides of the town but that has never stopped you two. high school sweethearts, the golden couple, then couple that was going to go places. unfortunately due to the death of mrs and mr. curtis, there was a halt in darry's plans. you were more than willing to help out and change your plans completely but darry insisted that you go to college. you gave in, unwillingly. you live at the curits estate and feel more comfortable there than you ever had in your own home.
-you guys love going on dates together but recently it’s been a while since you two have had a night to yourselves.
-he sometimes will randomly being home flowers for you (most likely roses). even through his busy schedule he still makes time for you because he doesn’t want to lose you because you mean so much to him. -your parents would have preferred you had ended up with a soc but they love darry and know he is gonna go places.
-overall your “social status’s” don’t change anything between you two
sodapop curtis-
-you and sodapop are one of the cutest couples out there, this boy worships the ground you walk on. you are everything he has ever dreamed off, the perfect s/o.
-at first you thought he was too cheery but you hav grown to love that side of him. your parents we’re not keen on him and still aren’t especially since he is a dropout.
-when he told you he was dropping out…you needed a second. it was only fair, i men’s he just threw it on you but you knew he was the one and didn’t let this stop you from being with the love of your life.
-you help with some schoolwork if he wants but you don’t force it on him because he left school for reasons that are valid. you always say you can help out with money but he always declines, he doesn’t like taking peoples charity. (a canon i have for him.)
-i do think at times he thinks about your future together at you which consists of two ending up married and having kids but he fears he won’t be able to provide for you and get everything you ever dreamt of. and though that may be true…all you have ever wanted is him. you have to remind him constantly.
-he does fear you might leave him for someone more intelligent and more wealthy but deep downs he knows that you would never think of that. you belong to him as much as he belongs to you…this definitely isn’t one-sided love
-overall i do think he worries he won’t ever been enough but you always change his mind.
ponyboy curtis-
-he knows he is too young to start thinking about your guys future but that doesn’t stop him. his feelings about the future are a mix of his older brothers…at times he worries he isn’t worthy of you but other times it never bothers him.
-your parents, though ponyboy is from the north side, have taken quite a liking to him. he is smart and is going places.
-he wants to take you to the city and help you reach your goals and dreams. he wants to achieve your guys dreams together and get outta town together. he wants his kids to already be at a place where they don’t have to leave to gain their dreams.
-he wants to be enough for you, he doesn’t want to lose but if it’s for the best for you…he will let you go. he wants you to do well in life and get everything you deserve…even if that means he isn’t right there by your side.
-he thinks your worthy of the entire world, he secretly thinks your the most amazing person to ever walk to planet. unlike sodapop, he keeps it to himself. -part of the reason he studies so hard is so that he can prove to everyone (including himself) that he is worthy of calling you his. -though bank numbers don’t mean anything to you and sometimes him. he wants to be able give you everything you look at and like. he wants to give you your dreams.
johnny cade-
-this poor boy is worried about everything, that your going to leave him, that he won’t ever be enough, that he might accidentally make you run away, that he will mess this up. he wish life was simpler. but it isn’t (sorry johnny)
-you always try your best to prove to him that your happy with him but it never works. he is nervous that your gonna leave. -he spends a lot of time at your house because it’s one of the only places he truly feels safe. your mom adores johnny and always checks up on him. she knows about his living situation. your dad on the other hand isn’t so fond of him but you seem quite happy and all he wants is for you to be happy, and i mean what harm could being with johnny do? -he can be quite a worry wart and nervous wreck, you really are the only person who can calm him down. you have to be super calm around him when he is anxious or scared and you can handle that. he loves you inside and out would never ever hurt you the way his dad does to him but gets scared he might get angry and accidentally hit you. you always say he can come live with you and your folks but he always declines. he doesn’t want to be a burden.
-i think one of his biggest fears (beside you leaving and him hurting you accidentally) is that he will pull you down, that you won’t be able to achieve things with him around. he doesn’t want to leave your side and won’t realize that he is pulling you down and that you won’t say anything because you don’t want to lose him either. that you will end up miserable and it was all his fault. -i think that he feels like you could do so much better then him partly because you have the choice of many options and opportunities. people at school i think make fun of you two being together and he lets it get to him…they make fun of the top of you because johnny is a poor kid with an unstable family while your a rich kid with a happy white picket fence family
dallas winston-
-at first he was totally against the idea of you two being together, i mean dallas is infamous for hating socs but slowly he began to fall for you and everything about you. at first you decided to keep your relationship a secret and oh was it the time of your life. sneaking around and giggling at night, looking at each other form across the room at bucks and him slipping dirty little notes in your backpack when your heading to your car after school (he picks up johnny- a canon i have). it was like a mission not to get caught.
