#maybe out of character but if dc really hates damian so much just do this and dont touch his character for awhile
allovesthings · 28 days
In my opinion, the butt jokes are incredibly incredibly tired.
So here are several fun facts about Dick that you can use for comedic effects/running jokes instead:
His hatred of Capes. Listen we are talking about Dick wore a yellow cape for 9 to 10 years in universe Grayson. The moment he changed his costume, he straight refused to ever wear a cape again, the only time he had to wear one, it was as Batman and it was very very frustrating for him.
You know that when he watched the Incredibles with Lian and Roy or Damian and Edna Mode came on screen with her hatred of capes, this was his reaction:
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Someone else finally understand him. She instantly became his favorite character.
His tendency to put unknown substances/evidence in his mouth and being able to identify it by taste and his knowledge of what Heroin taste like (yep still not over it).
It's both impressive (the fact that he can actually identify something by taste alone is impressive) and gross and even his closest friends don't understand why he is the way that he is, Do we think it's the Bat training or do we think it's just Dick (tm)... I feel like it has to be just Dick, right ? considering everything in Gotham is a toxin of some kind ? How many heart attack do we think he gave both Bruce and the Titans with that ?
Dick Grayson namer of superhero things: Listen, I just learned that Dick named the Arrowcave and now I just kinda love the idea of a running joke that every time a classic superhero in contact with Robin has a goofy name for something superhero related, it probably comes from the 9 year old superhero who thought it sounded cool.
The Titans are never letting that go and Dick doesn't want to talk about it (but he secretly still really like the names, they were cool when he was 9 and pretty practical when you think about it, thank you very much).
Everyone has a crush on him (tm): Honestly it is pretty funny that everyone and theirs entire family have a crush on Nightwing (and also pretty consistent canon since Raven in ntt). The reaction of the batfam is annoyed because that's gross, it's Dick, theirs brother/son, and the Titans are amused (Donna, Vic, Garth and maybe Wally) or maybe sorta part of the people who have had a crush on him (Kory obviously , Roy, Raven).
You do need to be careful with that, but I think if you do the opposite of what DC is usually doing, you'll be fine.
Also you can also includes the disastrous first date with supergirl in that. She also had a crush on him and they date was so horrible that he considered changing superhero identity because it was so embarrassing (truly one of the greatest plot-point on Superman/batman world finest honestly and this series is genuinely my favorite modern/current series)..
His petty side when he doesn't like someone: Listen, Dick has a petty side, ask Helena circa Outsiders (2003), Talia (always), Jason circa the late 2000s (Morrison era) and Azrael (also always). When he doesn't like people but has to work with them, he is going to be a little shit because they have to know he doesn't like them. it's important. and the comedic potential of Nightwing, one of the most competent, known and admired hero of the community being so petty is excellent. 10 out of 10, I need him to work with someone he hates again just for the fun of it.
The last one is just an headcanon and do not have basis in canon as far as I know:
Sometimes, as an adult, Nightwing says Holy shit in front of a classic superhero and that superhero does a double take because they are so used to him saying Holy goly batman (and that include Batman).
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fryingpan1234567 · 1 year
Ladies and gentlemen and everything in between, it is nine degrees Fahrenheit outside
as a result: how well different DC characters handle the cold (because we all know it gets freezing in Gotham, sometimes right in the middle of the summer. Metropolis, Star, and Central City aren’t much better.)
Damian Wayne: he’s been raised from a very young age to withstand conditions harsher than most adults- cold was included in that package. However, that doesn’t mean he likes it. He’s right there with his siblings when they get back from a particularly frigid patrol, stumbling to the nearest fireplaces and dialing every naturally warm-running Kryptonian they know for cuddles (of course Dami would only ever be cuddling with Jon, but sometimes it’s nice to be sandwiched between him and Kara as well)
(That in itself is a sight to behold- Cass and Steph snuggling up to their gf Kara who totally has work tomorrow, Jon forcing Dami into his lap with like six blankets so he doesn’t get sick, Tim is literally melted into Conner’s side and hasn’t woken up since he got here, Dick and a reluctant Jason are sharing a massive blanket with Kon, and Clark and Bruce take pictures before sneaking off to cuddle without the prying eyes of their kids while Alfred makes everyone hot cocoa)
There are several heroes including the Flash, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and ofc their respective people (speedsters, Kryptonians, Amazons, Atlantians) who don’t really… get cold. They tend to be used as heated blankets for other JL members and their kids lol
Wally West does not like the cold. Although he never has to worry about it actually damaging him because of his healing factor, it’s just unpleasant as a whole. So that means he comes home to Dick from patrol shivering, with a brand new cold, and pissed off. Dick will just hold him under multiple blankets in bed, watching Disney’s Frozen until they’re both asleep.
Jason Todd is used to it. He grew up on the streets and before that in poverty, so he’s no stranger to Gotham winter. He’ll often give his leather jacket and gloves to people he sees without, leaving him in just his suit and maybe he starts to get a bit chilly by then but it’s so worth it to know he made someone’s night a little more bearable. Plus he’s got a boyfriend and daughter to warm him up when he gets home.
Harley Quinn is an absolute psychopath and rarely wears a coat, even when it’s in the negatives. She’s out there in her pigtails (dyed green and red instead of blue and pink for the holidays!!) and skimpy skirts, not a sign of the winter in sight as far as her outfit goes (unless you count the hideous tree skirt she’s wrapped around her shoulders like a poncho). Something about her is just… immune. And it’s great, bc her gf Ivy definitely does not do quite as well as her in the cold and she’s happy to provide warmth whenever necessary.
Jon Kent is aware that it’s cold outside, but the funny thing is that it doesn’t bother him until he starts thinking about it. Like he’ll be on patrol with Dami or Conner, perfectly fine, and all of a sudden he’s aware of Damian’s chattering or Conner tugging his jacket closer at a gust of wind and then he’s so cold he wants to claw his own skin off. Luckily, whoever he’s with is willing to get him a hot cocoa at the nearest coffee shop, but still, he hates the cold. As a Kryptonian, it’s just unnatural.
Bruce Wayne has had hypothermia so many times in his Batman days that his temperature sensors are honestly dead. Obviously not great, but it means he can sit atop a gargoyle with 70mph frigid winds whipping past and hold whatever bird is tucked beneath his cape to hide from the weather without being affected whatsoever. There is a limit- Alfred has ordered that he come home when the frostbite kicks in, because he does need all his limbs to fight crime, but that’s the extent of his winter protection.
Tim Drake is the type of guy to forget it’s December and march out the house in a short sleeve, almost get blown off his feet by an aggressive breeze, declare “NOPE” and head right back inside. In the winter he does prefer mochas, but he adds so many extra shots of espresso you almost can’t even taste the chocolate anymore. Only Tim Drake could find Christmas horror movies, but he manages, and that’s how he spends 90% of his wintertime, Conner tucked into his side like a personal bf heater.
You know who really likes the cold? Diana Fucking Prince. She never got snow or even so much as a chilly breeze on the island- and you know what the snow does remind her of? That night. The one where she and Steve slow danced in the town square after saving the village, all the way back in WWII. It was the first time she’d ever experienced the cold, but it thankfully wasn’t the last (:
With that guys I gotta go to bed- I’m finally on winter break!! Have a good morning/ night/ 4am y’all 🥰
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ijustthinkhesneat · 8 months
I am about to be so real.
I fucking hate DC comics.
Like have they given us Dick Graysons butt? Yes. Jason Todd’s thunder thighs? Yes. Damian being teeny tiny? Yes. Tim being a bi gremlin? Yes.
But you know the fuck what. I simply cannot get over their aversion to men having problems and like dealing with it in a healthy way. Why is modern Bruce literally the worst person ever?
