#im not sure why I wrote half the stuff I wanted to say in the tags but if anyone reblogs this and thinks the tags are important you can
hellafluff · 10 months
Currently obsessively thinking about a silent hill from Mary's perspective. Starting in the hospital, the nurses replaced with doctors, faces blacked out except for white shiny gnashing teeth. She only has in her pockets a note written on hotel stationary that says I'm Sorry.
Escaping and meeting a young man, cute and a lil awkward, who says you look a lot like his girlfriend Maria, and shes missing too? Can we look for her together?
Hes... sweet, a bit quiet. He gets very close to Mary often, pushes her boundaries, but this is all weird and strange and maybe hes just scared. When she mentions it, however, he makes a rude remark abt Just Wanting To Help Her but backs off.
They get seperated when the Red Pyramid Thing, unchanged in this version, comes and attacks them both, but chooses to persue him.
Laura is still there, and when Mary and her meet they cling together. She talks about an awful, ugly man she met earlier, and to watch out for him. She helps guide Mary through a maze like area before the Other World sets in and separates them.
The monsters in Mary's Silent Hill are almost all larger then her, and many masculine in appearance. They attack her head, try and choke her. Certain ones cough and gasp, arms thrashing wildly and thrashing on the floor when knocked down. Some seems to have exposed, black lungs that stutter to breathe. If Angela and Eddie are the same in this version, then their boss fights remain the same. The Abstract Daddy just as horrifying to Mary as it is to Angela.
Every reunion with the man, hes different. Less nice, more haunted looking. He starts to call her Maria, and barely acknowledges her if she corrects him. Following his advice leads to darker and more dangerous areas. The Red Pyramid keeps coming and chasing him away, but shes always collateral damage when that happens.
Eventually, she makes it to the hotel. Hes waiting for her in the hotel room, haggard, almost unrecognizable from the man he was when they first met. He has a monologue about how she's been sick, and hes been trying his best to be there for her. She doesnt understand, she doesnt know him, shes NOT Maria! She never will be. She starts coughing.
He makes to leave but at the last second turns, and hes a monster now. Large, fleshy, imposing, always trying to suffocate her under thick hands. Upon his defeat, two Red Pyramids arrive and stab at the dying thing over and over until finally impaling themselves.
There are different endings still. She remembers her disease, and her murder, in most of them. In the best ending she leaves the town with Laura, likely still ill, but alive again. In one of the worst, she wakes up in the trunk of a car, as water begins seeping in.
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casualnearenjoyer · 3 months
so apparently, all those people who say excercising and going outside improves your mental health might be right? I'm not well enough to overcome the depression to exercise, but sunlight helps. Even just sitting by a big window that the sun is shining through seems to work
all my other mentally unwell mutuals, go try sitting by a window or some of the simpler mental health advice
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rainboww0lfie · 1 year
a ghosts graves
In the aftermath of a battle, Phantom, Batman, and Superman could be see talking between each other. 
During a lull in the conversation a tiny girl comes running from underneath caution tape taped around the vicinity, holding a bouquet of marigolds between her small hands. She’s out of breath and seems to be embarrassed when she stands before the heroes, Batman reacts the quickest to the sudden encounter. Asking her about why shes here and what the problem is, he’s about to ask about her parents when she interrupts with “i have something for mister Phantom”. 
Danny who had been only half listening was caught off guard, he looks at her and tries for a reassuring smile but his confusion must show through because she suddenly looks down shyly at her flowers. 
“I heard from mommy that you put flowers on graves for people you like, ” she starts, “i don't know where yours is though, so i got you flowers to put it wherever it is”. She’s obviously embarrassed about interrupting, but she says the words with a form of determination. Suddenly what seems to be her mother comes running from out of the crowd. 
“I am so, so, sorry for Miya, i didn't mean to loose sight of her, she slipped away, we’ll get out of your hair now. ” the woman says in a rush, gently tugging the child back from the slack jawed heroes. Danny can just make out her gently reprimanding the child for her behaviour when he suddenly steps forward. “Wait, wait, wait” he says quickly, crouching down to the child now hiding a bit behind the mother, “you got me flowers. . . so i can put them on my grave?” the tiny nod he gets from that has him smiling, “you wanted to put flowers on my grave?” is asked with excitement, gaining n even bigger nod in return. 
He takes a small step forward, still crouched, and asks “are you alright with me hugging you?”, the nod lets him quickly move forward a spin the child around in a tight hug, laughing. He smiles brightly at the girl, holding her in his arms with enough space to make sure the flowers were safe, who is smiling back just as brightly. Danny laughs, “no ones ever given me flowers before! And you want them on my grave!” the actions have gained the attention of both civilians and other heroes, Danny could honestly care less though, someone wants to put flowers on his grave! Someone went through the effort of giving him flowers! He is so excited!
Both the mother, Superman, and Batman all look uncomfortable, “have you. . . never gotten. . ahem. . Flowers before?” Superman asks, “i mean, you look young so. . . have your parents never. . . ?”, the ending never gets finished but its definitely implied what he wants to really ask. Danny doesn't care, its not exactly important, right?
He looks at the heroes and says cheerily “i don't think my parents even know im dead!” before looking back at the child in his arms, not seeing all the shocked, pale faced staring( minus Batman, he never emotes, like, at all). 
Eventually the kid has to leave due to dangerousness of the area, but not before a final hug and happy goodbye from Phantom after she hands the flowers to the undead hero. Danny says his goodbyes to the surrounding heroes, not understanding why they all look at him funny as he carries around the marigold bouquet before he flies off. He holds the flowers close to makes sure they dont get destroyed by the wind, but he cant help a few happy loops and twirls in his flight home. 
The first ever flowers for his grave, how exciting!
Ever since then the heroes and a few civilians make sure to give Phantom flowers each time they see him for his grave. Phantom is so excited people want to give him flowers each time a new set is given to him. 
wooooooo ok
i finally actually wrote something after so long, sorry for the long break between shit, stuff happened :/
sorry if there's any big misspellings or anything like that in here, i had an idea and wanted it down as fast as possible and i fucking ran with it as far as i could lol
y’all can continue this if you want, i just thought this idea was so cute
have a good night/day/afternoon/life
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inferencesarchives · 7 months
Hello! Could you do Pure Vanilla Cookie x Fem! Ancient reader, whose kingdom is like a spiritual kingdom and The Reader Is just very stressed?? Like, very little time to eat, sleep, ect. How could PV maybe comfort her?? Have a nice day!!
`•- Time for Yourself
pure vanilla cookie x fem reader
summary: pure vanilla notices you haven't been acting like yourself lately. how does he help you feel better?
warnings: physical touch, pure vanilla is kind of a worry wart, also im not super proud of the writing on this one so im sorry if it's not as good as my other stuff :((
a/n: is it bad that when i went to the store today and saw pure vanilla extract on the shelf i thought of pure vanilla cookie
Tumblr media
Pure Vanilla Cookie has noticed the lack of letters you've been sending him recently.
Of course, he knows that ruling a kingdom is no simple ordeal, and, of course, there's no way you would be able to send him a letter every day. However, despite that, you've always made sure to send him letters frequently and inform him of every nifty little thing going on in your life.
That is, up until roughly three and a half weeks ago.
You used to send him letters every four or five days to keep him updated on everything going on in your kingdom, and he always wrote back when he received your letters. However, when he responded to a letter you sent about three and a half weeks ago, you hadn't written anything back to him.
He found this behavior very strange, as you were always enthusiastic about being able to talk with him whenever you got the chance. Pure Vanilla Cookie was, frankly, getting rather worried about you and how you were doing. So, he decided to take a trip over to your kingdom to see for himself what was wrong.
When he finally arrived, Pure Vanilla Cookie was quick to stride towards your castle, making haste towards your office, where you spent most of your time. Gently knocking on the door, he quietly entered the room, as to not disturb you too much. He immediately notices your eyebags, the empty coffee mugs littered around your desk, and the way you don't even glance at him when he enters the room, thinking it was just some servant needing to ask a quick question or something of the like. Needless to say, when he spoke up, you immediately turned and stared at him in surprise.
"My Dear, has everything been okay lately?" He gently asks. "Ah! Pure Vanilla Cookie? What are you doing here?" You respond, shocked. You had no idea he was coming, you had no time to prepare, you didn't want him to see you like this.
"Are you alright?" He slowly walks toward you before draping his cloak over your shoulders, "You haven't responded to my letter for weeks, and you look awfully tired. How long have you been sitting here working today?" He looks at you with worry swirling in his eyes.
As you sit there failing to answer his question, he gently places a hand on your head and caresses your hair, sighing, "You need to remember to take care of yourself, you know. You can hardly handle this much work in the state that you're in. Why don't you rest for a bit?"
You look at him with tired eyes, attempting to provide a counter-argument, "I know, I know, but-" "No buts. You're going to go lay in bed and read a nice book to help you de-stress. I'll also fetch you some tea. Then, perhaps you can take a nap. You'll feel a lot better when you wake up," He suddenly picked you up, carrying you back to your bedroom before you can even say anything. Perhaps he was right though, as you were indeed doing a lot better the next morning. Perhaps self-care really is important after all.
a/n: not me writing a fic about self-care at 2 am when i haven't slept and i am in fact not taking care of myself lmao uhhhhhh i promise ill get some sleep once i finish up the rest of the requests i swear i pinky promise i swear
thanks for reading, and remember to take care of yourself! don't be like me lmao
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cosmal · 1 year
you said hurt/comfort? maybe reader always gave to much of themselves in relationships (like they buy a lot of gifts, they’re the first one asking to hang out, stuff like that) and never had as much effort in return (w their ex partner for example idk) and when james (who’s love languages i hc are all) gives as much effort as reader does, and like buys them gift without reason, reader is just crying bc omg someone cares about me
this was really about me lmao i need comfort and very long sorry
summary no one has ever cooked you dinner before. james fixes that for you.
content james potter x fem!reader
note this req is literally from nov but i wrote it like two months agar and never posted im so sorry. also combined with this! request.
James bursts through your door with a mouthful of apologies already on his tongue.
"Sorry, I tried to knock but my hands were full!" he says breathlessly, holding a ridiculous amount of bags in his hands, mumbling sorry's for scaring you.
You stand at the bottom of your hallway with a hand held to your chest. "You okay? Do you need a hand?"
"Don't move a muscle," he says firmly when he reaches the kitchen bench, heaving his groceries up onto the marble with a groan. You move your hand to your lips to stifle a laugh.
"I don't want to be rude," you move to stand next to him at your kitchen island, "but what are you doing here?" You say it with a softness. He usually calls or messages you before he shows up at your flat.
"We made plans, remember," he says smiling. He kisses you on the side of your head before composing himself, starting to unpack the bags.
"I went to Morrison's and bought a bunch of stuff. Thought I'd cook you dinner." You did make plans, they were your idea. You didn’t expect him to do anything for you, you expected to maybe take him to the park for lunch or something.
"Oh," you say lightly.