-but then at some point you got tired of the fooling around, you wanted something serious and you wanted it with dallas. i am not going to lie, this scared the shit out of him. he has only ever fooled around, it’s all he knows. he probably ghosted you for a bit (i am sorryyy) and this shattered your heart. he saw your vibe had completely flopped ever since he ghosted you and this made him feel terrible. “you did this to them, you , you asshole.” was all he could tell himself when his eyes woudl laid on you.
-at some point he couldn’t handle it anymore and said that he was ready for a serious relationship, you guys most likely had an argument about how he completely ghosted you and then out of nowhere cam up to you and said he was ready. you guys sooner or later began dating, serious dating. -when he met your parents they completely disapproved of the tall brunette due to many thing one of the main things was of his criminal record. he probably tried his best at the dinner (look at my meet the parents post for a kind of play by play of what it might be like) to be a gentleman but then one of your family members got to him and his true colors showed. i think you guys probably had an argument.
-overall i think it would be to much pressure for our dallas, he would feel the need to be perfect 24/7 and that would get to him. it wasn’t the fact that you two were in a serious relationship it was that he could handle getting judged for every action he made that he had made before he met you and they weren’t judged. i don’t think the relationship would survive more than a year before dallas broke it off. but later down the road after dallas had matured and cleaned up his act, you had changed and grew as person, soon enough you two would find your way back to each other and this time your relationship would survive.
keith “two-bit” matthews-
-at first it was just fooling around, i mean you could never picture your future with him, but the farther down the road the more you could picture it. and soon enough you found your daydreams and dreams being about you and his life together with kids and the perfect house, the whole package.
-you never said anything about being a serious couple but he felt the same way which was odd for a character like him. he pictured him and his kids eating chocolate cake for breakfast every morning and you lecturing them how it’s not good for you as he took a sip of beer. he always smiles at the daydream.
-when you guys eventually got serious, you wanted him to meet your parents. he tried his best to clean up himself and his act when he met your parents. he made your dad laugh more then once, your mother thought he was childish but your dad loved him. which was a shocker to you and two-bit. you walked out of that house beaming like a million suns.
-overall i think you and two-bit would make it with your looks and his sense of humor…you two fit together like a jigsaw puzzle, at times he may doubt his worthiness of you but he doesn’t like to focus on the negative…he wants to put all his focus on you
steve randle-
-to be honest you guys probably met because you car needed to be fix and since he works at dx, one thing lead to another. he was the one to fall first by far, he was in awe of your presence. a lot like soda he probably worships the ground you walk on but not as much as soda would. no one can.
-i think that steve probably thought that he was to immature for you and undeserving. you are an angel and he doesn’t deserve you, is what he told himself. you refuse to let him think like that. to you his other dream guy.
-i think he would get along with your dad if he is in to cars but other than that probably not. he is a bit childish if i do say so myself so people don’t always love their child going out with someone like that, if they want to be together in the future. your mom most likely isn’t fond of him because unlike your dad who likes cars equaling he likes steve, she has nothing in common with him.
-i would like to think that steve spoils you a bit, he doesn’t want you thinking you deserve less just because your dating some guy on the north side. you deserve the world and he knows it.
-overall i think you and steve would make it because he had won over your dad. your mom grew to love him and you were the happiest person in town, beside steve of course. he still at times thinks you deserve the world and then goes but everything he can and gives you it. sometimes it can be really random stuff like a pan or a fish bowl which you don’t need either but you love it. you still have a drainer he got you once in your room. and you guys got a fish together so the fish bowl was put to use. you never don’t use the stuff he gets you because it means a lot that he buys it for you.
tim shepard-
-this guy could care less about statuses with you. he doesn't care if your the most hated person on the planet or the most beloved person...the richest or the poorest. to him your just you, a perfect human being that he has the gift of calling his. he is super protective of you, nobody can touch you but him.
-your parents hate that you are with him but know that they have no control. they think he is a bad influence.
-you most likely are a maternal figure in curly's life. he looks up to you and goes to you when somethings wrong, something that he thinks tim wouldn't understand. honestly you love being able to give curly that kind of support and care.
-i think tim would definitely try and get you to see that he is a bad guy and that you deserve someone better, someone that can give you everything you could ever dream of, someone who can provide. it didn't work, he was what you wanted not some egotistical ass from the south side. you wanted tim shepard.
-he would secretly worship you. he knows he has caught a good one and isn't gonna let you go. he doesn't want to seem lovesick, it ruins his street credit guys come on. deep down though he would do anything for you, if would make you happy and means he gets to see that life-changing smile of yours...then he is going to do it.
