#i'm travelling today so will probably answer a few asks this afternoon when i get to the airport
pynkhues · 2 years
Hi for the game( any genre) 🤦🏽🙅🏽✨💋🌃🤔😌❤️‍🔥❤️
Hi! Thank you!! These were so fun to think about!
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Facepalm emoji - Can You Ever Forgive Me? (2018). One of my fave films of recent years tbh, I think it's wildly underrated. A drama about a failing author who starts forging and selling letters from far more famous authors for money only to start getting off on her own grift, Melissa McCarthy is at her absolute best. It's just really, really good.
Nope emoji - Possession (1981). A cult classic horror having a bit of a resurgence lately, Possession tells the story of a young married couple who may or may not be in control of their bodies anymore. Then it gets - - really weird, haha.
Sparkle emoji - A Star is Born (1954). By far the best version of this story as it's probably the only one that successfully balances the two leads, particularly her ascent and his descent. Plus Judy Garland is magic personified in this one.
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Smooch emoji - Double Indemnity (1944). Movies wish they had what Double Indemnity had - sexy, sharp, and totally thrilling, this is a movie about seduction, deception and murder. What's not to love?
Cityscape emoji - Tokyo Story (1953). An elderly couple travel from their village to Tokyo to visit their daughter in law after losing their son / her husband in WWII. Every time I watch this, I really discover something new to love about it. It's a gentle film, but one that feels soaked in grief, love and tenderness, and perfectly captures what it is to live in the aftermath of tragedy.
Thinking emoji - The Act of Killing (2012). Not to be watched lightly, this documentary is about the genocide in Indonesia in 1965-1966. Not only that, it tries to understand the mentality of those who did it by asking them to re-create their actions through short films. It's a harrowing insight into propaganda engines, corruption, gang warfare and what I can only really describe as evil, and a viewing experience like no other.
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Relieved/Content emoji - A Little Princess (1995). I wasn't entirely sure about this one, but ended up interpretting it as a comfort movie, and I was just talking to Megan about A Little Princess yesterday, so it sprung immediately to mind. I love this movie, and it's approach to girlhood, imagination and found family is really special.
Heart emoji - In the Mood for Love (2000). This movie is e v e r y t h i n g to me. The story of two people who discover their spouses are having an affair and decide to try and have an affair of their own has no right being this deeply romantic, and Tony Leung and Maggie Cheung are simply everything. Plus the score is to die for.
Fire emoji - The Heiress (1949). I almost swapped this with In the Mood for Love, as the former is definitely sexier, but then again, The Heiress isn't really a love story, rather it's a film about self-worth, so for that alone I figure it deserved the fire emoji. Olivia de Havilland is one of my favourite actresses of Hollywood's Golden Age, and this is a perfect example as to why. She's perfect, and this movie is timeless.
Send me an emoji + a genre and I'll send you a movie rec
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A Helping Hand | George Russell⁶³
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Pairings: George Russell x fem!bestfriend!reader
Summary: feeling frustrated, you go to George for some aid where he offers to help you blow off some steam
Warnings: smut
A/N: goodness, this is the most I've spent on proofreading, rewriting and editing than on any of my other fics, probably because I babied this idea for a long time 💀 and probably because I was sick for the past few days that I couldn't do anything else except thinking about George taking care of me. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it 🥰
You were frustrated. The irritation was welling up inside you, and there was no telling why. And nothing going your way wasn’t helping either. But what it is that you always do whenever you feel like this?
You go to George.
George and you were best friends for as long as you could remember. He played enormous role in your life, in a way that you would often refer to him as an older brother. No one else even came close to being as important to you as he was. He was always there to listen when you needed to rant about something, and the two of you were just as comfortable sitting in silence as you were engaging in deep conversations. Today was no different.
You walked over to George's apartment, knowing that he wouldn't mind your unannounced visit. You knocked on the door and waited a few moments before he answered, your mind racing with all the things you wanted to vent about. The door opened, revealing George’s smiling face.
“Hey there, buddy,” he said, pulling you into a hug. “What’s got you so worked up?” he questioned upon seeing your slumped shoulders and frowning face.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged. “I just know I’m feeling a lot and it’s not good.” you walked further into his apartment, running a hand through your hair.
George followed behind you. “Do you want to talk about it?”
You shook your head, "I don't even know what's bothering me. I'm just feeling so damn… restless." and leaned against his kitchen bar.
George nodded his head, eyes fixed on your face. He knew that look and the manner in which you spoke. George had experienced this before with you. You would continue to speak until the words dried up, and he knew it was in his best interest to listen attentively. And he wanted to do just that. To be a friend and not interrupt for once your thoughts were drifting by. He loved the feeling of neediness you gave him.
So you started to spill your troubles. From everything that happened to you since you woke up to this very moment in the afternoon. He listened patiently, nodding and frowning in all the right places. You continued to talk, your words flowing out in a jumbled mess as you tried to make sense of your emotions. George listened intently, offering words of encouragement when needed. As you spoke, he moved closer to you.
It wasn’t a subtle move, you very much noticed him getting up and walking up to you, caging you in between his arms he rested on the counter behind you. He bowed his head so that his eyes were in level with yours and leaned forward, the words dying on your lips as he did so. Your faces were now only inches away, the air around you charged.
“When was the last time you got laid?” he asked.
You were taken aback by his sudden change in demeanor. “W-What?”
He took a step back, giving you space to breathe. “You, my friend, are sexually frustrated.”
You hadn't been with anyone in a while, he was right, like he always was, but “And how do you know that?” there was annoyance in your voice as you crossed your arms.
He sat down in one of his kitchen chairs, leaning on the table behind and legs spread lightly.  “How long have we been friends for?”
“Almost twenty years. Why?” you frowned, not really seeing the point of this conversation.
He gave a slight nod in agreement. “And in that long period of time you think I wouldn’t have learned your,” his gaze traveled up your body until it finally settled on your eyes, “body language?” his tongue clicked.
You swallowed hard, feeling the atmosphere between you two shift. There was definitely an undercurrent of something more, but you weren’t sure if you were ready to go there just yet.
“This-That has nothing to do with this.” you choked out.
“So you’re saying,” he moved his head from side to side. “If I offered you a solution you would say no?” his eyes found yours again and his gaze was piercing.
You couldn't help but feel a shiver run down your spine as George's eyes locked with yours. You had expected a hug or some words of comfort, not a proposition. You knew what he was insinuating, and part of you was tempted to take him up on his offer. But the other part of you was hesitant, unsure if you were ready to cross that line with him.
You had to admit, the idea was tempting. George was an attractive man, and you had always felt a certain level of chemistry between the two of you. But did you want to risk your friendship for a moment of physical release?
Upon noticing your hesitation, George decided for you. “Come here.” he patted his thigh.
Bolts of electricity ran through your body  at his words. There was no denying that the idea of him taking care of you in that way was incredibly arousing. And before you made up your mind, your legs carried you over to him.
He took your arm, leading you in front of him. “Turn aroud. Sit down.” he instructed softly.
“On y-”
“Yes, y/n, on my lap.”
If he wanted to, he could pull you by the arms and just place you there, but he waited for you to slowly sit down yourself, resting your hands on his knees, your back to him.
“Good girl. Now,” he leaned forward, hugging your waist. “If in any moment you feel uncomfortable or just want to stop for whatever reason, I want you to tell me. Alright?”
“Okay.” you nodded, his intense stare more than you could handle.
You were familiar with being this close to George; you'd even slept in the same bed side-by-side without any issue. You had held each other before, but his touch was always comforting and platonic. This time however, something more hung in the air - an energy that made your heart race with anticipation.
“Good.” he kissed your tense shoulder.
George's hands caressed your body with practiced ease, gently running down your sides, across your abdomen, up and down your jean clothed thighs in order to help you relax. Gradually, you leaned into him, your breaths deeper. His lips smoothed over your neck and you let out an unwilling moan.
“You’re doing good.” he reassured and you nodded, affirming that you heard him.
His hands moved to the hem of your shirt, diving under to caress your stomach. They were warm, but your back arched on a sudden skin on skin contact. He stopped for a moment until you relaxed again. Moving upwards, his fingers grazed the lace of your bra before he glided his palms to cup them.
You gasped and bit your lip, surprised by the new sensation of his hands so close to your growing chest, and leaned back on him even more, your nipples hardening. You loved the way George touched you, the way he made you feel. His hands ran up and down between you and your bra, squeezing your globes. His lips found your ear, nibbling on its lobe before he spoke.
“You have a beautiful body.” he whispered huskily.
A shudder ran up your spine at the pure lust in his voice. His right hand slipped under the cup of your bra, freeing your breast. You didn’t protest, you felt good. Instead, you arched your back more, pressing your chest more against his hand. His thumb and forefinger found your nipple and pinched and pulled on it, making you moan.
George lowered his head and licked your neck, kissing it softly and nipping it occasionally. His left hand joined in the fun and massaged your other breast, pinching its nipple just as his right hand was doing. You clamped your eyes shut, enjoying the sensation of his touch.
“Sensitive, aren’t you?” he chuckled.
You leaned back once again, despite your best efforts. Now his right hand made its descend down your stomach, making you wriggle in his lap, and reached the button of your jeans. Popping it open, that’s when you opened your eyes as well.
“George,” you gulped and put your hand over his. “Are you sure about this?”
“Absolutely,” he pulled you closer, pressing his lips reassuringly to your neck. “Are you not?”
“I’m just worried what it means to us, our friendship. I don’t want to ruin it.” you finally voiced your concerns.
“You won’t ruin it, babygirl.” he smoothed over your hair. “Friends help each other out, don’t they? You can look at it like that.”
“Yes, but…” We shouldn’t be doing this… you thought to yourself.
“We can stop if you-”
“No!” you were maybe a bit too quick to cut him off. “Let’s continue. I… I like it.” you could feel the heat rush into your cheeks.
He kissed your neck, working his way up to your ear. “I’m glad. Cause so do I.” his hand went back to what it was doing.
He pulled down your zipper, but didn’t push your pants down, exposing just your panties. His hand went back to your breasts, kneading them, feeling their weight. Every now and again his hand would brush past your nipple, sending tingles down your body.
You’re breathing was growing heavier, his hands were good at what they were doing and you didn’t want it to stop. He could feel you squirming in his lap, his smirk evident even though your head was turned.
“Someone’s excited.” he teased.
“S-Shut up.” you bit your lip, embarrassed.
His fingers dipped under the elastic line of your panties, and you were glad that you decided to shave that morning. His fingers ran over your mound slowly, feeling every curve, every spot. He circled around your clit, teasing you, before he moved further down, dipping one finger in a bit before pulling it back out.
You moaned and he chuckled. “You like that?” you nodded, trying to contain your moans. “You want me to continue?” you nodded again, too aroused to speak.
His fingers dipped deeper inside your folds, feeling the warm, wet sensation. When his fingers reached the bottom, he started to rub your entrance, pressing just a bit, sending pleasurable sparks through your body.
“Mhm,” he moaned into your ear, “my babygirl likes that.”
“Yes.” you shook your head, agreeing.
“Tell me.” he demanded.
“Yes, I like it. I want it.”
His finger pushed a bit further inside, and you bit your lower lip, unable to keep quiet. “You want what?” he asked in a low voice.
“I want it.” you said in a higher pitched voice, trying to sound like a grown woman. “I want your fingers inside of me.” you blushed.
“You want more?”
“Yes. Please.” you ground onto his finger, your hips following his thumb’s rhythm.
He pulled his hand out of your pants and you audibly expressed your dismay at the lack of contact. He responded by placing his hands on your hips and forcing you up off the chair. Tugging your jeans down, you stepped out of them and he was quick to pull you onto his lap once again. With a nudge from his knee, your thighs opened into a desirable position. His arm was securely locked around your waist, making sure that you wouldn't move away or slip off his lap.
“Now,” he played with your panties, pushing them aside. “You said you wanted more?”
“Yes, George. Please, George.” you whined.
“Only cause you said please.” he smirked and you could feel his teeth graze your skin.
His finger entered you again, slowly, stretching you, moving only an inch or so before pulling out again. When he felt that you were ready for more, he rhythmically started to finger you, gauging your reaction. His finger pushed a bit further in, making you squirm. He pulled it back out, a bit of your juices clinging to it before he thrust it back in. You gasped, feeling the full sensation of his finger inside of you. He added another finger, and you moaned, squirming on his lap, feeling so full. Your breathing had turned into moaning, echoing through the empty apartment in which you were in.
"Shh, babygirl, it's alright. You're doing good.” George’s free hand tangled in your hair, pulling it back, your exposed neck bared to him. He nibbled on it, biting and sucking, loving your reactions.
“Just, please, more.” you begged him.
“I don't think you're ready for that yet.”
His fingers became more insistent inside you, pushing deeper and deeper. He rubbed your g-spot, making your moans turn into pants.
“No, no, no, no.” you panted. “Please, just a bit more.”
“Would my babygirl like to come already?”
“Yes, please, I’m so close.” you said, almost crying, needing to come.
“Let me hear you say it.”
“George, please. I want it. I need it. Please.” you begged.
“God, I didn’t think hearing you beg would be such a turn on.” he confessed, his voice a deep rumble.
“Please, I need it. I need to come. I love it when you touch me like that. Please!” you were almost screaming by the end.
He went back on rubbing you, his fingers moving faster and faster. Slipping his thumb a few times inside you while his fingers were busy doing you, the other hand clamped on your hip for support. His thumb pushed in deeper, your juices coated it and he rubbed your g-spot with it, making you squeal.
“Yes, yes, yes, yes.” you said over and over again, panting.
“Come for me.” he hissed and his other hand wrapped around your throat, holding you gently.
You didn’t even need his encouragement, your whole body was aching for release. His fingers moved faster, rubbing your g-spot, his thumb pressing hard against it. You were soaked, his fingers gliding inside you. You moaned, louder than before, mumbling incoherently.
Your hips bucked on his lap and he held you in place, his fingers continuing their assault on your body. You were his toy, his play thing, and you enjoyed it more than you should have. You didn’t care anymore, you were drowning in pleasure, letting it consume you.
Lights burst behind your eyelids when you came, biting hard into your lip, muffling your screams. Your whole body relaxed from the pleasure, your arms giving out and you would have fallen if he had not held you. You leaned against him, recovering from your orgasm. Your head was laid on his chest and all you could hear was his breathing, slowing down.
When the orgasmic waves subsided, you became aware of your surroundings again and blushed.
“Th-thank you.” you stammered, chest still rising and falling visibly.
“You’re welcome.” he kissed your temple. “Feeling better now?”
“Yes.” you nodded.
“Glad I could help.” he said, his fingers playing with your hair, combing them through.
“You did, but George… This can’t happen again.” you finished, standing up to find your jeans. It was just an excuse to put some physical distance between you for you don’t think you could get the last part over your lips if you were still sitting on his lap.
“Oh,” was all he said. You couldn’t determine was he disappointed or the realization hit him.
“We are friends and I want it to stay that way. You are too important for me to lose over... such thing.” you zipped up your pants.
“I understand.” he said, his voice not betraying his true feelings.
You had expected it to be hard to say it, but it didn’t feel like a lie at all, it felt like the truth. It felt like the right thing to do.
“Thank you.”
He meekly nodded. “Do you want to stay over? We can watch tv or something…” he trailed off.
“Yeah,” you breathed. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
“Okay.” he smiled and you smiled back.
