#justice speeches
smokingbomber · 1 year
RP Justice Speech Compilation
At a youma poetry slam: Heed my words, you heartless demon! Plans you've wrought through Coleridge schemin', still not fit for basic dreamin', break when faced with justice gleamin'! This missive you’ve delivered through apostrophic caesura… gonna find your metered scansion in the throbbing from a beating. And your boss, he stanza lone reciting antiquated poesy while your flow is deconstructed by a justice swift and rosy, and your sins against humanity and decency are dozy so they'll ever weigh you down so hard you'll never take a bow until your reign of fail is ended with a SAILOR MOON! NOW!
In civvies: Chocolate is a treat that brings pleasure to both palate and soul when enjoyed in moderation. I won’t forgive those who abuse its delicious flavor and rejuvenating qualities in the name of fear and supernatural intimidation! You are cowardly and perverse to twist such delight into terror. I, Chiba Mamoru, will be your opponent!
Standard justice speech: Beauty magazines should be used for stylish inspiration only, not as a judgement of worth! I won't forgive anyone who tries to hurt innocent people with a wrongful interpretation of loveliness!
To a giant monster in Tokyo Bay: Those who stir from the depths to disrupt the peaceful and enjoyable off-hours of hard-working students and heroines with slovenly and oversized misconduct are no more excused if they are kaiju than if they are simply bullies! I, Tuxedo Kamen, cannot forgive you!
At a youma quiz show: People wish for adulation and fame for the hard work they do to learn everything they can! To use this desire against innocent contestants and their friends and families who have come to support them is a crime! I, Tuxedo Kamen, shall not forgive you!
Whispered in the middle of the night at an orphanage: For pretending to be a pile of delightful snow in which children play with innocent laughter, I cannot forgive you!Whatever you are. I, Tuxedo Kamen, am your opponent! So chase me right now or we might wake up the kids!
Deadpan in civvies to a friend: Anyone who would dare to use cookies in such a violently non-delicious manner is unforgivable. I won't stand for it. You don't need to thank me for allowing me to help punish that creature for his evil intents.
To a cook villain: BASE TREACHERY! How dare you waste excellent cuisine! How DARE you seek to destroy the dreams of a young maiden dedicated to bringing the delight of gourmet cooking to appreciative palates! You are a CHILD, throwing tantrums at the idea of losing! And you will ALWAYS lose in the end!
To the same cook villain who made a nice youma: How dare you create a sweet youma from a child's treat, only to let her die in your service! HOW DARE YOU STEAL the inner heart of a young girl and try to gift it to your dark mistress?!
At a play audition: A young girl's heart is the home of dreams and wishes too pure and good for you to understand, but your wickedness is not excused by your ignorance! Hell-spawned creature of darkness, who has seduced and brainwashed innocent maidens and taken that precious innocence from them, I won't stand for this! For what you have done, there can be no punishment great enough to be sure justice is done-- death is too good for you! But your death shall serve to protect the future from your curse, from your predation, your depravity--!! YOU ARE UNFORGIVABLE!!
Standard justice speech: The aspirations of young girls are nothing to be toyed with or attacked, and to use them against one in order to take her energy is unforgivable! Let the powerful love of Runealy-san's friends violently demonstrate to you the error of your ways! Allies of justice, this is the work of the Dark Kingdom! Erase its impurities from this world!
When visiting a friend and finding a burglar: This is my friend's dorm! How dare you lurk in her sanctuary, waiting for her to come home so you can ambush her! Her dormitory room is a place of excellent cooking and terrible timing, and I, Tuxedo Kamen, won't forgive you for trying to ruin her day!
Standard justice speech: Nothing-– nothing is truly hollow; no ghastly sin is forever damning! I, Tuxedo Kamen, won't stand for despair! Not for those who bring it, and not for the despair in their own hearts!
Standard justice speech: Villains who use the sweet art of harmonic vocal expression to bolster the foul trespasses of a bully who apparently consumes sentient life, I will not forgive you! I, Tuxedo Mask, oppose your evil ways!
Standard justice speech: Happiness may be fleeting, but it will always return. However, when wise old women tell young maidens with broken hearts that there are many fish in the sea, they do not intend for those fish to then exit the sea and wreak havoc on land! For intentionally misinterpreting the lovingly given adages of those kindly people experienced in the ups and downs of lives lived with conviction and valor, you will not be forgiven! I, Tuxedo Kamen, will not stand for this gross injustice!
As an example versus Fiore for a redeemed Nephrite: Flowers have a language steeped in the history and tradition of secret love, and to twist those unspoken words into a message of hatred and destruction is unforgivable. You have taken the loneliness of a lost boy and disguised lies and maliciousness with a perverse mockery of the sweet perfume of floral linguistics, and I, Tuxedo Kamen, will not stand for it!
Jokingly, OOC: Those who break the rules of grocery store fast lane checkout lines are not only upsetting the social order but inconveniencing their fellow shoppers, who have joined the queue with the understanding that having fifteen items or less would allow them to escape the store and go home to make sandwiches for their loved ones in a timely fashion! Madoka Kaname, such behavior is unforgivable, and I won't stand for it! I, Tuxedo Kamen, shall be your opponent!!
On this blog: HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! Love of, shipping of, and identification with the values and travails of fictional characters are wholesome and safe occupations in which fans of all genders and ages should be allowed to participate. Ostensible other fans who levy the terrible crush of hatred and oppression on innocent shippers and character-lovers, filling bright loving hearts with shame, darkness, and misery, and who spread this hatred to new fans who haven't yet been allowed to form their own opinions of the intellectual property in question, cannot be forgiven! I will not stand for such inconsiderate behavior! I, Smokingbomber, shall be your opponent!
