#intake protein without fat
healingheartdogs · 2 years
IDK if it’s in response to being around a bitch in heat for the first time and the resulting hormonal shifts from that, or just context changing or what, but Hermes’ food avoidance seems to be somewhat fixed now? There was a bit there earlier this week and last week where all he would eat was canned food because he had no brain and wouldn’t even sniff at kibble or most treats, and I was dreading the idea of having to work him back onto his kibble after it was over because I thought there was no way he’d want to go back after like a week of canned food meals. Now that he’s got his brain back as Eevee’s heat begins to subside though he is very clearly requesting food in a way he never has before and eating everything we put down in front of him immediately each time we feed him despite being back to the same plain kibble he was kind of “meh” about before. Prior to this we had been struggling to get him to eat more than 2 cups of food a day, and it was hard enough to keep weight on him at that amount that we ended up switching from PPP to Inukshuk earlier this year for more caloric density. Now he’s quickly scarfing down at least 3 cups of his Inukshuk a day, and when he wants food he tosses or kicks his empty bowl around and barks at it.
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doplaz-blog · 2 years
"Lose Weight Without Thinking About It: A Simple Guide to the Keto Diet"
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b0rderl1neb1tch · 24 days
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How To: Boost Your Metabolism :D
(as someone who lost 25 lbs in 2.5 months)
1. B6 & B12 boosts metabolism (you can take B6 without food, but B12 absorbs better with food) - These vitamins give you more energy and improve nerve health :D
2. Coffee/Energy Drinks/Caffeine Pills (duh) - Anything with caffeine will keep you alert, focused, and lose those pounds! Be aware of those high sugar/cal monsters or those fatty coffee drinks.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar - I find it helps with burning food/ making me less hungry. You can get these in pill form or dilute it
4. Warm lemon water/Teas - Very low cals, better water intake, debloats you. Again be careful of the sugar contents
5. Exercise like pilates, running/walking, weights, yoga, etc. - Easy way to gain muscle/lose fat- Basically resistance training
7. Fasting - Boosts your metabolism and overall health
8. Proteins!! Protein + gaining muscle will increase metabolism. As you st⭐️rve, still keep eating those proteins!!
9. Sleep!! Getting less than 6 hours of sleep will decrease your metabolism
Let me know if I should add anything :)
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prettieinpink · 10 months
do you have a diet guideline and exercise routine? i'm having trouble figuring out what exactly i should be eating aside from people's vague "fiber and vegetables or whatever". And finding an exercise routine that works and i can actually make myself stick with and keep myself motivated with. Any tips/advice? thanks!
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Determine how many calories you need daily. Your daily caloric intake depends on your age, sex, weight, height, and activity level. Some online calculators can help you with like this. However, if you’re calculating it, make sure to consider your activity levels.
Then, determine how much of what nutrients you need. If you’re lacking in one, you may want to increase the intake of that nutrient. Or, if you think you eat too much of it, you may decrease this. 
The best way to find out what nutrients you need is by a calculator. However, the best form of action is to ask your GP what they advise you. Here are the formulas;
Calculate your protein intake 10-30% of total calories (for adults)
Amount of fats - 20-35% of total calories (for adults)
Consumption of carbohydrates 45-65% of total calories
Recommended water intake 1 kcal = 1 mL
Number of grams of fibre Fiber = (kcal/1000) × 14
Limit processed foods, sodium, sugars and saturated fats as much as you can. While it is okay to eat them in moderation, they shouldn’t be a part of your daily diet.
To create healthy meals that are suited to you, consider your daily lifestyle and what times you feel hungry the most. While I cannot speak for your needs, this is typically what your meals should look like.
BREAKFAST - Breakfast should not be anything processed or fatty. It is the meal you break your 8-hour fast with, and it is the energy you use for the rest of the day. 
The most ideal breakfast is one that is protein-rich, as it can help you be more productive throughout the day. 
LUNCH - A lean, light but colourful meal is best suited for lunch. This shouldn’t be too filling, but enough so it can sustain your hunger until dinner. 
Lunch should be a meal that has lots of veggies or fruits that can energise you as well. 
DINNER - I don’t want to sound forceful, but dinner should be your healthiest meal. This is the energy that your body uses to recover and heal from the day you’ve just had. 
It should be balanced with complex carbs, vegetables and proteins. However, for dinner, it is advised that you either eat early or eat small. 
SNACKS - Light snacks that are filling. Avoid snacks in which you mindlessly eat them, those are the type of snacks which are most likely not good for you and you’ll end up overeating. Fruits are the best choice here. 
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This is a diagram I use often to measure how much food I need to eat without weighing them or counting calories. To be precise;
Vegetables or/and fruit should be ½ of your plate
Proteins should be ¼ of your plate
Grains/Carbs should be ¼ of your plate. 
Adjust this to your liking, but I thought it would help you. 
This is a process that does not happen overnight, even if you want to start running kilometres a day if you’re living a sedentary life currently, that is not possible. 
Start by finding small intervals in your day to exercise, experimenting around and documenting how each one makes you feel. For now, just try to figure out what you like and form the consistency, 
Then, once you get the hang of exercising regularly, you get to make your own rules. For example, your rest days, how many minutes or hours, what you do that day etc. 
Exercise is just another way to fuel your body, and you only know your body and what feels good for it. So I cannot provide any further advice than this. Make sure to start slowly though. 
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So. I understand the body produces the enzyme, lactase, to help break down milk sugars. I also understand that people who are lactose intolerant don't produce/produce enough of this enzyme to comfortably consume many milk products. What I don't know is if there's a limit on how much lactose an average person with average lactose tolerance can intake in, say, an hour. Like the whole milk chugging challenge from the 90's? I distinctly remember reading that the reason people couldn't consume the entire gallon was because of the lactose, not the volume. Yet I can't find anything like that posted anywhere now.