You spent the rest of the evening wrapped in blankets on his couch, laughing as you watched bad television shows and poking fun at the characters and plots. Between you two was no uneasiness; you were laughing together like earlier events hadn't happened. And that moment looked like a promise that, no matter what, nothing will ever change between you two.
Or so you thought...
Next part
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pbandjesse · 6 months
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It was wildly windy today. Scary at times! But it wasn't a terrible day. I was just very tired.
I fell asleep easier last night but waking up was very tough. I let myself sleep in until 730. And I left late but it was okay. I was moving really slowly. James was getting ready to go for a bike ride and I gave them a big hug but I really didn't want to leave so I didn't let myself wait for them to leave with me and left as soon as I was ready.
My lip is much more swollen but doesn't hurt as bad. Keeping it covered is helping and I found cutting a fabric bandaid seems to be the best way to cover it right now. Eating with a bandaid on my lip is impossible but I didn't have to change it as many times so I'm happy about that.
The ride in was fine but the wind was very strong. I didn't notice but Alexi had texted us that schools were opening two hours late so she would be in later. So that meant everyone came in later. Except me because I didn't notice it. Ah well.
I got to camp and had my bagel and read for a while. Jess asked me to make a ride wish list for Disney. So I did some research and figured out what rides I would like to try for. I'm not a big rides person but there are a few boat based ones I think I will enjoy. And it was fun looking into everything and the possibilities.
We are changing the order of the parks because the travel agent has been kind of useless and didn't tell us that Magic Kingdom is closing early the day were planning on going so now we are probably ending the week with Magic Kingdom instead of starting it. That's okay. I'm just excited to go with Jess.
Eventually people started coming in. And I was given a few small tasks. But I also just spent time reading and doing little things in the computer.
Heather trained me and Sarah on the camp registration website and how to see the wait-list and so because we could do that we could start helping to answer emails from parents. It turns out registering can be a little confusing so I made a reference sheet for parents with a step by step guide and hopefully it will help.
Celia came in to talk to Alexi. And it was nice to see her. I would have my lunch and went for a little walk. I was surprised that there were more downed trees from the storm but the ground was very very soft. It was nice walking around even if it was still to windy.
Nurse Joan came in today and I was able to give her the Christmas gift I had for her. She was very excited about the tiny "Nurse Quaktitioner" I had for her. Made her laugh really big. Love Nurse Joan.
I also have her and Nurse Becky some vintage maps of camp for them to decorate the infirmary once it's fixed up. I was happy to help.
We would have a big meeting about the counselor in training program this afternoon. Where we are trying to sort things out for when the contractor John comes next week. I was glad I had made all the different documents that I printed last week because I swear no one else really has anything ready. Like there were ideas and catching up and getting on the same page but I had actual programs and documents. I felt very ready. Which was nice. It's hard though when I say well I do this... Talking about specialty stuff for the summer and Alexi goes but you are so on top of things and preplan and prep! And I'm like yes. But everyone should be living up to my standards!!! Plus I've done a lot of the planning for the other specialties.
I would have some new ideas for our counciler in training program though. Including making a quiz to figure out what you would best be suited for. Which was fun to make and then I made everyone in the office take it to see if they got placed in different things and it worked really well honestly. Not perfect and I'm sure I'll change the questions a bit but I think creating a personality test for the job is a fun way to help figure out where each kid can go.
I had a few more things to make today. Including a staff survey about your favorite things. I tried to make it more interesting then just what's your favorite color. And it lead to a really nice conversation about what snacks would make our day better. I said a cinnamon soft pretzel. Heather said sushi! I was very surprised and that's why I thought it was a good question! I learned something about her. And we got to talk about the best pretzels we've ever had and that lead to more stories and that is the whole point. To learn more about each other on a deeper level.
I got ready to go right around 4. And I was so stupid tired. It hit me all of a sudden and driving home sucked. It didn't help that people were driving stupid. But despite others best efforts I made it home in one piece.
When I parked a nice man was walking on the sidewalks and we had a nice conversation about the weather. And it put me in a really nice mood.
But this did not last long. I got up here and immediately got overstimulated because there is just stuff everywhere. I tried to start moving stuff but I was just very very overwhelmed and didn't know what to do and then I found my cup in the dishwasher that I have asked a few times not to be put in there and I just absolutely melted down. I felt so tired and so upset. I texted James a million times explaining why I am upset. But I just felt very low.
I have basically been in bed since then. I am exhausted. I did go have some cereal but I may go eat something more substantial. James had the extended hours at the museum tonight so they should be home in another hour or so. And hopefully I can sleep faster and feel better tomorrow.
I hope the wind dies down. And I hope tomorrow is beautiful. Sleep well everyone. Until next time.
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jinxthejubilee · 2 years
Random Thoughts 💔❤️‍🩹
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This is probably one of the most depressing ideas I've had in a while, but I love its potential. Today's Topic: Mammon's Little Girl as an Exchange Student?
Warning: Spoilers for the "The Guardian Demon" side story in Obey Me, Angst, Angst with fluff, Mention of death.
Now, as most of us are aware, in the side story of the game, titled "The Guardian Demon," it is revealed that Mammon is one of the four caretakers of a little girl who lived on the street after she lost her parents.
I say one of the four, because the other three are witches that Mammon pays to watch over the little girl until she becomes an age where she can take care of herself.
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I really like the idea of Mammon acting in a fatherly role of some kind, and having the little girl be introduced as a new exchange student would be an interesting concept to explore further.
Though, of course, I had to take a darker turn with this idea. So, I present to you all the 2 ways the little girl could become an exchange student.
1) The Lighthearted Version
Mammon goes to the Human World once again to visit the little girl (she doesn't have a name in the game, so I'm calling her Opal for now).
The game states that Opal adores Mammon, and hates seeing him leave. Even asking him when he'll come see her again.
Obviously, Mammon can't be there all the time, but he makes due with what he's given to spend quality time with her.
Opal, having adopted Mammon's determination, wants to see him again, permanently this time.
Now according to the game, the little girl is unaware of Mammon being a demon, but I like to think that she figures it out somehow. Either by watching him teleport when the witches summon him, seeing the witches brew or create something that suspiciously looks magical, stuff like that.
She escapes the witches by using their magic, either by a ritual spellbook or something of the sort, and teleports herself into The Devildom.
By some miracle, after traveling for a while and avoiding the more dangerous demons, Opal finds Diavolo's castle and makes her way there.
Despite how the somewhat irresponsible Diavolo may be open to having all humans of different ages live in The Devildom, he has enough common sense to know that a child walking around unsupervised is just asking for a demon to make her an afternoon snack.
When he asks her what she's doing here, and Opal replies saying that she wants to see Mammon, Diavolo gets a great idea!
He hides her out in the castle for a few days, until he calls for a student council meeting.
There, the demon bros and MC get the surprise of their lives when they see a little girl behind the demon prince.
Opal is so happy to see Mammon that she cuts Diavolo off as he's introducing her, and opts to run up and hug her adoptive dad.
This is gonna be a fun year ~
2) The Depressing Version
From the side story, we get an insight of how these witches treat Mammon
They exploit the little girl and use her as an excuse to get more money off of him, they humiliate him time and time again, they are often pushy and demanding for Mammon to pay them off.
Overall, they are not the best people, and especially not the greatest people to leave a child with.
So what if something happened to Opal?
This event would take place between different seasons.
It starts out in class, a relatively normal day at RAD.
Mammon steps out after class ends to answer a phone call from the witches.
He acts annoyed and slightly scared, as he usually is when talking to them, but he waves MC and/or any of his brothers goodbye before he leaves.
Mammon doesn't come back.
No one has seen him since he left to take that call, so everyone else assumes that he was summoned by the witches or he just skipped class.
That is, until someone notices that they haven't seen much of Lucifer that day either.
It isn't until they all go home, that they realize what had happened.
The younger brothers and MC can't find the two eldest brothers anywhere, until they hear crying coming from a certain room.
They all (or only MC) find Mammon sobbing and clutching to Lucifer so tightly, you would think he was ensuring that Lucifer wouldn't disappear if he let go.
They leave to give them privacy with several questions running through their minds.
Later on, MC gets called over by Lucifer to who proceeds to explain the situation.
The eldest explains that Mammon had asked him to be excused from school so that the two of them could talk privately.
Obviously, Lucifer was suspicious, but he went along with it anyway.
When Lucifer got home, Mammon told him through tears that the little girl he had cared for had passed away.
I know this concept sounds depressing, but it would make for a good amount of growth for everybody.
If you think about it, Mammon has always kept his emotions in check. From what little we know about what Mammon had went through after he and his brothers fell from Heaven, it is heavily implied that Mammon was the one who kept everyone together while they were grieving and struggling to cope with what they lost.
This would be a perfect way for the brothers to give back to him.
As said in the side story, everyone, especially Levi, thought that Mammon was lying about Opal for the sake of gaining money out of pity, but that's not the case at all.
Mammon, even though he is shy to admit it, loves that little girl. She has a piece of his heart, just like his friends and family do.
An event like this would crush him, but we all know that he would struggle more than Lilith's death because he has no distraction this time.
No brothers in need of his love and support, no learning to control his new demonic form and powers, no learning to gamble and tame his greed, nothing.
It's just him and his grief, and he doesn't know what to do with it.
Honestly, this would be a fascinating narrative to explore in the game's story, and would help solidify the fact that, yes, despite all the trouble he causes, Mammon is very much loved by everyone around him.
So, you might be asking, how does this idea tie into today's topic? Glad you asked!
Picture this, another school year has started. New exchange students come in, and everyone is both anxious and excited to see the new recruits.
However, Diavolo, Lucifer, Simeon, and Luke (and Raphael maybe), have a special surprise for Mammon.
The angels step to the side to reveal Opal, now with a cute pair of wings and a brightly glowing halo.
The two embrace, both practically sprinting to one another despite being only a few feet apart.
A beautiful moment, and a new family member to the house!
Author's Note: If I were to be honest, the first option is most likely the version that Solmare would chose, or at least something similar to it.
Both have the potential to make the series both interesting and incredibly heartwarming ❤.
Though if we're being for real, I just really want to see Mammon be a dad! I don't want the little girl (Opal, or whatever you want to call her) to be a one time thing.
Let me know what you guys think! Sorry if this was a long one, I had this train of thought for a while, and I really wanted to illustrate it the best way I could. Also! If you haven't yet, please check out my "A Guardian Demon's Protection" mini story. It served as the blueprint for my ideas, though the mini story itself is a bit more extreme. But I would appreciate it if you checked it out anyway!
With all that being said, I hope you all have a marvelous day, and I'll see you later! Byeee! 💗
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fardell24b · 5 months
Spider Quinn 06: The Lawndale Files - Part 1
06 The Lawndale Files
It was Assembly time at Lawndale High. Principal Angela Li came to the podium. “Settle down, young people! Now, before the varsity interpretive dance team begins its performance – ‘History, We Are You’ -- we have a brief announcement from some special guests, agents...”
She was interrupted by the agents. “No names,” the male agent said.
“No credentials,” the female agent added.
“Students, we'll be brief. We've received some disturbing reports from this town, and we're asking for your cooperation.”
“Keep your eyes open. Watch for people who are different. They know who they are.”
“And with your help, kids, so will we.”
Quinn Morgendorffer was concerned. ‘I guess I’ll have to be more careful as SpiderGirl,’ she considered. ‘Maybe I shouldn’t have been in Freemont on the weekend.’ Things in Lawndale were getting worse. ‘Maybe?’
That afternoon Daria and Jane were thinking about the Assembly as they watched television.
“From outer space to in your face! Aliens walk among us! A Sick, Sad World exclusive.”
“Oh, look, they're going to explain the return of disco,” Daria said.
“The aliens aren't coming. They're already here. They could be your friends, your family. They act almost normal, but something's off.”
“Yes, the TV!” Jane said, annoyed. “If there were any aliens smart enough to come here, they wouldn't be stupid enough to come here.”
“There goes my trick ear again. What was that?”
“Let's say I'm an alien and you're you.”
“Part of this better be hypothetical,” Daria responded.
“Now, why would I, a being from the highly advanced planet Zippotron, travel light-years just to take over your body and go to high school?”
“Because Wednesday's Jell-O day?’
“Exactly. Wouldn't it make more sense to rig up some remote system of control? Neck implants or something? Then they could make you do stuff like go to the mall or think about hair without actually having to do it themselves. Makes more sense than a full-scale infiltration,” Jane said.
“Oh, yes. Much, much more sense,” Daria said with her usual sarcasm.
“All right, then.”
They could then hear some cheerful guitar strumming.
“What is that music?” Daria asked.
“I don't know. It's been going on for two days.”
“You don't know how much I want you to tell me that isn't Trent playing.”
“You don't know how much I wish I could,” Jane lamented.
At the same time, Stacy was reading in her room, when she heard a sound coming from outside. “What was that?” she asked herself as she jumped.
A few moments later she heard the doorbell.
“Quinn?” Stacy asked.
“What’s wrong Stacy?” Quinn asked. Her friend looked a little frightened.
“I just heard something,” Stacy explained.
“Oh, It’s probably something rubbing on the roof, like a tree branch,” Quinn said. ‘Note to self; be careful when webswinging at Stacy’s house.’
“Then it might be SpiderGirl going by, but I don’t know why she would be in this neigborhood, as there isn’t any crime here that I have heard of.”
“Maybe she is passing by on patrol,” Quinn said.
“Then there are those agents that were at school today. What were those disturbing reports they received?”
“They could be anything.”
“That’s true,” Stacy said, looking about. “Come in.”
Stacy saw that Quinn’s appetite was still the same as before her father had passed. ‘The grief hasn’t affected it,’ she thought. For she knew that Quinn was still grieving. She was quieter for one. She still had chatterbox tendencies, but no longer spoke up against Sandi in the Fashion Club and seemed to be listening more in class. She put out a large amount of various vegetable based snacks.
“What do you think Sandi is doing?” Quinn asked, as she ran a hand through one of her pigtails.
Stacy was still getting used to Quinn having changed her hair. “No idea,” she answered. “I still think you’re not too similar to either of us.”
“Like I’m still rather fashionable,” Quinn said.
Stacy nodded.
They then talked about other things as the close friends they were.
Quinn waited until she was some distance from the Rowe’s house before changing back to SpiderGirl and webswinging away.
Lawndale Sun Herald
Tuesday, December 1, 1999
More Reports of Strange Activity in Town
Quinn awoke early, as she usually did since becoming SpiderGirl. However, she found something wrong. That having Spider powers didn’t make her immune to chaffing and acne. “Great!” she said as sarcastically as her sister.  She had to hide it, especially as it was on her neck. She rushed to her closet and soon found a all black outfit. ‘It will have to do.’
She got dressed, grabbed her things, including a SpiderGirl suit and left.
“Come on, Daria. Something interesting must have happened yesterday,” Helen said.
“Nope,” Daria said.
“How about that friend of yours? What's new with her?”
“Not much.”
“What about the newspaper? Read anything interesting lately?” Helen asked, knowing that Daria was at least reading about that SpiderGirl.
“Hmm. I did see an article by an efficiency expert who claims one really intense conversation with your child over breakfast is worth a whole week of unfocused parenting. Did you catch that article?”
Helen knew what Daria was doing. “Well... how about TV? Seen anything good recently?”
“Just the usual crazy guy claiming aliens are walking our streets.”