-overall, you and tim would be endgame. he just wants you to be his. he doesn't care about the bank numbers or what people think, and neither do you.
curly shepard-
-curly shepard was definelty intimadated when he first saw you, for sure. your beauty and riches made him feel like he had no chance with you. little did he know that you were pinning for him.
-i think the reason your parents don't approve of him is because of his record other than that they think he is sweet boy.
-i think he would feel like that he is never enough for you. that you need someone steady and mature. to him he is neither and he feels that is what you deserve. he would never dare to break it off because he wouldn't be able to handle the pain of losing you and he wouldn't be able to handle knowing he was causing you pain.
-curly unlike his brother does care about the numbers and statuses because it makes him see that he doesn't deserve for which some reason empowers him. he wants to be better for you meaning that he is trying his best not to get in trouble, to do well in school so that he can have those big numbers and statuses for you. a lot people think its stupid, his curly shepard. how is he gonna make it out of tusla with his record, but you believed in him and thats all that mattered.
-overall, curly is head over heels for you and you bring out the best in him. what's in it for you? well you get good cuddles and a sweet boyfriend who loves you for you nothing else.
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kittievampire · 1 year
hi hi ! so can i request OM brothers reacting MC self harming/attempting suicide (whichever one you think fits the brothers most) ? if that’s okay with you of course ? thanks lovie <3 !!
I'll only be doing cutting and other such unhealthy habits that fit the brothers here, if that's okay!
Lemme see what I have in my bag, my dear~
Click here if you wanna request!
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Warnings: Angst, Self-Harm, Depression, Insomnia, Anxiety, Social Anxiety, Stress Eating, Anger Management Issues, Physical Insecurities, Workaholic Tendancies, Hurt/Comfort, GN! MC
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You'd struggled with depression long before you were sent to the Devildom. While the brothers had managed to keep you busy, to the point where your mind didn't have the time nor the energy to think about the things that made you feel so down, there were still plenty of times when you found yourself breaking down or even resorting back to the bad habits you'd thought you'd "grown out of." Life isn't easy, you know this. But you hated to make it someone else's problem. Whenever you'd tell someone about your issues, you always felt like a burden, so you kept it to yourself. When the brothers entered your life, you didn't want them finding out about it at all. That's when you tried to better yourself, get rid of those habits that kept you down in that place. But, unfortunately, life isn't easy, old habits are hard to kill, and secrets won't always be kept hidden.
You struggled with accepting the reality of life's cruelty.
You wanted to keep your mind busy so that you could have some form of escape, even if that meant pulling all-nighters just so you didn't have to fear the things that'd appear in your head once the area around you gets quiet and your mind is free to wander. This meant that you'd be doing a majority of your RAD schoolwork at night, weeks before the due date just so you could distract yourself.
You could still see the scars that littered over your arms, mainly those from your more recent assaults upon yourself, though you were always careful to hide them.
When you were in your room one night, however, you were wearing a tank top and shorts, ready to call it a night until your anxiety spiked and you were suddenly sitting at your desk, scribbling notes of random, possibly useless, information that you recalled from your lessons.
You managed to fall asleep like this.
Lucifer had only walked into your room to check on you, as he could see the faintest light seeping from beneath your door. He was just about ready to scold you for staying up so late, but when he entered the room and walked toward you, he noticed two things.
One being that you were very much asleep, your cheek pressed against an open textbook, and small scribble lines not going unnoticed as signs of your drowsiness before you passed out.
Two being that your arms were almost covered in scars.
His eyes widened, reaching a gloved hand out gently to twist your arm toward him, getting a better look.
There were scabs and old wounds that littered your arms, all the way up to your upper forearm.
His true surprise though, was when he saw one that was different from the others. It was still red, not bleeding, but it was more recent than the ones that had healed over.
Were you unhappy here? Why did you feel the need to do such a thing?
Lucifer couldn't begin to comprehend the complexity of human emotion, it wasn't his best suit in general. But this? He had no idea what he should do. Wake you up? Pretend like he didn't see anything?
He carefully carried you to your bed and tucked you in, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead, and softly wishing you sweet dreams.
After that, Lucifer would definitely check up on you more often. "How was your day, MC?", "Not too overworked, I hope?", "Perhaps your efforts should be rewarded. How about dinner? On me."
He never spoke to you directly about it. Even if he did, there wasn't much he knew to do. Despite this, he wants to be your rock, your shoulder to cry on. Every opportunity he gets, he holds his hand out to you, allowing you to rant about the shitty day you've had or how much you hate something/someone.