Versus King Endymion in the breakup arc: AS WELL YOU KNOW, King, my love for Sailor Moon is a sacred thing: she is a girl of great strength, kindness and care, and I have fallen in love with her no less than three separate times! Once in the life before this one, whose name you bear now, once as her sweet and clumsy self who was brought up in the arms of a loving family, and once as the self-sacrificing and strong Senshi of Mystery, the soldier who embraces all! It is this unparalleled paragon of love that draws the lost from darkness which is not to be toyed or tampered with in the interest of excising my faulty communication preconceptions! How dare you use that love to create a situation that causes her pain, taking advantage of my appalling social integration, even to attempt to correct that terrible personality flaw! It is a gross miscarriage of justice, and will not be tolerated! I, Tuxedo Kamen, shall be your opponent!
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enjymemink · 6 months
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Motaz is banned from a platform owned by a Zionist, meanwhile TikTok is getting banned for being pro Palestine. Not surprised.
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thenewgirl76 · 26 days
Taking advantage of Constantine's tendency to zone out during debriefings, Danny sneaks up on him from behind while invisible and goes eldritch abomination before becoming visible.
Constantine: BLOODY HELL!
*magic blasts Danny, knocking him to the floor and causing him to revert to his normal ghost form*
Constantine: You miserable little brat! I told you to cut that shite out!
*lying on the floor wheezing in both pain and laughter*
Danny: I regret nothing
The rest of the JL and JLD members either snicker in amusement or shake their head in disappointment.
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everwalldigan · 2 months
Bruce is the type of person who crosses his arms, shakes his head in disappointment and goes: “In my TWENTY FIVE YEARS OF VIGILANTISM I have NEVER seen such astoundingly horrible behaviour” and then go on a two hour lecture
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whereserpentswalk · 10 months
Nonsexual nudity needs to be fully accepted in our society. It should be legal in public. It should be allowed in media regardless of rating or target audience. There is nothing about the human body that is inherently harmful to see or inherently sexual. Reblog if you agree.
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zynp-krdg · 5 months
Freedom of the press.
Members of the press are being detained in Texas.
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awesomecooperlove · 10 months
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alwaysbewoke · 5 months
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sushiisiu · 6 months
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(Mood Matrix)
AJ: Again with that pretentious prosecutor. He's so infuriating!
(Got it!)
AC: I can hear more joy than anger in senpai's voice despite senpai testifying on feeling infuriated. What's up with that? Oh, I know! Could it be that senpai's the type to say one thing but completely mean the other? I never took you for a tsundere!
AJ: W-what? Who's a tsundere?
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Please use this tool to fill the inboxes of university administrators! Tell them that calling in riot police on your students and letting them be attacked by mobs is unacceptable!
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The Supreme Court of Canada is being accused of engaging in anti-Black and anti-Palestinian racism. Three Black delegates were invited to the Supreme Court as a part of a delegation presenting to clerks of the court about the 2022 Halifax Declaration for the Eradication of Racial Discrimination and anti-Black racism in the justice system. The delegation had been organized by former governor general Michaëlle Jean. Three members of the delegation, El Jones, Derico Symonds and Benazir Erdimi were told only hours before the meeting that they would no longer be allowed to attend. The reason given by Supreme Court Registrar Chantel Charbonneau was because of “controversial” social media posts made by these three members of the delegation.
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Tagging @politicsofcanada
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troythecatfish · 5 months
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commiepinkofag · 3 months
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Mean Kiss
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Characters: Jude Jazza x reader/mc
Genre: hurt/comfort, fluff (if you squint)
Rating: pg13 (?)
Length: ~400 words
Warnings: mentions of violence (not active), mentions of blood/injury, jude being jude, established relationship (and bickering), brief name-calling from both sides (re: bickering) + the usual ikevil crimes (as per queen's orders)
💜 Full credit goes to @natimiles for the images! 💜
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After returning to our side of palace, Jude rambles on about how I could've gotten killed, about how I'd carelessly been kidnapped, and all the dangers I'd put myself in this past mission. You'd think we were married, the way he's scolding me.
As he comes closer, all up in my face, cigarette dangling on his lips, I grin smugly, further irritating him.
"The hell ya makin' that face for, princess?" Jude sneers.
"You talk too much," I retort.
"Oughta have yer ass pay me back for all 'a this. Tch, so annoying," he groans, running a hand through his hair as he takes another drag, exhaling as he tries to calm himself down.
"Hey Jude?" I start.
"What?" He asks, an edge to his voice as he comes closer again, amethyst eyes inspecting my body for any further damage. "Speak up, I can't hear you," he teases, done with his ogling.
"Would you just shut the fuck up-"
"Listen here you little-"
"-and kiss me already?"
"Hah?" Jude's eyes widen, cigarette dangling from his lips. His eyes then narrow, looking at me smugly. "Always knew you were a little harlot."
"Only for you, Jude." I grin, legs dangling off the corner of the infirmary table, hands slowly letting go of their grip on it. "Now are you gonna kiss me or not?"
"Why should I?" Jude retorts, but still moves in closer anyway.
"You gonna make me actually have to pay you or something? So stingy."
"Princess," he warns.
Jude laughs, leaning in with an expression so minutely different, you'd have to squint to see the way it softens when he looks at me. But I can tell, I can always tell.
"Damn right I am. An' don't you forget it."
He pulls me close into a brusing kiss at last, tasting like the cigarette that had just been on his lips, and the dried blood still on mine. Just as bitter as our cursed love will always be, even amid the sweeter moments. But I wouldn't have it any other way, even when the time comes when we're inevitably dragged to hell together.
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whereserpentswalk · 5 months
You have to be at peace with the fact that not everything you find disgusting is immoral. There's no secret way out of it.
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