You watch as he unpacks. Cloves of garlic, parsley, thickened cream, fettuccine, eggs, and pancetta. It looks like all the helpings for a carbonara. There's a Sara Lee chocolate bavarian sat to the side with frosted ice all over the cardboard that you assume is dessert. You've only been together for a few months and you're yet to have a homecooked meal together.
You're sure you've never had anyone cook you dinner before. Not without a reason or a special occasion. You worry suddenly that you've forgotten an important date.
You hum and smile along as James buzzes around the kitchen with enough energy to power a small country. You fret that you're tamping down his good mood but you're trying to remember your anniversary. And the first time you kissed. The first time you met. For a second you think you've forgotten your birthday.
He says something to you and you crack an uneven smile.
"Sweetheart?" he says again. He stops where he's got the side of his knife pressed into a head of garlic.
You blink. "Sorry, what did you say?'' You try to hide your emotion. Your voice is scratched with dread and you bite down into your lip to stay calm.
"I asked you how your day was," he repeats, setting the knife on his chopping board. He's grated half a block of cheese while you've been stuck in your head. You hope you haven't embarrassed yourself.
"Have I missed something?" you ask, voice drenched in worry. You hide your hands under the kitchen bench where you pick at your nails.
"Hmm?" he hums, eyebrows pinched together.
"You're cooking me dinner," you say, James's confusion worsens, "Is there a special reason?"
"Not really," he shrugs all blasé. This makes it worse. You don't understand.
"Then why..."
"Did you already have plans?" James worries, smile faltering. His confusion warps into something like embarrassment. "Sorry, honey, I didn't even ask."
"No, Jamie, it's not that!" you backtrack, feeling more awful than before. You just feel out of your own depth. "I've just never..."
He moves around the bench to stop where you're sitting on one of your bar stools. Your knees press into his thighs he's so close. "What's the matter?"
You grab his hands before you pick your nails raw. You think about hiding your embarrassment in his chest but decide against it. If you get too close to him you might forget bout the entire reason you're upset. You'd rather it that way but you're sure he wouldn't.
"I've never had someone cook for me," you admit quietly. You warm with a prickling heat and squirm in your rickety bar stool.
"Oh," he says, all sullen. "Well, that won't do."
You look up at him and worry you look pathetic. He cracks a smile and you're sure it's on your behalf. "What?"
"No one ever has cooked for you?" he asks. He's not rubbing in, he sounds shocked
"No," you say. You sound stupid, you're sure you look it too. You want to crawl up into a ball.
"Y/N, I know you've had boyfriends before." He knows about your past relationships and how they weren't the best. But surely they'd at least made you dinner. James overestimates them sorely.
"They never did any of this stuff for me," you sniffle. The first tear is a shock and then James is looking at you all upset and confused and the next one isn't as startling.
He wraps his arms around your back and holds you close to his chest quicker than you can reach to wipe your face. He presses slow and hot kisses into the top of your head and your tears worsen. They're sticky and thick, his cotton shirt catches the brunt of your embarrassment.
"I'm sorry," you mumble with the side of your face smooshed into his firm chest. It's too grounding and your tears don't slow like you wish they would.
"Hey, don't be," he says, smoothing a hand down your trembling back, "You deserve things."
You don't say anything, rubbing your cheek against his shirt. He tuts. "You deserve a relationship with effort, Y/N."
You hiccup. "I've never had someone care about me like you do."
James holds you so close you worry you're hurting him. He turns his head until his cheek is pressed into your hair and takes a breath. "I'm sorry."
"Don't be," you say and try not to disturb where he's resting on top of you. You like it more than you should. "It's okay."
"It's not."
"It is," you sniffle and pull yourself from his hold. He lets you go though with a hesitance. "It is because now I've got you."
James finally cracks a smile. "Right," he sniffles to compose himself, "right and I'm about to make you the best carbonara of you life."
"I'm excited." You wipe the remnants of your upset from your cheeks and smile wetly.
James sets to work. Buzzing around the kitchen after he'd plugged his phone into your sound system. Shuffling the playlist he made a week into your relationship. He sings his heart out, stirring whatever it is he's got going on in the pan.
You sit at the edge of the bench with the biggest smile on your face when he starts to serenade you. Wooden spoon held to his mouth, he sings an awful rendition of Lay All Your Love On Me by ABBA. You laugh so hard you think you might be too sick to eat the pasta.
Later on that night when you're too full to move, James slides a box across the table and says, "I also got you this." With the prettiest grin you've ever seen.
You're overwhelmed with love for you to be upset. Your boyfriend is lovely and you think you might be the luckiest girlfriend on the planet.
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konohamaru-sensei · 6 months
Because im predictable, gray/juvia: "I wanna waste all of my time with you.” 🥺
Merry Christmas Shore! I am very grateful that I somehow made it into your circle of 5 fairy tail fandom friends!! I really admire your art and the speed at which you create, i love that we have the same brain when it comes to shipping and just your general love for Juvia. I promised something fluffy for christmas to offset all the angst, but I'm not sure about the quality of what I wrote. I hope you enjoy it anyway <3
Gray x Juvia
Post Alvarez lol i mean.
“I’m going to buy a drink.” Gray pushed himself out of the seat he had been sitting in for what was the better part of the day. His limbs felt numb and every bone in his body hurt so much that he wasn’t sure if stretching them out even helped. He’d been perched up on that wooden bench so long that he never wanted to go back there again ever, even though he knew he had to.
Juvia gave him a nod and said nothing, which he took as her not wanting one herself. She’d gotten very quiet in the last hour. Also another reason he needed a drink: When Juvia gave up her always cheery attitude in favour of being sombre something was usually very wrong.
The first beer that was handed to him Gray downed in one go without taking a breath and then he ordered the next one immediately and watched the baffled barman fill his glass again. Then he walked back to the table, frowning at the look of the bench he had to force himself onto again.
They’d been out on this job for three days. A wizard who was rumoured to have stolen some valuable diamonds was supposed to come by this bar or sell here and the mission giver had tasked them to sit there and wait for the guy to come by. Gray had asked Juvia to join, because he didn’t think that making conversation with Erza or Natsu during a full day was a bearable idea. Juvia on the other hand was pleasant to be around.
They had spent their days sitting in the back of that bar, the cheapest seats at the very back where it was mostly dark, waiting for a guy to appear that never appeared. Each night Gray had to watch the tenants of the pub get drunk without being allowed to drink himself. After all, alcohol and fighting didn’t match well - unless you were Cana, but she had incredible resistance anyway.
Gray sat back down in the damned place and he had half the second drink down right away. “If the guy doesn’t show up tonight,” he said, “we will go back.” Abandoning jobs was not his style, but wasting his time wasn’t his style either. 
“What about the master?” Juvia asked and circled the table with her pointer finger. She looked dejected in a way that Gray hated, as if she was personally responsible for the misery of the last three days.
He emptied his glass. “Don’t mind him.” Gray shrugged. “I’d rather not get paid than be here for another 12 hours in this dark and uncomfortable and boring place.”
“I’m sorry, Gray-sama,” Juvia put the ends of her fingers together, “Juvia wishes she were better company.”
“What do you mean by that?” Gray waved to one of the staff to refill his drink and they did.
Juvia looked from the alcohol back to him. “Juvia is boring Gray-sama. That is why Gray-sama is annoyed.”
“It’s the guy that refuses to show up that annoys me,” Gray says decidedly. “You’ve not done anything wrong.” He tapped his finger in irritation and then sipped his beer again.
“But if Juvia were better company…” she murmured, “..maybe Gray-sama would be happier. Gray-sama asked Juvia to come along and now she is of no help.”
He let out an irritated grunt. “Nonsense,” he said and shook his head. “I don’t know how you always come up with this stuff.” There was already a considerable warmth in his chest and probably on his cheeks too. Surely the alcohol was getting to him. He downed the next drink.
Juvia looked at him as if she was trying to find words to say. The way she looked when she looked away from him, when she tried to do stay away from him if he was moody or angry, when she had somehow gotten it into her head that she was doing something that was wrong, he hated that look on her face. Juvia was the best when she was happy, when she was enthusiastic and a little weird. 
“Don’t make that face,” he said and put his head onto his flat hand to keep it upright. “I asked you to come, didn't I? If I were bothered by your presence I wouldn’t have asked you.”
She opened her mouth, but he cut her off. “Seriously, it’s pleasant to have you around, you have a nice- “ he gestured a little with his hand - “..everything.”
Juvia blushed, which somehow made the warmth at his core worse, so he waved for another drink. He already felt a little confused in his mind, like it was slightly clouded over, but drinking helped with the frustration of the day. 
Apparently having found her usual stride again with what he said Juvia moved closer to him and picked one of the strands of his hair away from the beer: “Why exactly does Gray-sama like hanging out with Juvia?”
Gray briefly closed his eyes and moved his head sideways into her hand so he could breathe in a little of the smell of the hand soap she was always using. He’d noticed it long ago, but he’d never been close enough to soak it in like now.
“You smell nice,” he said and by the way her fingers jumped away from his hair he could tell that his answer surprised her. He made a frowny face and reached for her hand again to put it into his hair. “I like when you do that too.” He looked at her and though she was slightly foggy, he could make out the red cheeks.
“You are always happy and positive and smiling - I like when you smile. Your powers are so compatible with mine so I like doing jobs with you and I enjoy every conversation we have with one another. “ He weighed his head. “But I also enjoy just being quiet around you. It’s pleasant to have you near me no matter what.”
He reached for one of the strands of her hair and turned it around his finger. “Gray…sama…” Juvia murmured in reply as if she didn’t quite know what to say to that onslaught of compliments.
His eyes shot up: “That I hate,l though.” Juvia blinked and he waved with his hand. “I don’t like how you are so formal with me. We’ve known each other for ages, hell, you’ve died for me, you should stop addressing me like I am a prince of some kind.”
“Well then, what if I call you dear then?” she asked slowly.
Gray grabbed the beer in front of him and drank half of it. Through his foggy mind the answer came much easier than it would have if he hadn’t been drinking. “Sure..” he said but didn't look at her. “Whatever you want.” His insides felt strange at this admission. He finished the glass for good measure.
Juvia let out a squeal and then, as if to test the waters, she leaned forward to his ear and slowly said: “Don’t you think that is enough drinks, my dear?” 
It was like a magic spell had been cast. From where her breath had touched his ear goosebumps spread all through his body to the tips of his toes. He hadn’t experienced this since the last time he had been actually cold, which happened so very rarely that he couldn’t even recall when that was. But here she had done that to him, just with one word alone. 
He buried his head forward into his arms, combatting the spinning of his head by having his eyes closed. Gray let go of the strand of hair he’d been holding and instead ran a hand through his hair to regain composure, but then he found her fingers already there. He’d forgotten he had put her hand into his hair in the first place.
“Dangerous..” Gray murmured and pulled away from her fingers. “You are a dangerous woman.”
Juvia leaned closer to him again. “Why? Do you not like it, my dear?” She made sure to make the last syllables very clear again. She stopped moving through his hair.
“No.” Gray said, decidedly and then slightly shook his head to invite her to continue what she’d been doing. “No.. it’s not.. Like that..” He didn’t know how to explain what confused him so much, so he just grunted in frustration and gave up. He buried his head deeper into his arms.
