#jason: pls cover your ears
gildedjock · 2 years
"What does Jasonussy even mean?"
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“ I'm pretty sure you're not old enough to know that, yet. ”
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lunasfics · 1 year
Found Family
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summary: In which Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent engage in a custody battle over a clone created from both their DNA, or, in which you get saved from a lab and gain two new families who would move mountains for you.
pairing: Bat Family x f! Reader, Supers x f! Reader
word count: 8.2k
a/n: hello! IT'S FINALLY OUT WOOHOO, it's a bit long but i had a lot of fun writing it. certain characters may be a bit ooc so i do apologize as i'm still getting my footing on how to characterize certain people. let me know what you think! constructive criticism is always welcome and appreciated (just pls don't be mean lol)! i left a somewhat open-ish ending because i wanna make this into a series/universe, and will start taking requests for drabbles in this universe, depending on how this is received! - luna :)
reblogs are appreciated!
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“I’m in. Robin, what’s your status?” Bruce spoke into the earpiece, swiftly moving through the shadows of the lab. It was a simple mission: get into the lab Lex Luthor had created under Gotham City, collect intel needed to take down said lab, and leave. Unfortunately, it’s never really that simple, is it? 
“I’m in, making my way through the west wing, cover is still intact,” Damian muttered back. 
“Good. Nightwing?” 
“Just entered the center lab, heading down to the bottom level now, haven't been spotted,” Dick said, making his way down the steps, careful to remain silent. 
“Good. Remember the objective. In and Out.” Bruce muttered as he continued, searching for the locked file cabinet he was looking for. 
“Files located. Ready for extraction” Damian said quietly through the intercom. 
“I’ve made it to the bottom level. Requesting immediate backup, there's something here you guys need to see” Dick’s voice echoed through the earpiece, “They’ve made another clone.” 
Bruce stopped what he was doing, silently making his way down the hall towards the staircase Dick took around a half hour before, “I'm on my way. Damian?”
“Heading there now. Files are downloaded.” 
Upon arriving at the lower level, Dick bypasses security to let them in, making sure to reactivate the lock behind them, “Look.”
He gestured to the incubation tube not far from them, inside of it stood a young woman, who looked no older than 20, wearing a black skin-tight suit, a familiar “S” symbol adorning her chest, only it was the center of another symbol, the bat symbol, with bat ears at the top and bat wings on either side of it, a dark burgundy color with gold lining along the edges. The plaque below the tube read: 
Attempt 1: G6B24 
Specimen 1: Superman (Identity: Unknown)
Specimen 2: Batman (Identity: Unknown) 
Status: Failed - Shows excessive signs of emotional intelligence (unfit for purpose), Subject is not invulnerable, Lacks thermal vision
‘Emotional Intelligence’ you must have shown hesitation, a moral compass. 
“Father… what are we going to do?” Damian asked, he was at a loss, part of him felt slightly threatened, if you were taken in, he would no longer be the only child related to Bruce by DNA, and you were older, stronger— perhaps you would take his place, the place he’d finally felt he truly belonged; however he remained silent, his past self likely would have attempted to argue against your rescue, but he’d grown, he knew deep down you deserved a chance at this life just as much as he did. 
Bruce looked up at your unconscious figure, at a loss for words, you were his daughter, intentional or not, there was a part of him in you, he only hoped that part wouldn't screw you over for life. As surprised as he was, he had an obligation to you the same way he did with Dick, Jason, Tim, Cass, Steph, Barbara, Duke, Damian, and every other vigilante he had taken under his wing.
His Batman instincts kicked in very quickly though, immediately refocusing himself, reading through the files, in an attempt to prepare himself for any possible scenario, he turned to Dick. 
“Find all the DNA samples they have belonging to both me and Superman, we’re taking them,” he said, making sure to not hyper-focus on the thoughts flooding his mind. 
“We’re not just leaving her here, are we? The plaque says ‘failed’. Who knows what could happen to her?” Dick said, he was frustrated.
Conner had gotten a chance to build a life for himself. You deserved one too, the mere thought of Bruce wanting to leave you there angered him. 
“She’s coming with us. Damian, watch the door, Dick, find the samples," Bruce said gruffly, moving to the tube, bypassing the database to open it, without setting off any system safeguards. He reached into his utility belt and pulled out his shard of kryptonite, just in case it was needed to neutralize you. 
The tube opened slowly, a swoosh sound filling the air as the cold fog escaped the tube, spilling into the air, your eyes fluttering open as you looked around, your eyes focusing on him.
You flew at him, full speed, pushing him against the wall with a thud, knocking the wind out of him, your eyes boring into his, glowing red, just as you were about to terminate him with your heat vision, he uttered the safe word he had seen in your file. 
“Blue Pineapple” he grunted out, the red in your eyes fading away instantly, as you stared at him with wide eyes. You backed away slowly, lowering yourself to the floor. Your eyes fixed on him once again.
You recognized him from your programming, the man whose combat skills were engraved into your mind.
Dick and Damian rushed over, making sure Bruce was okay. He was fine.
Dick turned to you, holding out his hand, “Come with me. We need to get you out of here, you aren’t safe here.” 
You stared at him, your eyes narrowing, “Why should I trust you?” 
Dick sighed, Those damn Wayne genetics, he kept his hand extended to you, “Because we’re helping you escape, if you come with us, you can meet Superman, be a hero just like him and Batman, you could actually see the world” he promised. 
"I know what the world looks like." you stated bluntly.
He sighed, his hand not wavering, "But have you ever experienced it? Let us show you what that's like. You can have a life."
You thought for a moment, before letting out a small grunt, nodding at him and taking his hand, allowing them to lead you out of the lab grounds seemingly undetected. 
When you stepped out, you stopped, eyes completely transfixed on the brilliant night sky. Blends of blues and purples and grays danced together to make the beautiful endless abyss above you. You knew every color there was. You knew everything, but at the same time you really didn't. You stared up at the stars, you knew how they came to be, you knew every scientific explanation there was yet seeing them… it made you feel a way you couldn’t explain.
They led you to the batmobile, situating you in the back seat with Damian, starting the drive to the Batcave. Bruce dialed Clark’s number into the keypad, it rang twice before he picked up. 
“Meet me in the Batcave. It’s urgent. Bring Conner.”
“What’s going o-”
He hung up. 
Dick covered his mouth to hide his snicker, “So, Bruce, you and Clark have an official love child now, right? What will Lois think?” he feigned concern, placing the back of his hand over his forehead, committing to the drama, “Oh, how scandalous, I mean really, the shame! I can already see the headlines ‘Billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne turned common whore after breaking up happy metropolis family’” 
Damian covered his laugh with a cough.
You looked at the three of them, utterly confused, still processing what was going on. 
Bruce huffed, shooting them both a glare, “Dick, be mature.” 
Dick smiled, “I can't help myself, just wait til Jason finds out.” He smiled in excitement, as they pulled into the side entrance of the Batcave. 
Bruce let out a deep, tired sigh.
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Clark sat in silence in the Batcave, Conner standing to his left, his eyes wide as he stared at you, possessing some features belonging to both he and Bruce, and other features that seemed to be entirely your own.
You stared back, that same stoic nature radiating off of you that radiates off the Batman, however, he noted the defensive look in your eyes, one so similar to the one he saw in Conner when he first met him. He eyed your suit, noting the familiar “S” symbol, only it was a burgundy color, a rather interesting combination of the Batman and Superman emblems, and he was utterly confused.
He looked over at Bruce, still in his bat suit, his cowl pulled off, “Bruce, what the hell is going on?” 
“I had to call you here because Luthor decided to create another clone. I did the DNA test, Clark, she’s a combination of both our DNA” Bruce looked at him, Dick and Damian standing to his right. It was silent for a moment, you felt like a guinea pig, the way they all stared at you. It made you angry. 
Conner was the first to speak, stepping forward before opening his mouth, choosing his words carefully, “What’s your name?” 
You responded immediately, it felt automatic. “Experiment attempt number one. Code G6B24. I was made to be the future killer of the Batman and the Kriptonian.” 
He nodded slowly, “I’m a clone too, and Clark took me in— well, he took me in eventually— that’s besides the point. He showed me how to become my own person, we can help you do that too.”
You looked at him, eyes softening ever so slightly, but you kept your guard up like your Batman programming taught you to. “I was made to be a killer, if I don’t do what I was made to do, what am I worth?” you said quietly, voice unwavering.
Damian watched you, your words striking him in a way he hadn't expected them to, he understood what you were saying all too well. 
Bruce decided to speak up next, “You were created, it’s not your fault what their intentions were when they did so. What you become from here on out is your choice.” 
You stayed silent, eyes darting around the room—What is this feeling? Vulnerability? You knew it by definition, like you did most other feelings, but feeling them… it was different. 
Dick noted the way you seemed overwhelmed, he approached you slowly, pulling up two chairs, motioning for you to sit, you chose to remain standing until he sat down first. 
“You know, we trust you, we want to figure out a way for you to become the best you can be. On your terms” he said, offering you a small smile. 
You looked around, the others nodded in agreement, “I was made to be only the best parts of you” you said, your gaze focusing on Clark and Bruce, they both put their best qualities forward to help others, how could you use those same qualities to destroy that?
“I… don’t want to be a killer. They said I was too… human. I thought I’d failed them.” 
Damian decided to step forward, “You didn’t fail anyone, you are meant for greater things. You haven't killed anyone, you can choose your path. If the path you choose is the Robin mantle... I am willing to work with that.” 
At this, the other men in the room turned to look at him, Clark and Conner were slack-jawed, this was the same kid who fought Tim tooth and nail over this mantle. The same mantle he was just… willing to give you? 
Meanwhile Dick had a proud smile on his face, you thought you saw a small tear in his eye.
Bruce’s face seemed unreadable, however, you took notice of the way the corners of his lips turned up for a split second. before reverting back to their natural state. 
You weren’t sure what to say, again, you knew what this mantle was, by definition. The reality was you had no sense of what it meant, the weight it carried. And you knew that.
“Thank you, but I feel like that title isn’t mine to take. I think I need to… become something that's true to who I am, whatever that may be.”  
Bruce looked at you, the corner of his lip barely twitching up into a smile, a smile so subtle that only someone of your… background would notice, an attempt of his towards getting you more comfortable, “We should start with a name.” 
You looked at Conner, he gave you an encouraging smile. 
“Like I chose Conner, so now I’m Conner Kent,” he said with a small shrug, “You can choose whatever you want.” 
“I see,” you thought for a moment, “I like Y/n.” 
Clark smiled, standing up and clapping his hands together, “Great! Y/n Kent, has a nice ring to it.” 
He turned towards Bruce, eyes narrowing slightly, “Kent.”
This time Conner spoke, “Kent.”
The three men stared at each other, arms crossed mirroring each-other’s glares. 
Dick cut in, “How about Grayson?”
“No.” came their simultaneous response. 
Dick frowned, slumping in the seat next to yours, “Jeez.” 
Damian spoke next, “I suppose Al Ghul is off the table…” 
Dick snorted, breaking out into a fit of laughter, you grinned softly at the sounds of his laughter, it reminded you of a windshield wiper. 
Conner sighed, “Fine, what about Wayne-Kent?”
Bruce huffed, “I suppose.”
Clark nodded, the smile returning to his face as he turned to you, “Y/n Wayne-Kent”
You nodded, “I like it.” 
Dick could help but laugh from beside you, “It's like I'm watching reality tv. Love me some baby mama drama.”
Clark opened his mouth to speak and closed it, before sighing and looking at Bruce, who just pinched the bridge of his nose. 
Conner chuckled at the sight, turning to Damian, who’s lip quirked up in amusement. 
Bruce looked up, his attention directed towards you, “Y/n, you can stay here for the night, I’ve asked Alfred to set up a room for you. Clark, Conner, come by tomorrow with Lois and Jon, I’ve called the others to come by as well, we’ll get everything situated tomorrow. For now, get some rest.” 
Everyone nodded, Clark and Conner heading to the exit of the cave, Damian, Dick and Bruce leading you to the room that was prepared for you. 
Dick brought you a sweater and some sweatpants to change into, closing the door with a soft, “Goodnight, kiddo.” 
You changed in silence, slowly getting under the covers and drifting off to sleep, marking the start of your new life. Tomorrow would be an interesting day. 
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You woke up the next morning, to a soft knock on the door, your super hearing picking it up better than you would have liked. You opened the door, revealing an older man you hadn’t seen before. He smiled softly, giving you an instantaneous sense of comfort you couldn’t explain. 
“Hello Miss Y/n. My name is Alfred, I am the butler,” he greeted you, handing you a folded set of clothes, “Master Kent chose these for you, however if they are not to your liking, do let me know.” 
“They’re fine…Thank you.”
He smiled warmly, the kind old man giving you a nod, “Once you've changed, do come down, I’ve prepared breakfast. The other members of the family will arrive soon to meet you.” 
You gave him a short nod, he smiled again, your demeanor reminding him of the young Bruce he’d looked after all those years ago. He shut your door softly before retreating down the staircase, leaving you in your room to change. 
You picked up the small note that rested at the top of the pile, reading it over. 
Comfortable, Practical, and cool. Hope you like it. - Conner
You looked down at the neatly folded clothes, unfolding a black long sleeve turtleneck shirt, the material was thick but breathable, you slipped it on with ease, the foreign material soft against your skin, you appreciated that it didn’t suffocate you. 
You reached for the pants next, dark gray cargo pants, these were thicker, and the had an overwhelming amount of pockets. You slipped them on before slipping on the boots that were at the bottom of the stack and exiting the room, going down the staircase. 
Upon entering the dining room, you were met with Bruce sitting at the head of the table, reading the paper calmly eating his pancakes, to his right sat Dick chatting excitedly to the boy next to him, who smiled at him as he listened, he was a slender boy with black hair who looked a bit younger than Dick. Then there was Alred, calmly enjoying his breakfast. Finally there was Damian on the other side of Bruce, leaving an empty seat between Damian and Alred. You sat down, the pale boy noticing you first. 
Bruce looked up, “Tim, this is Y/n.” 
“Hello.” You sat up awkwardly. One thing you never learned was how to navigate social interactions.
He studied you for a moment, offering you a small smile, “I’m Tim.” 
You gave a nod, returning his smile with a smaller one of your own. 
“She knows, by the way.” Dick chimed in.
His eyes widened, was that why you were there? 
All eyes are on you. You opened your mouth to speak but Damian spoke first. 
“She’s a clone. Father will explain everything when everyone else arrives so as to not waste time, until then, hold on to your childish curiosity. I’d like to enjoy my breakfast.” 
Dick nodded, “She was literally made for this shit.”
“Watch your language Master Dick, it is deplorable to speak in such a way at the table, much less in the presence of a lady.” 
Dick blushed, “Sorry Alfred.” 
Bruce simply gave a nod. 
Tim slumped back in his seat, wanting to ask you questions about your abilities, your earliest memories, who were you a clone of, how your programming worked, the boy was itching to know it all. 
Breakfast passed by relatively quickly after that, you weren’t bombarded with questions, much to your relief. Alfred kindly asked you how you slept to which you replied that you slept well. The sound of casual conversation and glassware scraping together filling the room. You enjoyed observing the atmosphere.
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Clark and Conner were the first to arrive at the manor, greeting you happily, with them was a woman and a younger boy, who immediately went to sit by Damian. 
Clark brought them over to you, the woman smiled warmly at you. It made you feel safe. 
She held your hand in hers, “My name is Lois,” her voice was kind, genuine. You noted how she carried herself. Strong, secure, honest. 
Clark was quick to bring Jon over, excited to introduce him, “This is my son, Jon.”
“Hi!”  he beamed at you, you smiled, he was cute. Cheerful as he smiled brightly at you. 
“Hello, my name is Y/n.” you greeted the two, who smiled at you.
Conner was the next to approach, “Did you like the clothes? I picked them out cause it was all I used to wear, but who knows, you may want something more… fashionable.”
You smiled softly, “They're nice, thank you.”
“On that note actually,” Clark said, “I was thinking we can take you shopping later, Bruce and I can pay.” 
Bruce deadpanned, “That’s a joke, right?” 
He smiled, “Of course, you’re paying for everything.”
“Sounds about right.” 
Chatter filled the room not long after, Jon and Damian catching up on the couch while Conner and Tim started a conversation of their own. 
The next people to arrive were three young women, blonde, brunette, and red hair. They had arrived together.
The blonde spoke first, “Why'd you call us here Bruce? We had planned for brunch.” She bitterly narrowed her eyes at him, the brunette behind her giving a short nod of agreement.
Bruce sighed, “We’re waiting on Jason. He’s late.” 
“As always.” The redhead said with a sigh, though you could see she wasn't actually upset.  
The blonde girl turned to you first smiling, “I’m Stephanie, but call me Steph. I’m assuming you’ll be joining our vigilante posse.” She seemed funny, and kind, like she truly cared for those around her. 
“Somewhat, I don’t really know. I’m Y/n.” You said bluntly.
“Pretty name.” She smiled, gesturing to the red haired woman behind her, “This is Barbara, but she's really just Babs.” She then gestured to the brunette, “That’s Cass. She’s lovely.” 
You looked at them and nodded, “It’s nice to meet you.”
Barbara smiled warmly at you, “You too, I’m so glad there’ll be another girl around, we can always use more company.” She smiled at you so kindly, despite having only just met you. Her voice was sweet, like honey. 
Cass smiled softly at you, “Come to brunch with us later. Or, lunch, now since Jason is holding us up.” 
You nodded your lip quirking up into a small smile, “I’d enjoy that.” 
Truthfully, you didn't know what the fuck brunch was. But she said lunch and that you knew. You'd find out about brunch later.
Then, as if on cue, the man in question arrived, walking through the door, slipping off his brown jacket and tossing it on the couch. He was tall, with a stocky frame, jet black hair with a white streak on the front. 
“This better be good.” 
Tim mumbled, “Finally” 
“Miss me Timmy?” 
“Quite the contrary.”
The one called Jason laughed before giving him a small nudge, to which Tim swatted his hand away. 
His eyes fixed on you, then on Bruce. 
“Dude, seriously? Another one? You have a problem man. You’d think you would’ve stopped after me.” 
Bruce stood up, “Jason, sit down. Now that you’re all here I wanted to introduce you to Y/n. She’s a clone, made from both mine, and Clark’s DNA.” 
“Holy shit, man.” 
“Jason, will you shut up?” 
“As I was saying, she’ll be here in the manor for the time being, I’ll be training her and assessing her combat technique.” 
“Hold on,” Clark interjected, “She should come with us, she needs to get the hang of her powers.” 
“Clark, I have a state of the art training area in the cave.” 
“So? We’re supers, all we need is an open field.” 
“We need to assess her combat skills, and also assess the extent of her powers. She isn’t invulnerable. We need to prioritize getting to the bottom of that.” 
Clark huffed but nodded, understanding the full extent of your abilities was vital in actually training you. 
“It’s like I’m watching a custody battle.” muttered Steph, Barbara laughing quietly beside her. 