“Well, of course they are. Many of them can't afford a car. No shame in that.”
“Huh?” Daria asked.
The phone rang, allowing Daria to make herself scarce and head to school.
“Oh, Hi Eric!”
Half an hour later, Daria and Jane arrived at the school. “Look at that,” Jane said.
Daria looked and saw that her sister wasn’t wearing her usual outfit. Rather it was all black and hid her neck. “I see it. She’s even more different now.”
“As I was saying…”
“Not that again. I’m just saying that she’s even more different due to grief.”
“The alien thing is more cool,” Jane said.
“I just think it's strange that she's suddenly covering up her neck,” Daria rejoined as Kevin Thompson and Brittany Taylor walked by.
“When was the last time you saw Kevin without his neck thing?” Jane asked.
“You’re talking implants?” Daria asked.
Brittany turned back. “I heard that, and it's not true!” she said before turning around and stalking away.
“I guess she thought you meant her U.F.O.s,” Jane mused, not realising that she was being overheard by Language Arts teacher Mr. Timothy O’Neill.
“UFOs?” he asked with a shiver. “Have you been watching The X-Files? I know I have.”
“And that’s Good,” Daria commented.
“But you know what's interesting?” O’Neill asked.
“Why do you encourage him?” Jane commented.
“All this creepy science fiction is just a throwback to the old Cold War paranoia.”
“Aliens in the sky, communists under the bed,” Daria commented.
“Exactly, Daria!” O’Neill said. ”And accusations flying, all because of atomic jitters. You're a communist! You're an alien!” He added as Joey and Jeffy walked past.
“Trade you Cuba for Jupiter,” Daria said to Jane.
“One stood for the other in those old movies.”
“Now, what do you think about SpiderGirl?” Daria asked.
“A disturbed individual taking out her frustrations on those who have had to resort to crime to make ends meet,” O’Neill answered.
Quinn turned at the sound of Sandi’s voice.
“If you refuse to explain your strange outfit, I'm afraid the Fashion Club will have to consider more sanctions,” Sandi asked.
“I wasn’t aware there were sanctions for my hair. Besides, this is not an anti-fashion statement.”
“I forgot to tell you,” Sandi dissembled. She was about to say more when Joey and Jeffy came along.
“Hey, Quinn, Mr. O'Neill says that girl from your house is an atomic communist,” Joey said.
“Yeah, and her friend's an alien,” Jeffy added.
“Eew!” Stacy said.
“Gross,” Tiffany said.
Quinn quickly made herself scarce.
Kevin continued to think about what he had heard earlier in the day. “I knew it! It's just like when they made us have pep rallies for field hockey. We're being invaded by communists!” he said as he came to his locker.
“Remember that game when you fell on your head?” Michael ‘Mack’ Mackenzie asked. “Remember how you thought Vince Lombardi was sending you plays from hell?”
“Heaven, bro! Vince Lombardi did not go to hell.”
Stacy and Tiffany walked by.
“But... if Quinn's cousin is an atomic communist from Mars, shouldn't she have a more interesting outfit?” Tiffany mused.
“Stop it, Tiffany! You’re scaring me!” Stacy said.
“Sorry,” Tiffany said, not entirely sincerely.
Mack was taken aback. “Yeah, yeah, I heard it, too.”
He, Kevin and Brittany then went to their next class. However, they had been overheard by Charles Ruttheimer III. “Two of my favorite luscious ladies out to enslave Earth males and end gym class?” he asked himself before giving off a growl. “Someone's been reading my dreams.”
Daria and Jane knew it was an unusual day for Lawndale High. “A lot of weirdness around here lately,” Jane commented as they left the school building. She also saw SpiderGirl in the distance. ‘Huh?’
“Yeah. I won't be sorry to see this day end,” Daria commented.
“You say that every day.”
“Oh yeah.”
“Although this one was especially strange. But the worst is over,” Jane said.
However, the doors behind them flew open and they saw Mr. DeMartino being lead away by the agents in cuffs.
“Remove these restraints! Governmental thugs! This isn't Stalingrad!” he cried.
“You're damn right, pal. And it isn't going to be,” the male agent said.
“You can't do this. I'm an educator!”
“Say it again! It only makes it easier,” the other agent said.
“Um, the worst is over now?” Jane asked in slight hope.
“Don’t bet on it.”
The Fashion Club met in Quinn’s room after Dinner.
“Meeting starts: 6:53 PM,” Stacy said.
“Quinn will explain why she is wearing all black, again,” Sandi said.
“After Sandi explains why she added sanctions about my hair without telling me,” Quinn said.
“It was a slip of the tongue,” Sandi explained.
“Didn’t sound like it,” Quinn shot back.
“Fine,” Sandi said. “I wanted to add sanctions for the hair, but I haven’t got around to it yet.”
“Right…” Quinn considered. She also considered just quitting the Fashion Club and telling Sandi to leave. What Daria had said in Freemont about them solving crime together flashed through her mind. ‘Not yet, give her a chance.’ She breathed deeply, and pulled down the turtleneck, showing her, along with Stacy and Tiffany, the zit.
“Oh, I see,” Sandi said.
“So, I had to hide it,” Quinn said.
“Of course,” Sandi said.
“Quinn, I'm so happy you're still one of us,” Stacy said.
“Gosh, Stacy, what did you think?” Quinn asked.
“Really,” Tiffany added.
“Quinn's right, Stacy. Just because she was acting completely weird and not confiding in her dearest, most loyal friends is no reason to decide she'd finally given up her sad charade and revealed herself as a two-faced, little…” Sandi trailed off as Quinn gave an intense glare.
‘How long?’ Quinn wondered, again.
“Meeting ended,” Sandi said.
“6:57. The shortest yet,” Stacy responded.
Unknown to Quinn and the others, Daria had overheard Stacy saying ‘I'm so happy you're still one of us,’ as she had walked by. Therefore she called Jane about her suspicion.
“Come on, not even aliens would give the planet to the Fashion Club. You're getting paranoid,” Jane responded.
“I'm not talking about aliens. But there's something out there. Something stupid.”
“You get rattled too easily,” Jane responded, then changed her tone. “By the way, can you come over here right now? I'm really scared.”
“I see. And to what do I owe this mood swing?” Daria asked.
“It's Trent's song. You gotta listen and tell me if it's getting more cheerful.”
“Now who's paranoid?”
“Come on, I'll order a pizza. And don’t tell your mother where you’re going, I don’t want her getting all motherly.”
“Right away.”
After the meeting ended, Sandi made herself scarce.
Helen saw her going out. “You weren’t here long, Sandi,” she said.
“Quinn doesn’t need me,” she said in a montone before heading out the door.
“Sandi! Wait!” Helen said.
It was only a couple of minutes before Daria left on her way to Jane’s.
“Where are you going?” Helen asked.
“Just a walk, and to think about things,” Daria said, guardedly.
‘Of course,’ Helen thought. “But at night?”
“This area of Lawndale is still safe,” Daria said before heading out the door.
‘Of course it is,’ Helen thought.
Quinn saw Daria leaving. ‘What is she up to. She has been acting weirdly today.’ She looked to Stacy and Tiffany, who were still there. ‘They can stay here while I check,’ she thought.
“Quinn?” Stacy asked.
‘She could be one I could confide in, maybe,’ she thought. “Um, I need to check on something on the street,” she dissembled.
“You’re following Daria?” Stacy asked.
“Um, yeah,” Quinn said. “Could you run interference with Mom?”
“Sure, but how are you going to get out without her knowing?”
“There is a way,” Quinn answered enigmatically. She then went to the window at the end of the hall and opened it. She showed Stacy a trellis which had ivy on it, which reached up to the window.
“You have been climbing down that?” Stacy asked.
“Yes,” Quinn answered as she started going through the window.
“Right…” Stacy said.
Stacy watched Quinn climb down, then went back to Quinn’s room.
“Where’s Quinn?” Tiffany asked.
“She’s doing something,” Stacy answered.
Quinn disappeared into the bushes on the right side of the house and waited until Stacy had gone back to her room before going to the shed, where she had stored one of the spare SpiderGirl costumes.
Soon, she was webslinging after Daria, in the direction of Howard Drive.
As Daria approached Casa Lane, she heard a rustle in the bushes at the end of the street. “Come on now. Aliens don't hide in the bushes. It's probably just a stalker. Yes, a stalker out to plant a teen in a shallow grave. Perfectly normal. I feel much better now.”
Brittany Taylor knew Daria was up to something, which was why she was following her. She wasn’t sure why Kevin had to come along, his amorous attentions wasn’t something she needed at just that moment. “But, Kevvy.” He continued to be amorous “Kevvy!”
“Huh?” Kevin asked.
“Didn't you say we were going to follow her and save the world and stuff?” she asked. She liked making him think some things were his idea.
“Oh, yeah. But I don't think we have to save the world right this second,’ he responded.
“Great!” she said. A few more moments of making out wouldn’t go awry, she considered.
Suddenly there was a purr above them. ” Que passionato!”
‘Oh great!’ Brittany thought. ‘Upchuck!’
“Hey! We're trying to save the world here!” Kevin said as he shone his flashlight at Charles.
“And I'm trying to find the space maidens' ship so they can take me back and make me their love slave,” Charles responded.
“Oh cool,” Kevin said.
Two more flashlights turned on. “Well, you were right. Everyone has gone crazy,” Jodie Landon said.
“I knew you'd try something, Kevin. I figured I owed it to the team to keep you from humiliating yourself,” Mack said.
Bushes rustled and Mr. O’Neill emerged.
“Mr. O'Neill? Don't tell me you're hunting communists, too?” Mack asked incredulously.
O’Neill laughed nervously. “I wouldn't call it hunting. I heard a rumor about secret police kidnapping educators and spiriting them off to the gulag. But me? No. I frequently go for walks with a, um, flashlight in case the streetlights go out.”
There was another rustle above and SpiderGirl emerged upside down, lowering herself halfway down by a thread. “What’s going on here? Paranormal?”
“Not very,” Jodie said, looking around.
‘Probably meant paranoia,’ Brittany thought.
“These reds come red-hot from the red planet itself. We're talking Mars,” Charles said.
“Really?” SpiderGirl asked, her voice showing incredulity.
“Charles, I think you mean Marx,” O’Neill said as he dropped his flashlight.
Jane answered the door. “You made it. Cool. I was starting to... whoa!”
Daria also looked at the flashing lights in the nearby woods.
O’Neill found his flashlight. “Found it.”
“But why are you all, like, sneaking around with flashlights?” SpiderGirl asked.
“Good question,” Jodie said.
The others all switched off their flashlights.
“Did we just see a U.F.O.?” Jane asked.
“You're getting paranoid. It's probably just an informal get-together of local stalkers. You know, hang out, swap stories, try out each other's skeleton keys,” Daria responded.
“But only an idiot would go stalking with a flashlight, especially with that SpiderGirl about.”
“Come on. This is Lawndale,” Daria said as she went inside.
“Your’re right, SpiderGirl, we’ve all been acting very foolish.”
“Hey, man, speak for yourself,” Kevin objected.
“Oh! Sorry, Kevin, “ O’Neill said. “But I wonder if maybe a rally might be in order. You know, something before classes to promote understanding, remove the fear, and increase the peace.”
“Are you sure?” SpiderGirl asked, before Kevin could get a word in.
“Quite sure. It won’t get out of control,” O’Neill said.
“But, practice is before classes. He's trying to destroy football. He's one of them!”
“No he isn’t,” SpiderGirl said, trying to keep calm.
“Who?” Brittany asked.
“I thought you knew.”
‘Time to go, Kevin,” Mack said.
“I’ll stay and talk to SpiderGirl for a bit,” Brittany said.
“Sure,” Jodie said. She turned to Upchuck. “Come along, Charles, we’ve had enough excitement for one night.”
“Yes, I better go too,” O’Neill said.
0 notes
pretoriafics · 3 years
If I wasn't a goddamn werewolf - Pt. 6
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Heyy! The series is ending, but we still have more chapters to come! Enjoy it while it lasts!
You are so done with all of that drama with men! Word count: 2.573 Pairings: Reader x Derek; Reader x Platonic!Laura Contain: Some angst, Original characters (Daniel, your boyfriend; Lafayette, your friend)  Warnings: English is not my main language <3; Inappropriate language TEEN WOLF MASTERLIST PART 1 |  PART 5
Seventeen years later, Santa Monica, California
"Yeah, girl, I know it's annoying. I mean, live in Beacon Hills? C'mon! There's nothing there!"
Lauren was lay down on her mom and dad's bed, talking with her best friend on her cell phone. The room was entirely filled with boxes: Lauren and her parents were moving to Beacon Hills, which had left her completely annoyed. It's hard for a 15 years old teenager to moving away from her friends to live in a completely different - and smaller - city. Then, she heard a voice calling her.
You were at the door frame, with your arms crossed and a serious face. When Lauren saw you, her eyes got widen, and she talks with her friend.
"Uh, Brittany, I have to go. You know, my mom is here giving me that glare. I'll call you later, okay? Bye."
Lauren turns off her phone, and you stare at her.
"I thought you were putting the rest of the things from the cabinet in the boxes."
"I was, but Brit called me and-"
Daniel stopped close to you, looking at Lauren with arched eyebrows.
"What's happening? Lauren, I thought you were putting the things from the cabinet in the boxes."
The teenager rolled her eyes.
"I'm going to do it right now, dammit!"
Daniel looks at you, trying to avoid Lauren's sudden bad mood.
"I'll gonna wait for you downstairs."
You nod for him while Daniel moves away from you. Then, you look at Lauren that was taking a few boxes out from the cabinet.
"Look, I'll go downtown with your dad. I'll be here soon, and then we'll leave. Be ready. I'm serious."
You let your older daughter alone in your bedroom, with your stuff being put in the moving boxes. Then, a suitcase caught Lauren's attention. It was beautiful, made with red velvet. She never saw that thing before. Moving by her curiosity, she opened it. Inside it, Lauren found a few things: a photo album, a necklace with a triskelion pendant, and a diary. The first thing Lauren took was the diary, and when she opened it, she saw a plane ticket to Vegas. That travel was made exactly seventeen years before she was born. With that plane tickets, Lauren also found two polaroid photographs. There, she saw you and Laura Hale with eyeglasses on a sunny afternoon in front of the famous "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign. On the back of that specific photo, a handwritten quote that made Lauren gave a fun smile:
Who cares 'bout the men?
Today, Beacon Hills
Well, Daniel was not Derek's favorite person at all. Was It due to his jealousy? Oh, probably. However, Derek still has his own moral values. It wasn't fair with Daniel what happened between you and Derek, and Hale was completely sure about it. He felt guilty, and if your relationship with Derek wasn't the best earlier, now it seems to get worse. You were feeling guilty about sleeping with him while being in a relationship with Dan, as well as Derek was. He was a nice guy. Daniel didn't deserve it.
Derek was in the hospital where Daniel was working, inside his office with both sitting at the chairs. He made a few questions that would help him to solve the supernatural problem in the city, and despite he had noticed that Daniel wasn't also his biggest fan, he was being pretty collaborative.
"...And this is all I know and saw. I was lucky, I mean, I could have died that night."
Derek nod. Yeah, he could. Despite all, Derek was glad nothing had happened with Daniel.
"Well, a friend of mine managed to escape, so I'm just trying to understand what has happened there."
Daniel stares at him while sitting in his chair, with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
"You know what, Hale? I don't believe you."