“Juvia thinks you had too much to drink, dear,” Juvia giggled and combed through his hair. “Maybe it’s time to leave.”
Somewhere beyond the fog, Gray knew she was right, but he found himself entirely unable to move. Too tired and comfortable with her body close, her smell in his nose and her hand in his hair. So he decided to pretend he’d fallen asleep, just to enjoy it all a little longer.
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abbyslev · 10 months
A/N: the craziest part is that no one gets my love for yelena like lea does. @lejayooo GETS IT. SO GOOD. i wrote this for her bc i love her and ofc i need to feed into our delusions TOGETHER??? THIS WAS INSPIRED BY LANA TOO LIKE THE WAY I WOULD LET YELENA FOLD ME IN HALF AND DESTROY ME??? I HOPE ALL OF YOU ENJOY OK IM GONNA GO FANGIRL W LEA NOW OK GUYS
WARNINGS: pure smut bro
Your name left her mouth once again, an annoyed sigh from your mouth leaving as you looked up. 
       “I need you to focus.” Professor Yelena gave you a stern smile before pointing to the board. “Answer.” She added. Your cheeks turned red, your ears hot. You had been thinking about Professor Yelena's long fingers touching you in such soft ways, mouth meeting yours as your hands tangled themselves in her soft hair. You practically dropped at the thought. 
       “I- uhm…i’m not sure.” You cleared your throat as you could feel the stares of your peers. “Like yesterday? And the day before that?” Yelena shook her head, sucking her teeth. You look down, picking at your fingers. “Stay after class.” She let out a soft chuckle before turning back to her lesson. 
        This must have been the longest lesson in the world. You couldn’t stop thinking about how badly she was going to scold you, how she was going to shame you for your skills. You bite your tongue, the people around you moving as Yelena yelled out what pages to read tonight. You stuff your bag with your belongings before slowly dragging yourself to her desk, a shy smile on your face. 
         Yelena waved off her last student before turning to you. She walked past you, opening the door to her office. She extended an arm out, letting you go in first. You stood there shyly as she removed her coat, rolling up her sleeves.
       My god, her long, pale veiny arms made you practically drool again. You tore your eyes away from her arms, looking at her exposed collarbones, wishing nothing more than to kiss them. “What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?” Yelena chuckled, tapping her head. 
       “Erm, nothing. Just a hard time focusing.” You lied. “I think not. You seem to have a perfect score in every single class, so why is mine the issue? You passed Zoë’s class easily enough last year.” Yelena sat down, typing on her computer. “I don’t like this book. I only like books that i’m interested in.” You lied. “You told Zoë you loved anything by this author, which is why I chose it. Is that an issue?” Yelenas brows furrowed. 
        You stayed quiet, eyes wide. Why would she ever pick anything you liked? She didn’t even know you last year. “This is your major, I expect more from you. You did pretty well up until a while ago.” Yelena rested one hand on her chin, her cold eyes trailing down your body. 
        Yeah, that was a couple of months before you started realizing how hot she was, before you started thinking unimaginable things about her.
        “Zoë says you’re perfect, I was really expecting that kind of participation in my class.” Yelena smiled. “I just have a lot going on right now.” You say quickly. “Want to talk about it? It stays between us.” Yelena gave you another warm smile. “I’m ok. Thank you.” What else were you supposed to say? How you want her to fuck you so bad? 
        “Well, come here, i want to show you some alternative assignments, maybe we can get that C to a B.” Yelena waved you over. Oh my god, were you really about to be right next to your hot professor? 
         You sit next to her, body stiff. She smelled like cologne. You inhaled deeply, trying not to be obvious. You were so close to touching her.  Yelena spread her legs, her knee touching yours. Neither of you moved. “You could write me a six hundred word essay on this book. Unless you’d rather just read it with us.” Yelena looked over at you. 
        She noticed your stiff  body, your hands slightly shaking as you avoided eye contact with her. “I can just read.” You blurted out. “What, sweetheart?” Yelenas brows furrowed again. SWEETHEART? Your heart pounded, eyes shooting to the floor. Her hand lifted your chin up, forcing you to look at her. “Answer.” She whispered, leaning in. 
        You squeeze your legs,  lips parting a bit as Yelena leaned in, thumb playing with your lower lip. “I can read.” You whispered back. “Good.” Yelena kissed you, hand softly caressing your jaw. You embarrassingly whimpered, holding her wrist. Yelena brought you into her lap, hands massaging your thighs. 
       She kissed your neck, nose tickling your neck. “Is this what you think about?” Yelena played with your waistband, holding a fistful of your hair, making you look at her. “Tell me what you think about, baby.” Yelena brought your lips down to hers. “I think about your fingers inside of me. I think abou- fuck.” You throw your head back as Yelena squeezed your breasts.  
        Yelena helped you pull off your pants, pushing you on her desk. “I always think about you. How you’re mine. Not Zoë’s dirty little pet, you’re mine.” Yelena shoved her fingers in your mouth. You drooled all over them, face pouting as your legs shook. Yelena tapped your clit softly before starting to do slow circles. 
       Your nails gripped the edge of the desk, eyebrows furrowing as Yelena slowly sank a finger in you. You close your legs, teeth sinking into your bottom lip. Yelena's free hand tugged on your shirt. You threw it off, hands locking around Yelena’s neck. Yelena kissed you, fingers pumping in and out of you and her thumb continued to circle your clit. 
      “You get all embarrassed when I call on you, do you like that? Do you like that I think about punishing you when you’re wrong?” Yelena mumbled in your ear, fingers quickening with every word. “Yes, fuck, yes!” You scream, your head laid in between her shoulder and neck, teeth sinking into Yelena’s shoulder, quiet pleads leaving your mouth. 
     You rock your hips upwards, hoping for more. Yelena pressed your body down with her cold hand, shaking her head. “Please,” You look at her. Yelena ran the same hand down your face, softly caressing your bottom lip. She kissed you softly, capturing your bottom lip between her teeth. 
       You grasped Yelena's upper arm, feeling the soft curve of her muscles. She could feel you about to cum. “Beg for it.” She slowed her pace, pressing her forehead against yours. “P-please, professor.” You try to keep your shaking legs open. “Please what?” Yelena kissed the corner of your mouth, tongue tracing your lips. “Please let me-shit!” Your fingers dig into her back. Your nails scratch her soft skin, decorating her pale skin with your red love marks.
        “I wanna hear you, pretty.” Yelena watched as you moaned out loud, lips quivering as you called out her name. “How bad do you want it?” Yelena hummed. “S-so bad! Bad!” You shut your eyes. Yelena slapped your face, hand grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you forward.
        “Look at me when I'm talking to you.” Yelena mumbled. That sets you off. Your legs gave in, chest collapsing as loud, breathy moans left your lips and hands tangling themselves in her hair, forehead against Yelena’s, your cum all over her desk. 
       She helped you come down, pushing your hair out of your face. “You’re a mess.” She chuckled as she handed you your bottoms. “Thanks to you.” You sit there for a moment. “Do you really think of me that way?” Yelena traced soft circles on your inner thigh. You blushed, pushing her hand off. 
      “Oh, don’t be embarrassed now.” She caressed your cheek, leaning down to your level. She pressed a soft kiss on your lips. You pull away, standing up. “What?” Yelena smiled. You kiss her one more time before opening her door. “I’ll see you tomorrow after class.” You smile, shutting the door behind you. 
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adrian-sheppy · 7 months
Sorry if this is completely wrong igore if it is LMAO but I noticed you seem to have different hcs for how mind lost his eye!!! Like in Seattles Going Under it was lost in a vague fight or something, but in art w/ the resonance cascade he lost it prolly during the ambush? I was wondering if you had info to share on it/infodump abt or if its just whatever makes the art more fun!
hehe youre observant and actually right on the money. yup!  so essentially i just have different eye trauma head canons for whichever version of freemind im drawing; since he doesnt actually lose his eye in canon, its up to everyone to fil in the blanks if they wanna use the popular headcanon. i wrote .  a good chunk of stuff .  so i put it under the cut . but heres a picture to be like a . tldr
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I sorta like his eye already being gone before the resonance cascade (in a non-freemanverse scenario). he does verbally say something like "my eyes" in the series, indicating he has two, BUT . well.  its a headcanon. so we can have fun with it . my eye loss pre-rescas freemind stems from my original freemind design (before i ever started posting half-life on the internet) where he had short hair, but i needed a way to distinguish him from og gordon, so I used thr popular one eye headcanon. then I realized him losing his eye bc of the military goes perfectly with martini losing an arm. that bothered me for a while until i realized i could just have multiple freemind designs + headcanons. if theres different variations of Gordon  and martini, why can't there be some of Freemind as well? grins grins
i left it open ended in my SGU because people have their own headcanons and I thought anyone could just fill in their own. if I did every make a canon eyeloss event prequel thing, he would've lost his eye during college in some sort of either freak accident (like tripping on something and injuring himself bad; I like this one because he'll lie and say he was in a fight) or, like u said, a fight . for SGU, college was a low point in his life of him struggling with freedom from his parents for the firsr time, but them and their ideals still holding him hostage. he is simultaneously more repressed and more emotionally volatile than present!gordon. then, when his parents die, hes just given a clusterfuck of emotions. so why dont we add physical trauma? whatever the sgu canon event eye loss was, it was definitely related to substance abuse issues. whether that be he was high/drunk and got into an accident, or fought someone... not sure! yet. the only thing that i can say was that no fire or chemicals were involved, since his tearduct is (unfortunately for him) wholly in tact!
but for freemanverse!freemind, he should lose his eye during the rescas since its like thematic and stuff if (almost) every Gordon Loses Something. also, angst. whenever I draw freemanverse (even in a domestic setting) in my head, i always think of them surviving the rescas together! i have. convoluted freemanverse headcanons. the eye loss is an important freemanverae event because, like martini, it gives him a valid reason to REALLY dislike benrey (but in my au, benrey isnt the big bad, so he "redeems" himself kinda sorta) . and then it ALSO opens up freemind to be upset and vulnerable, which allows him to bond with his fellow freemen.
also I want barmey to tend to his wounds and call his scar(s) badass. im not immune to buttermind and i never was.
honorable mention: sims freemind, who has both eyes physically but only can see from one. this is due to me unable to properly texture a glasses + eyepatch combo, that and i have no experience with 3d modelling (I did try!).
i hope this is a satisfying enough infodump!! I'm sorry if it's a bit vague; a lot of my ideas tend to be fluid. i also like taking inspiration from what other people think! some of you guys are way super smart and have awesome ideas. i am not immune to well articulated essays and thought out headcanons
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quotessharry · 1 year
Calvin Klein (Dr3 x f! F1 driver smut)
Based on this post I wrote the CK photoshoot one and I really like it so you shall receive and enjoy!
Synopsis: An underwear ad photoshoot with three of the hottest drivers in F1 sounds fun right?
