#low cal nutrients
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vega sport - 10/10 I’ve used this protein powder for over a decade and I always have it on hand
soylent powder - 5/10 I love their pre-made meal replacements but they’re pricey, I bought the powder as an alternative but it just isn’t very good!!
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leekeyrouz · 2 months
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moxley · 3 months
first of all good afternoon. today we're being grown up and admitting we are bumpily recovering from an eating disorder instead of calling it "disordered eating" and hoping that gets me away from the issue.
second of all. recovering from an eating disorder is sooo rough when you catch yourself in the act ... sweating my eyeballs off googling "low calorie cookie recipes" before realising that if i'm going to binge it doesn't matter if the cookies are 10 calories apiece if i'm trying to eat the whole batch of them.
the problem isn't that cookies are high calorie. the problem is eating the whole batch.
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theuniversesbody · 1 year
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freshmealplan · 10 hours
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Discover the Ultimate Meal Plan Experience in Dubai with Meals On Me
Eating nutritious, delicious meals has never been easier for Dubai residents, thanks to Meals On Me. We offer a variety of meal plans tailored to fit your unique lifestyle, dietary needs, and health goals. From weight loss to muscle gain, or simply enjoying wholesome food without the hassle, our service is designed to provide you with the best dining experience. Here’s why Meals On Me should be your go-to choice for meal planning in Dubai.
Whether you’re following a keto, vegan, gluten-free, or balanced diet, we offer meal plans that can be tailored to your specific requirements. Our meal plans are crafted in consultation with dietitians to ensure they meet your nutritional needs and support your health goals.
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theholisticlifehub · 4 months
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jayj015 · 2 years
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Click Here to learn on how to Build Your Health And Your Body By Eating Right, Not Less!
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blueeyedbblondie · 2 months
Losing more hair than weight?
Well me too but this is supposed to help
(nutrients and where to find them)
fish and seafood
green vegetables
dried fruit
grain products
fish and seafood
peanuts and walnuts
dairy products
low-fat quark
low-fat yogurt
peanut butter
sweet potatoes
red peppers
lamb's lettuce
honeydew melon
fatty fish (including herring, mackerel, salmon)
egg yolk
wheat germ
I know that not everything is the lowest in cal but ✨️the more you know✨️, pick what you are comfortable with💗
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orangeicee · 4 months
♡ Underrated Safe Foods ♡
Hii!! Since my last underrated safe food post blew up so much I thought I’d make a part two to these!
These r gonna be a lot more specific, as I’ll mention a lot of brands here (I’m in the US btw, pretty much all of these can be found at publix)
Quest protein chips - starting strong w these cause oh my god. They have around 20g of protein, 4g net carbs, and 140 cals per bag. The best part is, I cannot lie when I say these are actually SO MUCH better than any greasy calorie dense chip brand. My fav flavor is the chili lime, but there’s also loaded nacho, and the flavoring is so accurate on both!!!!/!!/ get these guys please
Enlighten bars (Sea Salt Caramel) - do you guys like ice cream bars? Do you also like them for only 80 cals?/?/? Yeah. There’s no catch like “it’s actually just frozen breast milk” or sum shit. I have no idea what they put in those things but man are they good, I wouldn’t even care if it was actually frozen breast milk
Raspberries - now you might be thinking “wdym those aren’t underrated everybody has fruit as a safe food” but nobody ever mentions the nutrients. Specifically FIBER. People always ignore fiber in their wl journey but it’s so important. Raspberries are a perfect fiber rich low cal food that you guys NEED to get on.
