#like the planet is blowing up tomorrow
jentlemahae · 2 months
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MARK LEE / POISON @ TDS3 (240504)
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solradguy · 10 months
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Johnny Guilty Gear Strive is not a single day under 37 years old. "Age: Unknown" my ass. Face of a man whose frequent all-nighters in his 20s finally caught up with him. I understand, Johnny, I empathize...
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
Really think we should start looking at a “Bail Antilles won the election over Palpatine” AU.
Like, I know Palpatine probably would’ve tried to kill him or make him appear weaker or would’ve just bided his time, but the whole series would be so funny because Bail Antilles is like, nigh unkillable. Dude only died because the planet he was on exploded, they had to blow up Alderaan to kill Bail, this man is immensely powerful.
But also, just imagine??? Palpatine would be like “Chancellor, we’re friends :) you can ask me for advice :)” and Bail would be like “oh yeah sure definitely if I ever need advice I will go to you first” but then just.. never do that.
Because! Bail’s wife is a queen! He would go to Breha first and everyone else second! Everyone would be like “it’s so hard to manipulate our new Chancellor :/“ because Bail just does not ask anyone for advice. Bail offers advice, he does not get offered advice.
Palpatine would’ve tried to kill Bail, but Bail is friends with literally so many Jedi. Bail would just be like “Hey, Obi-Wan, remember that time when you were eighteen when you-“ and Obi-Wan: “I will do whatever you ask without question if you shut the fuck up.” Bail would have Jedi with him all the time, just for funsies and because he’s pals with them. Bail would be like “oh, someone has tried to kill me again… this is an opportunity to spend more time with my dear friend Obi-Wan :)”
Palpatine would try to make Bail appear weaker and Bail would just not fall to the bait. He’d just be like “oh something is going on? Hold on a moment, I’m busy making sure the Trade Federation doesn’t do anything stupid, then I’ll be showing the Senate my fifteen-hundred page slideshow that explains why I’m being nice to the Trade Federation and how helping them will ultimately help the Republic, then I have lunch with Obi-Wan and after that I have tea with Obi-Wan and then I’ll have dinner with Padme, Breha, and Obi-Wan, so I’ll get to it after that- wait, no, Breha threatened to take over the Republic if I was home late again, so I guess I’ll have to get to that thing tomorrow ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯ “
I just… feel like we should discuss the world in which Valorum was cut from Supreme Chancellor only for Bail Antilles to replace him.
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nightprompts · 1 year
&. 𝐧𝐨 𝐩𝐮𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝: 𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  inspired from the pun book from the last of us, here are some dialogue prompts of various puns. feel free to edit and change as you seem fit. )
❛ for a fungi to grow you must give it as mushroom as possible. ❜
❛ it doesn't matter how much you push the envelope. it'll still be stationary. ❜
❛ what did the mermaid wear to her math class? an algae bra. ❜
❛ people are making apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow. ❜
❛ why did the scarecrow get an award? he was outstanding in his field. ❜
❛ what did the triangle say to the circle? you're so pointless. ❜
❛ a book just fell on my head, i only have my shelf to blame. ❜
❛ i tried to catch some fog earlier. i mist. ❜
❛ i stayed up all night wondering where the sun went. then it dawned on me. ❜
❛ diarrhea is hereditary... it runs in your genes. ❜
❛ what did the green grape say to the purple grape? breathe, you idiot! ❜
❛ i'm reading a book on anti-gravity, and it's impossible to put down. ❜
❛ what is a pirate's favorite letter? tis' the c. ❜
❛ i wasn’t originally going to get a brain transplant, but then i changed my mind. ❜
❛ what washes up on tiny beaches? microwaves. ❜
❛ why are frogs so happy? they eat whatever bugs them. ❜
❛ i don't trust trees. they're shady. ❜
❛ i was going to tell you a pizza joke, but it's too cheesy. ❜
❛ i want to be cremated as it is my last hope for a smoking hot body. ❜
❛ there’s a new type of broom out. it’s sweeping the nation. ❜
❛ did you hear about the man who lost his left side? he’s all right now. ❜
❛ what do you call a bee that can't make up its mind? a maybe. ❜
❛ i tried to make a belt out of watches. it was a waist of time. ❜
❛ i got fired from the calendar factory, just for taking a day off. ❜
❛ did you hear about the guy who got hit in the head with a can of soda? he was lucky it was a soft drink. ❜
❛ tequila may not fix your life but its worth a shot. ❜
❛ why are there fences around cemeteries? because people are dying to get in! ❜
❛ thanks for explaining the word 'many' to me, it means alot. ❜
❛ i once ate a watch. it was time consuming. ❜
❛ why are teddy bears never hungry? they are always stuffed! ❜
❛ i don’t trust stairs because they’re always up to something. ❜
❛ never trust an atom, they make up everything! ❜
❛ i couldn't figure out how to put my seatbelt on, but then it clicked. ❜
❛ how do construction workers party? they raise the roof. ❜
❛ what do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? a thesaurus. ❜
❛ when a clock is hungry, it goes back four seconds. ❜
❛ i made a pun about the wind but it blows. ❜
❛ it's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally. ❜
❛ what did the ocean say to the beach? nothing, it just waved. ❜
❛ i have a joke about chemistry, but i don't think it will get a reaction. ❜
❛ i'm on a seafood diet. i see food and i eat it. ❜
❛ why did the restaurant on the moon get bad reviews? it has no atmosphere.❜
❛ how do you organize a space party? you planet. ❜
❛ i once heard a joke about amnesia... but i forget how it goes. ❜
❛ the frustrated cannibal threw up his hands. ❜
❛ it takes guts to be an organ donor. ❜
❛ why is the mushroom always invited to parties? he's a fungi. ❜
❛ a guy walks into a bar... he was disqualified from the limbo contest. ❜
❛ jokes with punch lines can be painfully funny. ❜
❛ so what if i don’t know what apocalypse means? it’s not the end of the world! ❜
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acti-veg · 3 months
The climate crisis is often framed as primarily a problem caused by fossil fuels, and they do play an important role in heating the planet. But even if we could magically reduce fossil fuel emissions to zero tomorrow, according to data scientist and Oxford researcher Hannah Ritchie, our current food systems mean we’d still blow “well past the 1.5 degrees carbon budget, and use up nearly all of our two degrees budget”. What that ought to tell us, she added, “is that we just cannot tackle climate change without also tackling food systems”.
And beef, of which JBS is the largest producer in the world, far outpaces not only plant-based food, but other animal sources of nutrition as well, when it comes to climate impacts. Cows belch methane, and they’re largely fed grains that are grown in fertilizer-intensive monocultures where excess fertilizer causes water pollution or turns into nitrous oxide, another potent greenhouse gas, said Lehner. And that’s not even taking into account the slashing and burning of the Amazon to make room for more cattle, which JBS has been linked to many times over.
“If JBS loses – and they’re going to – I think it’s already sending a signal to major companies that you cannot just say ‘We’re Paris [agreement]-aligned.’ You cannot just say ‘We’re going to be net zero in 2030’ when you have no plan, and the curve for your climate pollution is going straight up,” said Paglia. “You cannot keep lying like this.”
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wondersinwaynemanor · 1 month
i just know that one of Dick's favorite movies is The Devil Wears Prada.
so here's me presenting a few lines from the movie that Dick definitely uses in his daily life.
Dick, with a stuffy nose: B, what time does the gala start tomorrow?
Bruce, frowns: It will begin at 7 in the evening. But hey, Chum, you feeling alright? It seems as if you have a cold.
Dick, pinches the bridge of his nose: No, no. It's nothing. I'll be okay.
Bruce: You sure? I mean, Tim and Duke will be there. You don't need to-
Dick: I'm not sick, B. I'm not sick. I refuse to be sick, I'm wearing Valentino for crying out loud.
Bruce, blinks: Um. Yes, yes you are, Chum.
Dick: Little Wing, what are you wearing??? I told you to wear the grey and black top with the black boots. I put that together for you! Why are you wearing that jacket instead?
Jason, rolls his eyes: To be honest, Dickface, I don't really care about what I'm wearing.
Dick: You should cus fashion deserves to be cared for!
Jason: I don't give two fucks about that stuff.
Dick: Stuff? Oh. Okay. I see. You think this has nothing to do with you. You go to your closet and you select… I don’t know… that lumpy black jacket for instance because you’re trying to tell the world that you take yourself too seriously to care about what you put on your back...
Jason, rolls his eyes: You're really quoting to me? To me?
Dick, groans: We get it, Jay, you're the literate one. I can read too, ya know.
Jason: You mean repeat that movie over and over?
Dick, blushes: Hey, you watch it with me!
as Nightwing ties up the goon, he stares at the shirt he's wearing.
Goon, spits blood on the floor: What are you staring at, Wing?
Nightwing, clicks his tongue: You have no style or sense of fashion.
Goon, blinks: What does that have to do with--
Nightwing, shakes his head: No, no, that wasn't a question.
Batman, shoving the goon on the wall, growls: Talk!
Red Hood, his hand on his holster: You better start opening your mouth or I'll blow it up.
Goon, shivers from fear: Fine, fine... It wasn't me. I was paid an amount.. I needed--needed the money.
Red Robin: Then what was the kid doing in your apartment???
Black Bat looks like she's ready to knock the goon out any minute.
Goon: It wasn't me, I swear. Please, believe me. I'm innocent. It was-
Nightwing, raises his hand: Details of your incompetence do not interest me.
the rest of the Bats look at Nightwing. white lenses of their masks or cowls would definitely scare anyone. especially when they're staring at you like that in the darkness.
Nightwing, smiles: What?
Dick, finishes the information of their plan: Okay, that's it. Does anyone have any questions?
the rest of the Titans members either shake their head no except Wally, who is smiling up at Dick like he's the sun.
Dick: Oh, to add, don't forget to have the serum on your suits as the toxins in that planet may be deadly. Okay?
the Titans nod at him.
Dick, smiles at his team: That's all.
Donna, giggles: So how many times have you seen The Devil Wears Prada this week, Boy Wonder?
Wally, shakes his head fondly: I think it's too many to count.
Dick, laughs: No one shall judge me.
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kid-az · 9 months
All Tomorrow’s: Vanga Vangog’s Processor and Asteromorph’s HC’s
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The grand finale of this saga of Vanga’s posthumans, and this one is on one of the saddest stories among the posthumans, the Mantelopes! In canon they had been born in bodies that made them unable to meaningfully interact in the world inspite of their sapience, and this would disappear quickly in a few thousand years as their songs of sorrow turn into regular mating songs and bellows.
Of course, that had not happen in Vanga’s timeline. Instead, the Asteromorph’s took interests on these posthumans due to the realization of their high intellect. This process, at first merely one of master and servant, would become a symbiotic one for both parties, with the Processors acting as the Asteromorph’s brains and memory-keepers, and the Asteromorphs the Processors hands and (Relative) brawn.
You can do a surprising amount with just a brain, and the Processor’s are the penultimate conclusion of that question, their relationship with the Asteromorphs making their empire far more technologically advanced and powerful than in canon, ironic considering the Asteromorph’s themselves wouldn’t become bigger brained.
-Their curious minds and natures made Processor’s extremely excited and interested on learning new ideas and things, to the point that they and the Asteromorph’s would make earlier contact with the Second Empire in this timeline, learning about all of their cultures and sharing some of their technology and ideas. This also had the benefit of stopping the Gravital’s from killing everyone.
-They kept their ancestral traditions of singing songs, their laryx (Voice box) being the only thing other than their brain to grow in size. Only instead of singing exclusively sorrowful songs, they instead sung songs of hope, rage, and so many other different emotions, including those only they can feel. Their laryx were so developed that they could mimic a ton of different sounds we couldn’t, including metal guitars, chainsaws, plane jet engines, and stuff that is beyond our hearing range.
-Most Processors are born offworld in the zero-gravity habitats of their Asteromorph Symbiotes, though there is still a very sizable trillions of them living in their home-Star system. This birthplace is effectively their version of Mecca, as almost every Processor visits once to several times during their lifetime. (With help from Asteromorph’s of course.)
-The Asteromorph’s are much less reclusive than in canon, and in fact a sizable amount of the population are now living in space habitats or even low-gravity worlds of other posthuman species. The highest populations of them live alongside the Modular People, Stickmen, Pterosapien’s, and the Satyriac’s .(Even they need to cut loose and party!)
-The Asteromorph’s knowledge of their ancient history, alongside the Processor’s general intelligence and assistance from the Second Empire, allowed them to find their ancestral homeworld earth far earlier. No one would inhabit the planet however, instead deciding to seed the almost deserted planet with new life from each of their worlds and millions of years later, when the sun threatens to blow up, they safely move earth into a new star system, allowing the introduced, establish and possibly sapient life to flourish.