And I don’t mean in WFA or fanfic or cute little cartoons. Why in the Batman Comic series is Bruce one of the worst people ever? Bruce “I care about kids who were hurt like me and want to try and give them a better life” Wayne has fully morphed into Bruce “Teehee I beat my children and blame them when sociopaths that I enable hurt them” Wayne.
Like literally fuck off. It’s not even just that. The whole Red Robin arc when Dick is just “wow my brother is having a really hard time. I’m gonna call him crazy, take away the thing that’s been helping him to stabilize and give it to someone who tried to kill him multiple times and is consistently verbally abusive towards him. That will be really good for him.”
Literally what the fuck. Don’t even get me started about tarantula or Damian dying or any interaction between Bruce and Jason.
Like I’m just so fucking tired of this company peddling media about how it’s normal and right to forgive people who habitually abuse you. How it normalizes unsafe and unstable relationships between men.
And a huge part of this is because they just write this shit for shock value. Like what horrible thing can we run these characters through and never talk about ever again just so people will talk about it. Remember that like 3 comic long shit show of Dick getting brainwashed by the fucking Joker? Like it’s literally Dick beating the shit out of his brothers and being like I don’t know you and I don’t care and then it’s just like haha back to normal everything is great now.
I fucking hate it. It’s bad writing, it’s an irresponsible narrative about how trauma effects men and I’m just tired.
I really do like the fandom too. I think DC fans have created a lot of safe spaces for queer people, people of color and people with disabilities. But so much of what the fandom runs on is just so far from canon. I know tons of people irl who have never read a release post new 52. And I know some people who have never read a DC comic period cause they saw a glimpse of the toxic waste in there and noped out.
Like I know I’m just some guy on the internet but seriously if your canon comic material is so bad that a very large portion of you fanbase feel they can’t read it or would rather write there own story that just completely changed your characters you need to take a long look at what you are producing. Dick maybe being bi in Gotham Knights is cool. The rep for a character that has been coded as queer for a very long time is cool. But representation is in fact second to writing a good story and having good characters and DC is failing spectacularly at both right now.
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devine-fem · 3 months
lol might get hate for this but in my opinion in terms of the ranking the SuperBat pairings….
1.) Damijon/Jondami- Yes I’m completely bias but I never felt this strong for such a pairing (regardless either platonic/romantic! ) Such an iconic (chaotic) duo! I’m glad the dynamic of Damian and Jon worked out well and is well loved!
2.) Superbat-I mean they are the OGs and I can get why fans love their dynamic and pair them! I’m more bromance for them but I do look forward to their interactions whenever the two appear together!
3.) Timkon-I’m neutral for them. I like the fanarts if I see them but otherwise I think they seem more aesthetically good together than like actually together. Hey at least Tim has Bernard now and personally Kon deserves better.
Jon + Damian have squashed potential. Their friendship would have done both their characters so much good. Eventually, as they grew Jon would have felt like he’d have to chase after Damian and keep up and Damian would seek and find in Jon when it comes to anything he can’t obtain as a hero.
Out of all the popular ships, this one is particularly rare.
Imagine a world where Jon and Damian did engage in a romantic relationship in later years. I think it would be great queer rep to show two people who knew each other as friends - grappling with the same heroic pressures and coming to terms with the fact that they might not want to be just friends anymore (a common queer experience) I also think that in stories where they are do become Batman and Superman, it’d feel very refreshing to see DC have the courage to portray an iteration of their most popular characters like that.
These characters are both fairly new and not so much engraved into the audience. They both know each other and share chemistry so there wouldn’t be a lot of room for complaint.
Superbat is meh to me. Over the years, It has done a lot regarding DC fandom, it’s a ship that’s become iconic and is popular amongst passive fans which could become quite annoying.
Superbat is realistically, never going to happen. Respectfully, I doubt DC would do anything in all seriousness when it comes to anything romantic between these two.
Especially with the obvious things like how Batman is and how Clark has a wife and kids.
Although, no ship is shipped under the ideation of becoming canon so I give this pair its flowers because honestly, it could be nice in domestic situations or maybe a workplace relationship but I don’t see it being endgame or like anything happening at all in a likable way.
Timkon, I’m very, very bias about how much I dislike Timkon. Most Timkon shippers realistically do not read comics and I know this because I was one at first for a short amount of time and realized how deluded and far off from the truth Timkon actually is.
It’s crazy to me because fandom is so intense about this ship and all for it to be… alright?
A lot of Timkon stuff is boiled down to being one-sided on Tim’s part. It really irks me that Timkon's evidence is like Tim trying to clone Conner while knowing that he has a thing about not being cloned because he’s a clone himself which irks me.
Then him dating his ex-girlfriend is a HUGE red flag to me, especially when their relationship was semi-abusive and built on grief but good thing it didn’t last.
Also, Tim and Conner are NOT as close as people pretend they are. Conner doesn’t know much about Tim beyond him being Robin, they don’t hang out outside of being heroes.
In reality, Conner doesn’t know much about Tim at all and he’s much closer with his other teammates - literally any other YJ teammate other than Tim. Conner's established friendship with Tim caused a lot of really horrible character assassinations on Bart, Cassie, and Conner. It pushed all characters aside in an attempt to emphasize their relationship.
If they were to have a relationship then people acknowledge its toxicity - see toxicity doesn’t take away from shipability but frankly, I think both these characters deserve to be happy.
If they did date, I seriously give them half a year before they break up. I’m happy Tim is with Bernard because he seems much happier than he’s ever been. I’m sorry, reading those comics it felt like Tim was just grieving his friend after having lost a family member and he was spiraling and needing help, that’s not ‘cute’ to me.
Anyway, I notice Timkon shippers use Kon more as an accessory to Tim and melt his character down for that. If they read his comics then they’d know that he is canonically attracted to Bart anyway (I say canonically because of the on-the-nose insinuation which I take as gospel because it’s crazy for a writer to just outright mention Conner might be attracted to Bart.) Which Bart is most of the reason Conner is queer coded like he is now anyway.
Anyway, not saying all Timkon shippers are horrible but I don’t like the shippers or the ship. It’s substanceless for me. If you like it I’m very happy for you. I think all of these ships are iconic and adorable. This is just me being a person with an opinion.
Anyway, my thoughts.
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fae-morrigan · 3 days
It's been such a relief to get these Tomasi complaints off my chest. I hate him more than Geoff Johns, and that’s saying something. I have never before been able to pick through each issue of a DC writer's work and point out what I hate like Tomasi's.
Maybe I wouldn't hate him, the Super Sons, or their ship so much if it wasn't for how unbearable that part of the fandom is. What is it about a ship involving a Bat, especially a Bat and a Super, that makes people act so terrible?
I don't know if it's wishful thinking or if I'm actually onto something, but does it feel like DC mainline comics are moving away from his Superman stuff? Hamilton County is barely mentioned (they even erased the Bizzaro Superboy in Action Comics). Clark never brings up the Black Dawn arc when Manchester Black is brought into the Warworld arc or when Lex kills him for Project Blackout. Dobwe ever even see how he escapes being trapped in that cow? Not sure how canonical the Death and Return of Superman Anniversary stories are, but they completely ignore Hamilton (Jon mentions they had just moved to Metropolis when Doomsday returned instead of just moving to Hamilton, and given the Superman & Lois 2 back-ups, I'm guessing they moved from Lancaster). Jon and Damian are still the Super Sons, but nothing from Tomasi's run is ever brought up? Not even the Super Sons of Tomorrow arc, and since Jon is running with the Titans now, that feels like something they'd at least mention in passing. Jon was written in a public school during the Death of Superman Anniversary, and West-Reeve has only been brought up by Tomasi himself in that one story he wrote with Sydney. Unless I'm missing something.