And every time, when he'd comfort you with a warm and tight embrace and soft strokes to your hair, he'd press a kiss to the top of your head, and whisper to you,
"I'm always here for you, whenever you need me."
You struggled with talking about your emotions to other people.
Whenever you did, you just felt like a burden, so you often would bottle up everything you felt and let it all out at once when you're in the privacy of your own room, crying, and cutting.
Mammon walked in on you in the act, actually. His shades fell to the ground at the same time your small blade did.
"O-Oi! Whaddya think yer doin', huh?!" He asked, closing the door and rushing to your side. "Bandages," He muttered, dashing out of the room for a mere moment before running back in, unraveling the roll of bandages, and dropping the rest of the First-Aid kit. "Shit!" He fumbled with some of the supplies but quickly got to work on wrapping up your arms.
It was sloppy work, but at least he managed to tie it and stop the blood from seeping out of the cuts you'd made. The whole time, you just sat there, frozen in place, tears seemingly not stopping anytime soon.
When he was done bandaging you, he sat down at your side, and there was silence for the first time between the two of you. You didn't want to start bawling your eyes out, but you couldn't stop the small whimpers that escaped your throat, nor could you stop the tears that stained your face.
You rested your head on his shoulder and started sobbing, gripping his jacket, seeking his comfort.
Mammon flinched at the sudden contact but quickly wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close.
Twenty minutes passed before he spoke amidst the silence after you'd finished crying.
"M'not gonna ask why... Just... Please don't do it again... I'll try to make ya happy, okay? Just promise me ya won't do it again."
You struggled with socializing.
Ever since you were a child, you never really fit in with society, so you just decided to hole yourself up in your room.
However, when you did try to make friends, you'd always get turned down rather harshly.
You were considered a weirdo.
So, you started cutting. It became a habit that stuck with you into your adulthood, and it was difficult to get rid of.
Even at the House of Lamentation, you found it too tempting. Especially when Asmodeus or Mammon would give you weird looks when you'd try to include yourself in conversation with the two of them.
The only person who could understand this was Leviathan, which is why he didn't ask any questions when he saw your scars. He didn't ask why you did it, didn't tell you off for doing it, he understood more than you thought. The thing is, his scars healed way faster because of his immortality.
"Don't hurt yourself, MC. Those dumb normies don't deserve people like you," He'd say, a determined smile on his face. "Why don't we do a marathon of your favorite anime? What was it? Devil Killer? (Cookie for whoever gets this reference) We can watch that and play video games all night if it means taking your mind off of things. So, um... L-Let's try to be each other's company, if that's okay with you..."
You were very emotional.
You'd be chided and teased for your short temper, your "crybaby" nature, but you just didn't know how to handle your own emotions sometimes.
Well, all the time.
So, you started cutting. Though, you didn't want to be conspicuous. You knew better than to let people know your weakness just from rolling up your sleeves. Your area of choice was your thighs.
You became fond of the cutting as a release of your feelings. This bleeded into your adulthood, and it was the only way you could cope without being so emotional.
However, nothing can get past the Avatar of Wrath when it comes to his own sin.
He could tell you were angry, angry enough to do something drastic, so he didn't bother knocking when he came into your room.
Satan saw you sitting on your bed, towel beneath you, thighs bleeding, a blade in your hand, and tears in your eyes.
He was quick to come in with the first-aid kit, neatly bandaging your wounds.
"Satan—" "Not right now, MC," He cut you off. He was upset that you were hurting yourself, and he couldn't trust himself to talk to you without scolding you. Scolding wasn't what you needed right now.
Once he was finished, he looked down at you, a distraught expression on his face. "Why would you do this to yourself, MC?" He asked softly, resting his forehead against your shoulder. He held your hips with his hands, trying to maintain a hold on you. "Why hurt yourself? Is it because of what others think of you? What you think of yourself?"
Satan tucked a few strands of your hair behind your ear, emerald eyes peering deep into yours. "No matter. You don't have to answer my questions now, MC... I just want you to be okay."
You struggled with loving yourself.
You were always pressured to live up to society's beauty standards. When you tried, you failed more often than you didn't, and you'd be chided for your failure. That's why you started cutting in the first place.
Cutting gave you this kind of inexplicable relief. Since you hated yourself so much, there was a small voice in the back of your head telling you that something so ugly deserves this kind of treatment.
When Asmo saw your arms for the first time, he was frozen in place. The Avatar of Lust was speechless for the first time in years.
It was an accident, you'd never meant to expose your cut-up arms to him for fear of being judged. He was just really pushy about you trying out a new perfume, one that had a roll-on applicator.