-The Asteromorph’s and Processor’s of later times treat eachother like friends or even siblings, with an eachother being paired so long as they get along very well.
-After reaching connecting eachother’s consciousness’s, the Processor’s would offer their Asteromorph and other posthuman brethren the ability to do so as well, with them being able to agree or decline however they see fit.
-Once finding the Qu, this Posthuman empire would not horrifically mutate or kill every last one of them, instead deciding to strip them of all of their biotechnology, take down their leadership, and having them live alongside as equals….. the posthuman’s unwilling to stoop down to their abusers level.
-Like in canon, they would all disappear from this galaxy, but instead of it being a relatively ambiguous fate, the Author’s species would discover what had truly happened to humanity……… in that they had reached apotheosis and have left this universe altogether, instead deciding to seed new universe and life, so that they may love today, and seize all tomorrows.
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soup-spoonn · 4 months
The boy at the gala pt.2
“So, you’re telling me that this kid knocked out the joker with one blow, and asked for help while getting in a car with Vlad freaking Masters? And we’re supposed to believe that?” Dick asked incredulously.
“That’s what I said, isn’t it? This kid could be in trouble and we need to figure out how to help him.”
“He knocked out the joker with one blow, how much danger could he possibly be in?”
“I don’t know, but he asked for help so we need to do whatever we can.”
Bruce was doing research on Masters and found that he adopted the boy, who’s name is Daniel James Fenton, who’s family unfortunately passed in a lab accident a few months ago. The police department suspected foul play was involved, but didn’t investigate for some unknown reason.
“This is getting interesting.” Dick said, leaning closer to the monitor.
“Daniel, why did you do that?!” Vlad started yelling as soon as they arrived at his mansion.
“I told you I didn’t wanna be there. And anyway, he was gonna hurt that little girl!”
“You couldn’t have left it to the city police department? It’s kind of their job!”
“They wouldn’t have arrived in time! I didn’t want anyone to get hurt!”
“Okay and what about you? What if you got hurt?!”
“That’s not gonna happen, I’m half dead, remember?!”
Vlad turned red, which is apparently something he does when he’s angry.
“That still means you’re half alive, and still in danger!”
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?!”
“I could turn you in to the GIW whenever I want to! You’re legally not sentient, not human!”
Danny tensed at the mention of the GIW. He couldn’t believe Vlad would stoop so low as to threaten him with… them.
“What does that make you?” Danny asked, leaving Vlad standing in the middle of the entryway with a shocked expression.
Danny went upstairs to his room, which he decorated with stars and planets stuck to his ceiling and lights where the stars are.
He almost sprinted to his laptop and started a video call with Sam and Tucker when he saw what time it is, 6:59.
They made it a little tradition of theirs to call exactly at 7:00 PM every night.
They picked up almost immediately.
“Danny!” They yelled in unison.
His core felt safe hearing their voices.
“Hi guys, how’re you?”
“Good, we took a test today, you would’ve totally aced it.” Sam said.
“It was on the solar system!” Tucker said, excited.
“I think we only might’ve passed because of your ranting for hours” Sam giggled, “anyway what did you do today?”
“I went to another stupid party with Vlad.”
“Where was it?” Tucker asked.
“Some weird place called Gotham City. It was super boring, and we had to take a jet to get there.” Danny paused, “something weird did happen though,”
“What happened Danny?” Sam asked, looking genuinely curious.
He smiled and continued, “some weird clown guy and his annoying goons came in and started monologing, he was gonna hurt a little girl though, so I knocked him out. Everyone was super surprised, am I supposed to know who he is?”
“Wait you said in Gotham?” Tucker asked.
“Yeah, why?”
Sam and Tucker exchanged a look.
“That was the joker, he regularly attempts to kill everyone in gotham but there’s a guy who dresses like a bat and stops him.”
“So someone who regularly attempts mass murder and a furry vigilante both live in Gotham? Weird”
Sam and Tucker started laughing when he said that.
“There are more too!” Sam said.
“What, furry vigilantes, or mass murderers?”
“Both!” Tucker choked out.
Danny felt a smile tugging at his face, the type of smile that he only has when he’s talking with Sam and Tucker.
A genuine smile.
“Daniel, dinner!” He heard from down the stairs.
Danny groaned and apparently Sam and Tucker heard too, who tensed at the sound of Vlad’s voice.
“Guys, I have to go. Vlad gets all pissy when I don’t eat dinner with him, and I just yelled at him so I’m in deep shit already.”
“Okay, bye Danny, we’ll talk to you tomorrow,” Sam said.
“Bye Danny, visit soon!” Tucker said before Danny smiled and closed his laptop.
Danny really does want to visit, he just doesn’t think Vlad would even consider letting him.
I could totally just leave…
Danny shook his head as if to get rid of the thought.
No, not again.
“Daniel! Dinner!”
Danny groaned again and stormed down the stairs to see Vlad at the table, accompanied by a man in a white business suit.
No way he actually followed through with it.
“Hello, Daniel.” The man said.
part one:
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binart · 11 months
SRPA Chapter 3
(First) (Previous) (Next)
(Content warning for hallucinations, dissociation & PTSD episodes!)  
In late evening of the next day, Keith messaged Lance.
All members of their team had retreated back to their rooms (though Hedrox and En suspiciously left together), and Lance had just finished a call with his mom. She apologized like she did in all of them, for crying. But she clearly missed him just as much as he missed her.
As Lance grabbed some tissues from the shelf above his bed to blow his nose with, his phone next to his pillow dinged; the specific beep to indicate one of the old Voltron crew was messaging him. He dove for it.
A text from Keith, “Samurai 😫✨💦” in his phone, read: “Meeting with the team tomorrow. 0700. Deploying in the PM. See you then.”
One thing Lance found really endearing about Keith was his old person way of texting. If someone mixed Keith's texts in with his dad's, they'd be practically indistinguishable aside from the subject of the texts. He scrolled up to their last conversation.
“Good training. En wanted extra pointers. Staying behind for a bit.”
                                “K, I'll save u some of those spicy green chips u like 👍”
“Good luck........... Chip fiend Hedrox won't be happy. L. O. L.”
                                 “🤣 Thanks for the heads up man! See you soon.”
“Over and Out.”
“L. O. L !”
He set his phone down and buried his face into the softness of his mattress. Then he threw his pillow across the room for good measure. He went about his nightly routine a little lighter despite the homesickness pulling at his chest, and wondered what they'd be doing tomorrow. They still hadn't gotten a replacement for Torat, and Hedrox confirmed there was still possibly a weeks-long wait before they could move on any intel from the bugged base. Maybe they'd be going on a super spy infiltration somewhere? Though there were plenty of other things the Blade of Marmora was doing these days too. They were trying to become a more public-facing organization, after all.
Slipping into a hazy state of half-consciousness before long, Lance only vaguely registered a far away blue flash against his closed lids, and an oddly familiar fuzzy jostling of his arms before falling asleep.
0700 on the dot. He arrived at the team meeting room, same one as where they gathered the last time, only now without Torat leaning up against the wall. As Lance walked in to see the others already there and waiting, he wondered what the big guy was doing now. He'd been transferred to a different team, but that was about all he knew.
“Morning, Lieutenant.” Kestin, though usually pretty quiet, was the first to notice him, and waved. Keith looked up from the hologram table he was studying with En and Hedrox, and smiled.
“Mornin'.” Lance was still a little tired despite mostly adjusting to the longer day cycle, but everyone else seemed full of energy. En sharply saluted him, then turned back to face Keith.
“Hey Lance, sleep well?” Lance nodded in between a tired yawn. “Pff, you sure?”
“I got my nine hours, I just had a super weird dream..” He'd dreamt of one of those pretty furry moths back on Earth, except huge, that kept trying to lick his face and sit on him. It was mildly terrifying. “Anyway, I'm good. What's going on with this mission?”
“Big supply delivery to a colony. I'll show you the details.” From all around, everyone approached the table and regarded the screen sat within it. Just as before, a series of images with accompanying text lit up in the 3-d display. Lance eyed a familiar looking planet.
“Elysium-2?” Keith nodded.
“You've seen the news, then. Good. The refugees from the original settlement landed about half a year ago, and we're gonna hand out some medical and food supplies that are running lower than initially projected.”
“And actually—the Blade wasn't the only one to volunteer to offer supplies, but the Inter-galactic Coalition thought it might be good PR for us,” Hedrox supplied as he raised a lanky finger. “Looootta people are still afraid to trust us since, y'know. Most of us are half-Galra and all..”
There was a brief silence, then En leaned forward and regarded his teammate with lowered brows. “A prejudice we shall eradicate, in time.” Hedrox tilted his head back and forth in a strange motion before letting out a watery chuckle.
“That we will! Anyway, what are our roles, Commander?”
“..We'll be working distribution and security. There's a couple of teams on this for the different areas of the settlement given how big it is, and we'll be stationed here.” He pointed to a glowing yellow point on the planet-sphere in front of them. It swiftly zoomed in to show a 3-d rendering of the area. Two additional yellow spots appeared. “We'll drop down and hand out supplies here, and monitor security over here.” One of the dots was placed within a very modern looking building, similar in design to the ones quickly built back when New Altea was being settled.
“There's been reports of potential suspicious movement in the system, so in case anything happens, we want our best on sight.” Keith looked at Lance. “You in?” Immediately Lance's face grew hot. He certainly didn't feel like he deserved to be called their best, but he cleared his throat and gave a assured 'mhm!' regardless. “Good, that's everyone on board, then. We'll go over the specifics of the layout and the expected timeline for everything going down. After that we'll grab our gear and Kestin will take us in.”
Pre-mission anxiety skimmed and bubbled in the pit of his stomach once again, but this time Lance found it a little easier to ignore.
Touchdown was at 1300. Kestin joined up in the atmosphere with two additional fighter pilot personnel manning the supply ships to make up B squad; Keith's team, Kolivan's team, and another Blade commander called Thiga's team. Landing went without incident from teams A to D who kept in close contact despite the miles of distance between them. Lance gripped his sniper rifle's strap across his torso tightly when the ship lurched to a stop and snuck a subtle glance at his friend beside him.
For this mission, he'd be separated from Keith. Lance was, embarrassingly, more anxious about that than anything else. It was important for higher profile blade members like Kolivan and Keith (as well as Krolia in D team) to be the face of the operation, and so they would be handing out supplies to the residents. There was potential danger there if the reports of suspicious movement were to be believed, and so Lance was pretty sure that's why Keith delegated Lance to overseeing the security division of their group. He and Hedrox would rendezvous with the blades under Thiga's command in the building across the way from the supply ships, then from there observe to make sure everything went smoothly. He didn't like the idea of Keith openly risking himself while stashing Lance away, but was surprisingly too embarrassed to say anything. His mask was activated, and as the doors to the shuttle hissed open, Lance headed towards the exit.
“Hey Lance.” He turned around to face an also masked Keith. “Watch my back out there, alright?” Lance thought about his only strength—his aim, and how he'd probably be useless if he were at Keith's side like he wanted to be.
“..You bet. Careful out there, Keith.” He nodded, and Lance picked up his pace to meet up with Hedrox.
His nest this time was a lot different from the last; A large office-like space within the building had been cleared out to make way for several massive server-looking machines that were clearly Marmorite-y in design. He had no idea what they were for. Hedrox and Lance entered to find the security team already there and settled in. When they noticed their approach, all but one of the members of Commander Thiga's team whipped up and gave sharp salutes. “Lieutenant!” There were six of them in total, all of various size and race behind their masks, and stood stone rigid in front of him as he shifted uncomfortably. Normally Lance would have loved to be treated with such clear importance, but he was distracted by the unease of not being able to see if Keith was okay.
“Uh, at ease, soldiers.” He wanted to get himself set up at the windowed opening straight away, but realized he should probably do the leader stuff he was meant to do. “Status?”
“Ready and at your command, Lieutenant!” The shortest blade rumbled in the deepest voice Lance had ever heard. “And might I add what an honor it is to work alongside a Paladin of Voltron..!” Lance jerked, then immediately caught himself and stiffly walked over to the windowed opening. He turned away.
“Cool, cool, uh, I'll set my stuff up here, and you guys do... your thing. Let me know if anything happens.”
The stony line of blades once again saluted, and quickly set about their work. Hedrox pulled out some supplies from their blade-issued backpack, and sidled over to Lance.
“You good, Lieutenant..?” He whispered through their personal comms as he set up several tablet devices next to Lance. With his rifle now pointed towards the platform in front of the supply ships where Keith was standing, Lance breathed out a small chunk of worry. His right ring finger tapped the comms button on his palm.