I feel the exact same way. I think this would be society if people hated Peter J Tomasi as much as they do Tom Taylor
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And yeah, it ABSOLUTELY feels like the mainline DC comics are fully departing from Tomasi's works. The LAST reference we got to Tomasi's run was THIS bit here in Son of Kal El issue 11:
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.... And I REALLY like that THIS is the part they kept. I always thought this moment was like, one of the only truly 'impactful' moments of Tomasi's run, and I feel like this is payoff for it Tomasi never bothered to do. Taylor basically tells us exactly how his traumatic childhood informs his approach to violence, but it doesn't feel like he's telling us. This is totally something Pa would bring up to make a point to Bruce, it feels perfectly in place with the point this scene is trying to make within the story. And its a nice reward for those of us who suffered through that god awful conservative propaganda.
But basically everything else from this run got scrapped. Kathy, Hamilton, basically every major 'incident' that happened to Clark and Lois. More than that, one of the things I liked best about the age up and how Jon is written now was how by making Jon older, they FINALLY scrapped the most annoying part of their dynamic: Damian constantly looking down on Jon because he's younger. HE AINT YOUNGER ANYMORE! And Damian's character development under Williamson makes it so I don't roll my eyes directly out of my skull every time he speaks. Tomasi doesn't know to write smart characters, he hacks it by making Damian constantly exposit how smart he is. Like.
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No the fuck you didn't, Damian. And as a result, we now get conversations and banter where they feel like they actually respect each other like friends!
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Damian and Jon's friendship post age up really reminds me of my dynamic with one of my irl dude friends. Its super special to me and I hate that people think its 'boring' because they're not two dumbass kids anymore. Some of us like character in our comic books, thank you.
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ultfreakme · 2 months
and on our agenda is JonJay. How many times have I told myself not to go under comments on Tumblr, but this time misfortune took me by surprise. It was about Bernard, I decided to go into the comments, which was my main mistake. The author of the post wrote that Jay is worse than Bernard, since he can control the minds of other people (I don’t remember this at all, I know about his ability to pass through walls and any solid objects) and how Jon can meet with him. God, there was no explanation, but if this person meant that Jay forced Jon to fall in love with him by penetrating his mind, then I'm leaving this planet. How blind do you have to be when you read a comic book so as not to read that Jon agreed to help Jay himself, since people needed help. And he didn’t fall in love with him right away either, rather after Jay met the superfamily, like, yes. I’m still It's still killing me that people think Jay is the worst option for Jon, although if you ask my opinion, they couldn't find each other better. Jay literally exposed himself for the sake of Jon, what else do they need for them to believe in his sincerity. By the way, they don’t have any thoughts about the setup from Nicky to Damian. Sorry, but it still really annoys me, like ,how so. I'm still wondering why people love Bernad and Nika more than Jay. Maybe you have an answer, I don't know. (I love them too, but this injustice is killing me)
Anon, I get you so much. I answered something like this before but I love ranting and the Jon Kent tag is filled with Jay hate so I'll do it again. The reason why people hate Jay is:
Racism and Orientalism
People think Jon should've ended up with Damian
He's associated with Jon's age-up
Potential covert biphobia
None of the Jay haters have actually read SOKE. The 'mind control' rumors started spreading and becaus basically 70% of tumblr DC fans haven't actually touched more than 3 issues of the comic books and out of context panels in their lives, they don't know that Jay's NEVER 'seduced' Jon. Which is, by the way, a classic offensive stereotype assigned to Asian characters; that Asian characters, especially ones who are into men are all seducers. This is primarily applied to women but now its being applied with Jay.
It's funny because Jon WAS affected to be attracted by an actual telepathic character; Imra, aka Saturn Girl.
And this is where the biphobia comes in because Saturn Girl dated Jon, it was a disaster fire relationship in a book that mischaracterized both of them.It's implied that Imra accidentally used her powers to make Jon be into her, but NO ONE talks about it because it's a seemingly heterosexual relationship. Also she's a white blond girl. It's far easier to target the sparse Asian rep we get.
Nika and Bernard also don't get as much hate because of this reason. People can talk around it all they want, but they are more loved and accepted because they are white. If either of them were POC, they'd be getting the same treatment.
The DamiJon shippers for some reason got it into their heads that Damian x Jon is going to be a thing and now they're mad that they're headcanons aren't real. Like I can't even be kind about this because these assholes have been nothing but racist, clogging up Jon's tag by not tagging anything right, and have also attacked actual content creators to the point they've had to respond to them to tell them to STOP.
Nothing will get these people to like Jay, because they don't actually care about comics, storytelling, the messages these stories bring, the characters, or anything really. They just care that their headcanon vision of Jon's gone and it isn;t easy to project their "sunshine baby" tropes on Jon anymore since now he's actually got adventures of his own outside of Damian. And those adventures happen to be with his boyfriend Jay.
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captainkirkk · 2 years
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes.
Dona Nobis Pacem by lawsofchaos (+ podfic)
Part 2 of Consular High Warlock Magnus Bane
"When Alec kneels before you on that dais, Magnus,” Jace keeps going, “he’s telling every person present that it is your judgement, your respect, that he places before all others. In you placing that rune on his neck, Alec is publicly proclaiming that it’s your blessing and your judgement on him and on his reign as Head that gives him the right and the authority to uphold the Covenant.”
Magnus' throat is too tight to speak, but there’s a distinct shimmer visible in his suddenly unglamoured eyes.
Oh My God Dad, You Can't Just Ask People Why They're Blue by Ellegy42
"Nothing weird ever happens when Rafe sneezes,” Max complains into Papa’s stomach when he finally gets home.
The Sandman
Right Place, Right Time by sherwoodfox
Over the centuries, Hob had dreamt plenty of dreams about his friend from the tavern. All good dreams, of course.
Very good dreams.
Usually not dreams that featured either of them wearing very much clothing.
But until the talking bird told him otherwise, he hadn't considered that those dreams might be real.
(Featuring: a live Jessamy, Hob rescuing Dream from the fishbowl, a mess to clean and a happy ending.)
The Witcher
Every Word by GoldenDaydreams
Jaskier kept his secrets close. The fewer who knew, the fewer could hurt him with the curse—it was a secret he intended on taking to the grave.
The grave might just come early.
They Came to Florence or: Plagiarize This Fic by shiphitsthefan
Author William Graham has had a book on the bestseller list for the better part of a decade. He's also a recluse—no interviews, only a rare book signing or lecture. Otherwise, no one knows much about the man beyond the words in his novels and the requisite headshot on every cover. Even the blurb printed underneath his scowling, bespectacled face, framed by a head of messy curls—
“Oh my God,” said the woman strapped to Hannibal's surgical table, “will you please just kill me already?”
Dr. Hannibal Lecter has a thriving psychiatry practice and a not-so-secret obsession; William Graham has an impressive writing career and not a single goddamn clue
DC (Batfamily)
still feel your teeth around my organs by gladioar (deargalileo)
drake isn't getting out of bed. damian doesn't know what to do. thankfully alfred and dick do.
See Me, Feel Me (Listening to You) by Ghost_Honey
Letting himself get cursed may not have been the smartest thing Wei Wuxian has ever done, but he'd argue that it’s completely in character. So he should earn some points for consistency, at the very least. Besides, when the spirit had been explaining it, the curse hadn't sounded too bad. Maybe a little bothersome if he underestimated how many people felt strongly about him, but surely, surely, it wouldn't be enough to hamper him in the long run.
Let it be known that Wei Wuxian is an idiot.
Because, when he emerges from the dilapidated husk of the temple, he can't see anyone
Or: Wei Wuxian gets cursed so he can’t see or feel anyone who feels strongly about him and assume this means that the people he cares about actually hate him.