“Wait- So Y/n is basically if you and Clark had a baby?” Tim gawked at them, his eyes shifting from Bruce to Clark, to you. When his eyes landed on you, he fired questions like he was on a time limit. 
“How do Bruce’s genetics affect your abilities? Are you immune to kryptonite and invulnerable? How does your thermal vision work? Enhanced strength? Can you fly? Can you fly as fast as Superman? Do you have combat training? How do y-” 
Conner smacked a hand over his mouth, leading him back to his seat, “Lets try not to overwhelm her with the questions.” He chuckled. 
Tim nodded, looking up at you, “Sorry, Y/n.” 
“That’s okay. To answer your questions, his genetics don’t necessarily have a huge impact on any of my abilities, I was created with every available video of Batman fighting embedded into my mind, and the combat skills were engraved in my memory, I should be able to replicate his fighting style to a tee. I’m not invulnerable, but in theory, the stealth I was programmed with allows me to stay agile enough that I shouldn’t often get hurt. I don't have thermal vision, but I do have laser vision, enhanced strength, and flight, although I haven’t tested how fast I actually can fly. And like I said, my combat training is essentially the combat footage uploaded into my mind.” 
Tim had nodded, eyes trained on yours in complete interest as you answered each question, occasionally jotting something down on the notes app of his phone. 
Lois narrowed her eyes slightly at both Bruce and Clark, “I do hope you’re factoring in giving her the opportunity to build an actual social life. Maybe get her enrolled in school.” 
“She has doctorate-level information on several different topics stored into her mind, as well as fluency in 8 languages. I think she’ll be fine, Lois,” Bruce replied. 
She rolled her eyes, “Okay, so school’s not necessary, what about building a social life for herself? That’s important.” 
“There’s Young Justice,” Conner said, “I figured she’d join.” 
Tim nodded in agreement, “I can help her get situated.” 
“Where will I stay?” you asked, you didn’t particularly enjoy how they were all discussing you as if you weren't there, but there honestly wasn’t much you could do. 
“You can stay at the manor, or you can stay with the team, but it'd be best if you lived here in the Manor.” Bruce replied.
“Why isn’t Metropolis an option?” Clark muttered. 
“Because it’s more practical to have her here in Gotham, living with Tim will make it easier to adjust to the team.” 
“I want time with her, Bruce.” 
“You’ll get it. We’ll have her assessed, then three times a week she’ll train and get a hold of her powers with you.” 
Clark nodded, satisfied with that answer. 
Lois spoke again, turning to you, “Y/n, how does that sound to you?” 
You blinked. “It sounds fine. My super hearing allows me to hear every conversation proficiently.”
She chuckled softly, “It’s a figure of speech sweetheart, I meant if you’re okay with everything that was said, you’ve been a bit quiet.”
You felt your face grow hot, “Oh. Yeah, I’m okay with it.”
Clark gave you a fond smile. 
Bruce looked at you and smiled softly, a barely noticeable one, but a smile nonetheless. 
The bulk of the conversation was over. The people in the room falling into easy conversation with one another, you look around, not sure what to do. That is until Jason approaches you, a kind smile on his face. 
“Hey Y/n, I’m Jason, I’ll be honest, you probably won't see me too often cause I can barely stand being around Bruce, but… if he’s ever a dick, call me and I’ll either punch him for you and take you somewhere he’s not.” he grinned, “Or both.” 
You laughed softly, “I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you.”
He nodded, “I’ll be raiding the kitchen, but if anyone asks, I left.” He shoots you a grin before slipping away. 
It’s not long after that when Jon approaches you, Damian by his side, he shoots you a toothy grin, “So, you’re like, my sister now, right?” 
You’re not sure how to respond, but you feel a puddle of warmth pooling in your heart, it’s nice. You smile at him softly, “I suppose so.” 
He grins, “And that would also make you Damian’s sister. right?”
“I suppose so.” 
“See Damian, we’re blood brothers by extension.” 
“Jon, that is the most imbecilic logic I’ve ever encountered. Just because Y/n is both my blood and yours doesn’t mean–” 
“Blood brothers!” He had shouted cheerfully, before walking away and over to Lois to inform her of the good news. 
Damian sighed, though you took notice of the soft smile that flashed across his face, you concluded that he cared for him. 
A lot of people in this family– Bruce’s family specifically, tend to hide affection, despite the fact that it is apparent to you that they feel it. You decide not to focus on it, people are complicated. 
You chat a bit with various people in the room, Lois telling you that you’re always welcome to visit whenever you’d like, Barbara talking to you about how her work as Oracle, Steph telling you all about the other vigilantes you’ll probably end up crossing paths with. Tim and Conner sat by you, telling you all about the team and the people you’ll meet once all your training is done. 
Slowly, people start to leave, you saw Jason slip out the front door first, sending you a wink. Dick left not long after, needing to return to his responsibilities in Bludhaven, making sure to tell you you’re always welcome to visit him over there. Then Clark left with Lois, Jon, and Conner, leaving the residents of the manor plus, Cass, Steph and Barbara.
Damian and Tim had retreated to their rooms, while Alfred busied himself with household chores, Bruce stood up, approaching you before saying, “Did you still want to go shopping? You’ll need training clothes.” 
You nodded, “Yes, please.” 
Steph perked up, rushing towards the two of you, “Oh, we have to come.” 
“Steph, you go shopping every week. With my card.”
Barbara chimed in, “It’s not about that Bruce, you have a terrible fashion sense. We can’t let you impose that onto Y/n.”
Cass nodded in agreement. 
“We’re just buying training clothes.” 
“She can’t wear training clothes in her daily life,” Steph rolled her eyes, “She needs a wardrobe.” 
You smiled, “I would like a wardrobe.” 
Bruce sighed but nodded, “Let's go then.”
Steph cheered while Barbara and Cass high-fived behind her, it was an amusing site. 
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When you arrived at the mall, Steph immediately linked arms with you, dragging you around to her favorite stores, paying no mind to your super strength potentially being able to accidentally break her arm. It caught you off guard, not only the physical display of affection, but the trust.
Again, you felt that soft puddle of warmth pool in your chest. You could get used to that. 
You had gotten to know Barbara and Cass fairly well during the trip as well, Barbara was sweet, she and Steph made you laugh more than you thought you could. Cass and you got along well too, she picked out the clothes you liked the most, always nodding in approval when you would try anything on, a soft smile on her face. The three of them opened their group up to you so quickly, it had surprised you, you felt that with their company you were better able to navigate finding yourself. 
The four of you hadn’t paid much mind to Bruce trailing behind you as you went from store to store, not that he minded. He held a fond smile as he observed the four of you giggling, talking, and having a good time.
He knew his focus on training was important, but he also knew Lois was right (not that he’d admit that to anyone), you needed a social life too. And he knew your heightened emotional intelligence would surely allow you to obtain that, you just needed to blossom, and allow yourself to break free of the restraints you put on yourself. 
He’d lost count of how many times he had swiped his card that day, at some point he had decided to just start waiting by the front, once you guys were ready, he’d walk over, swipe his card, and you guys would move on to the next shop. He wouldn't say this to anyone, but he enjoyed doing things like this, taking care of the people he cares about. 
The last store you had gone to was WayneTech, it was Bruce’s idea. You needed a phone in order to keep everyone’s contacts. So they brought you there where you got the latest model of their cell phone line, it was sleek and thin. You picked out a case and you got a screen protector. Bruce had told you that once you got to the Batcave he’d input league contacts, safety features, as well as league-level security settings. 
By the end of the trip it was early in the evening, Bruce had his arms absolutely filled with shopping bags, and what he couldn’t carry was carried by you and Steph. The five of you stepped out into the parking lot, the sun setting, casting a deep orange hue on the parking lot. You took in the image in front of you, you didn’t know suns could set so beautifully.
The ride home was nice, the car was filled with the soft chatter of the four of you, Bruce didn’t feel the need to listen in. The soft music playing on the stereo as a background was a nice addition to the atmosphere. 
When you’d arrived at the manor, the girls had bid you goodbye, but not before making sure they had your number to add you to their group chat. You were warned by Steph that Cass’s meme game could not be beat. You were slightly confused but nodded, a happy smile on your face. They each gave you a hug before getting in their cars and heading off. 
The walk into the manor was silent, but not awkward, mainly the two of you taking armfuls of bags up to your room.
As he shut the door, Bruce turned to you, “It’s not too late, if you want, we could start out on some training.” 
You nodded, going into your room to change, “I’ll be down there in a bit.” 
He nodded, walking away to change as well. 
You entered the Batcave shortly after, comfortable in your black sweatpants, and a black long sleeve athletic shirt. Now, having a better opportunity to take it all in, it was massive. You looked to your left to see Damian sparring with Tim in one of the further training areas. You walked over to Bruce, he gave you a small smile, leading you to the second training area by Tim and Damian, who by now had stopped sparring, in favor of observing your skill. 
“You can replicate my fighting style to a tee, right?”
You nodded.
“Let’s see it.” 
You charged first, making sure to suppress your strength, your movements swift and calculated, landing a fast right kick to his abdomen. He sidestepped, landing a swift punch to your side. You kept attempting attacks on eachother, each one dodging the other flawlessly.
Tim and Damian watched in awe as the two of you gracefully moved, as if you were dancing. This went on for several minutes, until you attempted a fast left kick to his side, which he caught, using as leverage to flip you over on your back.
Your limbs ached, you looked up at him, “How did you do that?”
He held a hand out to help you up, “I’m not as fast with my left kicks as I am with my right ones. My weaknesses are your weaknesses.”
You nodded. Made sense. 
“You have good technique, and you replicate my fighting perfectly, but that’s all it is. A replication. You need to make it your own. Adapt it in accordance with your abilities, you can’t do that now because Clark hasn’t trained you, but in time you will.” 
You nodded, your chest swelling with pride at his compliment, you knew after your training with Clark you would be able to better adjust your fighting style.
Damian walked over to you, “Y/n. I’d like to spar, you’ve proven to be a worthy opponent.” 
You nodded, it would be good to spar with someone with a different fighting style. Tim sat down to the side, perfectly content with just observing for now, like earlier, he occasionally jotted down some notes on his phone. You decided you didn’t mind it. It was endearing. 
This time, Damian charged first, landing a swift right kick to your ribs, you turned and landed a hard kick to his chest, sending him back, before he flipped and caught himself, running towards you again. His smaller frame provided him with an advantage as he jumped onto your shoulders, before he could land his blow, you flipped your body, sending him to the floor, landing on his back with a thud. You crouched over him, extending your hand.
“You okay?”
“Fine.” he took your hand, getting up to his feet, you gave him a soft smile, which he returned, giving you a nod of approval. He, like Bruce, didn’t often use his words, but you were able to discern their intentions just fine. 
Bruce then led you to a machine he had in the cave, where it analyzed your genetics in comparison to Clark’s, he had determined you were missing the genetic composition that happened to be the main source of invulnerability, therefore the reason you were the way you were. You are unfortunately still weak when exposed to kryptonite. 
You were tired by the end of the night. You felt you had bonded with Damian, he had asked you to spar with him another time, to which you agreed.
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The next day, Bruce had sent you over to Smallville, where Clark had decided on training you, ‘A good old fashioned open field’ were his exact words.
He made sure to send you wearing your original suit, not knowing how fast you would be flying, just in case, only you didn’t like it, so you opted to wear some sweats over the suit. 
And there you were, floating about 300 feet in the air with him, as he explained the basics of flying. 
“You want to create your own leverage, using your flight, you should be able to do this.” He bent one leg, tilting to the right as he effortlessly glided in that direction, he repeated the action only now going in the opposite direction. 
You nodded, imitating his movements, gliding from side to side before stopping and looking at him. He smiled brightly at you, “You’re doing great, kid. There was never a point where you didn’t have powers, so this should be easy. Now, we’ll test your speed.” 
You nodded, “How are we doing that?”
He pulled out a stopwatch, “I’m going to wait here while you fly to Gotham and back. You know the route?” 
You nodded. 
“Okay… and…. Go!”
You immediately shot forward, a slightly bumpy start but your body adapted immediately, you felt the wind whip through your hair, and a smile spread across your face as you made a U-turn around Gotham, making it back to Clark in seconds. 
“2.6 seconds. That’s good.” He smiled at you. 
You went on like that for the next few hours, him giving you encouraging words of advice, and you gained better control over your abilities, him providing you with tips he learned over the years. For that last hour, Jon and Conner joined the two of you, the four of you eventually just playing air tag until Martha and Lois called you in for dinner. 
They insisted you stay for dinner, and you had no mind to refuse, spending time with them was nice. Jon insisted he sat next to you at dinner, excitedly talking your ear off about whatever he’d gotten to that day, and sharing his favorite stories about Damian with you. He acts like he doesn't like people, but he’s got a soft spot for a lot of us, were his exact words. You honestly completely agreed, you smiled at him as he continued talking. 
That day you’d gotten to know Martha and Jonanthan Kent, who insisted you called them Ma and Pa. They instantly coddled you as if they’d known you since birth, though, in a way, that is technically the case. 
They didn't let you leave empty handed, sending you off with tupper-ware filled with leftovers, cookies and pie. You thanked them for their hospitality and headed back to the manor. 
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The next few months were mainly doing morning and evening training with Bruce, occasionally Dick would stop by to train with you, always telling you he was proud of your improvement, which never failed to make you glow just a little brighter with pride. He’d begun a tradition where he would treat you to a burger after training, or whatever it was you were craving. He said that it was his goal to get you to try every fast food joint in Gotham, deciding that it was just an essential part of living there. You quickly decided you hated fast food, but never said anything because that wasn’t at all what mattered to you, what mattered to you was the bond you were creating with your older brother. 
Your relationship with Bruce wasn’t perfect. There were times you saw how focused he was on his mission, neglecting the feelings of those around him, he could be an asshole. And with you still navigating your emotions, you’d get angry and yell, and so would he. If you saw him brushing off Damian, or Tim, one look at the crestfallen expressions on their faces was enough to get you angry. You shouldn’t have been surprised, truthfully, you weren’t. You were too similar. You were just fortunate enough to be surrounded by people early on who could convince you to let them in. 
Regardless of the imperfections between you and Bruce, you knew he cared. He always showed it with the small smile he’d give you as he held up two tickets to the movie you had wanted to see. Or in the way he’d lure everyone into the living room with snacks for a movie night. Or how he’d try his best to always express to you that you were doing well. That you were enough, and that you deserved to be there. 
You’d grown closer with Tim, too, always willing to help him with his assignments (not that he often needed it, but on the rare occasions his sleep deprived self couldn’t wrap his head around a problem). You’d often go to him when you needed help figuring something out on your phone, to which he would offer a simple solution you hadn’t seen before.
Tim was kind, he showed he cared for you by fixing things, when you cracked your screen protector by accidentally tapping it too hard, he made you a new one that could withstand the force of a bullet. He learned to confide in you over time, telling you about Bernard, expressing his worries to you about whether or not he’s good enough. You’d always tell him he was more than good enough. 
Damian had taken to calling you ‘sister’, often challenging and teasing you when he could, you’d developed a relationship where he’d go to you for company. You’d sit in the garden and take in the life around you, while he sat a few feet away and drew it.
Once, he drew you while you weren’t looking, when he finished, he handed it to you without a word and walked away. In the bottom right corner you read ‘Y/n Wayne-Kent’ in neat handwriting, just below that, ‘sister’. That was the first time he’d used that word for you. Your heart swelled. 
You continued seeing Steph, Barbara, and Cass, regularly having lunch with them and talking with them on the phone. Barbara, or as you now called her, Babs, was always there to guide you when you needed it, she’d often send you small gifts from time to time, like jewelry that reminded her of you.
Cass and you would often find the most peaceful company in each other. She would listen to you talk about all the things you'd been learning, telling you about her own experience adjusting to a new life.
Steph and you bonded over poorly written hallmark movies, she always giggled madly when you would point out plot inconsistencies, wearing the most confused expression she had ever seen on a person, you didn’t understand why at first, you would just state facts, but you always enjoyed the time with her. She always says you guys should start a podcast, and you always agree. You hope she never asks you what a podcast is... because you genuinely didn't know.
True to his word, you didn’t see Jason often, but there were a few instances  where you felt particularly suffocated by Bruce’s training that you took him up on his offer to take you somewhere he wasn’t. Those moments were... nice. Every time, he would bring food, and take you to his apartment, where you talked about books and he introduced you to some of his favorite movies. You didn’t know why he and Bruce didn’t get along, but you chose not to pry.
Alfred had taken a liking to you instantly, he enjoyed giving you etiquette lessons, and would bake all kinds of scones and cookies for you to try. His humor was at times very dry and sarcastic, which never failed to make you laugh. He taught you how to bake once, finding you were exceptionally good at it, ‘Miss Y/n, I think we’ve found your natural talent’. You hadn’t expected to be good at it, but Alfred said you were phenomenal. 
You’d also train with Clark 3 times a week, getting even closer with the Kents, integrating yourself in both families. It was interesting being part of two very different families. But you wouldn’t have it any other way. 
Clark had shown you a lot about your powers, but it was never just training. It had become a necessity for the two of you to fly to some famous landmark and have lunch together, before flying back to Smallville for more training.
Clark was constantly trying his best for you, he still had his regrets from his initial relationship with Conner, and although he was forgiven and their relationship was rebuilt, he knew he lost time. And he absolutely refused to repeat that and hurt someone else who didn’t deserve it. 
You always stayed for dinner, you found that you could never say no to Jon, the one time you tried was awful, you felt so bad that you went back the next day and took him shopping. With Bruce's card, duh.
Jon was stuck to you like glue whenever you were over. He always insisted on sitting by you and talking to you about whatever he’d been up to. He flew around with you a lot, you guys would play games that he taught you how to play. Your favorite moments were when he and Damian would allow you in to watch them play video games because ‘How do you not know how to play video games? That’s just wrong. We’ll teach you.’
Conner had spent more and more time with you as well, telling you about a lot of social cues, the importance of boundaries, etc. He was determined to help you adjust in every way he could, he shared his experiences with you when he first started working in teams. You learned a lot from him, he was very affectionate with you, but in that awkward-older-brother way. He’d give you a soft pat on the back and a smile, he knew you’d do just fine. 
Lois became your role model, you truly admired her. She was strong, outspoken, confident. She helped you not be afraid of forming your own opinions and voicing them. One time she saw you yell at Bruce over something he’d done, and all she could do was smile proudly.
These people whose lives you just appeared in one day, very quickly became your family. Every day you were reminded of how lucky you were to have come to care for them as much as you do. Bonding with them was nice, and you very quickly understood the appeal of having family.
These are people who care for you unconditionally, simply because they want to. Because every moment that they spend with you, they choose to.
And just like that, you were ready to meet the team. You had learned to combine your combat skills with your powers, if you need to, you can fight in mid air. You’d learned to incorporate your abilities into your technique to enhance your own personal style. And it felt amazing.