Pairing: Daniel Ricciardo x f! F1 driver, fIf1 driver x Lewis Hamilton (platonic)
Words: 3.2k
Warnings: smut, choking
When she got the call about Calvin Klein offer, it was a no brainer, of course she would do it. Later on she was told two other drivers would join her cause it was a Formula 1 campaign but she never cared to ask who, she’d find out when she get there.
It was a week before Texas, she was in New York making her way inside the studio for photoshoot, still in the dark about who the other drivers could be. She hummed a song under her breath and pushed the door “oh you’ve got to be fucking kidding me” she said to herself, face palming. The two drivers were Daniel Ricciardo and Lewis Hamilton, of course it was thinking of it, she couldn’t think of any other drivers who would willingly wear underwear in front of camera and show off their balls. She was glad Lewis was there, they were close both on and off track, her main issue was Daniel. Not that they were enemies or on bad terms or even had a beef, she just liked him a bit too much and they had banters back and forth. Lando would try and convince her that it was way passed from just a crush and she was in love with him but she never listened. Before she could man up to face Daniel, Lewis turned his head and waved at her, blowing her cover. She tried to give herself the mental pep talk that it’s fine and it all will go smoothly.
The sound of Daniel’s laugh filled the room as she walked to the small group, Lewis was the first to embrace her “heyy, it’s good to a familiar face around”
She returned the hug and pointed to Daniel “what about him?”
“Oh nice of you to appreciate my existence, hello” Daniel said, finally getting her attention.
“Don’t talk to me Ricciardo I’m still mad about the collusion” she really wasn’t, the collusion was deemed race accident, she just wanted to talk more to him.
“Cmon already sour? I said sorry, and you are going to see me half naked soon so I’d say it’s all even” he winked
“Yeah I bet she would love that, wouldn’t you?” Lewis said with a laugh, elbowing her side. He was aware of her little crush and he’d be damned if he wouldn’t spend the whole day teasing her. She gave him a warning look that Daniel hopefully missed due to how hard he was laughing.
“Guys please pay attention” a woman spoke to them “we have prepared a dressing room for each of you, you can find your stuffs there and when you’re ready please take a sit for makeup”
Before she goes, Lewis grabbed her arm and spoke in hushed tone “this is your golden chance”
“Golden chance for what?” She was confused
“To finally make a move on Daniel you idiot” he said as if it’s a very obvious thing
“But-“ she didn’t have more to add
“No buts, this is your best chance I’ll help you” Lewis offered, determined to make something happen between them.
“Ok fine, Im counting on your pretty ass”
The first round was jean, shirt and sneakers, each went ahead for their solo shots, then they paired up Daniel with her for another round. She changed into a denim coat and he was still in shirt.
“Get closer” the photographer instructed, they awkwardly reduced the space between them.
“A little bit more, Daniel throw your hands over her shoulders, head held high, yes fantastic”
She was sure her heart was beating rapidly at the close approximate, Daniel turned his head to her face with a smile “well hello there, don’t you look good?” His eyes scanned her face before grabbing too much attention.
“If you think this is good wait till you see me in underwear” she flirted back, that’s how she started liking him, he always kept the flirt going on.
“That’s the sole reason I accepted this” he joked, shooting her a wink that the photographer didn’t miss to take the picture of.
“Honestly Daniel, why you keep trying to get me naked?” She teased him, liking the little game.
“Thanks you two the shoots looks fantastic” the photographer interrupted the moment, when they separated she took a long breath to keep herself in check.
“Hey, hey wait” Daniel called her before they go for a change.
“Yeah? What is it?” He stepped closer and leaned down “I just wanted to make sure you aren’t actually mad about what happened on track” he seemed like he genuinely cared about it and he did, he always tried to be the first one who would take the first step and speak to the driver he had a collusion with, even though he had already done that, her earlier comment had him thinking maybe it wasn’t enough.
She put her hand on his arm, immediately feeling how firm it was, almost wanting to squeeze the muscles but stopped herself “Daniel no, of course I’m not, I’m just teasing you dummy”
He smiled in relief, using the close distance to kiss her cheek “ok that’s a relief, can’t wait to see you naked” he was gone and she was blinking rapidly.
Lewis passed her and couldn’t keep the laugh to himself at her face expression, he seemed like he was enjoying watching her suffer.
She was told to be topless for her shoots with Lewis.
She changed the jean and kept it low enough to show off the waistband of her white CK panty, Lewis was waiting, wearing only white underwear and looking hot, she knew the girls around them were drooling over the scene.
“Nice tits” Lewis called out, causing both her and Daniel laugh.
“Does that mean I can say nice balls?” She raised her eyebrows questionably.
“Wait till you see mine” Daniel regretted making the comment as soon as it left his mouth.
“Awesome, balls competition is exactly what I need now” she hated how her hands wasn’t available to hide the blush on her cheeks.
They stood in front of the camera and she realized she should take her hands off her boobs “ok are you ready?” She asked Lewis
“Ready for what-oh!” He was pretty shocked when she wrapped her legs around his waist “put your hands on my ass” she spoke between her teeth and soon his hands were on her ass, his face pressed against her chest to cover the full view of her boobs “I’m completely pressed against your tits” he commented teasingly.
“What you don’t like it?” She asked, faking that she is offended.
“No no I do, I mean what can I ask for more?” He jokingly massaged her ass and both giggled.
Daniel was watching it all, he hated to admit but they seemed to have genuine chemistry and the way Lewis was holding her close had him gritting his teeth and the muscle of his jaw, how could they get close like that in front of him?
As if that wasn’t enough, now he had his hand on her waist and his head in her neck، he felt like he could explode. He knew her for so long but he never thought seeing her with another man could make him lose it considering she is basically surrounded with 19 other men every race week including himself. He turned so he doesn’t have to see and occupied himself with his phone but the giggles still reached his ear and boiled his blood.
“I’m sorry but are you ok? Your neck seems so red” one of the assistant spoke to him, offering him a bottle of water.
Daniel knew he was angry, but he didn’t know it’s actually obvious to those around him. He lifted his head and caught a glance of her, on Lewis’ shoulders and his hands on her thighs to keep her up. He immediately looked at the woman in front of him to distract himself “yes I’m good thank you”
She kept asking Lewis if Daniel was watching and was so disappointed to find out he was on his phone the entire time.
She loved the way she looked in those grey bralette and underwear, the size was perfect and she was impatient to see the look on Daniel’s face.
Things changed when she saw Daniel in nothing but black underwear, his thigh tattoo looking glorious and his abs begging her to run her hand on his body, hell she’d lie if she say she wouldn’t do more to him.
Daniel was mesmerized by her, the color looked ravishing on her and he was grateful to sneak a peek of her body, long legs that Daniel would do anything to throw them over his shoulders while his head is buried deep between her soft thighs and she isn’t able to do anything but to moan his name and beg. Even though he was busy checking her out he didn’t miss her eyes on himself. “sweetheart, my eyes are up here” everything about the sentence leaving Daniel’s mouth left her a mess, the way he said it, the teasing edge, the way he was practically eye fucking her. In that moment she knew she needed more from him, and by the look of it he could tear her apart.
All three made their way for a group shoot, Lewis stood in front of her and Daniel was behind “now this is the orgy I’d accept” she said, licking her lips at the two half naked men.
“Please, can we agree to never bring this up on track?” Lewis begged, but she didn’t seem to care.
“Get closer, why do you all stand like you got a beef with each other?” The photographer commented, laughing at how awkward they were.
She put her hand on Lewis’ abs and threw the other around Daniel’s neck, closed her eyes and threw her head backwards. Daniel prayed to God that he could keep his cock under control cause a boner would be embarrassing.
“That was nice guys, improvise a little bit come on”
Next thing she knew, Daniel’s hand curled around her waist and pulled her back until her ass was pressed against him and his hand landed on her ass to move her, Lewis’ hand was on her thighs. Her skin was soft, and for a moment he got ballsy, hands grabbing a handful of her flesh and he had to swallow a sound in his throat cause it felt so damn good to touch her like that, in that moment they heard the click of camera, must be a good damn shot.
If she knew self control would be tested during shoots like this she probably would have rejected, Daniel’s big hand rubbing her ass as if bunches of people aren’t present and as if Lewis isn’t giving her eyes at Daniel’s gesture. She wanted to melt in the warmth of his hand, she needed more, wanted to feel his hands all over her desperately.
What she didn’t see coming after the little stunt was Daniel pulling away her hair and keeping his head next to her neck, his hot breath hitting her skin. She didn’t dare to breath and she was hot, she just needed it to end so she could finally do something.
After few more poses, her and Daniel was dismissed.
She basically fled to her dressing room and breathed out of relief, until a knock interrupted, “come in” she shouted, still trying to catch her breath.
A very frustrated and slightly angry Daniel went inside.
“God, the things you did to me today” he rumbled angrily at her, his hair ruffling his curls. Her stomach twitched at his tone knowing damn well what was coming, the idea already staining her underwear “oh yeah? Why don’t you man up and show me?” She prayed to God the comment gonna do something and it did, he walked up closer slowly and stood in front of her to enjoy the scene before leaning down and kissing her with such a force that she was pushed backwards, his hand held her waist to prevent her from falling and he did not shy away from biting her plump lips, completely sucking her lips between his. His lips was much better than whatever she had fantasized with, so soft and fluffy. Her fingers tugging on his curls had his self control slipping through his fingers, He pushed her back and guided her carefully until she was pressed against the cold wall, pussy so wet that she was dripping in that fresh underwear.
Daniel’s hand wrapped around her throat and he felt like he got harder at the feeling, he was barely resisting not to put more pressure on her precious skin. The previous photoshoot was playing vividly in his brain as he showed his frustration “you have no idea how hard it was to watch you being too close with him” his voice was angry and firm that sends shivers down her spine, he made sure to leave his fingertips’ mark on her soft skinned throat, already impatient to catch the sight of her bruised skin around the paddock, knowing he is the one who did this.
She was gone too far to hold back anything, her eyes shut but she managed to talk “oh yeah? Are we gonna talk about what happened there? You would have fucked me right then and there” she didn’t know where the sudden braveness came from but she couldn’t hold back when it was happening, she wanted to make him tick, to make him give her the worst.
He wanted to fuck her right now, without hesitation and waiting, he needed to be inside her and fuck her rough and hard until she was a mess in his arms but now that he got the chance, he wanted to savior it. He slowed down and traced her skin until he reached her chest, her hard nipples were obvious from the thing cotton of her bralette, his thumb circled the hardened bud slowly, his eyes not missing any reaction on her face. She put her hand on his hard cock, feeling how packed he was and enjoying that it was all for her.
He pulled down the bralette until her tits fell out, his hands cupping them “you’re so cruel for hiding yourself from me”
Her voice barely came out, it was hard to focus when his fingers were fondling her so damn good “if I knew all it took for you to put your freaking hands on my body is to see me with Lewis, I would’ve done this long time ago”
The fact that she wanted this more than him, gave Daniel ecstasy.