Kimchi - if you’re not familiar, kimchi (김치) is a korean food which is basically fermented cabbage in liek a sauce…i don’t know what the sauce is iforgot. But anyway, since it centers around cabbage, I think it’s no surprise that these are an amazing low cal option. And the best part is, the fermentation process produces a ton of healthy gut bacteria. It’s a lil bit sour so I personally don’t like it, but my friend does, and maybe that’s why he’s 15 lbs lighter than me
Egg whites - eggs themselves are amazing for wl, but you can enjoy them for a fraction of the cals. Most of the protein is in the whites anyway, so egg whites are genuinely one of the best sources of protein while also being extremely low cal. If you want, you can make your eggs with just one full egg and then mostly egg whites, and I like to sprinkle a little bit of feta in there so life doesn’t suck
Microwaved fiber one brownies - a little bit specific, but why eat your fiber brownie when it’s dryer than this pu-
when you can microwave it for a lil bit, add sum whipped cream (don’t come for me it’s high volume so it’s not actually that many cals) and have basically a hot fudge brownie for under 100 cals. You deserve to feel something every once in a while, and though it might not be the same, the brain fog from fasting will probably hinder your ability to tell the difference
That’s all!! If you guys have any more questions feel free to ask. Hopefully this list will help you diversify your diet, because I can imagine biting into your 3rd cucumber of the day just makes you sad.
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requiemfordreams · 11 months
Some tips that helped me lose weight while having an ed and preventing dizziness, fatigue hair loss, and brain fog.
For some reason eating after 2pm has reduced my cravings alot.
Chewing sugar free gum helps alot. Most of them contain sorbitol for the sweet taste and consuming sorbitol in a large amounts can lead to it acting as a laxative.
Coffee. To keep you full and again another laxative. But it can only be had hot for it to work.
Dry fruits. They contain little to no calories and prevent you from feeling dizzy.
Some junk foods are considered empty caloric foods because they do not provide any sort of good calories that your body can use, which can lead to your body storing them. So if you can find a low empty calorie food, you can sometimes eat them to keep yourself full. I should note this might not work for some people but it has worked for me.
What also has worked for me is make the same lunch to take to school, which is really low cal and because it is my comfort food and it helps me not think about food and since I spend 9 hours at school, not counting the 40 mins it takes me to and fro from school, I'm able to spend an ample amount of time not eating and that works wonders
and if my parents asks me to eat, I just say I shared my friends' lunch and I'm full.
I m like to distract myself from eating everytime I have a craving by chugging alot of water, which is first good for your health and keeps your belly full for longer.
I take multivitamins to keep up with all the necessary nutrient needs.
I also drink like 30gms of protein powder with water to help with my muscles, and also because protein helps in losing calories.
Fruits. Especially watermelons. They are so full of water, a cup of watermelons contains 46 kcal and can make you feel full really fast and they are packed with the good kinds of carbohydrates, vitamin A, C, and B6, full of potassium and absolutely no fats or sodium.
Cucumbers. Again, water based with almost little to no calories to them.
If you are having hair loss problems, biotin is a great supplement for hair and so is protein.
Try as much as you can to make sure you're not alone too long. Because when nobody is there around you, you're more prone to giving into your urges. So if you see that in you, try being around as much people as possible.
Coconut water is a great drink to help balance your electrolytes and keep your nutrients to the level.
Coconut oil and if you're Indian, ghee is great for your hair because it makes your hair more healthy and strong. It would be best if you kept your hair oiled overnight before washing and not just a few hours.
If it helps, because it has worked with me, even though I look fat, I tell everyone around me about how little I eat or how healthy I eat. And sometimes if I have to eat with other people, I will only have half of the food I ordered and ask if anyone can finish it because I'm not used to having so much food. Or I already had such a big breakfast that this seems too much. The little lies, that make you feel accountable into not eating so much even when you're alone.
I like to avoid sodas and energy drinks even if they're diet soda or not, because they honestly have way too many calories that your body can retain.
Masturbating. It's weird but five mins of it can lead to losing 400kcals and that's worth a bit of something.
Studying. It doesn't feel like it but you use alot more calories when you're concentrating on your work.
Sitting up straight. The will of keeping your shoulders straight and your spine straight, it takes up alot of calories because your body is not used to you doing that.
Doing chores around the house that require you to be on your feet.
Drink alot of water. But not too much.
Make a habit of waking up at a certain time in the morning and sleeping at a certain time. This makes way for a more disciplined mind, and more will power and honestly, not only do you not get so much fatigue or dizziness, it cultivates good sleeping habit. Which is not only good for the body, it also helps you stay focused in classes.
There is a certain set of yoga called the suryanamaskar which promotes good cardiovascular health and if you do 12 sets of it everyday, helps in losing calories. And they are so simple and easy for you to do if you don't feel like you have much energy.