“Why'd Keith make me leader? I dunno how to lead! I'm just here to shoot bad guys if they show up.” Hedrox snorted.
“Oh, I dunno, Lieutenant. Maybe because the Commander always goes on about how much everyone respects you, and how insanely skilled you are, and how much he trusts you?” Lance whipped his head up to look at them so quickly his neck clicked.
“H-He said all that..?!”
“Uh-huh. It's also favouritism for sure, but you still absolutely deserve to be here if that's what you're worried about.”
“Distribution commencing, Lieutenant,” a blade informed from off to the side. Lance studied Keith in his scope next to Kolivan and some other masked blade that was probably that Thiga guy, and swallowed to help with his suddenly very dry throat. En was there, too, loading the heavier of the alien supply crates onto hovering carts.
“U-Understood, thanks.” He pressed the button on his thumb once again. “I didn't know Keith said all that stuff!” Hedrox once again tilted their head strangely as they typed away.
“Really? I thought with how obvious the both of you are about your feelings for each other, you already knew..” Lance nearly fumbled his rifle then and there. His pulse picked up as his face grew sweaty.
“F-Fee—Um! What?!" Quiznack, why were they talking about this?! And how did he know?!
“Lieutenant... Come on. Or, actually... Would it be helpful if I told you how much I love the intricacies of human social interactions? And humans in general. You guys are so cool and interesting, so uh. I tend to notice that sort of stuff.” From beneath his hood, Hedrox's little sunflower bots fluttered to life around him. “But both of you are also super obvious.”
Lance was at a loss for words. Under his mask he knew he was red as a beet as he watched Keith unmask and start handing out supply kits to the forming lines of residents. His ponytail had gotten a bit loose and strands once again framed his handsome face. He was smiling.
“Keith's—I mean. He's—into guys?” His hands were sweaty now too, with his arms beginning to shake from holding them so tightly still. He hoped nothing was going to happen, because his aim was definitely shot!
“Maybe not all of them, but you? Yeah, Lieutenant, yeah. Very. It's really sweet how much he likes talking about the stuff you guys used to do together! Hmm.. I just assumed you two were already a thing, though, so maybe it's not really my place to talk about this. My bad.”
“No, uh, I was—Like I didn't know if Keith was into—“ Lance lifted his right hand away from his rifle to gesture at himself and distantly wondered how crazy he looked to the other blades who couldn't hear their conversation. He retreated back to his position. “So I didn't wanna. Assume? A-Anyway!” Frantically Lance desperately searched his mind for something else to talk about, because this was quickly becoming too much to deal with. “Human behaviours? That's your thing? How'd that come about?” Hedrox chuckled.
“Subject change, understood. Yes! Humans are the coolest—I'm gonna move to Earth someday, so I started studying your speaking and social patterns so it's easier to fit in. And because it's fun.”
From through his scope, Keith raised a hand to his ear, nodded, then continued to pass out supply canisters. “Huh.. Why us? I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of cooler alien species out there than plain old humans.”
“Now that's where you're wrong, Lieutenant! Humans are fascinating. All so similar, yet none exactly the same.” They pressed their back up against the plain, modern wall next to Lance. “..On my planet, conformity was umm.. kind of a given. Our ancestors were actually a hivemind, so.. we stay close to our roots and expectations.” A hivemind? Lance could recall only a single occasion where team Voltron interacted with one of them, and it was super weird.
“Data crunching comes really easily to most of us,” Hedrox continued. “And I actually found out about Earth when I was snooping around the Blade database of our highest ranking members and found—um, the Commander's mom. Super classified, by the way, don't tell anyone I was doing that.” Lance laughed.
“Reminds me of Pidge, but yeah, my lips are sealed dude, don't worry.”
“Coolies, thanks. Anyway when I learned about Earth I quickly discovered all of the amazing things you guys have like movies, and music, and so many different cultures, and—and individuality in general! Also, related, I'm insanely ugly by Yorith standards. Look.” Lance obeyed and turned his head to watch as Hedrox's mask shifted away from his face,
and one of the most shockingly attractive faces Lance had ever seen appeared. Blue tinged skin, rosegold eyes with soft lashes, near-glowing long golden locks curling around a sharp but also somehow soft jawline, intricate neon swirling designs tracing around the outer portions of his face and onto his horn... Maybe not as much of Lance's type as Keith was, but man oh man he was hot hot.
“........Dude. You're hot, what?”
“I know, right?!” Quickly, they reactivated their mask when they saw the other blades turn to examine them. “One day me and En are gonna settle down on Earth and I'm gonna be a crazy popular stone—er, rockstar, that is. That's my dream.” Some of his tiny floating bots scooted out of the window as he curled his legs in close, and Lance wondered what his and En's relationship was. “But only once the empire is totally gone.”
From the opening his rifle was pointed out, excited chatter from the beings below drifted upwards and into his ears. There was a sizable crowd now, and Lance listened to Hedrox as he kept his eyes peeled for threats. “Yeah, I get it. Too risky otherwise. My family's in New Altea just in case they keep attacking..”
Hedrox sighed. “Yup.. The empire invaded my home planet half a millennia ago and everything sucked, of course. But when I was growing up it was at least always.. quiet. Then one day they sent in some giant planet cracker and destroyed it. For some rare material near the core used to make ship parts.” Lance went cold, and thought of his old house, half buried beneath rubble and waves.
“Geez.. Sorry to hear that.”
“It's okay.. I've had a while to get over it. That's also where I met En, actually! He was in charge of the mining operation before he double-crossed the empire for killing most of his crew.”
“En.. worked for the empire?” Sharp, immediate fear pierced Lance as he watched the very same alien pass close by keith with a large hover cart. He obscured his vision of Keith for a moment before continuing on to the residents below. “C-Can we trust him?!” His breath sped up, and his scope immediately honed in on En's masked head.
“Yeah, don't worry, Lieutenant, he's trustworthy. His non-Galran half makes it so that, when he bonds with someone, it's a lifetime thing. He's got a rough exterior, sure, but only to keep his extra soft inside parts safe!” Lance still felt queasy watching them move around so closely to Keith. “And if you need more convincing,” Hedrox began, and pulled off one of his gloves. He lifted up his palm, and it glowed a brilliant color Lance couldn't even put a name to. “On top of all my amazing gifts and genius, I can read souls.” His fingers wiggled. “Hivemind remnants, and all that. He's good people, I checked very thoroughly, since originally I was gonna, uh. Kill him.”
Man, that was a lot to take in. “...Okay, I guess—Yeah, I trust you, at least. I'm just worried about—I dunno, something happening to Keith.”
“I get you, Lieutenant, all of us are pretty much the same. The Commander's the whole reason we were even able to do anything with our lives, after all. We basically owe him everything.”
Before Lance could respond, he noticed a subtle shift of Keith's head, before his eyes widened. A blade made a noise of concern from beside him, Keith shouted something, then En dashed towards Keith and grabbed him. Lance moved to immediately take him out, and then—a massive explosion.
The force of it reached Lance and the rest of the security team as the building gave a violent shudder, though he couldn't see an impact crater. Dust and smoke filled their view, and Lance quickly pressed his comms. “Keith?! You okay?!” Rapidly he pulled his scope around to try and see past the debris. Hedrox sent out all of his drones, then began furiously typing away at his console. For a moment there was no response. Then,
“Ugh.. I'm alright.” Keith's strained voice filtered into his ears, and he coughed. “En's hurt. D squad was just attacked too. Can you see anything from up there?” Lance quickly scanned the horizon again, still just as obscured. Screams and wails came from down below.
“Just getting smoke and dust up here..!”
“Must be a smokescreen. Kestin, what's your status?”
Kestin spoke in a mildly panicked tone into their comms. “The ship's controls are jammed. Something external. If we can get it online I can activate thrusters to help with visuals. Hedrox?”
They were already out the door. “I'm grabbing En, then I'll come help.” Lance turned back and squinted through the obscurity. In the corner of his eye, a hundred or so meters away from Keith, something glowed. Purple. He swivelled and pointed his rifle, zoomed in, recognized the glowing insignia, then fired.
“Your 3 o'clock, incoming sentry drones, guys!”
A small hoard of bright, glowing purple poured into view. They weren't running, no—there were barely visible bursts from jet-boosters coming from the swarm's backs. Some of the other security blades began firing away on their own rifles alongside Lance. But there were what looked to be hundreds. The telltale sound of galran rifle firing began at the same time as another explosion roared off to his right. The foundations shook. Lance couldn't breathe.
Focus. Focus! Find Keith. Keep him safe.
The smokescreen thinned slightly for a moment and Lance spotted Keith next to Kolivan, carrying a limp En with his arm under their shoulders. Another set of glowing insignia's erupted from his right.
“9 o'clock too. Couple hundred drones on both sides!”
“Keep us covered until Hedrox can get us into the ship.” He watched as Keith immediately vanished from his view, followed by Kolivan and then En. From his wrist, he watched as the battery on their cloaking began to drain.
Didn't need to tell him twice. “Roger.” He switched his rifle to rapid-cooldown mode so he could fire off more shots, held his breath, then began to take them out.
Easy. No complexity to their movements. Lining themselves up to be mowed down. Hedrox's cloaking went up, too. More screaming from down below. Couldn't worry about civilians. Keep Keith safe. Exhale, inhale, position, fire, position, fire, position, fire, position, fire. Exhale. Distantly,
“Alrighty, in we go!” The doors to the shuttle opened, but some sentries from his left had nearly made it there already. Nope, no no no! Not today. Immediately he took them out.
“You six, focus on the eastern sentries!” Lance barked a command to the other blades with him. They were all obnoxiously slow, and he couldn't rely on them to help with the sentries already too close to Keith. He had to do it himself. The sky brightened, and so did the ground, and Lance, once again, took aim.
It was impossible to say how long it was until Hedrox and Kestin brought the ships back online and activated their thrusters. He was lost to the repetition of taking aim, firing, taking aim, firing. His vision swam, his wrist ached, his rifle was his old bayard again, but he was going be damn sure no one could hurt his friend.
And then, wind. The flash of light and familiar sound of the ships bursting to life; a booming twister whipped up the smokescreen that was making his job harder until it was nearly cleared away. Civilian bodies on the ground came into clear view. Don't look.
To his right, through the light filling his mask, too many sentries were still closing in. Still a threat. Keith. Inhale, position, fire, position, fire, position, fire, position, fire.. No response?
His rifle was overheated. The other blades were still too slow. Useless. He arose from his weapon, and would apologize for bruising egos later on after Keith was safe. The other sniper closest to him was the big one who didn't salute, though was easy enough to pry off and throw out of the space he needed to work. Back looking through a scope, inhale, position, fire, position, fire, position, fire. The sentries fell like flies. He could do this, he could be helpful.
“Lance, status?!”
“East and west sentries just about taken care of.” ..Was that his voice? He sounded weird. Like he was talking through a mile of water. Huh. His bracers had at some point shifted into his paladin uniform again, too. Now that Lance had a second to think about it, that was also pretty strange. Was something wrong with him?
“Commander, look—he's right! How'd they—”
“—Com..mand..er! These tactics.. are known to me.. We are being.. herded. Southern f-forces... We must needs—evacuate.” Man, En spoke annoyingly slow. The rest of the sentries to his left and right were already downed by the time they finished gasping out the intel. Lance grabbed another blade's sniper rifle and slipped through the opening of the building, activating his boosters so he could get around to the other side and start taking care of the rest. His pulse was surprisingly quiet as he landed down on the ground next to the corpse of Silvio.
“Heyy, uhh, Keith?” Several miles of water now, his voice was barely audible to himself. He wasn't sure if Keith even responded. “'Think something might be wrong with me. Dr. Nguyen was prob'ly right. I'll tell you after. ” He laughed at how easy it was to admit to Keith now, when he promised himself he'd never breathe a word.
A whisper of a voice. Keith? Impossible to tell. The light in his mask was near blinding, but he rounded the first corner of the building, watched a hilariously massive swarm of sentries arise from a crater in the ground, looked back for a second at the ship Keith was on, then, somehow, looked at it from above.
His bones felt strange. There was wind pushing all around him. Oh, he was flying. How did that happen? He tried to laugh but water came up.
And for a second, he thought he heard Blue.
CLIFF HANGER! okay so one of my goals has been to get across that Lance is a very unreliable narrator, and has avoidant tendencies where he doesn't like to think about the things that upset him (let alone talk about them!!), so I hope that's come across in these chapters! I wanted to vaguely hint at things like, for example, his old therapist (Dr. Nguyen) at one point recommending Lance not becoming a soldier again. Or how Lance planned on never telling Keith about that since obviously Keith wouldn't have invited him to be a Blade if he knew, & would probably feel really guilty! But I also worry I'm being too vague, so. I at least want to offer some clarity and context here. 🤣 Apologies if it's confusing at times!