"Darling," He spoke softly, keeping a sweet tone as he gently grasped your hands. "Did you do this?"
You bit your lip, casting your gaze down to your lap. Almost immediately, he grasped your chin between his thumb and index finger, tilting your head upward to look at him. The saddened expression in his eyes almost made you run out of the room.
He let out a small sigh, opening a drawer that was attached to his vanity mirror.
"You really shouldn't," He murmured softly as he squirted ointment onto your arm, rubbing it into your skin. "Your skin is too pretty, you're too pretty to be harming yourself like this."
You hadn't been called pretty before, not from what you can remember.
"Don't do this anymore, yes? Promise me you won't harm your beautiful body like this anymore."
You struggled with your body image and stress eating.
You found it difficult to live up to the standards set by society, at least, that's what you felt. You always felt very insecure about your body, and your eating habits didn't help either.
The Avatar of Gluttony found out about your stress eating when he was raiding the fridge one night. You had woken up feeling especially stressed out about an exam you had the next day, so you had gone down to the kitchen to grab a snack.
You and Beel had a conversation about your habit, and how insecure you felt about yourself.
"Your body looks fine, MC," He said mid-chew, taking another bite of whatever food was left over from tonight's dinner. "I know the feeling. I eat a whole lot more when I'm feeling overwhelmed, that's why a lot of people think that I've got a black hole for a stomach. But there's nothing wrong with you. You're not weird or anything, I think you're perfect!"
The way he said all of this to you with that sweet smile of his almost made you cry.
You suffered from night terrors and insomnia.
Your anxiety made it difficult to sleep, so most nights you just wouldn't. You didn't even want to at this point, a direct result of your horrific nightmares. Your lack of sleep was evident due to the dark circles under your eyes the next morning and your struggle to stay awake at RAD.
Lucifer had gotten on to you for this, and Belphegor wanted to help.
That's why he was in your room. He was planning to help put you to sleep, but you couldn't stop squirming in your bed.
Belphie had taken the floor out of respect for your privacy, but he couldn't sleep hearing you toss and turn in your bed.
"Alright, move over," He said abruptly, standing over your bed and kneeling on it. You felt a dip in the mattress and shifted, moving over to give him room on your bed. He slid under the covers and wrapped his arms around you, clinging to you like you were a body pillow.
Belphegor buried his face into the back of your neck, breathing in your scent as he closed his eyes. "Sleep, MC... I'll be here when you wake up."
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Hope you liked it, anon!
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Well hello and welcome to this shitshow I’ve decided to tackle.
I’ve decided that I simply cannot allow Seven Deadly Sins—a series that I still think has great potential and squandered it—to remain as bad as it is and I am going to take a crack at improving it one delusional piece of artwork after another.
Anyway, here’s my redesign of Meliodas. He can look as youthful as he wants but there will be no borderline-toddler faces in this house. Still a short king wearing heels, but this time it’s boots! Redid his vest to have coattails instead of whatever it was doing before, gave him black pants because it balanced him out a bit better, and gave him a green bow tie because the red just seemed way too out of place in the original design.
I’ve said before but I will say it again for the masses: let 👏 the humanoid 👏 demons 👏 have more 👏 demonic 👏 features. And if no one else will then I may as well do it myself. Obviously he looks more human most of the time to hide his race, but he’s got slightly different demon eyes, fangs, retractable claws and horns (still working on the positioning and proportions) and a whole tail! Because we all know that the Demon Race are probably just oversized cats, am I right lads?
In my version if canon, the Demon Race used to be Goddesses or at least an angelic race of some sort until The Fall, which I like to imagine Meliodas was there for because someone’s gotta drop the deep lore. And because I think it gives a new layer to the Demon Race’s hatred for the Goddesses. Does it contradict the canon lore? Sure, but I’m in charge here and I, unfortunately for everyone, do what I want, and I always love me some biblical imagery and themes.
Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for now, so I should stop ignoring my schoolwork now. Let me know what you think, if ya’ll are so inclined!
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wintersoldiersoul · 8 months
Push Through
Summary: Your ADHD makes it difficult for you to focus like normal. When you spiral, Bucky helps you calm down.
A/N: Things about this may seem crazy and unrealistic but as someone with ADHD I can confirm that I have had this exact experience. (Minus the sexy supersolider to help me unfortunately) TW: Mental health, lack of sleep and eating, ADHD, burnout
The room was an absolute disaster. Clothes all over the floor, endless cups of coffee, water, and tea taking up space on the desk, and there you were at the center of it. Sitting on your floor with your laptop, typing away furiously. Being in college and an avenger was already extremely difficult and it was even harder while struggling with ADHD.