I don't have more but if I do, I'll reblog and add them.
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t-a-k-a-k-o · 2 months
Ik soooo many of u love the feeling of an empty stomach but honestly, not me, like don't get me wrong it is BLISS, but it's not like I LOVE LOVE it
Personally it's more of a I hate how food FEELS rather than loving the lack of it, I just cannot STAND a full stomach anymore, even when it's just like miso and asparagus, I can't do it anymore, which makes it awkward when my stomach is full of healthy low cal food and I just have to sit uncomfortable until my body figures out wtf to do with actual nutrients lol
But as always ily and stay safe ♡
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azurebutterfly1 · 1 month
y’all are absolutely SLEEPING on strawberries
- delicious
- sweet (personally i’m a sweet tooth, so this really helps with cravings)
- super low cal, good for volume eating/looking like you’re eating normally (3.8 cal/strawberry, 100g = 32 cals)
- high in fiber/nutrients
- in season!!
- easy to get + cheap
there’s also red bell peppers but y’all ain’t ready for that yet 😤
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kovici · 1 year
snacks are scams, capitalizing on emotional cravings. you gain absolutely nothing from eating them - except weight. they were created to condition your brain into finding pleasure in eating.
how much better do you think it would be if you ate fruits or vegetables instead, something low cal? you’d be full and have nutrients for minimal calories.
nothing about a snack food is worth the calories. no chips, chocolate, candy, etc do anything good for you. you should eat them sparingly, if at all. they’re just gonna sabotage your plans.
it’s really just best to completely avoid them. if you’re serious about this, that is.
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10 GUARANTEED tips for food calorie reduction
remove one or both buns off a sandwich, no one remembers the bread, just what's in between it
dab off the grease from foods before eating and save urself an average of 5+ pounds a year :)
always go for "light" or "reduced fat/sugar" versions of ur fave foods (this one's obvious lol)
lean cuisine meals >>> (a ton of options less than 200 cals and soooo tasty) ex: beef mushroom and broccoli (180 cal), chicken with potatoes and broccoli (190cal)
go for FISH and seafood! im pescatarian and seafood is a way better protein alternative to fatty chicken and red meats
ONLY drink water with meals. studies show that you enjoy your favored drinks more if you drink them alone, if ur just using them to wash down food, you're not savoring it as much as you could be
always go for RAW before cooked veggies. its proven that you lose vital nutrients and vitamins for hair/nail/skin/gut health after you cook down ur veggies
SEASONING is ur best friend! think low cal food has to be bland? WRONG! there's a shit ton of low cal seasonings out there for meats/veg/etc.
FLAVOR DROPS! go to ur local grocer in the seasoning/baking isle to get 0 cal 0 sugar sweetness and flavor drops (I have the toffee nut and vanilla ones that I add to my yogurt and more!)
Follow me for tips and an upcoming series of posts of my personal favorite low-cal low-fat low-sugar foods! (including noodles, meats, desserts, pastries, breakfasts, drinks, and MORE)
feel free to dm me w questions anytime loves! stay safe out there <3 :)
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freshmealplan · 3 days
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Enjoy Healthy Dinners in the UAE with Meals On Me
In the UAE, where lifestyle demands often leave little time for meal preparation, finding convenient yet nutritious dinner options can be a challenge. Enter Meals On Me, your solution to enjoying healthy, chef-prepared dinners without the hassle.
Meals On Me understands the hectic pace of life in the UAE. Whether you're navigating work deadlines, family commitments, or simply seeking more time for yourself, our dinner solutions are designed to simplify your evenings. Imagine coming home to a delicious, balanced meal that's ready to heat and enjoy – no shopping, cooking, or cleanup required.
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toughtink · 20 days
the trick to eating more salads really is just learning how to make them delicious to you specifically so you actually crave them instead of associatiating them mostly with the feeling of hunger because it's too few calories to help when you need food. the first step of this, btw, is mostly in filling it with stuff that ACTUALLY has calories so that your body is sated for longer while also better absorbing the nutrition from the low-cal, high-nutrient bits!
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