#i'd be so PISSED!!!
auroragoth · 2 years
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Paparazzi catching the two in a very intimate moment
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Aspec men deserve much more respect and recognition in the aspec community than they receive. They often face a different form of aphobia specific to them ("men are naturally sexual they can't be ace" "all men are unromantic that's not unique") this rhetoric is spouted by many, even members of our own community and I hope for a day where that is no longer the case. As an ace and demiro woman (demigirl but that's beside the point) I want to encourage folks to take the time to give the aspec men in their lives support and to the aspec men reading, you are who you say you are no matter what people say and you deserve the world. I'm sorry for the ways in which toxic masculinity has harmed you. You are a valued member of the aspec community and the queer community as a whole. No ace or aro person is broken and neither are you. I'm sorry if anyone has ever told you otherwise.
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fromsupernaturaltof1 · 7 months
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yuki holding on to daniel for dear life 😭 vs max and checo being no homo bros
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not-a-matopoeia · 8 months
do you think that when people in the batfam send pictures of Dick to each other or in a group chat that are like:
"haha look at this Dick pic guys"
and then people respond in kind like they are not, in-fact, looking at a photo of Dick Grayson, but like an actual dickpic and pretend to be all grossed out by it
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respectthepetty · 4 months
My favorite part in episode ten of Dead Friend Forever was this scene.
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Not because of the chaos happening between Fluke and Tee, but because Tan is fucking disgusted in the background looking at Phi protect Jin.
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Right in the middle of Tan's murder mystery salad. Gross.
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i think Kevin's thing is that whenever Neil is Neilling he just despairingly asks "why must you be like this?" so much so that it becomes an inside joke among the Foxes. (somehow Kevin is the only one not in on it because he doesn't even realize he says it so often.)
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genesis-rhapsodass · 23 days
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Just a found family on their way to a gentler life (hopefully)
So there's this really good fanfic by @eaymtb of Cloud being sent back in time together with child remnants that's got me SO hooked, I've been wanting to draw something for it for ages so here's some art of the boys on their way to Wutai
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somedecrepitcryptid · 6 months
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Ok hear me out... Samurai Morro.
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i-like-media · 3 months
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No comment
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iwtv casting department: let's have auditions with people from all over the world, so we can cast the best actors regardless of where they're from. iwtv writers: let's use the inconsistencies and contradictions of the original text to tell a story about the malleability of memory. Let's keep the beautiful language of the original text but move the story to a different time period. Let's not hide from the themes of race and sexuality. iwtv costume department: let's make elaborate pieces that reflect the characters identities. Also, lets make suits that fit the protagonists like a glove, and patterned leather shoes (even if they're barely visible). iwtv set design department: let's make a super detailed, super accurate recreation of New Orleans at the beginning of the 20th century. Even the lightbulbs have to be accurate. iwtv actors: let's pour our body and soul into this characters. Let's be sure we know their stories and motivations inside and out.
amc marketing department: let's have a shered social media presence for both interview with the vampire and the mayfair witches. This way we can bury iwtv's podcast under the mw's podcast. Also, let's make an instagram post celebrating alexandra daddario's birthday, but not one for sam reid.
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heavenlymorals · 9 days
Y'know the donation book in camp? The handwriting in it looks to be like Arthur's when he isn't writing in cursive, which makes sense since not everyone is able to read cursive, but that would mean that he's the one writing everything down so that means other gang members are telling him what they added to the pot and how much it was worth and I just KNOW at least one person got their ass beat for bringing a bat wing for 25 cents while Arthur is jumping into abandoned railway cars from cliff edges to get two gold bars.
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sergle · 2 years
screams... tell me why I just spent an hour looking at the Ned Alleged Cheating Scandal tweets
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mintygreencake · 2 months
Mfs be asking me what I'm listening to in class and I gotta pull something out my ass because I'm not gonna tell my professor that I'm listening to a blonde rat getting choked out by an emo bitch with a chain
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cult-of-the-eye · 2 months
you hire a man ONE TIME for a simple exhuming job and then he goes insane over the fucking OCEAN????
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Okay, I want to make a post about how insane the voting system is at Aguefort, but given my URL I feel like I need to make some disclaimers first.
I am not blaming the Intrepid Heroes as players for this, and I'm not even really blaming the Bad Kids as characters. Because holding the election at Fabian's party was something that Brennan nudged them into doing on multiple occasions. And it had to happen, because there was already a battle set for it.
I am not claiming what the Bad Kids did is somehow worse then what the Rat Grinders did. The RG did very purposefully try and rig an election. This very much did happen.
All this out of the way:
How the fuck is it not a conflict of interest to hold the supposedly neutral election at Fabian's party?!?! Fabian, who has been one of the biggest campaigners for Kristen.
It's not like he's actively saying you have to vote for Kristen. But I feel like a lot of students would assume that was the unsaid implication? Come to my cool party. I'll give you a bunch of free alcohol and party stuff. And they assume that this is under the condition that - wink wink, nudge nudge, they'll vote for 'whoever they want'.
Again - I'm not blaming the IH or the BK for this. But I find it wild that characters like Mazey and Jawbone would look at this and think 'yeah, that's an ethical way to conduct this election'. There's a reason that elections are usually held in governmental buildings and not like, in the mansion of the candidates BFF.
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archerdork · 8 months
spoilers for ofmd s2e8 - a discussion of the decision to do That to You Know Who
i guess my biggest issue is that you should have seen the end coming because it makes sense narratively, so in a way you did see it coming, but the show has spent two seasons subverting expectations and chucking logic out the window, so in the context of the universe they've created it fucking doesn't make sense.
I know it narratively makes sense to tie Izzy's arc off like this, but this show has gone to great fucking lenghts to show it doesn't give a toss about sense or how you're supposed to tell a story. The plot armour has been so thick for two seasons it's genuinely ridiculous, but that's the show and now this is the audience it's amassed. You think I've spent all this time watching these idiots strut around an ocean the size of a bathtub powered by nothing but spite and a gaydar because I value logic above all else? You think I like the show despite it's narrative insanities, not because of it?
Spending a season on Izzy's emotional and mental journey only to kill him off in the end does makes a certain literary sense. Him dying surrounded by the family he finally accepted and who accepted him in turn makes literary sense. His death allowing Ed to let go of the last of Blackbeard makes literary sense.
In the real world.
But we've spent two seasons in Pirate Muppet Land, with it's bathtub size ocean where everyone can find anyone, where wounds heal the moment they're patched up, where crocs and paparazzis paperazzis exists in 18th century. I'm not here for realism, I'm here for the insanity. I'm here for the workplace romcom where this community of queer idiots can laugh and cry and have their drama and, yes, a boatload (ha) of angst but it's fine because it is about them, the plot only there to further their personal journeys no matter how unrealistic that plot turns out to be. They created Something, something new and different and hopeful, and then made a single decision that went against everything they'd built so far because? Logic? I genuinely don't know.
Ultimately I'm happy with this season. I had so much goddamn fun. I enjoyed the ending, though for the personal journeys it concluded rather than story it actually told. This season was way too rushed, for which I assume we should largly blame HBO. The cast and crew did what they could with what they had.
Still though.
I said at some point during this season that I "genuinely can’t see a scenario where they kill off any of the crew, it’s just not that kind of show". Turns out it decided to be that kind of show, with the worst decision they could make. Killing off Izzy does make literary sense. Which, in context of the show so far, makes it goddamn unrealistic.
It's not a good plot twist to pull the rug from out under the audience if the rug is actually a carpet floor you've spent the whole season nailing down.
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