He grabbed the back of her neck and forced her on her knees, she had been waiting for this “then show how much you want it”
She pulled down the black underwear and let her eyes to memorize the sight in front of her, he was massive, veins popping out and pre cum leaking, without wasting any time she put her lips around the tip, leaking off the sour cream, his hand massaged her neck and snipped his hips forward, forcing himself into her warm mouth and she took all of it, already drooling over her chin, his fingers grabbed her jaw firmly and force him to look at him loving the sight of her on her knees with his cock buried deep in her mouth “that’s my girl, take it so well” his hand moving to put her hair in a ponytail to control her better.
The praise hits her pussy wetter and she dragged her tongue on his length moaning . “fuck, that’s enough, I wanna be inside you now” he closed his eyes to keep his composure and dragged her up by her chin.
Once again she was pressed against the wall but this time a little more firmly and she didn’t mind it at all, his hands taking off her underwear, long fingers dragging over her stomach feeling the muscles tense under his touch, he moved lower reveling in sight of how wet she was, callused fingers finally making contact with her wet cunt “if you wanted me to fuck you this bad, you could’ve just ask” he said, putting his knees next to her legs opening them wider for easier access.
“That’s not gonna fit inside me Danny” she whined, moving her hips on his fingers not to lose the friction.
“I will make it fit” he positioned himself and nudged her open, she looked at him with those eyes and he melted ,going inside slowly to avoid causing any discomfort. She hid her moans behind her hand, not being able to take her eyes off his cock going inside her, the stretch and the pain brought tears to her eyes but she needed more, when he pushed again she felt like she was being ripped in half “you’re so tight, damn it feels too good” he growled in her ears and started moving. “Don’t you dare to stop” she whined, grabbing his neck to bring him closer and kissing him, she already felt addicted to the way he kissed and the way his lips moved against hers, his tongue entering her mouth not giving her a chance to do it first. Fingertips digging hard enough to leave a mark and the other wrapped around her throat.
No words in the world could express the way they were feeling, she has never felt so full before, as if they were made for each other. He thrusted slowly few times enjoying the feeling “fuck, do it harder” when the words left her mouth, who he was to deny her, he sped up, inside and out smoothly, coaxing sounds she didn’t know she could make causing her to drip on her thighs. Her small whimpers like a music to his ears and he didn’t want it to end.
Daniel craved to nip her skin and mark her,already planning to give her enough until he could see how dark her neck was when she would take off her helmet in Texas. His lips sucked the skin hard enough until a dark circle appeared and he moved on to another spot, repeating the process, he trailed his wet lips until he got to her boobs, bouncing with each thrust. Her hand grabbed his curls, encouraging him to go forward with his act.
The tip of his tongue touched her hardened nipple, sending jolts of joy across her body, he rounded his tongue and her grip on his hair tightened “Danny, for fuck’s sake” she didn’t know what she was saying, she needed to moan his name like her life depended on it, no one has ever fucked her as good as this.
“Danny please” his hand pressed against her belly felt her muscles tightened under his touch and he knew she was close. He pulled out completely and slammed into her hard enough that her eyes rolled back and her tears were running on her cheeks, the soft kiss he left on her cheek was in contrast with the way he was fucking her roughly.
“Im-I’m so close” she barely got the words out between his hard and deep thrusts.
“I know love I know, me too” he said, their forehead touching as he slowed down, feeling her cum on his cock as he fucked her through her orgasm, loving to put it back in only to watch it drip and repeated the process until she was shaking, lips touching so she could moan into his mouth. He pulled out and spilled the rest on her stomach, both breathing heavily. If it wasn’t for Daniel’s grip around her, she would’ve fallen.
“Wow, I had no idea you were that mad Daniel” she giggled into his neck.
“You didn’t seem to dislike it” he pointed out, admiring his artworks on her body.
“No no no, actually we should go back to hotel and continue it cause I really want that pretty face of yours between my thighs” she said, not shying away from asking for more
Daniel made a chef’s kiss gesture with his hand “I would love nothing else, but before that you should sneak me out”
“Ohhh righttt, ok I’ll see if someone is close by” she said, grabbing some clothes to sneaking her head to check around, Lewis was still busy with different colors of boxers and briefs but he suddenly caught her eyes and raised his eyebrows, she smiled awkwardly and gave him two thumbs up as a sign that it went better than expected.
“Alright they’re pretty busy with Lewis so if you go fast enough no one will see you” she concluded to a fully naked Daniel and he shook his head. Pulling up his underwear he went ahead and looked both ways before sneaking out but Lewis’s eyes caught him and he giggled, it wasn’t hard to figure out that he definitely knew what happened and Daniel was already thinking how awkward their encounter gonna get.
The next stage was easy, get ready, leave, reunite in hotel room and fuck until they both pass out.
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tuesday again 2/13/2024
writing cover letters like "Market Research Firm 953989464860, will YOU be my Valentine?"
also, a fallout 4 femslash fic for femslash feb
Fresh Blood by the Eels off their 2009 album Hombre Loco. i would say this is another "i think a vampire probably wrote this low, grooving track" but there are several howls featured. wikipedia says it is about a werewolf. this song sounds like it has a simple bassline and simple drums but it knows what it's about. it's probably secretly really complicated but i specced in knowing about fabric, not about music.
it makes me want to ice skate really fast and also sounds like watching broken highway lane dividers go by late at night. fascinating that the back half of the four-plus minute song is fully instrumental. definitely a song for when you are traveling, or perhaps proceeding. spotify
Sun down on the sorry day By nightlights the children pray I know you're probably gettin' ready for bed Beautiful woman get out of my head I'm so tired of the same old crud Sweet baby I need fresh blood
i've been mainlining The Black Keys' album Brothers so it makes sense this popped up on my Discover Weekly spotify playlist
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in 2015, the year i dropped out of college, the closest comic/weird nerd shit store was a forty minute drive from my house. i bought the first issue of the serialized anthology comics magazine The Island bc i liked the Moebius-esque cover by Brandon Graham, before i knew who either of those artists were or that i liked them. i think it was ten bucks, and having to show my drivers' license really sticks in my brain for some reason. the point i am slowly approaching is that the magazine only ran for fifteen issues, and i didn't buy any other copies bc ten bucks a month was too dear for me, but it was a tremendous incubator for artists i would end up loving. about half the time i stumble across a lovely self-contained book that knocks my socks off i find out it started life in The Island.
All his life, Hank Cho wanted to join the ranks of the Habsec—the rulers of the orbital habitat his people call home. But when he finds a powerful, forbidden weapon from the deep past, a single moment of violence sets his life—and the brutal society of the habitat—into upheaval. Hunted by the cannibalistic Habsec and sheltered by former enemies, Cho finds himself caught within a civil war that threatens to destroy his world. A new barbarian sci-fi adventure by SIMON ROY (PROPHET, JAN'S ATOMIC HEART, Tiger Lung), originally serialized in ISLAND MAGAZINE.
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Simon Roy's Habitat asks: do you want to hear a story about a generation ship gone wrong? this is a guy who really knows how to draw mechs and all their fiddly bits and loves doing it, which is a really transferrable skill to lovingly detailing the crumbling brutalist neo-mesoamerican architecture. the Habsec cannibals and their bits and pieces of scavenged armor blend in so well, it's genuinely shocking when we see someone in full, kept up, incredibly colorful armor. gorgeous, gorgeous book. love a fucked up generation ship.
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found while perusing the stacks of the library that was closest to a bunch of other admin errands i was running, bc i finally have a tx drivers license and can start collecting tx library cards
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im also asking myself why the hell i'm watching yellowstone with my bestie and her husband. it has every trigger warning and a lot of them would make me decline the experience had i looked them up beforehand. however, the inevitablilty of each little tragedy feeding into the circular threshing maw that is the Dutton family is really clicking for me. like well! that mom sure did die in the most traumatizing way possible! and wow that really does go a long way toward explaining why the daughter is self-medicating to an alarming degree AND why no one else is doing anything about it bc they're all still mad at her for being very tangential to her mom's death!
the amount of Stuff that happens per episode is truly astonishing. one of my favorite parts of the ttrpg Beamsaber is the downtime between missions, bc you get to have some really bonkers interactions with people who don't usually interact. despite its huge cast, Yellowstone doesn't yet feel incoherent or like it's jumped the shark in its first season bc it's really successful at getting its huge cast to have unexpected interactions with each other. this sounds a little bit like praising it for knowing how to be good television, but this is a neowestern about a land grab that's also a familial dynasty drama that's really leaning into the familial dynasty part of it. it would be very easy for this to become incoherent or bad at switching between storylines, but so far it's really good at it. it's not beamsaber or black sails bc nothing will ever be beamsaber or black sails but it's really scratching that itch of many small rapidly shifting factions and rapidly shifting political goals bc each child is their own horrible little faction and they have a lot of time where they're trapped in cars or helicopters together getting around their ranch, which is simply too large.
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we're trying to watch the yellowstone franchise in release order, and the yellowstone prequel with tim mcgraw came out between the first and second seasons. we will not be continuing this. this is a bog standard wagon train western. cripplingly boring after the brazen insanity of the first season. also i think it is in poor taste at best and irresponsible at worst to show a suicide on screen.
i said i don't know why i'm watching this but i do know why i'm watching yellowstone, and that's bc my bestie keeps seeing tiktoks about it. sometimes im influenced in real life
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changed my sheets this week and didn't chortle at the TOP OR BOTTOM tag which is how i know im having. a brain time. another way you can tell im having a brain time are these screenshots of the Breath of the Wild map. as you may or may not remember from last week, last week i had very little of the map filled out.
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now is this EXPLORED? good heavens no. i have under 40 shrines DISCOVERED. i have simply beelined to each tower and went VERY fast. or was very sneaky. the three towers i have not bothered to climb yet are the ones i would have to actually fight some guys about. fuck the akkala tower for real.
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i love to accidentally get way too close to dragons and die. some fun things about this run: incredibly, exceptionally rainy. except for the stint in the literal desert and the five minutes in the snowfield it has been raining about 70% of the time, which has made climbing very annoying. another fun thing about this run: exceptionally low ancient shaft drop rate, which makes getting ancient arrows to safely kill guardians from afar very difficult. bc as discussed above i have optimized this little blond boy to be very fast and very sneaky to get up the towers very quickly in the two minute spans of time it is not raining.
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another fun thing about this run: not very good at successfully spitting out riders next to horses. you can only see the tip of spinch's hat bc he is underground.
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i have unlocked the elephant and the falcon, i haven't gotten much farther than finding painkillers for the goron boss and stalled out at the yiga clan stealth mission. bc despite liking being a sneaky fast sniper out in the world, i fucking hate an enforced stealth mission. i don't think i ever got past this part in my other run either.
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not jacked enough to unlock the master sword, i think you need twelve hearts? i would rather have more stamina so i can get faster horses + the princess's horse.
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after i unlocked a bunch of towers i spent a goofy amount of time in the Lake Floria system herself hunting for treasure chests (there are easily fifty chests in the water. wild) to get the 10k rupees to unlock the last great fairy. i also spent several real-life hours video game mining video game ore. this was deeply annoying bc i sold off all my gems to get 10k rupees and then had nothing to get those sweet sweet high level upgrades with. this was the point on sunday night where i realized i was getting irrationally annoyed with a game that is supposed to be fun, and is NOT meant to support the kind of grinding i was doing. that was enough video game for one day thank you.