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starfiretruther · 1 year
i feel like ever since comics left the silver age there has been this bizarre nearly fetishistic desire to associate robins with this stripping of innocence that has to do with you fundamentally still seeing them as the child robin figure for it to be shocking. like killing robins, having them be in these toxic relationships, showing them being sexualized (often by notably older chars) is all part of this really uncomfortable still ongoing trend. and i’m not saying that as robins grow up they can’t experience sex and sexual exploration or dark themes, i actually think ntt’s take on this was really honoring of dick and explored what it would be like to grow up under the robin mantle and also what it would take to come into one’s own identity afterwards, but usually this trend makes me really uncomfortable, like how dick has been written to be sexually assaulted multiple times (ive never seen it done tactfully), or how more than one adaptation has harley make a comment about how much dick has grown up (ew), or how they wanted to kill tim drake with aids in the 90s (they instead went with extrano). i guess while there is nothing technically wrong with making an adult male character a little sexy, the modern obsession with dick’s ass feels like an extension of this to me still. like dc and it’s fans don’t know how to be normal about robins. idk if that makes sense or maybe i project too much but i just really wish there was more skill and intention with writing robins and less schlock and awe
hm while i don’t disagree i feel like the general ‘stripping of innocence’ happened to most child or at least happy go lucky characters (e.g. bucky barnes), not just robin. Robin stands out cuz they’ve been the most recognisable child/sidekick hero in media. Comics in general took a turn to darker (less fun) “serious” stories in the 80s. Robin in particular has been a target for hate since the 60s because fans thought he made batman campy and gay (there was the whole seduction of the innocent thing where they said batman and robin were coded queer messaging trying to indoctrinate the children). I think rather than Dick, Jason got hit with the most ire of the editorial and fans and when stories kept getting darker and darker, he became an unfortunate victim. Dick (at least in this time period) had a lot of dignity, getting a well-thought out coming of age narrative through nightwing and being firmly cemented as a respectable, reliable adult hero (thanks to the titans and his romance with kory). While comics always had a touch of fanservice, his sexualization really started around the late 90s and had a resurgence during the n52-rebirth era. I think any of his prior sexualization was standard male fantasy stuff (this guy gets all the ladies type thing). I think in Tim’s case they weren’t going for a “let’s destroy his innocence “ thing and more of a way to both modernise him for a contemporary (90s) audience and also distance him far away from the gay allegations (how ironic lol). They still wanted the kid watson to Batman’s brooding sherlock but also just more “normal” so the kids relate. Which is why they made him a cheater etc and i know how tf is that better but they really didn’t want him to be gay fhdjfj. I don’t know much abt the aids story pitch though. Steph and Damian are also better examples of “stripping the innocence” storylines for Robin than Dick and Tim. Steph also had a tragic death, and Damian’s first introduction is as a child assassin (antithesis to innocence). I agree that it’s weird people are so weird abt robins (and child characters in general) but imo it reflects more on an audience’s (and editorial’s) insecurity regarding childish, campy things because why are you mad at the camp medium for being camp? Learn to have some fun LEWSER.
I feel like most dick grayson fans feel so strongly abt this is because they like his prudish and insecure ntt characterisation (and so do i tbh it’s very interesting) and also the multiple SA storylines that a) never got resolved or b) were handled poorly. BUT that dick grayson hasn’t been in comics for a while now. We haven’t seen any acknowledgment from dc’s editorial that dick is a rape survivor, he’s been consistently characterized as a confident metrosexual (eww hate that word) guy both in his civilian and superhero persona (and that agent 37 grayson thing is the biggest culprit here). He’s also retroactively being portrayed as a smooth talking flirt in his robin days now so clearly that’s what they’re going for (imo i think they’re doing what they did with tim to dick's robin just to make him look more “normal” and relatable and straight).
Dick’s robin era is still treated as peak batman&robin era and he’s still a symbol for innocent, “simpler” times. He’s gotten the most grace when transitioning from child to teen to adult hero. On the topic of his sexualization aka the butt issue, it’s only cuz he’s one of the most popular male hero they can sexualize. I genuinely don’t think there’s any malice from the editorial since Dick has been an adult for 40 years now and there’s nothing wrong with sexing up his stories BUT ALSO i get why fans are upset cuz they’re deliberately ignoring his past characterization and sexual history to make him into a more palatable, marketable character. And tbh it’s been going on for long enough that it might as well be his defining character trait now :/ .
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strawberrytalia · 7 months
the talia anon here!
thanks for that reading list! I think I might start with the arrowfam bc I'm very intrigued by Dinah's character. honestly, the reason why I didn't ask about the mystics is bc I have never encountered them with whatever DC content I have consumed (which is not a lot) and I want to expand to something I'm familiar with first
I'm currently going through both preboot Talia and postboot robins which are drastically different with its talia (like SOTD Talia giving up her son for adoption so he can be something more and won't have to grow up the shadow of The Demon and The Bat vs Tomasi's Batman and Robin Talia that purposefully raised Damian in the league). honestly give me the ick.
unfortunately, the existence of Damian really did ruin what Talia could have been, but I wanna ask (you can totally ignore this portion of the ask if you're too uncomfortable, I'm just intrigued by what you have to say) how do you think Damian and OG talia can co-exist in current canon?
i know there's a person writing a fic about how while talia has her whole lexcorp era ra's kidnaps damian and raises him. Once Talia finds out she gets Damian out and brings him to Bruce (I haven't read it, but I know of its existence). I honestly prioritize Talia's character over Damian's since she was created first and I am 100% ok with Damian's characterization being mellowed out a bit, so it doesn't show Talia horribly, something to show that Talia did try to protect him (it'll be like that quote that said "just because you mother didn't break all the generational curses doesn't mean she didn't break any") talia knows how bad it is to be raised in LOA, so she needs something to make her stay IMO. maybe Ra's promises to be a better grandfather than he was a father, maybe there are external threats to Damian that talia really can't deal with without LOA's resources or something to do with Nyssa (I am so intrigued by the sisters. i want to see the mess of emotions that comes with them interacting. i really do think Nyssa would hate Talia because of Ra's, but talia would just like to hang out with her like the youngest child she is)
now im just rambling but you get the gist
Hello again!!!!!
Ahh so with Dinah, I would recommend Longbow Hunters, then jump into GA Vol 2 and then maybe Birds of Prey (where she shines outside of the family)!! There are other appearances but unfortunately they’re not the best representation of her character (cough GA/BC)
Also yeah totally understandable with mystics!! They really do have a VERY different vibe than majority of the DCU, and it is super enjoyable, but also a little complicated and difficult to get into at first.
Yeah thinking about Talia’s deterioration upsets me a lot. In addition to raising Damian, there were a lot of really gross, unnecessary changes that undermined what she had gone through. Like she was a canon SA victim, and then they have the audacity to make her a rapist herself in the most uncharacteristic way possible. It’s so so so gross.
I agree with you though, I absolutely do prioritize Talia’s characterization over Damian’s. She was a fully fledged character created before him with so much relevance to not just Batman, but the DCU. I love Damian!! But he was also essentially an OC created for a storyline with an agenda that has grown to invalidate adoptive relationships. I’m NOT saying I wanna get rid of Damian, but if I had to choose between them, I’m picking Talia personally. 100%.
THAT is an interesting question because I don’t quite have a solid answer myself yet. I know what AU you’re talking about, and I like that idea a lot! But something about it also rings hollow to me?? If that makes sense??? In a personal sense, I feel like it also absolves Talia of a lot of agency and action, and I would rather her character be in a more proactive position.
And I also think Talia would be a lot smarter and more clever in making sure there was absolutely no way Ras would ever find her baby. So the AU does undermine her a bit, in my personal opinion.