Derek arched his eyebrows. He was surely not expecting that.
"...I think I haven't understood you."
"I don't know much about you, but I know you the Hales are different than the most. Inside that bar, I saw things that I can't understand, just like I can't understand things about you and your family."
Well, he really was not expecting that. After a few weird silent seconds, Derek stares at him.
"There a few things outside that could be better for you if you stay away from."
"I noticed."
"I know. You're smart."
"Yeah, Hale. I am." Daniel stood up from his chair, as well as Derek. Daniel gives him a glare, almost deadly "I'm also smart enough to know there three people in my relationship, am I right, Derek?"
Jeez... In that room and in front of that serious man, Derek could feel what feels like a punch at his stomach. Daniel's words made him dizzy.
But he wouldn't let Daniel affects him.
"I don't know, Daniel. You should talk with (Y/N) to find out. I don't have the answers you want."
"Are you sure you haven't?"
"Yeah, I'm sure." Already too annoyed to care, Derek gives his back to Daniel and walks to the door "This is not high school, Daniel. Go talk with her."
And when Derek finally opened the door to leave...
"Derek, wait."
When Derek looks at Daniel, he felt heartbroken. Daniel wasn't with a cold expression anymore. He was surely lost and... heartbroken as well.
"I'm sorry." He started to talk. "I know any of this is your fault. I just know that she is in love with you. She always has." Daniel stares at the floor, melancholic "I envy you. I wish she could love me just like he loves you."
If Daniel's goal was to let Derek without words to say, he achieved it. With the door's handle in his hand, Derek just stares at Daniel without any sign of what he could say. Dammit. It would be the right choice to put all the jealousy to the side to help him someway. Before he could stay anything, Daniel asks:
"Do you love her? Just be honest with me. I need some... Clue of what I should do."
Derek hesitates. However, if it would help him, he would answer. He nods positively, and Daniel lets out a long sigh. This time was Derek's turn to say something.
"I'm serious when I say you need to talk with her."
"I will." Daniel let out a short and humorless laugh. "I'm the intruder here."
"Daniel, I-"
"I will talk with her, Derek. Thank you."
You were heartbroken. You broke up with Daniel. You knew he was bad with it, but when you talked with him about it, you were pretty sure that was the right thing to do. He didn't ask you why you did it or how you decided it. Well, it wasn't like you didn't want to break up with him. It was just the way things happened between both of you. You knew you were being unfair and unfaithful, and that was the reason you felt so bad.
So, he decided to give you a break. You could be back with time, and he was pretty sure he could make you forget all about Derek. And talking about him... Well...
Everyone in the pack knew about you and Daniel, and that's why everyone gave you a break from everything. Without saying things directly, everyone was trying to help you to trespass this phase: Laura appeared at your house with chocolate bars and some movies suggestions to watch. Talia made your favorite food and called you to have lunch at her house. Derek gives you a break about all the supernatural stuff and about himself, and Peter gave you a lot of alcoholic drinks bottles.
But the fact was: You was so done about men! You were so done about all of that drama about Derek and Daniel! Crap! You need some rest.
Two weeks after your breakup with Daniel, you called Laura. It was 1AM, and the older Hale quickly answered your call.
"(Y/N)! What happened?"
"I know it's late, I know." You started to say, sitting on your couch with a glass of wine in one of your hands "But I needed to ask you something."
"...So this is not an emergency? You know, you're not in danger, you didn't say anything-"
"Do you have money?"
Laura's mind got a lack with your question.
"Do you have money? I mean..." You let out a long sigh "Girl... I'm so done with all this shit."
"Wait" Laura sat on her bed "Are you with financial problems or something like that?"
"No, girl. I was thinking about making a trip. We can buy the tickets tomorrow."
The older Hale's sister arched her eyebrows.
"Where do we wanna go?"
"Vegas. You know, who cares 'bout the men? I just want to give me a break, stop feeling guilty and all this shit."
A smile takes form on Laura's lips. She admires your will to move on, and she surely will not let you alone. And Vegas? Oh, it would be fun girls' travel.
"That's my girl. I'll buy the plane tickets right now."
And the next morning, there Laura was! Her suitcase was close to the main door of the house when Derek came from his loft. Confused, he stares at the suitcase and then his sister.
"I didn't know you would travel."
"Neither do I. But you know what? I'm kinda excited. It will be fun."
Derek arch his eyebrows. It was certainly not the answer he was asking for. Then, the doorbell rings. Talia appears from the doorframe of the living room.
"I'll open it."
And when Talia opened the door, there you are: A car was waiting on the street, and you were with a huge smile on your face. Talia's heart got warm when she saw you that way.
"Hi, dear. Laura's ready."
"Oh, really? Great, because I'm already am too."
You got into the house, and despite Derek's heart failed a beat when he saw you, he still with a huge interrogation point on his head.
"Do you talked with that friend?" Laura asked for you while she takes her suitcase from the floor.
"Yeah, he is waiting for us outside. He knows everything about Vegas. The best places to eat, to have fun..."
Completely lost about that matter, Derek followed you and his sister outside.
"Wait, are you going to Vegas?"
Before you could answer him, a car stopped behind your friend's car: It was Daniel, running in your direction. You let out a long sigh in annoyance, and Derek got even more confused. Laura looks at you with wide eyes.
And this is how things exploded: In front of the Hale house.
"(Y/N), wait!" Daniel runs in your direction "I know things got complicated between us, but can we please talk? Wait." Daniel stares at Derek, and then he stares at you "What are you doing here?"
Without any patience for all of that and already too tired to care, you stare at him.
"I'm here to take my goddamn best friend on a trip. Daniel, please, you were being great during those days, but please, don't try to create drama now."
"I'm not trying to create any drama, (Y/N). I just want to talk and solve things. I think you already had time enough to put things straight on your head, so we can talk and try to solve the things that are going wrong between us."
Oh, man... You couldn't believe it.
"Are you serious, Daniel?! What part of "we're done" you couldn't understand?!"
All that drama made the entire pack suddenly appear in the front door: While Talia watches everything with wide eyes and Laura stares at you and Dan like a tennis play, Cora, Isaac, Boyd, Erica, and Peter had run to know what the hell is going on.
Yeah, it was such a scene. A worthy soap operas drama. Oh, and things got even worse when Derek invaded your arguing with your, now, ex-boyfriend.
"Look, leave her alone. She already said what was needed."
That was enough to make Peter look at his niece Cora.
"Well, I miss pop-corn right now."
Derek's presence made Daniel blush in pure rage. His eyes stare at Hale in a homicidal way.
"No one asked anything for you, Derek. This is all your fault! We were great before you come back!"
Your eyes got widen, already knowing what all of that would result in. You knew Derek and Daniel so well to know things probably would evolve. They were two stubborn men wanting the same woman. Things would get worse, surely.
"Look" Derek approaches Daniel, with a low and threatening voice "I'll request you politely one time, and I just do it once: You'll get the hell outta here and leave (Y/N)'s alone, or I swear that I'll rip your throat."
Your yell was what they needed to finally look at you. The arguing between Derek and Daniel ended with both of them looking at you. It was your turn to say a few things:
"Daniel, look at me: You're being stubborn as hell. I don't want to come back to you. I don't feel anything other than a friendship about you. That's why I broke up. I don't love you."
"You are telling me a thing that I already know, (Y/N). I'm just saying that we just need some time to-"
"We don't need time, Daniel! Do you know what we need? We need to not date! Do you got it, or do I need to draw it for you?" You stare at Derek, talking with him now "I appreciate your gentleman manners, but I know how to defend myself. And you know what?" You look at both men now, raising your middle fingers. "Fuck you both! I'm choosing myself. You guys can punch each other if you want. I don't give a fuck."
Both of them were looking at you in shock, and your face was warm in rage. Actually, everyone was looking at you in shock because you were freaking out. You yelled again, looking at your friend's car.
From the car, a stunning black drag queen with pink hair came out.
"Hi, dear!"
"We're leaving. Could you please help Laura with her bag? Thank you!"
Lafayette approaches Laura and took her suitcase, bringing it to the car. Then, you grabs Laura's wrist and started to drag her to the car. The older Hale sister looks at everyone with wide eyes.
"Let's get outta here, Laura. I'm done with that shit!" You both got into the car, as soon as Lafayette, and you look at Laura "If you bring a man to our hotel's bedroom, I swear by God that I'll get your heart out with my hand."
You were definitely freaking out. You really were so done with all of that shit!
"Girl..." Laura stares at you, scared "You're definitely spending too much time with my family. You even learned how to threaten someone."
"Hey, girls" Lafayette looks at both of you in the backseat "No men, no drama! Let's go!"
Lafayette turns on the car, and Be Happy by CLMD starts to play loud. Then, the three of you were running to LA in the direction of a relaxing and fun trip. And to be happy.
TAGLIST: @teen-wolf-obsessed4life
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Chapter 40
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It's not that hard to say goodbye. But it's really sad for the notable few who enjoyed it.
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The SIXth Ship
Sierra Leone, Africa
"Echo 3 - 1 to Hunter One One. We have confirmed the presence of a suspected SAM Turret. Advising not to deploy air support until it's down, over." Alex muttered over the radio as he lowered his scope.
"Copy that, Three One. We'll stand by for your go signal." Roach replied as Alex signaled his team to move forward, covering Alpha Team's six.
"This place is suspiciously quiet." Price muttered over comms.
"It's 5 am. Bad guys probably needed sleep too." Alex commented, scoping on what's head of Team Alpha.
"Well, I want Volt awake, so I could beat Nero's location out of him." Price spat.
"Guardhouse on the east. Single guard, fast asleep."Alex shot his suppressed rifle as the guard dropped to the ground.
"Good Night."
"I'm hearing an engine starting on our east." Soap whispered as Alex turned his scope east. There was indeed a truck load of food arriving at their base.
"Civilian delivery truck." Alex warned.
"Let him pass. He'll notice the dead guard and run." Price predicted and it actually happened as the innocent driver sped off away from the base.
"How long till he calls the cops?" Alex asked.
"Never. France already bribed the guy." Soap answered.
"What?" Alex was puzzled.
"Welcome to Africa." Soap chuckled and they hid into the supply truck while Price drove inside.
"Alright, we're in. Soap and France should plant charges on SAMs and Comms. Once their alarm rings we light things up." Price ordered as Alex's team advanced and circled the perimeter, protecting the gates.
"Where could Volt be hiding?" Alex asked.
"Could be anywhere. This base has lots of buildings." Rocket replied not far behind him.
"There are also six ships by the dock. He could be in one of those." Royce added.
"Alpha Team, we've got movement on your six. Looks like they're looking for their supply drop. They're by the truck and unloading their supplies." Alex warned as the three remained quiet.
"Tango by the guard house down." Rocket confirmed his kill as the body dropped on the ground.
"They're about to discover their dead allies. Prepare for the alarm!" Alex roared as their alarm system activated, dozens of troops from their camps emerged carrying weapons.
"Shit! I'm taking sniper fire by the rooftops!" Soap yelled over comms. Bravo team immediately turned their sights to the rooftops and took down the snipers with ease.
"There's no sign of Volt here. He must've woken up early. Rendezvous with me by the tower." Price muttered.
"Sir. This is Meat from Charlie Team. We've confirmed movement on the docks. No positive ID of Volt yet."
"Copy that meat. Proceeding to the docks." Price said as gunfire echoed through his comms.
"Seeing multiple reinforcements from the gate!" Alex alerted as they attempted to shoot down armored cars loaded with more enemies.
"Alex! This area is compromised!" One of his allies suggested as smoke started to cover their forest.
"Shit! We'll have to meet up with them inside! Change to assault weapons and advance to the gate. You two cover our six using thermals." The two nodded as Alex switched to his assault rifle, advancing towards the gate, taking down reinforcements as they arrived.
"Price? Soap? France? Sitrep?" He roared through comms as his team was now barraged with heavy fire as they hid for cover.
"This is Bravo Six. I made my way inside the last ship. Looks like he's trying to escape. France and Soap are by the docks taking heavy fire. I'll handle Volt from here. You hold out for extraction. It looked like we didn't have a choice." Price said.
Alex felt the heat of the explosion as the ground shook. Soap had detonated the charges they set and help was on the way.
"Roach!" Soap sounded hurt.
"Way ahead of you!" Roach said as the air support bombarded the base with grenade shells, blasting every enemy away as the ground troops recovered.
"Reloading for another round. Stand by." He said as the plane circled back.
"Okay team! Their numbers have reduced. Let's finish this." Alex informed his bravo team as they finished off the remaining waves of enemies, which were too resourceful as they also had attack hyenas, something they didn't expect.
"These dogs are furious!" One commented as they entered the gates, securing the whole base or what's left of it, for valuable intel.
"Echo Three One to Actual. Jack, it looked like they cleaned this place already."
"Actual to Three One. Looks like it. I guess their getaway ship had all his latest work."
"Charlie team found a way to follow them. Bravo team resume recon on the five ships." Jack commanded and the rest followed
"Copy that, Actual. Proceeding towards the ships with caution." Alex replied as they carefully pressed deeper into the base toward the pier. Alex wondered how many piers and ships had been involved on his missions. Looks like Nero doesn't trust air travel.
The ships were rusted and broken, but the components inside were new stacks of equipment possibly used for his bomb making.
"This sly guy hides his stuff inside these rusty ships." Alex reported, his voice echoed around the ship.
"We're all clear, Alex. This ship is empty of tangos." One of his allies reported.
"So are the other ones." Another one reported.
"We found the rest of Alpha team by the pier. Looks like Soap's injured." Said another.
"Copy that. Stay frosty. We have no visual of the entrance so reinforcements might arrive." Alex replied to everyone.
"Roger that." The rest of his team replied in unison. Roach's Air support chopper hovered ahead of them and followed the getaway ship, providing support to Capt. Price. Charlie team had borrowed some small boats to aid in Volt's capture.
"It's all up to him now." Alex muttered as they resumed securing the enemy base.
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"So, how was your day?" Samantha smiled, slipping herself inside the covers as she lay down beside Alex. The tired man huffed out a sigh and looked at her beautiful girlfriend, whose eyes were staring at him longingly. It's been almost a month since the task force was created and they were on separate beds, but Alex always makes sure he sleeps over every time he's free.
"Oh, you know. The other kind of usual. We beat information out of Nero's bomb maker today." He said in an interesting tone.
"I know beating people is wrong, but when you've been played with by these kinds of people, it's kind of pleasant to the ears." She chuckled, her hand gliding on his arms and looked for his hands.
"Yeah. I'll never stop doing it until they get a taste of their medicine." Alex breathed and looked at Samantha. Her eyes that once looked blank and lost now looked happy. It was tragic how she just wanted to live a normal life but had everything taken away from her.
"What would you do when this is all over?" She asked, questioning his last statement.
"Well, I could finally take you out on a nice date. Maybe say hi to your dad or something." he blurted, making Samantha's eyes widen in surprise.
"Aww.." She smiled as she leaned in for a kiss, while Alex slowly lifted her so that she's now lying on top of him.
"Why is it that every kiss feels so different." She mused as she leaned for another one.
"Maybe because my love for you grows stronger every second?" He replied.
"Haha. You're funny." She said sarcastically.
"That I am." He grinned as they rolled over, giggling at whatever they were doing.
"I love you, Samantha." Alex whispered in the sexiest way that he could resulting to Samantha actually giggling in disbelief.