ALSO. Kosmo has taken to teleporting into Lance's room and cuddling with him almost every night. This will be revealed to Lance later on LMFAO.
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prolix-yuy · 1 year
Rising Phoenix
Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader
Summary: The Mandalorian offers a gift greater than he imagined.
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: M, allusions to sexual acts, some heavy petting, flirty banter up the wazoo, minor injury treatment, hand kink, hand worship, plot? Plot. While this story is not explicit, my blog and the content shared on it is 18+ MINORS DNI.
Notes: Is this an excuse for me to put all of my favorite things about Mando into one story? Yes, yes it is. Including making fun of that tin can man's ridiculous fashion choices.
Takes place after If the Moon Walks Out.
Cross-posted on AO3
I Think of You Series Masterlist
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Mando is hiding something from you.
If anyone on the outside was looking in, they’d think the opposite. They might even say he’s being more open than in months. After the bite and subsequent breakdown (which you’re still a little embarrassed about), Mando started showing you how he runs the Crest. Walking you through a takeoff sequence, demonstrating what the other buttons along the cargo hold walls do.
(you didn’t know there was a button to close Mando’s cramped cubby)
(might come in handy when you want a little privacy)
You were appreciative at first, until Mando started disappearing in the evenings with no warning or explanation. One minute he’d be feeding the child, the warm thrum of your cavewoman brain revving up -
(he wiped the child’s mouth with the edge of his cape and you had to go take a breather in the kitchenette)
- the next moment he was gone, up in the cockpit or down in the hold, wherever you’re not. A whiff of solder sometimes wafted by, or the clunk of metal on metal reached your ears. You’re curious, endlessly so, but if there’s one thing you would not betray, it’s the trust Mando has finally given you.
(he’ll come to you when he’s ready)
Instead you prepare food and tidy the hold and read on your holopad until he returns, either to bid you goodnight with the child tucked into his arm, or to put him down before sneaking back to you, large hands on your hips a precursor to his hushed question:
“Can I have you tonight, Mesh’la?”
(more often than not your nights end with him inside you)
But as the days continue, another bounty on the horizon, your treacherous mind begins toying with your insecurities. The next planet wasn’t far but Mando’s taking his time, making short hops instead of fast travel. When you questioned it, the threat of Imps and blaster residue in your nostrils, he said it was to show you how to hop in and out of hyperspace.
(the holopad full of calculations makes your head spin)
(you hold it like a lifeline)
“Mando, I appreciate you taking my feelings to heart, but moving this slow…aren’t we tempting our luck?” you finally asked, legs crossed in the jump seat when Mando pulled out of hyperspace yet again.
“I’m willing to press it,” he replied, “but not much longer. Tomorrow we land.”
“Could have landed three days ago,” you said, goading Mando to turn to you. He cocked the helmet, which still managed to thrill you, and leaned back.
“I thought you enjoyed my company,” he said, the tease making you smile. “You certainly did last night.” Your face turned molten as you played up a salacious gasp.
“That was a low blow, Mandalorian, you won’t get many more nights like that if you use them against me,” you scolded, biting back a bigger smile when Mando stood up to tower over you, cocking his hip.
(what you wouldn’t give to leave a mark on the flesh there)
(make him wear it under the armor)
(your own symbol of devotion)
“That’s an empty threat,” he said coolly, making you roll your eyes before he tucked his knuckle under your chin, swiping his thumb over your lower lip.
(a Keldabe kiss is one thing)
(this kiss is only for you)
“Only a little longer, Mesh’la. I promise it’s worth it.” he said, quieter, and you nodded, wrapping your hand around his wrist. One squeeze before he moved to the cargo hold.
“I was going to show you how to dump the waste reserves today,” he called up the ladder as he descended.
“Oh thank the Maker, the suspense was killing me!”
You chased his huffed laugh.
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An arid planet comes into focus, the child perched in your lap as Mando begins descending into the atmosphere.
“We’re a day early, bounty’s not expected to be on world until tomorrow,” Mando says as the Crest leans into entry, hull shaking against the heat as it skims over the bubble-like surface of the atmosphere.
“What should we do until then?” you ask, lifting the child a little higher so he can watch the descent. “Looks like a dry planet, Bean, no frogs for you.” His trill of disappointment makes you wonder, yet again, if he understands you more than the energies you assume he’s reading. The thought is dashed from your mind as you focus on Mando’s technique, riding the curve of the planet until gravity begins to tug you down in your seat. The Crest dives like a much more graceful bird than her silhouette, weaving through clouds and pockets of rougher air as a stretch of open land surges up to meet you. With a gentle lurch (good job landing Mando), you’re back on solid ground and the child is chirping at his father.
“Yeah kid, we can go outside. We’re far out, should be safe,” Mando says, directing the last part of the sentence to you. As you make your way to the ramp Mando calls down.
“Wear something warm.”
Your head cocks at the request.
“It’s a desert, I’ll cook alive.”
“Trust me.”
You exchange a look with the child, who lifts and drops his ears in as close of an approximation to, “Beats me.” You shrug on a long-sleeve shirt (one of Mando’s old ones, you still covet a few) and comfortable boots. Giving the button a slap, you wait for Mando by the cargo ramp as hot air blows into the hold.
“I don’t agree with your opinion on the climate,” you call back, turning when his footsteps near. “I think the armor’s skewed your perception of heat.”
“You’ll need it for this.”
In Mando’s hands is a harness, leather straps reinforced with thick thread along the seams. A hefty buckle centers in the loops, which attach to the baffling item in question.
(a jetpack?)
Mando has his on too, clasped into the backplate of his armor. This secondary one is more beat-up, yellow and green paint flaking off in places. It hangs heavy, the straps gathered in one hand as he lifts it to you.
“It’s old, but it works fine. Used to belong to Cobb Vanth,” Mando says, shifting a little as you watch him with parted lips. Your eyebrows raise briefly at the name of the Mos Pelgo Mandalorian you ventured to meet when (your) Mando was still among the stars. The jetpack, however, and all its potential holds your attention.
When you don’t say anything, Mando continues. “The Rising Phoenix is calibrated to my vambrace, but this one could be programmed to a…” He trails off as you step closer, shifting the child in your arms to reach out and finger the leather strapping. “Is this okay?” he finally asks, low and quiet as you feel the T-visor burn along your cheeks.
“You made this?” you finally say, barely registering Mando taking the child from you so you can inspect the rig. “This is why we were taking so long?” you breathe out, realization warming you.The stitching is tight and neat, the soldering clean. It even looks like he tried to remove some of the flaking paint but gave up. He shrugs briefly.
“Makes sense for you to use it. It’s likely to draw attention. But if there’s trouble, it’s fast,” Mando says, his body language cautious right now. He must have been nervous at the proposition, anticipating your apprehension, but you feel anything but. This hunk of junk repurposed to protect you is a greater gift than he understands. It makes you break out into a dazzling smile.
“This is karking amazing!” you shout, the child joining in as you turn over the rig and inspect it from all angles. Mando’s chuckle sends tingles down your spine, and when you meet the visor again you can imagine a bashful smile gracing his face.
(a face you’ll never see, but dream of all the same)
“How do you…” you start, holding the jetpack to your chest like a child on Life Day.
“A desert planet with nothing to do seemed like a good place to teach you,” Mando says, sauntering down the ramp, the child’s ears bouncing. Your heart hammers into high speed while sweat beads along your hairline.
(you’re going to fly today)
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Mando takes an especially long time to walk you through the components of the jetpack, how it works and what each part does. You’re barely containing your excitement, hovering over his quick-moving hands and nodding endlessly.
“What’s this for?” you ask, pointing at a cylinder in the center that looks empty. Mando shakes his head.
“That’s for another day, Mesh’la, today we’re flying,” he deflects, and you don’t push. The possibility of being weightless, suspended in air the way you’d only experienced in dreams, was a much greater distraction.
“Do you have the controller?” Mando asks. You flash the metal gauntlet on your wrist. It’s just as cleanly built, a small series of buttons that do the basics. You’ve ridden speeders with more complicated controls. Though speeders barely leave the ground.
“Ready?” he asks, holding the straps open for you to slip into. You flash him a bright smile before turning around, shouldering the bulky machinery like a school bag. It settles on the center of your back, Mando fussing with the chest clip and adjusting the tension of the straps.
“This needs a real harness, but for now it’ll work.” Mando slides his fingers under the restraints to test their tautness. “It won’t distribute your weight, so no long trips. You’ll bruise up.”
“I can handle a few bruises,” you challenge, a coy smile melting onto your face as Mando slows his pacing. He tips the helmet in, tugging on the central buckle once more.
“Cheeky,” he purrs before stepping away, typing something into his vambrace. You twist and test the harness. It’s a comforting level of snug, the kind that makes you feel made of durasteel. The child, left to his devices during the suit up, pats at your calf.
“Am I looking cool, Bean?” you ask, doing a quick spin for giggles. “I need a cape like your dad to go…with…” You trail off, a wicked little smile replacing your coy one. “Hey Mando,” you call out innocently, drawing his gaze. “Did you always have the Rising Phoenix?”
He tilts his head with some hesitancy.
“So when we first met, you didn’t have it.”
“And I remember you having quite the impressive cape back then.”
“I’ve always had…”
“And now it’s a little, you know. Worn. A little tattered. Maybe a little…burned.”
Mando stares you down and it takes all of your effort not to lose it.
“Do you…wear the cape when you’re flying, Mando?”
He shifts from one foot to the other.
“It takes a lot of work…”
“Oh my Stars, you do!”
Mando shifts into what you’ve come to call the Exasperated Stance, hands on his hips, shoulders squared, helmet tipped back.
“It’s easier to…”
“Mando, you are going to set yourself on fire, you kriffing idiot. I can see the scorch marks!”
Mando advances on you, and you skip backwards. Your hands fly to the controller on your wrist. It’s easy to psych yourself out thinking about flying, but with Mando stalking your way, your pounding heart could be attributed to that.
“Mesh’la…” he growls, but with little fire behind it.
(unlike the amount of fire he’s definitely set to that useless piece of fabric)
“Mando…” you mimic, hand dancing over the gauntlet like a gunslinger about to draw his weapon.
“Stop it.”
“Catch me and make me,” you taunt, taking off into a real run. Mando’s footsteps falter, then pick up speed behind you.
(now or never)
You press the short series of buttons to ignite the jetpack, your speed masking the initial jolt of thrust when it catches.
“Wait!” Mando shouts behind you. For a moment you do feel bad for the plaintive plea threading his shout, but adrenaline kicks in and if you do this right, you’ll be flying.
(if you do it wrong, well, you’ll just have a bruised ego…along with a few other places)
Three more long strides and the thrust lifts you off the ground, a disbelieving laugh following. Your feet dangle uselessly as you lift off, the wind in your ears drowning out further shouts. Faintly you hear another roar of ignition, Mando likely to yank you back out of the sky, but euphoria is all you can absorb. The drop in your stomach evens out as you slow your climb, easing the throttle until you’re hovering about fifty feet off the ground. You kick your legs, heat kissing the back of your thighs reminding you to be careful. Below, the sable sand and rock stretches like a rolling canvas, the undulations of hills and sharp creases of mountains in the distance shifting perspective as you absorb beauty at a height you’ve never known.
“Are you crazy?” Mando shouts, zipping into view right in front of you, broad beskar body blocking out the horizon you were just admiring. The startle makes your finger slip, and you drop ten feet fast, Mando’s hands chasing you. Regaining control, you zip away from him.
“I’m getting the hang of it!” you laugh back. His posture is rigid as he flies close behind, more disciplined with technique. You’re just happy that you haven’t crashed face-first into the hard packed dirt yet. Below the child watches you weave around, little hands raised when you zoom overhead. Narrowly avoiding Mando when he reaches out, no doubt to slow you down or scold you further, you speed up with the barest recognition that this is probably a bad idea.
“Look at this Bean!” you shout down, wobbling your shoulders back and forth until you discover how much sway banks you left or right. It doesn’t feel real, like you’re flying in a dream, even though the wind whips past your face and the straps pull painfully against your ribs.
(it feels like freedom)
A flash of silver glints in the corner of your eye and Mando is pulling up beside you, one hand clamping down on your bicep.
“Enough. Land,” he shouts, but for the first time in ages you feel light, like every care on your shoulders was left in the dirt. You don’t want to touch down and let it crawl back up yet.
Plus, it’s been too long since you sparred with Mando.