You had gotten home from a three day mission yesterday, so stressed about the first draft of your thesis paper that was due in two days that you didn’t even shower or change before taking your medication and getting to work. A half-eaten sandwich sat beside you but you didn’t even feel hungry. Your meds suppressed your appetite and had you focused on one thing and one thing only: your homework.
Bucky was away from the tower on his own mission and while you couldn’t wait for him to get home safely, you could hardly even think about it in your current frenzy. You hadn't slept since getting home, taking another pill every time you felt the last one wear off. When your medication started to subside, it made you feel horrible. Jittery, but also depressed and just generally like life had no meaning. It was an awful feeling, especially when you knew it was caused by medication that you needed for your brain to function normally.
The bedroom door creaked open but you didn’t even hear it. You didn’t look up from the words you were typing as your boyfriend’s body filled the frame. You usually greeted him by running into his arms but this time, it was like you didn’t even know he was there. And you practically didn’t. The quiet voice of your subconscious whispered to you to go greet him, but the dominant hyper-focus muted that thought into silence.
“Hellooo,” Bucky called playfully, whistling to you to try to get your attention. You still didn’t look up, grabbing the can of Redbull beside you and taking a sip. “Y/N!” He said, loudly.
You shook your head and finally tore your eyes away from the screen. “Oh my god, hi! You’re home! How was the mission? Are you hurt? Did it go well? Any scratches?” You rapidly fired questions at him, the combination of your medication, caffeine and lack of sleep causing you to be in a manic-like state.
Bucky knew about your struggles with ADHD. He knew how hard it was for you to function everyday like everyone else. He saw as you read a passage of your schoolwork over and over and over again because the words just turned to mush on the page. He had listened to you cry at your frustrations over why school was so hard and how you had to put so much brain power and effort into every little task. He knew how you hated the crash of your medication but you needed them to survive, a constant struggle that you had to pick every morning. Did you wanna be able to focus today and not be able to get out of bed after 4pm, or did you wanna be happy but not be able to do a single productive thing?
“Woah, there, take a breath,” he laughed. His eyes scanned the room, looking at the mess surrounding your frame. And he noticed that you were still in your uniform. “Hey, I thought you got home yesterday. Why are you still in your uniform?” 
You looked down at yourself, realizing that you had in fact not changed. “Oh, shit. I sat down to do my homework as soon as I got home and-” you stopped abruptly. “Wait, did you say yesterday?”
He looked at you, confusion clouding his expression. “Yeah. It’s Sunday, babe.”
“No, no, that’s impossible. I just got home I’ve only been working for…” you clicked your phone, displaying the date and time. “26 hours…”
“What did you just say? You’ve been working for 26 hours? Babe, have you eaten? Slept? Have you even gone to the bathroom? How did you not know it had been that long?” He was extremely concerned for you. He had seen you manically power through assignments before, but nothing like this.
“I…uh,” you ran your fingers through your hair, still trying to wrap your head around the fact that you had been working for so long. “Sandwich,” you pointed to the plate on the ground. 
Bucky walked over to the plate and stared at the barely eaten food. “Babe you had like, one bite of this. Is it your meds?”
You nodded. He knew that you often didn’t do simple things to take care of yourself when you took your meds. You would be so focused on the task at hand that you would usually set reminders every hour on your phone, telling you to take care of your basic human needs like eating or going to the bathroom. But you had been in such a frenzy after the mission that you didn’t do it this time.
“Honey, you look exhausted,” he smiled at you sadly. 
You shook your head. “Don’t feel tired. I need to keep working. I’ll go in the living room if you wanna unwind.” You grabbed your computer off the floor and started to walk out the doorway but were stopped by a large hand on your shoulder.
“No,” he grabbed your laptop and shut it, holding it over his head.
“Give it back, Bucky!” You began to jump, trying to reach the laptop. Bucky was considerably taller than you, meaning that it was a lost cause for you to try to get your computer from his grasp. He couldn’t help but laugh at how adorable you were, despite his extreme concern for your condition.
“Can’t do that, baby.” He placed the computer on the highest shelf in the room.
“Bucky, I need to keep going. My draft is due tomorrow!”
“And you’ve been working your ass off on it for the past 3 months. And the past 24 hours, alone. Your brain must be fried, baby, especially right after a mission.” He looked at you, eyes pleading for you to just take a break. Even if you felt fine from the extreme amount of medication and caffeine in your system, you were gonna crash soon. “How much medication did you take?” 
You thought back to how many times you felt it wear off and opened the bottle. Technically, you could take it every 4-6 hours. You weren’t being that reckless by using it so much, but of course you knew deep down that it wasn’t great to use it so much so frequently. “Uh… 5?” You admitted quietly.