"I love you too, Alex." She replied.
"Now, go to sleep. I want you well rested for your work tomorrow." She added as she turned the lamp off. Alex groaned like a kid who doesn't want to go to bed yet.
"How can I sleep, when even in the dark, I could still see your pretty face." He whispered as Samantha laughed.
"Flattery will get you nowhere, mister." She said as she turned back, letting Alex hug her from behind. She always loved his warm embrace beside him, a feeling of security amidst all the times that she'd been kidnapped.
The next morning, Alex came back to the base after breakfast with Samantha. It has been a while since he had that and thought that it wouldn't hurt to go late once in a while.
"Where have you been?" Roach asked as soon as he got to the base.
"I overslept." he lied as Roach scoffed.
"You? Hahaha. Nice try. I know full well that no matter what happens you always wake up at the exact time." Roach laughed.
"Why? Is there something wrong with Volt?" Alex pressed on to the main topic at hand.
"The guy had a little fight. But he actually talked."
"Yeah? About what? Nero's location?"
"No. And This isn't like the official thing, it's just rumors. Price slept at the infirmary today and hasn't woken up yet. So the news is that his EMP tech is now capable of killing humans on a set radius."
"Shit." Alex hissed.
"I know. It could launch anywhere anytime and no one could hide from it. A whole new kind of killing weapon." Roach wondered, making them worry about what Nero's about to do.
"Volt better get talking soon."
"Yeah. He better." Roach approved with an encouraging voice.
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Later that afternoon the whole 141 was briefed about a message sent from Nero himself. Thousands of humans, civilians and soldiers alike, were nuked just outside the American capital.
The blast didn't do much damage to infrastructure but machines and humans suffered more than ever. Some were able to withstand the mental damage while some were left in a trance state. Some who already had some form of mental problems suffered horribly and dropped dead on the streets.
It was estimated that about half a million people were affected as the nuke exploded by the ocean. Some say this was a miscalculation and others speculated that this was Nero's warning shot.
America had raised itself on high alert, any time Nero's troops would charge on American soil ignoring all authorities who wanted to stop him. This was it. His plan finally came to fruition.
As for the task force, they have located the main signal of the nuke's control. A place somewhere in Cuba. Alex and Jack knew this place was once visited by older CIA SAD members and rumors had it that one of their Black Ops comrades died there. It once housed the reverse engineered Greenlight nuke. Alex never told anyone in 141 about this as history would tend to repeat itself. He hoped that this was not the case.
This would be the lead that the rest of the task force will be focusing on. As the war rages, Alex was sure that the following days would be the toughest so, while waiting for any potential final lead and orders from above, they spent the rest of their time training for the final showdown against Nero.
Optional Chapter : The Fall of the Capital - Pvt. Ramirez
Next Chapter : FIVE Seconds
Notification Squad my Beloved
@enderio @samatedeansbroccoli @smokeywhalee @ricinbach @bumblingbee1 @whimsywispsblog
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lady-divine-writes · 4 years
Klainetober one-shot - “Neck Nibbles” (Rated PG13)
Summary: Kurt wakes up to something biting his neck. Blaine claims it's a mosquito. When Kurt wakes in the morning, he discovers that perhaps Blaine was lying ... (2336 words)
Notes: A re-write for the @klainetober prompt 'vampire'. Follows 'One of Those Nights'.
Read on AO3.
Kurt feels a slight pinch, like the prick of a tiny needle injecting into his neck, and in his sleep, he swings a hand to bat the culprit away.
“Oof! Kurt!” Blaine groans, taking the hit square in the eye.
“Wha---?” Kurt mumbles, only partially awake. “What are you doing?” He snorts in a, frankly, unattractive way - a way reserved for muttering in his sleep - then shifts positions, rolling his hips left, then his body, till he’s lying on his side facing away from his boyfriend.
“I’m not doing anything,” Blaine replies. “Go back to sleep.”
Kurt arcs an eyebrow, but he doesn't open his eyes. "Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure. Go back to sleep."
Kurt would say that Blaine sounds suspiciously awake and coherent for two fifty-two in the morning, but it’s times like these that Kurt forgets his boyfriend is a vampire, not the dapper Prince Charming he fell in love with back at Dalton.
“I’m trying,” Kurt complains, bringing the comforter up to his chin and holding it tight against him to protect his vulnerable neck. “But there’s a mosquito or something in here, and it’s bugging me … hee-hee … bugging me …” Kurt chuckles at his unintended pun, snorting again, which makes him laugh harder.
“I’ll kill it if it comes back,” Blaine promises. “Go back to sleep.”
“Mmm … okay …” Kurt agrees, shoving skepticism aside and snuggling against the hard body of his boyfriend, who usually opts to lie beside Kurt in bed even though he doesn’t need sleep. “As long as you (yawn) stay here to protect me.”
“Of course.” Blaine smiles, fangs bared as Kurt snores softly. “I’ll stay right here." He kisses Kurt lightly on the forehead. "I'm not going anywhere ...”
Kurt can feel the sun within his body telling him it’s time to rise - an occupational hazard of dating a vampire, this sixth sense about the oncoming dawn. It also means that Blaine has made himself scarce, banished to the dark corner of the bedroom by the closet where the sunlight doesn’t reach until noon. The sun has yet to breach the horizon and pierce his sheer drapes, but Kurt can feel it prickling behind his eyelids. 
That’s odd. 
Rarely does that happen unless he and Blaine have a hardcore make-out sesh with lots of biting involved. But weeks of putting in overtime at school and at the diner sent Kurt to bed early, so that definitely didn’t happen.
Short of that strange symptom, his primary concern at the moment is the number that insect did on him last night. Kurt raises a hand to his neck, hissing when his fingertips come in contact with his sore skin.
“Ugh,” he grumbles, rolling his way out of bed. "Must have been a huge mosquito. Filthy bloodsucker ..." He cringes at his own remark, hoping he didn't inadvertently offend his boyfriend. He'll find out after he assesses the damage to his neck. Kurt has extremely sensitive skin. A single bite from a pernicious parasite can make him look like he has a goiter! He needs to figure out how much cover-up he’s going to need to apply before school. 
His feet hit the floor, and immediately the urge to climb back into bed and hide under the covers overwhelms him. 
He got a decent amount of sleep last night. Why is he so damned out of it?
Kurt stumbles blindly over to his vanity and drops onto the stool, groaning at the prospect of opening his eyes. The day would go so much easier if he could keep them shut, but that would probably make taking the subway way more challenging. Kurt blinks his eyes open, lids dragging over sticky corneas, objecting to the idea of letting light anywhere near his retinas. Kurt turns away from the mirror when a stream of light hits the reflective surface and brightens the room.
“Jeez,” Kurt mumbles, putting a hand to his aching head, shielding his eyes. “Hey, Blaine? Did you hand me a hard cider instead of a Diet Coke last night or something? Because I feel awful!”
Blaine doesn’t answer. A few more blinks confirm that Kurt’s boyfriend isn’t even in the room.
Uh-oh, Kurt thinks. That’s never a good sign.
Kurt rubs his eyes hard with the heels of his palms, blinking between rubs to kick-start the watering process. He manages to clear his bleary vision enough to get a decent glimpse of his reflection in the mirror, and his jaw drops.
“BLAINE!” Kurt roars when he sees the grotesque purple splotches running up and down his neck, covering nearly every conceivable inch of skin.
“Yes?” Blaine peeks his head in the bedroom door, biting his lower lip when he catches Kurt’s reflection in the mirror. “Can I help you with something, love?”
“Did you do this?” Kurt asks, pawing at his neck, running his fingertips over the marks, gasping in horror at the nastier ones.
“No?” Blaine says uneasily. “It was a mosquito. You ... you said so yourself.”
Kurt frowns.
Blaine is a horrible liar. 
An incredible actor, but a horrible liar.
Not too long ago, Kurt and Blaine stumbled upon another vampire. A friendly vampire. Victim of circumstance, like Blaine, but for a far less comical reason. This vampire warned Kurt to be careful, said that now that Blaine was a vampire, he'd be better at hiding the truth. 
But he isn't. 
Not by a long shot.
He was a better liar when he was human.
Kurt pivots on his stool to glare angrily at Blaine since looking at his non-reflection through the mirror was getting irritating.
“A mosquito did this?” Kurt points to a particularly massive and vicious-looking bite, countering Blaine’s ridiculous lie.
Kurt turns back to the mirror right as a more intense beam of sunlight hits the glass. He yelps, squeezing his eyes shut hard to avoid the glare.
“Dammit, Blaine!” Kurt leaps off the stool and races to the window to secure the black-out curtains. “You did bite me! I can feel it! All the way to the back of my brain!”
“Only a little,” Blaine finally admits, daring a few steps into the room.
“Only a little? I look like ground meat! Blaine!” Kurt staggers back to his vanity to better examine the damage.
“D-don’t freak out.” Blaine sits on the edge of the bed, watching Kurt set up his arsenal of foundation, intent on covering up the bruises. “The photophobia will wear off in a few hours.”
“It’s not the photophobia that’s bothering me.” Kurt opens a container of green base makeup to prep his violated neck. “If you wanted a late-night snack, could you have at least bitten a spot that won’t show? I have play practice this afternoon, and you know how important this is to me. I look diseased!”
“You could always wear a scarf,” Blaine suggests. "You have tons."
“I bought a new Marc Jacobs shirt with a V-neckline, and none of my scarves go with it,” Kurt argues, turning left and right, whimpering at his boyfriend’s handiwork. “And I was really looking forward to wearing it today.”
“Yeah ... I wanted to ask you about that …”
“Ask me about what?” Kurt asks, dabbing furiously.
“Why the departure from your leather jacket and t-shirts? I mean, you were into fashion when we met, but when I became a … you know …”
“Vampire?” Kurt offers flatly. He has come to terms with it, but, to be honest, there is a part of him that is having a hard time forgiving Blaine over it.
“Yeah, that,” Blaine says sheepishly. “You changed your look. And I know it might sound silly, but it meant something to me. Like, I transformed, and then you did, too. I thought you did it so we would match."
"I did," Kurt admits.
"So ... why are you buying designer clothes again?”
“Because this is an important production, and I want to look a little more professional,” Kurt explains. “I’m not doing it to hurt you if that’s what you think. I'm not that kind of person.”
Blaine nods, but he doesn’t look convinced. “Is it really that? Or is it because that blond with the sexy English accent is going to be there?” 
"What?" Kurt stops fussing with his makeup, an applicator wedge slathered in primer poised an inch from his skin. "Why would you think ...?" Kurt's eyes go wide. “Wait, wait, wait …” He turns to face Blaine, whose gaze darts away to meticulously examine the threads of Kurt’s Valentina comforter. “Are you jealous?”
Blaine falls silent a moment, gets lost in thought. Then, as if suddenly remembering he's in the middle of a conversation, sputters a weak laugh.
“What? N-no. Not a bit. What do I have to be jealous of?”
“Exactly.” Kurt puts his makeup wedge down and scoots closer, placing his hands on Blaine’s knees. “What do you have to be jealous of?”
“Maybe the fact that you’re living the dream? Not just your dream, but mine, too. A dream I’m never going to be able to fulfill.” Blaine's eyes travel from the comforter to the floor, where a narrow ray of light spreads over the wood. “Or maybe … I'm jealous of this …” He sweeps a hand through the beam, his skin sizzling at the touch of sunlight.
“Blaine! Stop! Don’t hurt yourself!” Kurt reaches for Blaine’s burnt hand and holds it in his. He stands and pulls Blaine down the width of the bed, farther away from the window. Kurt sits beside him, rests his head on Blaine’s shoulder. “Oh, honey. We talked about this.”
Blaine shrugs the opposite shoulder, uncomfortable with laying his fears bare, but he doesn’t pull his hand away, curling his fingers over Kurt’s to keep them joined. Kurt looks into Blaine’s face, into glowing red eyes fighting to stay open as the oncoming dawn weighs heavy on him. Kurt knows Blaine’s transformation has been difficult for him to adjust to, but it has never been particularly challenging for them as a couple – not until Kurt landed the starring role in a play that had the potential to go from the humble student theater at NYADA to off-Broadway, with Kurt leading the charge. “No one is going to replace you. And that guy …” Kurt shakes his head. “He doesn’t even come close. Besides ..." Kurt grins "... I’m not the flirt in this relationship. You are.”
"Yeah, well, not so much anymore." Blaine chuckles, tired eyes lifting to meet Kurt’s.
"You have your moments." Kurt raises a hand to cup Blaine’s cold cheek. "You have to trust me."
“I do trust you.” Blaine turns into Kurt’s hand and kisses his wrist, right above the pulse that calls to him incessantly, echoing his need. Blaine doesn’t know if it’s the love he carried over into this immortal life or if that need has always been there, but he has a bond with Kurt – one that would devastate him if it was broken. “It’s that guy I don’t trust. I’ve been to your midnight rehearsals. I see the way he looks at you when he thinks you’re not paying attention.”
“And do you remember the way I used to look at you at Dalton when I thought you weren’t paying attention?”
“Yeah,” Blaine answers with a wistful laugh. “Yeah, I do.” If Blaine closes his eyes, he can see those furtive glances - Kurt's magical blue eyes grazing Blaine's face before returning to his books, smile growing, cheeks burning red.
God, he misses those days. Misses the excitement of newborn love, the kind of urgent, drama-filled attraction that happens only in high school. He mourns the fact that their life together, the one they had planned so carefully, came to such an abrupt end.
It was all his fault.
And nothing he can do will fix it.
“Well, I still do.” Kurt leans in close and presses a kiss to Blaine’s lips. Blaine smiles into it, wants it to go on forever, even when he feels his strength ebbing away. As the sun rises higher in the sky, Blaine’s need to find somewhere dark to rest amplifies, but he’ll do anything to stay like this and keep kissing his boyfriend.
But he can’t, even if he could convince Kurt to play hooky and stay home with him, and that’s one more thing he has to be jealous of.
“I should let you get back to your cover-up,” Blaine says, relinquishing his grip on Kurt’s hand. Kurt looks at his vanity, at the army of small bottles and jars awaiting him, all very expensive. And not a one of them more important than his boyfriend. Not even his clear, alabaster skin is more important to him than Blaine.
“You know what? Fuck it!” Kurt jumps up the bed and pulls Blaine along with him. “So what if I wear a scarf that doesn't match? No one at NYADA really knows fashion anyway."
"What about ... what about the play?" Blaine argues but he's not fighting. He couldn't if he wanted to.
And Lord knows, he doesn't want to.
"I’ll have the makeup girl cover them up. Let her earn her keep. This way, everybody gets to see the marks my baby gave me.”
“Really?” Blaine raises an eyebrow. 
Kurt tugs Blaine on top of him, and Blaine carefully settles over Kurt’s body.
“Yup. In fact, I think I can handle a few more, if you’re not too tired, that is.” Kurt loops his arms around Blaine’s neck, threading his fingers into his hair. His skin may be unnaturally cool to the touch, but his hair still feels like silk. It’s one of Kurt’s favorite things about Blaine’s new body.
“I think I can do that,” Blaine says, biding past the daybreak and finding a clear spot on Kurt’s neck. “We’ll give that makeup girl a run for her money.”