Am I remembering this incorrectly? I mean, can my average character produce enough lactase to eat a metric ton of ice cream in one sitting? I imagine they would have some amount of gastric distress from reflux alone... but what about lactase?
(I realize this question is all kinds of jumbled. I hope you understand what I'm asking. 😭)
So first I would say it is unlikely that throwing up after doing the milk challenge had anything to do with lactase.
Lactase is expressed in the small intestine, not the stomach, which means that the main effect of consuming lactose with inadequate lactase would be gas and diarrhea, not vomiting. The vomiting was because of the volume and fat/protein content of the milk, not the lactose.
About 70% of adults do not produce enough lactase to consume normal dairy comfortably. HOWEVER, we have another way of consuming delicious lactose- bacteria in our colon.
Colonic gut bacteria can also break down lactose. While the amount of lactase we produce remains consistent no matter what, the amounts of these lactose-consuming bacteria change with the amount of lactose we consistently eat. This means we can functionally "train" for lactose consumption by eating progressively more of it over time.
If your character had "trained" for this lactose-consuming feat, and ate slowly enough that their stomach never over-filled, then sure, they could eat as much ice cream as they wanted without ill effect.
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Plant-Based Benefits and Tips!
A couple of lovely people asked for some elaboration on plant-based eating! I studied nutrition & dietetics in college before I dropped out so I'm not a professional in nutrition but I do have a broad understanding of the biochemistry behind what we eat.
This is kind of a long post, so continue under the cut!
Starting with the basics!
I aim for a more whole foods plant-based diet, which is essentially a low-fat diet that focuses on removing all animal products, limiting processed food, and minimizing oils.
Looking at micronutrients, both protein and carbs have about 4 calories per gram, but oil has 9 calories per gram. Low-fat diets are often easier to manage calories on, as you can fill up on a higher volume of protein and carbs (specifically fiber) to reach satiety, whereas processed/high-fat foods are higher in calories per serving, meaning you get less volume.
You DO need fat in your diet, but it's preferable to reach for nuts, seeds, avocados, etc. instead of oil, which is comparatively nutritionally void.
FIBER IS YOUR BESTIE. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are low in calories meaning you can eat more of them, reaching satiety faster than you would with something processed. Fiber makes your digestive system happy. Be sure to incorporate more plants into your diet gradually so your digestive system can adjust.
Let's talk about animal products...
They are inflammatory by nature. If it comes from an animal, particularly red meat and ESPECIALLY processed meat, it will cause stomach issues in most people.
Fun fact, we are biologically closer to herbivores than carnivores. Our digestive tracts are much longer and our stomachs are less acidic than a carnivore's, meaning we are designed to most efficiently digest plant matter. Carnivores, on the other hand, have short digestive tracts and significantly more acidic stomachs for breaking down flesh and bone. This is why many people experience gastrointestinal discomfort when consuming meat. This leads to bloating, gas, and constipation. We are omnivores because we CAN consume animal products for survival, but it is nowhere near optimal.
Dairy is highly inflammatory and is directly linked to hormonal cancers (breast, prostate, etc.) It is also high in saturated fat, which is inflammatory. When we are born, we have the "gene" necessary to process breastmilk, but for many people, as we age, this "gene" gets switched off. Past infancy, we don't need milk (or other dairy products) because we can get our nutrients from other food sources. Black and Asian individuals have the highest rates of lactose intolerance. Not to mention, dairy is full of foreign bacteria, especially from factory farms, which causes an immune response in the body, leading to further inflammation.
Eggs are saturated fat and cholesterol bombs. They're high in protein, sure, but you can get protein and a wide variety of other nutrients from things like tofu.
To summarize, animal products are high in fat, high in cholesterol, high in calories, and cause inflammation, bloating, gas, and of course, constipation. Eating whole foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans/legumes, tofu, nuts, and seeds will boost your fiber intake, fill you with antioxidants, foster healthy gut bacteria, and reduce gastrointestinal issues.
Make sure you add more plants to your diet GRADUALLY. If you immediately go full force into eating plant-based, your stomach will experience distress due to the sudden increase in fiber, creating gas and bloating. But this will subside, and you'll feel better overall!
I highly recommend listening to seminars on YouTube by Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, and Linda Davis RD to learn more in depth about what I've talked about.
Extra tips:
An air fryer is going to change your life when it comes to cooking without oil and making stuff taste good and have a better texture! I use mine multiple times a day.
TOFU!!! I'm a soy addicts, and tofu is my favorite source of protein. There's so many ways to prepare it, too!
Berries are so nutrient dense and delicious-- nature's candy!
There's honestly nothing wrong with protein powder even though it's processed. Just be sure to opt for vegan protein powder so you aren't loading your body with whey.
Stevia is a godlike sweetener, imo.
Eat a wide variety of different plants to diversify your gut microbiome and to get a variety of vitamins and minerals!
Take care of yourselves :') 💚🌿 I may add to this post as more things pop in my head!
When I tell you it's so goddamn easy to do dishes when you don't cook with oil 😭
Don't drink alcohol... this is the most hypocritical thing I can say lmao but it will wreak havoc on your gut microbiome
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how much should the average Gallifreyan be eating and drinking water? if they ate like the average human, would it have adverse effects? are there any nutrients Gallifreyans need that humans don't, or vice versa?
What does a Gallifreyan diet look like?
🌮Nutritional Requirements
Gallifreyans require a balanced diet much like humans, consisting of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. However, their advanced biology allows them to extract nutrients more efficiently.
🍕Nutrition: An adult Gallifreyan needs roughly the same amount of calories as a human (around 2000ish), but they process food so efficiently that one good meal a day is normal, so they appear to eat less.
💧Hydration: Due to their highly efficient kidneys, they need less water. Around two litres of water every day will keep them nicely hydrated.