The controls are surprisingly intuitive, though considering he made them for you might that speaks to his intelligence. Or insight. But now he must be cursing his thoughtfulness because you speed up and up, the weight of his armor lagging him behind. His grip loosens and you spin away again, testing how quickly you can change direction. The dance continues, Mando’s hands coming close, his voice lost to the roar of the packs and the wind whipping against your cheeks. You push him back, kicking him in the chest once and feeling a little bad about it.
He finally yanks you down by your ankle, flipping you so the propulsion shoots you towards the ground. Righting yourself more nimbly than expected, he barrels into you and digs his fingers into your waistband.
“Stop. Teasing.” The growl is heavy, but even he can’t hide the winded excitement of the chase under the vocoder. You’re sure if you palmed him now he’d be hard.
(jetpack sex)
(no way, that’s how idiots go about dying)
“Make. Me. Mando,” you pant, hitting a random button on his vambrace. Thankfully it just stutters his jetpack, grip slipping enough for you to wriggle out. You want to see if you can do a loop, entertain the child below, fly along the horizon the way you’d always dreamed of when two desert suns set on your planet.
The jetpack lurches hard against you. The ever-present heat skirting down your thighs lessens. Something smells like chemicals and smoke.
(out of fuel)
All the elation building in your chest freezes to terror when gravity pulls you, but before you can shout Mando’s hands jam under the harness, wrenching you to his chest as all your gravity-defying stunts fizzle out. You thud your forehead against his paudron as he lowers you back to solid earth, talking yourself down from the brief heart attack. Once your feet touch down you back away, Mando’s grip easing as you sweep sweat and dust from your forehead.
“Thanks for the rescue,” you mutter, cheeks hot with embarrassment before you turn your attention to the little green child hurrying his way over. “How’d you like the show Bean?” Kneeling down, he practically tumbles into your open arms, clawing his way up to your face to pat at your cheeks. “I’m okay buddy, had the time of my life up there thanks to…” Looking over at Mando you can almost see the frustration wafting off him in waves.
(kriff, you really pissed him off this time)
“Okay, how about we pop you in here and send you back to the Crest while I get a lecture,” you murmur as you tuck the child into the silver pram and send it scooting. The child looks back once, concerned ears perking, but turns back around when you wave him off. Mando’s footsteps approach heavily, scuffing in the dirt. You sigh, scrubbing a hand over your face.
“I’m sorry…” you start to say, ready for the harsh reprimand you’re sure is coming.
(how can you explain the wonderful gift he just gave to you?)
“Why didn’t you listen to me?” he says, dangerously low. His shoulders are tight, forehead almost pressed to yours. You can see how intimidating being on the Mandalorian’s bad side could be.
“I was…” you try to say, the emotionless visor following your gaze. The horizon, sparkling with midday sun, is where your gaze finally lands. “I’ve always dreamed of flying. I got carried away. I’m sorry.”
Seconds tick by as you wait for a scold, but it doesn’t come. Instead Mando sighs, and two heavy hands drop on your shoulders.
“You’re lucky I caught you,” he murmurs, squeezing briefly. You bring your eyes back to the smoky T-visor and quirk a wan smile.
“Seems like I’m always falling for you.”
(would that be such a bad thing?)
Mando stills, then cradles your cheek in his hand. The cool kiss of beskar on your forehead raises goosebumps despite the desert heat.
“Mesh’la,” he groans, “don’t tease.”
“Not teasing now, Mando.”
A rumble in his chest burns straight to your sex.
“Yeah? You’ll be good for me?”
(oh kark)
Mando twists you in his arms, back to front. The jetpack puts too much bulk between you, making you have to bend at the waist, but it’s immediately evident this is exactly what Mando wants. He palms your hips, dragging his hand up to stroke your stomach before sliding down to cup you over your pants.
“You want this?” he asks, but he’s already kneading at your mound, the heavy swipe of his fingers through your clothes sparking heat in your cunt.
“Mando…” you choke out, hands coming back to grab at his narrow hips. You’re unbalanced and clumsy against his unyielding stance. “The child.” His little silver pod is ascending the ramp into the Crest. Mando chuckles.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be quick.”
Your cunt clenches, ripples of pleasure as you scratch your nails into the rough weave of his pants. The jetpack tugs against your chest and you realize he’s using it as leverage to pull you back into him.
(jetpack sex jetpack sex jetpack sex)
“Feel what you do to me, Mesh’la. All the kriffing time.”
Your hands scrabble behind you, fumbling between your bodies.
(give it to me)
(all of it)
(all of you)
Mando shifts, jostling your body a fraction to the side. There’s a sudden white hotness against your arm and you cry out, jerking against his hold.
(the exhaust pipe)
The jetpack is still cooling down, hot rings of metal that just touched you at the worst possible time. Mando’s grip disappears immediately, the press of his body against you suddenly gone.
“What happened?” he says, and the vocoder can’t hide his concern. You twist your arms back up by your face, straightening back to standing. There’s a small welt, hot to the touch. You’ve barely inspected it yourself when Mando’s familiar orange-tipped gloves take your hand into his.
“Did I hurt you?” he asks, careful not to touch the mark but still holding your arm so gently.
(oh Mando)
“Just touched the exhaust, nothing a little bacta can’t fix,” you say breezily, but you know the moment’s passed. Mando’s already leading you back to the Crest, and you follow begrudgingly.
(trust you to ruin some of the hottest foreplay with an injury)
The child burbles at your entrance, hovering the pram over to where you sit at the table, injury outstretched on the durasteel. You turn your arm to touch the burn against it, offering a tiny sliver of relief from the dull throb. Mando bustles into a cargo cubby, pulling out the medkit you’d put to good use barely a week before. A packet of bacta gel, and the Mandalorian, settle across from you.
“I promise, I’m okay,” you say with a lopsided smile, reaching for the bacta. He snags it up first, motioning for you to reveal the burn. It’s halfway up your forearm, the flesh rising.
“I know,” Mando says before tugging at the tips of his gloves.
The last time you got to watch this ritual closely (not clouded by lust or in a frantic scramble) was when he stood at the foot of the bed in Joeken’s inn. You’d admired his wide palms, his thick fingers, how capable they looked. There’s much there you remember, but age and circumstance changes all. There are more scars along his knuckles, callused and rough. He almost glows in the artificial lighting, a deep golden tone forever under his skin. Being able to savor it screams of transgression.
“Let me,” he says, breaking you from your reverie. You extend your arm into his reach, the scratch of his well-worked fingertips tracing the injury. He squeezes a small amount of bacta onto the burn and works it in with two fingers, the touch featherlight and gliding. Mesmerized by the methodical strokes, your other hand drifts to the back of his hand, your fingertips sliding over the smoother skin. His fingers falter as you both watch the slow advance of skin on skin.
“Mesh’la,” Mando breathes. You start to retract, afraid of an overstep. “No, it’s…” he stutters out, “It’s okay. Just not…used to it.”
(touch him until he forgets what it was like to go without)
Bacta application forgotten (or completed), Mando cups your injured hand, tracing the lines in your palm that supposedly speak of your future. You let your own wandering touch linger along the mountains of his knuckles, slip along the veins and raised injuries, before resting on his wrist. His chest hitches like he’s in pain, or something much sweeter.
“Does it still hurt?” he asks, now holding your hand between both of his.
“No, much better,” you answer, leaning when a flash of black catches your eye. Your mouth and one eyebrow quirks up. “Who gave you that?”
Mando turns his wrist, a black tattoo - two rings around a dot - appearing on the webbing between his thumb and pointer finger.
“Paz. A brother in arms.”
You stroke over it, no discernible texture.
“Did he give you more?” you ask cheekily. The child hovers closer to inspect his guardian’s ink, tilting his head and softly cooing.
“You’ll have to find those yourself,” he says, the edge of sass in his voice making you giggle. You move to pull away but his hands wrap around yours, warm and gentle for implements of such bloodshed.
“I never want to hurt you,” he says, much quieter. The vocoder almost loses his consonants. “If I ever do…”
“Hush,” you scold, leaning over the table to meet the visor. “It was an accident. I’m sure we’ll have plenty of them.” The stillness in his posture twists your stomach.
(he’d be devastated if he harmed you)
“You could never hurt me,” you say. Mando tilts his head, the sentiment too simplistic. But all of its meanings fill the silence.
(you would never do it purposefully)
(I’ll always forgive you)
(I would rather be hurt than without you)
With molten slowness Mando leans over your arm, raising it between you. You think it’s to inspect the burn, see that the bacta is working, but he just stares at it for a long moment. His hand drifts to the edge of his helmet, aimless and lost. When you touch him again he snaps back, standing up quickly.
“I have to make some preparations for tomorrow,” he squeezes out, taking a half step back. His movements are sluggish, quickening only when he strides away.
“Thank you, Mando,” you call as he mounts the ladder. He gives a nod, tugging his gloves on before climbing the ladder into the cockpit. The child hovers by your side, looking up at his retreating father figure before reaching up to you.
“Been a bit of a day, hasn’t it Bean?” you say, lifting the child out of the pram. The warmth of his touch lingers, the images of his hands holding yours only a blink away.
The baby yawn is all the answer you need.
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In the cockpit, Din leans down and braces his hands on the console, trying to slow his pounding heart. He’s been inside you, why was letting you touch his bare hands more intimate? He’d had to cover them up to stop reliving every caress, the way your eyes roamed along the only bit of skin he’d allowed you to observe. His face burns with self-consciousness but also the thrill of your exploration.
But as much as that all excited him, it was that final moment that drove his heart into his throat and made him feel lightheaded. Because he held your hand and looked at the burn - an injury he caused, however inadvertently - and let a fleeting thought grow wild in his mind.
Kiss it better.
Something his mother would do with a scraped knee or a bruised finger.
Kiss it better.
Those three words grew from a whisper to an ocean roar as he considered how your skin would feel under his lips. If he could lift the helmet just enough to touch but not for you to see.
That wouldn’t risk his Creed.
Yes it would.
He crushed the desire down, left you behind a little more confused than before, but safe and cared for in his ship. Safe with the child and with him.
You could never hurt me.
You’re right. Din would never, could never bring harm to you. But some days, like today, he can see how much harm you could do to him. With your bright smile and open heart and patience, you could destroy the Mandalorian.
But from those ashes, Din Djarin could grow.
A flashing light grounds him as he flips on a holo-message. A halo of messy curls and a sassy expression glows to life, the dull scrapes and whines of a working hanger in the background. Din cocks his head as the message plays.
“Mando! Long time no see! Not that I miss that hunk of junk ship of yours. Well, I do miss the credits it brings in. Anyway, I’ve got a lead for you. You wanted those, right? About the Mandalorians? Got a client who may know where some are. The info’s not for free, I’ll fill you in when you get here. Bit of a time crunch, though, so you better shift that rust bucket into hyperspeed. You’re her last hope.”
Peli Motto’s image fizzles into static, and a blanket of duty settles back on Mando’s shoulders. A mission long paused. An outcome he comes to dread more with each passing day. A galaxy that spun on without the three of you for a long while.
But there is much work still to be done.
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Episode 11 of the I Think of You Series
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vee-beeee · 7 months
Chicken Noodle Soup
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I got a super nice request from Ant1SocialVapor3on over on ao3!
"Basically request is, Y/N wakes up sick one day, and try to go to work as is. Of course the fluffy RK boys aint having any of that, and they try to bring a cranky and sniffly human home to bed, oh and fuss over and overreact. I would really apreciate this, and keep up posting these fluffy bangers :D"
so that is exactly what im gonna do 😈
Warnings: sickness, general discomfort, RK boys are all over you, hank is literally their dad, they boys care for you, gavin slander
Connor, Sixty and Nines x reader
*...-eep beep BEEP*
You groaned, blinking sleep from your eyes. It's way to early for this.
So you rolled over, snuggling into the blankets.
*beep beep BEEP*
*beep beep BEEP*
Grumbling again, you rolled back over to slap you hand on your phone a couple times, before finally gaining some purchase on it and grabbing the device to pull it right in front of your face. Clicking the power button to see the time, you read the bright numbers at the top of the screen.
Sighing, you placed the phone back down and rolled onto your back to lay an arm across your face in an attempt to try and block out the morning, along with the world.
And then you sniffed
And you couldn't breathe. Your reaction was instant.
"please no" you moaned, shooting upwards in bed and then proceeding to groan once more in pain from sitting up way to fast, it felt like your head was going to implode.
Then the coughing started
Getting(falling) out of bed, you stumbled your way to the bathroom, where you rummaged through the medicine cabinet looking for a thermometer. Finally letting out a shaky breath in relief when you felt your hand grasp it, you leaned your back against the wall and brought the small machine to your forehead, whispering pleas to not be what you think you were.
basically super duper sick.