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Half on a baby: Leo & Alicia -Part 2
This is from Cordonians gone wild, a TRR AU. A collaborative effort by @ao719 @cocomaxley @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom and myself. Find our other crazy adventures HERE
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It had been four months since Leo and Alicia had started trying for a baby. They knew it would take some time after removing the IUD as the doctor had said. It took two months for her cycle to return back to normal, she was happy just to let it happen when it happened,  Leo on the other hand was starting to stress.
Sex used to be fun, but it started to feel more like a chore.
Alicia sat at the restaurant with the other girls, Genevieve and Rashad's wedding was fast approaching and the girls were going over a few of the final details for the bridal shower they were planning wiating for Genevieve showed up.
She absentmindedly played with her wedding ring, lost in thought. “Alicia! Earth to Alicia?!” Pam waved her hand in front of her face “hmm what?” she slowly turned her head. “Mimosas or Manhattans for the shower signature drink?” “oh umm Manhattans.” she answered, slightly embarrassed.  “you were a million miles away, what's up?” Stef asked, the others stared at her waiting for a response. She took a deep breath “So you know how we have been trying for a baby?” they all nodded “well, Leo has become like, obsessed. To the point sex isn't fun anymore, it's like… a chore. I don't even want to have sex with him.”  
The girls gasped “Oh my God, you don't want to have sex with Leo? The two of you couldn't keep your hands off each other for 2 minutes and you don't even want to at all?” Anitah shrieked.  Alicia shook her head “It's horrible I know. I'm still super attracted to him, but I just hate the pressure.”
Just then Leo approached the table. “Hello Ladies, sorry to interrupt but Alicia and I have an appointment.” Alicia rolled her eyes “I'm kind of in the middle of something Leo, can we postpone the appointment?”
“we already postponed one appointment today, I do not want to miss another.” he gave her a stern look, finally she tossed her napkin on the table and stood. “Sorry ladies but my Husband seems to demand I attend this Appointment.” Leo held his hand out, she walked straight past him giving him a pointed look, passing Genevieve on the way. “Hey Ali…” she started to say but quickly stopped noticing Alicia's annoyed look, Leo hot on her heels.
The ride back to the palace was a quiet one, they got to their quarters, Leo started to unbutton his shirt. “we should probably do it twice to make up for missed time this morning.” he said pulling off his pants. “what are you doing? Take off your clothes.” Leo huffed annoyed she wasn't moving he walked over to her and started to unzip her dress “Leo Stop!” she turned pushing his hand away. He abruptly stopped, staring at her wide eyed, never in the entire time they had been together had she ever told him to stop. “you are so crazy over making a baby you don't even see or care that I am pissed. What you did back there, that was embarrassing and ridiculous.”
Leo blinked several times at his wife's words. “Sex used to be exciting, and amazing. When was the last time you went down on me? When was the last time I had an orgasm? It's become a chore and I'm not ok with it.” she yelled. “you don't want to have sex with me?” his voice almost a whisper. “No Leo,I think we need to have a sex break for a little bit.”
“So are you saying you want to stop trying?” his voice started to break, blinking back tears.  
“I'm not saying that,  I just want our old sex life back. The fun, spontaneous, passionate, whenever, wherever sex we used to have. Not this, scheduled boring ass shit that's happening now.” leo sat on the couch. “I'm, I'm sorry, I just got so crazy over getting you pregnant. How long is this break going to be?”
“I don't know, we will just see how it goes.”
A couple weeks later the group flew into Tahiti for Leo's 35th birthday. Alicia was able to reserve 3 on water bungalows in the same cluster. Drake and pam would be sharing with Genevieve and Rahad, Anitah and Liam would share with Stef and Max, and since nobody liked to bunk with the loud couple,  and it being his birthday weekend, Leo and Alicia had their own bungalow. Each bungalow had two bedrooms, a full kitchen, living room, deck and private water entrance. Except Leo and Alicia's had one bedroom, and an island inspired canopy bed.
They spent the afternoon in the sparkling bluewater. .The guys did a little fishing while the girls floated around in rafts sipping on tropical drinks. It had been 2 full weeks since Leo and Alicia were intimate, Alicia seemingly ok, Leo starting to crack under the lack of sex, but not wanting to push his wife.  He watched as she got off her raft and into the clear water, swimming to the stairs of the bungalow. She made her way up the stairs, beads of water rolling down her body, her long brown hair cascading down her back. She adjusted her bikini bottoms, Leo adjusted his pants at the sight of her. She smirked as she walked into the bungalow Leo getting up to follow her.
Alicia walked into the kitchen grabbing a glass of water,  she felt his strong arms wrap around her waist. “you're killing me in this bikini love.” his husky voice in her ear sent shivers down her spine. “is that so? And what exactly do you want to do about this?” she teased. Leo let out a low growl hands placed firmly on her hips, his lips gently nipping the back of her neck. “Leo, hey, you got a bite on your line.” Drake's voice came from behind them. “You can't get it?” He growled, back still facing Drake. “Na I think you should come get it, it looks like a big one.” Drake tried to stifle his laughter.  Alicia turned facing her husband “Better go get that fish.” she whispered as she walked out the door. Leo turned glaring at Drake seeing him laughing “Fuck you walker.”
The first night Alicia passed out before Leo came to bed, the second night the girls all crashed in Alicia and Leo's bungalow, Leo being forced to bunk with Liam for the night. He woke up being snuggled by his younger brother. It was then that he vowed, one way or another this hold out was going to end.
They spent the day at the beach, and doing a little sightseeing. The resort that the bungalows were near was having a party, and the crew wanted to check it out. The spent the evening eating and laughing. After way to many drinks pam and Drake were the first to leave, followed by Genevieve and Rashad. Maxwell, stephanie and Anitah were on the dance floor. Liam slouched in his seat wearing a goofy grin and a coconut bra.
Leo looked over at Alicia he dipped his mouth close to her ear “Dance with me?” she agreed and they made their way to the dance floor. Leo pulled her flesh to himself using the close proximity to his advantage. Between the beat of the music, the way his hands felt on her body and the alcohol, Alicia couldn't resist him anymore. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him into a searing kiss, his tongue slipped between her soft lips their tongues swirled together, fighting for dominance. They pulled apart finally “I need you Leo, now!” she breathed out.
Without a word he grabbed her hand rushing back to the bungalow. Once they reached the docks he scooped her up, carrying her bridal style until they got into the bedroom. He let her down pulling her into a kiss as his fingers diligently removed her long floral dress. He growled in Appreciation discovering she had nothing underneath. He turned her around pulling her flesh to him, his hands roamed her naked body, he caressed her breast, pinching and rolling her pink buds until the formed firm peaks. She let out a soft moan, it had been to long. His fingers slipped lower, parting her folds, he rubbed her sensitive bundle sending jolts of pleasure throughout her. “f- fuck Leo.” she moaned. Leo pulled off his shirt and slipped out of his shorts. He lead her to the bed giving her a soft nudge watching her fall back. He dropped to his knees, pulling her legs over his strong shoulders.  “Fuck baby, I've been waiting for this moment for 2 weeks.” he growled as his lips found her clit sucking and swirling her clit with perfect skill. She arched her back at the sensation, it didn't take long, with one hand gripping the sheets the other tangled in his blonde locks she came screaming his name.
He stood with a smirk. “You taste as good as you feel baby, and right now, I need to feel you.”  He lined his thick long length up with her aching center and plunged into her causing Alicia to gasp. “Fuck love your tight.” Leo groaned, as he gripped her hips pulling her up slightly off the bed. He set a steady pace, wanting to take as much time as he could. Their moans filled the room, her fingers raked his back as she felt the coil tighten. She felt her coil start to tighten, she needed more. She bucked her hips into him, he gave her that sly grin. “mmmm that's my girl, I know what you want.” Leo picked up his pace, thrusting into her with force. “Fuck, yes Leo just like that.” she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him deeper into her. “mmmm fuck, yes.” she moaned “come for me baby, I wanna  hear how good it feels.” he growled. Leo thrust harder, he felt her walls flutter around him “ Yes,Leo…. Leo!” she screamed his name as her sweet nectar crashed against his length sending him over the edge. “Alicia!” He pumped into her as he spilled himself into her with a loud groan collapsing to the side of her. They laid tangled together in the bed. “I am so sorry I almost ruined our sex life.” Leo sighed. Alicia laid on his chest “you didn't, but let's never schedule sex again ok?” he grinned as he kissed the top of her head. “Happy birthday Leo.”
A month later…..
Alicia walked into their quarters, she had spent the day with the girls getting their nails done they were heading to the rehearsal and dinner, afterwards everyone would be traveling to Domvailler for the wedding the next day. “Leo I'm back, you about ready?” she hollered out, kicking her heels off. She say down in the oversized chair in their living room, she leaned her head back closing her eyes. the next thing she knew Leo was shaking her “Wake up love, we need to get going.” “hmmm what? Did I fall asleep?” Leo grinned “Yeah you did. Now come on the car is waiting for us downstairs.”
The rehearsal went well, finally it was dinner time. Alicia sat at the table waiting on her food. She hadn't touched the glass of wine that sat in front of her. The staff sat their food down she glanced over at Genevieve's surf and turf steak and lobster, her stomach doing flops. She picked at her chicken, not being able to bring herself to eat it. It wasn't until she glanced over at Leo, who cut into his medium rare steak,  the blood pooling out did it. Her hand flew up to her mouth she stood abruptly knocking over the chair, rushing out and into the bathroom. The entire table staring at the empty spot.
“Is she ok?” Rashad sympathetically asked. “I really hope she isn't getting a stomach bug the day before the wedding.” Genevieve sighed. “I'll go check on her.” Leo stood walking to the bathroom.
“you ok love?” he hollered in. “I don't know, I looked at your bloody steak and puked.” she splashed water on her face. “I think I'm gonna go lay down, can you tell Gen sorry and I'll be fine for tomorrow.” she walked out of the bathroom pulling off her dress. “You want me to stay, I can take care of you.” Leo put his hands on her shoulders “You're sweet, but no. Go back down and finish eating. I'll be fine.” leo ran back down to the dining hall, filling everyone in on Alicia's condition,  he finished eating and went back to the room. Alicia was sleeping, he covered her up and climbed into bed next to her.
The next day was the wedding, Alicia was fine most of the morning. The girls sipped champagne Alicia declined, the thought of it made her stomach turn instead she snacked on crackers and ginger ale. She got through the ceremony even the dinner with no isssue.  Genevieve and Rashad left for their honeymoon Leo, Alicia and Stephanie sat at the table, Leo and Stephanie had a nice buzz going, Alicia sipped sparkling cider. Maxwell plopped down next to Alicia at the table, tossing a plate of fish, rice and greens down. “Max, where’d ya get that?” stef eyed her husband  “Oh I raided the kitchen, want some?” he forked a large chunk of fish waving it in Alicia's face. Her hand flew over her mouth and she darted off to the bathroom. “I guess she does have a stomach bug.” Leo sighed. “Or she's pregnant.” Stephanie eyed Leo, who couldn't stop the grin forming on his face. “I better go check on her. Talk to you guys later.”
Alicia walked out of the bathroom coming face to face with Leo “Damn Maxwell and that damn fish. I'm gonna go up, you can hang out if you want, I won't be much fun.” “I have something I want to do, but I'll be up shortly.” he kissed her forehead and took off.
A short while later Leo came in the room. “Hey baby. How are you feeling?” he asked.
“Better. What ya got there?” she took note of the bag he was holding. “This?” she shook her head, Leo handed her the bag. She reached in pulling out a box “a pregnancy test? No, it's to soon, the doctor said it could take a year.” she argued. “Just take it love, please.” he took her hands. “fine.” she sighed ripping open the box and going into the bathroom.  She came out a few minutes later placing the test on the nightstand, setting a timer on her phone.
Leo placed the floor, when the timer went off. Alicia's head snapped over to the test and back to Leo, she shook her head, she couldn't look. Leo crossed the room in two strides snatching the test off the nightstand, he stared at the test. “its.. its negative isn't it?” Leo looked up at his wife tears in his eyes “Im… its… Alicia, you're.” he stammered “Leo, what's going on, you're confusing me.”
“you're pregnant love.” Alicia stood up “im.. what? You're serious?” He wrapped his strong arms around her, pulling her into a sweet kiss. “Were having a baby love.I love you, so much.”
Alicia looked into his bright blue eyes “I love you too Leo. I can't believe it, were going to have a baby!”
A few months later ….
Alicia laid on the table of the imagining office, Leo sat next to her gripping her hand. They had had a few office visits, got a few blurry pictures of what Leo called their little “sprout”. Today was the day of their big ultrasound, with any luck they would know the sex of their baby. When they found out they were expecting, Alicia was 6 weeks along. When they told their friends the news Leo announced it as his delayed birthday present, as she got pregnant during the birthday trip to Tahiti.
The technician came in “Hello your grace, your highness, I am tessa and I'll be doing your scan today.” Leo and Alicia shared a look, fighting back the urge to laugh hysterically at the penis shaped eyebrows on tessa’s face. After a few measurements and tessa telling them what every part was she finally asked the question “So do you want to know the sex of the baby?” “YES!” they answered unanimously. Tessa laughed “well ok, let's see if we can get some cooperation here.” tessa wiggled the wand on Alicia's stomach snapping a few pictures, she furrowed her brow and stood up “umm if you will excuse me for a minute. “ she got up and walked out of the room. “What's wrong Leo?” “I don't know love, I'm sure fine.” He have her a reassuring squeeze.
Tessa returned with another woman “Hello, I'm doctor Swift. Tessa asked me to take a look really quick, if that's ok.” Alicia nodded as the doctor scanned her stomach. “ok so, this little one right here is baby A” she pointed to the screen. “and this one… is baby B” Leo whipped his head to the doctor “come again?”
Alicia sat up on her elbows “What do you mean?”
The doctor giggled “well, it appears you are having twins. This little one was hiding behind it's sibling.” tw.. twins?” Alicia muttered, Leo grinned “guess my swimmers were having a buy one get one free special that day.” Alicia groaned. “Now, let's find out the sex of these two.”
Taglist: @speedyoperarascalparty @greyeyedsmile14 @mind-reader1  @hopefulmoonobject @alicars @bella-ca @blznbaby @blackwidow2721 @liamxs-world @simsvetements @furiousherringoperatortoad @choicesfannatalie @crookedslimecreatorpasta @coldcollectornight08 @museofbooks @syltti78 @ao719 @blubutterflyy @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @riseandshinelittleblossom @gardeningourmet @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @laniquelovesworld @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez @noey718-blog @nikkis1983 @sweetest-marbear @classylady1234 @daniv2278
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takadasaiko · 5 years
Second Chances: Chapter Four
Summary: Steve has every intention of returning the Infinity Stones to their correct place in the timeline and heading back to his own. His problems start when he makes an impulse decision to jump over to 1946 and Peggy decides to go back home with him. It only gets more complicated from there when Howard tags along with them to 2023. Tony lives fix-it fic. Pepperony.
Chapter Summary: Howard explores the tech needed to get Peggy back to 2023 along with Steve while Tony works on an upgraded ARC reactor that will give him the fighting chance he needs.
Note: Just as a side note, the amount of time covered with the team in 1946 does not necessarily correspond to the amount of time covered in 2023, even if they're both in the same chapter. In other words what may be the next day for Steve, Peggy, and Howard might be a week or a month later for Tony and the gang in the future. It will all make sense once Steve et al jump to 2023, but I wanted to make sure that I mentioned it in case anyone out there is crazy like me and wobbly timelines drive them crazy.