⚠️Limits: They can go without any food for up to two weeks and up to five days without water before showing symptoms of starvation and dehydration, though they will get increasingly, err, tetchy.
👽Gallifreyan vs. Human Diet
If a Gallifreyan ate like the average human, it wouldn't be catastrophic, but there may be noticeable effects:
🍔Over-nutrition: Given their efficiency in nutrient extraction, consuming the same amount as humans would likely lead to excessive intake, resulting in unwanted weight gain. Their bodies simply don't need as much food to get the same nutrients.
🥤Hydration Overload: Drinking the recommended 2-3 litres of water daily might lead to more frequent urination and unnecessary stress on their kidneys.
🧇Cholesterol and Fats: Gallifreyans can metabolise fats without the negative effects humans face. However, an abundance of unhealthy fats could still challenge their otherwise efficient system over time.
🍫Special Nutritional Requirements
Good news for all the intergalactic nutritionists out there-Gallifreyans and humans have very similar nutritional needs. There are no specific nutrients unique to either species' requirements. However, there are some considerations:
🥛Low Sodium: Their kidneys are excellent at filtering, but a low-sodium diet helps prevent any unnecessary strain.
🍌High Protein and Enzymes: Due to their active metabolism and physical demands, Gallifreyans benefit from higher protein intake and foods rich in enzymes to support their robust bodily functions.
🥬Nutrient Imbalances: Certain foods, especially those rich in Vitamin K (like kale and spinach) and gingerol (found in ginger), could cause issues. Vitamin K can affect their blood chemistry, while gingerol will enhance the effects of other substances, making alcohol, for instance, much more potent.
🌟Special Conditions: In cases of illness or certain medical conditions, Gallifreyans might need to consume specific substances to correct nutrient deficiencies. This might include particular proteins or compounds not commonly found in a regular human diet.
🏫 So ...
So while Gallifreyans can survive on a human diet, their advanced physiology allows them to thrive on less frequent, nutrient-dense meals. So, if you're planning a Gallifreyan dinner party, think high-protein, low-sodium, and for Rassilon's sake, hide that ginger beer.
Are there any foods that Gallifreyans can eat that humans can’t?: What foods Gallifreyans could eat that humans don’t, with some theoretical examples.
Do Gallifreyans control how quickly their body processes alcohol?: Gallifreyan alcohol processing, its limitations, and the dangers of ginger.
How much caffeine can a Gallifreyan handle?: Caffeine tolerance, with theoretical limits and symptoms of overconsumption.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired😴
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blubushie · 5 months
does t actually make U gain weight or is that false
Yes and no.
Testosterone actually makes it much easier to LOSE weight. With high testosterone you burn fat and calories faster, and you have a faster metabolism.
The issue is that people low in testosterone go on T and aren't prepared for how hungry T makes you. T increases your appetite but it specifically is increasing your appetite for PROTEIN because you're building muscle. People don't know this, so instead they eat junk food or food high in carbs, which puts more fat on them (and often leaves them still feeling hungry because their nutritional requirements aren't being met).
Really it's about self-discipline (not just eating whenever you're hungry—this goes especially if you have bad eating habits/eat when bored already, since T will make you more hungry more often) and proper diet (if you get hungry, try eating some protein instead of junk food or something high in carbs).
If you're going on T and eat the exact same amount of food on the same diet as you ate before T, and when you get hunger cravings you just eat lean protein, you are practically guaranteed to lose weight.
Really, a well-balanced diet with supplemental protein is the way to go. It's best to keep in mind that if you're eating at a steady caloric intake for longer than 4 weeks but you're still having hunger cravings, it's not because you're hungry for food in general, but instead because there's something specific that's missing out of your diet. Try eating more vegetables, or more fruits, or more lean protein, or more nuts for a few days, and see if that helps resolve anything. Also try not to eat processed foods, they're the death of you.
Also, if you're intending to bulk (see: put on more muscle) you will get very intense hunger cravings during and after workouts. Those are actually protein cravings. Eat more lean protein. YOU CANNOT BUILD MUSCLE WITHOUT PROTEIN.
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healthy444 · 6 months
What is the right diet for losing fat?
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The right diet for losing fat varies from person to person based on individual factors such as age, gender, weight, activity level, and any underlying health conditions. However, there are some general principles that can help:
Caloric Deficit: The most important factor in losing fat is to consume fewer calories than you expend. This creates a caloric deficit, prompting your body to burn stored fat for energy. You can achieve this by reducing your calorie intake, increasing your physical activity, or a combination of both.
Balanced Macronutrients: Your diet should include a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats.
Protein Intake: Protein is crucial for preserving muscle mass while losing fat and can help you feel full and satisfied. Aim to include a source of protein in each meal, such as lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, tofu, or tempeh.
Healthy Fats: Include sources of healthy fats in your diet, such as avocados, nuts, seeds, olive oil, and fatty fish like salmon. These fats can help keep you full and support overall health.
Complex Carbohydrates: Choose complex carbohydrates over simple ones. Whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, oats, and whole wheat products provide fiber, which can aid in digestion and help you feel fuller for longer periods.
Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating. Use smaller plates, measure your servings, and pay attention to hunger and fullness cues.
Limit Processed Foods and Added Sugars: Minimize your intake of processed foods, sugary snacks, and beverages as they tend to be high in calories and low in nutrients. Opt for whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible.
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Sometimes, thirst can be mistaken for hunger, leading to unnecessary calorie consumption.
Meal Timing: Some people find success with intermittent fasting or eating within a specific window of time each day. Experiment with different meal timing strategies to see what works best for you.
Consistency and Patience: Losing fat takes time and consistency. Focus on making sustainable changes to your diet and lifestyle rather than seeking quick fixes.
Mindful Eating: Pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues. Eat slowly and mindfully, savoring each bite, and stop eating when you feel satisfied, rather than full.