His eyes nearly popped out of his head. “5 times? You've practically been hopped up on Concerta for an entire day straight?”
You didn’t know if the most recent dose was wearing off or if the pull away from the computer was causing it, but you could feel yourself crashing. Exhaustion tugged at your eyes and it fully hit you what you had been doing to yourself. You hated that this was how you were. People never understood how frustrating and debilitating ADHD truly was. There was no real “normal”. The medication made it easier for you to do work, but then you ended up like this. Your eyes filled with angry tears at yourself. “I hate this, Bucky! I hate this so much. I just wanna be able to function and do homework like normal!”
“Oh baby…” he pulled you into a hug. “I know it’s hard for you. I know I won’t ever truly understand how your brain works and what it feels like for you but I know you struggle. But you don’t just struggle, you fight, okay? You’re so smart, you’re the smartest person I know. The things you say, the way your mind works… god, I’m just so amazed by you, honey.”
“I hate the way my mind works!” You cried into him.
“I know baby, I know,” he stroked your hair as you cried, just wanting to bring you comfort. “But you don’t let it stop you. You don’t let your ADHD prevent you from doing and learning all of the things that you want to. You could have given up so many times but you didn’t. And that’s what counts, okay?”
You took a deep breath, calming yourself. You were so tired. And hungry.
“I tell you what, baby. Why don’t you take a shower and I’ll cook us some food. Then you can pick out any sweatshirt of mine that you like and we’ll relax and get some rest.”
His plan sounded so appealing but you still had work to do. “But Bucky, I-” 
“Shh. No more working tonight. You still have all day tomorrow to finish up. And it’s only a draft, it doesn’t have to be perfect. Don’t you think taking a look with fresh eyes tomorrow will be good for you?”
“I-” you opened your mouth to argue, but he was right. “Okay,” you sighed. “You’re right.” 
He kissed the top of your head. “Oh yeah. Go shower, babe. And wash your hair. Please,” he teased.
“I hate you,” you laughed as you made your way into the bathroom.
You look at a long shower, letting the hot water cleanse both your mind and body. When you walked back out into the living room, in Bucky’s sweatshirt, of course, your favorite meal was sitting on the table. “Oh baby, you didn’t have to do this! You could have just put in a frozen pizza or something.”
Bucky smiled at you. “Hey, I wanted you to have your favorite. Plus I need to make sure you eat enough to nourish yourself after being up for so long.”
After you ate and Bucky also showered, you got into bed. Your eyes were so heavy and you couldn’t even think about the paper anymore, just wanting the soft blanket of sleep to take over.
“Thank you, Bucky,” you whispered as he wrapped his arms around you.
“Always, my love. I’ll help you work more tomorrow, okay? And I’ll make you a deal. Every page you finish, I’ll make you cum,” he whispered seductively.
Within seconds, you were out cold, resting up for the long day of writing and other things that tomorrow had in store.
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ryker-writes · 1 year
TWST characters as siblings (Pomefiore and Ignihyde)
I really tried to avoid spoilers for books 5 and 6 (what we have so far of 6), but I'm not sure how well I did? So warning you now there may be spoilers if you squint.
your family is famous
so naturally you're famous too
you kinda can't control it so even if you don't want to be, the world still knows about you
this is both great and horrible
you get perks of being famous including: free stuff, VIP access to things, more luxury items, and a bunch of support from random people
but you also have to deal with people knowing a lot about you despite having never met, haters, and less privacy
it's likely that you have some acting skills from your childhood
your dad taught both you and VIl a lot about acting, modeling, and generally being in the public eye
he likely had both you and Vil doing acting projects since you both were young even if you protested
Vil would be very understanding if you didn't like it and try to help you
but if you did want to, he would support you fully
you two have created a bond over all the projects you did together and how much your dad makes the two of you work
so Vil enjoys the fact that you two go to NRC together
he very much prefers if you are in Pomefiore with him
after all you two read stories about the evil queen a lot as kids
and if you're in Pomefiore he can protect you better from everyone else
if you're not in Pomefiore he will be upset and try to get Crowley to switch you dorms
will try to convince you to switch dorms as well
if you don't give in he will back off tho
Vil is a bit protective of you
he wants you to be around him so he can make sure no one invades your privacy, insults you, or even hurt you
you two are famous after all
when you mention some friends you made, he wants to know who they are
he won't care about getting to know them but he wants to make sure they aren't using you
he will know enough about them to know their intentions tho
similar thing if you get a partner but more intense
he's going to find out as much as he can about your partner
he will also talk to your partner about how they have to be careful because the public eye is now on him too
Vil wants to make sure that you are safe because he cares
unfortunately he thinks very lowly of everyone at the school so he hovers around you a lot
when he's around people are less likely to bother you
Vil also makes sure you know basic self defense, just in case
he also wants to make sure you're doing well in classes so he always helps you with schoolwork