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did you know there's a korok in the shrine of resurrection? me either.
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also did you know magnesis ACTIVATES on the windmills in Hebra but i can't figure out how to get close enough to any of them to do anything about it. annoying.
this has got to be so funny from ganons point of view. i unlocked the elephant and the falcon in under a week of in-game time and then spent several in-game months mining and collecting clothes. would that make ganon more or less anxious d'you think
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cross stitch update. this confetti in the rover square. i am dying. here’s what it will look like finished, and a link to buy the pattern
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i had such high hopes for pin stitches as a thread finishing method but i had to rip out a mistake near a pin stitch and accidentally ripped out the entire pin and single confetti cross stitch. so what the fuck. i am an insane woman who likes to fully submerge and lightly hand wash projects before they get framed to remove all the oils (yes i wash my hands before stitching, i do get paranoid) and i am not confident pin stitches will hold up to that. oh well. the loop method is pretty great in halving the number of ends i have to weave in, even though i feel like it is extremely wasteful and leaves me with lots of short useless lengths my cats would love to eat. so the gains from halving thread management are really not offset by the meticulous cat management i must embark upon every time i do my fun relaxing hobby.
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and the back, which is a horror. and will only become more of a horror. but once this is framed no one will actually see it so it's FINE. i am FINE with this. i started this knowing there was going to be lots of confetti. that's the point of this masochistic pattern
i wrote the first chapter of this fic last summer and outlined the emotional beats (but not much else) while procrastinating moving and have finally lightly polished the first chapter and threw it on the archive. im trying to let things molder less and just fucking post them in the hopes this activates the writing part of my brain again but who could say what's going on up there. this is still something that hasn't quite returned to me post-covid round 2
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this will eventually be an E-rated 5+1 fic fixing all the fucking bullshit around Cait Fallout4's companion quest. she will NOT go in the magic chair that tortures her into not being a junkie and being the perfect waifu. she is going to stumble backwards and accidentally into some harm reduction and get railed by a mean top. the mean top and the harm reduction won't fix her but they certainly won't hurt.
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gogolstoelicker · 2 years
You don't have to do this if you don't want to, but I noticed that with the TWST Dazai!MC prompt you didn't say anything about how the Dorm Leaders might react to their multiple attempts at suicide, and just, I'm curious.
However if you feel that that's to heavy of a topic, well, I am curious how to Dorm Leaders and Vice Dorm Leaders would act around a Fukuzawa!MC! Especially Lilia because dad to dad communication lol.
Dorm leaders + vice dorm leaders with a Fukuzawa!MC
notes: honestly i think i mostly just forgot to wrote abt the dazai!mc multiple attempts💀im sure the mc will get their ears pulled if the dorm leaders found out tho
•dont ask if theyre occ, i barely played the game now LMFOAOAOAOAO
•also, if the parts are somehow a mess again, pls point ur fingers at tumblr. i have no idea how to fix this thing😔
You're a serious person, capable of maintaining your calm expression at every time. You prioritize the welfare of your subordinates or friends before anything else.
You are not one to hesitate seeking help from someone, especially if it's someone you know. While you're emotionally reserved and impassive, you have quite the scathing sense of humor.
•he's not one to be intimidated but your aura really scare him sometimes that he actually flinched😥
•but other than that, hes fine with u!!
•you're reliable and is really independent (unlike ur friends thats from his dorm🙄esp ace)
•when he got to know u and u guys started getting close, he finally got to witness ur... humor💀
•he's fine with it since its not like u joke often anyway💀💀
•but sometimes ur jokes makes him competitive😭😭can u blame him tho⁉️⁉️
•"you're getting better at being a dorm leader" "thank-" "not better than me tho"
•feel this small sense of pride whenever u go to him and ask him for some help
•like wow this person who's very independent and rarely show emotions is asking ME for help????
•speaking of ur emotions, he went😰⁉️at how quickly u gave up at smth bc its cute (example: grim or cats in general)
•one time grim accidentally burned some bushes in the heartslabyul's garden and u were glaring at him
•so grim look at u with these shiny eyes asking for forgiveness
•and u instantly forgave him💀
•riddle was the witness to all this
•kind of glad there's someone like u with the adeuce duo💀
•can u blame him tho? someone needs to watch over those two (plus grim)
•he is quite thankful that you're the way u are tbh
•bc like not only can he ask u for help
•he also feel kind of relieved when he saw the duo getting punished by u instead of riddle for causing troubles (give riddle some rest man)
•he actually noticed ur soft spot for cute stuff🤔
•bc like he noticed u feeding random cats u found bc they're cute (all cats are cute fight me)
•or that time u instantly forgave grim just bc he gave u those shiny eyes thats cute💀
•so he made these treats with cute decorations just for u
•like when u got invited to a unbirthday party or if its ur birthday
•ur face still looks like this😐 but ur hands were busy taking pics of the treats
•and u hesitated touching the pastry since u don't wanna ruin it😭😭
•he thinks its kind of cute and surprising honestly💀
•he wants to tease u but uh ur aura is kind of intimidating😭sorry man
•btw he caught u pulling out some cat treats from ur sleeves while he was walking to the cafeteria💀
•he didn't catch u do so the first time u feed the cats in front of him btw
•he went🤨⁉️
• "u... u keep cat treats there?!?"
•well he just... add it into the list of things that makes u weird but in an endearing way???😭😭
•smelt cat treats on u the first time yall met and was wondering if that was what u ate for lunch😭😭
•hey u can't blame him for thinking like that💀why'd u smell like different kinds of cat treats
•and then u pull out some cat treats from ur sleeves for him
•get it? bc hes a lion
•and lions are big cats
• and u like cats
•and u kind of see his ears and go 😐✨
•leona: 🤨😟
•kind of avoids u for that HELP
•spotted u feeding random cats u found with the cat treats u kept in ur sleeves everytime he went to find a nap place
•he sighed but he left u alone
•honestly? he thought you'll be more like riddle or smth bc of ur usual facial expressions😭
•so when u pull this shit he just go🧍���‍♀️
•this is the guy i can see ur humor target everytime🎯💀
•he kind of have the same humor as u so like🤔🤔 unexpected match made in heaven???
•but it kind of looks like an argument sometimes to the people around u so uh💀
•well until leona laughs that is
•and u have that small rare smile on ur face
•leona is ashamed to admit he laughed at ur joke😔
•lowkey proud hes the first one to make u smile tho💀
•bold of you to assume azul would be intimidated
•students are scared of HIM (his payment)
•and bc he's been around the tweels so much, ur aura had no effect on him
•probably accidentally made u mad with his first contract😥😥
•man was trying so hard to survive then bc u were threatening to pull out ur sword
•and u had this scowl on ur face💀
•it was not a fun experience
•thank the seven u let him off
•(ngl saying thank the seven makes it feels like I'm thanking 707 💀)
•well it is now half fun being with you
•half because u would stop him if he ever thought about making some students work for him in some slave contract again
•(he won't again btw he is a new man‼️(in a way))
•the other half is because you're actually so much fun to be around
•all because of all ur weird quirks💀
•even azul couldn't guess what you would do next
•saw ur soft spot for felines and it got the gear in his head spinning
•"hm🤔maybe if i give the prefect a cat they would let me off again🤔"
•tried and is pretty successful💀
•now he knows how to get u to instantly forgive him
•offered to make u a high quality bag so u can put ur cat food in instead of ur sleeves💀
•u said no btw
•yes, it was because it definitely wasn't free
•definitely not scared
•he is the one you should run from
•but instead u gave him this stern look
•so he is very interested
•you're literally his new test subject /hj
•bothers u daily
•all because u run into each other pretty often
•if u want to ask if jade did it on purpose or if it's actually an accident, i am not able to answer
•ran into u one time when i saw a cat
•was about to greet you until u pulled out some cat treats💀
•well congrats? he was genuinely flabbergasted
•like huh🤨😮⁉️the stern and always serious prefect have some cat treats with them⁉️
•no wonder u smell like cat treats💀
•makes it a mission to tease u about it everytime
•u going "so what🤬it's for cats😤"
•you're genuinely so interesting for him💀
•goodluck staying alive with him hot on ur tail ig
•he does get intimidated but not for long
•it goes from like "yikes u kinda scary but hi" to
•and it lowkey reminds u of ur coworkers so u just let it be
•like kalim is clinging onto ur back and is just hanging by ur neck?
•sure you're strong enough to hold the both of u up anyway
•he suddenly dragged u to a random party he hosted?
•this is fine.
•remember the concept for today? cat foods in sleeves? yes.
•he saw that. he def saw that
•i highly doubt theres no cats with how many animals he brought in sometimes
•so u can already tell just WHAT happened when u come across one
•kalim is very 🤨WOAH😧‼️‼️
•which almost scares the cats and thankfully didn't
•asked a lot of question which he only gets like a one sentence answer of
•notices ur fondness of cats + he always dragged u to visit scarabia anyway
•so guess who have a lot of cats in the dorm now btw😂🙏‼️ #BLESSKALIM
•the one begging through tears and snot to not have that many cats in the dorm
•spoilers: someone didn't listen!!
•so now he may or may not be a catsitter once youre away from the dorm
•also makes u regularly visit the dorm bc its partly ur fault there's so many cats there now anyway
•u dont seem to mind so he takes it as an absolute win
•yes, he absolutely knew abt the cat foods under ur sleeves
•he does not care as long as it does not give him more troubles
•if anything he encourages it since he barely have to take care of the cats because of u
•also, u make his job easier since u naturally help kalim if needed
•which is getting him out of the consequences of his own shenanigans which jamil is very thankful for
•more rest for him + time to rebuild his reputation
•u helped him around in the kitchen here and there too so he is very thankful☺
•is pretty neutral honestly??? u look like any other person to him
•except not too ugly, not too eye catching
•youre a perfect middle PLS
•idk if yall can even have a convo
•if yall ever did talk its probably just vil talking and u nodding with some verbal answers here and there
•well its nice having someone hear u talk sometimes so he doesn't mind🙏‼️
•fusses abt the cat fur on ur clothes i bet
•and rhen rook came in and snitched on u
•gave u a perfume for ur birthday bc u smell of cat food💀
•theres that one image in my head and i canr stop thinking abt it I'll google later
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•a non verbal action of u stink!!
•weapon partners??? 😳🥺😚
•i mean who else brings their weapon around campus other than the two of u💀⁉️
•he can watch ur back with his arrow i forgor❤‍🔥u can idk close combat idk anything abt fighting❤️
•so fire couple🔥🔥🔥 /JOKE
•rook is an empath so u can tell he is EXTREMELY affected by the greatness of ur aura /j
•shining eyes, cupping his face, meek voice following u around /j
•I'm using /j alot for rook help
•whenever u went to feed the kitty, he just starts to LOUDLY praise u
•that scared the cats away NOOOO😢
•u almost sliced him off
•rook did apologize at least LMFOAOAOAO
•he even almost went to hunt the cats back down for u until u stopped him
•pls dont kill him
•saw it through the cameras and absolutely supports the idea
•like yes!!! show him ur geniusness of how to get cats to get near him more!!