Include Fiber-Rich Foods: Fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes can help regulate digestion, keep you feeling full, and support overall health.
Limit Liquid Calories: Be cautious of high-calorie beverages such as sugary sodas, fruit juices, and alcoholic beverages, as they can contribute to weight gain without providing satiety. Opt for water, herbal tea, or other low-calorie options instead.
Be Flexible: Allow for flexibility in your diet to accommodate social occasions or cravings. It's okay to enjoy treats in moderation, as long as they fit within your overall calorie and macronutrient goals.
Track Your Progress: Keep track of your food intake and progress toward your goals using a food diary, mobile app, or other tracking tools. This can help you stay accountable and make adjustments as needed.
Prioritize Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Inadequate sleep can disrupt hunger hormones and metabolism, making it harder to lose fat.
Manage Stress: Chronic stress can lead to overeating and weight gain. Practice stress-reducing techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, or spending time outdoors to support your fat loss efforts.
Include Strength Training: Incorporate strength training exercises into your fitness routine to build and maintain muscle mass. Muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue, so increasing your muscle mass can help boost your metabolism.
Stay Consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to fat loss. Stick to your healthy eating plan and exercise routine even on days when you don't feel motivated. Small, sustainable changes over time can lead to significant results.
Seek Support: Surround yourself with supportive friends, family members, or online communities who can encourage and motivate you on your fat loss journey
Having a support system can make it easier to stay on track and overcome challenges.
By incorporating these additional points into your fat-loss diet, you can optimize your efforts and increase your chances of success. Remember that what works best for one person may not work for another, so it's essential to find an approach that fits your individual preferences, lifestyle, and goals.
Before making any significant changes to your diet, it's a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or dietary restrictions. They can provide personalized guidance tailored to your individual needs and goals.
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pleaseeeimjustagirl · 7 months
It Girls Ramadan Guide
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Hey babesss I am soooo excited Ramadan officially starts this week and I wanted to post a Ramadan guide for my fellow Muslim girliesss if you aren’t Muslim but are participating in Ramadan this is a good guide for you as well.
Setting Intentions
♡ Before Ramadan starts set your intentions. What do you want to improve on this Ramadan? What charities do you want to donate to? Even if you aren’t able to reach all the goals you set Allah rewards us based on our genuine intentions.
♡ Journaling. I highly recommend journaling your intentions and your experience this Ramadan. Keep track of your mood, as well as your Quran readings, and prayers. I will link a Quran Journal as well as a 30-Day Ramadan Journal  Ramadan Legacy Planner.
♡ Vision Board. I’ve seen some girls online recommend creating a Ramadan vision board and I agree! Create a vision board using Canva and Pinterest, or you can use a poster board and magazine. This will help you see your goals not just read them. Place your vision board where you can see it so you're reminded of your goals daily.
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♡ Eat a balanced suhoor meal. Eat a meal high in protein, protein takes a while to be broken down so it’ll help you at the beginning of the day. Eat carbs and fats you will need as much energy as the average hours we fast during Ramadan are 12 to 18 hours depending on where you are.
♡ Drink water. One of the things I struggle with every Ramadan is my water intake. Try to drink at least two 16oz bottles of water during Suhoor. Hydration is super important you don't want to pass out due to severe dehydration.
♡ Drink electrolytes. Drinking electrolytes is very beneficial before fasting they help your body retain water while you are fasting. Do not overdo your electrolyte intake because too much sodium is bad.
♡ Do not overdo it. I know going a long period without food can make you want to eat everything in sight but it is important to eat a well-balanced nutritious meal after fasting. When you overeat this may cause indigestion and other stomach issues.
♡ Avoid eating too much fried, salty, and high-sugar foods. Moderation is key I know during Ramadan my mom makes all of our favorite Ghanaian dishes and they aren't the most healthy options. That doesn't mean you shouldn't eat them or avoid them you can eat them but in moderation. Eating too much of these foods in the moment may feel good because they cause us to release feel-good hormones like dopamine and serotonin but they can make fasting the next day very difficult.
♡ Eat whole foods. The best food to break your fast with is fruit! Specifically, a date to begin with and then other fruits like pineapple, watermelon, oranges, strawberries, mango, and other fruits you like. I would recommend you eat more water-based fruits to hydrate your body.
♡ Drink water. I mention this twice because it is very important that after you break your fast you drink water make it a goal of yours to have six to eight glasses of water daily.
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♡ Create a Ramadan workout plan. I know a lot of us girliesss are on weight loss journeys and we want to be snatched before the summer but we also don't want to stress out our bodies while fasting and exerting needed energy. Create a workout plan that starts low and goes slow. Limit intense cardio, and train at a lower intensity, if you lift try to lift heavy before suhoor which means you’ll need to wake up earlier. If you prefer to workout after Iftar break your fast with something light so that your stomach won’t feel so heavy when you workout.
♡ Walking. I recommend getting in sedentary movement throughout the day, so instead of taking the bus walk if where you're going isn't that far. Walking is beneficial for so many reasons I’ll link this article.
♡ Yoga and Pilates. I love both of these exercises they are perfect for my girlies who are fasting. Pilates especially is perfect it is very low and slow in movements but still gives you amazing results. Yoga is perfect for relaxing especially if you deal with anxiety, sore muscles, back problems, and trouble sleeping I recommend trying yoga.
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Increase Your Iman
♡ Prioritize Prayer. Make sure to pray all five of your daily prayers and do them on time try your best to not delay your prayers unless you have to.
♡ Read Quran. Some of you might be hafiz of the Quran and I know it is common for hafiz to try and finish the Quran from start to finish during Ramadan so maybe you can make that a goal if you are a hafiz. For my girlies who are like me and haven’t finished the Quran but Insha Allah we will! I recommend trying to read at least 10 verses of the Quran daily that's better than not reading it at all.