However I think the most integral part of Damian’s character is the way that he revolves around the concept of redemption, especially as an abused child. So it also feels very wrong to take away from that, since it’s such a core aspect to him.
So there’s the conundrum.
GAHHH it’s hard thinking of ideas that will do both of them justice, unless you completely revamp Damian’s character.
Maybe Talia stays in the league with Damian and under the guise of being loyal to Ras, she’s actually secretly plotting to take him and the whole League down. She keeps as much of a watchful eye on Damian as she can, but she’s not perfect and she also wants him to be able to fend for himself. So if he has to learn the harshest ways of survival and combat, so be it. (Talia logic not mine). Talia doesn’t raise Damian to be proud of the League or his Grandfather. She keeps him aware of what she’s planning and why they have to do that. She tells him about Bruce (just like in canon) but makes sure Damian knows until the time is right, he can’t meet his father. Plans get messed up, Talia’s big idea goes haywire because of an outside party, and nowhere near her is safe for Damian. Except for Bruce.
So kind of adapted from canon except less evil weird eugenics rapey storyline, and something that gives Talia a bit of autonomy. Damian would also have less of a brainwashed League personality while still carrying trauma and mixed feelings towards his family. I don’t think Talia would be a perfect mother. I think she’d try her best in the way she knew best, and unfortunately, her way is not that great. But most importantly, she would want Damian to have a better future than she did. If it meant enduring 10 years of the League, she’d make that sacrifice.
Other possible idea: Talia was a med student going to University of Cairo in her early appearances. I kind of like the idea of her becoming a traveling medical personal bringing Damian alongside her, except they’re both hiding their identities. Again, it wouldn’t be picture perfect, she’d still make sure he was aware of the dangers in life. But I feel like they’d have an interesting story that way.
Or maybe she kills Ras, escapes the League, the new leader of the League is like whatever and just leaves it alone, and she just openly raises Damian in the realm of Lexcorps business and politics lmao. Little baby Damian wearing a suit and attending meetings on his mom’s lap while she verbally assassinates men.
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fierrochaseist4t · 1 year
damijon, timsteph, dickroy and rosecassie (as in wondergirl lol <3) for the ship bingo xoxo
OUSGISSHJ i could write literal essays abt each one of these
okay so i have very mixed emotions about this one, bc on one hand i feel like in main continuity it wouldn't work out, but maybe in like an elseworlds thing it could??? but im also very much a fan of them not being romantic but not also being traditionally platonic so i just settle for calling them "a secret, more sinister third thing". also they're both trans. so like. t4t best friendship that only they (and me) really #Get. i just have so many complicated feelings about their lore and friendship and how damian's friendships are so inherently complex because of how he operates on a personal level and jon simply understanding and not needing damian to change a thing, they're just so content existing w each other and within each others spaces. i very much appreciate how even after all the change they've gone thru they're still close and care about each other, and i am also a massive fan of them both getting along with each others People
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OH LORD OK TIMSTEPH OK i don't think ive ever actually talked abt them before, but i should. they're t4t bi4bi most definitely. i actually did enjoy their relationship to an extent while they were dating but it wasn't entirely my cup of tea bc i tend to ship them w other people but the appeal was definitely there, like it was clear how much they cared for each other, its cute and its there and i can get behind it. i do actually prefer their dynamic as exes because of how rare it is to see m/f friendships without ulterior motives on either part, ESPECIALLY if the characters in question are exes, so it's actually refreshing to see them still have a caring dynamic without secretly being hung up on each other. i also think tim's regret over ending it the way he did was nice to see, because while it wasn't out of character to ghost her it also wasn't out of character for him to look back and realize "i could/should have handled that better" so i feel like it does well to convey how he does actually still love her even if not romantically anymore
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i feel like their dynamic in preboot comics is a hell of a lot better than anything the new 52 or rebirth had to offer. i miss when roy and donna were dick's best friends honestly. i feel like their relationship was sidelined a lot in favor of jason and roy and dick and wally which sucks because??? they were fine as they were?? they've got a lot of love and care for each other, especially in the 80s and 90s comics, they're always complimenting each other and telling each other how well they're doing but they're also not afraid to call each other out if one of them does some stupid shit, i think thats good for both of them. i also think roy's relationship w the bats would be funny, as well as dick's relationship with the arrows. they've both got similar family dynamics but also very different in a loooot of ways
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i literally can't get over their rivalry, like they hated each other so much but also there was just something so unexplainable about them to me??? like idk i just always loved how they interacted even when they were arguing and fighting. i just KNOW if dc let cassie be butch in the 00s during the peak of their rivalry they would have kissed. i feel it in my bones. it's also nice to see since they've both got more complex relationships w the people around them it would be nice to see them sorta bounce off of each other in the respect that they've got a lot going on and they know how the other feels so they bond over the struggles of navigating relationships and friendships and just life in general. i also think it'd be funny to watch diana smack slade for saying smthn out of pocket at like an in laws family dinner or some other gathering but thats mostly just bc i think slade should be smacked in general
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mochidreambubble · 1 year
Five Comfort Characters, Five Tags
tagged by @georgiedoesntfloat
I was asking myself if it was going to be made up of characters from my weeb days cause I actually had to think for a good long while lol. Thankfully not but still very influenced by the obsessions of my adolescence haha.
Maximillian Strauss - Vampire: The Masquerade
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Maybe it had to do with the fact that the first time I ever played Bloodlines, it was a Tremere and he introduced himself as Tremere regent and primogen. Which well, had to bring some flavour to a Tremere player character right? And that he had a really nice voice- As I would later get more intuned with the greater scope of VtM as a whole, there is no mistaking that Maximillian Strauss is a pretty manipulative piece of work (as most Camarilla kindred are, obviously), so trusting him is pretty stupid. Too bad I really am, cause every time he basically metaphorically pets the player on the head for making (in his opinion) the right or smart choices, the praise and rewards... Bro, I'm weak. Doesn't help that when playing as a Tremere, he really goes and makes you feel like you should belong if you play your cards right with him.
2. Ludus - Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns
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I've always enjoyed farming games, and the ones I enjoyed most always have love interests of course haha. The Story of Seasons franchise (known in Japan as Bokujō Monogatari and formerly known as Harvest Moon) especially has a special nostalgic place in my heart. That said, the potential spouses have always been hit or miss for me. Ludus was the one that stuck out the most, or maybe it was just that when I was playing Trio, the idea of a responsible, dependable partner was so ideal... Helps that he's good at carpentry and cooking XD
3. Baxter Ward - Our Life: Beginnings & Always
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His DLC isn't actually officially out yet by the time I'm writing this so to keep it short, I love me angsty relationships that have that tension between them but one or both have character issues holding them back so we're all just simmering then boiling in that tension. I love Baxter and really want him to be loved cause (sobs)
4. Aisling Sturbridge - Vampire: The Masquerade
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Maybe I just really like Tremere regents haha... I kind of just fell in love with her as she's a major lore character with so much content so it helped that I was fed. Would again be stupid enough to be Camarilla just for her
5. Damian Wayne - DC/Batman
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My bratty son who gets way too much hate. I adore most characters who start out as just a mess and kind of the worst but have killer character development. Now if only some writers would stop writing him regressing in character pls
Tagging (but no obligation as always): @almondes , @xielians , @seeliecaelumvt , @pxinksxul , @werfenspeer
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I posted 7,628 times in 2022
73 posts created (1%)
7,555 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 466 of my posts in 2022
#911 spoilers - 22 posts
#quality content - 18 posts
#the wilds season 2 - 13 posts
#batfamily - 12 posts
#stuff i made - 12 posts
#batfam - 12 posts
#dick grayson - 11 posts
#the wilds spoilers - 10 posts
#dc - 9 posts
#tim drake - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#spring rain can be so light you hardly notice or the heaviest you've seen in a while but it carries the best scents and leaves you laughing
My Top Posts in 2022:
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im very funny actually
49 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
i'm really hoping the direction take jake to much more of a protector role for the system - marc feels a lot of guilt over killing and steven straight up Does Not Like it, so I'd like to see jake portrayed more as "i'm doing this so they don't have to" instead of just bc he's violent. not only is the "evil alter" trope just incredibly toxic and an awful stereotype, but this alter is also latino coded, and making him have a more violent personality is in bad taste. i want to see jake be conflicted, and feeling trapped in the deal with khonsu - not liking the job but doing it to protect marc and steven. also i would love for marc and steven to change the language they use about themselves - rejecting the idea of being broken or having a sickness that was constantly brought up by others in the series. a lot of how did has been portrayed in this show is already a massive improvement on other mainstream media "rep" and i really don't want to be let down as the story continues
51 notes - Posted May 5, 2022
slowly falling in love with the concept that tim's public persona just. is not very well liked. people will talk about tim drake like "yeah that guy's kinda a dick". all his friends and family know he's a good person but tim just likes fucking with people. when he goes by drake he starts twitter drama with himself saying that red robin has always hated him and is using his name to annoy him. when his friends annoy him he goes on twitter and says shit like "idk i just think superboy is overrated :/ like tactile telekinesis ain't that cool bro" and people go fucking wild. i just think it's neat
174 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
i need like. jason and damian teaming up for pranks. they meet some new heroes or maybe as civilians meet some people in some sort of scenario, one of the people swears and jason is like
"hey! he's only thirteen!"