You knew every possible way to deliver an effective, non-lethal blow.  Of course, you needed a suit. Bruce offered to enhance the one you had worn the day they rescued you, but you wanted a new one. To you, that suit represented what you were created to be, and that is not who you are. You wanted something true to yourself, and he understood and wholeheartedly supported you. Damian helped you make a sketch, and together you’d designed the perfect representation of you. And you became Eclipse. The alignment of two heroes, though unintentional, created a whole new hero. You.
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Taglist- @one-green-frog @bonniecat @minnieearsposts @chickentenderx @murkyponds @loserwithnofriends @ilikefanfics4 @fangirlvibez @instantplaiddream @lovelywritersgarden @calicocat45 @strawberrycreamh @sappynappysworld @zyuuuu @allycat4458 @lovelypitasworld @batfamlover @pterodactyl-hater @american-idiot21 @starlets-things @th1s-b1tch-1s-dead @dontgivemeyourname @normal-internet-user @sillyfinn @lostgirlsstuff @llvmakk @princess76179 @vanessa-boo @1lellykins @blitzythefanvergentpitsterthings @samibrewss @pickyblue12 @thetiredtoad0-0 @lacklustertrashbag (I'm not sure why some people's tags didn't work,, I am very sorry, if anyone has suggestions onhow to fix that i'm open to fix them)
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erzva · 1 year
⟡ sex with the batboys hc ⸜⸜ jason tim dick
bisexual switch
leans more towards women and bottoming/being submissive
no preference for subbing or domming when he’s with a man. he mostly likes when both of you can just switch and there’s no real power dynamic
PRAISE KINK. not only is he a fucking leo but he also has a lot of emotional issues and trauma that led to him developing a praise kink. pls just tell him he’s doing a good job and that you’re proud of him, it’s all he wants to hear
he doesn’t like being aggressive or violent and isn’t into anything degrading etc.
in fact, he hates men who are violent towards women during sex
no choking no slapping. he hates it. he finds it vulgar
hates blindfolds and being tied up due to trauma. and he won’t do it to you either
very ‘vanilla’ so just normal
just bc he’s vanilla doesn’t mean he can’t be rough and fast. he’ll fuck you good dw. or he himself wants to get fucked rough and fast.
if he’s with a woman you best believe her pleasure comes first.
definitely a service/pleasure dom when it’s a woman. but he also likes being submissive with women. body worship. just makes sure you’re taken care of and he loves doing it.
eating you out is relaxing to him. he loves having you ride his face or just being able to bury his face in your cunt after a long day and being surrounded by your smell
giving you head also makes him incredibly hard. he can’t help but pump his cock while you’re riding him and moaning into your pussy. or humping the mattress in the same rhythm his mouth is moving
he loves making out and foreplay such as making out and kissing your neck and ears. he loves how content and relaxed you look and sound and how desperate you get for more
he’s very vocal & loud. it’s all too chaotic in his head and his emotions for him to be reasonable. when he’s desperate he just starts blurting out anything that’s on his mind groaning and whining.
he loves it when you tug on his hair. it makes him roll his eyes and moan. there’s just something about it
besides his name and the usual pet names he likes getting called good boy and puppy. “such a good boy, you’re doing so well” “you’re such a good puppy for me, sweetie”
he likes rubbing himself on you. just bodies pressed against each other and desperately rutting his hips against your body. something about it is just very erotic to him. probably the desperation (a/n: i’m a firm believer in desperate!jason)
he either wants to really take his time and have gentle, passionate, sensual, erotic sex or- you or him domming the other with a lot of dirty talk and orgasms
also a bisexual switch but leaning more towards men and being a bottom
not into anything heavy or bdsm at all. very vanilla. surprisingly, he does really like food play though.. something about it is erotic to him and it’s fun
just covering some of your body parts in something delicious and licking it off
loves it when you ride him and he’s just able to relax and look at you
he is chronically tired bc of his lifestyle so he likes not having to do much during sex and prefers bottoming and normal positions
wants you to take care of him
really likes gentle touches during sex. he often takes one of your hands and puts it on his cheek for you to hold and caress him
loves it when you’re on top of him with your front pressed against his, your lips pressing light kisses against his ear and neck while he’s thrusting up inside you/you’re thrusting inside him
let’s out quiet desperate high pitched whines and moans and breaths
he wants to hug a lot during sex. just as much touch as possible
bisexual switch with a dom lean. likes women and men the same amount.
also a praise kink. mainly bc of trauma ofc but also bc he has a big ego
he would never deny praise. or physical touch. especially from his s/o
he‘s very mischievous and loves attention. so it didn’t surprise you when you got together with dick grayson and he started being handsy in public and in front of others. he didn’t care if ppl saw all the pda, in fact, he liked it. he likes showing you off to other ppl and he likes it when ppl see that you‘re his.
he can be really insecure so having other ppl see that you’re with him makes him feel good
loves giving you head in risky places ex: on rooftops while he’s out on patrol, in bedrooms at galas etc. not really public places but places where the chance of getting caught is high. it’s just really arousing and fun to him and again: having other ppl see that you’re with him makes him feel good abt himself
he loves it when you’re loud and he’ll do anything to draw a sound out of you
he’s very vocal and he’s cocky abt it
when he gets jealous or somebody flirts with you he kisses you with tongue in front of them for a few seconds. you will be having sex that night. and he’ll make you cum multiple times, starting with a handjob, then giving you head twice before the penetration starts
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heavenlyhischier · 2 years
hit the target - jason todd
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summary: jason wants to teach you how to shoot a gun. you end up hitting a target; just not the one he had planned for.
word count: 1.9k
warnings: author has no knowledge of how to use a gun, maybe some inaccuracies, kissing, maybe a little angst, unedited
note: i have never written for DC before so pls forgive me if anything is off. also - this isn't based off any specific version of jason so picture whichever you'd like
Jason snuck into your apartment early in the morning, instructing you to get up and dress warm before leaving to presumably raid your kitchen. He neglected to inform you on what exactly he was dragging you to do, but you knew him well enough to assume it was probably something ridiculous. After sluggishly getting yourself ready, you walked out of your room to see Jason leaning against the counter with a bowl of cereal in his hands.
You paused your movement, admiring the way his shirt clung to his biceps and the way his tousled hair covered his forehead. There was no denying that Jason was a beautiful person, but looking was all that you could do. Once Dick had introduced you to Jason and took notice to the way you watched him, he implied that getting involved with him wouldn’t be the best idea. You could never figure out a real reason as to why, and he never gave you one either.
“A picture might last a little longer,” He teased, eyes unmoving from the bowl.
A light blush creeped its way on your cheeks as you walked forward, “Oh, I’m sure it would. What are we doing anyway?”
“Well, princess, I’m going to teach you how to shoot a gun.”
Naturally, you had assumed that he was going to take you to one of the training areas Bruce had at the manor, but he pulled off down some unmarked road into the trees instead. You knitted your eyebrows in confusion, but kept quiet for the time being. He parked near some sort of open area and stepped out of the car before going to open your door.
“Remind me again why we have to do this is out in the middle of the woods,” You questioned, leaning against the car to watch as Jason lay a few small handguns on a fallen tree, “Bruce has a perfectly good and warm indoor area for stuff like this.”
“Felt like it would be easier to focus with just me and you,” He shrugged, turning to give you a mischievous wink.
It would, in fact, not be easier. Your body warmed at the thought of Jason standing behind you, placing your hands in the correct position on his weapon with his body flush against yours. The way his breath hit your face as he told you what you were supposed to do filled your mind and that was enough to form an all too familiar knot in your stomach. You were so far wrapped in your own thoughts and fantasies that you didn’t realize Jason had been calling your name.
“You there, princess,” He chuckled as he gently shook you by the shoulders, “Lost you for a second.”
“Sorry,” You mumbled, too embarrassed by the images that had just been at the forefront of your brain to say anything else.
“Now that you’re back with me, let’s get started! We’re gonna start you off with a 9 mm because they’re easier to control than the ones I normally use,” He explained as he took your hand and pulled you over to a more empty area, “Here, take this.”
You take the small gun from his hands, the coolness of the metal making your skin tingle. It had a little more weight than you anticipated, but it was small enough to fit in your hand almost perfectly. You listened as he gave you instructions on how to eject the mag and load it correctly. You managed to do that as soon as you figured out where the button to eject the mag was.
Once it was loaded, you watched the way his hands moved along the gun like it was second nature to him, which it kind of was. His instruction fell to deaf ears as you remained focused on his hands and thoughts of other ways he could use them filled your thoughts. Jason noticed the way you spaced out on him, again, and it made him wonder what had taken you so far away. He knew he could just ask, but he’s known you long enough to know that you wouldn’t tell him. You never did.
“Alright,” His deep voice cut through your daydream, “I want you to first make sure the safety is on. Then, hold and aim the pistol the way you think you should so I can see what we’re working with.
Ensuring that the safety switch was indeed on, you gripped the pistol the way you thought you had seen the others do many times. You glanced towards Jason who was sporting an amused smile as he watched you hold the gun. You looked so out of place and awkward as you attempted to grip the weapon correctly, but Jason was going to take the opportunity to get closer to you.
Shaking his head, he moved so that he was now behind you, the front of his body pushed up against the back of yours. Your cheeks flamed red at the proximity, and they worsened once his large hands took your own and changed the position that they were in. “You were close, but you should always have your dominant hand underneath your non-dominant one.”
“Okay,” You whispered, doing your best to ignore the way he made your entire body ache for his own.
He clicked the safety off with his thumb as he started, “Now, to load the barrel, just take this hand,” He guided your left hand with his own to the slide, “And pull it towards you. Once it’s gone back forward, it’s ready to be fired. You only have to do this with the first round, everyone after will automatically slide in. This gun holds twelve rounds. You want to make sure you always count how many shots you take so you’re not fucked when they’re out. Got all that?”
“I think so,” You mumbled as your eyes darted over to his. He was close enough to you that you could see just how blue his eyes really were. You wanted to admire him a little more, but he cast his glance towards you and you quickly looked away in embarrassment.
“Never, and I mean never, look into the barrel even if you think it’s jammed and never aim it at something you don’t want to shoot. For now, I want you to aim at that tree right there, and shoot it,” He pointed at a tree he had drawn a big red ‘X’ on at some point.
He quickly moves his hands down to your hips and moves you so you're angled towards the target instead of facing it head on. He lightly kicked one of your feet forward and moved your arms so they were in the correct position. Assuming you had been placed in the right position now, you aimed the gun at the tree and fired. The recoil from the pistol wasn’t bad, but you still weren’t expecting so much. You stumbled backwards into Jason’s chest, making sure to keep the gun pointed away from the both of you.
“You definitely did not hit anything,” He laughed, his right arm holding you close to him, “But it’s a start.”
“It’s hard to focus when you’re so close to me,” You let out, pushing yourself off of him as you groaned.
Jason swiftly took the gun from your hand as you took a couple of steps away from him and unloaded it so quickly that you didn’t even notice. “I do have that effect on people,” He joked, trying to suppress the nerves bubbling in his chest. He wasn’t sure if what you said was good or bad and that intimidated him.
“Yes, Jason, you do,” You huffed.
He was hyper aware that you were avoiding eye contact with him now, and the last thing Jason wanted to do was make you uncomfortable. He always removed himself from the situation when he thought he was, but he couldn’t exactly abandon you in the woods.
“I’ll try and convince Dick to teach you some things, then. I know you’re more comfortable with him. He doesn't think you need it, but I think you should be prepared just in case anything happens to you,” Jason tried to hide the defeat and worry in his tone as he began to put his stuff back up, but you heard it.
“No,” You rushed out slightly too fast, not wanting him to get the wrong idea. You’re aware of his past and the way that he naturally assumes that everyone fears or hates him because of what he’s done. You had never felt that way towards Jason, and you were going to make sure that he knew that.
“I don’t want him. I want you,” You spoke through a surge of confidence that was sure to be gone as soon as Jason rejected that.
You watched as his movements froze, and you could tell he was trying to figure out how you meant that. Jason has wanted you to say those exact words for so long, and now that he had, he wasn’t sure what to do. All of the confidence he usually displayed was now replaced with a veil of uncertainty. It was too good to be true.
“We can pick up sometime tomorrow then,” He finally spoke, making the safe assumption that you were strictly talking about training, “We’ll have you hitting targets in no time.”
“That isn’t what I meant,” You whispered, gaze staying trained on his back Though if this went the direction you hoped; you would be hitting a completely different target.
The weapons thud against the tree as they fell from Jason’s grasp. You were still close enough to him that all he had to do was take one swift step and he was pushed against you. He was scanning your face for any sign that he was reading the situation wrong, but you had enough courage to close the gap between the two of you.
His lips met yours in a searing kiss that was sure to leave you seeing spots afterwards. One of his hands cradled your cheek, and the other moved to the lower part of your back to pull you closer. You buried a hand in his curls and lightly tugged, eliciting a groan from him that enabled you to deepen the kiss. You felt yourself becoming dizzy, but you had been waiting for this moment for far too long to back away so soon.
“This can not be happening,” A familiar voice broke through the tension filled air.
Jason pulled away and immediately unholstered his gun, aiming it at the intruder while making sure you were shielded by his own body. Dick stood there, slack jawed and eyes wide as Damian, who was a foot or so behind him, looked as amused as ever.
“What the fuck, Dick,” Jason groaned, safely sliding his gun back into its thigh holster.
“Me what the fuck? You what the fuck,” He yelled, pointing at himself then his younger brother.
You slyly walked over to Damien as his two brothers argued, and he gave you a teasing grin before he said, “Dick owes me fifty bucks.”
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katiawidow · 5 months
Jason Todd x Dr!Vigilante! Reader
English is not my first language!!
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You was unknown. No name, no story, no friends, no face. Red Hood think it can be dangerous if he cant know who are you that mean you were can be a villan but he saw you whit villans and he saw you being an enemy for them.
İt doesn't mean he doesn't hase any ideas for you. He saw your face for a few times. One of this times he find you in an empty warehouse, except Blood-soaked bodies on the ground. Your hair covered your face but when you lift your head to breathe. He saw bloody woman face. And then you disappeared like always.
And the other one; You offered him intelligence. Cold Gotham night caressed your skin. There was without mask on you're face just a cigarette between your lips. You wait him at a roof. When Jason come cigarette went out, masks on. "I didn't think you would be waiting for me with a cigarette in your hand". You giggled as you put on your mask. "Showing your face while keeping who you are a secret-" you cut in him "If you're good enough, It takes more than that to find you". You said whit a smile. He cant see your smile but when eyes speak it was obvious.
Jason heard some terrorists at Gotham. He try find out their plans. He just talk whit right person at right time (maybe a little bit threat).
Someone planned to a gun attack, an armed man will enter from behind the hospital, not a big deal.
When Red Hood learn this plan, he was lost a lot of time. He run on the roofs. He imagine what will happen if he doesn't catch up. On top of the building behind the hospital, just breat and be careful for guests. Only woman wears lab coat with surgical mask. Her hair covers face. This was smilar but from who?
Woman looks down, checks her pockets, looks for something. The sound of a bullet silencing the cry of the city. Red Hood isn't going to think about who got shot. Where did the bullet come from? With a scream in his ears, he looks around. İf he can hear scream this mean he was not shot. They attacked from the street. Jason has advantage. He's shooting from the roof. He's looking for the who was shot in the eye while shooting. You were wounded in the shoulder, right above your heart. You quickly returned to the hospital, and that's when Jason figured out who you were. Your quick action reminded him of one of the vigilantes. But he didn't stop you, he just watched you go.
A few days later, you were back in the behind the hospital, in a dark night time. You took out a cigarette and looked for your lighter. A voice in the darkness "Need fire?". When you turned around, you saw Red Hood with a domino mask on his face. He lit the cigarette between his lips and held out his fire to you as well. "You're not good enough." you giggled. "it wouldn't be hard to find a new name, but I think I don't need a new name"
Feedback if i have mistakes pls
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honey-milk-depresso · 8 months
Hi can you do where reader is held captive by batman and jason is frantically searching for reader and was found and is rescued from batman.
This batman is a bit selfish 😒.Can you make it angst pls but they get a good ending.
Sorry if this is to much to ask 😅.hope you have a great day or night 👍.
Like an imposter Batman?? I wasn’t quite sure what to make out of this so I hope you don’t mind an imposter Batman holding the reader captive. 😭
⋙l o a d i n g…
loading completed!✓ …━━━━━☆
┏ ⋙A Desperate Rescue- Red Hood x Reader┛
***Warning: Kidnapping, Cussing, Violence but written vaguely, Gun shots cuz Jason, Angst (?) with a good ending, idk wtf I’m doing-
You didn’t quite know what to expect when the Batman appeared. Jason had told you before: it was the rich, billionaire CEO Bruce Wayne under that mask and so happened to be his father (in a sense).
…Until he gave you that unsettling grin when you followed him to the alleyway where you realised this wasn’t Batman.
“H-Hey! Let me go!” You yelled, trying your best to scream and shout for someone to help you but “Batman” place his hand over your mouth to silence you as you flailed and kick your arms to break free but to no avail.
Your only last hope was clicking onto that Batsignal Jason gave you in that back pocket of your jeans before “Batman” knocked you out as everything went to black.
What the hell? What the fuck?
Jason was running through the dark corridors of this maze of a room, feet hurrying down each path only to a dead end before he had to retrace he ran in a different path. It was dizzying, tiring and confusing, especially since he didn’t even know which way was which.
All the Batsignal told him was that you’re stuck in some abandoned warehouse you’re in trouble. He didn’t think it’ll be this hard to find you.
Jason was panicking: heartbeat skyrocketing, palms sweaty, forehead perspiring with a thin layer of cold sweat as his knees felt weak even if he was running as fast as he can. Anything can happen to you if he doesn’t reach wherever you are on time. You could be killed, taken away to some unknown place or even… Jason doesn’t want to think about it other than he needs to find you.
The multiple doors that led to no where made him cuss every time as Jason was frantically searching for you all over the place. Finally, he heard it.
“Let me go—!”
The faint muffle from a door made him instantly knew you were there. He didn’t hesitate to kick down the door to come face to face with the masked crusader, but he knew better that this isn’t Batman. The whited eyes of his red helmet narrowed, the irises hidden behind shortened to slits as he grew furious at this imposter of Batman smirking at him.
Without saying a word, he kicked his hands away from your tied up body, ripping the ropes that bind your hands swiftly yet carefully as to not hurt you. He placed his jacket over your head and told you gruffly:
“I need you to cover your eyes and ears for me, okay sweetheart?”
You complied, squeezing your eyes shut and covering your ears as you heard the faint sounds of fists punching and gun shots, the ground very subtly shaking. Or maybe that’s you shaking, you weren’t quite sure anymore.
Slowly, a hand touched your head and you quickly turned around but calmed down when you saw it was Jason who had taken his helmet off to look at you with soft, emerald green eyes, black tuff of hair with the white strands from his bangs sweaty and slightly sticking to his skin that you still found charming.
“Did he hurt you?” He asked softly, gently placing his two hands on either side of your shoulders as he assessed for any injuries, eyes mostly trailing back to your face.