Chapter Four
They had released Mr Stark from the hospital sometime during the day. Peter had a text waiting for him the moment his last class of the day wrapped and he found himself mumbling excuses why he has to skip out right away. When Iron Man calls, you don't make him wait, even if you can't tell MJ that's the reason why. So he had hopped the train into Manhattan, foot tapping nervously the whole way.
He had only been to the New York HQ for Stark Industries once to make the 'internship' official, and it hadn't even been with Mr Stark. Happy had had to give him a tour of the facility. The head of Stark Industry's security had grumbled the whole way and probably skipped half of what he was supposed to show him. Peter had wanted to see the R&D labs, but it hadn't been in the cards that day. Instead he had seen a few stray offices, the kitchen, and the lobby. Oh, and Happy chasing more than one person down the hall yelling at them over a badge.
Today was different. Today was perfect. Not only was Mr Stark finally out of the hospital - that had to be a good sign, right? They wouldn't let him out if he wasn't doing better - but he'd asked Peter to come help him with a special project. Maybe it was the braces his mentor had shown him the designs for. They had been clumsily sketched out with his left hand, but all the moving parts had made sense when he had talked him through the design one afternoon after Peter had dropped by after school. He might not be a natural engineer like Mr Stark, but he caught on pretty fast. Maybe not quite as fast as chemistry, but if he had to rate them he'd say physics was right behind it. If Mr Stark was willing to talk him through it, Peter was sure that he could —
The teen slammed to a stop at the entrance into Mr Stark's private lab that he had been directed to. The older man sat in a chair, right arm fitted into the very brace he'd designed. Standing with him was a young man only a few years older than Peter. He wasn't an employee. At least he didn't look like it. He was dressed in an MIT hoodie and wasn't wearing a badge as far as Peter could tell, but he was talking through the way the new brace worked as Mr Stark carefully stretched his arm out with it.
"Yeah, we need to tighten it just a hair around my wrist."
"You didn't exactly warn me how much weight you'd dropped," the young man responded, and there was a hint of worry in his voice.
"Hospital food," he answered with a noncommittal shrug.
"Better than alien spacecraft food?"
Mr Stark shot him an exasperated look. "Really? That's where you're going with this?"
"I'm just saying you hop on a spaceship and five years later I'm still waiting on stories."
"Then keep waiting. You don't need stories. You need to pay attention in Elger's class."
"I do!"
"Uh huh. Snoring straight through it is what I've heard."
"What'd he do? Call you?"
"It's cute you think I don't have eyes and ears all over that school."
The younger man shot him an exasperated look. "Not creepy at all. Obviously I'm learning something. You called me for your designs."
"I offered to let you put it together because if you've been sleeping through Edlger's class you're gonna need the extra credit." Mr Stark smirked, stretching the fingers of his right hand with the help of the brace that ran along each finger. "You did good, kid." His dark gaze flickered towards the door. "You just gonna hang out there all day, Underoos?"
Peter could feel his face heat up at the sudden realization that Mr Stark had known he was standing there for…. well for some amount of time. He wasn't sure how long he'd known. "I, uh…. got your text."
"I know. And sent one back."
"I didn't know you'd have someone else here."
The young man flashed a grin. "Harley Keener. You must be Peter. Tony was telling me all about you earlier."
"All?" the teen squeaked.
"Well yeah. That you're an expert chemist and crazy quick learner. Not gonna lie, I'm a little jealous you're gonna get to work on the ARC reactor. I wish I could. That thing is hella cool."
"I'm… what?"
"I mean, I could stay," Harley offered. "Lend a hand. Maybe even-"
"Get outta here," Mr Stark grumbled. "Go fail your tests."
"Gonna ace them."
"I know."
"I'll send you the tightened up version as soon as I get a chance."
"Mark Two," Mr Stark responded, his smile bordering on tired, but he offered a wave with his right hand as if to prove that he could.
Peter watched as Harley started for the door and back to wherever he'd come from and he swallowed hard. The two seemed perfectly at ease with each other. Tony. He'd called Mr Stark Tony.
"You with me, kid?"
The tone made it sound like he'd called Peter's name several times and the teen sputtered. "Yeah. Yeah, I was just thinking Happy's gonna have a fit if he sees him without a badge."
Mr Stark snorted a laugh. "Happy knows who he is. I've known Harley for a decade. It'll be fine."
Oh. Okay. So he hadn't just met him. Or met him while he was gone. That was a relief.
"What'dya thinking kid? I just went out and replaced you while you were gone?"
And he was pretty sure his face was bright red all over again. "I, uh, well I mean…"
His movements were slow, tired, but the older man pulled himself from his seat for the first time since Peter had walked in and took a hesitant step forward as if he weren't entirely comfortable with the brace around his knee yet. Unlike the brace on his arm, that one didn't have to support his entire limb, just help to steady him on it. The brace on his arm stretched from shoulder to fingers though, a shell that fit over his scarred arm and Peter saw the bluetooth receiver that he must have been using to control it like he used in his Iron Man suits. Better or not, he still was having trouble doing much more than twitching his fingers before fitting the mechanics around the nearly useless limb. All of his plans seemed to work out from theory to execution, though, and that had to count for something, even if Peter was wondering if maybe they had released him earlier than they should have. He didn't exactly look healthy.
Mr Stark made his way over and closed the gap. "Hey." Peter's gaze flickered from the brace to his mentor's face, and his expression tough to pin down. Almost like he was reliving some terrible memory, but he reached forward with his uninjured hand and clasped his shoulder. "There's no replacing you, kid."
Peter's lips stretched slowly, the smile taking on a life of its own. "I'm glad you're feeling better. I mean… you are, right? Feeling better?"
"I will be once we get this dealt with. What'dya say we get started?"
The house was so quiet as Peggy made her way down the stairs that she found herself wondering if the night before had all been a dream. Really, if she were honest, it would make more sense than Steve Rogers showing up at her front door, an ecstatic Howard in tow, and claiming he'd come back to her because of time travel. She'd seen a lot of strange things - and, admittedly, most of them had had something to do with Howard Stark - but this one topped them all. It was fanciful. The kind of thing her brain might betray her with after finally trying to say goodbye to Steve. Perhaps she should ready herself for the strong possibility that she and Angie were the only ones there.
She heard the swinging door leading into the kitchen open and freshly brewed coffee wafted from towards her. Breakfast was laid out on the table in the breakfast nook, Angie already digging through it. Her friend looked up, fork still in her mouth, and she swallowed hard. "Hey, sleepy head. You up late last night?" If her tone hadn't been suggestive enough, the look that she gave her said it all.
"I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about," Peggy answered coily and reached for a piece of bacon. "Are we sure that's caffeinated coffee?"
"Why wouldn't it be?"
The door to the kitchen opened again and Mr Jarvis paused midstep, looking rather sheepish as Peggy turned her cool gaze on him. If his expression was anything to go by her suspicion that he had swapped her coffee for decaf the night before were more founded than the lingering fear that Steve's arrival had been some sort of cruel dream. "Oh, I don't know, but I think Mr Jarvis might," she said pointedly, but her smile eased the sharp edges of the words. "Are the boys in the lab?"
"Wait. This place's got a lab?" Angie squeaked, eyes wide.
"I found it a couple of weeks ago. Hidden door in the library."
"You don't say."
"Something about rich men and their hidden doors."
Jarvis cleared his throat awkwardly. "Yes, Miss Carter. I know that Mr Stark is still in there, and I wager Captain Rogers is as well."
"Oh no you don't, Peg," Angie called out as she poured herself a cup of coffee. "I want to hear everything."
"Of course, Angie. Soon."
She didn't give her time to argue as she took her coffee and started back for the library. She pulled the appropriate book forward as she pushed another at the same time, a satisfying click proving signalling the mechanisms movement. It slid open to reveal a moderately stocked lab.
Howard sat on a stool, bent over his work and, if the way his foot tapped nervously on the rung was any indication, he not only had been up all night, but Mr Jarvis had failed to cut off his supply of caffeine. Well, he did sign the butler's checks, she supposed.
Steve was the one that looked over first and it didn't look like he'd slept any more than Howard. He reached up, smoothing back blond hair. "Good morning," he greeted and she couldn't stop the smile.
"Hiya, Peg," Howard offered without looking up from his microscope.
"I see you boys didn't bother to turn in as promised. Mr Jarvis has a full spread on the table."
"And coffee?"
"Haven't you had enough?" she asked the inventor and Steve chuckled.
"We should probably take a break. Howard's been picking Tony's tech apart all night."
"Tony?" Peggy echoed and she didn't miss the mildly panicked look that flashed across his face when he realized he had dropped the name.
"One of the Avengers," he said carefully. "He's, uh…"
"Cap's been dancing around names and details all night," Howard said, amusement lining his voice as he stood. "Thinks he's gonna break time and space. Got news for you, friend. She's going with you. She'll hear it all anyway."
"But you're not, and I don't want to-"
Peggy wasn't sure she trusted the look in her friend's eyes as he waved a hand. "Right, right. I'm just putting the tech together so you and Peg can have your dance. I get my place. Did you say breakfast is ready?"
"It is," she confirmed carefully.
Dark eyes narrowed at her and suddenly Howard's laser focus was directed squarely at her. "What's that look?"
"I'm not giving you a look," she answered immediately.
"Oh, that's a look," he chuckled. "It's the I don't trust Howard look, and I'll tell ya, Peg, it hurts. Especially when I delayed my trip just to help you out."
His tone was teasing and she offered him a smile. "Are you telling me the future holds no appeal to you?"
Howard shrugged. "'Course it does, but Cap was clear. One of us needs to stay and you've earned it, Peggy. You both have."
She pulled in a deep breath, gauging the words that sounded genuine. "Thank you, Howard."
He flashed her a charming smile and breezed past, shouting at Jarvis about coffee. Steve came to stand with her. "You think he's up to something?"
"Maybe. Probably. You dangle something like time travel in front of a man like Howard and he'll be tempted at the very least." Her brows pulled together, a question dancing around in her mind before finally falling from her lips. "Why is it that he needs to stay?"
Steve glanced in the direction that Howard had disappeared in. "He has… a lot ahead of him."
She lifted a skeptical eyebrow and saw the small twitch of his lips downward like he was struggling with something. "You know you can tell me anything, don't you?"
"It's just… I didn't really think this through, you know? Howard does a lot, but so do you. You are…. There are so many people that you help, so much good you do in the world. If you come with me, I'm taking you away from all of that. How's that fair to them?"
Peggy pursed her lips and leaned against the open door frame to the lab. "I understand that you're torn," she said carefully. "You have… You must have so much information that could alter everything as we know it. One step to the left or the right could change it all. I'm not a fool, I know that, but also believe we have a choice in what we do and the paths that we take." She caught his gaze and held it. "You're a hero, Steve, but not because you're Captain America. You're a hero because of the choices you've made again and again…. You fall down on the grenade every time,, and when you went into the ice I..." She swallowed hard, steeling herself as best as she could, but no matter how determined she was she could feel those damned tears building. "I mourned. For over a year I mourned you. I'd only just said my goodbyes and hoped I could stand by them and then there you are standing in the doorway, real as day, and I got my choice back."
"What choice?" he asked, his voice small, almost as if he didn't dare speculate on the answer.
"You, you idiot," Peggy laughed and reached out, her hand brushing his. "I don't just want a dance. I want it all. If I can change the world here, I can change the world anywhere. If Howard can manage it on his own, I want to choose you."
His fingers wrapped around her hand and he pulled it up to his lips to press a kiss to the back of her knuckles. "I should tell you. If it's your choice, you should know."
"Hey, lovebirds!" Howard shouted from down the hall. "You coming?"
Steve finally broke into a real smile and Peggy echoed it. "And you thought you missed him."
"I did. I know someone a lot like him though… Sometimes I forget how much they remind me of each other."
"Tony?" she asked slyly and his look said it all.
"We should probably get back out there before he comes looking for us."
"Probably so," she conceded as she tightened her hold on his hand, not letting go as she led him towards the breakfast nook. She wasn't going to let him go this time. Not when she had a chance to hold on.
Notes: This was a much more difficult chapter to write than the others because I adore Peggy so much. I came to some realizations (right along with Steve) about what taking her to the future before founding SHIELD would actually mean for her as a character. Sure, Howard and Phillips could do it. It might be different, but I think they could have gotten it off the ground without her. The point is she was there. A woman in the late 40's helping to kickstart SHIELD into being, and isn't that  the core of Peggy Carter? Definitely one of the many reasons I love her. I found my fix, and I think from a character standpoint I'm very happy with the questions it will cover. It just caused a bit of a hiccup in the writing process.
Originally this chapter was going to bounce back and forth between the ARC reactor and Howard researching the time travel tech, but I decided I really prefer shorter chapters and more frequent updates for this story. I am fond of the fact that I get one of my parallels I love so much with Tony and his father working on tech that originated with the other in different timelines. It's a lot of fun.
Next time: Howard gets a closer look at the Pym Particles and Tony finishes the new ARC reactor.
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isopale · 5 years
Here is my entry for @covered-byroses turning 1 writing challenge!
This is my first time writing anything for others to see, and it kinda got away from me... Had to cut it off where i did for now because it juat kept going and going and going..... And next thing i know wow.
Summary: You have a secret you've kept hidden all this time. Until something kills your husband and threatens to expose everything. Just so happens a couple hunters get more than the case they signed up for.
Pairing: none (yet 😘)
Warnings: character death (vaguely/generally discribed)
A quiet normal life was obviously too much to ask for. The past few years had been a lot of running around from place to place, ducking monsters and hunters. Was there nowhere that didn't have some kind of monster in it? How hard was it really?
The monsters never bothered you, they all seemed to know something was off and to stay away. You don't bother them, they don't bother you, simple as that. But some the hunters that came after them were different, these humans that have made it their duty to protect the clueless ones could be dangerous. Some of them have let the jobs get into their heads, and it's changed them. That's why you always left any town they came to, just to be safe.
Angels and demons on the other hand were absolute nightmares. You had spent more than your fair share with them and fighting them. If an angel was in a town, it was drop everything and run before they see you. Demon, leave before a hunter comes since most demons topside were too young go recognize you.
With all the constant moving, you were alone.
Until you met your (murdered) husband. He was a self proclaimed free spirit. Loved to move from place to place and rarely stayed anywhere for more than a few months. You had been hesitant but eventually warmed up to him and before long married, and fell in love. Since he just sooo happened to show up in the same places as you, he was a risk you wanted to take. He was your guilty pleasure, and his death was your fault.
He never knew what hit him. But obviously some demon went looking for the legend not even your dear old dad believed.
After your husband was murdered, you made it your obsession to find and kill it. Someone was talking and it wasn't going to end well.
You had been looking around and discovered that there was apparently a pack of wolves living in town. Small pack, looks to be exclusively family unit. Mother, father, and 2 girls (possibly nearing their 20s) and a teenage boy.
Of course… never a dull moment.
Not too surprising being in the middle of nowhere texas, but in the weeks you had been watching them they only fed on their livestock.
Which makes other murders in town very strange. What ever was responsible made sure to make it look like a werewolf attack.
Sam and Dean had been interviewing the investigators and witnesses all day for these “animal attacks”.
“Sounds like a werewolf Sammy,” Dean said opening a beer from the mini fridge.
“Yeah. Where is it hiding though?” Sam mused leaning back in the ratty bedside chair. “No one i touched was bothered by the silver ring today.”