♡ Watch Islamic Lectures. I recommend spending your time online watching Islamic lectures like Omar Suleiman, Mohammed Hoblos, Mufti Menk, Dr. Sh. Haifa Younis, Akhi Ayman (he is perfect for younger men), and many other amazing lecturers. My favorites are Omar Suleiman and Mufti Menk they explain Islam in such a beautiful way and spread the message perfectly.
♡ Charity. This month is the best month to give to those in need. You can donate to many organizations, and help send aid to Gaza/Congo/Sudan, create a fundraiser for your local masjid in need, feed another fasting person, help prepare Iftar at home, and so much more. Charity not only blesses us with good deeds but there have been studies proving random acts of kindness are good for our mental health we produce dopamine when we donate or help others. 
♡ Pray Tahajjud. I swearrrr if you have anything you desire in this life this is the best prayer you need to pray! Allah is closest to the earth during the last third of the night and he is there to listen to our dua’s and repentance. You can only pray Tahajjuud after you sleep. Tahajjud is hard to catch because it involves having to leave our sleep for the sake of Allah. One Mallam explained Tahajjud so beautifully he said “Tahajjud is like a personal invitation from Allah Not everyone can get in most people are asleep during that time.” If you have anything you want badly pray Tahajjud for it, especially during this holy month.  So try your best to wake up an hour or two before the fajr prayer and pray Tahajjuud I will link a video on the benefits and how to pray Tahajjud for those who don’t know how.
These are a few tips for my girliesss I hope Ramadan is a blessed month for all of us! Thank you for all the support babes! we are getting close to 500 followers!!!
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techtow · 29 days
20 Easy Ways to Live Healthier: Weight Loss and Balanced Diet
Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated.
Eat More Fruits and Vegetables: Incorporate a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables into your diet for essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Reduce Processed Foods: Cut down on processed foods and opt for whole, natural foods whenever possible.
Limit Sugary Drinks: Minimize consumption of sugary beverages like soda and fruit juices, as they can contribute to weight gain and other health issues.
Portion Control: Be mindful of portion sizes to avoid overeating and unnecessary calorie intake.
Include Protein in Every Meal: Protein is important for muscle repair and growth. Include sources like lean meats, fish, eggs, tofu, beans, and nuts in your meals.
Choose Healthy Fats: Opt for sources of healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil, while limiting saturated and trans fats.
Prioritize Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support overall health and well-being.
Manage Stress: Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga to help manage stress levels.
Stay Active: Incorporate regular physical activity into your routine, whether it's walking, cycling, swimming, or engaging in sports you enjoy.
Take Regular Breaks:   If you have a sedentary job, make sure to take breaks and move around throughout the day to avoid prolonged sitting.
Practice Mindful Eating: Pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues, and savor each bite by eating slowly and without distractions.
Limit Alcohol: If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation. Limit intake to no more than one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.
Quit Smoking: If you smoke, take steps to quit. Seek support from friends, family, or healthcare professionals if needed.
Stay Socially Connected: Maintain strong social connections with friends and family to support mental and emotional well-being.
Practice Good Hygiene: Wash your hands regularly, practice good oral hygiene, and keep your living spaces clean to prevent the spread of germs and infections.
Get Regular Check-ups: Schedule regular check-ups with your healthcare provider for preventive screenings and to monitor your overall health.
Limit Screen Time: Reduce screen time, especially before bedtime, to improve sleep quality and reduce eye strain.
Stay Sun Safe: Protect your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays by wearing sunscreen, protective clothing, and seeking shade when outdoors.
Stay Positive: Maintain a positive outlook on life and cultivate gratitude for the good things in your life. A positive mindset can have a profound impact on your overall health and well-being.
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soft-bellied-tannies · 9 months
Little Bite #33
Read here or on AO3!
Taehyung was finally going to do it.
His New Year's resolution was to gain weight, finally taking the initiative to indulge in his own kink. The lack of partner to share it with be damned.
He had failed relationships in the past where people just couldn’t understand his interests. He had moments where stuffings were attempted and didn’t work out, leaving him uncomfortable without warm hands to help settle his bloated stomach.
Hypnosis feeder audios and feedism porn only helped him get off, never had enough encouragement behind it to make himself eat.
Taehyung decided the way to go would be intentionally planning his meals in a way that could fit into his normal routine. Without feeder encouragement or affection, he simply needed to increase his intake strategy.
Searching online for the right opportunities to make it happen and he finally found it. A free NYE consultation with personal trainer, Jeon Jungkook.
He claimed the free online consultation to get a workout routine, lying about his current fitness and ability. Taehyung filled out the portfolio “looking” for a heavy weightlifting plan with intense goals.
Jungkook built him a year long plan to follow, honed perfectly for someone well beyond Taehyung’s skill level yet accepted with enthusiasm.
And the plan only continued to work when Jungkook recommended his business partner and highly renowned nutritionist, Park Jimin, who was also running a New Year’s special considering the rise of resolutions in early January.
Taehyung presented his new workout routine as what he will be following for the next year. Jimin built him an extensive plan for bulking and maintaining this rigorous lifting routine, making sure to emphasize the importance of increasing his intake and nutrients to stay healthy.
Like the good listener he was, Taehyung followed Jimin's bulking plan perfectly. Dense protein packed shakes in the morning, heavy carb loading lunches for his “demanding workouts”, and healthy fats piled high on his dinner plate for “recovery”.
He meal prepped and happily enjoyed his “necessary” diet plan while not lifting a single finger toward Jungkook’s thorough fitness plan, but Taehyung couldn’t bring himself to feel bad.
Not when the scale was finally going up in a way he never thought he would get to enjoy. Sure, it was a slow and steady gain, but it worked for Taehyung’s solo gaining journey and that’s what mattered.
Two months and nearly fifteen pounds heavier was satisfying, but it also made him want to push for more. It was only further encouraged by the unintended secondhand embarrassment he got from unexpected calls.