You smiled softly, shaking your head. “No… I’m okay.”
Jason sighed with relief, wrapping his arms around you close.
He’s not gonna let you go anytime soon.
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ephemerensis · 2 years
Enough // Tim Drake x GN! Reader
Y/N is a vigilante moment even though i hate writing Y/N as a vigilante but I needed to write smth about an inferiority complex 2 cope asf and this is the only thing that made sense lmaoo i have finals this whole week pls send thots and prayers love u guys <3 HURT AND COMFORT + not proofread per usual
“Currently northbound, everything checks out. How’s it looking on your end?”
Tim’s voice sounded muffled behind the wind. He was using comms mid swing again, despite your countless protests against it for his safety.
“Everything is fine here too. I just checked the last two blocks.”
Or maybe he was just on a rooftop. It was windy after all, especially higher up where you were perched now, overlooking a small corner of the city.
“Sounds good, I’ll see you back at the cave.”
It bit into the side of your face, the parts your mask didn’t cover, chilled fingers running their course across your cheeks. A shiver ran down your spine. Your cape billowed violently beside you, sitting on the precipice as you were it felt as if it could pick you up at any moment. But tonight you didn’t particularly mind.
“Copy that.”
You had no intention of going back. At least not yet. There weren’t any cases to solve or villains to plot against and while it was nice to live in a place full of kind faces and warm gestures, it was difficult to hear your own thoughts when they were being drowned out by the ever flowing conversation of twelve other voices. Nights like these were your own.
Your eyes fluttered shut as you inhaled. If you focused on it enough, letting go of your mind to let it wander, it almost felt as if you were flying. Almost.
How did you get here?
The wind billowed noisily in your ears but in the silence of tempestuous isolation the question rung so clearly in your mind, it clung like the lingerings of a bell chime.
Of course you knew how you got on the roof. And you knew how to get home. And you knew you had a home.
You were happy— undoubtedly you were happy. Your friends were wonderful, your boyfriend loved you; if you didn’t blink twice the world would think you had it all.
Somehow you didn’t though. That’s how you got here. Because you don’t belong.
You felt the cold bite of your tears along your cheeks before you registered them falling.
It was easier some days to forget it; the days when everyone lounged around at home, fighting tooth and nail to avoid taking out the trash. When you wrestled with Jason over TV programs because he wanted to rewatch Riverdale “for the irony of it.” Arguing with Tim on some obscure rooftop about which Spiderman was the best one. Dinners with the family, feasing over Alfred’s food.
But you didn’t belong and you knew it.
Two weeks ago you lost a lead on the disappearances happening around downtown that Tim had to rectify for you. Before that, you scuffed a mission by getting caught; the others had to save you. What good were you?
Even if you did succeed. Your feats were nothing another couldn’t accomplish. It took you three weeks to right a low profile burglary, when Cass could’ve done it in three days. And you tried. As much as anyone could you tried, but trying isn’t enough because effort means nothing when it amounts to mediocrity.
The truth was, even with a full hand— you didn’t deserve your cards. The rest of them and the trauma they faced before getting here; what did you ever suffer for but a few minor inconveniences?
You don ’t belong.
And it was infuriating.
You don’t have the skill. You don’t have the talent. You don’t even have a sob story to your name. You are nothing and nothing you could ever do would be good enough. You would never be good enough.
“Hey.” A voice behind you drew you out of your thoughts, making you whip your head around. You’d thrown the knife you had in hand at the intruder before you could process it, habitually. It hit the door leading to the rooftop with a thud as a figure moved to avoid it. The black boots of Red Robin’s suit emerged from the shadows as he approached you with his hands up.
“Woah! Hey, it’s just me.”
The tension in your body settled as soon as you registered the symbol sprawled across his chest, turning yourself back around to resume your previous position.
“You could’ve radioed me.”
The boy shrugged as he perched himself beside you, legs dangling over the edge, mimicking you.
“You didn’t answer when I did.”
“Oh. I guess I just didn’t hear it.”
His eyes were on you as you stared at the skyline. Your hands were fidgeting, kneading the air between each other in something akin to discomfort. A beat of silence passed until he broke it.
“Wanna know a secret?”
Relief flooded your bones. If he asked you what was wrong you wouldn’t know what to say. It’s not like you could lie, not to him, and you couldn’t bring yourself to tell the truth.
“What happened?”
“Well, I was texting and grappling— like you said was stupid, and I hit a brick wall. And then I went home and told you I got into a huge fight that was super valiant and dangerous! Do you remember?“
You snorted. Two months ago he came back limping through the cave. His nose was broken, wrist was sprained, among other things. You gave him an earful then about how reckless he was that night after patching him up.
“You’re joking! I was worried sick when you just stopped texting me and then when you came back I felt terrible for not being there.” He shrugged again with a small smile.
“It was embarrassing! What else was I supposed to say? To be fair, the wall was looking pretty suspicious, I had to neutralize the target… But yeah! I’m not perfect— go figure!” You leaned over, resting your head on his shoulder with a chuckle.
“Honestly I think we should revoke your phone privileges.”
“How would I talk to you then?”
“I guess we’ll just have to ask Bruce about telepathy tech.” You felt his shoulders shake beneath your head as he laughed. His hand hand grabbed yours before you realized it earlier, drawing shapes over your palm with his gloved fingers.
“Wanna know something else?”
“What else, Timberly?” His nose crinkled at the nickname.
“I had the worst insomnia like three years ago! Which, it’s not like I don’t pull all-nighters anymore but I’m improved I swear! Wanna know what fixed it?”
“Oh please don’t say something corny, I might throw up.” Your teeth sank into your bottom lip to prevent the impending smile from forming.
“You thought I was gonna say you? Funny. Silly! Wrong!”
You gasped comically, pulling away, before slapping his arm with the hand he wasn’t holding.
“Timothy Jackson Drake!” He let go of your hand altogether to fish his phone out of his pocket with a coy smile planted firmly under his mask.
“Not so loud! My identity’s at stake.” After tapping at his screen for a few moments, he handed you the phone, “This is my one stop shop tried and true remedy for sleep support.”
Taking it, you took a look. You hadn’t taken the picture. Which makes sense because you were sleeping in it, on one of the couches in the manor on a sunny afternoon. Your nose was crinkled slightly because the sun was in your face, but it made it look like your skin was glowing.
Handing it back, internally satiated but outwardly bashful, you rolled your eyes, “So it was me anyways.”
“You should feel honored I’m blessing you with it! Any thoughts I have that keep me from sleeping? Gone! You’re pretty cool Y/N. I’ve never needed someone like I need you.”
Ah. So he knew. Wordlessly he knew.
“You need me?”
Somehow he always did. And all this was to make you feel better. And it did.
“Yeah. We all do.”
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I'm being haunted by my daydreams someone pls sedate my yearning ass -Danny Words: 2,883 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'The Shining' -by The Neighbourhood
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XIV. Horrors Beyond YOUR Comprehension, I Comprehend Them Just Fine
Ara knows she's not quite well in the head, 'cause her first thought after Lycaon introduces himself is: "Would it be okay if I kill him while he's still talking?"
But then, when Jason tries to attack him, the sword goes right through the guy. The man laughs, showing his pointy teeth. "Gold, bronze, steel—none of these are any good against my wolves, son of Jupiter."
"Silver!" Piper gasps. "Aren't werewolves hurt by silver?"
"We don't have any silver!"
"Get Jackson first," Lycaon orders calmly. 
The wolves leap at her but Ara gets pulled back. Leo throws a bottle that shatters and leaves a strong smell of gasoline behind, then he uses his powers to shoot balls of fire, keeping the creatures at bay.
"Aw, c'mon," Hedge scoffs. "I can't hit them if they're way over there."
Leo keeps throwing fire at the wolves, but he's running out of power. "I can't summon any more gas!" He blushes. "Wow, that came out wrong. I mean the burning kind. Gonna take the tool belt a while to recharge. What you got?"
"Nothing," Jason says desperately. "Not even a weapon that works."
"Lightning?" Piper suggests.
The boy shakes his head. "I think the snowstorm is interfering, or something."
"Unleash the venti!"
"Then we'll have nothing to give Aeolus, we'll have come all this way for nothing."
Ara turns and gets on her knees. She has one chance to be heard, and she's not going to waste it. "Please," she begs the goddess, grabbing the remaining half of her burger and throwing it into the campfire. "Please, guide them to us, and I'll do the rest."
Lycaon laughs, thinking she's given up. "I can smell your fear. A few more minutes of life, heroes. Follow Jackson, and pray to whatever gods you wish. Zeus did not grant me mercy, and you will have none from me."
Ara looks over her shoulder with disgust. "Who told you I was afraid?"
An arrow comes down flying and punctures a wolf's neck. A whole shower of them follows up. Not one misses its target, even Lycaon gets injured. While he's distracted, Ara grabs a piece of carbonized wood—still hot—and uses it to hit him. 
Lycaon stumbles back and an arrow stabs his shoulder. "Curse them!" He shrieks. "And curse you, Jackson!"
Ara raises the piece of wood again, her skin glowing in a silver flush. "I may not be able to kill you, but I can still hurt you."
He knows that staying is a death sentence for him and his pack. Lycaon looks at Jason with repulsion. "This isn't over, boy." He disappears into the night. 
Ara tosses the blazing lumber onto the ground. "Motherf—!"
Leo approaches, holding up her injured hand. He sees the peeling skin and grimaces, but then her hand starts healing itself, glowing as if covered in moonlight. "Hey... Am I hallucinating? When was the last time I slept?"
"Artemis blessed me," Ara explains to him in heavy breaths. "I'll live, yay."
"Cool," Leo tries to grin, but it still looks like a wince. "Er... why her, though?"
Wolves start to approach again, but as soon as Ara sees them, she smiles.
"They're here," the girl laughs—a lively, musical chortle—and the creatures' ears perk up at the sound. "It's so nice to see you!"
Ara falls to her knees again as the wolves rush to her and start licking her face. She hugs them like they're harmless puppies. The Artemis's hunters enter the cave, and Ara tears up. 
"Good hunt, girls!"
One of them approaches, electric blue eyes shining with delight over her snow mask. "Strategus Jackson, I don't think that's a proper way to salute a troupe." Thalia turns to her hunters. "Phoebe, stay with me. Watch the entrance. The rest of you, follow Lycaon. We can't lose him now. I'll catch up with you."
The wolves go away with the hunters, Thalia offers Ara a hand, which she takes right away. The hunter pulls her up and hugs her tightly. 
"So you're out of your cage, Birdy? You better be more careful, we can't afford to lose another Jackson right now. We've been following that demon's trail for over a week. Is everyone all right? No one got bit?"
Ara shakes her head and turns to her group, Jason is standing there wide-eyed and speechless. 
"You're her," Piper speaks. "You're Thalia."
Ara's friend pulls down her hoodie and stares at Piper in confusion. "Do I know you?"
Piper glances at Jason. "This might be a shock, but—"
"Thalia," The boy says hoarsely. "I'm Jason, your brother." 
The girl freezes for just one second before closing the distance between them. "My gods! She told me you were dead!" She cups Jason's face and studies it hungrily. "Thank Artemis, it is you. That little scar on your lip—you tried to eat a stapler when you were two!"
Leo laughs. "Seriously?"
"Staplers," Hedge hums approvingly. "Excellent source of iron."
"You knew he existed?" Ara frowns.
"W-wait," Jason blinks. "Who told you I was dead? What happened?"
Thalia's wolf barks at her, and she nods. "My wolf is telling me I don't have much time, and she's right. But we have to talk. Let's sit."
Piper faints and Hedge catches her, Ara curses in ancient Greek, rushing over to her side, and Thalia joins her. "What's wrong with her? Ah—never mind. I see. Hypothermia. Ankle." She scowls at Hedge. "Don't you know nature healing?"
"Why do you think she looks this good? Can't you smell the Gatorade?"
"She's been like this for days," Ara admits with embarrassment. "I tried to heal her but I'm no Apollo..."
Thalia gives her a sympathetic nod before looking at Leo. "You and the satyr," the hunter instructs, "take this girl to my friend at the entrance. Phoebe's an excellent healer."
"It's cold out there!" Hedge complains. "I'll freeze my horns off."
"Do what she tells you," Ara speaks firmly.
"Come on, Hedge," Leo says quietly. "These three need time to talk."
"Humph. Fine," the satyr grumps. "Didn't even get to brain anybody..."
"Actually, man, could you, um, stick around?" Jason asks Leo.
Ara looks at him and understands, he must be feeling cornered. Family isn't easy, she's had her own problems with Percy, and she's seen how it affects others as well.
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Percy's always known exactly how to cheer people up. He also knows how to piss everyone off, but that comes with being a teenager. 
"She wanted you to have this."
I recognize the Hades figurine, the one Nico needed to complete his set. He stares at it, the silence is so unlike him, and then starts talking in a numb voice. "You promised you would protect her."
Percy glances at me. "Nico, I tried. But Bianca gave herself up to save the rest of us. I told her not to. But she—"
"You promised!" Nico screams, taking us by surprise. "I shouldn't have trusted you! You lied to me—My nightmares were right!"
"Nightmares?" I frown. "Plural?"
Nico tosses away the little toy statue. "I hate you!"
Nico's throwing words too powerful to blurt out like that, so I touch his knee, trying to ease him. A brutal shiver goes down my spine, I feel like throwing up. "Nico," I say worryingly. "You're in shock. Let's go get Lily and Mike, you're not okay."
"She might be alive," Percy continues. I've never heard him sound so desperate. "I don't know for sure—"
"She's dead." Nico's shaking. "I should've known it earlier. She's in the Fields of Asphodel, standing before the judges right now, being evaluated. I can feel it."
"What do you mean, you can feel it?" Percy looks at me, but before I can explain, something creeps up on us.
I let out a scream and I stumble landing on my butt, my reaction puts Percy on edge, he seizes riptide and turns. Nico stands, looking at the creatures with wide eyes. 
It's his instinct to look for a weapon, and I still have the sword I was using during training. Instead of taking it, Nico pulls me up and places me between him and Percy, squeezing my shoulder. 
"He's trying to kill me!" He points at my brother with a shaky finger. "You brought these... these things!"
"No! I mean, yes, they followed me, but no!" Percy urges me. "Run, they can't be destroyed..."
Nico and I speak at the same time.
"I won't leave you—!"
"—I don't trust you!"
A day ago we were part of the Percy Jackson Fanclub, even Lily teased us about it, and she has a crush on my brother! What on Hypnos's lousy plane of existence could Nico dream to react like this?
It doesn't matter, Percy's fighting the monsters, therefore so am I. I'm able to keep up, though barely. My wrist is pulsing, and I'm not fast enough. "Run!" Percy insists. "You can't beat them, Ara! Get help! Take Nico!"
"No!" Nico presses his hands against his ears and closes his eyes. 
"Nico!" I must sound really scared or really scary, cause he looks up at once. I do what I think is best at the moment, and use my charmspeak. "Get rid of them!"
His eyes lose focus, and then he screams harder than before. "GO AWAY!"
Percy pulls me back before the ground can swallow me whole. Literal Hades takes the dead away, and there is no one else in the pavilion except for the three of us to witness it. Nico stares wide-eyed at the crack on the ground, and slowly, he looks up. 
"Y-You made me do that."
Percy's more concerned about Nico's power than of my use of charmspeak. "How did you—"
I try to approach my friend. "We needed you to snap out—!"
Nico pushes me away. I fall a second time and drop my sword, I'm so taken by surprise that I don't get up. "You knew Bianca was dead! I hate you two! I wish you were dead!"
He picks up the sword and charges against me, but Percy disarms him and picks me up, standing between us. "Ara did nothing wrong," my brother says. "Don't touch her."
"Nico," I cry. "I'm sorry..."
"You will be," he stares at Percy, standing protectively in front of me, and his expression darkens. "You will."
Nico runs. Percy calls his name and when he doesn't reply he tries to go after him but slips on the figurine the boy dropped. I see the moment his thoughts click in place and he turns to me. "You knew."
I tearfully give my answer. "I tried to tell you..."
"I couldn't do anything about Bianca," Percy's expression fills with guilt. "It happened so fast..."
"Bianca left her brother! And now he raaaaan..." I sob.
Percy gets to his feet and hugs me, trying to stop my cries. He wants to find Nico, so he guides us out of the pavilion tightly holding me against his chest. "You know how bad it gets after we figure it out, so thank you for delaying it..."
I cry louder and my brother looks around helplessly.
"Hey, I know it was scary but we have to find Nico, alright? We can't let him go," Percy watches me with worry. 
I hiccup. "Lily's going to be so mad..." I clean my face trying to pull myself together.
He squeezes my shoulder. "Let's get her and Mike. Annabeth and Grover too."
I calm down, which is not an easy task for my twelve-year-old self. As we make our way to the big house, Percy feels like he needs to give me something good to hold onto. 
"Mom got a boyfriend."
I stare at him with wide, teary eyes. "A mortal one?"
"Yes. His name is Paul Blowfish."
I frown. "She must really like the sea."
Percy snorts. "She'll tell you all about it once we're home, but I thought you should know now. I found out today, so it felt weird not to tell you."
I'm not used to being included, but I'm getting better at it. "You're okay with it?"
He shrugs and guides me towards the Big House. "I'll wait until you meet the guy. If you say he's good, he's good."
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"So..." Leo starts after a minute of silence. "The Hunters of Artemis. This whole 'not dating' thing—is that like always, or more of a seasonal thing, or what?"
Thalia looks at her as if asking 'Is this the kind of company you keep?' andAra blushes.
"Don't mind Leo," Jason kicks him lightly. "He's just trying to break the ice. But, Thalia... what happened to our family? Who told you I was dead?"
"Do you remember anything?"
Ara nudges Leo's shoulder while Thalia and Jason talk. "Thank you," she whispers. "For what you did when Midas tried to touch me. And also when the wolves tried to get me. You bought me enough time to save us."
"Don't mention it," Leo replies, and it sounds like he's genuinely asking her to not talk about it.
Ara's not gonna last long if he continues to casually protect and heal her at every chance he gets, so she's kind of glad that the quest will end soon.
Leo looks at her with a scowl. She's seen him do that expression before, whenever he takes a look at some unfamiliar engine. "You're still glowing."
Ara tenses and examines her hands, thinking he's talking about something else, but then she remembers Artemis's blessing. "Yeah, that'll stay there until I use the ability it granted me. I'll have to be careful 'cause I'll pass out as soon as I do."
"Well, not to toot my own horn, but I'm pretty good at catching you, so feel free to pass out in my direction," he says with a self-contained smile.
Without warning, she hugs him. The girl closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, snuggling further into his shoulder. Leo hasn't moved, not even to hug her back, and it's enough to make her feel self-conscious.
They are not friends, and she shouldn't forget it. 
Ara moves away. "Sorry—"
Leo's curls burst into flames and he pats his head hastily, suffocating the fire with a mortified expression.