and they're all like "uhhh"
and damian just looks up all wide eyed and innocent and goes
and chaos breaks out. give me jason and damian convincing people they've corrupted damian in some way i think it would be hilarious
190 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i made a new quiz pls take it bc i am so curious
223 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
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brianwashere · 2 years
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I posted 1,313 times in 2022
That's 1,313 more posts than 2021!
125 posts created (10%)
1,188 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 129 of my posts in 2022
#brian’s untagged thoughts - 31 posts
#fanfic - 31 posts
#fanfic writing - 28 posts
#marvel - 26 posts
#matt murdock - 18 posts
#daredevil - 17 posts
#matt murdock x reader - 14 posts
#marvel x male reader - 14 posts
#male reader - 13 posts
#daredevil x reader - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 72 characters
#you may call me crazy now but when it comes true you’ll call me a profit
My Top Posts in 2022:
Dawg Istg this took so long like—agh. But it’s done and the idea is out of my head now.
I’m actually really proud of it please like it
**I do not own any characters or part of the franchise from DC or Batman**
Pairing: batfam x poc!son!reader
Genre: found family and a lil sprinkle of angst but it ends up alright
Summary: Alrighty what do people thing about a one shot with a teen poc male reader ( older than Damian but younger than Tim ) and the Batfam. It’s the reader’s first time it this large fancy private school and they keep getting bullied for their ethnicity. By the end of the day a group of bullies writes in sharpie “go back to where you came from” and the reader doesn’t do anything for a few weeks but then on of the batbros finds out and they get super mad. Confrontation then it’s got a happy ending and stuff.
Tw: racism, no slur use but degrading comments about race, bullying
Maybe I’ll stick around
You didn’t know what to expect when Bruce Wayne, the prince of Gotham, adopted you. You’d lived years on the street and ran away from all of your foster homes at least once.
You definitely weren’t expecting him to put you in the same high class snobby rich kid school as his two youngest sons. When you asked why you were going to a “rich bitch school” he told you that you were his son now and that meant you didn’t get any different treatment than his own kids.
What a bunch of bullshit. You’re obviously just a charity case. You saw the article in the paper the day after you were officially adopted.
“Bruce Wayne adopts immigrant teenage boy”
You weren’t an immigrant.
You hated the media. Whatever. Soon he’s gunna realize how “troubled” you are and send you back to another home. You’ll run away from there too. You’ll run until they catch and deport you because, apparently, you’re an immigrant.
Your first day of school started out relatively normal. You tried to sleep in but Dick was still staying over and dragged you out of bed. That left you no choice but to get dressed into your uniform. Alfred had cooked you breakfast but you didn’t want any then he drove you, Damian, and Tim to school.
Tim looked like hell. Literal hell. His hair looked like it had never seen a hairbrush and the bags under his eyes could make Louis Vuitton jealous.
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380 notes - Posted April 22, 2022
Dad!Matt struggling to communicate with his nonverbal autistic son while he is overestimated
Hello hello hello. Back again with another fic! Btw my friend with autism proof read this to make sure it was accurate and not offensive so yaaaaaayyyyyy.
**I do not own any characters or part of the franchise from Daredevil**
Pairing: father!Matt Murdock x autistic!son!reader!
Genre: slight angst but ends with comfort
Summary: go to req
Tw: cussing, overstimulation, Matt sorta snaps at his son :(
All Too Much
It was a humid day. Too humid. Gross. Muggy. It made your clothes stick to your skin and made your hair damp. It made you want to gag.
Matt had to take you to work this Saturday. You didn’t really mind because you liked Foggy and Karen but the office smelled horrible and the color hurt your eyes. You sighed and flapped the hand that wasn’t being held by your dad.
“Almost there, Jr, c’mon.” Your dad seemed distracted, which means he couldn’t pay attention to what you were signing in his hand.
Not that you really could anyway; one of your hands was holding his. His phone was in his pocket which meant you couldn’t use the text to speech app he downloaded for you.
You two stopped in front of his law firm. He buzzed in opened the door, gesturing for you to go in. As soon as you walked in the smell of the neighboring offices hit you. The scent of smoke and mold and the feel of the dust brushing your face made you gag. You looked at your father. You wanted to tell him you didn’t wanna be in here.
“Alright Jr, up we go. I’m running late.” He picked up his walking stick and began jogging up the stairs.
You watched him and took a deep breath before following him up the stairs. You bit your bottom lip hard.
Every possible sense was immediately flooded with too much information.
The phone ringing. People talking. Papers flicking. All the different smells of individual people. Cigarette smoke coming in through the window from a neighboring office. The underlying stench of mold. The sun was too bright. The paint on the walls reflected a horrible color due to the light. Suddenly your once soft shirt’s collar gripped your neck too tight. It felt like every fibre of the shirt was rubbing just the wrong way on your arm hairs, your skin. There was a gross taste of sweat mixed with the copper taste from your now bleeding lip.
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381 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
Hello there, simps. I am here to give you ✨smut✨. I actually wasn’t really planning on posting this but then my lovely friend encouraged me to…so here we are—
**i do not own any franchise or characters from Daredevil**
Shameless teasing
Pairing: Bottom!Matt Murdock x top!m!reader
Warnings: smut, top reader, m!reader
Smut under the cut!!!
◈𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 𝅒 𝅓 ◈
You. You. You. That’s the only thing Matt can think of. You stretching him out with two fingers as he clenches. He’s already rock hard just from some foreplay.
He whimpers as you barely brush his prostate. God, he wanted to scream. He wanted to make the most sinful noises in hopes of pleasing you.
“God, please—I just—“ Matt was interrupted by a moan when you hit his prostate again, that drove him over the edge “PLEASE JUST FUCK ME ALREADY—please please please please please.”
“Aw baby, who am I to deny such a humble request?” You replied cooly.
You pulled your fingers out of him slowly, deliberately. He let out another small whimper; it was pathetic and high pitched. You’re heart curled with something—arousal. You rested your tip on his rim.
“Ready, baby cakes?”
“Yes, daddy.” He breathed out.
You pushed into him gently until you bottomed out.
“Tell me when.” You said as you massaged his thighs tenderly.
“Now. Please—God, now…” he was so desperate.
