#jealousy culture
lookninjas · 1 year
Anyway, fuck jealousy culture in general, fuck the idea that if a person interacts with a person of a different gender they are obviously boning because that’s the only reason for interaction ever, fuck the kind of people who destroy their partner’s property because they think they’ve a right to if their jealousy shit gets triggered (if the trust is that gone just break the fuck up), fuck the idea that men can’t be abused, and fuck how hard it is to find an abused person with a kid some kind of shelter.  Fuck the way the disability system works just in general, and (and I cannot repeat this enough) fuck abusive jealous fuckheads.
That’s it.  That’s all I got.
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autopsyfreak · 5 months
‘i’m not jealous’
also me:
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writerbeemedina · 1 year
I’m begging, just ONCE can we have the boy and girl childhood best friend be genuinely happy for the other when one of them finds a significant other?? I’m so sick of these jealousy arcs and romantic crises that always involve being indecisive about who to choose like GOD just have a boy and girl be friends unquestioningly PLEASE.
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Polyamorous culture is having an interesting relationship to the concept of jealousy, and I felt like sharing mine: I mainly feel jealousy before I actually start dating someone, but not as much during.
Like, when I'm actually with someone, I don't feel much jealousy, and actually feel a lot of compersion at the thought of them also being in love with someone else as well as me.
But when its during that window of time in between realizing I have a crush on them and actually asking them out, I feel super jealous on the inside. Ironically it also happens to me after a breakup. I remember being super jealous hearing about my most recent ex talking to people, despite the fact that while we were actually together I gleefully set them up on a date.
I think its a case of jealousy hitting me when I feel insecure about the relationship. Once we're established and I know they like me, I don't get bothered by the idea of them liking other people. But when I don't know if they like me, and someone else comes along, I get anxious.
And of course being poly and feeling jealousy can lead to the interesting mix of emotions that happen when I'm jealous that my crush asked out someone else despite the fact that I already have a partner.
That is really interesting and makes a lot of sense! Thanks for sharing :D
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witchofthesouls · 4 months
Please do More DADIMUS! Fr dying from the wholesome scenarios
Optimus feels that soulless malice, and sure enough, his battle-honed instinct proves correct as he wakes to the sight of the aquatic squishmallow by his berth.
Much like the multi-faced toy, Miko shares that sharp, unblinking, predatory gaze. However, she's painfully endearing with half-hearted chewing upon the plush head, the tired slant of her wingspan, optics half-lite, and the sleepy tug of her jittery EM field.
Jack makes a questioning chirr, but he's lulled back to silence with an easy, soothing whirl of entangled fields. The dark sparkling too comfortable in his nook between the wall and Optimus' side.
Raf, too cozy and snug over the back of Optimus' neck, twitches in his sleep. Optimus feels the pup flex and curl. The smooth plating a marvel over his musculature.
Raf sneezes but doesn't budge from his makeshift burrow.
Optimus engages microtransformations along his back, creating a more comfortable indent and allowing her into his field. The connection flows easy as she quickly latches on. Words aren't needed as he layers on nonverbal confirmation to join them.
Miko immediately lunges, jumping hard enough to hook her talons on the berth edge, and scurries over his side and beneath the smokestacks to sprawl across his spinal struts like an overgrown starfish.
She purrs, nuzzling and chewing on the squishmallow in a rapid squeaks as Optimus rolls and pats her immature field in smoothing strokes. Miko snuffles, the squeaking quieting down until he could hear whiffles as her systems begin to match his own slowed ones.
All three sparklings radiate simple contentment and affection. Sparksong twirling around in his peripheral senses, anchoring deep as they needed it and falling into his rhythm as he regulates them. Optimus takes a slow moment to bask in it before slipping back into recharge.
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hilacopter · 5 months
idk who needs to hear this right now but constantly being so very sorry and feeling so very guilty over your existence as part of a privileged group is not activism and you're not a bad person for not being constantly miserable
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pricklymuffinzzzzz · 8 months
Tw bpd jealousy vent
Bpd jealousy needs to be talked about more. I have a pretty severe case of it. I get jealous any time my fp gets joy from anything especially anyone who isn’t me.