"...Chiron knew," the mention of her mentor distracts Ara. "When I got to camp, he took one look at me and said, 'You should be dead.'" 
"That doesn't make sense," Thalia frowns. "I never told him."
"Hey," Leo replies, hands still on his curls. He desperately tries to join the conversation so he doesn't have to address what just happened. "Important thing is you've got each other now, right? You two are lucky."
Thalia nodded. "Leo's right. Look at you. You're my age. You've grown up."
"But where have I been? How could I be missing all that time? And the Roman stuff..."
"The Roman stuff?"
"Your brother speaks Latin," Leo explains, Ara finds it mildly upsetting just how quickly he moved on from their conversation. "He calls gods by their Roman names, and he's got tattoos..." 
They explain to Thalia the whole story. 
"Latin," she scowls. " Zeus sometimes spoke Latin, the second time he stayed with Mom. Like I said, he seemed different, more formal."
"You think he was in his Roman aspect? And that's why I think of myself as a child of Jupiter?"
"Possibly. I've never heard of something like that happening, but it might explain why you think in Roman terms, why you can speak Latin rather than Ancient Greek. That would make you unique..."
"He wasn't alone. We've heard about others like him," Leo mentions.
"What do you mean?" Thalia's eyes go to Ara, but she refuses to meet her gaze.
When Leo finishes his explanation, he adds. "Isn't there anywhere else for demigods? I mean besides Camp Half-Blood? Maybe some crazy Latin teacher has been abducting children of the gods or something, making them think like Romans."
"I've been all over the country," Thalia frowns. "I've never seen evidence of a crazy Latin teacher, or demigods in purple shirts. Still..."
"What?" Jason asks.
"I'll have to talk to the goddess," Thalia shakes her head. "Maybe Artemis will guide us."
"She's still talking to you?" Jason frowns. "Most of the gods have gone silent. They only respond to Ara now."
"More like I pray and sometimes they listen."
"But Artemis follows her own rules, she sent us to you," Thalia reaches out to hold Ara's hand. "She has to be careful not to let Zeus know, but she thinks Zeus is being ridiculous closing Olympus. She's the one who set us on the trail of Lycaon. She said we'd find a lead..."
"To find Percy Jackson," Leo guesses. "Ara's brother."
Thalia squeezes Ara's hand and nods. "We'll find him, don't lose hope."
"So what would Lycaon have to do with it?" Leo insists. "And how does it connect to us?"
"We need to find out soon," The hunter's face grows serious. "If your deadline is tomorrow, we're wasting time. Aeolus could tell you—" Thalia's wolf barks at them. "I have to get moving, otherwise, I'll lose the other Hunters' trail. First, though, I'll take you to Aeolus's palace."
"If you can't, it's okay," Jason replies quickly.
"Oh, please," Thalia grins and helps him up right after helping Ara. "I haven't had a brother in years. I think I can stand a few minutes with you before you get annoying. Now, let's go!" 
Ara moves to help Leo, but he gets up on his own. "I got it, thanks."
He walks past her, and Ara scowls at the back of his head. "What's his problem?"
Thalia nudges her shoulder and nods in Leo's direction. "So he's Hephaestus's son?"
When she notices Thalia's grin, Ara scolds her. "You know that's got nothing to do with anything."
Her friend shrugs. "Where's my hug, then?"
Ara playfully shoves her out of her way, gaining a chuckle from the hunter.
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Next Chapter ->
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gangrenados · 3 years
Poor little Hood
-When the clock strikes one the bad wolf needs to eat, too bad the little red thing is the only thing near.
Jason x fem!reader
Warning: pegging and Jason calling the reader mommy a few times lol
Request: I think i sent u this already but now that you're asking for Halloween thots, Jason in a slutty little red riding hood costume and you are the scary wolf, pls hed be so down to put on that costume
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Jason was still wondering how you got him to agree with this, from the costume to the fact that he lying on your bed, playing with the red tiny cape that was knotted around his neck.
Or you were way too good at being persuasive or he was way too whipped...although he had to admit that thought of his pretty girl fucking him was a bit exciting.
Whatever the case was, you got him to dress in this skimpy, slutty red riding hood costume, the one who you were supposed to wear due to your old agreement, one that you discarded once you realized it would be more funnier if he used the red hood instead of you.
Jason denied to this at first, but God he wasn't able to say no to you. So now he was sat at the edge of your bed, waiting patiently for you to finish to put on that damn wolf costume you were so excited about.
"Hey, should I call you mommy or just by your name?" Jason said out of boredom as he propped himself on his elbows.
"Whatever you prefer it's okay, but mommy sounds good not gonna lie." your back was facing him, the unability of looking what you were doing made Jason shift on his sit with impatiency, drumming his fingers against the sheets and look at all the spots in this half-messy bedroom of yours.
"Okay Jay, we're ready to start." Jason scoffed when you turned around, eyes darting from the fluffy wolf ears that adorned your head to the big pink plastic cock attached to your body by a black harness.
"That shit ain't going to fit."
"With lube and love it will!" you chuckled," if this helps, yours is much bigger than this one." Jason laughs at your confesseion, smiling cockily at your words fueling his ego and making him forget about his early worries.
"Are you trying to wreck me, babe?" Jason wraps his arms around your waist, his usual cheeky behavior showing and you can't help but smile as well
"That's my intention, big boy. Now hurry up and lay down." You say while stroking Jason's boner, leaning down to kiss him. Jason moaned in the kiss, pulling you closer by grabbing your head and pushing you to him.
Your hands were doing wonders to his hard cock, pumping it up and down in such delicious motion that was able to draw some muffled moans from his lips. You chuckled lightly when he buckled up his hips
."Aren't you a needy thing?" You joked as you brushed your thumb all over the swollen head." How about we start now, riding hood?"
"Okay," he said hoarsely, feeling his heartbeat speed up at the feeling of your fingers ghosting over his thighs before opening him up.
"Fuck," he moaned when you played with his balls a bit before running them down to meet his hole, brushing your thumb around it before pushing one finger in.
Jason whined at the new sensation, a small wave of lust washing over him and it didn't took long for you to add another finger. "Mommy," he moaned when you started to finger him properly, caughting you off guard." please." Jason begged and you would be lying if you said that those needy moans didn't made your cunt wet.
"Please what? Use your words" You slowed down your pace gaining a pitiful whine from him.
"Please fuck me." Jason said, his blue eyes shining with desires while his pale cheeks were blushed in a pretty rosy color. Beads of pre-cum covered the head of his throbbing cock.
"Alright,"You nodded, taking a few seconds to recover from that hot scene you had just witnessed, reaching over to put a heavy amount of lube in the strap and settling it between his legs.
Jason's breath got caught in his throat once the plastic tip was pressed against his butthole," Fucking shit," that was the only he was able to say when the strap pushed in deeper in a gentle way. It surely was thicker than your fingers.
"Watch your mouth, boy" You teased him, stopping for a moment before doing the motion again gently so Jason would be able to adapt to it's size.
"Baby you good?" You soothed his thighs with tenderness, waiting patiently for him to come down to his senses to respond.
Jason bite his lower lip, hiding his flustered face behind his arm as he took a deep breath before finding the words to speak.
" Yes, I'm fine." He nodded, a whimper escaping from his lips when your hand groped his throbbing dick." Start, but slow."
With both hands grabbing him by the hips, you started to thrust gently." Ugh, yes." He gasped, throwing his head back in pleasure when you speeded up the pace, getting into a nice steady rhythm that left Jason panting.
He wrapped his legs around your waist, eager for more although hiding his flustered face behind his arm. "you look so pretty like this, taking my cock like a good boy. But there's something missing " You moan, your own pleasure starting to take over you as you lean down to meet his covered face." Let mommy see that pretty face yours, Jay. "
You take away his arm from Jason's face, greeted by a nice view of Jason's blue eyes filled with lust completing the adorable fucked out face he had." Much better!" You cooed, taking the chance to capture his swollen lips in a hungry kiss.
Jason surrounded your neck with his strong arms, not wanting to let go so your kiss would last longer. The new angle this position provided hit a spot that made him see stars.
He was so lost in his own pleasure, chanting your name as prayer while scratching down your back as the wave of pleasure hit hard over him, causing Jason to let out so many pretty sounds and moans just right beside your ear that were able to put you in right path to chase your edge.
It didn't took long for him to cum after that. Letting the white, thick cum fall over his chest making a mess of himself.
"You destroyed me, doll" Jason joked, whining when you pulled out of him due to the sensitivity. He lied flat in the bed, still able to feel that nerve wrecking orgasm working him up.
"You did good too, baby." You smiled sweetly at him when you were taking off the strap to be able to fall beside him. Jason fell on top of you, leaving a trail of kisses that went from your face to your tits before he groped one your boobs while taking his time with the other to suck and play with it.
"Give me a second and I'll return the favor." Jason mumbled before going up to peck your lips with ease, moving away from your embrace to grab the cup of water in your dresser.
And as he was chugging down the liquid, Jason didn't wasted time to add." Flip over and open those legs cause I'm about to eat that pretty pussy of yours, okay?"
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woahajimes · 3 years
the batfamily is stupid as hell and they're self isolating because SOMEBODY got covid (steph) and then SOMEBODY (cass-- who also has covid bc uh stephcass) sneezed on tim who drank from jason's cup without knowing it was jason's cup and anyways everyone in the manor got covid so ✨self isolation for 2 weeks✨
ANYHOW they were all bored out of their minds and jason was about to throw damian out the window bc siblings right
SO BASICALLY cass came up with the big brain idea of a competition (prize being complete immunization of sibling interaction UNLESS they ask for it-- eg. "hey can you open this for me")
teams were made (just two people per team-- duke/damian, jason/cass, steph/harper, dick/tim)
there were "rounds" and these consisted of
round 1: person a has to feed person b a whole jar of peanut butter and they could switch places ONCE (team to finish last was disqualified)
round 2: they had to recreate this picture and had ten minutes to do so, at the end every team compared pictures and alfred decided whose was the worst and that team was out
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round 3: they had to run five laps around the manor with their team member on their back, first person to get through the finish line (for the fifth time, there was a picture taken each time they crossed it) won.
simple, right?
first round basically went like this:
jason: NO FUCK YOU AND YOUR STUPID PEANUT BUTTER cass: jason: okay okay ill go first
tim went first, harper went first, and duke went first (duke didn't want to go first but he lost to rock paper scissors so)
tim puked in the first two minutes but alfred had forgotten to clarify that if you puke you're out so basically he kept eating
cass and jason were the first ones to switch
dick and tim switched immediately after (they were waiting for someone else to switch)
steph and harper fucking DIED
"im never eating peanut butter after this"
duke and damian finished first and when ppl asked how (they're the youngest ones, people were sure they couldn't handle it) damian was like "i simply moved all my internal organs to the side" and duke was like "tf you literally ate two spoons and a half"
STEPH AND HARPER LOST and tim laughed (his team got to the next round by literally a second) so harper and steph both threw him the containers and spoons
second round:
tim thought he had a big brain for calling dibs on being on the pool mat but nOOO (duke was on the pool mat, damian was the lightest so yeah--- jason was on the pool mat solely because cass called dibs on jumping and crushing him-- imagine all the chaos)
literally they(jason/cass) took 14 pictures total and all of them were fucked up because of jason (his hands weren’t in the right place, both his legs were picked up)
duke and damian couldn’t do it skjdfhskfh they were D Y I N G (every two minutes you heard a really loud scream/groan with a sudden splat and yeah)
steph and harper had never laughed harder
cass was so done with jason she literally shoved him off the pool mat
tim was literally dead they had taken the shot around 20 times and none of them looked good it was horrible (dick didnt even apologize for crushing tim 90934757894 times -- not every shot was decent so they deleted around 40)
when the timer went off, alfred carefully took all the phones (jason’s phone was somehow at the bottom of the pool and jason was tired(tm) so he asked cass to get the phone pls and cass just got in the pool and shoved the pool mat over (and then got out)
after around 20 minutes of alfred going through the pictures, he decided that the best ones were dick and tim’s (how i have zero idea but)
and then the worst ones were duke and damian’s (so jason and cass made it to the third round)
cass asked alfred why theirs weren’t the best, and alfred said “well master jason’s arm looks very off and he looks genuinely scared” and cass was like “GODDAMNIT JASON” and lost her shit 
so they did think this through and basically cass on jason’s back and tim on dick’s back
jason: HA! YOU’RE NOT FASTER THAN I AM! dick: i don’t need to be??? you’ve got CASS on your back. you know what that means? jason: .... you wouldn’t.. tim, on dick’s back: *snorts* YEAH OKAY
cass: what are they talking about?  jason: NO NOTHING jason: you might want earbuds or something to like... block the sounds... they’re gonna be wanting to distract you cass: yeah well. I’m not distracted easily
the timer goes off, tim on dick’s back, and they’re pretty even for the first two laps, but then tim’s shoe falls off and tim’s like “WAIT MY SHOE” and dick goes “WHAT THE FUCK” 
and tim is like “whoa youre right KEEP RUNNING” 
update: cass does get pretzels and gives jason a few  jason: CASS THATS MY NOSE cass: OH OOPS LOL
dick: tim i think its time to pull out our secret weapon tim: yeah you’re right tim: tim: HEY CASS *starts humming to ‘levitating’ by dua lipa* tim: 🎶 if you wanna run away with me-  🎶
(you may ask how this distracts jason but it just DOES)
dick takes this as a head start and runs faster (theyre on their third lap now- both)
tim gets a bit too excited and leans too much and makes them both fall over (they were abt half a lap ahead)
cass:  🎶 YOU WANT ME  🎶 jason:  🎶 I WANT YOU BABY  🎶  *runs past them*  dick: HOW jason: JUST DONT FIGHT IT 
karma’s a bitch (and dick paid steph) and jason slipped, causing them to fall almost the exact way that tim and dick fell
dick and tim have now caught up to them, as jason and cass pick themselves up
jason: we should switch cass: yeah alright do you want me to momentarily kill you so we can distract the others and then you wake up and we run jason: ...no cass:  jason: ... maybe
*two seconds later*
cass: HE’S DEAD! MY POOR BROTHER HE’S DEAD! steph: YEAH WE KNOW YOU MOMENTARILY KILLED HIM GET UP cass: ok jason lets go stand up 
they keep going and dick stops for a second (theyre ahead)  dick: hey its your turn now tim:  dick: yeah i know you cant cmon climb on
COMEPLETE HEADCANON jason and cass won anyways thank you for coming to my ted talk
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Hi ❤️
Can you pls do a story from the Father of Mine universe with the prompts 8, 64 and 101 pls? 👉👈 (preferably with the reader being the one who gets hurt)
Thank youuu, I absolutely love your writing and everything you make x
Father of Mine – Universe
8. Using fabric to try and stop their gash from bleeding so much.
64. Holding them in your arms as their life starts to fade away.
101. Yearning for them when they aren’t around.
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The evil cackle.
It never stopped.
“Ya really thought ya could be happy, didn’t ya, kiddo?”
The Joker got into Jason’s face, close enough that to see his yellow teeth and smell his awful breath.
Jason lunged toward him but his wrists had been cuffed and he was chained to the wall behind him.
Y/N was shivering a few yards away from him – from the freezing warehouse and from fear.
Jason wanted to tell her everything would be OK, that he would get both of them out of there alive – or at least her.
But there were no words of comfort. Jason was slowly accepting that this might be it for them. He was bolted to the wall. He was helpless. No one was coming to save them.
Just like when Joker killed him.
“I’ll leave you alone. I won’t ever come after you or your gang again,” Jason growled. “If you want me dead, then do it.” He took in a shallow breath, “Just let her go.”
Joker laughed once more, throwing his head back.
Without hesitating, a crow bar appeared in Joker’s grip. “Just like old times, huh, sonny?”
“No,” Jason screamed as Joker raised the bar and started beating Y/N.
Jason fought against the chains that held him back. Either he was going to slice open the skin or break his wrists in the process. But he wasn’t going to stop. He was desperate to reach her, to save her.
The only reason Y/N was here was because of him.
He’d been an utter fool for thinking he could have happiness. And now Y/N’s life was the penalty for those foolish beliefs.
“Stop it!” Jason screamed so loudly that his throat felt like it had been ripped apart.
But the Joker kept beating Y/N over and over again.
She lost consciousness quickly. When, Jason didn’t know, for his vision became blurry by the tears flooding down his face.
Jason was whimpering. Whimpering in a way he hadn’t since he was a small child.
He felt a shadow loom over him, but he didn’t bother lifting his head.
“My, my, my. You really did think you could live happily ever after,” The Joker giggled into his ear.
“Just do it,” Jason cried. “Kill me.”
If Y/N was leaving the world of the living, Jason wanted to go with her. There was nothing left for him here without her.
His family wouldn’t even look at him once they found out he was responsible for Y/N’s death. There would be nothing but shame and agony for him.
“Oh, that was never the plan, kiddo. I ain’t killin’ you. No. No. No.” The Joker cackled. “You’re stayin’ alive. And you can keep livin’ in a world without your precious sweetheart.”
The next thing Jason knew, the chains around his wrists were released.
But when he looked up, the warehouse was empty.
Only Y/N’s body was left.
Jason rushed to her.
He pulled her body into his lap, holding her in his arms.
“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry, Y/N,” Jason sobbed.
He used a piece of cloth from his uniform to hold against one of the dozens of bleed gashes across her skin.
But it was useless.
There was no surviving this.
Her pulse was already faint.
No ambulance would come to this part of town. And if they did, it would be too late.
Life was slowly fading from her body.
And then she was gone.
Jason shot up in bed.
His breathing was heavy as he blinked quickly.
It was a nightmare. It was a nightmare. It was a nightmare.
He kept telling himself the words over and over again.
But it gave him little comfort. Because what he’d seen was completely in the realm of possibilities.
Jason looked down at the bed that was half empty. The fitted sheet and covers were drenched from his sweat.
He sighed as he got up and stripped the bed.
There was no way he was going back to sleep anytime soon, so he might as well wash the bedding.
Nightmares were nothing new to Jason. But they usually weren’t as bad when Y/N was in bed next to him. Having the comfort of her seemed to ease his mind – especially since almost all of his nightmares involved losing her.
Jason glanced at the clock on his phone: 3:17AM.
Y/N was in Paris for work, so it was already 9:17 there.
Y/N told Jason over and over again to call her at any time when she was away. It didn’t matter if she was sleeping or if she was working, if Jason’s name was on her phone, she was going to pick up instantly.
But Jason already felt guilty for everything else he put Y/N through. She didn’t need to deal with his nightmares and worries. He was a grown man, and he could handle his trauma on his own. There was no reason to drag her down with him.
Beyond nightmares, Jason always yearned for Y/N when she was gone. Her job required a lot of traveling.
It made Jason anxious.
It made Bruce and the rest of their family anxious, too.
Now that Y/N’s true parentage had been exposed, her safety was at risk for a different reason. Which meant that Bruce assigned Y/N private security wherever she went for work.
Y/F/N Y/L/N was an heiress now. And even though she did not take the last name, she was a member of the Wayne family.