Banging your head against the the cabinet and letting out a soft "nooo", you sniffed and contemplated your options.
You could stay home and disappoint everyone at work
Or power through and go on like normal.
Guess what you did.
That's how you landed yourself walking through the station in a giant black puffy jacket, blowing into a tissue, half bottle of cough syrup in hand, and hacking like no tomorrow.
You were truly a sight to behold.
Espically for 3 pairs of curious eyes
Arriving at your desk, you sat down, set your cough syrup on the desk, and proceeded to face plant onto a stack of papers that were sitting on top of it waiting to be worked on. You sniffled a little and slowly sat your chin on your paper to look up at your partner
who was staring at you with the most disgusted face on this planet.
"what" your deep sick voice asked (with a hint of amusement) as Gavin shot up from his desk, and slowly backed away
"are you sick?? i cant get sick, im meeting some guys tonight and I DO NOT want whatever you have. You look absolutely horrible"
You squinted your eyes and stared into his soul, un-moving, until finally you just leaned over his desk, grabbed his coffee cup that was full of pens, and dumped them out.
And then you licked the side of his mug, maintaining eye contact as you did so.
"Hey!" he yelped as you leaned back over to set it back down on his side of the cubicle. You crossed your arms and gave him a smug smile, which only lasted a second before you were consumed by an urge to sneeze, and quickly dove your face into your elbow.
He deserved it though.
You heard him grumble and storm off while you were grabbing a tissue, and you swallowed as you finished, noticing your throat was sore too. Awesome.
Before you could bury your face in paper work again, you felt a gentle hand on your shoulder. You jumped and turned around to see 3 faces, full of concern.
" y/n? Are you alright today?" Connor slowly leaned down onto one knee so he could better see your face, which he then softly took into his hands, brushing hair out of your sweaty face. He looked so distressed, his caring eyes boring into yours. His hands were soft and cold, and you leaned into them, closing you eyes. Another palm pressed against your forehead and you sighed in appreciation.
"She has a high fever." a low voice murmured, and you suspected it belonged to Nines.
Blinking your eyes open, you started to open you mouth to say something, but instead a cough started. A tissue was pressed into your hand, and you brought it to your mouth, noticing Sixty had given it to you.
And was also giving you the softest look you have ever seen the sarcastic android wear.
Butterflies erupted in your stomach as the group coddled you with their worried looks.
"Guys I'm fineee" you totally lied, sniffing your nose once again and leaning back away from the group to clear your throat.
"You are clearly not" Nines answered, crossing his arms as his LED went yellow, raising his eyebrows
"I agree with him, you need to go home" Connor gave you a sympathetic look and dragged his hands down from your face to your hands, and took them in his, rubbing the knuckles.
"Let us take you home sweetheart" Sixty tilted his head and brushed a hand through your hair.
You grumbled and shook your head, trying to look assertive "I have work to do, I cant leave"
Connor sighed, looking at his fellow RK units, LED flashing amber. This wasn't going to be easy.
"Sweet cheeks, we can do this the easy way-" Sixty started, shooing a reluctant Connor away from his crouching position to stand in front of you and put his hands on the arms of your chair, leaning forward so you couldn't escape his gaze "-or the hard way. Which is it gonna be?"
Glancing up at Sixty, you stuck your lips out and harrumphed, choosing to look out the window instead of the android and crossing your arms in defiance.
"The hard way it is then"
you turned back to ask him what he was going to do, but it turned into a yelp and finished in a cough.
Nines had swept you from your chair, holding you in his arms bridal style.
And was giving you a small smile.
You gasped like a fish out of water and thrashed slightly in his hold, which you quickly found out did nothing. You were secure in his arms.
Your over-exhertion resulted in more coughing, and Nines smug expression morphed into one of concern as he turned to his fellow units.
All of their LED's started flashing and you knew they were having a private android conversation.
Nines turned his steely gaze to Connor, who just nodded and started off towards their partner Hank, who was looking at your group with a troubled expression. You watched as Nines then turned to Sixty and motioned with his head to the stations front door, to which the rk800 responded by quirking his lips upwards, and rushed forward to kiss your hair, before leaving the main office to go to reception.
Nines adjusted you in his hold, before heading to follow behind Sixty.
As you walked through the lobby, you saw stares pointed at you from androids and humans alike. Everyone was giving you and Nines a raised eyebrow, and you were so embarrassed that you just instinctively leaned forward to hide in Nine's neck, silently apologizing when you coughed into him. He noticed and fastened his pace, lightly kissing your head and whispering in your ear for only you to hear:
"It's okay my darling, we'll take care of you."
Here come the butterflies again.
Or you were just really sick.
Maybe a bit of both.
In the blink of an eye you were fastened in the passenger's seat of your car, with all androids present and accounted for. Connor had told you that they had all taken the day off, and Hank saw his opportunity to leave for the day also. Hank had also wished you well, and said quote "being sick's a bitch". That had given you a giggle, but you still felt guilty for leaving. And now you were taking the 3 smartest detectives from the force.
"But Connor, I have so much work to do" you whined, once again giving the androids half-hearted death glares from around the car.
Nobody reacted, except for Sixty
"You look like a pouting baby" he chuckled and leaned back in his car seat, gazing out the window instead of meeting you now rage filled eyes. Your face was stuck in a jaw-dropped gasp, and you watched Connor turn his head to raise a judging eyebrow at his twin, who continued to ignore everyone.
But you saw that smug grin on his face.
Nines was the one driving, and kept checking your temperature with his hands during the trip to your house. You know you started the drive pretty lucid, but you knew it was getting worse.
You were so in pain from your throat and stuffed up nose, that a few hot tears slid down your face. You turned your head and huffed, hoping none of the boys saw it, but almost immediately after those tears hit your big puffy jacket, a gentle hand was on your chin turning your head in a certain direction.
Nine's direction.
The android had quickly punched in the coordinates to your house and set the car on auto drive when he saw your condition getting worse, and had noticed your tears the second they ran down your cheeks.
"Hey look at me, it's okay were going to help you" a few more tears slid down your cheeks at the comforting words, and Nines gave you the sweetest look to ever adorn his usually un-fazed expression, full of sympathy.
"He's right, we're going to do everything in our power to help you recover as fast as possible" Connor leaned over in his seat to kiss the side of your head while you finally closed your eyes, letting a comfortable darkness take over.
And finally, you fell asleep.
"....-ful sixty! you...e go...to wake th.....p if you hol...em like that"
"..-ever im...b..ing as care...as i can"
Your lids fluttered as you absorbed a conversation around you. Hearing bits and pieces as it felt like you were once again being carried somewhere.
You felt safe and warm, so you snuggled into the body holding you and shut your eyes once again.
"w...- up my heart"
The first thing you felt was a hand on your forehead.
You also noticed a body pressed to your back.
Blinking your weary eyes open, you meet Nines adoring gaze. His LED was yellow however, and he was leaning on one knee in front of your bed. Scrunching up your nose, you wondered how you even got to your bed. A voice behind you chuckled in response, you must have said that out loud. Nines took the hand previously on your forehead and leisurely stroked it down your face to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.
"Well i drove us to your residence, and then Sixty carried you. We....-" he looked away with a stony expression as his LED flashed red, and you furrowed your brows in confusion.
"what did you do" you croaked out, pouting your lips out as Nines stared at an interesting corner of your room.
"We couldn't find your house key, so we had to break in" another voice piped up, and you looked to see a guilty Connor standing in the doorway with a cup of what looked like steaming tea.
The room went quiet as you stared with wide eyes as the boys.
"We'll pay for the window." the voice behind you mumbled, before nuzzling into your hair.
And then, surprising the androids and even yourself, you burst into laughter. Which turned into more coughing.
The body behind you (sixty) shook with chuckles, until your coughing fit started. The RK unit immediately stopped his laughter and helped you sit up, while Connor came and dropped the mug of tea on your bedside table before rushing out of the room.
Nines leaned forward to take your hand, and rub gently into it, silently reassuring you.
Waving your hand in front of you, the coughing stopped as you hastily addressed them.
"Sorry guys, that happens when you get sick" you hiccupped a laugh, but the boys didn't react. They silently shared a look.
And then Connor reappeared.
"You need to take all of these"
and you gasped as you saw basically an entire medicine cabinet in his arms. The android looked extremely worried, and was giving you the softest eyes. If he asked, you probably would take all of them.
You saw Nines sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose, and you wondered what had happened while you were out. On second glance at the cough medicine in his arms, you made a realization.
"Is that the brand of medicine that I brought to work?" you stuttered out, looking at Connor.
He shifted from foot to foot "I went to the store, and my memory record showed that this was your favorite brand. I didn't know how many to get, so I got...... a few"
The RK unit looked down on you with a small smile as you beamed.
They were the best.
And then an alarm went off.
You raised an eyebrow and watched as it was Nines turn to hot-footed it somewhere, and it looked like he was heading to the kitchen. Suddenly feeling a weight on your lap, you looked down to see Sixty had settled his head on your legs, and was gazing up at you.
"He's making Chicken noodle soup, Hank sent a recipe." Sixty murmured, and you watched his hand go up to tuck some hair behind your ear.
You instantly melted.
Maybe you would have a nice time being sick.
Im sorry if that ending is a little out of character, just thought it was funny LOL
Still getting used to writing the three of them and their dynamics
Also feel free to request anything! I enjoy them :D
Thank you for the idea Ant1SocialVapor3on!
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animesmolbean · 1 month
Guardian of Light
Hello! Welcome to my rewritten story for Dune and Kingdom Hearts!
Some things have changed, and the story has more added detail that helps with the story.
Regarding updates, they will be slower because I really want to explore a bit of the story, especially for future chapters. But I'll try to update as soon as I can.
As shown up above, this is the female version of the chapter! The male version will be published tomorrow (Tuesday). The female and male verison will have some differences (if you read both of them) to show the different actions taken by the characters. This will mostly affect the intimacy part of the story and not really the actual plot.
One more thing, I was inspired to write this story after reading a fanfiction I read on Wattpad that is just phenomenal! My story follows the format of it (most of the time), but it's a completely different story!
I'll link the book here if you are interested in reading it!
With all of that out of the way,
Hope you enjoy the first chapter! ♥️
Dreams are messages from the deep.
“My planet, Arrakis, is so beautiful when the sun is low.  Rolling over the sands… You can see spice in the air.  At nightfall, the spice harvesters land.  
The outsiders and their army of demons race against time to avoid the heat of the day.  They ravaged our lands in front of our eyes.  Their cruelty to my people is all I've known. 
These outsiders, The Harkonnens, came long before I was born.  But their demon army only came recently with them.  
By controlling the spice production, they become obscenely rich.  Richer than the Emperor himself.  
Our warriors couldn't free Arrakis from the Harkonnens or the demons that lurk in the shadows, but one day, by the imperial decree, they were gone.  
Why did the Emperor choose this path?  And who will our next oppressors be?”
Chapter 1: Accepting a Deal
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Year 10191
CALADAN, Homeworld of House Atreides
“I've been having these weird thoughts lately.  Like is any of this for real… or not?” 
A (straight/curly/wavy) (hair color) girl slowly woke up.  The soft glow from her light of her room, ridding her of any feeling of sleep.  
She sat up, running her fingers through her hair.  She looked around, seeing the familiar room she was given when she was a kid.  
“It was… just a dream.” She whispered. 
Meanwhile, a young boy was lying on a bed, shirtless, asleep, but tossed and turned a little as he dreamed.  He was dreaming about something.  Or rather, someone.  Her (Hair Color) hair gently blowing in the wind.  She turned towards him, her beautiful sapphire blue eyes sparkling with happiness as she smiled widely.
His beautiful best friend since they were kids, the girl who is always the light of his life.  (Your Name).
However, there was someone else with her.  It was another girl that wore a different outfit compared to (Your Name).  The boy didn't know who this was, for he could only see the side of her face.  But he knew that he had dreamed of her before too.
The boy's hazel green eyes opened, groaning softly, sitting up as the moving light came and shined against his shirtless form.  He sat up in his bed, looking down.
‘What could that dream mean?’ He thought to himself.
The same young boy was now in a dining room, sitting at the table, deep in thought as he ate his breakfast. 
An older woman who sat at the end of the table spoke up, breaking him out of his thoughts.  “It's good you're up early.  I just wish (Your Name) could be too.” 
(Your Name) stood outside, in a loose gray long sleeve, baggy black Capri pants and her boots were off, placed by a rock.  
She dipped her feet into the large, cool body of water, walking until the water was halfway to her calves.  She looked out towards the horizon, in deep thought.
“Your father wants you two in full dress before the Emperor's Herald arrives.” 
The brunet boy raised his head up at this news, “Full dress?  Military?” 