I know this is “toxic” but it really is something I’m trying to work on. I guess when they get joy from other things, it kinda makes me feel replaceable?
Like the joy I bring them can just be switched out with those other things. If I was out of their life it wouldn’t impact them and they would still be able to be happy.
But if they were out of my life I wouldn’t be able to feel any sort of joy. I feel like I’m always going to be jealous unless my fp hates everyone except me. Or talks to only me.
I really wouldn’t like this though. I want my fp to have a healthy social life. It’s just something I have to learn to deal with. At the same time my whole life revolves around my fp.
I don’t talk to anyone but them, and I really don’t like talking to anyone but them. I don’t think I’ll ever be satisfied until I know they love me the way I love them. I just wish I felt content. I hate being jealous so much.
I really am trying to work on it though. I’ve been working on it for a long time, I just don’t think it’s getting easier though :(
I really just want my fp to be happy
Does anyone have any tips to help jealousy pain?
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aro-culture-is · 9 months
Ace culture is hearing about how the Bee Movie is about a human and a bee being in a relationship, and wondering if that is just people just romanticizing the male and female leads (as people do,) or if there is actual legitimacy to what they’re saying (because it does not sound like they are joking.)
(I’m also not going to rewatch the bee movie to find out because what if what they say is true? I don’t want to know.)
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jelloholic · 3 days
If a man has a crush on a woman, I don’t get how he could even get a crush on someone else or even be attracted to someone else
I don't want to be antagonistic, but honestly, with lived experience in the matter, u get to realize that finding one person attractive doesn't automatically make everyone else in the world ugly. It's really that simple
Also, why are ya'll so upset over the interpretation of a fictional character to the point of harassing fanfic writers over it? Touch grass pls ppl (not accusing this anon, just lots of ppl have done it)
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 7 months
Summary: Mondo Owada had a girlfriend. She was perfectly nice, and pretty, and it was obvious how well the new couple were already clicking. They made a very good match indeed, and any friend of Mondo's would have been thrilled for him. So why did Taka feel like he wanted to cry?
Author: @chinateacup
Note from submitter: this is my roman empire
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bpd culture is feeling like a goddamn genius for coming up with the idea of making it seem like my fp isn’t actually my fp and someone else is so i can rant on and on about how much i like them to my actual fp and hope they get jealous in the same way i do!!!
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felucians · 6 months
something about white women swarming to mock Nara Smith doesn't sit right with me. "Tradwife" content is nothing new but the second a black woman gets a lot of attention for it, suddenly everyone has an opinion.
This isn't to say that "Tradwife" content isn't extremely problematic and that the cases of DV within Mormonism aren't a very pervasive problem but, again, it has been a consistent issue for years on many social media apps - even during 2020 TikTok, by predominantly white women.
But the second a black woman has started doing it, all the videos I see are attempts of satirical mockery of Nara Smith from white women and pushed onto a lot of tags such as "#feminism".
When has mocking a woc ever been feminist?
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bonefall · 1 year
got some Skypelt asks for ya! putting it all in one ask so I don’t spam you but it’s ok if you don’t want to answer all of them
Once Skyclan moves to the lake, do dead Skyclan warriors go to Skypelt or can they walk both skies?
Once moving to the lake, is Skypelt likely to take in DF cats? Not ones already in the DF, but in a “that was kind of fucked up, you can stay with us” kind of way. if say.. Leafpool got condemned to the DF for example
Do Skyclan medicine cats receive omens from Starclan at all or only Skypelt?
Is Skypelt just as flawed as Starclan, and if so is it in different ways? Do they have different politics or just a different culture? (Like, do they have their own “fire alone vs thistle law” or do they skew one way naturally?
i’m a Skyclan stan and love the lore you’ve given them :3c
Canon has been serving SkyClan Fans WEAKSAUCE pasta lately, I am simply out here to feed you guys. Blitz ask time!
"At the Lake, where do SkyClan's Stars walk?"
Think of Heaven like a big bubble. Any culture can dream up their own bubble, but it takes many years, ancestors, and generations to make this bubble as large and as powerful as StarClan.