It didn’t matter that no one knew she was also the only daughter of Batman. Being related to someone as rich and renowned as Bruce Wayne had its own risks.
After Jason started the washing machine, his eyes glazed over as he became lost in thought.
Maybe he could fly out to Paris and surprise Y/N. She wasn’t expected to be back for another five days.
‘No,’ Jason thought, ‘Don’t be ridiculous. She has work to do.’
Before he could stop himself, he was dialing her number.
“Jason,” Y/N breathed as she picked up on the second ring. “Everything alright?”
She always seemed to know exactly when he was not alright.
“Yeah. Yeah. I’m fine,” he lied. “Did I wake you?”
“No,” she assured him. “I just finished getting ready. I’m waiting for breakfast from room service. And then I’m off to set.”
Jason sighed in relief.
Just hearing Y/N’s voice was easing him.
She was alive. That was just a nightmare. She’s OK. She’s safe.
“J?” Y/N asked with concern.
“Yeah, beautiful.”
“I know something’s wrong. Talk to me.”
Jason hesitated.
“Just…it was just a nightmare.”
She let out a deep sigh.
If Y/N had her way, she would always be there for Jason. She knew he hated feeling like a victim or like she had to coddle him. But he deserved to be loved and soothed.
“Want to tell me about it?” She asked carefully.
“Not really.”
Y/N paused before asking, “...was it about me, Jason?”
He didn’t want to answer.
“Jason?” She pushed.
“Yeah,” he finally admitted in a mumble.
“I’m OK, Jason. I’m right here,” she cooed.
“I know. I know,” he rubbed his face. “It just…every time, it feels so real.”
“I know,” she told him.
There was a comfortable moment of silence.
“I miss you,” she hummed. “I miss you a whole lot, actually.”
“I miss you, too.”
“I went to the Bouquinistes on the Seine River yesterday, just like you told me to.”
“Oh, yeah?” Jason sat down on the couch with a shy smile. “Get any good books?”
“No,” she sounded disappointed. “I don’t trust myself to pick the right ones. I need my personal book recommendation and bibliophile with me.”
Jason chuckled at that.
“Hey, I was thinking. Maybe next trip I have…you can come with me,” she offered shyly.
“I’d like that,” Jason agreed.
“Think Gotham can survive without you for a week or so?” She asked through a smile.
“Yeah, I think it can.”
There was a knock on her hotel room. Loud enough for Jason to hear over the phone.
“Oop. That’s my breakfast,” she explained.
“I’ll let you go,” Jason tried to tell her.
“I can eat and stay on the phone, Jason.”
“No, you’ve got to start your day. I’ve already bothered you enough.”
“Jason,” she scolded. “You’re never, ever bothering me. OK?”
He hesitated before answering, “OK.”
“I love you,” she whispered. “And I miss you.”
“I love you too, Y/N.”
When he hung up, Jason immediately noticed how much of the tension in his body had disappeared. His heart rate had calmed. His skin wasn’t covered in fresh sweat.
Jason decided to take a shower and then do some research on the case he was currently working.
There was no more sleep left for him tonight, so why bother?
When Jason emerged from the shower, he saw a text notification on his phone from Y/N.
He immediately smiled when he opened it. There were two photos: one of Y/N’s very classic French breakfast and another a selfie of her taking a giant bite out of a croissant.
Jason responded with, “I know if I was there, you wouldn’t share any of that with me.”
She instantly replied with, “Guilty.😅”
But that wasn’t the last of her photos.
10 minutes later, Y/N had sent Jason a video from the car taking her to set. It was the early morning quiet of Paris. Y/N had a way of romanticizing the simplest of things. That was probably would made her such a good photographer.
30 minutes later, Y/N made a jump cut of the entire crew individually saying, “Bonjour, Jason!” Everyone was smiling and waving. Half of them had thick French accents. And none of them seemed to be concerned with the fact that they had no idea who Jason was.
Jason knew what Y/N was doing. She was trying to remind him throughout the day that she was doing OK. She refused to let his subconscious poison his mind with nightmares of possibilities. If she couldn’t ease his mind in person, she was going to do it virtually.
An hour later, Y/N sent a video that she’d clearly asked someone to take for her. It was her working on set, directing the models and giving polite commands to her crew. French New Wave music was blasting.
Jason smiled proudly at how Y/N had complete control over the giant production. She was respected and people in the industry seemed to love working with her.
Next, Y/N sent a photo of Y/N’s makeup with the text, “Makeup department offered to do my makeup for my dinner tonight. I asked them to make me look like Brigitte Bardot.🇫🇷”
“You look beautiful. Bardot’s got nothing on you,” he quickly replied.
“Impossible,” she answered.
An hour later, Y/N sent a video of her at a restaurant, having dinner with some of the crew and models. “Everyone’s asking about you,” she texted with the video.
Jason received the final text at 7PM Gotham time, 1AM Paris time.
It was a photo of Y/N with no makeup, hair wet from a shower, and under the covers of the hotel bed.
“Wish you were here 😔,” she texted.
Jason realized she was definitely naked under those feathery covers. “Now you’re playing a dangerous game, beautiful.”
“What ever could you possibly mean?” She feigned innocence.
Jason had enough of texting and FaceTimed her.
Y/N picked up his phone giggling.
“You’re something else,” Jason growled.
“I’m innocent!” She cried.
“You and I both know you are a lot of things…but innocent is not fucking one of them.”
All Y/N could do was laugh.
“Thank you for all the photos and videos,” Jason told her softly.
“You liked them?”
He nodded. “Of course I did.”
“Are you feeling better?” She asked.
“Yeah,” and he was. “All thanks to you.”
Before she could say anything, Jason quickly added. “You’ve had a long day. I don’t want to keep you up. I just wanted to say goodnight and tell you I love you.”
“Mhmm,” she hummed. “So tell me.”
Jason laughed and shook his head at her bluntness.
Then he got quiet.
“What?” She asked.
“Nothing. You’re just so beautiful.”
“Stopppp,” Y/N whined as she pulled the covers up to hide her face.
“OK. OK. OK.” Jason surrendered. “I love you. Goodnight.”
“Love you, too.” Y/N replied sleepily.
Deeply apologize if there are a ton of errors. I wrote this in like 2 hours 😬 Let me know if you liked it!!!
Father of Mine – BONUS CONTENT
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allegra-writes · 3 years
omg could u pls do like drummer!tom au where reader stays on the sidelines watching with their kid and they got the big headphones on 🥺💞
I changed it a little bit but I hope you still like it💖
To the Beat of my Heart
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For as long as Tom could remember, he had always felt torn inside. A part of him longing to be a rockstar, longing for the adrenaline and the lifestyle, the fast pace of it all, the long nights, the crows, the fans; another part of him longing for the simple life he was raised in, the routine, the support of his own little family, the comfort of coming home to a house that wasn't empty and cold but filled with laughter, joy, the smell of fresh homemade food and even one or two messes here and there...
It seemed like whatever he choose to do with his life, he was always going to feel the lack of something. He didn't think he could ever have them both, have everything... Until he met you.
You were a dream come true to him, able to blend together both aspects of his dreams, both sides of him, so seamlessly and naturally, it made him wonder why he had ever thought about them as opposites in the first place.
He didn't missed staying out till later at night, because he knew the real fun woud start when the both of you got home. Or sometimes to the car, when you couldn't keep your hands off each other anymore. He didn't envy the models watching his bandmates record their parts from the other side of the glass, because you were far more beautiful than any of them in his eyes. He didn't envy their sports cars cause now he owned something far more precious than any of his expensive watches or drones or toys, and he needed a backseat to carry it.
Yeah, the jewel currently in his arms was getting him more attention than any flashy possession he could think of.
Little Lily was currently perched on his knee, banging the drums with all the might her toddler arms were capable off, as he juggled keeping her balanced and keeping the huge noise cancelling headphones rightly placed on her tiny head to completely cover her teeny baby ears. He could feel your hawk eyes on the both of them even from the other side of the glass, and it was totally unnecessary, cause he was perfectly capable of keeping his baby girl safe. But far from finding it annoying, the thought of you worrying and loving the delicate being he was holding as much or even more so than himself did, made him love you even more.
He never thought that was possible.
"Alright, Tom, I think thats a wrap. We totally have what we needed" Jason's voice resonated through the speakers, the red light turning off, signaling they weren't recording anymore and it was safe for him to talk now.
"Really? And how did she do?"
The goofy smiles from all his bandmates were a real sight: four grown men, looking every bit the rockstars they were, totally wrapped around the finger of his two year old.
"Amazing. She is a prodigy, Tom, I'm telling you. We might have to replace you with her. Maybe even have her lead the band"
"Lilly Holland and The spiders from Mars" Tom chuckled, "has a nice ring to it"
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her-world-on-fire · 4 years
"I promise I won’t let you fall.” {Jason Todd x Reader}
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Word Count: 3, 304
Hi! I just read "it was all yellow" and just got me hooked to ur tumblr! I'm not sure if the requests are open but if their are could u pls do an angst with fluff ending ab Jason × Reader ft. Drivers license? Thanks for the attention ♡♡
Prompts: 20. “i promise i won’t let you fall.” 101. “leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.” 118. “you’re the only person i want to wake up to every morning.”
“JASON DON’T,” I stepped forward and he moved to pick up his bag. The tears that had welled in my eyes now began to fall. He had his back toward me. But the crack in his voice told me everything I needed to know. “I’m fine!” He stopped and turned back to me. “You had 3 broken ribs, a collapsed lung and a concussion.”
“It wasn’t you fault.”
“We both know that’s not true.”
“The heat signatures showed that most of the guards are on the 4th floor.” Dick’s voice sounded in my ear. “You need to get in through the south entrance on my signal. The shipment arrives in 30 minutes.” I looked at Jason, he was beginning to get impatient. He hated sitting around, and he was not one to follow direct orders. He paced back and forth on the rooftop. “We can just take them all on.”
“Let’s just wait for the signal. We don’t know what we’re up against.”
“They’re just low level fucking criminals.”
Another few minutes passed. “Fuck it.” Jason leaped from the roof and onto the next building. “Jason!” He ignored Dick’s voice and broke one of the windows. I followed after him. The sound of gunshots immediately alerted everyone inside the building. Glass from the windows crunched under my boots, and the air was heavy with gunpowder. The sound of a loud crack echoed in the warehouse. I followed the trail of bodies. There were six men on the floor, each clinging to life. I could tell by the way their limps were sprawled, they were in a world of pain. I ran down the hallway and the gunshots resumed.
I reached for the first hired gun I saw and went after him. His gun was pointed directly at Jason. I reached up and knocked it out of his hands. He was caught of guard, I slammed my hand against his throat. He choked and I brought his leg down out from under him. He fell with a loud thump and I slammed my fist into his face enuring he would be asleep.
Now a few of the men turned towards me. I took my staff and two men charged towards me. I rushed forward and hit one on the side of his head, he tumbled and I kicked him in his shin. He cried out in pain and fell to the floor. The other lunged for me and I moved out of the way before he could grab me. I looked over at Jason for a second, he was getting overwhelmed. Quickly I took the mans arm and slammed it against my knee earning a loud pop. I lunged to Jason. One of the men had managed to get his arms around him. Another was beating him. I took my staff and slammed it on his arm. In that moment Jason slammed his head back against the man who had been holding him. Then he kicked him as he fell. The man turned towards me angrily as the blood trickled down his arm. He pulled out his gun, I moved under him and slammed his hand into the wall. The gun fell and I kicked it away. His other hand reached form my hair. I kicked him in the crotch and he groaned.
I slammed my fists against his face. I looked around the room, Jason was gone. I ran out of the room and up the stairs. We were on the 4th floor now. “There’s a truck coming in.”  I reached Jason and helped him clear the room. “There was C-4 in that truck get out now!”
It all happened in a split second. There was a faint beeping noise. I quickly turned to my left. C-4 was placed on the north wall. Jason was standing right by it. He was too distracted to notice. “Look out!” I ran to him as fast as I could and grabbed his collar. I tossed him outside of the room and took the C-4 and threw it to my right.
The walls began to crumble I tried moving out of the way. I had moved out of the room but the floor was falling underneath me. Jason reached out for me but he was half a second too slow. The last thing I remember was the feeling of falling. Jason’s blood curdling scream filled the room.
I was lucky it wasn’t a lot worse. I didn’t blame him. It had been 3 months and he still couldn’t look at me.“I should’ve waited. I should’ve been paying attention. It should have been me.”
“Don’t say that.”
“It’s true! You could’ve died and that would have been on me.” His voice broke. His guilt was eating him alive. If he had just listened, then this would’ve never happened. Dick didn’t let him hear the end of it.
“Let’s just talk about this. Don’t go.” I moved towards him and he stepped back. “I can’t.” The room fell silent. We both looked at each other. My throat was hoarse, I had been trying to get him to stay as soon as he started packing. He didn’t have anything left to say. “I’m sorry.” I rushed forward and embraced him. As gently as he could he put his arms around me. It had been 3 months since he touched me. He was worried he would break me. But I knew this was he way of saying goodbye. “Please.” He pulled back and wiped the tears from my face. His own eyes were bloodshot. He leaned forward and placed a kiss on my forehead.
He pulled away and took his bag and his helmet. He grabbed the door handle and opened the door. He paused before walking out and closing it behind him.
Jason practically fell of the grid. No one knew where he went. He was smart, he covered his track electronically. He had slowly been withdrawing his inheritance. Transferring what he could into burner accounts. It was meticulously planned. Another month went by and I went back to train.
It was hard being around the team. For a long time they treated me as if I were glass. I was going to break at a moments notice. I could see the pity in their eyes. I turned to training as an outlet. I focused all of my time and energy into. I didn’t want to be left alone with my thoughts. The memories of Jason and the accident flooded my head. I kept as busy as possible.
Dick had informed he knew where he was. He had found that the crime on the south side had dropped by 5 percent. In his first week down there he acted like himself. He never crossed the line but the scenes were far from innocent. He was acting on his emotions and releasing his anger. But after just a week, he was controlled. The scenes were getting harder to identify. He started to blend in.
Jason’s anger was something like I had never seen before. It was destructive and explosive. He was getting better, but after the accident something changed. He was regressing. Whatever had been holding him together had snapped.
As much as I wanted to, I wasn’t going to go after him. He needed space. As I got inside my car I turned on the radio. I didn’t want to go back to the apartment. It was hard being in that space. I was so used to sharing the space with him. I drove, not looking for anything specific.
And I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me 'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
I sighed, being back at the manor had brought back a lot of feelings. Memories of training. Sneaking around the manor. From the moment we met we were inseparable. At first I was annoyed by his cockiness. But once I took him down during training, he turned it down. Overall he was impressed. That later turned into infatuation. We did everything together.
As I drove through the city all I could think of is all the places we went together. None of them would ever feel the same without him.
And all my friends are tired Of hearing how much I miss you, but I kinda feel sorry for them 'Cause they'll never know you the way that I do, yeah Today I drove through the suburbs And pictured I was driving home to you
I wanted more than anything for it all to be a dream. I wanted to wake up and have everything back to the way it was before. I wouldn’t have let him go inside the building. I would give anything to go back and change it all. I would really be there for Jason.
But I've never felt this way for no one, oh And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay, now that I'm gone I guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me 'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
And I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me 'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
I found myself driving to our usual place. We stumbled inside after patrol, and talked for hours. I looked inside and pictured us sitting there. We were laughing so loud we were drawing attention to ourselves. If anyone ever had a problem with it Jason would laugh even louder. 
If Jason hadn’t left large tips then I’m sure we would have been kicked out. But in his eyes they deserved it. They were hard workers and they were good people. He tried to give back as much as he could because he couldn’t growing up on the streets. He used to go into the back and try and save food from the garbage.He thought about the nice owners who would let him take a few things. Some even offered him some work. He remembered all those faces, and he gave back. That’s the kind of person he was.
Red lights, stop signs I still see your face in the white cars, front yards Can't drive past the places we used to go to 'Cause I still fuckin' love you, babe (ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh) Sidewalks we crossed I still hear your voice in the traffic, we're laughing Over all the noise God, I'm so blue, know we're through But I still fuckin' love you, babe (ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)
It pained me that it was over but he needed this. He was so angry once he came back. Angry at the joker from taking him from Bruce. Angry at Bruce for letting him get away with it. Angry at the world for letting it happen. For as long as he could remember he needed to fight to survive. It was a long road to even get to where he was now. But he knew that he still had a long way to go. And he couldn’t let anyone else get hurt while he figured it out. He had to start piecing himself back together for his sake, and for everyone around him.
I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay, now that I'm gone 'Cause you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me 'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street Yeah, you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
We had problems. We were far from perfect, but I don’t want anything else. I spent the rest of the car ride in silence. I decided to get back to the apartment. I couldn’t hide forever. I needed to start living again. It’s what he wanted.
I turned the key and the door clicked in response. I heard shuffling on the other side. Immediately I reached for my staff. I opened the door, the lights were still off. I moved quietly, as I tried to search for the source. Quietly I closed the door, and moved through the apartment. I noticed a card on the coffee table. I heard a creek. I turned down the hall. I waited for a moment and I heard the footsteps approaching me. Right when they were about to round the corner, I pushed them against the wall. Holding them in place with my staff.
I looked up and dropped the staff. “Jason?” He looked shocked, more so than I was. “I had to see you.” I bit my lip. I was feeling overwhelmed. He was the last person I expected. I worked hard to put myself back together and now I was going to have to do it all over again.
“Are you coming back?”
I was getting mixed signals. The card on the table gave me the impression he was leaving again. It was like he intended to just drop it off and leave. But he stayed until I got back. He was tense. His arms were crossed over his chest, overall he looked very closed off. He wasn't giving me an answer.
I broke the silence.
"I can't do that again. You can't leave and come back, and except me to be okay.” I swallowed, trying to keep my tears from spilling. “I begged you to stay and you just left. I haven't heard from you and now you're back and I don't know how much more I can hang on." Once again the tears welled up in my eyes. I was reliving the moment he decided to leave all over again. Deep down I know why he left. He needed to learn to forgive himself. He needed time to work on himself. But it was hard knowing that he could leave at a moments notice. Even though it hurt him he still did it.
"I'm sorry. I had to go, I couldn't look at you without blaming myself. It was selfish of me to leave but I understand that now." He moved forward and took a deep breath. "I promise I won't let you fall."
And he meant it.
His own eyes were cloudy with tears. " I tried to convince myself that you were better off without me. But I can't do this without you. That month I spent alone made me realize how empty I was without you. You're the only person I want to wake up to every morning."
"But if you decide that you don't want me-" I didn't let him finish before I pressed my lips against his. He responded immediately. We pulled away and he ran his thumb across my cheek. I wrapped my arms around him. I could feel him loosen up. He had been so tense, it felt as if he could finally breathe again.
"Come on, I have something to show you." He pulled away and stretched out his hand. I took it and he opened the door and led me out. We walked to his bike and he handed me my helmet. He got on his bike and started the engine. I got on and wrapped my arms around him "Ready?"