“Good idea of Bobby's by the way. I might have to go check the local talent with it,” Dean said with a smirk lounging on one of the two small beds in the motel room.
“oh Lighten up Sammy. I was gonna let you go first this time”
“Do whatever you want. I'm going to bed.” Sam rolled his eyes before moving to the other bed, that was a few inches too short for him “Remember we have to talk to the widows tomorrow so try not to have hooker glitter on you this time.”
“That only happened once.”
You didn't like to make a habit of being near hunters but you couldn't leave town now. It had only been a few months since you were married and less than a year since you and your husband had known each other. But that didn't make it hurt any less. It had been so long since you had had someone close to you.
You had visited the wolfs farm, this time to talk instead of spy, this morning before work at the small second hand clothes shop downtown. The Hensen's, you should probably remember their name. They were nice and accommodating once convinced you weren't there to harm them. Josh, the husband, wide and sturdy man was willing and ready to end any threat to his family. (Oh those hunters are going to have fun with this one) Amelia, the mother, tall woman towering over you although extremely soft spoken due to then she was turned her throat had very nearly been ripped out leaving a large angry scar. (You wondered if the big one of the two hunters was taller than her) The girls were twins, Anna and Marie, simple small town girls. And the son, Rich, solid country muscle farm boy.
They had been living there for years, long enough to build up that farm and to have the stock numbers to cover their feeding habits. They always sold or gave away what they didn't need. Most of the town thought they ran a home butcher shop and over the years that's what it turned into. But now with the murders and the hunters in town they were all on high alert.
Those hunters were going around town talking to the other 3 widows. Now you could see them through the store window across the street parking that vintage beauty. Both of them were way too sexy to be whatever government agents they were pretending to be. Sex with your husband (the few times it did happen) was great it was meaningful, but he would rather sleep under the stars or not leave the couch unless absolutely necessary to binge on something. But these two hunters made you think sinful thoughts.
Oh if only boys.
Putting on your customer service voice “Good afternoon gentleman. How can I help you?”
“We're federal agents in town working the recent animal attack cases,” the shorter of the two stated as they flash very nice but very fake FBI badges. “We were wondering if there was a (y/n y/l/n) here.”
“That would be me.” not even trying to remember the names on the ids, they wouldn't be real anyway. “Are you going to find out what happened to my husband?”
“Yes ma'am, we are very sorry for your loss,” now it's the taller ones turn “but we were hoping we could ask you a few questions?”
Giving them a sad smile before turning back to arrange new rack of clothes “Sure but i'm the only one here until closing at 6. You can ask here or wait until then.”
The tall one narrowed his eyes slightly. He seemed to want to say something else.
I don't even know what I'm not supposed to know. Normal people don't think werewolf right?
“How 'bout you meet us at the diner down the street when you get off? You can help us out over a quick bite,” he stepped around the small rolling rack of new clothes to make you look at him.
“Sure,” you try your best to hold back fake tears “I'll be there about 15 after.”
Too bad you didn't have time to creep on them before the diner, you have to admit they were nice to look at.
They're waiting in a booth in the back, both on one side with backs against the wall to watch everyone else. The tall one with long hair politely waves his hand when you enter. The shorter one has beautiful green eyes, he stands and helps you into the benchseat across from them. The had already ordered you a coffee and a glass of water.
“Thank you for coming Ms (y/l/n),” says the tall one
“How long were you and your husband living here before he was attacked?” Asks the green eyed hunter
“We only came here about a month ago. We didn't plan on staying, we wanted to travel around the country. You know live on the road,” You say not entirely lying “we just pick somewhere to go and get some small jobs around to hold us over for a bit.”
“Wait you don't live here?” Asked the tall one, he was trying to hide his suspicion with empathy.
“No, I'm still staying in the little motel,” you say “I was going to switch rooms but… i couldn't bring myself to…” you say fake holding back tears, you've shed all the tears you needed. Now you want the thing that killed him to suffer.
“We're sorry.” Says the tall one, his features soften and he gives you a look of genuine sympathy. “Why did you stay? Couldn't you have gone back home?”
“Neither of us have any family anywhere, we’re alone.” Now you hold back real tears, suddenly very interested in that coffee.
Taking a sip you realize why it was there before you were. Holy water. It stings some now when it usually doesn't, but you hold your composure. These two aren't playing around, they legitimately think you're the killer.
When green eyes shifts his hands on the table you notice why he helped you into the seat.
Holy water and silver rings, these two are a lot more interesting than i thought.
You sigh and decide to tell them what they want to know… sort of.
“I'm not the one who killed those people or my husband.” you whisper. They glance at each other and some unspoken thing goes between them but before they can feed you more BS you continue. “It wasn't a werewolf either. I know it looks bad but the bodies should have been more tore up, when has a wolf ever ripped out a heart without leaving any other marks?”
“Ma'am werewolves don't exist. We know traumatic experiences like this ca--” the long haired giant begins but green eyes stops him.
“Sam she knows.” He whispers to him “I guess we can cut the act for you then.” He directs to you this time. “What do you know?”
Mmm like to be incharge do ya not-sam.
“I'll tell you what I know but it's not much, and not here. I'm leaving in the morning,” You say “meet me at the butchers farm outside town in an hour.” You get up to leave not waiting for an answer.
After the 15 minute walk back to the motel you enter your room. You spare one last glance at the first bed and your heart clenches. You just need to pack the few clothes you have in your backpack and the essentials and be on your way to the farm. You plan on staying with the wolves until the hunters leave and your mind is too preoccupied with things to take and things to leave you didn't notice the rug was moved. Then you bumped the barrier reaching for the moon necklace your husband had given you. You had been so hurt and angry lately you hadn't been careful enough.
“Told you Sammy.” You heard from the doorway
You had not been pissed before but you were now. Hunters, always shoot first and ask questions after. Between angels, demons, and hunters you couldn't catch a break.
“Why'd you do it? Was he even your husband or just some poor sap that happened to be passing through town at the same time?” Sam asked accusingly
“It's not what you think” you say taking a breath to calm down and try and get out of the circle. But green eyes cuts you off.
“Why do you demons think you can just kill whenever you want and we won't find you,” he opens a small leather book “ now were going to save that poor girl you're wearin--”
“I LOVED HIM! LOOK AROUND YOU IDIOT!” So much for calm. You raise your hand and they both are flung against the headboards. You shut your eyes and take another breath.
You feel the darkness fading and with it the circles hold as you step over the barrier, careful to keep your hold on the men before you. You open your eyes to see them staring wide eyed and speechless. Their eyes locked on yours, you know they see the black they are used to but yours also have the familiar blue-white glow as well.
“What are you?” Sam breathes
Striding to the nightstand between the beds you slowly take your necklace before answering “I WILL find out who killed my husband, with or without your help. You have 20 minutes to be at the butchers now and I'll tell you what i know.” You say firmly making your way to the door making sure to walk through the circle again for them to see.
You spare one last look at them. “You know if i was into being on this end of things you two might be in trouble like that”
You release your hold on them as you slip out the door on the last word.
Something was different about the boy when you had ran into him that morning before the hunters came to the shop and you were hoping you were wrong.
Even if I'm right I can just fix him when I'm done.
You had been running since you left the motel, you're not going back to that little car you had since someone probably will recognize it again.
You skid to a stop in front of the Hensen's gate, trying to slow your breathing and heart rate after the 2 mile run.
“(Y/N)!” It must be one of the twins running up the drive yelling for you.
“Please. There's something wrong with Rich.”
Just then you hear the roar of the hunters car coming up the road.
“Get the rest of your family and hide. DO NOT come out until i come get you.” You grab her shoulders and make her look at you “Where is he?”
“He- he's in the barn. Mom is went after him, please don't let them hurt them.” She sobs
You shove her toward the house “GO!” Then tear off to the barn in the light of the hunters impala.
Just before you reach the barn a body is thrown through the doors, you manage to stop it in the air before it smashes into you. It's the mother, you lay her gently at your feet never touching her. It's been so long since you've used your powers it feels good to do it again.
“Don't you touch her!” The green eyed hunter yells gun drawn on you.
You hover your hand over the mother and let the healing white light do its job. Both men stand above you guns at the ready.when When you're done you snap your fingers and send her to her own bed far away from the hunters, still unsure if they will leave this family alone.
Dean and I argued the whole way to the farm about (y/n). He thinks it's some kind of demon trick that she got out of the devils trap, that she must have broke the circle before stepping in it. But i saw her run into it, it stopped her from reaching the nightstand when she reached out.
Then her still using her powers on us while trapped shouldn't be possible. And those eyes. Cas’ eyes only glow blue-white in the iris’, and no other angel has black around them. Whatever she is we've never seen anything like her.
'Into being on this end of things…’ more arousing than it should be coming from a possible demon.
'Into being on this end of things…’ more arousing than it should be coming from a possible demon.
Before we could act she snapped away the wife.
“You people are always shoot first and answers later.” She stood us to her full height, barely coming to the middle of my chest before swinging around to face Dean.
“MOVE” she shoves past my brother and i have to hide a laugh
“Wait! We don't know what's in there.” I try to stop her but she's already opening the doors before either of us can stop her.
“Ugh. Just stand still and I do everything. hunters…”
What must be the farmers son is standing in the middle of the loft above us cocky smile and black eyes.
"I didnt think you were real little one"
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r-cabrera · 3 years
Princess of Gotham
Chapter 25: Truths & Problems
50 minutes passed in total peace. Or as close to peace as possible. Olive handed me back my thermos, asking me where I had been, I replied with a sign to tell her later. Sure she would scold me but what was done was done. It's not like I had a friend with a magical time travel device, no sir.
The teacher was obnoxious, if it wasn't for the fact that my grandfather had great respect for that lady, she would be dead by now. My brother, who also had classes with her, said that she would be more demanding with me in the coming years, and who told my brother that I was going to continue studying in that horrible school?
The only thing that made me happy in those moments was to have the lovely thermos full of coffee, or half full, the point is that I had coffee and that was the good thing. Before the last change of
"Miss Jane Pasley Wayne, report to the principal's office," was heard throughout the halls of the school.
"What did you do now?" she asked quietly, rather angrily.
"Let's say I broke someone's nose," I replied simply, before getting up and heading down the hallway, which was completely quiet, except for the teachers leaving or the shouts of students asking for extra points. The secretary, who was clearly not there because she wanted to be, told me to enter with a simple nod of her head.
The principal's office was a huge room, with a neat wooden desk, a huge bookcase behind the chair, it was very well lit. In front of his desk were two smaller chairs, and in one of them was Angella, with a cloth in her hand, trying to stop the blood from coming out of her nose. I couldn't help but smile when I saw her angry face.
"She did it, professor. She broke my nose," the girl began to scream, as I approached the second chair.
"First of all, good afternoon," I said to the principal as formally as I could, sitting down as Bruce had taught me, raising the Wayne mask that Grandpa had taught us to wear in public and with influential people.
"Good afternoon, Miss Wayne. I'm sorry about this whole situation," he said, as kindly as he could, and then looked at my companion." Unfortunately, Miss Wilson, there is nothing to incriminate her. The camera in that hallway was turned off, probably a technical situation, or some student broke it by accident. But without proof, we can't report it," The principal was young, a few years younger than Bruce, we always addressed him as a teacher. He was the reason I wanted my father to stay off the phones.
Jason was not considered my tutor by the school, as he was hardly ever home and it was usually Bruce who answered for me, but there were times when, for some reason, my father would be called and he would answer.
"But it was her, she whipped me against the sink and the toilet bowl." Until that moment I hadn't noticed the energy Angella was emanating.
"Professor, you know that my relationship with my classmate is not on good terms, in fact, we have rarely spoken even though we share classes," I began to speak when I noticed that Angella was about to start shouting, "But why would I feel the need to hit her, knowing that I would get into trouble with you and my grandfather?
"You always get into trouble," my companion replied, her anger showing several meters away. From one moment to the next, she grabbed my wrist with an enormous force: "Confess," she looked me in the eyes. My mind went blank for a few moments.
"I hit her in the girls' bathroom in the hallway from the third-grade classrooms to the cafeteria. I spoke without even thinking about it, it was as if my shadow, a dense and completely black cloud, had covered my mind and when I became aware of what I had done, I got out of his grip as fast as I could.
"Miss Wayne, I will have to call your grandfather or your father so that we can solve this situation," said the headmaster, standing up to go to my file, where my tutor's number was.
"My grandfather is very busy today, last I heard he had some very important meetings, I don't think I want to bother him with this," I told him, trying to convince him to call my father, who would have to stay away from his cell phone if Roy loved me as much as he said he did.
Angella was still standing next to me, pretending to cry and trying to stop the blood from running from her nose. The principal grimaced and then told me he would call my father.
"Mr. Todd?" the principal asked as soon as the call was answered, "I need your presence at Gotham Academy, your daughter is in trouble again." Yes, again.
In previous years I would have been depressed, thinking that with so much trouble I was causing the Wayne's would come to the point where they would abandon me on the street again, but now, after all, I had lived through, I felt I could survive without them, I didn't care so much anymore.
Half an hour passed, Angella was still crying in her chair, still with the tissue in her hand, the director was trying to comfort her and I was just amusing myself by tying knots with a rubber band I was wearing on my wrist. At one point in that horrible boredom, the office door was slammed, revealing a red-haired man with green ink tattoos.
"Sorry, I'm late, there's a protest a few streets down. And there's a villain causing havoc near Wayne Enterprises. You know the traffic that goes on in these situations." Roy Harper, you saved me, you deserve the title of my favorite uncle.
"I understand the situation, just as I understand that Mr. Todd has sent you instead, don't I?" At last, something was going my way, and the stupid principal had to ruin it.
"Yes and no. Actually, Jaybird sent me for the brat and Olive Wayne. I got..." Roy started digging through his pants pockets. If my father took me out of school it was because he really needed my help against that villain Roy mentioned," Ah, here it is. I have a copy of Jay's ID, a signed message from him, a prescription for Olive that Dick gave me, according to him it says paracetamol, unfortunately, I never learned Ancient Greek; a message from Bruce Wayne and... An audio where they scold me for not hurrying."
"There is no need to play the audio. The copy of the ID and the message will be more than enough." It would be assumed that being a prestigious school, in a city with a high crime rate, there should be more secure when letting a student go with a stranger. "But let me tell you that there will be sanctions against Jane, this will not stay that way.
"I understand perfectly well Principal, although you still haven't told me what happened, as I told you, we are in a hurry." Jane, you will be without a phone for a week, now go get your things and let your cousin know, we are getting the hell out of this prison.
As soon as he said that I got up from my seat, gave a little nod to the headmaster, and went to my classroom. I checked my wristwatch to see roughly what class Oli might be in. If the class was outside the classroom, I wouldn't have time to go find her and let her know. It was better if I texted her later. If the class was in the classroom, I would have to submit to an interrogation by the teacher on duty.
Before I got to my classroom I bumped into Jared, and before he asked I yelled out that I would see him in the afternoon. The room was completely empty, I didn't stop to think and advanced to my seat so I could put my things away, grabbed the thermos Tim gave me, and ran back to the principal's office, ignoring the signs that said: "No running in the halls".
I would let Oli know on the way. The important thing now was to know the reason for my departure. Before arriving with the principal, Roy intercepted me, saying that he had already "settled" things with the gentleman. He also said that we should leave quickly, as my father was waiting for us.
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