Jimin and Jungkook both check in one day, stating they want to follow up with their NYE promo clients throughout the year to see if they would like to return and pay for services. Taehyung declined and assured them that their plans were perfect and working well for him, feeling the flustered redness fill his face at the blatant lie he was telling.
Months continued to pass and Taehyung’s appetite increased. He got better at making Jimin’s protein shake recipes and started to up his portions over time, feeling pride in his gaining success.
By August, Taehyung had turned his slow fifteen pounds into a much more solid forty. With his interests finally fulfilled and such a nutritionally packed diet, he felt better than ever.
The weight packed on densely from his substantial intake and he was quite proud of his growing potbelly. He loved the fact that his gain stuck to his middle and how his large protein shakes left him bloated and round under his snug shirts.
However, Taehyung didn’t consider the fact that he did a virtual meeting with Jimin and shared a photo in his portfolio with Jungkook meaning they might remember his face.
When Chuseok comes and Taehyung was out visiting a local street festival, the last people he expected to see were his trainer and nutritionist. Here he was, nine months after meeting them, 50 pounds heavier with a growing gut and barely an ounce of muscle.
Taehyung would have felt the rush of humiliation no matter what, but it felt elevated considering that the pair was even more stunning in person - the definition of peak fitness and beauty.
And the heat in his cheeks and butterflies in his belly only grew more when he was met with the most unexpected reaction. As he braced for judging eyes and confused faces, Taehyung had to stop his jaw from dropping when he heard Jimin’s words.
“Looks like bulking is going well, Taehyung-ssi.”
Somehow, Taehyung with pink cheeks and stuttering words ended up at a table outside a food stall sharing an order of hotteok with the two who expected him to be a cut and trim bodybuilder by this point.
And sharing was said lightly considering how Jungkook kept placing them in front of Taehyung until the serving plate was empty.
The night turned out to be full of more and more surprises as Taehyung learned they were a couple and had some interests of their own that sway quite the opposite of what one would think they were attracted to considering their careers.
Interests that could not have aligned more perfectly with Taehyung’s - it felt like a dream.
Jungkook shared how handsome they thought Taehyung was from the beginning and Jimin admitted that they hoped he would fail his rigorous diet in hopes of returning to them in the new year once again.
Taehyung was speechless until he found his words and confidence, commenting that the diet wasn’t considered a fail in his eyes and Jimin’s diet was more successful than he could have ever imagined.
And the surprises didn’t stop there.
All of Taehyung’s confidence washed away again when the pair started to agree and compliment his efforts. They then offered their services for free again, however, this time with Taehyung’s real goals in mind.
When Taehyung left their impromptu date full of street food, he was harboring a renewed sense of excitement for his growing frame.
Especially when he thought about the likelihood of a new relationship too, remembering the rush he felt when they parted ways and Jimin told him that they liked the belly better anyway, sending him off with a wink and kiss on the cheek.
Later that night, Taehyung got a text from Jungkook inviting him to dinner with them, but also an invitation to the couple’s shared office for full BMI assessment and plan update.
Taehyung knew in that moment that his New Year’s resolution was certainly a success.
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skinnipinni · 10 months
Things that helped me survive:
Don’t exclude things. It is scary, like wtf crisps are caloric af. But it will help you to not binge. You feel like eating some crisp? Eat some, count it into your daily intake. Maybe eat them tomorrow too. That way you wont fill yourself with unsatisfying food and still end up binging on whole bag…
Protein is the most important thing. Buy everything wit “protein” on its label
Celebrate Christmas and Easter with your family. This one day won’t change anything. Really. Your family doesn’t deserve to worry on Christmas Eve and you can eat food that only occurs at special occasions.
Take vitamin D
DON’T CHEW GUM. Research shows that actually it makes you more hungry.
Water is mandatory. 2 litres have to be drank daily.
You can drink cola 0 on ketosis while fasting. Somebody once told me that I can’t. You can drink it because it doesn’t have carbs so your ketosis is safe <3.
If you binge, don’t fast right after it. After your fast you will just binge again. Come back to normal restriction and try fasting in 2-3 days.
Buy good skin care and hair care products. You will need that. Your skin might start being grey and dry and hair will just fall out. Buy good brush, use masks, conditioners and hair growth products. Use t-shirt/special silk towel to dry it. Don’t bleach it. It will only make it worse.
VOLUME EATING - a real lifesaver, it will make you soooo satisfied. You can make whole bowls of low cal protein and veggies. Your stomach will feel full and you will have no space to eat something “forbidden”
Go for a walk. Really, that’s enough, thats how I lost 40kg. Unless you want to be toned walking is enough and you won’t faint and over exercise yourself.
Dieting can be cheap, but you have to plan for whole week.
If you live with someone, don’t even say a word about dieting. I had situations at home when I fasted for 3 days and my mom yelled at me for getting close to the fridge because she didn’t know I haven’t eaten anything for long time. Be normal about it. Hide the scale after using it. Make a password for your computer, phone, tablet. Have your own bin in your room and empty it regularly. Don’t do too much lax because they will notice you occupy bathroom for too long. Eat something high cal once in a while in front of them.
My friends are always going out to eat. If you have a boyfriend just give him some of your portion, if you are single order something lower in calories than other options and start with eating low cal ingredients. Don’t waste money on food at restaurants, buy something cheap, you are not going to eat all of it anyways. You are supposed to get skinnier, not your wallet.
If your friends want to drink, try drinking non alcoholic beer. It’s not so high in calories and you can find excuse for drinking it. If you really want to drink alcohol divide it into two portions and drink it with 0 cal cola. 0.5 shot of vodka and rest of the cup is cola, then repeat and you will appear normal.
Don’t buy konjac, I know its tempting but believe me it won’t help you with your toilet visits.