You pulled out and slammed into him with so much force he was knocked from his elbows to flat on his face. He didn’t have the energy to get up.
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427 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
Okie dokie here I am again. Another batbro reader insert lol. I wrote this cause I wanted to write and also cause I looked at how MASSIVE the Wayne manor is.
**I do not own any characters or part of the franchise from DC or Batman**
Pairing: Damian Wayne x older!brother!reader
Genre: found family fluff stuff
Summary: Damian noticed his older brother gets anxious around people so he decided to show him a secret
Trigger warnings: mentions of social anxiety and being overwhelmed
A Small Secret
Damian sighed with feigned annoyance as he dragged you by the hand through the halls of Wayne Manor.
“You really are just as stupid as I thought you were.” He lied.
“Yeah yeah talk it up Mr. ‘I don’t know how to work Snapchat.’” You mocked.
Damian scoffed but remained quiet.
“You said you get anxious and overwhelmed when a lot of people come over, even if you know them.” Damian stated.
“Yes I…did.” You were confused how that played into him dragging you to a far wing of the manor.
When you got to a bookshelf he stopped.
“Wow. A bookshelf. Congratulations Damian, I think you found the cure to my social anxiety.” Sarcasm dripped from your words.
“It’s not just a bookshelf.” He said as he pulled a book from the shelf.
The book shelf opened on its hinges and revealed a small cozy library.
“What? This is…” You trailed off.
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512 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Puppy eyes
Ok so I was watching Daredevil and realized how frikin different Matt looked with and without his glasses. With glasses he’s a super cool handsome bastard and without them he’s just this puppy lookin dude.
**I do not own any characters or part of the franchise from Daredevil**
Pairing: Matt Murdock x gn!reader
Genre: fluff, pure light hearted stuff
Tw: none really, beginning of a make out session but not too much detail about it. Sorta implied sexual content(???)
Imagine you and Matt just starting out in a relationship and your having your first make out session at his place. You take his glasses off and you realize it’s the first time you’ve seen him with no glasses. You just sort of stare at his puppy face for a second. He gets really confused ( and worried ) though because he can hear your heartbeat increase. When he asks you what’s wrong you just sort of giggle and cup his face in your hands and whisper “you look like a puppy” to which he blushes and laughs the purest laugh you’ve ever heard
It was dark outside. You were sitting on Matt’s lap, gently kissing him. You shifted and he groaned slightly. You pulled away, gasping for breath.
“You might wanna take these off.” You chuckled and reached for his red lenses.
He closed his eyes when you pulled them off. You folded them and reached to set them on the small table beside the couch. You returned and cupped his face before realizing something and stopping.
You stared at him with wide eyes. Gently tracing his jaw absentmindedly. His eyes were looking off to the side and his face knit together into a look of worry.
“Is…everything ok?” He asked quietly. The concern was evident in his tone.
“Yeah, yeah…everything is fantastic it’s just—I’ve never seen your eyes before…” You continue to look at the beautiful color of them.
“You look like a puppy” You whispered in a giggle.
His face recoils a bit and his eyes widen before it relaxes and he laughs. Such a sweet and beautiful laugh.
“I’ll keep that in mind whenever I need to beg for something from you.” He chuckles. “Ok ok, let’s get back to it.”
“Whatever you want, Puppy.”
903 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
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astrologista · 1 year
i hate to say it but all bruce does these days is whineeeee. which i feel like is antithetical to how i understand him as a character. like yes, he broods and he does obsess, but he doesn’t really whine unless some of the time if only alfred is there to witness it lol.
like, fr. i haven’t really been keeping up with comics, so maybe i’m off base with some of this, but here’s what it looks like from the outside
bruce’s relationship with dick is under-served or just basically ignored, when they do bring it out, it’s only for very quick angst fuel then right back to business like they don’t know each other at all
bruce accepting jason back into the family was rushed and handled by sub-par writing which didn’t support the emotional gravitas that said reunification should have involved. i’ve seen a lot of fics that did it way better than what they did. it feels shoe-horned. also, why is bruce tacitly rubber-stamping jason as batman-affiliated when he’s still using GUNS? like WHAT. how does that make any sense. do bruce’s emotional boundaries matter at all? does everything have to be jason’s way or the highway? bruce is notoriously stubborn. much as he loves jason, i can’t see him letting that slide IF this were to work. DON’T SKIP OVER THE IMPORTANT CHARACTER WORK. like, set up the foundations and then build on top of that. don’t just jump to the payoff and try to walk things back as you go! it’s lazy and shows where editorial mandate stymied good storytelling. and there are way more issues with it that i have than just that. of course i love to see bruce and jason caring about each other and getting along as much as the next fan but the way they chose to go about it raises SO many questions
tim who?
no tim has been flanderized so fucking bad. actually he’s been transformed more into the fandom-lite version of himself, which i do kind of hate. oh yeah, he’s with bernard now. WHOOP TEE DOO! the fans have been clamoring for that pairing for years i’m sure.
there have been an assortment of good-to-middling damian comics since the 2010s as at least some writers seem vaguely interested in that dynamic with bruce but for every 2 mildly tolerable issues they drop one that’s got fucking jack shit bonkers writing in it and relies on only the most tired of “U LIED TO ME” tropes. nothing will compare to the tomasi 2011 batman and robin run and that was like the single decent output of the new 52 and the best thing dc has released in years. i’m right
among the newer characters they’ve released, it’s sad that they never really seem to... stick? PLEASE INVEST IN SOMEONE. more duke! more harper! more LITERALLY ANYONE!
bring the fun back to comics. where’s the storytelling. decide whether you want to create a new shitty joker and/or riddler iteration, or a new army of jokers and/or riddlers and/or scarecrows. or just create a new poo poo shitty villain of the week who will age like milk. why not have one based on social media. that’s a new one that i’m sure no one will ever see coming.
STOP SOFT REBOOTING EVERY ISSUE. we know, you’re going to start the next new groundbreaking run, take everything back to basics so nobody is confused, bring on the new readers with this cool new jumping on point, simple just batman alfred and the joker with juuuust enough of a new “modern” twist to it to differentiate it from the thousands of other times you did this. great job dc. doing great. when you’re done with that let’s do another mass cataclysm event across 20 books. im sure people will want to collect all those variant covers.
and i love how there are SO many fics that do it so, so, so much better. jesus fuck. and fic writers aren’t even being PAID! we’re not even being PAID!!
so, yeah, i’m kind of done with comics for time being. i’ve been dabbling in anime and games again, getting back to roots, but so far, it’s mainly been independent web content free of advertisers, executives, editorial and other bullshit that’s caught my fancy lately. the artistic freedom is really needed to tell a good story now. the multiverse / soft reboot / re-configure the universe every year bullshit that marvel popularized has infiltrated, like, everything, as well as the netflix model of “let’s cancel immediately after season 1”. there is no buildup. there is no excitement. there is no story. mba’s and boardrooms do not understand “story”. they don’t know what creativity is. they know what numbers, profits, engagement look like, and they are optimizing for that curve. i do not know why they are shocked when that curve sinks lower and lower every year. i just simply do not understand.
im so mad. kevin conroy’s dead and we’ll never get something like b:tas ever again. media has been my life since i was a baby. so i have to find some kind of stories to try to enjoy even if i have to eke it out in the margins of society lol
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batgirlgeek · 2 years
1, 9 and 22 with dc??
Hey! I for some reason wasn’t notified about this til just now. I’m assuming this for the salty ask game tag?
(Please excuse it being so Batman centric lol)
1) What OTPs in your fandom do you just not get?
I had to really think about this one but I think Raven and Damian. I just don’t see the appeal and I’ve always been a BBRae shipper anyway (also Damian doesn’t need a love interest anyway, don’t why dc seems to be pushing that lately)
9) Most disliked character? Why?