Skypelt is a smaller bubble. A broken-off piece of StarClan-Prime. SkyClan is very proud of this little bubble because it's THEIRS. When they rejoined, SkyClan does not see their bubble as the same thing as the Forest Four's bubble.
So Skypelt hangs off the side of StarClan at the Lake. They are connected but still separate.
So it's totally possible for Silverpelt Angels and Skypelt Angels to go back and forth between the bubbles! There are even living cats who invoke the patrons of the other Clans. Skywatcher is popular for all five, prayed to for memory and archival.
"Is Skypelt likely to overrule unfair Silverpelt trials?"
No, very unlikely.
Skypelt oversees the affairs of SkyClan. Silverpelt oversees the Forest Four. They see these sorts of things as separate. Skypelt is really not trying to be a counterculture/rebel movement to their neighbors.
If they were to overrule in this way, it would be for a cat they had a claim to. If for some reason they had overheard Firestar's trial and StarClan sent him to the Dark Forest, Skypelt would demand for him.
In Better Bones, Leafpool was less of the cat in trial. It was Squilf, who died defying invasion orders to brutalize a nursing mother and kits. Skypelt DOES have a claim in this situation! They had also been opposed to this invasion, and Squilf had faithfully helped them before this point.
If they were willing to fight StarClan-Prime over this is a different story.
Digressing, this applies only for specific situations. Usually, no, they don't do this.
"Where do SkyClan Clerics get their omens?"
Usually Skypelt, but Silverpelt will occasionally relay one, especially for prophecies and warnings that address all Clans.
"What are the ways in which Skypelt, and the politics of SkyClan, are flawed?"
They culturally lean towards Fire Alone, with even their hardest right cats looking more like Normal Traditionalists. That includes Sharpclaw!
It would be more accurate if I gave them new terms for their positions, since they are unique political alignments.
They don't have the same concepts of "blood purity" that Forest Four do, but also don't carry the commitment to honor. Battle is not a value! It is a martial art and a means to an end, a skill that can be a tool.
Things SkyClan would be willing to consider that Forest Four have a hard time with;
Mercenary work
Human cooperation
"Dishonorable" battle tactics such as weaponry and poisons; SkyClan fights to win
Democracy and decentralized governance
Most of these things are not inherently bad, but they are significantly different from Forest Four Clan culture.
They also don't have the same reverence for scars, and different beauty standards. Surprisingly they are also more likely to have bitterness around "Free Meals," believing that a cat who has somewhere else to be shouldn't take valuable resources.
So for example they didn't allow daylight warriors to have 4 square meals like Clan cats. 2 at most, the rest should come from their humans. They do also have a fair amount of abelism in their society, unfortunately.
And Skypelt reflects that.
Skypelt never holds trials, respecting the opinions of the living in who gets let in. It's tied more to funeral practices and prayer than the judgement of the deceased.
In general, Skypelt is not nearly as haughty or self-righteous as StarClan-Prime. This could be exploited-- a Mudclaw-type or a CANON Ashfur is more likely to be sent to Skypelt than Silverpelt.
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notesfrompanihida · 3 months
i get so violently jealous i want to claw at my own skin then brutalize and murder whoever made me feel that way. cant express any of that though i just smile and shut my phone off until im not shaking from rage
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Polyam culture is having a partner getting closer with their crush and you healthily dealing with any knee-jerk possessiveness or jealousy that crops up (idk why but it tends to happen when a partner first starts or is about to get into a new relationship and then usually eases out afterwards. brain just needs some talking to ig. I am actually happy for him)
It happens to all of us sometimes! As long as we can recognize and acknowledge it, we can move past it :)
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p2ii · 6 months
aughh I don't know how to put it into words but it I really dislike the idea of nazar/evil eye because of how meanspirited/victimblamey? it is?.
like the idea that you have to keep yourself in check and protected because other people's hate and jealousy towards you will curse you. and on the other person's end the idea that your feelings will manifest negativity for other people is so... unfair ig?
like feeling hate and jealousy towards others isnt good persay but it is a natural part of being human. it kinda contributes to the whole 'though crime' (feelings crime?) idea in a way that makes me very uncomfortable.
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