Don’t overuse lax. It took me 2 years to start sh*ting without problems and extreme pain again.
You can watch fat mukbangers or 600lb life. It makes me motivated. BUT DON’T POST FATSPO OF RANDOM PEOPLE. IT IS JUST EVIL. IF YOU DO THAT JUST STFU AND GET OUT, UR HUMAN PIECE OF TRASH. People on those shows were there voluntarily and they know they will get critique but random girls on social media don’t deserve it…
Find manual hobby that requires a lot of concentration. It will take your mind of fasting and will relax you <3
Remember ED is not pretty or cute or delicate dainty fairycore sh*t. It is pain and tears and mental damage. It’s not glamorous as we want it to be.
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vezlayfood1 · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide to Unveiling: Health Benefits of Veg Chicken
Introduction: Exploring the Wonders of Veg Chicken
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the extraordinary health benefits of Veg Chicken! In a world where dietary preferences and health-conscious choices are becoming increasingly prevalent, veg chicken emerges as a delightful alternative that not only satisfies the palate but also offers a plethora of nutritional advantages.
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Understanding Veg Chicken: A Nutritious Alternative
What Exactly is Veg Chicken?
Veg chicken, often referred to as plant-based chicken or meat alternatives, is a protein-rich substitute crafted from a blend of plant-derived ingredients. These innovative products mimic the taste, texture, and appearance of traditional chicken, providing a savory experience without the use of animal-derived components.
Nutritional Composition of Veg Chicken
Despite its meat-free nature, veg chicken boasts an impressive nutritional profile. Rich in plant-based proteins, essential vitamins, and minerals, this delectable alternative offers a wholesome dining experience without compromising on nutritional value. From soy and pea protein to vital nutrients like iron and B-vitamins, veg chicken serves as a commendable source of sustenance for individuals seeking a balanced diet.
Unveiling the Health Benefits of Veg Chicken
1. Protein Powerhouse
Protein serves as the building block of life, playing a crucial role in muscle repair, growth, and overall cellular function. Veg chicken, abundant in plant-based proteins, offers a fulfilling protein source suitable for vegetarians, vegans, and individuals looking to reduce their meat consumption. Incorporating veg chicken into your diet ensures adequate protein intake, supporting muscle development and enhancing satiety levels.
2. Heart Health Promotion
One of the most notable advantages of veg chicken lies in its potential to promote heart health. Unlike conventional meat products, which may contribute to elevated cholesterol levels and cardiovascular risks, veg chicken offers a heart-friendly alternative. Low in saturated fat and cholesterol-free, veg chicken aids in maintaining optimal blood lipid levels, reducing the likelihood of heart-related ailments and enhancing cardiovascular well-being.
3. Weight Management Support
In the pursuit of a healthy weight, dietary choices play a pivotal role. Veg chicken, with its low-calorie content and high protein density, emerges as a valuable ally in the battle against excess weight. By fostering feelings of fullness and satisfaction, veg chicken helps curb cravings and promotes portion control, facilitating weight management endeavors without sacrificing flavor or nutritional value.
4. Environmental Sustainability
Beyond individual health benefits, embracing veg chicken aligns with broader environmental sustainability efforts. Traditional livestock farming practices often exert a significant ecological footprint, contributing to deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and water pollution. In contrast, veg chicken production entails fewer environmental repercussions, making it a more eco-conscious choice for conscientious consumers striving to reduce their carbon footprint.
Incorporating Veg Chicken Into Your Culinary Repertoire
Creative Cooking Ideas
From savory stir-fries to succulent sandwiches, the versatility of veg chicken lends itself to a myriad of culinary creations. Experiment with diverse recipes and cooking techniques to unlock the full potential of this plant-based delicacy. Whether you’re grilling, sautéing, or baking, veg chicken serves as a canvas for culinary innovation, allowing you to craft wholesome meals that tantalize the taste buds and nourish the body.
Dietary Diversity Enhancement
Integrating veg chicken into your dietary regimen introduces a refreshing dimension of variety and flavor. Whether you’re a seasoned vegan or a curious omnivore, incorporating veg chicken into your meals diversifies your palate and broadens your culinary horizons. Embrace the culinary adventure and savor the delectable delights of veg chicken in all its forms, from classic favorites to bold, inventive dishes.
Conclusion: Embracing the Virtues of Veg Chicken
In conclusion, the health benefits of veg chicken are as diverse as they are remarkable. From its protein-packed prowess to its heart-healthy attributes and environmental sustainability, veg chicken embodies the epitome of nutritious innovation. By incorporating veg chicken into your dietary repertoire, you embark on a journey of culinary discovery and wellness enhancement, reaping the rewards of a plant-powered lifestyle.
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🌟 The Healthy Choice: Plain Yogurt and Greek Yogurt Over Flavored Yogurt Introduction 🌟
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Yogurt is a versatile and nutritious dairy product that has gained immense popularity among health-conscious individuals. While the yogurt aisle at your local grocery store may offer a rainbow of flavors, it's essential to understand why plain yogurt and Greek yogurt stand out as the healthier choices. In this blog post, we'll delve into the reasons why opting for plain yogurt can be a smart move for your health.
Minimal Added Sugar: One of the most compelling reasons to choose plain yogurt is the absence of excessive added sugars. Many flavored yogurts on the market contain high levels of added sugars, which can contribute to weight gain, increase the risk of chronic diseases, and disrupt blood sugar levels. In contrast, plain yogurt allows you to control the sweetness by adding natural sweeteners like honey or fresh fruits, keeping your sugar intake in check.
Probiotic Power: Yogurt's reputation as a gut-friendly food is well-deserved, primarily due to its probiotic content. Probiotics are live beneficial bacteria that promote a healthy gut microbiome. Plain yogurt, whether regular or Greek, tends to contain a broader spectrum and higher concentration of these probiotics compared to flavored counterparts. These friendly bacteria aid digestion, support the immune system, and may even impact overall well-being.