“Ceremonial.” Jessica, the woman's name and his mother replied.
Paul let out a sigh.  “Why would we have to go through all this when it's already been decided?” Paul asked.  
“Ceremony.” Jessica simply replied.
The doors to the room suddenly opened, making the two at the dining table turn.  Paul's lips lifted up into a smile at who was standing there.  (Your Name).  
“Ah…” (Your Name) chuckled awkwardly.  “So sorry I'm late.” The girl walked over to the spot between Paul and Jessica.  
“Nice to see you here (Your Name).  And with shoes on this time.” Jessica lightly teased her daughter-like figure.  She knew this girl since she was around five years old.  She remembered the day the first time she brought her to Caladan. 
Jessica was out late at night, having trouble sleeping.  The sky was dark, stars twinkling and the moon being the only thing providing light, making anything the light shone on glow a soft blue.  
She walked along a beach that Caladan was known for, when saw what looked like a shooting star in the sky.  But she saw it was falling towards the ground, not going across the sky like a shooting star normally would.  
She watched the bright light and splash into a large body of water she was near.  She walked closer to the water, her feet touching the soft sand.  What she saw made her eyes widened.
What fell into the water was not a rock.  But a child.  She looked very young, like about five years old.  She wore a white loose shirt with black shorts and no shoes.
Acting fast, she took off the cloak she was wearing and grabbed the wet, unconscious child and carried her back to the castle to be taken care of.
Jessica walked towards one of the spare rooms, requesting one of their servants to find clothes for the child.  The female servant did what she was told while Jessica laid the child on the bed.  
She got a closer look at the girl.  She had (Hair Color) hair, (Skin Color) skin, all wet from landing in the water.  She frowned and stroked the girl's wet hair.  
This action caused the child to stir and mumble.  Jessica watched the childhood slowly come to.  When she opened her eyes however, Jessica felt her heart beat increase.
The girl's eyes were a deep blue.  Like the color of sapphires or cobalt.
Jessica knew then, she needed to keep this girl safe.
(Your Name) chuckled shyly at Jessica's teasing, playing with the silver charm on her silver necklace; shaped like a small crown.  She smiled back then looked over to her best friend who was already staring at her.  Before she sat down, she greeted Paul with a kiss on his temple.  The male smiled softly at her.
Once (Your Name) was seated and eating her breakfast, Jessica told her what she had just told Paul.  The girl was confused as to why they were having a ceremony but she gave Jessica a nod before she resumed eating.  Jessica poured a glass of water for (Your Name) and slid the glass to her.  The (Hair Color) haired girl thanked her quietly.
Jessica did the same for Paul, “Thank you.” The boy whispered.  Jessica replied, “If you want it, make me give it to you.  Use the Voice.” 
(Your Name) guessed that Jessica wanted Paul to use the voice to bring him the water. 
“Mom, I just woke up.” Paul protested in a gruffy, morning voice.
Jessica just stared at her son making Paul roll his eyes as he reluctantly agreed to try. He turned his body in the chair to use the voice, “Give me the water.” 
It came out more like a soft, raspy whisper than what it was intended to be.
(Your Name) let out a muffled giggle at Paul's weak attempt.  “The glass can't hear you.  Say it to your mother.” She whispered.
Paul gave the girl a look before looking back at his mother.  Seconds felt like minutes.  The atmosphere shifted to stillness as (Your Name) watched Paul and Jessica stare at each other intensely, waiting for Paul to use the Voice again.  
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Moments later, his lips moved.
“Give me the water.” 
The voice came out gruffier and a bit distorted.  But it did its magic.  Jessica took the glass and pushed it towards Paul a little.  But as quickly she was under the spell, she quickly snapped out of it.  She pushed the glass of water closer to Paul.
Paul's voice was back to its normal pitch.
“Bene Gesserit skills take years to learn, Paul.” Jessica told her son as he reached out and grabbed the glass.
(Your Name) nodded.  Even though she wasn't being taught to use the Bene Gesserit, she understood its complexity and why it's important to master.
Jessica observed her son before speaking again.  “You look tired.  More dreams?” 
(Your Name) raised an eyebrow in confusion.  She looked at her friend with worry.  ‘Has he been dreaming too?’ She thought to herself. 
Paul shook his head muttering, “No.” Then he went back to eating.
“What about you, (Your Name)?  Have you been dreaming?” Jessica asked.  
The girl looked down before muttering, “No.” 
“Extreme temperatures and treacherous weather events make life outside the cities of Arrakis truly hostile.” A robotic voice came from a recording that laid on the ground and showed visuals of what they were talking about.
After breakfast, the two childhood best friends decided to spend some time studying before they had to head to the ceremony.
The recorded voice from the video played as Paul had a book in his hands about the Fremen, reading it as his back leaned against (Your Name)’s torso.  The girl was in a kneeling position, her arms were wrapped around his neck, forearms resting on top of his shoulders.  Her head was on top of Paul's, silently reading along with him, occasionally nuzzling her nose into the boy's curly hair.  She was only half paying attention, focused on looking at the book, listening to the recording and trying to be as close to Paul as possible.
“With sandworms powerful enough to cut through metal.  Only the native tribes known as the Freman and one other special person, that hasn't been seen nor born for centuries known as the Haris Aldaw’ have adapted well enough to survive.” 
(Your Name)’s attention was diverted when she heard that name.  Haris Aldaw’.  She moved her head off of Paul’s.  She has heard that name before.  From where, she wasn't too sure.  
Paul turned his head to look at the (Hair Color) haired girl, his hazel green eyes showing worry.  “(Your Name), are you okay?” 
The (Hair Color) haired girl blinked before nodding.  “Yeah.  I'm alright.  Don't worry.” She replied to the boy.  
Paul let one of his hands go from holding the book, grabbing one of (Your Name)’s hands, giving it a gentle squeeze.  (Your Name) welcomed the comforting pressure and did it back to him.  But to her surprise, Paul pressed a kiss to the back of her hand.  
The (Hair Color) haired girl felt a blush blossom onto her cheeks at the gesture.  Now flustered, she looked away shyly.  
Paul let her hand go and smirked to himself before he continued reading.
“Preferring to inhabit the remotest regions of Arrakis the Freman share the deep desert with the giant sandworms, known to the Fremen as Shai-Hulud.  Long exposure to spice has given the tribe their characteristic blue eyes, the eyes of Ibad.”
‘I wonder if it's as blue as my eyes.’ (Your Name) thought to herself, her focus back on the book and the recording.
“Little else is known of the Freman except that they have some sort of power that controls the Earth and the Freman are dangerous and unreliable.  On the other hand, much is known about the Haris Aldaw’.  They are known to control elements and have other magical abilities such as being able to glide.” 
(Your Name) bit her bottom lip.  ‘My dream last night was about gliding… and falling.’ She thought to herself again.
“Freman Attacks make spice harvesting extremely hazardous.  For the Freman spice is the sacred hallucinogen which preserves life and brings enormous health benefits.  For the imperium the spice is used by the navigators of the spacing guild to find safe paths between the stars.  Without spice, interstellar travel is impossible, making it by far the most valuable substance in the universe.” The voice recording concluded.
(Your Name) and Paul were now standing outside, dressed nicely for the ceremony, both dressed similarly; since (Your Name) prefers men’s clothes for mobility.  There were rare occasions where she dressed like Lady Jessica but only for very special occasions.  The two of them stood close to each other as they waited. 
The (Hair Color) haired girl turned her head to look at the bearded man in the center.  Duke Leto Atreides.  The man she saw as her father for many years now.  She remembered when she first came to Caladan, he was confused as to how she got here and where she came from.  Jessica had explained the situation and the Duke didn't want to believe the tale but when he saw how adamant she was, he believed her.  
He took her in and cared for her like she was one of his own kids, raising her alongside Paul.  Teaching her many things like reading and writing, alongside Lady Jessica.  She couldn't be more graceful to the two for taking her in.  
The Duke turned his head and saw the (Hair Color) haired girl looking at him.  He gave the girl a subtle nod to her; a gesture she returned to him, a gentle smile on her face.
An enormous oval shaped ship landed on the ground.  The ramp was placed down as the important people walked out from it.  They were wearing their house clothes and walking respectfully towards them.  (Your Name) wasn't exactly sure who they were but knew they were of utmost importance if they were coming to speak with the Atreides.  
“Smile Gurney.” The Duke said, looking forward at the approaching visitors, his tone calm but with a touch of joking as he spoke to his trusted member. 
“I am smiling.” Gurney replied monotonously, a blank expression on his always serious looking face.  
(Your Name) bit her bottom lip to suppress a snicker from escaping her lips.  Paul looked at her in mild amusement. 
The Duke shook his head at Gurney’s deadpan response, “How much will it cost them traveling all this way for this formality?” 
“Three Guild navigators and a total of 1,460,062 Solaris for this round trip.” Another trusted advisor answered beside the Duke. The Duke turned his attention back to the new visitors.
(Your Name) watched as a member of the group that arrived from the ship bow to the Duke, “By the grave of Shaddam IV of the House Corrino, ascendant to the Golden Lion Throne of Padishah Emperor of the Known Universe, I stand before you as Herald of the Change.  We are witnessed by members of the Imperial Court, representatives of the Spacing Guild, and a sister of the Bene Gesserit.  The Emperor has spoken.”  He pulled out a scroll, unrolling it before he read, “House Atreides shall immediately take control of Arrakis and serve as its steward.” The member closed the scroll.  Do you accept?
The Duke took a couple long strides, stopping at the top of the stairs, “We are House Atreides.  There is no call we do not answer.  There is no faith that we betray.  The Emperor asks us to bring peace to Arrakis!  House Atreides accepts!” 
“Atreides!  Atreides!  Atreides!” The soldiers that stood everywhere, representing House Atreides, started chanting as the Duke made his way down the stairs to sign the paper.  
Before he does, the Duke looks back at his son and (Your Name), seeing them both giving him a subtle nod in agreement, silently approving him. They watched him sign the paper using his signet ring.  
As he did, (Your Name) felt a feeling in her stomach that she couldn't quite place.  Like a feeling of unease.  She wasn't sure why she felt it just now.  ‘Probably from all the people staring at us.’ She thought to herself.
“So it is done?” Leto asked the Herald.
“It's done.” The Herald responded, face blank, not showing any emotion.
Once the deal was finalized, (Your Name) scooted closer to Paul, pressing her right arm against his left one.  The curly haired boy looked at the girl.  He gave her a gentle smile which she returned in kind.  
She always liked Paul's smile.  Paul thought the same thing about her.  
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Finding purpose | Male OC (or male reader) Chap 4
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Summary: In a world that is dying and there is no way of saving it, the humanity takes mater into their own hands. They flee from their home planet with hope of conquering another in order to survive. Among them, a couple of brothers with no idea what they're doing.
Pairings: Jake sully × Oc (friendship), Tsu'tey × Oc (friendship), Neytiri × Oc (friendship). [No current love interest]
Warnings: Mention of violence, mention of death, manipulative behavior, use of drugs, bad ways of coping mechanisms and obscene language.
Note: - This is not a request and it's the translation of the original story in wattpad. - My native language it's not English - The Oc's name is Eli Thompson. - Edited
Prev part - Masterlist - Next part
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With the second day at Pandora over, the soldiers documented their experiences of what they saw and felt while driving an avatar for the first time. It wasn't anything as detailed as a scientist would describe with the technical names of the neural connection between bodies or something. It was simple. They described it as an experience that couldn't be expressed with enough words or an experience that would blow anyone's mind. They called it a day and proceeded to fall into the arms of Morpheus.
The next day, the routine began like the previous one, they got up, took a bath and went to the cafeteria to eat.
But they never expected that after eating they would be directly called by a pilot to follow them to an area that they are already more familiar with from their years in the army, proclaiming that the colonel wanted to see them.
The woman introduced herself to them as Trudy, detailing that by orders of who they were going to see, she would be the designated pilot for the expeditions that involved them.
"You guys are packing some heavy gear." Jake commented as he saw the ammunition that was being loaded into the Samsun that she indicated as hers.
On the other hand, Eli was looking around, almost feeling nostalgic. Comfortable in his environment, but that did not bring him the best feelings. The last time he was in a place like this was when he presented his resignation letter caused by the disaster on his last mission. The same mission that almost took his life.
He felt a shiver run down his spine as he remembered it.
"Yeah. That's 'cause we're not the only thing around out there. Or the biggest." Trudy replied, with a small tone of amusement at the end. "I need you as gunners. Protocol generally asks me to take 2 soldiers for 1 scientist, but we are short staffed. You would be a lot of help tomorrow."