I nodded and he took off. The sun was just beginning to set. Although Gotham wasn't the safest city, it was mesmerizing. I leaned my head against Jason and watched the streets. The streets that had seemed somber were now vibrant. Jason stopped at the red light and turned back to me. I gave him a smile.
We went on for another 5 minutes. "Okay close your eyes."
I closed my eyes and we stopped soon after. Jason turned off the bike and helped me off. He gently took of my helmet and took my arm. He guided me, and I heard a door open. We had entered some building.  "Can I open my eyes now?" I asked, growing more curious at time went on. He laughed at my impatience.
I opened my eyes and looked around. It was the Gotham botanical gardens. "This is beautiful." We walked down the pathway and I took in my surroundings. The bright yellow flowers, the beautiful stream leading to the fountain. As I looked around something stuck out to me. There was a lack of people. There must've been one person who opened the door for Jason and I. But I didn't see anyone. "Where is everyone?" I turned to Jason and he smiled. "I may have rented the space for the night."
"Jason this must be a fortune." It was government property, he had to get approval from the mayor himself. "How?"
"Believe it or not but the mayor actually owed me a favor."
We reached the center of the garden. There was a table that had been set up. Jason pulled my chair out for me. Suddenly a workers had appeared. They set the table and the lights were dimmed. As quickly as they appeared they were gone. The table was filled with our favorites. The drinks were from a cafe just near the apartment. The food was from our usual spot after patrols. There were small delicacies from the pastry shop we frequented to satisfy our sweet tooth. "This is really something, Jason. Thank you."
"I'm keeping my promise. Leaving you was the hardest thing I've ever had to do." I won't ever do it again."
We talked as we finished dinner.  It felt like just another day before the accident. After we finished, Jason left a large tip on the table. "I have one more thing to show you."
"Jason you really don't have to do anything else. You've done more than enough." Still, he lead me up the stairs. He opened the door first and let me go up. I walked to the edge of the roof. I looked over the railing. The view was absolutely breath taking. It wasn't like any other rooftop in Gotham. It was quiet up here. The sounds of the city didn't touch this roof.
The wind had picked up, and since the sun had set it was colder than inside. Noticing this Jason put his jacket over my shoulders. He stood behind me and I leaned my head against his shoulder. "I didn't know views like this existed in Gotham."
We just stood admiring the city. Neither of us spoke as we looked at the beautiful sight. We both knew that everything was going to be alright. We were going to come back from everything. This is what it was supposed to feel like.
"Are you ready to go back?" He asked and I nodded. "Just one more thing." I leaned forward and kissed him. This one was soft. He smiled into the kiss. "We've got some catching up to do." He mumbled against my lips. "The night's not over yet."
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pcvensies · 4 years
I love your blog and writing! I’ve recently gotten back into PJO and was wondering if you would write a fic where Percy was jealous. If you don’t mind writing PercyxReader.
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Secret handshake
In which Percy gets jealous of his partner’s friendship with Jason
word count: 1600
trigger warnings: none
DISCLAIMER: this happens in some kind of au where jason d-words but is brought back because baby. pls bare with me. also, gender neutral!
also hUH logan is my percy. in my mind he is ,, idk man. i just love him sm. ur welcome for the gif ✌🏼😚
Jason was his friend. You were his partner. And you were all friends, it was all cool. Yet there he was, annoyedly sat on the floor, watching you both train with a frown drawn on his face.
Jason was a great fighter, as so were you, and you had this stupid ability to sincronize all your movements without even trying, which made you two an amazing team. Always effective, always on everyone’s mouth. And that fact alone could ruin Percy’s day, that you and Jason were so good together, and you and him were not.
“C’mon, Jay, you can do so much better”, you spoke, and Jason chuckled, turning around fast enough to hit you with his shoulder.
“Like that, you mean?”.
Your laugh made Percy’s heart flutter, as you got up and shook your head, punching the blonde boy on his arm. You looked so /good/ with your camp shirt covered in dirt, sticky hair somehow framing your face in a beautiful way, drawing shapes on your pinkish cheeks.
Jason smiled gently, shaking your hand, and the blue eyed boy groaned: when had Y/n and Jason made a secret handshake? And why didn’t they have one?
Percy was too busy being annoyed to notice your hand on his head, fingers running carefully through his dark locks, and when he finally did, he looked up at you.
“...not listening again, are you?”, there wasn’t any trace of annoyance on your voice, and still, the demigod felt guilty under your eyes, sighing softly and moving his hand to rest it on your calf, running his thumb over your skin.
Before he could speak, Jason wrapped his arm around your shoulder, breathing heavily and smiling down at Percy, which for some reason annoyed him even more. Jay being so oblivious of his feelings annoyed him.
“You should pay more attention to Y/n, Percy, or they might get tired of speaking to the air”.
He was joking, he didn’t mean it. It was Jason, for Zeus’ sake. But the dark haired boy couldn’t help the dirty look he sent the blonde as he got up, so fast it startled you, as your hand fell to your side.
“I was listening, thank you very much. And it’s all good, you tire them enough with all the training, Grace”.
Jason gave Percy a strange look, cautiously analysing his expression searching for a sign on what was up with him, but the dark haired boy simply sighed.
“I’m just gonna leave you two alone, so you can continue training. It’s not like I’m needed here anyways”.
Sometimes Percy had these kinds of moments, where even if he was pretty confident of himself most of the time, he’d doubt. Not you, of course, he would never doubt you. But himself, and his ways of handling your relationship.
You were left there, next to the blonde boy, as Percy walked away, fists closed and tense shoulders, muttering nonsense to himself under his breath.
The rest of the day was boring, and you’d swear it was cold for a sunny August day. You always felt cold when Percy wasn’t around, like if you were standing on the shade, and wherever you walked, it followed you.
He felt the same, somehow. When you were not around, he felt colder too. Like if everything around him was dark, like if the sun had stopped shining. You always brought warmth to him, sometimes without even touching him, and so he did to you.
Dinner was simply weird, your siblings trying to find out what was wrong, asking questions and trying to cheer you up with jokes and old stories. One of the older ones even threatened to fight whoever had made you feel like that, but it only caused the table to erupt in laughter as he was known for being a softie.
From where you were sitting, you could see Jason dining alone at the Cabin 1 table. It wasn’t even his table, this wasn’t even his camp, but it wasn’t weird to have him around CHB after he came back from the dead, to be around you, Perce, Annabeth and the rest.
You thanked your siblings for everything, excusing yourself and walking to his table, sitting next to him with a small smile.
“You look lonely as hell, Jay, it’s ruining the whole camp’s mood”.
He gave you a smile, chuckling softly and shaking his head.
“I’m still thinking about this morning. I don’t know what we did to annoy Percy so much, honestly”, he complained, as he took a sip of his ambrosia glass, “Have you spoken to him?”.
Perce and Jay had a close friendship, and you could feel how genuinely worried the blonde boy was. You shook your head at his question, and looked around, trying to find your boyfriend.
However, you didn’t, as he wasn’t there. Percy groaned once again, eyes locked to his cabin’s ceiling as his crossed arms rested on his chest.
He knew he was being childish, and still, he couldn’t stop it, the feeling that caused his chest to tighten and his face to get hot whenever he thought about you and Jason laughing together.
It wasn’t lack of trust, though, it was more like fear of you finding someone better. Someone who wouldn’t wake you up in the middle of the night, knocking at your cabin’s door because they can’t sleep. Someone who would listen to you all the time, someone who would always have their full attention on you, someone who would...
“...gods’ sake, Jackson, open the door!”, your voice made him jump, strong knocking finally making it through his ears, and he cursed himself for being distracted again. He couldn’t help it, really, and you understood, but he still felt bad whenever it happened.
The door finally opened, your shorter frame standing in front of him, arms crossed over your chest. You wanted to get mad, to fight him for leaving you and Jay like he did in the morning, for avoiding you two all day. But something on the way he looked down at you made you realise you couldn’t tell him anything he wasn’t aware of already.
He moved to the side, allowing you to walk in, in hopes that you wouldn’t yell at him or argue. Not because he didn’t think he deserved it, but because he was too tired for any of it.
You sighed deeply, sitting on his bed, watching him close the door slowly, as he raised his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“Y/n I’m—”.
“No”, you cut him, and he tensed again, waiting for it.
You felt it, the exact moment his body went defence mode, and you patted the bed next to you, raising your arm his way. Percy looked at the bed, then at your hand, and he held it gently as he sat, both his hands wrapped around yours, playing with your fingers as he looked down.
“I’m not mad at you, Perce… just worried, you’ve been acting weird since Jason got here. We’re both worried about you, we—”.
“Why is it always ‘we’ with you two, huh?”, he spat out, unable to stop himself. He paused his fiddling with your fingers when he realised, and he finally looked up at you (gif!), “I’m sorry– I am so sorry. I don’t mean that you can’t be friends, I would never stop you from being friends with anyone, Y/n, it’s just… Fuck, I don’t even know”.
You looked at him with gentle eyes, your free hand resting on his knee as you nodded, encouraging him to continue.
“You two make such a great team, and you’re always so happy when he comes around… You even have a secret handshake. It’s stupid but I don’t feel like… like we have that”.
Percy had never been the best at being vocal about his feelings, and you knew he was doing an effort to put it all in words for you.
“Percy, babe… Jason needs it”, you spoke, your eyes on his, “He needs somewhere to go where he can forget about anything that isn’t laughing and enjoying a day under the sun, and I try to make that place here... And we are a good team because he’s not my boyfriend!”, you chuckled softly.
“I mean, I would lose it if something were to happen to him during a fight, but Jay and I are just friends! We protect each other like friends do. When you and I are out there, I’m terrified, and I know you are too. Always trying to take the most for ourselves so the other can stand back… It’s a whole different story, Percy. It’s what love does in the battlefield”.
Percy felt so dumb, both for lashing out at you this morning for trying to help Jason feel better, and for not realising the truth behind the cause of his jealousy. He groaned, leaning in to rest his forehead against yours, and you chuckled, letting go of his hands to cup his cheeks.
You run your thumbs over his skin slowly, his finally calm breathing hitting your face softly, and he pressed a small peck to your lips.
“I’m an idiot”, he said, and you nodded slowly, kissing him first this time.
“Just sometimes. But you have nothing and no one to worry about, alright? We can make a secret handshake too, if that’d make you feel better”.
He laughed a little, rolling his eyes and plopping back on the bed, pulling you with him so your head was resting on his chest. He run his fingers through your hair slowly, and pressed a small kiss to your head.
“I already feel much better… but I do have some ideas for that handshake”.
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angelz-dust · 4 years
masters of none (jason todd x reader)
summary: welcome to my jason x celebrity fic, based on this headcanon. pls enjoy. 
word count: 5.2k
warnings: gun mention. food mention. 
part 2
626 bedford avenue
baby let's have a conversation and god forbid we have a connection
"are you sure? i don't wanna leave your here alone," dex had said to you as he put his jacket on. the two of you were in the studio when he got a sudden invite to a party.
"i'll be fine. i just wanna finish this track tonight. or attempt to, i guess," you explained, spinning in your chair to face him. you watched as he used his wooden military brush to fix his waves. "everyone else is going so you should go."
"you should also go," he chuckled, shaking his head before sighing and pocketing the brush. "at least let me take you home now."
"i have to finish this, dex. seriously. just go," you told him, turning back around to face the monitor.
"fine, but i'm coming back when it's over and i'm taking you home. i don't care if you're not done or passed out on the couch," he told you firmly, grabbing his keys off the coffee table. "are you hungry? i can get you something to eat."
"i already ate."
you did not, but you weren't hungry. you were too invested in working to be hungry. you'd eat later when he picked you up.
"alright. make sure the doors are locked when i leave. you know where the gun is, right?" he asked and you lifted your arm up, giving him a thumbs up. you had your headphones back on and were about to focus on that again. he rolled his eyes before leaving, making sure the doors were locked himself.
your work in progress played loudly in your ears as you stared at the meticulously placed loops on the monitor. you didn't like hearing your own voice but you loved the rush of putting together the puzzle that was a song, so you let it go. you worked for hours, unmoving from your spot until you felt a familiar tingle make place in your temples. a hunger headache was coming on and staring at the monitor, probably without blinking, wasn't helping.
it was midnight and dex probably wouldn't get back until 2 or 3. you weren't sure if you'd last that long. there were snacks in the mini fridge that could tide you over but it wouldn't be satisfying. you stood up, your legs feeling like jelly from not being used for so long. your ass had gone numb, too.
you wobbled your way to the fridge of wonders, resting on it to balance yourself as you opened it. you were looking for the yogurt you had stashed in there but...
"fucking jordy," you breathed out, recalling how he had eaten it that morning before you both left for your video with gotham insider.
"hey, i'm jordy rivas."
"and i'm y/n l/n."
"we're here with gotham insider and we'll be answering your burning questions."
you had a bucket filled with slips of paper in your lap as you waited for the cue to start picking. you took in your surroundings, not being able to see much with the bright lights illuminating you from above and keep everyone else in the dark. sometimes you couldn't tell if you were on set or on an operating table. jordy, your group mate, noticed that you two had plenty of questions to answer as he peered into the bucket.
how you got here was still a blur. your rise to stardom alongside your friends felt so sudden, it was hard to believe. you didn't expect to have such a large following at this point, or ever. and you never thought you'd have a band of brothers and sisters who loved music as much as you did. it was like a dream come true. not only did you have them but you were able to expand your horizons musically. you were just a below average producer before but now you produced music of all genres at such a high caliber. hell, you even sang a little now.
being a celebrity was overwhelming at times, but you loved interacting with fans or the family, as you affectionately called them. you'd take a simple q&a or fan meet over an award show or social event any day.
"alright, go ahead and start," a staff member said from behind the camera and you stuck your hand in at the same time as jordy, both pulling out a slip.
"how did you guys come up with the name cloud 9?" jordy read from his slip.
"stockholm syndrome," you said simply, getting a little laugh from jordy and some staff before he spoke up to explain.
"we were unofficially going by seven heavens before y/n and dex came along. we had just dropped music under our own names before but we couldn't really do that if we were going to do a group album so we needed a name."
"we were just producing a song each for the album," you spoke up to clarify. "i decided to call our studio session 'on cloud nine' since it fit with the theme of the group and there were nine of us working together."
"then we realized y/n and dex were geniuses and we asked them to produce the whole album," jordy chimed in with a smile. "they had already put so much work into it, so we asked them to join the label and we dropped the album as cloud 9."
best decision i ever made, you thought to yourself, a smile playing on your lips. on cloud nine took ages to produce but the results were worth it. for you, it was more than the money and the charts. creating music was a labor of love and an extension of yourself. you helped create a piece of art that you loved and allowed others to love too. it was the greatest feeling in the world.
"next question is... how do you guys decide who collaborates on what and when you do it?" you read, shrugging your shoulders softly. "we just do it on a whim. covers, singles, eps, full albums, it doesn't matter. we still operate as a group but sometimes we wanna do our own separate projects. we're in charge of ourselves so we do what we want."
the rest of the questions were pretty tame, mostly asking about your music and your label mates. occasionally they got more personal, asking about your interests and families. you both answered with enthusiasm, joking around a little and keeping certain things private when you felt necessary or when you were contractually obligated to. can't go around spilling secrets about upcoming music and other projects.
you and jordy were actually working on an album but it hadn't been announced yet. that was why you two came together, as a way of hinting at it and getting ready for promotions to come. the album was nothing like what you both normally did in a lot of different ways. the sound, the aesthetic, all of it. it was an ambitious project and you were looking forward to seeing how it would be perceived.
you were just about done with the q&a, pulling out the last question from the bucket that jordy had then ceremoniously punted out of frame.
"who is your favorite vigilante? i don't know actually. i've never thought about it," you softly clicked your tongue with a pensive look.
"i like signal," jordy answered as you thought it over. "i saw him kick ass up close one time and he has a cool costume."
"i like nightwing's costume! uniform? whatever," you said with a confused shake of the head, not really sure what to call it. "the blue bird is cool. i personally enjoy the color blue, so he gets points for that. it's a sexy shade of blue."
that last part elicited some laughter from jordy. "is that some roundabout way of you saying nightwing turns you on?"
"it's a direct way of me saying i like the color blue," you corrected him. "but yeah, he looks like he'd be hot. it has no bearing on how i feel about the blue, though. two separate feelings."
"who else is there? you got batman and robin. red robin. uh..." jordy trailed off, trying to think.
"batgirl," you supplied, getting a nod from him. "orphan? right? and uh..."
"red hood!" jordy said with a smile. "that dude is cool as hell. i like his jacket."
"doesn't he shoot people?" the staff laughed again at your delivery of the question. clearly you were on a roll today.
"he doesn't have a hood, though," you realized, looking perplexed. "why is he red hood if he doesn't have a hood? why doesn't he just call himself... red helmet?"
"because that's fucking stupid," jordy said through his laugher, shoulder bouncing. that would have to be censored in post.
"he's fucking stupid."
that too.
the staff watched as the two of you managed to go off on this tangent that had nothing to do with the original question. one of the interns looked to the camera man, who looked equally intrigued and confused at where the conversation had gone. "do we... stop them? we're going over on time."
the camera man shrugged and the manager shook her head. "god, no. do not stop them. this is gold."
"he doesn't need a hood, y/n. it's just a name. nightwing doesn't have wings," he reminded you and you rolled your eyes, a subtle pout on your lips.
"yeah but the bird does. it's still on brand. just like batman. and robin. and red robin. and signal. and batgirl," you listed matter of factly.
"what about orphan? is she an orphan?" jordy asked you with attitude.
"probably, bitch. why else would she call herself that?" you said, the both of you riled up now, hence all the sudden cursing. you two kept it (mostly) clean up until this point. "red hood is the only one off brand."
"why are you being a hater right now?" jordy asked with lopsided grimace and you rolled your eyes. "you completely derailed the conversation."
"oh, i'm sorry. i didn't realize you were on his payroll."
"red hood doesn't need payola. he's cool by himself."
"why are you dick sucking red hood?"
"don't ever say that shit again," jordy said immediately, almost cutting you off at the end of your question.
he crossed his arms, looking annoyed as you looked into the camera with a blank expression. you were trying to fight it, but a tight lipped smile appeared on your face, making you look down and scratch the tip your nose lightly with your nail. then your ear. then back down to the side of your neck. your body shook with silent laughter when you glanced at him.
"i'm sorry," you said convincingly after having collected yourself in record time, just barely getting cut off by jordy again.
"no you're not."
"no i'm not," you shook your head, your facade dropping as quickly as it was put on. "you still haven't answered the-"
"i hope red hood shoots you," he told you seriously, giving you a blank look. your jaw dropped, a surprised noise that almost sounded like laughter came out of your mouth as you looked back at the camera. you knew that he was just playing around but it didn't change the fact that it outrageously juvenile.
it was silent. you and jordy knew this was just friendly bickering but the staff weren't too sure. you rubbed the inside of your cheek with your tongue, slowly dragging it over your teeth as you contemplated his words.
red hood wouldn't actually shoot you. right? he's a bit more morally gray from what you've heard about him but he wouldn't just shoot somebody for making a joke, would he? that seemed kind of ridiculous. overkill, if you will.
your eyes darted between jordy and the camera. back at him. then the camera. jordy again. your head jerked a little in his direction before fully turning to look at him.