Versatile and Customizable: Plain yogurt provides a blank canvas for culinary creativity. You can tailor its taste to suit your preferences by adding a variety of ingredients, such as fresh berries, nuts, seeds, or a drizzle of pure maple syrup. This versatility ensures that you can enjoy a different yogurt experience every time you consume it.
Lower Calories and Fat: If you're watching your calorie and fat intake, plain yogurt is the way to go. It typically contains fewer calories and less saturated fat than flavored alternatives. You can relish the creamy texture of Greek yogurt while maintaining better control over your dietary choices.
Healthier Ingredients: Plain yogurt is a purer form of yogurt, containing just two primary ingredients: milk and live active cultures. In contrast, flavored yogurts often include artificial flavorings, colors, and preservatives. By opting for plain yogurt, you're choosing a simpler and cleaner ingredient list.
Weight Management: Due to its high protein content, yogurt, especially Greek yogurt, can be an excellent ally in your weight management journey. Protein keeps you feeling full and satisfied, reducing the likelihood of overindulging between meals.
When it comes to yogurt, the choice between plain yogurt and flavored yogurt is clear. Plain yogurt, whether it's traditional or Greek, offers superior health benefits by providing you with control over added sugars, a broader spectrum of probiotics, versatility in taste, and cleaner ingredient lists. By making this simple swap, you're not only taking a step toward better health but also opening up a world of delicious, customizable yogurt creations. So, the next time you reach for that yogurt container, remember that plain is not boring—it's a smart and healthy choice!
🌟 Dressing up your Greek yogurt or plain yogurt can turn a simple snack or breakfast into a delicious and satisfying treat. 🌟
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Here are some healthy and tasty toppings and mix-ins to consider:
Fresh Fruits: Add sweetness and natural flavor with fresh fruits like berries, sliced bananas, diced mangoes, or chunks of pineapple. The combination of creamy yogurt and fruity goodness is delightful.
Nuts and Seeds: Boost the texture and nutrition by sprinkling a handful of chopped nuts (e.g., almonds, walnuts, or pistachios) and seeds (e.g., chia seeds, flaxseeds, or pumpkin seeds) over your yogurt. They provide healthy fats, protein, and a satisfying crunch.
Honey or Maple Syrup: A drizzle of honey or pure maple syrup adds a touch of sweetness without resorting to processed sugars. It pairs wonderfully with Greek yogurt's tanginess.
Granola: Crispy granola clusters are a classic yogurt topping. Choose a low-sugar or homemade granola to maintain a healthy balance.
Nut Butter: Swirl in a spoonful of almond butter, peanut butter, or cashew butter for added creaminess and nutty richness. It's a fantastic combination with sliced bananas.
Dried Fruits: Chop up dried fruits like apricots, raisins, or cranberries to infuse your yogurt with a chewy sweetness.
Cinnamon or Nutmeg: A sprinkle of ground cinnamon or nutmeg can add warm, comforting flavors to your yogurt.
Vanilla Extract: A drop or two of pure vanilla extract can enhance the overall taste of your yogurt, making it feel like dessert.
Coconut Flakes: Toasted or untoasted coconut flakes provide a tropical twist and delightful texture.
Dark Chocolate Chips: If you're in the mood for a touch of indulgence, add some dark chocolate chips for a hint of sweetness and chocolatey richness.
Spices: Experiment with spices like cardamom, ginger, or cloves for unique flavor profiles.
Savory Options: Don't forget that yogurt can go savory too. Try adding chopped cucumber, fresh herbs, a pinch of salt, and a drizzle of olive oil for a refreshing, savory yogurt bowl.
Fruit Compote: Top your yogurt with a homemade or store-bought fruit compote or jam for a burst of flavor.
Mix and match these toppings to create a variety of yogurt bowls that suit your taste preferences and dietary needs. Whether you prefer a sweet, savory, or balanced flavor profile, dressing up your yogurt can make it an exciting and nutritious part of your daily diet.
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optimal-living-lab · 10 months
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Health and fitness ideas that you can incorporate into your routine:
1.Regular Exercise Routine:
Create a well-rounded workout plan that includes cardiovascular exercises (such as running, cycling, or swimming), strength training, and flexibility exercises.
Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise per week, along with muscle-strengthening activities on 2 or more days a week.
2.Healthy Eating Habits:
Focus on a balanced diet with a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
Practice portion control to avoid overeating, and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
Limit the intake of processed foods, added sugars, and excessive amounts of caffeine and alcohol.
3.Mindful Eating:
Pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues.
Eat without distractions, such as watching TV or using your phone, to promote mindful eating.
4.Adequate Sleep:
Ensure you get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. Sleep is crucial for physical and mental well-being.
5.Stress Management:
Incorporate stress-reducing activities into your routine, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga.
Practice time management and set realistic goals to reduce unnecessary stress.
Drink enough water throughout the day to stay hydrated. The amount varies based on factors like age, weight, and physical activity level.
7.Regular Health Check-ups:
Schedule regular check-ups with your healthcare provider for preventive care.
Stay up-to-date on vaccinations and screenings.
8.Social Fitness:
Engage in physical activities with friends or family to make exercise more enjoyable.
Join group fitness classes or sports clubs to stay motivated.
9.Variety in Workouts:
Keep your exercise routine interesting by trying different activities such as hiking, dancing, or playing a sport.
Mix up your workouts to challenge different muscle groups and prevent boredom.
10.Setting Realistic Goals:
Set achievable short-term and long-term fitness goals.
Celebrate your successes along the way, and adjust your goals as needed.
11.Technology and Fitness Apps:
Use fitness apps or wearable devices to track your progress, set goals, and stay motivated.
Many apps offer guided workouts, nutrition tracking, and mindfulness exercises.
Remember, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new fitness or nutrition program, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions.
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