•"that is a very good idea bc not only will the cats get near me more because of the smell of cat food, but I'll also be able to make sure they won't be hungry. yES, i TH-"
•leave him be he hasn't slept in like a week
•bonus point for u he thinks you're very cool and he's more than willing to let u be his friend☺🙏
•but unfortunately that will never happened bc u are very intimidating and he does not like that^^!! esp since u look like you're 0.1 sec away from murdering someone^^!!
•and unfortunately, he jinxed himself
•ortho heard everything and absolutely snitched to u so yall could be friends
•u couldn't refuse ortho hes too cute
•so guess who's stucked with idia trying to think of a convo!!
•its ok a cat walked past and yall started bonding over that little furball
•yknow the cat ladies club LMFAO
•had this one intense staring contest with each other but its really just you guys trying to find what to say to each other
•its ok sebek lowkey saved yall
•by yelling at u btw
•so true i would also worship the ground malleus walks on anyway
•he got cut off so good for ur ears!!
•"sebek stop😐" "yeah stop😐"
•aww look at u two bonding already!!
•no conversation starts after that btw its back to silence woops ig
•well i mean someone did talk at least after a few mins of just walking in silence and the three of u suffocating in it!!
•its just u going "oh what are those?" at a uh how do u spell gorgalous gorgaylous gogalus wait lemme google ok i think its gargoyle😥☺
•anyways u asked so now hes ranting abt every single knowledge he have of them
•youre quite interested so y'all became friends in no time!!
•he sure do love humans and their unique quirks!
•he was on his way to his class one time when he saw u from afar
•u were crouching and all so he was pretty interested in what was holding u up esp since its class time
•thankfully with his super amazing beautiful 1480p quality eyes, he was able to see what u were doing even when he was so far away from u
•which was pulling out cat treats for some random strays u found and probably attract with how u smell
•he was so amused he appeared on top of u
•not likr a handsome male lead "hey bbygirl" being on top of u but
•like "what you got there."
•and just kind of hovers on top of u
•u almost attacked him btw but shh
•he is very interested in u:D!! as a friend AND someone who he will tease for a long time
•since when are we friends? u may asked from afar but he ignored u
•he can be in diasomnia dorm and u can be in the ramshackle dorm and he can still see everything
•that was a joke btw hes no creep and i highly doubt peepaw can see THAT far anyway(i think) •anyways u cant complain but u may or may not found urself in one of their tea times
•malleus isnt there. he forgor /j
•but hey yall have a pretty great time during the entire tea time!!
•peepaws bonding time💋💘💕
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t-h-i-n-g · 2 years
Hello im R
Can you write a fic for Hermione Granger? Just any fic for her basically :)
These Moments
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a/n: MIONE MY LOVE MY HONEY MY BABY ILL DO ANYTHING FOR HER. sell my soul? considerate done. jump off a cliff? ill do it in my sleep. get stranded in the Sahara desert? psh childs play. anwho- ty for requesting! i wrote most of this at like 1 am so sorry if it's a little wonky in some spots. but just know 1 am me is such a sap.
word count: 1.1k
summary: you wish moments like these would last forever.
hp - masterlist m.masterlist
The silence of the Gryffindor common room was soothing. The usual hustling and bustling was at a surprising all time low. Where the fellow students wandered off to? You didn't know, nor did you care. All that mattered for the moment was Hermione's hair threading through your fingers.
Sitting on a couch, a pillow rested on your lap. And on top of that rested Hermione. A book in her hands while she was propped up on the cushion. Her legs took up the remainder of the couch, covered with a blanket you had given her for Christmas this past year. The fireplace casted light throughout the room. Allowing her to dive into the endless world of fiction she held in her grasp.
However Moine found it slightly difficult to focus with the constant brushing of your fingernails across her scalp. Her eyelids subconsciously fell shut now and then. The sound of your steady breaths and the crackling from the fireplace lulling her to sleep.
But she wouldn't give in. Snapping her eyes open she attempted once more to scan over the small black text. Resting the book now on her stomach, bringing her gaze down with it.
You watched her quietly. Your own book having been swept to the side onto the arm of the couch when a curious feather-like touch brushed against the back of your hand. Which was how you ended up here. Half an hour later and not a simple word was spoken in the room. Times like these were your favorite. 
When it was just you and her. The boys going off by themselves to do who knows what. To go be their dumb selves per usual. Maybe deciding to hex Malfoys toothpaste to make it taste like rotten eggs or something. Once again you didn't necessarily care what it was. For the fact you had any time at all alone with Hermione was a blessing itself.
The two of you both had constant school work to attend everyday (hers being more of the stuff she works ahead on and extra credits). As well as saving the wizarding world, what felt like every single day of your life was a constant worry and took up plenty of time in your week too.
Which was why you were grateful for these moments. Not having to worry about any care at all. Only caring about and focusing on her. Sure you were able to see her throughout the day. At lunch, in classes, or passing one another in the hallway. But she had a different aura when a comfortable silence aromed the air. Her face relaxes and she allows herself to be off guard and vulnerable with you. The mask that everyone knows as the golden student Hermione Granger comes off to reveal a tired, quiet girl.
Not to say she wasn't verbal. Of course she always speaks her mind and stands up for what's right but having to constantly stick up to irritating individuals on a daily basis wears on a person. Like everyone else she needs some time to recharge and she likes to spend that time with you. Just basking in your presence. Either it be in the library or your room. She found comfort in having you there when she needs it. The quiet reassurance that you would listen if she wanted you to. You would talk if she wanted you to. You would hold her if she needed you to. Anything. She could ask for anything and you would try your damned hardest to give it to her.
And you know she would do the same for you. All the times she's rubbed your back soothingingly when you bombed a test you studied so hard on. Or when Draco decided to be more of an arsehole than he usually was to you, she would be there to fire down his insults.
Which is why as the sky grows darker and the stars show through the windows you don't excite for the time of enjoyment coming to a close.
You took in the darting of her eyes. How she fought to keep them open in a silent battle.
"How about we head up to bed, love," you offered quietly. You wish you could stay here just a moment longer but with Hermione half asleep this was probably the best option. It was getting late and Snape had an important lecture scheduled early in the morning anyway.
Shutting her book she tilted her head to look up into your eyes. They were also fatigued with the wanting of sleep. Staring into them a second more before Hermione let out a huff through her nose and sat up. Dragging a hand down her face while you tossed the pillow to the side and stood. 
You held a hand out to her. She then planted her feet on the cold tiles of the common room. Taking your outstretched limb with hers as well as dragging her blanket in her other. Hermione grumbled quietly as you both made your way up the steps. Saying something about how potions were stupid and that this week was tiring enough. 
You huffed out a breathy laugh beside her. Placing a hand on the small of her back to keep coaxing her forward. You held the dormitory’s door open for her. Hermoine shuffled by slowly, flopping down onto her bed without a sound.
Letting out a snort you crouched beside her. Brushing away the strands of hair that fell onto her face. She smiled at you lazily. Humming softly to herself at the warmth of your palm on her cheek.
Leaning across the side of the bed you planted a quick kiss to her lips and wished her a good night. Once standing again your hands went to the air, stretching out your back. A pull was felt on your pant leg when you went to retreat to your own bed. You looked down at Hermione with a quirked brow. She scooted across her sheets to make room, patting the empty space while she slid under the covers.
“Do you not remember what happened last time?” you jokingly asked. Hermione rolled her eyes. Recalling the last time you slept in the same bed and woke up with the other girls in the dormitory surrounding you. Staring at you like wide eyed owls. “Who knows maybe they’ll actually tell someone this time,” you muttered, plopping yourself down onto the pillows.
Hermoine shuffled closer. Resting her head on your arm as your legs instinctively tangled together.
“You’re McGonagall’s favorite. She’s not going to mind,” Hermoine stated, settling into your side. You hummed in response with an arm wrapping around her shoulders. Your fingers settling once again to run across her scalp. Her breaths grew slowly and more heavy. The crease of her brow disappearing as her mouth partially opened, cheek squished against you.
“If we get in trouble I’m blaming you,” you mumbled, eyes slowly following her actions. Falling shut to drift into the void of sleep.
likes and reblogs are appreciated :)
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inaramisview · 2 years
can i get an eddie munson x reader who is just really girly? like pink. all pink, a bunch of stuffed animals all this stuff, but one day when eddie goes in her closet he sees all the band posters and the jackets and ripped jeans and boots she has in her closet. and eddie is just like "why didn't you tell me" and she said she didn't want to be embarrassed
okay so something along with that
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just for show :: e. munson
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summary: hawkins’ sweetheart isn’t what everyone thinks she is
warnings: hyper feminine reader, reader is very popular, fem!reader, she/her pronouns, eddie goes to readers house, y/n use, eddie being a snoop
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8:34 AM
she was everyone’s favourite girl. it didn’t matter who you were, but you had to have heard of her atleast once.
she’s very easy to talk to and like, and she’s very easy to trust.
as she walked down those halls, the confidence just seemed to come to her naturally. she did it so effortlessly, even if it was just walking.
yeah, maybe her parents were one of the richest people in town, and half her house is made out of marble, but she’s nice.
stupid as it sounds, it’s hard to find a nice, rich person in hawkins.
she opens her locker, seemingly oblivious to the people staring at her in awe. her eyes meet her own in the mirror as she smiles at the beautiful reflection. her perfectly manicured fingers grab her white science book, along with her tin pencil case.
“hey, babes. you got history next?” she doesn’t have to close her locker to know it’s none other than theo clarke. ew.
no, it wasn’t the voice. it was the godawful smell of his cologne.
“no, theo, i have science.” she slams her locker shut gracefully before leaning on it. theo is so full of himself, so he’ll probably talk till the bell rings.
“well, speaking of science, i think we have a lot of it,” theo smirks. “i think we should go out. you and me.”
the hallway goes silent as they lean into the conversation.
“the only chemistry,” she corrects him, “we have is in this book. besides, i wouldn’t want to sit in the same booth as you for longer than two minutes, because honestly? you overuse that cologne, tee.” she bounces off of her locker. (bye 💀 )
“thanks, though!”
she walks through the see of people as she makes her way towards her chemistry class in the far end. she continues walking as her friends, kylie and chrissy walk with her.
“-and she was so rude about it too! i wanna drag her like the bitch she is. she thinks she’s sooooo cool talking to me like that!” the trio have known eachother since they were younger.
“who’s she talking about?” y/n asks, turning to chrissy. “mrs. grenwood.” the blonde sighs.
“ky, you gotta let the poor woman breathe! she’s failed you once- and that wasn’t even two years ago.” “no- i’m telling you, she has it out for me. also, she is so cheating on mr. grenwood. i saw her walk into the music suite with mr li.”
the image pops up in their heads. “OH- NO, NOT- KYLIE, WHY WOULD YPU SAY-“
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its a funny sight to see, really. the school’s freaky metalhead leaning over his table to whisper in the ear of hawkin high’s princess.