Eli turned to look at the woman with surprise, but a hint of relief. He wasn't cut out for science and he had to confess that he missed the adrenaline. So much time without being a Marine is already starting to take its toll on him. "Do they really have weapons but enough for avatars?" Eli asked.
Trudy gave him a toothy smile. She almost felt like she was seeing a child after being told that there are going to be gifts for Christmas. "You'd be surprised what toys the RDA can make. Fill out an application saying it's to improve mission performance and they'll give you whatever you want."
Jake nodded in satisfaction. Even if his avatar body was not his own, the idea of entering a hostile forest unarmed only to experience his death firsthand was not the best of ideas. "Well then, you can count on us." Jake said, responding to the request made a few seconds ago. Eli nodded.
"Perfect. I'll see you tomorrow then." She ended the conversation by stopping in front of a slightly more private section among all the mess caused by the army. She pointed to a man exercising in the corner. "There's your man. See you on the flight line." As a last act, she bumped fists with them to say goodbye.
Both soldiers approached the boss, stopping at the metal frame of the security-like cage created for those who wish to exercise and remain out of danger from the rest of the machinery in the place. "You wanted to see us, Colonel?"
"This low gravity'll make you soft…" the colonel began to speak while still doing the bench presses. His voice came out slightly with difficulty due to the effort of speaking and lifting weight. "You get soften…" to give more drama to the moment, Quaritch roughly put the weights in its place, sat up and looked them in the eyes very seriously. "Pandora will shit you out dead with zero warning."
Eli mentally snorted. He had already heard a lot about how dangerous the planet is, but no one had told him how good it could be and he is beginning to believe that someone ordered them to specifically tell them that just to scare them. To mess with the rookies or something like that.
The Colonel stood up and walked until he was in front of them. "You have a lot of courage showing up in this neighborhood." Both soldiers remained silent. The man's tone showed that he was not finished. "You are the best proof that a soldier cannot be defeated… Both wounded in combat and look where you are." Quaritch walked past them and held out his hands for emphasis to show where they were. On the most hostile planet known to man.
"It's just another hell, sir." Jake answered as he turned the chair around.
Quaritch smiled at the attitude. That fearless look is just what he needed to see to continue with his plan. With a nod he indicated for them to follow him. "I was first recom myself. A few years ahead of you. Well, maybe more than a few. Three tours Nigeria, not a scratch. I come out here?…" he turned around walking backwards to point at his scar on the side of his head. "Day one. Think i felt like a shavetail louie? Yeah."
Eli nodded his head, turning to see some soldiers pulling a weapon big enough for the robot suits like the one they were walking to at that moment. A weapon the same size as his body and he bets 3 times heavier.
"Oh, the could fix me up, if I rotated back. And make me pretty again." He paused to climb onto one of the robot's legs and gave it a few strong tugs to test its resistance. Satisfied with the result, he turned back to the couple of friends. "But you know what? I kind of like it. Reminds me every day what's waiting out there."
Before he began climbing the robotic suit, he signaled for the soldiers to ride the elevator next to the suit and stay out of the way.
"The avatar program is a bad joke. Bunch of limp-dick science majors. However..." his voice came out with difficulty as he climbed up the suit until finally falling inside. "It does present an opportunity both timely and unique."
Eli crossed his arms and leaned on one leg to pay attention. The platform he had stood on with Jake finally stopped at the Colonel's level.
"CLEAR." The man shouted as he grabbed the controls of the machine. Someone behind the ex-Marines yelled for them to clear the area. The Colonel pressed the buttons on the panel, satisfied when the engine came to life. "Recon gyrenes in avatar bodies. That's a potent mix. Give me the goose bumps." He said with the slightest laugh in his words. He seemed to find the situation amusing. "Men like that would give me the intel I need, right on the ground. Right on the hostiles' camp" After calibrating the controls to his liking, he turned to the soldiers in a slightly more serious tone. "Listen. I want you to learn these savages from the inside. I want you to gain their trust. I need to know how to force their cooperation or hammer them hard if they won't."
The Colonel's tone did not give room to refute anything, it was directly an order without mentioning that it is an order. Something that neither of them liked. But they are soldiers, they are used to it.
Jake followed up with an important question. "Are we still with Augustin?"
"On paper. Yeah, you walk like one of her science pukes, you quack like one, but you report to me. Can you do that for me lads?"
The newcomers turned to look at each other. One look was enough to know that they both agreed.
"Yes, sir," they both answered instinctively. This loyalty brought a satisfied smile to the superior's face.
"Well, all right, then." With a wave of his glove, the Colonel turned on the robot. He brought his hands to his chest and threw some well-calculated punches, making the suit perfectly imitate his movements.
Jake and Eli backed up a little in the elevator to avoid being hit by accident.
Pleased with the adjustments to his suit, he turned it around to face the former Marines, placing his hands on his waist. Not even his suit seemed to prevent the Colonel from moving with confidence.
"I take care of my own. You get me what I need and you will get what your nation denied you."
The words the Colonel had used had been intentional. He read both of their files in order to not only understand who they are, but to understand how they think. He wants them to know that they are no longer on earth and that under his control he promised to give them more importance.
And they both completely believed it.
"To you Jake." The Colonel began. "I can give you your legs. Your real legs." Mentioning the limbs, the man aimed at Jake's human legs, using the robot. He then turned to Eli. "And to you, corporal. I will make sure that your nation gives you the recognition and apology you deserve. What do you think?"
Both soldiers nodded at the same time and responded. "Yes sir."
"Good." Ending the conversation, he closed the lid of the cabin with his metallic hand, turned around and turned to continue on his way, leaving the two with a lot to think about but only one conclusion.
They have a new mission.
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tygoii · 1 year
Sub! Aether x FemDom reader
Warnings: Cockwarming, embarrassment and humiliation, Virgin Aether!, Sensitive Aether, Bullying!, School au!, Hair pulling , Pet play, Receiving f!, Creampie!, somnophilia, Orgasm deny, Overstimulated!,
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Aether was a shy boy he kept his head in books all day avoiding anyone especially Y/n his bully and well.. his crush it’s bad that he likes his bully the person who pushes him around all day Y/n would humiliate him to the point he cried he was always submissive towards her making Y/n bully him even more. Aether was at the library next to a open window his pastel uniform blowing in the wind he was reading a book about the planets he heard some giggles and turned his head seeing the girl her attention towards the indigo haired boy Aether tried hiding his flustered face and decided to leave not wanting to get humiliated today “Oh hey didn’t notice you so how is that cosmo book?~” teased Y/n her hot breath reaching his neck Aether turned red once more his lip quiver “u-uh..” the blonde boy stutters not knowing what to say Y/n smirked she pulled his soft braided hair making him whimper “I really enjoy pushing you around sadly i have homework oh wait..” Y/n paused and grabbed papers and pushed them towards the nervous boy “You can do them for me~ i have important stuff to do hope you enjoy Chemistry” said the girl she walked away leaving the flustered boy by himself.
Two more days and break was start soon Aether was at his locker that was decorated with tomatoes and ink he grabbed paper trying to wipe the mess he heard footsteps and turned around seeing his friend Hu tao “Hey Aether— oh what happened with your locker wait! don’t tell me was it Y/n and her group?..” said Hi tao Aether nodded “Well i know what will cheer you up! how about going to Itto’s party tonight since break is next week?” said Hu tao “B-but isn’t Itto friends with Y/n..” said Aether nervously ���How about going with Lumine isn’t she like in fighting classes she can—“ Hu tao was cut off by Aether “N-no im just staying home i’ll be fine..” said Aether Hu tao nodded “Well i better get going i have geometry” said Hu tao.
Aether was in bed with a huge hoodie on and shorts he was doing Y/n’s homework his phone dinged and saw a message from Albedo ‘Look who i found.’ an image was attached he clicked on it seeing Y/n in a dress drinking with Itto Aether eyes were focused on her huge chest he turned red and turned off his phone he tried forgetting about her by tomorrow was going to be different.
Last day of school Aether was in cosmo class last period “Y/n you’ll be working with Aether.” said the teacher Y/n sighed heavily and looked at the boy only to see him sleeping his book open the boy looked very cute while sleeping his face flushed. Class was over Aether was still asleep he mumbled something while whimpers came out of his mouth Y/n stood up waiting for everyone else to get out once she heard the door close she locked it she walked to the sleeping boy and decided to tease him what might he be dreaming of that is making him a blushing mess “y-y/n..” Aether mumbled “Yes baby~” teased Y/n messing with him the boy was whimpering now a bit louder which made Y/n panties wetter she got on top of the unconscious boy and sucked on his neck making marks while rubbing his pants Aether moaned and opened his eyes seeing his bully kissing his neck he reached grabbing hee thighs on accident “I-i’m sorry!..” said Aether letting go of hee thighs Y/n smirked and decided to mess with him more her hand sneaked to his hair pulling it making him whimper she opened his mouth and shoved her tongue making him moan now grabbing her thighs tightly Y/n sucked on his tongue while her hand was on his wet dick begging to be inside her She teased his sensitive tip making him flustered “y-y/n stop i-i’m so s-sensitive!” whimpers Aether making Y/n tease more “h-hng y-y/n p-please..” whimpers Aether again his pastel yellow sweater hanging from his shoulder his neck decorated with purple marks and lipstick smeared “If your a good boy i’ll give you what you want~” said Y/n the word ‘good boy’ gave Aether butterflies “Yes mommy i’ll be a g-good boy..” said Aether “Prove it puppy~” said Y/n smirking.
(*^ワ^*)i’ll make part 2 soon <3
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bun-fish · 1 year
"they worked like there was no tomorrow-" bro if there was no tomorrow I wouldn't even be working. I would go find my best friend I made within the 15 years I spent wandering about on this round-blue little fucker, take them to a bar, casually mention said little fucker is gonna blow up in a matter of minutes, gulp down my beer, scare the bartender to half-death, and before the half-death becomes a full-death, grab my buddy and fucking bail onto a spaceship steered by the green goopy aliens that happen to write the wrost poetry imaginable that blew up my home planet when I was a small child all while I attempt to do my job as a Universal Wikipedia Editor
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 17 😁
we're getting extremely close now yalls 😳 so I'm going to either shorten my posts or post them a lot closer together ... like I've reserved tomorrow to do nothing but watch tbb 🤫
either way I hope you enjoy 💕
The Bad Batch 1x13
"it's not the first time she has left out key details" ~ Tech @ Cid yeah bud and it won't be the last 👀
pykes 🤢
Omega recognising Ruby the lil lizard thing
Hunter's plan to leave Ord Mantell and do their own thing WE WERE ON THE VERGE OF GREATNESS 😫 WE WERE THIS 🤏 CLOSE
and Cid's just waiting for them on their ship 😡
"I believe she's threatening us" YES SHE IS JUST SHOOT HER ALREADY
poor confused Omega my bby she's using you 🥲
Wrecker wearing his helmet as a hat again 🥺
Cid: "you guys are good at stealth right?" lmao who's gonna tell her
Cid just pulled a Joel Miller with the "we're silent, not quiet, silent" hehe
Wrecker: "we're not afraid of a few bugs" oop-
okay so did Omega name the lizard thing Ruby or is that actually her name?? bc Omega calls it Ruby and after that Roland calls it that too, so is he just copying her or did Omega like force-sense it's name? like how Ahsoka can talk to Grogu?? 🤔
Echo: "ugh and I thought Wrecker was a slob" pls- 💀 stinky boys
bad guys who baby talk to their pets and blow kisses and cuddle them
HOLD UP 👀 Hunter just slammed on the brakes, hijacked the other cart and jumped back off in time for it to move away 👌👌👌
how many times did I watch Hunter jump in the cart? yes
"at least we got rid of the spice right?" ~ Trace Omega + a bonus Tech looking into the camera like he's on the office 👀
I'd trust Bolo and Ketch more than Cid lolol
lmao Cid really thought she did something 💀
they literally all move at lightning speed to get their blasters out when the pyke says he'll keep Omega 👌 then they: 😡😡😡😡
if I was tbb I'd leave Cid at the bottom of the cavern, take the spice to the pykes and leave the planet
they're in the upside down fr
but she makes friends with everyone 🥺
Roland: *being a spoiled rich kid* Omega: 'do you do crime'
Tech just yeets the light grenade and yells "incoming" I love him sm 🥰
it reminds me of Boba's seismic charge 💕
Hunter's hand on Omega's back when she stands with him and him reaching for her when she steps to Roland 🥺
Omega covering her face when she thinks they're gonna kill Roland 😭
the way I thought Roland was Vizago from rebels when I first saw them cut his horn 💀
Cid says "first rounds on me" and Tech and Echo smile at eachother 🥰
as always thanks for joining my friendsss ilysm 💕
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