also will touch up small things like your uniform or hair when he sees you
he can be quite overbearing so just let him know when he's being too much
he may be stubborn about it but if you're stubborn back about needing your space, he will get the message
he always claims that he does it to help you and you should be grateful for his help
at least that's what he says when you're out in public
there are times when it's just the two of you hanging out and he'll be more open about things
like how he does it all because he worries about you and doesn't want other people to bother you or their words to get into your head
Vil can be kind of a tough brother to deal with but he's always looking out for you
(god I could write so much on what a broken relationship vil could have with a sibling. but this post if for the overall with a good relationship so i'll leave the sad away for now. if anyone wants me to write about the broken relationship let me know-)
you probably know how to hunt like the rest of the family
it's just part of being in the family
travelling is common in the family so you have a bit of knowledge about every land
you have a few more siblings too but they don't go to NRC
Rook is delighted his sibling is at the same school as him
he would be happy if you got into Pomefiore, but he's not upset if you don't
if you want to transfer dorms he knows how to do it so he can totally help you out
he introduces you to Vil and wants you to simply bask in his beautiful presence
he wants you to see the beauty that he sees
Rook isn't a protective brother so he doesn't mind when you make new friends
he probably already knows them because he has information on everyone
if you introduce him to your partner he will be excited to meet them
he wants to know what kind of beauty you see and will be interested to learn more about them
of course if he senses bad intentions from them he will step in
you have officially become the Rook translator
not just for his french but when he says something weird people just kinda turn to you
if you can't figure it out they assume it's hopeless
he always updates you on whatever Vil or Neige has recently done that makes them more beautiful
if you try to stop him his feelings will be hurt
it's best just to sit there and listen
he also gives you updates on interesting things he's found by stalking people
lots of apples
since you're a part of the family, you live with the rest of the family and help out on the farm
the entire family lives in one house so you are pretty close with all of them
Epel is happy to have a sibling and someone who's a little close to his age
most people in the village are older
so Epel is super happy that you get to come to NRC with him
he didn't want to be in Pomefiore so he hopes he at least has you with him in Pomefiore to make it better
if not he will be a little upset but move on
unless you get into Savanaclaw, then he's really upset
he really wanted to be in Savanaclaw so if you got in and he didn't? yeah he's throwing a fit
Epel has this image of himself in his mind where he's a super strong brother able to defend his family from anything
he's a little protective
he won't care as much about your friends unless he gets bad vibes from them
he will also introduce you to his friends
if you introduce him to a romantic partner he feels like it's his job as your brother to see if your partner is actually good for you
by that he means if they make you happy and promise to keep you safe
the family back home sends both of you apple products they didn't sell
so give some to your friends because there's no way you can handle all of it on your own
unless you can drink gallon after gallon of apple juice for days straight
Idia and Ortho:
you have grown up surrounded by technology
Idia and Ortho are your only brothers and they don't really socialize much
Ortho is able to socialize more, but he mostly sticks around Idia so it's mostly just the three of you growing up together
so the three of you are pretty close
after what happened to Ortho...you and Idia became closer than before
Idia would happily teach you about how to build technology if you were interested
the three of you often played video games together as kids and that carried on into NRC
Idia and Ortho are both very happy that you are at NRC with them
Idia is very glad he has someone else to help him survive NRC and another support system
Ortho is just happy you're there :)
Idia really hopes you're in Ignihyde with him and Ortho doesn't really mind where you end up
in fact, Ortho almost wants you to end up somewhere else so you can experience something new and exciting
while Idia does most of school as a tablet, he still relies on and hopes you save him from social situations
if both of you aren't good with social situations then it's up to Ortho
neither of them are really protective
Ortho is always encouraging you to make new friends so he's very happy when you tell him about friends
Idia is slightly worried that you're just going to forget about him
they're pretty much the same when it comes to you getting into a romantic relationship with someone
Ortho is very happy for you and Idia is more worried that you'll leave him behind
Idia has a pretty hard time saying no to whatever Ortho asks of him, but he can be pretty stubborn when it comes to social situations
but if it's you and Ortho, he may give in
together you and Ortho may successfully be able to take Idia to the park
Idia just wants to do whatever he can to see his siblings happy so he's always doing little things
usually this means he's building small devices to help with things or upgrading your current devices
both of them care about you a lot and want what's best for you
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