“y/n.” eddie whispers into her ear. “y/n, i need to be taught how to use the phthalate’s theory again.”
her face scrunches up. what the absolute fuck is phthalates? she turns her head around. “y’mean pythagoras?” he nods with a straight, stern face.
she turns to her friends on her right. they look at her with wide eyes. they want her to say yes.
“yeah, sure. come over at 4, kay?” he nods again, sitting back down.
“miss l/n, would you like to share that with the rest of the class?” mrs thorne patronises.
holy fuck. this bitch doesnt shut up.
“mrs thorne, eddie couldn’t see your writing and asked me to tell him what you wrote.”
that was quick. even she was proud of her lie.
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3:57 PM
“youre early.” she states. eddie’s black, heavy combat boots make a weary thud on the hardwood floors. “no, im not.” he says matter-of-factly with the biggest shit eating grin ever.
he pulls up his fast watch. 4:01PM
“its..fast.” she winces. “so am i.” he answers back.
“no, you’re still not on time. you’re a minute late. you got here 10 seconds ago.”
they stand in silence for ten seconds more.
“let’s go upstairs.”
his heavy boots hit the familiar wooden floors as he smirks, holding the rails.
he wasn’t here because he needed tutoring again. he was here because his friend gareth said he saw her wearing a metallica shirt. he wanted to know if it was true.
he follows as she enters the, again, all-so familiar pink bedroom. the bedroom was just so y/n. the walls were flowery and pastel. the four poster bed in the middle of the room, the pink, wooden mirror on her wardrobe door. the framed photo of her, her mom, her little brother and her beloved daddy and the leonardo dicaprio poster.
“aw, what a shame. its messy.” he teases with a sly smirk. (ew)
it wasn’t messy. she just had a ribbon on the floor, that’s it.
“hush, munson. come, sit down.” she says plainly, already annoyed with the black-haired boy man.
“is this doorknob new? i swear it was never crystal before.” the way eddie tapped the doorknob made him seem like he was a child.
“eddie. sit down.”
“no, because it waa never like this before, was it? it was wooden- no. was it metal? copper?”
he wraps his hand around the knob.
“edward, please sit down.” was she pleading? this was fun.
“makes me wonder if it turns differently, too. or did you just change the knob?” he turns it the wrong way. “ooo, feels different, it does, it really does.” he chuckles. hes forgotten why he was here.
“yes, i changed it! let’s do our work now, okay?”
“why? is it messy in here?” he opens the door. wait, no! eddie- go back! what if her lady things are in here! what if she has a dead body?
eddie! what- “holy balls, you’re an emo!” eddie stood there, astonished. she has black converses! AND combat boots! “black jeans, huh? that’s a good choice. oh, and black sabbath? love it.”
she stands up from her bed, pushing eddie away and closing the door. “l-let’s study. you want some juice? a beer? i could get you one of daddy’s beers- or i could get you a snack? y-“
“woah, okay, calm. it’s okay, emo. i wont tell anyone your secret.”
she looks up timidly at him, her back leaning against the wall.
“sure. if you let me borrow the sabbath shi-“
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soleadita · 5 months
Okay. Babe. My mutual in closest proximity. Talk to me about Stargate Atlantis pls.
OHMYGOD. okay. okay. i accidentally wrote you an essay. i'm not sure how much of it is coherent. i love u thank u for sending me this it made my night. <3
disclaimer: i'm so new. many people know much more than i do. and i still have about a season and a half left; i've been watching with a bestie so i've been forced to pace myself more than i would otherwise.
plot/premise: SGA is a spinoff of a movie (Stargate) and another show (Stargate SG-1). i was told, repeatedly, to watch the others first, but i'm impatient...i was a little confused but i got the gist eventually. ANYWAY. it's like...the lost city of atlantis has been located, except it's in another galaxy, and a group of scientists and military fools are going there for an expedition to like...explore/learn things? they're kind of in space, but it doesn't feel like that too much—by my standards, at least, and i am a known hater of media that takes place entirely in space. there's a team, they're a family, they get into Situations...u know the drill.
why i, specifically, enjoy the show:
john sheppard. JOHN. SHEPPARD. babe, i have not been this down bad for a character since DEREK HALE. im NOT KIDDING. i wanted to say more about him but i don't feel qualified enough to have my own thoughts yet. (or at least, i still feel shy about saying them out loud on the internet. i can and will go on and on about him in private, though.)
i did go into this for john sheppard. i will fully admit that. (i had a few mutuals who'd put him on my dash every so often and i could just tell he was gonna do me in.) HOWEVER. i am falling in love with nearly every single character. the character development is genuinely some of the best i've seen, and the way the team gradually turns into family who have each others' backs no matter what?? I'M EATING IT UP. (here is a video of the team, i CANNOT talk about each of them individually, i'd be here all night.)
john and rodney's dynamic is DELICIOUS. they're both obnoxiously intelligent (and they're both obnoxious, but in different ways). they annoy each other. they delight in each other's presence. they're teammates. they're best friends. they keep each other alive they'd do anything for each other they know each other better than they know themselves. (AND I KNOW I'M ONLY SCRATCHING THE SURFACE OF IT MYSELF, BECAUSE I HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED THE SHOW.......)(here is a video bc there's no way my words are gonna do it justice.)(also here are more words.)
the fic is SO good, too, and it's been especially fun bc the authors of a lot of my fav sterek fics had also written for sga back in the day, and getting to read stuff from them that i hadn't read yet....aughhhh. i love fandom.
the dialogue is hilarious, the situations are WILD (cannot tell you how many times i've been like WHO WAS IN THE WRITERS ROOM HOW DID THEY COME UP WITH THIS), and generally i'm just having such a great time.
in conclusion (bc i'm cutting myself off here), i'm never really sure whether i should recommend things to people or not bc my own tastes are basically just whatever happens to hit the unpredictable switch in my brain, but GENUINELY it's just SO FUN. i'm having the time of my life. i cannot shut up about it. <3
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losers-club-hcs · 10 months
Do you have any Stan specific headcannons? He’s my favorite
Do I have Stan headcanons? Absolutely I do!
(He's my fav too lol)
He has really bad social anxiety, like making an appointment, ordering food? Nope not Stans cup of tea, he literaly hates it will probably cry a bit if he is forced to do something super anxiety inducing
He got reading glasses when he was 15 and he hates them sooo much he thinks they look bad on him but they actually look really cute
He uses a stylist to type so that he doesent click the wrong buttons be accident but it also makes him type super slow, so if you're expecting a quick reply from Stan you better look elsewhere
Uses a vanilla scented body lotion...(idk how or why I thought of this but I did and im sticking by it)
He's very responsible with his money, he doesent just buy things willy nilly, he gets what he needs and if there's something he wants he thinks in it for a few days and if he really wants it then he'll get it
In his adult life he commissioned a HUGE painting of birds in the sky, and when I say huge I mean huge like takes up like half the wall
He also makes models,like airplanes and houses and stuff, he's pretty crafty
As a teen he planned his school outfits for the entire week ahead of time
Carries around a tote bag of sorts with stuff in it a few of which being crossword puzzle, word search, and sodoku puzzle books
Tried to learn how to crochet but failed miserably so now he just has a few things of yarn and some crochet hooks laying around his house
He can't stand something being wrinkled under him, like if he's laying on top of a blanket or something he has to make sure it's completely flat before he lays on it because he can feel the fold in the fabric and it drives him crazy(I know exactly why I wrote this one because this is just describing me, I do this)
He sleeps on his back instead of his side, he also sleeps with only one pillow
He likes rainy weather better than sunny weather most of the time
Knows how to pick a lock(don't even try to ask me where this came from I have no clue)
You know that bag I mentioned earlier, that he carries around with him, ya ha also has a little nail kit with like nail clippers and a nail file and stuff just in case he needs it
Also on that topic his fingernails are IMMACULATE, like always perfect(im jealous)
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sparklyslug · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @aidaronan and @softbrah thank yewwwwwww!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now it's all Stranger Things, all the time baby. But you never know when the madness might strike for something new. Or re-strike for something I thought I was done with haha.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In Focus (Check Please) Up the Punks (Stranger Things) we're gonna fight til we do it right (Check Please) If you want him, come and claim him (Stranger Things) t'hy'la (Stranger Things)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I'm usually really good about it for the first day or so after a fic has posted, and then I kind of.... fall off with it usually. I read all comments! I appreciate all comments! Usually what happens is I see the email notif on my phone, mentally go "ah I will craft a perfectly thoughtful and appreciative and stirring response to this later when I have time to do it justice!" and then I do not do that.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The one that comes to mind is a fic I wrote for the Hobbit, hands too small to hold it, which is an AU where everyone lives but Bilbo still has the ring and the events of LOTR are still barreling towards them.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Let Us Dwell in Fair Ithilien and There Make a Garden with @greenlikethesea is ONE BIG MASSIVE HAPPY ENDING (after 10+years of tragic angsty pining but w/e). I also wrote a little happy family ever after Garak/Bashir for Star Trek DS9, between the noise.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
noooo it's never happened! If I'm getting hate it's behind my back ahaha who knows what goes down in y'alls discords, that’s none of my business! Im a Leo and I work in marketing, so I am not terribly tortured by that kind of thing ahahaha
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
SURE DO! I don't know what "what kind" means. The smut kind. I've done closed door fade to black, I've done some explicit stuff, I try to give you range baby.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I LOVE A CROSSOVER! Star Trek/Stranger Things is pretty crazy. My current project is Stranger Things/You've Got Mail put in a blender with Supernatural, so that's decently zany too.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I thought Quorum had been translated into Chinese, but I can't find any evidence of it, so might be all in my head ahaha.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I love to collaborate with folks! When the creative chemistry is right it's RIGHT, and it's so fun to ping-pong ideas and paragraphs back and forth. I co-wrote Check Please fics with @softbrah, have written a universe of Stranger Things fic with @greenlikethesea, and it's all been a blast. Me and @aidaronan are cooking up some ideas, if the two of us can ever stop signing up for bangs and things long enough to get to em.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Well of course I will say Steddie right now because I've been living here for over a year and a half. It truly does have just the most delicious dynamic, however the setup and wherever you take their characterizations.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't know if I'll ever finish my Vampire Eddie immediately post-canon fic, I didn't have much direction with it, just Vibes.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I'm good with atmospheric sensory details, it's something I really care about when writing at least. I definitely enjoy dialogue, too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes are hard, and I struggle with nailing (heh) the physicality of sex scenes. My haters in their discords are welcome to chime in here 😂😂
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have no thoughts in particular. If it works in the fic and you've made sure your translation is right if you're not fluent in that language, hell yeah.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Lord of the Rings. You will never see this fic.
N E V E R.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
IT IS REALLY HARD TO CHOSE AMONGST MY CHILDREN. I put a lot of my heart into I was open to pain and crossed by the rain (Wayne Munson my beloved) and I'm really proud of what I did with that one. I truly wrote Can't We Be Seventeen knowing it was really just for me, to scratch one of those desperate writing itches after an intense period of fixating on the Heathers musical soundtrack, and I really like that fic too.
Tagging @occasionaloverboy@greenlikethesea @thefreakandthehair @henrystars @capriciouslyterminal
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