"do you think he'd actually shoot me?" you asked quietly, looking at him with a smile on your face as your expressions quickly mirrored each other.
"i would," he told you and you laughed, looking at the camera again.
"mr. red hood, if you're watching his, m-my bad bro," you stuttered through yours and jordy's laughter. "i was just talking shit. please don't shoot me. i-if you don't i'll uh... i'll be your bard!"
"what the fuck?" jordy cried out, hiding his face in his hands as he laughed harder.
"i will write and sing about your adventures and conquests," you pleaded with the man who definitely wasn't going to see. you made a heart by lifting your arms up and having your fingers meet at the top of your head. it was really a waste of time in hindsight but you had to cover your bases just in case he did see it. getting shot was not on your bucket list. "please don't shoot me. seriously. i didn't meant it."
"that's all the questions we had," jordy's voice was pitchy from all the laughing. "i'm jordy."
"and i'm y/n," you smiled, doing a little dance as you stayed in your heart position before waving with jordy. "byeeee!"
you weren't entirely sure how long you had been standing there with the door open, letting all the cold air out of the fridge. you assumed it was too long since your nipples felt hard as rocks now, which only added a layer to how uncomfortable you felt. your stomach was touching your back at this point and that headache wasn't going anywhere. and now your nipples felt like they were going to fall off. you were pretty sure exhaustion was going to start claiming on you, too.
killing yourself seemed to be the only option and what you were thinking of doing was practically suicide. you wanted to go walk to the corner store that had the yogurt. your craving was too strong. you needed it and waiting for dex was not an option. there was nothing of substance in the fridge anyway. just drinks and snacks that weren't yours to eat.
a normal person could probably do it and not die. but you were in gotham and you were convinced that the moment you opened the door killer croc or one of the penguin's goons would be waiting for you.
taking the gun would be the smart thing to do but you didn't feel comfortable walking around with it. the feeling of cold steel against your skin was unsettling and the chance of it going off on you was even scarier. yes, you would have the safety on, but that wasn't enough to ease your mind. it felt like walking around with a bomb strapped to your chest. you didn't even wanna think about it dropping it or something while you were in the store. you were sure the ock wouldn't like that.
you grabbed your keys, slipping the wristband on. you had a little card holder and pepper spray hanging off the key ring. you also had a small switchblade for all your stabbing needs. you hadn't used it for murderous intent yet and you wanted to keep it that way.
i'll have red hood put me out of my misery, you thought morbidly to yourself. maybe jordy wishing death on you this morning was a blessing in disguise because you were progressively feeling more like shit with each passing moment.
you braced yourself for the crisp nighttime air and the dangers lurking around every corner before opening the door. it was dark, as expected. you had your hands stuffed in the pockets of your sweatpants. your right hand rested right on top of your phone carefully stashed away in the black polyester pocket.
your sense of direction was, to put it lightly, dog shit, and the pitch blackness of night wasn't helping. you had your airpods in with the gps telling you where to go. if it had a mind of its own, it would probably be judging you for needing to locate a building that was 5 minutes away. nevertheless, hearing the robo voice in your ears was oddly comforting.
the walk there wasn't that bad once you got to the area with all the traffic, illuminated with fluorescent lighting from the surrounding stores. it was the first time you felt comfortable under blinding white light.
you walked into the store quietly, beelining for the cold food section. you grabbed hot fries and sour skittles on your way over for dex, wanting to soften the blow for when you told him you left the studio by yourself. you spotted the salted caramel flavor through the condensation on the glass and you could already taste the creamy treat on your tongue. you smiled to yourself, grabbing the handle to the door when you heard the automatic door to the store open, accompanied by a chime.
"hey, man, what's going on?" you heard the voice of the cashier from behind you. you grabbed your yogurt and turned around, freezing in place when you saw who had entered.
red hood!
you could hear jordy's enthusiastic voice from this morning bounce around in your head like a pinball. the man you had been talking shit about earlier was right in front of you. jesus christ, was he there for you? how did he even find you? the video hadn't even dropped yet!
he must have felt your intense gaze burning a hole in the side of his head because he turned to face you. thankfully, you slid to the side, hiding behind the chips. he knew you were there and that you had been staring at him, even though he didn't catch you in the act. you attempting to hide yourself behind the buy two, get one free mini chip bags was slightly suspicious, but to be fair, he did just walk into a public place as red hood, so he let it go. turning back to salim, the cashier, he grabbed the bag of m&m's he had slid him.
he always paid for the things he picked out when he came to the store, but salim always gave him m&m's for free. red hood kept his store and community safe, so in salim's eyes, giving him candy that only cost a dollar anyway was nothing.
you started grabbing some other snacks, slowly weaving through the aisles as to not cause alarm to the huge man standing not to far from you. you knew he was big but fuck. he was built like a freight train. probably hit like one, too.
"anyone give you trouble tonight?" you heard a voice, his voice. it was distorted behind that mask... helmet... thing. it sounded robotic. was he actually a robot? like cyborg or something?
"nah, it's been quiet tonight," salim shook his head as the vigilante grabbed a little bag of cookies from the shelf behind him, setting it on the counter before asking for a carton of cigarettes. "i heard that jewelry store on bedford ave got hit though."
bedford avenue? your studio was on bedford avenue, tucked away from the main street. the store wasn't too far from it, either. you must have been so wrapped up in working that you didn't hear the commotion because it was definitely close enough for you to hear it.
"just came from there," the vigilante informed him, his robotic voice being both intriguing and off putting to you. he walked back over with the warm cup of liquid in his gloved hand, setting it on the counter next to the cookies.
must have just missed it then, you thought to yourself, if he just came from over there. lucky me.
"you alright, honey?" salim called out to you with familiar affection. he always treated everyone who came to his store with respect and like family. he was always very sweet to you and he felt a sense of pride knowing that he had both celebrities and vigilantes frequenting his store.
"don't tell me you're trying to rob me," he added on at the end, getting the attention of red hood. he wasn't sure if salim was being serious or not. it would confirm his suspicions about your weird behavior from earlier. it would be kind of ballsy to try something while he was standing there, though.
"uh... yeah. this is a stick up. give me everything you got," you said lamely, standing on your toes to peek at him over the shelf.
salim's rich laughter filled the store and he shook his head. "just checking," he said before redirecting his attention to red hood, who loosened up when he realized it was just banter between friends.
you realized the longer you spent in the store, the later it would get. you waddled your way over to the counter with your snacks in your arms a comfortable distance away from red hood, who set cash on the counter. he looked over at you again, making you shrink under his gaze. he was essentially faceless, which was a little unsettling, to say the least. he turned away, grabbing his things and moving out of your way.
you put all of your snacks on the counter, trying to ignore the man's presence. he wasn't doing anything but being intimidating.
"you here by yourself, honey?" concern laced salim's words as he rung up your snacks. "it's a little late, isn't it?"
"oh, uh, yeah," you nodded, pulling your card out to pay. "everyone else is at a party in maywood."
as red hood was walking out, his brow furrowed when he heard what you were talking about. maywood was where all the big social events took place. he had been out there a few times with bruce. not anyone could go to a party out there so...
"ah, one of those celebrity parties you all go to, huh?" salim grinned, giving you your bag of goodies. he still felt unsure about you being by yourself, though. "hey, red! you should walk her back home."
he was almost out the door when he heard salim call out to him. he turned, looking at the both of you. you felt awkward looking at him and you quickly shook your head.
"no, no, it's fine. the studio isn't far," you told him and salim firmly shook his head in protest.
"it's late. you shouldn't have even walked here to begin with," he scolded you a little. it was just out of concern, of course. "she's a big time celebrity, you know."
you frowned at salim's description of you. not being able to read red hood's expressions to gauge how he felt about this whole thing was frustrating, too. he was probably glaring daggers at you.
"i can take you," the robotic voice said. normally he wouldn't be escorting civilians around but he was done for the night and if you really weren't that far, it wouldn't kill him to walk you back to wherever you were headed. he was in a good mood, even if it didn't appear that way.
"see? let the man take you back," salim pushed and you complied, giving him a little nod. "you two stay safe out there! i don't need my favorite customers getting hurt."
you waved goodbye to salim, turning to see that red hood had already started walking off. you quickly shuffled your way out to follow behind him.
"where are we going?" he asked, not even giving you a glance as you both stood on the sidewalk.
"bedford," you said quietly and he turned to face you, his look of disbelief hidden under the mask. why the hell would you leave? you had to have left while the heist was still going on. no wonder salim asked him to take you home. clearly you had a death wish.
"lead the way," he said to you, trailing behind you as you listened to the gps tell you where to go. you hoped he didn't have supersonic hearing or something, because needing to use the gps was still kind of embarrassing.
you two walked in silence, the sound of your plastic bags and the ambient city noises being the only sounds ringing in your ears. you felt a little safer having red hood as your temporary bodyguard but you'd rather risk dying to avoid the awkward silence.
"so big time celebrity," red hood spoke up, startling you a little. you almost thought it was the gps talking to you. "what do you do?"
he knew you were feeling awkward and probably afraid walking with him. he wasn't trying to scare you, though. he figured talking to you would ease the tension a little.
"oh, uh... music," you said simply.
what a dry response. were you expecting him to carry the whole conversation? because he wasn't.
"why are you out here and not in maywood?" he asked, carrying the conversation anyway.
"the studio is here so i'm here."
"so you're working?"
you were not fun to talk to. he wasn't going to hold it against you though. he himself probably didn't come off as a guy who wanted to talk.
"do you shoot just anyone?" you asked suddenly.
well that was one hell of an icebreaker. did he just shoot anyone? where the hell did that come from? were you that afraid of him?
"no," he said, hoping you couldn't hear his smile in his words. it was such an odd question to ask. "why? you think i'm gonna shoot you or something?"
"are you?" you asked panicked, whipping around to face him.
he put his hands up in mock surrender, letting out a laugh this time. "relax. you haven't given me a reason to want to shoot you. or have you?"
"i hope not," you said honestly, turning back around to continue walking.
"i'm not going to shoot some innocent girl, let alone a famous one. it's a bad look," he explained to you, hoping the humor behind his voice would make you relax a little.
"why don't you wear a hood?" your line of questioning continued. "you're red hood but you don't wear a hood."
"why do you keep asking ridiculous questions?" he asked rhetorically before answering your question anyway. "a hood doesn't protect the face."
well, that made sense, actually. it looked like that helmet thing he wore was made of metal or something. much better protection than cotton. it was still off brand but you could respect it.
"what the hell are you wearing?" the man had exclaimed suddenly, making you furrow your brows and look back at him. his gaze was down at your feet. "how did i not notice those before?"
"clearly that stupid helmet obstructs your vision," you pouted, looking down at the cute bunnies that sat on the strip of your pink slides. "they're my slides."
"they're hideous," he told you seriously and you scoffed.
what an asshole. how dare he insult your babies like that? they were minding their fucking business, chilling on your feet. they didn't asked to be attacked like this.
"you're hideous," you retorted childishly. "my bunnies are cute, thank you very much."
"how am i hideous? you can't even see me," he reminded you, tapping on his helmet.
"your outfit is hideous. you look like... i don't know. ugly. your face is probably ugly, too," you huffed, crossing your arms.
you wished you could go back in time and not apologize for insulting him earlier. he deserved it.
"you wound me," he said sarcastically, placing a hand over his heart. "how will i recover?"
"give me your gun and let's find out," you said, holding out your hand jokingly before getting it swatted away by his.
okay, fine. he wasn't that bad. you were actually kind of enjoying the conversation and so was he.
"arrived," you heard in your ears, looking up and seeing the studio right before your eyes.
you had been so wrapped up in bantering with him that you forgot what you were doing in the first place: going back to the studio. you almost felt disappointed that you were about to go your separate ways. you had just gotten comfortable.
"this is the place," you said, gesturing up to the building. "thank you for walking me here."
"try to keep your late night excursions to a minimum."
and with that, he used his grappling hook and disappeared into the shadows of the night. creepy. kinda cool but mostly creepy.
you walked around back to the side door, letting yourself back into the studio and locking up immediately afterwards. another successful snack run. now all you had to do was wait for dex to get back.
it had been about two weeks since your encounter with the vigilante. jason had long forgotten about it. he had been at the manor, lingering around after a meeting in the cave with bruce and his brothers. he didn't like sticking around once business was taken care of but alfred offered to make him chili dogs. it was a calculated move to get him to stick around and it worked.
tim was lounging on the arm chair while dick and damian were both seated on the couch. jason stood off to the side, directing his attention to the television that sat above the fireplace. tim had been watching youtube videos all day and stumbled across a gotham insider q&a that had a clickbait-y title about vigilantes. naturally, he was intrigued and wanted to watch it with the rest of them.
"what am i looking at?" he asked, taking a bite of his chili dog.
"something hilarious. i've been waiting to show you guys all day," tim explained, grabbing the remote.
"i hope this isn't something juvenile, drake," damian chimed, resting his body against the arm of the couch.
"or gross," dick co-signed with a grimace. "we just ate."
"just shut up and watch," he sighed, unpausing the video.
jason felt a little tingle in the back of his mind at your face was on the screen. you looked familiar. he silently watched as you and jordy discussed your feelings about vigilantes. dick snorted when he heard your comment about nightwing. tim began to snicker in anticipating for the main event: the red hood argument.
as jason watched, everything made sense. you were that weird girl he walked home. that was why you asked him those stupid questions. he was a little annoyed at you calling him stupid and off brand but he had to admit the segment was funny. especially the part at the end where you were begging him not to shoot you. you seemed so much more relaxed and naturally funny than you did when he was with you that night. it almost gave him whiplash.
"you should shoot her. for good measure," damian told jason once the clip ended, making the older boy roll his eyes.
"nah. i can't shoot my bard," he smiled, making dick smile too. he had expected jason to be all grumpy about getting talked about but he seemed to be taking it fairly well. tim was kinda disappointed that jason didn't seem more bothered by it. he wanted to tease him a little.
"i think red hood payola is probably the funniest thing i've heard in awhile," dick said, laughing along with tim. even damian cracked a little smile.
jason walked back to the kitchen, recalling that night he ran into you now that he had seen the video, finally understanding why you were acting so strange.
his bard, huh? cute...
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gothamstodd · 4 years
im actually terrible at requests so I pulled a prompt from my blog: could u pls do "a door closing" (sensory prompt) & dealer's choice? thank u sm💕
homie I don’t know why you’re always giving me the most interesting prompts then saying “im actually terrible at requests”.. -asdljhga this one is just brotherly bonding btwn Jason and Damian cus sometimes you just gotta have summa that non romantic soft shit
Damian’s head whipped up at the sound, the strands of his hair that stood up from fitful sleep jerking with the movement. The padding, heavy, soft creak of foot steps outside of his bedroom door. He held his breath, silent, waiting for the steps to proceed, decrescendo to nothing as they moved to the end of the hallway. But they stood still. Silence on either side of the oak door, Damian still holding his breath, unwilling to give an indication that he was even there, whoever was on the other side standing, waiting, still.
Like a heavy crack of thunder, the violent explosion of a bomb, the handle turned, the latch moving inside the hardware. With a soft squeak of protest, the door swung halfway open, hazy orange light from the hallway spilling into Damian’s room in a strict beam.
“Hey.” Jason’s voice reached Damian with a tired coarseness.
“Todd.” Damian answered stiffly, not moving from his position, sitting up with his knees pulled tightly to his chest, gaze leveled at the door Jason had just pushed open. “What are you doing here? It’s late.”
Jason shrugged, “I was up, figured I’d check on you. I listened at your door for a second and you weren’t breathing.” He said, “But you’re fine.” He gestured toward the boy, shuffling awkwardly back a little.
Damian nodded curtly, “An invasion of privacy- listening at my door.” He noted.
Jason scratched at thick black curls over his ear, “I guess so, huh? Sorry, squirt.”
Jason watched, waiting to see Damian’s cat-like bristle at the nickname, but it didn’t come. Damian’s eyes seemed to slip out of focus, still looking toward Jason, but almost piercing through him, staring at the hallway behind, fuzzy and lost.
Jason frowned, “You alright?”
Damian’s chin jerked in something that could barely be considered a robotic nod. “I’m fine.”
Jason stepped forward, out of the light of the hallway, the cool darkness of Damian’s room shading him. “What are you doing up?”
Damian’s brow hardened into a scowl, “You woke me.” He lied, “You were loud, walking down the hallway.”
Jason raised an eyebrow, “Really?”
Damian shook his head, unsure why he was so willing to go back on his lie, “Nightmare.” He shrugged, as if it were casual, easy. It was anything but.
Jason glanced back into the hallway, then reached for the door knob. He twisted, the latch slipping back into the door before it reached the frame, when it did, it closed with a soft thud, the click of the latch absent. The gesture was something more than the swing of the door shutting, more than twisting the knob and pushing it closed. It was a conversation, an assurance, between people who could never manage to force out the right words; “I’ll stay with you.”
“I get it.” He sighed, walking into Damian’s room to sit down at the corner of the bed.
Damian thought he should snap at him, order him to leave, but the words wouldn’t leave his mouth.
Jason cleared his throat weakly, “Do you remember when Talia used to sing to us?”
“Of course.” Damian answered stiffly.
Jason only shrugged, “I can’t sing, and I don’t think you want me to.” He chuckled, “Bruce used to read to me when I woke up with a nightmare. 
Damian met his gaze with a wide curiosity, the expression new and soft on his face. He cemented himself in unfeeling again in the space of half a moment, “If you think it’ll make you feel useful.” He nodded toward the bookshelf at his side and Jason followed his gesture, “Something in Arabic.” He added hastily, solid exterior faltering.
“Hm, testing me?” Jason hummed, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
“Something like that.” Damian answered, watching Jason pull a volume from the shelf.
“Scooch.” Jason said, moving to sit down next to Damian. The younger boy would’ve normally protested, but he moved over with nothing more than a characteristic scowl.
Jason sat far enough away that he knew Damian wouldn’t feel crowded, pulling the blankets over his waist and opening the cover of the book. Within a few pages of steady reading, Damian had unfolded from his curled position on top of the covers to lay down on his side, an arm curled beneath his head as he watched the pages turn. A few more and Jason’s voice was slowing, weighed down and gaining a low, slumberous quality. Damian would’ve smirked and teased him if he hadn’t felt the same weight on his own eyelids. A quarter of the way through the novel, the book lay open in Jason’s lap, the pages fanned out in a perfect arc, their place in the story completely lost. Jason’s head had fallen back into the headboard, lips hanging gently open with even a shine of drool at the corner of his mouth. Damian lay curled into his side, head on his brother’s chest and peacefully fast asleep.
I hope you liked it! Thanks so much for the request <3
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