Definitely the Joker, hands down. He’s just so boring and overdone in comics and out of. He’s used way too much and it makes me upset to see him used so often when Batman has so many great and underutilized villains that could work better if people actually think of way to use their strengths. But no🙄
22) Popular character you hate?
Hm…maybe Punchline?? Like I think she’s an interesting character in concept and I like her design but I don’t know how I feel about her.
Sorry this was a boring ask but thank you for the questions <3
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a conundrum of competing legacies and learning to live for yourself
in many alternate universes, damian wayne becomes a villain. he gets sick and tired of being treated like he will never change, treated like he’s made of glass, treated like a murderer. like a bad person.
so, if people are never going to believe that he’s different, he’s changed, he’s a good person now, really! then why not give the people what they want?
you wanted me to be evil? fine.
so be it.
he fulfills his legacy. becomes the demon’s head. the long line of al ghuls will not end with him. the people are happy, but is damian?
but this is not that story. this isn’t a story where the heroes are right. everyone makes mistakes, everyone is wrong sometimes, and what are heroes if not everyone?
so no. this isn’t a story where a good boy faces the whole world telling him he’s evil and his spirit shattering. this is a story about defying legacies. defying family names and bloodlines and expectations.
in many alternate universes, and indeed maybe the future, damian wayne becomes evil.
but in this one? in this one he learns that you don’t have to wear a cape to save people.
and maybe sometimes, sometimes it’s ok to save yourself.
in the end, he goes to jason. tracks him down to a rundown apartment in crime alley, and they talk.
the one thing their family has never been good at.
what do i do, to- jason. i can't go back to bruce, and i definitely can't go back to the league.  i- i can’t-
that's what they want me to do. i’m done with doing what they want, but i don’t-
calm down, kid. this is an easy problem to fix. what do you want to do?
i don’t- i don’t want- 
i don’t want to fight anymore.
then don't.
in the end, he goes to england. maybe it’s for a new start, maybe it’s to remind him of what was. what could’ve been.
whatever the reason, he goes.
he rents a small house in a small town in the countryside, and he draws.
and draws
and draws.
he draws pictures of the birds, of the goldfinches that nest on his windowsill, of the robins in the trees. (and isn’t that just ironic.)
(he draws to distract himself from the empty house.
draws to distract himself from the empty inside.)
he can live with his neighbors constantly asking if he wants to have tea and-
come in dear boy! we have tea and crumpets and you need a little more meat on those bones!
he declines.
but they are persistent, and in the end he says yes.
their tea tastes like pen- like al- like his and he can’t he can’t-
he’s crying.
but he’s in the house of two grandmothers who couldn’t have children and he doesn’t eat enough, and goddammit they will save this breaking boy if it's the last thing they do.
look at those scars, riri. he needs us.
i know, anne. i know.
they let him cry, which is nice.
they sit near him, but not enough to crowd. close enough for him to go to them, which he appreciates.
he cries and he cries and he cries.
you look like you need someone to talk to dearie. i can’t promise that we will understand, but i can promise that we will listen. a boy like you shouldn't have to carry all this weight alone.
damian wants to scream, to yell: you don't understand!! i’ve lost everything! everyone! they all think i’m evil and i can’t replace him, please-
but they said they would listen, and damian doesn't want to fight anymore. he’s tired, and so he talks.
it's what he would like, and isn't that enough?
damian doesn't spare details. he doesn't care enough to hide anymore.
he should care. he should be wary. they could spill his secrets in a second, but the tea smells like home and their expressions are open, and really. what does he have left to lose?
so he spills his secrets to these sweet old ladies who saw a broken, lonely boy, and offered him some tea despite his prickly exterior, despite his god awful superiority complex, despite his saying: no, i don’t want your stupid tea, you hear me? leave. me. alone.
they saw this broken boy, and they didn't need capes to try and save him.
my first kill was at four, a traitor to the crown, and i was excited.
i tried to kill him! simply because i was jealous. he was everything i wasn't, and i wanted him dead for it.
grayson helped me a lot. they both did. they were my fathers when bruce couldn't be.
and jon, sweet, kind jon, partner, my best friend, superboy and robin, one of the only people on this horrid planet who didn't think i was (am) a terrible person, he got lost in space and suddenly he's seventeen and wants nothing to do with me, he goes to the future with hardly a goodbye, and-
he shot him and he lost his memories, my mentor, my brother, one of the only people in that god awful house who actually cared.
and my team- old team now, i guess, stopped me from killing him, but they just keep escaping! it's an endless cycle of jail and needless murder, it's ridding the world of a monster, and my hands are already covered in blood, and if there is one thing i learned from my mother it's to play by the cheater’s rules-
and he crushed his skull in front of me! i tasted his brain, i can’t-
i can’t-
i don’t want to fight anymore, but what else is there?
in the end, he stays over. they tuck him in in a flowery comforter with bird patterned wallpaper, and he sleeps for the first time in what feels like years.
marjorie and anne talk in quiet whispers in their bedroom about how to help this poor broken kid, this little robin with too many legacies to live up to.
he needs therapy, anne.
i agree riri, but this isn't something that we should tell just anyone, i’d offer to help but i retired years ago.
are you really going to let this poor boy go? he might turn to worse things than disassociation if we leave him be.
i know, i know.
in the end, they give him two choices. 
you can stay here, and go to a therapist, or you can stay here, and talk to marjorie, who’s a retired therapist.
he wants to say no, to argue. i can take care of myself, i’ve been doing it for years, i don’t need the help of some old decrepit ladies-
but damian doesn't want to fight anymore, and he so he doesn't.
and, oh, doesn't being ok just sound magical?
i will stay, and i will talk to marjorie. but i don't have to talk about anything i don’t want too.
and for now, that's enough.
and for now, maybe he can believe that hope has room for him, too.
have you tried writing letters to him, dearie? i know you love to draw, and that's a great coping mechanism, but maybe writing will help?
and it's been about a month here, here with his sweet, lesbian grandmas, and they are just trying to help, and maybe, just maybe, they are softening his edges just a bit.
and really, what harm will it do?
dear pennyworth,
when i was young, mother used to tell me that there was a place for everyone after death. that allah had room in his heart for everyone.
excuse my language, but grandfather taught me that was bullshit.
but knowing so many people who have died and come back, (myself included,) has made me start to believe her more.
and maybe it's just that small part of me hoping i will get to see you again, or maybe it's a fool's hope, but living here, with marjorie and anne, they’ve taught me that maybe hope isn't so foolish after all.
so maybe i can afford a little hope.
your young charge,
damian wayne.
the thing about legacies, sweetheart, is that they often leave you in the shadows. don't you think you deserve a little sun?
it's been about three months here, with marjorie and anne, and, yeah, doesn't he deserve a little sun?
things are starting to look up, and maybe it's time to test his wings.
dear alfred,
it's been about three years here, in england with marjorie and anne. and honestly? i think this is the happiest i’ve been.
there have been setbacks, like starting school again, and bruce trying to contact me, but i think i’ve found something here.
i started finding it when i first moved to the manor, with you and with grayson. i started finding it while befriending jon, getting titus and alfred. (i miss them.)
started finding it when i found my first family.
i think i lost it, for a bit there. when you died, when richard lost his memory, when jon left for the future.
but i found it here, in england, with marjorie and anne and the birds i’ve befriended in the forest, and the few people i've found at school who tolerate me.
i’ve changed, alfred. i don’t quite think you’d recognize me. i suppose i must introduce myself, then.
so hello. my name is sparrow jon crane. 
what i’ve been trying to find all my life, alfred, was myself. and i think i’ve finally got it.
your great grandson,
sparrow crane.
this is the longest thing ive ever written and GODDAMN am i proud of it
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